#i also had to invent a new way to draw shoes just for this one lmao (redaw them a milion times)
chiosblog · 6 months
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leseigneurdufeu · 1 year
Lingua Complexa
I'm not a linguistics expert but I did create a bunch of (rather simple) languages for stories I'm writing, and while I'm nowhere near Tolkien's level nor his range nor the complexity and intricacy of his languages nor... well actually you know what Tolkien is the best and I'm but a worm.
To the point, here's a bullet-list of things you can use to make your fictional language sound more real (some are just real stuff from real languages I speak, some I invented but probably exist in languages I don't know: I won't specify which is which to avoid complaints):
Divide your pronouns between inclusive and exclusive: "We (including you I'm talking to) are doing this" VS "We (just us, not you) are doing that". Can also be used for other pronouns. A poet writing "I (excluding myself from that I) am feeling this" would either be writing a very detached kinda poem, using a first person narrator who is not the author, or explain in one word only how they don't feel like they are themself. That one is my favorite tip.
Have adjectives finish differently depending on whether the person talking is male, female, neutral/inanimate (he/she/it) or plural (they). Ex: "He is blue'an. She is blue'av. It is a blue'at table. Those blue'ar shoes are neat".
Take your "to be" and "to have" verbs off the table of conjugation. It generally isn't conjugated the same way than all the other verbs in most languages, due to them being the most commonly used verbs, being auxiliaries, and being disformed with the time and the use by foreigners (merchants, tourists...). Have them be conjugated in a new, exciting way, not the way all your other verbs are being conjugated.
On that note it's even better if you have a full category of irregular verbs (eat, drink, buy, sell being the first ones to have changed with foreign influences), but here we're on the bullet list to make your languages seem more complex than they are in easy steps. Not... actually making a complex language in a complex way.
Change sounds by having accents on syllabes, umlauts, trémas, circonflexe, tilds, doesn't matter. But only on, say, words taken from this or that language family if you're inspiring it from real languages. And only one accent per word, and not on every word! I know some real words have multiple accents but if you put too much of these it will feel cheap (again, this doesn't apply to Tolkien who is the god of modern linguistics and languages-inventing and is free to do whatever he wants with his accents, and also he had actual reasons to put accents here because his languages were complex).
Declinations. Have you considered that vocative and genitive could be funny things to develop? Not asking you to remember what ablative and dative are, nor to make accusative it's own thing, but genitive definitely needs to stand out and vocative makes for a more complexe-looking language. "Hey, Jack!" "Hey, Jack'oyl!" "That's Jack's shirt!" "That's Jackini shirt/shirt Jackini" and stuff like that.
Having two different plurals, one for words ending with a vowel, one for words ending with a consonnant. Better yet, having one typical plural, and one weird plural that only applies to six or seven words ending with seemingly standard sounds (all the same sound but these sounds are found elsewhere and considered standard in other words). Never explain why those are singled out.
on shirt jackini's subject, maybe have the haver and the havee switch places in the order of the sentence. It will make it look like you know what you're doing and drawing inspiration from not-so-famous languages.
add the same suffix or prefix to every word borrowed to another languages (your fantasy species didn't have computers until your isekaid protagonist came in with his laptop and made it a commonplace object? call it a Kompiooteryl. Fried chicken was introduced by your MC? "fride-tshikenyl". Also don't forget those borrowed words might be changed (as i just did) by having them written phonetically in the acquiring language.
That's basically it, I could have talked to you at length (well not that much) of belief-level indicators in conjugation and other subtilities but I think we'd be leaving the domain of simple changes to enter complexe's domain.
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dragonakina · 2 years
akina Q&A!! and her story (atari included at the end) NEW UPDATE GUYS PLEASE TAKE A LOOKE AT THE INFO OF AKINA UNDER HER PICTURE
btw i can draw just about any species you ask for! ill also be doing a q&a for my main oc akina! just to sum it up so yall can think of questions she is in the ninjago universe she is one of the first spinjitsu masters greatest creations her mother is the dragon queen and her father is the oni king she has a two sided personality but she is known as "realm protector" she is as old as garmadon and wu and is like family to the ninja are like best friends and great each other with a punch in the arm! akina has had her bumps in the road when she first came to ninjago when it was young she took over it and ruled it but stepped down after a while feeling sad and feeling it wasnt the destiny she thought she wanted years went by and she met the ninja and that is how he friendship with them began akina's mother never liked her b/c her oni side was more dominant but her father has always been there for her they fight a lot normally just settle opinions fighting is an oni's way to settle things or arguments and i mean fist fighting in witch normally ended up with injuries akina had always wanted a child but she never got into a relation ship that worked out so since she has the power of creation just like the first spinjitsu master she used that ability to created solar star her daughter. akina moved bk to the first realm and became the ruler/queen taking control from her parents! before akina lived with the ninja for a long time. In that time akina and lloyd became close friends they would great eachother by punching one another in the arm. after a while akina began to get bored with just sitting around all day in meetings so she began to explore the universe and thats how she found the rise of tmnt she wondered into the realm she walked for a while and was greeted by the turtles attacking her thinking she was evil she kicked their butts and asked them why they did that after they talked they took her to the liar and she then met atari donnie's girlfriend! after that day akina went there often when she wasnt busy bk in her realm she became close to the turtles like she did with the ninja she was especially fond of leo and he seemed fond of her too she would often hang out with leo, watch tv with mikey,explore with raph or work on inventions with donnie and have gal time with atari! after a while her and leo began to go on dates together leo fell head over heals for akina and akina fell for him but they arent dating yet but they are thinking about it akina loved being int the turtles world.
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akina basic information name: akina age: ??? sex: female statues: single but likes someone likes: training: she likes to train to stay strong and always in shape and up to date! rain: she loves water and rain it makes her feel happy french fries:she loves french fries its her fav snack fighting: she likes to fight she loves a good competition!! dancing: she likes to dance she even dance fights(dance fighting) she also uses dancing as a good distraction sunflowers: she loves sunflowers they give her good thoughts and reminds her of summer summer: she loves summer all the flowers,rain,sunlight everything's in bloom.
dislikes: rain,worms,barny the dinosaur,your face,makeup,dresses,getting stared at,cloths,shoes atari art (not mine) atari is a complete mystery ask questions all i will say atari wasnt always a mutant she used to be human but was mutated and after a while started working at an underground hidden mutants bar/cafe she met donnie while she was working one day. time skip when leo was alone training he asked atari to train with him she refused and he said "its ok if your not a good fighter" so she trained with him and whooped his butt but had a bit of trouble after getting a bloody nose after seeing her fight the had her join the team.
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scarceghost · 2 years
Day 8 he is NOT the green noon robots BELIEVE ME PLEASE
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Yeah, kinda hate how the main image turned out eugh and I liked his design too… also sorry for being gone a lot. But hey, at least I figured out how to make the oil look cool so thats a plus!!
But here’s the lore, so tinker was growing increasingly worried that an accident would occur and render him unable to do what he loved most, making cool inventions and machines. So he had designed Prosthetic limbs and fake body parts so if an accident were to happen he would still be able to operate and create machinery.
so he asked his good buddy plague knight (pre death) if he could surgically attach them to his body when the time came, and plague agreed.
and well the time indeed came, one of his machines malfunctioned and exploded. He was rushed to the explodaterium and the surgery had quickly started.
Once tinker awoke he was able to move his limbs and his body seemed completely fine! He thanked plague knight and went on his way back to the clockwork tower. Of course, when he finally got back he found himself unable to do certain actions. He could not make sharp turns and “purposely tripped” way more often. His moral compass seemed to be off as well, for some reason he wished others harm and wanted to express that in a more physical way. At some point most of his actions were influenced by the malfunctioning equipment sowed into his skin and nerves.
later on after black knight had defeated tinker, and his comically large tank tinker charged at black knight who sidestepped out of the way. This made tinker crash into a box and black knight quickly sealed him inside of it. Later after the events of SoH tinker is then repaired by the hengineer.
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now lets talk abilities, tinker can open his mask/face and it will reveal several saws that can grind up material. Please do not stick your hand in as that’s how he eats and he is not fond of cannibalism and might have a mental break down.
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he can also skate around with the wheels on his shoes. He is also pretty new at skating so he can be off balance and trip. But at least he’s faster..
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The tubes on his legs are also used to pump out smoke and gas.
He cannot make sharp turns like previously mentioned so he cannot dodge attacks and can be grabbed pretty easily
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Not an ability but I wanted to put this in here because I thought it wasn’t very visible but underneath tinkers apron are cute little coattails (I think that’s what their called) I just like drawing tinker with them because I think its cute.
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Also not an ability but his fingers are very long and sharp. Tinker really likes wearing gloves and prefers to wear them all the time. However, since his fingers are so long and pointy the gloves rip all the time. :(
But yeah that’s about it, propeller is next!!!
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spectatingwitchowl · 1 year
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note: do not repost this image. if you find this on someone else's profile, just comment my username on their post (dandelione01whatever on tumblr and dandelione._01 on instagram). no need for further arguments. just do the right thing.
꒰⁠ Home's Closest Proximity ꒱
Her mind was a set of gears, creating machine works like there's no tomorrow, unaware that she was running out of fuel and was getting exhausted from working for hours on end per day. Creating intricate robots had always been a hobby and passion of hers, promising the town of an efficient alternative to regular items, constantly inventing new ways to help everyone in every task there is— her creations were to serve as well-structured shoes that makes running through time and catching up to the advancements of humankind easier. However, there were several moments wherein she would neglect herself in the process, forgetting to eat and barely getting enough sleep. What was supposed to be a mere therapeutic hobby took a toll on her physical well-being.
Berry sighs in exhaustion, standing up from a cushioned wooden seat after sitting for five hours straight. She removed her stained apron, stretched her arms out and arched her back for a bit before leaving the workshop and into the kitchen to drink warm tea and eat two buttered toasts. Her arms that reached towards the plates were then interrupted.
"Berry! How is the forager bot going?"
Lily, her dearest company. She had been there and seen her own advancements, suggesting brilliant ideas that inspired many of her works, the first person to be seeing her potential before being released into the world in need. If anything, it's as if she was sent a guardian angel.
"It is definitely going. I'm almost done with it— and I promise I will give myself a rest after this."
"Yeah, by drawing tons of sketches and concepts. You should give your mind a break as well, you know? You aren't built like a machine, churning out an astonishing amount of work and still remaining physically intact for an amount of time." She was right, admittedly. This was a bit too much for her, judging from how she looks.
"The same thing goes for you, too. You've been foraging a lot and harvesting from the most dangerous of places. It's not like we have nine lives." They were similar in their own ways— this was one of those examples. Lily had been involved in quite a lot of accidents from picking the best delicacies of nature at the cost of her safety, coming home with either a fresh wound or bruise. "If anything, I think it's both of us that needed a break."
Lily glances at the boiling kettle. "Indeed, indeed." She said before turning off the stove and pouring the water into two cups, soaking the tea bags before pouring in milk. Berry prepares the toasts, placing a square of butter on top of a golden brown slice of bread.
They finish their meals at a reading nook by the window, their exhaustion taken away be the feeling of soft pillows which they rested their backs against. The afternoon had never felt as cozy, warm meals and a nice chat accompanied by heavy rain in the background. A perfect weather for a nap, Lily thought.
"That was a great meal. Perhaps I could take a nap?"
"Alright, then." She gestures to her lap. Lily proceeds to lay down on her as Berry's fingers gently brush against her hair. They help each other with their exhaustion, staying with one another like peas in a pod. They themselves were the building blocks of each other's shelter. Home had never felt any closer within each other's company.
A sweet little drawing of the inventor, Berry— and the arcade machine nerd and foraging enthusiast, Lily. This old couple-like pairing truly brings me back to when I made them around six years ago. That also means that their names were also not so decent and sounds more like what a stereotypical Mary Sue would be named as (Bubble Berry and Pastelily). Either way, I would use them for roleplaying with a few friends before we had our own separate ways, leaving these two in my world, free for writing and development according to my preferences. Again, a happy pride month from yours truly.
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Prey Review
Today we watched Prey, a movie I was told that had just been released on Disney+. Now, Disney and I right now do not get along, It is hard to respect them, to be honest, when they released the new Pinocchio and is working on the new The Little Mermaid and lightyear.
I don't like them anymore due to their views on feminists and racism and so much more, they tend to have a level of woke to them which is just sad because they spend time making characters gay but don't work on making them likeable or even a good character. That's what happened in this movie.
This movie is about a girl who is from a family tribe that relies on the town to survive, the main character is a female protagonist that wants to become a hunter and so people allow her for some reason, even though that’s not how people were like back then. Instead of all of the men thinking she was useless from the start they believe that she can do it, mainly her brother but when she is a damsel for two seconds they believe that she is a useless woman that belongs back with the rest of them which in my opinion is unrealistic.
The girl tries to redeem herself by going hunting to prove herself buts ends up falling victim again to a monster that is invisible and out for blood. The girl wants to catch it which the men don’t want because they also don’t believe her but then all of the men die except her because they were around the monster at the time. The girl spends the rest of the movie trying to survive and kill this alien monster who is invisible at times.
The girl ends up killing it in the end with glowing blood all over her and brings its head with her to the tribe. Proving that she is a hunter.
I don’t like this movie, it was quite boring at times and when you see woke feminism/man-hating stuff it just makes me hate it even more. I have no doubt a woman can hunt down an alien but I also don’t believe she can, the entire time I wasn’t rooting for her because she just want interesting or likeable enough for me to care if she died or not.
These are the notes I wrote down on the paper:
“The movie looks and feels good to watch. However, the story and the characters are lacking. For some reason, I am quite bored and I do hate the “woke” this movie has. I don’t like Disney at the moment due to how they have been putting out complete garbage recently, apart from “Encanto”. I am sure that she can kick some butt, however, it feels forced due to Disney making their movies woke to get people to talk about them even if it is in a bad way.
The story is slightly confusing and the alien doesn’t fit at all in the world they are in. I know that is what they are going for but it’s kind of strange to me.”
For the last part of this session, I was given the choice to draw an alien or a triable warrior or both. I chose a triable warrior because that felt more appealing to me, I didn’t want to draw an alien because if I was, I would probably make it cute but that wasn’t the theme of the movie and that didn’t feel right to me so a warrior felt suitable.
