#i both love yet fear answering these type of questions..
yinttepk · 8 months
if you get this, answer w/ three random facts about yourself and send it to the last seven blogs in your notifs. anon or not, doesn’t matter, let’s get to know the person behind the blog ! (feel free to ignore)
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okay then! I'll be more than happy to share these lil things w y'all. ( primarily @ta-ni-ya , @kiyokatokito , @saffron0v0 , @muitsuri and to that one lovely nonie 💞 )
soooo i often proclaim this as a joke, but i am actually a very biased person. like, i say "only cuz it's u" more often than naught many times....and it may be a joke mostly, but at times, it's just genuine reality.
is it a good or a bad thing? hm...idk. 😮‍💨
i really love dark chocolates...unlike any of my ocs, perhaps even my future ones, i very much prioritise sweets over practically anything.
why do i keep making my creations contrast me ?? who knows. maybe i just selfishly want the sugar high to only keep me going. 😝
i'm a hella expressive person. and I don't mean vocally, rather through facial expressions ! you see, i constantly get remarks of my silence irl, yet they can almost all the time just rely on my reactions to their words / actions merely by looking at me. even a side eye, they say says a lot about me.
this was pointed out by many folks that I've encountered! @scarasonlywhore and @hanahanagura especially.
well...that's it ! hopefully my response wasn't too lackluster. I didn't add any givens such as my love for all my mutuals, simply because I wish to keep showing my appreciation by constantly annoying them through the means of flooding their notifs with hearts and dms<3
thank you, have a great day !
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bbystark · 22 days
chimichanga tuesday
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deadpool x stark!reader
summary: reader finds herself slightly jealous over Vanessa and Wade's previous relationship. based on this request
a/n: mdni. requests are open! i did not proofread whoops but enjoy! requests are open btw ;)
When Wade first brought up the idea of bringing you to his Chimichanga Tuesdays at Blind Al’s, you were over the moon. This was a big step for you guys and the relationship you had yet to put a title on. He had excitedly started listing the names of everyone that would be there, Colossus, Negasonic “whateverthefuck”, Blind Al, Vanessa- a wave of nausea went through you when he said her name. You weren’t the jealous type, you really weren’t, but the dude put himself through death-defying torture to live for this woman. It was hard not to feel threatened. Besides, who the fuck stays friends with an ex? It blew your mind. 
You knew about their entire history, Wade had told you a few months into hooking up. He didn’t seem to have any secrecy surrounding it, even going as far as to delve into their very active sex life (you had to tell him to shut up when he got to “a pegging christmas”). However, your own fear of his answers kept you from asking the most important one: did he still love her? Would he leave you if she decided she wanted him back? You felt so stupid. You were a Stark for God's sake, your ego should be untouchable. But alas, you actually strongly liked Wade. You were starting to head into that place where just thinking about him brought a stupid love-sick smile to your face. 
So yeah. You were a little jealous of Vannessa, and tonight was Chimichanga Tuesday. You were fucked. Both metaphorically and literally, being on your third Dirty Shirley within the hour. You were waiting for Wade to pick you up from your apartment, growing more and more nervous as time went on. You’re pulled from your thoughts when you hear the front door rattle, Wade bursting in with a stapler in hand. “Hey hot stuff! Sorry about the blood. Was running late to see your tight little ass and had to staple the toupee on the bus. Bumpy ride.” He makes his way over to you, tossing the stapler to the side and pulling you into a hug. “Hi Wade.” You melt into him. “When are you going to let me buy you lace glue for that thing?” You poke at a staple and he winces, grabbing your wrist gently. 
“Hey, the staples are very economically friendly. Not everyone has a disgustingly handsome father to inherit billions from.” He smiles at you, glancing around your apartment and seeing the large bottle of vodka sitting in the middle of your kitchen island. “Woah thirsty girl! You getting the party started already?” 
You suddenly feel ashamed, like a teen who got caught with a beer. “I’ve only had one.” He gives you a look. “Okay three!” He turns to the side and rolls his eyes to his imaginary audience. “We’re lucky she didn’t bring out the tequila. She gets real mean.” You shove him a little bit. “That was one time! It’s not that hard to say excuse me.” “Oh, I’m not mad sugarcakes. Watching you threaten to disembowel someone twice your size really got little Deadpool going. I am slightly concerned though. Broody and depressed alcoholics run in your family. What’s going on in that brain?” 
You open and close your mouth a few times, trying to find a response. You consider lying, but suddenly you feel a little light and stupid thanks to your last drink and the words tumble out of your mouth before you can stop them. 
“Do you still love Vannessa?” 
Wade freezes, a little shocked by the question. He’s silent for longer than he’s ever been and you’re scared you’ve gone too far. You’re about to apologize and take your words back  when he puts his finger over your lips and says “Give me two seconds for a dramatic flashback and careful introspection that will eventually lead to important character development.” You give him a strange look and he sighs. “Trust me, it’s very important to our plot.” 
Wade thinks really hard. He still loves Vannessa in his own fucked up way but he wasn’t in love with her anymore. He knew she still loved him too, but in the same way an owner can’t hate a pet that constantly bites them. Except Wade was a pet who got cancer and abandoned her, not to mention put her life on the line on multiple occasions (although to his credit, he did save her and the entire timeline). But to put it simply, somehow the two most fucked up people had the healthiest breakup ever. 
Even given the chance, Wade knows he wouldn’t go back to Vannessa because it could never be the same. Wade used to painfully long for his past before seeing a motivational poster that said “keep chugging along” with a creepy looking animated train. Then it really clicked for him. Vannessa wasn’t his happy ending, even though she had given him many in the past. If he had chosen to stay with her instead of being a lab rat for Francis St. Fuck, she would have been. But is dying of cancer and leaving the woman you love alone for the rest of her life a happy ending? He realized that if he kept looking to the past, he would forget that he had created his own weird little family, even if it wasn’t what he originally planned. He would also forget that he has a smoking hot girl in front of him that he’s quickly growing more attached to. 
Wade has been quiet and staring directly at a wall for a long time, and it’s starting to really freak you out. “Wade..?” You try gently. He snaps out of it, shaking his head and laughing a little. “Jeez these flashbacks just keep getting longer and longer, like hello that’s what sequels are for.” You stay silent, looking at him expectantly. “Oh right!” He moves closer to you, taking your hands in his.
“Yes. Yes I do still love Vannessa.” your heart drops, and you quickly pull your hands from his. 
“What the fuck Wade?” 
“No! Wait let me finish, I do still love her, but not like I did. She used to be my everything, the only reason I lived and then later, the reason I tried killing myself but that’s beside the point- what I’m trying to say is that she’s my past. And I get us still being friends is like, totally not the norm but I promise there’s nothing there anymore. I just, care about her I guess. But I don’t want to keep letting my past get in the way of things that are happening now.” He looks you in the eye for the last part, and you almost tear up at the sight of The Wade Wilson being serious for once, and to you of all people. You take a few seconds before replying. 
“I know she’s a huge part of your very unconventional life, and I don’t want to get all psycho and say that I don’t want you to see her because really, I truly don’t mind. Just kind of had a jealous monster take over for a second. I’m sorry.” You give him a shy smile. 
“Hey, I’m just surprised you still haven’t realized you’re fucking an avacado’s abortion. That’s a win in my book.” You both laugh and you take his face in your hands gently, smiling. You don’t really have much to say, you still feel silly, even more so that he’s essentially calmed all your insecurities. So you just stare at him, the drinks in your system letting your fingers dance across his face, just taking all of him in. Wade can’t handle it. 
“I think I like you.” He blurts out. He cringes, he can’t believe he just confessed like a middle schooler. “Bad Deadpool.” he whispers to himself. 
You laugh and then bring his face to yours for a clumsy kiss. “I think I like you too. Avocado abortion face and all.” You kiss him again, slower this time, trying to avoid the staples poking out of his scalp when you place your hand on his neck. He pulls away slowly, eyes still closed. “Good Deadpool.”
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hoejosatoru · 1 year
Well Trained
Pairing: Fem!Reader x Feitan, Fem!Reader x Chrollo (separately)
Summary: Chrollo is a particular man, with particular taste. Though he loves everything about you, he has yet to see how you preform in bed. He fears that if you disappoint him, it will ruin everything that you’ve built together. Luckily, he knows someone who can teach you to behave exactly how he likes.
Word Count: 4.1K
Warnings: Dub con that borders on noncon at times. If you’re sensitive to that at all I would skip this one, toxic relationship dynamic, manipulation, face slapping, choking, scratching, rough sex, degradation, praise, Feitan is mean but we know that, Dom Chrollo, calls you good girl a lot, body marking, oral (fem receiving), raw sex, cream pie, not proof read. MDNI
a/n: So I’ve had this idea in my head FOREVER because I want both Chrollo and feitan badly. Writing this concept out was lowkey kicking my ass though. I think I ended up pulling it together, but I hope y’all enjoy.
Dating Chrollo was a dream come true. He was everything you ever wanted in a man: intelligent, attentive, and sweet. Not to mention so handsome. He treated you like a princess and you loved it. Everything was perfect.
Well, almost everything.
You’d been dating for a couple months and you hadn’t had sex yet. At first you thought he wasn’t that into you, but when he kept coming back for more dates you knew that couldn’t be the case. You wondered if he was a wait till marriage type, or was shy in some way. You respected the boundary, despite wanting to sleep with him so bad. If he needed more time, you didn’t want to make him uncomfortable, but it was starting to worry you. 
Little did you know, Chrollo wanted to sleep with you just as badly. Maybe even more so. He was very picky with who he slept with, hence this long period of courting. However, the more time he spent with you, the more he realized he had genuine feelings for you. He has had some relationships in the past, but he always knew they would not be very longterm. You, however, he felt was someone he could see himself with forever. 
This revelation made him want to make sure everything was perfect. He liked women with experience, who knew what they were doing and how to please him. However, he hated having to put the work in to get his partners there himself. Luckily, he knew someone who was a very effective teacher.
“My love,” Chrollo spoke over his wine, “May I ask you something?”
“Of course.”
He smiled at your eagerness. “Do you want to have sex with me?”
Your cheeks colored at the blatant question. Chrollo loved how demure you were. “Y-yes, I do. A lot, actually.”
“Good,” Chrollo replied, taking a sip of his deep burgundy drink, “I have wanted to for some time now, but there is something I need you to do first.”
Your brows knitted. “What is that?”
“I’m a very... particular person. As I’m sure you’ve noticed,” Chrollo explained, “And I want to make sure everything is just right.”
Your heart dropped a little bit. “Am... Am I not good enough for you?”
Chrollo shook his head and placed a hand over yours, comforting your nerves. “Not at all, my love. Quite the opposite actually. I love you so much that I don’t want anything to get in the way of our relationship.”
You nodded, feeling slightly relieved. “What is it? What do you want me to do?”
Chrollo thought about what the best way to explain it was. “I have a friend. He can teach you what I like, much better than I can.” He say the confused look on your face and continued. “You trust me, don’t you y/n?”
