#i am aware i got the quote wrong you do not need to tell me
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one word from you will silence me forever
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luckykiwiii101 · 4 months
Feeling…? What’s that? (REVAMPED!!!)
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Hey Upper East Siders.
If you didn’t know already, the Key to manifestation is “Feeling”. As Neville Goddard said, “Feeling Is The Secret.”
But what exactly is that “Feeling”
I’ve once been those “vague” bloggers that blatantly tell you “It’s just knowing you have your desire.” Which is true, but i’ve noticed that created some confusion here.
Yes, that “Feeling” is KNOWING that you have your desire in imagination and that it is DONE.
But when people are manifesting, they keep trying to force the feeling of knowing that they have their desire. That is NOT the way it should be!
The knowing feeling will always be there once you’ve accepted it, even though you may not be able to exactly pinpoint what the feeling is. Don’t understand?
Well, for example, think of a fact about yourself. For me, I know that i’ve got black hair. I may not have a specific “knowing” feeling. I just know I have it. I just focus on whatever feeling that comes to me when I think of the FACT that i’ve got black hair. THAT’S the feeling of knowing (AKA feeling of the wish fulfilled). I am never forcing myself to feel the knowing feeling of having black hair. It just naturally arouses within me because i’ve already accepted it as a fact.
People confuse themselves when they feel like they’re doing it wrong because they think they can’t feel the “knowing” feeling. The knowing feeling is just whatever feeling you get when you imagine having your desire and truly accept and acknowledge that you have it in imagination.
The feeling NATURALLY comes to you. You should NEVER be forcing it.
Here is a quote from a post I saved a while ago:
“If you repeat in accepting that you're wealthy, either with affirmations or with scenes, the feeling of being rich will naturally arouse within you. don't force that feeling, simply allow it. if you're conscious of being rich, then the feeling will naturally arouse. you're NOT forcing yourself to feel rich. you're consciously directing your awareness to be conscious of being rich, and the feeling follows.
Bask yourself in it. lose yourself in it. remember, you're not forcing anything, you abandon yourself to it. lose yourself to the point where you forget you're imagining. being rich is the only reality that exists at that moment.
Do this until you no longer feel the need to do it. you'll know it when you feel like it's done and you don't need to do it anymore.”
“From this acceptance, you’ll feel this feeling(not emotion). and this feeling will generate scenes and affirmations that are perfect for you!!!! play with those scenes and affirmations or whatever comes to you naturally. bask yourself in this feeling!!! lose yourself!!!! have fun!!! from this on, all you have to do is persist not to get things in the 3d, but to make this state your habitual & autopilot state.”
“To be CONSCIOUS of being rich is to FEEL yourself to be rich. Focus first on being conscious of being rich then the feeling will follow. Focus on the state. Focus on being CONSCIOUS of being it.”
- aphroditeapprentice
“All you have to do is FEEL it as a present FACT in IMAGINATION.”
✰ “Do not force that feeling, simply allow it.”
✰ “then the feeling will naturally arouse.”
✰ “you’re NOT forcing yourself.”
All you have to do is, imagine whatever you want to imagine using any of your 5 senses, then focus on the FEELING that the imaginal act arouses within you. And hold that feeling for as long as you want. Then go about your day. And do this EVERY.SINGLE.TIME you think of your desire.
Only seek proof in IMAGINATION.
Love all of you beauties, XOXO
- gossip girl
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basilone · 2 months
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“Morrison.” Her name is spoken like lead, heavy and unwelcome. “I wasn’t aware you get paid to sit down and do nothing.”
Max almost rolls her eyes. Almost makes it a full-body event the way she’s seen Lottie do, all well-practiced shoulders and an expression of affected annoyance written all over her face. Catches herself just in time, though she still topples back against the crates in what she hopes looks like an intended sort of reclining.
Captain Brady doesn’t look fooled by it, if the slight uptick of his brow is anything to go by.
“Push told me to sit here and, I quote, touch nothing, Max,” she says, even though Push had technically said that yesterday and not today. “Gotta listen to your flight engineer, sir. Also”– she blows the next words out like they’re air, hot and stuffy –“Dee’s mad at me. Again.”
“Perrault needs to stop bossing everyone around,” says Captain Brady, with the air of a man who’s been on the receiving end of Push’s orders one too many times. He looks tired, here, squinting against the sunlight, hugging a bag to his chest. “And you,” he says, then, squint turning into glare the longer Max looks at him, “are not exempt from your duties just because Llewellyn takes offense at everything that moves.”
“Not everything, sir.”
“Close enough.” He drops his bag on one of the ammo crates. Leans against a stack of other crates that George hasn’t seen fit to move yet. “I get that it’s not ideal…”
Jules screaming over comms. One-Eye limping across the tarmac, eyes wild. Max shakes her head. Shuts her eyes. Tiny collapsing against Dorrance-Jones during interrogation. Lucy repeating “there’s nothing I can do” over and over until Jack Ellis pulls her hands off another man who died before Max even learned his name. She shakes her head again. Feels her breath whoosh out of her. Lifeless eyes, staring eyes. Lottie sobbing into her pillow night after night, Frosty sleeping outside, Dee punching the door over and over.
“It’s not,” she forces out, opening her eyes to Captain Brady’s frown. “But it’s what we’ve got.” She doesn’t think she could stomach Bucky’s well-meant jokes over comms. Doesn’t think she could take Major Cleven’s prolonged silences, either. Is entirely sure she can’t be on a plane with Benny DeMarco, who always greets her like he will remember her. “Blakely wouldn’t take us, said Push would jinx his luck or something,” she says, which is a version of the truth as good as any, “and Dee said she needed a pilot without a mustache, sir, so that’s you winning in her book by a landslide.”
“Which I am certain explains her asking after my shaving habits.”
Max nods, careful to not let the fresh bubble of mirth rise from her belly to her mouth. “Her ex-fiancé had a most dreadful mustache, sir.”
Captain Brady’s nod is as sharp as it is measuring. “I assume any letters she sets on fire come from him?”
“Yup.” The ‘p’ pops nice and round in her mouth. “Everyone says that’s healthy. Lottie does the same with her letters, I think,” she says, frowning as though she isn’t fully aware of every move Lottie makes in their space. “Seems to me like you ought to be able to tell people to quit writing, though.”
“Some people might not listen,” he says, gingerly taking the crate two places over from hers to perch upon. “Especially not if they feel wronged in some way.” He exhales loudly. Fixes his gaze on their plane, which is almost through with repairs. “You have the right idea, Morrison. Just perhaps not the tact required to tell others about it.”
Max’s eyes narrow. “Dee told you.” She hisses through her teeth as he gives her a little affirmative nod. Swallows down a cuss word that would make One-Eye blanch and Tiny start another lecture. “She tell you what she said to me, too?” She keeps her eyes fixed on their plane’s yellow lettering, which Darlene still needs to go over with another brush. “That at least she, unlike poor little orphan me, got someone to return-to-sender any letters to?”
“No, she did not.”
“Figures,” she snorts out. Dee’s always been that. Half-stories that keep herself out of trouble. Max would’ve knocked her teeth out about some of it if it wasn’t just so damn sad. “Well, sir, now you know. I need more tact, Dee needs more honesty. We’re all right together because of that.” Better than Lana or Polly had been, in training, before they’d washed out and joined the WACs instead. “Ask Push if you don’t buy it.”
“I prefer to be my own judge of character, Morrison.”
“Is that why half the base avoids meeting your eye, sir?”
“I can’t speak for other people’s decisions,” he says, which Max translates as a yes without too much difficulty. “You might say I am not one for tact, either”– and isn’t that a funny little something –“nor am I someone who… sugarcoats.” His sharpening tone speaks greater volumes than his words. “Is that something you foresee yourself having a problem with, Morrison?”
Max hums thoughtfully. “Not me, sir,” she allows, casting a glance sideways only to find him looking straight at her. His eyes are flinty, much like Major Cleven’s are when calling Bucky to order, but Max doesn’t quite mind the blatant measuring. “At least you’re honest about it,” she adds, tucking her spiraling curls behind her ear best she can. “And you’re not singling me out any. You’re just like that with everybody.”
She longs to call it reassuring. Bites her tongue just in time, because she’s already said plenty about it without quite saying it. Doesn’t want to jinx things with a new captain now that Jules is gone and Tiny’s thinly veiled judgment finally isn’t anywhere near Max while flying.
“If you experience any…. singling out,” he says, emphasizing the term with a mouthful of abject distaste, “I want to know about it.”
The fuck’s a white boy from a nice little town upstate gonna do about it? Max digs her fingernails into the palms of her hands to stop herself from scowling. “Yessir,” she answers, gaze fixed on his neat little pressed uniform collar. Wonders if there’s a difference, for him, between knowing and doing something about it. Doubts she’ll involve him when it happens again. “I’ll let you know.”
“Especially,” he adds, hopping off his crate and stretching out, “if they tell you it’s just a joke.”
“Everything is just a joke when you have enough power to make it sound like just a joke,” counters Max sourly, huddling into her fur-lined collar despite the fact that the weather is balmy today. “Most people don’t know the difference.”
“Most people,” says Captain Brady, stuffing his hands into his pockets, “are not very clever.”
But you are, aren’t you? Max exhales. Remembers that Captain Brady can hold his own when talking with Push and George, who know more about planes than anybody she’s ever met. Recalls, too, that he’d put himself between Lucy and some belligerent replacement quicker than anything. You’re clever enough to realize some of the men aren’t joking when they try to ship me off to Tuskegee territory in Italy.
“– or not, Morrison?”
Max blinks. “Sir?”
“Are you going to help fix the plane or not, Morrison? She’s your bird now, too.”
“Still says Brady’s Crash Wagon on the side, sir,” quips Max cheekily, sliding down from her own crate. “Push has opinions about that, you know. She’s been saying it’s bad luck.”
“What do you think it is?”
Max stops. Considers. Narrows her eyes at him in a most flinty-gazed mimicry of his best stare. “Might be an honor, sir,” she says, testing the words out in her mouth. Liking how they sound. Liking, even more, the way he blinks in surprise. “Unless you crash us. I’m going to be mad as a buzzing beehive about that.”
“Noted,” he says wryly, turning his gaze toward the wing. “Fix her up right and we might get lucky.”
She isn’t entirely certain why, out of his mouth, hope starts to sound an awful lot like prayer.
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inkdemonapologist · 2 years
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A buncha scribbles from session 15 of the BatIM Cthulhu game! including:
Prophet swapped Sammy in for a brief moment of awareness before the final ritual to release the muses, in which he was relieved to see Susie okay and Susie was glad to see him... back to normal! Oh geez. Sammy doesn't actually know what Prophet's interactions with Susie were, but he's sure he probably regrets them
Susie hummed a little bit of a new version of one of the Bendy songs Sammy had been working on and oH YEAH THATS RIGHT SHE'S STILL KIND OF POSSESSED,
Back when the Coney Island ride they were underneath was flooding, I specified that Prophet was going to climb up the stairs "on all fours" to minimise chances of slipping and falling and I just wanted to try to draw this lmao. i forgot he was wearing a vest here
with Joey exhausted, Allison was the only one who could conduct the final ritual, and Sammy ended up calling out Prophet to keep an eye on her. i was just way too amused by the idea of sammy just TAKING A SWIG OF INK WITHOUT BREAKING EYE CONTACT TO DO THIS
also in addition to me drawing just so many scribbles of sammy lawrence i DO have some out-of-context quotes for you!!
