#hurt natsu
squidcandy · 5 months
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sebdoeswords · 4 months
hgsn does such a fantastic job parading Hikaru's corpse around (affectionate) that every once in a while the fact that Hikaru is dead, his life is over, he was so young and he died for nothing... hits me like a truck, like a fucking sack of bricks and i feel that bone chilling, paralysing grief Yoshiki feels every single day
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Oh come on Lucy, you know Natsu would never hurt you 🥺
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captainuranium543 · 2 months
I find it so funny that the whole "enemy possesses your friend and forces protag to fight them because the protag doesn't want to hurt them" trope would NEVER work with fairy tail
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minuitdanslalune · 1 month
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Natsu's crying face is pretty cute
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atsu-i · 3 months
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bumblebeehug · 10 days
Can I request for Nalu angst? Fic or headcannon, just nalu angsttt >__< I need some angsty naluuu!! Thank you!
Yesssss of course!!! Pulled this together, hope you like it!
Unrequited Love
Summary: Lucy never though she would have to deal with heartbreak from a man who never even was her boyfriend. But one day she gets to hear the words "Lucy, I think I'm in love" and to her distress, the recipicant isn't her. Notes: I don't actually think this scenario is possible bc I truly can't see Natsu falling for anyone other than Lucy, but let's pretend hehe. Ao3
During all the years Lucy had known Natsu, she had never thought that he would end up with someone else. She had always had this gut feeling that the two of them were complete endgame. Lucy had spent so many years pining, waiting for them to finally get together, that the day he had grabbed her hand, held it tight and said “Lucy, I think I’m in love,” she had braced herself to be confessed to. That he would say some crazy, weird things about just never connecting the dots inside his head, but that he finally got it – that they finally could be together. Do the proper dates, the official hand holding, not just the secret thing they had done at night, after missions, on their way back to Lucy’s apartment. They would have their first kiss, they would experience everything for the first time together. They would go through the new nervousness of sharing a bed as a couple and not just as strange friends-ish. It was meant to be them.
But then he started talking about light blue hair, “like the sky, midday”, and deep, green eyes, like the forest where he grew up with Igneel, and he went on to describe an energetic, fun, light hearted girl, who apparently was the one for him. She was allegedly strong, not as scary strong as Erza, but close enough for him to be beyond impressed. And the truth was, Lucy knew that she couldn’t compare. He had never looked this happy talking with her, he didn’t have that shine in his eyes, or the light blush on his cheeks, or that softness in his brows. What he was talking about wasn’t just a brief crush – it was love, and Lucy would never live up to that.
When she walked home that day, alone, all she could do was cry. Her heart was aching like never before, she felt weak, and with a blurry vision she sat down on a bench by the river. She felt so stupid. She had known Natsu for years, and not once had he shown any signs of interest for anyone else other than Lucy. The impromptu visits to her apartment had started on day one – hell, the entire bringing her to Fairy Tail was a neon sign screaming “You’re special!” All the moments they had together, all the fighting Natsu had done in Lucy’s name, all the intimately shared details that Lucy wouldn’t tell a soul other than him – what happened to all that? 
She must have sat on that bench for an hour, just hulking and crying and grabbing her clothes by her heart, to somehow relieve the clenching, stinging feeling inside of her. At one point she found herself hyperventilating, not getting enough oxygen from all the crying. She wanted to scream, run away, but most of all, she wanted to reverse time. Back to before that dinner, back to before Natsu met his new love, she just wanted to go back to when everything between them was fine. Normal. But despite the many magics in the world, turning back time wasn’t possible. Not to that degree at least. Lucy remembered thinking briefly, that had she been a water mage like Juvia, she would have flooded the entirety of Fiore by now. She just wanted to melt through the ground and not exist anymore. Because what would happen now? Who was she without Natsu? Her guild mark on her hand was stinging, because it represented her relation to him. He was the one who made this mark possible, but now that they couldn’t be together like before, did she deserve having it?
She knew she had to get back home, into her apartment. There she could wallow in peace, she hoped, after changing her bed sheets of course. They smelled like Natsu. And she didn’t know what she was supposed to do with the fish stash in her fridge. Would Happy still be coming by? Would he have time to eat the fish before it went bad? Would Lucy be able to deal with Happy’s presence, or would Natsu’s absence be too heavy for both of them? She knew she couldn’t see anyone in her current state, or in her state in a week from now either. There was so much for her to deal with emotionally first. Even brushing her teeth would be a challenge, since her toothbrush was mingling with his in the cup in the bathroom. She would have to get rid of his towel as well, or the presence of it would remind her of the fact that he wouldn’t take showers there again. And his clothes that he had left in her hamper would also have to go, though she didn’t want to throw them away. Somehow she would have to face him and give him his things back. And his mug with a dragon print on it would have to be returned as well. Truthfully, that applied to so many things that she started wondering if she would have to burn her apartment to the ground to be able to forget him. Except no – that would mean fire, and fire was another thing she wouldn’t be able to see without Natsu popping into her head.
The thing was that the two of them had lived a life of codependency up until that night. They were practically living together, though everything was unspoken. Just the fact that he was in love with someone else meant that they couldn’t continue being friends. On paper they would always be close of course, but in reality she knew that they had to give up their friendship. They were never together, but she had to treat them like a breakup, and that felt so insanely bad. She was a fluffer, doing all the girlfriend things but never getting the good stuff. No kisses, no sex, no declarations of love. No proper dates. Just hangouts. And now she was left alone, when he no longer needed her for the other girlfriend stuff. He had gotten himself the real deal, while Lucy was left with the scraps. The heartbreak.
His newfound love was a lightning bolt from a clear sky, and it consumed Lucy’s brain to the point where she was bedridden for days. She couldn’t sleep, because all dreams were either good dreams about him, or dreams where he kept repeating that sentence. “I think I’m in love.” And then she would appear, a blue curly bob in some dreams, other dreams she was an exact copy of Lucy, but with different coloured hair and eyes. It felt nothing short of hell. Lucy kept repeating the same questions – how? How did this happen? And why – why didn’t she see it coming? Why didn’t Natsu see Lucy as a love interest? Why had he acted like her boyfriend in all aspects of physical, and then found someone else? How did he act with the other woman? Was he shy? Sly? Sexy? Proper, like a gentleman? Did he laugh as much as he did on his “dates” with Lucy? Did he take her to the same restaurants? Did he feel like the world stood still and nothing else mattered when he saw her, just like Lucy had felt with Natsu? It was terrible not knowing the answers, but she knew it would feel terrible knowing them as well.