“Yes, of course,” you replied instantly. And it was true.
“I know it is an request,” Chrollo went on, “But it is important to me. Everything about you is so perfect. This will simply make sure it stays that way.” He kissed your hand, making your stomach fill with butterflies. “I want you in my life forever. Will you do this for me, my love?”
The way he looked at you and spoke to you made your body feel weak in the best way. The answer was easy for you. “Yes, of course.”
A smile spread across his face. “Excellent.”
A few days later you found yourself in a building outside of the city. It was a bit dumpy on the outside, but the inside was furnished nicely. You were aware that Chrollo engaged in a very secretive business and decided awhile ago not to ask. You didn’t know, and you didn’t want to. It didn’t matter, anyways, you loved him. And he loved that about you. 
Chrollo led you into a bedroom, occupied by one other man. You felt a pang of anxiety, not fully knowing what Chrollo meant by being taught what he liked.
“Y/n, this is my friend Feitan,” Chrollo introduced you to smaller man standing before you. The way his cold eyes appraised you sent a shiver down your spine.   You said a polite hello, but he was silent. Chrollo continued, “Feitan is on the quiet side, but I trust him completely. He is going to show you what I want.”
Your stomach rolled anxiously. “Wh-what does that mean, exactly?”
Chrollo gave you an almost sympathetic look. “I don’t want to lie to you, my love. I want you to have sex with Feitan. He’s going to... mold you into the exact type of lover I like.” 
You stared at him, dumbfounded. Chrollo was a bit possessive, even early on in your relationship, so you couldn’t believe he was telling you to have sex with another man. Your eyes flicked over to Feitan, his aura making you nervous. “Chrollo I don’t-”
Chrollo gently took your jaw in his hands and turned your face back to his. “I thought you trusted me, love?”
“I do, I ju-”
“It will be okay, I promise. This will make our relationship stronger. Everything will be perfect. You want that, don’t you? You love me, don’t you?” He was so close to you, speaking so softly it made you dizzy. You almost forgot Feitan was there and what this situation was for. You never understood the effect Chrollo had on you, just that it was very strong.
“I do, I love you so much,” you replied. 
“If that is true, you’ll do this,” Chrollo replied sweetly, “And I know you will, because I know you love me.”
You nodded. You were nervous, of course, but you couldn’t say to him. “I will, I promise.”
Chrollo smiled. “My good girl.” He kissed your forehead. “Now go sit on the bed, I need to talk to Feitan quickly.” You did as you were told, sitting on the edge of the bed as the two men stepped out side and spoke in hushed tones.
“What rules boss?” Feitan asked.
“Get her how I like them. You know the way,” Chrollo replied, “Do whatever you need to. Choke her or hit her if you need to. Just nothing that will leave a mark, especially not on her face. And don’t cum inside her, that is for me only.”
Feitan nodded. “Understood.” 
With that, the smaller man slipped back inside the room. Your anxiety spiked being alone with him. He pulled his jacket down, revealing his full face. He actually quite handsome, almost similar to Chrollo. He, however, looked more cold and harsh than your boyfriend did.  He was silent as he approached you, appraising your body language. He could tell you were nervous, which excited him.
“Take clothes off,” he stated. With you on the bed and him standing he was able to look down on you.
“I don’t-”
Before you could finish your sentence he gripped your jaw. “It not a request.” You nodded, shaking. He was not someone you wanted to challenged. You slowly took off your shirt, then your pants. You reluctantly went for your bra, but he grabbed your arm. “I do that. You undress me now.”
You nodded, your voice still feeling lodged in your throat. You were just happy to have the focus be on something other than you. You stripped off his jacket, shirt and pants, leaving him in his underwear. “Good,” he said before climbing on top of you. 
Your body instinctively shrunk away from him, which made him scowl. “You treat me like Chrollo. You would not hide from him.” He place his hands on your shoulders, pressing your body into a more relaxed position on the mattress. 
“I’m sorry I- this is just hard for me,” you admitted.
“If you listen it will be easy,” he replied. He placed a kiss to the center of you check. “Chrollo will mark you here.” He kissed the top of your breast that your bra didn’t cover. “And here.” He kissed your neck. “And here. And you’ll let him.” 
“O-okay,” you replied. 
“Now we kiss.” He pressed his lips to yours, which were warmer than you thought they were going to be. Still, you felt you couldn’t kiss him back, your lips feeling glued shut. Feitan’s hand wrapped around your neck, making you gasp. Feitan laughed, licking into your mouth. “If you kiss Chrollo like that, he won’t like.” Feitan tightened his hand around your throat, choking you slightly. 
You kept your eyes closed and tried to pretend you were kissing Chrollo. It was hard at first, especially with Feitan tightening his hand more. “Do better.” Eventually you were able to get into a rhythm; you knew you were doing it right when Feitan loosened his grip. 
His grip loosening, however, meant dipping lower to your chest. He squeezed at your boobs over your bra for a moment, before taking it off. You couldn’t help yourself, you moved to cover yourself. Feitan, of course did not allow it. He gripped your arms and pinned them above your head, tsking. “You are slow learner.” 
Feitan kissed and licked at your breasts and neck. He was very careful not pay attention to too much on one spot, as he did not want to leave a mark. Feitan took any job Chrollo gave him seriously, but especially this one. He knew how much trust Chrollo had to have in him to allow him do this. He would never break the trust, but he would make sure the job was well done. By any means necessary. 
“If I release your hands, you will listen?” Feitan questioned.
“Yes,” you replied, still with a shake in your voice. 
Feitan did as he said he would. “Put them in my hair. Gentle. Chrollo like that.” You slid your hands into his dark locks, running your fingers through them softly. Feitan went back to kissing you as you did this. He smacked you bare thigh when your lips got too stiff again. You yelped, but continued to kiss him like he wanted. Like Chrollo wanted, you reminded yourself. this was for him.
His hand slid down your body, between your thighs. Your legs shut, making him slap your thigh again and roughly pry them open. “Stop fighting.” He ran his hand over your clothed cunt. You focused on kissing him and running your hands through his hair as he touched you. His rubbed your clit through the fabric. You were surprised how it made your stomach curl, how it felt... good. 
It made it a little easier to kiss him and touch him. You let your hands wander a little further down his back, making him hum in approval. You gasped when his finger slipped inside you, but recovered quickly. Feitan curled his finger into a spot that made your breath go ragged. He pumped his fingers faster, your cunt getting wetter by the minute. Your brain was a confused mess. On one hand it was weird to be touched by this stranger, on the other it did feel good. 
Feitan slid in a second finger and you bit your lip to stifle a moan. Feitan gripped your jaw. “Don’t be quiet. He’ll wanna hear.” Feitan scissored your his fingers inside you, stretching you out. This time you let a moan slip from your lips. “Good.” He pulled his fingers out of you and put them in front of your lips. “Now suck.”
You took in his fingers, sucking at them. “More.” He shoved them deeper in your mouth, making you gag a little. You tried to correct yourself quickly, letting your tongue roll up and down the length of them, tasting yourself. Feitan yanked your underwear off and it took everything in you not to hide yourself. You felt so exposed under his gaze. 
As he stripped off his underwear and climbed on top of you, the reality of what was about to happen set in and you started to panic. “No!” you cried trying to close your legs. It was no use, Feitan was so much stronger than you. He dug his nails into the sensitive skin of your inner thigh, making you wince.
“You obey, not fight,” Feitan growled, bullying his way between your legs. You brought your hands up and start smacking his chest and shoving him away. A sudden, swift slap to your face stunned you into stillness. Your face stung as he gave you a look that struck fear into you. He gripped your jaw achingly tight and got in your face. “Chrollo never love you like this. He want girl who behave. Who listens.”
“But-” He dug his nails into your thigh more, making you yelp.
“And you never say no to Chrollo,” he practically spat. He released his grip on you, but his gaze kept you pinned in place. “You going to behave now? Or do I tell Chrollo you don’t love him enough.”
You gulped. “P-please don’t.”
“Then shut up and take it,” he replied, flipping you in your stomach. “You can’t be trusted on back.” He took both go your hands in one of his, holding them to your lower back, effectively making you immobile. You felt the tip of his cock nudging at your entrance, covering himself in your slick. He gave you no warning when he pressed into you, making you gasp. 
Despite his smaller stature, his cock stretched your cunt. You whined as he thrust into you, not giving you any time to adjust. A slap came down on your ass. “Arch back more.” His free hand went down the length of your spine, putting you into place. The new position allowed him to get deeper inside you, hitting a spot that made you see stars. “Feels better for him. And you.” He was right, it felt so good. Your pussy throbbed with each brush of his cock at that sweet spot.
When you bit your lip to stifle a moan, you earned another sharp slap to your ass. You opened your mouth to cry out in pain, but it turned into a damn near pornographic moan as Feitan pounded you through it. “Like that. Let me hear.” 
He continued to pound into you rough and hard. You knew you should hate it, that it shouldn’t feel so good, but god it did. You weren’t even faking your moans, they were all real reflections of the pleasure he gave you. Just when you thought it couldn't get more intense, his free hand snaked around to play with your clit.
“Fuck Feitan!” you cried out. You were on the precipice of an orgasm when he pulled his hand away, making you whine.
“You want to cum? Beg.”
“Please!” Another hard slap on your ass.
“Better than that.”
You begged, desperately, “Please Feitan! Please! Let me cum. I need to!”
“Good.” His hand was back on your clit, rubbing rough circles. “Now cum.” Your body responded immediately, tensing then melting into a deep, euphoric state. You were sure to moan loudly, to show him just how good it felt. You have heard him say good again, but your mind was too foggy to be sure. All you know is that he didn’t slap you again, so you must be doing something right.
Feitan pulled out of you quickly, spilling his cum on your ass and back with a low groan. He very much enjoyed when Chrollo gave him jobs like this. “Chrollo will cum inside. And you let him.” You nodded, feeling hazy and spent. Your body collapsed on to the bed as Feitan got up. He tossed a towel at you and told you to clean yourself up. You did your best to wipe his release off yourself as he dressed and disappeared out of the room. 
You were just finished dressing when the door opened again. This time it was your boyfriend. “Chrollo!” you cried out with relief. You ran to him, hugging him tightly. He chuckled lightly; you played right into his plan. He knew Feitan would be rough with you and knew that would make you love his gentleness towards you even more. It was just another way to manipulate you into believing he was a good guy, to make you desperate for his approval.
“My sweet girl,” he hummed rubbing your head. “Feitan said you did good. Just a few more lessons and you’ll be perfect. I'm so proud of you, angel.”
You sniffled. “Really?”
“Of course,” Chrollo replied, giving you a chaste kiss. “I know you must really love me to do this. It makes me so happy. I hope you know I love you, too. All of the is for us, for out relationship.”
Maybe if you weren’t in such as haze you’d realize how ridiculous this all was. Or if you weren't s enamored with him. But both of those things blinded you. “I do love you! I know you love me too. I’ll do anything, I’ll learn fast. I promise.” 
