#i am this close to murdering knuckles
bigbluetrans · 9 months
you know what sonic maybe your friends deserve to be stuck in cyberspace
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samandcolbyownme · 8 months
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Summary: anon request - "Can you do a one shot where y/n does the Estes method and it's revealed to her that she's pregnant like no one knows not even her and can it be for Sam please and thank you!!"
Warnings: SMUT18+, strong language, pregnant reader, reader being touched and spoken to by spirits, talk of death, murder, etc., fluff with a dash of sexual innuendos, teasing, ya know until they get back to the hotel and it's unprotected shower sex, hair pulling, dirty talk, etc.
Word count: 7.6k | not edited
Today into tonight, you were investigating the Nancy Hall Mansion.
You were kind of excited about this because last night, before going to sleep, Sam talked you into doing your very first Estes session.
You can't lie, you were nervous, maybe a bit more than you honestly thought because as soon as you sat up, your stomach flipped and you headed towards the bathroom.
Sam rolls over, reaching for you, but lifts his head when he can't feel you under his arm, "Y/n?" He calls out, but you're too busy dry heaving over the toilet you can't answer him.
He gets up, making his way to the bathroom as he rubs his eyes, but quickly snaps awake when he sees you getting sick, "Shit, hey." He comes over, holding your hair back, "You're okay."
He rubs his hand soothingly up and down your back, "Little bit nervous, are we?" He laughs a slightly and you stand up, "I think so."
You clean up and walk back out to the bedroom where you lay on the bed, "We're you nervous your first time doing this?"
He sits next to you, rubbing your leg, "I mean, I don't think I puked, but yeah, I was nervous."
You lay a hand on your forehead, trying to see if you're warm or not, but you feel fine, honestly.
"Do you still want to go tonight?" Sam asks and you look at him, "Um, yeah." You smile and sit up, "I think it was just first morning jitters, I totally forgot about it until I woke up more."
"I'll be with you the whole time." Sam smiles and leans down to kiss you, and it was like you needed it without even knowing.
His kiss lit a fire inside of you and you pulled him towards you, indicating that you needed him. He smirks against your lips, "Mm.. I see what you're doing here."
"What am I doing Mr. Golbach?" You bite your lip, smiling up at him. He slips a hand between your legs and slips his fingers into the band of your sweatpants, "You know exactly what you're doing."
He leans down to kiss your neck as his hand works further into your pants, "And it's working." You close your eyes, letting out a quiet moan as his fingers circle your clit, "We have to be quick, babe. Because co-"
Colby knocks before opening the door, "Yo, yo, yo! Who's ready to talk to an old lady ghost today?"
Sam quickly pulls his hand from your sweats and moves off of you, "And he'll be there, too." Sam Sighs and laughs as he nods towards Colby.
"Awe. Is someone having scared feelings?" Colby asks in a baby voice tone as he walks over and plops down next to Sam.
You roll your eyes, "No way in hell, Brock. You actually just interu-."
"Lalala, I don't need to hear that." Colby shakes his head and you and Sam laugh.
You sit up and close your eyes as you feel dizzy, but you quickly shake it off, chalk it up to being you needing breakfast.
"I'm hungry. I'll go start cooking if you guys wanna pack the stuff up." You stand up and Sam grabs your hand, gently pressing his lips to your knuckles, "Sure thing, babe."
"Sure thing, babe." Colby repeats, mocking Sam, "Ugh, you guys are so cute, it makes me sick."
"Anytime, Colby." You give him a cheesy smile before walking downstairs. You did feel odd today. Something was off, you just couldn't put your finger on it.
"Whatcha making, gorgeous?" Sam asks walking down the stairs and you give him a small smile, "The breakfast usual."
He sits down at the island and leans forward, "are you okay, y/n?"
You turn around from the stove and nod, "Yeah. I'm good. Why?"
He shrugs, "you just seem like you're coming down with something and if-" you lean over the counter, laying your hands on his, "I feel fine, Sam. I think I just need to eat some toast or something."
He squeezes your hands and nods, "Alright. If you say so."
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
The car ride was different, too. Usually you sit in the middle in the back, adding commentary here and there, but today you had to sit by the window or you felt car sick.
"Are you sure you feel up for this, babe?" Sam glances back at you, "You look kinda pale."
"Yeah, and you're not giving me shit, what's up with that?" Colby turns around and looks back at you from the passenger seat, "Are you feeling okay?"
You laugh slightly, "I might take a nap, I honestly just feel tired right now."
You roll your eyes, mocking Colby as he makes a smart comment about Sam keeping you up all night, "that is in fact not the case." You hold up your finger and laugh, "Now let me nap in peace."
You fold up Sam's hoodie that was thrown next to you and use it as a pillow rested up against the door.
You close your eyes, trying to nap but all you can hear is Sam and Colby talking quietly.
"Is she okay?" Colby whispers.
"I think so." Sam says, but he could tell there was something off about you too. He just didn't know what.
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
"What's up guys? It's Sam and Colby." Colby says they do their introductory clip, "Today we are here at the Nancy Hall Mansion."
You suddenly get a wave of nausea, repeating 'don't puke' over and over in your head as you close your eyes.
Sam notices instantly and is right by your side, "Are you okay?"
You look up at him, "Yeah, I just got kinda dizzy."
"Like from the house or?" Colby asks walking up and you nod, "Yeah, I felt a very strong presence since we've been out of the car."
"Nancy Hall is said to be a good, loving spirit, but there is one, her husband who was said to be more on the darker side of things." Sam looks between you and Colby as he rubs your back.
"Okay. I think I'm good now, but I am going to just sit here.." you point to a big rock and sit down, taking a deep breath.
"I'll be right over here, if you need me just yell." Sam kisses your head and goes back over to the camera where they continue filming until the owner arrives.
You watch as the car slowly comes to a stop and a younger looking man gets out, "Hello." He holds up his hand as he walks over to you guys, "I'm Stephan, my parents own the place."
You stand up, walking over to meet Sam and Colby as they walk up to introduce themselves.
"Y/n." You say with a smile and reach out to shake his hand.
"Are you guys ready for the tour?" He motions towards the mansion and you all nod, following him up to the door, "So you'll get activity in any room basically."
"Really?" Colby asks, "By anyone in particular?"
Stephan pushes the door open and shrugs, "I mean, I personally don't spend much time here because I'm honestly scared of places like this, but I was told to tell you that they may or may not get attached to you."
You and Colby both look at Sam and he presses his lips together and sighs through his nose, "That's.. great.. exactly what I came here for."
Stephan looks confused and Colby laughs pointing to Sam, "This dude has a new ghost up his ass each week."
"That I do." Sam sighs and looks down and Stephan laughs, "You would be the one. Alright so." He spins in a circle, "This is my, um, we'll just say there's many greats before grandmother, but this was her house."
"And she's a very kind and loving spirit right?" You ask looking over at Stephan. He nods, "Yeah, my grandma, yes. Grandpa, not so much."
"Could you tell us why that is? I tried doing research but there's absolutely nothing about her husband." Colby looks at Stephan and Stephan pauses for a moment.
"My, again, many greats, grandfather was the type of person to get what ever he wanted no matter what it took." Stephan walks over to a room and opens the door, "He killed many men in this room and never admitted to it until on his deathbed."
"Did your grandma know?" You cross your arms and he shakes his head, "Everyone thinks she died not knowing, but I think she really knew and just didn't want to be his next victim. So she turned a blind eye to it all."
You nod as your eyes scan over the wall and you stop on a picture of a pregnant lady, "Was that your grandmother?" You point and Stephan walks over, "No that would be her daughter, same name and all."
"They like to carry on the family name. I don't blame them." You walk as the guys keep talking, asking questions and such, and you stop at a mirror.
You squint, leaning to the side slowly so you can get a better glimpse of the woman, in a long flowy dress, standing at the end of the hall behind you.
"I think she's here." You turn slightly and stare at her as she watches you, "Nancy?"
The figure nods once and turns, disappearing behind the one open door.
"What was she doing?" Colby asks pointing the camera on you. You smile, "She was just watching us."
"She does that. She was always watching out for everyone." Stephan motions towards the staircase, "Well head upstairs now if you want."
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
Throughout the tour, you kept feeling dizzy or sick. Each time you felt that way, that's when Nancy would appear, almost like she's warding off the evil spirit that was once her husband.
"You okay?" Sam asks rubbing your arm.
You nod, "Yeah. I think she's trying to ward off her husband or something because every time I feel the tiniest bit dizzy, I see her appear and then I'm fine."
He lays his arm over your shoulder, "You got yourself two protectors tonight." He smirks and winks at you before walking back over to Colby and Stephan.
"So that is everything and I hate to cut it short but like I said, I hate being here." Stephan chuckles slightly as he looks around, "I have mad respect for you guys."
"Thank you." Sam and Colby say with smiles.
"Alright, I'll leave you to it. If you need anything just give me a shout." Stephan waves as he walks to the door, pulling it shut behind him.
"Okay, so what should we do first?" You look between them and Sam sighs, "I think we should the old flashlight trick with the REM pod."
Colby nods, "Should we start down here? Work our way up?"
Sam nods and looks at you, "You alright with that?"
"Yeah, I'm fine with whatever." You smile, "we can wait to do the Estes method until later on tonight if you want."
A smirk grows on Sam's lips and he nods, "Alright."
As Colby goes out to grab some equipment, Sam grabs your arm and pull you away from the door, pinning you against the one wall, "There's just.. something about you lately.."
His lips brush over yours as his hand slides down to put pressure between your legs and you bite your lip, whispering, "Sam.. we can't.."
He bites his lips, eyes still on yours, "We can, if you really want to."
A smirk toys with your lips and just as you're about to answer, Colby walks in, stopping when he sees Sam back away from you.
You look over at him and he laughs, "Please.. for the love of god, tell me you weren't just about to do it when I was right out there."
"We weren't just about to do it when you were right out there." Sam shrugs and laughs, which causes Colby to laugh, then you.
"Okay. Okay. You can do that later. I want to find out if Nancy knew her husband was a killer or not." Colby swings his backpack over his shoulder and you follow him down the hallway.
"This is the living room area where it is said that a lot of Nancy's husband's victims were poisoned. He would bring them here, get them drunk then slip something into their drinks that would eventually kill them." Colby explains as Sam pans the camera to him.
"Do we know her husband's name?" You ask as you walk up, "I don't think Stephan told us."
Sam shakes his head, "I don't think he did either. But I think it's something like Greggory, Greg maybe?"
A knocking sound comes from behind you and you turn around quickly, "Shit."
"Was that a knock?" Sam points the camera and holds it there for a few moments, "Okay." He turns back to Colby and as he holds up the EMF, "We can figure it out with this contraption, right here. This will allow who ever is here to answer with yes or no."
"And we will also be using the Alice box to kind of give us a better understanding as to who we are talking to." Sam adds while he shows the camera the box in his hand, "I'll give that to y/n."
You take the box, switching it on the same time Colby turns on the EMF.
"Is Nancy's husband in the room with us right now?" Colby asks and it switches to red, "Is this Nancy?"
Switches to green.
"Are you looking out for us?" Sam asks and it lights up green again.
The Alice box goes off, "Safe."
You look up at them and smile slightly, "I love Nancy." They smile and the box in your hand goes off again, "Greggory."
"Is that your husband's name?" You ask and watch was the EMF lights up green, "You were right, Sam."
He smirks and nods, "Just that good." He pretends to pop his collar and you smile as you laugh.
"Nancy, did you know that your husband killed those people?" Colby chews on his nail with anticipation.
The EMF lights up green and you frown, "We're you scared he would kill you next?"
The Alice box goes off, "He did."
"Whoa. Whoa. Wait. Wait wait." Colby shakes his hands, "They never said that... it was always said that she died of old age."
"Well that's obviously a lie." Sam says and the Alice box lights up green, "Nancy, did Greggory killed you?"
The box in your hand goes off, "Poison."
"So he killed her just like everyone else." Sam shakes his head and hands Colby the camera, "Nancy, did he kill you because he knew that you knew about what he was doing?"
The box goes red, then switches to green, then back to red, then green before the lights go out.
"I think Greggory doesn't want her to answer that." You look up and jump when you feel something touch your side, "Something just .. touched me." You move over to Sam, his arm instantly going around you, "You're okay."
"What did it feel like?" Colby asks as he continues to look around, "Like a hard touch or soft bush?" You run to Sam and demonstrate, "It was like a hand just lightly laid on my side, like right.." you lay you hand on Sam's side, "Here."
You lift your shirt, "I don't have any marks or anything. Nothing hurts."
"Nancy did you touch, y/n?" Sam asks and the EMF goes off green, along with the Alice box, "Protect."
"Protect? Are you protecting y/n from Greggory?" Sam asks and the box immediately goes back to green, and the box goes off again, "Gravid."
"What does that mean?" Colby asks and Sam shrugs, "I don't.. I don't know."
"Can Greggory answer a question for us?" Colby sighs, "Greggory, if you're here, can you tell us why you killed those people?"
The EMF switches to green.
"Did you do it for their money?" Colby asks and the Alice box repeats, "Money."
"So he did it for the money?" Sam asks and the EMF goes to green, "I'd say so." He laughs slightly and looks down at you, "You doing okay?"
"I feel like I need to sit down." You whisper and look over your shoulder, "I just got dizzy again."
"Why don't we take a break. Step outside for a little bit." Colby says and you both agree. Just as you're about to switch the Alice box off, another word comes through, "Sam."
"What the fuck?" Colby comes over, showing the camera what it just said, "What the hell."
Sam switches the box off and turns, "Let's go outside."
You make your way through the hallway, heading towards the door when you hear heavy footsteps behind you.
You all whip around, looking at each other when there was nothing there. You look at Colby, "Was that you?"
He shakes his head, "Swear to god that wasn't me."
"Let's give Greggory time to settle, then we can go to another room." Sam rubs your back as you walk to the door, he goes to open it but it won't budge, "Um. What the fuck is happening."
"You have to push.." you try it? Pushing down the little part above the handle, "Okay.. that wasn't like this before."
"Here let me try." Colby hands the camera to you, and you record them trying to get out. All while they're doing that, you feel the presence of something move behind you.
You shallow, keeping the camera on them, trying to brush it off, and it was working until you feel like someone breathed on your cheek.
"Fuck." You wipe your cheek and lean to the side, moving over to Sam, "I swear something like breathed on my cheek, like I feel a puff of warm air or something."
Sam rubs his thumb over the cheek you said, "Okay. We need to open this- Nancy." He pauses, "Can you please help us with the door?"
After a few more tries, Colby finally gets the door open and Sam chuckles, "Thank you, Nancy."
"Thank you, Nancy." You and Colby repeat in unison as you walk out the door. You walk over to the rock you sat on before and sit down, elbows on your knees as you feel like you're out of breath.
"you good?" Colby asks as he walks up. Sam sits next to you, "Do you need anything?"
You shake your head, "no I think I'm okay."
"We'll just sit here. If you're sick or anything, you're more vulnerable to Greggory and whoever else may be in there." Sam lays his arm over you and pulls you to him, "Nancy and Greggory sure seem to have it out for each other, still." He chuckles and Colby nods, "Oh yeah, did you see the way they were arguing over the EMF, crazy dude."
"That was nuts." Sam shakes his head, "I've never seen two spirits argue like that."
"Nancy is that bitch." You laugh, "she probably would have ended him if it wasn't for him doing it first."
"When we go back inside, I think we should try and talk to someone Greggory killed. See what they have to say." Colby suggests and Sam nods, "That's good idea."
You sigh, "Well, I'm ready so let's go back in."
You stand up and Sam takes your hand as he stands next to you, "No need to rush, we have all night, babe."
Something in you needed Sam right now, but with Colby standing right there, you didn't want to say anything, "Yeah.. yeah I know."
Sam's brow twitches, picking up the vibes you're giving him, "I see."
You lick your lips and smile, "So. Are we ready to-"
"In a minute." Sam says glancing over at Colby, "Colby walk away."
"But I-" Colby huffs and tries to fight it, "Where am I gunna go? I'm not going in there alone."
"You'll find somewhere." Sam grabs your hand and pulls you over to the car. Sam watches as Colby walks away, grumbling to himself, "We're here to do an investigation.."
You laugh and bite your lip as you look up at Sam. He looks down at you, "We can't do anything, but I promise, as soon as we get home.." he leans in, sliding his hands around to grip your ass, "You're mine."
"Why'd you tell Colby to walk away then?" You ask with a laugh. Sam shrugs, "To get on his nerves."
He looks up over the car, seeing Colby sit on the steps of the mansion, "Let's just give it another minute or two."
"You guys are awful." You shake your head and smile. Sam shrugs, "He knows I'll do anything for him. I just have to give him a hard time every once in a while. Keep things evened out."
You roll your eyes, laughing quietly as you turn to walk over to Colby, Sam following behind you.
"Are you done?" Colby stands up and Sam sighs, "For now."
Colby tries not to laugh, "You guys are ridiculous."
"But you looove us." You poke his arm and he nods, "Yeah, sadly I do." He laughs and motions to the door, "Ate we ready?"
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
2:30 a m
You were exhausted at this point. You felt like you just ran a marathon, or two, but you didn't want to quit.
You still had your Estes session to do.
"Alright guys." Sam says as he gets the camera rolling, "as you saw, we've had non stop activity since we came back in, like what.." he looks around at you and Colby.
"It's been at least a few hours now." Colby says nodding, "We've actually had to take quite a few breaks throughout the course of being here and it's not so much Nancy herself.. I don't even know how to explain it really."
"The fighting between her and Greggory." You say and Sam turns the camera to you, "The two have so much power over this house and it's just... a lot."
Right as you say that, it sounds like walking downstairs, "Listen." You hold your hand out and point to the door.
"Is someone coming up the stairs?" Sam whispers and looks at Colby. He shrugs, "It sounds like it."
"We just-" Sam gets cut off by the sound of something walking in the hall, "Fuck, dude."
It stops and you all let out the breath you were holding, "Let's just go into Nancy's room." You point and walk out of the one room and into her bedroom."
"We are now in the room that Nancy not only resided in, but also died in." Sam says panning the camera slowly around.
"I feel oddly safe in this room." Colby says with a laugh, "Like out of all the rooms and stuff, like walking up those steps, I was looking behind me and shit."
"No I know what you mean. As soon as we walked through the door, I felt ten times better." You look around, "Her husband must not be allowed in here."
"What makes you say that?" Sam looks over at you and you point, "I have a feeling, but there's absolutely no pictures of him in here. Like look.." you walk over, shining the flashlight on the pictures as they follow you, "There's pictures of her, but you can tell that someone was cut out of them and on this one, the man's face is scribbled out."
"What the hell." Sam whispers as he picks up a frame to show the camera. Colby walks around and snaps, "Hey guys, all of the people in this picture are scribbled out but her."
"That's so weird." Sam says as he moves the camera up, "Maybe there was mo-"
A loud thud coming from the hallway makes all of you turn to the door, footsteps following quickly.
You're all silent as you listen for anything else.
"That was definitely footsteps." Sam looks between you and Colby. You and Colby agree, "Uh huh."
"Okay, so we have our REM pod that y/n is placing on the ground between the door and the foot of the bed, with this, they'll be able to touch it, let us know they're here. So with that.." Sam looks over at Colby and he sighs, "Hello, I'm Colby. That's Sam and that's y/n. We are here to just ask some questions, specifically for Nancy, we mean no disrespect to you or anyone that wants to speak with us. You are more than welcome. Just come up and touch that little box on the ground, make the light go off."
A few seconds later, the red light flashes.
"Nancy Hall, if that's you can you make the light go off again." Sam glances over at you, seeing that your eyes are glued to the door way, "Y/n? You see something?"
As soon as Sam moves over the dark figure you see vanishes.
"There was something standing over there, diagonal from me. Just watching, but it was dark." You slowly look over at Sam and the light goes off.
You jump slightly, "Shit."
"Nancy? Was that you?" Colby asks looking between the pod and you and Sam, "Touch it again if it was, just so we know."
The red light flashes again and you kinda feel relieved, "Nancy, hi. My name is y/n. Would you like to speak with us?"
The red light flashes and you look at Sam, "I'm taking that as a yes." He smirks and nods, "So am I."
Colby pulls the headphones and spirit box from the backpack, along with the red blindfold, "Think it's too early?"
Sam shakes his head, looking over at you, "Your call."
"Let's do it." You reach out and take the blindfold from Colby, moving to sit on the center of Nancy's bed. You take a deep breath and look over at Sam who's setting the camera up to face you guys.
"Well bring you put if it gets too bad." Colby says switching on the box, loud static playing, "Whenever you're ready."
You look at Sam and he's smiles, turning to the camera, "I just want to say that this is her first time doing an Estes session." He turns back around and watches as you shake your head, tying the blindfold over your eyes.
You hold your hands out and Colby places the headphones in your hands, and you move them to lay on your ears.
You can't hear shit outside of the static, and you instantly start hearing words.
"Talking to you."
"Are we talking to Nancy?" Sam asks as his eyes stay on you.
"Yes, Nancy." You pause, "You're safe."
"Are we safe from your husband, Nancy?" Colby asks and you instantly reply to them.
"He can't hurt you."
"Did you know about-" Sam raises his eyebrows as you cut him off,
"Baby?" Colby questions, "Did you have a baby?"
"You're safe with me."
"We feel safe with you, Nancy." Sam assures, "was there a baby here?"
"Yes, right now."
"Right now?" Colby shakes his head, "I don't understand." Sam shrugs, "Maybe someone bad a baby here?"
"I promise."
"You promise what, Nancy?" Sam asks, his eyes staying focused on your still body, "Can you tell us?"
"You don't know.."
"What don't we know, Nancy? Do you think you can tell us?" Colby lays a hand on his lips, waiting for your response.
"Sam.. not Colby."
"Okay? What don't I know?" Sam chews on his lip, "Can you tell me?"
"Baby. You have.."
Colby looks at Sam, his eyes wide, "You don't think.. Sam.. is she-"
You cut Colby off, "Surprised. are we happy?"
Sam stands there in shock, "What the.. what the actual fuck." Colby looks from Sam and back to you, closing his eyes, "Nancy, are you trying to tell us that.." he pauses and takes a deep breath, "..y/n is pregnant with Sam's baby?"
"Yes.. I am. Exactly."
You feel tapping on your arms from both Sam and Colby and you push the headphones off, lifting the blindfold off your eyes.
You look between them and they both looked like they just seen something horrifying.
"What?" You look between them, getting anxious the longer they just stare at you, "What happened?"
Sam brushes hair from your face, "Um.. well.." he laughs nervously, "From what we gathered.." he runs a hand through his own hair and sighs, "Apparently you're pregnant."
Your mouth drops open, "What did you just say?"
Colby jumps in, explaining the questions they asked and what your answers were, "I started piecing it together, and finally I asked if Nancy was trying to tell us that you were pregnant and that's when you said, yes I am. Exactly."
You can feel your heart racing as you try to comprehend what Colby just explained, "I-I don't.. I don't.." you shake your head, eyes closed as you take a slow deep breath, "So I'm pregnant?"
"That's what Nancy thinks, apparently." Sam sits down next to you, "You know, you getting sick this morning.. I didn't even think about that."
You laugh, still in shock, "Oh god. I didn't.. what do we do?"
Colby sighs, "If you are.. we need to get you out of here because what I gathered is that Greggory doesn't like it."
Sam looks up at him and nods, "Yeah, yeah, you're right." He nods towards the camera, "You wanna grab that?"
Colby nods, "Yeah." He walks over grabbing the camera as you and Sam grab everything else, "Come on." Sam wraps an arm around your waist, leading you out of the room and down the steps.
As you're walking, something grabs your arm and pulls you back slightly, "You cannot touch me, we're leaving."
"You're fine." Sam whispers pulling you closer to him, "Almost there." You grab his sweatshirt and hang into it, thinking about all the times you felt sick or dizzy.
Being pregnant would make sense, you just didn't want to believe it, not until you peed on the stick.
Sam walks you to the car, putting the stuff in the trunk before turning to you, "you okay?" He looks over your face, "Did you know?"
You shake your head, "Honest to god Sam, no. That didn't even pop into my head, I just thought I was anxious about this."
He nods and pulls you in for a hug, "Well have to stop, get some tests. We need to know for sure."
"I'm going to shit my pants if you are." Colby says walking up, "That shit was fucking crazy." He puts his stuff into the trunk and shuts it.
