#i am hoping i’ve forgotten some so the madness can continue
sufferingsokkatash · 6 months
hey besties! have some delusional zukka content and share in my brain rot.
All The Times Zuko Was Petty And Jealous Over Sokka In The Original Series
(work with me here)
Ty Lee
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(because ALL of us would never stop talking about sokka if we met him, so in my fever dream neither does ty lee when zuko goes back to the fire nation. prince babygirl is overly mad about it and snaps for sokka related no good reason)
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when sokka sees suki at boiling rock
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2. when zuko is sarcastic and very unapologetic to the girl sokka had heart eyes for
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3. when zuko continues to be bitchy and smug
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4. when zuko sees sokka kiss suki on the cheek
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(bye suki, i guess?)
4. when zuko bumps into suki on the way to sokka’s tent and plays dumb
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*later on*
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5. when they go to see the ember island players and zuko is rude about his seat
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this has been a journey~
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kidrauhlschik · 4 months
Let The World Burn. - I.N. 3
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3. Frustrations
In the end, he managed to forget that a king is nothing without his queen.
Part 1, 2, & 4 will be linked in the master list above!
Pairings: Jeongin x Reader (and some love triangles among the way.) enemies to lovers, royalty au!
Warnings: ANGST, implied smut, war, aggression, anxiety, depression, death, please let me know if i miss anything... (this was heavily inspired by the song “Let the world burn” by Chris Grey.
Word Count: 2.1K
Life went on as normal. Responsibilities, meetings, and building ties in court. It felt like every day was longer than the last.
Felix took some time off due to personal reasons, but now he was back in full service as your advisor and best friend. It felt great, but you couldn't help but feel distanced from the freckled man.
Bang Chan would always be there when you needed him, it's as if he had abandoned Joengin's side to be there for you. Anytime Felix left you at night to get drunk in his chambers, Chan would keep you company. Humanizing Jeongin in his own way. To you, the king was a ruthless ruler and husband, but to Chan, he was a clueless younger sibling. It was odd and incomprehensible.
One day, months after your wedding, much to your surprise, Jeongin was standing in the middle of your chambers. Dressed in his usual attire. A black suit, golden accents and chains. You have never seen him in casual wear outside of your consummation night. He's only ever seen you as a business partner.
"What are you doing here?"
"Is that a way to address your king?" He stands before you, authoritatively.
"This is how I address anyone who comes into my chambers uninvited." You stand tall as well. Not letting Jeongin make you feel small once again.
"Funny thing, you are staying in my soil, my palace. As far as I am concerned, these are my chambers." He says as he extends his arms in a show of bashfulness.
"As far as I know, this is my soil too. I am the queen. Have you forgotten that, your highness?" You say with a chuckle, almost finding his stance comedic. He hasn't talked to you in months. You'd accepted him as an acquaintance. Now he wants to come into your room to interrogate you, it seemed outrageous to you.
"That." He points at you, before he turns towards your window. "You always do that." His hands rest against the window seal, allowing his weight to rest on his shoulders.
"I am sorry my king, but I am afraid that I am not understanding what you are saying."
You frustrate him. He can’t quite put his feelings into words, but you keep him up at night. He pushes himself off the window in desperation.
"I am saying... That I do not understand how you can be so casual about everything. Despite it all, you stand tall, and stubborn. It truly gets under my skin." His voice slowly gets louder with every word. What he doesn’t say is that the way you switch from innocent and precious, to authoritative and ruthless in the blink of an eye astonishes him. It seems fake, it infuriates him.
"I apologize my king, but I am still clueless as to what is your agenda here."
"STOP!" You take a step back, surprised at his tone.
"You are scared! You are unsure! You are mad! You know how I know this? That’s because that’s what I am going through! I am going absolutely mad. Is this deal not breaking you down the same way it's breaking me?" He runs his hands through his hair, eyes wild.
"How can you be so strong despite the circumstances? Why the hell are you always so happy and chirpy? The world is harsh, and I know that you are aware of that. I’ve seen you with your claws out." He grabs a glass from your table and fills it with the pitcher of wine next to it.
"If all hope dies, then why should I continue living?" You tilt your head while looking at him.
"That's what I mean! You are so foolish. The world isn't made of hope. This world is based on strength. Only the strongest survive." He takes the a swig from the glass of wine. “I don’t want to keep hearing your bullshit! You go on your little act of fairy godmother to the people and then you turn around and make commands in court, and if something doesn’t go your way, you throw a damn tantrum until you get your way. It never makes sense.”
"Sometimes the weakest people win from hope, When you have nothing, there is nothing to lose. Do not underestimate that my king. Also, do not make any assumptions on my character based on what you see in court, you do not know me. I am strong for the sake of my people, it is not an act." You say as you try to guide the wine glass down from his hand, but instead he gathers anger and throws the glass to the nearest wall, causing you to jump when it makes impact.
"How?" His eyes search the ground, at a loss, hoping to find some answers in his own brain. Now it made sense, the king had been drinking. You don’t know him enough to realize it at first, but now you can see. His hair out of place, his eyes glassy, and his usual calm and controlled demeanor is nowhere to be seen.
Feeling bold, you approach him, only a couple of inches away from his face. "Maybe I am foolish, but I would much rather be foolish and confident in a world of tyrants that think they know it all. The higher you stand, the bigger the fall. Do not forget that my king." You say as you leave him in your chambers.
After seeing Jeongin in your room, you opted for your safe space, the garden.
Just as you were about to reach the doors leading you to the west side of the palace, you encounter one of your ladies, Rose.
You expected to just curtuoly nod at her, but the second she saw you, she stopped in her tracks. "Your highness." Is all she said.
"Rose?" You responded without turning around as you passed her.
"What are your intentions in court?"
"I am sorry?" You've always been kind to those of lower class, treating them as equals. However, as a princess, you learned very quickly when someone undermines you. Their tone is more aggressive, demanding, and authoritative. The only people that you allow to speak with you in such way, are your own parents, but that was when you were still a princess under their rule. As a queen, it would take pure imurdinance for someone to speak to you in such way.
Yet, Rose stands before you, with the imprudienty of no other.
"Stop acting clueless. You came here trying to stir up the diplomacy at court. We have a way of doing things here and you think you have a right to change them?”
You finally turn to her, "I have every right to change what I please. I am your queen.”
Rose lets out a humorless chuckle, "You may be the queen but you are not my queen."
You wondered if she was stupid or just insane.
Taken aback, you respond, "I beg your pardon?"
"Don't play coy, your mind games are getting to the king," that surprises you. "He won't shut up about you. Always ranting over your tantrums and schemes. You make him seem small and weak. A king does not listen to a woman."
"I am not just a woman, should I repeat myself? I am the queen. He has no choice but to listen to me if he means for this alliance to work. Either way, this is none of your concern. You are my lady, what right do you think you have in this manner?" You approach her, standing a foot away from her now. Although you stand tall and straight, she seems to match your energy. Proud and strong.
"I have a right, despite your beliefs. I am the king's mistress." It catches you off guard. Sure, you knew that Jeongin has never loved you, or even liked you, but you thought that he had enough respect for you as a royal to at least be faithful to you.
How foolish.
"Oh." Is all you can say.
"You may be the ruler of the country, but I am the ruler of his heart. your highness. He cares for you out of convenience, if you could even call it that. Just be aware, that I can see through you. You are a stranger in this court, and once I can get rid of you, you will be gone in the blink of an eye." She says with a smirk.
You raise your hand ready to strike her, but she stops your hand by holding your wrist mere inches away from her face.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you. The king is rather protective over me. Be aware that he has told me that he will choose me before his rights as a first born, tread carefully queen YN." She throws your hand to the side and turns quickly to walk away.
At her words, you take a second to watch her walk away, "You as well, lady Rose."
You only told Felix about what happened with Rose. He tried to convince you to tell the king, but you knew he wouldn't be on your side, especially after seeing how bold his mistress was.
The word, mistress, hurt you. You should have expected it, but the glass in your world seemed to crack a bit more.
"YN, I just want you to be happy." The blonde haired man says to you.
"I know Felix, but realistically, can you see me happy here? The more I think about it, I'm going to live a life of misery next to Jeongin."
"You knew this YN." He is sitting on your bed, trying to console you.
"I don't know what I knew Felix. I thought I had something here. I thought I had pride, I thought I had dignity. Turns out, I am nothing. I am a queen by name. The king only agrees to my terms because he needs my troops. Otherwise, my country would be bare to the rest of the world. I truly don't know what to do." You sit next to him on your bed, tears streaming down your face.
"Hey hey," He holds your hand and looks into your eyes. "You are strong, you're a benevolent queen, you are respected, you do not need an immature king to acknowledge you." Felix wipes your tears away with his left hand, as his right hand hold yours. "You know I will always be here for you." In between sobs, you hold eye contact with your best friend.
Has he always been so handsome? So ethereal that his glossy eyes are enough to mesmerize you? His face, is kind, and beautiful, it's bewildering that you've never noticed that before.
If the king can have a lover, the thought of one crosses your mind.
"Felix?" Your face, inches away from his.
"Yes? Your highness?" You smile at his words, always so light hearted.
"Do you love me?" His heart stops before he could collect himself.
"Of course I do my queen." He says with no hesitation.
Your free hand reaches his face with affection, "No Felix. I am not asking you if you love me as a queen, but as a woman. You are loyal and handsome, maybe I am foolish to think that you may like me as anything other than a friend, but maybe I am feeling bold. Do you think we could be-"
Before you can finish your sentence, your chamber doors fly open.
"Where the hell is the new queen?" His voice booms through the room as if it was amplified.
You and Felix jump away from each other, the moment gone before it began.
You look towards the source of disruption, first with concern but the second your eyes lock with his, your harsh demeanor falls.
"Minho!" You shout as you run to the older mans arms, leaving Felix behind.
"Hey princess..." He whispers softly to you, "How's it been?" In response you only hold him tighter.
After collecting himself, Felix stands as well, "Isn't it rude to ignore your comrade?" He says with his arms crossed against his chest, feigning sadness.
Minho let's you go after a bit while rolling his eyes, "Yeah whatever yongbok, I missed you too."
He goes to give a hearty hug to Felix. "Nice to see you man."
"I've missed you."
Minho breaks the hug first, "Damn, it's been less than a year, why are the two of you acting so sad and proper?"
Both you and Felix look at each other before you respond, "It's been a hell of a year Min."
AN: Okay only two chapters left unless I make it a really long one. This was supposed to be the long one, but I worked 60+ hours this week - i did my best :/
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bomberqueen17 · 2 years
what year is it
i’m at that point where-- oh, no it’s been a while that i just plain haven’t known what year it was. i lost count somewhere and idk. how old am I? what year is it? we’ll figure it out.
Spent a couple hours the day before yesterday, during which I urgently needed to be working on cleaning my house, instead helping dude’s mom shovel out. she’d been working for hours, slowly, pacing herself-- she’s 70 after all, and in okay shape but not particularly athletic-- and then the plows finally came by and really plowed her in and she called nearly in tears, and Dude was ass-deep in alligators at work and I said, “give me an hour, and I’ll be over.”
So I got an hour’s worth of very necessary cleaning on the guest room, since my sister is staying there on the night of the 1st. I need to do more cleaning though, because of course she’s with her husband and Farmkid, who will be one day away from turning 9, and is like five feet tall, so they don’t all fit in that one guest bed and I need to clear out a bunch of space in the living room where somebody’s getting the couch. They’re always here in winter; I have guest space on the porch, but not when it’s cold! Oh well.
Anyway. Left that to do later, in what free time I don’t know, I’ll figure it out, and went over and spent two hours shoveling. It was a hard two hours; the snow was really compacted and wet. But we got a lot done. I cleared out the end of the driveway in about 35 intensive minutes, then went back and started on the Drift of Doom blocking the garage. She came out eventually and joined me, and together we broke through the drift but only got the path about four feet wide. Still, that was huge. On my way out I broke up a lot of the snow hoping to get it to melt. But I had to work yesterday, so i couldn’t continue.
She says it’s fine she’ll just back her car over the rest of the pile. I’m a bit concerned. But Dude managed to get out to grocery shop, and did the shopping for her too so she doesn’t have to get her car out and can just wait. She said she didn’t need to go anywhere else. So if she can make it, great, and if not, well, hopefully the thaw takes it down the rest of the way.
Anyway now we’re on flood warnings everywhere. We got 51″ of snow, was the final total, and now it’s 55F outside, room temperature basically, and so everything is melting *everywhere*. I am terrified for my basement, which I used to be great about keeping stuff off the floor of and lately I haven’t been able to and well, if it’s gonna flood I guess it’s gonna flood. I’m so nervous. OH i forgot.
wednesday night, when the temperature first rose, I woke up at 1:30 am to Dude saying, loudly, “OH NO.” I came fully awake immediately, and he said, “why is this wet”, and then I heard it, water dripping, next to my face, and I got so mad because that happened to me so much over the summer in the cabin without a real roof and I was like “NO this is my INDOOR HOUSE” but
the blizzard had forced fine snow through the cracks of the roof deck and it had collected and run down to the edge of the roof and melted into a puddle on the attic floor and now was in the ceiling of our bedroom dropping onto our faces. We had to go clear out a corner of the attic and mop frantically and it was still dripping afterward so I slept in the guest bed and dude slept on the couch so at least when my sister’s family comes we can attest that the sleeping accomodations are comfy.
anyway i’m like. idk the stress is a lot for some reason I genuinely can’t puzzle out. i’m very frazzled. i’m making progress cleaning the house. it’s not the dirt it’s just that there’s so much stuff i haven’t put away in all my traveling and back and forth i never unpacked and anyway it’s just piles of things, and anything that’s put away i’ve forgotten i owned so the only things i use are the things in the piles.
I helpfully tidied everything away into my bedroom and then I get up before Dude so I can’t get dressed until he wakes up and it’s awful. so. anyway. unsustainable. can’t live like this. have to live like this.
Also it’s only 23 days until we go on vacation and i have at least five more garments i desperately want to make so we shall see, especially if i have no time to work on them, what gets done. 
oh AND i have cramps, so that’s just like. shit icing on that cake really.
prayer circle for nobody drowning in these floods and the property damage to be minimal and for them to stop finding bodies in snowdrifts here.
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bohemian-nights · 1 year
As always, what another beautifully written chapter. Your writing is so descriptive. So beautifully in character. It truly amazes me the way you capture emotion. Not just with “What We May Mend” but with everything you have written I feel as if I’ve felt and experienced what your characters are experiencing. That is truly a gift. I hope you enjoy your writing ✍🏾 as much as I do. You write novel and/or novella length things and I’m not sure you realize how amazing that is. I am seriously in awe of your writing. I have been many fandoms. I’ve followed so many fanfiction authors over the years and I say this without hesitation you are by far the best.
I am very interested in seeing where you will take “What We May Mend.” I am very interested and invested in seeing how you will fix their marriage. There are a lot of problems and issues that need to not only be addressed but need to be resolved. It is odd in the way that I almost don’t want them to leave for Westeros quite yet.
Their marriage is on very shaky ground (as is Laena who still has yet to recover from that very traumatic birth. I do however love the fact that their son is called Aemon though). Of course at this point I really just want Laena to be happy. I want her to feel safe and loved and desired and more than enough in not only her marriage but her life. I want her to have a moment when she realizes just who she is. She is Laena Velaryon. Daughter of the “Sea Snake” and “The Queen Who Never Was.” She is (I hope still) the rider of the largest dragon in the known world. She is the mother of Baela, Rhaena and Aemon. I want her to get to a place where she realizes she is worthy of every bit of happiness imaginable.
But I know it'll take a while to get there.
I loved the bit where she realizes just how bitter and genuinely mad she's grown in the past ten years. It is in my opinion really an eye opener to the things that show!Laena most likely did have to endure. All that pain, anger, sadness, isolation, and loneliness she had to endure would make anyone become bitter and jaded and mad (look at Alicent). I think she really needs to work through the level of emotional damage that Daemon has put her through for the past ten years.
She and Daemon need to sit down and have a honest heart to heart. Maybe sometime after Laenor’s funeral where emotions would be running high. She really just needs to say any and everything in reference to how she’s feeling and how she felt. Because no one deserves that.
Not only does she need to do that for herself but for her children as well. Lanea could be the best mother in the world, but if her relationship with Daemon continues as it has it’ll only end up hurting her and their children in the long run. That being said, I hope Laena realizes somewhere along the way that she can't try and fix their marriage solely for the sake of their children. Because children grow up. Children leave home (quicker in their world mind you) and at the end of the day all you will have is an empty house and a spouse who you either don’t know or (if it continues the way it’s been going) despise.
With the amount of issues and problems their marriage has they have to both want to fix their marriage. It can’t be for show and it can’t be (solely) for their children. It has to be because Laena and Daemon want to be together. They want to be happy together. They want to fix their marriage and grow old together.
I think you’ve done a great job of displaying the moments where they both still have some affection for one another but it’s almost as if it’s been buried and forgotten. Which can happen in a real marriage.
Now that I’ve tackled Laena and what I think she needs to work on now it’s time for Daemon.
Where do I begin?