What really kept her up at night was the smallest moments though. Like the time he took her hand on his own initiative, braided their fingers together and did that soft, caressing motion with his thumb on the back of her hand. And the fact that they were in public, just talking with their friends across the table, and Lucy had felt like Natsu was giving her all the attention in the world, despite them not exchanging a single word the entire evening. She remembered being so content with his hot hand practically glued to hers, despite the sweat and the added challenge of eating with her left hand. But she hadn’t wanted to pull away first, and seemingly, neither did Natsu. Though she couldn’t remember how it went, eventually they had released each other from their grips. It hadn’t been significant then, the important part was that they held hands, not that they quit holding hands. But now she was facing the truth – all things came to an end. If none of them started things again, then she just had to realize that it had ended. She was left wondering if it ever meant anything. Was it just something he had tried out on a whim? Was it too much for Lucy to gently squeeze his hand back? Or was it too little? Should she have done more, or would it have ruined everything?
What about all the times he had come to her rescue while she was doing small, everyday tasks? Like rushing to the store to buy more rice while she was cooking, fixing the flickering light in her bedroom in the middle of the night because she couldn’t concentrate on writing, despite him getting woken up after being dead asleep in his own house, building furniture he had ruined in the spree of the moment. Had it all just been friendly? And if it wasn’t just out of pure kindness, if there was some love involved, what made him fall out of love? What had Lucy done wrong, and how could she fix it?
The next months were an out of body experience for Lucy. She knew the time had passed, and she knew she had to get back in the saddle, but she was still at that diner, listening to Natsu go on and on about his love and the fact that Lucy wasn’t on the receiving end of said love. And every time she tried to move on, it was painfully obvious that she didn’t have a place in the guild without Natsu. It wasn’t that anyone was shutting her out – if anything she had been offered to go on more jobs than ever with people. But she knew it was temporary. As soon as she seemed normal again people would be able to get back to their daily activities, and those activities didn’t include Lucy. So she took on solo jobs exclusively. Always mumbling about rent and increased costs of living, and then she went away as soon as possible. She hoped that if she went on enough missios, she would forget about her troubles for a short while. If she drowned herself in complicated jobs, she wouldn’t have time to wallow.
Naturally, that wasn’t the case. She still thought about Natsu every waking second of the day, but she found slight comfort in being far away from the crime scene. Soon enough he would bring her to the guild, coax her into joining Fairy Tail, and then that would be it. Lucy would have had to be over it. But it had been months and she still cried every night. She knew that it would never mellow out, this feeling of despair and despondency. She had never ever, not even in her wildest dreams, thought that she’d live a life without Natsu by her side. There had been a before him, and a during him, but to be the only universe where she lived to see an after him, was just terrible. She loved him. So, so much. She didn’t know how to function without him. It felt so miserable, that she once caught herself thinking that Future Lucy saved Natsu in vain. She immediately regretted that thought, because of course she didn’t want Natsu dead, that would be just as bad. But she wondered if Future Lucy had done it all again if she knew how broken she would become.
There was some consolation in the fact that they were together in every other universe. It sucked that she had gotten the short straw amongst the many versions of Lucys that were out there, but at least it was she who had gotten the shortest straw. Had she learned that Edo-Lucy spent her time fighting an unrequited love she would have felt useless. She would have wanted to help her, because she hated seeing others suffer. Lucy would always pick other people’s happiness over her own. If happiness was available to everyone, she would naturally pick that option, but if it wasn’t and she would have to sacrifice her own peace of mind, then she would in a heartbeat. Plus, at least she knew that Natsu was happy in all universes. Not always happy with her, but happy nonetheless.
Every time she saw his face she felt ill. Not in a disgusted way, but in a sad way. She missed him so much. She wanted to spend more time with him – the time she had gotten wasn’t enough. They hadn’t done everything she wanted them to have done. They hadn’t gone to that café in Hargeon that opened a couple of months ago. They hadn’t seen the renovated towns that they had been to during their missions once. She wanted them to visit some old clients, especially that one lady who had wild boars pestering her plantations. Lucy had promised her that they’d visit and have some tea together. Would she have to go on her own now? Tell her that everything shattered because Natsu had found another partner? Not technically, but emotionally. It was so confusing to spend time without him. Like life wasn’t real anymore – just on pause until they got back together. Except that it wasn’t like that, and Lucy had to move on. For all she knew, Natsu probably felt like life had just begun.
Sometimes, when they both were at the guild, Lucy found her eyes drawn to him. It would have been fine if she hadn’t noticed that his eyes went to Lucy as well. For a split moment, their eyes would meet, and everything was back to normal. Sharing a small glance, a glance that said “I see you, I’m thinking about you” and that was it. Except now she noticed that he didn’t linger on her. Only for a short moment, with an empathetic look in his eyes. Then he looked away again. The connection between them had been made, and was then removed. And Lucy hated it. She hated being just another guild mate that he looked at while being lost in thought. But even more, she hated that he knew about her feelings. Even if he didn’t know exactly how she felt, he knew that she was grieving their lost friendship. She was grieving the loss of Natsu, despite him being alive and well. It was shameful that he knew, because it meant that her feelings didn’t matter at the end of the day. He knew she craved him, he knew she missed him like she missed her mother and her father, yet that pain wasn’t worth giving up on his true love. She was cast aside, left longing after what could have been.
She wondered: How could her heart get broken by a man who never even loved her? But she knew. She was in so deep when it came to Natsu. He enchanted her, she had given her heart to him and he hadn’t known what to do with it. But he kept it. Lucy would never truly be able to let him go – for her, he was the one. Anyone other than Natsu would be settling. She would eventually do exactly that, settle for the next best guy, but it pained her that Natsu was the one who kept her heart and her soul behind locked bars. She would never get those back. Whomever she was towards her new guys, it could never be as authentic as it was with Natsu. 
For her, it was unrequited love. For him, it was nothing.
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flyingwargle · 2 months
natsu is in the nurse’s office while the aforementioned nurse is speaking with her brother in the hallway, their voices low with scattered words drifting toward her. she knows they're finished when hinata says, “thank you very much for all your help. i’ll take care of her.”
she hops off the cot and grabs her bag as he returns to her. “are we going home?” she mumbles.
“yeah, yamaguchi is waiting for us. thank you, again.” hinata bows to the nurse. “we’ll keep in touch.”
they exit the school building and head for the parking lot, where yamaguchi awaits. her brother was with him when he got the call, apparently. natsu gives him a small bow before climbing in the backseat, putting her bag in between her and hinata. yamaguchi starts the car. “should i just drop you off at home?”
