#i could go on honestly. she's my girl y'know?
Living in Secrecy
I couldn't stop thinking about this idea when I was in the middle of a uni class so ENJOY xoxo
"Hey, y'know Rose?" James starts speaking as soon as he's sat beside Sirius in the common room. He seems... antsy; Sirius watching his leg bounce, confused.
"Hufflepuff in our year, right?" He asks. He doesn't know her particularly well. Part of him thinks they were in the same charms class for a year, but he barely remembers fifth year charms. Too much was happening back then.
James nods emphatically, eyes brightening.
"Yeah! Her! I've heard she likes you. Wants you to ask her out."
"Oh, really?" Sirius asks. He tries to muster a sense of interest into his tone, but honestly? He couldn't care less. James, who unfortunately can read him like a book, picks up on this scarily quickly.
"I thought, maybe, it would be... good for you. Y'know, to go on a date." He's practically stumbling through it, but it's enough to make everything click.
He's worried.
Sirius used to date around. He's not exactly proud of it, he spent a lot of time denying a very big part of himself, and he broke a lot of hearts in the process.
All of that ground to a halt when Remus kissed him on the astronomy tower.
He couldn't deny anything then. When Remus' lips met his, all he could think was that they'd wasted too much time not being together in this way. He's not quite there yet, but at least he knows that now. He knows he has a long way to go, but at least he has Remus. Even if he isn't ready to tell people yet, Remus understands.
That also meant no more girls.
He had gone from never being single in the eyes of the school to rejecting every advance thrown his way. He's been so wrapped up in the past few months with Remus, that he hadn't even thought about how confusing a switch that must have been for his friends.
"Prongs, I'm not really interested," Sirius says gently. He does want to tell James. It's pretty tempting, but he can't get the words past his mind and into his mouth. Not yet.
"How come?" James asks, confused. "I'm not saying you need to go back to the way you dated before!" He says quickly. "I'm glad you took a bit of a break, really I am. It's just... I don't know, I thought maybe you've had a bit of a confidence knock, or something. You've gone all quiet about your love life."
"Well, I mean, there's not much to tell," Sirius says with a shrug, panic creeping through him ever so slightly. James watches him carefully for a moment, before just nodding once.
"Yeah, just... think about it? Could get you back on your feet." Sirius nods dutifully.
Thank fuck that conversation's over.
He skips Divination. It doesn't matter either way, he'll pass that exam with flying colours.
Instead, he opts for laying on his bed in the dorm, lazily levitating shit with his wand. He's mostly just trying to whittle away the time, waiting for Remus.
The door clicks open, and Sirius can't help but smile before he even catches a glimpse of him.
Remus is humming Bohemian Rhapsody.
Christ, it's so bloody endearing, Sirius is grinning by the time he's stopped, noticing Sirius' presence. As he sits up, his eyes finally meeting Remus', he watches a slightly embarrassed blush spread across Remus' cheeks. He adjusts until his legs are over the end of his bed, revelling in the way his heart speeds up at the sight of Remus.
"Aren't you meant to be in Divination?" He recovers quickly, arching an eyebrow as he drops his books onto his bed.
"Mm, told Prongs to say I'd foreseen my own death and was feeling a little shaken," he answers with a shrug and a wry smile. Remus shakes his head, but Sirius can see the affection in it. He quickly gets close enough for Sirius to grab both of his hands and pull him close, before wrapping his arms around Remus' waist. He's rewarded with a hand in his hair and Merlin, he's never felt this way before. He relaxes into Remus, letting his eyes slide shut.
"You okay?" Remus asks gently. Sirius nods into him, letting him go long enough for him to sit on the bed next to Sirius. He doesn't waste a second in leaning in and connecting their lips.
He doesn't think he'll ever get over this. This feeling, this want that builds in his core whenever the two of them kiss.
How did he ever think he was straight?
"Oh," he starts, pulling away begrudgingly as the story comes to the front of his mind, "Prongs tried to get me a date, today."
"Really?" Sirius watches amusement cross Remus' face. He nods, squeezing Remus' hand once.
"Some Hufflepuff girl. I think he thinks I've lost my mojo, or something." As he talks, he watches thoughtfulness begin to flash in Remus' eyes.
"I mean... have you considered maybe telling him?"
Sirius doesn't mean to tense up; it's involuntary. The moment he does, he knows he needs to talk himself out of this. He promised Remus that they'd tell people eventually, but... no, not yet.
"Why? He'll drop it on his own, when he realises I'm not interested," he says, forcing his shoulders to relax and waving his hand a little dismissively.
"I know you don't... I'm not saying you have to tell everyone," Remus says gently, "but, I mean, it would make everything a lot easier, right? Prongs wouldn't be trying to set you up all the time." He smiles, and Sirius really wishes he could reciprocate it. His smile is just so lovely.
"I don't know. I don't think now's the right time, y'know? Quidditch has been stressing him out, NEWTs are getting closer, Lily's finally started looking his way, it's just- why dump one more thing on him?"
They both know that's not why.
"Sirius, it's okay. You don't have to tell him tomorrow, or anything, but... have you thought about it? You know he won't look at you any differently, it's Prongs."
He doesn't. Nobody knows that for sure.
Sirius doesn't really want to say that. He doesn't know what he wants to say, really.
"It's not the right time," he settles on, hurried. Honestly, he just wants this conversation to be over.
"Okay," Remus says tiredly, pulling his hand out of Sirius' to scrub over his face. "Do think about it though? Please? We can't stay a secret forever."
"Yeah, I know," Sirius says. "He doesn't need to know now, though. It's fine, it doesn't matter," he says quickly, waving off the conversation and turning back to Remus. "We've got half an hour..." Remus' face stops him in his tracks. He almost looks stricken. "Moony, what's wrong?"
"It doesn't matter?" He repeats, face going slightly dark. "What, us?"
"That's not what I meant. I just... we're not there, are we? There's no point right now." He's panicking a little, everything starting to come out wrong as the anxiety comes back in volumes.
"Right, yeah. No point. Haven't made up your mind about us yet."
"That's not what I meant," he says helplessly. He doesn't know how to tell Remus what he means, because he isn't even sure. He can't tell Remus why he's so scared, he just is. It's a little embarrassing, really.
"Mm. I don't think I want to talk about this anymore." Remus gets up, Sirius' heart sinking to his stomach.
God, he's really cocked this up.
"I'm going to the library."
Before Sirius can figure out how to make it better, Remus is already out the door. He drops his head into his hands and lets out a groan.
He's such a bloody idiot.
"Padfoot." James stumbles up to Sirius. He's leaning against the wall beside the portrait hole, watching the party go on and just trying to drink himself into oblivion. In his defence, he's in a foul mood, after what happened with Remus. He just needs to sulk and forget about it for a bit.
They can talk about it tomorrow.
It doesn't help that Remus is noticeably absent from a party that he helped organise. Sirius knows it's his fault. He knows that he shouldn't have said any of what he said. Sure, maybe Remus overreacted, but he knows how Remus' brain works, he should have been more careful.
So, yeah, he's feeling a bit shit.
"Wotcher, Prongs." He reaches a hand out to steady James a little as he settles beside Sirius.
"S'goin on? You're being all..."
"M'fine," he answers with a shrug, draining the rest of his drink. He can't exactly tell James why he's being such a moody git, can he? Instead, he opts for straightening up and staring at his empty goblet. "Need a refill."
With that, he heads over to the drinks table. He's starting to feel comfortably fuzzy, zoning out as he pours just a little too much firewhiskey into his goblet. Just for tonight. Tonight he can let himself go a little, and he can fix things with Remus once he's cooled off a little.
Things start to blur from there.
He's not drunk, per se, but he's getting there. He's tipsy enough that he doesn't question James talking to a girl who looks weirdly familiar.
He doesn't even question it when she walks over to him.
"Hi, Sirius!" She starts cheerily.
"Hey. Rose, right?"
Remus is sulking.
It's an embarrassing thing to admit, but he is. He's sitting on his bed, pretending to read as he listens to the party downstairs.
He also knows that he's not really in the right.
He told Sirius he'd give him time, and he knows that. The thing is, he's had two months of Sirius gently shutting the conversation down when it comes to telling people about them. Surely two months is enough time. Also, he did say there was 'no point' in telling James about them. Sirius' best friend, his brother, and there's no point?
Remus has a right to be upset about that.
The more he thinks about it, dwells on it, the more he realises that he needs to give Sirius some more credit. Yeah, he's not ready to tell James yet but, Merlin, Sirius is the best person Remus knows. He's scared. Of course he's bloody scared, with the upbringing he's had.
When they're alone, he takes every available opportunity to make Remus feel like the most important person in the world. He knows Sirius by now, he should know that Sirius needs real time to think on this. They need to have a real conversation about it.
That can wait, though. They shouldn't be ending the day like this.
He needs to go and apologise.
Sirius needs to know that it's okay. That Remus really bloody likes him. It's okay if Sirius needs time, he just needs to tell him that. They just need to communicate.
Problem solved.
With that, he shuts his book, leaving it forgotten as he pulls the door to the dorm open. He feels lighter, somehow. Hopeful. They can work through this. That's what couples do, right?
He bounds down the stairs as quickly as his hip will let him, out into the thick of the party. His eyes scan the room, searching for Sirius.
It doesn't take long to spot him, talking to another seventh year. Remus recognises her, he's pretty sure she was in their charms class, a few years back. He's sure he can interrupt them, that's fine-
Until she leans in and kisses him.
Oh, fuck.
Just like that, Remus' heart stops.
For a moment, he just stares. He can't fucking look away. It's no more than a second or two, but it may as well have been hours.
God, he feels sick.
Finally, his brain decides to set him free. He manages to turn away as his soul fucking shatters. He loses all control of his breathing, going shallow as he's thrown into the depths of a panic attack he can't save himself from.
He's an idiot.
He's an idiot for thinking he would ever be enough, he's an idiot for letting himself get this far.
He's an idiot for falling in love with the prat.
The tears start before he has a chance to calm down, pulling the curtains shut around his bed. He cries until his throat is raw, until his head aches, until he exhausts himself. He only has one thought as he falls into a fitful sleep.
Stupid, stupid, stupid.
Remus wakes up as early as he can, the next day.
The others are probably sleeping off hangovers, anyway. It gives him the chance to slip into the bathroom, unnoticed.
As he turns the shower on, he tries to figure out how the hell he feels. It's like he's having an out of body experience. His body isn't letting him feel any of the night before.
He doesn't know how long he stays there, letting the water hit him, staring into space and trying to figure out how the fuck he's going to tell Sirius.
They were going to go to Hogsmeade, today. Slip away from James and Peter so that they could spend some time together. Instead, Remus has to relive what happened last night. It's not exactly a conversation he's excited to have.
Still, he can't avoid it any longer when someone starts knocking the door.
"Oi, Moony!" James' voice rings out. "I love you, mate, but you've been in there for years!"
"Sorry," he says back, trying to force some semblance of brightness into his tone.
It doesn't take him long to switch the shower off, wrapping a towel around his waist and emerging from the bathroom. James smiles at him, but it quickly gives way to concern. Remus must not be doing a very good job at being fine.
"You okay?"
He just nods once, a horrible lump forming in his throat that he knows will have him breaking down if he's not careful. Thankfully, James is slightly too hungover to ask, so he just squeezes Remus' shoulder once and disappears into the bathroom. The moment the door shuts, Remus realises.
Sirius is awake.
Awake, hungover, and watching him with concern.
"Hey," he starts at a whisper. Remus glances over to Pete's bed. The curtains are drawn tight.
There's no getting out of this.
"Can we talk today?" He asks softly.
For a moment, Remus just watches him. He hates the pang of worry that hits him when he notices the furrow in Sirius' brow, the way his teeth worry at his lower lip.
Well, until the night before comes screaming back to him.
He shakes his head, walking over to his bed.
"No, I don't think we can."
"Moony, what-? Are you alright?" He asks, and Merlin, he really thinks Remus doesn't know? He pulls his chest open, rooting through it for something to wear.
"I think you can answer that," he says blankly. When he doesn't get an answer, he turns to face Sirius. He just looks confused. "That Hufflepuff, from last night. She's the one James was trying to set you up with, right?" He watches as the realisation flits across Sirius' face. His eyes widen, Remus letting Sirius clear his throat a little in his shock, sitting up straight.
"Shit. Moony, you know that wasn't what-"
"What, wasn't what it looked like?" He asks. "I really don't want to hear it, Sirius. You said you weren't sure, then got with a girl. Message received." He shuts his chest a little too hard, wincing as the sound reverberates through his skull.
"Wait, Rem, please. Prongs was just-"
The curtains around Peter's bed slide open, and Sirius' mouth snaps shut. Remus turns and offers Pete a half-hearted smile, before climbing onto his bed and moving to close the curtains.
"Remus," Sirius whispers, eyes pleading.
For a moment, Remus wants to relent. He wants to pull Sirius into a hug and make everything okay. Forget that this happened and draw a line under it.
Not this time.
"Leave me alone, Sirius."
With that, he shuts the curtains and bites back tears.
He almost misses breakfast, in the end. He sits and waits until he hears everyone else leave the dorm, not willing to face any of the marauders, really.
When he does eventually get to breakfast, he sits with the girls instead. Lily shoots him a concerned glance, a question in her eyes. He just shakes his head. No talking. Not right now.
He spares a glance in the direction of his usual spot. James and Peter are sat opposite one another, whispering with confused frowns. Sirius is nowhere to be seen, James throwing Remus a glance every few seconds. When he spots Remus watching him, face blank, he falters.
"You okay?" He mouths across the table.
No. He's really bloody not. He's actually a little worried that if he opens his mouth he'll burst into tears. Instead, he opts for a shrug, turning back to his food.
He feels a little like he's underwater, like nothing's real.
Breakfast is excruciatingly long, even though he's the first one finished. He needs to go. Get away from everybody. From everything.
Usually, he doesn't want to go to class around the full moon. His skin is too busy crawling, his head buzzing to the point that he can't focus. Right now, he'd fucking kill to go to class and distract himself. He stands quickly, desperate to leave. The moment he does, his heart rate spikes and he practically blacks out, stumbling a little over the bench.
Yeah, he needs to sit down.
Lily's up in a flash, guiding Remus back onto the bench by the shoulders. She swings her legs over and stands in front of him.
"Slow down, take a breath," she says gently.
He watches James' walk over, before letting his eyes slide shut and forcing himself to breathe slowly. He just needs to hurry up and calm down. They're not going to let him leave if he doesn't.
“Come on, let’s go.” She offers him her hand, slowly helping him up.
“Go?” He asks with a frown. To be perfectly honest, he wants to go and lock himself in his bed, wallow for a little where nobody can bother him.
“The hospital wing,” she answers, James nodding like it should be obvious. Remus goes to protest. He’s not that unwell, this happens all the time around the full-
Hold on.
The hospital wing. Nobody can bother him there.
Lily’s just given him the solution.
With that decided, he lets her lead him out of the Great Hall, trying to ignore the eyes on him. James and Peter are close behind, as they walk together to the wing. Madame Pomfrey’s bound to give him something to let him sleep through the day, if he asks.
The moment he arrives, Madame Pomfrey’s sitting in front of him. He doesn’t say much, Lily explaining on his behalf. Poppy nods, listening carefully.
“I think I have just the thing. One moment, lovely.” She pats his knee, standing and walking away.
“D’you want us to stay?” James asks, offering Remus a small smile.
Thank fuck. He shakes his head, trying to mirror James’ smile.
“I’ll be fine. See you later?” They all start to leave, Lily squeezing his hand before she leaves.
It doesn’t take long for Madame Pomfrey to come back, potion in hand.
“It’ll slow your heart down a little,” she explains, as he pulls the cork off and drinks it dutifully. He can still feel her eyes on him, watching him carefully. “How are you feeling, Remus?”
“Oh, it’s nothing,” Remus says back with a shrug. “Freaked Lily out more than me.”
“Mm. How about in general? You seem a little dejected.”
He stiffens a little at that. Poppy’s scarily good at this stuff, but he was hoping that she’d think he was just stressed because the moon’s close. For a moment, he goes to say exactly that; he’s just feeling antsy, what with the moon being so close.
The moment he opens his mouth, a lump forms in his throat. He can’t form the word fine, it just won’t happen.
God, he’s actually going to cry.
The tears spill over before he has a chance to blink them back. Before he knows what he’s doing, he’s telling Poppy everything. He’s careful to leave Sirius’ name out of it, but that’s about as much control he’s capable of. Embarrassingly enough, Poppy hears everything. The conversations they’d had about secrecy, the argument, the fact that Remus wanted to tell him he loved him. Absolutely everything, through tears and a fair amount of hyperventilating.
To her credit, Poppy listens to it all. She sits and lets him vent everything, quietly empathetic right to the last word. Once he’s finished, he feels a bit stupid. The hospital wing isn’t meant for this. He’s taking up her time. He forces himself to take a deep breath, swiping the tears away quickly.
“Remus, dear, you have no reason to apologise.” She pulls her wand out, seamlessly bringing a bar of chocolate from her office. “Here. You can stay a while, if you want to.” He fiddles with the wrapper, nodding gratefully.
“Thanks, Madame Pomfrey.”
“Of course. Have a bit of a break.”
She leaves him alone, then. Standing and leaving with a reassuring smile. He practically exhausted himself with all of that. He doesn’t even realise that he’s about to fall asleep until he’s out.
When he wakes up hours later, James and Peter are talking next to his bed. He blinks harshly, sitting up. He didn't mean to sleep for that long, but at least it got rid of his headache.
"Hey," James says. "Feeling better?"
Remus nods once. He actually feels like he's a being a bit dramatic about everything, but it's not like James can hear that, can he?
"Yeah. Ready to go, actually." He swings his legs out of bed, quickly shooting Poppy a grateful glance.
They walk back to the common room slowly. Remus doesn't really speak much. He doesn't have anything to say.
"Padfoot's pissed at me," James says suddenly, scanning the map. "I'm pretty sure he's spent the whole day trying to avoid me. Look, he isn't even in the dorm!"
Remus wants to say something, then. Say that Sirius just feels awkward after what happened between them. Still, he bites his tongue.
"Well," Pete pipes up, "you did get a girl he didn't know go and kiss him."
Remus practically stops in his tracks, stunned. It takes way too much effort to keep his legs moving.
"I didn't know she was going to kiss him!" James protested. "All I told her to do was ask him out!"
"Yeah," Pete shrugs. "He doesn't know that though, does he?"
The realisation starts to dawn on Remus, like ice water running down his back.
"He stopped her in her tracks, anyway. I don't know, I feel like it should have blown over by now, y'know? Nothing even happened!" James says, frustrated, guilt laced through his voice.
"Oh, fuck," Remus groans to himself. He's really fucked up.
"Moony, you okay?" James asks.
"Yeah. No. I don't- I'll see you later," he says quickly, grabbing the map from James and practically running off. He doesn't even think about how confused his friends must be. He can't. His mind is stuck on Sirius.
Merlin, poor Sirius.
With a quick glance at the map, he runs across the castle. It's like his brain has woken up, adrenaline feeding him, letting him ignore his hip. Nothing feels as important as getting to Sirius right now. He's jumped to the worst conclusion of his life.
It doesn't take him long to get to the One Eyed Witch passage. Sirius hasn't moved, as Remus shuts the map, pulling the entrance open. He jumps a mile at Remus' arrival, and Remus catches him subtly wiping the tears from his cheeks. His heart tugs painfully, guilt following along with it.
"M- Remus, sorry, I-"
"I, er..." Remus starts quickly, cheeks pinking a little. "I actually came to find you."
Sirius' eyes widen, and Remus steps inside, shutting the passage behind him.
"I- Padfoot, I'm so sorry."
"I should have let you explain. I shouldn't have just... assumed that you'd do something like that." He says gently, sitting opposite Sirius in the small passage.
"Moony, I didn't- she- I promise-" Sirius' face twists awkwardly as he stumbles for the words.
"I know," Remus answers, reaching out and grabbing Sirius' hands in his. "James said. Honestly? I should have known. It was awful of me, not letting you explain. I'm so sorry."
