#i carried it to the museum a lot and i think there are still little bits of bone in some pages
lexa-griffins · 2 years
Human Osteology manuals are like: give us 100€ for a book or buy the ones from the 19th century for 20€ with incorrect info we refuse to edit
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bruisedboys · 2 years
thinking of eddie munson in the morning. with his blue checkered boxers and white socks. ugh. raspy morning voice, tired droopy smile. he definitely smothers you in kisses as soon as he’s awake whether or not you are.
omg aerial. I am thinking many thoughts. here’s a little blurb to satisfy both our needs 🫶🏽
You hear Eddie before you see him, his raspy, sleep-ridden voice carrying from the hallway. You grin to yourself and a moment later he emerges, hair all a mess, completely shirtless with his tattoos on full display, clad in only his boxers and a pair of mismatching socks. He looks pretty like this, barely awake, his tired eyes searching for you.
“Hi, Eds,” you greet quietly, spatula in hand.
Eddie squints at said spatula. “You’re not making breakfast again, are you?” He lifts his narrowed eyes to you. “Thought I told you to stop doing that.”
You roll your eyes. “I want to make you breakfast, dummy.” You turn back to your eggs frying on the stove. Eddie has this idea that you should never have to so much as lift a finger for him, despite the fact you’ve been together for a while now. “That’s what girlfriends do.”
Eddie grumbles and strides across the kitchen to wrap you up confidently. His arms push under yours and his chin comes to rest on your shoulder, your faces side by side. His hands slot over your stomach.
“Get off me, Eds,” you say, with a lot less heat than you intended. “The eggs are gonna burn.”
Eddie ignores you and instead turns his head to plant a kiss on your cheek. What follows is a smothering of sleepy kisses all over the side of your face, your neck, your shoulder and your ear. He’s still half asleep, so his mouth is sloppy and hot as it works along your skin. By the time he’s done your face is burning and you’re giggling like a schoolgirl.
“Eddie!” You chide, breathless and laughing. You throw your spatula down and grab at his arms which are still locked tightly around your waist. You pry him off, turning on your heel to face him, holding his wrists firmly so he doesn’t try anything.
“What?” He asks mock innocently. His bare chest heaves and a charming grin graces his lips.
You scoff. “You know exactly what.”
Eddie shakes his head, wild hair flying, and lifts one toned shoulder. “Can’t say I do, pretty girl.”
Pretty girl. You almost die on the spot. Eddie must sense this because he moves closer and gives you a droopy smile. You try to keep your eyes off his chest, you really do, but he’s so gorgeous, and his inked up skin is like an art piece in a museum to you. You follow a black train of ink from his stomach, up one of his pecs and over his shoulder. Eddie, unbeknownst to you, is a burning furnace under your gaze.
“M’eyes are up here, sweetheart,” he quips.
Your eyes snap to his. Caught red handed. “Shut up,” you grumble.
Eddie just grins all Cheshire-cat like and leans in for a kiss. His mouth works at yours until you’re opening up and breathing him in and letting him kiss you dizzy. It’s the kind of kiss that makes you forget where you are, all sloppy and sweet and love drunk. You think you could stay like this forever.
When you pull away, the eggs are burnt to a crisp in the frying pan. You can’t say you care all that much.
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drdemonprince · 4 months
In reading your latest piece, I think I've stumbled onto something akin to a personal epiphany. You describe transition as an act of "want" (Chu's longing for gossip and yours for the life of an eternal bachelor) and I've realized that I think as a consequence of growing up autistic, I've obliterated the concept of personal want. I don't know if I truly ever want anything? How do I even know what I truly want (versus what other people tell me I should want)? Is there an opposite of resentment I can tune into so I can tell what I want when my conscious mind is unable to provide me an answer?
I think the place is to start with what you don't want. What I describe as "wanting the bachelor life forever" in my piece is actually a desire born out of negation: I don't want kids, I don't want marriage, I don't want responsible adulthood and the weight that that carries, I want to feel free-roaming and open to random experiences. What i knew most viscerally for myself was what felt wrong, and owning up to those feelings no matter how socially inconvenient they might be was what made it possible for me to articulate what I proactively did find desirable.
I recommend rejecting a lot of things, disappointing a lot of people, being disobedient, setting boundaries, all of that stuff that I have been writing about for a very long time (check out the pieces on those subjects if you haven't already, but from the sound of it you probably have). And then when it comes to positively desiring things, you've got to start small. Find a little thing to look forward to every day, or every week. In my household, Wednesdays and Fridays are Dunkin Donuts days. Instead of making coffee at home, you get a little treat. That makes getting a coffee out of the house still feel precious and special while also making it attainable, and gives the work week a little horizon to peak over at its mid point.
I so look forward to the weekly streams on Friday with @testdevice, too. Afterward I usually get a meal somewhere and then go out for some kind of weekend activity -- drinking and watching Drag Race at Roscoe's, a movie, dancing, whatever. I make forming plans for the weekend a task I set out for myself at the top of every week. I find street festivals, concerts, craft fairs, protests, little things to do that I know will be meaningful to me. Small pleasures parceled out on a regular schedule provide a pleasing structure to life. It makes the forward march of time feel more exciting and keeps daily life from being defined by obligation and drudgery. Sometimes it's something like playing a video game at home or meeting up at a friend's house for a movie night and snacks. However you can swing it, you gotta have little things to look forward to, I think, in order to enjoy being alive and to get into the habit of thinking more expansively about what you want. you can making finding things that you want to do a regular project, a practice.
A lot of life is experimenting with new experiences and relationships with other people to find out what you actually like. It's not some profound act of introspection. People block themselves off from a lot of meaningful aspects of life by thinking the answers come from plumbing the depths of their soul and finding their true calling or true desire divorced from everything else. There is no self outside of experience and social connection.
And so the best way to find out what you want is to try a lot of different things. Go watch your friend at their competitive poker tournament. Volunteer to clean litter off the beach. Foster a bunny rabbit. Make a casserole. Darn a sock. Buy some handmade jewelry. Visit a museum with a coworker you kinda might like the company of. Invite someone over for dinner. How it plays out and how you feel about it is all data about the kind of person you are becoming.
I also wouldn't get too bogged down in the idea that wants can only come from the pursuit of happiness. I got a few really well intentioned asks this week that I never answered about what brings me joy, what makes me happy. Truth is, I'm not someone who experiences happiness easily and i might never be. That is okay. I still have a life that holds meaning because I AM very good at finding things interesting. i like talking to people, learning from them, watching things play out in real time.
You don't have to feel some kind of abiding soul connection to an activity or sense that a way of life will absolutely make you happy in order for it to interest you, help you grow, bring your life meaning. Other people might not want to read long history books about genocide and the social construction of race in order to bring their life pleasure, but those activities engage my mind and make me feel more firmly rooted in the actual world. they're interesting and rewarding to study, and so i do it. i say yes to a lot of invitations purely because i've never seen what horse racing is like or because i want to see if i'll still get nauseated if i ride a boat now as an adult. it's interesting. it might not make me happy or be fun. but i like a life better with those experiences. those are the things i gravitate to and want. and you can find what you want, too, and it will always keep changing probably.
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Can I have some cute random facts about the skeleton brothers?
Sure can!
Undertale Sans - Sans is the one who sneaked the annoying dog into the house Underground. He figured that when Papyrus is a little sad, the dog always managed to cheer him up, or, well, annoy him enough so he doesn't think about what's making him sad anymore.
Undertale Papyrus - When Undyne and Alphys had their first kid, Papyrus played the nanny so they could both sleep the first night as he could see they were both really exhausted. He ends up being the child's godfather as well and he would die for his niece/nephew.
Underswap Sans - He participated in a beauty contest for fun with Alphys in the first month he reached the Surface and won. He's still sleeping with his trophy to this day, he's actually very proud of it (mostly because Alphys didn't win anything and her jealous face will not make him laugh).
Underswap Papyrus - He didn't know how to swim and so he was sad when he found himself all alone during the first monster trip to the beach while everyone was having fun. So Asgore picked him up and carried him on his back so he could enjoy the sea like the others. He even taught him the basics in a swimming pool when they got home and Honey is so thankful for it as he discovered he actually really likes that.
Underfell Sans - He couldn't be a dinosaur kid Underground, but I can promise you that the second he got on the Surface, he fell madly in love with the giant reptiles to the point of squealing in joy every time he saw a toy representing a dinosaur he doesn't have. He has a very impressive collection of them now. Edge took him to a dinosaur museum for his birthday. After that, it became impossible to make Red shut up for two months. It's still his favorite place on Earth and he's going there at least once a month.
Underfell Papyrus - That time, completely drunk, when he confessed to Undyne that she was his best friend and that he didn't know what he'd do without her. Of course, the next morning, the face entirely red, he screamed at her she imagined the whole thing and to leave him alone, despite her recording of the scene on her phone. But yeah, he turns a lot softer once drunk and Undyne is so amused by this that she's going to torment him for two months.
Horrortale Sans - Since Toriel's eyesight became pretty terrible over the years, once a week, Oak comes to her place to read books to her. It's a nice routine they have from Underground after he got his skull smashed as reading was helping Oak's memory. He struggled on a lot of words and she helped him through his lecture. Now he's doing it only to entertain her, mainly because it hurts him so much to notice Toriel is aging. She became his whole world through the years and he's not sure he could bear losing her. So he cherishes any small moment he has with her.
