#i JUST finished watching merlin with my sister.... still processing
tomshivbaby · 2 years
i'm just like merlin from bbc merlin (my true self is an old wizard man)
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vidalinav · 4 years
Love is Bright Red, Hope is Dark Blue SNEAK PEAK
So, it seems that sneak peaks keep me accountable, because every time I posted one I finished the fic, and if that’s not some voodoo magic I don’t know what is. 
However, this hopefully will be the last fic I post before ACOSF. I’m aware that many of you will probably be logged off by the time I post, but honestly who even remembers this fic series. I’m perfectly okay with shouting to the void. I’m going to abandon every fic I said I was going to write and keep them on the back burner. This will be the first completed work I’ve ever had and I’m determined and... also very bored! (insert little emoji with the fists up) 
So, I’m going in. 
Nesta’s Love is Quiet/Cassian’s Love is Warm Masterlist
The picture of Nesta hangs on the living room wall. She moves and its eyes follow. She blinks and it awakens. The other her stares. Her expression a collage of painted lashes, crimson dusted skin, a rose that is cradled in her hands. This Nesta, praying to some unknown deity who never answers.  
She looks innocent. Far too innocent for the amount of horrors she’s seen... and she’s alone.
A singularity. An outlier.
The image lies off center in the middle of the wall, yet the other pictures crawl up the space like tangling vines suffocating the life out of her. Life is not painted in her eyebrows, or the color of her hair, or the red of her lips, or her pale neck. Rather, it is what is around her. The pictures that are filled with laughter and smiles and heart-wrenching happiness.
They must have taken it from her, she thinks. Poor girl.
But Nesta shakes her head. No, she never had it. It was always the others who laughed, who yelled, who joked those jokes of theirs. She might have been placed here, forced to fit, squeezed into the place they could find room for, but at the end of the day, she is merely a pretty painting tacked in Feyre’s living room wall. Beautiful… but not alive. Cold, and alone, and red with the stain of blood.
Is this what Feyre sees when Nesta skidders through her memories? If it is, she is even more certain of their foolish want to love her.
“I painted it the day you left. I think it came out beautifully, don’t you think?”
I think I look dead inside; she wants to say, turning to Feyre who leans against a table, all starry skies and none of the bleak, burning black holes.
Dead and buried.
Feyre grimaces, taking a breath as if she’ll recite poetry in the hall. What other words will spew from the depths of her throat and croak out in sounds and syllables?
Are words even enough to describe memories turned to dust and rose-colored wounds freshly healed?
The fiery anger blooms out of Nesta’s lungs. Its laid dormant for far too long, all those winter days in the mountains trapped under frost. But, Nesta can’t respond, doesn’t know what she’d say to her little sister who means so much to her, but at the same time makes her heart ache as if it bleeds from where’s she’s stabbed her in the chest.
Nesta opens her mouth to speak...
Elain strolls in.
“Dinner’s almost ready,” She grins, grasping her forearm, pulling Nesta towards the dining room in glee. “I thought I’d show you what I made to celebrate.”
Nesta shudders at the thought, at the feeling of her sisters at her side and behind her. Huddling around her as if they mean to keep her close. Nesta thinks it feels like a prison. “Celebrate what?”
Elain looks at her oddly, “You being back—and Cassian, of course… Your health.” She adds, her brows furrowing in concern. Nesta doesn’t know what that look means.
Tell me, she wants to scream.
Elain swallows, the dandelion charm at her throat bobbing. “When Cassian carried you in, you looked so… small. Feyre and I were worried that you’d—”
“We had complete faith that you’d be safe and well again,” Feyre smiles, the mirth never reaching her eyes.
An odd phrase, Nesta thinks, for she’s never been safe or well.
Nesta squints to the table and Elain perhaps noticing the shift, moves quickly to the image of steaming casserole and piping hot buns. Dessert already sits in each corner and she wonders who exactly they’re all feeding if this is the amount of food they waste.
“The roast is still in the oven.” Her favorite.
“You’re favorite,” Elain mumbles softly—shyly, “I thought since we missed your birthday, we could celebrate now.”
That word again.
Don’t they know that she rejoices in being away from them? That she finds solace in the quiet day by day. There is no obligation of sterile complacency, of beauty she can never live up to. She doesn’t need to be a good sister, a caring sister, a sister who reaches both hands out in compassion. In Windhaven, beyond Velaris, she is just Nesta. She is no one.
Nesta resists rolling her eyes or saying something snarky just because she can, just because she knows it’ll hurt. Instead, she touches the plate on the table, a fine porcelain made of blue glass. It reminds her of the chandelier she has at home, blinking and twisting like an unhindered star.
She doesn’t want to celebrate her birthday.
Feyre pulls out a chair, the noise screeching against the floor and Nesta can’t stop the harsh look she sends her way.
If they missed it, she did too.
But at her cold demeaner, Elain is quick to lure her to a seat, proclaiming that Nesta will sit beside her all evening. Perhaps, they’ll exchange stories. I want to hear everything, she pleads. Will Nesta tell her the weather then? The bitter frosts, the buried cemeteries, the avalanches that never came crashing down like she wanted. It was all too perfect, all too according to plan.
Nesta will not let them have the satisfaction.
Elain smiles crookedly, some noise that sounds both like a laugh and a cry barreling out of her lips.
Nesta half-wonders what about her now seems fragile to her little sister when she had treaded precariously past death and disinterest and yet nothing could persuade them a year ago that she wasn’t well enough— okay enough.
Nesta only looks to the stairs. The sound of rustling feet stampeding above. She can feel him even now, wants to call for him even if she abhors the thought.
Her sisters are… different when Cassian is around. More watchful, more cautious. Not as eager to touch her or to offer an array of activities that don’t at all sound pleasing to her ears. He is her guard somehow, even though he offers nothing but laughs and soft, easy smiles.
But he ambles down the stairs as if she calls him. Perhaps she does, in that hollow part of her body she still doesn’t understand. The part that whispers his name, echoes his feelings, reminds her that she is not alone.  
“Sit,” She urges lowly, moving the utensils that Elain sets down to another place setting. Cassian raises a brow but sits beside her.
His hand rests on the table and Nesta wants to know what it would seem like to these… people—her family if she placed her palm in his so openly. She clenches her fist to stop the reaching, turning her gaze away from his golden skin.
“Oh,” Elain says, noting the seat beside her taken.  
To be continued….
Tagged and those who will be tagged from Cassian’s Love is Warm and those who said they wanted to be tagged on everything: (let me know if this changes)
@dreaming-of-bohemian-nights , @missing-merlin, @strangeenemy, @saltydreamcollector, @midnightbluhm, @my-fan-side, @queenofillea1, @tswaney17, @gloriousinlove, @ekaterinakostrova, @thebluemartini, @anishake, @lord-douglas-the-third, @soitsgorgeous, @lolasjournal @duskandstarlight, @arinbelle, @nestaarcher0n, @allilal @mis-lil-red
I hate confrontation like my life depends on it, but I don’t know how to start the healing process for the sisters without some, so maybe you’ll get an outburst or two from Nesta and maybe Cassian. But ultimately it’s going to end not like the healing is complete, but rather that the healing is able to take place, ripping off band aids here. It’s going to be long and emotional. 
I read the previous chapters and omg I get so mad when I read it. It’s like physically impossible to read Nesta’s voice without being stark, ugly mad, but it is easier to write that way. Also, Feyre is about to be annoying in this but it has to happen to come full circle. But at least Cassian and Nesta will be uber cute and established! I have a day out in Velaris date for them.
If y’all have followed this story and have some burning desire to see something, let me know! It will be the last chance to do so. Because again, I’m determined to finish and I’ll NEVER write for this fic again. NEVER. But I will not write smut (unfortunately I suck at that and I try to avoid anything I suck at)
Actually let me set a date: it’s going to be posted on Wednesday by 11:59pm central time. Yell at me if it’s not lol. This will be my reaching 1000 followers gift.  
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Sucker, Part ii
Warnings: mention of death, a lil bit of sadness, maybe a curse word, fear of dying, little bit of a panic attack
Note: wow this is my only fic that has a second part lol
Ships: Remus x Reader, Severus x reader(platonic)
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It truly had been years since you’ve last seen the Mauraders, the little group at Hogwarts that bullied you and your best friend, Severus Snape. You and Snape stayed friends all throughout school and kept in touch after, learning that he was working to become the new Potions Professor at Hogwarts in a few years.
You took another route, choosing to work in the field of Herbology and slowly make your way up to a healer. The two of you worked hand in hand most of the time, helping one another with certain tasks you had to do to get your degrees.
However, your plans halted as you and Severus heard rumors one night that the Potter’s have been attacked. You were somewhat close to Lily, staying friends with her even though James was an absolute handful. You were there for Lily when she found out she was pregnant and was also there for Severus when he heard the news. Sure, seeing Lily and James get married was tough, but seeing them start a family? No easy feat.
As the whispers grew louder one night when you and Severus were walking home, your two houses next to each other, you both gave one another knowing looks - you should go to the Potter’s. Godric’s Hallow truly wasn’t far so you both ran, hoping to find someone alive.
You shivered, shaking your head as you tried to forget that moment. You were standing around Lily and James’ caskets, watching them being lowered into their graves. Severus stood beside you, reaching for your hand which you gladly let him hold. He was trying to be strong for you, for Lily, but now she was dead and there was nothing he could do about it.
You even felt a bit bad for James. Sure, he was an asshole and bullied you and Sev, but that didn’t mean he deserved to die. Over the years, he apologized to you and Severus for his actions and told you that he saw you as a younger sister, even naming you as Harry’s Godmother.
You and Sev never saw that coming.
But now, you had no clue where Harry was. You asked Dumbledore - actually, demanded - where he was, and all he told you was that he was safe. He promised he wouldn’t be harmed in any way, shape, or form. You still didn’t feel any better. 
Letting out a shaky breath and wiping a stray tear from your face, you looked up, only to meet a solemn glance of none other than Remus Lupin. You hated to admit it, especially at the funeral of one of your closest friends, but Remus had grown attractive. You were sure Lily was laughing hysterically at you in Heaven.
You gave him a small smile, somehow communicating that you wanted to talk to him after the burial was over. He nodded, a lost smile on his face as well. Sirius stood beside him as Peter was behind the duo, looking like he wanted to leave.
As the funeral ended, you told Severus to meet you at home, that you wanted to catch up with Remus and Sirius. He looked at you with a confused look, “do you need me here? In case they get out of hand?”
You shook your head, “we’re adults now, Sev; I’m sure they’ve grown up.”
“Certainly not Sirius,” Sev mumbled, tossing a disgruntled glance towards the group. You smacked him on the shoulder, telling him to run along before you force-apparated him.
As he left, you made your way over to the remaining Mauraders, “hey. . .sorry we had to see each other under these circumstances.”
Remus was the first to greet you, his hug feeling longer than usual, “me too. Knowing Lily and James though, they’d want us to be out and about like nothing changed.”
Sirius grumbled, “yeah, well, they’re not here anymore, are they?” Angry tears looked ready to spill.
You put both hands on his cheeks, “Sirius, hey, it’ll be okay. Harry is still alive and as his godparents, we’re gonna make sure nobody is going to hurt him, you hear me?” With a nod, he pulled you into a hug as well, not lasting as long as Remus’. He pulled away with a tight smile, patting you gently on the cheek.
Remus tried not to focus on the caskets being buried, turning back to his friends, “here, let’s go for a little walk, how’s that?” Turning to the group, he heard Sirius and Peter saying goodbye and scurrying off, already looking for a way to forget the day.
You gave him a small smile, shrugging your shoulders, “we all have different ways to cope. Still want to go on that walk?”
Remus chuckled, “sounds good to me, darling.”
As the two of you walked, you looked up at Remus, “I just realized. . .we never really talked about one of the last times I ever spoke to you - in the courtyard. I’m -”
Remus shushed you, pulling your arm into his, “I know I’m not about to hear you apologize. I’m sorry for never stopping them from antagonizing you and Severus - that wasn’t right of me.”
You let a smile take over your face, “all is forgiven, Remus. Sorry that I called you despicable.”
He chuckled, “all is forgiven, Y/N.”
Remus continued, walking with your arms intertwined, “so, how long have you and Severus been seeing each other?”
You tried your best not to laugh, “Rem, we’re not together; just best friends is all.”
You noticed how red his face turned, “Oh Merlin, I-I am so sorry, I just saw you two holding hands and I just thought -”
“You’re not the first person, Remus; Dumbledore thought the same thing, “you explained, reveling in the conversation. The more you talked with Remus, the more you wanted to talk with him forever.
Remus chuckled, “glad I’m not the only one embarrassed, then.”
The two of you continued to walk until you reached a familiar street, seeing your house lit with your lights on. As you walked closer to your house, you looked up at Remus, “would you like to come inside for some tea? You’re welcome to stay and even have Sirius come over. It’s been a rough day.”
Remus walked with you up to your front door, “are you sure? I really don’t want to be intruding.”
With a smile, you unlocked the door and opened it, inviting him inside, “just get inside, Remus.”
When inside, he noticed your style had completely changed. Sure, he noticed your small tattoos on your fingertips and one on your wrist, but this was a whole new you. You had multiple bookcases and over a hundred books, some laying on the floor from there being no space. Your couch had a bit of a mess on it as you scrambled to straighten it up, the trees outside your windows not allowing you to see very well. Your lights only emitted a small radiance, the rooms being very dark.
Many plants were placed on shelves in your living room, hanging over a few pieces of small decor as pictures of you and a couple faces he didn’t recognize littered the wall. Of course, a multitude of records were hung on your wall as well. Your living room led into your kitchen which was almost the same style - but he noticed it wasn’t as dark. Sure, there were more books and plants but there was light, a few cutting boards help up against the backsplash, a tea kettle still laying on the stove, cups neatly organized on a little shelf, and cinnamon rolls - which looked freshly made - laying in a pan on the counter.
“Sorry for the mess,” you started, “hasn’t been a great couple years and the only person I’ve had over is Sev.”
Remus shook his head with a laugh, helping you balance a couple things, “it’s not a bother, dear. But what do you mean by the last couple years?”
You shrugged, “it was before I reconnected with Lily and you guys; I just got mixed up with the wrong people and did some questionable things and. . .got myself into a mess.”
He noticed you space out for a second before finishing off, “but through that, I developed a new love - academia.”
Remus raised an eyebrow, “like, dark academia?”
You smiled, “exactly! That’s Sev’s whole ‘vibe’ he gives off, but the people I met. . .they weren’t good, and they kind of, dug me into this hole that I can’t really get out of. But hey, I’m not complaining because the aesthetic is breathtaking.”
Remus stood there, silent, as he processed what you told him. You hung around a bad group of people, and they must’ve really degraded you, making you feel terrible about yourself. Why did he start to get angry?
“But that’s why I have herbology, and of course, Lily brought some of that light back into my life,” you started with a smile, “I’ve been working with some healers at St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries, creating some new remedies and such. And gosh, Harry is one of the brightest lights of my life. Now if only Albus told me where he is, that’d be great. “
Remus smiled, walking towards you and holding your hands in his, “I’m extremely proud of you, Y/N; your work sounds phenomenal. But you know it’s for his and yours’ safety. If You-Know-Who or any of his followers found you and him. . .”
You blushed, “thank you, Remus. . .that actually means a lot. And I know, but that boy needs someone he knows, and for all I know, he could be drifting down a river like fricken Moses.”
“Afraid I don’t get that reference, darling, but I’m sure he’s safe and sound. Was that a Muggle thing?” Remus asked, a small smile on his lips as he put his hands in his pockets.
You laughed, “yeah, it’s a Muggle story.” A comfortable silence enveloped the two of you before you sighed, “anyways, what have you been up to?”
“Well, I’ve been-” A knock at the door interrupted him.
You gave a sympathetic smile, “give me a sec.” Reaching the door, you opened it to see a nervous-looking Severus Snape, “everything okay, Sev?”
He gently pushed past you, “hold on, dove. Remus,” he started, making the mentioned man turn around, “it’s a full moon tonight.”
You raised an eyebrow, “inviting him on our late-night escapades?” Nobody laughed at your joke, making you feel uneasy, “what’s got everybody’s wand in a knot about a full moon?”
Remus let out a shaky breath, turning to you, “love, I’m so sorry but I actually have to get going. I promise I’ll make this up to you.” He walked over to you, giving your cheek a kiss before rushing out the door, past Severus, worriedly glancing at the moon.
You watched him run down the road, tempted to call out to him as your face turned red, but Sev grabbed your arm, pulling you inside and closing the door. You turned to him, “what the hell was that all about?”
Severus sat you down on your couch that laid against two walls, “he had to get out of here, Y/N. You weren’t safe with him here, especially during a full moon.”
You scoffed, “Sev, Remus was perfectly fine. What on earth are you-”
It hit you. “Oh,” you mumbled, looking at your hands in your lap.
Sev held your hands, just like Remus had a couple minutes prior, “I’m sorry I couldn’t tell you sooner, dove. As much as I hate the man, it isn’t my place.”
You gave him a tight-lipped smile, “no, no, it’s okay Sev. I just. . .wasn’t expecting it, is all. Is it bad that I don’t know if I feel comfortable around him?”
Severus shook his head, “absolutely not, dove. If you don’t want to see him again, that’s your decision. You just let me know.”
With a nod, you stood up and paced, “I think I need a little bit. He’s still Remus but gods forbid, what if you haven’t gotten here? I-I-”
Severus stood up, holding you close to his chest, “deep breaths, dove. You’re still here, you’re okay.”
“I miss them, Sev,” you started, “I miss Lily, I miss Harry, and I even miss James. . .yet I could’ve seen Lils again but I’m not ready, I’m not. Why am I?” Your breath seemed to get caught in your throat, your hands feeling clammy.
Sev held your face in his hands, “you’re alive with me, Y/N. You’re here and breathing and you’re okay. Shh, dove, you’re okay.”
You truly didn’t know how it happened - your breath quickened at the revelation that Remus was a werewolf and the fact that you could’ve died tonight. You weren’t ready to die, but here you were, panicking over something that most likely isn’t going to happen soon. Your mind soon drifted to Remus, hoping he was handling his transformation okay - you hoped he was. Merlin, were you a sucker for him. 
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callsign-mischief · 4 years
Chilly Summer Nights.
Day 14 of ‘A Very Harry Potter Summer!’
Ron Weasley x Female!Reader!
Word Count: 2.6K
You were currently running frantically about your room packing your school trunk with everything you would be needing for the upcoming school year; as you were preparing to stay at your best friend's house for the remainder of your summer holiday. Your grandmother called out to you from the bottom of the stairs leading to your bedroom.
“(Y/N)! Let’s get a move on young lady! I sent an owl to Molly half an hour ago saying you would be arriving soon! Let’s not keep them waiting any longer!” 
“Sorry Gran!  I’m almost done, I promise. I’ll be down in a- woah!” You yelped, as you tripped over your trunk and crumpled to the floor with a loud THUD!
“That hurt..” you grumbled, with your face flat against the hardwood flooring of your bedroom. 
 Heavy footsteps ascended the stairs and before you knew it, your grandmother was stepping over the threshold of your dainty bedroom. She peered at you with her hands placed on her hips, brows arched high in curiosity.
“What did you do this time?”
Standing from the floor rubbing your sore knees and cheek, you look at her with an embarrassed smile. “Tripped over my trunk. But I’m okay Gran, don’t worry.” 
“Glad you are alright but- for Merlin’s sake!” She yelped as her eyes left your body and scanned over your messy living space. “You certainly don't know how to pack correctly, my dear. Please do step aside so I can finish this quickly and you can head off. It’s getting quite late.”
 Nodding your head, you step aside as you watch your grandmother pull her wand from her cooking apron before giving it a wave. You watched in silent awe as various strewn items, ranging from clothing to new schooling supplies, flew from different spots around the room. Into the trunk it all went before it was snapped shut and buckled then sent flying down the stairs, landing by the fireplace. Even though you were thirteen years old and were raised all your life around magic, it still amazed you.
“There, much better. Far quicker at that too! Now grab your school bag and Wisp so we can go!” 
“Yes, mam.” You acknowledge as she waltzed out of the room and back down the stairs. Hauling your bag over your shoulder and grabbing Wisp’s pet carrier and your wand from the bedside table, you exited the room, shutting the door tightly and gliding down the stairs with a newfound pep in your step.
Meeting your grandmother in front of the fireplace, she gave you a once over before giving you a loving, tender hug, and ushering you into the fireplace. Making sure you were settled in,  she offered you the pot of Floo powder with a gentle smile. Wisp, your loving black cat, gave a loud meow as a goodbye to your grandmother. Smiling at her, you take a handful of the powder before speaking clearly of your intended destination. 
“The Burrow!”
Instantly, you’re engulfed into flames and your sneakers reach the hard ground of the Weasley’s fireplace below you as you are hit with a quick bit of dizziness. “Gosh, I hate that sometimes.”
With Wisp’s cat carrier in one hand and your trunk in the other, you step out of the fireplace careful to not dirty up Molly's floor. When the dizziness in your eyesight has cleared, you are met with the sight and smell of the cozy home of the family you have come to love and adore over the past few years. 
You barely have a second to walk into the quaint living room and set down your belongings before two bodies come crashing into yours at full speed.
“You’re finally here!”
“It’s about time you’ve arrived, love! We were beginning to think you abandoned us!"
Chuckling at the two people’s words, you wrap one arm around each of their torsos, hugging them as equally tight as they were you. 
“Yes! I have arrived, Georgie. And Fred, that’s pure nonsense! I would never abandon you two! You are my favorites after all…” you pause to stand on the tips of your toes and whisper in their ears, “Just don’t tell your sister I said that. She would hex the daylights out of me once we got back to Hogwarts!”
The twins couldn’t help but laugh and release you from their smothering grasps as Ginny was heard barreling down the stairs to greet you.
“You two step away from her this instant! She is MY best friend!” She yells, running into the room.
“You should have gotten to me quicker then Gin.” You couldn’t help but grin as you were enveloped into yet another bone-crushing hug. You squeezed her back just as hard, beyond ecstatic to be reunited with your best friend after weeks apart. You break away from each other, catching up on the past couple of days leading up to your arrival when Mrs. Weasley walks in from the kitchen with Arthur in tow. 
“(Y/N), how lovely to see you, dear. It was ‘bout time you’d be arriving.”
Flushing red, you step up to her with open arms. “Sorry Mrs. Weasley, that was my fault. Got a late start to packing and Gran had to help me finish making sure I had everything I needed.”
Embracing you into her warm arms, she squeezes you gently (unlike her children), patting your arm lightly. “No worries dear, we’re just glad to have you with us.”
Moving on from Molly, Arthur gave you a hug as well. During your quick embrace, he began telling you all about the long list of new questions he had about Muggles. You couldn’t help but laugh and tell him that you would answer any and all questions he had throughout your stay. Once released from Mr. Weasley, Ginny, George, and Fred swept you away talking excitedly about the upcoming Quidditch World Cup match you all would be attending next week. Barely into the discussion, your ears perked up as you heard two more sets of footsteps descending the rickety staircase. Your face flushed a light pink instantly knowing who one of those footsteps belongs to. 
“What the bloody hell is all the ruckus down here about?”
Glancing over in his direction you couldn't help blushing a darker shade of pink. “Hi, Ron.”
Eyes bulging in shock, his face matches yours, flushing as red as his hair. “H-hey..you..you’re here! Why..w-why are you here?.” 
Ginny lets out a snort of annoyance, “If you can have your best friend here then so can I!”
The twins share a knowing look between themselves before Fred slings an arm around your shoulder smirking at his younger brother in the process, “Don’t act like you aren’t happy to see her mate.”
“I’m not!” Ron yells back defensively. But realizing what he had said, his hands fly up in surrender. "W-wait! No! That is not what I mean! I'm not not happy to see you -I..I am glad to see you! Ecstatic, even!” he scrambles trying to save his last shred of dignity. 
  Harry smirks, slightly leaning in close to the redhead, “Nice save there. Real nice.”
Ron shoots Harry a daggered look as his face flames in embarrassment and irritation, but his anger is short-lived as Molly announces from the kitchen that supper is ready. 
Jumping at the chance to leave from the room, Ron grabs the smirking dark haired boy beside him running away to the awaiting food with the towering twins following them out. Before you can fall in line behind George, Ginny grabs your wrist bringing you to a halt. 
“You like my brother!” 
