#i am a funky sock gay
andiwriteordie · 2 years
mike wheeler is a funky sock gay and i really do believe that
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meirimerens · 6 months
got the tldr of the vid that I'm Not Watching All That & somewhat amusing how the straw breaking the camel's back for people over James Somerton is his blatant and unashamed plagiarism (as it should be genuinely i don't think you can nor should recover from this) like he hasn't regurgitated for years vile, unempathetic, ahistorical and Purely Just Wrong information about gay history including about the fight for legal same-sex marriage in the US and the AIDS crisis. like an alarming amount of people truly heard his ass say "all the good fun funky artistic and radical gays died of aids and all those who were left were unfun stuck-up prudes and conservatives also the fight for legal same-sex marriage was an assimilationist ploy by the latter who just wanted big gay weddings" as if the gay men who survived the epidemic didn't literally lose lovers and friends and entire communities and long-term partners who they shared a life with and who were denied any crumb of this previous life at their death because there was no legal recognition for same-sex cohabitation and unions and their homophobic family could tear everything from the surviving partner thanks to this lack of recognition and let it slide.
some people out there were truly so eager to shit on the boring assimilationist prude gays who survived aids by being stuck-up prudes and who just wanted "big gay weddings" they made up in their minds to get mad at that they turned their brains off and let it slide. they could've used their smoothed-out brains for ONE minute & found out that surviving took 1) plain boring luck and 2) radical, loud, proud gay activists campaigning for safe/safer sex and the information campaigns they led, as well as the protests and demonstrations they undertook to make the government fucking care for once. and that legally-recognized unions [be they civil or religious] were a matter of survival for the partner left behind. some people out there truly let a business major with a turtleneck (possibly the definition of boring) passing himself off as cool and radical and an intellectual tell them homophobic bullshit. and did not blink. like OF COURSE this guy's gonna be a plagiarist. he needs to get his information from SOMEWHERE. because when he tries to formulate his own stuff it's complete fabrications or the frankensteining of multiple sources that he manages to misunderstand/misrepresent threefold over. trying to fit a knit sock over the foot with the inside out and wonder why that itches.
i know many people in his audience are likely very young and also likely american and as such did most of their growing up in a world where their country (1 out of 195. give or take.) had legalized gay marriage but i cannot even begin to describe 1) how Young legalized gay wedding is, even in ""the west"" and 2) how many. other countries there are. my country legalized same-sex marriage before the US did. i am not even 25 and i still remember the hordes of catholics marching down the streets chanting homophobic slogans, implying the only reason two mommies or two daddies would want to raise a child together is for nefarious, vile purposes. i still remember families having to drag their asses into court to argue that, yes, a woman who raised a child for its whole life with another woman she's in a long-term committed cohabitated relationship with should have the right to be considered a direct guardian even if she's not biologically related to the child, and spending thousands of bucks having to argue their case in court. this might be shocking to some, but there are countries where homosexuality is punishable by death. in others, not by death, but by imprisonment. in others, not by imprisonment, but by ""medical intervention"". in others, not by ""medical intervention" but by fines. and in some others still, you can be gay (yay!) but you still cannot get married or civil-unioned, and the very same shit that was discussed in the 80s is still discussed now. the right to stay a guardian of your partner's child if your partner dies or is ill, so the kid does not go into foster care. the right to inherit your partner's property according to married rights instead of having through long annoying time- and money-consuming legal processes. the right to arrange your partner's funeral or have a say in their medical choices if they're incapacitated instead of their (potentially homophobic) families.
like We Are Not There Yet. we are not in a world where any homosexual can truly, fully, wholeheartedly assimilate, whether you consider it a good thing or not. fun gay artists and boring uninteresting gay office workers die the same death that we all do. the one you don't wake from. and guess what. all types of homosexuals, regardless of which ones you pick and choose to be mad at, are affected by homophobic legislation. not just the ones you think should be spared because they're oh so fun. and oh so radical.
donate to the rainbow railroad org if you can. they help LGBT+ people escape state-sponsored violence. a singular nail on one of their members' hand does more activism and real-life good than any mfer making video essays could do in his entire life.
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crazylittlejester · 14 days
RE: what is Jes' aesthetic?
Hm... the more fashionable, more masculine, and probably more gay version of what I wear. Which is basically t-shirts, jeans, and cat socks 24/7. Definitely cooler shoes, maybe in a fun color like blue or something. Perhaps a button up shirt with a funky pattern like beetles or retro arcade carpet. Like if you took "mom friend" and "dad on a vacation" and smashed it with gay friend. Stranger Things vibes, maybe? I've never watched it, but the clothes are Iconic in that show. Either way I'm sure you're more fashionable and coordinated than I am.
WLSKKDKD i’m so glad you assume I’m cool and fashionable, and retro arcade carpet is so fuckass /pos
Jes Aesthetic Reveal: I dress like a 2000s older brother character from a tv show who was probably in some shitty band. I own like 4 shirts that ARENT black and i bought all of them this past week because i need to not die this summer lmao. Some people did guess a lot of accessories and they were right. I also do wear eyeliner sometimes, more often than not, because how else is a man supposed to serve cunt??
occasionally i do wear considerably more super fucking gay things, like skirts or crop tops or heels, but my like, character default outfit would be black converse, black jeans, one super specific old band shirt that im parasitically attached to, rings, beaded bracelets
you did absolutely nail me with the socks tho, i have some pretty fuckass /pos socks
i think its really interesting that a lot of people guessed more comfy type clothes, and that you guessed fun funky colors and patterns. Im so glad i have a personality that would lead people to believe i fuck heavily with bowling alley carpet /gen
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domesticated-whores · 1 month
list of reasons why i kin angel dust
absolutely nobody asked or cares, and it absolutely goes into headcanon & projecting territory, but it's my void and i can scream into it how i please, so--
also, tiny note, i am loose and casual with kinning. i'm just saying heavily relate to the point that i can easily see myself parallel that character.
gay femboy supremacy 💅💅
nice tits (his are fluff, i'm transmasc and am too fem to care to go into debt over physical transition... either way, we got soft titties)
wearing pleasers ✨️exclusively✨️ (i also wear demonias, but they're owned by pleasers)
earlier iterations of him were more genderfluid but he's now canonly a cis man, i use to think i was more genderfluid due to being super fem (presenting) sometimes and being just meh about my body but am now confident that i'm just a really genderqueer trans dude.
doesn't overly mind fem language, *sometimes* intentionally uses it. refers to self decently androgynously (alternating between "fem" and "masc" shit)
pet mama 💕
my cats are my babies, i'd die and kill for them, genuinely one of the only lights in my life
animal lover in general, honestly!! babes, they're so fucking cute!!
i also prefer fucking ugly/weird animals like farm animals, trash animals (possums, raccoons, etc), some reptiles, and spiders
spiders are my very favorite creatures, so yeah i fw the spider character
overworked at a shitty job that there's no real way out of
like, i didn't sell my soul ig but i live in a small area and don't drive, and my cats need food and a roof over their little baby noggins, so mama needs a job no matter the cost
also, TOXIC fucking work environment. not comparable to workplace abuse, but FUCK--
and i ✨️ain't doing that shit sober✨️ bbgirl, i DRINK because of that place.
