#i didn’t add Peter sorry but if it helps i 100% believe he had the fattest crush on James
ramrodd · 9 months
Who's On America's Side?: With Steve Schmidt
I love you buddy,, but I don't particularly like you, It's nothing personal: it comes from being a RINO since January 1981 and spend the next 40 years marveling at how hard you Reagan Conservatives woe ked at fucking things up by the numbers . All guys need to remember to congratulate yourselves at your success at creating Trump and the MSGS Conservatives , I know you really, really believed in what you were doing, but, is is Ben Shapiro that says, Facts don't care about your feelings ? Your entire life should be a Come To Jesus moment when, like Peter, you weep in shame.
I love you  Michael Steele, because you are black, you  have always been woke became you are one of the few Jack Kemp Republicans left standing, along with Mitt Romney, because Jack Kemp was as woke as you needed to be tough enough to get out of his neighborhood and end up Cecretary of HUD, Stuff that he did during GHW Bush's administration are still helping to propel Home Rule and Hip Hop with Muriel Bowser for another 50 years, I was there wen it started. I had  lunch a couple times with Walter Washington and the old Old Ebbits Grill on H Street just because I worked at American Security Bank across from the Treasury. In 1969, Nixon rand on getting out of Vietnam with honor, (and flare, I might add. America didn't run out with it's tail between its legs, Fuck the Oliver Stone version of Vietnam)
Sorry. Had a flashback. They come and go. And Nixon also ran on American Reparations. In 1968, America need its own Marshall Plan, Most of the South had never recovered from the failure of Reconstruction and and most of the rest of America was pretty shabby, LBJ tried to do it, but Vietnam and the Space program created a brain drain on the social and material infrastructure, generally,  Stage 1 of Eisenhower's 1956 Presidential Platform began to resurrect the machinery of Reconstruction in the South with the Interstate system whech we would need to support the industrial matrix that evolved in delivering  Apollo 11,  
I, personally, didn't know how much excitement and hope Apollo 11 had globally until I saw the PBS documentary a couple of years ago. Nixon understood what had happened and he employed that excitement to induce Brezhnev and Mao to collude on on global Star Wars economics necessary to sustain a lunar colony for 100 years like in 2001: A Space Odyssey.  In 1971 everybody in Washington but the Plumbers in the White House and the true believers of the Weather Underground were t committed to Nixon' and Moynihan's Affirmative Action agenda to reconfigure the Military Industrial Complex to the Aerospace Entrepreneurial Matrix Eisenhower and von Bruan had conceived to run Starship America leading the way for Marvel Comics. Jack Kemp was the Daniel Patrick Moynihan of the Nixon ford administrations and he created the Republican hand book you used as Lieutenant Governor of Maryland and Larry Hogan employed as Governor,  Dick Lugar Republicans. That's what the Party of Lincoln was all about until the Nazification of the Reagan Conservatives turned everything touched into shit in the processes  that has led directly to Trump.
Now, I happen to believe that you and Nicole Wallace can restore the Party of Lincoln coalition of Jack Kemp Republicans back into it's rightful role as the adult leadership and dominant coalition of the GOP and completing Stage 2 of Eisenhower's 1956 Presidential Platform and triggering the final paradigm shift into Stage 3 of Eisenhower von Braun Star Wars economics and into Starship America. And all the passion and moral commitment that brough you to the GOP will be vindicated and rewarded.
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waitimcomingtoo · 4 years
Would You Rather?
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Synopsis: Tom mentions his crush on you during an interview and you respond
Authors note: this was requested by anon who gave a generous donation to the BLM fund. Thank you!
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“Would you rather fight a horse sized duck or a duck sized horse?” Tom read off a card as he adjusted the collar on his blue jumpsuit.
“I don’t know what situation I’d be in where I’d have to fight either of these animals.” He started as he looked at the camera. “I feel like I’d rather fight duck sized horse because that’s pretty small. I could probably defeat that. But a horse sized duck could bite me, you know?”
The crew nodded in agreement and Tom moved on to the next question.
“Would you rather lose the ability to read or the ability to speak?” Tom scratched behind his head as he thought about it.
“I barely have the ability to read as it is.” He laughed. “I’m an actor, so I feel like I need the ability to speak.”
He dropped that card on the couch and picked up the next one.
“Would you rather have Captain Marvel or Black Cat as your girlfriend?” He smiled as he read.
“I don’t know if they mean as my girlfriend or as Spider-Man’s girlfriend but I without a doubt would pick Black Cat.” Tom said confidently. “I was so upset when they cast Y/n L/n as the Black Cat and didn’t connect her movie to the Spider-Man universe.”
“Why were you upset?” A crew member asked.
“Because I’m in love with Y/n.” Tom laughed like it was obvious. “I must’ve seen every movie of hers 100 times. Especially the Black Cat suit because she looked so freaking hot in that.”
“She really did.” A female lighting director nodded in agreement.
“Right? If Black Cat was Spider-Man’s girlfriend and Y/n was my girlfriend I’d be a very happy man.” Tom sighed dreamily and toyed with the card as he day dreamed about you.
That video went up a few days later and made the usual headlines. You were well aware of Tom as an actor but completely unaware of his crush on you. Your heart stopped that first time you saw the headline:
“Watch Tom Holland gush over his celebrity crush, Y/n L/n.”
And yes, you did watch.
You watched many times in fact. The part where he said he was in love with you was your personal favorite. After getting sent the video by all your friends and fans, you decided to do something about it.
“@tomholland1996 you look pretty hot in your suit as well. And out of the suit. And in regular clothes. Damn dude, you’re pretty hot.”
You posted the tweet with a devious smile and shut your phone off. Whatever the world had to say about it, they could wait until the next morning.
You were woken up early the next morning by your phone ringing. You wiped the sleep from your eyes but kept them shut as you held your phone to your ear.
“Hello?” You said groggily.
“Y/n? It’s your manager. I have some exciting news.” Your manager sounded giddy on the other side of the line.
“So exciting that you had to wake me up?” You laughed sleepily.
“I don’t know.” She humored you. “Do you think the Russo Brothers emailing me and asking you to come to set is exciting?”
You sat up quickly as your eyes flew open.
“What?” You shrieked in excitement.
“They said they’ve been rewriting the script for Infinity War for the past few weeks and it’s finally finished. They added a scene with the Black Cat.” She said in a sing song voice. Your breath hitched in your throat as the news flooded into your ears.
“You’re kidding.” You gasped.
“Nope. Can you drive down to set at 1? I sent you the address.” She told you.
“I’ll be there.” You nodded as a wide smile spread across your face. Your manager hung up and you threw down your phone.
“AHHHH.” You screamed in excitement and immediately got dressed. It was finally happening.
You were finally going to be in the MCU.
You arrived at the address promptly before 1 and were led to set by an assistant. The Russo Brothers met you by the trailers and introduced themselves.
“Great to meet you.” Joe shook your hand, then Anthony. “How much did your manager tell you?”
“Just that you added a scene with the Black Cat.” You nodded as you relayed all the information you had.
“Right. We decided to add the Black Cat to the MCU now that her character has been established in your solo movie.” Anthony explained. “We had to keep it a secret until now to keep it from getting leaked. We have big plans for your character, starting with this movie.”
You smiled gratefully at the two of them and nodded enthusiastically.
“Thank you so much for the opportunity. I’m so honored to be here. What are the plans?” You asked as you twisted your fingers nervously.
“For starters, meet your new boyfriend.” Joe chuckled and turned around and pointed.
“Boyfriend?” You asked and followed his finger.
“Tom, get over here.” He called. Your eyes widened when you realized what name he called and you looked up to see Tom jogging over to you.
“What’s up guys?” He looked at the Russo bothers before his eyes landed on you. His smile faded and he blinked a few times to register the sight in front of him.
“Hi.” His face flushed and he smiled shyly at you.
“Hi.” You smiled back, still not believing what was happening.
“I’m- I’m Tom.” He fumbled over his words as he held out his hand.
“I know.” You laughed softly as you shook his hand.
“Right, sorry.” He shook his head in embarrassment. “Whats uh, what’s she doing here?”
“Change of plans.” Anthony smirked as he handed you and Tom a few pages of the script.
“You’re giving me a script?” Tom asked in disbelief as he ran his fingers over the crisp white pages.
“Yes. Don’t make us regret it.” Joe said sternly.
“Yes sir.” Tom nodded eagerly and began to flip through it.
“Peter is going to get thrown by one of Thanos’s men and Black Cat is going to catch him.” Anthony began to explain. “She saw the spaceship, came to help, and winds up in space with Tony, Steven, and Peter.”
“That’s awesome.” Tom breathed. “This looks really cool.”
You were so wrapped up in the excitement of holding a real Marvel script that you had forgotten the brothers original statement.
“Hold on. You said he was my boyfriend.” You looked at Joe and Anthony skeptically.
“Boyfriend?” Tom perked up from his script and looked between the three of you. “Me boyfriend? To her? Please say yes. I’m fine either way it’s just, I would really like you to say yes right now.
“Yes Tom.” Joe laughed. “Right as they’re falling in love, poof.”
“Dust.” Anthony finished. You and Tom shared a look, evidently impressed.
“That’s brutal.” You remarked.
“It is.” Joe agreed. “Until they’re reunited in Endgame in a similar fashion to the way they met.”
“And the crowd goes wild.” Anthony said slowly. You got chills just thinking about it and smiled as you rubbed your arms.
“I like it.” You nodded and Tom bit back a smile.
“Me too.” He said softly. “I like it a lot.”
“Great.” Anthony rubbed his hands together. “Rehearsal starts tomorrow.”
The brothers walked away, leaving you and Tom alone with each other.
“They don’t play around over here. I just got cast and already I’m on set.” You chuckled and shyly looked at Tom. He was so much cuter in person, the camera didn’t do justice to his freckles. Tom nodded and gave you a half smile.
“Yeah, they’re pretty unorthodox over here. I’d tell you you’d get used to it, but I’d be lying.” Tom shook his head and gave you a once over. “I can’t believe you’re here.”
“I can’t believe you told the world I looked hot in my catsuit but never dmed me to ask for my number.” You shrugged easily and Toms jaw dropped at your boldness.
“In my defense, you are way too cool to be interested in me. At least I knew my place.” He shot back and you laughed.
“Didn’t you see my tweet last night?” You asked coyly as you raised an eyebrow.
“What tweet? The one about you calling me hot? The one that I sent to every single contact in my phone, including my dentist?” He asked with furrowed eyebrows. “No, I don’t think I saw it.”
“Funny.” You folded your arms and gave him a sultry smile. “I never checked if you responded.”
“I’d rather if you didn’t. It wasn’t very smooth.” He admitted.
“Hey, Tom?”
“Yes?” He looked at you.
“Would you rather continue talking in the middle of a crowded set or go somewhere secluded to run our lines?” You made a callback to his interview that started it all and he noticed.
“Run lines please. I need to quit while I’m ahead.” He eyed you with uncertainty as he thought about his words. “I was ahead, right?”
“Yeah.” You smirked and linked your arm through his. “You were ahead.”
“Kid, what are you doing here?” Tony asked as he craned his neck to see Peter.
“On a field trip to MOMAAAAAA.” Peter yelled as he was flung into the sky. He flew through the air like a rag doll until he landed in your arms. You breathed heavily, you in your masks and suits.
“Hey there.” You smirked at Peter as you held him bridal style.
“Hi, I’m Peter. You’re really pretty.” He said through heavy pants. “Can you pretend I didn’t just say that?”
“Hi Peter.” Your wine colored lips tugged into a smile. “Should you really be telling me your name? I could be dangerous.” You pouted as you set him down.
“Oh, right.” Peter got back on his feet and brushed off his suit. “In that case, I’m not Peter. I’m…Pedro.”
“Mm, Pedro. I like it.” You winked and saw one of Thanos’s minions coming at him from behind. “Watch out.”
You spun around and kicked the minion in the face before hooking your legs around his neck and knocking him to the ground. One swift punch to the throat knocked him unconscious. You stood up and waltzed back over to Peter as you dusted off your hands.
“Woah, where’d you learn to do that?” The eyes of Peters mask widened as you impressed him with your skills.
“A woman’s got to protect herself, right?” You shrugged and popped gum in your mouth before eyeing him up and down. “And apparently, I have to protect you too.”
“I’m totally fine with that.” Peter answered honestly. “Do you have a name?”
You wrapped your arms around Peters neck and blew a bubble with your gum.
“Black Cat.” You said once it popped. The sent of bubble gum filled Peters nostrils and his knees weakened.
“That explains the catsuit.” He gulped. “What, no tail?”
“Tails are so cliche.” You whined and stroked his covered cheek with your hand. “I’m a cat burglar, not a halloween costume.”
“If this is how you go out on a normal day, I’d love to see what you wear in Halloween.” Peter attempted time flirt back with the mysterious woman distracting him from his mission. You leaned forward, close enough that your lips were almost touching.
“I bet you would.” You whispered. You patted his cheek and turned away swiftly, whipping his face with your long gray ponytail. Peter let out a throaty groan as the scent of your perfume enveloped him. You walked around him in a circle, dragging your fingernail along his shoulders as you went.
“Since you know my name is Peter, it’s only fair you tell me yours.” He said as he turned his head to look at you. You paused, standing directly behind him.
“You really wanna know my name?” You challenged.
“That’s what I just said.” Peter sassed you. You smirked and took a step towards Peter so you were pressed against his back, gripping his waist tightly.
“Hardy.” You said right in his ear and he shivered. “Felicia Hardy. I’ve seen you around, Spiderman. You’re pretty good.”
You finished your circle and stood in front of him now. He was grateful for his mask, otherwise you could see just how red he had gone. His heart was racing out of his chest just from the look of you. The white fur cuffs and skintight black suit were making it impossible for him to focus.
“Just pretty good?” He questioned. “I’ve taken down a lot of bad guys.”
“Mm, but never me.” You taunted as you twirled your gray hair around your finger, wanting to get a rise out of you.
“You’re a bad guy?”
“Depends on your definition of bad guy.” You pulled your bottom lip between your teeth and let your teeth drag. “Do you think I’m bad?”
“Depends on your definition of bad.” Peter straightened up.
“This has been fun.” You smirked and tossed your ponytail over your shoulder. Nice talking to you, Peter.”
“You too.” Peter smiled under his mask until a Boulder was flung your way. “Look out!”
Peter shot a web at you and pulled you flushed against his chest. He pulled you to the ground and rolled on top of you as the boulder went over your heads. It was your turn to be blushing as you stared at Peter in amazement.
“How did you-“
“Spidey senses.” He answered before you could finish your question. He could feel his body beginning to lift into the air with you following. “Oh no.”
“What’s happening?” You asked as you and Peter lifted into the air. You clutched him tightly to keep from falling and Peter held on to you for support.
“Mr Stark!” He yelled. “I’m being beamed up!”
“And cut!” Anthony yelled. The wires holding you and Tom up slowly lowered you back down until you were back on the ground. Tom rolled off of you and fell on his back, breathing heavily from the scene. He pulled his mask off and rested it on his tummy.
“Whew.” He panted and looked at you with a tired smile. “Great work.”
You smiled back at Tom, still flushing from the flirty scene. You had done that scene many times from rehearsal all the way to production, but never that well. Your heart usually stopped racing by now, but something about the way he was looking at you kept it in rhythm.
“You too.” You complimented him as you sat up. You helped each other up and pulled each other into a sweaty hug.
“That’s a wrap guys. Great work today.” Joe announced. “Before you leave, I have the official version of the script. This is what we’re going to be filming tomorrow. We couldn’t give it to you until now in case someone spoiled it.”
Joe glared at Tom as he handed out the final scripts.
“I hate it here.” Tom mumbled as his ability to keep secrets was once again under fire.
“Great, thank you.” You smiled at Joe before he walked away. Tom came over to you, hitting his rolled up script against his hand.
“Do you want to go over our lines for tomorrow?” Tom asked.
“Sure. I’ll meet you there after I drop off my costume.” You told him.
Twenty minutes later, your wig and costume were returned to the costume department. You wiped off your makeup and changed into comfortable clothes before heading to Tom’s. You let out a shaky breath as you walked towards his trailer. You’d been in there a hundred times since production began a few months ago, but today felt different. There was something in the air between you and Tom that neither of you could ignore. You knocked on his door and heard your heartbeat in your ears as you waited for him to open. Tom gave you a shy smile as he opened the door of his trailer door for you and stepped aside.
“Sorry, it’s a little messy.” He apologized as he shut the door behind him. You looked around at Toms trailer, noting the clothes hanging off the ceiling fan and the pictures of the two of you taped to his mirror. You walked over to the mirror and touched the picture with a light smile. It was a strip of picture taken in a photo booth a few weeks into production. The photos went from you and Tom smiling, to laughing, to you kissing his cheek, to him kissing your cheek as you laughed. You had spent your only day off together, hanging out a a fair until the sun was coming up. After getting stuck at the top of the Ferris wheel for 15 minutes and clinging to Tom every time it shook, you ran to the photo booth to immortalize the night. You had the exact same strip of photos on your dresser at home, but you never noticed that he displayed them so proudly.
“It’s very you in here.” You looked at him over your shoulder and shot him a smile.
“Thanks?” He bit his lip in confusion.
“Don’t worry. It was a compliment.” You said pointedly and walked back towards him. “Should we look at the script?” You suggested and he nodded.
“Yeah. Here, take a seat.” He sat on his bed and patted the spot next to you. You sat next to him and folded your legs, beginning to flip through the script.
“This looks the same as the last script.” You realized when you recognized the words. Tom flipped through his script and came to a halt when he read something unexpected.
“It’s not.” He said with a dry mouth.
“What’s different?” You looked up at him in confusion.
“There’s a kiss.” He looked you to and saw your face go pale.
“A kiss?” You stammered and went back to your script to find what he was talking about.
“Right here.” Peter held out his script and pointed to the part. “Felicia kisses Peter before she turns to dust.” He read.
“So this is what they didn’t want you spoiling.” You laughed nervously as you read the stage direction over and over.
“They might’ve made a good call on that one.” Tom chuckled softly. “I’m really tempted right now to post a picture of the script on twitter just to rub it in everyone’s face.”
You looked up from the script and gave him a fond smile.
“I’ll take that as a compliment.” You said softly.
“I’m sorry.” He apologized. “It’s not everyday you get cast opposite your celebrity crush.”
“How do you think I felt when I got cast as your girlfriend?” You pulled your knees to your chest and rested your chin on top.
“You...liked me?” Tom asked quietly. He didn’t let himself believe it, not wanting to get his hopes up.
“For a long time now.” You admitted. Production was about to end anyway. If he didn’t feel the same, there was nothing you could do about it, but at least he knew.
Tom blinked a few times as he registered what you said and smiled widely.
“I’m really glad I got to know you these past few months. You’re a lot cooler in person.” Tom said sincerely. “Honestly, I have no idea how I’m supposed to act beside you tomorrow knowing I have to kiss you.”
“Tom.” You said breathlessly at his words.
“I’m already a nervous wreck. My mind is in sicko mode right now. I can’t even read.” He put his script down and sighed.
“I think I might be able to calm you down.”
“How?” He wondered. He looked up at you for answers, but was met with a kiss. You tilted your head to the side and pressed your lips against his feeling his eyelashes brush your cheek as his eyes fluttered shut. Tom brought his hand to the side of your face for support and gently rubbed his thumb against your cheek. You smiled against his lips and sat up a little to get a better angle and kissed him deeply. You pulled away to catch your breath and rested your forehead against his. The only sound in the trailer was from your heavy breathing.
“You’re really smart.” He said quietly. “I feel significantly calmer.”
“I’m happy to hear that.” You chuckled softly. Tom pulled away and took on of your hands in his, rubbing gentle circles on the back of it.
“I have a question for you.” He said.
“Go for it.” You bit your bottom lip as you both spoke in hushed tones.
“Would you rather,” he began with a coy smile, “kiss me again or go on a date with me?”
“I can’t have both?” You pouted and a wicked flame ignited in Toms eyes. He hooked his pinky under your chin and moved your face towards his, leaning close enough that his lips brushed yours when he spoke.
“I think I can make an exception.” He whispered before kissing you again.
