#i believe only in trans johnny
grimmorcaa · 11 months
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so...that johnny fella huh
this was a uh!! practice sheet bc i was. struggling to draw him. hes not as hard as i thought he was to depict but. ugnk
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(last one is my personal favourite
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coyoteprince · 2 months
Some thoughts on the masculine side of my gender experience and how it ties into vulnerability
I am nonbinary, I believe some flavor of fluid, but I just read as a goth cis woman to the layperson. That's fine and good, there is a safety and privilege in being stealth even with the alternative way I dress, but there also feels like a safe with something precious I keep locked away in me.
I take comfort in referring to myself as a "woman with a man's personality" and likening myself to a kelpie or nymph: beautiful, soft, but merely a vision of a woman: in reality underneath the gossamer, a beast that fails man's words.
Occasionally, something stirs to life in me, similar but different: those feelings of masculinity. I am naturally positioned by my genes (I can grow a shitty sparse beard) and temperament to have some secondary features- but thats it.
And yet, when the pangs of longing ache, they come on suddenly and harsh and I feel trapped.
There is nothing I can truly do to feel comfortable with the swing of identity. Only shapeshifiting back and forth could satisfy me which is impossible. Yes, I could seek hormones or surgery, but I have decided for now to not for a variety of reasons. As part of that, I've always been rather... defensive and secretive about the masculine part of my identity. I have a secondary masculine name I only allow people I trust to call me, and this dumb tumblr post is the first time I'm admitting some rather personal things to the public eye.
I'm well aware today many won't respect the nature of my gender just because I am a ~nonbinary girl~ and not seeking permanent transition, but even before that the thought of being trans was too much for me.
The first time I realized I was trans I wasn't older than 15 and noticed the thoughts I was experiencing about wanting to feel like a boy. It frightened me so bad that I vowed to never give it attention again specifically because I already knew I was queer, mentally different, being abused, and "didn't need another target on my back". Haha. Hahaha
Ignoring those thoughts hasn't been too hard except when I see the ghost of my identity. Then it is overwhelming, like a wave crashing over me and threatening to sweep me into the tide. Painful and exhilarating all at once. Before I know it, it's gone again.
I read and watched The Outsiders in middleschool, as did many. I latched onto Johnny, a greaser kid with an abusive family who tried to play tough but was really just an incredibly scared, sweet runt. I couldn't for the life of me figure out why I identified so hard with him but hindsight is 20/20. Despite the hamminess of Outsiders, I continue to hold a fondness.
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Later, when I became comfortable with my nonbinary ID (something that was quite difficult for me) and an adult, I saw another ghost. A theme now set: soft hearted greasers. The first time I heard this I curled up and couldn't stop replaying it even though it made my chest ache.
Finally, the last ghost I've seen and what really made it all click for me was Izzy.
I was neutral of Izzy for the first season (sorry my old man fucker peers), but seeing him become disabled and starting to soften made me intrigued. Then, the drag scene and him singing: I yelped in excitement, bewilderment, and bawled like never before. It was the most intense gender euphoria I've ever felt. Izzy shot to the top of my favorite characters ever in an instant with all he grew to embody.
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I guess I identify with boys clad in leather, forced to become rugged in all the wrong ways. Underneath, a natural softness terrified but desperate to show itself.
You can see this in Waite, too: A handsome, dark man who is oh so soft underneath. It's no secret that in my story over time he accepts his nonbinary identity and allows his truth to be seen framed by carnations and frill. Perhaps he is what I wish I was.
On the other hand, Degare is somewhat closer to my reality. A gender all his own, effeminant masculine mannerisms, fairly feminine dress, breasts and vagina and all- though he is still often more masculine than how I present. In contrast to Waite's uneasy fear of judgement, he tries to guard his natural softness rather aggressively out of fear of being taken advantage of.
I'm sure to many reading this I sound like a transmasc "egg" that hasn't cracked yet. To others, very mentally ill. Maybe to some who are fluid, they know the wish-washy feelings.
Either way, I'm a proud freak and I've worked hard to not allow others to hold power over how I view myself anymore. These past 4 years through a cocktail of treatments (though meditation and practice have been the biggest game changers) I've diligently learned how to balance being openly loving to all and authentic- yet protecting my energy and staying sure of my identity no matter another's opinion. Misery loves company and bitter, paranoid gossips and I no longer get along.
Softness, kindness, vulnerability for others and yourself are all difficult, at times seemingly impossible things to achieve when you come from a harsh upbringing and live in a world bombarded by bad news. Change in your view and behavior is excrusiating. But I believe striving for authenticity and love is the most important thing we can do as humans in this life.
Whether I end up transitioning down the line or staying as I am, I've learned to cherish these flashes of masculine desire and be empowered by vulnerability- and I don't regret it.
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steifel · 2 months
I may have gone a little over bord with these
TW: self harm, suicidal thoughts, transphobia, gender dysphoria, talks of body parts. Everything is very minor but please protect your peace
-first off She cam out to Johnny first on accident Darry had taken Pony to the doctors so nobody was home Soda wanted to test a theory. She was dancing around the house in a mini skirt and a stuffed bra Johnny walked into the house and was like "you wanna talk about this? You don't have to"
-soda literally broke down telling Johnny everything
-poor Johnny has no idea how to comfort people but he just sat there listening and understanding
-she told Pony next they were laying in bed one night and the conversation went like this
S: hay Pone? You know how Johnny was born a girl but hes really a boy?
P: mhm
S: well sometimes i feel like i might be your sister even though ive always kind of been your brother
P: *pulling Soda into a big hug* ok
S: thats it just ok
P: um okay.... I love you?
S: love you too pony
-she told Darry next and he required a lot more information than ponyboy did.
-how long have you known
- she/her?
-who all knows
-is your name still Sodapop
-how do you feel
-do you want me to help you tell anyone
-is there anything i can do to help you?
-after Darry got all the information he needed he just hugged his sister and said "i always wanted a little sister"
-she told Steve next
-he was actually kind of excited
-after she told Steve she started living as a girl 100% of the time
-Twobit and Dally were super confused but they eventually figured it out
-Soda is a woman of extremes she is ether so eurphoric shes ontop of the world or so dysphoric that she can barely get out of bed
-her bad dysphoria days just about kill Steve
-he knows that she's the most beautiful girl in the world and it hurts him that she doesn't know that
-when she's dysphoric he always gives her one of his long shirts to wear and then holds her in bed as long as she needs just telling her shes beautiful and playing with her hair.
-when she's super euphoric you bet your ass Steve is gonna take her out and show her off (if anyone says anything bad they get jumped)
-if/when she goes on E she wears push up bras every day and that makes Steve go crazy
-if you think Soda was hot as a guy than you'll think shes a goddess as a girl
-Steve feels so lucky
-its not all fun and games though
-she gets jumped a lot
-the socs can be very vilont with her
-she tends to silently cry herself to sleep a lot
-her and Johnny get really close
-they actually trade pre transition cloths
-johnny teaches her all of the "girl" stuff he learned in childhood and she teaches him the "guy" stuff
-believe me when i tell you that Soda is a MASTER at tucking
-she wears super tight pants and skirts
-Soda is suuuuper fem
-she loves doing her hair and makeup
-this pisses pony off because she takes forever to get ready in the mornings
-the one bathroom thing starts to become a problem now that Soda takes an hour to get ready
-was absolutely terrified to come out to the gang
- he put it off for a long time
-came out to Dall first
-and he only came out at this point because Dally could tell something was bothering his little buddy
"So you gonna tell me whats wrong or am i gonna have to guess?"
-dall was genuinely so mad. Not because he's trans but because Johnny had the gaul to ask if Dally hated him now
-when he told Pony he had a shit ton of questions
-this is mostly the reason Pony didn't have a lot of questions when Soda came out
-johnny is one of those lucky bastards that naturally looks masculine so he passes almost immediately
-he never gets out of his baggy clothes and flanels phase (me projecting)
-every single member of the gang makes him take his binder off after 8 hours
"Comon Dall just a little while longer? Please"
"Jonnycakes we can do this the easy way or the hard way now it dont matter to me but i gotta fealing you're not gonna like the hard way"
-eventually Johnny starts to feel more comfortable around the gang without it
-if he's in public though he doesn't give a fuck what dallys "hard way" is he will be wearing that binder
-while Soda usually experiences her transness through euphoria Johnny usually experiences his through disphoria
Another TW for SH and Suicidal thoughts ill let you know when it ends
-he has a tendency towards SH
-one time dally found him attempting to give himself top surgery and he had actually gotten pretty far
-Dally was horrified he's no stranger to blood and violence but it was really bad
-Johnnys gotten a lot better but there was one point where they hid all the knives and did there best to have somebody with him at all times
-Darry has had to grab his hands and hold him super tight before
-Dally had a really hard time sleeping during this time he made Johnny stay with him and he just watches Johnny sleep.
-Dally was just terrified he was gonna lose Johnny over something as stupid as how the world sees him
Major TW over
-on major dysphoria days he really just wants to be left alone.