"No, I get it. Really, Moony, I do," Sirius says hurriedly, squeezing Remus' hands once. "After what I said, I get it. I'm- Christ, I was an idiot saying any of that." Remus tries to wave him off, but Sirius doesn't stop. "No, really. I don't think any of what I said. I'm sure, Remus. I really am sure. I just- I don't know, I freaked out. I was still thinking about Prongs not finding out, but I also wanted to tell you I love you, and I didn't-" He cuts himself off, and Remus can see the shock ripple through him.
Sirius loves him?
"Shit. Bugger. I didn't mean to-" He buries his face into his hands, groaning. "Sorry."
There's already a smile growing on Remus' face, though. This is the last thing he expected.
"Sirius," he says gently, reaching up and pulling Sirius' hands from his face. "I love you."
Sirius' breath catches in his throat, eyes darting over Remus' face.
"You- Merlin, Remus, I love you so much. I'm so in love with you," he says quickly, and Remus just can't take it anymore. He leans in and connects their lips without a second thought. Sirius lets out a muffled noise of surprise, hands moving to cup Remus' face.
It dawns on Remus, in this moment, that nobody else needs to know. He's been so worried about how Sirius felt, that he'd essentially taken the fact that Sirius isn't ready to tell people as a sign that he didn't like Remus.
Who else needs to know? This is theirs.
They can stay secret for a little longer.
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wickedlyqueer · 8 months
shiz-era glinda headcanons for the glinda girlies? ✨
Oh sweet anon, if you know anything about me, you know I too am a glinda girlie ✨
Glinda actually takes her studies very seriously, she just doesn't want anybody to know she takes her studies that seriously.
Not a morning or evening person, but a secret third option (hating any time of day except the sweet spot between lunch and afternoon tea).
First thing she does when waking up is putting on make-up. She's one of those people who have a very strong dislike of seeing their own face without it.
I believe it's canon that she's terrified of lightning/thunderstorms, but I'd like to add to that: prefers to sleep with a night light on. (she convinced Elphaba of getting one in their second year).
In her first year gets really confronted by the fact how dirty everything gets. Like, she's so used to having a clean room, clean clothes, clean everything, as if by magic (aka her mom or Ama). But now that she's a student, she actually needs to clean herself. And oh boy, does Ms. No-Dust-Anywhere get confronted by the fact that her (borderline obsessive) expectation of cleanliness requires like 3 cleaning days a week. Poor girl.
Side note, whose fucking clever idea was it that you get dirty while trying to clean? That should be, like, illegal — Galinda Upland, at some point.
If comphet did not have Glinda in such a chokehold, she'd actually be the one who'd fall first. Not Elphaba.
Secretly loves to stay indoors and curl up under her blankets. Read a book or do a puzzle or just have long talks with her roomie. She calls them pajamas day, and they have to end with a dinner of pancakes. yum!
Sweettooth. Like. massively.
Similarly as to Elphaba, realizes for the first time that she can be at ease in her living space. Fully let her guard down. It's a bit of a revelation that she doesn't have to be On all the time, not even in her own house (or mask, if you want to interpret her as autistic/neurodivergent).
Cried once over a broken nail (the Charmed Circle still teases her about it).
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erwinsvow · 5 months
random but i can see rafe giving shy!reader like a large amount of “pocket money” and she’ll always wait until she’s fully broke and runs out (if she doesn’t have a job), she’d be so nervous to ask him for more.
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at first you're so shy around rafe you can't even find it in you to question what the money is for—you just assume it's some sort of test. you keep the cash in your pretty pink wallet until it's so full it won't fit in your purse.
rafe has no reason to be giving you money—you've got your own, your parents', that is. and suddenly you start to question everything, start overthinking like normal. does rafe think you're reliant on him for money? if so, is he mad at you because of it?
one day when he comes over to your place for once, claiming he wanted to get away from his noisy house to the serenity and peace of your bedroom, you dig out the wallet from under your bed and drop it next to him. he's laying on the mattress, sprawled out playing chess with a robot. the wallet lands with a thud.
like always, you let him speak first.
"what the hell's this?" he asks, lifting the thoroughly packed leather.
"i'm giving it back," you state, trying to remain a little firm. it's so hard around him though.
"jesus, kid," he comments, flicking through the cash. "did y'spend any of it? huh?"
"n-no," you stammer, suddenly nervous. "i kept it safe for you, like you wanted." you look at him with big, confused eyes and he looks back at you in disbelief.
"s'not for that, baby. it's for spending. for nice things, y'know, all the crap you like."
"crap?" you question back.
"stuff. books and records and ice cream when m'not around. y'know, pocket money."
"but i already have that," you reply. "did you think i didn't? did i ask for it?" suddenly confused, you wonder how you gave rafe this implication. "sorry, rafe."
"why are you apologizin'?" you perch yourself next to him.
"i guess because i didn't spend it.."
"well, stop. just use it for somethin' nice. for yourself, not me." he clarifies because he knows you—knows you'll go find him a new polo or golf glove if he didn't tell you otherwise.
and the way he says it—you comply, pressing a kiss to his cheek, mind floating to all the ways you could use it—a new beach read, a new bikini for boat days, ice cream nights with wheezie and a big tip for the nice girls who worked at the parlor.
you were used to spending your dad's money, now you were spending daddy's money. it wasn't that big of a change after all.
and it's really not.. until you run out.
you never had to ask your parents twice for anything, but rafe gives you cash and you don't question why, but now that you're used to getting things from rafe's money, you don't want to revert back. in all honestly, it felt nice when someone asked you where you got something from and you could tell them your favorite words.
"my boyfriend got it for me!"
credit cards are unlimited, but cash runs out. and asking rafe for more seems like the absolute worst thing in the world, especially when you were so hesitant to even start using it.
approaching the door to rafe's bedroom, you pace infront of it for a moment, thinking of the right words to say. ward walks by and smiles at you, though he's confused at what you're doing. panicked, you run in, standing in front of your boyfriend while he's looking at something on his desk. rafe glances up when you walk in.
"hey, kid."
"hi." it even comes out nervous. rafe shuts his laptop at the sound of your voice.
"what is it?" he asks, and you blink back in response.
"what's.. what?"
"y'think i can't tell when you're off? c'mon, start talkin'." you give in immediately.
"well... it's just, um, this cash. your cash. i ran out. and, um, this book i wanted releases out tomorrow. and i told wheezie i'd take her to the movies because that book we both like is a movie now, and it comes out this weekend, and y'know she's a child so-"
"yeah. m'aware."
"sorry," you reply, feeling your cheeks heat up. "sorry." he gets up from the desk, and you wonder if you really messed up by demanding so much.
"what'd i tell ya? stop apologizin'." when he gets close, rafe does what he always does, lifting your chin up so you're looking at him, his fingers resting on your jaw. "what'd you think? i'm gonna say no to you?"
"maybe. i'm being kinda greedy."
"nah, kid. be as greedy as you want." when you smile, he laughs at you, at how nervous you still get, how worried you are that you're doing something wrong. "besides, i got some ideas on how y'can make it up to me."
sounds like a win-win for you.
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pearlzier · 2 months
────⠀ ⠀cowboy!matt x farmer's daughter!reader
based off this bot here. cowboy!matt my beloved. warnings / smut, oral (m!receiving), naive!reader, virgin!afab!reader, p in v, pet names (sugar, darlin', sweet girl, baby, pretty baby etc.) i know nothing about horses so like. THIS IS LONG 😭😭 no clue how many words idk long. cum on. ass !!!!!
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"you've got a good heart, darlin'," matt's voice is gentle, warm. characterised by that accent, words oozing out of his mouth like fresh honey. his blue eyes linger on you for a moment, he's trying hard to not rake them over you, to look over your curves beneath the denim of your overalls. you're adorable. the bows on the buttons and all. he's taken a little off guard by the sight of you looking at him with those soft features, his attention grabbed again by your words.
you let out a soft squeak when he grasps at your chin gently, calloused fingers from hard work against your skin. a small smile adorns your lips at the touch, eyes searching his for a moment. matt wishes the absolute best for you, he really does. he wants to ruin you—but maybe also take you away from this shitty farm. "just.. wanted to be nice, 'n' helpful, y'know?" you tell him, rolling your shoulders in a shrug.
"but thank you," you add afterwards, a giggle bubbling from your lips. matt feels that familiar pang of warmth in his heart at the sight and sound of it.
fuck, he's done for.
he notices how quiet you are, seemingly nervous and thinking of something to say. a small smirk adorns his lips for a moment. he goes to speak. however you get to it first—"what's their name?" matt glances over and sees you're staring at his horse. a soft gleam sparkles in his eyes and he's more than happy to tell you whatever you please about his best girl.
the smile on his face grows wider at your interest, and he adjusts his cowboy hat, looking back at his mustang too. "mmh? 'er name's angel, my pretty little mustang, hm?" he lifts a hand to brush over her mane, quiet for a minute before he looks back over to you. "wanna brush her f'me, darlin'?" he asks, already rummaging in his saddle bag for the brush.
your eyes light up instantly, and you're practically finding the brush for him with how excited you are. "yeah, please?" your head nods fervently, fingers fiddling with the straps of your overalls as you eye the brush he comes up with.
there's a soft, breathy laugh that escapes him at your excitement at the prospect of brushing his angel. a soft hum comes from him and he nods his head. he swears he can feel his heart aching in his chest with every glance at you. you're too cute. he's gonna pick you up and never let you go, he swears.
"all yours, sugar," he tells you, smiling as he hands the brush to you. he holds the eye-contact, searching your gaze for a minute. "be real gentle, now," his words are soft, voice warm as he guides you over to angel. "she's a sweet girl, the sweetest, but she'll get antsy if you're too rough. she's a diva like that. got it, baby?"
honestly, you know exactly how to brush a horse since you do it nearly every damn day on your dad's farm, however because he sounds so sweet and is beinf so sweet, plus he called you baby? yeah, you'll pretend like you've bever seen a horse in your entire life. taking the brush, you nod your head, "got it," the feel of his hands on your arms makes a warmth flutter in your stomach.
this is his horse, so you're extra careful with angel, murmuring quietly, "you're really pretty," as if the horse could hear you. this makes matt's heart melt where he is, and his tongue darts out to lick over his bottom lip for a moment. matt leans back against the wooden fence, both hands grasping at the top as he watches you brush angel's sleek coat, his blue eyes fluttering over the two of you. his best girls.
"gettin' all loved up on her, ain't you, sweet girl?" he muses quietly, his words are light hearted, eyes tracking your every movement.
"i love her," you affirm, a smile playing on your lips once more as you look to angel again. she's whinnying and leaning towards your touch, content beneath the brush. when you look back at matt, you murmur, "she's adorable." matt nods in agreement, a soft sigh escaping him.
when you're done, you look the mustang over for a minute, glance back at matt, then back again. you're quiet again, thinking about what it'd be like to ride her, but you shake yourself out of your thoughts soon after. matt's brows cock for a moment. "she's the prettiest, ain't she?" he takes back the brush, putting it onto the fence by where he was before he steps up behind you. he can't help but place his hands on your hips.
he draws you back against him, squeezing at your hips for a moment with draws the line between appropriate and well, inappropriate, a lot closer. "you wanna ride her, don't you, sugar?" he feels you relax against him, almost immediately, and he meets your gaze for a minute. seeing you nod, a soft, amused smile settles on his lips again. "daddy doesn't let me ride our horses," a frown settles on his lips at your words.
another quiet hum rumbles in his chest when he feels you lean against him. matt's grip on your hips tightens, and he's resisting the urge to tug you back against him.
"course can, pretty girl," he says gently, tilting your head up for a minute. "daddy ain't here. i am. so, c'mere, now. let me help you up."
you're practically beaming when he says that. he's so damn sweet, you're realising. maybe you really are into cowboys. and really, you hadn't met many guys before, but regardless, he's so damn sweet. "daddy ain't here, you are," you agree, nodding your head. you can get with that logic.
god damn it, you're sweet.
"atta girl," he murmurs, coaxing you closer to angel. he had to admit he's having some very impure thoughts the moment he gets his hands on you, helping you up onto angel's saddle. he's quiet for a minute. you look so damn good up there, on his mustang. thank god for these cowboy pants because damn, he's straining a little here.
he wanted to settle you somewhere other than the saddle, definitely.
matt hops up too, sitting behind you. his chest comes flush against your back, the urge to run his hands over your body is palpable but he holds off. he sees the way you shiver a little, and he asks, "you doin' good, darlin'?" his words are soft. "not gettin' scared, are you?"
admittedly, yeah, you are. you feel so tall and high up, having never been at this height before. however the feel of angel beneath you, unmoving, not budging, makes you feel better. and matt's hands on you too. "ain't gonna let you fall, baby. i'll take good care of you."
"okay," you nod your head, leaning back against matt. feeling angel start to move beneath you, you grasp onto the reins. the mustang trots beneath the two of you, making some ground as she wanders about a bit. this makes you relax, it isn't as scary as you thought. besides, matt behind you, holding you tight, there's no way you'd get hurt.
matt could barely focus with your body against his, ass flush against his crotch and practically grinding back against him every minute or so. but he knew he had to be responsible and keep you safe, so he tries to calm the thoughts running through his head at that moment. thinking about how he wanted you bent over a hay bale beneath him wasn't exactly a good idea considering he had your safety to focus on. "you like it?"
you can feel matt's hands on your stomach, warm and gentle. his voice is low in your ear, sending a shiver down your spine and your hands tightening on angel's reins. "feels good, pretty thing?" he murmurs, and you nod, though unsure whether he was talking about riding around on angel or his touch on your body. albeit, it's definitely both. "yeah," you say quietly to his words, glancing around the field idly for a moment. "daddy shoulda' let me ride horses earlier, this is amazin'."
the farm looked so pretty. the sunset glowing down onto the grass and the two of you, the fruit trees swaying idly and the faint sounds of the animals in the barn only adding to everything. plus, you had a cute cowboy helping you ride his horse. it's the most free you'd been in.. well, ever.
a shiver goes down his spine too at how relaxed you are, how gentle your words are. his mind's spinning, you're so damn soft. it's like you're meant to be against him, your body moulding perfectly into his. he keeps his hand firm against your stomach, before he speaks up again.
"you know.." that gets your attention and you look back at him, "i wanna show you somethin', pretty baby, you trust me?"
despite the fact that that you'd only talked to matt a little bit, this being your first ever proper meeting, you did trust him. perhaps you were naïve (you are) but you were enjoying his company and he radiated warmth. "uh, yeah, alrighty," might also be the warmth of his hands against you clouding your judgement but he does seem genuinely caring and compassionate. "i trust you."
a grin settles on his face the moment he sees your agreement, and he gently encases your hands on angel's reins, bringing his body closer against yours. that's it, you're doing so well.
"s'not far," he assures you, spurring angel forward so she leads the two of you away from the farm. you glance back almost immediately, lashes fluttering against your cheeks. it's getting late out, but you were sure matt'd bring you back before your daddy started to worry, so you settle against angel and continue riding.
you couldn't remember the last time you'd been outside the farm, to be completely honest. and you're sure matt can feel the excitement rolling off of you as angel leads you both further and further from the farm. the sun is setting, slowly but surely, purpley pinks and golden oranges glowing down on you. matt's eyes drift over you, how damn pretty you look under the sun's rays. he's so taken by you. finally, the two of you make it to a little clearing. though, in the centre is an old, worn down barn. how charming.
matt helps you off the horse, hands grasping at your waist as he sets you down onto the grass. "s'got character," you say, finding the nice things in the otherwise.. a tad bit run down exterior. maybe he's thinking too far ahead, he could be, but he could imagine you and him fixing up the place, making it your own one day. the two of you admire it for a moment, the charm and whimsy of it.
he keeps his hands on your waist despite the fact he doesn't need to, his hands smoothing over the denim of your overalls. his grip keeps you against his chest, and he's quiet, just taking you in. "right, c'mere," he says finally, urging you foreard with a nudge of your hips and coaxes you forward with a nod of his head towards the barn. "wanna show you somethin' inside, baby."
you glance up at him, brows cocking with curiosity, "what've you got in an ol' barn like this?" your eyes dart around for a moment, just looking at the surroundings. matt lets out a quiet chuckle at your words, because you're right, an old barn like this? not much going on. but he silently leads you inside, knowing you're completely unaware of his thoughts at that moment. or any of the moments prior.
it's basically pitch black inside despite the flickering rays of fading sunset peeking in from the top windows. you can't see much, if anything at all, eyes having not adjusted to the darkness yet. matt, however, can see perfectly fine at that moment. as a cowboy, he'd seen his fair share of the dark already.
the inside is basically bare, some old couches, hay bales, dirt on the floors and scattered wood, straw too. he can see your mind working in the darkness, and his hands on you are gentle, reassuring that you're fine. he guides you forward slowly, till you bump into a bench, and end up sat down. you try to meet his gaze in the darkness, however it's a little fruitless considering you can't see shit. "matt?" your words are soft, curious.
matt moves directly in front of you, pushing between your legs so that they spread out to accomodate him. now you can see him better, a sliver of light behind him making his figure clearer to your eyes.
"you trust me, sweetheart?" he asks once more, and of course, you nod once more too. his hands come and clasp yours, fingers interlacing with yours. bringing your hands up to his chest, he splays your fingers against him. matt's hot breath fans against your face. "of course you do," he murmurs quietly, smiling gently at the sight of you.
you watch as he slowly leads your hands over his body, hot, warm and firm beneath your hands. matt guides your hands down to his stomach, and you pause there, his blue eyes darting to yours. "keep going," his voice is low and quiet, "lower, honey."
now, your hands ease over him, over his hips to feel the plaid fabric of his shirt end and shift to the cold metal and hot leather of his belt. your fingers brush his belt buckle, and he looks at you once more. "undo it," he coos, "undo my belt."
"i've never.." you go to warn him, but he knows, he knows and he's okay with the fact that you've never done this with a guy before. as he watches you undo his belt, tugging it from the loops, a soft smile settles on his lips. your breathing picks up, chest rising up and down in quickened breaths. it's a good look on you, all breathless and needy.
"that too," he brushes his fingers over your face, touching your skin gently when he sees you undoing his jeans. as soon as he tells you to, you do it, and that makes heat warm his abdomen. matt strokes his thumb over your neck, head tilting to the side. "pull 'em down. there's a girl, that's it," he shivers a little, as do you, as you pull down his jeans, a breeze hitting his thighs.
"you like what you're seein', baby?" he stands above you, wearing his plaid shirt and boxers. matt grasps at your hands once more and he guides them over his bare thighs, a low grunt escaping him.
you had to admit he's good looking. so good looking. you may have been sheltered your entire life but you'd, of course, watched a hell of movies before. and he's like prince charming, the way he treats you, so gently and patiently. "uh-huh," you mutter, shifting your weight where you're sat. "you look.. good."
"just good?"
"uh, really good. like.. woah," that makes him laugh, and he tilts his head for a moment, as he guides your hands now to the waistband of his boxers. curling your fingers into the fabric, he mumbles, "god, you've got such soft hands."
"i do?" feels like you haven't done a single bit of hard labour in your life.
"every part of you's soft, sweet girl," that's true. he knows it, you know it. he squeezes your hands over his boxers, grunting quietly as your palm brushes over the front. he's straining against the fabric already, not wanting to stain them with a wet patch he knows is impending. "pull these down for me," he lets you tug at the elastic, groaning when you finally tug them down.
the way you obey literally instantly, without any hesitation, makes his blood throb. especially as his cock comes free from his boxers, aching and leaking from the tip. precum oozes from the head, and he watches the way your eyes linger on him. "you ever touch a man like that before, sweetheart?"
"no," you shake your head, not sure what to do with your hands now. you're trying so hard not to look down between his legs, but it's practically impossible. a soft smirk settles on his lips and he hums, "never?"
"never," you agree quietly, your chest rising and falling in more picked up breaths. matt's intimidating in a gentle, caring way, if that makes sense. he's so much of those things that it's intimidating.