Tag List 🏷
@maybemona @foreverxholland @damnyoudameron @lavender-writer @captainmandeestudent17 @whatareyouhidingpeter @takenbyheartstrings @ultrunning @imyourliquor-youremypoison @theolwebshooter @andreasworlsboring101 @guksmyfav​ @waiting-to-be-myself @letsloveimagines @peterparkoure​ @a-villain-vying-for-attention @justcallmehitgirl @averyfosterthoughts​ @jackiehollanderr​ @tiny-friggin-human @celestial-skylines @mara-twins​ @iamaunicorn4704​ @spideygirl2003 @the-crazy-fanfictionist @maryjanee23​ @spacebitch2​ @geeksareunique @emmamarshmellow @jillanaholland​ @rebekkah4766 @flixndchill @sovereignparker​ @wendaiii​ @thisisthebiplace​ @spideydobrik @every-marveler-ever @undiadeestos​ @caelestii-e​ @eridanuswave @itscaminow @fiantomartell @solarxmoonchild​ @where-art-thau-romeo @canyouevencauseicant @illwritetomorrow @thehappygrungelife @saysomethingspiderman​ @parkerboop @smilexcaptainx @hes-amarillo​ @quaksonhehe​ @kelieah @silteplaittais-toi @kickingn-ames @purefluff @seasidecrowbar @lovelessdagger​ @love-sick-blues @electraheart-3174 @lou-la-lou @unbelievableholland​ @yourtypicalhotmess @ohnothezombies @spideyanakin
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flourgirl · 4 years
When The Party’s Over
Part II to “Even If It’s a Lie”
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader, Peter Parker x Gwen Stacy, Harry Osborn x Reader
Summary: The closer that Peter gets to Gwen, the more he realizes how irreplaceable you are to him.
Word Count: 2.6k
Warnings: A few curse words here and there.
A/N: There’s going to be a third and final part to this story, so if you’d like to be tagged in it, please shoot me an ask or a reply and I’ll gladly add you to the tag list. Hope you guys enjoy this new part and happy reading :-)
“Counted all my mistakes and there's only one Standing out from the list of the things I've done All the rest of my crimes don't come close To the look on your face when I let you go” -Where Do Broken Hearts Go, One Direction
It had been 17 days since you had last seen Peter and all you could do was sit in your favorite coffee shop and stare at all the muffins in the case. Peter loved muffins. His favorite flavor was banana nut, and usually the two of you would jam out to all of your favorite songs while you waited for them to come out of the oven.
“Y/N,” Betty said, snapping you out of your daze, “Are you alright? You’ve been staring at the pastries for, like, five minutes.”
MJ put down whatever book she had decided to read this week. “Yeah, if you want one, go for it. You deserve it. Here, I’ll pay.” 
She reached into her pocket and pulled out a wadded up $10 bill, dropping it onto the table in front of you, and returned to her book.
“You could get a slice of cheesecake,” Betty suggested. “I know how much you like the raspberry one from here.”
But all you could think about was how you wished Peter loved you the way that he loved those stupid banana nut muffins.
“I’m not hungry,” you muttered, crossing your arms and closing your eyes to take in the soft jazz music that was playing alongside the chatter of the café. “But I’m keeping the ten bucks.”
“Maybe it would help take your mind off of things if you met someone new,” MJ suggested without even looking up at you. It was honestly amazing how she could carry on a conversation while still being so engrossed in her book.
“Yeah, Y/N,” Betty agreed, “You’re so smart, and pretty, and you made all of the baked goods currently taking up lots of precious space in our kitchen.”
“You’re a stress baker,” MJ added. She was right. Over the past two and a half weeks since that night, you had baked three cakes, four pies, and seven different kinds of bread. Maybe tonight wasn’t the night you tried out the new focaccia recipe you had been eyeing.
“I don’t know, guys,” you said, slinking further down into your chair. “I just don’t think I’m ready for that sort of thing.”
“That’s okay,” Betty reassured you. “Take all the time you need. But we’re here for you, Y/N.”
And that’s how the rest of that day went. Lots of suggestions on ways to stop thinking about Peter and you shooting them down. No matter how Betty and MJ tried to make you feel better, your mind was stuck on the nine voicemails and thirty-two texts he had sent you saying how he was sorry for whatever he did and how he just wanted things to be normal again.
Except you didn’t want normal. You wanted him. You wanted his bad puns and the way his sweaters smelled when he let you borrow one. And the worst part was, he didn’t even know what he did wrong. He didn’t know that he had broken your heart.
It wasn’t like Peter didn’t like Gwen. She was outgoing and confident, and he liked how it felt like she was always the center of attention. People wanted to talk to her, or sit next to her, or even have her know that they existed.
But she wasn’t anything like you, and the more time that Peter spent with her, the more apparent that became. She didn’t rant about reality TV or get so overwhelmed during public speaking assignments that the only way she could calm down was with a hug from him. In many ways, she was perfect. Except for the fact that she wasn’t you.
“We’re still on for Flash’s party on Saturday, right?” Gwen asked as she walked with Peter out of the lecture hall where they learned about vascular mechanics.
Honestly, Peter hadn’t even remembered that she had asked him to go to that until she brought it up just now. He was too stressed out wondering whether or not you’d ever speak to him again. 
But what did he do to make you upset? He had promised that if you wanted to leave the party, you could tell him and the two of you would go. Except you never said anything. You just got up and left, without even saying goodbye. You hated him and it killed him to not know why.
Despite this, he wanted to be the good guy and not disappoint any more people, and so he took Gwen’s hand in his and said, “Yeah, definitely. I’ll be there.”
If someone had told you that you’d run into Harry Osborn in the middle of Arthur Avenue, you’d say they were crazy. And if that same someone said that you’d ask him on a date, they’d be even crazier. But somehow, some way, that’s exactly what happened.
You were on the way to interview a third-generation restaurant owner for your Italian class. You had never been very good at foreign languages, but you would use any excuse to take a trip to Little Italy. The nervous knots in your stomach from the possibility that they would only speak in a dialect that you couldn’t understand was worth it, because this little nook of the city was home to the best arancini in all of America.
To be honest, it seemed unbelievable that he’d be there, at that exact time, in that exact place to where you’d run right into him. You had been too busy reviewing the notes you had taken during the interview to see that you were on a direct path towards face planting into his torso.
“Fuck,” you grumbled, staring down at your notes scattered on the sidewalk at your feet. The guy you had just ran into kneeled down to gather them into a neat stack, handing them back to you.
“Y/N?” he asked, which caught you off guard. Who the hell was this? It wasn’t until you stared at his face for a few seconds that you recognized him. That guy that Gwen was with at the party. He looked a lot different in his button down and khakis compared to the sweatshirt and baseball cap he had on when you had first met him.
“Uh, hi. You’re Gwen’s friend, right? Henry.” You knew his name. You just didn’t plan on letting that you knew it.
“Yeah, but it’s Harry. Sorry about that, by the way. So, anyway, what brings you all the way down to Little Italy? It’s pretty far from campus,” he told you, as if you didn’t know that. I mean, you had walked all the way here, hadn’t you?
You shrugged, looking away from him. “I guess I could ask you the same thing.”
It was the first time in a while that someone wasn’t fawning over him just because he was rich. Honestly, it was really refreshing. “I asked first,” he noted, mimicking your crossed arms with a smirk.
Who does this guy think he is? 
“Listen,” you sighed. “I really don’t have time for this. I need to get back to my apartment and finish up writing this essay that’s due at midnight.”
“So you’re taking Italian, I presume?” he asked, it suddenly becoming quite clear as to what you were doing on the other side of the city.
“Yeah. And let me guess, you were eating brunch at some fancy, expensive restaurant that your dad owns, drinking some $100 bottle of wine while some nerd you pay does your homework, huh?”
“No,” he laughed. “I was helping put together Thanksgiving dinner baskets for underprivileged families down at the soup kitchen.”
It was only then that you noticed how annoyingly handsome he was. Essentially, he was the male version of Gwen. Same blonde hair and preppy style that just screamed “I have a trust fund.”
“Of course. What, did you need a good photo op ever since the Daily Bugle ran that issue where they called you a spoiled playboy who loves to party?”
You had no intentions of entertaining him, especially since he was a friend of Gwen’s. The girl that had kissed Peter right in front of you, and pretended like she couldn’t remember your name. The girl that Peter was probably with right now.
“I’m not going to pretend like that wasn’t part of it, but believe it or not, I’m not actually as big of a selfish asshole as the papers make me out to be.”
You rolled your eyes. “Sure, I can tell by the cashmere sweater vest and leather loafers that you’re wearing that you’re so down to earth.”
There was an awkward silence, and Harry decided to change the subject before he pissed you off even more. But what he chose to mention next was the one thing on the planet that you didn’t want to talk about.
“So, uh, I guess your friend Peter is with Gwen now,” he started, which had somehow managed to make you dislike him even more than you already did. Sure, there was no way for him to know how you felt about the whole situation, but it still pained you to think about how you had become an afterthought to who you thought was the guy who would always have your back.
You blinked back at him, frowning. “Yeah, I guess so,” you muttered. And then there was another awkward silence.
“Well, I’ll let you go now. It’s obvious I’m taking up some very precious time in your day,” he said, offering a weak smile. “Maybe we’ll see each other around campus.” 
It suddenly dawned on you that you might have been just a little too hard on him. He seemed nice enough, even if you weren’t a big fan of the company he kept. Before you could even really think about it, you called out, “Wait!” and walked over to meet him when he had turned around.
“I’m sorry,” you admitted, nervously toying with the hem of your sweater. “I’m just in a really bad mood.”
“It’s fine,” he reassured you, although he wasn’t quite as confident as when the two of you had started your conversation. “We all have bad days. I hope yours gets better.”
“It could, if you’d let me buy you a coffee,” you said, genuinely smiling for the first time in a while. Sure, it was nice to think that Peter would probably be upset once he heard that you had asked someone out and he knew nothing about it, but a small part of you was asking just because Harry Osborn seemed like the kind of guy you’d like to have around.
“Sure,” he answered back, running a hand through his hair, which seemed to be in a perpetually perfect messy-but-not-too-messy state. “Have you ever been to Hungry Ghost in Brooklyn?”
Your eyes lit up. “That’s actually my favorite café! They have this really awesome grand piano in the middle of the room, and every Friday they have an open mic where anybody can sign up to play it.”
Your enthusiasm honestly surprised you. It was nice to have something to talk about that didn’t somehow involve Peter.
“Actually, I’m signed up to play tomorrow night,” Harry told you, “Do you like jazz?”
It almost seemed too good to be true. You loved jazz. “Definitely,” you confirmed, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.
“Alright, cool. Let’s make a deal. I’ll let you buy me a coffee if you come watch me play tomorrow night.”
“Deal,” you agreed, before turning back towards your apartment, all giddy with excitement to tell MJ and Betty about what had just happened.
“You probably didn’t know this, but Y/N’s been hanging out with Harry Osborn,” Ned said, walking into the common room wearing his “special” Hawaiian shirt, which Peter knew meant he was going someplace fancy. “They’re kind of dating.”
Peter looked up immediately from his linear algebra homework. He had an uneasy feeling in his stomach about what Ned had just revealed, but he didn’t know why. He was with Gwen, and if you wanted to date Harry Osborn, then you could. But still, he found himself being just a little bit jealous that some other guy was filling in for him.
“Oh,” Peter said, looking back down at his homework. He couldn’t focus anymore, so he just shut the notebook and threw it from where he was sitting on the top bunk onto his desk. “How long has that been going on?”
“Two days now, but they’ve been spending every minute together since. Betty said that they bumped into each other on the street and she just asked him on a date out of nowhere,” he replied, tying his shoes to go meet his girlfriend for date night. “I just thought I’d let you know, in case you saw them when you were out and got mad at me for keeping it from you.”
“Thanks, dude,” Peter sighed, lying on his back, “You’re a good friend.”
“I know. Anytime, man. Now I gotta go. M’lady awaits,” he said. Peter didn’t even have to look to know that his roommate had just tipped his imaginary fedora.
Harry Osborn wasn’t even your type, Peter thought. You didn’t like guys as “pretty” as him, and you had always been more into brown eyes, not blue. So what was the appeal? His trust fund? Peter knew that you weren’t that shallow. It was just that, well, he couldn’t imagine you falling for someone like that.
You’re with Gwen, Peter kept reminding himself. So many guys would kill to be in your place. It wasn’t until he checked the time that he realized that he was actually about 20 minutes late to meeting her for the party. The stupid party at Flash Thompson’s tacky apartment that he didn’t even want to go to in the first place.
It was an understatement to say that Gwen was pissed when Peter knocked on her front door over half an hour late to the time they had agreed upon.
“What took you so long? I’ve been waiting,” she complained, smoothing out her sparkly silver dress that caught the light just right when she moved.
“I’m sorry,” Peter sighed, grabbing her hand as they walked down the street. “Uh, I guess I just lost track of time.”
“Whatever,” Gwen said, “Just don’t let it happen again.”
When they finally arrived at the party, the bowls of potato chips and mini pretzels were nearly empty. The floor was sticky, and Old Town Road boomed from the speakers in the living room. 
“I’m gonna go get a drink,” Peter told Gwen, leaving her to greet all of her friends that had been waiting for her to show up. 
As Peter wandered towards the keg, he couldn’t stop thinking about you and Harry, and all the things that he didn’t know about your newfound relationship with some guy you had just met. He still didn’t know why he was so upset about it. He should be happy you had found someone you liked. In high school, all you ever talked about was finding the perfect guy, and if that was Harry Osborn, who was Peter to make a fuss about it?
But that didn’t stop Peter from filling up his plastic cup more times than he should’ve that night. It wasn’t until he was being dragged back to his dorm room by Gwen after puking on Flash’s couch that he realized what was wrong. He wanted to be that guy. The one who got to hold your hand and cuddle with you during scary movies. The one that got to love you and be loved by you.
Taglist: @hommyy-tommy @itsgonnabeohtay @alltimekyn
P.S.: Sorry to all the people I forgot to tag on this one! I didn’t know that when you answer asks privately, they go away from your inbox. Please shoot me another ask or reply to this post so I don’t miss you again!
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novamirmirsblog · 3 years
Awww I loved the Romeo Romeo fic!!! Can I put my two cents and say Peter would be so used to calling R “Auntie R”. Then one day, out of excitement of something that happened (could be about school, social life, MJ, anything) and he sees Natasha, and without thinking he’s like “Oh my gosh!! Aunt Natasha! You’re not gonna believe what just hap-!” Then he realizes what he just said and is like “Oh sorry! I didn’t mean for that to come out of my mouth! Sorry!” He’s stammering and Natasha is just fighting the urge to not tear up a little because she was called aunt by the spidey boo. What would you add to this?
Part 3
Natasha had resigned to the fact she would never be as close to Peter as he was to you (she personally found it slightly rude considering she was also named after a spider but she wouldn’t let anyone else know that)
Peter had called you auntie accidentally after you had made him his favourite meal after a tough day at school and it had kinda just stuck.
While Stark’s ego enjoyed being ‘Mr Stark’ to the spider kid, he didn’t appreciate the fact you got a familial title before he did.
Between the three of you, you had basically adopted him. Tony was a father figure (and a bad influence occasionally), you were his aunt and Nat was...well she was Nat.
Peter always wanted to be closer to Natasha, he just wasn’t sure how to go about it. He knew how uncomfortable she found affection to be and while you had done wonders with getting her comfy with it, he still wasn’t sure how well he would be received.
You, an unbiased perspective, saw this emotional turmoil between the two spiders in your life and decided to help. You started with Natasha, subtly asking her how she felt about Peter using aunt with not just you, but her too.
Natasha smiled unconsciously when you suggested it, immediately schooling her face into a look of indifference once she realised what she was doing. You were her girlfriend though and saw straight through what she was doing. She wanted that boy to call her aunt just as much as he wanted to call her that.
During a conversation with Peter, you ‘accidentally’ called Nat Auntie Nat and it was like a light bulb had gone off in Peter’s head.
You had successfully planted seeds in both their heads, nurturing an idea that was already there.
The day that it happened was one that you will never forget. You and Natasha were sitting at the table, drinking your (non alcoholic because it was a little too early for that even thought it was after lunch) drinks when Peter came running in.
That boy could never move slowly. He was either asleep or at 100.
“Hey Peter, how was your day?”
“Good thanks auntie y/n! Omg it was so cool, today me, Ned and MJ decided to see how fast I could climb the school clock. I even beat my personal record Auntie Nat!”
There was a moment of stunned silence. An evil grin began growing on your face. Your plan had finally worked.
Natasha’s eyes began to fill with tears. Not in a noticeable way for anyone normal but for Natasha, this was a big deal. She was so overwhelmingly happy that she just wanted to cry but that would obviously send the wrong message.
While Natasha was having her internal panic, Peter was trying desperately to pull back what he said by talking louder and faster, his face getting redder and redder by the second.
That seemed to snap Natasha out of her haze as the last thing she wanted him to be was sorry. Her little spidey boo had just called her auntie!
“No no no. Don’t be sorry. I loved it...” Natasha mumbled that last part, her face having a slight blush to it (which again, was a major deal for Natasha) “I would love to be your aunt. I mean technically you already call my girlfriend your aunt.” She laughed and brought him into a hug, gesturing you over too
“Although” she continued “I am slightly offended you called me aunt second. We’re both spiders.”
“And I love both my spiders so much!” You took a quick picture before joining the hug. You might have a weird family, but you loved them anyway.
“What am I doing wrong happy?” Tony shook his head as he watched the scene in front of him. Damn Natasha had gotten a family title before he did.
“Nothing sir. He loves you the most and you know that. He just gives them the names so they feel like they’re on an equal level to you.”
No one will ever know if what Happy said was true or not, only Peter would truly know and there’s a sneaking suspicion that he loves you all equally.
I LOVED WRITING THIS. ya girl needed some fluff today and this worked perfectly
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atlasbarnes · 3 years
helicopter ; bucky barnes
based on maisie peters’ song, “helicopter.” also inspired by this lovely message i got from a sweet anon, ily! i’m now obsessed with this entire album, ty for the recommendation! tws: strong language, mentions of blood, injury and mortality.
You’re always doing a hundred things a minute, or at least that what it looks like to Bucky. One minute you’re organising a party for Tony’s birthday, the next you’re surprising him with his favourite breakfast for no reason. You always look like you’re in the middle of doing something, but you always have a spare second for Bucky. Sometimes, he feels like a helicopter. He’s always hovering near you, to make sure you’re okay.
It was another day, another mission. Or that’s what you told Bucky, you told him not to worry, it was a simple extraction plan and that you and Nat would be able to handle it. So he tries not to worry, emphasis on the try. The entire time you were gone, he spent it in the gym with Sam, trying to occupy his mind.
When Fridays tells him that your jet just landed, he makes his way upstairs to greet you and ask how it was. He wasn’t expecting to walk into his living nightmare.
Natasha is panicked, speaking a hundred miles a minute to the medical team and doctors who were wheeling someone - not just someone, you - into the medical wing. All Bucky can see is blood, blood where blood shouldn’t be. Bright red, staining your hands and face and skin.
He hears his name, but all he can see is you. Barely alive, fading away.
Turning, he sees Natasha beckoning to him. When he looks back at you, you’re gone. He can hear the doctors and nurses in their hushed tones down the hall and he has no choice but to follow Natasha.
“What happened?” He asks, collapsing onto the chair across from Nat. She was holding her side, wincing in pain as she grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge.
She sighs. “It was supposed to be a simple extraction. We were meant to go in, get the fugitive and leave. But, there was a hostage. A girl, we don’t know where she came from but the hostage was screaming and Y/N did what she thought was right, she rolled the dice and traded places with the hostage. He shot her but didn’t stop there. I didn’t even know she needed help, her comms went down. I found her, bloody and bruised.”
Natasha stops and takes a breath and Bucky thinks he’s heard the worst of it. But she carries on talking. “When I found them, I heard him break her ribs. She stopped screaming then. I shot him, he was dead before he hit the ground. But I had to drag her out of there.”
Bucky can’t see straight. He’s never been this angry before, his hands are shaking, his breathing is uneven and he can’t think of anything apart from you.
“She told me to tell you that she was sorry,” Nat whispers.
The first thing you feel is pain. The pain that erupts across your middle, spreading to your arms, legs, head, every part of you feeling heavy.
“Fuck,” you mumble, slowly opening your eyes.
Bucky was half asleep in the chair next to your bed, snapping into action the second he heard you. “Hey,” he whispers.
“Hey,” you mumble back, unable to speak any louder.
You wince, the pain in your torso increasing each time you took a breath. “Lemme guess, broken ribs?” You ask, having seen so many of your friends go through similar injuries, you knew what the signs were.
“Broken ribs, concussion, sprained ankle, broken wrist and about a hundred bruises and flesh wounds,” he answers, not meeting your eye.
“Yikes, guess I’m not gonna be up for our morning run tomorrow,” you joke, smiling at him. He doesn’t smile back. “What is it, Buck?”
He sighs, his hands in fists in his lap. “Why’d you do that?”
“Do what?”
“Trade places with the hostage.”
Sighing, you ignore the pain in your ribs. “She was so scared, Buck. It was an easy decision.”
He shakes his head, still not looking at you.
“I’d rather it be me every time than an innocent victim.”
“But that doesn’t mean you’re expendable!” He exclaims. “I know you were doing the right thing, and I can’t blame you for that, because I like to think I would do the same thing. But you act like you’re immortal, you throw your mortality around like it’s nothing.”
“Bucky, I-.”
“You don’t see how many people are affected by you. Everyone in this tower, Nat, Sam - me - you’re not expendable. Not at all.”
Bucky hadn’t had an outbreak like this in a while.