((that's a half-truth, i don't go TO work drunk because i am not subtle, but the instant i'm out and have any money--))
i also work A LOT, honestly. icky, nasty, 'sgusting.
✨️inferiority complex and heavy masking✨️
feet are weird, i especially hate my own
don't touch my feet, don't look at my feet, if anyone's around imma be in socks or smth, feet are a hard no for me
let's 👏 talk 👏 kink 👏
into bdsm and generally kinky shit
✨️ SUPER sex positive ✨️
growing collection of ✨️toys✨️ that i'm becoming increasingly proud of
it's a part of life, so i really don't see any taboo in fucking??
willing to try almost ANYTHING if i stand to gain from it or just to see if i'm into it
✨️ switch ✨️
... or, alternatively DEGRADE ME
on the regular, i just want to feel safe and loved and lowkey spoiled--
but i also fuck HARD with the spicy stuff
honestly, hardcore things are more professional than intimate
((i don't do sw, but i am into kink in a very nerdy, special interest, academic type of way... fuck me so i can write an essay about the dynamics at play, daddy~!))
on that note,, ✨️ trauma ✨️
specifically, sa :)
sa that really changes how you see and use sex, and how you outwardly PRETEND to see and use sex
being manipulated by someone you cared about in some way
((luckily, mine was short-lived... only the aftermath was long-lasting))
there's also family trauma :)
the idea of going no contact--
i kin people that are no/low contact because FUCK~ it's a lovely concept. i personally can't for... reasons... but if i could
will make the cheap-shot sex joke
i vape only the fruitiest bullshit flavors and, like, rip angel you would have loved this straw-blueberry vape with this funky abstract art on it bby
that's just, like, off the top of my head. idk, idk. he's literally me. not on everything, but he's the character i've related to the hardest in a HOT SECOND.
also, love the fact that all of this is true but also valentino is my fucking all time favorite character and my pfp. like, i look at angel and am hit with most deep and profound sense of "this is a character a that i relate to and see myself in to an insane degree" and then i turn around and see his fucking abuser and, with my FULL fucking chest go "scrumbly wittle bpd princess man 💕, i wuvs him 💕, i couldn't fix him but i could break him and mold him into my little disaster housewife 💕" like a fucking insane person. it's fine, it's fine, their literally cartoons!! i'm delulu about drawings!! it's okay!!
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kaylakenobi · 2 years
I did this a while ago with Marvel characters, but now I'm hyperfixated on Star Wars so here's this:
Star Wars characters as weird things my friends have said (can you tell who my favorite characters are lmao) :
Anakin: Let's trust fall off a cliff
Obi-Wan: I'll cheese grate your tongue.
Hera: Learn how to do a fourway!
Obi-Wan: Do you want to be a psychologist or a psychologist?
Anakin: You just said the same thing twice!
Zeb: The grinch doesn't even hurt ppl, he just takes away their joy.
Luke: I'm not racist, I eat cauliflower and broccoli.
Rey: I'm not trying to race you in my 2006 Toyota camry dude, I'm just trying to get home.
Fives: I will smack you out of that wheelchair.
Luke: Oml gay kind bars
Padme: I Gotta gaslight gatekeep girl boss my way through life
Ezra: Where is my other sock!- oh I'm wearing it.
Anakin: You just gotta follow the serotonin man
Luke: I'm gay and men are too headache for me.
Cody: I'll take the teeth the lord so foolishly decided to put in your mouth.
Anakin: I cant mansplain manipulate manwhore my way out of this one boys
Ahsoka: For the LAST TIME I am a LESBIAN I'm not trying to steal you're boyfriend! He smells like doritos anyway.
Rex: I’m not jealous, Flavio, I’m GAY
Ezra: I just have this happy personality in this sad soul. It feels funky in a not snazzy way.
Echo: You can't delete your internet history from God.
Fives: Yes you can, ctrl + astaghfirulla
Obi-Wan: I have this very rare thing called common sense, a lot of people don't have it because I'm just better.
Caleb (child Kanan): Cannibalism is frowned upon in most countries.
Ahsoka: Why are the watermelon shaped like little caskets?
Anakin: Shut up, be grateful, and eat your dead people.
Kanan: I cant even raise a spider, how do you expect me to kill a child... wait
Padme: Omg Anakin, just bc you lost your hand doesn't mean you have to cut off your son's hand too.
(Yes my friend actually said that while we were watching Star Wars)
Omega: We can do left! Harry Styles will help us through it!
Han: You can't just kill your father omg.
Leia: Like okay you can have your lame hospital drama, I’ll have romance death and dragons.
Omega: I'm not crazy, I'm just extra. A material gorl.
Hunter: Besides tying her up idk how to hold a toddler
Han: I could never be a doctor bc my intrusive thoughts would be like, "Let them bleed out on the table." Or "Amputate the wrong limb."
Crosshair: Excuse me, it's a magical toothpick
Omega: Like it tries to be smart but the smart simply can't smart so the stupid is just rlly stupid
Tech: Was I on Aderall?
Fives: Dude, are you vaping right now?
Echo: *tearing up* It’s just chapstick man
Anakin: I want to sleep in a casket.
Obi-wan: What??
Anakin: They look comfy.
The bad batch: You're a phsycopath.
Crosshair: Thanks I was born in Florida.
Cody: I have new shoes.
Rex: Cool, I have depression
Sabine: I do not want the meat stick, I want to die!
Ezra: Then the itsy bitsy meat stick will execute you!
Anakin: Spiders deserve to burn in hell.
Ahsoka: But you're going to hell??
Anakin: Excuse me!?
Omega: He looks like a knock of Donny Jepp.
Hera: Do you mean Johnny Depp?
Omega: Same difference.
Palpatine: I steal children.
Anakin: At least you don’t have sex with them.
Anakin: ugh this song is like an orgasm for my ears
Wrecker: ew it smells gross
Tech: ofc it does we're in the middle of nowhere in Utah
Cody: *drives past cemetary* I cant believe people are dying to get in there. It just kills me.
Leia: Don't die because then we'll have to re-space the dance again.
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wilfordapologist · 4 years
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mega-perla · 3 years
Tumblr media
Pick a gender :
Worm on a string
Venom/eldritch horror
Gay muppet
Laid-back uncle
Wine aunt
Lumberjack but hasn't chopped down a tree in they entire life
British guy
K-pop idol
Old Punk
Victorian hoe
Goth babe
Rainbow cake
I just wake up
Pastel angel
Pastel demon
Soccer mom
Bad bunny(the man)
Mad scientist
I know how to code
Stereotypical France art hoe
Love and peace on the planet earth
Down with capitalism
Old Magician who collects all kind of things
Graphic design is my passion
Weaboo trash
"I swear, I am an average person"
Ned Flanders
The cluster
Guy, girl or none, depending on the weather
Who put me on this planet
Ma'am this is a Wendy's
Do you like jazz?
