#human oikawa
naricurico · 2 years
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they kith!!
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slicesofapple · 1 year
The first time Kageyama sinks his fangs into Oikawa's creamy, unblemished neck, slurping up the rich, red, blood bubbling out of the twin wounds, he knows he's struck gold.
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plagalkey · 1 month
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iizuumi · 1 year
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vampireboba · 5 days
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shipwrecked sailor + curious merman 🧜‍♂️
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ergohetalia · 3 months
Hetalia X Haikyuu Crossover
Feat: Extra art dump
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emptykitkat · 1 year
Low key writing an iwaoisuga fanfic in which modern day 29 year old elementary school teacher accidentally breaks a thousand year old spell sealing away the demon king and his knight and now he feels morally obligated to watch over them because Oikawa is 100% down to destroy humanity for sealing him away and Iwaizumi might just let him because he’s kinda pissed too, and Suga doesn’t want that to happen. Luckily after 1000 years Oikawa’s powers are coming back slowly so Suga has time to convince him to not kill everyone and wow them both with the concept of a grocery store.
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iwaoiness · 3 months
The surfboard on which he is lying sways gently to the rhythm of the moving sea, its melody soft and calm on this summer night. He has no fear of the current pulling him deeper, of the sea devouring him and never returning him to dry land. Iwaizumi, with one hand resting his head and the other on his stomach covered by his wetsuit, gazes up at the dark, vast expanse stretching overhead. It is dotted with stars and a full moon, all reflecting in the water.
Somehow, it feels like being in space.
Hajime closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, his lungs filling with the fresh air he has grown up with, with that salty tang he can almost taste. For a moment, he allows himself to think of nothing, pretending to be a speck of dust suspended in the air.
He forgets that the next day he has to report for work at seven in the morning. He forgets his busy schedule. He forgets the coldness of parents who continue to treat him as if he were 18 and not 27. He forgets the selfishness of people who approach him out of interest. He forgets the expectations of a surname he has not chosen. He forgets his fiancée asleep on the sofa. He just forgets.
Until he hears a soft splash.
"Iwa-chan’s dead?" And then that soft voice to his right.
When Iwaizumi feels an extra weight resting on his surfboard, he slowly lifts his eyelids, turning his head to the side.
There, bathed in silvery moonlight, Tooru grins from ear to ear, his eyes narrowed. His hair is soaked, the strands falling over his face like seaweed. Bare arms crossed on the surfboard, droplets of water glide down his pale skin, tracing the reliefs of his muscles.
"Why would I be dead?" he asks, his voice hoarse and tinged with sleepiness.
"Dunno" He shrugs, cocking his head naively. The movement shakes his hair and exposes folds of skin on his neck that flutter with a subtlety that Iwaizumi's eyes now perceive even in the dark. "You so quiet."
"I was just relaxing."
"Mmh," Tooru hums, his intense gaze never wavering from Iwaizumi as he slowly sits up on his surfboard, letting his legs sink into the icy water that nips at his bare skin.
But Hajime doesn't even register the sensation. His hand moves to Tooru's face, his thumb stroking his cheek, feeling beneath his fingertips for ethereal softness. Then, he retrieves a small piece of reddish flesh caught at the corner of Tooru's stubby lips.
"Did you just eat?" Hajime arches an eyebrow curiously, glancing at the morsel before flicking it away into the sea.
Tooru nods, an amused glint in his eyes, proudly displaying his pearl-white teeth, save for the dark spots on his sharp, larger fangs.
"What was it this time?"
"A heartbroken boy," he replies, licking his lower lip slowly as if to relive the taste. Hajime loses himself in the movement, in the way his slender tongue glides. "They're the tastiest."
"Mmh," Hajime hums, his hand rising to his face again, this time to brush a damp lock away from his forehead. "Can you see the heart I have today?"