Horrortale Papyrus - He's working as a volunteer in an old people retirement home and even if he's not supposed to, he loves taking the three old ladies he's taking care of to the movie theater or to the restaurant just so they can have fun for a few hours. They're all acting like they're on a super secret mission and it's always a nice time. He kidnapped them next Gyftmas to celebrate at his place because no one should be without a family at that time.
Swapfell Sans - He loves being massaged to the point he becomes completely limp in his S/O's arms. It's actually one of the very rare moments you'll see him fully relaxed and/or deep asleep, as Nox usually never lowers his guard. That pretty much means he feels very safe around you, which is literally a confession that he trusts you with his life. You're a lucky one.
Swapfell Papyrus - The first time Nox took him to an attraction park once they arrived on the Surface is where Rus actually called him brother again for the first time in almost twenty years. Now that's something they do every year, to remind each other that despite everything that happened, they're still here for each other. Rus can tell it's Nox's way to apologize for the childhood Rus never really had and he's actually glad. Even though it's also a good excuse to get his revenge once a year by dragging his brother to a fantom train just to watch him scream with terror the whole time, without being able to complain because Rus will guilt-trip him otherwise lmao.
Fellswap Gold Sans - He tried makeup for the first time on the Surface and now he has a little bit of an addiction on his hands. He can spend hours in the cosmetics shops, just trying everything to see what looks good on him. He's actually so known in these shops the seller usually keeps all the new things in a corner so he can try them when he comes.
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - Since he doesn't like to talk to the seller in the shops, he usually sends his brother or his S/O to buy things for him. But since they often mess up and don't pick what he wants, now he's coming along, just hiding behind them and silently pointing at the things he wants with puppy eyes. Now that he has a little more confidence he's just doing it with anything he wants and that is not planned. Just staring intensely so someone notices him and buys it lol. He's poor, please say yes :(
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digenerate-trash · 10 months
Yandere Teachers!!! (who are also freaks) 
Sirris is the cool teacherTM but that's only because he's hiding the fact that he's a freak from everyone. 
he's got a regular hook-up with some random once a month he pays them to film them having sex for his sex ed classes. But since he's met you he's stopped that. Now he only wants to make amateur porn with one person now and he's going to do it one way or another
Will drug you. Says it's for pain but he's just a big fan of seeing you drooling with your eyes rolled back. 
Tones of pictures. Never of your face. He doesn't want any evidence against him.
Very adamant that your relationship (if you can call it that) stays hidden. Never even touches you on school property. 
Would absolutely fist-fight Leighton in the parking lot if he found out about anything that freak does to you. 
Very adamant that you and Sydney get along. If you don't get along he's first going to try and convince Sydney to change to fit you better and if that doesn't work he's going to force you to change to get along with Sydney.
Obsessed with ass. I can't explain it. 
Very clean. 
Mason is pretty gentle and because of that, he's not too forward with you. 
it's a lot of staring though. Like to much
At school, he's very interested in only school topics. But at the lake, he's more interested in talking to you. 
Man loves his exercise and wants you to do it too. Wants to keep you healthy. 
Mans is a big puppy. 
He will try and get his scent onto you, especially after swimming lessons. 
He refrains from touching you a lot because even the feeling of you is enough to get him going. 
Absolutely will fuck you at the lake and nowhere else. it's where he feels the most safe
Mason’s fucking is always very rough and brutal. You covered in marks bites scratches and hickeys
Will take you for coffee afterward and apologize for being too rough. He just gets carried away too easily. 
Dude has no boundaries when he comes to terms that he's obsessed with you. 
He finally has the guts to get Whitney suspended when he sees the bully's hands on you. It wasn't easy but he did it. 
Still believes in using a ruler as punishment but quickly stops when you moan. 
Chasity belt chafes his dick every time it gets too close to him. 
He never wants to defile you. Wants to believe that you are a precious little virgin that has never touched anyone. 
he's happy when you show up to help at the soup kitchen. But now he has to protect you here as well. 
Will hit other staff with anything he's got close by if he catches them staring. 
No one dares hit him back when he's doing the same thing. 
Man is so pent-up. Even god is placing bets on when he's going to ditch his vow to wreck you. 
Very old-fashioned. Wants a traditional wife/spouse to dote on and care for. Thinks you are the perfect person for that life no matter what you are actually like. 
Constantly keeping you after class. He keeps telling you that your grades are slipping no matter how hard you try you can't seem to fix it. 
Absolutely offers a “favors” for “favors” deal. 
Even if you refuse you getting bent over his desk and fucked. Dude is like a man possessed and then when he's done he kicks you out. 
This can happen several days a week he's started putting up a “back in 20” sign up when you walk in. 
Sadistic streek. 
Loves having you visit the museum. There's always something new for you to try out. 
Big bondage fan. Adores what you look like in ropes. The pillory. Ect. basically, whenever you're helpless he gets stupid hard. 
he's gonna fuck you in all of his little replica contraptions. don't fight it. 
If you do though get ready for him to literally whip you. 
Doren (Written by @degrees-of-fuck please give them lots of love they were very nice to help me with this!!!)
Big Warped Protectiveness vibes I think, paired with a short fuse and a tendency to go a bit fuckoff wild when the line is crossed. Doren’s like this at the best of times but Yandoren is gonna need to be held back from all these assault charges calling for him.
Wants you to like and trust him!! He has your best interests at heart! He’ll keep you safe from this world! And also maybe enable you a little. I don’t think he quite consciously puts together what he’s doing when he as your teacher is positioning himself as your friendly protector who always has space for you in his home for these reasons. It’s fine when he does it because he’s not a bad person and he doesn’t want to hurt you! Not grooming, nuh-uh. Regardless, I think he’d prefer it if any involvement between the two of you had technically been your idea…
Yandoren Could maaaaaybe be tempted to spend just a little more time at home by you visiting him often enough, but I mostly imagine him coming up with excuses to invite you along to… Whatever it is he does, when it’s possible - so he doesn’t have to worry about what could be happening to you out there or about you showing up to class covered in others’ fluids again.
If yall fuckin, you NEED to be like, physically ‘on top’ or your ass is getting SMOTHERED. 
Goes the fuck off on roleplaying and dirty talk probably. Let him have his sex soliloquy he NEEDS IT. I’m not sure it can be prevented.
I have an image in my head of him doing a soliloquy that gets increasingly frantic before he just fucking goes apeshit on you. IS he a werewolf? I dunno. But it’s times like this when the rumor comes to mind.
Tight protective bear hugs, that can get GENUINELY QUITE PAINFUL depending on his mood.
I have an image of him fucking prowling the schoolyard to keep an eye on you. Freak.
This story probably ends with him getting done for assault or manslaughter ngl. Maybe you can go on the lam together. Romantic! :)))
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nalyra-dreaming · 2 months
Has Lestat always been like this with his feminine sides and sexuality? Because on the show he seems to be embrace and be so free, confident, even audacious about it? But he did want to be a priest, so I wonder if he dealt with internalized queerphobia, Catholic guilt about it etc. Or was it something that didn't happen to him until after he distanced himself from religion? I mean, I know some people have their queer awakenings later in life. Sure this isn't the main plot of TVC, but I wonder if it's an aspect of it at all or if he's one of those characters that just ~are~. Which I'd be totally cool with too, I'm just curious.
Lestat is from a wholly different time.
A while back the portrait that was not used for the show was posted, and there was a very good thread on it, which I encourage you to read here:
The standards of attractiveness and behavior and what was seen attractive have shifted, massively.
In Lestat's time his behavior or clothes would not have seemed feminine. No, it would have been the epitome of male court beauty.
So his learned and later shown behavior reflects what he grew up with, and what he came to embrace in Paris. What he saw at the court. What he, as a nobleman himself, likely was taught at least in rudimentary manner. I am not an historian, but there's lot of articles out there on this.
Now, Lestat probably did not spend too much time on his own queerness or the problems stemming from that.
The monastery was before he had really discovered his sexuality (he was a boy still!), and the manner by which his family destroyed that opportunity for him would obviously close that chapter without any guilt necessary.
So I do not think he carried any catholic guilt with him, on the contrary, he likely carried the acceptance and love the monks showed him instead.
Lestat took what good he could take for himself, and that was little enough. Going to Nicolas was encouraged/driven by his mother Gabrielle in the book, so why should it come with shame?
We will see how they do it in the show, they might want to dip their fingers into the time's homophobia since they extended the timeline, but in the book Nicki and he have only a rather short relationship, actually. And their time in Paris is cut short by Magnus.
So... Lestat both "is" just the way he is - and also this tapping into various aspects is something he grew up with as being completely normal and encouraged for men in his time.
We are all shaped by where and when we grew up, and in which circumstances, and he is no different there.
