#i bet he cries diamonds
renaiswriting · 1 year
Shut up he is so ethereal
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amberlynnmurdock · 9 months
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Matt Murdock x Reader
Summary: Matt saves his wife from being held hostage by Fisk's men and helps her with the PTSD that comes from it.
From this request from an anon named melted butter!
I hope you like it, anon friend!
Warnings: brief mentions of violence, hostage situation, PTSD symptoms, heavy angst in the beginning
Words: 2.7k
Suite No. 1 in G Major, BWV 1007: 1. Prelude
There would never come a day when she wouldn’t associate that song with blood, torture, and darkness. 
There would never come a day when she wouldn’t remember the cloth wrapped around her eyes that felt like sandpaper on her skin and the way her head pounded from the tightness of the blindfold. She could still feel it sometimes—unprompted moments of weakness when she would put on a hat or earmuffs in the winter and the feeling of something being wrapped around her head transported her to that awful night. She’d rather leave the beanie and earmuffs at home and risk her head getting cold than be reminded of that torture. 
It was the way she hesitated to put on gloves because if her wrists felt too constricted she would be reminded of the way the rope burned her skin so badly it left scars. She’d leave those at home too, and risk dry and cold hands. 
“Sweetheart,” Matt said earnestly, wrapping his hands around her cold ones. “Your hands are so cold. Why didn’t you put on gloves?”
She didn’t reply—she just let Matt continue to warm her hands with his. She preferred it that way. She preferred him to feel the scars around her wrists than her to look at them. 
Ever since that night, she took the coldest showers. Every shower was an ice-cold one. The place they had her held hostage in was stuffy—hot. She remembers her own sweat dripping down her face and the salt burning her eyes even under the blindfold. She can’t feel too hot anymore or else she will again be transported back to that traumatizing night. 
And the song—that fucking song. 
She wasn’t sure if it was a torture tactic or if the Kingpin had requested it be played. The only thing that mattered was that they kept it on repeat, at a loud volume—so loud she could hardly hear her voice when they would ask her a question about Daredevil. 
“I don’t know,” she cried behind her blindfold. “I don’t know, I don’t know, I—“
The violins started to feel like her head was being woven in torturous ways. The sound filled her senses similarly to how cough syrup fills one's senses—bitterness from the smell to the taste on the tip of her tongue. It was nauseating to listen to the song over, and over, and over, and over again. Nauseating to be in a situation like she had just two months ago: alone, in pain, and scared. So very scared that she may not make it. 
Until he found her. He told her he would always find her. 
She didn’t know he was there until the music finally stopped playing, and the lights in the warehouse went out. She was blindfolded but the way the men started yelling about the lights told her everything she needed to know. She was shaking against the wall, sweating, trying to find that relief she should feel that Daredevil had come to her rescue—but even that couldn’t shake off her fear. 
“If you ever get taken from me,” Matt had whispered to her one night in bed as he fiddled with the diamond ring on her finger, “know I will find you. And when you know I’m there, I want you to whisper to me like I am now. Because I’ll hear you and I’ll come to you.”
She whispered to him as soon as she heard the music stop and Fisk’s men were shouting at each other. 
“Matthew,” she hushed even lower than a whisper, “Matthew. Matt…”
Matt has dealt with a lot of dark situations as Daredevil, even before he donned the name and had a red suit. Years ago, he saved a little boy from a Russian gang. He saved a group of young girls from trafficking. He has dealt with the worst criminals in this city and it never got easier. All he could do was save people. He just never bet on the fact that one day he would have to save her.
It was something they talked about before deciding to get married. After months of convincing himself he could never have a life like that, she told him that God didn’t put him on this earth to only bear other people’s burdens. God meant for him to have a life like everyone else—a life that included love and marriage. He agreed on one condition: that it be an intimate small wedding at Clinton Church. And by intimate, only Foggy, Karen, and Marci were invited. 
He never wanted to prepare for a situation like this. He never wanted this day to come. He never pondered on what protocols to teach her if someone were to take her—but after months of avoiding the subject, he thought that was still important in case the situation ever did come. And unfortunately, it finally did come. 
He remembers how still the apartment was when he came home—how silent and cold it was. She hadn’t been home since the morning, he could tell. Icicles started to form on the back of his neck when he realized he hadn’t received a call from her since she left work—which was over an hour ago. Matt felt weak in the knees suddenly. He had to support himself on the kitchen counter as he focused his senses on noises outside of the apartment. 
“Dear God,” Matt whispered, “please keep her safe until I find her. Please help me find her.”
The whispers didn’t last long, nor the prayers—soon, Matt was throwing a rage in the apartment. Shattered glass was on the floor. Broken plates. Matt’s agonizing scream when reality finally settled in him that she was taken from him—by who? There was only one possibility. 
In no time he changed into his Daredevil gear and was prowling the streets, rooftop to rooftop, to find where they had been keeping her hostage.
A warehouse by the pier. He could hear the classical music playing at an incredible volume, enough to hurt her ears and get in her head. As soon as Matt found the source of the music, he shut it off, along with the power. 
And then he let the devil out. 
He thought with his fists before using logic to fight these cronies—throwing punches and brutally throwing men over his shoulders, hitting them relentlessly with whatever weapon he found near him. His billy club wires wrapped around someone's neck so tight it made them pass out, using the metal billy club to throw right in another man’s face. Matt moved recklessly in the dark. He wanted to yell at the top of his lungs so loudly it would feel like his chest was ripping apart but he didn’t because he knew she had experienced enough yelling on this night. 
And then, he heard her. 
“Matthew,” she whispered so quietly, it almost missed Matt’s senses. “Matthew… Matt…”
As soon as he made sure all of the men were out, he rushed to her side. Adrenaline pumped in his veins, he was shaking from it. He knelt before her and took off his gloves. 
“Hey,” he cooed, “it’s okay. I’m here. I found you,” and Matt’s voice was wobbly in his throat, tears threatening his eyes but no—he needed to be strong for her. He didn’t know what she endured—quite frankly, didn’t want to know—but he knew it had been a lot on her mentally. She was sobbing. He’d never heard her like this. The blindfold was wrapped so tightly around her eyes. Matt gently untied it and slid it off. He then smelt something metallic in the air—salty. It was blood. Her blood was around her wrists. Matt choked a sob in his chest as he untied her wrists. He could sense the tight friction of a bruise forming on her cheek. 
“I found you,” Matt’s voice cracked—he couldn’t help it. He was a wreck inside to find her like this. In pain, scared, alone. No—not alone anymore, he was here. “It’s okay now.” He gathered her delicate frame in his arms, holding her against his body tightly but not crushing her, and ran his hands through her hair, hushing her cries. “It’s okay. You’re safe. I have you now. They can’t hurt you anymore. I’m here.” 
Matt wasn’t sure what was more traumatizing for him—finding her in that situation or hearing her cries after, and the months that would follow. 
It made him question if marrying her was the right decision.
Despite these small things bringing her back to that dreadful night, there was one positive thing that she would never forget either: the feeling when she saw Daredevil—Matt—kneeling before her and gently pulling her blindfold off. The warm wash of relief that spread in her chest was so unexplainable, she could only feel it again if she really put her mind to it. It was like a warm, safe embrace when she knew Matt had found her like he said he would. She could describe the sensation as putting on a weighted blanket. 
The image of his red Daredevil helmet is ingrained in her mind: it was him against that dark warehouse. It was the glow of the red mask that brought so much comfort to her. She was safe. He had finally come—finally found her. God knows how hard it was to locate her. She was so relieved, that all she could do was sob into his embrace. 
It didn’t get easier when they finally made it home, it only got harder. 
She lay in his bed with tear-stained cheeks. It hurt to move. It hurt to speak. She could only whisper. Matt was still in his Daredevil suit, helmet off. He paced the room anxiously, wondering how this could’ve happened, how he could have let this happen. He was thinking of every possibility and what he was going to do next—
“Matthew,” she wheezed as she watched him pace the room. “Matthew.”
He stopped instantly, bringing his attention to her. She was in so much pain, he could sense it from where he stood. It brought a strange heaviness on his shoulders. He knelt again beside the bed and took her hands in his, kissing each knuckle.
“I’m so sorry,” Matt whispered, tears falling down his cheeks—tears of sadness, tears of rage. “I’m so sorry—“
“Shh,” she hushed him. She wasn’t crying anymore. She didn’t think she had any left. “Just be here with me. I need to feel you here with me.” 
Matt took off his Daredevil suit and silently crawled into bed next to her. He carefully brought her close to him so she was snug against his chest. Safe in his arms, nothing could hurt her now.
Months have passed. It’s a bright cold day. 
She and Matt are on their way to their favorite coffee spot uptown. They hardly ever leave Hell’s Kitchen, but she was in the mood for a specific hazelnut latte that only Rosie’s could make. And if it would make her happy to travel almost twenty minutes uptown for a cup of coffee, well, Matt wasn’t going to argue. 
He never brought up that night unless she did. So when she opted to wear a beanie and put on gloves, Matt couldn’t help but feel lighter in his step from the happiness he felt: she was on her way to healing from that experience. He felt like he could forgive himself now. 
“Ready?” She asked at the door, clearly too excited to get this cup. Matt laughed and kissed her before answering. He was so incredibly happy that she seemed to be happy again. 
The coffee shop had wooden floors and matching wooden tables. In the back was a small bookstore, and on the side the place had a coffee counter. Soft jazz music was playing. Some people were already settled in: a man had his headphones on and was typing aggressively on his laptop, and a young college girl was studying her books. Matt sensed his surroundings everywhere they went to make sure there were no threats.
“Why don’t you go look at the books while I order our coffee,” Matt suggested lightly, untying the gray scarf around his neck. 
“Okay,” she smiled, squeezing his hand before letting go and exploring the back of the cafe. 
Matt waited in line at the coffee counter and sighed contently. 
She immediately was drawn to the fantasy books section. She took off her gloves and placed them in the pocket of her coat. Scanning each title, she picked one out that piqued her interest and frowned when the summary wasn’t what she expected. Another title made her laugh, but she didn’t bother to read the back. She found herself in a different section—romance. She smiled as she glazed over each book spine with her fingers. Romance books always reminded her of Matt. She often imagined what their story would look like in a romance novel. 
And then she heard it. 
Suite No. 1 in G Major, BWV 1007: 1. Prelude
The violins sounded like nails on a chalkboard, bloody fingertips leaving a trail. It sounded like a screech against the pavement. 
It suddenly felt like she no longer was standing in the middle of an aisle of books. Instead, her body was being pulled and sucked into a black hole behind her. Everything around her felt overwhelmingly large and she was small, like she was Alice. Fear crept over her heart like a spider weaving its web. She felt hot in her jacket. Her heart was beating heavily in her chest like a punching bag. 
The song got louder. And louder. And louder. 
“No,” she whispered to herself, shutting her eyes tightly. But closing her eyes and seeing darkness only made it worse. “No…” she opened her eyes and felt like she had tunnel vision. 
Matt was standing in line when he heard something pounding loudly in his ears. It only took him a second to hear the song that was playing, and he was immediately looking around for her. The pounding was coming from her—from her heart. 
In no time Matt was by her side, wrapping his arms around her and quickly walking her outside the cafe—away from the lingering glances, away from that horrible song. Removing her from the triggering situation, knowing she was spiraling. 