I wanted to make her a female warrior because I do like the fact that she was a girl in this movie, however, the delivery in this movie wasn’t great. I wanted to give her short black hair to look more like a Tomboy and make her feel closer to the men so she feels better about herself when she hunts with them. I wanted to give her a skirt with some tassels at the end because that reminded me of Pocahontas and because it looked cool, I also gave her shorts so nothing can be seen underneath. I also gave her an animal skin top acting like bandages but also giving her a one-shoulder strap look. I also wanted to give her markings on her skin to make her look like a warrior. I also made her barefoot because I don’t think shoes were invented back then. And if they were, they would only be worn in the winter, not in the in-between seasons.
I like how she turned out, it was a shame that this movie gave me not much motivation to draw but I still like how she turned out.
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hello-vampire-kitty · 3 years
Servamp chapter 106 "Isolated pawn"
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READ HERE Man, this chapter was long and it took a while to translate because I also did another project and this chapter had some vague dialogue which I hope understood, hence why I make notes. I also wanna say thanks again for participating in the live stream I made for this chapter! I did say that in the live streams, I would be translating what I could understand from the first time seeing the chapter so you can get an idea of what goes on until I make the proper scanlations.
Okay, so here are the notes for this chapter:
Starting with the title, we have the chess term "Isolated pawn".
From the wiki, it says that "In chess, an isolated pawn is a pawn that has no friendly pawn on an adjacent file. Isolated pawns are usually a weakness because they cannot be protected by other pawns. The square in front of the pawn may become a good outpost or otherwise a good square for the opponent to anchor pieces. Isolated pawns most often become weaker in the endgame, as there are fewer pieces available to protect the pawn."
I don't know about chess so I can't make a good connection with the plot, but I do have a theory.
Nicco is used as a pawn by Mikuni and he became isolated because Mikuni caused the Gluttony pair to break up, leaving Nicco alone, isolated from his Servamp and his comrades. This is my opinion.
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Part of the dialogue is obscured here, that's why in the translation I wrote "that", because we don't know what Nicco was referring to. Page 5
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I mentioned in my stream that when there are dots next to the words like you see in this panel, they are used for emphasis and I bold or italicize words, sometimes doing both in order to convey the emphasis. Page 11
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Here it's about Ildio's dialogue in the last panel. ニコんとこ 「ここ」 The furigana reading is ここ which means "here" but the regular reading says ニコんとこ which is a short version of saying ニコのところ which would translate as "Nicco's place (in the context of "my place=my house/home)", and I believe this might be referring to the idea of Ildio being part of Nicco's group, being part of his "house", let's say. Maybe it's because Nicco doesn't like to use violence, unless if it was absolutely necessary, perhaps he didn't have Ildio engage in conflicts. Page 15
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Hyde's dialogue was a bit difficult here...What I'm not sure about was his first line このどこかから because この means "this", どこかから means "from somewhere", I couldn't quite understand what he meant and I didn't find some references that used that phrase. I mean, I could understand as "finding someone somewhere", but what about "this"? It sounded vague, like, without it we just have "I know what it means to find that one person". By the way, ただ一人 means "one/single" person but I believe that saying "that one" person works here because he is talking about his experiences he had with the people that were his Eves. Page 17
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We are introduced to a new character Toto Mori who is also a mafia family boss like Nicco ,and his family name seems to be in reference to the Latin phrase "Memento mori" (remember that you die), much like how Nicco's family name is "Carpe diem" (seize the day), also a Latin phrase. I for one think that this character's name ,Toto, came from repeating the last two letters from the word memento. (memenTO TO Mori). Another thing to explain here is the part where it says that the groups are "even." The term in Japanese 痛み分け means "match declared drawn due to injury", it can mean a "draw" and it can also be used in the context of saying "we are even". Page 18
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I hope I managed to convey the meaning of what he says here... The word ケジメ from けじめを付ける means "to make a distinction" (between right and wrong, public and private), to draw a line, to make it clear where one stands, and it's from the latter meaning that I understood what he was saying and using a reference I found, the context was about settling a matter which is also the case here.
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Oh man, I was so happy to see Gil and Ray. Those who watched the livestream heard me saying "IT'S THEM! MY BOYS! Yeah, so on the livestream I thought that Iduna was saying about the mechanism in the shoes, was that it could harden the Jinn, but actually the word that she used here 固定 means "fixing (in place), secure, immobilize. That's quite the invention she made! In the second panel, the word that Gil uses (in my translation where I wrote "high spirits"), is "high" and I laughed, like 'what, he is saying about her that she's high?!" The context is that she was happy and I googled to see if there is something about this because it says that she stayed up late at night and you can also google if you are interested, about how sleep depravation can cause euphoria apparently.
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For the last page, where it says ニコ (Nicco), and that's the furigana reading, for the regular reading it says "boss".
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dracowars · 4 years
Hii! So i have seen that your request is currently open! Also that you are kind of new here (i guess? Idrk)! I was wondering if i could request one? The story goes like draco pulls a prank on y/n (any kind really its up to you!) then later on showers her with his love (gift too because we all know he got the ✨ money money ✨ so thats it! (Its very fluffy im sorry) i hope you can do it totally alright if you cant tho!! I hope to see more of your works! God Bless💗
fun and games | draco malfoy
pairing: draco x slytherin!reader
word count: 3,3k
summary: where draco takes pranking y/n too far
a/n: thank you so so much for requesting! <3 since this is my first ever request i'm a little bit nervous >.< i really hope that you like it and that it lives up to your expectations! i feel honored that you trusted me with your request even though i'm still pretty new on here ♡
warnings: none
universe: harry potter
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You can't remember when it started, you only know that it did and that it slowly starts to annoy the hell out of you. Not because you don't understand fun, you really do, but you can't even spend a quiet minute with your boyfriend Draco anymore since he started acting like Fred and George Weasley, always pulling a prank on you with every possibility he got.
Some of those were actually funny and made you laugh, but at some point it just got too much. Every time you are with him now, you expect something to happen. Whether it is that he calls you to him to show you fantastic beasts that do not exist, making you look like a fool while he laughs, or that he hides two of your belongings somewhere around Hogwarts, telling you that it is actually three objects that you then have to search for like crazy. He even gave you Veritaserum once, just to ask you an endless number of questions which you inevitably had to answer. All of that you already went through. But today was somewhat different.
Draco did not pull a prank on you for weeks now, which you can not complain about at all, in fact you are quite happy about it. After his last prank you asked him to finally stop and it seems like he listened to you. Still, something feels very weird.
You haven't seen Draco today, which is rather unusual for you and your relationship because neither of you can last longer than a few hours without the other. You have just come out of your Defense Against the Dark Arts class and look around the hallway, expecting to spot him somewhere, while your classmates walk past you to head to their break. Usually, Draco always picks you up after class so that you can spend time together until your next course. But you don't see him anywhere today.
At the end of the hallway you spot Fred and George trying to sell one of their newest and greatest inventions to a first-year. You shake your head and roll your eyes. These two are probably responsible that your boyfriend had his prank phase, even though he absolutely despises every Weasley. Of course Draco would never admit it, but you think that he copied a lot from them.
"Leave the poor child alone, Weasley's", you tell them while passing them, not wanting to wait longer for Draco to pick you up. Regrettably you shouldn't have opened your mouth because all of a sudden they apparate in front of you out of nowhere, making you flinch and taking a step back. "What, Y/N? Did I hear you correctly?", George says, wiggling his eyebrows at Fred. "You really want to test our new creation?", Fred adds with a smile.
"No, thank you. I've had enough of pranks lately", you assure them with a forced smile. Obviously offended by your statement, the red haired twins cross their arms over their chest, giving you a disapproving look before vanishing again. Shaking your head, you make your way to your common room, hoping to meet Draco on the way there. Unfortunately, that does not happen and you slowly start to have a bad feeling. Where is he?
Once you arrive in the dungeons, you say the password and enter the common room, which is cosy warm in contrast to the cold corridors outside. After all, it's winter; what else should you expect from the temperature? Several Slytherin's buzz around, sitting at the green fire or studying at the tables. But still, no sign of Draco.
You spot Crabbe and Goyle on one of the sofas, who have their eyes focused on you. As soon as they realize that you look back at them, they burst into giggles and look away as if nothing happened. Their weird behavior lets you frown in confusion. Before you can confront them about it, Pansy suddenly appears right in front of you and thus into your field of vision.
"Y/N! We want to go down to the lake in a few minutes. It's frozen solid for the first time this year! Do you want to join us?", she offers, her outfit already perfectly adapted to the cold temperature outside. "Do you know where Draco is?", you blurt out, not answering to her question at all. "No? Why would I?", Pansy responds irritated.
You loudly breathe out. "Nevermind. Enjoy your trip to the lake", you wish her and give her a small smile, then walk past her and towards your room in the girls' dormitories. You don't miss the look that Crabbe and Goyle give you as well as their giggles when you make your way out of the big room though.
While walking your gaze falls on something laying on the ground and you immediately stop in your tracks abruptly. You bend down and pick it up in amazement, a now much bigger smile forming on your lips. In your delicate hand you're now holding a rose petal. Looking in front of you, you notice more rose petals on the floor. They seem to show you the way to your room.
It must have been Draco, he definetely wants to surprise you after a stressful day, you are sure about that. Quickly and with unbelievable enthusiasm you follow the path to your closed door. You imagine how you will open the door and come into your room, there will be a romantic atmosphere with warm candlelight and Draco will lovingly greet you, hug you and kiss you until-
You have just opened the door when suddenly a huge mass of cold water falls down on you, completely soaking you from head to toe. Because of the shock and the sudden coldness surrounding you, you gasp for air. In front of you, you do not see your desired romantic atmosphere or any candles, but only your laughing boyfriend.
"I got you again!", Draco rejoices and praises himself while you can only watch him in shock. You look down at yourself and lift one of your feet out of the puddle beneath you which you are now standing in. Water drips from your hair and your uniform to the floor. Your boyfriend's cheeky laugh echoes in your ears. Slowly your whole body begins to tremble, although you are not sure wheather it comes from the cold water or from the anger boiling up inside of you.
Assuming that you find the successful prank as funny as he does, he keeps laughing, not noticing your anger yet. "Fred and George did the same prank with Weaselbee the other day, so I had to try it out as well. It worked! Crabbe and Goyle helped me set it up and-"
"I hate you so much!", you scream at him angrily, no longer able to keep your anger under control. Draco's expression falls immediately, obviously not expecting this kind of a reaction. You are still stiffly standing under the door frame, stretching your arms away from your body to somehow escape the extreme cold, water still running down, even under your clothes. "Why do you never know when it's time to stop?! I thought you wanted to surprise me!"
A little taken aback, Draco slowly approaches you while you are busy with wringing out your wet hair. "Don't you dare touch me now, Draco Malfoy!", you command and he obeys your words, stopping a few inches in front of you. "Love, it was just supposed to be fun..", he mumbles dejected, insecurely rocking back and forth on his feet, slowly realizing his mistake.
"Yeah, of course. For you it's always all fun and games until someone dies!", you angrily rebuke him. "I'm completely wet, I'm damned cold, as if it wasn't already cold enough outside, and all I wanted is to spend a relaxing and nice afternoon with my boyfriend who, as always, only got nonsense in his mind and not thinks about his girlfriend's feelings!", you complain, getting rid of your wet cloak while bumping into him with your shoulder as you walk past, throwing it onto your bed. You sit down next to it on the soft mattress and take off your soaking wet shoes as well. For a few minutes there is nothing but silence between you two.
"Y/N..", Draco breaks the silence, but you just shoot him a scathing glance, your lower lip now trembling from the coldness surrounding your body. "I don't want to hear anything, Draco. Really", you scoff and roll your eyes, standing up to finally get out of your uncomfortable clothes. "Can you leave, please? I want to change", you ask him reproachfully, but he doesn't move a single bit.
"I'm responsible for this so let me help you, okay? I'm sorry", he says, sincerity in his sad voice. You can't even answer him as he already pulls out his wand and casts a spell you don't recognize. The puddles on the floor disappear and your clothes are suddenly dry again. All that is left is the unbearable cold around you. Freezing, you draw your cloak tighter around you and give Draco a very small but thankful smile.
He looks at you thoughfully before spreading his arms to invite you into a warm hug, which you gladly accept. Even though you're mad at him, he still manages to make you soften again. You wrap your arms tightly around his waist and he gently strokes your back with one hand in hopes to warm you up at least a little bit, then places a gentle kiss of the top of your head and hugs you even tighter, pulling you closer to his much warmer body. He can clearly feel your body tremble against his. "I'm really sorry, love. I hope you can forgive me for my stupid behavior..", he breathes into your ear, loosening your arms around his waist to take your ice-cold hands in his.
He closely examines your face, searching for any hint of what your answer could be like. No longer able to resist his pleading stare and shimmering gray eyes, you slowly nod to assure him that you will forgive him. Of course you will; you love him way too much to let something this silly destroy your relationship. More than happy with your answer, he cups your cheeks between his hands, his silver ring coldy pressing against your skin, and gives you a loving kiss.
"I will make up for it, I promise", he speaks against your lips after you broke the kiss, his thumb caressing your lower lip softly. "As long as you stop those stupid pranks, idiot", you roll your eyes, still feeling a tiny bit upset about the incident. A little chuckle escapes his lips and he pulls you close against him again. "Let's warm you up first, hm?", Draco whispers and before you know it he has apparated both of you back into the common room. Because everyone left to go to the lake you're now completely alone in the big room.
Without your consent, Draco pulls you onto one of the couches near the fireplace so you can warm up. With the help of a spell, he increases the flame a little more. Out of nowhere he throws you a fluffy, thick blanket and wraps you in it, your body now slowly but surely heating up.
While you're still busy making yourself comfortable, Draco extinguishes all the lights in the room except for a few candles, which dip the quiet room into a soothing light, creating a relaxing atmosphere for you two.
"Are you feeling warmer already? Do you need something else? What about a hot chocolate?", he questions you, still feeling extremly horrible for what he made you go through. "A hot chocolate sounds very nice, actually", you accept his offer, deciding to take advantage of the situation, innocently smiling at him. It does not even take him one single second and he suddenly vanishes into thin air. Shaking your head but smiling to yourself you watch the flame in the fireplace while you wait for him to return.
To your amazement, it takes him a lot longer than you expected and that just for a simple hot chocolate. After about a quarter of an hour he pops up again in front of you all of a sudden, two steaming cups in his hands. He serves you your hot drink with a cheeky smile on his face. "As requested: one perfectly hot chocolate, but not nearly as hot as you", he winks at you before making himself comfortable next to you.