Don’t panic, don’t panic. “I like all your brothers. They’re all quite nice and enjoyable really. Nice boys each of them are Gin-”
“No. I mean Ron specifically! You like Ronald.” It wasn't a question of 'if'. 
Feigning ignorance you brush off her statement, “Pfft. I do not! You’ve gone right mental Ginny.”
Before the feisty redhead could speak once more, her mother yelled for the two of you to come take your seats at the table. Thank you, Molly.
Sending one last look your way she narrows her eyes in a playful manner, “Do not, for one second, think that you are off the hook about this!” 
This is not good. Not good at all. 
Attempting to forget about the conversation with Ginny, you basked in the presence of some of your most favorite people. Dinner was amazing as always. The food was beyond delicious, smiling faces were seen all around- it was just perfect. Nothing could ever be better than this. You had spent most of the meal interacting with Mr. Weasley. Of course- the topic of choice being all things Muggle but that was all okay! You loved being helpful and answering any questions he had. 
When everyone’s bellies were stuffed to the brim with food, Molly excuses herself from the table to begin putting away any leftovers. Arthur follows after his wife while the Weasley boys and Harry disperse quickly, the twins dashing up the staircase conversing in hushed tones while Harry and Ron make their way into the living room. 
You and Ginny share an eye roll and begin to rid the table of all dirty dishes. With dinnerware piled in your arms, you two girls carry everything into the kitchen and are instructed by Mr. Weasley to place them on the counter top by the sink where Molly was waiting. With a grateful smile, Mrs. Weasley ushers you and Ginny out. You two venture into the cozy living room to see the two fourth-year boys sitting on the floor playing a game of Wizards Chess. Ron is leaning back against the sofa while Harry sprawls out on the floor on his stomach. You venture over to the sofa while Ginny takes the armchair by the fireplace. You plant yourself on the old piece of furniture, lying down behind the redhead and getting comfortable before cracking open a book you had brought with you. He glances over his shoulder, giving you a shy smile before turning away to take his turn. 
The rush of butterflies in your stomach was instant. You couldn't help but blush and move just a tad bit more towards the edge of the couch to be closer to him. You only hoped he didn't notice the shift, not wanting him to think of you as weird but he felt it. He didn’t mind though. He wanted you to be close to him. He couldn’t help but blush at the thought of you wanting to be closer to him too.
After a while, the heads of the home walk out from the kitchen bidding you all a quiet ‘goodnight’ before heading up to bed. Shutting your book, you place it on the coffee table beside you before your eyes slowly flutter over to the boy in front of you. The silence of the house is interrupted when you hear two sets of footsteps tiptoeing not so quietly down the stairs. Looking away from the youngest boy in the family, you see two identical faces pop out from around the corner.  
“Oi! You four come with us!” Fred whispers across the room. 
Without questioning the request, the four of you make your way out of your seats and follow behind the mischief makers. They lead you through the house and urgently usher each of you out the front door of the home into the chilly evening air. You couldn’t but shudder as a gust of wind rushes past you, sending tingles down your spine once you step out. You really wished they had let you grab a sweater. 
Lighting their wands with ‘Lumos’, Fred and George lead you all into the field eventually coming to a stop by a pile of old wood and sticks. 
“What’s all this?” you question as George sets down the box he had been carrying. 
“This, love, is our wood pile for a bonfire! And to make it even better, we have supplies for a snack! It’s a muggle treat, actually. What do you call them Harry?”
Harry chuckled, “S’mores. My cousin Dudley eats them all the time in the summer.” 
You couldn't help the excited giggle that spilled from your lips. You had heard about these but never got the chance to try one! Without wasting another second, you quickly set the twins on getting the fire started while you found yourself a small log to get comfortable on, ready for the fun to begin as you curl up to get warm again. The fire is quickly lit (all thanks to Harry) and everyone begins to dig in to make the famously sweet and gooey treat for themselves. The youngest Weasley son jumps at the chance to follow in your footsteps, planting himself on your small log seat. You peer at him with a wide grin causing his cheeks to flush pink. 
Tonight had been amazing. And although you loved your summer holiday’s, the one thing you didn't appreciate was that the later into the evening it got, the chillier it got. The fire had helped keep you warm but not completely. After seeing you attempting to hide your shivers due to the chilly breezes for what seemed like the hundredth time that night, Ron couldn’t bear to see you so miserable any longer. Scooting closer, he wrapped his arm around you, pulling you flush against his side. With wide eyes and cheeks flaming as red as his hair, you turned to look at him. He’s facing the roaring fire but you could see a content smile graced upon his lips. How is his side profile just as attractive as his entire face?!
Sensing your stare, his head turns. “You okay, love?” Love.
“Y-yeah! I’m great. But w-why?” you jester to his arm around your waist.
"You kept shivering so I thought this might help get you warmed up a bit more." 
Oh.. so he's just being friendly. Right. Of course he doesn't fancy you in return. That only happens in cheesy romance novels. 
He watches as your face falls slightly but before you can move away he tightens his grip on your hip.. "I-it's not just that ya know.." 
"Wait, what? W-what do you mean?" Your heart begins to beat out of your chest. ‘Please, PLEASE be the reason I'm hoping for.’ your mind pleads. 
He clears his throat nervously. "W-well..I um..I have fancied you for quite a while now a-and I um thought this," he nods at the position you were in "was a good way to show it. I-its okay if you don't feel the same, of course, I just wanted to make it known.." The poor bloke was shaking! How can someone be so nervous but still be so cute?!
You couldn't believe it! The boy you've been pining for for two years has feelings for you too! "Y-you do!? I like you too Ron. I really really do!" you all but exclaim, flinging your arms around his neck in an excited hug. Your cheeks ached from how hard you had been grinning and you couldn't help the giggles that slipped past your lips in pure happiness. 
His grin matched yours as he squeezed you even closer to his body, if that were even possible and placed a loving gentle kiss to your forehead. "I'm so glad you do." 
This felt like a dream. If all it took was a couple hours out in the chilly evening air to get where you were now, in Ron's arms, you would happily do it again anytime. Chilly summer nights were not so bad after all.
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adenei · 4 years
Finding My Way To You - Ch. 10
ao3 || ffn
A Step Further
Ron gently set Hermione down, and she broke the kiss long enough to shed the wet towel that was still wrapped around her body. Hermione sat back on the bed and reached out, bunching Ron’s shirt in her hands as she pulled him on top of her. His lips found hers again as he felt her hands move from his chest to around his neck and into his hair. Merlin, he could get used to feeling her fingers intertwine with the locks of his hair.
Hermione didn’t hesitate when she quickly moved her tongue into his mouth. The more comfortable they became with each other, the braver each got. She grazed her teeth across Ron’s bottom lip and bit down gently as she grabbed his shirt and pulled it upwards. Ron had to shift himself slightly as he helped her take his shirt off, but he feared there was ultimately no hiding what she did to him in the thin cloth of the swimsuit he still wore.
Her arms wrapped around his now bare back as she pulled him closer to her, the bare skin of their torsos now barely touching. Ron felt himself groan into her mouth at the connection. He felt her hands hesitantly explore the expanse of his back as he found his own hand trailed down to her hip, pulling her even closer to him, no longer caring if she felt how she made him feel as he was completely intoxicated by the feel of her.
As they continued to snog, Ron couldn’t help his own hand beginning to explore her body. He was caught between the raging hormones that fueled his desire to feel every inch of her soft skin, while the tiny, rational part that was left of his brain was sounding the alarm of not moving too quickly. His hand moved above her hip and grazed her stomach. He stopped when the tips of his fingers reached the edge of the bikini top.
He pulled away from her lips briefly. “Can I?” he asked. He didn’t want to assume she’d be okay with this.
Hermione bit her lip and averted his gaze. “I- I do want you to, but...”
Ron pulled away slightly more to get a better read on her body language. “Hermione, if you’re not ready, I’m fine with that-”
“I am ready! I just…”
He didn’t quite understand, and that worried him. He could normally read her well, but he couldn’t place this worry. “What is it?” he asked her gently. “Please tell me.”
“It’s barmy. I shouldn’t even let it bother me,” she said, still avoiding those blue eyes that both made her heart melt and would get her to tell him anything if she wasn’t too careful.
“But it is bothering you, and until you give me a straight answer, I’ll respect it as a no,” Ron said firmly as he pulled his hand away from where it was resting on her stomach and sat up. 
Hermione covered her face in her hands as she let out an audible sigh. She already missed the warmth of his hand and body near hers, and regretted even sort of bringing it up. She knew she wouldn’t get him close like that until she told him, though. “I don’t want you to be disappointed.” 
Her voice sounded muffled through her hands, but Ron heard her insecurities loud and clear. This was about Lavender. Would that part of his life ever not come back to bite him in the arse?
“Hermione,” Ron started. He was trying to find the words to say to ease her worries. “There’s no comparison.”
He watched as her hands left her face and he gave him a strained look and a distressing cry left her lips.
“No! I didn’t mean it like- ugh, Hermione! She doesn’t compare to you! She never did and she never will. Merlin, I shouldn’t be telling you this-”
“Then don’t. Ron, do you know how many nights I had to listen to her brag about what you’d done in empty classrooms when they thought I was asleep? I think Parvati started to feel bad because eventually she  seemed less and less interested after a while.”
“What? Hermione, I didn’t know. If I’d have known-”
Hermione shook her head as she cut him off. “You don’t have to lie. We were fighting so badly, you wouldn’t have defended me to her. It’s bad enough I had to hear about your romantic Valentine’s evening where you, and I quote, ‘sealed the deal’ with her.”
“Wait, what?” Ron was staring at her blankly as his head was whirring with a thousand thoughts. “She didn’t say that we- that we- Merlin, Hermione, I never had sex with her!” It wasn’t often that his face and neck became flushed in addition to his ears, but he was beet red from what looked like anger right now.
“Y-You didn’t?”
“Bloody hell, no! I avoided her the entire day! Not that I’m proud of it, but I didn’t get her anything, and she kept pestering me in class about disappearing to an abandoned classroom to celebrate that night. I lied about having rounds and hid in the kitchens to get some schoolwork done.”
Hermione let out a mixture between a laugh and a cry in what seemed like relief. “I can’t believe I let her get to me. No wonder Parvati was trying to get her to shut up! She knew she was just doing it to get to me. And to think I cried myself to sleep for a week after hearing that.” She finally sat up on the bed.
“You didn’t…” Ron’s guilt expanded at her admission.
She nodded. “And that was after I’d made my New Year’s Resolution to get over you. Six weeks later, and I’d clearly failed.”
“I’m sorry,” Ron told her.
“You don’t have to apologize for her actions, Ron,” Hermione said.
“No, but I’m apologizing for my own. I never should have used her to get back at you.”
“Get back at me?”
“Er, yeah…” Ron wasn’t expecting to bring that up at all, but it slipped out. Though he supposed it was going to come up eventually.
“Ron, I’m going to need you to explain, please.”
“Right. Er, remember when I got mad at you and didn’t speak to you?”
“How could I forget? Are you finally going to tell me what I did?”
He winced at the memory that was long since shoved into the back of his brain. “Ginny and I got in a row. A bad one. Bloody hell, if Dean and Harry weren’t there, it probably would have turned violent…”
“Er, yeah, anyways, we caught her and Dean snogging behind the tapestry to one of the shortcuts. I was already in a right foul mood from practice and that just set me over the edge. I may or may not have gone all overprotective brother on her, and she may or may not have called me out on being the only one who hadn’t snogged anyone.”
Hermione eyed him carefully. “What do you mean?” She was almost afraid to ask.
“She so bluntly threw it in my face that Harry had snogged Cho and you’d snogged Viktor so I needed to get over her snogging Dean.”
Ron held his breath as he watched Hermione’s reaction. She was taking a bit longer to process his words and that was making him nervous. “That still doesn’t explain why you shut me out for a whole week.”
He couldn’t tell if she was playing dumb just to hear him say it, or if she really didn’t know. “I got really angry over it. Harry seemed like he knew what Ginny was talking about. I’m not proud of it. Not after everything had been going really well between us. I was mad that you never told me, and jealous that I- well, admitting that will just make me a bloody prat.” Ron shook his head.
“Say it.”
“Why?” He looked at her nervously. Where was the crazed look he was expecting to see in her eyes? She simply raised her eyebrows, but didn’t elaborate. “ Fine, I was hurt that I wasn’t your first kiss. Are you happy now?” Ron rolled his eyes slightly.
An odd smile crept on Hermione’s lips, and Ron was preparing for the worst now. “You know, it’s a shame you didn’t just ask me about it.”
He waited for her to continue and when she didn’t, he said, “Okay, two things. Do you really think my sixteen year old self would have walked right up to you and asked if you’d snogged Viktor? And why are you smiling about this. You’re scaring me a bit.”
“I’m smiling because I’m finally relieved to know that none of this was my fault. And you really can be such an idiot.”
“Because if you’d have bothered to ask me, you would have learned that Ginny exaggerated.” 
There it was. That triumphant look she’d get when she’d solved a particularly hard riddle, or when she’d outsmarted a teacher. It was also the same look she had after she’d punched Malfoy in the nose third year. “What?”
“Your sister was lying. Viktor kissed me, yes. I won’t deny that. A few times, actually, but it was always chaste, and it never deepened into anything more. I tried to like it because he was sweet and genuine, but there was no spark. And he respected that when I told him I wasn’t interested in him like that. Unbeknownst to me, but my heart already belonged to a certain red-headed git whether I wanted it to or not.”
“So, was Viktor ever actually your boyfriend?” Ron asked, completely astounded.
“No, you prat!” Hermione threw a pillow at his face. “He wanted to be, but I declined. I was waiting for you! And instead of going to Slughorn’s party together where I’d hoped that maybe something could happen between us that night, I had to wait another year and a half for anything to happen because of your pig headedness!”
Ron was expecting her to be furious, and yet after she’d finished explaining her side of the story, she broke into a fit of laughter. It was contagious and he couldn’t help but laugh with her. When they’d settled a bit, he said. “Sounds about right for us, taking forever to sort things out.”
Hermione nodded. “Maybe it was supposed to happen this way.”
“That sure would make it easier to forget all the lost time we could have had together,” Ron agreed.
“But that’s what makes it our story, isn’t it?” Hermione asked.
“Yeah, and now we have our entire lives ahead of us,” Ron said. 
He felt his heart speed up and his stomach flutter at the thought of spending the rest of his life with her. His eyes sought hers, and Ron hoped she knew how serious he was about that statement. There was no way he was going to waste this chance he had with her.
“We do,” Hermione said breathlessly as she locked eyes with him. 
It only took one glance down to his lips from her before he leaned in and kissed her hard. They both fell against the pillows, settling on their sides as they quickly found the rhythm they’d left off with before. As Ron moved his hand to a more comfortable position, Hermione pulled herself away briefly.
“How far did you really go with her? I’m sorry I’m bringing this back up. I don’t really want to know, but I need to know,” she tried to explain.
Ron nodded slowly. He understood what she was saying, and he’d want to know the same if he were in her position. “There was...touching, but it never went further than that, I swear. She tried to go down on me once, shortly after Valentine’s Day, but I didn’t let her. I couldn’t. Once the initial lust of the relationship had died off, I realized pretty quickly that she wasn’t what I wanted. Or she wasn’t who I wanted it with. After that, I spent half the time imagining she was you when we’d snog and my eyes were closed. Not that it even comes close to this. Merlin, Hermione, you have no idea what you do to me. No matter what you’re thinking, you have to know that what I had with her will never come close to how this feels.”
He waited for Hermione to process his words as he searched her face. When she finally took a breath, she whispered a quiet, “okay,” indicating that she believed him. Ron never took his eyes off her as he waited for her to make the next move. She leaned in to capture his lips with her own, and he felt her hand find his. Where he expected her to simply intertwine her fingers with his own, he was surprised to find her guiding his hand up her body, and settling over her breast. 
He looked down as she pulled her own hand away and let it rest on his hip as she pulled back slightly and whispered, “You can go under if you want.”
“Are you sure?” He couldn’t help but ask. He didn’t want to mess this up. She nodded against him as he saw her look up and met her eyes with his own.
Ron kissed her gently then, as he adjusted his hand to make it more comfortable. It took a while to overcome the awkwardness of feeling each other in an intimate way, but once they passed the initial unease, they spent the rest of the afternoon getting to know each other on a deeper physical level. For the first time, Ron understood that intimacy didn’t mean sex. Far from it. He would be perfectly happy spending any alone time like this so long as it meant he had Hermione in his arms. 
A/N: Don’t hate me too much y’all, I did promise this was going to be a slowburn, after all.
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pit-and-the-pen · 4 years
Don’t Underestimate Me
Here it is! This story is becoming a spider web of ideas for me so i can promise most of the chapters are just going to get longer from here! 
so a little clarification since I have the ideas in my head and I want to make sure it’s completely clear. The OC and main character is named Skylar. When she is in the castle being “herself” she goes by Abigail. They are the same person and from Freds POV he caller her Abigail in the castle. So just wanted to clear that up because it will happen a lot as the story progresses and didn’t want anyone to be confused! 
Warnings: None 
Taglist: @they-write-once-in-a-blue-moon @magical-spit @birdie-writes @ickle-ronniekins @heart-of-tempered-steel @wand3ringr0s3 @thoseofgreatambition @things-that-start-with-f @elf-punk @bitchywhisperswizard @a-little-too-much @izzytheninja @kpopgirlbtssvt @shadowsinger11 @harrysweasleys @obsessedwithrandomthings (let me know if you want to be added! or taken off)
Word count: 2.8K
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Chapter 1: The Fine art of Bullshit. 
She let out a grunt as she got slammed into the ground for the second time in a row, knocking the wind out of her. A feeling she’s never fully gotten used to since it happens so little. 
“Come on, really? You’re not focusing!” Her brother yells at her from where he stands. 
“You could have blocked that in your sleep.” He continues goading her. Sighing, she stands up and brushes the dirt off of her palms. Cracking her neck and rolling her shoulders, she takes a deep breath and tries to focus. 
Every time she tries all she can think of is the unopened letter sitting in their kitchen. The one made from heavy parchment with the red wax seal of the royal family. 
“What if they know?” She asks again for what seemed like the thousandth time since they started practicing. 
“Then you better go down with a fight.” He responds with a laugh. 
“Mace! This isn’t funny. Do you know what they would…” 
“How could they have found out? You haven’t done anything wrong. Now stop making excuses and bow.” She huffs at how casually he can brush this off but bows anyways. The sounds of them counting seem to be far away and her body picks up the familiar hum of energy, like a snake getting ready to attack. 
This time she manages to block everything he throws at her. Colorful and powerful swirls of magic aimed just so perfectly. “Fight back!” Mace yells. “Stop blocking and fight!” His words distract her for a split second and she’s fumbling over her feet and when she goes to block the next spell, her balance is off. She stumbles and falls over her own body, something she hasn’t done in years. 
“Stop. Enough of this. Just let me read the letter.” She calls, rolling out of the embarrassing position of falling straight on her face. 
“Oh how the mighty fall.” Mace laughs. His laugh is cut off when he gets blasted off of his feet and lands on his back. 
“Cheater!” He calls after his sister as she runs into the house. 
The house isn’t anything special. Smaller than most for this area actually, but it’s home. A small part of her thinks her father kept it small to stop people from wanting to visit. Or come to fight. No one would think the best duelers in the entire kingdom would live in a house like this and that keeps them safe. More than anything it keeps Skylar safe. If someone found out that there weren't three children in this house, if someone pieced together all of it, she would be doomed. Or not be able to fight, snap her wand and tell her she could never duel again and at that point they might as well just kill her. 
She closed the screen door behind her, letting it slam harder than she normally would. Every thought on the tiny innocent letter that could ruin her life. Vaguely, she processes that Mace is now in the kitchen with her. 
With shaking fingers she rips open the seal and pulls out the letter. 
 “We hope this letter finds you well. 
On Behalf of His Royal Majesty, William Weasley, 
The presence of both Mason and Skylar Green are being requested to partake in the Tri Wizard Tournament. 
A carriage arrives to pick you up on the first of May. 
Best regards, 
Alastor Moody, Assistant to the Royal family.” 
“May first. That’s a week away.” Mace says once he finishes scanning the letter over his sister's shoulder. 
“I can't go!” She screams. Voice wavering slightly. 
“It doesn’t look like you have a choice. You don’t turn down a royal summons.” He says grabbing the letter out of her shaking fingers. 
“I’ll write back and say I have dragon poxs. Something.” She shoots back after a moment of thinking. 
“And risk them sending a doctor? Absolutely not.” 
“I’ll hide. Run away?” Mace just shakes his head. 
“Calm down. We’ll think of something. Nothing is going to happen to you. I promise.” He says and grabs her to pull her into a hug. 
“Don’t make promises you can’t keep.” She cries into his shoulder. 
The week goes by quickly, and they still did not have a plan. Not one that was rational at least. And Mace shoots her down everytime she suggests just disappearing. 
“We do not back down from a challenge” He says sternly. 
“This isn’t a challenge. This is crazy.” Was her response to that comment. 
The general feeling of dread seems to intensify as the two go to bed on the last day of April.
“Merlin, just let it turn out okay.” Skylar says to herself before she blows out the candle that night. She stays up most of the night tossing and turning. A small part of her contemplates waking up Mace but what good will that do in the long run. He’ll just say she’s overreacting again. So she tries her best to sleep and ends up falling asleep shortly after the sun rises. 
A loud knock startles her out of her sleep. Mace opens the door with a grim face. Behind him is a server-looking woman with square glasses. Her black hair is pulled back into a tight bun that gives her entire face a very pitched looked. She was wearing an emerald traveling cloak. Skylar jumps out of bed before she remembers herself. Standing next to her bed she realizes that they’ve already been caught. 
“I’d rather hoped you had come up with  a plan on your own.” The older woman sighed as she walked into the room, closing the door on Mace. She suddenly reached into her bag and pulled out a large page hat. “That’ll cover your hair enough to get you into the castle.” She pushed Skylar into her vanity chair and promptly started braiding the girls hair. Once done she pins the hat over her hair in a way that shades her face as well. 
“That’ll do.” She says in a satisfied voice. With that she walks over to the small closet and looks through it. “As will these.” Pulling out clothes she throws them to the very confused girl. The woman gives her a look and up and down and Skylar suddenly realizes she wants her to change now. 
“Girl I’ve raised more children than you can count. Change. Now.” She sighs when she notices the look on the girls face. She at least gives her the decency of turning around while she strips to her undergarments. Hiding her embarrassment, she pulls on the itchy tweed pants and the green linen shirt she had also been thrown. McGonagall gives her a stern look over and simply nods her head. 
“Pack all of the clothes you have. Leave the dresses. It looks like the princess might have some that will fit you.” With one more stern look Skylar realizes she had been given another instruction. 
“Oh..Yes..Yes ma’am.” She says as she went to grab her small suitcase and starts throwing all of the work clothes she had. That plus some of her more favorite dueling wands. 
She doesn’t miss the way her eyebrows raise when she sees them. 
“Okay.” Skylar says looking around. “That’s everything then.” 
“Perfect. Let’s go get your brother and we’ll be off.” She pulls out a pocket watch. “Better be fast. We’re already running behind.” She shoos the girl out of her room and grabs her bag before closing the door. 
“How did you know?” Skylar asked the woman when they got outside of the house. 
For the first time she sees her smile. “I’ve seen all the birth records for this area and nothing matched up.” Skylar pales at her words. The woman gives a small laugh. “Nothing to worry about by seeing them I changed them to match what everyone already assumes. Although I’m glad you can see the severity of being found.” The smile falls away. “I have been in charge of raising the royal families children but I do have other duties in the kingdom. So now my job is making sure you survive this whole ordeal.”  She looks the girl up and down and sighs. 
“Lady Minerva McGonagall.” she says, extending her hand slightly. Skylar grabs it and gives her hand a firm shake. “I do hope you have a better plan than what I saw today?” 
“My plan was just to run away but Mace says we never back down from a challenge.” Skylar responds. 
“And what a challenge this will be. Alright enough chit-chat.” 
Mace has now joined them outside. Carrying a small bag thrown over his shoulder. 
“Time to go.” McGonagall says and gestures for the two of them to climb in. After throwing their bags in the luggage carrier in the back they hop into the carriage and set off for the main city. 
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The castle has been in a flurry all morning. Getting ready for the Tri wizard tournament champions to arrive. Maids and security running around getting rooms ready and greeting everyone at arrival. 
