#i am going slightly insane with this btw
litres-of-cocaine · 1 year
what’s so awesome about the early episodes of better call saul - i’m talking before chuck has his ‘you’re not a real lawyer speech’ - is how painstaking jimmy’s love for his brother is. it’s obvious how great an actor bob odenkirk just from…. everything aha but. hmmmm. hmmmm!
even before it becomes completely transparent how chuck feels about him, the way jimmy looks at him is devastating. and i don’t mean because we already know how the story turns out from brba, because even if we are looking at it completely isolated from context, jimmy’s care for chuck feels almost like grief. there are lots of ways to communicate love across media in joy or happiness or whatever but i think what makes the way BCS shows what jimmy feels for his brother so unique is that jimmy’s love is conveyed through sadness anytime he looks at chuck.
there are two types of looks/interactions i would categorise this presentation of love:
a) the caregiving kind - it’s jimmy in the hospital, jimmy leading chuck out the door of his house to hhm; the kind where this view of what was compared to what is sits so stark against everything else. it’s like anytime someone’s loved one is suffering, like this failing desperation to help.
b) the ache - this desire jimmy has to not be viewed as a ‘scumbag’, basically beyond slippin’ jimmy. it’s him telling chuck he passed the bar and having to ask if he’s proud because his brother won’t say it at first. jimmy is yearning for his brother to think highly of him and even if chuck did what makes the way jimmy responds to him in these situations so goddamn sad is the way it illustrates how low his self esteem is. he needs chuck to encourage him and tell him he’s good otherwise suddenly all his worst fears about himself are just bam correct in his mind.
and like if we compare these showcases of feelings to the flashback of jimmy in custody after his chicago sunroof incident i would argue that we *don’t* see this kind of display. like here he’s interested in escaping the charges and he wants chuck to help him, yes, there’s the underlying tensions of chuck being successful in a way that jimmy decidedly isn’t but this crushing desire to be better at all costs doesn’t appear here. it’s not in the scene where we see a flashback scam play out or barely at all when jimmy has *just* got off his charge and is heading to new mexico.
chuck’s urgency for jimmy to quit his scams and be better is what crushes any positive idea jimmy has of himself (granted if we’re speaking morally - which we aren’t bcs this is fictitious but still - is a societal improvement as he was a con artist) and then his refusal to validate any progress he makes just pushes him down further and further. but jimmy loves him for it anyway. jimmy genuinely wants to be good, he wants so so so much to be a good lawyer and a good person and *like chuck*. he returns the kettleman’s money, warns them about nacho, and actually wants to advocate and help (in exchange for payment ofc, he is a lawyer) for the elderly people he works with.
like he’s viewing his brother as like this redemptive figure for him to a certain extent as he’s realised that he wasn’t a good person before. but chuck ‘saving’ him does make him a better person but just makes him feel crap about himself.
jimmy’s love for his brother is folded over and over and over again and seems so genuine and sincere so that watching chuck’s kind of dispassionate coldness even in the first episode makes it seem all the more desperate and intense. (you could compare him to the way jesse’s parents act a lil probably)
i’m not suggesting that chuck is like malicious in this or anything, but what he does for jimmy seems wayyy more like obligation than care. like he has an understanding of the familial responsibility he has and what i’d call an objective ‘love’ because of that connection, but that’s it. jimmy, on the other hand, idolises him. jimmy in trying to be a good person is still so far from perfect lmao even with the way he is with chuck but it’s clear that is brother is everything to him. the short (and not very revolutionary) answer lol: jimmy loves chuck more than chuck loves jimmy. and again i’m strictly talking. like. episodes 1-9 here.
and now if we put that -back- in context of breaking bad…..
it’s like a fucking sledgehammer to the chest.
we known that jimmy becomes saul before the program starts. even if someone who hasn’t seen breaking bad is watching BCS chronologically, they are seeing saul after the events of the initial show from the start. it’s clear exactly *what* he ends up as. so we know what saul represents in relation to this ideal of a ‘good’ lawyer.
the cars already crashed, the bomb’s gone off, we are reading jimmy mcgill’s obituary.
this care that jimmy shows for chuck (even after the betrayal yaknow) feels so fucking cataclysmic because of that as not only is he trying so hard and the viewers are seeing from his perspective in the early episodes but. we know that he fails. and we know that chuck, the arsehole who i would say, if not directly causes, at least contributes to jimmy’s negative arc, ends up being right.
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cashmere-caveman · 8 months
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Being Human S1E6 | Julio Cortázar, Bolero (trans. John Joseph Lyons) (x) | Being Human S3E8 | D. S. Stylus, Stunt Double (x) | Being Human S3E8 | D. S. Stylus, Stunt Double (x) | Julio Cortázar, Bolero (trans. John Joseph Lyons) (x) | Being Human S1E6 | Being Human S3E8
[Image descriptions in ALT]
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ahli-stuff · 1 year
HELP out of curiosity I switched the audio in narcos to Japanese and was not ready to hear boyds Japanese dubbed voice 😭
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croakings · 10 months
^ this user wrote 4,000 words today to start catching up on the nano deficit that comes from slacking for like a week.
we are now only 5,000(ish) words behind babey!!
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ephhemeralite · 1 year
listen. i understand the fact that aziraphale's part of everyday is a lot of new and interesting bits of character development that are very fun to tear apart. but i've seen tons of people discussing what heaven and forgiveness and crowley-as-an-angel mean to aziraphale without the corresponding look at what it means to crowley. so i would really like to do that
cw: discussions of abuse, indoctrination, trauma, and a Really Very Long meta post
it super surprised me when s2 opened on an angel!crowley scene because that kind of scene isn't typically necessary for the kind of character he is. crowley's character is one that revolves around the absence of who he was Before -- so you can understand all that you need to know about him by the ways that he deals with what he's lost (looking at where the furniture isn't, right?). he talks about stars and creation now because they were the most important parts of his angelic life and he cannot leave them behind. he mentions how he fell for asking questions because that's still a large part of who he is; he doesn't believe in hell's mission and he questions the goals and ethics of hell/heaven (the whole graverobbing ordeal, as well as the opening in s1 with hastur and ligur where you can see that his demonic strategy is fundamentally different from more traditional demons, not to mention having a permit from heaven during the job scenes and still disobeying orders according to his own morality). we get a really solid understanding of crowley and what he's about perfectly well from his current demon iteration, because the most important tenants of his character have stayed consistent or formed after the fall.
so what do we gain by such a scene to open the season? well, we learn that this is when aziraphale met crowley for the first time, we learn that aziraphale is immediately besotted by crowley, we learn that aziraphale expresses concern for crowley's questions (and imminent fall). this scene focuses on aziraphale experiencing crowley as an angel because this is an important moment for aziraphale's story, not anything to do with how crowley is or where crowley's story is going.
some other things we know about crowley are that he is the one constantly pushing for "their own side," for separation from heaven and hell, for a person that understands him as someone outside of the angel/demon binary. crowley is the one to approach aziraphale first as agents of opposite sides on the wall of eden, to suggest the arrangement, to convince aziraphale that armageddon would be bad and that they should work together to stop it. he's the one pushing aziraphale further from acceptable angelic behavior. hell, we even find out that he tempts aziraphale into trying food for the first time, which is aziraphale's greatest vice as a character.
this isn't because crowley wants aziraphale to fall or because he's set out to corrupt an angel, though. he sees aziraphale sin (or separate himself from heaven as a collective) first with giving away his sword, then through continued conversation with crowley (The Enemy), and the various other historical scenes where aziraphale lies or indulges in consumption or doesn't follow the divine plan to a tee. this culminates in the arrangement, which crowley sees as a concrete acknowledgement of the futility of heaven and hell, along the lines of "if we can both do the other side's acts and we're both canceling each other out, what's the point in doing any of this in the first place?" (this is NOT, notably, a question on the futility of life itself. crowley covets some material items like the bentley and alcohol that point to a personal valuation of living on earth, but he also has a strong and consistent emphasis on actual, living creatures: the goats, job's children, his plants, the children drowned during the flood, the antichrist, and the line from s2e6 where he says "if heaven kills all life on earth it will be just as dead as if hell had done it.") he believes that this is a clear indication that aziraphale no longer subscribes to the traditional opinions of heaven and hell. obviously, he discovers that he's very wrong come the last scene of season two, but it's helpful to understand the mindset he walks in with.
there's been a lot of gorgeous meta about how the two of them communicate and what their relationship is like in the present, so i'll try not to reinvent the wheel too much here while i look at the conversation in everyday. there's two particular things id like to look at: how crowley can never truly tell aziraphale no (this is pretty well-established so i don't feel the need to go into it, yes?) and the consistency with which crowley denies being the angel he was before the fall -- there are the unsubtle lines about not being the angel who fell, his time as an angel being a long time ago; there's also the slightly subtler moments where he refuses to acknowledge any memory of working with any particular angel/demon during their time as angels (both the pencil-pusher demon and saraqael, if not anyone else im forgetting), as well as his rather iconic reaction to being described as good or nice (this is typically interpreted as a reaction to being seen as not demon-like, but crowley really doesn't care about demons or hell beyond what his association requires. no one cares who's doing the job so long as it gets done, yeah? its more interesting to me to see these moments as times where crowley is described in angelic terms and refuses to let himself be seen as something he can no longer be.)