“yes, please,” hinata says. his friend nods and starts driving toward the main road.
natsu avoids conversation by staring out the window, watching the mountain scenery blur by. hinata and yamaguchi make small talk, discussing a dinner with their friends over the weekend, and a possible guest appearance at a volleyball club before he returns to osaka. their home appears on the horizon, and natsu doesn’t wait for the engine to stop to unclick her seatbelt. “thank you, yama-nii.”
she reaches the front door first, fishes her keys out to unlock it. hinata joins her, kicks his shoes off after her. he switches on the lights after natsu walks by, heading straight to her room. “natsu, wait.”
hinata is quiet, patient. natsu rests a hand on her door, head bowed. “do you want to talk about it?” he asks. “the nurse said you collapsed from overworking. are you feeling pressured? is there anything you need help with?”
he sounds so concerned. she kind of wishes he wasn’t. “no.”
“you're probably hungry. i'll make dinner.”
she shrugs, entering her room without another word. behind the door, her brother calls out, “i’ll let you know once it’s ready!” it isn’t often that he comes home to visit, usually just for a few days at a time throughout the year. they call and text daily, and natsu is usually proud to be hinata shoyo’s younger sister.
but sometimes, it’s more of a burden than she’d like to admit.
not wanting to nap while she’s still sweaty, she sits on the floor with her phone, scrolling aimlessly through instagram. she and her teammates follow each other, tagged in one another’s photos from their hangouts, short clips from practice that show successful serves, sets, and spikes. she comes across a post from jva, which is a highlights reel of impressive plays during the last season. her brother’s miraculous save during the hornets game is one of the first shown.
it doesn’t make sense to be jealous. there’s nothing to compare; he’s a professional athlete, and she’s still in high school. just because they're related doesn’t mean she has the same jumping height, flexibility, or adaptability. his skills come from years of practice, discipline, and experience. while she does the same, it isn’t at the same level, not when she has school, friends, and other hobbies. she isn’t a volleyball idiot like her brother, even though she loves it, too. she isn’t him.
and yet people continue to think that she is.
her phone screen becomes blurry. natsu puts it aside, rubs her eyes to stop the tears, but they keep coming. her thoughts are a jumbled mess. i want to be like him.
 i’m not like him.
he’s on a different level than me, and i can’t reach it.
if i train hard enough, i could pass him.
he’s an asset to his team, and i’m just another spiker.
i can be valuable too, if i can do half the things he does.
i don’t want to embarrass him. i don’t want him to have a little sister who sucks at volleyball–
knocks interrupt her thoughts. “natsu?”
she buries her head under her blanket as the door opens. hinata hesitates for a moment before he asks, “what are you doing?”
“what do you want?” natsu asks, grateful that her voice didn’t waver.
"the fridge is empty, so i thought to order takeout." he sits on the edge of her bed. “what are you craving?”
“it doesn’t matter. whatever is okay.”
“all right.” still, he doesn’t leave.
this sucks. natsu needs to clear her nose, tears still pooling in her eyes, staining her bed sheet. when she exhales, it’s through a shudder, which is all her brother needs to hear. “you aren’t fine, natsu. will you talk to me about it? unless…” he falls silent. “unless the problem is me?”
“no.” she sniffles.
“it is. i know you’re terrible at lying.”
natsu throws the blanket off her head to face him, red-eyed, nose streaming. “fine, it is. these girls in my class keep comparing me to you, saying that i’m an embarrassment to the team, and i- i don’t deserve to be on the court with how terrible i am.” her words turn into a mumble. “my jump serves suck. my crosses are all over the place. i don’t know how to aim my wipes. then there’s you, who can do everything and more, and i- i’m just–“
“let me stop you there, natsu.” his hand grips her shoulder, firm and reassuring. “first, those girls don’t know anything; you can’t compare a high school athlete to a pro. second, don’t just focus on the negative, but the positive. your defense is solid, and so are your straights. i’ve seen you play – it’s because of you that your teammates can score. i know it might feel like you aren’t good enough, but are we, ever?”
“do you ever think that?” natsu murmurs.
“of course. i think of how powerful bokuto-san’s spikes are all the time, or how omi-san can get so many service aces, or how atsumu-san can pull off just about any set. and me? sure, i’m an all-rounder, but there’s nothing that i’m really good at–“
“no, that’s not true! you can score so many points with your wipes! and your jumping height only gets higher and higher, like you’ll touch the sky! and, and–“
hinata laughs, catching natsu by surprise. he smiles at her, raising his hand to ruffle her hair. “you should hear yourself. if you can say all of that to me and believe it, then you should believe me when i tell you what you’re good at. we all grow at our own pace, natsu. i know you feel pressed for time since you’re in your second year, but it’s okay. you’re doing all you can, and you don’t need to do more.”
“but what if the team loses because of me?” she whispers.
“there are six of you on the court. if you lose, it’s the team that loses.” he squeezes her shoulder. “tell me what you want to eat. while we wait, i can show you some clips of pros messing up to make you feel better."
“do they include miya-san?”
he grins. “of course.”
they settle at the table together, crowded around his tablet, waiting for the food to arrive. when it does, they eat, continue to laugh at miya (natsu makes sure to laugh at other players, too) and himself, the tension from earlier in the day fading.
before it’s time for bed, hinata approaches her. “natsu, don’t ever think we’re the same. that’s because you’re you, and you have your own way of playing. no matter how you play or what you do, i’ll always be proud of you.”
her hand is on the doorknob, a smile on her face. “thanks, nii-chan. i appreciate that.”
“get some rest. i’ll bring you to practice and show those girls a lesson.”
“no, nii-chan, you better not!” her laugh is a warm sound that echoes through the night.
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burstingdragons · 1 month
7 Reasons Why (You Should Be Happy, Not Sad) — NaLu
The once lost mages of Fairy Tail have emerged from the sacred grounds of Tenrou Island… but not everyone finds joy following this unexpected return. Seven long years have gone by in a flash and now, away from the celebration about life, Lucy mourns the passing of her father’s own.
An AU where Natsu is not present with Lucy when she discovers Jude has died prior to their return from Tenrou. He finds out a different way. And this time, has a different reaction. Written as a tribute for someone in my life & for the milestone of writing on FanFiction for 7 years now. Think of 7RW as a gift from me to you all for reading and supporting my various works. Enjoy! :)
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He noticed his blonde companion slip away hours ago. The sudden decision to leave right at the party's peak bummed him exponentially. Lucy wasn't one to be involved with their constant brawls or drunken games, but even she usually stuck around for these special types of moments. Not today it seemed. What was special today? Well, Fairy Tail was in total jubilation due to their most recent discovery. After being presumed dead as a result of Acnologia's ferocious roar upon Tenrou Island… the x784 Tenrou team had finally made it back home.