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menlove · 5 months
some of the gayest things i did w my girl besties as a kid that haunt me daily even though i'm almost 25
laying on the hot cement of the playground watching the clouds, talking about which boys we'd date in class, and i look over at her and notice how the sun is turning her black hair slightly red in the sun and sigh and say "i wish i were a boy, 'cause then i'd date you"
made a new best friend a little after her who was a year younger than me and i wanted to live inside her skin, a little bit, and went over to her house constantly. i drew her silly art, those weird emo blobs from the mid aughts, and she hung it up on her door. we joked about being married a lot. when i had to move away across the country, one night i was staring up at the moon while listening to a love song and started sobbing wondering if she was also looking at the moon. i never texted her again.
when i was 12 i fell in love with a girl for the first time i knew about. i had just gotten over being weirded out by gay people & when the kids in class started whispering about us being dykes, my teacher called home about it. i cried my eyes out in a red pickup truck with my mom as i told her i was in love with her, but it was fine because she was straight. i was drinking a red slushie.
once with that same girl, we went on a field trip to a nearby science museum. it was within walking distance and she held my hand the whole way, even though we were too old for it. at some point i started swinging her hand and knocking into her and laughing and eventually she just picked me up, put me on her back, and carried me the rest of the way while we laughed. at the museum, she kept finding me and holding my hand again. i went home that night, so giddy, and just kept thinking about her hand in mine and didn't even care about what the rest of the kids were whispering
in february, before that, she'd asked me which girl i had a crush on in class because i'd posted about it on tumblr. it took me a half hour to finally tell her it was her, blushing to my ears as we walked around the perimeter of the playground (we were at a small private school with less than 100 students, so even the middle schoolers got to use the playground), refusing to look at her. she told me she didn't feel like that, but i was still her best friend and she wasn't mad at me or weirded out. if one of us were boys, she said, maybe it would've worked out. her mom moved her back to california at the end of the school year. i never saw her again and she wasn't allowed to talk to me. she messaged me once, years later on here, to tell me i was pretty in a prom dress i'd tried on. she blocked me later.
i wrote down a story about her, a year later, for 8th grade english class. in it, i imagined that she'd never left, and that she'd kissed me while we laid in the grass, mixing up my stories and my life. my teacher looked at me with such a soft sadness and told me it was very beautifully written. she wanted me to submit it to a contest. it won.
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itsabouttimex2 · 5 months
Hi can I please request Yandere Alphabet for MK please 🙏💗 I really enjoyed reading your Redson version
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Yandere Alphabet: MK
(Let’s Start Over!MK is now available to chat with!)
Authority: Do they see themselves as above their obsession?
No, not in the slightest. MK views you as his equal, even if he won’t always treat you as such- he’s got the powers and the staff, after all. Why not just leave the hard stuff to him?
Bread: Can they cook or bake? Is Y/N responsible for their own food?
MK cooks and delivers noodles, so he’s obviously got some skill in the kitchen- I like to think that cooking with Y/N (and Pigsy) is a frequent bonding activity for him. Although, he does enjoy just making things for them as a surprise.
Cruentus- How do they respond to Y/N being hurt, both slightly and severely?
Even little wounds like paper cuts are met with worry, bandages, and lots of comfort. If you’re on the younger end, he might even kiss the bruises or scrapes.
If you’re hurt seriously? It’s like a switch flips, albeit temporarily. He’s absolutely vicious towards anything he considers a threat, willing to outright shatter the bones of his enemies to keep them from endangering you.
Disengage- What’s their response to being ignored?
Worry and concern. And then smothering Y/N until they either tell him exactly why he’s getting ignored, or they give up and return to “normal”.
Enclosure: Where do they keep Y/N?
As a noodle delivery boy with a one-room apartment, MK doesn’t have anywhere to keep you, nor does he have a way to get you to his room without alerting anyone.
Facade: Are they good at hiding their true intentions?
Yes, to a certain point. He’s pretty decent at pretending that this is all part of being a hero, trying hard to protect someone he loves. But then there’s little cracks running through those defenses, his clones performing surveillance well into the night, his insistence on Y/N sleeping over for weeks on end, his attempts to scare suitors off… the closer you look, the worse it gets.
Garment: Do they take control of Y/N’s clothes?
Nope- not unless he’s demanding them to wear one of his jackets when the weather gets cold. Also, trashing anything “revealing”. Aside from that, he’s pretty respectful towards their choices.
Handicap: How do they handle Y/N being or becoming disabled?
If they start disabled, MK is an absolutely sweetheart about the whole thing, bringing you your pills in the morning every day, making sure you eat after taking them, keeping you hydrated so you don’t experience nausea/headaches after the dissolve in you. He’ll insist on pushing your wheelchair, or even outright carry you wherever you need to go. Making food that won’t trigger your Sensory Processing Disorder, bringing you new clothes that won’t make you itchy, etc.
If they become disabled, MK blames himself for not being a better hero for you and triples down on his protectiveness, potentially even locking you inside for days on end to prevent your condition from being worsened again.
Intertwine- How physical are they? Do they enjoy skinship and touch?
Eleven out of ten, here. MK’s hands are always on you. Your wrists and head and hair and back and waist, hugs and pushes and pulls that keep you where he wants you, ready to drop everything and cuddle you at a moment’s notice. He just needs affection so bad.
Jaunt: Are they willing to take Y/N out? Where do they go?
Yes! He wants to take them all across Megapolis and show them so many cool things. Museums and cheese tea stalls and pop-up events and the zoo and every fun thing he can think of that might make you smile and laugh- without putting you in any form of danger.
Kindness: What brings out the best in this yandere?
You. His family. Being a hero. He won’t ever stop being a kind-hearted young man, no matter how severely his obsession might swell.
Limitation: What holds them back? Work? Family obligations? Physical weakness?
Yes, yes, absolutely no. He still has to earn money and save the city/world and spend time with Pigsy and Mei and Tang and Sun Wukong. He’s a pretty responsible kid in spite of everything, which means he’s far from the worst potential yandere- if you have a good enough heart to save innocent people at the risk of your life again and again, you aren’t going to be that bad of a person, even if they’re struck lovesick with obsession.
Morals: What lines are they not willing to cross?
MK won’t resort to any form of physical punishment, not even ear-dragging. No (intentional) gaslighting. No harming your friends and family, unless they prove to be a serious threat to you. He wouldn’t withhold affection or love, nor would he smear your reputation or destroy your livelihood.
The point of him obsessing over Y/N is to keep them safe! He doesn’t want to hurt them at all!
Nausea: Can they tend to an illness, or would they rely on a doctor?
If the home remedies that Pigsy has taught him don’t work (unlikely) he’ll resort to a doctor’s professional advice- probably Mei is the one who foots any fees, just to lend a hand to her best friend.
Obcordate: What reminds them of Y/N?
Sunflowers, towering blooms that represent warmth and adoration. Sugary drinks to binge during movie nights. White lilies, symbols of innocence and sweet-natured souls. Marshmallows, soft and squishable and sweet.
Pacify: How do they comfort Y/N? Do they even bother trying?
Movie nights with lots and lots of snacks, soda, and junk food. Monkey Cop, for something mindless and fun. Some of Mr. Tang’s scholarly lectures, for interesting background noise. And cuddles.
Queue: Do they have something of equal or greater importance to Y/N?
His friends. His surrogate father. Megapolis. The world. He can’t just throw that all away for one person, as much as he loves you.
Redemption: Could they grow out of their obsession and make amends with Y/N?
Season Four would redeem him. The Ink Curse shreds him a brand new hole over his obsessiveness, about how it’s hurting him and Y/N. How he’s a worse hero for it, how he prioritizes his obsession even over people who are in more danger, how he’s butchering his training by skipping to spend time with them, etc.
And it actually works. MK realizes that he needs to back off and work to overcome his obsession, for both him and Y/N to be happy. It might not ever fully leave, but it does get much better.
Sobriquet- What nicknames do for they have for their obsession?
“Mèimei”, for someone he views as a little sister. Dídí for someone he views as a little brother. And he hopes that you’ll repay the favor and call him “Gēge”.
Troop: How many people do they obsess over? Is that obsession spread equally?
Just one- Y/N.
Underdog: Who‘s on the yandere’s side? Would they help out?
Mei, who agrees that Y/N is a big cutiepie and needs to be protected. Pigsy and Tang, who want their surrogate son to be happy. Wukong, who just doesn’t want the kid to lose someone he loves. All of them are willing to “babysit” on occasion, too.
Vocalize: How do they justify their actions?
MK will just say that anything he does is for the sake of “protecting” Y/N, and he believes it with all his heart. It doesn’t help that none of his closest friends call him out of any of his more unethical actions for a very long time.
White Whale: Why do they pursue Y/N, exactly?
They’re sweet and precious and helpful, and he doesn’t want to see the world so carelessly rip that away from them. MK lost a lot of his innocence and gained trauma, and he’s intent on keeping them safe and sound and mentally well, even if it’s by destroying anything that dares threaten to harm them.
Xanthous: What do they really want?
Unconditional love and support from someone he cherishes.
Youth: How old is Y/N in comparison to them? Younger, same age, or older?
Younger by at least a year. MK wants to be someone’s “big brother” so bad. He takes that role very seriously, too. Holding your hand as you cross the street, tucking you in at night… even as a yandere, he’s kind of a sweetheart.
Zealous: Do they pursue Y/N doggedly, or are they more laidback and casual with their approach?
He’s rather dogged, honestly. There’s an almost sweet enthusiasm to his protectiveness, like a guard dog who just wants the praise of his master.
Author’s Choice 1: Would anyone else go yandere for this specific Y/N?
Yes. Pigsy and Tang both insert themselves into Y/N’s life as father figures, agreeing with MK that they need to be protected, if not outright sheltered. The kid is sweet and polite, offers to help constantly, is always volunteering in community projects and lending a hand to those in need.
