#i am def trying new things with my style
bulletsxlattes · 1 year
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Some more jay&tim practice.
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justin-chapmanswers · 20 days
Sorry if this is a bit rude, but how do you consider yourself as he/they or they/he? I am questioning my sexuality and gender at the moment and seeing you (idk if ur lgbt) makes me find comfort, if you can, how did you realise you were not straight and how I can find mine! :3
Oh golly uh. Let's see if I can keep this short and then bury it under other answers. <3
Labels are fun cause they're so funky and ever-changing as you learn more about yourself. So, firstly, don't stress about finding something so perfect right away and bounding yourself to it. You're still you, any way you word it.
Gender-wise I'm in a state of def preferring they but being chill enough with he. Like whateverrrrr. It's hard to get around societal norms and perceptions, so my expectations are calibrated accordingly. I of course feel that for people who feel more strongly about a specific label, it's important to fight for it to be recognized whenever you're in a safe-enough environment to do-so. But for me, the concept of pushing for a specific label or, even more-so, of seeing other people pushing others to use a specific label for me is veryyyy anxiety-inducing. I tend to avoid spotlight when possible. But at the same time, a lot of it just comes down to not wanting to be grouped/perceived gender-ly at all. I tend to use the label agender. But I'm sure a lot of people have similar experiences with different labels. I just, ya'know, wanna be me.
Gender exploration is funnnn. There's no one right way to learning about yourself. Some people know from a young age, almost inherently, some people figure things out a lot later. It's never too late. Some people learn with outfits and styles, some with looking to people/characters who they want to be perceived more-like, some with experimenting through new names/pronouns and feeling-out how being called different things makes them feel. If you have friends you feel safe around with all of this, on or offline, can't hurt to say "hey would ya mind calling me x-name or y-pronoun for a bit?" And if you don't like it, you don't need to stick with it. But really be cognizant of it feels right to you.
Then on the romantic orientation side, that's been a much longer journey haha. I was calling myself straight through middle schooler, bi for a bit in early high school, gay starting in later high school, then for a long while. Nowadays I just say queer. Labels make things easier, until they don’t haha. For me, if you imagine a scale of feminity to masculinity with like little pegs running down the line from 0 to 10, with 5 in the middle, I tend to find myself attracted to people in like the 4 to 8 range? Something like that. But even that's not perfectly consistent! There's never going to be a perfect word for everything. That's why I like queer as an umbrella term. It's also just a cute word, I don't make the rules.
Hence earlier when I mentioned that you should just feel free to keep it open and not close yourself off. Maybe nothing'll change, but what if something does? But of course, I assume you're asking from more of a place of just starting this journey. I'm trying to get my mind back to where I started with that. I think the first time the not-straight realization hit was when a friend of mine didn't show up to an event and I was all like "why am I so miserably sad that he wasn't there?" And then a lightbulb appeared over my head and out-loud I said "aw damnit." And then things have been weird and confusing ever since.
But in terms of giving advice, it's hard to not just be like "uhh idk just hang out with people that makes you feel gooey." But obviously it's more complicated than that. A decade ago, I was taking random "am I gay" tests online. But they're kinda silly cause the questions on those would ask me to fill in information about how I feel, but how am you supposed to know how I feel without the test telling me how I feel??????? So realistically, I'd advise private journaling. Just take some time, even five minutes. Start now. Write out who you are drawn to, in any sense, and how they make you feel. Especially if you're like me and have trouble self-reflecting unless I force myself to. Like. In a Tumblr post.
There's so many ways to explore. It's also nice to look at relationships in life and media and seeing if you connect to any relationship or long to fit into someone's place within a relationship. That's why representation matters, baybeeeee! But also, ya'know, talking to people goes a long way to learning about yourself. Trial 'n error let's gooooo.
And above all: you got this.
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padawansuggest · 2 months
I don’t have anything against a mullet but I’m so fucking angry right now and you guys need to stop. You don’t KNOW what a mullet is and you’re insulting them by constantly saying Obi-Wan ever had one.
A mullet is a specific hairstyle where you cut the top of the head into a short style, while letting the back grow long. Obi-Wan never had that. He literally didn’t. He just hadn’t had a haircut in a long ass time. ‘Oh but the back was def longer’ IT WASNT YOU JUST HAVE BAD EYESIGHT AND COULDNT SEE THE LAYERS THAT SHOW THE HAIR IS ALL GROWING AT THE SAME LENGTH AS THE TOP OF HIS HEAD
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Here we can see that the top of his head has hair about 3 inches long (guesstimate, but my guess is also that all of it’s the same length so that doesn’t change much I promise) which means if I’m right, it should all be only about 3 inches in the back as well.
‘But Bam, it’s clearly all down to his shoulders in the back-‘ it’s not. Sit it’s really not. Thing is????? Copper hair is a light hair colour, and it blends into itself very well. This is good because it acts as it’s own highlight so it can hide any layering you have done to thin it or make it look fuller than it is.
He has THIN hair. He has a full head of it, don’t get me wrong, but that is THIN hair. I am the queen of hating long hair and getting short cuts and having hair so thin you can see the light through it even from a distance like in the first pic over his left shoulder.
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If you zoom into the second pic these are the layers you can see. You can see these little long wisps that come to a curling point, and guess what!! That’s a new layer!
Also his hair is a natural wave, which means if you look you can def find them because naturally wavy hair will try and ( against your head at the end.
He doesn’t have a mullet. You don’t know what a mullet is. You haven’t lived that life so stop saying it’s a mullet, he just hasn’t had a haircut in a while. You are insulting mullets by saying this is a mullet. I have nothing against mullets I love them, but stop.
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struwberrii · 5 days
semi headcanons ⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪
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here are some random general headcanons for semi eita my underrated king :3 (also pls it’s actually so hard to read this guys personality BEAR WITH ME!!)
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look at this man and tell me he doesn’t play guitar
his notes app is literally filled with random lyrics and guitar riffs
also i can imagine him having a mac book and his photo booth app is just vids of him covering songs and playing guitar
it’s canon that tendou thinks his style kinda sucks so i imagine him just owning some of the most horrendous graphic t-shirts
likes taking walks in wooded areas and just listening to music and getting lost in thought
i feel like he would be the type of guy to make every conversation with someone he doesn’t rlly know too well super awkward
like the type of guy to say “you too!” when a server say enjoy your food
he gives me middle child vibes and i feel like he’d have an older brother who introduced him to cool bands and guitar
probably the type of guy to randomly get super philosophical
i feel like he’d be super gullible on certain topics too, like he probably believed a lot of those dumb internet shams for an absurd amount of time
would def judge your music taste silently then try to put you onto his favs
always in a bad mood/irritated but the second someone compliments him or is nice to him he’s wagging his tail
movie fanatic, he has seen every movie on the planet
i also feel like he’s 2011 older brother core, ykwim?
failing in school and knows he’s gonna have a hard time if he doesn’t get it together but has no motivation
beat up doc marten boots wearer
i honestly feel like he’d be kinda rude unintentionally and then be confused as to why people are calling him mean
also it’s canon that he’s in the lowest class at shiratorizawa so you already KNOW he’s a scholarship boy because no way he got in for those grades 😭😭😭
probably goes to the gym like twice a week because he forgets
spends literally 3 hours to do the simplest homework because every little thing distracts him
always smells like musky apples or rotten fruit for some reason
genuinely a chill person to be around if you understand his humor
pretends to play drums with his pencils on his desk
will stop talking mid conversation if he thinks of a good song lyric to write down
i feel like he would think he’s really deep and wise but he’s actually just kind of clueless 😭
mario kart champ
definitely the type of guy to get easily talked into doing stupid things like ufo hunting at 2 am on a school day
i actually imagine him to have a really deep and smooth singing voice (i could actually write a whole drabble abt band au semi)
probably has the worst diet ever, bro is eating leftover pizza for breakfast lunch dinner AND snacks
always thinking about his future but never doing anything to better his situation
has the comfiest sweaters but you’ll have to ignore the holes and questionable stains in weird places
type of guy to ruin your concert videos because his singing is so bad and off key
i also feel like his room would be really weirdly decorated, like he’d have a stolen stop sign up as decoration and then like holes punched in his walls and missing light bulbs
always has a lighter on him for some reason
also always has a headache
i feel like he’d also have a lot of instagram followers for some reason, like a couple thousand and he doesn’t even really post anything
the type of guy to constantly be thinking about how he could be doing better/more when his friends share good news and accomplishments with him
i feel like he’d have a pet lizard or frog yk :]
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pixelatedraindrops · 7 months
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Hello everyone!! Today I grow a year older :3 (and I hate it lmao) FEEL FREE TO REPLY BIRTHDAY WISHES IF YOU WANT :3
So, over the time I've come back here, I've become pretty confident and proud of my once hidden passion about sick characters, sickfics and sick comfort/whump... 🌡️
And you all have been so supportive and sweet despite my weirdness so I thank you for that. You helped me feel more confident in my otherwise weird fixation <3 So, for my birthday I thought I'd try and make up a little drawing challenge for anyone who wants to give it a try... There are soo many talented artists on this site (and in this fandom)
So... It's your turn to target your faves now. You will see how fun it is and hopefully understand why I love doing it so much. 😈🌡️
(plus it's my birthday and I require some sustenance LMAO JKJK)
But yeah anyone can join in. This is just for fun though! You don't have to if you don't want to! I think its okay to ask for some food on my birthday though...right?? X'D So if you wanna do sth for my birthday...then... 👉👈 💦
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(Mmmmkay, I am lying to myself when I say this isn't mostly aimed at the RainCode community... X'D Can't help myself. But anyone can join regardless of the fandom!!)
So here's the challenge and the rules!! (featuring my two main lil targets ofc :3)
Regardless of who it is, put your fave through some sickness hell >:3c I'd love to see it! Make em' as miserable as you want!
destroy them 😈 jkjk XD
If you're in the RainCode community you can target anyone, but as you know, my main targets are Yuma and Makoto. If they're also your faves and who you decide to use, that will make me extra happy!