But it wasn't all highs. Unbeknownst to even Natsu's attentiveness, Lucy had suffered a major blow that pulled desperately on her heartstrings. At the guild's highest of highs, his intelligent partner was dealing with the lowest of lows. Everyone present knew it wasn't x784 anymore, but none of the S-Class Trial recipients expected to find out, just hours in their eyes after defeating the dark guild Grimoire Heart in fierce solo or team spars and surviving a major blow from the Black Dragon, that they had been basically comatosed for over half a decade. Seven years had actually gone by with their physical states untouched. They were the same age, the same height, the same magic level… they were the same person! The entire world had kept turning while they unknowingly awaited Mavis' protection spell to fizzle.
Being younger than most was not as positively accepted to the universe as it was by the individuals themselves. A ticking clock meant that while their bodies and minds had been suspended in time, the rest of the world had been forced to change. That included those they loved. Fairy Tail had a new Guildmaster. Members that were once weak were now strong. People had come and gone.
Natsu tried to keep his mind focused but a lunge from his rival Gray caused him to backpedal as he crashed into the wooden table. That hit left him partially dazed and the black-haired ice user relented his swings as Elfman joined the fray, casually spewing about how fighting made someone a 'real' man.
He shook his head to the side, ignoring how a few tiny shards of glass pricked his skin. Mira was surely going to kill him for destroying another one of her good shot glasses. Or maybe she wouldn't. The She-Devil sometimes could become unpredictable when it came to her duties at the bar. Her temper was a lot like Lucy's. And that too sometimes scared him.
That recall helped get his head back in the game. No one in their tight family bunch had noticed the woman exit. She had quite literally gone undetected outside of his, and potentially the other dragon slayer's perceptive gifts. It was obvious he was concerned for her and so Natsu did what he did occasionally when he got impatient. He acted. The slayer had prepared to go chase after her, to see what next adventure awaited them, but another brawl abruptly started. Evidently though, Natsu's appetite for conflict caused him to lose sight of his best friend's whereabouts and he allowed himself to be dragged into the melee, going in flames ablazing.
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Hours later, after he'd tracked her scent to a familiar location, the pinkette remained unmoving on the window sill. It felt wrong to just silently watch a distraught woman, a close friend nonetheless, cry her eyes out in her safe haven but… that was just how their friendship worked. She talked and he listened. That was one thing outside of food and fighting that he could excel at. Allowing people to express their emotions openly without judging them for it.
Spent from the waterworks show, Lucy lazily flung herself across her neatly made bed. She turned over onto her side. Puffy, red eyes watched him intently. He wasn't sure what to say or do. He wanted to know why she was so upset and yet he didn't want to push her buttons trying to accomplish that. Natsu understood he had to be patient. But that was the problem. Patience wasn't in his blood. All this had started to confuse him but what confused him even more was when his partner suddenly laughed.
"So, are you going to just sit there and stare at me or are you actually going to come in and stay for a while?"
Even when she was undoubtedly troubled about something meaningful to her the blonde always managed to show off her own fiery side. He knew it was her valiant attempt to put up a facade in order to hide her true feelings from others. She didn't want to appear weak. She wanted to be strong. Yet like him, Lucy wore her heart on her sleeve. It was one of the better qualities that Natsu favored in a person. Something he favored when it came specifically to Lucy. Whereas his emotions fueled him to push onward, Lucy's caused her to take a step back. He liked to use his fire to paint a new picture while she preferred to examine it in its entirety before coming to a decision. A risk taker versus a planner. What was his greatest strength was ultimately her greatest weakness. But he'd never viewed it that way. He wouldn't let her do so either.
"I'm not sure." His voice traveled smoothly across the room. Many men in the guild, who had been excluded from the S-Class Trials, had matured tones to their name. Natsu's vocal cords kept that boyish charm marking his place as one of the reunited members. "The window is a pretty peaceful spot. Maybe I need to be here when you start one of your infamous tirades." He quipped.
The slayer hoped that remark would get a rise out of his friend. A sliver of a smile tried to piece itself together over her hesitant features but it never fully made its way to the surface.
"Come on… it's getting chilly outside."
Natsu frowned. He didn't want to aggravate her at this specific time, but he also didn't want to intrude. He knew she was suffering tremendously inside right now. For once in his life though, he realized he couldn't just beat the answers out of something already in existence. And for once in his life, Natsu didn't have the answer to restore someone's damaged spirit. She scooted over, allowing him available space to have a seat on the other side of her. Seeing his questioning gaze, she huffed at his obviousness and patted the space next to her.
"Here. Now."
Fearing for his life, specifically at the way her mood had done a complete one-eighty, Natsu fulfilled her request and patiently awaited whatever she had in mind next. He didn't need to wait long.
"Can you tell me about your dad?" She unexpectedly asked as she laid down on her back. Once again registering his confusion, Lucy added, "Uh–sorry, I meant about Igneel."
Like a little kid entering a candy store, Natsu opened up the floodgates as he began to retell countless tales of himself and the mysteriously vanished King of the Fire Dragons. Their adventures, their training, their bond… by the time he had realized he was rambling the woman laying next to him was once more shedding tears.
"Ah, Luce!" He grimaced. "Don't do that. You know what power crying has over me."
"I know…" She tried to hide her teary eyes behind her arm. "I hate crying too. I-I just can't help it, okay?" Lucy expressed somberly. "I miss him, Natsu. I really do."
Jude Heartfilia was dead. There was no easy way to put it. From what he had gathered in between the shared tales of their lead caretakers, Lucy's tyrannical father had passed away a month before their return from the island. She had only just found out the previous day and kept her emotions bottled up inside for as long as she could. Her efforts were short-lived. Today had been the day that glass shattered and all the anguish from losing her remaining parent came rushing out. It was up to Natsu to pick up those broken shards and repair what was lost.
He couldn't fix this type of dilemma though. As far as he knew, and he was positive he was just a human with special dragon slaying abilities, he couldn't cheat death. Natsu Dragneel didn't have the power to bring back the dead or restore an extinguished soul. Jude was gone. There was no amending this situation. He could only ease the pain by simply being there for her.
"I know you do." The fire mage smiled down at her. She looked so fragile. As if she would break upon being touched. That wasn't Lucy. She was passionate and always focused on the future, always thinking about her next goal. He had to get her mind out of the past.
"We still weren't on the best of terms the last time I saw him… at least I don't think." Her pitched voice expressed painfully as she recounted the events of her besting the dark guild known as Naked Mummy. "I did find out embarrassingly that my name comes from a defected neon sign."
Natsu desperately tried to stifle the chuckle that escaped him. Obviously he failed.
"Yeah, yeah laugh it up mister." Her features remained impassive. "Dragneel, Igneel, seems kind of identical wouldn't you say?"
His eyes widened. "I can assure you Lucky Lucy that my last name does not come from Igneel."
"How do you know?" She pressed.
"Because he told me."
Now it was Lucy's turn to be amused by a simple answer.
"So gullible."
