#i actually don’t know which of those 2 i dislike more lol it changes daily
maxbernini · 2 years
i really like redoaune and anaïss friendship so far!!
tbh i can’t rly fully get into it or s10 as a whole given the context of like…many many many things lol but ignoring the context in the moment (at least as much as you can bc it is v v hard sometimes 💀), i like their friendship more than i thought i would, and i really really hope it stays platonic. or if it is made romantic, that it’s more of an open ending where they acknowledge their feelings but don’t act on them bc the timing isn’t right and anais wants to put herself first etc etc. i’m aware i’m being delusional hoping for that lmao
but yeah i like that their dynamic, unlike j*lal for eg, isn’t entirely ‘she’s snarky and borderline demeaning to him most of the time and yet he continues to worship the ground she walks on’. it def seemed like s8 2.0 in the beginning but she seems to genuinely respect and like him and i thought the whole giving him advice on how to date and then breakup with sophia thing was cute, esp. since she wasn’t jealous or had ulterior motives like i was worried they’d make her lmao. yes the bar is in HELL!!! which now almost annoys me bc like damn…you ARE capable of writing m/w couples who actually seem to enjoy each other’s company and who aren’t in a 24/7 yelling match and are both getting something out of this huh. i do still hate that nepotism & parental pressure clip though like i need to study deborah’s brain i need to know what goes through it and i hope that whole plot is dropped idc about plotholes bc i have zero faith in it being addressed the way it should. the clip where she discloses the rape to him was very well done imo, i like that he didn’t launch into a polished speech? he mostly just hesitantly responded to what she was saying and wasn’t asking questions like tiff & sasha (which to be clear wasn’t bad of them!! i don’t want it to sound like reacting that way IRL is wrong, it’s a complex situation.) anyways yeah. wish this was his season even tho i think r*dnais from his pov would be worse somehow? wish we were seeing him fall in love for the first time with sophia or frida (bc we don’t actually know she’s gay, it’s technically all speculation rn) instead like an interracial couple where neither are white and one of them’s maybe bi?? 😔
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mbti-notes · 2 years
Anon wrote: Heya just wanted some advice here. I'm a 19 yr old INTJ with depression (have been for 5-6 yrs now). Just wanted to know how to get out of this rut I'm in. Idk if it's a loop or what, I just know I'm depressed and it has definitely worsened since 2020. I don't take any medication and no therapy, although I know I should. When I'm financially stable, I'm planning to.
Anyways, I've been disqualified from college bc of my very low grades and have the option to appeal to be reinstated (and even then, if i do apply for a reappeal, there's a chance they could reject me anyway). In all honesty, I don't want to. I can't be bothered to care for school anymore. I guess most people would be horrified to have such failing grades, but I have no emotions towards it. It's just "oh well" for me. I didn't really want to go in the first place anyway, but my older sister suggested for me to try and I did...which ended up being a waste of time for me and I regret it. I guess it's good I only went for 1 yr lol. Maybe I should have waited or maybe I'm just not a college type at all. I've always disliked school anyways. I managed my depression well back then since i was a good student, straight A's and all, but now I've just completely stopped caring.
I will have to tell my family, but I don't want to tell them about my depression and all that...I haven't told anyone else about my mental issues besides my closest friends and even then, I hardly open up to them about my issues in general (honestly even now i am hesitant abt typing all this despite being anon lol...). My family has never forced me to do anything and give me a lot of freedom actually, so I think they will understand. Even though I often dislike them at times, I do appreciate that they don't force me into anything... I guess I just fear being open about my mental illness. I'm hoping it will be enough to say I just don't have the motivation and focus for school anymore without having to go any deeper. I know I can't just stay home though, staying home drives me crazy and honestly worsens my depression. I do try to keep myself busy at home with chores and babysitting my nephew. But that's still not good enough...I can't drive yet so can't go out and get a job, although I do want to. My best bet is working from home
I am very interested in art and have an art account, although not a lot of followers , but I could try opening commissions up. My lack of followers is my fault lol. I don't upload very often, but I do know my art is good (not in an arrogant way; I definitely know i still have A LOT to learn and I always try to improve my skills) and I know a few people will commission me. I just need a consistent schedule and energy level I think...Instagram's constant changing algorithm is confusing to keep up with + depression killing my energy and motivation + dealing with a baby is exhausting (and i already dislike children to begin with...).
And a week or 2 before my period starts, my depression gets even worse, to the point of daily suicidal ideation in those weeks (I'm sure I have PMDD or PME...likely PME as I'm already depressed and it gets worse before the cycle then goes back to my "normal" state of depression after period ends.) Still, art and the fear of failing to successfully take my own life is what is keeping me alive. If I'm gonna die, I just want to die right away lol but haven't figured that out... I do want to do something with art and be successful, yet a part of me doesn't want to bother at all and just wishes to die in my sleep. I dont really feel sad or anything, i just feel numb i think. Idk anymore
If I have reason to doubt someone's type, I will not discuss any specifics of type development until the situation is clarified. Since I see little evidence of Ni and Te so far, I will either require you to verify your type or provide a more comprehensive explanation for your atypical function expression/development. You point to depression as a major problem and perhaps it is obscuring the view of your type development. Describing the problem is a good first step, but it’s not enough for achieving a comprehensive understanding of its roots and origins.
Depression is a multi-factorial disorder, which means that everyone’s path to recovery is somewhat different, depending on which factors are most influential. It sounds like you’re just drifting through life aimlessly with very little self-awareness. You’ll need to dig deeper into why you’re suffering and try to account for all of the factors that might have led you to be depressed. In other words, you have to identify the right causes to find the right solutions.
You already know some things you should do, yet you won’t do them. Genuine question: What will it take for you to act? What/who can help you when you don’t care about yourself enough to take responsibility for your own well-being? You don’t want people interfering in your life and that means you have to be the one to step up and take charge. You claim to not care about anything, yet people only ask for help because they care. So, do you or don’t you care? Do you or don’t you want more for yourself? What is the truth?
If you want to understand yourself better, the first thing you have to do is stop deflecting and be completely honest about what you feel. “Numbness” is merely a defense mechanism, a way to cover one’s true feelings, especially the true extent of one’s pain. You won’t understand the problem fully until you access that pain. Everyone has within them a voice that guides them toward self-actualization, so it’s time for you to start listening to it.
Mental disorders are similar to physical diseases; the longer you leave them, the worse they get. Left untreated, depression worsens over time as your life gradually falls apart and you feel as though you have less and less to live for. It sounds like you’ve left the problem festering for too long. PMDD might require medical attention to ensure there’s nothing wrong with your hormone levels, so consult with your doctor. If your doctor doesn’t take it seriously (due to gender bias and discrimination), keep looking until you find a doctor who does. Depression is treatable with cognitive behavioral therapy, so my recommendation is to seek help from a qualified therapist.
If you really don't have any access to therapy, you could at the very least educate yourself about depression and implement some practical advice about how to change some unhealthy thought patterns and poor lifestyle choices. Most major cities have public mental health resources available. The internet has great official resources about how to care better for your mental health. I have also discussed it and recommended books about it. What resources are available to you and have you made use of them? How much longer will you sit and wait? Sitting and waiting is how one gets trapped in a rut.
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empty-dream · 3 years
So I read 86 LN vol 1
S1 anime covers the entire Vol 1 except for the latter's epilogue, so full anime spoiler here.
And as of this writing, I'm still on Vol 2 so the things I mention here are solely those that happen in Vol 1. Idk if a thing happens in the latter volume, gotta dodge spoiler so I don't browse about it.
There was an interview with a person inside the anime industry that basically said "The point of an anime adaptation is not to be an exact replica of the original material, but to shine as its own medium for a story." I forgot who it was and I can't find the interview anywhere for the life of me, but that statement opened my eyes. I agree with it, that's why I can appreciate the differences between LN/manga and anime, especially if they turn out good and/or interesting.
And that's exactly what happens in 86. I'll start with this: I watched the anime first, and after I read the Vol1 novel, I actually like the anime more. Because there are a lot of meaningful original scenes in it
And because the Vol1 novel turns out exactly what I fear when I first watched the anime: that I won't care much about the squadron aside from the main 5. (Look, the anime promotional materials mostly only have Lena and those 5 only. As shocked as I was in the anime, I did have an idea where the story would go from those alone). The rest are barely mentioned. Not even the girls are named in the novel, even though they do talk and Lecca is even prominent in anime.
For example, the second half of the first episode, the one that shows Spearhead squadron's daily life right before Lena contacts them, is anime original scenes. Kujo already dies the moment the novel starts focusing on the squadron. Simply put, a lot of the squadron members that aren't the main 5 or Kaie get a *lot* more focus in the anime, like Daiya, Haruto (For characters who appear on the introduction page, their novel screen time is less than I'd expect), Kujo and Lecca. While the other members often appear in the background and actually behave like equal members instead of glue-them-on figurines.
(Idk if those other members are named and/or designed in the light novel before the anime is a thing or when the anime becomes a thing.)
The anime also adds relevant information in the Raiden's talk with Lena in EP7, like Kaie receiving racial abuse from 86 (in fact in both versions, she is the first one to get highlighted about this) and Haruto also having prominent Giadian Empire blood like Anju and Shin. These weren't in the novel.
I might be just nitpicking here because I love Kaie and Haruto, but see, this scene is amazing on its own. This is where Raiden and the squad reveal the weight of their motivation all along, that they *each* have different backgrounds and different kinds of sufferings, yet they are all sentenced to die, and they all choose to fight because they know no side is saintly but some things are still worth fighting for.
The prominent characters' deaths (besides Kaie's) are often mentioned with only one or two dry lines. I expected at least Daiya's to be detailed more, but it's just that so matter-of-fact-ly. Well I came from the anime, so I guess it's normal if I expected something as heartbreaking.
I broke down HARD at the last half of EP10 and that is nowhere in the Vol 1 novel. (Having Hands Up to the Sky playing in the background is also an advantage for being an anime. Fuck that song, I now play it 24/7 in despair)
Having a lot of original anime scenes really complement the story's nature. That there are two different sides of life here, it's not just Lena's or 86's only. And those couldn't have intertwined if not for their willingness to listen and communicate.
I know I mentioned this some days ago but really, I can't get over how many of the merch are Lena (and Annette) being cute doing cute stuff while the story itself is actually depressing. Merch staffs know the market lol.
- Novel side -
That said, the novel does have an advantage that the anime/visual media doesn't: Internal explorations and explanations.
It's obvious from the get-go, but Asato confirms that the inspiration of Republic of San Magnolia and its racial discrimination and genocide is taken from Nazi Germany in WW2. The Republic who favors the white/silver haired-eyed Alba drives Colorata out of the 85 sectors, overtakes their properties, and forcibly sends the now-called-86 to either fight their war and die, or work on the wall and die.
The life inside the Republic is also elaborated on. Class always exists, even inside one race only. The center of the republic is for the elites, Lena and Annette's families included. The farther a sector is from the center, the lower the education and economy there is. Most of the military come from these areas, which explains why Lena herself is in difficult situation. Since no one in the military is either capable or willing to bring change.
It's *insane* how easily the Republic could create such vile lies, and how easily the majority of the citizens go along with it.
Gotta admit, Asato does a good job at foreshadowing the fate of the 86, the truth that we can only see after Ep7 of anime. It is mentioned that supposedly, 86 soldiers will be welcomed back once their 5-years term is up. Lena once wonders about it, but ultimately she buys it thinking that surely they must have come back to another sector. She only realizes it's utter bullshit after Annette points out how, 9 years later, they have never seen even one Colorata inside the Republic when they should have seen at least some. This also shows that Lena has never ventured to the other sectors to find out more, probably due to work or maybe she's still a sheltered noblewoman in the end.
And the mentality of the majority of Alba is shown differently. Whereas the anime uses the academy classroom to show how deeply rooted the racism against 86 is, the novel uses Lena's mother who a) more or less does the same as the classroom, and b) presses Lena to get married and preserve their pure noble bloodline. This, when the nobility doesn't actually mean anything anymore. This version shows not only Alba's racism but also Lena's strained family life.
There is a scene of an Alba high school valedictorian who, during his graduating speech, says “My friends died fighting the Legion.” I’m not sure this will make it to the anime, and it’s just a minor scene in the novel, but the weight of that scene is heavy.
The science of Para-Raid is explained, which has something to do with tapping the collective consciousness of humanity and connecting it to one another. A bit far-etched but I guess that works, science fiction and all. But I like the part where despite (or maybe because?) of connecting via hearing only, the other senses are faintly receptive as well. For example, one can sense that the other side is biting their lips in frustration, something like that. Of course, actual real life things like sensing the hidden bitterness or elation in a talking partner's words are present, this being a story where listening matters.
The novel elaborates on Raiden's stay with the Alba old woman. He calls her Old Hag, but it's clear he greatly respects her. The part where she screams and curses in the middle of the road at the Republic soldiers who take Raiden and the other children away stays in Raiden's mind forever, and so it does to me. Ngl it is quite a chilling scene.
Same with the story of the previous Laughing Fox, Theo's Alba commander. It turns out, the entirety of Theo's first squadron didn't like him at all and bet on how fast he'd tuck tail and run back to the Republic. When he faced his death the way Theo explained, he sent a message to Theo revealing he knew about it and knew his place to not ask for acknowledgment or forgiveness. This made Theo regret why he didn't try to talk more with his commander and he keeps thinking about it forever. Now it makes even more sense why Theo, blunt as he is, is willing to listen to Lena and when he snaps, he wonders if his late commander would do the same.
What actually happens in Kurena's backstory is also touched upon. While in the anime some viewers could think "Man, I get where you're coming from but chill out." The novel graphically shows her parents being toyed on by the Alba soldiers while her sister protected her, the two could only watch, and then the same sister got sent to the battlefield to die. Now at that, anyone would think "Man, no wonder she can't chill out. Not with all that trauma."