You returned to Feitan’s bed handful of more times over the next few weeks. He taught you to be the perfect lover for Chrollo, someone who submits fully and is eager to please. Overtime you found the lessons to be easier, even enjoyable. Well, maybe that was too strong of a word, but they were pleasurable. Feitan wasn’t gentle with you, but the more you learned and complied, the less he hit or was unnecessarily rough. You couldn’t deny that Feitan knew what he was doing.
Your favorite part, however, was how Chrollo treated you after. You lived for the praise he showered you with, how he kissed and held you. You never once doubted that he loved you, despite handing you over to Feitan. Your hard work paid off when Feitan finally told Chrollo you were ready.
You were a mix of nervous excitement as Chrollo led you to his bedroom. The two of you went out to dinner to celebrate and now it was time to show him you could be the perfect girl for him. You knew Feitan taught you well, but you couldn’t help but be a little nervous.
Chrollo’s lips found yours as you settled into the bed. Your lips moved against his with ease. You parted your mouth slightly, allowing your tongues to swirl together.
“Take your clothes off, my love,” Chrollo whispered in your ear.
“Yes sir,” you replied. You slid out go your dress, letting him admire the lingerie he bought for the occasion.
“All off.”
“Yes sir.”
Your cheeks flushed as you removed the final article of clothings covering you. Chrollo’s gaze was definitely softer than Feitan’s, but it still made your stomach flutter with nerves. You kept a brave face, letting him look without covering anything.
Chrollo smiled. “So beautiful,” he crawled on top of you, kissing your breasts. “My beautiful girl.” He sucked at the skin, in a way that would definitely leave a mark. “And all mine.” He continued kissing, sucking, licking up your chest and neck. You slid your hands through his hair, pressing your body into his touch. Chrollo hummed approvingly. “I allowed Feitan to touch you, but you’re mine. Everyone will know it. You want that right, baby? To be mine?”
“Yes!” you practically cried out as he sucked on a sensitive part of your neck. “’M all yours. Only yours.”
“Good girl,” he purred. He kissed you again as his hand traveled down you body. You slid your thighs open, allowing him access to your throbbing cunt. His fingers slid through you, letting your arousal coat them. “Soaked for me already? Didn’t realize you were so desperate for me.”
“Need you so b-oh,” your sentence died off in a moan as he pressed a finger inside you.
“What's that? I didn’t hear you,” Chrollo mused, pumping his fingers in you. He curled his finger against your sensitive spot, which had you mewling. 
“N-need you so bad!” you cried. His thumb made contact with your clit, making your body jolt. Your thighs instinctively wanted to close from the pleasure, but you kept them open, as you knew he wanted.
“Think I wanna taste this pretty pussy. Would you like that, y/n? What my mouth on your cunt?” Chrollo asked, toying with your pussy.
“Yes sir! Want it, want whatever you want,” you replied breathlessly. 
Chrollo smiled, loving your desperation, how it was clear you would let him do anything he wanted. He laid between your legs, licking a stripe up your pussy. “Mmm, so sweet.” He went straight to your clit, sucking on the sensitive bud. You didn’t stifle your moans at all. Your hands slid through his hair again, running your nails along the scalp. Chrollo let his tongue tease your hole, while his finger took over at your clit. You rolled your hips into him, grinding your pussy against his face just as Feitan told you to. 
Chrollo’s tongue and fingers switched places. He fucked you with his fingers more intensely, giving your pussy a nice stretch.
“P-please, can I cum?” you questioned, trying to desperately to hold on. You did not want to cum before you were allowed. That was a big no.
Chrollo smiled. “Because you asked so nicely.” Your body responded immediately, releasing on his face. Your cried out his name as his tongue flicked your clit through your orgasm. Feitan had made you feel good, but Chrollo made you feel amazing. You knew your love for him made it so much better.
Chrollo sat up, appraising your body. He loved the power of you being naked and him being dressed.  He loved that he could already see bruises forming on your neck. How you already looked fucked out from just his tongue. How you were looking up at him, desperate for more, but waiting for him to tell you what to do. He made a mental note to thank Feitan again.
“Undress me.” 
You complied immediately. “Yes, sir.” Your body was weak from your orgasm, your hands shaking. Chrollo was amused by how your were so desperate for him that you struggled with he buttons on his shirt. You planted kisses down his body as you removed his clothing, another lesson from Feitan. When he was finally naked, you sat back and waited for his instruction.
Chrollo climbed back on top of you and you parted your legs for him dutifully. He teased his type at your hole. “Beg for it.”
“Please Chrollo! Want you so bad,” You begged, “Need you. Only you. Please let me make you feel good!”
Chrollo made a noise of approval. “Such a good girl for me.” He slid his cock into you, making you gasp. He was definitely a little bigger than Feitan, giving you a stretch. He pushed himself in slower than Feitan did, but didn’t give you much time to adjust. He rolled his hips against your yours, his paces quickly increasing. 
His hand wrapped around your throat, squeezing lightly. His thumb brushed against your lower lip. You parted your lips, allowing him to slip the digit in. You sucked on it, keeping your eyes on his. You could feel Chrollo’s cock throb, egging you on. You began rolling your hips up to meet his, just like Feitan taught you. 
“Fuck, I love you angel,” Chrollo groaned, “Knew you’d be my perfect girl.” He slipped his thumb out of your mouth, but kept his hand wrapped around your throat. You moaned, despite his grip getting tighter around you. That combined with him pounding into your pussy made you teeter close to edge.
“Chrollo I-nngh ‘m close,” you gasped. “Please can I cum?”
Chrollo dipped in to kiss you before responded, “Yes baby. Cum on my cock.” Your head lolled back as your second orgasm flooded your body. His name slipped from your lips in a desperate moan as the pleasure had you seeing stars. Chrollo fucked you through it, your spasming walls eventually pushing him over the edge. He moaned your name - the sweetest sound you’ve ever heard - filling your pussy with his warm release. His final way to fully claim you as his. 
He didn’t pull out even when you both finished, leaning in to kiss you more. “I love you so much, you were so perfect,” he praised between kiss. “And now you’re mine. Forever.” 
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jellysxtarr · 5 months
Question! Do you do Miss Thavel and Miss Bloomie? If so, I would like to request Miss Thavel and Miss Bloomie [separated] x Wife!Reader. Please :3
Ignore if you don't! It's Fine. :D
Ofc ofc!! If the characters are possibly ooc, do forgive me since there isn't much information about them yet.
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Miss Thavel + Miss Bloomie with a Wife! S/O
Warnings: // (just them being ooc really)
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— ʚ Dating, or even being married to Miss Thavel is one hell of a ride! She can actually be nice (at least to you), so there isn't anything you should be concerned about.
— ʚ She isn't near being shy or hesitant to say about being married to you, saying it loud and proud while even showing it off.
— ʚ I don't really see Miss Thavel as an affectionate type, nor is she repulsed by showing it in public. As said previously, she has no reason to hide the fact that both of you are married to each other and will openly shove it into anybody's face.
— ʚ She can be possessive, growing jealous sometimes too quickly and way too easily. Miss Thavel can get a bit violent, using more force on somebody if saying both of you are married won't work.
— ʚ If you were also a teacher that was going to the same school, she definitely would be near you at all times. Inviting you to the teachers lounge, randomly popping up in your classroom (which might even cause your students to have a sudden feeling of fear), and the list goes on!
— ʚ I'd have a feeling she would tell you "I love you" or call you nicknames in a different language since she is a language teacher, which she has done in every language available!
EXAMPLES BEING "Ich liebe dich" "meine schönste" "je t'aime" "ma chérie" "mi corazón" "te amo" etc..
— ʚ She would, and probably will, get rid of anything that might be bothering you, may it be a random person (even though that would end badly) to an object nobody would really care about, it's gone before you could even reconsider!
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— ʚ Miss Bloomie, who is more introverted, wouldn't really be as open about being married to you unless someone asks about it, which she will answer proudly.
— ʚ Since she is married to you, she will act more open with you (chaotic even), feeling more comfortable around you will let her go loose! Which has it's own perks of being married to her.
— ʚ She doesn't get jealous as often, seeing that you won't be leaving her anytime soon (nor plan to), makes her not have a reason to be. Even when she does get jealous, it ends up more violent rather than peaceful at the end.
— ʚ She would probably be near you at all times, which would be even worse if you were a teacher at the same school. Being at least a few steps away, often times sitting right next to you at the teachers lounge and being the one to appear more often in your classroom.
— ʚ Miss Bloomie would be more clingy, while being more restricted on showing affection in public, she wouldn't care at all the moment both of you are alone and would show her affection without a care in the world.
— ʚ she would be more attached to your hip, making sure you're doing fine or bothering you (and even if, she'd also be one to get rid of whatever is bothering you). I see her form of affection being mostly words of affirmation than anything else, so be prepared to hear a lot from here when she does show her affection!
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thejockout · 8 months
Subject Diaries #0.5 - Jockout the Subject, Part 2
(okay this is the last edging post of this series lol)
Last time I discussed my history/beliefs around masculinisation and erotic TF hypnosis, just to give a foundation of how I think about this stuff.
NOW to get into the slightly juicier details; what am I into, and what have I achieved so far with hypnosis?
WELL. What I'm into is an interesting question; and it's changed a lot in the last 2-3 years. If you'd asked me then what I was into, the answer was a fairly limited range of hypnosis: I was into "dumb jock" style brainwashing... and not much else. I didn't do a lot with either sub/dom-coded files, and had yet to discover several of my major kinks! It's kind of weird looking back at how little I used to be into, tbh. But I feel like that's often the way with kinks, they kinda spread over time.
For hypnosis, my current core interests are the following:
Masculinisation - specifically shit like changes in media consumption, physical mannerisms like manspreading or gait, and attitude adjustments. This blurs the line with the next point, but really just covers the whole gamut of a "bro" or "jock" type personality, and is the primary thing I've been into for years.
Dumbing Down - this was a kink I was very on again/off again with for a while before finding my balls and embracing it wholeheartedly. Like many subs, I used to really fear being "Permanently Dumbed Down" and losing skills and traits I need for work/my ambitions. But that's not a realistic fear and not really how hypnosis works, so now I embrace it pretty wholeheartedly. Nothing hotter than coming out of trance unable to spell or think straight. I love seeing the changes in my communication that come from it, and the actual feeling of hypnosis-induced brain fog. (And, being seen as a dumbass is a big kink too, and a nice ongoing goal.) Also included here is the whole subcategory of like, wanting to be malleable and easily hypnotisable, wanting to be someone who drops like a stone and is super impacted by suggestion. I've got some friends who come to mind when I talk about that, and it's always hot to see how easily they sink.
