#i am Not Normal about stargate
sga-owns-my-soul · 1 year
im so glad i rejoined tumblr bc i’m FINALLY, for the first time in 18 years, surrounded by people who love this show and are as fucking unhinged about it as i am. i love this community so much and i would do anything for it tbh
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judgeverse · 7 months
the excruciating act of posting anything personal and serious about mental health.... if you saw that no you didn't
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micamone · 7 months
feel like i should get a custom printed "#1 Wraith Defender" teeshirt for the rest of my watching startgate atlantis the fuck
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dearophelia · 1 year
best of sara's fic, according to her
Because I’m feeling some kind of way about my cancer lately and wanted to put together a Sara’s Greatest Fic Hits while I’m still around to do it (which is a morbid thing to type, but see the intro: been feeling some kind of way lately).
These range from my most popular fics, to the ones lost to weird posting hours, and everything in between. If I counted correctly, there are 14 fandoms on this list: from Mass Effect and Dragon Age, to Grey’s Anatomy and Stargate SG-1, to The West Wing and Calvin & Hobbes.
I’d appreciate reblogs on this (I am not ashamed to pull the stage iv cancer card here) so it can reach as many people as possible.
I have been writing fic for over 15 years; this is not a short list.
All are rated T or lower unless otherwise indicated. All stories are at or under the 3k mark unless otherwise indicated.
Stargate SG-1:
waves are universal (the heaven in hiding remix) (Sam/Jack; I’m very Normal about this fic; time travel and alternate realities, a host of OCs (and some familiar faces from Norafic if you look closely), oh and the Sam/Jack kid from the alternate reality! Only she’s an adult and working on a way to save the world! This has it all, folks: humor, romance, angst, action! I told you I’m Normal about it; 40k)
strange is the night where black stars rise (Sam; horror! A low creeping sense of doom! The King in Yellow! No, seriously, fuck that planet; 10k)
#sg1wedding (Sam/Jack; their wedding turned into An Event against their will; bets are going down about who would win in a fight: Bra’tac or the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs; also Jack loses his socks; twitterfic from 2012 and technology has definitely Marched On, just read it like an unhinged group chat fic)
phoenix (Sam/Daniel/Teal’c, Sam/Jack, Sam/Jack/Daniel/Teal’c; apocalypse (that I consulted a real live geologist on!); rebuilding in the wake of said apocalypse; team family feelings, kids, and some really shitty neighbors; 38k)
Dragon Age:
joy cometh in the morning (Ariadne; rated M; a host of OCs; mind the warnings; friendship; worldbuilding galore; friendships and mentors and first loves; did I mention friendship and worldbuilding?; 56k)
through the rude wind’s wild lament, and the bitter weather (Ari+Cullen; quiet magic, kind magic, good magic is still new to Cullen)
as the sun kissed the horizon (Ari/Josephine; a relationship in ten moments)
‘til we meet again (Ari+Cullen; platonic sleeping together!)
so hold my hand, consign me not to darkness (Ari; her faith is the core of who she is and, for the first time, Andraste isn’t there; post-Trespasser)
raise your fists up to the sky (Kylie/Krem; it’s Krem’s first day with the Chargers and there’s a naked elf in the middle of camp)
every demon wants his pound of flesh (Krem+Bull; Krem was in the Fade with the Inquisitor and the fear demon had some Things To Say To Him)
black dove (Anaya) & strange little girl (Anaya+Dagna) & dissolving clouds (Anaya+Cullen) (because neurodivergent Inquisitor, friendship, blossoming romance, and three very different takes on blood magic)
skeletons (Zahara+Bull; she is saarebas, he is Ben-Hassrath, and language is important)
children shouldn’t play with dead things (Juliette Amell; she’s always had an easier time with the dead than the living; cw for bugs)
a sorta fairytale (Josephine/Cassandra; flower shop & tattoo parlor AU; 8k)
Mass Effect Trilogy:
gonna set your flag on fire (Nora Vakarian, Liv/Garrus, James/Liara, Liv+Liara, Livfam; action! Humor! Angst! Worldbuilding! OCs!; I am Super Normal about this fic too; I promise everything’s okay in the end, promise, even though it isn’t written yet; Nora is an N3 and has an inactive control chip in her head. She and her team are ordered to investigate a Cerberus facility. It goes, shall we say, awry; 40k)
anthem (Liv/Garrus, Hannah/Zaeed, Liv+Liara; eight months is a long time without each other; angst with a happy ending (I promise); post-Destroy; 13k)
holy ground & dress (Liv/Garrus; ficlets from the night he gets sworn in as Councilor)
brightly shone the moon at night (Liv, Liv+Liara, Liv/Garrus, Livfam; five Christmases in Olivia Shepard’s life; 5k)
the pieces of gold, they light up your eyes & now we’re alone, now we’re alive (Liv/Garrus; the evolution of a relationship)
fighting is said to have reached palaven (Liv/Garrus; please, please let him be alive)
and some things you just can’t speak about (Quentus+Nico; the war)
‘cause i know that it’s delicate (Liv/Garrus; pre-wedding!)
