#i am very nervous to visit my family this weekend can you tell
metallteeff · 7 months
my long gender post lol
idk how long it’ll actually be but like. god i’ve been thinking a lot about the idea of “knowing since you were a kid” recently and for the longest time i thought i didn’t really know but recently i’ve remembered and realized to an extent i did know but in the vein of “who cares” and i guess i just always assumed everyone else felt the same. like i just thought everyone was like who cares, but ill just wear this thing because everyone else does.
and i used to be really nervous and somewhat afraid of bringing up my autism and other things in relation to my gender because so many people use it to discount and discredit your experience, especially when it’s brought up as a cause of you being trans. i’ve always been afraid of someone coming up to me and saying “you’re not trans you’re just autistic and confused” which would be a double punch for me.
but i’ve started realizing thinking that way as a kid, before i knew any words to describe myself other than “weird”, was me knowing i just thought everyone also felt like that. and i have that issue often. that i just assume everyone sees the same thing as me, and then thinking we all process that information the same because i just think that’s how brains work.
what makes me sad is you can’t even be “odd” anymore. if people just saw me as some really weird off the deep end “girl” still i wouldn’t really care. i really try not to care what others perceive me as in terms of gender because to me it’s “not their business”. but even just having really weird or unique clothes at this point can get you clocked or treated weird. and i mean this to point out how awful it is that if you just dress kind of “weird” there is a larger chance of you being hurt or turned away or ostracized.
now when you dress “odd” you immediately have an agenda. you have some sick disease or people roll your eyes when you’re around. and i’ve never understood this hateful lens of obsession people have with clothes. i love clothes i definitely have a clothes obsession but they have always been some form of a costume to me. because that’s what they are. you dress up how you’d like to look like in them. so if i have the ability to dress how i desire why wouldn’t i? and if i was a “girl” you would still look at me funny. if i was a “guy” you definitely would. and because i lie inbetween ill never be taken seriously and ill always have this large neon sign above my head that flashes “NONBINARY” which people hate. people get so mad.
over the years i’ve tried to become “tougher” through saying i’m more “reasonable” than other nonbinary people. i just wear t shirt and jeans and im just like you! im more masculine and im nonbinary but i will only use he him! but oh my god it’s wearing down on my soul. it’s grating. and i’m so upset that i made myself do this. for myself for others and im mad that it’s something i felt like i had to perpetuate to be “taken seriously”. being a person is the most unserious thing in the world.
i’m so tired of “gender roles” and i have been since i was 12 and saw others sharing this sentiment and im tired because its confusing. it doesn’t make sense even historically. when boys wore pink because its closer to red. but suddenly now it’s some omen that an “agenda got you”. i have never understood any of this so i’ve never participated but by doing that i was punished. and when i participated i was hurt worse. there’s no point in playing this made up game so why should i have to care im sorry i really don’t. i dont at all.
i’m not trying to make a big point or anything. i mean this as when i was a kid i had absolutely no concept of gender. and when i tried to it hurt me awfully bad. my parents themselves were not that strict with gender roles besides telling me what the world would expect but i could always do “boy” and “girl” things. i mean this as when i was a child i genuinely thought i was a boy because i would sex myself by counting my ribs to make sure i had 13 (…) and i “always did” (i was like 7 lol). i had no concept because lionesses do all the work and big blue peacocks are male. this shit is all stupid and it never made sense to me since i was a kid. and i don’t think it will ever be “because” of anything. people will always try to put a cause but i felt like this when my life was perfect and happy when i was 6 years old and i had no hardships. it felt like this when it got harder it felt like this when it got worse it feels like this now. there’s no point to this.
this is very very long but i have been nonstop thinking about it. i have always felt stuck in my gender identity because of the rules put on this stuff and im sooooo so so tired about it. i feel like ive come out 5000 times because i dont know what im supposed to be. i’ve tried hard to find labels and do them right over and over but god. and it’s not that i don’t identify or feel connected to being queer, i very much do, but to me (and especially at this point) i don’t feel connected to being the “alternative” because it doesn’t make any sense. but being queer and especially trans you get painted as the undesirable alternative. you become “what happens sometimes” and then they’ll try to explain it. give it reason. their parents weren’t the best. they have a gene or a mental disorder or illness. they’re autistic and confused. they have identity issues. they’ll grow out of it. but i’m soooo tired of having to have an explanation. oh my god. because no one else does and when you point it out they get mad and turn it on you.
i don’t really have a nice way to wrap this up. and this is not the 5001 coming out post. i’ve known i’m gender fluid for the past 2ish years. i know what i am. i’m queer. as in odd as in gay as in “alternative” as in shapeless as in confusing. i know who exactly i am by being an ever changing thing but that’s seen as being unstable and lost in yourself instead of curious or intrigued by others explorations. i am just sick of having to explain myself to cis people and having to be seen as a “good example” in every facet of my life, related and unrelated to this.
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charlessainzz · 6 months
(loved loved ‘jealous jealous boy’ btw💅🏼) so can I request another lando one shot but this time like dad!lando showing his baby around the paddock (like feat Uncle Carlos and Oscar and whoever else) maybe it’s too specific so you don’t have to do it but like I can see it so perfectly😩
Twin Oranges
thanks for the love and the request! I hope this is along the lines of what you were looking for.
Lando was a new husband. He was a new dad. He was also a new dad to twins! A boy and a girl, what a perfect pair. When you told him you were pregnant he almost fainted. But when you both found out it was with twins, he actually did faint. Now fast forward almost a year later, you felt comfortable bringing the babies to the paddock after weeks of Lando asking. You decided to bring them to Silverstone. Close to home, and full of family and friends. 
Walking in you felt all eyes on you. Each one of you; mom, dad, and babies decked head to toe in McLaren gear. Baby boy Oliver Norris held by his mom, and baby girl Noelle Norris held by her dad. As you walked by each garage, drivers, mechanics and all poked their heads out to catch a glimpse at the young family. You finally made it into the safety of the McLaren hospitality ready to get the weekend started when the marketing team encircled you and Lando. You both look at each other and groan. 
McLaren’s marketing team wanted to do a video of the drivers showing the new McLaren twins around the paddock. After hearing the case from a newly graduated PR intern, you caved. You hand Oliver to Oscar teaching him how to hold the baby right. Lando laughing as he can tell you are very stressed handing off your babies. He gives you a kiss, and the camera starts rolling. 
First stop, Red Bull. Lando had no worries bringing the twins to this team. Max and Checo were dads through and through. “Max, come meet my kids!” Lando shouts into the garage. Max jogs up to the twins and gives them both a pinch on the cheek. “Here hold Oliver, my arm is falling asleep”, Oscar complains. “Oi! If my wife heard you complaining about the babies, she’d revoke your uncles status.” Lando scolds. Oscar instantly turns beat red, retaking the baby from Max. Max frowns. “Mate, maybe you need a mini Verstappen. You’re a natural father!” exclaims Checo. “In due time.. In due time”, Max smiles. The orange team says their goodbyes and heads to their next stop on the tour. 
The team visited Mercedes, Aston Martin, Haas, almost all the teams. All while collecting baby sized merch. 
Final stop, Ferrari. Lando and Oscar showed the twins their greatest competition. Up came Charles and Carlos. “Look Oliver and Noelle, this is your uncle Carlos and Charles!” Lando says as he’s holding the babies’ hands to get them to wave. “Which one am I the Godfather of?” Carlos asks half jokingly. Lando rolls his eyes as he lets the Ferrari drivers hold the kids. Charles and Carlos begin arguing over who was going to be the better uncle when stewards announce it’s almost time for FP1. “How’s y/n holding up? I’m sure she isn’t loving being away from her babies”, inquires Charles as he gives back one of the twins. “Oh yeah, she almost raged on the team when they suggested a little paddock tour” explained Oscar. Lando swats him on the side of the head. “Of course she was nervous, she hasn’t left their side in almost a year!” Lando shouts. “Come on guys, say your goodbyes to your fun uncles”. 
You anxiously awaited the return of your babies. Eyes darting around watching as they went from garage to garage with their dad and Uncle Oscar. Hearing the oohs and awws as each driver attempted to make the twins laugh. After what felt like 17 hours, they arrived. Jumping out of your seat you run to grab them from your husband. “Lando give them to me”, you grunt attempting to juggle them both. He laughs at your strong mother instincts. 
“Y/n, relax I brought them back in one piece!” he says as he helps you situate both in your arms. Each baby leaning into you, seeking your warmth. 
“They also return with tons of merch!” exclaimed Oscar. He begins showing you the baby onsies from Mercedes, Red Bull, and Ferrari. You eye them knowing Lando would never let Oliver or Noelle wear anything but McLaren. 
“Oooo is that a Leclerc onesie? Keep that one and toss the rest”, you state to Oscar. He laughs as he sees Lando make a sour face. 
“You always had a soft spot for him!” Lando shouts as you walk away into his driver’s room. “Chunk it Osc. Norris kids only wear papaya orange.”
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honeybeefae · 1 year
To Build A Home (Nesta x Reader)
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Summary// Ever since you had met Nesta you knew she felt like an outsider. She always had her guard up, never letting anyone get too close until you had come along and slowly broke down her barriers. The two of you were more in love than ever and for Starfall, you wanted to gift her something truly special, but getting the nerve to tell her was proving to be harder than you thought.
(Day 5 of Starfall Week, I am so sorry this is late but the stomach bug has been killing me. However, I hope you guys are having as much fun with this as I am. This is probably my longest Starfall fic so far, I really wanted to write a fic just for her. I hope you guys enjoy it <;3)
Prompt: Character A swore they’d tell Character B something really important at Starfall but they’re nervous.
Nesta was lounging beside you in your bookshop, the sun hitting her in just the right light to make her seem otherworldly. You were trying to go over finances, chewing on your pencil, but kept getting distracted by your mate. 
It still felt funny to say that Nesta was your mate. You had first met in this very room, her entire demeanor one akin to an ice queen as you offered to help her find whatever it was she was looking for. She had declined but you couldn’t stop yourself from staring at her from the corner of your eye, completely enthralled from the start.
She had put all of the books on your High Lord’s account, watching you keenly as you fumbled over your words and blushed every time you made eye contact. As she walked out, you yelled out for her to come back soon, and to your surprise she did. 
It was a weekly occurrence that she would visit your shop, spending large amounts of money while barely uttering a word to you, and then leave. However, after a few weeks of it, she came to your shop on a rainy day, soaked to the bone with a fire in her eyes that would terrify anyone in her path. She marched straight over to your counter, straightened her spine, and all but demanded a job. 
“I want to work here.”
You blinked in confusion, looking her up and down while worrying she had lost her mind. “Uh…sorry?”
She huffed in frustration and repeated herself, adding, “It’s not my doing that I want this job but unfortunately I have found myself backed into a corner. If I have to work, it might as well be here.”
“Oh, um, well okay. I don’t really need that much help but I suppose you can come on the weekends-”
“Great.” She said, cutting off the end of your sentence and turning around to walk back out. You were still standing there dumbfounded before she turned at the door to look back at you. 
“Thank you, Y/N.”
And she had come every weekend, albeit begrudgingly, and helped you out in the shop. Nesta liked to sort the books and stay more in the shadows while you helped the customers and cashed them out. The two of you had short conversations that slowly grew to more friendly chats, where you learned more about her and where she was from.
It was almost a year before you had found the nerve to ask her to hang out after work at your tiny apartment above the bookshop. She said yes surprisingly quickly and it was on that night that you also shared your first kiss. The rest was a history that you kept close to your heart, the two of you inseparable and just fresh off your mating ceremony that had been attended by her family and yours. 
“You’re staring again,” Nesta smirked, glancing up at you with a quirked brow. “Am I that distracting?”
“Is it me, or is your head getting bigger again?” You tease, laughing when she hit you with the back of her book. “You know how distracting you are. I should kick you out so I can get some actual work done.”
She tucked a bookmark into her book and closed it, laying it beside her before rising up and resting her chin on your shoulder. You blushed and smiled, twirling the pencil between your fingers as she looked over your budget sheet.
“Are we doing okay?” She asked, pulling away to stretch her arms over her head. 
“Yeah, yeah, we’re fine.” You smile, hiding the sheet when she started to get a little too close. “What are you doing?”
“What are you hiding? I know that tone of voice, Y/N.” Nesta argues, her lips turning downward. “Is something wrong?”
The palms of your hands became sweaty as you put on your best mask, assuring her that there was nothing to worry about and that you were just stressed from the long weekend leading up to Starfall. 
Nesta studied you very carefully before relaxing back into her earlier position. “I didn’t know Starfall was such a big deal. I mean I have heard stories, of course, from Feyre and others, but people take it so seriously. Especially the gifts.”
“You’ll just have to see it for yourself, Nes.” “I suppose, though I don’t really want to go to the party tonight.” She sighed while closing her eyes. “I would much rather stay home with you.”
“I knew you liked me.” You grin, putting your budget sheets back into the locked drawer of your desk when you saw a familiar figure standing outside the shop. Before she could take notice you motioned for her to head upstairs, kissing her sweetly. “Why don’t you go ahead and start getting ready? I’m going to close the shop early.”
She tucked her book underneath her arm and went upstairs none the wiser, her footsteps becoming softer and softer before you released all the tension you were holding in your lungs. You booked it towards the door, opening it as quietly as you could, to reveal Feyre and Elain on the other side.
“Is it finished?” You whispered, only your head visible through the doorframe. The two sisters nodded, their excitement palpable. “Thank the Mother. I was afraid I would have to push it back until her birthday.”
“Nope.” Feyre chirped, holding out a small set of keys in her hand. “Thanks to the two best sister-in-laws in Pyrthian, and the help of their mates, everything is moved and set up for the two of you.”
“Oh, I wish we could see her face when she gets there. I just know she’s going to be surprised.” Elain said, clasping her hands together. “Does she suspect anything?”
“She’s starting too.” You mumbled, taking the keys from Feyre and turning them over and over in your hands. “I’m not the best under pressure and she definitely knows it.”
The two girls smiled knowingly, watching as you suddenly grew silent. They gave each other a look before Feyre reached out and touched your hand, pulling away when you jumped like a frightened cat. 
“Are you okay, Y/N? Is something wrong?”
“I just…” You trailed off, looking back into the shop to where Nesta had just been. “Do you think she’ll like it? Will she be mad that I didn’t have her help?”
Elain stepped forward and patted your shoulder, offering you a sincere smile. “Nesta might be shocked when she first sees it, but trust me. She is going to love it, I assure you. It’s the home of her dreams, especially because she’ll be sharing it with you.”
You chuckled, shaking your head. “I just get so nervous sometimes, it’s like the first time we met all over again. I find myself laying beside her at night and I question if I even deserve all this. Sometimes I’m afraid she’ll wake up and realize that.”
“I used to think the same things,” Feyre confessed, her eyes full of empathy. “I know exactly what you mean. But if you let those thoughts control you, you will always live in doubt. It’s okay to accept the love and care of another, even if sometimes we think we don’t deserve it.”
“We all deserve it, every person on this Earth.” Elain chimed in.
“It’s true. And you should hear the way she talks about you, Y/N, or how her entire life has changed for the better since meeting you.” Feyre added, looking at Elain who nodded along in confirmation. 
“We know her better than anyone and Feyre is telling the truth when she says she is a changed person. She’s happier. You’ve opened her eyes to what the world can be.” 
Tears were threatening to fall at their kind words. You had never had siblings before, or even a family. Both of your parents had passed early on in your life and so to be accepted like this by Nesta’s sisters made you feel whole. 
Footsteps sounded over your head and your eyes widened, wishing Feyre and Elain a hasty goodbye before shutting the door and locking it. The steps were getting closer and you looked around for somewhere safe to hide the key but in your panic, you ended up stuffing it inside your shirt.
Her heels landed on the hardwood of the shop floor and you looked up, your mouth dropping in awe at just how beautiful she looked. The gown was floor length and filled out her body perfectly, her hair in a half up half down hairstyle that accentuated the features of her face. She gave you a sultry smile when she stopped in front of you, closing your mouth with the tip of her finger.
“I’ll take that as a good sign.” She chuckled, her ruby lips calling your name. “Maybe we should skip the party, head back upstairs…”
Nesta’s hands started wandering up your shirt and it snapped you back into reality, her fingers dangerously close to the key. You immediately stepped back and went to go around here, mumbling that you needed to get ready before she stuck out her arm and blocked your path.
“Y/N, what is going on?” She snapped, crossing her arms with an angry look. “You’ve been acting weird, won’t let me look at what you’re doing and sneaking off early in the morning, and now you won’t even let me touch you.”
Your face was red with anxiety, unable to look her in the eyes. All you needed was time to get dressed and you could reveal to her your Starfall gift, which you were still very nervous about, and this was not helping.
“Are you even going to answer me?” She pressed, your gaze briefly rising to meet her. “Are you…are you seeing someone else?”
“What?! Nesta, no. I would never, ever do that to you.” You swore, shaking your head vehemently. “You are all I want in this life and the next.”
“Well what is going on then? I deserve to know.”
You took in a deep breath and looked out the large bay window in the front of the shop. The sun was already setting and Starfall was soon to begin. Nesta watched as you looked down at your outfit, mulling over something, before you muttered a soft, “fuck it.” and grabbed her hand.
“Where are we going?” She questioned, looking behind her as the two of you left the bookshop and went the opposite way of the House of Wind. “The party is that way, Y/N.”