"What took you so long?", you ask and take a sip, skillfully ignoring his statement. "Had to.. run a few more errands, you know. I'm a very busy man", he smirks at you, holding the, in his hands much smaller looking, cup. You look at him in disbelief and then discover a few white spots on his uniform that make you raise your eyebrows in confusion. "It's snowing outside?", you question and point to the snowflakes on his cloak that are slowly melting in the warm room. "Care to explain why you were outside?"
"Uh, well.. I just wanted to please my lovely girlfriend", he explains and takes something out of his pockets. You immediately know what it is and sit up excitedly, but before you can grab it, you pull your hand back. "That's not another one of your pranks, is it?", you pout and look in his eyes for an answer, any sign that this really is just normal candy from Honeydukes and not some experiments he bought from Fred and George.
"Come on, Y/N! They are not poisoned. Eat now or I froze myself to death out there for nothing", Draco assures you and you decide to trust him, carefully opening the candy, revealing the actually normal, delicious sweets that you love so much. Happily eating them you don't even notice at first how Draco keeps staring at you, one of his fingers nervously tapping the rim of his cup.
"Y/N?", Draco finally clears his throat, sitting up straight while you look at him with big expectant eyes. The way he pronounces your name, how the letters roll of his tongue create goosebumps all over your skin, causing you to cuddle up more into the cozy blanket, waiting for him to continue. His gaze wanders back and forth between you and his warm drink, of which he has not drunk very much yet.
He opens his mouth to say something again but notices the goosebumps on your arm, the alarm bells in his head loudly going off immediately. "Are you still cold? Wait a second!", Draco tells you, without waiting for an answer, and jumps up, running to his prefect room and coming back a few seconds later to give you one of his green Slytherin sweaters. "Here. Put it on, it will warm you up", he commands and examines you carefully as you pull it over your head, the pleasant scent of his perfume clouding your senses instantly.
Your cheeks turn a little bit red, on the one hand because of the extreme warmth that now surrounds you and on the other hand because Draco gives you such a sweet and tender look, as if you are the most beautiful and precious being in this world; which, in fact, you definetely are to him. He moves closer to you and puts his arm around your shoulders so that you can lean against his chest and snuggle up to him. Draco gently runs his fingers over your hair, over your cheeks and to your chin, which he slightly lifts up, making you look at him.
Neither of you say anything for a while, you just look each other deep in the eyes. Draco brushes one strand of hair behind your ear that fell into your face and slowly leans in. You close your eyes, waiting for him to connect your lips, but he teasingly stops shortly before, his breath fanning against your skin. "I have something for you.. as an apology", he gently whispers and you open your eyes in surprise. "You don't have to give me anything, Draco. I've already forgiven you, you know that", you smile at him, cupping one of his cheeks which makes him smile.
He takes your hand in his and squeezes it lightly, kisses your knuckles and then shakes his head with a sigh. "I know. Still, I feel bad and want to give you something. Something very meaningful and significant", he declares, reaching into his pocket once again. Eventually, his secrecy makes you kind of curious anyway and you look at his hand eagerly, waiting to see what the gift will be.
Draco pulls out a small black box covered in velvet. Your curious gaze focuses on the box, which contents are still unknown to you until he finally opens it and reveals a beautiful, gold shimmering and, above all, quite expensive looking necklace. Small moons and stars hang on it, but the real focus of the indescribably lovely piece of jewelry is in the middle. The bigger splendid pendant attached to it is none other than his name, Draco, written in an artistic curved font. Overwhelmed, your mouth drops open.
"Actually, I wanted to give it to you for our anniversary this year, as a thanks for sticking around with me for so long, no matter how stupid and silly and annoying I was. Somehow it just felt like the right moment to give it to you now", Draco explains in a calm voice, no sight of the silly boy from a few hours ago, and takes the necklace out of its box, gesturing that you should turn around so he can carefully place it around your neck. He leaves a few butterfly kisses along your neck before you turn around to him again, immediately touching the pendant with your fingertips, slightly pressing it against your soft skin.
"I thought I would give you my first name as long as I can't give you my last", Draco smiles timidly, a tear escaping from the corner of your eye as you pull him into a tight embrace. "D-Draco.. I don't know what to say.. I love you so much", you sob into his neck, placing a kiss right there. His arms wrap around you and he breathes out contentedly and somewhat relieved. "I was afraid that you would reject me..", he whispers nearly inaudible, more to himself than to you.
"I would never even think about rejecting you! But do you really promise that you will make it come true, Draco? That you will give me the honor to receive your last name?", you ask seriously, retreating a bit so you are able to look at his handsome face. A smile creeps its way onto his lips at your so serious but also hopeful facial expression. "I don't want anything more in my life than that, darling", Draco clarifies honestly and then takes the pendant with his name on it between his thumb and index finger. "This is a promise", he repeats softly and gives you a quick but loving kiss.
Despite the short kiss, you feel a pleasant warmth inside of you and the butterflies flutter around in your stomach. You put your hands around his neck and can't help but grin brightly, trying to hide it by biting down on your lower lip. Immediately, Draco's thumb comes up to your lip and stops you from doing so, looking back and forth between your shiny eyes and plump lips.
The next kiss you share is so passionate and with so much love that you forget everything around you in a matter of seconds, fading out your surroundings. Now, there is only you and Draco. And a promise that you hold close to your heart.
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sukorakurai · 3 years
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@snarkyship is a true genius. I commission this Stark Family Portrait and I couldn’t be happier. I wrote a little fic to accompany this fabulous Picture. hope you all enjoy.
Stark Family Picture Day
 By Sukora Kurai
  Tony sighed over the counter in the communal kitchen. He had been there since dawn when he asked Jarvis what day it was. Then his trusty AI informed him of an importance of this month. Now he was stuck with what to do now.
 “Hey Tony what’s got you down?”
 “Hey Capsicle, I’m doomed.”
 “Oh come on Tony, it can’t be that bad you are an Avenger.” Steve smiled as he got out food to make omelets for the Team, and greeted the in coming members. “Morning Nat, morning Bruce.”
 “Morning Steve, what’s wrong with Tony?” Bruce greeted heading to the stove to put the kettle on for his morning tea.
 “Not sure I found him like this.” Steve stated cracking some eggs into a bowl.
 “His and Loki’s anniversary is this month and he has no idea what to get him.” Nat answered pouring a large mug of coffee.
 Tony shot up in his seat and stared slack jawed. “How could you possibly know that?”
 “It’s my job as a shield Agent and Pepper’s PA to keep tabs on you. So it is well documented when you clumsily asked Loki to be your boyfriend during the Lord of the Rings Marathon where you bought out the AMC Theater for the day.” The Spy shrugged ignoring the fact that all her team mates stared at her in horror. All were now wondering what she had on them in those SHIELD files.
 “So Tony, you have and anniversary coming up? Have you though about what Loki might like?” Steve coughed drawing the conversation back to the main topic.
 “No, I don’t. What does one give a god especially one that has magic and can make anything appear out of thin air?” Tony waved his arms in frustration.
 “That is a tough one but I’m sure anything you get him will be fine. Loki loves you Tony.” Bruce tried to be supportive.
 “I hope you will be putting more thought into the gift you give me next month for our anniversary.” Nat gave the Gamma Doctor a pointed before wandering out of the room to start her routine before heading out to work.
 “Ha, I’m not the only one in hot water now!” Tony crowed at the look of devastation in his science-bro’s face.
 “Tony, knock it off. Now in my day it was the thought that counted most. You should find what Loki cherishes the most. You find that then you can present to him in a meaningful way. It’s true he’s a prince and probably has had his other lovers throw jewels and meaningless expensive trinkets at him to win his affections. You know Loki better because you love him and he loves you.” Steve pointed out.
 “Yeah, Lokes complains a lot about his life in Asgard and that there were many who wooed him just to get to Thor. At night when it’s just the two of us and RC snuggled between us he sighs soft and says what a perfect night it is. He never elaborates but I think it means that he likes just the quiet nights with us.” The genius eyes went glazed as he recalled the many nights he cuddled with his god. Then the idea hit him. “Hey Spangles, can you paint or do you just draw?”
 “Huh,” Steve was caught off guard and almost dropped the omelet he was flipping. “I paint from time to time.”
 “Don’t lie babe you are in your studio whenever can get the chance.” Bucky laughed entering the kitchen. “All the paintings in our apartment Stevie did.”
 “Great! Can you do a portrait if I get you a picture?” Tony asked digging in to the ham and cheese omelet.
 “Yeah, it might take two weeks maybe less depends on if we get called out or if SHIELD needs me.” The captain estimated placing another plate in front of his boyfriend.
 “As long as it’s done before the end of the month we’re good.  Jarvis start looking through my photos and pull out any possible portraits.”
 “Yes, sir.”
 “Delicious breakfast as usual Capsicle. I’ll get you the photo as soon as I find one.” Tony dumped his empty plate in sink and ran off to his lab.
 Two hours later…
 “None of these are good enough J.”
 “Sir, might I suggest you take a new photo of you and Prince Loki.”
 “Yeah and RC too, because she’s our baby. We can’t have a Family Portrait without all the family members. Where’s are RC now?”
 “She is currently with Alpine in his play room.”
 “Cool, I think I got the perfect outfit in mind.” Tony grinned as he ran to his emergency closet in the lab. Tony had put in the closet when he realized he destroyed a lot of his clothes during his inventing and building phases. Also there was a suit or two for the days he forgot he was supposed to be in a meeting and had to make a rush to the board room.
  In the penthouse…
  It had been a quiet morning with no call outs, no calls to Asgard and no need to go anywhere. Loki decided to enjoy the peace and quite lounging in his soft Asgardian casual clothes on the couch reading his mother’s spell journal.
 “Hey there, Bambi! It’s Picture Day!”
 “Anthony, what are you on about?” The prince looked up from his book to see his lover carrying their cat into the living room.
 “Well Picture Day refers to the day school kids take pictures for the yearbook and photos are bought for family distribution. Anyways I want to have a family picture that was honest. I never had that growing up because Howard was an asshole and Maria, my mother, was frail. She loved me but she couldn’t express it because she was always ill. Now we have our own little family and I want a picture to put in the lab.”
 “You want to take this picture now? Anthony, I look a mess and how did you get the bow on the cat?”
 “Aww, you look gorgeous, love, as always. Anyways, I put a bow on our baby because RC loves to look pretty for her daddies. Don’t you sweetie.” Tony scratched under the kitty’s chin as they sat on couch next to the god.
 “Mew,” RC purred.
 “Fine, you win, where would you like to take the picture? Also what are you wearing? I don’t believe I’ve seen that outfit before, and what is on your feet?” Loki set his book aside and took in his lover’s appearance.
 “Oh you like? I dressed in red and gold to match my shoes. I had these shoes made based on my Iron Man suit. I thought maybe putting them on the market for kids but I liked them too much to share. So I have a life time supply in the lab. If you want I can have a pair made for you.”
 “No thank you. They clash with my outfit. Now let’s take your picture.” Loki said taking the cat in his arms.
 “Okay, okay. Let me get out my phone.” Tony fished his Stark Phone out of his back pocket and held it out to make them all fit in the frame. “Okay say cheese!”
 “Okay let’s see how that one turned out.” Tony looked at the photo to see him smiling a black blur and a bland look on Loki’s face. “Nope we got try again. This time smile Loki and RC you need to stay still so we can see you.”
 And it went picture by picture they have yet to take a family portrait.
 “Shit I only got half your face.”
 “Anthony your thumb is on the lens.”
 “RC Stay still!”
 “Achoo! Ow! I dropped on my foot!”
 “Do not eat my hair you Retched Creature!”
 “Okay I set it up on a tripod. Now say cheese.”
 “CHEESE BROTHER!” Thor popped up between the two men who stared at shock at the blond god.
 “Next!” Tony rolled his eyes as Loki vanished his brother to where ever. Tony didn’t ask where the Loki sent Thunder god. He rather liked staying in the tower and wanted to keep it that way.
 “No RC! Don’t chase the bunny!”
 Three Hours Later…
 “Okay, this is it I can feel it. Now Jarvis is going to take the picture the bunnies are secure in their room. The penthouse is locked down, so no unexpected guest and RC is filled of milk to keep her calm and relaxed. And I promise after we get this picture I will have Jarvis order you favorite meal from the Thai Palace down the street and I’ll rub your feet, while we watch you favorite Harry Potter movies.”
 “Oh Anthony you spoil me. I love you.” Loki sighed as a soft smile graced his face and he leaned into his lover as Tony joined their hands together. RC who was seated now on the god’s shoulder leaned in and purred soaking up the love of her people. The genius couldn’t be happier in that moment as he had his to precious family members with him and the grin on his face was wide and bright.
 Two Weeks Later…
 “Sir Prince Loki and Mr. Odinson have returned from Asgard.”
 “Great, I got everything ready. Tell Loki that I have dinner ready and waiting.”
 “Yes, sir.” Tony had the table set with Loki’s Favorite food from the five star steak house, they go to. He paid extra to have the chef come over and cook for their anniversary.
 “Thank you, Jarvis. Evening Anthony, never in my life had been so glad to leave Asgard. He talked for hours at the council over stagnant topics. What’s all this?”
 “Well my hard working God of Mischief, today is our one year Anniversary and I have planned the perfect evening. Dinner, a bath and I installed a movie screen in our bathroom so we can enjoy the movie of your choice during the bath and then I plan on us making love until dawn.” Tony pulled Loki over to the dinner table, watching as the god’s magic removed the armor and replaced it with comfortable Asgardian wear.
 “You lovely little man, you spoil me so; I don’t deserve it or you.” The Raven pulled the billionaire into his arms and planting kisses all over the man’s face.
 “Yes you do, because I love you and I got you something, well I got Cap to make it, but it was my idea.”
 “You didn’t have to, dinner is more than enough.”
 “No, I wanted to. Now close your eyes and I’ll get your present.” As Loki closed his eyes Tony ran out of the room and grabbed the portrait from where he hid it. He placed it on the wall then Jarvis turned on the lights illuminating the painting. “Okay open them.”
 “Oh Anthony! It’s wonderful.” Loki’s eyes became all misty seeing their little family together and there was so much love radiating from painting. “It’s perfect.”
 “Happy Anniversary Reindeer Games.”
 “Happy Anniversary, my Man of Iron.” Loki whispered pulling Tony in to the sweetest kiss they ever shared. They didn’t hear the click sound of Jarvis capturing the moment with the sunset background. Another memory to save for another day.
 The End.
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mari-lair · 4 years
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Norray halloween week Day 1: Ghosts!
