#i be thinking im so annoying or what if its weird
jennilah · 2 days
hi there!
please do share your thoughts on canon vs non canon (TO YOU) scenes from saw if you feel like it
this seems like a fun topic to explore 👁
i was thinking about this all day im gonna hella ramble too much
to reiterate and expand on what i kinda said in that post's tags: im genuinely cautious when it comes to the canonicity of deleted scenes and script changes for most things because, well, things dont get included in the final product for a reason sometimes.
trust me i know about deleted scenes. ive had months of work erased from existence because of deleted scenes. and sometimes it really was for the best
and im equally if not more skeptical of things like.. lore coming from outside sources. if its not in the original media, its questionable. film novelizations, game adaptions, spin-off comics, all that stuff is usually written by some third party with little to no input from the real writers. unless it gets some serious seal of approval and that shit actually gets referenced in the next film, then im like "ok im listening." Otherwise, i shrug it all off as maybe-canon side adventures until contradicted
sometimessss those nuggets of lore or characterization from deleted scenes/iffy canon off-shoot material are sick af so we just kind of adopt it anyway!!! we all do it!!!
FUCKIN. The goddamn Saw franchise makes me insane with the different cuts of each film so we basically choose our favorite canon already. so. its a bit loosey goosey here sometimes
ok first of all i KNOW im gonna forget things so imma just kind of list and describe what i can remember off the top of my head. i dont actually have things like the scripts memorized i only know some moments that get passed around between us little freaks like drugs
like this one
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i dont care if this doesnt happen on-screen in Saw IV, it happens in my heart
and this little bit of characterization from all 3 goofballs here despite us not really seeing much of it in the film:
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Strahm being a butthead just interrupting Perez and Hoffman having a nice little talk because he hates his ass so much
Hoffman being more of the annoying little flirt that i know he is in my heart
Perez being charmed by him, the two of them having a cute little bonding moment as acquaintances for a moment there, and then STRAHM AGAIN being a butthead
i love them. i LOVE THEM
its very important to me that Perez kind of liked Hoffman. it makes his betrayal hurt so much more
this whole moment. i love this. ough. as much as i loved this scene already, in my head i pretend the scene played out like this....
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falls onto his ass
angel of death
my fucking goodness
also, i cant list off everything because theres so much its a little depressing, but there's a lot going on in the Saw 3D script that is tragically cool. they really leaned into Hoffman going off the deep end and i enjoyed that. and how grisly his scar was originally supposed to be, and the symbolism with his declining mental state. and his interactions with Lawrence being a little more fleshed out. its just kind of neat. i think the film would have been a bit stronger if they stuck closer to a few of their earlier ideas
and as for spin-offs that are absolutely not canon, this description of Hoffman from the video game from Tapp's POV is intriguing.
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i love annoying and weird colleague Hoffman but i also really enjoy the idea of shy and weird colleague Hoffman.
also, boring cop Hoffman who wont bend the rules? that is so much more interesting than the hashtag brutality moment.
too bad this game is like. well. yknow. not very good. i dont think thats a controversial statement
but you know what IS good?
Saw the Musical
thats canon to me. no notes
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creepedverse · 12 hours
how would crv react to meeting their closest creepypasta counterparts
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nico's got the hots for bitches like jane.
Tobin and Toby would probably get on well if they could keep their egos in check. After getting over the initial weirded out phase of being so similar, they'd have their fun. They'd work together to be the most annoying duo on the planet and would make it their lifes goal to piss everyone off. Cuz its funny. And they have nothing better to do... Then when they get in trouble they'd both go back to their girls and both be scolded with a "Well what did I tell you?"
Tali and Clockwork would bond over their art, and mutual interest in dumbasses. They're both relatively laidback so they'd be good casual acquaintances. But nothing more than that. Tali would feel a bit relieved she found another girl who understands her, she's always struggled with that. She'd think the clock eye is badass.
Tommie and Tim/Masky aren't exactly 1:1 characters, but they have a lot in common. They probably wouldn't talk to each other, though. They'd do a lot of staring. Tommie would probably think Tim is cool, though. They could get along well enough.
Im really uncertain about it, but Shannon via concept could be closest to Toy Maker? This ask made me think myself into a ditch of who in the Creepypasta roster would be her counterparts.