"Let's go, we need to.." Sam sighs, obviously flustered over this whole situation. You take the keys from his pocket, handing them to Colby, "Come on." You walk him to the side of the car and he motions for you to get in.
You get in as Colby gets into the drivers seat and he looks back at you, "Do you feel any different now or?"
You sigh, "I don't even know what I'm feeling at the moment." He nods, "Fair enough." Sam opens the passenger door and gets it.
Colby and you both look at him as he stares at the dash silent.
"You good, brother?" Colby asks laying a hand on his shoulder and Sam nods, "I just don't.." he groans, "We just need to know for sure because i just don't-"
"We will. Okay, Sam?" You reach up, rubbing the back of his neck, "We'll find out."
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
You never thought you'd be at a gas station, in a different state, at four am, peeing on a stick in the bathroom to find out if a ghost was right about something.
You could have waited until you got back but you, Sam and even Colby needed to know tonight and not tomorrow or two days from now.
You cap the stick, shoving everything into your pockets before you walk back out to the car.
"Everything come out okay?" Colby turns as you get in and you nod, "Never thought I'd be doing this but here we are."
Sam turns around, "Yeah but how many people find out they're pregnant through a ghost?"
"Probably not many." You shake your head, taking a deep breath as you pull the stick from your pocket, "Should we let Colby look?"
Sam nods, "Yeah, please."
You hand the face down stick to Colby, "I wiped it off, don't worry." He laughs slightly and takes it from you, "No worries."
He looks between you and Sam, anxiety frozen on your faces, "Ready?"
You look at Sam and he takes your hand, "Yeah."
Colby flips it over and licks his lips.
"What, Colby? What does it say?" You ask as you and Sam lean forward. Colby turns the test away and takes a deep breath, "Call me uncle Colby."
He turns the test around and it's a very dark, visible positive.
"No fucking way." You whisper, "No.. fucking.. way."
Sam looks back at you, his jaw dropped, "Holy shit." He looks at Colby, "Holy shit." He takes the test, studying it, "No fucking way."
"In the words of Nancy, surprise. Are we happy?" Colby smirks slightly as he looks from you to Sam.
Sam leans over the seat, coming back to hug you, "Oh my god." He repeats over and over again, "Holy shit."
"Sam, hey. That can't be good for the baby. And I mean the actual baby, not y/n." Colby laughs and you laugh as Sam moves to sit next to you.
"How the hell.." Sam shakes his head and Colby sighs, "Well I can te-"
"Got that." You hold your hand up and smile as you shake your head, "What a crazy turn of events."
Sam lays a hand on your stomach, "I just don't.." he smiled and shakes his head, "Were not releasing this video until we're ready to announce it."
Colby nods, "Oh yeah I had the same idea. So if we're doing that..." he reaches over to the floor of the passenger's side and picks up the camera.
He turns it on and points it so it's on all of you, "So.. as you probably already know, Nancy, the loving spirit of the place we just left from, told us that y/n here.. is pregnant.." he can't help but smile, just like you and Sam, "We actually have the answer as to whether Nancy was right or not."
You look at Sam and Sam smiles, "We're having a baby!" Him and Colby both cheer, yell like they normally would to celebrate something, "Uncle Colby in the house!"
You laugh, "And to answer the question that Nancy asked, yes. We are very surprised, but also super happy."
"That we are. I think I was just in shock about hearing my name and baby in the same sentence, and I mean you seen y/n's reaction." Sam shakes his head smiling and then he sighs, "We just wanted to say sorry for lying about the lost footage, we actually did have it. Nothing got deleted.. we just wanted to wait until y/n and the baby were at a good spot in the pregnancy to announce it and we thought that holding onto this video was the perfect way to do so."
You look at Sam confused and he smirks, "I'm going to tweet that the footage mysteriously disappeared or something like that, I don't know."
"We'll figure it out, let's just head to the hotel and go from there." Colby sets the camera down and starts driving.
The whole way back to the hotel, Sam stayed next to you in the back, hand on your stomach as you guys talked about everything.
"If you guys have a boy, can his name be Colby?" Colby glances back at you and you laugh, "Your name is definitely going to be in it somewhere, Brock." You smile and he looked shocked that you said that.
"Wait.. really?" He asks and you and Sam both nod.
"Of course it's going to be, Colby. You've been there for me through everything." Sam reaches up and pats his shoulder.
Colby clears his throat, "I'm going to need you guys to get out of the car so you don't see me crying."
You laugh, "Aww, Colby." You reach up and squeeze his shoulder, "Don't act so surprised."
Colby laughs slightly, "I just.. I kinda knew that was going to happen but just the confirmation of it, you know?"
"I know, but I couldn't not do that." Sam chuckles, "You know that."
Colby nods and pulls into the hotel parking lot, "yeah yeah." He puts the car in park and gets out, knocking on the window for you guys to get out.
Sam gets out, walking around to open your door before Colby engulfs him in a hug. You take your phone out, recording them having their little celebration, smiling as they do a little dancey dance.
Colby points to you, "You're not getting off that easy, come here." You walk over and he hugs you, "Congratulations."
You smile, "Thanks uncle Colby."
He laughs, "You guys are going to be the best parents ever."
Sam walks up and it's now a group hug, "You know, I don't think there's any better way for us to find out, like we found out doing what we do."
"It was just perfect. Shocking, yes. But perfect for us." You rest your head on Sam's shoulder, "I can't wait to go to bed though. I'm so tired."
"Alright let's take this party inside." Sam rubs your back as you walk into the hotel, making your way up to your room.
"I'm going to post a snap, making it seem like tonight wasn't a good night." Colby says as he plops down on his bed.
You interlock your hand with Sam, pulling him to the bathroom, "I'm going to go shower."
"Mhm." Colby laughs and you hear him start talking to his phone, "So.. guys.. bad news.."
As soon as you shut the bathroom door, Sam is on you, "I knew there was something off about you." His lips move to yours and you moan against him.
"I've needed you all night." You whimper as you take off your sweatshirt and shirt in one swoop, "You have no idea."
"Think i needed you just as bad." He works to undo your jeans, and you push them down as he works on getting undressed himself.
He walks over turning the water on before coming back to you, "You just got so much more prettier." He bites his lip as his hand slides slowly over your stomach, "So much sexier."
You lay your hand on his, "We're going to have a baby."
He smiles and nods, "we sure are." He wraps an arm around you, "You're going to look so good with a baby bump. Shit, I can picture it already."
He pulls you into the shower with him, kissing you as the water washes over both of you.
"Sam.." you whimper quietly, "Please."
He lens down to slide his hands to the back of your thighs, "You know I'm going to be extra protective of you now."
"It'll be much hotter than it was before." You run your hand over his wet hair, moving it from his forehead.
He smirks, closing his eyes to your touch, "hmm."
He holds you up, your back pressed against the wall as he slides his hand between your bodies, gently rubbing your clit.
You gasp, closing your eyes as you rest your head against the wall, "Sam." You moan out quietly, "Please."
You feel his two fingers slide down, dipping inside of you as he curls them, watching your face twist as finally receiving some type of pleasure after waiting all day and night.
"Shit, daddy." You whimper and look at him, a smirk toying with your lips. His eyebrows raise and his head tilts slightly, "mhm. That's right."
You smile and he replaces his fingers with his cock, causing your eyes to roll back as you moan. Your back lifts from the wall and your nails dig into his shoulders, "F-fuck."
"You like that? Hmm. Is this what you wanted all day?" Sam's voice is quiet and he groans as he starts to thrust, "Fuck."
"You tighten your legs around him, moaning as he builds up to a pace that's absolutely perfect, "M'so close, daddy."
He leans in, kissing up your chest and neck, "Cum for me, mama."
His words, the tone of voice, and especially your hormones out of all sorts of wack right now sends you into overdrive.
You clench around him, filling the bathroom with moans as you let go around him, your orgasm ransacking your body until every inch or your body was feeling fuzzy.
"F-fuck." You whimper as he fucks you through your high, "Yes, yes yes."
Sam plants one hand on the wall, crashing his lips onto yours as you feel his cock twitch inside of you.
You lay your hands on his cheeks, gently pressing kisses to his cheeks as he slowly pulls out with a low groan.
He sets you down, helping you regain your balance and he pulls you in, "I'm so excited."
You nod, "Me too, Sam." You sigh, "I'm honestly glad it worked out this way and the fact that we have it on recording is even better."
He nods, "No one would believe us if we didn't."
You laugh slightly, "Yeah, no you're right. Speaking of, I kinda wanna go back and watch it." He smiles and nods, "You finish in here, I'll go get everything set up."
He gives you a kiss, cupping your cheeks as he leans back, "I love you."
You smile, "We love you."
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
Here's a little bonus :) enjoy!
Five months later.
"Are you going to upload it today?" Colby asks walking into the living room, "I mean, you can't hide it much longer, right?"
You shrug and look down at Sam's hand on your bump, "I mean, not really. He's growing like a weed." You laugh slightly and Colby's eyes go wide, "I'm.. sorry.. did you just.." he looks between you and Sam, "He?"
You laugh and cover your mouth, "Oh shit. I'm sorry. I thought you told him already." You look over at Sam, "No I wanted to tell him in person, but it worked out." He looks over at Colby, "you wanna know the name?"
Colby moves to sit down in front of you guys and nods, "Um yes please."
Sam moves the laptop off of his lap and sits up, "I think we're going to go with, Cole John Golbach."
You can see the tears welling up in Colby's eyes, you've never seen that man cry before.
"Colby?" You lean forward and tap his shoulder, "Are you okay?"
He nods, "Mhm." You can tell he's trying not to cry and if he speaks, the flood gates will open, "Yeah I just.." he stands up, covering his face and you hear him sniffle, "Thank you." He turns and you and Sam both get up and hug him.
You start crying because that's what pregnancy does to you.
"We love you, Colby." Sam pats Colby's chest and sniffles, "Alright. So are we ready to post this?"
You all move to the couch, on either side of Sam and watch as he works on posting the final video.
You bite your lip, watching as the video uploads and Sam pulls out his phone, going on twitter
@/samgolbach: new video coming here in a few minutes and let me tell you.. It's a must watch.
You tap him and point when it's uploaded and thousands of people flood the likes and comments.
@/fanuser: Wait... I thought this footage was lost or got deleted? What is going on!?
@/fanuser1: STOP IT why did they wait until now to post this? There's something happening..
"I can't wait until they get to the end." Colby chuckles, "They're going to lose their minds."
Sam nods, laying his hand on your bump, "I just wanted to make sure they were good before any type of announcement."
You told your close friends, but that's about it. You made sure that they promised to keep it under lock and key until the time came.
"Oh, and Colby." You lean forward to look at him and he looks up at you, "Yeah?"
"No one but us three knows the name of this baby." You smile and he starts to get choked up again, "O-okay." He laughs and shakes his head, "Damn it, dude."
You pick up your phone, sighing as you see a bunch of notifications, "They know." You laugh slightly, "I guess it's time now, I can post one of our bump pics, letting them know how far along we are."
You scroll through your pictures, finding the perfect one.
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@/yourusername: Guess the cats out of the bag, we will be welcoming a beautiful baby boy to the Golbach family in about four months or so. Shoutout to Nancy at the mansion for the news. @/samgolbach
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
Hope you liked this!
Likes and reblogs are majorly appreciated!
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28 / 1.7k / soap soulmate au, part 5
Soap stares at his name where it's inked across your skin. You should be his enemy. He's sitting across from you, your interrogator in this dimly lit weapons closet. You refuse to look at him. But his gaze bores into you anyway, intense on your eyes, your lips, the cuts and bruises on your face. He wants you. But he can only have you once you've given him the information Captain Price needs.
"Tell me where Alejandro is," he says. "That's all you need to do."
A muscle in your jaw twitches when he mentions Graves' name, but you bite your tongue. You won't let him shake your resolve like he did in Las Almas. You should've killed him on sight.
"What Graves is doing to Alejandro--you know it's wrong." Soap’s gaze is steady. You're so close. He wants you so badly it hurts. "He's not a good man.”
"You have no idea what kind of man he is," you say.
"I know exactly the kind of man he is," he growls. "I saw what he did to the people in Las Almas. He called them dirty cops and had them executed when they said they didn't know anything. Innocent people. In front of their families. Their children." Soap's hands curl into fists on the table between you. "He's not the kind of man who deserves your loyalty."
Your cuffs clink as your arms flex against the chair. "You wouldn't understand."
"You're right. I wouldn't." Soap's knuckles pop, his voice low and dark. All his life he's waited for you. Now Graves--fucking Graves, who betrayed Soap and his team and tried to murder them all--is somehow the one keeping you from him. "I don't understand what you see in that bastard."
You say nothing, eyes trained on the far wall.
Soap's shoulders tighten. "You're just a tool to him."
"I’m a soldier. I choose to follow orders. So do you.”
"You're following his orders. You think that makes you a soldier, being a weapon? No. Makes you a damn dog."
You say nothing.
Soap grips the table until it creaks. "You think he cares about you.”
"It doesn't matter if he does or not."
"It does so bloody matter. You’re no’ some pawn he can just throw away." God damn you. He wants to grab you with both hands and shake you. To hell with this interrogation--he's got half a mind to lock you down somewhere padded until you get it through your skull that you're not worthless. He scowls at you. "You're better than this. You have to be."
Cold irritation seeps through your mask. "Am I?" Soulmate or not, he doesn’t know you.
At the look on your face, Soap's scowl deepens. He's going to kill that bastard, and he's going to do it slowly. "What about Graves is more important to you than the innocent lives he took? Does that mean nothing to you?”
"Orders are orders."
Soap's voice drops to a dangerous pitch. "Look me in the eye and say that.”
You don’t. You tell yourself it’s because he has no power over you. He can’t tell you what to do.
Soap crosses his arms. "'S what I thought. You're bluffing."
"I'm not."
"Bullshit. Graves is nothing but Shepherd's lapdog. Gettin’ paid to commit goddamn war crimes.”
"Shut your mouth," you snap. "You have no idea what happened--"
You stumble on the next syllable and go silent, realizing suddenly that you're looking him in the eye.
Johnny's a man of impulse, and it takes all the self-control he has to keep himself in place the moment you lock eyes. The pull he feels to you right now is overwhelming. You're in reach. He leans forward. Those brilliant blue eyes of his see all the way down into your soul. They’re just the same as you remember--eerily vivid, pupils blown, with his jaw set hard.
"What happened to what, darlin'?"
You shift, skin prickling. You want to cross your arms over yourself and clap your hand over the soulmark on your neck. "You don't know what happened in Al Mazrah."
"You were ambushed."
You nod, remembering that night of the mission. You've seen your squadmates die before. It's a hazard of the job, part of being a mercenary. But that night--seeing so many Shadows gunned down before they could so much as draw their weapons--it still haunts you.
"Shepard didn't know. It wasn't like we-- it was supposed to be a simple transport mission."
"It was a black bag op."
"That's what Shadows do. We take missions people don't like. Someone has to step in where you military dogs won't."
"Where was Shepherd when it went tits up, hm?" Soap's lip curls. "No air support on an illegal op. He left you to be killed. And now he needs someone to blame. It's not gonna be him taking that bullet. It's gonna be you."
"Captain Graves can handle it."
Soap lets out a rough sigh. Your insistence on Graves is rubbing him raw. You could have died on that op two months ago. And then what? He'd have never met you, only found your name later in stone on some memorial somewhere. The thought makes his chest go cold and his blood run hot. It could still happen. If he can't tear you away from this bloody mercenary work, you'll never be his. Christ. He can't let that happen. He won't. You're not going back to the Shadow Company. He'll tear Graves into pieces before he lets that happen.
He fixates on your soulmark again. Why can't he focus on getting the information Price needs? All he can think about right now is the scab on your lip, the way your pupils dilate when you look at him. Your body wants his even as you're spitting venom. The fire in you matches his own, and he wants more.
"Graves isn't here," Soap tells you. "And I'm not takin’ chances. You’re not going back to Shepherd, and you’re sure as hell not going back to Graves. You're mine."
You pull on your cuffs, hating the way the possessive note in his voice makes your stomach flip. "You don't get to decide that."
"Neither do you.”
"Isn't a matter of choice. It's a matter of what you’re gonnae do about it."
You swallow and watch his gaze track down your throat. He's close. When did he lean in? Why aren't you pulling back?
No, you tell yourself, you’re not scared. You’re in control. You lean a millimeter closer. "You can't keep me here."
His eyes brighten, gaze so intense it warms your skin. "Careful, darlin'. You don't want to throw down that gauntlet."
"And you expect me to tell you whatever you want to know? Fuck my career, fuck my squadmates?"
"If you weren't so damn dense, I'd--" He mutters another string of curses in that thick Scottish accent, standing from his chair and pacing the tight room. "You don't understand what I'm offerin’. You don't need them. You have me an' mine."
He circles around to your side of the interrogation table and kneels next to you, his expression an open plea for you to listen. You stare down at him with your heart suddenly in your throat. You can't backpedal. You can't look away.
He searches your face. Even roughed up, even pissing him off, you're beautiful. Damn it, he's going to do something stupid if he doesn't control himself.
He keeps his voice low and even. "You were expendable to them. You're expendable to Graves. You're no' expendable to me." He reaches up to you, and you go still. His hand is hot on your skin. His grip is surely strong enough to break bone. But only his thumb drags along your lip. His eyes follow the motion. "Your loyalty should be for people who care about you. I'm on your side, ya wee shite. Just tell me how to get to Alejandro and I'll get you out of here. I'll make sure you're safe. That's all I need to know."
You stare down at him. Your heart beats in your ears, and his pulse hammers with yours. You can feel it through his thumb against the sensitive skin on your lower lip.
Johnny wants you so badly you almost give in. He thinks he's telling the truth--that he'll protect you. But he doesn't know any better. You're not who he wants you to be. You're not soft. You're not good. Why does he act like he can see something redeemable in you?
Being his soulmate doesn't guarantee you a goddamn thing. Promises don't afford you any more protection than you've already given yourself. You know that very well. People aren't reliable. Soulmarks don’t fix everything. They’re just ink.
Whatever he sees when he looks up at you makes something cold and sharp settle in his chest. His throat constricts. He's pushing, he knows he is, and it's the wrong move with you. He's never been this desperate for anyone.
"Darlin'. Don't do that. Don't shut me out." His voice wavers just like his resolve. He'd protect you to his last. You refuse to see that, and he can't make you.
You look away, pulling away from his hand. "I don't trust you."
Johnny's stomach drops, and he digs his fingers into the metal chair to stop himself from digging them into you.
You want him. He can see it in the set of your shoulders, how tight you hold yourself when he's close to you. You want him despite yourself, and you still refuse. It doesn't matter how rational a decision it should be to accept his help. There's something else happening in your head that's keeping your walls up, and he's starting to realize it's not just Graves. It can't be.
He watches you for a long moment. He doesn't want you to hurt, but he's not stupid enough to believe you'll soften up and come around with time. You're a soldier.
Finally, Soap stands. If you don’t tell him what he needs to know, you’ll remain a hostage, and won’t be able to have you. He won’t accept that.
"Fine," he says, pushing his way out the door. "We’ll do this the hard way."
part 1 / part 2 / part 3 / part 4 / [part 5] / part 6 / part 7 / part 8 / part 9 / part 10
more Soap / masterlist tag
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tinybrooms · 4 months
Our Last Day, or maybe the first?.. - Thomas Hewitt x fem. Reader
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Summary: Is Thomas last day on the slaughterhouse and a pretty girl is going to help him today...or forever
Warning: Murders, Workplace Harassmen, hard vocabulary
NOTE: This is my second one shot and it's pretty long, maybe i am thinking about a second part so let me know if you want that, hope you like it, comments and feed back is always welcome.
A few months had passed since your work at the slaughterhouse had started, you were one of the few people who had been able to access education and that had given you the opportunity to work as the supervisor's secretary.
Your days were longer than normal dealing with the male staff who looked at your body with desire and said rude comments every time you passed beside them, as did your boss who took the opportunity a couple of times to touch your ass "by accident'' and called you to his office for useless tasks that ended with indecent comments.
They were all idiots, all except Thomas, he just dedicated himself to his work and every time you said "good morning" he responded with a slight grunt while bowing his head a little, always a gentleman like his mama taught him.
-I see you're already packing - your supervisor looked at you from the door frame while you put your things in a cardboard box.
-Yes, I'm almost done - you looked at him smiling kindly trying to ignore the uncomfortable look he had on your butt that was visible in your pencil skirt.
-Leave that there for a moment, I need you to go down and tell Thomas that he has to go, the animal is still cutting meat and doesn't want to go home - the old man took off his glasses, wiping them on his shirt regardless of the worried expression on your face.
-Do I… should I go? sir, I think the best thing would be…
-It's an order, you still work here, that's why I didn't want to hire women, they're always so useless- the disgusting man laughed mockingly as he walked to his office - get off your ass and get down right now
Your gaze quickly fixed on the large window of what was your place from where you could clearly see Thomas hitting the pieces of meat with his sharp knife making a sound against the wooden table, it took you a few seconds to take a breath and pass saliva to get down, the aroma of raw meat disgusted you too much, just like the blood spread all over the place, that was what bothered you more than anything else.
-Hello..Hello Thomas - you smiled behind his back while your hands played nervously in front of you - well, I think they had already informed you that the slaughterhouse is going to close today and..- you sighed, adjusting your cat-eye glasses on your nose sighing holding on not to get dizzy with the intense aroma of meat - and well you must go home
Thomas paused a little but after a few seconds he hit the flesh again with such force that he made you jump on your heels.
-Thomas…please don't make this more difficult, I don't want them to come down and scold you like they always do- Your voice lowered a little, almost in a whisper, trying not to let your supervisor hear you and get you both in trouble, but Thomas just continued ignoring your advice
-Don't you listen to what she said you damn animal? You won't work here anymore, go home with your stupid family - your supervisor came down the stairs, standing halfway screaming in the distance, making the huge man turn around with his knife in his hand, squeezing it so hard that his knuckles seemed like they would break the skin from his hand
Your eyes looked with at the man with glasses and then at Thomas with fear that something would happen, after all you were in the middle and the tension of both collided with your small and fragile body, that was when your poor gaze weakened between you in the dark and humid environment, you could notice how Thomas's hand was shaking and his breathing was agitated making his chest rise and fall.
-Thomas..please - with fear your hand extended making the giant barely look at you through his long locks of hair - no…it's not worth it - with fear you took his hand, it was the first time Thomas felt the skin of a woman against his and despite the anger he felt, his breathing was not still agitated because of it, but because of the delicate way your skin felt against his - give me that, I'll put it here okay? -You looked at him slowly taking the knife, placing it on the table and you smiled shyly walking away a few steps slowly so that he wouldn't feel threatened.
-That's it damn idiot, I bet you've never felt that before, huh?, You'll get so hard with this bitch that you'll forget why you came here- The disgusting old man laughed as he returned to his office, leaving the two of you alone, tense and nervous.
Thomas just looked at the floor shyly, he knew he was right, no one had ever touched him even by accident and that made him feel vulnerable.
-It's okay Thomas, don't worry about what he says go home, I hope you and your family are okay - you smiled at him again, turning around in a hurry, almost running to the bathroom, you could feel a knot in your stomach because of all the vices and meat that were scattered on the tables, crossing the long corridor in a hurry until you reached the bathroom where as soon as you opened the door you vomited.
Your knees on the cold floor and your hands holding your own hair made it impossible for you to hear what was happening outside, retching made your eyes water and after a few minutes with shaky legs you stood up wiping your lips with the front of your hand.
You took a little longer looking at yourself in the mirror, fixing the lipstick that had been ruined with your fingers and carefully washing your hands, always taking care of your image as mom had taught you since you were a girl.
After that you went to your desk putting away the few things that were left, a couple of photographs and your notebooks with notes that maybe would no longer work at all but you still wanted to keep them, after all they were from your first job so with the box of cardboard full of your belongings under your arm you prepared to go say goodbye to your boss.
-I'm done sir, is there anything I can do… -your feet stopped dead looking at the completely destroyed office, the desk was broken in half and there we re objects thrown all over the place- sir? - You walked in fear towards what looked like a pair of destroyed legs under the wood of the table and as soon as you got closer you could notice the old man lying in a pool of blood with his head shattered.