Corruption - this is sort of a broader, underpinning kink to the rest of the stuff I'm into; but it's a desire I have to want to be changed, to have someone coy and sly and sneaky manipulate me into changing in ways most would consider "for the worse." Making me dumber, more single-minded, more narcissistic, more self-indulgent. Fuck, bro. I get off on the idea of someone making me into their personal monster... especially if it goes a little too far from their POV and they can't walk it back. This underpinning desire for corruption is sort of what fuels my love of Dumbing Down and, in recent years, super Dom-coded Toxic Alpha type hypno generally. It's play I think you need to be careful with, but I've been having a good time so far and don't think I'd have ever started making files like Brute if I hadn't gone in that direction myself.
I listen to files outside these three themes, but generally they need to have at least one for me to be into them, and the best tick all three boxes.
I briefly listed a few files I'd listened to a bunch in my previous Diaries post; those being Jack Drago's Masculine Conditioning series, Avis' Sapiens general catalog, and Rigsby's Absolute Jock. I've probably listened to 100s of hours of both the MC-series and Avis' work. My time on Absolute Jock was a looot lower, but tis the best of the old guard of jock files on WarpMyMind. Overall, it's a lot of time to have dedicated to this kinda hypno! So you'd expect to see some results, right?
...Yeeeahhh, well, I'm still kind of a Work In Progress on that front. I have seen results, but I held myself back with anxiety and overthinking (about hypnosis) for years of this, so I've really only started to show change in the last year or so. That being said, the years of repeated conditioning have done a number on me lol.
Successful Media Brainwashing - I did the unthinkable and successfully made myself a sports fan via hypnosis. It's kinda weird. For years I really struggled to even get through a game; then with hypnosis, I gradually started to just get suuper horny when I watched sports instead, which wasn't really any better because I'd just jerk off and lose interest. But sometime in the last two years, I kinda just got into it gradually and now watch for authentic, general interest. This was a real pipe dream at 17 when I envied how all the jock-types in my class could be totally absorbed and single-minded watching or playing a game, but I ended up getting there in the end! Not American so don't watch American Football/basketball/baseball or whatever, but I like rugby/hurling/F1 ✌️I credit this to Jack Drago's work, specifically Files 2 and 4 of the MC series; Manly Media Bubble and Male Oriented Interests.
General Personality Change - this is a WIP suggestion, but it's been interesting seeing myself change over the last 12 months especially. I've become a lot more dominant, confident, cocky, and even self-centered especially in online kink type contexts. IRL, I've just become more dominant and less willing to take shit; but that's only ever a good thing. It's interesting Because the nature of this kind of change, which happens so slowly over time, is that it can be difficult to look back and see the points where you used to behave differently. But sometimes like... especially since doing Douchebag-type files, sometimes I'll criticise someone or make fun of something and get a surprised reaction from a friend who wasn't expecting me to take it that far. And it always makes me feel a little good to surprise them in that way, to violate their expectations of how Nice I should be. I'm always Nice to them, and to anyone decent, but you've really gotta make me WANT to treat you well to get that now. Some people will read this and feel annoyed, or roll their eyes, but I kinda don't care. It's what I'm into. It's what I've GOTTEN into. (It's all Avis' fault really tbh.)
Libido Increase - this was a slow creeping change overtime, but went from getting off maybe 1x a day/5x a week or so to probably getting off 3x a day currently. Got a lot better at thinking with my dick and am super easy to make horny, which helps feed into the next suggestion on the list;
Dumbing Down - this is the suggestion I've had the MOST recent breakthrough with. For the month of January, I listened daily to @hyphyphurray's Muscle Boy file, interspersed with his Happy Horny Himbo and @avissapiens' Intellect Drain. Dumbing Down was always something I'd struggled to conceptualise hypnotically, but I had a perspective shift this month as to what dumbing FEELS LIKE on an ongoing basis. While under some mild post-trance haze, I wrote this snippet about it in preparation for the post a week ago:
(Don't worry, I'll summarise it.)
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The tl;dr of that message is that I realised "permanent" dumbing would feel less like brain fog/tipsiness, and more like apathy towards intellectual topics. It's a priority shift, or a behavioural change; not a magic finger plucking facts out of your brain so you forget the answers. It's sort of like it just fucks with your desire to know things/answer questions instead. The information might still be there, if you hunt; but why would you? Who cares, bro? Does it even matter?
Since making that perspective shift, it's like a few years of dumbing has crept in all at once, and it's been super interesting. I'm not going to over dramatise it (I'm desperate NOT to become an RP-type blog with this) because in contexts like writing, schoolwork, etc., I think just as clearly and easily. But in leisure contexts, in hypnosis, just in chatting with bros... I feel that intellectual apathy creep in allll the time. Trying to think of an answer to something and just giving up two seconds in, because "it's easier not to think about it." Trying to remember something and quitting because "if it was that important, I'd have remember." Letting my typos and message flubs sit because "they can figure it out lol" and not over analysing whether everything I say is totally coherent or rich.
I understand the irony of me speaking in huge depth about this here, when what I'm saying is that I'm thinking less. But like I said, it's kinda contextual. If anyone was interested, I'd consider writing a hornier post under the influence of trance sometime so the difference can be seen, but right now... I'm just taking this a little more formally, I guess? Idk, I'm torn between wanting it to be pseudo-educational and also just having made myself horny writing so much about dumbing, and when I'm horny I REALLY feel that haze start to creep in and I kinda wanna just stop this an edge or something and go do anything else that's more fun 🥴
So in the spirit of the post, I'm gonna go do that.
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For the month of January, most of what I listened to were Hyphyphurray's files listed above (the number in green = the number of times I listened to them). They are paid files, but they're well worth the price, and I recommend them to anyone into this shit. I also listened to Avis' Intellect Drain 5-6 times as a supplement because I love how that just makes my brain turn off for a while.
Not sure atm what I'm gonna listen to through February, I've bounced between Muscle Boy and Avis' Toxic Douchebag Alpha a few times so far but will likely commit to one track for the month.
This is post #2 of my broader Subject Diaries series, a blog series I plan to maintain on a fortnightly/monthly basis updating people on what I've been listening to, files I've been enjoying, and effects I've been experiencing. When I'm not trancing, I'm usually off being a mystical forest bro in the wilderness of Ireland, but I am always available for commissions here on Tumblr/Soundcloud if you reach out via DM. My flat rate is currently $55-80, but you can always check my pinned post for more up-to-date info. You can also support me with a one-time tip either via Paypal or Ko-Fi, but you'll have to DM for the first.
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unordinary-diary · 2 months
So I have a question about Arlo’s powers that you might have the answer to
Do you know what the bleeding is all about? Like when he starts coughing up blood after his barrier breaks. Does he just like straight up start bleeding internally or something?
Anyway I love this blog sm you are giving me the unO content I crave
Ah, thank you! Yes, I absolutely have the answer. In fact, I’m going to take this opportunity to make a post that was already floating in my head.
Arlo and Recoil Damage
First, to answer your question in a literal sense, yes. It’s definitely internal bleeding. Specifically, damage to his lungs.
It’s also not at all unprecedented for a person to be wounded like this. Every person with a conjuring type ability takes damage when their conjures are damaged.
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(Rein in ch. 16)
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(Cecile attacking Arlo, ch. 109)
The difference with Arlo, is that his damage happens below the skin. Here’s where it gets juicy.
Arlo’s ability is very symbolic, possibly the most so of anyone in the series. His nigh unbreakable barrier he puts around himself represents his metaphorical walls, and how he keeps everyone at a distance. His passive makes him invulnerable— he gets punched in the face, clawed at, stabbed at, etc, and doesn’t even blink. The only way to hurt Arlo is to break through his barrier. And when his walls are broken down, there’s a wound in his chest. It’s not literal enough to be his heart that bleeds, but it’s very close.
There’s also something that’s been kicking around in my head for awhile—
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“You’re the strongest one out of all of us here right now. You can try to brush this whole thing off... but to the rest of us, it’s still scary. If even you can’t protect yourself, what can the rest of us do?” — Remi, Ep. 61.
I remembered the line being “When people as strong as you show fear, it scares the rest of us.” However, that must have come from a different scene and I won’t track it down.
It’s plain and simple: High tiers have been taught their whole lives to bottle things up.
This is also seen reflected in Seraphina—
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(ep. 20) Granted, the circumstances here are very different, but it’s a similar idea. High tiers showing emotions scares people.
So they bottle them up...
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… until they explode.
(Ep. 106)
The judgment Arlo and Seraphina face is very similar. Seraphina rejects these expectations before the story starts, but Arlo has yet to do so. He is very much like the Seraphina we see in flashbacks.
All of this is to say: it is significant that his barrier wounds are internal. The little bit of blood we can see is mainly there so the audience knows he’s injured— but otherwise? Barrier cracks aren’t an injury that people can really see. Recoil damage is typically reflected as scratches, so his internal wounds are both unique, and symbolic of the way he hides his feelings.
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kefj315 · 6 months
Gojo Satoru x GN!reader.
—Angst and fluff—
One of my first time writing that sort of stuff and writing in general. Hope it’s good and you like it. There may be some grammar errors since English isn’t my first language.
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If someone told you you would ever see Satoru again, you would have said it was a bad joke. But here you are, right in front of him as his grip on your wrist is tight. The expression on his face hardly recognisable. Maybe he felt too much for it to properly express with something as simple as his looks. But his eyes, his eyes were truly like glasses to his soul and core. You felt like you were drowning in his feelings rather than your own. His lips moved, in a whisper, calling your name as if to make sure it was really you.
Though, he didn’t say anything else, you both just stayed there, in the middle of the street, staring at each other.
Some years ago you both would have been together in that same street to hang out. And now that you think of it, you missed it. It was a simple statement, one you always have been aware of, but it just felt way more real right now.
If only things didn’t went so wrong. After Suguru Geto —your old friend— departure you felt burned out. And that same day you decided to quit being a jujutsu sorcerer. Satoru lost both of his best-friends because you wouldn’t reply to any of his texts or calls, and each time he tried to visit he was met with the coldness of your front door.
"Why did you left me?" He asked with a cold tone, one you weren’t used to. During the, small yet intense time you spent admiring his eyes he managed to regain his composure. The question stuck with you, why didn’t you answered him? Why didn’t you showed any sign of life?
"And don’t you dare say some shitty excuses." He continued, clearly pissed. You couldn’t blame him, you would have slapped yourself at that instant if you could.
"I- I don’t know…I’m sorry." You couldn’t help but look down, his glare could rip your soul if he wanted to, if you even dared to look.
"You don’t know? You’re sorry? That’s not enough." He snorted as he stared down at you.
"I needed time and space.." You mumbled under your breath. This wasn’t how you thought you would spend your Saturday afternoon.
"Was eleven years enough time?" He replied, his tone still as cold as his words made your heart ache. After the first few months going no contacts you didn’t knew how to go back to talking to them, so you didn’t do anything. You were too scared and now you’re fighting your nightmares right now who is unironically also your first love.
When you finally look at him in the eyes again you notice how saddened he looks. The way his eyes glistened in the shadow of the clouds above your heads as he bit his bottom lip to keep a sob away. The tight grip on your wrist, almost making you believe he was holding you from running away from your problems again.