Fred sighed heavily to himself. This is the biggest deal anyone has made of the Tri wizard tournament in over a century. Leave it to Bill to try to outdo is father. Everyone in the family knows the real reason he’s trying to make this a bigger event than it needs to be, and while he understands it, what it symbolizes is terrifying. 
He stares out of the large bay window in his room. Sunlight just started to peak over the horizon making the grounds one of his favorite shades of pink. He should have been down in the rink to start his training about an hour ago but couldn’t find the energy to be around some of the new fighters that have come in. All so loud and determined to prove themselves. Once word got around that the Green brothers were coming it became chaos. Most of them personally having lost to them, it became a matter of pride. Seeing how they trained, how serious they must take the skill and most of all, trying to learn them well enough to figure out their weak spots. Training is something typically done in private so training with the same people you compete against is out of many of their comfort levels. 
A knock on the door pulls him out of his thoughts. “Yes?” He called in response. Already knowing who it was. 
“You never showed up. Come on, everyone is waiting for you.” A voice said from the door. 
“This is so pointless, George. You see that right?” He didn’t move when he spoke. 
“Mate, I hate this as much as you do but we have to set an example right?” His twin responded. 
“Says the one who gets to keep his nose buried in books all day. Why didn’t I choose to do more schooling?” He sighed once again and went to grab his training bag from it’s hook.
“Because we share one brain cell and we have found out we can’t both use it at the same time.”  The thought makes them both laugh. George always has a way of cheering him up and vice versa. The beauty of being raised alongside someone. If one was sad then they both would suffer so they do their best to keep each other in light spirits. 
“Let's get this over with.” He says, clapping his brother on the shoulder and closing the door. 
Of course the arena was already crazy by the time he arrived. George takes his place on the sidelines , notebook in hand to write about the events of training as normal for the competition. 
He ran into what he thought was a wall, but typically walls dont yelp. Fred looks in front of him and is confused, thinking he imagined it until he looks down on the ground and sees a mess of fabric and curls. 
“Oh no.” He scrambles to give her a hand up, wrapping his own hand around her shoulder. 
“Merlin are the hallways in this castle not big enough-” The girl starts, then her eyes go round as she sees his face. She instantly pales and he fights the urge to laugh at her expression. 
“I could definitely ask someone to fix that for you.” He said with a laugh. The first thing he really notices about her are her eyes. Now that they seemed to have gone back down to their normal size. He’d call them brown but that doesn’t seem to do it justice. Standing as close to the window as they are, he can see little flecks of gold and even some blue in them. Like someone splattered paint at a chocolate brown canvas. And her hair seems isn’t exactly curly or straight but a sort of wild middle.  He’d be an idiot to say she wasn’t pretty but with how shocked she looked she just looks funny. 
“I am so sorry. Pri-” He holds up a hand cutting her off for the second time. Formal too.
“I should have watched where I was going. And you must be new around here. Fred.” He holds out his hand and he can see her freeze. “It’s polite to shake it, ya know?” 
That seems to unfreeze her and she jerks her hand out, almost robotically. He noticed how her hand felt a little too rough. 
“Are you here for the tournament?” He asked once he let her hand go. 
“Umm...no..why would I be?” She responded a little too quickly. 
“My mom sent out a bunch of personal invitations to some of the ladies in the court. And some others.” Fred says remembering the way her hands felt rough. Like she actually does something besides sit around and try on hats and gossip. 
“Ah. Yes. Something like that then.” She says with a small laugh. 
“Sorry this is just my first day in the castle and I haven’t seen anyone.” This makes him laugh. 
“So definitely your first time in the castle. So what’s your name? Since you seem to know mine, it’s only fair.” 
“S..Um Abigail.” The girl responds. “Abigail Jones.” He laughs again. 
“You sure? You don’t seem so sure.” He giddies her. 
She nods. “Absolutely sure.” 
“Glad we could get that established.” She can’t help but give a small laugh at his tone. 
She has the kind of laugh that seemed like it belonged in one of his meetings. It was a deep belly laugh, even if it was just a little one. He made the decision right then and there to make her laugh more. 
A clink of heels echo through the hallway. 
“Oh there you are!” A familiar voice calls from down the hall. Fred’s head immediately snaps up. Used to people constantly looking for him. 
“Minnie!” He calls when he sees the woman standing in front of him. 
“Minnie?” the girl next to him whispers with a small giggle. 
“I have been looking for you everywhere!” McGonagall comes stomping down the hallway with a certain fury in her eyes that makes Fred feel like he just pulled one of his first pranks all over again. She completely blows past him and grabs Abigail's wrist. 
“Fred. Trouble as always I see” Minerva says with a slight smile. “You. Now.” She pulls the girls arm and starts heading the way she came. 
“Well it was nice meeting you!” Fred calls at the retreating girl. 
“Same to you.” She flashes him one of the biggest smiles he’s seen in a long 
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“Now if i have to explain the simple rules of a duel to you one more time. I will hex you into the next century.” Mace screams into Krum’s face. A hand is suddenly on his shoulder. 
“I got this.” A voice deeper than what he’s used to saying in his ear. That one was his idea actually.  A spell to make her voice deeper to actually pass off as who she’s trying to. Forces her from being mute, especially when you have to count during duels. 
“Krum. You and me. Now.” Skylar shouts across the pitch. 
His chest actually seems to puff up more as he walks into the dueling area. 
The two face each other and bow. Through their masks, Skylar never takes her eyes off of the man. 
“One. Two. Thr-” Before the last syllable is even out of his mouth, he gets blasted onto his back. 
“Now next time, you’ll figure out that we have those rules to be fair. If that’s the only way you can beat someone. Do better.” Skylar calls to him before spinning on her heel and turning away. 
Fred just stares in awe as he walks away. Krum is one of the biggest douches there is and if he’s going to be the one to constantly put him in his place, then maybe this tournament is worth it after all.
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emelywrites · 4 years
Hi,can I request a Cedric's fic?Plot:?(Y/N) is somehow a precocious,calm Gryffindor with black long hair and red eyes,process introvert personalities with distance from other showing that she enjoy being alone after long time neglected by parents who only cares for her twin brother and sister that has family' blonde hair blue eyes,she get along well with Harry&Hermione,and they get her a date to the Yule Ball after they expressed their love to each other,which she only found out that one day...
Hi, I generalized the parameters for the reader a bit because you specified your request quite a lot and I hope for my stories to appeal to as many people as possible, so I hope you didn’t mind :)
Warnings: Kind of bad home life
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That Misfit Gryffindor
It really only started when you came to Hogwarts. Your entire family was in Ravenclaw and suddenly you fell out of line and were sorted into Gryffindor. That wasn’t exactly that last straw. Your family had always been a bit less loving towards you. You were just always a little different.
When you got home the summer after your first year you hadn’t made any friends all year. Your older sister and twin brother were constantly talking about the Ravenclaw common room, the Ravenclaw Quidditch team, Rowena Ravenclaw, Helena Ravenclaw… you get the gist. You had managed to drown into some book when they started talking about how your brother could soon contribute to the Quidditch team.
Since then, books had become your safe haven. You spent all your free time in the library or when you did go somewhere else you still always had a book on you. That’s how you met Hermione Granger. She was a year below you and came up to you one day in her second year.
„Hello, are you (Y/N) (Y/L/N)?“, you nodded, „Professor McGonagall told me to ask you if I ever have problems with a class or I need advice because you’re at least an E in all your classes. And I’m going to choose my electables soon so I was wondering if you could give me advice.“
For the first time in a while you actually put your book aside and had a proper conversation with her. After that, you saw each other more. You met Harry and Ron through her and suddenly you had friends. Suddenly, your family’s disinterest in you didn’t seem to matter much anymore. You studied a lot with Hermione now, just so you wouldn’t be alone. Still, sometimes you liked to just sit in a corner and read.
You never noticed but Cedric found that intriguing. You read with such intent. Nothing around you fazed you and he started having his own study sessions in a place where he could throw you glances. He never actually talked to you. Truth was, he fell in love with you. And he didn’t even know your name.
In your fifth year, the Golden Trio’s fourth, Harry became a Triwizard Champion and while so many people turned against him you decided to believe him and help him. That’s how Cedric noticed you and Harry were friends. He didn’t get a date to the Yule Ball. It was quickly approaching and many girls had asked him already but he’d turned them all down hoping he’d get the guts to ask you.
„Harry!“, he yelled after your friend in the hall.
You and Hermione left the two to it and went to the library.
„Erm- You wouldn’t be able to tell me anything at all about your friend, would you?“, the Hufflepuff then asked.
„Hermione? Oh, she’s great, why-?“
„No, sorry, I mean (Y/N), is it? She- Does she have a date for the Yule Ball?“, he got really nervous but Harry smiled.
„No, she isn’t really one for dancing. She hated the class and constantly stepped on my feet. I was her partner. I asked her if she wanted to go as friends because I don’t have anyone to go with and neither does she but she told me the day she’d go to a ball is the day Merlin shaves“, Harry chuckled, “Respectfully.”
„Oh. Alright, sorry for bothering“, he hesitated, „By the way, have you figured out the egg?“, Harry shook his head, „The Prefects’ bathroom on the fifth floor, might be worth a bath“, he said with a small smile.
Harry felt bad for Cedric for a second. He wanted to help him and he’d just crushed his idea of a great date to the Yule Ball. Harry didn’t have a date either so he knew what Cedric felt, but it must’ve been worse for the Hufflepuff because he actually had an idea of whom he wanted to go with.
„Cedric, wait, erm- I probably shouldn’t be telling you this but (Y/N)- She’s been noticing you, talking about you. I think, if you asked her she might actually say yes.“
Neither of them said anything after that and just parted ways. Just two days later, Cedric found you. He brought a sunflower that he had grown now, in December, with the help of some spell and walked up to you in the library. He held the flower behind his back and cleared his throat.
You finished the sentence and closed the book. Then you looked at him. You smiled nervously.
„Oh, Cedric, hi.“
„Hi…“, he trailed off, not really knowing how to continue.
You noticed. „What- What you did during the last task - turning the rock into a dog to distract the dragon - that was pretty clever“, you said quietly, as you were sitting in the library, „Did you need something? Do you want to take a seat?“
He felt a weight falling off his chest when he sat down and handed you the flower. „I wanted to ask you if you would like to go to the ball with me?“
You had been looking at the flower and now looked back up at him with a shocked look in your eyes.
„Are- Are you serious? Wait, did- did my sister set you up for this? Are you going to make fun of me when I say yes?“, you got nervous and earned yourself a „Shush“ from the passing Madam Pince.
„No, no, I wouldn’t- Why would your sister want to do that?“
„She does like to use every opportunity to make fun of me. Sending my crush to ask me out to the Yule Ball and then stand me up sounds like something she’d set up.“
„Your crush?“, he smiled, looking down as he blushed.
You didn’t respond and you two sat in a somewhat awkward silence for a few minutes.
„Thank you for the flower. I really like it“, you whispered, „And I’d love to go to the ball with you.“
„Really?“, he had the brightest smile on his face, „I- What color dress will you wear? I’ll coordinate my tie-,“
You spent a while talking about your plans until Madam Pince came back to shush you out because you were too loud.
A couple days later you met Cedric in front of the Great Hall for the Yule Ball. You had to open the ball because Cedric was one of the champions and thanks to his help you actually did alright. You didn’t even notice that night but your siblings, who had gone to the ball together for the lack of anyone asking them - or accepting their asks-, were watching you with envy and from that moment on they were just a smidge nicer.
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hpdabbles · 4 years
Flower Language
Alphard Black is the white sheep in a black wool herd that he called his family. He knows the saying is “the black sheep of the family” but everyone in the family were odd, so hence he was the only white one since he was the only normal one.
In his personal opinion at least. 
He just couldn’t come to understand their point of view. Not really. 
Every since he was a child, he was vastly different from his parents and his two siblings. His many cousins joked all the time, claiming he had always been a bit a odd due to being born underneath a full moon at midnight, which caused the star he was named after to shine in the wrong way.
He doesn’t thinks he’s odd because he does not like hurting people, physically, emotionally or otherwise. His family lived on making the weak feel weaker, the poor feel poorer and the rush of lashing out with words or wands. They saw it as normal, he did not.
Despite not agree with them, he never really fought against them either. He didn’t like confrontation. He choose to stay quite and to watch, he tried not to get attention onto himself by being the one wallflower in the family. He learn to just be bland enough his relatives lost interest in him while firm and aristocratic to those outside the family.
He didn’t want pure blood high society to think they could walk over him nor did he want to shame his upbringing, because while he didn’t agree with them, he was still a Black and they had dignity that came with the status. 
He was perfectly forgettable, keeping above average grades that gave him a invention to the slug club but nothing to make friends with. He didn’t stand out in any class beside Herbology, where half the green houses were striving with his special touch. At the Slytherin table he wasn’t alone, but he wasn’t included either.
Just a face among the masses. 
If Alphard entered the room mostly people would look over him along with the furniture if he keep still long enough.
He liked it that way. 
Alphard planned on staying that way, moving to France after Hogwarts maybe start a garden for potion ingredients and fade into obscurity. His sister was set to marry Orion, become the Lady of the House of Black, while his younger brother had been entered in a engagement with the Rosier House and was well on his way to make waves in the Slytherin house. He wanted to go into the Ministry, chasing some chair or another.
Alphard wanted to have dirt underneath his finger nails, the quite of the country said and the the lack of passive aggressive remarks at every family get together. He wanted children, because he adore them, the bright shine and carefree wonder they saw the world and the he secretly always wanted to be a dotting father, the kind he wishes his own father would be. 
Read them bedtime stories, cuddle with them on the couch, play make believe tea parties, ride brooms in the afternoon, tuck them in and hold them when they had nightmares. Just, be a dad.
But he couldn’t seem himself married, as no one had ever peek his interest, even if he knew it was only males that caught his slight attention, fizzing out before the attraction truly began, so he doesn’t believe he will ever get that. Blood adoption is a process only married couples can go through, and he knows his family would never stand for regular adoption. It wasn’t worth the head ache fighting them over it. 
His parents tried, of course they did, it was tradition for Purebloods to build a marriage portfolio around a wizard’s or witch’s fifteen birthday. It is a application on a special parchment said to be created by Merlin himself, that would not allow lies to be written, in a effort to make sure the magical abilities of possible children really would be the beat they could be. 
This meant that everything else is truthful as well including the sexuality, which had a large role in making sure the child produced by the couple could be a squib since the Pureblood’s magic would not pass on willingly. If a wizard was force into a marriage with a witch when he didn’t fancy them then his magic would simply stop. 
A Pureblood worst nightmare.
The marriage portfolio would be finished on the crust of the their birthday  and sent out to every pureblood house at the end of every month along side the other wizards or witches that were still looking for partners. 
Alphard always thought it felt like it is more of magazine subscription then a life long decision but he kept those thoughts to himself. 
If a house found a portfolio they liked they would send a courtship request to the house the child came from.  From there weeks of going back and forth of what the couple life would be like- such as housing, children, benefits each family brought to the table- until one side requested a engagement. 
 Once both sides agreed- usually between the parents only- they would be engaged and web on both parties seventeen birthdays but no one picked up Alphard’s marriage portfolio from the piles each month.
No one was interested. It hurt sometimes to listen to parents sigh as yet again the other wizards who fancied wizards didn’t want to fancy him. Didn’t even want to have a marriage of circumstance. His parents always received polite but negative answers when they set out a courtship request.  
He stop hopping when he turn seventeen. 
That why, one morning while he is enjoying a regular breakfast half listening to the fifth year perfect, Riddle, casually give out orders to the Slytherin table about some new Lord, he was stone cold shock when a unknown owl dropped a golden envelope on his plate. 
He stares at it, wondering why it’s there. He doesn’t dare pick it up, in fear of the rose gold letters on the other side be address to someone else and this be a cruel prank or a mistake somehow. Alphard doesn’t know what he do if it was. 
He plans on hiding it away, wanting to open it in the safety of his room but he can’t bring himself to move his hand and store it away. Around him conversations keep going, no one has noticed anything amiss. 
No one sees the golden envelope but him. Alphard swallows, his not sure if it’s excitement or terror in making his stomach flip. Was he dreaming? Was the envelope really golden? Or had he somehow gone colorblind over night?
Unlucky for him Orion- his cousin and soon to be brother in law- turn his head slightly, looking away without interest then snapping his neck back to Alphard. Before he can beg the fifth year the House Heir shouts for all to hear.  “Alphard is that a courtship request!?”
The whole table turn too stare at him with the same bewilderment he was feeling. Most alarming of all, was the way Riddle’s mouth snap close, pressing his lips tightly in displeasure for a few seconds before his face smooth out and he hid his displeasure of being ignore. 
Alphard didn’t know what it was about the muggle-born but something didn’t feel right about him and he didn’t trust him at all. He was sure that something dark and cruel lived under the friendly mask he wore, because the way he casually cut people down with words and the intense stare he bore couldn’t be from the prince like appearance he kept at all times.  
Having Riddle’s attention was dangerous, no matter how much everyone adore him. He wondered why no one else ever notice the danger but then he realized he is the only white sheep in a black herd he called Hogwarts house. 
“Alphard! Some one wants to court you! ” Cygnus gasp standing up from the fifth years. His little brother's joyful relief tone is slightly insulting  “Some one, actually wants to court you! Goodness, Mother will be overjoyed! Open it! Who is it from!?”
Face growing hot, he fights the urge to hunch his shoulders, knowing it would not seem right from someone from high society. He glances around the room discreetly and bites back a groan when he sees other students have stop to watch as well, even the teachers were smiling fondly staring down at him from the high table.
 It’s a common occasion but everyone still loved a good courtship request arrival. It was practically like a proposal. Alphard just wishes it was more private then this. 
Taking a calming breath he grabs the envelope, turning it around and only just stopping himself form groaning in relief when he spots his name in pretty rose gold ink. 
It really is for him.
Opening the golden envelope with great care, hands nearly unstable with the shaking of his fingers, as they grip the handle of his letter opener, he pulls out the special parchment, the same kind the marriage portfolios are made of.
Quickly he reads over the words written on them as the hall falls into a hush. As his eyes run over the each letter, sincere and kind heart praise of his dreams, likes and dislikes has him wanting to bury his face and hide. He’s never been flirted with before. 
It was oddly lovely to have someone flirt with him, sort of made him feel like he was special in a way. Alphard can hear his heart beat echo through the room and he half wonders in moment of mystification if the others can hear it too.
“Alphard?” Cygnus asks voice wavering with worry just a bit “What does it say?”
“A Lord wishes to court me.” Alphard answers face turning redder once he reaches the end. Compliment after compliment for his tiger lilies, were much more effective then calling him gorgeous even if the Lord also stated he is even if the photo of himself had only been included on his parents insistence. “He likes my flowers.”
“I added images of my garden to my portfolio. He says...” Blushing more intently and unable to shyly look down at the letter he admits with a slightly gooey voice. “He says I have lovely green thumbs.”
Some cooing is heard from one of the six year girls, the one who knows just how much his green thumb meant to him as she was vice president of the gardening club.  He of course, is the president. 
“That’s good to hear, he cares about your hobbies” Cygnus says sounding like he couldn’t care one bit. “Which Lord is it?”
The rest of the room lean in waiting for the answer. Who could want the boring Black after all? 
Alphard checks the name sighed at the bottom having not read it, after gushing over the last line. These garden photos you’ve included took my breath away, Mr. Black  you have such lovely green thumbs.
He nearly swoons once more from reading it. 
“A Harry Emrys.” He says then does a double take as the same time the rest of the room does.  “Emrys!?”
“The new Lord...” Riddle mumbles. With a jolt Alphard realizes the perfect had just been ordering the rest of the table that only he was allowed to court the Emrys lord. He had swooped in and stolen the last of Merlin’s line right under neath the boy. 
His family all break into cheers, while the rest of the hall shout out his congratulations. This was certainly marrying up for him. They all knew it, the new Lord may be young- only a year above them if rumors are belived- but he had the most gold as everyone still used Merlin’s spells and by right of creation payed the Emrys family a small fee, not to mention it was Merlin’s family name. 
Alphard looks Riddle calmly eating his bacon around the sudden crowd of people patting him on the back and good naturally teasing him. The fifteen year old didn’t appear bothered but he could spot the rage in his red eyes. 
Alphard needed to be careful he didn’t...get a accident in the next couple of days. 
“Oh look! He is so handsome!” Sally Parkinson said pulling out a photograph he hadn’t notice from the golden envelope. 
The image of a waving man with wild hair and the most gorgeous pair of green eyes underneath a strange lighting scar had Alphard chocking on his spit. Because in one hand he was holding a pot with the most lovely white lilies he’s ever seen. The glowed in tune with the man’s waving meaning they strive on his magic.  
He was the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen.  
No matter how much it upset Riddle, Alphard wasn’t going to let him steal Harry away from him. 
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sparklingichigo · 3 years
Human World Adventures
Part 2
Meanwhile, Haruka is soundly asleep. At first, it was a peaceful sleep but suddenly her dream returns to that time where she's in a battle against Reika. Call it PTSD if you may.
Reika: How could you do this to me?! I'm your sister!!
Haruka: It's because of what you did! You killed innocent people! My friends! I can't even do anything without you controlling me! People hated me because of you, you even torture Satan for no reason!
Reika: That's because those people are bad! They don't even acknowledge me! They don't even understand me, I'm lonely!
Haruka: .... what? This whole time everyone is trying to be kind to you! Even me!
Reika: SHUT UP! THESE ARE ALL LIES!!! [choking Haruka]
Haruka can't even breathe because of how tight her grip is. In real life, everyone can hear Haruka's scream from their room. Luke and Simeon instantly came into her room finding Haruka trashing around in her bed, Michael and Rosaria came there as well.
Simeon: Haruka?! Haruka! Wake up!! [trying to shake her awake]
Luke: What's happening?! Michael, what's going on?!
Michael: Wait! Wait! She's about to summon some spell! Stop her before it happens!
Luckily Simeon did remove the spell but still tries to wake her up until they hear one name "Reika".
Michael: ...that demon is still around...?
Rosaria: But isn't she dead? I thought merlin finally killed her!
Michael: It's not that easy. Her soul is probably flying around and it reaches her. The only way to get it out is by me entering into that dream and eliminate her once and for all.
Back in the dream, Haruka is still struggling with Reika, she's trying to reach for help but Reika's hold is getting tighter. While this is happening, Ichigo feels heat surrounding her.
Ichigo: What's happening.... why do I feel heat surrounding my body.... the aircon is on.... [thinks for a while] Oh no... BELPHIE!!
Belphie: Huh?! What?!
Ichigo: We need to get the hotel a.s.a.p! I think Haruka is in trouble! Reika's back!
Belphie: She's what?!
Ichigo: We have no time! We have to go there STAT! [opening a portal to reach Haruka]
Belphie saw what's going on and instantly enters the portal with Ichigo. Once they got there, they witness Reika choking Haruka right in front of them.
Belphie: .... they can't see us.... but I'm sure I can reach Michael since he's around!
Ichigo: Please do! He's the only way!
Finally, Belphie contacts Michael to enter the dream. This causes the real Michael to fall asleep but Michael is inside the dream now.
Michael: What happened?!
Belphie: Michael, you are the only way to stop this! We need to eliminate her with your holy sword!
Michael: The holy sword.... even in a dream...
Michael glances to Reika and Haruka's side seeing that creature choking Haruka. He sees Haruka is getting weaker any second and he sees blood flowing from Haruka's neck.
Michael: I guess it's the only way.
With that Michael charges into her with the holy sword and finally eliminates her once and for all. Reika's soul screams in pain before turning into dust. Michael even sees flame coming from his sword, that's probably Reika's soul burning against the holy sword.
Back in real life, Simeon, Luke, and Rosaria are helping with prayer. Haruka can't even breathe properly despite Michael getting rid of Reika's soul.
Haruka: Simeon... I thought this can be our happy ending... but here we are... guess this is the end... [sad smile]
Simeon: no no no! I'm sure there's away! Michael will find a way!
Haruka: I'll see you in the next life...Simeon...
Simeon: No no no no! Haruka, please! [crying as he's hugging Haruka]
Luke and Rosaria are also sad as they see this. Suddenly Michael, Belphie, and Ichigo appear again from the dream.
Michael: ....Am I too late...
Belphie: No. There's still hope.
Ichigo: [checks if Haruka is breathing] She's alive!
Luke: She's a- How did you guys even get here?!
Belphie: That's your priority?! Your friend is dying right now, chihuahua!