Some tips for anyone new to drawing a sick day scenario art. A few things that make it look convincing are the following:
Pajamas or Loungewear
Messy Bed Hair
Fever flushed face w sweat or at least a red nose
Tired Eye bags
Shivery body
Ice Pack or a Compress on the head
Thermometer sticking from their mouth
Tissues or medicine surrounding them
Tea or Soup (or both)
Those are just to name some from the top of my head. If you'd like some pointers on how to make a character look ill, check out my Fever Coloring Guide. This is for digital artists but traditional artists can try it too!
You can add injury or angst to the scene but I'd like illness to be the main focus of it.
The scene can be anything you want to, it can be fluffy and wholesome (with a caretaker) it can be angsty, or it can be silly. Its all up to you! Do it for the sake of fluff! Caretaking scenes are the best for any kind of relationship >w<
Either way, have fun with it!! I look forward to see what people make if they decide to give it a try! It doesn't even have to be a full on picture! Doodles and sketches are fine too! Just show me something >w<
(feel free to tag me and say happy b-day and mention my challenge, I am proud to be known for this and would love for many to participate :3) I wanna see you take a go at it :3 Show me your style! :D
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(wow look at me misspelling the word writing on text when I did it fine with my own hands lol)
Now, I know not everyone can draw...
Well never fear! I accept writing as well! ✍️✍️✍️
(hi vivia lol sorry for giving you a cold, at least you have an excuse to read and do nothing now haha x3)
Sickfics are one of the biggest things I live for! Any little drabbles or full fics with more than one chapter are welcome! Again target who you want any fandom you want, but I'll def be super happy if you make a RainCode fic. And even happier if you target my faves as well, but again, anything will do! Just make a cute story about your fave being miserable and being tended to! Trust me, it's super fun!
You can add injury or angst to the scene but I'd like illness to be the main focus of it.
Feel free to post your writing here and tag me or mention my AO3!
If you need a start to your fic, look on my blog for illness prompts! Maybe it can help give you a good start or give some inspiration! (thats why I share 'em :3)
I look forward to anything you try to write!
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That's about all!! I hope you decide to participate! ✨
Good luck, have fun, and godspeed you future whumpers! 😈
(nah jk XD)
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Hello friends! It’s been a minute, I hope the summer has been treating you well. We have been busy with summer camps, playdates with friends, lots of gardening, cooking, and trying your stay cool in this San Diego humidity and heat, which as a native I never remember the weather being this hot or humid EVER growing up here as a kid! 
On the music front, there is much to be excited for on the horizon. For starters, I just released a beautiful collaboration track, Bobby My Friend, with an artist by the name of Leo Prakash. We met down at Playa Del Carmen, last December at a Wanderlust Palmaia. Leo was there for the week accompanying the yoga classes with live music and i was sitting in for a song, during the end of my friend Schuyler Grants yoga class, for Shavasana. Leo is an insanely talented multi-instrumentalist from Mexico, but grew up part of his childhood living in an Ashram in France. I was immediately captivated with his Sitar playing. We ended up chatting after class, and exchanging info with the hopes of doing a collaboration in the future. He ended up sending me this beautiful song for his friend, the late Bobby Klein, and asked me if I would like to accompany him on it. I loved this song from the beginning, and it was also a much different style than anything I have previously done before. The song was just released a couple weeks ago, give it a listen, I love it so much. 
Aside from that, I have some other exciting collabs coming out, as well as the new music I have been working on over the past 2-3 years co-written and produced by my friend (AND no biggie, one of my fav artists of all time!!!!), Trevor Hall. The first song of that project is set to drop at the end of this month. Stay tuned for deets and links coming soon! And definitely make sure you are following along on IG where I post the most, as well as following my artist profile on Spotify if you listen there, the song will also be released everywhere else music is available. I am so excited to share this new music with you all, it’s def a been a bit of an experimental sound and journey for me. But it has also re-awakened my creative process and flow. It feels unbound and intuitive and that in itself is exciting and inspiring. 
I will keep it at that for now, many of you have expressed your fondness for the days when I wrote my Tumblr posts, so I will try to do more of that! These days are a lot different from the ones when we were in our 20’s, i was on tour, single, free and wild! But if you have any questions or topics you would like me to touch on, I would love to be sharing things that might be helpful and useful. I took a step back from social media for the last couple years, because I realize how bombarded i/we are everyday with unwanted thoughts, opinions, and just all kids of stuff flying our way. I would really love to be sharing things that nourish and support this community and inspire a loving, kind, but also keep it real kind of connection. Life seems to get so much busier in the 40’s! So if you have any thoughts on that, please let me know! 
Sending love to all! Also, if you have reached out to get a bracelet and I haven’t responded, it’s because I literally haven’t had a moment to myself all summer with my kiddo not wanting to go to camp! Lol. I am planning to do another batch that will ship in September. I will email soon or email me again at [email protected]
As always thank you for being here! Big love - 💗
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soracities · 1 year
hey mim! i don't have really any poetry books at my house but ive been wanting to get a few. do you have any suggestions or ideas for what i should get? i don't have that much to spend so it'll only be a few books, and because it's a few im wondering if you have any favorites or anything you consider essential to have. asking because you have really excellent taste and i personally mostly read indivual poems (by usually really never the same author) rather than any sort of collections or whatever.
hello anon 🌹
I think if you can tell me which of the poems you've read that you've loved the most I can help a bit more but otherwise, if you are prone to reading individual poems more so than a single collection, then a poetry anthology is a v good thing to have at hand! Ones I've really enjoyed are A Book of Luminous Things: An International Anthology of Poetry (ed by Czeslaw Milosz whom I love), The Ecco Anthology of International Poetry (ed. Ilya Kaminsky whom I also adore) and Staying Alive: Unreal Poems for Unreal Times--the latter is part of a trilogy which includes Being Alive and Staying Human, as well as a fourth volume which brings together different poems from the three books, and might be a good way to experience the trilogy if you're on a budget!
Otherwise I don't have essentials, only ones that have really spoken to me--this may be different for you so I would def recommend testing the waters a little by finding some poems from the following poets online--I've probably posted a fair amount of them on my blog, too, I think--and see how you feel about them. In any case, some collections I've really enjoyed were: What the Living Do by Marie Howe, Sonnets and Elegies by Rilke, The Half-Finished Heaven by Tomas Tranströmer, Poppies in July by Sujata Bhatt, Devotions / Felicity by Mary Oliver, Bright Dead Things by Ada Limón, View with a Grain of Sand by Wislawa Szymborska, Concerning the Book That is the Body of the Beloved by Gregory Orr, Tell me / What is This Thing Called Love by Kim Addonzio, Deaf Republic by Ilya Kaminsky, A Tree Within / A Tale of Two Gardens by Octavio Paz, Almond Blossoms and Beyond / Memory for Forgetfulness: August, Beirut, 1982 (Mahmoud Darwish), Selected Poems by Paul Eluard
Also, and I don't know where you are in the world or how much books will usually cost there so this will depend on availability etc, but I do think a good idea for when you're trying to find books on a budget (and which is what I did at the start and STILL do), if it's something feasible for you, is to try and locate any secondhand booksellers near you and spend some time browsing the poetry section if they have one. Take your time with them, leaf through a few, or read a handful of the poems and see what speaks to you (it's also a good way of stumbling across something you may not otherwise have discovered).
I rarely, if ever, order my books off am*z*n but I'm also lucky enough to live in a place with very good access to secondhand / independent booksellers so I know this isn't always feasible for everyone. But if you are ordering your books online, and if their selections fall within your budget, I highly recommend world of books or better world books -- again, I don't know where you live or how shipping / delivery costs would work out for you but they're a very good place for secondhand (and new) literature at a lower price if you don't have access to those in person. I hope some of this helps, but again, please feel free to come back and tell me what some of your most loved poems are or if there are uniting themes / styles in the poems you enjoy most! I hope this helps in any case and best of luck, anon 💗
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misc-obeyme · 3 months
here to say i also agree with the other anon and love how you write mammon !! and if you do decide to finish one of those drafts, I'll def be the first to reblog! or at least I'd want to be lmaoo. I just love him so much 😭
I think I'm at lesson 73 in the game now?? I NEED to beat it before Tuesday, but my family is traveling tomorrow to mexico, and it's gonna be a long drive </3 minimum 14 hours, sometimes a full day if my dad naps. I'll have limited signal, but Google docs works offline so maybe writing time?! if I'm not asleep akskd.
also !! i wanted to ask if you have any favorite composers or music pieces? for research purposes of course 📝 👀
And I can't remember if you said you had a keyboard before you got the new piano, but if you do, what are the biggest differences? I'd imagine it sounds smoother and ... Crispy? (Is it hard to move a piano?? Like do they unscrew the legs to be able to get it through doors??)
you don't have to answer because I can totally google these things, but I also like seeing you talk about your piano akwkdjf
Hope you're doing well !!
- ✨ anon
omg, well maybe I will finish one of those stories... I had a handful of ideas from my last Mammon phase... okay, let's be real. I gotta stop calling them phases, the reality is that I just think about him a lot asdl;kdsfjkf. When I tell you I'm so obsessed with the Mams/Barb ship right now... it plagues me so much. BUT no my other ideas were x reader lol. And I don't know why I never finished them, I guess I got distracted? I think it was my OC's fault. In fact, I'm pretty positive it was. But even if it wasn't, I'm still blaming Arrie for everything.
AH you're SO CLOSE! I know I got really obsessed with getting through season four right before NB came out 'cause I was like, there is no way I am not having the full story before this new stuff starts! Anyway, I hope you're able to get there, even with the drive and lack of signal! I hope you have fun on your trip!
Hang on, you LIKE seeing me talk about my piano!?? I was like, man I must be so annoying about it lol. I'm happy to answer any such questions, but uh... just be aware you may be opening some flood gates!
OKAY I really rambled about this piano stuff, so I think I better put it under a read more just to save people from scrolling forever...