-he mainly just sleeps on those days
-the whole gang tries to help but sometimes you just have to feel your feels you know
-he cries because of it sometimes and that just makes the dysphoria worse which makes him cry more (me too me too)
-Johnny absolutely loves it when the boys roughhouse with him cause it makes him feel like they really see him as a guy
Ok i feel like if i keep talking about Johnny im ether gonna start crying or just spill every bit of information about my transness. anyway i hope you enjoyed
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squiddy-god · 2 months
Task force T4T
Simon "ghost" Riley
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hehehe giggling and kicking my legs thinking of this <3 anyway this is t4t ghost hcs so both ghost and reader are ftm trans men! I don't care if fem aligned people read or interact but please remember that this isn't for you this is for trans men. I'd also like to say I've never read the comics so my knowledge on that is a little limited (if someone who has read the comics wants to educate me I have questions!) 
Tw: tooth rotting fluff, NSFW undercut, masc! Reader, ftm ghost and reader, mentions and descriptions of dysphoria/trama, very self indulgent, allusions to ghosts backstory, period talk, pre bottom surgery reader and Simon. 
Hnggggg where do I even start 
“Task force t4t”- Simons favorite joke (he's not funny) 
There are a few ways y'all could meet honestly 
My favorite two being these : 
1) You meet at a pub, Johnny is bragging and playfully asking Simon why he doesn't get any 
Simon gives him the look™ and soap makes it his mission to get his best bud a date- or at least some ass 
So Johnny scans the bar and is pointing out various people, all of which Simon is… reluctant to Comment on
He's not had a good experience with life in general, much less with relationships 
But then Johnny has to go and point to you, And Simon stares. 
You're a bloody handsome man, you look nervous, like you were dragged out here to this pub. You seem to like layers, black long sleeves with a worn out slipknot T-shirt over top, gloves tucked into your pocket and nails painted black. black eyeliner and the feint growth of a thin patchy mustache and chin stubble.
You've got a few pins, most he thinks are band pins, but one catches his eyes a little blue pink and white flag 
He turns around on the bar stool and mutters while he takes a swig of his Bourbon. 
He can't stop thinking about you for the next few days, hell he goes on a mission and is out drinking after a week. 
Then he sees you again, dressed similar to the first night he saw you. 
Your sitting on a bar stool chatting with your friends, they walk off to get a booth while you call over the bartender and order. 
He can believe he's really gonna shoot his shot. Johnny would be laughing his stupid Scottish head off. 
Your startled when this huge man sits next to you, you aren't nessesarily small by any means but it's not hard to be smaller then Simon when he's 6’4 and beefed up. 
He doesn't look at you, eyes dead forward and half glazed over while he fumbles in his head to think of something to say. 
He doesn't wanna scare you off, hard to do when the skull balaclava and hood aren't doing him Any good. 
“I like your pin mate” he says, voice deep and gruff. Really all he could muster without makeing a fool out of himself. Your eyes scan him, gears in your head turning in realisation. “Thanks- cool mask ya got on there” silence settles but it's not as awkward as Simon would think. “I don't suppose your uh-” you dance around the subject, terrified of being wrong, of offending this bear of a man who could absolutely beat you bloddy. Simon laughs “that's right lovie” his voice is warm like a campfire with a tone like honey. Makes you melt. “‘spose you'd let me Buy you a drink?” You ask turning to face him. “only if I can buy you one too” you chuckle an call the bar tender over, ordering something fruity but not too sweet, he gets Bourbon. “Oh ho a good ‘ole boy are ya?” He chuckles “the best” 
Your friends come back over and are so shocked to see you absolutely smitten with this man. 
Eventually the night passes with you and Simon chatting, eventually exchanging numbers and heading out. 
Meeting number two! Is soap to the rescue tbh
You work at a little coffee shop, soap comes in and orders the same 4 drinks any time he's in. Only place near base (or in general) that has a blend of black tea Simon likes. Johnny is chatty at the counter while he waits, it's never bussy when he comes in- He talks about his friend Simon a lot, 
Reminds you of a mother trying to talk up her son 💀 
Eventually he suggests you go on a date with his buddy, and he suggests to Simon that he go on a date with the cute lad at the Coffey shop. 
You try to tell him that it probably won't work out- asking if his mate would be ok with the hole you being trans thing and Johnny gets the biggest grin, patting your shoulder “aye thats the best part laddie! yer both in the same boat” 
So you agree, and Simon agrees. Johnny is just happy his L.T is shooting his shot! 
Anyway! regardless of how you meet Simon is nervous but a great boyfriend! 
Trans! Simon who where's the mask when he's feeling Dysphoric whitch is often 
He wakes up and doesn't see himself, the PTSD definitely isn't helping but some days the mask helps a lot
Always helps you through your dysphoria, holds you close and assures you that you're a real boy, reminds you that if you're asking “am I fakeing it?” You aren't. 
He has the worst periods smh, horrible cramps, heavy flow and they always seem to last so long. 
Has deadass threatened to throw a tampon at soap. Soap did NOT think that was funny 
He always knows what pads/tampons to get, and once your cycles sync up he's done for, he is irritable and just wants to come home and cuddle you 😤 
Rubs your back when cramps get too bad 
Absolutely melts into a big puddle when you rub his shoulders when he's back home. 
Has beaten up transphobes and will continue to do so<3 his favorite activity tbh 
Works out at home and oh boy is it a ✨sight✨ his top surgery scars are pretty prominent. They come up under where his (now) peck is and they are a bit on the jaged side 
Tossing around the idea of Simon who got either a cool jaged outline over his scars to highlight then, or got smth like barbed wire over them. 
He's proud of his top surgery scars, they're the only scars that HE chose, that he wanted. 
If you still bind he gets you a skull print binder (the dork) 
Matching packers so you both feel less dysphoria! 
Simon “nothing more romantic then helping your s/o take their T-shot” riley. He takes his every morning and if you're comfortable he helps you take yours, especially if you get freaked out by the needles 
Simon is hairall over but complains that the Testosterone goes mostly to his ass 
Que hilarious ass smack 
✨trama bonding✨ Simon has crawled his way out of hell (almost literally) so it feels nice to know that he can confide in you and really have you understand this aspect of him. In a way it makes it easier to open up about the other things he's experienced 
Simon “my dick is huge”/ “my dick is bigger than yours” riley
His idea of real romance is letting you shave down his hair before each deployment. 
If you ever feel Dysphoric and want your hair GONE he shaves your head for you, and lest you shave his head so you match
His pronouns are he/him obviously but he also sometimes uses it/it's when he's feeling like it 
Big star Wars nerd, builds legos but really likes miniatures in general. Will spend hours on making those 3 wooden puzzle things. 
It takes a while for Simon to be comfortable with sex, he has a lot of issues to work through, and a lot of insecuritys 
He doesn't like his body too much, especially not from the waist down, so he can't imagine you like it either
But once he realize that yes, you love his body, that he's safe, that your safe? 
He's a horn dog good Lord he needs a cold shower
Loves giving you head- Simon riley is a munch send tweet 
Can't decide between eating you out like he's trying to drink you or sucking your T-dick like his life depends on it- so he does both 
Oh you accidentally had your binder on to long? Your breasts are tender? He can help- he swears he can make it better lovie just let him massage your boobs so they don't hurt! 
Simon riley is a switch who prefers to top because he likes the control it let's him have and makes him more comfortable 
He can be rough but most of the time he's just so sweet and intimate, I wouldn't nessesarily call it gentle, but its definitely not rough
Strap game is on point so have fun getting that back blown out (or blowing his back out) 
Simon “sweetheart come here, I wanna play with your dick” riley, honestly he's obsessed with it. Playing with your pussy and T-dick while he watches the footie 
Wet dream/fantasys about bottom surgery, he wants a dick, always has, but the thought of being able to really fuck you on HIS dick? Have you choke on his actual cock and not some silicon junk? 
Someone muzzle him fr 
Speaking of muzzling him- he can and WILL leave the WORST hickeys on you everywhere
Looks like you lost a fight to a gang of industrial vacuum cleaners, like dawg calm down nobody is trying to take you away-
Deep deep dark purple with a bit of reddish yellowing around it. 
And boy you are absolutely covered in them. Looks like you where on the receiving end of a paintball firing squad.
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skylarsblue · 1 year
✦Random C.o.D Headcanons✦
(Random Headcanons that I have no where else to put. Also because I can't properly wrITE WORTH SHIT, UGH)
✧Price can swing dance. And very well, mind you. ✧Johnny’s dad gripes at him for not drinking whiskey. “Bout the only Scotsman who won’t drink scotch! ‘hat’s like an Irish man not drinking Guinness!” He’ll say. But Johnny handles liquor really well. He could down three tequila sunrises without a single waver. ✧Gaz used to do ballet as a kid, gymnastics in secondary school. He’s less flexible now because he doesn’t stretch like he used to, but he could probably still manage the splits. ✧PRICE LIKES OLD WESTERNS AND COUNTRY MUSIC. TRY TO TELL ME OTHERWISE, I DARE YE- ✧Ghost’s autistic hyperfixations consist of; Birds, the chemical affects of drugs(of any kind) on the body, the process of decomposition, bones/skeletons, and how different cultures view Death. (Ex; Grin Reaper, Cu Sith, Thanatos, etc.)