so if you take crowley at his word, what does it mean to no longer be an angel?
it means that there was a point where crowley was an angel, as we've both heard and seen. it means that he spent time in heaven, had a role, experienced and valued a lot of typically angelic things like kindness and forgiveness. it means that he was eventually cast out for, as we've heard and seen, being curious and headstrong. it means that he lost his place in heaven, his role, his identity, his values and experiences (using experiences here to refer to things he has done and can no longer do, rather than his memories, since i don't have enough textual substance to discuss any ideas i might have about memory). this is the really important part, i think: that crowley had all of these things and that they were taken from him because of who he is as a person (who he already was as an angel, before the exacerbation that came when he became a demon). not only that, all of this loss also took the form of an extremely traumatic fall (as in, a single event that caused crowley not only emotional but assumably physical pain, as well as being a generally physical ordeal).
abusive situations can often thrive because of the manipulation the people within them experience. unquestionable, morally just figures like parents to children or gods to angels get away with what they do because they are able to turn the victim's doubt around onto the victim (what i do is right because i'm The Parent/God/The Boss and you as The Child/The Angel/The Employee have no right to question me, thus if you do you must be Wrong) as well as the ephemeral nature of words (did they really say that or am i exaggerating to make them seem worse in my memory? this is where the physical aspect of falling comes in). this is something i fully see happening to aziraphale within the show.
however, one of the things that can knock an abused person out of their abusive situation is something that's too big to go unquestioned and an absence of the manipulating force to direct the shape of their conclusions. this is where crowley and aziraphale's character stories differ: crowley fell, lost all connection to heaven, and then had no one to tell him heaven was in the right and he the wrong. after landing in hell (which could have also been a bad and manipulative situation) crowley is removed from the manipulating forces by being stationed on earth, where he is allowed to experience life out from under anyones thumb (relatively), process this giant trauma and loss, and find his own answers. he then does what a lot of people who have been abused do when they're no longer being abused: he goes out and does stuff that he couldn't do before. this is where he meets aziraphale, who is also stationed on earth and doing a number of (aforementioned) things that don't align with heaven. the thing that crowley doesn't understand is that aziraphale hasn't had these same experiences that lead to crowley's epiphany nor is he isolated from heaven's manipulation (often seen as gabriel in the first season and metatron in the second). each time aziraphale does something that does not align with heaven's ideals, he either sees that as a reflection of what a bad angel he is or he tries to rationalize it into fitting into his/heaven's world view (the ineffable plan. it was literally right there this entire time i could SCREAM about this GOD'S INEFFABLE PLAN)
so aziraphale is holding onto this idea of an angel that does not exist anymore and crowley is projecting an understanding of similar experiences that did not happen. they're miscommunicating, wow, what else is new? we understand that aziraphale is rationalizing and being manipulated, but why did crowley act the way he did during the fight instead of falling into the familiar and consistent pattern of following aziraphale and going where he leads?
that's right, i said i wanted to talk about how crowley can never tell aziraphale no!!
from crowley's point of view, their entire relationship revolves around their experiences on earth where he has perceived aziraphale defying heaven and he felt intense kinship with that. he's delighted about giving away the sword, he watches aziraphale eat a LOT, they definitely like to drink together, he protects aziraphale from the consequences of lying (crowley protecting aziraphale from falling deserves a billion metas right this instant really). these are all major moments to crowley where aziraphale distinguishes himself from the celestial system. when aziraphale asks crowley for things, he does them because (yes, he loves aziraphale, but also) aziraphale is the one person across heaven, hell, and earth that crowley feels he is actually allied with. he has to go through the motions with hell, deal with all of the pain surrounding heaven, but this one angel is a place where crowley can be genuine, whether that be good or bad or none of the above (this is literally manifested physically within the text with crowley's glasses). the foundation of their relationship, to crowley, is their side. this is why crowley's reaction at the end of everyday is both so intense and pivotal: aziraphale asks crowley to join heaven's side with him and crowley says no.
crowley is not an angel. when crowley was an angel, before the beginning of time, he was too incompatible with heaven and so he fell. that is what being an angel got crowley. there have been some points made about how unhappy being a demon makes crowley and how sweet and innocent he seemed as an angel, but i think that line of thinking falls into the same trap that aziraphale does, which is in assuming that being an angel is in some way inherently better than being a demon, or that crowley wasn't unhappy as an angel, or that aziraphale isn't unhappy as an angel himself. because crowley is happy, when left to his own devices or with aziraphale. his unhappiness comes from the interventions of heaven and hell within his life (thus the importance of crowley questioning the point of heaven and hell and not life itself) because he would like to be separate from them, not restored to some prior state of belonging within their system. the truth is that crowley will never become that angel that aziraphale met again, because that's not how trauma ever, ever works, but that does not mean that crowley cannot have a full and meaningful life in his current state. he's not broken, he's just someone who has been rejected by heaven.
crowley responds to the most fundamental aspect of his identity being questioned and dismissed (i can make you an angel again), with, frankly, a respectably low-key amount of upset. he tells aziraphale that they're better than their sides because his ultimate goal is to separate their side from that of heaven and hell. when aziraphale reveals that he wants to fix heaven, crowley hears him. this is so important to me, because this is a moment where crowley is trying to communicate. he changes his approach and tries to speak to aziraphale instead of reacting out of emotion. after this moment, crowley doesn't speak out of anger at all, even in response to when aziraphale does. instead, he tries to confess his feelings to aziraphale and offers up the option to leave heaven and hell behind again. this is such an important moment because it's crowley trying to break out of their long, deep-instilled habit to hide and double-speak and he gets really close to saying what he means explicitly, even factoring how intensely emotional it makes him to do so.
his offer to run away isn't done to ignore aziraphale's needs but to show him that there is another way out, if aziraphale is willing to take it. there are other options that aziraphale hasn't considered, but crowley is, because crowley is still trying to solidify the existence of their side. from their side, they are free to ignore the angel/demon dichotomy and just be themselves, whatever that looks like. this is what crowley wants, above everything else in the world.
aziraphale rejects this entire concept when he lets go of his bookshop and earth as a whole with the nothing lasts forever line. aziraphale is rejecting earth, the middle ground that they've built their entire lives together on, forcing them into the roles of angel and demon exclusively. this, of all moments, is when crowley puts his glasses back on. because he cannot be an angel, the only role left to him is demon, and thus his vulnerability is not safe or welcome to be exposed to aziraphale.
crowley tries to acknowledge their life on earth twice in the next few moments: the nightingales, which represent everything they went through in the last season (which aziraphale is not thinking about, because he's already left their role as representatives of earth and/or humanity behind) and the kiss itself, which is as explicit as crowley is physically able to be about his own feelings and the future he wants them to have on earth as their own side. he is asking aziraphale, as well as he can, to stay. he's physically closing the divide between their roles in an attempt to show aziraphale how little it all really matters in practice and
aziraphale does the most angelic thing he possible could and Forgives crowley. this is not said out of kindness or as an instinctive reaction. aziraphale is angry and upset when he says this because, in some way, he understands what his words mean even as he does not understand crowley's actions or rejection at all. he reinforces the binary between them and acts vindictively (to parallel the insistence on the apology dance after the argument in the first episode) in retaliation to crowley denying what he sees as his gracious and miraculous offer of restoration.
the most important part of crowley's character to understand in this moment is that while he wants a happy life with aziraphale more than anything, he has extremely hard limits and heaven is one of them. his boundary here is a fundamental part of him and even his deepest desires cannot overcome them. as a fallen, crowley knows that who he is as a person is not angelic. as a fallen, crowley knows what its like to lose the most important, pivotal pieces of his life and start again. as a fallen, he knows that he survived it once. he tells aziraphale don't bother.
and crowley, who will be (and always has been) a demon if it means not being an angel, who has told aziraphale that demons are unforgivable, does the only thing he can do. he leaves.
