#i actually don't know if this is in the original but it's in Sirius' version
starchaserdreams · 6 months
Quidditch is funny because I saw "managed to win with a narrow five point lead" and that means ten seconds before the game ended you were down by 145 POINTS. How bad do you have to be to be down that bad? Would that even feel like a victory to anyone other than the seeker?
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sorenphelps · 9 months
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All the artwork I made for the fanfic Crazy Ex-Boyfriend by @amethystheart2421 for this year's @rsbigbang!
It was a wild run, we got paired up quite late due to our original pairs dropping out of the Bang, and even though it was already December and time was running thin, I decided to make this whole deal a way bigger challenge than it supposed to be... So I ended up drawing all 7 fantasy sequences, trying to mimic a different style for all of them, and finishing both versions of the banners I had in mind. I know, I know, but I swear even I wasn't aware that I am such an overachiever either!
Also, I usually like to hide little details as easter eggs on all of my artwork, so naturally this was the case with these too. I'm gonna list them one by one, also share a little story about each piece, sort of like a "directors cut werk", just so we stick to the screenplay motif. The numbers in brackets lists the order in which I drew the pictures.
The banners (1.,9.): I haven't watched Crazy Ex-Girlfriend the show, so I really had no idea about this whole thing, hence my initial idea of re-drawing one of the official promo posters of the show as the banner. But then Nicole shared the first scene with me when we got paired up, and also told me that her original artist wanted to draw the stargazing scene, which I also really liked. I sketched out both versions to see which one would look better, and also to warm up a bit for this version of the characters. (Nicole also shared some faceclaims, so except Sirius' and Lily's design, I tried to stick to her vision as much as I could.) The Netflix poster was considered the final one for quite a while. The stargazing banner was the last piece of artwork I finished, which I also edited to be used as Chapter dividers. I liked the idea so much I actually referenced the starry sky on the other pictures too. On the Netflix banner, Remus' socks and Sirius' suit handkerchief (how do you call those things in English, gahh) both have the starry pattern.
The western (3.): By this time it was decided that I'd do all fantasy sequences in a different art style, but I couldn't really come up with any specific style which could have fit the western vibes, so the characters are drawn in my own usual style, only the colouring is different. I tried to go for a sepia effect, without using a filter, I think I could pull it off well enough. I was considering to draw Sirius as a Native American for this, because I just don't see him as Caucasian in general, and also, Black Dog sounds like a badly translated indigenous name... But I discarded this idea for the sake of "historical accuracy" (and to save time, haha), as I think they wouldn't visit a saloon this way. I added the starry sky pattern to Sirius' handkerchief and... scarf? (I really should learn how certain textil items are called in English...) There is a wanted poster in the background with Voldy. And I swear I didn't mean to draw Remus looking this horny, it just kinda happened by accident! He is sure VERY fascinated by Sirius'... pistol.😜
The Star Trek (6.): My original idea was to draw like usual and just add so many lensflares to the picture that it's not visible if I copied another style or not. But in the meantime I started to watch Star Trek: Strange New Worlds with my bf and also found out that there is a new cartoon too, so it was then settled. This style is very different from my own, but it was so much fun! It was weird not to draw every single strand of hair in excruciating detail, actually that was the hardest part, haha! I struggled a bit with the placement of the lensflares too, the first version had too many and too bright, it had a disco vibe rather than a spaceship. I wanted to add easter eggs to the background screen, but I was running out of time, so there's only one light blue star similar on the screen! Also now I know that the uniform colors are not really consistent in Star Trek, and Remus’ might have had to be gold as Captain…🤷🏻‍♀️
The Disney (2.): This one sparked the first idea in my head after I read all fantasy scenes Nicole kindly shared with me. When I first sketched this, I still had no idea that I will end up drawing for every chapter and the style copying was not settled either. It started with this piece, I had the vision of the wolf chasing scene from Beauty and the Beast, and we were discussing whether it's plausible to collect berries during the winter or not... I've tried to make the final piece look as classic Disney as I can, and since I could pull it off, it was not a question anymore whether I'd try to do this with other styles for the other scenes. Retrospectively, this one was the easiest to make, apparently my usual style is not that far from Disney (I grew up watching those movies, so it's not a surprise), but I had to really focus on drawing the animals, it's been ages since I last drew any! (The trick is to give them eyebrows, and bam, it's Disney style!) Sirius' armour, clothes and sword has the star, and I also designed his own "crest" with the black dog and a star on his shoulder plate. The whole concept of the picture is Sirius' side being very bright coloured, while Remus' with the scary wolves in the background being very dark. This might have worked better if it was not set in the winter, but I wanted to stick to the Beauty and the Beast vision I had.
The Comicbook (4.): I was very excited for this one, I really like the looks of the old Batman the animated series, and the way some of his comics are drawn. It's such a unique style, I really like the simple shapes and bold contrasts. Well, it turned out I am very bad at this! I struggled quite a bit trying to capture what I had in mind, but I couldn't even come close to it... So I kinda cheated a bit because I just traced the lineart directly from the reference pictures of Batman comic books I found online. I tried to make Remus less buff, but it looked very weird, so I let him keep his muscular Batman body instead. I drew the wolf mask and the whole Sirius panel, and the coloring went smoothly after I finalized the lineart, even though I only realized that I switched the colour schemes of Remus' superhero outfit when I looked up the quotes for the comic panels, oops. Overall I like how it looks, but I am not that proud of it as I had to "cheat".
The Hobbit (5.): I've probably spent the most time with this one! I actually really like Martin Freeman as an older Remus FC, so I was quite excited to do this piece. My original idea was to mimic John Howe's style, as he is the Tolkien illustrator god, but his level of skill and mine are very very far from each other... and as I struggled a lot with the Batman piece, I felt like going for a smaller challenge. That's why I decided to have a go at Alphonse Mucha's art nouveau style. Turned out it was the worst possible idea! 🤣 The whole point of art nouveau is depicting attractive ladies in an ethereal way... But if you switch the ladies with a fat hobbit, the vibe def won't be the same! The first version just looks so extremely absurd, it's both awful and hilarious. By the time I could fix the pose so it wouldn't look as ridiculous, the final style looked nothing like art nouveau... I still have no idea what style it is now, not my own or any of the ones I tried to capture, that's for sure. I considered adding the star pattern to that tablecloth, but I decided that the lupin flowers in the foreground and the whomping willow-like tree are enough reference for this pic! I like how it turned out in the end tho, I think I could do justice for the watercolor-looking coloring technique, and the end result looks a bit like a fancier version of old children's book illustrations... Which is essentially what The Hobbit is, so it all sorted itself out by the end.