“Just trust me, Nes. I’m going to show you why I’ve been acting weird.” You answered, going against the wave of people who were slowly going up the streets. “You deserve to know, no matter how nervous I am.”
Nesta was worried about where exactly you were taking her, her mind racing with one nightmare after the other. What could you have been doing that made you act like this? She couldn’t think of one good thing that would cause you to be so nervous. 
As the shops began to get farther apart and her feet started to hurt in her heels, the two of you finally arrived to a driveway of sorts. There was a small, rusty mailbox that was in desperate need of paint, and the driveway itself was made of cobblestone. However, there was a lush of trees and flowers lining it up and as Nesta’s eyes followed the path, she gasped when she finally landed on a grand house.
It was a beautiful estate with large windows, spiraling archetitcture, and a sort of eretheral look about it. You watched your mate take it in, your heart racing as you tried to read her face to see what she was thinking but finding it difficult.
After a few minutes of silence, of listening to the waves crashing against the shore and the birds in the trees, Nesta whispered, “Where are we?”
“Our home.” You smiled, squeezing her hand. “Come on, let me show you inside.”
You guided her up the drive and pulled the key out from under your shirt, unlocking the gilded doors and stepping inside. The parlor had a grand chandelier hanging from the ceiling while a winding staircase was on the left, the floors made of warm hardwood. 
She listened as you gave your tour of the house, pointing her towards the kitchen and living room, the bedroom the two of you would share, a few bonus rooms for guests or for certain plans the two of you hadn’t yet discussed, until you arrived at the last door in the hallway.
The keys jingled as you opened it with a different key, grinning from ear to ear as you pushed it open for her to see. Inside was gorgeous library, with the shelves reaching all the way to the ceiling. All of Nesta’s favorite books were held within them, along with a sitting area and desk, and a warm hearth towards the back. 
A large window was the main focal point though, the view overlooking part of Velaris and bay area where the ships were docked. The moon was now rising in the sky with the stars winking in and out. You turned to watch her as she strolled around the room, her fingers ghosting over the spines of the books, until she stopped at the window.
“Do you like it?” You asked earnestly, nerves twisting your stomach into knots. This was supposed to go differently, you were both supposed to be dressed and you were even going to have dinner first, but you had to tell her.
“Why?” She whispered, turning to look at you. Your face fell immediately, thinking she hated it, until you saw the tears welling up in her eyes. “Why would you do this for me?”
You walked over to her and grabbed both of her hands, your own eyes becoming wet. “It’s your Starfall gift from me, Nesta.” You smiled softly, biting down on your lip. “This is what I’ve been working on, why I’ve been going over the budget so many times and sneaking away. I wanted to make sure everything was perfect before I brought you here.”
She was speechless, absolutely stunned at the feat you had pulled off. 
“I wanted us to have a home of our own, not just some apartment above our store.” You continued, looking out the window. “And I wanted your first Starfall to be memorable.”
“You did all of this just for my Starfall gift?” She said incredulously, her lips parted in amazement. 
“Well, I mean…” You stammered, now worried it was too much. “Yes?”
Nesta was quick to pull you towards her and kiss you with the passion of a hundred poets, her love and appreciation practically soaking into your skin as you gladly followed her lead. 
The relief of her kissing you, of liking the place, lifted an enormous weight off your shoulders. You finally felt like you could breathe again and when you pulled away, you rested your head against her shoulder and let out a small laugh.
“You have no idea how nervous I was about this.” You confess, gazing up at her as she grinned and kissed the top of your head.
“And you have no idea how lucky I am to have such a wonderful, thoughtful, incredible mate you are.” She cooed, cupping your face and kissing you once more. “I love you with all my soul.”
“I love you too.” You blushed, the two of you turning to watch the beginning of Starfall in your new home. 
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kevotsuka · 10 months
I need to hear your detailed thoughts on pregnant bezz lol. It's clear it's going to be like a single dad situation bc he has no clue who the dad is. He's a Lil nervous but the academy is very nice about it. Pecco just wordlessly starts accompanying him to every doctor's appointment. Luca is making sure he gets his prenatal vitamins on time and resting his feet and cele is a little distant at first which makes bezz feel a little sad and he doesn't know what to do about it and Luca comes over to cele and tells him to not hurt bezz when he's expecting and cele feels soo guilty he would never do anything to hurt bezz or the baby but he feels insane about the whole situation and also is a little bit obsessed with bezz and his teeny growing bump anyway they make up and cele never leaves his side like they sleep together and he rubs Bezz's feet and let's Bezz hug his cold post shower body because he's burning up due to the baby. Just my silly thoughts I want your preg bezz thoughtsssssssssss
Anon you're sooo smart because all what you say IS TRUE. Cele is so weird about preg!bezz and luca need to talk with him “how you can make our pregbez being sad?” Jail for celin. Personally I am more into bez/pecco for this AU, but bezz has a harem who cares about him and his lil babybug :)
SO THANKS for waiting for my little silly thoughts about preg!bezz, he’s very important to me lmao.
I'm writing a fic (in spanish) about this snip, i don't think i wanna post it, but preg bezz is a 9k gdocs and tried to kill me 
A thing about Bezz is how PRIVATE he wants to be (he fails). Like, he tried to separate his work and his personal life.
So in my timeline bezz was pregnant in Aus, and at first he had a very asymptomatic preg. Maybe he confuses the symptoms with the consequences of his broken collarbone, idk.
anyways, he don't ride out of weekend, don’t go to the ranch, barely training and lives stressed, sad and high in FEELINGS
It's not until before Valencia (Friday maybe) that he realize “oh, I might be pregnant” and then he DON'T CARE because it's the end of the season and all he want to do is go take a nap with his dog.  He will deal with the bug when the tests are over.
He rides on Saturday and he doesn't do too bad but he hates himself because he could be better, but it is Sunday when he FALLS because Marquez HIT HIM and he realizes that with that blow he could have lost the bug and suddenly it is unacceptable. He drinks beers on an empty stomach, goes to yell at Marc at his truck, drinks some more, goes to SKY and says “Did you know Marquez hit US?”  to anyone who wants to listen to him (people think he's talking about him and Martín, so they don't pay much attention to him)
He goes, picks up his prize completely done and thinking about his bug and how maybe he lost it because of Marquez and cries a little because of the alcohol and hormones, but do you remember that he is a private person?  DON'T TELL ANYONE.  Not his family who is there for him.  Not even Valentino.
pass the valence tests (and Bezz is irresponsible and gets back on the motorcycle) and is wednesday and Marco is at home, with his dog and looking for the number of a former schoolmate who he is sure became a gynecologist and deal with his bug that he may have lost (and he touches his belly and silently begins to pray to a god he hasn't believed in a long time).
 the bug is okay :) But beez need to stop riding rn, avoid the levels of stress that he have subjected his body and mind to in recent weeks.  That is if he want to take the baby to term, if not there is also an abortion clinic quite close there.
THEN he have the dilemma of “have the baby or continue your life as if nothing had happened?”  And the answer is that he will have that baby because he is a selfish man who feels lonely.
THEN, only after the first visit to the gynecologist post valencia test he calls Valentino and says “haha boss sorry I need to terminate my contract due to health problems :(“ and “don't you need a sexy pregnant secretary? I really can't stay without a work rn”
Valentino just lost TWO drivers in less than a month and is, of course, mad as shit, but he's also a father and tells Marco (once he hears that apparently he's going to be GRANDPA because bez is also his son) that it's okay, the academy will help you and support you in everything etc etc if you decide to return.
Marco doesn't want to tell to the boys of the academy.  Like, not at all.  He prefers to go hide in the hills before telling his friends that he chose to be a 'father' instead of chasing everyone's dream and becoming a motogp world champion etc etc
So he doesn't tell them anything (yet, he will eventually).
It is made public that he will leave the category to focus on his health and this is how the boys at the academy find out that Marco will not compete in the following season.  and Bezz practically vanished from the face of the earth.
 It is not until January, on Pecco's birthday, that he asks to meet when Bezz sends him a message to congratulate him.
Bezz says “Well, meet me at the hospital” and Pecco is clearly panicking and running to the address Bezz gave him.
 Then he sees Bezz in the parking lot, beaming and wearing those horrible oversized clothes that he likes so much and he can finally breathe easy.  He tries to ask Marco how he's been and why he disappeared, but Bezz asks him about the academy, about his family, about Pecco's grandmother??  as they walk through the hospital, towards the maternity section and Pecco begins to suspect
Then they arrive at reception, the secretary tells them that they are on time and Pecco is panicking while Marco drags him to the gynecologist, who only raises an eyebrow when she sees the MotoGP world champion there but greets him easily.
Then it's a haze for Pecco, Bezz talks about the changes in his body and the gynecologist tells Marco that they are normal things, that he has been very good and that his baby, whom Bezz insists on calling bug, has no health problems visible and developing very well for being 15 weeks old.  She then turns to Pecco and asks him to remind Marco to take his supplements because he tends to get very forgetful sometimes and that he is glad to finally meet the father.  And have him sign some documents that he has overdue :)
Pecco comes out with ink stains on his hands, lots of questions, and a strip of ultrasounds while Marco laughs at him and his expression.  Then bezz explains that he needed a companion who can come sign the papers.  That does not link Pecco to the child, only to Marco in case his family cannot come look for him in an emergency related to his baby.
Pecco: what.
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6rookie-writer0110 · 3 years
Lost in Neptune’s sea
Kate Bishop x Reader (gender-neutral)
Request - neutral Where the reader is Diana prince's brother/sister and dating kate and takes her to amazons island to introduce her to her sister and the other amazons.
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“Y/n I missed you,” Diana said.
She hugged you tight and you hug her back. You went to Gotham to visit her and you surprised her
“I missed you too” You smiled.
“Why didn't you tell me that you were coming?” Diana asked.
“I wanted to surprise my sister” You smiled.
She smiled and you go out to eat with Diana. She knows that you're dating someone but doesn't know a lot about your girlfriend.
“So when am I going to meet your girlfriend?” Diana said.
“Soon. She knows I have abilities but she doesn't know that Wonder Woman is my big sister” You said.
“You should bring her to Themyscira. Mother will want to meet her” Diana said.
“That is a good idea. She does want to meet you” You said.
“That’s great! It is settled this weekend, we will go home” Diana smiled.
You smiled at your sister and later you go home.
You go home and Kate is cleaning her wounds. You start to help clean the wounds, she starts to talk about what happened on the mission. Then you and Kate bathe Lucky
“I met with my sister and she wants to meet you,” You said.
Kate gasped “She is okay with the relationship?”
“Yes. She wants to meet you and I know she told my mom so you will meet them. Maybe this weekend?” You said.
“Yeah, I want to meet them. So when we are going to Gotham?” Kate said.
You were going to answer her but Lucky got out of the bathtub and starts to run. You and Kate try to catch Lucky, but he thinks you two are playing around with him.
The next day, you and Kate start to pack. You tell Kate that your family isn't really from Gotham.
“Don’t be nervous” You said.
“Your sister is Wonder Woman and your mom is the queen!” Kate said very loud.
“Babe, relax and breathe in and out. You don't have to pretend to be someone else, just be yourself” You said.
Kate breathes in and out and she nods. Once on the island Themyscira, you hugged your mother Hippolyta, and she missed you a lot. You introduced Kate to your family.
“This is my girlfriend Kate,” You said.
“Y/n, I thought you were married to her,” Hippolyta said.
“Mom, we are not ready yet to be married,” You said.
Lucky starts to bark and sniff Hippolyta.
“That is my dog and he likes pizza,” Kate said.
“Pizza?” Hippolyta said.
“We don't get food like what we eat at home on the island,” You said.
“Oh,” Kate said.
“Come, we have a lot to do,” Diana said.
You smiled at Kate.
✯ ✫ ✬ ✫
Hippolyta is alone with Kate and she is giving Kate a tour of the island.
“What is your intention with my child Y/n,” Hippolyta said.
“I really care about Y/n. I'm happy with Y/n” Kate said.
“Y/n has told me last night how much make them happy. I don't want to find out that you broke Y/n’s heart” Hippolyta said.
“That won't happen, I promise,” Kate said.
“Will see. Y/n has told me that you're an expert in archery. I will like to see what you can do” Hippolyta said.
Kate smiled because of what you said.
“I will show you want I can do” Kate smirked.
There is an archery competition and you're cheering for Kate. Hippolyta is impressed with what Kate can do.
“Mother seems like your girlfriend,” Diana said.
“What about you?” You asked.
“I like Kate and her dog. I will like to keep getting to know her” Diana said.
“I’m happy that you and mom like Kate. Because she was super worried that you and mom wouldn't like her” You said.
You cheer for kate during the competition and she smiled at you.
Much later, you are on the balcony with your mother.
“It's good to have you home, Y/n,” Hippolyta said.
“I miss being here. Kate likes it here too” You said.
“She is a nice girl. I can see why you are in love with her” Hippolyta said.
“How did you know? I haven't said those words to her yet” You said
“A mother knows. But why you haven't told her?” Hippolyta said.
“I’m scared to tell her. What if she doesn't feel the same way and she breaks up with me” You said.
“She is probably scared too. If you didn't mean it then you can easily say those words” Hippolyta said.
“Yeah,” You said.
Your mom hugged you and you went to your room.
✯ ✫ ✬ ✫
You are alone with Kate, you took her to your secret place on the island.
“I used to come here when I wanted to be alone,” You said.
It's close to the river. You crave your initials on a tree and Kate did the same.
“So... No one knows about this spot?” Kate asked.
“Just you. Diana doesn't even know about it” You said.
You and Kate sit on the grass close to each other. Kate smiled at you, then she kissed you. You start to kiss her back and you lie down on the grass. The kiss is passionate and you have your hands under her shirt.
You and Kate are training with Antiope and your mother. Diana watches you and Kate train. You and Kate were thrown to the ground
“Y/n, you haven't been training,” Antiope said.
“I do train,” You said.
“Y/n,” Hippolyta said.
“Fine. No, I don't train every day like before...” You said.
You stand up and you helped your girlfriend get up.
“You need to train every day. I can beat you easy than any enemy will easily defeat you” Antiope said.
“To be fair the tracksuit guys had guns and they were a lot of guys in tracksuits...” Kate said.
“What?” Hippolyta said.
“They were bad guys,” You said.
“Y/n and Diana have been trained to fight against more than two people,” Antiope said.
“Oh... Wow, that is a lot to handle” Kate said.
“So hard,” You said.
“Let's train again,” Antiope said.
“Okay,” You said.
Kate sits on the grass “I need a break for five minutes or five hours”
Diana giggled.
After leaving Themyscira, you and Kate go to Gotham City to help the Justice League. But when Bruce arrived at the bat cave, he noticed his The Batmobile is gone.
“Diana, why did Y/n and Kate steal my car,” Bruce said.
“I don't know what you're talking about,” Diana said.
You took your girlfriend on a joy ride in The Batmobile. You and Kate are having fun and driving really fast around the city. But you don't know that Bruce has a GPS on the car.
“This is so much fun!” Kate yelled with excitement.
“Yeah!” You yelled.
“Let me drive!” Kate said.
You were going to say yes but Bruce and Diana stopped The Batmobile.
“Oh snap, we are in trouble,” Kate said
“Get out now,” Bruce said.
“Y/n and Kate this is childish and dangerous driving around in The Batmobile,” Diana said.
You and Kate get out of The Batmobile.
“Nobody got hurt,” You said.
“It's not a toy,” Bruce said.
He glared at you and Kate.
“Sorry,” Kate said.
“Don’t do it again” Bruce said.
Diana is giving you and Kate the speech about why it's not a good idea to steal The Batmobile.
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tobesolonely · 3 years
queen anne’s coffee
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A/N: hello everyone! I am not D/deaf or Hard of Hearing. However, this was requested more than once I wanted to do my best to provide. In this story, Y/N is a part of the Deaf community. if I have misrepresented the Deaf community in any way or wrote something inaccurate or offensive, then please DO NOT hesitate to let me know (respectfully, of course!) i wanted to fulfill this person’s request and be as inclusive as i could, as i don’t typically see stories with a Deaf!reader. shes short and sweet but i hope you all enjoy anyway! as always, feedback is very much welcomed and appreciated! :)
Summary: Y/N visits Harry’s coffee shop every Tuesday and Thursday and always orders the same thing. Harry HAS to get to know her!!!
word count: ~1.7k
my ko-fi! thank you :)
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
Every Tuesday and Thursday at exactly 3:50 PM, Y/N placed an online order that consisted of an iced chai tea latte with oat milk and a butter croissant from Harry’s coffee shop, Queen Anne’s Coffee.
Y/N never forgot to add, “warmed up pls! thank you :)” in the section for comments, and she always tipped. She would then come into Harry’s shop approximately ten minutes later, walk up to the ‘pickup’ counter, grab her items, smile at Harry, and promptly leave. Harry never even so much as said hello to her, but he was irrevocably captivated––even if she was a complete stranger.
Harry decided that when Y/N came in today for her usual, he’d finally talk to her.
Business had been unusually slow for a Thursday afternoon but Harry didn’t mind–when Y/N came in, he’d be able to have a proper chat with her without having to rush the conversation along to help other customers. His gaze kept floating up to the cat-shaped clock hanging above the door, anxiously awaiting 3:50 PM when Y/N’s order would come through on the iPad and he got to read the words, “warmed up pls! thank you :)”
Harry didn’t know why he was so nervous to speak to her. As the owner of his very own coffee shop (and it’s only employee), he got to know the people who came in regularly well, even developing genuine friendships with some. It bothered Harry that this beautiful person gave him business two days a week and the only thing he knew about her was her name, which is only because he can see it when she places her order online.