“James,” you breathe, voice tired. “I don’t think I’m expendable. Every time I leave this tower, my only thought is coming back to you. How I can come back in one piece and together. But leaving that hostage behind, letting her die, I wouldn’t have come home in one piece. Not mentally at least. I did what I had to do, believe me, getting beaten half to death was not in my plans for today.”
Bucky finally draws his eyes up and looks at you. “You’re just, humans are so fragile. You don’t regenerate cells like I do. You take one bad hit, one bullet, and that’s it. That’s not fair.”
Reaching for his hand, you slowly intertwine your fingers with his metal ones. “I know. I know, my love. It’s not fair, but I promise you that I will always do everything I can to come back home to you. And I am here, aren’t I? I’m back home?”
“I just - I can’t lose you,” he whispers.
“You won’t.”
Bucky likes to act careless. Or, at least, to you he does. He doesn’t cross at crosswalks, he doesn’t always wear his seatbelt and he likes to walk around in the middle of the winter with no jacket. Maybe careless is a bit of a strong word, but he does scare you sometimes.
You’re walking with him down the street, hand in hand. He goes to cross the road and for once, you don’t let him cross in the middle of the road. Gently pulling his hand, you shake your head and indicate for him to cross at the crosswalk a little up the road. He doesn’t argue, he follows your lead.
Later that day, you see him flipping a knife in his flesh hand as he waits for the coffee machine to brew. You know that his hand is covered in little scars, ranging from knife wounds to worse. Carefully coming up behind him, you take the knife from his hand and place it on the counter, kissing his cheek and leaving him confused.
By the time you crawl into bed, you’re convinced you’ve spent the entire day hovering over Bucky. You had never noticed before how many times during the day he does little things, small things that scare you.
“You were acting a bit weird today,” Bucky observes, his hand mindlessly tracing circles on your skin.
“Hmmmm, I never realised how nonchalant about things you were,” you reply.
“Nonchalant?” He repeats, confusion apparent in his tone.
“Yeah, you don’t always look before crossing the street. And you play with knives like you don’t know how sharp they are. It’s like your fight or flight, your sense of danger, is rusty.”
“Well, I am over 100 years old,” he laughs. “I never noticed before. No one’s ever noticed before,” he adds, almost as an afterthought.
“I didn’t mean to act weird, I just worry about you,” you shrug.
“No, no, it’s okay. I’ll try and be more careful, I should be more careful.”
“It’s because I love you, that’s why I hover too close sometimes. I want you to be safe,” you whisper.
Bucky, in his 100 years of living, had never had anyone care this much about him. Love him this deeply. Someone to watch his every move, to notice things like this. To pick up on his habit of playing with knives (something he himself had tried to do less of, he was sick of the constant nicks in his skin), or to notice how he often didn’t cross the road in the right place. He had never been this important to someone.
“I love you too. I am safe, I promise. I’m always safe with you,” he replies, his voice heavy with emotion.
“Good. You’re my favourite person,” you mumble, voice thick with sleep. Bucky hears you fall asleep, your breathing even out. The words ‘favourite person’ bury themselves in his heart, threatening to overwhelm him with emotions.
So this is what it felt like to be loved.
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starryknight09 · 5 years
Unforeseen dangers Ch. 3
Summary:  As Peter recovers from his capture by Ross, a photo of him with Tony and the Avengers leaks and is splashed all across the media. Luckily, no one can figure out who he is and everyone thinks the buzz will die down. However, the public’s interest has been ignited. While Tony worries it’s only a matter of time before Peter’s identity is exposed, Peter isn’t as concerned. Besides, what’s the worst that could happen anyway?
Read on AO3.
Peter walked toward the Audi that was waiting in its usual spot outside the school.  Tony had relented with Bruce’s blessing and let him go back to school yesterday, so he’d at least gotten two days in before school let out for winter break today.  It was enough time to catch up with his friends and collect a huge chunk of make-up work to finish over the next couple weeks.  Awesome.
He tugged the passenger side door open and crawled in, unable to hide his surprise at seeing Pepper at the wheel instead of Happy or Tony.
“Hi honey.” She greeted him warmly.
“Hey Pepper.  Um, what are you doing here?  Not that it’s not like great to see you, but what I mean is—”
“I asked Tony if I could pick you up.” Pepper interrupted his nervous rambling as she pulled into traffic, avoiding the mess of cars seamlessly and without swearing like Happy usually did.
“Oh cool.” And it was, but Peter was still a little confused.  Pepper had never picked him up from school before.  Not that they weren’t friendly, but they didn’t have the same close relationship like he had with his dad and some of the other Avengers.  Maybe his visit a couple days earlier had inspired her to want to spend more time with him?
“Don’t worry.  He wasn’t suspicious.” Pepper said, glancing over at him.
“Suspicious?” Now he was really confused.
“I should probably explain, shouldn’t I?” Pepper said, catching her lapse.
Pepper shot him a bemused smile.
“I talked to our lawyers about your request and they got everything all squared away.” She explained.
“Really?  Wow, that was fast.”
“They’re very good at what they do.  All that’s left to finalize everything is your signature.”
Peter smiled.  “Thank you.”
“You don’t need to thank me, but you’re welcome.” Pepper patted his leg.  “So, where do you want me to take you to grab a quick bite?  I told Tony I’d feed you before I brought you back.”
Peter rolled his eyes.  “You don’t have to.”
“I want to.  Besides, I’m starving.  I skipped lunch for a finance meeting today.”
Pepper laughed.  “So what’ll it be?”
“Um, do you like Indian food?”
“I do.”
“There’s this great hole in the wall place nearby.  We could go there?”
“That depends.  By hole in the wall do you mean at risk of being shut down by the food inspection service or more like a small family owned undiscovered gem?”
“Definitely the latter.  My friends and I go there all the time.”
Pepper smiled again.  “Ok, then I’m in.  Tell me where to go.”
Peter directed her the rest of the way.  The drive didn’t take more than fifteen minutes and the conversation between them flowed easily.  
Ten minutes later they were still looking for a parking spot, which wasn’t ideal, but Peter felt like they were bonding over it.  
“There!   There’s a spot.” He said, pointing as he spotted a car pulling out from a spot that looked like it would be a tight parallel park.
“I see it.  Good eyes.” Pepper said and sped ahead, easily fitting the Audi in the space without a second of hesitation.
“Wow you’re really good at this.”
“What?  Driving?” Pepper asked, amused.
“Parallel parking.  I probably would’ve hit one or both of the cars around us.”
“You’ll get it.  It just takes practice.” Pepper encouraged as she checked her side mirror to make sure a passing vehicle wouldn’t hit her before stepping out of the car.
“Maybe.” Peter said, not so certain.  He climbed out of the car and shut his door behind him.
“I’ll let you in on a secret.” Pepper said, slinging an arm around his shoulders and leaning in close as if what she was about to tell him was confidential.  “Your dad’s not very good at parallel parking either.”
Pepper nodded.  “But don’t tell him you heard it from me.”
Now that he thought about it, Peter realized he didn’t think he’d ever actually seen his dad try to parallel park.  Huh.  He laughed.
“So if you ever need any help perfecting your parallel parking technique, maybe ask someone besides him.” Pepper suggested gently.
“Got it.”
“Are you sure this isn’t too far for your leg?” Pepper asked, frowning when she saw they still had a couple long blocks to go before they got there.  She’d already offered to drop him off when they’d been hunting for a parking space earlier.
“No, it’s fine.  It’s practically back to normal.” That was a slight exaggeration.  It ached by the end of the day and certain movements made it twinge, but overall it wasn’t too bad.  He knew he’d be able to make it to the restaurant without much of a problem.
“Ok, but let me know if starts bothering you or if you need a break.”
“Pepper I’m fine.” He complained, sick of everyone babying him, his dad’s company’s CEO included apparently.
Pepper gave him ‘the look’, the one even his dad wilted under when he was on the receiving end of it, and Peter found himself quickly agreeing, “Ok ok.  I will.”
As they walked together toward the restaurant, Pepper kept her arm draped loosely across his shoulders, but she didn’t lean on him, probably not wanting to add any extra weight in case it hurt his leg.  But his leg held up and didn’t give him any trouble the rest of the way.
They walked into the restaurant and the hostess seated them at a table near the window.  The hustle and bustle outside was in direct contradiction to the near emptiness inside.  Peter glanced at his watch, the one Tony had given him and he’d worn every day since, as requested.  3:30PM.  To be fair, it was an odd time to eat.
“So what’s good here?” Pepper asked once the waiter had taken their drink orders and left them to peruse the menus.
“I always get the chicken tikka masala with garlic naan, but the vindaloo is good too.  That’s what Ned likes.  And I hear they have good biryani, but I’ve never tried it.”
“So everything’s good?” Pepper teased.
Peter smiled.
The waiter came back to take their order and Peter ordered his usual while Pepper ordered the palak paneer.  
“Before I forget,” Pepper said, pulling out a pen and a manila folder from her oversized purse, “I have the papers you need to sign.”
She flipped the folder open and placed it in front of him.  She handed him the pen and pointed to an area marked with a sticky note arrow on the form.  “You need to sign here.”
Peter did.
She turned the page and pointed to another arrow by a blank line.  “And here.”
Peter signed.
She turned to the last page.  “And here.”
As he signed again, his eyes caught another familiar signature on the line above his.  His dad’s.
“Perfect.  You’re all set.” Pepper said, reaching to take the papers away.
“Wait, I thought you said dad didn’t know about this.” He said in confusion, pointing to the signature.
“Oh he doesn’t.” Pepper smiled in amusement.  “I slipped these in with some other SI forms he needed to sign.  He never reads any of the things I put in front of him to sign.”
“He doesn’t?” It surprised him, but didn’t, at the same time.
“Most of the time, no.” Pepper said, taking the papers and readjusting them before closing the folder and carefully shoving them back into her purse.
“Isn’t that…kind of bad?”
Pepper laughed.  “It bodes well for me and the future of SI that you think that.  But don’t worry, he reads the things he really needs to.  The rest he trusts my judgement on.”
“Oh, I guess that’s ok then.” If Pepper was looking things over, it was fine.  She was more than trustworthy.
“I’m glad you approve.” She said, and Peter couldn’t quite tell if she was teasing or genuinely pleased, so instead of saying anything he just smiled.
“I’ll hand the papers off to the lawyers as soon as I get back and they’ll get them pushed through for you.  Once it’s official I’ll let you know.”
“Thanks Pepper.” He said and she waved off his appreciation.
They chitchatted while they waited for their food, which came out surprisingly fast.  Probably because there weren’t many other customers to wait on.
Peter was in the midst of his last bite, polishing off his entire meal without any difficulty, when Pepper’s phone rang.
She checked the screen and frowned.  “Sorry.  I have to take this.”
Peter shrugged.  “It’s fine.”
“Hi Melanie.” Pepper answered, then listened as whoever was on the other line spoke.  As Peter watched, Pepper’s frown deepened.
“I’m sorry, what?” Pepper asked suddenly, although it didn’t actually seem like a question.  Pepper’s eyes met his across the table and he could see real anger there intermixed with worry.  She looked away and listened for another few long seconds.
“Yes, I hear you.  No.  No, don’t do anything yet.  Don’t make a statement.  Just…sit on it for now.  I know.  I’ll explain when I get back.  I’m away from the office but I’m coming back right now and we’ll talk.” Pepper sighed wearily.  “Yes, believe me I understand.  Yes.  I’ll talk to him.  I’ll let you know.  Ok.  Thank you Melanie.  Bye.”
Pepper hung up looking more flustered than Peter had ever seen her before.  “I’m so sorry Peter but we’re going to have to cut this short.  I have to get back to the office.”
“That’s all right.  Is everything ok?”
Pepper’s lips thinned.  “Not really, but I’m going to try to fix it.”
Peter appreciated that she didn’t lie to him.
“Anything I can do?”
“Not right now honey but if there is, I’ll let you know.” Pepper said, a small smile breaking through the stress on her face.
Pepper stood and Peter hurried to follow, watching as she pulled a crisp $100 bill out her wallet and dropped it on the table.  Apparently it wasn’t just Tony that tipped extravagantly.  “Let’s go.”
As they walked back out to the car, Pepper’s phone rang nonstop.  She didn’t answer it, but her expression grew more and more grim with each call.  He hoped whatever was wrong wasn’t too serious, but he had a bad feeling it wasn’t good.
“Tony we have a problem.” Pepper announced as she barged into his workshop.
“One sec.” He said from under his car where he was in the middle of replacing a part.
“No, now.” Pepper said sternly and he could tell she meant business.  “It’s about Peter.”
Tony rolled out from under the car, wrench still in his hand.  “What?  Is he ok?” He asked, sitting up and glancing around, not seeing his kid.
“He’s fine but—”
“Didn’t you pick him up from school today?”
“I did but—”
“Then where is he?”
“I assume he’s upstairs.” She answered.
“He didn’t want to see me?”
“I don’t know.  Maybe he had homework.  That’s really not what’s important right now Tony.” Pepper sighed becoming visibly frustrated.
“Fine.  What’s wrong?”
“Have you seen the news recently?”
Tony raised an eyebrow at her.  She knew he wasn’t the type to stay up to date on the nonsense the media spewed out.
“Sorry.  Stupid question.” Pepper rubbed her forehead.  “But you’re going to want to see this.”
She rummaged over his desktop and found the remote buried under a stack of papers.  
“I just got done talking with Melanie and she agreed we need to come up with a plan for how to approach this.” Pepper spoke as she picked up the remote and aimed it at the television in the corner of the workshop, turning it on.
“How to approach what?” He asked, standing while he wiped his greasy hands off on a towel.
Before Pepper had a chance to answer, the television reporter’s words caught his attention.  He spun around and stared at the screen.
“And we have a photograph we’re going to show you viewers.  Something that’s sure to get everyone talking.” The TV anchor said dramatically.  “It was taken last week at the Accords amendments signing by a government aid in the room the Avengers went to after the signing.”
A somewhat grainy photo popped up on the screen.
“As you can see, the quality of the photo isn’t great, but you can definitely see Tony Stark sitting on the couch in the background surrounded by some of his closest friends.  In case you don’t know who they are, we’ll identify them for you.  Pepper Potts the CEO of Stark Industries is standing right behind him.  You can see the head of Stark’s security, the man who used to be Stark’s personal bodyguard before he became Ironman, who goes by the name Happy Hogan, sitting in the armchair across from Stark.  Colonel James Rhodes, also known as War Machine or Iron Patriot depending on your preference, who is Tony Stark’s longest standing friend, is standing next to Hogan.  But the big question here, the question everyone’s going to be asking, is who is this kid sitting on the couch with Tony Stark?”
The screen zoomed in to show the blurry profile of a teenage boy with brown hair, looking at Tony with a smile on his face as Tony said something to Rhodes.
“Shit.” Tony swore.
“Exactly.” Pepper agreed.
The news broadcast continued to play.
“Who is this kid that he gets admittance to the room housing the Avengers after the signing?  And not only that, but he’s also clearly gained acceptance into Tony’s Stark’s closest inner circle.  And is sitting next to Tony Stark himself?”
“And you can see the way Stark’s facing him in the image even as he talks to Colonel Rhodes.” The co-anchor commented.  “We actually had one of our body language experts analyze the photo and according to her, since Stark’s shoulders along with his hips are angled toward this boy, it’s an indicator that to Stark, this boy is the most important person in the room.  The one most deserving of his attention.  In a group of his closest friends.  It sure makes you wonder…”
Tony shook his head.  What was wrong with these people?  How did they have so much time on their hands that they could analyze his body language in a blurry photo?
“It really does John.” The original anchor commented again.
“So the big question on our minds and soon to be on everyone else’s is…who is this kid?”
Pepper turned the TV off again.
He turned toward her, lips pressed together in a thin line.  “So…”
“It’s playing on every network.  We need to figure out how to approach this and we need to figure it out now before it snowballs out of our control.” Pepper said.
“Dammit.” He threw the towel down in anger.  This was the very last thing he wanted to happen, for Peter’s relationship with him to become public knowledge.  “How’d they even get that photograph?”
“I don’t think how they got it is really that important right now.”
“I think it’s very important.  Someone got close enough to us to take that photo and sell it.  Someone with obviously less than honorable intentions.  They shouldn’t even be able to use it!  Peter’s a minor.”
“They don’t know that.” Pepper answered reasonably.  “They don’t know who he is.”
“I don’t care.  It’s still illegal.  I’m suing.” Tony complained, trying find an outlet for all the anger bubbling up in him.
“Before you start,” Pepper held up a hand, “we need to go over our options.  Melanie and I already discussed some before I came here.”
“Our head of PR?  Melanie.” Pepper sighed again.  “Honestly Tony, sometimes I wonder how you can be so smart and still not remember a single member of your staff’s names.”
“I know your name.” He countered.
“That doesn’t count.”
“It should.”
“Can we focus please?” Pepper cut off the argument before it could devolve any further.
“Right.  Yes.” He plopped down in his desk chair and looked up at Pepper standing in front of him.  “I’m listening.”
“First option, we could hold a press conference and confirm the truth.  That Peter’s your son.  That you adopted him this past summer after an unfortunate accident left him without any family, and then ask for respect and privacy given that he’s a minor.  The minor status will at least afford him some protection legally.”
Tony made a face.  “Got to say, I’m not loving that option.”
“Me neither,” Pepper agreed, “but it’s an option.”
“What’s option B?”
“We lie and say he’s an intern for Stark Industries.  That he’s a minor.  Request privacy and respect.  Same sort of thing.”
Tony ran a hand through his hair.  He didn’t love the idea of lying when it came to Peter, but that sounded better than admitting to the world who Peter really was.  He could only imagine how the paparazzi would hound the poor kid endlessly if they knew.
“And option C?” He rubbed his forehead, already feeling a headache forming.
“We say he’s my nephew or Happy’s nephew or keep it more nonspecific and say he’s a family friend.”
“They’re not going to dig that up and find out it’s a lie?” Tony twisted his face into an expression of disbelief.
“It’s a possibility.” Pepper sighed.  “But harder because he’s a minor.”
“Option D?” He asked.
Pepper just stared at him.
“That’s it?” His eyes widened and he shook his head.  “Those are the only three options you could think of?”
Pepper sighed again and dropped her head, rubbing her eyebrows with her thumb and pointer finger.  “If you have any other bright ideas I’m all ears.”
Tony rapped his fingers on his desk as he considered it.  “What if we do nothing?”  
“Do…nothing?” Pepper echoed as if she couldn’t comprehend it.
“Yeah, just no comment.” He said, slicing his hand through the air horizontally.  “That kind of thing.”
“You’re serious.” Pepper stared at him as if he’d suggested murdering the president.
“Yeah why not?”
Pepper closed her eyes and shook her head with a look of frustration Tony was all too familiar with.
“Why not?” She repeated.  “Because that’d be the worst possible thing we could do.  It’d add so much fuel to the media fire frenzy.  They’d know they were onto something and they wouldn’t stop until they figured it out.  Is that really what you want?”
That was…probably true.  But on the other hand…
“We’ve both seen the picture.  I can barely tell it’s Peter and I know it was him.  How is Joe Schmo off the street going to figure it out?  You’re right.  The media buzz will probably get worse before it gets better, but eventually it’ll fizzle out when they can’t figure it out.  Because they won’t find anything.” He said certainly.
Pepper pursed her lips, but he could tell she was at least considering it.
“I don’t want to do anything that outs Peter’s identity to the media.  That seems like a bad idea for a number of reasons, even if we lie and say he’s my intern or a family friend or whatever.  People will still know who he is and that he’s close to me.  That’s one thing the picture makes obvious enough.  And we both know what happens to people close to me.  They get a target painted on their backs.”
Pepper’s eyes softened and he looked away so he wouldn’t have to hold her gaze anymore.  They both knew he was talking about her.
“Tony.” Pepper said sadly as she reached out and rested a hand on his shoulder.
He shook his head and glanced up at her.  “I’ve got enough to worry about when it comes to the kid without adding that to the mix.”
“At least he’s Spiderman.” Pepper offered, trying to reassure him.  “He can take of himself.”
Tony scoffed.  “He shouldn’t have to.  That’s my job.”
Pepper squeezed his shoulder.  “So you want to say nothing.”
Tony nodded.  “I want to say nothing.”
“Melanie’s going to love that.” Pepper said, her smile in direct opposition to the thick sarcasm coming from her mouth.
“That’s why she gets paid the big bucks.  Hey, if she gives you too much grief you can always remind her how much tamer I’ve grown in my old age.  I haven’t had a good scandal in ages.”
Pepper rolled her eyes.  “I’ll be sure to remind her.”
Tony smiled and Pepper started walking out, presumably to go talk to Melanie.
“Hey Pep.” He called after her.
She paused and turned toward him.
“We say nothing for now, but if by some completely unlikely chance they figure out who Peter is, we will have to make a statement.”
“I know.” The smile Pepper gave him was sad.  Neither of them wanted that to happen.  “But we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.  And hopefully we won’t need to.”