The box under your arm slid hard, making it sound on the floor as it fell while your hands covered your face and a loud scream came from your throat and you took steps backwards trying to get out of the traumatic scene until your back collided with a firm figure making you spin fast.
There was Thomas, looking at you with his strong breathing and his dark eyes like you had never seen before while he held a chainsaw in his hand.
-Thom..Thomas-you looked at him scared, walking back again in fear looking at his hand-leave…leave that, leave it on the floor
Only a growl came out of his throat, answering you firmly and confusedly, but it was definitely a refusal to your request.
-Please…don't hurt me, I won't say anything, I promise -your wet eyes and your heavy breathing made him doubt, of course you were going to say something, but in the same way he didn't want to hurt you, you were always kind to him, you were the only person who noticed him when he arrived and who received him every morning wishing him a good day.
Your eyes and his were staring at each other, as if either of you were waiting for a movement from the other to attack or to scream, whoever acted first was going to react to the other, but the sound of a car interrupted making both of you look towards the front door which after a few seconds opened and they both could notice Officer Hoyt entering with the gun in his hand.
-It's the police…- you looked at him again, curious as to how they could find out about the crime - Thomas, they are going to arrest you, if they find you they will take you with them.
The big man looked at the floor confused, realizing what he had done and a fear began to grow in him, not knowing what to do to remedy the mistake he had made.
-Come with me - you approached with fear, careful not to make any movement that would make him believe that you were going to attack him or that you were going to run away and again your hand held his so delicately that once again Thomas felt special - I will get you out of here
You hurriedly pulled his hand, his huge body almost following you, looking behind you in fear of being discovered, but at the same time in his mind he kept having that curiosity about how you had decided to help him after what he did, he was a murderer and what he had done was wrong
-Come, here there is a door through which we entered, it is far from the main door, no one will notice - you looked at him to make sure that he remained calm and after a few minutes walking you let go of his hand to push the door with both hands and help him escape - no one will find you if you get home quickly
Thomas shook his head, approaching you again but this time extending his hand, offering it to you while his head remained down and his eyes avoided looking at yours.
-Do you…do you want me to go with you? -You looked at him curiously with a little fear and he just slowly shook his hand indicating that he wanted you to take it so you carefully approached taking his hand, following his step when he began to walk without bothering his chainsaw in the other hand
The road was silent at first, just the two of you both walking along the side of the road under the strong Texas sun, at no time letting go of the other's hand, which in the same way if you wanted to you couldn't do it, his hand was huge and strong making Yours will be hidden between his thick fingers.
-And…is anyone from your family at home right now? -You looked at him curiously, feeling stupid knowing that he wouldn't answer you but he just nodded with his head without taking his eyes off the front-Oh really?…is…your mother?
He denied and you continued asking trying to guess who was home, feeling stupid and insistent.
-Well, your uncle? -You looked at him, sighing in relief when he nodded, looking at you with a touch of innocence that was difficult for you to believe after knowing that he had ended your boss's life - oh really? That's good…I'm alone you know, my mom moved to Austin a week ago and I told her I would go with her as soon as I finished my work.
Thomas looked at you stopping his pace, his gaze was the same as always but his eyebrows furrowed with some sadness making you also look at him without knowing what was happening.
-Something happens? I said something wrong? Thomas, sorry, I didn't want to…- your free hand barely moved on your chest, trying to make him understand that you were sorry from the bottom of your heart, but he barely grunted denied and leaving your hand, his finger carefully touched the center of your chest and then touched himself pointing at him - you?…I don't understand
He again pointed at you and then at him almost desperately as if he wanted to let you know what he wanted to say but his words did not come out and your little understanding of him was almost impossible.
-You…do you want…me?…Do you want me to stay…with you? - Thomas nodded, taking your hand again walking without waiting for you to take a step, making you stumble - but, I can't…
His hand gave a strong squeeze to yours making you moan a little in surprise, an action that made him feel something strange, that was also something new that he had heard from a girl,
-I really would like to stay but I have to go with my mother- your eyes kept looking at the road trying not to trip again but then you fixed them on him when you didn't hear any grunt from him, at this point you had already understood that this was his way of communicating.
But the road became even quieter, only your footsteps could be heard on the asphalt and from time to time a sigh came out of your mouth due to the suffocating heat you felt on your forehead.
It was a couple of meters ahead when again the sound of a car behind you made you turn your head, feeling relief but worried when you noticed the police car stopping in the middle of the road.
-Hands up son, stay away from that poor girl - Officer Hoyt pointed at Thomas, cutting the cartridge from his gun.
Thomas knew what that sound meant, he had heard it many times when he saw Charlie and Monty hunting, so with his hand he pushed you a little away from him worried that something bad could happen to you.
It was your time to run away, you could run and get away until you lost sight of them but something made you stay there, watching as the policeman pointed his gun at Thomas and honestly inside you just felt scared that something could happen to him.
-Sir, he didn't do anything wrong to me, we were just walking…- you looked at him trying to fix the situation, believing that that would be enough for him to leave.
-I saw what he did in the slaughterhouse sweetheart, you should not protect this damn animal- Hoyt looked at you for a second to return his attention to the big man in front of him. -You murdered a man ya’know, you will go to prison for what ya’did
You could feel your breathing really hard, nervous and afraid that a bullet could come out and hurt Thomas, after all yes, he murdered a man but he did it to defend himself after all the bad things that they had been done to him and in the same way , it was not such an exemplary man who died, so it had not been a great loss
-We have a problem, sheriff - your attention quickly focused on an elderly man who was holding a shotgun and shot without thinking killing the officer, again your hands covered your face while you screamed in fear.
-Calm down your little girlfriend, Thomas - the man laughed, approaching the body and a pair of hands held your shoulders delicately, making your hands lower in fear, looking at the giant in front of you.
-I want this to stop, I don't want to see any more people die - you looked at him crying with fear - I don't want to be next, I've only been good to you, please don't hurt me.
-No one will hurt you darling- the old man laughed as he placed the sheriff's hat over his cap - This is the girl who's been making you hard for months uh Tommy? She is very pretty, of course we won't do anything bad to her right?
The fear inside you grew more and more, this man was even more disgusting than your boss was and it seemed that like Thomas, he had the idea that from today you would be part of the family and you would stay with them forever
Thomas looked at the man next to him, giving him a growl and standing in front of you looking at him threateningly.
-What? you're in love? - his laugh was louder this time - okay, I won't say anything to your little doll, now come here and put the sheriff in the trunk before he stink.
Thomas took a couple of steps and effortlessly took the officer's lifeless body and placed it in the trunk without difficulty, all in front of your disbelieving eyes.
-Come on honey get in the car, we have to go home with mama after all she has to meet her new girl
Thanks for reading
Part 2 here!
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euphoricfilter · 3 months
hearts for dinner
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pairing: yandere! taehyung x devil! reader
genre: fluff || smut || non-idol au || established relationship || yandere au
summary: how to wake up the devil
word count: 1.5k
tags/ warnings: fluff, mentions of death and murder, blood, yandere! tae, she does in fact eat hearts for breakfast lunch and dinner, eventual smut to come
notes: mother is back!!! with a mini series based off this idea!! and am fully open to questions about the au which can be turned into future drabbles :D
where you can find the rest of my work!!
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆.
fingers tease the ends of your hair, taehyung tugging gently.
he lays on his side beside you, head propped up by his hand as he stares at your sleep stricken face. ever so peaceful, fragile and delicate, warm, entirely unaware of the world around you.
though he supposes even when you’re awake, he doesn’t leave much room for your mind to wander.
a man having tamed the devil herself.
filing down sharp edges and dissolving her poisonous touch until you’d become nothing but soft, warm, pretty gooeyness. tooth rotting sweetness. a heart wrenching loveable being hidden in human form.
tucked away from people. tucked away from civilisation, kept between the walls of the cottage with everything you ask for.
your own crafted paradise, taehyung the creator of your world. the pinnacle of your mind, the core of every thought and feeling.
your life solely his to keep, held in calloused hands, stained in the blood of hundreds. though those lives of everyone who passed, had a new purpose. the purpose of feeding you— taehyung’s only reason to live.
to keep you alive. happy and alive.
you briefly register the ghost of a touch over your cheek, a loose strand of hair tucked behind your ear before warm, soft, lips press over the supple skin of your neck.
you turn, sheets tangled around your waist, noise of question catching in your throat as you slowly slip into consciousness. a gentle slide into the waking world.
“sweet dove” taehyung murmurs against your skin, pressing a kiss to your bare shoulder.
goosebumps prickle the skin of his arms as the scent of you sinks into his pores, the taste of you dancing across his tongue.
“hmm” you tug the blanket up higher, knees curling into your chest. utter warmth surrounding you.
he coos, “my little dove, i have breakfast for you”
you breathe out a long sigh, hands blindly reaching out for him, fingers pressing over his chest, trailing up his arms until your reach his neck, deft fingers curling around the necklace that dangles over his collarbones. your initials locked around his neck. a forever promise that he will never take off.
“can’t you smell it?” he brushes a knuckle down the line of your jaw, “i thought you’d enjoy it warm today… got too cold on the way home”
you peek an eye open, tongue wetting your bottom lip.
“you were gone all night” you croak, trying to pull him closer. quick to throw the blanket over his body to keep the warmth in.
“and how would you know that” he hums, “what time did you go to bed?”
you press your face into the pillow, words muffled, eyes slipping closed, ready for you to slip back into your own little dream world.
“i asked you a question, dove” he presses, arms slipping around your waist.
“6” you mutter.
“A.M. i assume” he presses on.
“mmhmm” you nod, “my gaming console died and i couldn’t be bothered to get out of bed to get the charger…”
a low rumble of laughter vibrates his chest.
“breakfast, then, i’ll tuck you back into bed for a nap. how about it?”
your eyes peel open, “okay” you nod, hands fumbling around under the blanket, looking for his hand.
your fingers wrap around his wrist, bringing it up to your face. you sniff, nose scrunching up at the onslaught of smells. apparent why’d he been gone so many hours of the night. because no matter how much he scrubbed his hands after, the sweet tickling scent of blood will never be missed by you.
“how many?” you wonder, and he smiles a toothy grin.
“enough to last you the week… that’s why i was gone for so long” he leans down, gentle kiss presses to your cheek in apology.
you sigh, leaning your cheek into his open palm “i missed you”
“oh darling” he croons, pulling you closer, face pressed against his chest.
you can feel the steady beat of his heart, the gentle rush of blood slipping through his veins.
“i think i may have missed you more” he whispers, words sweet like nectar as they drip off his tongue, “but i’m here now, just like how it should be”
“and you won’t leave?” you murmur, fingers grasping at his shirt.
“promise?” you swallow.
“you are my life” his fingers slip into your hair, tugging your head upwards to look at him, “we are forever. there is no end to us until the day our bodies decay, and even then you will never get rid of me. i am yours for eternity”
you nod, smile tugging at the corners of your lips “okay. what if i wanted to travel”
“then i’d follow” his answer is quick, no hesitation.
“and if i wanted to get married?”
“i am all yours”
your fingers skim over his cheek, “what if i wanted the stars?”
at this, he smiles, “i would venture far into the galaxy to pick you the most perfect stars, and name a constellation after you on the way”
“i would want to come with you” you tell him.
his fingers rake through your hair “i wouldn’t ever leave you behind”
you look up at him, silence stretching out between the both of you.
“what about—“ you start, though taehyung’s boisterous laughter cuts you off.
“anything. anything you ask for, it is yours. but first you need to eat, my little dove”
he peels the blanket off the both of you, whine of protest bubbling up your throat as the cool air of the bedroom caresses your skin.
“poor thing” he frowns, arms wrapping around you, pulling you up and off the mattress, “i’ll put the fire on while we eat” he hums, footsteps heavy as he trudges down the stairs, your arms wrapped around his neck
“hold on for a moment” he tells you, hoisting you up a little higher as he pulls out your chair at the dining table. gentle as he sits you down.
your bare feet touch the cold tiles, recoiling to press against your chest.
taehyung scuttles out of the kitchen, quick to grab you, your favourite blanket from the couch, wrapping it around your shoulders as he flitters around the kitchen.
your gaze wanders, eyes catching sight of the outside world. the vast forest seems never ending, darkness lurking just beyond the safety of the house.
“we can go out for a walk later if you like?” taehyung hums, “i have a new coat for you to try”
you turn to look at him, voice soft “i’m okay, thank you though”
he looks over his shoulder at you, holding eye contact. you feel your breath catch in your throat.
he tilts his head, turning back to the pan on the stove, “alright. tell me if you change your mind”
it’s only second after that he’s turning back to you, plate in hand.
you look at the heart, perfectly seared, puddle of blood still coating the plate even though cooked.
“let me know what you think” he smiles, taking the seat opposite yours.
you don’t bother with cutlery, fingers digging into the muscle, wet squelch of blood dripping down your palm, ever so warm. the tantalising smell of it enough to have yourself hungry.
“thank you” you look up at taehyung with a smile, and he simply grins, motioning for you to eat.
you bring the human heart up to your lips, tongue pressing against the muscle before your teeth sink into it.
you chew at it, molars tearing at the meat, swallowing down the metallic blood as it coats your tastebuds.
your fingers tighten around the heart. frown slowly pulling at taehyung’s lips, noticing how your cheeks don’t go rosy, he can tell your bloodlust is not nearly sated.
you drop the heart back onto the plate, not bothering that blood splatters onto the tablecloth.
“what’s wrong?” taehyung stands, taking the plate from in front of you.
“not good” you look up at him, bottom lip pulling into a pout.
“my dove” he kneels down before you, hand running over your cheek, “here—“ he stars, standing.
he moves towards the freezer, pulling the door open, then tugging the biggest drawer open.
“pick which one smells the tastiest, yeah?” he motions for you to look. freezer packed with individually wrapped hearts, the smallest shelf saved for his own meals.
“then i’ll cook you a nice breakfast, better this time” he starts, “then we can stay in bed for as long as you like, yeah?”
you nod at him, from still pulling at your lips, “please”
he smiles.
“i want something sweet for breakfast” you tell him, “something younger than the old piece of shit i just had”
“i should have known you wouldn’t like him… he was more my own indulgence than your dinner” he admits, “horrible man” it comes out barely above a whisper.
“taehyung” you call out to him as he rummages through the drawers.
he perks up, “yes, dove?”
“i love you”
and he can’t help the grim that stretches his cheeks, heart beating rapidly, locked away in his ribcage though so close to bursting through his skin. a heart full of awfully delicious love, ready for you to consume.
“and yet, i might love you more” he tells you.
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autumnleaves1991-blog · 9 months
"That's a very stupid idea." Single Dad Jake 'Hangman' Seresin x F! Reader
Summary: On the eve on Jake's first deployment since becoming a father, you and Jake try to act like nothing is different. But can you let him go without telling him the truth? That you've not just fallen in love with Tyler Seresin but also his dad.
Pairing: Jake 'Hangman' Seresin x F! Reader
Warnings: 18 + only, Explicit smut, language, single dad Jake and live in nanny reader, age-gap.
Cross Posted on AO3
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You’d grown to love Tyler Seresin like he was your own son. Standing in the doorway to the toddler's room, watching his father kneel on the floor beside him, brushing the sweet blonde curls off his forehead was almost too much. 
His father Jake being in the Navy, needed someone desperately when he gained full custody of a son he never knew existed after his mother passed in a tragic accident. His ad on Facebook caught your eye, and the idea of room and board included was an added bonus, but it became more than a job a long time ago. 
“I love you, buddy,” you hear Jake whisper, leaning forward to press a kiss to his forehead. This was the first deployment since you waltzed into their lives thirteen months ago, and your heart aches at the thought of not seeing him every day. He stands, taking another moment to stare at his son before turning back and pausing seeing you in the doorway.
“He’s really gonna miss you,” you whisper, putting a clenched fist to your chest, “we both are.” 
His eyes soften as he turns one last time to look at the little boy, before nodding out into the hallway and closing the door shut behind him. “Meet me on the couch?” he asks, staring at you with an unknown expression. 
“Yeah,” you tremble, “we got to watch the next episode of Only Murders in the Building.” 
Jake smiles but the light doesn’t reach his eyes when he nods, “it’s probably gonna be awhile till we get the chance again. I’ll go get the snacks and meet you there. Maybe we can finish the season tonight, I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep.” 
“Whatever you want to do,” you nod, “I’m not going anywhere.” You take off down the hall, feeling him close behind you as you walk down the stairs and turn off to the living room. He goes to the kitchen grabbing the snacks and you pull out the big blanket and grab the remote, lighting a few candles before flicking off the lights. 
Jake comes back a few minutes later, hands full with two beers, a bowl of popcorn, and several bags of candy. You smile, thinking of the candy you’ve been hoarding in your closet to mail him in his care packages. “Blanket please,” he grins and you lift the blanket, the couch bouncing when he settles down beside you, pulling it back over you both and taking the bowl from his hands. 
“Now I don’t know about you but I have some theories about our killer,” he takes a handful of popcorn and puts it in his mouth. 
“You always have theories,” you tease, settling yourself against him, his arm coming around your shoulders to pull you in tight, “and they’re always wrong.” 
He gasps, “No they are not!” You giggle, leaning back against his arm and staring up at him, the smile on his face wavering as you both realize how close you are. His voice softens, as he lifts one knuckle to run along your cheek, “I’m really gonna miss you.” 
You take a shaky breath, “I’m really going to miss you too. I’ve had this idea, a recurring thought in my head, that you’re going to find someone else. Come home and not need me anymore.” 
“That’s a very stupid idea,” he leans closer, his nose brushing against yours. “I am always going to need you. I’m always gonna want you.” 
“Jake,” you whisper, your lips brushing his he’s so close, “we shouldn’t. You’re leaving tomorrow.” 
“I know Darlin’,” his accent’s thick, “but if I go away for six months and not at least kiss you, that would be the biggest mistake of my life. Because baby, it would be agony to be alone with nothing but my hand and just the image of you in my head, without having had to taste those lips I dream about, every, fucking, night.” 
“You dream about me?” you sit up pushing off the blanket to the floor and straddling his lap. His cock is hard and straining against his sweatpants and you let out a whimper when it catches your clit as you settle down, arms wrapped around his neck. 
“Baby,” he warns, letting out a moan when you grab his hands and place them on your ass, giving him the permission he needs. He surges forward, capturing your lips in a heated kiss. It’s like coming home, he pulls you closer, needing to feel every inch of you pressed against him. His tongue comes out to lick your bottom lip, tangling with your own on a groan. 
“Fuck,” you gasp, when he lifts his hips, driving his hard cock against you, your panties drenched and soaking through his sweats. “Jake,” you pull his hair, and he pulls back, his eyes hazy as they watch you pull off the black lace nightgown, dropping it to the floor. If he wasn’t religious before he is now as he worships your breasts, biting and kissing every inch before taking a perky nipple and sucking it into his mouth. 
“Oh, god,” you lean back, his hands squeezing your ass as he lowers you off him and down onto the couch. His mouth works down your body and you bite your lip, eyes rolling back when he mouths at your soaked panties. 
“Can I take these off, baby?” he asks, and you open your eyes and nod, “I’m gonna need verbal confirmation darlin’.” 
“Yes,” your quick to answer, “Jake, please, please, please,” he groans, quickly pulling off your panties and pulling your legs over his shoulder before diving into your soaked cunt. “Oh,” you groan, “fuck, Jake.” He swirls his tongue back and forth over your clit, your pussy soaked, he pulls back and spits on your pussy before diving back in. He must have been blessed with some pussy eating powers because the way he moves his mouth, up and down, fast and then slow have you shaking before the most powerful orgasm of your life takes over. He holds your legs tight, watching as they tremble and you lean back into the couch, your chest high in the air as you whimper out his name. 
“That’s it, baby,” he coos, kissing up your chest before finding your lips, “that’s my girl.” He tastes like you, tangy and sweet his chin glistening as he smiles down at you, “Ready for another one?” 
You huff out a laugh, still struggling to catch your breath, “I think I need a minute.” 
“We got all night,” he whispers, stealing another kiss, “I’ll happily go down on you till the sun comes up, baby. That was a fucking sight.” 
“What about you?” you run your fingers through his hair, his eyes closing as he leans further into your touch. “Aren’t you gonna let me have a taste?” 
His eyes slowly open, a vulnerability you’re surprised to see after he just put his mouth on your most sensitive areas. “I don’t have any expectations, I’ll take any piece of you, you’ll give me.” 
“You’re not the only one who dreams, Lieutenant,” his jaw clenches when you use his title and you worry you’ve crossed a line, quickly going to apologize when he cuts you off. 
“Say that again,” his voice has gone deep, and you realize it’s his commanding voice. 
“I’d like to serve you, Lieutenant.” 
He swallows hard, before getting up and standing beside the couch, your naked and he takes a moment to gaze over you before pulling down his sweats and boxers. Your breath catches in your throat and you lick your lips when he pumps his cock, eyes caressing as he watches the rise and fall of your chest, your thighs clenching together. “On your knees,” his voice is strong and confident and you stand quickly dropping to your knees before him. 
“Show me your tongue,” his hand on your jaw is firm but not uncomfortable and you open your mouth presenting your tongue. “That’s a good girl,” he slaps his cock against your tongue, “now serve your Lieutenant.” He takes his hand off your jaw, placing it on your head as he guides his cock into your waiting mouth. He groans when you wrap your lips around him, sucking him deep, “Oh fuck, shit, baby.” 
Swirling your tongue around the tip, he looks down, holding your eyes as you suck him deeper and deeper, the tears seeping out of the corner of your eyes and the sounds are vulgar. Spit dripping down his balls and onto your tits, your pussy throbbing with the control, the power he commands as he drives you back and forth on his cock. “Shit, I’m close,” he moans, “stop,” he gasps, pulling you off, “stop, stop.” 
“Did I do something wrong?” you frown, glancing up at him as he brushes the tear off your cheek. 
“No,” he drops to his knees before you, “no, you did nothing wrong, you hear me?” 
You pout, “then why’d you not let me finish?” 
His face turns serious before he stands holding out a hand and pulling you off the floor and into his arms. “I wanted to let you finish,” he comforts, “believe me, baby. But I want to do something else more if you’ll have me.” 
“Oh Jake,” you run your fingers through his hair, “you’ve had me from the moment we met. There’s never been anyone else, and I don’t think they’ll ever be anyone else.” 
Jake leans down, picking you up bridal style and taking off for the bedroom. He pushes the door open and lays you down gently with a soft kiss before turning back to the door and closing it, sliding the lock into place. He goes to the nightstand, turning on the soft light before reaching for a box of condoms and setting them on top of the dresser. 
He grabs one, and you sit up taking it from his hands and ripping it open. His eyes watch as you slide it onto his cock, before you lay back against the plush pillows. Jake settles between your legs, his hands on either side of your waist as he kisses you so slowly and achingly tender it makes you want to cry. The first press of him inside has you tenseing before he reaches down between you, rubbing your clit slowly as he works in inch by inch. He fills you so completely like he was meant to be here, his cock pressing deep enough inside you, you can feel him hit your cervix. 
“Fuck,” he moans, pressing his forehead to your own, “your pussy is perfect, baby, so tight and warm wrapped around me. I never want to leave.” 
“I don’t want you to leave either,” you whisper, a tear sliding down your cheek, “god, Jake, you were made for me. I-” you hesitate only a second, “I love you.” 
Jake leans back, his eyes wide as he licks his lips, a single tear running down his cheek as he slowly starts to move inside you. You’ve read before about people making love for the first time but never experienced it. But the way Jake moves, his body so in sync with your own, this isn’t fucking, this is making love. 
The pressure builds and you move your hips meeting him with each thrust, his hand moving back between you as he rubs your clit. “That’s it, baby,” he praises, “cum with me, almost there,” his hips move fast and there is a power that knocks the air from your lungs with each thrust before you're crying out as he fills you. He never stops, still thrusting steadily inside you, letting you ride out your orgasm before pulling out. 
You catch your breath feeling vulnerable when he quickly leaves the bed and flicks on the bathroom light. Only for him to return a moment later, the condom disposed of, and a warm washcloth running over your spent pussy. He tosses the cloth into the laundry bin, turns off the light, and folds into bed behind you, pulling you against his chest, his chin slotted on your shoulder. 
