#usually i would take longer in this but luckily not this round.
cfabyssal · 1 year
//I managed to almost get Laha to 70 on all crafting and gathering thanks to @nossumusmanus, @ancalagxn, and another friend. Would have been far long and painful without their help and seriously appreciated what they had done.
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myspacebrat · 2 years
Fooled round & fell in love
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Eddie Munson x fem!reader
summary: you’re in love with your best friend but your best friend thinks love is for losers, choosing to sleep around rather than settle down. You’ve had enough and you’re ready to move on from your feelings, luckily you find someone who might make that possible but does Eddie really hate love as much as he leads on?
warnings: fuck boy eddie, afab reader, cursing, eventual smut, might drag this friends to lovers thing out as much as I can or maybe reader will end up with Randy, who knows?
A/N: this is my first fic ever so be nice 🥹👉🏻👈🏻please reblog and comment it would mean everything to me. Also, got the idea of Randy’s name from randy rhoads 🖤
Thank you @myobmaya for reading this and giving me tips before posting.
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“Oh my god! Fuck, I’m so sorry!” You screeched out over the loud music playing in your best friends van.
You slammed the door, still trying to take in what you had just seen, tears forming in your eyes and that familiar feeling of jealousy twisting at your insides. You decide to not torture yourself any longer and instead of going back in to the seedy bar with the rest of your friends you start your long stride home, unlucky for you, your walk is accompanied by racing thoughts of your best friend on top of some groupie. You’re not stupid, you know Eddie is a slut, he all but brags to you about his recent conquests, but you’ve never been faced with it like this, and even though you’re hopelessly in love with him, you can’t help but feel guilty for your feelings.
You and Eddie have been best friends since middle school when he was awkward and had that damn buzz cut. You had fallen in love with him sophomore year, you two had been almost inseparable but at that time he was also gaining a bit of a reputation as a “man whore” if you will
he enjoyed sleeping with different girls but always insisted love and relationships just weren’t for him, so of course you would do everything you could to hide your feelings, last thing you would want to do is fuck up your friendship and you’ve made yourself believe having Eddie in your life in any form is enough, but you’re not so sure about that anymore.
After making your way home from the hideout you decide you need a shower and some sleep, and to just forget about all this bullshit that won’t stop swirling around in your head. But of course not even a hot shower can help you cleanse your mind of that picture. You tell yourself you have no right to be jealous or angry, you’re not his girlfriend and never will be, but it still hurts.
After your shower you throw on some pajamas, brush your hair, put your Rainbow tape in your Walkman and blast stargazer until you drifted off to sleep.
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It’s been two days since you talked to Eddie which wasn’t completely out of the norm being that you’ve graduated and it’s summer you don’t see him regularly like you’re use to but this is the longest you’ve gone without hearing his voice as you usually talk to him nightly on the phone. He’s called a few times but you had your mom tell him you weren’t home. You just can’t deal with any of it right now and you know if you see him you’ll let your feelings for him slip and mess up everything. So for now you’re sitting in bed listening to music, all you wanna do at the moment is get high and forget these feelings you can’t seem to shake but you usually get your weed from Eddie and that’s just not an option at the moment, as you physically shake that idea from your head, you remember someone else that can help supply you with what you need.
As you walk up to the front door of the familiar house you’ve come to many times as Eddie re-upped on his supply.
You take a deep breathe before you knock, a little uncomfortable given the fact that every time you did come with Eddie, Rick insisted on being flirty and a little handsy with you, but you were desperate for something to just ease your mind and relax you.
After three tentative knocks the door swings open.
“Y/n?” “Long time no see, what can I do for you?”
He looks around behind you, you think he’s probably looking for Eddie since you’ve never come here alone but you don’t give it a second thought.
You walk in and notice a couple guys sitting at the dining room table probably doing a quick deal too, you recognize them from school but they had long graduated before you. One of them catches your eye, you’ve definitely seen him around, he’s got long blonde curly hair, an Angel Witch band tee on, some dark blue jeans and high top adidas. Of course you’re fawning over another metal head “what the fuck is wrong with me?” You think to yourself. But before you give it anymore thought the man turns to you and says
“hey, aren’t you Eddie’s girl?”
You physically cringe at that.
“Um, n-no I’m not, w-we’re just friends”
“Really fucking smooth!” You internally scream at yourself.
He flashes you the most beautiful smile that makes your stomach flutter
“Oh! Good, good”
You’re kind of confused with that because, why is that good? But you don’t question it.
After Rick hands you your dime bag and you hand him the money you give a quick “thanks” as you turn around and walk out the door shutting it and walking down the drive way
when you get halfway down, you hear the door open and someone call your name.
“Hey, Y/n!”
You turn around to see that same beautiful smile that makes his eyes slant a bit, you swear this man could be Robert Plant and Dave mustaine’s love child “god was he gorgeous” you thought.
You raise your eyebrows as they disappear behind your bangs with a small wave and a side smile, could you be anymore awkward?
He puts his hand out and says “I’m Randy”
You already knew his name as he was three grades above you at Hawkins, but he’s definitely gotten a lot hotter after high school.
You smile and say “yeah we went to Hawkins together, but you were a senior when I was a freshman.”
He nods “yeah, yeah I know, just wasn’t sure if you did. So anyways, I was wondering if I could get your number and maybe we could hang out sometime?”
You return the wide smile as you try your best to stay calm and collected “y-yeah, that would be cool, but I don’t have a pen.” You say with slight disappointment
“Oh shit, um I think I have one in my car” He says as he turns around heading to the red Pontiac firebird, your jaw drops for a second because holy shit, his car is almost as sexy as him!
He turns around shaking the pen in his hand, like he’s just won some kind of prize, that makes you chuckle a bit.
He hands you the pen and his arm for you to scribble your number on, when you’re finished you give him a flirty little smirk as you say “I’ll talk to you later”
You turn around to start your way back home, but as you start he stops you again.
“Did you walk here?”
You nod
“Yeah, but it’s no big deal, I don’t live too far.”
He looks you up and down and then shakes his head “Get in, I’ll give you a ride.”
“You really don’t have to” you spit out
“I know I don’t have to, but I want to” he says while nodding his head over to his car silently telling you to get in.
You decide the best way to get over Eddie is by spending time with someone new, okay maybe not the most logical idea but anything’s better than being alone with your thoughts at the moment
and Randy seemed sweet and charming, possibly the perfect enough candidate to help you move on.
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It’s been two weeks and you’ve successfully avoided Eddie Munson at all costs. He’s called, he’s dropped by your house and you’ve had your mom consistently tell him you just haven’t been home much lately. Half of that is true.
You’ve been on three dates with Randy so far, and you really hit it off, he’s really sweet, and super funny but that little nagging in your brain keeps telling you “he’s not Eddie!” and “he’ll never be Eddie!” You can’t help it you’ve been in love with him for 3 and half years now, and you’re only human
but you think you can learn to fall for Randy and maybe even eventually those feelings will over shadow the ones you have for Eddie
only time will tell, but for now you just want to have fun.
So here you are getting ready for a party Randy had invited you to, it was a mutual friend of Randy and Ricks so you knew there was a strong possibility Eddie would also be there as he never turned down an opportunity to get some fast cash.
You decided you wanted to look hot, hotter than hot! So you threw on something you never had the balls to leave the house in, a long bell sleeved shirt that tied in the front exposing lots of skin, you paired it with a black pleated skirt and some black thigh high socks and some chunky ankle boots. You did your makeup natural but with some winged liner and lashes, you took your hair out of the curlers and shook your head upside down a couple times trying to elicit the most amount of body before spraying it with hairspray and finally spritzing yourself with some perfume.
You never went out of your way to get yourself this ready, but you loved it, made you feel kind of empowered in a way.
By the time you were fully finished getting ready you heard a knock at the door and since no one was home you rushed downstairs to answer it, but it was not who you were expecting.
“Y/N?!” Eddie said while looking you up and down with an unreadable expression on his face
“Eddie? What are you doing here?”
You asked wide eyed and with a slight annoyed edge to your voice
“You’ve been avoiding me!”
He says while pushing his way inside your house
“I haven’t been avoiding you, I’ve been busy”
A little lie, but he doesn’t need to know that.
“Busy doing what?” He looks you up and down again
“I’ve been seeing someone, and we’ve been hanging out a lot recently, he’s actually on his way here right now, so you should probably go”
Eddie looks like a kicked puppy for a quick second but tries to fight it off before you can see by putting on a fake smile
“Oh yeah? Who’s the lucky guy?”
As soon as those words leave his mouth you hear a car pull up in your driveway, you know it’s Randy and you really wanted to avoid this whole interaction for a little bit longer, but it was no use now.
You ignore Eddie and decide to just let him see who it is for himself. Eddie knew who Randy was, they were acquaintance’s at best, but never enough to call each other friends, plus Randy was older and cooler than Eddie, or atleast that’s how Eddie felt.
So when he finally knocked on the door and you answered it, he stood there with flowers in hand looking at you all bug eyed, taking you all in with his mouth hanging open. Eddie let out a low scoff, almost low enough for you not to catch but you did.
If you would’ve let yourself you would’ve overthought that scoff until your head hurt
Because what the hell is his problem? he has no reason to feel any type of way about anyone you choose to talk to, after you’ve sat back and heard him talk about girl after girl, he had no right to say anything about Randy!
“Hey Eddie, what’s up?” Randy says
Eddie just tilts his head up slightly to give him a silent “what’s up” and then turns his attention back on you
But you turn around taking the flowers out of Randy’s hand and giving him a quick peck on the lips.
“These are beautiful, babe! Thank you”
Eddie visibly cringes at the pet name.
You didn’t see it but Randy definitely did, so just to rile him up a bit more Randy tells you
“You look fucking incredible, baby! Maybe we should just skip the party and go back to my place?”
He says with a joking edge to his voice. You and Randy have gone to second base but have not gone all the way yet and you were maybe hoping tonight would be the night
You really just wanted to get over Eddie and you thought by sleeping with Randy you’d have a better chance, so you and him have talked about it and even had phone sex a couple nights ago, so what he said wasn’t completely out of left field but it made you feel weird him saying it in front of Eddie, even though you literally walked in on Eddie and some girl fucking a couple weeks ago.
God you’ve done everything you can to get that image out of your head, just for it to be brought right back
“But I’m really excited for the party!” You say with your best doe eyes.
“Oh you guys are going to Eric’s party?” Eddie interrupts while standing there looking rather awkward
“Yeah we are, are you?” You ask
“Um, yeah I was gunna stop buy for an hour or so just to sell, make some quick cash, ya know?”
Eddie says while scratching the back of his neck
You nod.
“Well I guess we’ll see you there” Randy says trying to end the weird tension.
Eddie looks at you one last time with the same expression as earlier, almost like longing mixed with a hint of jealousy. But you’re a chronic over thinker and professional self doubter so that’s probably not it at all.
part 2
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iveantive · 7 months
Prompt: sakura finds a stray dog
sakura finds feral hybird kazuha and decides to take her in
TW: A/B/O, g!p, hybrids, branding, kinda mentions of abuse, heat cycles, vaginal fingering, masturbation
word count: 11k (it's a full ass plot with porn)
How could you be so stupid? Sakura mumbled to herself.
Raindrops falling from up above started to drop onto her dry hair. It really is her fault. She checked the forecast last night and knew it was going to rain. But, she thought nothing of it because, on most nights, she would already be home cooking dinner.
It was just her luck. Her boss had asked her to stay longer to finish up some extra paperwork, and she couldn't say no. She was aiming to get a promotion within the next couple of months. So, she stayed, and what would've been a minimum of 30 minutes of unpaid labor became an hour when one of her managers, some brazen cocky alpha, tried hitting on her. Luckily, she was good at deflecting all his stupid questions, giving him deadpan answers to show she wasn't interested.
"What're you doing here so late?" She heard the Alpha slide up behind her as she typed on her laptop.
"Working." She said flatly.
"I see that. Do you want some company?" The alpha slid a nearby chair over to them.
"No, I'm trying to go home quickly." Sakura didn't even want to make eye contact with alpha. Knowing if she did, it would make it harder for the alpha to leave her alone.
Alphas, though, once they start, they just don't stop. Especially when they learn Sakura is a single 25-year-old omega. She's been through this time and time again. Some alpha will come along boasting about how they're from this renowned pack, but really Sakura couldn't care less. When she would make that known, the alpha would get defensive and start calling her names before they stomped off angry they didn't get her number.
It's not that Sakura wasn't looking for a mate. She's been on countless blind dates (set up by Chaewon against her will). It was just that none of them made it past the first date. Alphas were predictable, and she always knew how things were gonna go.
"Well, it'd be quicker if we did it together." Sakura felt the alpha's rough hand creep up her lower back. She would have no trouble smacking his hand away if it were any other alpha. But Sakura needed this job. And she knew if she were to flat-out reject the older alpha, he could ruin her career.
"That's okay, I've actually just finished," She gritted through her teeth, managing to slide away from the alpha's grasp. Despite hearing the alpha calling her name behind her, without missing a beat, she quickly got up, packed up her things, and left the office.
That's how Sakura found herself walking home later than usual. The sun had already set. Instead, getting replaced by grey storm clouds. And by now, the loud bustle of the city life had died down.
A loud crash of thunder snapped Sakura out of her thoughts.
Shit, Sakura cursed. Quickening her pace, she was just a block away from her apartment.
She was practically running by the time she was about to round the corner to her building when she heard a noise. It sounded almost animal-like.
Stopping in her tracks. She turned her head towards the alleyway separating her apartment building and the next one over. Sakura peaked her head ever so slightly in trying to see if she could find the source of the noise, to no avail. It was way too dark, and whatever animal was making that noise was deeper in the alleyway than Sakura wanted to go down.
Yet, she doesn't know why she started to tiptoe down an alleyway, ignoring the raindrops drenching her hair. It was like something was luring her closer, and maybe it was out of her innate curious nature. Sakura knew she wouldn't be able to sleep at night if she didn't at least check to see what was making the noise. It could be an injured animal, perhaps even one of her neighbors' pets. Come to think of it, she had heard some dogs fighting the past couple of nights. She had chalked it up to being all in her head. To be fair, she did live in the city, and stray dogs were common.
As Sakura walked closer, the dull noise got sharper, sounding almost like an animal whimpering mixed with a cry. The saliva in Sakura's mouth started to dry up as she stepped closer to the source of the noise.
Then boom another strike of lightning followed by a crash of thunder.
The lightening provided merely a couple of seconds of light, but it was enough. Sakura was able to make out the silhouette.
A girl.
And as the thunder crashed, Sakura heard another loud whimper, followed by cries soon after.
How long was this girl out here, never mind how the real question is why Sakura thought to herself. Whatever, she couldn't think about that right now. She needed to help the girl. She fished her phone out of her pocket, switching the flashlight on.
Sakura's eyes widened.
The source of all that whimper was, in fact, a girl. As Sakura angled her flashlight up and down her body, though, she knew she wasn't just a girl.
The girl was quite bigger than her, from what Sakura was able to make out. That wasn't even the most shocking part. The girl was naked, with various parts of her skin covered in dirt that was forming into mud as the rain continued to pour down on them. Even more shocking, were the wolf-like ears on the top of the girl's head, and another double take down the girl's body was a tail tucked between her legs.
A hybrid.
Sure, Sakura had heard about them before. Something between a wolf and a human. They maintained both canine and human characteristics. The only ones she'd ever known of usually lived in government-provided homes with other hybrids, and the ones that didn't usually end up dead. Nobody would admit it, but hybrids did have a reputation. They were known to be unstable, unpredictable dangerous even.
As far as Sakura knew, she thought they were extremely rare. Which only made her wonder more how and why the hybrid in front of her was on the streets.
Sakura angled the light towards the hybrids face, or atelast tried to. The angle was awkward. The hybrid was cowering in the corner of the dark alleyway. Her hands covered her face as she let out the scared whimpers.
Sakura grimaced, taking the sight in.
"H-hey," Sakura said softly, catching the hybrid's attention. Her hands dropped from her face, immediately started to let out a low growl.
Sakura kneeled closer to the ground and held out her hand to the hybrid.
"i-i'm n-not gonna hurt you." Sakura tried to remain stoic in her place, trying not to let the fear seep through.
The hybrid started to untangle herself from the cowardly position, getting into a more defensive one. The growls still rumbling from her gut, as she inched closer to Sakura.
Sakura closed her eyes, praying for the best. After a few moments, and not feeling her hand getting mauled off by a rabid hybrid, she opened her eyes back up.
The hybrid was sniffing her hand, Sakura mentally sighed in relief. She looked back at the hybrid, being able to make out the light grey fur on her ears and a red scratch on her cheek.
"A-are you here alone?" Sakura looked into the hybrid eyes trying to gauge any sort of emotion she was feeling, but she was able to decipher none. Only earning a growl from the hybrid.
"I live in the building right here. Do you want to come in?" Sakuras' tone was soft.
The hybrid tilted her head, furrowing an eyebrow.
Maybe she doesn't understand, Sakura pondered.
"Inside. Warm." Sakura tried a new approach as she pointed to her apartment building.
She heard a low grunt come from the hybrid before she switched positions again, now being perched on her hands and knees.
"I take that as a yes," Sakura smiled.
Sakura got up from her crouched position. She was looking back at the hybrid, remembering that, yep, she was indeed naked. And something tells Sakura her landlord wouldn't appreciate her taking in a naked, dirt-covered girl into her apartment. Never mind the hybrid part.
Thinking swiftly, Sakura started to undo her padded jacket. It should be enough to cover the hybrid, at least enough that her landlord and other apartment tenants wouldn't question her.
Sakura reached to drape the jacket over the hybrid shoulder, earning another growl from her.
"You have to wear this to come inside."
The hybrid grunted in response before accepting the jacket being put over her shoulders. Sakura held out her hand to the hybrid as she prepared to exit the alleyway.
She had made it a few feet away from the hybrid before Sakura realized she wasn't following her behind.
"What're you waiting for?" Sakura tried to hold out her hand to the hybrid.
"Wet" Instead of taking ahold of Sakura's hand, the hybrid pointed at Sakura's clothes as they were being drenched in water as the rain was now falling much harder than before.
"So you can talk."
Getting the hybrid into her apartment without catching the eyes of passersby was proving to be a harder challenge than she thought. She didn't think it would be a particularly easy task, but the real gravity of the situation started to set in as Sakura stepped toward the front of the building. In the glass door leading into the lobby, she was able to see the young girl's reflection. The hybrid was towering over her. Any movement she made felt like she was walking on eggshells. The hybrid could so easily knock her over, even hold her down if she so pleased.
So, she took it slow. She was only walking a few steps before waiting for the hybrid behind her to follow. Which she did, albeit much slower than Sakura would have liked. It seemed like the hybrid wasn't too keen on walking on two legs, with how much they were wobbling. Perhaps she had been in the area enough to know how to blend in enough, Sakura wondered. And just as she thought that, she could hear the hybrid sniffing the air, letting out a satisfied grunt before sniffing again.
Another challenge faced the pair when it came to getting onto the elevator; Sakura pushed the button to go up, hearing a ding as the doors opened. She stepped in, expecting the hybrid to be following her, but as she turned towards her, she hadn't moved. The light grey ears on top of her head were drooping as she sniffed the surroundings of the elevator.
"You've never ridden in one before?" Sakura took a step forward, using her hand to block the doors shut. The hybrid just grunted in response. I think that's a yes, Sakura thought to herself.
"I-it's okay. It's only a short ride. You won't even notice we're moving," Sakura tried to reassure the hybrid. Not even really sure she could understand her.
"Come on, it'll be okay" Sakura held her hand out to the hybrid. Only for it to get knocked down as the hybrid brushed passed her with another grunt.
Sakura should be happy that she only lived on the 3rd floor, she doesn't even want to think about if she lived on a higher one. As soon as the hybrid got into the elevator, she stayed glued to one of the sides. Sakura pushed the button to her floor, the ding of a bell indicating the doors were closing, and the elevator began to move.
She watched the hybrid eyes widen, and her body dropped to the floor as the mechanical creaking of the elevator sounded out. The young girl cowards in the corner, whimpering with her eyes closed.
"I-it's okay. Nothing bad's gonna happen. The elevator is just lifting us up." Sakura crouched beside the hybrid. She knew it probably wouldn't do her any good if she tried to touch her when her back was turned. The most she could do was talk to her.
"It must have been cold out there by yourself. Did you know it was gonna rain?"
"Yeah, me either. I got stuck in some stupid work thing. Some annoying alpha kept trying to talk to me when I was trying to finish up some report." Sakura glanced her eyes over to the hybrid, and her eyes were no longer squeezed tightly. They were looking at her.
"Usually, by now, I'd have already cooked and eaten dinner. I would be lying on the couch, probably texting Chaewon. She's one of my friends. I've known her ever since I got to Seoul." The hybrid stared at her, furrowing her eyebrows. Could she actually understand her? Sakura wondered. It wouldn't really change much if she did, though. The hybrid seemingly wasn't too keen on talking. Sakura was thankful her rambling had gotten the hybrid to calm down more seemingly.
And with the ding of the elevator indicating they'd made it to Sakura's floor, the hybrid was all but eager to get out. She immediately scampered off the floor and out into the hallway. Heavy steps as she walked down the hallway, sniffing the new air.
"This way, I live a couple doors down." Sakura nodded towards the end of the hallways. She really needs to thank whatever god is up there for making it so none of her neighbors had been in the hallways to see the pair. It was almost comedic in a way, a big hybrid in a way too small padded jacket following behind a petite girl in a skirt and blazer, both drenched with rainwater.
They had finally made it to Sakura's apartment, typing her code into the number pad and pushing the door open.
Sakura stood waiting for the hybrid to step into her home. The hybrid sniffed the air to the apartment before Sakura guessed it was adequate enough and came in. The young girl immediately started snooping around, making her way into the kitchen, sniffing the countertops, and dipping her head in the half-open cabinets. Before she had trekked into the small living room, she had gotten back on all fours, sniffing the cushion to the couch, and ducking under the coffee. At least she's not destroying things, Sakura thought.
Sakura cleared her throat, catching the hybrid's attention. The sniffing had stopped, and the hybrid had gotten back into her view.
"Yeah, it's not much, but it's enough for me." She really had all she needed in the apartment. It was a simple one-bedroom, one-bathroom flat, with a small living room and kitchen to go along with.
"You should get cleaned up, my bathrooms over there." Sakura pointed to the half-open door down the hall.
The older girl waited a couple of seconds for the hybrid to react, only to see her perched on her knees with her head tilted, staring at her. Sakura sighed. She really needed to get a gauge of how much the hybrid could understand her. But, for now, she had two options really, either she let the hybrid stay naked and covered in mud, or she sucked it up and bathed her herself. And seeing how the entranceway and path into the kitchen had prints of mud littering the hardwood the option seemed pretty clear.
Sakura walked closer to the younger girl, her eyes getting bigger as she walked closer.
"I-I'm not gonna hurt you. We just need to get you clean." Sakura held out her hand to the hybrid, who in return brought her nose up to the older girl and sniffed it. Till she heard a grunt, which seemed to be on the more chipper side, Sakura took it as a sign it was okay to get closer.
"I'm gonna take this off, okay? Then we're gonna go to the bathroom." Sakura pointed to her padded jacket the hybrid still had on. She was earning no response, just a blank stare from the younger.
Please don't bite me, please don't bite me was all that was running through Sakura's head as she crouched down to be on the same level as the hybrid. Bringing her hand up to undo the velcro, she held her breath. The crackles of the first piece starting to unravel filled the tension in the air.
She looked at the hybrid, trying to see a response in her, only to see she was looking down, fixated on Sakura's hand. Taking it as a sign to continue, she undid the remaining pieces of velcro much quicker. The older girl reached her hands up the hybrid's shoulders, taking the jacket off, effectively leaving the hybrid exposed to her.
Sakura already knew from the alleyway that the hybrid had to have been in some kind of accident or fight from seeing the scratch mark on her face. However, she wasn't expecting to see cuts littering her collarbones and even more scratches on her arms. She already knew once she bathed the hybrid, without a doubt, she would see more wounds on the poor girl.
"Good, follow me to the bathroom." Sakura motioned for the hybrid to follow.
They made their way to the said bathroom in silence. With Sakura pushing open the door and waiting for the hybrid to come. The young girl was taking her time walking down the hallway, looking at all of the things Sakura had on her wall. Various picture frames she had with friends, even the shelves she had up filled with various things from random books to her crocheting yarn. The hybrid's eyes darted from each item.