“Hopefully.” Tony agreed quietly.  For as confident as he’d been about no one being able to figure out Peter’s identity, he sure had a terrible sinking sensation that it was only a matter of time.  Like a ticking bomb.  The interest was out there.  People would probably find out sooner or later, but he really hoped it’d be later.  Like when the kid was already in college or even later.  He wanted Peter to be able to be a kid for as long as he could without the added pressure of growing up with the media watching his every move.  Because that was what would happen as soon as the world figured out Tony Stark had adopted a son.  Everyone would go crazy.  And Peter would have to kiss his privacy good-bye.  And Peter was such a private person.  He’d hate it.  It was a disaster waiting to happen.
Tony hung his head in his hands and swore.
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petersmparker · 5 years
Congrats on 100 followers❤️ Would it be okay to do a Peter x Reader with these: G – “God, you really are a terrible liar.” L – “Let’s just pretend that this didn’t happen.” W – “Would you believe me if I said that I have feelings for you?”
Thanks Ciara!!! At first I wasn’t sure how to do all three but now it’s 1500 words 😂
Thank you for requesting (and for your patience)!! I hope you like it!
You and Peter have always been pretty touchy compared to most friends. To some that probably seems a bit weird, but to you it’s what comes naturally. You’ve always been compelled to show physical affection to others limitlessly, but there are few who you believe will respond comfortably to it. MJ is content to allow you to hold her hand, Betty thinks a hello kiss on the cheek is cute, Ned will respond to a hug with great enthusiasm. It’s nice to be able to show your friends that you love them in such simple, easy ways. 
Peter is the easiest of all to dole your affection out to. You learned early in your friendship that he’s responsive. He adapts easily to what’s around him. Any attempt at affection you ever gave to him was met with a willingness to add it to the itinerary. He’s just that kind of person- good at interacting with people in a way that suits them.
That was something you always appreciated that about him, even before you were close friends. A trait you loved before you began to realize that maybe you had started to view Peter as someone a bit more special than a friend.
To your great misfortune, that only made it hurt more when you noticed that Peter had been drifting away from you recently. He begins to let go of your hand quicker when you hold it. Starts to sit on the other end of the couch when he comes over to watch movies. Transitions into giving you awkward nods before you can even try to give him a hug to say hello. Stops asking you for adjust his collar for him when you tell him it’s messed up.
It feels like Peter’s gotten sick of you after several years of nothing but positive responses, and it hurts. You let him pull away, though. What other choice is there? You hate the idea of forcing your physical affection onto him when he no longer wants it, and you’d been worrying for a while now that with your steadily growing feelings that you were taking advantage of him, somehow by maintaining the old behaviors. Maybe this was just the world giving you an out before the concern could overwhelm you.
Peter receives the space that he clearly wants. You’re sad for a while, but know that it’s best if you learn to adjust to the new dynamic. It’s hard to have to remind yourself not to reach for his hand when you’re walking to the train or fix his hair when he comes out of gym class with it falling into his eyes, but you do it.
This continues for a month before it’s unexpectedly interrupted. It’s a friday night following a downright excessively crime-filled week. Peter had been out much later than usual four nights in a row. Today he ends up at your place just before midnight, exhausted and overwhelmed, and asks to copy your Spanish homework.
“I know how to do it,” he promises, pulling out his worksheets, “I honestly just don’t have the time or the capacity to do it right now.”
You don’t mind, even offer up your history assignment too, and his tired eyes brighten. He looks like a mess. It’s been a while since you’ve seen him so disheveled- dark circles, healing cuts, and messy hair all prominent to you in the lamplight while you watch him work. You’re tempted to reach over push the curls away from his forehead, but abstain.
“Oh, come on,” he groans when he goes to put his work back in his bag, “I forgot about physics.”
You aren’t in the same class and therefore can’t help him, but Peter sticks around until he’s finished the assignment anyway. He finishes about an hour and a half after he’d arrived, seeming even more exhausted than when he arrived. The three page physics assignment had truly done him in. He looks like he’s barely awake by the time his bag is packed. You’re quick to let him know that he’s free to stay the night, since tomorrow is a Saturday, but he waves away your offer.
“I’ll probably be fine,” he reasons, shouldering his bag as he enters the hall of your apartment building.
You aren’t prepared for him to lean in to kiss your cheek when he does, and by the look on his face when he pulls back, apparently neither was he. Like he’d done it without thinking in his sleep-deprived state. It’s something you used to do to him on occasion. One of the only things he hadn’t attempted to do back.
“Uh. Sorry,” he blurts, eyes wide, “I just-”
“It’s fine,” you quickly say, heat rising to your cheeks terrifyingly fast.
“Yeah. Let’s just pretend that this didn’t happen.” He suggests, “I’ll, uh, I’ll see you on monday.”
His words bring a bitter taste to your mouth, but you let him go. Pretend it didn’t happen? What the hell? After a month of him pushing you away he kisses you and wants to move on like it didn’t happen? It’s hard not to be a bit frustrated at all the conflicting messages he’s sending. Sure, he was tired, but it’s not like kissing you had been a habit for him. Not like it had been one for you. There’s no way that could have been just muscle memory.
You’re bothered and confused all weekend, Peter too occupied with his Spider-Man duties to see you. Monday comes with a newfound resolve to ask what exactly happened both friday and in the last month, and that’s exactly what you do when you meet him at the train station in the morning.
He’s looking a bit more well-rested, a bit cheerier, and when he turns to say hello you feel kind of bad about planning to throw a wrench in it all.
“Are we going to talk about friday?” You ask, giving him the opportunity to own up and diffuse at least some of your anger right off that bat by admitting that the kiss happened.
He reaches up to rub the back of his neck, looking apologetic. “Yeah,” he says.
Peter is an intelligent boy.
“I’m sorry,” he continues after a beat, “That shouldn’t have happened.”
“No, it shouldn’t have,” you agree, folding your arms, “Not after all this time I’ve been trying to teach myself how to be less affectionate with you. It’s not fair to me, Peter. And what is even up with that? Why did you suddenly decide to change?”
Maybe it’s not fair to put him on the spot, but you’ve been wondering nonstop for a month and you’re at the end of your rope. He looks ashamed when you’ve finished speaking, head dipped down to stare at his shoes. The sight of it brings you a bit of guilt, but you maintain your stance, trying hard not to crumble. You’d like an explanation.
“Would you believe me if I said I had feelings for you?”
The bitterness returns to your tongue as soon as the sentence leaves his mouth. Part of you wants to turn around and go home, rather than get on a train with Peter and spend the next thirty minutes pretending he didn’t use such an untrue excuse. Why would he want to pull away from you the way he did if that were true?
“God, you really are a terrible liar,” you state, shaking your head in disbelief, “If you got sick of me, just say so. It really sucks, but I’m a big girl. I can take it.”
Peter steps forward, eyebrows knitted together. “Y/N, what?” He sputters, “I’m not messing around!”
You’re unconvinced and hurt by his decision to persist. Against your wishes, your eyes start to burn and water. You wipe furiously at them when you say, “Cut it out, Peter-”
He surges forward, snatching your hand away from your face, and kisses you. Your eyes are blown wide in your surprise, frozen still where you stand. Peter’s hand is warm against your skin as he continues to hold it out of the way, and his lips are even warmer. Your face heats faster than metal in a fire. He pulls away after another month has passed by you, face resolute.
“Oh,” you yelp, and immediately feel your face get even hotter. How lame.
“Is that okay with you?” He asks, fingers loosening their hold on your hand, “If not, I’m sorry for that, too.”
You shake your head, a little too urgent. “No! No, that’s- that’s great. I’m happy.”
“Oh, thank god,” he laughs, upper body sagging in relief, “It occurred to me halfway through that you might have to slap me.”
It’s very difficult not to laugh at his response. He brings a hand to his face like he’s embarrassed when he adds, “I was just worried that if I kept being touchy while I had this big crush on you it would be creepy. It didn’t occur to me that you might like me back.“
You giggle along with him, bitterness melted out of you. All this time, he’d had the same concern. He’d just acted on it first. How ridiculous. 
From behind, your train screeches to a stop as it reaches the platform. Peter dips forward once more to peck you on the cheek. "Ready to go?” He asks.
“Yeah,” you sigh, feeling lighter than you have in a while, and take his hand. “Let’s go.”
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evenastar-blog · 5 years
Archery in the Lord of the Rings: The Hobbit
To repeat: This post is from the viewpoint of someone who is an archer, certified archery coach, and literature nerd. 
About archery: Archery at its bare basic is about consistency. “Tubing an arrow,” aka shooting a “Robin Hood,” is the ultimate goal of a target archer and occurs when your second shot is the exact. same. as the first shot, and splits the first arrow down the center. Archery is also, as Kisik Lee (the National Head Coach of the USA Archery Team) once said, about confronting your demons: you can not lie to yourself when shooting, especially with a recurve or longbow. Your target will reflect your mental state. A real life archery club we have at my archery range is the 300 Club, where you score 300 points out of 300. Yes, this is a thing, yes there are people who can do it, yes I know several, more than several actually. Yes, some of them did it with recurves and longbows.
Book version: 
Smaug is in. the. air. He is HUNDREDS of yards AWAY. COMPLETELY OUT OF REACH. He is being shot at by a ton of archers whose arrows are not hurting him because his body is covered in protective scale. He has a weak point: a small hollow on his left breast. Presumably this is the weakness every hunter knows: the spot right over the heart. On a 3D target, this spot is about the size of a fist. SO Smaug is in the air hundreds of yards above them swooping around setting fire to everything and the weak point is the size of a fist. This is an amazingly difficult shot. My archery range/shop has tons of archers who compete nationally and internationally or who hunt. Maybe 20% of the archers I know can make this shot. 
The atmosphere around Bard is thus: “Already women were jumping in the water on every side. Women and children were being huddled into laden boats in the market-pool. Weapons were flung down. There was mourning and weeping [. . .] Now he shot with a great yew bow, till all his arrows but one were spent. The flames were near him. His companions were leaving him.” He’s alone and on the ground and near flames and oh!, he has one arrow left. Note how it’s a black arrow NOT a ballista-type arrow. Because he is shooting with a longbow. He has no ballista. There is no mention of him having a “Wind Lance” ballista in the book.
One arrow. He has one arrow left. The village he has lived in all his life is on fire. People are dead and dying. Trained warriors are panicking and abandoning their posts. HE HAS ONE GODDAMN ARROW. There are not enough words for how traumatic this is. Or how dramatic. There aren’t enough words to describe the immense willpower and composure an archer would have to have to even shoot this last arrow, let alone shoot it well. There are now a handful of archers I know who could make this shot, but there are exactly two I truly believe could have any chance at killing Smaug. This is not “ultimate” difficulty, this is so so so far beyond that.
And Bard does it. He fucking does it. Yes I’m swearing, swearing a lot, but this requires swearing because it is un-fucking-believable and maybe my swearing will in some small way help you who are not archers or archery coaches understand how completely goddamn unreal this shot is. 
Robin Hood shot his amazing shot in a competition, no fire-breathing dragons and people dying and sobbing around him. No one attacking him. 
Odysseus makes his amazing shot in a competition without anyone, certainly not a dragon, immediately attacking him. His home is not literally on fire when he shoots.
Bard’s shot here is THE shot of literary archers. THE. FUCKING. MOST. DRAMATIC. AMAZING. MOTHER OF ALL SHOTS. OK!?!?!?!?
Movie version: 
There is fire, ok. His is alone, ok. But he’s on a tower, he has a better angle from which to shoot. His son appears for more drama. Because THAT wouldn’t distract an archer. Not. At. All. I’m sorry but the chances of any archer making this shot are at least halved by their goddamn kid appearing. You need to be able to concentrate, you cannot make the shot if you’re worrying about your kid. THAT IS NOT HOW ARCHERY WORKS. OK. YOU NEED PERFECT CONCENTRATION. IF YOU HAVE A SINGLE FRACTION OF A SECOND OF THOUGHT YOUR SHOT IS DONE. LITERALLY. NO MATTER HOW EXPERIENCED YOU ARE. Also, can I just say, you are sending the message to your kids that it is ok for them to come back to help when their parent is being attacked. I don’t want any kid I know coming back. I want them to go be safe. 
Note also how there are no people screaming and weeping in his vicinity. In the book it was clearly a war zone. In real life in a war or bombing or terrorist zone, there are the sounds of crying and of moaning. JRR Tolkien knew this, he was on battlefields. Well, there is one moment of people screaming but as the focus leaves the people the screaming stops. How convenient and not at all like a real war zone. You want drama and tension? Leaving the screaming in the whole time would have worked. All you had to do was make it quieter than the music and dialogue. Then again, maybe they that’d be too realistic and cause problems for people. . . ? I know they were super careful with how the tower collapsed in Return of the King, they didn’t want it to remind anyone of the Twin Towers. 
Ok, we are just going to casually ignore the problematic physics here because I have no patience to deal with that. Not the physics of the arrow. Not the physics of the bow. Actually no. We do have to talk about this. I’m still ignoring that arrow because it is ridiculous, but I will talk about bows/slingshots briefly. (Anything I say about either of these also applies to the construction of the Wind Lance.) I did a quick google search and made some edits to the photos I found to help you understand this quick detail:
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On both a slingshot and bow, you have this oh so important piece connecting your tips. A continuous piece made out of one material. 
Here’s a screenshot:
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This. This would never work. The reason this doesn’t work is because the force of the shot would catch in the string and bow parts and break everything, BEFORE the arrow leaves. SO the shot would never land. The boy cannot successfully connect the points. It needs to be CONTINUOUS. Bard would just cause everything to break and collapse on top of them. In fact, the bow could very well explode because of the sheer amount of force that would be caught in the limbs instead of successfully leaving with the arrow.
How do I know this? Because I’m a friggin’ archer and guess what we do with broken bows for fun when we’re young foolish archers? Yeah. I have actually done something very much like this (sans setting the arrow on a person because that is so so so dangerous) and it’s SUCH A BAD IDEA. HOLY SHIT IS IT A BAD IDEA. Bad ideas might be ok when being attacked by a dragon if it, you know, worked. Does it work? NO. FUCK NO IT DOESN’T.
And now, let’s talk about the use of the son some more. I liked Bard in the books, I HATE the movie version of him (character, not actor, to clarify). Because this scene is never ever EVER appropriate. I give ZERO fucks about the fact that there is a dragon attacking. ZERO. THIS IS NOT OK. The consulting archers on this movie SHOULD NEVER HAVE LET THIS HAPPEN. You know why? Because as a goddamn archery coach I can tell you: kids emulate what they see on movies. The guy who plays Hawkeye? Causes me real life problems because my kids try to emulate him, which usually means they don’t look at their target when shooting or look away from it as they make the shot because “but Hawkeye doesn’t.” You know what happened after this goddamn Hobbit movie came out? I had two students setting up to try this. I HAD REAL STUDENTS DO THIS SHIT AND THANK FUCKING GOD I CAUGHT THEM BEFORE THEY COULD CARRY THROUGH BECAUSE THIS IS DANGEROUS. ONE OF THEM LITERALLY WAS TRYING TO USE THE SHOULDER OF THE OTHER AS AN ARROW REST. I loved loved loved LOVED Peter Jackson for what he did for the Lord of the Rings. Now though? If I ever meet him in real life instead of asking for an autograph and just gushing about how amazing he is, I would have to ask him some questions. One of which would be who his consulting archers were and why they gave this the ok. Because it is not ok. It will never BE ok. Out of all sports, archery actually has the second least amount of injuries despite the fact that we are using real weapons (if I get shot by one of my students’ arrows it WILL puncture). The reason we’re able to accomplish this is because we take safety very, very seriously. And movies like this make it a lot harder to ensure the safety of both students and coaches. 
(No blame goes to the actor of Bard. As far as my movie knowledge goes the director and consultants were in charge of this decision.)
I’m assuming they made the choices they did to add drama. Because obviously the book version was boring. Apparently. And these days in movies audiences love big (the bigger the better) monsters walking directly at them while threatening them. But this is not dramatic. This is not NEAR as intense or dramatic as the book shot, because Smaug was untouchable and out of reach. 
They added the son for drama and to reinforce Bard AS A SHITTY FATHER. Sorry, probably they meant to show him as loving, kind father, which he is, in the books.
Instead of focusing on the FORCE of heat (because that much heat close to you? It’s like a physical force that pushes you back), instead of focusing on how it was his last arrow and he’s by himself . . . because they didn’t. Not enough. They focused on adding a bunch of other stuff going wrong like his son coming and the platform he was on falling, and his bow breaking. This all took away from the drama of him, alone, surrounded by fire, with one arrow left.
I don’t think we (generally speaking, like in general in Hollywood) really understand how to create tension and anxiety in films anymore. How to do drama. We’ve embraced the whole idea of “bigger is better” and a direct threat coming directly at you is scary and “the more going wrong the worse things are.” It’s really disappointing how many movie directors are going this route. I’m not going to do a huge analysis of psychology here, or explain the other strategies of creating drama and tension. But sometimes, smaller is more threatening because it is harder to see and hit; sometimes having a threat that ignores you because you’re not even worth its attention is more threatening because it reinforces the message that you don’t matter (whereas if they’re threatening you directly it’s reinforcing your importance as a threat to them, that they feel the need to deal with you); sometimes it’s just one thing that goes wrong that ruins or can ruin everything.
Conclusion: I will never stop being disappointed and frustrated about this scene in the Hobbit. They had such a beautiful moment and they dropped the ball. And it’s all the sadder because of how on point they were with the Lord of the Rings movies. I was so excited for this, because Bard to me as both literature nerd and as an archer and coach has always been a source of inspiration and awe. 
Peter Jackson was always so aware of his audience and how his movies would affect them for the Lord of the Rings (again, such as ensuring the collapse of the tower in RotK did not mirror the collapse of the Twin Towers). I’m very disappointed that he was not more conscientious when directing this scene. 
I will not apologize for my vehemence. Because setting aside my love of stories as a literature major, stories and entertainment influence reality, and the depiction of archery in movies directly affects me as a coach, and the other coaches I work with. As I have already made clear. Anything that has played a role in causing my students to be in an unsafe situation is something I have to be passionate about because it is my job as a coach to keep them safe. 
I hope this post showed you how amazing Bard is in the books and gave you greater appreciation for the Hobbit. But I also hope it has made you think about your art and how it might affect people. If you are going to share your writing and art with the public, you must be aware that you have a responsibility to think of how it will affect the real world. We can’t all be perfect, and we can’t think of everything. But we must be aware that it’s not “just art for art’s sake” or “just for fun.” It has real life consequences. I also do hope this post might have shown you a bit of how complicated movie making is, and help show how much skill and devotion Peter Jackson has sunk into not only the Lord of the Rings trilogy, but also the trilogy of the Hobbit. Even if I personally did not care for the Hobbit trilogy near so well. Peter Jackson and all the people involved in the films have to make a lot of decisions, and their decisions are much more important than just “what would be cooler.” So despite my issues with this specific scene, thank you, Peter Jackson and all who were involved in the making of this movie. All I ask, if any of you happen to see this, is that you remember that kids emulate their heroes (and with heroes as cool as the characters in The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings? how can they resist?)
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wadey-wilson · 6 years
Essay essay pls! I actually enjoyed the TASM films but I watched them when I was like, 10, so my actual perception of them is super skewed
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I usually never talk much about things I hate because I don’t wanna care about things I hate. it’s a waste of time and nerves. but given that you asked nicely, and that I have a lot to say, and that I should sleep but we all know it never plays out, let’s go.
right off the bat, I want to say that I believe you can change some things about characters or stories if adapting them for the silver screen either requires it, or the director has a really good idea as to how the character should be done. that being said, I also believe there’s a line you can’t cross. you either change the character to be more appealing and to have them resonate with the audiences more (see: Thor in Thor: Ragnarok, Guardians of The Galaxy), or to have it fit the story better (see: Mandarin in Iron Man 3). I have no problem when a director goes ‘I have an idea for this character’ and he actually has, let him do it. however, when you change too much about a story (see: Civil War) or a character, they become unrecognizable and completely off. you ever read Superior Spider-Man? they become that. a shell of someone we know but with completely different behaviour, manners, mind, and character for that matter. you can’t change a character to this point, because it ruins them. say Iron Man doesn’t drink alcohol at all, he’s a granddad of a random kid taken from the streets, and kills innocent people. doesn’t really sound well, huh?
and that’s the huge problem with that small series of films. the producers don’t understand Spider-Man (don’t @ me with Spider-Verse, Sony didn’t touch Spider-Verse, it was written by the ever great Phil Lord and Chris Miller), and they never will because they frankly don’t give a shit. they ruined Spider-Man 3 by forcing Raimi to put Venom in there despite Raimi not being able to handle the material and not being interested in that character. reason why they made the TASM films? money. reason why they keep the rights to Spidey? money. so since they don’t understand Spider-Man, they can’t make a good Spidey movie as long as it’s them making that movie.