Jake presses his lips to your cheek and whispers, “I love you,” into your ear. You turn, glancing up at him with wide eyes and he smiles running his fingertip over your face as he traces every line. “Did you think I didn’t?” you stay silent, watching him and trying to take a mental picture. “I’ve been in love with you since the day I came home to Tyler sitting on the counter in his chair laughing as you danced to Foot Loose.” 
“That was eleven months ago,” you do the math, “why didn’t you say something?” 
“I didn’t want to make you uncomfortable if you didn’t feel the same way. I’m older than you by ten years baby, and I’m a single parent. I didn’t want you to feel stuck. You still have so much to do in your life, I didn’t want you to have to wait around for me.” 
“I choose you, Jake,” you press a hand to his cheek, his eyes becoming glassy. “I love you, Jacob Andrew Seresin. I love Tyler like he’s my own son, and there is nothing on this earth that is going to take me away from you. Tomorrow you have to leave for six months and fuck I’m going to miss you every single day but I will be here when you get back. Because that is what you do when you love a man in uniform, Jake.” 
“I love you,” he whispers, your full name coming out like honey on his tongue. “I’m gonna fight like hell to come home to you. To both of you. I’ll call home as much as I can and write when I can’t.” He wraps an arm around your waist and pulls you back into his chest, his cock hard against your ass, and you wiggle causing him to groan in your ear. 
“So soon, Lieutenant?” you tease, his hand on your waist dipping lower between your thighs and his teeth leaving hickeys on your neck, soothing with his tongue. 
“Oh baby,” he whispers, and you can hear the smile in his voice, “we got all night.” 
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behindthesoul · 8 months
Reactions from the best/bean boys(Reptile, Liu Kang, Smoke, Raiden) to Shang Tsung giving up his ambitions to be with a relatively normal and pure hearted s/o?
Reactions to Shang Tsung Choosing to Surrender to be with his Lover
Masterlist || Not proofread; written at 1 AM
Liu Kang
Doesn’t buy it for a goddamned second.
Liu Kang knows Shang Tsung and his antics all too well. He defeated him in his timeline, and is ready to defeat him again. Shang’s mere existence is a danger to all realms, and Liu’s idea of peace will not be threatened.
It was honestly a “I’ll believe it when I see it” situation. You and Shang Tsung, having a lovely discussion over tea, his hand rubbing slow circles over your knuckles.
Conflicting thoughts rush through this brain. He consults with Geras, and the two of them discuss the possible risks of this situation. If Shang Tsung is giving his ambitions up, then does it technically mean peace isn’t being threatened?
For now, he’ll permit it, but his eyes, fixated on you like a hawk, will never cease their scrutiny until Shang Tsung draws his last breath.
Probably a little heartbroken?
Syzoth lived a heartbreaking life as Shang Tsung’s slave. He murdered his family! Now Shang wants to play the good guy role? All because he fell in love?
You and Syzoth have had plenty of lovely conversations; he understands why someone would fall in love with you. He just doesn’t understand why you would love someone like him.
If you and Syzoth are close, this could possibly damage your friendship. If not, he may slip a few small comments about how you’re too good for him.
He may subtly try to set you up with someone else, constantly praising Johnny’s humor and Kenshi’s kindness.
A little confused; frustrated, too.
Tomas spent many hours training with the Lin Kuei, preparing for the inevitable.
…Turns out the inevitable wasn’t so inevitable?
It feels like a lot of time and effort has gone to waste. Sure, there are still other threats such as Quan Chi and General Shao, but to have a major threat just give up…it’s a bit anticlimactic, to say the least.
He doesn’t quite grasp what you see in Shang Tsung, but as long as you’re happy, I guess? He keeps tabs on you, making sure Shang isn’t harming you in any way, but other than that? Tomas just minds his business. There’s not much he can do. Not unless Liu Kang asks the Lin Kuei to strike.
Raiden thinks it’s terrific Shang has a partner; he firmly believes love has the power to change us all. Seeing Shang look at his partner with such tender eyes is a nice sight.
With that said, Raiden doesn’t fully trust him.
It’s not surprising, considering Liu Kang has been in Raiden’s ear since day one. He feels the need to protect you from a potential threat.
Raiden frequently engages you in conversation, subtly asking questions about your relationship. His true intention, concealed as best as possible, is to determine whether Shang is still scheming against Earthrealm.
He wants the best for you, he truly does, but he takes his role as Earthrealm’s champion seriously. He can’t trust Shang Tsung the way you do.
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anemptypuddingcup · 7 months
That’s a good gal.
Luffy smut short.
‼️contains blood play & non-con fingering.
please be careful with these themes
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Luffy stumbles into your shared room and huffs heavily, his eyes full of life as if he had enjoyed himself seconds earlier. You turn over and freeze in place, your eyes glancing to his bloodied knuckles and up his body.
Luffy looked as if he had just murdered someone. Not only for protecting himself and you but for the rush and the thrill as well.
“L-Lu…W-Why’re you…”
“Ah?- Why am I bloody? Had t’knock sum sense inta Sanji, don’t wan’ em gawking at my gal do I?” You froze at his words, his voice oddly happy with what he had just said. You slowly stumble back, your legs growing weak from sudden fear as you fell back and bumped into the nightstand with a gasp.
Luffy slowly walks over to you, looking down at your stunned and frightened expression with a smile. He enjoyed that fearful look of yours.
“Aw cmon dumplin’…don’ be like that…” He says in a sudden dark tone, his eyes now giving you a dark glare as he stared down at you. You couldn’t help but to shudder uncontrollably from fear, continuously glimpsing as his bloodied hands made you fear that if you did something wrong…his knuckles would be covered in yours next.
His expression shifts back and he crouches down to you, pressing his hands against your shoulders and making them sticky. “Don’t be worried ‘bout me doin that t’ya. I wouldn’ do that…not unless if ya tried sum I wouldn’” He whispers to you, pressing a sticky smooch to your lips. You shuddered from his cold and slightly-chapped lips against yours and scooted back from him on instinct.
Luffy cups your face and pulls you back into his lips, forcing you to kiss him. You whimper out in protest but he kept your lips against his for a very very long time. The smooching began to grow heated as he slid his tongue past your lips, humming out in ecstasy as he felt a tent growing within his shorts.
He shoves you down against the floorboards, making you gasp out suddenly before his bloody hands begin to pull at your shorts. “Take ‘em off.” He demands lowly, pulling away from your lips and staring down into your doe eyes. You blink and shudder once again at the sight of his filthy hands once again, shaking your head in protest and refusing to cooperate.
Luffy reaches a hand up to your neck, sliding his bloody fingers along your sweet soft skin. “If ya don’ wanna end up like Sanji…Ya better listen t’what I tell ya. I ain’t repeatin’ myself.” He warned, continually tugging at the hem of your shorts. You sigh and obliged, pulling your shorts off for him while he runs back to his silly little smile. “Good gal…” He whispers to you, making your pussy throb with his words.
He presses his sticky and bloody fingers against your clothed cunt, sliding it along the fabric and staining it. You shuddered in disgust but your body began to burn up with the slight arousal. The look on Luffy’s face made you whimper out while he circles his thumb against your clothed clit. You huff out and arch your back, wanting to scoot away and get out of his grasp.
He grabs your thigh and pulls you closer to him, pulling you onto his lap while your legs were still spread open. He looks at you with half-lidded eyes and a signature smile across his face, his tongue trailing across his lips as he continues to slide his icky fingers along your panties. “Mmgh~ L-Luffy~” You huff out, laying your head against his shoulders and grinding your hips against his hand.
Luffy pulls your panties back and stuffs his hand inside, his fingers now rubbing against your clit. You gasp out and pull back but Luffy wraps an arm around your back and keep you close, forcing you to feel his fingers. “L-Luffy!-“ You whine out, squirming within his grasp and struggling to let go.
You stared in bewilderment as Luffy stuffs two bloody digits into your pussy, his very digits smothered in Sanji’s sticky blood. You whine out and squirm around, not wanting Luffy to touch you for another second. A tight grip on your thigh makes you whine out while he stuffs his digits further into your pussy, making you moan out as he nudged your g-spot.
You feel him slide his fingers past your entrance and you gasp out, pulling and scratching against his skin. You moan out sudden as you felt his fingers rub against your g-spot.
“Ya like m’sticky fingers in ya pussy like that..? Hm?” He whispers into your ear, pressing a smooch to your neck while you sigh out.
“N-No~ No I don’t! Take them out! Please Luffy!~” You moan out, a whine leaving your lips as you shudder from the mixture of pleasure and fear. “Liar. Ya lyin’ t’me. Ya like th’feelin’ of m’fingers inside ya pussy. M’fingers sticky w’Sanji’s blood-”
“S-Shut up! Stop it!”
You whimper out and squirm around in his arm, pressing your hands to his shoulders and pushing as you tried you’re hardest to get out of his grasp. “L-Luffy please! Let me go!- Ah!~” You gasp out, his fingers digging deeper into your pussy and grinding against your gummy walls. “Shh shh~ Ya like m’fingers inside ya, don’ resist me baby~” He sighs out heavily, your hips against his hardened cock while he begins to grind against you.
“No! No Luffy!~ F-Fuck~” You arch your back and grind your hips into his fingers, your body going against your own mind. You moan and whine out as you felt your orgasm growing close, and with that your walls begin tightening around Luffy’s thick fingers. “Ooh~ S’tight ain’tcha dumplin’? Ya wanna cum hmm? Ya wanna cum on m’fingers like m’good lil’ gal?” He asked, teasing you with the phrase you loved oh so dearly.
His words makes you whimper out while you throw your head back from the pleasure. You’re practically riding his fingers and chasing after your high. “Fuck fuck fuck!~ Fuck oh god!~” You gasp out, your brows furling while you shut your eyes a bit tightly. “Hahhhh Luffy!~” You gasp out Luffy’s name, laying your head against his shoulder while you continue to hump his bloodstained fingers.
“Cmon an’ cum. Cum on m’fuckin fingers~” Luffy whispers to you, biting his lip as he watched his fingers sink in and out of your warm and sticky pussy. “Fuck Luffy~ Fuck!~” You whine out breathily, continuing to hump his fingers while you squirt on them. A heavy moan leaves your lips as your hips slowly came to a stop, a groan spilling out as you fall a bit weak against body.
Luffy hums out and pulls his fingers from your pussy, making you moan out shakily. He slides his bloody yet cum-drenched fingers along his tongue, coating his tastebuds in a salty yet sweet mixture. He mewls out and licks his lips. “S’tasty~ Ya cum tastes better though~” He chuckles, staring down at you.
You shudder at his words and sigh out, your body feeling dirty and grimy. “Ya such a good gal f’me~ Admit it, ya liked me fingerin’ ya~ Fingerin’ ya with Sanji’s blood all over m’fuckin fingers.” He whispers to you, rubbing his other hand along your back. You don’t answer him but you whimper and whine at his words.
“My good gal~ Such a good gal f’takin’ m’bloody fingers like that.”
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sserpente · 22 days
The Devil's Prized Possession
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Synopsis: You are Raphael's warlock and tasked with the most difficult mission: Retrieve the Crown of Karsus from the clutches of Enver Gortash. Remember, Raphael does not take kindly to failure. But do him proud and he will reward you for your troubles. As it turns out, he's been particularly eager to introduce you to a certain Incubus for a while now...
A/N: During my 5th run doing the House of Hope I had the most devilish and filthiest idea for a Raphael fic…so here we go! ;)
Words: 3637 Warnings: smut, smut, smut, blood, injuries, violence, voyeurism/exhibitionism, mentions of suicide and rape (past events), and um… incubus?
“My, my…look at how diligent my little warlock has become.”
You breathed out, the grip around your dagger loosening. You were covered in sweat, your damp training clothes sticking to you like a second skin. There was a mirror in the corner a few feet away from where you’d put the training dummy—a straw sack dressed in leather armour. Your cheeks were flushed, your hair greasy. In short, you were in no way presentable to receive your devilish patron.
You flipped around, facing Raphael with his hands clasped behind his back and a sly smile on his lips.
“Do you ever use doors? And knock? Like a normal person?”
“Oh but I am far from a normal person, am I not?”
You sighed. “I remember. That’s how I ended up in this situation in the first place. Why are you here?”
“Why am I here? Can a devil not check in on his little…protégée?”
You scoffed. “Come now, Raphael. I know you better than that. What do you want?”
“Very well. Let us cut to the chase. I have a mission for you.”
“A mission?” You frowned, removing the gloves you had been wearing to protect your knuckles. “For me? Does Korilla have annual leave?” you joked.
“I did not ask Korilla, I am asking you.”
You crossed your arms before your chest when he stalked closer, his eyes fixed on your form, observing every little movement you made. “Running errands for you was not part of our deal, Raphael.”
“Then perhaps you will be interested if I tell you what’s in it for you?”
You raised an eyebrow. “Go on.”
“Why, power, of course, my dear. What do you know of the crown of Karsus?”
Power? To hunt down the remaining thugs who’d stolen your life? “I’m listening.”
He followed you over to your small kitchen area. You kept some good wine hidden away in a cupboard for the sole purpose of his visits. Your life in Baldur’s Gate wasn’t exactly a luxurious one. When Raphael stepped into your life and you became a Warlock to take revenge on your family’s murderers and your rapist, he’d saved you from a dark pit you feared you’d never be able to get out of. You’d been close to suicide when he found you and offered you a way out. You didn’t regret it, didn’t regret the power his devilish abilities trickled into your very blood to give you abilities beyond your comprehension. Raphael was the reason you were still alive. All he had asked for in return was your soul—forever a guest in his House of Hope.
Raphael sat down at your mangled table. If he was disgusted by the leftovers of your breakfast and the dirty dishes, he hid it well.
You poured him a glass and set it before him on the wooden surface before sitting down opposite him.
“I assume you know the story of Karsus?”
You nodded. “Who doesn’t?”
“Then you’ll know what a powerful artefact the crown is. And I want it.”
“Well, where is it right now?” you asked, seemingly unaffected by his words. You knew better than to question him. You didn’t give a shit about this world anymore. If he decided to take over, at least you knew he’d make the sinners suffer, simply by seducing them into agreeing to a deal with him that they could not refuse.
“It was stolen, my dear. Stolen by someone you know all too well. It was our self-proclaimed saviour of Baldur’s Gate, Lord Enver Gortash. I hear he is up for archduke now.”
You frowned. “Why would Gortash steal the crown of Karsus?”
“Why would anyone? The crown in the hands of this Banite tyrant will bring ruin to the city, to the whole of Faerûn. I intend to save it. I want the crown,” he repeated.
“Wait. Did you say Banite? Enver Gortash is a Banite? Really?”
“The crown, dear. We were talking about the crown.”
“Alright, alright. So what do you want me to do?”
“Oh, it’s quite simple, actually.” He leaned back and smirked. “I want you to retrieve it for me.”
“And steal from the future archduke?”
“You are skilled in stealth. You will find a way.”
“Why me? Why not Korilla?”
“Korilla has been tasked with…some other business of mine.”
You blinked, considering his offer. “I still fail to see what’s in it for me.”
“The crown of Karsus will allow me to become the archdevil supreme. The most powerful devil in existence. Legions will bow to me and follow my command and the hells…will be mine. And you shall become the most powerful warlock any devil has ever taken under their wing.”
“Those were a lot of ‘most powerfuls’ in one sentence. But fine. I bite.”
“Excellent.” He waved his hand and out of a mist of smoke and sparks, a roll of parchment appeared. “Here is all you need to know to infiltrate Wyrm’s Rock. I expect results within a fortnight. Do not disappoint me, little mouse.”
He was gone before you could respond, his glass of wine left untouched.
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Stupid, handsome devil. Stupid, stupid Banites! You should never have agreed to this. How could you have known that they would start a bloody cult directly at Wyrm’s Rock? Who could have known that they would, instead of questioning you, send you to the prisons to have you executed the next day? Raphael. Raphael could have known. You scoffed. That damn devil. He’d never elaborated on the consequences if you failed but knowing him, it couldn’t be good.
But then again…you’d already promised him your soul in return for your powers, so what else could he possibly take from you now? You were of little use as a lemur, after all.
If you ever made it out of here, at least you wouldn’t return completely empty-handed, you thought, as you played with the loose straws of hey on the dirty ground. You’d found out a great deal about Gortash’s plans. And he wasn’t operating alone, either. He had both the Chosen of Bhaal and the Chosen of Myrkul by his side.
You’d always known Gortash to be a bit shady but this form of evil was on another level entirely, even for him. An Elder Brain? Frozen ceromorphosis? An Illithid empire with him on top? You shook your head.
It was just then that sparks of hellfire danced through the cell. Smoke erupted in the corner, the smell of sulphur filling the stale air; and yet, despite the discomfort this very circumstance should have brought you, you felt relief flooding your body.
“My, my, what a predicament you have gotten yourself into here.”
“Raphael! Thank the gods… get me out of here, please!”
He truly was a sight to behold—hope, ironically, given your current predicament.
“Come. We have much to discuss.”
You stood, patting the dirt and the dust from your clothes. A sliver of hesitation wrapped its icy claw around your heart as you took the hand he offered and teleported you to safety. But wherever he took you…it was not your home.
“Where are we?” You peeked around, taking in your lavish surroundings. Imposing statues of devils—of Raphael himself—towered up into the air, marble pillars holding a high ceiling. Everything in here had been placed in the right spot with the utmost care, carefully chosen by Raphael himself, even the bottle of finely aged wine and the silver chalice next to it on the small table in front of a luxurious armchair by the fireplace.
The chimney was lit and spreading warmth. This…this was…
“The House of Hope,” Raphael finished your thought.
“I’m in the hells?”
“Indeed you are, my dear. Now. Have a seat. And tell me what happened.”
You did as you were told—there was little to no reason for you to resist or fall to your knees to beg him for his forgiveness. Not yet, anyway.
Raphael sat down in the armchair opposite you.
“You are…surprisingly calm,” you said.
“Should I not be?”
“Well…I failed you. Your mission. Aren’t you going to roast me over eternal hellfire?”
“You did fail. Except you did not.”
You raised an eyebrow. “I beg your pardon?”
“I knew that retrieving that crown was going to be no easy feat. I knew Gortash was a force not to be underestimated. You merely needed the motivation to try. So tell me. What were you able to find out?”
You blinked. You were…forgiven? By Raphael himself? Confused and still a little hesitant, you told him everything you had learned—including where his precious Crown of Karsus was right now.
He looked away and said nothing else for a while but who were you to interrupt his devilish thoughts?
“That indeed changes the game…I will need time to accommodate to these…circumstances, shall we say.”
“So…am I dismissed?”
Finally, Raphael’s gaze found yours again. His smirk burned hot in your veins, setting the power he fed you with ablaze. Damn that warlock connection.
“You are. You provided me with everything I needed to know about the crown’s whereabouts. About Gortash’s plan, the dead three, and the Elder Brain. You did well.”
You tilted your head. “No punishment? No ‘your soul will burn in eternal hellfire for failing me’?”
A pause. And then, his smirk grew even wider. “No.”
“Okay…um…thank you. So…how do I get back home?”
“You don’t.”
Your heart skipped a beat.
“As of right now, you are a wanted criminal and a traitor to Baldur’s Gate. The Banites will long have infiltrated your home. It would be suicide to return just yet.”
Shit. He had a point. “But…where am I supposed to go then?”
“Why, you will stay here, of course, in my House of Hope.”
“You…you want me to stay here…in the hells…with you?”
“Now, now, I will be very busy. Do not expect me to entertain you, little mouse.”
You bit your lower lip. You despised his nickname for you…except you didn’t—and neither did, apparently, your nether regions.
“But for now…” he continued, looking you up and down as if deep in thought all of a sudden. “Let me show you around. I believe you deserve a reward for all your hard work. You can freshen up in my boudoir, wash the dirt from your skin. You will most certainly enjoy what awaits you there.”
You didn’t like his tone when he said that. Not at all. Expect you loved it. There was something sensual about Raphael’s voice—the devil loved to listen to himself talk but of course, that was nothing new. You’d grown to like his ways, his attitude, even his arrogance. After all, he was the very reason for your powers.
Raphael led you through a long and empty corridor, safe for the souls who had been unfortunate enough to strike a deal with him. If this was his way of showing you what awaited you once you perished…you swallowed thickly, your stomach churning.
“Oh…oh…oh…you will be so much fun to watch!” The soul who spoke to you had wide eyes and she was visibly…aroused. Perhaps at this point, your alarm bells should have been ringing. Whatever Raphael’s plans were…whatever awaited you in the boudoir…
“I gave them exactly what they asked for, little mouse,” Raphael said, his hand finding the small of your back. “Don’t worry. The fate you promised me will be much less hopeless and sufferable.”
You stepped through what resembled a portal—an arcane lock, you realised—keeping unwanted visitors out. Cool magic grazed your skin, and then you faced a vast pool with two running faucets on either end. Cushions, wine, delicacies, and even books formed a wreath around the pool, along the wall there were several wardrobes you assumed contained fresh clothes and towels. There was another area behind the pool, one that was barely visible from where you were standing. Still, you could make out the wooden posts and the luxurious fabric of a king-size bed.
“Please… step inside. Help yourself to some fruit and some wine.”
You hesitated—again. But this time it was because of a strange stab of excitement in your stomach.
Eventually, you stepped forward and took off your boots. Raphael, however, made no move to leave. Instead, he stalked over to a lush sofa in front of a high window and sat down with his legs spread wide as if he owned the place. Well. He did.
What was his plan? Was he going to watch you? You knew better than to object. You had no problem with nudity, although it was a little strange Raphael would want to watch you bathe.
With a sigh—if anything to shake off the nervousness eating away at your insides—you began to undress until not a single layer of fabric remained.
Your patron’s eyes followed your every move as you stepped into the pool, taking in every single inch of your exposed skin. It was…pleasant. The water was just right and as it wrapped around your limbs to clean it, it felt…soft.
You moved to the middle of the pool, submerging yourself until the water reached your collarbones. The bruises and cuts you had taken with you from this mission all but shrunk and disappeared, leaving behind healthy and unmarred skin. Restoration faucets…no wonder Raphael always looked so impeccable and untouched.
The relief was like a balm for your body. Your aches disappeared, the exhaustion draining from your core. You were about to close your eyes when all of a sudden, a tall figure appeared above you. A gust of wind tore through your hair. You looked up, discovering bat-like wings keeping a red-skinned figure in the air with its arms crossed, a sly smirk on its—his lips.
The demon, an Incubus, you recognised quickly, was the spitting image of Raphael.
“Hello, little mouse.” Fuck. He sounded like him too. “Is that your little warlock?” he asked. You were very well aware he wasn’t talking to you, yet all you could do was stare at him with wide eyes and your jaw dropped.
“Isn’t she a fine specimen?” Raphael bragged.
“She is indeed.” The incubus lowered himself down until his bare feet touched the carpeted floor, his eyes, identical to Raphael’s, never leaving your form. You were frozen in place. Meeting an incubus in the flesh was quite a remarkable experience—but also potentially dangerous. What did your patron have in mind? To show you off? You gasped for air. He’d promised you a ‘reward’. He couldn’t have been referring to…
“My name is Harleep,” the incubus purred as he flew closer. The faint smell of sulphur hit your nostrils. Every instinct inside of you screamed for you to get out, to save yourself…yet a very depraved and filthy part of you was begging you to stay to see what would happen. What could happen.
You told him your own name and he gave a toothless grin. “Such a pretty little mouse…what do you say? Should we make you feel good? I take it Raphael has brought you here because you’ve been a very, very good girl.”
You lower regions clenched. Fuck. Why did this excite you so much? It shouldn’t. And yet, you found yourself nodding. “I…I think so?”
Raphael chuckled. “I was hoping you’d say yes. Harleep is a very…thorough lover. And I do admit, after all of our time spent together, I am rather curious as to what it would be like to claim you.”
Oh. Oh. He…oh gods. If there was one thing you knew about Raphael it was that he was quite possibly the most narcissistic and self-absorbed devil in the nine hells. It was beneath him to mingle with anyone who didn’t live up to his standards—and the only one who did, apparently, was himself.
You actually had to bite back a laugh when you realised. Raphael had made Harleep take his form because he wouldn’t fuck anyone but himself. And now…he wanted to watch Harleep fuck you. You would be lying if you said you didn’t find the thought intriguing. It had been ages since you’d last had sex, besides, receiving pleasure from an incubus? There was nothing else like it. Should you give in?