✧Gaz is the one that has the most vast music taste, but admittedly he’s got a bit of a favorite spot for what I call “ass shaking music”. Things like Doja Cat to T-Pain, ya know?
✧Johnny whole heartedly believes in ghosts, and while he likes horror, he’s most scared by paranormal ones.
✧Ghost’s go to snack is apples. He is so obsessed with apples he can differentiate each kind with one bite.
✧Price hates being called Johnathan, the only one allowed to call him that is Laswell. And she only uses it to scold him. Like a mom. ✧Alejandro owns a cowboy hat. He bought Rudy a matching one, but he assumes Rodolfo got rid of it since he never wears it. It’s not true. Rudy is just really worried he’ll ruin it, so he keeps it pristine in his closet. He’ll even ensure it doesn’t collect dust. ✧König has a fear of horses. He had a Celtic mythology phase, read a spooky story with a Kelpie in it, and now they scare him. ✧Horangi used to have a gold tooth, and at one point his gambling debt got so high, he pulled it out and sold it. Also Horangi has bad teeth, lots of fillings & cavities. ✧Diabetes runs in Gaz’ family, so he constantly watches his sugar intake. But it’s really hard because he loves sweets. ✧09 Ghost is a trans man. This isn’t a Headcanon, it’s just true.
✧Johnny has oddly soft hands. He doesn’t do anything to them, and objectively, he should have tons of callouses. And yet? Nah, super smooth.
✧Gaz runs warm and prefers warm weather, Price runs warm and prefers cold, Johnny runs cold and prefers warm weather, Ghost runs cold and prefers cold weather. ✧Ghost hates being spooned cause he’s usually bigger, and the feeling of a body against his back, even if warm and alive? Reminds him too much of the feeling of a deadman pressing on his spine. He’d prefer to be the big spoon if he has to cuddle like that.
✧Rudy owns playboys & playgirl magazines. He just hides them SUPER well, because he’s kinda ashamed. He thinks people owning porn is fine, but his mother visits often and she’s a bit of a snoop. ✧Piggy backing off the last one, that’s also why Rudy is so sneaky. He wasn’t necessarily a super bad kid, and his parents weren’t necessarily unbearable. But he often got roped into trouble by others, and his parents were a bit strict, so he got good at sneaking. ✧Valeria & Alejandro are exes, and while there are many reasons they broke up? One was Valeria realizing she’s hella sapphic.
✧Valeria has a collection of naked women paintings. Like, super expensive ones? No one questions her because she’s a cartel queen, they think she just likes art. And she does. But she also is hella biased towards pretty painted ladies.
✧Gaz definitely has at least one crazy ex. Like “I’ll stalk your number, call your mom, and make a scene in public even if we broke up three years ago” crazy. ✧König was a pot smoking metalhead in high school, I will not elaborate. ✧Ghost tends to be clean shaven because the sensory feeling of stubble is uncomfortable, especially under his mask. But he likes facial hair on other people. ✧Farah is on the aroace spectrum. She’s not completely closed off to romance or sex, but like…it’s very very rare for her to experience those kinds of attractions. (Personally I think Alex is her exception, but I’m biased) ✧SPEAKING OF ALEX, man owns a cane. He decorates it, he also decorates his leg. With stickers. Some of them are kiddy/girly cause his niece gave him them. Do not question the Pinkie Pie on his prosthetic, reminds him of what he needs to come home for.
✧Nik & Price definitely have sucked each other’s dicks at least once. Look, besties bestie however they please. Also, c’mon. They’re military men.
✧Johnny somehow manages to miss something someone is telling him when they’re right by his ear. Yet! He’ll catch a random comment from across the room.
✧Also. Johnny is afraid of dogs. But he also likes dogs. It’s a very hard thing to deal with when he wants to pet what gives him heart palpitations.
✧König doesn’t talk to his mother at all. He occasionally talks to his father, but not much. But his grandma?? Every day. He will won’t miss a single day of contact.
✧Gaz writes poems or short stories sometimes as a coping mechanism. But he hides it cause he's embarassed. ✧Johnny had a full out punk phase in high school. He had spikes on a denim jacket, he had an anarchy pin on his rucksack. Full out. And though he didn't get caught, he probably did some teenage delinquent shit like graffiti. Thankfully, the more destructive stuff is more out of his system...mostly anyway. ✧Price didn't have a full hippie phase when he was younger, but he did have friends in that circle, so he picked up one or two things. ✧Ghost didn't have any aesthetic specifically growing up, but he thought Trad Goths were super cool to look at and he definitely got a lil inspiration from them in his everyday life. ✧Gaz also didn't have a particular aesthetic he fell into, but for some reason he was picked up by a group of scene kids in middle school. If you go through his oldest music playlist, EDM is in there a suspicious amount. ✧König is allergic to bees, so, anytime they're around he'll freak the fuck out and sprint away. If it weren't for the fact he had a reason to fear them, it'd look really silly. ✧Soap has ADHD, Ghost is autistic, Laswell has OCD, Rudy has AuDHD, and König is autistic.
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chxrrylime · 1 year
Soap and Bottom M reader fucking in bunny outfits as Soap’s Easter gift (it’s funny because of the joke about rabbits constantly “multiplying” 🐰🐇
Fuck yes. I made the reader trans for more of that breeding authenticity, and also to keep the bunny plug in. Also I didn't misspell kids—kits are baby rabbits. Happy fuckin' Easter! Jesus wept...
Soap x FTM!Reader ↪ 608 words — 18+ / SMUT.
Content tags — trans male submissive reader, cis male dominant Soap, fem terms used for trans male reader (in dialogue, but not description), piv sex, unsafe sex, begging, mild feminization, butt plugs, breeding kink, implied/referenced pregnancy, light degradation, implied/referenced public sex, pet play, and a bit of cockwarming.
Soap knows how to move his hips.
He’s fucking into you hard and fast, goddamn gyrating almost, as he plows you. He groans at how your wet hole squelches around the wide girth of his cock, one hand on your hip to rock you back and forth with his movements, the other teasing at the bunny tail butt plug you’re wearing.
You keen as he presses on the plug, wiggling it, and he curses under his breath at how hard you clench around him.
“Can’t believe you fuckin’ wore it,” he groans, body splaying out over your back, thrusts becoming stilted humps as he messily mouths at your shoulder, sucking bruises into the flushed skin.
You arch your neck, trying to lean back to capture his lips. He kisses you open-mouthed and saliva slick, more tongue than anything else, your bunny ears bouncing on your head and making him grin as he grinds hard into you, the ridge of his cock perfectly rubbing against your sweet spot as you moan and squirm.
“Wanted to bend you over in the bar, pet,” he says, spitting out the last word somewhere stuck between degradation and adoration. It makes your head spin. “Wanted to show everyone who the cute little bunny belongs to—Christ, bend you over and breed you in front of everyone. You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”
You cry out, nodding, rocking back against his hips desperately.
“God, Soap—fuck, please, please, wan’ it!”
You can feel his sharp grin against the side of your neck before he straightens back up, the hand that’d been teasing at the plug sliding up your spine and grabbing the back of your neck. He pushes hard, forcing you down—making you present.
“There we go,” he coos, “that’s a good rabbit. Right where you belong. Head down, arse up, huh?”
You moan, nodding dumbly as he resumes his brutal pace, the smack of his hips turning your ass and thighs red, his balls slapping against you adding to the stimulation.
He alternates between fast, harsh thrusts and slow, gyrating grinding, making you keen and claw at the sheets, desperately trying to rock back against him, his strong hand on your hip holding you in place.
“Fuckin’ Christ, pet, cunt’s so damn tight. Really want me to knock you up, huh? Fill this pretty pussy—?” He groans, his movements becoming more sloppy, stilted, “c’mon, wanna hear you say it.”
“Johnny—” you whine, drooling, so fucked out, “oh god, please, wan’ you to cum in me—w-want your kits.”
“Oh, fuck,” he growls, arms moving to wrap around your chest, pulling you up as he fucks up into you a few final times. You can feel his cock pulse within your walls, hot spurts of cum filling your already overheated hole. 
He groans and growls throughout, messily licking and nipping at your shoulder and neck as he rides out his orgasm, his hand coming down to play with that little bud of nerves, stroking it quick and rough—you were already so close just from his cock, it only takes a moment for that overwhelming wave of pleasure to rock through your body, making you see white as you arch and spasm against his strong hold, head lulling against his shoulder as you finally go limp. 
He nuzzles against you, stubble rubbing rough against your skin as he coos and whispers praise, his big hand splayed out against your tummy and rubbing gently like it would ever actually take.
He maneuvers the both of you to lay down, spooning you, careful to keep his softening cock within your wall as you slowly start to drift in his warm embrace.
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jaidens · 1 year
And What Would You Do Baby, If You Only Knew
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pairing [s] : two-bit mathews x trans!Soc!male!reader
warning [s] : | mentions of homophobia | fighting | kissing | secret relationship | I made the reader I guess jock? | blehh he's so silly | probably a little ooc.. dunno
a/n [s] : requests are open!!