She was breathing fast now from panic. Matt brought her into a quiet alley and wrapped her in a bear hug, holding her tightly against him. Her hair covered his face as he turned to breathe in her scent. He took a deep breath, and at the same time, motioned for her to breathe with him. 
“I’m here,” he said into her ear softly, “I have you. Breathe with me, okay?”
“Okay,” she managed to say between breaths, feeling like her own air was choking her. She breathed with Matt and closed her eyes, his touch and warm hug bringing her back to reality. 
“Listen to my voice,” Matt guided, “I’m here. I have you. I’m not going anywhere.”
Matt’s voice was always soothing to her, but especially at a moment like this. His voice sounded like how velvet felt. 
Eventually, just standing in his arms holding her tightly, her breathing returned to normal and that song was out of her head, as were her memories of that night. A few silent moments passed. Matt kissed her head softly and held her longer. He’d hold her for as long as she needed. When she was finally okay, she pulled back and reached her lips to kiss Matt’s. He kissed her in return and placed his hands on her face. 
“I’ll always be here for you,” Matt whispered. 
Matt went inside to get their coffee while she waited for him outside. Soon enough, they were back at the apartment, finishing the last of their drinks and sitting on the couch. She rested her head in his lap and Matt drew circles in her hair, counting the breaths it took for her to fall asleep. He’d of course be there when she woke up. 
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chaostroberry1 · 3 months
Hey how are you? I was wondering if you could have some headcanons for Hermes, Poseidon, Apollo and Loki with a goddess of sadness. She is the tallest of all the goddesses there, measuring almost three meters, she always has a melancholic aura and a quite sensitive, solitary and serious personality but she is kind to the most intimate people in her circle. She adores humanity and used to have a human husband before he tragically died. She is one of the strongest goddesses, when she cries she makes her sadness infect others, making them cry too and feel her pain (it is based on blue diamond from Steven Universe but I don't know if you know her. You don't need to add any more her if she is not to your taste). I'm sorry if it was a bit long, in advance please and thank you!
Oooh the pretty lady?? Im a bit familiar with her. I did my research on Google, I hope I didn't get anything wrong 😭 I'm also not sure if this is an "× reader" or not, so I'm very sorry. You may chat me again if it isn't what you asked for♥
°•Apollo+Hermes+Loki+Poseidon W a goddess of sadness!reader•°
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- Loki and you are literally polar opposites. You both are so different, yet you both ended up being close to each other.
- he's very curious as to why you're so gloomy and emotional. But you are the goddess of sadness, you live up to your title. Literally.
- whenever he pulls pranks or Snickers at jokes, he's always looking towards you and pointing a finger at whoever was unlucky enough to be his target— thinking you'd instantly feel better.
- no, you actually got gloomier.
- but I think he'd take a liking to you. Opposites attract pretty well if I do say so myself. Atleast he has someone (not really) willing to listen to him.
- and about your height, I bet he'd use his floating ability to float towards your face, so he could talk to you more , and os that you don't have to bend down a little to hear him. And yes, he will ignore the fact that you are uncomfortable or not.
- he just yaps and talks about anything basically. Even if you are very quiet. you talk sometimes, only when you really feel like it.
- seeing how you can make people cry just because YOU are crying... its probably super amusing to him. Even if he's also there shedding tears.
-i bet he'd try to make you cry near the unbreakable ones like Thor, Poseidon, Odin, and so on. Just for the fun of it. A little experiment to make sure you're really that strong.
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- this guy is the perfect ladies man. He knows how to entertain you, he knows how to stop your thoughts from going elsewhere (or maybe stopping you from thinking about something sad. Or else everyone will get affected with your sadness plague.)
- even with your tall height, he still knows how to take care of you. He will find ways. Like when you visit his place, he will make sure you have enough room in the pool of water. He'd also dismiss the nymphs who are staring at your tall figure.
- if y'all are in a relationship, then he's willing to make you atleast a little bit happy. Seeing you cry for the first time was so heartbreaking to see, until it started happening more often.
- well, he learned to embrace it. And now, whenever you cry, he'll just come up to you with his arms open. (Like the "where my hug at?" Typa pose.) and he'll approach you slowly like--
"darling, darling, no need to cry. Let's look to the bright side!"
-- before he makes a tiny lil ball of light in his hands w his photokinesis. If not, he himself would probably blind someone with his light, just to make his statement clear to you. Lmao 😭
- he actually really likes it when you have to bend down a little so you can hear him better. Gives him a better look at your neck, or your chest. And maybe cus he likes the position you're in. (Perv ass)
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- he's already used to this. But I'm sure he'd find joy in watching your power do its thing to those around you. watching people—especially the most cold blooded gods—cry because of you, is incredible.
- he'd give you praises on your power, and how delightful it was to have such a goddess existing in the realm of divine beings. He'd serve you food and tea, ones that are extra big because of your size and height. Like I can imagine this man carrying a huge ass cup just for you to sip some tea or smth.
- I know you both gossip. He'd be whispering all the stuff he has to know on that day's tea, and you just quietly listen and softly giving your feedback. Y'all would do it in front of the other gods too lmao 😭😭
- your aura combined with his, it's a peculiar combo. But its certainly calming, with his personality and yours, it leaves a weird feeling in the room whenever you two are close.
- you both are pretty chill together tho.
- if you guys were in a relationship, he'd be so understanding and supportive of you. When you enter a battle, he'd probably be behind holding light sticks or something with that small smile he always has.
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- now him. He likes your presence. Cus it reminds him a bit of hades. Not the crying part, but more of the calm demeanor you have. You are very soft spoken and it doesn't annoy him.
- you and hades are his only exceptions. Your aura is comforting in a way that soothes his nerves. He's also seen and even felt the sadness you've carried on your shoulders all those years after you beloved died, as well as the burden of other things.
- so he can quite understand you. It must really be difficult dealing with such feelings he learned that after he felt the pain you buried deep into your body when you cried.
- you both are also a peculiar duo combo. I just know most of the gods there ship you both. Loki was the one making the scenerios and fanfics (he's such an ass)
- Poseidon acts like he doesn't care, or is irritated. But in all reality, he doesn't seem to mind. He likes you a lot.
- he's pretty quick to slice someone who makes you cry. He just uses the excuse that he doesn't want to shed tears and all because showing weakness is weak af. But in reality he actually just doesn't want anyone fuckin w you.
- like imagine him saying that showing such weak emotions as a god is pathetic, before seeing you and quickly saying "unless it's completely necessary".
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anastaaaaaaasia · 7 months
Tag, you're it
Modern!Aegon targaryen x reader
Warnings: NSWF, smut, abusive and toxic relationships, mention and use of drugs, mention and use of alcohol
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The party didn't go as planned and neither did your relationship. Two years is a long enough time to get to know a person, fall hopelessly in love and cry disappointedly into your pillow all night long, desperately trying to drown out your sobs. Your relationship with Aegon was the fucking wheel of Samsara, it lifted you to the peak of bliss and crashed you to the ground, harder with each turn.
The golden, no, platinum boy was born with a diamond spoon in his teeth and the same attitude towards everyone around him. “A first-rate jerk,” that’s how your best friend Margaery described him. “First class fuckbody,” you retorted. Admitting to others that your relationship was falling apart at the seams like buildings on the day of the fall of Pompeii meant admitting first of all to yourself that you had seriously screwed up. Hopeless and powerful.
Looking at me through your window Boy, you had your eye out for a little
Possessing the character of your parents, you did not allow anyone to wipe their feet on you. No one… except him. Every time you found out from acquaintances, friends and ,damn, even from his brother, that his dick had been in another girl, you tearfully swore to yourself that you would break up with him, throw his things to hell, tear up his magazines and throw him out the door of yours apartment, but every time you lied and couldn’t stand it, you lied and again deceived only yourself.
You didn't believe in gods. If you believed in them, then for all the promises you would not be allowed not only into heaven, but also into hell. You chuckled every time you thought about it.
Your friend Robb, sweet Robb, he sincerely tried to help you. Screaming in your face that your relationship with Aegon is toxic. He was the first one who brought you to a psychologist. A nice woman in her forties said from session to session that it was toxic. You knew it. But knowing does not mean being aware. But you still plunged into this sticky and enveloping relationship, time after time. Because somewhere deep down in your soul you knew you were just as toxic as Aegon. A couple created in hell and married by Satan himself.
"I'll cut you up and make you dinner You've reached the end, you are the winner"
Every time you met Aegon in the early morning when he returned to your apartment. The smell of other women's perfume almost suffocated you, and the hickeys all over his neck definitely did not belong to you. You bit, and bit so that marks remained. But you only bit him, and unfortunately he bit not only you.
Someone else's woman's lip gloss stuck to his cheeks like bees were swarming for honey. It didn't wash off his expensive shirts and designer T-shirts. You will forever remember how you sat in the bathroom with his fucking shirt. You cried for hours, drying yourself with the same clothes, crying and laughing. It was all so absurd.
Little bit of poison in me I can taste your skin in my teeth
Everyone was right, it's all toxic. That day you broke the mirror that was hanging on the wall, you could have sworn that you saw his damn reflection and grin there. But you stopped, you broke the decanter, the figurines, everything that your hands could reach. You didn’t care, he wasn’t there. You were ready to bet your soul that he was now in another bathroom at the club, driving into another girl’s pussy.
This made you laugh harder, until you realised that you were choking on tears. While cleaning the battlefield you created in the apartment, you took a fragment of a mirror. You hated what you witnessed. There were traces of mascara running from the eyes to the middle of the cheeks, lips were bitten, in blood. And your eyes. They were red, but your natural eye colour had never looked so vibrant to you. You hated it and loved your reflection at the same time. You hated the one who brought you to this state. But you loved the fact that even in such a miserable state you looked like a goddess.
That same evening you bought a ticket and flew to your home country. This was a quick flight. That same evening, having thrown your suitcase into the apartment your parents bought for you, you went to a club with friends from your former school. After six tequila shots, you told your whole story. Margaery tried to comfort you, Robb hugged you and promised to beat up your boyfriend. But it didn't help. Your other former classmates, Theon and Ramsay, helped. They said they knew how to relieve the pain. That day you tried molly for the second time in your life. The little pill gave you unforgettable emotions, you danced on the bar counter, men whistled and applauded in your direction. But you didn't care. There was nothing on your mind.
You understood that this was not a solution. And when the next morning you woke up with a severe headache and vomited for half the day, you felt killed, unsteady and wretched for the first time. Help came from where you weren't expecting. From your ex. Viserys fucking Targaryen. He was like your current boyfriend's cousin or something. He held you while you cried all evening, he helped you open a bottle of martini and mixed cocktails. He reassured you and said everything you had heard before. You have to break up with Aegon, but he was the first person to whom you admitted that you couldn’t. You allowed your ex to see you weak, broken.
"I love it when I hear you breathing I hope to God you're never leaving"
That evening when you first admitted this to someone besides yourself, it worked better than psychologists. And so now, when you are sitting in Aegon's car and he is driving you with you after the party, you wait, and wait, and pray. You pray that he will lose his temper and say something that will allow you to leave him. You provoked him, screamed how you hated the fact that he fucked other whores, you hated the constant parties. And it happened.
“Get out, get the fuck out of the car,” he screamed and slammed his hands on the steering wheel of his car. You were a little taken aback.