"You can look at them later. You need to get cleaned up first." Sakura stood by the doorframe, tapping her nails on the wood. She gained the hybrid's attention, who glanced back at Sakura before making her way over to her.
"This is a bathtub. It's where you get clean. I'm gonna have to rinse you off first before I can wash you, okay?" Sakura pointed to her bathtub.
Much to Sakura's surprise, the hybrid was quick to step into the tub. Which she supposes she should be thankful for.
"The water might come out a little cold at first, but it'll warm up," Sakura said as she reached for the showerhead.
She turned toward the knobs of the bathtub turning the water on, making the hybrid whimper at the sudden noise and contact of the water before she calmed back down. The flow of water spraying down her legs, Sakura watched her bend down sniffing the water. Before she completely bent down and started biting at the water. The sight made Sakura stifle laughter. It was kinda cute, the hybrid nipping at the water for a few seconds, then turning away to breathe. Just to go back to bite the stream of water. In the process getting her ears caught in the water, soaking them.
Sakura stared at the amusing sight for a few more seconds before she recalled why she was doing this in the first place. She alternated between fiddling with the knobs and reaching her hand into the stream of water until the water had reached a warm, comfortable temperature.
She maneuvered the showerhead over the hybrid's body. Spraying her torso and back which were the parts of her covered the most in mud and god knows what else. Sakura watched as the once clean water below the hybrids turned into a dark brown color as the filth was being washed off her.
"How long were you out there?" Sakura asked. She was waiting a couple of seconds only to get none. It had to be longer than just this day, she was sure of. There was no way the hybrid would've been able to get this dirty in a single day.
The hybrid remained silent as Sakura continued rinsing her off, staring down at the ground.
"I'm gonna have to touch you for the next part. Is that okay?" Sakura waited for a response. She looked at the hybrid, who, after a few seconds, gave her a short nod. To her surprise.
Sakura reached for the bottle of soap she had near and began to pour an ample amount into her hand.
"If I touch something that sensitive, just growls at me or something."
The older girl, reached into the tub and began with the hybrids arms. She was using her hands to spread the soap down her limbs. She looked back at the hybrid, to see how she was doing, seeing the hybrid looking at her hands, watching her movements. It almost made Sakura shiver, the way she was staring at her.
She had to ignore it, though, and continued on with the hybrid's upper body. As she got closer to the younger girl, she was also able to see the cuts on her more clearly. Some of them were more healed than others. With some of them already turned into faded white scares, some still pink, and others merely scabbed over. It made Sakura wince as the thought about the possible reason for these marks. If it were just a fight with another hybrid or animal, the marks would be more scattered. But, the marks on the hybrid were calculated, like they were done on purpose.
Sakura took a breath.
"You doing okay?" She doesn't know if she was asking it to herself or the hybrid. But nevertheless she got a grunt in response from the hybrid.
So, She continued on down to the hybrid lower body. When she noticed something that almost made her lose her footing, her eyes had to be bulging out of her head as she stared in shock. She quickly tried to regain her composure, not wanting to panic the hybrid.
A small mark.If she weren't so close to the hybrid she wasn't sure she would've caught it, Maybe even written it off as another scar. However, this mark wasn't like the ones that were on her arms or her upper torso. She got closer, lightly running her fingers over the marks, feeling the indentation.
Those letters were scarred on her skin. Sakura grimaced as she stared at the markings. These markings had to be done on purpose. There was no doubt about it.
Sakura debated in her head on her next action. She had to think that the hybrid knew that she saw it. So, in theory, she could try to ask the hybrid about it, but truthfully, she was afraid of the reaction it could evoke.
So, she didn't. She didn't bring it up. Instead focusing back on the task at hand, and that cleaning the hybrid. She continued washing the hybrid's lower body before she moved on to washing her hair, using her fingers to make an attempt at detangling the disheveled hair, paying extra attention to the fur on her ears. They were soft, so soft. She used her fingernails to really get into her scalp and scratched behind her ears, cleaning them thoroughly, hearing a sigh of relief fall from the hybrid's mouth. Finishing up, she did a last final rinse on the hybrid.
"That wasn't so bad, was it," Sakura said more for herself than the hybrid.
"You smell much better now." Sakura had a soft smile. The hybrid sniffed herself, making a snorting noise afterward. Is that her way of laughing? Sakura tilted her head.
Sakura stood up and grabbed the towel she had hung up, and just as she was about to turn back around, the hybrid shook. The water from the fur on her ears and her tail splattered on the floor on the wall.
"It's a good thing I'm already wet, or else I would totally kick you out right now." Sakura playfully rolled her eyes.
"Use the towel and dry off. I'll get you some clothes." Turning around, She tossed the towel at the hybrid, who surprisingly caught it.
Sakura walked out of the bathroom across the hall to her bedroom and stared at the clothes in her dresser. She really didn't have any clothes that would fit the hybrid. Never mind the fact that she didn't have any underwear for the hybrid to wear. But, something tells her the hybrid wouldn't even care nor notice. She continued to scour her drawers till she settled on the biggest t-shirt she had and the baggiest sweatpants.
When she came back to the bathroom the hybrid had done just as Sakura said. The towel over her shoulders as she stood in the tub.
"You can come out of there now," Sakura said, and the hybrid stepped out of the tub. She wondered why the younger girl hadn't moved without her permission.
"These are the only clothes that I have that I thought would fit you." Sakura handed them to the hybrid. Who began to put the clothes on slowly.
Luckily, the t-shirt did fit the hybrid. Normally it would come down to Sakura's lower thigh, but on the hybrid, it was fitting more like a normal shirt. However, the sweatpants were a different story. The cuffs to the pants only reached her mid-calf, and they got tighter as they went up. They were leaving really no room for imagination of what was under there. Not that Sakura was looking, obviously.
Sakura brought the hybrid back out into the living room, and she had taken out a couple of extra pillows and blankets for the girl.
"You can sleep here for tonight" Sakura pointed towards the couch. She reached for the TV remote on the nearby coffee table and switched it on. The hybrid was immediately going towards the couch, plopping down on the cushions. She stared at the TV enamored.
"I'm gonna go shower. Stay here. You can watch whatever you want," Sakura said as she walked awake, facepalming herself. Could the hybrid even understand her? Did she even know how to work the TV? Whatever, Sakuras is sure she'll be able to figure it out.
Sakura stared at the hybrid from the kitchen. When she had come out of the shower, the hybrid had fallen asleep. Of course, with the TV still on, the hybrid did change the channel to some random romance drama. She wouldn't have taken the hybrid to be the romance type, or maybe the hybrid just found the music playing soothing. Who knows.
With the hybrid being asleep it forced Sakura to reflect on the past few hours. Just what did she get herself into? The scars and scratches she had seen on the young girl's body scared her. How did she get them? Matter of fact where did she even come from? Sakura knew she wasn't gonna get the answer she wanted.
With a sigh, too many questions, no answers. She flopped onto her bed, her phone in hand, the clock reading just a few minutes past midnight.
Yeah, Chaewon was probably still up.
She hovered her finger over the Facetime button, and her phone rang once, twice before Chaewon picked up.
"Damn, isn't your old ass usually asleep by now? What're you doing up?" Chaewon was currently in bed, too, from what Sakura was able to tell.
"Am not! I just appreciate my beauty sleep." Dramatically put a hand to her chest.
"Last Friday, when Yunjin and I asked you to go out with us, you were already asleep." Chaewon deadpanned.
"Fine, you got me there, but I wouldn't want to third-wheel you two anyways." Sakura rolled her eyes.
"Okay, fuck you. Now, why'd you call?" Chaewon asked.
Oh yeah, there was a reason why Sakura called her best friend in the first place before getting psychologically beat up.
"Promise not to freak out"
"The most exciting thing you've done in the past three months is crochet a new sweater. Just tell me." Chaewon rolled her eyes.
Sakura knows there is no easy way to say what she wants to get out without basically dropping it on Chaewon. Hybrids were foreign territory for really everyone she knew. They never even crossed most people's minds. Since they never lived near the city, it was easy for everyone to forget they even existed.
"I brought a hybrid home."
Sakura saw Chaewon's eyes stare in disbelief. Moments of silence passed by before she even heard Chaewon breathe again.
"You're joking," Chaewon snorted.
"I'm not. I just found her in the alleyway by my apartment, and she looked scared. I didn't want to leave her alone. It was raining." She tried to explain.
"I don't believe you. Hybrids are rare. Why the fuck would one just be outside your apartment?" Chaewon prodded.
"I don't know. That's why I took her in; better me than someone else who'd take advantage of her." Sakura reasoned.
Chaewon remained silent for a few seconds.
"Show me her."
"What? She's sleeping. I don't want to wake her up."
"then I won't believe you."
"Oh my god, fine. But you better stay muted. If she mauls my arm off, it's on you."
Sakura rolled off her bed, turning the brightness down on her phone. As she tiptoed out of her bedroom, god, how the fuck did she get here, walking on eggshells in her own home.
She stepped closer and closer to the couch where the hybrid was sleeping. She could hear the little snores the girl was letting out. The lamp on the nearby coffee table provided just enough light, and Sakura was able to see her face. She looked so peaceful, not at all as it looked when she came across her a mere few hours before. Her light grey ears twitched, and her eyebrows furrowed every few breaths. It was like she was dreaming. Maybe she was, for all Sakura knew.
Sakura angled her phone up at the hybrid face, holding her breath as if she would hear her if she were too loud. She tried to make sure she got her ears and her tail that lay heavy on the side of the couch in the frame—staying there for a few moments, looking at the younger girl before she looked back at her phone and saw Chaewon's eyes wide open, her mouth agape.
Yep, that was her cue to get back to her room. So, just as quickly as before, Sakura made her way back to her bed. Then unmuted Chaewon.
"Holy shit, you weren't lying," Chaewon said in disbelief.
"Of course not. Why would I?" Sakura scoffed.
"I don't know, what're you gonna do with her?" Chaewon asked.
"I plan on calling the RoH on Monday when they're open, but for the next couple of days, I don't know." Sakura took a breath.
"mmm, that's a good idea. Have you talked to anyone else about her yet?"
"No, I wasn't sure who to call. I don't even really know what I'd be asking anyway," Sakura sighed.
"It's not like any of you have experiences with hybrids."
She and Chaewon just stayed in comfortable silence for a couple of seconds. Then she saw almost like a lightbulb go off in Chaewon's mind.
"What're you thinking?" Sakura prodded.
"Maybe you should try talking to Wonyoung. She might know more about hybrids."
"What makes you think that?" Wonyoung was an acquaintance, albeit six years younger than her. She had gotten to know the younger girl when she became friends with Chaewon, who was friends with her older sister, Eunbi.
"Do you remember her, mate?" Chaewon asked.
Sakura tried to think back. She'd only met Wonyoung a handful of times. However, she remembered last year when she had introduced her mate Yujin. She didn't actually get to meet her, but she remembers Wonyoung talking about her. An alpha just a year older than her.
"Yujin, right. I remember Wonyoung talking about her a bit".
"Think about it. The way Wonyoung talked about her. It was a bit strange. Doesn't it remind you a little how the hybrid on your couch is"
She recalls Wonyoung explaining how she met Yujin. She didn't go into much detail. But She remembers the young girl talking about how Yujin was from the countryside. And they had met when the alpha had transferred to her colleges. She remembers Wonyoung saying the alpha was still getting used to meeting new people and interacting with them, which she thought was a bit odd but didn't question it at the time.
"A little bit, yeah, but Wonyoung didn't say Yujin was a hybrid." Sakura furrowed her eyebrows.
"Can you blame her, though? Maybe she didn't know how we'd react if she flat out said it"
"You might be right. I'll try to call her tomorrow," Sakura yawned.
"Let me know how it goes. Get some sleep, unnie." Chaewon yawned back. Her eyes had started fluttering shut.
"You too, and tell Yunjin I said hi," Sakura ended the Facetime. Tossing her phone to the side, hitting her head on her pillow with a thud. A million thoughts ran through her mind about the hybrid that night as she tossed and turned in her sleep.
To say Sakura didn't get a lot of sleep last night would be an understatement. She was tired, yes, but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't fall asleep for more than 30 minutes at a time. She ended up spending her time googling things about hybrids.
Are hybrids friendly?
Do hybrids like people?
The questions she asked were stupid; Sakura knows it. It's just that schools never taught anything about hybrids other than reiterating the fact if you meet one in the wild, remain calm, stay as far away as possible and call the Register of Hybirds. And, well, she clearly didn't follow the second rule. The hybrid looked so lost and scared last night. Sakura just knew she would've regretted her actions even more if she had done nothing to help her.
But that didn't mean the hybrids presence also didn't scare the shit out of her. The scars and cuts that littered the young girl's skin, god, the letters that were scarred into her skin. Sakura swears she thought up every type of scenario in her sleep-deprived delusional state last night of what possibly could've done that to the hybrid.
It was bright and early the next morning. Sakura had only noticed it was the start of a new day by the sunshine that peaked through the curtains in her room. She wonders if the hybrid is still asleep or if the hybrid is awake, also reflecting on the previous night's events.
A part of Sakura is even scared to come out of her room to check on the hybrid. The younger girl has no reason to keep tolerating her. Maybe the hybrid only tolerated last night because she had offered her a place to stay. The idea that once she exited the room, the hybrid would immediately start growling at her wasn't an unlikely one.
Sakura picked up her phone, looking at the time. 7 am, she sighs. There was no point in staying in her room anymore. She would have to face the hybrid at some point, and it might as well be when there's a possibility she's still asleep, she thought.
She musters up the courage to get out of her bed. Slowly making her way to the door, with a deep breath, she turned the doorknob. She made her way out of her bedroom, moving as quietly as possible. She made it out her door and tip-toed her way to the living room, where she could still hear the sound of the TV making noise.
Had she left it on last night? She swears she turned it off.
As she rounded the corner into the living room, her question answered itself. There was the hybrid sitting with her knees to her chest, staring at the TV. And upon closer inspection the younger girl was watching an episode of Adventure Time. The fear she had of facing the hybrid washed away as she chuckled at the sight.
Sakura took a couple of strides closer, making her presence known to the hybrid.
"Did you sleep well? You were already asleep when I came out of the shower last night. I didn't want to wake you?" Sakura padded over to the opposite side of the couch the hybrid was on and sat down.
The hybrid nodded.
"That's good" Sakura faced the TV, not even really watching, just staring at the screen as she built the courage to ask her next question.
"So, were you thinking about staying here longer?" Sakura held her breath.
To which she got no response. Facing back toward the hybrid, she saw her eyes fixated on the TV.
"It's okay, no pressure. If you do, we're just going to have to talk about some things first" Sakura watched the hybrids face for any sort of expression. But there was none. Sakura sighed. Well, she might as well be honest with the hybrid, she thought.
"If you're still here tomorrow, I'm gonna call the RoH." Sakura saw the hybrid's jaw clench. Yeah, Sakura better explain herself.
"It's not that I don't want you here. It's just going to be hard to have you here when I don't know anything about hybrids, and RoH would be able to help me understand you better." She looked at the hybrid, waiting for any sign of a response.
And after a few moments, she got one, a hesitant nod.
Sakura exhaled the breath she didn't even know she had been holding in this entire time. She faced her attention back to the TV. Resting her eyes as she sank onto the couch. Well, that's one hard conversation down. Good job, Sakura, she mentally patted herself on the back.
The pair continued to sit in silence. It wasn't awkward, per se. Matter of fact, Sakura didn't really mind the hybrid being there. She wasn't used to waking up in the morning and someone else being there with her. Matter of fact, she kinda liked it. Even if the hybrid was hesitant to interact with her, the younger girl's presence was comforting in a way.
The low sounds or stomach rumbling drew Sakura out of her thoughts.
"Oh you must be hungry, when's the last time you ate?" Sakura looked towards the source of the rumbling, who was the hybrid in question.
No response.
"I was getting hungry too. I'll make something for us."
Sakura got up and made her way into the kitchen. She settled on making something easy and filling for them. She was still in no headspace to do anything overly complicated this morning.
It was a simple breakfast: Rice, eggs, spam, kimchi, and seaweed on the side. Nothing more, nothing less. The hybrid had found her way into the kitchen while Sakura was frying up the spam. Sakura deduces it must've been from the smell. The hybrid got closer to the older girl till she was towering over the girl as she cooked, looking over her shoulder. She was sniffing the air around her. It made Sakura's spine stiffen at the feeling of the hybrid being in such close proximity to her.
"C-can you get some plates? They're in the cabinet over there," Sakura pointed at the cabinet. And to her genuine surprise, the hybrid had gone over to the cupboard and pulled out a couple of plates for them. It made Sakura wonder, did the hybrid understand everything she was saying? Did the hybrid pick and choose what she wanted to answer?
Sakura plated each of their meals on the plates and took them over to her kitchen table. It was a small one, built for really only one person. However, she was lucky she was small and also decided to buy a second chair.
She sat across the hybrid, observing her starting to eat her food. She began sniffing at it before grabbing it with her hands and practically inhaling food in her mouth. Sakura looked at the untouched chopsticks a few inches away from the hybrid hands.
Doesn't know how to use utensils, noted.
After the pair had finished eating their breakfast, Sakura brought their dishes to the sink and began to clean up. The hybrid had dropped a fair bit of food out of her mouth onto the table, waiting for Sakura to clean up. She continued to wipe down the table as the hybrid went back into the living room. When she was finished, Sakura sat back down near the hybrid on the couch.
Sakura looked down at her phone to read the time. 10 am. Wonyoung must be awake by now, she thought.
Sakura cleared her throat, catching the attention of the hybrid beside her.
"I'll be back. I need to call a friend." She watched for a response from the younger girl. To which she received a hesitant nod. It was a bare minimum reply, but it was the best she was gonna get from the hybrid. For a majority of the things she asked her, Sakura deduced,
Once Sakura had excused herself to her room, she shut the door behind her and took a seat on the bed before scrolling through her contacts to find the person she needed. And there she was.
Jang Wonyoung.
To be honest, Sakura doesn't even know if Wonyoung answers her call. Sure, they've met a couple of times, but never in a one-on-one setting. Anytime they've hung out together, it had been in the presence of other people. But she was desperate. If there was any chance that somebody she knew had an experience with a hybrid, she wanted to talk to them as soon as possible. Which again, Sakura is unsure if Wonyoungs mate was even a hybrid. And even so, who's to say Wonyoung would want to talk about it? Hybrids were looked down upon in society.
Sakura sat for a few moments, debating whether to call the younger girl. As her finger hovered over the Facetime button, she held her breath as she pushed it. The phone dialed. She heard the tone ring once, twice, three times, and on the fourth chime, Sakura was starting to give up hope on the younger girl picking up.
But, on the sixth chime, she heard the phone connect.
"Sakura, Unnie?" she heard Wonyoungs voice.
"Yeah, yeah, it's me."
"Oh! I wasn't expecting a call this early. How are you?" The younger girl asked.
"I'm doing good, but I actually called because I had something to ask." Sakura could feel herself starting to get hotter.
"Whatever it is, I'm sure I can answer it." She heard the cheerful voice of the younger girl. Sakura's palms were getting sweatier by the second as she was building the courage to ask Wonyoung her burning questions. She didn't want to straight up ask the younger girl right off the bat if her mate was a hybrid. She needed to ease into it.
"What do you know about hybrids?" Sakura softly asked.
"O-oh, um, why do you ask?" Sakura can hear the tension in Wonyoungs voice.
Sakura needed to be honest with you, younger girl. Wonyoung was smart, and she wouldn't just give her the answers she needed without some sort of explanation of why.
"W-well, I have a hybrid staying with me right now," Sakura got out. She saw Wonyoungs eyes widen in shock, and she swears she saw her eyes dart to the side of her.
"O-oh, thats crazy. H-how?, wh-where? I mean, they're so rare?" Wonyoung stuttered.
So Sakura went and gave the younger girl a brief rundown on how she met the hybrid and took her in. Wonyoungs reaction to Sakura's story had been almost the complete opposite of Chaewons to say the least. They were both shocked at the fact that a hybrid had ended up in their city. However, when Sakura got to explaining the hybrid's behaviors and mannerisms, she was calm and simply listened to her.
"To answer your question, yeah, I actually do know a couplet things about hybrids. You called the RoH already, right?" Wonyoung asked.
"Not yet. I plan to call them tomorrow. Right now the hybrid seems comfortable enough with me. I don't want to scare her off or something," Sakura sighed.
"When you talk to the doctor, make sure to ask them to do a blood test. And make sure they do full body exam on them, that could also tell you some general information on her," Wonyoung dropped on the older girl.
"W-woah, that's actually some solid-ass advice," Sakura said in awe. She swears Wonyoung has been more helpful in learning about the hybrid on her couch than the late-night googling did.
"What can I say? I do like hybrids," Wonyoung smiled, and there it was again. Sakura swears she saw Wonyoung look to the side of her.
"Are you with you, Yujin?" Sakura played up the teasingness in her tone.
"H-how'd you know?" Wonyoung seemed to say in genuine shock.
"Who else would your eyes be wandering at during this entire conversation?" Sakura laughs.
"Yeah, Yujins here. She's right next to me." Wonyoung gave up and even denied it.
"Wony, I'm just gonna come out and ask it," Sakura prepared herself to ask the question. To which she saw Wonyoungs eyes widen again.
"I think I have a feeling where this is going, but go on."
"Is Yujin a hybrid?" Sakura asked.
Wonyoung almost laughs. Before she flipped the camera and there Yujin was curled up next to the younger girl with her head in her lap. And upon closer inspection of the screen, Sakura was able to make out the brown ears atop her head.
"Does that answer your question?"
"Holy shit. Now I get Chaewon shock, when I told her about this," Sakura's eyes were wide in disbelief. Previously, when Wonyoung had shown pictures of her and Yujin out together, the framings of the photos were in such a way you weren't able to see the top of either their heads. Sakura could've guessed it. This entire time they were just hiding Yujins ears.
Wonyoung laughed as she flipped the camera back on herself.
"Yeah, she's kinda insufferable sometimes, but I love her," Wonyoung smiled.
"Can I ask you a question about her?" Sakura questioned. She watched her nod.
" Where did Yujin come from?" Sakura held her breath. She assumed it would be a bit of a heavy question. It was common knowledge that hybrids typically weren't mated with humans. She'd only ever head of it being possible a handful of ties. But, with the newfound discovery of Wonyoung and Yujins' relationship, there was no denying that these types of relationships existed.
"I don't want to go into much detail. It's Yujins story to tell, not mine" Sakura nodded her head in understanding.
"I did meet Yujin in college like you guys all know. But I didn't meet her in class like I said. I met her when I was doing my clinicals at the hospital, and I had come across her," Wonyoung explained.
"And you figured out she was your mate?" Sakura asked.
"Not exactly. I had offered to take her in for a couple of weeks when the hospital said they were gonna discharge her; at the time, I thought Yujin didn't have money for anything. And well, I guess you could say she grew on me," Wonyoung beamed.
Sakura smiled at the explanation from the younger girl. It made her ponder the direction her new relationship with the hybrid on her couch could possibly go. Before she shook her head, she shouldn't be thinking about this. It's too early to think about this, both in their relationship and well in the day. She doesn't even know where the hybrid stood. Hell, Sakura still didn't even know her name.
"I want to ask you something else," Sakura said before she got a nod from Woyoung to task.
"Was Yujin able to speak when you found her?" Sakura was curious whether or not the hybrids' behavior was normal to other hybrids.
"Yeah, I mean, she was shy at first. But she was always able to communicate with me. Can your hybrid not?" Wonyoung asked.
"I'm not sure. When I talk to her, sometimes she answers in one word, or sometimes she just nods, but most of the time, she doesn't answer. I'm not sure if it's because she doesn't like me or she genuinely can't talk."
"I'm sorry, unnie, I'm not sure what that could mean. Maybe she's still warming up to you." Wonyoung smiled optimistically.
"Yeah, maybe," Sakura sighed.
"Can I see her?" Wonyoung asked.
"Y-yeah, give me a second." Sakura got up from her bed and made her way down the hallway quietly. She stayed just out of earshot of the hybrid before she flipped the camera to face the hybrid, making sure her light grey ears were visible in the frame.
"At least she seems well-trained enough. When Yujin first came, she wasn't even potty trained," Wonyoung laughs as she recalls the first couple of days with Yujin. Reminding her much of the situation Sakura was currently having.
"Ye-yeah, I guess so."
And just as she says that Sakura can hear the sound of something trickling.