You missed him, not just the time you were hanging out, but him. You missed his annoying teasing, his constant smugness and his presence as a whole. This feeling washed all of the fear you constantly had away. "I missed you." You mumbles as you feel tears seeping down your eyes.
It must have taken him by surprise as his eyes widened, but he quickly recovered from it and pulled you into a tight embrace. His arms wrapping around your neck and his face burying in your hair.
It was your first hug with him, it made your heart quicken. The sense of long lost feelings towards Satoru resurfacing. Those same feelings that made you doubt yourself all those years ago.
You were tense at first, slowly relaxing before your own arms wrapped around him. Returning his gesture.
"I missed you too…so much." He whispered as he still tried to keep his emotions in check. He never was the type to cry in front of others, which annoyed you because you knew it wasn’t good for him.
As the embrace goes on you wondered what’s going to happen now. Will things just go back to "normal"? It can’t possibly be that easy, right?
"Come home with me…" He mumbled in your hair. To which you answered by a nod. You think that between you two, he probably missed you more than you thought he did. To be honest with yourself, you thought he didn’t missed you at all.
To say that the tension was palpable was an understatement. You sat on his couch as he gave you a glass of water. You took it into your hands and sipped on it.
He sat across from you. He kept analysing each of your features, as if he was comparing them to his memories of you.
"So…you still didn’t told me why you left without any life sign." He started as you posed the glass of water on the coffee table trapped in between the both of you.
"Not like it matters. I’m happy I have you back in my life now." He continued, a small spreading on his lips. God, you felt like you were being seduced just by him smiling faintly at you. Your heart beating faster as you smiled back.
You looked away for a second. Your words escaping your mouth for a second. "I had a crush on you in high school…" You’re voice was almost a whisper. "…No, not a crush. In love."
You turn your head back at him, glancing at his reaction. Dumbfounded, that’s the only word that could define it. "You were? In love with me?" He asks as he points at himself as a huge dumb grin made its ways to his face. You nod.
You know Satoru was helplessly in love with Suguru before, so you had no chance back then. But maybe this time…
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ryus3i · 2 years
Hi, Mai!!! Hru?
I'm thinking bonten trio (ran, rin and sanzu) going through a rough time and (y/n) being there on their sides and consoling them.
What you say ^o^ ?
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COMFORTING BONTEN TRIO DURING HARD TIMES ft. Ran Haitani, Rindou Haitani and Haruchiyo Sanzu
Bonten Trio x gn reader
Genre; Angst
Cw; cursing, intoxication, gremlins (children) in Rindou’s, reader is a parent in Rindou’s. Horrible endings. Possibly ooc.
A/n; Hi!!! I’m good Hru?? Thank you sm for requesting, I’m sorry I took so long but it’s finally done and I hope you like it. Lmk what you think!
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“Ran, is everything alright?”
Ran wasn’t the type of lover to enter without a sound. Ran wasn’t the type to avoid your kisses or walk right past you so why did he today?  
You can only watch your husband from the door frame as he begins to unbutton the first buttons  of his dress shirt. The dress shirt that was once void of wrinkles was now riddled with lines and creases that spanned the shirt. 
It is only when Ran sees you through the reflection of your shared vanity mirror that he takes a step back. He takes a seat on the edge of your bed and lets out a sigh, a sigh that signals to you that something was bothering Ran. Did  something happen at work? Was he alright? Was Rindou alright? 
You took this opportunity to take a seat by Ran’s side, where you hoped he would want you to be. Taking his hand in yours you lace your fingers with his slender ones. Giving him a light squeeze you lift your eyes to find his, to find where they were. 
“What’s wrong” are the only words that can come out. They come out just barely but are quickly sucked into the space you and Ran occupy. They float until Ran gets a hold and takes them in. 
“I’m just worried about Rin, I know he’s not a little kid anymore but I can’t help wanting to keep him close. He wants to go on missions alone, without me. It’s always been the two of us, the Haitani Brothers.”
“Ran, I know it's hard to just let him go but Rin needs room to grow. He won’t have you around forever, we both know he can handle himself so let him.”
“Y/N, what if he gets hurt, what if he can’t handle it?”
“I’m not saying, let him go forever. Why not just give it a chance, give him a chance? Rin did learn from the best didn’t he”. Ran can’t help but let out a chuckle, one that you didn’t know you missed.
“Besides, maybe Mikey will let you approve of his missions or even let you spy on him a bit. Just give Rin a chance, love.”. 
“You’re right, he’s leeched onto me long enough. Little shit needs to be a man now.”.  You know Ran will give Rindou some sort of lecture before Mikey even lets Rindou go on a mission but you know Ran just wants the best Rindou. 
“Okay, I’ll let you freshen up while I heat the food”. 
Just before you can leave, strong arms make their way around your waist, pulling you into the warmth of your lover. 
“I love you y/n, thank you”. Ran places a soft kiss filled love on your forehead.
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“When’s Daddy coming home?” Your little girl couldn’t understand why her father wasn’t home yet and neither could you. You had tried to call him countless times and left numerous messages but all were delivered and never answered. 
Maybe he was on a mission and just couldn’t pick up the phone? Or what if he was in a meeting? It couldn’t have been the same reasons over and over these last weeks where Rindou would come home unexpectedly.  All these questions swam around your head in circles but ultimately got stuck in the whirlpool of your worries. 
A jolt of fear runs through you when the front door to your home suddenly opens. Rindou was finally here but it didn’t ease the worries in your head. 
Making your way towards him you place a kiss on his cheek, the typical way you’d greet him daily. You can sense the tension that lingers around the Haitani. You can feel the way the tension slowly builds up and tightens its hold around him as takes off his coat and gives his daughter a quick hug before going to his study. 
“Okay, now that you’ve seen daddy and gotten a hug it is time for you to sleep. You’ve been up long past your bedtime. Make sure you clean up all your toys”.
As your little one begins to do as she was told your mind drifts off to Rindou. The whirlpool has settled down but the questions are stuck in motion. You had decided on the first day of Rin’s change in action that it was a one day thing. On the second you let him have the space you know he needed but after a week you would get the answers  you needed.
While your daughter drifts into the land of dreams you drift toward the study where your husband has been secluding himself from the rest of your house. 
Slowly opening the door, your eyes lay on the figure of your husband hunched over the auburn desk the two of you had selected years ago to match the rest of the room. You can hear the sound of pen marking paper, ink leaving its forever behind on paper that won’t quite keep it forever. 
You call out his name but it never goes through, you try again but it's never received. A light tap on Rin’s shoulder breaks him out of the trance that paperwork has lulled him into. 
“Hey, did you need something”
“No, but do you have a minute to talk?”. A minute wouldn’t be long enough to get him to let everything out but a minute was all you needed to get him to speak even a little bit and explain himself.
“Look Rin, I just want to know what’s been going on, you’ve been coming home later and later and you don’t even respond to my messages or pick up calls”. 
“y/n, I’m so busy I really can’t do this now”
“Rin, please just answer me then I’ll leave you alone. I’m worried about you, coming  home late day after day without a word is so unlike you. Even your daughter is getting worried about you, she just wants some time with her father.”.
“I’m doing this all for her and you, I’ve been slacking off recently and I need to get it together. I’m sorry but I need to sacrifice time with you two for her.”. 
“Rin I understand but please, right now all she needs is your attention.”.
“My attention alone will not give her the best life”.
This back and forth with Rindou was frustrating, it was going nowhere. He would only become more upset the longer he was taken away from his work so it was just to leave before things could escalate. It would be better to continue this conversation at some other time. 
“I just don’t want to let her down”. 
In that moment everything clicked, the missing piece of the puzzle was now in place. Rindou was afraid. Afraid of history repeating, afraid of becoming the parent he had resented his entire life.  
It was years ago when Rindou had told you of childhood. Years without parents who loved or even cared. Rindou knew what it was like growing up practically living on the streets so he wanted to do whatever he could to keep his daughter as far away from it as possible but he fails to realize that he’s pushing her away from himself. 
“Rin, you could never let her down, you’re an  amazing father. I know you want to give her anything she could ever want but right now she just needs your attention. 
“What if it’s not enough”.
“Trust me Rin everything you do for her is more than enough.”.
“I’m sorry love, I’ll take a couple days off for you two, we can do whatever you and our little princess choose”. 
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Haruchiyo would do anything to push back the feelings. If it meant running away from reality and escaping to the land of intoxication he would do it. He can’t take the emotions that  swallow him whole, the emotions that  drive him crazy and take wheels steering his life. His feet take him away from you but his emotions drop him off at your doorstep. 
From the peephole of your door you can see a disheveled mess of oh so familiar pink hair. Haruchiyo was drunk again, wasn't he? What else would he be doing at your door after leaving your heart to pieces a month ago, when he confessed he didn’t love you any longer, that he didn’t want you any longer. 
Opening your recovering heart you wrap one arm of the man who no longer loved around your neck and take him inside your home.
Haruchiyo can only allow you to take him in and place him on the couch where memories from before resurface, memories from when he could keep you happy resurfaced.
“Here, water you look like you need it.”. Reaching out for the glass of water he slowly takes in the water and his thoughts. Why was he here? He doesn’t deserve any of this. He should be somewhere else, maybe in a shady alley or anywhere but here.
“Haru, it hurts. God knows if you even care anymore but it hurts. You hurt me so bad. I spent days crying over you. I can’t  think without having your words replay in my mind. I hate you, I hate you so much”. 
Tears can only pool at Haruchiyo’s eyes as he hears the three words he knew he deserved to hear come out of your mouth. Tears push past his eyelashes as he watches tears of your own fall down the sides of your face as you try your best to hide them. Tears finally break free as he watches you stand up, why can he only watch as his only love walks away from him. There has to be something he can do.
“Wait, I love you”. Before the words can register in his mind they fall out for you to catch. The three words he never said in your year together suddenly leave his mouth before he can even think. 
The three words you’ve only ever wanted him to say finally leave his mouth but why aren’t you celebrating. Why aren’t you cheering and jumping? It’s because you don’t think he means it, he’s drunk off his mind. He’s just saying anything.
“I meant it y/n, I love you”. As you turn around to face him you watch as makes his way closer to you. Every footstep he takes closer to you brings his words closer and closer to your heart.
“I know, I know you think I’m lying just to make you stay but I mean it. I hurt you, I broke your heart and I don’t deserve you but I still love you. I never stopped loving you, this past month has been hell without you, I can’t sleep, I can think, I can’t live without you.``.  
Haruchiyo is now on his knees with his head in hands. His throat tries to hold in his sobs but his heart can’t hold them any longer.  Dropping to his side you bring him into your arms, no longer wanting to watch him hurt. His words from a month ago were forgotten as you brought him closer, you hurt but Haruchiyo was always hurting. You don’t need Haruchiyo you wanted him but Haruchiyo needed you. 
You were is his everything but you never realized. You loved him more than anything but he never realized. You both had your flaws but together you could make things work.
“We can figure this out Haru, I'm always going to be here for you no matter what. I’m sorry for never realizing how you felt. I’ve been so selfish, please forgive me. I love you Haru.”.
