#i am always tired so i wish i could be on break always !!! ;;;o;;; but fank yew bbie i appreciate how kind u are 2 me sooo much !!!
garoujo · 1 year
hello hello emmie ! <3 how is ur work going so far for today ?? i hope all is well for u ! i've come to brainrot about nagi again bcs eee i cant help it!
⠀:¨ ·.· ¨:⠀ ⠀ `· . ୨୧⠀
and this time its florist!nagi who fell in love with his new regular customer who very much loves flowers sm so they keep coming back to buy at his flower shop ˃̵ᴗ˂̵ so what he does to convey his feelings towards them is to give them a flower but with a hidden meaning, every time they stop by his shop! so its more like he is showing his true feelings through the language of flowers <33 i kept thinking about it bcs i own a book about the language of flowers and i cant help thinking about him being a cute florist !! i also wanted to share that im beginning to see a pattern about the characters that i like from diff. shows ! and its all about a certain hair color thats either white/light coloured ! for ex.: inumaki, gojo , kaneki, sessho, nagi , tomoe, decim- the list goes on and i just realized it now ! theres something about white haired men i swear ?! also i just started binge-reading ur one shot series with the jjk men and I AM SO HOOKED i cant wait to read more ! its like everytime i read ur works i always end up either smiling or giggling pls- i hope u always take care emmie ! dont forget to take breaks in between whenever u feel tired <33 wishing u the bestest as always !
hewo lovely nonnie !!! snifle im sorry it took me sooo super long 2 reply 2 this but i wanted 2 be able 2 give u allll of my attention out of work so i’m home now ^_^ work was okie !!! a lil boring but atleast i am home curled up in my bed + playing genshin now <3 u r ofc ofc ofcccc always welcome 2 come brainrot about him !!! i hope you’ve had the best day also o_O !
eeeeee stop flourist!nagi is so cute i can imagine him w a lil apron on + everything ! why is the thought of the big sleepy bbie arranging some flowers so cute <3 he probs has rly super good attention 2 detail also !!! ur ideas are just the sweetest ever istg >///< no cause fr ! ur just like me ! i have such a favouring 4 white hair men i love them i cant help it .. !
also omg super glad ur enjoying my lil series ! i shud hopefully have it finished 2 since i got some sudden ideas 2 finally finish it so hopefully that’ll come soon <33 snifle u are just such a sweetheart ! tht is exactly how i act reading ur asks ^_^ take care of urself bbie !!! sending soooo much hugs rn !!!
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maxineryx · 1 month
Seeing Dazai without bandages is like winning the lottery, getting struck by lightning, seeing a blue moon, or managing to buy the first three volumes of your favourite manga from the bookstore.
It's a chance close to zero.
Well, none of those things have happened to you yet, including seeing Dazai without bandages. Though, you believe this was even rarer than all those other things listed above because every time you spotted him unwrapping them in the bathroom, he softly shooed you out, or closed the door. You never got an explanation for why, but you had a solid idea of what it might have been.
You weren’t a stranger to Osamu’s past. You knew of all the things he did and who he was, but he was given a second chance, so naturally you put that all behind you and never asked any questions. And of course, most of the things you’ve heard weren’t actually from him. He’s never gone into depth about what used to happen in the Port Mafia. Nor has he ever mentioned any battles, or any struggles he might have faced. However, you were sure that there were some stories to tell under those bandages.
You were also sure that those ‘stories’ might not be as pleasing to hear or to tell, so you never pressured him to talk.
Although, sometimes you just wished he confided in you, because you were together, after all. He knew many secrets of yours, pleasant and unpleasant, and you knew that none of those secrets were even comparable to what he must have gone through.
You just wanted him to tell you, to show you, even if it was a little so that you could lift that guilt off his caring heart to make him feel better.
You and Osamu came home from work a couple of hours ago, when the sun was already set, stars twinkling above. It was dark inside your shared home, the only light source being the bright, white lights around the rectangular-shaped mirror, as you sat on the counter, already showered and face taken care of.
You were watching Dazai apply some moisturizer to his face. His long coat was gone, along with all his other clothes that hid his top half. The only thing stopping you from seeing his skin were the bandages.
“You like to stare, don’t you?” He asked in his usual, playful tone, pausing to take a glance at you before resuming his skincare. “I mean, I don’t blame you. I’m breathtaking.”
Rolling your eyes, you mumbled a ‘yeah, yeah, whatever’, to which he started tickling you, your laughter echoing throughout the house.
“It’s getting late. You should go to bed, I’ll join you in a few minutes.” Osamu said, kissing the tip of your nose.
You frowned. “I don’t feel tired at all,” you started, smiling, hoping he’d agree for the first time, “I’ll wait for you, I mean, how long can it take?”
He sighed, though it wasn’t an annoyed sigh. He helped you get off the counter, gently grabbing your arms, before walking you out. You stopped in your tracks, earning a confused expression from him.
“Osamu… why do you never let me stay? Every night, you push me out without giving me an explanation.”
“Oh, sweetheart,” He put a hand softly atop your head. “You know I don’t want you to see what’s under these bandages…I don’t want to scare you.”
“You’ll never scare me, no matter what I’ll see. I thought you knew that.” You replied, not breaking eye contact. You could start seeing the unease in his eyes as he averted his gaze.
“It’s not that.” He whispered, “You haven’t seen me in the Port Mafia. You didn’t know the Port Mafia executive, Dazai Osamu, because you only know the new Dazai Osamu. And even though I am him, my body still represents the Port Mafia executive, and it always will. I want you to know what I am now, not what I was back then.”
There was a lengthy silence as he removed his hand from your head.
“‘samu,” Instantly, you cup his cheeks, bringing his head down a little so that you could stare into his eyes intensely. Dazai’s eyes flashed with uncertainty and slight shame, something you’d never seen him feel before.
“You’re right. I didn’t know Dazai Osamu from the Port Mafia, but I’ve heard of him. You’re the man I love, ‘samu, nothing could make me fear you, or walk away from you. You were given a second chance and second chances aren’t common in life. Even if your body carries horrible memories, it doesn’t mean that that’s the person you are. The man I love is caring, loving, protective, charming, amazing… and all the other positive words I could use forever.
So please, let me care for you.”
His hands were holding your wrists as you never let go of his face. Tears were bubbling up in your eyes, heart racing from all the emotions. His bottom lip was slightly trembling as he looked at the floor, before letting go of your wrists and turning around, walking back into the bathroom. He didn’t ask you to leave.
And this time, it was you who was unbandaging him as he sat patiently, though averting his gaze for most of the time. It would take time to get him to be comfortable, but you were more than happy to go slow if it meant that he wouldn’t feel as much guilt as before.
So no, you didn’t win the lottery, get struck by lightning, see a blue moon, or manage to buy the first three volumes of your favourite manga at the bookstore, but you did get to see Dazai without bandages. All those things couldn’t even compare to that.
A:N - I’m back after a looooong writing break… just a lil thingy to warm myself up before writing anything longer
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matrixbearer2024 · 4 months
Ahhhh I hope you take in smutt requests cause I got an idea 🙏
Vox eating out the reader while they are sitting on his face <3 but suddenly his screen cracks
Smutt turned funny or smth hihi
Also would be very fun if reader was afab but like with gn pronouns
Glass Breaks
Vox x gn!afab!Reader
A/N: I've seen some posts going around talking about Vox and an S/O that had some... mishaps- during a face sitting session and I am LIVING for it. Granted I wrote this really late so I don't know if it'll be any good or if Vox is a little OOC but I hope you enjoy it anon!
Vox had a pretty rough day.
Dealing with his company, reporters, the other Vees-
He wanted nothing more than to just collapse in your arms and forget the day's stresses.
Instead, he came back to an extremely sexy surprise.
He'd taken his coat off, hanging it by the door as he strolled in and looked for you.
The dead silence was quite rare when it came to you.
Hell, he expected you to just be waiting by the door with your arms outstretched for a hug as always.
But the second he'd opened the bedroom door, Vox quickly wished he'd done so sooner.
You were laying on his bed in some lingerie, a sheer robe leaving nothing to the imagination.
Not that he was at all complaining!
Vox couldn't tear his eyes away the second he stepped in.
You knew he was entranced, the tech overlord often was when you gave him surprises.
Wholesome ones or not.
It also went without saying that you loved tempting him.
So definitely his libido shot through the roof when you teased him further, making a "come hither" motion that had your beloved's screen overheating.
The fans in his head quickly kicked on to high gear as a blush quickly settled on his face.
Despite that, an eager smile wormed onto his face as he made his way over to you.
Not willing to let just anyone stroll in however, accident or not, Vox of course locked the door.
"Tough day~?"
"If I get to come home to this? Makes it all worth it."
You cooed as your neck was peppered with gentle kisses and nips.
It wasn't rare for Vox to be this soft with you in bed, but you garnered it was probably because he was tired.
Oftentimes if he needed to release stress he'd just fuck you silly into the mattress no matter what you were wearing.
You were kind of expecting the same today really, hearing his ranting over the phone just a few hours prior-
Even so, this wasn't too far fetched of a scenario either.
On the other hand, if he was tired?
He would just service you until you were sated.
Then you both could have a passionate round two in the morning.
You exchanged gentle kisses with Vox while he did away with your clothes.
His claws carefully grazing your skin as he groped so he wouldn't hurt you.
A shiver ran up your spine as one of his claws rubbed against your slit.
Your panties even gained a damp spot from all his ministrations.
Vox only chuckled at the revelation, pulling away from the kiss to gaze at your flustered expression.
He loved making a mess of you, it was extremely fun and exhilarating knowing that only he could do this to you and nobody else.
Leaning over to whisper in your ear, his claws gently caressed your sides.
"I wanna try something, follow my lead?"
"Of course."
And that's how you found yourself in this current situation.
Sitting on your boyfriend's screen while he voraciously ate you out.
Vox honestly couldn't even get enough of your moans.
You cried his name out so much he wouldn't dare forget it now.
His hands held down your hips while his tongue worked wonders.
He was just totally drowning in you when you sat on his face.
Why didn't he think of doing this before?
Usually he'd be above you if he was giving oral but honestly this works too.
Of course- there was a really good reason why you shouldn't be sitting on his face.
Which was further proven when you heard a small cracking sound before losing yourself in the throes of passion.
Both of you froze in shock from the sound before you slowly got off Vox and your suspicions had been proven right.
His poor screen had a crack running along the edge where you were leaning most of your weight.
Your beloved only raised a hand to feel his screen to confirm what he'd been guessing before groaning in frustration.
Vox just promptly wrapped himself up in a blanket cocoon annoyed and embarrassed.
So much for that, not to mention the mood was gone.
You couldn't help but giggle at just how random it all was.
Oh well, it just wasn't meant to be.
That didn't help Vox's grumpiness at all.
"It's not funny doll."
He tiredly muttered, you didn't think he'd be so defeated by such a small thing.
Then again, maybe it wasn't exactly a small thing for him.
You shifted closer to your TV lover and lightly tugged at the blankets until he looked at you.
His eyebrows were pressed together in what you could only describe as annoyance.
Though it quickly dissipated when you started just lightly leaving kisses all over his screen.
Being mindful of the cracks that you inadvertently caused of course.
"Wh- Wait- (Y/N) what are you- mmPHF-"
You quickly shut him up with another sweet kiss, pulling away to gently stroke the side of his head.
"It's okay hun, really. We tried, and well- now we know why you're not supposed to sit on a flatscreen TV-"
Vox half-heartedly groaned at your attempt at hilarity, flipping you both over and tickling you in retribution for such a poorly landed joke.
Your joyful laugher was more than enough to sweep away his annoyance and irritation at his hardware durability failing.
Afterwards, he held you close for cuddles until the next morning where he'd inevitably have to go and get his screen repaired.
Though that was trouble for tomorrow's him to deal with.
Valentino wasn't the only one who noticed the condition of his colleagues' glass screen during a meeting.
Well it's not as bad as it could possibly be, but a cracked screen was a cracked screen.
"Geez, what happened to you? Did you get into a fight with the missus yesterday?"
"Uh... something like that."
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curseddollfaye · 3 months
I'm wonderinggggg....could you write something where Suguru breaks up with his s/o and realises it was a mistake? Like how do you think he would try to win her over again?
“I wish you roses while you can still smell them”
ex boyfriend! suguru x reader
✩ listened to ‘I wish you roses’ by miss kali uchis while writing this :) pt 2?? hehehe , oh and if it wasn’t obvious. ANGST ALERT!✩
·:*¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨*:· ੈ✩‧·:*¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨*:· *ੈ✩‧₊˚
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You always swore ever since you were a teenager that you would never let a man make you cry. You would never sit and cry in front of a man. You practically cursed the idea of that ever happening to you. Images of your mother crying because of your father made their way into your head. How she loved him so much, and yet he still left. You remembered wondering how could a love like this turn so sour? Why are you bared the responsibility of witnessing a dying love?
Nothing could have prepared you for happiness to be given to you, and have it snatched from your fingers before you had a say.
Because truth be told, the way Suguru broke up with you, was the day clouds stormed the sky. Your shared room that he no longer slept in felt colder and darker. You had closed your eyes that night extra tight, gripping the pillow that he slept on. Wondering if you wanted to burn it to a crisp
Or maybe hold it close to your nose so the scent of him never goes away.