Bonnie... might align best with Lulu? That or a very subdued version of Nina. She'd get along with both just fine, cuz they're all generally sweet girls... She'd just feel really awkward with Lulu and skeptical of Nina, but I think she could become friends if Nina is persistent
Dia and Bloody Painter would be very confused by each other but afterwards they’d definitely hit it off. Sharing their works with each other and giving tips and tricks when it comes to working with blood as a medium
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seven-tastic · 2 years
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lukerosa but he doesnt get it
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quietwingsinthesky · 4 months
see my brain just doesn’t register the idea of anyone having a ‘one true love’ which is why the common fandom tropes of making canonical love interests terrible in order to justify why your ship is better always bugs the shit out of me. it feels like the only reason you would do that is if the idea of the characters in your ship having any other sort of romantic relationship that was important to them, even in the past, is a threat to their current one, therefore all their past relationships need to be demonized in order to make them ‘not real love’ so that they remain pure and chaste and ready for the True Love of the endgame ship.
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rewritingcanon · 5 months
no girl tell us what you think about jegulily!! im so here for it (tone is weird but I mean that genuinely, I don't ship them so I'm not here to be weird)
dw bae ur tone is fine ! (i’ve been waiting for an ask like this 💀) i think jegulily is... yeah its…. like usually as long as its legal idgaf as long as shippers portray their characters right but regulus fans are literally incapable 😭🙏 WHY WOULD U PAIR A MUGGLEBORN AND A BLOOD SUPREMACIST IM SO DONE WITH DIS FANDOMMMM!! that actually goes for a lot of lily ships like bartylily as well (no clue where that came from either but it’s equally as stupid lmfao).
and jegulily just feels like shoving in lily because people feel bad for ditching her, or shoving in regulus because some people like jily and jegulus and want them (for some reason) to coincide even though it makes zeroooo sense for it to. like, idk if i said this with jegulus before (i yap sm on this account i forget what i say), but like it, jegulily can be done well if a realistic dynamic is taken into account, but the marauders fandom is allergic to nuance and so just chalks up everything regulus does and believes to his neglectful homelife. hes not all-bad, sure, i do feel bad for him, but im nowhere close to shipping him with a woman whos part of the people hes trying to eradicate, or with her man who purposefully went against all pureblood tradition (which is such a large part of james’ character— he is a pureblood that chooses to be seperate from that culture hellooooo plz wake uppppp).
marauders fandom has a chronic “i can fix him” mentality when it comes to wizard neo nazis, i have never understood it. but thats a topic for another day.
jegulily should be filled with envy, toxicity and prejudice stop nerfing it to be some fluffy feel-good polyamorous stable marriage where they raise harry together. yall are looking over the potential. this ship has blood and guts in it plz act like it or else idk what to say 😭 if it doesnt end with at least one of them getting murdered i dont want it.
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hecksupremechips · 4 months
To also go off of the point about cop!akihiko being annoying to me I gotta say that Akihiko as a character is very hit or miss with me because of how different adaptations of p3 will subtly alter his character. I felt like in portable with the femc route he comes off best, he’s a bit of a hothead with an obsession with fighting, but he’s overcompensating his strength so he doesn’t feel as weak and helpless as he’s been in many situations. He defines strength in a very literal sense, being physically strong and using that to protect others, but he’s lacking in emotional strength as a result. And in particular in this version I think he’s portrayed as a bit more goofy and sweet in a sense. He cares deeply for you as a friend and leader but he struggles with finding the words to describe how he feels. Hes kinda naive and gullible and has trouble noticing his surroundings. He has no clue what he’s doing but his heart is in the right place. I think he just comes off much more human and he has flaws, many many flaws, and that makes him all the more lovable
But then in other adaptations and spinoffs it’s like. They look at him through some hetero male bullshit filter and seem to view him as a lot more admirable and cool. Like in p3 dancing, theres literally an event where he’s talking with Junpei and Minato and they’re gushing about how perfect Akihiko is and how he doesn’t seem to have ANY flaws at all. And it becomes clear his inability to flirt with women just gets added as a way to make sure you, the Straight Male Player, don’t get insecure being next to such Perfection because at the end of the day, you’re still more charming and sexy than he will ever be because you’re better. It’s a “flaw” that’s only there to shield a sensitive male ego. And then in arena I mean, come on. He’s overly beefy and is a damn cop and travels the world and loves Protein™️ it’s his whole personality and he’s so clearly meant to be seen as hot but like, he’s just some shitty hetero male fantasy. Hes what the writers deem to be a Perfect Man that every guy wishes he could be, but don’t worry he’s still bad with women so you don’t gotta worry about him stealing your property- I mean, girlfriend!