Daemon needs to own up to the awful things he’s done to Laena in their marriage. He needs to realize that it’s not okay. It never was okay. Never is going to be okay. And Laena saying that is doesn’t make it so. For that to happen he needs to realize that it’s going to take a lot more than just saying “forgive me”. Especially when his actions don’t show he wants to be forgiven.
I’ve always thought that Daemon would benefit from doing a lot of soul searching. He needs figure out his bullshit. Show!Daemon needs to figure out who he is. Who is Daemon? What does Daemon truly want?
Because he can’t fix anything with anyone until he fixes himself.
Because I think he’s always felt the need to prove himself. To live up to the Targaryen name. And in doing so he lost himself along the way. He let himself become consumed with the Targaryen ideology. (Further proving the point that Targaryen ideology is harmful for Targaryens themselves and those they rule over). So when it comes to his relationship with Laena he’s away from Westeros. Away from Kings Landing. From Dragonstone. Away from the “Targaryens.” There’s no one who he needs to prove himself to. Because Laena has already chosen him.
And that probably shook him up. I think he started slowly withdrawing the first time Laena told him she loved him. I think the excitement of “defying Viserys the crown” had worn off and he realized shit was getting real. That what he was feeling was getting real and that was uncomfortable for him.
Because change is always uncomfortable.
Instead of trying to adjust to that and grow with Laena he started to withdraw from her because of what he was feeling. I think in his mind he was trying to protect her but in doing that he was hurting her. He was hurting their children and he was ultimately hurting himself.
And I think that was (hopefully) what he was doing during those two weeks Laena was in a comatose state. I hope he spent that time doing a lot of self-reflection and soul-searching. I think he probably spent a lot of time by her bedside making a lot of promises. But words without actions are just words. Empty meaningless words. He needs to put those words into actions.
He needs to show Laena that she is loved (and start loving her the way she wants to be loved). That with him she is safe (physically, emotionally, mentally, sexually) that she can trust him to keep her safe. Show her that she is desired by him (and he needs to immediately stop cheating on her whether it be with a woman or a man). But most importantly I think he needs to open up to Laena. She’s his wife and somehow she loves him. He needs to start trusting her.
He also needs to be a better father to all of his children. He needs to realize that those insecurities he’s feeling/have felt of never being enough is the exact same way Rhaena is probably feeling. He needs to realize work hard to build a meaningful relationship with both of his daughters. Little Aemon is a baby so of course he will be doted on now, but Little Aemon will grow up. He needs to be an active parent in his life as well.
All in all I think Laena and Daemon can fix their marriage (and themselves) but they both have got to want to fix it.
And I am truly sorry for ranting. I just really like your writing and Laena x Daemon.
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Thank you so so much for this 😊 As heavy as this work in particular has been I have enjoyed writing it(and my other works when I’m not procrastinating 🤣). Do not apologize for ranting because this genuinely made me gidddy🙌🏽 I am honored truly.
Yeah, Laena and Daemon have a lot to work through and process individually as well as with each other because where they are now is at their lowest(self-loathing, insecurity, depression, and suicidal tendencies). It’s a powder keg situation that has been ten long years in the making.
Laena came into the marriage so hopeful and naive, but her self-esteem/confidence has been absolutely decimated by all of Daemon’s antics(plus the isolation since he literally took her away from her home/everything she knew and then proceeded to emotionally abandon her).
He did not know how to handle someone actually being there and loving him(even though he wanted something that would be entirely “his,” cause he’s the “spare,” and that’s exactly what he got that) and she and their poor girls have had to pay the price for his self-medicating.
Love how you mentioned Rhaena because Daemon definitely fails to connect with her due to him seeing the parts of himself he hates the most. This isn’t right or fair considering Rhaena is his child(she didn't make her egg turn to stone) and he’s continuing the cycle that led to him being screwed up(the favoritism needs to stop).
Laena right now is in the worst place of her life and Daemon is just now realizing it. They both had not realized how bad off she had become. She had just been pushing everything down until her death was her only “out” and Daemon up until she attempted suicide, thought that everything was okay. It’s a wake-up call for them.
Daemon has had some time to self-reflect and he’s made a lot of promises to an unconscious Laena that he has to fulfill/make up for the ten years he’s screwed her over. Laena has got to know she and the kids are number one to him. That he doesn’t want anyone else but her and that he’s going to put them first.
They’ve got a long road ahead of them, but the work will be put in 👏🏽
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blu-joons · 2 years
Lemon Kisses ~ Jeon Jungkook
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“You can’t stay mad at me forever Y/N,” Jungkook sighed as he continued to follow you around.
Your head shook back to Jungkook as you walked into the bedroom, hearing footsteps following behind you. You had lost count of how many times you had listened to him apologise, desperate to try and fix things after accidentally making a big hole for himself earlier in the day.
Just as you went to close the door behind you, Jungkook slid in through the door to join you in the room. “Jungkook, go away,” you tried to tell him, but his head shook, refusing to leave you alone without you at least hearing him out on things.
“Just give me two minutes,” he requested, watching you step back as soon as he stepped forward towards you. “I just need you to let me explain to you how sorry I am.”
Your head nodded, but before you listened to Jungkook, you excused yourself to the toilet for a couple of minutes. Jungkook sat down on the bed as you went into the bathroom, making sure to close the door behind you before opening up the cupboard door.
You looked past your toiletries that were on the shelf, reaching all the way to the back where your stick of lip balm was. As soon as you reached for it, your smile grew, walking across to the mirror with it as you took the lid off, making sure to apply a thick layer of balm to your lisp before returning to the bedroom, with the balm in your pocket.
“Can I talk now?” Jungkook asked you as soon as you appeared, patting the space beside him on the bed for you to sit down on. You kept your distance from Jungkook as he cleared his throat, glancing across at you. “You know how sorry I am, don’t you?”
“I don’t get why you had to be so mean to me Jungkook, it was so uncalled for.”
His head nodded in agreement with you, “I just wasn’t thinking, I took my frustrations out on you and that wasn’t fair. All you were trying to do was help me, and I threw it back in your face and made you feel like rubbish at the same time too.”
You continued to sit and listen as Jungkook explained himself, nodding your head as you paid close attention to him. If you were honest, you weren’t mad about him any longer, but you were enjoying listening to him grovel back across to you.
As soon as his two minutes were up, Jungkook stopped speaking, anxiously looking across to you. As the corners of your mouth turned up, he got a little bit more hopeful, edging slightly closer towards you, hoping that you had forgiven him.
He was still a little apprehensive as he stared across to meet your eyes. “Can we move on from this?” Jungkook asked you, finally allowing himself to relax when your head nodded in reply to him, wanting to do exactly the same.
“Why don’t you let me do something to prove to you how much I’ve forgiven you?” You offered, “why don’t I give you a kiss to let you know that all is forgotten?”
“A kiss? Well, I would definitely not say no to that.”
You shuffled yourself a little bit closer to Jungkook, “I hate when we argue like this, I wish that it would never happen between us.”
Just as Jungkook nodded in agreement, you leant forwards and pressed a kiss to his lips. Your smile was wide as you kissed Jungkook, quickly feeling his hands grab your shoulders and push you back, wiping his mouth with his hand.
“What the hell is that on your lips? Is this some sort of wind-up right now?”
Your laughter was loud as you watched Jungkook scrub at his mouth, desperate to get the taste of the balm away as soon as he possibly could. His eyes glared at you as you watched on, shaking your head at how dramatic he was.
“Do you not like it?” You teased, “it’s a new balm that I bought not too long ago. Take a look at it, you never know, you might be able to get used to it.”
As you brought the balm from your pocket, Jungkook took it from you and began to read through the label. His eyes narrowed as he read over what taste the balm was, noticing a picture of lemons on the very end of the wrapper too.
He threw the balm across the room as you continued to chuckle, grabbing your shoulders again and pinning you down on the bed. His expression was a picture as you stared up at Jungkook, knowing that you had drawn yourself level with him.
“What’s wrong? Is the balm not your cup of tea,” you innocently smiled, pretending to be clueless as to why Jungkook looked so disgruntled.
“You are one evil woman; do you know that?”
“I’m just getting a little bit of revenge,” you chimed, knowing that Jungkook couldn’t argue with you. “Just reminding you of how horrible I can be if you want to be horrible to me. I happen to quite like the taste of the lip balm anyway.”
“If I ever see you wearing that again then I might just disown you,” Jungkook promised you, “I’ve never tasted anything as gross in my entire life Y/N.”
His reaction had your sides hurting, you knew that Jungkook wouldn’t like it, but even he had managed to surprise you by just how much he disliked it, still liking his lips as the taste haunted him on the tip of his bottom lip.
“Will you be as mean to me next time?” You asked Jungkook, “or will you be nice now?”
His head shook at the smug smile that was on your face, “I’ll be nice, if it means that I won’t have to taste that stupid lip balm again. Where did you even get that from? I mean who decides to make lemon flavoured lip balm?”
“I’ve kept it well hidden, knowing that it would come in handy one day,” you informed him, “and it definitely did.”
His eyes rolled at how well you had managed to get back at him. “So, this is why you stropped off to the bedroom too? You didn’t need the toilet, did you? You just went into the bathroom to get your weapon of choice.”
Your head nodded as everything began to fall together for Jungkook, disappointed in himself more than anything else that he hadn’t noticed that you were up to something, too focused on trying to put things right and apologise to you.
“If I ever see that lip balm again, I’ll scream,” Jungkook assured you.
“It doesn’t even taste that bad.”
His eyes widened as you spoke, “I like most things Y/N, but that was absolutely grim. How are you laying there so comfortably knowing that you’ve got lemon lip balm on your lips? How are you not grossed out?”
Your shoulders shrugged in reply to him, “I think it tastes pretty sweet, mainly because it reminded you that I’m not someone to be messed with. Your face definitely made putting on lemon lip balm a worthwhile experience.”
“I’ve really got to be on my toes around you, what else have you got up your sleeve?” Jungkook enquired.
“That would be telling, wouldn’t it?”
“I can’t believe how mean you are.”
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yesimwriting · 3 years
The Needs of Pain
A/n as promised,,, here is my gift to you bc I finished ap gov today :))
The darkling x heartrender!reader story based on the whole ‘no one but me can hurt you’ thing :))
Warnings: sexual innuendos,, attempts to sexualize pain if you squint, kinda lemon-y
I kinda want to write a smutty part 2 let’s see lol 
Summary: after a training injury, Kirigan reveals how he views the dynamic of your relationship and figures out how to best help you work through the pian 
In an odd way, the most painful part of my injury had been the wound on my pride, not my shoulder. Though the pain that begins beneath my collarbone and continues down my left shoulder is not exactly pleasant. I can’t bring myself to pity myself too much as I stare at the extent of my burns. There’s a war going on. People die, people lose loved ones, I have to tolerate pain for an hour or two before a healer can be sent to be. 
I told Genya I’d be fine in the medical wing, but she insisted that I wait for a healer to be sent to me. The people here look up to me, if news of my injury got out, especially considering it’s a training wound, morale would take a blow we can’t currently afford. Genya had looked relatively sympathetic when she told me that many healers were occupied considering how difficult training had been and I had told her I could bear the weight. 
Now, in my room, staring at the basin full of water, I’m starting to regret my desire to be self sacrificing. I dip the towel in the water, squeezing out the excess before daring to dab the fabric on the outer edge of the wound. The feeling is fire against my skin all over again. An instinctual curse leaves me as I drop the towel on the counter that surrounds the basin. 
Arthur hadn’t meant it. I can still hear the frantic apologies tumbling from his full lips. He should have been more focused on the task at hand, he should have never stopped to look at me, at the way I could control so many living things at once. In some odd sense, his distraction had been a compliment. Many of the girls here would sell anything to have Arthur’s attention, even if it resulted in such a careless mistake. 
I grimace, picking up the towel and preparing to start again. I should at least clean it before the healers have to deal with both a physical injury and an infection. The sound of my door flying open and then shutting angrily is enough of a distraction for me to accidentally dab the towel against my skin too harshly. I curse again, turning my head towards the bathroom door. Did Genya exaggerate the severity of my wound? Are the healers that desperate to get to me? 
I turn on my toes, towel forgotten by the basen full of water as I approach the door that connects my room with the bathroom. “I’m--” Words meant to calm a frantic healer stick to the back of my throat as soon as I register all the black in the room. General Kirigan. Great. He no doubt heard about my injury after prying it from Genya and now he’s here to scold me for the childishness of it all. To be injured because a boy and I just couldn’t help ‘make eyes at each other’. All he does is insult my refusal to become bitter just because I was born possessing power. 
“You’re what?” His words are a different level of callous, darker than the shadows he creates with the will of his mind alone. “An idiot that let herself be sent back to her room instead of demanding to see a healer?” 
That’s an odd thing for him to focus his anger on. At least it’s not fully directed at me. On instinct, I half turn, attempting to hide my injury from his piercing eyes. My instinct tells me he should never see me so mortal. “Genya recommended it,” my words are determined yet calm, “It’s such a small injury it isn’t worth risking everyone’s morale. A healer will come here when one is available.” 
His face tightens in what must be some kind of disgusted disbelief. “Foolish girl--have you no instinct for preservation?” 
Every decision I’ve made since being injured made sense before he spoke to me. The fierceness of his voice leaves my face warmer than it was a moment ago and reminds me of the stem of my dislike for him. General Kirigan speaks and I am left a clumsy child. “Some things are more important than one’s self.” I expect he’ll turn that into something else to mock or belittle about me. “And it’s not a grave injury it’s barely--” 
The distance between us seemed so great less than a second ago, but he’s closed it so quickly, grabbing my left wrist and extending my arm forward so that I can’t hide anything from him. “You’re burned.” There’s the slightest bit of surprise coloring his words along with something else I can’t interpret. “How did you get burned?” 
Kirigan doesn’t know. My stomach knots, anticipating embarrassment. “Training incident--I was standing too close to an Inferni.” 
His grip on my arm tightens. I grimace as he pulls me forward with no regard for my injury. “Who?” The voracious way he says the word leaves my thoughts trembling. He is a void of darkness, starving for a victim to snuff the light out of.  
When my thoughts settle, I cannot bring myself to tell him the truth. “I didn’t see, I was distracted by the burning.” I exhale slowly, desperate to escape the flames behind his eyes the way I could not escape the fire of earlier. “It doesn’t matter, I’ve been injured worse in training.” His hold on my arm doesn’t loosen, I glance down at his hand, his firm grip on me somehow worse than the burn. “You’ve injured me worse in training.” 
“I may push you, exhaust you, and leave you mad--but I have never done anything that comes close to--that!” The last of his words carry themselves louder than the rest. 
If the skin of my shoulder wasn’t so sensitive I’d try fighting his tightening grasp. The accusation on my part had been a little much, but it was meant to serve as a reminder that he’s not one to care about my comfort or well being. “Why does it matter?” I can’t bring myself to meet his gaze. “You’ve never cared about any of my injuries before.” 
Kirigan releases my arm in a stiff trance, raising his hand to brush his thumb down my cheek. The contact is reminiscent of an extremely different moment. “The first night here you only let a few tears escape you when you were convinced that no one could see them. Do you remember how I turned and wordlessly wiped them away?” His gesture had not been comforting then and it isn’t comforting now. He never wanted to comfort me, he wanted to assert some strange power over me. “I let those tears fall because they were because of me and I knew it was for the best.” I say nothing, letting his thumb ghost tears that will not come. “The moment I discovered you, what you could be, you became mine.” 
“I am no one’s.” The reaction is instinctual, a pride my mother instilled in me. My voice is too loud, too brash. “I am my own.” 
I brace myself for his anger, but all I receive is the slight relaxation of his lips. “It’s things like that give you so much potential in other ways.” His voice is a jagged rock caressing my skin, not minding the scrapes it leaves behind. “You’re a fair plaything, as well as useful.”  
He’s speaking so gently his voice borders on vulnerable. Something in me warms, but I can’t tell why. I know that Kirigan finds joy in my discomfort--why else would he belittle me so often? “The healer will be here soon.” 
“Yes,” he makes no move to leave, instead Kirigan grabs my wrist again, forcing me to turn so that he can analyze the extent of my burn, “Which is why I will ask you again…” I try to catch his gaze, but his stone stare is focused on my burned shoulder entirely. “Who did this?” 
“I told you.” He can never know. “It was a training accident.” 
“And someone is responsible.” 
I let out a breath, tired of feeling so incomplete. I just want to be healed and go to sleep. “Why does it matter?” His fingers trail up my arm patiently, my body betrays me by shivering. “Accidents happen, you’ve put me in more risk than--” 
“I’ve always intended to break you one way or another,” his voice is more supple than it’s ever been before, “Your goodness is too tempting to not tarnish.” He turns my wrist over easily, ignoring my slight wince. “But if someone else were to do it…” Kirigan trails off, expression tightening in a way I can’t read, “I don’t let others break my play things.” 
Some strange resolve in my chest cracks at that. “Kirigan--” 
“Who are you protecting?” He moves his free hand, placing it without reservation on my shoulder. “Not telling me will only make it worse.” 
Thoughts of Arthur paying for such a small mistake leaves my stomach rolling in guilt. “Make what worse?” 
His expression tightens again. I wait for some kind of rebuke. Kirigan’s lips part as if he expects to criticize my naivety, but instead of speaking he turns sharply. He doesn't release his grip on my wrist as he leads me into my bathroom. 