Michael: I think we can still heal her. Everyone back away, including you Simeon. This is gonna be really bright.
Simeon: But-
Michael: NOW! Demons, look away, or just go somewhere.
With that everyone runs to Luke's room and this leaves Michael with Haruka to heal her. Before that, Michael asks his Father to give him more strength just in case this healing process didn't work.
Michael: Father, do give me strength. There is a possibility of failure but if there's hope, please let me heal her.
Just as Michael finishes his prayer, a really bright light appears through his hands. The King of Angels Himself has given the power through Michael and finally, the light disappears.
Michael: [sigh] It's finished. Haruka? Are you there?
Haruka: [blinks awake] Where am I...? Am I dead yet...?
Michael: No you're not, luckily.
Haruka: Then why am I seeing an angel...
Michael: =_= that joke is getting old, Haruka. I'm certain that you're alive.
Haruka: But I did saw God.... and I can't even breathe.... h-how?
Michael: Father has given me permission to heal you. I know there is a possibility of failure but God has given us hope and here you are. So, yes you are alive and healed.
Haruka: I am??
Suddenly the two of them hear a knock from Luke,
Luke: Michael?!?! Are you done?!? Is she healed?!
Michael: If you hear that, you're alive.
Haruka: I guess I am! Thanks a lot, Michael! [hugs Michael]
Michael: You're welcome^^ It's the least I could do. You're not even married to Simeon yet, how can I let you die like that?
Haruka: ....Am I healed or am I just reincarnated?
Michael: [sigh] You are healed. I'm sure you know who Simeon is don't you?
Haruka: Well...I do
Michael: There you go^^ Come on, let's go and meet them.
Once the door is open, Haruka is showered with hugs by Simeon. Luke and Ichigo. Rosaria just watch from a distance as her husband walks towards her.
Rosaria: You've done well. [pats his shoulder]
Luke: I thought you're dead [crying went brr]
Ichigo: I actually thought that b*tch eliminated you!!
Haruka: I'm fine! Michael did heal me properly so here I am.
Ichigo: I'm glad then. At least all your burdens are gone.
Haruka: They are.
Ichigo and Luke pull away from the hug letting Simeon talk to Haruka.
Simeon: Are you reincarnated? Do you still remember me?
Michael and the others instantly facepalms while Haruka just laughs and hugs Simeon again.
Haruka: I'm not. I'm perfectly healed thanks to Michael and God.
Simeon: Y-you are?
Haruka: I am. I'm back now^^ [rub his head because Simeon is a crying mess]
Simeon: I thought I was gonna lose you again.... and-
He keeps on crying that his words aren't even clear. Haruka just comforts him as he proceeds to cry.
Haruka: There there^^ I'm alive aren't I?
Simeon: You are, yeah... you are^^
Well, this news somehow reaches the brothers as well. Satan is shocked to hear this and so is Lucifer.
Satan: What?! She died?! Again?!
Haruka: Yes, I did. Stop making it a big deal.
Satan: How are you dead again? Did someone attack you? A sacrifice?
Haruka: An attack. Reika attacked me yet again, luckily Michael is there to help me. Don't pull the "you could've summoned me" card, the only way out is a virtue angel and that holy sword.
Belphie: Ichigo also felt that heat surrounding her body, that's how we connect Michael into that dream.
Beel: What?! Are you okay?! No injuries?!
Ichigo: I'm fine^^ Luckily once she's healed and once Michael eliminated her that heat was gone, as if all my burdens are gone, right Haruka?
Haruka: Yeah, just like that. Our connection is that strong so we can feel each other's pain just not specific.
Beel: I see. But she's gone for good right?
Haruka: Forever. 100% gone. Michael has finally eliminated her.
Lucifer: Well, Michael, I have to say, you did a good job.
Michael: Why thank you, twin brother^^ [sips tea]
Overall, everything is now peaceful since Reika is finally gone so what now? Of course, they're gonna have fun!
Haruka: You guys up for swimming?
Levi: Swimming?! Heck yeah!
Haruka: Then I'll wait for you guys in my hotel, at 8!
Levi: Pm?
Haruka: A.M, you stupid snake!
Levi: so... 8 in the morning?
Haruka: Obviously!
Solomon: Oh cool! We're going swimming!
Asmo: Ah it's been a while since I use my newest swimsuit, are you gonna use yours, Ichigo?
Ichigo: ...I don't think that's wise [sweat drops]
Beel: What's wrong with it?
Asmo: You'll see^^ Oh ho ho ho~
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eleven-times-lively · 4 years
The First Day
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In which You and Fred send your daughters off to Hogwarts for the first time.💕 masterpost
Summary: You and Fred part ways with your girls for the first time, and the newfound freedom makes you realise new truths about each other. Word Count: 3295 Note: This took soooo long to write!! Sorry for the delay! Also, the next chapter will be 85.7% angst. Also sorry this is so short. I know I said it would be longer, and it was meant to be but I wrote the ending and it made me feel things and it felt like a fantastic stopping point and bridge to the next chapter. So ch.8 will open with the original ending to this chapter.
You woke up, still groggy, to the sun shining in through the window. You rolled over and felt a still sleeping Fred beside you. His chest moved up and down with his shallow breathing as he slept. You peacefully admired your husband as you transitioned into a more awake state. However, the moment of peace was quickly disrupted as you heard shouts in the halls and your doorknob shaking before the door flew open. Fred shot up in the bed, thrown out of his deep sleep, as his gaze quickly whipped around the room. The two of you were ready for a dementor attack, but alas it was just your two daughters, staring up at you from the foot of the bed with their big, innocent doe eyes. 
The two pairs of eyes blinked up at you and Fred expectantly… silently. You and Fred exchanged confused glances, looking between each other and the girls. The moment of silence was short lived as the girls quickly broke into a flurry of movement and words. All you could catch were drawn out mentions of shopping, wands, and floo powder. You and Fred chuckled to yourselves as you peeled away from the bed. 
Fred snuck behind an excited Callie and snatched her up into his arms, earning an excited shriek from the girl. You did the same with Cassie and together you all headed down to the living room for morning tea. 
You were all settled around the dining table, the girls finally calmed, when you had a normal discussion about the day ahead. 
“So,” Fred began, fingers tapping his mug as he peered over the edge, “are you ladies excited to get your school supplies?” 
“Absolutely!”, Callie cheered, reaching for the letter that was on the shelf behind her. “I can’t wait to get my wand, and to organise everything to get ready!” You and Fred chuckled at your daughter, a gleam in her eye at the promise of packing and planning.
“And I…” Cassie began, drawing out the vowel, “am excited to visit all the shops and meet some people! Hopefully some students will be there!”
You and Fred nodded and smiled at your daughters in front of you. The once adorable babies had turned into young, intelligent girls that would soon be off to school.
“But still,” you piped up, a warning tone in your voice, “that doesn’t mean you can burst into Mummy and Daddy’s room unannounced.” You glanced down at them, not particularly mad or upset.
“Oh, come one, love,” Fred responded to you, “they were having fun. Remember how excited we were?”
“Of course, Freddie,” a more scolding tone hinting at the edges of your voice, “but barging in like that is rude and they need to know that.”
“Nonsense,” was all he said as he stood up.  He was headed to the kitchen when he noticed the twins were no longer seated at the table. “Guess we were so busy that we didn’t even notice our daughters slip away.”
You just rolled your eyes and headed out to the back gardens, and you noticed a few more chips of paint had come off the doorframe. You made a mental note to fix that later.
A few hours later, it was time to head to Diagon Alley. You had promised the girls you could use the Floo Network as a special treat. You had access through your fireplace, but the girls knew it was off limits due to the risk and dangers should they not properly dictate.
After a long lecture and teaching of the Floo Network, the four of you arrived in Diagon Alley. “Should we just let them off on their own?” Fred asked, wrapping an arm around your waist as you walked. 
“Seriously?”, you cocked an eyebrow up at him, leaning into his grasp. The girls were already a few metres ahead of you, bounding through the crowds.
“Yeah,” he responded coolly, “they know the place like the back ‘a their hands. They grew up here, y/n.” He was walking at a calm, breezy pace, seemingly forgetting that this was the last time you’d see your daughters for an extended period of time… until Christmas at least. 
“I don’t know, Freddie,” you spoke reluctantly, the thought behind your words evident.  “It’s a special day, we should stay with them.”
Fred silently agreed, nodding as he walked. The four of you went in and out of each shop, the girls stopping to admire the various wonders held within each. 
“Look at this!” Cassie exclaimed, admiring the ostentatious, advanced-skill telescope before her. She peered her eye in the wrong end and let out an exaggerated “Wow!” in reaction. You chuckled as you ruffled her hair and walked past.
“I think we should stick with something simpler, love,” you reminded as you walked over to Callie, who was selecting her phials. “Crystal, eh?” you acknowledged her over her shoulder, causing her to startle slightly. You chuckled and placed a hand on her shoulder. “May look nicer,” you began, “but glass will last longer. Don’t want to have to buy a new set next year.” She nodded and grabbed the glass set instead. 
With scales, cauldrons, phials, and telescopes in hand, the four of you headed out of the first store and back into the bustling chaos of the street. You and Fred quickly apparated the supplies back home before guiding the girls into Madam Malkin’s for uniforms. 
After not twenty minutes, you realised this would be the most daunting part of the day.
“But whyyy is it all black?” Cassie groaned, picking up her winter cloak. You opened your mouth to respond, but Callie beat you to it.
“Because,” she began, her face pointed, “it shows uniformity and professionalism. This is a school, not a funhouse,” she said matter-of-factly before wandering off. Your eyes widened in awe and confusion before guiding Cassie to the gloves section.
Fred leaned down to her, whispering, “Don’t worry, love, I hated the uniforms too.” He winked.
“But daddy!”, she giggled, “that was so long ago! You haven’t been to school in ages!”
Fred brought his hand up to clutch his chest and his face contorted in mock offense. “How dare you!” he jokingly gasped, “I will have you know it has only been…” he paused for a moment, eyes darting back and forth as he counted in his head, “seventeen years since I’ve graduated!” His look of ‘ha! I’ll show her!’ quickly turned into a look of ‘Merlin, am I that old?’ as he scoffed and walked off. You chuckled and helped Cassie finish up her selections. 
Hours later, countless books carried, and galleons spent, it was time for the much awaited wand selections. The girls were practically jumping for joy as they skipped towards Ollivander’s. They got mere steps in the door before they stopped dead in their tracks, heads tilted upward and mouths open in awe. The both gasped as they spun around, taking in the sights around them. It had never occurred to you how amazing the sight truly was. Boxes upon boxes stacked on every available surface, ladders flying about the room and wands floated about, excited wizards grasping their very first wands for the very first time. It was truly intimidating and astounding all at once.
You and Fred each placed your hands on the girls shoulders, guiding them within the shop to the front counter. You took in a deep sigh, awaiting the long, enduring process ahead. 
            The girls looked on in amazement as they were asked questions before their wands found them. After many moments, anxious waiting from you and Fred, and the girls bouncing up and down, Callie and Cassie had received their wands. 
            Cassie has been selected by an intricate and unique wand. A nine and a half inch cedar wand with a unicorn hair core and a dainty, intricate swirled carving down the length of the hilt. 
            Callie had been selected by a stoic, powerful wand. Eleven inches, hawthorn wood, and a dragon heartstring core made up the fierce and daunting wand adorned with runes along the length. 
            You felt tears prick at your eyes as you wrapped an arm around Fred’s shoulders. Remembering your own wand selection, how overjoyed and nervous you were; awaiting the new chapter ahead. He placed a kiss to your head as the two of you rejoined the girls, congratulating them and guiding them out of the shop.
Hours later, after checking in on the store and finally heading home, the girls got set on packing. It was just as much of a chaotic mess as you’d expect.
“Cassie, that's my jumper!” Callie shrieked, taking the garment from her twin.
“No it isn’t!” Cassie shot back. “It has a ‘C’ on it!,” she grabbed the jumper back, “it’s mine!” Fred was snickering in the corner, watching the whole thing play out.
“Both our names start with a ‘C’ you daft bim-,” 
“Calliope!”, you shouted when you came into the room at just the right time. “You do not call your sister names!” You weren’t particularly mad, but you were yelling. “It is her sweater,” you explained, “yours are blue, Cassie’s are purple.” You huffed as you stared down at them. Tensions were high and you didn’t get like this often, they just sat staring up at you. Callie rolled her eyes and went back to her packing while Cassie snickered and turned back to her own.
Fred had a smirk on his face that was quickly gone when you walked over to him. “Alright, love?”, he tested.
“Clearly not,” you groaned, walking out of the room.
“Hey, love?” Fred asked from the corner of the room. The girls had long since gone to bed, and you were curled up on the couch with a book.
“Hmm?”, you responded, sitting up on the couch to face him. 
He sat behind you and pulled you into his lap. His arms wrapped tightly around you as he breathed in your sweet scent and placed a kiss to the top of your head. “Can we talk about earlier?”
“What about?”
“You got pretty upset with the girls. Perhaps unreasonably so?” His arms squeezed tighter and you could hear the hesitation in his voice. 
“They were arguing, Fred. Perhaps unreasonably so,” you lightly chuckled, “Callie called her sister a bimbo, Fred.” The agitation was evident in your tone.
“Well, yeah, but I think you overreacted just a touch, love.” His fingers came to play with your own. The sly git knew just what to do to calm you down, trying his hardest to avoid a fight.
“Overreacted?” the annoyance was evident, but your tone remained level. “I don’t know about you, but I won’t have our daughters treat each other that way. At least not in this house.”
“That’s just sibling banter, love,” he placed another kiss to your head as he felt you tense in his lap. “I know you don’t have experience with that, but trust me it’s normal, especially for twins.” He expected another retort, and was considerably confused when he felt you shaking. 
You sighed and began to cry lightly. “What if they won’t be okay without us?” The tears streamed down your face as worse-case scenarios ran through your head. 
Fred gripped your hips and turned you around so that you were seated on his lap, fully facing him. His thumbs gently wiped away tears as his hands cupped your face. “Love,” he whispered, gazing directly into your eyes. He needn’t say more, his soft visage seeming to touch your soul. You’d had the conversation countless times before, and the words didn’t need to be said again. Deep down you knew that the twins would be perfectly fine on your own. But your motherly instinct and need to constantly protect them continued to overshadow and cloud your judgement. Fortunately your strong, doting husband was constantly there for you to calm all of your fears with just one look or the touch of his hands.
The tears stopped and your breathing steadied as you leaned into him. You came to rest yourself on his chest, legs stretching out across him. He ran his hands up and down your back, occasionally coming to brush through your hair, and you buried yourself in his chest. You were nearly asleep when you felt him gently drum his fingers on your hips. “We should head up to bed, love,” he whispered as his hands lightly gripped your hips.
You hummed against him, mind in agreement but body remaining steadfast against your husband. He chuckled lightly as he stood up and held you in his arms. He carried you upstairs and into your bed, where he nuzzled up next to you and held you close. His strong arms wrapped around you as you relaxed and warmed to his touch. You both quickly drifted off to sleep, both in complete adoration for one another.
The day finally came where you’d have to say goodbye to the twins. You and Fred woke up early, prepared to have to drag the girls out of bed, but you should’ve known better because they ended up waking you at an ungodly hour.
You and Fred prepared a final family breakfast for the girls. A full English was passed around, along with jokes, memories, and a few held back tears on your part. After breakfast, you and Fred helped the girls gather their trunks, cases, and bags and bring them downstairs. Before apparating away, you were sure to give them a quick chat.
“Now girls,” you began, crouching down to their height and taking a soft, maternal tone, “it’s going to be very busy at the station, so you need to stay by me or daddy at all times.” One twin rolled her eyes, the other flashed an awkward smile. “I’m serious,” you pressed, but while smiling at the girls, “I just want the two of you to be safe.”
“We know, mummy,” they responded in unison. You and Fred chuckled as you each took one girl’s hand and apparated to King’s Cross Station.
Upon arrival the girls stoop, mouths agape. “It’s huge!”, mused Cassie.
“That it is,” responded Callie. They stood in amazement a few moments longer as you and Fred tried to guide them inside.
“Just you wait, ladies,” he began, “the fun is just beginning.” He winked at you as the four of you entered the main building of the station.
Callie glanced down at her ticker. “Platform nine and… three quarters?” She looked up at you and Fred in confusion.
“Have you learned nothing of magical history?” Fred tsked jokingly. “Platform nine and three quarters is how we get to the…” he leaned down to whisper, “Hogwarts Express.”
Callie didn’t seem convinced, but continued nonetheless. Cassie, however, lit up with absolute glee.
The four of you got to the brick wall of Platform 9 3/4 and the girls once again looked around in awe and amusement. They were both about to question the absurdity of it all when they saw an older wizard zoom past and straight into the wall, followed by his parents who exchanged warm smiles with you and Fred. You quickly explained the process to the nervous looking girls. 
You and Fred gave them a quick chat, convincing them that absolutely nothing bad could happen. You took Cassie’s hand, Fred took Callie’s, and you prepared to cross over. You and Cassie went first, followed by Fred and Callie. You and Fred exchanged warm smiles and a small kiss on the other side, forgetting the exciting rush of crossing the platform. “Haven’t done that in seventeen years,” he mused. The girls were absolutely speechless as they took in the sights around them. Wizards roamed everywhere. Spells were shot about from those old enough, siblings pushed about their carts together, and there was an abundance of nervous first-years looking just like your twins.
“That was fun!” Cassie exclaimed, “We should do that again.” You and Fred both chuckled as you guided the girls through the crowd and over to Bill and Fleur, whose oldest daughter was the only other Weasley child old enough to attend Hogwarts yet. 
The four of you chatted for a bit while Callie and Cassie acquainted themselves with Victoire, who was already in her third year. Wizards were filing on the train at a steady pace, saying their goodbyes and finding their friends. Victoire said a swift goodbye to Bill and Fleur before heading to the train, promising to save space for the twins. Bill chuckled as he watched her leave. “Clearly it gets easier,” he smiled at you and Fred before him and Fleur took a few steps back to give the four of you some time.
Fred knelt down to the girls, tears already pricking at his eyes. “Calliope, Cassiopeia,” he spoke at a steady pace, the girls were attentive--not used to hearing their full names, “I love you so, so much and I am immensely proud of you. This is a big step forward, and I have full confidence that you will accomplish great things and make your mother and I very, very proud.” He held back his tears as best as he could, but a few inevitably fell. He gave each girl a kiss on the forehead and a tight hug before giving you a chance with your daughters. 
“Girls,” you smiled as you knelt down as Fred had, “I know I may not be the most pleasant at times, and I may not be your favorite person all the time, but please know how much I truly love you. Everything I do and say, and if I’ve gotten a little mad lately, is all because I’ve been trying to prepare you. I want you to do the best you can and to see you continue to grow into the wonderful young ladies I know you are. Please remember that we love you very much, and we’ll be thinking about you the entire time you’re gone.” You smiled and chuckled through your tears and you wrapped both of the girls in one big hug. 
The four of you said final goodbyes as the girls reluctantly boarded the train. Their cute little heads quickly popped out of one of the nearby windows, their gaze quickly finding you and Fred. And just as promised, they were seated with Victoire. You couldn’t stop your tears as the train began to pull away. Fred wrapped an arm around you and placed a kiss atop your head as the two of you waved goodbye to your girls as the train left the station. You waited until you could no longer see the train to leave, and even then needed some coaxing from Fred. You apparated home where he pulled you into a tight embrace. 
All of your emotions came forth at once. You were sobbing and shaking in the entrance to your home. Fred had his hands wrapped tightly around you and you buried into his neck. Tears streamed from his own eyes as well, both of you a mess of feeling. The two of you stayed that way for a while, processing the new dynamic settling into the home, the new chapter you’d begin, and the uncomfortable silence in the home. No longer were the pitter-patter of little feet, the high pitched giggles of young girls, the bubbling laughter from the four of you at family dinner. Instead there was an uncomfortable, deafening silence bleeding into the room. An uneasy feeling washed over you. Things were surely going to change. You and Fred were alone together for the first time in eleven years, and maybe it wouldn’t be exactly as you’d hoped.
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siriusmuch · 5 years
Friday I’m In Love | Chapter Three
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series masterlist here
word count: about 2.7k
warnings: this chapter will be rather triggering, so please keep yourself safe. a bit of obvious verbal abuse. a lot of fucking angst. hints of major depression. it’s not a happy chapter.
taglist: @interestingthingsthings @siriuslysirius1107 @scaredofvscogirls @lizlil @themihala @mainstreambitchlife @phenylethyllamine @jellyfishbeansontoast​ @accio-rogers​ @blackpinkdolan​  please message me or send an ask if you’d like to be added to the taglist! if you didn’t receive a notification, it’s because i can’t tag you.
a/n: i’m a bit nervous that i’m moving the story too fast, but again, thank you for all your support! :) as of current, it’s about close to halloween in the year! i just wanted to clarify that in case anyone was confused/wondering.
A week had gone by without any disruption to your everyday life. You still met up with Remus after school for tutoring, you didn’t talk to the Marauders, and you talked to Regulus and Snape almost daily. Your life couldn’t be better — at least, for your terms.
“Are you going to keep staring at my idiot brother and his friends or are you going to eat your sausages? Because if you’re not, I’ll take them.” Regulus sat beside you and commented, reaching out for your plate as you moved it away.
“I’m not staring at anyone, I’m just... eating. Very slowly.”
“As if I believe that,” He scoffed, “You’re getting attached, (Y/N).”
You looked over at Regulus, your eyes softening as they met his. Regulus was a somewhat stoic person — he knew how to keep his emotions in check, and he was the perfect son. You knew how much he tried to appease his parents. You knew how much he was struggling without his brother, and you knew what he was going through.
Except he wasn’t aware of your problems.
Well, sure, he knew about what happened over the Summer, but he didn’t know all of it. No one knew all of it. And no matter how much you’ve eased in Remus’ presence, you couldn’t burden him with that information.
“Letters are here,” Regulus said, bringing you back to reality. A flood of owls started coming in, and you looked around for yours. Looking back down at your plate, you decided to finish eating your sausages quickly before any feathers happened to get in your food.
“I don’t want to alarm you, (Y/N), but...” Regulus whispered. He placed his hand on your shoulder as an attempt to comfort you.
You looked up. There, Owlbert Einstein hovered, a red-letter in his clutches. You paled, and murmurs started going around the Great Hall. They noticed your misfortune, and there was no doubt that people were going to talk about this all day.
“You should open it. Get it over with.”
You locked eyes with Regulus again, and you knew he was right. It was better now than never, and despite that everyone was staring at you. You took hold of the howler, the heat of it slightly burning your hands, and opened it without hesitation. Letting go, it floated up, and your father’s voice rang through the hall.
“(Y/N) (L/N),” It started, voice surprisingly quiet for a howler, “You’ve continued to disappoint me. I thought my, lessons, over the summer, would’ve helped tame you a bit... It was bad enough that I didn’t find out that you were skipping classes immediately, but I also find out that you’ve been hanging with bloody GRYFFINDORS.”
Your father’s voice shook the hall as it got louder, and you could hear every murmur in the hall. No one wanted to miss out on this — The great (Y/N) who had next to no friends in Slytherin was getting a howler.
You looked down at your empty plate, regretting having eaten so much. You felt like you could puke any moment, and you didn’t want to even think about home anymore.
“YOU KNOW I’M WATCHING YOU. YOU SAW WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR SISTER. ONE MORE STEP OUT OF LINE, AND YOU’RE NEXT,” Your eyes darkened at the mention of your sister, “If you keep doing what you’re doing, you’re going to end up being a failure to this family. We won’t hesitate to do what’s right. If you continue to be like this, you’re going to end up being nothing but an obstacle. Don’t be a fucking mistake to this bloodline.”
You prayed to Merlin it was over. You were embarrassed and reminded of your sister — and there was no doubt that everyone would either stare at you with pity or mock you. And all you wanted to do was go back to the Slytherin dungeons, curl up with some sleeping tea and cookies, and never come out of your bed.
“Bye, (Y/N). Your mother and I love you.”
The howler disappeared in ashes, and you grimaced. The audacity of your parents to yell at you and tarnish what little reputation you had, to make you feel so small, to even mention your sister and still end the letter telling you how much they “loved” you. Standing up abruptly, you turned to face Regulus.
“I’m going to go get ready for class. I’ll talk to you later.”
Your voice was stone cold, and Regulus couldn’t help but look at your back with a sad smile on his face.