nosce te ipsum (Nico; he likes boys and fanfiction and he didn’t think he’d get his little italicized oh moment)
i will write you love letters if you tell me to (Liv/Garrus; Hannah gives him one of Liv’s notebooks before he goes off to Omega; Garrus does the only thing he can think of with it)
i really need you (Liv/Garrus; James POV during the reunion scene in Priority: Palaven)
you look really tired (Liv/Garrus, Liv+Liara; post-Thessia, Olivia’s not doing well)
hey, so, ground rules (Liv+Zaeed; it’s a lot weird now that he’s dating her mom)
and all the scars you bear are from a previous war (Liv+Quentus; Mom!Liv)
you can hear it in the silence (Liv/Garrus; just a moment, post-war)
this all started because of a bad day (Liv/Garrus; from first meetings to matching rings)
combat, i’m ready for combat & turn on your favorite nightlight (Hannah; she’s a civilian and her daughter isn’t, and she’s bound and determined to know what Liv goes through when her boots hit the ground; Hannah, Zaeed, Liv, and Garrus hit up Armax)
four quarians who never made it back to the fleet (and one who did) (kinda what it says on the tin, honestly. Oh, Tali’s in this!)
everyone’s lost, the battle is won (Evangeline; somewhat predictably, my experiment in getting as many of my team killed as possible resulted in Feelings About It)
across the sky (Susan/Liara; how to make the Control ending feel good)
and yours is in red underlined (Vanessa; The Illusive Man has pissed her off for the last time)
i’m headed straight for the castle (Vanessa; renegade control ending; kneel before your queen)
Mass Effect Andromeda:
for saviours (Tori; ten scenes from a pre-Andromeda life; 10k)
ringing joyful and triumphant (Tori/Liam/Jaal; just some morning fluff)
the thing with the baby angara (Tori/Liam/Jaal; thinking about the future)
the undone and the divine (Tori/Liam/Jaal; the lone single solitary explicit fic on here, give it props for that alone; Liam gets absolutely railed by his partners. That’s it. That’s the fic.)
you’re like the thing that makes the universe explode (Sara Ryder/Suvi, Drack; kid, the only people who don’t know that you like Suvi are people who haven’t met you and Suvi)
this one’s for the torn down, the experts at the fall (Tori+Garrus; one night in the intersection of Victoria Ryder and Archangel; maybe they’re better friends than they both thought)
The West Wing:
a great revelation sigh (CJ; she’s Chief of Staff; ten steps to the apocalypse; the apocalypse source probably didn’t age well, heads up)
it’s in my blood and i won’t give up ‘cause it’s running through my veins (Amy+Andi; it’s Election Day in the future and Amy has nothing to do)
Grey’s Anatomy:
dropsonde (the singers in a lower choir remix) (Addison/Alex, Derek/Meredith, Addison+Derek, Addison+Mark, Mark+Derek; the one that kicked off all the remixes; absolutely off the rails from canon somewhere in S3; budding romances and kidfic and my theory about people being storms and lighthouses; 40k)
scarlet city (Mark/Addison, Burke/Cristina; film noir gangster and detective AU; Addison’s the gangster, Burke’s the detective; literally everyone I could fit into this fic shows up; also Denny is comic relief; 18k)
access records (Star Trek Voyager; Naomi Wildman’s holodeck access for the past week; worldbuilding!)
in this twilight our choices seal our fate (the song in the house of night remix) (SVU; Olivia/Elliot; rated M; on the rise and fall of partnership; probably a little too much religious imagery but what the hell else am I gonna do with a minor in religious studies?; 4k)
the end of days job (Leverage; Parker+Eliot+Hardison; the apocalypse job, basically; this one ages well!)
let the only sound be the overflow (D&D; Calia/Kelpie/Edal, aka ot3: fathoms below; the ocean is big and they are not)
we are golden stars above silver seas (we hear echoes from another galaxy) (Calvin & Hobbes; Calvin+Susie; throughout all those years, she never gave up on him; this one went viral on tumblr [LINK] and I cleaned it up for the AO3 version)
lift her, pull her, from the orchids (Grace and Frankie; Grace/Frankie; the one where I invoke the spelling bee)
rocket queens (Babylon 5/Pacific Rim; Susan Ivanova/Talia Winters; look, they’re jaeger pilots, I really don’t know what else to tell you)
the great gig in the sky (Battlestar Galactica; Six; rebirth is painful, she forgets this sometimes)
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ladyvaderpixetc · 4 months
your top 15 favourite tv shows can say a lot about your personality
Tagged by the epically fab @lolahardy
this genuinely kept me awake a bit last night until I realised what was happening and stopped trying to recall every show that ever struck me right in the feels or shaped me lol and yes, I know no one asked for any reasoning behind it but when you've mulled it over all bloody day long, you feel like sharing :P
M*A*S*H - used to be on everyday at 7 and my mum had adored it when she was younger so brought me and my sister up on it, still makes me laugh and cry to this day.
Star Trek TNG (& Picard which might be cheating but really is just an extension all told) - loved all the Trek's, Honourable Mention goes to ToS because kid!me loved it so much, only to have TNG blow the roof off my head. Lt Cmdr Data was my first love and I am unashamed ;)
Red Dwarf - for many reasons but mainly Arnold Rimmer (more reliable than a garden Strimmer, he's never been mistaken for Yul Brynner - he's not bald and his head doesn't glimmer...) who my teenage self was certain could be redeemed with the power of love, or a very determined snogging if nowt else.
The Good Place - because I (and many of us) needed it as a concept, whether for personal growth, coping with grief or just cos 'forking shirtballs' never gets any less funnier for me.