The Anime (7.): I like anime (I'm a little picky about them tho), so it was not a question that I would give this style a try! I am a huge fan of cyberpunk (the genre), so initially wanted to do that, I'm such a slut for Ghost in the Shell and I really like the aesthetics of the Akira posters, but after reading the actual scene, it was not really fitting. So I saved the cyberpunk AU for later, and went for the post-apocalyptic vibe instead. Obviously anime had a great influence on my art style, so similar to the Disney one, it was not that much of a challenge to mimic it. However I'm not that good at drawing backgrounds, and oh boy, I really made myself get over this obstacle with this series of pictures! Also as I was more comfortable with this piece, I actually added the starry sky pattern from the beginning to the scarf/blanket Remus has on this picture!
The Sitcom (8.): The original idea was to copy Hanna Barbera's old family cartoons' style, but as my deadline was very close and after reading the scene I realized that it will have a shitton of characters, I quickly abandoned my original plan. So this one is drawn in my own style, sort of, the designs of the characters are more aligned with Nicole's vision (sans Sirius, Lily, and partly Peter). The hardest part was definitely to figure out how I could fit 10 characters into one picture, let alone sitting in a living room! Also, I had to actually draw the living room too, considering perspective and scaling... Something I am not that good at. In the end the coffee table is maybe a little too big, but I needed that to hide the legs of the characters sitting on the sofa, haha! Also, the sofa is the Millennial Dark Green Velvet Sofa, because I also want to have one and it really emphasizes the general existential dread! (Just kidding.) Also also, I just realized that I have no idea how to eat tacos without making a mess (they are not that popular where I live). I added the starry sky pattern to Sirius' shirt, and gave a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles T-shirt to Peter, as he is talking about that in the scene. I wanted to squeeze in further references to the newspaper Remus is holding, but it was too tiny. The star from Knight Sirius' armour is in the background on the bookshelf. Also that globe just makes no sense but I had no better idea how to fill the empty space 😅. Molly is holding a mug with "BEST MOM" written on it, and I intentionally made Marlene's eye colour the same as Remus', who btw should have worn a bathrobe according to the original scene, but it was too late to fix that by the time I realized it. All in all, I am quite satisfied with how it turned out, it has the necessary sitcom vibes. And it is kinda a record for me in terms of number of characters drawn (the most was 12, but that one has no background, so I'd call it a tie!)!! I am very proud of myself for pulling this piece off, it really is the achievement of the year!
TLDR; (I mean really, my rambling is just too long!) I am happy that I was paired up with Nicole, working with her was such a creative process! My absolute favourite thing to do is work on AUs, and she has provided me with the opportunity to do so, I am grateful! It was truly a pleasure to participate in this (even if it's not that clear from all the complaining I just had above, haha)! If you ask me nicely I might show you the cursed first version of the hobbit picture!
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sofoulandfairaday · 9 months
Please share all of your Sirius and Bellatrix thoughts ♥️
I have way too many, darling.
The TLDR is it is our choices that show us who we truly are, far more than our abilities. The long version is under the cut.
When reading about them I usually prefer stories where their original 8-9 year gap is preserved (it annoys me to no end when people write the Order and the Death Eaters as entirely made up of people in the same couple of years in Hogwarts —really? Was the conflict exclusively waged by child soldiers? Were Dumbledore and Voldemort just chilling before 1977, when they decided to start recruiting?). With that being said, I can also enjoy fics where - for shipping purposes - their ages are more compatible, to make them share time in Hogwarts or during the First Wizarding War.
I think they are very, very alike personality-wise. The narrative draws some delicious writing parallels between them, both physically and in their expressions, vices and virtues, and choices. Directly between them, might I add. The author underlines the difference between Bella and Narcissa more than once, we're meant to see it, and similarly we're meant to see the similarities between Bella & Sirius.
They are haughty, passionate, powerful, competent, arrogant, bright, much more intelligent than the fandom thinks they are. In general, they suffer from the stigmatization that many characters - but some people in real life do too - that someone who is intense and impulsive cannot possibly be as intelligent as people who are meek, soft-spoken, generally more controlled. Think what the fandom does to Sirius vs Remus and Bella vs her sisters, when every arrow points to the fact that they are actually the cleverest in these pairings.
They are both some shade of mentally ill, and not because of the curse of the Blacks - half the Blacks went mad didn't they? What's the saying? Every time a Black is born the gods flip a coin. god the Targaryen-Black parallels are gold - Sirius is very likely horribly depressed in OOTP, something no one around him seems to understand, infuriatingly. The only one that seems to get it is Harry, who has the literal Dark Lord living in his brain (= bigger problems to deal with). Bella is... I don't know what she is, ask me after my psychiatry module next year, but my money is on PTSD after Azkaban - after all, she didn't have the escape of an Animagus form behind bars. She would also very likely be victim-blamed for these different feelings, which would lend itself to a delicious nobody else in the world understands us but us type of post-Azkaban dark!fic which I would love to read.
They are both skilled at magic, and while they might despise each other for their respective political views, they respect each other because of this. Bella is probably above him in terms of magical power and skill, because she's 9 years older and because of Voldemort's training, but Sirius seemed to be keeping up quite well with her during their fight in the DoM.
Speaking of which, I am sure that Bellatrix's scream of triumph was due to her winning their duel, not because she thought she had killed him and that is probably the single thing I love the most about HBC's interpretation of her in the movies. That look. 10/10.
I am of the opinion that Bella is all bark and no bite when it comes to certain members of her family, especially her sisters. Sure, she might say that she wants to prune her family tree but 30 years later in the beginning of DH, she still calls Andromeda sister. I'm sure she would want nothing more than to put him under lock and key for the rest of his life and never let him escape, not kill him. And, to me, the way Sirius speaks of his family is very interesting. I'm sure he firmly believes that he hates them, but his actual feelings are more complex than that. You can hate someone and still desire their love, their respect. You can hate that they are the only people in the world who understand you - and hate yourself more in turn, for it.
Sirius seems to me like someone haunted by his own darkness. He, much like Harry, would be constantly worried that he's becoming like them. I'm sure it's a weak spot for him and I wish we had heard more bickering, or at least a full interaction between Bella and Sirius (I feel like she would claim him as hers, underline how much he cannot escape his own blood, even just to mock him/unsettle him in battle). But what Dumbledore says to Harry is true: it doesn't matter how alike they are, it's their choices that matter much more. And I feel like this is why the two of them would never reconcile in canon. They stand for different things.
I also think there might be some - and I know Freud is controversial nowadays, but bear with me - penis envy, on her part. Because Sirius was born the heir - something she would have given her left hand to be: to be born and die a Black instead of being expected to marry into another family - and he squandered it all away by consorting with werewolves and mudbloods. But no. He got everything and pissed on it, and it's just not fair. And by choosing not to come back, even in the two years after Regulus' death, he made sure that the Black Family name will die with him- and I think that is just something she can never ever forgive him.