Running through the parking lot He chased me and he wouldn't stop
“Are you fucking high?” It was a question that did not require an answer. You were one hundred percent sure that he was high. And to be honest, you were afraid of this Aegon.
"I'm tired of you!" Aegon yelled, his face contorted in rage as he grabbed your wrist and yanked you out of your seat.
“Fucking asshole,” you muttered into space. You should have felt victory, but you couldn’t forgive such an attitude towards yourself.
Grabbed my hand, pushed me down Took the words right out my mouth
Aegon yanked you and pulled you out of the car. Your legs were unsteady. High heels and short clothes made you feel vulnerable in the darkness of the deserted street. Aegon grabbed the collar of your dress and leaned it against the stone wall of the building. “Do you have any idea how annoying you are?” he screamed.
“Oh please enlighten me,” you snapped.
Aegon's face twisted with rage. “I was with you for two years and all you did was complain, give me orders and ruin my parties. You're a pain in the ass." Aegon looked down on you, “I should have kicked you out months ago.”
“I’m sorry that I didn’t want my boyfriend to kiss other sluts and find ways to get into their panties,” you replied, you remembered all the times he neglected you
“Am I that annoying because I want to have a good time at a party?” he shouted: “You are boring. I need fun." he continued, “Everyone is jealous because I have the best parties, I have the best girls, I have the best life… And I don’t want my girlfriend to interfere. You're no fun. Parties are more fun without you." "You're a bad girlfriend" he shouted
Can anybody hear me? I'm hidden under ground Can anybody hear me? Am I talking to myself?
“Our entire relationship, all I’ve done is support you, and I’m sorry if just being faithful is a really high price to pay for you,” it was true. All the times when his family was against him, you held him tightly and let him cry on your chest. It was your Aegon, but the man who looked at you with dilated pupils was unfamiliar to you. Aegon continued to argue at a primary school level, sometimes you tried not to laugh.
He looked at you with contempt: “Your only idea is to stop me from getting drunk, to stop me from kissing other girls. You want to control me. You're a control freak." He looked up and down
“Do you know what I see when I look at you?”
"Tell me"
A laugh escaped Aegon’s thin lips: “I see a nag. A boring nag who doesn’t allow me to live the way I want.” He spat on the floor next to you. “You're always complaining, always asking me why I drink, why I flirt with other girls…” He laughed again.
“Well, because you’re my damn boyfriend, you know when people in relationships don’t cheat, that’s the reason people invented relationships,” you were angry and already at your breaking point.
Aegon laughed, but his eyes were cold and hard: “I know you would want me to be faithful and look only at you. I tried this first. But your nagging made me unhappy. To experience life, I want to have fun. I won't be sorry if you don't like it. You don't matter."
“Then it’s better to break up, I won’t let someone like you gaslight me.” You finally said it. That phrase I thought about, fantasised about and feared.
Aegon raised an eyebrow, "Really?" he chuckled. “Then do it. Break up with me. But you won't do it." He said, grinning. “Why? Because deep down I know that you are crazy about me. You can't get enough of me”.
Saying, "tag, you're it, tag, tag, you're it" He's saying, "tag, you're it, tag, tag, you're it"
“You’re only wrong about one thing: I’m crazy about you. We’re breaking up,” you exclaimed with a smile. “It’s over, farewell Aegon,” you said and started to walk away. It felt like you had thrown off long-standing shackles, you were freed, you finally wanted to live.
Aegon grabbed your arm, stopping you. “You can't leave me. This is my job". He glared at you, “And how exactly are you going to walk home in that dress and those heels? And it's dark outside…"
“It’s not your problem, you’re not my boyfriend anymore.” Why did these words sound so sweet and melodious from your lips? You didn't know, but you were sure you would understand later.
He leaned towards your face, smelling of alcohol. "But I can't let you go into the dark."
"And why? I said dripping with sarcasm
He smirked, “Because I don’t want to risk anything happening to you. You are my responsibility,” he said, and deep down he thought: the longer I delay her coming home, the more she will miss me
“Not anymore,” you shouted and laughed for the first time from the lightness in your chest. This feeling inspired you. You continued on your way home, laughing periodically and raising your hands to the starry sky.
“Do you have any idea how dangerous it is there?” He said, looking at you. “What if you get lost? Or if something bad happens to you? What would I tell your father? I can't let you leave like this.” His tone became gentle as he added, “I care about you.”
“Well that sucks because I don’t care about you,” you gave him your middle finger and then licked it.
He stared at you, trying to keep his temper. His hands clenched into fists until his knuckles turned white. After a moment, he gave a sharp nod "Oh yeah? Well, do whatever you want." He said and turned away "You'll see, you little bitch, you'll come back".
You were indifferent to his words. You walked home with a smile from ear to ear, even the damn heels didn’t spoil your mood.You only heard the sharp slam of a car door and the sound of wheels that were taking your ex somewhere far away, somewhere where you wouldn’t care about him.
After 15 minutes of walking home, you were finally there. You kicked off your shoes and looked at yourself in the mirror. There stood a girl who was proud of herself. It was the only thing that mattered to you at the moment. Walking into the kitchen, you took out a bottle of whiskey. It has always been customary in your family to celebrate any victories, small or large. You uncorked the bottle and drank straight from your throat.
The idea immediately came to mind. You turned on your favourite playlist and turned the volume up to maximum. Dancing, you reached the bedroom and began to sort through things. You put all of his shirts, hoodies and other items of clothing into boxes when one box caught your attention. Lingerie from Victoria's Secrets. His gift for Valentine's Day. He always said that red suits you.
Your inner bitch woke up with new confidence and, tearing open the gift wrapping, you put on your underwear and took a selfie, which you posted on your Instagram. Compliments from friends poured in at breakneck speed, but you didn’t care. You danced drunkenly on the marble table in your living room, breaking away just to open the windows to ventilate the room.
Eenie meenie miny mo Get your lady by her toes
You didn’t even suspect that your ex’s car was parked under these very windows. Aegon gripped the steering wheel until his knuckles were as white as the first snow of winter. The notification of your new post brought him out of his trance. Your body, your lace lingerie, your smile. And all this without him. But you couldn’t really break up with him after two years, could you? Couldn't she? Right?
Something instantly switched in his head and he got out of the car. Anger, betrayal and adrenaline, all this was mixed in his head and that’s why he was now banging on your door.
You didn’t hear the knocks on the door, you didn’t hear him enter your apartment, and you definitely didn’t hear him sigh as he looked at you. You danced and moved your hips, laughed and drank even more from the already half-empty bottle.
“What the hell are you doing?” Aegon exclaimed after turning off the player.
“Shit,” you exclaimed in shock. With a careless movement of your hands, you spilled the remaining whiskey on yourself and the table. "What are you doing here?"
“Well, I came to make sure you were alright since you are my girlfriend.But I can see you are more than fine. You are better than ever” Aegon said sarcastically. He was angry and pitiful at the same time. "I guess you were just joking when you told me we broke up, weren't you?"
“No, I was extremely serious. Looks like the only one crying about the breakup is you,” you said mockingly. Alcohol gave you confidence and increased all your emotions significantly.
"I don't believe you for a second… You can't get over me, can you?" He leaned in to whisper into your ear "Be so honest for once and admit that you don't want to live without me" his hands lay on your hips, and his face was centimetres from your neck. No matter how wrong it was, you didn't pull away.
If she screams, don't let her go Eenie meenie miny mo
“I’m fucking living without you now Aegon, I can and I will,” you exclaimed. His hands squeezed you even tighter, in the mirror you could already see your reddened skin. You were sure that there would definitely be a couple of bruises.
"I don't believe you." He whispered, his breath on your neck. It had an effect on you that you didn't expect. You got goosebumps. This game can be played by two people. "You'll come crawling back. You'll beg forgiveness. That's what you always do."
“Then cry baby,” You whispered and bit his ear lightly, but with the confidence that the teeth marks would remain for a couple of days. “You fuck every girl at the university, that’s not what I wanted from a relationship,” you laughed.
That laugh triggered all his anger. "You know what? I think this breakup is permanent. You can have all your freedom. It's not like I really need you." He said, trying to sound nonchalant. But he was deeply upset, it showed in his voice and his eyes. He wanted you to run after him and confess your love for him.
“So this is the reason why you are squeezing my thighs? Because you don’t need me?” and after that you looked into his eyes. It was a mistake. Big and unforgivable. In a split second, you saw fire, hatred and desire in his eyes. There wasn't enough time for more.
His lips pressed against yours in a fiery kiss. The heat was dizzying, the moment he had been looking forward to for so long and the memory of the past two years came back at once. Your bodies were touching, and Aegon wanted more. The feelings of anger, insecurity, and jealousy were gone. His lips met yours again, and his hands were pulling your body close to him.
The next moment, your body was lying on the table where, minutes earlier, you had danced to celebrate the end of a toxic relationship. Your back felt sticky from the spilled whiskey, but that didn’t matter now. It looks like the wheel of samsara has begun another circle, but now you are at the peak of bliss. Looking at the chandelier, you thought that this couldn’t start again. It can't?
Aegon's mouth trailed down her neck, he kissed, nibbled, and sucked at your skin. He could feel his heart pounding in his chest, a warm flood of sensations coursing through his body. He groaned as he took in your scent. He wanted to devour you… and you will gladly let him.
He knew all your bliss points. The neck was one of them. You flinched slightly as he bit your collarbone. And at that moment the brain lost control. You pressed your lips to his, biting his lips and gently licking the blood.
His mouth continued its journey down your body until it was close to your panties.
“Red suits you,” he said with a grin. You knew it and you hated yourself for it. He will always find his own way to you. The touch of the cold metal of his rings pulled you out of your thoughts and you realised that you were already lying naked in front of him on the table.
Your mother said to pick the very best girl And I am
As soon as Aegon saw your wet pussy glistening under the lights, he couldn't resist the urge to taste it. Drooling at the sight, he knelt down between your legs, positioning himself perfectly so that he could reach every inch of your pussy with his tongue. The sound of his eager slurping filled the room, mixed with the moans escaping your mouth as he lapped at your folds eagerly. At first you tried to bite your lip to hold back your moans, but you quickly realised that it was pointless.
"Ah… fuck…" He muttered under his breath, lost in the pleasure of tasting you. He pulled away momentarily to catch his breath before diving right back in, swirling his tongue around your entrance teasingly before pushing one finger inside of you slowly, testing your tightness.
Hearing your moan, Aegon's pace increased, his tongue working faster and harder as he savoured the taste of your juices flowing down his throat. He added another finger, pushing deeper into your wetness with each pass, feeling the tightness around his digits gradually giving way to accommodate his intrusion.
"There we go," he murmured, his voice rough and gravelly with desire. "Feel good, love?" He asked, looking up at you through half-lidded eyes as he continued to pleasure your pussy with his mouth.
With one last swift motion, he removed his fingers from your pussy and sucked your clit hard into his mouth, swirling his tongue around it vigorously while biting down lightly on the sensitive nub. But you wanted more, you needed more.
Aegon felt your hands start to work on his jeans, feeling a surge of excitement coursing through him as he watched you undoing them. He knew what this meant - you wanted him inside of you, and he couldn't wait any longer.
"I can't wait to be deep inside of you," he growled, standing up and pulling off his pants and boxers in one swift motion, revealing his fully erect cock standing proudly against his stomach.