When the iPad Harry keeps plugged up atop the counter chimes, he doesn’t even have to glance at it to know it was Y/N but he does anyway, feelings of excitement bubbling in the pit of his stomach. He was finally going to talk to her! Harry contemplates scribbling his number on the side of her cup as he’s writing her name but decides against it, not wanting to be too forward before they even formally meet.
When Y/N comes in ten minutes later, Harry can immediately sense something is wrong. She hardly looks up once as she shuffles from the door to the counter, hoodie pulled up and drawn tight over her head.
“Are you okay?”
Y/N doesn’t look up or even acknowledge the fact that Harry spoke. Even though there’s only two other people in the shop besides them, Harry figures she might think he was talking to someone else and addresses her by name.
She still doesn’t address Harry as she gives him a small smile before hurriedly exiting the shop, the bell above the door signaling her exit.
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
When Tuesday comes, Harry’s out of bed before his alarm jolts him from his dreams.
He thought about Y/N all weekend as he impatiently awaited Tuesday’s arrival, excited over the prospect of finally seeing her again. He hoped she was doing better today than she was last week, and he really hoped she was in the mood to chat with him today.
Harry’s grateful the shop is busy today. It helps to keep his mind off of Y/N, and his eyes off the clock. When the iPad chimes at 3:50 on the dot, Harry decides he’ll wait until she comes in to prepare her order. It didn’t take him over two minutes, anyway. He figures this will give him a bit more time to chat with her, at least say hello and see if she’s doing better.
Much to his pleasure, Y/N has a big smile on her face when she bursts through the door ten minutes later. She floats to the pickup counter, then furrows her eyebrows in confusion as she looks up at Harry.
“Sorry, I’m working on your order right now,” Harry grabs a purple marker off the counter, scribbling Y/N’s name on the cup used for iced drinks. “How’s your day so far?”
Harry watches as Y/N cocks her head to the side in confusion, then pulls her phone out of the back pocket of her jeans. She quickly types something before holding her phone out for Harry to take.
“I can’t hear you! I’m Deaf.”
A look of realization floods Harry’s face as he reads what she said. He now understood why Y/N didn’t answer him when he tried speaking to her last week, and he’s secretly relieved that she wasn’t ignoring him because she hated him or anything like that.
“I know a bit of sign!” Harry types before handing Y/N back her phone. He watches as her eyes skim his words and she looks up, a toothy grin plastered on her face.
“Great! This is much faster.” Her hands move quickly as she signs. “Did my order work or not? Wi-Fi is bad at home today.”
Harry realizes he doesn’t know as much sign language as he thought he did.
“OK. I am rusty.”
Y/N smiles at this and pulls her phone back out, typing what she just signed to him before passing it back to him. A look of realization floods Harry’s face as he learns she was just asking if her order came through alright, seeing as it was not yet ready. Too embarrassed to tell her he intentionally waited until she arrived to prepare her order, he just nods.
“I’ll have it ready in no more than two minutes… and refund you, too. I’m sorry for the wait.” Harry looks up at Y/N as he passes the phone to her, eyes not leaving her face as he tries to gauge her reaction.
“No!” Her head shakes as she signs. “Happy to pay. Thank you.”
Harry understands Y/N but refunds her, anyway.
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
“Why do you always come Tuesday and Thursday? Same time?”
“Exams every Tuesday and Thursday.” The look of obvious dissatisfaction on Y/N’s face makes Harry laugh. “Your chai and pastries cheer me up after.”
Harry’s face turns red at Y/N’s admittance, so he instead looks down, pretending he’s distracted by something on the iPad. He decides at that moment that he will no longer charge Y/N for her oat milk latte and croissant. She was a college student after all––if her financial situation was like Harry’s in any way when he was in college earning his business degree, it would probably be beneficial for her to save her money, anyhow.
Ever since Harry and Y/N’s first real interaction, Y/N had been coming into Queen Anne’s nearly every day, school supplies and laptop in tow. She always sat at the table closest to the front counter, directly in Harry’s line of vision so they could sign to each other.
Y/N provided Harry with some much needed (and enjoyed) company when business was slow, and she was helping him brush up on his sign language. Harry learned that Y/N is Deaf; her hearing is completely gone in her left ear and almost completely gone in the right. She’s the only person in her family who is Deaf. She also hated eggs, is lactose intolerant (hence the oat milk), has two older siblings, is a master’s student, and a plethora of other things that Harry had committed to memory.
“Thank you. I’m glad you enjoy.”  
“Who is A-N-N-E?”
Harry grins. “My mother. Back in London.”
Y/N’s eyes widen. “London? Amazing! You must have an accent.”
It dawns on Harry that Y/N has never heard his voice before. “Yes. Are you from here?” Y/N nods in response.
“Whole life. Small town, but it’s home.” Her pinched hand moves quickly from her mouth up to her ear.
“Sorry. What?”
A look of realization floods Harry’s face as he nods in response, signaling for Y/N to give him a moment as the bell above the entrance jingles. It seems as if the few people who walk through the door act as a catalyst for others to enter, and soon Queen Anne’s is at maximum occupancy and Harry is trying to make several drinks at once while taking orders. He locks eyes with Y/N a few times and she gives him a sympathetic look, not able to do much to help him out.
Harry decides that once business dies back down, he’ll find out if Y/N is interested in a part-time job.
⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
Y/N was interested in a part-time job.
She was a fast learner and a hard worker. Harry was more than delighted to show her how to make every drink on the menu, and consume her failed attempts. It was nice having someone else behind the counter with him––he wished he’d gone about hiring someone to help him much sooner, but he was glad to now have Y/N by his side.
“So much chai! I thought only I drank this stuff.”
Harry’s gaze lingers on Y/N for a beat too long, causing her to shift slightly. Harry’s hand moves to scratch the back of his neck. “Yes. I like chai. With milk.” His hand forms a ‘C’ then closes to form an ‘S’ twice for the word “milk”.
“Regular?” One of Y/N’s eyebrows raises as she asks her question, setting a hot chai latte atop the “pickup” counter.
Y/N lets out a quiet snort of laughter as she shakes her head. It was the first time Harry ever made her laugh out loud. After hearing her laugh once, he never wanted to stop––it was music to his ears. “Not surprised!”
Harry’s eyes crinkle at the corners. “Why?” His eyes remain on Y/N as she walks around the small area, cleaning up a small coffee spill she had earlier.
“You just are a S-O-Y boy, H. My S-O-Y boy!”
Harry’s cheeks immediately turn pink as they did the first time Y/N said something that flustered him, but he doesn’t look away.
“You’re my O-A-T girl.”
⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
Thank you everyone for reading!!! This is only the beginning of Y/N and Harry I think <33
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nataliedanovelist · 3 years
GF - Timestuck AU: The Power of Mabel ch.2
While fighting over a time machine so one twin can win a pig or the other can win the heart of a girl, Mabel is left stranded in a snowy forest with no time machine and no brother. Oops.
The BEAUTIFUL art pieces were done by @clownwry and @elishevart ! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! 😭❤️💋
ch.1 - ch.3
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Ford was way more nervous than he was letting on.
She had long, pretty brown hair, braces over her teeth, sneakers, a skirt, and a sweater that allowed the cold air to pass through it. Her cheeks were slightly chubby with youth and nosy, as well as her nose, due to the freezing weather. Her eyes matched her hair perfectly, and though they were clouded with fear and confusion, Ford swore he could see sparkling behind the clouds, sparkling that made itself well-known when she asked if she could make him a sweater or when she saw his hands.
She had long, pretty brown hair, braces over her teeth, sneakers, a skirt, and a sweater that allowed the cold air to pass through it. Her cheeks were slightly chubby with youth and nosy, as well as her nose, due to the freezing weather. Her eyes matched her hair perfectly, and though they were clouded with fear and confusion, Ford swore he could see sparkling behind the clouds, sparkling that made itself well-known when she asked if she could make him a sweater or when she saw his hands.
Ford would be lying if he said he didn’t enjoy Mabel’s company, but she was practically a stranger, and keeping a random girl in his house that was located in the middle of the woods was fishy and Ford couldn’t help but feel like it was illegal. But he couldn’t leave her out in the snow and send her on her way to find her home and family, so he decided to keep her warm or healthy, simply because it was the right thing to do.
But then she said she had no parents to call. Only a brother, who was lost, too. Ford can remember the old rule: If you’re lost, stay where you are until you are found. So he then decided that she could stay here until her brother found her, which should be by morning at the latest.
Still, he felt uneasy, so once Mabel was settled in front of the TV, Ford excused himself and went into the kitchen to make a phone call. There was only one man who would have better judgement in this situation than him.
The phone rang a few times. Ford checked his watch to make sure it was a reasonable time to call. It wasn’t Sunday, was it? But then the ringing stopped. “Howdy! This here Fiddleford McGucket.”
“Hey there, buddy.” Ford smiled to himself at hearing that cheerful voice. “How have you been?”
“Stanford Pines! Good t’hear from ya!” Fiddleford cheered. “M’just fine, just fine! How are ya?! Ya haven’t gotten eaten by monsters yet, have ya?” He laughed, making his old friend chuckle along.
“No no, I’m alright.” Ford almost brought up the reason he called, but then he remembered something very important to Fiddleford. “How are Emma-May and Tater?”
“OH! They’re doin’ great! We’re all very happy n’ doin’ well! Ya won’t believe how big Tate’s gotten since ya last saw him! He’s already crawlin’!”
“Wow, that's great to hear.” Ford sat in a chair at the kitchen table. “Has he said his first words yet?”
“No, not quite. Actually, he’s extremely quiet. Not a lot of baby-babble.” Fiddleford chuckled. “The doctor says that’s perfectly normal. Tate’s so smart, he’s reachin’ for specific colors n’ such, n’ ya can tell he’s thinkin’ a lot n’ knows what’s goin’ on, he just got nothin’ t’say.”
“I was very shy when I was young.” Ford commented casually. He didn't feel like mentioning why. “If Tate is anything like either of his parents he’s very intelligent.”
“Oh, he’s so much like both of us it’s scary. Ya know Emma-May, so clever n’ quiet n’ such. Tate’s got all that. But he already looks so much like me! But he’s got his mama’s hair! N’ Santy Claus brought ‘im this fun little fishin’ game where ya fish for plastic fish with a pole with a magnet on it, n’ he loves it! I can’t wait to take ‘im fishin’ when he’s big enough! Ya really outta give yourself a break n’ come down for a visit, he’d move to see his Uncle Ford again.”
Ford’s face felt hot. “Perhaps. Spring is when a lot of anomalies are active and breeding, so i would prefer not to miss that, but maybe I could visit for a weekend before that…”
“Well, no pressure, I won’t assume anythang until ya tell me to, just know there’s always a bed for ya here.”
“Thank you, Fiddleford. The same for you and your family. The clean air will do everyone some good.”
“Oh, I’m sure.” Fiddleford sighed happily and perked up. “So! Whatcha callin’ for? Not that I’m not happy just t’chat, but ya never call.”
Ford laughed and shrugged to himself. “I suppose I don’t. I’m sorry.”
“No need t’be sorry, Stanford, just wanna know what’s up.”
“Well, I was hoping to get your advice on something.”
“Um… well…” Ford rubbed the back of his neck, unsure how to tell him this. “I heard some unusual sounds outside today…”
“What kind of unusual sounds?”
“Cracks, like lightning. And some faint yelling.” Ford answered. “I thought it might be a tree branch or a new anomaly to catalogue, but when I opened the door a young girl was standing there in the snow with no coat.”
“Heavens! Is she alright?!”
“She’s okay, no frostbite. She was cold, but after sitting by the fire, drinking some hot chocolate, and changing into some dry clothes, she’s okay now.”
“Well, good.”
“So of course I brought her in. I tried to call her parents, she probably got lost playing…”
“... but she says she doesn’t have any parents.”
“Oh.” Fiddleford sighed. “Oh. Now, wait, are ya sure she didn’t just say that so ya wouldn’t call?”
Ford chuckled and said, “I first thought that too, but she looked too sad to be lying.”
“Okay, I see. Does she got somebody ya can call?”
“She says she has a brother, but he was out there, too. So he is probably out there looking for her and therefore nowhere near a phone.”
“Fair enough, okay. So, I reckon y’all are waitin’ for him t’come ‘round.”
“Well sounds to me like you’ve handled this all pretty well.” Fiddleford said confidently.
“You think so?” Ford asked. “I can’t help but feel like I’m doing something wrong. Like I’m missing something. Am I doing something wrong?”
“Nonsense, buddy, you’re doin’ great.” Fiddleford assured. “Look here, ya can’t just leave a young gurl out in the snow t’try t’find her way home...”
“I agree.”
“... so ya really got one option n’ that’s t’keep an eye on her n’ let her in as a guest. N’ ya tried t’call, but nothin’. The best thang ya can do right now is be there for this lil’lady n’ just be kind t’her. N’ if nobody comes for her by mornin’, why don’t ya go into town n’ see if anybody knows her, then they can help y’all out.”
Ford nodded, then remembered that his best friend couldn’t see it, so he said, “Yeah, that sounds like a good plan. Thank you, Fiddleford.”
“You’re welcome. N’ hey, are ya okay?” He asked seriously.
“Yes, yes I’m okay. I just want to make sure I do this right.”
“O’course. I understand. Ya want me t’come down there n’ give a hand?”
“No, that’s not necessary. I’m sure Mabel will find her brother in the morning.”
“Mabel, huh? Well, if y’all don’t, please call me. N’ even if ya do find her brother, call me. Keep me updated.”
“I will. Thank you, Fiddleford.”
“Anytime, Stanford.”
When Mr. Ford gave Mabel the remote for the old TV and went into the kitchen, she decided to use her awesome detective skills to figure out what year it was. If it was before Grunkle Stan lived here and opened the Mystery Shack, she must be pretty far back in time. But she had no way of knowing if it was 1999 or 2005 or the 50s.
The TV was old, but so was Grunkle Stan’s in her time. So Mr. Ford could have had this TV for a long time and didn’t want to replace it. 
Okay, so when was the TV made? Mabel didn’t know. Dipper would have known.
Okay, Grunkle Stan mentioned watching TV when he was a kid once or twice. So at least Mabel was when Stan was a kid, okay. 
Mabel turned the TV on and it was in color. Okay, so she wasn’t too far back in time. But the TV was playing a commercial for clear skin. The picture was gritty and all the people in it had puffy hair and long socks and oh my god was that woman wearing legwarmers?! Mabel grinned at seeing her favorite fashion on TV, but then her face dropped. When was she?
She tapped her chin and tried to think of how to know the date without being suspicious. She could ask Mr. Ford, but that might be suspicious. Mabel decided to start flicking through channels to try to guess what year she was in based on what was airing. A lot of shows were about cowboys, space, or game shows. Huh. Okay.
All the TV shows were definitely older. Nothing her dad would watch from when he was a kid, so if Mabel had to guess by everyone’s crazy air, the cheesy TV shows, and the music occasionally playing, she was in the 70s.
Huh. Okay. But she needed an exact year. So Mabel turned off the TV, saw an old radio on a desk, and turned it on to listen.
“... cuz it’s cold doesn’t mean you can't boogie, folks! So grab someone you wanna get warm with, turn up the music, and get your bodies warm in the coolest way possible! Here’s Night Fever, by the Bee Gees!”
Mabel grinned at the disco music. Her personal favorite song from these guys was More Than a Woman, but Night Fever would do. For a moment Mabel forgot her mission, jumped off the couch and left the blanket behind, and in the over-sized gray t-shirt Mr. Ford gave her while her clothes were drying, she danced along to the music, singing the chorus since those were the only words she knew.
“When you reach out for me. Yeah, and the feelin' is right,
Then I get night fever, night fever. We know how to do it! Gimme that night fever, night fever. We know how to show it!”
Mabel laughed at herself as she spun around in her socks and tried to do the point-and-hype dance she didn’t know the name to, but everyone did it when a disco song played.
Little did she know that Ford had returned to check on her, and was smiling at her as she shook her hips and waved her hair around and had fun. He leaned against the doorway and planned to let her dance in peace, but when she did a spin and saw him, she grinned and took his hand. “C’mon, Mr. Ford, come dance with me!”
Ford chuckled and shook his head. “No, no! I can’t dance!”
“You got two legs that aren’t broken?”
“Then you can dance! C’mon!” Mabel encouraged, let him go when they were both in the middle of the room, and she started to dance again. “Don’t make me dance alone!” She even pulled an evil move and gave him puppy eyes. Rude.
Ford smiled slyly at her and hesitantly copied her boogie moves. It was true that Ford never liked to dance, but there was no one around but Mabel, and though he had only known her for an hour or more, he was sure she would never make fun of him.
And he was right.
“Wow! Look at you, Mr. I-Can’t-Dance! Yeah!” Mabel hopped on the couch, standing, and took Ford’s hand. “Here, I’ll spin you!”
Ford laughed and allowed it, doing a single spin, but then scooping her in his arms to dip her and then let her down, making her laugh as they continued to dance. 
“Alright alright, you crazy cats, that was Night Fever by the Bee Gees! It's a snowy day here in the heart of Oregon, with snow flurries coming in harder all night, but it should clear up by morning and be a fun day to go out and play! The date is January 26th, 1978 in case you gotta write a check or mail a thank you note to a friend or family member. I’m still writing letters for Christmas! We’ll be right back with some of your favorites after a word or two from our sponsors, so don’t go anywhere!”