“My…such a shy little mouse…” Harleep’s hand came up to stroke your cheek as you stood there in the water, naked and dumbfounded. It slid down the side of your face, over your neck, your shoulders, and your arm until he was able to intertwine his fingers with yours and gently pull you with him.
And just like that…all of your remaining resistance, any doubts and fears…faded away. Harleep snapped his fingers to dry your skin and had you sprawl out on the huge king-size bed. The bed sheets were soft, silk, or satin as you sank into the mattress and rested your head on the pillow. The Incubus crawled over you in an almost predatory manner, Raphael following suit behind him. He pulled up a chair and poured himself a glass of wine, his mischievous eyes glistening with curiosity and desire.
Oh gods…he really was going to do this, wasn’t he? This was going to happen. He was going to watch Harleep fuck you right before his eyes.
You breathed out when Harleep grabbed your knees and spread your legs for him to position himself between them. You glanced down, eyes widening a little at his size. He was as hard as a rock, his red skin almost glowing in the orange light of the hells. Feeling him inside you…all of a sudden, there was nothing else you wanted in this world any more than this, any more than him.
He already was fucking with your mind then…Incubi had an uncanny ability to charm their victims before they devoured them entirely. But surely, Raphael wouldn’t let him go this far…would he?
Harleep’s tip pressed against your entrance and you realised in shock that you were dripping wet. Your pussy was throbbing, eager to take a cock and ease the growing arousal he was making you feel.
“Now…let us see how you taste, little mouse.” Harleep buried himself inside you to the hilt without any forewarning, meeting no resistance from your wanton body. A gasp escaped your lips as he claimed you, causing Raphael to chuckle as he twirled the red wine in his chalice before taking a sip.
“Hmm…like a lush and ripe fruit, juicy and ready to be plucked…” the incubus raved.
Was that really how you tasted to a sex demon? You couldn’t talk, couldn’t think… You bit your lower lip, digging your nails into the sheets as Harleep began to move inside you, withdrawing almost entirely only to plunge himself back in and fuck you slowly and intimately as if to savour your body.
Your breathing grew heavier, your arousal climbing even higher. Every single thrust was an ode to an impending orgasm. It was pleasure like you had never experienced it before. Nothing else mattered anymore. Whatever Harleep was doing, whatever his superpower was…it was working. Penetrative sex alone never did the trick for you—but with him, you’d been on the brink of climax from the very moment he’d sheathed himself inside of you.
Raphael chuckled and your head fell to the side. His gaze lingered on your joined bodies, taking in your bouncing breasts and Harleep’s powerful strokes, his cock disappearing into your wet warmth over and over again. He looked…fascinated—and you couldn’t help but let it fuel your carnal desire to drown in a whirlwind of lust.
Harleep joined in on the devil’s chuckle. “Keep going, little mouse. I can feel you tightening around me. You want to come so badly, don’t you?”
You bit your lower lip harder, almost drawing blood. Forcing your eyes back on Harleep, you nodded eagerly.
“Then come, little mouse. Show us how much you are enjoying this.”
It was all you wanted to hear, all you needed to hear. You fell apart beneath him on the bed, the delicious knot in your stomach unbound. Your walls contracted around Harleep’s cock who did not relent, fucking you through your orgasm until you turned into a whimpering mess.
The pleasure cursed through you like pure electricity, your mind shutting off. You were his…his for the taking, his to feed on, his to do with you as he pleased, forever…
“Now, now, Harleep. Don’t forget your manners.”
The incubus chuckled and with a start, as the last remaining weaves of bliss ebbed away, you woke up. Harleep dug his nails into your hips, lifting them off the bed to bury himself even deeper. He fucked you hard and fast now, ready to take his own relief.
“Do not come inside of her,” you heard Raphael say. His tone allowed no contraction.
You threw your head back, enjoying every single luscious thrust until Harleep stilled and pulled out, one of his hands wrapping around his length to finish himself off.
Ropes of his seed landed on the clean bed sheets between your legs, staining the pretty fabric. You were panting, fighting for your sanity when part of you didn’t even want it back.
“My, my…what a show.”
You half-expected Raphael to clap. Instead, he only chuckled again and got up from his seat. You couldn’t help it—you glanced down, noticing the considerable bulge in his trousers.
“Join me for dinner once you’ve recovered. You must be famished, my dear.”
With that, he left, leaving you behind with a seemingly out-of-breath Incubus who was still drinking in your essence, your arousal. He seemed…satiated. Amused, even.
Fuck. You’d need that restoration faucet again before you could even consider having supper with the very devil you had promised your soul to.
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luveline · 1 year
hiii!!! how are you!!! i love your steve so much and i was hoping that you could write something with steve noticing every single detail about shy!reader, maybe like how when shes feeling nervous and anxious she ties her hair back in a really tight ponytail that makes her scalp hurt (in a way that kinds of keep her grounded, she thinks) and steve notices it and helps her get rid of it.
i know that it's weird but it's a thing i do when i have exams or im going to social places i feel really strechy being in... idkkk tysmmm
thank you for your request! i hope this is OK!! steve takes care of shy!fem!reader (reader has hair that can be put in a bobble)
"Hello," Steve says, in a sort of sing-song. 
You still jump, not expecting him near and highly strung to begin with. "Oh," you say, relieved that it's your lovely boyfriend and not an axe murderer, "hi, Steve." 
"Hi." He's dressed much too casual for himself, in a t-shirt rather than a signature polo, his hair raked away from his face. He sits beside you on your sun lounger and nudges you with his elbow. "These chairs are, like, specifically designed for relaxing. You're supposed to relax when you sit on them." 
"I am relaxing." 
"You're not."
You sit back. Your ponytail pulls and you wince but don't move off of your hair. Your hands tingle, so you slide them between your thighs and clamp down. He turns inward, his knee under your thighs where you've pulled them up. There's not enough room on the lounger for two people, but you and Steve make it work.
"Is everything okay?" he asks. 
"Yeah." You nod stiffly. "Of course." 
Steve smiles, his eyes on your knees. He puts his hands on your legs and it doesn't matter where they are so much as how they move, rubbing gentle lines up and down the slopes of them as he leans down to rest his cheek against your knee. One hand roves all the way down to the top of your thigh, his fingers pressing into the soft part of your stomach, and he flicks his knuckles against you. "Hold my hand?" he asks gently. 
You offer both hands. He raises his eyebrows and murmurs about being spoiled as he takes them. 
You feel better the longer he holds them. His thumbs rub against the backs, and his head turns into your skin, kisses laid into your bare knees sweet and dainty with the barest of pressures. 
"I know when you're not feeling good, you know that?" 
"How?" you ask quietly, not wanting to disturb the slice of peace he's made for you. 
"You put your hair up too tight. And you get tense. So hard it definitely makes your back hurt." 
You take a big breath and try to relax. Hurting yourself only hurts him. Steve squeezes your hands as you do, and takes a deep breath with you. His slow exhale is cold against your legs. He's sun-kissed and especially handsome like this, his face calm.
"Come here," he says, when you've lost the rigidness from your spine, and your head isn't pounding as hard. "Let me take it out." 
You sit up. Steve does the same. His arms come around you like the beginnings of a hug, and his hand reaches for the back of your head where you've triple tied a bobble, strangling your hair to the point of hairpin tension. He frowns as he pulls it out, as careful as he can to make it painless. It tugs until it doesn't, and your hair falls against your shoulders. 
"I'll have a bump in my hair, a line," you say. 
His fingers weave into it gently. "Who cares? This'll feel really good." 
Steve's fingertips massage your scalp as he brushes out your hair. You shiver at the feeling, your cheek pressed to your shoulder the longer it goes on. Steve only laughs under his breath and perseveres, nothing but love in his touch. 
"There," he murmurs. "Doesn't that feel better?" 
His hands rake down the length of your hair, and he brings one to your warm cheek. 
You close your eyes, leaning your weight into his palm. "Yeah, Stevie. Much better." 
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purrrrplecats · 2 months
oh no i found it
the in correct quote generato-
(there a lot so if you don't want to read lots don't click keep reading)(theres loads i think 50-)
Scar: Grian and I are so close we even share a toothbrush. Grian: We what?
(he appoligised abt the joke later on.)
Mumbo: I’d like to live through a week that’s not a whole new verse of “We Didn’t Start the Fire.”
Grian: Hey, are you alright with swearing? Asking for a friend. Scar: Yeah? Grian: Bitch.
Mumbo: Is… Is that meant to be on fire? Grian: No… not really. Mumbo: Are you going to do something about it? Grian: Hm… nah.
Grian: Your future self is talking shit about you right now. Scar: Jokes on them. I'll ruin their fucking life.
Pearl: If looking good was a crime, you’d be a law abiding citizen.
Pearl: I’m proud to say I’ve come over my fear of ghosts! Grian: Eyy, that’s the spirit! Pearl: gasps whErE???!!!??
Impulse: So I have made the decision to trust you. Grian: A horrible decision, really.
Grian: Gem, is that my mug you’re drinking out of? Gem: No, it’s mine. Grian: It… looks just like the one I have… Gem: You don’t have one like this anymore.
(its and mug with pink and blue snails on it.)
Gem: This should be illegal! Pearl: It is.
Pearl: Okay, let's split 'em up and make 'em sing. Impulse: Two of you take Gem, the other two take Grian. Scar: Right. Bad cop, good cop. Mumbo: You know, it's interesting that they say "bad cop, good cop," because policing in this country is so broken it's really just "bad cop, bad cop". Impulse: Scar, you're with them. Scar: Got it.
Grian: Norwegia. Is. Not. A. COUNTRY! Scar: Then where are Norwegian people from!? Impulse: NORWAY!!
Impulse: Would you slap Pearl- Grian: Yes. Impulse: I didn't even finish! Grian: Sorry, continue. Impulse: Would you slap Pearl for 10 dollars? Grian: I would do it for free. Pearl: Rude…
(you could also swap Grian and Pearl around because I mean, SKYLINGS)
Grian: If you want my advice- Pearl: No offense but you’re the last person I want relationship advice from. You tried to kill your significant other. Multiple times. Grian: First off, that was before we started dating. Secondly, they’ve also tried to kill me. Scar: It’s true. It was mutually attempted murder.
Scar, to the Squad: The real secret to immortality? Not dying. You want to be immortal? Okay, that’s easy. Just don’t die. That’s it. Refuse to die. There you go. Impulse: But how- Scar, ignoring them: “But how”, you may ask. Well, easy. Just don’t do it. Refuse to. Say “no thanks”.
Gem: I am strong! I beat Grian at arm wrestling! Impulse: Anyone can beat Grian at arm wrestling! Grian: Hey-
(sure Impulse sure-)
Gem: Grian, I am nothing if not a Woman of principle. Gem: Now let’s break into this apartment.
Pearl: Would anyone know any good vendors for professional-quality brass knuckles? Gem: I know you’re serious, but you say the scariest shit sometimes.
(again you could swap them around)
Pearl: Hey, you want a tarot reading? Mumbo: Those are Pokemon cards. Pearl: You got a magikarp. Mumbo: … Pearl: It means 'fuck you'.
Grian: Pulls a glass a water from out of nowhere Gem: Where did you get that? Grian: My pocket. Gem: How do you keep a glass of water in your pocket? Grian: Skills.
Scar: I’ve been described as a ‘heartless villain’ and a 'little shit’, but I prefer… 'has alternative ways of having fun’.
Scar: Don't joke about murder. I was murdered once and it offends me.
Gem: Hey Pearl, check out this funny .GIF I found! Pearl: It’s pronounced “jif”. Gem: Huh? Pearl: “Dot jif”, like the peanut butter. The creator said so. Gem: That’s dumb, it’s Graphics Interchange Format. Pearl: The P in .JPEG stands for “photographic”, but I bet you don’t say “J-pheg”. Gem: “P” on its own isn’t pronounced like “F”, that’s totally different! Pearl: It’s exactly the same! Gem: Name one word that starts with “G” pronounced like “J”. Pearl: Gentrification. Gem: Shoot, should have thought of that. I was just in San Francisco. Pearl: For your logic to be consistent, you’d have to say “skuh-bah” (scuba) or “lah-seer” (laser)! Gem: Yeah? Well, you’d have to say “J-pej”! Gem: …Wait, “laser” is an acronym? Pearl: Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. Gem: Huh. Didn’t know that. Gem: You’re still wrong, though. Pearl: You just hate me because I’m right. Gem: I just hate you in general. Pearl: You mean in “geh-neral”? Gem: Ugh, I’m “joing” to kill you!
Scar: What's worse than a heartbreak? Grian: Waking up in the morning and your phone wasn't charging. Mumbo: Waking up in the morning. Gem: Waking up.
Scar: I love you. Grian: Me too.
Grian: Fight me! Scar: gets on one knee and pulls out a ring Scar: Fight me for the rest of our lives.
Pearl: What’s your favorite color? Gem: Stop asking stupid questions. Ask me something logical and mature. Pearl: How many moles of sodium bicarbonate are needed to neutralize 0.8ml of sulfuric acid at STP? Gem: My favorite color is pink.
Grian: Do you love me? Mumbo: We’re literally married. Grian: Yeah, but as friends or—
(logic is that Waffle duo got married as a bit like Clingy duo (Tubbo and Tommy) but G is like Tommy and doesn't want to get a divorce because he wants to commit it the bit.)
Grian: I'm not mean. Name one mean thing I’ve ever done. Pearl: When we were younger, you convinced me eggs weren't real. Grian: They're not. Pearl: Haha, very funny. Grian: I'm serious. Didn't you hear? Pearl: No… what happened? Grian: …Why would you fall for this again-
Scar: Welcome to Fucking Applebees, do you want apples or bees? Gem: Bees? Scar: THEY HAVE SELECTED THE BEES! Gem: Wait- Impulse approaches, shaking a jar of bees menacingly
Scar: Mx. Grian, I accidentally dropped my seed into my mouth and then I accidentally ate it. Am I going to have a lemon tree grow inside my belly? Grian: Well, let's think about it. Did you also swallow a wet paper towel? Scar: Yes. Grian: Grian: Alright, let's go to the nurse.
Grian: Some people are like slinkies. Pearl: What? Grian: Not really good for much but bring a smile to your face when you push them down the stairs. Pearl: Pearl: Please don't push Scar down the stairs. Grian, pushing Scar down the stairs: Too late.
Pearl: You’re just being paranoid. Again. Scar: When have I been paranoid? Pearl: Um, when you first met Gem you thought they were an undercover cop…? Scar: No one has a wart that big, I thought it was a surveillance camera! Pearl: And last year you were sure Impulse was a mermaid! Scar: They hate wearing shirts! COINCIDENCE?! Later, when Scar’s theory is proven wrong Pearl: Do you have anything to say for yourself? Scar: I still think Impulse is a mermaid.
Grian: Scar, Pearl keeps bullying me at school. Scar: Ask your teacher for help. The next day… Grian, to their teacher: Will you help me beat up Pearl?
Pearl: Being gay isn't a choice. It's a game and I'm winning.
Scar: Being gay isn't a choice. It's a game and I'm winning.
(same quote 2 times in a row!?!?!)
Impulse, near tears: Please, Grian, I don’t speak meme! I don't know what a 'yeet' is!
Gem: I need to dye my hair. Impulse: … Gem: Or get another tattoo. Impulse: … Gem: Or a new piercing. Impulse: Why? Gem: To, you know, appease the mental breakdown gods.
Grian: aggressively throws pencil at Scar Grian, deadpan: Oh no. I’ve been stabbed. I’ve been impaled.
(Double Life = soulmates)
Scar : So you like cats? Grian: Yeah. Scar : tries to impress them by slowly pushing a glass off the table
Impulse: What have you done with Scar ?
Grian: Nothing. Why, do you think I should?
Pearl: Scar , let’s go! Grian : Oh, yeah, about telling Mom and Dad, I was thinking about writing maybe a letter. Pearl: Okay, you know what? That’s it, you had your chance. Grian : What-? Pearl: Mom, Dad, Scar smoked pot in college. Grian : You are such a tattletale! Grian : Mom, Dad, you remember that time you walked into my room and smelled marijuana? Well, I told you it was Jimmy who was smoking the pot but… It was me. I’m sorry. Pearl: And Dad, you know that mailman that you got fired? He didn’t steal your Playboy’s, Grian did. Grian : Yeah, well, hurricane Gloria didn’t break the porch swing Pearl did. Pearl: Grian hasn’t worked for a year! Grian : Pearl and Gem are living together! Pearl: Grian married Scar in Vegas and got divorced AGAIN! Jimmy: I love Jacques Cousteau! Etho: I wasn’t supposed to put beef in the trifle! Doc: I wanna gooo!!
(I changed some names, aka added Doc, Etho and Jimmy, also Etho is the mum Docs the dad, and Tim is ofc the younger brother.) (the family situation is defo not from TTSBC)
Mumbo: I will send my army to attack! Mumbo: releases a dumpster of raccoons
Gem, throwing their head into Pearl's lap: Tell me I'm pretty! Pearl, lovingly stroking their hair: You're pretty fucking annoying, that's what you are.
Squad is playing Among Us Grian: I believe Pearl is innocent, I was with them the whole time. Mumbo, what were you doing? Mumbo: Oh, I was just murdering… I mean, nothing!
(I was gonna change Pearl to Scar and change Mumbo to Impulse because Impulsetor)
Pearl, in the hospital: Will you visit me when I get out? Grian: Lol nah, I hate graveyards.
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ravenyenn19 · 1 year
Six of Crows future head cannon:
Alby Rollins joins the Dregs.
Picture it: 1920’s-esque Ketterdam, 10 years post Sweet Reef/ Ice Court. Slick Rolls Royce cars line the cobbled streets, a city spiraling toward a new age. Rain drenches the obscure signs & hidden arrows pointing to the Speak-Easy halls. In a time of prohibition… down, down, down must one go in the Barrel to find the most notorious of them all. A slice of sin, six feet under. A crowd drunk off vice served in black tea cups.
The young man walks into Kaz Brekker’s office (after fighting his way there), sits himself in a chair opposite a great obsidian desk. Winded & lip still bleeding from his tousle with the men at the doors, Alby wheezes: “Teach me.”
In turn, A near 30 year old Kaz smirks. “I thought lions preferred their pride.”
Alby, barely pushing 17, gives a smile of a golden boy, nervous but strong enough to hold the gaze of a devil. (He’s practiced.) “I thought Crows scavengers. Here I am, a shine for the taking.”
“Still have that crow, little lion?” A feminine shadow whispers from the corner. Unnoticed by the young man previously, he clicks his teeth but still refuses to show fear. A serpent-like bead of sweat slides down his spine, a shiver chasing after. He holds firm, biting his cheek to hide the startle.
He knows this shadow, this phantom. She haunted him, once.
“I buried it with my father,” the Kaelish prince whispers, “or rather, in place of him. Never did find a body. Pity.” He shrugs.
Kaz’s eyes glint like a cat’s, his smile a loaded gun. A gloved hand stretches halfway across the table in offering. “All right, cub. What do you want?”
Alby reaches forward, feeling the cold black leather of Dirtyhands’ grip between his fingers. The moment is a stormy crossroads, a whip between his shoulders reminiscent of his father’s favorite belt. He smiles, for this is a pain Alby has been walking toward since the day he woke up clutching stuffed black feathers.
(His blood never did bleed emerald.)
More than one answer to Kaz’s stinging question come to mind, nettles along the path of his thoughts. Yet, only one pricks Alby into speaking, the rage in his voice real rather than bravado. “Revenge.”
The Wraith giggles roughly, slipping herself to the arm of Kaz’s chair on silent feet. Alby swallows.
“On me?” The leader of the Dregs rasps, a brow peaked with amusement. His wife smiles with closed lips, knives glinting along her body like hungry specters. For here, her teeth are shown. Alby knows she Captain’s a fleet of the deadliest ships in the True Sea. He drags his gaze from her quickly.
“No.” Alby stutters, but he does not lie. Kaz Brekker bested his abusive father, and he does not care about Pekka’s death. In fact, sitting with the suspected murderers, Alby finds he rather prefers their company.
Kaz reclines in his chair, a hand lazily splayed on Captain Ghafa’s knee. He regards Alby with black eyes, a sharpness that pierces through his strength but doesn’t shatter it. A blade meant to probe. A test of mettle. Alby has waited too long for this audience, he cannot lose it. A moment passes.
Dirtyhands looks to his wife, his Wraith. She quirks her head in the silent exchange. Six heart beats have passed, and Alby Rollins is certain he won’t leave this room. He waits for the snap of a cane to bank his vision, a warm blanket of red to cover him from the jugular down.
He waits for death, but does not invite it. It does not come.
Instead, a voice like choking smoke, “Then let us begin.”
Alby Rollins releases a breath. His knuckles loosen in parts. A tattooist is called in.
The Crow & Cup bleeds as it settles, accepting the fresh skin as it’s master’s tithe.
Alby sits taller, a prince of a different kind, a darker throne.
I don’t make the rules but this is now my personal agenda & important that u agree
Crap now I have to put it in a fic
Should I do it?
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siriusleee · 1 year
a better year
a/n: i linked this one to ao3 a week or so ago, but i figured i'd do it now i'm procrastinating the next chapter to adamantine chains lmao this is my take on the bookstore au tags: mentions of sex but nothing explicit, cursing, signs of ptsd, , original female character, retirement from the military, bookstore au 6.7k words summary: He takes her shoes off of her while she insists she can do that herself. He slips the right one off when the fireworks go off outside; the entire town is bathed in their light. "Midnight," she says as Simon rises up on one knee in front of her, ready to tell her goodbye and good night. She kisses him over the mask. She doesn't mention it the next day.
The official order rolled in on plain white paper, an unceremonious carrier of his future. He was the first to go: a sign that the team was being unraveled slowly. After all, they're not young men anymore. 
"You'll receive your pension; it's enough that you shouldn't have to work again. And we've made sure that you have an official background. It's not much, but it's what we can do."
Laswell doesn't move her eyes from his, her fingers clutching a pen so hard her knuckles are white. 
"It's for the best Simon," she says, setting the pen down carefully on her desk, "and if it makes you feel better: everyone will be released soon. I'm sorry."
He's not dumb; he knows these things only last so long. Forced retirement is something to be celebrated - celebrated that he lived long enough to have one, celebrated that his body isn't rotting in some foreign country, a home for worms. Celebrated that the 141 made it out mostly intact. Mostly together. 
Johnny claps him on the back and promises that when Laswell brings him that paper when Johnny gets his own forced retirement, he'll come to find Simon. 
Simon doesn't stay in England - he doesn't like the way the gray settles around him. He leaves the apartment Laswell set up for him untouched, a note for Johnny for where to find him. 
He finds a small house to rent somewhere in the American Southwest, spitting distance of Alejandro's territory. It crosses his mind more than once to make the trip across the border, to see how Alejandro's doing; to see if Rudy is still scared of fantasmas . 
But he isn't a fantasma anymore; he's just Simon Riley.
And it's just Simon Riley who paces the aisles of her bookstore, trying to find something to take his mind off of the fact that he is utterly and completely bored. 
"This is the third time you've been here this month. I'm not putting you into debt am I?"
Her accent is different from everyone else's in town - still decidedly American, just not from here American. Simon ignores her, his eyes focused on the row of books in front of him. She sighs heavily, but drops it, leaving him behind to stock the end cap. Last week's murder mysteries replaced by this week's contemporary romances. 
"I need to lock up you know - I can't stay here all night." She speaks as if it's not odd that Simon only comes in on Thursday nights - the only night of the week she stays open late to rearrange the end cap displays, to vacuum the floors to perfection. 
"You haven't even cleaned the windows yet," Simon replies, pulling a fantasy book from the shelf: something about a world full of malicious fairies and a secret world beneath New York. It's something new. 
"For your information, I did that before you got here," she says, pushing herself up from the floor with a groan. "And I have a life. I can't sit here all night and wait for you to pick a random book off the shelf."
"I never said you didn't."
Simon places the book as she dips behind the counter, a lukewarm cup of coffee left beside the cash register. She drinks from it, wincing at the taste as she rings the book up.
"That'll be seventeen forty-five."
Simon gives her a twenty and she breaks the change, counting out how many pennies he's supposed to have on her fingers. 
"You going to be back next week?"
"I want to close early next Thursday; I need to know if my best customer is going to be here or not."