"m'gonna teach you. y'alright with that, honey? we ain't gotta do nothin' y'don't wanna do."
that makes you relax a lot more and you consider it, "nothin' i don't wanna do?" you confirm, and when he nods, you offer your hand. you notice how his eyes gleam almost instantly, and the speed in which he takes your hand into his. "there y'go," he says quietly, wrapping your hand around his shaft slowly. it twitches in your hand a little, and he lets out a throaty swallow. "wrap that pretty hand around me, that's it."
"like this?" you wanna do this perfectly for him, perfect. your fingers wrap around him, all gentle. he watches you for a minute, before he speaks up again.
"y'know how to give a man pressure, darlin'?" you're quiet for a moment, before you have a spark of confidence and tighten your grip on him ever so slightly, and he lets out a quiet, strangled moan from his throat. "like that?" your head cocks to the side a little, and he nods his head once more.
"just like that," his voice comes out deeper than he means for it to. the moment you start to stroke him, his head tips back a little and his lips part to let out a low sound. "keep at it, baby, just like that.." matt mutters, fingers brushing over your cheek gently.
as you start getting a hang of things, your hand pumps his cock a little faster and more proper. eyes lifting to his, you smile gently, a little proud one. he was proud of you too, really damn proud. "does it.. feel good?" does it feel good? 'course it fucking does.
"you're a natural, sweet," matt agrees quietly, hips stuttering a little towards your warm hand to try chase the pleasure you're giving him. a quiet grunt escapes him and he shifts his weight, chest rising and falling in quickened breaths too. the fact you're so eager makes his heart race, makes even more precum ooze from the tip and onto your hand.
he's quiet for a minute, before he mutters, tone lilted with gentle curiosity. "you wanna try somethin' else, baby? think you'd be a real natural at that too, hm?" he murmurs, an amused sound escaping him.
"mhm?" you look up at him, biting your bottom lip for a moment before you release it as your lips part. you search his gaze, and matt smiles, coaxing you to look at him properly. he looks down at you through his lashes, "open y'mouth for me.. look at you, doin' so well." your lips part, mouth open as soon as he asked.
his thumb drops to your bottom lip, brushing over it. you're so damn pretty, the way he looks you up and down making your stomach flutter almost instantly. he steps infront of you, letting the head of his cock brush against your lips gently. matt wraps his hand around his base, giving himself a few languid strokes. "keep that pretty mouth nice and open," he tells you, words soft.
your eyes fall down to his cock infront of your mouth, feeling his warmth so close to you, and a soft moan escapes you. when your hot breath hits his tip, his hips stutter forward a little bit instinctively. "tongue out," he watches you stick your tongue out and he gives himself a few more strokes, a quiet grunt slipping past his lips. "such a good girl. so damn good."
you look so good down there, eyes soft and curious as they search his. matt bites his lip for a minute, slowly tapping his cock against your inviting tongue. damn it, you look so good. so, so fucking good. letting his free hand come up to the back of your head, he brings you closer to him. "gonna put myself in, alright? don't worry. remember, okay? breathe through your nose, relax your mouth."
he watches as you do what he'd said, relaxing your mouth as best as you can. you're absolutely wracked with nerves, but he's making it easier for you, not as bad as you thought it'd be. matt's dying to feel the inside of your warm mouth. he's quiet for a minute, "don't have to take all of me, alright? take as much as you can," before he starts easing himself into your mouth, a shuddering breath slipping past his lips.
employing what he'd told you immediately, you relax your throat and mouth, starting to breathe through your nose as opposed to your mouth. "that's it, shit, there we go, darlin', pretty, pretty mouth.." you gag the tiniest bit, and he pauses, "you alright? want me to stop?"
"no, no, no, no—" you mumble around his throbbing length, and he lets out a quiet laugh.
"alright, alright, i got you," he eases himself further, till you tell him to stop. "there we go, takin' practically all of me, hm? that's it, relax.. don't wanna hurt you," matt coos, rubbing your cheek for a minute. perfect. you look absolutely perfect with his cock down your throat, and he has half a mind not to start thrusting into your mouth, but he's promised to teach you gently.
when you go to speak, he shakes his head, "ah, ah, no, honey, just.. just feel it for me, make me feel good," he slowly eases himself back, "gonna start moving, okay? tell me if you wanna stop." with that, and your nod which inadvertently bobs your head on him, he starts moving his hips back and forth. the length of his cock disappears between your lips with every thrust, a ring of saliva slowly forming around fhe base of his shaft. "doing so good, got a perfect mouth. never done this before, baby? i'd beg to fuckin' differ, shit.."
any nerves you had prior practically dissipate with how good he's reacting to what you're doing to him. his grip onnthe back of your head tightens, and he's grunting with his every thrust and bob of your head, his own falling back a little. "face of 'n' angel but mouth of a sinner... my god.." he whimpers quietly, his lips parted with his breaths.
if he could keep at this, he would, he really would. he'd use your mouth to get over the edge a million times and he'd cum all over you—your face, your.. he's getting a bit ahead of himself now, he knows. so he gently taps your cheek and pulls himself out for a moment, a grunt escaping him.
you look worried, confused, as if he didn't like it or had some critique. "was i—was i doing it wrong?" you look so genuinely upset that he has to quickly console you that no, he's fine, great, amazing even, and he just wants your warm cunt instead of your mouth.
"no, no, you're doing perfectly," you really are, he feels so fucking good. he fists his cock a few times, a shiver running down his spine before he gestures to you. "take those overalls off for me, alright?" you're so eager to, you practically rip off the buttons. you slip your overalls off your body and you know for a fact that matt likes the look of you, the sight of your lacy little bra and dainty panties clinging to your hips.
"c'mere, come.. c'mere," matt growls, practically lifting you from where you're sat as he looks around for somewhere to bend you over. he finds a hay bale, in which he unbuttons his shirt and lays it out so you don't get scratched up all that much by the hay. in seconds, he's got you bent over.
"wait, wait—" your words cause matt to stop instantly, fingers releasing the elastic of your panties. his eyes dart to yours, and he looks worried that he'd hurt you or something. "be gentle, please?" he relaxes almost instantly, and he smiles, "i got you, baby. i'll be gentle."
his hand smoothes over your ass, squeezing at it for a minute before he mumbles, "can i take this pretty pair off you, baby?" he sees how you're quiet for a minute before you nod, and he grins as he eases them off your soft thighs. the sight of your pretty, puffy pussy makes his dick throb between his thighs once more, twitching. a string of your arousal clings to your panties from your hole, and that only serves to make him want you more.
"please," you say quietly, weakly. matt hums quietly, letting his fingers ghost over your folds. he swipes a finger through your wetness, seeing whether he'd need to loosen you up for him. he knew you'd be tight but you were wet enough he could probably push right in without much resistance, if any at all. "yeah? need me?" he coos quietly, his hand slowly wrapping back around his cock as he slowly rubs himself against your cunt. the quiet, wet sounds your core makes makes him groan.
"hold on tight, okay? real tight for me," you grasp at the hay as best as you can, feeling it scratch at your hands a little. but the pleasure he's about to give you outweighs any thoughts of getting your hands a little scuffed. the feel of his tip pushing into your wet hole has your knees buckling beneath you, and he slides his free hand underneath you to hold you up. "matt," you whine out, quietly, and he coos, "i know, i know. feels big, huh? you feel tight, honey, so tight 'n' warm."
he pushes in slowly, not wanting to overwhelm you anymore than you already are. matt's eyes flutter shut for a second along with your own, when he bottoms out, and he grasps at your hips tightly with an almost bruising grip. "can i—"
"yeah, please, oh.. please.." well, if you're that eager. he rocks his hips back before he pushes himself back into you. you gasp out, grip on the hay tightening. he's so big, having to practically bully his cock into your pussy, because you're so damn tight too. matt's quiet but still vocal, grunting, groaning and faintly whimpering with every thrust of his hips.
you hiccup softly, "so good, oh, oh god," your chest rises and falls in heavy breaths, tits shaking beneath your sweet little bra, spilling from the lace. this catches matt's eyes immediately, and he smirks, sliding his hand under your chest and squeezing to hold you up. he swallows thickly, "you like that? yeah? feels good, i know, baby, mmh, yeah.." he squeezes your chest again, before he slides his hand down your side to hold onto your hips and squeeze again.
matt's thrusts pick up, hips smacking against yours with the sound of skin against skin echoing throughout the barn. the way you cry out, legs trembling, god, you're gorgeous. so, so damn pretty. "matt! matt, oh my god, mmh—ah.." he can tell you're getting closer from how the trembling in your legs picks up, and how your inner walls clench around him. he swallows hard, "you gonna come? yeah? all over me? that's it, give it to me, wanna feel it, fuck."
you're squealing, grasping tighter at the hay bale beneath you. his words only throw you over the edge, your orgasm hitting you like a truck. he gasps shakily, feeling the way you squeeze around him so tight. he feels your release ooze down your thighs, and his too, and he growls shakily with each buck of his hips now. "gonna come, fuck, hold on, baby, hold on," he slowly pulls out of you, his fist flying to his cock as he pumps his hand quickly, whimpering under his breath with every stroke. "m'comin', shit, my god—that's it, yeah.." his abdomen tightens and eventually hot, white ropes of cum spurt out from his tip and coat your ass, dripping down your soft skin.
you look so pretty like that.
"you okay, baby? he asks gently, eyes meeting yours as he grasps at the hay bale, chest rising and falling in picked up breaths. when you glance up at him, all wide eyed and hazy, nodding, he knows you're okay, and wanting more. "feel so good," you admit, and you glance away for a second before meeting his gaze again. "want.. more."
"more?" matt's eyes rake over you for a second, and he nods, a hum escaping him. "turn around, i got you, honey. always got you."
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taglist / ⋆ ۪ @lovesickgrlsrh0t, @pettydollie, @dayzeandhaze, @dqzzlingsummer, @slut4chriss, @pillwebb, @https--roman, @amaris444, @yutafairy, @theognatster, @v33angel, @fxlklorelover, @mattsturnswhore, @sturncakez, @flouvela, @mattsdolll, @ifwdominicfike, @httqvi, @imyesterdaysproblem (some tags. didnt work my bad pooks)
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osachiyo · 1 year
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"𝓐𝓶 𝓘 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓰𝓲𝓻𝓵 𝓽𝓱𝓪𝓽 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓭𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓶 𝓸𝓯?" ༉‧₊˚.
↺ includes : dazai osamu & chuuya nakahara x fem!reader
↺ content warnings : nsfw content (mdni), threesome, double penetration, facefucking, overstimulation, unprotected sex, oral (m &f recieving), hairpulling, dumbification etc
↺ synopsis : you had one too many drinks at a bar after getting dumped by your ex boyfriend on your birthday, and end up fucking the two most dangerous men you have ever met
↺ w.c : 2.7k+ words of absolute filth
↺ author's note : Ik I said this will be posted on the 29th but I kindaaa finished early...I honestly thought dazai & fyodor would win in the poll but I'm pleasantly surprised that chuuya won. Happy reading & I hope y'all enjoy <3 ps. this is supposed to be a bday fic for someone but I unfortunately could not find the ask so whoever you are, happy early b'day!
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You squealed when Dazai parted your shaky thighs, licking his lips at your soaked lacy panties. "oh, bella, we barely even touched you and you're already dripping down there? naughty girl.." his voice dropped an octave, making you shiver. "quit yappin' and get to work, shitty dazai," Chuuya scoffed from behind you, gloved fingers pinching and pulling at your swollen nipples, coaxing little whines and moans from you. "you are just jealous that I'm the one about to devour her right now," the bandaged man shrugged, but still complying nonetheless. His fingers hooked under your panties and swiftly pulled them down, breath hitching as he watched webs of your sticky arousal cling to the thin fabric. Chuuya noticed that your attention was on Dazai and he wasn't having that. He turned your face to the side and smashed his lips against yours, swallowing your moans as Dazai nibbled on the insides of your thighs. Just how did you get stuck between these two unbelievably attractive men?
...You sighed, slamming your shot of Tequila down, the alcohol burning in your throat. "And he just broke up with me like that! On my fucking birthday too! What the fuck?" Your friend only patted your back, frowning, "girl, I knew he was no good from day one. let's just forget about him for now, yeah? try to enjoy tonight?" You nodded, a frown etched on your face. "Yeah, I know...but I really loved him, y'know? Even though he was terrible in bed," you giggled, nudging your friend's arm playfully. "How about we get you some real action tonight?" She wiggled her eyebrows, both of you chuckling. "Who should I go for?" You scanned the bar, looking for your partner for the night when your eyes land on Chuuya. The ginger haired man was at a corner, sipping away at his expensive drink, target locked. You touched your makeup up a bit before strutting towards him, giving him your best doe eyes when he looks up at you, "You here alone?" He smirked, "No, I'm here with some... colleagues. What about you, pretty girl?" You took a seat beside him, grinning as he poured you a glass of the 20 something grand drink, "I'm here with my friend, We're here to celebrate my birthday." He handed you the glass, "Oh, happy birthday. how's your night goin' so far?" You sipped on the drink, scrunching your face at the bitter taste of the alcohol, "Well...not to spill my life story or anything, but I got dumped today," he frowned, placing a gloved hand on your shoulder, "Sorry 'bout that, hon. Must've been an ass to do that on you birthday." You laughed, staring in his greyish blue eyes, "Yeah.." he leaned closer, his breath fanning over your lips, you could almost taste the 'aged monopole' on his lips—
 "chuuuuuuuyaaa~" Dazai interrupted you both with his sing-song voice, making you both jump. "What the hell are you doing here?" Chuuya gritted his teeth, clearly annoyed. You turned around to lock eyes with chocolate brown ones; oh, he was pretty. You could see a smirk splayed on his lips, winking at you before looking at Chuuya. "I thought I smelled a dog around here, and would you look at that? It's my dear ex-partner Chuuya!" The said man swung at Dazai, landing a punch on his stomach. "Oumph— I was wondering what you were doing with such a pretty woman," he said, taking your hand in his, kissing the back of it. "May I have the honour of knowing this pretty lady's name?" You giggled, "Of course, it's—" Chuuya cut you off by snatching your hand away, glaring daggers at Dazai. "Get the hell out of here, mackerel," Chuuya groaned. "This pretty lady has been through a breakup tonight, on her birthday, and I'm sure she doesn't need you annoying her to death too." Dazai only pouted, "Or are you just afraid that she'd leave you because of me, hmm?" He looked at you, smiling. "Trust me, baby. I can do much better than this malnourished ginger." You could see Chuuya's right eye twitch. "You really think so?" The brunette man leaned closer, towering over the both of you. "I know so." "Then let's fucking prove it."
...Everything after that was a blur to you. You didn't remember when you left the bar with them or when you entered the hotel. All you knew was that it felt so hot. It felt so hot when Chuuya pressed open-mouthed kisses on your nape and behind your ears, all while Dazai made himself comfortable between your spread legs. He shoved your panties in his pocket for later use, his tongue darting out to kitten lick at your puffy clit. He could feel your pussy throbbing on his tongue, clearly wanting more of his touch. Chuuya pushed the straps of your tight black dress down your shoulders, massaging your plump breasts while kissing you deeply. "Oh, you taste fucking divine," Dazai hummed, snickering when you clenched down on his tongue from the praise. "You like that, birthday girl? like it when I praise you?" You could only moan, nodding your head. The ginger man behind you flipped you over so that you were on your stomach, ass pressing against Dazai's face, and he moaned, calloused fingers spreading your cheeks apart as he slurped your juices up. Your cheek was smushed against Chuuya's dress pants, drooling on the expensive fabric. You could see the prominent bulge on his crotch, just begging to be touched. "Put that pretty mouth to use, darl'," he whispered, unzipping his pants and pulling his boxer's down, his cock finally springing free and slapping against his stomach. Your mouth watered; it was so pretty. Reasonable sized with a girth promised to make you see stars. The tip was flushed pink, precum pearling at his slit. You picked the underside of his cock, paying extra attention to the large vein, making him hiss. He grabbed the back of your head, tapping his cock on your warm cheek, "Open up, hon." You happily obliged, sticking your tongue out for him to shove his shaft down your throat, making you slightly gag as tears prick your eyes. You gasped when Dazai pushed two slim fingers into your hole, your insides sucking them in eagerly. "There we go, sweet girl. Taking my fingers so nicely~" You cleched down on him at the praise, moaning around the fat cock in your mouth. The red-head shivered at the vibrations from your mouth. Tipping his head back slightly, fingers tightening their grip on your hair as you start bobbing your head up and down. It was messy; webs of his precum and your saliva was dripping down your chin, your mascara running down your puffy cheeks as you tried your best to breathe through your nose. Dazai scoffed when Chuuya smirked at him, successful in stealing your attention. He blew on your clit, making you jump. You tried to look back at him but Chuuya's grip was firm, patting your head softly before doing an experimental thrust in your mouth, tip of his cock nudging against the back of your throat. On the other hand, Dazai was getting lost in your cunt; skilled tongue swirling over your swollen clit, fingers curling against your g-spot, moaning into your pussy when you clenched particularly hard. Chuuya was now thrusting up into your warm mouth eagerly, holding your head down while muttering out small curses. He loved the way your eyes rolled back from the overwhelming feeling of Dazai eating your cunt like the best meal he's ever had while Chuuya fucked your throat 'till it burned, your lipstick staining his cock.
You jolted forward when a lubed finger pushed into your other hole, the feeling entirely foreign to you. Dazai's warm hand smoothed over your ass, giving it a playful smack, "Relax, pretty. You are gonna take the both of us, aren't you?" Your eyes widened, the both of them inside..at the same time— could you even handle it?
Chuuya patted your cheek softly, turning your attention to him, "You don't have to if you don't want to, we won't force you into anything." Your heart fluttered at his caring nature, hearts practically swimming in your pupils. You pulled your mouth off of Chuuya's cock, making him hiss. " 's okay.. I can take it," you whispered, making Dazai smirk devilishly, "that's my girl."
They switched places now; Chuuya between your pretty legs while Dazai eagerly thrusted up into your welcoming mouth, slobbering all over his cock. Your jaw was hurting from how hard he was shoving himself in and out, back arching like a cat's when Chuuya's long fingers brush against that one spot inside your walls. His tongue swirled around your puckered hole, making you squeal and try to kick your legs and fail, his hands firmly gripping them, "Behave," he growled into your cunt, making Dazai snicker. "How's she taste?" Dazai grinned, hissing when your tongue swipes over his slit. "Fucking amazing," Chuuya's eyes slightly rolled back, going drunk from your addictive taste on his tongue. Dazai's thrusts sped up, now hitting the back of your throat as you creamed all over Chuuya's face. He was glad your back was turned to him so you couldn't see him cumming in his pants like a pathetic teenager. "Came in your pants already?" Dazai laughed, cutting himself off with a groan as he holds your head down, cumming down your throat.
Dazai picked your already tired body up, placing you on his lap, telling you how good you did for them while kissing your tears away. "Now, get ready for the real thing," he smirked, slapping the tip on your clit before lining his cock up with your entrance. "Hope you're ready, princess," Chuuya uttered from behind you, rubbing soothing circles on your back, pushing your hair out of the way to kiss and nibble on your marked neck as Dazai pushed into you with a wet 'pop!' Your jaw slacking as he buried himself to the hilt, pressing his forehead against yours as he panted out little praises. Your body was tense in Dazai's hold, clenching down on his cock when his fingers found your clit, trying to get you to relax and it worked as you went limp in his arms. Chuuya on the otherhand, was busy lathering lube all over his cock, pumping it a few times in his first before lining it up with your puckered hole. Slowly but surely pushing in, focused on how you moan into Dazai's lips, the smug brunnete swallowing your moans. "Does it hurt, doll?" He grunted, grabbing your hips for stability as he tried his best not to shove himself all the way in. "Hurts— hurts so good.." you slurred, eyes rolling back from the sheer pleasure of both of them inside you. His cock pushed fully past the tight ring of muscle, balls touching your ass while he shuddered, fingers digging into the plush of your hips so tightly that you're sure it'll leave bruises tomorrow. But you didn't care, not when you were stuffed full by these two men you had just met, creaming and clenching on their cocks. "God, she's clenching so damn hard. Aren't you, baby?" The man in front of you panted, fingers still rubbing circles on your clit, pinching the small bud when you whine and whimper for them. Chuuya turned your head around to face him, capturing your parted lips for a sweet kiss, rolling his hips experimentally and groaning when you tighten even further.