Now when you say composers, do you mean classical composers or more modern ones? Because if we're talking classical, the answer is Bach. Like that is a pretty standard response, probably. And maybe I'm a lil basic for being such a huge Bach fan, but I don't care. Beethoven was also excellent of course, but that guy was sooooo overdramatic, all his songs are like bombastic while Bach was like, nah it's all about keeping exact tempo. Most of my other classical music stuff is like... I have specific pieces from different composers that I like, rather than being really into one composer specifically. Like Mozart is great and all, but Fantasia in D is by far the best of his stuff as far as I'm concerned. OH but I do like most of Chopin's stuff, too. But nothing can top Bach for me asldkfj.
If we're talking piano solos specifically, though, you're gonna get mostly Beethoven. Fur Elise is like the classic piece that all piano students are taught at some point. Moonlight Sonata is another incredibly popular one from him. You'll also get a lot of Pachelbel's Canon in D, which is really boring imo. It can be fun to play if it's an unusual arrangement, but generally speaking trying to play that song puts me to sleep lol.
Now if we're talking more modern composers, my favorites are Ludovico Einaudi, Toshifumi Hinata, Alexis Ffrench, and Yiruma. This is like more modern piano solo stuff, though. All these people are still alive lol. But I love their piano music, listening to it really kind of informs how I play when I'm doing improv style stuff.
Though I feel I would be remiss if I didn't mention classic jazz piano stylings, too. I named my piano after one of my favorites, Hazel Scott. Jazz piano is insane and incredible and it always blows my mind. There are a TON of amazing jazz musicians. And you'll get a lot of good piano players that are not in the classical style too and who tend to span genres, such as Stevie Wonder and Ray Charles.
Anyway, I'm not entirely sure if that's the kind of rambling you were looking for on that first question lol! But feel free to ask me more specific things if you'd like!
As for the second part of your piano related questions, I did indeed have a keyboard before I got the piano. However, it's important to note that there are many different kinds of keyboards. The one I had was bought used and even before that, it would've been an extremely cheap one. I think you can buy a new one for like $400? Mine only had 76 keys (as opposed to the full 88 a piano has). And there are keyboards that come with even fewer keys (like 56 or something?). These are mostly good for classroom situations or where you only need to say, add a bit of piano into a larger song with other instruments. They do okay as a replacement for a real piano, but they're really not made for that.
However, there are keyboards in the thousands of dollars that I think are more commonly called "digital pianos" nowadays that are made to replace a real piano. I've never had or played one of these, so I'm not sure how obvious the difference of the sound would be. That being said, I've seen them used in concert situations many times. So I suspect the most expensive ones probably sound pretty close to a real piano. Or at the very least, they act more like a real piano does.
My cheapo keyboard still had keys that could sense how hard you were pressing them. And this let the keyboard know if you wanted your note loud or soft. But honestly it barely made a difference lol. I would think that kind of feature would be much better and higher quality on an expensive digital piano.
Similarly, my keyboard had an option of "grand piano" as the sound the keys produced. Digital pianos also usually have a grand piano setting, so they might sound more like a grand piano even if they're just a standard upright. The Yamaha Clavinova is a good example of a digital piano. It can range from like $3000 to $8000 depending on what version you get.
So I can definitely tell you the difference between the sound of a keyboard like my old one and the piano I have now, but there are a lot of versions of keyboards that might sound better than mine did.
The thing that really informs what a piano sounds like is the strings inside it. When you hit a key on the piano, a tiny little hammer (sometimes two) hits a string that's tuned to that note inside the piano. So the main thing a keyboard lacks is actual strings. It's just playing the sound of a string that was being hit somewhere else and then recorded. And a real piano is also heavily impacted by the environment it's in. If you've got a piano in a small space, with a lot of stuff around it, it might sound a little more muffled than if you had in a larger more empty space. That's more about the room's acoustics than the piano itself, though.
I think I know what you mean about "crispy" lol! Like the keyboard has a crisper sound. And yeah, it does, and also it doesn't ring quite as well. I got a sustain pedal for my keyboard, so it was able to hold notes a little longer, but it's nothing like the way it works for a piano. The sustain pedal on my piano is really amazing, it'll hold that note for what feels like a million years lol.
The piano is more resonant, there's more space for the sound to be creating within the instrument itself. I have an upright, but it's a tall upright. This is so that there's more room for the strings, kind of like a grand piano but instead of the strings being horizontal, they're vertical. Grand pianos always sound better. And you can open them to make them even louder, too. You can open an upright, but it doesn't have quite the same sound. It's very close, though, and honestly most people probably can't tell the difference lol.
And yes, it is hard to move a piano! They have to be transported by movers who are specifically piano movers. Because there's a lot that can go wrong if they're not properly handled or packaged. They're also heavy, so you need two strong peeps to do it!
How they do it depends on the type of piano. An upright will fit easily through most doors, so they don't have to take anything apart. A grand piano, on the other hand, is obviously incapable of going through a door at all, so it does need to be taken apart. I think they do take off the legs, so they can turn the top part sideways and move it through a door that way. So the strings aren't too disturbed, since that's the important part. Famous bands and musicians that use real pianos on stage have a whole crew for this specifically. If they want to use their own piano, they have to have a piano crew to move it from venue to venue for them. Most venues have a house piano, but a lot of musicians are picky about this kinda stuff. If they've got enough money to hire a crew to move their piano every time, they probably do. And they'll need to have a piano tuner in there, too, because inevitably moving a piano that often is going to require it to be tuned after nearly every move.
Pianos do better if they stay in one spot for the most part. They settle into their environment, not just the room they're in, but the strings and hammers sort of acclimate to the amount of humidity in the air and that kind of stuff, too. Generally, if you're just moving a piano to a new location that's nearby, you should be okay. But if you're moving it across states or into new climates or different altitudes, you'll want to get it tuned within two months of moving it. It just takes that long for it to adjust.
ANYWAY. I'm sure you now have WAY TOO MUCH INFO than you ever needed about this stuff asdflkjf. I don't get to talk about it all that often and honestly I didn't realize I had this much to say about it lol!!
I hope some of that helped and I apologize for getting so wordy about it!
I am doing well and I hope you are, too! 💕
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liauditore · 11 months
hi i have returned opinions on secret life so far? (also any idea why bigb’s secret animation was different to everyone else’s?) :D
hi hi i have so many Thoughts that i will definitely miss Something but. lots of things. spoilers for ep1 under the cut obvs.
why is every ship getting crumbs. literally all of them. what is wrong with everyone wtf. (except treebark. treebark girlies stay losing)
new mechanic is insanely hype and i am going a little bit feral over it. i've been wanting a UHC-style season for a long time and this seems a great way to kind of. entertainment-fy it i suppose? cus as much as i wanted straight up UHC i can totally understand why players like joel or skizz or scar would struggle hard in that sort of ruleset and it wouldn't be very fun to watch as a result.
i'm a bit.. tentative about the more acknowledgment of the Lore this time around? On one hand i love it and i think it's incredibly cool but on the other hand i know well that lore can eat a series alive if let out of control. Especially when fans start getting pushy about their theories and disappointed when inevitably things aren't as explained or thoroughly confirmed or straight up forgotten. (<-- fnaf fan. i have seen it. it is horrible)
that being said i have trust in grian specifically to handle it well and not go off the deep end with it cus a good chunk of the viewers don't know/care for the lore and if it becomes a Big Thing then a lot of people are gonna end up feeling alienated and confused.
i LOVED Bigb's episode and i think it's like. the ideal way to incorporate lore into a series like this. the way you can Feel that something is off rather than it being explicitly shown. you can choose to write it off or dig deeper. it's good juice. I've mentioned this before but I'll say it again -- Bigb is easily one of the strongest roleplayers on the entire server and his editing REALLY sells it hard. He really melts into what's happening rather than getting up on a platform and shouting THIS PART IS IMPORTANT. LOOK AT ME. which i really appreciate as a kind-of honorary former theatre kid.
but yeah tl;dr i think lore/fan theories should be left to the fandom mainly otherwise it starts getting weird. that being said i trust the life series ppl and can't wait to see what's going on with this season.
now if i may be unhinged myself. i def agree with the theory that Something is up with Bigb's task and maybe whatever gave it to him is trying to mess with the game.
Bigb and Mumbo specifically I felt were acting.. a little OOC the whole episode? Bigb was very much on purpose i think and i reckon mumbo's just excited to be back lol but its fun to think about
the task system has a lot of potential for. fanfic symbolism fuel. i mentioned this on my spam blog i think but something something about the way the players' tasks almost seem to. mock them? a little bit?
like pearl's being to "earn" people's hearts after she failed to make any connections throughout double life and has been somewhat isolated the whole series. bdubs being known for his efficient and beautiful builds being told to make something ugly and useless. scott being implicitly called a parasite with his history of teaming and latching onto one specific person each season. etc. etc.
the teams this time around are looking interesting and i think it's worth noting how it almost feels like.. the opposite of limlife a bit? with how slow and cautious everyone has to play. it seems like over half the server haven't really even joined up with anyone yet which is intriguing. (im personally praying for a scar/jimmy team up. just cus scott said they wouldn't make it lol)
which is great for me cus i loved limlife but the chaoticness of everything did kind of. make deaths less impactful i think? if i see another sky bridge i might scream
im very. of two minds about the scott and impulse team up. because if you dig through my blog you'll see i have kind of a history of being unhinged about those two and their parallels. but i have the sneaking suspicion that their actual dynamic will be like nothing i had in mind lmao
overall i am very excited but trying to control my expectations
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heyitschartic · 2 years
hi! I saw u recommended artist formerly known as bonesaw, do u have any other worm fic recs? bonesaw is my fav character but god I am so desperate to read good worm fics in general
I have been sitting on this ask for a very long time thinking about it. I've been in this fandom so fucking long that fics have just started to pile on top of each other in my head, so I think the best thing to do is just to recc every single thing I can think of at this moment and give my reason why. There's a lot of good fics out there buried under all the trash! This is going to be a long one, so I'll cut it off here so you don't have to scroll down past all my bullshit. In no specific order...