You arrived early for your first class. Waiting was an absolute bore, but you couldn’t skip, no matter how much you wanted to. The rumor mills were circulating, and there wasn’t any escaping it. If you tried hiding, there would just be more information to add to it.
“Did you hear?”
“Hear what?”
You rolled your eyes. Even in the classroom, you couldn’t escape the gossip. At least the two girls were outside; if they were inside, you might’ve had the gut to punch them. Maybe that’d get them to shut up. 
“The Black siblings got into a fight!”
Your eyes widened as you sat straight up, trying to listen in on what they were saying.
“Really? When?”
“After (L/N) left. Apparently, Sirius was shit-talking her and Regulus overheard. Ugh, I wish I got their attention too.”
You rolled your eyes at the last comment, but your heart slightly fluttered. You weren’t expecting Regulus to do anything. Did he really care that much?
The chatter of the girls grew quiet as they started walking again, and you knew that classes were going to start anytime soon. Students rushed into class, looking relieved that they weren’t late. You could feel some of them stare at you, but you weren’t going to let their eyes get to you. 
You watched students enter the classroom, waiting for Regulus’ arrival, only for him never to come. Instead, your eyes met Snape’s, and he took a seat next to you.
“Eventful breakfast,” He commented, and you nodded, “I told you that you had to be careful. This was bound to happen with how you’ve been acting.”
You sighed. “It was bound to happen even if I didn’t act this way. Did Regulus really fight Sirius?” You changed the topic, not wanting to think about what had happened earlier.
“He did. He went to Madame Pomfrey, along with Sirius. I think the rest of their little gang,” Snape sneered, “might’ve gone along. I doubt Madame Pomfrey would let them stay. They wouldn’t know to be quiet even if someone cast a silencing charm on them.”
Your mouth twitched into a small smile.
“Regulus is going to get in trouble for this, isn’t he?” You sighed, “I feel bad that he’s going to be. I never thought that he would do anything so... rash.”
“Regulus has always been different when it comes to his brother. And when you’re involved too. You understand him like no other, so it’s only natural for him to have a soft spot for you. That’s his weakness.”
You wanted to scoff at Snape’s word choice, but you knew it was true. The war was coming soon, and Regulus would die if he made such reckless moves. If Voldemort happened to insult you and he tried defending you, he would be dead in an instant, no matter his loyalty.
“Don’t think too much about it. Go visit during lunch. You can bring him some of the ice cream he really likes.”
You nodded, looking down at your textbook before looking towards the front of the classroom where Professor Kettleburn was settling in. You couldn’t wait to talk to Regulus.
“What were you thinking-” You started the moment you entered hospital wing, heading straight for Regulus’ bed. You weren’t paying attention to anyone else in the room. Instead, you were trying to get all of your thoughts out. “You fought your own brother? It doesn’t matter what he was saying about me! Do you know how much trouble you’re going to get in? You stupid, ugh! Stupid jerk! You should’ve just left it all alone! I don’t want you to have to deal with your bloody parents over this,” You stared down at Regulus, “And. I brought you your stupid pistachio ice cream. Who even likes pistachio ice cream?! You! You’re such an idiot and I can’t believe you did that but thank you so much.”
Regulus snorted, “I’m not the only person in the room, (Y/N). Thanks for the ice cream, though.”
You took a moment to process his words as your face started flushing red. You forgot that Sirius was also in the room and that his friends might be too. Looking away from Regulus, you saw that the next bed over had Sirius and his friends staring at you.
“Dear Merlin, I’m an idiot,” You groaned, taking a seat next to Regulus and putting your head on his legs. He chuckled, but you were relieved — he didn’t seem too tense, even though his brother was in the room. You decided to ignore the Marauders, instead looking at Regulus. “How are you feeling?”
“Well, I was feeling like shit earlier, but now I have ice cream so...” You stifled a laugh, “Besides, since my hand hurts, you’ll do my homework for me.”
“Regulus Black, are you trying to make me do your work? After I kindly brought you ice cream?” You pretended to glare at him, moving away as if you didn’t want to sit with him anymore, “I can’t believe this. I know how much my friendship means to you now. All you wanted was ice cream and homework.”
The two of you met eyes and burst into laughs. You didn’t get the chance to talk to Regulus like this often, but you were relieved. Relieved that things weren’t so tense, and even though the two of you were in the hospital wing, you realized that you could relax. Right now, there wasn’t anyone watching. Right now, you were safe.
On the other bed, Remus watched you. He’s seen your smile more than anyone else in the school has, save for Sirius, Snape, and Regulus. But this was the first time you looked like you had nothing on your shoulders. The first time you looked so carefree. For a slight moment, he wished that your smile was on your face all the time.
After you calmed down a bit, you looked over at Sirius’ bed. “Rem,” You started, feeling a bit awkward saying this in front of everyone, but now was a better time to clear misunderstandings than ever, “I hope you weren’t offended by what my parents said. I don’t care that you’re a Gryffindor and I appreciate all the help you’ve been giving me.” You fidgeted in your seat, looking away from him.
“You aren’t your parents, (Y/N),” Remus glanced over to Sirius, who was sitting really still, “Besides, I’m happy to help.”
You nodded, turning your attention back on Regulus. The mood had shifted a little since then, and you didn’t really know what to say. He gave you a reassuring smile, and you guys slipped into comfortable conversation.
By the time lunch was almost over, you felt yourself not wanting to leave. You usually hated hospitals, but this time, you found relief in being there. There weren’t any expectations for you, there were no rumors, and no eyes were watching you.
“I should probably get ready to go to class, I have herbology next...” You trailed off as you stood up.
“Oh, I should probably go to class too. James, Peter, you too. You missed morning classes earlier.” Remus stated. You weren’t talking as a group, but it was a rather small room. He nodded at you as he left the room, James and Peter following behind after their internal debate on whether they should go or not.
“I’ll take your notes, Regulus. And I’ll help you with homework tonight, alright?” You smiled at him, and just as you were about to leave, you heard your name.
“(L/N).” You tensed up. You knew that Sirius heard everything that was talked about today, and you knew he heard the howler. You were hurt that he insulted you after you received it, but you couldn’t continue to forgive him mentally and constantly dwell on what could’ve been. “Come here for a second, okay? I want to talk to you.”
“I have classes soon, Black.” But even as you said that, you found yourself walking towards his bedside. Regulus looked away, pretending he wasn’t interested in the conversation. “What do you want? Make this quick.”
“What happened to your sister?”
You froze. Out of anything you expected him to say, that was one of the last things you thought he’d ask. Your fists clenched as your mood dampened, and it took all of your will to not curse him out right there.
“You have some balls asking me that after you abandoned me and insulted me for years. And the nerve of you to ask me that after you compared me to your parents. Black, I’ve tried so hard these past few years to get over you, friendship wise and romance wise. I did everything I possibly could to somehow make you forgive me when I did nothing wrong. I wrote you letters that I watched you tear up and even spit on, I sent you presents that you set on fire, and I’ve apologized endlessly for something that I didn’t even do. And you dare ask me what happened to my sister after not giving a shit about me for years? You think you’re all mighty because you’re finally rebelling against your parents. You think you’re all amazing and on top of the world because you got better friends than I ever was to you. You think you’re all that, but you know what you truly are?”
You took a step forward, shoving your finger at his chest, “You’re exactly like your parents. Assholes who judge people based on something they can’t control. What makes you so different from them, huh? They’re against muggles and muggleborns. They think the blood of muggles is filthy. But you think anyone even associated with Slytherin is bad. You think I’m so gross and I’m the scum of the Earth because I got into Slytherin.”
You took a shaky breath, your anger finally starting to subside, “And I’m not going to continue to chase after you. I’m not going to keep on allowing myself to wish for your companionship. I’m not going to continue hating myself because you were ashamed of me. I’m not going to beat myself up over memories of you and wishing that maybe I could’ve been born someone else just so you could finally see me for who I am, not just judging me because I’m in Slytherin. I’m not allowing myself to mope over you. I’m not allowing myself to continue wishing that maybe what happened to my sister happened to me instead just so I wouldn’t have to deal with the pain that you’ve caused me.”
Your eyes watered, but you didn’t allow yourself to cry. You could tell that Sirius wanted to say something, but you didn’t let him. “I’m done with you, Sirius Black. I’m done.” With a bitter smile, you left the hospital wing, leaving Sirius to his own thoughts, and Regulus with just the tiniest of grins.
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Pairing: Agent Whiskey/Jack Daniels x OC
Warnings: None
A/N:  I’ve been sitting on this brain worm of a story for over a week and a half thanks to the likes of @zeldasayer , @romanticgumchewer, @tarrevizslas and several other Pedro loving fanfic writers I’ve been reading since this stupid fucking man came and ruined my goddamn life.  I’m not writer, but I had to get the story out.  This will be multiple parts, with several of them already written because I HAD TO GET THE DAMN STORY OUT.  Will there be smut?  I sure hope so.  Cause that’s the best part, right?
Part 1
Code Name: Shirley Temple
The library inside Statesmen’s headquarters was the place to be. At all hours, agents and support staff could be found inside one of the four rooms, reading for research and for pleasure.  Sometimes they came to relax, and more than one agent was found catnapping in the stacks over the years.  Like the rest of headquarters, visitors are charmed by the dark woods, plush fabrics, and the comforting smell of old books and woodfire.  The golden bell above the door tinkled lightly whenever people came through, alerting the librarian, Shirley, who welcomed everyone with a smile.
Of course, this place wasn’t always welcoming and when Champagne put Shirley in charge four years ago, she was faced with a nearly abandoned place.  She instead went back to her grizzled boss and asked for funds to make it a place worthy of the Statesmen name.  He acquiesced as he always did for her and she, as usual, never failed to make due on her promise.  Heaven was four rooms and a cozy fireplace.  It was all hers.
It was mid-morning when the bell rang.  Shirley was putting together research request packets for agents and without looking up, she called out a welcome to the visitor.
“Hello!  I’ll be there in just one moment!”  The stranger made a humming noise in response.  She took a glance through her office window and saw a tall man with pitch black hair and wide shoulders facing away from her.  Having been with Statesmen for a decade, she knew most of her fellow agents at HQ by sight.  This must be the visiting agent from the West Coast office who requested more on the Montana Ravine case.  She looked at the calendar in front of her and sure enough, the appointment with Agent Port was written in blue ink.  The clock told her he was on time and she didn’t suspect anything less from a senior agent.
She reached across her desk to grab the file and a pile of books before walking out.  By this time, the agent sat at one of the tables with his hands folded as he waited for her. He looked up at the sound of her footsteps and the left side of his mouth slightly raised when he saw her.
In a former life with the Statesmen, she was known as Agent Sirah, but after discovering she never drank, Tequila promptly dubbed her Shirley Temple. After California, she asked Champagne to never be called Sirah again and Shirley became the name everyone knew her by. It was a fitting name, her sweetness and bright disposition made one think of the drink.  That disposition was on full display as she walked across the room directly to him with a bright smile.
Of course, she looked nothing like the drink’s namesake.  Instead, as she stood in front of him, he noted she was quite mousey looking, practically a librarian stereotype.  Her brown hair was pulled back into a large bun at the base of her neck, covering her ears.  Her black glasses framed out blue eyes and their larger shape nearly drowned out the rest of her face.  She wore an oversized heavy blue sweater pulled over a white button up.  Her brown skirt went to her ankles and blue tights and brown shoes completed her outfit.  No one would give Shirley a second look and that’s exactly the way she preferred it.
“Thank you for waiting, I just had to finish up two things.” She said.
“No problem.”  His voice was low and even in tone.  Something about it didn’t seem natural to Shirley, but she brushed off her first instinct. She set down the file on the table and continued to talk while she pulled things out.
“You must be Agent Port.  I have the Montana Ravine files you requested last week, including digital copies of maps and audio from Ginger Ale.”  She continued to explain what was in the files and which books she pulled.  As she talked, she finally looked into Agent Port’s face.  Her blood nearly stopped in her veins when she saw it.  However, she never faltered, and he showed no indication of recognizing her, so she continued with her conversation, praying her long training held her voice and exterior look steady.
“As you can see, I pulled a number of books for you.  However, you’ll have to go through these on your own because you know what exactly you are looking for.”  She walked over to a card catalog to the left of the table and pulled out pencils and paper.  When she looked back, he had a confused look on his face and she laughed.
“Everything digital these days, but I didn’t have the heart to get rid of this thing.”  She ran her hand lovingly over the mahogany wood.  “It’s now storage for office supplies.”
She turned around and set the items on the table.  She looked back at him and once again she drew from her core strength not to let her inside feelings show.  The shakes in her stomach were becoming harder and harder to control, though.  She had to leave but she couldn’t yet, not without arousing his suspicions.
“If you find something you want additional research on, just write it down.  I can run database searches for you while you’re here, so you can take all the information with you today.”  She paused.
“I think this will do.  How long does a search take usually?”  He asked and again Shirley heard a tone that didn’t sound natural to him.  In fact, she knew from memory that he didn’t sound that way at all.
“It depends on how obscure your request is and if I need to pull it from an outside database.  Usually I can get Ginger Ale to help me with that, but no more than a few minutes to an hour.  But as I said, it depends on what you’re looking for.”  She silently congratulated herself on the control she was exerting.
“Sounds great.  If I need you, I can just come into your office, correct?”  There was that tone again and the more Agent Port talked, the heavier the shivers in Shirley’s spine were becoming.  She didn’t know how long she could keep control over her body.
“Sure.  I’ll be gone about twenty minutes doing research deliveries, assuming no one decides today is the day they want to have a long conversation.  As soon as I return, I’ll be available to you.”  She smiled, hoping it didn’t look like a grimace.
He nodded while looking at the table.  When he looked back at her, he smiled.
“I’ll get started and come see you as I need you.”
She nodded and went back to her office.  She could feel him watching her as she gathered up file folders and a couple of books.  The unfinished research request she grabbed will have to do in case he wanted to see what other agents were working on, but the remainder of her pile was just junk with no meaning.  Instead, they were a lifeline.
She walked out and threw another smile at Agent Port who returned it before opening the first book in the pile.  She walked out the door and the last thing she heard was the tinkling of the bell over the frame.  She prayed and prayed that she looked calm as she walked past the library’s large windows with Agent Port’s dark blue eyes boring holes into the side of her head.
She stepped across the way to the tech room and dropped the file on Ginger Ale’s desk, who looked up surprised.
“Hey friend, I wasn’t expecting to see you today!”  Ginger had become a fast friend of Shirley’s not long after they both were recruited for Statesmen.  Champagne recruited them right from their respective master’s programs – Shirley in Library Science and Ginger from Computer Technologies.  Shirley wasn’t sure where a librarian in training could fit into the grand scheme of spy business, but Champ assured her that the research skills she possessed were exactly what they were looking for.
So, she joined up for some adventure and in the process made friends with her fellow trainee.  Both women lived in the Statesmen apartments on the upper levels and soon developed little rituals such as weekly girl nights that made them as close as sisters.  This friendship had been a lifesaver for them both, but none more so than for Shirley.
“Hey Ging, here’s that file you asked for.  I’m still working on it, but I didn’t want to delay what I already had for you so you could get started.”  While her voice held steady, Ginger could sense something was wrong.  Her questioning face was answered with a tight smile and shoulder squeeze.  “I’ll see you later, ya?”
“Of course.” Came the reply.  Shirley walked out of the office and she could once again feel Agent Port’s eyes on her. As she rounded the corner, she strained to hear the bell tinkle, but she heard nothing but the sounds of her own rapid breathing.  She took a few steps more and when all she heard was silence, she dropped the items in her arms and ran.
She took a hard left and her ballet flats slipped on the polished wood floors, nearly causing her to fall.  The panic that started in the library fully set in and she began shaking uncontrollable.  She continued run, but with great effort.  Her teeth rattled in her head and when she arrived at the boardroom, she could bare get a grasp on the handle to get it open.  When she did, the door swung wide, slamming against the wall.
Agents Champagne, Tequila, Whiskey, Vodka, and Brandy as well as Merlin from Kingsman had been sitting around the table reviewing new recruits and assessing which among the many junior agents would be worthy of moving to the next level. Merlin and Tequila had come stateside for additional recruitment and were interested in several of the trainees Brandy had been talking about.
All six of the agents jumped to their feet when the door swung open.  In the doorway stood Shirley, who looked disheveled.  Hair was coming out of her bun and her glasses hung halfway down her face.  She was shaking so badly everyone in the room could hear her teeth chattering.
“Shirley what in the sam hell is wrong?” demanded Champ, who skirted the table towards her, following Whiskey who practically ran up to her.  He grabbed her arms and looked her face, trying to capture her eye.
“Shirl, what is going on?”  Whiskey sounded worried and the serious look he nearly always sported deepened into a worried scowl.
“Ca-ca-ca-lifornia.” She could barely get it out.  She repeated it twice more and by the time Champ and Tequila reached her, she began to feel light-headed from her heavy breathing.  All three men looked at her in horror.  California.
“What you do mean California?” Asked Whiskey.  There was no hiding the terror in his voice as he asked the question.
“He’s here.” Came the reply.  The room became dead silent and all five American agents drew deep breaths. Merlin’s jaw dropped.
“Where?! WHERE IS HE, SHIRL?” growled Champ, withdrawing his gun from its holster.
The remaining agents drew their guns and began to silently move from the room.  Whiskey looked at her, bringing his hand to her face and cupping her cheek.
“Stay here.” Was all he said before he followed his fellow agents out the door.  He swung it closed behind him and she was all alone with her fear.  She wrapped her arms around herself and dropped to her knees. The fear was all consuming and she was certain she would die from it.  Unless Agent Port got to her first.
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maribatshipper · 4 years
Trollhunting Lantern Chapter 2
Chapter 1
Scarlett walks into Bracha’s house the next day with Crystal and Oriel behind her.
“It did something awesome, Bracha!” Scarlett smiles.
Bracha pulls the girls into her bedroom, which oddly enough, had a bed that looked like a sandwich.
“First, I’ve never heard of a Trollhunter. Second, what happened?” Bracha asks.
Crystal frowns, “She hasn’t shown us yet.”
Oriel smiles, “But you need to see something else!”
Scarlett pulls out her phone and plays the video of what happened to Nicholas. Bracha stares, unable to peel her eyes away.
“You did that?” Bracha asks Crystal.
Crystal nods.
“He had it coming to him after what he did to you.” Bracha sighs.
The three sisters sigh, remembering their innocence being taken away.
“Anyway, that’s not what we came here to show you.” Scarlett smirks.
She pulls out the glowing Amulet, excitement in her veins.
She smirks, “For the Glory of Merlin, Daylight is-”
Everyone runs downstairs to see a cat pushed down a vase, smashing it apart.
“Chaos! Bad Chaos! Bad Cat!” Bracha yells.
Crystal is already picking up the pieces and cutting herself.
“There she goes again.” Scarlett mumbles.
The girls have already gotten used to seeing Crystal act before she thinks.
“Leave it, Crystal.” Scarlett tells her.
Crystal gives Scarlett a strange look. Oriel grabs gloves which she always has on her for some reason and picks the pieces up and puts them in a bag.
“In case you want to put them back together.” Oriel smiles.
“Anyway… watch!” Scarlett exclaims. “For the Glory of Merlin, Daylight is Mine to Command!”
She floats, and a few other things float alongside her as the armour appears on her body.
“WOAH!” Everyone gasps.
Scarlett smirks, “I know, right?”
“You got to use this against Nicholas!” Crystal exclaims.
Scarlett facepalms, “Not happening.”
Suddenly, Chaos hisses towards the back door. Scarlett sees a familiar figure outside the window. She rolls her eyes and puts her finger to her mouth. She sneaks over to the back door and stays perfectly quiet. She looks at the other 3 and mimes, “Talk.”
Crystal exclaims, “Why do you guys get all the cool stuff?!”
Everyone stops and looks at her in shock. When Scarlett said “Talk”, she didn’t mean throw a tantrum.
“Crystal, you’ll get something good later. I’m sure.” Oriel smiles, eyes full of hope for her sister.
Scarlett thumbs up the girls and opens the door, causing a familiar blue troll to crash into the floor, and a girl with a white stripe in her hair falling on top of the troll.
“It’s impolite to spy on people.” Scarlett smirks.
Bracha stares at the Troll, and immediately prepares her ring.
“Bracha, no need to go Greeny on them. I’m sure Blinky has an explanation to why he was spying on us with this girl.” Scarlett smirks.
Blinky blinks his six eyes and asks, “Why did you tell her about the amulet?”
Scarlett sighs, “A, she’s my best friend. B, she can possibly teach me important things I may need. And C, she also has something that chose her to be its wielder. Is there a problem with telling Bracha?”
Blinky sighs, “Lady Scarlett, we Trolls have gone to great lengths to keep our existence hidden from humans, lest there be panic.”
Scarlett nods, “I understand that. The government is full of idiots dissecting things they don’t understand. Or so TV tells us. And this girl is one of the few that do know because she’s not gonna kill you.”
Bracha frowns, “So, you know who they are, Scarlett?”
Scarlett sighs, “I know Blinky. He... visited my house last night. Which is when Crystal beat up Nicholas.”
Crystal starts grumbling.
Bracha asks, “So why have you been spying on Scarlett again?”
“Your friend is the Trollhunter. Her sacred obligation is to protect.” The girl smirks as she gets up.
Bracha stares at Scarlett. Scarlett shrugs, as if she knows what is ahead and isn’t scared.
“You are protecting things now, Scarlett? Great. Now you’ll be boring. Here’s a better question. Who would Scarlett be protecting?” Oriel frowns.
Blinky simply answers, “Trolls and Mankind.”
Scarlett sighs, “Let me guess. From evil trolls?”
Blinky nods, “As well as Goblins, Gruesomes, and the occasional rogue gnome. The mantle of the Trollhunter is a sacred responsibility. You are the second human to inherit it.”
Scarlett nods in thought, then asks, “And who’s she?”
The girl smiles, “I’m Claire. I was the previous Trollhunter’s girlfriend.”
Scarlett asks, “So, what was he? A human, or Troll, or what?”
Blinky smiles, “He was a Human/Troll hybrid.”
Oriel asks, “How does that work? Was his Mum a human and his Dad a troll?”
Claire giggles, “It’s not like that. He was actually spelled into being a troll.”
Crystal frowns, “Typical. What happened to the previous Trollhunter?”
Claire looks away for a moment.
“He was slain, by a vicious troll called Venjo. His name was James Lake Jr.” Blinky fills in for Claire.
Scarlett groans, “This is one of those “Till death” kind of deals, isn’t it?”
Claire nods. Bracha stares in shock.
“Great! At least Bracha can be fired from the Green Lantern Corps. I’ll just write up my will early. Bracha, you get my strange object collection.” Scarlett jokes.
Crystal grumbles, “I wanted your strange object collection.”
Claire goes to say something about Crystal not caring about Scarlett going to die when Scarlett puts her hand on her mouth.
Oriel sighs, “Don’t worry, she’s like this all the time.”
“Please tell me Venjo got lucky.” Bracha frowns in concern.
Claire frowns, “I wish he did. But he isn’t one to take lightly.”
Oriel asks, “Was the last Trollhunter off his game or having a bad day or something?”
Claire shakes her head, “If only. He defeated 2 Trolls that no other Trollhunter could.”
Scarlett groans and bangs her head on a wall.
Bracha whispers, “Ignore it. She does odd things when stressed. You can tell the girls are related.”
Crystal frowns, “If James-”
“We actually called him Jim.” Claire interrupts.
Crystal retries, “If Jim couldn’t defeat Venjo, then… What’s gonna happen to Scarlett?”
Scarlett groans, “Didn’t you get it? Unless I get really good training in less than two days, I’m gonna die. It’s pretty obvious.”
Blinky smiles, “We’d never expect Lady Scarlett to engage in battle without any proper training.”
Oriel asks, “How long does the training last?”
Blinky hesitates, “Decades.”
Scarlett groans, “And let me guess. I only have a few days. JUST GREAT! Just perfect! Yippie Ki Aye! I’m gonna die before I hit twenty!”
She bangs her head more on the wall.
“Hey, you’re gonna break the wall!” Bracha exclaims.
She’s already gotten used to Scarlett’s family’s strange impulses.
“Besides, Scarlett, it’s not that bad. Jim didn’t have a day’s training before the first time he met Bular.” Claire smiles.