I also want to add that I like crap movies. Spider-Man 3 is half a solid movie, but you can’t have a bad time while watching it - it’s hilarious, has great action scenes, the characters feel like characters, and the tone is consistent. Venom movie wise is like 4/10, it has 2 prologues, and 179 plot holes and/or stupid choices, but it’s entertaining, funny (even when unintentionally), has some very good dialogues, and the Venom/Eddie relationship (right along with Tom Hardy himself) saves the movie. so I like crap movies when they’re fun, comedy gold, or just so stupid that you can’t help but laugh (see: Twilight). but when a movie is shit, and does none of those things, I can’t sit through it.
with all that said, here goes: reasons why The Amazing Spider-Man movies suck balls and are offensive towards the character of Spider-Man:
comic wise:
- Peter Parker - let’s google Peter Parker.
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caring. kind. loyal. brave. scared. worried. intelligent.
that’s the basic core aspect of Peter Parker. you can’t change the core of a character or else they become a different person. the core aspect is what makes them them. Peter Parker is ‘with great power comes great responsibility’, he’s a struggling one because he made a choice to save lives and that choice often ruins his day-to-day life, he’s constantly trying to be a better man, but all while bad things are happening, he remains kind, loving, caring, loyal, respectful, and worth of the powers he’s carrying.
TASM Peter Parker? that dude’s a selfish dickhead. i could go scene by scene to prove my point, but off the top of my head, he:
stalks, creeps, breaks (important) promises, is rude 24/7 towards his aunt and uncle, risks people’s lives, damages public property and doesn’t even say sorry, sneaks into Oscorp by stealing someone’s righteously earned intern badge (plus literally laughing at the guy who got kicked out bc of him, what the hell).
other than that, Andrew Garfield does not look socially awkward or nerdy in the slightest. the movies are really trying to portray him as one and terribly fail. he’s not a good fit for this Spidey. Superior Spidey? yeah, that asshole, sure. I’m not saying he’s a bad actor, he’s an amazing actor. he’s just not good for the role of Peter Parker.
I mentioned Thor before and how making him a goofball actually worked out fine, and that’s because the core aspect of him never disappeared. he’s still Thor, courageous, righteous, loving, kind, but with more jokes. Peter Parker is a nerdy outcast, he’s socially awkward like 95% of the time, and doesn’t even know how to walk straight. Andrew’s Spidey? obnoxious-skateboarding-cool-looking-Edward-Cullen-like-tall-and-model-like cute. I have no words.
to add to his terrible traits, Peter’s only motivation to put on the red-and-blue spandex is revenge. revenge. I don’t care about that scene where he’s sitting with his mask wondering if he should go after the Lizard. that doesn’t mean a thing. it would if his behaviour changed, but it never did. he made a mask and then a suit so people wouldn’t see who commits the crimes (assaulting at nights while looking for Ben’s killer, that’s crime), that’s down-right fucked up. this is not Spider-Man. speaking of…
- Spider-Man - he doesn’t care about people’s lives at-freaking-all, and it just wounds me. he jokes around while people are being murdered (see: TAMS2 scene with the Rhino where he didn’t stop Rhino when he had the chance, instead letting him run over tens of people and kept. on. joking., or putting on a fireman’s hat while people are being killed). jokes? what jokes? that guy’s a jackass. he threatens a man saying he’d kill him if he’d be the one who killed uncle Ben. he publicly humiliates a guy, I don’t care if he’s a criminal. 
see this:
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(the amazing s-m #797)
vs this
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- Ben Parker - he’s 100% useless in the movie. in the comics and in the Raimi’s movies, he plays a huge role. he’s Peter’s moral compass right along with May Parker, which…
- May Parker - her presence in the movie is pointless. she’s got no impact on the plot. cut out all the scenes with her, and it changes nothing about the movies. her presence only makes Peter look more like an asshole bc he’s one towards her 99% of the time. she’s there to be… I don’t even know. she’s useless. oh, no, wait, she’s there to make Peter break his promise to Captain Stacy. amazing.
movie wise:
- tone - inconsistent, all over the place. TASM1 is dark, silly, dark, lighthearted, funny, dark, funny, dark. why can’t it be just dark or funny? same goes to TASM2, except TASM2 is way worse due to the unconnected subplots. examples of well-toned movies: Homecoming (a comedy starring Spider-Man), Iron Man 3 (consistently cartoonish with balanced humor and action), The Avengers (consistently funny and cheesy).
- character arc - there’s none. Peter learns absolutely nothing. at all. he’s selfish and remains selfish. puts people’s lives at risk all the time. breaks promises, not learning any lesson. I mentioned Venom before and how it’s a dumb movie, but even that one has Venom have an arc. rushed one, yes, very rushed, but still an arc. 
- music - stock music + bad pop music + elevator music + something that tried to sound like dubstep but wound up being what comes out when you scratch your nails across the board ft. growling dying dragons from bad cartoons. I’m really sorry for Hans Zimmer that his name is in the credits bc the amazing Pharell Whilliams literally ruined the TASM2 soundtrack.
- directing - it’s shit. the movie’s shot with no life to speak of. boring shots, lower than average. there’s no scene that makes me ‘whoa’. there’s no scene that makes me ‘this is a really good shot. I very much like this shot.’ ok, I’m lying, there are two shots in the entire 2 movies. there:
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these are the only shots that I like. out of 2 movies. please, take all my money.
on top of that, the colors are just ugly. Deadpool has greasy colors but they’re consistent and fit the creepy tone of the movie. TASM movies can’t decide what the hell they are so they are just a mess.
- villains:
x the Lizard. he wants people to be lizards, and that’s it. he wants his arm to regrow but then he goes ‘forget arms, now I want people to be lizards.’ and it’s sad bc he’s a very good villain in the comics.
x Green Goblin. motivation is weak, plus why did he crawl towards the suit? if he crawled towards the Doc Ock arms, would he become Doc Ock? how did he know hot to fly the glider? ‘you took his picture, so you know him’ - first of all, that shot was taken from 64508098 meters away, and second of all, how does this make Harry think Peter knows Spider-Man? he’s still better than Connors, tho.
x Electro - quite an odd one, weak motivations, what the hell was that with the corny speeches pulled out of his ass and completely out of the place? why did he even have shorts? where did he take his suit from? that’s a PG-13 movie, I get it, we don’t wanna watch an electric p*nis swing, ok, we get it  still, bad motivations, makes no sense 80% of the time, and... he’s just off. he’s such a badly-handled and poorly-written character I want to cry,
- other characters:
x Gwen Stacy - so called generic love interest. that’s it.
x I don’t even care.
- stupid bullshit - when a movie is good, I don’t care about plot holes or stupid stuff like visible reshoots (see: Tony’s hair in IW) or just idiotic moments (see: Black Widow knocking a guy out with her hair in The Avengers).
however, when the stupid bullshit takes over a movie, you can’t help but notice. why did the Lizard want everyone to be lizards? why did the electric eels fix the gap between Max’s teeth? what’s with the subplot with Peter chasing Ben’s killer? is Peter so stupid that he brought his camera with his name on it to Lizard’s secret layer? why are Peter’s parents so focused on? they’re 100% irrelevant and have no impact on the movies besides making them even stupider (that calculator scene, I’m-). why did Ben jump towards the gun? how did scrawny and skinny Harry Osborn overpower two armed, grown-ass guards? if Peter is smart enough to make web-shooters and web fluid, why did he have to look up the basics of electricity on YT? why is Gwen so stupid to grab a metal bar when there’s an electricity-fueled guy murdering people? why did even Electro become bad? why do people stand around very dangerous fight scenes like it’s a spectacle with fairies? run! the plane scene. the plane scene no2. the crane scene. how did the cranes happen to be perfectly in line across the way to Oscorp? even Raimi wouldn’t put this corny shit in his movies, and he made his trilogy corny for purpose. train? coming? out? from? the ground??? a video coincidentally waiting for Peter to be played in that train? Gwen Stacy happening to be the interns’ tour guide at Oscorp? how did Gwen get to the fight with Electro scene sooner than the police? why did the web get cut by two solid objects, simultaneously making a ‘cut’ sound, what the fuck was that? why were those movies even made? (money)
I want to add that I don’t care about deleted scenes. put them in the movie if they’re important. I really don’t give a damn there was a scene with Peter’s dad (which is just stupid) or some stuff with Connors. I don’t judge deleted scenes, I judge the movies.
and that’s it. I feel like I can talk more, but it’s like 11pm, and I have to get up early and go to work, so… I said what I said. you can’t change my opinion. if you like these films, I don’t care. they’re trash. if you can watch them and think ‘that’s a good movie,’ I’m glad you can, and I wish you a happy life with that bad perception.
to add to all of this, I’ll have you know that even Andrew Garfield is mad/sad that Sony compromised the character of Peter Parker for the sake of money.
before I go, the only good things about these movies:
- TASM2 suit is cool. I like it a lot,
- that scene where Peter wakes up and accidentally breaks things,
- that montage with Spidey after he breaks up with Gwen, it’s really nice and in-character, looking like it was written by someone completely else,
- they didn’t make a third movie.
P.S. if you want some good videos I remember seeing about those movies, visit yourmoviesucks and TheCosmonautVarietyHour on YT. also ScreenCrush explains what’s wrong with those movies basing on one scene, and it’s great.
P.S. 2. there was this comment on YT under the TASM movies review that I really like, and honestly what a mood:
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All We Ever Knew (4/4)
Prompt: Y/N and Jason don’t usually fight each other, but one night they can’t hold anger anymore… just remember this the next time, be careful with your wishes.
A/N : Grammar mistakes of course. We reached the end fellas... Tell me about what you think, maybe it will be a  hidden chapter. (Add this song to this chapter : LOVER, PLEASE STAY ) 
| -> Italics - memory
Pairing : Jason Todd x Reader
Warnings: Angst, fluff
Preview Chapter Here
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Bruce Wayne added this situation to the list of 'personal confusion’. Also, for some reason he felt disappointment and failure with some mix for sadness and anger.
The girl in front of him looks scare and confuse, her eyes are trying to focus on him, but they are moving side to side. A hand reaches her nose, slowly she looks at the red stains, she opens her eyes wider than before, her hand is shaking and her lips is trembling, in seconds she's going to be in a state of hyperventilating.
"Y/N, focus on me" Bruce says trying to keep her calm before her mind explodes.
The girl looks at him once more, she wants to scream, she wants to leave, she needs to find answers, but his eyes tells her that he means no harm, none of the boys in the room are trying to hold her down, actually they all look worried.
"Remember Jason... Jason Peter Todd" Bruce says quietly as he moves a strand of her hair out of her face. 
There's something in her eyes, something inside of her made a click, but she doesn't know what's happening. She hasn’t said a word, afraid of whatever could happen. Actually, her mind it's a mess, nothing seems to have a connection until he said that name.
"He has blue eyes and dark hair...,” one of the boys in the back says as he sits in front of the girl. Concern is writing all over his face.
"He also has a white strand in the front..." other boy, younger than the other says as he points at a spot on his hair. 
Her eyes moves, Bruce know she’s trying to figure out the situation or maybe, she’s trying to remember. 
“He really loves his brown leather jacket and... he laughs at my bad jokes” the boy in front of her says with a sad smile.
“He wears a red helmet and sometimes he sings cheesy rock songs” the youngest boy says with a sigh... his voice, even if he was a young, carries a big amount of nostalgia. 
For some reason she’s sobbing. She has her eyes shut, but she’s crying. Her tears are not from sadness or anger. Bruce Wayne knows better than anyone else on Earth that those tears are from regret.  
"I told you, not only once, MILLION of times, that you couldn't jump that fucking roof Y/N" Jason says with a grin as he looks at you.
"Shut up. At least thank God that I'm alive" you say with a chuckle as you look at his blue eyes. "I don't need to thank God Y/N. I need to thank that garbage bin for catching you" Jason says as he held your hand.
"You're an idiot" you say, your eyes still on his face. "I'm your idiot. Forever Y/N, don't forget that" He truly says, with a smile you get to know after all this years, that only means adoration. "You serious?" You ask him, for some reason you need it to know if he was joking or not.
"Only if you want me to stay by your side... we can even move from here, get a dog, an old couch, maybe a house with big windows so you can see the rain without this big buildings... or we can stay here.... whatever you want, whatever you need but... please... stay with me? " Jason says with so much love you could believe he was proposing in that moment.
"I do want a dog" you say with a chuckle and he laughs too.
"And I do want you to stay with me" you add as you hold his hand.
"Forever?" he asks you with hope in his blue eyes.
"Forever" you confirm with a big smile.
And in that moment, like a movie, the last memory you had from Jason was vanishing, like and old film it was burning out in your mind. His eyes and his smile disappeared from your mind, like if every single piece of Jason was dragged by a black hole.
It was all gone. His voice didn't echoed in your mind. His face didn't belong to anyone in your memories. Not even his touch stayed with you, his scent was far-gone, but you knew, deep inside you, that you need it to find him again, somehow....
"This, belonged to him" Bruce says.
You opened your eyes when you see the gold 'R' in your hand, it looks familiar... the other boys also has one on his chest, but they all different, this one also holds something else just than metal...
"Belonged" you quietly say as your finger traces the letter.
"His... his far gone from us, but... you can give it back to him, when you see him again" the boy with the blue bird on his chest says.
"'Am dying?" you ask more to yourself that any other in the room. Your mind is totally black. There's nothing. No names, no sounds, no memories, no feelings. Your body also feels drain, your head hurts, your eyes wants to close, your breathing might be calm, but you know your heartbeats are getting slower by every passing second.
You missed the change of looks between the four men in the floor with you. All worried about how you truly looked like, maybe you weren't mistaken.
What you didn't miss was the green glowing eyes on the ceiling, those eyes somehow where calling you. You lay on the ground, this way you have a better look at that face. It's voice was calm, you name was coming out of it like a sweet melody, and your eyes began to close.
For whatever reason, you looked at the golden letter again; you turned around to see a engraved name on it.
"Jason Todd... I wish I could be with you..." you say with a smile as you eyed the name.
For some reason, you longed to know the face behind that name... you whished with all you heart to know the man these people were talking about. And you didn't noticed when you stop breathing.
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                                               *Credit to the owner*
Your mind is still black, but your body is feeling. It began like sweet feeling... warm all over you, you are in something really soft, there's a smell floating in the air... like roses. But then, something it's itching in your skin, somewhere in your leg and shoulder, your head is aching too. But then, there's something else in the air, not only this stays in the air, this hits you in your heart... you know that voice, the one that's it's coming clearer every passing second.
"So I climb one-two flight three flight four," Danny sang, "five flight six flight seven flight more ... when I get to the top, I'm too tired to rock...." the male voice said... by how he was speaking, you knew he was reading.
"She came around him, sat down on one of the stair risers, and saw that his lower lip had swelled to twice its size and that there was dried blood on his chin..." the voice keep going with whatever he was reading.
Slowly you begin to open your eyes. You blink few times until you see your surroundings. It's kind of dark but welcoming. It's warm and it gives you the feeling to be in somewhere familiar.
"Hey there sleeping beauty" you hear the same voice... it's close, really close to you.
You turn to look at the source of the sound. Your heart nearly explodes. The white strand on his black hair, those blue eyes, and that smile. He was the man the boys were talking about... he was Jason.
"Oh, you must have your throat dry as hell, sorry, just let me..." Jason says as he turns around to grab a glass of water, he helps you to drink a little and then he returns the glass to the table.
"Hey, about... what happened that night... and the others before that... I wanted to apologize" Jason says as he holds your hand.
"I acted like an idiot with you, I know we had some bad moments, but... I do regret all of them, trust me." Jason says with a sigh as he looks at your eyes.
But you can’t answer him. What where you supposed to say, you couldn't even remember what the heck he was talking about. Truth be told, as he was talking, something is in your mind clicked, old name and maybe memories where coming...
"Y/N... Are you with me?" Jason says concerned when you didn't say anything back.
"I don't remember what you're talking about... I don't remember a lot actually" you say shyly as you turn your head to the other side.
"Are... Y/N are you kidding?" Jason says with a chuckle as he grabs your face gently again.
"I don't even know how I get here... I was in a vault and there was this thing with glowing green eyes above me..." you quietly say without looking at him.
"But... there's something in my mind, that every time I see you it kind of clears the path... you know what I mean?" you ask him worried that he might leave you alone with your craziness.
"Hmm... I do know what are you talking about... actually, Alfred said something about some kind of temporal amnesia, but I didn't think it could actually happen..." he says with sadness.
"You do really gave a hell of a fight that day Y/N. I'm proud of that, I could be death without you" he says with a chuckle as he sits on the chair again.
"But... I do really want you 100% back, we need to solve our problems. So... let me think a little while" he says as he eyes you once more.
"Are you going to leave?" you say, more scared than you want it to be.
"I'm never leaving you Y/N. But I think Alfred has the solution for that fried brain of yours" he says again with a chuckle as he gives you kiss on your forehead.
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Turns out, not only Alfred had the answer to your problems. Bruce, Damian, Dick, Tim and even Jason had managed to bring your memory back.
You spent over three weeks watching at your family old and new recordings, some of them involving your first steps as a Wayne, those where Alfred videos. you saw yourself, wandering in the garden and looking at the many roses, the times you cooked with him, and the first time you wear a Robin suit.
Bruce videos were even sweeter than you thought they could be. Bruce Wayne, taking his child’s to the sea, the birthday parties in the Manor, including one where the Justice League came by, and you were playing with Diana and Clark. But mostly, Bruce had videotapes of training with you and Dick, pictures of the both of you sleeping the car or when you were toothless.
Dick recordings were treasures, that man has been with you almost all your life, he has been your bigger brother and your ultimate best friend. So of course, you had make pranks of the Batman itself and to Alfred too. Even the welcome pranks to Damian, Tim and Jason.
Tim. That motherfucker have recordings of you and Conner, the idiot wanted the two of you to date since he found out Conner liked you. He made everything on his power to make that a relationship. So of course, you recalled why you didn't want anything with that superboy.
Damian oh Damian. The angry and devil boy have more videos than anyone else. He make sure to only told you why he had them. He was afraid to be alone one day, and if something happened to you or your brothers, Alfred or even Bruce, he wanted a backup of his family. 
Your little brother, make sure to have every single day recorded. No matter if something special happened or if you were just chilling by his side, he wanted to make sure to have your presence in every single way.
But Jason had the lovely ones. Dates, sweet nothings, chilling, even just doing nothing, like walking down the street, or when he wanted to make you laugh, or make you angry. He had videos of you helping him with his tie on the galas days, he have video of both dancing or just you alone dancing, singing in the car or making pranks to your brothers. 
You realized after those weeks how unique your family was... but also you recalled another person, who was the key of this happiness, even thought it was a kind of bittersweet of telling this, your mom was the reason why you had everything you have today, even if she wasn't with you any more. 
When you realized that, you remember when you where in the other side. You recalled when she came by the room, how tender she spoke your name and how warm her hands were. You wanted to hold her was more, in fact, you didn't want her to go, but it was a sacrifice if you really wanted to have your family back. 
And so, as time passed and your memory was totally healed. You went to the garden, when as a kid you went to watch the roses, you cut a few pink ones (with Alfred permission), and you drove half hour to arrive at Gotham's cemetery. And there, in the grave you used to hate, you placed the twelve roses in the your mother's grave. 
"You were right that day mom, when you told me that I was never going to be alone. And also that day in the roof when you said I was going to find happiness in other person. But, in what you have always being right is, that you're still here, with me... and I know that, wherever you are... you're as happy as me"
You went to the Manor after that. The usual darkness of the big mansion was welcoming, it’s was quiet until you heard Titus coming down, followed by Damian shouting at Dick. Alfred passed you by as he offered a cookie, Bruce was in a red robe with his Batman mask, Tim was fast asleep on the couch and then, warm hands surrounded you by behind. 
"Welcome home, sweetheart" the voice you get to love said behind you as he place a kiss on your temple. 
This house might be a disaster. Your father can be a weird adult sometimes, your brother can be idiots and Jason can be... TOO MUCH JASON sometimes, but this was your family, where you heart truly belong in.
TAGLIST: @boosyboo9206​ @spooder-moon​ @julesatticusb​ @dawnshuntress​ @lonewhitewolf488​ @lisssays @ultrahippiecollection @insaneanddamnedgirl  @roseangel013bf 
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stressa-bessa · 6 years
Tonight, all is silence in the world
While this is much overdue, this is a prompt submitted by @notsogracefulgrace for my 100-follower celebration! Thank you for your patience! I am so sorry this took so long, I have been stuck with midterms and finals at school, but I hope to get back into the swing of things soon!
 Prompt #29 – “I didn’t know you could sing!” “I can’t.”
Spider!Son x Iron!Dad
Word count: 2366
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 It was a quiet afternoon in the tower. The avengers had spent the entire week away fighting HEXE, cooperatives from HYDRA, in Russia, and Tony was relieved to finally be home. Peter was staying with the Stark’s as Aunt May had to go out of town for a business meeting. Other than the young avenger, the rest of the team had decided to go to their respective homes for a much-needed break.