[Sammy is played by me, Joey is played by Boo (inkyvendingmachine), Henry is played by Maf (inkcryptid), Jack is played by Mochi (whatyouwantedmetosee) and Thren (haunted-hijinxer) is our GM!]
[GM] It kind of jolts, and turns – assumedly – towards you, [Sammy] *laughs* YOU CAN’T TELL which direction it’s looking in, just, IT HAS MOVED
[GM] And some tentacles are gonna come at you guys! Like they do. [Jack] #JustTentacleThings
[Joey] This IS Joey’s arm, which means if it does get destroyed by the circle, Joey’s going to be missing an arm…! [Jack] I can fix it, it’s fine, [GM] It’s fine! Yeah! [Sammy] How many limbs would you like to be made of ink, Joey Drew?! [Joey] I dunno if he’s gonna have a CHOICE! [Sammy] You’re going to have fewer working limbs than Moonlight.
[Sammy] These guys might all be those goop people, who are harder to fight than humans – [Henry] I don’t think Henry’s thinking about that. I think Henry just heard Bendy and Joey scream and is in Go Mode. [Sammy] Well-- [Henry] I mean, it’s a smart thought! I don’t think Henry’s having it right now.
[Sammy] Leon, if you want to surprise us all and do something really heroic, PLEASE go for it [Jack] I thought you were going to say “please DON’T” [GM] “Don’t be a hero!!” [Sammy] No no, I think it’s fine, if he wants to be a hero, I think he should do it. [Joey] I mean, if he wants to grab Colette and RUN, that would be great, [Sammy] Yeah, nobody can DRAIN INK out of HIM! [Jack] Unless we’re about to learn something,
[Sammy] No, wait, that was Colette’s parents. I can keep all my minor NPCs straight! [Jack] Straight? In this campaign?! [Sammy] *startled laugh* [GM] Tell me about it…! [Sammy] We can’t keep ANY of our NPCs straight! We’re fundamentally terrible at it.
[Jack] I’m imagining it like, you know when you try to use an item in the wrong place in pokemon? [Joey] THE MASKED MESSENGER SAYS: IT ISN’T THE TIME TO USE THAT!
[Joey] Hold on. I was going between two normal ideas, and then I had a really weird one, so I need to check something. [GM] Joey? Making bad decisions in the finale of a scenario? What a thought! [Joey] hIS SANITY IS NINETEEN, SO!!!!
[Joey] Okay. I have an idea. >:3 [Sammy] Oh NO. [Henry] Oh no. Have you got a Joey Plan™? [Joey] *cackling* [Sammy] *muttering under breath* We really should’ve just… waited for Henry…
[Joey] Joey is going to realise the ink is being siphoned from them for use in whatever this guy is trying to do, and he’s not pleased about that, [Sammy] Yeah, neither am I. So far we’re on the same page – [Joey] It’s HIS ink–! [Sammy] It, it’s not – okay. [Joey] So, remember when Joey was visited by the Masked Messenger, and they had the little battle over ink possession? Joey is going to take over the Ink in the circle -- [Sammy] OKAY! This SURE is a Joey Drew™ Plan, [Joey] -- and reclaim it for himself, and take over the magic! [Sammy] Well, the LAST time we had a circle dedicated to doing something with the Yellow King, and Joey switched it to be himself instead, that went SO well, why WOULDN’T you do the same thing again!! [Joey] Listen, he has 19 sanity, I don’t know what you’re expecting from him. *rolls* …….He has 18 sanity, I don’t know what you’re expecting from him!
[Henry] Henry is going to shove the blade of his axe against this guy’s throat and tell him if he does anything fishy, he’ll kill him. [Joey] (This includes turning into a fish.) [Joey] (No more tentacle monsters, no more fish monsters, none of that!)
[Henry] 32, which is a hard success. [Sammy] …What’s your intimidate skill?!? [GM] Oh, y’know, :) [Henry] 85. [Sammy] *nervous laughter???* [Jack] Normal amount. [Henry] Normal amount! [Sammy] YEAH, the same number as Sammy’s musical skill??? OKAY COOL!!!
[Sammy] Does Sammy look like his mascara is running? I just want to know.
[Joey] Can I… *quietly* ...grab Colette and toss her out of the circle? [Sammy] … YEET HER? [Joey] yEAH,,, [Henry] Can’t be more damage than falling over a fence. *everyone giggles except for Sammy* [Sammy] …Okay.
[Sammy] I can’t believe Joey is stealing Prophet’s nemesis. Rude. [GM] I mean, Joey DID stab Moonlight. They can share! [Joey] …I don’t know if they can share. They’ve been doing very bad at sharing.
[Jack] Also she’s not an ink creature, so, big win for you, Leon!
[Sammy] It grabbed me in the leg, right? [GM] Yeah! This is the cool leg scar. [GM] Not to be confused with the not-cool leg scar, [Jack] He’s just never going to live that down, huh. [Sammy] He COULD, if everyone would stop bringing it up! [GM] Sammy wakes up and hopes dearly that Prophet tripped over a fence so at least it’s both of them, but no…
[Joey] So – hold on, let me see if a thing existed back then. [GM] Oh boy…? [Joey] 18th century. Great! Okay, so I’m going to drain the rest of my magic points, to do a new toon action – you know those, circular saw blades? [GM] BUZZSAWS???
[Henry] Henry’s gonna do something suuuuuper risky,,, [Henry] He’s going to drop the axe and summon the scythe. [Sammy] ….OKAY, [Joey] Okay…! I’m very curious what’s going to happen if Henry uses the scythe on the mirror. [Henry] Oh, I wasn’t thinking that. [Sammy] UM, [GM] This is fine, this is great! [Sammy] Nervous chuckle, I’m in danger, [Henry] Henry is going to say “Sammy, duck!” and, swing the scythe [Sammy] OH, OKAY, I WILL DO THAT, [GM] Make a dodge roll! [Sammy] OhhhHHH THAT’S NOT GOOD… THAT’S NICE, BUT IT’S NOT GOOD,,,, My dodge is 55 and I rolled a 69, [Joey] Nice [GM] Nice! [Henry] And since it’s in close quarters, I’m guessing it’ll go through both of them. [GM] Yeah! Roll damage! [Sammy] CAN I,,,, PUSH THAT ROLL MAYBE,,, [GM] [GM] No. :) [Henry] *cackles*
[Jack] THAT’S trauma for future Sammy!!
[Jack] He’s gonna see if Sammy’s okay! See what’s going on. [Sammy] Sammy still looks pretty shaken up, and will tell him, “Stay back my sheep – I will join you soon.” [Henry] “I’m not going to hurt him!” [Sammy] jUST GIVES HENRY A LOOK,
[Sammy] So that’s seven damage! [GM] Okay! You see that the shadowy figure on the other side is ALSO trying to hit the mirror. [Sammy] Huh. Can I tell anything about the shadowy figure, now that I’m right up next to the mirror? [GM] Yeah! :) Uh, looks kinda familiar. It’s maybe somebody you’ve seen before. [Jack] yEAH I thought it might be,,, [Sammy] …wait, what? [GM] Maybe somebody… last scenario… [Jack] Who’s in Carcosa… and wants to break the mirror… [GM] Yeah, someone like that maybe! [Sammy] ………….. Is it… is it Moonlight…? [GM] Yeah! Yeah it is! ...Anyway, the mirror breaks. :)
*successful dexterity check to avoid getting knocked over* [GM] Okay, you keep your feet! [Sammy] Thanks, I like my feet.
[Joey] Joey is going to start scanning for his people, who LEFT HIM while he was being thrown around by tentacles, [Sammy] You were a great distraction, thank you. [Jack] You’ve gotta keep a better eye on your people, one of them just stabbed another! [Joey] EVERYONE ABANDONED ME! [Sammy] I TOLD YOU WHAT I WAS DOING! [Joey] Oh, yeah, no, Prophet gets a pass. Everyone else ran off, and – [Henry] YOU LEFT HENRY! [Joey] ….eh, ‘strue. [Joey] …Left Henry with others! [GM] Bendy’s still there! [Joey] Yeah. Bendy’s got me. [Sammy] Joey, any time he’s trying to leave by himself: “No, I’m never alone, I’m with Bendy!” Joey, as soon as we figure he’s fine, because he’s with Bendy: “HOW COULD YOU LEAVE ME ALL ALONE?!” [Jack] Betrayed, Abandoned,
[Joey] And the water is coming in fast, [Henry] These people are going to have SUCH a mold problem when we’re done…
[Joey] Does Bendy have any magic points…? [Sammy] “I spent all of mine turning my arms into buzzsaws!” [Jack] As you do!
[Sammy] Poor Leon. I’m so sorry. You’re going to have to go straight into an asylum.
[GM] You’re pretty sure you’re not in Carcosa. [Jack] Okay, good. I needed to know if Jack would be panicking about things… [GM] He’s got plenty to panic about, but that one is currently good!
[GM] I wonder if Sammy… from Sammy’s point of view, Jack was driving when he lost consciousness, and then he’s still driving when he comes back! Like… he doesn’t even know they went to Coney Island, I don’t think? [Sammy] No, I guess not! Joey was just like “I know where they’re taking Colette” [Sammy] And now we’re going back to the Studio so it’s like, I guess we got Colette! And got wet, for some reason! [Jack] At least he didn’t end up seeing The Great Bertrum Piedmont. [Sammy] There are SO many things it’s good that he didn’t end up seeing.
[GM] Bendy is going to chime in that it was busy, but they went to an amusement park! [Joey] Joey’s going to correct him that they did NOT go to an amusement park. That was not what that is. [GM, as Bendy] “That’s what you said it was last time we went!” [Joey] “Was it like last time we went?!” [GM] He’ll think about that, go quiet for a minute, and then be like, “No, I guess not, huh!” [Joey] “EXACTLY.” [GM, as Bendy] “Yeah, he’s right, we didn’t!” [Sammy] Hm. Hmmmm. Sammy’s squinting at you both.
[Sammy] He might still cough up blood, just not embarrassingly so. Just, in a cool way!
[Henry] Henry will… “pull” is too strong of a word? But Henry will… physically encourage Joey to step back from the circle.
[Sammy] Ehhhhh, I don’t have a lot of hitpoints… [Joey] Who needs hitpoints? [Sammy] I do, I need them!!
[GM] *rolls* …hm. *mumbling to self* What do I do with that…? [Sammy] Troubling reaction! [GM] ….huh…. [Joey] Not getting less troubling!
[Henry] I don’t want to keep using the scythe spell, but it keeps presenting itself as the best option! [Joey] DO YOU HAVE, ANY OTHER OPTIONS,, FIRST???? [Henry] These things have a bajillion HP! [Sammy] I mean, you COULD do the scythe thing, but maybe don’t hit anybody else with it! [Jack] I think you should hit Sammy with it again. [Sammy] NO I DON’T THINK YOU SHOULD
[Henry] Well, my strength is higher… oh no, it’s not, I’ve been doing too much mAGIC, [Sammy] That’s what happens when you do the scythe spell constantly!!! [Henry] Uggghhhhhhh... [Sammy] “Been doing too much scythe spell, better do some more scythe spell!”
[Joey] Do we have any bonus dice left? [Sammy] *sarcastically* Well! If we end up at the hotel, I DID scout it out ahead of time!
[GM] And Joey is feeling all the way better, except for all the ways that he is not!