Tooru nods energetically, uncrossing his arms to rest his hands on the board. The water churns at his movement as he propels himself upwards, climbing onto the surfboard, which sways subtly under his weight. A cold wave radiates from his body, lapping at the bare skin of Iwaizumi, who takes him in completely and lets his hair stand on end. As Tooru settles in, Hajime can't help but notice his waist, where his skin melts into radiant turquoise scales, even in the darkness, spreading across his long, powerful tail, now half-submerged in the water. Iwaizumi’s gaze travels back to Tooru's face, which is lit with a playful expression, his eyes narrowed and lips curved in a lopsided smile.
“Am I so irresistible you always fascinated by me, even you see me a lot?"
Hajime frowns at him, already feeling his ears redden and his heart beat faster.
"I'm not fascinated, freaking fish tail. Are you going to look at my heart now or not?"
"Gezz, Iwa-chan’s boarding."
"It's boring, stupid" And for the first time in a week, since the last time Iwaizumi could see Tooru, he smiles easily.
"Whaterver!" He sticks out his tongue as a child at him before holding up one of his hands, the long, bony fingers joined by very thin folds of skin at the knuckles. "Let's see Iwa-chan’s heart" He murmurs, his gaze on Hajime's chest.
His thumb rests on top of the wetsuit, the rest of his fingers spread over his collarbone. Iwaizumi holds his breath unwillingly, tensing up as he feels a hot blast shoot straight through his heart, enveloping it like a thermal blanket. Tooru barely blinks, his pupils so dilated they've practically eaten the entire iris.
The waves continue to dance in whispers, the water sloshes to the rhythm of Tooru's heavy tail movements and then, the warmth in Iwaizumi's heart melts away as Tooru pulls his hand away and can finally breathe, relaxing his shoulders.
"Iwa-chan's heart still the same" He breaks the silence, a small smile dancing on his lips. "Sad and cracked every day. Red and warm when is with me."
"Enough to eat me?" He jokes, but his voice sounds too serious.
Tooru looks into his eyes, his pupils back to their normal size, the golden color sparkling with something Iwaizumi’s afraid to name. It's intense, powerful. Iwaizumi feels as if the water is rising up his body, numbing his limbs and paralyzing him in place until it reaches his throat, where it stops and pools, waiting for any false move to drown him completely.
Yet, he knows Tooru would never allow that.
Hajime's heart races as he struggles not to lower his gaze, striving to be just as firm.
"Told you" Tooru speaks, genuine and somewhat frustrated, as his hands cradle his face lovingly. "I can take you out of your stupid world, make you come with me. Not eat you, save you" He murmurs, leaning forward, just enough to let their noses brush.
At some point, Iwaizumi’s hand has curled around his waist, his fingers dancing between smooth skin and rough scales.
His words echo the first time Tooru looked straight into his heart, when they met in this very place, on the same surfboard, under the same moon. Back then, Iwaizumi clung to a thin rope at the edge of the abyss, and Tooru spoke in archaic and distorted Japanese, but with a sincerity so solid that Iwaizumi could not escape it—nor did he want to.
And from then on, everything flowed like a river. Almost a year of meetings during nights and sunrises, of modern Japanese lessons, of silences, of icy water, of the splashing of a restless tail, of touches on cold skin and warm skin, of brushes, of heads resting on shoulders, of easy smiles and stifled laughter, of knowing that a person with a broken heart tastes better than one with a heart corrupted by hatred, and that Iwaizumi's heart is something rarely seen. For the first time, Tooru did not feel the desire to consume, but to heal.
Hajime was holding on to keep from falling into the abyss, but Tooru came to show him that the fall doesn’t hurt, that he would be there to catch him.
"And then?" Hajime murmurs, his voice hoarse and low, clinging tighter to Tooru like the anchor he has become, holding back the aimless ship of his life.
"We will spend eternity together," Tooru promises, tilting his head carefully, allowing their lips to brush this time. "Alone, you and I, Hajime. I'll take you to all oceans, sea chasms, coral reefs. You just have to ask."