Firefly - the best show to ever be cancelled before it's writer could ruin it. I adored the show and the ensuing film, mourned its early cancellation for YEARS until I heard about Whedon's general twattishness and what had been his intentions for the series and characters, now am happy it exists as it is, still problematic but so worthy in so many ways, and on that awkward note...
Buffy the Vampire Slayer - problematic on 800 gazillion levels in this day and age but still a forerunner of many awesome things to follow and I'd be lying if I said I hadnt been glued to it, obsessed with it, shipping folks, dling the soundtrack, buying the jewelry etc and even now if I see a reaction vid on YT for S5 I can't help myself but watch and weep along with them.
Merlin (BBC) - Umm'd and Ahh'd over this for bloody ages lol but it was my happy place (literally, had a run of bad years as have we all, so I'd watch an ep before bed every night to make me smile) and it got me through the difficulties I had right up to the finale where they took me and my happy place out back and shot it in the face in front of me lol. Despite my escapism route being put down in those heinous raw weeks immediately following a parents funeral, I'm still listing it here for being wonderful, silly, heartening and heartbreaking, whilst giving every last Fuck You to the writers for their surprise, abruptly canon-compliant ending.
Stargate SG1 - daft sci fi with it's heart trying hard to be in the right place plus eminently shippable characters in almost every combo going? Yes, please.
Heroes - because I was OBSESSED. It picked me up out of my OTP in a diff fandom (sorry drarry, I still love you honest) drained me of any and all urge to write for anything but them ever again until it got shat on by its own writers, breaking the spell.
Brooklyn 99 - NINE-NINE. *sadly doffs cap to Captain Holt*
King of the Hill - from a show I used to avoid when I was younger to one I ration myself viewswise so it won't lose it's impact. Superb.
Schitts Creek - only watched due to encountering a clip on tumblr of Moira's stonefaced manaical laughter and ended up crying with happiness over the finale, am an easy crier sure, but not normally because something is just so lovely.
Cheers - was only a kid when it finished but I bawled my face off when Sam said 'sorry, we're closed' (was too young to know it'd be repeated ad infinitum lol) and the opening theme still feels like coming home.
Golden Girls - sole reason D+ gets any money from me, the bastards, it was my only access for a bit there but it was worth it, lightyears ahead of it's time and just wonderful to boot.
Parks & Rec - somewhere my sister is elated with no clue why. Took her years to talk me into it, but having watched it on repeat a few times, I now can't live without Leslie, Ben & Ron.
Other honourable mentions (sorry I know, longpost, my bad) go to Quantum Leap for being a daily delight growing up, What We Do in the Shadows which would have made the list but I've only just got around to watching it and am only on S3 so have yet to find out if it's going to rip my heart out, Eerie Indiana for getting me started hyperfixationwise, Caroline in the City (S1-S3... S4? I don't know her - no seriously, I didnt realise for YEARS it didnt end at S3 and as this purported S4 fucked that up [supposedly] yeah I don't know her), The XFiles for my first actual foray into fandom & fanfic, and I know am missing another gazillion shows I'll remember later that seem much more worldshaping than these and I'll gnash my teeth lol so yeah *waves hand vaguely towards future me's frustrated rememberings* them too ;)
Tagging a) anyone who fancies a go should they feel like it, and b) [no pressure natch] @theangrykimchi @amazinmango @thesaltofcarthage @buckydunpun @kalika999 @gracerene @helaheim @dls-ao3 @emorgan5061 @bananaempanada
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mylittleredgirl · 7 months
20 questions for fic writers
thanks @annerbhp for the tag! i really enjoyed reading her answers too!
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
2. What’s your total ao3 word count?
646,705 (average of 3k per fic, which sounds about right)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
stargate atlantis most often, followed by sg-1, various star treks, and the x-files (with other miscellaneous fandoms on demand for exchanges and gifts).
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
No Sooner Met (voyager, janeway/chakotay)
Career Day (sg-1, mini!otp)
Next Chapter (the good place, chidi/eleanor)
First Date (voyager, janeway/chakotay) editor's note: man my title game was weak in my voyager era
Occupational Hazards (the good place, chidi/eleanor)
it's so funny to spend my online time in small or inactive fandoms and look at statistics because i'm like yeah... i'm kind of a big deal... people know me... i have many leather-bound volumes... and not a single one of my fics crack 300 kudos (& very few over 100). the person i reblogged from topped out over 9,000! what's it like to write long fics for popular fandoms? is it cool?
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
i do now! and it's awesome! for a long time i was intimidated by praise and had a hard time responding, but my brain works now and i really enjoy exchanging comments that turn into long threads of headcanon back-and-forth and sometimes new friends.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
oh god PLEASE let me unburden my soul about Twilight (sga, john/elizabeth). it's so uncharacteristically hopeless for me -- far future fic, complicated family dynamics, elizabeth has dementia and john is estranged from their son... really no one is having a good time. i think it's interesting and a cool departure from my usual writing style, but it's also a big sad mess.
i still feel sooooo guilty about these two thousand words of misery that i REGULARLY think about writing a sequel where john and his son fix it with time travel and mend fences. like i lie awake at night worrying about these characters because one time in 2007 i didn't give them a happy ending and suggested john might not break the bad father generational cycle. normal fic writer behavior.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Weaving Loose Ends (sg-1, sam/jack)! i love happy and hopeful endings but i think of all of them, this one is the most resolved and least complicated.
