#human to nonhuman
reveseke · 2 years
NOMU ! Katsuki Bakugo headcanons — ORIGIN
It' s not that detailed bc hard lol so any whump-related things , character death and torture have been only mentioned they are not descriptive . Also this au does not exactly follow through the original plot of the anime . It' s an alternative plot for it to fit and does not end up with the animes ending bc neo has yet to finish it lol .
Not proof read ! Bear with ne that there might be grammar errors , ne is not a native speaker ;) .
Characters — [ Katsuki Bakugo | Raid team mention | LOV. Mention | Dr. Kuydai mention | AFO mention ]
Genre — [ Hurt / no comfort ]
CW — [ Whump | muzzle mention | Defiant whumpee type | human to nonhuman ( by being nomued ) | Temporal character death | ressuraction mention | lab whump | Alternative AFO way | Alternative plot | Amnesia | fighting | inhumane testing mention | death mention | passing out ]
DNI - Fudanashis/fujodashis, women & fem-aligned, profic/proship, anti - LGBTQ+ folk & exclusionists, anti-antis, Necro- Zoo- Pedophiles + (NO)Maps(and other terms), basic DNI criteria, kink/nude/nsfw/sh/vent/pro-ana/ed/18+ blogs
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So when Kat got kidnapped the heroes or the students couldn't rescue him. Instead he was accidentally killed during the raid because of trying to fight the villains and getting in front of a attacking hero. He bled out pretty much during the Kamino incident and when the LOV. Ended where they ended he was beyond recovering state.
Due to the potential and powerful quirk that Katsuki possesses as a villain and an asset he was instead brought to the lab. Now since AFO has been defeated, i think there could be a more artificial version of doing what he could. Like thinking more sci-fi type shit with a way of securing stolen quirks into something and then being able to give them as if they fuse into the body, bloodstream, DNA and mind.
But it's a lot more painful since it takes a lot of time and the character would need to be alive for it bc research. Also bc they want to make sure that he actually lives, even if it's barely so to see how it changes him.
Personally don't really like the do them like Kurogiri was done type of nomu when it comes to Nomu AUs lol so doing something different.
I think they could have someone with a revival quirk revive katsuki to a state he'd be alive enough to take care for a few weeks. So he just doesn't recollapse and die during the 'operation ' of exposing new quirks to his weak body. ( They still keep him weak and with quirk dampening collar bc they don't want him to try an escape any way possible lol. )
During the meek recovery time they give him which he is in agony and barely councious. The doctor, Kyudai, decides upon what he wishes to experiment with. Instead of going straight with how Kurogiri was made he ends up trying something more animalistic and shapeshifty, feral type ( iykyk ) even.
Having picked out the quirks from the storage of quirks he has to work with. It's been about three weeks and Kats still in pain but doing so much better than before at least. They've been starting the preparation of the operation already and he has no idea what's exactly going on.
So the only minus would be that he's stuck in a hospital bed, like literally restrained against it bc every now and then when staff came to check on him he would unapologetically trash around and try to attack them so they had to sedate him and made him rather delirious. They even muzzled him as well bc the man is loud and i mean L O U D even if heavily sedated.
He's most likely going to fight them every change and energy surge he gets even if sedated, he's stubborn and knows what's going on is very wrong even if he has no clue what's going on. So defiant smh giving the staff such a hard time /j .
Let's say bc of his fighting the staff he almost made his way to the skies again. His state was corrected tho, so the operation they had prepared him to undergo was successfull.
He was then caged up and locked away for four months before anything really happened. They monitored his state which was format for full two months. He kinda just fell into a coma for a sec.
But forcing him out if it with electric shocks as a experiment was successful. He awoke in pain and the first thing they got out of him was a blood curling scream of agony. His whole body welt like it was on fire and it went on for the rest of two months
His skin went from it's original colour to ashy black and had a weird soft leathery texture to it. His form changed to resemble a four legged snake, like an oriental dragon but not quite like it, with a black mane of dark cherry black hair with blond tips. ( Probs gonna end up drawing something resembling him lol )
His eyes went towards a orangish cherry tint and seemed rather flowy whispy-like like Kurogiris but more whispy.