And though I’ve not played reload and don’t really plan to anytime soon, judging from his social episodes they seem to have a similar problem. Akihiko comes off as a lot less approachable, like the year age gap is just too much of a barrier to get to know him properly. And he doesn’t have that dorky sweetness he has in portable, he’s just that perfect hetero male fantasy guy and don’t you fucking worry- he still has his protein powder with him
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skyburger · 3 months
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whos your favorite of the crusaders from part 3... i think i love baofu the most tbh
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oscill4te · 13 days
man i get kept up at night a lot thinking abt my family recently
#idk its funny how sm ppl tell me i should be happy they are struggling.. i just dont agree with that#they are hurting a lot. i have found true peace and i want them to experience it for once 💔#it hurts. i dont deserve the peace. they do. me finding peace just made life harder for them#oh thats a silly mindset. im gonna be so exhausted tomorrow. i just cant sleep recently#life is like simutaneously so good rn but also the unprocessed family feelings keep hitting me in the face#it gets easier as time goes on but damn.#pieces of me who hate them and never wanna see them and pieces who love them and want to reconnect#and fix their life. i imagined me getti g help for moms hoarding so my dad can have his own room#bc it would be a net positive for everyone if he disnt sleep in the living room and i got reminded of that yesterday :(#my sister texted me abt how she was so hungry but cant get food bc my dad is sleeping#i remember what its like to walk on those eggshells :(#i want my mom to get help so bad and my dad to have an actual bed to sleep on idk#oh man. why do i simutaneously hate my parents and feel so bad for them like they are kids i want to protect#this is all so stupid really and i should save it for therapy but thats on Tuesday#annoying bc i feel this all so raw rn but whenever i go to therapy im just so numb and disconnected. idk dude#a lot of emotions opened up with this recent move?#moving itself is kind of triggering. it was positive this time but still so hard. i think it threw me off balance#its over now but damn i kept asking my roommate if that day also felt like a dream to them (out of genuine curiosity)#and no; my roommate says that day felt real. im in my new room and i feel like its a dream still... a weird dream#i wish i could sleep -m-
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skitskatdacat63 · 5 months
Speaking of ocs, I have no idea why I deleted this drawing off here. I think I hated it when I finished it, and now I looked back on it and I'm like, this is pretty okay??
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arundolyn · 4 months
obsessed with how clearly terfy weird bitches on here will say shit when called out for saying terf shit like "um well ACTUALLY maybe you think i sound like a terf because you identify normal feminists as terfs?? 🤔"
and then make absolutely no effort not to use transmisogynistic rhetoric and say weird shit that very very obviously is transphobia, like using terms like "trans rights activists" and "trans identified" and think they're so sneaky and nobody notices?