[Henry] I just want to say, I did not expect Weird Henry to go on for FOUR SESSIONS. [Sammy] He went out with a bang, too, sliced a scythe RIGHT THROUGH THE PROPHET, [Henry] Yeah, everything has been working out so great!
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jackoshadows · 2 years
can you tag your sansa stark posts as anti sansa stark? I’m not telling you to remove the main tag but just add the anti one
Just block me and move on.
It’s weird how fans of the character feel that canon Sansa quotes from the books is anti Sansa.  Meanwhile Arya and Jon stans have to deal with murder baby Arya and incompetent Jon or unrelated quotes randomly put together to rewrite relationships. Maybe that's why the Arya and Jon tags are so full of headcanon Sansa that most of the time feels like an unrecognizable OC.
And then in the comments there is someone who has ‘not read the books in years’ telling me that I lack reading comprehension  😂
And this is while there is so much racist Arya fanart from Sansa stans on the Arya Stark tag despite repeated requests from poc to stop doing this.
It's honestly so depressing to go on the Arya Stark tag and see fanart on the tag or sidebars - because racist art is so popular in fandom!! - where canonically white Arya is differentiated from her more classically beautiful sister by simply drawing her in darker skin tones. At this point it's clear that artists are aware of the racist implications of doing this and still continue to do this because they don't care.
And yet using a Sansa book quote is supposedly 'anti Sansa' and needs to be tagged as such. I guess the tags should only be used for headcanons of racist caricatures of ‘ugly’ Arya and beautiful blue eyed, whitey white Sansa being the best sisters ever and nothing else.
I think the problem for many Sansa stans is that they stay in their echo chambers with their made up headcanons so that when they do venture outside that chamber to posts by other readers on the tag using the books, they are shocked and think there is some sort of unfair crusade going on against their fave.
I am not saying staying within fandom spaces is totally wrong btw. We all curate our fandom experiences on Tumblr. This app in particular allows us to block out ships or opinions we don’t particularly like. I am sure my group of mutuals and fans, including me, who reblog and follow posts have a similar kind of groupthink.
However, what’s fascinating with Sansa stans in particular is that Sansa is so much of a self-insert at this point that 90% of the character is headcanons. Her most popular ships are crackships, her relationships with her siblings has been re-written, she is now the underdog and outcast etc.
This has happened to me so many times -  I make a post, a Sansa stan responds saying I am wrong, I don’t know how to read, I am a hater etc., I respond with book quotes and ask them to read the books, I am called uncivil and then immediately blocked (they just have to get that last word in!) Rinse and repeat.
Take the post that got me the above message for example.
“I’m not like Arya,” Sansa blurted. “She has the traitor’s blood, not me.”   - Sansa, AGoT
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This is really not what happens in that chapter at all. Sansa does not really think of Arya, admits to forgetting about her at the end and it’s only in the next chapter she thinks that Arya may have gotten away on the galley Ned had arranged for them (Which does not happen thanks to Sansa’s tattling of Ned’s plans and Cersei placing Lannister guards on the galley).
At this point Arya is still trapped in KL trying to get out and it’s only been 3 days since Ned has been arrested. However, as per this person, Sansa is begging them not to torture and kill her and therefore names Arya, who she thinks is already safe in Winterfell, 3 days after the Starks and their men are taken down....
In the OP, I have used the most basic quotes, but in the actual chapter it’s far worse. Sansa is actually still dreaming of marrying beautiful prince Joffrey when she is taken to meet Cersei:
That night Sansa dreamt of Joffrey on the throne, with herself seated beside him in a gown of woven gold. She had a crown on her head, and everyone she had ever known came before her, to bend the knee and say their courtesies.
“Sweet Sansa,” Queen Cersei said, laying a soft hand on her wrist. “Such a beautiful child. I do hope you know how much Joffrey and I love you.”
“You do?” Sansa said, breathless. Littlefinger was forgotten. Her prince loved her. Nothing else mattered. (---)
“She is a sweet thing now, but in ten years, who can say what treasons she may hatch?”
“No,” Sansa said, horrified. “I’m not, I’d never … I wouldn’t betray Joffrey, I love him, I swear it, I do.” (---)
“And yet, I fear that Lord Varys and the Grand Maester have the right of it. The blood will tell. I have only to remember how your sister set her wolf on my son.”
“I’m not like Arya,” Sansa blurted. “She has the traitor’s blood, not me. I’m good, ask Septa Mordane, she’ll tell you, I only want to be Joffrey’s loyal and loving wife.” - Sansa, AGoT
And then at the very end of the chapter:
It was not until later that night, as she was drifting off to sleep, that Sansa realized she had forgotten to ask about her sister. - Sansa, AGoT
So yes, Sansa is scared of not being able to marry Joffrey anymore, frightened of being accused as a traitor like her father and therefore throws out Arya’s name as the traitor - when as far as she knows Arya is in KL and Lannisters could have Arya, the same as her.
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This is the funniest part! - ‘I haven’t read these books in a few years, however, it’s you who is very much lacking reading comprehension’ 😂😂😂
Make it make sense please. And then we are back to the usual Sansa is just a child, she’s 11 goddammit! She’s a teeny tiny baby! It’s totally justified for her to throw her even younger 9 year little sister under the bus as a traitor to be tortured or killed by the likes of Joffrey and Cersei instead of her.
And then finally, the predictable conclusion:
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And block! 
Because of course made up headcanons are ‘alternative interpretations’ and if we point out it’s fanfiction then we are being uncivil.
I can only say that I am glad that my side of the fandom don’t engage in this much fanfiction, projections and headcanons. It’s frustrating as a book fan to be told that I lack reading comprehension because I don’t accept their ‘alternative interpretations’ of how Sansa thinks Arya is safe in Winterfell three days after the Lannisters massacred all the Stark men and imprisoned Ned stark. And while Arya herself is still stuck inside KL unable to leave.
At this point I really do think there is no point in engaging with these stans because they are not doing this in good faith. Just block rather than waste time discussing. They seem to think that we need to accept their headcanons as book canon and if we don’t then we are simply anti Sansa posting anti Sansa stuff on the tags. It’s certainly a fascinating fandom aspect of a self insert fan favorite. It’s the reason she wins polls above more complex and well written characters in the books, the popular version of her is entirely about what fans project onto the character rather then actual written version in the books.
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jimmerzz0905 · 1 year
mythical incorrect quotes because why the fuck not
(also there are some mentions of shit like alcohol and stuff under the cut so uhh)
Yawstrich: *tries to make the child laugh*
Anglow: *tries to play a game with the child to make them calm down*
G’joob: *gives detailed instructions to the parents*
Cherubble: *cries with the child*
Strombonin: *ignores the child*
Hyehehe: *is the reason why the child is crying*
Hyehehe: What's wrong with you?
Strombonin: Off the top of my head, I'd say low self-esteem, a lack of paternal affection, and a genetic predisposition for anxiety and depression.
Strombonin: Happy Throwback Thursday. Here’s a throwback to when Yawstrich ate an entire fucking tube of lipstick.
Yawstrich, whining: But why would it be cherry-flavored if you can’t eat it?!
Cherubble: Am I a boy? Am I a girl? It doesn't matter. I'm going to burn your house down and then take a nap.
G’joob: And now for a gay update with Yawstrich and Strombonin.
Yawstrich: Getting gayer!
G’joob: Thank you, Yawstrich.
G’joob, holding in his laughter: Hey, how do you ask a glass of water what it’s doing?
Strombonin: A glass of water is an inanimate object. Therefore, it's incapable of having a thought process or understanding basic Monstrous.
G’joob: Water you doing?
Yawstrich: Oh, fiddlesticks! That really ruffles my feathers!
Strombonin: Please, just say fuck…
Cherubble: The last time I went to an urgent care clinic, I checked off 'excessive crying' on the symptom list, and then the nurse got really confused and said that was meant for babies.
Yawstrich: *texting* Hey can you pick me up I’m drunk.
Yawstrich: Oh you don't have to anymore. I'm home now.
Strombonin: Yes, I'm aware of that after dropping you off at home.
Hyehehe, with a headache: Advil me up, daddy.
Cherubble: I will short out the language centre of your brain if you say anything like that ever again.
Strombonin: I’m the sexiest bitch in this therapy waiting room.
Cherubble: Truth or dare?
Anglow: Truth.
Cherubble: How many hours have you slept this week?
Anglow: Dare.
Cherubble: Go to sleep.
Anglow: I don't like this game.
Cherubble: Today at 7 am, Hyehehe poured a Monster Energy drink in their coffee, said "I'm going to die" and drank the whole thing.
Yawstrich: I watched Hyehehe brew their coffee with Monster instead of water. Three cups in two hours. I think he’s ascended into the astral realm.
Strombonin: The survivability of the Monster race never fails to amaze me.
Hyehehe: And I’d love to be sorry for that, but we all know I’ve done much, much worse.
Yawstrich: Oh, Strombonin! We have a visitor!
Strombonin: Don’t tell me it’s Hyehehe.
Yawstrich: It’s Hyehehe.
Anglow: What time is it?
Hyehehe: I don’t know, pass me that saxophone and we’ll find out.
Anglow: *hands Hyehehe the saxophone*
Hyehehe: *fucking BLASTS the saxophone*
Hyehehe: It’s 2 am
G’joob: That's it, I'm cutting off the internet!
Cherubble: No, please don't! I have a family to feed!
G’joob: …
G’joob: What?
Cherubble: I need to feed my Neopets!
Yawstrich: To everyone who has treated me poorly; I am sexier than you.
G’joob: I left instructions for everyone while I'm gone.
Hyehehe: Mine just says "Hyehehe, no."
G’joob: I want you to apply it to every possible situation.
Yawstrich: I didn't drink THAT much last night!
G’joob: You were flirting with Strombonin.
Yawstrich: So what? They're my boyfriend.
G’joob: You asked if they were single.
Yawstrich: …
G’joob: And then you cried when they said he wasn’t.
Strombonin: Sorry I'm late to the party. I've been… doing things.
Yawstrich, entering dizzy and covered in kisses: I got caught up doing things too.
Hyehehe: Wow, Strombonin was late too! What a coincidence!
Yawstrich: You know what I asked Yool for Yay this year?
Strombonin: If you say me, I swear I’ll—
Yawstrich: You? What? No, I asked him for that cool Lego Ninjago set we saw in Target!
Strombonin: My life is a little too much panic and not enough disco.
Yawstrich: My life is a little too much fall and not enough boy.
G’joob: My life is a little too much chemical and not enough romance.
Hyehehe: My life is a little too much imagination and not nearly enough dragons.
and that’s it lol
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five-rivers · 2 years
Life's Great Lie 9
In case you need a refresher on this work, here's a link to the AO3 and a different link to the TV Tropes page.
“Let me get this straight,” said Jazz, voice stressed to the point of breaking.  “You want me to steal a bunch of stuff from our parents so that you can help an alien lead an invasion of Earth, because, and I quote ‘he doesn’t really want to do it.’  You’re seriously asking me to do this.  While you’re being mind-controlled by said alien.”
“Oh, yeah,” said Danny.  “You definitely can’t trust anything I’m saying.  Couldn’t even if I’d slept at all since this happened.  I fully encourage you to sabotage anything and everything you give me.  Like, he’s hijacked me pretty well, asking me to help him and all.  I’m pretty sure he’s being mind-controlled, too, though, so…  You know what I’m like.  You know what I spend all my time doing.”
“Danny, you being part of a mind control pyramid scheme does not give me any confidence in your judgment.” 