In one swift movement, he kicked off his underwear and stepped out of them completely, leaving himself completely exposed for you to see. His cock throbbed with anticipation, ready to fill you up completely. "You want this big dick inside of you, don't you?"
Aegon grinned wickedly at your nod, knowing exactly what you wanted. He didn't waste any time, he immediately grabbed onto your hips and guided his throbbing member towards your waiting pussy. With one powerful thrust, he buried himself deep within your walls, filling you up completely. The sound of their entry echoed throughout the empty room, mixing with the sounds of their heavy breathing and the slap of flesh against flesh.
"Fuck" He groaned, his voice low and guttural as he began to fuck you roughly, driving himself into your depths over and over again. His hips moved in a relentless rhythm, pounding into you with force, his balls slapping against your thighs with each powerful stroke.
Aegon felt your pussy clinch around him tightly as you climaxed, his cock throbbing with each pulse of your orgasm. He loved seeing you come undone in front of him, knowing that he was the one who had brought you to such heights of pleasure. With a satisfied grunt, he increased the intensity of his thrusts, driving himself even deeper into you as he continued to pound away at your sensitive walls.
Feeling your release, Aegon's own climax began to build up in him, and with a final primal roar, he unloaded a hot stream of cum inside of you, filling your womb with his thick seed as he released wave after wave of pure ecstasy.
"Fuck, yes," he groaned, he gently pressed a kiss behind your ear and whispered, “Tag, you’re it.”
That night you came 4four times, he came three times. It was a small victory, but still a victory. you were right, the wheel of samsara has started spinning again and you just have to wait for a new blow. Aegon may have been the one who created this wheel, but now it is your turn to control it. you looked at his sleeping face on the pillow of your bed and carefully tucked a strand of his platinum hair behind his ear.
You whispered something that he will never know because it’s your time now, and you'll be ready to crush him with that wheel harder than he's ever done before.
“Tag, you’re it”
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sleepysloth99 · 3 months
Quick random music headcanons about Tfrb people. Starting with the Burns family.
Disclaimer: Crude humor. Especially fucking Your Favorite Martian😭
Charlie Burns
Etta James
Paul Anka
The Beatles
He tried to listen to his kids' tastes in music.... just smile and nod.
His favorite song is "I'd Rather Be Blind" by Etta James because it played in a bar when he met his wife back in college.
Kade Burns
Cigarettes After Sex
Arctic Monkeys
Your Favorite Martian
He listens to Britney Spears on the downlow but Heatwave knows.... and he picks on him about it nonstop. Jokes on him though since Kade got to go see Britney Spears live after betting on which lobster can fly the highest.
His favorite song is "Nothing's Gonna Hurt You Baby" by Cigarettes After Sex. It makes him think of Hayley. Also "My Balls" by Your Favorite Martian.... he may or may not have sent it to Hayley when she went away for schooling. Don't worry, she found it funny.
Dani Burns
Marina and the Diamonds
Lana Del Rey
Lil Mariko
She snuck out at 16 to see Marina perform live at the Griffin Rock stadium with her friend. She got busted and grounded, but at least Charlie never found out about that beer incident...
Her favorite song is "SIMP" by Lil Mariko and she WILL blast that shit in Blades' body till he memorizes the song.
Graham Burns
Lemon Demon
Skeeter Davis
He had a hardcore vocaloid weeb phase when he was 14 and Kade still taunts him till this day about his first "waifu." (It was Meiko.) Good thing Kade has a secret picture of Graham snuggling his Meiko plushie while he was sleeping when he was 14.... oh, and he had braces.
His favorite song is "1 AM FREESTYLE" by Joji because he is lowkey angsting in the corner. (Why does he always look so sad?😭)
Cody Burns
He's a swiftie all the way and refuses to take any teasings from Kade over it.
Beach Bunny
The day his dad surprised him with tickets to see Taylor Swift he actually cried. He really loved his 13th birthday. He even got to meet Taylor and has her autograph!
His favorite song is "Love Story" by Taylor Swift.
Someone edited Cody with a Taylor Swift song and ever since then, Cody being a Swiftie just... made sense to me. I may do a pt 2 with other characters. Maybe even make playlists from Spotify and link them here!
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thebadgerclan · 2 years
Pairing: Aleksander Morozova x reader
Summary: It’s all over...
A/N: And here’s the sad-ish fluff!  I have a few ideas for some Nikolai fluff, so I might write some of that too 😂
It was a miracle.  The sun shone down on his face as Aleksander staggered to his feet, the light overwhelming after the darkness of the Fold.  Sunlight had not graced the Tula Valley in over 400 years, and now, thanks to Alina, it shone brightly.  His nichevo’ya rose from the sand, knowing their master was wounded.  But Inej and Zoya managed to kill them, the Neshyenyer slicing them down like they were nothing at all.
When Aleksander got to his feet, Alina was standing before him, tears in her eyes.  “Now,” he said.  “You know sacrifice.”  “Beyond anything you’ve ever known,” she snapped, and Aleksander shook his head.  He knew sacrifice, he knew the pain Alina felt, he knew it well.  He’d felt the same pain when he found you, a gaping wound in your abdomen, a First army issue bayonet lying at your side.
“Aleksander,” you’d cried, clutching your stomach.  “Aleksander, I..”  “Shhh, it’s alright, my love,” your husband said, gently pulling you into his lap.  “I’m here.  Right here, Y/N.”  There was far too much blood, and you were too far from camp to make it to a Healer.  “Sasha,” you wheezed, a trickle of blood escaping your lips.  “I love you.  I love you so much.  I have always loved you.”  You knew you were dying; the pain had stopped and your entire body felt warm.  “I love you too, my darling,” Aleksander said, kissing you softly.  “I’ve got you.”  You died in his arms, your husband’s nichevo’ya howling with his grief and rage.
“And look what it did.”  “Indeed.  Look what it did.  Perhaps you now understand what it truly means to sacrifice, to lose.  You have my sympathy for what comes next.  When you realize that what you’ve done solves nothing.”  Aleksander pressed a hand to the wound in his abdomen, so very near where yours had been.  “The world doesn’t need a Saint to protect it, it needs a monster.  And while I remain, let me be your monster, let me carry the hatred of this world.  Tell me, Alina, who will be there to be your equal, to save you?”
Alina grabbed his wrist when he reached for her. “I will save myself,” she said, pushing his hand away from her.  Aleksander fell to his knees, wracked by cough, and a nichevo’ya formed from his body.  It surged forth and took Alina by the neck, lifting her into the air.  Aleksander tried to call it off, but it smacked him back, ignoring its master’s command.  Inej threw the Neshyenyer, the blade arcing to destroy the shadow demon, letting Alina fall to the sand.
“You can’t control them, can you?” she asked, her voice raspy.  “You can’t control any of it.”  Aleksander smiled softly.  “I thought I could control it all once,” he said, extending his hand to her, in one final attempt.  “Find peace.  And for a moment… I swear I did.”  He lifted his face to the sun, closing his eyes, allowing his thoughts to turn to you.
“You are the most beautiful woman I have ever met.”  “I bet you say that to everyone.”  “No, just you.”------ Your nose pressed to a bouquet of roses, a soft, shy smile on your face.  “General, are you asking me on a date?”  “I am, Miss L/N.”----- Your face, pressed against his pillows, hair a mess, mouth open as you slept.  “Y/N L/N, I cannot wait to make you my wife.”----- The ring he’d made; black diamonds and gold, glimmering on your finger, tears in your eyes, a beaming smile on your face.  “I love you,” you’d repeated.  “I love you, I love you, I love you!”----- You in your wedding gown, shimmering gold shot thorugh with black, your gaze whilly fixed on him.  “Aleksander Morozova, I will love you until I am dust on the wind.”  “Y/N Morozova, I will love you with every part of my heart.”----- You, lying naked in his arms, the sheets draped over your waist, pressing kisses to his chest.----- You, standing before your vanity, fastening your kefta.----- You, curled before the fire, reading.-----You.-----You.-----You
A white hot pain pierced him, and Aleksander looked down to see the Nesyenyer lodged in his abdomen, Alina’s hands wrapped around the hilt.  He sputtered, black blood dribbling from his lips.  “Without me,” he said.  “Know they will come for you.”  “Let them come.”  Alina withdrew the blade, and Aleksander toppled backwards.  She stood over him, her face blocking out the sun.  “You make sure I am buried with Y/N,” he said, feeling himself weaken.  “Please.”  Alina nodded, and Aleksander gasped.
Behind Alina, another figure entered his field of vision, you.  You wore your black kefta and you were smiling at him.  “Aleksander,” you said, extending a hand to him.  You’d been with him since your death, but he’d been unable to see you until now, when death was creeping in.  “Y/N,” he managed, his eyes closing.  But when they opened, he felt a new surge of strength, and he rose to his feet.  “My love,” he said, pulling you into his arms.  “Y/N.”  “It’s alright,” you said, holding him as tightly as he was holding you.  “It’s all over now.”
After several minutes of holding you close, Aleksander looked behind, seeing his body sprawled on the sand.  “I was always with you,” you said, cupping his cheek.  His scars were gone, the Stag’s wound on his hand completely healed.  “Every moment, Sasha.  You fought so hard for so long, my love.  But now you can rest, you’ve earned it.”  Your husband let out a sob and sank to his knees, clutching your kefta.
The month since your death had been the most difficult month of his life.  Going on without you had been next to impossible, and now that you were here, now that he was dead, Aleksander could process everything that had happened: the choices he’d made, the friends he'd lost, the pain he’d suffered.  You knelt beside him, pulling him into your arms.  “Shh, Aleksander, let it out.  It’s alright, I’m here.  Just let it out, my love.”  Aleksander buried his face in your chest, relieved to find that you carried the same smell, the scent that always comforted him.
“I missed you so much,” your husband managed.  “Oh Y/N, every day without you was torture.”  “I know, my darling,” you replied, carding a hand through his hair.  “But you’re here now, and you never have to be without me again.”  “Promise?”  He felt like a child for asking, but the thought of ever leaving your side was unbearable.  “I promise, Aleksander.  I love you, I love you so very much.”  “I love you too, milaya,” he replied, kissing you at last.  For several, blissful minutes, your husband kissed you, pulling you into his lap.  “We have eternity together,” you said.  “And I will love you for every last minute of it.”  Aleksander blinked back tears, kissing you again.  “As will I, my love.”
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kaminocasey · 1 year
Omega Squad Headcanons
A/N: I'm still not convinced I'm great at HCs lol. But here are my inner thoughts for the Omega boys. I miss them always. And love them with my entire heart and soul!
Warnings: 18+ Always. Minors DNI; Some Fluff, some smut. A little mixture.
Niner bought a ring right after your first date. He was in love and prepared to settle down right then and there. 
Atin and Fi gave him so much shit for months. 
When Niner proposed, you obviously said yes. But you also knew because Fi is TERRIBLE at keeping secrets. 
Niner is a “my wife” kind of guy. Talks about you ALL the time. Never shuts up about you. 
(@rebelsriley says: Knows nothing about sex. Doesn’t care. Eager to learn.) 
You take the lead a lot. The first time he saw you fully naked, he nearly cried because he thought you were a literal angel.
Fi, though… He didn’t think he’d ever get to settle down. Honestly, he wasn’t even sure he wanted to settle down until he met you. 
Your ability to crack jokes and keep up with his humor nearly brought him to his knees.
Darman still teases Fi that you’re funnier. 