“Im sorry Y/N…I just…I don’t know if I feel the same way anymore”
Heartache wasn’t even the word for it. 4 years down the drain. With a stupid explanation that made no sense. The man that claimed to love you so much for the last four fucking years couldn’t even give you a decent reason? You were left to wonder if it was you.
4 years ago you would’ve punched yourself for even thinking that. Why is it that in the movies or book you’ve read the woman always thinks it’s their fault?
But the feeling isn’t realized until it happens to you. Insecurities, questions without answers. You swore you hated Suguru Getou. You hated him for leaving little things around your previously shared apartment that reminded you of him. His Marlboro red pack cigarettes, his dumb cologne lingered in the air, and you didn’t know if it scared you or relieved you when you no longer could smell it from how long it had been.
Suguru Getou was the first man to ever make you feel like you were less than. Maybe it wasn’t on purpose. Maybe it was the way he softly spoke to you even when he was breaking your heart. Holding his favorite snacks in a connivence store plastic bag. The contents of it dropping (dramatic yes, but true).
So what exactly do you do when said ex boyfriend shows up at your front door at 2 am on a Friday night? Your silk nightgown slipping past your shoulders. The slight breeze making you blink even more tiredly. Wanting to crawl back to bed and sleep. It’s been a lot of sleepless nights due to work. It wasn’t easy being a nail tech, you are usually booked months in advanced. So that means your days are always planned around around that. At least on the weekdays.
“Suguru?” You rub the sleep out of your eyes. Your door had been merely cracked open. You lived alone now, who knows what creep could be lurking around.
“Hey, I’m sorry…fuck I’m sorry baby I-“ Suguru’s voice sighed. Your eyes finally landed on him as you fully awoken.
He looked as good as ever. Not that you weren’t really shocked. It had only been 6 months since he broke up with you, 3 since you had last seen him. Since he came to pick up the last of his things. Which ended up in you coldly acknowledging him and retreating back to your room with a loud slam. You had made it quite clear that you wanted nothing to do with it.
He looked…tired? Which wasn’t that unusual for him after working or a long day. But 2 am on a Friday was a whole new level. His hair was held back in a hair tie. The black gauges in his ears didn’t look like the ones you had seen last. Making note to yourself that even now you could remember even the smallest details of the tall man standing in front of you.
“What are you doing here Suguru?” You snap at him. “Do you have any idea what time it is?”
Suguru offers you a weak smile. He knows he has no right to be knocking on your door.
“Im just…I don’t know” He said truthfully. Which led you to even more confusion. You didn’t want to play these games. You had been over it for 3 months now. You couldn’t wouldn’t let him ruin your progress.
You sighed, you were just tired.
“That doesn’t really help me with figuring out why you’re here…”
“I know, I know okay. I know I shouldn’t be here YN. I know I have no right to come here asking for any sort of time but I just need you to hear me out”
He doesn’t miss the sour and angry look on your face. Suguru is used to it by now, all your friends throw him the same look when they see him. It was the last look he remembers on your face. The one before that was angst and solemn. All because of him, and he has to keep reminding himself so.
“To hell with you. I’ve spent the last fucking 6 months feeling sorry for myself for a man that didn’t give a fuck about me in the end.” Even cussing him out you looked so beautiful. Your hair tied up holding your arms as the chill made its way in through t your opened door. Suguru swears- no, he knows he remembers every beauty mark, every blemish, and every birth mark on your body. Something he will probably never see again thanks to himself. Even angry you looked ethereal. Suguru would worship you given the chance again.
He wasn’t counting his luck though….
“Are you even listening to me?” You ask in disbelief. “Unbelievable, go home. You’re drunk probably” Your hand grabbed your doorknob tightly and quickly made it shut it. However a boot came to stop it. You felt anger course through your body now more than ever. Is this how it was going to be?
“Is that all you can say to me? Please? Sorry? I shouldn’t be here? I told you the last time we talked that I wanted nothing to do with you, isn’t that what you wanted?” hurt crossed his features. For a moment you felt bad. But you quickly were to shrug the feeling off.
Why should you feel bad? You didn’t break his heart, you weren’t prancing around a new girlfriend four months after the breakup. You have to keep strong is what you keep reminding yourself. Over and over again. Crying for you nowhere.
Crying never made Suguru Getou come back. It never made him feel pity to you and be a man to apologize for his wrongdoings. He did you so dirty so why did it hurt seeing him so fragile?
Where was the empathy for you?
“That’s not true!” His voice boomed your quiet apartment.
“It might as well be!”
“Today’s was supposed to be our 5 year anniversary…”
You scoff. “Yeahhh I think it’s time for you to go”
“I had something I bought um, before everything” Suguru moves his left hand to move some stray pieces of hair that hung over his face. “I wanted to give it to you, it’s the least I can do. Plus, it’s something that you really wanted and I can’t…” Suguru pauses. Looking at you as if he’s studying you. Like he needs to, he knows you like the back of his hand and you were aware of that.
You look back at him. Feeling your emotions rush your body.
please don’t cry YN…don’t cry , don’t cry, don’t cry
“Listen…” You look up. Already feeling your eyes burn. God damnit.
I want to hate you Suguru Getou , damn you.
“I don’t know what kind of sick joke this is, maybe you get off to watching me cry or something. But I need you to leave me alone please.” A whimper escapes your throat. You look around, anywhere but at him. To try and at least keep some of your dignity.
“You’ve done so much to me”
Suguru shifts, his hands in his pockets. You couldn’t see but he himself was holding on to tears. He had no right to cry in front of you. Not after the way he hurt you. “Im sorry..”
“I don’t need your sorry!” You yell at him. Yanking the door open and hearing it slam against the wall. “I don’t need anything from you Suguru Getou! Not after what you did, not after the way you stand there looking at me as if you love me so damn much. Like you used to, when I know and you know that it’s all a fabricated lie! You’ve been here for five minutes and I still don’t know what motivated you to come back here after 6 fucking months, but you know what? Truth is maybe I never really knew you. So maybe I cried for no damn reason. I cried over a stranger!”
“I never lied to you, when I told you I loved you I meant that shit so don’t say I didn’t”
You laugh bitterly. “What about when you said you didn’t?”
He didn’t have an answer for that one.
“Goodnight Suguru. I hope you find whatever the fuck it is you’re looking for.” You said more gently. You don’t know why. You just hated the way he still made you feel.
Because you didn’t hate Suguru Getou.
You loved him with every fiber of your being, and yet that still wasn’t enough for him.
The door closes softly, a click and a lock follow. This time he doesn’t stop you.
This time Suguru hang his head low and lets out a shaky breath.
His hand digging into his pocket to clutch what was meant for you.
A ring.
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mysticdarling · 1 year
In the middle of the night with them
Characters: venti, xiao, scaramoche (genshin inpact)
Warnings: mainly fluff with a sprinkle of angst, no pronouns used for the reader
a\n: hello hello i hope you enjoy ^^
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You woke up hearing stumbling around your room.  "Shhh! y/n is sleeping"  You look over at the short figure in a sleepy daze, only seeing the end of Venti's  hair glowing as he talks out the window to the wind.
"Don't talk back to me, I am Barbados and I say shush ….wait ehe I'm Barbados- oopsie"  Venti  words stirred as you see him start to come closer to the bed, before completely wiping out, causing you to jump up to see if he's okay. Fortunately he is but it was very clear he had one too many drinks at the tavern.
When Venti finally does rise from the floor he ends up throwing himself on you. You're drunken bard did not care about waking you up, he honestly preferred it. In his mind if he kept you up, you would end up staying in bed with him longer in the morning. It probably wasn't the best way but, Venti just wanted you to spend time with him, whether you were half asleep or not . If you do try to push him off he would simply just get back on you, or likely end up passing out on the floor from Rolling off.
It was almost a routine, you do finally get him in bed, comfortable in his spot even. Almost on que he traps you in his embrace. "I love you windbloom, you're so good to me" Venti whispered as he fell asleep,  his legs and arms wrapped around your figure.
In the end he did get his wish even if it came with a little bit of scolding.
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Xiao Is a tortured being, corrupted with stress and worry, yet still rarely takes a break from his responsibilities. On hard nights he would sneak into your room from the window, which you especially kept unlocked hoping you would get a late night visit from your adeptus. 
Something about  seeing you undisturbed in bed made all the screams and pain almost fall silent. Xiao found comfort seeing your restless state, Some nights he would slowly inch his way closer before laying next to you, his golden eyes targeted on the person adored.
 These nights were his favorite, letting his hand slowly reach to hold yours. By the time your eyes did finally flutter open he was gone like a soft Breeze. Feeling the warmth still lingering on to the spot he laid was enough to lull you back to sleep.
Eventually this one night occurrence became frequent, he never wanted to wake you up not wanting to be the reason you're drained or tired. The nights he laid beside you his fingers would wrap around strands of  hair kissing the ends. When he was around you never seemed to have a bad dream, it was as if he devoured it every trace of them.
If  you do wake up feeling his present it's probably best to pretend you're asleep if you want him to stay a little longer.
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Scaramouche  didn't necessarily need sleep and most of the night would consist of him just laying there with his eyes closed, thinking it would make you feel better if you thought he could sleep with you. Once he knew you was officially asleep he would hold you a bit tighter telling you how he wished he wouldve met you sooner.
When he did find himself dozing off his dreams were filled with nightmares about his past and more recently dottore. Dottore  took everything from him, he always wondered if he would come back and try to take you as well.
 Scaramouche snapped out of his dream sitting up lightning fast, the rain and thundering outside only adding to his annoyance. He stayed set up for a while, tears streaming down his face as he tried to wipe them away as quickly as they came.   Finally he found the courage to look over you to make sure you are still there. He felt your pulse, the soft beating comforting him as he whispered his worries to you. 
Feeling the wet tears against your skin was enough to wake up to wipe them away. The only way he would be able to go back to sleep or even close his eyes is if you let him lay on your chest and listen to your heartbeat. The pounding was his favorite song, a melody he wished to hear for the rest of his days.
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majeoeje · 12 days
Thousand suns
Tanjiro X Reader
I'd give him my heart and i wouldn't even mind if he broke it
He changed you. In was subtle and painfully slow, but it was far too late for you once you realized the hold that Kamado Tanjiro had on you. He practically got you wrapped on his fingers without him realizing
"I accidently bought an extra haori, on my last mission, i thought it would look nice on you" he said, with that priceless smile of his
Now you never left the house without it.
"That's a really beautiful hairpin [name], it suits you well!"
Now you always wear it.
"I love how this tea is so fragrant, thank you so much for bringing it to me" he says, still smiling despite breaking countless of bones in his body
Now you bring a cup for him everyday when he's sick, even if he wasn't awake
You truly could get lost in the echoes of his voice calling your name as your heart swells in contentment.
GOD. It was embarassing. Some part of you resented how easily swayed you were when it comes to him, acting like a lovesick fool, wearing your heart on your sleeve. But how could you not? When the boy right in front of you has the purest heart out of everyone you ever met in your life. If it was him, you wouldn't mind having your heart break again and again until it could only be recognize as a pile of mush. But nonetheless, you wouldn't give him your heart. you wouldn't want him to see how tainted you truly are, a tarred and rotten soul.
The only thing beautiful that truly came from your heart was your newfound love for him. But it wasn't right fot him to be with someone like you, it wasn't right... you should do everything in your power to stop it. But your selfish desires wanted to keep this feeling. Even if it's only for yourself, and you hated that.
"[Name] you're spacing out again.... are you alright?"
He touched your hand, you could feel the calloused hard skin of his palm under your bandaged hand.
"Ah- sorry Tanjiro, my mind was.. somewhere else.."
"That is quite alright.... But are you feeling better now? That tree demon was quite the handful is it not? Haha." he says, trying to lighten the mood, as he always do. You layed helplessly with 8 broken bones and a harsh scar that dragged from your right shoulder to your left waist, his existance could soothe all wounds in youe body.
"You're right!.. Ahaha..ha.." you laughed uncharacteristically dry, trying to make your point accross for him to just go away.
But he only sat himself closer to you, before he starts chatting away about his wonderful day with giyuu and his soba eating contest. It was heartfelt, heartwarming and so so precious. How you wanted to just listen to his voice all day...
He was cut off from his story, looking at you confused
"I think.. it's time for you to go. I am rather-...tired, i wish to rest"
"O-oh.. i see, rest well [Name]" he said, before he sweetly tucked your blanket and fixed your pillow for you "i'll write to you!! So get well soon!" He shouted, before leaving the infirmary
The familliar sounds of his steps gradually becoming more faint as he went away
"I'm the worst." You say (you are)
You looked to the drawer filled with Tanjiro's unanswered letters. You slowly took one, and held it close to your heart. You could still smell the dried wisteria flowers that he gifted you along side it.
"Well that was.. INCREDIBLY STUPID.." goto said, an unlucky kakushi that by an awful chance had to listen to your sad and miserable love life. You could feel his judging stare from the corner of the room
"HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN THERE???!!" you said, surprised. Has your instincs as a demon slayer weakened over the course of your bedridden days? It has only been a week????
"Maybe if you weren't so enamoured by him, then you'd notice i've been standing here the whole damn time."
He was right, despite your efforts in trying to avoid him, everyone coulf notice how your eyes still couldn't budge away from him
"Can you not? Don't you see that i'm a heartbroken mess??"
"AND WHOSE FAULT IS THAT" he said, as he poked your face aggresively.