“What are you doing?” 
Kirigan ignores my surprise, releasing me to pick up the towel I was so quick to abandon. “If you’re too good to take a healer from someone, you should at least avoid infection.” 
“I’m not an idiot, I was cleaning it.” The sharpness of my tone is ignored, Kirigan simply places one hand on my forearm to keep me in place. “Wha--”
 He brushes his thumb over my pulse gently in an effective attempt to silence me. I part my lips in hopes of protesting, but something odd reflects across his eyes. It must be some trick of the light because his expression seems...hesitant. Maybe even concerned. And then cool fabric is pressed into my burn. I bite my tongue so hard I’m surprised it doesn’t bleed. 
His expression shifts to that of almost amusement. “I think I’d like to hear you curse in a,” he exhales softly, fingertips trailing up my forearm, “Slightly different scenario.” 
The shock of such a bold innuendo clears my mind from thoughts of pain. But the most startling thing is that the innuendo isn’t entirely unwanted. In the wake of my surprise, he presses the wet towel into my wound again. I fight against a grimace, but that doesn’t go unnoticed by Kirigan. Instead of mentioning it, his free arm touches my uninjured shoulder. For the first time since he’s come here I’m aware of how improper my attire is. I changed out of my starched kefta and into a silk nightgown in order to leave my shoulder unbothered. Genya had helped me change, bearing all of my grimacing and pained curses. 
I should push him off of me. Kirigan can get away with a lot because of his status, but I by no means have to allow something like this. I should not feel shy, I should not be embarrassed. He’s the one that’s out of line. I look up into his eyes, prepared to yell at him for being so out of line. But when I meet his eyes, I see something so un-monstrous I am left breathless. There’s a gentleness to the way he tilts his head downwards, eyes never leaving mine. Is he asking for permission? Permission to--to what? I stay frozen as his lips brush against the unmarred side of my collarbone. His touch is almost enough to make me forget pain ever existed. He pulls away enough that I can feel his breath against the base of my neck. Thoughts I’d never dare speak are banished as the towel presses against my skin again. My face cringes immediately, but he’s quick to press his lips to the base of my neck, lingering kisses melting into my skin. 
“I thought you said you were fine.” His chiding is half-hearted, whispered between two brief kisses against my bare ski. 
He dabs the towel on the burn again, but before I can think to complain, his lips are against my skin again. This time, his lips part slightly allowing his teeth to graze over my pulse. Kirigan pulls away slightly, expression hardening, “I’m almost sorry about this part.” His words leave him in a whisper as influential as sin. 
“What part?” My voice feels foreign in my throat. 
Kirigan doesn’t reply, but then I feel the sharpest pain yet. The towel is cleaning the worst of the burn, the ruined patch of skin that will never recover without supernatural intervention. The gasp I let out is that of a bird with shattered wings. A cry forms in the base of my throat, but before it can leave me, Kirigan’s teeth bite into the skin above my pulse. The pained sound is reduced by my shock, twisting in an odd combination of some kind of pained sound and something dangerously close to a moan. 
He releases me with one last soft brush of his lips, straightening his back and retracting the towel. “There.” Kirigan drops the towel onto the bathroom counter. “It wasn’t that bad, was it?”
I can still feel the ghost of his lips, tongue, and teeth against my skin. I understand now. Each kiss had been a way to distract me, to lessen the pain. Something odd swells in my chest as I try to will my eyes to stop watering in pain. 
Kirigan presses his lips together, pressing his hand against my cheek again. His thumb brushes the few stray tears that escape me. “Don’t cry,” his tone is pure velvet, “I won’t tolerate tears in your eyes caused by anyone else.” He tilts his head oddly, hand sliding down my cheek before gripping my jaw, “I can provide reason for your tears if you’d like.” 
Inhaling deeply, I continue to stare at him. Today has been so sudden. He’s flirted with me through strangely sexual insults and threats before, but never has he been so forward about it. 
“I’m fine,” I force my voice to remain clear. He nods once. A soft rap at my door has me turning away from him. “The healer--I shoul--” 
“Come in,” he calls, voice clear and leaving no room for argument. 
My eyes widen. To be caught with him here could be detrimental for my reputation. Kirigan pulls away, something sharp playing at his features, something almost humorous. 
He leaves the bathroom like this is his own room. “Her wound is clean, work quickly.” I walk out of the bathroom in a strange trance. Kirigan’s gaze lands on me as I enter the main part of my room, “I need her at her full strength for what I have planned.” 
There’s a heaviness to his words, a weight that tells me he means more than what his words imply. Goosebumps erupt across my skin as I try to banish the thoughts of his mouth against my skin between inflictions of pain, blending together to create the most intense sense of fight or flight I’ve ever experienced. 
Kirigan begins to approach the door to my room. “I’ll be checking on her later.”
People that asked to be tagged in this/expressed interest:
@luminous-99 @voyevoda-thejoy @voidmalfoy @i-padfootblack-things @all-art-is-quite-useless @buckverse @mandowh0re @uhanddreag  
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sirthisisa-wendys · 3 years
One Wall Over: Geto Suguru x Fem!Reader
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synopsis: you’re new in the neighborhood, but that doesn’t mean you’ll get a warm welcome from your duplex buddy. 
wc: 3k
tw: nsfw, smut, annoying noises at five am, the works 
a/n: ahhhhhhhhh! I am so excited to be taking part in this collab with @suna-reversed reversed for a super sexy jjk collab! Please check out the masterlist for the collab here and the other authors! SO EXCITED TO READ THE OTHERS! (The other title I had for this work is “First of All, How Dare You” because that’s literally me every time I see my hubby Suguru, but anywho!).
Moving in was a bitch. 
For the first time ever, you have no roommates, no parents, and no pets - just you and your meager belongings moving into the little, two-story duplex a friend allowed you to sublet. As you stare out of the window facing the sparse front lawn, you wonder what your neighbor is like. They hadn’t come to welcome you to the home, but you knew they existed by the sound of the bass through your shared wall at five am every morning. 
You assume they’re male or a couple, but you’ve never gotten a chance to see them with your own two eyes.  So you kept a lookout day after day. At exactly four p.m., you would sit across from the window with a book and keep watch, the sun streaming in and illuminating your figure and crossed legs anchored on the window sill. But day after day, you wouldn’t see anything. The neighbor’s car wouldn’t even move an inch from the previous day. Everything would remain the same until the next day when you took your perch by the window. 
It isn’t until you’re out on your front lawn, slaving over the flowers you maintained for a whole month - a new record - that the sleek Range Rover drives up to the garage on your neighbor’s side of the house. At first, you don’t notice it, your eyes firmly planted on the soil at the root of your orchid tree. But then you hear a car door slam, and you look up, watching for the person who would be exiting the vehicle. 
A tall, black haired man slides out of the truck and slams the door shut, his locks tucked into a half bun and a white towel resting around his rippling shoulders. He slides his keys into his gym shorts and turns to walk into the house, barely noticing you on the front lawn in an ill-fitting t-shirt and dirty yoga pants. 
He’s halfway to his front door when you find your voice and yell out, “Hey, neighbor!” You wave your hand at him in hopes that he would return the gesture, but you’re sorely disappointed when he only looks your way with disinterest and walks into the house without speaking. You frown at the encounter, hoping that he would return a little while later and explain his lack of manners, but he doesn’t, and you retreat into the house once more. 
“Unzzz, unzz, unzzzz…” Both eyes fly open at the sound of the bass on the other side of your bedroom wall, the sudden noise jarring you from your sleep. 
“Ugh…” Your eyes slide to the white numbers on the clock face, which politely remind you that it’s five-fifteen AM. Don’t confront him, don’t confront him. You wrap the pillow around your ears, hoping the gentle cushion would block out the sound. But for some reason, it gets even louder, and a groan escapes your lips. There were only two more hours for you to rest, but at this rate, you’d be up until it was time for you to wake and get ready for work. That just wouldn’t do. 
The grey sweatpants deposited on the floor the night before are quickly jerked on, and you pad to the front door, not caring about your appearance as you walk the length of the porch over to his front door. Inhaling, you find the will to bring your fist up and pound on the door, hoping the sound would be angrier than you actually felt. Fear ate at your nerves while you waited. A few agonizing moments later, the door is yanked open, music floods outside, and your neighbor stands before you in just a pair of black sweatpants. Nothing else. 
“What?” he gripes, sweat rolling down his forehead. As your eyes take in the full sight of him, you wonder what kind of sculpted god you had for a neighbor. You could even faintly see the v that would culminate in the bulge near the crotch area of the pants, which apparently is quite--
“Uh…” You had entirely forgotten what you had come over to his side of the house for, but as he leans on the doorframe and gives you a withering stare, you suddenly remember your complaint. “Your wall is next to my bedroom. Can you turn your music down?” You place a hand on your hip, trying to seem more inconvenienced than you actually were in that moment. 
“Yeah, sure.” He shuts the door in your face, and you trudge back over to your side of the house, hoping the music would soften. 
But for some reason, you swear he turns it up even louder. 
“Why don’t you just call the landlord and make a noise complaint?” your friend wonders over the phone, the sound of a frying pan in the background slightly overshadowing her voice.
“But you said you didn’t have any problems with him, Mariela.” 
“Yeah, Geto was nice enough and didn’t bother me much. Not sure why he’s being such an ass now.” You hear an oh, shit on the other end, and Mariela hisses into the receiver, “Hey, y/n, I have to go; the risotto is burning. Call me back if you have any other issues, okay?” 
“Okay.” You hang up and toss your phone on your desk, trying to focus on the words in front of you but failing as the sound of the bass filters through the other side of the wall again. For the fourth day in a row, you’ve been subjected to the sound of pure noise coming through the other side. Tonight was absolutely not the night, mostly because you had a presentation that took you all night to finish, and the clamor was interrupting your prep work for the bright and early eight o’clock meeting. You feel like Squidward, subjecting yourself to the endless noises from the grunting to the bass to the sound of weights clanking back into place. 
It’s the sound of Geto’s groaning that sets you on edge the most. If it weren’t for the added noise of weights, you’d be convinced he was fucking someone. There was no way he could make so much noise and not know that he was disturbing your peace. Hadn’t he ever heard of headphones? 
You snatch up your set of earbuds on your desk, place them in your ears, and try to turn up lofi music as loud as it will go. But that doesn’t work. Even relocating to the living room didn’t seem to fare you well, and you wonder if he truly had cranked up the music higher than before just to annoy the hell out of you. Finally, you toss your earbuds down and slam your computer on your coffee table. 
You’d had enough. 
Stomping over to the front door, you fling it open and bang on Geto’s door, hoping he would answer it in a rage so you could let out your frustrations. But when the door flies open, he’s dressed in only a pair of gym shorts, this time the outline of his dick even more apparent. But you’re not focused on that. You point a finger at him and inhale to begin your tirade; sick and utterly over his shit.
“Hey! Can you fucking turn it down?” Geto stretches out a hand, and for a minute you think he’s going to grab you by the shirt, but he pulls you inside by the wrist, crushing you against his chest. “What the hell?” You push away from his sweaty chest, backing into the closed door harshly. 
“Lower your damn voice; the neighbors will hear,” he chastises, and turns away from you to grab the water bottle on the counter. The muscled man takes a long swig, then wipes his face with the towel right next to it. 
“I don’t know what the fuck your problem is, but I’ve never been so disrespected in my li--” As you talk, he’s advancing on you, pushing back his long black hair back behind his ears and getting too close for comfort. Once he’s right up on you, you gulp hard, fully intimidated by his size and stature. The music suddenly stops, and you’re left in silence. 
“I’m listening,” he mutters, staring down at you. “Please, continue.” 
“I was saying…” your throat dries up. “What I meant was…” Your eyes travel from his chest to his navel, and then to the hand pressed against the doorframe.
“Uh huh…” He nods, squinting his black eyes at you. “You said you’ve ‘never been more disrespected in your’… life, right?” You don’t reply. Rather, you can’t reply. All of the words you could have ever said are now gone from your skull. “I highly doubt that, y/n.” 
“You’re Mariela’s friend. I’ve seen you quite a few times before you moved in here. Never thought I’d be living so close to you, though. Mariela’s subletting, isn’t she?” 
All of these questions. And you can’t reply to a single one because he’s practically squeezing you between the door and his rock-hard abs. Or are you pressing yourself against the door to get away from the heat emitting from his body - oh, fuck; you don’t know. 
“But I had to get your attention somehow.” The admission startles you so bad that you accidentally knock the back of your head against the door, touching the point of contact in pain and hissing slightly. Geto hums at your blunder, then pushes off of the wall to turn away from you. As he rotates, you catch a glimpse of his erection, now fully apparent in the atrocity that is his shorts. “The yard work wasn’t effective, the trips to the gym and back barely worked; shit, by now I would’ve thought you would throw yourself at me the first chance you got. I guess I had to make you mad enough to confront me.” 
“You literally looked at me and said nothing the first time I saw you!” you retort, throwing your hands up in the air. “Then you almost bit my head off the first time I came over to tell you the music was too loud.” 
“I didn’t expect you to come over the first time. Besides, I couldn’t figure out anything smooth enough in that short amount of time.” Geto shrugs, his shoulder muscles moving like water in the dim lighting of the living room. You look around at the furnishings, noting his impeccable taste in wood and red suede in conjunction with his minimal exercise equipment. “Coffee? You look like you’ve been up for a while.” He leans over a coffee-maker - one of those fancy ones that you’ve seen on TV - and slides a plain coffee cup into the holder. 
“Uh, no thanks.” You turn to the door and begin to open it, but Geto clicks his tongue thrice. 
“You’re just going to leave without getting what you came for?”
You pause for a moment, then turn back to look him over once. “Don’t you mean what you brought me over here for?” A lazy smile spreads across his face, and that’s when you realize that he’s charming, but not necessarily as suave as you first imagined. You shut the door and walk over to him, examining his physique as if you hadn’t just helped yourself to his tall, statuesque figure already. He allows you to look him over, eyes dedicatedly following you.
“Like what you see, doll?” You don’t get a chance to answer as he pulls you into his chest with a smooth movement, then presses his lips against yours. You instantly open your mouth so he can slide his tongue inside, and he does so without hesitation. Hands grasp at your flimsy night shirt, pulling it over your shoulders as he backs you up against the wall, hiking one leg up and wrapping the other around his waist. 
As both of your hands tangle in hair, fabric, sweat, you wonder how long - just how long - he’s wanted to do this. But your train of thought is rudely interrupted by his lips trailing kiss down your neck and to your collarbone, where he pauses for a second, catching his breath. Fingers dance through his locks and he peers up at you for a second, drinking in your flushed expression and breathy exhales. 
“Geto, please, I--” You’re silenced again by his lips, his thick fingers rolling past the waistband of your night shorts and right to your core, where he nestles them into your heat with ease. 
“Goddamn…” The rumbling of his voice vibrates against your chest, and you gasp, feeling every stroke of his fingers inside of you. “So fucking wet… just for me.” Your vision narrows in on the black eyes watching your every move, the angle of your face, the way you tilt your chin to the side and shakily exhale. Everything is perfect. Maybe even better than he imagined at first. But you don’t know that, and you really don’t care to know. All you want is release and for that release to be at Geto’s hands. When he removes his fingers and hoists you onto the suede couch, your first reaction is to cry out in shock. 
His hands roll your shorts down to your knees and then press your legs open, spreading you for him to examine. 
“You’re a mess down there… perhaps I should help you clean up.” 
“Huh?” The double entendre is completely lost on you in the heat of the moment. You watch as he leans down, then moves to lick your core with a flat tongue, stroking up before he goes down again and repeats his action twice. Your head finds the soft cushion of the pillow in ecstasy, and you let out a breath you didn’t realize you had been holding. 
Geto hums down below, fully appreciating your taste before sucking on your clit, hard. You yelp, shooting up, but his hand presses you back down, eyes still closed. Fingers make their way up to your breasts, tugging at your nipples leisurely before tightening and pulling with more tension. “Oh, god, please…” Your hands find his head, and at the sudden application of pressure, he grunts again. And you’re left there in agonizing pleasure, dangling between an orgasm and a build-up of pressure, one stroke away from tumbling into the cavern of blissful unawareness. 
Geto stops without warning, pulling back to watch you as he still tweaks your nipples with varying degrees of firmness. You tug at his shorts in a silent plea for him to discard them, and he waits a minute before sliding them off wordlessly. His length is impressive, you note, his cock springing free from his shorts and angled upwards a little. A condom is produced just as quickly, and he rolls it over himself before spreading you a little wider to accommodate his length. When he nudges his cock at your slit, you realise he’s a little breathless and shaking, but that all goes to the back of your mind when he slides inside of you with little resistance. 
“Fuck, doll, that’s--” He groans just as you moan, both of you relishing the expanding feeling. “God, that’s perfect.” You whimper at his praise and bring your hands to his shoulders, holding on for dear life as he begins to pump into you. Geto’s lips find your neck and he sucks a hickey on your left side, placing another one neatly below it while his hands cup your ass. 
“Does that feel good?” He whispers and you nod, completely at a loss for words. But soon, it’s not enough, and your fingers dig into his back. He’s fucking you slowly… too slowly. 