Scarlett gives Claire a glare that made Crystal, Oriel, and even Bracha duck behind a couch. And everyone who knows Bracha knows that Bracha doesn’t scare easily. Scarlett takes a deep breath, and collapses into a big lump of flesh and armour.
 “We should start your training immediately, Lady Scarlett.” Blinky frowns.
Scarlett sighs, “Yeah, yeah. With great power comes great responsibility. But I have a life I have to keep up if I want to keep trolls secret and that sort of stuff. Besides, I’m only sixteen. I suppose I can’t give this amulet back, though, can I?”
Scarlett pulls the amulet off, getting rid of the armour.
“You cannot give it back. It called to you. It is your sacred obligation. You cannot refuse it. It is yours until you die. Lady Scarlett, You are now responsible for the safety of two worlds, human and troll alike. If you do not keep the balance, evil trolls like Venjo will come into yours and wreak havoc.” Blinky sighs.
“Great. So Venjo is gonna basically kill my family if I don’t do this?” Scarlett sighs as she gets up off the floor.
Crystal asks, “If she doesn’t want the amulet, can I have it?”
Scarlett facepalms, “We just established I can’t get rid of it!”
Crystal asks, “When did we establish this?”
Scarlett scoffs, “Just two seconds ago!”
Crystal mumbles, “Oh, I wasn’t listening, I was thinking about something else.”
Scarlett sighs, “Anyway... What’s the catch?”
Claire sighs, “Well, with the amulet in your possession, Venjo will seek you out, and... You’ll have to face him. One way or another.”
“Great. Just great. I need to process this. It’s still morning. Only nine o’clock. Come back later. I have a midday shift. I will think about this really hard while I’m at Maccas.” Scarlett sighs.
Claire smiles, “Sure. We’ll come back tonight to begin your training.”
Scarlett nods and looks at the Amulet in her hand, wondering if it could choose someone who doesn’t live in a crazy family.
“Lady Scarlett, if I may,” Blinky smiles. “Destiny is a gift. Some go their entire lives living existences of quiet desperation, never learning the truth, that what feels as though a burden pushing down upon our shoulders is actually a sense of purpose that lifts us to greater heights. Never forget that fear is but the precursor to valour, that to strive and triumph in the face of fear is what it means to be a hero. Don’t think, Lady Scarlett. Become.”
Crystal, Oriel and Bracha look at Blinky in admiration at his words. Scarlett looks him up and down.
Scarlett smirks, “You’ve rehearsed that speech, haven’t you?”
Everyone looks at Scarlett in shock.
“He said that same thing to Jim. So, I assume he did.” Claire smirks.
Scarlett sighs, “Okay, time for you to go. Hurry, before someone sees you.”
Blinky and Claire leave, with Claire holding an umbrella over Blinky for some unknown reason.
 Scarlett takes someone’s order on the Kiosk because they are very confused about how to use it.
“Which Coke? Diet Coke, Vanilla Coke or regular Coke?” Scarlett asks.
The man replies, “Diet Coke.”
Scarlett nods and finishes his order.
“Cash or card?”
“Eat in or Take Away?”
“Take Away.”
Scarlett smiles as he pays for it and takes his receipt.
“Have a great day, sir!” Scarlett smiles.
Scarlett sees her sisters and Bracha standing nearby.
“Where did you put it?” Crystal asks.
Scarlett answers, “My locker. It’s the only place where I can put it. You don’t get pockets with the uniform. Unless you guys wanna hold it?”
Oriel frowns, “No way, sis. It’s your responsibility.”
Scarlett mumbles, “I don’t even know how Wonder Woman can keep her identity secret. Could you possibly ask the other human Lanterns that are part of the Justice League to give you some tips for me, Bracha?”
Bracha rolls her eyes. “Last time Batman came, we ended up having to clean up the biggest mess in the history of Batman messes. I’m not asking him or his team for any favours.”
Scarlett sighs, “Well, when they find some “Activity” around here, they’re gonna come knocking anyway.”
Crystal and Oriel exchange glances.
“Will that be necessary?” Oriel asks.
Scarlett sighs, “From all I’ve gathered, the League won’t care that there are already people taking care of evil. As soon as they find out children are doing the work, Batman will quite possibly go crazy. I got more work to do. Talk more later.”
Scarlett walks away, feeling really weird around the place. She is glad she only started talking near the end of the shift.
“You okay, Scarlett?” Caillou asks.
Scarlett looks into his brown eyes and shrugs, “Yeah. Just got a weird feeling. Like something’s gonna happen that shouldn’t happen. Like if I take the normal route home, something bad might happen. That kind of feeling. But as long as I’m walking home with Bracha, I’ll be safe as possible.”
Caillou asks, “Why do you think that?”
Scarlett rolls her eyes, while mentally coming up with a good lie.
“She’s been learning Karate. She can take out a guy with a knife. I’m pretty sure that was part of her training.”
Scarlett mentally fist bumps herself, glad it came out without any hesitation and sounded completely honest.
“Alright. If you’re sure.” Caillou shrugs.
Scarlett clocks out of her shift, like yesterday, and throws on her jumper. She grabs her bag and looks at the amulet glowing in the bag. She ignores it and walks out to her sisters and friend.
“Okay, let’s go, guys. I have one of those feelings.” Scarlett smiles.
Oriel looks around and nods. All four girls walk out.
 “I know we don’t need to worry, but I am seriously worried girls. My gut’s going nuts. It’s as if the Joker’s around!” Scarlett frowns.
Oriel nods, “Yeah, ever since we left, I’ve been worried too.”
Crystal scoffs, “We got Scarlett and Bracha with us. What could happen?”
Bracha facepalms, “Haven’t you ever watched TV? Whenever someone asks that, something bad happens.”
Suddenly, they see a monster in front of them.
“Trollhunter! Merlin’s creation!” The monster exclaims.
Scarlett groans, “I suppose you are Venjo?”
The monster nods.
“Bracha, can you take this?” Scarlett mumbles.
Bracha exclaims, “NO! My ring needs charging!”
Scarlett feels her heart fall to her feet. Oriel already knows what Bracha means. The girls know that the sun is an important role in keeping trolls away from humans.
“Surrender, and I will give you a speedy death!” Venjo yells.
Scarlett deadpans, “And if we don’t, you’ll give us a slow and painful death? Is there an offer where we don’t die?”
Venjo just snarls.
“RUN!” Oriel exclaims.
Everyone runs away as fast as they can, with Scarlett saying the incantation like it would make her grow magic hair. For some reason, Crystal has Scarlett’s phone in her hands and is looking for something.
“This is where Rapunzel’s moonstone hair would come in handy, guys!” Scarlett exclaims.
Crystal asks, “You mean the “Wither and decay, end this destiny, break these earthly chains and set the spirit free” hair?”
Scarlett yells, “No, I mean the one that gives her Pizza! OF COURSE I MEAN THAT ONE!”
Oriel yells, “Well, we better do something good soon!”
Scarlett pulls out some pepper-spray.
“I have an idea.” She smiles.
She ducks and rolls, causing Venjo to fly over her in surprise. She sprays the two glowing orbs called his eyes. He screams in pain as the other three girls hide. Scarlett sees a familiar green light. She runs to a different hiding place, behind a truck.
“Come on, you stupid Amulet! For the Glory of Merlin, Daylight is mine to command! I’m literally commanding you!” Scarlett whispers to the amulet.
Venjo pulls the truck away, and his yellow eyes are now red in pain.
He hisses, “You’ll pay for that with-”
Scarlett lands her fist in his armoured face.
“No Klingons, please! I’m still learning how to use a Bat��leth!” Scarlett exclaims.
Suddenly, she sees Bracha with the suit on.
“Although, I think you should be more worried about what’s behind you.” Scarlett smirks.
Bracha grabs Venjo with her green construct of a hand and throws him away.
“Okay, let’s go.” Bracha exclaims.
Scarlett grabs her sisters from their hiding place and runs, with Bracha flying behind, ready to attack whatever comes out.
 The girls finally stop to breathe.
“We’re alive!” Crystal almost yells.
“Lady Scarlett!” Blinky calls out.
Bracha holds her hand out to punch, then relaxes, floating down to the ground. Claire and Blinky are near the bushes.
“You didn’t tell us he looked so scary! He almost killed us! If it wasn’t for Bracha, we’d be dead!” Oriel yells at Blinky.
“And you survived! I knew you had potential!” Blinky smiles.
Scarlett just giggles. Everyone looks at her in shock. She ends up laughing so hard her sides hurt.
“You’re laughing? Dios mio! We really did get a mad one, Blinky.” Claire exclaims.
Scarlett smirks, “Claire, anyone even mildly interesting is mad in some way or another.”
Bracha rolls her eyes, a slight smile on her face. A roar is heard. The girls and Troll run.
“The amulet’s being stubborn, Blinky! Was it stubborn for Jim?” Scarlett exclaims.
Blinky hesitates, “Well, yes, at first! You’re only the second human to possess the amulet.”
Crystal exclaims, “I got it!” as she plays some chase music from Scarlett’s phone.
Claire asks, “Seriamente?! You’re playing music now?”
Oriel smirks, “When a Dubois plays chasing music, you know you’re in trouble.”
They run through a cemetery, jumping over gravestones.
“I hate cemeteries.” Crystal frowns.
Scarlett bumps into a statue of an angel and her fear spikes. The armour FINALLY appears around her.
“Are you alright, Lady Scarlett?” Blinky asks.
Oriel sighs, “She’s fine. She just hates statues that look like people. Especially ones with wings and are covering their eyes.”
Crystal asks, “You mean Weeping Angels?”
Scarlett scowls, “It’s not my fault that I fear blinking when I look at them, and I have to count my shadows when in a forest or library!”
Venjo jumps in front of the group.
“You really thought you could escape me, Trollhunter?” He asks.
Crystal frowns, “We were hoping!”
Scarlett mumbles something.
“What was that, Trollhunter?” Venjo snarls.
Scarlett says, “One word.”
“Harvey Wallbanger!” Crystal exclaims.
Everyone stares at her, then Scarlett exclaims, “How is Harvey Wallbanger one word?!”
Even Venjo is confused by this exchange.
“I don’t know! You’re the crazy chosen one!” Crystal yells.
Oriel just groans, “If you two don’t stop acting like the Doctor and Donna, I’m dragging you both home by the ear! Now, that one word, Scarlett?”
Scarlett sighs, “Loser.”
Venjo stares blankly at Scarlett, confused.
Scarlett rolls her eyes and says in an English accent, “You are a loser. Now, I want to run. I love the running. Gets my blood pumping. I could run now, or I could ask my sisters to get me a Bat’leth.”
Everyone stares at Scarlett’s lack of the fear.
“Then again, I could fight you, totally acting fearless with the sword, or I could get Bracha to throw you into space, but then you’d be a problem for everyone in space, and no one likes someone who hands their responsibilities to someone else just because they didn’t feel like it. Especially if it’s a villain trying to kill them. No one likes that. Am I funny? Well, judging by the evidence, I certainly have a gob.” Scarlett continues to rant.
Oriel slams her hand over Scarlett’s mouth. Scarlett sighs and pulls the hand away.
“Thank you. Now, back to business.” Scarlett smirks.
She pulls the sword out and puts it in her left hand. Her sisters and Bracha know this trick. Crystal plays “Bad Reputation” from Scarlett’s phone. Venjo pulls out his own sword. Scarlett frowns, slightly disappointed he didn’t use his left hand. She shakes her head, clearing her thoughts, before she lunges, keeping her slight fear up, the fear of her sisters getting hurt. Venjo dodges easily.
“That was fast.” Scarlett mumbles.
“You’re going to be dead soon!” Venjo snarls.
Scarlett frowns, “You really think a little swordfight will kill me?”
The fight continues very energetically.
“A girl can do what she wants to do, and that’s what I’m gonna do! And I don’t give a damn ‘bout my bad reputation!” Scarlett sings.
The battle seems to go in Venjo’s favour, with Scarlett’s fear seeping through a little more, but she sticks a smile on her face, and sings with the song.
“Why is she smiling?” Blinky asks from afar.
Bracha smirks, knowing to only stay out of the fight until Scarlett gives the signal.
“We watch this movie every now and then which has many of the moves she’s using. The movie has fencing, fighting, torture, miracles, giants, and more. Just watch. It’s entertaining.” Oriel smiles.
“Keep still! I’ll drink your blood from a goblet made out of your skull!” Venjo snarls.
He pushes Scarlett to the ground, her holding her sword above her head as a shield.
Scarlett smirks, “Not possible. But your form is wonderful! I’ll admit it. You are much better than I am.”
Venjo hisses, “Then why are you smiling?”
Scarlett smirks, “Because I know something that you do not know.”
Venjo asks, “What is that?”
“I am not left-handed!”
Scarlett throws her sword up, confusing Venjo, slips out from underneath him, catches the sword with her right hand, then smacks his butt.
“Did she just-?” Claire trails off.
“Yes, she did.” Crystal smirks.
Blinky grabs a glowing crystal and draws an arc on the mountain they are near.
“Go through the portal!” He exclaims to the girls.
Bracha doesn’t move, watching Scarlett intensely for the signal.
“Lady Scarlett! Come on!” Blinky yells.
“I’m a little busy right now!” Scarlett exclaims.
“You’re not fit to wield the amulet! I’ll tear the armour off your bones.” Venjo yells.
Scarlett yells, “Not listening to idiot warrior, lalalalalalala!”
She runs towards the portal, which is slowly closing with her sisters behind it. The music is ending.
“You can make it, Scar!” Bracha yells.
Scarlett crashes onto the ground with a weight on her back.
“Any last words?” Venjo asks.
Scarlett groans, “Yeah. Volcano Wonderpants!”
Venjo pauses, then frowns, “That doesn’t-”
Bracha runs towards him and slams a giant anvil into his face, interrupting him.
“Run!” Bracha exclaims.
They both crash into the mountain wall where the portal was and groan. The armour disappears from Scarlett’s body. Bracha puts a forcefield around the two of them, making sure Venjo can’t touch them. The portal opens again, and a hand goes through and pulls both of them through.
“Are you okay, Scarlett?” Bracha asks.
Scarlett goes down on her back, breathing heavily.
“I almost… I didn’t… I’m not…” Scarlett gasps.
“Not what, Lady Scarlett?” Blinky asks.
Scarlett laughs, “I almost died!”
“Almost! A very important word. A life of almost is a life of never.”
Claire asks, “Why are you laughing? Why is she laughing?”
Crystal smirks, “Well, it’s pretty simple. Nothing makes you feel more alive than almost getting killed.”
Bracha nods, “True. You haven’t had a moment where you were just laughed after a battle?”
Scarlett giggles, “Just like Movie World. By the way, Volcano Wonderpants would have been the weirdest and worst last words ever.”
“You didn’t seem scared while battling Venjo.” Claire frowns.
“Well, “Do the scary thing first, get scared later.” Plus, I gotta tell Mum I’m gonna be home late.” Scarlett smiles.
She gets up off her butt and sends her Mum a quick text, then walks with them down a hallway.
“Blinky, can I talk to you, alone?” Scarlett asks.
Bracha knows this talk and smiles, “We’ll go on ahead, you catch up.”
Scarlett smiles, grateful for her friend’s understanding. The girls walk away and Scarlett grabs Blinky’s arm, roughly.
“Be VERY careful about what you say around Crystal. She has a… mental disorder. She has something called Autism. It isn’t as rare as it used to be, but you could research it to understand it better. Joshua has it too, which is why he wasn’t surprised about you in our basement. It takes different forms. It makes it so much harder for them to... understand things that normal people can understand. So, be very careful and patient. I wouldn’t put it past her to try to rip off your arm if you insult her.” Scarlett explains.
“What about your friend?” Blinky asks.
Scarlett scoffs, “She’s a Green Lantern. Chosen by an Alien ring to keep the Galaxy safe or something. I didn’t read the whole bio. There are many more rings, so many more can be chosen, but as far as I know, there are only 3 other human Green Lanterns. One’s a jerk, the other’s fun, and I’m not sure about the black one.”
Blinky nods in odd understanding.
 “So, what’s your story? Scarlett and Bracha are chosen ones, Oriel and I are the sisters of a chosen one, and Blinky seems to be the ancient trainer. Where do you come in?” Crystal asks.
Bracha exclaims, “Crystal!”
Crystal asks, “What? You’re a Green Lantern! I’ve got “problems”, and Oriel had-”
“Crystal!” Oriel frowns.
Crystal grumbles and stays silent.
“Will I ever know how you manage to do that, Oriel?” Bracha wonders.
Oriel shrugs.
“Well, Jim and I met at school. We were auditioning for Romeo and Juliet. He came to the audition, wearing the armour that Scarlett wore while fighting Venjo. He seemed like he didn’t want to be there until he saw me. Then he dazzled the audience with a speech, much like the one Blinky told you. He got picked to be Romeo, and I was Juliet.” Claire smiles.
Crystal mumbles, “I see where this is going.”
Bracha wills a green piece of tape around Crystal’s mouth.
Claire continues, “Anyway, he started acting weird, I got suspicious, and long story short, I joined him and his friend Toby in being Trollhunters. What about you girls?” Claire asks.
Bracha sighs, “I’m a Green Lantern, chosen by a ring which comes from space, and there’s a bunch of them. There are a few human Lanterns.”
Crystal groans, “Hmmm, hmm mmm hmm mmm hmm mmm.”
Bracha takes off the will tape.
Crystal grumbles, “Yeah, and you get all the fun.”
Oriel points out, “She didn’t join in Scarlett’s fight. She just watched.”
Bracha sighs, “She didn’t want me to join. I could tell by the smile on her face. Until she was slammed into the ground and yelled Volcano Wonderpants.”
Oriel laughs, “Like in Sonic Boom?”
Bracha nods.
“Well, here we are. The Gyre.” Claire smiles.
 Blinky and Scarlett walk up to the girls at the Gyre.
“That’s one strange ball.” Scarlett shrugs.
“We use it to travel to places, much faster than a plane or train.” Claire smiles.
Bracha mumbles, “I wonder if it’s faster than a spaceship.”
Everyone climbs into the Gyre.
“Be warned, we are going to go to New Jersey in very little time. You may want to puke later.” Claire warns.
Scarlett pulls out sick bags and hands them to every girl and keeps one herself.
“Let’s get rolling, then.” Scarlett jokes.
The girls brace themselves while Blinky pushes strange symbols. They suddenly speed off, and stop what seems almost immediately, and Oriel and Crystal are already puking into the bags, Scarlett’s hair is a mess, and Bracha has terror plastered on her face.
Scarlett gasps, “That was the most terrifying thing I’ve done in my life. Let’s do it again!”
Her sisters glare at her and Scarlett falls out, giggling.
“Just like the Superman ride.” Scarlett’s still giggling.
The girls wobble out of the Gyre.
“Will we be doing that again on our way home?” Oriel asks, still sick.
Scarlett checks her phone and sees the location.
“Holy cow! We really are in New Jersey!” Scarlett gasps.
Claire and Blinky share a look and walk towards another hallway.
“This way, girls!” Claire smiles.
They walk through the hallway to see stones glowing, and one giant one right in the middle.
“This is the world you are bound to protect, Lady Scarlett. Welcome to New Jersey Heartstone Trollmarket!” Blinky smiles.
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roses-of-rutherglen · 5 years
Uniquely Normal- Chapter 1
Uniquely normal was how Dean's family described him. To his mother, three sisters, stepfather and possible little brother or sister on the way. He was always there, reliable cheery and seemingly completely normal. But as his mum and the only dad he'd known relied on him as the oldest there was something in the way he carried himself that was just so Dean, that no one could describe but everyone was incredibly grateful for. When he was five, just after his little sister Scout was born, his mum was amazed at how little things just seemed to be getting done around the house, the baby being hushed calmed and rocked to sleep among many other things when no one had been in all day. Dean would fess up but his parents could never quite figure out how he did it.
Like most other boys his age, he and his Dad shared a love of soccer and were loud and proud supporters of the West Ham Football Team. Every spare minute was spent in their back yard playing kick to kick to get out of the girl's hair. Somehow they always managed to get the best seats at any game they went to and even meet some of the players, who turns out were friends of Dean's friends. While confused at how all these wonderful things happened to them, Hernando, Dean's dad took it all in his stride and joked about his "uniqueness" that his wife kept harping on about. It became a family joke from that point on.
It came to his eleventh birthday and the family was gathered on a picnic blanket in their back garden, surrounded by the new life of spring. He had gotten several pieces of West Ham merch as well as some Doctor Who merchandise as the family had taken up the British tradition of watching through the series from the beginning on Saturday evenings. All of the gifts had been opened and Dean and his little sisters were just about to start a game of hide and seek with Scout, Teagan and Emily running around in the soft grass looking for a place to hide before Dean went to find them. Just as his count down finished a beautiful tawny owl flew out of the air towards the family and landed on Lauren's head "Dear, I do believe there is an owl on your head." Hernando managed to choke out after getting over his initial surprise "You think I wouldn't notice? Can you get it off me please!" The owl sat there contently hooting as the girls came running and started laughing and pointing at the "funny bird on mummy's head" after shaking her head and trying to find some way to unseat the bird Lauren gave up. "Dean can you help me here as your father appears to be struck dumb" Brough out of his staring at the gorgeous bird he slowly lifted his arm in front of him and the owl hopped straight onto it attempting to rub its head in his hand and nearly falling upside down in the process, this set the girls off giggling again. "I like the funny birdy can we keep it?" Tea asked as innocently as only a three-year-old could. Hernando and Lauren laughed but Dean was staring at the envelope he had removed from the owl's leg it was made of heavy parchment and addressed in emerald green ink
'Mr. Dean Thomas Only upstairs bedroom with a window 5 The Cherry Orchard Staverton Gloucestershire England' It was his address right down to his bedroom! He quickly opened the top as the owl hopped over to investigate Em and Tea’s fingers while Scout was looking through Dean's presents. His parents moved closer as he slid the letters out of the envelope 'Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore (Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock, Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards) Dear Mr. Thomas, We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find an enclosed list of all necessary books and equipment. Term begins on September first, we await your owl no later than thirty-first of July. A member of the Hogwarts staff will arrive sometime within the next week to help introduce you and your family to the magical world. Also, the owl's name is Amanita we have been trying to rehome her for a while so if you want to keep her you may. I am sure your little sisters will love her. Yours sincerely, Minerva McGonagall Deputy headmistress'
The next page was a list of school supplies such as books, a cauldron, potion ingredients, robes and the thing that made Dean's heart jump a wand. "Mummy?" He questioned looking towards his two clearly befuddles parents "is this a birthday joke?" Both of his parents looked at each other slowly shaking their heads. It seemed that their little boy had magic.
A week later the family was spread out around the house Dean, Tea and Emily were playing Princess' and dragon in the back yard while Scout was working on her crayon masterpiece which was actually quite impressive considering her age and her choice of utensil but it looked like art ran through the family as her older brother was an amazing artist as well. Hernando and Lauren were sitting on opposite ends of the couch legs tangled together with books in their hands and everyone was content and relaxed on a Sunday afternoon. Then there was a complicated knock on the door, Scout leaped up from her spot on the floor scattering crayons everywhere in her rush to let the visitor in.
Professor Aurora Sinistra arrived at number five The Cherry Orchard at around midday on the Sunday after the letter had been sent. The house was set at the end of a culdesac and was half-hidden by a rather large hydrangea bush she walked up the concrete drive to the wooden front door and knocked several times. A high pitched cry of "I'll get it!" Came from within and the door was flung open by a smiling curly-haired six years old who looked her up and down before shouting over her shoulder "Mum some woman who kinda looks like Auntie Joan is here!" Then pausing before turning back towards the professor on the doorstep and in the most polite voice she'd heard out of anyone that age graciously invited her inside the house. It was cozy and homely, it felt well lived in. The little girl who had now introduced herself as Scout had taken her by the hand and led her into the living room where the curtains and windows were open letting in the rare spring sunshine and filling the house with light.
The two adults were sitting on the couch books hastily placed on the side table suggested that they had been reading just before she came in and seeing the crayons scattered over the floor she guessed Scout was the one responsible for the colourful night sky crayon drawing on the chair opposite. "Good afternoon ma'am, how may we help you this fine day." Started the man pushing his glasses up his nose "my name is Hernando and this is my wife Lauren, I see you've already met Scout who has just gone to get her other siblings." Aurora smiled at the couple who still seemed slightly uneasy. "No need to worry too much and thank you for allowing me to visit you on this fine day. I am professor Aurora Sinistra, I teach Astronomy at Hogwarts and I'm here to talk to you about your eldest son Dean's recent acceptance to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, I know this may come as a bit of a shock, knowing that our world co-exists with yours but let me tell you we are not very different to one another and nothing about your son is going to change because of this."