The warm breath against his lips. Hajime puts one foot over the abyss.
"Eternity is a long time" He speaks, just for teasingly, only to see the smirk painted on his face again.
"Not long enough to spend with you," Tooru assures him, gently stroking his cheeks with his thumbs, his eyes pleading in a way Iwaizumi has never seen before.
Ask me, Hajime. Just ask me.
Iwaizumi thinks of tomorrow's work, the company, his employees, his parents, his family name, his fiancée, his home.
What does he lose? Everything.
He also thinks of his few friends, his cat, and the endearing children of the volleyball team at the foster home he funds, who greet him with sincere smiles and cling to his legs until he stays to play with them.
What does he win? Tooru.
The rope slips between Hajime’s fingers and his body begins to lean forward.
"Take me with you, Tooru."
The mermaid smiles, a sweet, sincere, relaxed curve beneath his glistening eyes and colourful cheeks. Hajime thinks Tooru doesn't need any siren song; his very existence is already a complete threat to anyone. And then, Iwaizumi releases the rope entirely, surrendering to the void as he bows his head, and finally, fucking finally, they kiss.
The kiss is wild, powerful, real. Tooru's lips are wet and taste salty and blood, but he doesn't give a shit. Their mouths collide again and again, breaths hitching in a battle for dominance. Sharp fangs graze against warmer lips, and human teeth tug at wet lips. Tongues meet for the first time as Hajime's free hand gently grips Tooru's chin, tempting his mouth open.
At some point, their bodies start to sway, Tooru's arms wrapping around Iwaizumi's neck, and Iwaizumi enveloping his waist and back completely. Between kisses, Hajime feels that, this time, he's truly lunging forward. There's a slight sense of vertigo, and then the sea engulfs him completely, bubbles buzzing loudly in his ears, and, like in space, oxygen disappears entirely.
On the surface, the sea grows calm as their bodies sink deeper and deeper.
The surfboard drifting away.
u can find this and me on my ao3 🍉
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chocoloom · 25 days
Might be an unpopular opinion, but I need more crossover fanfictions in my life man there like. My favorite kinda of fic.
I like seeing characters getting thrust into wildly different situations and conflicts than what they’re used to. I like seeing characters react and compare differences between the world they’re from and the world they’re in. I like seeing characters with similar struggles getting to interact when they wouldn’t otherwise because they’re from two different worlds. I like seeing characters from different media clash with each other because they have differing perspectives on something, or seeing characters from different media learn from each other by interacting. I just feel like we need more of those, for funsies y’know?
For example, what if Edward Elric ended up in Dungeon Meshi. How would he react upon witnessing or discovering Falin’s resurrection and finding out that it worked. Other than absolute anger (which is a given with Ed’s temper), would he be jealous, just a bit, because Marceille succeeded in bringing back the one she loved? Why did she succeed while he and his brother failed and said failure has horrifically impacted their lives? How would learning about a SUCCESSFUL resurrection impact the actions he takes in the future? Would he relate to Laios, as both of them are dedicated older siblings who feel responsible for their younger siblings? Especially considering both of them feel directly responsible for their siblings becoming horrifically altered due to their actions. How does he interact with Senshi? Do they bond over similar views on seeing humans as small, but vital parts of the world’s ecosystem? I bet Senshi would love Ed’s appetite, what with him having a bottomless pit of a stomach (due to human transmutation shenanigans).
I dunno, I feel like there’s a lot of untapped potential in crossovers, both in terms of angst and in terms of just, general chaos and comedy. Like, imagine Sailor Moon in one of the Souls games like Elden Ring. Or putting Kirby in Disco Elysium? Can you imagine the insanity?! Cuz I can, it’s hilarious.