No, No, No, No, is all that rang throughout Sakura's mind as she looked back up at the hybrid. To see that, yep, within a matter of a few seconds, she had her eyes off the hybrid. She somehow managed to take off her sweatpants and start fertilizing the plants, if you will, near a fake plant she had in the corner of her living room.
And it seemed like Wonyoung had heard it, too, with how she had started laughing.
"I'll text you later, Wony. Thanks for the talk. It really helped." Sakura tried to end the Facetime quickly.
"It's no problem, unnie, and I hope everything goes well for you and your hybrid," Wonyoung hung up.
Your hybrid
Now, why was Sakura enjoying the way that sounded? Before, she was interrupted again by the sound of trickling water, which she now knew was, in fact, not water. God Dammit, how much water had the hybrid drank? As Sakura looked up, the hybrid was now doing her business in the middle of the room.
Sakura is thanking whatever god is up there for deciding not to install a carpet and settling for hardwood floors.
- When Sakura had called the RoH and informed them about her current situation with the hybrid they immediately wanted to meet her. From the tone over the phone, Sakura wasn't able to tell if it was purely out of concern for her safety or out of awe that there really was a hybrid in this part of town.
The RoH told her they were going to send a doctor to her apartment as soon as possible. And just a short mere two hours later, there she was. Upon hearing the knock at the door indicating that the doctor was here, the hybrid quickly got up from her place on the couch, got in a defensive position, and started growling at the noise.
Sakura had to tell her it was okay and that RoH was just here to help. She told the hybrid to stay in the apartment while she went and talked to the doctor alone, and she got a grunt of annoyance from the young girl.
When Sakura opened the door, to her surprise, the doctor was a young woman. She was definitely in her 30s, and she was fitted in a white coat carrying along a briefcase.
"Nice to meet you, Mrs?" Sakura held out her hand.
"Bae, it's good to meet you too, Miss Miyawaki," she said as she shook her hand.
"I take it you wanted to talk alone before I meet the hybrid?"
"Yeah, she might be a little on edge right now. I told her a doctor from the RoH was coming over, and her response wasn't great," Sakura tried to explain.
"Mmm, wasn't great how?" The doctor asked.
"At first, when I told her, she seemingly was okay with it, but when she heard you coming to the door, she started growing."
"That's understandable. It's quite common for hybrids to struggle when meeting new people." Mrs. Bae nodded.
"I've already been made aware of the circumstances you came across her. Since then, has there been anything that could give you an idea of where she could have come from?" Mrs Bae asked.
Sakura debated in her head for a couple of moments, debating on whether or not to tell her about the scratches and marks she had found on the hybrid's skin. A part of her was afraid that if she told her, the hybrid would be taken away. And for some reason, she didn't want that. However, she wanted to be honest with the doctor. After all, they would know what's best for the hybrid. And that's what Sakura wants for the hybrid. Right? But was it worth the possibility of her getting taken away? She pondered.
"Um, when I brought her home and gave her a bath, I actually saw a lot of scratches and scars on her body."
"Unfortunately, that is also quite common for hybrids that have been found on the street, whether it be from the physical damage caused by wherever they came from or from wild animals they encountered before being found. It really is a case-by-case sort of thing," The doctor explained.
Was it really that common for hybrids to be treated this badly? Sakura wonders. Sure, hybrids aren't usually in the general population. Since they typically came from the countryside, saying that Sakura assumed that they lived secluded lives.
"Th-there i-is something else, too." Sakura started to feel nervous again. The doctor waited for Sakura to speak again.
"I-I saw some sort of scarring in the shapes of letters, too," Sakura was able to get out. For a split second, she was able to see Mrs. Bae's eyes widen before they went back to normal. She stood there for a moment as she waited for the older woman to collect her thoughts.
"There is quite a high possibility that those marks were a branding." The doctor stated.
Sakura's eyes widened in shock. But, now that she thinks of it, it started to make more sense.
"When hybrids are branded, it typically means they were kept by humans for a reason. I've seen cases when the branding has been used for things such as breeding," Mrs. Bae explained.
Sakura took in the words falling from the doctor's mouth. It was starting to make sense in her head as she started to form the story in her head. The hybrid must have found her way into the alleyway after she had escaped from where she was before.
"W-what does the branding mean?" Sakura asked.
"The reason for them can vary. It can be anything from their name to just random identifiers for their captors."
Sakura just nodded as questions started to flood her head. And as much as she liked to ask them, she needed to focus on the task at hand. Sakura opened the door back to the apartment and was met with the hybrid growling at Mrs. Bae, who remained poised, standing up straight. The doctor observed the hybrid. Maintaining eye contact with the hybrid till she had stopped growling and just remained silent. The doctors started to take notes in her notebook as she did a physical on the hybrid.
To be honest, for Sakura the next hours for her were a blur. Most of what the doctor did for the hybrid was done with Sakura off to the side. Still though, she managed to remember Wonyoungs words and told the doctor specifically to make an appointment for a blood test. She also recalls the doctor telling her she was going to call to set up further health-related appointments as they walked towards her door and bid her a goodbye.
After the visit from the doctor, Sakura had opted just to order pizza for dinner for the pair. They were currently sitting on the couch watching TV. It seemed clear to Sakura that wherever the hybrid was before, she didn't have a TV. Whenever it was turned on, the hybrid seemed so entranced with whatever was playing.
But, for Sakura, she kept thinking about what the doctor had told her. Was it really that far off to think that the hybrid could have been in one of those places where people kept hybrids as captors? It would explain the clearly calculated scratches and marks she had discovered that littered the hybrid's body the day she found her. This would also explain the indentations of letters in her skin. It didn't even feel right just to say they were indentations.
The hybrid was branded by somebody for a reason.
Sakura just couldn't figure out what. And she wasn't sure if she was ready to know. How could somebody do that to her? Sakura knows people hate hybrids, but to abuse them like that. Sakura didn't even want to think about it.
So, she didn't. Well, at least she tried not to.
What didn't leave her mind, though, were the letters.
Were they a company? Maybe the girl's initials? Sakura wonders. And she was really hoping it would be the latter.
If the first two letters are her sir name, then that must mean the last two are her first name, Sakura deduces. She doesn't even know if she's right. However, she supposed she wouldn't ever know unless she tried. So she did.
"Zaho" Sakura blurted out. Catching the attention of the hybrid, but not enough to warrant anything more than a stare.
"Zeha," She tried again.
Upon those syllables falling from her mouth, Sakura hears something. It's a quiet thumping, a sound you would have to focus to hear. Something she would have missed if she wasn't actively wanting her hear a response. She looked around for the source of the noise until she looked down at the gap between her and the hybrid.
"Zuha," Sakura repeated.
There, the noise was again. And as her gaze was on the gap between them, she saw her tail wag. It was thumping on the cushion of the couch. Sakura looked at the hybrid, her eyes still on the TV, but her ears twitching along with her tail.
"Your name is Zuha?" Sakura asked.
The hybrid nodded.
It doesn't even hit Sakura. Her heat had started till it was too late.
Now usually, Sakura was very punctual with her heat schedule. She even had an app that would tell her how far along she was in her heat cycle. It was so unlike her to forget her suppressants. She hadn't forgotten to take them in the last five years, why now she asks herself.
Okay, she may know why she forgot. And it had something to do with the hybrid still residing on her couch. It had been about a week since the hybrid had first come into her home. Sakura had just been so caught up in taking care of Zuha that she had forgotten about herself. Now that she thinks of it, maybe she did simply ignore those notifications she got from her heat app, warning her to take her suppressants.
The hybrid had just been taking up so much of her time lately, from the RoH appointments to teaching her basic chores. Her world was completely taken over by the young girl. Not that she minded, really. It was nice to come home to someone waiting for her. Even if Zuha's communication skills still weren't the best, she was making an effort, and that's what mattered. However, because of all the time she had been taking up, Sakura had ignored the warning signs of her heat coming—the lethargy, the hot skin, and most prominent of all, the warm ache between her legs.
Finally, having time for herself after a long day at work and caring for the hybrid. Sakura was lying in bed, trying to fall asleep, when her mind started wandering. It's not like she was trying to. She really was trying to think about anything else. But, the heat between her legs just was getting harder and harder to ignore. She can't help it, as much as Sakura would hate to say it. She's still an omega, and what she needed right now was an alpha.
And yet she didn't have one. She was alone in her bedroom. It would be so easy to wake up the sleepy hybrid on the couch Sakura thought. Get on top of Zuhas lap, and start grin-
Nope, nope, nope, you still barely even know the girl, Sakura sighed.
It's true that the pair had grown increasingly closer even within just this past week. Zuha would no longer growl at her whenever she got too close. And she had started to try and communicate the best she could with her, even if it was by simple nods or gestures. However, saying that, it was still hard to ever gauge any deep emotion from the younger girl. She had tried to ask Zuha more about her past and how she found herself in the alleyway. But, the hybrid seemed detached whenever she'd bring it up, always just shrugging her shoulders or looking away.
Get ahold of yourself. Sakura ran her hands through her hair as she tried to think about literally anything else that wasn't Zuha related. And unfortunately, it was harder than she thought. It had been so long since she'd last gotten off and even longer since she'd gotten laid. She's not some sort of prude, and it's just that with the convenience of suppressants, she never got the urge.
Sakura tried to remember the feeling of being touched by an alpha. The last one she had been with was good enough. She had gotten her off, and that's much more than she can say for any male alpha she had slept with, if you'd even call it that.
She remembers the touch of the alpha's fingers down her chest. As she imagined it in her head, Sakura reached her hand beneath her shirt, cupping her breast. They were much more sensitive than usual. She let out a sigh of relief as she used one of her fingertips to run her finger over the peak of her nipple.
Fuck she needed more so much more. Sakura could feel the stickiness between her legs growing. She tried to remember the way the alpha pushed her fingers in. Sakura slides her free hand beneath her shorts. She shivers at her cold hands nearing her most sensitive area. She let out a breathy moan as she rubbed herself over her panties. Before quickly biting her lip in an attempt to stifle it, she remembered the hybrid still residing in her house. Thinking about if she could hear her. What would Zuha do? Sakura's mind wandered.
Would Zuha come barging into her room? Rip off her shorts and panties and fuck her right there. Her strong arms could so easily hold her down. Sakura's hand traveled beneath her panties, swiping her fingers over her sensitive core. She's so wet. She reached her hand, previously cupping her breast down to tug down her shorts and panties. The room's cold air made her groan as she felt it hit her core.
She teased her entrance, slowly sinking one of her fingers inside. It wasn't enough, not even close. She craved something deeper. She thinks about Zuha's hands and how much bigger they are than hers. She can recall the touch of them when Zuha would be in the kitchen helping her cook, and she wanted a taste of whatever Sakura was cooking and she'd grab her hand to bring the food into her mouth. Her entire hand wrapped around her hands, almost comedically big.
She can't help but think about her long, slender fingers inside her. How deep they'd reach inside, how much they'd stretch her out.
Fuck Sakura moans, that's what she needs. She needs someone to stretch her out, fuck her deep inside. She needs to feel them. She needs to feel Zuha. She's taken glances at the hybrid bulge way more than she'd like to admit despite having bought underwear, shorts, and pants that actually fit her. The hybrid just never bothered to wear more than just shorts around the house, leaving really nothing to the imagination, which was working in Sakura's favor right now.
Not to mention the hybrids body. She felt like a pervert for even thinking about it. The hybrid still wasn't very good at bathing herself, so Sakura was the one to do it for her. And throughout bathing her, Sakura's gaze couldn't happen but wander. The hybrid had a strong, fit body. Sakura would watch as the water flowed down her skin, over her toned abs. She would find herself getting caught up staring at her body.
She slipped another finger inside easily. She was so wet. She pumped her fingers in as deep as she could, just barely grazing the spot she needed it the most. Sakura's eyes tightened as she teetered closer to her orgasm. She could feel herself starting to drip onto the sheets. She slipped another finger in, the filthy sounds of her pussy filling the room. She lowered one of her hands to her clit, making her let out a high-pitched moan. She started rubbing her clit in a slow and light, as she tried so desperately with her other fingers to fill herself.
It felt good, sure, but it wasn't what she craved. She needed to be full. She needed to be fucked. For fucks sake, she needed to be fucked by the hybrid. She wanted to feel how deep Zuhas cock would reach inside, how much she'd stretch her out. How would it feel to be fucked by her? Would the hybrid be rough or gentle with her, she wonders. She needed it. She was getting closer, she could feel her wrist aching in exhaustion, but her other hand made up for it as she rubbed her clit faster.
Sakura dragged her hips against her fingers, desperately trying to get them as deep as they could go. She didn't even care to muffle her moans. It was not like they'd do much anyway with how loud she was being. Her breaths started hitching as she quicked her wrist movements in a last burst of energy. In tandem with her movement on her clit, Sakura came with a loud moan. As she felt her body spasming, her feet planted on the bed, gripping the sheets.
Her breath started to calm down after a couple of moments. She slowly retracted her hand from her nether regions. Sakura couldn't help it. She felt empty in more ways than one.
Perhaps it has to do with her still heat-cluttered mind. But she wished the hybrid was next to her. Not just for the most obvious reason, but she felt so cold, so alone on her bed. Sakura thought about the feeling of the hybrid arms wrapped around her as she started to drift asleep.
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politemenacephd · 8 months
Arachnophilia: (Part Seventeen)
Drider!Miguel O'Hara x Reader (+18)
Chapter Masterlist 🕷️
Content: Mostly relationship fluff + some worldbuilding. Also Peter content.
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Word count: 4890
It was early morning once more, and today light was streaming in through every hole in the nest. The sun was bright and high over the canopy in a sea of pale blue, sitting in an sky barely touched by clouds. It was quiet, calm, even verging on warm, with the morning heat creating a low mist across the grass.
You liked to believe the weather was a reflection of your mood, because today you were finally taking Mig with you to the Society. You were elated, almost giddy, but him? Not so much.
‘Ogh. Look at you. So handsome!’
You grinned up at Mig as he paced about the nest, his eyes solely focused on his chest. His usually bare torso had been covered by a single, plain white shirt, and he seemed to be struggling with the sensation.
‘Mm… It has been, far too long since I had to put one of these on. How do you wear these all the time?’ he grumbled. He kept pulling on the shirt, awkwardly shifting it in and out of place. You were trying to not get distracted by how tight it was. You’d gotten the largest size you could, but it was still sticking quite close to his chest and shoulders, the smooth white fabric perfectly highlighting the rounded pounds of his pecs.
It was rather unfair, really, how you teased him for his constant ogling. You weren’t any better. He was just so damn pretty, with the plain white sitting on his warm skin, hugging his hefty chest.
‘You’ll get used to it’ you reassured him, ‘I did argue with them about the clothing but… they said, you know, society protocol. No shirtlessness. Not even for this most beautiful of men.’
Miguel shot you a smile to acknowledge your praise. ‘Yes. I should have suspected it would not be easy. Still, I appreciate you trying, mi tesoro.’
With those dreary words he crept forward to comfort himself with your touch. His forelegs pulled you in and clutched you to his abdomen, and you nestled back so tight that the fluff went up your nose and caused you to sneeze.  
‘Aw—Mi arañita, qué menso eres’ he murmured affectionately.
‘Mean’ you retorted.
He was purring now, his abdomen vibrating and rustling with joy. ‘I will be grateful to have you with me’ he said as he brushed your suit down. It wasn’t dirty, he’d just gone so long without clothes that he assumed you brushing off his shirt was a sign of affection, and he wanted to return it. ‘I would never have gone alone, even if the offer was made again.’
‘I’ll be there the whole time, I promise’ you said. As Mig smiled you sealed that promise with a kiss to his claws. ‘And if Miguel tries anything, I’ll rip his claws out one by one. I promise that too.’
You saw Mig’s smile falter a little. ‘Ah. Yes. Him. He will, be there as well.’
Your smile dipped too. You were trying to joke about the situation but you both knew, deep down, how strange everything had gotten.
There was a tension between all three of you, one that was strange and multilayered in ways you couldn’t discern beyond a constant, simmering, anxiety inducing pressure.
Miguel had remained on watch at your nest after the first time you mated in front of him, and for two days while you prepped he’d stuck to his stubborn word and remained. He’d mostly stayed outside, only coming in occasionally to ensure you were being ‘safe’ as he put it, but he never spoke a single word to either of you.
The only thing you’d noticed is that his eyes, when they fell on you, were no longer cold; they were burning hot, simmering and seething, filled with something unspeakably strong.
You shuddered at the thought.
Luckily Miguel was gone today as you were visiting the HQ, so he could monitor you there, but it felt like his presence was always hanging over your head.
‘Alright. Come on. Let’s go’ you said, gently urging him to follow you with a tap to his belly. For a moment he hesitated, his little paws tapping back and forth on the nest floor, but it was only for a moment. With your face beaming and urging him on he reluctantly followed.
You’d been prepared for Mig to struggle with the portal. He’d never gone through one before and everyone struggled at first, so you were as patient as possible with the big guy.
You just hadn’t expected how badly he’d take it.
The moment you stepped through the lack of weight and gravity seemed to throw him totally off balance. You were used to keeping with the flow, to angling your body so that you flowed seamlessly through the void of space time and out the other end, but Mig didn’t have that.
He immediately crashed into you and sent you both hurtling through the portal at a speed you could not keep up with.
You both rolled out of the portal at max velocity, his enormous body crashing into the HQ floor with such force that it cracked. In the safe, fluffy grip of his legs you were thankfully unharmed, but it didn’t stop you from being dazed. As he tumbled to a stop you gasped.
‘AH—Fuck, oh Mig I am so sorry, I should have done a trial run of—oh god—’
You tried to scramble out of his grip to check on him but he refused to let go. He was terrifyingly strong, with his spider legs folded in tight to his belly, pinning you to his abdominal underbelly.
‘Mig? Mig?’ you panted.
His low groan vibrated right down to your core, and you nearly cried with relief. ‘Oh, Miggy. Are you okay?’
‘I did not enjoy that’ he said bluntly. You managed another breathy laugh. ‘No, no, I can tell.’
As his legs slowly loosened you crawled out from his grip and stumbled to the floor on all fours. You glanced up.
To your horror, hundreds of spiders were perched on every surface available, all of them staring directly at you. It was a sea of suits, a sea of bodies and eyes, all staring with a mix of disgust and curiosity. You turned and immediately patted Mig, urging him to stand.
‘Mig—Babe, uh—’
‘Argh—my, legs—who designed these portals?’ Mig grunted. He was struggling to stand as he unfolded his long legs. ‘They are not safe, didn’t you say there were quite young spiders who—’
A wide-ranging, multi layered gasp of horror momentarily interrupted Mig’s grumbling, finally drawing him to look around. Everyone was in a defensive position, their eyes trained on his body. You instinctively sank against his side.
‘Hey, hey, it’s okay’ you whispered to him. You could see his eyes sinking already. He tried to step forward, his claws outstretched, but when every spider jolted in fear he froze up.
‘Hey! Sorry, guys, don’t um—he’s safe, he’s fine’ you cried. You impulsively stepped forward with your hands raised, hoping to de-escalate the situation. ‘This is—Miguel, or uh, Mig? If that’s easier, he’s a variant, he’s safe! He’s fine!’
To your continued discomfort, nobody said or did anything.
‘Hey! You two!’
You turned to see Jess making her way through the ogling crowd. She seemed to be trying her best to ignore them. ‘There you are, you—did you break the floor? My lord—never mind. So, obviously you guys know about the mandatory work you gotta do before you can be sent on missions?’
You awkwardly nodded in response, but Mig was too fixated on the crowd staring him down. You’d never seen him look so small.
‘Okay, good’ Jess said, ignoring Mig’s discomfort. She just ticked a few boxes on her hologram. ‘You have a few today, just—do your best, you’ll be fine. I just needed to give you this to fill out for HR and then you can get to work.’
She handed you a pile of papers before turning back into the crowd. She paused briefly to gage the amount of spiders and their curious eyes.
‘HEY! What are we, a circus? Do none of you have work to do?’ she yelled. The overtone of her voice quickly scattered the spiders as they flung themselves in all directions, and with a huff she followed after them. You and Mig were left alone.
‘A whole… new world.’
You looked up to see Mig murmuring to himself. His eyes were fixed on the building, on the view of the world beyond the big glass walls. He shone with a deep melancholia.
‘A whole, new world. And… everything is the same.’
Your heart sank. You shyly took his paw in yours.
‘Well, that was… a bad start, but, it’ll get better. It’ll be fine. We’ll be-- fine’ you said.
You were wrong. The rest of the day wasn’t much better.
You had certain activities you had to finish before you were cleared. The society wasn’t a workplace, but it functioned like one, and you were constantly in life-or-death situations. That meant all relationships needs to be safe.
You were expected to do three things: mandatory couples therapy, de-escalation and crisis training, and monthly reviews with an elite.
All of them went terribly.
You went to HR to hand in your forms and found only one person waiting at the desk. They were curt, almost rude, rushing through your paperwork, and after leaving you peered through the door only to find six other people had been hiding behind desks. You heard them gossiping and left in shame.
At your first de-escalation training for couples, you couldn’t even fit Mig through the front door, and you were forced to both sit in the hallway with the door half open to listen in. Every other couple there barely focused on the course; they just stared at you both, making little whispers and comments to each other.
You ended up failing that session due to Mig’s heightened anxiety. Any mention of a scenario where you were hurt caused him to panic and clutch you close, with his fangs overproducing venom as a protection tactic. They had to tape off the area as a hazardous spill zone. More mess, more eyes, more morbid curiosity.
Even your mandated therapy was unbearably awkward. The therapist assigned kept making suggestive questions regarding your safety, your wellbeing, questioning if Mig had some kind of fetishistic problem.
It wasn’t just Mig though, or at least, not just his body. People were clearly fixated on your closeness.
At the start of the day you were as physically affectionate as you usually were, since that’s what you were used to. You kissed his claws and he held you with his forelegs, he would scratch your head and you would hold his hand.
But you could see, now, the overt morbid curiosity in those around you. Even when you tried to find time alone, either in corridor corners or darker rooms, you kept spotting people staring.
As the day wound on you got more and more stingy with your affection. Mig kept dropping your hand to avoid people staring at you, and you had to hide your kisses when they happened.
With every activity you attended you felt a little isolated, a little less welcome. You hadn’t expected it to be easy, or even good, but you just hadn’t anticipated how bad it would feel. You began to feel guilty for doing this to Mig.
After your last therapy session, you began making your way through the lobby together. It was here, whilst making small talk and enjoying the brief moment of solitude, that you felt the hair on your nape stand up. You turned.
Miguel was up in the rafters above, his masked eyes following your every move. In the shadows you could only see the deep, sharp red lines of his suit as they shifted.
With a hiss you turned and sped forward. Mig rushed to catch up.
‘It’s all him’ you hissed angrily. ‘It’s all- him! He’s spread it everywhere, because he’s trying to embarrass us into giving up!’
‘Who? You mean—’ Mig paused midsentence. He didn’t need to say it; he knew who you meant. You hurried into a small, darkened corridor between two other meetings rooms, a space where you could avoid any prying eyes.
‘That—fucking, asshole’ you whisper shouted. Mig squished himself into the tight space and tried to grab you for comfort, but you were too busy pacing. ‘Fucking—Who does he think he is? Why won’t anyone say anything to him?!’
‘Mi tesoro’ Mig whispered back. ‘what is it? What do you mean?’
‘He—’ you paused to breath as you felt that guilty tug in your gut once more. ‘I’m so sorry, Mig, I—I knew this would happen. I knew it. Miguel knew I wanted you to join, and he said he—he said if he did let you in, he’d make sure we, quote, would learn why he keeps his relationships private. Obviously he wants you to feel unwelcome.’
‘Ah—yes, that—sounds like something he would do’ Mig said slowly.
‘I’m so sorry, I really—I wanted you to feel better’ you stammered. ‘I wanted you feel, just… I don’t know. I wanted something. I wanted the OPPOSITE of this!’
‘Hey, hey, arañita. It’s okay’ he said softly. As his foreleg gripped your arm you felt a wave of hopelessness wash over you.
‘Is it okay?’ you whispered back. ‘Is it? Are you okay? After what he’s done?’
Mig opened his mouth, but no words came out. You could see it in the dim light; the flash of his red eyes as they drooped and narrowed, the way he looked down and to the side out of shame.
Not one person besides you had even acted neutral to him. They’d all treated him like an animal, a monster, without shame.
You didn’t want to call this effort a failure. He deserved to be loved, to be valued, to be heard, but how did you do that?