“That’s fair.  But consider!  You’ll know where I am!  And when!  Great time to do some stuff.  Or not.  Up to you.  Don’t tell me anything.”
Jazz sighed.  “Run through what you want again.”
“All of Mom and Dad’s spare portal stuff.  Porta-Portal if it’s available.  Shields.  Make sure they can hold in physical items, not just ghosts.  I mean.  Since humans are the ones most likely to stop us.  They’ve got Captain America, and he’s not dead!  The spy dudes Mom and Dad are working for now, I mean.  SHIELD.  They have Captain America.  Oh!  We also need—” Danny rattled off a list of components, “—and the ecto-converter.”
“Why do you need the ghost torture device?”
“To be fair, most of what Mom and Dad make are ghost torture devices.  I will also need the ecto-dejecto.”
“Are you planning on plugging yourself into the ghost torture device to power this thing?  Tell me you aren’t.”
“Hahaha, la la la, I can’t hear you, come drop the stuff off or don’t, bring whoever you want with you or don’t, tell anyone you want or don’t, but remember this isn’t my first circus or my first rodeo and be aware that arrow boy will probably try to steal the stuff directly from Fentonworks if you don’t.”
“For the love of—” snarled an older voice, and there was the sound of a brief struggle before the line went dead. 
“Well,” said Sam, who had been silent for the whole call.  A good choice, in Jazz’s opinion.  “That was… not expected.”
“No kidding,” said Tucker, who was trying to stick his staff in his duffle bag.  “So, how are we going to interpret that?”
“Not at face value, that’s for sure.”  Jazz drummed her fingers on the steering wheel.  She had pulled over when Danny called, so she wasn’t driving, but she’d needed something to throttle in lieu of Danny, and the steering wheel was right there.  “He was definitely trying to give us clues.”
“Yeah,” said Sam.  “But it sounds like he doesn’t know that SHIELD is connected to Nazis.”
“You’re not wrong,” said Jazz.  “But…”  She made a face.  Would he fight with Nazis if it meant saving the world?  She certainly didn’t want to.  “How connected are we talking about?  And how?”
“Don’t know,” said Tucker.  “Didn’t have the time to entirely parse what I managed to get into.  I found a lot of mentions, though, and I don’t know that there are all that many good reasons for a hate group to talk so much about a bunch of supposedly dead Nazis.”
“Also unclear, but, like.  Both the GIW and SHIELD are government things, right?”
“Right,” said Jazz.  “Okay.  You’re right.  We’re going to have to account for that somehow.  But what Danny’s saying…  It sounds like they don’t have enough power to run their portal.  On the surface, this is a way to get that.”
“The surface of the mind control.  It’s like a fig leaf,” said Sam.
“Yeah.  But everything he said about shields…”
“Do you think he was trying to get us to contact SHIELD?” asked Tucker. 
“Maybe, but…  It’s also an opportunity for a trap.  Shields can work both ways.  If you put the portal generator on the outside, it’s basically a cage.”
“A way to trap him and whoever he’s with.”
“Which includes at least the evil space clown,” groaned Tucker.  “Whoever else the guy can brainwash, too.”
Jazz nodded, but she was thinking about something else.  “What about the army?”
“What about the army?” asked Sam.  “It doesn’t sound like we actually have to fight it, just keep the portal closed.  Danny’s only saying he has to do this because, you know.  Mind control.”
“Yeah,” said Jazz, “but…  That still leaves an army out there that wants to attack the Earth.  One with the resources to send Loki in the first place.”
“One that doesn’t matter if they can’t get here,” said Sam. 
“They sent Loki,” said Tucker.  “So, they must have some other way to get here.  It’s probably just harder than using the portal.”  He pointed at the Scarab Scepter.  “Kind of like how I can use that, but it sucks.”
“Do you know how Loki got here?”
“Again, no.  I really need to get back in front of a computer…”
“Okay,” said Jazz.  “Will Danny’s be good for that?”
“I practically built the thing, so, yeah.”
“Great.  But back to the army, what if this is more of a ‘choose where you fight’ thing?”
“Except Danny, or whoever is pulling his strings, picked the meeting place,” said Sam. 
“I’m not sure how important that is,” said Jazz.  “He gave us a lot of information.  I’m not the best with portal physics, but there’s probably a limited number of places that could produce the same amount of power as the ecto-converter.  And then there’s what he said about ‘arrow guy.’”
“Maybe we’re supposed to catch arrow guy in the act or something?”
“I don’t know,” said Jazz.  “It isn’t like Danny to put us in harm’s way.  I think we’re missing something else.”
“He does put us in harm’s way, though,” said Tucker.  “Like, every time we go out on patrol, there’s a chance something will happen.  He tries to keep us safe, but the risk is still there.”
“Plus, if this is an apocalypse-type thing…  And he’s not exactly thinking clearly.”
“That does complicate things,” said Jazz.  She sighed.  “We’re missing something.”
“Well,” said Tucker.  “I recorded the conversation, so we can replay it as much as we want.”
“Great,” said Jazz, starting her car.  “Let’s go.  I want to get home and have some words with my parents about working for sketchy government organizations.”
“Oh, yeah,” said Tucker, with a nervous laugh, “speaking of, we never got to tell you why we had to teleport into your car, did we?”
Jazz took a very deep breath.  “How bad is it?”
“I’m not telling you who ‘supplies me,’” said Valerie, crossing her arms.  “Not until you tell me what this is really about.”
“Valerie,” said Damon Gray, his hands tightening on the back of Valerie’s chair. 
“I’m afraid that’s classified, Miss Gray.”
“Not that classified,” said Valerie.  She’d trained herself to fight the dead.  She wasn’t afraid of this guy in a suit.  “I already know it has to do with ghosts, otherwise you wouldn’t care.”  She rolled her eyes.  “I don’t know why you think you’re clever, rolling up with a different acronym or whatever, but I know you’re with the Guys in White.”
Her father cleared his throat.  “The Ghost Investigation Ward?  Government sponsored ghost hunters?”
“There are no government sponsored ghost hunters,” said Agent Coulson.  His expression had barely changed, but… 
Valerie blinked, a spark of red tracing over her vision, highlighting small details in the way the agent was holding himself.  She’d done her research, and micro-expressions and body language weren’t to be trusted – law enforcement astrology, some people had called them – but expressions were signaling devices.  Completely ignoring them was also stupid. 
“They’ve got a whole shiny new building as headquarters right outside of Amity Park,” said her father, disbelief coloring his tone. 
“Do they now,” said Coulson with no inflection whatsoever.  “We’ll need to look into that.  But I think we can conclude that you aren’t being supplied by the Fentons.”
Valerie jolted.  “What?”
“At this point, you wouldn’t be hiding it if it were them.   Their interests are too well-known.  But to be honest, your equipment isn’t our chief concern.”  He leaned ever so slightly forward.  “How well do you know Danny Fenton?”
“He’s a classmate,” said Valerie.  She didn’t like where this was going at all. 
“But not just a classmate.  You two were romantically involved.”
“Is there a point to this?” asked her father, the strain in his voice indicating that he’d like nothing better than to throw these men out of their apartment.
“He’s been kidnapped,” said Coulson. 
“What?” said Valerie.  “How?  When?  Why?”
“You don’t think Valerie has anything to do with that,” said Damon, incensed. 
“No.  We’re fully aware of who was involved and who wasn’t.  But considering the circumstances, we aren’t sure if we can rescue him without your help.”
“What do you mean?”
“Ghosts are involved,” said Coulson.  “You would get more of a briefing if you agreed to help.”
“Help how?” asked Damon, darkly.  “You aren’t recruiting my teenaged daughter to fight for you.”
“We’d prefer to have the name of her supplier.  But if that’s impossible, we would like to offer you a consulting position, Miss Gray.  Ghosts are outside our area of expertise.”
Damon leaned forward.  “What exactly is your area of expertise?”
Coulson let himself smile.  “Homeland security.” 
“And you’re interested in a kidnapping because…?”
“A threat may be involved.  Miss Gray, as you might imagine, this is a time sensitive matter.”
Valerie Gray frowned, then opened her mouth to respond.  “I—”
“I think Valerie and I need to have a private discussion,” said Damon.  “If you don’t mind.”
“Of course,” said Coulson.  He left the apartment and waited.  It would have been very easy to eavesdrop.  Trivial.  But he didn’t need to. 
Valerie Gray walked out.  “About that briefing.”
“Excellent.  If you—” His earpiece chirped. 
“We have a reported sighting of Loki in Amity Park.  Correction, make that two Loki sightings.”
Unfortunately, nothing short of a Loki sighting was going to get Jazz’s parents out of the lab, so that’s what she manufactured.  Tucker was upstairs, working on hacking government agencies from Danny’s computer and Sam was keeping an eye out for the ‘arrow boy,’ which left Jazz to try to put together the tools they’d need to fight a space clown army and maybe also secret government Nazis. 
Why was their life such a mess?
Jazz picked up one of the Fenton Boo-Staffs and made a face.  She was proficient in its use, but, honestly, they were having enough trouble with magic staffs, weren’t they?  Sure, the Boo-Staff was designed through science, not magic, but the two were converging at a rapid rate. 
Still, she couldn’t turn her nose up at a weapon because of something that boiled down to superstitious associations.  Speaking of associations… 
She turned it over in her hand and gazed contemplatively at the portal.  Danny wanted all the spare portal stuff and the Porta-Portal.  She’d thought that it was because he wanted to cannibalize it to make the alien portal, but that didn’t completely make sense. 
How had this alien been planning to invade if he hadn’t come across Danny?  If he had an army waiting in the wings, there had to have been a great deal of planning for this already.  He must have at least one way to bring the army here that didn’t rely on the work of two obscure scientists and their half-ghost son. 
That wasn’t quite the right angle to approach this from, either. 
She went back to the weapons.  Portal things.  Shields, physical and ghostly and possibly SHIELD the acronym as well.  The ectoconverter.  Danny making references to Circus Gothica and Freakshow—
Not his first circus.  Not his first rodeo. 
Not his first invasion.  Not even his second.
And how had he solved those?  What was the clue here?  Should she even be trying to find clues in what he said, considering the mind control?
She picked the blaster up off the table and fired directly behind her.  There was a cracking sound as the ectoblast hit something physical midair, and Jazz dove for cover. 
“Arrow boy, I presume!” she shouted, because she might as well annoy whoever this was while she had the chance. 
Something thunked into the table next to her, and she rolled away just in time for the metal table to be electrified.  The ectoplasm canisters on the table cracked, bubbled, and started to smoke.  A few of them moved, sluggishly, as if uncertain if they should self-animate or not.
Screw it.  “Activate Security Authorization—”
Something hit her shoulder, toppling her. 
“—Psychic Record!” she finished.  “Red Rover Protocol!”
“Authorization accepted, Jazzerincess!”
At that point, she started to feel the pain.  Arrow boy had, evidently, shot her with an actual arrow. 
Despite humans like this existing, people somehow thought ghosts were outliers.  What a joke. 
She crawled under a different table and listened to the lab’s defense systems activate… and get demolished with the accompanying twang of a bowstring. 
This guy was good.  Which was bad.  Very bad. 
And Jazz was bleeding.  It really hurt. 
A hand pulled her up out of her hiding spot.  “I prefer Hawkeye.”
“You’re going to have to get used to being disappointed,” said Jazz, as cheerfully as she could manage.  Over his shoulder, a figure appeared in the swirling ectoplasmic smoke that had enveloped the room.  “My brother must have told you how bad I am at names.”