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29121996 · 17 days
#someones occupying my alter'#i say alter' bc its . a swuare on my desk#but anyway u make do w what u have.#anyway. whoevers occupying it (bc they wont give me any indication as to eho they are btw. its rlly annoying. ive tried#but they helped me rearrange it n like . set it up to Their liking .#n i feel insane but i felt Physicslly compelled to do 3 different things n it was so fuckign . dawg#the rose is a week old btw n still is in sucbbpretty comdition. im impressed#i love it. idk who it is but im loving their presence rn#got my blaxk cat statue w a leaf (insistent kncthe leaf) + my rose / clear wuartz + selenite towrrs in a Specific Way (very pretty i admire)#n my amethyst angel Out of the crystsl box. so .#i have a feeling i am jusbsupposed tocfollow the clues shes giving me . n figure it out from there but . its not a lotnto go off#i did enjoy the 'put it back. Now...' energy she gsve me when i picked he rrose up tho. like#she wasnt mad or anyrging. but she was definitely not Pleased n i got Naxious holding the longer i held it#so . shes protective of it actusllt whixh is 🥰🥰 bc i wasnt sure . who i was offering jt to#like i got it. set up the vase better n put tbe rose n in n kinda hus saud#just said that i was offering this ul to someone in my spjrit team as a gift / communication token#n its not tje 1st time ive done tgis but its the 1st time ive felt someone so strongly actually .#like . its so cool i rlly enjoy it. even if it means i am slightly insane ?#shes taken to the dead roses fromvmy birthday too i wasnt allowed to touch them#i mean . i was allowed to remive a few if i wanted to but she wanted One#i think its a woman. i dont rlly get . a masculine vibe from it#anyway. uts fun i try n say hello to her
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yesterdayiwrote · 2 years
right what happened with Alex??? He wasn't on stage with the others (Lewis, George, Sergio)... he disappeared? Also, many saying George and Sergio stayed in their hotel room because there are no party videos surfacing of them... sureeee, guys it's Vegas, there's no way George and Alex didn't prance down those strips to committ their shenanigans
Like I put in the tags, Gunther was definitely advertised as appearing but didn’t (EDIT: I’ve just seen someone say he was there so idek) so idk if they needed someone to appear with Jost or whatever but it just seemed weird! At least put everyone on stage together? Bit unfair on Alex and poor Williams, they really do make an effort with promo stuff and they just get forgotten about a bit?!
I hope that wasn’t the case, Checo probably went back home, but it’s a long way for George to go to just sit in his room! Especially in Vegas where there’s so much to do! Hopefully he gets to hang out. (I also hope he’s staying in the Americas and not flying back to the UK just to fly back on Tue/Wed) 😬😬 Hopefully Lily let George borrow his boyfriend back for the night 😂
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hadesisqueer · 2 months
I'm not saying people must ship Kataang or anything, everyone here is free to ship whatever people want, but at the same time, some of the criticism I see of the ship is insane.
One of the softer ones (because today I saw some crazy stuff) is that they're sibling coded. Like, I watched ATLA several times, I kind of just rewatched ATLA, and yet I still don't get how exactly they're sibling coded? Aang pretty much had a crush on Katara from the moment he met her, and Katara at first saw him as a friend —she never said she saw him as 'her little brother', by the way, you guys need to learn the differences between sibling dynamics and friend dynamics—. That starts changing at the end of The Fortune Teller when she begins seeing Aang from another perspective, though. By the beginning of Book 2 it's pretty clear she has already started to develop a crush on him. If you think it's very 'sisterly' of her to blush while asking Aang 'we're in the Cave of the Two Lovers, so what if, you know-- what if we kissed 😳👉🏻👈🏻', then get upset when Aang said he wouldn't kiss her and then after they did kiss and were already out she blushes and gets nervous again-- or when she gets jealous in The Headband when he dances with another girl and then blushes again while dancing with him-- you're tuning into the wrong show, go watch Game of Thrones or something, because this is not it.
You can argue that Katara was 'like an older sister' or 'motherly' to Aang over the fact that she was often very caring towards him, but honestly, that's not it, either; otherwise, you could say that Katara sees Zuko as her brother because she likes teasing him. Do I think Katara and Zuko are sibling-coded? Not really. But if you say that Katara was sisterly or motherly to Aang because she's caring towards him, you can also say Katara sees Zuko as her brother because she often teased him the exact same way she teased Sokka, her older brother. (I do not think Katara sees Zuko as her brother, btw; just clearing this up. And I may not ship him and Katara but if that's your ship, you do you, I am not getting into a ship war here).
Katara in general is a very caring person, to the point that yeah, it comes off as 'motherly' sometimes. She was like that not just to Aang but towards Toph and Sokka as well. That doesn't mean she really sees any of them as her 'children' as well, guys, nor do any of them actually see them as their mother (well, Sokka kind of did, but that's another thing). And she's very protective of Aang, yeah. Try to switch Kataang's gender for a second; Katara as the boy and Aang as the girl. Switch it up and you have a girl with a cute crush on a slightly older boy who at first sees her as a friend but after a while starts reciprocating. If you saw that boy act more caring and protective of that girl, you wouldn't assume he sees her as a daughter, you'd just assume he is extremely protective because his feelings are strong. I once saw someone saying 'Katara acts like a Booktok boyfriend' and honestly? Kind of, yeah. A lot of Kataang is them being kind of a reverse of the stereotypical 'kind but stronger, older boy gets with sweet, younger girl' stuff we see in a lot of media. Both of them are very caring and supportive and constantly reassure each other, not just Katara to Aang, (and Aang is also very protective of Katara as well, we see it many times, most of all in The Avatar State), but Katara is the older one, and usually the most protective as well, the one who fought off Zuko at the North Pole to protect Aang, the one who almost lost it when she saw him literally die and fought off the Dai Li, Zuko and Azula to get him and get out at The Crossroads of Destiny, the one who grabs Zuko when he joins them and literally tells him 'hurt Aang and I will kill you'.
Yeah, I don't think Kataang is sibling-coded at all. That person is right, Katara is just Aang's 'Booktok boyfriend'.
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brandnewhuman · 2 years
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♡ part 2 of random hc ♡
☆ starring ☆
König aka my beloved giant unfairly underrated and overlooked
Tw: mature language, mentions of anxiety, tiny bit of angst like you have to squint really hard
A/N: first i have to thank @bloodlst for giving me so many ideas and for dealing with me and my endless rants about this absolutely scrunkly babe. I SHOULD BE DOING REQUESTS AND YET HERE I AM WRITING FOR A MAN I'VE KNOWN FOR NO MORE THAN A WEEK OR SO. Media is ruining my chances at a normal relationship fr ANYWAY ENJOY
Listen this fucker is the definition of disney Prince when he gets comfortable enough around you
Everytime he talks about his s/o instead of saying you're his he says that he's yours
He feels like it's not as intimate and accurate as he really feels around you to say that you're his
And BTW he brags about you and your public displays of affection to everyone and anyone
Bro has not an ounce of embarrassment in showing he loves you and you love him
He's so charming and smooth but with that sprinkle of awkwardness that makes him ridiculously adorable
He is quite literally a gentleman and worships the ground you walk
In general he's very respectful and lovely with everyone
That's why he tends to like make people crush on him
Which he totally doesn't notice like ever, this man can and will think they're just being overly nice out of pity
He is literally so good at dancing, like it's almost annoying
One could think that him being so tall would make him really stiff and awkward when dancing but he's not
He's as graceful and elegant as ever
Is the only time he gets confident and shows off a little bit his physical appearance
He definitely prefers more elegant dances like waltz and tango ecc
He has a really hard time at being funny cause he always worries that maybe his jokes are not obvious enough or that he's just straight up not funny
Like he has a shit ton of puns and jokes in his head but says none of them cause he doesn't really knows if people will get it and it's scared of coming off as weird
Most of the jokes are dirty jokes BTW, this man is an absolute child and is making deez nuts jokes left to right inside the confines of his really strange mind
Has really large hands, like not quite big but really long fingers and they're slightly crooked AND EVERYONE WHO HAS LONG FINGERS CAN CONFIRM YOUR FINGIES GET CROOKED
ALSO ALSO when he buys a new phone he doesn't even cares about it being good or not
He has premature grey hairs. Like he has starting to get them when he was really young
Which ends up in him always having to dye his hair
He loves to go to get groceries
Like he actively gets excited about new products or new things to buy and overall he just enjoys how relaxing and calming is to go to the supermarket
I feel like he's one of those people who are really good at card games like poker ecc
He either ends up broke af cause everyone is merciless with him or he's unbelievably lucky and ends up winning every hand but doesn't takes the money cause he feels bad
It really depends on the day
With board games tho he's definitely a sore loser
Like have you seen how pissy and sarcastic he gets in the game sometimes? You can not tell me this man doesn't hates losing at monopoly
Me and my fellow könig simp @bloodlst have come to the conclusion that he has an involuntary resting bitch face
The fact is that as I said before he clenched his jaw almost always due to anxiety which makes him look like really scary but insanely hot
The moment you make him smile tho it's like you're witnessing some sort of shapeshift witchery
He has gone through the most traumatising injuries ever but never seems to notice (?)