2008 webcore
I am my own OC
3 kids on a trenchcoat
Whatever you want me to be
Master shapeshifter
Disney princess
ADHD ball
Shonen's MC
Theater kid
The onceler
Sans Undertale
Yin & Yang shipper
Space rock
Marine biologist
Power bottom
Media's theorist
I like baggy clothes
I like tight clothes
Funky socks
Manic pixie dream girl
White haired anime boy
12yrs old boy
10yrs old girl
Ziggy stardust
1940's secret agent
Big jackets
Old librarian
Vampire slut
Ghibli movie
The void
The number 4 but living in Japan
Indie ukelele player
Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Bee..cause!
If your gender is not here add it below
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signedaiko · 2 years
Heyyo! I’d like to request a mtmte matchup, if possible?
This got pretty long so if you decide not to do it i totally understand!
For sides, i don’t really have a preference, i tend to stay out of most conflicts. Pretty sure i’d be a neutral.
I’m afab and use she/her pronouns. I’m 169 cm and get teased for it a lot. But i’m pretty massive for someone my size, and i’m strong as hell. Don’t rly get messed with other than a few friendlly jabs.
I dress in a way i like to call „whatever Brainstorm would wear” :
oversized hoodies
graphic tees, either fandom stuff or just puns
jeans(ripped, high waisted)
funky shirts to go over the hoodies and sometimes jumpers
colorful socks
ankle boots and leather jackets
But really, anything colorful and kind of extra with a little black thrown in.
doing random research til 3 am and forgetting to eat/sleep/drink
sending the same meme to 3 groupchats and friends bc i need more reactions to that
witchy stuff
writing poems to vent
blasting music while i bake/cook/or study, sometimes singing along
starting new hobbies and abandoning them after a few days
same with art projects
taking naps anywhere and anytime
collecting rather useless things(i have at least 500 topjoy caps and like 5 porcelain clowns)
but rly, my room is full of stuff i don’t need but i think they’re neat
do no harm take no shit attitude(i never start fights but i will finish them)
i put others before myself, but it gets me in trouble a lot
flirty for fun but if someone flirts back i get so flustered i can't even reply
i like making fun of people and make it look unintentional
like, i say something rly rude and uncalled for, and i know it hurts them but it’s so good seeing ppl forgive me bc they thought i was joking(i wasn’t)
people come to me for advice a lot bc i look at the problem in most perspectives, not just theirs
i also don’t often sugarcoat things
my humor is what you get when you mix puns, dark, and dry humor with sarcasm
i’m a big sucker for headpats (and peanut butter)if you let me fall asleep in your lap AND pet my hair, i’ll probs fall in love
i rly like caring for others? i think i’d be a good wife/mom
platonic/romantic cuddling is my everything, though my love language is giving/recieving gifts
i like to make ppl doubt their beliefs for funsies, i just have a way with words
when poked, if i’m suprised enough i let out a little squeal, some say it’s cute
i get crushes very easily, from all genders, i always notice if someone likes me but i wait for their first move
i have adhd, so coffeine makes me tired, but sugar hypes me up
i like pshysics, psychology and biology, i wanna be a sociologist when i'm done with art school
headcanon or oneshot, it's up to you, hope you have a nice time :3c
You got…Nautica!
Okay, hear me out- You have your whole sciences figured out, precisely what you enjoy most- and you are confident with it. That alone has me thinking that Nautica would start off as a bit of a...fan? She really admires you; you seem like you have everything together and know what you want from life. Nautica starts picking up pieces you are putting down, which naturally starts having a positive effect on her own mood and day-to-day chores. Naturally, she can only do that so long before actually becoming your friend. It would make sense that her lack of togetherness is also something you need more of. That sweet, sweet chaos... She is also a fantastic liar, great at convincing people things that might seem way out of the realm of possibilities, and you are great at spinning the story. You just mess with people a lot, maybe it's a bit mean, but heyyyy- Having been through a lot, she could really use that mom/wife side of you. Someone there can provide genuine care beyond just listening or comfort but in experiences. In return, she gives you the grandmother who's seen some shit and was probably gay at some point vibes. She knows everything technical; the woman will build you a castle if you ask her in a single night. Your motto is 'wives for lives.' I also think your theme song would be Sugar by Robin Schulz!
Authors Note - Do not worry about length! Honestly, the ones with barely any info are the ones that kiiiiill me; the more, the better :) Sometimes when I read matchups, I have the big 'why aren't they my friend?!' moment, and it just happened.
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A few shout outs, because these people are amazing and I love them so much:
@adultkiddo @sanderssides @ellavaneck @vanille-berry @flowerchild338 @the-strawzish-clownfish @choasallover @catdragonunicorn @existential-pasta @im-a-tired @i-need-more-sleepzzz @i-am-the-egg-enby @spiderway95 @queer-fanenby @nebulas-and-black-holes @hotchocolatedictator @doctor-sherlock-strange @junk-n-stufff @bitchass-slytherin-snakery @multi-fandom-remy @jacobofdiamonds @uwillneverknowwho @lordylordlori @wolfstarsstuff @angel-fell-out-of-grace @katlikethesword @a-nice-tea-time @aeokat @rationalmilksnake
@ellavaneck you have been with me since the start. You like a lot of my posts, even ones from fandoms you're not in. You are an amazing person!!!!
@adultkiddo you're one of my first and best friends on here. You were the person who got me into Sanders sides, and I'm very happy you did. I'm so glad you're still with us, and you always make me happy. Things will get better soon, I promise.
@sandwiches-and-pain you are very cool! I'm very happy for you!!! You're a great person, and another one of my good friends on here. You're an amazing person, even if you can't see it sometimes!
@imaybeaegg you're my irl friend and we have known each other for years!!! You're my best friend and we have been through a lot together. You are beautiful, and a very nice person and have always been here for me!!!
@vanille-berry you were one of my first friends on here, and I really miss talking to you. You always make me happy, and you're so cool too!
@the-strawzish-clownfish you do so much for everyone, you always add over 50 notes on the one note=1 day posts, and I'm very happy to call you my friend. You are one of the nicest people I know, and I wish we talked more!
@bitchass-slytherin-snakery your blog always makes me smile! You're an awesome person who deserves so much love, and I hope Hong's go well with your crushes! We don't talk much and I wish that was different!
@flowerchild338 I miss talking to you so much! You are one of the best people I know, and are just overall very amazing!!! You helped me a lot and were here for me through some hard times! Please take care of yourself!
@queer-fanenby you are an amazing person and I'm glad we are friends! You are the person that got me into Merlin, and I'm glad about that! You're awesome!!!
@i-am-the-egg-enby we have not talked that much but I am so happy you are alive!!! Keep fighting, things will get better soon! You recommended some great songs to me, thanks!!!
@notclaramiller I'm very glad youre back!!! You helped me through some hard times, and I wish we talked more!!!
@choasallover you're so nice and wonderful and you deserve so many good things!!! Thank you for the worm and bird! Please take care of yourself! I wish we talked more, you're such a great person!
@blastingoffwithstyle please go to sleep, you're too lovely to be hurt! I love your rants (especially the team rocket ones) but I will say that you should sleep because I care about you!