Your makeup had been completely ruined by the time they were finally starting to thrust in and out of you, the two of them perfectly synchronized with each other, as if they could read the other person's mind. Every time one of them pulled out, the other pushed in and vice versa. Your mouth formed an 'o' shape, clawing at Dazai's shirt as they worked you to your orgasm. Your brain couldn't function properly anymore, filtering out all thoughts besides the two men ravaging you right now, stretching out your holes and all you could do was lay there and sob out their names. "Oh shiit— did we fuck her stupid already?" Chuuya questioned, breathy moans and grunts leaving his swollen lips that were stained with your lipstick like his cock. "Sure looks like it, ah fuuck—" Dazai moaned, their rhythm slowly falling apart as their orgasm approached. " 'm gunna—" you couldn't even finish your sentence before squrting all over their cocks, head lolling back on Chuuya's shoulder as you twitched from the overstimulation. Dazai's hips stilled suddenly, shooting his seed deep inside of you, some of it dribbling out as he pulls out, some of it spurting on your cunt, coating your pussy lips in his release. Chuuya's arms hooked under your knees, bringing you to his chest as you screamed his name, tears flowing out of your puffy eyes like jewels. "Cumming— fuck!" He growled, slim hips pressed against your plump ass while he flooded your insides with his cum.
Your heavy eyelids widened when Chuuya lifted you up, now facing him. "What're you—" you gasped when you felt his cock prodding at your cunt this time, ready to fuck you to oblivion. Dazai gripped your hair from behind, tugging on it to make eye contact with you, "You didn't think we were done from just that, did you?" You whimpered at his low tone of voice, perfectly manicured nails digging into Chuuya's shoulders as he pushes into you again, your cunt fucked raw and sore. Bandaged hands spread your cheeks apart, groaning at the lewd view of his ex-partners cum flowing out of your hole. " 's too mph— much!" You babbled, wincing at Dazai pulled at your hair and landed a swift smack on your ass. "You can take it, honey," he bit his lip, slipping into your other hole with a loud groan, your eyes crossing at the mind-numbing stimulation.
"Shiiit— pussy grippin' me so tight," Chuuya moaned, throwing his head back as he thrusted into you vigorously. The three of you were rendered a drooling, panting mess; overstimulated and shaking as they bend and mold your body to their desire, turning you into their personal cocksleeve for the night and you loved it. Dazai's fingers found your nipples, pinching and pulling and the hardened buds, making you cry out even louder for them, slapping one of the soft mounds before flicking at your nipples again.
You felt something in your lower stomach turning, tightening as they thrusted in and out of your oversensitive cunt. Chuuya's hand suddenly wrapped around your throat, not gripping tight but hard enough to make you feel breathless and dizzy. Everything went white, you could hear ringing in your ears as you gushed all over them, your juices covering Chuuya's abdomen and dripping down his cock. A creamy ring had formed around the base of his cock, hands reaching everywhere they could before his hips stopped, his semen gushing into your walls and staining them white. Dazai came shortly after, burying his face into your neck as his cum filled your gooey insides.
They both pulled out before Dazai laid you on your back gently, softly shushing your sobs as you clung onto him, burying your face in his chest. His hand was splayed on your back, rubbing random shapes on your sensitive skin. "Shh, my pretty girl. Did so well for us, hm?" He whispered, kissing the crown of your head while Chuuya got up to get a washcloth and a glass of water. He handed you the glass of water and some pills, "birth pills," he clarified, looking away bashfully while Dazai snickered. You didn't even realize how dry your throat was until drinking the cold water, offering your burning throat some relief. "I should probably lea—" you got cut off by Dazai pulling you back into his arms burying his face into your soft chest, "Why not stay? I'm not the type of guy to let a pretty lady go home alone at 3 am after having such an intimate moment." Chuuya huffed and nodded in agreement, laying next to you before wrapping an arm around your waist, pulling you closer to him. Dazai pouted, scooting closer and shoving Chuuya's arm off of you. "A dog should know it's place, you should honestly go sleep on the floor," Dazai joked. "HAAH?!"
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©ambrosiaa— do not copy, plagiarize and repost my works to any platform, likes and reblogs are very appreciated♡
TAGS »»————> @hopefulpain @inkmooon @constant-existential-terror @nda-approval @mellieellie
@lxverss @lynxxyyy @nanamibeloved @sorahatsumi @himebwrries @nopethenope @neviex @fyodorisbbg @stygianoir @saharei @x-lunawrites-x @munnaitorei @emyyy007 @dearhoney-31 @the-foreigner @angoisfine @satohruu @honeycombflowers @zxyzay54p @kaithegremlin @poisonedslop @sukiischaotic @squigglewigglewoo @boba-is-good @cupidszvlvr @ashthemadwriter @4xxxv @bloobewy @mrs-bakugou @solandiss @ask-me-or-not @hanakotateyama @qqingque @stra4berr1 @lunaeheroine18 @kissesmellow21 @dazaichuuya69 @xxsilverjackalxx @gettinshiggywithit @leftrunawaybanana @deaths-presence @sugaredpersimmon @rjssierjrie @iheartpieck @angelof-darkness @otakudul @dazaisimpletmereadfanficspls @hellokitty-4-lele @scinclaitnoir @aly-insanity @kemis-world @bisexuawolfsalt @thateldribitch
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chrissv4mp · 6 months
get him back! 💘
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warnings: vulgar language, smut (p in v, missionary, unprotected sex, cunnilingus), jealous!chris, use of 'y/n', etc.
summary: in which chris was just a summer fling that you couldn't get enough of, and neither could he.
pairing: fem!reader × christopher sturniolo
a/n: literally jumped at the fact that i got to participate in @annamcdonalds67 's writing challenge! first ever comp i've been in🫶🏼 also there's a huge timeskip in this, sooo...
SUMMER 2023 , day 30
"chris, you can't burp in public places. seriously." you sighed, continuing to walk alongside the boy in the mall.
"why not? it's not hurting anyone," he grumbled, swaying the bag in his freehand back and forth.
"because that's not polite, chris." you swore you were talking to a child sometimes.
chris rolled his eyes, who were you to tell him it wasn't polite?
"fuck, you argue with me about everything." you muttered, giving his hand a gentle squeeze.
chris hadn't heard, and even if he had, he wouldn't answer. his full attention was on some girl talking to her friends. his wandering eyes had always failed him.
her hair was dark, long, and her lips were so full he wished he could--
"chris," your voice pulled him out of his trance, his head quickly snapping toward you.
"yeah?" he smiled softly.
"i'm gonna go to the bathroom, then we can leave." chris nodded, his mind already going back to the girl from earlier.
as soon as you disappeared behind the doors, chris was making his way to the brunette and her friends.
"hey," chris smiled, eyes trained on the brunette.
"hi?" she smiled awkwardly, nudging her friends and making them leave.
"sorry, didn't wanna make your friends leave just now, i just saw you from across the store and... you're really pretty." he said, his smile fading to a smirk.
the girl laughed, "thank you, but seriously? not even gonna ask my name?"
"shit, sorry! what was your name?" he chuckled, eyes going down to her lips.
"chloe," she replied, crossing her arms over each other.
chris nodded, "pretty name for a pretty girl. i'm chris, nice to meet you."
"nice to meet you, as well. uh, sorry, weird question," chris hummed, urging her to continue.
"how tall are you?" chloe smiled sweetly, eyeing chris up and down.
"six-foot-two," chris lied, biting the inside of his cheek.
your hand on his shoulder was what caught his attention, "nice try, chris."
he turned around, his cheeks flushing of embarrassment as he stared down at you, "hey, y/n."
ignoring him, you looked over at chloe, giving her an awkward smile before pushing past chris.
"i'm sorry about him. and i assure you that he's not six-foot-two." you sighed, flashing her another quick smile before dragging chris out of the mall.
chris stayed silent as you scolded him in the car, was he serious?
"you are so embarrassing chris, and, god, you need to get yourself in check. flirting with another girl while dating me? seriously?" you scoffed, driving out of the parking lot.
you should've left him a long time ago, honestly, but he was so much fun and he had such weird friends.
and plus, he would take out you and your friends to parties every other night. they were always a good time, it felt as if they never ended.
"i'm sorry, ma," he muttered, placing his hand on your thigh and gently squeezing it.
"i can make it up to you tonight. me, nate, and a couple other friends are going out to a club," chris said quietly, a smile growing on his face.
you stayed silent. even if the invitation did sound nice, you were still pissed at chris.
"c'mon, don't be like that, ma. i know you want to." he muttered, his thumb running over your thigh softly.
fuck it, it was just one night without talking about your feelings. plus, you needed something fun to do, "fine."
chris smiled brightly, "y'know i learned some new dance moves."
rolling your eyes playfully, you nudged the boy, "shut up, chris."
SUMMER 2023 , day 42
"i mean, maybe if you stopped being such a bitch all the time more people would approach you?"
that's what chris had said just a few hours ago when you were at the party, dancing together.
now chris was trying to get you to talk to him as you sat at the edge of his bed, going through your instagram feed.
"i didn't mean it, baby, you know i didn't. please just talk to me, c'mon," he whined, his hand rubbing your shoulder gently.
you just sighed, tucking your phone in your pocket before looking away from him, "you can't just say shit like that, chris."
he nodded as his hand wrapped around your waist, pulling you into him, "i know, i just wasn't thinking, i'm sorry."
that's what he always said, and you always believed him. always.
"hey, i'll be right back, okay?" he said softly, kissing your cheek.
you nodded, watching as chris left his room and shut the door, leaving you alone.
chris was back in a matter of 15 minutes, barging into his room and making you jump from the sudden noise.
you were sat against the headboard, scrolling through tiktok as chris climbed onto the bed next to you.
"ma," he smiled, showering your entire face in kisses as he moved your phone to the side.
you laughed at his clinginess, feeling his hands go up to cup your face softly, "hi, baby."
"i have a surprise." he said, the smile on his face growing as he grabbed his phone.
he held the phone in front of your face, and on the screen were 2 tickets to paris, france, the date on the ticket showing that the plane was leaving in just 4 days.
your mouth fell agape as you turned your head to look at chris, before he could even say anything, you jumped into his arms, hugging him tightly.
after a few minutes of silence in his embrace, you finally spoke, "i love you, chris."
the boy smiled, kissing your neck affectionately, "love you, too, y/n."
SPRING BREAK 2024 , night 3
your eyes were glued to your phone, attention on chris's new instagram story.
it was a picture of him, his tongue stuck out as the words "Happy Easter !" were next to him.
your lips curled into a small smile, but then it faded as the memory of your breakup crashed into your mind.
maybe he was an asshole at sometimes, but you really missed him. he was so sweet and such a gentleman at times.
every moment with him was never boring, he was funny, kind, hot, everything a girl would want in a guy.
you shut off your phone as another memory came into your mind, when chris had hit on your friend right in front of you.
and the worst part wasn't even that it was right in front of you; the worst part was that he'd done it multiple times.
"fucking asshole." you muttered, eyes going to the TV that was currently playing Waves.
your attention couldn't stay on the movie, though. it wasn't long until your eyes wandered below the TV to the entertainment center.
there was a photo of you and chris in paris, on the eiffel tower.
he was so sweet for taking you on that trip, but then again, he was a dick for the reason he bought the tickets.
god, you couldn't make up your mind.
do i love him? do i hate him? i guess it's up and down.
you couldn't even decide anymore. all you knew was that you wanted to get him back.
you wanted to make him jealous, like he always made you. and, fuck, you wanted to make him feel bad. really bad.
he would always blame you for shit you couldn't control.
and then at other times you wanted to get him back.
you wanted him again, missed him, even.
you felt sad every time you saw him having fun with other girls, felt like you were never good enough for him.
you just wanted him to reassure you that you were better than all those girls, that you were his girl.
sometimes you even found yourself on your bedroom floor, texting him little notes about how much you missed the way kisses and the way he grabbed your--
the way he made you laugh.
you'd pour your heart our every time, and the "little notes" would always end up as huge paragraphs.
you still remember the time you had almost hit send. during your relationship another girl had texted you that chris was cheating on you with her.
and of course, it had to have been one of your ex-friends.
she had explained that she went through his phone and saw your text messages with chris. he said you were the only girl.
but that just wasn't the truth. another one of his lies.
another memory was when you had actually sent him a paragraph. a paragraph about how bad he had hurt you.
chris, never being one to admit to something like that, said you were trippin'.
you remember how angry you were, how much you had fucking hated his guts. but then you remembered what you had told your friends that same day.
"maybe i could fix him."
matt was hosting a party at him and his brothers' shared house, and he had invited you.
and, of course, you accepted the invitation. he was just chris's brother, and you would just avoid the younger triplet if he tried to come to you.
"y/n, oh my god, we missed you!" nick greeted, pulling you into a hug as you stepped into the house.
"i missed you, too, nick." you smiled, hugging him back before going off to find some other friends.
why couldn't chris be like his brothers? they were so sweet.
maybe you should've went for matt last summer.
a few hours into the party and a guy was all over you, grabbing at your waist and pulling you against his front.
you caught sight of chris as you danced against the guy. he was staring daggers at the man, his grip on his pepsi can tight enough to break it into pieces.
you smirked at the thought of making him jealous. but, fuck, you wanted to make him more than jealous.
maybe after the party you would key his car. that'd get him going.
or maybe you'd make him lunch tomorrow, make him happy.
you hadn't even met his mom during your relationship. what if you got in touch with her just to tell her her son sucks?
whatever, it didn't matter right now. all that mattered was that chris was jealous and was ready to attack the guy.
"let's go upstairs, yeah?" the guy whispered into your ear, hand going up to squeeze your boob.
just as he did, chris was out of his seat, pushing way past other people and stopping just in front of you.
you hadn't even had time to process the whole interaction between chris and the unknown guy before chris was dragging you down the hall to his room.
"chris, what the fuck are you--" your sentence was cut short as he pushed you against his locked door, his lips crashing onto yours hungrily.
your eyes widened in shock, but as soon as chris's hand rested on your waist, you relaxed, kissing him back just as rough.
his grip on your waist was tight, sure to leave marks in the shape of his hands.
good, that would remind any other guy who touched you that you belonged to chris. only chris.
his lips left your, trailing kisses down your jawline to your neck, sucking harshly on your tender skin just before his tongue lay flat on the same spot to soothe the ache.
"fuck." you whined, hands tangling in chris's hair.
chris didn't stay at your neck for long, pulling away entirely from your body to pull your shirt over you head and undo your bra.
his lips were quick to find your nipple, swirling around the bud slowly as his hand played with your other boob.
his eyes never left yours as he left marks on your chest, making sure they wouldn't fade in just a matter of hours.
"stupid fucking guy thinks he can touch on you like that," chris muttered as he grabbed your waist tightly again, roughly leading you to sit on his bed.
he got on his knees in front of you before pulling at the hem of your jeans.
you quickly got the hint and slipped them off, kicking them off your ankles before chris threw them somewhere around the floor.
"still such a good girl for me, yeah?" he said, amusement in his tone as he grabbed your thighs and pulled them open.
you nodded eagerly, "i'm your good girl, chris."
chris smiled, before hooking his finger in your panties and pulling them off of you roughly.
you swore you heard him rip the fabric, but that didn't matter, all that mattered right now was the ache between your thighs.
"still such a pretty girl." chris mused before running his tongue through your folds.
you gasped at the warmth of his tongue, attempting to squeeze your legs shut.
chris kept them open, his grip on your thighs tightening as he dipped his tongue into your entrance, eliciting a loud moan out of you.
"chris, fuck." you moaned, hands going back into the boys hair and tuggling lightly.
his lips wrapped around your clit, sucking harshly as he slipped his index finger into your wetness.
your grip in his hair tightened as your moans got louder, whining his name as his finger hit that sweet spot deep inside of you.
"oh my god, chris.." you groaned, eyes rolling back as they fluttered shut.
he added a second finger to your entrance, finding it harder to thrust both fingers into you.
"so tight." he groaned into your pussy, the vibrations of his voice making you let out a throaty moan.
"chris, chris, fuck, i'm gonna-" you cut yourself off with a moan as chris curled his fingers.
you came on his tongue and fingers, your chest heaving as you let go of his hair.
chris lapped at your wetness, cum coating his chin as he stood up in front of you.
he wasted no time in taking his shirt off, unbuckling his belt and kicking his jeans off his ankles, quickly pulling his boxers down before throwing them on the floor.
"you make me crazy, y'know that, ma?" he growled lowly, pushing you softly to lay on your back.
chris didn't even let you reply before he aligned his cock with your entrance and thrusted himself inside of you.
hiding his face in your neck, he began to roll his hips, groaning as he felt your walls clench around him tightly.
"fuck." he whined at the feeling of your nails digging into his back, sure to draw blood.
it wasn't long until you had adjusted to his size and chris had began to thrust into you faster, his tip hitting your cervix just right every time.
your moans echoed off the walls, and suddenly you were glad that the music outside of the door was loud.
the bed creaked as the headboard hit the wall, evidence of how hard chris was rocking against your body.
"chris, fuck, you're so big." you whimpered, gasping as you felt his hand on your lower belly.
he pushed down slightly, his eyes rolling to the back of his head as he felt a small bulge.
it didn't take long for the both of you to reach the edge, gasps and moans being the only thing heard in the room.
chris came seconds before you, filling you up just before you came on his cock, making him groan loudly.
"fuck, ma." he sighed, giving you a few seconds before he pulled out of you and plopped by your side on the bed.
you rolled on your side to face him, smiling slightly at the knowledge that he had already been staring at you.
he smiled back at you, his eyes struggling to stay open.
he laughed, "still making you feel bad?"
even if he was tired, he would never pass up the chance to make a snarky comment.
"shut up, you idiot." you laughed, punching him playfully.
. . .
tags: @mattsneezing @55sturn @niicksposts @mayhem-72 @chrissturnswife @sturn-wrld @freshloveee @h3arts4harry @films4sturni @lanixsturniolo @voidghsts @thebottledwatersupplier @strniohoeee @strnilolo @heartsforchrisandmatt @sturn3g1rl @mstxrniolo @iluvmattyb @ryli3sworld @stingerayyy2
520 notes · View notes
heartsforvin · 23 days
i needddd a fic or a blurb of vinnie making innocent!reader cum for the first time 🙈
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girl when i tell you …. imma need this irl ASAP
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pairing: bfb!vinnie hacker x fem!reader
warnings: smut, praise kink, oral (f receiving), fingering, overstim, use of pet names, age gap (r's 20, v's 22), perv!vinnie, lmk if i missed anything !!
summary: when vinnie overhears you tell his brother you have zero experience, he takes matters into his own hands
a/n: bringing back bfb!vinnie because i thought this would be the perfect opportunity + a lil perv!vinnie is added w it (:
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it was another friday night at your best friend's house, movies, popcorn and laughs is what was entailed, just like every other friday.
as of now, you and reggie were telling embarrassing stories to each other. you've known each other for years so nothing ws really weird or uncomfortable for the two of you to talk about.
"okay i got one," reggie starts as he takes a sip of his soda. "this one night i had gone out on a date with this girl, it was going great we went out to dinner and i thought maybe, y'know, i could get something out of it, but she completely turned me down." he explained, a laugh added.
you laughed with him. "did you ever hear from her again?" you asked.
reggie chuckled as he shook his head. "nah, think she blocked my number honestly."
laughing, you take a sip of the drink in your hand. your eyes lift when you hear reggie ask if you've got any embarrassing stories to share.