You looked at him offended before turning the other way. You both knew the answer
He sighed. He was a 23 year old man, consulting 2 teenagers on their love life. Dream job right here..
But despite his irritated tone. You could tell there was sincerity in his words. You had grown used to his counseling daily over these week.
Well it's not like you could go anywhere else.
"I know, you think that you're not good enough for him because of something you did in the past.. but, that kid looks at you-"
"He looks at everyone like that-" you cut off again, before earning an earnest pinch on your arm"
"OW OW-"
"LET ME FINISH." He sighed again "he looks at you as if you hunged the stats, it's wildly obvious, kid. i think that despite what you believe, out of everyone... maybe Tanjiro could forgive you for what you did in the past."
Forgiveness.. could anyone ever forgive you for what you did? When you belittle someone to the point they're turned unrecognizeable? To become the very cause of them morphing into something so twisted and destructive? To say that someone in this world would think anything else but vicious of you would be something more self serving.
You were glad you were still face the other way. Because at least you could pretend that you weren't crying over this.
"... you're just saying that to make me feel better..." you said pathetically as you layed on that infirmary bed miserably. You haven't missed a day where you haven't wondered if the outcome would've been different.
"Maybe. But you wouldn't know until you've said something" he shrugged, before leaving the infirmary.
You look to the side to find Tanjiro's blade being left behind. He left his sword.. you thought
But it's okay.. you can just ask someone else to retreive it. It's no big deal just don't think about him!
Alone at last..
Alone again.
You were always okay with that. But having to meet Tanjiro, some parts of you could bear to stand it no longer. As if a gnawing feeling to seek his presence haunts your dreams and every waking moment. How could you wish to recover from this? How can you recover from him?
You couldn't..
What if he needed his sword..? You said internally, knowing well he was just going to The Water Hashira's residence. What if he encouter a demon on the way there? Better safe than sorry... you thought, knowing well it's 7 in the morning
The sounds of your steps echoing through the corridor of the butterfly estate, at first Aoi was too busy cooking to notice but the sounds of your painful screech and every huff through your painful steps on the hardwood floors only concerns her even more
"Going somewhere?"
Aoi says, with the knife that she forgot to set aside in his hand. The murderous aura coming out of her wasn't helping whatsoever...
"....Just taking a walk?.... AhaHA- please put that down, Aoi... "
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE, YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE RESTING!!" She yelled at you, scolding you for your behaviour knowing damn well you're supposed to be resting.
What you didn't know however was that Tanjiro was already on his way inside the Butterfly Mansion once again, remembering to retrieve his sword.
Though his hearing wasn't that very good after the fight with upper moon 4 making him walk straight to your heated scolding session.
"Sorry Aoi.." you said, defeated.
"Aoi-san? What's wrong?.." he said, finally realizing the situation after seeing you sat on the floor while Aoi stood up waving his arms around like a parent after finding out their child did something bad.
Aoi let out a groaned before instructing Tanjiro to escort you back to your bed.
Seeing you carry around his sword though lets him know of your intentions. Seeing that precious smile plastered on his face made you somewhat embarassed... it's as if he could read you easily like an open book. It was as if even if you tried to do anything discreet, he'd found you out everytime. It was as if no matter how many times you run and hide your adoration from him.. that smile would appear and ruined it all.
"Thank you [name], you didn't have to do that...." he said as he sat you on the infirmary bed. "You're
"It's nothing really... but-" you tried to give a rebuttle, trying to downplay your situation.
"And here i was afraid you might be avoiding me for some reason...." he said, maybe he didn't realize it. But that smile could melt you sooner than the power of a thousand suns "I'm glad!.. i really am.."
Oh.. there it is that tingly feeling again.
you're fucked.
"I'm sorry Tanjiro... but, you're actually correct" you could even say he's on the nose... haha.
"I must admit that i have been avoiding you. And trust me it's nothing against you.." oh it's everything against him.
"I want you to know that.. so please do not worry" PLEASE worry more.
You held his hand, as you felt the calloused surface of his palm. You thought he would pull away, but he sat there intertwining his fingers with yours. You could get lost in him. His touch, his voice, his warmth.. and those eyes.
"Then... would you tell me what happened?.." he asked, the melody of his voice lulling you in a daydream
"I.. i think i fell in love w-" SHIT. That was your outside voice.. you blame him for distracting you in such manner.
"HUH-" Tanjiro were surprised with your words.. pushing a precariously obvious intrest in his tone of voice "W-with who?.. ahaha-"
"I- it doesn't matter!!" You shook your head violantly feeling him coming closer. The proximity only pushing you to spill all your guts altogether...
"I- it's just that.. it doesn't matter because he doesn't love me back.. you know?... there's no way he would ever accept a heart like mine" you say incredibly negative, waving your hand around like some idiot. Breaking the handholding taht was previously established.
"Ah-" you felt Tanjiro catching your hands in the air and putting them together.
"Then.." he trailed of. Breaking eye contact. You missed the way flush spread all over his complexion all this time, only realizing the embarassement and hesitance that was plastered obvious so
"Can i have it?"
"Your heart.. May i have it?" He said, fixing his words as he looks into your eyes in anticipation. "That is.. if you're willing to have me of course."
At this point you don't think you could even give your heart to anyone else...nor even him because your dramativ ass thought your heart has downright exploded.
It took you more than a while to process with Tanjiro looking at you, concerned for you, he didn't even know if you were lucid by how many times he called out to you.
"SAY SOMETHING YOU IDIOT" Said Goto behind you, as he swiftly hit you right in the head.
"But- i- you.. i think maybe you-"
"Fix your breath,kid" he said, clicking his tounge before disappearing again.
"You.. you're the kindest person i ever known Tanjiro. I have a tainted background, it's not right for me to keep that from you. Please understand that i'm a person who will forever bear the consequences of my sins, i... there's no reality where i can think that i deserve you."
In fact maybe there wasn't any reality where you deserve Tanjiro Kamado.
"Don't say that.. please don't say that!" He yelled, now clenching your hands despretely "If i have to, then i'll bear the other half of your sins to hell. So don't speak as if you don't matter!.."
To help people was something that Tanjiro always aspires to do. He does it even without thinking.. but when it was with you, he can't help but overthink his actions would she like this? Would it be weird if i complimented her? Would it be too obvious? At some point he worries the nice things that he tries to do for you ultimately come from the a selfish desire to woo you. He worries it wasn't genuine and it was self serving. He worries that he wasn't doing this right.
But what he worried the most was that he couldn't stop it. He couldn't stop basking in your smile, your light, your attention, your presence. He knew he was getting spoiled.
"Would you take me, even like this?" You said, giving your heart to him."
"I wouldn't have it any other way"
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naturesapphic · 1 year
hey can u do a alcina x reader fic where she neglects the reader bc she’s too busy working but with a happy ending?
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Alcina dimitrescu x fem!reader
Warnings: angst with happy ending, neglectful alcina, cussing, hurt/comfort fic
Alcina has been in her study all this week and hasn’t been paying me any attention. The only kind of attention that I get is when it’s bedtime and we get into our bed together and she kisses me goodnight. That is all she does. I’m getting touch and attention starved over here and it seems like she doesn’t shove two shits.
I know this week she’s been working a lot on her wine business and has been getting stressed about it but I wish she would just take a break and I could help or take care of her. I hate seeing her so worried and stressed and I can’t do anything to help.
I went into our shared room/her office and noticed her still working. I sighed and walked over to her to see if she’s almost done so we can go to bed together. You lightly tapped her on her arm and she huffed in annoyance as she looked down at you. “What do you want?” She harshly said to you. “Cant you see that I am working?” She added. You sighed again which caused her to Scoff. “I just wanted to see if you can go to bed with me alci. I miss you and we haven’t been in the same bed in a while. Even if you do go, you never cuddle me or kiss me goodnight anymore.” You said sadly.
Alci groaned and slammed her hands on her table. “You are so pathetic! Always clinging to me and asking for attention when I’m trying to fucking work! Leave me alone you attention seeking whore!” She yelled at you which made your heart break in two. You didn’t hear the rest as you fled out the door and to the quest room a floor down.
Alci didn’t process what happened until a few minutes later and she felt awful. She put her head in her hands and cried softly, knowing she broke you, knowing this, she’s broken too.
She didn’t want to wait to come after you but she knew that both of y’all needed to wait until morning to give each other some space.
~ the next morning ~
You cried yourself to sleep that night and didn’t get much of it either. Your head was replaying what alci said to you over and over. Maybe she was right. Maybe you are too clingy and a attention seeking whore. You whimpered again as the memories keep flooding back in. You heard the door creak open and it revealed your lover looking awful. Which was very unlike alci since she always makes sure that she looks her very best at all times.
She came over to you and bent down to your level and started sobbing and spilling out apology after apology. You looked at her sadly even though she hurt your tremendously, you still hated to see her so upset. “I-I’m so s-sorry d-draga. I-I was so s-stressed and t-tired that I took I-it o-out on y-you and that wasn’t r-right of m-me a-and I-I’m so so sorry darling!” She sobbed into the sheets of the bed.
You gently petted the top of her head and leant down to kiss it. “I understand that you were stressed and tired but that’s not an excuse for what you did to me…that really really hurt me alci…”. You said sadly. She looked up at you with her makeup smeared and ruined. “No no it’s not an excuse at all and I’ll do anything to make it up to you baby. I promise.” She said gently as she took your small hands into her big ones.
You knew she never meant what she had said and never will. She just needs to work on how she reacts to when she’s sad and angry because it always ends up with someone getting hurt and that not fair. She understood this and agreed to getting help, not just for her but for this relationship that she has with you as well because you are her draga and she will always love you.
A/n: two posts in one day?! A miracle lmao but I hope y’all enjoyed! Remember to stay hydrated and rest! I love you all.
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once-in-a-blood-moon · 2 months
Could I request for your 🌹valentines event🌹 the prompt voice with Solomon with a GN MC? He’s heard their voice for a long time giving him encouragement and praise but he’s long since given up actually meeting them. They meet during the exchange program and he immediately recognizes their voice.
I’ve never heard of the soulmate voice scenario before so I’m realty looking forward to how you pull it all together! I love your works and am really excited for this event! Thank you so much for sharing your writing!💖💖💖💖💖
Solomon - Voice
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Solomon x GN! reader
Prompt: The voice in their head is their soulmate’s voice
AN: Hi Ivy!! Thank you for your sweet words, I'm really glad you like what I do! 💕 I'm so sorry about the wait on this request, but I suppose better late than never! I really got in a groove writing this, and uh...it's a little more hurt/comfort than I expected it to be, so I hope that's okay. Thank you for being patient and I hope you enjoy! 😊
Warnings: Slight hurt/comfort, mimics how you meet Solomon in the OG but diverges a tad.
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The cool night air whipped through Solomon’s hair gently as he leaned out of the open window. His eyes had grown tired from hours of combing through the weathered pages of an ancient tome he’d miraculously gotten his hands on, so he decided to take a small break to rest them. The sooner he did that, the quicker he’d be back at his desk furiously devouring the magical literature the book had to offer. 
Bleary eyes flicked lazily across the landscape of the soft city nightlife beyond his walls. He’s not in the thick of it, but sometimes he listens just to feel included. The distant sounds of horns honking, the gentle clicks of heels on the street below him as two friends pass by with gossip juggled between them, even smelling the cheap, greasy pizza from one of the restaurants nearby. It’s all something that eludes him. Like an inside joke he’s not allowed in on…
“I hope you’re doing okay…”
Solomon perks upon hearing the soft, almost solemn voice in his head. It had started just a few short decades ago, popping up occasionally to say hello or to spout some words of encouragement. He was aware he was hearing the voice of his soulmate, but it seemed hard for him to let go of his reservations and interact with them. He knew it would never last, and he’d never meet them. So, he keeps his mind quiet like he always does, not wanting to give them false hope.
And it seemed he was disappointing them further by not responding yet again, hearing their soft sigh before speaking again.
“Sometimes I wonder if you’re even there. Maybe I’m talking to nobody...”
He wishes you were – or at least someone that wasn’t him.
“But it’s almost as if I can feel your presence. You exist. I know it.”
Oh, he exists, alright. Longer than he thinks you could ever fathom. How the universe could’ve paired such a patient soul to his jaded one is a mystery to him. It’s curious how you’re able to sense him too. If he didn’t know any better, he’d think you had some magical prowess as well – however small that may be. 
“Are you looking at the same moon I am? It’s so bright and beautiful tonight… A full moon.”
The sorcerer’s ancient eyes slowly move to the moon hanging above the city, where the skyscrapers seem to just brush its surface. It’s the same moon he’s looked at for centuries, the one thing that’s stayed constant in his eternal life. Tonight’s moon seems to glow a hair brighter than usual. Perhaps it’s a super moon just playing with his perception. Either way, he basks in her maternal essence all the same. 
It grows quiet in his mind and Solomon assumes his soulmate is lost in the moment, just as he is. Whether it’s due to the moon’s company illuminating his figure perched on the windowsill or because of the presence that has wriggled their way into his thoughts, he doesn’t feel as alone tonight.