How could they let the world rip up something that is so unabashedly good?
Author’s Choice 2: Do you have any AU’s involving this character?
Aside from Primal Moon, the afore-mentioned Let’s Start Over!
Basically, several after MK’s adventures end and he’s grown up, a notably innocent and sweet kiddo comes along and meets him on Flower Fruit Mountain, having taken the mantle of ‘Monkey King’. (I’ve also considered calling him ‘Monkie Knight’ in this AU given the whole ‘working for the king and fighting for good’ thing. Still ironing it out!)
He decides to start training them so that they can one, intent on teaching them everything he knows. MK tears out an itty-bitty portion of his power and stuffs it into Y/N, allowing them to wield the staff. Once they’ve mastered enough of his skills to wield it, that portion gets pulled back out. (And Y/N is out to bedrest for three full days, just in case it hurts them.)
The new Monkey King/Monkie Knight seems kind, and really he’s not all that bad-
But MK is trying to relive his story through Y/N, and constantly impedes their own journeys to make them safer. The hero is basically forcing someone else to avoid the traumas he went through so he can feel content, as though his own traumas never occurred.
And this works out decently, until Y/N starts going their own path by redeeming a villain that MK never thought he’d see again.
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jamscandraw · 1 year
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Steve Week 2023 Day 4: Old Friends/New Friends
I think about Steve and Lilith's weird coworker/mentor-mentee relationship a lot. Lilith has probably worked with hundreds of scouts in her years with the coven before Steve showed up (he's mid-20s, she's late-40s at least) but there's something about this scraggly young lad who's always aggressively optimistic and never knows when to stop talking (and always carries the best snacks on away missions) that makes her rather fond of him. He talks about his baby brother a lot, and maybe it makes her think of Eda. He's a hard-working and reliable scout, just like they all should be, but he's also refreshingly honest and observant, and he notices things other people don't. She's long since abandoned any attempts to keep their work dynamic formal, despite the difference in rank, and she enjoys their little on-duty chats far more than she'd ever admit.
In turn I think Steve looked up to and idolised Lilith for many years and initially jumped at the chance to work with the head of the coven. Over the years he's realised she's nothing like he expected, but he still holds her in very high regard and greatly values her advice and approval. He's learned a lot from her over the years, both in terms of magical ability and how to survive in the EC without drawing the wrong kind of attention. Lilith abandoning the coven at the end of Season 1 was probably the first major lightbulb moment Steve had about something being very wrong and maybe trying to get out himself, but it takes a few extra pushes for him to work up the courage to go. I think after the Collectorpocalypse they become even firmer friends, possibly even working together on rebuilding the museum, and eventually he asks her to officiate his wedding
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vintagerpg · 8 months
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Another thing I feel like I say a lot: zine is a sort of meaningless term, interchangeable with chapbook and booklet and probably other words that all refer to the same basic format. I think for a lot of folks “zine” implies photocopied and chapbook means “really nice paper” and I am usually dismissive of these sorts of taxonomies. However! I have a bunch of publications (both real and, courtesy of the HP Lovecraft Historical Society, fake), dedicated to short monographs on different historical subjects or artifacts. These are formal looking, are printed on fancy paperstock and just feel, well, academic in their presentation. They’re still essentially zines, but also somewhat different. Tyler Vance’s Void (2021) feels of a kind with those.
Void: Records from the Frontier 001 is a world building exercise consisting of six of Vance’s gorgeously strange, fossil-like paintings accompanied by brief vignettes. Taken together, the reader/viewer should begin to cobble together some facts — there is a Void, people go in, sometimes they don’t come out, sometimes they come out carrying things with them. I don’t want to pollute your potential experience with my notions, so I will mostly leave it at that, but I find it and its sequel volumes wonderfully meditative and evocative. (OK, a little more: Stalker, Annihilation and Gibson’s short story “Hinterlands” are all touchstone for my reactions to Void).
I think it is well known that I like these sorts of no-system world-building projects (A Thousand Thousand Islands, Rainy City, Lodestar to Karamouska), but I like that this goes one step farther and, aside of the artist’s statement at the front, it feels like an in-universe artifact, a catalog for some strange museum exhibit, an auction book, a secret black market log. Volume two has similar vibes and oh man, volume three, A Young Person’s Introduction to Erratics, takes things in a fantastic new direction (that is pretty clearly signposted by the title). It will pull you even further into this strange underground.
Grab all three from his store. You won’t be sorry!
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2024 Megaman Summer Fanart Contest - Category 1 Results!
Sorry for the delay, but without further ado, here come this year's wonderful creations and our winners. Thank you all for your patience! Due to both the number of entries and the amount of reference images I'll be attaching here, I will have to make a separate post for the humor (Cat. 2) results. Please check that out here as well, after I post this! All winners will be contacted shortly.
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Take a walk through the newly opened wing of the Kattleox Art Museum to see all this year's fabulous entries after the break...
CATEGORY 1 (Talent): Pallette Pastiche
The talent category this year focused on creating a parody or imitation of a famous work of art by using Mega Man characters in the place of what was originally drawn. Didn't have to be a well-known famous piece, but still had to reference some piece of art, regardless. And you all certainly made both Ms. Museum Curator and myself proud! It was very hard to choose placement, let alone who would make the Top 3. Plenty of fantastic character choices to match the vibe of the original pieces. For the full gallery of pics, click here. Links to each individual full size image is after each entrant's name as well. 1.) @sylviidaee [Pic] (*175 USD Prize Winner!)
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Sylviidaee's reference was Michelangelo's Renaissance piece, "The Creation of Adam."
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The shading and detail in your painting efforts for this piece are remarkable! Flawlessly fitting in each Robot Master, along with Blues and Roll, to represent the angels, worked out great. This pic deserves to be a featured museum piece, with replicas hanging in the homes of every Megaman fan!
2.) @purplerubyred [Pic] (*$100 USD Prize Winner!)
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Ruby's reference was the cover of the Capcom Design Works artbook, by Kinu Nishimura.
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Just even attempting to replicate the sheer amount of characters in this piece had to be an enormous undertaking, and I commend you for spending part of your August month of Elec Man love crafting this! There is so much to take in with this piece, with all the various versions of Elec Man and his related family. From background locations like MaHa Ichiban to the super great white angel/devil chip artwork on the railcar window, there are tons of little cameos to catch as you look across this art. Wonderful job!
3.) @DWN-059 [Pic] (*$75 USD Prize Winner!)
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Beebs' reference was Rococo artist Jean-Honoré Fragonard's "The Swing."
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While the lush forested background draws my attention for it's whimsical beauty, and huge amount of detail, I loved the little touches you brought to make this have a Mega Man feel. Such as the Guts Man and Anko statues to replace the angels, and adding the cute 'lil Friender. While Planty can't kick off his boots, the Plant Barrier petals were a perfect replacement for the shoe. Beautifully and accurately painted! _____________________________
And the rest of our amazing entrants, in alphabetical order by alias:
ArtisIan [Pic]
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ArtisIan's reference was Grant Wood's "American Gothic."
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Nothing more 'gothic' than a guy obsessed with skulls, building dark, brooding, black-clad robots, owning a homely Skull Castle with tall walls and large windows, am I right? Bass with the daughter's glare is actually rather fitting here, as well! XD Now, if Wily always carried around that pitchfork, wouldn't he be able to defeat Mega Man a lot easier, on account of sharp points?
@aw-colorcat [Pic]
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AW-Colorcat's reference was a piece by seafh that was used as a popular Youtube BG image back in the 2010s for the Nightcore (sped up version/remix) version of the song "Angel with a Shotgun."
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The bullet holes through the single wing sure makes it look like Mega Man has gone *pew pew pew* through it. But I think an angel with an all-powerful Metal Blade could be a little more deadly accurate.
@digitallyfanged [Pic]
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Tabby's reference was Auguste Rodin's sculpture, "The Thinker." (To which, somewhere out there, Sigma Posting is ready to dub it "The Sig-ker.")
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Contemplating his status as the most advanced Reploid of his time, his next strategic action against the Maverick Hunters, or how to change/destroy the world? Sigma certainly could be looked at as someone who could be rather philosophical and get deep in thought. And wouldn't be afraid to show off artwork of himself in his fortress. Hatching detail is nice, and helps give that statuesque, worn and chiseled feel.
Ivo [Pic]
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Ivo's reference was Impressionist Joaquin Sorolla y Bastida's, "Italian Girl with Flowers."
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Fantastic job at replicating the paint on canvas look, I truly can't tell if this is just a digital filter or if you physically painted it! Extending the green curls of hair outside of his helmet helped mimic the girl's original hairstyle even more. Really pretty, and his color pops nicely against the smaller flowers he's enjoying!
JazzmanZ [Pic]
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JazzmanZ's reference was Roy Lichtenstein's Pop art painting, "Stepping Out."
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Steppin' out to fight Doc Wily tonight! Honestly amused at how just a few little line alterations were needed to easily transform this couple into Rock and Roll. Like the little nose bridge line above his eye easily morphing into the peak of Mega Man's helmet. Excellent eye for parody in choosing this. No Roll, I didn't mean anything by that...
@nightopianfoxgirl [Pic]
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NightopianFoxGirl's reference was "Circe Invidiosa," from Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood artist John William Waterhouse.