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Two-Bit Mathews has been explained to always put his two bits in a conversation, and the wise cracker of the Greaser gangs. However, when he met you, he's sure you ate him up and threw his brains and voice-box out of the window. You're sitting at the lunch table, chewing on whatever school food was made that day, with your jockey friends. He was warned about that group by Johnny and Ponyboy, how they always tried to take down Greasers that roamed the school.
However, Johnny mentioned how you were in his English and Chemistry class, and how you defended him a couple times after one of your “friends” picked on Johnny. People could've sworn all of the mischief and constant seek for danger left his eyes that day. Now, it was filled with adoration and wanting to find out about the boy he fell in love with that day.
Two-Bit immediately begins his venture of messing with you. Your friends stuck up for you, ending up with some bruised lips and eyes out of school grounds. However, on those particularly hard days, you stayed back with Keith and picked him up for running back to your friends. God, did that send him further back into the constant need to feel his hands on his face again.
Finally, he caught you alone, sitting away from people at the drive in theater. Two-Bit rubs his hands together and walks over to you, flipping up his leather jacket up further his neck: you're not sure how, but he figures out how to. He slides in the seat next to you, but you keep your eyes on the beach movie in front of you. “What are you doing around here? Where are you little Soc-y friends huh?” You turn your head at his words, and can't help but feel a little cheesy as him. He's puckering his lips out and smiling at you.
“They’re drinking and stuff. I actually wanna get home tonight.” You mumbled, head sitting on your fist as your attention falls back to the movie. Two-Bit slides back closer into you, arm wrapping around your shoulder and his hand rests. “Oh yeah? Need a ride home then? I can walk you.” You turn your head to look at him, with his hair greased enough to let a car slide on top and his eyes staring into yours. “Nah, I'm fine. I can just walk.” The Letterman jacket you're wearing suddenly feels too warm for the night and you pull it off.
Two-Bit is still there, arm wrapped around you. “You can’t walk round’ here.. lemme walk you home.” Two-Bit is almost begging to you, and he sits his head in your lap to look at you. You can't help but feel your cheeks warm at the sight of him. He smells like smoke and beer, but for some reason, it pulls you in deeper. “C’mon baby. I don't bite..” That's the sentence that started everything, that started the endless secret nights of holding and everything that you always needed and what you dreamed of.
You had to keep everything on the down low, your parents especially could not find out about Two-Bit and yours relationship. So, it ended with sneaking around past doors and out of windows, or holding hands under tables and interlocked pinkies. You couldn't lie and say the adrenaline rush wasn't absolutely amazing, after the constant things happening with the same business conversations or what football team won that week.
Two-Bit made your life ten times better than usual, but always incidentally, people find out about everything.
Two-Bit decided to take you out to a picnic and you were absolutely so excited. You wore your best Madra and jeans and you did your hair the way you knew Two-Bit liked it. He picked you up at your front door, and he and your father had a conversation. Two-Bit said he was giving you a ride to a football meeting, and surprisingly, your dad believed him. It was surprising to you for the fact that Keith was successfully able to lie to your parents.
Keith takes your arm and starts walking with you. His hands are in his jacket and he's talking about school and the gang. “I missed hanging out with you. Ever since the rumble everything's been so tight. The guys, man, they wont let me even look at a Greaser without getting my ass kicked.” Two-Bit straightens up and his arm wraps around your waist. “I know, Dally almost ripped my head off a couple days ago cause of it. I went out to see you, and man, was he mad.” You smile at the thought of Two trying to see you when he knows the circumstances between Greasers and Socs.
“I wish we could tell people, y'know. I wanna be able to do stuff with you in school.” Two-Bit nods and slips his pinky into yours. “Me too.” Two-Bit responds, gently cradling your hand in his and giving it a small kiss. “You’re the best thing that's ever been mine, and one day, I swear everyone will know.” That gives you a sense of relaxation as you lay your head on Two-Bit’s shoulder.
The moment is sweet and gentle, and you stare between your feet on the ground or the stars that collide against the dark sky. That was one of your favorite nights with Two-Bit, no matter how many more you shared, that night will always be etched in your memory forever. The way he held you and the way he told you that everyone would know.
The next day at school, it hurt to not hold him or even speak to him. Two-Bit didn't care however, and would still continue to talk to you and be around you at all times. It worried you and if the chance your friends found out, you would be torn apart quicker than you could even yell. Whenever Two-Bit tried to walk you home, you didn't even realize one of your friends had been traveling far behind and you decided to hold Keith's hand in yours and let him give you a soft kiss against your cheek.
At some point, your friend sped up and slammed his hand on Two-Bit’s shoulder and slammed him onto the ground. You yelled out Two-Bit’s name as your “friend” threw a punch against Keith's face. You pulled Two-Bit away from the fight and told him to go away. Your friend is standing there, holding his fist, and he's huffing in breaths. “What the fuck was that?” You asked and your friend looked up at you. “The Greasers need to get away, always being in your business, man. We're buds, we gotta protect each other.”
You stared at him like he was speaking a different language. “So, your thought to protect me, someone who is fully capable of getting someone away, is to throw them on the ground?” However you're sure your friend is more confused than you are and grumbles before walking away. “Man, sorry, I just lost it. But, don't tell anyone, I'm with Two-Bit. We're.. dating.” That makes your friend stop walking and turn to look at you. “Aw shit man. I'm sorry too, I should've let you handle it if anything was happening. So.. you're like gay?” The word almost burns, but you know he's just trying to figure it out. You nod at him and he gives you a soft smile.
“I won't tell anyone, your secrets are safe with me.” You smile at your friend after he reassures you. You hug him and he smacks your back. “See you at football practice next week.” Now, it was time to find wherever your boyfriend had ran off too. Eventually, you find Two-Bit, he's wiping the blood off of his nose and you can see him angrily rubbing tears off his face. “Two, hey honey.” You sit down next to him and pull his hands away from his face.
“Dickhead hit me right in the nose.” He huffs out and he lets you hold his handkerchief to his nose. You frown at him and give him a tight hug and he tenses up. “He apologized. It's just... we're all protective of each other. Just like how you are with Johnny.” You pull away from the hug and Two-Bit has a soft smile on his face. “I just, I really wish we could be more open,”
You sigh and give Two-Bit a soft kiss on his forehead. “I know, soon.” He hugs you once more and lays on your shoulder. “Thanks for fighting him.” You laugh with Two-Bit as he runs his thumb over your knuckles. “Always, I would fight everyone for you, I’ve done it before.”
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[ @itzwilby ]
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melancholicheart · 1 year
All This Time- Chapter 3
cw: trans male pregnancy (past, mentioned), angst, miscommunication, fluff and happy ending
The morning comes soon enough. Johnny and Simon talked well in to the early hours of the morning, Johnny asking about the 141, Gaz and Price specifically, whilst Simon learnt everything possible about his daughter.
He learns that she loves dinosaurs, especially Pterodactyls, and that she loves to colour in. Her favourite film is Cinderella (Johnny’s favourite too) and she loves pride parades (Johnny took her with him last year).
Simon poured over photos of her the entire night.
He saw that at the age of one, her curls started to show in her thick brown hair, just like Simon’s curls did. He sees her bright blue eyes staring at him in each photo and his heart leaps every time he looks. He notes the little scrape on her chin when she was 2, Johnny telling him that she fell and hit the coffee table with her jaw.
Simon has lots to say, lots of thoughts flying through his mind, but he doesn’t voice any of them. There’s too much, so much regret and anger, excitement and joy. He doesn’t know what to think or what to feel so he falls quiet and just listens to Johnny speak.
They got about three hours of sleep, Johnny putting Simon up in his room whilst he slept in Elizabeth’s bed.
Whilst they may have shared before, numerous times, Johnny thinks the space will be appreciated.
When morning comes, the sun peaking through the blinds and Johnny half hanging out of his daughters little single bed, Simon busies himself in the kitchen.
He familiarises himself with family life. Drawings on the fridge, child safe locks on the cupboard with the knives, stepping stools to help kids reach the worktops.
A throbbing in his heart, guilt and pride together, as he sees everything that Johnny and Elizabeth are. Everything that he’s missed.
Johnny joins him before too long, rescuing him from his own thoughts, and spitballing ideas for what they could do with Elizabeth.
“I want her to know you, Simon, not just have a day out with you. We can get some food, maybe go to the park? She would like if you pushed her on the swing and lifted her onto the slide.”
Simon hums and nods, “I think we should ask her, see what she thinks. I want her to feel comfortable around me.”
Johnny smiles and nods. They rush through breakfast and morning showers, Johnny desperate to get his baby back, and before long, Simon is waiting by the door with a nervous sweat gathering on the back of his neck.
“She’s going to call you Dad,” Johnny says, “Or Daddy, I suppose. If you don’t want her to, I can tell her to just call you Simon for now?”
“It’s okay, don’t confuse her. Not her fault I’m an absent father.” Simon scoffs.
Johnny hears the distaste in Simon’s voice, his eyes that scream ‘useless, just like your own old man’ and Johnny just melts, “Simon, you didn’t know. I believe that if you knew, you would’ve been here.”