Arrow boy didn’t look amused.  “Where’s the portal equipment?”
“You know,” continued Jazz, mostly stalling at this point, “people can fight mind control.  I’ve been working on a study of it.  Most reported successes happen when people are asked to do something they’ve never done, or never would do…  But I guess you’ve killed people before, huh?”
“The portal equipment.  Or I start talking to the kids up—”
Sam whacked arrow boy over the back of his head with the Fenton Creep Stick.  He dropped like a bag of rocks. 
Jazz sighed in relief.  “You’ve gotten better at sneaking.”
Sam, meanwhile, was staring at Jazz’s shoulder in horror.  “Not the time.  Oh, God.”
“I’m okay.”
“You are not.  Who uses arrows?”
“You think Danny’s Phantom?”  Valerie shook her head.  “You think Danny is Phantom?”
“Our intel is very good,” said Agent Coulson as he drove. 
Valerie was, possibly, starting to regret agreeing to come.  “You’re sure he isn’t just being overshadowed?”
“Positive.  We have the transformation on tape.”
Okay, that was something. 
“It’s a very impressive lightshow.  Reminiscent of classical Japanese magical girl anime.”
That… sounded way too much like Dani for Valerie’s peace of mind.
“… Assuming you’re right,” she said, slowly, “that means this Loki has all of Phantom’s firepower.”
“That is the problem.”
“And you don’t have anything that can work against him?  Are the Fentons refusing to help or something?”
“The opposite, but none of their weapons seem to work against him.  Possibly he simply knows some weakness in their technology that he hasn’t exploited until now.”
“Danny is smarter than people give him credit for,” said Valerie, leaning back in the car seat and chewing on her thumbnail.  “So, you want my tech to try to fight him.”
“That would be ideal.”
“You aren’t going to get it in the next ten minutes.  If Phantom is there, I’m fighting.”  Best to think of him as Phantom, for now, not Danny.  She’d figure out if Coulson knew what he was talking about later. 
“Miss Gray—"
She scoffed and interrupted him.  “Forget Phantom, an ectopus could completely screw you over if you don’t have reliable tech.”
“A what?”
Unbelievable.  These people had no idea what they’d gotten into, did they?  “Ghost octopus.  Whatever.  My point is that I know how to fight ghosts.  You don’t.  And considering that the world might end if we don’t stop this guy, I’m going to fight and you aren’t going to stop me.”
“I wouldn’t dream of it.”
“I—Wait, really?”
“Why do you like using yourself as a distraction so much?” asked Danny. 
Loki rolled his eyes.  “Who says I like it?”
“You keep doing it.”
“Because it’s strategically viable.”
“No one had any idea we were here in the first place.  I think you just like messing with people.  Because you’re a jerk.”
“And I think you are simply upset that I sent Barton to retrieve our equipment without giving your sister the time you wanted.”
Danny was upset about that.  He would probably die upset about it.  That didn’t change the fact that Loki was the jerkiest jerk to ever jerk. 
“She would never have helped us.”
“You don’t know that.”
“She as much as told you no while you were still on the phone with her.”
“That’s just what Jazz is like.”
A collection of black vans, military vehicles, and police cars shrieked to a stop on the road in front of them.  Danny could hear the distant but rapidly approaching whine of something airborne.
“Agent Hill,” said Loki, spreading his arms wide and casually twirling the staff.  “What a pleasant surprise!”
“Coulson, the Loki on Park and Amity is the real deal.  Phantom is with him.”
Valerie leaned over.  “Is that Park Park or Park Avenue?  Or Park Street?  Or, wait, do you mean Park Building on Amity Street?  Because that isn’t actually on Park, it’s on the corner of Garden Drive—”
The car went over a bump.  “Send me the coordinates,” said Coulson.  The GPS beeped. 
“Oh, Park Street and Amity Avenue.  No one calls that Park.”  She rolled down her window. 
“What are you doing?” asked Coulson. 
“I told you,” said Valerie, red creeping over his skin, “I’m going to fight!”  Before Coulson could say anything else, she climbed out of the window, summoned her hoverboard and flew to Park Street and Amity Avenue as fast as she could.
The only reason Coulson got to Amity Park before Tony did was that SHIELD didn’t give him a ride and he had to fix his instead.  Of course, fixing his suit was the responsible thing to do, he supposed.  He had no fire power and little fighting ability without it.  Martial arts were great and all, but he didn’t think trying to go after Loki bare handed was a smart move. 
And Tony was all about smart moves.  No matter what Pepper said. 
Point was, he was only getting into Amity when the Loki alert went out.  Bad timing in a vast number of ways.  He’d wanted to get his hands on the Fentons’ schematics before round two with the kid. 
“Sir,” said Jarvis.  “There is an unidentified craft ascending at your two o’clock.”
Jarvis zoomed in on…  Okay, Tony had officially lost the plot. 
“Patch me to Coulson.  Hey, Coulson, you know anything about little red riding hood on a flying surfboard, or am I hallucinating?”
“Red Huntress is on our side,” said
Tucker hunched over the Ops Center central control panel, trying not to be too nervous about the magic staff that would wake up his super-powered evil side sitting in the bag next to his feet, or Jazz and Sam tying up the mind-controlled government-sponsored assassin behind him.  Oh, he was also trying to hack several different government agencies and also keep an eye out for news about alien invasions, strange lights, Tony Stark, Captain America, Danny, and ghosts, because this was when a ghost would try to stake their claim on Amity Park, without Danny to defend it. 
The staff glittered temptingly, and Tucker pushed it further under the table.  He was pretty sure losing his mind to his jerkish megalomaniac (but very cool) past self would make the situation worse.  How it would make it worse, he wasn’t too clear on, but they already had one guy with delusions of divinity and a staff. 
One was enough. 
(Duulaman was definitely cooler than Loki, though.)
(And better looking.)
“Oh, heck, he’s waking up,” said Jazz, making Tucker jump and twitch towards the staff. 
He managed to abort the motion and prep his lipstick laser instead. 
“I’ll just—” started Sam. 
“You can’t give him another head injury, it might kill him!”
“Jazz, he shot you.  With an arrow.  I don’t really care.”
“Do you want to deal with a vengeful ghost assassin while Danny’s out of commission?”
Sam paused.  “No.”
“We’ve got the Fenton Cuffs on him, anyway.  And the Fenton Chains.  And the—”
“Please stop.  If I hear any more about your parents’ branded torture devices, I might lose my mind.”
At that point, the archer groaned and tried to sit up.  Unfortunately, he’d been attached to the Fenton Balls and Chain (three point five six times better than the original ball and chain!) and sitting up was therefore contraindicated. 
Yeah.  Tucker didn’t know what the Fentons had been thinking, either. 
“Hold up,” said Jazz, kneeling next to the archer, then thinking better of it and kneeling on his chest instead.  He wheezed, almost comically. 
“Uh, Jazz?” said Tucker.  “What are you doing?”
“One second.”  She pulled apart his eyelids with her fingers.  “His eye color is different than it was.”
“Contacts?” suggested Sam.
“I don’t think so,” said Jazz.  “Who’d wear color contacts to rob someone?  I think this kind of mind control must have a visual indicator, like overshadowing.”  She stood up and brushed off her knees, as if kneeling on the archer had made them dirty. 
“Great,” drawled Sam.  “So instead of a Nazi assassin being mind-controlled by an alien invader, he’s just a Nazi assassin.”
“A concussed Nazi assassin,” said Jazz.
“Who’re you callin’ a Nazi?” slurred the archer, squinting up at Sam. 
Sam crossed her arms.  “That’d be the guy working for Hydra.”
“There’s s’meone workin’ for Hydra?  Wha?”
“But more importantly,” said Jazz, “it seems to suggest that unconsciousness may be enough to release Loki’s victims from his control.”
“Like Danny,” said Tucker. 
“Yeah, but then we still have the problem of actually hitting Danny, the Creep Stick’s ability to concuss assassins that use archaic weaponry or no.”  Sam shrugged.  “Maybe if we got all the other people Loki has first?”
“But we’re not limited to the Creep Stick, are we?” asked Tucker.  “That’s why we… went to the museum.”  He rubbed his hands on his pants.  They really shouldn’t be having this conversation in front of the government agent. 
“Yeah,” said Sam, looking uncomfortable.  “But I know that’s… you know.  It’s kind of there for backup.  So we have the option.”
The computer beeped and Tucker spun his chair to look at it, scrolling through his news-scanning programs.  “Ghost Watch just reported a Loki sighting.”
“That’s kind of late, isn’t it?” asked Sam, taking a few steps forward to peer over his shoulder.  “Didn’t you send in that tip over an hour ago?”
“I did, and they reported on it.  This is a different Loki sighting.”  He looked over his shoulder at the archer.  “Is he, like, being a taxi for you guys and then going sight-seeing or what?  Why is he even here?”  The decision didn’t seem to be strategically sound. 
The archer blinked at him.  “Who?”
Great.  Fine.  Not like he’d expected their prisoner to be useful or anything.  He went back to the alert and continued reading, only to close his eyes.  “Danny’s with him.”
“That’s a problem,” said Sam. 
“No kidding,” snapped Tucker.  “At least we know where he is?  We could…”  He trailed off.  “Heck.”  He reached under the table and retrieved his bag. 
“What are you doing?” asked Jazz. 
“Knocking out Danny,” said Tucker, smiling thinly.  “Wish me luck.”
He grabbed the staff- his staff- and let the delicious power of it flow through him.  A gust of sand swept him away and deposited him on the corner of Park and Amity.
It was, of course the wrong Park and Amity, but that was fine.  He was an Amity Park native.  He’d find the right one eventually.  He raised his staff again.    
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c-h-pictures · 2 months
If I Can Stop One Heart From Breaking incorrect quotes
Sunday: ..... Boothill: What? Sunday: Why don't you have a shirt? Boothill: I don't have nipples so what's the issue? Sunday: ...................
Boothill, walking into the asteroid station, fully aware the people that know him will stare at Sunday: HE IS HERE AGAINST MY WILL!
Boothill: Our keeper just banned overly specific nicknames and the whole saloon is staring at Rat Snitch Sunday The Good Time Ruiner.
Boothill: Welcome, fellow idiots. Sunday: Hello, Boothill. Boothill: No, no, not you, you're not an idiot. Sunday: You underestimate me.
Boothill, in a full suit, but withput his hat: I'm basically naked. Sunday: I didn't know you even owned decent clothing.
Boothill: It's not all horserides and shootouts. Sunday: Sunday: What? Boothill: Sunshine and rainbows is a boring phrase, I refuse to use it, we're sticking to my planet's slang. Sunday: Sunshine and rainbows? Boothill: How are you still confused? What do you say on Penacony?
Sunday: Come on, Boothill! How any times do I have to apologize? Boothill: Once! Sunday: ...No.
Sunday: *closes a cabinet* *a crash is heard behind the cabinet door* Boothill: What was that? Sunday: If you open the door, I'll tell you.
Boothill: Where's the most romantic spot for a first kiss? Wrong answers only. Sunday: Dueling grounds. Boothill: I said wrong answers only.
Boothill: *releases a bullet from his mouth* Sunday: Hm - ah - mm - right - mmmmmmmmmm.......