"i don't really have any romantic or sexual stories to share, if that's what you mean." you tell him, small smile added.
a scoff his heard from the man beside you. "seriously, not one story? come on, you've gotta had done some stuff with somebody? yourself even?"
you shake your head, not having done one single thing. you knew what all of that was, thanks to reggie, but just had never done anything.
as you and reggie were talking, you didn't notice his older brother vinnie slip past his room. the door was open slightly, you could see a bit inside and when vinnie did, his thoughts immediately went elsewhere.
he stopped in his tracks, hiding next to the door so he could hear you talk about your experiences. he made sure he was out of sight from you and his brother.
"nope, not even with myself." you say, and reggie chuckles softly.
it was crazy to him that you hadn't done anything with anyone. he had known you were more closed off and a little innocent, but not this much.
"you should probably get that fixed." the minute those words leave your best friends mouth, you let out a loud laugh.
vinnie, on the other hand, was thinking of all the ways he could help you out. he had always thought about you in that way. he knew it was wrong, you were his brother's best friend, he couldn't have you in that way ever.
something in him didn't care though, he needed you. needed to know why you've never experienced anything sexual.
"oh yeah, and who's gonna fix it?" you asked the brunette, he shrugged.
"i'm sure anyone would love to be with you. hell, i'm with you majority of time and i love being with you." he says, giving you a smile.
you smile back, soft sigh leaving your lips as you lay on your stomach on reggie's bed. vinnie looks in, and when he does, his breath caught in his throat.
it takes everything in him to not interrupt and walk in there, telling you to behave and not have your ass out like you do.
funnily enough, the shorts you were wearing weren't even that short, it was mainly vinnie's perverted mind doing that.
as the night continued, you hung out with reggie up until he fell asleep on you. laughing, you look over at your best friend who actually did fall asleep on you.
as you left his room, you saw vinnie pass by as you were headed to the bathroom to brush your teeth.
"what do you want?" you ask the eldest boy, smirk plastered on his face.
it was no secret vinnie was attractive, even you thought it. you'd never tell reggie, that'd be the day you'd never hear the end of it.
instead, you keep your glances at bay and subtle, hoping no one else catches on.
"nice panties." the comment make you turn your head to look at the back of your shorts, your red lace panties peeking out.
pulling your shorts down, your cheeks heat up at the embarrassment. vinnie shrugs, not seeing any problem.
"so," he starts. he puts his arm above your head on the doorframe, caging you in. "couldn't help but overhear you say you have no experience, ever?"
if you weren't embarrassed already, you definitely were now. you try to weasel your way out of vinnie's grasp but he doesn't let you.
"you want some help with that?" vinnie's smirk doesn't falter even when you roll your eyes at him.
although you were rolling your eyes at him, the idea had popped into your mind, especially now.
looking at him in his white tank top, sweatpants, tattoos and biceps on full display, you couldn't deny that he did look hot.
biting your lip, you smile as you nod your head slowly. the thoughts are taking over, feeling things you don't really understand.
"yeah, you wanna?" vinnie asks in a low, deep tone.
nodding, you're too nervous to give him a verbal response. vinnie smiles as he removes his arm from above you, taking your hand in his.
"gotta be quick, sweetheart. don't want someone to find out, do you?' he asks as the two of you walk to his room.
the minute the door shut you immediately smiled, when vinnie turned around to face you, he chuckled at seeing your reaction.
grabbing your waist, he pulled you into him, making you wrap your arms around him.
"y'know how bad i've wanted this, princess?" he asks in a low, sultry tone.
you shake your head, still a bit nervous and embarrassed. "a long fuckin' time." he says as he pulls you in closer.
the kiss is filled with so much intensity, so much hunger. he really has been wanting to do this for so long.
your hands find the back of his head and you're slightly tugging the baby hairs on the back of his neck, making him groan into your mouth.
his hands, however, find your ass and squeeze just enough for you to moan against his lips.
"sound so pretty, baby." he rasps, and you swore you could've melted right then and there.
you break apart from the kiss and take his appearance in. he's never looked this good, you could've sworn on that.
vinnie catches you staring and chuckles as he caresses your cheek. "need you to stop lookin' at me like that," he says, making you furrow your eyebrows. "or else i will fuck you and not hold back, and i know you don't want that right now."
you slowly nod your head, confidence starting to rise. "you know what i do want?" you ask.
he hums, moving his hands back to your waist, holding you there. “i want you to make me feel good.”
vinnie can feel his pants tighten at the sound of the words leaving your lips. he’s been wanting this to happen for months, he can’t believe he’s hearing you right.
smiling, he kisses you softly before smacking your ass lightly and telling you to strip and lay on his bed.
you nervously did as told. you felt exposed and little under his gaze. watching as vinnie walks over to you, you try to hide yourself from him.
“don’t hide yourself from me, baby,” vinnie says as he places his hand on your thigh. “you’re so pretty.”
blushing at his compliment, you give in and move your hands. you wanted this too, so it wasn’t anything forceful, you’ve just never done anything like this.
he smiles at you, leaning down to kiss you softly. “lay down for me, sweetheart.”
laying on your back against his pillows, you raise yourself up by your shoulders to watch vinnie’s next move.
he gets on the bed and hovers above you, smile plastered on his face as he looks down at you.
“look at you,” he whispers, hands moving along your body. “so perfect.”
you watch his hands move to your tits, squeezing them gently which makes your head tip back into the pillow.
“vinnie.” you gasp once you feel his hands on your chest.
his mouth moves from your lips to your collarbone and soon your chest. he marks each one, you watch as he does so.
“f-feel somethin’.” you say as vinnie continues to kiss down your body.
he looks up at you, eyes dark and filled with lust as he asks what you’re feeling.
you push your head into the pillow out of embarrassment, not wanting to say it.
“it’s like…tingly kind of?” you say more of a question.
he knows what you mean and before answering, he kisses the inside of your thighs. “is it tingling when i do that?”
you nod. “again.” vinnie smirks at you words and kisses the inside of your thigh again, doing the same to the other.
“shit, princess,” vinnie whispers once his eyes trail to in between your legs. “so wet f’me already and all i’ve done is kiss you.”
you whine at his words, the feeling becoming more intense. you watch as vinnie kneels on the bed in front of you.
his middle finger runs along you, making you moan quietly at the feeling you've never felt before.
"that feel good, mama?" the tone he asks the question in just spurs the feeling on more, along with the name.
you nod, a faint 'mhm leaving your lips as you feel his finger enter you. trying to speak, all that is heard is a broken moan.
vinnie looks up at you, eyes dark as he continues to move his finger in and out. he watches your face contort in pleasure as he does, smirk plastered on his face.
his thumb moves to rub circles on your clit, and that's when you really feel the pressure build up.
"v-vinnie," you whimper out, not being able to get more than his name out of your mouth.
he looks up at you, asking what's wrong or how you're feeling before you rely, "feels like m'gonna pee."
vinnie chuckles his his movements quicken, knowing exactly how you feel. "let it out f'me, baby. you're not gonna pee, trust me."
you nod and as his fingers continue to rub and hit that particular spot, you let go on his hand.
vinnie watches the sight in front of him, smirk on his face as he watches you cum all over his hand.
"good girl." he praises as he slowly puts his finger out of you.
you lift up on your elbows to see what he's going to do next. you watch as vinnie licks his finger clean of your juices.
vinnie kisses you with so much need before his lips trail down your body and soon end up back between your thighs.
he looks up at you through his lashes and you smile, gliding your fingers through his hair as you feel his lips on the inside of your thigh.
"fuck," you whine when you feel his lips on your sensitive clit with no warning. "still sensitive, baby."
vinnie jut hums against you, sending vibrations through you even more. his tongue flicks against your clit as you hear the obscene sounds of his mouth on you.
a loud moan rips through your mouth as you feel his finger enter you again. you cover your mouth with your hand, trying to be quiet the best you could.
"taste so fuvkin' good," vinnie breathes out. "god i've been wantin' to taste this pretty pussy for so long."
his words only add to the pleasurable feeling, making you moan into your hand.
"come on baby, lemme hear you." he rasps against you, making you let out a whine.
he smiles at your Moises before he goes back in. mouth and fingers doing wonders, making you feel things you've never felt before.
the overstimulation gets too much and soon, you're gripping onto vinnie's hair with both hands as you moan out profanities.
"v-vinnie, please." you whimper as you feel his tongue on your clit again.
you feel him smirk against you, and that only spurs on the feeling more. you feel that same knot forming again.
whimpers, moans and profanities, along with vinnie's name, is all that's heard in the room as you grip his hair and let go on his face.
he doesn't stop his movements though. you feel his tongue run along your folds even after you've released.
"p-please." you whimper, the feeling of his tongue feels so good, but too overstimulating.
"taste too good, mama." he whispers against you.
soon, vinnie lets up and kisses both your thighs before coming up to kiss you.
"did i do good?" you ask as you watch vinnie smile at you.
he caresses your cheek. "so good, sweetheart. such a good girl." he praises again.
you smile and lean into his touch, the two of you laying down on his bed. you snuggle into his chest as he wraps his arm around you and kisses your forehead.
mo words are exchanged before the two of you drift off to sleep.
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hiii i’ve been working on this since wednesday 😭 sorry it took so long to get out, but i hope you all enjoyed it !!
tags: @sturnioloshacker , @cosmicanakin , @anqeliclust , @42angelgirl , @leqonsluv3r , @slvthrs , @khackerr , @visualbutterflysworld , @bernelflo , @khxna , @thesebitcheslovesosadotcom , @hallecarey1 , @miilzzy , @0strawberrysorbet0 , @laylasbunbunny , @kriissy4gov , @supabhad , @violet0182 , @defnotayonna , @jpg3 , @skye-44 , @eddieslut69 , @kayleighh
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slutforln4 · 9 months
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🖇️ in which you and your new teammate get off on the wrong foot.
🖇️ request from a lovely anon who i totally don't know personally! hope it fits your expectations :)
🖇️ warnings: it's pretty lengthy, enemies to lovers.
🖇️ lando norris x mclaren.racer!reader
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liked by landonorris, danielricciardo, yourusername and 574,784 others
mclaren Welcoming our newest driver, Lando Norris, to the Papaya family! @/landonorris 🧡
landonorris 👊🧡
user1 omg i'm so excited for this new duo
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liked by yourusername, landonorris, danielricciardo and 598,837 others
mclaren First race of the season 🧡
tagged | yourusername, landonorris
yourusername rockstars as fuck
landonorris trackstars, more like?
yourusername do i look like i run
landonorris wouldn't know, i'm usually ahead of you 😇
user2 PLSSSS
user3 what's this rivalry, where did it come from..
user4 lando be nice
landonorris don't wanna
user5 lord give us patience with these idiots.
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liked by mclaren, danielricciardo, charles_leclerc and 768,983 others
yourusername pit? stopped. p? ONE BABYYYY 🧡
mclaren 🧡
yourusername best team ever
user6 lando's probably fuming rn
danielricciardo omg congrats girlie 🥹🌟💕
yourusername ty princess 💪
landonorris 🙏(🙄)
yourusername what's that about being ahead of me?
maxverstappen1 Is this the appropriate time to use the term "gagged"?
yourusername yes
maxverstappen1 Gagged.
landonorris i hate you guys
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liked by mclaren, danielricciado, carlossainz55 and 758,847 others
landonorris P5 for my first race with McLaren, not bad. 💪🧡
mclaren coming in strong 🫨
landonorris you know it 💪
yourusername how's the view from back there?
landonorris you stink
yourusername i know you ain't talking...
user8 girl they hate each other... 
user7 let them cook, you'll see
[little interview moment]
interviewer: Amazing race today! How's the new car? Overall emotions for the new season? 
y/n: The car is so smooth, the McLaren team did such a great job with it this year. I'm so excited to be back and driving, and it feels really nice to finally get back on the track, y'know. Been training over the break and i feel like I'm ready for this season. 
interviewer: That's amazing. Seems like all that training paid off, huh? 
y/n: Always, I have the best personal trainers and the best support system within this team. It's what's kept me going for four seasons now. 
interviewer: And, speaking of, you have a new teammate this year. What's that like? How're you getting along with Lando Norris?
y/n: I'm always excited to see how I'm able to work with different types of people, and he's... different, to say the least. It'll take some time adjusting to our dynamic, but I hope we can work well together on the track. 
interviewer: The internet seems to be speculating some rivalry between you two. How do you think that'll impact your relationship on the track? 
y/n: There's not much to say honestly, I feel like he's just adjusting to this new team, as well as having a strong competitor.
interviewer: Lando! Amazing start to your first season with McLaren. 
Lando: Yeah, somewhat. 
interviewer: Fans seem ecstatic about you working with McLaren, especially y/n. Though, they seem to be wondering whether or not you're intimidated by her, because of the sudden rivalry between you two. 
Lando: I'm not intimidated by her at all, neither is she intimidated by me. I feel like there's a lot I could learn from her, maybe some strategies for a win, which is what I'm aiming for. 
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No matter how many of them you attend, press conferences don't get any less stressful. 
You're sat in front of a room full of people with raised hands and cameras aimed at your face. To the left of you sits Max Verstappen, happily chatting away with you while your teammate, Lando, sits to the right of you. He has his arms crossed over his chest, brows knitted together in thought. 
"Okay, let's start," one of the interviewers begins when he's allowed by the manager of the conference. "Good to see you, Y/N, still in your champion pace. Can we expect that from you for the whole season?" 
From the corner of your eye, you see Lando quietly scoff, still with crossed arms and furrowed brows. "Uh," you avert your attention back to the question. "Yeah, I mean. I've been at this pace for four seasons now and I'm positive I can keep it up." 
Lando, once again, rudely scoffs.
Sure, you've been winning races left, right and centre, but that's been the case for your whole career at McLaren. Lando knew who he'd be competing against when he joined this team, so why is he being so childish? 
The next interviewer asks Lando about his experience with McLaren so far. "Well, I'd say it's been going well." 
"Do you think you will get some wins this season?" Another interviewer asks, annoying Lando with the question. 
"Absolutely," he answers, a hint of sarcasm in his tone. "I'm here to learn from the best and get more experience in racing." 
"I bet Y/N could teach you lots." The interviewer smiles at Lando, but he simply shakes his head. "Tha-" 
"I wasn't talking about Y/N," Lando cuts the interviewer off. "There's plenty more racers with more experience than her who I'm willing to learn from. Just 'cause she gets wins doesn't mean she's the best." 
Those words caused an awkward silence to settle in the room. Lando's eyes were on his watch and your eyes were on him. 
Max leans into a microphone, "Someone shat in Lando's cereal this morning, sorry. I'm pretty sure he meant that Y/N is far too advanced to teach at his level." 
The interviewers laugh at his joke and you turn to Max with a soft smile, he reciprocates the same. "Thank you." You whisper quietly enough for only Max to hear. 
The press conference continues as usual, except that Lando doesn't get any more questions. You and Max answer them all and cause the interviewers to laugh at your jokes all while your teammate sits there, bored out of his mind. 
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You feel upset and very confused as to why Lando's being so rude to you. You've been letting him do his thing, never got in his way in the garage and barely engaged in conversation with him. 
Even when you did, he'd be snarky and reply using sarcasm most of the time. But this? This was new. He has never insulted your skills on the track, and you didn't even know he felt like that. 
You never considered yourself as 'the best' driver on the grid, and obviously there's people that are more experienced than you, but the way Lando expressed himself made you quite confused. 
You catch Lando in the McLaren lounge when he's alone and walk over to him. He's sat on the couch, scrolling on his phone when you approach him and tap his shoulder.
Lando turns his head to look at you. "What do you want?" 
"Can we talk?" 
Lando's brows furrow and he already looks annoyed. "About...?" 
"Why you're being a bitch to me." Your answer causes Lando's eyes to widen, yet his lips rise at the corners into a small smirk. 
"I'm not," he shrugs and goes back to scrolling on his phone. You roll your eyes and grab the phone out of his hands. "Wha-" 
"I don't know what exactly is wrong with you or why you're being a fucking cunt to me, but we're both part of the same team so act like it." The anger in your usually calm voice made Lando confused about whether he should feel threatened or turned on. 
You take a breath and continue speaking. "If this is about me winning races-" 
"It's not." He sharply cuts you off. You notice a hint of something in his voice, but choose to ignore it. 
"Then what the fuck is your problem?" You push further, noticing the slight smirk of his. 
"Nothing." Lando shrugs. "Can I have my phone back?" 
You roll your eyes, dropping it in his lap before turning around and walking as far away as him as possible. 
There were a lot of teammates you've had. All of them were so different from one another, but none of them were as insufferable as Lando Norris. 
There's something about him that irks you. Maybe it's his competitiveness, maybe it's him being younger than you by a few years but acting like he's still a middle schooler. 
Maybe it's the fact that he's good enough to beat you, soon.
Lando’s feeling… something. 
There’s some sort of deep-seeded feeling blooming in his chest when his eyes fall on your figure, standing in the McLaren garage and talking to some of the engineers. It’s part envy, part anger, part… attraction? No, can’t be. There’s no way he finds you attractive. 
There’s absolutely nothing about you that he could find attractive. Not a thing. 
Yet, despite ‘not being attracted to you at all’, his eyes are stuck on the way your face doesn’t change emotions when speaking. He can’t tell if you’re excited or bored. That intrigues him. The only time he saw emotion in your face was when you confronted him in the lounge. Maybe that’s when he started noticing you more. 
Maybe that’s when he started to grow a sort-of liking to you. 
Yeah. Lando’s screwed. 
He knows he’s more screwed when he’s so zoned into you, he doesn’t notice when your figure comes closer to him. 
You’re right in front of him when he snaps out of it. “You alright?” 
“Uh,” he looks down at you, slightly confused. Since when do you worry about his well-being? That’s kinda sweet, albeit odd. “Yeah? Why?” 
Lando watches as your shoulders rise with a shrug. “No reason.” He notices the small smirk playing on your lips as you turn your head and look at something. 
“Spit it out,” he rolls his eyes, despite being intrigued by you. 
You look back at him, biting your bottom lip to suppress your growing smirk. “Just wanted to make sure you’re ready to see the back of my car again.” 
And there it is. 
The cockiness never left your system, even after your little argument in the lounge. He notices the smirk now freely playing on your lips. Considering the fact that you’re usually rocking a resting bitch face, Lando found that quite cute, yet infuriating. “Wipe that smirk off your face before I do it for you.” 
Your eyes go wide and the smirk slowly dissolves at his words. “Right, uh. Good luck with the race.” You mumble and Lando can’t help but watch as you scurry away, with a small smirk on his face. 