I also like the addition that Lena can sense Kurena is the one who dislikes her the most.
The novel describes greatly that it isn't just Alba and Non-Alba. Essentially speaking, Non-Alba is called Colorata, and they consist of different race groups as well. Just as Alba is associated with the color silver/white, the other race have their associated colors as well. Asato assigns races to the named members in Vol1 and what their distinguished color features are. This also explains why Anju is exiled despite looking like an Alba.
It's a question that I pondered on when I first saw Shin's armor plates, and that I pondered harder on when Chise died: What happens if there is no armor plate to carve its processor's name's on? So it turns out Shin would substitute it with anything; piece of wood or some random piece of metal. For Chise's case, Raiden, Chise's leader, suggested using the wing of Chise's in-progress airplane model. Which did my heart so bad because I'm strangely fond of Chise and finding out that in his spare time in his limited lifespan, he was working on an airplane model made me sob.
I'm not particularly into mecha, and could care less about how it moves. But Asato did a good job describing the fight between a glorified suicide car and a line of brand-new solid A-grade tanks. Special mention to I-IV because wow the concept arts for all the mechas are so cool, even though I don't really understand. (Asato even said to I-IV "Go draw a tank so horrible it's stupid for the Juggernaut" and I-IV came up with the current Juggernaut)
You know how the Republic greeting is "Glory to San Magnolia and the five-colored flag"? I won't disclose who says this in what situation, but there is someone of Colorata saying "If you hate colors so much, you should have just colored your flag white" AND OOOH THE BURN SO HOT HOT HOT
Tl;dr: Bottom line is, I personally enjoy Vol 1 because I already watched the anime and got attached to it. If I were to read the vol 1 first, most likely I wouldn't fall this hard for the series. Hell, maybe I wouldn't even pick it up in the first place because I knew it'd be depressing. But this is not to say that the LN is bad. It’s very good, it just does not really touch the lives of other soldiers whereas that’s the very thing that I love from the anime.
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iluxia · 4 years
Unsolicited writing advice???
A ton of you have commented with such kind and complimentary words about my Naruto fic Hiding in the Leaves and its characterization through the shifting POVs. Thank you all! I’m gratified to hear that you’re enjoying it. Some are asking how I shift perspectives and still manage to keep the characters in line. Actually, a fair number of readers have asked for actual advice, so here we go. This is a lot of writing babble, I hope it makes sense but feel free to drop me an ask if anything is unclear! 
(1) I read a lot. I read all the time. Easily a book a day, maybe two days. And when I do, I practice critical reading—or as they say, reading like an editor, so I can pick at techniques other writers use. Writing is an art you learn largely by example. A lot of what I read influences what and how I write, so when I need to change my tone or voice to fit a different character, I usually read something that matches what I want my prose to sound like, on top of using techniques like changing tenses and playing with vocabulary choices. 
I recently had the chance to flex these writing muscles because I went from writing two very distinct human voices (Tony Stark & Stephen Strange) to writing an alien voice (Loki). It was fucking hard; those in the Marvel fandom might know what I mean. Tony and Stephen are both human, born and raised in America, with specific life experiences that inform their daily decisions and personalities. Loki, on the other hand, is an alien: raised in Asgard, stolen from Jotunheim, well-traveled throughout the Nine Realms, and moreover raised as a prince. Just stop and think about that. When your characters do not have the same experiences that you do, they’re bound to not have the same earthbound concerns that you do. Anthropomorphizing non-human (or even non-living) beings is an age-old practice, but to be faithful to his character, I tried my best to twist my writing voice into a different shape—a shape that more befits the prince of a realm that is somewhat humanoid but very different from what we know on Earth. And in order to do that, I did four things: 
I changed my prose from past to present tense; it sounds more immediate and assertive
I read three books, written in present tense, where the prose mimics what I imagine Loki would sound like in his own head
I made a huge spread of everything about Loki (both canon and my own orginal additions) that would inform his motivations, internal concerns, emotional responses, and decision-making processes
I drowned myself in Loki fanwork
Immersion is key! If you saturate your brain in a specific type of rhetoric or style, that’s what’s likeliest to come out of your productive process at the end. So controlling what you read/watch/listen to will help control your writing style too.
 (2) This further breaks down what I just said in the third bullet point above. Before I start writing from a specific character’s perspective, I’ll take the time to brainstorm and build that character from the ground up. This might take a day or two and includes a staggering amount of detail—just as much detail as mine or your life might comprise. Silly little things like favorite colors and foods, hobbies, dislikes. Oftentimes, if you’re a fic writer, this is easier because canon gives it to you. Those amazing wiki-pages exist to make your life easier in this regard. (Bless.) What canon doesn’t give you is where you can dig in. Go deeper. Pin your character down. Think about more serious considerations like emotional triggers, conscious motivations, subconscious motivations, coping and defense mechanisms. When hurt or under stress, are they the type to lash out or curl in? Are they the type to hold on to a grudge, or do they prefer to forgive and forget? Do they get hurt easily or do they have a thick skin? I imagine the character’s relationships in life, I rank them and network them in my head. Who do they run to when they need advice? Who do they like hanging out with when they’re happy? Who annoys them, who inspires them, who scares them, who do they want to be like? Even if these questions aren’t necessarily things you might discuss in your fic, it helps inform this person you’re writing about, so it helps you keep a clearer and more consistent mental picture of them as you go.
But most critical of all, I sit and imagine myself in their shoes and think of how they perceive themselves. That is a major factor when writing, because that’s what their head-voice will sound like. And if the story is written from their perspective, then that means you, writer, are writing in that head-voice!
Here’s a more HITL-specific example (I’ll try not to spoil too much lol):
How he sees himself:
Ordinary; not very impressive as a shinobi, but not absolutely terrible either – just ordinary
Average looking
A slow, impatient learner
Awkward with people, but polite and with good intentions
Emotionally stable
A good reader and listener
How he actually is from someone else’s POV:
Incredibly skilled for his age and level as a shinobi
Actually quite handsome
An intuitive learner, very tenacious and will keep at a task forever until he gets it just right; perfectionist much
Quiet, polite, notices a lot about how others act
Absolutely does not handle emotions well
Selective listener; sometimes only hears what he wants to hear
He’s surrounded by a clan of perfectionists and overachievers who constantly laud his aniki for being a genius while paying him no attention. Of course he thinks he’s ordinary.
No one ever compliments him for his looks in the clan compound, and what he sees in the mirror looks just like a younger version of everyone around him. Of course he thinks he’s average, even though he actually has looks.
Because he’s largely self-taught (except for when Obaa-sama teaches him), he thinks he’s slow. (Ever learned a new skill or maybe even a new language by yourself? I have. I can tell you that my perception of how much time I spent learning ‘basics’ was skewed.) He also holds himself to a higher than normal standard because that’s what gets him positive attention (or attention at all) within his family. Add the fact that Itachi was there blazing through everything before him, and it’s suddenly easy to understand why Sasuke thinks the worst of himself as a student. But he (and Naruto) are actually fast learners—we see this even in canon—and both of them boast high levels of natural intuition, or as I (the neuroscientist) likes to call it, pattern recognition. Some people are naturally better at this than others; there have been extensive tests done to show it. But we also know intuition can be trained, so the more Sasuke works at something, the better he gets, and the faster he learns the next skill—as long as the learning is patterned. Which is why Orochimaru, who has picked up on this trait, walks them through learning each jutsu in a stepwise manner every time.
Sasuke doesn’t have a lot of social interaction outside of his family. The Uchiha clan in this fic is very segregated from the rest of the village, so if you’re not active as a shinobi, you probably don’t get out of the compound much. Interacting with people probably intimidates Sasuke a lot so he feels awkward about it and reverts back to habits of politeness and silence that he was taught from childhood. That doesn’t mean that he’s not paying attention, however; Sasuke is naturally observant and remembers a lot about how people act (and not so much what they say). I have a theory about this related to the Sharingan but I won’t go into too much here because it would be a straight-up spoiler, sorry. :D
He thinks he’s emotionally stable because he doesn’t remember many incidents of severe emotional upheaval in his life. That’s because he hasn’t had them; apart from the whole thing with Itachi, he’s been fairly sheltered his whole life. But he actually doesn’t handle emotions well—something he’s about to find out soon enough—and for the same reason! He hasn’t been exposed to an extensive range of it.
Because he’s largely self-taught, he has confidence in his reading skills. He also remembers all of Obaa-sama’s stories so he thinks he’s a good listener. Well, he is—to an extent. If he wants to listen, he will. If he doesn’t, he’s just as proficient as Naruto at pigheadedness. (I think it’s an Uchiha trait too lmao.)
That was a lot, right? But you can see that if I’m writing from Sasuke’s POV, I have to keep a different set of pointers than if I’m writing from Naruto’s POV about Sasuke. The way I think of it is like changing lenses or shades depending on the light outside.
A few more techniques/guidelines I use:
Stay consistent with vocabulary. Orochimaru is far more verbose than the rest of them, Shikamaru right behind him, and Naruto uses shorter, simpler words. You can even assign particular words to a character, a word only they would use when referring to something. This applies to how your character addresses other people too, i.e. Orochimaru calls them ‘little ones’; Shikamaru calls his dad ‘oyaji’ in front of his peers but ‘otou-san’ in front of his sensei; Naruto is quick to give people nicknames and most of the time it sticks.
Watch the adjectives; different people describe things differently. Orochimaru uses more nuanced words that can mean different things depending on the situation and mood; Naruto thinks in terms of emotions, a lot of how does this make me feel; Sasuke is very visual and notices a lot of colors.
Use speech habits wisely; how your character talks should reflect their life. Just like accents, speech habits can tell a lot about a person. Sasuke always speaks politely because it’s how he’s supposed to talk at home, otherwise there’d be trouble. Naruto grew up in a poorer district and had no one to really teach him how to talk politely, so he’s very casual. Shikamaru cusses at age eleven because his parents and family are incredibly laissez-faire and honest around him, so he thinks it’s acceptable and normal (and he was never reprimanded for it).
Play with your tenses. Writing in past tense sounds and feels very different from writing in present tense. Depending on your character, one or the other might sound more appropriate. There are some expressions and figures of speech that sound fine when written in past tense but awkward when written in present tense, so that will end up inadvertently changing your prose a bit, which can be useful.
Read your work out loud. Cardinal rule of prose-writing. What looks good on paper doesn’t always sound good when read out loud. If you read it and it doesn’t sound like how your character talks, time for a vibe check. You might need to change a few words and move sentences around, or you might need a complete overhaul… an editor (and I mean an editor, not just a beta-reader) can usually help you out.
 A note about editors vs beta-readers:
There is a cardinal difference! A beta-reader is usually not professionally trained but should be experienced enough to point out things that aren’t right. In fandom, I’ve found that beta-readers mostly focus on a story’s general feel, flow and readability, sometimes character consistency, sometimes they point out typos and mistakes. An editor goes further than that. I’m fortunate to have Tria (aventria) who has edited my work for, gosh, 14 years now, fuck, we’re old! I call her my editor because when she goes through a piece, she will fix everything and make my draft bleed and I love it. (I actually get a little upset when she doesn’t fix anything, even if that means everything was good.) As an editor, she does a vibe check and looks for typos/errors, yes, but she also critiques the prose extensively. She can rearrange phrases or entire paragraphs for better flow. She will cut out entire scenes or make me rewrite them if they’re that bad. Like a copy editor, she looks at stylistic inconsistencies, grammar errors, and iffy word use. She’ll usually suggest or replace the offending word altogether. She has a lot of freedom with the work and can actually kick a piece to the curb if it’s really that shitty. She also questions plot progression, character development, and the relevance of a scene. (She’s made me cut out many, many scenes.) – That all being said, it’s not easy finding an editor, much less a good one. It also has to be someone you trust to have this much power over your work. It’s worth it, however, and my writing has gotten so much better because of the help.
If you’ve read this far, wow, thanks! You’re also probably thinking, “Shit, she takes this too seriously. It’s just a fic.”
I have… gotten into fights in the past before because of this. I feel strongly about the stuff I write. Just because it’s fanfiction doesn’t mean it isn’t a labor of love. I’m a perfectionist by nature, so that’s why I put so much time and effort into what amounts to ‘just a fic.’ And you know what? At the end of the day, writing it gives me satisfaction and happiness, so I will keep pouring into it as much as I can. It’s just a bonus to hear that other people are enjoying it too. (Yes, I’m one of those weirdos who intensely enjoy reading my own work…)
 Aaand the final point:
(3) I double-majored in psychology for undergrad and have by now accumulated thousands of hours of clinical hours spent using the theories and techniques I learned from those classes on real people. I’m also specializing in neuroscience, so a portion of my time is spent in psychiatry. Characterization was actually not one of my writing strengths at first, but I definitely noticed leaps in improvement after my clinical rotation started. People skills are just that: skills which are honed with practice. It’s amazing how much you learn about how people think and what make them tick when you interact with a whole spectrum of examples: from your neurotypical everyday well-adjusted person, to high-functioning neurotics and obsessives, to patients who have suffered complex stroke syndromes, to encephalitic brains burning under septic fevers, to druggies stoned so high they’ve breached the atmosphere, to patients whose brains are growing insidious tumors, to schizophrenics and catatonics and the depressed. My job also allows me the rare opportunity to interact with people from all walks of life. All I need to do if I wanted insight about how life is for soldiers who served in an active warzone, for example, is to hit up Bill at the ICU and ask for stories about Korea and the Gulf and Vietnam. Or if I wanted to know about how to survive the Rwandan genocide, I could sit down with Amida, who survived it as a barely-teenager with her brother and sister in tow while only “losing my innocence and an eye.” Or I could talk to Heather, who is building a life with her husband and two rambunctious children, for a perspective on the daily concerns and delights of a ‘perfectly normal and ordinary’ working mother. (Her words, not mine; Heather is amazing even if she eats the doctor’s lounge out of Tita Annabel’s cookies.) Anyway, you get my point. When I write, I almost always write about people, so it makes sense that a lot of my inspiration comes from people too. A lot of my original characters—and even some that are not—often speak with the voices and inflections of people I know in real life. You probably have people with interesting stories to tell in your life; you just have to work up the courage to ask and take the time to listen. You’d be surprised at what you learn!