Like he has big ass scars in his body and when someone asks about them he tells the story all chill as if he's not talking about him getting fucked up in every possible way
and he like never realises how serious his injuries are in the eyes of everyone else so he's always so confuse as why everyone looks so concern
He chooses his words wisely cause he values the meaning of certain words and doesn't likes to use them lightly
Like he tries not to tell his s/o I love you too lightly or too much cause he wants the phrase to always feels as special as it is for him and not something you said just because
And about that when he's arguing with someone he never says anything he does not mean
That means he will say 100% the truth even if it hurts
That doesn't mean that if he realises he's wrong he won't apologise
He will and will genuinely own his mistakes and take responsibility without using excuses
Like I said before könig is not one who gets angry easily
He has unwavering patience and deals with things very rationally
Like he is used to people treating him as if he was dumb, bullying him and just overall making him feel like bad about his anxiety or himself so it's not surprising he can handle people bring arses very well
He gets upset but always hides it really well
When he does gets mad tho he is going to make you cry
Any filter or shyness goes away and he just snaps and gets really mean really fast
Mean because although he's being honest, he's particularly brutal about it and says things as harsh as possible
But like I said is really hard for him to get that angry
The most that one can do to him is force him to politely excuse himself to go somewhere else and cry it out
He's a really sensitive person and most often than not he just gets sad, he won't stay sad for long but when he does he feels like absolute shit
The things that make him go absolutely apeshit is mostly when people mistreat his loved ones or when people take advantage of someone weaker than them like they used to do with him
When he was younger he used to have a lot of anger issues
He used to feel frustrated all the time with how unfair everyone was with him because of his anxiety
Never got into physical fights but would end up snapping and saying really hurtful things to people he loved
That's why now he tries to be careful with words
He's very proud of the person he has become in some way
He has come a long way and now he's a healthier person than he used to be
He forgives but never forgets even tho he's not the type of person to use past mistakes against someone
He just keeps in mind the thing that had happened and if he doesn't sees any change then he just acts consequently
Hates mint flavour beverages or ice cream and can't understand why people enjoy it so much
I don't know why but I feel like he grow up with his grandparents
He absolutely loved his grandma and used to call her almost everyday
When he buys clothes he doesn't really care about the brand ecc he likes to buys what makes him feel confident or good
Not even what others might like or stuff like that nono
He just buys whatever his funky brain finds pretty
And surprisingly it leads to him having a really good style
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I am so in to König and the confident solder lady (btw we need a tag name or a callsign for her, maybe a poll?) but anyway I go insane for that dynamic!❤️‍🔥 I am on FIRE after I read your stories and it's NEVER enough 😭🤣
so I imagined this scenario about them
They are out on a mission to capture someone. When König finds the target the lady solder, still under the effect of how brutal and efficient König is with his hands disposing of the enemies, says to him:
L - Bag n tag me...I mean HIM
K - *looks at lady solder while filthy thoughts run through his mind*
now both of their minds are in the gutter...as well as mine, but mine never left😈
Confident soldier lady is so unhinged even König is at a loss sometimes 🤨 And our soldier babe? She gets off on those baffled, bewildered looks a little too much (shame on her).
One day when they're cuddling, sweaty and spent after another heated session that was supposed to put her in her place – how curious that it does actually work, even if only for like 5 minutes – she crosses another line.
"König… Could you kidnap me sometime? You know, in a roleplay fashion," she asks while drawing circles on that godly, muscled, sweaty chest.
The said godly muscled sweaty chest almost stops breathing.
"Kidnap you?" König repeats, appalled and with pure loathing in his voice. "I hate kidnappers... And I hate slavery."
She nearly rises to give him a pointed remark about how funny it is that he hates that shit when at the same time, doesn't have a problem with treating her like a possession. But calling a man like König out on his double standards would be futile, so she settles for seething with quiet resentment while curled up there in his arms.
Yeah… Of course this guy wouldn't know what roleplay even means.
Next week she's walking back to the bus after visiting a sibling, a bit anxious about getting back to base and seeing König again. She still has over a week's worth of leave left, but she wants to go back to spend it with him.
It's sick... Everything about this relationship is sick, twisted, and crazy. She’s always running back to him like a cat who hears her owner has opened another canned tuna in oil. She's so in her thoughts about how to torture that jerk in return that she doesn't quite notice a white van pulling over right next to her.
He barely fits inside the cargo space with her, almost folds her in half while ducking and stepping inside. The car groans under the weight, slants slightly to the side, and she starts to panic and squirm from realizing this is actually happening.
Next thing she knows, she's being picked up from behind like she weighs nothing. A large palm lands over her mouth the minute she’s about to scream – she makes a tiny little noise through her nose but the palm moves to cover that as well.
The street is silent, it's a lazy afternoon in the suburbs, everyone is at work and children are at school, and no one can hear or see how some psycho hauls her inside that van.
"Shh. Stop fighting," a familiar voice bleeds into her ears, muffled and warm.
It can't be…
But then again, didn't she just make a wish upon a psycho star?
He notices she has stopped fighting, just like he ordered her to. He feels how she surrenders to a far stronger beast – just like she's supposed to. And then he purrs.
"Das ist eher so… Be good now. Be a good girl."
No one speaks German like that. No one calls her a gut girl like that.
The palm leaves her mouth, and she's being lowered gently on the floor of the van. She turns to look at her captor with both hope and dread pounding inside her chest.
It's pointless to utter that name when the man before her is exactly his size and build, moves like him, has those same cold, blue eyes that gain a warmer tone every time they land on her. The only thing that makes her take a double check is that he's not wearing a hood this time but a black balaclava. Oddly enough, it makes him look a bit more human. She can see the shape of his jaw, the perch of his nose, usually disguised by the baggy sniper hood he's so fond of...
But what the new mask also does is that it makes him look even more menacing: he looks like some of those terrorists they've always fought against. He looks like the biggest bank robber ever put to this earth, he looks like he's about to shoot dozens of innocent citizens and then kidnap someone to take as his prize and drag them into his rape lair.
The notion should not make her squeal like she's looking forward to being that person…
"You're mine now," he looks down at her, lying at his feet like a stray cat about to be taken back home, then turns to walk out of the van. By the time he slams the doors shut, she's smiling – she might be in need of some serious help, but she can't deny König is at his best when he comes out to play.
His house is surprisingly neat, albeit it is no doubt also a man cave for a soldier who rarely spends time at home.
She’s not carried into a cold lair or a secret dungeon underneath the house. No, she gets to stay in his bedroom, on a soft, king-sized bed. He "forces" her cook for him, and praises her meals like they’re some sort of gourmet dishes. It lights a little flame inside her chest, a fire that doesn’t burn but only feels warm. She starts to tidy his place on her own accord.
It's cute, and it's fun, their little kidnap game.
It’s also kind of entertaining to play house with König like this, especially when her "kidnapper" comes to her every night and takes her gently but intensely, with a passion that renders her silent.
It starts to resemble the most domestic little scene until after one week, she snaps out of it.
She doesn't fight back at all.
He calls her his, asks if she has everything she needs as they lay together on his ridiculously large and nice bed. She doesn’t miss her hard army bunk one bit.
She snaps out of it because he brings her a dress.
She fucking hates dresses.
Well, perhaps she doesn’t hate them... but she hates the particular dress he bought her. It's white and has flowers on it – yuck – is she supposed to cook him a nice, healthy meal while wearing that? Let him lift the hem and take her against a counter whenever he wants? Does he think she’s just going to open her legs for him every night after serving him like a docile, doting little wife?
That night, she fights like a wildcat when he comes to her. She enjoys the way he's panting by the time she finally surrenders to him. He sounds like a dog in heat, he's grunting like a man who has one job too many, trying to restrain his little alley cat so that he can push that heavenly cock inside her. She's dripping wet by the time he gets there, looking up at her captor with lightning and thunder in her eyes.
"What's gone into you now, meine Wildkatze?"
"That stupid dress, that's what's gone into me," she hisses as he tries to be gentle again – she suddenly hates it that he's gentle.
"You'd look good in it," he tries, and she almost spits on his face. Her heart hurts for some unfathomable reason, her lower lip juts out with a furious pout.
"Well you'd look good in rags…!"
And just when she thinks he couldn't make it worse… he makes it worse.
He just laughs. Gently, and heartily.
"Is that the best you can do, little one?"
"You'd make such a good wife..."
The only thing she can do is gasp for air as he makes love to her, as those eyes hold her captive gently, so gently – has he become so gentle just because she cooked him for a week and cleaned up his stupid man cave?
Did he kidnap her just because he realized that would be the perfect way to trick her and transform her into a good little housewife?
Good god...
"If you don't set me free tomorrow, I swear I'll… I'll run away!"
She’s the one panting now, and her threat has little effect save for the hauntingly familiar flash of dare that makes those blue eyes look brighter for a second.
"That's what cats do sooner or later," her King tilts his head – the cock inside her gives a demanding pulse, and she has to fight the urge to moan.
"…but they always return home."
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dusty-siltstrider · 6 days
Alright I'm gonna ruffle some feathers I think but idk I gotta say something.
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For this moment and this moment only I'm going to set aside the rabid Viktor fan that I am and speak as a slightly less rabid Vi fan. She's a very close second and I relate to her the most out of the cast. Love her. So on and so forth. At this point the marketing is frustrating me less as a Viktor fan and more as a Vi fan.
When the Annecy people talked about a goth Vi fighting in the pits piss-drunk mad seeing crazy things I was ECSTATIC. Like holy shit that's such a major turn in her personality! Really fills out that whole "what does Vi do when she has no one left to protect" thing! Wow! Not to mention she's gonna be hot but that's a given. What a shocking thing to see when November comes around aaaand there she is in the trailer okay. Along with what is presumably her act 3 timeskip design judging by the longer hair. Element of surprise gone. Cool.
So where the Viktor part of me gets to waste hours yapping about where he's gonna be in season 2, what his arc will be, what he's gonna look like, what's gonna cause divorce era... feel like we're running out of room for speculation for the main 3. Room for imagination, if you will.