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Another brilliant choice in characters having Iris represent Circe, who was known for turning her enemies into animals. And having the Cybeast duo of Greiga and Faltzer as the sea monster beneath her connects to the allegory of her role in the Beast anime with the Synchronizer, Trill. She too probably wants to poison/destroy the beasts, and can be seen as a bit of a tragic figure herself.
@puyonlilah [Pic]
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Puyonlilah's reference was the Romanticism era painting "Ophelia," by Sir John Everett Millais.
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Yet another tragic take, with the X version of Iris filling the role of Ophelia from Shakespeare's Hamlet, who is seen singing before she drowns herself in the river. Forgive her Zero, she just wanted to live in a world where only Reploids exist! You certainly portrayed the grief and emotional stress on Iris' face nicely, as well as the effect of her barely keeping afloat, with the water ripples.
@vogler-art [Pic]
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Ryan's reference was Romanticist artist Caspar David Friedrich's painting, "Wanderer Above the Sea of Fog."
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In a world covered by endless water, there's bound to be days of endless fog affecting your sightline, aren't there? Very nice contrast of light and dark in your colors. There's something that just feels so fitting for Mega Man to be looking out from on high, to give a sense of adventure, venturing into the unknown, or even alluding to X looking off the cliff during X1's ending. How long will he keep on fighting? Maybe only the buster on his hand knows for sure...
Tori Campan [Pic]
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Tori's reference was Leonardo Da Vinci's famous Renaissance painting, "The Mona Lisa."
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Miss Tori got the most important thing right in her parody by making sure The Rolla Lisa had no eyebrows, because those have disappeared from the painting over time. Roll's green bow stands out in her hair even more with the beautiful green forest in the background. Wonderful job getting her pose and that slight, mischievous smile on her face to match the original!
Thank you to everyone again who participated this year! Each artwork was fantastic!
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munson-blurbs · 2 years
When Man Plans, God Laughs (Eddie Munson x Single Mom!Reader)
Summary: You're a single mom of two who recently moved back to your hometown of Hawkins, Indiana, after a nasty divorce. When your friends take you out for the night, you run into your high school crush: Eddie Munson. But are either of you satisfied with just a one-night stand?
Warnings: single motherhood, divorce, fluff, mentions of drugs/dealing
WC: 1.9k
Part One | Part Two
You're grateful that you didn't drink too much at the concert last night, because the following morning is hectic. Matthew insists on having milk with his cereal, then cries because it's soggy. While you attend to his tantrum, Grace takes it upon herself to grab the orange juice carton from the fridge, promptly dropping it and spilling it all over the kitchen floor. And when the word "shit" accidentally slips out of your mouth when you see the sticky mess forming, both kids decide to march around chanting it.
You clean up the kitchen, wipe down your messy children, and get them dressed for the day. They've been begging you to take them to the children's museum, so that's your plan. You're just finishing tying Grace's sneakers when the phone rings.
"Hello?" you huff into the receiver, scrambling to get out to the car before Matthew manages to undress himself.
"Hey, Y/N?" a familiar voice comes over the line. "It's Eddie. Munson," he clarifies, as if a different Eddie would be calling.
You crinkle your nose. "How did you get my number?" you ask, and you cringe at the interrogative note in your tone. "I mean, hi. But also, how did you get my number?""
Eddie laughs, not taking offense to any of it. "I hounded Starsky and Hutch until they broke and gave it to me."
"How nice of them," you mutter. "So, what's up?"
"Look," he starts, "I had a lot of fun last night. And I was hoping we could actually get to talk, catch up. Like a date, maybe?" His voice breaks at the end, nerves getting the best of him.
You smile weakly. "Eddie, that's really sweet," you tell him gently, keeping an eye on your munchkins, "but I'm not really looking to date right now."
"Is it because you have kids?" he blurts out, and you're taken aback.
"H-how did you know that I have kids?" It's a dumb question; Robin and Steve told him, obviously. "Never mind. Yes, it's because I have kids. Kids who are currently waiting for me to entertain them."
"So you're just never gonna date again?" he asks, but it's a genuine question; he's not accusing you of lying.
You exhale. "Maybe one day I will," you answer honestly. "But I...I don't think it's a good idea to be with someone who carries around a box full of mysterious illicit substances. Not really kid-friendly, y'know?"
"They're, uh, not all for me," he stammers.
You can't help but chortle at his statement. "Is the fact that you sell drugs supposed to make this better?" You notice Grace eyeing you curiously, so you lower your voice. "Look, I know you have to do whatever you can to make ends meet. I'm not judging you. But I also can't bring my kids into that kind of environment, y'know?"
There's a long pause on the other end of the line. "Yeah, no, I get it. Could we still...hang out? Like with Harrington and Buckley. Just as friends." Eddie bites his tongue to keep from babbling.
"Of course," you reply, breathing a sigh of relief. "I've gotta get going, but we'll talk soon."
"Bye, Y/N," he says, and you detect a hint of sadness in his voice. Maybe more than a hint. But you don't have time to ponder it, because Matthew is trying to fit through the spindles on the staircase. Why are kids so fast?
A few months later, you're holding Matthew's chubby little hand as you make your way through the library parking lot. Grace is in kindergarten full-time, so it's just you and your little man during the weekdays.
"Are you ready for Storybook Sing-a-longs?" you ask him excitedly. It was a new program that the library was offering to kids where a musician sang songs based on popular children's books. The best part was it was free. You'd signed him up right away.
The hum of a guitar being tuned floats past your ears as you enter the children's section. You're placing a fuzzy mat on the floor for you and Matthew to sit on, when you hear it:
"Hi there, tiny humans! I'm Eddie!"
Your head snaps up at the sound of his voice. No way. No fucking way. But it's him: Eddie Munson is sitting before you in a folding chair, long curls pulled back into a low bun. He's still got his signature rings and his ripped black jeans, but he's wearing a purple shirt that reads "Storybook Sing-a-longs."
"Jesus Christ," you murmur under your breath.
The mom next to you overhears your utterance. "I know, right?" she scoffs. "Who let him around children? He was such a freak in high school."
You shake your head. "That's not what I meant--" you start to say, but Eddie cuts you off.
"I need a volunteer to help me sing a song about wheels on the bus," he announces, eyes twinkling at the kids' excited faces. "Who knows that one and wants to sing with me?"
Matthew looks up at you, waiting for your approval. "Go on, Bubba," you encourage him. "You love The Wheels on the Bus!"
He jumps up waving his stubby arms in the arm, desperate to get Eddie's attention. When Eddie spots him, he motions the two of you over.
It takes him a moment to place who you are--your oversized t-shirt, mom jeans, sneakers, and barely-there swipe of mascara is a far cry from your skimpy concert outfit. But when he realizes, his face lights up.
"Who do we have here?" he asks, both to your son and to himself.
"I'm Matthew," the boy replies proudly, and it comes out as Mahh-chew. "And this is my mommy!"
Eddie's smile is so genuine that it hurts your heart. "Hi, Matthew and his mommy!" he says. "Matthew, do you know what the wheels on the bus do?"
"They go round and round!" Wound an' wound, he shrieks excitedly.
"That's right!" Eddie cheers, launching into the song. Matthew is singing and clapping along, doing all of the hand motions like you taught him. You sneak glances at Eddie, his fingers strumming gently, his voice energetic but soothing. It's a side of him you've never seen before.
You and Matthew scurry back to your mat at the end of the song, and it's time for another kid to have a turn. The next half hour is filled with lyrics about Jack and the Beanstalk, Hansel and Gretel, and The Three Little Pigs. Matthew's eyes are wide the whole time, soaking in the music in wonderment.
You're putting away the mat, a half-asleep tot in your arms, when you feel a light tap on your shoulder.
"Hey," Eddie says softly. "I was hoping you'd be here."
You feel yourself blushing, and you hoist Matthew up a bit higher to cover your reddening cheeks. "Well, Matty and I never turn down a chance to sing Wheels on the Bus!" You tickle the boy's belly and he gives the sweetest giggle you've ever heard.
"You guys are pros. Gonna put me out of business!" Eddie teases. He glances at Matthew, then looks directly into your eyes. "Y/N, he's such a cute kid."
"Thanks," you grin, "but he's not gonna be cute if he doesn't get his nap soon."
"Can I walk you to your car?" Eddie asks sheepishly. "Is that okay?"
"Sure. Thank you." You can't bring yourself to meet his gaze, shyness suddenly overtaking you as well.
He grabs your bag from your hand. Your pace is slower than it would be if you weren't holding Matthew, but Eddie walks alongside you.
"I should, um...I should be thanking you, actually," he says suddenly.
"Yeah," he nods. "When we spoke on the phone? And you said that you couldn't be with me because of my...my job? You were right. I'd been meaning to stop doing that stuff, but I figured I could never amount to much more. The Munson name comes with a reputation, and it ain't pretty. I thought no one would ever give me a chance.
"And then I came by here to return a book and saw they were looking for a kids' entertainer, and I thought, I can do that. I think the librarians were shocked that I was serious about it, but once I started doing the animal impressions for 'Old MacDonald,' they realized it was the real deal."
You laugh. "You really nailed those. We were both impressed with the cow especially."
Eddie snorts. "What can I say? I had plenty of experience listening to an old cow in O'Donnell's class."
"Eddie!" you swat at his stomach playfully. "Don't teach my innocent son how to insult people."