If curious, below are some random info about this Teacher/ghost AU
Ray got a gun and he can use it. The ghost gun isn’t able to touch, much less physically hurt anyone, but it replicate the sound of a real gun, which contributed a lot to how low priced his haunted house rent has become. It nearly gave Norman a heart attack the first time he heard it.
After being dead for a while, Ray learned how to turn visible and invisible at will and play around small objects such as paper, shoes and butcher knives. He can control up to 4 small objects at a time or something relativaly heavy like a chair if he really concentrate. The more he got the hang of controling and moving small objects the lower his house rent become, rarely getting aggressive but still able to physically hurt people. On All Hallows Eve he can posses people’s bodies and get out of the house he haunts, but he always ends up back to his empty ‘home’ when the night is over.
Ray is an incredibly fast learner. Just by observing the people that visits his house, he learned a decent amount of modern english and understand the basics of how tecnology is a  thing now -he wished this advanced tecnology was invented when he was alive. It would make the of lack of food and nutrients less of a deadly nightmare in open sea.
As a pirate, Ray used to be the one in charge of doing most of the bloody work and take the night watch, protecting his captain’s back from both outside and inside forces. He was constantly alert, borderline paranoic. But as the years in death passed, he grew more calm, very patient. He usually don’t mind new people in his house, happy to learn more modern english and befriend the guests willing to tolerate him. If a new guest cross a line however,  Ray will do his best to scare them away. Hurt them or kill them by manipulating knives if he sees fit.
It’s very rare for adults to see Ray as anything other than a nonsense they have no energy to deal with or a warning sign for their crumbling lives, so he usually hang around kids. The childish company mellows him with time.
Ray is from a time where death was common and getting hurt was inevitable so what people consider pretty serious is something Ray considers mild “Why are you being so dramatic about seeing some bone? Be grateful your hand is still attached to your wrist after you slaped your daughter. If it wasn’t for her wishes you wouldn’t have legs to run away.”
Norman is considered a genius and have countless prizes under his belt. He wanted to go to the moon when he was a kid but because of his weak health, he knew he would not be acepted in the space program. He decided teaching was the next best thing later on, accepted as a teacher in a prestigious school while still young. He enjoys and understand all subjects but love history the most, unable to deny it was hard and frustrating to teach a whole class of teens at times but still liking his job. Having one student that was genuinaly interested in his class was more than enough to make his day.
When Norman first started teaching, he felt more responsable than he had his whole life. It wasn’t a bad feeling per see, but it made him anxious so he called his little sister Cherry once a week to ask her questions about her teachers and make sure he was doing a good job.
Norman may not be the funniest of teacher but he’s still a favorite for his palpable cares for his students. He does not make the subject easier than is requested but he put a lot of effort into making people enjoy their world history, teaching with passion and seriously answering any questions, no matter how silly or joking it sounds. He’s understanding and try his best to help those with dificulty with the subject, always giving people second chances, having lost countless nights of sleep correcting re-writen essays after deadlines and turning his test questions into podcasts for students with adhd, aware the big historical excerpts are fundamental for answering the test but too hard to focus, specially with limited time.
The lambda crew are problem children. Norman went the extra mile to save Barbara and Zazie from failing classes even outside history and left Vincent startruck with his wide knowladge about not only world history but a ton of subjects he could be teaching too if he wasn’t overworking himself. Norman is both happy to inspire the squad to study hard and also very awkward by their blind admiration.
The teacher had a firm “ghost don’t exist”  mentality, which is one of the reasons he brought the haunted house in the first place. He had chalked Ray up as an halucination from his sleep deprived brain, having the rotten luck of buying the house right after a bad guest owned. The ghost got more annoyed than usual from things as insignificant as Norman keeping the lights on for too long, putting music Ray doesn’t vibe with, or just acting unfairly cute, to more personal matters such as Norman studying about Ray and his family lives. They used to have a distant and bad relationship but once Ray noticed Norman had only admiration for history, being genuinaly kind when trying to talk instead of mocking his existence, Ray apologised. Norman was still wary at first but they quickly hit off, enjoying to learn what the other had to offer and matching in wits.
When Norman catch a fever or a bad cold Ray gets wary. He know, on some level, that medicine have evolved a lot, but he remenbers way too clearly how serious even the weakest of diseases could get if not imediatly treated.  He always stick by Norman’s side when the teacher sneezes, not taking his eyes off him. Usually Norman keep working when he catch a cold, so Ray learned to float Norman’s grading papers out of his reach when coughing joined his sneezes. Floating a paper is enough to get Norman to take a break most of the time, but if the get stubborn Ray will stop playing nice. Just lower his voice to comander mode and order “Rest. Now. Or I’ll make your life a living hell.” and Norman does what he’s told, it’s very unconfortable to have a gun in the face and he does feel very tired.
When Norman is seriously sick, not just coughing but stuck to his bed. Ray freak out and fear for his life. When it reached this level, most of his crewmates died or had to be thrown in the sea to not infect other. Yes Ray know it’s not as bad anymore, but even when he observed guests, they rarely got sick, and when it got bad they where taken to a doctor. Norman lives alone so he got no one to feed him and bring him blankets or take him to the doctor if he lies for hours in bed. Ray was all the help he would get and he is fucking dead, he can’t measure his temperature or take care of him properly. Ray does tries his best though. He concentrated a lot to float heavy blankets and pillows towards Norman. Imediatly fetching any pills asked of him and doing his best to make him tea. It isn’t tasty, but Norman still appreciates his care.
Ray is the first to fall in love, he think “If only I could  kiss this fool and hug him, I would do it on the daily. I wish he was alive back then... He would love meeting Emma...” at least once a week but a big part of him is just “Forget scurvy! Norman would die of cold or malnutricion before he reached 10. Thank god the helpless bastard took his sweet time to be born.”
Ray cannot touch any eletronics, he can’t even come close without phones, computers, and tvs turning to statics, so Norman buys an illustrated book about the Red Mane Pirates for Ray to see his crew again. He know is not perfect but is the best he can offer whenever Ray expresses missing his family.
They read together. Norman occasionally teaching a new word to his ghost and Ray correcting any historical inacuracy. It’s fun.
Norman finds an illustration of an alive Ray sleeping in the mast waaay too beautiful. Ray snort at the romantized draw, disolving into laughter by how Norman failed to hide his blush.
It became a habit to read history books together and tease each other. More often then not, it lead to a history class and way to much sass on both ends.
“Wait, so there really was a world war? I heard about it from old guests but I thought they were exagerating when they called world war! And what do you mean 2? There was a second one??”
“How did miss the second one? It was HUGE, quite horribl-”
“You were not even alive when it happened.”                                        
“Tecnically, you weren’t either Ray-” 
Ray is a bit scared of how attached he got to Norman, knowing eventually the man would die. He hopes it will take a long time, and that once he had a painless death, he will become a ghost too, but he doesn’t really believe Norman will ever turn into a ghost. Ray knows not everyone that dies became a ghost. Since someone as compassionable as Emma -even if she was forced to have blood and dirty choises on her hand to survive the merciless seas- was not cursed to became a ghost, he was confident someone as kind as Norman would dissapear from Ray’s afterlife once he died too.
More of this AU here
And since you reached the end of this text wall. You can have this bonus Norman being awkward/excited about their growing friendship.
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adamarinayu · 3 years
Since I can’t draw right now (it’s like 1 AM) I decided I’d just write things down about Domestic DUno AU (I still don’t have a proper name for it!!) so here we go~
Info below the cut to spare the mobile users my ramblings~~
-Donald first became PK as a teenager (14 or 15), pulling petty pranks and avenging perceived wrongdoings. He ended up accidentally becoming a hero after stopping a thief and unknowingly saving a young girl’s life, and he realized he could direct his temper, anger and frustration not at making other people miserable, but at protecting others. Gyro, who went to school with Donald (Donald and Della attended a private school that would accommodate their adventure schedule; Gyro, being the absolute genius he is, attended on a scholarship) was there and ended up helping, being the one to inadvertently provide PK with the weapon he fended off the criminals with. PK talked to Gyro and the two became partners in crime-fighting that way.
-After deciding to become a hero, it was small-town villains mostly that he dealt with. Thieves, and the like. He didn’t start fighting mutants and those kinds of things until he was 17 or so, and the Evronians didn’t show up until he was 18. This is when Scrooge gave him a summer job at his newly acquired tower, figuring since Donald didn’t want to go with him and Della on a three-month adventure (as Donald was needed in Duckburg, he couldn’t be gone for three months!!) then he may as well work and earn a little money. As Duckworth was still alive, Duckworth was in charge of the manor, so Donald didn’t need to worry about upkeeping the mansion.
-Donald met Uno after a failed attempt to fight the Evronians, and they partnered up, with Uno providing Donald with otherworldly advanced tech that Gyro... would probably understand if given the time and chance (come on, he built a time machine out of a bathtub, he could totally understand future tech). After the first battle with the Evronians that Donald eventually wins, he realized that the game had just just 10x more dangerous. Between working on his doctorate and interning for Scrooge’s science department (something the scientists working for Scrooge were salty about), Gyro didn’t have much time to work on new and improved inventions for PK so when Uno contacted Gyro about him stepping down from helping PK, Gyro agreed, acknowledging that the mysterious Uno Ducklair would probably be a better benefactor for the hero. He didn’t know PK’s identity, though, so he didn’t take the memory erasing candy. Instead he focused on his work.
-Years passed this way, with Donald and Uno working together. Of course Donald had his other adventures, such as with Jose and Panchito and Mickey and all them lovely folks, but Uno was his closest confidante and biggest supporter. He was the one he vented his frustrations with Della and Scrooge to, and the one to give him advice on how to deal with it and talk to them about it all.
-At some point during this time, Gladstone finds out Donald is PK. Of course it happens in the typical Lucky way- him finding out saved Donald’s life. Gladstone is shaken up by the knowledge that his cousin/brother is in danger every day and has almost died multiple times. Gladstone becomes a sort of third member of the whole Crime Fighting thing, yep, you heard it right, Cloverleaf is real here. He figures if he’s out in the field with Donald, then Donald will never die because of Gladstone’s supernaturally good luck. Uno, while frustrated with Gladstone’s unpredictable and illogical luck, accepts this. Donald is less keen because he doesn’t want Gladstone in danger’s path but when the gander makes up his mind it’s made up, yo.
-PK and Cloverleaf (CL from here on out) and Uno work together for 3 years before the Spear of Selene incident, where Donald is suddenly left with three eggs. Donald’s priorities now shifted, he quits being a hero and buys the houseboat so he can raise the triplets without Scrooge’s influence. Gladstone does what he can to help while trying to continue to protect Duckburg, and while watching CL on the news Donald has the sudden realization that Duckburg still needs him- new parent or not. So he (metaphorically!!) throws the eggs into their pram, rushes to Ducklair Tower, begs Lyla to watch the eggs for him and rushes off to CL’s aid. 
-After the danger is over, Donald collects the eggs, thanks Lyla for her help, then meets up with CL and Uno on the 151st floor where they have a serious conversation. Donald acknowledges that Duckburg still needs PK, but Della’s children also need him. The three eventually come to the conclusion that the kids would be raised by PK and Uno there in the Tower, where they would be safe- and they would be trained so they’re ready for anything thrown at them. (Gladstone is actually the one who is like “nah cuz you be their dad I’m not cut out for that, I’ll be the cool uncle, I don’t wanna live in the tower! No offense Uno” so it isn’t like Donald just decided to leave him out of the parenting)
-The eggs hatch and Donald names them sensible (AKA not Della’s list) names (and pronounces Llewellyn correctly dammit) and Donald and Uno have a time learning hands-on how to be parents. (“I’ve read twenty different parenting guides in the last five seconds and they’re all saying different things, Donald, WHAT DO WE DO-”) The whole “raising kids together” thing brings them even closer than before and forces them to have a chat about their feelings, too. 
-When the triplets are small and starting to run around, Uno baby proofs everything. He has a hard time keeping them from escaping their playpen (which is essentially a huge room with an amazing view of the city, he doesn’t know why they’re so intent on escaping). Then eventually the inevitable happens- both Don and Glad end up stuck on the other side of the world for nearly a whole month, and Uno realizes taking care of three toddlers is much easier when you have a body. So while they’re gone, he balances his time between advising them on their mission, taking care of the triplets and building an android body that can handle an AI as advanced as him (throw out that “an AI who is only good could never make a full person” shit cuz Uno can be petty as hell, he’s a whole ass person even without Due yo). By the time Don and Glad get back he’s testing his prototype. Donald is thrilled, of course- his boyfriend has a body now!
-The triplets gain a sister! Everett brings a child to them one day, a little Coronan girl who was for reasons I haven’t decided yet cast out of her family and Everett, with his weird Enlightened Powers shit, went and found her and brought her back to the people he knew would take care of her well (considering his own past failures...). And so the triplets have a little sister who is an alien! Yee! Yes it’s Asveya (Ve). She came to them when she was ~2 and the triplets were 3 or 4, and as she didn’t have a name Donald named her after a friend he met as a child, when he regularly adventured with Scrooge and Della, and whom he ended up meeting again as a young adult.
-Uno perfects the body over time as he learns more things about being a person (he very purposefully leaves out pain receptors, though he includes the best parts of being a physical person ofc- he wants his cake and he wants to eat it too!). Everett decides now that Uno has a body, it was time to introduce him as his son officially and hand the business over to him (stating that it’ll be good for the kids if at least one of their parents had a proper job and income, since savings don’t last forever), and as the kids get older Donald begins training them so they’ll be able to take care of/protect themselves if need be. Uno creates a training field/obstacle course that is fun and age-appropriate, and by the time they’re ten they’re like little superheroes in training. They can give Webby a run for her money. Ve is less interested in being like PK and more interested in being like Uno- AKA the techie behind the gadgets.
-The triplets are already playing with some rudimentary pieces of tech Ve made, playing like they’re superheroes (or villains, gotta have someone to fight!). Uno finds out when he reviews the Tower footage and immediately confiscates anything that can be dangerous, but lets them keep the more innocent stuff.