@funky-gay-fae I wish we talked more!!! You seem like a great person, and I really like your blog!!!
@katlikethesword and @multi-fandom-remy we have not talked much but I wish we did! You are both great people!!!! You like my posts and I am very happy about that!!!!! Thank you so much guys!!!!
Kai and Jacob (it's not letting me mention more people, sorry) you're both wonderful people, please stay alive and look after yourselves! I wish we knew each other better, you both seem really cool! Things will get better soon!
@seven-lonely-souls @master-jarrus @socks-can-wear-socks-too-ya-know @number-four @smallbaby-cat are amazing and I would like to be friends! You like my posts a lot and I'm very thankful!!! You all also help a lot for the 1 note=1 day posts, so thanks!!!!! I wish we talked (more)
I love you all!!! You guys are all some of the best people I know and I will fight people who talk badly about you!!!! (Even if it's you)
You all deserve all the love and happiness in the world, and I don't know what I would do without you all!
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bardcharms · 3 years
i am a vampire. i am a wannabe goth who’s trying too hard. i am a mushroom come to life. i am a fool in silly orange pants. i am the hot musician who gave you gender envy as a middle-schooler. i am in a cute little cardigan. i am 4000 lizards in a maroon trench coat. i am a man who is wearing a skirt. i was a hipster before it was cool. i am wearing things that make old conservatives sneer at me. i am the fat bitch who looks better in these clothes than you ever will. i am wearing silly little socks. i am wearing 20 layers in the summer heat. i am wearing an outfit that makes me look like guy fieri. i am the sexy nun from the canterbury tales. i am wearing multiple friendship bracelets. i am gay and you will pick up on it. i am wearing funky little earrings. i am wearing your grandma’s pants. i am too tall to be wearing platform shoes because sometimes i bonk my head on things.
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babysizedfics · 4 years
actually, can we have just generalized "what would they wear" sorta stuff i am realizing i look less like janus than i thought sndhsdn 🐝
ok let's do all of them!! but also anyone can dress as whichever character they like u dont need to look like them!
polo shirts, khakis, socks and sandals, CROCS, those big knee socks that golf dads wear, fanny pack for vee's pacis and wet wipes
pastel/muted colours, cant pair colours well at all - sometimes roman is so upset by his outfit choices that he lays clothes out for patton if he is up early
patton cares the LEAST about fashion, he just wants to be comfy and be able to look after his boys without clothes getting in the way
Smart shirts, likes knitted cardigans (big pockets are a plus), dress shoes, very clean ironed slacks
only wears a tie when he is working! they tend to be plain but for holidays and birthdays everyone gets him patterned ones and he loves them and wears them more and more - also roman gets him matching patterned socks which logan wears too!! theyre hidden by his shoes and trousers most of the time but sometimes you'll see them peek out
darker colours, but will be happy to wear very bright colours and silly patterns on tie and socks
Think gay thift shop tik toker fashion - lots of vintage graphic print, lots of colour, very high fashion for the present day
turtle neck tops, 80s style bowling shirts, high waisted jeans, chunky belt and RINGS - he ALWAYS wears a bunch of funky jewelled rings, he likes fiddling with them and also he thinks his hands look hot lol - manicured to perfection, nail art if its a special occasion ir he got bored
he wears mascara and concealer everyday and occasionally lipstick - he doesnt like tattoos or piercings because he doesnt like the permanency!
jewel tones, rainbow, bright bright BRIGHT - the most concerned with fashion especially queer fashion trends
(for what he wears when he is little see this post!)
You already know - lots of deep purple lots of black, inspired by goth and emo but too shy to go all in. for sensory comfort his clothes are quite basic, dark cotton tshirts and black ripped jeans with fishnets, frayed sleeves because he chews and pulls them, tartan, chains if he wants to style it up
he also has a septum piercing and multiple ear piercings! i like to imagine his makeup as more stylised, so smokey purple eyeshadow and black eyeliner, mascara
HE HIDES HIS ALBINO BROWS AND LASHES behind dark makeup! But he doesnt hide his freckles so much anymore now that he's comfy with the light sides - black nail varnish ALWAYS, sometimes lets roman do cool nail art too
black with dark blues and purples but thats it for big virgil! he doesnt like unfamiliar colours
eventually he will be confident enough to wear more feminine clothes when he's big - sheer black lace dress over the top of pants and tshirt, blue and purple tartan skirt with fishnets, that kind of vibe
little vee is VERY different, see this post for baby vee and also this one about what dresses he wears!
honestly what wouldnt he wear
he puts as much effort into his outfits as roman does but in the opposit direction, he wants to look as unsavoury and unapproachable as possible
leather pants that are too tight, practically see-through shirts (sheer fabric) to show off his nipple piercings and dozens of stick n poke tattoos, wears a necklace with vials of blood - he says they are all from different people but no one wants to ask how he got them
he has ear tunnels and wants to stretch them enough to fit his fist through. a lot of creepy jewelry - eg earrings made of real teeth, old doll parts, etc
genuinely anything that disturbs you he would wear
if anyone cosplayed him i would be impressed but also it might not be safe for this blog shshjsdj
Plus Janus if you missed it
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justanalto · 4 years
i was tagged by the wonderfully sweet @besidemethewholedamntime -- thank you so much!! <3 <3 <3
1. What is the color of your hairbrush?
I have a wet brush that’s bright blue, but I also have a hairbrush that’s red!
2. Name a food you never eat
uhhhh...olives, but only when they’re on their own. 
3. Are you typical too warm or too cold?
I’m always too cold. always, always, always. my fingers are currently freezing and so are my toes. I think it’s because there’s a loose draft in my room here somewhere, TBH. 
4. What were you doing 45 minutes ago?
roses are red // 45 minutes ago // i was writing poetry // and answering all my asks in a row
i’ve been sending people asks in poetry form and they’ve been responding, LOL -- so there’s been a lot of poetry brain going on!
5. What’s your favorite candy bar?
either a nice dark chocolate bar or a green tea kit kat bar!
6. Have you ever been to professional sports event?
I’ve been to a few professional baseball games! gotta get out there and have some mass sports pride. one of these days, my american football team will be good again and I will get those tickets. 
7. What is the last thing you said out loud?
some half-hearted mumble-harmonizing to pentatonix’s be my eyes, so something along those lyrics!
8. What is your favorite ice cream?
either black raspberry (s/o to campus!!) or mint chocolate chip :) 
9. What was the last thing you had to drink?
a couple of sips of water, hehe
10. Do you like your wallet?
I do! It’s the first “grown-up” wallet I feel like I’ve ever had -- I bought it from camden market last year when I was in london, and it’s a nice pine shade of green and made of cork. unfortunately, because i bought it in london, it also means that it doesn’t hold american currency quite as well, but it’s okay, i make do, LOL! 
11. What is the last thing you ate?
my dad made spaghetti bolognese and I ate that with a hecking ton of bread. it was fantastic :) 
12. Did you buy any new clothes last weekend?
unfortunately, no :( i can’t remember the last time I bought new clothes. maybe january? february? before the pandemic started. 