8. Do you get hate on fic?
nope. oh!!!! there was the one time when i caused Big Drama in a corner of the Dancing With The Stars fandom by turning people's headcanons into rpf, which everyone liked until one included porn. people got so heated with each other over this one smut fic (doxing! splinter factions! a fandom schism!) but somehow no one was ever actually mean to me. i didn't even get blocked or banned for my rpf transgressions, i was just standing there at the eye of the storm. so... i guess the answer is still no??
9. Do you write smut?
yes! i should probably write more, though. it has been all slow and gauzy the past few years, somebody should really get railed pretty soon.
10. Do you write crossovers?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
i don't think so. happily toiling in obscurity.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
back in the x-files days i think someone translated some of my doggett/reyes fics for a spanish archive, so those might still be out there.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
no i haven't!! i am really not doing well collecting my fic writer girl scout badges here!!
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
john sheppard/elizabeth weir my beloved.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but probably won’t?
i have 10k of an sg-1 episode-by-episode soulmate fic that started really strong and i would love to share someday, but i lack staying power so it will surely just go to seed in my dropbox forever!!
16. What are your writing strengths?
hopefully character complexity and dialogue. dialogue is interesting in fanfic, because the dialogue on many TV shows is really different than how real humans speak (it's scripted to be clearer, more concise and direct, uninterrupted, etc), so it's a fun challenge to balance that and get something that sounds both in-character and realistic.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
long fics!
the big related weakness is that i find it incredibly difficult to keep writing on a fic after i show it to anyone (as a sneak peek, or because i want feedback / encouragement / brainstorming help). i lose steam on my own, but posting or inviting other people into the process is like pouring sugar in the gas tank. why is that!! how do i fix this!!!
and i don't know if this is a "writing weakness" or an "egregious personal character flaw" but i sure did finish an exchange fic this year literally forty seconds before reveals, so that's... pretty bad.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
SO SCARY aughhhh my fear of Being Wrong really nukes me here. it doesn't even have to be a real language. it's like the ghost of JRR Tolkein himself is standing over my shoulder telling me that if i don't backwards engineer an entire proto-latinate space language instead of just chucking words into google translate and calling it Ancient i'm committing unpardonable sins.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
star trek! first internet-published fics were x-files, but first limited-print-edition fics were xeroxed hand-bound voyager stories my sister and i would give as "gifts" to family friends (and then stand there staring at them while they read the first few pages and told us how clever and creative we were and promised to "read the rest later").
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
new answer! i have always answered this before with ain't no sunshine (sga, john/elizabeth) or career day (sg-1, mini!otp), but i think i really stuck the landing this year on pieces (sga, john/elizabeth). which, incidentally, is the one i finished forty seconds before reveals so i'm definitely not going to learn anything from that narrow escape.
tagging @ussjellyfish if you haven't already done this one, @coraclavia, @havocthecat, @lonesomehighways, and anyone else who made it through this long post and would like to do it!
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teecupangel · 1 year
Your vamp au made me howl with laugher.
And I get a stupid idea here:
I don't know about m*thrfuking vampires but I think this dude really has some power. It's the FORCE!People! Sith is real!
You guys are with me? Yes? I know this is not the normal shit I do or normal fake news I enjoyed so much to tear apart while laughing like crazy.
After 6 fuxking hours video comparison with 3 more hours debates with every SW YouTubers and VTubers we can gathered at the moment.
It's goddamned real.
The vamp lover's eye color changed from honeybrown to sith gold in the 48 different videos and photos we could found.
From 32 phones, 6 photos, 5 shop cameras, 3car cameras and 2 honest to force Polaroid photos. If you have more video, send it to me!
From his ehh passioned defense of his bestfriend-it's on the Brazil national News- we can found a base color and even then they flashed gold when surrounding lights didn't change at all.
Look at these [1:27 from video2][0:43 from video8][6:05 from video39]. You can see his eye color changed to gold even in the shadows, yeah they were totally glowing The first time I thought it's reflect too. But they didn't change back to honey when he turned around to face [3:14 from video 11] and they just keep going all sith-y when he decided to make a run for it. *[Check for more traditional sith eye color and video lights detail analysis]*
How could we be so sure it's force?
Our (probably not) young Sith Lord wasn't touched by any person when he raced trough the whole mob.
Turned left at third blue guard bar 0.23s early to avoid a grab from a redhood male from behind. Keep his pace and dance though at least 5 intentionaltripping without looking at all. Dropped back 2 inches so a kid next to him didn't lost his balloon because their parents were trying too hard to get a good angle. Dogged at least 12 throwing projects. And so on. I could keep going all day about how it's impossible for human to do what he did. Our pitiful brain just do not have the processing power and spatial awareness for this.*[Check for more kinematic analysis ]*
But the truth is:
Not a single soul could touch him at all. If he's not a chairvoyance, the Force will it is the only answer.
# First real time video record of eagle vision in the human history and it's Desmond running from Leovamp fans # # Sith Lord Eyes#
@fanworldbuildingfun Okay. I did not expect a Star Wars conspiracy angle but I'm all in.