“Should've been here anyway,” he huffs, “Never should’ve left- you know what? Let’s not do this right now. Let's go get Elizabeth.”
Johnny nods and leads them out the apartment, locking up behind him, “She has many nicknames. Lizzie, Liz, Beth, Liza, Eliza. Call her whatever you want and she’ll respond.”
Simon says nothing as Johnny locks up and, within seconds, they are outside Sarah’s door.
Johnny only manages to knock twice before the door swings open and Elizabeth is there, her hair neatly plaited and clothes perfectly ironed for once.
“Papa!” She shrieks, jumping into Johnny’s extended arms as he picks her up and sits her on his hip, “And Daddy’s still here.”
Johnny looks to Sarah to thank her and sees how she is having a glare-off with Simon who looks baffled but guilty.
Elizabeth wriggles and reaches out for Simon. Johnny holds her close, “Sweetheart, give Daddy a minute to wake up properly.” He excuses.
“It’s alright, Johnny,” Simon smiles, holding his arms out for her, “I’d like a hug.”
Johnny smiles softly and hands her over with ease.
He goes about thanking Sarah for caring for Lizzie, suggesting they have an ‘adults only’ get together soon with Simon.
Meanwhile, Simon is holding onto Elizabeth like a practised parent, her sat on his hip and cuddled into his shoulder as he clutches her.
They walk to the park in near silence, Elizabeth nattering away but no sense being made by her. She stays in Simon’s arms, cuddled close, and he seems to just exist with her. She talks, he listens, and Johnny watches.
He isn’t sure what to say, what to do, so he just watches.
When they arrive at the park, Elizabeth asks if she can rush off over to the swings, her favourites, but Simon seems reluctant to let her go.
“Maybe Daddy would like to push you on the swing, hm? See how big and high you can go!” Johnny suggests and Elizabeth yells in delight.
Simon strides off with her, placing her down and racing her to the swings before picking her up and placing her onto the seat. He’s talking to her now, a smile on his face as he crouches down to her level in the sand.
Johnny takes his time catching up, giving them a second.
He looks from afar at the wild grin on Elizabeth’s face, a smile he’s never quite seen on her before.
That’s not to say she doesn’t love him, oh no, it’s just she’s never been this excited before. She’s never met her Dad, her other parent, and now here he is, like he never left.
He anticipates the next few days, weeks, maybe even months and he knows that some serious conversations are going to arise concerning Simon’s involvement in their lives but right now, Johnny would do anything to live in this moment forever.
Where his daughter is full of joy.
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sentientcave · 5 months
IT'S WIP WEDNESDAY (Baybeeeeee) and P requested more Rugby so that's what you're getting. Everyone say thank you to @pfhwrittes
This is right after HERE if you're wondering where it fits in. I gotta finish this thang one of these days and post it all together in order.
Trans man reader, alcohol mention, food mention. All that and more right here below the cut:
"Joined for you," Simon grunts, settling in on the couch in front of you, dark eyes intense. "We was passin' by one of your practices and watched you get flattened by Roy four times in a row, but you just, 'opped right back up grinnin’. Johnny and I both thought you'd be a lad worth knowin'. Was right too." "Aw, sentimental much, Si," you tease. "Got yourself saddled with a runt just because you liked watching me get stomped on, eh?" "He likes doin' the stompin'," Johnny laughed. "Nightmare in bed, LT. Wouldna believe wha he puts me through." He drops the plates on a clear spot on the table and drops onto the couch beside Simon. "You probably deserve it," you tease, not really thinking about it. Not expecting Johnny to sit up straight and look at you like that, his blue eyes feverish, excited. "Oh aye?" He asked. "You think so do ye? You'd be real mean to me too, would ya?" "Easy, Johnny," Simon rumbles, gripping Johnny by the back of the neck. "He started it." You roll your eyes. "Did not." "Ye cannae tell a man you'd be mean ta him and say ye didna start it, Ripper. S'not playin' fair." "Didna say that. Said you deserved what Simon gives you. Not the same thing." "Pretty well the same. Got me all excited just the same." You give Simon a look. "Youd think he'd be tired after all that running around." "Never to tired to flirt, this one." Simon gave Johnny a little shake. "But 'e's a good boy." "Course he is. Johnny's our best boy." You drop into your chair and crack open your beer, grinning at the scandalized look on Johnny's face. "That one was on purpose." "Sure was." "Wee bastard. Dinnae even care what you're doin' ta me." "Oh fuck off, Tav, you do these things to yourself." He grins, leaning forward to put some egg rolls and a pile of noodles on his plate. "Sure, but I think of ye the whole time." You look at Simon, who's apparently hardly paying attention at all while his boyfriend flirts with you, more shameless than ever. You gesture at him, shaking your head. "You've got all this at home, and you're still going to flirt with anything you see, huh? Bit of a slag, Johnny." "You ever shagged a bloke, Rip?" Simon asks, before Johnny has a chance to come up with a response to that. "You only ever mention going out with girls." You snort. "Course I have." "Course ye have?" Johnny splutters. "What do ye mean? Like it's a fuckin' given?" "Johnny, settle down," Simon warns him. "S'just a question." You sip your beer and set it down, shaking your head. "I thought that's why we started hanging out,” you continue while you load up your own plate with greasy takeout, stomach growling. Chinese is pretty much the perfect meal after a game, better than pub food would have been. “We're the only queers in the club. I mean-- All my other friends are lesbians. Did you think I was just some kind of token straight guy?" “Fuck if I know, ye’ve never said as much,” Johnny says. “Would be rude to presume.” “Well, now you know,” you say, tossing the tv remote at him. “Find us something to watch.
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xnchxntmxnt · 2 years
could you do a renga x gn! Reader and its just them after a long day, and that have this "cuddle pile" that they get into on the couch while a movie/music plays in the background. And like it's just a whole vibe thing that they got, but its also just like a bunch of fluff.
Really hope this isn't asking for too much. Thanks!
movie night
Fandom: Sk8 the Infinity
Characters: Reki Kyan + Langa Hasegawa
Warnings: fluff, maybe cursing once or twice
Notes: three things. trans reki agenda. corpse bride is the best spooky movie & we stan johnny depp. and nanako is very very oblivious
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“I cannot believe we got homework this weekend. I've got plans every day!”
“Sucks to suck, Reki. Not like youre gonna do it anyway.”
You dodged the backpack that flew toward your arm, stepping out of the way so it, unfortunately, hit Langa instead. 
He made a noise in shock and complaint before nudging him back, choosing to leave his stuff in his room instead of dealing with your bickering. 
“Grumpy-pants!” Reki called after him.
“What are you, six?”
Langa reappeared and took Reki’s hand silently to get his attention. He looked up at him, squeezing his hand gently. “You alright, Langa?”
He nodded. “You have to change, it’s 3:30.”
Reki groaned. “It’s fine.”
You weren’t letting him argue that—it wasn’t safe to leave his binder on longer than eight hours, and eight was the maximum. “No, come on. I’ll let you wear my hoodie if it makes you feel better.”
His eyes lit up for a second before he pouted. “This is coercion!” he announced to no one in particular before heading back the hall, into the bathroom to change. You heard the door close, then open again, only to hear him announce, “and I want that hoodie!” before it closed again. 
You looked at Langa in exasperation and he rolled his eyes. “Would you like anything to eat, dear?” he asked, holding his hand out to take your things. 
“I’m fine, thank you.” You handed him your school bag and jacket before leaning in to kiss his cheek. “What are we going to do with him?” you teased, making him smile.
“Babysit him, I think,” he teased back, dropping a kiss to your temple. “Go pick a movie. Just nothing horror, I don’t need nightmares.”
“Leave me alone.”
You laughed at his comment and agreed, jumping over the back of the couch to find something online to watch. 
Reki came out shortly after you started browsing movies, immediately throwing himself on the couch and burying himself between you and the back of it.
“Hello to you, too,” you said, kissing his head. “Spooky movie recommendations?”
He laid his head on your shoulder and grinned. He hummed and thought for a moment when an idea struck: “corpse bride!! We haven’t watched it this year yet!!”
Langa leaned over the back of the couch. “What’s that? It’s not scary, is it?”
You and Reki shared the same exasperated look—how had you three known each other for a year and a half and he’d never watched it? 
He moved first, grabbing Langa’s arm and pulling him over the back of the couch, making him fall into the mess of limbs on the (rather tiny, with the three of you on it) couch. “We must watch!” Reki announced, grabbing the blanket folded semi-neatly and laying it over his boyfriend and his legs. 
“What, no blanket for me?”
“You’ll cover my head.”
“I’ll keep you warm!” Reki hugged you incredibly tight for the sake of the joke. 
You laughed and flicked his forehead to get him to buzz off, redirecting your attention to the TV and Langa who was laying with his head on your stomach. “To answer your question, love, it’s not scary. It’s got a creepy vibe, but no horror. That okay?”
He nodded and pulled the blanket up to his chin, cuddling in for the expected next two hours. 
You hit play and started the movie, much to Reki’s delight. 