I have a post here going over some of my favorite authors and the works they produced, so I won't redo what I said there. I think for every one of them, you should definitely check out everything they've done because it is just fucking amazing writing. Most of their stories live in my head rent free at all times, even the stuff I didn't post in that thread.
Glowspider is one of the people I should have included on that list. Her writing is just wonderful, though I'd recc her Pact stuff just as eagerly as her Worm stuff. Lady Tremaine at the Kitchen Table just hits in all the worst ways. For Worm though, Valleyxandria, a story about Valley-girl Alexandria obviously, and Golf Morning, Gold Morning retold as a golf match, are some fucking killer stories. Some of the funniest written. It's Cold Out There Every Day was easily my favorite fic for last year, a story about Missy stuck in a time loop, and still holds my heart in a death grip. BROCKTON is a Riverdale/Worm fusion and oh my god does Glows just nail everything with this.
K800 is another amazing author and no I'm not biased shut up. She's a great writer who has put out a ton of stuff, both Otherverse and Worm. Luz Mala is a great story about an ex-villain on the run in Argentia. Wonderful story and criminally underliked. Forward is the canon-compliant story about Taylor post-gm trying to get better. It's lovely, rips at your heartstrings, and is one of the only good portrayals of how Taylor would be after Gold Morning. Bitter But Sweet is the fandoms only coffeeshop AU and it is wonderful. The name suits it perfectly and Taylor is very gay. Soliloquy is a story based off one of mine (not biased), Taylor who was in the S9 reconnecting with the clone that was made of her during Gold Morning. Very cute, very sad, all that good shit.
Hopeful Penguin fucking PUMPS out words, I don't know how the man does it, and it's all good too, some type of devil contract. He has so many I would recc, but to not fill up the page, I'll give some short ones. Def check out: Flare, a post-gm Taylor dropped in the New York Behemoth fight. It definitely nails a really good from-the-ground look at it. High Soaring Above a perfect look at the life of Hannah Washington before Brockton Bay. Balestra, a love story in the style of This is How You Lose The Time War between Alexandria and Rebecca.
Harbin wisely left this dustbowl fandom, but they are one of the greats. Their snippet thread is wonderful and full of so many great ideas (I love the one about Bakuda switching out with her normal-earth counterpart), but to focus on their stories. Cutting Ties is Taylor with Jack Slash's power. Really well written, interesting concept, but it does do the Rune redemption thing (something the author wishes they hadn't gone with). I still recc it because it's just really good. Overhaul is about Taylor with Sphere's powers, struggling with her tinkering and her disability. Scour is about Taylor with Shatterbird's powers wandering through the desert after she triggered. Very thoughtful, I love it.
Omega_93 needs to post more because all of their works bring joy to my heart. Timeslip is a story about a Taylor clone waking up during the Teacher raid in ward. The reunion between Taylor and the Undersiders is just <3 and all the hints at what's going on behind the scenes intrigues me horribly. See is a short story about Bonesaw in Twig and I think it nails Riley. Just this fucked up girl trying to figure out how to even slightly act like a normal human. Finally, Larva is about a clone of Taylor joining Breakthrough. Just a really fun idea with great execution.
Redcoat Officer has written so many amazing stories, most focusing on original characters too. Ghost in the Flesh is a runaway hit about Sonnie from Love, Death and Robots joining Faultline's Crew. Finished and fantastic! Nightcrawler is an OC story about a Case 53 in Seattle. Finally, for those begging for more Undersiders he made Good People, a Shadowrun cross where the entire worm world is made into the Shadow run world (the shadow verse?) Very fun crime, great writing, and I love how the worlds are integrated!
Discreet is an author that it just shocks me how many fucking amazing stories they've written, banger after banger. It Starts With One is their most famous fic for a reason. A very political story about Alexandria and Skitter fighting it out over Capitalism. A Word is another beautiful story about Taylor with a version of Jack Slash's power. It's a beautiful story about writing and language and being understood. Lost Cat, Please Help is a great story about a case 53 being found far after Gold Morning ended. Really love the main character. The Girl in the Room is an interactive story and I won't say a word, it speaks for itself. Finally One-Sided Rival, a story about Sophia after Gold Morning and how she deals. All amazing.
God this is getting long, only individual stories from now on.
Rank is the Worm story. If you're going to read anything, read this. it's a story about Carrie Kobayashi, a refugee from Japan after Leviathan, joining the PRT and making her way in San Fransisco. It's a fucking behemoth of a story, going all the way from 2004 to Gold Morning and fuck it uses its words well. It covers so much shit, the main character is fantastic, and it is one of the best works someone could create from Worm. PLEASE read this.
Something else to definitely check out is the Parahumans Zine. It's long, it's wonderful, and it covers so many different stories and ideas. A fuckton of love was put into this thing by so many different people and it shows. The little weld article, about a kid saying how Weld inspired him is something I still think about from time to time. Oh my god I love this piece of work.
Bubbles Always Pop is a bittersweet story about Bakuda, who she was and how she got there. It kills me reading it. Some people say it's better without the epilogue, but for me, it would be hard to handle it without.
Throttle is a story about Taylor who turns into a car. It is a fucking insane ride (appropriate I suppose) about burnout Taylor and her best friend Bitch. It scratches that itch for bad bitch stories, I wish there was more.
We Appreciate Power is an insane story. A peggy sue where Emma gets sent back to before Taylor triggers and does her best to stop Taylor from doing it and become as bad a bitch as possible to prove how much better she is.
This is cheating cause it's a snip thread, but Quantum Prompts has some of my favorite snips in this whole fandom. One More and For That Girl make me cry every time I read them.
Just One More Thing, Mr Anders is the story about Columbo taking out Max Anders. The author has a snip thread that is hit or miss(still might wanna check it out, some good stuff there), but this story is a definite hit. Nails Columbo's whole vibe and watching Anders bring himself down is incredibly enjoyable.
In Golden Armour is a love story between Lisa Wilbourn and an OC. I love this romance so much and Corey is wonderful. Definitely one of the better, if not the best, love stories out there.
Voracity is a Case 53 quest about a fun and frightening girl figuring out her place in the world. Cirrata is a delight and her personality just makes you want to see what she does next.
By the same author, Rein is a story about Taylor able to summon Taylor (based off Fate stuff, I don't know that though). It nails the voices of Taylor from four different times in her life and really plays into a lot of fun stuff that would come up in this scenario.
Mixed Feelings is a fabulous story about Astrid, a gay girl born into the Empire dealing with her feelings, her past from a horrible father, and her look towards a future. It can be a very heavy read. This story is a main stay in the fandom, been updating forever, and it's always a joy to see it.
East of Eden, god what a fucking trip of a story. Eden dies and rebirths herself as Taylor Hebert. Shit just gets wilder from there. It seems like a cracky premise, but it plays it so well, managing to make it through the end of the world and end on an upbeat note. I love this story and I hope you do too <3
From the same author, The Countess is perhaps the story I should have recommended first. A Count of Monte Cristo fusion that...well listen, you hear that premise and it manages to mesh the worlds together into a beautiful tapestry. God it's just so wonderful and the kind of thing I'm begging for more of.
City of Salt is a wild story told from a bunch of different viewpoints about Brockton after Behemoth hits instead of Leviathan. It has beautiful artwork, covers so many interesting threadlines, and has an insane companion fic about three Echidna Taylor clones in the Wards.
Agent of Cauldron is the sort of fic we need a lot more of. It fleshes out the worm world in a ton of ways, builds on what Cauldron is and adds so many new and interesting characters. This story is wild and I'd recommend it just to see what they added.
Tabloid was one of the original greats by one of the best artists in the fandom, long gone for better pastures. It follows a cape paparazzi and they are a joy of a main character and the art work is amazing too. A definite read.
Dragon Unbound is another oldie but a goldie. The Dragon that Defiant created in the Epilogue gets free and goes to live her own life. Really fun and entertaining. The sort of thing that should be recommended more.
Diary of a Professional Knockoff about a dorky girl who writes cape fanfiction and finds herself joining the PRT as an intern. Fun antics with social anxiety and tinkertech.
Alright, there are tons more I could post about but this thread is wayyyyyyy too long as it is. Besides, that should leave you thousands of things to read through in the meantime.
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wrongcaitlyn · 5 months
not fic related but i know you are an editor (i follo you on insta!!) but i wanted to ask you how did you start editing and most importantly how did you learn? i’ve always wanted to start editing bc i just have sooo many ideas but i can never figure out where to start and what programs to use. what would you recommend?
ahh omg yes!!! AN EDITING QUESTION god i havent talked about editing in so long even tho im trying to get back into itskldjf
(for those who don't know, i do have an editing insta and tt acc (though i'm not active on tt)!!! @/thae.rchxr on insta and thaerchxr on tt)
i started editing in 2020 during quarantine, and on capcut! i think that it's a pretty good starting spot, especially because it's free and it allows you to understand what you really want to make with your edits/what kinds of edits you want to make - velocities, lyric edits, transition ones, etc
i have to say i wouldn't recommend templates and i'm really not a fan of them. that's my only neg abt capcut now, even though i don't use it... yea i've seen too much of these template apps literally stealing the hard work of editors and it sucks
but anyway!! i currently use after effects, and have used it since early 2022, however it's a computer program, and - though you can pirate it and there are lots of videos online on how to do that - it also costs money if you don't wanna pirate (i got it as a christmas gift so i have the paid version but there's really no difference)
no matter what program you use, TUTORIALS!! youtube is your best friend. i have a youtube channel actually but i mainly post transition inspo instead of tutorials, however if you want some recs (for ae, i unfortunately don't know a lot of tutorial channels for other apps), i learned so much from klqvsluv, ae.chambb, and clewxdre on youtube! and, of course, lauren. she's kind of a mini celebrity in the editing communitysdklf - and there are so many more as well
if it's transition edits you're specifically trying to get into, def try and master the basics - zoom in's, out's, slide left/right, shakes and turbs if that's the kind of edit you wanna make. but honestly, the entire thing is just practice practice practice!! even though i only started editing on ae 2 years ago, i used to make edits, like, every day. i was obsessed. i would wake up and spend hours on edits, trying new transitions and new plugins and effects, and i think it really paid off :)
another thing you can do is attempt to remake edits! most editors will be completely alright with it (as long as you don't steal, ofc) and many even put out project files (i do have a few on my payhip- linked in my insta lmfaodjsf shameless self promo) that you can look at to see how they did certain transitions. remakes are good because it takes out the factor of having to figure out what transitions you want to make and lets you focus entirely on the technical aspect - which will then make it easier for you to pull off the transitions you think of yourself!