Simon doesn't speak as he takes the plastic bag from her hands. She waits for him, eyes never leaving his as she sips her coffee, waiting on him to answer. 
"I can come by Friday instead."
"I'm closed Fridays."
"What about Wednesday?"
"I can stay late Wednesday."
He leaves her with just a crinkle of the plastic bag and the chime above the door.
He spends too much time at the gym ignoring Johnny's text messages. Johnny tells him Price was next - swearing that he was going to retire to the countryside where he can smoke his cigars in peace. Maybe find himself a nice girl to cook him dinner every now and then.
His fingers hover over the buttons, almost messaging Price to tell him congratulations. But Simon's not sure it really is. 
He's alone at night; no one's in the gym at two in the morning. No one's there to watch the way he slams the weights down when he's done or hear the way he gasps for breath after lifting too heavy - the tear in his chest that never quite healed right burning him from the inside. 
The walk home is quick; the stars shine brighter than anything he'd ever seen in England. The closest he ever got to seeing them like this was in the Middle East, but he hardly noticed the stars then. He wasn't expecting to be left looking up.
He sits in the shower at home. He can't stand the way the water hits his skin, but can't stand the idea of sitting in the water either. So he stays huddled in the corner of the bathtub, the water barely touching him. 
Simon Riley thinks about death. 
He thinks about what would happen if he died right now. 
He thinks about what it's like to die twice. 
The door is locked when he comes by Wednesday; he feels foolish standing there with his hand still pulling on the door, knowing it won't open beneath his touch. Foolish to think that she would-
Foolish when his heart ticks a beat as she comes around the corner. Foolish when he steps inside just a second after she unlocks the door.
"Sorry, my last employee must have locked the door on their way out. So did you like last week's book?"
"It was alright."
The silence is almost awkward as she locks the door behind him.
"Let me know when you're ready. I just made coffee in that pot behind the counter; you can have some if you want. I shouldn't drink it all myself."
She leaves him behind to disappear into the store room. He paces the aisles aimlessly, waiting for something to jump out at him. It's quiet tonight; the music that's usually playing softly over the speakers is absent. Simon can hear her through the storeroom wall moving boxes around, the sound of a box cutter piercing the quiet every so often. 
She reappears, a box in her arms that she drops heavily onto the counter. Simon watches her over the bookshelf of non-fiction works as she pulls each book out, scans it into the computer, and stacks them on the counter 
When the box is empty, she breaks it down and leaves it on the counter. She looks up, almost catching Simon staring at her. He ducks away, taking a book on the Korean War with him. At the counter, she can barely see him over the stack of books in front of her. 
"Last week was fantasy and this week is the Korean War? You certainly have varied tastes."
Simon hands over the fifteen twenty-two he owes her, her hands linger in the distance between them. 
"Do you have a job?"
Simon's taken aback at her candor. I used to have a job he thinks, as he pockets his change. 
"No, I don't."
"Do you want one? I need a weekend worker. It's just me on Saturdays and Sundays now my other guy quit to go to college. I can't pay you a ton, but I kind of get the feeling you don't need it."
He falters for a moment; that's all it takes. If he's being honest with himself, he misses taking orders, missing feeling useful to someone.
"I can do that." 
"Can you start this Saturday?"
"I can do that."
She's locked the door behind him before he realizes they don't even know each other's names. 
Her name's Billy.
"What's your name; I probably should have asked that before I hired you."
Simon doesn't answer, placing the box down slowly before he answers. It's odd, telling someone his name. His real name. 
"It's Simon. Simon Riley."
She looks him over, elbows resting on the counter. 
"What?"' He asks, uncomfortable under her x-ray analysis of him.
"Just didn't peg you for a Simon. You know with your general countenance; the mask and all that."
She doesn't ask why he has the mask on. Simon gets the feeling that she never will. 
She works him like a dog; he's moving some of the shelves around when he thinks that this is probably the reason her last employee quit. It's like being ordered around by Price again, but this time his enemy is the dust. He doesn't stop moving until well after noon; sweat gathering in the small of his back. In her office, Billy is on the phone, yelling indistinctly at the person on the other line.
He doesn't have to watch her to know she's angry when she slams the phone down. He expects her to storm out of her office, to slam the door shut behind her. But she doesn't. When she comes out she's calm.
On Sunday she shows him how the books are organized, and she has him switch around the genres.
"Romance sells best during the spring, and mystery best in the fall and winter. So we need to pull the mystery books up to this front aisle and move the romance towards the back. These shelves roll so they're easier to move."
She's meticulous; Simon moves the same shelf four times before it's lined up exactly where she wants it. His constellation prize: cash wages handed to him at the end of the day.
"No paycheck?"
Her nails tap against the counter, the white paint chipped.
"I haven't processed your paperwork yet. I can take the money back if you want."
Simon pockets it.
They lock up together. It's warm outside, but she still tugs a hoodie over herself whenever she finishes, tucking her keys into the pocket.
It's a complete coincidence that they set off in the same direction. 
Simon wants a cigarette; his fingers itch for the pack in his pocket. But she'd said earlier in the day that the smell was disgusting and she couldn't breathe whenever someone with cigarette smoke on them passed her by.
They split up two blocks away from the bookstore. She motions up to the upstairs apartment of a shitty duplex. It's not the kind of place he expected her to be in.
"This is me. I'll see you next Saturday right?"
"I'll be there."
"Good night Simon."
She doesn't wait for him to say anything; not that he would have known what to say. She's up the stairs and inside (she didn't unlock the door; he has to restrain himself from going upstairs to tell her to lock it next time) before he can think of anything to say.
He smokes a cigarette at the bottom of her stairs; watches the outline of her against the curtains in her window. A fat black cat peers down at him, peers down at the cherry of Simon's cigarette in the darkness. The street lamp is burnt out, the shadows dark. He stubs the cigarette out on the sole of his boot and throws the cigarette butt out in the street. 
He's almost certain she'd chide him for that - the same way she did a kid who had the audacity to throw a cigarette down in front of her shop. 
His apartment is extra cold when he gets home.
"Maybe Price has it right: a life in the countryside. A pretty girl to cook you a few meals. Maybe a dog to curl up at your feet," Johnny drones on the other end of the line. Simon doesn't answer, his focus on cutting the potatoes in front of him into meticulous cubes. Johnny doesn't need him to speak. 
"What about you L.T.? What have you been up to?"
"I'm not a lieutenant anymore Johnny."
"You'll always be L.T. to me. And don't ignore the question."
Simon drops the potatoes into a pot, waiting on the answer to unstick from the back of his throat.
"Not much. I go to the gym a lot."
He doesn't tell Johnny how he has to break his gun down and put it back together three times each night before he can sleep.
"That it?"
"I'm working at a bookstore."
"A bookstore! A few months out and you're domesticated."
"Watch it, Johnny."
A pause.
"I have to go L.T.. Gaz is yelling at me."
Their goodbye is the silence that follows. 
Billy's arguing with a customer when he arrives Saturday morning.
"Listen, dude, I don't care what price you want to pay. This is my business and I set the prices. If you don't like it, you're not being forced to come here."
The customer drops it when Simon steps behind the counter. 
"I hate that guy," Billy tells him as she hands him a box cutter. "He comes in every week and tries to get me to lower my prices. It's a bookstore; I'm not getting rich off of this. I can't afford that. Anyway-" 
She sweeps her hair behind her shoulders. Simon catches a hint of a tattoo behind her right ear and a glint of cold chain disappearing beneath her shirt.
"Finals are coming up for the local community college so I had two different study groups book the tables in here today. They're usually pretty good, we just have to make sure to keep the coffee pot refilled for them because they'll drink it dry. It's $5 if they want coffee - per person don't let them try to swindle us - but they can refill it as much as they want."
Her fingers tap against the counter. Her nails are blue this week.
"If they ask about selling us their textbooks, tell them to come back next week. I have a shipment of children's books coming in - you can sign for it if I'm busy. Do I need to show you how to use the cash register or can you figure it out?"
"I can figure it out."
"Ok. The code is 4532. For now, do you mind breaking down the boxes in the back room and taking them to the dumpster? It's hard for me to reach to open up the dumpster lid."
She doesn't wait for him to answer before she disappears into the back room.
This Saturday is busy. 
Simon's about to snap at a kid who won't shut up about how the comic section is too small when Billy appears beside him. 
"I'll take over here Simon. There's lunch in the back room."
He's thankful for her in that moment.
He's more thankful when the storeroom shuts behind him and locks. The table has a small bag with his name written on it. A sandwich from the deli across the street and a bottle of water inside.
There are no tomatoes on the sandwich.
Just like he always orders it.
He smokes a cigarette again outside her apartment. But this time he tucks the butt back into the pack. He'll throw it away at home.
"I want to put a coffee shop in here," Billy tells him when the store is slow. She traces the right side of the store with her fingers.
"And I want to open the shop up earlier and stay open later."
"Why don't you?" Simon asks without looking up from his task of the day: putting 'half-priced' stickers on books that aren't selling well.
"I'm not making enough money. I have just enough to pay you and my weekday employee and the overhead cost of this place, plus pay myself. There's not any extra coming in. The bank-," she pauses, red nails scraping at a piece of tape on the counter, "the bank is willing to give me a loan on the coffee shop stuff - the machines and all that - but I don't have the money for the renovations. My contractor told me he'd have to build the cabinets, open up the drywall and put an extension on our water pipe. A water filter needs to be installed. It's just - it's just a lot."
She slides the stack of books he's already put stickers on off of the counter and into her arms.
"Maybe next year."
The next time Johnny calls, Simon can hear the strain in his voice. 
"It's my turn L.T.. Laswell said I failed the psychological and I can't stay."
"You going to keep good on your promise to come to be my annoying neighbor Johnny."
"Not yet. I want to go home to my mom for a little bit. Maybe next year L.T.."
"Next year's going to be a big year I guess," Simon says more to himself. 
"What's that L.T.?"
"Nothing Johnny. We should be happy we made it out."
Simon knows Johnny's not happy: not happy he never received the rank he wanted, not happy he has to go back home and take care of his mom again.
"You're right L.T.. I'll call you again when I'm home. How's the bookstore thing?"
"It's going alright. Bye, Johnny."
In the silence after the call, Simon thinks he should get a cat. Something to make the apartment less quiet; something to give him purpose when he's there.
Something that won't crawl all over him at the end of the day.
He needs something to do with his hands.
That's what he tells Billy when she arrives at the store on Saturday morning and Simon's ripping up a portion of the carpet, a stack of flooring waiting to be installed.
"So you have to do it when I'll have customers here?"
"Tell them it's a new addition; they'll be alright."
"I'm not paying you extra for this."
"I didn't ask you to."
Billy looks at him, one foot tapping a sharp staccato muffled by the carpet. 
She pauses for a moment, Simon's knife running down the carpet to separate it from the floor beneath. She picks up one of the pieces of flooring, turning it over in her hand.
"What is this?"
"It's vinyl. It's waterproof in case you spill something."
Billy drops the plank back onto the stack and leaves to unlock the front door.
Simon revels in the way his shoulders burn at the work, the way the rough concrete scratches his knuckles once everything is pulled off the floor and he has to start laying down the underflooring. He revels in the way his back cramps as he's bent over.
In the way he feels useful.
It takes him all day to get half the flooring down.
Billy doesn't speak to him about it, doesn't ask where he got the money from, or why he's suddenly doing free renovations on the place. 
Simon knows she appreciates it by the way she drops down his lunch - no tomatoes, just a water to drink- beside him without expecting a thank you. By the way, she chides the little kids who come over to ask him a million and one questions, he doesn't know how to answer and brushes them away from him. 
She catches him smoking in the back alley on his break. She's polite enough to turn back when she realizes he has his mask down and keeps her back turned to him.
"That shit's going to kill you."
"It can only hope." 
Simon can tell she's giving him a withering look at him from her position half inside the doorway.
"If you come in smelling like that cancerous poison I'm not going to talk to you for the rest of the day."
He must smell because she doesn't speak to him for the rest of the day, not even saying goodbye when they depart at her apartment.
Simon hides the cigarettes in a drawer when he gets home.
It's Price that reaches out to him first, a quick phone call, a holdover from their days in the field.
"Are you holding up?"
Not "how are you holding up?", but "are you holding up?" The difference between three letters is so vast Simon doesn't know how to cross it.
"I'm doing fine."
"Johnny told me you've got a job?"
"Just something to keep me occupied."
"Is that all you've got?"
"What more do I need?"
The receiver is filled with the sound of Price inhaling a cigar; Simon can almost smell him through the receiver.
"You're not Ghost anymore Simon. It takes more than that to survive this."
Survive this . As if this is the most dangerous mission Simon's ever been on as if being forcibly retired has some sort of great mortality rate. 
He listens to Price's dial tone for five minutes before he hangs up.
Maybe it does.
He paces the town at night. Once the gym doesn't become enough to wear him out, doesn't help his brain relax, he walks the streets. 
He thinks more than once that someone is going to call the cops on him and report him for being suspicious. 
But Simon Riley isn't Ghost anymore. Simon Riley is someone not worth noticing. 
It's almost surprising how well the little town sleeps with the remnants of Ghost stalking through it; how now one seems to have any idea of what he was once - and still is - capable of.
He steals a lot of time sitting on people's steps, on the stoops of little houses, picking the petals off of the flowers in big pots, and lining up the shoes and toys that were left disarrayed in the chaos of the daytime. He wonders if someone is going to catch him on their security camera and name him the town freak, but no one does.
He keeps up at it enough that he can feel the shift in the air, feel winter creeping in. He notices it in the way more and more boots are left outside, by the plants with plastic coverings over them, protecting them.
He finds himself, more often than not, taking the long way around to stop at the bottom stairs of Billy's apartment. Most nights the lights are off, and the window open. He wants to tell her to stop doing that, to lock the window, but he doesn't know how to say it without giving away his nights. So instead he keeps watch, hands buried in his pockets as he counts the moths in the streetlights. 
Sometimes though the lights are on and he can hear the sound of her house through the open window. Sometimes the cat peers down at him as if prepared to leap through the window screen at him - sometimes she grabs the cat, never looking down at Simon; more often than not the cat curls up in the windowsill without budging. 
A few times he could hear her talking to someone, the conversation muffled from above. He wondered about who she could be talking to so late at night. Why she was up in the middle of the night to talk to someone? 
He makes his way home as the town starts to wake up.
He moves once - to a tiny house in the middle of town, just enough to have a yard big enough to cross in two strides.
He tells Johnny it's because he was tired of the noises of the neighbors. 
He tells Johnny it's because he's taken up woodworking and needs a spot for the tools.
"What are you building you old bastard?"
"Some cabinets."
"For what?"
"Mind your own business, Johnny."
It takes weeks to get them perfect. Eventually, though, they're good enough to put in the back of a rented truck. 
He does it on a Friday when no one is around. He tells himself that it's easier that way, no one walking underfoot. 
That night he lets himself admit - just for a moment as he sits on the shower floor - that he didn't want to see her face if she's disappointed by it.
She refuses to open the door for him the next day, opting to yell at him through the glass instead.
"You cannot keep making renovations to my store without asking me!"
"It's no big deal; open the door."
"No big deal: you put a floor down, you handbuild cabinets, and you broke into my store to install them!"
"You gave me a key."
"Not for that!"
It's a stalemate: Simon poised with his hand on the door handle, her hands tucked into the pocket of her jacket.
"I still have to do the plumbing."
She massages her eyes before leaning forward to turn the lock. Simon steps inside with the biting wind.
"You're fucking irritating, Simon Riley."
I know .
She makes him put up the Christmas tree - a fucking monstrosity that takes up the entire front window. It takes him all day to get the decorations to her standard; her yelling through the store at him to move something incrementally to the left or right.
Billy leans on the counter, shuffling through official-looking papers and refusing to look at Simon when he's finished.
"Thanks to you," she says, never looking up at him, "I have to start getting the paperwork processed to be able to serve food and drinks here."
"Is it difficult?"
"It's not easy."
Their conversation pauses just long enough for her to check out a customer. She turns back to Simon as soon as the door shuts.
"Why are you doing all this Simon?"
He doesn't answer, and he realizes as he stands there, hands folded behind his back and spine rigid that he needs to tell her something, but all he notices is the black ink mark on her cheek. She doesn't pressure him to answer, but she doesn't let her eyes leave him.
Simon breaks first, eyes cast down to the floor.
"Ok," Billy whispers under her breath, "you don't have to answer, but just let me know when you're going to do something else. Can you text me next time before you start?"
"I don't have your number."
She doesn't ask for his phone, instead, she tears a corner of a piece of paper off and scribbles her number on it. Her hands don't shake when she holds the paper out to Simon, but his shake when he takes it. Simon can tell Billy notices. He stuffs the paper into his pocket, pushing it past his keys and his phone. 
"Hey, Simon," Billy chews on her lip.
"Are you busy tomorrow night?"
Johnny's chatting his ear off, Simon's barely paying attention to him as he stares at the shirts thrown out on his bed.
"- L.T.? Simon?"
"What? Johnny, what?"
"Are you even listening?"
"No, Johnny. I'm not."
The static of Johnny's disapproval.
"What could be distracting you from my wonderful conversation?"
"I'm busy Johnny."
"With what?"
"Nothing Johnny. I just have somewhere to be later - I'm trying to get ready for dinner."
"Dinner? Like with someone else?"
Simon hangs up on him.
Simon wants to pretend that he doesn't have the path to her house memorized; doesn't have each step calculated to know when exactly to stand on the bottom step at 6:59 so that he can knock on her door right at 7. But he does, so he hovers on the bottom step for an extra minute.
She doesn't answer when he knocks; she yells through the door for him to come in. In his pocket his phone buzzes every few seconds, Johnny sends another message insisting that Simon tell him who he's eating dinner with. Simon thinks for a moment about blocking his number for the night.
Billy smiles at him from behind the counter, elbow-deep in bread dough. All at once, Simon feels overdressed taking in the large shirt covered in flour Billy's wearing. 
"Hey. Sorry, dinner's going to be like 30 minutes later than I said. I couldn't get this shit to rise properly for like an hour."
"It's alright."
Billy must sense his apprehension because she jerks her head at a chair pulled up to the counter. 
"Come sit down."
Simon appreciates the order. Billy rolls the dough out on the counter, measuring the thickness with her knuckle with a precision Simon would expect out of her. He has to keep himself from staring at her; instead, he analyzes the rest of the apartment. 
He can see everything but the bedroom from his one spot; that door is firmly shut. It's clean but the type of clean houses have whenever someone new is coming over and everything is thrown into a closet. After a few minutes, Simon thinks he needs to speak.
"What are you making?"
"Rolls. I made - uh - what is the fancy word for it - beef bourgine?"
"Beef bourguignon?"
Billy smiles down at the dough as she cuts squares out.
"I'm glad one of us can say it - I can cook, I just can't speak French."
"Do you always cook like this?"
"Only on special occasions."
Special occasions . 
It's awkward at first for Simon to sit there while she moves about the kitchen, putting the rolls in the oven and cleaning the counter; Billy doesn't speak much and Simon knows she doesn't feel the need to fill the silence either. 
His phone buzzes again - under the counter he checks it.
don't leave me hanging lt tell me whos it is
"Your girlfriend?" Billy teases without turning to look at Simon from the other side of the kitchen. 
"Not exactly," Simon says, muting the phone and shoving it back in his pocket. 
"Do you have one?" Her voice is prying, but she doesn't look at Simon as she pulls bowls down from the cabinet. 
"A girlfriend?"
It bubbles inside him - just once - the urge to tell her about himself . He swallows it down.
"Not even back home?"
"Back home?"
She grins at him slyly, setting two glasses of water down in front of the two of them.
"Why do you think I have to keep paying you in cash? Your um….paperwork didn't exactly list you as being an employable American. And you have - you know - an accent."
Simon doesn't realize he's leaning toward her until his elbows hit the counter. 
"No, not back home."
She seems satisfied by that answer - or she doesn't have time to ask anything else. Behind her the oven timer beeps and she turns to pull the rolls out. They're barely out of the oven whenever she ladles the stew into the bowls and pulls two rolls off one for each of them.
 Pushing the bowl towards Simon she opens her mouth - Simon thinks she's going to ask something else but she just shakes her head. 
"I'm going to eat over there, so you can eat too," she says passing him a fork. 
"No cameras?"
"None you can see."
She retreats to the other side of the room and drops down on the couch so that she's facing away from him. Muffled behind a door to the right, Simon can hear her cat meow once. 
They eat in silence; Simon knows she's only eating slowly to give him time to finish without her accidentally turning to see his face. He doesn't need it: he realizes he hasn't had a meal that hasn't consisted of a sandwich or some form of potatoes in weeks; he eats fast, slowing down just as he finishes to keep from embarrassing himself. 
He sets the bowl down with enough dramatics that she can tell he's done without having to turn around. It's quiet again when she comes into the kitchen and takes his bowl to rinse it out in the sink. The sound of the water makes his skin crawl; it clashes with the domestic feeling of being taken care of. 
She laughs quietly to herself as she dries her hands on her shirt, lifting it up just enough to expose the little shorts she has on underneath.
"Something funny?"
"Not really funny," she says, hands stilling in her shirt, "I don't know - it just - I - well it's about this time of dinner that guys usually try to take me to the bedroom. I was just thinking about how different this night would be with anyone else."
With anyone else . 
That bothers him some.
"I don't suppose that's what you came here for," she grins at him as she speaks, resting her elbows on the counter. "Besides we don't even know each other."
"We work with each other every weekend," Simon retorts, not sure why he feels the need to prove her wrong.
"And we barely speak the entire time."
She points at him, her bright yellow nails glinting in the light.
"I've never seen you in anything other than long sleeves, even on the hottest day. You could have like fucking tentacles under there and I wouldn't know. And you don't even know anything about me."
For once, Simon doesn't think - he does.
He pushes his sleeves up slowly, each one nearly to his elbow. Billy leans forward, just enough to see the tattoo ink and scars that mar his forearms. Her fingers twitch against the countertop like she wants to reach out and touch him, but they stay still.
"Do you - do you only have tattoos on your arms?"
Simon reaches up to hook one finger in his collar and pulls it down just a half inch - just enough to show her the ink there.
"Your turn," Simon says, dropping his hand down. Under the counter, it lies fisted on his thigh.
"My turn?" Billy asks eyebrow cocked at him.
"Do you have any tattoos?"
She licks her lips once; Simon can see her thinking. After a pause she reaches down to grab the edge of her shirt - Simon's heart clenches. She lifts the hem up, just enough to show him the edge of a tattoo on her side, disappearing beneath her shorts and rising above where she lifted. She laughs a little as she drops the shirt.
"Is that all we need to know about each other?"
"It's a start."
He finally tells her he was in the military four Sundays after the first one. She'd told him at work she was too tired to cook and apologized, promising to make it up to him. So when he showed up at her door with a pizza and a promise that he was just dropping it off on his way home, he was surprised when she asked him to come in.
Each week they coaxed something new out of each other: a snippet about their families, about their travels. He loves Kentucky; she's from the East Coast. Her father died young. He's from England.
She's curled up in the recliner the cat on her stomach - they're watching something on television but they're both not really paying attention to it. So he blurts it out - a new confession in this weekly therapy.
"I was in the military."
"I guessed. The British Armed Forces?"
"The SAS."
She frowns and Simon stiffens.
"Is that like a unit or something?"
This time she grins.
"Is that why you always lock my door behind you when you come in?"
"No. I do it because you never know who could come in when you're alone."
"You mean when you're not here."
She rolls over, clutching the cat to her chest so as to not dump him on the floor until her feet hang over the arm and she can eyeball Simon across the room.
"I can shoot straight."
"Can you?"
She can. She takes him through the desert on Friday afternoon, bundled up against the cold. Out where they can target practice without anyone bothering them.
She hits every target.
"Christmas is this weekend."
"So you know we're closed right? I'm not paying you time and a half."
A pause longer than he's used to.
"Are you doing anything for Christmas?"
"Do you want to come over?"
She makes Chinese on Christmas. A tradition she says because when she was younger the only places open were Chinese restaurants and her dad couldn't cook. They didn't have real dinners until she learned to cook herself, but it was always Chinese on Christmas.
The cat has a bell around its neck for the holiday and it latches onto Simon for the night. She wrinkles her nose at the cat and calls him a traitor. The cat doesn't seem to care. 
"I didn't get you a present," she says, putting her bowl on the coffee table. From his spot in the kitchen, Simon speaks.