Now. Everybody knows I don't like TCC and my preferred view of Bella is someone with fertility issues, even to the point of being sterile.
[I read an amazing fanfic once and a line from it stuck in my brain - "If I can't be life, then I'll be death"]
But. If we do see it as canon. This is also the reason why - despite being overjoyed at Delphi's birth - I am convinced that she wished for a boy when she was pregnant. If she had a boy with the Dark Lord, who couldn't possibly give them his name, the House of Black would have an heir. This is also the reason why I don't thing she was necessarily opposed to having children with Rodolphus - the "spare" would have been her heir.
Bellatrix would say that Regulus was her favourite cousin, but truth be told, it was really Sirius whom she respected more - at her core, in my opinion, Bellatrix is really only someone who respects power. Sirius is like her that way.
But Bellatrix is clearly a cruel person, which Sirius is not (or at least, he tries not to be: Kreacher and Snape are two very particular cases of people who are mean to him back). Also, Sirius' view of the world is much more egalitarian - If you want to know what a man’s like, take a good look at how he treats his inferiors, not his equals. Bellatrix is clearly someone who sees the world in terms of hierarchies, and lives within them (see: how she acts around Voldemort and what is implied of her treatment of house-elves who obey their masters: there is a scale and some serve others, and as long as they do so well they have certain rights; disobey, you get punished).
(Bellatrix is somewhat a feminist character but let's be real- she's not a revolutionary. She went to the Dark Lord and showed him just how powerful she was - aka my wand is bigger than all these male DEs' - and he said "okay, fair, I'll give you the Mark", thereby freeing herself. She is not a "equal representation for women inside terrorist organizations!!" type of girlie)
I also love how her death parallels Sirius'. It's thematically beautiful and it excuses her death coming at the hands of one Molly Weasley (who could never ever in a million years have beaten her on skill alone). She dies because she is arrogant. It's one of her traits. Overconfidence. She was always meant to die like that.
[coincidentally one of the reasons why she would not be a hufflepuff like some suggest: this woman is not humble]
I could go on, but I think I've rambled enough.
P.S. Let's not sleep on the fact that the two of them together would be hot.
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ghulah · 1 month
The origins of Sibling Nephtys: Etymology
Will this be a series? Perhaps, we (Warden HQ) don't know.
As many of you know (or didn't know), my Ministry/Clergy original character is a fun, nerdy librarian by the name of Sibling Nephtys. But how did we get here? What does Nephtys mean? Why did I choose that name? Did Nephtys choose their own name? And why?
To which I say, let's find out!
In a more elaborate way than my ghulah and ifrit posts are, this is a breakdown of etymology, with regards to mythology and history.
How Did We Get Here?
The processes of actually naming my Sibling of Sin was actually quite frustrating. I am a person who enjoys etymology and language. I wanted a name that honored both my Sibling's Egyptian heritage, while retaining a Gothic feel to it. Obviously, there is no actual contradiction with having both of those - but it felt hard, when a lot of the ideas of Goth-ness were associated with historically white and European things. Even though names like Isis or Seth (Set) or even Anubis were sorta in that sphere. I wanted to handpick something. It also had to be a name that, in character, Nephtys would name himself! So I made a list of potential names that were culturally relevant and fit the themes I wanted.
The candidates were:
From the Arabic root SMR, meaning a good companion. Similar names included Samir or Samira. Initially chosen as it was a pretty name I liked. It was axed because the name meaning didn't super fit what I was going for.
Derived from Arabic, lamea, shining. As well as the Libyan queen in Libyan-Greek mythology who was turned into a monster (many such cases). Initially chosen because of the mythological connections and geographical placement. It was axed because of the vibes, truly. It is still a very good name, I think it'd be great for a name of a Sibling of Sin.
Meaning 'of the full moon' in Arabic, coming from badr which is the fill moon with an added iyah suffix. Initially chosen because of, well, the moon and the night. It was axed for the fact that it didn't feel the way I wanted it to when I said Sibling Badriyah.
Feminine version of qadir, meaning 'to be capable of' in Arabic. Initially chosen because it conveys power and authority. It was axed because I didn't like it as much as my final choice. It is actually really good as well.
A fairly unknown Egyptian god that is mentioned to be the ferryman of souls, though less than the following option, which is Kherty/Cherti. Initially chosen because of the association with the afterlife. The name was axed because I thought I could make a better OC for this name.
An Egyptian god of the Duat, who guided and protected souls to safety on their journey to the afterlife. Initially chosen because of the association with the afterlife. It was axed because of pure mouthfeel and dissatisfaction with pronunciation on my end.
A variant on the name of the Egyptian god, Khonsu. The god of travellers, the moon, and healing. Initially chosen because again, the moon and the night. It was axed because I might use it for another character and the pronunciation.
An Egyptian goddess of fertility and war and associated with Sothis - the star beneath Sirius. Initially chosen because of the nocturnal and empyrean aspects. It was axed because I preferred the final choice over it. Still a good contender.
From the Arabic lailah, meaning night. Initially chosen for the meaning. It was axed because I know too many Layla's in my life. Very pretty name, not for my main OC, though.
A derivative of Nephthys/Nebethwt, the Egyptian goddess of mourning, night, and magic. Chosen because it contained all the themes I wanted to convey with the name of my OC. Also very plausible that some very passionate nerd would pick it out from a list. Aka me, aka Nephtys. THE WINNER!
But, Warden, why Nephtys, really?
I found out I wanted a name that was associated with the Egyptian pantheon. Not only because my Sibling of Sin is a history, theology, mythology and anthropology enthusiast - but I wanted something pre-Abrahamic. It's a little funny to think about, however, within the Egyptian pantheon there is no true evil, maybe once or twice, but the darker aspects of the mythology were always essential to life. A guide like Aken and Kherti or a god of funerary rites like Anubis and Osiris, the god of the underworld, even Tawaret or Hathor - all part of life and death and what came after. If I had all these options from the Osirian gods, why did I choose Nephtys?
Let's talk about it.
Mythological Background
The name Nephtys is derived from the Egyptian goddess Nephthys, the Latin/Greek version of the name Nebethwt. I will be referring to her as Nebethwt for easier distinction between her and Nephtys (my oc) in this post. Nebethwt, the goddess, was the child of Geb (earth) and Nut (sky). She was associated with mourning, death, (temple) service, as well as magic, protection, childbirth, and embalming. Nebethwt was also referred to as Isis's mirror-twin - the darkness to Isis's light.
This is a depiction of Isis/Eset (left) and Nebethwt (right) with the Djed pillar - which symbolized Osiris's (god of the Underworld) strength and stability.