so, to conclude this ramble bc i can never shut up - i think i would definitely recommend ae if you have a computer/laptop. but i also think that other editing apps (the ones i see most often are videostar, alight motion, and capcut - all of which are mobile apps) can make absolutely incredible edits. i have friends who use each of these different editing apps and i know they can make some of the most mindblowing edits, even though i personally have no idea how to use vs or am lmaodsjf
so it's up to you! look at some tutorials, don't feel too intimidated, and go with the layout that makes the most sense to you. then just don't be afraid of making a "bad" edit bc let's be real the first edits are alwaysss shitty. i cringe when looking back at the edits all the way to last summer. but that's the beauty of it, because you can see your editing style and skill grow over time, and then you can eventually make edits that you'll be really proud of <3 i wish you the best of luck on your editing journey!! it's honestly so fun once you get into the swing of it :)
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borntoocry · 1 year
𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬, 𝐠𝐮𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐬, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐠𝐚𝐛𝐛𝐲.       e. williams
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modern au musician Ellie x thick latina fem!oc 
word count: 4.3k 
summary: Ellie williams plays in a band with Dina and Jesse. this night, she performs at a venue in her city and finds a cute girl to look at--Gabriela De Leon. After the show, they chat... 
warnings: not verbal, but mentions of racism. that’s about it. 
a/n: as a latina, representation MATTERS. so i wrote something i rarely see on tumblr.
I also wanted to mention that while I am not Mexican (I'm Salvadoran), 99% of my friends were Mexican. I grew up with my Mexican buddies and I learned a lot about their culture, the language that is most def different than my salvi spanish, and the different towns, cities, pueblos. :)
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Popping your head into the main stage before a performance should be illegal. It stirs excitement in some performers, but to me, it ties my organs into a knot and shoves them right up my throat. I have been doing this for the past three shows now–but I regret it more each time; and Dina hisses at me each time. But it’s a habit I can’t shake, like someone biting their nails or shaking their leg, or scratching their neck. I need to know how many people are in the room (even though I’m still small and my band only receives attention because they’re attractive), and who I should stare at when I’m singing.
I take back the last thing I said–we’re good. Our band doesn’t get this much of a crowd because we’re attractive. We gain bigger and bigger crowds because we’re actually good. At least that’s what I tell myself.
I play the guitar–both electric and acoustic– and I sing, Jesse is on drums, and Dina plays the piano and does back-up vocals. I would add a fourth, but I don’t know anyone else. I’m shy, and a nervous wreck when it comes to meeting new people, so I stick to the same two people I have stuck by since high school. Plus, they’re good enough for me.
“Stop peeking!” Dina reprimands, slapping my arm so it falls to my side. “You’re going to drive yourself crazy and you won’t be able to perform.”
I huff. “I’m not going to drive myself crazy and I’ll put on a hell of a performance.  I do it all the time, don’t I?”
“We’ve only played two shows,” Jesse says. “You keep peeking and you’re going to end up throwing up instead of singing.”
“Shut the hell up,” I say. I peek again and take another look at the faces crowded around one another. It’s a small venue, but it’s packed, nonetheless. People know about us because we’ve stamped posters all over the city and released music with shitty music videos and have opened for small indie bands. People also follow me on Instagram, where I try my best to make people like me; make it seem like I’m not some introverted loser who spends most of her time locked up in her room writing and recording music. I am a different person online, and because of that, people love me. “There’s more people than before.”
Dina stands next to me and looks around as well. She doesn’t care if people see her, she actually enjoys that some people treat her like a celebrity. She might as well be with her big smile and nice hair and cool style. She’s the beauty and the brains people love looking at.
“No shit,” she whispers. She gasps at the sight of something, and I bounce back from her eyes to the girl she’s looking at. “I know her! She’s in my American Literature class. She’s so smart.”
I take a look at the girl. Her brown skin is shining beneath the dim lighting that flashes pink, then yellow, then green–it’s as if she allowed the sun to nurse her, paint her a darker and sleeker shade of brown. Her eyes are green and yellow, meshed into the color of the sun, like it didn’t only bathe her skin. Her cheeks grow wider when she smiles, and she stares diligently at her friend when she speaks.
The girl has on a shirt that looks more like a bra, but maybe doesn’t function as one, either. Her breasts are slightly spilling out but nothing else is seen. I scan the bottom half of her body and try to shut my mouth as best as possible. She moves around a little, shimmying to the music that fails to drown out the sea of voices. She wears a skirt but with each slight turn, I catch a vast expanse of skin that trails under the jean fabric.
“Try not to drool, I think they just mopped the floors,” Dina says.
I blindly slap her arm because I am beyond concentrated to break away from the beautiful girl. She has a lot to grab onto, I think, but I shut my eyes and tell myself that’s perverted. I’ve yet to meet her, to know if she likes girls– to know if she likes me– and I’m already thinking about what her skin would feel like in my hands.
“If you wrote a song about loving thick girls, so many people would come running to you,” Dina says. “You write about girls but most of the women in your dm’s never fit your type.”
I laugh. “Oh yeah? And what’s my type?”
“Latina’s you so cannot handle,” she laughs. “Gabby is very independent, she has this intense feminine aura and you can’t forget she’s fucking hot. Not only was this girl blessed with one of the biggest asses I’ve seen, but look at her rack!”
“Gabby,” I whisper, ecstatic that I have a name to add to her face.
“Yeah. Gabriela De Leon. She’s from Guadalajara, Mexico. Moved to Cali when she was nine, moved to Vegas for college,” Dina whispers. I turn to her, eyebrows scrunched and my mind throwing questions at me to ask, like how in the hell does Dina know this. She purses her lips. “I was put in a group with her a couple weeks ago. She told me her life story after I told her my sad one.”
“And what’d she think?” I ask. “About your life.”
“It wasn’t sad enough.”
“What?” I spit.
“Joking. She’s an angel. She gave me a hug and said I could talk to her if I ever needed to.”
I nod. “Cool. Coolcoolcool. Cool.” I move away from the wall and grab my guitar that sits next to the wrinkly couch and pull it over my head. The strap remains nestled on my shoulder and I nurse the body of the guitar in my hands. I drag my fingers down the thickness of the guitar and tap the very end. “I shouldn’t have looked,” I groan. “Fuck me. Now I’m worried I’ll fuck up.”
Dina walks over to me and lays her head on my right shoulder. “You’ll be fine,” she says with one hand rubbing my bicep. “Just stare at Gabby’s boobs and you’ll be okay.”
I drop my head and try not to imagine her skin spilling out of her top. “That’ll just make me fuck up even more. Plus, I don’t even think she likes girls.”
Dina cackles. “Jess, she thinks she isn’t gay,” she says to Jesse. “Oh hun, she is a raging lesbian. Man-hating, woman-loving, boob-loving, guitar player-loving lesbian. When she sees you up there her panties are going to fall on the floor and crawl over to you.”
I wince. “That panty part is scary. But it’d be interesting to know what they look like.”
Dina hugs me tight and kisses my temple. “You’ll be great. We’ll be great,” she exclaims. “So let’s get up there and rock everyone’s panties off!”
I take a seat on a bright orange stool and pull my guitar onto my chest. I look around the crowded room to catch another look at all of the faces. A lot of girls. Pretty girls that  look like they spent hours on their makeup. And then I see Gabby, who stands closer now, close to the invisible barricade. She’s no longer speaking to her friend, but she is staring back at me. She smiles, and I smile back. I try to speak to her with my eyes, but I cannot even speak in general, so I tear my eyes away from her and look at my guitar instead. I trail my fingertips down the strings, down the grooves in the wood from all of the banging against my desk, and the plug that is already jammed into my guitar.
I pull the microphone down a notch and clear my throat. I look up at the crowd that smiles and I nod. “Do I sound alright to you guys?” I ask.
Everyone cheers.
“Great. So before we start, I want to introduce myself and my wonderful band.” I slightly turn around and carry the microphone with me. I’m no longer surprised that I don’t stutter when I’m on stage. Or sweat through my clothes from anxiety. I’m somehow used to this after all of the stages I’ve been on since my freshman year of college. “First of all, my name is Ellie. I just turned twenty-one a couple months ago, so if anyone wants to treat me to a drink, you sure can. I’m a junior in college and… to everyone’s surprise, I am not a music major. I’ll let you guys guess.”
I stand up from my stool and walk around the chords, trying not to trip. I walk over to Dina and wrap my hand around her waist, pulling her in. She laughs and shoves me off. “This is Dina. She’s the youngest–just turned twenty! She’s a smart one. She graduated high school early and excelled in maths, so if you need help with your math homework, visit her after the show.”
And finally, I stumble over to Jesse. “Anddd Jesse. This one is the oldest. Twenty-three and ready to mingle, ladies.”
I return to my stool and strum all chords, getting ready to absolutely kill my fingers. I pull the mic down again and look over the crowd, resting on Gabby as I say, “If you’re a pretty girl, sing along, and I hope you enjoy the show.”
“I need a drink,” I mutter as I set my guitar onto its stand and grab a new water bottle from the minifridge. I gargle half of it down even though I drank an entire bottle onstage.
“You should go out there. It’ll be on me, just tell the bartender,” Dina says.