"Hey!" Natsu glared at her playfully and almost followed through with those intrusive thoughts of pushing her off the bed. But he decided against it at the last second. Seeing that healing process begin was worth the loss of some ego points.
Natsu's dark irises located a spot on her ceiling. He heard a dragon's roar from within. It was like receiving a reminder about his own past. He had been so determined to find the crimson dragon who ditched him at such a young age… but as his time at Fairy Tail extended, Igneel had slowly become more and more of an afterthought. It wasn't that his feelings towards the Fire Dragon King had changed. If anything he held more respect for Igneel than ever before. It leaned more towards the fact that he had something to look after. Something to actually fight for.
"I know your relationship with your dad was much different and painful than what I had with Igneel… but maybe some good can still come from this, Luce." He tried to explain his thought process to the woman next to him.
Her raised eyebrow helped him conclude that he was doing a rather terrible job. "Losing my dad was a good thing?"
"N-No!" He immediately shouted, almost surprising himself at his own nervousness. "What I meant is that losing any family is hard. Though we grow stronger as we overcome obstacles."
Lucy studied him in disbelief. "I'm having a hard time believing you're Natsu. How can I be sure you're not Levy using one of Mira's transformation spells?
Natsu groaned. "Seriously?"
"I mean… you're almost making too much sense here. I'm just a little surprised by your thoughtfulness. That's all, Natsu."
Okay now she was beginning to push his buttons. "That's it. I'm going to give you seven reasons why this could be helpful in the long run."
"Oh, really?" She replied with a smirk and folded her arms. "Let's hear them." Her brown eyes became illuminated as he began to count the points on his fingers in his head. "Oh, you're practicing. Then this should be good." Lucy spoke giddily as she sat up on the bed.
With his thoughts sorted out and his intentions set, despite her persistent teasing, Natsu jumped right into the fire.
"Seven reasons why you should be happy, not sad. By Natsu Dragneel."
Lucy snickered at the name. "Had to author it, huh?"
"Number one: Your dad and your mom are finally reunited." He spoke with such a tranquil approach that she was instantly floored by the words. "I don't mean that in a bad way either, I just hope that can help you find some peace through it all. They both are hopefully where Igneel is. Perhaps they're even friends." He smiled at that thought. Lucy smiled too. Neither voiced an opinion about whether or not Igneel was actually deceased. That was just based on acceptance after having gone absent for so long.
"Number two: You will always have important memories with him. No matter how big or small, good or bad, they're there. For you to look back on and remember the fun times you and your dad had. Those times before you joined up with us."
"Number three: I brought you to Fairy Tail because you didn't want to be 'Lucky' anymore. You wanted to be–"
"Just Lucy." She interrupted and looked the opposite away. He wasn't sure if she was angry or growing sad again, so he continued, although with a much softer tone to push the meaning.
"Yeah, Luce. You're free. He no longer can turn into what he once was and rule over you. You're free to just be you." He faintly noticed those new tears but ignored it. He had to finish. It would only help, not hurt her. "Now, number four: This ties back into the last one but mainly because your dad changed. You're allowed to be happy about that. Whether you made an impact on him or not towards the end of his life… your dad saw reason through his faults in some way and tried to amend what he could. That sounds like a loving father to me."
Her sobs grew louder and he looked over at her, chest burning inside. He knew the pain of regret. That feeling when you think you've lost the only parental figure you had left in the world. It wasn't fun. But death wasn't supposed to be fun. It changed you. And Natsu was determined to change Lucy's stance regarding death.
"Number five: Within your departure you proved you could take care of yourself. Without him involved. You relieved him of a burden that I'm sure even Igneel felt as he tried to teach me the ways of this world. I'm sure your dad was grateful to know he raised you up right enough that you could cover your own hide even when he was unable to do such a thing for himself anymore."
She had choked up and faced him again. "You–"
He held up a hand, as she often did to him whenever he was supposed to stay quiet about a certain subject. "I'm almost finished. Number six: Without your dad, there is no you, Luce. You can be joyful in knowing that you will always have a soft spot in each of your parents' hearts. I'm positive they were grateful for you."
"Number seven: He cared. Your dad left small gifts and continued to pay for this apartment even when he knew you might never get the chance to open them or walk through those doors. A struggling father believed in his daughter to the very end. Even when the rest of the world had given up on us, given up on you—Jude didn't."
Natsu's speech, so simple and yet so powerful, helped elevate the weight on her shoulders. He knew she felt guilt regarding her past actions and the way she rebuked her father countless times in their late stages. But her last impression on him had been impactful. He was sure of that. Even though he barely knew her father the once corrupt tyrant stature had certainly been left behind. The man responsible for bringing his best friend into the world had moved on to greater things. In a strange way, Natsu felt some appreciation for him.
Thanks for helping me find her.
Lost in his thoughts about his own feelings toward Jude, Natsu let his guard down for just a millisecond. That was all the time she needed. Lucy blasted the door down in her own special way as she pounced and sent them both tumbling onto the floor. By the time he had recovered, a shadow blocked the surroundings around him as he stared into an endless pool of chocolate instead of white drywall.
"Luce?" He questioned. The impact with the floor made it seem like his bell had gotten rung. "Why'd you do that…?"
Instead of answering him, Lucy shushed his lips with an unblemished finger as she smiled. The blonde leaned down and applied a light pressure against his cheek. Mentally his mind burst aflame. Then she pulled away and the unsettling feeling in his chest dispersed.
"What… What was that?!"
Lucy shook her head and giggled at his innocence. "That was my way of saying thank you, Natsu." She lifted herself off of him and held out an open palm for him to take. "Now come on, I want to show you something he left behind…"
He took the blonde's hand, but her words faltered off at the same time Natsu's soul left his body. Standing there, in his traditional black suit and stylish shades, was none other than the leader of the Zodiac.
"Good evening, Princess." He greeted the blonde sweetly before a sharp glare was projected towards the tense pink-haired dragon slayer. "Hi, Natsu." That authoritative voice was sickly sweet.
Even as Loke's fist lit up in that mighty golden hue and sent him flying into another dimension, ignoring Lucy's own fits in protest of course, Natsu's smile remained. Although the duration was short. He soon paled, realizing he had been unceremoniously thrusted into the Celestial World, as that serene smile vanished from fright.
I might be dead soon too.
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Hope you liked it and thanks for stopping by! More Dragon Rage coming soon!
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teleiapotami · 9 months
AAN Gift Exchange
It's gifting day for the @allaboutnalu exchange!! Happiest holidays to you @nostromo13!! I hope you like it. EDIT: Oh, and as always, thank you to my amazing Beta, @kaleighkarma, you rock!