His size if standing on his hind legs without tail would most likely be around 8'3-8'6 and with tail depending on the without tail measurements around 8'9-9'3 . Why I'm doing it this way ? Most likely because i wanna know how much he grows from first to 'final ' form. Aka when he grew first after the procedure and what he ended up being after settling in the new body. Y'know what I mean, right ?
After waking up it's more than evident that he has little to no idea who he had been before. Just waking up with amnesia and rolling with the pain and everything that most likely ended up with him being overstimulated and throwing a tantrum with bodies flying lol.
The quirks decided upon him were dragon , Shrink shift, Combust and his own original explosion quirk.
The Dragon obviously giving him dragonic form , shrink shift is about ones personal size shrinking and combust alight his mane and blood into a deep cherry red fire but not exactly to a explosive extention. And ofc his own explosions are just that explosions through his sweat ( although his quirk won't work properly bc he doesn't sweat anymore, but an alternative to that will be spoken later )
Testing is a pain in the ass and nursing everything together for him to be healed properly for it was even more. Live testing in which it was recorded for research with scientists + doctors present and having him test his abilities and new body finding and hitting the hard limits multiple times in a row.
It was basically torture for Kat. Since he had no recovery time in-between the testing and when got the time he was slow at it.
What they discovered was that from the dragon quirk the healing factory would only activate when he was on fire , but he had no resistance to his own fire which would end up hurting him more.
Just because the combust quirk worked it was risky to use, so with another add on he got a quirk that enchanted his recovery time and healing factory work giving him some but not much resistance towards the fire that the combustion quirk gave him.
Most of the quirks either malfunctioned together or gave him little to no resistance to the drawback of another quirk. Or it just ended up being really problematic quirk combo that was not suitable to be combined.
It was a shit show of upgrade and downgrade how the quirks worked and slowly Kat was becoming the most disasterous nomu they had ever created. He never lost his temper and was wildly unpredictable, they came to a conclusion of not being able to control him.
They assigned alot of people that worked under them to sedate him which with the healing factory increasing quirk did little to nothing because it fought the sedation very clearly. Many ended up dead trying to get him into a collar that would damped the quirks for a little while before they had him under control.
Although it was nothing to be surprised when he managed to escape his containment cell during the weekly remove-the-old-collar-and-put-a-new-one-on because he was fed up being in one or two places and he proceeded to wreck havoc in the laboratory where he was kept. He unleashed the pent up anger that ended up in a bloodlust and death of many workers.
After breaking out he finds himself in a forest, just besides an abandoned building site. The laboratory he was in being underground for more of safety reasons.
He discovers the other 'normal' nomus incubating in the abandoned building like it was seen during the start of Kamino incident. But at this point still in pain and pretty panicked he doesn't mind them bc they are dormant and just let's them be. Instead Kat finds himself roaming the site and puckering into buildings destroying them most likely.
A little delirious, fatigued and in pain he wanders off, trying to fly as much as he can which is not that much bc of fatigue. He does know how to do it, but he's still fatigued because of the testing.
He ends up collapsing somewhere in a shaded area with people that might have heard him. Most likely villains and vigilantes if the ring the abandoned site is is shady in the first place. They don't really do anything just kinda looks and if one of them is with the LOV. They might report about Kat being out. Literally.
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dreamdropsystem · 2 months
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ya'll who's up for group meowing
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taxidermycanine · 2 months
HALT !!!
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lichenteeth · 2 months
fuck gender I’m not even human dude
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bizarreaizen · 7 months
it's always "i don't judge !!" until a person is a therian or just nonhuman in general, their religion is something they don't agree with or don't see as a "real or valid" religion [like satanism or autotheism], they identify with xenogenders and use "weird" pronouns, they have a "cringy" style like emo, scene, goth, or harajuku fashion, they're disabled, they act childish and age regresses, they have extreme intrusive thoughts, they have "odd" interests, they don't have proper hygiene because of poor mental health, their identity "doesn't make any sense", they're "too fat" or "too skinny", or they're just "not attractive". stop cherry picking, you can't claim "you don't judge" when you can't accept these people. be better. /srs
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wanderingcritter · 5 months
I think we need to normalize using "people" as a species neutral word.