I nod and quickly tear off my flannel. I walk around backstage and find the bar in a second. I sit down at a stool and the bartender quickly makes way towards me. He asks what I want, and I say, “Whiskey… on the rocks or whatever that is.” He nods and doesn’t care if I sound like a child ordering something alcoholic. I know little to nothing about alcohol except for the fact that if you have too much, it turns you into a drunken mess, and you wake up with a sick hangover the next day. You can also have the most amazing sex, but that might be a lie.
The bartender returns with a glass and I instantly down it, returning it to him and watching him make another. I shouldn’t be drinking tonight, but I did have one of the best shows ever. Gabby knew all of my songs, she danced and twirled and I got to see her ass failing to remain in her jean skirt.
A new cup of whiskey is placed in front of me and I hear someone giggle beside me. I turn to find Gabby hovering over me and the chair directly next to me. I pull it back and she quickly takes a seat. “That’s a grandpa drink for someone who just turned twenty-one.”
Gabby has an accent, which doesn’t surprise me. Dina mentioned she immigrated to California from Guadalajara, Mexico when she was nine. She looks to be twenty, maybe twenty-one.
I shrug. “I was raised by a grandpa, so maybe that means something.”
She chuckles. “I understand. I was drinking with my family by the time I was fifteen, so straight tequila in a glass doesn’t hurt anymore.”
I laugh but on the inside I’m slightly alarmed. “And how does that work? Were you not supervised?”
“Oh no, I was. It’s common in Mexican culture for people to start drinking at a young age. Many Mexican parents would rather you drink with them than with people you don’t completely trust, or haven’t known for a long time. At least that’s the case for me and some of my friends,” she says.
I nod. “I was worried for a second.”
She leans into me and gently shoves my shoulder. “I take you never drunk with your old man?”
“Not until I was nineteen,” I reply. “He knew I would drink but it wasn’t until I was nineteen that we finally shared our first drink together.”
Gabby hums. “Good to know.” I nod. She glances around the room–at the bartender, who heard her say she’s been drinking since she was fifteen, and at the new set of people shuffling in for the DJ that's performing later. She then looks back at me and smiles. “You know Dina.”
I nod. “We’re in a band together.”
Her cheeks turn cherry red and she shrinks. “Yeah, yeah, of course. I know but I didn’t know-know that you were best friends. Sort of thought you hired her. She never speaks about you during American Lit–not even the band.”
I shrug. I know Dina separates singing and playing for my small band from the rest of her life. She believes playing in a band is different than anything else she has done, and wants to keep the rest of her cheerful duties apart. I don’t blame her for it, it’s her choice.
“I don’t mind her being quiet about it,” I say. “And I didn’t hire her, she’s just been my friend since high school and I begged her to play in a band with me. But…” I dig my nails into my neck to keep the nervousness at bay, but it fails. I feel like a jerk for making her blush and shrink down into her seat. “I didn’t mean to come off as an asshole. I promise I’m not, I just don’t know how to make conversation off the stage. I’m actually a nervous wreck right now.”
Gabby raises an eyebrow at me and lowers it when she sees something on my face. She leans in and I swallow down the bile threatening to spill out of me. Her chest is close to my face and I try not to say or do anything. She wipes my forehead with a napkin that magically appeared in her hand, and sits back down into her chair.
“I can tell,” she says. “But it’s alright, I’m not judging you. Don’t be a nervous wreck.”
“Easier said than done,” I murmur.
“I wouldn’t take you as the nervous person when speaking to girls. Sort of thought you’d be bold, confident. Not scared of judgment. But it does feel good to know you get just as nervous as other people–like me.”
I scoff. “You’re nervous right now?”
It’s hard to believe her thoughts racing just like mine are right now. She leaned towards me, removed the sheen of sweat coating my forehead, therefore she must have smelled me just like I’d done; and during that, her nerves were wrapping around her throat and choking her. Maybe she’s the type to tuck away her anxiety and flirt with whoever’s on her mind.
She nods. She holds out her hands, trying to steady them. They shake about but she forms them into fists before I can sandwich them between my hands. She places her hands between her thighs and smiles up at me as if she isn’t dying in front of me. “I don’t usually talk to people, I’m the friend who stays in. But I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to see you perform.”
“And talk to me,” I add.
“Yeah,” she says, shining her bright smile at me. She has nice teeth: strikingly white, teeth aligned as if she had braces, but crooked enough to know that she never had them. A few imperfections scatter across her cheeks, but nothing about it pushes me away. “My friend told me to come talk to you. She said I’ll never know what you’re like unless I talk to you. And I’ve wanted to know what you’re like since… well since you started making music.”
I tuck my lips into my mouth to hide my smile, but as I say, “A loyal fan, thank you,” it spills over and pulls my lips up to my hairline.
“I heard you went to my university, and when I checked you out I sort of fell in love with all of your songs. And you wrote them all, too,” she rants, telling me about how amazed she is that I wrote all of my music, especially since many musicians don’t do that anymore. “Not that there’s anything wrong with that, but sometimes you can tell, you know? Because imagine if… Snoop Dogg was writing music for Phoebe Bridgers. Would never happen but imagine how strange that would sound. She was made to write sad music for sad bitches.”
I cackle. I down the rest of my drink and push it aside. The bartender casts me a look, non-verbally asking if I want another round, but I shake my head. If Gabby won’t drink–or can’t, in this case, now that the bartender knows her secret–I won’t, either.
I swivel my body so she gains my full attention and say, “If Snoop Dogg wrote music for me I’d end up trying to rap it while playing the acoustic guitar and end up with a mess. I’m thankful he doesn’t even know who I am nor would want to write music for me.”
“I think you’re a great writer,” she says, in a tone of voice that has my entire body sweating through my clothes. Venues are typically hot, scorching at times, but right now it’s freezing. Therefore I can’t blame it on the room, only myself and my scorching nerves. She’s only complimenting me and I’m already melting. I sarcastically roll my eyes. She places a hand on my thigh. “I’m serious! You make me cry all the time.”
My hands resting on the bar counter itch to touch her, and if I don’t, I might thrash my head against the dressing room wall once she leaves. So, I slowly place my right hand over the one that rests on my clothed skin. “I don’t try to make people cry. Especially pretty girls. Unless we’re in a completely different setting.”
Her cheeks fill with crimson blood and she drops her head, forcing her long black hair into her face. I lower my head to her level and smirk at the way my words affected her. “What?” I whisper. “What’d I say?”
She lifts her head and runs her tongue along her teeth. “You’re…” She pauses. Then groans. “The word left my brain. I want to say that you’re a good flirt. I know what you meant when you said you only want to make girls cry in a different setting.”
“Dina tells me you take American Lit and are a complete genius in it. I knew you could piece little context clues together.”
Her hand rubs along my thigh and my knee, pulling my hand along with her. She rubs her thumb along my knee and I feel my boxers become damp. “AM Lit is more so about the history of literature, about authors and race and identity. But to understand whatever the hell they talk about in the 1800’s, you have to be good with context clues and figurative language, so I take your compliment.”
“You’re a smart girl,” I tell her.
“I have to be,” she answers.
My eyebrows slam into one another and my face falls into a look of confusion. “What do you mean?” I ask her.
“I’m a Mexican  immigrant,” she begins. “My parents and I crossed the border eleven years ago for a better life. I was put into English school immediately so I could catch up with everything I lacked in Mexico and by the time I was eleven, I knew enough English to help my parents with paperwork, with translating, with paying bills and all the things an eleven year old shouldn’t have been worrying about. If I didn’t know something, I was dumb, because how is it that I went to school in America but I didn’t know what eleven times twelve was. So I worked my ass off–I had to be a genius, because I fought hard to be here, to become an American citizen. Being stupid was no option.”
I remove my hand from hers and instead sandwich her hands between mine. “I don’t know what to say,” I tell her. “I didn’t have to worry about anything as much as you did, but I do find you fearless now that I know your story. I feel bad that you couldn’t have a long childhood but… I do think you ended up pretty fucking awesome.”
She chuckles. “I’m sorry for dropping all of that information about me. I don’t blame you for not knowing what to say. I probably should have answered a little differently.”
I shook my head. “No, it’s okay. I just suck at responding to life stories so I’m trying to express that I am sorry for you having to go through that and I’m sorry that I can’t relate to you–”
“No, no, no it’s okay. I am beyond happy that you can’t relate. It means you had time to be a child. I’m grateful for my hardworking parents and the chance to live here but I wouldn’t wish my rough childhood on anyone. I wish I didn’t have to translate and fill out paperwork and essentially be my parents-parents,” she says with a laugh at the end. “Trust me, you are happy you can’t relate.”
“Okay,” I whisper. A wave of silence washes over us and we both must feel someone staring at us, because we turn our heads and look at the bartender glaring at us. His eyebrows are caving into the tip of his nose by how furrowed they are, and he’s frozen in place. “What?” I shout.
“Ellie,” Gabby hisses, grasping my cheek and pulling me away from the man. She laughs when she looks at me, and I slowly double over, clasping my mouth to get the noise to go back into my stomach. “Oh my god,” she laughs, “He probably heard me trauma-dumping and– Oh that’s embarrassing.”
I slowly pull away and sit up with a steady face and no ounce of a laugh rumbling in my stomach. “I don’t care, old dudes bring their sugar babies here and say the crudest shit ever. But now that someone is talking about their pretty fuckin’ interesting story, they wanna give people an onset stare. Not even a bit of a side eye thing, just staring us straight down. What a jerk.”
She rubs my thigh and leans in. She props her arm beside her head and sets the side of her face on her hand. “People give me looks like that all the time.”
“Well now that I know you, let me know when someone is being a racist asshole and I’ll fuck them up for you.”
She rolls her eyes. “I don’t need your help, Ellie Williams. I have had my own back since I was a kid. But if I do run into any issues, I’ll text you.”
“Even if you don’t need me to fight anyone, you can text me.”
She grins, showing her perfect teeth. She nods and pulls her hand off her face, instead reaching over to me and pushing a strand of hair behind my ear. Her fingertips linger on my ear, and then run over my shoulders and chin. She places the pad of her thumb on my bottom lip and stares at my mouth like she might just bite my lips off. “We haven’t had a conversation for long but I do already want to kiss you.”