Nanako walked through the front door to her and Langa’s apartment, only to find the lights off and the only one on coming from the lights under the microwave. She decided to enter quietly, knowing Langa had his friends over. 
She set her things down by the door and changed her shoes. When she looked more, though, she saw someone’s foot sticking out over the arm of the couch. Upon further inspection, that foot was attached to her son, who was asleep on the couch, laying on his two best friends who never seemed to leave each others company for more than an hour or so. 
A gentle smile graced her features and she was about to turn away when she heard a quiet mumble from Langa, asking, “mom?”
“Yes, dear?” she asked, brushing a bit of hair out of his face. 
She shook her head and leaned down and kissed his temple. “Go back to sleep, love.”
He nodded and laid his head back down, rather quickly falling back to sleep. She decided to make herself a snack and leave the kids alone—they probably deserved the rest. 
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@emswordss @kodzukoi @sirimirihiro @momoewn
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mo-ok · 5 months
top 5 (any color) rangers of the power variety?
gonna limit myself and only allow one representative from any particular season
HONOURABLE MENTIONS - Syd/Bridge spd, Xander/Vida mystic force, TJ/Cassie in space, the whole of the dino charge team, and ZIGGY MY BOY ZIGGY
5. Aiyon dino/cosmic fury he's very important to me. Favourite part of the df/cf seasons. He didnt deserve any of the bullshit Zayto put him through can someone please give my boy a hug
4. Adam mmpr+ was always my favourite growing up and he still holds a very very special place in my heart. I had the fattest crush on Johnny Yong Bosch like you would not believe (still do tbh dont @ me)
3. Koda dino charge favourite blue hands down. Big gentle cave man who has never done anything wrong in his life ever (I have THE BIGGEST soft spot for "man out of time" characters)
2. Dustin ninja storm my B E L O V E D *pats his head* this motorbike boy can fit so many trans headcannons in him
1. Gem and Gemma rpm (package deal, two halves of a whole idiot, do not seperate) they're so 😃 but then you think about them for more than 3 seconds and suddenly they are VERY 😭 they are perfect and i love them more than you could ever believe
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observers-journal · 1 year
I dont know about you but recently I just saw someone here on tumblr using the Tenoch Huerta tagged doing the whole "you people should believe all victims because now there are mutiple woman accusing him. But you will defend white people like Ezra Miller"
Having you not been keeping pace and pretending to be ignorant. Many people on tumblr have been showing evidence that Elena isn't a victim, that all her so called "acts for women rights" is just her wanting political power, how she is light skin Latina who follows political that are anti-LGBT and trans. DOESN'T ANY OF THAT SCREAM 🚩
But know I bet you the who posted that isn’t keeping up with Mexcian news or how many people from MEXICO are admitting they thave either been threatened or assaulted by Elena or her family. Or better yet any document evidence against Elena that show poof she is a feminist. Even the other actress and feminist aren't clean one of them refined a man's life after convincing another actress she was SA or how the other feminist is a FRIEND of Elena which would've been fine since friend supporting friend if Elena didn't had such a dark history.
And I'll tell you this much. When this SA allegations came up I was on Elena side, however knowing Tenoch slander history I did found it suspicious. When more evidence came our that was AGAINST Elena I realized she a victim anymore regardless of her acid attack. Even if the evidence that Elena provide from her anon victims they still falled apart. While yes Tenoch being silence since the allegations is suspicious we don't know what going on on his end but I think when a other females that claim the FEMALE ACTIVIST is threating them, blocking any JOURNALIST who wants more of the story, the company that she is accusing to protect Tenoch providing EVIDENCE that they paid her, and looking beyond the Tenoch situation ND more towards Elena. People need to realize to stopping believing in the victims if there is so much evidence against them.
I think whatvi hate about this situation is that since this event is taking place in Mexico is harder for American media pick up to story unlike stories like Jonathan Majors case or the Johnny Deep case. And even when media picked up the SA allegations they didn't bother to continue their research and then dropping it leaving only the headlines the SA allegation 🙄. When there is so much more to this case that is proving innocence of Tenoch. I think unless there are other Americans who are still keeping up with this story they will know that Tenoch is innocent while Elena is a piece of shit while the majority would see his allegations.
That's a great take on the issue, Anon!
I find it infuriating, but I'm not surprised. In today's time of information overdose, all anyone cares about is the sensational news. So the allegations story made for a nice spicy, juicy piece of gossip, and it spread like wildfire. Coz people love to gossip, oh look at this actor (and racists going to the extent of labeling him as a sexual offender/addict coz he's a brown man 🙄).
Nobody cares about context, nuance, or bothering to do a little bit of research. Coz who will put all that effort! Because if anybody put even the slightest of effort, it is crystal clear who is innocent and who is not in this case. In fact, the more people here and on Twitter are investigating, the more disturbing things are emerging. We can now see there's a group of people who have come together with the sole purpose of destroying Tenoch's reputation and career.
I am a 1000% sure Tenoch is dealing with this just fine on his end. Unfortunately he is used to shit like this, although perhaps not at this scale. But I'm certain he's preparing a legal case, and there was a video posted yesterday wherein a Mexican lawyer covered the legalities of this case. All the evidence is in his favor. It's good he's staying away from social media, it will do no good to his career or his case.
I wish our group here had the means to make all this investigation gain more traction. We are trying our best, so are the folks on Twitter. But I'm also of the opinion that the American media and people have forgotten about it already. The public tends to have short-term memory. Do journalists care about clearing a man's name they very conveniently labelled as guilty? Of course not 🙄 most journalism is trash these days, barring few.
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sehtoast · 1 year
Vulnerability (trans!Homelander x trans OC Smut)
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Word Count: 2.7k
Summary: trans!Homelander's first time being on the receiving end of the strap-on. Ben is all too happy to take care of him. (Part 3 of the Kindred translander series [no plot])
Warnings: Vaginal sex, pegging, oral sex, Homie's first time ever bottoming
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He couldn't believe what he had agreed to. Well, more like what he'd asked for.
Never in a million years did he think he'd let someone do this to him.
For him.
But Homelander trusted him. More than anyone in the world, he trusted his Benjamin to take care of him.
To respect him.
To never tell a soul.
He felt a pit of nerves form in the depth of his gut when Ben pulled the dildo from his nightstand drawer. Thick and long. Something he'd used on the wall crawler himself, but never imagined he'd be on the receiving end of.
He gulped, eyes widening.
Ben must have seen, because he stopped assembling it into the harness.
"We don't have to if you're not-"
"No," Homelander blurted out, breaths unsteady with excitement and fear. "No, I just– I've never… done this."
That was the truth. He'd never really put anything inside himself– well, never anything more than fingers from himself or Benjamin.
Today, somehow, was different. Every molecule in his body ached for his little spider in a way that reached far beyond his normal need. He'd let his mind linger too long on the idea, gaze fixed on Ben, and suddenly he found himself clenching with desire. Walls quivering, thoughts of what it would feel like to do more.
What it would feel like to be filled.
It was the hardest ask to have ever slipped from his lips.
But the web-head simply smiled at Homelander from where he'd pinned him, love in his eyes and kindness on his lips as he gazed up.
I'd love to, murmured so earnestly. Without mockery or malice. No glint in his eye to signal an idea for opportunity.
He watched with anticipation as Ben took on the role that had belonged strictly to him in all times past. Slotting the dildo into place, checking that it was secure.
Ben didn't dive in straight away, much to Homelander's relief. Hands brushed against his inner thighs, soothing the tiny shakes he was hopeful would go unnoticed.
It was like he was a virgin all over again.
It was humiliating.
"Breathe, Johnny." Ben leaned down to murmur in his ear. He trailed the tip of his nose along Homelander’s hairline, pressing a kiss to his temple. "We can stop at any time, okay? No expectations, no obligations. Just what feels good."
Benjamin knew what this meant for Homelander. Relinquishing control was never his strong suit, nor was confronting the reality of his… anatomy. Of course, it came as a massive surprise to be asked to reverse their roles, but it only spoke volumes of the trust and love between them.
That Homelander would even consider vulnerability with him to be safe meant the absolute world to Ben.
He started by shimmying down between Homelander's legs, dragging his tongue from hole to clit, circling the erect flesh in flat figure eights. His hands remained at John's thighs, fingernails gliding over his skin, leaving behind goosebumps.
Homelander pressed a fist to his mouth, teeth biting into his knuckles as he resisted the urge to squirm. The anticipation somehow made him infinitely more sensitive. The promise of what was to come loomed over him– yet he was unsure if it was in the form of darkness or light.
Pleasure or disgust.
He keened when Ben's fingers sank inside, filling the space of his body that'd been begging for anything all day. The wet sounds of Benjamin sucking his clit clouded his mind, and his hips moved to chase the sensation. His free hand tangled in Ben’s unruly hair.
Ben smirked against the bud caged between his lips, always pleased with the way John couldn't help but be so reactive. It'd taken a long time to get here, too. For Homelander to shed his shame and be vocal and wanting without fear of being humiliated.
The strongest man in the world was allowed to let go.