The minutes drag on with nothing more from his soulmate, so he takes this as a sign his break is over. With a long, drawn out sigh, he pushes himself off the windowsill before shutting the window and pulling the curtains closed. He takes slow strides back to his desk, stretching his back muscles before he inevitably hunches over the tome until his body gives out to exhaustion. The old, rickety chair creaks beneath him as the hard wood already begins to gnaw away at his bum. Though he pays no mind to the mild pain as he aims to jump right back into the marked pages he’d left open on his desk. 
“Take care of yourself.” 
It’s the last thing he hears right before his eager eyes can reach a word on either of the sprawled out pages. That gentle reminder causes his heart to ache in guilt knowing he should do better to take care of himself, yet...he’s too consumed with his life’s work to try harder. With a slight shake of his head to rid himself of those feelings, he plunges right back into the mystical tome. 
The halls of RAD bustle with first-day gossip shared between demon cliques about the newly implemented exchange program and the exchange students that came with it.
Solomon, who keeps to himself against one of the walls to blend in with the crowd, hears the names of his angelic dorm mates, as well as his own, bouncing around as if it were a game of Hot Potato. It’s the typical fare of “that sorcerer, Solomon, is one of the exchange students this year” and “watch out for that guy, you know he’s a bit of a shady fellow.” Every other word that’s been tacked onto his persona is spit out with a venomous hiss. 
Powerful. Shady. No good. Hardly human. Sorcerer... Solomon, Solomon, Solomon.
He’s heard them so many times he’s started to believe there might be merit behind the sentiments. 
Beyond that, he’s also heard a few rumors about the second human exchange student. Due to the quickly buzzing word, the clever sorcerer had already caught wind of their name and a few other interesting details, like how Mammon had been appointed as the “human babysitter.” Solomon couldn’t help but chuckle to himself when he’d first heard that. Mammon as a babysitter of anything, let alone a fellow human… That’s rich. 
“I should run…” 
Solomon’s brow raises sharply, almost instantly, upon hearing that phrase in his head. What an odd thing for his soulmate to say. They hadn’t spoken much to him in the past few weeks, apart from some nerves about something they never fully divulged to him, but for this to be the first thing in a while is concerning to say the least. It may not even be a conscious effort as the panic of the voice in his head is quite obvious.
“That’s what Mammon said to do…” 
Mammon? How does this person…
It’s then that Solomon notices a timid looking human in the middle of the hall, their eyes casting side to side as a few groups of demons seem to eye them dangerously. The sorcerer’s feet move faster than his thoughts and he’s suddenly in front of the human with a friendly grin on his lips.
“Hey, you there.” 
He watches you startle at his sudden appearance, your phone slipping through your fingers and clattering on the floor as you just stare at him with anxiety practically radiating off you. It seems you’re opting for the freeze response from how on edge you are around him. He automatically feels guilty for scaring you so terribly, but he understands why. 
Slowly, as to not spook you further, he crouches down to pick up your phone, doing a quick check to make sure it’s not damaged as he rises back to his normal height. 
“This belongs to you. I saw you drop it just now,” he hands it out to you, chuckling as he does. “You should be lucky it didn’t crack.” 
He watches you glance down to his outstretched hand before slowly taking your phone from him. Your fingers brush lightly against his, sending a chill up his spine. For it being such a minuscule touch, it felt so natural. 
A small appreciative smile eases your frightened features. Though he can tell you’re still tentative. “Thank you.” 
Solomon’s heart skips a beat as he recognizes the voice instantly. He stills momentarily, though not enough to seem like he’d lost composure...but internally, he was flustered. The previous phrases he’d heard in his head suddenly made sense now. Before he gets completely ahead of himself, he decides to converse with you further to confirm his suspicions. 
“My name’s Solomon. I’m an exchange student from the human world, just like you.” 
Your fears instantly seem to vanish upon learning that he’s not one of the demons wanting to cause you harm. “Ah, well, that’s a relief then. It’s nice to meet you.” 
You give a quick introduction of yourself as well. The name he’d heard whispered among others earlier rolled off your tongue in the same kind voice he’s had in his head for decades. It doesn’t seem you realize the situation yet, but how could you? He never spoke to you… You didn’t know what he sounded like. If he had known meeting you wasn’t a slim to none chance, maybe he would’ve asked how your day was, reminded you to hydrate or study, or just said hi. 
The sorcerer makes his mind up pretty quickly – he’d make it up to you once he reveals the true nature of your special connection. 
Even now, he’s realizing you’re more than just a stranger to him. You were the kind words he couldn’t give himself, the reasoning he was blind to, and the connection he thought was best to deny. 
You were the sound he was lonely without.
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atrwriting · 1 year
aemond x fem!highborn!reader one shot
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this man makes me think such unholy thoughts that i needed to get this out
as always, warnings: SMUT!, foreplay (f receiving), aemond is the king of consent, dom!aemond, dirty talk, dubcon because drinking
you never drank.
no. never.
it was considered unbecoming of a lady of status, especially yours. you were lucky to have obtained a position as one of lady helaena’s handmaidens, and your family never let you forget it. you weren’t of the commonfolk variety, but your family name would never hold as much weight as “lannister” or “stark.” you had to play your cards right, and you usually did.
but not this night, no.
tonight was a night of celebration for the greens against the blacks and you were expected to sit for it. wine was flowing, laughter could be heard all around the banquet room, and people had yet to stop dancing. as one of helaena’s more trusted ladies, you stayed by her side as she chose to sit away from the pleasantries that most people were taking part in. she let her husband dance with any lady he wished, but everyone close to her knew she was more relieved than jealous. you chose to sit on one side of her to keep her company, and hee dutiful brother, the one-eyed prince, aemond targaryen, sat on her other side.
“you must drink more, lady y/n,” helaena insisted, pouring wine into your glass. “you mustn’t let me fill your joy.”
you scoffed. “your company is most enjoyable, my queen.”
“mmm,” the prince next to her mumbled. “we are glad you decided to join us tonight, sister. you as well, lady y/n.”
oh, by the old gods and the new, that fucking silky voice of his could drive every woman in his vicinity wild, and you were no exception. heat immediately rose to your cheeks as you bowed your head in graciousness and smiled at the prince. your shyness would not allow you to meet his gaze as you took another sip from your chalice, smirking into the wine.
“i’m afraid i must retire,” the queen announced, rising from her seat. “lady y/n, i must order you to remain here and keep my brother’s spirits high. whether he will admit it or not, he’s about as unaccustomed to ‘fun’ as i am.”
you could’ve spat out your drink.
you? alone with the prince? keeping him company? leaving your duties? leaving your queen?
“should we walk with you, my queen?” you sputtered. “shall i call the other ladies?”
she shook her head. “i order both of you to show the other a delightful evening as i am incapable of it. i bid you both a good night.”
and with that, she left.
the feeling of being buzzed was creeping on you, battling the anxiety you also felt. you cleared your throat, and turned to the prince.
you smiled softly as he rested his one eye on you. that did nothing to subside the blush on the tips of your cheeks as it was proving very difficult to remain confident in front of a man with features like the prince. his voice was intoxicating, but coupled with his strong jawline, his sharp features, and the mischievousness that played within his purple iris… he was dangerous in the best sense.
“so,” you began, attempting to break the tension. “i suppose dancing is off the table. what is it that will bring you joy this evening, my prince, as the queen has ordered?”
he smirked. “ever dutiful to your queen, you are.”
you laughed as the alcohol coursed through your veins. boldly, you remarked, “who am i to deny an order?”
he hummed in response, tracing the rim of his wine with his long finger. his gaze fixated on the chalice’s contents before it rested on your face. “i’ve also grown tired of tonight’s festivities.”
you nodded in understanding. you heart fell slightly as you felt dismissed by the prince, but at least you would not make a fool of yourself in front of him.
“then i bid you a good night as well, my prince,” you replied, bowing your head.
he shook his head. “it would please me if you joined me for a walk.”
your eyes widened slightly as his words hit you. in response, you smiled. “of course. where to, my prince?”
and that’s how you found yourself in one of the many forgotten and unused rooms in the castle.
finery adorned every wall and crevice in the palace, and aemond had introduced you to his favorite private area with a large window and seating area. he had more wine brought for the two of you, which you both were drinking generously.
“there’s nothing like flying,” he spoke, a bright smile on his face as he told stories of his favorite missions. drunkenness had found him as well, and kept him within its grasp. “there’s nothing like that heat from the dragon’s fire. it causes fire to well within your own belly.”
you laughed. “you are a very skilled rider, my prince. helaena and i love watching you from her window.”
“i am glad my sister has found companionship,” he admitted, taking another sip of his wine. he was silent for some time as he stared off into the distance. “has she found a suitable match for you yet?”
drunkenness had you by the restraints as well, but so did your anxiety. you bit your lip. “no, my prince, but the queen has many other important matters to attend to. i am very content in my position by her side.”
“the ever dutiful lady,” he chuckles, setting his chalice down. “tell me, lady y/n, i must now if you’ve ever shed the chains of formality just once.”
it was your turn to laugh. “my prince, the most unbecoming thing i’ve done is spend time with you tonight without a chaperone and enjoy far too much wine.”
“and have you enjoyed my company as much as you have enjoyed the wine?” he asked suddenly.
you were taken aback by his boldness, but it would not serve you to be shy now. you smiled softly. “i have, my prince. very much so. if we’re playing a game of truth, then i suspect it is my turn to ask you the same question.”
he chuckled. “i have had my fair share of the pleasantries that young men find themselves in, but i do not have the appetite of my brother. tell me, lady y/n, has my brother ever tried to get into your bed?”
you almost choked on your wine. “n-no, my prince. i’ve never… the king has never done that.”
the prince sat up then and place his goblet down. you followed in suit, but also to keep it from spilling. aemond say maybe a foot from you as he stared at your face, causing the temperate in the room to rise.
“and what would the ever dutiful lady say if i asked to join her in her bed?” he asked barely above a whisper.
your lips parted in response as you stared back at the prince. “m-my prince… i’ve never been with a man in that way.”
“and what if i were to… lift your skirts?”
you felt his fingers began to trace circles on the bare skin of your thigh, underneath your dress.
“and what if my fingers were to find themselves on your soft skin?”
his voice was hoarse with wine and lust as it fanned across your face. every passing moment, his fingers raised in height and began to inch closer and closer towards your hips. his lips were only a few inches from your own, practically begging for a kiss.
“i want to uncover what secrets you hold, my sweet,” he whispered. “would you let me?”
“yes, my prince,” you breathed, biting your lip.
“have you ever touched yourself?”
you shook your head.
“so you’ve never known pleasure.”
“no, my prince,” you answered shakily as his fingers toyed with the fabric of your undergarments.
“would you let me show you?” he asked.
“please, my prince,” you nodded.
you leaned in closer, ready to kiss him, but the prince pulled back. “i won’t kiss you yet, no. i want to see your beautiful face for the next few moments. would you give that to me?”
you nodded, eyes wide with a mixture of fear, lust, and excitement.
his fingers found their way beneath your undergarments, and you jumped closer to the prince in fright. he held you tightly against him as he grabbed you by the back of the head and weaved your long hair in between his fingers.
“be a good girl for me, sweet,” he ordered. “you are to tell me what feels good.”
you nodded. “yes, my prince.”
you felt a singular finger glide up and down your folds. he did it so easily that you immediately felt like a whore for how wet you were for the prince. having never been touched before, you gasped at the sensitivity. the prince immediately found the most sensitive part of you: your pink, swollen bud.
“oh, my prince-“ you gasped, screwing your eyes shut as he drew circles on it. “it’s-it’s—“
“tell me, beautiful, tell me how it feels.”
“no, my prince, a lady—“
“a lady will do as her prince commands,” his tone was rough with you. “you’ve never been more of a lady than in this moment, lady y/n. let your prince show you how much he adores you.”
you moaned at his words. “you feel — your fingers feel so good. they shouldn’t feel this good…”
his thumb found its place working his magic on your clit, and one his fingers travelled lower to trace along your entrance. your teeth sank deeper into the already ripped skin of your lip as you tried to fight how good it felt to have him in such an intimate way.
“i’ve never felt this way before,” you cooed. “this is wrong…”
“tell me to stop then,” he ordered as he pushed his finger through your entrance. “tell me you want me to leave your dripping cunt unsatisfied.”
you cast your gaze down in your lap, where his hand was nestled between your thighs.
he picked your chin up to face him. “is that what you want? for me to stop?”
“no, my prince,” you spoke with hazy eyes. “but…”
“do you want me to be cruel and leave you empty, here, with no one around?”
you shook your head. “no, prince aemond, please don’t.”
“then tell me you want me to ravish this sweet cunt,” he ordered.
heat rose to your cheeks. “please, my prince.”
“say it.” his movements grew more aggressive as he fucked his fingers in your tight, gummy walls. “now.”
“take me, my prince,” you cried.
his grip on your hair did not falter as the circles he drew on your clit became harsher and faster. you tried to muffle your cries the best you could, but nothing could silence you from his assault on your cunt. your pelvis began to grow warm, and suddenly you were bucking your hips into his hand.
“all for me, my sweet?” he taunted with a smirk. “is this sweet cunt all for me?”
“yes,” you breathed. “yes, my prince, it’s all for you.”
“you are so right around my fingers, my dear, you’ve been such a good girl for your prince,” he spoke. “making such a mess on this couch for me. i’m so pleased with you.”
the heat, the tension, and the pleasure all began to build up too much. it was building, building, and building in your hips, your stomach, you shoulders, your lips — fucking everywhere, and you felt like you were about to explode. you were bucking your hips wildly into your prince’s hand, and you didn’t understand where all the pleasure would go when he stopped.