At this point in time, Scout came trotting back into the room leading Tea, Emily, and dean at the back. Lauren seemed to snap out of her silence "Aurora, I hope it's okay to call you that" she paused trying to gauge the witches' reaction before noticing her nod visibly relaxing and continuing on. "This is Scout whom you've already met she's six then this" pointing to a little girl who looked around four years old "is Emily and this little ragamuffin here is Teagan or Tea as we all call her." They all smiled at the professor and she smiled back. There was a moment of silence just as Hernando was about to offer to make tea there was a slight thud and an indignant hoot. Dean chuckled "she never sees the glass door even though there is an open window right next to it she always tries the door" he shook his head in a joking fashion before turning to open the door the tawny owl fluffed her feathers indignantly before seeming to glare at the glass door and settling on Dean's shoulder. Aurora smiled "I'm glad Amanita has found a good home, she never really fitted in with the other postage owls at Hogwarts." Dean looked at her, 'its real?' He thought 'this isn't some kind of elaborate joke?' He shook himself out of his thoughts just as his mum asked the girls to go and play in Em and Tea's shared bedroom. They trooped out of the room and Dean turned back in as his dad came in with a tray of tea. "So this isn't a joke planned by one of my friends?" He questioned and the professor chuckled shaking her head and taking a sip of her tea before starting to explain.
All in all the visit took over three hours and Aurora ended up staying for dinner much to the delight of the three younger girls who seemed to have fallen in love with her and her stick that was holstered to her belt. They were given the address for the shops in London and told to ask the bartender how to get in, as well as being given a ticket for the Hogwarts Express on platform 9 and 3/4 which made Dean's parents laugh saying they had been there many times and never seen such a platform. But a weekend was planned so the shopping could be done as slowly as needed and Dean went to be that night more excited than he had ever been in his life.
Chapter 2 here!!
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badchoicesposts · 5 years
In A Land Of Myth...
Chapter 4
Summary: When Selene, a young sorceress, arrived in Stormholt she had every intention of remaining anonymous. King Constantine Rys had strict rules on sorcery. The act itself was punishable by death, and she had no desire to be burnt at the stake for her “crimes”. However, it becomes increasingly difficult for her to remain unseen when she becomes Prince Liam’s personal maidservant, and it seems that it’s her job to protect him from everyone that wants to kill him.
Author’s Note: So this is an AU that is a cross between TRR and BBC’s Merlin. If you haven’t watched the show before it follows the tale of King Arthur and the sorcerer Merlin. Merlin comes to Camelot where magic is outlawed and is made Prince Arthur’s servant. This fic will also contain some elements of The Crown and The Flame, but things have been changed up a bit to fit the Merlin story line.
Special thanks to @burnsoslow and @emceesynonymroll for helping me figure out how to write Drake X MC because my inner Liam stan was struggling. 
Disclaimer: You do not have to watch the show to understand this fic, but it is based on the BBC show Merlin so the story line will be similar, but there will be changes made to fit my story as well.
Pairing: Liam x MC (Selene), Drake x MC (There will probably also be a fair amount of Platonic!Bastien x MC)
Taglist: @flowerpowell​, @bobasheebaby​, @alexintheskyy​, @slytherincursebreaker​, @kingliam2019​, @furiousherringoperatortoad​, @goldenbirdcrystalcage​, @burnsoslow​
Let me know if you would like to be added to or removed from the taglist!
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3
Selene was panting heavily as she threw her sword up, blocking the oncoming blow from the weapon of her opponent. She spun in place, ducking as she held her shield up in front of her, blocking his next attack. The two carried on like this for a while. Him pushing her back and her retaliating. She finally seemed to be getting the lead in the fight when a second sword came at her from behind.
“Two against one doesn’t really seem fair!” she exclaimed as she tried to attack one of her opponents while blocking the sword of the other.
“Life isn’t fair,” Drake grunted out as his sword banged against her shield.
Selene scoffed at his words and turned her attention back to Bastien, who hadn’t been going easy on her either. His attacks were aggressive, and with her energy beginning to dissipate, they were easily starting to overpower her. However, she soon saw her opening. Drake was busy shielding the top half of his body, but his bottom was completely unprotected. She ducked underneath Bastien’s sword and thrust her leg out, kicking Drake hard in the shin in the process, causing him to fall to his knees. No one said she couldn’t fight dirty. 
“That’s not fair!” he groaned in pain from his spot on the ground. 
“Life isn’t fair,” she called back with a smirk.
She turned back to her remaining opponent, intent on finishing this and winning. It wasn’t until she leaned forward in attempts to attack Bastien again did the hem of her dress begin to drag, causing her to trip as she stepped onto the garment. She fell face first onto the soft grass, her shield falling to her left and her sword falling to her right. 
“I despise this dress,” she mumbled out in between heavy breaths as she turned to lay on her back. 
Bastien chuckled and threw his weapon down as well, holding his hand out to help her back to her feet as he attempted to catch his breath as well. Selene groaned as he pulled her up. Her entire body was aching and all she wanted was to fall into her bed and sleep until next week. She moved over to Drake and held her hand out to him. The man glared at her momentarily, but took her hand anyway and allowed her to help him to his feet. He winced as he placed weight on his leg, and Selene smiled at him apologetically. 
“Sorry, about that,” she said. 
“You’re not sorry at all are you?” he asked as her face turned from apologetic to amused. 
“I’m a little sorry,” she responded with a laugh. 
“You saw a weakness, and you exploited it. It was a smart move. I’ll give you that,” he said as he leaned down to massage his leg.
“So you’re saying I’m a good fighter?” she teased. “I mean I did beat you after all.”
Drake rolled his eyes. However, she could see the sides of his mouth turn up ever so slightly, and she elbowed him playfully.
“You’re getting better,” Bastien said, as they gathered their belongings and began to make their way back into the castle. “You’ll be sparring with Liam in no time.” 
The woman nodded in response, too tired to use words. She had been working as Prince Liam’s maidservant for almost two weeks, and she was still adjusting to the changes. The first few days had been fairly easy. Liam was being extra nice, assigning her only a few responsibilities per day. However, as time passed and he got more comfortable with seeing her everyday, her list of chores almost tripled. 
She was now responsible for getting him up in the mornings, helping him dress for the day, making his bed, doing his laundry, polishing his armor, cleaning his chambers, preparing his meals when he wasn’t dining with the royal family, helping him get ready for bed, and whatever else he decided to throw her way. On the odd occasion he had even asked her to make sure his horse was properly cared for when returned late at night from a patrol, and the stable workers had already retired for the day.
She had learned fairly quickly that part of her regular duties should have been going with Liam on patrols and missions, but because she had no combat training whatsoever, he had been taking Drake with him instead. She immediately asked Bastien to begin training her, something he had been happy to do, and after their first few training sessions, he had roped Drake into helping her as well . Now she was getting better each day, but she was also more worn out than ever. 
The three parted ways and Drake headed back to his house as they made their way to the castle.
“So, I save Liam’s life, and Constantine’s reward is working me into the ground,” she complained once they had made it safely back to their chambers. 
“We all have our duties, Selene,” Bastien said, momentarily pausing their conversation as another servant bustled into the room with dinner for them. 
Selene leaned back into her chair and thanked the woman before she left. She took a moment to appreciate how lucky she was. Other servants didn’t get to go home in the evenings to a plush bed and warm food from the palace. However, that didn’t stop her from wondering how this was Constantine’s idea of a gift.  
“But my whole body is sore,” she complained, dramatically reaching her arm out and grasping at the air “in attempts” to reach the food that she had no way of actually reaching without sitting up. 
Bastien just looked at her amusedly. She muttered an incantation under her breath and her plate came soaring into her hands, causing her to smile proudly.
“What did I tell you about using magic?” Bastien asked, crossing his arms over his chest.
“That I should definitely do it,” she said with an innocent smile, pulling a glare from the man. “Oh, relax. You’re the only one here.”
They finished their meal in a comfortable silence, and she bade him goodnight before going up to her room, knowing that she would need to be up early in the morning to help Liam prepare for the tournament that was beginning that day. All of the knights from the surrounding kingdoms were gathering in Stormholt for it, and he needed to be ready on time. As she disrobed for the night, Selene closely inspected her dress. It had become even more tattered and dirty than it had been before, now covered in dirt and mud from when she fell in the grass. There was also a small tear on the torso from where Bastien’s sword had sliced the fabric when she couldn’t get her shield up in time. She had another dress that she could wear tomorrow, but if she were to continue training she would need something more protective and less burdensome to wear. She got into bed, knowing where her first stop would be tomorrow. 
Selene rose early, sneaking out of her and Bastien’s chambers before the man had woken up. She walked through the palace halls quickly and began the short journey to her destination. Drake was always up early, so she didn’t have to worry about waking him, but she did need to get back to the palace in time to wake the prince. 
She knocked softly on the door to his dwelling and smiled up at him kindly when he greeted her. 
“Selene!” he exclaimed in surprise upon seeing her. “How can I help you?” 
“Um, may I?” she asked, gesturing past him to indicate that she wanted to be invited in. 
“Oh! Of course,” he said moving aside and allowing her to enter. 
Most of the time Selene and Drake had spent together had been during her training, but in that time she had become very comfortable around him. He could be guarded and closed off, but she was slowly working on breaking those walls and coming to like the kind hearted person that Drake truly was. Bastien explained to her that he had helped raise Drake and his sister after their father’s death. Bastien had worked closely with Jackson Walker, as the man had been the royal blacksmith before his death. When he had come of age Drake took over the family business, and he now spent most of his time in his workshop. Drake was always nice to Selene, and she appreciated that. He made her feel welcome in Stormholt. 
“I’m sorry to drop by this early, but now was the only time I had before the tournament,” she explained, removing her cloak and sitting down at the small table in his kitchen.
“You’re welcome here anytime,” Drake said. 
A faint blush rose onto his face once he realized what he said, and he quickly cleared his throat.
“How’s your leg doing?” she asked with a small embarrassed smile pulling a chuckle from him.
“Nothing a good night’s rest didn’t fix. Although, you’re a lot stronger than you look,” he said with a wince as he thought back to the kick. “What can I help you with?” 
“I need armor.”
“For Liam?” he questioned, taking a seat across from her. 
“No, actually. For me,” she said, biting her lip nervously. 
He gave her a knowing smile and rose to his feet. 
“I hope you don’t mind, I already took the liberty of preparing something for you.” 
Drake slipped out of the back of his small house and into his workshop. He returned a few moments later, his arms full. Selene smiled widely as she looked over the pieces of armor that he dropped onto the table. 
“You already had this ready?” she asked excitedly, lifting one of the vambraces and inspecting the handiwork. 
“Some of the pieces were already underway, I just needed to make a few small changes so they would fit you,” he said, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck. 
“May I?” she asked, already slipping the hauberk over her head.
The chainmail shirt fell down to her thighs, and she immediately began fiddling with the vambraces, the pieces fitting her arms perfectly. 
“Can you help me with these?” she asked, gesturing to the rest of the armor. 
Drake nodded and grabbed the gorget, his fingers brushing lightly against her skin as he placed the item around her neck. He then set to work helping her secure the pauldrons over her shoulders, quickly completing the task and stepping back to admire his handiwork. 
“How do I look?” she asked placing her hands playfully on her hips. 
“Like you’re ready to take on the world,” Drake said softly, a smile tugging at his lips. “Or at least the top half of you does.” 
He motioned to her legs which were still being covered by the skirt of her dress. However, she just beamed in response, happy to actually have armor of her own. 
“Not the whole world. Just a small part of it,” she responded playfully, pulling a laugh from her companion. 
“Thank you, Drake. It… um… it may be a while before I can pay for all of this,” she said nervously looking down at the armor. There was no way any of this would come cheap. 
“Oh, that’s not necessary!” Drake said quickly. “Consider it a gift.” 
“Drake, I couldn’t. I know these must be worth a fortune,” she said, beginning to pull the pieces off as she prepared to leave. 
She handed them back to him and pulled on her cloak, trying to figure out which item she would buy first when she had the money to afford it. 
“You should take all of it now. If you insist you can pay me when you have the money,” he said, loading the items into a sack for her. 
Selene opened her mouth to protest, but Drake immediately cut her off.
“You’ll still pay me back, just not right away,” he said, handing the items off to her with a small smile. 
Selene launched herself into his arms, squeezing him tightly in gratitude. 
“Sorry,” she mumbled as she stepped back, her face burning with embarrassment at her actions. “Now I really do feel bad about kicking you in the shin.”
Drake laughed at the guilty look on her face. The two parted ways, and Selene had an extra pep in her step as she made her way back to the palace. She jogged back to her quarters and threw the door open, startling Bastien who had been having breakfast. 
“Hi, Bas!” she said excitedly as she ran up to her room and dropped the bag of armor down onto her bed. 
She was now in a hurry, having spent more time with Drake than she had originally intended. She didn’t have much time before she needed to be across the castle to wake Liam. 
“Bye, Bas!” she called as she bounded back down the stairs and out the door. 
She broke out into a run as she made her way to Liam’s chambers, skidding to a stop in front of his door. Selene stopped for a moment to catch her breath before opening the door to already find Liam awake. 
“Prince Liam! I apologize for not knocking. I didn’t think you were awake yet,” she said quickly averting her eyes when she realized that he was moving about his chambers topless. 
Selene immediately scolded herself for doing so. She had seen him topless several times. It was literally part of her duties to help him get dressed. Although, she had to admit it was the one part of their day together that still made her blush uncontrollably. She closed the door behind herself and immediately busied herself by moving to his wardrobe. 
“Good morning, Selene,” he said happily, as he pulled on the rest of his clothing. “I rose only a few moments before you arrived.” 
Selene immediately got to work on helping him with his armor. She fastened his breastplate around his chest as he looked down at her, intently observing her as she worked. She glanced up, momentarily meeting his eyes as her hands rested on her chest. He offered her a small smile which she returned with a slight blush, while reaching for his cloak. Selene stood on her toes as she reached up to wrap the long garment around his shoulders. Liam was one of the tallest men she had ever met before, a fact evident by how much she needed to reach up to fasten the cloak together by the base of his neck. The top of her head barely reached his bicep when he was standing up straight. Her height was something people often ridiculed her for, but Liam never once commented on it, instead simply leaning down for her to reach better. 
“Are you nervous for the tournament?” she questioned, as she finished what she was doing. 
“Liam never gets nervous!” Leo said happily, pulling the two of them out of their bubble. Neither had even realized that he had entered the room. 
Selene turned to greet the other man respectfully. However, the anxious look on Liam’s face at his comment didn’t go unnoticed by her. 
“Good morning, Leo,” she greeted. 
Soon after the night of “Lady Joelle’s” performance, Leo had asked her to begin addressing him without a title. 
“Thank you for that vote of confidence, brother,” Liam said as he grabbed his sword and prepared to leave for the beginning of the tournament. 
Selene began to straighten out the sheets on Liam’s bed as the two brothers carried on a whispered conversation between themselves. After a moment, Liam turned back to her and cleared his throat nervously. 
“Selene, will you accompany me down to the tournament,” Liam asked, fidgeting with his earlobe the entire time. “In case I need your assistance!” he added hastily as Leo chuckled quietly behind his back. 
“Of course, sire,” she responded, ready to follow him out to the courtyard. 
“Good. Great,” he said awkwardly as he turned to walk forward, Leo clapping him good naturedly on the shoulder. 
Selene watched in confusion as Liam glared at his brother, the other man only smirking in return as the made their way outside. Liam joined the other knights gathered in the tournament area, and Selene stood next to the stands that had been erected for the spectators. Her position gave her a perfect line of sight to the area where the men would be fighting but allowed her the access she needed to move freely without having to worry about disturbing other on-lookers if Liam were to need her assistance.
Lady Madeleine and Queen Regina were sitting on two thrones away from everyone else. There was another throne between the two of them that Selene could only assume was for the king, but the man himself was nowhere in sight. However, she didn’t have to wonder about his whereabouts for long before the man made his entrance. Constantine seemed to have a flair for grand entrances. He stepped up in front of the gathered knights and addressed them along with the rest of the crowd. 
“It is a great honor to welcome you all to Stormholt. In combat we learn a knight’s true nature. Whether a knight is indeed a warrior or a coward is shown in the way he wields his weapons, in the way he faces his opponents. Knights of The Realm, over the next three days you will put your skills and bravery to the test. Only one will have the honor of being crowned champion. Let the tournament begin!” he concluded, cheers erupting from the stands.
The first two knights began to battle, one of them quickly overpowering the other much to the amusement of the crowd, and Selene watched on not understanding what was so entertaining about two men fighting each other for no reason. Her interest wasn’t piqued until she saw Liam prepare for his fight. She knew that he was the reigning champion, and it didn’t take her long to figure out why. He was light on his feet and moved gracefully. The other competitors were brutish and seemed to enjoy inflicting pain on their opponents. Liam, however, moved quickly and quietly, pushing his opponents back and only forcing them down when absolutely necessary.
Most of the crowd cheered loudly for him, and before Selene even realized what she was doing, she had joined them. It was clearly easy to see who everyone’s favorite was. However, as entertaining as it was to watch the first time, she found herself beginning to lose interest after a few hours of watching duo after duo go up against each other. The young woman was thankful when the fighting for the day had ended, and Liam approached her happily. She held her arms out to take his helmet from him. 
“You were wonderful out there,” she complimented, causing him to smile in return. 
“Thank you!” he said excitedly as he began to make his way back to the castle, obviously still on a high from the excitement of the activities. 
“Prince Liam!” a voice called from somewhere behind them, making them both turn around. 
Selene sunk back behind Liam as they were approached by Neville, a knight from Cormery Isle. He had been another victor in today’s competitions, however his style of fighting couldn’t have been more different to Liam’s. He was aggressive and ruthless, trying to cause as much pain as he could. 
“I offer my congratulations, Your Highness. You performed very well today,” he said, an unmistakable hint of arrogance in his voice. 
“Thank you. You fought very well yourself,” Liam responded, his voice was diplomatic, but not friendly. 
“I hope to see you at the celebration tonight,” Neville said, bowing slightly as he moved along. 
Selene and Liam watched him as he walked away, both feeling uneasy about the man but neither one expressing their concerns to the other. After a moment, Liam turned back towards the castle, pulling Selene along with him. 
“Creep,” she mumbled under her breath, causing him to chuckle. 
“For tomorrow I need you to sharpen my sword, clean my chainmail, and repair my shield,” he informed her. 
Now that the tournament was done for the day, she was almost happy to have something to do. She gathered his items and made her way to the armory the knights had been using to store their weapons and shields for the tournament. She had just placed Liam’s possessions onto the long table in the center of the room when she heard a soft rustling coming from somewhere behind her. 
“Hello, is someone there?” she called.
Hearing no answer, she returned back to the task at hand. Sharpening Liam’s sword was a fairly easy chore, but she was interrupted almost as soon as she had started by the same rustling sound. She turned around and followed the noise that began to sound more and more like a snake hissing as she got closer to the source. The noise seemed to cease altogether as she stopped in front of a shield and looked down at it curiously. It was bright yellow and had three snakes twisted around each other painted on it. She immediately recognized it as the one Neville had been using today. Instinct told her that something was wrong, and she stooped down to inspect it closer. She was just about to reach out to touch it when she noticed something startling. The bright red eye on the snake painted on the left of the shield seemed to be following  her movements. The hissing noise began again and she jumped in shock, her body falling back against the floor. 
Selene immediately shot up, grabbed Liam’s possessions and made her way back to her chambers. After anxiously pacing around the room for a few moments, she sat at the dining table, sharpening Liam’s sword absentmindedly as she waited for Bastien to return from the celebration downstairs. He returned a while later, after she had already cleaned the prince’s chainmail and had moved on to repairing his shield.
“I didn’t expect you to be up at this hour,” he greeted her with a smile. 
The young witch was so lost in thought that she hadn’t even heard him come in. She dropped the shield in surprise at his voice and bent over to hastily pick it back up after her heartbeat had finally returned to a normal rate. 
“Bas, I have something to tell you that you may not believe,” she stated, beckoning him closer. 
The man looked at her with concern and took a seat next to her. 
“What’s troubling you?”
Selene struggled with her words for a moment. 
“I saw something today. I was in the armory after the tournament, and I heard a noise. I followed it and it… it seemed to be coming from Sir Neville’s shield,” she said hesitantly. 
“A noise was coming from his shield?” he questioned skeptically. 
“It was hissing… the snakes on his shield were hissing. And then I noticed that their eyes seemed to be following me,” she said, fully aware that what she described didn’t sound logical. 
However, Bastien knew what she was implying. 
“You believe he’s using magic?” he asked.
“I don’t know anything for certain, and even if it was a magic shield, I don’t know that it can cause harm,” she stated. 
“Selene, that type of alligation is extremely serious. You can’t mention this to anyone else without being absolutely sure,” Bastien warned, his voice serious. 
Selene nodded as she contemplated his words. 
“What should I do?” 
“There’s not much you can do without some kind of proof. In Constantine’s eyes the words of a servant will mean nothing against the word of a knight,” he responded. 
Selene nodded and continued repairing the shield in front of her, already knowing that she was in for a long night of worrying. 
Selene went through the motions of preparing Liam for battle in a daze the next day. She was still worried that Neville was possibly using an enchanted shield but knew that Bastien was right. Voicing her concerns to Liam without being certain would do more harm than good. 
“Are you alright, Selene?” Liam asked her as they made their way down to the tournament sight. “You seem troubled.”
She was surprised that Liam had been paying enough attention to her to notice her mood, but instead of saying anything she simply smiled instead. 
“I’m fine, Your Highness,” she responded, causing him to look at her skeptically. He didn’t have time to question her further though, as the day’s activities were just beginning. 
Selene watched on as various knights battled each other, not finding any of it very interesting. It wasn’t until the final duel of the day began that she finally decided to watch closely. Neville was going up against another knight, and she kept her eyes firmly planted on his shield. From her angle, she could see his every move. He was being overly aggressive, but that was the same as the previous day. She was looking for something more than just that anger to prove that he was doing something wrong. 
The two men struggled for a while. The other knight was obviously more skilled than Neville’s previous opponents and was not succumbing nearly as easily. Neville’s, however, soon gained the upper hand and delivered a harsh blow to his opponent, causing the other man to fall to his knees. He placed his shield close to his face and that was when she saw what she was looking for. One of the snakes from the shield came to life and struck the other knight on the neck before moving back. It disappeared back into the object and the surface of the shield became completely flat again, as if the creature hadn’t just come to life. Neville delivered another unnecessary blow to the man’s head, making it seem as if that was his reason for falling over. 
The rest of the crowd cheered loudly, excited that the man had won and would be participating in the finals the following day. It was obvious that none of them had seen the snakes come to life as Selene had. It was at that moment that Selene realized Neville’s plan, the reality chilling her as if she had just been submerged in cold water. He would be fighting against Liam tomorrow. Neville planned on killing the prince.
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thatbloodymuggle · 5 years
The One With the Satanic Cat
Beauty and the Best 2/?
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September 1st, 1975
"Edith Marie! What are you still doing in bed? You were supposed to be up thirty minutes ago!"
Today was the day. Today was the day that hundreds of anxious tweens and teenagers alike would be gathering their brand new spell books, partially finished summer work, and screeching pets to run through the column between platforms 9 and 10 at King's Cross Station. Today was the day they'd reunite with their friends they hadn't seen in months or, for some, make new ones. Today was the day every witch and wizard in the United Kingdom would be returning to Hogwarts and, no matter how much some may deny it, they were all more than ready. Well, all except for one young witch.
Edie groaned against the cold hardwood floor she had the misfortune of landing on top of. A string of disgruntled words emitted from her mouth as she pulled the covers that had fallen with her tighter, not wanting to leave the warmth of cotton and silk. It wasn't until her eyes began to fall shut again that her mother's shrill words registered in her mind.
The tired blonde girl's eyes flew open in an instant, a look of panic settling in them as she threw off her duvet. Edie ignored the cold sensation prickling at her skin as she frantically grabbed for the watch she had left on her desk. 10:16.
The disoriented girl sprinted out of her room towards the bathroom she, unfortunately, shared with her older brother. Edie yanked at the doorknob as she still needed to finish packing, get dressed, and be out of the house in 29 minutes. The panic inside her flared upon the realization that the door was locked.