"Sorry, sorry," he puts his hands up in defeat. "But, yeah. I just thought you should know."
You raise your eyebrows at him. "One night after a concert made you rethink your whole life?" you ask unbelievingly.
"Yes? I mean, Buckley kept telling me about her friend that was incredibly smart, funny, caring...the list went on and on. And then I met you, and you were, like, holy sh--sugar hot," he amends quickly.
"That's sweet," you say, biting your lower lip. "But most days, I look like this. Miniskirts are few and far between."
Eddie places a big hand on your cheek. "The sentiment still stands, sweetheart." He kisses your forehead, sending shivers down your spine. When you arrive at your car, he opens the back door so you can put a sleeping Matthew in his car seat.
"Thanks, Eddie," you whisper. You want to kiss him so badly, it hurts. "Hey, um, do you do children's birthday parties, by any chance?" You glance down at your son. "He turns three in a few weeks, and I need something to keep the kids entertained."
"I do now," he beams. "Any special requests?"
"You've gotta bust out that rendition of Old MacDonald, obviously," you tease. "How much do you charge?"
"Hmm," he pretends to think. "One...slice of birthday cake."
"I'm serious!" You put your hands on your hips. "Besides, you would get birthday cake anyway."
"Okay," he says nervously. "How about that date?" When you raise your eyebrows, he gives an exasperated sigh. "C'mon! I stopped dealing, I got a regular gig, Matthew already adores me. Just one date. And if it sucks, I'll leave you alone forever."
You consider it. One date couldn't hurt, right? It wasn't like you were marrying the guy. Clearly, you didn't fare well in the marriage department, anyway.
"One date," you agree, and Eddie pumps his fist in the air triumphantly. "After the party. If you bomb, the deal's off."
"Oof, no pressure or anything," he stumbles back dramatically. "But it's a deal." He sticks his hand out and you shake it, but he takes the opportunity to pull you in and kiss your lips. "Couldn't help myself," he mumbles into your mouth. You bring your hand to the back of his head and kiss him back harder, feeling body melt into his. You're snapped out of your trance by the sound of Matthew stirring.
"We've gotta get home," you apologize. "Call me later, around 4? I'll give you the party info."
Eddie nods. "Sounds great." He kisses your cheek before opening your door for you. "I'll talk to you then."
You wave goodbye as you back out of the spot, a smile plastered to your face.
So much for a one-night stand.
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bluehourbucky · 1 year
pairing: steven grant x reader
summary: steven helped you move into your new apartment you want to thank him with some homemade cookies
a/n: I got such a soft spot for steven he's the sweetest most cutest person ever
[dont know why everything is lower case sorry abt that i was already too far in to change it when i noticed]
| main | bucky | moonkinght |
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you've been wanting to do something for your neighbour since you moved in since he had helped you carry your furniture into your apartment.
not only did he help with moving in he also went out of his way and asked if you need help with rearranging furniture or building something, you declined politely. it didn't help that steven on top being kind is also incredibly handsome and you had immediately developed a crush on him.
however you hadn't managed to say thank you yet.
you didn't know how to say thank you but you thought a batch of cookies wouldn't be a bad idea.
and a good idea it was, in case you had sugar which you didn't.
so you shamefully walk across the hall and ring stevens door, he's the only neighbour you actually met enough times to ask for stuff.
"hello!" you say when steven opens the door, he looks even more handsome since the last time you saw him. to be fair you've never seen him in his at home clothes and it's absolutely a breathtaking sight.
"'ello?. you alright?" it takes everything in you not to literally run back to your apartment.
"yeah yeah. great. so uh you have any sugar I promise to give it back?"
"sure, come on in, don't stand in the hallway, just gotta find it." steven curses himself for inviting you in as his house is a mess and he legitimately has shackles attached to his bed.
you awkwardly walk inside and only take two steps then you stop not wanting to overstep.
"oh you have a fish." its the first thing that comes to mind to fill in the silence.
"yeah that's gus. gus say hello to our guest." steven says and your heart does a little flip.
"oh so rude of me hello stevens roommate." steven let's out a laugh which makes you blush.
"here,love." steven gives you sugar and you blush even more, you assume the nickname was accidental but doesn't mean your heart knows the difference.
"thank you. bye." you quickly leave and almost stumble.
steven curses himself, he didn't mean to make you uncomfortable, the word just slipped without him thinking. he's had a crush on you since he saw you the day you moved in and now you probably think he's creepy.
after getting into your flat, you immediately start making the cookies. you really hope steven likes them you put a lot of effort into them.
you stand a few minutes in front of his door like a weirdo until you get the courage to knock again.
"hi! It's me again. here some cookies for you. I just wanted to thank you for helping me move in and for being so kind to me. okay bye." you push the cookies into steven's and try to leave but steven grabs your hand.
"wait. what if we ate them together? that's of course if you want to. and you really didn't have to I helped because I wanted to." steven still holds your hand and waits for your reply.
it's not like you're going to miss this opportunity and not with the way he's looking at you.
you take the time to look around and really take in the sight of his apartment, the books, the aquarium - it's just so steven.
"please, feel comfortable. thank you so much for making this for me. i'm sure it took bit of your time."
"i wanted to, I hope you like them." you expectantly look at at steven while he takes his first bite.
"best cookies I ever had." steven says and you blush.
" im sure that's not true." you shyly say.
"sure are."
at some point you and steven sit on the couch and talk, he tells you about his work at the museum some fun things you can see there and offered to give you a tour when he's not working.
somehow the time flies and suddenly it's 2am and when you see the time you jump from the couch.
"oh im so sorry for keeping you up so late! i should go."
"I didn't notice how much time passed I'm sorry for keeping you. I been rambling a lot." steven scraches the back of his neck awkwardly, and he really hadn't noticed the time he was really just enjoying his time with you.
"i guess I'll hold you to your promise for the special tour of the museum?" you smile at steven.
"of course."
the last thing steven remembers is you going to the door and now he's suddenly kissing you?
as you were about to leave steven pulls you in for a kiss, at first you're shocked, but it takes you just few seconds to return it. it starts off rough but suddenly it melts and softens as if you're kissing another person.
at first stevens hands are on your hips but as the kiss softened they are suddenly on you cheeks.
when you finally pull away you feel like you're as red as a tomato.
"sorry." steven mutters out an apology.
"its okay. that was nice." you can see that his shoulders relaxed at your words.
"uh the tour could we turn that into a date?"
"i'd love that. good night steven."
you kiss him quickly again and leave.
"good night" steven whispers to himself.
"you helped the worm. it is amusing." khonshu laughs.
"it was impossible to watch that. besides he just needed a little push it was going well." marc replies and puts on the suit going off into the night.
[the end]
likes comments and reblogs are appreciated <3
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snootlestheangel · 11 months
*cracks knuckles* They're definitely idiots to lovers but as in they're idiots and they become lovers, not as in "oblivious to the other's extreme attraction until a climatic moment"
Who was the one to propose? I want it to be Soap so badly but also think it'd be very on brand for them/their relationship if Gaz also proposed. I'm talking like the Spiderman meme where they point at each other when they realize and then they laugh and neither can even say yes, they try to kiss but they're both still laughing too hard. It's just such a beautiful mental image that I have right now :')
Who stressed more over wedding planning? Gaz. Gaz a thousand times over. Soap is experienced with weddings and wedding planning (he has so many in-law siblings and almost all of his cousins his age/older are married.) but Gaz doesn't have any experience with even being at a wedding, much less planning his own.
Who decorated the house? Gaz. He's got style and taste, but he a hundred percent uses a lot of Soap's artwork :)
Who does the cooking? Soap. He was taught and raised well by such a large family that food was just a staple of his upbringing.
Who is more organized? Hot take? Soap is the more organized one. He's a demo expert, yes, but those things are fucking dangerous! He may not be cleaner necessarily, but he knows certain things CANNOT mix, and he got so into the habit of putting things into separate categories that it just carried over into civilian living.
Who suggested kids first? Soap, jokingly. But in terms of who was serious when suggesting it? Gaz. Soap had made a comment about "what if we had one?" while at a MacTavish family event and pointing at a little niece/nephew of his as a joke. Gaz had to play along with it but internally he was flipping out. He brings up the conversation of kids as a serious topic a few weeks later.
Who's the cuddler? Both are very physically affectionate. But in terms of 'must be touching you at all times?' it's Gaz. Soap runs hot I feel like, so especially at night he doesn't really want cuddles but Gaz is like "too bad you're stuck with me >:) "
Who's big spoon/little spoon? Gaz is big spoon at night, but during the day when cuddling on the couch or something it's Soap
What's their favorite non-sexual activity? Museum dates. Gaz is such a little nerd and Soap loves art. Museum dates are perfect for them, cause it's something calm and beautiful, there's an opportunity for Gaz to get a new book or something, and for a desert afterwards.
Who comes home drunk at 3am? I wanna say Soap. He's just such a golden retriever that if a bunch of their friends are hanging out at bars, he's right there with them. Gaz is there, too, but he doesn't usually drink to drunkenness like Soap does.
Who kills the spiders? Gaz. It's not that Soap is afraid of them but he argues that it's best if he and the spider remain on opposite sides of the room. Gaz doesn't give a flying fuck
Who falls asleep first? Depends. If it's during a late-night movie in their flat, it's Soap. Gaz gets too invested in every movie they watch so he can never fall asleep first. But if it's right when they go to bed, it's usually Gaz cause Soap needs to do something like doodle/journal for a bit to calm his mind before he can.