Boothill: Why is it that I always lose things as soon as I need them? Sunday: Actually, it's not that you lose things when you need them. You lose them a while before. It's just that you LOOK for things when you need them. Boothill: Okay yeah thanks Sunday, that's great but WHERE'S THE FUCKING FIRST AID KIT?
Boothill: Wait, so how big are you though? Sunday: Uhh, 5'7-ish? Boothill: No, I mean like in bed. How big are you? Sunday: Still 5'7? Just... Sideways...?
Boothill: I think it's time to start fucking some shit up. Sunday: Oh no. Boothill: More like "oh yes!"
Boothill: I regret nothing!!! Sunday: I regret everything!!!
Boothill, holding a kettle: Coffee or tea? Sunday: Tea. Boothill: Wrong. It's coffee.
Boothill: Is selling pickles in movie theaters really just a Aeragan-Epharshel thing? Like... I can't imagine going to a movie and NOT getting a pickle! What?! Sunday: What the fuck is going on in Aeragan-Epharshel?
Robin: Someone's in love!!! Boothill: What? It's not like a lay awake at night thinking about him. Boothill: Uh oh.
Sunday: Sorry it took so long to bail you out of jail. Boothill: No, it was my fault. I shouldn't have used my phone call to prank call the police station.
After the Aeonic Arc: Boothill: Do you need help getting up? Sunday: Nah, I'm cool down here on the floor.
Sunday: What do you have there? Boothill, holding a child: A coffee.
Sunday: Has anyone seen U'Lea? Boothill: Hold on, I got this. *clears throat* Boothill: Bill Nye the science guy! U'Lea, crashing through the door: BILL BILL BILL BILL BILL
Boothill: Well, remember when Sunday made a romantic dinner for me? Robin: Boothill, he microwaved you a pizza.
U'Lea: Can we go out to get icecream? Boothill: Did you ask Sunday? U'Lea: He said no. Boothill: Then why did you ask me? U'Lea: They're not the boss of you. Boothill, internally: It's a trap, it's a trap, it's a trap.
*playing twister* Robin: Right hand red. Boothill: *ends up on top of Sunday* Sunday: You're doing this on purpose, aren't you? Robin: I stopped spinning like 15 minutes ago. Honestly, I'm surprised you didn't notice.
Boothill: You look mentally ill. Sunday: I am. Let’s go.
Sunday, staring at Boothill without his boots on: Sunday: How are you shorter than me? Boothill: TELL NO ONE
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roaringwish · 2 years
That okina does stand up(?) comedy at the mystia izakaya local on saturday night. All creepy and uncanny gone its just funny woman complaining about kids and starting each anectode with "my weird girlfriend once said-" and everyone is left in fucking shambles every night except yukari, who has to live with the fact that even Yuyuko quotes her stories nonstop.
Putting this under readmore bc it got long but gdfdhgfjh
"Kids these days don't respect their elders, don't bow to their kami and worst of all? They don't take care of their belongings."
*mild laughter*
"Don't you believe me?"
"I came across a daughter I apparently have. Why didn't I know of them beforehand? Because last time I saw them, they were a set of noh masks."
"I gifted these masks to someone who shall not be named..."
"...a past lover."
"And what did she do to them? Precisely. Squat."
"The next thing I know is that they're standing beside my bed at 3 am with eyes as big as plates, asking me to clean them up a little."
"I tell them: My child, wherever have you come from? They say: *uncanny impression of Kokoro’s voice* hinoki wood” *facepalms*
“I suspected as much!”
*mild laughter*
“...but whose boxes were you stored in?”
“We don’t remember having a box. We were sleeping in Prince Shoutoku’s storage somewhere.”
*audience “ooh”s*
*exasperated* “That moment I got up and sat on the side of my bed like I’m hungover.”
*mild laugh*
“Every wrong decision I ever made flickered through my mind as I rubbed the dream out of my eyes. I concluded that wooing the prince regent of the Yamato court was one of them.”
*roaring laughter*
“Except I’m being waited upon to be taken to Hell.”
“And don’t think she’s that old, oh no! Most of you here are below the age of 500, I’m well aware.  But when I say kids these days that includes her.”
“That was not a joke.”
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skeledude · 6 months
Today on Skeledude's Mind Palace
I saw the Distinction level students personal project and started worrying. I had the chance to see some of the previous students work. The teacher told us it was a distinction level project, and that already made me a bit worried. We went through the first week.
Are you sure this girl isn't writing a novel? That's more words than I type in a year!
These are some of the longest words and sentences combined together. This gave me a lot of stress, you know how bad it got. I was thinking about using an Ai to help me write, I was so desperate that I almost threw away my morals. But I didn't. 
This may not be the greatest, but it’s made by me, that's what matters the most. Maybe I won’t get a distinction, but that’s not like the end of the world, that's America.
Ai art is like a remix, these Ai artists (if you can even call them artists) use a pre-built tool to mash up a multitude of images and print out a new one, just like a DJ, except for the fact that DJ’s actually have talent. I’m not worried about Ai taking over my job, just like how painters never got replaced by cameras, art is forever worthy in the hands of a person. As intelligent creatures we have emotion that transcends from one to another. Art isn’t something you can say in a formula, it’s a complex feeling that humans understand, you experience art. I just hope others can understand. 
Kind of hard to take a machine seriously, then again, in the future who knows, maybe they’ll give the Ai feelings, and what I said would be wrong. 
(but we can still tell the difference between a set of hands better)
(I'm here from the future, I realize the next few parts aren't related to making comics, I was so worried about not filling the word count that I just let my mind loose, I'll just put it in the description of thinking process which happens to come out from comic)
I'm not a teacher, at least not yet.The difference between a teacher who knows an answer and a student who knows an answer is whether they could explain it. I could know how to do something without understanding the reasons behind it, just thinking and doing, a teacher is different in the fact that they really think and do, they know the cause and effect. Teachers can explain, teachers can teach.
Students learn, reading is learning. Here we are reading me teaching you the basics of making a comic, guess I'm finally the teacher then. I'm going to teach you my process.
“Everything is nothing but nothing is something”, this is a quote I just made up, it could mean something which is also nothing at all. The thing with art is everyone has their own interpretation, a quote is an art form, could mean anything, “All roads lead to Rome” could mean everything will sort out in the end, it could also mean that Rome is a structurally failed city because people can,t get out of there. 
I’ve been giving you kind of a lecture haven’t I.
I don’t want to sound like I’m better, that’s below me, so you’re saying you’re better than yourself, maybe, How can a person be better than before, improving.
I could sound like the most narcissistic person in this project, but at the same time this is my project. I keep using ‘’I’’, because what else am I supposed to use, “I’’ is the first person pronoun. Maybe I’ll use my name, But I don’t want to type “Jim” every time I need to refer to myself. Guess “I” is the way to go. Does calling yourself in the third person form make you more narcissistic? Possible. Maybe I got the word ”narcissist” wrong. Thinking of yourself as worthy of compassion is not being a narcissist.
Self-awareness is not a personality, It's more of an action that you take, I’m aware of the people around me. I’m aware that there are an infinite amount of thoughts and actions happening everyday thanks to these people. Being self aware is important. 
I could think of a thousand ideas, the problem is I wouldn’t have the place to store them, if only there was some kind of machine that could hook up my brain to printer or sorts, print out a thousand ideas a second, maybe it will read some inaccurate ideas, those inaccurate ideas are my thinking process. 
Perception is the existence of neurons in your head, every action you take is thought beforehand, then taken information from the database in your head to calculate a proper solution. You think, therefore you are. 
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toribookworm22 · 1 year
Incorrect Quote Tag
Thank you @axl-ul for the tag!
No pressure tagging: @minutiaewriter @ace-of-rabbits @aestatismors @mschvs @apocalypsewriters @gracebriarwoodwrites & leaving my open tag!!
Using StormWatcher (more under the cut):
Lisbet Hark: And I’d love to be sorry for that, but we all know I’ve done much, much worse.
Kib: Oh, so when crows remember people who wronged them and hold grudges, its “intelligent” and “really cool”.
Kib: But when I do it, I’m “petty” and “need to let it go”.
Merieh: I don’t think the therapist is supposed to say ‘wow’ that many times during their first session with a client, but here we are.
Daran: So what do you have planned for the future?
Merieh: Lunch.
Daran: No, like long term.
Mam: When I first met you, I did not like you.
Merieh: Oh...um, dinner?
Lisbet Hark: I'm aware of that.
Mam: But then you and I had some time together.
Lisbet Hark: Uh-huh?
Mam: So I’m the only one around here who can clean up, huh? You can't even lift a finger?
Mam: It did not get better.
Daran: *lying down and crying*
Kib: Do I get to pick the finger?
Daran: And what do I get out of this?
Kib: There, there. Why don’t you take some time off to not be around me while you’re like this?
Kib: I will give you a dollar.
Daran: What do you think I am? A chump? I would never do it for a dollar!
Kib: How bout two dollars?
Merieh: Kib won’t come out of their room!
Daran: You got yourself a deal.
Daran: Just tell them I said something.
Merieh: Like what?
Daran: Anything factually incorrect.
Merieh, shrugging: If you say so.
Kib: I told Daran that their ears turn red when they lie.
Kib, arriving moments later: Did you just say the sun is a PLANET?
Merieh: Do they?
Kib: No.
Merieh: Then why did you tell them that?
Kib: Because I can do this.
Kib: Hey Daran! Do you love us?
Merieh: You are irrationally angry 365 days a year.
Daran, with their hands over their ears: No.
Kib: Well, that’s just your personal opinion, I don’t have anger issues. Do you guys think I have anger issues?
Mam: I haven't slept in seventy-three hours.
Mam: Well, I wouldn’t really call it an issue. An issue is something you can fix.
Merieh: Eighty. Democratically elected leader of insomnia.
Kib: Bitch, it's been ninety for me. I'm going for an even one hundred.
Daran: You guys are fucking terrifying.
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amplifyme · 11 months
Hiiiiiiiii, I'm back! :DDDD
Pretty sure The Possibility of Being was next; so, I read through Chapter 1, took some notes, and even got a (tiny) Sis comment~.
I was immediately drawn into the setting: Diana's turn down Below, Vincent using her own words to help, and all the unfolding details-- big or small-- that you worked in with all the character mentions and off-screen hints at relationships (Diana trying to prove herself to Joe in a nightmare, Kanin's mention, Catherine insisting Elliot recite the poem and Elliot taking a moment to do so correctly, etc.)
 "Catherine was… a completion. She was a part of me that'd been missing before the night I first found her and brought her Below. A lack I was not even aware of until she came into my life, and I began to understand how truly alone I had been before her. But Diana is…. …Diana is my reflection, Father. And where Catherine was my light, she is my mirror." That... that is so true. Wow. I will always think of the two relationships in this way, now.
An interesting parallel: Nan and you play with the concept of Vincent awakening darkness or awareness in Diana, and that he has to help “train” her to survive it. The difference is Nan’s V was less sure of his ability to help her whereas your V is more proactive. Further, your V and D feel like adults dealing with their own, independent issues while still supporting each other while Nan’s V and D have intertwined their issues almost irrevocably. Fascinating dynamic for both. 
Elliot reached out and grasped his arm. Strange, that this man could do what he could not. He felt genuine affection from the man before him. Elliot’s back! And he carefully quoted Cathy’s poem-- perfect characterization, I might add-- while getting the cadence wrong. 
Cathy insisting Vincent be the light now… Cathy, that’s so sweet. 
"Okay, enough of that, buster.” EYYYYYYYYYYYYYY, I know that reference! 
The dreaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam I loved it. So, so BATB. (As a side note, my heart did weird flips when Diana called Jacob “peanut.”) 
Diana hitting upon a revelation almost in relief while Vincent feels like dying up against the wall: heavy themes and incidental comedy, my jam. 
A quiet voice in his head took that moment to remind him she'd dropped her arm, that escape would be easier now. But a second, more insistent voice wanted to stay, to hear her out, because what she was saying wasn't so awful, after all. I’m eating this up with a SPOON, I tell you.  
She seemed content to leave things as they'd left them and he wasn't especially anxious to bring it up, either. Another slight difference: your Diana is content to shuffle on, Nan’s Diana pushes things through. I like both-- a lot. 
"Do you want to tell me about it?" he asked. He watched as she succumbed to a huge yawn, her jaw popping with the effort. "Nope. But you can scooch over," she said. "I'm sorry?" "Scoot over a little bit, gimme some room…" I love how… normal, for lack of a better word, Diana is about this. Scoot over I need comfort, doesn’t agonize, gets what she needs. (Can you tell I’m sort of obsessed with this story?) You described it best: “so casually.” Peeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerfect. 
I did manage to tell Sis about I knew he was nothing more than a puritan in socialist's clothing (which is an amazing line-- tickled me to death), and she said she’d love/be absolutely “down” for “fights” between Diana and Father over mundane issues: “Just for fun, slice-of-life fluff.” 
I adore V and D’s conversation back in her apartment-- and this was a great touch: She trailed off and glared at him helplessly. "What's the word I'm looking for here, Vincent? Help me out." "Vigilant?" he suggested. Diana snapped her fingers. "Yes! Vigilant….”"Oh, it registers, Diana; and you, more than anyone else, is able to get through. But I am vigilant because I must be. It's the only way I can protect those I… those I love." They exchanged cautious looks…. Finally, she lifted a hand and rested it on the pale, bare skin below the hollow of her throat…."Well," she said, after what felt like an eternity, "We got that going for us, anyway. It's a start…” Superb.
I really (and I'm not just saying really to say really), really adore your voice for Vincent, for Diana, for Elliot, for Father, for Jacob, for everyone. Enjoying myself to the fullest, and I'm only a chapter in.
Will be back with more thoughts in the future. :DDDD
I cannot tell you how thrilled I am that you've begun TPOB. And you're liking it! That's the best part. 😊 I'm just basking in the rarity of this kind of feedback, because writing fic for such a small subset of the BATB fandom often feels like screaming into the void. So, thanks for hearing me.
A bit more below the cut...
Diana is my reflection, Father. And where Catherine was my light, she is my mirror." That... that is so true. Wow. I will always think of the two relationships in this way, now.
That's high praise, thank you.
Further, your V and D feel like adults dealing with their own, independent issues while still supporting each other while Nan’s V and D have intertwined their issues almost irrevocably. Fascinating dynamic for both. 
This is something I hadn't considered before, but I think you nailed the differences between my V & D and how Nan portrayed them. Nan saw them more, I think, as two halves of a whole, requiring the other person to fill in those missing pieces in themselves, whereas I've always seen them as very much their own entities, complete, who are drawn to each other because of who each of them are *already*. Does that make sense?
Elliot’s back! And he carefully quoted Cathy’s poem-- perfect characterization, I might add-- while getting the cadence wrong. 
I have to admit, Vincent's gentle rebuke, "Although... your cadence could use some work," is one of my favorite lines of anything I've written. I don't know why, it just is.
I did manage to tell Sis about I knew he was nothing more than a puritan in socialist's clothing (which is an amazing line-- tickled me to death), and she said she’d love/be absolutely “down” for “fights” between Diana and Father over mundane issues: “Just for fun, slice-of-life fluff.” 
Okay, another one of my fav lines! I'm glad you both liked it. I can't say that D & F "fight" in more scenes to come, but they definitely knock heads, and bounce off each other in a way I found a blast to write. The same with the Elliot and Diana scenes to come. Theirs is another dynamic I loved exploring.
I'm so happy you're liking it so far! You've given me a boost I didn't even know I needed. Looking forward to more discussion once you've dug in deeper. 🥰
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anoverflowingsea · 2 years
i don't know why i feel so shameful when i make mistakes
the magnitude is much worse when i've personally wronged the people i love more than mistakes that only involve myself
even after i cleared the air and the sediments have been settled, the words still burn violently when my mind recalls. but that is my burden to carry as the consequences to my actions
maybe it's the years of holding myself to perfection and the self-inflicted standard
the years of not really having external conflicts with people and people rarely having negative impressions of me
do i naively live in a bubble of minimal pain?
i have this thing about when i drive, where i can't allow myself to get too cocky/confident. because at the end of the day, no matter how much experience i have, cars have so much more power over humans so you have to always be careful. they are also so expensive to maintain if you fuck something up. like to humble myself i constantly tell myself, "you have to be careful, what if you got in an accident today?"
and i tend to do a similar thing socially. when i allow myself to relax, my personality sometimes become much bigger than myself that i make over exaggerated statements. i catch myself apologizing afterwards when i'm wrong. and i have to remind myself, "you need to be considerate, what if you hurt people?"
i have the worst habit of overassumptions and overstepping. trying to finish people's sentences for them because i think i know what they're gunna say before they say it. cutting people off in conversations. butting into other people's business because of familiarity. it may sound cute in the moment, but it is quite rude.
i catch myself reiterating all these grey moments in my mind after the fact.
maybe that's why it's so hard for me to believe in achieving greatness. i am so convinced of balance that i cannot believe something that great can happen to me that will cause my karma to be that off-kilter. i haven't felt like i have had a proud moment for myself since my early years of childhood. people say "you don't know how good you've had it until you lose it," and i've come to learn that maybe my tolerable days where the ache in my chest doesn't feel so bad are actually the good ones and my bad days are just the balance of that.
there's a whiteboard in the hallway at my job that's filled with motivational quotes to i guess get you through the work day or make you pursue your dreams and i can't help but laugh everytime i pass by it. is it nihilism? i refuse to believe i have become so. maybe it's just cynicism. hard work does not seem like worth the sacrifice. and i do not even say this out of laziness, but moreso if your sacrifice becomes the ultimate sacrifice, i am not strong enough to put myself through that, especially if you are just a cog within a machine that seeps the life out of you in order to profit.
i wish i can say i wish i could be free, but free is worse than this. because free would be living in the naivete that everything inside of me is correct when that isn't true. i do not want to live in this world like that. this world is already too ego-driven. i already deal with too many people who will never back down to become one of them.
but sometimes i wish i do not have to be so self-aware. it'd certainly hurt less.
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11/2/2022 DAB Chronological Transcription
Luke 18:15-19:48
Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible Chronological, I'm China. Today is the second day of November, welcome. It is so great to be here with you today. Today we are going to be in the book of Luke. We are in chapter 18, starting in verse 15, going to chapter 19, verse 48. And we are in the English Standard Version for this week.
So, today we read Luke's standpoint, his writings, his words of what we have read already and slightly different flavors, slightly different details. But the gist of what we are reading is the same. Again, we are entering into what we call as Holy Week. And what's so interesting is I can't super think of any way to relate this, but could you imagine knowing that you're about to die and you're like trying to tie things up, like you're trying to tie up all of your quote, loose ends, you're trying to make sure that everything's good and you're trying to say everything that you feel that the Lord is giving you to say. And Jesus seems to be operating still in peace. He's not in chaos, he's not in anxiety. He is just in perfect peace. And that's incredible. I don't think I would have that if I knew what was about to happen in just a week's time or really at the end of this week. And so he's still trying to reveal to the disciples what is going to happen. And we kind of unpacked this yesterday. So it's kind of a little bit of redundancy, but we do read the story of Zacchaeus. And in my head, I definitely sing that song that we would sing in Sunday school, which is fun. It's a good story. It's just kind of like reiterating the point that Jesus chose to be with people. He chose his ministry to be with people that we as Christians, as the capital C Church, really try to avoid and that we judge that we have a negative opinion on that there's all these stones that we're throwing and this is who Jesus was constantly approaching. This is who he wanted to spend his time with. He tells Zacchaeus, hey I'm coming over. We're doing it for lunch. I'm kind of hungry. Do you have a place for me to take a nap? He doesn't say any of that, but like, I'm coming to your house. And Zacchaeus seems that he is in a heart posture to just confess his sins, really. He's like, I will make my wrongs right and I will go and sin no more. And Jesus is like, great salvation has come to this house since he is also a son of Abraham, for the son of man came to seek and to save the lost. So again, Jesus is revealing he didn't come to have fancy dinners with people of the temple, people of the law, people who that would have made sense that people were expecting. Instead, he has come to serve and to save the lost. And he made the comment of hospitals aren't for the well, they're for the sick. And so I again, am just moved by the character of Jesus and also convicted and just thinking, man, I think we've overcomplicated some things that Jesus was very clear and very simple on and also just very aware that it's not up to us to change someone. That's the Holy Spirit, that's the work of the Father, right? That's not on us. Our job is to love. Like, there's been commandments to love one another as we love ourselves. And I feel like that is such a good thing to break down. Maybe not today, but just the understanding, the concept of what it really even means to love ourselves. And we may not be able to love a neighbor very well because we're not loving ourselves well. And we're not even fully aware of the concept of how God loves us. We're not believing that he loves us. And it's kind of how one you know, we need the dominoes to all be standing up for them all to flow. But if one's out and there's a gap, like, flow is not happening. So I don't know how that got brought up, but that's the commandments of Jesus. And when I read that scripture of Zacchaeus, it just reminded me again of like, man, I think the things that we've made the big deal or the people that we have said, these are the outcasts, or these are the people we don't associate with, there's a discernment in that because I do believe who you spend your time with. If you're like, I'm going to go minister to clubs and like things that could easily pull you in, then you got to make sure, like, you're really feeling called to that. You've got to make sure that you have accountability. You got to make sure that you're going with a gameplay. You need to have wisdom, you need to have discernment because Jesus wasn't tempted by those things. But also, I don't know that there was modern day clubs in Israel. I'm trying to make a point. Maybe I'm making sense, maybe not, but use discernment with that regardless. I'm just going to put that disclaimer out there. But I'm hoping my heart is heard in this. Where the things that we have made the problem or just like the no, I don't got to worry about that. It's actually what Jesus calls us to. He calls us to take care of the widows and the orphans. He calls us to love on those who really to love on those around us as our neighbor, as ourselves. And so if we're going to take care of ourselves, then we got to take care of our neighbors and then also just praying for those who persecute us. All of these things that Jesus is saying are so good. And I'm like, man, we really claim to follow Jesus, right? We are claiming christ. We are claiming Him as our salvation, as our Lord. But what in the world where our actions are, are we following his commandments? Are we keeping his commandments? Do we even know his commandments? And are we putting them into play? Are we even considering them? And I think that's the thing that gets kind of trippy, not tricky trippy like as in we trip up on it a lot is we forget. And because we don't know God's Word, we assume what his heart would be. We would assume that he wouldn't care for these people or we just don't even really know the character of God because we don't know His Word. We're not spending time with Him. We don't hear his voice. We're far away all these things when in reality, if we read His Word, we would know.