"I didn't get you one either."
"Well, you're slowly building me an entire coffee shop."
"That's not present."
"Well, it's not exactly in your job description either."
He leaves his half-eaten bowl on the counter to drop down on the couch. She's sideways in the armchair, shirt riding up and a bruise on her shin. She's back to white nails.
"I can make out with you for Christmas; other guys have liked that present."
Simon's heart nearly stops. 
"Excuse me?"
"I'm just kidding Si."
Just kidding .
She begs and pleads with him to please go out to the bar with her for the new year. He doesn't have to drink, she says, she can drink enough for the both of them. 
She does. She doesn't even make it until eleven.
He carries her home on his back. Her door is unlocked and wants to think about how dangerous that is, but all he can think about is her warm breath on his neck.
He drops her unceremoniously onto the couch - he thinks about carrying her to the bedroom, but that's one place the door has always been shut to. 
He does take her shoes off of her while she insists she can do that herself. He slips the right one off when the fireworks go off outside; the entire town is bathed in their light.
"Midnight," she says as Simon rises up on one knee in front of her, ready to tell her goodbye and good night.
She kisses him over the mask.
She doesn't mention it the next day.
By summer, Simon has the entire cafe portion of the store finished. He's embarrassed when she hangs a sign over the area: 'Simon's Spot'. 
"What?" She asks, peering down at him from the top of the ladder. "You built it."
He breaks during the summer. Billy calls him on a Tuesday, asking if he knows anything about air conditioning systems.
"You built the cafe, so I know you're handy."
He doesn't. But he can figure it out. 
After hours the bookstore is sweltering. Billy has the blinds pulled down in a futile attempt to keep out some of the heat and the setting sun. Her shirt, already cropped short, clings to her with sweat when she unlocks the front door for Simon. 
It takes him two hours but he figures it out. When it kicks on she looks up at him, one arm resting on his shoulder, and tells him he's her hero.
He makes it all the way to her apartment - the promise of something for dinner and a cold drink as for payment the ruse - before he does it. 
It's dark inside, dark enough that when he locks the door behind him, he slips his mask off. She turns to ask him something - he doesn't hear it; he's too busy kissing her, pushing her back against the kitchen cabinet. 
It's messy - the kissing - he can't remember the last time he kissed somebody like this - all teeth and tongue and need.
When they stumble into her room, he doesn't take his shirt off, and she doesn't ask why.
"Come visit me L.T.. Scotlands beautiful this time of year."
"I'll have to book two tickets Johnny; that's not cheap."
"Alright, you cheap bastard you can afford it."
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sacredthefran · 10 months
Cream & Sugar Pt 7 (2/2)
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Pairing: Jake Kiszka + Female Reader
Warnings: Sugar Daddy, Nothing to crazy this chapter :) just some fluff 18+ MINORS DNI
Authors Notes: Hi bb’s! It’s finally here! Also if any of you guys are going to DC, MSG and Philly let me know! I want to meet everyone and give them some bracelets I made. As always, let me know what you guys think :) don't worry, part 8 is coming sooner than you know.......
Word Count: 3.4k
“That’s right. I planned us a little date.” 
“Haha, so funny. Where are we really going?” 
“I told you. I planned a date. Now be quiet and look out the window, entertain yourself.” 
You decided to do just that - entertain yourself. You found yourself looking out of the window, aimlessly counting all the trees that you passed, counting all the cars that you two had passed, hell, you were even keeping a tally in your head of each color they were. 
“We’re here!” Jake spoke in a cheerful voice while tapping your thigh to get your attention.
“Uh….Jake?” You called out timidly to him, watching as he got out of the car doing a little stretch. 
“You’re fucking with me right?” 
“What makes you think that?” Jake peered over his black lens sunglasses, raising an eyebrow at you. 
“There’s nothing around us,” you paused to open up your hands - motioning to the empty field that surrounds the black SUV. “Oh wait…I think I can hear a cow mooing in the distance.” 
“Ha ha. Smartass. Get out of the car.” You could see a little grin making its way onto Jake’s face as he tried not to laugh at your joke. 
“Promise you’re not going to murder me?” 
“I promise…well, I want you to enjoy this picnic before I kill you. It’s the least I could do.” 
Jake winked at you as he closed the car door, walking over to the trunk of the car, opening it and pulling out a brown whittaker basket. 
“You going to join me? Or are you just going to keep staring at me that whole time?” 
Closing your mouth and taking a deep breath, you opened up the car door, finding yourself once again, doing whatever Jake wants you too.  As you got out of the car you couldn’t help but to admire him in the sunset. The way his hair was laying messily on his shoulders, he couldn’t stop running his fingers through his locks - a nervous habit that he had, the way how the orange glow was radiating around him, making him look more like a God. 
Fuck, how is that even possible? 
It was almost as if he could feel your eyes on him. He turned his head slightly to you, giving you one of the softest smiles you’ve ever seen grace his features. You knew that you were slowly falling for him, but this? This right here could be your downfall.
“Can you help me with the blanket?” Jake’s voice cracked as he turned his head to face forward again. 
No, he can’t be nervous, could he? 
Instead of responding, you made your way over to stand directly in front of him, just a couple of inches separating the two of you. Your eyes locked as you knelt down to grab part of the black blanket that was almost touching the ground, noticing how Jake’s breath caught in the back of his throat as you slowly made your way back up - making sure that your face would purposely be by the crotch of his jeans.  
“Stop that.” 
“Me? I’m not doing anything?” You exclaimed as you brushed your knuckles against his, before stepping away from him completely, letting the length of the blanket separate the two of you. 
“You know what you’re doing. Stop trying to wake him up.” 
“Him? Don’t tell me you’re the type of guy who names his dick.” 
“So what if I am?” 
“What’s it called? Anaconda? Your sword? Mini Me?” 
“Shut up. Lay the blanket down.” Jake mumbled - avoiding your eye contact as he lowered the fabric to the ground and sunk down to his knees. 
“Shut up. Lay the blanket down.” You parroted back, watching in amusement as his cheeks flushed a light pink.
“Quit that.” 
Rolling your eyes, you followed his actions of sitting on the blanket, putting a couple of inches in between you two. Everytime Jake would lift something out of the basket, you would grab it out of his hand , trying to ignore the little fire that would ignite in your stomach everytime your fingers would brush. Once everything was laid out, you watched as Jake let out a soft sigh and moved himself to the whole other side of the blanket - turning himself so he was staring directly at you. 
“What?” Jake asked innocently as he tilted his head. 
“The sunset’s that direction.” You let out a soft giggle, raising your hand and pointing directly behind him. 
“I know.” 
“So? You’re not going to watch it?” 
“I’d rather look at you if that’s alright.” Jake shrugged, opening a bottle of water, giving you a tiny little smirk as he brought the bottle to his lips.  
You could feel a tiny blush rising across your cheeks and your chest - you absolutely hated it. You already were trying to get accustomed to the fact that you were pretending to be a man’s girlfriend for money - but the last thing you wanted to do was start to develop feelings past platonic with him. It’ll complicate things. You can’t even count how many times you have had to tell yourself that within the past month. Constantly having an internal battle between right and wrong. 
“Judging by how red you’re getting, I would say it’s more than alright.” 
“Shut up.” 
“Shut up.”  You shot him a glare in hopes to get him to stop talking. 
“Doesn’t feel so good when someone mocks you, does it?” Jake spoke with a little giggle, as he reached forward to grab a grape. 
“You think you’re so funny, don’t you.” 
“Well you don’t make me laugh, so I gotta make myself do it.” 
Your mouth opened in a gasp as you registered what he said, finding yourself blushing even more - a steady heat starting to ignite all over your body. 
“Close your mouth. I’m not in the mood to fuck your pretty little mouth right now, I’m trying to be romantic.” 
“You? Romantic? Don’t make me laugh.” You rolled your eyes at the long haired man in front of you - you had to at least play hard to get, you didn’t want him to know that you have been swooning on the inside since he chose to face you instead of the orange painted sky. 
“Fine, this isn’t a date. It’s just a sugar daddy getting to spend alone time with his sugar baby.” 
Damnit. You thought to yourself as Jake broke out into a toothy grin, removing his sunglasses and hanging them off the collar of his shirt. 
“Here.” You were snapped out of your little daydream to find Jake holding out a container of Granny Smith Apples with a small round black container sitting on top of it. 
“What’s that?”
“Oh, I thought these were your favorite apples.” Jake’s voice almost disappeared as he finished the sentence. 
“No. They are my favorite. I just meant what’s in the black container.” You stopped him from pulling back the container by putting a hand on his wrist - holding him delicately in place. 
“It’s peanut butter and honey, you said that was your favorite to dip it in, right?”
He remembered, you could feel your heart swelling at the tiny action. 
“Yeah, it’s my favorite.” 
It grew silent between the two of you as you sat there and picked at all the snacks Jake had packed. Every so often, you two would make eye contact, staring softly at each other until the other would break away and look down at the ground.
“20 Questions?” 
“Huh?” Jake lifted his eyes eight from the slices of mozzarella cheese to meet your line of vision, blushing lightly when he noticed you were already looking at him. 
“20 questions? You know, the game where you ask the other person questions to get to know them more?” 
“I know what it is. I just wasn’t sure if I heard you correctly. Ask away.” Jake rolled his eyes at you in a playful manner. 
“You go first. I suggested the game.” 
“Okay……are you a virgin?”
“Jacob…” You scolded him in a teasing tone, knowing that of course, he would poke fun at your suggestion. 
“Alright, alright. Let me think for a second..” The long haired man trailed off, looking out towards the sunset in a trance, him pushing his tongue into the side of his cheek. 
“Favorite color?” 
“That’s the question? That’s all you came up with?” You looked over at him, raising your eyebrows, feeling a little shocked that was the only thing he could come up with to ask you. 
“Yes, that is my question. I think it’s important that we get to know the little things about each other, before we know each other’s deepest darkest secrets.” Jake leaned forward, squinting his eyes at you speaking as if he was stating facts. 
“Why do you think that’s important?” 
“Excuse me? It was my turn to ask the question, not yours. Don’t be rude.” Jake sucked his teeth at you. 
“Maroon. Now answer my question.” 
“You don’t care to know mine?” Jake let out a short breath, placing a hand over his heart like he was wounded by your words. 
“Jake, I would love, if you would do the honor of letting me know your favorite color.” 
“You sure know how to capture my heart, don’t you? Emerald green.” 
“That’s what I just said, isn’t it?” 
“Is that why you were so adamant on me wearing a green dress the night we met?” 
“No…well kind of. Deandra sent me a photo of you, and I knew since the moment I saw you that you would look good in green. Nothing wrong with wanting to see a beautiful lady in my favorite color.” 
You couldn’t find the words to say, feeling dumb founded at this exact moment. Your insides were practically turning as you processed everything Jake was saying, maybe he was trying to be serious about the romance. 
“Don’t get all shy on me now.” Jake smirked, looking over at you, his eyes getting bigger in size as he took in how nervous you looked all of a sudden.  “Are you going to ask me a question or are you going to keep looking at the grass? I promise it’s not going anywhere.” 
“Favorite food?”
“Italian. You?” 
“Probably Spanish, there’s nothing better than going to XOCO, sitting on the patio outside, sipping a margarita, and watching the sunrise.” You hummed out to him, reminiscing on all the afternoons you spent at the table in the back of the patio watching the sky turn different colors until nightfall, something about it was so peaceful to you. 
“I’ll take you to Mexico one day, you’ll love it.” Jake spoke absentmindedly. 
“You’d want to take me on a trip?” You choked out, reaching over to grab the bottle of white wine, he had just removed from the basket. You audibly gulped as you looked at the bottle weighing heavily in your hands -  Chateau La Mission Haut Brion - Blanc. 
White wine, but the thing is, this just wasn’t an ordinary bottle of white wine - this was the wine that your parents had gifted you when you completed law school. They told you to make sure to save it for a special occasion, and you did just that. The bottle sat firmly on top of the black cabinet in your kitchen. You told Jake this story during a late night conversation, complaining to him about how you were tempted so badly to open it and pour yourself a glass, but you couldn’t bring yourself to do so. 
“What’s this?” 
“Just a random bottle I had lying around my house.” 
“I may have sent Josh out to get it this morning when you were sleeping.” 
“How did..” You trailed off, trying to find the correct wording for the sentence, you didn’t want to assume that he remembered this minor detail.
“How many times do I have to tell you that I pay attention to everything that you tell me.” Jake rolled his eyes playfully. “Besides, I’m not a huge fan of white wine, but this one’s good and I figured this is kind of a special occasion. 
You weren’t sure how many questions were asked between the two of you - but you were positive that it was more than twenty. The air around the two of you felt different. You tried finding the words to describe it, but you couldn’t. You weren’t sure if it was because the questions turned from getting to know the small things about each other to getting to know big details about each other’s lives. He had asked you about your childhood, wanting to know every little detail about your family and you did the same. If you were lying to yourself you would say that Jake wasn’t letting his guard down around you - but he was. 
It scared you more than you wanted it to. Somehow throughout the conversations, you two had all but finished the bottle, giggling at each other from the top of your glasses, holding eye contact for  a couple of seconds before one of you would have to look away from the intensity of it. You weren’t sure how late it was, noticing how the sky had lost the orange hue and turned black, with only the light from the moon shining down upon you. 
You hated yourself for it but you had one question that kept popping up in your mind relentlessly. 
“So can I ask you something?” You looked up at him timidly. 
“I thought that’s what we were doing all along.” 
“Shut up.” You found yourself chuckling as Jake busted out into a contagious fit of giggles. His cheeks turning rosy from the mixture of alcohol and the laughter. 
“Ask away.” 
“Did you…did you k-” 
“Did I kill Koszak?” Jake turned dead serious as he took the words out of your mouth. You were positive that he could hear you gulping - trying to swallow down your nerves. 
“You really think I’m capable of doing that?” Jake shook his head, looking up at the moon, staring at it lost in thought. 
“Well, I have been warned about y-” 
“So you decide that those rumors are true? Unbelievable.” He scoffed “I know I have a temper and I don’t always know how to control it. Yes, I can be merciless to some people. But, to accuse me of murder? What the fuck? You really think that low of me?” 
“Jake….I don’t think you are capable of doing it, but it just scared me. You were pissed off at the whole situation, you had Josh stalking my every move and then you come walking into the bedroom with blood covering you! What am I supposed to think? Please tell me!” 
The tones of calm in the air quickly turned into anger as you both sat up on your knees, staring at one another. Neither backing down from each other. If looks could kill.
“That’s when you trust your fucking gut and trust that I’m not that type of person.” 
A couple of minutes had passed between the two of you - both of you just continuously staring, trying to think through the thoughts that were bombarding your mind. 
“Look, I don’t want to fight with you.” Jake spoke softly, reaching out and grabbing your hand, softly pulling you towards him. “You want the truth?” 
You nodded sheepishly at him as you crawled your way over to him. The coldness of the night started to fade away as you were surrounded by the warmth that radiated off of him. 
“Yes, I do work for some dangerous people and yes, I am on their defense team. That’s how I made all my money. Yes, I was extremely angry with you when you went against my word and got on that fucking airplane alone with Koszak. I was trying to protect you. I don’t think you understand how dangerous he was.”
He paused briefly to look down at you - taking a deep breath preparing himself for what he was about to say next. 
“I don’t know what it is about you…but I feel the need to protect you. Just let me do that y/n. I know I can be controlling but it’s because I’m worried about what could possibly happen to you.” 
Fuck. You felt as if he had punched you right in the stomach, making all the air leave your body.  
“I was pissed, I was - no I wanted to kill him. But I could never do that. I called some of the people I worked for and cashed in on a couple of favors that they owe me and I did what I had to do to make sure he would never lay his hands on you again.” Jake puffed out his cheeks and slowly blew the air out, trying to calm himself. “Baby, you’ve got to believe me. I would never kill him.” 
“But you organized his murder.” 
“I don’t want to go into too many details, but the world is better off without him in it.” 
“Okay? I just admitted something major to you and you just go ‘okay’?” Jake brushed a piece of your hair away from your face, tucking it behind your ears as he searched your eyes back and forth, trying to read your mind. 
“Okay, I believe you.”  You breathed out, not finding it in yourself to break away from Jake’s eyes. 
“Thank god.” Jake chuckled, moving his thumb in a soothing motion against your cheek, pulling your face up to meet his and placing a soft kiss against your lips. 
You made a move to deepen it, but Jake wasn’t having it - pulling away slowly to rest his forehead against yours. 
“I don’t want to fuck tonight. I just want us to enjoy each other and watch the fireworks.” 
“Fireworks?” You question him as a loud boom sounded off behind you - streaks of red painting the sky. 
“Perfect, just in time.” Jake then sat on the ground, parting his legs and beckoned for you to sit in between them. 
You complied, smiling to yourself as you turned your back to him, feeling his arms circle around either side of your waist, pulling you tightly against his chest. You could feel him smiling too when he placed his chin into your shoulder, nudging his cheeks against yours as you watched the colorful display. 
“See that one right there?” Jake lifted a finger pointing to the sky, looking at the Weeping Willow. 
“Those are my favorite.” You spoke in a meep voice, snuggling yourself further into his soft chest , enjoying the clunking noise his necklaces would make. 
“Really? They’re mine too.” He leaned down to whisper into your ear, his nose nuzzling into your hair. You could’ve sworn that he inhaled your scent at that moment. 
“My grandparents had a cabin in the woods, it was behind the pond that I told you Josh and I used to fish at. My grandma told my grandfather that weeping willows were her favorite, when she was a little girl she used to dream about having them planted everywhere in her yard - grandpa made it his mission that summer to plant as many as he could around the pond. They would wake up and just look out at the trees as the sun would rise.” 
You felt your heart swelling as he spoke. You turned your head to face him and you were met with surprise to see him staring at you already - studying your face in the glow of the fireworks.
“Looks like your grandma and I have something in common, it’s my dream to have a house surrounded by them too.” 
“What about one in the front yard with a swing? I’ll push you on it whenever you want.” 
“You would plant me a willow?”
“I would plant all the willows you want.” 
Taglist : @heykoonsy @dannythedog @joshkiszkatoothgap @milkgemini @gretavanbear @sacredjake@chmpgnnlace @objectsinspvce @poofyloofy @saaoko @twistedmelodies @cal-a-bungaa @writingcold @sarakay-gvf @gretasmokerising @lunaindigoraven @gvfpal​ @brokenbellsgvf​ @josh-iamyour-mama​ @shesawomaninadream @gretavangroupie @kleogvf @jakekiszkasmommy @jakekiszkabf @jakekiszkapunchmeintheface
@whiterosekiszka @laneygvf
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garbinge · 23 days
Secret's Safe
Jax Teller x Ortiz!F!Reader Juice & Sister!Reader 30 Day Fic Challenge
Word Count: 3k A/N: I had more thoughts to make this more of a Juice fic but then.... Jax LOL.
Warnings: All my fics are 18+ regardless of content. Mentions of blood, murder, death, assault, secrets, lying, trauma, abuse.
Word Count: 3k SOA Taglist: @drabbles-mc @justreblogginfics
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As you opened your eyes, they squinted quickly as the bright sun hit them immediately.  After blinking a few times, they tried to take in your surroundings. You were in the passenger seat of your car, the green signs on the highway were moving extremely quickly past you. It took you a minute to focus to see what was on the signs but soon enough you caught one that said Stockton 75 miles. That meant you weren’t too far off from where you were headed before you ran into the person at the wheel of your truck currently. That thought made you immediately snap your head over to see the blond haired man, hand on the steering wheel, white knuckled, his reaper hat holding back the oiled hair from the sleepless night prior. 
“You look like shit.” You spoke up, clearing your throat as you did, placing his jacket that he had draped over you on his backpack. 
It was the statement he had said to you when you ran into him at the truck stop last night. It was meant to be humorous but once he got a good look at you, he realized it held way more truth than he expected. The genuine concern is what brought him to load his Harley in the bed of your truck, and continue your drive out to Charming for you. 
Staring at the smile growing on his face sent you back to the days you were falling in love with Jax Teller. Back when he had the kutte without the weight of the office patches. 
“Didn’t want you to feel left out.” His voice sent a shiver through your body. It had been half a decade since you last saw him. It made you look him over more closely. His hair was longer, Jax always sported the long blonde look but this was a lot more lengthy than before, like something had happened that led him to forget to get it cut. As you looked at his beard, you thought maybe that was more the sign that things hadn’t exactly been smooth sailing for him. Your eyes moved down to his kutte, despite being new to you, the vice president patch on his right was dirty and worn. 
“You think we could stop somewhere for me to freshen up, I don’t really want to jump scare my brother.” You started to look through your backpack for your toiletries as you spoke. 
“Was planning to go to my place first, I know how you are with him.” His knuckles tightened on the wheel as the sentence left his mouth.  
You weren’t sure whether you were annoyed or comforted by his statement. You knew exactly what he meant, and it was unreal to you that despite the insanity of this situation, you could still fight about the same things you fought about then. 
“And how am I with him?” It was said in a way that you both knew the answer, but you wanted Jax to humor you, or maybe you just wanted to finally win this fight. You stopped your search for whatever in your bag and looked at him, eyebrows raised waiting for an answer. 
“Cautious.” He spoke the word immediately and you felt the argument practically line up in your voice like it was muscle memory. 
Keeping your relationship a secret was ultimately what broke you both up. And that’s what made you move back to the east coast where you and your brother grew up. 
Jax followed up his statement quickly before you could let out a syllable of your argument. “For the record, I get it now. I think I was still a stupid young kid wanting to flaunt my girlfriend around.” 
This was completely new to you. 
You looked him over again and despite the distressed look to it, you caught the fresh stitching. The patch was not only new to you but new to him as well. 
“I guess being the second in command makes you mature.” 
“Makes you see what people can handle, too.” His voice was firm as he spoke, eyes still on the road. 
“He wouldn’t have been able to handle it.” You agreed knowing your brother well. He was fun-loving, caring, hilarious, but he had demons. And if anyone else’s found their way to him, you knew it’d break him because he’d try so hard to take them on his own. Not saying Jax and your relationship was bad, it was surprisingly one of the better ones you’d been in, but you knew by having that, you’d be taking away the one thing that kept your brother stable. 
“He gonna be able to handle what brought you out here?” 
That snapped you out of your thoughts. Your eyes said it all but he didn’t even need to be looking at them to feel your shock and need for explanation. 
“I saw the blood in the bed of your truck when I was loading my bike. Thought I’d taught you better than to leave behind evidence.” 
“That’s mine.” It was so pointed how you said it. 
That made Jax’s brow arch in curiosity. As fucked up as it sounded, it was relieving to you to be talking to someone who wasn’t shocked by the possibility of mysterious blood or being on the lam from a crime. To be talking to someone who almost found curiosity in the thought of the situation. 
“I got mixed up with this group of friends out east.” He didn’t need to pry the information out of you, this was never an issue between you, sharing your thoughts with each other, talking through everything, was never the problem. Telling other people was. “Real party kids, you know, we were drinking, doing drugs, having a good time, until we weren’t.” You took a deep breath before getting into the depths of the story. 
“We were hanging out on the front porch of someone’s house, it was late, or early, however you wanna describe it, and someone rolled up, I guess someone brought a friend who knew some not so great people.” 
Jax had a feeling he knew where the story was going but he wanted to hear it from your account.
“I got stabbed.” This part of the story was so straight to the point compared to the rest. The context here didn’t matter much compared to the lead up. 
“Still missing the part where you got blood in your truck.” Jax was only saying this because you stopped talking and he knew there were pieces of the story missing. 
This was where it was hard to say what happened, partially because you couldn’t believe how stupid you were to let this happen to begin with, but also since it was traumatic. 
“They tossed me in the bed of the truck and left me there to die.” 
Jax’s grip got tighter against the wheel and he sucked his lips into his teeth, the anger rising as he thought about it. 
“Obviously I didn’t.” You tried to lighten the mood. 
“And you decided to come back here.” Jax nodded, fully understanding the story. 
“After I killed the person who left me to die. Who just happened to be the one who stabbed me.” Again, the words came out with no lead up, just the point. 
Jax’s eyes darted to you when you said it. Funny enough, it was what he expected the situation to be. An ex got abusive, it ended badly, or maybe an accident when you were drunk, but the thought went out once you ended your story. 