A few helpful writing resources: (most of these are classics)
The Elements of Style by Strunk & White
The First Five Pages by Noah Lukeman
How to Read a Book by Mortimer Adler and Charles van Doren
And more books that helped me get into people’s heads:
Hallucinations by Dr. Oliver Sacks
The Noonday Demon by Andrew Solomon
Far From the Tree by Andrew Solomon
The Lucifer Effect by Philip Zimbardo
Admirable Evasions by Theodore Dalrymple
I hope you got something out of that. Again, feel free to drop me an ask if you have any questions or want to chat!
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brynnmck · 4 years
 Tagged by @agirlnamedkeith, @pretty--thief, and @samirant, thank you! <333
What is the colour of your hairbrush? Mostly black, with a green ring on it.
Name a food you never eat: I have quite a few foods I can’t eat anymore thanks to some random health issues I developed a few years back (friends, aging is great from a mental/emotional perspective, Not Great from a physical perspective) but in terms of voluntary stuff, green peppers. I’ve outgrown a lot of my childhood food dislikes but that one is in my SOUL.
Are you typically too warm or too cold? Too cold, definitely.
What were you doing 45 minutes ago? I was in a boring meeting!
What’s your favourite candy bar?  Probably Snickers? I really like 100 Grand too, though. And Butterfinger. And Twix. And I want Claire Saffitz to make all of them for me.
Have you ever been to a professional sports game? I’ve been going to Major League baseball games since I was a kid (it was my dad’s favorite sport), and the past few years, I’ve been to 20-30 games a season. I usually go for my birthday, too, which is in a couple of weeks, and it’s just kinda sinking in that there will be no birthday baseball for me this year. :(
What was the last thing you said out loud? Just saying hi to my husband. 
What is your favourite ice cream? Coffee Heath Bar Crunch. I can’t have caffeine anymore so this summer I’m gonna try to make a decaf version for myself. (WHY IS ALMOST ALL COFFEE ICE CREAM CAFFEINATED. There are so many reasons people can’t have caffeine! Sigh.)
What was the last thing you had to drink? Water!
Do you like your wallet? Sure? It’s a nice blue and it holds my stuff.
What was the last thing you ate? Fruit and Greek yogurt for breakfast.
Did you buy any new clothes last weekend? I didn’t! I actually ordered a couple of soft bras from TomboyX on Monday, but nothing on the weekend.
What’s the last sporting event you watched? A replay of an old Mariners game a couple of nights ago. If we’re talking live sports, I watched about half of a Korean baseball league game a few nights back, which was delightful.
What is your favourite flavour of popcorn? Butter!
Who is the last person you sent a text message to? @ajoblotofjunk 
Ever go camping? Not in a long time. My husband has been getting the urge to go lately, though, so maybe we will!
Do you take vitamins? I take supplements due to the aforementioned health issues. And vitamin B.
Do you go to church every Sunday? Lol no. My mother is very Catholic and she brought us to 6 am Mass every weekday when I was a kid. It was well-intentioned (her dad had a pretty volatile temperament and she always felt safe at church, so she subconsciously wanted us to feel the same way) but it did not sell me on the experience! Heh.
Do you have a tan? I live in the Seattle area and it’s May, so... lol no. I’m also pretty pale so I don’t get that tan anyway, but. I usually get a little something going in the summer, enough to have tan lines anyway.
Do you prefer Chinese food or pizza? Tough call, but I’m going with pizza.
Do you drink your soda through a straw? I don’t drink soda anymore (though I drink a LOT of carbonated water), but I’ll drink my drink through a straw if I get it at a fast-food place. Otherwise I don’t usually use one.
What colour socks do you usually wear? Most of my winter socks for work are black. Otherwise it’s a pretty random selection of colors.
Do you ever drive above the speed limit? Sure. Usually 5-10 miles over, rarely more (or less) than that.
What terrifies you? Climate change. Global pandemics. You know. Just generally suffering (both mine and other people’s).
Look to your left. What do you see? Through window of the room I’m sitting in: my neighbors’ house, and a cherry tree in their yard.
What chore do you hate most? Cleaning the bathrooms.
What do you think of when you hear an Australian accent? The hot Australian woman who’s been on Gold Rush recently, or a dear fannish friend of mine I haven’t talked to in years who is actually from New Zealand and I KNOW IT’S VERY DIFFERENT but it’s close enough to make me think of her!
What’s your favourite soda? I used to drink a lot of Diet Mountain Dew. I really miss ginger beer, too. I love a good spicy ginger beer. Root beer too.
Do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive-thru? Drive-thru all the way. Isn’t that part of the advantage of fast food?
What’s your favourite number? I don’t really have one!
Who’s the last person you talked to? My husband!
Favourite cut of beef? Boneless ribeye. I finally bought a propane grill a couple of years back and I have now learned to make a badass steak, if I say so myself.
Last song you listened to? Eve 6 - Inside Out. A few months ago I suddenly remembered that this song existed and so I bought it and now I have to listen to it at least twice every time it comes up, ha.
Last book you read? An as-yet-unpublished Rose Lerner novel, because I am very lucky! (It’s a wlw Gothic. SUCH A GOOD CONCEPT.)
Favourite day of the week? Saturday
Can you say the alphabet backwards? In this economy??? Idk, I could probably figure it out, but it would definitely be work.
How do you like your coffee? I love a caramel macchiato, especially iced so you get those weird globules of caramel coming up through the straw. But a nonfat decaf double latte with a little bit of some kind of syrup is my go-to these days--hot when it’s cold out, iced when it’s warm out.
Favourite pair of shoes? I have these 40s-ish heels that tie over your instep with a little bow and I love them. I also have some extremely cool red velvet with black cording peep-toe Louboutins that I bought off some discount site years ago, except I can’t wear them for long because they’re about a half size too small. But they’re SO PRETTY.
Time you normally get up? In isolation, I’m discovering that my natural sleep schedule is about 2 am - 10 am. But I have a daily meeting at 9:30, and I try to get my workout done before that, so I get up at 8-8:30ish. I am discovering through this meme that SO MANY of you are morning people! What is that like???
Sunrises or sunsets? I love sunrises but I am not remotely a morning person, so. I see a lot more sunsets, and I love them too!
How many blankets are on your bed? Just one duvet.
Describe your kitchen plates. We have some with blue perimeters and kind of a white/oatmeal middle that we inherited from my in-laws, and the ones we actually bought on purpose are white on top and either sage-y green or charcoal black on the bottom.
Describe your kitchen at the moment. Somewhat messy, or at least there are dishes to do. I made some pretty epic cauliflower mushroom risotto with shrimp last night, though, so it was for a good cause.
Do you have a favourite alcoholic drink? Perfect Manhattans with rye are my go-to, or a Quebecois, which is basically a perfect Manhattan with a little bit of maraschino liqueur added (and ideally a lemon twist, though we’re usually too lazy for those). In the summer, I’m getting really into gin these days: either gin and tonic, gin and some kind of citrus spiked seltzer, or a Last Word. I also really love a good craft beer, and sparkling wine too.
Do you play cards? Not really. We used to play a shit ton of gin rummy in high school, but I haven’t really played cards much since.
What colour is your car? Blue!
Do you know how to change a tire? Theoretically yes, though the one time I actually tried to do it myself, I had a hell of a time getting the lug nuts off. I was fortunately in my driveway at the time (good place for a flat tire!) and my neighbors kept coming by and offering to help, and I was like NO I WANNA DO IT. I think I did need help eventually, though. Stupid pneumatic tools at tire installation places!
Your favourite state? That rare, usually-brief phase of writing where everything seems to fit and flow and you’re a genius and you understand all the secrets of the cosmos. Also Washington.
Favourite job you’ve had? My current one. It’s not my dream job, but it pays well and I like my team and I get to learn new stuff fairly often and I can work from home in the midst of all this, so. I am very lucky!
How did you get your biggest scar? The summer after my freshman year of college, I was part of a summer stock theatre troupe, and we performed half the summer at my college, and half the summer in a very small town in eastern Oregon that had an outdoor stage. One of my entrances involved running over the grass to get to the stage, and one night the grass was wet, and my costume involved ballet slippers, and I slipped and fell onto the stage stairs in front of the whole audience. It hurt SO MUCH that I got very light-headed onstage while I was trying to get through the scene, lol. Anyway, my costume also involved harem pants that had elastic around the calf/ankle area, and I got a friction burn from those, which ended up scarring because the skin over your shins is very thin! (I also got a few massive bruises on my leg that didn’t go away for weeks, so eventually my mom nagged me into going to the doctor, who promptly started gently hinting to see if my boyfriend at the time was responsible for the injuries. Which was actually pretty cool of the doctor! But then I was like, lol no, trust me, a hundred people saw me bite it, this is 100% dumbass mistake.) And that’s my scar story.
Tagging, if you want to do it: @ajoblotofjunk, @snowymary, @halcyon-red, @it-may-be-dull-but-im-determined, @unadulteratedkr, and anyone else who feels like doing this!
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lovemesomesurveys · 4 years
Has the person you like ever seen you in your pajamas? I don’t like anyone in that way.
Did the last person you kissed celebrate your last birthday with you? No. The last one they celebrated with me was six years ago.
What’s the first word of the last text message you received? “Will”
Do you think you’ve changed at all over the past year? Not in a good way.
Is there a song that reminds you of your ex? Do you still listen to that song? Lithium by Nirvana. Especially a cover of it done by ThePeteBox.
Did you tag anyone in your last Facebook status? No.
How do you behave when you’re drunk? I was chatty and annoying I feel like.
What is your least favorite type of chocolate? Dark chocolate, blech.
When was the last time you felt disappointed? What was the reason? I’ve felt disappointed in myself these past few years.
Is there someone that can make you smile, even when you feel like crying? My doggo.
Is there a certain person on your mind right now? Tell me about him/her. No.
You’re getting ready to go to bed, and the last person you kissed shows up, what do you do? That would be completely random and out of the blue. I haven’t seen or talked to him in almost 6 years. I would certainly be surprised and confused and caught off guard. I wouldn’t go out and talk to him, though. I wouldn’t want him to see me right now. I honestly don’t know if I’d text him at least or not.
What was your last thought before you went to bed last night? I don’t remember. My mind is a jumbled mess.
Do you think someone is thinking about you right now? Nope.
Are you okay right now? I’m tired.
What time did you get up today? Sigh, like 930 after hardly sleeping at all.
When was the last time you saw your mom? Last night before she went to bed. She had the opening shift at work today so I haven’t seen her yet today.
What is the last thing you drank today? Water.
Do you dislike/hate anyone? No.
Where is your best friend right now? She’s at work.
When will your next kiss be? I have no idea.
Will you be up before 7 am tomorrow? 7AM is usually when I go to bed. :X
Does anyone completely understand you? I was just asked this in the previous survey I did, but no.
Who was the last girl you hugged outside of family? A friend. That was like 4 years ago.
Have you held hands with somebody in the past three days? My doggo.
What will you be doing in 3 hours? *shrug*
How often do you straighten your hair? I haven’t straightened my hair in years.
What are you currently looking forward to? To when my mom gets off work because I’m gonna ask if she can get me a Starbucks on her way home. I’m also hungry and wanting a breakfast sandwich, so I’ll probably have one later. She’s not off for 5 more hours. D:
Is tomorrow gonna be a good day? What are you going to do? I don’t have anything out of the ordinary going on.
Who did you last hang out with? My mom.
Did anyone see your last kiss? Probably.
Could things possibly get any better? Uh, I sure wish they would.
Do you know who you’ll even kiss next? Nope.
Do you ever sleep in jeans? I haven’t in years, but I have before in the past. I don’t know how I did that. I’ve been living in leggings for the past few years and I can’t imagine doing that now.
Name something you dislike about the day you’re having? I only got like 2-3 hours of sleep.
Did you get a full 8 hours of sleep last night? Yesterday I got like 10 hours, which is insane. My brother came in and woke me up because it was after 6PM. I never get that much sleep anymore, so I have no idea what that was about. But now today I only slept like 2-3 hours. I tried going back to sleep, but couldn’t and now here I am. Sigh.
Are you in love lately? That’s a weird way of saying it, but no. It’s been a few years since I’ve had those kind of feelings.
How often do you see your ex? I haven’t seen him in almost 6 years.
Who was the last person to text you? My pharmacy.
Did you like anyone last summer? No.
Do you replay things that have happened in your head? All the time.
Who was the last person you stayed up with till 2am? My brother and I stay up late all the time, though we’re in our own rooms.
Do you want a boyfriend or girlfriend? Not at this time.
Are you currently in a relationship? No.
Do you use a full length mirror daily? No.
Would you be shocked if the person you have feelings for texted you? I don’t have feelings like that for anyone.
Is there anyone you wish you could fix things with? Yes. I have to fix myself first, though.
What are you planning on doing after this? I’m waiting for my church’s livestream service to start in like 30 minutes.
Is there a girl you would do anything for? I’d do a lot for my mom.
Who IMed you on facebook last? I had been messaging a family friend a couple weeks ago about something.
How old are you? 31.
Do you love dogs? Yesssss. I don’t know how anyone couldn’t.
Were you finished childhood and teens when Harry Potter movies came out? The first one came out when I was 12 and the last one came out when I was 22.