Something had to change. Even just one thing. You closed your eyes and sighed.
You and Mig both jumped in unison as someone’s cheery voice erupted right against your ears.
Mig launched himself into protection mode. With his fangs bared and his claws spread he pushed you to his back, but it was you who stepped in to call him off when you realized who the assailant was.
‘No, no, wait—I know him!’ you stammered.
Mig obediently stayed his hand when told, and after checking you were safe he turned to the speaker.
Peter B was standing on the ceiling, his head upside but more or less at the same height as Mig’s. He beamed at you both. ‘Shoot, sorry—did I scare you guys? Wow that feels weird, me scaring the big spider’ he blurted in his usual chatty tone. You stepped forward to greet him.
‘Ah, hi! You’re uh—Peter, right? I mean that’s half the people here but—’
‘My name is Peter, yes, and as you just pointed out that’s really a lucky guess, but I’m ASSUMING what you mean is I’m Peter Peter, the uh—’
‘The sad one’ you said, far blunter than you’d usually be. He beamed and snapped his fingers.
‘There it is! Yes, that’s me. Or I was.’
‘R-Right. Well, um-- Hi! Can we, help you, with anything?’ you asked. You could sense Mig was still a bit tense, so you decided to step in and speak in his place.
Peter dropped to the floor with an oomph before responding. ‘Ah—well, sort of. I’m not here on an errand though’ he cheerily explained as he stretched. You raised a brow.
‘You’re not?’
‘Nope! I’m here for—him!’ With a gleeful squeal Peter turned to Mig, his eyes eagerly running up every inch of the man’s body. You saw Mig tapping his paws in confusion.
‘Have I- done, something offensive?’ Mig murmured awkwardly.
‘Oh, he’s exactly like I thought he’d be’ Peter cooed. ‘He’s so awkward! No, you haven’t done anything wrong. I just wanted to see if I could uh, tag along with you guys for a bit.’
‘You did?’ you and Mig both said in unison.
‘Oh you’re adorable’ Peter said with a dramatic sigh. ‘You’re both so… well, whatever. You don’t need me fawning over you. But yes! Obviously! Who wouldn’t wanna learn more about the Miguel variant with the spider body? I wanna hear everything!’
‘You do?’ You and Mig repeated together.
‘Yeah! I—look, I feel bad at how strict the others are being on you two. I mean I don’t get it, the whole, spider thing, I mean he is very handsome but the spider is a bit of a deal breaker for me. But I’m just like, hey, good for you guys, you know? Good that it works for you!’
You blinked in surprise as Peter continued to ramble.
‘Plus, look, uh—my wife, Mary, she—well, she’s pregnant!’ he squealed, ‘like, right now! Ah! And I don’t have anyone but Jess to talk to about relationships and I mean she’s always so busy, and Miguel can’t hear about baby stuff, but YOU two! You guys, I can talk to! So, can I? Can I uh—hang around for a bit?’
You glanced at Mig, expecting to see the same hesitation on his face as you felt in yours, only to find him utterly elated. He looked so happy.
‘Ah—yes, of course’ he stammered, his enormous abdomen shifting and vibrating. ‘Of course, a-absolutely. Let us, talk.’
Peter clapped his hands with joy, and you realized you had no other option.
‘GREAT! You guys wanna see the canteen?’
‘And I swear, I begged for HOURS, but Mary just wouldn’t come around to it! I said come on, what’s the worst thing that’s ever happened at a gender reveal party?!'
You chuckled politely as Peter finished his dramatic story, a sharp contrast to Mig who was erupting with his sweet, gruff, awkward laughter.
You were sat at a booth in the HQ canteen, with Peter on one side and you on the other, while Mig was awkwardly folded on the floor at the tables head. You’d tried to make room but there just wasn’t space.
You knew everyone was staring at you. You knew they were keeping their heads down so you didn’t suspect them of listening in, even though it was obvious they were. Even the people serving in the kitchen were craning their necks over the counters to watch.
You sank a little deeper into your chair.
‘Your mate sounds very responsible’ Mig said. He shuffled a little as a couple of people had to hop over his body to get around the corridor. ‘Ah—and it is, wonderful to hear your attempts to have offspring were successful. I don’t blame you for being excited. I would be, inconsolable in your position, from joy that is.’
‘Right! I’m just excited, like come on’ Peter said loudly as he grabbed a fry from his plate. ‘Like I was scared, you know? Who knows what my weird spider genes will do! It’s nice to talk to someone who gets it.’
‘Yes. I worried about the same things’ Mig said softly. ‘With my biology being so… poorly constructred, I often lie awake wondering what I would create. But it is hard, to deny yourself something when it is so… close, to your heart. It is what I always wanted, and I know many like us feel that way.’
‘Oh—yeah, sorry, I didn’t mean to be insensitive’ Peter whispered. Mig shook his head.
‘No, no. As mi tesoro says, we’re all strange on the inside.’ Mig turned to you with a smile as he spoke, and you returned it.
‘Right! Sorry, sorry, ah— enough about me though, I have so many questions for YOU. How DID you two meet?’ Peter asked as he folded his hands over the table.
‘Oh, that is an interesting story. Mi arañita, do you—’ Mig turned and gestured with his claws, politely offering you the chance to step in. You quickly swallowed the single fries serving you’d ordered and tried to respond.
‘Oh—oh! Right, um—I was sent to fix an anomaly in his universe, it was my first proper mission and I uh… I, botched it, pretty badly.’
‘Don’t say that arañita, you did well considering the circumstances’ Mig cooed. You waved him off.
‘Yeah, yeah. Well, I messed up and needed help, everyone was busy but I remembered Miguel saying he had a variant in that universe. He said not to reach out, but, I did. And I met Mig.’
‘Yes, I—found them cowering beneath a tree. Such a handsome creature, I thought. So pretty. Que chula, that’s all I could say. I was so attracted I momentarily forgot that they likely would try to kill me out of fear’ Mig dreamily reminisced. Despite your anxiety your smile widened.
‘Oh, you, you’re such a romantic. I could tell’ Peter added as he circled his finger at Mig.
‘Anyway, they—did not hurt me, which I was glad of. I helped heal them and fixed their web shooter, and, they offered to return. To, spend time with me. So we kept doing that and—became friends’ Mig said, finishing the brief and work-friendly version of the story.
‘Oh, that’s— nicer than I was expecting, honestly, considering how we first met you’ Peter teased.
Mig missed the teasing and responded bluntly. ‘Yes! Well, that is the first half. After that, one day they happened to visit while I was rutting, and when I pleaded to mate them, they agreed. We became a mated pair from then on, which is why they were hiding at my house, the poor thing went into quite a severe heat due to my presence.’ His soft, satisfied smile never wavered as he recalled that day.
You could hear a pin drop in the canteen; Mig was talking, but nobody else was.
You immediately sank so low you almost fell beneath the table. Oh god, you thought, why. Why. Why. Why did he have to be so blunt.
You’d shown off in front of Miguel in relative private, sure, but this was different. That was to humiliate him. It made you feel powerful to be in Mig’s arms, beneath his body, but the eyes on you were turning that power to shame.
Peter maintained his smile, but you could see he was a little surprised at the blunt swerve in conversational tone. ‘I—I mean I wasn’t gonna ask about it, you know, it’s rude’ he stammered. ‘You don’t seem like a man who’d kiss and tell—’
‘You mean the mating?’ Mig asked. You shrank into your seat as his words echoed.
‘Ah—yes, the—is that what you call it?’
‘Is that not what it is?’ Mig asked as he tilted his head. ‘I believe that is the proper term. Or, do you mean, here it’s called sex? Because that is also what I meant, and I see no reason to hide it. We’re all sexually mature.’
You noticed Peter stifling laughter as he listened to Mig. Instinctively your stomach clenched; was he just here to make fun of Mig? To make fun of you both? Had you been tricked?
Luckily, Peter spoke before you could spiral further. ‘Oh, you’re so delightful! Isn’t he delightful? I can see why you like him’ he said with his finger pointed at you. ‘I wish I had the guts to say half this stuff, my god, the confidence! I love it! And I can tell he clearly likes you.’
‘Oh, they are—wonderful’ Mig purred in response. His abdomen began to vibrate as he closed his eyes, his thoughts lingering in memories of you in his arms. You gripped the table and begged for the strength to not physically slam your hand over his mouth.
‘Isn’t the size difference a little difficult though?’ Peter whispered. ‘I don’t mean to pry, but—’
‘I was worried about the same thing, but, they take me remarkably well’ Mig said calmly. You thought your teeth would crack, and yet still Peter seemed utterly unphased. ‘I always ensure that they’re not in pain and that they’re enjoying it, and I’ve never had issues.’
‘Oh, well that’s good to hear! I know it’s tough, having issues, especially in those uh—very, intimate areas, and especially I imagine when you’re uh—well, you! So, different! And so early on in a relationship, I mean my god you’re doing better than I did at this stage. You guys must really get along.’
Peter turned to you as he spoke, as if prompting you to engage with the conversation a little more. He must have noticed your silence. Unfortunately, you were still too mortified to really say much more.
‘Y-Yeah. Yeah’ you stammered, unsure of what more to say. Peter seemed to notice your hesitation; Mig did not.
‘Yes. I—I like them, a lot’ Mig said wistfully. ‘It’s not been easy, even now, adjusting to this—body, but… In truth, I feel more wanted now than I did when human. When I was, considered attractive. When I fit into places. That means the world to me. They are, priceless. Mi tesoro.’
You felt your face start to glow as Mig looked down at you in the booth. For just a moment, in that silent space with your eyes locked on, you recontextualized your embarrassment. You felt, guilt.
You were struggling with all the attention. You couldn’t deny that. You knew this was Miguel’s plan to pry you apart, to leave you at the mercy of their constant ridicule. The eyes on you, the constant judgement, it was rough.
But, seeing how happy Mig was, it made you wonder: why did you care?
He looked so happy as he gazed at you. His soft, affectionately creased eyes, his upturned lips showing the thick fangs beneath. What a pretty man.
And Peter, despite your initial reservations, didn’t seem phased at all.
When you’d had everyone’s approval, when you’d been just another replaceable spider doing everything routine and by the books, you’d been ignored. They hadn’t wanted you then, so why did it matter if they didn’t want you now?
Now, you had someone who did. Who cares that you were infatuated with a monster? At least you were wanted.
You smiled. ‘Mig, is… Wonderful, at what he does’ you said softly. ‘I really couldn’t ask for more. He’s so attentive, he—knits me suits, the pillows, and blankets, he refurbished his entire nest for me, he’s always making sure I’m well taken care of. He never raises his voice, never avoids me. I am… very, very, happy.’
The emphasis and tone you put on ‘happy’ was more than enough indication of your sincerity, and was certainly enough to put plenty of unwanted images in the heads of those listening. You didn’t care. You let them imagine, and you beamed up at the real thing.
You, Mig and Peter all turned as that chilling voice echoed through the canteen.
Miguel was walking stiffly down the canteen corridor, his eyes roaming. He seemed to be looking for someone, most likely the man he’d just called for.
‘Peter, you’re supposed to be on mission with me. You—’ Miguel paused. He looked up to see you and Mig, sitting comfortably with his friend at the table. The two people he'd been viciously targetting. The two people who had humiliated him in the worst way possible.
‘What is this?’ he hissed.
‘OH! Hey big guy, big fella, big boss man’ Peter cried back, cheery as ever. He didn’t seem to notice the tension as he hopped the back of the booth. ‘I was just making friends! I can say that, right, uh—Mig, is that what people call you? Can I use that?’
Peter spun back to Mig who, under pressure, immediately nodded. ‘Ah—yes, of course. Friends. Yes.’
‘GREAT! Great! Oh, I got two Miguel friends! I’ll catch you two around, okay?’
‘You sure will’ you replied. Peter waved you off as he clapped Miguel on the back.
‘Man those two are great. You never told me your variant was so nice! He’s hilarious!’
You could see that hot, burning anger in Miguel’s eyes even from here as Peter rambled on at him. It was barely disguised beneath his usual calm, collected expression.
You saw him realizing that, even by a small amount, his plan was failing. Mig was being treated as normal, and not by just anyone, but by someone close to him, someone who he could never let find out about your voyeuristic escapades. 
Miguel grit his teeth as he tried to find any words to say. ‘Peter, you—’
‘Come on, my god—you were so urgent a minute ago.’ Peter laughed as he dragged Miguel away by the shoulder, and while the man’s eyes lingered on you both he did not strain against Peter’s grip. He reluctantly followed.
Back at the booth, you made a choice. You crawled up onto the table, pushing the fries aside, and with both hands you grabbed Mig’s face. You turned him physically, as he’d been gazing after Peter.
You smiled up at him without a care.
‘My Mig’ you said softly, and then you kissed him. He eagerly kissed you back. In front of the whole canteen you nestled into his fluffy forelegs and let him kiss you from your forehead to your chin.
It wasn’t exactly a perfect first day, but it was good. It was enough for now. Mig had one more friend than he’d had at the start.
But you knew, deep down, Miguel wouldn’t just let this go.
Link to next part!
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wrathofrats · 3 months
hey.. mist with two tentacles. goodbye. -🗡
….. I’m just going to apologize for whatever this is. I got extremely carried away as usual.
Zephyr should know better than to be in dark places alone.
Or 1.7k of mist using Zeph as she pleases
Warnings for: tentacles, pretty dubious consent but it gets more enthusiastic as it goes on, stalking, predator/prey dynamics, fear play, it’s pretty fucking gratuitous monster sex.
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Zephyr tended to leave the door to the tiny room cracked. A small dusty lamp illuminated the space with dingy yellow light, and the crack allowed the light from the library to flood part of the room with extra light. Not enough for the noise from the library to interrupt their work, but enough for them to actually see what they’re working on.
It was late, at least past 10. River tended to keep the library open at all hours even against imperators orders. Something about unholy knowledge being the best in the late hours of the night. But technically they were supposed to close at 7. Zephyr didn’t mind though even if they tended to be a stickler for rules. It gave them an excuse to work later in the archival room than taking their work back to their room where it would no doubt get scattered across their desk and floor.
Their back hurt hunched over the small table. Rows and rows of shelves surrounded them in the cramped space. Dust and the smell of old paper filled the stuffy air. The door creaked open wider, allowing the noise from a group of sisters to make it hard to work.
“Stupid draft” Zeph mumbled, getting up to place the door back into the proper position. He heard a rustling behind him, chocking it up to the wind caused by shutting the door.
Zephyr sat back down with a huff. They had been working for over an hour, a date with ifrit going longer than either intended. The spontaneous fire ghoul had rubbed off on them awfully, usually they would get their work down before letting anyone distract them, but if there was one person zephyr couldn’t say no to, it was ifrit.
The temperature slowly dropped about 10 degrees. Zephyr tended to run pretty cold considering they were an air ghoul and chronically ill, but it bordered on eerie, almost uncomfortable. They pulled ifrits stolen flannel around them tighter with a huff. The small inconveniences all adding up to being borderline unworkable, or they were just tired, they didn’t know.
There wasn’t much work left luckily, simply some records to sort and write down for the end of the month, left to be filed away for when zephyr had the energy to actually do it properly. There was the sound of paper moving behind them, as if something was moving around the stacks of unsorted papers.
“I fucking told bell to deal with the rat problem” they grumbled as more things shifted in the area behind the first row of shelves. They got up to look around, seeing if they could possibly scare the creatures off for long enough to finish the stupid files.
The shifting stopped when Zeph rounded the corner. A glint of white in the shadows of the shelving. Probably just sheets of new bright paper that shined at an angle. Hopefully.
The air felt different. Like the cold chill right before a storm. “Whatever” they whispered, trying to focus on finishing so they could go back to their room. The promise of a nice warm body to heat them up helping to quell the strange feeling in their chest.
The hair on the back of their neck stood. The small lamp flickering slightly. The wiring was old, probably dating back to nihil if they were to guess. They felt the itch in their skin to get the hell out of that room. Something was wrong, the floor creaked behind them.
Zephyr suddenly didn’t think they were alone anymore.
There was a chill that crawled up their spine, a hand wrapping around their face to clamp over their mouth before they had the chance to turn around.
“Hi wisp been looking for you” a voice whispered into their ear. Zephyr tried to thrash, bite so they could scream and hope River heard them.
“Now now, no need for all of that. Haven’t you ever been told you’re too pretty to be all alone out here at night?” Zephyr could feel their cold breath along their neck, the tips of sharp teeth grazing along their skin. There was an inherent warning to the ghouls tone, the promise of sunken teeth if they were to continue their movements.
Zephyr was suddenly turned around and leaned up against the wall, mouth still tightly covered. They prayed that she wouldn’t notice how rapid their heartbeat had become, something to taunt her and break their attempt as calm demeanor.
Mist stood in front of them. Pupils blown and a shark-like grin. There was always a sense of predation to her. Small and mostly kept to herself, but had a glint in her eyes that no one really wanted to mess with.
“Gotta be quiet for me my moth, wouldn’t be fair to me if I had to share you like this”
A cloth quickly replaced mists hand. Shoved far deep into their mouth to where they would gag if they moved wrong. Zephyr wondered how long she had been hiding. The creaking door, rusting of the shelves behind them. She must have been stalking them.
It’s a weird feeling honestly. Knowing that someone’s been watching you without you being aware. The knowledge that you saw all the signs and still couldn’t help but be caught. Pinned down like a butterfly on a corkboard. Waiting for the next shoe to drop.
They made a scared whimper around the gag when mist dove to sink her teeth in the junction of their shoulder and neck. A sharp pressure followed by the sting of mist licking the blood away from her freshly caused wound. The pain bled into a soft pleasure as mist continued to kiss up their neck. Sucking and nipping at the sensitive skin, trying to distract from the searing hot bite mark.
“You sing so sweet song bird, keep making those noises for me” mist cooed, lifting her head to stand up on her toes and give Zeph a small kiss on the side of their mouth. Zephyr only whimpered again, a need to be obedient.
The smell of sea salt and juniper took over zephyrs senses. They felt weak, almost powerless even against the much smaller ghoulette. What she lacked in size she made up for in claws and teeth. They could feel the blood rush from their head at her touch, a sting of magic as their cock thicken in their pants. Be it from the predicament or her manipulating them, they didn’t know but soon they were sunk to their knees with their legs practically collapsing underneath them.
Her sight was dizzying. The taste and feel of a wet cloth gagging their pathetic noises, along with mist looking down on him as if she could eat him if given the chance. Saliva ran down their chin around the gag. The rapid tightness growing in their pants only made them almost want it more. Relief, to please her, anything. Blood loss really does wonders for obedience.
“Want me to use your mouth zephy? looks like you’re drooling for it anyways” mist tugged zephyrs head back by their hair. A fist full of white making them let out another muffled whine. She slowly took the cloth out of their mouth and watched the strings of saliva connect to their tongue. “Stay quiet wisp, i promise I’ll fill you up again”
Mist fumbled with her clothing, keeping a tight hand in zephyrs hair as she tugged down her pants. The air ghoul let out a pained cry as she pulled harshly while she undid the button, desperately tugging them down. She had soaked through her underwear already, blue panties adorned with a wet spot right in the middle. She had been getting off on this, the stalking was only the foreplay.
Something writhed beneath the fabric. The print of something long with small cupped circles slithering up and down the underwear, coating it in more slick.
“Think she likes you darling” mist grinned, slowly pulling down her panties.
Two tentacles emerged from her cunt. A couple inches long and flushed a deep shade of blue. Nothing too thick but zephyrs mouth watered at the sight. He knew water ghouls were weird, had heard about Water from omega, but mist having two tentacles was beyond their imagination. They were pretty in a fascinating way, dripping and wrapping around each other, looking for something to fuck. Weird but absolutely tantalizing.
“Please” zephyr breathed. They opened their mouth wide hoping the heat would beckon them forward. The promise of a warm mouth too tempting for even a monstrous appendage to ignore. The tentacle roughly pushed itself roughly between zephyrs lips, forcing itself down their throat. They gagged around it, trying hard to breathe through their nose.
“There you go wisp, let it use you” mist cooed. She used both of her hands to caress their face. A sweet touch compared to her tentacle that squirmed on their tongue. Using them. Something unsentient can’t have any regards for your well being.
Zephyr kept their eyes on the ghoulette. Wet between the thighs with the other tentacle wrapping around her skin and between her folds. The suckers almost seemed to pet across their tongue, sticky and catching when the thing went too fast, tried to be too rough.
The second tentacle seemed to tease the other in a sense. It would rub up and down the exposed length that wasn't in zephyrs mouth. Wet with mists arousal, they wouldn’t be surprised if it had been dripping onto the carpet.
Suddenly the second tentacle snaked back and pushed into mist earning a loud groan. She pulled against zephyrs hair at the feeling, making them take her deeper. An obscene squelch sounded through the small room while it fucked into her slowly, this one seemed almost less desperate, taking its time to get nice and deep inside of mist.
More drool and slick escaped zephyr mouth as they gagged, “if I knew you were this desperate I wouldn’t have gone through the trouble of stalking you” mist almost growled. She bounced lightly, trying to fuck herself on her own tentacle, chase her own high as she continued to stare at zephyr as if they were a piece of meat. “Almost hoped you would’ve put up more of a fight, didn’t take you as easy prey”
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str4ngr · 1 year
golden syrup [ john price ]
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i had a vision, i also want money
cw: suggestive [not any nicer than with könig] , foul language, age difference [hes like 40 or smth], objectification?, typical confusing sugar daddy behavior, toxic relationship, fem! reader.
Sugar Daddy! Price, always buys you chocolates when he gets back from work, no matter how much you complain about it being unhealthy or bad for you it is, he just holds your waist and whispers in his gruff voice, "I love you."
Sugar Daddy! Price, who buys you a pretty dress for each military ball, amused by your adorable shyness, clinging to his arm as your hips sway besides his, the bespoke dress making you irresistible to look at. Luckily, the Captain is intimidating enough to glare down any pathetic, greedy man away.
Sugar Daddy! Price, who is too focused and stressed by work to realize how needy for him you are. Even when you stand beside his desk. Confused by all the military mumbo jumbo, you simply rubbing your knee against his thigh, leaning down to smell his hair, as you trace your hands across his shoulder, looking for him to turn his focus. But he doesn't, simply handing you his black card and shooing you with his hand, making you pout, pulling on his sleeve, but he doesn't turn. You were his relief, not his lover.
Sugar Daddy! Price, who comes out of his office in fury, a mess made by someone or another, as he grasps your arm, ignoring the pout the sat on your pretty plush lips from earlier, yanked you over to the nearest surface, bending you over as he practically tears your clothes off, letting you moan into his hair and neck as his lips taste your sweet skin.
Sugar Daddy! Price, who loves to take you on dates, loves when you prance in front of him in the clothes you're trying on, loves to buy you every piece of clothing you fawn over, let alone glance at, loves when you let him tease your clit in the dressing room of a lingerie shop.
Sugar Daddy! Price, who always buys you pretty jewelry with any diamond, gold, silver, or gem that you want. His favorite pieces being first, the diamond medallion he gifted you the first day he fucked you, and the second, being the thin, delicate anklet with his name, adoring the way it dangled over his shoulders every night, kissing the hot metal to soothe you as his he fucks you dumb.
Sugar Daddy! Price, who always sends you more money than you two agreed on, knowing you'll never deny him. Always has an extra band ready for you, a, as he liked to call it, "little" reward for the times he liked to make his little sugar baby into a sobbing mess.
Sugar Daddy! Price, who couldn't fathom the bubbling venom growing in the pit of his stomach, watching you laugh and giggle with another man, knowing exactly the name of this bitterness, refusing to summon the devil. He rushes towards you, towering over you as he looks as both you, and the man he recognized to be a new recruit. "Not for much longer." He thought to himself, grabbing your hand slowly, his movements controlled as his fingers constricted around your wrist like a snake. Lucky for you, his extra band came in handy.
Sugar Daddy! Price, who was merciless that night, not to be confused with his usual roughness, adoring the blush that adorned your round ass, the flesh burning from the searing hot strikes of his hand, each movement after the next making your mind melt, your little messy cunt squeezing desperately for him. He laughed, laughed at the way you squirmed, laughed at how you reacted when he teased you, he was laughing at you, his cute little stress reliever.