A headcanon: Trying to decide if I want to keep this SFW or just go the nasty route... I'll keep it safe for now. They do pretty much everything together, especially on base. They just love each other's company so much and both thrive off social interaction so it's like a win-win. They'll workout together, they eat together, they go grocery shopping together. They're such an iconic duo it's hard to ignore the fact they're together. ALSO, I fully believe Soap is just whipped for Gaz's smile/laugh (aren't we all?) that he does everything in his power to see it/hear him laugh. Even if Gaz's 'laugh' is just a bunch of wheezing punctuated by laughing sounds, Soap still finds it so beautiful. Anything he can do to make Gaz smile/laugh was worth doing
Do they have any rituals? Gaz is the one with the most rituals, so to speak. He's got a whole skin care routine (that he dragged Soap into), he's got some pretty good oral hygiene. Soap has a whole morning ritual that is far too complicated for Gaz's understanding. It's about how he makes his coffee and it's one of the most bizarre things Gaz has ever witnessed.
Who has the most patience? Probably Gaz. Even though, in the field, they're both patient (they're both snipers and Soap is a demo man, both roles require a lot of physical patience), Soap is pretty short-tempered when it comes to most other things. Like, physically, he's patiently waiting for something, but when you listen to him talking to Gaz, it's just complaining about how bored/impatient he is. It takes a lot to get Gaz genuinely angry at something, which is not to say he's going from 0-100 in these instances. He's definitely showing he's annoyed at everything, but whether he actually acts on it or not is the determining factor of his patience.
A gif that describes their relationship: I actually really like this one. It's just *sighs* I don't know but it's SoapGaz in my heart
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rhettmotel · 19 days
→ Description: Rhett takes you, his little, to a museum
→ c/w: This contains age regression and the use of a pullup.
→ a/n: no use of y/n, no pronouns, again contains non-sexual age regression
"Daddy, I wanna see the stars!" You whine, pulling on his hand that you were currently holding.
Rhett only chuckles. "I know you want to see the stars, bug, but the stars are at the very end; don't you wanna see everything else? Don't you wanna see the dinosaurs?"
You had both decided that it would feel better once you got used to being in littlespace out in public and that the museum was the next step. They had just installed a space exhibit, and you were all too excited to see it.
"Dinosaurs are scary," You mumble, squeezing his hand. Once he pays for the entry fee and you get inside, he crouches down in front of you, something that always makes you feel smaller.
"Okay, little bug. Do you remember the rules?" He asks.
You nod. "No running off, no touching unless the sign says you can and tell Daddy when I have to go potty," You grin, proud that you remembered.
"That's right, you're so smart," He smiles, putting his hands on either side of your face and kissing your forehead. Rhett knew that this entire place would be far too busy and exciting for you to think about using the bathroom, eating or drinking, so he put snacks and a water bottle in his bag and you in a pull-up, just in case.
The first exhibit is the health one, which is pretty boring; if anyone asked you, there was not much to do, just lots to read, but there was one little thing where you put your hand under a green light to be able to see the veins under your skin. At first, you didn't want to do it; it was scary, and you couldn't help but yank your hand away with a whimper when Rhett tried to move it closer.
"It won't hurt you, love." He assures. "It's just a light. Here, Daddy will show you," Rhett places his hand under the light, and you watch in awe as the blue veins under the skin in his hand become visible. "Cool, huh?" He smiles, "Now you try."
You're still a little apprehensive about it, but you always trust Rhett, so you place your hand under the green, glowing light and watch as your veins come into view before yanking your hand out again. Now that you know for sure it doesn't hurt, you do it a few more times with a soft giggle.
The next exhibit is the dinosaurs, one that you weren't excited for, but had to go through to get to the space exhibit. "Daddy, up." You say, reaching out for Rhett, knowing that you would feel much safer in his arms.
He looks around, noting how many people are there. "Daddy can't pick you up here, lovebug," He informs gently. "Maybe if there's something you can touch that you can't reach, but I can only carry you around at home." It wasn't that he didn't want to, but he didn't want anyone to ask questions while you were out in public like this. Of course, he knew that you would pout, but luckily, the space exhibit was next. "Why don't we dig for some dinosaur bones and then go look at the stars," He smiles, trying to redirect you.
It seemed to work because you rushed over to the interactive sand pit where, mainly little kids, could use a brush and a shovel to dig for plastic dinosaur bones. Finding all the bones didn't take too long, even in your headspace, and you were excited to move on.
There was a small table filled with water and plants, with sand at the bottom, and you peered into it. "Can I touch this one?" You ask, frowning up at Rhett.
"Sign says you can," Rhett nods.
You look down at the water again and then back up at him. "No, I don't want to," You say, walking right off.
The laugh that leaves Rhett is from his chest, surprised and hearty. Sometimes, he forgot how much he loved you in littlespace. You were at your happiest and your most authentic, never caring about what other people thought and never doing anything you didn't want to do.
Once you walked through the last bit of the dinosaurs and through the big black doors that led to the newly added space exhibit, Rhett noticed how you had become slightly fidgety, unable to stand still. It could very well be your excitement but he wouldn't be a very good caregiver if he didn't check in. "Bug," He starts, speaking low and close to you so that no one else could hear. "Do you need to use the potty?"
"Uh-Uh," You shake your head. You had just gotten to the space exhibit; there was no way that you were gonna waste your time going to the bathroom.
"Are you sure?" he asks, with a raised eyebrow, still noting how you shifted your weight from foot to foot, before brushing his hand over the front of your pants lightly. It was as discreet of a check he could do here, wanting to see if you had already had an accident. Thankfully, you hadn't. "I think that maybe we should try,"
"No, I don't have to go."
"I know you don't want to go, but we'll come right back, I promise."
At this point, you weren't even listening, too busy looking through a reflective telescope that lets you see a simulated version of all the constellations while you continued to squirm.
Rhett sighs and runs a hand over his face, then freezes, an idea popping into his head. "I know you don't have to go," He says, walking up to you again, "But Daddy has to go, and you wouldn't make me go all by myself, would you?"
That makes you whip around to look at him. "No, I want to go with you!" You say, taking his hand again, which makes him smirk. You never wanted to be too far away from him, especially when little and at times like this, it really worked out for Rhett.
With both of you in the bathroom, you couldn't ignore your full bladder anymore, squirming relentlessly and grabbing at yourself. "Daddy, I have to go!" You whine before he's even finished getting his oversized belt buckle unclipped.
"Okay, okay, you go first," He says, helping you pull down your pants and your pull-up, which was slightly damp before you void your bladder into the toilet.
Rhett smiles, happy that he got you to go and slightly proud that you held it long enough to make it. "You are so big, love. Daddy's big bug, not having any accidents or making any messes." He says, grabbing you a new pull-up from his bag.
"No," You pout, frowning deeply. "Daddy's little bug," you correct stubbornly, making him chuckle, once again.
"Okay, you're right, you're Daddy's little bug," He smiles, pulling the new padded underwear up over your thighs. "Now, what'dya say we go look at some stars and planets, hm?"
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nonbinaryeye · 2 months
Side by Side for the First Time
Written for @gortash-week
Day 3 - Battle
The Dark Urge has expected little to nothing of Enver Gortash, Bane’s co-called Chosen, in regards to his abilities and usefulness regarding their heist at the Hall of Wonders. To their own surprise so far they are intrigued by him.
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The Dark Urge is intrigued by the man. The Bane's Chosen – or so he claimed to be. They are not completely convinced about the Chosen part but he is Banite for sure. He carries himself with the arrogance of one. He believes that when he commands the world should fall down to his feet. A wanna-be tyrant who does not lack ambition nor conviction of his own importance. Whether he also has any real skills, still needs to be determined.
They will learn tonight as they accepted his help he offered for the promise of consideration of an alliance.
Nightfall enfolded Baldur’s Gate hours ago and the Dark Urge stands in dark corridors of Hall of Wonders lit not by torches but by strange artificial light powered by technology they are not familiar with. They feel weirdly out of place, like they are not in the city they grew so familiar with, but in some strange new plane of existence. Metalwork and cogs and all technological advancement proudly presented within these walls as a proof of Gond's worship. This building might be called a museum but it is as much a Gondar shrine as High House of Wonders, the Temple adjacent to this place. Luckily for them, they have no trouble trespassing on other’s god territory. Neither has their temporary ally, so called Chosen of Bane, Enver Gortash.
He is currently carefully examining tiles on the floor, playing with whatever mechanism he found underneath them and claims to understand and be able to better. The Dark Urge is willing to indulge him. For now. And so that is why they have time to look around, witness all the periocular little inventions put on exhibit from a gold-filigreed astrolabe that was carved from coral to a precision water-clock.
None of these artefacts are the reason for their after-hours visit though. Between all the silly toys and apparatuses, Gondians decided to put on display artefacts which belong to another god. Remains of their bhaalspawn siblings and the most unholy relics of Bhaal – ancestral torture racks. Without care, without any ounce of respect, they deemed the holy heirloom of another god a curiosity to be gawked at, written off as remains of the past long gone, nothing more than oddity to lure new visitors and tourists to the Hall.