Did you keep all your VHS tapes? No, just the Disney ones.
Do you think Jack Nicholson is a good actor? Sure.
Have you ever watched an episode of "The Honeymooners"? Nope.
Have you ever owned a pair of high-top Converse? No, just flat tops.
Do you have rain boots with a cute pattern on them? I don’t own any rain boots.
Would you rather eat an apple or an orange right now? Neither, but if I had to I’d choose the apple cause I don’t like oranges.
Would you rather do a cartwheel on land or a backflip in water? I can’t do either one.
Have you ever performed on stage in front of people? Yeah, for choir and band concerts. Never by myself. 
Were you kinda scared of the goths in high school? No.
What size is your mattress?(single,twin,double,queen,king) Full size.
Do you eat foods from all 4 food groups everyday? Not even close.
Do you sleep in PJs? I always wear leggings and graphic tees and sleep in that as well.
Do you prefer watching TV or listening to music? Depends on my mood, but I haven’t been listening to music lately.
Would you rather watch a movie in theatre or at home? There are some movies I love experiencing in theaters for the first time. 
Do you prefer brown or white rice? Neither.
Do you like spaghetti? Yes.
What about lasagna? Not so much. It’s the type of noodle I have an issue with. I’m weird and particular about my food and when it comes to pasta, I like thin noodles.
Do you celebrate Christmas? Yesss.
Is your Thanksgiving celebrated in October too? No, it’s in November.
Do you like chocolate bars? Sure. 
what about ice cream? Sure. I haven’t had either one in awhile, though. 
Have you ever been stung by anything? What was it? No, thankfully.
Do you get tired easily? I’m just always tired.
Or do you always have plenty of energy to spare? Hahahah, no.
Have you ever done volunteer work? Where? Yeah, I’ve done a lot of volunteer work. What about court-ordered community service? No.
Have you ever worn contacts?(even just to try them out) No. I’ve always been too scared.
Would you wear contacts on a daily basis? No. 
Are your ears pierced? How many times? Just my earlobes.
Do you have GOD-GIVEN(not dyed) natural brown hair too? Yes.
Or were you born blonde? Nope.
Have you found a gray hair on your head or body before? Ugh, once I turned 30 they started popping up.
Have you ever had any suspicious moles removed? Nope.
Have you ever been screened for STDs? No.
Are all your wisdom teeth pulled? Yes.
Did you have your tonsils taken out? Nope.
Did you have your appendix taken out? No.
How many kidneys do you have?(have you donated one?) I have both of them.
Would you(to save someone)?^^^ I don’t know if I could, like health wise.
Have you ever found a bug or slug in your salad? skjflsfjklds nooooooo.
Do you like Harry Potter? I enjoyed the movies.
What about Twilight? I was really into Twilight back when the books and movies were coming out, but I outgrew it and find it kinda cringe now lol. How do you feel about Lord of the rings? I never got into that.
Are you going to see 'The Hobbit' when it comes out? ---
Do you have a glass that says 'Molson Canadian' on it? No.
Do you have any collector's glasses or cups or mugs? I do.
Would you rather have a white fridge or a black fridge or a stainless steel fridge? Black.
What size shoe do you wear? 6 in women’s (US). Each of my Adidas are actually a 3 or 4 in kid’s sizes, though.
Do you have a wide foot or a narrow foot or just average? Average, I guess.
Do you bite your nails when you're stressed? I pick and clip my nails constantly.
Do you have to take an allergy pill daily in order to live normally? No.
Are you on the birth control pill? Nope.
Or are you trying to get pregnant? Absolutely not. I’m just not sexually active, so.
You'd rather wear black sneakers or sneakers in a bright color or pattern? Black.
Has anyone ever told you they were attracted to you? Shockingly, yes.
Can you swim well in water way above your head? I can’t swim.
Are you afraid of thunder & lightening? No.
Have you ever experienced an earthquake? No.
What about a tornado? Nope. 
Are you closer to your dad?(more so than your mom) I’m closer to my mom.
Were you your parents' first born? I’m their first together, but not my mom’s. She had my older brother before meeting my dad.
Do you have a child? Is the father still with you? No.
Did you trade stickers at recess when you were a kid? No.
How old were you when you had your first crush? Do you remember their name? I was 9 and his name was Philip. 
Can you even remember what the hell they looked like? Vaguely. 
Have you ever operated any type of motorized vehicle before? No.
Are you going to drink alcohol tonight? Nope. I haven’t drank in 8 years and have no desire to.
Have you ever heard of the Canadian kids show called "Mr. Dressup"? Nope.
What about the kids show "Fred Penner's Place"? Nope.
Did you hate Sesame Street when you were little too? No.
Were you born perfectly healthy or with some(or a lot) of health issues? I was born healthy.
What are those 'said' health issues? –
Do you collect DVDs? No. I don’t have that many.
Do you download music? Nope. I’ve just used Spotify the past several years now.
Or do you still go to stores and buy CDs? No, I have’t done that in yearssss.
Did you skip(jumo-rope) a lot as a kid? No.
Did you ever catch any bugs or insects with your friends as a kid? EW, noooooo.
Didn't you just LOVE art class in elementary school?! Yeah.
Have you ever played dodgeball? Ugh, yes. I hated dodgeball. I don’t find having a ball thrown at me to be fun at all. I was always scared of getting hit in the face.
What about Red Rover? Yes.
Have you ever played "What time is it mr. wolf?"? It doesn’t sound familiar.
Do you hate your weight? Yes.
Have you ever struggled with a mental illness? I do.
Serious question, peanut butter or nutella? Peanut butter, hands down. I don’t get the hype of Nutella.
Have you ever stepped on a snail? Gahhhh, I’ve run over one before.
Do you prefer baked potatoes or mashed potatoes? I like both.
Do you prefer ankle socks over regular socks? I only wear ankle socks.
Last movie you've seen in theaters? The Invisible Man. That was almost. a year ago now. I miss going to the theater.
What is your oldest sibling's middle name? I’m not sharing that.
Have you ever been to Disneyland or Disney World? I have been to Disneyland several times, I love it. I’d love to go to Disney World someday.
Would you ever go backpacking across any country? No.
Would you prefer to travel around the world by yourself or with a friend? I definitely wouldn’t go alone.
Do you like breadsticks? I do.
Do you usually wear shorts around your house all year long? I never wear shorts, I’m a leggings gal.
What state were you born in? California. 
Have you ever had a nose bleed? Nooo, thankfully. I would freak out.
How far away do you live from your birthplace? Still live there.
Do you have a weak stomach? Yes.
Do you know anybody who has been diagnosed with cancer? Yes.
Have you ever had to take care of an intoxicated person? No.
Have you ever considered becoming a lawyer? No. Definitely not cut out for that.
Do you *really* like donuts? Yesss.
Do you think Disney World could ever get old? Not to me.
If you could, would you hookup with the last person you texted? Uh, NO, absolutely not. The only people I text and text me are my parents, brother, and my Nana....
What are your favorite things to spend money on? Food, coffee, clothes.
Will you talk to the person you like on the phone tonight? I don’t like anyone in that way.
What do you usually order on a pizza? *finishing this hours later from when I started* White sauce, feta and ricotta cheese, garlic, spinach, crumbled meatballs, and pesto. Do you and your boyfriend/girlfriend fight a lot? I’m single.
Who's the first person with the letter "m" in your contacts? My mom.
Which would you rather have a new puppy or kitten? Puppy. 
How old will you be on your next birthday? 32.
What color are your underwear? Blue.
Do you ever feel self-conscious when you eat around other people? Yes.
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betterlving · 5 years
long ass astrology tag.. be warned
what do you like abt your sun sign & what don’t you like?
my sun is in virgo & i’m very glad every day that i’m an earth sign. it’s also mutable (so are my rising & moon lol) so i’m very adaptable and open to change
positive / negative aspects of your sun sign that you display?
i like that i’m determined, responsible, and generally mentally organized. negatively, i overthink too much and can get upset when things don’t work out the way that i planned.
likes & dislikes abt your moon sign?
i’m also virgo moon so just refer to the sun sign ig 
positives and negatives of your moon sign that you display?
virgo moons are big into overthinking and i display that a lot. there’s a stereotype of us being high maintenance and i feel like i have been in the past, but i’m working on finding my chill. 
do you get along with ppl who share your sun sign?
YES i get along super well with other virgos. we just vibe well together idk 
what are your relationships like with those signs opposite to you?
ahaha pisces is opposite to me and i’m not a big fan of them. the only pisces i interact with almost daily is my asshole manager at work who is a little bitch and i know a few others who haven’t convinced me anything otherwise 
what sign do you get along with the best?
taurus, aries, virgo
& worst?
libra & pisces
fav sun sign?
taurus or aries
fav moon sign?
honestly any fire moon sign does a person good 
fav rising sign?
aquarius or capricorn is very nice and balancing to have in a chart, esp for rising 
astrological “otp”?
hmmmm... i feel like scorpio and capricorn would be a wonderful pairing
what pair do you think is worst?
i was thinking about this earlier actually! a pisces and a virgo would be awful i think 
what sign have you had the most success with romantically?
2/3 of my relationships have been with aries and they’ve been the most successful so.. aries i guess
libra :)
are you romantically attracted to a certain sign?
aries, gemini, cancer 
TAURUS and sagittarius 
have you compared your chart with others to see if you’re compatible?
yes i have! it’s hard to determine compatibility just based on the placements in your chart bc there’s always personality stuff and personal preferences, but i think it’s interesting to take into account 
are there any surprises for you in your birth chart?
my venus in libra... i just don’t know what to make of it and i don’t think it fits right. maybe i haven’t been in enough relationships to truly understand it but it’s sort of surprising because i wouldn’t expect it
if you could change part of your chart, what would it be?
i would add some fucking water in there! there’s no water signs in any parts of my chart and i think it would make me at least a little more empathetic if there was some
what are your friends’ signs? what is the dynamic like?
i have SO MANY super close friends who are tauruses and we all get along very well. like taurus are the most likeable and least annoying people i know. 
otherwise i have a best friend who’s a scorpio and we’re tight except idk i feel like there’s a sort of lack of basic understanding except that just might be the way he is
my other 2 closest friends are a libra and a virgo and we clash sometimes which can be frustrating and annoying so there’s always . that 
your parents’ signs?
my dad who is amazing and wonderful is a virgo, and my mom who is evil and the worst person ever is a libra 
your current or most recent partner’s sign? what’s the dynamic like?
he’s a double aries with an aquarius rising which i LOVE like we get along so well and are pretty open & clear about stuff. also he’s very adventurous and is always coming up with fun stuff to do which i’m stoked about
do you believe in astrological soulmates?
nah.. not really. i think that personal things determine more than a sign does
how seriously do you take astrology?
8.5/10 if 10 is the most serious. i’m big into it 
what do you think abt zodiac stereotypes?
they’re stereotypes for a reason... bc they’re accurate! obviously if you don’t know much about astrology then they seem kinda basic but diving deeper into your chart will teach you so much more about yourself 
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caws5749 · 5 years
This took SO LONG thanks @natthisback
1: Name Madison
2: Age 21
3: 3 fears spiders, not becoming a doctor, becoming like my parents
4: 3 things i love marvel movies, my blanket (whoops), and scrunchies
5: 4 turn ons compliment me, be chivalrous, (idk if this means sex turn on too or not but) moaning my n- ANYWHO uh and the last one definitely like showing you want me
6: 4 turn offs someone who only talks about themselves, being like wishy washy, being arrogant/cocky, complaining about the same things
7: my best friend that would be shea @cloversofshea
8: sexual orientation lesbian
9: my best first date okay SO this like isn’t a first date but it was my first like nicer dinner date so I’m gonna count it. It was just this past weekend actually and i just i loved it so much it was amazing
10: how tall am i 5’2
11: what do i miss honestly, feeling like i was good at things
12: what time were i born 11:14am
13: favorite color purple, although it’s slowly been turning to like a baby light pink
14: do i have a crush yes yes i do and i likes her a lot
15: favorite quote “Truth is a matter of circumstance. It’s not all things to all people all the time. And neither am I.”
16: favorite place Chicago or New York City
17: favorite food SALMON
18: do i use sarcasm yes, but i feel like i don’t use it as much as i used to
19: what am i listening to right now Christmas pop playlist on Spotify
20: first thing i notice in new person whether they only talk about themselves
21: shoe size 8 or 8.5
22: eye color blue
23: hair color right now, it’s a brown that goes to blond at my ends
24: favorite style of clothing so if this means like fav style to wear daily, definitely athleisure. If it means in general, i love love love preppy looks? But not super preppy.
25: ever done a prank call? Absolutely, many times
27: meaning behind my url i explain this in my about me page (linked in bio!)
28: favorite movie captain America winter soldier
29: favorite song i don’t really have favorite songs but rn it’s prob December night by Michael buble
30: favorite band i don’t really have fav bands
31: how i feel right now it’s really hot in here, so warm. I feel okay
32: someone i love i love lots of people but ill stick with @cloversofshea
33: my current relationship status I’ve answered this so many times literally just look at the ask game tag
34: my relationship with my parents um yikes
35: favorite holiday Halloween
36: tattoos and piercing i have i have 6 tattoos! “Breathe” on my right inner ankle, a heart on left shoulder, heart w equal sign in it behind right ear, basically an ecg on my left inner ankle, Aquarius symbol on right bicep, and caws 5749 on my left side. And my ears are pierced.
37: tattoos and piercing i want definitely the black widow symbol in the same place Scarlett got her og6 tattoo, an amino acid tattoo that spells out “wah” , definitely more little tattoos! And maybe more ear piercings idk
38: the reason i joined tumblr so, I’ve had a tumblr for many many years. I originally joined bc my best friends at the time had them, and i was like sure! Ive deleted that personal blog since, and started my new personal blog a few years ago. I also have a studyblr that i started i think back in high school, and i just started this blog back in the end of July!