13. What’s the last sporting event you watched?
I think...I know it was definitely a pats game, and I’m pretty sure we lost, so it’s somewhere along the lines of pats v. ravens, I think
14. What is your favorite flavor of popcorn?
extra buttery, even though it would probably murder me :’)
15. Who is the last person you send text message to?
@aleksandrachaev, and it was two thumbs-up emojis, LOL. 
16. Ever been camping?
I have! I went a long time ago, like nine years ago long ago, I think somewhere out west? I slept on an air mattress, went to an outdoor bathroom, all that fun jazz! and the bug bites, LOL. 
17. Do you take vitamins?
my mom: so you’ve got the probiotic, the vitamin c and the biotin...
18. Do you regularly attend a place of workship?
I don’t -- my dad used to go to church regularly, but other than that, I’ve never been to church and we’ve never been as a family. 
19. Do you have a tan?
i don’t know how this happened but I literally still have shorts tan from like, august. it is the middle of november, someone tell me how I got here. a couple of years ago, I burnt so badly on a trip to LA I was still seeing the tan months later, LOL. and most of the time, I have some fair flip-flop tan!
20. Do you prefer chinese or pizza?
chinese, because pizza has the ability to murder me
21. Do you drink your soda through a straw?
it it’s a takeout cup, then odds are good i’m drinking it through a straw, but other than that nope :) 
22. What color socks you usually wear?
white or grey, I think? i have some funky colored ones but i’m trying to change that
23. Do you ever drive above the speed limit?
i’m having flashbacks to a conversation I had with a friend who laughed at me for going five miles above the speed limit -- yes, I do, but only the allowed five miles above the speed limit and none more
24. What terrifies you?
oh, no, you don’t want to ask me that, we’d be here all day...being abandoned, I guess? being left by the people I care about, becoming too attached to people because they can leave and hurt me, spiders, heights, the pandemic, being hated, being alone...my own emotions, sometimes. 
25. Look to your left, what do you see?
my tubby nugget! he smiles at me, and I feel a lil better :)
26. What chore do you hate the most?
i literally could not tell you how much I hate cleaning the grout in our bathroom tile. it is a CHORE. 
27. What do you think when you hear Australian accent?
the hemsworth brothers, but also someone I met abroad who was from perth and had the same name as me, LOL
28. Whats your favorite soda?
ginger ale! 
29. Do you go in a fast food place or just hit drive through?
depends on where I’m hitting, tbh -- if i’m in a hurry, we’re going straight through the drive-thru. but if it’s an event, then we’ll go in! have a fun time. sit for a while and talk. 
30. What’s your favorite number?
i don’t think I have one, actually?
31. Who’s the last person you talked to?
my dad, I’m pretty sure -- we talked about pandemic unemployment assistance :)
32. Favorite meal?
sushi, or whenever my mom makes steamed chicken. (i’m realizing it’s been so long since I’ve had that chicken and now I’m sad) 
33. Last song you listed to?
for real by lana condor
34. Last book you read?
confucius jane by katie lynch, just to see if the lesbians stood up to the pedestal i’d put them on -- and hell yeah, they did! 
35. Favorite day of the week?
right now, thursdays, because thursday is grey’s day! 
36. Can you say alphabet backwards?
probably, if you gave me enough time to think about it
37. How do you like your coffee?
like i like my men -- from afar, some of them are pretty, but do I actually like them? no
38. Favorite pair of shoes?
either my gray ankle boots I got a couple of years ago or my ‘gay lesbian snow boots’ that I use when it’s snowing something awful out, LOL!
39. Time you normally get up?
i’m supposed to be up at 8 am, but I’m usually up anywhere between 9 and 10am. I...need to change that, LOL. 
40. What do you prefer, sunrise or sunset?
i love both! but I like sunset because I’ve never specifically woken up to see the sunrise, i’ve only seen it out of coincidence because I pulled an all nighter to do work
41. How many blankets on your bed?
three, at the moment -- a costco blanket, my college blanket and a five-below blanket
42. Describe your kitchen plates.
white with a floral border
43. Describe your kitchen at the moment.
it’s lived-in -- we have a side table that’s always at the risk of a collapsing, a power strip that runs a kettle, microwave and toaster oven (you can never run two of them at once otherwise the strip shuts off), kitchen mats that will never get rid of their crumbs and a healthy, healthy pantry!
44. Do you have a favorite alcoholic drink?
either pink moscato wine or a rekorderlig cider! 
45. Do you play cards?
i used to a lot, when I was younger! when I got older I stopped finding people to be able to play them with, unfortunately. 
46. What color is your car?
silver! (even though I share it with my sister)
47. Can you change a tire?
no, but I’d definitely like to learn :)
48. Your favorite state or province?
new york or california, honestly. probably california. it’s the place I’ve felt the most free :) 
49. Favorite job you’ve had?
i’ve had a lot of internships but not a lot of jobs, but I’d probably have to say it was the one I had at dunks -- so many funny things and stories came out of it, and now I have enough barista experience to power my coffee shop fics for a lifetime! 
tagging: @agentmmayy @nazezdha321 @sadtunes @a-biochemist-not-a-bird @browneyedgenius @daisylincs @aleksandrachaev @missinglittlebritishfriend @hannahxowen @genderfluid-and-confuzled and anyone else that I missed -- you’re it!! (i’m truly sorry if I forgot you, I haven’t slept a lot in the last couple of nights fhdskjfhs) 
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atley01 · 4 years
If my dad was a character in some cartoon the fanbase would headcanon him as gay. God fucking gay coded the fuck out of him but made him like women and be homophobic.
He wears funky socks,, and I mean like socks with this hand 👌🏼 on them, fruit loop print socks, socks WITH RAINBOWS GALAXY UNICORN CATS & DONUTS ON THEM I SHIT U NOT, (you get it)
Hes also constantly asking his friends "bro, what if we...." "is it gay to do -insert homosexual deeds- with ur homie?" "I should write a book about "are these things gay if u do it with the bros?"
I found icecream in his freezer that was called "pride" n had a unicorn with rainbow bubbly font on it.
Mans got giant pink wheels on his longboard, that isnt gay its just the fact that anytime he talks abt them he goes "im not...y'know.....g-...ga-...y...BuT iF sOmEoNe tHiNkS I aM I wOuLdNt CaRe,,,hh,,,,"
He says "big brain" n "small brain" as well as other phrases along those lines. He rlly likes thrifting and will immediately look for floral button ups
Hes bad at math
He gave me some of his old clothes and uh, he wore grape purple corduroy pants, glow in the dark skeleton shirts, im pretty sure he owns a shirt that says "check out my ass" and it has a lipstick print logo on it
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grimdarkmatt · 5 years
physically, i am a young funky fruity 21 year old gay man
mentally, i am a 37 year old uncle in a hawaiian shirt with socks and sandals, booty shorts that say “bbq-t” across the ass
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the-minyard-twins · 4 years
Andreil Fic Rec
I’ve always wanted to do a fic rec so here we are! I’ve read a lot of Andreil recently and these are my top 28 favorite Andreil and AFTG fics
1. Trust Fall (And Welcoming Arms) by SpangleBangle
85k | Explicit
Life goes on after the Foxes win the championship, and for Andrew and Neil it’s uncharted territory with only each other for guides. Maybe it’s time to put away some of those hard edges, and learn how to touch more softly, and speak more honestly. And if they falter, they have their family to help them get back on their feet.