“M-more,” you whine, and he delivers his thrusts faster, pumping into you and moaning loudly. Your fingers find his face and angles it towards your raised head so you can kiss him on the lips. He offers you that mercy - a deep, languid kiss - while he plows into you with abandon. Pleasure is the only thing on your minds - you just so happen to have found it in each other’s arms - and your orgasm is just within reach.
“Geto, I’m close…” His response to your words is to lift your left leg a little higher so it practically hung off the couch and in the air, deeping his strokes until they settled against your cervix, like someone tapping a soft rhythm into your stomach. “Shit, like that.” 
“Yeah?” he exhales, looking at your face with a blissed-out expression, his cheeks reddening. You raise your hips to meet his with each thrust, hoping your orgasm would arrive before Geto came. There isn’t much you can do though, besides writhe beneath him and pull him closer to you, thereby making you and him almost inseparable. He’s merely rocking into your hips now, cock barely rolling out of you as before. And you can’t deny that it feels like heaven, not when you’ve been so frustrated for so long. 
“I’m gonna cum,” Geto hisses into your mouth, and you nod, constricting a little to urge him on. What you fail to realize is that the constriction was just what you need to tumble over into the abyss of thoughtlessness, and your mouth opens to let loose a guttural moan as Geto fucks you faster and faster, chasing his own orgasm on the heels of yours. “Oh, shit,” Your neighbor sinks into you one final time, shooting his cum into the condom, but pumping in stuttered strokes as if he were really letting loose inside of you. 
When you both fall from the heights of your sex-induced high, shoulders and heads are draped where there is comfort and space, little exhales from his mouth fanning across your breasts. Geto lifts off of your sweaty chest and looks you in the eyes before breathing: 
“Maybe I should start my days with this instead of a workout.”
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wordsmithic · 3 years
could you please point me to your post about how americans misuse greek mythology (if it isn't too much trouble, of course)? while i'm not american i would be interested in reading about it since i think it is always a relevant topic
Ah, sure, no trouble! The thing is, I have several posts on this matter. Time to make a masterpost. Some disclaimers first:
1) The blogs I reblog from, I don’t agree in everything with them. I also can’t look up every blog I’ve ever reblogged from. 2) Greeks are not mad at Americans for not knowing. (You can’t expect someone to automatically know things for other countries so far away from them). The problem is most Americans don’t research or even realize that they have to research, since they are absorbed in their own country’s affairs only. Probably because of their country’s power and self-reliance, some Americans have a hard time comprehending in depth how other cultures differ from theirs. 3) This also goes for countries who have been and are big powers. It’s mostly the UK, Germany, Austria, France, Australia and Canada (perhaps). There is a certain amount of privilege these countries have and they can more easily forget to check if the information they are served from the media or their friends about Greek mythology is correct.
On this attitude there is a small commentary in this Post
The recent Nike stupidity: Post (I forgot to reblog the addition so I’m sending you to another blog)
"If you see “Greek mythology” and your mind goes to North Americans and Northwestern Europeans, you haven’t decolonized your mind yet." Post
How Americans (among other foreigners) miss the mark with Hades and Persephone myth. Post
False stereotypes for Greeks and Greece most Americans have: Post
Dispelling the myth that ancient Greek folklore is a patriarchal creation. (Greece was and is patriarchal, but the creation of folklore doesn’t fall onto men only. Dismissing the whole ancient and modern folklore as “fanfiction written by dudes” is quite dismissive and condescending) Post
Foreigners not knowing we had a word for blue! Post
Some (mostly Anglophone) Hellenic pagans use "Hellen"/"Hellene" as their identity name, while that name denotes a nationality. Also, some Hellenic Pagans identify as "Hellenic" which sounds as if they identify as Greek people. (It is like me saying “I am British”. It's a linguistic matter. The problem is that they don't know it and that this knowledge isn't available to them). They also falsely use the word "Hellenismos" as a name for their religion. Meanwhile, "Hellenismos" always meant "Greek people and culture". (Another linguistic knowledge not available. And nobody cares to ask Greeks about it) Post
Sarah J. Maas passing existing names and cultures as her own Post (In her more recent books she has more Greek words but she says they are part of an “ancient forgotten language”)
In the book Receiver of Many (from a US American author) there were many weird things, including Persephone not knowing what her name meant. (reminder: she speaks the language her name is from :p) There were so many inaccuracies I had made a whole post about it but I got tired and deleted it, together with my memories of it :p
In the book Circe the hero Odysseus and his crew become rapists to further develop Circe’s story. This invalidates both Circe and the beloved hero of the Greeks for millennia. (Odysseus wasn’t a saint but making him a rapist is not respectful either). The author, Madeline Miller also said in an article that she continues (!!!) the Greek mythology and the article compared her to Homer. Madeline Miller is a US American with a BA and MA in Latin and Ancient Greek, and has been teaching both for almost a decade. If a person with such knowledge is doing this, it makes me feel that we really have no hope with the rest. 
Rick Riordan being culturally inclusive but surprisingly NOT inclusive to Greeks, in a series talking about Greek mythology. I don’t recall dances, food, customs and relatable things in the Percy Jackson series. What is more, some portrayals of the gods are questionable. And Apollo’s surname is Christian Orthodox and means “Priest’s Child”. Which is weird and shows that the amount of research on his surname lasted less than ten seconds. This Post shows how it would be to have some Hellenismos (Greekness) in the Percy Jackson series.
Lore Olympus, holy f*ck, where do I begin.... (The author is from New Zealand where you can find Greek people and communities, and is also very active on social media where she could have found Greeks and ask them)
A British author misusing Greek language and mythology in To Kill a Kingdom: Post
Americans drawing Greek deities without any Greek elements on them: Post (OP’s blog has changed, so the post remains just as an example) Another Post comments on this trend.
And last but not least, all the hate Zeus (the literal father of gods!!) gets on this most US American site shows zero seconds of research on Greek mythology.
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crumbly-apple-pie · 2 years
but later never came (unfinished version) (from the vault)
okayyyyy so.
i started writing this fic over a month ago, maybe somewhere back in feburary, i can’t remember. i had every intention of writing this long heartbreaking angsty fic, but then i kinda got burnt out on dps stuff, and stopped writing it. i might finish it yet, but it doesn’t look like i’ll go back to writing for anderperry any time soon. (that’s not to say it will never happen, my fandom interests come and go)
anyway, my point is, i thought i’d share what i’ve written so far. it’s unfinished, unedited, and still has my author’s notes in it, but my hope is that by publishing it someone will get some joy out of it. (and who knows, maybe i’ll be inspired to finish it)
also tell me if you want this on ao3 because i know some people prefer to read stuff on there. i just don’t want to stick it up there unless people want it because it’s unfinished lol. 
so without further ado, here’s “but later never came (unfinished version) (from the vault)” no i will not apologise for my taylor swift references
And his father said two boys should never kiss But the boy had a lover whose eyes reminded him of a velvet sky The boy had a lover whose voice called out his forgotten name Until one day the boy said I’ll kiss you later but later never came
- Courtney Peppernell
“No, Todd, you don’t understand. I’m broken.”
Todd looked across the room to where Neil was sitting on his bed, hands balled up in the sheets. He seemed to be on the verge of crying, and Todd had no idea what had brought any of this about. 
“Neil. Nobody’s broken,” he said, going for comfort, but Neil just tightened his death grip on the sheets. 
“I am,” he muttered. 
Todd dropped the book he had been holding on his desk and made his way over to Neil. He sat on the bed next to him, smoothing out the crumpled bedspread. 
“What’s going on?”
Todd wasn’t sure what he was meant to do. Neil never broke down like this. He was always the one helping Todd through things, not the other way around. Todd rested a gentle hand on Neil’s shoulder, but he flinched away, eyes wide. 
“Don’t touch me,” he whispered. His voice caught in his throat, and for a moment he looked like a wild animal caught in a trap. Todd pulled his hand back, slightly hurt. 
“Neil, I- I want to help, but you need to tell me what’s going on,” Todd said, trying to inject his voice with as much confidence and steadiness as he could. Maybe Charlie should be the one trying to comfort Neil. He always knew what to say, what jokes to make, exactly how to diffuse a situation. But Todd wasn’t like Charlie, he wasn’t charismatic and brash. Surely Todd wasn’t what Neil needed right now. 
Neil turned away from him and shuffled to the other end of the bed. 
“If I tell you, you’ll hate me.”
Todd shook his head vehemently. “I could never hate you.”
Neil smiled sadly. “That’s what you think,” he said. 
“No! No. Really Neil, I could never hate you. I don’t think it’s- it’s possible.”
Neil stared at the floor, refusing to meet Todd’s eyes. “Look, if you never want to speak to me again, that’s fine. I’ll leave and you can room with Charlie so something, and you’ll never hear from me again, and you can tell me I’m broken and disgusting because it’s true and I promise I won’t be mad-”
“Neil,” Todd interrupted. “Whatever is wrong, we can fix it, it’ll be okay.”
Neil shook his head. He was properly crying now, tears winding down his cheeks and turning the collar of his sweater dark green. 
“No? Neil-”
“You can’t fix it,” Neil whispered, his voice breaking. “It’s not fixable. It’s not like a broken arm or something. It’s me, I’m broken, and you can’t fix people like me.” 
Todd didn’t know what to do. His best friend, the person he would do anything for, was sitting in front of him, convinced there was something about him that was so abhorrent, so disgusting, that Todd would want him anymore. He didn’t know how wrong he was. 
After a moment, Neil continued, his voice broken. Todd would have done anything to make everything okay. “I- I’m… Todd I- I think I like boys. In the way I’m not supposed to. I like boys the way I’m supposed to like girls, and I don’t know what to do.” He paused for a moment, still refusing to look at Todd. “And you can hate me for it, really, you can, but I- I like you.” 
Todd’s breath caught in his throat. Neil liked him? Neil, Welton’s golden boy, whose future was brighter than anyone’s, liked him. Todd’s mouth fell open a little, and he stared at Neil in shock.
Neil let out a strangled sob, and pushed himself up off the bed. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said anything. You hate me, oh god, what have I done? I’m sorry, Todd I shouldn’t have-”
Todd grabbed his wrist, and this time Neil didn’t pull away. “If you’re broken, then so am I.”
Neil finally turned to look at him, his eyes still red from crying. Todd had never seen anything more beautiful. 
“It wasn’t obvious that I’m desperately in love with you?” Todd clapped a hand over his mouth, shocked at what he’d just admitted. “I mean- uh- I mean… I like you. A lot.” [maybe change this? So the ‘I love you’ note has more impact] 
He let go of Neil’s wrist and pulled him in by his collar. His breath caught in his throat, shocked at his own confidence. He could feel Neil’s breath on his lips when suddenly Neil was pulling away, face flushed. 
“No. I mean yes, obviously yes, fuck. It’s just… not like this. Please.”
Todd swallowed against his suddenly dry throat, ignoring how hot his face was. 
Neil was pacing, running a hand through his hair repeatedly. “That’s not what I meant. Obviously I want to kiss you, if you want to kiss me, that is, but I’m a mess right now and there’s a lot going on and I never thought you’d like me back and I really didn’t think this far ahead-”
“Neil, it’s okay.”
Neil stopped pacing. “It’s okay?”
“Yes, obviously it’s okay,” Todd laughed. “I uh- I’d like to kiss you too, whenever you want that, and if that’s not now, then that’s okay.”
“Oh.” Neil breathed a sigh of relief. “Cool. Okay.”
He sat down on the bed next to Todd and tangled their fingers together. 
Outside their window, the last leaves of Autumn clung to spindly trees, threatening to fall at any moment. There was only a few days left until winter’s icy fingers left their mark on the world, and it seemed as though the brown leaves were desperate to hang on as long as they could. As Todd watched, one of the leaves trembled and fell, slowly spinning in a graceful circle until it came to rest on the grass. 
He rested his head against Neil’s shoulder and let a warm happiness overtake him. 
Todd was woken up the next morning by an obnoxious banging on their door, followed by Charlie barging into their room. 
“Good morning!” he yelled, loud enough to wake up the entire school. Then, slightly quieter, “I hope you two haven’t forgotten about the society meeting tonight, or the beers you’re meant to be bringing, Perry.” 
Todd threw a pillow at him. 
“Looks like someone isn’t a morning person,” Charlie grinned, throwing the pillow back at him. Todd grunted and flopped onto his stomach, ignoring the menace that was Charlie Dalton in the mornings. 
Neil emerged from the bathroom, a toothbrush dangling from his mouth. “Haven’t you got anything better to do than barging in while half the school is still asleep?”
“Nope,” Charlie said, popping the P. 
“Right, well. Get out.” 
“So rude to your best friend.”
“One day you’re going to come in here without knocking and one of us won’t have any clothes on and then you’ll regret it.”
Charlie wiggled his eyebrows. “Will I?”
Todd pressed his face into the mattress, trying to ignore the blush that was creeping over his cheeks. God, could Neil last one second without mentioning something that made him want to scream?
Neil opened the door and pushed Charlie out. “Get out, I’m sure Cameron would love all the noise you’re making right now.”
“He hates me any time before eight o clock!”
From his bed, voice muffled by his mattress Todd mumbled, “I can’t imagine why.” 
Neil pushed him out the door, laughing. “Well go make yourself a nuisance for him instead of us.”
Charlie grinned, closing the door behind him as he left. “Don’t forget the meeting. Or the beers. Especially the beers.”
Neil rolled his eyes. 
“Come on Todd, he’s right. You need to get up or we’re gonna miss breakfast.”
Todd groaned from where he was lying, his pillow now sitting haphazardly across his stomach. “’s too early,” he mumbled from under the covers. 
[description of dps meeting, make sure to mention the weather. It’s probably late autumn or early winter, so it’s cold] 
Inside the cave was warmer than the trek through the woods had been, but that wasn’t saying much. Neil sat beside Todd, as usual, but he had thrown an arm around his shoulders and was leaning into his side. 
“You’re warm,” Todd mumbled. 
“And you’re a fucking human ice box,” Neil replied. Todd smacked at his arm. 
“Shut up.”
Neil grinned. “It’s true! Has someone frozen your heart or something, is that what it is?”
“Okay then, you’re a lizard, or a snake! Something cold blooded that needs the sun to warm up.”
Todd snuggled closer into his side. “Mmm I don’t need the sun to warm up, I’ve got you.”
“I- oh.”
“Earth to Neil!” Charlie yelled. “Are you going to read, or what?”
“Oh yeah, right. Of course.”
Neil stood up and shook out a piece of folded paper. Todd wished he could have read it sitting down, because he was starting to feel rather cold. 
“I found this in one of the books in the library,” Neil started. “It’s by Emily Dickinson, which made me realise we don’t read many things by female poets, so I thought I could fix that. It’s called That I Did Always Love. Uh, yeah.” 
Neil was never nervous when he read at society meetings, but Todd noticed one of his hands stuffed into his coat pocket, and he stood straighter than usual. Maybe he was just seeing things.  
“That I did always love
I bring thee Proof
That till I loved
I never lived—Enough—
“That I shall love alway—
I argue thee
That love is life—
And life hath Immortality—
“This—dost thou doubt—Sweet—
Then have I
Nothing to show
But Calvary—” 
Neil finished the poem with a small smile and sat down quickly. There was a scattered applause and then Meeks was standing up to read his. 
Todd found Neil’s hand with his own and smiled. 
“I really liked that one,” he whispered. 
“Yeah? I wasn’t sure about it, I never read love poems or anything but I thought maybe… yeah. I thought it was nice.”
Todd closed his eyes and let the voices of the boys overlap one another and wash over him. 
The meeting drew to a close in the early hours of the morning, when Charlie had had a few too many beers and was ranting about birds, and everyone else was starting to fall asleep. Neil pushed himself to his feet and looked out over the cave. 
“Alright lads, I think it’s time to head back.” There were some murmurs of assent from the gathered boys. 
[they walk back to the dorms] 
“Night, Charlie,” Neil grinned, as they watched their friend stumble into his room, still mumbling about birds. He put his arm around Todd, and Todd smiled, leaning into his side. 
Neil opened their door, barely giving it time to close properly before he was pushing Todd against it and crowding into his space. 
“Is this okay?” he asked quietly. 
“Shit, yeah.”
Neil smiled, letting his hand drift down to Todd’s waist, the other cupping his jaw. When their lips met, there were no fireworks or sunsets. Todd just felt impossibly warm, like he had never known fire until this moment. It was like coming home, like finding a missing piece to a puzzle you didn’t know existed. How could something so wrong feel so right? 
Neil pulled away first, breathing hard. “We shouldn’t be doing this.”
“I know,” Todd breathed, pulling him into another kiss. 
Neil’s lips were chapped and he tasted like cigarettes and Todd couldn’t get enough. He pulled him closer, hands fisting in his sweater. They could figure this out. They needed to figure this out, because Todd wanted this forever. He wanted passion and innocence and lazy mornings and nights spent in the dark and coffee shop dates and as many more kisses as Neil was willing to give. He wanted, and that was the scariest thing he had ever had to face. 
They broke apart after a while, and Todd rested his head on Neil’s chest. 
“We should get to bed,” he mumbled into the fabric of Neil’s sweater. 
“Right, yeah.” Neil pulled Todd with him as he wandered over to his bed, dragging him down with him onto the mattress. 