“I love you too. I’ll always love you. I’ll forgive you if you forgive me for hurting you. Let’s figure this out together”. 
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pressplay-if · 3 days
I was wondering if more things would be customizable in the future, for example body type. Btw I love your game. I rarely like every character, but in Press Play everyone captured my interest. Especially Angel, im a sucker for that type of characters haha ❤️
Thank you so much nonnie! I love to see an Angel fan. Lots of stuff about body things in answer to your ask below this cut:
As for your question, this is sth I've been putting off. In the beginning, I didn't add it bc I figured "oh, it won't come up anyways" but now that I'm realizing that perception body types and especially disordered eating is a big theme in Zima's storyline, I fear that it actually would... in a negative way.
Like, I'm thinking of the toxicity an MC with a bigger body type would be on the receiving end of. I don't know if I'm in the right mind to write that, BUT at the same time, I don't want to ignore that it's a real life issue?? Thinking of Adele and how a lot of the time, hateful audiences made it about her weight and not her music. Think she even said sth about that in an interview herself a couple times.
Now, of course there's people who'll give artists hate for anything, thin folks aren't exempt from that either, so don't think I forgot about that! Like how people will bash really skinny folks for promoting unhealthy images when they can't really help how they look and don't intend to set an example for anyone. So that could happen to MC too. (It already will happen to Stevie at some point, and I think I'm just more okay with writing it being targeted at an NPC than first person.)
Both ends are just really really sad to me, and I realize MC getting harassed by haters will happen either way in the story, I'm just still figuring out to which extent I'm ok with that. Leaving body types for the MC ambiguous is a big cop-out, I know, but I just haven't decided how to ultimately deal with that yet.
So to summarize this rambling stream of consciousness; I'm really indecisive.
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vesora · 10 months
hello vesora. i find your account name very lovely bc in japanese it means sky🙂
i haven’t sent in an ask to any account in awhile, so i’m hoping you can point me in the direction or provide some clarifications. ever since learning all is a seeming appearance- just no-thing, my dreams have been erratic. i dream multiple if not twenty times a night. it’s as if i spend years in a dream, just to wake up into this seeming life. it has helped me realize that there is no difference between a dream and the waking life. it is so bizarre yet intriguing. now, i have established (in my experiences) that there is no physical. only the seeming appearance of it.
i travel to all types of places within my awareness and there is one i frequent the most. a “dream life” if you will. since there is absolutely no-thing, it means that the appearance of my current life as well as the dream life are both non-existence. they share no differences, only oneness. i do understand that the identification with the illusionary senses is what hinders people, so with that said may i ask: how does one go about ridding one appearance to only gaze upon another? for clarification i mean how may i put an end to this old life, and to only bask in the new?
i have inquired upon this question a bit, and from what i understand- since there is no-thing, there is nothing to get rid of or stop. there’s nothing actually happening, only the seeming appearance of it. so as long as THAT does not take the illusionary life to be THAT, (but it also is? that’s where i get messed up) so it is. the old life is seemingly gone, and replaced with the new, as for THAT everything is instant. i have waltzed with this for a bit, and this is going to sound so ironic. but there is no change within the illusionary senses. there is no reason to doubt when abiding in Self, but sometimes this culmination of thoughts and personalities does doubt and become scared- because there is no difference to them. but i hope that does not matter, because the difference is already there for THAT.
my question reminds me of the seeming experience i have been having with dreams. there is no ridding of the dreams, it does that by itself. i honestly do not know what i was about to ramble about.
i hope i come across as coherent. i’ve followed you for awhile, and this is actually my first ask ever! thank you for your time, and i cannot wait to hear your thoughts!
hey love,
thank you firstly!
you seem to understand this intellectually and thats always the first step! the reason you dont 'see' it is because whilst you believe that you are Self and everything is an illusion, you don't know it yet. theres still a fear of completely letting go and surrendering in case it doesnt work out.
so as long as THAT does not take the illusionary life to be THAT, (but it also is? that’s where i get messed up) so it is. the old life is seemingly gone, and replaced with the new, as for THAT everything is instant.
The illusory life is a part of you, therefore you, but it is not what you are whereas the illusory life has no existence apart from You. You will notice when there's not a want for different things, 'things' appear instantly or faster than 'previously observed'. That's because One is observing 'things' from a place of already being Whole. There is no want for anything and no desire, You just are and if you want, you can choose a different movie.
If I didn't answer this well, let me know.
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idv-sunsxin3 · 8 months
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Click // Dating Headcanons
Note// I also love this boy here - ever since day 1 and before I even got him. It was even funny the fact that he was a 5 star who came home before Sweetheart and Bkornblume and after Balloon Party,,, his lore put me in tears like;;; <//3
Click is always that one figure looking and observing the crowd from the background. Even seeing often as the one who records every memory in a sanctuary like the suitcase, through his trusty camera.
He is a quiet ghost, but one with guts of a true man...
He is the one who has no single fear cell on stepping landmines and explosions during a ruthless war... despite his role as the photographer, he doesn't guarantee his life from being taken away by the battlefield.
Why was he paralyzed whenever he tries to talk to you..?
Is it because of the way you talk? The way you try to console others when they argue at one another? The way you smile...?
No, it couldn't be... he is always like this even when you get mentioned - as if your name is what keeps a bell ringing on his head.
...There is no point holding back, however. He would be the person who may often be less verbal, yet whenever he speaks, it is always something straightforward. There is no need for explanations.
You can remember the time you first saw him. It was quite unexpected in your opinion - encountering a ghost somewhere inside the suitcase after you got recruited by Vertin...
It doesn't mean it was a bad experience, of course.
You softly say, your eyes not looking away as you admire the sight of the celestial looking figure. Despite his torn and ripped edges of his garment.
The spirit doesn't respond... Instead, he prepares his camera to angle it towards you before taking a picture. The sound of flashing can be heard from the tool as you couldn't get the chance to react what he just did -
"... Your surprised look is.. pleasant..
please wear it often." The transparent figure finally says something, despite not exactly answering to your greeting.
It sounded strange... but you didn't get weirded out by it somehow. It's probably by how pretty he looks you just couldn't bring yourself judge so soon... You're quite understanding.
Little by little, you sometimes find the silent ghost looking in your direction through the crowds. Even when you both are in a room yet in a decent distance from one another. His eyes are droopy and looking tired, yet always have this gaze of longing when your eyes meet.
He doesn't seem to intent in approaching you at times after the last time he spoke to you, which is when he asked if he can take pictures of you.
Camera shy or not, you didn't seem fazed by his question and allowed him so as if it was just some kind of way to pass the time for him...
He is a ghost. What else can he do besides floating around?
That question made yourself feel sorry for him... even sad that he doesn't get to be... human ever again at such a young age. Yet, you wonder what does he usually feels while in such a current state.
After a few days of knowing him, he is never likely to take pictures as blackmail nor the type to just share pictures of people to others..
So mostly if he wants to, he would just watch you from afar and sometimes sneak some shots whenever you laugh, smile, blabbering about other things that seem to make you happy... All those little things managed to get into his memory to the point that he slowly got to know you from afar.
There are times you catch him organizing portfolios, even admiring his work silently and sometimes giving compliments about his skills in his takes.
The point where you once gave him constructive criticism intrigued him - that he even seems to become a bit inspired and to try to ask you more about your opinions in the takes next time.
He would randomly appear beside you after a small sounds of wood being penetrated can be heard as a warning... you barely got used to it in the first time, but quickly catch on the cues and look forward to his silent visits.
"...I was wondering if you could share some thoughts about this portfolio I made." He once says calmly as he lowers his camera to search the folder from his bag. I'm looking at you for any answers with a hint of curiosity.
When you come back to the suitcase, he just happens to be straight away and floating beside you. Or when you're at the same party setup, he would often be behind you to look after you. Even when you're not around, he doesn't seem to do anything else but put maintenance on his camera, checking out the photos he recently took, and floating around wanderlessly until he can sense you coming back from exploration.
He probably admitted his feelings for you without exactly confessing(?) He just happened to be in a small talk with you. Often being beside or appearing out of thin air whenever you have to depart to a different location.
When it seems like it is the right moment, he would be quick to act and appear beside you to ask for some of your time to speak with him.
"I have to say this before I forget..." He says as he faces you with that same look yet in such a gentle voice, "You're a company I didn't know I would need it the most... Thank you."
It wasn't exactly a real confession in his eyes but more like a simple, honest statement from him. Having this friendship slowly blooming, he doesn't seem to mind keeping it that way, until you asked if you can both be something more than just pookies... He would still be happy nonetheless, even if he doesn't seem to show it.
Throughout the relationship, there is never enough with Click taking pictures of you. He could have made a shrine out of it if he can, yet he doesn't. He honestly doesn't desire for others to see your pictures... they're special for his eyes... His pride and joy. Anything else can be shown to the world, but he won't exchange anything if it means to show those little cameos of yours... it's an unspoken rule for him.
Click's way of affection is definitely far from touch... since he sadly can't do that. But whenever you feel down, he is silently willing to give you quality time and some words of affirmation...
He may not be often good in expressing himself.... but when he cant find the words, his willingness to give you soft whispers, gazing longingly into your eyes, while trying to make his transparent hand seem to trembly hover over yours can tell many things that he wish to express them to you.
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yxstxrdrxxm · 7 months
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SYNOPSIS: Tattooing is a work of art. Though, he definitely saw that it can also be used as more than an art medium itself.
TW/s: yandere behavior, abstract/drabble writing, protective Xiao, he’s a dumbass but its okay, nsfw tws include targeted by the dark web, graphic depictions of violence, near abduction, stalking + sexual harassment. Please proceed with caution.
NOTE FROM HR: Happy Valentine’s Day! It would seem that today just isn't working out for you, is it, miss Ana? Well, never fear! I’m sure our lovely tattoo artist has something to help you with that… Right?
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“You’re back.”
That was the first thing that Ana heard from her tattoo artist, Xiao, speak at 1 in the afternoon— a weird time, considering he wasn’t aware she had an appointment booked with him.
“Are you here for a tattoo?” he asked her, making her shake her head. Carrying the food she bought for him, he placed it on the counter, noting the small shift of expression on his face as he caught a whiff of something faintly sweet in the packaging.
“No, but I’m sure you’ve been working for hours on end,” she said, tapping on top of the package. “Here, eat up. I made sure to buy almond tofu for you.”
Now, for those who may be wondering, just how can the reclusive tattoo artist be with a date that’s the clear opposite of his personality?
It was a long story, which started from the very beginning when they matched up in the app.
Xiao isn’t the type to choose anyone on a whim. He has standards, and for him, many others failed to fit those standards. It was also obvious when he saw Ana’s, but instead of scrolling past and ignoring her, he took his time to look into what she wrote. He didn’t want to write her off just yet.
The next thing he knew, he swiped right with her and began to talk to her in the app.