Sugar Daddy! Price, who never pulls out, "might as well get my moneys worth, yeah, little girl?" treating your shoulder like a jawbreaker as he bites down, teeth sinking into you plush skin, ensure that pathetic recruit would never dare to lift his eyes again. The smell of his intoxicating cologne, combined with the smell of the cigarette still lit in his left hand, making you only mildly capable of babbling his name as he buries himself within you.
this was so exhausting to write but it was soo worth it.
also i cant be the only one that thinks price lowkey looks like a puppy, yk? i think its the mustache.
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axelsagewrites · 1 year
Hello! I don't know if you're still writing from Harry Potter, but do you write about George Weasley and the fem Slytherin reader? It would be interesting to have a Gryffindor Weasley and a Slytherin side by side. Fire and gunpowder are dangerous together.😅😂
I hope you write<3 I love your works
George Weasley*The Deal
Pairing: f!slytherin reader x george weasley
Summary: after a deal is struck the reader starts to fall for her new study buddy however once she learns what house he is she's worried that may change the terms and conditions
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Warnings: none
Masterlist Here
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Despite literally having magic your schools’ uniforms were one of the most uncomfortable things you had ever worn so as soon as class was done for the day you slipped back into some comfy clothes. You in all your wisdom had put off doing Flitwick’s charms essay until the last minute, yet again, so once class was over you quickly changed and headed to the library for a long night.
There was one long table running down the library but sitting their felt too exposed, so you instead searched for a free desk between the shelves. You eventually found a free two-person desk in the last of the rows of the shelves. Luckily for you this was the section you needed to be in anyhow. You dumped your back at the free seat then turned your attention to the recommended reading list. An Anthology of Eighteenth-Century Charms. This would either be fascinating or mind numbing but there was no way to tell. As you looked through the row, knowing it must be on this bookcase, dread filled you when you realised that it had been lovingly places on top of the bookshelf by some uncaring overly tall person. You huffed, wondering if it was worth it to ask madam Pince for assistance but unfortunately, she still hadn’t forgiven you for your first-year prank. Usually this would be a great chance to practise your magic, but you had left your wand in your school cloak like a first year so instead you pointlessly tried to reach up, but your fingertips only grazed the second highest shelf.
“Need a hand?” You jumped at the voice, spinning round to see an overly tall person smirking with his own book bag over his shoulder. His hair was fiery and dishevelled like he had been flying a broom upside down and backwards. His shirt was untucked, crinkled, and you wondered if it was baggy by choice or just the only one long enough to fit.
You hated asking for help, despised it even, but desperate times. You stepped back from the bookshelf, gesturing towards it to let him in but he just cocked an eyebrow. You sighed before looking at him in his annoyingly cute face, “Please can you pass me the book?”
“Of course, I can,” he said, stretching up to reach the shelf that was even almost too high for him. He held the book in his hands with a triumph smile, ignoring your outstretched hand and keeping the book for himself. “Say thank you,” he said, his smile never wavering.
“Thank you,” you said, trying to reach out and snatch the book only for him to pull it away and read the cover, “Hey! I said thank you,” you protested.
He ignored you for a moment as he pulled out a crumpled piece of paper from his pocket, scanning over it briefly before looking back to you, “You any better at sharing than you are at waiting?” The stranger asked but the longer you looked at him you wondered where you knew him from.
You internally groaned when he held up the piece of paper out to you, seeing the same reading list you had been given. “I suppose we can share,” you said, grabbing the book out of his hands at last, “As long as you can keep up,”
“Speak for yourself love,” he said with a grin as he moved to take the free seat at the desk, dropping his bag down before plopping into the chair, “I’m George by the way,” he said, watching you as you moved to sit down. “Do you have a name?” He asked as you pulled out your parchment and quill.
You rolled your eyes before looking up from your bag, “(Y/N),” you finally answered as George began to pull out his own supplies.
As you flipped through the pages, taking turns picking pages and copying down tables, you let yourself sneak a few glances between notes. Cute freckles scattered across with cheeks and his eyelashes were long enough to make you jealous. Each time George caught your eyes he wore that dumb little smirk but for some reason each time he smirked or his hand brush yours you felt your skin heat up.
“We should take a break,” George said, slumping back in his seat and yawning.
You looked at him, wide eyed, “Its due tomorrow,”
“We have time,”
“The library shuts in an hour,”
“Five minutes,”
“Why not?”
“I said so,”
“That’s not a reason,”
“Is too,”
“You’ll fail,”
“Why do you care?”  He said making you groan and screw your eyes shut.
“You’re almost done,” you sighed not answering his question, “You’ve only got the end of that paragraph and a conclusion,”
“I do?” George asked suddenly sitting up to look over his parchment, “Ha I didn’t realise I’d done so much,” he said with a dopey grin, “We should study together more often,”
You rolled your eyes but couldn’t stop a smile, “We’ll see but for now we work,”
“Give you a deal,” George said, sitting back in his chair again making you groan and turn to face him, “i’ll do this if you go to Hogsmeade with me Saturday,”
“Why would I do that?”
 “Why wouldn’t you?” George said as he crossed his arms, “That’s the deal love. Take it or leave it,”
You rolled your eyes and forced a sigh despite the butterflies dancing in your stomach, “Only if you finish your essay and stop calling me love,”
“You’ve got yourself a deal doll,” Goerge said, sticking his hand out with a goofy smile. You rolled your eyes with a light laugh as you shook on your new deal. “See you at one,”
For some reason you never saw George around the next day, and you wondered where you were supposed to meet him tomorrow. When you realised, he wasn’t in your charms class you figured he must be in the Hufflepuff and Gryffindor class however you couldn’t spot him at either of their tables at lunch. When Saturday came and you stood at the gates waiting for him to show part of you wondered if it had been a cruel joke all along and soon laughter would ring out across the courtyard.
You turned to head back up to the castle after standing in the cold for ten minutes, but it had felt like an hour. Your eyes were trained on the ground, trying not to let your tears pool when you felt someone bump into your shoulder, “Watch it,” you said, turning around to glare at the culprit.
“Sorry doll,” George said with a dopey smile. He turned to wave off his friends, one of which you figured must be his twin he had failed to mention. “Hope you weren’t trying to ditch me,” he said, ignoring the wolf whistles from his friends.
You laughed in relief, hitting his shoulder, “You twat I thought you ditched me,”
“Never,” he said confidently as he started to walk back down to the gates, “You’re stuck with me now doll,”
Despite knowing that his friends were staring at you both the entire time you managed to enjoy your time in the three broomsticks. George was shocked when you were the one to ask to go to zonkos but could never say no the joke shop.
“We should swap out Trelawney teacups with one of these,” you joked, holding up a nose biting teacup.
“I like how you think love,”
“You’re not allowed to call me that remember,” you said but it came out as more of a laugh as the teacup tried to bite your finger.
George chuckled as he pried the teacup out your hands, “Sorry doll,” he corrected his mistake with his usual cheeky smile.
That cheeky smile was something you knew had to see again when you flopped down on your dorm bed. However, you realised you still didn’t know his house. The next day at breakfast your eyes scanned the great hall, looking for the fiery red head suddenly occupying your mind. Usually, you were so tired in the mornings you never looked up from your plate but now you found yourself staring across the hall. You knew he wasn’t a Slytherin since you would’ve noticed that hair in your common room. All the Ravenclaws sat slumped at their table, rings around their eyes from reading all night but no George.
That wasn’t shocking though, while you could tell he was smart George never seemed to care about that part of school. Hufflepuff seemed kind of fitting, he was a massive goofball after all. However, then your eyes fell on the explosion of laughs as the red headed twins entered the great hall with a gaggle of other late Gryffindor on their tales.
Gryffindor’s. Fuck. Your eyes shot back to your toast, and you wondered if the whole time he knew you were a Slytherin. You thought it was pretty obvious after all. Maybe George knew and just didn’t care. You spent the rest of breakfast internally scolding yourself for judging him so harshly.
George had agreed to meet up Monday night in the library, claiming it was a time to study but you had other intentions. As you finished your last class, potions which you usually enjoyed, you realised you were far too tired to walk from the castle’s basement to the dorms just to then hike to the library.
You were in the library first; at the same table you had met waiting for George to appear. Your fingers ran over the soft fabric of your tie, debating whether to shove it in your bag or not. As you pondered a loud hey broke you from your thoughts. You looked up as madam Pince shushed George from the other side of the library.
There he stood, his cheeky grin and warm eyes with yep, a Gryffindor tie hanging loosely round his crumpled collar. George cocked his head, his eyes locked on the emerald cloth, “Stare much,” you tried to joke but it came out as an awkward laugh, “You gonna sit or what gingey?”  The words felt clumsy and as you looked at him you tensed, waiting for the rejection.
George shook his head, almost shaking himself out of it, “Its Mr gingey to you doll,” he said, quickly covering him up as he sat in what would become his regular snake. “A snake huh,” he said with a slight chuckle as he began to pull out his notebook.
“Problem Gryffindor?” You said, forcing the sneer in your tone encase a lion struck.
George turned to face you, eyebrow raised and a challenging look on his adorable face, “Only on game day doll,” somehow you managed to fall into normal conversation, even managing to study a little. “This is explaining why you’re so bossy,” George said under his breath as he noted down the table you said was important.
“I wouldn’t have to boss you if you knew what you were doing, love,” you said, smirking at the last word as you waited for George to finish the table. “I think we make a good pair,” you mused, but when George met your eye, you couldn’t help looking away, “For a Gryffindor I suppose”
“Agreed, Slytherin,” he said in a teasing whisper, leaning across the desk, “So is it true all Slytherins are evil?” He asked and you reeled back, ready to verbally assault him with all the venom you could conjure but George stopped you when he pulled a box out his bag, pressing a small pouch in your hand, “I went back Sunday for them cause I figured you’d know how to put them to good use,” you looked down at the Hiccoughs sweets he’d placed in your hand.
“Wont Fred be jealous?” You said as you took the sweets and opened the pack, “He’s your partner in crime and all,”
George laughed for a moment before smiling, “Don’t worry im sure he’ll understand,”
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soupafterdark · 2 years
ᴘᴀᴍᴘᴇʀ ᴍᴇ, ᴊᴜꜱᴛ ꜰᴏʀ ᴛᴏɴɪɢʜᴛ?
There are way too little soft!dom Kaiser fics, so I'll do it myself.
♡ Michael Kaiser x f!reader
♡ cw: implied edging, fingering, use of nicknames (princess, girl)
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"Michael, please- can't take it—"
A shrill moan escapes your lips as Kaiser's thumb brushes over your clit, though lacking enough pressure to actually stimulate you. This had been going on for the past, what, twenty minutes now? You couldn't remember, not when his thumb would roll over your clit like that, with two fingers working inside your slick, needy cunt but pulling away when you're about to cum. How cruel. Kaiser lets out a mocking laugh as you desperately roll your hips against his palm, craving the friction you desire so bad. "Oh? How greedy, you dirty girl." He teases, his voice saccharine despite how harsh the words sounded.
However, you didn't really have the time for that today. You had been given a particularly hard time by your colleagues today, and the last thing you wanted was to have your orgasm denied round after round. The harsh words hit harder than it usually did- well, not like you were coherent enough to process his words by then.
You managed to choke out a sob, as you mutter. "No more teasing, Michael- don't wan' it..."
Luckily, your boyfriend was attentive enough to differentiate between a sexually frustrated sob and a sad sob. His free hand wraps around your shoulder as he props you up to sit on his lap instead of the bed. As he brushes away a few strands of hair that were falling over your face, you notice the concerned and guilt-ridden expression he wears.
"...Princess? What's the matter?" He pauses, before taking guess. "Bad day today?" He asks, as the nod you give him only makes his expression soften. Kaiser brings your face closer to his, peppering kisses over your tear stained face.
As your sobbing stops and your vision is no longer blurry from tears, your eyes meet with Kaiser's. "Do you want to continue this? I don't want to hurt you in any way." He asks, concerned. Sure, he was mean in bed, but he was still your boyfriend- an excellent boyfriend at that, you couldn't dream of anyone better.
You nod hastily. "Please, please continue- just no more teasing." Kaiser gives a hum of acknowledgement, before his hand begins moving again, deft fingers finding all the spots that have you squirming. His previously free hand travels to your breasts, palming the plush mounds before pinching gently on the nipples.
A squeak leaves your throat as he plants a kiss on your neck, moving down to your collarbone as he leaves the reddish-purplish marks you knew all too well. The knot inside you threatens to burst, as you lean onto Kaiser's shoulder. "Gonna cum, Princess?" You can only nod at his question, before he laughs. "Go on." His treatment brings you to an orgasm, coming undone on his fingers. "Atta girl," He lets you catch your breath, before laying your head on the pillow and propping your legs over his shoulder. Kaiser bends down to whisper in your ear.
"Let me pamper you tonight, Princess."
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authorhjk1 · 1 year
Duck Season
Song Yuqi X Choi Yena X Male Reader
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During the night, the apartment is usually quiet and dark. But now, it's not as quiet as you might think. All three bedrooms are dark. But in one of them, one of the occupants isn't sleeping. Quite the contrary, actually. Lying on her bed, she lets out a never ending series of quiet, muffled moans. Her left hand covering her mouth, while her right is trapped between her full thighs.
When the girl in the other bed shifts around, the younger one whimpers, trying to quiet herself as much as possible. There is no need for her band mate to know, that the maknae is knuckle deep inside one of her most intimate places. After what happened the day before, she wasn't able to sleep, like the rest of the girls.
As the young girl tries to satisfy her longings, she lets out a frustrated groan. It just doesn't feel the same. Reaching for her phone with her left hand, she makes sure that the blonde is still sleeping.
The light of the screen illuminates her gorgeous features as she hastily puts a familiar name into the search engine on her phone.
Scrolling through a couple of pictures, she picks up, where she left off. Her moans are a little louder now, her hand occupied with holding the phone. An idea flashes through her lust clouded mind as she changes the word in the search bar.
Opening another tab, she puts in the same name as before, but this time, she writes the word "suit" as well.
A smile appears on her face as she sees the pictures she was looking for.
From this point onwards, the journey towards inevitable pleasure begins. Switching between the two tabs, the young girl feels the heat in her body rising. Her memories come back to her as if she is reliving that day. Closing her eyes, she climbs the hill of her slowly approaching orgasm.
You groan. Luckily no one hears you. You paint like a dog as you stare up at the ceiling. Drenched in sweat, it feels like every part of your body is either numb, or hurting. Both arms give out, when you try to sit up and you can't move your legs either.
Although it hurts, it's still a good feeling. It's not the type of workout you prefer, but it's efficiency outweighs the pain.
You decide to keep lying on the floor for just a minute longer, trying to recover. The muscles in your shoulder protest as you reach for the bottle of water next to you. Taking a mouthful, you remember what happened two nights ago vividly.
Staying over at Sohee's place turned out to be one of the best nights you ever had. You couldn't believe it, when Ahin and Sohee wanted to go for another round in the morning. Although you felt tired and drained afterwards, you felt like one of the happiest guys alive.
You are thrown out of your memories by the ringing of your phone, signaling you, that you got a message. It's clear who it is. You send her a text before you started working out, which means it must have been one of the first things she saw after waking up.
Unfortunately, you placed your phone on the bench at the door. Groaning once more, you are barely able to change position. Slowly crawling towards the bench, you pray, that Ahin hasn't woken up yet. You don't know what would happen if she would see you like this. It's embarrassing.
It takes five minutes, until you are on the other side of your small gym, which you build in your basement. Unable to sit on the bench, you just lie on the floor, while opening your phone. A smile appears on your face. Just as expected.
"Good morning, too. I can't wait to see you again. I will be back home at 2pm."
You didn't expect her to show how needy she is. She is currently in Singapore, if you remember correctly.
When your company searched for the right model, they suggested her, because of her popularity.
"Tonight. At eight."
You send the text. You don't need to explain what you mean. She knows what happens, when you come over.
You met her at the airport a couple of days ago, while waiting for Chaewon to meet her fans. The two of them are friends, apparently. She knew, who you were, before you even said hello. You should scold Chaewon for being unable to keep her mouth shut, but you are afraid, that it would make her do it even more.
Honestly, you don't even remember her name. Did she even mention it? You are not sure anymore. You only saved her number under "princess".
At first, you were worried about Ahin. But when she saw the name by accident, she didn't mention it. The blonde just took your phone and changed her name to " Mine❤". You are not really into emojis, but you do want to make sure, that Ahin is special.
When you met the woman at the airport, she seemed flirty, but still shy. It was obvious that she wanted the same thing that Chaewon has with you. While texting yesterday, it turns out that she has never been with someone before. Similar to Yuna, although the older girl still has more experience.
While waiting for Chaewon, you were able to get the girl's number. She seemed like a really innocent person. But when the two of you were standing in a less crowded corner of the airport, her true colors seemed to show.
You made sure, that no one was paying attention as you sneakily let your hand glide over her back side. You could see her tremble a little at your touch as your hand moved between her thighs. Rubbing the fabric of her jeans, her eyes closed and she let out a quiet moan.
You stopped your advances afterwards. She is a celebrity after all. And the two of you being seen in public won't help her and probably you neither.
You should have known that this was coming. After working out, you went to take a shower and saw that Ahin was making breakfast. When you got back, you saw her sitting in her chair, waiting for you, while scrolling through her phone. When she looked up, she bit her lip, her gaze starting to cloud with lust.
She really liked seeing you after working out, since she likes hard working people, but now, your hair is still wet and your suit looks really nice on you.
Ahin can't decide, which of these two options turns her on the most.
Either way, she is now sitting in your lap. Your shirt, which she threw on earlier, is hiked up around her waist, while one of her shoulders is exposed. Your pants are on the floor. One of her hands is holding her swaying hair back, while the other is grabbing your tie.
You can't believe how horny Ahin is sometimes. It feels like every morning and every night you spend with her results in the same thing. But it's always different. Never boring. New places, new positions, everything is new, everytime.
Like right now.
"Was she riding you like this?"
Ahin bounces on top of you, her voice shaky.
"Similar. Yes. But she had her head on my shoulder."
"Oh fuck!"
It feels weird to tell Ahin, how Chaewon rode you a couple of days ago, but it seems to turn her on. Her pace increases, her pussy tightens around you.
You can't be sure, but you think Ahin gets off on this, because she knows, that there are women, who want to be with you, but you chose her over anyone else.
"Where did you cum?"
"Inside. I came in her pussy."
Ahin's eyes are shut tight as she impales herself on your cock, while listening to how you fucked another woman. Attacking her naked shoulder, you kiss her vanilla skin. Her perfume smells like vanilla as well. You realized, that whenever you see, or smell vanilla ice cream, or something else with vanilla, you think of her.
Her long blonde hair flowing over her shoulders. Her flawless skin. Her dark orbs, which look at you with care and appreciation in one moment and with lust and desire the next. Her cute lips, which you like to kiss, while you hold her.
Ahin's body has been made only for you. And you can feel yourself growing closer and closer to her.
The ringing of her phone interrupts Ahin's wild riding. She loses her rhythm and you can feel her slowly coming back to reality. Gone is her lust clouded mind.
You can't believe she picked up. While she is sitting in your lap. Your cock filling her completely.
"Ah, yes. I really liked it. The two of you look gorgeous."
There is no way, you will let her get away with this. At least not without punishment.
You focus on her shoulder once more, but this time it isn't just kisses. You give her skin small bites, making her hiss in slight pain. She doesn't tell you to stop.
"I-I would love to."
One of your hands sneaks under the loose white shirt she is wearing, cupping her right breast.
"T-Tomorrow sound good."
Ahin's head falls back as you play with her chest, while licking her neck.
"Great! I w-will be there."
You move your mouth to her ear.
"Hang up. Now."
You feel her shiver at your dangerous, dark tone.
"I gotta go. See you."
She hangs up immediately.
"I-I'm sorry. But I wanted to-"
You bite her neck. Ahin stops mid sentence. Too shocked to speak. You haven't hurt her badly and it won't leave a permanent mark, but it achieved the desired effect.
"Don't pick up the phone, when we fuck."
Ahin nods vigorously, her eyes wide open.
You doubt, she is actually scared.
"When I claim your body, the only thing you are allowed to do is cum."
An almost inaudible moan escapes her lips at your words.
You squeeze her right breast a little harder, emphasizing your point.
"Y-yes, daddy."
Ahin doesn't call you that often. But when she does, you know that she has given up all control. It's an unspoken request to have your way with her.
"You just talked to a woman?"
She nods, while pouting, probably hoping she will get out of this without much punishment.
"Show me."
Ahin already has a hint about what's coming next as she shows you a picture.
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You look into her eyes, before whispering.
"She is hot."
You feel Ahin getting goosebumps.
"Her name is Yuqi. She is in the same group as Miyeon and Soyeon."
"Give me her number, once I'm done with you."
The blonde nods her head. You can feel how much she likes the idea by the way her pussy clenches around you. It's walls wrap themselves tight around your shaft, reminding you, that neither of you has cum yet.
Breakfast was supposed to be a quick meal, before heading out. It turned into a long, passionate sex session with Ahin. As usual.
The egg fried rice must be cold already as you keep nailing the young blonde against the kitchen wall.
The shirt she was wearing has fallen off her body for a while now. The buttons flew everywhere and are now partially covering the floor. Her hair and face is a mess as you press her right cheek against the white wall.
"Daddy! I need to! Please!"
You fuck her harder. Ahin is close to collapsing to the floor.
"No. You don't get to cum today."
Her whines turn into moans as you don't stop nailing her against the wall.
For the last 30 minutes or so, you kept Ahin on the verge of her orgasm. With only one word, you could make her see starts, so much, that she won't be able to keep talking.
But you are punishing her. She usually isn't very rebellious, so you don't have to do it often. But maybe that's why you are enjoying it right now.
Her voice has been reduced to a whisper. Her focus completely on making sure not to cum. You can see how bad she is holding it in. How bad she is fighting her own body.
When you see a tear roll down her cheek, you know that you have reached her limit. Ahin is still moaning, but it's getting weaker.
"You only get one chance."
Her eyes light up in gratitude.
You keep thrusting into her depth, until you can't keep it inside any longer yourself.
Grabbing a fistful of blonde hair, you pull out of her and force Ahin onto the ground. You are just able to tell her to keep her mouth closed, before you cum all over her pretty face. She doesn't close her eyes, they are focused on you. Some of your cream gets into her dark orbs, but she still keeps them open. Her right cheek is painted in warm cum as well. Ahin's lips are stained too as if she just ate a glazed donut.
"Get up."
You command her immediately, after you regain all of your senses.
Pressing her shoulder against the wall with your left hand, your right finds her pussy.
"Only once."
Ahin nods her head. It looks cute. Even with a cum stained face.
You finger her fast and without much playing around. You want her to feel, like you are just doing it out of generosity. As if you don't care about it.
You actually love making women cum. Especially Ahin. It somewhat shows how well you are doing and how much she is enjoying herself.
Some of her cum dribbles down your hand as her pussy becomes wetter.
"Are you punished enough?"
Ahin nods her head, not wanting to let your cum fall off her lips. Her left eye is glued shut, due to your sticky semen, while the other is half open. And a little red.
You lean in closer as you watch Ahin hold back her orgasm as long as she can.
With a loud shriek, the blonde cums all over your hand. She squirts violently, drenching the tiles and parts of the wallpaper. You hold her shoulder, while she leans against the wall. Her shaking is almost concerning. It feels like Ahin can't stop for a whole minute. But maybe your sense of time is just messed up as you are witness to a wonderful sight.
You smile as you reach a certain district in Seoul. The joke Ahin told you during breakfast was really funny and you try to come up with a better one for the next time you see her.
After parking your Ferrari in the parking lot, you put on your sunglasses and get out of the car. You want to make sure that no one can recognize you. It only takes her a couple of minutes to appear outside of the building.
Yuqi was it?
She is dressed in the same outfit as in the picture, which Ahin showed you.
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Her orange tinted sunglasses make her look somewhat like a famous actress as she walks out of the building and in your direction.
It didn't take long to set up a date, while texting with Yuqi. She knew what Miyeon and Soyeon were doing. And she seemed interested in the same thing.
When the young woman is halfway there, you see another person run towards her.
"Yuqi! Wait!"
As she comes closer, you can see more of her, until she reaches her friend.
She looks very cute. Even from a far. She is wearing a short white skirt, which looks like it's made of lacey. She is wearing torn stockings or a pantyhose underneath. Her orange crop top shows off her toned stomach. What seems to be a yellow scarf is decorating her neck. Her pink hair is tied into a ponytail.
"Take me with you."
They are just close enough for you to listen.
"Please. I saw your phone, when you went to the bathroom."
Yuqi looks in your direction, obviously surprised.
"Is that him?"