Like WE'VE BEEN KNEW ABOUT PIT FIGHTER VI. This isn't a surprise sneak peek anymore, everyone's either seen her in the trailer or at least heard about the Annecy stuff. Personally I no longer have the same level of insane jittery excitement to see how that arc goes in s2 anymore. Her new design is no longer a surprise and they're going to show even more tomorrow lol. I have little room to ponder "huh wonder what VI's gonna be up to." Pit fighter arc gets started and instead of my jaw dropping going "oh my god Vi honey you really are broken aren't you noooo" it's just... yeah that thing I saw during a Netflix event. Damn. Looks cool still but it's not a shock.
This massive point in both the plot and Vi's arc has become a marketing hype machine. Which dampens, you know, the whole "telling a story" thing.
What do I have to speculate about? Cait's whole iron-fist arc is fairly obvious via marketing, Vi's three-act structure has been pretty clearly laid out, they even spoiled Noxus/Ambessa turning on Piltover. Yeah, think we saw it coming, sure, but I kind of like being able to speculate on stories I enjoy. At least Jinx's revolutionary thing is pretty up in the air (which I still believe is a misdirect but I digress).
Please don't get me wrong, I really like her design and I'm still very excited to see where it goes! Obviously there's still plenty of details in between to fill out and yes I'm being slightly dramatic and yes my salt towards yet again no Viktor may be contributing to this frustration and YES pit fighter Vi is sick and the clip will be cool as fuck no matter what. But I'm honestly a little surprised everyone's so thrilled about this. I'm (likely) not watching it solely to preserve at least some element of surprise because I'm so excited for Vi next season and it sucks that they're just giving this all out in marketing.
Assuming this is the Annecy clip, that's just kinda lazy to reuse btw. But whatever this is lengthy and poorly worded enough.
Anyway bringing back the Viktor fan that I am yes I'm bitter yes I miss him yes I will not stop insisting that throwing in a few voice lines is not only perfectly reasonable as a teaser but would be more effective marketing wise than burning out the Cait/Vi/Jinx stuff bc deadass what else can they show us at this point okay thank you goodnight
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animentality · 10 months
Not to send you an essay but do you ever think about how Gortash was the only person in the whole game who didn’t want anything from Durge but Durge. Just them, as a person. Like yes he wanted the netherstone, and wanted the alliance. But what I mean is there were no prereqs for Durge as a person. Every other companion, every other NPC even, wanted Durge to either resist and refuse Bhaal or pursue power and claim their birthright. Everyone had their two cents for what Durge should or shouldn’t do irrespective of how Durge actually felt about it. It made any friendship or love offered to them conditional, even in the case of their companions. It was always “I’ll stand by you, IF”. To be fair, not necessarily unreasonable for the normal person to set boundaries on murder and such lol. But my point is that they all wanted something from Durge first.
But Gortash. OF ALL PEOPLE. Gortash didn’t want anything from them but them. Even for Durge’s biggest supporters in either moral direction - Jaheira, Sceleritas, etc - it was not that simple. Yet Gortash’s friendship with Durge (and to be clear I think they were so in love but I say friendship here to emphasise that even on top of or irrespective of any romance, they were genuinely friends too!) was unconditional. “This changes nothing” is a line I know we all talk about to death but god. That is genuinely unconditional. It is!
(If we want to push the delusion a bit further, that’s a declaration of the unconditional nature of their alliance, which can be chalked up to nothing less than real and honest love as far as I’m concerned. He has no other reason to not care that Durge just said yeah the entire divine commandment part of this mission is in the pot. But Gortash was like I Do Not Care! And he meant it! “Oh yes incomprehensibly powerful beings came to us in our dreams and asked us to do all of this in their names in the first place, and you just pissed on that, but no biggie!” Same short-tempered petty bastard who kicks you hard in the shin with his metal-toe boot if you accidentally hit him. Who straight up attacks you if you show up to his office without any of the netherstones and say you forgot them or whatever. Guy who just kills you if you GIVE HIM THE STONES LOL. But he doesn’t care even slightly that Durge said fuck off to the lord of murder who ordered this whole plot to start? Doesn’t yell, doesn’t ask Durge what were they thinking, just goes oh ok. He makes me insane btw)
I’m also painfully aware that Durge will never find that kind of unconditional support with anyone else, ever. I just feel like this would haunt my resistance Durge for the rest of his days tbh.
(And like. My resistance Durge loves Jaheira, she’s the parent he never had and she means the world to him post-canon, he follows her around like a lost puppy because ultimately he is one but I have to wonder if he would lie awake at night with the niggling thought that maybe what he has with Jaheira would not survive if he acted any other way. Plus the thought that Gortash knew him at his absolute worst, and loved him anyway. And maybe that wasn’t a GOOD thing, morally - a GOOD person shouldn’t have loved him like that, right? - but he loved him anyway. I don’t think my Durge would ever ever get over it. Especially with the fact that he can’t even remember 99% of their relationship. Gortash can’t ACTUALLY haunt Durge cause Bane is busy using his soul as a stress ball but in every metaphorical way. Durge is haunted.)
Tldr Gortash is the guy who says “just be yourself <3” and I think that’s beautiful
You know, you hit the nail on the head.
Of course it's not unreasonable to expect your friends and lovers to stipulate, that they will only love you as long as you don't go on a murderous rampage.
That's totally reasonable, that's normal, I agree with it on principle.
But. But.
As you said.
Gortash loved you even when you went on a murderous rampage.
I am obsessed with him, because he loved the dark urge without reservation, believing in their ability to control their urge, but also admiring their intelligence and their talents.
He knew what they were from the start, and he accepted it!
And he could still love them!
I just don't think anyone else in the entire goddamn game could say that!
And that's why I'm obsessed with Durgetash.
You get me.
It's about loving someone for who they are, and not what they are to you.
They were never just the Chosen of Bhaal, whom he must work with, not to him.
They were never the Bhaalspawn, the savage dark urge, the scourge of Faerun.
They were themselves. And he liked that.
Guys, he LIKED them.
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winterxgardener · 6 months
What makes Shourtney stand out to me (as a possible couple) is that despite all the LA influences and insane talent, they kinda seem like two people you could see hanging out in your neighborhood. They are so special but normal at the same time if that makes sense.
I also feel that neither of them are particularly great at hiding their true feelings about people and things around them - and I love that about them. I'm sure they do a loooooot of self-censoring but at the same time, have hard time maintaining a proper poker face.
Actually, there are some 2019-2020 videos where Courtney and Shayne start acting silly/flirty together, and the other person in the room (usually Ian and Damien) has a slightly amused but uncomfortable "here we go again" expression on their face. The expression is so relatable 'cause I've been in similar situations myself at the workplace and kept thinking "you guys really need to do something about this romantic tension 'cause we have a meeting with the boss in two minutes and she might have some questions". So awkward but hilarious at the same time.
Similarly to the previous anon, I also wish we could hear their own experience at some point since what we discuss here in Tumblr, is mainly just speculation/interpretation. Even if it turns out that Shourtney never happened and we shippers have been living in delulu, I'd still love to hear what their shared journey has been (bts) since it feels like they rarely talk about their friendship/something-else-ship anymore. Ian and Anthony discuss their friendship frequently in videos, Shayne and Damien make references to their shared past experiences from time to time, and I've even heard Amanda and Angela commenting on how close friends they are. But I can not remember the last time Shayne and Courtney had even a brief discussion about them as a duo, despite being one of the more iconic ones.
I actually think that it was the contradiction between their non-verbal language and verbal treatment of each other that led me to speculate (1-2 years ago) that something is going on bts. For me their "heart eyes" alone are not really a proof of anything since they keep looking at half the cast with similar endearment. However, I found it weird that they would look at each other so lovingly (at least in brief moments) but rarely ever say anything friend-like directly to each other or even act politely, like normal coworkers. Some people will explain that with their long friendship but they are close with Damien and Ian as well and rarely act in the same contradictory way with them. I just can't explain that with anything else but "something's going on".
As a background info: I started my Smosh journey with videos from 2022 and 2023, and initially, knew nothing about the Shourtney shipping that happened in late 2010s. Despite this (or because of it?) I sensed something between them and was not surprised to hear that they might be more than just coworkers. However, I def understand why shippers got a bad rep in Defy era because I can not sense the same chemistry between them in older videos and would have needed a fair amount of delulu to convince myself that they are together. Nowadays, it's the other way around: you need to make a lot of mental acrobics to explain why they are most probably just friends.
Btw, sorry for a long, not-so-cohesive ramble on this. I'm writing this in a sleepy mode, and am not sure myself what is the red thread of this anymore. :D
I am speechless while reading this. What do you mean by 'not cohesive'? This is a well-structured narrative. 🤯🤯
I agree that between 2019 and 2021, Shourtney appeared different, especially during their Twitch streams since they were unedited, unlike now, where they can easily censor or edit some of their moments.
Regarding their chemistry, from 2015 to 2018, it was just full-blown flirting as friends. (I don't know if I'm just being delusional), but something changed in 2019.🙉🙈
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1moreff-creator · 11 months
DRDT + Milgram AU: Undercover (Introduction)
Finally succumbed to the Urges and came up with ideas for a full Danganronpa Despair Time - Milgram AU, and now I feel like sharing. This means giving each character a MV + VD concept (not a full VD though I ain’t writing that much dialogue, and not a full MV because who do you think I am), plus this Undercover post! I’m not sure if I’ll commit to this for a full three trials, or I’ll just drop it after just one, but I can guarantee I’ll do this trial in full. Feel free to make analysis posts (no pressure obvs), but also obvs don't expect this to be that good, I'm doing this for fun.