Mabel stared at the radio. “Wow, 1978.” She breathed. Her parents were only kids right now, maybe only six or seven-years-old. Wow.
Ford chuckled. “I know, I’m still in the bad habit of writing ‘77.”
Mabel realized her mistake, but was grateful her host misunderstood her. “Me too.”
“Well, I don’t know about you, but I’m ready for dinner. How about some ramen noodles?”
“Yes, please! Can we play a game after we eat?”
“Sure. I don’t have many board games, but I do have a deck of cards.”
“Do you know any card tricks?!”
“A few.” Ford admitted, wiggling his fingers. “There are some advantages to having more fingers than average.”
Mabel grinned up at him and followed him to the kitchen for dinner.
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the-cranck-hobbit · 2 years
Reunion and Volley ball || Song of a Nightingale Pt.4
Author's note : English is not my mother tongue, I am french but I wanted to try to write in English so here we are ! (Don't hesitate to tell me about the errors…)
Pairing : Mitchell! OC x Rooster, mention of Kazansky! OC x Hangman, mention of OC × Iceman
Summary : Two years after the uranium mission, Maverick enjoys his new life. Working on his plane, drinking beer at the Hard Deck, building a limpy little family with Penny and her daughter, Rooster, his WSO's son and Blizzard, his wingman's and old friend's daughter. 
Everything change the day he got a call which announces the existence of a 26 years daughter. 
Discover the story of Ally and Bradley, find out if Kathleen will deal with her father's legacy, and meet Beck, the first woman graduate of Top Gun.
Warning : VERY BAD WRITING, age gap, mention of death, mention of diseases, mention of parents death, mention of s*x but nothing descriptive
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Maverick and Allyson spent the weekend together. Ally was a pretty good guide. She made him visit some beautiful spot, the kind of spot that only someone that grew up there knew. 
They talked a lot about everything. She took him to her favorite motorcycle store. They talked about their common passion. 
Maverick was amazed about how it was easy to talk with Ally. She was always enthusiastic, curious about everything. He was very nervous about meeting her. But everything looks natural for her. Days after days, Maverick became less and less nervous and enjoyed more and more of the time spent with her. 
Her favorite things were walking and the beach. At the moment they put a foot on the sand, Ally took off her shoes and dipped her feet in the warm sun. Maverick smiled at her. She looked at him, smiling. “There is nothing better than walking barefoot in the sand !”. Saying that she ran towards the ocean and walked in the waves. Maverick smiled wider. Her joy was contagious. 
And then Tuesday was there. The funeral’s day. Allyson was with some friends of her mother and family before the ceremony. Pete and she agreed that he rejoined her at the cemetery. 
Alyson stayed with her aunt. When she started crying Mav, who was some rank behind, wanted to walk through the crowd and take her in his arms.
But he didn’t know if it was what she wanted and he didn’t want to embarrass her in front of her family. 
After the funeral, Ally took her father for a walk. Even though Pete was glad to spend time with her, he didn’t want her to feel obligated to stay with him. “If you want to stay with your family it’s fine for me.” He said. “I can spend one day alone.” 
Ally shook her head. “I don’t want to be with them. You saw them cry but they are just hypocrites. They all judged my mother when she got pregnant and she decided to raise me on her own. I think they are upset to see you with me. But I don’t care. You are more interested in me in four days than they dis in twenty six years.”
There was no anger in her voice. She spoke as if she just said a simple truth. Maverick looked at her, took her hand and took her to the beach. When they arrived at the edge of the sand, Pete let go of her hand and leaned forward. He took off his shoes and rolled up his pants. Ally giggled with surprise and imitated him. 
Maverick felt proud to have managed to make her smile. The rest of the week passed on a wink. And then it was the day for Pete to come back to California. Goodbye at the airport was heartbreaking. But they promised to each other to stay in touch.
It’s Penny that picked him at the airport. He was happy to see her again, he missed her. But his heart was still heavy at having left his daughter in Australia. They didn’t know each other for a while, but Allyson has already become one of the most important people in Maverick’s life. 
When Penny saw her boyfriend look, she immediately understood his feeling. She took him in her arms with a sweet “Oh, Pete.” 
She brought him back home where Amelia and Kat were waiting for him. As it was foreseen, Rooster and Hangman were back on mission. 
The girls welcomed him and they talked about his trip all day and the evening. Pete told them everything about Ally. How she looks, how she speaks, how she dresses, some stories she told him about her childhood, her wish to work as a mechanic. His face lit up when he talked about her. 
Penny and Kat glanced at each other, smirking. He was talking like a true father. 
Pete didn’t expect a reunion so soon. But about a week after he came back, during a call, Allyson asked him if he minded if she spent some days in California. Maverick’s smile became wider. He couldn't wait to announce it to Penny so he ran towards the Hard Deck and as soon as he was near her, he told her. 
Ally arrived Friday evening. Pete picked her at the airport. When she saw him she ran toward him and jumped in his arms, almost causing him to fall. They laughed together and Ally kept talking all the way to her father’s house.  
Penny and Amelia were waiting for them. Kat had the duty to accompany Phoenix to a Party. “She is my Wingman.” Kat apologized. “She’s got the power to make me kill on a mission.”
When Pete introduced Ally, she immediately hugd Amelia then Penny. She looked at Penny. “You are much more beautiful than I thought !” Penny replies with a smile. “Thank you. You are beautiful too.” Ally giggled.
The rest of the night was full of smiles, stories and laughs. Pete’ heart grew up with love by seeing this family which took him so much time to have.
After dinner,they stayed talking in the living room. Penny sat in Pete’s arms until their two daughters literally fell asleep. Mav had to carry both of them to their room. While he was edging Allyson,he told himself that he could easily get used to this life.   
Top Gun Fightertown, 1986
All class members were gathered at the volleyball court. The atmosphere was electrifying. And for good reason : the match was between Maverick/Goose and Iceman/Slider. Storm was the only girl in the stands. Maverick wasn’t focused. She could see it. He was watching his clock all ten second and he sped up the match. Despite this Goose and Maverick led the game. 
Maverick finally left. Goose begs him to stay even for one game. But Maverick didn’t want to hear anything. Storm came closer, smiling. “She has to be really pretty.” Maverick looked at her. “What do you mean ?” 
“The woman you’ve got a date with. She has to be really pretty to make you abandon Goose.” 
Maverick looked at Storm and smirked. If she knew him as much as she knew herself, he knew her as much as he knew himself. “Prettiest than Iceman.” And before Storm could reply, Maverick went away.
Storm turned around and ran to Goose, her ponytail swinging at each step. Goose sigh of relief seeing her. “Thank god I’ve still got someone I can count on !”
Iceman and Slider looked at her. “You want to play with us, Storm ?” asked the taller pilot. “It’s a problem for you, Slider ?” She replied, raising an eyebrow. “Afraid to lose against a girl ?” It was Iceman who answered. “But you’re not a girl. You’re a pilot.”
Storm tried to ignore the butterflies in her stomach. He didn’t consider her like a girl. And it was not an insult. He saw her as a pilot, as his equal. 
She pulled herself together and went on her side of the court. In her way, she took off her Tank Top, revealing her colorful bikini top. There were few whistles, Slider gasped like a fish and even the cold Iceman couldn’t hide the blush on his cheeks.
Perhaps she was a pilot, but she was a damn beautiful woman too. 
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noforkingclue · 3 years
Hey, if you write for Natasha, could I request something with her and a single mother reader?
Here you go anon. Once again this turned out a lot longer than I expected! Hope you like it!
Title: A Happy Family
MCU tag list: @geocookie21, @greeneyedblondie44, @purebloodwitch
Everything tag list: @greenrevolutionary, @imjustassaneasyou
“Let me help you.”
“Oh,” you looked over your shoulder, “There’s no… need.”
Your voice trailed off as you looked at the woman behind you. She raised an eyebrow and you felt the blush slowly creep up your neck. She was beautiful and she looked familiar but you couldn’t put your finger on it. Your daughter looked up at you and tugged on your coat distracting you for a moment.
“Mum,” she whined, “Hungry.”
“Not long now,” you said as you turned your attention back to her, “Just a moment.”
“Here,” the woman took one of your shopping bags, “I’ll help.”
“There’s really no need,” you said embarrassed, “I can manage.”
“I’m sure you can,” she gave you a small smile, “But you are blocking the doorway.”
“Am I?” realisation dawned on you, “Shi- I mean, oh no. I didn’t to.”
The woman didn’t reply as she helped you carry in your shopping.
“I’m y/n by the way,” you said awkwardly, “Thanks for your help.”
“Natasha,” she replied with a small smile, “Nice to meet you.”
It was one of the rare days when you parents were looking after your daughter. You loved her dearly but sometimes it was nice to have a day to yourself. You hunted for your door keys in the pits of your bag when you heard a familiar voice,
“Hello again.”
You glanced over and you hand grasped your keys. You hurriedly pulled them out of your bag as you felt yourself once again get hot under Natasha’s piercing gaze.
“Natasha right?” you said, “Hey.”
“No daughter?”
“Oh no,” you muttered, “My parents are looking after her for the weekend. They love spoiling her and they want me to give some time to properly relax.”
“Can’t your… partner help?”
“Ha,” you let out a bark of laughter, “Him? He’s useless, doesn’t want anything to do with her. We’re better off without him anyway.”
“Must be tough,” Natasha walked over towards you, “Being on your own.”
“It is,” you admitted as the two off you walked out of your apartment building, “But seeing her smile is worth it. You know, I never actually thanked you for the other day.”
“You did at the time.”
“That’s not what I mean. Would you like to get a coffee some time?”
You felt yourself get slightly uncomfortable under her gaze. It was like she could see into your soul and was able to read all of your thoughts. Once again you could feel your blush rise up to your cheeks. You never knew that another woman could pull this reaction from you.
“I’d like that.”
“You would?”
“Yes,” she held the door open for you as the two of exited into the crisp fresh air, “Although I’m busy today. Tomorrow?”
“Tomorrow is good.”
“I’ll see you then. We can work out details later but unfortunately I have work I need to complete.”
She waved goodbye and headed towards two people who were clearly waiting for her. Your eyes followed her and suddenly your blood turned cold when you realised who was waiting for her. One of them was Captain America.
You had just asked out Black Widow on a date.
“Do you ever regret it?”
“Regret what?”
“Asking me out?”
You looked over at Nat. You daughter was currently asleep on her lap and Nat was looking down at her with soft eyes. You scooted closer to her and rested your head against her shoulder. Nat wrapped an arm around your shoulder.
“No. Do you ever regret accepting?”
“Not at all.”
“Even though I have a daughter?”
“Why should that bother me?”
You sighed deeply before saying,
“Most people do care. They don’t want someone with ‘baggage’.”
“Is that how people treat you?”
Her grip on you tightened slightly and you hesitated slightly. Your daughter shifted on Nat’s lap and the two of you looked down at her in concern.
“Sometimes,” you said quietly, “They can’t see passed the fact that I have a child and that she’s one of the most important people in my life.”
“I understand.” said Nat softly
“And you don’t care?”
“No. You treat me like-“
Nat cut herself off and looked away. You saw uncertainty flicker across her eyes and you sat up quickly. You turned her chin so she was facing you.
“What’s wrong Nat?”
“You treat me like anyone else,” she said quietly, “Despite everything I’ve done.”
“Oh Nat,” you rested her forehead against hers, “The person you were in the past is not the same as the person you are now. You help people Nat, you’re an Avenger and I… I love you.”
For a moment Nat didn’t reply. Anxiety curled in the pit of your stomach as you worried that it might’ve been too soon.
“You don’t have to say it back,” you said quickly, “I understand-“
Nat cut you off by gently pressing her lips against yours. She pulled you closer to her and she remained close when she broke the kiss. She stood up and lifted your daughter into her arms and you quickly followed you. While Nat didn’t always vocalise her feelings towards you she clearly showed them to you in other ways and you wouldn’t have her any other way.
“Got any milk?” said the man in your kitchen
You rubbed the sleep out of your eyes before glaring at the figure. You walked quietly over to the fridge and pulled out the carton and handed it to Clint.
“It’s early,” you said, “Do you know what time it is?”
“You’re awake already,” said Clint as he made the two of you a cup of coffee, “Hope you don’t mind me crashing here.”
“It’s not like I have much of a choice.”
Clint handed you the cup and you quickly took it. You had learned that Clint made a far better cup of coffee than Nat and it was one of the few things you liked about his visits. The two of you stood in silence for a moment before you said,
“What are you doing here?”
“Like I said, needed a place to crash.”
“It’s not too far to the tower.”
“Don’t bullshit me Clint, I’m not stupid.”
“I know.”
Silence once again fell between you. You rolled your eyes and walked towards your sofa. You were finding your apartment strangely quiet whenever Nat was away.
“Nat asked me to keep an eye on you,” said Clint from your kitchen, “She worries about you.”
“Keep an eye on me?”
“She has a lot of enemies, we all do.”
“And you’re what? A bodyguard.”
“Better than a stalker.”
You snorted before looking back at your coffee cup. It was very Nat to ask Clint to look after you. It would explain a lot of strange things that had been happening lately. You ran your thumb along the rim of your mug as Clint moved to sit next to you.
“I never sleep well when she’s away,” you admitted, “I worry about her.”
“I can tell,” said Clint, “You look like shit.”
“If it helps, she’s alright. She’ll be back soon.”
“Can you be more specific?”
“Thanks. My daughter will be happy to know that her other mum will be back soon.”
You sat on a park bench as Nat pushed your daughter on the swing. You smiled at the domestic nature, a picture so perfect it looked like it should belong in a picture book. A tap on your shoulder made you look over as Steve offered you a cup of coffee. You gratefully took it as he sat down next to you. You looked at your hands nervous around the America hero.
“She make her happy,” he said at last, “You’re good for her.”
“You’re not the only person who’s told me that,” you said, “Do you have to leave?”
“It’s complicated. The less you know the safer the both of you will be.”
“Can’t I come with you?”
By now Nat was looking over at you and Steve. You gave her a pained looked as she walked over to you, your daughter excitedly running up to Steve.
“I’ll let the two of you to talk.” Said Steve
Once he was out of earshot, and distracting your daughter, you turned back to Nat.
“Please,” you said taking her hand, “Stay or at least let me come with you.”
“I can’t,” said Nat as she sat down in Steve’s place, “You’ll be safer out of my world. Our daughter will be.”
You closed your eyes forcing yourself not to cry. Nat cupped your cheek and brushed a thumb over it.
“I’ll be back,” she said softly, “I’ll never leave you alone. I love you, y/n. I’m not going to abandon my family but I need to do this.”
“I know,” you said, “But it hurts being away from you.”
“Nat, promise me one thing.”
“Stay safe.”
“For you, anything.”
A pounding at your door caused you to run over it to. You dropped you mug and heard it break as it crashed on the floor but you had bigger concerns. You flung open the door and Clint turned around. For a moment it was like nothing had changed, the awkward silence settled over you, before you flung your arms around him.
“Clint,” you said, “It’s been too long. I heard about your family… I’m so sorry. Are they…”
“They’re back.”
“What a relief.”
“Uncle Clint!”
You let go Clint as you daughter ran up to him and wrapped her arms around him. Clint couldn’t help but smile as he lifted her up.
“You’re getting big now,” he said, “To big for this old man to lift up!”
“You’re not thatold.”
“Thanks kid.”
He put her down and ruffled her hair as she looked behind him. The was one person missing from your happy family as Clint said,
“Hey kid I need to speak to your mum for a bit.”
“Can’t I hear?”
“It’s adult stuff.”
“I am an adult!”
“Now dear,” you said kneeling down, “Listen to Uncle Clint. I’m sure if you do he’ll treat to you an ice cream later!”
“Never broken a promise to you kid.” Said Clint
As your daughter ran off to the backyard you folded your arms and said desperately.
“Where is she Clint? Where’s my wife?”
Clint put a hand on your shoulder and said,
“Why don’t you sit down? We have a lot we need to talk about.”
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watchmegetobsessed · 3 years
a/n: personally i’ve been waiting for this part to come since the beginning lmao, so here is the proposal finally!! it’s like so fluffy, almost disgustingly, but i just couldn’t help myself
pairing: Sebastian Stan X Reader
word count: 1.8k
This fic is part of the LITTLE ONE series, but can be read as a simple oneshot as well! Find the masterpost of the series HERE!
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(gif is not mine)
You’ve been eating like a hormonal teenage boy these past weeks and you know it needs to stop and held under control, but you just can’t help yourself. It’s like your stomach has become a black hole that needs to absorb any and every food that’s home, you’re constantly snacking beside the large portions you eat three times a day, there’s always something you’re craving, the shopping list on the fridge is changing every hour because you think of something else to eat.
Luckily, you haven’t gained that much weight besides the noticeable bump that’s your baby in your belly, seems like your little girl does need all the food and she uses it instead of letting it all get stuck on other parts of your body, so you’re fine for just now.
Sitting on the couch, watching some kind of soap opera, you’re snacking on an entire jar of Nutella this time, shamelessly stuffing your mouth with the sweet, thick stuff, pretty sure that nothing will be left of it by the end of the day. Sebastian is away again for his second filming that was scheduled even before you found out you were pregnant and he messed around with it a little, shortening it once again and you just visited him last weekend. Now that you are pushing the end of your second trimester, your bump is quite evident, not something you can hide easily, so when you showed up on set with your boyfriend, you didn’t even try to cover it up, knowing well someone would spot it sooner or later. However everyone on the team has been so respectful, keeping the news to themselves, because no headlines have been made about your pregnancy just yet, keeping the secret even longer. To be honest, you’re surprised it hasn’t been discovered sooner, you thoughr someone would catch you out and about and see right through your baggy clothes and sell the news to the tabloids, but now you are in the sixth month and no one knows a thing.