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liked by mclaren, carlossainz55, danielricciardo and 857,938 others
landonorris P1 Monaco baby!!! 🧡
mclaren 🧡💪
user9 omgggg he did it 🥹
user10 so proud of our boy 🫶🏻
yourusername 💪(🙄) 
landonorris lightwork 🥱 
maxvertsappen1 💀 (Am I using the emoji right?) 
yourusername who’s it meant for 
maxverstappen1 I wanna bully Lando 
yourusername you’re using it perfectly 🫶🏻
landonorris i hate both of you so much. 
user11 LMAOOO 
user12 are we forgetting the interview … 
user13 everyones trying to forget the interview.
user12 you’re right, i’m sorry
user14 i’m convinced the only reason y/n comments on his posts is the pr team forces her, cause who in their right mind would want to interact with lando nowins 💀 
user15 you saying this under the post where he won… awks 
user14 my point is that he’s absolutely unbearable! the interview proves it! 
yourusername i commented because he deserved to win and the banter is all in good fun :) don't take it as an opportunity to hate on my teammate, thank youuu liked by landonorris
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liked by landonorris, yourusername, danielricciardo and 987,847 others
mclaren Lando in summer fashion before the break. 🏖️ (Why is there no beachball emoji?)
user16 admin asking the real questions 
landonorris facts. why IS there no beachball emoji?
yourusername you should sue apple 😝
landonorris i so should, thanks for the tip 
yourusername you’re welcome 👍
user17 uh. what
user18 lando rockin the helmet but yn’s out here SUPPORTING HIM? 
user19 no bc what is this madness
user20 mom pick me up im scared
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liked by danielricciardo, landonorris, mclaren and 1,353,857 others
yourusername i love the beach but i miss racing so bad, someone take me home (the track)
mclaren miss you! 🧡
yourusername miss u more ☹️
user21 who is that man
user23 why the fuck is this post liked by lando. 
landonorris i could take you home 😏
yourusername i’d rather sleep on a bed of nails, thanks 
maxverstappen You tell him girl 😜
landonorris 😐
user24 lando must’ve hit his head because what the fuck. 
user25 did lando just?
user26 i think he did. 
user25 no but what happened to …??
user26 i wish i knew. 
user27 not lando flirting under a post with her new man… uhmmmm
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liked by landonorris, yourusername, charles_leclerc and 643,837 others
danielricciardo reppin' that Enchanté drip 💪
tagged | landonorris, yourusername
landonorris you know it bro 😎 
user28 is that y/n in the background 🤭
user29 i was fine without knowing this thanks
user30 i’m connecting the dots. 
user31 closing my eyes, ignoring the obvious
user32 the obvious being… 
 user31 y/n in the background. she’s literally tagged. 
user32 oh! 
user31 out of sight, out of mind 💅
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liked by danielricciardo, yourusername, carlossainz55 and 1,283,837 others
landonorris 🌞💛
mclaren 👀🧡
user33 what.
user34 double soft launch from the mclaren racers??? what is today. 
user35 anyone else wondering who their partners are? 
user36 girl i have some NEWS for you
user37 who’s that woman. 
landonorris daniel ricciardo
danielricciardo babe i thought we weren’t telling people… 
landonorris sorry 😏🧡 can’t keep you a secret much longer
maxverstappen1 You can’t be serious. 
yourusername can confirm they kissed in the ocean, was very romantic
user38 what is this fucking break. 
user39 put them back in their cars, they’re going crazy  liked by yourusername
There’s a thin line between love and hate. 
You and Lando learnt that the hard way. All those insults and all the banter wasn’t because of some random hate for one another, but rather some sort of attraction. Lando was first to notice it. 
A month before summer break, he approached you and asked to talk. With no clue what could go right, you agreed and he took you to his racer room. 
You noticed that glint of something in his eye, that hesitance in his voice and the barely-visible shake of his hands. One odd thing after another couldn’t have prepared you for what he’d say next. 
“I wanted to ask if you’d like to go out to dinner sometime.” 
There was a tinge of hope to his voice, a shaky exhale following his question. You looked at him for a second, trying to find the moment he breaks out into a laughing fit for making you ‘hopeful.’ But he didn’t. And you felt bad, because you laughed at his question rather than accepting it, like you were going to. 
Before you could stop him, he was walking out the room with a pained look in his eyes. Something in your chest felt like it broke. You had run after him, but to no avail. He wouldn’t turn around no matter how much you called for him. 
A week later, everything felt like it went back to normal, or as normal as you and Lando’s relationship could get. He was back to bantering and you were back to teasing, and you wished him luck on the race he managed to win. 
Lando thinks you may be the good luck charm he needed. 
Sure, he’s been a bit of a dick, but it’s all because he was so confused about his feelings. That doesn’t excuse it at all and he knew that when he spoke to you the second time. 
The second time around, you didn’t laugh. You stood there, watching as he subconsciously tapped his fingers on the table as he sat on it, telling you his side of things. 
“I didn’t want to be a dick, but I didn’t know how to be nice without digging myself a hole I wouldn’t be able to climb out of.” He admits. 
You smiled at that. “Seems like you did that anyway.” 
Lando exhaled a breath he wasn’t aware he was holding in, a small chuckle escaping past his lips. “Yeah.” He bites his bottom lip to hide the small smile on his face. “So, uh. I’m sorry for all of that and I completely understand your reaction when I asked you out last time.” 
“You left before I could answer.” You pointed out, his ears perking up and eyes immediately locking onto yours as he anticipates whatever you say next. “I laughed because it seemed silly to hear something like that coming from *your lips. But now it makes sense, I guess.” 
“And…?” Lando urges. He’s as impatient as you knew he was and that made you smile a little. 
You walk up to where he sits on the desk, your hands coming up to flatten out the suit around his shoulders. “I’d love to go out to dinner with you, Norris.” 
So, you went out to dinner the following day. And then again the next day. And then, after about five dinner dates, Lando suggested you came over to his and he’d cook dinner for both of you.
That went as well as you’d expect it. But thankfully, Lando’s place is close to a pizza shop so you two ordered a delivery, laughing about Lando’s inability to cook for the rest of the night. 
When McLaren was closing up for the summer break, you, Lando, Daniel, Carlos, Max and Charles planned a trip to the prettiest beach you could find. 
Conveniently, you were assigned a plane seat next to Lando. He slept on your shoulder and you held his hand. But he wasn’t actually sleeping. How could he fall asleep, when your touch made his heart speed up faster than the car he races in? 
At the beach house, Daniel purposely planned out the rooms so you’d have to share with Lando. Charles was paired up with Carlos, Max was paired up with Daniel, so that meant that you were left with Lando. The best part? Neither of you minded. 
And guess what. The room you two had left was the master bedroom with one bed. Not much sleeping was done for the first two nights. 
Lando laid awake on the first night, as far to the left of the bed as possible while you laid comfortably on the right side. You were sound asleep, quiet snores falling from your parted lips. Lando watched as you slept, feeling like a creep, but also feeling so hopelessly in love. 
You woke up halfway through the night, Lando still awake but pretending to be asleep, just so he doesn’t seem like a total weirdo. Lando listened as you got up and made your way to the kitchen for a glass of water, grabbing his phone and pretending you woke him up. He heard the pitter patter of your feet and closed his eyes half-way, looking at his you with a squint. 
Even at four in the morning, you looked absolutely breathtaking. 
“Did I wake you?” You ask, when you set your glass down on the nightstand and sit back down in bed. Lando feels bad when he sees the apologetic look in your face. 
“No, I’ve been awake.” He admits, lying back down comfortably, as far away from you as he could be. 
You furrowed your brows at him. “Why are you so far away? Come here.” Your hand pats the middle of the bed and you scoot closer when he does. Lando’s hesitant, but when you lay your head on his chest, all the worries leave him. His arms wrap around you and finally, he falls asleep to the feeling of your soft breaths on his bare skin. 
The next night, neither of you could fall asleep. Mostly due to what happened during the day. 
You were at the beach and having fun with all of the guys. Lando was sat beside you, in front of you, Daniel was playing football with Max and the two Ferrari drivers were out to buy drinks for the evening. 
The sun was warming up your skin, tan-lines guaranteed to be seen when you get back inside. You were lying on your stomach and watching Lando as he watched you, a small smile on both of you’s faces.
It felt like the perfect moment. The moment.
Lando started leaning in and so did you, and the next thing you know, Daniel’s laughing at the ball landing beside you and leaving both of you sandy. 
Angry looks were shot Daniel’s way and he just shrugged, suggesting they all got into the water to wash the sand away. Lando immediately un-buttoned his shirt and dropped it on your beach towel. You did the same and ran after him into the water. 
You noticed that Daniel didn’t get into the water and that he grabbed his camera, for whatever reason. 
The water’s warm, salty, relaxing. Completely opposite your job, yet it made you miss it. Lando swims around you and when his hands creep to your waist, you wrap your arms around his neck. He doesn’t waste time and leans in, connecting his lips to yours. 
Daniel, of course, snaps a few pictures and sends them to Lando. And Lando posts one of them. And you’re not sure how to feel. Obviously, he didn’t point out that it’s you. He didn’t tag you, didn’t even say anything in the caption, but it made you uneasy. 
The picture you posted was just of your shadows, so no one could really tell who it could be, meanwhile Lando’s picture had a clear outline of you. And everyone under the post were pointing it out.
You didn’t tell Lando that it made you feel uncomfortable, and you didn’t need to. He knew. 
“Can we talk about it?” Lando turns to you, after what feels like eternity. You look at him. “I should’ve asked, I’m sorry.” 
“It’s fine.” You brush it off. You lay on Lando’s chest again and he wraps his arms around you. You don’t want to say that what irks you most is that he hasn’t asked you to be his girlfriend yet. 
Lando doesn’t want to rush it. He’s not sure how to act without ultimately screwing it all up. 
But, after Daniel urging him and Max bullying him for taking so long, Lando does ask you. 
The day before you fly back home, he sits you down and asks you to be his. 
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liked by landonorris, danielricciardo, charles_leclerc and 2,847,928 others
yourusername slim shady (my cat) loves him and i do, too 🤍
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© 2023 slutforln4. all rights reserved.
🖇️ why the fuck can i only upload 30 images. how's a girl meant to format a fic cutely with only 30 pics? so fake.
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bb-eilish · 3 months
pairing; Anakin x fem!reader
a/n: I'm taking requests rn, the more gross and taboo the better pls!!
not proofread, directly from my brain to the internet
It was odd honestly. You've been dreaming of your sex life for forever now and it's actually started, though it was after you started your 20's. You couldn't really complain though, you couldn't really say a whole lot at all when Anakin's cock was usually lodged down your throat or buried as deep as possible inside you.
It was like fire between you, liquid fire that threatened to burn and never slow. The sex was great, obviously, but it was what was leading up to sex that swung you off your feet.
"My love? I'm finally back from the dealership. Almost had to sleep there". You hear down the hall, you were stuffed in your bedroom at the moment and Anakin had just gotten to your apartment. The smile that washed over your face wasn't even voluntary at this point, it was muscle memory. His large steps get closer until he's peaking inside the room, his gaze landing on your back as you sift through your dresser looking for something to sleep in.
"Took you long enough, you only left five hours ago". You chuckle, peering over your shoulder as he steps closer. So close that he wraps his arms around your middle; nestling his face in the crook of your neck. "I'm glad you're back, was worried I was gonna have to go to bed without you". Even with his face mushed into your skin he scoffs. "I'd run home before that could even happen, don't you worry, Pretty. Are you getting ready for bed?" He asks, unwrapping himself from you to search through the few drawers he's claimed in your dresser.
You open your mouth to answer but the words hiccup in your throat as he casually takes off his shirt. You've seen him naked a bunch now, but you'd never get used to such a sight. "Yeah...yeah I am, just gotta get undressed".
Anakin's eyebrow quirks at the small but very telling reaction. So he waits for you to find a shirt, your fingers hooking into the material you're wearing with the intent to pull it off, but instead you cast over a glance to confirm whether he's watching or not.
He is.
And it causes your skin to burn the second you meet his gaze, especially when that damned smirk ever so slightly pulls at the corner of his plump lips.
"What?" You ask softly, your stomach doing flips in your body.
"Keep going, we're going to bed aren't we?" The reply is teasing and you can feel your face heating effectively.
"I will.." You let out a nervous laugh, slightly lifting the material more to show him you plan on taking it off.
"Do it, or do you need some help?" He begins, taking a step closer. "Wouldn't mind helping my baby, y'know? Taking this off..." The air in the room feels like it's been heated up and yet sucked out at the same time. His fingers pluck your tank top's strap and pulls it, letting it snap against your skin.
"You're gonna let me help you right? Been thinking of you all day--these all day". Large, warm hands grope you over your bra and shirt, yet it feels as though there's no barriers at all. You let out a shaky breath and nod, gripping the edge of the dresser behind you.
"Words, Pretty, you know that". He scolds lightly.
"Yes...please, missed you". The breathy admission has a lusty smile etching its way across his face and he doesn't wait another second before he's pulling off the thin layer of your shirt; eyeing the exposed skin and the way your bra is decorated with the sinful sight of your cleavage.
"There we go, gotta take this off too, don't I? Pretty girl always needs my help, doesn't she?" He mumbles, his hands sprawl across your sides, goosebumps prickling over the affected area. He drifts his hands to your back, moving up to your bra clasp and removing it with practiced ease.
A shiver runs down your back, from the cool air and from the way he bites his lip the second he gets an eyeful of your breasts. A groan bubbles at the back of his throat and he's quick to press you into the dresser, his hands scrambling to scoop up your half naked figure and hoist you onto the flat surface. He's almost eye level with your nipples and it causes his pants to tighten significantly.
"So pretty, baby, such pretty fuckin' tits you have". A second later he's leaning forward and sloppily kissing your collarbone, his tongue pokig out at certain times.
His lips move lower and he drags his moist bottom lip down the valley between your breasts. The action has your heart stuttering and a gush of liquid to wet a spot on your panties.
"Anakin". You whimper softly, moving your hands to glide and explore his arms and torso.
"I know, baby, know you need me". He decides to stop teasing and to finally kiss in circles around your left nipple, soon taking it into his mouth and moaning like it was his favorite meal. Your mouth falls open and your hand grips the curls that rest at the back of his head. The way his tongue switches between harsh licks and gentle swirls has your mind becoming hazy and numb, Anakin prefers you like this. Needy, debauched, only thing on your mind being him and his cock.
A gasp and a choked moan leave you suddenly when he meanly bites down on your sensitive bud. The pain tingles into pleasure and you're squirming, the ache in between your thighs beginning to become a problem.
"Anakin, fuck, I need more, gotta give me more, please". You beg, the words a tad slurred as you dig your nails into his scalp and the skin of his sun-kissed shoulder.
He pulls away, his lips wet as he flicks his gaze to yours. "Poor baby, is your pussy already wet? Just from me playing with your tits? God, baby, you're such a pathetic little thing, hm? Can't even touch you without you wanting more". His words are meant to fully push you over the edge, meant to make thinking even harder.
You whine in response, dragging him closer. He offers a chuckle and a quick glance before he's digging his fingers under your pajama pants and dragging them down and off. He then pushes your legs apart, the grip of your thigh firm. Your bottom lip is trapped under your teeth as you take in his reaction, clenching around nothing at it.
"Tsk tsk, I knew it. Bet you're thinking of all the things I could do to you right now. Like.." He starts, his hand drifting to the wet patch on your panties and pressing into it. Your posture slumps further and you breathe heavy. "I could finger you first, press into that little hole of yours, maybe get you to squirt a couple times before I get my mouth on your clit".
He rips his gaze from where he thumbs your clit lightly, the action becoming harder as seconds pass.
"You always sound so pretty when I eat your pretty pussy. Or are you thinking about what I'll do when I finally fuck you? When I finally get my cock out and fill you up again? Could take you like this". He says, emphasizing his point by pulling you to the edge and letting you feel how hard he's become with a roll of his hips into yours. You whine but he keeps going.
"Or I could bend you over it, pull your hair". One of his hands moves up to grip the strands of your hair, a fist full as he pulls your head back. His tongue wets his lips before he sloppily plants wet kisses upon the column of your throat, soon moving to your ear and brushing over the skin of it.
A shiver wracks your body before he speaks again, his voice low and thick with lust as he almost whispers into your ear.
"Tell you how dirty, pathetic, disgusting, you are for enjoying my cock so much". He unfortunately pulls away a second later, an inch away from your face now, his hands back on your thighs.
"So, what'll it be, Pretty?"
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archangeldyke-all · 3 months
love love love your writinggggg!!! seriously!
if i could request something, i'd love a soft sevika helping a lonely and touch starved reader? maybe reader is her friend and her friend opens up and stuff goes down😏
i love youuuuuu!!!! this is sooo cute 😭
men and minors dni
"touch starved?" sevika asks. "what's that?"
you invited your best friend over for take out and gossip, and now, three hours into eating and drinking and catching up, your conversation's gotten deep.
you shrug. "like, y'know, not being touched enough. people are supposed to touch and hold and cuddle each other, like evolutionary-- it calms us down and keeps us healthy. but, if you're, like me... single, living alone, family's not all that touchy feely... i dunno. i just feel like a really nice hug could, like, fix everything in me."
it's quiet. you know sevika won't judge you, you've known her long enough to know better than to expect that. you anticipate maybe a tease, or an encouragement to accompany her to the bars she meets girls at to try and find you somebody too.
you don't expect the upset, almost sad look on her face.
"sev?" you ask.
"sorry. i was just trying to remember the last time i had a hug." she says, shaking her contemplative look away. your heart shatters and you pout at your best friend. she chuckles. "don't give me that look, you're just as pathetic as me!"
"it's not pathetic, it's way too common nowadays." you laugh, smacking sevika's shoulder.
but, when you bring your hand back to your side of the couch, sevika reaches out and grabs it, intertwining her fingers with yours.
you gulp, and your heartbeat skyrockets.
it's not just your touch-starved-ness that's got you flustered. you've been crushing on sevika since you've known her. it's why you've avoided touching your best friend so much in the first place-- your brain just short circuits when you touch her.
"why don't we just hug each other?" sevika whispers. you blink up from her hands to look her in the eye, shocked to see sevika looking just as unsteady as you feel.
you take a shaky breath and look down at your hands. you can't lie. sevika will see right through you.
"honestly? i think if i hugged you i'd never let go."
sevika chuckles. "is that so bad?" she asks. you huff.
"yes! sevika, i'm trying so hard not to make things weird between us and-- and a hug would make my feelings way too fucking loud to ignore."
it's silent. sevika's grip on your hand is like steel, you couldn't run away if you wanted to. you don't. her wide, vulnerable eyes have you pinned to the couch anyways.
"...i didn't know you felt like that about me."
"yeah, well..."
sevika launches forward and pins you to the mattress, laying flat on top of you. you squawk, squirming underneath her as you try to free yourself. she just goes boneless, waiting for you to finish fighting. "sevika!" you cry.
"i feel like that about you, too." she whispers. you give up your fight, melting into the couch beneath you. "if i had known, i'd've been all over you this whole fucking time."
"...oh." you giggle.
you can feel the curve of sevika's smile against your throat, and a shiver shoots down your spine. "were you serious about never letting go of me?" she asks.
she kisses your cheek, and you shiver again. "good. i'm not lettin' go of you either."
@fyeahnix @lavendersgirl @half-of-a-gay @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner
@shimtarofstupidity @chuucanchuucan @badbye666 @femme-historian @lia-winther
@ellsss @sevikaspillowprincess @emiliabby @sevikasbeloved @hellorai
@glass-apothecary @macaroni676 @artinvain @realgreeniebeanie @k3n-dyll
@sevsdollette @ellieslob @xayn-xd
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serendipitous-girl · 3 months
𝐝𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐝𝐞𝐤𝐮
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⊱✿⊰ summary: head canons as a gift to @lovelykil
⊱✿⊰ warnings: nothing crazy. Mentions of pregnancy and kids but nothing nsfw
⊱✿⊰ notes: my first fanfiction on this new account! How exciting am i right??
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❀ Izuku loves to show how grateful he is to have you as a partner. You are kind and compassionate and just amazing. He loves everything about you and does his best to show you that. He buys you flowers regularly, takes you on dates as much as he can (with his busy schedule), and tries to show you he appreciates you.
❀ Although he has a very busy life as a pro hero he makes time for you. Quick lunches in between rescues and the occasional time he takes a day off go spend it with you. Whenever he takes the day off he loves to make you dinner.
❀ He knows he wanted to marry you almost right into dating. You are so perfect ans you make him feel the best he could be. Why wouldn't he choose to spend the rest of his life with you?
❀ surprisingly or not, izuku prefers keeping your relationship details pretty private. Like he doesn't hide you from the public but he does keep them from giving you all invasive questions. Anyway, I think he proposed over a fancy dinner he cooked at home. Popping open the wine, pulling out the candles, y'know the works.
"Oh wow," you said, walking into the very fancy dinner Izuku had made for the both of you. You tried thinking back to if this was a special occasion but you could not figure out what it could possibly be.
"Zu, what's all this for?" You asked, looking at him with grateful confusion. He was so kind to you and you had no idea what you did to earn such a man. He smiles and sits you down, telling you to enjoy dinner and he'd explain later.
So the both of you ate dinner with easy conversation, just like any sort of date you'd go on. After dinner you opened your mouth to ask what had been bugging you all evening when he knelt in front of you.
"Will you marry me?" He asked, his freckled face the most adorable pink color. He looked like the high schooler you met all those years ago, nervous but so strong.