The first time you ever made him laugh, all three of his brothers kept giving him knowing smirks but he tried his best to ignore them. 
One night, the two of you were sitting on the edge of a building, overlooking Coruscant, one of Fi’s favorite views, only second to you, you were teasing each other and the way you looked at him, gave him courage to finally kiss you. 
“Atin and Darman have a running bet that you wouldn’t ever get the courage to do that.” You look up at him, amused.
“I hope you bet on my side.” He acts scandalized. 
You chuckle and hop up. “I always bet on the winning side.” 
He smirks to himself for a minute and then glances after you. “That means you bet on me, right?” 
You bite your lip with a chuckle as Fi gets up to follow you.
“...Right?” He asks again and you burst into a fit of giggles.  
You and Atin argue a lot. Not in a toxic way. But in a both stubborn kind of way. Atin does mean stubborn in Mando’a, afterall. 
The first time you fuck, it’s in a back alley because he dragged you back there to argue away from the group. 
But you ended up kissing him and he pushed you up against the wall and then deepened the kiss and made you get yourself worked up, grinding on his thigh. 
When he kissed you back, you laughed and said “I knew it.” to which he responded “Shut up. No you did not.” And then fucked you. 
Darman was intimidated by you when he first met you. 
You argued with Atin on his behalf one time and he saw stars in his eyes.
While he can definitely hold his own, he was touched that you came to his defense.
When you finally told him how you felt, he felt like his brain was short circuiting.
“Are… are you sure?” He tilts his head.
“Yes, I’m sure.” You smile at him and his entire body goes warm and fuzzy. “Do… you like me?” 
“I do. Very much.”
TAGS: @twistedstitcher27 @misogirl828 @rebel-finn @rexandechosandwich @madameminor @dumfanting @rain-on-kamino @corona-one @tecker @ladykatakuri @brynhildrmimi @the-sith-in-the-sky-with-diamond @zoeykallus @maulslittlemeowmeow @littlemousedroid @arctrooper69 @rexxdjarin @padawancat97 @hated-by-me @sleepingsun501 @idledreams @redheadgirl @themcuwriter @ashotofspotchka @sunshinesdaydream @crosshairsimp73 @ariadnes-red-thread @rosmariner @heyitsaloy @starstofillmydream @high-ct5555 @echos-girlfriend @sleepywych @nekotaetae @justanothersadperson93 @aconstructofamind @book-of-baba-fett @chopper-base @palliateclaw @501st-rexster @dead-poolz @nahoney22 @where-is-my-mind-tho @jediknightjana @erishimoon @witching3 @queen-of-many-fandoms @wizardofrozz  @burningfieldof-clover
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weaselle · 7 months
actually after adding this story to another post i got so mad i'm making it a separate post
when i was a kid in a musical production of Peter Pan I got a largish role which was awesome, but i was already self conscious about my voice and during rehearsals for one of the songs the director came up onto the stage squinting like he had a mouth full of lemon juice and stalked up and down in front of us until finally he zeroed in on me and had us all stop singing and then had just me alone sing a couple lines and nodded and said "yeah, you don't sing anymore, just mouth the words silently" and then told the kids on either side of me to sing a little louder to cover it...
and no amount of knowing logically that he was wrong for doing that has helped me overcome my fear of singing in front of people after that
and there have been some other times people (looking at you, mother) have said things to similar effect
the real hell of it is, i'm like... i have a lot of songs in me. i'm constantly writing original songs that i'm too afraid to sing for anyone
here are a few. they each have a specific melody.. I wish you could hear them
i don't feel like complainin' 'bout my life today and i ain't got a lot to brag about so i'm just usin' this music to keep movin' and i don't mind if i'm a part of your show so look at life all over and it can be rough if gettin' is your goal you won't get enough but i got me and i'm free an' warm spinnin' and grinnin' in the eye of the storm
i don't need to be winnin' while i'm gamin' and i don't feel like a losin' man no winnin' or losin' i guess that leaves playin' and i don't mind if i'm a part of your band
they say this race of rats is crazy it's dog eat dog they need a sheep to be a workhorse and go whole hog well i'm no genius most of the time but at least i can be nobody's fool but mine
at least i can be! nobody's fool but mine
I don’t care … I don’t care if this minute is our last you can bet I’ll be living it before I let it past
Plan in command like a band with a marching tune, dooming our duo when you go embarking soon, damn I’m just glad that we had this hot interlude, hoping we’ll pause and not stop ‘cause I’m into you! checking the phone when alone for the text – that gives me this feeling I’m reeling I’m blessed – the sex is appealing for real but the rest of the sum of your parts makes my heart beat its chest
I don’t care … I don’t care if this minute is our last you can bet I’ll be loving it before I let it past
a decade ago we met lost and were friends christened our roads and then crossed them again we played and we dated like it ain’t a thing but lately our hook-up is more than a fling the two of us truly unduly effected - direction of goals that we hold gonna wreck it but check it I’m with it I’m livin’ it reckless to be where you’re breathin’ is leavin’ me breathless
I don’t care … I don’t care if this minute is our last you can bet I’ll be loving you before I let it past
I went to bed lonely, found waking I’d only held dreams of you… In Dreamland I dwelt, but those feelings I felt still seem so true… I dreamt you still wanted me, that’s what’s still haunting me deep in my heart… though awake I believe in the many good reasons we’re keeping apart…
I cry diamonds! I weep songs of may never be I cry gemstones! each one a good memory each action taken, all of the fine bad and more I’d never trade them, these tears are my dragon’s hoard
I’m happy to see you, I knew that would be true our love never could end… I would swear an oath, this is best for us both and you’re still my good friend… but some nights my soul just doesn’t feel whole when I’m not by your side… so I add to and hold, all the jewels and the gold that I’ve already cried…
I cry diamonds! I weep songs of may never be I cry gemstones! each one a good memory each action taken, all of the fine bad and more I’d never trade them, these tears are my dragon’s hoard
So I’ll seek out adventure, eventually enter a time. when. I… leave this treasure heap, spread my wings and leap into the sky… I’ve dreams I believe in but please know that even when I. reach. them… I’ll visit these memories, loving and tenderly holding each gem..
I cry diamonds! I weep songs of may never be I cry gemstones! each one a good memory each action taken, all of the fine bad and more I’d never trade them…
these tears are my dragon’s hoard
i wanna go off… i’ll go on the run- i wanna go big… go off like a gun they tell me come on just do as i’m told stop dreaming of hot find joy in this cold but i want the heat (oh yes) i want to feel warm! don’t want to repeat (this mess) don’t want to conform
still i pay my taxes i jump through the hoops it never relaxes: life lived in a loop
I want to go off… go off like a gun! a bright shooting star- as hot as the sun
my best my best is what i give i never rest i never live but i don’t die i try to grip this liquid life inside my fist is this a test what must i learn if this is hell oh well i’ll burn and use my body as a meal is this what godly beings feel?
so come the worst i’ll curse and taaaake it if i don’t try this life is waaaaasted I’ll struggle puzzled cold and naaaaaaked and hold to hope that i will maaaake it and if i don’t then may my bones out in the garden over-grown be turned into some little home for those as lost and as alone
the stars all wheel over head it’s always heal or be dead i must i know let go of dread and trust my questing steps instead
the day will play and i will daaaance it i’ll set my bet down and i’ll chaaaaance it with danger hurtful flirt romaaaaaaantic make my own wish, insist i graaaaant it
my best my best is what i give i never rest but do i live still i don’t die i try to grip this liquid life inside my fist…
i said i'm a tramp hobo and bum an' one mean son an' that's okay i said i'm a tramp i know but lovin' keeps on comin' my-y way
some times i'm just a drifter who's down on his luck but a smile from the Lady tips my own lips up!
down and out i ain't got nothin' but my laugh and my tough an' my-y name down and out my main skill bluffin' it's enough in thi-is game
my rhymes are just a whistle i'm hummin' along but with some help from the Lady i can sing this song!
maybe i'll find a singer or some musicians to partner up with
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madrone33 · 5 months
I finally listened to Hadestown! 🎉
Starting with the Original Cast Recording, ‘cause might as well do it in release order. Loved it! Groovy music. Snickered. Cried. Wrote down my reaction as I went, so if you're chill with rambled thoughts and observations, here you go lol
(Soz for any typos, I was touch typing most of the time, and I've edited it but probs missed stuff)
Road to Hell (Live)
Oh it’s JAZZY. Huh. Didn't expect that, but I am living.
I like how at the start they’re simulating a train’s chugging.
Those call and response harmonies tho *chef's kiss*
Kinda reminds me of Udad.
Oh that’s Hermes!
“It’s a sad song” he says, while singing the boppiest of bops.
I like that “suitcase full of summertime” line.
“About someone... who tries.” Oho, we’re gettin into it now! *rubs hands together*
Also, I completely get now why Jorge said that first draft of EPIC: The Musical Hermes was like Hadestown.
Livin' It Up on Top (Live)
That’s a smooth transition👌
Persephone’s voice is really cool. Kinda rough texture?
Oh I didn’t realise Persephone and Hades would be having a turbulent relationship in this.
Oooh Orpheus’ voice is smooth.
They’re all so happy huh. Welp, you know there’s gonna be a crash in their future.
Orpheus seems really grateful for Persephone’s... graciousness? When he said that she'll always fill their cups and they'll raise them to her and stuff. Theory: either she’ll have a soft spot for him later, or he’ll feel betrayed and blindsided by the more cold side of her later.
All I've Ever Known (Live)
I don’t know anything about Eurydice, but is this her song?
Ah yeah Orpheus is singing, so it must be.
Oop. Foreshadowing.
Way Down Hadestown (Live)
Hermes is back!
“Bored to death” HA
“Graveyard” wow the puns/metaphors are going hard XD
I can’t tell who’s singing lmao. This is like when I listened to Hamilton for the first time. I’ll need lyrics, or familiarity RIP
The coins as the percussion/tambourine is a nice touch.
Hades’ voice is DEEP.
They haven’t mentioned gods yet, I don’t think? Just the Fates, right? It sounds more like a mining operation metaphor for mythos right now, hmm.
Epic II (Live)
King of diamonds and spades - like the playing card suits, but also like the mining operation.
It’s the La la la la thing from Wolfy’s animatic! Almost. A different rendition - I bet I'll hear that later 👀
Why is it called Epic II? Where’s 1? Am I missing something?
Chant (Live)
Oh they’re doing overlapping meodies!!
Ah wait this is Eurydice now, gotta go back a few seconds to catch that. I keep getting her mixed up with Persephone 😅
Oh now we’ve got Eurydice and Orpheus relationship troubles? Huh, I kinda assumed they’d be the perfect couple till her death.
And a semi callback to her song, nice.
Hay Little Songbird (Live)
DAMN his voice is deep!
Is this Eurydice??
Is- Is Hades seducing her? To work for him of smth? Ummm.
Not the canary!
That shaker sounds like a rattlesnake, and it does not bode well for a little bird.
When the Chips are Down (Live)
Oh hey I was right! It is a metaphorical rattlesnake!
Does she choose to go to the Underworld of her own volition? I thought she like- died.
Gone I'm Gone (Live)
She does??
Ouch. She sounds so resigned.
Is this a metaphor for her starving to death? Oof.
The harmonies!!
Wait for Me (Live)
“Six feet under” oh yep.