Your phone chimes next to you, a text from Seb and you hum to yourself happily, putting the jar aside to grab the phone and see what he wrote.
“How are my two favorite girls doing? Miss you a lot!”
He even attached a silly selfie of himself in hair and makeup, he looks adorable with the clips in his hair and some kind of patches under his eyes. Like a real beauty guru.
Grabbing the Nutella, you place it on top of your bump as you move the phone to a lower angle and take a selfie that makes your bump look even bigger, the jar on top and you grinning widely at the camera as you snap a picture and send it to him with your reply.
“Enjoying our third snack of the day at 11 am! Miss you too, can’t wait to see you next week!”
He reads the message right away, his reply coming just seconds later.
“Look at that bump! You look gorgeous, baby! Can’t wait to see you too, have fun with your sister today, love you lots Xx”
Since he has left you’ve been trying to keep yourself busy so you don’t miss him too much and you’re also using these weeks to spend as much time with your friends and family as possible, knowing well once the baby arrives you won’t be going out that much for a while, nestled up in your home, learning the ropes of being a mother. Today you are meeting up with your sister, she is taking you out to this alleged new, quite fancy restaurant you haven’t heard about before. She claimed that it’s really exclusive, so you don’t have to worry about being photographed or bothered, but she also told you to glam yourself up for the occasion. It’s gonna be some nice sister time, something you haven’t been able to do in a long time.
You take the assignment seriously, doing your hair and makeup the best you can and you decide to put on a flowy maxi dress with a soft, knitted cardigan, very much going for a kind of cottage core vibe. Leaving just in time you text your sister that you’re on your way, putting the address into the GPS and heading out of town, because the place is near the beach. She texts you back that she’ll meet you there and so your short little road trip begins. Sitting in the car you’re listening to one of the many playlists Sebastian has made for you and the baby, he likes to play them at home, humming the songs under his breath, hoping to start educating your little girl in the field of music as early as possible. You have to admit he has a good taste, so you don’t mind it at all.
As you follow the instructions of the GPS you find the place that’s supposed to be your destination, but it doesn’t seem like a restaurant at all, more like a mansion of some kind, a very expensive looking if you are being honest. There are no other cars, no sign of other people so as you park at the front you call your sister.
“Hey, I’m right outside, but I have a feeling I’m at the wrong place? It doesn’t look like a restaurant.”
“Oh, don’t worry! You’re at the right place! I’m a little late, but I’ll be there soon, just go inside, they are expecting us!” she assures you, but you’re still not convinced.
Ending the call you approach the entrance and for your surprise the heavy doors open before you could even knock or find the bell. A man in a tuxedo appears in front of you, smiling warmly at you.
“Miss Y/L/N?”
“Uh, yeah,” you nod, a little shy and confused.
“Please, follow me,” prompts as you walk inside and the two of you start crossing the grandiose hall of the building.
At this point you are sure it’s not a restaurant, but you have no idea why your sister wanted you to come here. You want to ask the man if you’re even at the right place, but he called you by your name so he was expecting you, this has to be the place where you’re supposed to be. More and more questions pile up in your head as you follow him out to the backyard, a gigantic, flower-filled garden that’s straight out of a fairytale, a path leading down to the beach where there’s a dreamy little pergola with even more flowers and fairy lights and as your eyes fall on the figure standing in the middle of the pergola, you immediately gasp.
Because surrounded with all the flowers and lights, there is Sebastian standing in an elegant suit, smiling widely at you as the man next to you helps you down the stairs before you start walking down the path to him.
Tears are flooding your eyes, because you already know what it is, but you can’t believe it’s really happening. He was so sneaky, he got home from filming earlier and even made your sister play along to surprise you, he is such a romantic soul, no one can change your mind about that!
“You’re not in Atlanta!” you tell him when he is finally close enough to hear you. He chuckles sweetly, taking a few steps forward to meet you sooner, his hands finding your waist as you cup his face in your hands, pulling him down to kiss you right away.
“No, I’m not, baby,” he smirks, his hands sliding to your belly, gently stroking the sides as you wipe your tears away, but there’s no use, because the next moment, he steps back a little, just enough so that he can get down on one knee and you’re crying again when you see him pull out a little velvety box from his pocket.
You were expecting it. You knew he would propose before the baby arrives, but you just didn’t know when and how, but he surely outdone himself with his little surprise.
“My Love, Y/N,” he starts after a deep breath, his hands finding yours and you can feel the shaking, but you’re not sure if it’s coming from yours or his. Probably both. “I’ve spent the best years of my life with you and I haven’t been the same man since the day I met you, but in the best way possible. You are the most amazing woman I’ve ever met and I’m so lucky that you did not only choose to be with me, but you are now carrying our baby under your heart as well, out little one who is equal parts of you and me, though you’re doing ninety percent of the job here,” he adds with a chuckle, making you laugh through your tears. “I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you the moment you were so badass on your first date, kissing me when I didn’t have the balls to do the first step, but I’m glad you did. I fell in love with you right then and there and the same thing has been happening every day, over and over again since then. I know we went a little out of order with everything we had planned,” he smirks, glancing down at your bump before his blue eyes find yours again, “but that doesn’t change the fact that I want to spend the rest of my life with you, so I have a question for you.”
He pops the lid of the box open, a gorgeous, brilliant diamond ring coming to your vision, sparkling in the warm afternoon Sun so perfectly, it takes your breath away.
“Y/N Y/L/N, will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?” he asks, clearly nervous, even though there’s no doubt about your answer, you’ve told him plenty of times before that you want to marry him, but still, it’s a huge moment in both your lives.
“Yes, yes, yes!” you nod eagerly as you both start laughing in relief, his shaky fingers tagging the ring out of the box and sliding it to your finger gently, before he brings your hand to his mouth and kisses the ring.
Then he finally stands up and you basically throw yourself into his arms, kissing him like your life depends on it as he kisses you back with just as much force.
“I love you and I can’t wait to call you my wife,” he sighs pleased against your lips.
“Mm, another title in the line? Girlfriend, baby mama, fiancé and then wife,” you giggle giddily.
“You missed one,” he cocks an eyebrow at you slyly.
“Which one?”
“Love of my life.”
Thank you for reading, please like and reblog if you enjoyed it!
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capt-spooki3 · 3 years
Hey hi hello, how are you doing, i miss you and am .5 seconds away from spamming all your work with likes and reblogs 💕☺️
So I've been thinking (uh oh).... Being close with Tommy and tubbo and telling them ur terrified to meet techno cause mans is so scary to you, and they tell him you're scared cause they're little shits. A d cut to like a few days later where you have to talk to him for smthn and he's making fun of youand teasing you relentlessly cause he knows you were visibly nervous to meet him, but he's being really nice besides the teasing. Thoughts? Interpretations?
You don't even have to respond, just know that I love you and your stuff and hope you have the best day because you deserve nothing less◖⚆ᴥ⚆◗
( ˘ ³˘)♥
am i positive if you're asking me for a fic? No, not entirely.
Am i going to write you one anyway because you're so sweet? Yes absolutely and now presenting:
My Unexpected Tutor
Platonic college au!Technoblade and Y/n
(plus besties with the rest of the sbi ofc 😌)
(Hope this is okay, i just took my own interpretation of it and changed it just a little👌)
Warnings: cursing, teasing, nervousness(idk)
3.3k works
With the final bell ringing and college classes ending for the day, you snatched up your bag and book you’ve read off and on that week before heading over to the courtyard that was near the on-campus dorms. Stopping by a vending machine first to grab a drink then seating yourself on a bench and getting comfortable while you wait for your company to arrive.
“Yeah! And that’s- HA! That’s when Wilbur just… oh!-” The nearing sound of Tommy’s voice cut off along with the softer laughing from Tubbo. You were very obviously engrossed in your book, but now you just feigned reading as you listen closely to the sound of slow footsteps nearing behind your bench. The two of them were horrible about being sneaky since you could easily hear hushed laughs as they desperately tried keeping each other quiet.
Right as you heard them stop moving, you couldn’t help but smile to yourself before turning around suddenly and lunging at them over the back of the bench with a half effort grab at Tommy’s extended hand, and yelling. Tommy screamed back, stumbling back a  few paces and Tubbo just stumbled before backing up to the bench and busted out laughing.
“Ey what the hell!” He scoffed despite not being able to hold back his growing smile, shoving his hands into his pockets. “I’ll remember that bitch, I’m gonna get you back.” he walked over to you and sat on the other side of the bench, giving you a hard glare when you laughed a little bit though it was mostly from Tubbo’s hysterical laughter. He took a deep breath and calmed himself so he could jump over the back of the bench and sit between you and Tommy.
The two boys were your underclassmen, being freshmen while you were a sophomore. The three of you met in your coding class. You were there mostly to get your English degree and major in said area, but you figured while you had the opportunity you would take classes on things you didn’t know much about. There, you met Wilbur, a senior and Tommy’s oldest brother, and he helped you quite a bit with understanding bits of coding that were a bit too confusing for you at first and were quickly becoming friends with him. That was until Tommy entered the picture. First, you just saw him as Wilbur’s chaotic younger brother who just happened to be in the coding class as well but after some insisting that you get to know him from Wilbur, you hung out one weekend in the library. One weekend turned to two then almost every weekend once he introduced you to Tubbo as well and you all had become a true trio.
You got to know Tommy’s family pretty well. His single father, Phil, who was just like a second parent to you now, and Wilbur who acted just like the older brother you never had. You knew them well despite having known them all for less than a year. The only hang-up is when it came to Tommy’s other brother. You knew he had an actual name, but only knew him by his nickname since that’s what everyone referred to him by. That would be Technoblade. The two of you had a couple of literature classes together and the fact that he was only one grade above you, you’d figure that you could befriend him with ease. Now, it’s not like he was big and scary, he was more tall and lanky but he was smart and he had some vibe around him that just petrified you. You couldn’t ever build up the courage to be around him which made it quite an issue since you were best friends with his brother, though this wasn’t an issue you had ever brought up to any of them.
“So how did classes go for you guys today?” You asked as you pulled one of your legs up onto the bench and closed your book which you held close to your chest.
“Fucking shitty! I got a fuck ton of extra work, like I know it’s college and the weekend but let me live.”
“We got one essay to write, it’s two pages long.” Tubbo reiterated with a smile while Tommy grumbled and leaned his head back so he was looking up at the sky. “What about you Y/n?”
“It wasn’t bad, I don’t have any extra work other than a bit of coding to do. Oh speaking of, Tommy?” You reached your foot over and kicked his leg to get his attention, only continuing when he was looking at you. “Is Will gonna be free at all? ‘Cause I need some help with this stuff.”
Tommy perked up a bit, sitting up to get his phone out. “Oh you're right, I actually need help with it too.” He mumbled while texting and staring at the screen as he waited for a reply. “Uhh okay so he says… I’m visiting some friends so I won’t have time… blah blah uh but ask Techno, I heard he’s pretty good at coding. Nice! That’s perfect, you can just come over to my house and-”
“Ah, you know what- I actually think I’m okay.” You quickly interrupted him, pulling your laptop out of your bag to aimlessly scroll through the assignment you were given. “It can’t even be that hard I’m sure… I can figure it out.” You said with as much confidence as you could muster despite knowing full well you’ll be completely lost as soon as you try to start on the work.
“Come on, we both know that’s a lie, you're so shit at this stuff.” He said light-heartedly and watched you ‘work’. “Seriously, just come over. I’m sure Techno is good at this stuff, if anything we can pay him to do the work.”
“It’s fine- really. I think I’ll just wait for Monday, I can ask Wilbur for help then.” You closed your laptop, keeping your gaze on it for a moment before looking over at Tubbo and Tommy who were giving you both a puzzled look. “What?”
“You don’t…” Tubbo started to speak but Tommy pushed him back with an arm on the chest so he could lean over to look at you closer.
“You don’t have a crush on Techno, do you?” He said and squinted at them as if disgusted by the thought.
“What!? No!” You sat up taller and looked at him, baffled that he resorted to that.
“Well, then what the hell is the problem! Just come over and he can teach us!” 
“I just… he’s kinda…” You grew flustered and found a loss for good words as you realized you were going to admit this. “He’s scary.”
Tommy busted out laughing and wheezed hard, doubling over as he coughed and laughed some more, stumbling over words as he tried to talk but was laughing too hard. Even tubbo who was trying to hold back, joined Tommy which only made them bounce off each other in their hysterics.
“Wha- I’m serious! Do you two not think he’s intimidating!?” You looked at both of them desperately as you could feel the heat that had risen to your cheeks.
“He’s literally-” Tubbo’s laughter interrupted him. “He’s a nerd! How the hell is he scary?” He settled down a bit and nudged Tommy to get him to calm down too, luckily he got his fit of laughter out.
“Oh my god, no I’ve got to go home now.” He grabbed his backpack that had been discarded behind the bench and looked at you once more before laughing more. “Scared of Techno- oh my god. That's good, that’s a good one. Bye bitches!” He saluted both of you before running off.
“Tommy I swear to god if you tell anyone I will deck your shit!!” You stood up, holding your laptop in hand, to yell at him but just stood there defeated once he turned a corner around a building. Tubbo got up beside you, laughing as he put his hands in his hoodie pocket.
“I wish I could give him the benefit of the doubt… but he’s gonna tell Techno. And Wilbur. And Phil for sure.” 
“Yeah... I’m sure he will. I’m going to my dorm, I’ve got to call my mom.”
“Aww-” You put your hand over his mouth, but took it away as soon as he shut up so he wouldn’t lick your palm.
“Shut- I don’t wanna hear shit from you too. Anyway, get home soon and don’t get kidnapped.” You turned away to put your laptop and book into your backpack and zipped it up before pulling it over one shoulder. You looked back at Tubbo and put your fist up to him.
“I’ll kick them in the balls, don’t worry.” He laughed a little and bumped his fist to yours and walked backward a few paces, waving at you. “Tell your mom I said hi!”
You waved back at him and stood to wait and watch him walk off along the stone path until he was fully out of sight to make your way to your dorm, which was right in the courtyard area.
Monday came around and with the school day partially over, you made your way to your coding class. You of course didn't end up doing the assigned homework even though you gave it a good try and just decided to rely on Wilbur's help.
You walked into class and took in a deep breath, it was always cool and smelt of coffee since the teacher brewed a cup before your class every day. Making your way over to your usual computer you looked over to see Tommy sitting in your spot beside Wilbur and chatting to him. You guessed he heard you coming or saw Wilbur look your way because he looked back and grinned wide which never meant good.
"Ey look at who it is! Wonderful seeing you again, how was your weekend?"
"Fine." You said, looking down at him and kicking his foot. "I don't like how you're acting, what the hell did you do?"
He just feigned innocence and looked offended that you could assume such a thing. "Me? Me!?" He leaned forward, hand gracefully on his chest. "I cannot believe you right now, I'm hurt Y/n! Truly hurt."
You scoffed with an eye roll and sat on the other side of Wilbur since the seat was free. As soon as you set your bag down and went to turn toward the two, Wilbur was already facing you and leaning on the desk area for the keyboard in a way that looked like he needed to say something in secret.
"You good?"
He just waved you down and you leaned forward to listen. "You're not… actually afraid of Technoblade are you?"
"Tommy you little shit!" You jumped up, nearly hitting Wilbur but he moved back in time. Tommy laughed and fled to the other side of the room where he normally sat so you just grumbled and took your seat.
"Is no one else? He's intimidating, I feel like he'd call me out on all my insecurities if I inconvenienced him. And THEN he would hold me at knifepoint till I left him alone."
Wilbur snorted and hung his head as he softly laughed, you reached over and hit his arm before leaning closer to whisper. “I’m serious Wilbur! He scares me!”
He looked back up at you with the most amused look. “Come on, you can’t be friends with this family without knowing techno. Honestly. Talk to him today. You two have the same literature class at the end of the day right?” He asked as he sat up and leaned back into his chair to turn his computer on and log into the coding website.
“I mean yeah but- what does that have to do with anything.” You asked, but Wilbur didn’t reply as he just stared at his screen so you leaned forward to get into his peripheral vision. “Will, what does that have to do with anything? I’m not talking to him, I hope you know that.”
You were wrong. Nearing the end of your literature class, you sat there listening to the teacher while completely lost on the assignment. Usually, it wouldn’t be too much of an issue because you would just give it the best attempt you could and see where you messed up at the end to better understand the work. It wasn’t the best tactic but you liked it better than having to ask for help. But now, this was a big and grade-determining assignment, not one you could afford to flunk.
The class was given five minutes to start on or look over the work at the end of the class. You leaned back in your chair, staring at your paper at a loss, and listened to the sound of people moving around the class near you. You didn’t try to look up since you assumed it was friends going to sit together and gossip. That was until you noticed someone took the seat beside you and shuffled a bit closer. Pulling the paper away from your face to look, you froze instantly upon locking eyes with Technoblade who was smiling lightly. You had never seen him this close, the most notable thing was his dyed light pink hair that had grown out brown roots and you could even see in his smile how his top and bottom canine teeth were a bit longer than normal and looked like he had small fangs and tusks.