Tony enjoyed having Peter stay with him and Pepper at the tower. He felt that he was able to live his secret dream of being a father, getting to share the moments and experiences that he missed out on with his own father. Peter was such a good kid, Tony was honoured that this bright eyed, inspiring young boy would chose him to be his mentor. If anything, Tony looked up to Peter. His resilience and ability to be positive when things get tough, the kid is made of steel.
In those moments where Peter wasn’t in the tower, it felt empty. Those quiet hours sparked many conversations about children and marriage between Tony and Pepper, usually initiated by Tony. He wanted the chance to be like his mom.
Tony was the apple of Maria’s eye, she always wanted the best for his son. She knew that her husband was absent as a parent and she made sure to make it up to the boy as much as she could. Tony remembered how his mother would attend every little league game, cheering loudly from the stands with slices of watermelon sitting on her lap for the boys to enjoy after their game, or how she would secretly teach Tony how to play the piano and read him Shakespeare when Howard was away. Tony also remembered all the times that she would stand in front of him and absorb the verbal and physical abuse from Howard, in an attempt to salvage whatever pieces remained of Tony’s childhood.
Tony wanted the chance to take away all of Peter’s pain, the way his mother had done so for him. He knew that Aunt May was more than capable of taking care of Peter, however, Tony knew firsthand what it was like to grow up without a father figure. At the very least, he wanted Peter to have that positive male presence in his life. Tony always worried about stepping on Aunt May’s toes as he never wanted to make her feel that he was trying to replace Ben. That was the last thing Tony wanted, Ben was Peter’s ‘father’ and there was no way Tony could ever be as pure and good as Ben. It wasn’t fair to Peter as circumstances ripped away not one, but two fathers from him before their time. It wasn’t a horrible situation like the one Tony grew up in, Peter had had a loving and nurturing father figure in his life.
“Tony, I’m stepping out for a while. I believe Peter is in his room doing school work.” Pepper interrupts Tony’s thought, leaning down to press a kiss on his cheek.  “Maybe we could make pizza tonight, as a family?” She adds, a smile growing on her face. Pepper loved Peter, but what she loved more was the smile that grew on Tony’s face whenever the boy would run in and show him the A he got on a science project or ask about girls. Pepper wished she could grant Tony’s wish to be a father. They had been trying for a while, but the doctors had said that due to their age, it will be difficult to conceive.
“I think that sounds great, Pep.” Tony replies, looking up into his fiancée’s eyes.
“I’ll get everything we need, including gluten-free crust!”
“Really?...Do we have to have gluten-free crust? It’s pizza for god’s sake-“
“Anthony, what did the doctor say! Low-carb helps with insulin resistance, which regulates hormones-“
“Which helps with making babies. Fine, fine, fine.” Tony chuckles, pressing another kiss onto Pepper’s lips before she walks out of the lab and into the elevator.
The silence of the tower drove Tony mad. With all the thoughts roaming through his mind and lack of work to do, he found himself walking by his piano.
This beautiful Steinway, that was once his mother’s, sat in his parlor growing dusty over the years. Tony couldn’t remember the last time when he had the chance to play. The last few years had been a whirlwind, but perhaps falling in love with music again was the relief that he needed. Now that the arc reactor was gone, and he had his health again, he needed to find ways to relax and be at peace. The earth was once again whole after the defeat of Thanos and Tony’s therapist had suggested that he find a hobby that doesn’t involve mechanics and science. Something relaxing, creative and something that would open him up emotionally. Tony’s therapist had labelled him “emotionally constipated” in their last session, scoring a laugh from both Tony and Pepper as the therapist had hit the nail on the head.
Tony lifted the heavy, quilted cover off the piano and dusted off the cover, the shiny black hue of the piano starting to regain its beauty. Tony’s worn hands gently lifted the keyboard cover before he softly blew the remaining dust off the ivory keys.
He sat at the piano, hands hovering over the keys, unsure as to what to play, unsure as to what they remembered how to play. Tony gently pressed the keys, leaning into the stiff ivory. He couldn’t remember what the name of this melody was or who wrote it, but his hands had remembered as if it were an old friend.
“Mozart.” Tony breathes softly, a smile spreading on his cheeks as he remembers the piece his mother taught him as a child.  The adrenaline rush that Tony used to gain from playing had start to return, he kept asking himself why he had stopped playing all those years ago.
After reacquainting his hands to the keys, he started to play a classic favourite of his. Unlike his usual rock and roll, his hand started to play Jungleland by Bruce Springsteen. A song that brought Tony back to his wild, teenage years running through the streets of New York. Carefree, responsibility and adulthood on the horizon, full of young love, lust and rebellion.
His rough voice slowly joined his hands, and before Tony knew it he was captivated by the song. It felt as if he was on stage with the Boss himself, reliving the glory days before his world turned upside down. A world where all these horrible things hadn’t happened, a world where he was young and free, and his mom still had his back. A world where his mother was still alive and able to hold him and tell him that everything was going to be okay.
“I didn’t know you could sing!” a quiet voice mutters in shock, pulling Tony away from his daydream. His hands abruptly stop, banging on the keys to provoke a clashing sound.
“I can’t.” Tony looks over his shoulder to see Peter standing there with a pencil behind his ear and a science book in his hand. “What do you need, Pete?” Tony asks, his tone changing once he realized that it was the curious boy who had snuck up on him. “Remind me to bubble wrap the place that way you don’t sneak up on me!” Tony chuckles.
“Uh, I had a couple of questions I could use a second opinion on…plus I heard you playing and wanted to see if it was a recording or…”
“Oh, uh that was nothing. Just trying to listen to my therapist.” Tony brushes off the boy, “how about those questions?”
The two were sat at the kitchen table talking about chemistry, Tony working his way through a problem to show Peter that you can sometimes skip steps in the process.
“Uh, Mr. Stark? What was that song you were playing?”
“Kid, drop it. It was nothing.” Tony mutters, embarrassed that he had been caught by the boy.
“It just sounded super familiar, like I’ve heard it before.” Peter add quietly, his hand reaching to rub the back of his neck.
“Jungleland. Bruce Springsteen.” Tony sighs as he looks up at the boy. He could see something flash before Peter’s brown eyes before the boy looked back down at his homework, shaking his head in the process.
“Uncle Ben used to love Bruce Springsteen. He’d play this one album over and over again in the car. That’s probably where I heard it.” Peter half smiles while looking at Tony.
Tony felt bad for being so short with him.  Peter was truly just being inquisitive, trying to get to know Tony and he had refused to let the boy in. The absolute opposite of what his therapist had suggested, even worse, it was something his father used to do to him.
“Yeah? Do you know what his favourite song was?” Tony smiles, closing the textbook that was on the table.
“Uh, I think it was Rosalita. He said it reminded him of Aunt May.” Peter chirps, a grin pulling at his cheeks at the mention of his aunt.
“That’s a good one. Why don’t I show you my music collection? I have a feeling you might like it.”
Peter’s face lit up like Christmas morning. Tony felt good for once, he felt that he had done something right. As the two boys walked to Tony’s study, Peter had started rambling about the story of how May and Ben met and why Rosalita was important. Peter’s enthusiasm brought a smile to Tony’s face, hoping that the boy would continue to open up and tell him about his life before the Avengers.
“Pizza time!” Pepper hollers from the kitchen, finely chopping vegetables on the marble countertop. She had returned from her afternoon of appointments and errands and had started prepping the toppings immediately, as she figured that Peter would probably be starving.
Peter’s head slowly peeked around the corner, looking into the kitchen where Pepper was chopping. Tony waltzed up behind the boy and pushed him gently into the kitchen.
The three had a blast making their own pizza’s, creating different silly faces out of toppings.
Once they were cooked, Tony and Peter set the table and they all sat down for the meal together.
“How was your afternoon, Pepper?” Peter asks softly, taking a much anticipated bite of his pizza.
“Oh, it was lovely. Got to see an old friend for coffee, stopped in at the doctors, got groceries-“
“You went to the doctor?” Tony asked in a concerned tone, slowly sipping at his drink, refusing to break his gaze on Pepper.
“Yes, I did. I have good news.” She smiles, pulling a paper out from her back pocket. “He said we can start hormones next week. We have to go pick up all the medication tomorrow.”
“What does that mean?” Tony replies, staring into Pepper’s soul, his gaze sending a flutter in her chest.
“Uhm, yeah…What does that mean?” Peter adds quietly, slouching in his seat trying to conceal his embarrassment.
“It means that we are good to go for our first round of IVF. We can start the process, Tony!”
“Wait- What!? Does this-“
“Yes! Tony, this time next year we could have a baby in our arm!” Pepper mentions calmly, a smile growing on her face. Tony looked at her, eyes wide and in complete awe. Peter bounced between looking at Tony’s aghast face and Pepper’s sly smile.
“Wow, congrats you two!” Peter peps, interrupting the pregnant silence at the table. A grin forms on Tony’s lips as he starts to laugh in absolute disbelief. His dream was finally going to come true if everything went well with this round of IVF. Pepper stood up and squeezed Tony on his shoulders, pressing her lips to his cheek. Before walking into the kitchen, she ruffles Peter’s hair.
“You know, Pete. If you hadn’t come into our lives, we never would have wanted kids.” Pepper mentions from the kitchen, emerging with a salad that she had forgotten to place on the table.
“Really?” “Of course, Pete. We consider you to be family.” Tony smiles, a big bite of pizza filling his mouth.
“Well, I consider you two to be like parents. Of course, Aunt May is number one, but you’re like the cool step parents that my friends have. The ones who go to all their soccer games and happily co-parent without bickering about legalities and-“
“You’re adorable, Peter.” Pepper smiles, sitting between the two boys. “I’d come to your soccer games any day.”
“But I don’t play soccer.” Peter says in a confused tone, his mouth hovering over a bite of pizza.
“Pete, it was a metaphor. We know you don’t play soccer.” Tony sighs, staring at the confused boy.
“Oh.” The boy breathes, a blush growing on his cheeks as he slowly understands the joke.
“How about you go pick a movie after dinner for all of us to watch?” Pepper states, passing the salad across the table to Tony.
Tony looked endearingly at his wife. How could he be so lucky to have Pepper in his life, supporting him in all his shenanigans. Tony was so grateful for Peter, as well. As much as the boy could irritate him and make him crazy, he loved the kid. Tony couldn’t picture life without Peter these days. It was because of him, that Tony felt whole again. Tony felt that life was finally starting to settle and he was finally becoming the man his mother had always hoped he’d become.
 taglist: @loki-in-hogwarts @spiderlingsweb
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mindofhills · 7 years
Tutor me. / Evan Peters Smut
Pairing: Evan Peters x reader
Plot: You’re a high school student, who gets straight A’s. One day you have to tutor Evan. What happens next?
Warning!: language, kissing, fluff, sex without protection (wrap your willy before you get silly kids!)
Word Count: 3 000+
A/N: I’ve been active lately. Damn.
Note: I’ll add GIFs, when I have a better internet connection. If I did it right now I’d lose it and it wouldn’t upload. Sorry.
I’m a high school student and I hate it. Not the studying part. I’m really good at this. As you can tell I’m a nerd. I get straight A’s. I’ve never missed a class, I play the piano like a pro, I read and I have my own literature club (there’s only like 10 people and they’re all the same as me. nerds.)
Our school has the same system as every other high school has. The ‘I’m popular and obviously look hot and you’re a freaking nerd so gtfo’ system. It seems to work in almost every high school. To be honest, it works only for those who are popular. The others suffer and try their best to survive.
Me on the other hand. I’m smart. I get along with the popular ones. I’m not their friend nor their neighbour. I sometimes do their assignments or homework. They pay me for it and they do it good. Their parents are rich, they’re lazy and mostly dumb so I’m the best fit.
Yes, they still tend to pick on me from time to time, but not as hard as on the others. They know if they bully me or say anything bad to me. I just don’t do their work and they’re screwed. This system has worked for me through out the high school years and still does. Like I said, I’m smart.
I still hate them. Most of them to be exact. I kinda like Evan Peters, we have the same biology class and he sits in front of me. He’s one of the popular ones, he actually is the most popular one, but he’s different.
He has never asked me to do any of his work and he actually does it himself. He tries and whenever the others pick on someone he steps up and slightly tells them to stop.
I don’t have crush on him or anything, but I do like him in a way that one person likes the other normal person. You get me? I don’t make any sense.
I stepped into my biology class which was the last period for this week and I was so exicted. I can go home and just watch Netflix all weekend. Nothing else. I live alone by the way. I don’t know if I mentioned it, but I do. I live in a pretty huge apartment. My parents are rich so they can afford it with no problems.
Anyways. As I stepped in I saw Mr. Blank and Evan slightly argue about something. I sat down to my seat and got my notebook out on the table, but then I heard Mr. Blank say my name. He asked me to come up to his table.
“Y/N, would you agree to tutor Evan? He’s having some difficulties with the subject we’re currently taking and I’d love it if you’d help him out,” he said with a smile. “When would I tutor him?” I asked Mr. Blank.
“I hoped that you two would figure it out on your own, but I would personally like if you’d start today so on Monday he’d have something already cleared out. Is that okay with you two?” he asked us and I looked at Evan.
He looked at me. He had beautiful brown eyes with a spark in them. He smiled at me and said: “It would be fine by me,” and the turned to me. I smiled and nodded. “I think we can come to an agreement.” We sat back down without saying a word to each other.
The bell rang. I got my stuff and walked over to my locker. As I closed it I heard someone yell my name. I turn my head to see Evan running towards me. “Hey!” he said with a bright smile. “Hey.” I said back to him.
“I was wondering when and where we would meet tonight?” I pulled out a piece of paper from my bag and wrote down my address on it. “Come to my place at 7. Don’t be late.” I said giving him the paper and turned around to go home. I heard him yell goodbye to me, but I just waved at him without turning around.
With years I’ve learned that it’s better to act cold with the popular ones. I get that they’re human too, but they don’t act like one. They think that if you’re being polite you automatically adore them and when they think that they get all hyped up. We don’t want that so I just act cold with them.
I got home and started cleaning. There wasn’t much to clean though. I’m not a messy person. I had a shower, put on a tiny amount of makeup to look presentable and some comphy clothes.
As I was pouring myself a cup of coffee and swinging my hips to the beat of the music coming from my house speakers I heard a knock on the door. “Alexa, open the front door and turn the music to 30%,” and my home helper thingy did as told.
“Hey! I’m here,” Evan said as he stepped in. “Hi! Take your shoes off and come on in. I’m in the kitchen,” I said to him loudly enough for him to hear me. I peeked around the corner and saw him walking to the kitchen. He smiled at me. It was a sweet smile. “Do want coffee or anything?” I asked him.
It was a different vibe in here. We were like old buddies or maybe even a couple. It sure felt like one for a minute. “A cup of coffee would be nice,” he said politely. I nodded, took a mug and put on to the machine. It started making weird noises after I’ve turned it on.
“You can sit,” I said to him pointing on the island that I had in my kitchen. He giggled and took a sit. “We have to wait until the coffee is ready. Do you want food?” I asked him and he laughed. “You’re like a real housewife. I like that,” he said with a smirk.
I giggled “I have to be. I live alone,” I said turning around and walking over to my fridge. “Alone? In here?” he asked me surpisingly and looking around. I laughed “Is it that hard to believe?” I asked him with a smirk.
“Not really,” he said. I raised my eyebrow at him and he laughed. I grabbed some leftover lasange from the fridge. I made a chesture asking him if he wanted any and he nodded. I put it in the microwave. “Do you want to change the music or I’ll turn it off?” I asked pouring coffee to his mug and handing it to him.
“No, let it play. But can you put on some jazz?” he asked. “Alexa, put on my jazz playlist on spotify,” I said giggling. “You listen to jazz?” he asked me raising an eyebrow. “I can ask you the same thing. You don’t look like a guy, who listens to jazz,” I said to him taking out our lasange from the microwave.
I handed him the plate with a fork and he thanked me. “What kind of guy do you think I am,Y/N?” he asked me with a smirk. I swallowed my bite and responded. “To be very honest with you I really don’t know anymore. I’ve always thought you were different than the others, but I don’t know you that well so I can’t say anything exact.”
He nodded and smiled at me. It was a different kind of smile. I have never seen one like that before. “What?” I asked him. “You’ve thought of me?” he asks with a smirk. I can feel myself blush, but I brush it away. “Well I kind of have to, don’t I?” I say to him with a wink and take another bite of my lasange.
“No you don’t,” he says. I look at him and he'slooking down to his plate eating. He’s sweet I have to admit. Everything is so weird right now, but in a good way. I think I might like him. I knew I liked him before, but I was denying it to myself.
“I do. You’re the hottest and most porpular guy in our school. Of course I do,” I say and turn around putting my plate to the washing machine. I turn around and he looks me with a smirk I have never seen from him. “You think I’m the hottest guy in our school?” he asks me while handing me his plate and wink at me.
I turn around and blush. Fuck, I shouldn’t have said that. Now he thinks he’s a goddest or some shit like that. Fuck it, I’ll just roll with it. It’s my home. I can say what I want and if he acts like a dummie, which I think he won’t 'cause he’s not that kind of a guy, but you never know, I can kick him out.
“I don’t think, I know. Everybody does and so do you,” I say with a smirk. “Yes, but I always thought that you didn’t like me.” he says. I was taken aback. Why on Earth would he ever think that I didn’t like him?
“First of all, why would you think that and second of all. You have thought of me?” I ask him and he takes a few steps closer to me. “Yes, I have. You always seemed to be so annoyed when I was around,” he said and I smiled taking our mugs.
“Evan, you’re never around me.” I say and step out of the kitchen. “Now. Come on. I have everything ready for us in the living room. Alexa, turn off the kitchen lights and turn the light in the living room to a 100%.” I said and took a seat on my big and soft couch.
He sat down next to me and I opened my notebook. “Okay so, what do you exactly need help with?” I asked him and turned to look at him with a smile. That smile soon faded when I saw him sitting looking kinda dissappointed.
“Why would you say I’m never around you?” he asked me with a soft serious voice. A voice that was a little hurt. I looked at him in the eye and positioned myself to face him, my legs crossed.
“Because you aren’t, Evan. It’s okay. We just have never talked before,” I say with a soft voice and he seems to smile a little. “You know. I’ve always wanted and always have been around you, Y/N” he says smiling and then looks down.
“Oh please,” I say and start to turn around, but the he speaks. “No, really. I’m not joking. I always see you walking around the school with that adorable messy bun, laughing. Everyday I search for you at lunch and sit as close to you as possible. Have you really not noticed that?” he asks me.
I was shocked. Now that I think of it I do see it. When I go to class I see him looking at me, but I’ve never thought much of it. When I sit with my friends at lunch I see him at the table right next to mine, but I’ve always thought that it was their table or something bizzare like that.
“I don’t know, what to say..” I almost stutter and look down at my legs. He comes closer to me, his face only a few inches away from mine. I can feel his breath on my skin. I get goosepumps. He lifts my head up with his thumb and index finger. “I like you, Y/N. A lot.” he says with a soft voice. I smile at him.
“I like you too, Evan.” I say to him looking at him in his eyes. His eyes bright up and they’re filled with thousands of sparks. He smiles. My heart starts beating faster and faster. I’m afraid it’ll pop out of mu chest. He leans in and his soft lips touch mine.
He kisses me softly and I put my arms around his neck pulling him closer. He lays over me his hands on my waist. Our kiss turning into a heated makeout session really quick. I pull his hair slightly and the sexiest moan escapes his lips.
I wrap my legs around his waist and pull him closer even more. Our bodies now fully against each other. I can feel his hard member against my croach. He pulls away and looks at me with a smile. His lips red and a litlle swollen. “Bedroom?” he asks me and I nod. “Upstairs.” I answer to him and we both smile our biggest smiles. It’s amazing.
He takes me to his arms and I wrap my legs around his waist supporting him. We finally make it to my bedroom kissing the whole.time on our way there. We both fell down to my bed and giggle. I kiss him, my hands in his hair. He pulls away and looks at me slightly worried. “Are you sure about this? We don’t have to do anything you don’t want to.”
“I want this. I want you, Evan.” I say to him and his eyes darker at least fifty shades. He kisses me roughly. His tounge touches my lower lip softly asking for enterance and I gladdly give it to him.
He starts kissing my neck and soon enough he finds my sweetspot and sucks on it making sure to leave a mark there. A loud moan escapes my lips. I get his shirt and pull it off revealing his toned muscles. God, he is so fucking hot. I can’t believe it.
He gets my shirt and pulls it off my body. I wasn’t wearing any bra so my breasts are there for him to enjoy. Soon my pants and panties follow. Now I’m laying conpleatly naked infromt of him. He looks at me up and down and smirks to himself.
“Fuck. You’re so fucking hot, I can’t believe it.” he says sounding happier than ever. He lays back on top of me and kisses my lips. He moves down slowly kissing every inch of my body. He soon starts sucking on one of my nipples massaging the other one with his strong arm.