“Lay low, stay outta sight” - getting Hamilton's Stay Alive vibes.
“Don’t look back” ah. FORESHADOWING.
Ohhh the River Styx being a high wall is so smart!
“And don’t look no one in the eye” I must be too deep in the Odyssey related fandoms, because I'm seeing puns where there are none lmao
Poor Orpheus, but I mean, he was kinda being a bit… naive? If he didn’t prepare for winter and just went off in his own head to make songs?
Why We Build the Wall (Live)
Free from who?
Enemy? 👀
(Yes, I'm aware I'm being led into asking all the questions he wants me to ask, but in my defence, it's very effective.)
Oh huh. Wasn't expecting it to be poverty, tho maybe I should've.
Him calling them “My children” plus the chanting is uh. Why does this sound like cult propaganda?
His voice sounds like the Ozymandias poem guy.
Also giving Frollo “She ran, I pursued” vocal vibes.
“Behind closed doors” - ominous.
Ha! Ok nice subversion.
Our Lady of the Underground (Live)
Persepone is a drug dealer XD
That’s a strange note on “there’s a crack in the wall”
Oh no, am I supposed to remember all these band member names? *crying*
Way Down Hadestown II (Live)
Bringing back motifs I see.
The pickaxes as percussion is cool.
Oop, Eurydice is getting a bit of a wake up call.
Chant II (Live)
Ooooh does the ‘backdoor’ Hermes meant, mean that Orpheus doesn’t have to ‘die’ to get there? ‘Cause he didn’t sign anything, which is a metaphor for him not actually being dead in the myth, so he can still leave.
“Hungry for the underworld” - the pomegranate?
And now Eurydice and Orpheus are singing half the La la la la tune each as if to each other from across the Underworld!
Ooh I LIKE those slant rhymes! "Young man, you can strum your lyre, I have strung the world in wire."
Oh this is where Orpheus sings his plea!! I know this is a thing because of Udad's Underworld Blues lol.
Epic III (Live)
The harmonies 🥺
Oh! It’s that part from Wolfy's animatic :O
I’m tearing up bro.
Just thinking that Eurydice was so upset with Orpheus for focusing on writing his song about Hades and Persephone, but it's that very song that is giving him a chance to sway Hades' mind. But on the other hand, if he'd focused less on the song, he never would've had to use it, y'know?
Word to the Wise (Live)
Ha the Fates(?) doing Hades’ inner monologue like, yeah bro u screwed yourself.
Uh oh this is probs where Hades comes up with the ultimatum. Wait no don't-
His Kiss the Riot (Live)
Those strings are creepy.
Belladonna? Oh the poisonous flower.
Did he call Orpheus the Jack of Hearts?
That acordian is awesome.
Fuck, I knew it.
He sounds like the guy who does the creepily ominous monologue in Micheal Jackson's Thriller.
Promises (Live)
Oh huh. It’s my theory from the 2nd song but it's Eurydice feeling betrayed that the world isn't always plentiful and not Orpheus?
Those strings are gorgeous!
Oh! A duet!
When the couple actually works out their shit:
“I do” omgggg!
Wait for Me II (Live)
Aww that’s nice. Persephone and Hades are gonna try too!
Oh no not the “wait” like in Hurricane-
Doubt Come In (Live)
Oh noooooo
... Oh god
Road to Hell II (Live)
Hermes sounds so sad but resigned. Like, 'Oh well. I knew it would turn out like this, but I'd hoped.' Which like. SAME.
The instruments stripped away so it's only silence and one voice is so good.
I can just imagine Orpheus collapsed shell shocked on stage as Hermes not unkindly pushes him to go on.
That reprise and ending is so fucking good AHHH omg no regrets. Some regrets. Whatever, it was good.
... Time to listen to it again with lyrics :D
And then I'm gonna listen to the Original Broadway Cast Recording!
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liviavanrouge · 8 months
Fixing Mistakes
"Now hush little baby don't you cry"
Lilia: *Stares down at the gravestone in a patch of flowers the rest of the area burned*
James(6): *Stares coldly at Lilia*
Edric: It's your fault...
Lilia: I didn't-
Edric: -think? Yeah, i bet you didn't...
James: *Grips Edric's hand, looking away*
"Everything's gonna be alright"
Lilia: *Bows his head*
Edric: Hah...wife dead, all of your kids except Silver either dead or sent away..you're a shitty parent
Lilia: *Looks at him, his eyes dull*
Eric: *Smiles* Ah...the same expression Livia made, you're truly father and daughter..
Lilia: What happened to Silver..and Sebek...
Edric: They left...
Lilia: *Looks down trembling*
"Stiffen that upper lip up little lady"
Edric: I know damn well you're not about to cry right now
Lilia: *Looks away silently*
Edric: The sheer AUDACITY you have right now!!!
Edric: You have no right to cry!! You were the main cause of her suffering and pain yet Livia never cried! You have no right to shed any tears when she never got to!!
Lilia: I'm sorry
Edric: You're sorry? YOU'RE SORRY!!!?
"I told ya daddy's here to hold ya through the night"
James: *Grabs Edric's pants leg* Daddy...
Edric: *Looks down at James and drops Lilia* Be lucky he's right here, otherwise you'd be dead
Edric: Go ahead, James
James: *Walks to the gravestone and holds his hands out, growing purple and green roses around it* Like that?
Edric: *Smiles and flicks his finger turning a few of the roses white* There...
Lilia: *Stares at the two, his eyes wide*
"I know mommy's not here right now and we both know why"
Edric: *Looks at Lilia* I wanted to kill you but Livia asked me not too
Lilia: She-
Edric: Hah...ask is too tame..she begged me not to wring your neck
LIlia: *Stares at him stunned*
Edric: HAHAHAA! Even after EVERYTHING you did, she still called you father and didn't want harm befalling you!
James: *Looks up* Hm..?
Edric: Come on Jaja..let's leave him here
James: Okay!
"We fear how we feel inside"
Edric: *Stands up, dusting his knees off*
James: *Hops up*
Edric: *Holds his hand out* Let's go...
James: *Grabs his hand, walking past Lilia*
Edric: Don't come near us...
James: *Looks back at Lilia, narrowing his eyes then looks away* Grandpa's mean...
Edric: He is...
"It may seem a little crazy pretty baby"
Lilia: *Stares at the grave then drops to his knees silently*
???: *Walks over to Lilia standing behind the gravestone, wearing a cloak the hood covering their face*
Lilia: *Stares at the cloaked figure then looks down*
???: *Stares at Lilia then tilts their head to the side*
Lilia: Give me another chance to make things right...
???: *Perks up then reaches over the gravestone, pressing the pad of their thumb to Lilia's head* ......wish granted
"But I promise you're gonna be alright"
Lilia: *Stares, then looks around*
???: *coos getting his attention*
Lilia: *Looks down startled*
Livia(4 weeks): *Stares up at him then yawns*
Lilia: *Stares then smiles, holding her close*
Livia: *Falls asleep, her ears drooping*
"And if you ask me to Daddy's gonna buy you a mockingbird"
Livia(1): *Smiles, Lilia holding her hands as she walked*
Lilia: *Let's go of her hands and steps away* Okay, come here!
Livia: *Giggles, walking around him her hands out*
Lilia: YOU GOT IT!!
Silver(2): *Holds his hands out behind Livia*
Livia: *Turns and walks over to Silver*
Silver: *Flinches then quickly catches her when she fell*
Lilia: *Chuckles, smiling at the two*
"I'ma give you the world"
Livia(3): Baba!
Lilia: *Smiles down at her* Hey baby girl!
Livia: Book!! Book!
Lilia: *Chuckles and floats her up* Choose one!
Livia: *Grabs one of the books*
Lilia: Ah, the dragon and the princess again?
Livia: Yesh!
Lilia: *Chuckles floating her after him* Alright then!
"I'ma buy a diamond ring for you"
Livia(6): *Watches her brothers practice*
Golden(8): *Grins, blocking Ralph and Shadow's attacks*
Silver(7): *Rushes Golden from behind*
Lilia: Livy! You forgot this part of your outfit!
Livia: *Looks up, Lilia placing a rose hair clip in her hair* Thanks Papa!
Lilia: *Smiles and nods then looks at the others* Hey! careful kiddos!
"I'ma sing for you, I'll do anything for you to see you smile"
Livia(7): *Yawns tucked into bed*
Lilia: The monsters gone, he's on the run and your daddy's here
Livia: *Smiles, falling asleep, her ears drooping*
Lilia: Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful...beautiful girl~
Lilia: *Turns out the light and leaves the room*
Thea: Hon?
Lilia: *Smiles* I'll be there soon!
Lilia: *Grabs fabric and other items, working on a new dress for Livia*
"And if that mockingbird don't sing and that ring don't shine"
Livia(10): *Lays unconscious in bed, bandages wrapped around her arms, legs and neck dried blood staining the corner of her mouth*
Lilia: What-
Kai: *Chitters lumbering over*
Malleus: *Hurries in* Come back-!
Lilia: *Scowls, grabbing and strangling Kai with his bare hand* WHAT IS THIS THING!
Malleus: Lilia! He has Livia's haywire magic inside her!
Lilia: *Glares at Kai and drops the purple and black red panda* Keep it away from her..
Malleus: *Picks up Kai*
"I'ma break that birdy's neck"
Lilia: *Stands up and covers Livia's eyes, kicking the fae down*
Livia(12): *Shrieks in surprise when he removed his hand* PAPA!!
Lilia: *Kicks the fae right in the jaw then stomps his hand, crushing it*
Golden(14): Damn
Lilia: *Kicks the fae over, staring them down* What were you doing following her...
Livia: *Throws her arms around his shoulders* PAPA!!
Lilia: *Looks at her calming down* Sorry...
Livia: *Sighs in relief*
Lilia: *Turns and kicks the fae right in the chest* Who said you could move?
Livia: PAPAAAA!!
"I'll go back to the jeweler who sold it to ya"
Livia(14): *Smiles, walking through her debut*
Lilia: Looks like you had fun, I was so jealous!
Livia: *Looks at him and beams* Papa!!
Lilia: Congrats on your debut as a lady
Livia: *Smiles* Thanks Papa!
Lilia: Would you be embarrassed to have the next turn with your old man?
Livia: *Grabs his hand, pulling him after her beaming* Not at all, Papa!
"And make him eat every carat"
Livia(16): *Wearing a new dress, staring into the mirror* Wowie!!
Lilia: You like?
Livia: *Beams at him and twirls around, giggling* Yes!
Epel: It looks really great on you, Liv...
Sebek: Yes, Lady Livia! It's beautiful on you!!
Livia: *Smiling wide laughing as she spun again*
Lilia: *Smiles, and sighs* She still alive...I'm glad...
"Don't fuck with dad"
Lilia: Livy, what's the matter?
Livia: Arib took my diary and now I can't locate it even with magic!
Lilia: *Stares at her then smiles* I see...
Livia: I'm tired from searching...so sleepy
Lilia: *Pats her head* Go ahead and nap...
Livia: *Drifta off, her body relaxing*
Lilia: Boys...drag Arib to me
Silver, Sebek and Kuro: *Runs off* YES!!