MODERN DAY STUFF (AKA the time the show takes place)
-As the kids got older Donald and Uno allowed them more freedom, even letting them go out on their own (with the promise of being back before dark, not telling anyone what their parents did for a living, they all stuck together and they didn’t speak to strangers beyond what was necessary). When the triplets were 10 and Ve was 8 or 9, Uno learned that a powerful artifact (not the gem) was in Atlantis and that if a villain got their hands on it, it would be... very bad. So Donald decides it’s time to put on his metaphorical adventure shoes again and go get it. By this time Gladstone got trapped in the casino (Uno has been looking for him, after not hearing from him for over a week) and Uno had a Big Business thing to attend, real important too, so they talk about getting a babysitter for the weekend they’ll be gone. The kids manage to convince them they don’t need one, as they’ll be safe in the 151st floor (“We’ll be safer there than anywhere else, right, Uncle Uno?”). Donald tried to call Lyla but she was unfortunately in the field, so he agreed to let them stay home on their own until Uno got back (Uno did the math and figured he could stay for a few hours to just make a good faith appearance, talk business with some stooges and then come home the same day).
-Of course, the kids get caught. Uno had already left out for his business thing at like 5 AM, and Donald was about to head out to Atlantis in one of the Duckmobiles. He happened to check on a whim the back of the mobile, where he found his surprised ducklings staring wide-eyed up at him. He knew then that he needed to cash in on a favour- he called Beakley and then drove the protesting children to the mansion. (“Come on, Unca’ Donald!” “It’s a mansion! We wanna go to the lost city, too!” “Come on, we’ve been doing real good in training!” “Please, dad? We promise we’ll listen!”) The excitement over meeting THE Scrooge McDuck is overshadowed by the disappointment that they can’t go on this mission.
-Besides, who cares about a mansion and a rich adventuring duck when your parents and uncle are not only rich adventurers, but they’re also superheroes???
-Donald gives them a forehead kiss goodbye and heads off, and Scrooge has Beakley put the kids in that old room. “It’ll only be a few hours” they said. “Until Uno gets back.” Unfortunately, Uno calls Louie and tells the duckling there’s been a problem and he won’t be back until later- Donald already informed him of the changed arrangements and he’s already contacted Beakley.
-The kids decide to escape the old room, putting their hero training into action, but are ultimately swept up into Webby’s trap. Webby is super excited to meet them when she realizes who they are (though she has no idea who Ve is), and she cuts them down from the net without them having to escape themselves. The kids know they’re not supposed to let anyone know about the “hero family” thing so try to act like normal kids, though it becomes apparent Webby doesn’t know how to be a normal kid either.
-Through shenanigans, the children inspire Scrooge to adventure again, and Dewey lets slip about lost cities and Scrooge has a moment of realization. Thus, he drags the kids to Atlantis with him. While there, the kids each get a chance to show off their moves (which they’re SUPPOSED TO HIDE but you know, when arrows are flying at you ain’t got no time to hide). Donald is pissed when he notices them in Atlantis, and Uno is pissed when he calls Donald and learns the kids are in Atlantis, right where they are NOT supposed to be.
-Things pretty much follow the episode, though with the triplets able to hold their own and Donald gunning for a completely different artifact. When they escape and get back to the surface with their respective artifacts, they’re met by a livid android who absolutely chews Scrooge out for dragging four ten year olds and an eight year old to a dangerous place like that.
-Donald decides that it might be okay for the kids to visit with Scrooge sometimes, to get a little real-world experience, and at precisely that moment something crashes into the 151st floor of Ducklair Tower. Uno is absolutely furious (“MY TOWER???”) cuz that’s gonna take a bit to fix- at the very least it’ll appear to take a while- and when the kids question “what now?” Scrooge offers up some rooms in the mansion. The kids are excited cuz they’ll get to live with Webby and explore a new place. Donald and Uno say “just until the tower is fixed” (Gladstone had Donald’s boat at the time he went missing so Donald doesn’t have it) which is good enough for the kids.
-Scrooge being sus of Uno for like a whole arc cuz he’d never heard of Uno Ducklair before recently and also his nephew?? got married??? 
-Gladstone finally gets a message out to Don and Uno for help, and they go immediately- but not before Scrooge makes it a family adventure. Scrooge is disparaging of Gladstone, but Donald is just worried about his cousin. They manage to save Gladstone without pseudo-sacrificing anyone. Scrooge gets a little sus when they get back to Duckburg, and days later the missing Cloverleaf has shown up again. 
-HDLV ended up spilling the truth to Webby as she got closer with them, but they swore her to secrecy. Of course Beakley found out because Webby is a terrible liar.
**So basically Donald + Uno parents, a kid that calls them her dads, good Uncle Gladstone, Brotherly Gladstone + Donald, Competent Cloverleaf, PK + Cloverleaf teamup, little-hero triplets. Gyro will end up teaming up with Gizmoduck when Fenton takes up heroing, too, just like Launchpad teams up with DW (DW’s story for this AU will be different, also, just a heads up) and basically all their combined kids become a badass team of children (Huey, Dewey, Louie, Webby, Ve, Boyd, Gos, and of course Lena and Violet join in later...) Gyro teams up with Gizmoduck because every hero needs a tech guy (even heroes who are also scientists....) and he’s not only very capable, he’s worked with a hero before so he knows the ins and outs :D
However it is now 2 AM and I need to sleep so I’m gonna end my musings here but I am thinking of them so much right now I’m
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sassanoe · 3 years
His Present, Her Future
Thomas Sharpe
Masterlist  [2]
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Thomas Sharpe was a brilliant man, who with his sister, was leading a horrible life. What do they do when a girl from the future comes to the past. Working on a teleporter is all she was doing, a little tinkering, the portal opened with a wormhole. Sucking the young inventor in along with some of her stuff from the lab, she screamed, reaching for her older brother. "Daniel!"
The same portal opened in Allerdale Hall, in front of Lucille and Thomas Sharpe, with his wife, Edith Cushing. They all were shocked when a woman was on their floor when it closed with things around her. The woman slowly sat up, looking around, when she saw the three, her brows furrowed. "I am not in 2021 anymore." She got up and dusted her lab coat off.
"Who are you, and where did you come from?" The older woman asked. Walking towards the small group, she held her hand out. "Aurora Banks, a pleasure to meet you." She smiled brightly. "As well I come from the future. A future I need to get back to." When no one shook her hand, she put it back down, a little uncomfortable now. The other younger woman stepped forward first, "Edith Cushing, or well, Edith Sharpe now. My husband, Thomas, and his sister Lucille." Aurora smiled, taking notice of the twitch Lucille had, "Lovely to meet you, Edith, Thomas, and Lucille."
"When will you be leaving?" Lucille asked, "Well, hopefully soon, that is if my brother fixes my time machine, though being honest, it will more than likely be a moment." Lucille rolled her eyes and left. Watching this Thomas boy run after her. "Lucille!" He called. Aurora looked to Edith, "So, what now?" Edith smiled and took her hand, asking many questions, most of her answers being, "I don't believe I should answer that."
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Later the same evening, Aurora was sitting in Thomas's chair in his little work area, working on her phone and watch. Thomas came in quietly when the watch sparks, "Shit!" She jumped up, holding her wrist. "Fucking piece of shit, watch! Why did I ever fucking make you!" She growled at the watch as she shook her hand out. His eyes widened slightly, such a vulgar mouth for a woman. She huffed and took her lab coat off, revealing a long-sleeve off the shoulder white crop-top with high-waisted jeans and knee-high boots. Thomas looked her attire over, amazed at what she had on.
She took a deep breath in, "What would Daniel do? Hey Google, play that's how you know from the enchanted soundtrack." When the song came on, she smiled, getting back to work singing softly. Thomas was shocked at the small device having the sound come out of it, "How do you know he loves you? How do you know he's yours? Well, does he leave a little note to tell you, you are on his mind? Send you yellow flowers when the sky is grey? Hey, he'll find a new way to show you a little bit every day, that's how you know, that's how you know, he's your love..."
She did a small spin then screamed, falling to the floor when she saw Thomas. "Good god! How long have you been standing there! That is so fucking weird!" "I didn't mean to startle you. I apologize." He held his hand out to help her up. She took it, standing, glaring at him slightly. "So, did you need something? Judging by how your sister speaks to me, I'm trying to leave and quick." At that, he frowned, "I apologize for my sister. She shouldn't have been so cold." "Yeah, she seems to not like other women." Aurora sassed. "She doesn't." He sighed. 
Sitting back down, she got back to work as Thomas stood behind her asking questions. The two slowly got closer, spending the rest of the evening together laughing and smiling until Lucille came in. "Thomas, I have been looking everywhere for you." She huffed, walking over to him quickly and pulling him to her. Thomas looked to Aurora, worried slightly. "I've been helping Aurora with her things, such as what she calls her phone." he said softly, "Oh, I could also help with your machine that is digging clay." He smiled brightly, and he broke away from his sister. 
"Really? How? What do you think would help?" He immediately started firing off questions. Aurora giggled, taking his hand pulling him closer. She showed him her ideas she sketched out in his journal. "I apologize for using your journal without asking. I just needed to draw and write things down before I forgot." He shook his head, smiling, "It is no issue. It's truly fascinating how you know so much for a woman." She glared at him slightly and hit his chest. "Where I'm from, those are fighting words." She joked, "I-I didn't mean them as an insult. I'm truly sorry-" He rushed out, making her smile, "Thomas, I'm joking with you."
Lucille glared at the two before storming downstairs to Edith. "Edith, I think she is trying to steal Thomas from you." Edith laughed lightly, "I'm sure she isn't. I'm sure he is just excited to have someone who likes inventing like him." Edith brushed it off. An hour later, Aurora and Thomas came down. Thomas leads her to a room for the night, "I bid you goodnight, Aurora." He kissed her hand, making the young woman blush. "Good night, Thomas." She smiled and closed the bedroom door.
Thomas went to Edith and Lucille. "I showed her a room for the night." "How kind, Thomas." Lucille snapped. Edith smiled at her husband. "I will be heading to bed, Thomas." Edith got up and kissed his cheek before going to her room. Lucille took Thomas's hand, leading him to the attic. Pushing him onto the bed, she climbed into his lap. "You love me, right?" "Yes, of course." "Good." She kissed him, pushing him back.
The next morning Thomas and Lucille came downstairs from the attic. When they got to the main entrance, they saw Aurora coming back in. "Is she wearing your clothes?" Lucille asked, her voice sounding more like a growl. Thomas looked Aurora over, not minding the outfit. She had one of his button-ups on but not buttoned all the way, revealing something covering her breast, his overalls, pants, and a pair of Edith's shoes on. Her hair was up, messily. "She looks like a tramp." Lucille huffed.
Aurora looked up, hearing a voice, "Oh, Thomas!" She smiled brightly up at the man. "I had a look at your machine. Come! Come!" She waved him over, he smiled, rushing down the stairs. "Thomas!" Lucille snapped. He stopped and looked back, but Aurora took his hand and dragged him outside. "Ignore her, come on." Once outdoors, Aurora looked at him and found hickey's on his neck. "Thomas!" She smacked his arm playfully, "You got some!" She laughed, "I beg your pardon." "You got laid?" He still looked confused, "You had sex, fucked someone, what do you want me to say made love?" He looked away, "What? Is it that bad?" He opened his mouth then closed it.
"Thomas, what's wrong?" She asked, immediately concerned. "Is it Lucille?" He wouldn't look at her, and she furrowed her brows. Edith wasn't up yet, her room was next to Aurora's, and Thomas came from upstairs with Lucille. "Oh my god. You fucked Lucille?" She whispered to him. He snapped his head to her, shocked, "How did you?" "Edith isn't up yet, and I would have heard her moans as my room is next to hers." Thomas looked ashamed, and it clicked. "You didn't want to..." Aurora said softly.
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Over the next few weeks, she was closer to finishing her teleporter, and Thomas had confided in her. The two attached at the hip, Lucille hated it.
Lucille had been storming the grounds looking for him, "Thomas!" She screamed. Thomas and Aurora were in the attic, working away from Lucille. "So this is how people communicate in the future?" Aurora hummed, continuing to work as he leaned over her shoulder. When she looks up to speak to him, she stopped staring into his eyes, not realizing he was this close. Both stared at each other for a few seconds, when Thomas started to lean closer, "May I kiss you?" His lips brushed against hers as he whispered, "I would be insulted if you didn't." She responded before he kissed her deeply. She stood, pulling him closer. He was quick to walk them backward until he sat on the bed, pulling her onto his lap.
He broke away from the kiss, "Are you sure about this?" She panted, "Yes, that is if you want to still." He grinned and kissed her as his answer. The two quickly work to remove her top. She sat before him now in her bra, and immediately she pulled at his shirt. "Off." She huffed and bit at his neck, pushing up against him. He groaned, quickly pulling off his button-up. "Thomas..." She panted when he started to bite at her neck, "Thomas!" Both froze, "L-Lucille." Aurora didn't move, nor did Thomas. "You slut!" She screamed at Aurora, coming towards the two with a knife making them jump up and move away.
"What the fuck is wrong with you!" She screamed at Lucille, backing away. Thomas quickly stood in front of her, "Lucille, leave her alone." "Why so you can fuck her too behind my back!" She sneered. Aurora tried to step past Thomas, but he pushed her back slightly, slowly walking to Lucille. "Lucille, calm down." He said softly, but Lucille stabbed him, shoving him to the side. "Thomas!" Aurora yelled before going after Lucille and tackling her to the ground. Lucille slashed at her cutting her cheek and arm. Aurora quickly got the upper hand and straddled her, pinning her hands to the ground, letting her struggle and wiggle. She squeezed her wrist until she let go of the knife before quickly holding both wrists in one hand. After hitting her once, she let go of her wrist, using both fists to hit Lucille till she was knocked out cold and bloody.
Aurora stood huffing and bleeding before rushing over to Thomas to check over his wound, "Hey, you're okay." She said softly, leaving soft kisses over his face. Quickly she went and grabbed his shirt, ripping it, and tying it on his arm. "It's small. You'll be okay." She kept her words soft then started to look over the room. When she found a rope, she quickly put Lucille in the chair and tied her to it. She got Thomas up and left the room. "You fought her." He said, confused. "I wasn't gonna let her get away with hurting you," Aurora said with a huff. When they got to his room, she went into the bathroom and got stuff to clean his wound.
"I love you." He said when she came back. She smiled sadly, sitting next to him. "I love you too, but Thomas, this is your present. I don't belong here. You'll find someone else to love just as much, maybe even more." He frowned, "Why can't you just stay, or I go with you?" She gently cupped his cheek, "Thomas, you're needed here with Edith, and my brother needs me. We have responsibilities." She spoke as if talking to a child. "Then we can run away from here." She kissed him gently, "No, running." She patched him up, then crawling into his lap and clinging to him. "I'll miss you." She said softly.