Todd curled into his side as he pulled the blankets over the two of them. 
“Thank you,” Todd said after a while. 
“For what?”
Todd found Neil’s hands with his own. “For trusting me.”
“I wasn’t really thinking. It had just been building up inside of me for ages and it was at a point where I couldn’t bear you not knowing. I felt like I was hiding. And I guess it didn’t matter anymore if you’d hated me because I just needed you to know.”
Todd squeezed Neil’s hand gently and threaded their fingers together. “I’m glad you told me.”
“Yeah, me too.”
Welton beds weren’t big by any stretch of the imagination, and barely had room for one person, let alone two. Todd didn’t mind though, as it meant he had an excuse to draw Neil’s body closer to his as they drifted off to sleep.
The morning would bring discussions about what they were exactly, and what all of this would mean for them, but for now, together, they slept. 
congrats for making it to the end; i’m surprised you’re still here lol.  @inahallucination and @aedan-mills here’s your obligatory tags, even though this isn’t really taglist-worthy lmao
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sincerelymeridyth · 2 years
Darby Allin: The Last Three Years (Part 2)
Bet y’all thought I forgot. Nope I just needed time to think about Part 2. I hope y’all enjoy and again I am new to this so be kind. Also I use his ring name and real name interchangeably so sue me. 
Oh and heres Part One 
So admittedly you had no idea what to do next. Who in the hell would, it’s not just like you could just met the man who stomped you heart out for coffee and say “Surprise you have a son”. So after a few days and many MANY missed calls and text from Darby you agreed to have hime come to your place and talk. To most it seemed like a bad idea but this is where you felt the most comfortable and you knew no matter how awkward and hard this conversation may be he would never in a million years would Sam hurt you. So there you sat and waited until there was a quiet knock at your door. You slowly opened it to be met with you favorite pair of blue eyes, one of the things you were so thankful your son got from him. 
“Hi” Darby said shyly almost like he had never met you before. In a way that was true, you were a completely different person from three years ago. That thought almost gave you a little comfort. 
“Come in please” You muttered completely lost in your own thought you had forgotten to invite him in. 
He took one step inside and quietly started to look around. You offered to go get some water and be back shortly. When you returned you saw him staring at picture you had hung on the walls. Some from when you were pregnant, some from just after axel was born, his first birthday with cake covering his face, all the memories you wish Darby could have been there for. You set the cups down and walked to stand next to him. 
“He’s yours. I know thats not news considering his age and the fact he looks completely like you.” You finally said. There was no point in avoiding the elephant in the room anymore. Once you had finally said it out loud a weight had been lifted off you shoulders. Darby turned to you with a small smile and gestured for you to sit down . 
“Sam I-” He cut you off before you could start
“I wanted to be mad at you. I was so so mad at you the night I saw you at the show. I knew the moment I saw him and you he was mine and I couldn’t believe you of all people would keep that from me. Keep my son from me.” Darby started and as much as it hurt you knew he was right. At the end of the day no matter the fear and hurt he had caused you it was selfish to keep him from his son. 
“But” Darby continued. “After a day or so I started to understand why. I can’t imagine what it must have been like to do this, all of it, alone. How scared you must have been, how hurt you must have been. So am I mad, a little I mean I’ve missed so much, but I want you to know before we talk this through I am no mad at you. I understand and I forgive you.” 
You were too stunned to speak. How? How could he be so calm about this all. You kept the biggest secret in the world from him and he forgives you? After picking you jaw up off the floor you began to speak. 
“Thank you. Ive thought a lot about how this conversation could and would go. If I’m honest it was a lot more yelling. You don’t know what it means that you’re willing to give me that forgiveness.” You started “I wanted to call I did but I was so afraid you wouldn’t want him anyway. That I could tell you about him and you just wouldn’t care and I didn’t want that for him. He’s my whole world I would do anything to protect him and in my heart keeping him from the same pain I felt was easier. God I wanted you there though, his first Holidays, first steps, and even those awful blowout diapers you deserved to be there for all of it. I can’t make up for taking that away but I would love for you to be there for him now.” 
Darby smiled a true smile “Of course I want to be there. You know Y/N you still haven’t told me my little mans name.”
“Axel” You stated proudly “Axel Louis Ratsch” 
Darby laughed a proud laugh “Cool name glad I picked it. Is he here can I meet him?” 
“I actually asked my mom to take him to the park down the road. I didn’t want him to hear anything if this conversation went south. I’d be happy to take you you down there though.” 
“I’d like that a lot.” Darby got up to put his shoes on and you did the same. 
On your way to the park you started “I know this is the last conversation too have and its a little random. Hell I don’t even know my own feelings but I’m not ready for a relationship of any kind. It just doesn’t feel right for my life right now.” 
Darby smiled “Thank you for telling me. I feel the same, I just learned a lot of life changing things and over all my life is pretty crazy. I love you hell I always have and who knows where we will be in the next three years. For now though, I’m happy just being the best parents we can be” 
You hugged him a really tight genuine hug. On your walk you talked caught him up on all the likes and disliked of your little boy. You talked wrestling and before you knew it you had arrived a the park. Finding your mom and giving her a hug. She hugged Darby practically talking his ear off about how good he looked and all he missed. Soon though your little boy spotted you and he took off running admittedly faster than he could handle and he feel hard. One of those falls you knew thought would need a bandaid but you couldn’t help but laugh at his words as he got up. 
“Im okay momma” He said crashing into your legs 
“ I know buddy you always are.” You looked at Darby who looked almost impressed. Any other kid would have been a puddle of tears but not yours. You picked up your little boy checking the damage and turning him to meet Darbys gaze. 
“Axle. This is Sam, he’s your dad and he’s going to be around quite a lot” You said not quite sure how to put it in three year old language. You knew no matter what this was going to be a learning curve but this felt like a place to start. After a while you almost thought this was going to end poorly. Your son loved making new friends though so eventually Axle looked at Darby and smiled wide jumping out of your arms practically clinging onto his neck so he would hold him. 
“We’re gonna be best friends” Axle said pointedly 
Darby looked at him and smiled “Yeah buddy I think so too” 
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bakubros-boo-thang · 3 years
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Parings: Nanami x Yu Haibara’s sister (reader)
Author's note: I’ve been listening to sad songs, just to find a way to kick-start my writing. I also wanted to try to write more short stories. This was written extremely quickly, so probably has some grammatical errors. Also MANGA SPOILERS (Gojo’s past arc/ Shibuya arc)
Summary: On the eve of Halloween as he is preparing for one of the most dangerous missions in his life, Nanami gets a voicemail. Memories of an old friend, a lover and his promise come flooding back.
‘’Hey… Kento… I mean Nanami. I don’t know if you remember me. We used to hang out a lot back in highschool. It’s been a while I guess…Even if you don’t remember, I do. You pass my mind from time to time. I wonder if your hair still gets in your face all the time... I wonder if you still talk about getting into sales and never setting foot back at Jujutsu Tech. I wonder if Gojo still annoys you. I hope he does, it honestly made my day seeing you get so worked up. I never succeeded in getting you mad. I’m happy I never did. Even if you don’t remember me, I do hope you remember my brother. Every-time I think about him, you cross my mind. It was always You, Yu and me and one day it wasn’t. I am sorry Nanami. I’m sorry if I talk about things you don’t remember. I honestly hope you never listen to this.''
'' I lied. I lied, because I hope you hear this, I lied, because I know you remember me. How can you not. It was always you, Yu and me, but sometimes it was just us. Just the two of us. It’s been at least a decade. I honestly feel like such a fool, but I do remember our first kiss. I remember me being the one to initiate it. I remember your smile. In that moment I realized that seeing you smile was far better than seeing you annoyed and through these years your smile has been haunting me. I might’ve made you smile a lot, I might’ve never made you angry or annoyed, but I did upset you. A lot. I was so selfish after Yu passed away. Begging you to leave Jujutsu Tech with me. Hating you for honoring Yu’s wishes and continuing to help people, just as he always did. I remember hoping you would be haunted by doubts for the rest of your life. Nanami, please I truly hope that you will always find your way back to helping people. I hope that following my brother's wishes has brought you happiness. I hope you found someone that you can look up to, the same way my brother once did to you and I want to thank you for being the you in you, Yu and me. I am so grateful for you. You learned me to love, you learned me how to mourn and I am so so so sorry for all the hurt I caused you. Whatever you’re doing right now, I just know Yu would’ve been so proud of you and I know that, because I have always been proud of you. And deep down I am so glad that you promised him to always help people. ‘’
The sound of the voicemail is soft. Hearing your voice is weird. Yu… the name alone brings a small smile to his face. He remembers those days. Him being his best friend and his little sister being…the girl he loved. Yu had always known, he even pushed the two of you together. How could you assume he had forgotten you. In a way his work for Jujutsu Tech had always been driven by the wishes of your brother and he knew that you secretly shared those wishes as well. He should call you back. The least the two of you could do was get some milk bread together. He can’t help that his smile is starting to grow. The way you always took the first bite and teased him with it, making him face you, until you could steal a kiss. The way your hands would always come just at the right time to swoop his hair out of his face. He missed it. He’s going to call you back. He only needs to finish this mission, that's it. After all, he has to keep his promise.
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oh-for-fic-sake · 3 years
They Hung Up
Summary: August can always fix your problems, especially when someone is ripping off his princess.
Warnings: fluff, ddlg, daddy kink
A/n: inspired by my chat with ebay this morning. Apparantly ebay will charge buyers import and customs VAT on items that aren't even being imported into the country... or going through customs. And they don't charge this at checkout they only charge it when they take the actually money. When i told the lady thats stealing your taking more then the agreed amount from my bank she hung up on me telling me to 'speak to the tax office'
Taglist: in reblogs.
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"No but you cant charge import tax on something that isn't being imported.... No they cant that's illegal look I just want my money beck for the tax-what do you mean no?!... Hello? Hello?" You could have cried you were so angry and upset. You closed locked your phone screen and sniffed shaking your head in frustration.
"Princess what's wrong?" You snapped your head to your daddy, august was scowling. You could see the aggravated look as he took in your tears. Your daddy never liked you wasting them on other people. Your sweet pure tears were only meant to be shed for him! Every droplet was his to pull from you, be it tears of rapturous pleasure or shed from being spanked for being naughty.
"August? I? they hung up on me!" You hissed quickly running over to him tucking yourself into his thick frame pressing your head into his chest trying to soak in the smell of his aftershave. The spicy scent was heady and a little overbearing, you could tell why. Under the spice was the metallic twang of blood and deep sooty smell of fired bullets. You both loved and hated it, as safe as it made you feel remembering just who and what he was if frightened you, one day he could be hurt.
"Who? Sweetpea?" He purred softly needing to calm you down before he could make heads roll. His arms encircled you squeezing you tightly and he rested his chin on your head the  began swaying with you slowly.
"The support desk! They charged import tax! And nothing was imported! Daddy I was careful and-and I checked and double checked there was no warning not on check out or nothin' then they took another ten dollars on top and now my bank is angry and charging me for going over!" You said quickly panicked that he would be mad at you for spending too much again.
"Okay pumpkin slow down... Tell daddy what's going on slowly... Don't miss anything out okay angel" he said pulling you back a little to let you catch your breath. But you quivered and opened your mouth wiping at your eyes before trying to argue.
"Yeah but!?"
"Shh shh no buts take a deep breath... Now out, good girl now start from the beginning" he coaxed slowly cooing at you as you took a few breaths and calmed, settling down n his arms feeling safe and secure, even if you were still angry.
"I got that lamp with the shelves... It was fifty four dollars and ninety nine cents" you started explaining from the beginning and waited for August to nod.
"Yes I know, I remember you showing me to see if it would fit in the corner" he spoke remembering the little pull cord box lamp and three shelves, you wanted it for the internet router and house phone to sit on so you had more room for snacks on the side table.
"Well I got it and paid but then when paypal billed me they charged sixty four dollars and ninety-nine cents... I messaged them and they said it was import tax!" You cried out getting yourself all angry again, cheeks puffing out sweetly as you huffed and growled even throwing you hands up in frustration. August made to speak but you continued your tale of the mean support desk and their money thieving ways.
"I looked it up and cos its coming for inside the state I don't have to pay! So I called and they said I had to because the shop was registered outside of the USA! But its wrong! They're wrong and when I asked for my money she hung up on me! She said I have to talk to the tax office people!" August frowned that wasn't right and he knew it. It was clear you were being taken for a fool. These bastards were at it all over the place he'd seen some of it on the news, instead of tax evasion as we know it there was a new crime. Stealing tax from buyers and classing it as profit. Because its tax most people don't question it.
"And then my bank sent me this! Saying I was over my limit and in the minus! So now they are taking twenty dollars when my next allowance goes in!"  You cried quickly pulling up an email on your phone from your bank showing a notice of charges you now had on your account.
"Its not fair I didn't do nothing wrong daddy but now I'm loosing the tax and twenty dollars of my allowance!" You yelled and began sniffling again your lip wobbling. His heart melted as he watched you try so hard not to break down and cry again. You were being his big brave girl.
"Okay pumpkin i will sort this out give me the phone" he said plucking the phone from you then turned around heading to his office.
"But you cant! Its a withheld number-" you said sniffling following him one hand fisting the back of his jacket as he strode through the pent house to the secure room.
"Oh come on sweetheart don't tell me I'm going too soft and you've forgotten just who your daddy is~" he cooed opening the door and ushering you to the small teepee in the corner that had a large iPad and a few fuzzy scatter cushions .
"Go sit and watch YouTube or something okay? Let daddy fix this mess" he said pulling your headphones from the drawer and handed them to you ushering you to the small cozy spot he had made you.
You watched as he plugged your phone into his computer and made a few quick clicks before picking up his own phone and dialled a number with a smug look the  clicked his fingers at you pointing to the headphones wanting you to pop them on and stop worrying. You pouted but slipped on the large pink headset  and pretended to loom at your screen and select a video in reality you were listening to your daddy.
"Yes you wouldn't recognize it. How? Well this is a government number, you just told a young lady to inform us about taxes?" You flicked your eyes up at him grinning hearing the professional growl to his voice the 'daddy means business' tone that made you quiver with want and fear. It never meant good things, most of the time he used this tone when you were a bad girl. You only hoped the mean woman on the phone felt bad now too.
"Why yes, yes she did a miss y/n yes that's her. I would like for you to put me through to head office" you bit your lip hearing him begin his assault. No one not even the lady on the phone and her jargon would out smart your daddy!
"Pardon me I'm sorry I'm Mr Walker...I work for the tax office in her state and have decided to open an investigation about tax fraud over the issue, we have had many complaints... oh yes she informed us of everything, she was distressed over the tax miscalculation? Which has caused her to go over drawn on her account and incurred charges" he spoke firmly and turned looking to you as you giggled watching him in his huge leather spiny chair. You gasped when he frowned and pointed a finger to your iPad clearly telling you to stop being nosey and watch your videos.
"Yes I am aware of that but the shop is registered overseas, it doesn't export from overseas... so there is no international import tax due." He continued spinning around in the chair making a few notes on the large paper pad in front of him.
"Yes that's why I'm calling I've been on your website and your policies are in fact breaking the law and infringing on the rights of consumers. Do you understand? What you have done is illegal and fraudulent and I can see it isn't the first time so I would like to speak to your head of office now- thank you" you quickly looked down as August spun once more and grunted at you pointing to the door with a scowl catching you eavesdropping again.
"Poppet either watch your videos or go and have some lunch" he said covering the mouthpiece on the phone making you pout and flick your legs at him and cross your arms stubbornly. You wanted to watch!
"Decide or I will decide for you" he said raising his brows at you but you just huffed pleading with your eyes at him to let you stay and listen.
"Right lunch it is come on up! Off you pop go make a sandwich and have some juice" he said holding out his hand for the headphones.
"But I want to see you tell them off daddy!" You huffed non to impressed at being set out of the room so quickly.
"No, now do as I've asked daddy will be out in a few minuets this wont take long" you held his gaze for a few moments before you lost your nerve then stood with a pout handing him your headphones and left the room closing the door when you were told to.
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It was twenty minuets alter August came put of the office and padded to the kitchen seeing you at the breakfast bar swinging on a chair whislt munching a chocolate spread sandwich a few candy wrappers on the side and packets of chips and un touched apple. He sighed giving you the stink eye but didn't say anything. You found a loop hole he said lunch and sandwich... he hadn't specified what type of lunch and sandwich.
"All sorted poppet! Your being refunded and getting compensation which will be debited into your account in forty eight hours" he said rounding the breakfast bar snatching the apple opening the cutlery drawer fishing out a knife.
"That's quick daddy... I thought they can only do it in five days?" You asked watching as he sliced the apples and began cutting the core out for you.
"Oh princess its amazing what people can do when they think the big bad tax man is on to them~" he chuckled at your face as he placed the apple on your plate. You didn't want to eat it but you would . Quickly. Because if you left it too long itd go brown and you would whine about it, get a warning and end up having to eat it anyway.
"Will you get in trouble? you pretended to be the tax man daddy" You said cautiously lifting a small apple wedge to your mouth and nibbled it.
"Me? Of course not daddy has many different identities love, and I can use them when I want love... besides we just uncovered a company that not only evades tax but it stealing it!" He grinned. If there was one thing he liked it was justice. Everyone should pay their dues. Especially someone who rigs a system to benefit themselves.