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Nebethwt (nbt-hwt) translates to Lady (nbt) of the enclosure(hwt), to mean Lady of the House, or Mistress of the House - alluding to her protective aspects. Her headdress indicates that as well, as it is a symbol of the house. This protection also extended to the dead.
It also should be noted that Nebethwt was cited as Set/Sutekh's consort. Set being the god of desert storms, chaos, and war. A figure of strife, a god who attempted to usurp his brother's(Osiris) throne. Nebethwt both aided in his endeavour but also eventually helped Isis in bringing Osiris to victory.
Other associations with Nebethwt were: hawks, sycamore trees, temples, the setting sun, twilight, darkness.
So, she was very much associated with death and mourning and the night and all those fun Gothic concepts that we enjoy here. Nebethwt was a goddess that was revered and worshipped all throughout Egypt - she was popular and beloved, not unlike her sister. Together they were quote the duo, they represented such major concepts in the Egyptian pantheon. It is sometimes debated if she was truly separate from her twin sister or if they sometimes become one at times. Regardless, she is the darker aspects of Isis, but just as divine (which is similar to the playlist title I have for Nephtys).
The Final Choice
After considering all of that and reading through pages of articles and niche blog-posts, I decided on the name Nephtys. It was not the original spelling Nebethwt and not the Graeco-Latin Nephthys, and not even the Old Coptic Nepht'ho (which I did consider for a little bit, but ultimately didn't choose). I personally found that my Sibling of Sin would choose this version of the goddesses name, which is a phonetic iteration and tack on an alliterative surname - Nuit. Nuit just means night in French. It felt like the perfect name for a sixteen year old who's aching to find a new identity and comfort while still embracing their heritage.
Besides, the title Lady of the House, it made me think a lot. She was a protective figure and a powerful one, beloved and embraced by her followers. She was a protector of people, of spirits, of temples. A comfort to be found in mourning and in death. Narratively, I thought about Nephtys and what he was like and his own relationships with others and what ideas he embodies. The things he would go through. Reaching out towards something many people shy away from and staying there, soaking in it, becoming part of it. It just fits, I think.
There's something really good about finding comfort in culture, in finding all that history of language and meaning.
Sibling Nephtys definitely did.
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moonstruckme · 19 days
a box of cupcakes 🧁
Make a ranking of all the characters you like to write the most, have the most ideas for, find the characterization easiest, etc.
I love you ❤️
Ooh interesting! These defo change all the time (espcially the ones at the top) but this was fun, thank you! Love you too <3
Remus tends to come the easiest to me, I think because he's rather consistent and also versatile, he's always felt complex enough to me to be in many scenarios without it feeling ooc
Sirius I think I also have a pretty clear picture of most of the time, but he also has a bit more rigid of a personality so I can't always just cram him into any scene and make it work
James (the marauders are my top three haha, who's surprised) I love writing for so much, but I think my original idea of him was actually quite oversimplified, so sometimes I still struggle to put his flaws under a magnifying scope and make him display them
Steve is fun because I think he can change a lot depending on how comfortable he is in his relationships, so I like to play with how he acts at the beginning of a relationship versus deep in domesticity
tasm Peter is just my soft funny sweetheart, I don't know how my characterization of him came to feel so solid honestly considering there aren't that many films but his lightness is fun to write and he's also just so sweet
Lily I feel like I'm still getting to know, I love writing her when an idea feels right but she's not instictive to me yet, probably in large part because she's not included in lots of the marauders media I consume (patriarchy amiright (also my fault)) and also just because similarly to James I've sometimes struggled to separate her from the oversimplified version of her character that I was initially introduced to
Spencer is so much fun because he's so unique, but I think that sometimes also makes me doubt whether I'm portraying him accurately. Sometimes I have to watch the show to remember how exactly he speaks haha, and also picturing him in a years-long relationship where he's totally domestic is another thing entirely
Carmy I also think is this very complex and unique character, who I also sometimes have to recall specific parts of the show to feel like I'm getting right
Robin is sososo cool and I want to write more of her but I do struggle to write her as fully comfortable because her character can be so (adorably) awkward and that's hard for me to balance with her being at ease
Eddie gives me such a hard time lately, I think I was maybe feeling more solid about him when I started writing on here and I still like him a lot but we got so little of him in the show that I often doubt whether I'm drawing on anything real
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moonlightdancer26 · 1 year
okay I think this is just funny but this is how it went down when Remus told the marauders who he was dating
Remus: okay, padfoot, prongs, wormtail, Evans. before I continue I need your wands.
lily: why?
Remus: ask questions later
*wands are given*
Sirius: what's this about now moony?
Remus: okay. I'm going to introduce you to who I'm dating
Remus: okay I need you all to be calm and promise not to do anything
Sirius: Jesus moony your acting like it's bloody snivilus
peter: oh fuck it's snape isn't it
lily: *starts laughing hysterically*
Remus: okay yes I'm dating Severus. and before y'all say shit you have to remember that's he's like the lily to my James
Sirius: oh don't compare him to evans
lily: actually I think the analogy is flipped-
James: what-
lily: ya I think sev is more like an emo James and sirius mixed kinda thing and Remus is a lot more like me
Remus:....oh fuck your right... I'm dating the emo version of those idiots
James: ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ
Sirius: ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ
peter: *laughing with lily*
Remus: hey if I'm dating the emo version then you're dating the original idiot!
lily: *stops laughing* oh fuck I am-
James: HEY-
Sirius: *grabs James shoulder* nah mate, their right
James: .... well fuck
peter: well this was great
It was clever of Remus to confiscate their wands beforehand, otherwise who knows what James and Sirius would’ve done 💀 also omfg Lily is such a mood
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citrusses · 1 year
Twenty Questions for Fic Writers
Thank you so much for the tags @maesterchill @basicallyahedgehog and @tackytigerfic, I loved reading your answers (here and here and here). I feel like an imposter filling this out (I just started publishing fics in August!) but here we go! Answers below the cut
How many works do you have on ao3?
2. what's your total ao3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Harry Potter, specifically drarry (with one guest appearance by a very sad, sexy Sirius).
4.. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
The most kudos-ed is The Roommates*, which is a Sirius/Draco + Drarry endgame little piece of filth. My Suds fic, Löyly, has the second most kudos, followed by the rowing AU WIP, Our Objective Remains Unchanged. (*PS fellow americans who probably already know this: roommates does not have quite the same meaning in the UK as it does in the US, oops!)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do! I am so honored by every comment I have gotten. I also love leaving comments, though I never do so with the expectation of a response. I think comments are such a lovely way to extend the joy of the fic as a reader. If a writer wants to respond I love it, if not, that doesn't detract from the joy of commenting!