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r0-boat · 1 year
(New to the whole request thing, so please bear with me)
I can't help but imagine how would Melli react to getting married and having a family? Like, Melli x GN!reader Married/Family AU fluff. Bet he would spoil the child as much as possible. Altho, to be fair, the first few months he'd be a nervous wreck and pretty clueless on how to care for a baby(Melli, holding baby upside down: Is this how you hold our child?" "Melli, NO-!"). But whenever the baby does something adorable, he just melts at the cuteness. Quality father/child moments uwu he just loves his child so much, the entire world should know! (even if many want to strangle him)
thank youuu! :D
Melli being the father of your child+ some other things
Melli x gn! S/o
I absolutely love doing these parent headcannons~!
You are absolutely right about that. Melli would absolutely freak out at the thought of him being a father, only to mask it with you his usual "Of course I can. I'm the great Melli, of course!" But on the inside, he's freaking out, thinking if he could really do this. He is asking every mother of the clan for advice on child raising. Swallowing that pride in favor of wanting to be a father, though he still acts like he knows what he's doing if the mother tries to pry on why he's asking.
When the rest of the Diamond Clan figures out who is the child's father, they do get kind of concerned. Because babies can be messy and gross, and it didn't seem like a good match for Melli, who looks like he spends hours doing his hair and makeup to look perfect but don't press you on it because Melli is the one you love.
Now you do believe that Melli wants this, but you can't say that you aren't worried. And Melli notices your concern and doesn't blame you. Having a family is a completely new concept to him as well, but he does reassure you that he'll do and be his best, and he won't let you down.
Surprisingly I think Melli would be a good father. Yes, he would make some mistakes here and there, but his fellow clan members can see something different in his passionate drive to be a good father for his child and an even better spouse for his S/O.
If it wasn't for his own kid, I firmly believe Melli wouldn't like babies. Until he held his first child in his arms, he genuinely didn't understand why people thought babies were cute. He's so scared at holding his first child those few first months because he doesn't even know how to hold him right; when you give them to him, he just freezes. Though he's a very quick learner, and after those months are over, he will literally pout when you try to separate your child from his arms. While he still gets queasy about diaper changes for his child, he will endure it.
He puffs his cheat with pride every time someone even remotely mentions his child, ready to recount every single story and brag about how much of a smart, beautiful kid they are. He might be absolutely annoying, but he's just proud of his kid even if they're doing absolutely nothing.
Oh He would so spoil his child spoil them rotten. They will get nothing but the best it's only natural because they are the child of the Great Melli.
His skuntank becoming extremely protective over the child like they are it's own pup. If the kid is exploring and playing his skuntank is not too far behind.
Melli is an excellent teacher, teaching his child everything they need to know about the world around them and stories he used to hear growing up. He knows all kinds of stories about Lord Electrode being his Warden. He almost cries when his child Smiles at him, telling him that they want to be just like him when they grow up.
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suicide-with-dazai · 11 months
"Kaeya Alberich, you have a gambling addiction." - NSFW
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cw: modern au!kaeya x fem reader , gambling ofc , nsfw starts at the ❅ / i separate punctuation and stuff to make it easier for me to read :) and some other people maybe <3 this took me a week to write please enjoy !!! -NSFW STUFF:- unprotected sex , blowjob , bathing together , spitting wine , thigh-fucking , sort of a contract ?
plot: you meet kaeya at the tavern and decide to gamble against him , you end up in enormous debt and dont have the money to pay him back ... he gives you 4 days to prove yourself - 2.1k words
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in the dimly lit backroom of the bustling tavern , the flickering candlelight cast shadows over the worn poker table where kaeya and yourself faced off in a high-stakes game . kaeya , with his characteristic charm and silver-tongued wit , leaned back in his chair , casually shuffling his deck of cards with a coy grin . across from him, you fidgeted nervously , your shy demeanor contrasting sharply with kaeyas confident aura . as the game intensified , the tension in the room grew palpable , amplified by the hefty stack of chips in the center , an emblem of your daring bets .
in a sudden display of impulsive confidence , you pushed a significant sum of chips into the center , money in which you didnt own , convinced that your hand was the one to beat . yet kaeya , ever composed , matched the bet effortlessly , his eyes glinting with a calculated determination . with the final reveal of the cards , a cascade of emotions surged through the room . a triumphant smile curved kaeyas lips as he revealed his winning hand , while your heart sank in disbelief as the weight of your impulsive decision settled heavily upon your shoulders .
with a heavy silence enveloping them , the reality of the debt you now owed hung like a shroud in the air , threatening to suffocate them . kaeyas suave composure remained unscathed , but his eyes betrayed a flicker of something akin to regret as he watched your crestfallen expression . as the taverns bustling ambiance continued unabated beyond the backroom's walls , the two players sat in the aftermath of their gamble , their fates irrevocably entwined by the merciless hand of chance .
you stare at the table in shock , utterly mortified .
kaeyas gaze softened as he observed your distress , recognizing the weight of the situation that had unfolded . he let out a sigh , his fingers lightly tapping on the table as he contemplated the predicament .
"seems like youve hit a rough patch , huh ? " he mused , his voice laced with an unexpected gentleness . you could only nod , unable to meet his cold and taunting gaze , consumed by a mixture of shame and despair .
you manage to muster up the courage to look him in the eyes , his gaze piercing as icicles and cold as the hounds that bite as your fingertips in the winter . youve never been one to gamble , so why now ? ugh-
you got carried away , you shouldve never sat at that table , or picked up the cards . or even gone to the tavern in the first place ! and now youre in debt by 3 million mora . with kaeyas luck , you were never going to win . you had a straight flush ( J 10 9 8 7 of spades ) and with kaeyas unbelievable and almost inhuman luck , he managed to recieve a hand so lucky , so cruelly fate-deciding for you ... a royal flush . ( A K Q J 10 of diamonds )
"b-but i dont have that much ! i...i cant pay you back !!!"
your blood began to boil . theres no way !! he MUST be cheating somehow !
"youre cheating !!!" you exclaim , truly helpless and enraged , "you manipulated it somehow !!!" your words are unsteady and broken by your desperate cries .
kaeyas expression remained composed , though a flicker of concern crossed his features at your accusation .
"i understand your frustration , but I assure you , there was no foul play involved ," he explained calmly , his voice unwavering . "sometimes luck favors one over the other , and tonight , lady luck happened to be on my side~"
your tears gave way to a surge of anger , fueled by the helplessness of the situation .
"how am I supposed to believe that ? you always seem to have everything under control , as if youre manipulating the world to bend to your will ," you retorted , your voice trembling with a potent mix of fury and resentment .
kaeya leaned back in his chair , his gaze unwavering as he absorbed the weight of your words .
"believe what you will but I am offering you a way out of this predicament , " he stated firmly , his tone laced with a resolute determination . "you can choose to dwell on misplaced accusations , or you can help me out with some more .... private matters . so , what do you say ? "
to this , you sit back down . wiping your tears on your sleeve .
"private matters....? what do you me-"
"oh dont act oblivious . you know what i mean ."
at this , you raised an eyebrow as he ran a hand through his hair and bit his lip as his gaze burnt through yours .
kaeya followed this up with a quick wink , " how about you put on something pretty and meet me back at my place at 7pm ?"
you didnt really have a choice . well , either live the rest of your life in millions and millions of debt or help kaeya with his ... 'private matters'... whatever that may be - you had an idea , but kaeya is a mysterious man , quite frankly . so 'private' could mean anything .
"ill give you 4 days , doll ... 4 days to repay me .. "
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day 1.
"a-ah you can do it ... ohh god you feel good- "
how did i get here , you think . legs spread , being fucked by the man whom you owed millions to . his hands either side of you , occasionally leaning down to kiss your lips hungrily , whispering , cursing as he slides his length in and out of your tightening cunt .
"kae- mhh~ my god-" you grip the bedsheets impossibly tighter , mouth agape as he stretches you out so wonderfully , his veiny shaft arousing your spongy walls with each thrust . your arousal evident by the sticky fluids slicking his cock so beautifully . to further your pleasure , kaeya rubs painfully teasing circles on your clit , the overstimulation beckoning you to squirt on his cock .
"come on , ah- dont h- dont hold back now darling- squirt for me- good girl...come on~"
at this , you cry out in pleasure as you reach your climax , and you squirt your arousal all over his tip and shaft as he pulls out , the sudden pressure of the fluids cause him to cum too , on your tits and stomach .
"gonna need to do a lot more to pay off those debts , love ." he whispers coldly , his lips brushing and tickling your ears , and your instincts just force you to take his cock back into your hand and position it back at your entrance . you wrap your shaking thighs around his waist in order to stabilize yourself .
"oh~ thats a good girl ... just what we like to see~"
kaeya suddenly thrusts back inside of you , sucking and moaning into your neck as he bottoms out .
"f-fuck... ah-" you cry out , your hand pulling his hair oh so erotically .
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day 2.
today , youre positioned between his legs , your hands tied behind your back . his powerful gaze like a grey cloud above your head as he pumps his hardening length .
"archons ... youre so hot like this-"
kaeya shifts forward slightly in his seat , allowing you extra access to his pretty cock , already leaking with precum as he eyes your vulnerable position . on your knees , hands tied , staring up at him with those seductive eyes - he could cum from just looking at you .
you take his tip into your mouth - hollowing our your cheeks and licking his slit at an almost unbeareably pleasurable pace . as you slide your warm mouth up and down his length , kaeya hisses through clenched teeth - mouth agape and eyes rolling further back every time your hot tongue drags along his shaft .
"g- oh- hhhh~" unable to form comprehensible words , he strokes your hair unusually softly . youd expect him to be pushing your head closer so his cock could pump in and out of your throat , choking you with his sensitive length . but no , hes being so gentle with you today - with your hands tied behind your back as you moan onto his cock - he would praise you if he wasnt so lost in pleasure right now .
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day 3.
it seemed that kaeya had these few days planned out all too well . today , he asked you to run a bath for the both of you while he prepared some glassses of wine downstairs .
each day youve been finding yourself knocking at his door at around 7pm , knowing that your fate is sealed .
"i-its ready !" you call downstairs , still weak from all of the... action ... these past two days .
soon , he was stripping you in the bathroom , kneeling before you and kissing and licking your skin as its exposed , just before he allows you to step into the bath , he places a wet kiss on your cunt- with an evident glimmer of mischief in his eyes .
you sigh , contentedly as you step into the hot water , feeling all of your muscles relax - but not for long~
kaeya takes off his robe and connects his lips with yours as he gets into the bath with you , its a rather spacious bath - more of a hot tub really . "gods- this is my best idea yet."
whispering under his breath , kaeya lifts you ontop of his body , the hot water surrounding you . oh , you thought he forgot about the wine ? never- hes soon to take a mouthful and spit it into your mouth as you drink it up like a good doll .
although you consented to all of this , it was incredibly tiring pleasing kaeya every day - however , it did feel good , and the debts simply needed to be paid off .
kaeya spit wine onto your tits as you lay back , just to lick it back off , taking your hard nipples in his mouth and biting at them slightly , moaning into your plush skin .
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day 4.
"gonna let me fuck those pretty thighs today , hm ~?"
you nodded desperately , as youd never done this before , and your cunt was just pleading for some friction as his toned body hovers teasingly above you .
hes quick to position himself as you put your thighs together , laid back on his silky mattress , and with one stroke of his needy erection , he slides between the tight space - and god does it feel divine .
his mind goes hazy - the feeling of your slick-coated thighs either side of him , your needily dripping cunt below , and your cute little whines surround him , as he thrusts once more .