"And.. My bank charges?" You asked still unsure if he will be mad a you for over spending...Again
"All gone, daddy will cover them princess; now just how much chocolate spread is in that sandwich?" He said leaning over your plate trying to pry apart the two slices of bread.
"Err a little" you shrugged still eating your apple whist trying to smoosh your sandwich and hide the super thick chocolatey layer.
"Mm hmm there's more chocolate then bread poppet~" he hummed unimpressed but let it slide, again you'd found your loophole, the last thing he'd do is punish you for being a smart ass. It could save your life one day.
"Sorry daddy" you said whilst pulling the plates closer to yourself protectively worried he would steal our chocolate.
"Oh don't be poppet once its gone its gone its you that will miss it not me" he chuckled and spun around crossing the kitchen to make his own lunch. You grinned happily, what had been a bad day was getting better and better! You were getting your money back, compensation,  your daddy was paying your and charges and you got to keep your chocolate spread! What more could you ask for? Well there was one more thing you could ask for.
"Daddy can I have a puppy?"
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skiller0dani · 4 years
Sinful | Spencer Reid
M A S T E R L I S T Criminal Minds Masterlist
smut | sub!spencer x bau!reader requests info summary | when spencer decides to let the witness flirt with him, you decide to have some fun of your own with derek. it becomes obvious that it's a mistake.
this was sitting in my drafts unedited!! I'm still trying to finish up Amortentia part 2 & the Ethan AU. They'll be up I promise, until then.. enjoy Sub!Spencer! This is my first real stab at a dom reader so I hope I did okay. I've read fics about face slapping as a kink and I just wanna let you guys know that I am not comfortable writing that so I probably never will include that.
Also I hate saliva so I probably wont write about spitting either. Sorry lololol
thanks @imagining-in-the-margins for the inspiration! (was totally inspired by "messy lessons" if you guys haven't read it...you should!)
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At first you doubted he knew what he was even doing.
At first.
Maybe he wasn't trying to get in her pants, and maybe he wasn't trying to lead her on. But he was still letting her shamelessly flirt with him. You'd been with the FBI for years and made the silly mistake of assuming that working in the same department as your boyfriend would make things easier on you. Being able to see him everyday is a definite plus, seeing him in danger every time you're in the field is definitely not a plus. Watching a busty blonde witness flirt with him is certainly not a plus, especially when he lets her throw herself into his chest. Supposedly "distraught" but you see the cheeky smile peeking at the corner of her lips.
You see the thing about Spencer that nobody except for you knows, is that deep down he's a very naughty boy. The little mischievous glint in his eyes when his eyes meet yours from across the interrogation room proved that. You were professional however, so you were forced to stand by and watch him comfort her. Bitch.
"C-Could you get me some water?" Her voice was shaky, you still didn't buy it.
"Sure, Doctor-"
"Agent Y/L/N if you wouldn't mind?" Spencer's much more dominating voice cut through yours. Your eyebrows flew up as you shared a millisecond stare down with him. You could see the playful look in his eyes, flashed by the brattiest smile you'd ever seen grace his lips. Your lips stretched in a tight smile before you nodded and turned out of the room.
When JJ joined you near the kitchenette she opened her mouth to say something, but once she'd noticed you white knuckle gripping the faucet handle she changed her mind. She continued with whatever she was doing, not looking at you. It was a tense few minutes until she turned out of the room. While everyone in the BAU knew you and Spencer were together, it was easy for them to forget seeing as you never acted as a couple at work. For obvious reasons. Only in moments of danger, like when Spencer's helicopter went down and there were panicked tears streaming down your cheeks did they remember that you were in fact, together.
Apparently your usually good boy seems to have forgotten who he belongs to as well. The sight you returned to left tendrils of anger licking at the pit of your stomach.
"Oh really, that is so cool! I'll bet you're so strong!" The witness had perked up considerably since you'd left the room. Her hand reached up to curl at his bicep, and he didn't stop her. What a brat. Spencer sat next to her rather than across from her at the table, presumably to console her. Spencer beamed at her praise, an action you did not miss.
"Yeah, actually FBI agents are required to pass a variety of physical exams to insure they're physically healthy enough to chase down an unsub if need be-"
"Here's your water." Your voice was tense and you had to resist the urge to "accidentally" spill the water on her as you set the glass down. You didn't meet Spencer's eye as he stood to follow you out of the room. You could see the naughty façade fading as soon as he'd left the room.
"Y/N?" His voice was soft and his big brown eyes wide when you turned to glance at him. Your heart melted at the sight of those sad puppy dog eyes but you're not going to give in when baby boy broke so many rules.
"Shush." Is all you say, your voice sharp. You're not going to hide the fact that you're mad at him. And you're going to stay mad at him, no matter how cute he is.
"Yes ma'am." Spencer mumbles as he follows you towards the room Hotch is waiting in with the whiteboard. You try your hardest to focus on whatever Hotch is saying but all you can think about is that stupid witness pressing her chest up against Spencer, and the fact that he was practically bathing in the attention she gave him. You hated the fact that Spencer was getting exactly what he wants, he lives for your punishments. In a way, punishing him was also rewarding him but it was rewarding for you too.
After vaguely remembering Hotch asking for Spencer, you watched him scramble forward. You don't miss the fact that he nearly stops to ask for your permission to do so, you have him trained so well. A smile quirks at the corner of your mouth and you almost feel like forgiving him until Hotch speaks again.
"Reid, I want you to take Allison Calloway home..." he lists off where the rest of you will go but at that point you're no longer listening. You hear Hotch pair your name with Derek, which sparks a wicked idea in your head. He's having Spencer take the witness home? Is the world punishing you? You see Spencer steal one nervous glance at you before rushing to get Allison. You tongue your cheek before reluctantly following Derek out of the precinct.
You and Derek were apparently instructed by Hotch to go investigate the second crime scene, where a young man with his hands missing was found earlier this morning. You peek at Derek out of the corner of your eye, Derek is one of your close friends and he knows more than he should about yours and Spencer's...extracurricular activities. He seems to be in a good mood today, and he's unlikely to think anything of it. He'll definitely tell Spencer about it, which is sort of what you're hoping for. While this is hardly the place for you to "come on" to Derek, you're willing to do it. Spencer needs a taste of his own medicine.
"Odd, that the unsub removes the hands but repositions the watch around the victims ankle." Derek muses, his hand coming up to scratch at the stubble on his chin. Luckily the officers sent to patrol the crime scene are nowhere nearby. You circle Derek, trying to formulate the perfect sentence in your mind. It can't be too much, but definitely enough for him to inform Spencer. Derek is used to more lewd phrases coming from yours and Penelope's mouth, so surprising him enough to tattle to your boyfriend will be a challenge.
It can't be anything that would hurt Spencer however.
Derek views Spencer as his little brother and would never hurt him, and you wouldn't want to hurt Spencer either this is all in good filthy fun. It has to be a little risky, but not so risky that Derek would prefer keeping it from Spencer to protect him. If its too much Derek will approach you directly about it which would be humiliating and would entirely miss the point. This is a very delicate operation.
"Oh Derek, have you been working out?" You decide to take the easy route, adding a dash of sultry to your tone.
"Occasionally." Derek doesn't turn his head towards you, you haven't quite captured his attention yet.
"Firm is a good look on you." You tease, you'll need to ease him into it because he's going to have the wind knocked out of him when you finally lay it on him.
"Easy girly, you're venturing into dangerous territory." You hear the lilt to his tone letting you know that he's joking. You need to push it further.
"No I'm serious," you need to tread very carefully. You don't want to ruin a friendship you still want to keep, "it's a really good look on you."
Derek turns to you then, an eyebrow raised as he watches you trail your eyes down his body. While Derek isn't a bad looking guy, he doesn't even come close to comparing to your beautiful boy. Spencer is easily the cutest and sexiest man you've ever had the privilege of standing in the same room with.
"What's with you?" He asks, keeping the smile on his face so he doesn't alert you that he's concerned. You're on the right track but if you leave it here Derek will let it go. You need to drop that mini bomb on him, just a little more. You trail a finger down his shoulder, towards his bicep.
"Nothing, just admiring the view. The big, strong, sexy, view. What I wouldn't give to have you in bed Derek Morgan." There's the bomb. Your words have an immediate effect over him. The half-lidded sultry look in your eyes is enough for him to raise his eyebrows in surprise. Usually he can tell if you're joking but now he really can't tell. He's speechless, which doesn't happen to Derek Morgan very often.
"Call me if you wanna take me up on my offer." You send a wink at him before turning to head towards the black SUV. That should be enough for him to tattle.
When you return to the precinct, you watch with pleased eyes as Derek immediately pulls Spencer into a side room. Derek briefly glances at you, and you send him a smile but do not receive on in return. You don't think anything of it, Derek will get over it eventually with an explanation. You watch carefully as Derek begins to speak and an unreadable expression crosses onto Spencer's face, you expect he's just absorbing what Derek is telling him. Any minute now that look will cross onto his face, those dark eyes that warn you that you've officially annoyed him.
Derek keeps speaking, you can see his lips moving. What are they talking about? It shouldn't be taking this long. You're too far away to really make out their faces, so you subtly sneak closer when Spencer's eyes flash to meet yours and you gasp. There is no anger on his face, no playful annoyance, instead you see pain. Hurt. Betrayal. Derek tries to reach out to grab Spencer but the door to that side room opens and Spencer comes rushing out of it. Not bothering a side glance at you as he makes his hasty exit.
"I was only kidding." You explain quickly as Derek emerges. He doesn't look amused.
"It was too far Y/N. He's crushed." Derek snaps, brushing past you. Immediately you turn and exit the precinct, quickly finding Spencer tucked away in a secluded corner. He's sitting against the building, his head tucked into his knees and the absolute worst part is the fact that he's softly crying. You kneel in front of him in an instant, although you're not sure what to even say.
"Oh baby boy, I was only kidding. I didn't mean it, I said it because you flirted with that blonde witness!" You explain in a hurry, trying to reach out to take him in your arms. Spencer resists, instead lifting his head to look at you. His eyes are glossy and red rimmed, "kidding?"
"Yes precious, I was kidding."
"But Derek is more...attractive then I am." Spencer whimpers softly. You reach forward to firmly grasp Spencer's chin, ensuring he looks at you.
"Spencer Walter Reid you look at me," You order, and hesitantly Spencer lifts his watery eyes to meet yours. "There is not a single person who is more attractive then you are, you are flawless."
"But deep down you want Derek-"
"I was kidding Spencer. I only want you, my good boy." You purr, and you see a shiver run down his spine. You lean forward to press your lips to his before your thumbs come up to swipe away your tears.
"I'm not a good boy, I don't deserve it." Spencer whimpers once you help him stand up. Even though you're looking up at him, it's still very clear that you're the one in charge. "I flirted with Allison."
"You're right, you haven't been very good have you? I'm sure you'll make it up to me in the hotel room." You smile pressing a kiss to his flushed cheek. He nods immediately, it warms your heart.
"I love you." Spencer whispers after he catches your hand as you're about to open the door. You press a kiss to his palm, "I love you precious."
You could feel the nerves rolling off of him when you opened the door to your shared hotel room. The door shut with a soft click as you kicked off your shoes. Spencer remained at the hotel room door curled in on himself and wringing his hands together. You have to hide the smile as you shed your jacket from your shoulders, beginning to reach for your jeans when you pause. You take a seat on the bed, watching Spencer eye you carefully from his spot by the door.
"Come here." There isn't a question in your tone, it's more of an order. An order Spencer hastily obeys as he scrambles to stand before you.
"Undress me." You instruct, and Spencer kneels immediately to grab at the hem of your shirt. He carefully lifts the fabric off your body and tosses it aside before reaching around your body to unclip your bra. "No touching baby boy, you were naughty remember?" You snapped, and you saw him turn his head down in shame before turning his attention towards your pants. He unbuttons your jeans and helps pull them down your legs. Spencer's breath gets caught in his throat when his eyes land on your clothed pussy.
"Like what you see precious? Maybe if you were a good boy and didn't let that woman run her hands all over you, maybe I'd let you touch." You purr watching the disdain in his eyes when he realizes what his punishment is going to be.
"Tell me the truth baby boy, did you let her touch you in the car?"
He nods, but that's not good enough for you. You reach down to roughly palm him through his slacks.
"I said did you let her touch you?" You punctuate every word with a gentle squeeze around his cock. Finally, Spencer seems to find his voice.
"Where? Show me where she marked what's mine." You hiss, not even attempting to disguise your frustration. Spencer lifts one hand to his chest and trails it down his stomach, dangerously close to the hem of his pants before thankfully he stops.
"You let her touch you, this close to your cock?" You snap, tearing your hand away from him.
"I-I'm sorry!" He stammers, his eyes wide and his hands resting on the tops of his thighs. Boy does he look pretty on his knees before you. Not pretty enough for mercy however. There's a pleading look in his eyes, and a desperation. A desperation to please you.
"Make it up to me." You snap and as soon as the words leave your lips, Spencer's fingers are curling around the waistband of your underwear and tearing them off your body.
"Y-Yes ma'am." You lean back on your elbows as Spencer lowers his head between your legs, his eyes flickering to yours briefly. With a nod of your head, Spencer is delving between your legs with the enthusiasm of sex deprived teenager. Your head tosses back immediately as you feel his tongue licking thick stripes over your entrance. He continues to lap at you, his tongue teasing your entrance before he returns to his heavy licking. You moan softly, your fingers digging into his curls and pulling his head closer.
"Just like that, you're being such a good boy." You praise through breathy moans, and Spencer can feel his chest swell with pride. He loves being your good boy. But he isn't your baby boy all the time, sometimes, with a bit of coaxing, he becomes daddy. Spencer reaches up to prod a finger at your entrance before he's sinking in knuckle deep, his mouth curling around your clit. Spencer pumps on finger, to stretch you a little before slowly working a second finger into your suffocatingly tight heat.
"Yes Spencer, don't stop." You beg, feeling yourself climbing closer to reaching the peak, especially when his tongue flicks expertly against your clit while his fingers pump steadily into you. "Oh God, my good boy-" You praise again, and this time Spencer moans against you. Your toes curl as the vibrations send a course of pleasure through you, you've got to make him do that again.
"Do you like being my good boy Spencer? My good, obedient boy. So eager to please me, to make me feel good. And you do, you make me feel so good because you're such a good, good, boy." Your heavy praise causes Spencer to release a low groan, and the feeling is enough to launch you over the edge. Spencer keeps pumping is fingers into you, his tongue swirling soft circles over your clit to help you through your orgasm. Once your body has stopped jerking, you finally pull him off you.
"I forgive you precious, but unfortunately I still have to punish you." You inform him as you pull him back up to his feet. You hear him whine as you push his chest to lay him back against the bed.
"Do you have to?"
"Are you talking back to me baby boy?"
"N-No!" He squeaks instantly, his cheeks painted red. You stand over him, laying beneath you and you can't fight the soft moan that escapes your lips upon seeing him. His hair is disheveled from you raking your fingers through his, his brown eyes are wide and innocent as he looks up at you, and his cheeks are dusted such a beautiful shade of pink.
"Take off your clothes precious, I want to see all of you." You instruct, and you love the shy look on his face as he reaches up to remove his shirt. You let your eyes shamelessly roam his body as he slowly exposes more skin to you. Despite having been together for a few years now, Spencer is still incredibly insecure. Deep down he's worried you'll grow tired of him. Worried that you'll seek out other men despite being with him. Spencer is worried he's not enough to keep you interested. Which is wildly untrue, it's already been over 3 years and if anything you become more interested as time goes on.
"So beautiful baby boy, your body is a work of art." You breathe under your breath. Spencer blushes even deeper then he was before as he nervously fidgets underneath. You swing your legs on either side of his waist, your palms on the bed next to his head. "Your punishment, precious boy," your hands drift to his that are resting on your hips, "is that you can't touch me." You finish, moving his hands to the bed.
Spencer's eyes widen as his head drops back. A whine escapes his lips, but like a good boy, he grasps tightly at the sheets. You reach between your bodies to grasp his cock, pressing the head against your entrance before you teasingly lower onto him. Spencer's eyes squeeze shut at the feeling of your velvety walls around him- it's almost too much for the poor boy. It doesn't help that it's been a few weeks since you two last had sex, meaning you're tighter then you normally are. In fact you're so tight that Spencer can't even breathe properly while he's stretching you open.
"Oh baby boy, you feel absolutely wonderful. Your cock stretches me open so good." You purr, your hands landing on his chest for leverage so you can bounce on him faster. Spencer whimpers softly, the feeling is overwhelming, you can tell he's struggling to contain himself. Your hair drifts down your back when you throw your head back, his cock hitting places deep inside you.
"Getting close," You moan and Spencer knows that's his cue to reach down and begin rubbing circles over your clit. As soon as his thumb makes contact you're moaning loudly, your free hand digging into his hair to hold onto tightly. "Yes Spencer, yes." The phrase becomes a chant you repeat in your head over and over again. Spencer continues to rub you, desperate to help you find your release. When you slam down on him again, his cock hits the place deep inside you that makes your toes curl. You cum instantaneously, your body nearly falling top of Spencer's from the sheer force of it. Spencer's arms come up to steady you, offering shallow thrusts into you to chase his own release.