6. What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Nothing yet, I really love an unhappy/ambiguous ending so I hope I can write more of that in the future.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Only two of my published fics HAVE endings... but Löyly is probably the softest, though I actually think the ending of Roommates is quite sweet.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not yet :)
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
So far everything I've written is rated E. I surprised myself with 3 E fics right out the gate. I get very stressed that my smut is corny. In my two shorter fics the sex is very much driving the plot—non-explicit versions would be inherently different stories. In OORU I think it's more about the ways the characters do and don’t understand each other, and how that manifests in all their interactions, physical and otherwise, which didn’t need to be E-rated to work, but that’s how I ended up writing it.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I haven't yet. I can't think of anything I would want to write as a crossover but never say never.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not yet! Another thing that seems like a cool challenge. I could see myself enjoying co-writing a lot (I love talking about fics/ideas with people), but I also am so self-conscious about my own writing that I feel like it would be very hard for me to overcome those insecurities enough to write with someone else.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
Drarry forever. Enemies to lovers will always be my favorite dynamic, so I came into Drarry jazzed about the ship, but the creativity of this fandom, the talent of the authors, and the fact that I have read so many iterations of this pairing and still am consistently astounded by the complexity and originality of these fics -- what else could compare?
15. What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
The first thing I started writing in this iteration of my fandom life was a time travel fic where Harry is a disillusioned, socially-scorned ministry underling and he and Draco have to work together to stop an apocalypse that they learn about from a time traveler from the future. I have like 20K written and a bunch of it that I really like, but I just don't know if I'll ever have the motivation to return to it. It needs to be quite plotty and I struggle with that.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I find writing dialogue comes more easily.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
When I read I don't really visualize what I'm reading, it's more like I really feel the emotions of the writing. When there's a particularly beautiful descriptive passage in writing I really appreciate that, but more for the craft of the sentence. Because that's how I read, I tend to skip illustrative prose in my own writing, and I think that is a pretty glaring weakness. I am trying to work on it! And then also plot. PLOT.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I haven't done much of it -- Draco quotes a few Finnish words in Löyly, but he's not meant to be fluent (so perhaps he’s not even getting the words right) and there's either context to make clear what he's trying to say or it doesn’t matter if he’s understood (because Harry is so horny that he can’t even hear). I think it's very fun when writers play with polyglotism (?) in fics, though I also think it's quite challenging to do! I also love when things are hidden from the characters/reader in fic and language can be a good way to do that.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
I honestly don't know -- I wrote a lot of "fic" for myself as a kid that I never even put on the internet. My old fanfiction.net account of stuff I actually published is still up and I could't take it down if I wanted to, so that's... out there.
20. Favorite fic you've written?
Not to cheat but I really think I haven't written it yet. I love all my fics, and each of them was a very different and rewarding experience to write, but I do feel l haven't yet written a fic that, as tacky said in their post, is exactly the fic I wanted it to be. Here's hoping that happens!
Tagging @nv-md @sweet-s0rr0w @wolfpants @thehoneybeet @mintawasalreadytaken @kittycargo and anyone else who hasn’t done this yet!
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coralsgrimes · 11 months
Remember when I said that our boy's career is oh so very close to stinky corpse like no one gonna invest in that except the funeral home lobbyists maybe???
Do ye also remember when Benny was doing the podcast recordings earlier this year alongside someone who said that was their first job?
So put them two together and what comes out is Benny as a ghost of Christmas in Christmas carol podcast from a Christian spreading love for Jesus Hope Media Group.... The funeral home lobbyists are laughing as they dodged thy bullet
Here a lil list of Benny's recent-ish (about 3/4years) career milestones:
1. Cringe ya book adaptation that should be on CW, currently in cancellation limbo probably will be announced as axed after strikes are resolved so netflix can say that they don't have shadow daddy's blood on their hands, it was them selfish peeps fighting for fair work compensation
2. One episode of anthology series last halloween, that was so bad everyone forgot about it by now
3. Self funded vanity music project that he released through vanity label (he paid for it to be released like is what I mean, no one invested in that steamin pile) and that no one even bothered to review except that one guy who called it turtleneck music? beige Michael Bublé rip off??
4. Low low tier partnership with Boss Fur Deutschland. still not sure if boss knows they are in partnership. Might be Benny is paying them too for that... privilege of badly fitted Zalando sale selection
5. Black mirror two seconds cameo that I would dispute it's legitimacy as an actual acting credit
6. Series of awful T-Mobile's ads
7. Couple of self funded live gigs so he could attempt to sing his four original song REALLY badly, and then went on to assassinate popular songs cuz it's too much to call them pained sounds singing. But boy he probably still getting stiff thinking of these 315 sweaty girls following him through the country of Europe
8. A film that is bad, critics agree, and is called The Critic which is very funny. No idea when this masterpiece will be released. About boys performance, critics either skipped mentioning him or he was called the weak link.... In other words I desperately need to see this one xd research purposes
9. Christian radio podcast version of Dickens Christmas carol
10. Apparently he finished that full album of his finally, if someone wanna buy the limited edition hand signed EP tho, it's still available in his child labour merch shop! And it's been two years xd
11. Oh!! And I almost forgot to add his lil tiktok dip cuz he an influencer now me thinks xd funny story here too. So he actually multitasking. So Benny does a remember me imma Sirius Black!!! Lemme go viral!!! Fans pleazzzz love me back and HBO please hire me I talked about it during a con recently too please it's them strikes so I gotta be sneaky and I wanna be super popular too
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annabellelupin · 1 year
Another controversial post, don't read on if you're going to get all mad about it
If the canon version and the fanon version of a character are nothing alike then that's not the fanon version of that character, it's an original character.
Before someone mentions "canon divergence" I am completely fine with fanon and headcanon content, but if you change the character to the point they're unrecognizable from their canon selves, you're just creating a widely accepted original character.
Now, this is a bit more lenient with characters with almost no canon information. Although, I will admit a lot of characters like that in this fandom are borderline widely accepted original characters anyways.
This part may upset people so if you don't think you can handle another person's opinion on characters like Barty, Evan and Pandora, don't bother reading on.
If you're fanon Barty Crouch Jr presents absolutely none of the same traits, morals, flaws, etc. as the canon Barty, then that's not Barty, that is an original character you have created with his name. Canon divergence shouldn't mean taking a character, getting rid of all of the flaws and things you don't see fit about them to the point they're no longer the character you began with at all. It shouldn't mean completely rewriting a character to your liking. It shouldn't mean making a character completely unrecognizable.
Characters like Evan and Pandora have so little canon information, that when you elect to ignore what little there is, you're doing the exact same thing. Some characters like them, Marlene, and Dorcas have so little to them in the first place that when you take what we do have away, you are once again just creating an original character.