Like idk in my brain the word people just doesn't automatically = human. To me it's just a way to signify intelligence and individuality, and to emphasize the need for respect towards another creature, not specific to any one species.
Dogs can be people, mice can be people, dragons can be people, humans can be people, birds can be people, elves can be people, robots can be people, and so on.
It's also (in my opinion) just much easier than always saying "beings" or "individuals" when referring to varying assortments of creatures.
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coffee-and-tea-time · 3 months
Yandere shop! Choose your yandere!
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I was thinking, did you ever listen to yandere asmr videos? If so, you will catch on quickly that this is based on the yandere shop, which was so popular in asmr videos during the pandemia. - coffee
If you didn’t, quick summary Coffee gave me: imagine if there is a place where you can enter and you can ‘buy’ (they pay you since you are going to take care of a serial killer so he don’t kill people while you two got your twisted love) a yandere of your choosing. - tea
Word count: 1.2k but this will be edited to correct misspellings or weird sentence structure later, sorry in advance.
tw: yandere behavior, willing reader, delulu, written in you/yours, reader is a little nervous but really interested, you can choose humans yanderes and non-human (although humanoid) yanderes!
You fix your clothing and take a deep breath, your mind filled with ‘what if..’ yet, you were here, in a place that you didn’t trust was real
A creak takes you out of your thoughts, a smiling man dressed rather formally, greets you cheerfully.
“Sorry to interrupt when you are so absorb in your pretty mind My dear, but you know, a little push may help you”
He said as he extended his hand to you, well, you already made your way here hoping to get a yandere so you gather all your corague as you take the man's hand. He led inside the shop, you can hear the click of the door closing behind you as you follow him.
“Oh, I hope you weren’t thinking of backing up so quickly Dear, want something to drink?”
You gently shake your shake as you sit down in one of the couches, on the inside it looks pretty much like a coffee shop.
“Smart choice but you still seem rather nervous, want to say something before I go ahead and show you the catalog?”
“Well, I wanted to know, what can you do for the yandere you like to like you back? What if the one I choose doesn't like me back?”
Your worries were met with a not-so-subtly laugh from the man which make you kind of annoyed and embarrassed.
“Sorry Dear, I just never thought I ever meet somebody that feel insecure about the love of a yandere”
Now you wanted to punch him, is a normal question to ask! The yandere have their own way to fall in love!
“Let me give you a quick explanation, if they had a darling, both of us know they would be busy stalking them. The yanderes we have don’t have a darling, but are eager for the sense of love on their own way which may not suit everyone so to avoid problems, this shop was put in place as a matchmaker between differents kinds of yanderes and people who enjoy them"
You sight in relief as you nod.
“alright, who is more likely to go even more insane if they don't get a darling soon.."
"Sorry, what did you just say? I couldn't hear you well"
"Oh, nothing Dear, I was just searching for the ones that been waiting the most, is how the list work, I will show you a few options first so you have an idea, you can ask for another kind if you had something else in mind, I'm sure we got something that will suit your taste; Although, do remember that is just one yandere, we had problems with that before"
"How is it that someone got the permission to have more than one? I thought you guys will keep in track that since well, it's dangerous for anyone"
"She didn't have permission but she manage because she stubbornly wanted a yandere harem, the result are expected, averyone in that house died except for one yandere, he is again on the list, and as you can guess, he end up more being more... intense. He is totally your perfect option if you like a very possessive yandere, he's a more serious yandere for that experience"
“That will be dangerous for me too?”
"Dont worry Dear, he is truly desperate for love like the rest, his name is Dizie. But if you rather a more gentle treat, Gabriel is your guy, I don't know much about him since he said that only his darling will get to know everything about him. As far as I know, he's kind of yandere that will kiss the ground were his darling walk, a worshiper you can say, if you like someone looks at you like you are a deity, he's definitely your perfect match"
“Isn’t every yandere a worshiper in their own ways?”
"Well, I guess? Is true that others have another específic ways to worship, look, he's the baker, relishes in your enjoyment of their pastries, a very skilled baker that knows how to include the most unique of ingredients to make the sweetest of treats, dreams of putting his heart and soul in every treat he bakes for his darling, his name is Oliver”
"What kind of ingredients tho?"