He tilted her chin and kissed her, "May I have you for tonight?" He asked softly, "Yes." She said back. The two slowed down, being sweet and soft, watching out for the other's wounds. The next morning she awoke before him, getting dressed quickly in the clothes she came in and going over to his desk. She wrote him a letter and kissed it, spraying a bit of her perfume on it. She went back upstairs, grabbing her things from his workspace and the attic. Lucille was still out cold.
Quickly making her way back downstairs to his room, she came in as he slowly woke, "Aurora?" "Good-bye, Thomas." She kissed him one final time. He pulled her closer, and she broke this kiss. Quickly she left the room. It took him a second to process what she said before quickly pulling on pants and a top chasing after her. She didn't tell him she had found a way home days ago. She didn't want to leave him, but she had to.
When he came to the stairs, she had opened the portal. "You can't leave me!" He yelled, trying to get to her, he ran faster. When she started to walk through, he pulled her back, kissing her passionately. "Please don't, don't leave." He clung to her. "Thomas, this is the best for both of us." She said softly. "I'll find a way to you." He said quickly, "I have no doubt you will see me again." She kissed him again before pushing away, looking at him one last time. "I love you." Right as she stepped through, "I love you too." He said.
She was gone, never for him to see her again. Going back to his bedroom, he found the letter.
Dear Thomas,
I'm writing this to tell you that I love you. You're my first thought in the morning, and I hold you in my last breath in the evening. I need you more and more each day, like an addiction of some sort. It's an addiction I would never want to fix. You listened when I sobbed, and you watched me when I laughed. But, most importantly, you were accepting of a girl out of time. For this, you worked wonders. I'd never looked for a relationship or love. It simply fell into my lap. I'd never change anything. I'm glad you were my first love. So thank you for showing me love and allowing me to show you what love is, not the twisted kind of love your sister showed you. Now, you must be strong and help Edith. I hope you live a long life, have lots of kids, and are happy. Maybe, one day we will meet again.
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Should I do a part two? If you think I should leave a comment I'll tag you in it.
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lovelyirony · 4 years
@ironmanspussy​ here we are, directly inspired by your wonderful texpost! 
King Rhodes needed a partner to rule. It was ancient law, something he hadn’t really desired to follow. But unfortunately, the lawyers are assholes and want to create a monopoly of power that he just simply hasn’t the time to dismantle if he’s to follow his ten-year policy plan.
His partner should be well-mannered, aware of high society dress codes as well as how to navigate regular, everyday wear, and be calm in times of crisis.
So begins the search.
“You’re not going to find someone you like like that,” his advisor, Carol says, laughing. “I guarantee it.”
“We’ll see,” Rhodes decides.
Oh, they saw.
They saw a lot.
Almost every single candidate is bad. Or just off, in some way.
“Rogers seemed like a nice fit,” Carol says, tapping on her clipboard.
"He was nice, not for me. A bit too much.”
“What, muscle?”
“You could say that’s a factor. He’s also just a little too take-charge-of-everything.”
“Mm, that could pose a problem later. Well, the candidates who most matched your requirements are all out.”
“You’re kidding.”
“You’re a very particular kind of guy, Jim. So here are the rest.”
“Send in the clowns,” Rhodes says, waving his hand in dismissal and drawing the other one to his forehead to signal a headache about to come on.
“You just sent Barnes out,” Danvers reminds him, grinning.
“I’m still getting paid!” Carol sing-songs.
It’s almost better. Almost. Prince Clint Barton is an impossibly good marksman, and...that’s about it. His leadership style is far different from the Rhodes kingdom needs and he admits that he almost showed up in jeans.
Well, at least there’s honesty. Rhodes could find that forgivable.
But the jeans. Good god.
Bruce Banner is a total sweetheart, but his constitution is quite poor and again with the fashion choices. He shows up in a very nice outfit and has a nice wit about him.
They talk at length, and Carol swears that it will go well and perhaps there will actually be a wedding by June, all things said and considered.
This is until Rhodes leads Dr. Banner out to the gardens to meet Thor, their part-time warrior and full-time gardener.
Thor is completely gone on the scientist-ruler, and there it is.
“This is supposed to be your matchmaking,” Carol reminds him, scowling. “It was going well.”
“Once he met Thor anyways, it would have been all over. You know Thor’s type. The scientists that could ruin the earth if they truly had the thought to.”
“I suppose you’re right. Next person, then. She looks promising, Empress Romanov?”
Natasha Romanov is a terrifying figure. Very, very terrifying.
That being said, she has excellent taste in fashion and promised to send Rhodes some reviews, but “unfortunately has her heart spoken for.”
(It’s not very unfortunate. Rhodes feared for his life.)
He’s about to lose it, to be completely honest. Is there seriously no one out there?
“Your last candidate, at least for this month, is Tony Stark. High-profile inventor.”
“Not royalty?”
“Essentially, he is. Dad helped create weapons, he followed with protection and medical detail. He usually doesn’t agree to meet, so you’ll have to ask him why.”
“Refuse to meet royalty?”
Tony Stark did, in fact, refuse to meet people. In general, people were not his strong suit and he saw no point to marriage.
“If you marry well, you get more access to resources for your reacting thing,” Pepper says.
“My reactor. I’ve told you that a million times.”
“And I’ve forgotten it a million and one. But if you meet Rhodes, he’s probably your best chance of not marrying a total shit royal.”
“And why is that?”
“Searching online for your answer is free, I am not. Your bill will be sent to your inbox.”
Tony stares after Pepper. She’s too damn capable.
He sighs to himself.
He does need more funding for his projects. His father cut him off completely and while that wouldn’t be the worst thing, Tony’s not going to charge obscene prices just to keep himself afloat.
So...marrying a royal. Not the best plan in the world, especially given Tony’s track record with people. Sure, he can play the part. But he just...won’t.
This is why Tony’s about five minutes late, cursing up a blue streak at a guard that has followed him into the hall because due to his appearance he thinks he needs to have a “check-in” with the people at the front desk for appointments, and in general? The day has been bad.
Also, Pepper forced him into “nice” clothes. While Tony can and has worn his nice clothing before, he does not like the ones that Pepper chose because they are uncomfortable, stiff, and absolutely a bit too long.
So he trips on the carpet.
Rhodes’ head pops away from his conversation with the chef regarding the dinner menu.
Here is a man with probably the most intricately embroidered robes he’s ever seen on, hair that looks like it was probably not even styled, just brushed through, and had about the entirety of the guard behind him asking him about an appointment time.
Obviously, he’s the most attractive man Rhodes has ever seen in his life.
“And who are you?” he asks.
“Tony. Stark. Mechanic and inventor. Um, you talked to Pepper about me? I think I’m in your circle of potential candidates for ruling. It’s totally fine if you kick me out, I kind of scuffed your carpet.”
“We need new carpet anyway,” Carol says. “We’ll disregard your entrance for now, Stark.”
“Tony, please.”
“Tony,” Carol says slowly, smiling. “You will be walking around the gardens with King Rhodes, pausing for dinner.”
Rhodes has to stop from laughing. Cool. He’s already a fan of this.
Carol leans over to him, whispering in his ear.
“I thought you wanted someone who had a cool head, not someone like that.”
“Well, I can be wrong every once in a while.”
“Or more.”
“Every once in a while,” Rhodes reiterates. “Besides, I have a good feeling about this.”
Walking through a garden with a stranger is not as smooth as one would expect. Rhodes isn’t exactly well-versed in asking people what their plans are for the future, and if they are amenable to perhaps marriage.
“What do you do for fun?” Tony asks.
He’s sort of taken aback at the question.
“Pardon me?”
“What do you do for fun?” he repeats. “Like, do you cook? Sew? Duel with your rivals? What do you do for fun?”
Well. He has to think for a moment.
“I go on runs.”
“That is not fun. Don’t tell me that that’s what’s fun for you.”
“What, can’t run?”
“I don’t run, there’s a difference. I’ll run when something’s chasing me.”
“And yet you won’t have training, like I will.”
“Did you forget my trade, Your Imminence?” Tony asks, voice mocking him.
It’s honestly refreshing. Rhodes doesn’t like it when people are so serious around him, so afraid to disappoint.
“An inventor? You’re going to invent a way to run better?”
“To fly, honey. Honestly...”
After that, it’s a dead-set decision from Rhodes.
He offers his hand in marriage, as well as the crown. Tony blinks.
“You haven’t even seen me take a turn in the ballroom.”
“It’s either going to be wildly entertaining or surprising, and I can’t wait for either.”
Tony enters his own room, in a panic.
This has to go well. He has to dress to impress.
“Pepper, he’s holding a party for our engagement. I have to dress nicely.”
“You know how to do that, I don’t know why you’re telling me that.”
“There are so many factors. Do you know anyone who can embroider his family crest on any shoes? What colors I’m meant to do? Oh my god, we have to fuse the colors together. This is going to be a disgrace. I’ll be exiled to be a hermit in the forest who relies on bark for sustenance, and this--”
“Can you. Potentially, maybe, chill? It’ll be fine.”
“You say that, but right now I’m imagining having to go to war because I didn’t wear the right color of red, so...”
“You are literally the worst person alive.”
“False, we both know Justin Hammer and out of the two of us, I think you’d want to date me more.”
“Don’t be a smartass.”
“Just practical, Pep. Just practical. Now help me shade match Rhodey’s red.”
“He’s Rhodey now?”
“In my head? Yes. I don’t like Rhodes, I absolutely will not call him Jim until we both hit seventy years old.”
“Better let him know that.”
Rhodes gets a text from Tony.
so a.) your new nickname from me is rhodey. don’t question it, honeybear. Anyways, would you say your royal family color is closer to garnet-red or blood-red?
Rhodey blinks. He likes the nickname. It’s different. He has to show the text to Carol.
“What in the hell does that mean?”
“Let me google it.”
She analyzes the results, frowning.
“I’m thinking blood-red.”
“Okay. Thanks.”
“Why does he want to know the color?”
“I don’t know, I’ll ask.”
we’ve decided it matches closer to blood-red, Tones. Why do you ask?
Tony blinks. Other nickname. Interesting. He likes it.
my outfit choice relies heavily on this.
He leaves it at that, grinning as he puts his phone away.
Rhodey is laughing. He’s excited to see his husband-to-be.
Tony knows he looks damned good. The whole outfit is incredible. Red with gold stitching throughout, and he got his hair to cooperate to be artfully messy instead of just messy.
“I’m surprised at you, you clean up well,” Pepper teases. “You ready to go and make your debut?”
“As ready as ever,” Tony says, fixing the chain around his neck. The gold glints off the lights, and he knows he’s about to be the best dressed person in the room, with perhaps the exception of Rhodey.
He knows that most people are surprised that he’s the one that King Rhodes has decided to marry. He’s not known for being a particularly polite royal. In fact, he has told multiple members of royalty to “get fucked or get out of my way” when they want him to build something that he refuses to build.
So he’s not exactly the perfect choice. But his outfit is still the best in the room.
“Hi gorgeous,” Rhodey says, smiling. “You look incredible.”
“Well I do know how to make an entrance, after all,” Tony says. “You’ll find out this is only the tip of the iceberg.”
“Well then, I’m in for treats all my life,” Rhodey says. “How are you tonight, Tones?”
“Doing well, finished up working on one of the cars for Thor today.”
“Wait, you’re the one who’s refinishing it? He hasn’t been able to shut up about it for weeks! I was the one who used to look at it.”
“You like fixing up cars?”
“Yes, of course I do!”
From there, conversation flows. They understand each other well, laugh at the same jokes, and agree on cake flavors.
It’s not love, not yet. But they’re getting there.
It is officially love when Tony steals Rhodey from his royal duties to get a cheeseburger.
“Sometimes it’s good to get out of the throne, don’t you think?” Tony says, grinning over his sunglasses.
“For a cheeseburger? Can’t say I’ve ever done anything like that.”
“That’s because you’re all fancy and posh, I bet you don’t even know the f-word,” Tony says.
“Fuck you,” Rhodey jokes.
Tony gasps. “The king knows a curse word? Oh my lord! What...shame you bring to your family!”
Rhodey laughs, and it’s in this moment that he realizes that spending the rest of his days with Tony is potentially the best possible option in the world.
“I’m so glad we’re getting married,” he says. Tony stills.
“You...you are?”
“You’re the best thing to happen to me, I think,” Rhodey says, taking a sip of water as if he hasn’t just said the sweetest thing Tony’s ever heard. “And I hope that I’m the best thing to ever happen to you.”
“I mean I don’t know, the AC/DC reunion tour was pretty sick...” Tony says, grinning. “I’m kidding. Rhodey, I think we’re gonna be a good team. And I’m glad that I get to be with you.”
Their wedding is the talk of the year. Literally no one can shut up about it, but maybe that’s because Tony accidentally showed up late because he was inventing and had wild hair and maybe a stray grease-stain on his forehead.
Rhodey just grinned.
“You better not be late to the reception.”
“I’ll try my best. You know how I am.”
They kiss, and Rhodey sends him into a deep dip. Tony laughs into the kiss, and it becomes one of the most well-known photographs of the year.
Sure, Rhodey didn’t exactly get all of the qualifications that he wanted out of his ruling partner. Tony is absolutely not calm in times of crisis, and stress-bought novelty socks.
He more than once told a difficult business partner to “absolutely get fucked up on a Thursday, see if I give a singular shit when my husband is ten times better than you,” and also has a certain unawareness of some of his public outfit choices. (Hello sweatpants with holes in them and a striped hoodie.)
But Tony makes the best coffee ever, always gets Rhodey flowers from the supermarket, and is perhaps the most compassionate man he’s ever met.
So not a bad trade-off.
They lay in bed together, Rhodey looking over his obscenely trashy detective novels with his reading glasses, and Tony battling Pepper in a word search competition online.
“I love you,” Tony says out of nowhere, smiling. He presses a kiss to Rhodey’s shoulder.
“You’re okay,” Rhodey responds, patting Tony’s thigh.
He makes a squawk of outrage as Rhodey’s head turns from his book, grinning.
“You better give me a kiss to make up for that,” Tony demands. Rhodey rolls his eyes.
“Of course, drama queen.”
“Drama queen? I was told by the love of my life that I was ‘okay’ after one year of marriage? And I am supposed to be unaffected? Absolutely unacceptable, I think I will fling myself into a pit in the ocean, and--”
Rhodey cuts him off with a kiss.
“Or not. Not could definitely work.”
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red-cape-morgana · 3 years
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Fiat Lux
Everyone sees the girl of steel as an almighty, indestructible being. But before being a hero, she is a person, and this implies some quirks. Some fears as well.