yeah i don't support all women. some of you bitches are terminally stupid
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newtness532 · 6 months
im so annoyed with everything today, i think i need some tasty food and a million hours of sleep and then I'll be back to normal
#the teacher at the first class today was so dibsjdhdhdhdhsgs 😫#like she was teaching us things that are like unrelated to the class that shes teaching so idek why she was teaching it#but also its things that we have been learning since the 1st semester and we've done them in at least 10 classes and she was acting like#this was the 1st time we were hearing about it#like oh yeah we're on the 7th semester of studying nutrition but no one bothered to tell us how many calories are in a gram of fat#and she gave us homework 'to see if we know this' like#oh yes i can make a meal plan for a child with crohns or cystic fibrosis or celiac disease or everything else we've done this semester and#all the other semesters but i guess i cant tell you what micronutrients are in this one breakfast meal#like fuck off and stick to what you're supposed to be teaching#anyway i know im getting more annoyed than i should but she was just even more annoying than usual today#like she interrupted the lesson every 5 minutes to yell at someome to be quiet i wasnt even aware there were people talking until she yelled#anyway#also my new earphones aren't working well idk why ive definitely not been mistreating them that much for them to break in less than a month#like i had my old pair for at least 4 years until the broke and i dont think the wire got cut in them like the sound was coming out weird#but there was sound coming out. in the new ones you need to hold them in a very specific angle for sound to come out#and like im careful with how i put them away so what is up with them?#my theory is that they make wired earphones shitty on purpose so that you will spend a lot of money and buy wireless#also we had said from Tuesday that we would hang out with my friends today but i guess they forgot or idk and they made other plans#(to go home and sleep) and during the weekend the one friend wont be here and next week my family will be here so we probably wont hang out#again until next year and we have exams almost immediately so we wont be hanging out much then either#also my period is supposed to come soon and i hope that it will either come today or it will wait until after Christmas#ideally it will never come ever again but we cant always get what we want#anyway im gonna go eat the rest of my μεσογειακό and go take a nap#jo says stuff#personal ramblings
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sonknuxadow · 1 year
im so sorry for having opinions on sonic shipping and im not trying to like. pit the two pairings against eachother or start a ship war or whatever but based on whats actually there in the source material it really feels like sonic and knuckles were destined to be the big popular "default" gay pairing for sonic (the character) but then the timeline somehow got messed up and sonic and shadow were placed in that role instead
#maybe im just biased because i like sonknux more (to be clear i do like both i just have a preference) but like#sonic and knuckles interact more often than sonic and shadow. they have way more undeniably gay moments than sonic and shadow#sonic and shadow have a couple moments like that too but#90 percent of the time when people talk about how in love they are in certain scenes#its not actually that gay theyre just standing next to eachother and people just cant turn their shipping brains off#but with sonic and knuckles its like . knuckles blushes over sonic touching his shoulder#knuckles spends several nights in a row staring at the moon thinking about sonic and waiting for him to come home#whatever they had going on in sonic frontiers. Etc#i think part of the reason a lot of people ship sonic and shadow is because of the rivalry. but knuckles was sonics rival first?????#and the way some people talk about so/nadow makes me go ''well thats not shadow thats just knuckles in a shadow costume''#''its sonknux you want. what are you doing''#and ive even seen a bunch of people make the i love captains thing in sonic prime about son.adow?#while completely ignoring that that scene has nothing to do with shadow and was literally about knuckles??? idk its just weird to me#sonic carries knuckles multiple times and no one bats an eye#but shadow does it to sonic once and everyone goes wild about how gay they are. whats going on here#i dont think i actually wanna live in the timeline where sonknux is the most popular though. i like that people arent as annoying about it.
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glamfellens · 8 months
seeing how often ppl pester josh sawyer about whether or not a new fallout game or a second new vegas is in development gives me the worst second hand embarrassment. shut the fuck up !!!! learn how to behave online!! leave the man alone
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woolydemon · 5 months
i am so apathetic to popular male transformers characters, but i have a simple trick to make me care abt them: i turn them into robot women then i suddenly start seeing their appeal