He pushed his glasses up before crossing his arms and leaning forward on his desk. “Hey so I know you’re terrified of me, but it looks like you’re having a bit of an issue.” You opened your mouth to speak but were just met with a loss for words and just averted your eyes, continually glancing back at him for a moment as you were unsure what to do. He snorted lightly, bringing his hand up to stifle his laugh, and cleared his throat. “Yeah sorry for bein’ so big and scary but I can help ya. Come one, show me what you are confused with Y/n.”
“You- you know my name?” You looked right at him finally to which he raised an eyebrow at you quizzically.
“Well yeah. Did you really expect me not to? You’re besties with both of my brothers and my dad loves having you over. I was just waiting for you to say hi to me.” He leaned back, fidgeting with a ring with his hands. “Didn’t think you’d actually be scared of me, thank Tommy for snitching. He talked about it all weekend.”
You groaned, leaning forward to run your hands over your face and sigh, swearing that you’d smack him once school was out.
“Oh shi-” You looked at Techno and he was checking the time on his phone. “Hey, class is about to end. You’re not gonna be busy are you?”
“Uh… not, no I’m not.”
“Great.” He got up, moving the desk back to its original place and trotting over to grab his bag, and looking back to you. “Get your stuff and meet me at the south entrance, we can work on it back at my house.” And without giving you a chance to try to object, he called to the teacher saying that he was going to leave a minute early to get his stuff together since he rented a locker a bit away from the classroom and the teacher waved him off.
Reluctantly, you went back to your dorm which was close to where you had class. You dropped off unneeded books and grabbed a granola bar from a box you kept in your room then headed toward the entrance Techno told you to meet him at. And of course, walking up the sidewalk to the doors you saw him there sitting on a bench with his bag beside him. He saw you and jumped up, waving you over to him as he started walking immediately. While you were still behind him, you sent a picture to Tommy, Tubbo, and Wilbur of him walking in front of you and adding the caption ‘i did it :P’. 
The two of you chatted while you walked through the neighborhood and despite light teasing on how scary he was, he was easy to talk to and you had a lot in common with him. It was a shame you hadn’t taken the initiative to talk to him before. In no time, you were walking through the door after him into the familiar home where Phil greeted you with a surprised but happy look and offered snacks which Techno graciously took before heading to his room.
To your surprise, Technoblade is the best tutor you have ever had. He is attentive and incredibly patient when trying to figure out where you are having struggles and he’s smart. Like he knows every single bit of what is supposed to be brand new information from the class. Not even two hours into him helping you, you understood the assignment completely and you both spent the next three hours sitting on his bed and working together. You joked with him and he held the same energy while keeping the focus on working and even swapped laptops with him to check it over for each other.
You broke your gaze from the endless lines of text on your laptop screen to look at the window and seeing the orange sky around trees and over top of houses that indicated the setting sun. “Oh my gosh!” You scrambled off the bed, carefully stuffing papers back into your bag. “I didn’t even realize what time it was- Technoblade thank you a million for helping me. I appreciate it so much, but I need to get back to my dorm! I promised my roommate I’d help her cook dinner tonight.” You grabbed your laptop off of the bed and put it into your bag, closing it all up quickly.
Slinging it over your shoulder and adjusting it, you turned to make your way out of the room but you were stopped by a tug and looked back to see Techno holding onto your bag and looking displeased. “Not yet.”
“Wha- I need to go though-”
“It’s a tradition in this house to hug anyone before they leave, you should know that from my dad.” He let go and opened his arms up to you.
You turned to him and tilted your head a little. “You’re joking…”
He just smiled smugly and waited. You glanced at the doorway but gave in and closed the bit of distance, hugging him to which he returned snugly and spoke softly to you. “You’re a good person. I’m glad to have gotten to know you and I hope you’ll come back. I promise I’m not all that bad.” With that, he slowly let go and patted your arm before gently shoving you toward the doorway and plopping down on his bed. “Have a good night!”
“Uh.. yeah, you too!” You said back, still surprised by the exchange. His words swam through your mind as you went to leave the house, hugging Phil on your way out and wishing him a good night as well. Finally checking your phone on the walk home, you found a supportive and proud text from Wilbur, a dirty joke from Tommy, and something in between from Tubbo.
You laughed to yourself, amused by the differences in the messages. It was times like these that you most found appreciation for the three. Mentally you had to correct yourself though. The whole family was good. This you can say for sure now.
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hopelesshunny · 3 years
the love languages part i: gifts (f.w.)
pairing: fred weasley x fem!reader
summary: fred doesn't like to admit that he gets jealous when it comes to his girlfriend, after a overhearing a conversation where the love of his life is the topic he goes shopping.
warnings: jealously, slight possessiveness, greasy comments from greasy guys, kissing, fred playfully slaps y/n's butt once.
word count: 1.8k
a/n: this is the first instalment of my love language series, i'm hoping to update it over the next four mondays!! i'm starting a taglist for this series and for my future writings in general which you'll find here, i'm so excited to keep writing for this series and i'd love to hear what y'all think of it - my ask is always open and i can't wait to hear your opinions!!
*all photos are from pinterest*
series masterlist // part ii // part iii // part iv
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Fred laid back on his bed, his hands clasped behind his head as he watched his girlfriend adjust her uniform in the mirror. Fred had known Y/N for years but she had become a Weasley family staple after she rescued a very stressed Ron in the library who was pouring over a potions essay that Hermoine had refused to help with. It wasn’t until they had convinced Y/N to spend the summer at the Burrow with them this past year that Fred had finally worked up the nerve to express his feelings for her, and now here she was flashing him that sunshine smile in his dorm room, his mirror, making her way over to kiss his lips.
“You’re staring Freddie.” She giggled, as she plopped down in his lap, wrapping her arms around his neck.
“Can’t help it angel.” He replied, pressing a sweet kiss to her forehead. “You’re just too good to be all mine.”
“Well-” she started “I can assure you that I am, my love.” He chuckled as he placed another kiss to her lips. She closed her eyes, relishing in the feeling of his lips on hers for a little longer than she probably should have. In all honesty, Y/N had been crushing on Fred for years, long before he had even known who she was. She had simply intended on observing him from afar, sneaking in quiet chuckles at the jokes he and George cracked in class, stealing quick glances at him across the Great Hall as he teased his siblings. But when she developed quite the unlikely friendship with his younger brother and they had invited her to their family home, Fred started to see her in a different light. Y/N had been at the Burrow for over a month when Fred finally realized that maybe the reason he always wanted to be close to her and that he laughed the hardest at her jokes wasn’t just because he wanted to be her friend, he wanted to be her boyfriend, he was in love with her.
She was everything he had ever wanted, the perfect girl for him, but her being perfect made her quite the center of attention. Fred would never admit that he was jealous but the stares she attracted as the pair walked down the hallways always got to him. However, she never noticed the way other people looked at her, probably because she was too busy staring at him, too focused on the feeling of his hand in hers.
“Freddie.” She whined, wriggling in his grasp. “I’ve got to get to the library and you’ve got practice.” She giggled as he buried his face in her neck, inhaling her scent.
“The library isn’t going anywhere and they won’t mind if I’m late.” He mumbled which earned a playful scoff from her.
“I have a feeling that your lateness will not be excused.” She replied as he groaned into her skin.
“Fine.” He spoke before placing a playful smack to her butt, signalling for her to move off of him so he could reluctantly get ready for quidditch practice.
“Don’t worry Freddie, I'll find you once you're done.” She cooed, placing a kiss to his lips before making her way out of his room and down the hall, leaving him breathless, once again.
Fred quickly got dressed and started the trek towards the pitch, his head flooded with the thoughts of Y/N, a smile seemed permanently etched on his face. Until he overheard voices from around the corner; there stood two Ravenclaw boys leaning against the wall, and the topic of discussion happened to be his girlfriend. Fred gritted his teeth at the sound of her name coming from such mouths, his jaw becoming tight as he felt his hands ball themselves into fists.
“No, I’m telling you, she knows how to fill a uniform.” One of them groaned as the other laughed in agreement. The thought of someone staring at her, making such comments about his girlfriend made him angry, but the fact that they were looking at her like that, like she was nothing more than a body, infuriated him. She was so much more than that, sure she was gorgeous but she also helped his younger siblings with their homework when they couldn’t figure something out, she baked bread with his mother on Sunday mornings and always reassured him when he felt like the entire world was against him.
“You’re right.” The other remarked. “Don’t know what she sees in Weasley. Merlin, she could do so much better.” He added, running a hand through his hair. Fred couldn’t listen any longer, couldn’t handle the garbage he was hearing.
“And I assume you think you’re better eh?” Fred spoke as he sulked his way out of the shadows, causing the two boys to jump at the sound of his voice. “Quiet now, are we?” He chuckled.
“It’s only the truth Weasley, she’ll leave you at the sight of someone better.” The braver of the two spoke. “You’ll be tossed out soon enough.” Fred could feel the anger bubbling inside of him, but he knew that Y/N would despise the thought of him fighting, especially over her.
“We’ll see about that.” He breathed, feigning a lack of bother, the two boys stared at him, shocked at his response as he simply walked past them.
The week had melted itself into the weekend and the thought of his conversation in the hallway still plagued him, he knew Y/N wasn’t like that, she wouldn’t simply drop him if someone better came along. He knew that she loved him, knew that she barely even noticed those who were interested in her no matter how persistent their efforts in pursuing her were. But he needed something, something to prove that she was his, something that could show that she was proud to be his. After seething over this for the past week, thinking about constantly pulling his jumper over her head or maybe just never letting go of her hand in an attempt to keep greasy eyes off of her, it finally hit him and after a sneaky visit to a jewelry store he had a solution.
“Hey princess.” He spoke, excitement evident in his tone as he took his spot next to Y/N in front of the tree she was leaning against.
“Hi, my love.” She replied, abandoning the book she was reading to lay her head in his lap. He sighed with content, running his fingers through her hair as she gazed up at him, nothing but pure love gracing her features.
“I got you something.” Fred said softly as he ran a thumb across her cheek, she looked up at him, taking the hand that wasn’t occupied on her face into her own, interlacing their fingers.
“Freddie-” She started, but he stopped her, pressing a finger to her lips.
“No, no, no.” He protested. “I know you always say you don’t need gifts but this one means a lot to me.” She stared at him curiously as he continued to speak.
“I overheard these guys talking about you and I tried to not let it get to me but I- I couldn’t.” He spoke, her face softening. “I know you love me and I love you more than anything, I just wanted to get you something that could show everyone that, that could show you that.” He ran his fingers through his crimson hair and let out a shaky breath as she brought his hand to her mouth, gently kissing each knuckle. He was so nervous, he had planned exactly how to go about this in his head, but here in this situation, with her staring up at him with those eyes, all previous thoughts of smooth words and flirting were abandoned. He wanted nothing more than to spill his guts to her, tell her every single reason why he loved her, kiss every inch of her body.
“I always say I don’t get jealous when it comes to you, but I do, I hate it when other people look at you the same way I do.” Her lips quirked into a smile. “You’re the love of my life Y/N, there is absolutely no one out there better for me than you, I’m all in.”
“I couldn't agree more Freddie, all my bets are on you.” Y/N said, rising from her spot in his lap to straddle him. She placed her palms against either side of his face, resting her forehead against his closing her eyes and feeling the heat of his cheeks against her hands. Fred reached into his jacket pocket to reveal a small velvet box, Y/N’s eyes grew wide at the sight. He chuckled, sensing her surprise.
“It’s not an engagement ring angel.” He started, brushing a loose strand of hair behind her ear. “At least not yet.” He opened the box, where a simple silver necklace sat, four letters sat in the middle, his name in plain script. Y/N gasped, her hands flying to her mouth as Fred pulled the necklace out of the box and loosened the clasp.
“May I?” He asked, a grin etching itself on his face.
“Of course.” She whispered as he placed the chain around her neck.
“There.” He spoke, leaning back to admire her, she looked so pretty with his name lying against her skin. “What do you think?” He asked, his voice quiet as he searched her face for some sort of indication into how she felt about the gift. She stayed quiet for a moment, simply staring down at the necklace, she ran a finger across the letters as Fred bit his lip, nervous at her sudden silence.
“I love it Freddie.” She whispered, pulling his face to hers capturing his lips with her own before kissing his forehead, both his cheeks, his nose, his eyelids, his lips again and again. He broke into a full fledged laugh until he noticed the tears in Y/N’s eyes.
“Oh no princess, don’t cry.” He chuckled, wiping away stray tears.
“They’re happy tears Freddie.” She giggled. “Just love you so much.”
“I bet I love you more though.” He retorted, resting his hands on her waist as he buried his face in the crook of her neck. “I’ll have to buy you more gifts if you keep kissing me like that.”
Y/N sighed in response, her fingers twirled in the hair at the nape of his neck. They both knew that Fred could never buy her another gift for as long as they both lived and she would still love him as much as she did in this very moment. There was so much uncertainty in the future but right now, with his name around her neck and his arms wrapped so tightly around her waist she knew that no matter what happened in the next month, the next year and for the rest of her life, her love would be completely and utterly Fred Weasleys.
taglist (join here!!)
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restlessfandoming · 4 years
“family holiday” (pt. 1) (chilumi fic)
Lumine finally arrives in Snezhnaya and takes Childe’s offer of visiting his home (mansion). 
(some domestic fluff uwu) 
lots of ppl have been asking for more and i love that! tysm for the encouragement and support <3 sorry this took so long to upload, i am trying very hard for all you lovelies ;__; 
also this is being split into two parts bc it is a bit longer than my other fics...but i swear im writing part 2 as fast as i can!! i just wanted to post this now so i wouldn’t keep you lovelies waiting <3
[Fic Masterlist]
“family holiday” (pt 1)
“Lumineeeeee!” Teucer shouted as she walked through the door of Childe’s home. He tackled her into a hug. 
“Well hello to you too, Teucer,” Lumine greeted back. Just as energetic as I remembered… 
“Hey! Paimon’s here too!” Paimon crossed her arms. 
Teucer broke his hug and waved energetically at Paimon. “Hi, Lumine’s toy!”
Paimon’s jaw dropped, ready to go on a rant, but Teucer already turned his attention away. 
“Big brother!” he cheered, tackling Childe into a hug as well. 
“Teucer!” Childe said enthusiastically, picking him up and slinging the little boy over his shoulder before swinging him around. Teucer erupted into gleeful giggles. 
“Big brother? Is that you?” a soft voice called. Coming down the grand stairs was a little girl who looked exactly like Childe and Teucer, her long brown hair tied in a half-up crown braid, her large blue eyes like innocent doe eyes. She looked about eight. Behind her, another sibling came trudging down the stairs, scowling, his hair appearing more ginger than the rest of the family; his face had a splattering of freckles across his nose and cheeks, more prominent than Teucer’s. He was a bit older, around 11. 
Childe set Teucer down, and smiled. “Tonia,” he greeted her, gentler. He got down on one knee, and Tonia ran down the steps—her white dress flowing behind her—and jumped into his open arms. 
“It’s been too long!” she said, her voice muffled by Childe’s shoulder. 
He laughed. “It certainly has, princess.” He looked to the last sibling still standing by the stairs. “Come on, Anthon. Come here.”
Anthon let out an exasperate huff, but still made his way to his older brother, and joined Tonia in their embrace. “We don’t have to make such a big deal out of this,” he grumbled, though his arms tightening around his brother betrayed his attitude. 
“Looks like we’ve been sidelined,” Paimon muttered. 
Lumine tilted her head. “It’s kind of nice to see though…” 
Anthon’s eyes flickered to her. “Who are you?”
Tonia broke from the hug, ducking under Childe’s arms to look at Lumine, while still gripping tightly to his jacket. 
Teucer bounced over to the traveler, and placed his hands proudly on his hips. “Ladies and Gentlemen, this is Lumine!”
Tonia gasped and skipped over to her, her eyes bright. “Lumine?! Like from the letters?” Teucer nodded enthusiastically. 
Childe stood and rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. “Yup, the one and only. This is her first time in Snezhnaya, so everyone be on your best behavior.” He gave Anthon a look, to which Anthon crossed his arms. 
“It’s nice to finally meet you, Tonia and Anthon,” Lumine said. “Your brothers have told me a lot about you two.”
Tonia smiled shyly and peered at Lumine’s face. “Woooow,” she whispered in wonderment. “You really are just as pretty as he said!” 
Lumine felt a shock to her system. Childe told them I was pretty?
Childe let out a nervous laugh, quickly scooping Tonia off the ground and ruffling her hair. “Very funny, Tonia! Why don’t we decide on dinner plans, hmm?” 
Paimon, after grumbling in the corner about being ignored, perked straight up. “Food?”
“Let’s celebrate brother and Lumine coming home! We should go to the bestest restaurant in the city!” Teucer suggested. 
“You don’t want to eat brother’s cooking?” Tonia asked, a bit of sadness tinged in her voice. 
“I think that’s a great idea, Teucer,” Childe said. He patted Tonia’s head. “How about we eat dinner at the restaurant, then we can come home and I’ll make you your favorite cake?” 
“Yay!” Tonia cheered, jumping from Childe’s arms, and joining Teucer in celebration. 
“Anthon? What would you like to do?” Childe asked. 
He shrugged. “Whatever sounds good to me.” 
“Then it’s settled! Let’s all go get ready then, okay?” Childe said. The children all ran up the stairs, and soon the foyer was quiet once more. The Harbinger let out a heavy sigh. 
“Whew! They’re a handful!” Paimon said. 