@revengeofthesithwasagoodmovie reblogs @always_purfect
#anyone who has a better explanation to why his eyes glow like that step up #it's the camera setting is not a good enough explanation and y'all know it! #da vinci vampire lover #leonardo da vinci #da vinci secret lover not-salai #wanted da vinci boy #abstergo being shady af
We've done it, guys. The Star Wars fandom has joined our search for our Da Vinci Vampire Lover. We've reached main stream. - 39 minutes ago
I thought we reached main stream when news outlets were talking about him? - 37 minutes ago
Nah. We only reach main stream when the Star Wars or Star Trek fandom joins us. - 36 minutes ago
How many days do you think before the SuperWhoLock fandom butts in? - 35 minutes ago
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- 35 minutes ago
HOOOOWWW????? - 34 minutes ago
yo @iamnotmyancestor you can clear this all up, man. Just send us a video of you saying you're not a sith. We all know you're a vampire.
hi @iamnotmyancestor are you a space vampire? (asking for a friend)
hey @iamnotmyancestor where do force lightning come from?
@iamnotmyancestor i swear this isn't star wars related, i need help with my term paper? halp???
"Can everybody please stop calling Da Vinci vampire lover space vampire? We call the white dudes from Stargate space vampire and he's too hot to be one" "I think Todd is hot" "Nobody asks, @toddthespacevampirelover"
"Hey, guys... Am I a Sith?"
"No, Desmond. You're just a space vampire."
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portlandwithyou · 9 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 🤍
Oh wow! Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to talk about my own work. I always feel awkward doing self promotion, but I do think there are some works I love so much. Here's my list of five in no particular order:
The Dream Continues for Fugitive Gaming- Players- G- 1k- This story is for a now sadly cancelled Paramount Plus show called Players that was my absolute favorite. There's very little fic for the show, but I love that I pushed myself to write an out of the box faux- Rolling Stone profile.
The Traditional Art of Storytelling- Stargate: Atlantis- G- 1k- Although I've written a lot of SGA fic, this one stands out in my mind because I think I captured something very tender and personal. Again, not my normal style, but something that pushed me as a writer.
Bleeding Tension- Stargate: Atlantis- T- 6k- My first SGA fic and one I still love. It will always have a place in my heart as the thing that opened so many doors for me and lead to so many friendships.
Girlfriend-Girlfriend- Barbie (2023)- T- 4k- I've been genuinely so lucky with this fic. I was so taken with the movie the moment I saw it and as I was leaving the theater I was already dreaming up this fic. It's had far more success than I ever imagined and I love the connection people have with it.
Trail Riding- Stargate: SG1- G- 14k- This was my "return" to writing fic. The idea I could not get out of my brain, that I simply had to sit down and write. I can still remember the feeling of complete satisfaction when it was finished and terror when I posted it.
I'd also like to give an honorable mention to an as-of-yet unpublished due South fic called I Miss You, Etc. It's a magnum opus. A door stopper. A story I poured months and months of myself into. And once it's published with the rest of the big bang fics I'm sure I won't be able to shut up about it. But for now, I just want to say how proud I am of it.
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queer-geordie-nerd · 6 months
I love sci-fi shows (Star Trek, Stargate, Babylon 5, Battlestar Galactica, firefly) but so many sci-fi blogs have blocked me for being a Zionist. I’m glad you’re a safe space.
There’s a quote that perfectly encapsulates my feelings on the matter:
"Twenty cycles I stood beside you as one of the Nine. I called many of you friends. Now you call me outcast. You know me. You know I believe in the task that is before us, the Great War that is coming. I have not turned my back on you! In trying to help, I have sacrificed all that I was and all that I am. We can no longer allow ourselves to be separated by names and borders. Our two sides must unite or be destroyed. Do not make my sacrifice a vain one. Allow me to finish what is started. In the name of our friend, the future of our people, let me remain on Babylon 5."
Oh, I love that quote and Delenn happens to be my favourite character of all time ever - totally normal about her ❤️
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cherish--these--times · 10 months
I blink and suddenly it's 2008 and I'm reading fanfictions about my first OTP (I got my tumblr url from them LOL) and I want to binge watch Stargate Atlantis all over again and then I go on tumblr and the John x Teyla tag is filled with new goodies?? Me think am gonna reread The Legacy Series for the third time. I knew Sheyla would become canon one way or another. This ship is just UUUGHHH SO GOOD. They got their happy end after all the angst of the last two series in the official follow-up MGM licensed books AND I AM THRIVING.
Ahem. I just like 'em a normal amount.
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sakebytheriver · 2 years
Michael from Stargate Atlantis is one of those tragic villains whom the source material doesn't really deserve to have
Like Stargate Atlantis was what it was, it wasn't a bad show, it wasn't a great show, but Michael? Lt. Michael Kenmore? The wraith that they "cured" and then created an entirely new life for? That show did not deserve him, I'm sorry, he was a character light years ahead of the writing ability of that staff that just got insanely lucky one day when some deity took mercy on them and granted them this god teir character concept and the way they framed his introduction episode as a horror movie from his perspective? Brilliant, I mean did they execute it very well, meh not really, I would do things a lot different tbh, but once again this was a writing team dealing with a concept so above their pay grade, like I could honestly come up with some kind of arthouse high concept tragic psychological thriller about this character. I mean you come from an alien race that evolved from the combination of a life sucking giant space bug and the human beings it fed on for centuries and now your species is a life sucking vampire human/bug hybrid whose main prey is the human beings who are actively trying to find a way to take the giant insect DNA out of you guys and you, a random foot soldier, just one of the one in a million drones become their first unwilling test subject, they justify it saying this is a cure, this is for your own good, this will help your species as much as theirs, the ends justify the means, even as they hunt you down and strap you to a table injecting you with serums and treatments and chemicals that could change you or kill you, they give you a name, Michael, a name that in their culture means "a gift from God", but even as they name you, even as they call you a gift they won't care if you die from their injections, you are the enemy and they are at war, the ends justify the means, if it wasn't you it would be someone else. And once they've "cured" you of your affliction of being a different species, they twist the knife even more and give you a human life to match your human name, they give you human parents, human friends, they try to assimilate you into their fold, to welcome you to the tribe even though every single last one of them is still afraid of you and you can tell, you can sense it, even though you know nothing, you know that everyone is on edge around you and you just can't understand why, because they say you are their Friend, they say they care about you, they love you, and at the same time you're living a life you can't remember with people you are told you know, people you are told you love, a family, a home, a history that is supposed to be all yours, but it doesn't feel like yours. Your life feels hollow, but yet, They tell you, You are Normal. You are Human. You are our Friend. You are one of Us.