“my prince, i don’t know what’s happening…” you rambled. “i feel as though… i might explode…”
“let it take you, my sweet,” he ordered. “let it wash over you and feel everything i’m giving to you. i want to give you your first orgasm, my beautiful girl.”
you were whining in his hold, tears threatening to spill over your cheeks as aemond fucked you relentlessly with his hand. your hands were gripped at your skirts, the couch, anything as you feared touching him and keeping him from making you feel the way you were.
“‘s too much,” you cried.
“do this for me,” he ignored you.
“my prince—“
“do this for your prince.”
a strangled cry left your lips as you felt like a string was being wound so tightly in your lower abdomen you felt as though it might pop. aemond refused to let you out of his hold, keeping you upright so he could witness your expressions for himself.
“please don’t stop,” you whined. “it feels so good…”
“right there, my dear?” he asked, pushing his finger deeper and coaxing your inner walls. “is that where my lady needs it most?”
“yes, yes, yes—“ you basically cried. “oh my gods…”
“that’s it, my sweet, let it go.”
“i can’t—“
“let it go,” he ordered, rubbing your clit harder. “finish all over my fingers. it’s what i want most.”
you couldn’t fight him any longer. your hand raised to grab the fabric on his arm as you came. heat spread all throughout your body as you struggled to keep your voice low, but all the while you felt like you were bursting. every nerve ending in your body was screaming as aemond continued to use his fingers between your thighs throughout your orgasm. your breathing was strangled, and you wanted nothing more than to kiss him, but he kept you in his hold.
“now that i’ve seen the wonder that is my lady experience pleasure, i don’t think i’ll ever be able to leave this moment with you.”
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chao-thicc-hcs · 11 months
Can you maybe do bonten Mikey,Sanzu,Koko and Rindou with a very touchy or shows love by touch S/O! Please🙏 🧚‍♀️PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE🧚‍♀️
your wish is my command✨
Having a touchy/affectionate s/o!
featuring: bonten!mikey; sanzu; kokonoi; rindou
genre: fluffy fluff
warning(s): mentions of blood and intestines
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he's initially reluctant to your touches, and the sudden hugs you gave him shook him to the core
he's not used to such way of bonding with someone. He's unfamiliar with the whole "lovey-dovey" thing
warms up quickly. He yearns for it, he desires it, but is too afraid to admit it vocally, and he just kind of.. returns the favor
hugs you from behind and places his chin on your head
''Y/n, can you touch me like that again, please?" is the most you will ever hear
mikey loves observing the way you get excited when he reciprocates your touch and returns your hugs and kisses
he doesn't remind himself to do anything touchy until you touch his arm or hug him, mainly because he isn't used to physical touch. you always initiate everything, and it hints him to wrap his arm around your shoulder or waist
he might say it is "suffocating" but deep inside he wants more
is the small spoon so he can feel the comfort of your hugs
buys you food as a gratitude for not being afraid of being yourself around him
sometimes he'd come home and pretend to be grumpy, just so he can have an excuse to cuddle you tighter
Mikey hated to be touched. Absolutely despised the thought of someone being near him or even simply poking him. He even remembered breaking Sanzu's finger because he dared to touch him once when he was a tad bit too excited about a person he murdered.
However, something about you flicked a switch inside of him. Every time you'd wrap your hands around his torso and say his name in a cutesy melody, every time you'd pinch his cheek, nudge his shoulder or even ruffle his already disheveled hair felt as if his stomach was churning and burning with passion.
Much to everyone's surprise, the oh invincible Mikey, head of the most feared organization - Bonten - had a soft spot for his sweet lover, letting her visit his office, bringing her to meetings and even not getting mad at her for interrupting his speech with her sudden cheek kisses. He'd glare at you, but just to appear tough in front of the others, never daring to say anything else.
But oh... Mikey on the inside is a putty. Only you knew how he submitted willingly to your feather touch that soothed his broken soul, making him toss aside all the thoughts plaguing his mind, focusing only on the warm embrace you'd give him when he's alone with you, where he can finally give in and cease pretending he's tough in front of his colleagues.
A faint smile could be seen plastered onto his face whenever you came inside his office for a visit and bring his favorite meal, or even just sit down and keep him company.
-Mikeyyyy~- your chirpy voice could be heard from the very beginning of the large hall you had to pass to reach the room.
In the middle of a meeting, Mikey cracked a small smile that he managed to conceal from his subordinates, shaking his head and sighing. You went inside the room and hopped to his desk, sitting down on his lap with force, making him oof a little.
-I brought you this! A new flavor of taiyaki the store had to offer! I want to see you try them!
-Later, Y/n. I am at a meeting.-Mikey retorted and placed his hand at the small of your back
His subordinates were watching with shock, slack-jawed as the scene unwrapped in front of them.
-Pleasee! I woke up early just to get it fresh for you out of the bakery...-you pouted, holding the taiyaki in your hands
Mikey let out a long, tired sigh and just took the treat, unwrapping it and splitting it in half, giving the other to you.
-Now, quiet, let's finish the meeting.
You nodded and shared the treat with your lover while everyone's eyes were focused on the both of you. The man took his time and resumed what he was talking on about with you on his lap. The rest of the Bonten members, however, couldn't seem to focus on his words, still visibly shook by the way their boss almost appeared vulnerable in front of them.
-If you all ever speak up about this, I will make you eat your intestines like spaghetti bolognese.-he hissed under his breath, earning a light nudge to his shoulder from you.
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sanzu is either super touchy or avoids you all day in the beginning, no in between
even when he tries to avoid your touch, you somehow manage to still find yourself snuggling him
he likes it, but the fucker is weird and awkward and always says shit like "you smell good" and sniff your neck or something
regardless, he doesn't really mind you clinging onto him
as time passes he'd get hella obsessive over you, wanting you by his side at all times
on the days where he doesn't feel touchy, he'd just hold your hand, nothing more
bought you a pillow of his face on days where he had to be gone for longer lmfao
he'd ask you to put lipstick on and leave stains on his cheek, neck and a little on his clothes
speaking of kisses, he'd also want you to place pecks all over his face when he comes back home
he loves it when you lay onto him and just lay on his chest <3
over time, he starts being a bit clingy too, always following you like a pet
brags about you to the others. they're sick of his constant ramblings, but they respect you for taming his horses for a short while so they put up with it
If Sanzu had the powers to take all the stars down for you - he'd do it.
Instead, he saw them all aligned in your eyes. Looking at the picture of you smiling on his phone, hugging the cat you recently adopted, his heart ached and his legs almost gave up at immense yearning to have you in his arms. And listen as you rant about your day while you squeeze the air out of him.
The messages piled up, he knew you were sleeping, but he couldn't stay still without making sure you were notified how he is. Sitting on top of one of the dead bodies he had to dispose of, the world around him took the role of a poison ivy wrapping around his neck, raising the pressure that was building up from him not being next to you, sleeping peacefully.
The door closed. Empty apartment with a breath of fresh air. It was dark, quiet. Sanzu took off his attire and threw it in the laundry basket. He wanted to snuggle next to you as soon as he could, but he didn't want to be dirty.
Lukewarm drops of water fell down his torso and back, relaxing every muscle. Sighing under the sudden feeling of comfort, Sanzu cleaned off every splurt of blood he had left on his body. The shower was quick but refreshing enough, and he didn't bother to completely dry his body or hair before putting on boxers and approaching your shared bedroom.
His arm wrapped around you and caressed your sides gently, making sure you don't wake up. However, you turned around, seeming to have been awake for a while. You put an arm and leg around him, pulling him closer to you, while he let out a sigh.
-Missed you, babygirl.
-Missed you too, hun. Now I am here.. get some rest, I can see you're extremely tired.
He placed gentle and sloppy kisses on your neck and collarbone, squeezing you tight against him.
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he will be so stiff in the beginning
his expression will be blank, as if he isn't affected by your touch, and he will blurt out stuff like "why are you being so clingy?"
but the moment you try and pull away he'd grab you and hug you back
"didn't say i don't like it"
he'd let you cling onto him, but most of the time he will not reciprocate it, especially in public
calls you annoying but with a hint of affection in his tone
pats your head a lot
when he comes from work, he'd always lean into your face, expecting you to kiss his cheek
over time he will get used to it, and will start returning touches every time
always has you either on his lap or laying on top of him
his smile doesn't leave his face when you're near him, and he'd often daydream about you when you talk about stuff while hugging him or just by touching him lightly
You were rummaging through your wardrobe in distress, searching for a certain outfit that you were planning to combine for days. Izana was sitting on the bed with his arms crossed, watching you with a smirk and letting out light chuckles here and there.
-'Zana, help me out here!-you whined out, which only got out another chuckle from your boyfriend
-I told you to fold your clothes properly yesterday. You insisted on lazing with me and here you are, suffering the consequences.
You glared at his shit-eating grin but kept on going. Your eyes lit up when you finally found the clothes you were planning on wearing today. Swiftly, you put on the outfit and spun around.
-Whaddya think?
Izana just kept on staring, smiling as if he saw you for the first time ever. His eyes analyzed your entire figure as you spun around and posed for him. To him, you were like a fresh oil painting - a beautiful creature depersonalizing even the shiniest of background by just mere existence - that he'd never want to look away from. His eyes analyzed your figure, his limbs felt weak. Before he realized it, he was daydreaming, and you found your way plopping onto his lap.
-Zanaaa, are you listening?-you tilted your head to the side, placing your arms on his shoulders
His arms quickly wrapped around your figure, and he laid down his torso on the bed, holding you tight and running his hand up and down your spine.
-You look mesmerizing, my dear. You took my breath away.
His gaze confirmed it all. Izana was lovestruck and he never hid that fact, contrary, he expressed it with pride, making sure you soak up the emotions of sheer adulation intertwined between his words and touches.
-But I prefer what's under it...
You chuckled and kissed his nose, nuzzling it after. -Later, baby, after our date.
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loves, loves, LOVES it
he always calls you to sit on his lap during work, because he spends half his time typing on a laptop
he'd take occasional breaks to wrap both his arms around you and squeeze you tightly
nuzzles in your chest all the time
begs for your clinginess in a more subtle manner, like nudging you with his head, poking your side so you feel a ticklish sensation, press his lips against your shoulder and all that
buys you one of those socks with bunny ear magnets that connect when you're near each other so he has an excuse to cling onto you too
challenges you on who will be more affectionate with the other one (you always win)
gets so attached to you that he even sits on the toilet while you shower, spilling tea with you
likes to wrap you like a burrito in a blanket and then hug you
on days when he's feeling lazy, he'd let you lay onto him while letting out all the affection you have for him
The morning sunlight crept through the curtains of the room, illuminating your soft features as you were soundly asleep. Kokonoi, on the other hand, had already woken up and was admiring the way your face was squished under your palm, his smile not leaving his face.
His hands were caressing your sides, body barely covered from the thin sheets loosely wrapped around your thighs. He pulled your body closer to his by your hips, earning a groan from you as you absentmindedly wrapped your hands around him.
He had to get up, but he didn't want to. Kokonoi wanted to cherish the last remaining minutes he had with you before getting ready for work. His body felt heavy, and he barely even lifted his head up before his torso following.
As he was about to get up from the bed, he felt two hands wrap around his waist. He whipped his head back, just to see you holding him, murmuring something under your sleepy breath.
-Stay...-you whined out, tightening the grip on his waist
Kokonoi giggled, caressing your head and playing with a strand that was right in front of your face. This sight made him want to melt into the mattress and never get up from it with you next to him. He placed a smooch on your cheek, holding his lips on your soft skin for a bit longer.
-Can't, I got work to do, or Mikey will kill me, you know?
-Hmph..-you hummed like a child and turned around, covering your head with the sheet
You felt two hands suddenly pull you closer by your hips, earning another hum from you. Your head turned around to get a glimpse of your lover looking at you with sultry eyes.
-Maybe I can stay for a bit longer, just so my princess gets her ample amount of morning kisses.
You smiled and turned around to face him, cupping his face and commencing a kissy battle with him.
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sulky babyboy and i mean it
doesn't like pda, and would often tell you to hold your horses at least when he's outside or with other bonten members
if you insist on being all clingy with him, he still wouldn't push you away, ever. he loathes seeing you upset from not hugging him
rindou yearns for your touch, especially after he's home from a long, tiring day. your arms around him relaxes him in an instant
he'd just sit there, arms crossed while letting you squish his cheeks, kiss his entire face and throw yourself onto him
has tons of videos on his phone of you biting his arms, blurry pictures and videos of you approaching him with your hands open and etc.
enjoys banters, a lot. he'd deffo try and restrain you with his hands while you fight for your life to let yourself go, saying you're being "too clingy and need to be restrained" (Affectionately)
sometimes he'd pretend to wipe off the kisses you give him and will giggle at your offended gasps
he always falls asleep between your thighs first, then proceeds to lazily crawl next to you and hug you
Your lover couldn't cease the loud laughter coming from his mouth when he managed to annoy you for the third time this afternoon.
You were sulking, arms and legs crossed as you sat on the couch, staring into the TV screen like a toddler who got refused an ice popsicle.
Rindou took his time to calm his laughter down and ease his stomach. The view of you like this made him melt, he found you more than just adorable. You however, had a hard time sharing such feelings.