Lumine nodded. “How do they even survive while you’re away?”
Childe chuckled. “Year round I have a dedicated staff of servants and maids to look after them and the house.” (Mansion, Lumine thought.) “I gave them the weekend off while I’m back.”
“You can handle all three of them?” Lumine asked. 
“Oh? You don’t think I’m capable?” 
“I just can’t imagine you as a child raising type,” she said, recalling their various battles together. How bloodthirsty he could get. 
“The battlefield is different,” he said, as if reading her thoughts. He glanced at the stairs. “I’ve been raising my siblings since we were little.” 
No parents? She thought of her and Aether. On their own for as long as she could remember, having to explore and learn alone. Except she and Aether were twins; she never had to look after a younger sibling—let alone three. 
“Ready!” Teucer announced, bouncing down the stairs. 
Childe crossed his arms. “Just your hat? Where are your gloves? Coat? Boots?” 
Teucer giggled. “Oops! I forgot!” He raced back up the stairs. 
“And you?” he asked, turning to Lumine. “You don’t look ready either.”
“I was okay on the journey here,” she answered. “I’m sure I’ll be fine.”
He shook his head. “It’s almost dark now. Snezhnayan nights are freezing, even more so during this time.”
“Ahh...well...we didn’t really pack...anything…,” Paimon said sheepishly. 
“Paimon I expected, but you, Lumine?” 
The traveler crossed her arms. “I’ve been a bit busy.” 
He scoffed. “Right, right. Well, we can’t have you freezing to death in the street. I’m sure there’s extra coats around here,” he said, heading up the stairs. “Come with me.”
“Oooo, Lumine, they’re probably super expensive and fluffy! Let’s go!” Paimon said, flying after Childe. Lumine rolled her eyes and followed. 
The three passed by the children’s rooms, all clothes being thrown around and excited chatter, before coming to a large door at the end of the hall. Childe’s room. He opened the door and they entered. 
It was a grand room—octangular in shape with huge windows and a tall ceiling—large, spacious, and empty save for a large bed, standing wardrobe, and side tables. There was a fine film of dusting covering all the surfaces, and the bed looked like it hadn’t been slept in for a long time. The colors were sparse, only grays, whites, blacks, and the occasional red accent. 
Childe opened the doors to the wardrobe, revealing an assortment of heavy winter coats. He pulled one out and held it out for Lumine. “I think this coat is a little older—probably the smallest one I have.” 
She put it on, the sleeves running a bit long to her fingertips, the feathered hood obscuring her face up to her nose. Childe laughed, and she stuck her tongue out at him after pulling the hood down. Despite it being old, she could still pick up a faint scent of Childe: a smell remnant of ocean waves and sandy beaches. Unexpectedly pleasant...
“If that’s too big, she can have one of my coats!” Tonia said from the doorway.  
“That is very nice of you to offer, Tonia,” Childe said. “But I think your coats might be too small.”
“Oh,” she said. “Well, we’re all ready now, brother!”
The family—plus Lumine and Paimon—gathered back in the foyer with everyone bundled in their coats, hats, and gloves. And then they were on the way to the restaurant. 
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
“Lumine, look!” Teucer said, pointing at a large pond. “There are so many fishes!”
They were waiting to be seated in the restaurant lobby. A large, grandiose building, with marbled floors, vaulted ceilings, and gold furniture. There was a large pond in the middle—a miniature waterfall flowed into it. 
Too extravagant, Lumine thought. And I thought Liyue was expensive...
“Do you think we could take some fish home to eat?” Paimon asked, peering into the pond. 
Lumine gave her a deadpan expression. “Go ahead. I’ve always wanted to see how Snezhnayans deal out punishment.”
“On second thought, nevermind…”
Tonia pulled on Childe’s jacket. “Can we go to the toy store after this?”
“Toy store! Toy store! Toy store!” Teucer chanted. 
“Yes, yes, of course,” Childe said. The two children cheered. 
“They’re always so loud,” Anthon grumbled from his seat next to Lumine. 
“They’re just excited your brother is back,” Lumine said. “Aren’t you excited also?”
“I guess…” He looked at her. “Why are you here anyways?”
How do I explain that I’m on a quest to find my brother after we were banished from our journeys by an unknown god? “I want to meet all the gods of Teyvat.”
He scoffed. “Yeah, right. That’s impossible.”
“Actually I’ve been quite successful,” she told him. “I’ve already met a few.”
“Really?” His brows were furrowed. “What’re they like?”
Venti: drunk. Zhongli: broke. “They’re...interesting. Very powerful.”
Childe walked over to them. “Is he bothering you?” he asked Lumine. 
“She was just telling me she’s met some of the gods of Teyvat. Is that true?” he asked, scrutinizing. 
“Very much so. She’s quite strong, so don’t get on her bad side.” He gave Anthon a wink. 
“Strong enough to beat you, brother?” 
“Of course,” Lumine said, standing up. “I’ve beat your brother before.” 
“Paimon can confirm that! We kicked his butt!” 
For the first time, Anthon’s eyes seemed to light up. “You did? How?”
Childe chuckled through gritted teeth, disguised as a strained smile. “Now, now, Anthon; you seem like you want me to be beaten.”
Anthon frowned. “No, I didn’t mean that.”
“Sir? Your table is ready,” a waiter said, approaching the family. 
As Childe went to wrangle up the younger kids, Lumine stayed behind and tapped on Anthon’s shoulder. 
“Hey,” she whispered. “Why do you want to beat your brother so bad?”
Anthon shook his head. “You guys have it wrong. I don’t want to beat my brother…” His pale face flushed a bit red. “I just...I want to be stronger than him. So he doesn’t have to work so hard to protect us…” He stopped and watched his siblings sit around the table in the distance. “He shouldn’t be the only one protecting us. I can see it’s really hard work for just him. I want to be strong enough to protect him, Tonia, and Teucer also.”
Lumine’s heart warmed at Anthon’s love for his family. She missed Aether a little more. “I’ll help you.” She put a gentle hand on his shoulder. “I know what it’s like, wanting to protect a sibling.” She then gave him a teasing smile. “Plus, I’ve already beaten your brother, right?” 
“Right!” He had a little smile as well. “And he’s the strongest person I know! Well...I guess that person would be you now, right?”
Tonia came marching up to the two. “Come onnnnn, let’s go eat!” She grabbed both Lumine and Anthon’s hands and dragged them to the table. 
Afterwards, the family enjoyed an exquisite meal, and were all stuffed full of expensive foods and cheerful laughter. (The children were amazed at how much both Lumine and Paimon could scarf down.) 
The children, very quickly after finishing their meal, practically teleported to the toy store. As the children ran through the store, Lumine and Childe took the moment of rest, silently watching over them. (Paimon had retreated back into her world to recover from the feast.)
“I don’t know how you do it,” Lumine said. “I had a hard enough time with just Teucer in Liyue.”
“It’s not easy,” Childe confessed. He looked at his siblings softly. “But when I see them smiling and happy...despite everything bad in the world? I think it’s all worth it.”
How nice… His love for his family definitely matched her love for Aether. Something we have in common. She found herself enjoying this time with Childe, and his family, more enjoyable than any time she had been adventuring. It was almost like...she was...back home…
Soon enough, everyone was lined up, toys all selected and ready for purchase. Teucer tiredly tugged on Lumine’s coat, then silently held his hands up. At first, Lumine blinked, not understanding. 
“Teucer, just ask her to pick you up,” Anthon said. 
“That’s okay,” she said, pulling Teucer up off the ground—now understanding—and placing him on her hip. I think this is how you carry a kid? She didn’t have much experience with kids, save for the few she had met while in Teyvat. And those kids are far from normal... She let out a little sigh of relief when Teucer relaxed, laying his head on her shoulder. 
“Are you tired too, Tonia?” Childe asked. She shook her head, tightening her grip on his hand, clutching a doll in the other. Teucer was hugging a hilichurl stuffed animal, and Anthon held an action figure of a Lawachurl.
Upon reaching the toy seller, the old woman at the counter smiled at Childe and Lumine. “You two have such beautiful children,” she said. 
Lumine almost dropped Teucer. What?! 
“Though I have to say, they do take after their father quite a bit,” she remarked. “A shame, seeing as the mother is so beautiful.” 
Before Lumine could explain, Childe spoke. “Yes, what a shame indeed—I completely agree,” he said while smiling. 
[part two]
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f1united · 3 years
Zoo - DR3 Imagine
Daniel Ricciardo Imagine
Summary: You and Daniel are having a family day and talk about the future :)
Word Count: 2.9k
Please let me know if you have any f1 requests, I am more than happy to write anything for you!
As much as you loved watching Daniel race, you were grateful that you were able to spend some time with him now the season had ended. Although you were lucky enough to attend many races, your work schedule wouldn’t always allow it and you also wanted to still have time on the weekends to catch up with your friends and family.
You’d decided to spend this Christmas in Australia, it was your first away from home, but you were loving the warm weather and seeing a bit more of Daniel’s family. You had met them plenty of times now and were so thankful for how well you got on with them. It was late last night that Daniel had climbed into bed with you, he had been out seeing some of his old friends, leaving you to have the house to yourself that evening.
You loved spending time with Daniel, but it was nice to have some alone time after the busy race weekend. You had a nice long bath and a mini pamper session before painting your nails in front of the tv. You were so tired that you can barely remember him coming home, only noticing when the bed dipped beside you as he pulled you close to his chest.
Your early night may have been the reason you woke up so early the next morning. You weren’t really a morning person but had got a bit better at it over the years. Daniel’s family were coming over for breakfast and then the plan was to go to the local zoo. His nephew loved animals and when you had suggested the idea everyone couldn’t see why not, plus you hadn’t been to a zoo outside the UK and wanted to see if it was any different.
You rolled out of bed and into the shower. Your shoulders relaxed as the warm water hit your skin. It wasn’t as nice as the heat from Daniel’s body, but then you didn’t think anything could ever beat that. You stepped from the shower onto the fluffy bathmat, quickly wrapping yourself in a towel to dry yourself off. You walked into the dressing room opposite the bedroom and slipped on a nice summer dress. You rummaged through the drawers to find some nude underwear that would be discreet under the light colour of the dress but were unsuccessful, realising they must be in the utility room drying with the clothes you had washed yesterday. You placed your towel in the wash basket and made your way downstairs.
The view from Daniel’s kitchen was beautiful, the white rectangular island stretched for metres and looked across to the dining table and lounge area where you’d often have company. The folding glass doors separated you from a huge garden, some of his nephew’s toys were littered around the patio from when he’d last visited and the paving stones drew your eyes towards the pool.
You were lucky to have met Daniel, it had always been you dream to work in Formula 1 and you were beyond grateful to have had the chance to join McLaren in your early 20’s. Of course you knew who Daniel was, and he grew to know who you were. Working mainly at the office in the UK, you didn’t often see him to begin with. You weren’t too annoyed about it, as you fancied the pants off him and found it hard not to blush anytime he even looked in your direction. Your team was more in the background, didn’t attend races and just focused on the work at hand so when a few of your team members began getting invites you were slightly confused. You’d spoken to Zac Brown about it, he had interviewed you for your role and you had got on very well with him ever since. He had just said that your hard work had been noticed and smiled as you left his office.
Your team was overjoyed with the invites to races, it was something all of you had always spoken about. You were more of a family unit, you saw each other for hours on end every day and had grown so close that summer barbeques and birthday get togethers happened regularly, they made great drinking partners.
Whenever you’d see Daniel at a race, you’d wish him good luck as everyone else around him would too. However, you didn’t know he’d noticed how your eyes lingered on his body slightly longer whenever he was in his race suit or how you intensely stared at his hands when he ruffled his hair after he took his helmet off. It wasn’t really new to him, someone was always watching, but something about it being your eyes had got his attention. It made him slightly nervous if he was honest, but the thought of you watching meant he wanted to go out there and do the best he could in the hope that if he saw you after the race you might congratulate him with a smile on your face, and even the thought of that gave him butterflies.
Even though you were unaware of this, there was never a time he’d finish a race and you wouldn’t congratulate him. You’d grown up watching him race and just thought he was brilliant. A mixture of his personality and nonstop smile along with his determination meant that even in a race where Lewis Hamilton might even be about to win a championship, you would still be watching his car. Whether it was in 2nd or 16th, that’s where your eyes would be. Some of his crew has started to pick up on it, although the people you worked closely with sometimes joked about your little crush on him they never mentioned it outside of the group. As much as it was all fun and games, there was a mutual understanding that this was a professional environment and things like that weren’t to be joked about around management, and especially the drivers. It wasn’t any comments they’d noticed, they would tell Daniel after races how you’d been shouting at the screens just as much as they had, often louder. How you’d cheer when he overtook someone, even if it only meant it was for a single point.
Sometimes he’d question why they told him these things, a slight hint of sarcasm in his voice and they all rolled their eyes at him. They’d noticed how he’d look for you after a race, craving the smallest conversation from you and how he would instantly start paying more attention if he heard your name mentioned. They would poke fun at him and wind him up where they could but at the end of the day he understood he was there to race, and that’s what he did.
You were emptying the dishwasher when his arms snaked around your waist and kissed your shoulder before resting his head on it and whispering a small morning into your ear.
“I’ve been calling down for you, what has you in a little world of your own?” he questioned as you both swayed from side to side lightly.
“Nothing” you smiled as you placed the bowl you’d picked up on the side and turned around to face him.
“You sure about that?” he smirked as your eyes found his. “That smile suggests otherwise” It was true, you were grinning from ear to ear.
“Just thinking about when I first started coming to the paddock, and now here I am in the kitchen of the best-looking driver in Formula 1” he let out a small laugh as you spoke. You wrapped your arms around his neck and gave him a small peck on the lips.
“What can I say? I’m great with the ladies” you playfully smacked him on the arm and frowned before laughing and turning your back to him to continue unloading the dishes. He moved his hands down from your waist to your arse as you bent over to grab something off the lower shelf. Then to your surprise he lifted the bottom part of your dress up.
“Daniel!” you laughed as you shot up and turned around again.
“You seem to have forgotten to put on underwear” he winked at you
“That isn’t my attempt to seduce you” you giggled as he started kissing your face. “It’s in the utility room”
“Lame excuse” he continued kissing you, starting to trail down your neck. Just before he could do anything else, the doorbell rang. He looked at you and groaned as you let out a laugh.
“I’ll go and put some underwear on while you let them in” you unwrapped his arms from around you and left a kiss on the corner of his lips as you made your way across the kitchen and he headed towards the door.
“Or don’t” he responded.
“I’m not really planning on flashing anyone accidently today” you replied. You heard him laugh as he opened the door and greeted his family. His parents and sister’s family made their way into the kitchen as you came out the utility welcoming them all with a hug. It had been a few months since you’d last seen them as you hadn’t been able to make it to all races.
“It’s so lovely to see you” his mum spoke as everyone began sitting down on the sofas. You were nervous when you first met his family. The age difference between Daniel and you wasn’t huge, but it had certainly gained some media attention. You didn’t want his family to think you were with him for his money and fame or even think that you were too immature to be with him. You had never brought it up with him before you’d met his parents, but he could sense you were nervous and knew why. He knew there wasn’t anything for you to worry about but didn’t say anything as he didn’t want it to play on your mind. He was right though, they loved seeing the two of you happy together and could immediately see how genuine your feelings for one another were.
“I’ve missed you guys; I’ve been looking forward to today for ages” you smiled. It was true, you loved spending time with his family. You had a relatively small family but that doesn’t mean it drama free, there was always something going on and here you felt slightly more relaxed. Daniel loved that, for years he couldn’t imagine bringing someone into his family in case they didn’t get along but when he saw how well you fitted in he couldn’t help but watch and smile.
“Y/N” his nephew shouted as he ran through the kitchen towards you. He held him arms out for you to pick him up and you placed him on your hip.
“How are you little man?” you asked
“I’m okay, look!” he said pointing down to a scrape on his knee.
“Oh no, how’d you do that?” you asked
“I fell over out there on the drive” he explained.
“Shall we put some cream on it?” you asked, “we don’t want it to get dirty do we?” he nodded his head as you spoke and carried him over to the medicine cabin and sat him on the worktop before grabbing some antiseptic cream out and rubbing it into his knee.
“Look Uncle Daniel!” he shouted across the kitchen to get his attention as he showed him his knee that now had a plaster on.
“Wow, Auntie Y/N has fixed you!” he gasped making the little boy giggle as you picked him up and put him down on the floor so he could explore wherever he wanted.
“Auntie Y/N?” you questioned Daniel as you began to get food out of the fridge for breakfast. You spoke quietly, you had never been called that before and didn’t want his family thinking that you were the one who wanted to be called that.
“What’s wrong with that?” he replied as he grabbed the eggs and bread from the cupboard next to you.
“Just haven’t been called that before, I don’t want him to think he has to call me that”
“He always calls you Auntie Y/N” Daniel said casually which caused you to freeze a bit. You had been dating for about 3 years now but hadn’t really considered that his nephew had grown up with you around and didn’t know any different. You continued to place the bacon next to the stove and grabbed a frying pan out from the drawer below.
After breakfast was over, you all headed to the zoo and spent the day wondering around visiting all of the animals. Seeing Daniel with his nephew made you smile, they had so much fun together. You also secretly loved when he went into dad mode like when he was making sure that he’d had enough to eat or drink and making sure he had enough sun cream on and wasn’t too hot. It made you excited for the future, not that you had spoke about it in much depth. You both wanted kids but hadn’t discussed when, you just figured it would happen when it felt right.