And then, you find the videos. You see yourself, but not this clean cut normal man you've been accustomed to seeing in the mirror.
You see the real you. The person you thought you were is nothing but a fabrication of what they thought would trick you and they didn't even try that hard, so now here you are, because of just how careless, just how much none of them could act like they had anything but contempt for you, there on the laptop you stole in the files that weren't even locked, the real you, staring straight back into your own normal human blue eyes are the yellow slitted eyes of who you used to be and all you can think is,
"I. Am. A. Monster."
The thing on that screen that this file says is supposed to be you, this thing that looks so very different from how you look now, this monster that has your name is what they told you was the enemy, this menace hunting your people is what was supposed to have taken your memory from you, this monster is supposed to be the very thing you want to fight, and yet as you look at the face that is nothing short of a nightmare it feels like Home.
I mean, wouldn't you search for the way to burn all the people who did this to you and their loved ones into ash?
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stargaterevival · 8 months
You and Me
Daniel x Reader (gn!reader, rated M):
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GIF by fighting-naturalist
As you settle into working in the Stargate program, you become more and more captivated by Dr. Jackson. A friendship slowly blooms between the two of you. Along the way you also learn a lot about yourself. However, things mysteriously start going wrong, jeopardising your relationship with Daniel and everything you’ve worked for.
Chapter 27: "A Broken Mirror" now up on Ao3
"I don't think you should be alone right now."
The call had started casually enough. “Hey, what are you up to?” you'd asked him as if you were just two normal people catching up over the phone on an ordinary Saturday night.
“I came home. How 'bout you?" 
"Curled up in bed in the foetal position trying not to think about the dumpster fire that is my life." You try to play it off as a joke, knowing that he sees right through it.  
"I wish I was there," he murmurs, "holding you, making you feel better."
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GIF by sg1-dannysworld GIF by @bluejelloh
Tag list: Let me know if you would like to be added to my tag list for Daniel fanfiction.
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frostysfrenzy · 23 days
20 questions for fanfic writers!
Tagged by @aintgonnatakethis 💙
How many works do you have on AO3? 46
What's your total AO3 word count? 213 147
What fandoms do you write for? My big two are stargate (any and all. Mostly sg1 and sga though) and csi. Though my ao3 says my most posted fandoms are smallville and spn, and that's technically correct, from the svnatural crossovers. There's a couple other shows thrown in there too but we won't get into my whole writing history and future rn
Top 5 fics by kudos:
The thing about a fantasy (csi, G, CathRick)
Beautiful disaster (sga, sg1, T, Gen.)
Keep me safe (sg1, G, Sam/Daniel)
Take me back into your arms (sg1, T, Sam/Daniel)
Morning person (sg1, G, sam & daniel)
Do you respond to comments? Not always, but no that if you've left a nice comment I'm grinning like an idiot each and every time I read it. I love them.
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? I feel like I don't write a ton of angsty ending so I might have to say so much for normal (also my 6th fic by kudos). It ends basically how spn starts, so yeah.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Oh so many but I think the ultimate one has to be take me back into your arms. Nothing like a reunion after coming back to this mortal coil
Do you get any hate on fics? Thankfully no (knock on wood)
Do you write smut? No siree. Not my wheelhouse
Craziest crossover? I basically started by writing crossovers, but the wackiest is definitely the Jason Teague & Dean Winchester are twins fic. Thanks @morrison-the-ii once again
Have you ever had a fic stolen? I hope not!
Have you ever had a fic translated? Not to my knowledge, but I'd allow it!
Have you ever co written a fic? I've bounced ideas with various people, but never actually wrote with anybody
All time favourite ship? I'm not sure tbh. My unhinged svnatural SamLois era was very fun and am still much a fan of Sam/Daniel fics. But one it always seems to come back to writing for me is the brotp between Sara and Nick. They're such a great dynamic to work with and I truly missed writing all csi but especially them so much. Bonus answer Clois, but I don't think I've wrote anything for them. Or at least not anything beyond a ficlet
What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will? I have this saving hope doc I've had for over a year that was meant to be a role reversal of the series finale (meaning its Alex because I like to be even more depressing apparently). The doc is still empty to this day and I honestly think itll stay that way but let's be real nobody wants that anyway I know I really don't 😭. Could also say csi road trip fic but I'm damned and determined to write that one
What are your writing strengths? Characters and dialogue. I love characters and I always feel like I have a good grasp on each of them and can keep them in character as much as possible
What are your writing weaknesses? Any kind of creative descriptors.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language? I doubt I'd personally try it, but I mean if you want to, I don't see a reason not to
First fandom you wrote in? First fic I ever started was Resurfacing (csi, M, gen.) First fic I posted however was the original version of hear it from me (svnatural, G; Clois & Sam)
Favourite fic you've written? Do you know how hard this is? I might have to go with special occasion (svnatural, G; gen.) Just because of how excited I was for that idea combining the best of both worlds. But another one I'm proud of for some reason is just maybe (we'll be alright) (sgu, G; TJ/Young). I don't often feel great about my scene setting and emotion but I like to think I hit the nail on the head with that one
Tagging (no pressure): @sga-owns-my-soul @jencsi @ilkkawhat and @space-helen
But please also feel free to jump on if you see this!