Chapter 1
“Oh here you are!”
Kara opened her eyes to see a not so happy Alex standing in front of her, decked out in her biker attire. Which of course, considering the rebellious side of her sister’s personality, was mostly black leather.
She had not even taken the time to store her helmet properly, and was just waving it in Kara’s direction, in a sort of accusatory way.
Okay, it means that she was either in a hurry or stressed. This isn't good for me. And right now it looks more like she is ready to knock me out, Kara thinks with a bit of apprehension.
Sure, she is a kryptonian under a yellow sun, and this helmet would not hurt her in any way. But she would feel the wack, and Kara also worries of what the people nearby would think of the whole scene.
“Hello Alex” she said with fake enthusiasm, “You arrive just at the right time. I was about to go to Noonan for some caramel mocha. Wanna tag along? It’s all on me”.
Humans say that the way to one’s heart is through one’s stomach. This should work, right?
Alex passed her hand through her hair, trying to diminish the mess made by her helmet. Kara is almost sure she heard her mumble something along the line of “I am too old and not paid enough for this…”, before she sat down on the bench to be at eye level with the blonde.
“Listen” the redhead started, after having gathered her thoughts.
“I understand that it’s spring, and the weather is nice, and all that. We all got through that incredibly gloomy winter. But can you just stop disappearing every few hours?”.
Alex pinched the bridge of her nose before adding.
“I know that since Lena and you are dating, It’s unlikely it will get you in trouble. But Nia and I are done with your coworkers calling randomly to ask where you can be at the moment. At least, she has some ground to work from, while I’m completely in the dark of what you’re currently working on at work. I swear one day I’ll end up saying you’ve finally followed your true passion, and are digging some dinosaur fossil in the Andes”.
“Hey! Dinosaurs are fascinating creatures. And I’m sure Lena wouldn’t be opposed to one article, she loves sciences so she should…”
“Kara, this is beyond the point!” Alex interrupted her, clearly not in the mood for some sort of archaeological brainstorming.
At least, Kara had the good sense to appear a bit guilty after seeing her sister fuming expression.
She knew that she was running a bit late on her break, but why was everyone making a big deal out of it? It’s not like she had been abducted (again), or like there was an alien wreaking havoc downtown (again as well).
“Relax, I am just recharging Alex. Everything is fine.” Kara had been peacefully basking in the sunlight as soon as the delivery guy had reached CatCo building with her inhuman order of potstickers and lemonade.
The weather had been incredible the last couple of days, and all the more tempting when she was trapped at her desk, glaring at her computer screen in hope it would get her articles written faster. So, when Lena had said she would spend the rest of the week working from L-Corp, having to meet with some investors for her last est healthcare invention, Kara had seized her chance. There was a small park two blocks away from her workplace, and she intended to get the most out of it.
At least before her sister came looking for her.
I have the feeling that I may end up in trouble after all. I am sure she will dutifully report all that too Lena. those two have been getting along too well lately, now...
“Earth to Kara! Did you even hear a word of what I said?”.
The redhead had snapped her out of her daydreaming by jamming a finger in her side, clearly getting more annoyed by the minute.
“Hey! No need to resort to violence” Kara said while massaging the sensitive spot on her side that Alex had targeted. “And yes, I’ve heard you just fine. I don’t know why you are all making a fuss about it, I was just recharging a bit in the sun…”
"You blew out your power?!" Alex hissed, interrupting the blonde.
She looked around them to make sure that no one could hear them, before scooting over closer to her sister, taking her hands in hers.
“What happened?”Alex asked, searching Kara’s face for any trace of bruises, signs of concussion. “We didn’t see anything out of the ordinary at the DEO. Did someone use kryptonite on you? Those radiations are harder to pick up on but we…”
“Alex. As much as I love seeing you be the protective sister, I promise I’m fine.” Kara chimed in, clearly willing to stop the scientific monologue that was about to unfold.
If she was still the most prone of the two to rambling, the redhead wasn’t that far behind.
“I just wanted to recharge my shoes while there is still sun outside” Kara said, a grin slowly stretching her lips.
“You wanted to recharge what now?” Alex asked, looking completely dumbfounded.
And right at this moment, she shows her her brand new shoes. Pointing down at them, like an over excited kid.
"They glow in the dark, Alex!" Kara says, before getting up from the bench she was perched on, to go in the shade of the tree nearby.
“It was the last pair in my size with that design. And honestly who can say no to phosphorescent accessories? They make every single day a bit more … bright!” She added, laughing at her own joke.
Indeed the soles and laces of shoes start to faintly glow this unmistakable phosphorescent green color. But what really caught Alex’s attention, was the House of El’s sigil, painted big on the sides of both sneakers.
It is said that this day director Danvers took a day off (probably to go to Kelly for some well deserved therapy).
After having witnessed Alex’s face going through something Kara would describe as similar to a stroke, and then suffering her endless ranting about how she was still a kid, that she should focus on her actual job and some more, she finally returned to her desk.
In her opinion, her sister was overreacting. Sure Kara had been a bit late, but she needed that time off to relax and finally finish her articles. And maybe she had been going out on more errands lately, but a reporter was supposed to be on the field to get some exclusivity, right? The fact that all this slime out would recharge her shoes and ensure they would glow when Kara got back home was just a perk.
Kara bought those shoes for two main reasons.
The first one is that comfort comes before style when you are a reporter. She can walk miles a day when out for a scoop, or when she needs to meet with her sources. And if her super powers prevent her from getting any blisters, they don't save her from discomfort (and workdays are already long enough as they are, she'd like to be able to walk without wincing thank you).
The second reason is that they protect her from the dark. Her passage through the fandom zone had been years ago, sure, but she was only a child back then, and darkness still unsettles her. She doesn't draw the curtains completely shut at night, she keeps her door slightly ajar, ... Anything to not be in the dark. She needs to be able to see things around her, to ground herself and to know she isn't still lost in this endless/timeless zone of the universe.
One last perk? Kids love these shoes and Kara is delighted to see them smile when they see her shoes glowing. Adults would never admit it, but the super see them smile softly to themselves when she passes by.
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jureguee · 3 years
Imagine - Leonardo Da Vinci
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Capítulo: Único.
Sinopse: ❝ Esse silêncio até então acolhedor não era mais, onde será que eles estão e o que estão fazendo? Se eu os achar mexendo com solda outra vez, Leonardo vai ter muito o que ouvir de mim.❞
Contagem de Palavras: 816.
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Chapter: Unique.
Synopsis: ❝ That hitherto welcoming silence was no longer, I wonder where they are and what they are doing? If I find them messing around with solder again, Leonardo will have a lot to hear from me.❞
Word Count: 816.
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Fechando o livro o coloquei na mesinha ao lado da poltrona de couro na qual estava sentada. O silêncio continuava pela casa a horas, desde que vim ao passado, conviver com figuras históricas que também são vampiros tem sido uma experiência barulhenta e desgastante, mas isso mudou a algum tempo. Esse silêncio até então acolhedor não era mais, onde será que eles estão e o que estão fazendo? Se eu os achar mexendo com solda outra vez, Leonardo vai ter muito o que ouvir de mim.
Me levantei calmamente da poltrona tentando relaxar, no fim não iria ajudar nada ficando estressada por nada.
Saí da biblioteca fechando a porta delicadamente, afinal se eles estivessem fazendo algo errado eu os pegaria no flagra. Passando pelos corredores e pelas suas majestosas portas que davam para os cômodos da casa que eu e Leonardo planejamos para nós tive algumas memórias felizes dos momentos que passamos aqui. Chegando na sala de estar eu encontrei livros e papéis jogados em cima da mesa de centro.
Aqueles bagunceiros.
Tomando os papéis que estavam embaixo do livro em minhas mãos, me deparei com rascunhos do que parecia um avião. E meu coração começou a bater como um tambor, pensando em todas as possibilidades que isso significava. Com agilidade fui em direção a porta de entrada, saindo da casa e indo para a pequena oficina que Leonardo havia criado para suas invenções e bagunças.
Não me importei com meus sapatos ou minha saia ficando enlameadas pela terra molhada que havia se criado quando choveu a tarde.
Cheguei perto da porta da pequena casa, ouvindo as risadas dos meus anjinhos bagunceiros. Não impedi que um sorriso enfeita-se meu rosto. Me apoiei no batente da porta, abrindo uma pequena fresta para vê-los.
- Não, Elle! Suas contas bobas estão atrapalhando meu desenho. - O menino de olhos castanhos alaranjados gritou para sua irmã. - Vai estragar tudo como sempre!
- Você que não entende! - Brandou Grazielle ao menor. - Se eu não fazer essas contas, o seu desenho vai ficar todo errado, como sempre.
- Ei! Eu não preciso da sua ajuda pra isso! - Dante colocou as mãos nervosamente na cintura depois de jogar o lápis no chão. - A gente não vive grudado na cintura!
- Agora você vai ficar irritadinho com isso!? Olha, vai ficar irritadinho! - Provocou a menina.
- Ragazzi! - Leonardo chamou os gêmeos que rapidamente viraram a cabeça na direção dele. - Preciso de alguma ajuda, sim? - Nas mãos estava um pequeno dispositivo de metal, impossivelmente pequeno para suas mãos.
- Estamos indo, papà! - A menina agilmente pegou os papéis nos quais estava brigando com seu irmão e os entregou ao Leo. - Só falta aqui! - Ela apontou para o papel. Tentei me inclinar o máximo que podia para ver mas não adiantou. - Não entendemos como fazer isso! - A carinha emburrada de ambos foi substituída por um sorriso quando Leonardo os pegou em seus braços e os abraçou. As crianças se debatiam e riam, esquecendo a frustração.
- Vocês foram muito bem. - Ele se inclinou e deu beijos amorosos na cabeça deles e os colocou em seu colo. - Foram mais longe do que eu esperava, estou orgulhoso. - Com um sorriso caloroso ele pegou o lápis na bancada onde os papéis estavam posicionados. - Além disso, não estamos animados que podemos resolver isso juntos?
A energia da sala mudou rapidamente, os gritos felizes das crianças dando novas ideias e as risadas preencheram o espaço. Em poucos minutos, a gritaria acabou e só sobrou a ansiedade de esperar que a engenhoca funcionasse. - Prontos? - Com o pequeno avião de madeira em mãos, Leonardo jogou o avião no ar e sua hélice começou a girar rapidamente com um zunido, o avião estava voando pela sala. As crianças gritaram e bateram palmas felizes, a animação contaminando o ambiente. Decidindo que era a hora de aparecer, abri a porta e os três pares de olhos com sorrisos contentes viraram pra mim.
- Mãe! - Ambos os meus filhos me abraçaram e começaram a cantarolar muito rápido tudo que haviam feito, com a euforia muito maior que qualquer outro sentimento. Se distraíram com o avião indo para a fora por causa da porta que deixei aberta, sem pensar duas vezes eles me soltaram e correram atrás do avião com gritos histéricos, não me conti de rir, nem mesmo quando os braços amorosos de Leonardo me rodearam.
- Vocês não conseguem parar, não? - Me virei para ele e acaricei seu rosto. - A barba por fazer o deixa muito bonito, já disse isso?
- Algumas vezes, mas me sinto apenas velho. - Riu amargamente apoiando as mãos no meu quadril.
- Quanto mais velho o vinho, melhor é o sabor. - Nós rimos e não evitamos de olhar para os olhos um do outro profundamente.
- É uma pena que este momento não possa ser eterno. - Não era preciso palavras quando entrelacei meus braços em seu pescoço e o puxei para um beijo acalorado e apaixonado.
- Que nojo! - As crianças berraram.
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Closing the book, I placed it on the small table beside the leather armchair I was sitting in. The silence continued throughout the house for hours, since I came to the past, living with historical figures who are also vampires has been a noisy and exhausting experience, but that had changed some time ago. That hitherto welcoming silence was no longer, I wonder where they are and what they are doing? If I find them messing around with solder again, Leonardo will have a lot to hear from me.
I calmly got up from the chair trying to relax, in the end it wouldn't help anything to be stressed out over nothing.
I left the library closing the door gently, after all if they were doing something wrong I would catch them in the act. Passing through the hallways and their majestic doors that led to the rooms of the house that Leonardo and I had planned for us I had some happy memories of the times we spent here. Arriving in the living room I found books and papers lying on the coffee table.
Those messy ones.
Taking the papers that were under the book in my hands, I came across sketches of what looked like an airplane. And my heart started beating like a drum, thinking of all the possibilities that this meant. With agility I headed for the front door, out of the house and into the small workshop Leonardo had created for his inventions and mess.
I didn't mind my shoes or my skirt getting muddy from the wet soil that had built up when it rained in the afternoon.
I walked up to the door of the small house, listening to the giggles of my messy little angels. I didn't stop a smile from adorning my face. I leaned against the doorframe, opening a small window to see them.
"No, Elle! Your silly beads are getting in the way of my drawing." The boy with the orange-brown eyes shouted at his sister. "You'll ruin everything as usual!"
"You don't understand!" Brandished Grazielle to the smaller boy. "If I don't do this math, your drawing will be all wrong, as usual."
"Hey, I don't need your help for this!" Dante nervously put his hands on his waist after throwing his pencil on the floor. - We don't live by the waist!
"Now you're going to get testy about it! Look, you're going to get testy!" teased the girl.
"Ragazzi!" Leonardo called out to the twins, who quickly turned their heads in his direction. "I need some help, okay?" In his hands was a small metal device, impossibly small for their hands.
"We're coming, papà!" The girl quickly took the papers on which she had been fighting with her brother and handed them to Leo. - This is the only one left! - She pointed to the paper. I tried to bend down as far as I could to see it, but it was no use. "We don't understand how to do this!" Their frowns were replaced by smiles when Leonardo took them in his arms and hugged them. The children struggled and laughed, forgetting their frustration.
"You did very well." He leaned over and kissed them lovingly on the head and put them on his lap. "You went further than I expected, I'm proud." With a warm smile he picked up the pencil from the workbench where the papers were placed. "Besides, aren't we excited that we can work this out together?"
The energy in the room changed quickly, the happy shouts of the children giving new ideas and the laughter filling the space. In a few minutes, the shouting was over and all that was left was the anxiety of waiting for the contraption to work. "Ready?" With the little wooden plane in hand, Leonardo threw the plane into the air and its propeller began to spin rapidly with a whirring sound, the plane was flying around the room. The children screamed and clapped their hands together happily, the excitement contaminating the room. Deciding that it was time to show up, I opened the door and the three pairs of eyes with happy smiles turned to me.