39: do i and my last ex hate each other no, I’d say far from it bc i likes her a lot
40: do i ever get “good morning” or “good night” texts yes from her and i fucking love it, it used to be a bigger thing almost every day and i loved it
41: have i ever kissed the last person i texted lmao no and for those who were wondering it is @cloversofshea
42: when did i last hold hands LMAO WITH @michelinaamour WHEN I WAS STUMBLING HOME DRUNK IN HIGH HEELS
43: how long does it take me to get ready in the morning it depends, anywhere from ten minutes to an hour and a half
44: have you shaved your legs in the past three days no! I am super lucky and have really light colored hairs on my legs and so i dont’ have to shave very often. Also i just want to say that i personally love shaving my legs and it is my choice to do so.. girls, you do not need to shave!!
45: where am i right now so i started answering this in the research lab, but i am currently sitting at one of the dining places on campus finishing it
46: if i were drunk and can’t stand, who’s taking care of me LMAO DEFINITELY @michelinaamour because she’s done it ALREADY FOR ME MULTIPLE TIMES
47: do i like my music loud or at a reasonable level it depends, in car trips, definitely blast it. But just driving around or listening in doors, definitely reasonable level
48: do i live with my mom and dad nope i live with @michelinaamour
49: am i excited for anything yes, I’m excited for lots of things. I get excited easily
50: do i have someone of the opposite sex i can tell everything to no. I used to
51: how often do i wear a fake smile this is a really interesting question. I don’t consider smiles i give to random people like ordering food or something to be fake, so i would say fake smiles are when I’m not okay and trying to hide it. Which happens less often now bc I’m just much happier of a person
52: when was the last time i hugged someone I think it was @michelinaamour two days ago but i think i hugged @cloversofshea that day too so
53: what if the last person i kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me I’d be heartbroken tbh
54: is there anyone i trust even though i should not yes, certain adults in my life
55: what is something i disliked about today my hair won’t do what i want it to :(
56: if i could meet anyone on this earth who would it be probably Chris Evans or Scarlett Johansson
57: what do i think about the most tumblr and everything with that, or probably her or school stuff definitely
58: what’s my strangest talent i don’t think i have any lol
59: do i have any strange phobias yes definitely haha, I’m terrified of stepping on worms
60: do i prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it i think a few years ago i would have said behind, but honestly I think I’d love to be in front of the camera now
61: what was the last lie i told i actually don’t know. Maybe this past weekend as to like the fact that i was going out on a date instead of just going out with a friend
62: do i prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online I’d say talking on the phone bc then they cant’ see me lmao
63: do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens? Yes and yes
64: do i believe in magic? Yes, or at least, that’s what i tell myself
65: do i believe in luck yes
66: what’s the weather like right now snowy!
67: what was the last book I’ve ever read The Butchering Art, it’s about the history of surgery
68: do i like the smell of gasoline omg yes yes yes yes yes yes
69: do i have any nicknames yes, madz, madi, girl who lives by the kitchen, queen (a new one) and clown (also a new one) thanks @natthisback
70: what was the worst injury I’ve ever had back in freshman year of college, i did something stupid and my foot swelled up like hell and hurt so bad. There were no fractures detected but the swelling stayed for a really long time, as well as the bruising and pain, and it never returned to normal
71: do i spent my money or save it SPEND IT BABY
72: can i touch my nose w my tongue no I’m not that talented
73: is there anything pink in 10 ft from me. Hmm part of my backpack? And my rings are pinkish bc they are rose gold. Oh and my scrunchie is pink, as well as my iPad
74: favorite animal cat
75: what was i doing last night at 12am i was still at work In the emergency room!
76: what do i think satan’s last name is uh honestly Jim lmao (it’s demons Jim! @cloversofshea )
77: what’s a song that always makes me happy when i hear it so good by dove Cameron
78: how can you win my heart suggest we watch a marvel movie, and I’m prob straight up in love. There are other things too but they’re pretty general, like compliment me, show you want me ya know
79: what would i want to be written on my tombstone haha, as a joke, “so realy its very thing. Just to keep everyone guessing.” But idk something funny
80: what is my favorite word i have no idea, maybe like sophisticated or something like that or aesthetic , champagne is a good one too
81: my top 5 blogs on tumblr ooh! Okay so @markiplier @lesbian-deadpool @americasass-romanoff @lesbianmariahilll @shining-rey-of-sunshine but i love so so so so so many more, and i have a lot of top blogs
82: if the whole world were listening to me right now what would i say fuck trump also I’m gay as hell and I’m growing tired of hiding it from people
83: do i have any relatives in jail not that i know of
84: i accidentally eat some radioactive vegatables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super power of my choice! What is that power lmao this question is great. Prob same powers as Wanda
85: what would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on any weird fetis- JUST KIDDING. Do you still think about them?
86: what is my current desktop picture so on my laptop, it’s fall flowers. But since that’s broken af, i use my iPad and that background is one of the apple ones. It’s just a beach idk why but I’ve never changed it
88: bought condoms nope i am gay as hell bye
89: gotten pregnant nope i am gay as hell bye
90: failed a class nope, definitely come close though
91: kissed a boy yes
92: kissed a girl yes
93: have i ever kissed somebody in th rain honestly, probably at some point, but I’ve never had one of those romantic kisses in the rain. I really really want to though and i think about it a lot
94: had job yeah, I’ve had three true jobs
95: left the house without my wallet probably
96: bullied someone on the internet no bc I’m not a fucking douche
97: had sex in public not yet
98: played on a sports team yeah, played softball and basketball in middle school
99: smoked weed yeah, but i didn’t get high
100: did drugs nope
101: smoked cigarettes nope, i think i asked drunk once if i could smoke, but my friend was like “really?” And i was like uhhhhhh just kidding haha
102: drank alcohol lmao i drink fucking all the time i mean. I literally have drunk writing nights , I’m drinking tonight too
103: am i a vegetarian/vegan i was a vegetarian for a while, and then an aspiring vegan, and then vegetarian, and then pescatarian now!
104: been overweight no
105: been underweight yes
106: been to a wedding yeah, but like not for a long time. I was like 4 and the flower girl. Oh WAIT. Does playing a wedding count? I played cello at a wedding so i was there???
107: been on the computer for 5 hours straight hell yeah, how would i function not doing this with class and relaxing
108: watched tv for 5 hours straight lmao definitely
109: been outside my home country yeah
110: gotten my heart broken yeah
111: been to a professional sports game yeah. I don’t really do sports though , so when i go it’s usually in suites and I’m just there for the food
112: broken a bone nope!
113: cut myself this is...a. Really deep question but bc i want to be able to speak about mental health on here, the answer is yes.
114: been to prom yes! I went to my junior and senior proms!
115: been in airplane too many times
116: fly by helicopter no, I’m not sure if i want to do this or not
117: what concerts have i been to I’ve been to lots. So first off, I’ve been to hundreds of classical concerts (and performed in them). As for pop, Bruno mars twice, maroon five like three times. Selena Gomez. Josh groban. American authors. Definitely others that i don’t remember
118: had a crush on someone of the same sex yes I’m fucking gay
119: learned another language so if this means fluent, no. I took a decent amount of French and am learning Russian right now!
120: wore make up absolutely. When i choose to wear makeup, its because i fuckign love makeup haha. Most days I’m lazy though and like to let my skin breathe and be natural
121: lost my virginity before I was 18 no
122: had oral sex yeah
123: dyed my hair many times
124: voted in a presidential election okay i think so but honestly can’t remember. But I’m pretty sure i did.
125: rode in an ambulance no and i never want to.
126: had a surgery no and i never want to haha. Well i cant say that. Depending on how my life plays out, I might freeze my eggs or something.
127: met someone famous yes, several I think, but probably Henry winkler was the one I remember most.
128: stalked someone on a social network yeah
129: peed outside nope don’t think so and definitely don’t want to
130: been fishing yes I have been ice fishing and regular fishing
131: helped w charity i have!
132: been rejected by a crush I’ve been not liked back but i don’t think I’ve ever made like a move on a crush and been rejected
133: broken a mirror ooh i don’t think i have actually
134: what do i want for birthday nothing bc i dont’ like my bday
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innerclouds · 5 years
Another big ask request:
   “Wait, these are actually hella cute questions.”
1. Who was the last person you held hands with? Don't recall.
2. Are you outgoing or shy? Latter.
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing? Bae.
4. Are you easy to get along with? Probably not.
5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you? If I'm drunk chances are they're drunk too so attempts at care would be made.
6. What kind of people are you attracted to? Big brains.
7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now? Mebe.
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind? Idk.
9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable? No.
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with? Bae.
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say? Something about freezing to death.
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now? Don't have any currently.
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair? No touchy.
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles? Luck sorta, miracles no.
15. What good thing happened this summer? Computer didn't melt.
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? Do e-kisses count?
17. Do you think there is life on other planets? You'd have to be stupid to think there wasn't any. Now if said life is as intelligent(lol) as humans or higher, that's another story.
18. Do you still talk to your first crush? Not really.
19. Do you like bubble baths? Not really.
20. Do you like your neighbors? Yes and no.
21. What are you bad habits? Nail nibbling.
22. Where would you like to travel? Lotta places.
23. Do you have trust issues? Yes, but it's more on the surface due to anxiety, if I get to know someone it evaporates.
24. Favorite part of your daily routine? Chat with bae.
25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with? There's two of them and they sit high.
26. What do you do when you wake up? Yell at the cat to stfu/pitch alarm.
27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker? Albino levels of lighter.
28. Who are you most comfortable around? Bae, cat, 2/3 siblings.
29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up? I have not had contact with them so I don't know and I honestly don't care.
30. Do you ever want to get married? Yus.
31. Is your hair long enough for a pony tail? Yes.
32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with? Ew.
33. Spell your name with your chin. No, you know how much bacteria is on a keyboard? I keep mine clean but even so, that's nasty.
34. Do you play sports? What sports? No.
35. Would you rather live without TV or music? TV. I mean I already technically do, I don't bother watching anymore unless movies count but I use my comp for that.
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them? Yes.
37. What do you say during awkward silences? Absolutely nothing.
38. Describe your dream girl/guy? Bae.
39. What are your favorite stores to shop in? Sprouts? Costco? I dunno, I wouldn't call those favorites, they're just stores.
40. What do you want to do after high school? I wanted to be into dinos, but too much leg work in terrible environments plus layoffs layoffs layoffs.
41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance? Ye.
42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean? Any number of things.
43. Do you smile at strangers? Lolno.
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean? Spaaaaaaaaaaaace.
45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning? Chats with bae, cat yowling, alarm, not wanting to be homeless so go to work
46. What are you paranoid about? That is an extremely long list.
47. Have you ever been high? Yes.
48. Have you ever been drunk? Unfortunately.
49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about? Maybe.
50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore? Black.
51. Ever wished you were someone else? Yep.
52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself? Rather not say.
53. Favourite makeup brand? What makeup?
54. Favourite store? I answered this above.
55. Favourite blog? Bae's.
56. Favourite colour? Answered this.
57. Favourite food? Answered this.
58. Last thing you ate? Ice cube.
59. First thing you ate this morning? Orange juice.
60. Ever won a competition? For what? Ah... halloween costume thing in a game once, years ago.
61. Been suspended/expelled? For what? No.
62. Been arrested? For what? No.
63. Ever been in love? Yes.
64. Tell us the story of your first kiss? I don't think it counts.
65. Are you hungry right now? Sure.
66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends? Who says those aren't one in the same?
67. Facebook or Twitter? Both are equally interesting and retarded at the same time.
68. Twitter or Tumblr? See above.
69. Are you watching tv right now? No.
70. Names of your bestfriends? Sebbysheepy
71. Craving something? What? Bison burgers, thanks to above.
72. What colour are your towels? Black, gray and misc print.
72. How many pillows do you sleep with? Four if you count the body pillow.
73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? No.
74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have? 11.
75. Favourite animal? Sharks, birds
76. What colour is your underwear? Currently? Dark blue.
77. Chocolate or Vanilla? Yes.
78. Favourite ice cream flavour? Answered this.
79. What colour shirt are you wearing? Black.
80. What colour pants? Gray.
81. Favourite tv show? Answered this.
82. Favourite movie? Answered this.
83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2? Never seen either.
84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street? See above.
85. Favourite character from Mean Girls? Stop asking about whatever mean girls is I've never seen it.
86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo? Bruce and the sharks.
87. First person you talked to today? Cat.
88. Last person you talked to today? Bae.
89. Name a person you hate? I don't hate exactly, I just dislike with various tiers.
90. Name a person you love? People with brains.
91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now? No because that means I'd have to touch them.
92. In a fight with someone? Cat maybe.
93. How many sweatpants do you have? Three or four.
94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have? Two.
95. Last movie you watched? Don't recall.
96. Favourite actress? None.
97. Favourite actor? Sam Neill.
98. Do you tan a lot? I burn.
99. Have any pets? Gatto.
100. How are you feeling? Meh.
101. Do you type fast? Yes and no.
102. Do you regret anything from your past? Tons.
103. Can you spell well? Well.
104. Do you miss anyone from your past? Yes.
105. Ever been to a bonfire party? No.
106. Ever broken someone’s heart? Possibly.
107. Have you ever been on a horse? Yes.
108. What should you be doing? Drawing.
109. Is something irritating you right now? This ask request has over 100 questions, that's abnormal.
110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt? Yes.