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aintgonnatakethis · 1 month
how would you explain sgu to someone who has only seen the kurt russell stargate movie? (it's me. i'm that someone.) i could just go read the wiki entry but i doubt wiki will tell me how gay it actually is.
Oh boy, you've activated my special interest!
The base concept of SGU is the same as Star Trek: Voyager - flung to the distant outreaches of the universe and searching for a way home. It's so far separated from SG1 and SG-Atlantis that you wouldn't even need to watch them first to get what's going on. 👍
What sets SGU apart from Voyager as well as the previous Stargate shows for me is that it takes a much more realistic view of how the military behave. The main characters of SG1 and SGA are all fundamentally good people, whereas the SGU characters are a Hot Mess. The military attracts certain personality types and the environment of military life encourages specific traits over others. You don't get promoted to command positions because you're a good person, and watching these guys be The Worst™ is my fucking jam!
I've had many discussions about the sociology, toxic masculinity, gender roles, etc, in the show, how it shows the dark sides of seemingly normal people, the realism it has where sometimes terrible things happen for no reason, and its excellent portrayal of a struggle with mental health, depression, and alcoholism that is very dear to me as when I was watching it air I was going through something similar.
As for how gay it is, there's a canon lesbian character - played by the wonderful Ming-Na Wen of Agents of Shield and Mulan fame - but it being a 15 year old show there's unfortunately no canon gay men. But that's what fandom's for, right? And damn, is the subtext strong! For the main 2 guys we have everything from getting up in each other's faces yelling to physical fights rolling around on top of each other covered in blood 👀 to softly asking "how'd you sleep?"
I'd highly recommend giving it a shot, though I am of course extremely biased! 😄
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paradoxlemonade · 10 months
I have a question:
What is "whump"?
I saw in the tags of a post you are a "whump writer" and i've never heard that phrase before?
(I really don't mean to be disrespectful, and im so sorry if im coming off that way!)
You're good :DDDD you're not being disrespectful at all! I love getting asks about whump :D [you have turned me into an unskippable cutscene]
Whump is allllllll about characters in immense pain. It has significant overlap with angst and hurt/comfort as fic genres, though there are a few differences. Angst has a general lean towards psychological issues/trauma/mental health (there are varying degrees of angst), whereas whump is more active torment/torture/traumatic event in the current moment, and it tends to be darker or extreme. Whump almost always has some sort of physical aspect, but it's not an absolute requirement. Some newer fandoms just use angst as a catch-all for angst and whump, but I prefer to separate them.
Hurt/comfort, as the name implies, must be a character getting hurt followed up with comfort (either a little or a lot). Whump and angst can also be hurt/comfort, but they don't require any comfort if the author doesn't want to write any. I tend to prefer comfort, but some of my favorites don't have any!
The term is said to originate from the Stargate fandom in the late 90s as an onomatopoeia for the fan-favorite character Daniel hitting the ground, though this is disputed and the term may be older. Source: the Whump fanlore page (also contains further reading on the topic!)
I like whump for the same reason a lot of people like horror: it's fascinating and visceral. There's this one Tumblr quote I utterly adore that sums up my feelings on the matter: "Characters are like geodes—in order to see their inner beauty, you have to break them."
People like whump for a lot of different reasons and like different facets of it. For example, I prefer either a prideful/stoic whumpee (character getting whumped) who is broken down during the fic, or an absolutely pathetic wet cat that the universe itself seems to bend to hurt. My favorite whumpers (character doing the hurting) are either cold and methodical (big big fan of medical whump!) or environmental whump (natural disasters, stranded, exposed to the elements, sickfic, etc.). That said, I'm much less picky with my whumpers than I am with my whumpees!
Current favorite whump tropes: nonconsensual body modification (!!!! Big on this one, ties into medical horror), scarification, head injuries/concussions, character forced to hurt a friend, hostage situations, psychological conditioning, and hypothermia :D (I am normal I promise lmao)
TL;DR: Whump is torturing characters for the funsies, comfort optional. Being my favorite character is a threat to that character's well-being! <3
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gatefleet · 2 months
Hints and Could Be's
Stargate: Atlantis; Evan Lorne Word Count: 1013 (T)W: Being lifted against your will. Request: Yes. “I was wondering if you could do an Major Lorne imagine or Fanfic. Set in Atlantis but can have a cameo of SG1 💁🏼‍♀️ Where reader/Yn is an archeologist (like Jackson) has a PHD and they meet one day and it’s a hint of what could be, head strong like carter. Enjoys making fun of flyboys, is kinda a “hot girl” if you will 🤦🏼‍♀️ (trying a different than the shy “nerdy” girl) could of joined the Airforce but has too strong of a memory of what Generals can be like. (Has family ties to the airforce! Oh she totally likes to “bullies” McKay, he actually respects her (secretly) because she can stand up for herself and show off her knowledge. She might have a dark past?? Unsure Have fun! Thanks for looks at my request 🙋🏼‍♀️” @stargurl-battleship A/N: I am so, incredibly sorry this has take so long! Some of your request I'm kind of working into an SGA long shot and to prevent myself from (accidentally) reusing lines, I wasn't able to cover everything in the request, and I'm so sorry about that! I hope this is close to what you were looking for!