You wanted to cuddle him, and practically latched onto him like a leech, but he had other plans for today. He annoyed the shit out of you with sly remarks and even trying to jokingly push you away, which didn't earn a pleasant reaction from you.
After some time, he approached the couch and placed his head onto your lap, still grinning like an idiot while looking up at you.
-Aw c'mon, don't be sulky, Y/n. I was joking. -he said in between his giggles
You let out a "humph" and turned your head around, trying to scoot away a little so his head plops onto the couch. Rin sat properly on the couch and placed you to sit in between his legs, kissing your neck.
-...your jokes aren't funny, Rin. Apologize to me now, or I won't hug you today.
He rolled his eyes at this, but he couldn't deny that he'd rather sink in a pile of horse shit than deprive himself from your hugs because of his stubbornness.
-I'm sorry, baby. You know I love you and your hugs, right? -he spoke softly, nuzzling his head in your neck
-I know you do, so who am I to deprive you from them? -you chuckled, caressing his cheek
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©chao-thicc-hcs; reblogs are deeply appreciated
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auncyen · 5 months
Normally, you're happy to visit the Head Housemaiden's office. You've dedicated your life to Change since you came to the House, and she's guided you for many of those years, first as a teacher in various courses you took and then as a mentor as you made more and more Changes. She was even considering naming you as her successor, as her hair loses its darkness and she feels ready to take new Changes more slowly and languidly than most practicing Housemaidens. But right now, she looks at you with pity in her eyes, and you feel ice in your stomach.
"I've noticed a Change in you, Euphrasie. I'm not sure if you're aware of it…or perhaps you are, but didn't wish to talk about it," she says, adding on that last bit as some twitch in your face betrays you.
Your hands wring each other in your lap. "I'm sorry," you say.
The potential for Change is a motivating force for the faith's adherents. But all but the most innocent children know that Change is not always good. Change requires Destruction, and Change is not always voluntary or desirable.
This Change is terrifying.
"I should have told you when it started, but I thought perhaps I was just tired, or stressed--I thought it was temporary, or that I could Change to be able to work around it, but--" It's getting harder and harder to explain yourself as tears choke your throat and spring up in your eyes. You wanted to give yourself time to adapt, and in so stole time from Amandine. She could have had another successor picked by now.
"Euphrasie." Amandine reaches an open hand across her desk, and you take it. She gives your hand a gentle squeeze, and when you look at her through the haze of tears you glimpse her kind smile, one you've striven to emulate. "I'm not upset, only concerned. Changes of the mind can be very difficult to cope with, and I'm worried you've been trying to deal with this alone."
It takes at least three more minutes of crying before you can speak again. Amandine can surely discern the answer from that alone, but she waits patiently for you to speak again, her thumb rubbing over your hand in a calming gesture. "I--I didn't know what to say," you admit. "I'm--forgetting my tasks, forgetting words--I'm worried I can't even be a Housemaiden anymore, and I don't want that. I love being a Housemaiden! It's all I've ever wanted."
"You will always be welcome in this House, Euphrasie. Never doubt that," Amandine says, and you grasp onto those words even if they're not quite enough. You want to be a Housemaiden still, you want to help others Change, you want to remember. The number of things you've forgotten of late makes you feel so hopelessly adrift. "We need to figure out what is causing the Change. That's the only way to address it properly. You might still be right that it's a temporary issue of stress, and I think a break from duties may be good for you. It may be a health issue, and I do hope you'll get a check up soon and let me know if there's any support you need from the House if the physician finds anything. I was also wondering if it might be…"
She's considering you uncertainly, and you feel a new wave of trepidation wash over you. "If it might be what?"
"I don't want to hurt you by asking," she says, immediately grimacing at herself. "Let me put it this way. You say you've only ever wanted to be a Housemaiden, but is that right?"
"…Yes?" you whisper.
"I don't mean to doubt you," she says, and you wait for her to continue because you don't know how that's supposed to be anything but doubt. "Euphrasie, I remember you being different from most Housemaidens because you made a major Change before formally becoming one. I remember you had a different name, and came from a different land, and converted from a different belief. But when I try to think of the details, I get the biggest crabbing headache." She smiles in an attempt at lightheartedness, but her brow is wrinkled with worry. "But I am getting older myself. Am I wrong? Were you always a Vaugardian, an adherent of Change?"
You open your mouth to say yes, of course you've always been, it's all you remember--
"Who were you before you came to this House?"
That's such an easy question, and you start over again to tell her.
And then you start again.
And again, and again, fresh tears spilling out of you as you start to tremble. Amandine squeezes your hand. "Forget I asked, Euphrasie. Please. Breathe. Please, I'm sorry--"
How can you forget? Now that you've glimpsed how vast and yawning the hole in your mind is, how can you forget? "I can't remember. I can't remember, I can't, oh Change, I'm broken--"
Amandine's hand leaves you briefly as she gets up from her chair and circles the desk to hug you. She has to bend down a little, with you still sitting, but not very far. She's on the shorter side, and you're rather tall. Why are you tall? You don't know. You don't know. You don't know why any part of you is the way it is. You grab onto her like you're drowning at sea.
She rubs a hand on your back, soothing, and waits for you to cry yourself out as if you're the child you can't remember ever being. The shoulder of her dress is thoroughly soaked by the time you run out of tears, still shuddering with horror. There's a headache raging through your skull. You slowly manage to open your arms and let her go, though you're relieved that she doesn't let go of you completely, keeping a steadying hand on one shoulder.
"I'm going to help you however I can," Amandine promises. "You started forgetting things about two months ago, didn't you?"
You have to think hard through the pounding headache, and your throat feels too dry to speak, but you manage a nod.
"That fits, then…Euphrasie, I think you're from the island that vanished two months ago."
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nightinjapan · 2 years
"AhHh..!~, hAaah..!~" he thrusts harder "y-you're such a good girl..~ n-nnhh~ can't- get enough of you..!~" Its been a long day but Izuku came home and felt you had a type of doubt so he wanted to let you know you're perfect even after a hard day and a half of kicking ass. If his wife was in need then like hell he was there for you. "NGH..!~" tears leave your eyes as you moan louder "'M- ALWAYS Y-OUR GOOD GIRL..!~ A-ALWAYS WANNA BE- AH..!!~ YOUR GOOD GIRL..!!~" you were barely in reality with how deep he was inside of you hitting your gspot in just the way that was sure to have your head hanging back, tongue lolling out. "G-gonna c-cum..!~ haahh..!~ I love you s-so much!~" his thrusts became more sloppy as he caressed your cheek tenderly "p-please look at me w-when you cum, p-puppyy..!~" that request having you flustered as hell. That being a lot for you, you let out a whine and pant "B-BUT- nnnhG..!~ I-I-ZU..!!~" your embarrassment takes over you but you lowkey build confidence to do it. "You're s-so beautiful.. p-please..!~ a-ahhh!~ e-everything about you 'S So perfect..!!~" he pants tilting her head up towards him " 'M Cumming!!~" he finally released his load inside her making sure she sees what she does to him. The desperate, lustful look in his once innocent eyes, the sweat from their active movements, the saliva from his mouth, everything. "L-look at me.. see what you do to me, love..?" He pants. You see him. You fell for his trick by telling you to look it was just a sneaky way of him asking you to look at him while you reached your high again but this time he flipped it. Win win. And he looks so hot to the point you lost it clinching around him as you went over the edge with him "MM-Z-K-HAAAAH..!!!~ your eyes almost closing but you grip onto him tight and looks back at him with all you have in you whining and moaning loudly. So cute and gorgeous for him you are. "Never.. insult yourself.. like that again.." he collapsed onto you chest completely exhausted but awake enough to give you comforting kisses. Your husbands heart beating a mile a minute. "Izuku..." you whisper out of breath and just as tired as him "was...was I good for you...?" you ask softly "O-of course you were.. you always are.. even just doing daily tasks.. you are enough" he says tiredly running his fingers through your hair You cuddle him "...I wish I-I had the same confidence as you..." He shifts so that you lay beside him not pulling out "I wasn't always as confident as I am.. sometimes I break down too.. often actually" he mumbles "Its only human of you I could understand..." you whine and wiggle around wanting him to hold you He wrapped his strong arms around your body pulling you in closer "you're funny.." he says playfully kissing your head softly you trace shapes along his battle scares "...so strong..." it makes him let out a tiny whine from not being a fan of those scares as he turns back into that "innocent" baby faced green haired boy. You giggles softly "What's that you told me before..?" He listens to you letting out a low hum in confusion "You're perfect..." he smiles softly chuckling at the way you uno reversed him. After you say your 'I love you's you both fall asleep in the sheets that your loves on. Who cares you guys'll get it in the morning.
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matenrou-fan · 1 year
Could I request Lucifer with an s/o that loves spoiling him with food? Making him breakfast, bentos for lunch, dinner, something to snack on when working.
Lucifer with NB! s/o that loves spoiling him with food
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NBreader, fluff, just wholesome stuff;;
-He's.. flattered. And really touched.
-As the oldest brother of the family he gets used to always being the one who's giving care and scolding everyone around.
-But now, with you and your little tasty presents he's finally able to feel some care and love, and it's so.. soothing. As he can finally relax a little, knowing that you are here to cheer him up with a cute little bento.
-Always looking forward to what you will bring him today. He's not really a morning demon but now he wakes up with a kind of excitement in his chest, thinking about your cute, still a little bit sleepy face and tasteful breakfast that you cook for him.
-When it's about your cooking, he's ready to taste everything, even giving a try to dishes that he didn't know before or don't really like. Is it just him or every meal you make is so tasty that he can't get enough? Even a small cup of coffee with homemade cookies from you feels more refreshing than when he does it myself.
-He can't hide his smile when you ask him about his preferences in food or what he's thinking about a specific kind of meat or something. That probably means you will spoil him with this dish you are talking about today, will you? Then he doesn't mind to skip lunch break in RAD just to have enough space in his stomach for all things you will prepare.
-He enjoys this much more than he shows. While you here, around him, Lucifer would act in his casual playful behavior, thanking you and teasing how he should repay you for that. But as soon as you close the door of his bedroom, wishing him good luck with his paperwork, he lets out a trembling sigh.
-It's so hard to eat your dishes, even a small one, cause he can feel how much effort you put in this, admiring every detail.. Do you cut carrots for this salad in the form of hearts? And these little smiling faces made with cheese and sausages on his sandwiches.. It may sound strange but he wished to keep your cooking like that, untouched. But they were also really tasty so of course he would eat them, slowly enjoying every bite.
-He can be pretty sensitive and know that the deepest love can be shown through such small but pleasant things, and thoughts that you actually care about him that much.. He can't help but blush, eating another dinner that you made only for him.
-Of course he would thank you not only with his words, but with his actions too.
-"Make sure you don't have any plans for this evening, darling.." - he smirks, holding you close - "Today I'll show you how grateful I am for all your attention."
-"But today is my turn to cook for everyone-"
-"They will be just fine. You really think that Beel or Mammon will not find anything to eat?" - Lucifer chuckled, looking at you with amused eyes - "After all, you probably get pretty tired with everyday cooking so I decided that I will treat you to dinner in one of my favorite places..♡"
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gtlurker · 2 months
My first ever story (and post) on this site! It's tilted inhuman and is about a girl named isabelle who do to genetic experimention is shrunken to four inches tall, it's also going to be told In multiple povs from each charater. the story can be a bit graphic and has a few mentions of suicidal thoughts so warning for that, otherwise I hope you enjoy.
Chapter one.
The first time I felt real hope in my life also ended up being the last.
I was nine when my father brought me and nine other kids to his lab where he and his team of seventeen scientists and three assistants researched the limits of the human body. I foolishly thought it was my parents showing an interest in something I was passionate about.
I used to love science. I loved taking the time to figure things out and learn about whatever I wanted in my own experiments, I loved picking things apart to find out how they work, and I loved the amazing feeling I got when I finally figured things out. But after i learned what it's like to be on the other end of the stick, whats its like to be picked apart for someone else to figure out how i work,
I hate science.
I pull my knees to my head as I try to conserve the very little warmth my cold cell provides. My eyes squeeze shut as the door creaks open, someone’s here. Nobody should be here, they only left two hours ago. I'm given six hours and thirty minutes of sleep every night after the experiments. Why is someone here? Please, god don't let it be another scientist wanting to play doctor with my tired body during the only break I'm allowed to have. I don't hear footsteps. It must have been the wind playing tricks on me. The familiar click of the door shutting once again gives me half an ounce of comfort as I realize I'm alone again. Everyone else is gone. I press myself against the cold metal bars of my cage and take in the room around me, the same overly clean environment that I've grown used to over the last ten years.
A sigh escapea my lips as I take in the sight of the table they use to perform their sick experiments on me, they hadn't even bothered to clean up my blood. No doubt they left it there to torture me further. The sight of my blood on the table only reminds me that I will never escape, not even death can free me from this fate. Death cannot save me if death cannot reach me. I close my eyes again and go through a mental checklist of what they haven't taken from me yet. my memories, my voice, my thoughts. My memories, my voice, my thoughts. My memories, my voice, my thoughts. I repeat in my head over and over, reminding myself that no matter what else they take, I will always have those three things, even when I wish I didn't. envy is the only thing that comes to mind when i think of the other nine kids who were here with me, partly because they don't have to live with their memories and their thoughts, and partly because they even got to die.