111. Do you have trust issues? Wtf, I've answered this in this same ask thing.
112. Who was the last person you cried in front of? Idk.
113. What was your childhood nickname? I'd rather not say, it was mean.
114. Have you ever been out of your province/state? Yes.
115. Do you play the Wii? No.
116. Are you listening to music right now? No.
117. Do you like chicken noodle soup? Yes.
118. Do you like Chinese food? Love it.
119. Favourite book? Anwered this.
120. Are you afraid of the dark? No.
121. Are you mean? I try not to be but I can be.
122. Is cheating ever okay? No.
123. Can you keep white shoes clean? I don't have white shoes.
124. Do you believe in love at first sight? Yes.
125. Do you believe in true love? Yes.
126. Are you currently bored? Not really.
127. What makes you happy? Bae.
128. Would you change your name? Absolutely.
129. What your zodiac sign? Rat.
130. Do you like subway? No.
131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? Uh, lol.
132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with? I've answered this in the same ask thing. You need to screen these so there's no repeats. Shit gets old.
133. Favourite lyrics right now? None.
134. Can you count to one million? Why?
135. Dumbest lie you ever told? Been a few of those.
136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed? Closed hopefully!
137. How tall are you? Smol.
138. Curly or Straight hair? Me? Wavey.
139. Brunette or Blonde? Me? Brunette.
140. Summer or Winter? Autumn.
141. Night or Day? Night.
142. Favourite month? Autumn or mid spring.
143. Are you a vegetarian? No. Meat is too tasty.
144. Dark, milk or white chocolate? Dark cocolate.
145. Tea or Coffee? Yes.
146. Was today a good day? Meh.
147. Mars or Snickers? Snickers.
148. What’s your favourite quote? "Never try, never fail."
149. Do you believe in ghosts? Sorta.
150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page? "That creep."
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i-d0nt-even-kn0w · 6 years
SPN Season 14 (and a little bit of 12 and 13) Critiques
Listen, I dislike when people hate new seasons of a show just because “the old ones were better” with no actual excuse, so I hope this post does not get perceived that way, but Supernatural’s writing and directing has decayed over the last few years, and season 14 episode 1 really just did it for me. I tried to ignore season 12′s mess of a storyline because the new characters were well done (in my opinion, of course--and Mary is excluded from this because although the actress is wonderful, I cannot get into her being back in the story for over a season. I’ll go more into that later), and season 13 had Gabriel and Rowena to pull me through the alternate universe plot and Jack who--as I’ll go into later--was another big punch in SPN’s writing integrity, but this one episode from 14 literally had me in shock.
So, with no more introduction, the list of critiques I have based of season 14′s ONE episode. I may pull in a bit of 12 and 13 too because they are where a lot of the issues started. There will be some things I liked about the episode too! But very little lol.
Spoilers ahead! Also opinions ahead--feel free to disagree with me, and I actually would really like to see what other people think! 
1. Filmography
That fight scene in the bar says it all. There have been some god awful editing of the footage since 13 (that Michael blue eyes zoom in at the end of 13? Unless they were trying to make a thriller joke, it was wack), but this one episode, like I said before, sent me into shock. The zoom ins, the shaky camera filming like we’re in the Office, the out of place music that does not really fit the Supernatural theme--I could go on. That fight scene had flashing lights, zoom ins, and more jump-cuts than a youtube video to the point we’re I had no idea what was going on. My brother watching with me literally was speechless for the entire fight, which felt like an eternity.
It felt dramatized in a Riverdale way. No shade to Riverdale, obviously, because that works for that show. But in Supernatural? It’s the Teen Titans Go effect--popular shows on a network influence older shows and, in my opinion, make those shows worse as a result. This leaks into my number 2...
2. Theme
It’s the 100. The theme is the 100. The show is the 100. (This is a joke I have never watched the 100, but when did Supernatural adopt a dystopia mood for their show?)
3. Wait a minute....... Who ARE you?
The centric theme of Supernatural is family and freewill. Sam and Dean are supposed to constantly be the centers of the show, but exceptions are made, and often have been really well done. I thought Bitten was a great episode, and episodes where Sam and Dean are separated are also a great way to look at the brothers from a different viewpoint. Even if you didn’t like Bitten or those type of episodes, however, that was okay. Why? Because they were one off episodes, if not maybe two or three. Dean being gone is fresh, and could be done well, but when the centric theme of family, aka people Sam and Dean trust and love like Cas, Bobby, Jo, Ellen, etc, is suddenly ruptured by extras (that are usually super fun in a one-off hunting episode, maybe a reoccurrence now and then) becoming apart of the brother’s daily life and the viewer’s weekly watching, it’s uncomfortable. Not because I or others hate change, but because it goes against a major theme of supernatural. Dean, Sam, and Cas are suddenly extremely close to people they don’t necessarily consider family, and that is very odd for the show.
In case you cannot tell, I care a lot about Supernatural’s themes. I don’t care if they shake things up, but the show’s values are important. They need to stick to them for it to be, well, Supernatural.
4. Not-Bobby and Mary
If they become canon, I’ll actually sink into the pit. You can pair together whoever you want--this one is very much so just an opinion. But in terms of writing, this just comes off as so wrong for many reasons. Maybe it’s because neither of them should be on earth in the first place.
Mary was such a wonderful and powerful character. Then they brought her back to life, which drained meaning out of her. She could have had a realization she does not belong on earth and go back to heaven at the end of 12, which would give Sam and Dean closure and actually be kinda nice. But nope. She’s still here. And what’s the point if the only available female character isn’t dating someone????? (she said, sarcastically)
Not-Bobby is just a way to keep Jim Beaver around, which yeah I get it i love him too, but why not just have some episodes like where Bobby helped the boys from heaven. That was fun. That was also real Bobby. If we were going to have Not-Bobby, I would at least like him to establish what Not-Charlie established (I liked her so much more)--they are not who the Winchesters knew in their universe. Not-Bobby gives off too much of an actual Bobby feel, and God knows I don’t want actual Bobby and Mary together... eeeee...
5. The alternate universe plot-line sucks in the context of Supernatural as a show
Speaks for itself.
6. Jack
Fellas. I’ll get hate for this (if anyone reads this, lol), but he’s a bad character.
He’s fan-service. Fan-service isn’t always bad, mind you, but it is when that is the bases for the character. A cute, younger boy (back to the Riverdale/the 100 teen drama throw in a more adult-centered show) who is reminiscent of all the things fans loved about quirky Castiel back in seasons 4 and 5. Jack was super over powered too, which made me struggle all throughout season 13 to not hate his character for what was just a writing death sentence. Now that he doesn’t have powers they’re finally trying to give him... depth? Pro tip: If it takes a whole season to give a character depth, it’s bad writing.
I’ll admit, though--I do love the dad Sam scenes. Not too much the dad Cas scenes because they’re often poorly written and unlike Cas imo. But eh.
Jack is like an OC. Sounds fun until put into practice.
Why couldn’t they have just... not killed Kevin and had him be the son-character he already was to the boys? Or not kill Charlie and let her be the little-sibling character she was to the boys? Why couldn’t either of those two very important characters become titular main characters instantly after being introduced, like Jack was? Maybe because they’re not white or a dude, respectively? Or because the show didn’t need to fill in the hole Mark Sheppard left for a main character until now? Hmm... 
In all realness, Jack is just too poorly written in my eyes to like, but I know people totally love him so please know that’s valid and I get it. I do love the actor, so there’s that.
7. Maggie
I get the quirky humor, but SURELY there were other capable people they could have asked. Maggie is cute, but a throwaway for humor. I was trying to like her because, again, the actress was great and I love some comedy, but not at the expense of reason.
Also, again, no offense but I cannot deal with the parallel universe people and the storyline in general.
Now for some positives mixed with negatives!
8. Nick
Ohhhh boy. Nick could be the one good thing about this season IF they do not make it a “it was me, Lucifer all along!” cheap shot (which I know they will do, hence the negative). I think it would be a bigger plot twist if Nick WASN’T Lucifer. Sam could bond with a guy who went exactly through what he went through, we could have an established character back instead of these random new ones (like the vampire Michael brought in at the end with no context... like, I put Supernatural higher above other drama shows because it actually establishes a character and who they are before making them apart of the plot, like Gabriel being the janitor before he was the trickster, and the trickster before he was Gabriel. Cheap introductions with dramatic music in the background? Pass). 
I wanted Missouri back, she died. I wanted Gabriel back, he died. Nick will either be Lucifer or die, but I will cling onto every good old character there is until there are none left. There are good new characters too, sometimes, but they keep dying too (Eileen) so miss me with that argument.
Also there’s no way Nick could have survived. Jimmy died, why wouldn’t he? It’s Lucifer, but if it wasn’t? It’d be better. And also this totally is another cheap shot to keep Mark in the show, like with Jim. I love Mark, but we all know it.
9. Kip
I was SO pissed for most of the episode, because I thought that the show was actually trying to replace Crowley (you know the writing is bad when you expect SPN to pull something like that). I actually LOVED it when that show was self-aware and Kip was actually putting on a show--TRYING to be Crowley but miserably failing and being a pathetic knock-off. It was good, it was interesting, I was ready for the plot-line of Crowley’s irreplaceableness and how demons would deal with it.
But Kip died. Why wasn’t Asmodeus’ death that quick? He was an actual poorly written villain with nothing interesting to him.
In conclusion, this is why I nearly died watching the first episode of season 14. Will I stop watching? Not yet. SPN is a show I have loved since I was little--I watched it with my big sister, and now my little brother watches it with me. Does that mean the show is still good? In my opinion... no. 
I think the writers should stop pandering to the audience so much. I watched “Live Free Or Twi-Hard” after 14x01 to wash my eyes out with old SPN, and I remembered how much the show used to laugh at over-done trends. SPN was different and fun because it didn’t care, it did what the creators wanted, and it worked. It doesn’t feel like that any more. The show made fun of Twilight in that episode, yet “Wayward Sisters” had total Vampire Diaries narration (no offense to the pilot, but I have to admit... I didn’t like it. It could definitely be a good stand-alone show, and I did want it to be picked up, but it was completely out of place in Supernatural as a show. Again, because of the themes and shameless pandering to the teen audience).
Supernatural fans fell in love with Supernatural, not a teen CW drama. That does not mean fans can’t love those too--love all the TV teen dramas you want, I like those shows too--but the tropes for those type of shows fits in those type of shows. I can admit Supernatural is not a masterpiece, and it is a drama, but it’s not what they show has become now. And 14x01 makes that perfectly clear.
But that’s just my opinion, a Supernatural opinion! Thanks for reading!
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traitor-boyfriend · 6 years
I got into a civil debate with a kyman shipper about Cartman secretly crushing on Kyle, but what worries me is that said person confuses sadistic lust and a hate filled obsession with love. Idk I just find that kind of worrying? Of course not all kyman shippers, but this specific one didn't really know the difference. Like they were using what happened in Imaginationland as proof of romantic feelings...how. I don't hate said person, it's just very...worrying
ugh. so this particular ask has been sitting in my inbox for.. honestly i can’t even remember. two weeks? probably more. and it’s cos there was something very specific i wanted to articulate and i’m not sure i’ve necessarily found the right words but i really want to have this answered so lets hope i find them along the way
anyway, i think that’s what’s particularly bothersome to me about the idea that cartman is capable of having a healthy, loving relationship w anyone, least of kyle; cartman approaches everything through a lens of competition and domination. we literally just had an entire season of this with heidi – . she remarks at one point that a relationship isn’t 50/50 but 100/100, which is a nice sentiment if your partner had ever once brought 50% to begin with. cartman’s relationship was one of self-preservation and convenience; she had been exiled from the inner circle of kids through social media around the same time as cartman. they were both experiencing this kind of isolation, so to cope, they do it together. even then in season 20 there are obvious misgivings on cartman’s part about his feelings for heidi in the last few episodes, suggesting that a lot of his transformation was merely performative as a method of blending in and trying to soothe his ego by working his way back into the spotlight by behaving in a way that’s socially advantageous. but once cartman *is* back to his normal spot within the group, that’s when his relationship with heidi sours, and when an entire season of manipulation and gaslighting begins. christ, he tried multiple times to literally have heidi killed. worse yet, seemed appalled at the suggestion that stan, kyle, and kenny wouldn’t help him do it, or by kyle’s indignant plea that he just break up with her and leave heidi alone. there was no need for cartman to get heidi off her vegan diet. i think he just wanted to see if he could, and he did, b/c cartman can’t help but act maliciously when presented w someone who is so completely and totally under his thumb b/c his desire is not rooted in being someone’s equal. it’s in being superior, being dominant, being the one to come out on top in even the most mundane or self-created form of competition.
take for example cartman’s fixation w rape: it’s obvious cartman doesn’t necessarily see his mother as an autonomous human being but rather an object that serves him, and i think that’s the root of his anxiety in “insecurity” at the idea of a stranger breaking into his home and assaulting his mother – b/c he views it as an act of degradation against his property, not out of genuine concern for liane. in the first coon episode, cartman see two grown adults who, by every possible indication, are on a date that is going very well. the man asks her consent to kiss her, and when he does, that’s when cartman comes out of the woodwork to stop this supposed crime. it’s an obvious joke about cartman’s delusions of grandeur in being a so-called vigilante in that he isn’t actually thwarting any real crime or even the threat of it, but it’s interesting to note that cartman views even the most innocuous of romantic situations as an assault. in tfbw, when doctor timmy uses his psychic powers on cartman, he remarks that timmy is “raping [his] mind.” he has an extremely warped view of sex and romantic relationships. there’s more but i don’t have the time to comb through and list them.