He knows, what he’s doing and he’s good at this. So fucking good. Loud moans keep escaping my lips. “The sound you make are so damn beautiful,” he murmurs. I smile.
I buckle on his belt wanting more of him. I can’t wait any longer. I want him inside of me now. As soos as possible. He stands up and takes of his pants with his boxers reavealing his boner. He has a big and thick dick. I gulp at the sight of it. He sees it and smirks.
He bumps himself a couple of times. I bite my lip, it is the sexiest thing I have ever seen in my entire life. He lays on top of me and positions himself to my enterence. He kisses me softly and then pushes in. “Fuxk you’re so tight.” he moans out.
I moan in pleasure his hard cock filling me up. He starts slowing moving hitting my g-spot every single time. “Oh my God! Evan!!” I scream out. “Fuck, say my name again like that.” he moans out. He adds more speed making me moan out even louder. “Evan, oh fuck me daddy!” I scream out.
“Fuck.” he moans out going faster and faster. Our moans and the sounds of our sweaty bodies slappying against each other. He mived my leg up hitting a whole new spot that I didn’t even know I had.
He went deeper and deeper with every thrust. His thrusts became more sloppier as we were both so close to our climax. He put his thumb on my clit and start drawing circles on it. “Cum for me, babygirl.” he murmurs and that sends me over the edges.
My legs shaking I arch my back and scream out his name from on top of my lungs. I didn’t even care if my neighbour would hear us. My pussy thightened around his cock and that sent him to his climax as well. “Oh fuck, Y/N” he screamed oit while riding out his high.
He lays on top of me for a minute. Us both trying our best to catch our breaths. He pulls out kisses my lips softly and then lays next to me. He pulls me close to him and kisses my forehead hugging me tight and not letting go.
“Y/N..” he softly says almost whispering after our breathing was back to normal. “Yes, Evan?” I look up at him. He smiles at me and kisses me. “Would you mind if I got to call you my girl?” he asks with a smirk.
I smile and shake my head. “I think I wouldn’t mind,” I says. He smiles his biggest and brightes smile to me and kisses me. I pull away and he raises his eyebrow at me. I giggle.
“We should start studying..” I whipser to him with a smirk. “We have all weekend to do that..” he says with a wink and kisses me roughly turning his body to lay on top of me.
We do have all weekend just for ourselves and we’re going to make the best of it.
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messrprcngs · 6 years
SUMMARY : just some really cute theatre nerd!peter headcanons because i feel like if peter knew anything about musical theatre he’d be really into it PAIRING : theatre nerd!peter parker x reader WARNINGS : none, i think A/N : so this hasn’t really been edited and i may or may not switch from present-tense to past-tense like halfway through it so i’m really sorry but i hope you guys like it anyway ! and if you could send me a message if you like it ? i can be on or off anon, i just really need some encouragement right now because i have a lot of schoolwork to do and actually hearing that people like what i write takes a bit of stress away from me
- okay so i just imagine peter being like super into theatre and honestly it's just the cutest shit ever and i love and stan this concept but anyway - - you're new to midtown high, and you and michelle are, like, best friends. the two have been inseparable since birth, and have gone to the same school since preschool. so imagine your disappointment when you find out that she got accepted to midtown high, this school for geniuses that you didn't get accepted to - fast forward to the end of your freshman year, and you've finally convinced your parents to let you apply to midtown again you also may have accidentally gotten yourself into enjoying musicals, dear evan hansen specifically ( damn tumblr for introducing you to mike faist and his wonderfully amazing hair ). you were hoping for the best, but unfortunately, you were sure that the 'best' you were going to get was a letter from midtown saying something along the lines of "sorry, you didn't make it in. try again next year !" - so imagine your surprise when you get the letter from midtown in the middle of july saying that you did it. you got in - you're so excited for school to start, because even though you've only gone one school year without your michelle by your side, and even though you two saw each other practically every weekend, you missed your best friend - so now it's the very beginning of your sophomore year, and michelle's showing you around the school about half an hour before the first bell rings because a, she's your best friend, and b, she gets extra credit for doing it. even though she doesn't need the extra credit, she likes to have it anyway, for those days when she just really needs to skip school to go attend a feminist rally or a pride parade ( i see her as being like 100 % demisexual okay you can fight me on this i'll win ) - she's shown you everything except your locker so far; your classes, the cafeteria, the courtyard, the auditorium. she even shows you the fucking basement. and now your tugging her away from the chemistry lab because you only have ten minutes til class and you need to put all the extra shit you carry around in your backpack into your locker because if you don't you're sure that your back will snap in half - there are way more people in the halls now than when the two of you first got into the school. mj drags you by the sleeve of your oversized sweatshirt, towards what she says is most definitely your locker, when you suddenly stop in your tracks - there, just feet from you, is the most attractive boy you have ever seen - his hair was brown and an unruly tangle of soft curls and yeah, he was probably a little shorter than most boys your age, but did you give a shit ? the answer was no, you did fucking not - and now mj's looking at you with her eyebrow raised, before her intelligent gaze is following yours and her eyes land on peter and she knows. she fucking knows and then she's smirking so wide and she wants to laugh and you can see it out of the corner of your eye but you're too busy staring at the adorable little bean in front of you and - - and then mj's whispering in your ear, "jeez, y/n/n, drool much ?" and you nearly jump out of your skin. you want to be mad, but then she's laughing and you can't be mad at her because she's your best friend and you love her so much so instead you opt for hitting her on the arm and sending her a playful glare - "shut up !" you exclaim in a whisper, not wanting to draw the attention of mr. too cute for school. "he'll hear you !" - mj let out a breathy chuckle, before crossing her arms to stare right into your soul eyes. "so, how are you going to get past him, y/n/n ? we both know how terribly nervous you get when you have to pass people you think are exceptionally hot." - she was right. you couldn't pass by cute individuals without doing something totally embarrassing to save your own damn life. last time you had tried, you ended up in the hospital with four stitches in your lower lip and three in your chin - "i'll do what i usually do nowadays whenever i'm nervous : i'll just start singing a song from deh. i mean, it's not like he would know anything about the musical, right ? so it won't attract his attention." you nod to yourself, patting yourself on the back for coming up with such a good plan - mj opens her mouth to say something, before closing it and letting that smirk settle onto her lips again. god, did you hate that smirk - you held her gaze for a moment, looking at her warily, before turning around and marching straight forward as you began to sing a song from the dear evan hansen soundtrack; unfortunately for you, it was a song that would definitely attract attention. and you were singing it very loudly - "DEAR EVAN HANSEN, LIFE IN REHAB IS ALRIGHT," you sang. you can hear mj failing to stifle her giggles as she trails after you. "I LIKE THE YOGA, AND THE SHARING CIRCLES EVERY NIGHT" - you were passing him now, the terribly handsome boy who was still at his locker. was it just you, or did you see him turn his head in your direction from out of the corner of your eye ? - "BUT DUDE, THESE STORIES -" and that was when you heard another voice join in with yours. you look back at mj, eyebrow raised in a silent question as you continue to sing. she shook her head and points to the right of you, smirking that irritating smirk - it was him; he was the person singing along with you. your jaw drops open for half a second, before you got back to the song - "SO MANY PEOPLE END UP SUCKING DICK FOR METH !" - and your jaw stops functioning completely once jared's creepy ass laugh starts up in your head. you can't believe that he knew the song; but honestly, that just makes you like him even more - he smiles sweetly at you. "sorry if i startled you. but i just heard you singing the reprise and - well, i guess i just couldn't help myself," he apologizes, giving you a sheepish shrug. god you want to marry this adorable dork - wait, what ? - so first off, just to clarify : yes, peter is still spiderman. he is still the ultimate nerd of midtown high, and is still a chemistry whiz. he just also happens to be really into musicals and shakespeare and stuff and is really gay for michael mell and really straight for veronica sawyer. just imagine that the drama club has replaced the academic decathlon team in this au. okay, now back to the headcanons !! - "i'm peter !" he quickly adds, in response to your gaping mouth. and he sticks his hand out and waits for you to shake it, and it takes you a few seconds to process that yes, he is actually introducing himself to you, and you somehow find the strength to close your mouth. both of your hands shoot up to grasp the one he's holding out, and you manage to stammer out a "i - i'm y/n." - he gives you a smile, and it's a tad less sheepish this time. "so, you like dear evan hansen ?" - and this is when you start in on your long-ass rant about how much the musical means to you and how great it is and how you just love connor murphy and jared kleinman and alana beck with all of your nerdy little heart. and you practically completely forget that mj is even there, even though she's standing about a foot behind you two the entire time. and then the bell's ringing, and peter's asking you what your first class is, and you tell him as quickly as you can because you're hoping, just really, really hoping that you have the next class with him so that you have more time to talk about musicals during passing period. and he grins so wide when you tell him that you have ap world history for first period - the two of you head to ap world history together, and by now you've completely forgotten about mj, who watches the two of you leave with a smirk on her face. she only heads toward her own first class when the final bell rings - by the time lunch rolls around, you already know so much about peter. his favorite subject is chemistry, he has a genius level iq, he has an internship at stark industries. and he's in the drama club. he tells you that ned, the nice boy that the two of you are sitting with, is also in the drama club. ned nods along excitedly, and quickly suggests that you join the club, too - before you can say anything in response, however : "would you losers please stop trying to bring my best friend over to the dark side of the nerd moon ?" - if your guess was 'who is mj ?' then you would be correct, my friend. she's trying to look pissed but she's very clearly smirking and you think that this is the first time that you've ever seen mj fail at looking pissed when it's not solely at you - ned looks so startled and it's really funny and sad at the same time. "you have friends ??" - and now mj's actually glaring at him, and you swear that if looks could kill, ned would have dropped dead a second ago. peter looks concerned, and you don't know if it's because mj is glaring daggers at his best friend or because he knows thinks ned's hurt mj's feelings or something - "yes, i have friends, thank you very much," mj finally says, looking away from ned and rolling her eyes. "y/n/n, you aren't going to make me sit with these losers, are you ?" - you just give her an apologetic smile. she grumbles to herself for a moment, before plopping down next to you, across from ned and peter - lunch that day is spent making some pretty bad star wars puns and rapping hamilton songs, and, of course, listening to mj complain about how all of you are losers ( but you caught her smiling once or twice, and you know she enjoyed it ) - it doesn't take you very long to figure out how things work here at midtown; that meaning, you had somehow managed to befriend the two most loserest losers in the entire school ( those two losers being peter and ned, of course ). you've also found out, much to your dismay, that peter has a thing for liz allan, who not only was head of the drama club, but was also the prettiest girl at school. so much for marrying peter getting peter to like you - despite the fact that your crush's crush was head of the club, you still wanted to join; you had heard that they did a musical at the end of every year, and you really wanted to be a part of that - and so you go to beginning-or-year auditions and drag mj along with you, and you audition together, and you both get in. and you're happy, because you, ned, peter, and mj are friends now ( though you're closer with the boys than mj is. she's still pretending she doesn't like them ) and you really don't want anything else in life at the moment ( except for peter to like you instead of liz ) because you're perfectly happy the way things are - but then about a week later, peter starts acting weirder than normal, and then he's quitting the club - and then ned's starts to act odd, too. one day, and you can't help but think that it's something you did, that maybe they don't like you anymore, and despite mj trying to convince you otherwise during your lunch period, you start to really believe it - and then during gym class later that day, you hear ned saying that peter knows spiderman, queens' resident spider-themed superhero, and that gets you thinking that they didn't just start ditching you and mj because they don't like you, it's because they found someone cooler, someone who made them realize that they didn't like you. and that someone was spiderman - you and mj go to liz's party that night. she tells you that it'll be good for you, getting out of the house. says it'll keep your mind from obsessing over your 'unrequited love' for peter and your new-found hatred of spiderman - but it doesn't. it doesn't, because you see peter there, and you can tell that liz likes him, and it just makes you feel worse. and so you run out of liz's house and end up in a little corner of the front yard crying your eyes out, wishing that peter would see in you what he saw in liz - and that's how mj finds you a few hours later, except you're not crying anymore; you're passed out, snoring softly and mumbling peter's name over and over again in your sleep - fast forward a couple more weeks, and peter's joining the drama club again, just in time to for the theatre competition the club's been invited to in washington d.c. - so you hate spidey, right ? i think it'd be really great if you, like, told peter that when the drama club is at the hotel ? like maybe before liz asks peter if he wants to go down to the pool. like you knock on his and ned's door while they're still working on the suit and they have to shove everything under the bed so that you don't see it before letting you in - alternatively, they just don't let you in at all and peter opens the door and quickly steps out side and closes the door before you can see anything inside the room - and you're a little curious about it at first, but you decide to let it go, and you ask him if him and ned are alright ( "yeah, y/n/n, we're fine. you don't have to worry about us." ) and you just kind of stare into his eyes for at least thirty seconds and peter feels like you're staring down into his soul and he feels a little twinge of something but he dismisses it because the only time he's ever felt something like it is when he's with liz and no, he does not like you - and then you ask him something you've been wanting to know the answer to since you heard ned in the gym : "do you really know spiderman ?" - peter's startled, but he gives a hesitant nod, and he doesn't know why because it's not like he wants to impress you or anything, because the two of you are just friends - and then you let out a quite "oh" and his face falls because you sound disappointed and now he's disappointed anD - - "is - is that bad ?" - and you shake your head and shrug and stand there for a second before managing to get out a soft, "i don't really like spiderman. at all." - and now it's peter's turn for his face to fall because that was the last thing he had expected you to say and he wishes you hadn't said it because it makes him feel like you don't like him, and he knows it isn't like that but it is like that at the same time because him and spiderman are the same person. the only thing is that you don't know that - and he suddenly realizes that he really does like you, and he really wants to change your view of his superhero alter-ego because he can't take you disliking him, even if you didn't know it was him - and then spiderman saves you and the rest of the drama club from that elevator, and you can't decide whether you hate him more or less because on the one hand, he did save your lives, but on the other hand, he's probably so full of himself and thinks that he's just so great and you just want to punch him - so then you get back to new york ( you won the theatre competition ) and everything is kind of okay but you can't stop thinking about the conversation that you and peter had that night at the hotel, and how he looked kind of disappointed that you didn't like spiderman. you put it down to the fact that he's disappointed that one of his friends doesn't like the other ( though were the two of you really even still friends ? ) - and then a few nights after you get back, you're heading back towards your apartment complex after just stopping at the store on the way home from michelle's. and it's late but you don't mind because you've been out late in queens before and you actually really like it - and you hear a noise behind you and suddenly you're paranoid and start thinking about how you left your pepper spray at home and you wish you had it now and - - and then something human-shaped, red, and blue drops down from the lamppost above you before your eyes and you drop your groceries and let out a shriek, before the thing in front of you clamps a hand over your mouth. and that's when you realize that the thing in front of you isn't a thing, it's spiderman, and you're suddenly overcome by the urge to kick something ( preferably his head ) - after a few minutes, you hear a soft "are you going to scream ?" come from behind the mask, and you shake your head. spiderman takes his hand off your mouth, and he just stares at you for a minutes, hanging above the ground attached to his web like some kind of actual spider and it's starting to freak you out - "my friend peter parker told me you don't like me," the spider-themed hero said eventually. you can feel the heat rush to your cheeks and you suddenly wanted the ground to swallow you. sure, you didn't like him, but he was a superhero, and he could kill you in a second if he really wanted to. you just gave him a small shrug and looked away - he let out a chuckle. "i bet i can change your mind." - this, of course, piqued your interest, and you looked back up, eyebrows raised. "are you really so full of yourself that you think you can -" - it all happened too fast for you to really register but when you reached the phrase 'full of yourself,' spiderman reached up for his mask, bringing it down over his mouth, and then his nose, and his eyes, until suddenly it was peter parker hanging before you and he swung forward a little bit and then suddenly his lips are on yours and you're kissing and your eyes are wide before you melt into the kiss and reach up to cup his cheeks with your hands - don't you guys just love the wonderful spiderman upside down kisses like reall y my dudE S
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daisy116 · 6 years
The Days After
So this is super super angsty but I live for anysty shit (especially if it’s IW). I know Im not active all of the time but I promise to be more committed!! Your feedback really means a lot to me so please like, comment, and follow!!
May struggles with the after affects of Peters disappearance.
May x Peter (family)
May x Tony Stark
Angst and fluff
I don't own any of the characters, they belong to Marvel.
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The first couple of nights, she made dinners for two without even realizing it. Every meal was more and more painful without him.
Every night she would leave the meal out for a couple of hours. Perhaps it was because she hoped that the young superhero was just off superhero-ing. No. That might be worse.
After a pint of ice cream and a cheesy movie, she would throw away the extra plate.
After a couple of days, alcohol replaced the ice cream. She stopped making extra meals soon after. Then stopped making meals altogether.
She hadn’t even gone into his room since he had gone missing. The door was always just a little open, the way he liked it at night.
She thought about calling the police.
No. That’s stupid
What was she supposed to say?
“Please help. My nephew hasn’t come home in a couple days after going on a class trip. But don’t worry he does this a lot. Yeah he’s kinda Spider-Man.”
So she waited. A week passed. Then two. It took a month till he showed up.
When the doorbell rang, her heart dropped to her feet.
It was him. It had to be.
Or it was the police, coming to tell her the worst possible news.
She didn’t want to think about.
The last person who she thought would show up on her door step mat and 11 o’clock on a Sunday night was millionaire Tony Stark.
She didn’t say anything. Just stared at him dead in the eyes.
Her mind immediately jumped to the day they met.
It was almost the opposite of this dark night.
Almost 2 o’clock, she was in a good mood, blasting loud music over the sound of meatloaf baking in the oven.
She barley heard the doorbell.
When she opened it... well words can’t describe what she felt.
It was the Tony Stark. Billionaire.
She invited him inside. And while she put the second batch of meatloaf in the oven, he immediately started to tell her about Peter’s internship.
Looking back in it, she was ashamed that she actually believed this lunatic. A flashy smile and endless flirting was all it took to turn her judgment to mush.
And after she learnt about Peters super-heroing adventures, she never saw Tony Stark again. Until, of course, that night.
“What the hell do you want?”
She was angry. Angry at herself. At Peter for leaving. But lastly, angry at him. She hadn’t realized how angry she was with him until she was face to face. It was his damn fault that peter even wanted to be a superhero, the reason he even had the suit. If he hadn’t-
She stoped. She hadn’t realized that Tony’s lips were moving. He was talking. She almost yelled at him- but she stopped. Again.
He was crying. Big fat crocodile tears.
He paused and looked up at her.
“He’s gone May. They all are.”
She didn’t question the cryptic three words. Moreover, didn’t want to question them. She led him inside, to the couch, the same couch as before, put on some coffee, and listened to what he had to say.
He started from the beginning. When he found Peter. On YouTube. How he was in such awe of the alleged “Spider-Man”. Then he told her about when he found his age through advanced facial recognition. And oh my god. This teenage boy, barely 15, was doing something grown men couldn’t do. Then the accords and the fighting... he had no where else to turn. So he did what he did best. He changed the kid’s life.
As he went on to tell May about the fight in Germany and how just amazing the kid was, she felt something in her chest. It was... pride. She was so proud of Peter. He had always been a strong kid. Always had stuff going the wrong way for him. But this time, he had done something right. He got the Stark internship and his mood totally changed. Now she could see why.
Then he went on to talk about the day he went missing. How he didn’t even hesitate to jump into action. How he risked his life going on that ship. Tony blamed himself. He said it over and over and over.
He stared to explain what happened next, but he couldn’t. He physically couldn’t go on. So he sat there. Crying and crying once again. May sat there for a couple of minutes, just dumbfounded. She couldn’t believe that stone cold, playboy Tony Stark was crying. On her couch. In her living room. But she pitied him. She reached deep inside herself and felt pity for him.
She began to cry. For Peter. She missed him, so so much. And now he was gone. She had closure. She could finally stop worrying whether or not he was safe. Because he wasn’t. He was gone.
She felt a hand on her arm.
Suddenly she embraced Stark. Hard. She didn’t know how much she needed human contact. Human comfort.
They sat there and sobbed all night. May eventually fell asleep, because she woke up on the couch, Tony gone. She went to the bathroom, and as she was washing her hands, she took a rare glance into the mirror. She had cried a lot last night, and her eyes showed it. They were red and puffy, crusted around the edges. Under her eyes were deep, dark bags, most likely from the lack of sleep form the last couple of months. She hated herself. She needed a shower. So that’s what she did.
She didn’t even notice the bills until she came back from the shower. 100 $100 bills. Just sitting on the coffee table. She hadn’t seen that much money since her brother...
She understood. This was endorsement money. Tony was soooo sorry that he told her in the only way he knew how to- money. She was filled with anger, totally forgetting the venerability of the man crying with her last night. That’s how much peter meant to him- $10,000.
That night she heard a knock on the door. Just like the night before.
She opened it hastily. There he was, again. The first thing she saw was the box of Chinese takeout. Two boxes of Chinese takeout.