2. Learning To Feel (When You’ve Forgotten How) by thegirlwiththeprettybrowneyes
43k | Teen | No Proust AU
On the night before his first day of therapy at Easthaven, Andrew blows out his legs and decides he isn’t going to bury his feelings anymore, consequences be damned. In return, he gets a schedule change, and a very strange new therapist. /////// “Doesn’t mean I wouldn’t blow you,” Andrew finished, looking anywhere but at Neil’s face. Neil looked like he had just realized the sky was blue. “You like me,” Andrew sighed. “Yeah,” he said, resigned “Yeah, Neil, I like you,” /////// No Proust AU
3. Broken by Jeni182
34k | Explicit
Andrew attempts suicide and he and Neil try to navigate his recovery and healing together.
4. Waves by Jeni182 (sequel to Broken)
94k | Explicit
Broken Part II - Neil and Andrew try to navigate life post Andrew’s suicide attempt now that he’s in Denver and Neil’s in his last year at PSU.
5. Funky Happenings with the Fox Family by dobbypussypopper
29k | Teen | text!fic
naughtygayweedcrime: did I rlly just see neil say woke
naughtygayweedcrime: what a surreal timeline we live in
dumbfool: allison is trying to teach me how to meme so I can get hip
naughtygayweedcrime: bless your poor soul
davidwymack: sometimes I regret living
davidwymack has muted exyllent, damnwilds, + 7 others for 30 minutes
6. Something in Return by reaching _my_summit
31k | Mature
“Andrew Minyard, how will you celebrate winning your final college Exy championship?”
“I’m going to Disney World,” Andrew deadpans.
- - -
Andrew’s final year at Palmetto State comes to a close. His future is upon him and there are plans to be made. Years ago, Neil asked Andrew to stop smoking in exchange for something. Andrew finally knows what he wants in return.
7. The Unloved Kids by AlrightDarlin
35k | Not Rated
“I intend to treat them the same. I need strong athletes, not toddlers,” Wymack starts, but sits back with a sigh, running a hand over his face. “But hypothetically, if I had to look after a bunch of toddlers on the weekends…”
Betsy’s eyes crinkle with her smile. “Are you asking advice?”
“They’re screwed up enough,” Wymack says, “I’m not trying to make it worse.”
(David Wymack takes his little nightmares and does his best to corral them and love them within an inch of their lives. He can’t change what happened to them, but he can be there for them now.)
8. Turn it Off by elawless
10k | Mature
“It hurts…so much…too…much” He choked out between breaths. “I want to let go so…bad. I am so close”. He lifted his head to look at Andrew and saw no blue in his eyes and believed Andrew was real, but the rest of the pain was. It was just enough for him to trust Andrew with what he would say next.
“Stay. Give me Neil back. Don’t leave.” Andrew could no longer cover all of his desperation, his voice seemed to crack on the last word.
“Just let me turn it off. Just for today. Neil will come back. Bring him back, for the both of you.”
9. VW Actually Means “Very Weird” by exyjunkies
15k | Gen
If it was just going to be the two of us, then why bring the Volkswagen?
So that if I end up murdering you on this road trip, I’ll have enough space for clean-up.
Neil and Andrew take on the Pacific Coast Highway over the span of two and a half weeks, with a surprise for one of them at the very end.
10. Puzzle Pieces by Nikotheamazingspoonklepto
59k | Explicit | Series
Neil’s life is a puzzle, the people in it are the pieces that give everything meaning. Together they make a picture of happiness.
11. diet mountain dew by reaching_my_summit
2k | Teen
neil thinks andrew is very pretty. he tells andrew exactly that.
12. For Science by ClockworkDragon, DeyaAmaya
8k | Explicit
“Here’s what I propose: we’ll play a game, and I’ll even let you pick which one, but we’re going to set some stakes. I’m not going to let you talk big and walk away free of punishment if you lose.” Without hesitating, Kevin asked, “Fine, I choose Trivial Pursuit. What are the stakes?” Allison put a finger to her lips and tilted her head, as if she was actually thinking of a response and didn’t plan this whole thing days ago. “Hmm, did you know the spirit store recently added fox themed thigh-high socks to their stock? They’ve become quite popular amongst cheerleaders.” This statement seemed to throw Kevin off because he just stared blankly at Allison until she continued. Andrew was not, however, an idiot. He could see where this was going. “How about whoever loses has to wear the socks for an entire school day; including morning and evening practices?” “Holy shit,” Nicky whispered. “You are one devious bitch.” Allison winked.
13. ain’t no rest for the wicked by dearhappy
8k | Teen | Lucifer!AU
“You really expect me to believe that?“ Neil asks, "Especially when his girlfriend said that he’d always been worried about what you’d ask for in return, and that he called you the Devil.”
“I don’t lie,” Andrew says simply. “You can think whatever you want.”
“Why was he so worried if that was all it was?”
“He made a deal with the Devil,” Andrew says, “Tell me you wouldn’t be worried about that.”
14. Not Damsels, not Knights by my_unlikely_hero
93k | Mature
Neil is not a damsel, Andrew is not a knight, Riko is not a dragon. Nobody gets saved. Not really.
Or: Riko goes too far, and Neil is left in pieces.
15. The Continuing Adventures of the Nine-Nine by gluupor
48k | Gen | Series | Brooklyn 99!AU
A series of short, ridiculous, mostly plotless stories featuring the Foxes as the cops of the Ninety-Ninth Precinct.
16.  Not Only You and Me by orphan_account (part of a series)
18k | Explicit | Porn!AU
Andrew, Neil and Kevin film Foxy’s first gay threesome porn scene.
Cue the feelings.
17. High School Science by fuzzballsheltipants
30k | Teen/Explicit (parts 1-3 are Teen and part 4 is Explicit) | Series 
High School!AU
18. False Equivalence by sunrise_and_death
22k | Teen
Some part of her had known it would come back to Neil. He was the one who had cracked the twins the first time. Of anyone, he was the most likely to have a solution for this as well.
Although the events of the previous year resolved a lot of issues, Katelyn quickly discovers that not every problem has been addressed. As she attempts to map a future in which Aaron has both her and his family, she finds herself once again working with Neil Josten—to unexpected results.
19. trans andrew by aceaaronminyard, autisitcandrewminyard
30k | Explicit | trans!Andrew
a fanfic series for a tfc au where andrew minyard wasn’t registered into the system as andrew doe but as erin doe.
mostly set post-tkm. mostly porn.
20. Advice and Amusement by Autumnalhogwarts
11k | Teen
After a series of failed attempts to woo Renee, Allison turns to Andrew for help. As Renee’s best guy friend he’s in a unique position to offer advice. However, that doesn’t mean he’ll be willing to.
21. Kidnapped by Shell_Writes
21k | Explicit
Neil and Aaron get kidnapped by four deranged men while the team is on a camping trip. shit happens and they have to escape this horror house. together.