He slipped a third finger inside, John's wetness squelching as he stretched him. He curled his digits, fucking them in and out, tongue unrelenting against the head of Homelander's clit. Ben knew it was coming– that John was coming– so he increased the pace. Moaned against his bud, fingerfucked him faster, eyes open to watch as his love crested higher and higher.
"F-Fuck! Ben, I – oh god!"
His walls spasmed, clenching tight in that beautiful rhythm that signaled his undoing. Homelander bit harder against his knuckles, drawing blood, moaning freely. Hips writhing, chest heaving. Mind in a haze– and fuck, Ben hadn’t even done more than go down on him.
His little spider kissed the curve of his mound, fingers still buried inside. Homelander peered down to find Ben smiling, eyes sparkling.
He only nodded, leaning his head back on the pillow. The heat in his core was simmering once more from the simple knowledge that Benjamin was still knuckle deep in his cunt.
Fuck, why was he so sensitive today?
Ben’s fingers began to thrust slowly once more, giving him a tease as he crawled up to press a kiss to his lips.
He needed more.
Homelander pulled the web-head closer, groaning audibly when their tongues met and he could fucking taste himself. He angled his hips to thrust against Ben’s fingers, meeting his motions head on.
“Oh god…” He whimpered against his lover’s lips.
Ben angled his wrist to press the heel of his hand against John’s cunt, and was rewarded with a soft moan.
Fuck, if this kept on, Homelander would be coming for a second time before Ben even put the tip in.
“Tell me how bad you want this…” Ben murmured in his ear, tongue tracing along the outer ridge of it, sending a shiver right down Homelander’s spine.
Suddenly, the fingers rocking into his core stopped, and John let out a pitiful cry.
“So fucking bad!” He whined, hips thrusting up to beg for more. “I want you so bad, fuck– fuck, Ben…”
Benjamin’s digits slid out, smearing his slick up to his clit, pressing and circling all at once.
John’s hands scrambled, one wrapping around Ben’s midsection, the other gripping his shoulder as he was pushed right to the precipice of another orgasm. The bundle of heat in his core was so unbelievably tight, ready to burst at any moment. It left his eyes flickering red.
Ben pulled out from his grip, fingers slowing at his bud.
“Gonna put it in now, okay?”
Homelander nodded desperately, breaths coming out in short, tight exhales as he teetered right on the brink. What was he even worried about, again?
He’d since clenched his eyes shut, but he could hear the sound of Ben spitting, then those fingers gliding through his folds to gather some of his wetness.
Benjamin pressed his slicked cock to the head of John’s engorged clit, rolling his hips to slide the silicone back and forth. The noises that spilled from his lover were both erotic and endearing, and he decided to have mercy and press the tip to his hole.
“Look at me, Johnny.” He cooed, circling Homelander’s soaked opening.
John dared to blink his eyes open, to look his love in the eye. When the head breached him, he threw his head back in a strangled cry.
The first cock he’d ever taken, and it was that thick just at the head. He felt his clit throb and twitch in response, hips moving without thought to help it sink deeper.
”Fuck, fuck, fu–” he hissed, sounds suddenly stifled by Ben’s soft lips against his. “Mmph!”
The pressure in his core was– fuck, it was beyond anything he’d ever felt in his life. He felt so fucking full, he could hardly stand it. He was aware of every single time Ben drew out even the slightest bit to push back in, to press further on each little thrust until he was halfway inside.
God above, John wanted to scream.
Just ram it in, you can’t fucking hurt me! Is what his mind howled, but only gasps and moans fell from his lips.
“That’s it, baby.” Ben encouraged. “Taking me so good…”
The praise danced through his mind, making him clench around Ben’s cock in response– and he swore he felt his arousal gush. He could’ve fucking come then and there with how tight it felt– how goddamn good it was. Fuck… Could he even stop himself?
His legs snaked around Ben’s waist, pulling him the rest of the way inside without care for going slow. His clit throbbed agonizingly.
Close, fuck, fuck so close!
He’d been holding his breath to stifle his sounds– to stave off his release– but he failed.
He fucking failed.
The pressure, the slide of the toy against the head of his his clit, the stretch of his walls– there was simply no stopping the orgasm that shot right to his head, tingled through his limbs, burned in his eyes. No stopping the cacophony of moans that choked through the tightness of his throat, nothing to calm his erratic breaths.
“Are you okay?”
All he had to give was a nod. His hands scrambled to grab Benjamin anywhere. His arm, around his neck, fingernails digging harshly into his back. Any part of his lover that could remind him he hadn’t floated off the face of the planet.
“Shh,” shushed that comforting tone. “Mind your claws, tiger.”
His hand was guided away from Ben’s back, and he wanted to acknowledge the trapped apology in his throat– almost positive he’d drawn blood, but suddenly the fullness inside of him was moving and he had nothing but stars in his mind.
Ben pulled out halfway before pushing back slowly, eyes on John the entire time to gauge his reaction. It seemed he had nothing but enjoyment, if his gaping mouth and the red glow behind his eyelids meant anything.
“That’s it,” Ben murmured, pace increasing. He rose to sit upright, to be able to look down and see all of his love’s little reactions, to be able to watch the girth of the toy disappear into John’s cunt.
Each stroke left the shaft glistening.
Benjamin splayed John’s thighs wide, stroking his palms up and down the insides of them as he thrust languidly, enjoying every little twitch of his lover’s face as he did. He took a special satisfaction in the way he’d gotten Homelander so soaked even his inner thighs were wet. The web-head let his hand travel to Homelander’s core, to thumb circles at his clit, biting his lip at the way John cried out.
It was music to his ears and art to his eyes to watch Homelander writhing and whimpering his name. He gave two more swirls with his thumb before gripping John’s calves to push him to a new position, pressing his thighs flush to his chest. Ben leaned down to cage him in, and the new angle gave him the perfect advantage to fuck harder.
The slap of the toy’s balls against John’s soaked skin echoed in the room as Ben thrust sharp and deep, each time nudging the depths of Homelander’s core, leaving him on the brink of a sob. The angle had the toy sliding against the head of his clit on each pass, and he had no choice but to throw his head back as the pressure in his core coiled infinitely tighter.
The only word to come from his mouth with any semblance of coherency was his little spider’s name, but it was short lived when Ben decided to muffle him with a kiss. He wished he could tell Ben how fucking dangerous it was to be sticking his tongue in his mouth when he was so close to finishing. He fought it off as best as he could manage.
Ben’s thrusts turned shallow, and he moved away to look at Homelander.
He had drool streaking down his chin. His lips were kiss bitten and slightly swollen. Eyes dazed and glowing a dim red.
A surge of pride coursed through Ben’s veins at the realization this was his doing. And yet, he could tell John was still fighting to keep from finishing. Perhaps it was that nagging insecurity of his at how easily he could finish sometimes that gripped him. Regardless, that simply would not do.
“Johnny,” Benjamin whispered, a hand at his cheek to direct his gaze. “Be a good boy and come for me…” He gave a pointed thrust, and smirked when Homelander threw his head back mid nod.
Ben set a languid pace, rolling his hips to fuck Homelander deep, bottoming out on each thrust. He leaned back again, one hand still holding John’s leg flush to his chest. He secured Homelander's other leg with a spray of webbing, then let his free hand snake down to toy with John's clit. It took no more than a single swipe of his thumb to have John howling.
A burst of red shot from Homelander’s eyes, adding to the ever growing mural of scorch marks on the bedroom ceiling. He babbled and whined, whimpered and moaned as his body was overtaken entirely by bliss. Ben’s finger at his clit never stopped, nor did his thrusting, and John was almost sure he’d black out if not for the fact he couldn’t.
Each throbbing clench of his cunt around the girth of Ben’s cock left him feeling as though he could burst from being so full.
His body felt cold and hot all at once.
He hadn’t even realized he’d floated a few inches off the bed until he’d regained his coherency. Ben had anchored them by gripping and, consequently, ripping the bed sheets with his sticky fingerpads. Instead of chastising him, though, Benjamin only giggled and kissed him.
They laid there for quite some time, and Ben eventually tore the webs that held Homelander’s leg to his chest, allowing him to lay comfortably. The web-head didn’t entertain pulling out until John seemed to have fully come back to earth.
“You did so well, pumpkin.” Ben whispered as he ran his fingers through Homelander’s hair. His own arousal pulsated deep in his core, but he could– and would– wait for John. “Proud of you.”
Homelander’s reply came as a weak moan of appreciation.
“D’you want me to clean you up?”
A silent nod.
Ben pressed a kiss to his cheek.
“Towel or tongue?”
“S’always tongue. You know this.” Homelander scoffed a laugh, smiling when he heard Ben chuckle in return.
“Ah,” Ben hummed as he made to move down. “Silly me…”
Benjamin pulled out slowly, giving Homelander time to adjust before letting the tip slip free. He practically dove in, tongue at John’s rim to collect what leaked from his cunt. He let his tongue press and wiggle the slightest bit, lips curling despite his open mouth when Homelander hissed above. He laved over the tight ring of muscle before dragging his tongue up, gathering every bit of his lover’s release that he could find.