And so, God, I just thank you again for your word. And I thank you that even this year the Word has been seek. And I thank you that you have shown us that it's safe to trust you. When we seek you, we find you. And Jesus, I thank you that these people that you have highlighted where it is low class society or the least of these or whatever title that it would fit into, how it would translate to today, God, I pray that our hearts would be moved to care for them. And God, there's so many different ways that we can care for people and I just pray that you would place it on our hearts, move our hearts in the direction that it should go. And I pray that we would be people that bear good fruit and that we would have endurance and that we would truly do it not for satisfaction. Not for a pat on the back. Not for a recognition. Not for an article being shared about us. But we would do it knowing that it brings you glory and brings you honor and that we are being obedient to the things that you commanded us to do. And so I pray this in Your name we pray, amen.
Dailyaudiobible.com is our website. That's a place of connections where you can see what's happening here in the community, how to get connected and stay connected. So be sure to check that out. You can also go to Facebook.com/dailyaudiobiblechronological and you can also get further connected through community. You can put a name to the face that you may be praying over or someone that has prayed over you. So be sure to use that as much or as little as you would like. If you have any prayer requests and things that we as a community can call in and pray over you, or if you hear someone's prayer and you want to call and pray with them, you can do so at 800-583-2164. And if you listen to the app, you can also record your prayers and they get sent in and played at the end of every day's podcast. That is all for today. I'm China. I love you. And I'll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Community Prayer Line
Hi guys, it's Kate calling in. I'd like to pray for Tilly. Sir, I heard your prayer request, I think two times and I expect you to call them. The first time it was really on my heart. But sir, I've been paying for you regarding the heart rhythms and all the procedures that you've had and how exhausting that is. And to make a person very weary because it's chronic and outside of the Lord completely taking charge and healing supernaturally. We have the medical system and we have father, I lift up Tilly to you and ask you to comfort him in so many ways, his literal heart and his mind and his spirit. Just give him a father. So hard having a chronic anything chronic just all the time and sometimes worse. It is, as you know. So I do ask you to heal him. Whatever means you choose will give you the glory for that. And in the meantime, we will give you the glory for sustaining him as he deals with this affliction and exhaustion. Just Tilly. We are pulling for you, Father. Thank you that you are too, that you care for him and every thing he goes through, every thought, every feeling, difficult or emotional. Anyway, I thank you, Jared, and I ask you to heal in Jesus name. Amen.
Hi, this is Unashamed of the Gospel calling in from Pennsylvania. I was asking for one to ask for prayer for my wife who is pregnant. We have had two stillborn sons and multiple miscarriages. She goes for her twelve week checkup on November 3. Just praying for good results for that scan and a healthy pregnancy. Scary situation for us having so many miscarriages and still births. The doctors have said there's no reason why we can't have a healthy baby. So just prayers for a healthy pregnancy and a healthy wife. Thanks and have a great day.
Good morning. DABC Community. My name is Jonathan Noahabwand. I'm calling in from Uganda. This is Master Kenya listening in. I'm just super excited about how the Bible has transformed my life. I didn't know how to read the Bible had moved on so many years knowing God. But I wasn't listening, I wasn't reading the Bible at all. When the oversmic recommended me to this, I was excited. I was fascinated with what the Bible could do in my life. It really transformed me. I want to pray for you. When you had those policy, I began praying for you because I was really scared he's going to read the Bible now for us. And I'm glad God is using you and you getting better. That's what I think that you could the community could pray for me. I don't know. I didn't know. I was struggling with anxiety, fear of what I could do next. What if we can hold for me or when I read in yesterday when God was saying we don't need to worry about what to eat, what to drink, what to do next, but we got to seek the kingdom parts and all should be added. I'm learning to lean on his understanding. I love you all. Thank you.
Hi, this is Victoria Soldier, just calling to pray for some of the DABbers. I want to pray for Chastity and her son. I also want to pray for the fire. I want to also pray for Diane Olive Brown and Jeff and their blessing. And also want to pray for under construction you're going through with a family house. I pray that your desire is in the heart for you and your mom, that God will work a miracle and that you all get to keep your land of your family, that God can open doors that no man can close, that the memories will still be in your heart and that together God can bring about a food that is unbreakable. Father, we just ask you to have your weight. You bless family home. Father, in the name of Jesus you can do anything but fair lord, you help them to see what you want them to see. In the name of Jesus you bless. Lord, you blessed and her son. Lord, you have your way. Father, in the name of Jesus, you protect and you guide and you keep in your direct lord, you have your way. In the name of Jesus you touch that family, lord, you guide them and you protect them. Father, in the name of Jesus you bless that son, you bless those that are going through in their family. Lord, you bless those families, you blessing the healed. Lord, you deliver and set the captive free in the muddy name of Jesus and Lord we give you the glory and the honor and the praise in Jesus name. Have a good day. Have a greater.
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jaggedwolf · 2 months
pll rewatch 2x06
it's time for a fashion show! (and hairspray. so much hairspray.)
In this discussion of Ian not being Ali’s murderer, Spencer would like everyone to remember that he still did try to kill her
Hanna calls Ezra “Ezra”, in the previous episode Emily called him “Fitz”, might pay attention to when Emily switches to “Ezra”
Spencer: I was always a romantic, under a thin veneer of pragmatism and few shockingly bad choices
I’ve always loved that quote as a self-aware summation of Spencer, but I’d forgotten it was said this early or so casually, in the middle of getting her friends to help her fold fashion show programs and being excited that they all! have! SOs!
Jason says Ali lived for this fashion show and we will never hear about the fashion show again, I do not think Jason knew his sister
Spencer is so horny re:kissing Toby, I am recalling the canonical order of when each liar gets to have sex for first time and chuckling
Spencer’s dad greets her with “Hey, champ”. Sometimes Spencer is so sportsball son-coded with him.
You know, out of all the Bad Dads on this show, Peter Hastings might be the more fun one. And there’s a real undercurrent of affection between him and Spence that I get. 
Speaking of fathers, Emily interrupts Pam giggling on the phone with Wayne (right outside Emily’s bedroom!) about how they totally had sex in Texas because she wants to him to look at her school essay before she submits it. I wonder if she’s always asked him or if it’s something they started doing when he got deployed. 
Who the fuck is in Jason’s house??? I’m going to be surprised by this ig
Jessica DiLaurentis’s lunch features an Alison flashback where she does the classic flashback one-two to Em and Hanna. (“Em tell me I’m hot” / “Hanna you are fat”)
Do you think Spencer puts “fashion show” next to “almost dying” on her resume?
I bet Spencer was MIA but I also bet Mona did not cc her on any of the relevant emails
Ella wins some good parent points with me by telling Aria that hey, if wearing Ali’s dress and looking through pictures of her is too much, she can tell Ali’s mom to fuck off
Ella immediately loses all those points and then some, because when her daughter tells her that some guy she knows blacked out for an entire night, maybe did something bad, and that her friends think it’s really convenient he doesn’t remember anything, Ella is not alarmed by this at all. I would have sirens going off in my head, that sounds so bad.
Toby is here to be a sweet boy building things while Spencer rants to him and I am completely okay with that. 
Poor Emily. She wants to sanity-check Samara flirting with Quinn right in front of her, but Hanna is too in her dad and Caleb feelings to care. Aria does not even notice anything wrong. I bet Aria’s like, that’s just how friends are, given her random slapping of Spencer’s butt while they share a runway later
Where is Spencer to defend Emily's honor in a relationship when you need her
Mom drink session! Ella and Ashley and Pam and some wine!
Intriguing to me that Pam asks Ashley to lodge Emily and not Ella. Pam is the most conservative parent but I bet she sees the Ashley single-mom household as Tom being the one to have fucked up, Ashley is more supervisory than Ella, and Ella let her kid dye her hair
Pam held on to that comment about the dyed hair for a year.
Over that messed up memorial video
A sort of goes back and forth on whether they are speaking from Ali's PoV, yeah?
I really like it when Emily gets jealous, she’s so funny when she pretends not to be because it comes out as snark
Also like Emily asking her mom about whether Wayne and her were exclusive when they dated, despite the obviousness of the answer. Samara is a nonentity but I think a fine mechanism for Emily and Pam to build a closer relationship
Emily says “till summer vacation” and “till the semester ends” at different times this episode about her staying in Rosewood and those are different times because we’re still in the first semester, yeah??
I would be less judgy about Pam ditching her kid if it was more marriage problems with Wayne than mere “I miss him.” Though Pam would not tell Emily if there were marriage problems so maybe that is what’s going on.
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singsthecagelessbird · 6 months
February 15, 2023
Today, I learnt a new word: "superficial." It’s a really cool word. I always thought, in my ignorance, that it describes grandeur, invincibility, and power. I think I might have described myself as superficial once. It is so embarrassing. The word, when used on people, means “shallow,” just insipid. I thought about it on my way home, and I said to myself, all this knowledge in your big head is just superficial. That was the clue; you need to attain depth.
As I’m writing this, I’m very afraid. I am afraid of what I may become and I’m very afraid of not becoming that also. It’s a crazy predicament I have lived with for a very long time. I’m very smart, but I didn’t see this; I could never understand this. Why? I am afraid, I’m very afraid. Is it because I dream big and think it’s just not possible? My foresight doesn’t provide enough possibilities to pursue this madness. I question the dream, I doubt the dream, I doubt myself; I’m afraid that it’s not possible. The possibility of it still scares the hell out of me. A paradox, I tell you. I don’t want to write it down. Why? Is it because I know that it will have to materialize and it’s my responsibility? I am afraid, I am afraid of ME.
Selfish, controlling, clueless, confused, stubborn, nobody. That’s not me, at least stubborn yes, but I am not all these things. I am much more than that. Sometimes I think the heavens mistakenly gave a pretty face a smart brain, but the heavens don’t make mistakes, right? It was intentional, it was for a greater purpose, something bigger than me, and I know it. It doesn’t matter how much I deny it, it keeps calling. I know there is a ME inside this body that is fashioned for greatness and abundance. There is a ME inside this body that has to create MAGIC.
I want to influence. I love this other quote by Steve Jobs, he said: “the ones who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.” I learned quoting today from this other journalism manual I’m reading; I hope I did it right. Why this quote? Because Gasethata always dreamed of changing the world. From a young age she only dreamed of conquering herself, her environment, and shepherding the world to blissful madness. I want to change the world. When I close my eyes, I imagine myself speaking to people. I saw Oprah on TV once, and I thought this is what I want to do for my entire life: JUST SPEAK.
I never got this one right, until recently. Well, if I persisted in getting it wrong, I would have become a preacher at my local church, not bad for the daughter of a church leader, hey? Was it preaching I loved, or what I preached about that I loved? That’s when I discovered psychology because I realized it’s the power of the mind that I’m interested in. With this, I can learn psychoanalysis, behaviorism, and I can tell people about the power they possess, the God-given power to create magic and command the universe. I always knew there was more to life than this mediocrity that we call order.
I started working in a school; as a smart student, I always thought common sense was very common. I encountered quite the opposite; I went home one day and cried, my students couldn’t get the simple things and it wasn’t because they were dumb; somebody just stunted their growth and now they couldn’t think, they were not even remotely aware of the power they had. How many more kids? I was determined to make a difference; well, the year before I had miraculously managed to follow Habakkuk 2 vs. 2, I wrote down my dream. I wanted to have a school where kids are going to learn stuff that matters, DREAMS, THINKING, LITERATURE, HISTORY. I was going to call it HOUSE OF DREAMS. Oh, I’d offer dance classes too. The heavens work in mysterious ways; I wrote this down, and the following year, I worked in a school. I didn’t see that. But I did teach those kids how to think like pros, at least that I did well.
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