“The next one you may like is actually a popular singer, he chooses to keep anonymous unless chosen, but if you want to be a celebrity or date one, he is someone you can guess that will love to spoil their darling, he’s on the talkative side, if you like art or stuff like that, you will enjoy his house. although he babbles a lot of how he wish to hear the voice of his darling obsessively for hours”
The seller seems to dodge your question.
“Ah, of course, we also have some special yanderes if humans are boring or less attractive for you, look, he’s Myotis, the classic vampire, he even has wings! Isn’t it perfect to see the sky closer while you enjoy the company of a yandere that looks like he just came out of a book? If you are also into short kings, you gonna love him without a doubt”
"He's not going to drain me out of blood, is he?"
“Dear, why would a yandere who waits so long for their darling, kill them? But if vampires aren't your type, you could go for a mothman! You will be the light of his life, literally. He’s a big softie and kind of clumsy; he just eagerly waits for the arrival of his daylight. A good choose if you like special clingy yanderes, he is not around humans too much, but he said he wanted to be called Lior if he got chosen. Oh, if you are on the stronger side, you may want to keep your eye on Tarak, he said something about his name meaning something like star and protector I think, I guess he chose the name by himself, he’s a prideful dragon and really loves to talk, honestly, I’m not that intelligent to understand some things that he say, but if you like to know new things by listening, asking or reading, he's your man, you can try trying to teach him something new, I don't think is impossible to archive”
“You know what ag…”
You stopped talking when you catch a security camera in a corner moving around frantically yet appear like not seeing anything?
“Don’t mind him, is just Grier, even though I don’t know if that's his real name, I do know he loves trying to spy here using the security cameras so we end up having to put tape on them when a darling is coming to the shop; as you can guess, he’s a hacker, if you choose him, you will be very well protected and taken cared of since you gonna be being watched even if you think you are alone, if that what you wish for, please do choose him.”
The seller looks at you, waiting for an answer, to choose what kind of yandere you want or ask for a specific type now.
“You don’t really go outside too much, so I don’t think you gonna have problems with any of them”
You act like you didn’t hear his murmur as you look at the papers in your hand of every yandere he just talked about.
If your favorite options lose or you want something specific, just send an ask! We love comments and interactions in general so don't be shy.
seller post
Sneak peek of the first encounters
sorry for any misspellings or weird sentence structure ❣
images from pinterest ⚘
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therianhours · 1 month
The young TikTok non humans that say shit like "well we don't actually think we're animals, we just were ones in a past life and we know we're humans" have the same vibes as pick me trans people who go on about how yes they're still women/men and they pretend to be a man/woman
Like no bitch I am a horse, neigh
That's not even mentioning how they frame us all as spiritual, in an effort to make us seem "normal" and garner acceptance from humans
Like sweetie they're not going to like us regardless of how you explain us. We are freaks to them.
Stop changing yourselves to be more palatable to humans
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aftonsparv-bugzz · 6 months
:33 < iHATE having to fight EVERYTHING for the SMALLEST amount of representation in this community. therians get SO MUCH representation in this community, nobody talks of objectkins, or fictionkins, or plantkins, or conceptkins, or elemental kins, or space/voidkins, or songkins, or LITERALLY. ANY. "UNCOMMON". ALTERHUMAN IDENTITY. it is SO UNFAIR ON THE REST OF THE COMMUNITY THAT WE LITERALLY HAVE TO FIGHT TOOTH AND NAIL JUST TO GET THE SMALLEST REPRESENTATION IN THIS COMMUNITY. WE NEVER GET TALKED ABOUT. EVER. (also, ihave NOTHING against therians. iam one. but iwont post about it because iwant to fight for representation of "uncommon" kins.)
:33 < shout out to alterhumans/non humans with NO kin identity, just saying they arent human. youdont "need" to have an identity and fit into a box. youre perfect just the way you are.
:33 < shout out to plantkins. every single plant/fungi. from the DEADLIEST venus fly traps to the BRIGHTEST boquet of roses. have a fresh ray of sunlight to beam upon you, youre shining so much its insane.