Wishes Granted
The flower shop on the main market street of Magnolia was always busy. The noisy crowds, floral scents, and the emotions attached to the errand left Natsu feeling so overwhelmed that he usually had to spend half an hour recovering from the headache he got when he had to go. The old woman who ran the shop had offered to deliver them, but the walk had become part of his ritual, and he didn’t want to change it. Removing any part of the process would be disrespectful; like she wasn’t worth his full effort anymore, and she was. Sweet Mavis, she was worth it.
But today was different. Today he was letting Lucy come with him, and she wasn’t about to let him suffer through the flower shop. He considered arguing with her, but explaining why it mattered that things be done just this way would require other explanations that he wasn’t quite ready to give her. So he gave her a mumbled ‘thanks’ and watched her disappear into the shop.
Inside, Lucy stepped around the clumps of people working with the florists to create custom arrangements and leaned against the counter gently. She took a slow, deep breath, basking in the medley of floral scents that surrounded her. It reminded her of a night, long ago, when a Rainbow Sakura tree had floated past her house, raining its petals into the canal. The scent of the tree had permeated the street for days afterward.
“How can I help you dear?” the shop owner asked, stepping over to Lucy.
“Um, I need a bouquet of….” she paused, pulling a slip of paper out of her pocket. “Nine carnations, in red, pink, and white.” The woman nodded and turned to the wall of blossoms behind her.
“Such a simple gathering, but a powerful message. Giving them to someone special?”
Lucy shook her head and looked out the window at her pink-haired partner. “I’m picking them up for a friend. He has a sensitive nose.” The woman followed her line of sight and nodded.
“Ah, the young dragon-slayer. He is usually in a hurry when he comes. Here you are, dear,” she said kindly. Lucy paid for the flowers and thanked her before stepping back out to join Natsu. He smiled at her, but it didn’t quite reach his eyes. Lucy bit her lip, worried for him.
“Thanks, Lucy. Come on, I wanna show you something,” he said, offering her his hand. He slipped his fingers between hers easily when she took it and led her out of the city. They followed the usual path to his house, but instead of going in as she expected, he led her up the hillside behind it and then on until they came to a narrow, winding river. A large weeping willow stood at the side of the river, with a few of its vines trailing into the water, dancing in the current.
Natsu let her hand go and smiled around at the view. “I know it doesn’t look like much, but the stars are incredible,” he said with forced ease.
Lucy shook her head. “It’s really nice Natsu. But…we could have gone to Star Hill if you wanted to look at the stars tonight. You didn’t have to bring me somewhere special.”
“That’s not the only reason I brought you here,” he said quietly, moving to the willow. He pulled back a section of the vines and jerked his head inside the sanctuary. “She’s in here.”
Lucy hesitated, biting into her lip again. “She who?”
He vanished into the greenery without answering. She stared at the veil for a heartbeat, then followed him. The thick curtain of vines created a cool, shaded clearing under its canopy. The babbling sounds of the river’s current were hushed, and the sun shone between the branches, creating columns of light that slanted through the secret place.
Natsu was squatting in front of a stone monument close to the tree trunk, brushing stray grass and twigs away from it. She stood a bit behind him quietly, reading the words carved into the stone.
The eternal adventure awaits.
Thank you for our future.
“I know they can’t put up a monument for her in the capital and all, but she deserves one. I think she would have wanted to be out here under the stars.,” he said softly. He lifted a hand and traced the letters slowly.
Lucy felt a tingle run down her spine as realization struck. This was a memorial to her. Future Lucy, who had survived unthinkable horrors just to give everything she had and more to save a future she would never get to see. Lucy wiped her eyes before the tears escaped them and upset him.
“Oh, Natsu,” she whispered. “Yeah, you’re right. She would have loved this place.” She saw his shoulders shake for a moment, but she couldn’t be sure of what emotion he was suppressing. She laid her hand on his shoulder softly as he laid the gathering of carnations beside the stone. “I’m… going to set up the picnic out by the river. Take your time,” she said softly. She made her way back out of the shrine glancing back at him before parting the vines again.
Natsu shifted to lay back in the grass beside the stone. “Hey, Lucy. Sorry that it’s been a while since I brought you flowers. Things got kinda crazy for a while there.” He stretched his arms out behind his head and sighed slowly. “I just…I wanted to talk to you.”
“It feels like it’s over now. Zeref is dead…and Acnologia is gone now too. I think her future is safe now.” He closed his eyes, basking in the rare breeze that ruffled his hair. “Now that it’s over I can’t stop thinking about her. I wanna hold her. I’m tired of pretending.”
He opened his eyes and watched the light dancing between the vines. “What do you think? You’d know her better than I do….is she ready?” he asked the stone. “Did your Natsu ever manage to tell you how he felt? I don’t think he would have…”
“He didn’t have to watch you die,” he whispered falling silent. He stared blindly up at the branches for what felt like hours before rolling over to look at the stone. “I think about that a lot. Did he love you as much as I love her? Did you love him too? ……Does she?” His voice was barely above a whisper. “I wish things could have been different for you and him. I hope you find each other again,” he murmured. He pushed himself into a squat and gazed at the flowers he’d left.
“Happy Birthday Lucy,” he said gently before standing up. “Wish me luck.”
*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ *~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~
“I’m sorry I’m keeping you from the guild party,” Natsu said softly. He was lying shoulder to shoulder with Lucy on a blanket beside the river. Lucy smiled slightly and pressed against his shoulder so lightly, he wasn’t entirely sure she had actually moved.
 “Don’t worry. They’ll throw another one. Fairy Tail never needs an excuse to go all out. I’d rather be out here with you anyway,” she replied easily. Her words made his heart swell and he shifted, slipping his arm under her neck, and pulled her against his side. She squirmed for a moment, rolling onto her side, and resting her head on his shoulder. Her arm tentatively slipped around his chest, relaxing into place at his hum of pleasure.
“You were right about the stars. I think the view here is even better than Star Hill’s,” she murmured.
Natsu chuckled softly and lifted his chin to rest on her head. “Nah….it’s just the company that makes it better. We don’t have to listen to half the city talking.”
“Or Jet and Droy crying over Gajeel snuggling with Levy,” Lucy giggled.
“Yeah. It’s better because we’re together….alone,” he said, smiling slightly at the way her atm tightened around his chest slightly. “I got you something,” he said, pulling a box out of his pocket and offering it to her.
“You didn’t have to do that Natsu! Coming here with you was enough,” she protested as she sat up to take it. He shook his head.
“Nah. Not this year. This one’s special.
He watched her unwrap the silver paper and open the box, his heart in his throat. This was either going to go perfectly, or horribly. Lucy gasped softly, tracing her finger over the necklace inside. A delicate silver chain held a star-shaped crystal that was filled with what looked like glittering water.
“Natsu, what…” she breathed, looking up at him. He smiled slightly and looked away.