#grimlock would be so awesome as a butch woman. DO YOU HEAR ME DOES ANYBODY HEAR ME HELLOOOO#also crazy in depth conversation i had abt this made me think abt why i get rlly. apathetic abt popular tf characters#esp when i realize all the popular characters im Whatever abt are all men#but i always have interest in the female ones and also the niche little weird guys#you are looking at rare scrounge fan. rare wheelie fan. and Number 1 Fan of Blurr*#*when hes a dorky weird anxious guy. yknow the ones ppl dont care abt bc hes “annoying” and “ugly”#i dont give as much of a shit abt the handsome cocky racer blurrs#i realize. because tf fandom has a weird thing abt only caring abt how attractive a character is#and tends to gravitate to male characters for that aspect#like lets be real here. there is such a high priority in this fandom for what characters look best in porn. im right.#and ppl love the yaoi robots for that.#and i. am on the aroace spectrum. and do not find as much attraction in men (though i do sometimes. just less so)#so this doesnt appeal to me#so i find myself so incredibly apathetic or a hater to a lot of the tf fandom bc of this#in turn i do not care so much for the popular characters or straight up see them as red flags (admittedly im a bit irrational for this tho)#a lot of times i get a feeling like “ok whats so special abt this guy. its just another conventionally attractive man" it feels boring to m#so that might explain why i become more interested in these characters if they arent men#this is all being said from a nonbinary person that leans more transmasc btw. just noting that.#rando thoughtz
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opens-up-4-nobody · 8 months
#its crazy how much easier it is to do things when youre not completely miserable lol#this past week has been weird bc ive felt really really good and like normal in a way thats kinds unfathomable#im hoping its the medication but my mood was already on an upward tilt and i was told it would take like 6 weeks for the meds to work#property but like ive been sleeping way more than usual. and by that i literally just mean 8hrs a night lol which is weird for me#like that never ever ever happens multiple days in a row. so idk. when i feel better it makes the 0cd way easier to manage as well#and im just generally not as anxious. on the more worrisome side i kinda just give less of a fuck so like i have an exam im not ready for#Tuesday and im just kinda like hm fuck that lol. ill go thru lil fluctuations of having a lot of energy too#like: i could run around in circles rn. i dont have to but i could. like yesterday i was out with friends and i was like bouncing up and#down while standing and rocking from side to side while sitting. which i kinda do anyway while in crowds but it was more to expend energy#last night i also got like 5hrs of sleep. so like maaaaybe ive been on the bleeding edge of mood elevation but for the most part it just#feels good and not destructive. like if i felt like this all the time that would b fantastic. its like oh so this is y ppl dont long to b#put out of their misery lol. depression? who? i dont kno her. sounds fake. but as soon as i fucking say that ill b fucking slapped back#down to earth. ugh. annoying. no emotional object permanence. i hope its the meds. if this is the person i am under layers of misery then#that is fucking so insane. we shall see. im curious to hear what the psychiatrist thinks of my brain when i follow up with her#i gave her my full dys1exia assessment which gives a pretty good picture of how my head functions. oh fuck i bet i would do waaaayyy better#on thise test if i took it in this state of mind. but anyway she has that on top of like 3 assessment sheets i filled out#dispite everything i still want someone to categorize me into a discreet box. tell me doc. am i really bip0lar? really really?#ur sure??? like 1000% sure bc my brain wont let me accept that unless its beyond a reasonable doubt. i just doesn't seem that serious.#i mean. it is but like ya kno. its not that bad. ay. this glob of mush behind my eyes runs me in circles#but for now thats ok bc i feel like i could run up a mountain or punch someone in the face lol#unrelated
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elegyofthemoon · 7 months
also to anyone who plays honkai, does anyone have other translations of the game? aside from the official?
i feel like i talked about this with a friend, but the translations just. don't line up with what's being said a lot of the time and it's slightly driving me insane x - x
#like!!! i can understand bits and pieces but its not enough to understand whats fully being said#but i just know that some of the things being said do not line up with the subtitles and i want to gnaw on something when it happens#idk....#cuz like this one line in ch 11 ex where himekos in kianas flashbacks (i am crying)#himeko asks kiana whats on her mind and she says something like 'tell mama what youre thinking about'#but she doesnt!!! say that in the official dub!!!!! she just says 'tell your teacher' !!!!!!!! WHY#it is very cute though how much kiana looks to st freya cast as her family its so ; - ; i feel so bad#also the voiceacting is absolutely killing it in ch 11 ex its amaziiiing#like!! kiana was saying she was angry towards fu hua but not because of betrayal and more because she realizes she was helpless towards fat#YOU CAN HEAR THAT IN HOW SAD AND JUST ABSOLUTELY DEJECTED KIANA SOUNDS..... its amaziiiiing i love it#at least to me !#it was weird when i saw kiana get angry at fu hua because while she did look angry#her voice kinda sounds otherwise#but anyways#snow plays hi3#just asking !! because im sure theres probably bounds of translations!! but i just dont know whats like. A Good Trusted One#so i trust. whoever plays honkai aPPARENTLY THERES A FEW OF YOU HIIIIII!!!!!!#im shaking all your hands im sorry im kind of new and probably like absolutely blissfully ignorant but i am shaking your hands#i wish there was a way to keep tabs of who Does bc then i can annoy cOUGHS#kidding! i wouldnt lmao
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