The pink haired girl follows her gaze.
"He looks better than the picture."
"I don't think he is gonna say no."
The cute girl's face forms a smile and the two walk up to you.
"You might have heard, but she would like to join us."
You greet her as you check her out again.
"Nice to meet you."
She gives you another cute smile.
"What's your name?"
"Choi Yena."
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"My car only has two seats."
"No problem. We can share one."
Yena doesn't seem to mind Yuqi's idea.
"After all, we are going to share you as well."
A little surprised at their straightforwardness, you remember that they both know Ahin. You should really tell her and Chaewon to keep quiet. At this rate, every female singer in Korea will know who you are.
You didn't exactly plan for this to happen. Of course you can't refuse a threesome with two gorgeous girls, but you still have someone waiting for you tonight.
"Get in. I booked a room."
Opening the door for them, you watch as Yuqi gets in first. Yena follows, sitting on the older girl's lap. You fasten their seatbelt, before shutting the door and walking to the driver's side.
As soon as you get in, you realize that Yuqi has already started without you. Her hand is underneath Yena's skirt, while the girl on top has her eyes closed.
"You better hurry up. This little duck needs a lot of attention."
Is that a nickname?
"Look at her."
You drive out of the parking lot.
"It's obvious that she is a duck. Right?"
The question is directed at Yena, who can only humm in response.
The ten minute ride was quite uneventful, although Yuqi kept fingering the younger girl with slow deep thrusts of her hand. They behaved like normal people, while you got the key card for your room. But as soon as the elevator doors closed, they were both all over you.
Yena takes your left hand and forces it between her thighs. You have no other option, but to continue Yuqi's work. The girl's wet pussy becomes tighter as you curl your fingers upwards inside of her.
The older woman is standing on her tiptoes, trying to kiss you. Leaning down, you kiss her back.
Her lips taste like strawberries as your tongue invades her mouth with ease. Your right hand is already roaming her exposed back. Feeling her soft skin underneath your fingers, you move downwards.
Luckily no one gets onto the elevator, until the three of your reach your floor.
Yuqi doesn't want to let go of you, so you have to pick her up. Still kissing, you place your hand on her butt, before pulling her up. Slinging her legs around your waist, she keeps herself in place, still busy with her tongue.
Yena doesn't want to stop either as she keeps your hand trapped inside of her. Because of Yuqi's lips, you can't tell Yena to stop. Eventually you can free your hand and as the younger girl pouts, you push her through the doors and towards the room. She really looks like a duck.
You let Yuqi fall onto the large bed, before crawling on top of her. Enjoying Yuqi's body, you mark her with kisses. From her lips to her cheekbones, over her naked shoulders, towards her clothed chest. Realizing she isn't wearing a bra, you feel her nipple underneath her top, before biting it playfully. Yuqi moans, her hand grabbing your hair.
"What about me? Eat me up, too."
Looking up, due to her whiney tone, you see Yena standing next to the bed. Her arms crossed and an angry pout on her face.
Standing up, you take her waist and spin her around. When the back of her head hits your chest, you feel her pink ponytail brush against your chin. She is way smaller than you. Not that you are surprised, since all the Korean girls you have been with so far are small. Ahin isn't much taller than her either.
Holding her waist with your left hand, you kiss her cute cheeks from behind, before letting your right hand rest on her toned stomach. It only lingers there for a short while, before it begins its journey downwards.
You see Yuqi work on her short jeans, while you let your hand slide inside Yena's white skirt. Her snatch welcomes you as you dip a finger inside once more.
"Oh, yes."
Yena sighs as she leans against you.
By now, Yuqi got rid of her shorts. Her white skimpy thong might as well not exist as she rubs her clit above the fabric. The wet spot becomes larger, slowly. In sync with both girls' moans.
You feel yourself harden, at the sight of Yuqi pleasuring herself, while you finger Yena. The younger girl is still leaning against you and is now rubbing her butt against your crotch.
"You feel so big already."
She sighs as she feels your length through the fabric. Unable to hide your smile, you increase your pace a little.
"Now, you are only caring about her. What about me?"
You turn towards Yuqi. By now, she is lying on the bed. Her thong halfway down her legs.
"You don't like Chinese?"
As she shows off her shaved pussy, you watch her dipping a second finger into her honey pot.
"Trust me. I have had Chinese."
You slowly leave Yena's snatch, earning a small whine, before walking towards the bed.
"And she tasted delicious."
Grabbing her ankles, you pull Yuqi towards you in one swift motion. When her hips meet the edge of the bed, you kneel down, while lifting her waist.
Without any further delay, she worked hard enough already, you start to devour her pussy.
Yuqi moans as you eat her out, letting her slightly husky voice echo through the room.
"Fuck, yes."
It's no surprise anymore to you, that only a second later, you have another woman, who is complaining.
"What about me, daddy?"
You are turned on by the way that nickname leaves her lips. But at the same time, you know you can't keep up with them alone.
"I'm not the only person with a tongue in here. Use Yuqi."
The Chinese girl seems to like the idea as her thighs wrap around your head, forcing you further towards her.
Yena, as quick as a flying duck, jumps onto the bed and positions herself over Yuqi's face. You don't see much else, since you are busy and her thighs are holding your head in place. But you can hear Yena's cute moans as Yuqi seems to start to eat her out as well.
You take your time to become familiar with Yuqi's body. Enjoying the taste of her pussy, you let your thumb graze over her clit occasionally. It sends a shiver down her spine, which makes her moan into Yena's cunt. The younger girl moans in return.
Deciding to switch it up a little, you focus on Yuqi's clit. Taking it into your mouth, you suck on it, while flicking your tongue against it slightly. It makes her buck her hips towards you further. Inserting a finger into her pussy makes her moan louder.
Yena faces the consequences of your actions as Yuqi moans into her pussy, before picking up her pace. The two girls' sounds fill the room and you feel your desire to fuck them getting stronger.
Stepping up your game, a second finger joins your first, before you curl both of them upwards.
"Oh, shit!"
Yuqi gasps as you reach her g-spot. Looking up for a second, you see that Yuqi can't keep up with her own pleasure. She isn't able to keep her grip on Yena's waist. The pink haired girl has to ride her face to be able to satisfy her desire for pleasure. Her back is turned towards you, but the whines and sighs, which escape her mouth, are evidence enough for how good she is feeling.
Yuqi's moans grow in volume as you pick up the pace. Continuously rubbing her sensitive spot, you feel her pussy clench around your fingers. You know it's only a matter of time-
Yuqi squeals as she cums hard around your fingers. It feels like her thighs almost crush your skull as she flexes them unconsciously. Her hands, curled up into fists, are tugging at the sheets of the bed.
While Yuqi comes down from her high, you watch Yena, who is still riding the older girl's face, not caring that she just came. Her pink ponytail is swaying from side to side. Her hunched over shoulders indicate, she is holding onto the sheets as well. Her moans became louder already, too. It seems like Yena isn't far behind Yuqi.
You decide to take advantage. Getting off your knees, you walk around the bed, hoping she doesn't see you. Luckily, Yena is too drunk in the feeling of Yuqi's tongue in her pussy.
You count to three in your head, before you attack the little duck. Grabbing the back of her head, you push her forward into the mattress. Yena yelps in surprise, but her sounds are muffled as soon as she hits the sheets underneath her. When her pussy leaves it's place atop Yuqi's face, you plunge two of your fingers inside her snatch.
She is now in doggy position as you finger her cunt, just as fast as Yuqi's before. Yena squeals into the sheets at your unexpected roughness. Her legs tremble visibly and her hands hold onto the headboard.
Accompanied by another cute shriek, Yena cums around your fingers. Your surprise attack caught her off guard and the way you dominated her in her last seconds before her orgasm, makes her squirt. Yena's juices flow over your hand and onto the sheets. But most of it lands in Yuqi's wide open mouth, who's head is still lying underneath her.
Yuqi drinks the squirting duck's juices, until she finally rode out her orgasm. The shaking of her legs stop and you let go of her head. For a moment, you didn't even realize, that you were still pressing her into the mattress.
As Yuqi smacks her lips as if she just drank a delicious beverage, you bring Yena's shoulders upwards, before capturing her lips with yours. Invading her mouth with your tongue, you make her taste Yuqi, who's taste is still lingering on your lips and tongue.
"Oh my good."
Yena sighs into the kiss.
Suddenly feeling a hand rubbing your crotch, you break the kiss to look down. Yuqi is already opening the zipper and unbuckling your belt.
You are drawn back into the kiss by Yena, who is slinging her arms around your neck. She makes the kiss sloppier, while you feel Yuqi pulling down your pants and underwear. She shifts around underneath the two of you and a second latter, you feel her warm lips touch your tip.
Yuqi kisses your tip, while Yena kisses your lips. It feels like the two are working in sync even without communicating. The Chinese girl's kisses begin to travel along the length of your shaft. Yena on the other hand, lets you mark her as you break the kiss to get a taste of her exposed neck. Her small scarf is already lying on the floor. She forgot about it a long time ago.
The pink girl's hands find themselves in your hair as you keep kissing and licking her skin. She moans and you can feel the vibration through her neck.
"You want more?"
Suggestively, you let your hand rest on the waistband of her skirt.
While Yuqi starts to take your cock into her mouth, you slip your hand past Yena's waistband, reaching her core.
"Oh, yes."
Yena moans as you begin to rub her clit. She is still sensitive due to the orgasm from before. As she leans against you, you feel Yuqi's tongue glide along the length of your shaft. Her warm mouth is sealed tightly around your cock by her lips.
Yena's moans increase in volume. Entering her snatch with two fingers again, you feel her tremble already. The pink duck's head rests on your shoulder as she moans into your ear.
When Yuqi takes you further into her mouth, you use your free hand to hold her hair.
"How am I cumming again?"
Yena's question is answered by herself as her pussy pulsates around you. And for a second time, in just a matter of minutes, Yena orgasms once more. She whines into your shoulder as her cunt squeezes your fingers tight.
At the same time, Yuqi is starting to take your cock down her throat. Her muscles work your shaft as you hear her gag. You have to hold onto her hair tighter, trying to hold it together as Yuqi is suddenly almost inhaling your cock. She takes all of it into her throat at once.
Her throat massaging your shaft is hard enough to resist already, but when Yena starts to tiredly whisper into your ear, it takes even more effort to keep yourself composed.
"It's mating season for ducks. And I'm really horny."
Her cute face is at odds with the words, which leave her mouth.
"I need a big load from you, daddy. This little duck needs to be bred."
For some reason it turns you on even more. Imagining to cum in Yena's pussy. Maybe even getting her pregnant. It's just imagination. You wouldn't let it get this far, but still....
"Breed my pussy, daddy. Cute ducks like me need to get fucked."
As hard as you try to find a flaw in those words, you can't. Her offer is too good to pass up on.
You are barely able to tell Yuqi to stop, when you are about to cum. It was close, you almost unloaded inside her tight throat. But you know, that you need to cum somewhere else.
As soon as your tip leaves Yuqi's lips, you turn Yena around, who is still on her knees, and push her upper body towards the mattress. When she finds herself in a similar position like before, you hear her moan into the sheets.
"Is daddy going to breed his little duck?"
No words are needed as you line up your cock with her soaking wet pussy. After having orgasmed twice already, Yena is more than ready to take your shaft.
Seeing Yuqi watch with jealousy in her eyes, you push inside Yena's tight snatch. The younger girl moans as your hands on her waist push her face further into the sheets.
She had been fucked a couple of times before, but this is different. She can feel, how you push inside of her, waiting for her to adjust to your size. And once she does, you start with slow deep strokes.
It makes the pink haired girl sigh, your dominance over her makes her extremely turned on. No one has ever been like this with her before. Since she is an idol, everyone treats her with respect and kindness. Even in the bedroom.
But as soon as you made her cum on your fingers, she realized, that you don't care about who she is. That you are only using her for yourself. That she is just another cute girl on the list of women you have slept with. Her success doesn't mean anything to you. Only how tight her pussy is.
Before Yena can tell you to fuck her harder, you have already picked up your pace. Pushing against her lower back, you make her upper body rest on the bed. Her ass is even higher in the air now. The white lacey skirt doesn't cover up anything anymore as you squeeze the cheeks of her butt. Yena moans louder, when you squeeze harder.
"Fuck her harder. Make that little duck cum on your cock."
Looking over at Yuqi, you see her kneeling on the bed. Her fingers are deep inside her own snatch as she watches you fucking her best friend.
"Yes, please. Make me cum on your cock."
Yena whines into the mattress.
A surprised yelp escapes her mouth as you spank her right cheek.
She has never been spanked before. Not once. The pain only dominates her feelings for just a second, before the pleasure takes over. And after delivering a slap to the other cheek, you have the little duck begging for more.
"Please, daddy! Spank me harder. It feels so good."
You do as she says, while you try to fuck her harder as well. The echoes of your palm hitting her flesh fill the room.
"I need it too. Please, daddy."
Before you can even react, Yuqi has already positioned herself on top of Yena. Her ass is resting on hers, while her small tits press against the younger girl's back.
You slap Yena's ass one last time, before you surprise them both. Instead of spanking Yuqi's gorgeous, full ass, you pull out of Yena and penetrate Yuqi's snatch. She is just the right hight as you enter her.
Yuqi moans as Yena did before. This time, you don't wait for her to adjust. From the start, you pound Yuqi hard into Yena's body. The pair getting rocked back and forth by your thrusts. You give both of them equal attention as you fuck Yuqi, slapping their asses respectively.
"Please, more!"
Yuqi is way more vocal than Yena, while she is getting fucked. You see a few drops of her juices dribble onto Yena's cheeks. The little duck underneath her hums, when you fuck Yuqi on top of her and squeals in delight and slight pain, when you spank her hard.
After just a couple of minutes, you change it once more. Now, Yena is the one who is getting fucked from behind, while Yuqi moans on top of her.
By now, both of their asses are bright red as you keep spanking them over and over again.
"Oh, daddy!"
Yena moans into the sheets, her face pressed into the soft fabric by Yuqi's weight on her back. The two of them whine, whenever you leave their pussies to fuck the other girl.
At one point, you finally have to admit, that you can't hold on for much longer. Having to fuck both of them, drains you more than you thought. You hope you have still enough left for tonight.
Just when you are about to cum, you stay put inside of Yena. You feel the walls of her pussy messaging your cock, trying to convince you to breed her, just like she wants. Almost climaxing right then and there, you have to use a method, which you don't use often. Math. Distracting yourself, helps you prevent your orgasm.
You do some basic calculations as you slowly pull out of the pink girl's pussy. Trying not show a sign of exhaustion, you push Yuqi off the younger girl.
She falls onto the bed next to her. Turning her around by her waist, you see the surprised expression on her face.
She isn't able to finish her question, before you reach down for her pussy. Yuqi's eyes widen, when she feels two of your fingers enter her snatch. It's a little embarrassing for you, but you have to wait for a few seconds, before you are confident enough, to fuck one of them without cumming.
Yena is still in the same position as before. Her eyes closed, a smile on her face. She seems satisfied enough for now.
Yuqi on the other hand, is now moaning loudly at your fingers inside of her. Her heart beats faster, when you increase your own pace as well.
Curling your fingers upwards, you find her g-spot and rub the rough small patch. It makes Yuqi's eyes fall shut. One of her hands in her hair, while the other is holding onto yours. It looks like she is trying to push you away and pull you in further at the same time. As if she doesn't know what she wants. As if she doesn't know if she can take another orgasm.
It's not like she has a say on the matter though.
"I'm gonna cum!"
When you finally make her fall over the edge, Yuqi cums hard on your fingers. Her hips lift off the bed as she shakes. Her legs kick wildly and you are glad she doesn't hit you. Her deep moans fill the room.
"That looked so hot."
Yena rubs her clit very slowly as she is kneeling next to the breathless Yuqi. You can barely see her finger move as she touches herself. But she still seems to get pleasure out of it. She bites her lip and gives you her best fuck me eyes.
"Daddy. Ducks need cum to be breed. And I want your cum. You need to breed me."
You can't comprehend how it's possible for this cute girl to spill such lewd words.
"Make me your little breeding duck. Shoot your cum deep into my pussy."
You hold her waist, before you push her into the bed, making her fall on her back. It's not like you can refuse her words. She is now lying next to Yuqi. Yena spreads her lips a little, showing off her cute pink pussy.
"Fuck me hard, daddy."
You grab her thighs and pull her towards you. As soon as she is close enough, you penetrate her pussy with your cock.
"Oh fuck."
Yena sighs as her head falls back. You push inside of her completely and as soon as you can't go further, you start to pound her. She feels so good around your shaft. So wet. Her pussy lets a few drops of her juices spill onto the sheets.
Yena's thighs start to become red as you realize, how hard you are holding her. Your handprints are on her skin as you remove your fingers. Needing something to hold her in place, you reach forward.
Yena moans even louder than before, when you grab a fistful of her pink hair. It makes her lift her head. Almost as if she is doing half a sit up.
The duck's scalp starts to burn a little as you use her hair to keep her in place. It makes her even wetter. How rough you are with her.
"Holy fuck!"
Her moans have changed to light screams as she feels like you are pounding the air out of her small body.
With your free hand, you press onto her stomach at her waist, while you lean forward.
"You want me to paint your insides white, huh?"
Yena needs a couple of seconds to comprehend what you just said. Her mind isn't able use it's full capacity anymore. She is too focused on the pleasure, which is rushing through her veins.
Her words are cut off by your thrusts, which rock Yena's body.
"Please. Fill me up."
"Don't you think Yuqi deserves something as well?"
You see her brain working as if she is trying to remember, who Yuqi is.
"Should I just cum in her?"
Yena immediately reacts. She would shake her head, but she can't. Your grip on her hair is too strong.
"Cum in me. I'm your duck. You can only breed me."
"You want me to breed you?"
You pretend like you just heard it for the first time.
"Yes. Give me a lot of little ducklings. Breed me good."
Biting your lip, you try to hold on longer. Yena's words make it hard to stop yourself from cumming. But you don't have a choice. Her pussy is too tight. Too wet. You don't want to pull out.
"I'm gonna cum, Yena. I'm going to breed your pussy."
"Yes! Please, daddy! Fill my womb with your cum. Breed this slutty duck."
You let go of her hair and Yena's head falls back onto the mattress. She is to tired to keep it up. Her eyes close as she feels, that there is no way out for you anymore.
You squeeze her thighs hard once more. Your thrusts become faster for the last time. Her pussy becomes tighter. It wants to milk your cock.
You groan as you finally unload inside of Yena's tight cunt. Your cum floods her insides and she can feel the warmth spreading through her body.
"So good."
She sighs tiredly as her body goes limp. You feel as exhausted as she looks.
Having fucked Ahin earlier didn't increase your stamina for today. And knowing, that you will be visiting a certain princess tonight, makes your head spin.
You stay inside of Yena as you enjoy the feeling of her warm pussy around you.
"At least let me suck your cock."
You look to the right, seeing Yuqi slowly getting up.
Earning one last whine from Yena, you pull out of her. The older girl begins to clean off your cock, trying to get as much out of it as possible.
You see your cum slowly leaking out of Yena's pussy. The pink haired girl is too tired to scoop it up. Her eyes still closed.
Ringing the doorbell, you check the time. 8:37
You are more than half an hour late. Most of the time, you are very punctual, but some complications hit you out of nowhere, after you left the hotel. You had to take care of them for the whole afternoon.
But as soon as the door opens, all of the stress and thoughts about work are out of the window.
"H-Hello, daddy."
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The Fate Of A Fae - Part 3
Marvel AU
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader x Steve Rogers
Theme: Soulmates / Monster/Fantasy AU
You know on sight. Friends also know when they meet you if you're a match for one of their friends.
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Summary: Natasha Romanoff is a meddling, pain in the ass Sprite, who you wrongly thought would leave you alone once you introduced her to your best friend, Darcy. News flash, she doesn’t and she won’t. Not when she thinks you’re a perfect match for two of her best friends. Could she be right? Maybe. Just don’t tell her that.
“Never tell Natasha Romanoff she was right” - Clint Barton
Chapter Summary: This Zoom call could have been an email and the reader is starting to teeter.
If this Zoom call went on any longer you were going to take the pen you’d been twiddling in your fingers for the last half hour and gauge it into one of your eyes.
Dramatic but a Zoom call that could have been an email or voice-note was not what you wanted or needed this morning.
You continued to look out of the window again. The drizzle of the rain and wind a reflection of your mood. Probably too windy for dragons too.
Your laptop pinged with a WhatsApp message and you immediately regretted adding it to your desktop. There was a reason your phone was off. Luckily the others had seemed to have taken the hint. Your work acquaintances not so much.
Tyler At least act interested
Did you mute yourself so we couldn’t hear you sighing, because we can still see your eyes rolling you know!!!
Shit she’s asking you a question!!!!
You tried to style out you jumping up in your seat and your eyes going wide as you scrambled to take yourself off mute.
“Sorry you broke up at the start?” you lied.
Amanda huffed, she knew you weren’t paying attention but let it slide. You were one of the best freelance editors she had. Your deadlines were always met, you were meticulous in your work and you could hold your own with the writers, even with some of the more arsehole creatures. The fact you weren’t paying attention was out of character. Glancing at the screen she knew the other two editors were on friendly terms with you and Tyler’s concerned face along with Marshall’s frown pushed her to break her usual ‘no casual chat’ protocol.
“Y/N? Is everything ok?”
You felt a lump form in your throat. Was it that obvious that something was wrong? That someone that barely knew you would ask if you were ok?”
“What do you mean?”
“Are you alright? You don’t seem like your usually bright, sarcastic self.” She said lightly trying to make light of the situation, when in all honesty you looked like shit, and this book was awful. You’d usually have given opening notes on how bad it was but you’d barely said hello.
“I’m fine” you replied too quickly for any of their liking.
“Are you sure kid? You don’t look good.” Marshall replied.
Tyler put his head in his hands. Fuck you were 100% going to lose it now. Marshall might have been 10 years older than you but him calling you kid was something you hated, him pointing out the obvious of you looking like death warmed up was sure to make you snark back.
“I’m fine. What was the question?”
Tyler couldn’t help but let his mouth fall open in shock. Where was the snarky reply?
Amanda repeated the question a frown across her forehead.
“We were going over plot issues?”
“One sec I have a list” you’d replied, reading them out like a shopping list, no usual sarcastic notes to go with them. As you rounded up the end of your notes the funny anecdotes were back but the glint in your eye that usually came with them wasn’t.
“It’s basically like he’s watched a bunch of Walking Dead, 28 Days Later, a couple of low budget movies and pushed them together. How the virus started has changed three times and we’re a third in.”
“Okay, okay. Let’s pause on this, put in your invoices so far and make a start on the next project.”
The next thirty minutes was spending prepping for the next project. This time a military and spy type drama, which was almost entirely human based.
“So it’s a fantasy drama then?” Tyler had quipped.
“Just make a start please.” Amanda replied pleadingly.
“Y/N? You OK to lead this one?” Marshall asked. You were looking out the window again.
“Y/N?” Amanda asked.
“Sorry what?”
“Are you good to lead? And actually what’s so interesting on that side of the room?” Amanda asked.
“The window.” Tyler replied for you.
“I’ve been to her apartment, it’s the window.”
“What? I’m not doing anything?!” you interrupted.
“I just asked if you were good to lead?” Marshall asked softly again.
Clearly you weren’t. Leading meant checking everyone’s work, being thorough and you couldn’t even pay attention on a zoom call.
“Actually no.”
There was a flurry of gasps and widening eyes.
“I don’t have any military background, and I’m not entirely human am I so, I don’t think I should lead this one. I should be last edit.”
Your laptop pinged again.
Tyler What the fuck is going on?
You never take third!! You’re way too qualified for that.
Y/N what is going on?
You ignored it and looked back at the Zoom call. You were met with concerned faces. Amanda broke first.
“OK, why don’t we sleep on this and regroup tomorrow morning? But put in your invoices for the zombie trash.”
You nodded, trying to hold yourself together and left the call. You pushed down your emotions and pure exhaustion and decided going back to bed with a cup of tea and some chocolate was the answer. Yeah that was it, you were a bit hormonal and that was the problem. It had nothing to do with meeting one of your soulmates, your complete lack of self worth and the fact you were damaged, along with your ears now felt like they were on fire.
Yet none of that had stopped you looking out the window hoping to see Bucky again. It’s too wet and windy for dragons anyway.
As you pulled a mug from the drainer, your favourite mug no less, you caught it on the stack of plates, sending them towards the floor. Trying to catch them you caught the mug on the worktop and broke it in half.