there’s a lot of arguments surrounding whether or not cartman is capable of change, and i think the answer is a very plain no. do i think there’s potential in tempering some of the more extreme aspects of his personality? sure, it’s possible i guess. but as far as the brunt of who cartman is, no. it’s the entire purpose of his character. matt and trey have said this time and time again – cartman is meant to represent the very worst not only in themselves but in anyone. in people. cartman is the human embodiment of id. you are not supposed to think positively or cartman.. the ten yr old obese nazi murder child is not to be revered; it’s the antithesis of his character. and yeah, kyle often has a naive optimism that cartman can change, but this has less to do with any positive feelings he has toward cartman and more an example of kyle’s compassion being illustrated as a situational flaw. he’s been betrayed enough times that he should know better by now than to trust in cartman’s ability to act in an altruistic or considerate way, yet that belief in compassion is vital to kyle’s moral outlook, so he keeps believing despite all evidence to the contrary. and he’s not alone! ii know a lot of people reject this not out of a love of cartman but more of a basic sympathetic belief that everyone is capable of change – which is a noble mindset! and at it’s core i believe that. human plasticity is incredible, and there are a lot of really great and sincere activism done around helping people reform and repent vile and oppressive mindsets, but south park is not reality – you treat reality within the context of societal norms of the show. neither will cartman ever have access to any such kind of therapy or behavioral rehabilitation. he is too far gone. it began and ended w scott tenorman; there’s no reformation after that. i can’t believe i’ve seen people argue that “well, he didn’t actually -kill- scott’s parents!” as if that, like, makes the act of him desecrating their dead bodies and grinding them up into raw meat and then feeding the remains to their child (also, his half-brother) more palatable. i believe this was a very deliberate hole matt and trey dug themselves into; up until that point cartman had mostly just been an ignorant, mean-spirited bully, so transforming his character by having him orchestrate something so genuinely evil,  he has carte blanche to be as vile and disgusting as their hearts desire
now. this is what’s especially worrying about his relationship w kyle. we’ve seen time and time again that cartman fosters a genuine distrust and dislike and actively enjoys seeing him fail – specifically if he can be the one to make it happen. this isn’t necessarily what i think, but it’s something i’ve seen suggested and i don’t think it’s outlandish to believe cartman could have some sadistic, pyschosexual fixation on kyle given my previous assertions wrt his views on sex, love, his relationship w heidi – but that’s all it could be. it’s a violent, selfish, purely physical fixation b/c, above all else, cartman is in a constant competition with kyle and it doesn’t end until cartman is utterly bested and brought to his knees or he wins. kyle is his rival, and as that, cartman has an innate responsibility to oppose kyle at every turn and try to bring about his downfall. even if they’re capable of being neutral, or even friendly, those times are few and far, the truce is always broken, and doesn’t come close to just how often cartman delights in seeing kyle victimized by none other than cartman himself. remember humancentipad. remember ginger cow. remember imaginationland – which trey parker has said himself on the commentary that cartman’s obsession with having kyle suck his balls was not out of some secret romantic desire but was an obvious and explicit act of dehumanization and humiliation. not to mention cartman’s racism and anti-semitism, and the endless degradation kyle experiences on a daily basis for being jewish. cartman despises something so innate and so personal and wholly woven into the very essence of who kyle is, it’s beyond me how anyone thinks this is something kyle could see past this or something cartman would want to have anything to do with other than destroy it (which, again, he has tried. lol)
it really, honestly, truly baffles me that anyone thinks cartman 1.) could have positive romantic feelings for kyle or that 2.) cartman and kyle would be capable of having anything other than a strictly unhealthy, malevolent, abusive relationship. and it’s more baffling (and, yes, very worrying) that someone could so blatantly remain oblivious or misconstrue that level of obsession with a genuine romantic partnership
tl;dr: yeah that’s very worrying, cartman is incapable of genuine love, some people are unable to change and he’s one of them, cartman’s desires are always selfish and self-serving in nature, he and kyle would never have a romantic relationship and if they did it would be an absolute unbridled disaster of sadism and victimization, it’s 3:08 a.m and i’m going to bed
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survey--s · 3 years
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What was the last fast food restaurant that you ate at? We got takeaway from a local place last week - I just got a portion of chips as their meal sizes are huge and I can never finish them.
How often do you get packages in the mail? Do you order things online a lot? Maybe 2-3 times a week on average but that’s mostly because I have all the pet food and medication on repeat order so it just comes automatically. I probably get parcels for myself maybe 2-3 times a month on average.
What do the curtains look like in your room? Do the things in your room match, or do you just have a lot of things that don’t go together? They’re black and actually, they’re the only things that don’t match. I keep meaning to order some decent blackout curtains but it never happens.
Do you have any neighbors that you dislike, or try to avoid? Who is the weirdest person you have ever met? I don’t really dislike any of them but we don’t really speak either. In terms of weird people, I’ve met a fair few of those in my years doing retail work, lol.
What was the last pill you took for? Do you have any medications that you take daily? It was a daily multi-vitamin - I take it daily and I also take tablets for my periods every month but only for a few days.
What is the stupidest thing you have done while driving? Do you consider yourself to be a good driver? Oh, I’m sure plenty of stupid things. I think I’m a decent driver but I don’t especially enjoy it - it’s just something I have to do to get from A to B, really.
Do you find yourself drawn more toward odd numbers or even ones? Or have you not noticed a favor for either? Even numbers, or numbers in multiples of 0 and 5. Do you prefer life to be a routine everyday, or do you like each day to be different? Are you planning on making any changes in your life soon? To an extent, I like routine but too much routine can be a problem too as I feel like I end up getting stuck in a rut. I suppose my ideal is knowing what my week is like in advance, but I’m happy if each week is different.
If you were famous, what would you like to be famous for? What famous people would you like to meet? I’d hate to be famous and have no real desire to meet any celebrities either.
How do you feel about the whole ‘End Of The World’ conspiracy? Explain your reasoning. Which one are you talking about? There are so many going around at the moment, lol. Anyway, I think the humanity will kill itself off eventually, but the world will recover. It always does.
Do you have more winter clothes, or summer clothes? What is your favorite outfit for both seasons? Winter clothes, sure. In winter I like fleecy leggings, a cute dress and lots of layers on top. In summer, dresses and sandals is my preference, though for work I normally go for shorts.
What time have you been going to bed lately? Do you generally go to sleep and wake up around the same time each day? Around 10.30pm as I’ve had loads of early starts, which has sucked. Normally I get up around 7.30am and go to bed around 11.30pm.
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run-for-funner · 6 years
thoughts. life. INTP. comments?
I am in a job I like (love sometimes, but not dream job) and have been for the past year and a half. Like enough to not be constantly searching like I was the past few years. This past year and a half I also have been single for the first time in like 9 years. I’ve always been a super independent person and didn’t like relying on people much really (I figured out why in the past 5 years as well. Lots of trust issues caused by various people in my life: close family members, former ‘best’ friends, former ‘close’ friends). Re: the latter (relying on people) during and post grad school, I realized that while I had many shitty people in my life, I also did have great people, but that I couldn’t expect or rely on people always reaching out to me, any relationship is a 2 way street. I think I used to be way better when I was younger about that, maybe. OR not. I grew up in a small town/city, so it wasn’t hard to maintain close friendships, and in undergrad my closest friends I saw all the time because we all worked together. we saw each other outside of work too, but idk.
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Anyway post-break up I think maybe the hardest thing to get used to was not having the best friend I had had for years. I knew this was going to be the most difficult - he did too. we are still “Friends” but I don’t think we could ever be best friends again (any time soon) because there would be confusing boundaries. And also he now lives across the world so that too... haha. 
SO, the past year and a half I have fluxed between trying to work on and maintain and find relationships with people (And like, I have always done this and found people I enjoy spending time with) but I live in a bigger city, everyone is always busy, everyone now (LOL) also happen to be in relationships, or plenty of plans with their own already established friend groups (as life always is) and that is obviously FINE and I am okay with that, and I always know that I have to try harder to hang out with people and show I am interested in getting to know people better (in particular because I often can be perceived as being more aloof and “not needing anyone” because of how strongly independent I come off as - which... I AM! But I also love my friends but I know that they most see me differently or something, maybe they think I am always busy? or prefer being alone? I don’t know) the latter I say because my closest friends in DC - who are great people - honestly never reached out to me after my bf broke up with me. like no one really was there fore me. that was unexpected too. my birthday celebration was the week after the breakup and my closest friends left early and they were “there” but idk. no one was there for me. and, for me, I was like “whatever” i didn’t think much of it at the time. Like I sad previously, my mantra in life for various reasons (Trust reasons in the past) ultimately always was “you’re alone ultimately, and you’re the only one actually responsible for your happiness”. But before I wasn’t actually “alone”... because I had someone who cared about me a lot, my ex, who while our relationship didn’t ultimately pan out, did care about (and does care about) me, and I miss having someone I can talk to about dumb daily things where they actually listen and give a shit. Or idk. my former best friends, who were shitty best friends and only were my friends because of specific circumstances, ultimately... but when they were acting like my best friends (I say this because I see people who are REAL best friends, where their care spans over time and distance, and people constantly check in. Which I did to to these people but they never did it back so i realized it was shit; sorry, tangenting again) ANYWAY. There are all these people in DC who care about me, yes, and I care about them a lot too. And I love all their company, and there are like 3 people who do ACTUALLY reach out to me and want to hang out and do things and they are also people who fall under “close friends” category (hehe one of them has tumblr so it’s possible she is reading this, sup if you’re reading this lol lol lol lol lol) probably no one WILL read this but i just idk. I am fine being on my own and by myself but I miss having a best friend. not counting my ex, haven’t had one since.... 6 years ago. and then she was a “fake” best friend as it turned out - just using me (yay! lol)
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there is this guy I like in DC. I like him - am attracted to him - because of his personality and his interests and everything. It’s the first time in a long time I have felt such a deep connection with someone, and I care a lot about him, but also because we are close friends (I think). and if he ultimately wasn’t attracted to me (this is still fuzzy things) I wouldn’t care because it’s hard for me to find people who i can ACTUALLY talk to about ANYTHING that I personally enjoy discussing and have them not just stare blankly but actively engage in longer conversations and also ENJOY discussing the same random ass, deep, tangental things about the world. I feel like I can be COMPLETELY and utterly myself and say whatever I want and be who i am 100% and not worry about someone’s eyes glazing over, or changing the topic to something “less boring [for them]”, or not have someone tell me “wow, you think about this way too much, you think about this a lot, that is really some... over analyzing” or just idk. that. I always can be myself. And in getting to know him I realized all of the above, that I miss having a best friend. someone i can be completely myself with and know they aren’t going to get bored or annoyed or have their eyes glaze over, and someone who actually completely enjoys all of me rather than just parts of me. And i don’t mind the latter, that is fine. I don’t require a relationship to have a best friend. He already has best friends. Doubt he cares about finding another one. and that’s okay too. i mean maybe he also perceives me as someone close to him.  I just. idk. musing. pondering. i flick between sadness and also not giving a shit about anything and being okay by myself, but ultimately I miss having someone to share my life with. which can just be a best friend and not a “dating relationship” but both are hard to come by randomly as adults tbh. i think.
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 Or at least for me.  Re: INTP - since grad school, I (always, my whole life, have been introspective) but (As mentioned above) I actually thought about and worked on relationships and interacting with people. I don’t naturally always feel like making plans with people - in particular because 95% of the time, no one EVER reaches out to me to do stuff (there is a 5%, I am aware and appreciate those people all the more haha). But I continue to make efforts, way more than I used to. Although always planned-ahead-of-time efforts, I’m not great at least minute stuff (I dislike sudden plans cuz “alone time” is a plan for me haha) The end. any other INTPs out there? Seriously though it’s really hard to find people I completely 100% am myself, rather than just. 70%. Or 50%; Actively choosing to not say X things or discuss Y things because I know other people won’t care or aren’t interested (which is totally FINE). I bear no negativity towards that. I just mean. Idk. best friends man... 
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cmescapade · 6 years
Seasons Tag ❄️
aaa why do I type too much lmao  Tagged by @bugsie2016simblr​
1) What is your favorite season? Winter, namely because I don’t see many bugs around winter time, and I like wearing lots of layers when I go out. (If I go out.) I’m alright with Spring and Fall/Autumn as well since it tends to be nicer weather, but I really can’t stand bugs so winter wins. …Even though I really hate shoveling snow and seeing slush indoors. My answer to this question seems to change often, but I’ll tell you that it’ll never be summer.  I hate sweating
2) Do you prefer warmer or colder weather? Colder. My wardrobe is more equipped for that, though that’s not really much since I have an unholy amount of shorts I wear on a daily basis regardless of weather.
3) What do you do on a rainy day? Avoid going outside. If I have to go outside, I wear my high tops because I hate having wet socks. I also really dislike rain because I don’t like the smell after the rain (petrichor?) and worms come out. Disgusting.
4) How is a typical winter where you live? Cold or not? I live in Chicago, so it sorta fluctuates. Some years we’ll have a winter where there’s a lot of snow and I actually wear pants, or years where the winter seems sorta premature and I keep my shorts on.
5) Have you ever experienced snow? Experienced it? Sure have! I’m not very tall. I’m only 4 years old, after all. One winter I got stuck in a snow pile while shoveling. 
Yeah, I don’t know how that hapened either. My brother eventually helped me out of it of course, but not without laughing at me 😭
6) True or False? “I LOVE RAIN!” True if it’s Rain (비).  He was one of the first Korean singers I ever listened to that roped me into the abyss of kPop and kDramas, so I have fond memories LOL
False if it’s the cloud urine. I don’t like getting peed on, even if it’s by the cotton candy of the sky. 😡
7) What is your go-to food in the summer? I get in a very “bratwurst” mood around summertime since we grill a lot when we head over to our summer home.  But overall, summers make me excited for good ol’ watermelon. I can eat a whole watermelon despite me being like, 5 watermelons tall, and still have room for whatever’s on the grill. A lot of watermelon makes me a little annoyed sometimes since I’d have to run to the bathroom often, but I still eat it in ridiculous amounts. Sometimes in the bathroom, because c'mon, let’s be real; If you gonna go to the bathroom every 10 slices of watermelon, then you should just give up and sit. It’ll be good for both you and your bladder
8) What is your favorite ice cream flavor? Chocolate Mint. I’m also fond of the very chunky chocolate flavors as well, like Turtle/Moose tracks, or plain ol’ chocolate.  Yeah… I like chocolate.