“It’s water…from Aquarius’s urn. I had Loke help me out,” he explained, turning back to her when he heard her sniffle. “I hope you like it…” he mumbled.
“Natsu I love it!” Lucy dropped the box, threw her arms around his neck, and kissed his cheek. Natsu froze against her momentarily and she pulled back, blushing. “S-sorry, I didn’t mean to do that…” she whispered, mortified.
Natsu blinked a few times, then reached out and cupped her cheek gently. “I came out here for more than just your birthday. I wanted…to talk to her before I told you something really important,” he said gently, brushing her bangs out of her eyes.
“I love you, Lucy. I-I’m in love with you, I mean. I have been for a long time…longer than I knew it I think. It didn’t feel right telling you before Zeref….well, you know.” He dropped his hand from her cheek and leaned back to stare up at the stars. “It’s okay if you don’t feel the same. I don’t expect you to, eapecially after the whole demon thing…but—”
“Natsu, you idiot,” Lucy snapped. He blinked, looking at her. “Demon, Dragon, Human, I don’t care! You’re you, and that’s all that matters,” she said firmly.  “You’re my Natsu, and I love you,” she whispered.
“Really?” he asked, sitting back up. She nodded, letting out a choked giggle when he shifted to one knee and kissed her softly. Her arms came up around his neck as she let him guide her to lay back on the blanket. He pulled back after a moment and smiled slowly.
“What?” Lucy said, fighting a blush.
Natsu kissed her gently again. “I love you,” he said, savoring the words. “I’ve wanted to say it for so long….I think you’re gonna get sick of me saying it,” he chuckled.
Lucy laughed, cupping his cheek. “Not a chance.”
He was about to close the distance between them again when Lucy let out a gasp. “Look Natsu, a shooting star! Make a wish,” she said with a grin. Natsu turned back to her, watching the stars shine in her bright eyes, and shook his head.
“I don’t need to,” he said as he laid back next to her and pulled her against him. “I’ve already got everything I ever wanted.”
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casperrrtheghostt · 2 months
these two are so dear to me NATSU + WENDY RANT
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nawen shippers DNI
did anyone else notice how whenever Wendy is first introduced, Natsu ONLY somewhat remembers her? he didn’t remember Gajeel at all, or the twin dragons.. ONLY Wendy. He recognizes his little sister auauufuvmmfms my babies the sillies ever
i could honestly argue Wendy and Natsus bond is way deeper than Natsu and Lucy’s. Sibling bond over relationship bond, though i don’t ship Nalu so i could be biased. Wendy can easily calm Natsu down with a few words, compared to Lucy who has to hold him back? That one scene with Natsu and Wendy being chased by those guards in the dragon cry movie (i think? or is it phoenix priestess? can’t remember which one, im writing this at midnight), Natsu is pissed off and wants to attack them but Wendy replies with a few simple words and he stops. The only reason he attacks is because they attacked Wendy.
“If that evil witch made Wendy cry, she’ll pay for that.” the instant protection against her??☹️dude they hurt my heart. Sure, Lucy helped Natsu bond closer with people, but i feel like Wendy did it more. She helped Natsu learn and grow. He had to be responsible to be a good older brother and audufjfnemfnnvmgmsm 😢😢😢
i really really love how they express their relationship throughout the show, the way Natsu clicked instantly with Wendy when they first met and Wendy, Somehow, was comfortable enough to smile and wave at Natsu while she was literally being bombarded by the Blue pegasus guild members. Even Carla was skeptical of him. She just wanted to be nice😭😭☹️
i feel like a lot of people could argue everyone in the guild is protective of Wendy like she’s their little sister, but Natsu just. expresses it a lot more? again, the others just panicked when Wendy started crying, but Natsu was the only one to instantly threaten to stop whatever made her cry.
i really really really love how Wendy morphs from this little shy, nervous girl into a strong 14 year old around Natsu. It’s so annoying seeing Nawen shippers argue that her admiration is a crush or her wanting to be with Natsu. it’s that strong admiration you have as a younger sister to your older brother. It’s not a crush. it’s that deep bond between siblings that most people cannot understand because older brother / younger sister tropes in animes are always just lolibait or incest, or they argue that siblings HAVE to fight. Natsu and Wendy show that REAL sibling bond you have with somebody, especially chosen family.
the next time i hear a nawen shipper try to defend nawen because they’re not real family i will actually rip my heart out and shove it down their throat. chosen family IS family and it will forever be family. it’s still incest if you view that person as your family.
i feel like this was just me rambling with no point but who cares? i love these two so much i will kill mgself for them
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laarbybarbtbox · 10 months
Does anyone ever think about how Aizawa was literally right outside of the Todoroki house in episode 2 of season 5?
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I present a random fanfic idea I had floating around.
Natsuo is seen standing outside afterwards, so what if he had an interaction with Aizawa?
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Plus, the anime added in the scene of Enji going outside too. Possibly to say some stuff to Natsuo. I wouldn’t have minded seeing that conversation because I can’t imagine it went well.
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But here’s an idea, Aizawa, being a hero and semi-friend of Shoto’s, sees this and helps Natsu!
Come on! Give me my ‘Aizawa comforts Natsuo ‘ fic!!!!!
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honorthysalad · 6 months
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Any day now.
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sun-stricken · 1 year
Headcannons about sick!gray? Mine is that ice mages get sick really easily but he’s just great at hiding it until Lyon mentions it or something and suddenly the guild freaks out at a sniffle
Also don’t know if it’s any interest to you, but sometimes when I’m making fiction in my head I imagine gray is actually sick. Like when he does wear clothes they’re always tight around the middle, right? So what if being under all the rubble did something to his lungs/chest and so he needs the support sometimes
edit from like two hours after i responded, you asked me for my personal headcanons, but all i did was play on yours, so sorry 🙁
omg tysm for the ask, i love this
i agree that ice mages get sick easier than other mages, but also any mage whos magic effects their temperature fluctuation, (i might make a full post abt that later)
also i am dramatic and love to ramble, sorry if its too long!!
Gray is good at handling things himself, hes been taking care of himself for over a decade, itd be weird if he wasn’t
He takes care of others, looks after his guild-mates, maybe to pay off some sort of debt, or maybe because they dont take care of themselves (what a hypocrite)
he takes care of them, he doesn’t expect them to take on roles for him, didn’t expect them to take care of him; he did perfectly fine on his own, thank you very much
-Fairy Tail disagrees-
The moment Lyon started telling them horror stories about how often and how intense Gray got sick while learning magic, all hell broke loose, specifically, his team broke loose
Erza started grilling Lyon, how did he get sick, how often on average, why is it so easy, how did they help him as a kid, what do you mean he couldnt breathe? HISBODYCOULDNTWHAT???