22. Return of Dad!Mack by SensationalSunburst
14k | Gen | Series
Dad!Wymack & Mom!Abby
23. For He’s A Jolly Good Felon by gluupor
4k | Teen | Felon!Neil
What’s a guy to do when he’s forced to go to his conservative, homophobic aunt and uncle’s for Thanksgiving dinner?
Why, invite along his ex-con, tattooed, argumentative roommate as his fake boyfriend, of course.
24. make my heart shake (bend and break) by WaifsandStrays
4k | Explicit
Aaron develops a fascination with Kevin’s dick, has a sexuality crisis and feelings and fails to process any of it.
25. Across the Water by transandrewminyard
13k | Teen | trans!Andreil
Perhaps several years too late, or maybe right on time, Neil Josten runs away from home and tries to dream a new life for himself. How poetic that his first night out on his own would deliver him to a stranger who seems to understand everything he’s been through, and then some?
26. Prompt: Andrew and Neil get to babysit Sophie by orphan_account
14k | Mature | part of a series
What it says on the tin, basically.
Aaron and Matt leave for a few days and ask Andrew and Neil to babysit Sophie. Baby-sized exy is involved. Also lots and lots of angst. But there is a happy ending!
27. Salt Bros and Roller Derby Vixens by moonix
14k | Teen | Series
Roller Derby!AU
28. Absinthe Makes the Heart Grow Fonder by priorwalter
12k | Teen | Felon!Neil, Author!Andrew
“So,” Neil asks as he washes his paint-covered hands in the kitchen sink, “Christmas.”
Andrew glares and says nothing. This year, Neil and Andrew are spending Christmas with Andrew’s brother, Aaron Minyard. Aaron Minyard, Andrew’s twin whose existence was unknown to him until two months previous. Aaron Minyard, an orthopedic surgeon with a wife (an oncologist, naturally) and two daughters. Aaron Minyard, who grew up with a mother that chose him.
Andrew Doe has survived until age twenty-nine without any biological family, and his life turned out pretty good, considering all of the reasons it shouldn’t have. At age twenty-nine, Andrew’s book becomes a bestseller and leads his long-lost twin brother to him. Familial drama ensues.
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dulcetminds · 5 years
some (concept) playlists
find my spotify here ✨ & my fandom character/ship playlists
this page is updated monthly!!!!
💫 monthly, yearly & get to know me playlists:
 monthly mixtape: updated daily and refreshed every month with no correlation to anything what so ever.
twentytwenty: a song for each day of the year
the soundtrack to my life
my favourites
pass the aux cord, fool: car vibes
🍾🌉 playlists based off cliché concepts:
coming of age indie romcom soundtrack: cigeratte burns on film, a first kiss that tastes like beer and chapstick, and laughter falling on train tracks
not another coming of age soundtrack: red party cups and the never-ending feeling of nostalgia
Mother Nature reclaims: a soft apocalypse mix
tragedy in the dark: set in the 90's, you're driving at night on the highway, passing under street signs and street lights that illuminate your lovers tired face as they trace circles on your thigh
rise up!: (a futuristic teenage rebellion playlist) you live in a world full of holograms and plastic food, the government is corrupt and somewhere out there is a bunch of rebels that are fighting back
an angels kiss in spring: it’s the roaring 40′s and you hit the town in bold red lipstick, curled hair, flared dresses & traditional swing
a wispy field of sunshine: there's something alluring about falling in love under the sun, sipping on raspberry lemonade & kissing someone who tastes like chapstick
the air is fresh out here: i am lost beneath the earth; dirt and moss fill my lungs and i cough up ivy and rose petals as the trees whisper my name so soft, it gets caught in the wing of a butterfly floating by
3am dancing with my lover: fairylights are hung low around the kitchen, my lover has tired eyes full of wonder and we trip over our own two feet, laughter pumping our hearts alive
the last dancers at midnight: my prom could have been better so we're gonna visualise it like a teen romance movie; tired feet, starry eyes & a tender kiss under the disco ball in your high-schools' hall
even my phone misses your call: 'hey, this is [redacted] please leave your message after the beep!' 
you’re so nice to come home to: finally moving into a small apartment with your lover; succulents adorn the windowsills and you both have a love for vintage polaroids and dream catchers — a dreamers dream
I've been in love with you forever: best friends that live next door to each other & know one another like the back of their hand, connected windows, rooftop talks, sleepovers, & everything that comes along with we're best friends & i don't want that to change but i am definitely in love with you
found you in this life: my mother once told me that some of the people we meet in this life, we knew in a past life and it’s up to us to decide where it goes from here
raspberry stains: spring flings includes squashing raspberries between finger & thumb, and dancing under the sun
rollerskating disco rink fever: we're twelve years young & there's a disco ball highlighting our hair as we dance the night away & i'm pretty sure we've happened to scuff the linoleum floor
endless summer afternoon: hopping from shadow to shadow, blisters on our feet; summer, summer, summer!
summer ate me alive: and I want nothing more than to sleep through the next three seasons
ragtag band of misfits from the year ‘87: group of four trying to solve the murder mystery of their late best friend / everyone’s hiding something / he might be in love with the boy he’s known since childhood
[our hands are brushing against each other as we walk]: i want to slow dance with you in the middle of the street
hey, new kid!: its highschool and life is full of rumours and giggling girls & boys with sharp teeth and then english class rolls around ━━ and did the principal just introduce a new student?
🧚🏻‍♀️ specific concept playlists (mostly based on moments and emotions that I've experienced & can’t get over):
head’s a buzz!: stoned out of my mind, I'm pretty sure I met the girl of my dreams last night
 I should be sleeping: but i am walking aimlessly under street lights trying to forget your face, your taste, your voice; with vodka stained cheeks and chipped nail polish
pity party for two: the sudden realisation that the future is scary and we're two lost souls stuck in love with people who helped us grow
we’re under the same stars: It’s talking under the stars till the sun breaks through the trees with him, who makes your stomach ache full of laughter and although the wind is cold against your skin and the sleeping bag is thin, he burns just as brightly as the stars in the night sky, and you want to exist between 3 and 4am forever.
I fell in love for one night: he kissed my shoulder & held me tight
moments left unsaid: I love every part of you when it’s loud, when it’s silent, when you don’t know it at all (basically falling in love with your friends in the moment over the smallest of things like the way they dip their head back to laugh or hide their smile behind their hand or when they slow down waiting for you to catch up or pull you aside to ask if you’re doing okay, etc)
angel in disguise: can angels fall in love?
skate park shenanigans: I spent a the hours 8-11pm at a skatepark with my friends and we don’t even skate but this is the specific energy those hours gave off
you’re dreaming beside me: & I’m dreaming of you
how to be soft, sad & content at 4pm
I wish we could live forever: knowing someone you love is gonna die is the one of the hardest things you’re ever gonna witness
remember when we were in love?: 2015: yellow. open roads. a boy. a girl. my house. high school musical. clouds. stars. a pillow. sunflowers. beauty and the beast. skype calls. a bear. / 2017: a girl. blue, blue, blue. / 2019: a girl. a boy. picnics. skateboards. burgers. your house. an empty promise.
the pretty reckless: my friends fall in love too easily
the ceiling is staring back at me: it’s 1am and I'm thinking about everything and anything
me against the world, vol. 1
me & my apathetic brain: basically Russian roulette with I’ll die anyway by girl in red & just a girl by no doubt
🏳️‍🌈🌈 lgbt+ playlists:
this is for the gays!: for pride month 2019, gay bops to rock your socks to
all I see is her: girls r great!
we should fall in love or something: just kidding... haha... unless?