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emocowboylover00 · 2 months
Important please share and reblog
Loser hawks ,dabi support
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tojisun · 4 months
hi sorry I'm stupid but are you rooting for the oilers or not in your last two posts I legit cannot tell (they're my hometown team and I'm not into hockey but I am into your writing and honestly I'm just wondering)
hi omg no sweat and ur not stupid, the fault’s entirely mine bc my hockey lb is extremely confusing! i am rooting for the oilers yea!! im first and foremost a canucks fan (theyre my hometown team) but i kept watching the playoffs and began to like the oilers seriously (its just. davo is so endearing. its kinda difficult to dislike a guy whose love for the sport is just so honest). that said, ive also been watching the eastern conference games so my awe for the panthers is tremendous bc theyre legit beasts
i rambled again but tl;dr is yea im rooting for the oilers 😭
take care my love and smooches <33
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monstrsball · 1 year
Thoughts on human suga + cringe fail vampire oikawa + werewolf iwa?
you really appealed to my interests here (werewolf iwa), thank u.
i was talking about vampire oikawa and human suga with some friends on discord last night so a lot of those are from there (shoutout to addie and ash)
suga did not pick up on the fact that oikawa was a vampire despite very clear tells. he thought oikawa wanting to be explicitly invited in was some lame attempt at being charming (and it was working), he was like "well, he's just high maintenance" when oikawa was putting on more sunscreen than a human really needs, etc.
when oikawa confessed that he was a vampire, he was really apologetic and felt bad and was like "i understand if you never want to see me again..." and suga was just like "that's kinda hot though"
also suga had like. a laundry list of questions for him. he's studying his vampire boyfriend like a bug and taking notes. oikawa doesn't mind, he likes the attention.
suga does end up telling his friends that his boyfriend is a vampire, suga goes to daichi asking for advice on how to tell his vampire boyfriend that he can feed from him and daichi's like "suga, your life is fascinating"
saw a tweet yesterday like "*cunty vampire voice* darling, how do you use the air fryer" and that's oikawa to me. <- suga also never questioned oikawa needing help with most of his appliances because he's not judgmental like that
iwa and oikawa are ofc still best friends and have been for a long time (not sure if it's still since childhood bc i like the idea of oikawa being over a hundred years old for comedic reasons... although it looks like in some lore werewolves can also live for a pretty long time so... maybe?). and i think when oikawa told iwa he was dating a human, iwa was kinda against it at first. and then he met suga and was like "okay never mind he's perfect for you"
suga did come to the conclusion that iwaizumi is a werewolf on his own but in his defense it's an easier conclusion to come to when you now know that vampires exist and therefore it's not outside the realm of possibility for werewolves to exist too.
i actually don't think iwa knows a lot of other werewolves and i don't think he really cares that much either. he's happy enough with his circle. and (i always like including this in aus where iwa is a werewolf) i think he thinks of those close to him as his 'pack' even though they're not werewolves. he wouldn't say this out loud because oikawa would make fun of him forever.
and it's a big deal, i think, when iwa starts thinking of suga as part of it too.
this was just an oisuga au but now i'm contemplating iwaoisuga. maybe. kinda funny to think about iwaoi dancing around each other for a Long Time and then the catalyst to them finally getting together is some human.
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kimbapisnotsushi · 1 year
okay guys hear me out: hotel for dogs au
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suckishima · 1 year
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lol the way oikawa sits during the shiratroizawa match is so similar to when he’s analyzing karasuno’s matches in his room. it’s his focused pose 😆
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iizuumi · 1 year
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More mer au because it’s all my brain has to offer right now
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slicesofapple · 2 years
It's after the match, and someone on the team must say something truly hilarious, because Oikawa tips back his head and laughs. He laughs so hard that his eyes are squeezed shut, his mouth, very briefly, open wide enough that Kageyama can see a full set of teeth.
And not just any old teeth, but, instead, winking in the overhead lights, the tips of premolars that are so long and so pointed that they can really only be called fangs.
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