She looked up at he. He smiled, dorkily.
But she remembered the money.
She slammed the door on his face. She heard him leave, he just, excepted it. He showed up the next night. And the next. One night she screamed at him. Something along the lines of “Go away you son of a bitch” and more she can’t remember.
Tony never showed up again.
She fell back into a cycle of drinking, sleeping, and showering.
No one came and visited. Every so often she would get groceries and dinners on the door mat. She figured made specialty from neighbors who had obviously made assumptions about her and Peters condition.
A voice echoed down the apartment.
May sat up quickly in the unmade bed, only to be forced back down by a sweep of nausea. She had obviously passed out drunk the night before.
She listened for the voice again. Maybe she was still drunk.
She heard foot steps. Nope, someone was definitely here. She got up angrily, all nausea forgotten. She had told that son of a bitch millionaire to never- she stopped.
There he was. At the end of the hallway, standing by the unopened bedroom. His unopened bedroom.
She thought she was hallucinating.
“May?” So quite she barley heard.
He smiled. A small, sad smile. Damn he looked tired.
Next thing they were hugging. She was feeling his hands and his body and his shaggy hair. Oh god. His hair.
He was back. Back in her arms.
And he was real.
He smelled... awful.
But it was him. And he was alright.
Her Peter was alright.
So i tagged you guys because you were very kind on my first post, so i was wondering if i could add you to a permeant tag list- if not i totally understand just hmu : @fallenaristocat @lionisreblogging @flakeybakey @firelordblaziken
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pluckyredhead · 7 years
Daredevil 101: The Nifty (Late) Nineties
Last time on Daredevil 101, Matt had yet another nervous breakdown, and Foggy finally found out, after 30 years of canon, that his best friend was Daredevil.
Now, with Matt having un-faked his death, he, Foggy, and Karen are free to settle into a new status quo - and it’s a refreshingly light-hearted one! Honestly, I would say this is the peppiest Daredevil ever is - there’s less melodramatic thought-bubbling than the Silver Age, and no undercurrent of severe depression like in the Waid run. It’s just sheer, pleasant fun.
In fact, it’s basically a romcom, with wacky misunderstandings and lots of workplace shenanigans thrown in. Which, considering we’re talking 1996-1998, is right on schedule.
Over the next three posts we’ll be covering Daredevil Volume 1 #353-375, mostly by the creative teams of Karl Kesel/Cary Nord and Joe Kelly/Gene Colan (the latter of whom also drew much of Silver Age Daredevil, aw).
Content Warning: Reading between the lines, emotional abuse by a parent.
We begin with Matt deciding that the best way to announce his return to the world is to stroll into the courtroom during one of Foggy’s cases and just start arguing it alongside him, creating a media circus. Foggy’s...less than thrilled:
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How on earth would he know you’re really blind, Matt? You never a) explained anything or b) apologized, you literally just jumped out the window and ran away.
Anyway, they don’t have time to go into it (and Matt gets to skip out of apologizing again) because they get a shocking message:
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1. Foggy, you are a fashion icon, never change.
2. How does he know Rosalind Sharpe? And why is he so agitated at the prospect of meeting with her???
Meanwhile, Karen's trying to find her own direction in life:
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Matt’s always been pretty careless and jovial about Karen selling out his secret identity - he has literally never tasked her with or blamed her for it - but it weighs on Karen. Also, I don’t blame Karen for not being sure what job to take, since her last two were “handing out anti-porn pamphlets on a street corner” and “running a drug addiction hotline,” both of which are noble causes but neither of which seemed to come with a salary.
Side note: this haircut is very dated but it is my 100% favorite Karen haircut of all time. So kicky! So fresh! So Monica Gellar circa Season 2! I love it.
Meanwhile, Matt’s gone back to “swashbuckling banter-er” when it comes to fighting crime:
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I mean, Matt’s jokes are stupid, but that’s part of the point. At least he didn’t say “Talk to the hand” or “Don’t have a cow, man.”
Later, he and Foggy meet with Rosalind, and she offers them both junior partnerships in her firm. Foggy instantly, gleefully accepts, but Matt’s more reluctant:
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So yeah, Rosalind is a stone cold bitch, and I don’t use that word lightly. I think she’s a fascinating character but not because she’s, like, not an awful person or anything. (For anyone reading this who doesn’t know why this is so awful: Rosalind is Foggy’s biological mom, though Matt and the reader don’t know that at this point. That’s why this means so much to Foggy.)
It’s also pretty baffling, because Rosalind declares Foggy “adequate” and Matt “astounding,” but Matt has been a) disbarred and b) declared dead twice, while Foggy is a former district attorney and legal counsel to both the Fantastic Four and Tony Stark around this point in time. The perceived wisdom about the characters up until Bendis takes over in a couple years is that Matt is a brilliant attorney and Foggy’s a fumbling buffoon, and both Kesel and Kelly steer hard into that curve, but not only does it not match what the characters actually do, it never made any sense from a character point of view. Why would Matt, The Greatest Lawyer Ever, saddle himself with an incompetent? And how could he run The Most Successful Law Firm In New York while dragging Foggy’s dead weight behind him when it’s canon that he barely ever has the time or emotional capacity to do legal work? I WILL NOT STAND FOR THIS FOGGY NELSON SLANDER!
Anyway, Matt and Foggy take some time to hash it out (though Matt obviously doesn’t tell Foggy about Rosalind’s ultimatum), but it’s a tense discussion considering how hurt Foggy still is about the Daredevil thing:
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“I can only say I’m sorry so many times, Foggy!” Maybe start with once? That’s a good number to begin at, Matthew. (This “UGH get OVER it” attitude continues for a while, btw, until Foggy finally stops bringing it up. Gee, I wonder where he learned to put up with such belittling dismissal from his loved ones?)
That’s Liz Osborn at the door - formerly Liz Allan, Spider-Man’s high school dream girl, now the widow of Harry Osborn, mother of his child Normie, and head of OsCorp. Foggy helped her with a legal matter recently and she’s come to, well...
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Yeah, she’s there to ask him out. GET IT, GIRL. Liz knows what’s what. (Well, she does now. Not so much when she was 16, but then who among us did?)
Check out Foggy’s foreshadowing about Rosalind there in panel 2, btw.
Matt, meanwhile, realizes that he really does owe Foggy this after, you know, the lying to him forever thing, so he tells Rosalind he’s in, on one condition:
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Yeah, so Rosalind wants to fuck her son’s best friend, right? That’s what’s happening here? I mean, I kind of get it - Cary Nord draws a hell of a Matt - but also Jesus Christ, no, Rose, keep it in your pants.
And so Nelson and Murdock becomes Sharpe, Nelson, and Murdock. Meanwhile, Karen is fully on board the Foggy/Liz train:
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Matt, as usual, is deliberately obtuse/borderline resentful of the fact that Foggy might have other relationships. Oh, Matthew. I’m sure if you just tell Foggy you’re in a triad with him and Karen he’d be on board.
Hey look! It’s Misty!
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(She’s the investigator for Rosalind’s firm. She’s also talking about Danny there, yes. They dated pretty consistently in the comics for like 40 years. They’re very cute. COMICS DANNY IS BETTER. Anyway I like it when she and Matt flirt.)
Oh and hey, while we’re here, let’s have the one-two punch of Nelson and Murdock in action. ONE: Matt, having badgered Foggy into defending a supervillain for convoluted Daredevil reasons, fails to show up in court:
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Foggy, you are a sartorial wonder and a joy forever, I love you. (Seriously: KILLING. IT.)
TWO: Matt bursts in, either in costume or out, with evidence he’s just come into possession of that’ll blow this case wide open!
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There you go, that’s every Daredevil trial scene ever except for the time Matt made Peter dress up as Daredevil so that he could cross-examine him.
Please note Rosalind cackling evilly back there, because she’s trying to get Foggy to throw Matt under the bus, because...she resorted to extortion to get Matt to join her firm and now she wants to ruin his reputation? Which will hurt hers to? Again, Rosalind’s so busy being calculating and cutthroat that her actions frequently don’t make any goddamn sense.
But this is also pretty much the moment that Foggy lets go of his resentment over Matt’s secret and re-pledges his troth, so I feel a lot of feels about it. Even if I would like to see Matt dangle a bit longer.
Meanwhile, Karen’s found a job, though she’s been a bit cagey about what it is with Matt. Why? Well, she’s a late night DJ/talk radio host...but for WFSK, which is owned by - you guessed it - Fisk. But she’s great at it!
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This dialogue is 100% ridiculous but also 100% believable, can’t you just hear her cadence? If you’re old enough to remember this kind of thing, at least.
Rosalind has decided to turn Foggy’s friendship with Daredevil (who of course she doesn’t know is Matt) into a win for the firm by branding him as “Daredevil’s Pal,” so she calls in and puts a very startled Foggy on the phone so that he can talk about his relationship with Daredevil:
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YOU GUYS. I’M CAN’T. <3 <3 <3
A few callers dial in with weird theories and questions (“What if he has weird bug eyes?” “Whatever happened to those funny little kids he used to hang out with?”), but then “Mike” from the Bronx calls to ask what Karen - I mean, “Paige Angel” - thinks of Daredevil:
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Karen goes on to say that Daredevil’s saved her life, and she wouldn’t be the person she is without him. “Mike” replies that Daredevil must be blind...if he can’t see how lucky he is to have people like her in his corner. He adds that whoever Daredevil is, he’d probably be impressed that “Paige” is trying to do some good from the inside at a place like WFSK.
Karen, not being an idiot, recognizes Matt and is touched. And Matt, who’s just heard his two favorite people wax rhapsodic about how wonderful he is?
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AWWWWW LOOK AT THIS HAPPY BOY! You enjoy it, buddy. You don’t get to have it too often.
Next up: Nelson family drama, and the return of two of Matt’s old flames!
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scilessecretsanta · 7 years
Cowardly Confessions
Sciles Secret Santa gift for @static-abyss form @druidandwolfboy!
Cowardly Confessions
Stiles and Scott look up from the set of bags in the back of the jeep and at each other. Once the initial craziness of being back in existence started to subside looking at Scott was a whole new kind of strange. But now that school was over and these new challenges; “real world,” college, and impending adulthood was just on the other side of this last trip in Roscoe.
“Ok i get to drive to the airport but then after that he’s all yours … ” Stiles tenderly shut the back of the jeep and gave it a gentle pat.
“I still can’t believe you aren’t taking him with you … you love this thing more than … , i mean it helped … ”
There was a pause, there was always a pause when conversations veered too close to their last adventure with the paranormal. Things had seemed to settle into some final calm after the Wild Hunt took that crazy Nazi werewolf with them to … honestly who cares. The district took over the school finally and instituted some FBI assisted vetting measures, meanwhile unbenounced to most of the citizens, Deaton and a returned Derek and Braeden put a very concrete end to the Nemeton’s nonsense; and more publicly built a new very modern looking Hale mansion. Honestly the last semester of school passed in a quick blur of refreshing dullness as they got further and further away from the paranormal.
But now this pause, this pause had a new weight, it was Stiles last chance to fill in one of the pause that lingered from before … before everything
He blew it … of course he blew it …
But at least he had a back up plan, well more of a failsafe  … a coward’s last defense
Scott finally pulls his head up from the steering wheel of the jeep, the drive back from the airport wasn’t that long and ended at least an hour ago. The tears mostly ended about 15 minutes ago, but now the rest of his body was starting to assert it’s needs. At the very least a need to move into a more comfortable position to sulk in. he slumped back into the seat, he sagged away from the window and settled into a comfortable half sprawl across the bench seat of the jeep. From here he could also reach for the glove box, there was sure to be some kind of junk food in there!
There wasn’t, but there was a roll of duct tape and a letter.
If you are reading this i blew my last chance to tell you this face to face …
Look i know i’m not great at not being a sarcastic idiot about my feelings, and, well other people’s feelings. Add in the fact that the last time i tried to tell you this i disappeared from existence for a while … but now it’s very much “later” so it’s time to tell you …
I love you, i mean i know i tell you all the time, but this time, that time, all of the timei mean in the like Love you (notice the capital letter!) way …
So yea, that’s the thing i needed to tell you … the thing i spent most of that time in a magical train station having to work with Peter thinking about. God it was like my own personal hell. Trapped in my own head kicking myself for the latest in a long line of hiding how i actually feel about you, about everything, behind layers of attitude and sarcasm. And then the only person i find in that stupid place to help me is like the living embodiment of pointless sarcasm …
Then it was another clusterfuck of running around in the the dark saving a town that barely noticed us (thankfully honestly), and … and … and you never asked what i was going to tell you so i just … wet back to my human cowardly ways till it was too late. It was the last day of school and i still hadn’t told you.
And now here it is, we are meeting in like 3 hours to drive me to the airport. I have one last chance to tell you this before i fly across the country for school i’m not even excited about. And i’m so sure i’m going to blow it again i’m writing this …
Yes i Love you, i mean i’ve Loved you … forever it feels like. Maybe that’s why it’s so hard to tell you, it had been there so long that i didn’t realize how important it was till it was gone. Thanks to Theo and and that colossal cluster fuck of poor communication and supernatural assisted blundering we … broke up … ? Or whatever, and of course we fixed it … but i got so scared that i would just ruin us again, that i decided to tear up the Plan and get myself as far away from you and the rest of the people i loved that i kept hurting.
So really what i was going to say before “tell me later?” was this
“Scotty, i Love you, like 100% Love you but i’m a total disaster, even when i’m not possessed by a demon i’m still a raging asshole to you, to me, and everyone around us like 90% of the time, so i’m ditching the “let’s go to Davis together” plan and i’m gonna go to Georgetown in DC and try and figure out how to be a good person that actually deserves you.”
So that’s that, and that’s why i’m leaving you Roscoe, i’ve owned thia guy for years and i’ve never even learned how to actually take care of him. I just throw duct tape and attitude at it and he still works for me. he deserves better and i know you’ll take good care of him because you’ve always taken good care of me. You and your mom are better people than Beacon Hills deserve and i hope Davis know’s what it’s getting.
Love, love and i’m sorry
I’m sorry this took so long to write. But this was important so i made sure to give it time. I’m sorry that meant leaving you hanging on your confession. To save you any more finger biting and nervous twitching i’ll start with this
I Love you too … capital letter and all …
And you aren’t a coward, or at least not anymore than i am, I maybe didn’t realize how strongly i felt till i felt it in others, there were days when i was with Alison that i couldn’t stop thinking about how it felt like i was cheating on you. But i was afraid to test you, i was afraid that if i popped the bubble of your fun jokes and telling me i’m the hot girl and … well i was afraid that if i asked the question then the whole thing would fall apart, so i never did.
And if you think your side of the Wild Hunt was bad … from the day you disappeared i had this ache, it took days before i started to figure out what it was … but when we realized what happened i knew why it felt so bad. We stood in the woods, all three of us and realized at the same time we missed some one we Loved, but at least they could say it out loud. I stayed behind in the woods and cried for an hour as these little shards of memory of you and what you meant to me started pouring back into my head.
I was so happy when it was all over, to just go back to the status quo, that i didn’t want to remind you of that day you disappeared, didn’t want to remind you that the last thing that happened to you before you vanished was your best friend blowing you off … and now that i know what you were going to tell me i feel like the coward. You knew something was coming and you tried to tell me not just something important but something that could have helped me find you, when i think about it i can see the feelings in your eyes, i can smell the scents i missed, i can see what i missed. I should have been able to sense how you were feeling and known it was more important than a “tell me later.”
So if you feel like you need to be sorry so do i.
Look neither of us are perfect, we are, as someone once told me “only human” i Loved you when the Demon controlling you had a sword in my chest, i loved you all through the Theo bullshit, and i will Love you through whatever nonsense you, me, or a demonic stump in the woods throws at us.
PS: as far as Roscoe goes … he knows you love him too, and actually he’s been helping me reconnect with Derek, he’s much more sensible now that Bradeene is testing him for fatherhood-readiness. We’ve been slowly sorting out the duct tape nest that is the engine and he taught me how to paint it so he’s looking fresh. Derek doesn’t say hi, but he did make a slightly less angry rock face when i told him about … our new capital letter …
PPS: oh and Davis was actually ready for me, turns out they have a little “paranormal club” of their own. One of the professors knows Deaton and he warned them they were about to get a True Alpha … they threw me a welcome party!
Awesome! So much awesome!
I’ll cop to being a bit of a brat and making you wait to get this before i call you but if my timing is right and my connections to local government as strong as i think they are i should be calling you about an hour after you get this. (remind me to thank your Mail Carrier Donna … )
We are both dumb idiot cowards! But considering what we went through to get here i’m just gonna say we were saving all our heroics to keep from … you know … dying(and worse!). maybe this is our reward for putting up with all that, and if that’s what it took to get to here i’m ok with that (… well no i will forever bitch about many parts of all of that bullshit.)
As much as things already feel different beyond just the lack of impending doom and being apart from you (and Roscoe!) for so long, and finally for non-magic reasons! i know things will change after this phone call. Now when i say i love you in the middle of a fight about anything from Mario Kart to monster bat demons i’ll know you understand what i mean, that you’ve always understood what i meant. Even better now i know that in those times when i want our hugs to go further, our sleep overs to get a lot more … adult-y that i can make that happen. All i need to do is use my words and just tell you.
Ok i don’t want to drag this out too long, you’ve got a phone call to get ready for … and so do I. i’ll be home for thanksgiving in a few weeks, and then winter break! I can’t wait to actually see you in person again!
Love !
PS: you let Derek near my Roscoe!!! Kidding, the way that dude loves his Camaro i trust him with the engine of my poor chariot. I can’t wait to see what he looks like! I miss him so much, Georgetown is actually working out well (see below) but i think i need my Roscoe back … January road trip to DC you me and the sexiest Jeep in history?
PPS: thanks for asking your new friends about DC, there is a little “pack” at our school too. No actual wolves but there are a few druids, two warebears (one of whom is basically a bear even when he’s not shifted), and of course some witches, they are excited to have their first “human” though i think i’m going to study with the druids, finally, i wish i’d learned more from Deaton when i had the chance!
PPPS: so i’m just gonna throw this out here now because i know that if i try and say anything about it on the phone later it’s just gonna be silence and crazy sounding giggles. But in addition to the capital letter we are adding on to things … i’m very excited about the more um, intimate developments so for the record i have been looking forward to having non imaginary sex with you. And yes … yes i’ve had A LOT of imaginary sex with you … which we should talk about … because if you thought i was a brat before … well lets just say that at least 50% of the imaginary times involve me getting a spanking for something … there now you have a sure fire way to get me to blush and shut up on the phone in … maybe 20 minutes?
If i’ve timed this right … kidding, i know i stuck it in the textbook you said you needed to read on your flight so unless you skipped doing your homework …
It took us a long time to get here … and i think we are better for some of the stops we took along the way to get here, i know Malia and Lydia are happy for us and i’m sure Alison would have been too (Isaac just laughed and then tried not to look a little jealous when we Skyped). And i’m glad Georgetown is working out, i Love you but sometimes you can plan too hard and forget that not everything needs to be a puzzle. If anything i think this is a good way for us to start this new stage of our relationship. We both have lots of studying to do in both the real world and the magical one and i’m sure if we were closer we would get … distracted.
I don’t know what’s next for either of us, and that’s kind of been the most freeing part of the last few months. Ever since that night i followed you into the woods our lives have been determined mostly by other people, now it feels like the two of us are onto something new and are for the first time in control of where we are going, or at least learning how to be. I’m really looking forward to our road trip (and not just for various assorted … sexy reasons) i’ve been making lists of packs and druids to meet along the way, and yes i got the invites to the 14 spreadsheets of other university magic and supernatural clubs, UFO sightings, national parks, “mystery spots,” and a few other i’m just not gonna look at (and you used to call me the nerdy one!).
After years stuck in a small town that seemed like it just wanted to kill me i don’t even know how to really process what my life is right now, thank you for being there for me, keeping me human when i needed to be, and reminding me how strong i can be … and for using up all your bravery running face first into danger with me even if it mean you didn’t have any left to tell me what we both should have known anyway …
PS: Derek says Roscoe should be ready for a January road trip … he says he needs to teach you a few things before he’ll trust you to drive it again. But don’t worry he knows that whatever happens we are going on our road trip … all i really have to do is start telling him what we’re gonna get up to in those roadside motels and he gets all grossed out and walks away.
PPS: yea i feel like if we’d ever had a moment of rest in High School we could have made for a really well organized pack, we just kept learching from one disaster to the next so we only really got to learn what we had to and not any of the other things that might have come in handy. Or any of the fun perks of living in this alternate reality.
PPPS: oh Stiles, you should hopefully be more directly aware of this by now … but i too have had lots and lots of imaginary sex with you, and yes the paddle has come out a few times, though i’ve got a few surprise accessories of my own. Oh and i’ve already been scouting out some good roadside motels for our trip … maybe for Christmas i’ll get us some of our own non imaginary toys to keep us entertained in those cheap motels …
-The End-
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