He dipped his tongue inside John’s pussy, pushing his wet muscle in with ease to lap up whatever sweetness he could reach. When he was convinced he'd gotten all he could, Ben's tongue slipped free, swiping along the glistening skin of John’s folds. He kissed each one before moving to his clit.
Homelander gave a weak cry at the sensation, wholly overstimulated at his softening nub. He reached down to grab Ben’s hair to direct him elsewhere, but was pleasantly surprised to find his love bug already traveling back up to kiss him.
“You know I’m gonna have to fuck you till you can’t walk, right?” Homelander asked breathlessly when they parted. He let a hand wander to Ben’s back, fingers brushing against where he did, in fact, scratch Ben bloody. “I…” He trailed off, digging the words out by force. “Thank you… for everything.”
Benjamin simply smiled at him before kissing the tip of his nose, uttering that which he always longs tear hear
“I love you.”
For the first time in his life, Homelander found he had no problem reciprocating those words.
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spcewild · 1 year
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Boundaries & Fandom I will write for !
Just restating games/Fandom I will write for ;
Rdr (1&2)
Re (resident evil - Leon Kennedy, Carlos, Luis Sera, etc.)
SR (Saints row - all main characters [Johnny gat, Carlos, Shaundi, etc.])
COD (Black ops, newer cod games, etc.)
Mortal Kombat (1 & 11)
Borderlands (1&2 + Tales From Borderlands only!)
Spiderman; across the multiverse
TKAM [To kill a mockingbird] (ADULT characters + platonic/parent like relationship w/ others)
DBH [Detriot: Become Human] (any ADULT characters and ADULT androids)
The Walking Dead [Rick Grimes, Daryl Dixon, Shane Walsh, Maggie, Glenn, etc.] (ALL ADULT CHARACTERS)
The Punisher (All ADULT main characters)
The Outsiders (All Characters EXECPT for antagonists/Socs [NOT INCLUDING CHERRY])
Rumble Fish (Motorcycle Boy, Rusty James, Patty, etc...)
Tex (All main characters)
TMNT (Bayverse only)
What I refuse to write for:
Character x character, minor x adult, incest, weird kinks, actors/real people including streamers/youtubers (I simply do not want to make them uncomfortable even if they consent to fics abt them..), etc etc. (Pretty much just the weird and illegal stuff <3)
Smut, fluff, angst, etc!
(What I am and am not comfortable with)
What I refuse to write for will either be because I am simply uninterested in writing it, or it makes me uncomfortable. If you are unsure if I am comfortable with writing a certain thing/idea, PLEASE ASK!! I will not be mad! :)
I AM okay with being reblogged! It is very welcome, and I appreciate it! But along with this and reposting my work (which I am also okay with), I must receive credit.
Which pretty much means don't steal my work lol
If you wish to address me in any way, you can refer to me as:
Spce, space, spcewild, and wild. Or any other nicknames you may have for me! <3 (as long as it isn't inappropriate, I do not wish to be referred to in any sexual way)
(Pronouns are listed in my bio if needed!)
I AM also okay with writing what I believe is called a match-up...? (Correct me if I'm wrong pls lmao) where you describe yourself, and oc, persona, etc. And I get to match you up with who I think you match the best with romantically or platonically!
I am ALSO okay with writing for male, female, gender neutral, intersex, trans, and any other LGBTQ+ readers!! I will also include POC readers, chubby, thin, or any body size of reader! Not only this, but if you wish for the reader to have a specific physical quality you want me to write for (and can be an insecurity) pls let me know! :)
Lastly, I am okay with writing for readers with disabilities, mental issues, etc. (Please correct me if I mistake anything when writing for specific things like this! <3)
if anyone has any questions feel free to ask <3
Requests: OPEN
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sharliexth · 3 months
last minute lgbt hcs for mgs
Consider this a very very very very late pride month celebration. An assortment of hcs that vary from "I honestly believe this 100% in canon" to "i think it would be funny." Solid Snake: Bi and for that matter a fucking disaster dating wise, how do you manage to have at least 3 exes. I still think of him as cis in canon but i joke about him being a trans man with my friends so much that to be honest I am not opposed to the idea even if my motivation is blatantly me just projecting.
Otacon: Bi as well but he has so much trauma with women that he might never be in a relationship with one again LMAOOO
Meryl: Bi BUT i like to imagine she prefers women. It only by sheer luck she briefly falls for Snake and then Johnny and even then she is so wearing the pants in the relationship.
Psycho Mantis: He is clearly sex repulsed so asexual makes sense to me and I like to imagine as they/he nonbinary sometimes once again this is probably projection but idc
Liquid Snake: I love liquid so much and at this point I'm pretty certain he's a trans woman in denial just because I think that would be the funniest scenario ever with his whole genes bullshit. Like all the snakes he is bisexual
Raiden: OK hear me out hear ME OUT.... cis Raiden. I like him just being completely cisgender but still being a bit gender nonconforming in appearance i just think thats neat. He also is so fucking straight BUT I can see him having a bi awakening in his late 40s (post MGR) cause no way this guy who has 3 games of confronting his childhood trauma would have the self reflection to discover his sexuality
Naked Snake/Big Boss: This guy is a disaster and perpetual trainwreck but if I had to put very broad blanket terms I'm going with bisexual aromantic. He definitely doesn't discriminate with hooking up with people regardless of gender but I cant honestly describe a single relationship he's been in as romantic at all. But its definitely some secret third thing.
The Boss: Bisexual and poly, if she doesnt view countries with borders why the fuck would she have borders in her relationship.
Ocelot: Gayest man ever that he'd bring the entire world to its knees and manipulate all the governments ever for just one guy who smells of stale cheese. "Gay" honestly doesnt encapsulate the sheer amount of insanity and amount of down badness he contains for one single man. Actually, I probably shouldn't even put this in hcs this is just deadass canon he absolutely lost it over one man lacking in depth perception
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kob131 · 11 months
Okay so to make my stance clear on somethings and because she annoyed me-
JK Rowling.
The major point of contention with her is her support of anti-trans groups and legislation in the UK, her home country.
This is supposedly a response to Britan indulging in its usual authoritarian leanings by trying to force people to say and do what is considered 'acceptable'. Obviously you can't kill or discriminate against trans people- that would justify just about all forms of bigotry which would destabilize society. There's a reason why acceptance wins over exclusion. But enforcement and coersion through force won't change shit.
However, this idea of JK Rowling doing this because she opposes her speech being restricted, put forth to justify her position is stupid. Because Rowling regularly argues that trans people are a danger, thus her stance is most certainly one based on bigotry. She simply believes that her bigotry is correct. So of course, one should simply mock her about her views on trans people until she is either forced to change her mind in order to be accepted by wider society or let her rot in her own little hole. ... Right?
I mean, it's not like a very wide majority of her vocal detractors are, in fact, reinforcing her view on trans people because they both just so happen to attack the same group of people... Right?
... Yeah...about that.
See, the big problem with trying to change Rowling's views on trans people is because: Rowling doesn't actually seem to believe in trans people. As in, if you pay attention to her rhetoric, she doesn't seem to acknowledge trans as a classification. She more refers to it like someone normal would refer to 'minor-attracted person'- a smokescreen for a predatory group of people who seek to rebrand to gain acceptance and access to vulnerable people. And in fact, this idea that trans people are actually a different group trying to gain access to vulnerable women is a recurring theme in her arguments against it.
And which group does she think trans people actually are?
If you take a look at that link again, you'll see that she often refers to men in relation to trans people and her rhetoric around men is just a more open version of her rhetoric about trans people. In short- Rowling believes trans people are just men trying to intrude on women.
Which makes this whole issue really fucked because many of her detractors say the same thing she does about men. And because of this, Rowling likely sees herself as being entirely consistent in her beliefs and the only difference is other people's hypocrisy, which means she's going to get an overinflated sense of righteousness and moral authority. Just as well- she will never change her beliefs because of those people because they fundamentally believe the same thing. She's just more honest about it.
And not like society in general will change her mind- it generally doesn't care about men's issues. Hell, Britan cares so little that Amber Heard WON her original case with Johnny Depp back in 2020. Yes, the same woman who openly bragged about how people would side with her because of her gender actually WON her fucking case. So what pressure do you think Rowling is under by society in Britan to change her views? What makes you think Rowling changing her views wouldn't make her a BIGGER pariah in Britan?
This is a long standing issue with activism and just any kind of revolution, big or small, in general: the fact that said rebels will self identify as 'rebels' and thus assume that they are always in the right as the noble underdogs fighting the oppressive reigme. Even if they are the ones with the power. For every American Revolution that knew when to fucking stop, you get a French Revolution that thinks itself the noble revolution against the insidious monarchs. Right up until the guillotine's blade is too dull to cut butter.
For here- Rowling sees herself as the noble freedom fighter, fighting for women's rights against the oppressive men and their attempt infiltration through 'trans people'. Not realizing that she is, in fact, perpetuating the same kind of bigotry against men and to a MUCH greater extent against trans people. That she is commiting the same sins she decries. And that her detractors are the same, just with a different coat of paint.
Moral of the story? Firm principles and self reflection make better worlds.
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