Being part of the Stargate programme was one of the best things that could have happened to you. Never once in all your years of studying, did you think you would ever get to use your degree to the extent which you currently were. Seeing the different races and cultures that participated towards the evolution of your own made your other hopes for your degree usage pale in comparison. You hadn’t realised that the stargate programme would be made up of mainly military personnel and was even more shocked to discover that most of them were Airforce and the few scientists that were in the team tended to be civilian contractors, with Major Samantha Carter seeming to be the exception to the rule. You studied under Dr Daniel Jackson for the first year or so of your career with the Stargate programme, you learned the dialects, the common and uncommon hieroglyphs, the correct pronunciation of words from Dr Jackson and Teal’c.
Eventually you joined a different SG team and would travel with a Major Evan Lorne and his team once Dr Jackson had deemed you ‘well versed’ enough to go solo. You and Lorne both got along well enough and had a similar bond to O’Neil and Jackson. You would call out Lorne for his ‘military tactics’ and he would call you out on your ‘naïve and protocol breaking ways’. When you were both made aware that you would be joining the Atlantis programme and travelling off world for an extended period of time, you made sure to grab any PDF’s you could on the language and dialects of the ancients and attempted to pack as lightly as you could. When Lorne came by your office to check in on your progress, he was highly amused and alarmed at the books piled high, the scattering of objects and the general untidiness of your normally pristine workspace. He had the greatest smirk on his face when you randomly popped your head out looking extremely disheveled, and making Lorne catch his breath without realising it.
“No, no, no, it can’t be time to leave already! I haven’t finished packing yet!” You panicked more, bouncing between different piles of books and artefacts. Lorne became more amused and continued to watch you from the doorway.
“Came on nerd, let’s go through this together, you still have a couple of hours until we actually have to leave, yet.” He put his rucksack down by the doorway and made his way into the office.
After a lot of debate and a few arguments of what’s logical to take and what’s essential to take, you and Lorne had finally managed to get a) your bag packed and b) drastically reduce the amount of bags you were trying to take through the gate with you. You both made it to the gate room just as the dialling sequence was finishing, much to Lorne’s annoyance, and bid your farewell to the Cheyenne Mountain Complex.
When you both arrived at the Atlantis site, it was breathtaking. You spent your first few days exploring the city, or what was open and accessible of it. You met Sheppard and his team. You found Tayla and Ronin friendly enough and learning of their cultures was fascinating. McKay was arrogant, selfish and definitely someone you made a mental note to avoid in the future. You were capable of keeping pace with McKay, but wasn’t up for the constant debate that you felt was sure to follow with being in a close proximity to him. You heard from Tayla that McKay appeared to enjoy your company and the intellectual sparring. You mentally gagged at the thought. When you were sent on your first mission with Lorne and Sheppard’s team you were excited, you made sure to keep at least 2 people between yourself and McKay and stuck close with Lorne.
When you were translating something, lost in thought and focussing on the writing and translation, Lorne would make sure that you remembered to hydrate and eat (even if it was just a snack) and when he was doing a perimeter check he would ensure that someone else from your team would take over the role of ensuring you ate and drank.
Once the survey of the planet was completed, you had packed up your equipment and was trying to grab some last pictures to study when you returned to Atlantis. Lorne made sure to watch your 6 and gently hurry you along. After about 5 minutes the patience ended and while you continued to ignore his pleas to head back to the gate, Lorne eventually huffed and grabbed you, throwing you over his shoulder and hauling ass back to the gate. Your protests being greatly ignored. Sheppard looked incredibly amused at the sight before him, Lorne attempting to run with your legs randomly kicking in protest and your faint voice calling for 5 more minutes to go back as you had missed a few columns for researching. Tayla completed the dialling sequence as you made it to the gate and Lorne refused to put you down until you were all through the gate. You huffed and squirreled yourself away in the research lab, using the Ancients data base to try and help translate faded parts of the text.
Lorne would periodically pop in or send Doctor Beckett in with nutrients and hydration, but you were so lost in thought (and truthfully still annoyed at Lorne) that half the time your forgot to eat the ever-growing snack/fruit basket which was accumulating on your desk. On Lorne’s 8th check-in he threatened to carry you to med bay for nutrition if you didn’t sit and eat soon. “Y’know I’m tired of you airforce boys trying to threaten me with med bay.” Lorne tried to hold back a smirk and stopped himself from bringing up the fact that you should be used to it growing up with ‘flyboys’.
The light smirk you attempted to push down when speaking with Lorne stole his breath. His checking in on you, made your heart skip.
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(GIF Credit belongs to the owner, please let me know if it belongs to you and I'll happily tag!)
Tag list;
@thot-2-thot (Won't allow me to tag)
see pinned post to be added or see this link
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