The first of us died of blood loss, so they altered our cells so that we don't get the luxury of bleeding out.
The second caught fire due to the actions of a careless scientist, so made it so our skin can't be burned.
The third had died from being pumped with too many drugs at once, so they made us immune to overdose.
The fourth had died of sickness, so they made us immune to that too.
The fifth had attempted an escape, so they diminished our size down to nearly nothing. He had died during the tests to see if that would work.
The sixth had suffocated herself with a pillow, so they replaced our lungs with a robotic system that produces a different type of oxygen that only our bodies could handle.
The seventh had been crushed to death, so they made our skeletons able to withstand the weight of buildings.
The eight had died of cardiac arrest, so they made our hearts fifty times stronger than any human heart should be.
The ninth had been dissected and stolen for parts.
I am the tenth. The result of how far you can push the limits of the human body, and that is only until they find a way to break me too. I glare at the pile of blankets in the corner, there covered in too much blood and grime to be even considered as usable. They refuse to wash the blankets, which we regrettably used as tourniquets to tie off our wounds back when all this first started. The smell of them used to be nauseatingly disgusting, and I almost wish I could get sick from being around them.
Maybe if I was sick theyd give me a bit of a break. I doubt it though, they would more likely find a way to make me immune to that too. I wonder how long it's been since I have had the cold or even a stomach flu. I wonder how long it will be till I get sick again. I wonder how long it will be until I die, or if I even will die. I used to think It was my right as a human being to have a proper death outside of a place like this, but would I still have a right to leave this lab if I no longer have my mortality? I shake my head as if I'm shaking off the existential crises before it can fully develop.
“Atlas, did you even bother to make a layout of the building?”
an annoyed whisper cuts through the cold silence, And a pit of dread starts to build in the bottom of my empty stomach. It wasn't just the wind. I get up too quickly in an effort to try and get a look at the intruder of the lab. This person is quiet, I haven't even heard their footsteps once since the door shut. Why are they so quiet? Could they save me? Could they hurt me? Where are they? My eyes scan the room as I try to find the ghost person that's sneaking around the room. It's better if I find them before they find me. Almost like the ghost I keep comparing them to, they've hidden themselves perfectly. Away from the sight of the four cameras in the corner of the room, and away from my view. I can't make out if there's one or two ghosts in the room with me. I heard the man say a name, but I only heard one voice. What if there's no one here at all? What if after ten years of living in agony and suffering has finally broken me?
If the ghost-man is nothing but a figment of my broken imagination, then it wouldn't hurt me to talk to him, to call out for help. It would ease the neverending loneliness that this place has instilled in my mind. But on the off chance that it is a real person they could be dangerous and here to hurt me further. Stepping away from the edge of the cage I go over the pros and cons of calling out to him. Pro, if he's fake he doesn't pose a threat. Con, if he's fake then I've truly lost it and will have know way of knowing. Pro, if they're real then they could save me. Con, if they're real they could be scientists. A sigh escapes past my lips, and at the same moment a beaker falls and shatters on the glass tile. A strong smell of bleach invades the room and the ghost man lets out a series of curses in an accent that sounds almost french. Why would my mind make him french? I shake the thought from my head almost as quickly as it forms, what's important now is that i can finally see him. He's in all black with a hood covering the upper half of his face, but I can see a small scar on the left side of his jaw. He's obviously very muscular even with his slightly baggy clothes, and is holding a pistol tightly in his left hand. Why is he armed?! I watch in paralyzed fear as the man looks up and meets my eyes. His brows furrow as confusion takes over his features, he lowers his gun to his hip and takes a cautious step towards me, I return his gesture by also taking a step back. He takes another, more curious step forward, and I again step back. We continue this back and forth until he's at the edge of my cell and I'm pressed firmly against the furthest wall of my cell.
A tense silence fills the room as we both stare at each other intently, watching, and waiting for the other person to make the first move. A chill breeze passes through the room and a shiver racks my tiny body. This man is huge next to me. I've grown used to being man handled and grabbed by scientists whenever they wanted to use me for their sick experiments, but for this ghost-man to stand in front of me and really let me take in his size, its a new form of torture that none of the scientist could even hope to come up with. What if that's what this is? The scientist sending in someone to fuck with my head when they ran ran out of ways to deystroy my body. “Que diable…” the man breaths out a sigh as his shoulders slump with what seems like defeat. What the hell does “que diable'' mean? He's definitely real if he's speaking a language I don't know. He almost seems just as and if not more confused than I am. His eyes shift to the rotten pile of blankets sitting in the corner of my cell. And I feel heat rise up my neck and dye my face a subtle shade of pink from the embarrassment of this stranger seeing me in such a disgusting state. I straighten out the threadbare dress that hangs loosely on my body, before attempting to fix out my hair. I don't know why I care about how a stranger views me, maybe it's because he's the first person who's seen me in years who wasn't actively trying to hurt me. I flinch as he raises a hand that's bigger than my whole body, and gestures to me, more specifically my height. “Are you. . . Isabelle liana?” he asks, his thick french accent breaking through the silence, and my breath hitches in my throat when he says my name. I press myself up further against the wall, the cold metal pressing against my skin. He knows my name. Why? There's not a chance he's here to do anything good if he already knows who I am. I shake my head no, lying in the hopes that he'll leave and not hurt me. “Do you know where I can find her?” he asks, and i shake my head once more, i don't think he has good enough eyesight to catch the fact that i'm trembling with fear of what he may do if he finds out that i am in fact, isabelle liana. “Why, why do you need her?” My words are rushed since I'm not sure how well my vocal cords work now since I've only been using them for screaming the last year. His eyes widen and his face shifts to one of shock and slight confusion at my sudden refound voice, and it takes him a few moments to regain his confusion. He rolls his head as he contemplates the way he could phrase things. Does he think I am a child? “Her brother hired me to find and rescue her.” he explains, shrugging his shoulders and leaning down to peer into my cell once more. I shudder under his heavy gaze, but as his words sink in, hundreds of thoughts rush through my head, one playing louder than all the rest. “Damiens okay?” I regret the words the moment they leave my mouth, and the regret buries itself deeper in me as a smile spreads across his face. “You know damien?” he asks, a playful hint to his tone,
“Yes.” i respond.
“And you're not isabelle?” he asks.
“I am not.”
“How do you know damien?” he crosses his arms and leans on his left hip. “Family ties.” I confidently replied. “Like a brother?” He raises his eyebrow. “Yes.” I cross my arms in return. “So you're isabelle?” he tries to suppress his smirk. “obviously.” fuck. I don't know if it's sleep deprivation or hunger, but this guy is starting to annoy me more than scare me. A grin plays on his lips as he chuckles quietly, I flinch at the sound and take a step back. My eyes go wide as he pulls out a small pair of dull looking scissors out of the large bag he wears on his hips, but they dont look like normal scissors. They're bigger than his hand and seem like they should be stored in a tool box.
“What is that?!” I shout, now fearing for my safety once again with this ghost man. “Chain breaker.” he replies blankly, before raising it to the lock of my cell. It moved to the far back corner, getting as far away from his chain breaker as I could. “I'm ronan, in case you were wondering.” he tells me as he swings open my cell door. I gasp, the only barrier between him and my safety easily stolen without a care in the word from him. Tears brim my waterline at the thoughts of everything he might do to me if i dont get away from him. But I can't. He's blocking the only exit with his way too big hand that is now entering my cell. Oh my god his hand is in my cell. My eyes snap shut and I put my hands up defensively. “NO!” I cry out, and a small sob escapes my throat. the warmth that's been radianting off his hand leaves my cell. And I almost want it back. Sobs rack my pathetically small body as he just watches, I bet he's just struggling to contain his amusement at seeing me like this. He was lying about knowing damien, he guessed i had a brother and this is all just one big trick set up by the scientist to torture me even more than the already have. My sobs soon turn to wails as I realize that I indeed am going to die without seeing my brother again, Ronan, if that even is his actual name was just sent here to bring false hope just so they could rip it away one last time before they finally kill me. And that's only if I still can die, they might bury me under ground and leave me there to starve or dehydrate, whichever comes first, then study the effects it has on my inhuman body. No one will reprimand these awful people for everything they've done to me and the nine others who lost their lives in this place, they'll bring in a new batch of kids and do the same to them, and all our deaths will be in vain. I flinch when I feel a finger begin to gently pat my back, and I jump away from it. “Hey, hey, calm down, stop screaming.” he says, as he puts his hands up so i can see there not doing anything to hurt me. “I already told you this but i'll tell you again, your brother, Damien Liana, hired me, Ronan Moreau, to rescue you from this place.” i shake my head no, not wanting to believe a word he's saying, this man has managed to go from terrifying, to annoying and back to terrifying, and i don't think i could trust him even if i tried. I flinch hard again when I notice that he's slowly extending his palm towards me. But it stops before it even enters my cell. “Please, I promise I'll get you out of here safely.” he says, and i wipe some of the never ending tears off my cheek. “Pinky promise?” I whisper, and he chuckles at my childish request. His hand shifts so that he's holding out his pinky finger to me. I hesitantly hold mine out as well. Because of the immense size difference we can't interlock our fingers, so we just touch the tips together. It may not seem like much, but it means alot to me that he was willing to go along with such a childish request for the sake of my comfort. This time, when he reaches out a hand for me to climb onto, I take a deep breath, and step onto the hand that's offering me the freedom that I have been praying for.
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aussiepineapple1st · 1 year
Well I am thinking about something. I can’t help it I like seeing pretty boy Leon suffering. Emotionally that is…maybe he was scared to start a relationship because he knew his line of work was brutal. Away for weeks. Sometimes he was straight up emotionally empty, vacant. But reader got into his skin and he gave in. And every! Single! One! Of his fears! Came true. Even better if it’s slowly, one at a time. So he knows the end is coming, but he can’t help it. He just have to wait until reader gives up. Of course he tries EVERYTHING… he’s sweeter than ever, plans elaborated and romantic plans for reader even tho he’s exhausted…but the root of the problem… his job…he can’t leave his job.
Okay... To start with.. I don't know if I will be able to properly fulfil your whump needs but I will very well try my best.
I Love You
Words: 2,031 Contains: Whump, Crying, Death, Blood, Angst.
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He was tired, just getting back from a job, but it was date night. He had already missed the last 3 date nights and he could tell your patience was wearing thin, You had put up with his disappearances for days to weeks on end.
Leon would never tell you what he was doing or where he had been, but seeing him bruised and grazes on his face and body. That's what worried you the most, him coming back to you all broken and injured, then not being able to tell you how it happened to him. What if he never came back? What if you say goodnight to him over the phone one night and then get a call saying he was dead? Or even worse, never hearing anything, he has never told you if his job would contact you or not.
Stepping out of the shower, waking himself up as well as removing the blood and dirt from his body, his phone buzzed on the vanity. Rubbing his towel over his chest he picked up his phone seeing the text was from you.
"I'm waiting in our usual spot for you, I know I'm early, I just want to have time to think. I want to talk to you about something."
This sent a wave of fear running through his body, he had a very strong feeling he knew what you were wanting to talk to him about. He didn't want this to end, he loved you, with every fibre of his being. He could feel his heart racing a few palpitations mixed in there, his fingers hovering over the keyboard as he thinks about what he was going to type in response. Does he beg for you to give him another chance? No.. It might not be what he was thinking? His fears could be getting into his head.
You sit on the park bench of your usual spot, having just sent the text you sigh. You decided not to wear making up tonight as you knew you would be crying, hell, you already were. The cold evening air had the tip of your nose frozen, bright pink as your gloves soak up the tears they wipe away from your cheeks. You sniff, squeezing a tissue to your nose before pulling the hand knitted woollen scarf around your neck over your mouth. You really wished it hadn't come to this, you really loved Leon, but without knowing what he did. You were in a constant state of anxiety, not knowing if he was dead or if he would send you a text saying he was finally home? He wouldn't tell you, no matter how many times you pressed him, he wouldn't give in.
You would be able to deal with everything else, the day to week silences, the times he would just sleep when you finally got to hang out with him. His job clearly made him tired with the amount of physical activity he must do, he was always in tip top shape, even when you had first met him 2 years ago. But the stress of not knowing where he was had become too much for you to handle.
You had actually asked him for his number first, thinking nothing of it, but he had actually texted you back. His messages were sporadic and sometimes came at all hours through the night and day, but you finally had convinced him to go on a date. He had expressed so many times that he was worried to be in a relationship, on a count of what his job was. Ironic how now it was you wanting to break this off because of the first fears he had expressed.
Your phone chimes in your hand and you look down to open it, seeing a reply from Leon.
"Just got done showering, will be there soon. There's something want to talk to you about as well."
You felt your chest tighten, maybe he felt the same way? Maybe he would finally tell you where he had been? You decided you would go first when telling each other what you needed to talk about. Typing your reply back, you liked to be the last one to text.
"Alright. I'll see you when you get here."
Leon's phone buzzed as he pulls his arms though his jacket, that was quick. He takes his keys and closed the door to his house while simultaneously opening his phone. Your text felt empty. Normally you would send a small heart emoji, or even the old <3 or even xxx. but lately you had stopped doing that. He had been seeing the signs. Walking down the wooden stairs of his porch he hops back on his bike, the engine still almost warm from just arriving home. Starting up his bike he makes his way to the park where you were waiting.