I believe people should start reffering to characters that have lost all of their original personality traits and flaws as "fanon *their name*" and before a bunch of people get mad at me for it let me explain my reasoning.
If you say something about Barty, I'm going to assume you mean canon Barty, the lying murder. If you say fanon Barty, then that's different. I'll know you're talking about the character that isn't actually Barty but a widely accepted original character. I don't mean that in a rude way, I mean it in a they're so different you need to specify to avoid confusion way.
And honestly this goes for characters like James, Sirius, and Remus too. If you're versions of them are almost completely fanon, please specify that to avoid confusion and arguing.
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thegirlwhowrites642 · 2 years
hi, I hope you are well. I just want to tell you how awesome you and this blog are. I was just reading your metas they were just mind blowing.
You have a such a great understanding of the characters especially harry and ginny. They are very underrated as a couple. My heart swell with happiness whenever I read your post about them.
Your metas are quite unique and refreshing I know I am going to come again and again to read those metas.
Also, I really loved your percy and Audrey fic. I usually dont read anything outside hinny and jily. But this fic was just amazing.
"Don't hate me" made me cry especially when Ginny told harry not to die. I wanted to hug both of them.
"The name of Ginny potter's kids" was also my fav. I cried during Albus' section. And also Sirius shipping hinny cheff kiss.
"I am sorry too" love this. I firmly believe ron and Ginny love each other despite their fights. Thank you for this.
thank you for sharing these wonderful metas and fics.
This is the sweetest thing! Thank you so much!
I've taken a step back from posting because of... life and also sometimes this fandom gets a little too much for my mental health but I had to get out of hibernation to answer this.
I was actually considering closing my asks for a while because I literally have 52 asks to answer but I'm glad I didn't.
Receiving this kind of message is really beautiful because, as much as like answering people's questions, often they kind of forget that I'm a real person and ask things like I'm a machine you can just get an analysis from with a little coin (I wish there were coins involved actually XD). It's a little dehumanizing.
I'm so very glad you like my Percy/Audrey fic. I honestly fell in love with the characterization I built for Audrey to the point that I'm considering expanding it and using it for an original story.
That line in "Don't hate me" is me being a cruel writer which is very much my style even if you can't really see it from my fanfictions. Also, like every writer, I'm a monster who feeds on readers' tears.
The late-night talks between Sirius and Ginny are hands down the best "trope" this fandom has ever created and I actually hope one day I'll manage to write the full scene I reference there because I don't think you can really call yourself a hinny writer if you haven't written your own version of Sirius and Ginny's late-night talks.
The relationship between Ron and Ginny is so personal to me, I love them!
Again, thank you so much for this lovely message.
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firendgold · 1 year
Hi, I dont know if your exactly the right person for this but you know those james and lily lives aus? Well i cant stand them and thats because they always make all the problems go away as well. But I figured out an au of this which I like. Which start of with Sirius actually becoming the secret keeper but then the rest stay the same like Peter is still a spy voldemort is still at large Harry is still the chosen one. And then you have Harry start school and hes probably friends with Neville allready and knows about wizard stuff but the rest of the actual story stay mostly the same. I think that would be quite interesting to see.
Hmm. Interesting, definitely... I don't know if that much stuff would stay the same if James and Lily lived. Not to say they're super important and would Definitely Change The Course of the War or anything, but their presence would definitely change Harry's story drastically, especially if he's still the main character of the fic. You'd have to grapple with the fact that for starters, Harry might not be chosen by Voldemort at all. There's a lot of new dominoes here.
But let's assume Voldemort does still think Harry is the greater threat to him. If Peter remains the traitor but he doesn't have the Potters' address to pass on, then Voldemort goes after Sirius. Since Secret-Keepers can't be forced to give up their secret, Sirius is definitely dead in any modern day AU like this. Peter may or may not be dead as well if he didn't have any more information to offer, but not without taking even more Order members with him who originally survived. Whether or not James finds out about Peter's treachery, that's two of his best friends he's lost in probably only a few years. It's likely to make him even more reckless than he already is, which may badly affect Lily and Harry.
Annnd that's only true if James, Lily and Harry are even alive past all that. Is the AU just that they live past Halloween or they somehow manage to evade Voldemort into the 1990s? If so, that could be because Voldemort kills Harry without having to go through his parents.
As for Neville... I think it's likely that if Voldemort had succeeded in killing Harry, he would have killed Neville too for good measure, so I have no idea what Neville's family looks like in a Jily lives!AU or if he's still alive to experience it.
We also don't know what Snape will do in a world where Voldemort threatens Lily, he swears his allegiance to Dumbledore and becomes a spy, and then Lily just... stays alive and married to his worst enemy, while also possibly popping out kids every few years as the wizards like to do for some reason. Does he remain loyal? Does he start giving Voldemort a little too much information in hopes that maybe James, Remus and Harry get caught in the crossfire somewhere?
But let me put all my conjecture aside. Assuming everything happened as you said, that version of Harry would have to work very hard in a fanfic or else he'd probably bore me. I know that's awful to say! But I don't like Jily lives!AUs either. There are some characters in canon whose deaths I'm super okay with, and they're high up on the list. A Harry who grows up with his parents probably ends up inheriting a lot of James' flaws. He loses the attachment issues that make him compelling to me. I also find it more fun that Harry straddles both the Muggle and magical worlds because of his upbringing. Not in a muggle!wank way though! I'm not on that "Muggles do everything better" train.
So yeah, I'm kind of boring but the only time I read James and Lily being alive is if Harry either time-travels backward before 1981 or if he ends up in another dimension where he gets to experience his parents without actually experiencing his parents.
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starchaserdreams · 1 year
Me to my bff: *about my fanfic* it's not something you would read....it's sort of a crazy ship
Her: oh is it Remus and Sirius?
Me: that's not a crazy ship! That's so normal it's pretty much mainstream acceptable!
Her: oh hmmm...is it James and Sirius?
Me: No! That would practically be incest!!!
Her: oh...hmmm...
Me: *realizing what I've implied by referring to Sirius and James as "incest"* oh I mean they're not actually related so it's not actually incest
Her: *sensing there's something she's missing* oh?
Me: I don't ship it, but it's not incest.
Her: oh okay. Just tell me
Me: it's James and Sirius' brother Regulus
Her: Regulus? Is he from the original Harry Potter?
Me: *knowing she doesn't want the long version and *trying* to respect that* yeah, he's just a side character there, but he's really big in fan culture
Her: oh that's cool
Me: *holds in a ninety minute rant on why Regulus is a top two character in all of HP* yeah :)
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danpuff-ao3 · 2 years
Scorbus 😊😊 or whichever nextgen ship you want to talk about!