And if you come from the Milgram side, uh... have fun? I am curious about what people with no prior conceptions of these characters would think, but I do recommend DRDT if you haven't watched it (the overlap between the fandoms is non-trivial, I imagine you'll like it). If not, you should probably look up the character designs at least, but be wary that there will be DRDT spoilers.
As an obvious disclaimer just in case, I am not affiliated with either DRDT or Milgram in any way, this is just a fanmade AU done entirely for fun.
Basic Concept
Pretty simple. What if the 16 students of DRDT were prisoners in Milgram? This means they're all "murderers" by some loose definition of the word, implying most of their backstories must be changed to acommodate for that. For the prisoner pairs, I just paired them based on the Chapter 1 recap. The rest is pretty self-explanatory provided you know how Milgram works; three trials, vote Forgiven/Unforgiven, etc. I won't repeat it all here. You can go to the official Milgram YT channel for more information if you're not familiar.
Meet Es
Although they are of unspecified adult age, this universe’s Es is very similar to canon Es from the main series, at least in appearance. The only differences are red highlights in their hair, as well as sharp yellow eyes and taller height. They also wear arm sleeves on both their arms, being particularly adverse to people touching the left one, and their voice is slightly higher pitch. As for their personality… well, you’ll have to wait for the VDs, right? But as a heads up, they’re quite a bit nicer than canon Es, though they can still get pretty strict with the prisoners. 
(Can you tell who they’re connected to yet?)
Their uniform is the same as canon, including the band thing which in Milgram runes reads “reciffO eciloP”. The only difference is that their other band thing is longer and has the following runes:
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(As a heads up, since there's no rune for 'q' I just used the rune for 'c/k' in its place. You probably don't need to translate it all to know what this says if you're familiar with DRDT lore)
Jackalope is replaced by DRDT canon MonoTV, no big changes to its personality. It still breaks the fourth wall and talks to an audience,which is odd for the prisoners (and Es) seeing as there is no audience in-universe (at least, that's what it claims). 
*Es’ VD is mostly the same, besides changes in dialogue caused by the difference in personalities. The only real difference is that there is no ‘extra cell.’
*Cover is still Hibana. 
Alright, let's get to the fun stuff.
(It is highly recommended you know what the canon Undercover looks like before reading this, since a lot of it is pretty similar)
The opening is still the same minus Es' different appearance and MonoTV replacing Jackalope, and only starts changing when the prisoners begin showing up.
(Don’t- Don’t expect this to actually work as a song btw. I’m not insane enough to make that work)
UNDER Split in between decisions, my conscious is made up of torn stitches
Levi (01) holds a mostly neutral expression as he holds up his prisoner card, which displays his face alongside an image of an alleyway. His pose keeps changing slightly in smash cuts. Levi’s face darkens right before there’s a switch to the next prisoner.
(Note: I won’t mention the pose switching and the face on the card all the time, since that’s part of canon Undercover. Just assume it always repeats)
UNDER The beauty in simplicity, wilting with rising complexities
Arturo (02) has his chin up arrogantly at first, showing a prisoner card with a picture of a bathroom. He scoffs and turns around before the switch. 
UNDER A liar? No, that’s wrong! My honesty shines like a star in the night
David (03) (speaker persona) smiles nervously, rubbing at his cheek with a finger. His card shows a bedroom. He covers his face with his free hand, sighing before the switch.
UNDER A sinner? No, you’re kidding! I’m innocent as can be, just don’t mind the gaps
Whit (04) throws a cheeky grin to the camera, doing a finger gun with his free hand. His card shows a park. He nervously rubs the back of his neck before the switch.
(Note: Yes I gave him 04 because of the tetraphobia thing sue me-)
UNDER With a fury and a passion, unstoppable, show them your fangs
Ace (05) snarls at the camera. His card shows a city street. He throws it to the floor angrily before the switch. 
(Note: Sometimes I wasn't quite able to tie their talent to their murder, so it's either tangential to their story or has been replaced with something similar. I am mentioning this with Ace for... no reason in particular, sure, you'll believe that)
UNDER Your fears and anxieties, Respond to the stress, show me fight or flight
Nico (06) hides under the part of their cloak which looks like a scarf, peeking out nervously. Their card shows a locker room. They take a step back as the scene switches.
UNDER Each existence is like no other, Lucky, unlucky, showtime reaches all
J (07) holds up her card with an unsatisfied expression. It shows a bridge surrounded by camera equipment. She rolls her eyes as the scene switches.
UNDER And yet, it’s all the same In the end, this wretched still life goes on
Rose (08) yawns as she holds up her card lazily. It shows a large dining room. The card slips from her hand as she falls asleep.
UNDER It’s too much, too much, I’m high strung, please forgive my sins
Hu (09) looks nervous, glancing around as if to find a place to hide. Her card shows a zither in a non-descript room. She drops her card, and closes her eyes with a pained expression, a hand on her chest. 
UNDER Please do condemn me, Bloodletting, the horror inside us is what makes me feel.
Veronika (10) spins and gives the camera a bright smile as she pulls out her card. It shows a rooftop. She throws the card in the air dramatically, laughing as it spins around and falls beside her. Her eyes fall back on the camera, and she smirks menacingly. 
UNDER  Unopposable, incontestable Merry kings, life’s queens, for me they bow down.
Arei (11) is sticking out her tongue and looking to the side dismissively. Her card shows a bowling alley. She laughs into her hand before the scene switch.
UNDER My weakness haunts me, Alarm bells are ringing, there's no going back.
Eden (12) fidgets with her hands, shaking nervously. She hides her face behind her card as she shows it, but her teary eyes are still visible over it. The card shows a bedroom full of clocks. She cries into her hands before the switch. 
[The music winds down, a bridge of sorts. As it plays, a few scenes are shown, where only the characters’ silhouettes are visible, white noise covering them]
[01: A steaming kettle covers most of the foreground. In the background, Levi is seen sitting at a table, head slumped forward. Most of the table is visible, but no one else is in the frame]
[02: Arturo is seen to the left, holding a white turtle neck shirt in his hands. Behind him, an open suitcase sits on a bed, clothes splayed haphazardly around it]
[03: David stands alone on an empty stage, arms wide out. The spotlights are all on him. The entire stage and some of the front row seats are visible, with David’s silhouette only covering a small part in the center of the frame]
[04: A computer monitor covers almost the entire frame. There are countless photos and words, but they’re all too blurry to see, with the exception of a small message on top which reads “Analyzing profiles…” Whit is reflected on the screen, resting his head on one of his fists]
[05: Ace sits on a motorcycle, looking up and admiring the night sky which takes up most of the frame]
[06: Nico is crouched beside a cat, holding out a pink mouse toy for it to play with. Only their legs are visible, but there is a puddle of water under Nico]
[07: J has her palm spread out all over the screen, as if blocking the camera. There are flashes of light behind her, but the source is impossible to see]
[08: Rose sits slumped in a chair, hands on her face. All around her, dozens of canvases can be seen, painted entirely in black. Small bits of color poke out at the bottom, but no full paintings are visible]
[09: The camera is entirely focused on the top of a zither. Hu’s hand is visible, touching the strings with her plectra]
[10: Only Veronika’s footwear is visible over a dark floor. The rest of the scene is filled entirely by blood]
[11: Arei stands in front of a bathroom mirror. She’s holding the right side of her hair, the only part that’s visible. It looks very unevenly cut]
[12: Eden is holding her head in her hands, slumped over a work desk full of small machinery. Behind her are a multitude of analog clocks of various designs, all showing the same time; 6:00]
[13: Min is sitting on a chair, slumped forward and apparently collapsed over a notebook. A pen sits just beside her right hand. A bit of the writing can be seen, showing this:]
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[The brown part being Min's hair. Don't make fun of me I'm using Paint and have zero art skills]
[14: Xander, the focus of the shot, stands in front of a crowd, standing on a simple chair. His fist is in the air, and so are the fists of everyone in the crowd]
[15: Charles is kneeling over a grave, the name on it hidden behind the silhouette. Charles is pulling at his hair with his hands. Other graves are visible around him, but the edges of the screen are darkened and it’s impossible to see them well]
[16: Teruko’s hand is reaching out to a black figure, this one without white noise. The figure is completely non-descript, more a simple shadow than a proper silhouette. Blinding white light surrounds this figure] 
UNDER No mistakes, no corrections, 100% Perfection, results shall not vary. 
Min (13) wears a neutral expression, and she holds her card perfectly upright. Her pose changes only to match the exact angles actual mugshots use. Her card shows an untidy bedroom. Before the switch, she lowers her hand, and looks briefly to the side, before turning back to the camera. When she does, her left eye flashes magenta behind her hair. 