I don’t wanna b ur friend, I wanna kiss ur neck: yeah, it’s based off I wanna be your girlfriend by girl in red & also my ex but we’re gonna take the former
please look at me the same!: my bisexual teen angst
🦋🏹 ‘old groovy, 70′s, 80′s, 90′s etc music’ playlists:
butterfly dust: old time music that goes together
groovy, groovy: 70′s, 80′s, 90′s
lovestrucklovestruck: nothing goes wrong when you live in your head
she’s gold dipped & cherry wine kisses
funky glow
🥁🍒 genre specific playlists:
metamorphic: rock n roll
devils advocate: it’s like white noise before you enter hell (mostly ghostemane)
you’re not indie till: you skate, own a pair of hot converses, have good fashion taste, drink ice coffee and and and
monsters live amongst us: hiding in plain sight, the people we call our friends / a horror pop playlist
hazy affection: anxiety reducing songs and study beats
softly, sweetly: relax your eyes & dream of simpler times
bubblegum pop: the radio is overrated but here we are
glazed eyes, cherry skies
darkness looms overhead
magic under fingernails / under veins
state of mind: kinda like rap but not, definitely an easy listen to while stoned
moon rockets: fly me to outer space where we’ll become another star in the night sky.
dream & folk pop
my dreams reach the stars: my mind is far away from here / starry-eyed and captivated
local neighbourhood party: songs I'd bang my head to at a party
heavenly hymns
fluorescent heartbeats
take me away, into the night
if you see me listening to this, look away: literally Disney musicals mainly Disney’s descendants & zombies
autumnal breeze: a mix of bedroom pop & 80′s tunes
blueberry feelings: is this soundlcoud or tiktok?
untamed glory: the songs dont vibe together as well as they should but i guess thats ironic given the name of this mixtape
all strung up: my favourite female pop songs & then there's sunflower, vol. 6 by harry styles
candyfloss kisses: baby pop
and that’s on tiktok luv: literally what it says
candle lit afternoons: candles + rain = a gentle quiet in it’s purest form
tenderness: soft, quiet, yielding; murmurs at dusk & the playing of hair
my bed is the warmest place: for rainy days & the chill in your nose
🚀🍁🍓 playlists to listen to when your doing this specific thing:
classic picnic bitch: (cute songs that give me picnic vibes) and we bond over a pack of UNO cards and strawberry-filled desserts
beach bums, baby!: a beach-y playlist
hotboxing ur friends car: get high w/ me!
🥺💫🌞🌻🤩🐝 playlists to grow & fall in love with yourself to:
falling in love w/ myself !!!!!: I'm still learning how I work
then I defy you, stars!
seventeen: I made this when I was seventeen and getting over my first heartbreak and realising that I should never wait for people who can only give half back
no negative vibes here!
💌💖 my romance / love centred playlists:
dancing in my room to the sound of you, you, you (middle school crush vibes)
love cluster: and i guess there are lot of love songs out there but there are also a lot of songs that aren't about love that got me feeling like i'm in love so which is it
lovelorn: (a unrequited love playlist) and we yearn for the hearts we cannot hold; lovelorn, lovelorn, lovelorn
our love has gone cold: I love & I loved
whimsical lovers falling out of love
baby boy blues: fell in love for a day with a boy whose smile is contagious and ever-lasting
you gave me panic attacks & I called it love: unsure if you’re in an unhealthy relationship? leave them.
regret in the simplest of forms: I could have loved you / I think a small part of me did
my favourite ‘what if’: soulmates who weren’t meant to be
seeking love among cruel hearts: perhaps we were friends first and lovers second. but then perhaps this is what lovers are.
it’s a long way down from your window: everyone’s favourite secret relationship trope
heartbreak hotel
i’m yearning for his heart while he gives me his body: I love you, don’t you love me too?
make out w/ me?: songs I'd kill to make out with someone too
miss you forever: sad pop love letter
I liked you better in my dreams: the idea of them has taken root in your mind and it’s much different to how they really are
little bit in love with u: alterous attraction? we KNOW her
drowsy cacophony of love
tracing you back to the roots of my house: I'm sifting through the memories of us, where did we go wrong?
love; a choice or a feeling?: and it is both I suppose, it is a feeling, it’s happiness and soft giggles, faint blush. and then it is a choice, a choice to stay with them or leave. it is a choice to not only love them, but yourself too.
tenderly, tragically: this used to be a collab playlist with someone who loved me fully and unconditionally, things have changed since, but this is whats left; it's our story compiled into a playlist
second chance at love: you make me hard, but she makes me weak
lonely in love: (it was supposed to be just casual sex but fuck, I think I'm in love with you)
silent lovers: skinny love (n.) a type of love where two people are in love with each other but are too shy to admit it
my first love: they say your first love never dies, and love, they’re right
my lover is a liar: victim to broken promises and false truths by a boy who died when he gave me his heart
love locket type of love: I loved you in secret !!
the charms of love: don’t fall in love with the moment & think your in love with the girl! (yes, she’s american by the 1975 lyrics)
almost lovers
💸💄💅🏻⛓ playlists that give off bad bitch energy:
rich girl$: my cash flow will never ever end
kiss the boys n make em die!: femme fatale, girl revolution, girl power
GIRLS. FOOD. GEAR: loosely inspired by people by the 1975
girl, interrupted
you’re like a rhinestone pick-up line: picture this — a girl with a hard attitude that you can’t just seem to get off your mind
back on my bullshit: just got my heartbroken; revamped!
👻👽 my halloween inspired playlists:
hallohalloween: basic halloween playlist
 the fae know my name: humans beware the manic pixies & lip curling fae for although they don't lie they are cunning creatures with kind eyes!
frothy vampire chick meets soft green witch: red fanged lover & a green house full of potions, spells & succulents
sirens lament: sharp teeth hidden under a pretty face
murder at the casino: (in breaking news: monster hunters just cant seem to catch a break!)
the howling
witchy renaissance
fuckin vampires, man!
🥀 if I were series (playlists that only feature one artist based off something specific):
if I were to dance in a faerie ring to hozier songs: maybe I want to fall in love with a faerie and be under Hozier’s rule
if I were to live my teenage years to Lorde songs
if I were to get high by the beach to skeggs songs: BIG greening out energy
 if I were to fall in love to tom rosenthal songs: tom rosenthal songs that make me feel like I'm in love!!
if I were to reminisce about heartbreak to LANY songs:
Hogwarts Houses:
🌻 Hufflepuff
🥊 Gryffindor
🐍 Slytherin
📘 Ravenclaw
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