Their conversation topics were all random at first: general get to know questions, their experiences, and even bits of what the two like. The two clicked on what they both liked listening to, which artists they enjoy the most, and even a few preferences for both to tune into. He did suggest a few that lean into crime podcasts, since he tends to listen to them often while he worked on tattooing his clients. Perhaps it was a strange preference, but she didn’t see it that way.
It wasn’t even long until they began to discuss matters in seeing each other in person, and the first time was because of a tattoo appointment she wanted on her arm.
“So, you want this tattoo placed… Here. Am I right?” “Mhm. Do you think you can do it? My friends had said that you were a good tattoo artist, so I wanted to be sure that it’s something you can do.”
The two were sitting at his office as Xiao was looking at the image, examining the tattoo design she wanted him to put on her. The design wasn’t all that complicated, but he knew he could add something to make it pop out easily, and especially with the detailing of her tattoo choice.
“... I can,” he answered, closing the folder as he faced her again. “However, you must pay upfront. I need to get the materials and equipment needed in our next appointment for this type of tattoo on Friday.”
He watched her nod as she handed him the payment, his hand drifting over to grab it and check how much she paid. It was enough for what she wanted, with an additional $20. Raising an eyebrow, he looked over at her and grabbed it, handing it back to his client.
“No need to give me extra,” he told her, sighing. “It’ll be a waste.”
“Oh? Well…”
He could already hear what she planned on telling him. He should take it anyway as she felt bad, or that it’s not right to not tip someone for their services, or—
“... I’ll take it back, then. Thank you again, Xiao. it’s a pleasure to meet you.”
Xiao seemed to be caught off-guard at the turn it took, his eyes widening for a fraction of a second, but it left as quickly as it did. Regaining his composure, he nodded and simply stood up to lead her out of the shop.
“If you need anything from me, you know my number,” he told her, his amber eyes shifting away for a moment. “... And if you want to go on a date, call me.”
It was strange. He’s not used to romance, and Zhongli had all but taught him how. He wanted to say that he had the confidence like that old man has, but he’s still learning. And Gods, he’s unable to even comprehend how social interaction and cues work.
Still, he did hear her laugh and feel a gentle warmth on his shoulder.
It felt nice.
“Of course! For now, I need to go and meet my friends this afternoon. Goodbye, Xiao.”
As the warmth left his shoulder, he finally raised his head to watch the lady exit, his eyes drifting to her while he recalled the expression she wore in front of him.
Such a gentle smile, unwavering and confident. He had always admired those who could do it without a single moment of hesitation, and sometimes, he found himself loathing that he couldn’t do the same. To be able to smile and look onwards, like nothing was bothering them in the first place.
He sighed and raised a hand to sift through his hair. The bitter feeling rising in him was something he disliked, but he couldn’t bring himself to blame it on her.
It was their first meeting, and it was one that Xiao remembered well.
How ironic, considering the next ones were as eventful as the first, if not even more than anything he’s endured.
The second time this happened was when he was on one of the first few dates with Ana. The two were surprisingly able to her friends commenting on how she found someone and kept it a secret from them.
He didn't like to make their relationship known, and there was a good reason why— he hated to have them find out he has someone he tolerated better than others.
Even if it was just a simple drunkard. Or two.
Point is, it happened. While Xiao was dealing with her friends asking him about his occupation, he caught wind of Ana getting involved and being harassed by one of the older men that are obviously wasted. She was trying to tell them to stop bothering her, but it seems they weren't paying much attention and even touched her in areas that can warrant sexual harassment.
“C'mon, pretty girl, why don't—”
“Move. She's my fiance.”
The drunkard looked over at Xiao, his eyes narrowed as he noticed that he was one of the clients he tattooed years ago. He scowled at the sorry state he was in— the man had a job as a republican, but one too many scandals led him jobless.
Hmph. I'm glad I managed to tattoo him with that before then.
“Yours? Pfft, do you have anything that makes her yours, little boy?”
Xiao scoffed.
“That ring she's wearing. I gave that to her.”
Complete and utter lie, he knows Ana had it since the day they met. Though, the ring was placed on her ring finger…
“You're harassing my girl. If you don't move, I'll get security,” he warned, walking closer to Ana to gently hold her hand. “And you wouldn't like getting kicked out again, would you?”
The ex-republican scoffed but he slunk away, and the two watched as the others jeered and called out to the republican figure for what he's done.
How annoying.
“I didn't know you'd say that out of all things.”
Xiao's head whipped towards Ana. It was clear from the way she said it that it was meant to be seen as light-hearted, but from the tense moment they had, he was struggling to process it.
He scoffed and let her hand go.
“He won't back out otherwise.”
And he knew he wouldn't. No one would.
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“How many people have you tattooed with that mark?”
“I don't know.”
“Oh, but you do. People tell me that the victims went to you to get tattooed and died after a few days!”
“Sounds like a load of bullshit.”
Xiao isn't fond of dealing with people. He didn't even bother hiding that fact, since he disliked meaningless drivel with some of them. What he hates is when they become overconfident with knowing what he didn't.
It was a big deal to them, but to the artist, he found it more of a joke. An impractical, unfunny joke. He'd rather listen to one of his co workers explain it and ruin it than this.
“A load of— listen to me, sir,” he spat, jabbing at his chest. It would've been intimidating if Xiao didn't think it was a bit childish, “I work with the agency. We're trying to figure out what the hell is happening, and if you don't say shit, I'll tell them you're that famed serial killer going on the loose!”
Xiao sighed.
Such is the way of being an idiot, he thinks. It's no wonder I don't bother tattooing people on a walk-in appointment.
“Wh— are you doubting my credibility?!”
“Not when you're harassing me.”
Watching him get annoyed, he saw the man out, watching as a certain someone came to the shop. Seeing the man storm off, he watched Ana raise her eyebrow at Xiao; a silent question, it seems.
What happened? He can read from her expression. Though, this made Xiao sigh and turn his head to the shop.
Come inside. That is what he was trying to say by his body language.
And she did.
It wasn't long until the two were talking about the incident: Ana had to hear Xiao explain briefly of the accusations he's given, what he replied due to the lack of evidence, and the childish fit that the reporter had to leave.
Still, that looming threat was never something he can let go of, nor he can't stop pondering about. Maybe it's just him, but there have been moments when that came to light.
… Or nearly, anyway.
“I see… Well, they're definitely too nosy for their own good.”
“Mhm,” he answered, cleaning up the pen he used for tattooing. “Anyway, are you here for your appointment?”
“Oh! Yes, I am. I want you to tattoo my arm.”
Retrieving the paper detailing her tattoo, she handed it to him. Examining what it looks, he simply raised an eyebrow.
Granted, the tattoo is simplistic— he can make do with outlining the bird like it was a constellation. It wasn't something he would suck at. However, the bird she chose was a phoenix.
Interesting metaphor. Though, he's simply curious on what drove her to choose such an interesting thing to be on her arm.
“... Hm. Alright. I can do it.”
Placing it down, he began to prepare the tools and lead her to take a seat on the chair. Pulling on the lever, he adjusted it so that she was facing up and he pulled up the arm that she wanted it on.
It wasn't long until the soft thrumming of the tattoo gun echoed as he worked on the tattoo, following each and every step of the stencil down to its smallest details. Sure, Ana and him conversed while he worked, but he remained silent to focus on doing the tattoo.
Silence was a comfortable thing for him, and sometimes, he can see it be a comfortable thing for her, too.
It did take hours until he was done with the tattoo, and although he had half of his mind to add that mark, he added something else that’s tied to him. Right by the wing had 保护 written on it, each line and curve made as accurately as one could with writing a different language.
It was different from the ones he’d do. And he made sure to keep it that way.
“There. It’s done.”
He observed how Ana’s eyes would trail over at the tattoo, moving as she examined it in great detail. He was one of the best tattoo artists she could ever find, but he knew she saw that print on the wing, too.
It was just a relief that she didn’t bother to ask.
“Since it’s your first time getting a tattoo, you can have this,” he added, grabbing a bag full of supplies with an addition he left there for her. “It’ll help when your skin gets irritated with the ink. Others had that happen to them.”
“Really? Well, I’ll use them if that happens.”
His amber eyes flickered from the tattoo gun and towards the bag, catching the gleam of turquoise peeking from inside.
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It was convenient that he placed that thing in her bag.
Now, he had an even bigger reason to do what he had to do to those that dare to mess with what’s his.
“I didn’t know you’d come back to stalk her,” the tattoo artist commented coldly, his heels digging into the wound on the reporter’s side. “I’m surprised. Seems like you have the audacity to try again to ‘frame’ me yourself.”
He hardly cared for the amount of blood he spilt. For the tattoo artist, having to make someone be worried in his shop was more than enough to gun for the culprit.
“Tell me. Were you going to abduct her?”
The reporter had the audacity to laugh at his face, the pain sending his mind to overdrive. Scowling, he dug in deeper, feeling his patience wear thin. He hated to delay what could hurt his lo— friend, he had to correct himself. He didn’t want those people to get to her.
“W-What’s it to you? I thought—”
“I’m not involved, but that’s my friend, you garbage.”
With another dig at the wound and his gun loaded, he aimed it at his other leg. He was already sure that she would wind herself in danger because of what he’s done, so he needed to be swift if he wanted to reach Ana.
He can’t risk losing her. Not to those bastards.
“I’ll ask again. Were you going to abduct her, you vile being?”
Much to his displeasure, the reporter laughed again. Although, he can tell that he wasn’t in the right mind. The expression he wore simply reminded him of those bitter memories he had hid all those years ago in his time at Enkanomiya, and he loathed to see it on another person.
Heaven knows what drove him like this, but he had done something immoral. He needed to do this in return.
Yes. He needs to. She’ll die if he doesn’t.
“... Hmph. I suppose you’re no talk and bite.”
Click. BANG.
Xiao could vaguely hear the gunshot ring as blood began to pour out onto the pavement, but this time, he felt no guilt for his actions. He knew it was bad, but he could hardly care about what’s on his mind.
Turning around, he grabbed his phone and contacted Ana’s number. He needed to be able to speak to her. He needed to.
It rang once.
It rang twice.
It rang far more than that. It continued to ring and ring, amping up Xiao’s worry the longer she didn’t take the call.
And after God knows how long, he heard it click.
… She’s fine.
“... Did I wake you up?” he asked her on the phone, his voice lowering its usual volume— possibly due to his relief. “I thought you’d be awake.”
“Mm… Almost, but yeah,” he heard her yawn. “I was… Looking for that guy. Then I fell asleep for, uh… an hour or something.”
“Has anyone entered the house?”
“... No. I’m fine. I had it locked, like you told me to.”
“Say, you sound panicked—”
“I’m fine,” he told her, cutting her off. With a sigh, he looked at the body, then at the phone. “Anyway, I’ll… Leave you alone for the night. I have a few things I need to take care of.”
He’d have to ‘clean’ things up. He can’t let her see it.
No one can ever see the crime he's done.