UNDER Fighting for true justice, Stand strong, a reflection of the will of the many
Xander (14) is glaring at the camera, moving his card around flippantly. Said card shows a window overlooking an entire city. Xander throws the card away before throwing a punch at the screen.
UNDER Leave no room to hide, No hesitation, a chain reaction of truth unfolds
Charles (15) looks serious, if a bit annoyed as he holds up his card. It shows a laboratory table with several test tubes. He turns his back to the camera, adjusting his goggles, but gives one last, softer look behind him as the scene switches. 
UNDER Or shall the secrets remain? What lies beyond the lies, armageddon untold
Teruko (16) looks at the camera with cold eyes, but a hint of a frown on her lips. Her pose never changes; unlike everyone else, her segment is one continuous shot. It starts with her holding her card at an angle such that only her face is visible on it. She closes her eyes solemnly, before finally flipping her card around so only the backside is shown. It has the Milgram logo combined with the DRDT logo. She never shows the rest of the front of the card, as the scene switches moments after. 
[Pre-chorus, as the prisoners hold their hands to their mouths before a scene of them smiling plays. At the end, for a few frames, a white camellia blooms, before there’s a sudden shift in scenery as we hit the final chorus. All the prisoners’ silhouettes have a still shot each with Es, with a blood splatter always under the latter. The scene starts to focus on each individually]
[Levi’s punching Es in the face, Es thrown to the floor from the impact. Brass knuckles are barely visible on his hand. Levi’s shouting, as are all the other prisoners]
[Arturo is kneeling, facing away from Es. The latter is laying on the floor behind him in what would be a pretty uncomfortable position. Arturo is holding his head in his hands, his mouth visible from the side and open in a shout. One of Es’ shoes is off]
[David is holding Es by the neck of their shirt, shouting at their face (from now on I’ll stop clarifying that they’re shouting). The following symbol appears over where his eyes would be, glowing yellow: 正] EDIT: I forgot to mention one of Es’ shoes is off. RIP to the theorists I’m so sorry-
[Whit is pointing what looks to be a gun at Es, who is recoiling as if they’ve been shot in the heart]
[Ace is seen running, Es’ body falling to the ground beside him and twisting as if they’d been bumped into]
[Nico sits on top of Es’ back. With one of their hands, they’re grabbing onto Es’ hair and apparently pushing it forward. With the other they’re holding two ends of a wire firmly planted on Es’ neck]
[J stands normally, pointing what seems to be a remote control at Es. The latter is face-up on the floor, their limbs contorted in unnatural angles]
[Rose is standing, facing away from Es, who is kneeling and grabbing at their throat. A small jar sits beside them, the cap taken off]
[While standing, Hu is grabbing Es by the throat with both hands, blood coming from the Warden’s throat]
[Veronika is kneeling besides Es’ face-up body. Her hands are on her chest, and there is blood under her as well as the Warden. Meanwhile, Es’ limbs are contorted in unnatural ways, and one of their shoes is off]
[Arei is violently swinging a bowling ball at Es’ head, causing their body to twist around as it falls]
[Eden is standing, covering her eyes. Her right hand has a Ⅵ symbol glowing bright yellow. Es is uncomfortably laying face-up on the floor]
[Min is standing with her back turned to Es, who is kneeling on the floor and grasping at their neck. Min is shouting into a landline phone. Along her arm, an equation glows bright yellow:
ln(x³ - 2 . 13) = 0]
[Xander is grabbing Es’ shoulder, plunging a knife into their stomach]
[Es is standing neutrally, but there is still blood on the floor. A glowing yellow question mark floats above them. Charles is nowhere to be seen]
[Teruko is kneeling calmly besides Es, who is lying face-up with their hands crossed over their chest as if in a coffin. A question mark glows on Teruko's left hand. Teruko is the only prisoner besides Charles who is not screaming]
[The song winds down while a sped up and translucent version of the video plays in the background. A shadow begins growing in the middle, and for just a moment, two sharp yellow eyes stare at the camera from the center of the screen. The finale simply has Es exiting to the left as they do in canon Undercover]
And there's Undercover! How we feeling? Hope you enjoyed! Take care!
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hello! i hope youre okay!! because you've already done tan as a partner, i wondered if you've done ladybug x reader headcannons, if you have any?? we as a community are really lacking in ladybug rep.. </33
Alright alright alright, now. Just as I said before, ask and you shall receive. I hope you enjoy this because I watched the whole movie again to get a gist of his character and personality again.🤭 [sorry for not writing for so long btw, I'm really busy and am struggling to find time to write😭]
Dating Ladybug Would Include...
[Ladybug (Bullet Train) x GN! Reader]
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[Notes; The reader is a bit more outgoing and such, I have no clue why I made them like that but🤷‍♂️]
[Warnings; Some mentions of blood is all
I feel like he met you at a coffee shop, maybe even a library? Nothing insane or too crazy though.
He would definitely be a regular at a small coffee shop that you go to quite often, so running into eachother every once in a while there would be a given.
Now, I know I said coffee shop but he definitely isn't a caffeine person and doesn't like the taste of coffee. He probably gets jasmine tea or something of the sort and like a scone maybe.
He eventually goes up to you and makes some small talk after a while of shared glances and such.
I just feel like the first times recognising eachother would be catching glances at eachother and sending small waves or little smiles. (Seems cute I dunno).
When he first talks to you, he starts off really strong in terms of confidence, then proceeds to get more shy and awkward as the conversation goes on.
"Hey, I see you around here a lot. Would you mind if I sat with you?" A male voice says from beside you.
You look up to see the man with black framed glasses you see often right behind you.
"Oh, hello! Yeah you can go right on ahead," You say, motioning for him to take the seat right across you, putting your book down.
The man sits across from you and places his drink onto the table.
"What are you reading?"
"Oh, well.. Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen," You look down to your book, slightly embarrassed.
"Good book," He replies.
You awkwardly hum in acknowledgement, drumming your fingers on the table to the rhythm of a song stuck in your head.
"Frankie Valli?" The man says.
You look up and stop drumming your fingers, looking at him in confusion.
"Sorry, but it uh, it sounded like you were drumming the rhythm of Sherry by Frankie Valli,"
"Oh! Yes I was, sorry I was just confused, you like Frankie Valli?" You say, a little too excitedly.
"I do! My name's Ladybug by the way, its a bit weird I know but," The man introduces himself, trailing off slightly.
"I'm Y/n, its nice to officially meet you, Ladybug,"
Ladybug smiles.
After a couple of times seeing you there and interacting with you, he might ask you subtly of your single; of course checking for a wedding or engagement ring first.
He gives off awkwardly confident autistic vibes, I'm right and I know it.
"Hey, uh, I don't mean to sound weird or anything, but I was wondering if uh, maybe you we're single and if so would you be willing to, I dunno maybe have dinner with me sometime? And you totally don't have to if you don't want to if by chance you are single but uh, yeah.."
He's so cute.
He would take you to a nice little restaurant, and he waits for you at the door with a bouquet of flowers, (which we all know would be something like peonies,) he pushes your seat in for you, lets you order first and everything, he would be such a gentleman.
After the date before you get into your car and leave (Which he very nicely escorted you to,) he asks you very nicely if you would like to go on another with him sometime, to which you say yes to.
Say a couple dates later, you guys are now a thing.
When you go to his house he cooks for you.
This man would be such a good cook but it being Ladybug, he would definitely burn something on accident.
After a while of being together, he finally tells you about his job.
You love this man so much and he's so sweet that you find it impossible for him to be an assassin. But you try to be as accepting of it as you can be.
You're more worried than anything now, to be honest.
After the whole entire bullet train mission when he gets back with all these cuts and bruises, you patch him up and such, obviously upset he came back so hurt.
You were currently sitting on the couch of your apartment, reading a book.
You hadn't seen Ladybug in a while as he was on a mission in Japan. It was only supposed to be for a couple of days, but you were very worried being that it was so far away.
He would text you updates and such regularly, but for the past day you had gotten nothing from him which worried you even more.
Suddenly you hear a knock on your door. You get up from your spot and place your book on the coffee table, face down as to not loose your page.
You look through the peephole to see its a teenage boy in a Domino's uniform with a box of pizza.
You open the door, telling the boy to give you a second as you rush to the kitchen island and pull a 5 dollar bill out of your wallet, walking back and handing it to him, getting the box as well and closing the door.
You walk back to your spot, placing the box down and opening it, the savory smell filling the area.
You take a slice, and bring it to your face, taking a bite as the mix of the gooey cheese, tangy sauce, and crispy crust mix together perfectly on your taste buds.
Another knock on your door rudly interrupts your joy in eating, you walk back, not even bothering to check who it is.
You open the door to see a bruised and bloodied up Ladybug at your door sheepishly smiling, a tired look evident on his face.
"Oh my god, sweetheart are you okay? Come in here," You say, gently pushing Ladybug into your apartment, sitting him on the couch where you were.
"What happened? Are you okay?"
"I'm fine, don't worry. Just a few cuts and bruises is all," Ladybug replies, a soft smile on his face as to reassure you he really is alright.
"Let me clean you up, stay right here." You go to your restroom and look under the sink for your first aid kit, taking a bottle of rubbing alcohol as well.