It went downhill from there when you threw what was left of it on to the floor in your temper. This was quickly followed by you swiping all the other dishes off the drainer as a scream of frustration ripped from your throat. You burst into tears and slipped down on the floor and sobbed.
Your laptop pinged repeatedly. Messages and missed calls from your work colleagues.
Then Darcy.
Darcy Boo Can you pick up please? Tyler called. He said you were out of it on the work call. Are you ok?
Please? I’m worried.
Bucky Doll, is everything ok?
Precious, I’m going to need you to answer me.
I’m coming over there if you don’t reply.
Look, I know we aren’t bonded yet but I know something is off.
You have 5 minutes to reply or I’m coming over.
Answer me.
On the other side of the room, sitting on the floor among broken plates and mugs, your sobs slowed as you drifted off to sleep.
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depressopax · 6 months
Dale Cooper NSFW Alphabet
Part 4 - Q-T
Fandom - Twin Peaks
» Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3 «
Pairing: Dale Cooper x gender-neutral reader Genre: Smut, headcanons Warning(s): Sexual content. MDNI! Public sex, toys, mentions of pregnancies. Words: 0.6k Summary: Part 4 of my Dale Cooper NSFW alphabet challenge. Q-T (Quickie, risk, stamina, toys) English is not my main language, if I make any spelling mistakes please let me know so I can improve my writing! <3 » AO3 link || Masterlist || Request «
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Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Dale is not that big of a fan when it comes to quickies tbh
He wants to take his time and savor every moment with you.
…And really take his time when fucking you/getting fucked
But another reason he doesn’t like them is because he’s needy in bed.
Once started, he can spend hours pleasuring you. The thought of you leaving if you for example need to leave for work after a quickie is a turn-off and frustrates him.
He doesn’t see the point of them and thinks they’re “too messy”
However, if you're both in the mood he’ll make an exception 👀
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R = Risk (are they game to experiment? Do they take risks? etc.)
He’s pretty vanilla and honestly weirded out by BDSM etc 😭
He would NEVER judge someone for their sexual preferences, but he’d be like “Oh🧍”
He’s open to experiment, and since he’s a switch the possibilities are endless ;)
He prefers using condoms when having sex
As an extra protection, to prevent pregnancies but also because it feels like the least messy option.
He’s not a risk taker - meaning he doesn’t feel comfortable with doing it in public either.
At least not initiate it himself.
Once, you probably gave him a handjob when in public only to watch him go all flustered in nervous; You once teased him under the table, feeling him grow hard. He gave you a warning glance to which you smiled sheepishly. You slid your hand into his pants and felt his hardened member twitch against your palm. “Not here! What if we… Fuck…” …And then he was lost. He felt too good to be nervous and all he could do was lean back and try to act unbothered - while trying to not moan. “...You’re gonna get so punished for this.”
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S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
His sex drive isn’t that high, but when in the middle of the act?
Homeboy can go at it for HOURS
He’ll alter between using his dick, hands and tongue. 
After climax - with the right amount of teasing and touching - he recovers quickly.
When he’s on top or dominating you, he usually edges himself to heighten the pleasure but also so he lasts longer.
He LOVES climaxing at the same time as you, and will wait so you can “come together” lol
However… If he’s being a bottom or sub, he doesn’t last long.
The right amount of teasing and you moving on top of him is enough for him to lose control.
It gets worse when you taunt him for it too - it only turns him on further 😭
He cums quickly - luckily his stamina is high so you can continue having fun ;)
Sometimes it might even get a bit overwhelming for you. 
He’d be so energetic in bed honestly
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T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Pretty clueless when it comes to toys.
He finds one of your sex toys, totally fascinated by it lmao
“So… You use this to… Masturbate?” “...Yea” “Awesome! Can I try it on you?”
A bit weirded out at first
But he really likes using them on you
…And on himself too
That’s not something he tells you, tho.
But if you buy him a sex toy and use it on him, he wouldn’t complain at all ;)
Once comfortable with toys, he buys you toys to use alone or with him.
The thought of you using a toy he brought to satisfy yourself turns him on. 
…And then he discovered he has a kink for sex-toys. 
Seriously, he’ll buy you all kinds of toys to try. One of the few times he’ll be risky in bed 🤭
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Thanks for reading! If you've made it this far - Please check out my very first chapter fanfiction! I'll link it down below. It would mean a lot to me, if not to read but to like or share! Thank you. <3 Take care!!
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lathalea · 2 years
My King, I would like you to send me ❄️ - a Dwarven winter tradition!
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My Dear Lady Lemond57,
I hope my letter finds you in good health. Are the low temperatures bothering you greatly? The winter has unleashed its wrath upon the slopes of the Lonely Mountain and the constant snowstorms make it barely possible to venture outside. We have not seen clear blue sky for over a month and snow seems to constantly fall from the sky. Therefore, I have no way of knowing whether — and when — you are going to receive my letter. In the meantime, my people are doing our best to keep our spirits up during the coldest days. Balin is complaining that these freezing temperatures outside are not good at all for his poor joints and Dori curses the draughts in the upper levels of our kingdom, but rest assured, the heat from the forges keeps us sufficiently warm. Dwarves praise Mahal for making our bodies both sturdy as rocks and our tempers fiery. The fire that runs in our veins protects us from the cold, but I am aware that the people of Men do not take well to low temperatures. Therefore, along with this letter I am sending a thick blanket made from the finest Iron Hills wool. May it keep you warm during the coldest days of this season.
You asked me about Dwarven winter traditions and I will be more than happy to oblige. There is one that brings a smile to many a face under the Mountain: the Yule Goats. Every year, when the winter festival of Yule is upon us, two large mountain goats, a male and a female, appear at the Main Gate of Erebor out of nowhere. They are accompanied by a colourfully clad couple of mysterious Dwarves with goatherd’s crooks adorned with ribbons and little bells. Each of the goats is laden with countless gifts. Then, the Goat Herders and their hooved friends make rounds through our kingdom, giving gifts to everyone they meet. No one knows the true identity of the Dwarves and the goats and no one knows where they come from, but they always know what kind of gift to give to every Dwarf they encounter on their way. For example, this year, I received a new pair of sturdy walking boots that fitted me perfectly. The Yule Goats brought my sister a beautiful set of combs — she lost hers barely two days earlier! How did they know? Dwalin, on the other hand, was given a jar of fragrant pomade for his moustache and beard. He reddened like a beetroot at that! The Yule Goats were clearly hinting at the fact that he should take good care of himself and braid his hair. I am certain that you know how much we care for our beards, but if a Dwarf is to double his efforts on this front, it can only mean that it is time for them to look for a spouse. Nori made a bet with Bifur that Dwalin will start courting someone before the spring comes into its rights. There is one present, however, that alarmed my sister greatly.
My sister-son Fili received yet another pair of sharp blades made from the best dwarven steel, but Kili… well, there was a bib in his gift box. According to Dís, it can mean only one thing: she is about to become a grandmother and she is mortified because Kili is not even courting anyone. At least not to her knowledge. But the Yule Goats are never wrong. Fili informed her that the reason behind this gift was simply the way Kili usually eats. Quite untidy, to put it mildly. Surely enough, my younger sister-son did not like this suggestion and informed his brother about it by wrestling him down to the floor. Fili, as you can imagine, responded in turn and it took Dís and me a significant amount of time to separate them. Luckily none of them sustained any serious injuries besides their bruised egos. In addition, I am glad to say that all of the furniture in my study survived this time.
I will not bore you any longer with further details of my everyday life; Balin reminds me that it is time for the council meeting.
May Mahal watch over you in the coming year and if you ever find yourself in the vicinity of my kingdom, you are more than welcome to visit.
Your humble servant,
👑 Thorin Oakenshield
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Any headcanons about TF2 sneezes? :⁰
Ah, yes, TF2…one of my not so secret loves! I must say, this is a fantastic ask to come back to!
He has a pretty standard sneeze - one or two into the back of the hand.
However, covering or stifling isn’t in his vocabulary, which means that his sneezes can get pretty loud if it’s been coming for a while. He is also very vocal, no matter how much he needs to sneeze.
He’s also the kind of person that will commentate on his sneeze, both before and after.
“H-hold on, I’m gonna - HTCH’CHOO!”
“Snf! Ugh, I’ve been waitin’ for that all day.”
He’s not allergic to anything in particular, but his number one reason for sneezing is all the dust, dirt, and sand that’s kicked up during a mission.
Scout has a great sense of smell - just like his dad - so strong perfumes and spices bothers his nose more than he’d like to admit.
His sneezes become even more wet when he’s sick, which he cleans up with the bottom or collar of his shirt instead.
Because his skin is so pale, his nose and ears become dark red when he’s come down with a cold.
When it comes to other people’s sneezes, he was raised to say “bless ya” so he often does without even thinking about it.
However, it’s often followed up by teasing, especially if it’s Spy.
“Aw, gross!” is usually his go-to.
You would think that such a big guy would have a huge sneeze, and you may be right.
However, Heavy makes it a point to not fully sneeze any chance he can.
This leads to his sneezes usually sounding more like he’s being strangled.
He also religiously uses his handkerchief, putting it fully over his nose and turning away before every sneeze.
After he’s finished, he blesses himself in Russian while he blows his nose.
Heavy only has one allergy, and it’s quite a strange one: ladybugs.
Luckily, with how hot it is, ladybug sightings are few and far between.
But Medic using ladybug serum for tear gas had some…not so great results for Heavy, who is often in the lab.
Because Heavy takes good care of himself, sickness is rare. When he does catch a cold, though, his sneezes grow more and more desperate and messy.
Even still, no merc has ever seen him sneeze without pinching his nose or his handkerchief firmly over his nostrils.
This means it takes him a bit longer to recover than most, as he doesn’t allow himself to release the illness.
When other people sneeze, he’ll quickly bless them. After learning more about his comrades, he has also taken to blessing them in their native languages.
He is also the mercs main caretaker, always noticing sickness first and helping the person get better. He gets almost comically fussy, worrying about the the sick merc like a mother hen.
It is also one of the many times Heavy likes to cook for the mercs, usually a hearty stew with small, round, flat “cakes”.
This man SCREAMS his sneezes. You can hear his nose from across the base.
However, he at least tries to sneeze in the crook of his elbow…sometimes.
He only uses tissues if he’s congested, and he never has any on-hand.
He usually wipes his nose on the back of his hand, especially on the field. However, he refuses to wipe it on his uniform - something about “wiping his nose on America”?
His biggest allergy is pollen. Growing up around a power plant doesn’t give you a whole lot of opportunities for your body to accumulate to nature. Luckily, not much blooms near the base.
However, the occasional dandelion seed or cut flowers will send him sniffling.
It’s not too difficult to tell when Soldier is getting sick - unlike his normal, unnecessarily loud sneezes, his sick sneezes are pretty quiet, but still just as harsh.
This leads most of the mercs to believe that him sneezing loudly is on purpose - honestly, it wouldn’t surprise them, since Soldier is booming in every other aspect.
His nose gets less red than the paler mercs, but it does get very swollen and painful. Not to mention extremely congested.
When other people sneeze, instead of saying the normal “bless you,” he’ll say, “God bless America!” Eh, close enough.
He refers to any time one of the mercs are sick as “sick leave” or “shore leave”.
He also has to be kept from using different “army remedies” on the sick merc - one of which is covering the chest with peanut butter and lighting it on fire.
Due to his almost continuous drunkenness, Demo’s nose is pretty sensitive.
It tingles and buzzes when he’s tipsy, meaning that anything can set him off.
He has loud, rough sneezes, and they get louder the more alcohol is in his system.
It’s also very clear when he’s about to sneeze, as he usually has to focus all of his energy on getting it out.
A lot of mercs tease him about this, even to the point of him losing the sneeze entirely.
When he does sneeze, he uses the back of his hand to cover (as best he can), and a rag in his pocket to blow his nose.
He doesn’t have any allergies, but his nose is generally sensitive because of the alcohol he drinks.
When he catches a cold, his face becomes even more swollen the usual, and his sneezes are more forthcoming.
If he’s drunk and sick, which is usually the case, he sneezes CONSTANTLY. Anything from gunpowder to rubbing alcohol to dirt to sunlight can render him a sneezy mess.
If one of the mercs sneeze, he usually says, “gesundheit” or “dia leat.” If someone sneezes more than twice, it’s usually accompanied with, “Don’t blow yer head off!”
If anyone comes down with a cold, you better bet that Demo will give you some good scrumpy - even against Medic’s orders.
Sniper has mastered the art of stifling, even to the point where his unstifled sneezes are rarely ever vocal.
If he’s trying to hold back, his sneezes are completely silent.
He usually sneezes into the crook of his arm, especially when he’s on the field and that’s the closest part of the body to his face when he’s holding a rifle.
When he’s not working, he’ll often dip the front of his hat down with every sneeze, turning away if necessary.
He also grits his teeth, making a harsh “CHHH!” sound.
He doesn’t have any allergies, but he does have a photic sneeze response, which is one of the reasons he wears a large-brimmed hat and dark sunglasses.
When he’s ill - which is pretty rare - his nostrils are so slender that, though he can stifle his sneezes pretty easily, he sniffles relentlessly.
This means that his nose is often irritated and red if he catches a cold, both from rubbing it with his finger and the tissues he keeps on hand.
When someone sneezes around him, he’s usually in the chorus of “bless yous”. He doesn’t usually pay too much attention unless it sounds like someone is getting sick.
Since Sniper hates catching colds, or any other illness, he avoids sick mercs like the literal plague. He has been known to take revenge on people he suspects had gotten him sick.
Medic, for all his terrifying traits, has an almost comical sneeze.
It’s higher pitched, and usually come in multiples, each one getting higher than the last.
Heavy teases him for it often, but only good-naturedly as he offers him a handkerchief.
Medic himself keeps tissues in his pockets, but often forgets to replace them, meaning that he usually just has a pocket full of used ones.
If he doesn’t have a tissue, the crook of his arm works just fine. Or inside of a surgical mask.
He has a ferocious allergy to cats - one of the many reasons he doesn’t like them - and just being near one will cause several sneezing fits. When Scout found a stray kitten and decided to keep it in the lab, you can guess how well that went.
Medic gets sick every year along with the rest of the mercs (the yearly “Merc Flu” as they call it), and would usually ignore his symptoms.
However, it’s gotten to the point where he takes sick days immediately - not because he isn’t willing to risk his health, but because Heavy would throttle him.
He gets very, very red in the cheeks, ears, and nose when he’s sick, and it’s one of the only times he wears a mask.
When someone else sneezes, he usually says, “gesundheit” or “salut”. He can also usually tell with one sneeze whether or not they need to stop by the lab.
When mercs are sick, they are usually sent to the lab to quarantine, sleeping on a cot in the sick bay. Medic will usually take up his knitting hobby or read so that he won’t wake them up with experiments, and they’ll be available if needed.
Because of the mask they wear, Pyro doesn’t sneeze very often.
But whether a bit of hair tickles their nostrils or a speck of dust makes it through their mask, when they sneeze, it’s a doozy.
It’s very loud, very wet, and very messy.
They usually have to take their mask off to clean afterwards.
However, most of the time, things like allergies don’t bother them, as the mask protects them from most pathogens.
This also goes for illnesses - most of the time. On the off-chance that Pyro does get sick, there is an entire protocol dedicated to such an event.
Pyro will stay in their room, not the sick bay. No one will come in, as they are likely to be unmasked. A whole week will be set aside for their recovery.
When someone else sneezes, Pyro mumbled their blessings. Or, well, something. No one is quite sure what they say after someone sneezes.
Because of their mask, they are very handy in the lab with Medic if someone is ill. However, they never take direct care of a patient - imagine looking up and seeing a gas mask stare back at you!
His sneezes are very vocal, both before, during, and after.
Before a sneeze, even if he’s alone, he’ll say, “‘Scuse me-!”
Even though he isn’t particularly loud, Engie’s sneezes are very distinct, with a jump near the end: “hhhh’tchIEW!”
And afterwards, he’ll usually say, “Phew!” or “Sorry ‘bout that.”
Because he’s worked in dusty, dark, and musty places all his life, Engie doesn’t have any major allergies.
The closest thing is when he sneezes after opening a new bottle of oil or any other strong-smelling chemical.
However, he does get sick just as much as the rest of the mercs, if not more.
The reason is that he’s one of the more willing people to get near sick people, especially if they need his help.
One day he helps Scout get to the sick bay, the next, he’s sniffling and sneezing in the cot next to him!
He always blesses people when they sneeze. He usually has the loudest, “Bless ya!” out of everyone.
And if anyone is sick, he’d take the shirt off his back just so they could use it as a handkerchief. Is it any wonder he’s usually one of the first people sick?
Like Sniper, Spy is a master stifler. If you aren’t paying close attention to him, you might wonder if he ever sneezes at all.
He usually grimaces, wrinkles his nose, and squeezes his eyes shut, only moving slightly.
He also always keeps a handkerchief handy in case he needs to get rid of any evidence.
Spy, like his son, has a fantastic sense of smell. This is useful in espionage, but terrible for allergies.
If a perfume is too strong, a wine too potent, a powder too fine, he’ll have a very quick reaction.
But, due to his extensive training and experience, he is very good at hiding this fact.
Almost like a pet bird, Medic needs to keep a special eye on Spy when it comes to illness.
The details of his sickness are so minute that most won’t even notice - a slight nasal tone, fatigue, harsh swallowing. His sneezes are still controlled as ever, but his face becomes more and more pained after each one.
Usually it’s Engineer who will delicately suggest - or even deceive - that Spy take a day off. However, instead of the sick bay, Spy will spend it in his smoking room, wearing a robe and listening to old records.
Spy usually says “salut” if no one else is there to say bless you, but only out of politeness. If it’s Scout or Demo, this might be followed up with, “Disgusting.”
If he has an inkling that someone is sick, he will stay as far away from them as possible. He abhors getting sick, and will take any measures necessary to stay healthy.
However, he has been known to go into the sick bay with a cup of chamomile tea after a merc has been coughing or sneezing, hand it to them, and say, “Now please. Shut up.” However, this is the extent of his kindness
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Medwhump May 2024
Day 7 - Unresponsive
TW: Ladywhump, drug use, drug overdose
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Erick never considered running away from Fetch. The closest he'd gotten to that train of thought was when he started doing his own jobs, making his own money, and wondering if he could earn enough to pay Fetch back... and then he met Lucy.
It had been...three years or so since Erick first "met" Fetch. He was eighteen now and a lot had changed. He had a lot more freedom, yet at the same time he didn't. Fetch helped him get his license, falsifying the paperwork with Tito's help. Before that he was teaching him how to steal cars, since you'd never know when you would need a vehicle in their line of work, and he let him keep one of the cars he stole instead of selling it.
So Erick had his own vehicle, but he wasn't allowed to take it out whenever he pleased. He had plenty of marketable skills to make money, but Fetch only allowed him to take simple assignments from Tito. Luckily, however, Tito paid and tipped well, and all he had to do was make deliveries.
He never asked about the contents of the packages he was paid to deliver, but the fact that he had to hide them in a compartment underneath his spare wheel told him everything he needed to know. Sometimes it was a single box for one address, and other times it was a box with many small packages for a bunch of people.
Over time, Erick began recognising names and addresses that were recurring, especially the smaller packages. One of them, he found particularly interesting. She was always at the end of his delivery rounds, so he could drop off her package after she got off work.
They met at her work address; a stripclub just off the highway in the middle of the city. Usually Erick would be early. He'd find a spot to park and then waited for her by the back entrance. If he was running late, she'd be waiting for him in her car in her usual parking spot right next to one of the last remaining working lampposts.
Today he was running late. One road was closed for construction and the other had a traffic accident. He really hoped she wouldn't mind the longer wait. She tended to get anxious when she had to wait too long, and that made him feel bad. To be frank, he didn't like delivering the likely contents of her packages to her in general, having seen from his other addresses what that could do to a person, and she was so nice, he thought she deserved so much better.
When he turned into the parking lot, he already recognised her car under the lamppost. A pale yellow hatchback that could honestly use a new paintjob, which she could probably never afford with her habit. Erick pulled into the parking bay next to her, the package safely tucked away in his pocket as he got out and reached for the door handle of the passenger's side of her car...but it didn't open.
"Luce, it's me," Erick said, knocking on the window.
Her name was actually Lucy, but Erick had always had the tendency to shorten people's names if he liked them — If they didn't mind, of course. And Lucy didn't seem to mind...nor did she seem to respond to his knocking.
Erick frowned, and peered through the window, cupping his hands around his eyes to be able to see into the dark car. Lucy was sitting in the driver's seat, blonde, wavy hair covering her face, her denim jacket just about one size too small to properly fit the hoodie underneath, and her short shorts barely hiding the line of work she was really in. But more importantly...she wasn't moving.
Erick moved to the other side of the car, hoping she was just sleeping and he just needed to be closer to wake her up. But as he peered through the driver's side window, Lucy suddenly convulsed. Erick's heart skipped a beat, and not in the fun way.
"Lucy?!" he yelled, slamming his hand on the window while trying to open her door, but she had locked all her doors, for safety probably, considering the environment. Erick cursed under his breath, running back to the trunk of his car and opening it. He lifted up his spare tire, pulling out the wrench underneath and hurried back to Lucy's car, using the wrench to break the passenger side window.
Once the glass gave out enough, he reached in and pulled on the interior handle, causing the door to unlock. He quickly yanked it open and crawled into the car to check on Lucy. He tilted her head back, swiping her hair out of her face. The interior light had turned on when he opened the door, giving him a better look at her face. Her lips were blue, and she didn't seem to be breathing.
"Jesus Christ, what did you take?" Erick muttered, shaking her shoulders a little in an attempt to wake her up. When that didn't work, he formed his hand into a fist and somewhat roughly rubbed the middle of her chest up and down, just like Fetch showed him when teaching him some first aid. When that didn't work, he put a hand on her throat to feel for a pulse, which was there, but she wasn't breathing.
He tilted her head back further, prying her mouth open and squeezing her nose shut. He took a deep breath, locking his lips over hers and breathing out. He sat back, giving her a chance to exhale and hopefully inhale on her own, but she didn't, so he helped her take another breath.
"Come on, Luce," he muttered, before trying a third time.
When he made it to ten, he paused briefly to pull out his phone, spamming the only number he had on speed dial and putting it on speaker before giving Lucy more breaths, checking her pulse again when a familiar voice rang out from his phone.
"You better have a damn good reason to call this late," Fetch grumbled.
"Uh yeah one of my clients overdosed, I think," Erick said, between rescue breaths, "she's not breathing!"
"The fuck are you calling me for? Call her an ambulance and get the hell out of there," Fetch said.
"If I leave her she'll die!" Erick said, sounding a bit out of breath at this point, "I'll get arrested if I call, don't I?"
"Not if you don't tell them anything incriminating," Fetch said, "there's this thing called Good Samaritan laws that should protect you. If you do get arrested, make sure they can't find your ID and when they offer you your one phone call, call Tito and he'll have your back since you're on his clock. Understood?"
"O-okay," Erick said. He couldn't help but to start feeling a bit nervous.
"When you call 9-1-1, tell them you you have a suspected overdose, the patient is unresponsive, and any other details you know about her; her name, estimated age, and if they need more they'll ask you," Fetch advised, "are you administering first aid?"
"I'm literally...breathing into her mouth," Erick said, "I dunno if she has...a good pulse...but there is one."
"Tell 'em that too," Fetch said, "I'm gonna hang up now. Don't wake me up when you get home."
Erick rolled his eyes, giving Lucy another breath before dialling 911 and putting his phone on speaker again as the operator responded. He continued to take care of her to the best of his abilities until the ambulance arrived, the EMTs making quick work of pulling Lucy out of the car and putting her on a gourney, managing to administer oxygen properly.
Erick stayed out of their way, hoping they wouldn't ask any questions beyond when he found her, what her state was then, and how long he'd been helping her. Luckily they didn't have the time to ask for details, having to rush her off to hospital, though Erick didn't exactly feel better as they left him alone in the parking lot after that.
He had no way to contact her, since all information always came through Tito, so he might never know what happened to her, unless...
He looked back inside her car, finding her keys in the contact and taking them out. He pulled out his phone and called a contact from a nearby garage for a tow truck. He did smash her window, so the least he could do was have it fixed for her. He left a note in the club's mailbox, asking them to tell Lucy where her car had been towed to, and when his contact came to pick it up, he asked him to let him know when the car had been picked up.