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@.throw-letter-away | do not republish or repost my works anywhere | 2024
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fynnlink · 2 months
(Quick) main thoughts after this insane finale. Obviously huge spoiler warning
1) First of all "Bleeding a Kyber Crystal" for the first time in Live Action (I think the first time in moving picture was Dagan Gera in Jedi Survivor).
I have never won this hard. Also the blade turning from blue to red while activating was so stunning. And the Kyber Crystal even "screamed". The attention to detail is insane and I'm gonna be annoying about this scene for days/weeks.
More thoughts below the cut.
2) Darth Plagueis ??!! Finally back in canon after there was some consideration about changing him. (For those who only know The Acolyte or have just never seen Plagueis before, he's the person in Qimir's Cave earlier in the episode. Long story very short he's a very, very important Sith)
3) Oh Vernestra. While I haven't read all of her books from the High Republic, going from Temptation of the Force! Vernestra to the Acolyte's version is a significant change. I'm not loving the direction so far but more in terms of personal opinion than critiquing the writing. She's already dealing with way too much at such a young age in THR and we don't even know how the Nihil situation will be resolved.
4) As expected (or feared) it does appear ever more likely that Qimir's scar is from Vern's Lightwhip. I'm guessing a Luke - Kylo situation (or a terrible accident but my money's on the first)
5) It's also very interesting how worried Qimir got when he realised Osha was struggling under the visions/impression she experienced through the Cortosis helmet. Also they got a literal "holding hands and looking at the sunset together" scene.
6) And we can already see distrust regarding the Jedi spread/exist within both the Senate and the Neimoidians, as well as the Senate inching further into the affairs of the Jedi Order (for better or worse)
7) Bazil, the literal MVP, managing to stay alive throughout all the madness and on top of that saving (?) Mae in the planetary ring.
8) The cameos (Yoda, Plagueis) were small yet important, made sense and most importantly didn't hinder or subtract from the main story's focus.
Now I can only hope the series gets renewed for a second season (and hopefully even more) and that it continues to be this great.
I love that so many questions were answered while new questions rose.
Is "Qimir" just being used by Plagueis?
Will Osha become a Sith or another type of Dark Side user? And will Mae now turn to the Light? (She is technically too old to start her Jedi training)
Maybe her and/or Qimir will found the Knights of Ren, since they keep playing the musical theme and Qimir's helmet is somewhat reminiscent of The Ren's?
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blacklegsanjiii · 3 months
Not sure if you have done this yet, but an Au where Usopp and Sanji are brothers because somehow Sanji ended up on Syrup Village after escaping Germa.
Sanji could relate to Usopp losing his mother so young, and it would give them both someone to lean on! Sanji could be his big bro!
Maybe Kaya and Merry took Sanji in as her cook once she found out he had a talent for it and was also orphaned. Sanji would see Kaya like a sister.
Or maybe Sanji still meets Zeff and works at the Baratie, but comes back to visit Syrup Village regularly.
I find Usopp and Sanji's relationship very sweet in canon!
I haven't done one where Sanji ends up just in Syrup Village but I believe @/wellfine did? I could be wrong but I think I remember seeing something about Sanji being a member of the Veggie Pirates? I do have a friend!sanji au where Sanji grew up meeting all the East Blue Crew with Zeff on The Baratie.
I think Sanji escaping the Orbit in fear of being found and being linked to Germa and finding his way to hiding on the mansion's property and being found by Merry could be fun. This random guy finds this random kid who is so scrawny and just brings him into the manor and is like 'uhhh, i found this?' and everyone else losing their fucking minds. Wild. Hilarious. Of course, they feed Sanji and ask him questions and get the answers of him wanting to be a cook and having no family and just trying to find work makes Kaya let him have a job. She's sobbing and it weirds Sanji out a lot. Reiju only cried because she wanted him to be free and he got it so he's staring at this girl a little younger than him and wincing at the noise.
Over time he's introduced to Usopp and they bond over losing their mothers and the three of them being orphans and Merry delights in them all the time. It's adorable. He's adorable. Of course, Sanji can fight too, honing his fighting skills and his cooking skills and indulges Usopp, Kaya, and Merry. He and Merry have a running bet on when Usopp and Kaya will get married. It's a whole thing a decent amount of beri on it. Usopp and Kaya do not know about this bet and they shan't until after the wedding. Maybe on their fifth wedding anniversary the two will come clean. Maybe.
Kaya goes to Sanji with other issues, seeing her as an older brother type of figure who works for her. Sure he lives there like she and Merry do and he loves it, loves them. Sometimes Merry will find them in the morning the blonds asleep in Kaya's bed because they were both having a bad night and breakfast was late so Merry took to cooking for them, something simple. A pot of oatmeal that Sanji has a recipe for with optional additions to add. Also it's insanely detailed for a fourteen-year-old. Merry is frowning every time he reads one of Sanji's cookbooks because there's notes about him, Kaya, Usopp and the other workers. Merry supposes finding him on the grounds and letting Kaya give him a job wasn't the worst thing that's happened but the detail kinda wigs him out.
Then they meet the strawhat pirates and it's a whirlwind of being sucked into one Monkey D. Luffy's crew and fighting Kuro and his gang and saving Kaya and Merry. Afterwards Merry and Kaya convince them to join the crew after Luffy falls in love with Sanji's cooking and likes Usopp's sniping abilities. Kaya gifts them the Going Merry and Sanji is asking his little sister if she's sure. Absolutely, one hundred percent, positively certain that she entrusts them with one of the boats, let alone a boat that beautiful. Kaya is giving him this look of offense he knows is teasing and Merry is trying to keep it together in the background as Luffy is thanking her and so is Usopp and they're so excited to set sail and head to the Grand Line.
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merbear25 · 5 months
hey hi! Can you do a x gn reader headcanon for China, France and Italy with reader who has abandonment issues? Thanks ^_^
Hey! I know this took forever to answer, so I really appreciate your patience! 💜💜 Hope you like it.
China, France, and Italy with a reader who has abandonment issues
CW: gn!reader, general headcanons (can be viewed as either platonic or romantic relationships)
Athough he's been around for a long time, he still has much to learn when it comes to meeting the needs of his loved ones.
He's observant enough to see how you act differently in certain situations. Maybe not yet putting two and two together, but it's clear that you are in need of much more support from time to time.
Even before you open up to him, he'd have already shown you that he cares about you very deeply: making sure you take care of yourself, helping you find ways to cope in certain situations.
He sees you have a problem and would want to help "fix" it, but this is all coming from a place of love and support.
He is more than happy to offer some advice which has helped him immensely―different coping skills to be precise.
Once you open up to him, his heart would sink when learning this was the type of pain you've been carrying with you for as long as you have.
He's a doer and would show you rather than just tell you that he's not going anywhere.
When you've been around for as long as he has, you learn that words are cheap, but actions show a person's true intentions.
He's more than happy to be your shoulder to lean on when things get tough, no questions asked.
But sometimes there are things you do or say that hint at the fact that deeper problems might be troubling you.
He wouldn't pry, instead giving you space to open up when you're ready.
To help you feel more confident in sharing your troubles with him, he's one to offer both physical and verbal affection.
When you decide to tell him more about what's been burdening you, his heart goes out to you.
You've always had his unwavering adoration, but now that he understands you better, he feels like he's properly prepared to help you in certain situations.
Even though he's always been the type to shower people with gifts and compliments, he's self-aware enough to understand that those things aren't necessarily going to help you see just how much he adores you.
He's a good listener and will hang on each of your words.
He'll be more than accomadating and will do anything to help ease your concerns.
Despite him being very bubbly and energetic, he's still very much in tune with his emotions.
He's never been one to shy away from displaying them, so he'll encourage you to do the same, thinking that it's healthy to allow yourself to experience all of them.
With this, you may feel more comfortable sharing your past with him than others, though that fear is still present.
He picks up on this, and although he might mention it, the purpose of doing so is to better understand you, not to push you into opening up to him.
Whether or not you tell him then or at a later point, his attitude towards you won't change. He'd still be the ray of sunshine around you like he always is.
Once you do tell him, he feels so heartbroken for you, wanting to take away any uncertanties weighing on your mind.
He's a thoughtful person and often does things for you just because he wanted to. Without even realizing it, he's helping setting doubts you have of him aside.
Even if he's rather chaoitc and all over the place, he's always there for you when you need him, happy to lend an ear and brighten your day.
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helluvatired · 7 months
talking about the seven deadly sins of the hellaverse
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i really hope that the other deadly sins who have not yet appeared are horrible people or even worse than mammon
don't get me wrong, i loved the fact that asmodeus is consent king (it made my week when i saw it for the first time, i felt so happy!) and it was a nice surprise to know that beelzebub is friendly and cared about blitzo's well-being and appears to have no prejudice against imps and hellhounds. and lucifer just wanted to give knowledge and free will to humans and now he's working hard to be a good father
it's a great storytelling, and it makes me want to know more about the characters' pasts.
like for example, were asmodeus and beelzebub wronged in the same way as lucifer for questioning or did they actually fucked up a bit? why don't the three not explicitly appear to be the embodiment of a *sin* like mammon? they were always like this and what heaven was corrupt and unfair and distorted what really happened? have they always been open-minded with hellborns or has that changed over time? why?
i really hope that many of these questions are answered later in one of the series, it has a lot of potential and would make the characters deeper!
and now about mammon and the other sins who have not yet appeared:
i think it would be cool for the other sins to be horrible and really powerful, as a major threat
in both helluva and hazbin there are characters who are not at the top of the hierarchy and can be intimidating and change this pyramid a little, like striker and carmilla with the angelic weapons, moxxie's father's plan in s02ep06
alastor uses emotional manipulation tactics with people he knows are more powerful than him, that's how he got the deal with charlie and managed to get on lucifer's nerve in hell's greatest dad
and the whole scheme that valentino managed to do with angel to the point where he was afraid that charlie could be hurt and kicked her out of the studio (this actually deserves a post just about it in the future)
and all of this is incredible and very well done! there are other ways to be in control and have power
but i miss characters who are a threat as much as power and emotional, someone at the top of the hierarchy, at least in the hierarchy of hell
like how exorcists were feared before they discovered their weakness, or those angels that lucifer is afraid of because of what they could do to charlie in more than anything.
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it makes it seem like a threat because we don't know how powerful this character is, we don't know their limits, we don't know what could happen
i think that having these two types of antagonists (those who are at the top of the hierarchy and those who can be a threat even though they are not at the top) makes the series much deeper and more complete
i'm curious about mammon's plan and i hope he's planning big things too
i also think it is more believable to also have more powerful beings who have fallen because they are genuinely bad people, and not just the sinners, overlords and hellborns who can be evil. just like in heaven there are bad people and good people
i also don't think there's a way to have a good trait in wrath and envy lol
we already have 3 sins that are not evil, and one as an antagonist, so i think it would be cool to have more villains/antagonists to be more balanced and believable
and since seven is an odd number, maybe the sin of sloth could be totally neutral, are they just too lazy to choose sides? that would be cool and funny i think xD
anyway, that's all i had to say. if anyone made it to the end, thank you for reading! c:
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