And for that they must pay. That is why the Dark Urge is here to teach this city and all its pathetic worthless inhabitants a lesson in humility before those who hold the real power.  Soon enough this city will tremble in fear and then it will die for Bhaal in the beautiful unholy carnage he will bring upon this world.
“It should be safe here now,” Gortash puts the tile back on its place and carefully steps on it. Nothing happens and he smiles with satisfaction for a second, before the neutral facial expression returns to his face. He gestures for them to follow him and for now they deem the best course of action to do so.
“We must be careful from now on. We are getting near the main exhibition. There are traps everywhere. Follow my lead. Step only where I stepped and not even tile aside!” Banite orders them in a way that must come as naturally to him as murder comes naturally to them. He does not wait for the confirmation whether they have heard and understand him. And the Dark Urge does not give him any. Nonetheless they do not object and do as he says. He really appears to know what he is talking about since they have gotten this far completely unnoticed.
Gortash seems to prefer a more subtle approach which involves an awfully lot of sneaking around and following carefully crafted plans.  They do not like to charge into battles without giving it a thought – despite what one might think and what their new ally implied – though compared to preparation made by him, their approach might indeed appear like mindless slaughter. Banite led them here through some secret passage he learnt of who knows how. He had the entirety of the building mapped out, including the exact movement of guards and placement of traps together with a time schedule of when they should reach what point.
Thus far they are moving around unnoticed. Gortash keeps disassembling all the Gondian devices and traps with his own smart little toys and skilled fingers. Meanwhile the guards, both those keeping watch on their posts as well as those making rounds around the place, get killed in quick and quiet fashion thanks to the expertise of the Dark Urge. They eliminate them one by one and tuck bodies in some dark corner so they can proceed further into the heart of Hall of Wonders where their goal waits. They are unexpectedly effective, an unlikely team somehow working together way too well.
It is a strange tale how they even got to this point.
The Dark Urge and the Church of Bhaal do not usually care about the newest gossip going around in the city’s underbelly, the sewers and all its darkest parts where all the misfits and criminals live among the rats. They do not care about their battles for paths and territories and which patriars are easiest to blackmail or bribe. As long as the Guild, the Black Network and all the other organisations operating in the underground of Baldur’s Gate keep their distance from the city’s old ruins where the Temple of Bhaal is situated, they have no reason to target them any more or less than any other citizens of Baldur’s Gate.
That all said rumours regarding the reappearance of the Church of Bane naturally caught their interest. Afterall Bane is one of the old enemies and even older allies of his Lord and father who is to be feared and avoided to the same extent Bhaal is. There is no way the Church of Bhaal could ignore the presence of the Church of Bane. This city is not big enough for two of the Dead Three. It already belongs to them, to Bhaal!
Banites are trespassing on their territory therefore they need to be eliminated. Easy as that. And how the idea excited the Dark Urge. Yes, they are successfully rebuilding the Church of their father but the numbers of devoted acolytes are growing slowly and there is only so many ways one can kill and torture and vivisect a person before it loses at least part of its charm. But this could give them a new clear and quickly achievable goal again. They will destroy the competition; they will exterminate every single worshipper of the God of Tyranny. And what a magnificent offering it will be, how much will their Lord be pleased with them for crushing whatever plans Bane had in the Baldur’s Gate.
However, before the Dark Urge manages to even start their hunt, the Church of Bane seeks them out first. They received a letter, an invitation. They met this Bane’s Chosen with tongue sharp as their knives and no less dangerous. They have come fully intending to kill him and yet they left with Banite almost unharmed and with common plans. They do not know what to make out of his offer for alliance, if and for how long their plans truly might align.  But they allowed him to help them on this mission. To show off his skills and determination, to prove to them he is worthy to be anything more than another body sacrificed on their father’s altar.
Gortash made quite a good point in their discussion. Because whatever the result of any conflict between the Church of Bhaal and the Church of Bane could be, the one benefiting it the most would be the citizen of Baldur’s gate and all the gods who are allowed to have their shrines on full display and laugh at other deities that are deemed together with their followers dead apparently. The anger rises through them again. They wish to main and murder and destroy. They intend to let the Gondar faithful together with any visitor or guard to see that bhaalspawns are still walking among them, they are not just a scary tale from history books to scare little kids with and that it is not wise to show them such a blunt disrespect.
“You might have noticed there are much fewer guards that one might expect in place such as this. Gondians think their traps are good enough to do most of the work. They have no respect for the craft of other’s, they believe no one could ever match their inventions – as if their gatekeeping was not a real reason no one can catch up with them,” Banite seemed to be awfully fond of his own voice. He keeps filling silence with it, as he seems to have quite a lot to say about anything and everything.
“Hah, could you imagine we could dance through all the traps and around all their guards unnoticed?” The beginning of their excursion went smoothly, yes, but only a fool would let themselves be blinded by that. Another typical Banite trait, with only a hand cut off he is already planning how to cook entire body.
That all said, the Dark Urge could not help themselves but admire his approach, abilities and plans. At least a bit. They were willing to indulge him as they at first did not really believe his approach might bear fruit. They are genuinely surprised and maybe even impressed they have gotten this far unnoticed. They almost start getting worried Banite’s plan will work out exactly in the way he so smugly presented to them.
But their worries turn out to be for nothing and the luck of his so-claimed chosen ally appears to run out, his clever fingers finally making a mistake.
The alarm goes off.
Banite quickly starts fighting the noisy little mechanism it started coming from. The sound is gone almost as soon as it appears but apparently still not fast enough. The announcement of intrusion at their current point goes silent but chain reaction has already started and the ring of alarm goes off again in nearby distance. Soon the entire building is aware of their presence.
Gortash curses, first in common and for good measure he adds a few more swearwords the Dark Urge is familiar with only vaguely or not at all in some other languages. He frowns and they find themselves to be curious regarding what it is going through his head. Is he fighting panic, his little stealthy heist turning into a proper battle? Is he considering retreat, recognizing he took a bite a bit too ambitious for him to chew and swallow? Is he really ready for combat or was he only boasting that he has any skills beside his ability to sweet-talk?
Gortash takes a deep breath, they notice he murmurs a quick prayer to his Dark Lord under his breath before he turns to them, badly hiding how tense he has gotten.
“Well, here comes the part you were in no doubt excited for,” he takes off his crossbow from the straps with which it held attached on his back. “Ready for fight?”
“Always,” the Dark Urge grins, their blades already in their hands as they never bothered to put them away after their last kill. “Are you ready for the battle?” they ask and there is implied ‘do you even know how?’ not spoken out loud. The twitch in Banite’s eye suggests he has gotten the message anyway, loud and clear.
“Do not worry about me, I can take care of myself,” he summons a self-assured smirk on his face as he loads his weapon. Indeed, the Dark Urge does not worry about him. That does not mean that Gortash should not worry about himself though.
“Just don't get in my way and hope I will not forget you are on my side,” they step closer with a threat in their eyes. There is a reason why the Dark Urge prefers to handle things alone. It is not exactly that they are not used to fighting with allies by their side. Afterall sometimes a ritualistic sacrifice or a purge of heretics in their father’s name required assistance of their Bhaalist acolytes. They helped the Dark Urge maim and murder. And the blood of Bhaal’s faithful was spilled among the blood of Bhaal’s enemies and in no small number the one and only responsible for the entirety of the beautiful bloodshed was the Dark Urge and the Dark Urge only. Because it is hard to pay attention to who is friend and who is foe in the midst of a battle.
So maybe a more accurate description would be that the others prefer when the Dark Urge handles things alone and not the other way around. Bane’s Chosen of course could not know any of that. Annoying mask of confidence which appears to be permanently glued on his face discourages the Dark Urge from bothering to warn him twice.
“I don’t intend to,” Banite grabs his crossbow tighter, aiming in their direction. Is he such a fool as to try to repay their intimidation with a one his own? Before they can settle on whether they are tired of him already and whether they maybe should rip his throat out as a little warm up before the real fighting starts a shot flies out of his arbalest.
It completely misses the Dark Urge but apparently not its intended target. They hear the familiar thud of body hitting a ground and wet crackle of last breath unable to be taken. They turn around just in time to witness a few last desperate groans of agony of the guard a few steps behind them, their throats pierced by an arrow. The half-elf woman was nowhere near to reaching them, even as they were distracted by their ally, she could have never sneaked up on them. On the other hand, the distance only made his aim more impressive.
“Maybe you will be indeed able to offer more than just hollow long-winded speeches, Banite.” The Dark Urge prefers his kills more personal; they favour knives over long range weapons but they can give credit where credit is due, they do not look down upon anyone over their weapon of choice as long as they can yield it.
 “Try to pay attention to our enemies instead of me, Bhaalist,” Gortash ignores their teasing, putting another shot in, already more focused on the upcoming battle than on their bickering. Very well then, time to get serious.
The Dark Urge takes a deep breath. The scent of spilled blood fills their nostrils. The heartbeats of approaching guards sound to their ears louder than their hurried steps and even louder than the continuing alarm announcing their presence and inviting everyone to a fight. Their hands are itching for a kill, Bhaal’s unholy blood pulsing through their veins demanding sacrifice – and sacrifice it will get. They struggle to keep their vision clear, eyes already seeing the piles of bodies that will soon stack up at their feet. 
“Time for the fun part,” the Dark Urge smile and the combat may begin.
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