:33 < shout out to all the objects. whether it be a small eraser, or your favourite plushie, youre still valid, and awesome, and soooo cool /gen
:33 < shout out to elemental kins. burning fire, cold breezes of wind, all elements. the most HURTFUL, DEADLIEST elements to the ones that arent so dangerous. your kintype is never too dangerous for me. keep living life the way youwould
:33 < shout out to fictionkins. the weirdest characters, the "prettiest" characters, your favourite characters, your hated characters, your least favourite characters, characters from an uncommon source or from a common source, all of you.
:33 < shout out to songkins. from the strangest, most unusual melodies, to the songs everyone knows. you are the most beautiful, melodic songs ever. you keep being you bro.
:33 < shout out to placekins. youre a little cottage in the woods ? thats awesome. youre that corner shop down the street ? so cool. youre massive theme park, with flashing lights and fireworks and everything ? genuinely so amazing.
:33 < shout out to daykins/monthkins/seasonkins/yearkins. all the several days, seasons, months passing by us is so beautiful to watch
:33 < shout out to number/letter kins. all the numbers formed to make mathematics, all the letters we have in languages today, all so beautiful
:33 < shout out to spacekins. all the stars, cosmos, voids, even those who identify with being space as a whole. so beautiful.
:33 < shout out to conceptkins. strangest concept to comprehend, the easiest concepts, idont care. yall are amazing.
:33 < and shout out to any "unusual" or "uncommon" kintype ihavent mentioned.
:33 < yall are SO BEAUTIFUL !!
:33 < if you identify with an "uncommon kintype" PLEASE interact with this blog iwant more cool people to follow /nf
:33 < and if you are a therian blog iwould hope you to repost this so youcan show awareness for other kintypes in this community. (but youdont have to !! idont mind if youdont, do not worry !! :3 its perfectly ok with me not to reblog it, I understand why you wouldnt !! :33)
:33 < /nf
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crypticferalfox · 5 months
Fox fact: Did you know? Foxes can't snarl like dogs and wolves because the muscles in their muzzle dont allow it. So they just drop their jaws and scream.
And aint that a fuckin mood
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adolfusraptor1985 · 3 months
For Young Therians -- Please Read
(Tw: venting and swearing. Not mad, just want people to be better.)
I don't think I'm human.
Scratch that, I'm not human.
I'm not human because of my therianthropy.
All of you kids saying "therians don't think they're ACTUALLY animals" or "therians know they are human" can fuck off.
Don't speak for a community you hardly understand.
I don't care if you're trying to make haters understand, you're still spreading misinformation.
Don't even get me started on the "therians identify as animals non-physically, they know they are physically human".
Shut the fuck up and stop reminding me.
That's like saying "trans women know they are physically men"
I'm transmasc. I would never refer to myself as a woman even though it's my biology. The same goes for my therianthropy.
If anything, I'm transspecies.
And that's a perfectly valid type of therianthropy.
We deserve to be included in discussions about therianthropy and in the definition of the label itself.
Don't be a turd.
Stop gatekeeping.
Stop watering down our identities for others.
Googling shit and reading wikis isn't research.
Talk to real people.
Talk to real creatures.
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kitotherianposting · 2 months
hello nonhuman ally / young uneducated nonhuman. you have a bomb strapped to your chest. to diffuse it, you must explain why alterhumans are valid without saying any of these phrases
- they still know they're human / it's not like they believe they're physically nonhuman
- well they're not delusional / mentally ill
- it's just a phase, don't bother them / let kids be kids / they're just exploring their identity
- well they're just [insert something that only describes otherpaws / furries]
you have 1 hour.
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dreamdropsystem · 6 months
We always talk about how autistic adults are adults, and that's true. but shoutout to the autistics that :
age regress
pet regress
don't feel human
are age stunted by trauma
who feel like a teen/child for whatever reason
who want to be a child again
age sliders in a system
littles in a system
middles in a system
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kimiko24 · 3 months
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Exploring territory 🌲🐺
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muzzleoleum · 2 months
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mmm yum fish woo yeah
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cloverwood · 2 months
shout out to therians, otherkins, alterhumans, nonhumans and co. who still identify as partially human or have some connection to humanity.
Be it feeling half human half not, a little creature pretending to be a human or some other arrangement,
Ur cool and im giving u a little kiss on the forehead. muah.
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