You go back to the living room and begin to clean up the cuts on his face.
Ladybug was looking at you lovingly as you did so.
"I love you," Ladybug blurts out.
You stop what you were doing and look at him, your face growing warmer by the second.
That was the first time either of you had said "I love you," so you were processing it still.
"Sorry, it just kinda slipped ou-" Ladybug turns his face away, a slight blush spreading across his face.
"I love you, too." You say, finally replying and giving him a kiss on his cheek.
He loves you to pieces, so he would never yell at you during arguments of any sort, but with his anger issues that he's been trying oh so hard to get controlled, he slips up sometimes.
Hes profusely apologising, after he realises the mistake he made.
This poor guy is just kicking himself for it.
You assure him that its quite alright and that you understand.
He still gets you something nice as an apology. Such as flowers, maybe even sweets.
Such a sweetheart.
I didn't really know how to end this, and this took so long to finally put out, but it got done! I'm very happy with myself, sorry if its a little sloppy as well. I do hope you enjoyed it though.
[Tags to beloved Ladybug enjoyer followers🤭🤭] @horrormusicals @loosebonez
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coyotefang1987 · 2 years
Flower Symbolism in Trigun
Okay so I've been going insane in the last few hours since the new episode of Stampede and I needed to share my very incoherent thoughts.
So here we go: (please excuse my grammar, I'm typing this up in an absolute craze)
Please note, there are major spoilers here
[Plant in context to Trigun will be capitalized btw]
I want to start off by pointing out the whole idea with calling the creatures that Vash and Knives are as 'Plants' and 'seeds' in the first place--that in itself is so much. Not to mention Noman's Land is a desert plant with little to no flora at all.
The idea and symbolism of life and rebirth presented with the idea of plants. Like how flora are usually the first type of lifeform to come back post mass extinction events. How plants are primary producers in the food chain, how life couldn't be sustained without plants giving up oxygen, food, and converting the sunlight into energy/sugar. Despite being giant moth flower humanoid creatures, the Plants in Trigun are doing essentially the same thing. Except they aren't renewable and they might also be sentient.
In addition to that, in media, seeds are usually a representation of hope. And in this case, a seed pod carrying the hope of humanity. I've been likening it to dandelion seeds. I don't think our group of guys were the only space-fairing fleet that was sent out from Earth.
I don't know how much of this symbolism is intentional and how much of it is completely accidental, but boy howdy is it there and am I going to eat it up.
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First off, the most obvious one is geraniums. The flower is very much thrown into our faces. What does it mean?
Okay so there's like 400 types of geraniums out there, they're not like a specific species- and when people say 'geraniums' it usually also includes pelargoniums which are a different genus. But you're not here for me to monologue about flower classification-
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Well, operating under the assumption they're using the most common type of red geranium, which, funnily enough is not a geranium but rather a pelargonium. Pelargonium x hortorum. Commonly known as zonal geraniums or garden geraniums. I don’t know if I even need to expand on the idea that Vash and his story (and the Plants in general) are represented by geraniums. If the red coat wasn’t already a giveaway, I think the newest episode definitely makes it very clear. Well, first off I think it's interesting that they’re not ‘true geraniums’ (different genus, same family). Like how Vash and Knives look human but aren’t ‘true humans’.  
(Did you know geraniums can reproduce asexually via their roots by just…sprouting a new plant? It’s called clonality. Anyways yeah, I’m too lazy to expand on it but there it is. You can probably see the connection I'm trying to draw here)
Furthermore, let’s look a little bit into what geraniums represent. So according to the vast knowledge of the interwebs (I will put the links I used at the bottom.) geraniums are “attributed the powers of love, peace, healing, elegance and spirituality. They mostly have desirable symbolizing meanings, including fertility, health, joy, protection, frustrations passing away, and true friendship.” Red geraniums in particular are attributed to protection and ward against evil., spiritual beings and saints. “The geranium flower was a symbol of prosperity in Egypt, longevity in Japan, and immortality in China”. *Stares at Vash and Knives*. Gods…immortality…saints. Alright Nightow, I see you.
Look, I’m not done here. DURING THE VICTORIAN ERA geranium took on a slightly more negative meaning. Envy, deceit, folly, foolishness and stupidity. Although they were also seen “as ‘horticultural bourgeoisie’ and a sign of ‘crudeness and thoughtlessness of taste’. Geranium became a symbol of industrial mass culture.” This was probably unintentional (and if it is intentional, holy fuck.) but the idea that Earth in Trigun was destroyed by the folly of humans because if mass industrialization? Hello???? OKAY.
There’s just so much history with geraniums. I’m STILL not done. Let’s talk a little about geraniums and Christianity, yeah? You know, the thing that Trigun is chock full of symbolism of.
So first off, tradition. (I am not Christian, nor do I know much about Christianity, I just did some research on the topic so feel free to correct me.) I do believe there is a tradition to buy and gift red geranium on Good Friday? (I can’t find a very credible source about this, just some blog posts so idk) And the red is to represent the blood that Jesus sacrificed for the people. How he was beaten and bloodied because of his love for the people. How…he was given a purple cloak that turned dark with blood while he was mocked. 
Sound familiar?
Do we want to talk about Vash’s red coat turning black in the latest episode? Or maybe how traditionally dying Plants are red and healthy ones are blue? But Vash keeps himself covered in red?
Now, here’s an interesting fact. Did you know, wild geraniums look very different from the ones people like to commonly grow in their gardens? This is the spotted cranesbill (Geranium maculatum), the most common wild geranium. Look, maybe I’m stretching it here, but cultivated Plants vs independent Plants, anybody?
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Anywho, not the point I was trying to make. Did you know another common wild geranium is called the Saint Robert’s Geranium? Robert’s? While no one really knows who the ‘Saint Robert’ the flower is named after, it has a very fun symbolism. Check this. The seed pod of this flower supposedly looks like the beak of a stork, which had people believe that they could help a couple who wish for children with fertility when used as an amulet and placed under the bed. cough Ep 11 pregnancy scene cough. Apparently, medicinally they’re also used to staunch blood flow from wounds. Despite that, in certain regions, it was seen as an ill-omen plant associated with death because snakes would often hide in its leaves. Snakes? Like…in Adam and Eve? Like as in temptation? As in Knives and Vash?
Okay last bit on geraniums. Just a little on the colors. In episode 11 of Stampede we see the giant plant root monster thing blooming flowers. I have assumed that they are black geraniums, aka Geranium Phaeum 
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aka mourning widows. Of course, I could be wildly wrong but the meaning of this is fun so hear me out. While there doesn’t seem to be a direct meaning for black geraniums, we can clearly draw some conclusions on the common name for this flower. Like seriously, mourning widow? They’re also known as dusky cranesbill and black widow. Obviously associated with death (and grief?) and apparently maybe marriage??? Doesn’t help that geraniums can be considered a traditional bridal flower too. I think they’re also associated with melancholy. Anyways, on the other hand, blue blooms usually symbolize calm and peace while purple blooms symbolize royalty, accomplishments and admiration. 
So in context to the blooms we see at the end of ep 11, grieving for the loss of someone (Rem, his memories), rising to his Plant roots (haha get it?) and being ‘at peace’. 
So I remember reading somewhere that he’s named after a singer or band or something but– His name is so close to dogwood that I could not pass it up.
Dogwood is a blooming tree that seems to have a representation in Christianity. There’s a legend about the tree and Easter. So apparently, the cross that Jesus was crucified on was made from Dogwood, because of such it was cursed and blessed. Cursed to be small so it can’t be used to make another cross but blessed to bloom beautiful flowers at Easter time.
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The flowers of the Dogwood trees always bloom with four petals, like a cross, the center like a crown of thorns. Each tip of the petal is indented like it's been pierced with a nail and discolored like it was stained with blood. So goes the story. 
I think it's interesting that Wolfwood’s name is so likened to this flower/plant and I don’t believe this is unintentional. LIke it’s right there. Cursed by the Eye of Michael to grow too fast, blessed to be strong and hard to kill. Is/bears the cross that brings Vash to Knives in the end. 
Lilies (and other Flowers)
So, I personally think the plants look a lot like lilies. And lilies are commonly attributed to the virgin Mary. They typically represent purity, innocence and rebirth. They are often gifted at mourning flowers as well and are one of the most popular flowers at funerals.
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Either that or the blue-eyed Mary flower, which has less meaning attributed to it other than its name.
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Anyways, that's all my thoughts for today. Thank you for reading all the way down here if you make it hehe
If people find more flower symbolism or have thoughts please let me know, I want to hear them!!!<3
Geranium history and meaning: https://www.pansymaiden.com/flowers/meaning/geranium/
Geranium and Christianity: http://www.whispersofhismovement.com/2012/04/05/geraniums/
Mourning Widows: https://gardenersapprentice.com/gardeningtips/mourning-widow/
Dogwood story: https://www.plantmegreen.com/blogs/news/easter-and-the-legend-of-the-dogwood-tree#:~:text=According%20to%20the%20story%2C%20it,cursed%20and%20blessed%20the%20tree.
Lily meaning: https://www.townandcountrymag.com/style/home-decor/a39982524/lily-flower-meaning/
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