Cindle!!!! Lucky you, this came in twice. 😎 You know what that means! Yes, you're right: Danni taking every opportunity to just keep talking! 🤣 So since I already answered Scorbus, I shall think of another nextgen ship to chat at you about! I sort of waffled between James Sirius/Scorpius and James Sirius/Teddy, but I have to go Jeddy! It's the nextgen ship I've shipped the longest! (So yeah, I ship it!)
1.) What made you ship it?
I have no clue. Actually that's a lie, I have a small clue. My fic The Best Kept Secrets I first envisioned years ago. The original version was Snarry, Jeddy, and Scorbus. My main priority was Snarry, but I had goals for showing how James and Albus were impacted by the truth of Harry and Snape's relationship. The rewrite features Albus/OFC, but I kept the Jeddy!
Why I originally chose James Sirius/Teddy, I can't recall. Scorbus seemed the safe, obvious choice for Albus. Maybe it was the same for Jeddy. Just me needing someone to hook James up with and Teddy was it. But the more I wrote it, even the original version, the more convinced I became. For reasons I'll answer in the next question!
2.) What are your favorite things about the ship?
Cute baby age gap!! 🥹 Also the pseudo-incestuous nature of it. Teddy being James' godbrother, them more or less growing up together. I love the fanon idea of James sort of hero-worshipping Teddy and having a mega crush on him from practically birth, whereas to Teddy it's weird and awkward.
I don't generally jive with friends to lovers, but their specific connection is so interesting. This is one of few ships I ship with no real adversarial nature to it. They have a generally good relationship, almost brotherly in ways; Teddy feeling responsible for James, and almost brotherly while James has puppy love for Teddy.
I imagine them as both being playful, with James being a bit more mischievous and Teddy quite sweet. There is the added level of not only "ruining the friendship" but "ruining the family." Teddy's fears of losing Harry if he and James breakup. His worries about James being too young, too immature, etcetera. While Teddy is the only thing James was ever sure of and serious about. Idk, it does things to me. 🥰
3.) Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
Not that I can think of!
ship asks
answered: Dramione, Snarry, Jegulus, Jily, Dron, Starbucks, Riddledore, Snupin, Remadora, Fleurmione, Snack, Snumbledore, Scorbus, Jeddy
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Mayaneeeee! Hi, hello, hi, how are you?
So long since the last time I screamed around here. If I remember correctly you asked about my tag (hey, a tag ❤️!.. I'm still worthy of a tag 🤔?)?.. I call myself Luna so any version of that (Lu, Luna... someone used to use Lupina hahaha) is fine by me.
So, last time I was screaming about your participation in Into the fic of it... it took me so long to hear it, I'm sorry. I was attacked by work and the preparations of an international trip. I heard it little by little I pieces but hey, I TOOK NOTES 😂😂, so here are my notes (a summary actually hahaha).
1. Don't know exactly why but I wrote to recommend you my favorite teenage book but hey, past-me probably had a good idea but I don't remember anymore. It's called Ilse Janda, 14 oder Die Ilse ist weg (in Spanish is Por favor vuelve a casa -Please come back home-, don't know how it is in English). Perhaps I had this thought when you were talking about kids books... because this is a beautiful book for a teenager, written for teenagers (and from their perspective, which is not easy), with complex and painful topics but treated having said kids in mind. I love it so much, even now.
2. I think that JK wrote 3 books for children (first 3) and then she just wrote what she wanted, period. My mom has a fun theory: She read somewhere that JK wrote HP for his son and then she develops this theory in which JK started writing with love for his young child and then he grew and then she wrote the rest of the series in revenge lmao. According to her, JK's son was probably a teenage nightmare and that's why she started killing beloved characters 😂
3. That brings me to: YES YES I GET SO MAD EVERY TIME I THINK ABOUT THE UNNECESSARY DEATHS. Why kill Colin?! And why Hedwing (I actually stoped reading the book there and only took it again months later)?!
4. Talking about JK wonderful (/derogatory) writing: To this day I don't understand how she totally took all the responsibility from the adult characters. I mean, Dumbledore formed not one...BUT TWO armies with child soldiers. And don't let me start talking about Snape and Dumbledore behavior with Draco in yea (he was sixteeeeeen). That's something I really like about fanfics: how they somehow questioned how those characters behave.
Aaaaaaand I'm going to leave it here for now because it's getting toooooo long (we're half way in my notes and in the podcast you haven't started talking about the main topic, oh god 😂).
Have a nice day! Sorry this took me so long! I really enjoyed hearing you lot 🤗
Hey, hi, hello!!!!! I have no idea why I’m just seeing this but anyway, here we are.
I’m doing ok uni is a bit of a struggle but I’m enjoying the modules so far :) how have you been??? And are you kidding me?? Of course you still get a tag <3
Ahhh I’m so glad you enjoyed the episode! I had so much fun taking part and met some incredible people thanks to it so it makes me so happy that it inspired some thoughts.
1. That book sounds so good I will definitely be checking it out! Thanks for the recommendation
2. Bahahahah your moms theory had me laughing so loud my friend came in from the other room to ask what was going on. But yeah, I think she definitely did not put any thought into the fact that not only the original kids who were reading it would read it. Like, I think her idea was that the characters and themes would grow up with the kids reading it which is a lovely idea in theory but that’s just not how it works. As soon as media is out there, it’s there for anyone to read and with it being a children’s book these themes needed to be handled with so much more care. I mean, this also applies to adult content but especially with kids who are extremely impressionable .
3. Yeah there were so many unnecessary deaths and I will also stand by the fact that having Sirius stay alive (and Remus for that matter) would have made for a much better and more in depth story. And I don’t just say that because I love them. There was just so much potential for growth that was thrown away
4. Oh completely she wrote obviously morally gray characters as good which is so problematic
Ahhh this was so fun! If you want I’d love to see more of your thoughts on it (you mentioned there were more notes) and once again I’m sorry I only now saw this . Have a great day!
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al-longbottom · 2 years
Rating Harry Potter Ships, Part One
I have decided to share my unwarranted opinion about Harry Potter ships. Feel free to suggest more ships for me to rate, ask me to elaborate on my opinion for a ship, or even debate me about my rating. Who knows, maybe you'll change my mind.
In this Part:
Draco/Harry, Sirius/Remus, Remus/Tonks, James/Lily, Hermione/Ron, Hermione/Draco, Harry/Ginny, Harry/Tom, Hermione/Harry, and Fred/George
Draco x Harry:
Pre war would be enemies/rivals to lovers where they come across each other 'accidentally' in back hallways and empty classrooms and end up making out or hatefucking until someone comes a little too close to catching them and it freaks them out and Draco would say something like 'don't mention this to anyone' but Harry would still tease him and make innuendos around other people, confusing both their friends, until finally they get together and eventually come out to their friends.