9) Coffee, Tea, or Cocoa? Tea for anytime, Cocoa for mornings when I don’t go to work. I don’t drink coffee because it gives me gas. TMI?
10) Describe your favourite seasonal clothing item? My “formal” winter jacket. It’s a maroon-colored peacoat that makes me feel fancy LOL. I don’t get to wear it often since I don’t like getting it dirty. I call it my formal one since I also have a “casual” winter jacket that’s just one of those puffer/down jackets. Year round, I often wear varsity jackets or just hoodies in general (zip ups and pull over sweaters), so getting to wear that specific winter jacket makes me feel good hehe
11) What is your favorite holiday? EASTER, hands down. My reasons?  The church I used to frequent when I was younger had a huge Polish community, so participating in Święconka was a thing growing up. I love making bread baskets for it since I’m a bread maniac, so I still go in the church I go to now (even though the turnout isn’t too big in my current parish). I love me my GRAINS am I making a jab at myself because I’m asian and I eat rice every day I also really, really love how stores are filled to the brim with cute pastel decor and lots of bunny and chick plushies, and the sales for candy like them chocolate eggs and candy filled chocolate bunnies!!!
Everything is always really cute around Easter!!! ALSO BUNNIES
12) If you were a season, which one would you be? I’m one of those people with naturally cold hands, plus I can’t stand the heat so I’ll say Winter.  With how fast ice melts on a hot day, so does my patience on a hot day. LOL
Do it if you like ❤️
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lovemesomesurveys · 5 years
Do you have anyone you fully trust? Yes. I just don’t confide a lot to anyone for some reason. It’s not because I don’t trust them, I just... I have a hard time expressing myself and opening up. I know, shocking right? I ramble on and overshare on these surveys, but it’s not easy for me to do in person. I don’t like talking about myself (again, despite how it seems in these surveys) and having the attention on me. I don’t like burdening people with my problems. I also always feel like my problems are so insignificant and stupid that I feel no one wants to hear about. Which I know I could go to my mom with anything and tell her anything and she’d listen to me, but I still feel that way. I like that in these surveys I can just vent into the void.  What kind of pants did you wear today? Leggings, duh. How old is your television? I don’t know how old the TV itself is, but I think I’ve had it for almost 4 years. Do you have a laptop or desktop? Laptop. When did you last talk on the phone with someone? Yesterday when my mom called me on her lunch break. 
Are you currently sleepy? Of course I am. Have you ever deleted Facebook friends for a significant other? No. Have you ever had bad trust issues with someone? Yes. What accent do you think is the most attractive? Some southern and some British accents. Do you own any television series box sets? Yes. I have I Love Lucy and The Dick Van Dyke Show. Have you ever been in a fight with your best friend? Yeah. When did you last receive a hug and who was it from? Yesterday from my mom. Do you take any advanced classes? I’m not taking any classes, I’m done with school. What is your lucky number? I don’t have a “lucky” number, but my favorite number is 8. Was the last movie you watched a horror film? No, the last movie I watched was Freaky Friday yesterday. I watched 2 really good and creepy shows yesterday, though: AHS 1984 and Two Sentence Horror Story. Do you own a lot of tee shirts? Yes. I love graphic Ts and I’ve got myself a pretty good collection going.  Do you plan your outfits ahead of time? Only certain times like now cause I have a few Halloween shirts and sweatshirts, so I got those out.  Have you ever spent the night in jail? No Would you say you’re a bad influence on others? Definitely don’t look to me as an example right now. Describe your favorite jacket? I love all my hoodies, sweatshirts, and peacoats. List one word to describe your significant other? Non-existent.  Do you handle pain well? It’s something I’ve dealt with all my life. I used to be able to handle that and other health stuff better, but that’s changed these past few years. I’ve gotten so weak. :/ Have you ever been so nervous you threw up? No, but I’ve definitely felt sick. Where is your favorite place to go when you’re depressed? I spend most of my time in bed.  Do you remember the first survey you took? No, that was like back in 2005, I think. I’m sure it was your basic survey, though i.e name, age, location, birthday, etc. I wish I could access my Myspace survey posts and my Xanga account (RIP Xanga). Oh man, the memories.  How many friends do you have on Facebook? 100 and something.  Have you ever watched fight videos for amusement? No. I don’t find that stuff amusing at all. In high school, were you in trouble a lot? No, I never got in trouble in school. Do you enjoy your hairstyle? No. I badly need to get it dyed, trimmed, and styled. Do you have long hair or short hair? Long. How much make up do you wear on a daily basis? I haven’t worn makeup in quite awhile. I don’t think I’ve worn any this year... What is your favorite television show? I have several. Do you have a leather jacket? I have 2 pleather ones. Do you think anyone dislikes you for no reason? I’m sure if anyone dislikes me they have good reason. Do you have any children? Noooo. Have you ever been interviewed on television before? Yes. Do you have weak upper body strength? Now I do. :/ I use to have really great upper body strength. I’m a paraplegic, so it’s all upper body for me and I used to be active when I was going to school and had a social life. These past few years due to health stuff, I’ve become quite inactive and spend majority of my time in bed. I lost the muscle mass I used to have. 
What is the worst insult someone can call you? I don’t know, man. I put myself down enough. Do you write on your hands a lot? No. I used to sometimes when I was in high school. Are you good at sketching? Nope. I suck at drawing.  Do you think hugs are awkward? They definitely can be, yeah. Depends who I’m hugging. Do you think facial hair is gross? I wouldn’t say it’s gross, but I personally don’t like a lot of facial hair. I like some scruff on a guy, but that’s it. Would you ever dye your hair an unnatural color? I’ve dyed it red for the past few years.  What color was the last cup you drank from? It’s a clear glass with Disney characters and facts on it. Ever play Angry Birds? Nah, I never got into that. I remember when it seemed like everyone was playing that. That, and Farmland. Omg the game invites on Facebook used to get on my nerves until Facebook finally made the option to block those.  Have you ever been to the zoo before? Yeah, several times. What instruments do you know how to play? I used to play some piano. I regret not taking it more seriously. I wish I had kept up with it. :/ The last time I played was over 10 years ago. How late did you stay up last night? I went to bed around like 230. How late do you plan on staying up tonight? It’s almost 230 now and I probably should try to sleep after this. Whose wall did you post on last? It was a birthday post for someone. Have you ever done hard drugs before? The only drug I’ve done is weed.  Has anyone ever been weirdly obsessed with you? It kind of felt that way with my first boyfriend. Do you own a Snuggie? I do. What is your favorite band of all time? One of them will always be Linkin Park. Would you consider getting a tattoo any time soon? I’ve wanted one for several years, but I’m a big scardy cat. I can’t see myself actually getting one. Are you afraid someone might steal your identity someday? No. Are there any paintings on your wall? Speaking of which, what color are your walls painted? Yes, there’s a few. My walls are white. Do you have any talents that come naturally? I don’t feel like I have any talents. What is your favorite piece of jewelry? I have a few favorites. Is there a place you’d rather live right now? Yes. My family and I want to move. We’ve wanted to for a long time, but we just haven’t been able to yet, unfortunately.  What movie did you last watch with someone? The live-action Aladdin with my mom and aunt a few weeks ago. Do you go out often? No.  Are you afraid of airplane rides? Yes, but I’ve been wanting to travel via plane for awhile now. I’ve had this weird urge. I think probably because I’ve gone with my mom to drop off and pick up a family friend several times at the airport and just recently my dad did. It’s been 13 years since the last time I’ve flown and I’m like, okay it’s my turn to go somewhere now. How many times a day do you brush your teeth? Once. Do you consider yourself a sensitive person? I know I am.  Is there anyone who is overly nice to you? Uhh I don’t know about overly nice. What do you think is the best smell in the world? I have a lot of favorite scents that I love. If you’re reading a book, what page are you currently on? I’m not.  Do you think people are intimidated by you? Uh, no. Do you have a job you like? I don’t have a job. Have you ever lived with a roommate before? No. What song is your favorite right now? I have numerous favorite songs, but I don’t have a current particular favorite. Have you ever had a surprise at your doorstep? Well, like packages. Obviously I know what it is since I ordered it, but it’s still always exciting to get them. Ooh, but during Christmastime my family and I are all ordering stuff and the stuff they order for me is a surprise.  Do you like candles? * Ehhhh. I like them more in theory <<< Lol, same. I love many candle scents and Bath & Body Works has a lot I like that smell good and look cute, but I don’t actually light any candles. I have like 4 in my room that I never light lol. Would you prefer internet or television? The internet if I could only have one since I could watch my shows online as well. What is something you lose often? My patience and temper. Well, I don’t get angry very often, but I get frustrated and irritated all the time. :/ Do you enter a lot of sweepstakes? No. It’s been a long time since I’ve entered anything. What is your favorite possession in your room? Everything. I have it because I want and love it. What will you be doing in the next ten minutes? I should try and sleep. How old is your oldest sibling? He’ll be 36 next month. Do you consider yourself physically active? Nope. I’ve explained this already. How many scarves do you own, if any at all? Zero. It doesn’t get cold enough to where I’d need a scarf. Plus, I don’t like things around my neck. As it is I’m always pulling down my shirt cause they ride up. Do you have any cuts or scratches as of now? Yes. Where did you last sleep? My bed. Do you have Netflix? Yeah. Are you colorblind? Nope. Do you know anyone personally who is colorblind? Not anymore, but like I said in a previous survey recently I had a science teacher in high school that was. Do you enjoy dancing? My “dancing” is just me bobbing my head along to the music and maybe moving my arms/hands a bit. Have you ever considered writing a novel? Yeah, actually. I used to like writing short stories when I was younger, and I thought about writing novels.
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slytherinbookwyrm · 6 years
I was tagged by @dearponty who always is able to put a smile on my face :)
I’m tagging whoever wants to do this! If you see this and wish you had been tagged, this is me tagging you bc I want to get to know all of you better!
— what was your last…
1. drink: water
2. phone call: Mama
3. text message: my crush
4. song you listened to: idk, something Taylor Swift I think
5. time you cried: a few days ago
— have you ever…
6. dated someone twice: no, but I’d date my ex again if he asked
7. kissed someone and regretted it: yes
8. been cheated on: No
9. lost someone special: several
10. been depressed: maybe?
11. gotten drunk and thrown up: you have to drink to get drunk, so no
— fave colours
12. mint
13. blue
14. forest green
— in the last year have you…
15. made new friends: lots of them
16. fallen out of love: not really? 
17. laughed until you cried: hahaha this is a near daily activity at my house lol
18. found out someone was talking about you: yeah
19. met someone who changed you: several
20. found out who your friends are: no, but there’s been no need for that
21. kissed someone on your facebook friends list: does kissing Mama goodnight count?
— general
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know irl: all of them except like seven bc those are my tumblr friends
23. do you have any pets: three cats and like eight chickens
24. do you want to change your name: nah I like it
25. what did you do for your last birthday: went to work and then to school
26. what time did you wake up today: 7:30am
27. what were you doing at midnight last night: I think I was sleeping?
28. what is something you can’t wait for: this rain to finally end
30. what are you listening to right now: my sisters’ gentle snoring as they both fall asleep
31. have you ever talked to a person named tom: yeah
32. something that’s getting on your nerves: I have pinched nerves in my back and legs, so I guess you could say my own body is getting on my nerves lol
33. most visited website: my email probably
34. hair colour: brownish/reddish/blackish depending on the lighting but mostly brown
35. long or short hair: to my waist long
36. do you have a crush on someone: *sigh* yes
37. what do you like about yourself: I'm good with kids
38. want any piercings: I dislike needles too much, so no
39. blood type: O+ I think?
40. nicknames: Em, Emmy, Punkin
41. relationship status: single pringle
42. sign: idk
43. pronouns: she/her
44. fave tv show: currently The Office
45. tattoos: if I could handle needles, maybe
46. right or left handed: right
47. ever had surgery: wisdom teeth
48. piercings: none
49. sport: archery
50. vacation: I’d love to go to Scotland
51. trainers: whatever fits and is on sale when I need new shoes
— more general
52. eating: as of the moment, nothing
53. drinking: I am drinking water and the dregs of my leftover tea
54. I’m about to watch: the back of my eyelids
55. waiting for: a response call or email from any of the places I applied for a summer internship
56. want: nachos
57. get married: if it’s meant to be, it’ll be
58. career: public relations practitioner
— which is better
59. hugs or kisses: hugs
60. lips or eyes: eyes
61. shorter or taller: taller
62. older or younger: older
63. nice arms or stomach: usually arms, but I can go for both
64. hookup or relationships: relationship all the way
65. troublemaker or hesitant: gimme a mix of both
— have you ever
66. kissed a stranger: not interested
67. drank hard liquor: don’t drink at all
68. turned someone down: several times, actually
69. sex on first date: no
70: broken someone’s heart: pretty sure I have
71. had your heart broken: sorta
72. been arrested: nope
73. cried when someone died: who hasn’t??
74. fallen for a friend: hahahahahahaha yes
— do you believe in
75. yourself: usually
76. miracles: how could I not?
77. love at first sight: not really
78. santa claus: who else eats the cookies we leave under the tree???
79. angels: for sure
— misc
80. eye colour: really dark brown
81. best friend’s name: Austin
82. favourite movie: Princess Bride
83. favourite actor: Gal Gadot or Colin Firth
84. favourite cartoon: Looney Tunes
85. favourite teacher’s name: my Mama and you’re not getting her name lol
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