#human uni
mean-bf777 · 3 months
Some announcement from Airo Skye Beatport :3
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@amongdetectiveking-or-qu33n @myfishei @kaiju-wolfdragon @ask-nightmare-and-others @ask-the-retrieve-among-us-au @artismeyou-12 @corrupted-nightshade @clownpalette @emuiy @forwy-a-cat-27 @gooseworx @halobeast10 @hippiesolitude @imposterpinkie2022 @ilove2draw2008 @i-only-came-here-for-my-fandoms @jatcv930au @jatcv @jhonskii @k-eke @listard @lunarthefrieschild @mecharena-zion-9 @mightybeck @muiroazulplanet @meow-and-ink-demon @never-ending-hum @minusgangtime @mimiocto @ask-the-kitty-crew @ask-hunten-and-the-slimes @nutsartzoop @pusheen @randomfnf-au-loverandotherstuff @runelythedragon30 @rafflesiaaa210 @rosaforwy @royalheaven @starlightgirl242 @sussustoogus @someonemakingart @techy-the-bot-anon @triocat @toast-art @the-text-doctor @undertalelover @wendig0ld @werewolftwink @wolffinn @wolftails-funkin-arts
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s-aint-elmo · 9 months
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part 1 of my pining falin agenda aka it was so tragical that falin got benched for the entirety of marcille's little black dress morally bankrupt baddie era and falin thinks so too
(ID in alt text)
part 2
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iceagebaby · 3 months
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Despondency / Refuge
that's supposed to be Bennys lighter, the Courier is dealing with cosequences of being thrown into a mess they had nothing to do with
the halo was something that turned out on an accident but i love it
Rant below
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academic-vampire · 29 days
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Hour of the Wolf (1968)
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hdfjsjkj · 2 years
okay its time to settle this
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loverdude · 5 months
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One more so sorry lol I wanted to draw em together
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legerescriptor · 6 months
I saw a post the other day, about how humans are indestructible. How nothing can stop us.
Shot in the arms? The breast? Even in the lungs or the head? Nothing we can't recover from.
Acid in the eyes or even burning alive? We're not dead yet. Not dead soon.
We can recover from basically anything if we have the willpower to do so and even with way less resources and medical aid than you might think.
And that's what we seem to be to other species. On a spaceship it's always the human that willingly goes into danger zone, because they very probably will survive about anything that would kill other species immediately.
Except for when a human comes back alive but not quite so. Sometimes a human comes back and just a few days later is getting sick. Some are coughing blood and some are just slowly losing energy, always needing more sleep, until they never wake up again.
Sometimes humans survive the battlefield, but die slowly later on and no one knows why. They seemed fine. They didn't even have an injury. They just... Slowly withered away. Very very slowly. And most of the time very very painful.
The tale of the indestructible human was just that. A tale. A myth. But it kept getting repeated. It kept getting told. Because it was interesting, unbelievable, heroic.
But the truth? It was gruesome, hard to hear and even harder to tell. It was a horror story. And worst of all: It was even harder to believe than the myth.
But then there was this day. A spaceship, alone, no help could reach them. Not fast enough. Something needed fixing. But there was radiation coming off it and all of the protective gear was damaged and no longer useable since the ship crashed into a meteor only a few days prior. Nothing too bad happened. Just the storage. The storage and with it all the gear in it.
And now they needed it, noone would survive the radiation. Noone except for maybe...
They asked the humans, there were two of them on the ship, and they were indestructible, right? Surely they could go and fix it. They could save them all.
When they approached them with their request, one immediately nodded, while the other looked shocked.
"You can't go in there."
"Of course, I can."
"You will die!"
Everyone in the room looked taken aback. Surely they wouldn't die? Humans didn't die. That's what everyone said.
The human indeed shook their head.
"I'll be fine. And we will all die if no one goes in there."
"Oh, please, don't. Don't do this. Don't sacrifice yourself."
"I have to."
"I'll come with you!"
"You absolutely will not."
"But- but you need help!"
"I don't. And you know that as well as I do. Stay here. I'll go." The human stood up and went to leave.
"I'll go! Instead of you!"
"No!" Fast. Loud. Fierce. "It"ll be me." They went away.
Their friend tugged on their arm and tried to convince them to stay, but they just shook off their arm.
The captain was worried. Why were they arguing?
"Nothing will happen to them. Humans are indestructible, after all. Am I right?"