"Y/N...c-can I?" His voice is wrought, and you smile weakly.
"Yes precious, you can cum." As soon as you give him permission, he's cumming in hot gushes into you, his face buried in your neck. You run your hand down his back as his heart rate slows back to normal, and Spencer's arms stay curled around your waist.
"Hm?" You can hear the lazy drawl in his voice that lets you know he's getting very sleepy.
"Don't ever break my rules again, or your punishment will be much worse."
"Yes ma'am." You press a kiss to his lips before pulling off him, and curling yourself into his side.
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forever-rogue · 3 years
OH I HAVE AN IDEA like an angsty fic where bucky and reader have a miscommunication and it causes a fight between them and they are both like ???? “we’ve never yelled at each other ??? what is this” AND IDK I JUST WANT ANGST
So, head empty, very little thoughts, but I hope this works and you like it 🥺
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You sang along to the music that was playing softly in the background as you showered and got ready for your day. You’d had a late start, easily giving into Bucky and staying in bed for just five more minutes, which had really turned out to be almost another hour. The good thing about being the boss was that you could afford to be late every once in a while. Bucky was in the kitchen, whipping up a quick breakfast before he too needed to leave and go about his day.
“Sugar,” he called out to you as you washed your hair. You could faintly make out his voice as you carried on, but figured you’d be able to make out what he was saying well enough, “I’ve got everything made and prepared just how you like it!”
You thought nothing of it for a moment and continued to wash your hair; but about halfway through the motions, you stopped in surprise. What had he actually said?
“Bucky? Bub, what did you say?” you quickly rinsed out our hair before pulling back the shower curtain as you tried to listen in. Had he really said he was mad?
“It’s all done! I’m done,” he called back as he covered your plate for you to find once you got out of the shower. He grabbed his travel mug of coffee and headed towards the door, giving Alpine a quick pet before leaving, “bye honey. Running late and gotta go - I’m leaving!”
“Bucky!” you almost slipped and fell as you tore back the shower curtain and almost jumped out of the shower. It was still running as you haphazardly grabbed a towel and darted down the hall and into the kitchen. But he was already gone; the only thing that was left behind was the faint smell of his cologne. Swallowing the nervous lump in your throat, you trudged back down the hall to finish your shower. You were already running late and whatever this was - whatever had just happened - would need to wait until later.
Had Bucky really just broken up with you in the midst of a shower? It sure seemed like it right now.
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A heavy sigh escaped your lips as you sat down and stared at your computer screen. You’d had the same spreadsheets and charts pulled up for the last two hours and made almost no progress. You swore that almost every single interaction you’d had with Bucky over the last week was playing on loop in your mind. You were desperately trying to figure out where you’d gone wrong, what had caused him to snap.
In an effort to alleviate your own fears, you’d texted Bucky to get a response from him and see what was going on. But you hadn’t heard back from him. You’d sent three messages before deciding not to bombard him. But still...if he was just up and leaving you after almost three years together, he owed you at least a small explanation.
You opened google and quickly pulled up an apartment search, already resigned yourself to the idea that you’d need to find a new place fast. Being around for too long would be too hard and you didn’t want to subject to more torture than necessary. And Alpine! You’d need to decide what to do with your beloved cat - Alpine loved you equally, how were you to choose who would get the fluffy little thing? And all the friends in common you shared...who would they side with?
“Fuck,” you groaned at nothing in particular and decided to focus on your work. At least that would keep you distracted and your brain focused on something other than Bucky. You would figure out everything else tonight. It would all be fine. This was no big deal; maybe your world was falling apart...but you would handle it. You always did.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
When you finally allowed yourself to go home that evening, you were shocked to find the lights on and Bucky in the kitchen. He was on the phone with someone, his new girlfriend or someone like that you immediately presumed, moving about the kitchen as he finished dinner. You choked up as you watched the domestic scene that was so normal to you by now. But this time, it felt so wrong.
You stormed in and for whatever reason, you decided that grabbing a pillow and throwing it at Bucky was a good idea. You picked the soft thing up in your arms and hurled at him, who suddenly realized you were home and yelped in surprise as he dodged the offending object. He raised his eyebrows in surprise as he pointed to the earbuds in ears as he turned back to the stove.
You were seeing red by now as you stormed in the kitchen and ripped his earbuds out. He was so stunned by your sudden actions, he jumped back and offered up a shocked look.
“What the fuck are you doing here!?” you shouted at him as you threw the buds on the floor, half tempted to stomp them, “how fucking dare you!”
“Sugar, what on earth are you talking about?” he grabbed his phone off the counter and ended the call without hesitation. Your chest heaved as you waited for some sort of explanation, “what’s going on? Are you alright?”
“No, I’m not alright! How on earth could I be alright?” you threw your hands up in exasperation as you tried to unsuccessfully hold back your tears. He was so calm and nonchalant about everything it was almost more frustrating than anything else.
“Okay...something is going on. Care to enlighten me?” he tried to reach up and wipe your tears away but you flinched out of his touch, “sugar?”
“Y-you! It’s you!” you cried softly as he motioned for you to explain just what it was about him that was the problem.
“What about me…?”
“You just break up with me this morning and tell me you’re leaving me and then you just come back like nothing has happened?” as soon as the words left your mouth, Bucky’s mouth dropped open. It was news to him that he’d broken up with you, “and you didn’t answer my texts all day! I deserve some sort of explanation!”
“I didn’t...I didn’t break up with you, Sugar,” he stated simply as you tilted to your head in confusion, trying to decide if he was pulling your leg or being honest, “why would I leave you? That makes no sense. I love you - I’m in love with you!”
“This morning,” you whispered softly, “you said you were done and you were leaving. When I was in the shower.”
His brows furrowed as he tried to figure out what exactly you were talking about. But then it hit him and he struggled not to burst out laughing. He gnawed on his lip as he fervently shook his head, “my sweet girl, you...well you heard me correctly, but incorrectly at the same time.”
“What? I-I swear…”
“What I said was breakfast was done and that I was leaving for work because I was running late too,” he explained as you tried to replay all that you had heard. Maybe...maybe you hadn’t heard him correctly at all - and in turn jumped to the worst possible conclusion, “I had to run...I’m sorry I didn’t come into the bathroom and say goodbye. Maybe that would have solved this whole thing.”
“You’re not..leaving me?” you asked as he just shook his head and took the opportunity to wrap his arms around you, “you still love me?”
“I find it both hilarious and concerning that you so easily thought I would just leave,” he kissed the top of your head as you held onto him as tightly as possible, “of course I’m not leaving. You never have to worry about that, sugar. I love you so much, silly girl. You sweet, silly girl.”
“I’m an absolute idiot,” you mumbled as you buried your face in his shoulder. You couldn’t believe that you jumped from A to Z so quickly and without a moment of hesitation, “I’m sorry, Bub. I feel like I wouldn’t blame you if you did want to leave me now.”
“Never,” he promised softly, “even if you do have moments of being ridiculous. Just like I do.”
“If I ever do something so dumb again,” you huffed as you pulled back and looked at those ocean eyes, “just smack some sense into me. But I...you didn’t answer my texts.”
“Texts?” he seemed genuinely confused as he reached for his phone and correctly scrolled through his messages. You could see that there were none from you, “what are you…I was in bad reception today. Blame Sam, that I was just on the phone with, for that one. They probably never came through. I’m sorry, honey. If they’d come in, maybe we could have avoided this whole situation, huh?"
“Some bad luck on top of it,” you hid your face behind your hands and sighed heavily, “James. I..I’m so sorry for everything. I just downright acted like a fool today. I don’t even know where to begin to apologize. I love you, Bub. I hope you can forgive me, but if not...I would-”
“Hey,” he put his hand under chin and turned your face up to meet his own. His smile was lilting and gentle and his eyes soft, “I love you. It’s alright done and forgotten. Are you hungry? Dinner’s just about finished.”
“I love you more than anything,” you whispered as he pressed a gentle kiss to your lips, “I just...my emotions were so all over the place today. Like out of control, A to Z. I don’t know what happened.”
“Shit happens,” he dismissed it with a slight scoff as he reached for some dishes, “I’m yours, sugar. Always.”
“Me too,” you agreed as you leaned against the counter, watching him with nothing but adoration. It was then that another realization - and possibly an explanation - hit you. It felt like a punch in the gut, “shit.”
“What?” Bucky asked as he started to plate dinner, “everything okay?”
“Yeah,” you smiled nervously, “just remembered something I forgot to do today.”
“As long as you’re alright…”
“I am,” you promised. You could worry about this later, “hey - I love you so much, Bucky. You know that right?”
“I love you too. Always.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
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littleoddwriter · 3 years
Hi can I request a zsasz mask x male reader where reader gets in a argument with victor and roman and reader just gets tired of their bull so he goes to get ready for his match (readers a boxer) and it's a big match for him. After being mad for a bit they go to the match and see that reader is injured really badly but keeps fighting anyway cause he's going to win no matter what.
Match | Roman Sionis x Victor Zsasz x Male!Reader | ZsaszMask x Male!Reader
I am so sorry it took me this long! I hope you're still interested in it and enjoy what I've done with your request! Again, I apologise for taking so long.
summary; See above.
notes; TW // Open Wounds; Blood; Fights. Brief Mention of Sex in the end. Polyamorous/-sexual relationship; Declarations of Love.
Fuming, your blood boiling under your skin, and shaking with the force of your anger and the effort of holding it back, you got ready to go out for your boxing match in an hour. You clenched your jaw, almost painfully so, as you zipped up your bag. Then you practically stomped out of your room and the penthouse, slamming the door behind yourself.
Fucking Roman and Victor.
While you got fully dressed and prepared for your match, you thought about what had gotten you so angry in the first place.
It was a stupid fight with Sionis and Zsasz.
All you did was bring to their attention that they could at least try to pay more attention to you as well, and actually show you that they liked you, that they liked having you around.
Roman flew off the handle right after it had left your lips, which wasn’t surprising, but it didn’t help your situation and only agitated you. So you yelled right back at him. Victor, always so fucking protective of Roman, got a bit physical, grabbing your wrist in a bruising tight grip glaring at you and telling you off in his deep, gravelly voice. You weren’t scared of him, though.
So you just twisted your arm out of his tight grip and shoved him, yelling at both of them now that this was exactly what you meant. They were always an item, even in a fight; they ganged up on you, instead of including and actually talking to you, instead of looking for a solution and being open for suggestions.
In a way, you wished you hadn’t brought it up at all, but it needed to be said, no matter what. You were unhappy with the way things were at the moment and you didn’t just want to break up with them over it. You loved them after all. You just wished they’d show you they loved you, too. And now you might have just ruined all chances of that. Fuck, they were probably packing your things while you were here, and throwing you out the moment you’d get back.
“Y/N, you’re up in 10,” your coach told you and you nodded.
Taking a few deep breaths, you shook your head to clear it of the fight. The match was more important now. You couldn’t let something like this ruin your chances of winning, although the anger that was still thrumming through your body might help you.
All the while, Roman and Victor have stayed home. Sionis had been blinded by rage after he’s heard you leave. He was screaming and trashing things.
Zsasz could just barely get through to him at all, breathing a quiet sigh of relief, when he finally did, holding onto Roman’s wrists and seeking intense eye contact with him, so he could bring him back to the real world, the here and now.
Breathing heavily, Roman’s face was still set in a deep scowl, frowning, his eyes piercing with anger, yet still a little glazed over from how overwhelming it was.
“Do you think he’s right, Victor?” he asked eventually, his voice broken and raw, abused from all his screaming.
“Maybe,” Zsasz conceded. He hated to think that anyone but Roman and he himself could ever be right, but he had to admit that they may have neglected you a little bit.
“Fuck.” It was weak, but carried all of Roman’s frustration nonetheless.
“We need to make it up to him. Where did he go anyway?” he continued after a short moment.
“Match. Big one tonight, remember?”
“Right, of course. Why the fuck couldn’t he have chosen any other fucking day to bring this up?”
Zsasz just shrugged, not knowing a good answer to that. While he knew Sionis better than he knew himself, Victor still struggled to get on that level with you, too.
“Whatever. Get dressed. We’re going to that match and make it up to him afterwards, ‘kay?”
“Sure thing, boss.”
When they arrived and got into the front row (thank fuck for their connections and having people naturally fear them, so that they made way), you have already been far into your match. Both of them took in the sight of you in your element.
As Roman got a better look at your front, though, he immediately grabbed onto Victor’s arm, tightly. “What the fuck?!” he muttered.
You were bleeding out of your mouth and a pretty big gash on your forehead. It was a lot of blood, too. He wondered if you had even noticed it, or if you were just too focused on winning that you didn’t take in anything but your opponent anymore. It has happened before.
“He’s going to get fucking killed if he keeps going,” Roman hissed.
“I wouldn’t worry too much. He’s tough, you know that.”
Sionis shot Victor a piercing glare. “Yeah, and everyone has a limit, even you and me. Especially he, though! Fuck!” His grip on Zsasz’s arm only tightened, sure to leave a bruise.
“It’s not his time yet, I promise.” With that, Roman loosened his hold just slightly. He knew Victor wouldn’t ever lie to him, and he also knew that he had a very well working intuition for these things, so he believed him.
For all it was worth, Sionis knew he couldn’t stop it, anyway. You were too stubborn and determined to win; you would fight until you truly dropped dead if you had to.
Fortunately for him, another right hook from you had your opponent fall back to the ground, and not getting back up within the required 10 seconds.
You had won.
Booming loud cheers erupted around the facility. Victor and Roman cheered for you, too, while relief washed over Sionis in waves.
After a couple of minutes you were led away by your coach, back to the locker rooms. You sat down on the bench, pressing a clean towel to the gash on your forehead.
“You really need to stop doing that, Y/N,” your coach chided you.
“Yeah, yeah, next time,” you muttered.
“You’ve said that the last five times already. Get a grip on yourself, or else you can look for a different coach. I don’t want your blood on my hands, son.”
You rolled your eyes, “Don’t worry. I promise it won’t happen again. Okay?”
“Fine–,” your coach probably wanted to say something else, but was interrupted by Roman and Victor coming into the room.
Wait, what the fuck were they doing here anyway?
“What the fuck,” you greeted them.
“We should be the ones saying that, Y/N,” Roman replied, frowning.
You desperately wanted to smooth out the crease between his eyebrows that had deepened significantly with his frown.
Fuck. No, you were mad at them!
“I suppose I’ll leave you alone then,” your coach said and walked out. He knew when Victor and Roman were with you, he needed to be gone.
Your eyes were fixed on Roman as he walked over and sat down next to you on the bench. Then you looked over to Zsasz, who retrieved the first aid kit from your locker and started getting out supplies to sew your wound closed.
“I thought you’d kick me out,” you near whispered in disbelief.
“What? Fuck, no!” Sionis said, looking as offended as he sounded.
Victor then sat down on your other side where your wound was and gently, yet firmly, grasped your hand and pried out the towel from your grip. Silently, he got to work, disinfecting the skin around the gash, picking out the sterilised tools and thread. Promptly, he started closing up the gash with practiced ease.
It did have some advantages to have someone like him as your boyfriend, you mused.
“Look, uh, I’m sorry for the fight. I should have known better than to- I don’t know. Bring that shit up. I knew it’d upset you.” Now that all your anger was gone, washed away by the sheer presence and treatment you were just receiving from them, you really felt a little stupid and apologetic for it all.
“It’s not your fault. You were right. We didn’t pay you enough attention and you were right to talk about it with us. Or try to, anyway. My bad for exploding like that.” Roman took one of your hands in both of his. Despite the tape and boxing gloves, your knuckles were bruised. He stroked over them with his leather-clad thumb.
“Will you promise me to change it?” you asked then, quietly, cautiously, as if afraid to destroy this dream-like moment.
“I promise to at least try, ‘kay? Is that fair enough for you?”
“Yeah, I guess. And you, Victor?”
Snipping the thread and unpacking a big band-aid to put that over the suture, Zsasz nodded. “Sure, I’ll try. Promise.” He smiled at you, crookedly, his two golden teeth glinting in the fluorescent lights of the locker room.
“Alright then,” you breathed, smiling at them both. “Thank you.”
Instead of answering, they both leaned in and kissed either of your cheeks.
“I love you guys. So much,” you chuckled.
Then you first turned to Victor and kissed him on the lips, passionately, but briefly. After that you did the same with Roman.
“We love you, too,” they said simultaneously, making all three of you laugh. It was a magical moment, really. And in the back of your head, you were a little rattled at them admitting they loved you. It was the first time they had ever uttered these words to you.
The fight between you completely forgotten now, you were only eager to get back home, shower and have make-up sex with them. Maybe even both at the same time, you smiled to yourself.