"o-oh- yes- yes yes yes...." he chants as you squeeze him tighter , hissing as he feels himself get closer . you position yourself so that you can see exactly what hes doing , a stifled moan escapes your throat as you see him so desperately slipping his cock between your soft legs , almost looking pathetic how he tosses his head back every time he passes your clit .
tonight , you made him cum 3 times with your thighs , occassionally he would lean down to sloppily kiss you , while gasping and hissing into your mouth -
later of after he had cleaned you up , kaeya sits on the sofa with you in his arms , "darling , i know ive pushed you a little these past few days and- "
' a little !? ' you think , tch , it did feel good though ...
"-just wanna say thanks to you love , 'made me feel so good , i think youve earned it , dont you ? "
kaeya leans closer to you , "youre no longer in debt anymore , pretty thing , and you can come over whenever you feel like~ hows that sound ? gods... ill miss that cute pussy of yours though~"
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reposts welcome , infact i encourage it , id love for this post to get some attention , i worked hard ! i hope you enjoyed , took me so long ^^"
massive thanks to @cafekitsune for the pretty dividers and stuff , much appreciated !!! they have some beautiful resources , go check em out !!! (seriously , you have some amazing work :)
requests open <3
do not republish , steal or claim this work as your own .
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lakesbian · 1 year
ok it's hard to make things up accurately about my little boy jean paul george ringo vasil because wildbow does not tell us very much but we do know he wanted to watch music videos on tv that one time. and thought a stop motion animation was lame. so i've decided jean paul was perhaps into watching celebrity singer women Slay in a little endearingly faggy sort of way. out there watching earth bet marina and the diamonds perform earth bet primadonna girl and it's rewriting his brain. and it's very critical that he liked a bunch of the same celebrities cherie liked and cherie had a one-sided territorial feud with this literal 8yo over it. also i think it's like
alec age 7: obsessively spending 10 hours a day trying to 100% his one (1) video game but he frankly is not very good at it and his siblings keep writing over his save files and sometimes they ruin a really good one and he cries so hard he has to go throw up on the bathroom tile (not living room carpet because he doesn't want to die in real life)
alec age 12: has successfully monopolized the video game console but is primarily just leaving his body to stare blank-faced at the start screen for 3 consecutive hours while alec (actual consciousness) is off marathon dual-wielding hypersexuality and drugs elsewhere in the house
alec age 15: actually playing the games now (fancy flatscreen tv) (far more games than he could ever need) (good snacks too) but he still kind of sucks at them. hes having fun though. 👍.
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aajjks · 2 months
bet. let me cook ⚠️
“hey, what are—agh!!!” the black cat charges at the security guard before flipping him onto his back and knocking him out. she’s not here to start a commotion she just needs the black diamond and clear quartz crystals. she goes to the back of the store to shut off its security system and heads inside without setting off any alarms.
it’s easy. like taking candy from a baby but before she takes the black diamond she hears footsteps. she was sure she rid the area of any possible security so she isn’t sure how someone is walking around unless—
her thoughts are cut short by spider-man delivering a brutal punch to the black cat’s face which sends her through the walls of the crystal store. “wow” she coughs. “it’s unlike you to hit a lady. you wanna get your ass handed to you again?” the black cat smirks but spider-man doesn’t say a word. instead, he charges at the silver haired woman and uses his webs to prevent her from setting off any smoke bombs to escape.
the black cat scrambles to the top of the nearest building with spider-man on her tail. he uses his web to latch onto her boot and once it sticks, he lands on a building and uses the web to send the black cat crashing into another building.
the impact is painful and glass cuts through her latex outfit and her skin. as he closes in, the black cat throws a glowing red crystal which turns into lava but his spidey senses allow him to dodge it. she throws another and another before making her escape once again or at least attempting to.
he’s aggressive and much quicker than he usually is. could it be…the blood crystal?
using his webs as a slingshot, he quickly catches up to the black cat and tackles her on yet another roof. using his webs, he binds her hands and legs to the wall before giving the black cat another punch to her face.
“j-JUNGKOOK!!! JUNGKOOK!!!” she cries. “s-stop!!! STOP!!!!”
The sound of lightening doesn’t surprise him but, her words do.
His blood runs cold.
This woman knows his name. He’s pretty sure she knows him. OF COURSE, SHE KNOWS HIM.. “WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? WHO’S JUNGKOOK HUH?”
He tries to play it cool while he yanks on her hair. “I AM SPIDER-MAN, WHOSE REPUTATION YOU DESTROYED. AND I AM GOING TO TAKE MY REVENGE FOR IT.”
He laughs maniacally finally being able to control this black cat, now he just needs to unmask her so he can properly take his revenge but not before he discovers her identity because she knows him so maybe he knows her as well
“Aw black cat? You scared of the big bad spider hmm?” He mocks her, his face dangerously close to her now that she is finally in his trap.
The loud sounds of raining hit his ears and he grins.
It has started to rain too. AMAZING.
Jungkook lifts his hand up to take off her mask, he moves his face to her ear. “I’m gonna have so much fun with you tonight.” He laughs again before grabbing her mask.
But then.
Police sirens.
“FUCK FUCK FUCK-“” just as he exclaims the black cat manages to break free from his web, before delivering him a strong kick to the jaw.
She took an advantage of his distraction, fuck.
Jungkook moans in frustration before charging at her again but she’s too fast this time. And he has to escape too. “DONT WORRY STUPID BITCH I WILL CATCH YOU AGAIN!” He screams in anger before escaping before the police can catch him.
Even though he’s swinging in the air- the cold rain does nothing to calm his anger and frustration. It’s only soaking him more. “Fucking bitch I’ll catch you.” He growls, looking down on the ground.
Boring. This night was getting interesting but the police had to ruin it. “These people never come on time but whenever I’m there- they pop up from anywhere, fuckin parasites.”
Jungkook keeps looking down before changing his direction, he sighs, trying to calm himself down, after a few minutes of hanging out in the air- he spots a familiar face.
He smirks.
He latches his web on one of the shops and gets down on the ground. Blocking your view.
What are you doing on an empty way and why is it that you’re always in an empty alleyway.
“Hi pretty girl.” He is now standing infront of you. A rush of confidence surges through his veins. “You know… I missed getting punched by you.” He whispers.
Looks like the night is about to get very interesting, in more ways than one.
“Aw you’re soaking wet.”
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scouped · 6 months
DID SOMEONE SAY FAV SVT PERFORMANCES!!!!!! omg hii ok time to buckle in. i have a yt playlist full of my fav performances - svt moments of all time -but unfortunately half the videos have been taken down bc copyright 😭💔 fml truly..
- my life was probably changed forever by their 2021 AAA performance like hello!!! rock ver of rwy!!!!! the anyone outfits!!! THE DANCE BREAK!!!
- 2018 japan arena tour - habit and when i grow up perhaps the best singing ive ever heard…
- im also so fond of hit song - shining diamonds concert the seungkwan vocals oh my goddd hes just a baby And yet the most beautiful heartwrenching noises are escaping him.
- i also do really love highlight from 2019 kcon la performance unit PERFORMED!
- speaking of perf u their diamond edge concert !the theatrics are INSANE, the use of guitar solo instrumentals is gratuitous, and im SO here for it lmao
- this is getting really perf u heavy but bets moonwalker+wave is TOOO good (this specific video’s crowd is so funny 😭😭😭)
- okay okay last ones we of course cannot leave out jbtc fearless+left&right 2021 despite it being an empty crowd their energy was IMMACULATE plus hoshi minghao and dino/vernon dance break What more could u need seriously.
- kbs 2017 festival JUN PIANO! no more needed
stopping myself here before this really becomes a daunting wall of text 😭 a lot of these r classics/well known but u know u can never go wrong with those!!
if u got this far im soo sorry turns out this is a huge can of worms for me (nervous laughter) ! there are honestly hundreds of svt performances icould talk about for dayyyyyys i love love love their performances they are so SO unmatched in that area and even through a screen they are so captivating <3 what i would give to one day attend a svt concert……… alright thanks for letting me ramble maxogie 😭❣️hoping all those links work
OH MY GOD LEO i love this so so much pls know i appreciate u sending all this 😭 its like u read my mind!!!!!!
the 2021 aaa performance is sooo good. i also always watch the behind the scenes of that (that one's in my comfort playlist lolll)
that japan arena tour... im so mad i still havent found a full copy of it i wanna watch it so bad 😭 they all sound immaculate as always but WOW JEONGHAN SOUNDS FUCKING AMAZING
cried a little at the hit song mention. u think they still know this song?
I LOVE A PFU STAGE AHHHH !!!!!! this particular highlight stage was so good to watch bc theyre at the center of the stadium and you can hear the crowd singing>!?!??!?! and im a sucker for a dance break. instant addition to my live perf playlist
be the sun pfu stage is the bane of my existence. thats probably my most watched stage of all time. theres this stage mix of junhui during wave that is top 1 in my live perf playlist and i recommend u watch it
OH MANNN how could i have forgotten jbtc 2021 !!! we need to bring theaterteen back let them be dramatic again PLEASE
kbs 2017 is also woozi drums!!!! i wish there were subs of that video :( i wanna know what theyre yapping about
thank u again for doing this i love talking about seventeen's music so much 😭 i saved that playlist if you dont mind <3
tell me your favorite seventeen live performance
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saphhhiree · 1 year
arisu headcanons!!!??
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a/n: spoilers probably !! read below the cut :)
first time writing headcanons btw don’t get too mad
he is so fucking awkward when you first meet. you both were playing a diamond game, immediately you were able to figure out how to beat it. with arisus help you were able to convey your plan to the rest of the players. he was smitten. multiple “woah”s “you’re right…”s slipping from his mouth.
after that you guys were pretty much inseparable. his wit and your smarts made you guys unbeatable. he was unsure if he really had feelings for you, or if he just liked the fact he was teamed up with someone as smart as him
soon enough you noticed the lingering glances from him, but you liked it. he was smart, and his attractiveness played a hand in your growing feelings for him.
after getting separated because of the king of spades, you kept looking for him. he did the same.
when you reunited he hugged you so tight, crying into your neck, “y/n im sorry. im so sorry. i promise i won’t let this happen again. i need you. i’ve lost too many friends, people i love and care about. im not losing you.”
you cried with him, “i love you y/n. i won’t let you die.”
he didn’t even realize he said it until you pulled back and placed your hand on his cheek to wipe away his tears. “arisu…” you placed your free hand on the nape of his neck and kissed him.
he kissed you back, sure he didn’t even know how to but you can bet he sure as hell tried his best!
once pulled apart, you rested your forehead against his. “god arisu, this is so fucking cheesy.”
you both burst out laughing, a warm feeling that was so forgotten. holding your stomachs, wishing you were with him anywhere but here.
after your kiss he is now extremely touchy. poor boy was not given any love at home. holding hands, standing behind you so he can rest his head in the crook of your neck!!!!
def loves cuddling. horrified at the thought he could lose you tmrw he sleeps on his back while you lay on his chest. that way he knows youre always there!!!
could literally be bleeding out after a game and still worried sick about the scrape on your leg. “y/n!! are you okay???? you’re bleeding” like arisu… honey… both ur hands are missing…
he is always next to you. like a lost dog.
he cannot control his blushing AT ALL. tbh he is speechless if u tell him how amazing he did in the last game.
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