"Yes, yes! I would love to marry you!" You answered, a few tears breaking free from your overwhelming amounts of emotion. He grinned, putting the ring on your finger before wrapping his arms around your waist and twirling you around.
❀ you guys had a relatively simple wedding. Full of family and close friends (not to mention the stray reporters who somehow snuck in.) Your classmates and teachers from UA even managed to come which was lucky.
❀ i think you guys honeymooned in like Italy or something. Izuku would have asked for America though lol
❀ I would think about a year into marriage you start to talk about kids. Izuku has always wanted kids and especially wants them with you so of course he brings up the conversation. He has enough money as a top pro hero to support any decisions including if you chose to continue working rather than being a stay at home mom.
❀ he is so happy when you tell him you are pregnant with a baby girl. After celebrating with you he immediately calls his mom to tell her the good news, which she was also excited for. Inko definitely came to your place later that day with fresh cookies for her son and his gorgeous wife. Inko loves you like you were her own daughter.
❀ The pregnancy goes smoothly and you gave birth to an adorable little girl, named Zuri. (Both her and Izuku's nicknames are Zu). She was perfect and sweet.
❀ Izuku tries to spend as much time with his family as he can. He take days off and makes sure you and Zuri feel as loved as possible.
❀ When Zuri was four years old she asked for a baby brother which you and Izuku were more than happy to oblige. Thus comes your son, Mikumo (nicknamed Mikey)
❀ you guys are honestly the cutest family. You are literally the model family for all of Japan. You guys are on the cover of some sort of magazine or something.
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cupidscrule · 8 months
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Stepdad!Leon X Fem!Reader
Cw - p in v, daughter chasing after dad, stepcest, noncon(?) Unprotected
WRD- 1.5k
You always knew your dad was hot, total babe back in the 2000's ever since you were a kid your friends always gushed over him, and it was fair, always thought it was gross though. Like he's YOUR dad, stepdad yeah but he still raised you, sure he had a cute face, big arms, his pornstar tits were an add on. But he was Dad, nothin' more, But fuck the way he cups your cheek when your sad, hugs you, gives you that awkward Dad kiss. Just makes you yearn for him, which is wrong you know it's wrong but it's like that itch.
Your friends are always tellin' you how lucky you are, not only is Dad hot, he's nice y'know? Real good dad, picks you up everyday, gets you real nice things. Best guy honestly can see why Mom picked him!
"Hi kiddo, you wanted to check out that new place-?" Dad said opening your bedroom door, stupid fucken smile on his dumb hot face
'bury your face in my tits'
"Oh no -! It's okay- really I'm real tired"
'fuck me till I can't breathe'
"Huh- alright, come down soon dinners gonna be ready, and sorry Moms not home yet she said she'd be here in a few weeks 'k?"
'i wanna scream your name'
"Oh it's alright, and of course dad!"
With that he left, shutting the door halfway, dick move but it probably wasn't on purpose, the smell of his colone in the room, only imagining Dad stuff you up. God your disgusting, this is dad. Fourth something year old DAD, since when did you have these thoughts about him, as a kid sure you always thought he was cute 'ohhb I would totally date someone as big and strong as my Daddy!'
But it was LIKE, not actually him. But you can't stop thinkin' about him, wanting Dad to shove your face in the mattress pull on your hair, do the shit they do in pornos. Nasty thoughts, feeling gross and hot imagining all the shit you wanna do with the poor guy, as he just stood there not knowin' thinking your his innocent little daughter who could do no wrong! Oh no she would never have sex before marriage! Oh no my little girl doesn't even cuss!
Yeah right Dad, mhm. Actin' like in middle school my friends weren't blushing over you, whenever you walked in.
Fucken idiot, your little girls not pure, she's not good. She ain't innocent, hell she fantasizes about fucken you every day. It doesn't matter, nothings ever gonna come of this right? Just walk downstairs, eat dinner with dad and go back in your room and sleep it off.
"Sweetiee you finnaly came, how was your day?" Dad says sitting across from you, he didn't even cook. Fucken liar this was clearly some bullshit from a 4 star restaurant he just put on a plate. "Oh it's fine, nothin' much." You say staring at the table, trying to distract yourself from him, how he smells, how he sits, how he opens his mouth, the way he moves his bangs out of his dumb face, his breath. The intoxicating feeling of just bein' near him now.
"Are you okay?"
"Why'd you ask that? You know I'm always fine-" you say in response, playing with your fingers, avoiding his gaze. God feels like a crush in primary school, messin' up words and giggling to your friends about the fastest guy. "You just don't seem like yourselfer Hun, you can always talk to me you know that?" He says, feeling his eyes on you, not in a creepy way more an endearing way which somehow made your entire situation worse. "yeah- I know, don't worry it's fine!" You mumble, lookin' up at him, god he really was dreamy, just wanting him to- NO no more fantasy's.
You finish up, so does he. He just gives you that concerned Dad look before you get up and run back up the stairs like a bitch and lock yourself in your room, typing into Google
'how to stop liking your dad'
'is it normal to have a crush on your dad'
'is it illegal to fuck your step dad'
Jesus Christ your search history, just laying on your side in your bed. Thighs squeezed together tryna' stop thinking about dad, you've seen him shirtless before. Yeah you felt a little hot in your core before, anytime he hugged you you felt so- just so warm. Not the lovey Awee dad and daughter warm, more like if your boyfriend hugged you nice and tight! Feels good, feels warm and fuzzy, pit in your stomach that can only be filled by one thing.
Tossin' and turnin' it's only 6:00pm shit, Dad's still downstairs probobly watching some old movie, he really likes thoughs for some reason, and westerns it's kinda creepy but your the one who wants to fuck him so you really can't be judging. your thoughts are too much to bare, a girl can only last so long on the edge, panties soaked thinking about shit, and hell when you can actually recreate what you want, Nothing's stopping you. Other then ethics but who even cares anymore, walking downstairs to Dear ol' Daddy, bingo.
"Mm- Dad-? Can I talk to you?" You mutter walking up behind the sofa he's laying in, playing with your fingers, how do even address this like,
'Oh yeah dad! Can you just bend your daughter over and fuck her till she's blubbering nonsense, you raised her since she was seven but y'know !!'
"Hm, yeah of course, what's the problem bunny?" He says sitting up, glancing behind him to your miserable face, little frown on your lips. He raises a brow seeing your face, you felt all fuzzy feeling your throat get dry, the hell were you supposed to do?
"Uh Dad, can- can you come upstairs" you mutter looking at him, feeling your chest get heavy. Of course dear Daddy doesn't wanna disappoint you so he gets up and walks over to ya
"What's wrong, Hun?" He says, so sweetly fuck. Looken' all concerned for you, just fall into his chest, even though Dad was in shape he had fatass boobs, real nice to put your face in whenever he hugged ya. Just like always as a concerted Daddy does he puts an arm around you, pulling you nice and tight, "Baby?" He says in that same voice, pullin' your face away from his body, looking down at you.
"Can- can we just sit down" you say grabbing his hand forcefully and leading him to the nice leather sofa, you didn't know much about Mom but she really liked expensive shit and this was the only thing at home she bought..
You push him onto his back, his head resting on the arm, he looked kinda confused, like a puppy! You crawl over on top on him, ass rested on his lower pelvis. "Hey Bunny this is a little- whats wrong?" Dad says trying to carefully lift you off of him, awe stupid Daddy actin' like you're just gonna listen to him
"Dad just let me do this- please, you love me right?" You say looking at him in the eyes, pout on your stupid lips, he just nods slowly as a response. Unzippin' his jeans, wow this really is a shitty porno plot.
'Cute stepdaughter seduces and fucks her Dad while Mom isn't home!'
Jesus Christ you fucking creep.
With his pants open pulling out is fat cock, he wasn't hard which kinda hurt, you were being all cute and all dad did was just sit and stare in shock. Like sure you were gropen him and stuff but he could put some effort in it? Whatever doesn't matter-? You sit on his thighs pulling off your night pants, your panties were already wet from earlier, sadly it seemed Dad didn't really wanna reinact your fantasy so you gotta do all the work, flicking your garments to the side, crawling back onto him. Placing your hips over his Dick, and taking it in, feeling his tip touch your cervix "Mm- fuck-" you murmer, taking a second before getting used to it, slowly moving your hips back and forth, feeling ever little movement. It was euphoric, hands on his chest, looking at his face he looked like he was trying to not enjoy it, but you could tell he was. You felt his breath get heavier anytime you went faster, such a good boy.
His fat dick bruising your womb, your walls squeezing against him, you could hear Dad muttering curse words under his breath, made you feel kinda better about this whole thing. Going to your high and getting that numbing feeling, stomach felt warm, brain all fuzzy and messy collapsing onto him, feeling that warm stuff leaking out of you, pulling yourself off Dad, laying on his chest, glancing up at him, seeing his flushed and disturbed face, awe it was so cute!
He probably felt horrible but you felt amazing, fuck best experience. Putting your arms aside his
"I love you Dad.." you spout into his shirt
"Your Mother can't hear about this B-bunny.." he replies, putting one of arms on your back, you could feel his chest go up and down so cute.
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letsmyy · 5 months
i have a request!!! you should write a daughter of apollo x leo valdez fic but based on espresso by sabrina carpenter (idk i feel like that song gives children of apollo vibes!) it'd be leo obsessed with the apollo girl (like him being absolutely obsessed with her, having the biggest crush on her possible, he constantly thinks about her, him being an absolute loser bf) and finally getting the courage to ask her out on a date or something like that.
“she’s like a shot of espresso…”
leo valdez x duaghter of apollo!reader
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warnings: use of yn! english isn’t my first language so it might be some errors!!
thank you so much for your request, it made me so happy!! idk if what i wrote it’s exactly what you want but i hope you like it 🤕 this is my first timing writing a real fic and I think it really shows lol, but i promise I’ll try to improve in the next one, I’m so sorry if it’s that bad, and this is really short too? omg im really bad at this lol, but anyways, ly anon tell me your opinions (honestly) abt this later, kisses to uuu!! 🫶💗 (btw anon, please request other things I feel like I didn’t did you justice with this one)
words: 850
“is it that sweet? I guess so…..”
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ - ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
Leo was sure he was going crazy.
He always had a pretty big amount of silly crushes on girls, but with you? It was getting way too serious. Of course, you're beautiful, incredibly kind, and too generous for your own good, and you treated him well, but that isn't enough reason to make him lose sleep; at least that's what he thought.
And he was extremely wrong. Being in your presence was the equivalent of being bathed in the sunlight, and gods, he felt like a prisoner who hadn't seen the sun in years.
He's completely obsessed with you; he just needs the courage to verbalize that, but being honest, Leo felt like a coward at the moment.
While being lost in his thoughts (the thoughts being the pretty daughter of Apollo that never leaves his mind), the boy finally falls asleep.
Leo doesn't mind waking up if that means spending the day with the people he loves, so after getting ready for the day, he searches for you.
And he found you, talking with a much younger camper, helping him. You're smiling like it's the best day of your life, and Leo could swear that you're almost glowing.
The boy makes its way to you the same moment you finish talking to the kid, now having your full attention on Hephaestus' son.
"Leo! Good morning!" Your voice to him had the same effect as listening to his favorite music, it made him happy in ways he couldn't explain, even if his life depended on it. 
"Yn! Good morning!" He mimics you, not in a bad way, just a teasing one. You roll your eyes in fake annoyance.
"Sooo, did you sleep well, Valdez?" You ask, seeming really interested in the answer, but he knows that you're like that for everything, being extremely kind.
"Not really, would be better if I dreamed about you," you laugh amusingly.
"You say that every day, y'know?"
"I know, I say because it's true. " You can't help but blush a little. You're used to Leo flirting with you, but it never gets past that, so you just learned to joke back.
"Hilarious, Valdez... fortunately, I slept very well today, and I'm more excited than normal! I think it's because it's so sunny today, that's awesome, was thinking about going to the lake later. I can't waste such a pretty day like this one painting inside my cabin..."
"Unfortunately, I'll be in the bunker today, I have lots of things to do."
"What? No! You're coming with me, you can't waste this wonderful day either!" You grab his hands, walking toward the lake.
Leo could swear he would pass out at that moment. He couldn't even think about denying your offer, he would prefer dying to doing that.
After a few seconds, you guys get to the lake.
"Look how pretty it is! You have to go swimming with me, it’s a need.”
"Look, sunshine, water and fire don't get along so well, so I might skip that one" he says, apologetic. You frown, thinking.
"We don't need to go swimming, we can just talk, i really don't care." You smile lovingly at him.
"I don't want to ruin your day! There are many people that can go with you, you'll find someone better to do that." He's so oblivious that it's getting concerning.
"I want to spend time with you, Valdez. I don't mind if it's swimming or just talking, I want to, you know..be with you."
"Oh." He's acting like a loser, he can't think straight anymore and is blushing like crazy, but who cares?
"Oh?" You tease him, smiling.
"Yeah, we can. Just talk, I'm happy with that. " His smile was so genuine that made your heart melt.
That's when you realize you're still holding his hand, and you don't want to change that. You can feel he notices too.
Something just snapped in his head, now it’s the time, now or never, right?
"Yn? Can I tell you something?" He says it in a quiet tone, and you just nod.
"When I'm around you, it's like constantly drinking a shot of espresso, it's like being bathed in sunlight, you're incredibly energetic and enthusiastic, and i just can't get enough of you, you're my sunrise and daylight....all I'm saying is, gods, I very much love you more than just friends" You're surprised, really surprised, so surprised that you can't even speak for a moment, which just makes Leo even more nervous.
"Please say something...like, anything, a no it's better than silence because it’s less-“ Before he yaps again, you interrupt him:
"I like you too." The boy almost squeals of pure excitement.
"Seriously? Oh gods, oh gods. What?" He's so happy, it's so sincere, so soft, it's amazing, you can feel your heart beating so fast, and you don't even care; seeing him like this because of you is the best feeling you ever felt.
Then you see that one look, meant just for you, it's like time has frozen, and you're both thinking the same thing. Then, like all the stars aligned, you kissed him
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rassvetsky · 2 years
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jake "hangman" seresin x fem!reader
"Jakey, just have fun for me," your whine brought out a lovesick smile on his lips. "You can't call me every fifteen minutes and actually expect to enjoy your night out."
[1.1k] | incredibly lovesick jake seresin alert, idk what this is im not even sober, am i ever not drunk, anyway alcohol consumption, javy's bromance w/ jake, just fluff actually he's so cute i'm forever gonna stick up for the loverboy jake agenda
reblog and/or like for a kiss, feedback much appreciated! not proofread.
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With his back against the outer wall of the bar, Jake couldn't contain the smile on his lips while tapping away on his phone to find your name.
He had no idea how and when it happened exactly, this excruciating amount of pull that you had on him— which had him twirling his imaginary long hair and kicking his feet often after any moment spent with you or as a very natural response to a very casual text you sent, when nobody was around to see.
He was happy to be living up to the nickname you gave him long ago, when that too-good-to-be-true exterior cracked and cracked until he finally revealed his true nature; a loverboy.
Your line dialed for the fifth time as he held his phone up to his ear, the music still pretty much hearable even through the wall. Javy was inside waiting for him, and honestly was quite surprised that Jake would down the rest of his second drink and walk out right away because "I gotta tell my girl about this, she's gonna laugh so hard" but it was the new normal for a long while now, wasn't it?
You finally picked up, a bit later than usual since you said that you'd just be at home— catching up with work and stuff which Jake didn't really listen to the details of, and you couldn't exactly blame him for that. "Hello?"
"Hey, babe." his giddy tone could be felt through the line. "Jus' wanted to check up on you. What are you doing?"
"Ah," you chuckled. "Still working, honey. Same as you left me."
All you could hear was a hum of understanding before he released a deep sigh, leaning further on the wall. "Wish you were here with me, honestly. Javy's such a fucking idiot— can't wait to tell you all 'bout it."
"Jakey, just have fun for me," your whine brought out a lovesick smile on his lips. "You can't call me every fifteen minutes and actually expect to enjoy your night out."
"But I enjoy things a lot more when you're doing it with me."
"Machado's gonna hate me if you keep this shit up, y'know that?" he recognized your teasing tone immediately, huffing out a snicker. "He's still hurt that you wouldn't spend 'Bromance Day' with him."
"Well, his 'Bromance Day' just so happened to be February fourteenth, he should've managed his expectations. I was free on the thirteenth. Not the fifteenth because my girlfriend is an insatiable little—"
"Hey, shut it," you laughed, and he knew you well enough to know that you were shaking your head now, even if he couldn't see. "You should stop grumbling about one of the few people that actually endures your annoying ass, work on your time management and get back to the bar, alright?"
"Right," he took a deep breath again, not even aware that he was holding it— perhaps he was afraid of missing even the tiniest details of your voice, unhappy with the lack of justice the static of the line did to it. "I'm gonna wreck that dart board for you, baby."
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When Jake came back home that night, a little bit later than he said he would, but in his defense, you did tell him to have fun. Probably reeking of alcohol and sweat, he figured in his tipsy state that you must be asleep by now, and made sure to be extra quiet while shuffling out of his jacket and setting his keys down by the shoe rack. He tiptoed his way over to the bathroom then, and ran himself a cold shower— mostly to get rid of the scent, and to perhaps go to bed with a clearer head but he was sloppy nonetheless, and a shower without singing wasn't really a good shower.
He still sang some of his favorite songs very quietly though.
But when he walked into your shared room with a warm robe around his body, he didn't expect you to… not be there. It was late. You sure would've left what you were doing to run to his side the second he came back if you were awake, right?
Looking around the room in confusion as if you'd magically appear from behind the curtain and scare him shitless, he took a sharp breath and walked towards the small study you had— a comfortable, quiet space to work on stuff or to just think, and his prediction proved itself to be right because you were right there, arms crossed on top of the desk with your head resting on them, eyes closed, computer still open with whatever you were busy with doing on the screen.
God, he was smiling like an idiot.
"My busy bee…" he whispered to himself, before carefully approaching your desk— making sure to save all your work before putting the computer on sleep mode just in case. With one arm leaning against the desk, he then looked down at your sleeping figure, looking so content despite the awkward position— and he couldn't help the quiet chuckle that left his lips. "Should I wake you or potentially startle you while trying to carry you to bed?"
You didn't even stir.
"You're gonna be the death of me one day." he complained, but tried out a couple of different arm positions that he could potentially use to carry you— with no luck. That's when you finally let out a yawn though, mumbling out his name before slowly pushing yourself off the desk. "I'm sorry— I couldn't figure out how to pick you up. It's easier when you're on the couch—" but then you just wrapped your arms around his neck, getting in a better position for him to pick you up.
Too sleepy to do anything else. Jake felt his heart doing Olympic backflips.
With a secure grip by your waist and the back of your knees, he carefully picked you up from where you were seated, smiling to himself when he felt your lips by his neck, and then a tired murmur. "M'sorry. Wanted to stay awake for you but— work's boring."
He chuckled at that, a soft noise that brought a smile to your lips when your back finally met the cold mattress. "You should've just gone to bed, sweetheart. Your back will kill you if you keep that up."
"It's fine," you replied, only then opening your eyes to see him sitting by the edge of the bed, his warm palm covering your knee with a compassionate smile on his lips. "Bed's cold. You gotta warm me up or else I might actually die—"
"God, such a baby," his tease was followed by a chuckle as he slightly pushed you over to get to his side, quickly wrapping the both of you with a blanket before undoing the belt of his robe, just so the knot wouldn't bother you when he pulled you closer to his chest. "Go right back to sleep, honey. I got you."
And you were content on doing exactly what he told you to do, except, he didn't do the same— but instead, decided to take a good look at your serene expression and sigh to himself, nothing but whispers leaving his lips as he admired you. "I love you so bad, it's not even funny anymore."