They just looked at the captain with tears in their eyes and stormed off, in the other direction as their crewmate.
A few hours later the brave human came back from their mission. It was successful. Everything was done. And without so much of a scratch at the humans body. They congratulated them, praised them. Even their human friend came back and hugged them, tightly, with still teary eyes.
The next days the humans spent a lot of time in their rooms, scarcely coming out, the one praised as their hero not eating well. They became weaker, day by day, while their friend stayed at their side, holding their hand and talking to them, even while they were asleep.
Of course, the crew worried, but they still believed, it was just exhaustion. After all, it was a difficult mission. And they saved all of their lives. They deserved the rest.
Until one day they heard sobbing. When they opened the door, they saw the human, laying on their friends body. Their still warm body, but without breath in their lungs and without a beat in their heart.
They were dead. Impossible.
Humans are indestructible.
"No!" The other human cried out loud, when they tried to take the body away. When they tried to touch them, when they tried to understand what happened. They were not injured. So why did they-
For a week, the other human didn't leave the room. Didn't talk to anyone. Didn't eat.
Everyone was worried. Would they lose them too? Was something happening to the humans? Maybe they were sick? A sickness even they couldn't survive?
But this human came back. Looking paler and older than before. But they came back alive.
Only then the captain dared to ask. "When you said, they'd die. You-"
"I meant it. It killed them. They went in, because you asked them. But it killed them."
"But I thought-"
"We are not. We never were. But they let you believe. Because they wanted to save us."
"Why didn't you tell us? We would have never let them go in there."
"I couldn't."
"Why not?"
"Because it was either them or me."
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ameliathornromance · 7 months
“You’re okay,” you reassured. “We’ll be okay, I promise.”
Leaning over the edge of the boat, your Orc Boyfriend said in a gruff voice, “Orcs were not made for water travel.”
All you could do was rub his back. “We haven’t even set off yet…” you mumbled just low enough that your partner couldn’t hear.
The two of you had decided to go and explore the wider world. It was a tough and scary decision for you both to make. You both had never ventured beyond your homeland, and your Orc had never faced the prospect of being separated from his caravan.
When he had first announced his intent to travel with you, the whole Caravan had erupted with disapproval. He had silenced them all with barks of reassurance... Although you weren’t exactly sure how he did it, given the yelling and shouting.
Eventually, the Caravan warmed up to the idea. They even offered to escort you both to the docs, but you both declined.
A whole encampment of Orcs suddenly appearing at the docs? People would assume they were trying to plunder a ship and then everything would go to Hell.
If it were only you and your Orc, people would stare yes, but there wouldn’t be as nearly as much panic. And you would let them stare.
What business was it of other people what you and your Orc did together? You were not being forced to go along with him.
The boat eventually unanchored... And you both were off.
Your Orc Boyfriend effortlessly bounced back from his sickness, insisting it was because of his diet, but you saw through his deception. The two of you watched as the land got further and further away from the boat.
As the land turned into a mere strip of green from the horizon, your Orc wrapped his arms around your waist from behind. He placed his head on top of your own.
A heavy sigh escaped him, causing you to look up. Placing your hands on top of his muscular forearms. “And there it goes,” he said, a note of finality rang through his tone.
You give his arm a squeeze. “And there it goes.” You echoed.
The both of you were due to begin a whole new adventure in the wider world... Who knew what excitement was waiting for you out there?
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buqbite · 19 days
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featherymainffins · 7 months
I hate to say it but I might have to admit that Redditors can be pretty based sometimes
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mean-bf777 · 3 months
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3000 post!
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stubz · 1 month
"...Oh fudge." Max mutters
"What?" Kim asks helping a youngling put on their shoes
"Lux is gonna blow a gasket. Get the report ready." Max mumbles sprinting over to the Irascor watching the scene unfold before him.
Gylka was playing next to Lux when his little tail accidently knocked over the bigger youngling's fort. The apex predator's face slowly turned purple with rage before he roared and leaped towards Gylka.
"LUX!" Max shouts just as he catches the ape mid jump. Twirling he sits down on the ground hard and immediately traps the youngling in a bear hug, pressing Lux's back firmly to his chest.
"HE BROKE IT! HE BROKE MY FORT! HE BROOOKE IT!!" screams Lux clawing at Max's arms trying to break free and grab the other youngling.