“Have you been wanting to since I started making music?” I ask, to be funny, but we don’t laugh, we just stare at one another’s mouths.
She shrugs. “When I started listening to your music I was talking to someone. But they ended up being a homophobic asshole who turned me 100% gay. And then you came out with your sad album in October and you looked very sexy in your heartbreak-pink suit and I kind of wanted to kiss the frown off your face.”
I begin leaning into her. I grab the bottom of her stool and pull her in. A sound between a yelp and a ‘no’ draws out of her mouth but I don’t fully pay attention. She now places her hands on my chest and I push her hair out of her face.
She slaps my shoulders and says, “Do not do that!”
“Do what?”
“Pull me in!”
“I don’t want to hurt you,” she whispers.
I scoff. “How would you hurt me?”
She swallows the rock lodged in her throat and looks to the bartender, then back at me. “I’m too heavy. I’ll like… pull your arm out of your socket.”
I roll my eyes and plant my lips on hers. I kiss her softly. “My arm is fine,” I say between plush kisses. “And you’re not too heavy. If I thought I couldn’t, I wouldn’t have pulled you in.”
“Ellie…” she draws out. “Still…”
I hush her and pull away. I comb her curled hair away again and smile at her perfectly red cheeks and lips. “Have I told you that I don’t care if you complain about your weight affecting me?”
“I’d die in your fucking thighs if I could. You could crush me and I’d say thank you. So enough about you hurting me with your body,” I say. “I want you to hurt me.”
“So I’m your type?” she asks seductively.
“Fuck yes,” I hoarsely breathe out, and slam my lips back onto hers.
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eirian · 9 months
so im thinking up a few options for myself:
local art market. it happens every second saturday downtown which is a great frequency i think. however i dont know the type of people attending so i dont know if my merch will sell well or at all, and i dont know if they even allow the type of stuff i sell. so this is an iffy one
finding book authors who need illustrations done. i can def do a childrens book illustration if i needed to but id like to find something within my current art style if possible. i'll have to look around and try and find places where ppl are looking for my type of work
sell at conventions. this one's a little tricky bc 1) i have to invest in my stock which is at LEAST $300 for everything i need, 2) im not guaranteed to get on the list of vendors, and 3) these happen very infrequently and i dont know if i can rely on this for steady income
self publish comics. i had thought of this before and i dont think im Currently fit for doing it bc i tend to burn out soooo easily (thats likely a problem with my workflow honestly. its fixable surely) but im hopefully about to get adderall prescribed to me so maybe it'll work out after all lol. unfortunately this isnt an overnight project either though, and i do need to make money Right Now
get into making either live2d vtuber models or 3d models for both vrchat and/or vtubers. i know i know, i cant charge 8k for my first models, but i can at least make a few hundred on a single model. this would be a new skill to learn but its totally possible. theres tutorials and i also vaguely know how to use blender so i can at least try this. i do have fun doing this stuff anyway. im just a lil worried about the level of detail that goes into live2d models, im not super used to detailed designs just yet but its something ive been wanting to put more time and work into, so..
bite the bullet and start putting more work into social media presence and advertising my commissions. i complain about how rough commission work is all the time yes. but genuinely i do enjoy doing commissions for a living. the ONLY reason i complain is because of the inconsistent/low income, and the only reason for That is because i dont have a huge following to the point of where my slots sell out regularly. im no sakimichan. but if i just put in a little more time and work into building a social media presence im sure things will look up in that regard. i just have to fuckin..do it
so ya. these all have pros and cons and im weighing them desperately LOL. if im being honest? im leaning towards three in particular: the vtuber models, building a better social media presence to up my commission demand, and selling at conventions. i can definitely do all three of course, but i have to figure out how to balance everything while learning to do the new things and get good at them. i have no idea how to wrangle social media. ive tried so many things and i keep falling out of it so so easily, its very hard. but fuck dude if 15 year olds on youtube can have 100k subscribers then what the hell am i doing LOL yknow?
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spishidden · 1 year
Rambling about Mutant Mayhem
Overall: AWESOME MOVIE! The animation and art style is to die for. If they release an art book I am preordering that shit asap. I was laughing so much throughout the entire thing. The emotional moments hit too (if yk yk). And the FIGHT SCENES. DAMN. The animators understood the assignment fr.
(Btw, there is a mid-credit scene that is veryyy important for the future of this universe. Don’t miss it.)
Highly recommend giving it a watch. Turtles fan or not
Spoilers under the cut:
He is so cringefail and lowkey pathetic (rizzless Leo is canon)
But at the end when he pulled through and he got all excited AAAA it was adorable
They comment a lot on how Raph is always angry, but he wasn’t rlly? It was more enthusiasm and aggression, not outright anger. Not a complaint just an observation
This guy can throw hands fr. Don’t mess with this Raph aksjsn
Mikey and Mondo are bestie goals you can pry these two from my cold dead hands
The boys(tm) aren’t traumatized yet enjoy it while it lasts
These voices are THE SHIT! Perfect cast for the turtles muah!
I have so many positive thoughts about the dialogue +dialogue delivery in this movie it needs its own separate post
I did not expect them to actually get milked. I thought it was a throw-away line but they COMMITTED TO THE BIT. RESPECT.
April is awesome. Just amazing. Took all the best aspects of previous April’s and combined them together. (That throwing up scene was not for me tho no ty)
I also was not expecting attack on titan to be crucial to the plot but here we are
Donnie’s weeb-ness saved the say
If there’s one rule that every reboot of turtles has to follow is that no matter what Splinter always solos. They understood the assignment
About Splinter, I rlly enjoyed his storyline. It’s made rlly clear how much he loves the turtles and how hard he’s trying. But the movie actively called out his behavior without making him a villain. Bravo.
Speaking of villains, Superfly slapped. Mans was intimidating, cool, smart. Rlly liked his and Splinter’s parallel arcs
The mutant crew rlly were just silly guys aksjsjhs
Kinda iffy on the whole ‘they learned ninjitsu through media’ thing.
I hope that in the show they can touch on that. Maybe show that they’re training is incomplete and have them improve their skills with a proper teacher
But yea that didn’t rlly land with me.
I think my only other nitpick is that the other mutants don’t have enough moments to shine. They def make do with the time they have and it works, but I would’ve liked more ( Bebop and Rocksteady specifically)
Splinter making out with a mutant cockroach was not on my 2023 bingo card
I had tons of mixed feelings about that ending. But the mid-credit scene saved it
I think the turtles being “normal” kids has potential to be explored. I’m not against it
They’re still ninjas thank god
I thought when the mask came off they were leaving it behind
BUT NOPE they still kicking ass
That was my only problem with ending pre mid-credit scene
Wonder what they’re origins are gonna be aksjsj i crave new content
Does Hamato Yoshi not exist in this universe? Are they hiding him and are gonna do a dramatic reveal?? Questions questions questions
Also, Utrom?? KRANG??
Love the idea of all these mutants living in the same space
In Donnie’s clip, did that look like the purple dragons to anyone or was that just me?
Are we just not gonna mention that the TCRI technically has some mutagen blood from Raph and Donnie? No? Okay
Now lets talk about April and Leo
It’s not explicitly stated to be canon. April going to prom with Leo felt like it was framed to be a casual, just friends thing. And I rlly hope that’s what they were going for.
Do I ship it? No.
I’m glad that Leo and April didn’t rlly end up together. Because it would’ve been super unnecessary and forced. Nothing I got from the narrative or message suggests that a romantic pairing helps the plot. I despise the ‘girl is clearly not interested but ends up with guy anyways’ trope and I’m glad that it kinda wasn’t there?? Again, it wasn’t super clear. But nothing romantic between them was shown at the prom or anywhere else so I’m going to choose to believe it’s not canon.
IF THAT WERE TO CHANGE depends on the upcoming show.
If the show has a well written, healthy, and developed relationship. I’d be all for it.
Just please do not pull a 2012 again. I saw that meet-cute ik what you’re trying to pull writers you better tread carefully.
And speaking of 2012; when you’re gonna introduce Casey Jones (i say when because yes), if you’re going to try the whole April love triangle thing again, at least make it funny. You managed to make rizzless Leo entertaining I’m sure you can do the same here. Just don’t make it as annoying as Capritello was in 2012 learn from your mistakes
Better yet, pull a Spiderverse and subvert expectations by making Casey an absolute bro to Leo. Idk, be creative with it.
That’s everything for now. I’m optimistic for the future of this universe. Looking forward to that show even tho it could be effected by the writer’s strike but I don’t wanna think about that possibility rn please get ur shit together and pay writers and actors what they deserve
I’m gonna go make a Kpop playlist for Donnie. Ask box is open if anyone wants to add on or ramble about the movie. Have a good day!
(Tagging my bestie) @enlighten3d
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jeffbiblesupremacy · 1 year
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GQ Thailand Interview (x)
Translation ->
Jeff Satur is a 28 years old Thai-English-Chinese artist, who's enjoying his non-boundaries work with Wayfer Records, under Warner Music Thailand. He released the song "Dum Dum" at the beginning of the year.
This time while talking with GQ Thailand he said he's going to release a new single called "ก่อนเธอจะลืมฝัน (Lucid)" and he shared his feelings towards his first solo album. In addition, we talked about his music and acting works, including his fashion opinions and the importance of the accessories to complement the look.
GQ: Give us an update about your work. What are you working on lately?
Jeff: I'm filming Wuju Bakery. It's been filmed in Korea and I'm having the opportunity to work with Korean and Philippines artists. The series should be aired at the end of the year or the beginning of next year. And for music, I'm working on my solo album and going to release a new single "ก่อนเธอจะลืมฝัน (Lucid) ". I already filmed the music video and will be released on June 22.
GQ: Your music speaks about dreams, forgetting, and remembering moments quite a lot. Was it your intention?
Jeff: (smiles) I don't know. It's according to the feeling of the moment. Like when I have an idea or concept, I would write a song about it. Otherwise I might regret not using those raw resources.