20 minutes pass and you heard the familiar rumbling of his motorbike from the other side of the park. Standing up you see the bike pulling up and your heart suddenly felt heavy, he looked so exhausted. His right jaw patched up with a peach coloured band-aid and grazes across his forehead, a butterfly band-aid on a cut on the bridge of his nose. Walking up to him, his hands were in his pockets, he seemed closed off as he looked to the ground. You knew he felt ashamed when coming to see you while looking the way he did. A gloved hand lifts his chin to force his gaze to look at you, he could see the worry and pain his appearance brought you.
"Have a seat." You offer him, sitting back down on the park bench.
He nods and sits down, watching you as you walk in front of him and take the space beside him. Even though it was freezing, you sit with a gap between the two of you. Your finger taps your knee as you both sit in silence, the air felt heavy around you, and you could both feel it.
Leon speaks up first. "My job.."
Your head turns to him quickly, eyes wide. You saw his gaze meet yours as he pulls a hand out of his jacket pocket and hands you a leather wallet. "I want to make us work. I love you, and I know you really want to know about what I do. There are just... There's risks that can tie you to danger if you know about it. Even if you get tied to me."
You frown, what he was saying wasn't making sense. But at the same time made all the sense in the world to you. You open the leather wallet to reveal a metal badge and an ID card underneath with a picture of his face, his signature, name, date of birth, number and Clearance level 13. "Division of Security Operations?" You ask.
Leon nods. "I'm an Agent, I work directly under the president's orders. Wherever he needs me, whenever he needs me, I have to be there. No questions asked."
He was that high up? You were dating a secret agent for 2 years?! Leon watches you as you stare at the badge, he sits up, straightening his posture. "Please.. Say something?"
"So you, don't know what you will be facing whenever you get called to work?" You asked handing the wallet back to him.
Leon shakes his head. "I do, but I deal with bioterrorism. Bio Organic-"
"Weapons.." You finish his sentence, you had heard about them. Especially with all the outbreaks happening over the years, some things end up getting leaked. The first one and what you had heard of was Racoon City. The horror stories you have heard from that place.
"I was in Racoon City when it happened." Leon says as if reading your thoughts.
Your heart aches for him as you turn to face him. Tears welling up in your eyes, not for reasons you had expected them to tonight. "Oh, Leon..." You say, deflating. You had already made up your mind. "I wish you had told me all of this sooner. Maybe I would have been able to learn to deal with it."
"Deal? With what?" He asked. "I understand if you don't want to be associated with me anymore. I have done all I can to keep you safe and keep your name from being connected with mine."
"Leon it's not my safety that I worry about..." You cut him off, reaching over to place a hand on his knee. "We both know where I am going with this. And I can't deal with the stress of worrying about if you will come home to me safely or not." You explain.
Leon looks to you, his bottom lids starting to become wet as he turns away from you, leaning against the back of the bench and staring at the ground. You both sit there in silence for a few seconds before he nods. "I understand. I'll give you a ride home."
You nod and stand up after him, walking to his bike he hops on first before you do. wrapping your arms around his middle you hold him tight. It was painful, you knew after this ride you would never be doing this again. Taking in his warmth and smell of his favourite leather jacket, you sob into his back as he drives you home.
Once at your place he walks you to your front door, you hold his hands for the last time and say your final goodbyes. Watching Leon get on his bike he rides off quickly, normally he would wait until you were inside before leaving. It hurt you to know he was in as much emotional pain as you were, entering your house you lock the door behind you.
Leon sits at a cross intersection, leaning over the fuel tank of his bike a few tears fall to the shiny black paint. He feels his phone buzz in his pocket and leans on his foot more as he sits up to pull it out of his jacket pocket. It was a call.. you? You never called him. He answers the phone quickly and puts it to his ear.
"Leon.." Your voice rasped out. "Help.."
That was all he needed. Hanging up the phone he speeds off back to your place. Not even letting the stand down on his bike he shuts off the engine while still moving, dropping the bike on it's side on your front lawn. He leaps over the bike the momentum pushing him to your door faster than he could run. Crashing into the door he pulls a gun from the back up his pants he always carried with him and tries opening the door. He steps back and kicks the door close to the handle, it flinging open.
Waiting for him was a group of masked men, glowing red eyes peering at him as they were taken down one by one. As soon as they were all dead he spots your body sprawled out on your loungeroom floor. Leaping over the couch he kneels beside you. Your eyes were closed and a wound bleeding out on your chest and abdomen.
"(Y/N)! Hey.. Can you hear me?!" He askes pressing his hand to your abdomen, knowing you were either dead, or soon will be. There was nothing he could do. "(Y/N)!!!" His voice cracks as he sits down, pulling your body into his arms.
"Hey.. S... Sorry." You choke out. Blood spilling from your mouth as you choke on it.
"Don't talk.. I've got you.." He hushed you. He pressed a kiss to your forehead before looking into your eyes.
"I... Love you..." You gasp, not being able to take in another breath you exhale. Leon watched as your pupils dilate and you stare through him rather than into his eyes.
A choked sob leaves his throat as he pulls you into his chest, holding you tight. A cry of pure anguish leaves him from deep in his chest as he rocks with your body. Out of everything, this... This was his biggest fear.
🏷️: @phoenix666stuff @maehemthemisfit @greywardensaywhat @growingupnrealizing @starcrossedreaders
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avianyuh · 7 months
Hi! Can you please do BTS members headcanons where their SO who used to be academically gifted, suddenly starts flunking exams because of the work load which they can't cut down and is now afraid of giving exams? (was that highly specific? well.... I really shouldn't hassle you with so many academia based requests but tis the season of exams so
as always, thank you so much for doing these reactions! Tata!)
BTS helping their overworked partner during exam season.
{A/N; Hello Anon, you sent this in a week or two ago, I hope you're not feeling as overwhelmed. I also have had a lot of work for school lately that's been time consuming (luckily Tumblr lets you do scheduled posts lol) Hope you enjoy this! And to anyone reading this, I hope your exams or whatever you have going on in your life gets better soon!}
*No gifs sorrrrrrry*
*Reader is dating a member of BTS, and the reader had always been a really academically gifted person. Aced every exam, on top of things all of the time. But things have recently gotten too overwhelmingly and reader starts to slip in grades and studies. This is how each member would comfort their S/O*
Jin would be very concerned about you, as he always thought of you as someone who had it all together. But one night after multiple attempts to get you to leave your desk and come sit and watch TV with him, you broke down in tears.
"I can't do it Jin, it's all too much. I can't remember everything. It's exams on everything from the semester for five different classes. How am I supposed to memorize everything?", you exclaimed, letting your head fall into your hands as you slouched forward from your seat on the couch. Jin had his arm around you, at a loss for words. He had wished you would have said something earlier. He suspected that something had been up, but like already explained, he thought you were on top of things.
"Y/n, I wish you would have told me sooner. I could've helped you.", he paused, furrowing his eyebrows as he looked into your tired eyes. "I'll help you, I'll make sure you don't overwhelm yourself okay?"
You looked up at him, sniffling and whispering a soft 'thank you'
You had been avoiding Yoongi all week. The last time you had spoken to him, you explained that you had exams coming up, so he assumed you were busy with that.
But since the last day or so, you hadn't responded to any of his text messages, Yoongi got a little worried and decided to come visit your apartment.
He went to your favorite takeout place, order your favorite meal and had envisioned a night of food and watching a few movies. He thought you could use a break, and seeing you would give him some peace of mind.
So as he unlocked your apartment door with the key you had given him and stepped inside, he was surprised to see that it was completely dark inside.
He set down the bag of food on the counter and called out for you as he started to walk down the hallway toward your bedroom.
"Y/n, are you home?", he called out.
He came upon your bedroom door, that was closed. He thought that was odd. So he knocked twice before opening and stepped inside.
There he could make out your silhouette in that dark. He could hear little sniffles.
"Y/n, what's wrong?", he asked, spquinting in the dark, he waved his hands around, trying to feel for a lamp to turn on the lights.
When he did, teh first thing his eyes saw was you under the covers. Your eyes were red and puffy and textbooks were scattered on the bottom of your bed.
"Y/n, what happened? Why didn't you call me?", Yoongi asked, concern evident in his voice.
"I didn't call you because I'm embarrassed. I failed my first three exams. All of that work for nothing...", you said, sinking deeper into the comforter. "So what you failed? You'll do better next time. It doesn't take away from all of the hard work you've already done.", Yoongi explained as he tried to pull the covers away from your face so he could see you.
"No, you don't have to lie to me Yoongi", you responded, to embarrassed to face him.
"I'm not lying to you. I can't believe you got me so worried over something as dumb as a psychology exam. What's the big deal, we all have a conscience...", he joked. You couldn't help but let out a little giggle. "Ah, I made you laugh, you should've called me, I would've been of help."
Hoseok was very good at reading you and noticed early on that you hated leaving to go to campus. He had also noticed that you hated looking at any of your work.
You had mentioned to him one night that you were feeling overwhelmed and that you had failed your latest final exam. You mentioned it in a nonchalant way, but Hoseok knew that it bothered you.
He had tried a few things to make you feel better. First, buying you your favorite snack on his way home from a dance practice one night. You seemed appreciative, but still like your mind was somewhere else. Next he tried taking you to a shopping district one weekend, to try and get you away from your work, but still, you seemed sad.
So finally, Hoseok just decided to ask you upfront; "Is everything okay at school?", he asked, looking up at you one night as you washed the dishes with him. He was on drying duty.
You sighed and turned the water off before looking over at him, "I can't seem to get a good grade on any of my exams. My grades are slipping and my concentration is just...nonexistent. I don't know what's happening with me", you explained as your eyes started to well up with tears.
Hoseok pulled you into a hug and kissed your forehead. "we'll figure this out", he whispered. He hated seeing you so upset.
Namjoon loved helping you with your studies. He also loved learning new things from you. So when he asked about joining in on your next study session and was told that there wouldn't be one, he couldn;t help but feel a bit shocked.
"Why not? Don't you have exams coming up?", Namjoon asked, a little concerned in the change in behavior.
"Joon, I really don't want to talk about it", and just like that, the subject was dropped. Or so you thought.
The next day when you stepped out to get a coffee with a friend, Namjoon was left home alone and started sleuthing.
He first looked at you desk and found nothing, so he moved on to your school bag. He opened up you organizer and there it was.
Your English exam and a big fat F.
That's why she doesn't want to study, Namjoon thought to himself.
So when you got home from your coffee date, you were immediately confronted by Namjoon.
There he was, right in front of the door, holding the paper that had made you lose all of your confidence.
"Namjoon, how dare you go through my stuff!", you yelled, trying to grab the paper from him. But he was too fast for you and held it over your head.
"No, how dare YOU not tell me, I could've helped you", Namjoon said, sounding a little hurt. "What, did you think I was going to make fun of you or something?", he asked.
"No, but no one wants to admit that they've failed", you said, looking down at your shoes.
"You didn't fail, you had a slip up. You've been working yourself too hard. Let me help you.", Namjoon said, pulling you into a warm hug.
Jimin had become concerned when you started to find excuses to get out of seeing him.
He loved spending time with you, bit he noticed that you had been acting very weird lately.
he knew it was exam season for you, and respected your need for space, but when he had spontaneously dropped in on you and noticed the bags under your eyes, he became worried.
"Y/n...are you sure you're okay?", Jimin asked you.
"Yes, I have to go Jimin, thanks for stopping by", you said as you tried to escort him towards the front door.
"What's really going on Y/n? You've been acting weird for the past few weeks and you're making me feel worried about you. I want to help you", Jimin said.
You stared at him for a few seconds, debating on if you should just come clean. In the end he won.
You led him over to the couch and immediately fell into his embrace. "It's all a mess Jimin. I'm failing my exams. I can't study, my focus is gone."
Jimin frowned, he hated seeing you so upset.
'Y/n, I think you need a break, let's go out and eat", he said, pulling you up and hoping to get your mind off of things.
Like Yoongi and Jimin, Taehyng would want to give you your space at first, but would catch on pretty fast.
He had visited your apartment and had noticed that all of your textbooks looked like they hadn't even been cracked open yet.
So, he confronted you pretty fast, but not in a accusatory way. He brought it up as an observation.
"Your textbooks look like they haven't been opened at all...", he said offhandedly as he sat on the couch with you.
"Oh, you know, they're...uh...pretty new", you said. Taehyung could detect some hints of nervousness in your voice and he couldn;t help but wonder about what you weren't telling him. So Taehyung started to pry for answers.
"Is school okay?", Taehyung asked.
"Ugh, okay fine, no, no it's not", easier than he thought this would be, he thought to himself.
"Why didn't you tell me?", he asked.
"Because, you have your own problems and I didn't want to burden you."
"You could never burden me. I'm always here for you."
Jungkook would be the slowest to realize that anything is wrong.
He would just assume that everything was okay because you never really mentioned school.
But one day over the phone, when he finally did ask about your finals, specifically when your last one was, you broke down in tears.
Now this was really confusing to him, because he thought he said something wrong.
It wasn't until you had explained to him that you actually had to retake a few because you failed them that he finally understood why you were crying.
"It's okay, I know you had been struggling with that class", he tried to console you.
"No, no it's not okay. I worked so hard, and for what, a sympathy grade?", you continued to cry.
"That's it, I'm coming over", Jungkook said, knowing that he needed to be with you in person.
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