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milkybonya · 3 years
order 003 for anon: a large banana milk tea with strawberry popping boba for treasure’s Yedam
Warnings: angst, crying, explicit language, threats, violence
Summary: where Yedam is the badboy! at school and he has a soft spot for you ^-^ you somehow end up as his tutor and.. yeah :")
[a/n]: idk why it's so hard for me to imagine Yedam as a bad boy??? i hope i wrote this well T.T i love the badboy! concept tho hehe so i loved this,, aLSO I'M SORRY FOR SACRIFICING JEONGWOO LIKE THIS JEONGWOO ILY <3 i feel like i kind of unconsciously wrote Yedam as resembling Han Seo Jun from True Beauty hmmmm also i’ve been listening to a lot of Kang Daniel lately and am falling hard for that man so if you see this pls send Kang Daniel pics thx ily
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"Everyone move the fuck aside and let me through," Yedam growls, speaking to the crowd that's blocking the classroom door. No one listens so he barges through, pushing people down to the ground if he has to just to get to class.
He doesn't care about why they've all gathered, or the poor student that has fainted at the door. He simply sits at his desk, props his feet up and closes his eyes to take a nap as all the students wonder what they should do.
"Yedam, what the hell?! Now is not the time for sleeping. A student has fainted and all you do is push people aside so you can nap at your desk?"
Yedam opens his eyes and pushes up the shades he's wearing. No one has ever spoken to him like this before, and even the students tending to the fainted person are shocked overhearing this. A relatively quiet student yelling at Yedam?
Who's this? Yedam wonders to himself, staring you up and down. He catches a glimpse of your name tag: [y/n]. I've never met this person- ... oh.
The one memory with you that he remembers: him falling off the top of the soccer goal post in an empty field just last year after class had already ended; you leaving the library and finding him there. Despite being scared of him and wanting to just leave, you approached him and gave him a piggy back all the way to the nearest hospital. He remembers the searing pain in his leg and how fast you tried to run, the wind blowing your hair in all directions as you shouted words of comfort into the wind: "It's gonna be okay! We'll get to the hospital soon, I promise."
When he later told his friend, Haruto about it, Haruto said, "I would've left you there and never looked back."
Even though Yedam knew he was joking, he can't forget how kind your actions were that day.
Is this why he isn't getting mad at you even though you're yelling in his face?
"Just let me take a nap," is all he says to you, sliding his sunglasses back down on his face. You shake your head at him before leaving the classroom, rushing to tell the teacher about the fainted student.
From that day, Yedam decides he won't leave you alone. For what reason? No one knows, not even him.
"Yes, Yedam, what is your question?" the teacher asks, turning around from the blackboard to face the class.
"Can I change my seat?" Yedam asks.
The class laughs until Yedam shoots a glare in everyone’s direction.
"We're in the middle of a mathematics lesson, Yedam. Talk to me about it later."
"It's an emergency!"
"What's the emergency?"
"I need to sit here," Yedam says, getting up from his spot and walking to the seat on your right, tapping his fingers on the desk.
"And why's that?" the teacher asks, crossing his arms.
"Because... it's closer to the blackboard?"
Your heart is nervously racing throughout this interaction. Never in a million years would you want Yedam, the school's most renowned bad boy to sit beside you. Never.
"You've been sitting in the back for years. What's the problem?" the teacher asks.
"There's a problem. Very big one."
Yedam sits on the desk of that innocent student, sitting on their notes and crossing his arms.
"Yedam, can we talk about this later-"
"Nope. Hey... Junkyu? Can you move to my spot?" Yedam asks the student. One fierce glare from him is enough to get the student to pack up and clear the desk out.
"See? problem sorted," Yedam tells the teacher, sitting at his new spot beside you.
The teacher worriedly looks at you, noticing your discomfort.
"Well, we need to hurry on with the lesson so we'll talk about this later, okay?" the teacher explains, looking at both you and Yedam.
For the rest of the lesson, Yedam does nothing but stare at you. You don't look at him, not even once, but you can feel his eyes on you. It makes you lose focus, even though you're trying your best to take notes.
He's memorizing all of your features. the curve of your nose and lips, the colour of your eyes and how they look in the sunlight. He doesn't know why, but he just wants to look at you.
Finally, when the lesson ends and the teacher asks both of you to follow him to his office, you slam your arms down on your desk and glare at Yedam.
"Can you stop staring at me? I haven't been able to focus and you're making me uncomfortable!" you yell, silencing the chatter of the classroom.
Yedam gulps.
"I can't focus either, cause of you," Yedam says with a wink, resting his head on his palm.
You cough, shocked at his words.
"What are you saying?" you choke out.
"Let's go to the teacher's office. Whatever he says, tell him you're helping me with my studies so I need to sit beside you."
"And if I don't?" you challenge Yedam.
Yedam simply glares at you with his sharp eyes and you decide to comply.
As he lopes out of the class in a relaxed manner, you rush along behind him. In the teacher's office, you sit beside one another and across from your teacher, who sighs before he speaks.
"Yedam, I can tell [y/n] is uncomfortable with your actions. They don't want to be sitting beside you so please go back to your usual spot for the next class, okay?"
The teacher only speaks to Yedam, not even looking in your direction or asking for your opinion. You understand his intentions, but it still upsets you a little...
Yedam looks at you instead, an expectant expression on his face. Although you find him extremely annoying, his look is enough encouragement to get you to speak, even though you're about to say a bunch of lies.
"But sir, I've actually been helping Yedam with his studies these days," you croak out, gaining more confidence with each word you speak.
"Have you?" the teacher asks, raising his brow.
"They have, and you'll be seeing my improved grades soon," Yedam says, nudging you with a smirk.
"Well... if that's true, then alright. I'd better see those improved grades," the teacher says.
Yedam bites his lip while grinning, clearly glad that he'll be allowed to sit with you. On the other hand, you sigh. Who knows what kind of trouble this will bring for you...
After that meeting, the two of you sit beside one another in your next class. You feel your heart beating rapidly in your chest as Yedam stares at you from your right. The rest of the class has their eyes on you, too, wondering why Yedam is still sitting beside you.
"Can you please... stop staring at me," you whisper under your breath.
"I don't want to," Yedam says with a smile, continuing to look at you while his head is being held up by his palm, elbow propped up on his desk.
"I bet that [y/n] somehow seduced Yedam. They may look quiet, but they might be the slyest person on this planet," a classmate suggests from behind you.
Yedam's chair screeches backwards from beside you and he stands up, his arms swinging slightly at his sides.
"What the fuck did you just say?" Yedam asks, turning around to the classmate who was speaking nonsense. His face looks extremely angry - you've never seen him like this before.
The classmate puffs up their chest, trying to look stronger than they really are.
"I said [y/n] seduced you! And what?"
"You idiot," Yedam hisses, taking a few strides forward and smacking them in the face.
Instead of fighting back, the classmate doesn't budge. They have their head down, slowly reaching their hand up to their injured cheek.
Yedam crouches down to the seated student to meet their eyes.
"[y/n] never seduced me and never will. We've all been classmates for so long, you still can't recognize one another? Stop the bullshit. If I hear this again, it'll be more than your face that'll be harmed, you hear me?"
"Yedam, that's enough," you say, tugging at the back of his uniform blazer.
He finally turns around after a while, greeting you with such a bright smile that you wonder if he's forgotten everything that just happened.
"So, [y/n], are you gonna help me study or what?" Yedam asks you, returning to his seat."
"What do you mean?" you ask, confused.
"The teacher is expecting improved grades, so of course we should show him that, shouldn't we?"
The way Yedam tilts his head to one side while smiling at you makes your breath falter for a second.
"I-I guess we should," you stutter. Why are you suddenly getting so nervous around a jerk like Yedam? No but firstly, why is he being so nice to you?
"Okay, everyone! Class is starting, get to your- what happened to Jeongwoo?" the teacher asks, pointing to the classmate who Yedam smacked.
Jeongwoo's cheek is red and he has some ice pressed up against it.
"Got hit by a baseball. He's never paying attention to the right things," Yedam says, shaking his head.
The teacher thankfully shrugs things off. If not, Yedam would have been in deep trouble. 
You release the breath you didn’t realize you’ve been holding and Yedam pokes you with the eraser end of his pencil.
“Library after school today, okay?” he whispers. You nod.
Yedam watches you neatly pack up your things with his arms crossed, unconsciously smiling at the way you make sure everything is in the right part of your bag before you sling it over your shoulders and declare that you’re ready to go.
“You don’t mind taking a motorbike ride real quick, do you?” Yedam asks, glancing at you as the two of you walk down the hallway.
Shit. You’d forgotten that Yedam has a motorbike and takes the thing everywhere with him. Even though you’re a little scared to ride it with him, if that’s what he’s suggesting, you’re more scared to say ‘no’ to Yedam, so you simply nod.
Yedam is quick to notice the way you gulp, though, and how you nervously fidget with your hands as you walk, taking shaky steps.
They’re nervous... he tells himself. I’d better treat them well.
Yedam hands you his spare helmet. When you hesitate to take it from him, he places it over your head himself, knocking on it to show how protective it is. 
“In case anything happens, I promise I won’t let you get hurt, okay?” he tells you, holding out his pinkie finger. 
You let out a scoff at his unexpected childishness, but still loop your pinkie around his.
“I’m not scared, you know,” you exert, swinging your right leg around the motorbike as you take a seat behind Yedam.
Before you can even blink, Yedam starts the motorbike and whizzes off. You’re forced to wrap your arms tightly around him out of fear, and he smiles under your warm embrace.
“You can just grab onto my blazer instead, you know,” he yells into the wind. You hear him, but pretend you didn’t. You’re too scared to move your hands right now.
After getting over some of the fear, you raise your head and admire the moving blue sky above you, the way the trees stand at the edge of the skyline and how the wind seems to surge through your veins as well as directly through you.
You don’t even realize you’ve arrived until Yedam tells you, helping you get off the bike. Regaining your senses, you stare at the glass building in front of you.
“Yedam... why are we here?” you ask him in shock. This mans really brought you to the library that’s on the other side of the city.
“I just wanted to enjoy a fun bike ride with you,” he mumbles, walking up the steps to the library.
Once the two of you find a spot, you don’t waste any time in getting right to work.
“So... what subject do you struggle with the most?”
“[y/n],” he mumbles.
“Uh... math.”
“Okay... let’s get started with that, then.”
As you talk, Yedam loses focus, getting lost in the sweet tone of your voice, the way your hands move as you talk, and your precious lips.
“Yedam? What’s the answer to this question?” you ask, pointing to the equation you’ve written on the paper before you.
“Uh... I don’t know,” he admits. 
You sigh.
“I just explained to you how you should solve this! Did you not understand or were you not listening?”
“Um... I kind of just want to kiss you right now,” Yedam mumbles under his breath, smiling up at you with a slightly reddened face.
“What? Yedam, you’ve been mumbling all day today and it’s been scaring me.”
“Scaring you? No no, I don’t mean to scare you-”
Both of your phones vibrate on the desk and you glance at one another. You check yours and find out it’s a message from the class groupchat.
Jeongwoo: guys guys! [y/n] and Yedam are at the library across town studying together! i’m telling you, something is up...
Junkyu: says who?
Jeongwoo: sent a photo.
When you look at the photo, it’s of you and Yedam at the very desk you’re sitting at right now. Suddenly, you feel anxious. Has someone been following you? For how long?
Yedam: whichever one of you hoes is following us better fucking stop before i show up at your house and set it on fire. istg please leave us the FUCK ALONE!
Jeongwoo: shit i didn’t mean to send this to the class groupchat...
Yedam slams his phone down and looks carefully around the library.
“I found him,” he whispers before getting up and running across the library. You try to follow his trail and find someone wearing your school uniform running away with Yedam chasing closely behind.
If a fight breaks out because of you, you won’t be able to forgive yourself... you rush after them and follow them to the parking lot, which is luckily quite busy. You know Yedam won’t start a fight in such a busy place...
“You asshole, did Jeongwoo set you up to this?” Yedam grunts, grabbing your classmate by his collar.
“Don’t lie to me,” Yedam growls.
“Guys, please stop! This parking lot is full of people-”
“Leave me alone!” the boy yells at the top of his lungs. People start to stare and Yedam lets go of his collar, dusting himself off. The veins on his neck are visible, showing his anger.
“If you do anything like this again, you’ll be in for it,” Yedam says to the boy before he runs away.
“[y/n], I’m so sorry-”
“Yedam, if this is what it’s gonna be like for me to help you study then I don’t want to do it!”
“I know, but-”
“Yedam, I’m scared,” you admit, starting to tear up slightly.
Yedam doesn’t know what to do, so he just sadly watches you as you cover your face and try not to cry. Then, you feel his arms around you as he presses his body against yours.
“I’m sorry, [y/n], I just... I’m sorry for putting you in this situation but I just... wanted to spend some time with you and-”
“You call this spending time with me?!” you sob into his chest.
“I’ll make them pay...”
“No, Yedam. I’ve had enough of your revenge and violence and... I just want to go back to my quiet life. Even a day spent like this has been too much for me.”
Yedam pulls away and steps back.
“I’ll pack up my stuff from the library. Please don’t talk to me ever again.”
As you walk away, Yedam silently watches you, hating himself for the fact that his heart is breaking. Why is his heart breaking?
The next day, Yedam is in his usual spot somewhere behind you in class, trying to sleep with his head on the desk but being unable to because you still haven’t shown up and he’s worried.
The same thing happens the next day.
And the next.
And the next.
At this point, you haven’t shown up for a week and Yedam is incredibly worried. He’s tried texting and calling you, but you haven’t replied. So he storms into the teachers’ office, demanding for your home address so he can visit you.
The teachers refuse for privacy reasons, but Yedam says he won’t leave the office until they give it to him, so they reluctantly do.
“You better not be going to bother [y/n] in any way, but to truly just visit them.”
“Do I look like I would bother [y/n]?”
Yedam scoffs, leaving the office with your address in his hands. He leaves the school right then and there too, not caring about the rest of his classes for that day.
After an hour of getting lost on his motorbike searching for your home, he finally finds it. Slightly sweaty and incredibly tired, he knocks on your door, praying that you’ll open it.
“Who is it?” you sleepily ask, opening the door. Your first reaction is to slam the door shut as soon as you see Yedam, but he stops you.
“Please, [y/n],” he begs. “I’ve been searching for your house for an hour and I’m so tired... just let me in.”
Your pure and wholesome soul can’t say no to this, so you invite him in, quickly bringing him a glass of water.
“Why haven’t you been at school?”
“I think you know why,” you say, sitting on the couch next to Yedam’s.
“Because of me?”
You nod.
Yedam sighs.
“[y/n], you shouldn’t stop coming to school because-”
“The kids have stopped talking about us now, right? So I’ll come back, don’t worry.”
“Ah... right,” Yedam says with a sigh, running his hand through his hair.
“Why are you even... here?” you ask him.
“To check on you?” he says in a sarcastic tone, as if it should be obvious.
“Because I-” like you. He almost says it but stops himself, knowing that now is not the right time but also because what the heck?! He likes you?! Since when?! These feelings have been growing so fast on their own that Yedam can’t even keep up with them.
“Because?” you urge him.
“I was worried. Am I not allowed to be here?”
“That’s the thing, I don’t get why you would be worried.”
The truth is, you’re suspecting Yedam has developed feelings for you. You’re hoping it isn’t true, but you need to know. So you’re trying to get him to confess.
“I like you, [y/n], okay?! I know now isn’t the time but you keep putting so much pressure on me and I just...”
Your heart works harder than normal in your chest to keep blood flowing, and you wonder why. It’s not like you like Yedam or anything... right?
“I’m sorry, [y/n]. I’ll leave now,” he says, standing up and grabbing his helmet from where he left it at his feet.
Your heart races as you wonder if you should decide to do that thing you’re thinking about... should you... kiss him?
Ah, you don’t even like this jerk! Why would you do that?!
Exactly, why would you...? Why are you even considering this-
Before you know it, your body is moving on its own as you pull Yedam towards you and connect your lips to his. The sound of his helmet hitting the floor doesn’t hinder you from deepening the kiss as you realize that heck... maybe you really do like Yedam. Why else would you have butterflies?! You wouldn’t get butterflies from kissing someone you hate! Like you wouldn’t get butterflies from kissing trump-
okay sorry, i’ve lost myself here but i’m trying to say
the way Yedam is giving you butterflies is unlike anything you’ve ever experienced before, and the way he wraps his arm around your lower back, holding you close makes you...
Yedam pulls away, panting slightly.
“[y/n], what the fuck?”
“Yedam... I think I like you, too.”
“You think?” Yedam teases you, grinning.
“What was that for, then?” he asks, pointing to his lips.
“Shut up,” you say, walking past him and purposely bumping into his shoulder. 
He grabs your arm and whirls you back around to face him.
“Just how the heck did we end up liking each other?” he asks you. But after looking at you for even a second, he knows. You’re beautiful, and he realized this the day you helped him when he was injured in that empty school field.
I guess for you, somehow this idiot made his way into your life, and his repeated efforts to win your love somehow rubbed off on you. But still, no one can make your heart race like Yedam does.
“[y/n] is back!”
“Yedam is sitting next to [y/n] again?”
“Are they holding hands?!”
You and Yedam sit side by side in class, discreetly holding hands under the desk while sharing earbuds. Sure, the whole class will probably talk and spread rumours about you dating Yedam, but who cares? You’ve found someone you love now, and that’s all that matters.
“Okay, class, let’s start the lesson,” the teacher says, only stopping to show a thumbs up and a wink in your and Yedam’s direction.
“What was that?” you ask Yedam, who smiles.
“I guess he’s showing his support for our newfound relationship?”
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