(it felt all too familiar to a criminal interrogation)
Lucy fretted over Gray, eyes panicking trying to search for an illness that wasnt yet there, asking if he felt ill now, does he need water? should he sit down? why is he so red?
(why does she look so scared?)
Happy all but launched himself into Grays chest, crying about why he didnt tell them and other nonsensicals he could fully make out
Wendy popping in to say that while she cant heal illnesses she can help him any way she can, and maybe she cried just a little abt how she couldn’t help him fully
(a kid shouldnt be so stressed about not being able to help fix a problem that they didn’t make)
Natsu, now Natsu was pissed. Hes no stranger to being reckless and he knows it, but this wasn’t him, this was Gray; Gray who had always helped him through sicknesses and injuries, some of which the guild didnt even know of. why didnt he trust them to help him? why didnt he ever tell them anything? why didnt he figure it out?
it hurt. it really did.
(why isnt he trying to fight him? why isnt he yelling?
Gray stood there, red in the face and truly embarrassed, he didnt think it was that big of a deal and here they were, here was his guild, his family. vowing to take care of him from here on out.
He doesnt think hes ever felt so embarrassed, and guilty, and so loved all at once
also a foreboding, hes not sure why though
as it turns out, he was right to be cautious
days later he had a cold, a measly cold, he sniffled maybe once or twice, and he might’ve stumbled just a little, and all of a suddenly he was next to the guild fireplace, covered in too many blankets, a thermos in hand, and people constantly insisting on getting him things
he knew he shouldn’t have come today
although, they had every right to be worried, as it very quickly turned into pneumonia. lucky him
He was taken to the guild infirmary, his team right there with him
even through the chills, the too short and too fast breathing, the obnoxious heat in his whole body, and the ever so slight delirium creeping into his thoughts
he felt the hand atop his, felt the heavy weight of sharp eyes that miss nothing on him;
he felt the purring mini oven tucked into his side;
he felt a hand usually covered in armor carding through his hair, wiping the sweat from his forehead with a cool cloth;
he felt the way a trembling hand gripped his no longer free hand, felt the telltale sign of whisperers against his fingers;
he felt the minuscule vibrations of scrambling around him, heard the clinking of glass bottles no doubt full of remedies
he felt, loved.
being under that collapsed building fucking with his lungs and ribs isnt something i ever thought of!
thats genius, i love it
im just imagining permanent damage to his lungs, not being able to use them to their full capacity, and maybe chronic pain in his ribcage area and sharp pains when he tries to draw in deep breaths
i think Makarov obvs knew this (maybe he makes everyone has full check ups yearly or every couple years, but also everytime someone joins the guild)
he warned Gray against overexerting himself because it could be especially dangerous for him
he was prescribed an inhaler and medication for his breathing and pain
but this was and is a boy full of too much pride and guilt, maybe he thinks he deserves it, maybe just doesnt care what happens to him, maybe he simply doesnt know his limits; but for whatever reason he doesnt listen, doesnt use his support unless it is absolutely unbearable
of course it gets better over the years, but that didnt start willingly, the guild found out, maybe Gray let it slip, maybe Jii-Chan did, or maybe they heard him scolding Gray for overdoing it again
but they found out and would check up on him, give him advice from some of their experience with their own disabilities
Ive hced for a while that Gildarts was particularly fatherly (or like, a protective uncle…ly?) with the kids of Fairy Tail, so i think he wouldve been the one to get him this pressure support thing for his ribs
it worked, and so does heating pads/packs, which lead to the next development
and after Gray joined up with his team and got closer, he would make Natsu be his own personal heat pack bc that is such a sweet and silly image to me
Natsu surprisingly complained minimally
i wonder why? :)
more little sick things
Gray doesnt get hungover, probably the only illness he gets lucky on
he gets really talkative and delirious when hes sick, and clingy
he’ll ramble abt random things he has to do, not realizing he cant for obvious reasons
he’ll talk about life before Ur, about his siblings who never had the chance to live; about ppl who left Isvan before Deloria came, wondering if theyre alive and actually living, if they remember him
whoever’s with him does him the courtesy of not bringing it up when hes better
Lucy gets really scared when people are sick, it makes her think of watching her mom deteriorate, she refuses to go through that again
She spoke to Natsu and Erza about this while Gray was sick once, broke down and said she wad terrified of losing someone she loves to a stupid sickness again
Gray will cling to the person closest to him when he’s ill, holding their hand, leaning on them, just not letting them leave; he finally is letting himself be taken care of and it feels good, he’ll be damned if he lets that go again
Natsu was so angry when Lyon told them, he was so angry and so scared that even with his heightened senses he didnt know anything at all
If hes with Gray when hes sick, he rarely takes his eyes off the uneven rise and fall of his best friends chest, as to reassure himself that Gray was still breathing, that he was still here and didn’t disappear
Gray will get up and try to get things done when hes sick, he is not the type to sit down and rest and recover
he had to be physically hauled back to bed on multiple occasions
Erza is lost when people are sick, ever the leader though, she tried to take the lead, giving people jobs and trying to make sure everything is order
it ends up quite the opposite though, halfway through she reluctantly hands the reins to someone else
she tries though
Gray has a box full of ‘get well soon!’ gifts and cards, he likes to look through then and read all the messages over and over again
i lied. he has three boxes, his friends are overachievers
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frickingnerd · 1 year
when you kiss me
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pairing: natsu todoroki x gn!reader (+touya todoroki)
summary: touya is the one you're in love with, but natsu is the one you're dating. and your boyfriend is painfully aware about your feelings for his brother...
tags: established relationship with unrequited feelings, angst with an open ending, cuddling together, non villain!touya todoroki
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you were laying on the bed in natsu's room, the boy's arms tightly wrapped around you. his lips were locked with yours and the two of you were quietly kissing, until natsu pulled away from you and quietly spoke up.
"when you kiss me… are you thinking of him? is it his face you see or mine?"
the answer was both. after all, they had the same face. he reminded you so much of *him* – his brother. the one you couldn't have. the one that had turned you down.
"who are you–"
"i mean touya…"
natsu sighed and pulled away from you.
"i'm not dumb. you've always liked him a lot more than me. i see the way you look at him. i'm not asking you to stop, i just… can't you at least try to look at me the same way?"
natsu didn't seem to care that you were in love with his brother or that you were just using him as a distraction. if it hadn't been for touya turning you down, he would've never had a chance with you and he knew it. it was thanks to his brother breaking your heart that he got to be with you right now, even if you weren't actually in love with him...
"natsu, i–" you felt horrible, knowing that natsu was perfectly aware of what you were doing. but still, you couldn't stop. not when he seemed to be alright with it, even offering you to keep lying to him! "i'll try…"
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handlebarbs-helmet · 3 months
Tomcraig is terrible you all are crazy 😮‍💨
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