Hopefully at least that way he would find out one day whether she lived or not. He still felt like he should've done more, but after the tow truck drove off, there was literally nothing he could do but to drive home and wait for news...
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OKAy so Erick is aged up in this fic because he doesn't meet Lucy before then (except in AU), but details. I whish I could showcase her better, but that would defeat the purpose of today's prompt.
This one's for the ladywhump enjoyers, even tho it's a lot from Erick's POV, but I was still really excited to write it because I too am guilty of not putting the girlies through it enough.
I might do more of these if inspiration strikes, so stay on the lookout ladywhump enjoyers 🙏
Masterlist Main account
Taglist: @lavndvrr (for a brief interaction, but it's thems nontheless 🤭)
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demonfox38 · 8 months
Completed - Shantae: Risky's Revenge
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You know what? I did like that Capcom NES "Little Mermaid" game. You would be absolutely right about that.
Round Two of my "Play More Steam Games" year started off rough. Windows 11 sought to be a prima donna, refusing to render anything but a black screen for two of the games from my Steam library. Luckily, all it took was forcing the executables to run in a higher priority mode through System -> Display -> Graphics, but man. That was a two-hour headache I didn't need.
Of the two games I had tested, "Shantae: Risky's Revenge" won out in terms of priority. Granted, had I known what I do now, maybe I would have tabled this one for just a little longer. It wasn't exactly watching "The Empire Strikes Back" before "A New Hope", but it may have been watching "Attack of the Clones" before anything else!
The "Shantae" series in its current incarnation is a set of Metroidvania-styled games starring the titular Shantae, the often hired and fired protector of Scuttle Town (and Sequin Land) at large. When I say "in its current incarnation", I don't mean to imply any gameplay changes. What I am trying to say is that "Shantae" was both simultaneously notable and niche in its first incarnation. Notable, in that even I—some nobody kid from Iowa—knew about this game. Niche, in…well, let's just say poor sales and the general screwed-up state of the second-hand game market has resulted in this:
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Dude, I own a physical copy of "Earthbound", and even those prices make me want to scream. Like, we can talk about how it might be wasteful to have companies like Limited Run Games reprint copies of games, but when this second-hand market the alternative…(Also, who do we have to bribe to get "Power Blade 2" re-released? Because JFC on those prices, too.)
Since the ancient days of the Game Boy Color, the Shantae series has had a more consistent game release schedule, cranking out a new Metroidvania about once every 3-5 years. This started with 2010's "Shantae: Risky's Revenge," the sequel to the aforementioned cult classic. In it, Shantae is tasked with securing three magic seals and recovering a stolen lamp from Risky Boots, her arch-nemesis from the previous game. Alongside a Belmont-esque hair whip attack, Shantae is also blessed with the ability to cast spells and transform into various creatures. Granted, given that these powers come to her via being half genie, you can imagine what a problem that stolen lamp just might turn out to be for her…
Originally, this game was released on the Nintendo DSi, a late-stage iteration of the Nintendo DS known for its implementation of a digital shop. Which, uh…I'm guessing isn't operational anymore. The iteration I played was the so-called "Director's Cut", which generally changed menu presentation and character artwork to use higher-resolution images. It seems like it also preserved a bonus mode that was made for an iOS version of the game, which feels a bit more substantial than just updating portraits.
Given the collapse of online shops, it's just lucky this game is available at all. (More reasons to go physical, right? Well, if game publishers ever put a complete product on their cartridges/discs in the modern era, anyway…)
There are two dichotomies in Metroidvania games that aren't often discussed. For me, these are offensive styles and end goals. See, "Metroid" games typically operate via fast ranged gameplay while "Castlevania" takes more methodical strikes, often keeping within slugging distance of its foes (Charlotte Aulin and arguably Shanoa being exemptions.) Extending from that, "Metroid" games are more rewarding for speed than item collection/map completion, while "Castlevania" games tend to reward meeting extensive collecting goals or world exploration. (There are some exceptions here too for the "Metroid" series, but it's usually more about getting tits and TFO than how many lore dumps or missile expansions you left behind.)
I bring this up because I think it helps to explain how I like my particular Metroidvania mixes and how "Shantae: Risky's Revenge" falls into this spread. See, I wouldn't classify myself as a fast gamer. I'll do weird things, and if I want to prove something, I do them as hard as I can. But, generally, I want to experience as much as I can in one go-around. I want my marks to be high in figuring out how to worm into certain locations or call a game director's bullshit. (Looking at you, Igarashi.) I'm not the kind to grind something over and over again until the speed and efficiency of my gameplay makes someone's pants fly off. I mean, I love watching other people do that, but man. I'm just not wired up to be wired. Plus, I've got hundreds of other games that I want to play in my lifetime, so I want to make what may be my only time with a game count.
So, where's "Shantae: Risky's Revenge"?
Fight-wise, this is pretty "Castlevania." Like, I wouldn't classify Shantae as being as robust as a Belmont, but the melee-ranged whipping and magic spells on a limited meter make it pretty clear that she'd fall on the "Castlevania" side of things. Good for me! Mostly. I mean, she doesn't seem to have that movement trick that Alucard et. al have where you can spam attacks at twice the speed intended by hop-slashing, but she's functional.
Girl absolutely needs that hair conditioner, though. Definitely an item worth saving up for!
Goal-wise? The game's making a cake sandwich, and it's really trying its damnedest to eat it. You can receive achievements for just finishing the game, as well as finishing it with all items, finishing it under four hours, and then finishing it both under four hours and with all items. The ending itself doesn't seem to change all that much, which is a bummer, as it ends where most "Metroid" games begin. Frankly, all you get out of it is a different picture after the credits. But, if that's something you want to tackle, boy howdy. You do you.
In terms of difficulty, the game is…honestly, very strange. Like, I was almost tempted to say that this is a good Metroidvania game for beginners, but then I hit the Battle Tower. Holy crap. One of my Tumblr mutuals mentioned that the Battle Tower is where they bailed on the game, and I can't blame them. It's a timed ascent up 10 flights of stairs filled with monster battles and a whopping 2 minutes on the clock. Like, you do get time extenders in pots between fights, but yikes. That's not something you want to deal with when you're playing late at night to recover from your mind-numbing, soul-sucking existence.
Even that tower's difficulty might not be its own fault. I think the UI for the game's shop is not clear or helpful. There's two different currencies the game uses for items (gems and jams), and the latter is not initially defined with great clarity. Like, when you look at this, what do you think this item costs?
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It's supposed to be 1 jam, 150 gems. But, I read that as 150 jams. Like, you get maybe a fifth of that in game max. But, when you're trying to be an independent gamer and not reading guides, that measurement can be very confusing. It should really be 1🫙150 💎, if you're going to involve icons in the mix.
Do your chemistry teacher a favor, alright? Keep your units straight.  
Outside of my computation issues with the shop, I found some of the later levels' platforming to be daunting. Like, I don't know how to say this without sounding weird, but I like Metroidvania games because they generally are more forgiving about platforming than a standard game. You fell? Oh, well. Just don't land in the acid or lava or spikes, and you can try again. Maybe chug some health potions. Here? It's a bit more on "Zelda" rules, so failure isn't the worst it could possibly be. It's just with as many fiddly, narrow platforms as the game throws at you, damage can add up really quickly.
Also, those Monkey Bullet puzzles are exercises in frustration. Slippery friction + precise square navigation = screaming monkey time.
One last weird note I made was on the game's achievement system. I'm fairly certain I got two achievements that I did not meet the criteria for receiving ("Tinkercide" and "Speed Run the Baron's Lair!") Which, hell. I guess if something is given in the favor of the player, why should I bitch? It just seems weirdly implemented.
Screw those two achievements regarding withholding a puppy from an NPC and hurting it, though. Surely, the game can find something better for me to do. Like, collect cats. Another mermaid shooting gallery. Hell, we're halfway to an "Ecco" game. Give me some hoops to jump through!  
It is lucky for the game that it is pretty damn unique and cute, at least in terms of style. Like, the character portraits are mid 2000s Flash animation quality, so eh there, but the sprites themselves are quite lovely. Everything is brightly colored and has a pleasant bounce to its movement. Looking at older "Shantae" footage, it seems like a lot of the animation style was preserved from the GBC game, which I imagine is a lovely touch for fans of the original game.
Sequin Land is a pretty cool setting as well. Like, my issues with this game aside, I can see why the "Shantae" games have become a solid franchise over the past decade. It's got a playful charm to it, something akin to what I grew up with in the 90s in terms of Arabian fantasy. The inclusion of the undead as a staple is a bit strange, but it's played with very well. It's the kind of game that makes you wonder if the link between zombification, civility, and coffee has something to do with adenosine receptors. I mean, I'm not a neurologist, but a part of me wants to take that joke about making coffee for zombies a little too far. It's a weird kind of inspiration, but you've gotta take it where you can get it!
Additionally, the transformation gimmick is simpler to set up than in the previous game. All it is here is holding a button down to cycle through animations until you get the one you need. I'm a simple woman. Give me a game where you can turn into a mermaid, and I'll find my own joy in it. I can bitch about the fiddliness of that monkey all day, but the mermaid? Yeah. Fine by me. (The elephant's okay too, I guess. At least it's good about keeping the undead dead!) 
I'm glad that the "Shantae" series made it past this game. Between the structural issues for "Risky's Revenge" and a bummer of an ending (regardless of your skill, mind you!), it would be a shame if this was the end of the run for Shantae. There are cool portions to it, but man, I can't really recommend it. The writing goes from juvenile to depressing, and the difficulty oscillates quite a bit, so I don't know who the audience for this would be other than previously existing "Shantae" fans. Theoretically, this could have been a great Metroidvania starter for preteens. But, man. I can't see many having the gumption to tough out shooting monkey puzzles and surprise speed-run segments.
Like, don't get me wrong. I've got "Shantae and the Pirate's Curse" downloaded and ready to go for later on. (Risky's not the only vindictive bitch here.) I just don't know if I'd be right up to bat for this particular title. I mean, if you get it as a gift or for under five USD, okay. File it under the "gift horse" idiom. But, I wouldn't go over $8.00 at the very least. I don't want to be one of those pricks that have a dedicated price point for each hour of a game, but I think a dollar an hour here is a fair estimate of overall value. And I got my first (and possibly only) run done in under 8 hours, so there you go. Value calculated.
Which isn't what this game's store owner did! BOOM! LAST MINUTE DRAG ON THE STUPID STORE USER INTERFACE!
Okay, I'm done. 
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chaoticcat32 · 2 years
Feral Bat Eddie 🦇
“Just… ugh! How’d they even do that!?”
Eddie shrieked in rage, angry at the fact that they defeated his well planned, thought out encounter with the bbeg. They just defeated him, in one round of combat, not even!
“It’s fine, man, it’s not a big deal. We’ll just…uh, you can make another campaign!”
“Another campaign?! Another campaign Henderson?! You know how long they take to make?”
Eddie just couldn’t get over himself, seething in rage that it was so easy for them! Those little shits. Luckily, Dustin wasn’t there, so he stormed out and went to his house to cool down. It was then that he began to morph.
It started with him growing larger, and Dustin just assumed that it was him going into his giant vampire form.
But then he started growing fur. Fur everywhere. It grew out of his face, his arms, his legs, his hands. His usual sharp claws grew even longer and sharper, extending far from the tips of his fingers. The bat ears on his head got even larger, each one about half the size of his whole head.
His snout began to grow outwards, a bat-like nose replacing his normal one. His eyes glossed over, red filling the entire area of his scleras, pupils, and irises until they were a solid blood-like color. Wings sprouted from his back, membranes growing down his back and legs, connected with a tail, like a bat’s would be.
Sharp fangs extended from a too-wide mouth, every single tooth long and sharp instead of just his canines.
Dustin looked up in horror, seeing his friend turn into what was essentially a giant bat monster with a curly black mullet.
Eddie’s head snapped over to Dustin, and he let out a loud shriek, screeching his name.
All that Dustin could hear, though, was a loud bat screech, no coherent words that he could decipher.
“Shit! Hey buddy, c-calm down! It’s ok!”
Eddie looked down at himself, seeing all the fur and his bat-like body. He then began to freak out.
He stumbled backwards, crashing into the wall and shrieking some more. He looked across the room and into Dustin’s mirror, seeing his admittedly terrifying face. He screeched once again, freaking out. He’d never looked like this before! He didn’t even know he could do that!
“God damnit, Eddie! How am I supposed to explain that to my mom!? You’re lucky she’s not home right now!”
Eddie snarled at Dustin, looking at him angrily. He then turned and crawled his way out of Dustin’s bedroom door.
“Where are you even going?!”
Eddie grumbled and made his way down the hall. Dustin’s cat, Tews, named after Mews, picked that exact moment to walk across the entrance to the hallway.
Tews turned and took one look at Eddie, before arching her back, ears flat against her head and all her hair standing on end, hissing at the monster.
Eddie narrowed his eyes and bared his teeth at the feline, letting out his own deep hiss mixed with a growl.
Tews then turned and bolted back the way she came, tail between her legs.
“Tews! Eddie, why’d you scare her like that?”
Eddie responded with a growl, glaring at Dustin and continuing to crawl down the hall.
“Fine, whatever, but what are you doing, dude?”
Eddie stopped, looked around and started sniffing the air. He got an excited look on his face, and began to bound to the front door.
“Eddie? What’d you smell?? Come back here! You can’t go outside like that!”
Dustin was promptly ignored and Eddie looked at the front door. How did you open this thing again?
Didn’t matter. He pushed on the door, the hinges creaking under the sheer force he was exerting in it.
“Eddie, I swear to god, you better not break my fucking front door!”
Once again, Dustin was ignored as Eddie gave one final push to the front door, the wood giving way and falling onto the porch.
“God dammit Eddie! What’d I say?!”
Eddie stomped forward, cracking the door to pieces as he walked over it, stalking out into the front yard.
“Fuck, my moms gonna kill me.” Dustin mumbled under his breath.
Once Eddie was outside, he gave a few more sniffs to the air, snapping his head to one direction.
Eddie began to spread his wings, getting ready to take off into the air.
“Whoa, whoa, wait! It’s the middle of the day, dude! You can’t fly out there right now! What are you even trying to get? You smell a lady bat or something?” Dustin teased.
Eddie turned to Dustin and snarled, looking angry.
“Whoa, ok I was just joking, jeez.”
Eddie put his wings down and began pacing around the yard, seemingly waiting for something. Every once and a while he’d pause and sniff the air, grumbling a little.
“Okay, how about we get you somewhere people can’t just drive by and see, ok?”
Eddie growled, but turned to Dustin and followed where he was taking him.
He watched as Dustin went to the little keypad by his garage and put the code in. The garage door opened and Eddie looked into the mostly empty space.
“Come on, in you go.”
Eddie looked at Dustin and wrinkled his nose, looking at the garage in disgust.
“Come on, man. People can’t see you like this!”
He got behind Eddie and began trying to push him towards the garage, pressing his entire body weight into the furry mass, but to no avail. Eddie stayed put, a blank expression on his face as he watched the smaller boy fail horribly.
It was then that Dustin spotted a car coming down the road, quickly recognizing it as Steve’s.
“Shit, Eddie, you really need to get in there, man! Like now!”
He promptly got up, causing Dustin to fall flat on his ass, and stalked over to the dank garage.
He got in, turning around and sitting just barely in the entrance.
Dustin ran over to the keypad, quickly putting the code in and shutting the door.
It slowly crawled shut as Steve pulled into the driveway.
“God damnit of course he was coming here!”
Eddie perked up as he saw Steve exit the car, his head following the garage door as it closed.
“What’re you doing, Henderson?”
“Oh, haha. Uh, nothing! I’m not doing anything!”
“Riiiight, well is Eddie here? He was pretty upset back there, just stormed out the door. Honestly he looked pissed.”
“Eddie? What? No, no. Eddie isn’t here.”
“Damn, I could’ve sworn he…”
Steve trailed off as he noticed the front door. Well. Lack thereof.
“What the hell happened there?”
Steve began to fast-walk towards the front porch, looking at the splinters on the ground.
“Sure as hell looks like he was here.”
Steve turned to Dustin, looking at him expectantly.
“Uh, we’ll, he was here. Yeah, he was! I uh, tried to calm him down but he kinda stormed off…” Dustin looked down at what used to be the door.
“What? Why didn’t you call me, man? I have a walkie.”
“Yeah, well, it didn’t seem like he wanted to be bothered.”
Just then, a banging noise could be heard coming from inside the house.
“What the hell was that?”
Steve pushed Dustin to the side and walked in the doorway, heading with purpose towards where the sound came from.
“Steve! Steve, wait! you know it’s impolite to just walk into someone’s house like that, right?”
“You’re acting weird, Henderson.”
Steve continued to walk to where the sound was, and Dustin jogged ahead of him.
He rounded the corner and saw a pair of bat ears poking out from behind the kitchen counter.
“Shit, hey, you! Back in the garage!”
He pushed a snarling Eddie back through the garage door and shut it, just in time for Steve to walk in the kitchen.
“Who’re you talking to dude?”
“Uh, myself.”
“You’re a weird kid. What was that noise anyways?”
“Uh…” Dustin looked around the kitchen, spotting the toaster on the ground. “Oh! The toaster! It was the toaster! Tews must’ve pushed it over, yeah!”
“Okaaay… are you sure Eddie still isn’t here?”
“Yeah, totally sure, he left, like, an hour ago.”
“Huh. Did he tell you where he was going?”
Dustin looked behind Steve, the garage door slowly and silently opening.
A giant bat face popped out, mouth opening to grab Steve.
“Uhm,” Dustin looked out the kitchen window to the side. “Whoa, what’s that out there!”
Steve glanced over, straining his eyes to see and stepping forward while Dustin shoved the head back in the garage, shutting the door again and locking it.
“I’m not seeing anything, man.”
“Really? I thought I saw a deer…”
“A deer. Really dude?”
“You know what, fine, I’ll just leave them I guess.”
Steve started to head towards the door when a loud bang came from the garage.
“God damnit.” Dustin whispered under his breath.
“What was that?”
“We’ve been having a raccoon problem. They like the garage. Pain in the ass trying to get rid of ‘em.”
Another bang, and a crash.
“You know what, I’ll go check, maybe I can shop them out.”
Dustin ran over to the garage door, opening it up and slipping inside.
The garage was a mess.
Eddie had thrown his mom’s glass vases she was storing in the garage all over the ground. Boxes were littered across the floor as well, contents spilled out. The bat was in the middle of swiping a shelf’s worth of things onto the ground when Dustin yelled at him.
“What the hell are you doing!?”
Eddie turned and looked at Dustin, snarling. His eyes were narrowed and he looked absolutely pissed.
“Hey, bud. Listen, we’ll get you out of the garage soon, okay?”
Eddie growled, his lips peeled back exposing all his teeth. He shrieked, desperately trying to say Steve’s name.
Dustin put his hands over Eddie’s mouth.
“Hey! Shut up, Steve’s gonna hear you!”
Eddie looked Dustin dead in the eyes and stuck his tongue out, coating his hands in saliva.
“Eww, that’s so disgusting.”
Steve’s voice rang out from behind the door, calling to Dustin.
“You alive in there, Henderson?”
“Yeah, it’s fine! Just the dumb raccoons again!”
Eddie perked up, looking over to where the voice was coming from. He tried to lunge for the door, put Dustin held him back, not letting him get to it.
Eddie growled at him, looking down at the smaller boy.
“Hey, I’m gonna go to the bathroom, ‘kay? Don’t die in there, and don’t get rabies either.”
“Sure, yeah, go ahead. I’ll be fine!”
Footsteps could be heard leaving the door, heading further into the house.
Eddie sat down and pouted, which was kind of hard for his scary bat face, put he somehow pulled it off.
“Why do you even wanna see Steve so bad?”
Eddie chirped, looking at Dustin sadly.
Dustin sighed, looking up at him.
“Look, you can see him, okay? We just have to fix you first.”
Eddie frowned, looking down at Dustin. Then his face morphed into a new look, like an idea just formed in his head.
“Uh, Eddie? Why are you looking at me like that?”
A grin spread across his face, and he leaned in closer to Dustin.
“Uh… ever heard of personal space buddy? No?”
Eddie launched himself forward, mouth open wide, and grabbed Dustin with his maw.
Dustin screamed, feet hanging out from between the sharp teeth.
Eddie takes care not to hurt Dustin as he pulls him the rest of the way into his mouth, licking him with his huge tongue.
“Eddie? Eddie spit me out! Spit me out now!”
Eddie pushed Dustin to the back of his mouth, swallowing him down his throat.
“God dammit Eddie!”
Dustin landed with a plop in Eddie’s stomach, and he walked over to the walls and started pounding on them.
“Let me out asshole!”
Eddie made disgruntled noises at the struggling Dustin was doing and poked his stomach, sending the teen stumbling back.
“Eddie, come on, man! Steve is gonna freak out!”
Eddie growled, squeezing his stomach to stop Dustin from struggling. Not hard enough to hurt him, but enough to remove most of the leftover room in his belly.
The longer Dustin was in there, the more and more restless Eddie grew. Dustin could both feel and hear him resume breaking things, screeching, and all in all throwing a tantrum.
He stopped for a minute, and began what Dustin assumed to be crying and sat on the floor.
“Hey, it’s ok buddy. Calm down.”
Dustin felt the stomach muscles below him begin to push him up and back into his esophagus, soon reaching his mouth and being spat out.
Dustin landed on the floor, and looked up at Eddie, who was turned around and huddled on the floor, pouting some more, his face in his knees.
“You okay in there Henderson?”
“Yeah! I’m coming out now,” he turned to Eddie, whispering “you stay put.”
Eddie growled but stayed where he was.
Dustin opened the garage door and slipped out, back into the kitchen, closing it behind him.
“Why are you all wet, man?”
“Uhh, a- a water jug busted! Yea, stupid raccoons knocked it down!”
Steve raised an eyebrow, looking at him doubtfully.
The rage in the garage started back up again, loud bangs and crashes raining down inside.
An ear piercing screech rang out in the air, and both boys covered their ears, cringing at the sound. Louder crashes and bangs echoed through the garage, along with more screeches and howls of anger.
“Something tells me that’s not a raccoon!” Yelled Steve.
“I swear to god, Henderson, are you keeping something else from the upside down in there?”
“Uh… kind of?”
Steve walked over to the garage door and tore it open.
“No, no, no Steve! You don’t wanna do that!”
But it was too late. Steve ripped it open and looked inside the garage, trying to see what it was that Dustin was hiding.
As soon as the door was opened, Eddie was on Steve in an instant. The last thing Steve saw was the giant face of a bat lunging at him, mouth wide open. Two hands with claws extended reached out next to the face.
“Shit!” Yelled Dustin.
Steve screams as he’s forced into the fang-filled mouth, the aforementioned teeth closing behind him, locking him inside.
Steve immediately begins freaking out, thrashing around in the mouth as the large tongue laps at him, coating him in bat saliva.
“What the fuck, Henderson. Oh man, oh shit! Get me out of here!”
Eddie swallows, sending a screaming Steve down to his stomach, a satisfied look on his face.
Steve lands in the belly and sits there in shock for a moment, horrified at what just happened.
“Steve?! Steve! Don’t freak out! It’s just Eddie!”
“Yeah, it’s just Eddie, I-I dunno what happened to him but it’s Eddie!”
“Eddie? Is that you?”
Eddie purrs, pleased that he finally was able to get Steve into his stomach.
Steve relaxes, the tension leaving his shoulders as he lets out a relieved sigh.
“What happened to you buddy?”
Eddie tried to speak, but all that came out was warbled clicks and squeaks.
“I dunno, like you said he was really mad when he got here and then he just- turned into this.”
Eddie's eyes were closed in bliss, the purring non-stop at this point.
Then the fur began to disappear. His nose and snout shrank back to normal. The red that had leaked into his eyes faded, turning them back to his normal brown.
His wings shrank, but didn’t disappear completely, his ears and claws doing the same. He was back into his normal vampire form, still huge but with far less bat features.
His eyes closed and he put his hands on his stomach, rubbing gently and purring.
“Huh,” said Dustin. “I guess he just wanted you then…?”
“He’s back to his normal giant vampire form.”
By this time, it was night, so Dustin opened up his garage and shooed Eddie out of it.
“He’s your problem now, Steve. I gotta figure out how to explain this shit to my mom.”
Eddie leapt out of the garage and into the air, flying off to god know me where.
Dustin turned around, taking in the gargantuan mess that was now his garage.
“God damnit.”
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