"Evan, get out! I need to shower," she shrieked whilst banging on the wooden door.
"Wait your turn! I'm doing my hair," a muffled voice shouted back. She could hear the smugness in his voice.
This only angered her more, "I swear to Merlin Evan, if you don't come out right now I'll-"
Edie was denied the satisfaction of finishing her threat as the lanky boy pushed the door open with his signature smirk, though this one more smug than usual. "Honestly, Edie, you need to learn to control your anger. It can prove to be quite destructive if you're not careful," he tsked.
The sister rolled her eyes, not bothering to stick around and question the nonsense he had just spewed out. She shoved past him into the spacious bathroom, making sure to bump into his shoulder in the process. The young girl immediately regretted it, however, as the feeling of nausea seized her.
"Holy balls, Evan! It smells like hippogriff shit in here! You couldn't have at least covered up the smell?" the already angered girl screamed in a shrill voice, covering her nose at the vile aroma.
All she got was a cackle in response, "Like I said, Edith, patience is a virtue!"
The blonde, who was already done with her brother's childish antics, lit several candles in the cupboard of the sink at lightning speed in a desperate attempt to cover up the smell as she had no time to ask her parents to get rid of it with magic.
Edie stripped down and hopped in the shower as she realized her only hope was to just shower as quickly as possible. Agitated, the rushed girl lathered her hair with both shampoo and conditioner in a frantic manner and was soon wrapped in her towel in record time. The blonde sprinted back to her room, not bothering to so much as brush her hair as it would only slow her down.
Edie burst into her walk-in closet, grabbing the first decent outfit she could spot consisting of the sweater Lily had gotten her for Christmas last year and a pair of black leggings she was yet to get away with wearing. Her mother had always despised Muggle clothing, so Edie was rarely allowed to buy anything of recent trends. She just hoped that because she was running late, her mother wouldn't protest. She forced both legs through the tight pants as she hopped back to her bedside table to check the time once again. Edie bounced up and down to get the blasted pants on faster whilst peering at her watch again.
10:32. 13 minutes.
The thumping in her chest increased as she made one final hop to fully pull up the leggings over her bum only to slip on the duvet that was yet to be picked up from the floor. Edie landed with a loud thump, a distressed groan escaping her in the process. She'd only been awake for 17 minutes and she had already fallen twice-- not the best way to start the day, to say the least.
Once she had hauled herself off the cold floor for the second time that morning, Edie raced over to her half-packed trunk, flinging it open and dragging it into her closet. She yanked every single item of clothing in sight off its hanger, tossing it in the spacious trunk. It didn't take her long to finish as there was little to no coordination in her actions, although the unfortunate girl found herself facing yet another setback once finished packing her clothes. Since she hadn't folded anything, the trunk was overflowing with an assortment of fabrics.
Feeling like shoving a pillow in her face and cursing all things good, the frustrated girl stomped against the ground in a childish manner, a scream tugging at her vocal chords. Knowing she had absolutely no time to sit and fold clothes, Edie pushed the clothes towards the center of the trunk as she threw down the lid which only came about three quarters of the way down. She then proceeded to climb on top of the wooden case and jump up and down on it, making sure to dig her heels every time she made contact with the lid.
"Edie we're leaving in- What the hell are you doing?"
Startled by the booming voice of her brother, the blonde tripped over her own feet. She regained her footing after hopping off of the trunk and a few stumbles forwards, avoiding face planting against her floor for the third time within a thirty minute time period.
"I'm trying to pack," she hissed with the coldest glare she could muster, her brother in turn raising his hands in surrender.
"Well I was going to offer to help, but I'm not feeling so generous anymore, now that I think about it," he sneered with a complacent expression.
If looks could kill, Evan would be 174 feet under. Before she could lunge at the teenage boy, he glided out of the doorway and down the grand staircase. Edie knew if she didn't get the blasted trunk closed within the next minute, she'd miss the Hogwarts Express. She huffed, getting back on the case but this time sitting on the edge, digging her behind into the lid with all the strength she could muster, somehow managing to get the hatch locked. The blonde didn't have time to celebrate her achievement as she hauled the trunk out the door and down the massive staircase, grabbing her leather watch in the process.
10:44. Right on time.
Edie appeared in the kitchen, out of breath. It seemed the rush of adrenaline that had worked in her favor before had now left her as physical exhaustion took its place. The girl's dull eyes met the unimpressed ones of her parents and gleeful ones of her brother. "Can you be on time, just this once?" her father sighed, rubbing his hand over his face.
"I am on time," Edie frowned, holding up her watch. "See? 10:45. Right on the dot," she defended herself, although she couldn't help but feel like she had forgotten something. She racked her brain for what she could have missed, though nothing seemed to present itself.
"Well maybe you'd have time to make yourself look somewhat presentable next time if your room wasn't such a pigsty," her mother frowned in disapproval, eyeing her outfit choice. "Well we better get going-"
"Shit, Piggy! I forgot Piggy!" Edie's eyes widened to the size of saucers. For once in her life, she was thankful for her mother's unnecessary judgmental insults as she would've forgotten her cat if she hadn't.
Her mother's eyes widened along with her daughter's, though for completely different reasons, "Edith Marie Rosier, watch your mouth! Use that kind of language again and I'll send you away to  Beauxbatons. At least there you'll learn some manners," the woman shrieked, her pale face becoming redder by the second.
Her threat went unnoticed by her daughter, however, as she sprinted back up the stairs towards in attic in search of her cat. How could she have possibly forgotten Piggy? The poor animal would have been furious if she had left her at home with her parents. The animal absolutely despised pretty much every human with the exception of Edie herself, especially her mother.
If Edie hadn't been out of breath before, she surely was now. She swung open the creaking door of the attic, her shoulders slumping in relief as she caught sight of Piggy perched upon an old box nearby.
"Come on, Piggy. It's time to go back to school," the girl cooed at the animal. The feline mewled in protest, though let her owner pick her up regardless. Edie descended the stairs with her pet clutched in her arms, finally ready to leave. She swung herself through the entrance of the marble kitchen, only to be met with an empty room. Well, almost empty.
"Mistress Edith, Pokey has been told to apparate you to King's Cross Station himself because you took too long," a squeaky voice made itself known. Edie's eyes dart to the feeble family house elf standing hunched over before her. Disappointment filled the blonde upon the realization that her family had left without her. Of course if it had been Evan who was late, they still would've made Edie go alone so they could wait on him anyways. She shouldn't have been surprised, really. But this still didn't stop the disappointment she wouldn't be able to say goodbye from filling her.
Rather than sulking on what couldn't be changed Edie shot him a warm smile, "Of course, Pokey. Shall we go now then?"
The house elf beamed at the girl's kindness. He had never been treated very well by any member of the Rosier family through the years he'd served them. Of course, they were in no way obligated to treat him a certain way, however Edie never saw it this way. The poor elf had done more for her family than she could ever possibly thank him for, and she deemed kindness as at least some sort of gratitude for his services. Pokey grabbed onto her extended hand as she used the other to steady her cat and cart.
A strange but familiar feeling took over the girl and in a few seconds, she found herself standing in a rather filthy corner of King's Cross Station. Edie glanced down at the watch that had been fastened to her wrist to check the time. 10:51.
"Thank you very much, Pokey. I'm afraid I do have to run now or else I'll miss the train," she gave the elf a soft smile.
"Thank you, Mistress Edith. I wish you have the most wonderful time at Hogwarts," he bowed his head slightly.
"Do take care of yourself, Pokey. And if my mother gives you any grief, let me know and I'll be back in an instant," the blonde bid him farewell one final time before he snapped his fingers and vanished in midair. Edie stood stationary for a few seconds, almost forgetting why she was there in the first place when it hit her-- she had 9 minutes before the Hogwarts Express would leave.
The Rosier girl jumped at the realization before taking off in a sprint, pushing her cart ahead of her. Piggy meowed in dissatisfaction at the fast pace, but Edie ignored the old cat as she was on the opposite end of the train station of her platform. Adrenaline worked in her favor for the second time that day as her pace never faltered. With platforms 9 and 10 finally in sight, the girl glanced down at her wrist to check the time. 10:57.
Not slowing her run, the blonde ran straight through the column upon nearing it, relief flooding through her once seeing she still had a minute or two left to leave her cart and board the train. She almost felt like collapsing to the ground in exhaustion as she set her cart next to the others, but hauled herself on the train instead. With a glance at her watch, a satisfied smile tugged at her lips. 10:59.
Edie looked left and right down either hallway of compartments, deciding she'd visit the boys' cabin first as it was significantly closer to the part of the train she'd boarded. The Gryffindor panted as she hauled both her cat and herself to their usual spot, her heavy breathing not ceasing by the time she slid the door of the cabin open. Four pairs of eyes shot to her own frenzied ones, a grin matching them in an instant.
"You look like you just got in a fight with a dragon," the boy with long hair spoke first, the amused timbre of his voice apparent.
The girl's smile only widened in an almost prideful manner. With an overdramatized sigh, she threw herself on top of her childhood friend, her head burying itself in his stomach as her arms flailed to the sides, hitting  James Potter in the process. "Well at least tell me I won."
The whole compartment chuckled at the pair's interaction. Sirius pushed his friend off of him, forcing her to take a seat on the bench across from him next to the tallest of the four. Edie beamed at the shaggy haired boy next to her who returned it happily. She then faced the rest of the boys who all held matching looks of anticipation.
"I woke up late again," she began but was cut off by the glasses clad boy diagonal from her.
This resulted in a harsh kick in the shin from the girl followed by a low groan which went ignored as she continued, "So I had 29 minutes to get ready, which I did by the way, but right as we were leaving I realized I forgot Piggy so I guess my family took that as a chance to leave me behind," the girl spit out, inhaling afterwards as she had a habit of not breathing in between sentences.
"It's not like it would've been missed if you left it," Sirius grumbled across from her with a deep-set glare directed towards the feline Edie had pulled onto her lap. He had never understood what the girl saw in the cat. It was quite the ugly thing, to be honest. It's tangled, stringy hair always made it look as if it needed a bath. The pig-like face it was named for and rather creepy, yellow eyes didn't help. Not to mention it had the absolute worst attitude he'd seen in an animal.
Piggy hissed back at the boy. She had never really liked many people, though she had always despised Sirius."That was rude and unnecessary," the girl bit back with a frown whilst cradling the grumpy cat in her arms. "You know she's not that bad if you give her a chance."
James snorted from the corner, "I mean if you call scratching everyone who comes within a three foot radius of her 'not that bad'. I'm with Sirius on this one."
"You're with Sirius on every one," the girl quipped whilst stroking the cat. "Besides, she likes Remus. Don't you, Piggy?" Edie cooed at her pet, nudging her towards the boy next to her who stiffened, but cautiously placed his hand on the feline anyways. Piggy shot the boy a warning look to which he flinched back, but she eventually nuzzled into his touch. Remus sent the girl an uneasy smile, but continued to stroke the cat who had begun purring.
"That doesn't count, everybody likes Moony," Peter, who had been sitting silently beside the lanky boy until now, spoke to which James and Sirius murmured in agreement. The tall boy rolled his eyes, though didn't bother arguing. It seemed this realization had ended their argument over the old cat.
"He's not wrong," the Rosier girl started, "I don't think I've ever seen you not get along with someone," she giggled. Remus's attempts to maintain an impassive face failed as the corners of his lips twitched upwards upon hearing her airy laugh.
As Edie's eyes met his own, she couldn't help but notice how much he'd changed over the summer. It had only been a couple of months, but he seemed so different-- all the boys did. His modulated voice had become slightly huskier and his already deep-set jawline stuck out more. Edie was quite tall for a girl her age standing at 5'7", but he seemed to tower over her now. What felt like minutes of studying her friend's face was actually a mere few seconds as she was brought back to the conversation on hand.
"I should probably head to the Prefects' Carriage now so I won't be late," Remus declared after a quick glance at his leather watch. He stood from the bench, moving his hands across his pants to dust them and straighten his sweater.
"Aw, ickle prefect Remmykins," Sirius cooed, stretching out his arms to pinch his cheeks.
His partner in crime quickly caught on and followed, "How incredibly proud we are. They just grow up too fast, don't they Sirius?" James Potter cried, covering his face with the black-haired boys robes, muffling the fake sobs coming from his mouth. Peter cackled in the corner as Edie muffled her own laughter. The tall boy glared at both boys, slapping Sirius's hands away from his face.
The boy cradled his hands to his chest at the sharp pain, "Why Moony, I'm appalled by your actions. Today is a very emotional day for your mother and me."
"Are you sure James is the mother? I would've pictured you as more of the 'motherly' type," Edie chirped with a smug grin, Peter's laughter heightening at her words.
The grey-eyed boy narrowed his eyes at her, "Don't you dare use that tone with me, young lady."
The blonde leaned over to the shortest of the four boys who was now next to her as Remus had gotten up, "He's definitely the mother." Edie made sure her words could be heard by the whole compartment despite her mock whispering.
"I'm with Edie on this one, James wears the pants in the relationship," the frown that had taken over the prefect's face now replaced with a knowing smile. The stubby boy in the corner was in tears at this point. Edie was sure he'd just burst if he kept laughing.
James, who was sitting straight by this point, puffed out his chest before pulling Sirius into his arms, caressing his head, "Shh, Moony, you know how sensitive Sirius can be-- even if it is true." The raven-haired boy pouted in his friend's embrace whilst attempting to wiggle himself out of it.
Laughter chorused throughout the cabin, four of the five beaming. Once it had begun to die down, Remus spoke again, "I've got to actually go now. I'm probably already late."
The lanky boy swiveled towards the door, only to be stopped again, "Wait, Remus, can you please tell Lily that Edie said hi and is very sorry for not stopping by her compartment since hers was too far away and she will make it up for her at the feast," the blonde babbled, hoping he had at least caught most of her rushed words.
"Hi, compartment too far away, make it up at feast. Got it," the shaggy haired boy grinned at the girl as he slid the door open, actually making it out of the compartment this time. The remaining three marauders watched and waited for the door to close, all turning to look at Edie as soon as the click indicating it was shut sounded.
The Gryffindor girl cocked an eyebrow at the three smirking boys staring at her, "Can I help you?"
"It's time for Operation Moodie," the glasses clad boy started with a mischievous smile.
"What the hell's a Moodie?"
The three ignored her interjection, Sirius continuing where James had left off, "You see, over the summer we-"
"We being us three," Peter added, both boys pausing to look at him as he flashed an oblivious smile.
"Peter, James, and I came up with a master plan to get you and Moony together."
The blonde's eyebrows knit together in confusion. Since when had they ever wanted for her and Remus to date? This was certainly news to her. Edie appeared flustered as she stumbled out, "Wait, what?"
"You know, Remus 'I fold my socks' Lupin, the tall and lanky mother fucker who just-"
"I know who you mean," Edie glared at James, wanting nothing but to wipe the smug grin off his face. "Why? Since when did Remus and Edie become a thing."
"Since we decided you two would make the perfect pair," the blue eyed boy next to Sirius retorted.
"And perfect babies."
The blonde's cheeks flared up at Sirius's suggestion, going to kick his shin. Anticipating her movement, he moved his legs out of the way which earned him a cold glare. After years of being around her, he knew all of her moves.
"Point is, Moony needs to get laid and you could certainly use a boyfri-"
"And what exactly makes you think that I need a boyfriend. In fact, what on Earth made you assume I even like boys," Edie narrowed her dull eyes at her oldest friend. The three were beginning to get on her nerves.
"Please, Edith. With the amount of John Travolta posters in your room there's absolutely no way you're not interested in the male species, but that's besides the point. Point is, we have a foolproof plan that, if you follow, will end with you and Moony happily married with three beautiful children," the Potter boy exclaimed. The other two boys nodded in agreement, identical satisfied smiles taking over their faces. Edie, on the other hand, was downright confused. The boys had never so much as mentioned her and Remus being together. She confessed that she had thought of what it would be like if she one day started liking one of the boys, but was never able to get far. Edie viewed them as her brothers. It would just be far too strange to see them as anything more. Sure they were all attractive, well except for Peter, but the mere concept freaked her out too much.
"You do realize that I don't like him, right?"
"And that is a work in progress," James quipped with a smirk.
The blonde let out an unattractive snort, standing up from her seat. "Keep telling yourself that," she looked at James before turning to face all three of them, "Now if you don't mind, I'm going to visit my other friends who I should be with in the first place."
"What if we do mind?"
"Well that would just be tragic, wouldn't it?" Edie shot Sirius a sarcastic look, her lips taking the shape of a sneer. She swiveled on her heels without looking back as she slid the door open and let it slam behind her. Piggy trailed her owner, matching Edie's sass as she flicked her tail at the hooligans. The Rosier girl could hear the three boys chortling behind her as she left, but only rolled her eyes as she started in the direction of the compartment her other group of friends always sat in. Still baffled by the topic of conversation, she shook her head. They'd keep this up for two weeks tops before getting bored and giving up, she reassured herself. And, with those words, the thought had left her mind entirely.
Edie found her body sliding open the door of her compartment before her brain could catch up to her. She didn't have time to process what was happening or even acknowledge anyone in the small space before having her breath knocked out of her by a shorter body.
"Edie!" A voice squealed right by her ear. The platinum blonde cowered back at the shrill noise, but hugged her friend back nonetheless.
"Merlin, Marlene. Are you trying to make me go deaf? We've only been back for a few minutes and you're already plotting my death," the taller girl giggled, wriggling herself out of the shorter's grip. Marlene hadn't change too much over the summer. Her dirty blonde hair was a little lighter having spent her vacation on a tropical island with her family and her skin a shade or two darker, but she didn't look too different.
Edie glanced behind the girl to catch sight of Mary. Another smile broke onto her face as she greeted her other friend, "Hi, Mary!" The dark haired girl waved back, the chronically worried look on her face replaced with one of bliss.
"How was your summer, Edie?" the timid girl asked with genuine curiosity as Edie sat down across from her friends, Piggy leaping onto her lap.
The blonde shrugged, "It was okay, I suppose. Nothing special." She wasn't about to sit there and spill every detail of her adventures which consisted of a few hundred lost arguments against her mother. It's not like this would be new information to them, anyways. Instead, she held her smile and reciprocated the question, "How was yours?"
Mary smiled softly as she began to recount her trip to Paris with her parents, delving into a story about a boy she had met. Edie felt bad for zoning out as her eyes subconsciously drifted to look out the window, but the giddy girl didn't seem to mind as Marlene had her full attention. The blonde just couldn't focus on the conversation at hand-- something was bugging her, but she couldn't figure out what or why. She felt herself slipping away from reality as she immersed herself in her own thoughts. Edie wasn't sure how long she'd been daydreaming by the time that she was snapped back to the present moment.
"Bloody hell, Edie! Control your beast," a yelp pulled her line of vision from the window to look at Marlene who was glaring daggers at the cat.
She merely shrugged in response, pulling it from the ground and back onto her lap. "She can't help it. Piggy only bites when provoked," Edie defended the animal who now sat peacefully on top of her, soft purrs vibrating against her.
"That thing is a threat to everyone around it. It's satanic-- possessed or something, I swear," Marlene sneered with her eyes narrowed at the pet who flicked her tail at her in response.
The blonde giggled at her friend's overdramatized reaction, "Come on, Marls. At least make an effort to get along with Piggy this year. She's not that bad if you just give her a chance."
Mary, who had remained quiet throughout the pairs' interaction finally spoke up, "You were glaring at her like you were plotting her death." Edie and Mary giggled as Marlene crossed her arms.
Having put her summer work off until the very last minute, Edie stayed up until 4:00 finishing the last of it. The exhaustion didn't take long to catch up to her as she let her head rest against the window and dozed off within a matter of minutes, leaving Marlene and Mary to entertain themselves. The tired girl slept straight through the bumps and rocks of the train for the remaining several hours of the ride, not once stirring. Piggy had curled up against her at one point, and the pair probably would've stayed there had Marlene not woken her upon their arrival.
"Edie, wake up."
"Come on, we've got to get off."
Mary and Marlene shook the sleeping girl, but to no avail. She was out like a light. The pair shared a knowing look as Marlene stuck her head out of the open door. She looked down the hallway to her right at the students scrambling to get off the train. With a deep breath, she braced herself to summon her last hope, "Sirius Orion Black, your assistance is needed!"
A few students nearby glared at the screaming girl, the First Years flinching at her sudden outburst. Mary giggled from inside the compartment as the message was passed on throughout the hallway until it had met the long haired boy.
Sirius turned at the tapping on his shoulder, his eyes darting down to meet those of a third year's, "Marlene says she needs your help," the shorter boy stumbled over his words, his face heating up. The Black boy's eyebrows knit together, sending James and Peter a questioning glance which was returned with two dumbfounded shrugs. The trio pushed against the flow of the crowd towards the cabin the girls always occupied. It was a rather short walk from the Marauder's compartment to theirs. Soon enough Sirius caught sight of a franticly waving, freckled girl. A goofy grin broke across his face as he jogged the last twenty five or so feet to meet her, his two friends hot on his tail.
"Sirius Black, at your service," he bowed at his waist with a cheeky grin similar to the one Marlene held. James had halted right behind his friend, Peter appearing a few seconds after with a red face and quick breaths of exhaustion. "How may I help you?"
Rather than giving the boy a verbal response, the ocean eyed girl gestured inside of the cabin. Sirius peered inside with James right behind his shoulder and Peter jumping in an attempt to see over his significantly taller friends' shoulders. A hearty laugh emitted from the long haired boy at the sight of his childhood friend sprawled out across the bench, soft snores filling the small space. The tall boy behind Sirius snickered whilst the shortest of the three remained oblivious to what was happening. "She's looks so peaceful when she's asleep," the grey eyed boy cooed, cocking his head to the side. "It's a shame we have to disturb that," he began to tut despite not feeling any guilt in the slightest.
He shooed the cat away who had been resting at her side resulting in a menacing hiss. Piggy hopped off as if knowing what was about to take place. The boy rubbed his hands together, rolling his shoulders back to add dramatic effect. He cleared his throat, slowly positioning himself over the sleeping girl. Sirius hovered above her for a few seconds until he plopped himself down rather ungracefully atop her stomach. Edie's eyes flew open with a groan at the weight crushing her, but Sirius was unrelenting.
"Wakey wakey, Dear Edith! It's time to get up! We're going back to Hoggy Warty Hogwarts!" the boy cheered at the top of his lungs whilst bouncing up and down on her. The poor girl shrieked, using her frail arms to push him off but to no avail-- he was too heavy and she was not in a position to do anything about it. Laughter filled the almost emptied hallway as the few students passing by the compartment peered in with curious eyes. They weren't even at Hogwarts yet and the group of Gryffindors was already creating an unnecessary ruckus.
The smothered blonde finally gathered the strength to shove the bouncing boy off of her. She was met by four laughing faces as she pulled herself up from the bench, ignoring the ache in her back. "You know you could've just pushed me or something and I would've woken up," Edie grumbled with a glare directed towards the two girls.
Marlene held her hands up in surrender, "We tried. Besides, this way is much more fun," she continued to giggle at the irritated expression on her friend's face.
"Hate to break the love fest going on here, but if we don't get off now the train might just go back to London with us," James interjected, bringing the group of six back to the task on hand. The group of Fifth Years nodded in agreement as they all left the narrow corridor of the train and made their way towards the carriages.
"When do you suppose we'll see Lily and Remus?" Edie wondered aloud as the gang of Gryffindors all boarded one of the thestral drawn carriages. She regretted the words as soon as they left her mouth upon seeing Sirius's smug expression next to her.
The girl rolled her eyes at the words that left his mouth next, "Thinking about Remus, are we? Don't you worry your pretty little head. He'll be around in no time." James and Peter snickered alongside him, Marlene and Mary too engaged in their own words to hear the conversation taking place.
"You do realize I asked about Lily too, right? And besides, just because you have a newfound obsession with my love life doesn't mean every time I mention Remus it's because I'm in love with him," her eyes narrowed at the three boys before sharply turning towards the girls, making sure her hair whipped him in the face behind her.  
The young girl ignored the trio, mainly Sirius, for the remainder of the ride though wasn't able to hold a grudge for long as they were laughing like usual by the time the feast had begun. As Edie sat through the Sorting and watched her friends socialize throughout the meal, she could already tell that her fifth year would be one full of excitement and new adventures-- one none like before, one that would go down in the books.
This year would be one to remember.
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