"I saw the whole thing Lux, it was an accident." Grunts the human, wincing as the youngling's claws dig into his arms
The youngling ignores Max, screaming and roaring at Gylka who is carried away by a cooing Kim, soothing the frightened child.
Minutes pass and the other younglings watch from a safe distance Lux thrashing and biting their other teacher.
"Lux, it's okay it was an accident." Nova, a small tighalax, creeps forward trying to calm her fellow classmate.
"We can build a new fort-"
"Woah there!" Kim yelps swinging the feline like youngling by the scruff away from Lux's swiping claws.
"Lux!" scolds Max.
"Let's, uh, give Lux and Max some space alright kids?" Kim says ushering the kids away. 'Call parents?' she mouths
'Just report it' he mouths back
Max has to restrain Lux till his parents come, which after the time the Captain came to pick up Nova.
"Papa!" she squeals leaping into his arms purring.
"...Max...Lux." he awkwardly greets the human on the ground bear hugging the hissing apex.
"Heya Captain!" Max grins, wincing as Lux thrashes against Max for the thousandth time.
"Lux got mad cause Gylka accidently broke their fort but it was an accident! And Gylka said sorry." Nova said looking pointedly at Lux.
"He broke it!" Lux screams
"...is this the first time this has happened?"
"Max...if you need help ask me. You don't have to suck it up." Captain mutters glancing at the youngling in the human's arms.
"...really? You can...do that?"
"If its a problem, which it looks like it is, and you have proof of this happening 3 or more times then absolutely."
"Lux your parents are here!" Nova shouts looking at the Irascor couple.
"...so what'll it be?"
"...please help." the human sighs.
"So its official, Lux is gone, transferring to a centre that's specialized in caring for kids who need more one-on-one care like them." Kim sighs cracking open a iced tea.
"Is it bad I'm happy?" Max mutters fiddling with the bandaids on his arms.
"Listen, Lux needs attention and care that we just can't give. We're not trained for that. Also the parents kinda sucked." she hands him a coke
"Yeah...man I'm happy the Captain did that."
"I'm happy Nova so brutally told the truth to Lux' parents, did you see their faces? Priceless." Kim laughs remembering how eagerly the feline told the parents all of the thing Lux did when he got too upset.
"No one's more brutal in truth telling than a child." Max grins
"She's the reason why I cut back on the snacks, she literally came up to me and patted my stomach saying that I must be eating for two. she called me pregnant Max! With that sweet little smile on her face!"
He snorts his coke and laughs through the choking.
(you have @cmstars2 to thank for this one. if its bad blame them for their ask which fueled me write this at 2am)
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firebuug · 2 months
hi I draw u something in one to two days (or less)👍
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hello I still do $5 sketches 💚💚 I try to get them to u by the same day, but with university being a thing I will absolutely let you know if I get busy. usually never takes longer than 3 days at most. no slots, ill do as many as u like. challenge me.
I'll draw anything ever idm. human furry robot real people items animals anime characters OCS sfw NSFW gore whatever just preferably no lower body nudity im bad at that
here's some stuff I've done so far
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if interested hit me up in dms or drop a kofi with description :) (Kofi has a word limit so feel free to hmu beforehand I'll let you know when I'll leave it done (timezones may vary, im in est))
thanks to all who consider💚🙏💚 peace out
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academic-vampire · 26 days
The only self help books I need are the ones that destroy me and make me question my humanity.
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sinful-lanterns · 3 months
While Suspect R is a Doppelganger and can therefore copy the appearances of others, she is unable to copy the powers of other monsters, at least to a certain extent.
For example, when she copies Slime! Kelvin’s appearance, she does get Slime! Kelvin’s abilities as her abilities tie in to her own physical appearance. However, Doppelganger! Suspect R is unable to copy Mindflayer! Chameleon’s mind control powers, as that is something not tied to her physical appearance.
Also, fun fact: Eldritch! Deren (and Eldritch beings in general) are one of the only monsters that Doppelgangers can’t copy the appearance of, due to their true appearance being too dangerous to look at. As for Gorgon! Chelsea, Suspect R is also unable to copy her appearance fully because of her statue curse.
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loverdude · 5 months
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So sorry for art spam and for so much human Sparklecare lately I've just been having fun doodling it... But it also makes me feel like I'm doing something I'm not supposed to be LOL... Mostly I just luv drawing Carrie lol
Anyway. Human Cometcare Carruni doodle wheeheee
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