GQ: Is your method of creating each song always the same?
Jeff: Not quite. It depends of what I get first. For example, in the song "Dum Dum", I had the melody and the chords first. For "วันนี้คือพรุ่งนี้ของเมื่อวาน" (Loop Thai Version), I had the melody, chords and lyrics at the same time. Or for "Highway", I had the music style first and then I worked on the melody. The idea for each song suddenly appears no matter what time or place I am. It's like I already have the ingredients in my head and once they're settled down, they're ready to be served. I have a lot of ideas recorded on my phone (smiles)
GQ: What inspired "ก่อนเธอจะลืมฝัน (Lucid)?"
Jeff: I was in the toilet, and the melody hit me, so I had to pick up my phone and record the melody and the ideas that came to my mind before I forgot (laughs). It was a new and strange experience. When I got home, I started working on music keys and other parts of the song. The lyrics are about the question of how people always forget their night dreams. It's because the human brain has a mechanism to delete the unnecessary things. And then we'll have a new dream the next night, which could be a good or a bad dream. I would like to be a representative of the good dreams to help you to release all the burdens you're having, and to have good memories together in the dreams. And I want you to keep the feeling after waking up even if you don't remember the dream.
GQ: You wrote the lyrics, produced the song, and sang it. All by yourself. What's the most difficult/challenging part?
Jeff: For me is the lyrics, because of the characteristics of the Thai language. Sometimes I can't use some words because of their tone. So I spent most of the time working on the lyrics and telling the story without losing the meaning because of the limitation of words. Another challenge for me is that I want my songs to be different from the previous ones. So I try to write new stories, both in terms of lyrics and music. But sometimes I get used to write the same words often or there are moments when life experiences are no different, so I need to challenge myself on this aspect.
GQ: As you said, you express your feelings through your songs. Is there any feeling remain in your work that haven't been made into a song yet?
Jeff: I still miss love songs, but I've already made one (smiles). Also, there's still a lack of songs that talk about my experience and feelings throughout my 10-year journey in the music industry. And a releasing song, expressing happiness and fun. Another one is a song full of beats, like metal music (laughs). I'd love to do one but it would be more of a punk-ish style.
GQ: Definition of the artist called Jeff Satur.
Jeff: It's the same. In my first interview (with GQ), I mentioned it's "No boundaries", and I still think it's the best definition. Because when I'm going to do something, I rarely think if it fits me. I just think if it comes from myself, then it's ME.
GQ: What about as an actor? How do you see yourself as a person who has done acting roles?
Jeff: Acting is a really fun and interesting artwork and it's quite different from being a singer. I talked about this with Thanapob Leeratanakajon, and he said "being a singer is being yourself as much as possible, but being an actor is being someone else as much as possible". But, at the same time, there is a connection. You need to tell your story as best as you can without missing details. I enjoy being someone else because it helps me to expand my ideas for my songs. For example "Stranger" came from my experience playing a character in a musical play for six months. Even if the story of the song never happened to me in real life, I could use the experience and mindset of the character to tell the story.
GQ: Looking ahead, what are you most excited about?
Jeff: In the past 1-2 years, there were a lot of tours, both KinnPorsche and my own. I barely had time to rest but I wasn't exhausted (it was fun). I considered it as a compensation for having nothing for 8 years in the music industry (laughs). But If you ask what I'm most excited about, would be difficult to answer because I'm excited about everything. The upcoming series is a romantic comedy, and it includes my first CG part. It's a new experience for me. I'm also excited about traveling to work in different places. But the part I'm more excited and it means a lot to me is my first album. Besides the music, I'm working on one more thing which I can't spoil it now, but it would be included in my album (smiles).
GQ: I saw that you dad loved to tell you stories. Is there any story or lesson that you have listened and you didn't understand but you get them now?
Jeff: There is a thing he mentioned 2-3 years ago: "Everything that happens is always good. You just have to find out how is good". In the past, I used to wonder why this happened to me, but as time passed, I understood why it happened and what I got from that.
GQ: Tell us about your history blog.
Jeff: At first, I planned to create a website with my friends for an advertising agency. The problem was that we weren't into the business. I was into history and inspiration. I remember writing my first blog about the founder of a fashion brand and how he started it. That piece was shared by approximately 80 people. After that, I found my own writing style and kept publishing. The number of sharing increased to hundreds and thousands. There was one entry I made, it was a video telling my point of view about the inspiration I had from my history research. It was shared more than 60.000 times, and it had more than 3M views. I was very happy because some teachers used the video for their classes at the university. I even received a message from a person who had read my entry about suicide telling me that it saved their life.
GQ: Let's talk about your fashion since you were a new artist to the present. How has your style changed?
Jeff: It has changed a lot. In the past, I only wore t-shirts, polo shirts, or anything safe. I used to wear the same pair of shoes every day, but now I feel like I want to try things. It's fun to dress up because each designer has their own signature. So how can we play with it? (smile)
GQ: You said to GQ Thailand before that you've been inspired to write songs while playing ROV games, but what about your style? Who are the artist who inspire your style or fashion?
Jeff: I like Yoshiki Hayashi from X-Japan, Kurt Cobain from Nirvana, G-Dragon and Pharrell Williams because they look confident. Wear whatever you want to wear, but wear it well (laughs).
GQ: Before getting dressed and going out of the house, which step do you spend the longest time on, such as showering, choosing your outfit, setting your hair?
Jeff: Choose an outfit. Sometimes I go out and come back to change it. The housewives always look at me confused and say "so which one should I iron?" (laughs)
GQ: You've work with GQ Thailand a few times before, how do you feel?
Jeff: It's fun. Actually, I already followed GQ Thailand, both fashion and the opening columns. When it's time to work together I trust that the work will definitely come out well. And since I went to the GQ Man Search contest in 2021, there's always something new when we collaborate, so let's do it again.
GQ: How was today's fashion shooting with GQ Hype?
Jeff: It felt new because we filmed in a studio. But i can feel the innovations in the fashion set shootings. Also posing with the clock make me want to create new poses so I can show the clock.
GQ: Can you talk about the Frank Muller watch that you're wearing today? How do you feel?
Jeff: It's the Flash Grand Central Tourbillon watch. The first detail I noticed was that my hand looked sporty. But there is a classy middle part of the dial that it's very retro mixed with modern. And with Frank Muller's signature dial, I think it's a watch very easy to match. You can wear it to the gym, you don't have to wear a suit. Just wear a shirt and the watch fits.
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bananakarenina · 11 months
20 questions writer meme!
Tagged by the wonderful @breakaway71! A little Friday night break to help me jumpstart some writing, hopefully?
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 26
2. What's your total AO3 word count? 219,077
3. What fandoms do you write for? Julie and the Phantoms, though I have a CW Nancy Drew fic percolating!
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
our hearts can speak ourselves unseen (first collab with @where-you-go, peterpatterlina + modern cyrano de bergerac)
complications you could do without (remix of crescent moon, peterpatterlina)
for love's sake only (the fake marriage historical/regency au, rulie)
want your midnights (the OG! new year's eve 1994, hint of peterpatter)
heaven above and closer (the other collab with @where-you-go, the 90s road trip coming of age au, julie x luke x reggie x bobby, willex)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? Oh gosh. i try, for real, y'all. i often put it off because i want to get a good grade in commenting/responding, which is something real you can achieve, and then i end up not doing it at all. but i love each and every one i receive! i'm just so inconsistent about actually replying.
6. What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? hmmmmm. excellent question; even if i write angst i tend to veer toward a happy or at least hopeful ending (example: leave the light on)
actually you know what, heart like a wheel is probably the angstiest if you think about it. it's just that the main character doesn't know it, lol.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? oh gosh. i love a happy ending, so pick one. they're mostly all varying degrees of happy, lol
8. Do you get hate on fics? i have been very lucky so far in that i don't get outright hate, no.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? it's not the thrust (heh) of what i write, generally, but i have: for love's sake only and its sequel, to love's self alone, are both in the vein of a paperbook romance and are written as such. i do have a carrie x reggie smutfic in the queue though...
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? i can't say that i have! i might nod to another fandom but full crossovers seem so ambitious to me--two different worlds to track, two styles of story. i love reading them, though!
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? if i have i'm not aware of it...
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? i have not!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? @where-you-go are now on our third collab (she, through some sorcery and witchcraft, got me to round robin on a luke x bobby fake dating story one week on here, and we're expanding it to a full fic, hopefully out before the end of the year!) and @daintyduck99 and i have put on that old song, aka the "i can't believe you married a rodeo cowboy" au, also hopefully coming soon! also maybe i'll poke @breakaway71 again about some dialogue i sent her ;)
14. What's your all-time favorite ship? i am a proud multi-shipper and you can't make me choose lololol
15. What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will? lol is "all of them" a valid answer? kidding. i have been struggling with getting over the finish line with WIPs this year so.
16. What are your writing strengths? dialogue, def. that's my theatre training/playwright classes coming through. i can always tell when i'm tired because my drafts devolve into dialogue only, haha.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Oh gosh. endings! i can never seem to wrap things up in a snappy way! also lately stakes. like figuring out what the characters have at stake to lose in terms of the story.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? i'll do it sparingly but i generally avoid whole conversations. my grammar in spanish is terrible and that's the only other language i'd feel comfortable writing any dialogue at all in. maybe i'd ask family about tagalog.
19. First fandom you wrote for? oh man. hahahahahahahaha the real answer might be "self-insert o-town fanfic in which my friends and i fell in love with the band members"? but i think it might be gilmore girls. i do want to archive all my ff.net and livejournal (well, the stuff i can find :( ) things so you may see them on an ao3 near you
20. Favorite fic you've written? oh gosh. i love them all because they're mine! maybe for love's sake only because it really feels like i finished a full novella with that one. or heart like a wheel because i love tertiary character explorations. or want your midnights because it started this whole thing. see, i can't choose. don't make me
Tagging @innytoes, @jmrothwell, @daintyduck99, @invisibleraven, and anyone else who sees this and wants to participate in the fun!
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