"Mom!" Both my children hugged me and began humming very quickly about everything they had done, their elation far greater than any other feeling. They were distracted by the plane going outside because of the door I left open, without a second thought they let me go and ran after the plane with hysterical screams, I couldn't stop myself from laughing, not even when Leonardo's loving arms surrounded me.
"You just can't stop, can you?" I turned to him and stroked his face. "The unshaven beard makes you very handsome, have I ever said that?"
"Sometimes, but I just feel old." He laughed bitterly, resting his hands on my hips.
"The older the wine, the better it tastes." We laughed and couldn't help but look into each other's eyes deeply.
"It's a pity that this moment can't be eternal." No words were needed when I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him into a heated, passionate kiss.
"How disgusting!" The children shouted.
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harryspet · 4 years
little doe [4] peter parker
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[Warnings] peter parker x named oc, mj fluff, a/b/o dynamic, dd lg dynamic, broken english, oral sex (male recieving), angst 
A/N: I’ve been getting so much LOVE for this story and I appreciate it so much! I hope I can continue to please you guys with a few more chapters to this series.
In which chaos runs through the Parker household.  
Like, reblog and let me know what you think!
word count: 2.8k
As MJ entered Peter’s apartment, she descended upon complete chaos. Something smelt like it was burning coming from the kitchen, she followed a trail of smoke to find a burning pot of soup that had turned black, “Peter!” She called but received no answer. MJ turned off the stove before walking into the living room. MJ had to watch her every step, there were random items strewn everywhere around the apartment, and she had to dust lucky charm marshmallow off the bottom of her shoes. 
The living room was the worst of them all, everything was  out of place, the couch was shredded in a few places, curtains off the rods, and everything torn off the shelves, “Doe?” MJ found the girl sitting in the corner, facing the wall, hands in her face, “Why are you in the corner?” 
Doe turned her head, her face in a pout, and MJ noticed the mess her hair was and also the fact that there were red and blue markings on her hands, “Bad girl! Stay here! Don’t move!” She mimicked Peter’s voice and MJ noted that the girl was only wearing one of his t-shirts. 
Peter’s words were echoing over and over again in Doe’s mind. She felt miserable. 
“Why on earth would he say that?” MJ wondered what the hell had happened in the last week that she hadn’t been there. Peter had called her a few hours ago and everything seemed to be fine. Doe’s hands began to form into a balled fist and she nodded over to the middle of the room. 
Peter’s most treasured prize, a lego version of the Millenium falcon, was now melted into the coffee table. She couldn’t even recognize it. MJ sighed, urging Doe to stand up. “Did not … mean it. Promise.”
“Of course you didn't. It’s okay,” MJ knew she couldn’t have intentionally done anything to hurt Peter, “Where is Peter?”
Doe shrugged and MJ reached to grab her hand, “Let’s find him.”
Doe pulled away from her quickly, “Peter is mad!” Doe couldn’t face him, not after what she did and how he reacted. The last week had been complete chaos. Her heat had been giving her serious mood swings and it didn’t help that Peter’s work had become stressful, “No, please.” 
“Doe-” Before MJ could protest, Doe fell down to her bottom and planted herself there. She crossed her arms over her chest as she planned to hide from Peter for the rest of her life.
“Peter is mad for me,” Doe tried to explain again. MJ mentally cursed, the entire situation completely baffling her. Where the hell was Peter?
MJ sighed, “I promise he’s not mad at you,” No reaction, “Fine, just stay here and I’ll go find him.”
MJ kicked over a few misplaced pillows as she made her way out of the living room. She called for Peter as she walked down the hallway before she heard some rumbling around from his office. She wasted no time in knocking as she barged inside. Much like the living room, it was utter chaos, “Everyone in this house has clearly lost their shit,” MJ stated, watching him pace the length of the room, computer in hand. He hadn’t even noticed her walk in, “Peter!”
Michelle ducked as a web aimed right for her head thanks to startling Peter. Peter finally noticed she wasn’t some enemy and stared with wide eyes, “MJ? You scared me!”
“I’ve been yelling in the apartment for ten minutes! Is your Peter tingle not working anymore?”
Peter frowned but went back to staring at his computer. MJ noted his serious bed head and the fact that his shirt was on backward. There seemed to be million open folders tagged with red letters that spelled CONFIDENTIAL and Peter’s secret arsenal of the inventions Stark made for him was open, not hidden anymore by a bookshelf. MJ approached him, snapping her fingers, “Hello, earth to Peter!” 
Peter flashed her an annoyed look, “What is it?”
“You told me to come over, remember?”
“Right,” Peter nodded, “I need you to watch Doe. I’m going … somewhere and I can’t think around her.”
“Is this about your lego toy?”
Peter scowled at her, anger welling up inside of him, “It’s not a lego toy! It’s an eight-thousand piece Millenium Falcon that Ned and I spent thirty hours putting together. Destroyed!” MJ rolled her eyes. 
“She wouldn’t do it for no reason. She just doesn’t know how to control her powers-”
“She knows exactly how to control them,” Peter interjected, “What she doesn't know is how to handle her emotions. She tried to make a drawing of my costume on the wall and, when I told her she couldn’t do that, she exploded. She destroyed the apartment and, just my luck, the fireplace was on. She barely lifted a finger when she summoned that fire.”
MJ took a breath, Peter’s words sinking in, “This doesn’t mean you can tell her to go stand in a corner when you’re angry at her. She didn’t know how much that thing meant to you.”
“I didn’t-” Peter shut his laptop, tossing it on his leather couch, and began to rub his temples as he winced at the thought, “I forgot that I had. I’m not angry with her, MJ, my mind is just all over the place. Fury is torturing me and I can’t afford to slip up or he’ll show up here and find out about Doe.”
MJ nodded, finally understanding what had been going on, “Then I’ll stay here with her while you’re gone. You can get Fury off of your back and Doe and I will stay under the radar,” Peter opened his mouth to thank her but MJ raised a finger, “But first, you’re going to say whatever magic words she wants to hear because, for some weird reason, she likes you a lot and cares what you think of her. And as much as I like sadness and pain, she is the purest thing I’ve ever laid eyes on and she is the only person that I don’t want to see sad and in pain.” 
MJ followed Peter as they went to search for Doe, who was hiding in the walk-in pantry. MJ leaned in the doorway and Peter crouched down where Doe had tucked herself. Peter brushed a piece of the girl’s bright hair behind her ears, “Peter is sorry for his behavior earlier,” MJ almost snorted as he referred to himself in the third person.
“Doe is sorry. Promise,” Her plan failed completely and it only took about twenty minutes as she wrapped her arms around Peter. He hugged her tightly and felt a lot of his anxiety melt away. Explaining to her that he had to leave for a few days would be difficult but he suspected MJ would make it easier. 
“Things are going to be great when I get back, I promise.”
“Hate to make this awkward but both of you look like you haven’t showered in days so maybe we should tackle that challenge first.”
Peter was exhausted when he finally returned back from his two weeks later. He had barely slept the entire time and his muscles were aching, not to mention all the bruises that were still healing. He came in close to dinner time to find that the house was still put together, actually, it was cleaner than usual which was odd. That wasn’t the weirdest part because, as he entered the kitchen, he saw that Doe was wearing shoes. 
“Peter!” Of course, Peter accepted her warm embrace but Peter noted her black combat boots, black leather jacket, and finally paired with, you guessed it, a black dress. 
MJ looked up from her slice of pizza to say, “I couldn’t get her into pants, sadly.”
Doe was still tightly wrapped around him as Peter responded, “I think you’ve done enough, thanks. I should’ve known you’d turn her into a mini version of you.”
“Peter, we go shopping!” Peter shot a confused and accusatory look at MJ. 
“You were cool with us using your credit card, right?” MJ took a calm bite of her pizza. 
“You took someone with uncontrolled elemental powers out into public? What if something had happened?”
“It was only for an hour or two … on a few days. She had some anxiety but she got over it quickly. She’s super chill when she’s with me. Plus, you’d be awkward as hell if you had to bra shop with her.”
“MJ, we discussed this-” Before Peter could berate her, MJ grabbed her backpack and her slice of pizza and stormed out of the kitchen.
“Thanks for the pizza and the new clothes, Peter. Bye, kid!”
“Bye-bye, MJ! Good morning!” Doe still had yet to unwrap herself from Peter and, even as her babysitter left, she held Peter tight. 
Peter huffed as he heard the front door slammed. He looked down at Doe who was smiling wide, “Pi-zza for Peter? Make happy?”
Peter nodded and they ate pizza together before Peter collapsed onto his bed with Doe in his arms. 
Doe thought that since her heat had passed that she might crave his touch less but this was not at all true. The two weeks apart had her craving him and Peter didn’t seem to mind the extra comfort that she brought him after his long mission. 
She told him all about her adventures with MJ in the words that she knew and that he could understand. It was all a bit jumbled but Peter still seemed to nod and smile though she could see the worry some of the stories had caused him. 
She still liked kissing Peter. He never asked her too but she noticed the way he leaned in when they were looking at each other. He’d hold her head and push his tongue into her mouth, exploring her. 
She couldn’t stop thinking as she paced the hallway, just outside Peter’s office, where he was video conferencing inside. She wasn’t to go inside which she knew but she could hear his voice from the outside. Hear the nervousness and crave to ease any anxiety that he had. 
It was a total accident that a gust of air rushed past and the door cracked open a bit. She peeked inside to see Peter sitting behind his desk, his fingers tapping at his desk, as he stared at a hologram screen across from him. 
She could tell that, whoever was talking to him, a pale woman with brunette hair, “I talked to him, I’m pretty sure he has nothing to do with this situation and, if he did, he wouldn’t have ... “ Peter’s voice trailed off as he saw a totally, conspicuous person crawling into his office. 
Peter’s eyes met hers and his eyes became sharp as if to warn her without outward saying it. 
“Parker?” Peter’s head darted back up to look at Maria. 
“Yes, like I was saying …” Peter continued on the debriefing of his mission as he saw Doe crawl beneath his desk. 
She couldn’t hide the fact that sometimes she enjoyed frustrating Peter. As her hands ran up his legs and she felt him flinch, she giggled to herself. His hand slipped under the desk and he waved his hand as if to tell her to stop. She only took his hand, slipping two of his fingers into her mouth as she slowly sucked on them. It was what he did to his own fingers after stimulating her sensitive parts with his hands. 
Peter paused his speech for a second before, slipping his fingers away and wiping them onto his pants. He continued to talk to the woman as if nothing had happened. Doe positioned herself between his legs and set her head in his crotch, peeking up at him. Peter scowled down at her and she only blushed. 
She nuzzled him into him like a kitten to its owner. 
She thought much about what was between his legs and the fact that he never really insisted on her returning the pleasure that he brought her. She felt how it grew harder when she ground against him during her first heat and she felt it press against her bottoms in the mornings. He never let her touch it as he rushed to the bathroom in the morning to take care of it himself. 
Doe felt it now, growing harder just because of her proximity to it. Peter continued talking and shifted uncomfortably but that only made it more visible to her. Doe sat back on her knees and began to run her fingers over the outline it created in his shorts. 
“Well, we have other agents working this for now and - Peter? Is everything okay?”
“Everything’s fine- ah!” Doe wrapped her fingers around the outline, slowly stroking up and down. It was fascinating to her and her original plan to bother him for attention quickly took a turn. She wondered if it worked the same way as her private parts did, “I-I’m just not feeling well, Ms. Hill.”
“I’ll leave you to enjoy the rest of your day, Peter. Expect a call from Fury sometime soon,” Peter nodded quickly as he reached to end the call. 
Soon, the hologram disappeared but the problem at hand was even direr than the mission he was just sent on. 
Peter rolled back in his chair and Doe emerged from under the desk, “Stay away, you evil girl.”
Doe only crawled forward, giggling, “Take care for Peter, please?” She positioned herself between his legs again, sitting up on her knees as her hands reached for the member growing in his pants. It felt a bit softer now and Doe frowned but a few more touches from her, it was hard again. 
Peter’s breath hitched in his throat, “Do you even know … what that mouth of yours would do to me? What your hands would do?” He would kill her, he was sure of it, but at least he’d die happy. 
Peter thought for a moment before slipping down his pants and his boxers, letting his hard member spring free. Doe wasn’t sure what she was expecting but she didn’t expect he’d be hiding all of this inside of his pants. Peter took her hand and gently wrapped it around the base of his cock. 
“Touch it like this,” He instructed her, trying to hold in the sounds he desperately wanted to release. She moved her hand up and down slowly, twisting as he showed her how “You can use your hands or your mouth but both are better … much better. Open your mouth, Doe.”
Peter leaned forward, holding her head, as she opened her mouth. Peter stuck two of his fingers into her open mouth, “Good girl,” he praised her as he went deeper. He was surprised how deep he went before she even gagged and an evil part of him, deep down inside of him, liked that very much. He liked seeing her eyes wide like this and saliva dripping down her chin, “Suck and move that tongue around.”
With some coaching, she easily obeyed. 
“That’s what you want to do with me … okay?” She nodded, bringing her mouth towards Peter’s member. She took him into her mouth, “Move that tongue around, Doe -ah! Just like that.”
His moans were encouragement enough as Doe swirled her tongue around his tip before fully taking him into her mouth. Peter gathered her bright hair in his hand, pushing it from her face, so he could see her clearly as she devoured him, “Keep those eyes on me, little one.”
And she did. 
He wouldn’t last long like this, he knew it, but Doe seemed to gain more control, not needing much guidance as she eagerly took him in deeper. She was … supernatural. 
She gagged as she took in the whole length of him but she kept her tongue swirling around his base even as her eyes watered from the lack of oxygen. Peter almost lost it then but she pulled away with a gasp, “Good, Peter?”
“So good, Doe. So good.”
Doe giggled and went back to tending to him, bobbing her head up and down with the guidance of Peter’s hands wrapped around her hair. He could only handle a minute of it before his hips were bucking and he was releasing into her mouth. 
Peter opened his mouth to tell her she could spit it out but he watched as she swallowed it all and with little complaint. Doe was satisfied knowing she could take care of Peter in this way now. She stood up and crawled into his lap, straddling him. 
“What am I gonna do with you, huh?”
“Kiss Doe?”
Peter smiled and pecked her lips. 
Doe felt like a princess. 
Hope you enjoyed! Reblogs will probably be added to the taglist or send me an ask if you want me to be added! Check out my master list for more of my Peter fics.
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