You all headed back to the house after the zoo, it was getting quite late, so you’d all ordered a takeaway. Daniel’s parents left not long after while the rest of you had some drinks, agreeing that they would all spend the night in the spare room so his nephew could stick to his routine. You didn’t drink much, only a gin with dinner. You wanted Daniel’s sister and her husband to have the chance to get a little bit drunk so agreed to stay sober in case something happened to the toddler and someone needed to be able to drive.
He was currently asleep leaning against your chest while you were all sat on the sofa’s chatting.
“I’ll put him to bed” Daniel’s sister went to get up from the sofa, but the sudden movement sent her head spinning slightly and caused her to sit back down. Everyone let out a little laugh as you volunteered yourself to carry him to the room and make sure he was settled for the night. As you carried him upstairs he stirred a little. Placing him in the bed he started muttering about the animals from today, you spoke back quietly, careful not to wake him even further as you stroked his head lightly and he drifted back to sleep. As you got up to leave, you jumped at Daniel standing in the doorway.
After shutting the door slightly so the noise from downstairs wouldn’t disturb him, Daniel spoke up. “I thought I’d see what was taking so long” he was slightly drunk, his eyes a bit drowsy compared to their normal alertness.
“I’ve been gone for about 2 minutes lover” you replied as he embraced you in a hug.
“I know I just like seeing you with him” now he was just being soppy. You laughed and took his hands into yours as you stepped back.
“I like seeing you with him too” you winked.
“Maybe,” he whispered as he hugged you again, “we should give him a cousin” he lifted you up as he spoke, and you wrapped you legs around his waist. He started walking towards the stairs but then walked past you towards the bedroom.
“Daniel Ricciardo we have visitors’ downstairs” You laughed as he carried you into the room and placed you on the side of the bed.
“They won’t hear if we’re quiet” he suggested as he ran his hand up your thigh.
“No but they’ll definitely know what we’re up to” you ran you fingers through his hair as he leaned over you before pulling him into a kiss. You continued for a minute or two until you could feel him starting to get hard against you. “We can continue this when everyone’s gone to bed” you voice was almost a whisper, you wanting this as much as him but not wanting to be rude to the couple sat downstairs, although if you’d have been drinking too you were sure it would be a completely different scenario.
It wasn’t until late the next morning after waving goodbye to his sister, brother in law and nephew that Daniel had mentioned your conversation from the night before. You both headed back upstairs to the bedroom, you were meeting some friends for lunch and both needed to get ready.
“I wasn’t kidding yesterday” You were doing your makeup in the ensuite mirror as he dried himself off from the shower. You were concentrating more on his body in the reflection than where you were spraying your setting spray. “I want to have kids with you”
With Daniel being older, it played on his mind that by the time you wanted kids, he’d be too old. He hadn’t wanted kids when he was your age and expected you to feel the same but he also didn’t want to be an old dad, he wanted to be involved with as much as he could for as long as he could. Even you thought you’d be a bit lost for words when having kids were mentioned. When you were younger you had wanted to have a secure career path and always imagined having kids in your late twenties, maybe even early thirties. However, things were different now. You loved your job and you had the man of your dreams alongside you.
“Let’s have a baby then”
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siwoline · 3 years
“believe me, i tried unloving you.” — [pjs.]
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♫ : an art gallery could never be as unique as you by mrld
note. the painting mentioned here is just a work of fiction. if in case it relates to any painting, craft, or art piece in reality, all is purely coincidental.
word count: 1,506  |  angst, unrequited love
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as soon as jay reaches you, he hugged you tight as if you did not just see each other two days ago. you laughed at how clingy he is even though you got used to it already because he’s been like that ever since.
he loosened his embrace to take a look at you then asked, “how’s my favorite one?”
he scrunched his nose almost looking like the cute cats you see online, which made you laugh even more and so you bury your face, your cheeks actually, to his chest as a response that you missed him just the same and tightened the hug that you share.
when you initiated to let go of your hug, you saw him pouted his lips but since your time is limited today, he decided to just guide you to the car he brought while you were laughing at how cute he is today. jay opened the car door for you, letting you ride on the shotgun seat. he took a turn and sat on the driver’s seat and looked at you, now showing a smile.
“are you excited?” you smiled, almost laughing at his giddy smile.
“ya, y/n! it’s a museum trip! and we’re just 30 minutes away from it,” and so he started driving.
today is saturday and you are to visit a local museum out of town. it’s like a tradition for you two to go out every weekend and you even made a jar full of papers folded into tiny pieces. written in those papers are names of places you both want to go to, picking one every weekend that passes by.
and today’s trip is actually the last paper you picked from that jar, a museum.
you both agreed that you won’t add more papers when you noticed that it’s slowly emptying itself. instead, you’ll create more on your last day and decided that you’ll share one secret with each other during the trip.
and jay seems to be in the middle of knowing whether he’s nervous or excited, probably thinking of what today brings.
you can’t deny that you’re feeling nervous too, which is quite weird. last night, you went back and forth in your room, thinking of what secret you’ll share with him but you can’t think of any. in your defense, it seems like jay knows almost everything about you already.
jay is observant, very attentive actually. he takes note of the littlest details about you but he doesn’t brag about it. there are times you’re taken aback because he knows what food you want to order when you’re having a lunch out or that he knows what random thing you forgot to bring on a busy day.
he knows the meaning behind your raised brows, your blank stares, or even when you are suddenly spacing out. jay familiarized himself with you that it’s crazy to think of a thing he doesn’t know about you.
“y/n! we’re here!”
you looked outside and saw a tall tower beside what seems like a casa. you turned back to tell him, “the national museum?”
he nodded, smiling, and shrugged his shoulders as if he’s telling you that he got it correct again. you shrieked and pulled him for a tight hug, “thank you, jay.”
growing up, you had sweet little crushes with people whom you met from school or in class. just last month, or maybe a few months ago, you remembered that you always go to the national museum for a first date with the person you were dating. you told jay that you wanted to create new memories on the national museum because you always think of how petty and hopeless romantic you once were.
but the truth is, you just want to forget about the memories you made with the wrong people. you wanted to start anew and think of the places you’ve been through with only happy memories in mind. whenever you think of the national museum, and every other places you’ve been to with the people who hurt you, you could only remember how impulsive, toxic, and love-thirsty you once were.
your thoughts stopped when he let go of your hug and went out the car to open the door for you. when everything’s settled, you linked your arms with his and you walked inside the museum together.
the museum caters thousands of masterpiece that only the national heritage owns. you and jay were being toured to the place and he occasionally tells you a thing or two about the art you’re seeing. the fact that he knows these kinds of information is already known to you because jay always wanted to go to places like this, where there are stories behind every thing that is wonderful.
when the museum guide ended the tour and said that you can now go around the place on your own, jay held your hand and looked at you.
“y/n, i know a piece to show you.”
you were walking past by the paintings about society, about children and family, until you reached the section where it’s about love. you were sure it’s about love. you looked around and you saw a rose quartz painting.
“jay, a rose quartz!” you said, obviously excited with what you saw. he laughed and told you that, “i know, y/n.”
you dragged him in front of the painting. it was rose quartz placed in what seems like a hand plate. the art is beautiful and mesmerizing that you were just admiring it with your eyes while jay is beside you, probably doing the same.
“this room,” jay caught your attention when he suddenly spoke. “this room is said to be a love section, y/n.”
you nodded and said, “it’s pretty obvious, jay. the paintings here,” you were cut off by him.
“but art can be interpreted in so many ways, y/n.” you looked at him, confused with what he’s trying to tell.
“the painting before we enter this room is called The Manifestation,” this time, he’s looking at you too. “i still don’t get it, jay” was the only response you can give.
you remember the painting you saw earlier before you enter this space. it’s an image of two silhouettes but only the other person is drawn with a heart. it was simple, yet, based on what jay is trying to say, it was meaningfully done.
“we are to share a secret today, right?” he asked, changing the topic. you only nodded as a response because you’re getting confused with where this conversation is going.
“y/n,” he called you, now with his body facing you. he reached for both your hands and held them gently. you hummed, gesturing that he continue.
“they say it’s actually bad to manifest for a person to move or act against their own free will, so i didn’t try to do that and i don’t want to. but when people told me that we’re not allowed to touch the art,” he said.
he then slowly envelopes you with his arms, “then why am i hugging one now?”
“jay,” you let go of his embrace, looking at him with confused eyes. “what did you say?”
he’s confessing. for real.
it’s already known to you that jay possibly might have feelings for you but you never got the chance to confirm if it’s true. it’s only your friends and your gut feeling that made you think that way. but you told yourself that jay stays only because he pities you and you were nothing but a mess since the day he met you. and jay being himself, you thought that he just wants to take care of you and nothing more than that.
and so you asked, “aren’t you just being confused with your feelings, jay?”
“i genuinely like you, y/n.”
“but i’m not—”
"look, i know that you’re not interested in romance. i don’t put malice in every hug, every i love you that we share, and in every take care that you give me before going home.”
and he’s not wrong. your tendencies of pushing away people that show meaningful interest and affection to you are all starting to build up within your system, as if it’s caging you again, stopping you from giving all that you have again to a person.
the fear of receiving affection and love takes over like a hunter, attacking those who would dare shower you hearts.
“since when did all of this happen, jay?” was the only words you could think of that would be less hurtful for him.
he looked away, catching words to say, and looked back at you. his eyes, hopeful ones, are looking straight at yours. “since day one?”
“then from now on, can you start over?”
because no one can really love consistently. no one can love so genuinely.
“what do you mean?” he is confused.
and even if there is, you don’t want to risk your heart again.
“can you start day one, possibly with someone else?”
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scented-morker · 3 years
⇢˚⋆ ✎ first "I love you's" with en-maknae line
*:・゚✧ genre : fluff
*:・゚✧ description : established relationship, bf!enhypen, gn!reader, first time saying I love you headcanons :D
*:・゚✧ here it is!!! this is- pretty long, just a heads up 🤪
┈─ ꕀ ── ꕀ ── ꕀ ── ꕀ ── ꕀ ─┈
ଘ Sunoo ~ˊˎ-
He was having a hard time lately with all of the stress from the comeback and everything
He tried to hide it from you but obviously you noticed, like you were on FaceTime and he wasn’t even showing his face 😞
So obviously you were like 🤨 “Where did my sunshine baby go?”
Which actually made him show his face it was red asf
So when he hung up you were like k time to cheer up the love of my life
Which is exactly what you said in your brain and then had a nervous breakdown because ??the love of your life??
But you decided to push that away for now so you could get everything you needed together
You texted the boys and told them you were going to come over
They had noticed his change and thought it would be a good idea so they agreed, and some of them left while others promised to stay in their rooms
When you knock on the door the next day you hear “Sunoo can you get that?” from somewhere in the house and you know they’re doing their jobs
Sunoo wasn’t sure what he was expecting when he opened the door, maybe a manager or a crazy fan, but it wasn’t his s/o with a bag on their shoulders and holding a little bouquet of flowers
“Y/n!!” He immediately engulfed you in a hug, and you smile at his excitement, you definitely made the right plan
He pulls away, asking a “why are you here” to which you shove the flowers at him
“These are for you, um I hope you like them”
Your words came out kinda squished, most people don’t get their boyfriends flowers but you thought it was a really good idea, except now that you’re in front of him you feel kinda dumb, what if he doesn’t like them
“Thank you!! I love them!”
His eyes are sparkling and he tells you that he’s never been given a bouquet of flowers like this and that he’s so happy you got him some
And with your renewed confidence you tell him the rest of what you have planned, a self care day with movies and snacks and skin care and cuddling, lots of cuddling
And he just !!!
He gets so excited 🥺
Like “okay let’s start right now” and then picks you up and goes running the the couch, and you’re laughing almost directly in his ear and he can’t get any happier
So you spend all day together, just messing around and doing whatever
And then he falls asleep, right on the couch on your lap which like 🥰
He looks so peaceful and calm you can’t resist, so you stop playing with his hair like you were originally and lay your hand on his face, tracing his cute lil nose and all that
You start talking to him, quiet so you don’t ruin the mood or wake him up and you’re just like spilling your heart to this dude while he’s asleep, er, “asleep”
Like straight up “I was so worried about you, you were just acting different and I really hope you’re taking care of yourself like you should. My brain knew I had to do something, it specifically said ‘time to cheer up the love of my life’, which was also scary because love is scary you know”
He’s just laying there, eyes closed, trying not to lose his mind and just tackle you in a hug and kiss all over your face, but you don’t seem to be done talking yet so he waits
“But I love you, I really do. And I think that makes it not so scary, because it’s you”
He opens his eyes and at first you don’t even notice because you’re looking off into space but he kinda shifts in your lap and you just 😳
“I love you too, like a lot and it took everything in me not to cut you off and just attack you with my love”
“Well I’m done talking now so you wouldn’t be cutting me off”
And he does exactly what he was planning, tackling you in his arms on the couch, laying there with you while giving you sweet lil kisses and whispering about how much he loves you
He’s definitely back to himself
ଘ Jungwon ~ˊˎ-
Now our dear leader is a lil shy, which we all love him for, but that meant y’all had been dating for like a year almost
An ‘I love you’-less year
And you were a little worried like ‘is this not a serious relationship to him’ but you kinda brushed it off because you’re pretty young and you would never want to rush him
And then it became very obvious that he was serious when he freaking INVITED YOU TO A FAMILY VACATION
Not like a board the plane were going to Hawaii for a month vacation, a thankfully more chill like family camping in log cabins together for a weekend vacation
And obviously you were terrified because ya know meeting the ‘rents (I am so sorry why did I say it like that)
But you weren’t gonna say no to your boyfriend especially when he was so excited
So flash forward to you and jungwon, fresh off of a 3 hour car ride (where you obvi played 10 months like 80,000 times), walking up to a cute little campground with like three big log cabins next to each other, real cute
And you walk into the main one where everyone is meeting and his family is like SCREAMING like absolute chaos and there are little cousins running around and everything
And for some reason it feel comfortable and one of his little cousins comes up to you and asks you to play obviously you do
By the time his family realizes he’s here and greets him you’re surrounded by children
Cue his older cousins like “I knew they were fake” “you don’t have to lie wonnie, it’s okay to be single”
But then he points over to the living room and you’ve got a little kid on your back and another on your lap and someone has used their play makeup to give you blue eyeshadow
You give him a really big smile when you see him looking over and literally everyone just 🥺🥺🥺
He thinks you’ve never been more perfect even tho you literally end up with a glitter mustache
Eventually his aunts make their kids leave you alone and you help them wash up to eat (as almost scream when you see your reflection because their first impression of you was of you looking like a whacko)
But then you sit down at the table where he’s saved you a spot and they’re all so excited to meet you and ask you all sorts of questions
You’re holding his hand under the table because you’re nervous but then he’s got your hands in his lap fiddling with your fingers and you aren’t nervous anymore
Literally every single person in his family gives you a hug before you guys go to the cabin you’re sleeping in and you ask him ya know like
“Do you think they like me”
And he’s like ??? They literally like you more than me and my cousins tried to fight me to the death for a seat next to you at the table
But he just goes “they love you just as much as I do”
And you just combust
“You love me???”
And it wasn’t even an accident, he was just like “yup, like a lot”
Then bam “I love you too”
And they lived happily ever after more like his aunts overheard and screamed to the rest of the family what just happened
ଘ Niki ~ˊˎ-
Niki had begged you all week to come over and visit and you finally found a day that you were both free on
You knocked quietly, announcing your presence before letting yourself in like the boys had told you to do
Once you had set your things down and taken your shoes off you set out on a mission to find your lovely boyfriend
Which really didn’t take long because you could hear him screaming in the living room as soon as you walked in
Apparently he was losing at whatever video game they were playing and was not happy about it
You went over to his spot on the couch, squeezing in next to him and he gave you a lil side hug and a kiss on the temple to say hello
You settled down in your spot, leaning on him with his arm still around your shoulder as the next round started
Although it was a bad idea because when he lost again you almost got elbowed in the head
After a few more rounds some of the boys decide to go out and get food even tho he definitely begged them to stay because he wanted to win at least once
“No bud, we’re hungry, and you kinda have a significant other you’ve been ignoring for like an hour” thanks heeseung
So they leave (except for jake who got stuck on babysitting duty)
And you’re like well he seems to like this game even tho he sucks at it so might as well play it if that’s what he wants to do
So you’re all like “hey bub what if I play with you” and he’s already shoving the controller in your hand and explaining how it works
He loves that you try to take an interest in the things that he likes, and he also likes that you’ve never played it before because that’ll make it easy to beat you
Which it definitely was, sorry you kinda suck at this game (even more than your boyfriend)
“Yes!! I did it!!! I won!!”
Cue the trash talk because he’s a little devil spawn sometimes
“See that I woooooon, you didn’t even stand a chance against me, I’m a master at this game”
And you’re just sitting there like you hadn’t seen him get absolutely demolished by everyone else literally like 30 minutes ago, just shaking your head
“Ya know you’re lucky I love you or I would have smacked you by now”
You laugh when you say it and he joins in before going dead silent after like 3 seconds
“Wait you what?”
“I said you’re luck I lo-”
And then you go quiet too bc dang did you really just say that and now you’re all nervous
But then he just goes
“Yeah I kinda love you too”
And then he makes sure to spend some actual time with you, not just beating you in video games for the rest of the day
┈─ ꕀ ── ꕀ ── ꕀ ── ꕀ ── ꕀ ─┈
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