“Did–” He was beginning to ask how you handled it, you knew that was what he was wondering. 
“I handled it. No trace. I was coming back here just because I needed my family, needed a familiar face.” 
“Sorry this familiar one looks like shit.” Jax was now trying to lighten the mood. 
“It was an unexpected one too. I wasn’t even going to come to the clubhouse, was going to go straight to a motel and then right to Juice’s.” 
“No love lost, I see.” He let out a laugh. 
“More like too much love lost.” You leaned back in the seat and placed your feet up on the dash. 
You pulled back the shower curtain and wrapped the towel around your body, turning to wipe the fog off the mirror and stare at yourself. The shower brought some life back to your face, but the only thing that was going to make you look well rested was rest. 
As you opened the bathroom door, you started to talk loud, calling out and asking if you could take a nap but your words got cut off as you slammed right into Jax whose hand was raised to knock on the bathroom door. 
“Sorry.” He chuckled and stabilized you by wrapping his hands on your bare arms. 
It was at that moment that the both of you realized this was the closest you’ve been in years. You felt Jax’s breath on your face, it smelt like coffee which made you smile inside. Something about the domesticity of him in his home drinking his morning cup of coffee. 
“I was coming to see if you wanted french toast or waffles.” There was that domesticity again. 
“Jax Teller, who used to burn eggs, is offering me french toast or waffles?” The water was still dripping down your skin as you spoke. 
“Alright.”  his head twisted to the side as he laughed and then looked back at you, his finger now on your shoulder catching one of the stray drops before retracting his hand and looking back at your eyes. “They’re pre-made in a package from the freezer, was just gonna toast ‘em, not get all fancy.” 
“I’ll take both.” 
“Both it is.” He was turning around to go back into the kitchen and you felt your breath exhale the moment he turned. 
You both never got a chance to eat together, he came back to ask you about coffee or orange juice and ended up in his bed. Breakfastless and clothesless. 
As much as it broke you to sneak out, you did it. Sneaking out like this reminded you of what you were trying to leave behind, but now, you had to remind yourself of how safe you felt being here. With Jax. You stepped into the kitchen and saw the toaster housing the burnt french toast accompanied by the burnt waffle in the slot next to it. You laughed and grabbed both, they’d still be better than the junk you were eating on the road. Grabbing a pen you left a note on the table for him. 
Thanks for everything. Taking your burnt breakfast and heading to my brother’s. See you around. xx
With that, you were leaving. It was late afternoon now, meal times didn’t really have a time clock when you were traveling with no sense of time. Driving to your brother’s at this point was like muscle memory, you didn’t have to give it any thought and before you knew it you were there. 
One thing about Juice was that he’d always welcome you with open arms and no questions. Okay some questions, but none that ever felt forced or pointed. 
“Hey! What are you doing here?” He was so chipper and genuinely excited to see you as he opened the door. 
“Refugee looking for shelter.” You smiled back and brought him in for a hug. 
“Come in.” Juice pushed the door open completely and with his free hands moved to grab your bag out of your hand. 
Immediately you felt like a piece of scum in his pristine apartment and you hadn’t even had the grime of the ride on you anymore. “You live here or just showcasing the place?” You teased him. 
He sucked his tongue to the roof of his mouth and made a clicking noise. “I like to keep things neat.” 
“I know we lived in the same house together for years.” You looked at the art on the walls, the only sign that someone made a home of this place. There were pictures of you both, pictures of Juice with your childhood dog, pictures of the club, SOA flags and Harley memorabilia. 
“Hey I have this in my bag.” You smirked and moved to grab your backpack from his hands, he still hadn’t dropped it anywhere likely because he wasn’t sure where it’s place was in his sterile home. 
You pulled the photo out from the side pocket, it was wrinkled and folded, the complete opposite of his. 
“It’s before I started sponsoring, when I just worked at the shop.” He smiled, grabbing the photo from your hands. “You brought me and the guys homemade turkey sandwiches.” 
“You always left your lunch at home.” You shook your head at the memory, “I hated coming by with just food for you.” It was true, you’d make a sandwich for the 4-5 guys that were working that day. It became a sort of bit, the guys were crossing their fingers that whenever Juice was working with them, he’d forgotten his lunch. It helped that you came with a bag of chips and a 6 pack along with the sandwiches. That’s what the picture was. You, Juice, Jax, and Lowell eating turkey sandwiches and washing it down with a beer. 
“Everything okay?” Juice’s voice got solemn as he spoke, still looking down at the photo. 
“It is now.” You nodded with a smile. 
“You need my help with anything?” This time his voice raised an octave, in a more happy way. 
“Just a place to crash.” 
“Second room’s all yours.” He waved his arms in the direction of the room because he knew you were well aware of where it was. 
“I’ll be sure to disinfect my bag before putting it down.” You teased him with a slight push and made your way to the room that used to be yours years ago. 
By the time the two of you caught up, you leaving out the big details that you easily shared with Jax, it was nighttime. He brought you to the clubhouse, excited to share your arrival with the guys, and just happy to have his sister back in town. 
You were plopped on one of the picnic tables as some of the club sat around you, laughing about some joke Tig just said, most of you laughing at him more than with him. Your beer was nestled in your hand as you sipped slow on it, not really feeling like getting drunk much these days. 
“You’re nursing that beer.” Happy’s gruff voice alerted you. It was soft enough that only you heard him. 
“Long drive cross country, it’s making me more tired than anything.” You explained, it was partially true. 
But Happy saw through it. 
“You killed someone.” 
If you had been drinking the beer you would have spit it out by the abruptness of his comment. 
“Excuse me?” You frowned and looked at him, you probably met this member a handful of times but you didn’t know him like you knew some of the other crew. 
“I can tell, you got that vibe.” He nodded his head, his voice extremely raspy. 
“That vibe?” You raised your brows. 
“Yea, that life ain’t hold the same innocence vibe.” He answered you quickly. 
“How would you know what that vibe is?” You were playfully asking now, knowing that it wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world if anyone here knew what you did, but it wasn’t something you were just blurting out. 
He laughed at that and didn’t answer the question. “Don’t worry your secret’s safe with me.”
“You freakin’ out our guest, Happy?” Bobby was walking out from the clubhouse, followed by Juice with a new beer for you despite you still not having this one nearly finished. 
“Happy?” You frowned and looked at Juice as you grabbed the beer. 
Happy grinned and lifted his shirt up to show his abdomen littered with smiley face tattoos and suddenly with no explanation at all, every question you just asked in the last 5 minutes was answered. 
“Oh.” You grabbed your nursed beer and finished it off quickly before moving to the new and cold one. 
Before the conversation could continue, the sound of two motorcycles cut the sound of voices out completely. Your eyes moved to see who it was, even though based on who was here now, the options were limited. You caught a glimpse of his long locks when he took the helmet off. Instinctually your eyes jumped to the movement of the person who came in behind him, tall and burly, and despite him still being far back in the shadows, you knew it had to be Jax’s friend Opie. With ease, your eyes moved back to Jax as he brought his hand through his hair. It was oily again, or still, which had you starting to wonder what his day looked like after you left. 
“Jax!” Juice called out from behind you and it brought you back to the current moment as Jax approached, taking off his riding gloves with a big smile on his face. “Look who's back on the west coast.” Juice was beyond excited to tell Jax, the thought of bringing back the days when the group of you would hang out clearly driving his enthusiasm. 
“Yea, I–” Jax was about to say how he ran into you the night before, you knew it, but your eyes went wide and your head shook just ever so slightly as a hint to let him know you didn’t want Juice to know. Luckily you were behind Juice on the picnic table so he wasn’t able to see it but Jax did clearly. 
What wasn’t clear was how he was taking your action. He seemed a little upset, but also he had a slight smirk on his face. 
“Yea, I see that. It’s good to see you.” He changed his sentence, his eyes staring at you. 
Behind him was Opie who clearly was aware of what happened between the two of you and was trying to hide his smirk from the awkwardness between you and Jax that only you three hopefully could feel. 
Jax took a step forward and you moved off the picnic table to stand. His arm raised to bring you in for a hug. 
“Thank you.” You whispered and squeezed him a little extra. 
“No worries, as always, secret’s safe.” 
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muzansfangs · 1 year
Guilty pleasure.
Starring: Muzan x f!reader; Kokushibo, Douma (mentioned), the Slayers (mentioned).
Warnings: nsfw, vaginal sex, vaginal fingering, choking, blindfolding, creampie, unprotected sex, slight bdsm, language, dirty talk, car sex, semi-public sex, slight yandere behavior, possessive behavior, graphic depiction of violence, plotting murder, curruption kink, reckless driving style.
Plot: Muzan leads you into the unknown and you come to terms with the fact that the ambitious politician has blood on his hands. A violent argument ended with Muzan bewitching you once again. Your body and your mind belong to him. However, he cares about you more than he allows you to know. As you peacefully rest on his bed, he plots his vendetta against a mysterious company of assassins: the Slayers.
Ten minutes of silence. You did not dare to speak, he did not bother talking to you. You wondered what was on his mind. His hair were unusually disheveled, his bright eyes focused on the road and his grip on the steering wheel tightened second by second. His knuckles were white and his jaw clenched.
You did not dare to turn your head towards him and face him properly. You were scared to even roll down the window, how could you find the courage to make eye-contact with him? All you did was merely glancing at him and analyze his body language through your peripheral. The last time you checked, you saw his jugular pulsing at an irregular pace from beneath the collar of his snow-white shirt.
That was not a good sign.
You had no idea of where you were going, but he had taken the motorway. You were terrified, guilty, upset and, frankly, you were even mad at him. Where did this rage come from? What had you done to make him turn into a feral beast? Was this the real Muzan Kibutsuji?
Your dispirited eyes burnt for the tears you had shedded earlier and all you did was watching the landscape change outside the window. The high speed he was driving at was preventing you from clearly discerning the roadsigns and you rested your forehead against the cold glass in search for comfort. It was only then, when you realised you were venturing into the unknown with a man you barely knew, with a criminal, that insecurities and dark thoughts crept under your skin.
What if he was going to murder you? What if he was just searching for the right place to dig a grave for you to rot in?
You let out a shaky breath, clamping your mouth shut in a pitiful attempt to repress a groan of frustration to escape your lips. Was it the way you were going to die? You clutched the black fabric of your skirt in your fists and batted your eyes close, trying to steady your uneven breath. Well, if you were really going down, you would have not left this world without a fight.
"Muzan" you feebly broke the silence.
The raven-haired man did not dignify you with an answer. His eyes were still settled on the horizon as he overtook a grey utility car standing on his path. It was a mystery how you had not got into a car crash yet. But you were about to die anyway, right? Did it really matter how your death was going to be narrated by the newspaper?
"Muzan, please" you tried again, sitting up and darting your eyes on him.
The man who had had the ability of giving you headaches in fourty-eight hours of living together did not even pay attention at you. It seemed as if you were air, as if you were a ghost calling out his name in vain. Despite that, you were not going to give up easily. If there was a thing he could not claim and forge, something personal that you were not going to change for anyone, not even for him, was your personality.
You loathed not being listened to, even more you hated it when people pretended you did not exist. Therefore, the next words leaving your mouth dripped anger and contempt.
"Hey, I am talking to you, shithead!" you snapped, jabbing your finger at him in irritation.
Muzan's eyes widened at your abrupt change of tone "Watch your tongue, girlie" he snorted, fighting his impulse to pull over and choke an apology out of you. He knew women, he knew exactly what drove them crazy and, apparently, you were not the exception.
Although, actually, you were his exception. That was all that mattered to him.
You exhaled through your nostrils, throwing your hands in the air in the process "Okay, I'm sorry, alright? It's just that I would like to get a feedback, when I am talking to you" you pinpointed, earning a scornful side-eye from him.
You found it absurd how he could give you such controversial feelings. He made you feel on cloud nine, he gave you butterflies and then he scared you to death, he made you regret your decision to stay by his side and... And he made you feel miserable. Just like he was doing now.
He arched a dark eyebrow "Ironic, isn't it?" he hissed, running his fingers through his hair and keeping just one hand on the leather steering wheel.
"What?" you quipped.
"Demanding a feedback from me, when you literally do whatever you fucking want! I had asked only a goddamn thing of you, Y/N, was it really that hard to listen to me?" he roared, pushing the gas pedal harder with each word he spitefully threw at your face.
There you were, it had begun.
You gulped down, holding on your seat for dear life "Bloody Hell, Muzan, Douma was about to kill her! Was I supposed to stay in the car and watch him cut her into smithereens?" you replied, voice raising exponentially at his affirmations.
Was he really making a fuss about it? You knew you probably should have not hopped down of the car, but you were not going to sit idly when a girl was being tortured to death.
Muzan steered to the right, his eyes blazing with wrath. It was not just the fact that you had ignored his recommendation to stay in the car. It was the fact that you had left with Douma. Out of everyone, you had spent hours in his company, blessing him with your presence, with your smiles. Maybe, who knew, even something more than that.
He chose not to reply, he knew that if he did it now, words meant to be unspoken were probably going to roll out of his tongue. But, as the car entered a forest glade unfamiliar to you, your stomach clenched at the sight before your wary eyes and you finally spat it out.
"Muzan, are you going to kill me?" you asked him, tears welling up in your eyes. Were you serious? How could you even think that he was going to hurt you?
"You are such a child" he bitterly commented, although a small smile curled his lips.
You were capable to mess with his head in a way no one had ever done before. He knew more about you than he actually let you know. Saying that he was obsessed with you was an understatement. You were his perfect match and, sooner of later, you would have fallen for him. It was hard to keep up with you, though. You were not as naïve as he thought you were.
He did not want to overshadow your purity. He just intended to envelope it with his darkness to keep you safe.
"Fuck you" you uttered then, as he pulled over.
In a split second, you reached out for the handle, not even glancing at him to assess his reaction before trying to escape your fate. What a pity. His hand grasped your wrist, forcing you to stop, and he tugged you back towards him. Your head whipped towards his deadly visage, your lower lip quivering in fear. Oh, he was definitely going to kill you, was he not?
"What did you say?" he quizzically asked you, his plum red eyes boring into your watery ones. He could see you were terrified, your breath uneven as he grasped your jaw to keep the intense eye-contact with you. He expected you to stay silent at this point, to keep your mouth shut, yet you surprised him once again.
"I said 'fuck you'. – you murmured, your hands snapping up in dispair, latching onto his forearm, to shove his hand off of you – You repulse me" you barked, watching how his angelic features wrinkled into a mask of hatred and rage. You closed your eyes, when he suddenly yanked your hair back, forcing you to crane your neck and exposing your throat at him, at his vicious eyes.
He was calculating his every move, taking his time in manhandling you like a fragile puppet. You waited, you waited for the fatal blow to arrive, because you were sure he was going to slit your throat, or choke you. But shivers ran down your spine, as you felt his soft lips leaving a trail of kisses down the tender flesh of your sensitive sweet spot. You whimpered, mouth agape, while his soft touch made the fear slowly leave your heart.
Your eyes fluttered open and you hisitantly loosened your grip on his forearm, slithering your hand up his arm to rest on his firm bicep instead. You could tell he was still mad, the air was thin and his kisses, despite being affectionate, were fervish, rough. You did not know what crossed his mind as he stroked his nose against your cheekbone.
"You are an idiot. I've cancelled a conference to save you. Now tell me, sweetheart, why would I want to kill you?" he purred in your ear, tangling his fingers through your hair gently and nibbling at your earlobe suavely.
What a cocky bastard.
He was toying with you, playing with your emotions, pulling the strings of your heart. He was a puppet master, a devious, manipulative man who knew how to break you.
"Because you're a criminal" you breathed out then, ignoring the heat pervading your cheeks. His cologne was intoxicating, the path he drew along your skin with his lips burnt. Was fighting even an option at this point?
You heard him chuckling hoarsely, his hand cupping your cheek and ducking your head down, until your eyes met "Ah-ah, choose your words carefully, sweetheart. That's a tough talk for someone like you" he singsonged, brushing his thumb on your cheekbone almost lovingly. But you knew better than falling for it.
"I'm speaking facts. You are a murderer just like Douma" you said, only to see his eyes clouding over in annoyance. You had hit a nerve, had you not?
"Don't say his name ever again, woman" he hissed through gritted teeth. While it was undeniable that he was playing his cards right, he could say the same about you. Did you really have the gall to push his limits?
You scoffed, as you defiantly quirked an eyebrow up at him "Why? – you chimed, sneering at the man in front of you – Why does it disturb you? I can love whoever I want privately, right? It's in the contract! The same contract you drew up yourself" you mockingly reminded him of that specific clause not bonding you to be strictly faithful to him.
At least, in private.
Muzan fumed in anger and in that very moment you saw your end in his shimmering red eyes. He chuckled darkly to himself, his tongue swirling out to moisten his lips. A maniac, he looked like a maniac.
It happened in a split second. His hands grasped your hips, his fingertips digging into the plushness of your waist as he lifted you up and sat you on his lap. You yelped, hands holding onto his shoulders for support as he dragged his seat back. He was not laughing anymore, he was not gentle at all as he forced you to straddle him.
But, above all, he did not falter as he leant towards your left ear and whispered a thing you knew he would have been capable of doing without hesitation. It was not an empty threat.
"Make sure I will not find it out then, sweetheart, because I will fill the bathtub with his blood, buy the most expensive bottle of champagne and sip on it, as I watch you dive into your lover's guts" he cooed, making your stomach clench.
Did he know about the kiss you shared with Douma? He probably did not. You were wise enough to understand that if you had a secret, it was better to keep it to yourself until the day you died and, maybe, even bury it with your corpse.
"You need therapy. You are a psychopath" you stated, heart thrumming into your chest as his hand slided down your bare inner thigh.
Muzan flashed you a seraphic smile, his fingers playing with the waistband of your panties "Perhaps. – he reasoned, grasping the back of your neck with his other hand to pull your head closer to his – You think you are a good girl, don't you? Wake up to reality, love. You are not as good as you think you are" he murmured, brushing his thumb over your lower lip.
You trembled under his touch, butterflies fluttering into your stomach for his sudden sugarcoated mannerism. It jarred with the words falling from his sinful lips and cursed yourself for allowing him to have a firm grasp over your mind, over your heart. You were defenseless, when he showed you what a real love story with him might have felt like.
"I am a good person, I know I am" you softly replied, earning a chuckle from him.
Muzan smiled, his lips capturing yours in a passionate, slow kiss. You felt on cloud nine, your shaking hands grasping his collar to pull him even closer to you. He tasted like coffee, cigarettes and danger. Yet, if he was so bad, if you should have kept your distance, why did you feel so intoxicated, so attracted to him?
Your teeth clashed as he asserted his dominance over you, his fingers pushing your panties to the side as he tongue explored your mouth. Dear God, he was a good kisser. A soft moan escape your throat, as he started to draw figures eight on your bundle of nerves.
"I'll tell you a secret – he purred, before biting your bottom lip softly and tugging at it, before letting go with a small pop – You think you are a good person because you haven't killed someone yet. Maybe, it still does not occur to you, but you are my woman. You are already doomed" he crooned, watching how you clamped your eyes shut and lolled your head back in ecstasy.
You were such a sinful, beautiful sight to behold and you were his.
Once he had made sure you were wet enough for his fingers to dive into your core, he slowly inserted them. You winced, your walls still sensitive for his rough pace in the early morning, but how could you deny yourself the bliss of going adrift, of venturing into the limitless ocean of pleasure he was leading you to?
"I am the devil, love. People say I am the incarnation of Satan... – he chortled, a glint of malice sparkling into his bloodshot irises as he curled his fingers into you – You have said 'yes' to me. The world already knows you are evil too" he stated, as you screeched his name on the verge of your orgasm.
Muzan Kibutsuji was no good. Muzan was evil, you were not. Then why were you really questioning your morals, as he carefully switched your positions and hovered over you?
Why could you not find the right words to fire something back? You, the most argumentative person the world had ever met, were speechless.
You stared at him enamoured with him. He grinned down at you, slipping his fingers underneath his tie to loosen the knot and hastily untie it. You gasped, when he proceeded to blindfolding you. Everything was new to you and he was aware of it.
He simply enjoyed being your first. Whatever you were going to do with someone else, you would have always thought about him, about the first time he introduced you to a certain practice.
"You look gorgeous, if it wasn't obvious" he said, undoing the buttons of your shirt carefully, not to rip them off. You blushed, goosebumps raising on your stomach as he planted his hand over it.
"M-Muzan... What if someone catches us like that?" you asked him, as his hand reached behind you to unclasp your bra.
You heard him discard it somewhere behind you, probably on the backseats. Your nipples, hardened by the cool air and your arousal, finally came to his vision and he did not waste time in wrapping his mouth around the left one. You whimpered, desperate to see him, and you unintentionally bucked your hips up, brushing your core against his groin.
He groaned, his mouth leaving a trail of open-mouthed kisses down your stomach, stopping only to unbuckle his belt and free his bulge from the tight restriction of his boxers.
"What do you want me to say? Would you love me to kill them? – he joked, helping you to hoist your leg over his waist as he lined his shaft to your entrance – Or you still believe I could redeem myself and buy their silence without spilling blood?" he inquired, pushing past your folds with a slow, yet firm thrust.
You gasped, your hands gripping the headrest as he stretched you out, blowing your mind with every inch he claimed.
He hummed, his fingers latching around your neck as he bottomed out with ease "Fuck" he uttered, claiming your mouth once again in a fervent kiss. He stayed still for a few minutes, his cock twitching into you as you finally gave him your consent to move.
And he did.
As he thrusted into you, you cried out his name, the hard, rough pace he chose sending you over the edge in a way you could not believe was possible. You could not see his face, but you could feel his rage, his jealousy.
A jealousy he wanted you to know about.
His hand tilted your head to the side, his breath fanned your earlobe before he spoke "I dare you to fuck Douma. – he chortled, almost hysterically – Come on, go to him later tinight. Go to him and tell him how I turned you into a writhing mess of sweat and cum! Fuck, I dare him to touch you... I'll be glad to end his miserable life".
You moaned, legs shaking as you felt a familiar pressure coiling into your stomach. You were close to reach your climax and you boldly, selfishly begged him.
"Harder, please!" you shrieked, igniting a spark within your partner.
"Tch, look at you! Begging me to break you, when you told me I am a disgusting criminal. – he mocked you, squeezing your throat harder as he picked up his pace – How does it feel to be fucked stupid by a criminal, hm?".
You whined, as he hit your g-spot relentlessly, his thrusts getting sloppy as you orgasmed together, his seed spurting into your walls as you called his name one more time.
The car ride was silent. Muzan's hand never left his place on your leg, stroking it softly from time to time. You were tired, too tired to pay attention to what was happening around you. He had promised you he was going to tell you everything about him.
Not today, though.
You did not have the energy to protest, you complied and allowed yourself to daze off into a well-deserved slumber. Muzan, on the other hand, could not sleep. Once he had parked the car, he glanced over at your sleeping frame.
Did he deserve you? Was there still a dim light of hope in his life? Maybe you were his chance to start anew again. Maybe he could really be a better man for you.
"I'm afraid I will be your downfall, love" he murmured, tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear before hopping down from the car and closing the door behind him gently.
Although Kokushibo had offered to pick you up and bring you to your bedroom, Muzan refused. Having you in his arms, he cradled you to his chest, as he tried his best not to wake you up.
In his mind, tormented by the fear he had felt when you had called him earlier that day, when he had heard the broken tone of your voice calling out his name, he was plotting his revenge. A filthy Slayer had dared to touch you.
His vendetta was going to wipe them off of this world, that time, for no one touched what was his and got away with it.
Therefore, once you were tucked under the silky blankets of his bed, he glanced over at his first in command. Kokushibo knew what that deadly look held behind and, when Muzan told him exactly what he had to do, he was not surprised in the slightest.
"Call the Moons. Call them all. We are plotting a mass murder tonight" the soon to be President blurted out, marching towards his office without bothering to watch his bodyguard bowing his head at him.
Blood was going to stream down the streets of that bloody city.
Hi, there!
As I had promised, here we are with the fifth part of the story. Honestly, I am absolutely grateful that a lot of people seem to enjoy it. Thank you so much for your support, guys! It means a lot and it’s really motivational. Muzan is a psychopath, but I love him :)
Tag list: @tired-writer04 @hjjks @kakuchosbff @yazzzmints @bookandstar @z3r0art
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