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a/n: guess which songs jake were singing in the shower. my playlist is very dry lately and im going to steal your guesses shamelessly and then remember you fondly 3 years later when i stumble upon that song again and then we're gonna fall in love and—
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strwbmei · 8 months
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summary: fucking march's fever out of her
contains: soft sex, friends to lovers at the end, fingering (character receiving), arguably dubcon since march is sick, sort of porn with plot?, virgin march, not proofread, maybe ooc
pairing(s): march 7th x gn!reader
a/n: i need to spoil her and take care of her and eat her out. thank you
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"Cute girls can't get sick!"
Or so, were March's last words before diving straight onto the freezing snow of Belobog and proceeding to make snow angels. It had been a long time since the Express had the time to visit Jarilo VI, and while you understood her excitement, her decisions, as expected, did not end well for either of you.
A few days later, March is still sick and you're taking care of her while the other Nameless enjoy their visit to Belobog. "[Name]..." She called out to you with a whiny voice, her lips put into a pout. "Don't you think it's fine for me to go down to Belobog now? Look, I'm basically fully healed!" She sat up from her bed, doing air punches as if that would prove that her fever was gone.
"Pfft..." You snorted. "What are you even doing? And no, I'm not letting you go anywhere until your temperature is back to normal." You say sternly, sitting down next to her. "I'm sorry, March. I know you were really looking forward to visiting Belobog again, but your health comes first."
She slumps in defeat as she lays back down on her side, her back turned to you. "Fine... I enjoy spending time with you like this more, anyway." She mumbled, but due to how quiet her voice was, you only heard the first part. "Sorry, what was that?"
"Nothing." March sighs, turning to face you with her rabbit stuffy clutched in her hands. "Hey, uh... I'm sorry you have to stay behind with me. I really wanted to show you my favorite spots in Belobog."
You tilt your head, resting the back of your hand on her forehead to feel her temperature. "You sure you're alright? You're being way too nice today." You tease. She pouts, playfully swatting your hand away. "Hey! And here I was trying to be considerate..."
You chuckle at her reaction. "Y'know, you're surprisingly pretty cute when you're sick."
"Well, for your information, I'm perfectly cute even when I'm not sick!" She retorts.
"Yeah, yeah."
In all seriousness, taking care of her wasn't an inconvenience to you in the slightest. She was surprisingly cooperative, and you'd be lying if you said that you didn't enjoy how much more clingy and affectionate she is when she's sick. After all, you've had feelings for her for quite a while now... Her bubbly personality and her admittedly cute looks just seemed to draw you in more and more each day.
March speaks up after a few seconds of silence. "Can I ask you for a favor, [Name]?"
"What is it?" You tilt your head in curiosity.
"Can you... cuddle with me?"
"Hm." You raised an eyebrow. Honestly, you expected something more serious. Cuddling was almost routine to the two of you whenever you hung out, especially during sleepovers when March would cling to you in her sleep like you were a pillow. You never minded. In fact, you've grown to like it.
Not once did she ask first, though. "Why?" You ask with a grin, ready to play it off as a joke. You're not sure what you were expecting, since it was a stupid question in the first place. Cuddling wasn't out of the norm for you two, and you wouldn't be surprised if she was the type to find comfort in snuggling with somebody whenever she was sick.
"Because I miss your touch..." She says in a voice barely above a whisper, yet one that you could hear in her now silent room where it felt like nothing else mattered other than the two of you. "Oh." You gulp, feeling the blood rush to your cheeks as soon as she says those words.
Meanwhile, March wants to dig herself into a hole and die. She wasn't supposed to say that out loud, and you were much less supposed to blush! She's surprisingly oblivious for someone so observant when it comes to you, so she never even considered the possibility that you might return her feelings...
However, you best believe she'll be putting out all of the stops if there is a chance that you do, in fact, like her back.
"You don't want to? Fine..." She pouts, and your train of thought is broken once she looks up at you with those eyes that you've always loved, oh so needily... "No- no, I mean, yeah, I'd... love to cuddle with you." You splurt out, stumbling all over your words.
Which is how you ended up in this situation: her body pressed up against yours in a way that isn't appropriate for friends. She might be sick, sure, but she's almost fully healed and there's no way she'd be doing this unintentionally... right?
After a few seconds of contemplation, you decide to speak up. "We shouldn't be doing this, March." You say, your voice soft and barely loud enough for her to hear. "Mm..." She pays no heed to your words, instead opting to wrap her arms around you even tighter if that were even possible.
You gulp. She understands what you mean, right? Maybe you're just reading too much into her actions? Your mouth moves faster than your brain can, and you speak without realizing it. "You're driving me insane."
"...If I'm such a bad influence, maybe you should put me in my place."
She whispers with an almost seductive tone that you've never heard her use before, and you have to take a second to process if you really heard her say that. She knows what she's doing. Has she always been this bold, or is this how she usually gets with everyone every time she's sick? God, you hope that it's just with you.
You roll over to position yourself on top of her, your arms now on either side of her head as the mattress dips under the two of you. "Are you sure that you want this?" She giggles at your question, wrapping her arms around the back of your neck and pulling you into a soft, yet hungry kiss as if she'd been ready for this her whole life.
"Be gentle, okay?" She smiles once she finally pulls away, the room devoid of any other sound other than your heavy breathing and a silence that spoke volumes of the unresolved feelings you had for each other. "Just let me take care of you." You mutter as you leave a trail of soft kisses along her jaw and collarbones, your hand reaching out for the waistband of her pink pajamas. "May I?"
She nods in response, turning her head to the side in an attempt to hide her reddened cheeks. "Pfft... You really are adorable." You mumble to yourself as you pull her pants along with her panties down to her knees. Your fingers find themselves teasing her entrance, rubbing slow circles over her clit and occasionally collecting her slick.
"Mmpfh... I'm fine, [Name]. You can put it in now." As if sensing your worries that you were trying hard not to show, she spoke up. Although you've imagined this scenario multiple times before, you can't help but feel nervous. You want to make sure that her first time is as soft and as pleasurable as it can be.
"Tell me if it hurts, okay? Just relax." You say softly, carefully curling your index finger into her cunt and giving her a few seconds to adjust before pumping in and out at a slow pace. The small moans and whimpers she lets out are even better than you'd imagined. "A-ah... That feels good..."
As if on instinct, her hand reaches out for your free one; an act much too intimate for friends, but you indulge her nonetheless. Besides, the two of you have long since done things that most people would deem past the border of a platonic relationship. When did the line between friends and lovers start to blur?
"I've got you, pretty girl. I'm not going anywhere." You coo at her, the gentleness of your voice much in contrast to the quickening pace of your fingers.
Her eyes are fluttered shut. Her hair is sticking to her forehead. Her mouth is ever so slightly parted in an "o" shape. Truly, she is beautiful in every sense of the word. Beautiful like this; beautiful always. "Do you think you can take another finger, March?"
She nods almost too eagerly at your question. You slow down, whispering sweet nothings into her ear as you slowly insert a second finger and stretch her out even more. "That's it. You're doing so good, taking me so well..."
After a while, she starts grinding on your fingers, and you take that as a sign to go faster and give her more. The second you start rubbing and pressing down on her clit, she can feel herself nearing her orgasm. She looks up at you with doe eyes and squeezes your hand, and that's all it takes for the feelings you've been repressing all this time to break loose.
"I love you."
Before you can process what you said amid the sea of emotions you're feeling and apologize, she pulls you in for a kiss. Unlike before, this kiss is more tender and warm than lustful, as if she was trying to say that she loved you too. As if she had been waiting for you to say those words her whole life.
You swallow her moans and whimpers as she comes undone around your fingers, finally pulling away after what feels like an eternity. You wish that kiss would last an eternity. Hell, if it were up to you, that moment wouldn't end even after the seas had dried and there were no stars left in the vast skies that she loved so much.
Heavily breathing, you collapse beside her. "Uhm," You break the silence, albeit a little hesitantly. "I'm going to get you some water, and help wash you up if that's fine?" You're far too ashamed to look her in the eye after what you said.
She embraces you in her arms, and it's the safest you've felt your whole life. "Just a little bit more..." She nuzzles her head into your neck, inhaling your scent and holding you just a bit closer.
"I love you too, you big dummy."
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╰┈➤ taglist ; @nbdaddykink , @roninraccoon , @sinsmockingbird , @fvrina , @commandercarbs , @sapphic-simp4015 , @truculentbantam , @vrachis , @dukemira , @arbiteriey , @krowbyss , @the-night-owl-blr
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thursdaygxrls · 1 year
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summary — peter’s memory is really good (no it’s not)
pairing — tasm!frat!peter parker x fem!reader
disclaimer — i don’t own tasm or peter. i’ve also been listening to infrunami on repeat for 4 days and had to do something about it.
warnings — mentions of drinking/alcohol, possible ooc, and this is (let’s all say it!) unedited
The frat house was just about as clean as it could be. It was rare for a house full of boys to be spotless, especially with weekly parties like the one going on right now. Surprisingly enough, this particular party had been relatively chill--no broken glass, no body shots. Maybe it was the pungent haze of weed in the air that floated from the mouths of those with sloppily rolled blunts and dying pens. Instead of a blunt, Peter's fingers were wrapped around a red solo cup.
"...and honestly, it's sort of weird because, y'know..."
There was a girl attached to his arm. He wasn't drunk enough to forget her name—well, he wouldn't have forgotten it if he even knew it in the first place. She seemed nice enough: a giggly blonde majoring in poli-sci...or was is psych? Honestly, her introduction was all sort of fuzzy. One minute, he was alone, the next, he was hearing about a research project that was 'sort of weird.'
"Hey, you mind if I go grab another drink?" Peter interrupted her rant, his voice low.
"Oh, yeah, sure," she nods in response, glossy lips stretched into a smile.
He gives her a closed-lipped grin of his own before picking himself off the wall and heading to the kitchen. He weaves his way through the house in an eerily graceful fashion. Upon reaching the kitchen, he looks down at his full cup.
Peter wasn't a dick. At least, he liked to think he wasn't a dick. He wouldn't just tell a girl to piss off if he wasn't interested; he'd make excuses and slip out as fast as possible. Maybe in the long run it was sort of a dick move, but he rarely ever saw those girls again (and if he did, he'd look the other way). There was the fact that he was bound to forget a few faces as well.
“No lady-friend tonight, Parker?” Zack—one of his frat brothers—chimed in his ear. He slipped past Peter and to the keg they’d set on ice in a plastic kiddie pool. Never once did he think he’d see a Sonic the Hedgehog themed kiddie pool next to the oven.
“It’s like, ten, give it a rest,” Peter shot back, sipping at his beer.
“I saw you talking to that blonde.” Zack smiled and made a gesture of approval as he filled his cup.
“Eh,” Peter shrugged.
“‘Eh?’” Zack’s eyes widened, “I’d say she’s at least three tiers up from ‘eh’ category.”
"Eh," Peter repeats, leaning his head back. It wasn't as if he had a girl wrapped around his arm at every party, but it also wouldn't be surprising to see it. Between his freshman and junior year of college, his body count had increased significantly. He had regular hookups—at least one every week and rarely ever with the same person more than once or twice. It was easier to just love 'em and leave 'em. At least, that's what he told himself every time he was ordering an Uber for the girl in his bed.
"Well, if you're gonna 'eh' her, mind if I give it a try?" Zack asked, taking a gulp of the beer, swiping the foam off his lip with his thumb.
"Be my guest," Peter waved him off casually.
"I'm gonna go full Zack-Attack," he grinned widely, shooting Peter a thumbs up.
"Never say that again," Peter called out, though, Zack had already turned his back to approach the blonde. And so it was just him and his beer. His beer and him. A cup and a hand, a drink and a tongue, a—damn, he was bored. Normally, he really liked these parties. He could get a decent buzz or high and usually end the night with someone going down on him. Tonight, though, was so dull. He felt (ironically) like a fly on the wall, watching the world around him through a vignette filter. The boredom was almost comforting. Nothing was happening, but then again, nothing was happening. He could bask in the fact that he had nothing and no one to do—
Karma was real, and it was a total bitch. Right when Peter had decided that his night was going to be one of peaceful indifference, he watched an obviously inebriated boy stumble past him. He saw it all happen in slow motion: the way the his feet dragged into one another, one shoe catching the lace of the other. Before the realization that he was falling could hit, Peter grabbed the boy's shoulder and righted him. Unfortunately, the drink in the boy's hand hadn't been so lucky. It slipped from his hands and splashed out beyond him like amber rainfall. If Peter hadn't had much to drink, he probably could've caught it. But his senses were somewhat dulled, and the liquid was already pouring from the lip of the cup.
"Oh, shit."
Karma actually wasn't that bad, Peter thought, as his eyes flashed ahead of him. Instead of splashing onto the floor, the beer had landed on an innocent bystander. An extremely attractive innocent bystander.
Her face was crinkled up like a disappointed mother who just came home to see her kid shoving stuffed animals down the toilet. Though her jeans were nearly beer-free, her shirt was entirely soaked, Splash Mountain soaked. Her gaze first landed on the boy, then on Peter. Okay, so karma was actually really cool.
"I am so sorry!" The boy slurred, his eyes drawn open in horror.
"Yeah, I figured," she sighed. She didn't sound condescending—she just sounded like she was already over it. The ends of Peter's lips twitched, but he suppressed the smirk.
"I can't believe I spilled my drink on you!" The boy was much less over it than she was, "I'm so sorry! I—oh, man—"
"Hey, bud, I heard they're doing Jägerbombs out on the porch," Peter whispered to the boy. The guilt was gone from his face almost instantaneously, replaced with an almost childlike sense of wonder.
"I fucking love Jägerbombs!" He exclaimed, his empty solo cup forgotten as stumbled off and out of the kitchen.
"I've never seen someone move on so fast," Wet Shirt Girl spoke up, watching the boy nearly fall again.
"The power of Jägerbombs," Peter suggested. He slipped his windbreaker from his arms and held it out to her, offering a smile along with it.
"Here," he said, "It doesn't exactly fix the wet shirt, but it works for now."
"Thanks," she nodded, grabbing the jacket. She slid it on with an almost exhausted sigh before speaking again: "I’ll only smell horrible now."
Peter laughed at that. He watched her zip it up, he watched the way it strained against—
"I'm Peter." His eyes connected with hers again. A brief look of shock took over her face before it melted back into the same neutral expression she held before. He almost wondered if it was a brief stroke of imagination that made him see her widened eyes.
"I bet you are." Was her reply. Oh?
"That's usually the cue to introduce yourself," he said, a hint of a smile still on his lips.
"Usually is," she nodded. There was a brief moment of silence, an awkward pause at which they stood at a stalemate. Peter took her in again. She was cute. Really cute. Even if she had been weird about introductions, he couldn't help but admire her. So, he spoke up, his voice splitting through the silence but not the tension.
"Do you want to borrow a shirt?" He asked, "My room's right upstairs." When she didn't immediately reply, he quickly added: "I swear I'm not trying to pull anything, I just figured it would probably be pretty uncomfortable wearing a beer shirt."
She watched him for a moment, her eyebrows crinkling in a way that made Peter fight off another smile. He knew he'd won when she let out another sigh, the tired, over-it kind that he was already becoming familiar with it.
"Alright," she nodded. Peter chose not to hide his grin as he mimicked her nod. He led her away from the kitchen and towards the staircase, peering over his shoulder every once in a while to make sure she was still in his tow. Sure enough, every time he looked, she would be there, pulling the windbreaker—his windbreaker—around her.
His room wasn't messy, exactly. There were scattered papers and rogue socks, and of course his flannel sheets were crinkled at the foot of his bed, but it wasn't disgusting. Their entrance was nothing less than unceremonious.
"This is my room," he stated the obvious, gesturing around.
"I would've never guessed." She shook her head. He gave her another small smile before he crossed the room to his dresser. He searched his drawers for something baggy and stupid, something he wouldn't miss. After a few seconds, he landed on a gray shirt with a smiling pterodactyl on the front. Faded words words under the creature read 'You're Dino-Soaring!' Good enough.
“Hopefully this shirt isn’t too provocative,” he grinned as he handed it over.
“Hm, I’ll have to make it work,” she said, inspecting the shirt in an overdramatized sort of way. While she looked at the shirt, Peter went right back to looking at her. She’d be a welcoming sight to wake up to next morning. He wouldn’t even mind paying for her Uber—hell, he might even walk her out of the house, make sure she gets in—
“You got a bathroom I can use? To change?” Her voice interrupts his thoughts, and he shakes the clouds from his eyes.
“Yeah, of course,” he nodded. A few doors down and they make it to the bathroom. Peter goes first, checking for drunk bathtub dwellers, before slapping the doorframe.
“All yours,” he announced, leaning against the wall next to the door. She gives him a salute before entering and closing the door behind her. It only takes a minute or two before she’s emerging again, extending the discarded windbreaker to him.
“It’s a little sticky,” she warns as she hands the jacket back to him. Peter’s eyes wandered down to her shirt.
“Oh, look, you’re ‘Dino-Soaring!’” He chuckled, the low, throaty kind that says he’s holding back an actual laugh.
“I’m always Dino-Soaring.” Her laugh accompanies his. His lips curl up in another smile.
“Do you wanna get something to drink? I can promise this one won’t end up on you,” he suggested, holding that same grin.
“Alright.” Her nod makes his lips quirk up higher. In a reverse of moments prior, he leads her down the stairs and to the kitchen when the sticky remnants of the spill have dried to the floor.
“What’s your poison?” He asked as he tucked the windbreaker under his arm.
“Just Coke—I think I’m gonna tap out for tonight.” Her eyes travel over the sticky floor and the stained shirt in her hands.
“Two Cokes, coming up,” Peter nodded. Two red cans are procured from the fridge in an instant.
“Thanks,” she hummed as she took the drink from his hands, “And thanks for the shirt, too. It really would’ve sucked to have to wait until I’m home to change.”
“Don’t mention it.” He waved her off, cracking open the tab of the Coke.
“Living in a frat must be…sticky.” She can’t seem to peel her eyes off the spilled patch of beer.
“Sometimes,” Peter chuckled, “But it’s not all bad. I get to give out dinosaur shirts.”
“Oh, don’t tell me that I’m not the first girl to ever Dino-Soar around these parts,” she gasped in mock surprise.
“No, no, trust me, I’ve never seen someone Dino-Soar quite like you,” he grinned in reply. He liked her. She was a little awkward, but so was he. He liked her smile, her laugh. He’d probably like her name, too, if she would ever give it to him.
“You never told me what your name is.” His head cocked to the side in a questioning manner. Her expression twisted in a way that told him she knew that was coming.
“That’s right,” she hummed, “Never told you it. Before I do, can I ask you something?”
“Shoot,” he nodded approvingly.
“Do you not recognize me?” Her lips curled in a small smile, “Peter, we’ve had classes together since freshman year—and not just the lecture hall ones, like, the ones where there’s only twelve people in the room. It’s sort of a statistical marvel. I’m honestly less offended and way more impressed that you don’t know me.”
The words hit him like a semi-truck. Really? She’d been in his classes? She had to be joking—no, she wasn’t joking, the look on her face told him that much. He immediately searched through his memory for her face, combing through classes. Peter never took himself as someone with a bad memory, but he was starting to change his mind. She had to be lying—she wasn’t lying.
“Where have you been? What the hell are you wearing?” He’s interrupted by another voice. Sliding onto the scene (and effectively ruining Peter’s chances of salvaging the situation into a hookup) is a girl with puffy red hair. Freckles dot her olive skin and scrunch with her as she brings her nose up.
“Long story,” Dino-Soaring Girl responds with a smile, the one she’d been giving to Peter only a moment ago.
“Okay, okay, we’ll come on,” the redhead grasped her arm gently, “I’ve been looking everywhere for you. Liv threw up after doing a Jägerbomb and we’re gonna head out. I don’t wanna leave without you.”
“The power of Jägerbombs,” Dino-Soaring Girl shook her head. Before she was dragged off, she turned to Peter for one last look.
“See you in class?” She suggested with a smile. He didn’t get to respond before she was gone, the redhead threading through the masses of people. Peter watched her go, unsure whether he should be confused or smiling. He chose the latter.
Peter Parker wasn’t dumb, but he was stupid. And, he was out of a dinosaur t-shirt.
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