Post War I feel like it would be one of those heat of the moment things, like we're really the only two who understand each other because we were in similar situations and now we're both depressed and craving comfort so let's meet up to have sex while barely talking to each other otherwise. Very toxic, Draco would probably be jealous and borderline emotionally abusive, and Harry would be depressed and emotionally fragile. Both those boys need at least a decade of therapy before he pursues a romantic relationship.
Sirius x Remus
... 6/10
Same as before. I was obsessed until a couple months ago but I've sort of grown out of them. I think of Sirius in the same light as Draco. Needs therapy and would be too toxic for the kind of relationship Remus deserves after everything he's been through but with the being said
Remus x Tonks
My reason for not shipping this isn't because I think Remus and Tonks are both queer (I do think Remus and Tonks are queer, that's just not why I don't like Remadora). It's because if Tonks was 2 years younger she would have been Remus' student which is all fine and dandy for fantasies or roleplaying but in all actuality Teacher/Student relationships cause a severe power imbalance and it would be incredibly ignorant on Remus' half to partake in such a relationship. Not to mention it just feels pedophilic, even if she's over 18.
James x Lily
Perfect, beautiful, couldn't ask for anything better, yes yes yes yes yes! This is my favorite canon ship and I believe the two of them are soulmates.
Hermione x Ron
Now I am on the fence about this ship. I used to think Ron was immature and childish, the kind of spouse that would want a traditional relationship from Hermione (you're the wife so you do the chores and raise the kids and I'll go to work) but after reading some Romione fanfic <3<3<3 Himbo simp supporting his genius wife. Love to see it.
Hermione x Draco
No. Worse than Drarry. I cannot stand Dramione. My biggest thing is he literally calls her a slur on multiple occasions, which is not husband material. Also, like with Drarry, he needs therapy not a significant other. Maybe they could be friends years down the road once Draco has grown and matured and finally apologizes for all the shit he did to her as kids.
Harry x Ginny
They're cute. They're alright. They're like Jily and I love them for that. But they're like... the Target version of Jily. Not quite the Walmart version but definitely not the original. I think they would be cute together though, and Harry would be the supportive husband Ginny deserves.
Harry x Tom
I thought this was a joke. This is a joke right? Why is the internet telling me this isn't a joke. No, that is weird, Tom is literally a ghost from like 50 something years ago manipulating an 11 year old into doing his evil bidding. Harry and Tom are a no from me.
Hermione x Harry
I don't hate it but I don't like it either. I think they're the kind of people who would try dating each other because they're so close and then after like 3 weeks they break it off mutually and become lifelong bestfriends. With that being said, in a world where Ron and Ginny don't exist I could see Harry and Hermione getting married for the marriage benefits.
Fred x George
Disclaimer: this is just my opinion. If you ship something I gave a low rating, or hate a ship I gave a high rating, I'm not saying you're in the wrong or a bad person or anything. I'm just saying we have different likes and dislikes. Cool? Cool.
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strawbrrmlk · 3 years
Presumption - (marauders fic)
summary: before the war, you and your friends all wrote letters for one another in case you wouldn't be lucky enough to make it out alive. But will any of you be actually able to get through the pain of grief and lost to face with the last words of people you grew up with?
⤷ marauders x f!reader
warnings: includes swearing (harsh language), mention of death
word count : 669 words
A/N : some of the characters that have died in an original version, survived in this one + english is not my first language so i apologize for my mistakes <3
Tumblr media
——————————— ◦°•♛•°◦ ——————————
Gathered around in the living room of Potter residence, their eyes filled to the brim with helplessness, not even daring to look anywhere else, but at the the messily folded papers scattered in front of them.
Seventy two wroten letters, eight per person. Eight for James, eight for Sirius, eight for Remus, eight for Lilly, eight for Marlene, eight for Mary, eight for Dorcas, eight for y/n.
And eight for man, who's orbs have been the only one to focus on anything but the pile, as his guts sinked more and more with every single muffled sob or silent cry from his so called friends.
Peter Pettigrew.
He knew what he was doing when he broke the unspoken rule of honor, he knew what he was doing when black outlines foully rested on his forearm, and he knew what he was doing when he helded up that bloody wand.
Yet he couldn't help it but feel sick with himself, disgusted, loathful when they get to he point of seperaiting the ones they will have to read.
With shaky hands, Lily handed out the letters to their owners, leaving on the floor exacly eight letters. All of them came from the same quill, written in the same font, by the same hand.
"We should open them" hoarse, berely hearable voice broke the silence among teens. Peter didn't have to take his gaze of the ground, to know they all looked his way.
Marlene hummed as a sign of agrement, few of them like Mary or Dorcas slightly noded their heads, but only one acted as if Peter's words didn't reach him.
He couldn't move, not even a bit.
Not wanting it to be the last goodbye, not like this. This wasn't the time.
He couldn't unfocused his eyes from her handwriting, the one he used to make fun of. To Remus from y/n. He felt as if she was whispering it right to his ear. He felt like everyone was.
"Remus?" well maybe they actualy were. "You're not gonna open yours?"
He didn't even bother looking at Dorcas as she said it, just shake his head no, trying to bring himself back to hearing her voice just this one time.
"We promised we would.. you promised you would" sirius's sentensce echoed through the room as he hosted himself up and shoved the paper into werewolf's chest. "So stop whining and take it 'couse you are NOT the only one who lost her"
Saying through clenched teeth with spit gathering behind them making it almost come off as an insult.
But Remus still didn't bugde, even when his friends hand is pushing on his heart. He got lost in his thoughts, too lost to bother.
Why is Sirius so obtrusive? Why won't he let him just griev in his own way? If he doesn't want to read it who cares, they can read theirs he's not stopping them from doing so.
"If i don't want to read it i won't-" pushing sirius's hand away, Remus stand up to be with him on face-to-face level "-Y/n would understand"
Quick exchange of screams, was followed by the silence as two men seemed to burn eachothers souls with only use of stare. No one dared to say a word.
Not Sirius, not Remus, not anyone.
Especially not Peter, who was more than petrified of this question being brought up.
But how could he not be? He could never erase the look on your face when he pointed his wand at you, letting his sleeve slightly slide down, enough to let your gaze catch dark mark.
Poor you was so happy to see him, so happy to see one of your friends alive, only to find out he wasn't your friend all along.
The fear and betrayal in your eyes when they met his was what almost made him drop the wand, yet he didn't.
He killed you and ran off, like the coward he was.
And now he had the perfect opportunity to blame it on someone else.
"Weren't you suppose to keep an eye on her Sirius?"
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