#i didnt ask to be courted by you
plumeriacosmos · 4 months
polin au where penelope gets to say claire’s iconic “look at the state of you” to colin
thats it. thats the au
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miwtual · 1 year
im so fucking tired of the disrespect gifmakers get on the gifmaker website
#kai.txt#negativity tw#(sorry these are gonna be a lot of tags. i have a lot of feelings and i dont know where else to put them)#we make gifs and nobody reblogs them#when they do get reblogged all people want to tell you is that your gifs arent good enough to them and rip it to shreds#'you're missing x' 'why didnt you do y' 'if i made this i would have abc' 'hey op ur wrong and this is why' 'i dont like this op'#reposters dont even reblog your fucking gifset but they'll save your gifs to repost later asking for how to do something#that they could have asked you how to do in the fucking first place#we reblog ourselves constantly because nobody else will and maybe to make our work look like it has more notes than it does#to make ourselves feel better about the lack of interaction we're getting#and then when we TALK about this frustration we have. people who are too afraid to say it to our faces#go on anon in our askboxes and tell us how we're somehow selfish for wanting people to interact with the sets#that we spent time on. hours. days. WEEKS in some cases#or we get anons who tell us the reason we dont have notes are because we arent good at gifmaking in the first place#but this is all on anon. because they're too scared to tell it to our faces#they're too scared for us to see that they ARENT a gifmaker and that they dont know how to do it any better either#they dont see us as people doing something we love as a hobby. they see us as content machines that dance like court jesters#im just so fucking tired of the disrespect#and this sentiment goes for more than just gifmakers. graphicmakers. artists. literally any creative hobby shared on this site#we get treated like shit and for what? literally for fucking what.
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Neil, on the bus back to Palmetto after the Ravens game: So you know how I promised not to lie to you guys anymore? Uh... Last night I was taken in front of Ichirou and watched him blow Riko's brains out. Also Tetsuji is stepping down as coach. That's really going to affect their next season. We'll have to train to beat the Trojans in the final next year
Everyone else: .... Neil
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abouttofillhisshoes · 2 months
holy shit, I rarely read het fic but OH MY GOD??? I think my eye is twitching from how insanely good that was, I mean WOW
Well done 😭❤️
thank you so muchhh im so grateful you read it❤️ youre genuinely one of my biggest inspirations on this app im trying my best to not freak the fuck out you absolute legend
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treesbian · 3 months
my favorite style of makeup is the super super draggy stuff but it seems like a lot of the well known drag queens nowadays have given up on classic drag-style makeup. girls u look beautiful. but why are all of you fish now
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teabutmakeitazure · 6 months
Here the same anon from before after some deep thinking on this big bro bestie trope with Childe. Actually, screw the bromance. Having your big brother and his best friend for years fighting each other before your eyes because the second told the first he was into you would be dark and pretty scary but actually fit Childe.
"Love you buddy, but if I win I date your sister, she'll be mine and it's totally worth it"
Pretty sure fighting a family member of his wife-to-be would be some sort of kink for him (even more if the say family member is his long time friend). It's like, winning the hand of his wife by his own ? Yeah. He's the kind of guy who would be into that. And after beating your brother until he's K.O on the ground he would look at you all proud and with a bright smile waiting for a praise and a kiss.
he likens it to a duel for your hand in marriage, being all smug and showy about it when he wins. not even your father or any such figure in your life would bother him as much as your brother because of the bro code. but then again, if he marries you, they can be brothers for real! think about the ✨possiblities✨
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dayurno · 5 months
i need my kevjean freaky and weird and obsessive and worrying to the general public
abso-fucking-lutely i need it to be oppressive to be around them. i need it to be a breathing living thing you can feel if you step into their orbit. like it HAS to be bad and it HAS to be awkward and you HAVE to feel like you're intruding on something even if you've known them for years. i need kevjean to be something the trojans do a wellness check on jean for. i need kevjean to feel like a karmic debt they will have to keep paying for the rest of their lives. you know? it has to be weird. it HAS to be weird
anyway to me they are like this and they wouldnt even have to have fucked to know it
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bluupxels · 1 year
say what you want about simblr but at least we have a wcif system that most people follow. in other game communities they’re asking what mods are being used in TAGS and commenting on the reblog instead of just sending an ask... mom come pick me up im scared
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forgaeven1 · 10 months
his sudden legitimisation comes as a surprise — or, rather, the request o' it is a surprise. he didn't think ser davos was capable o' this. from what gendry had known o' him, he seemed more o' a soldier than a politician. then again, maybe such a line will blur when ye've been around people who were crowned kings left and right; stannis, first. jon snow, second. ser davos had tried t' explain t' gendry that it was a smart move. the people o' the stormlands are angry, wary, and suspicious o' this new queen some bastard king in the north had brought forward — and no kind words, he said some more, would appease the court at storm's end.
except t' have robert's son, baseborn or otherwise, as a lord.
a lord that, if his legitimisation is passed, is accepted, could be in the queen's council. they're scared, ser davos had tried to soften the blow, after the dragon queen had looked at gendry from top t' bottom, silent, and left the room; her steps furious against the creaky, hardened floor of these thick northern woods. gendry had spent the minutes in ser davos' company afterwards simply starin' at the letter — not that he could 'ven read them, the irony of it all. if he'd had any humour, maybe he would've guffawed; so exhausted he was by these games the highborns are set at playin', that it's circled into laughable. all this effort t' recognise an uneducated bastard and for what ? just so they could 'ave someone watchin' the dragon queen's move ?
gendry's not laughing now, of course. how could he, when he felt like the coldness o' the north is seepin' right into his bloodstream, his lungs and everythin' inside, s' like the white walkers 'ave gotten t' him somehow, despite the fact that they're all gone. like they've clawed their way inside; they've made a home. when gendry leaves the room, he hasn't been checking where he's gone. all he'd known s' that he needed someplace quiet. someplace where he could- where he could breathe. and where he could think. not the forge, no, 'cause he couldn't handle all the stares and questions from the smiths that he'd gotten t' know over the weeks he's been there. the stables, maybe. just anywhere. this corner, near the armoury—
— he throws up.
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gendry heaves, mouth wet, and eyes tearful. it takes him a moment t' finally find his breathin' again, settin' that proper rhythm, before he blinks them open, and catches sight o' yellow hair. ❛ i — ❜ he shakes his head, watches the edge of her beautiful, expensive dress makes contact with the stray hays and snow all around. ❛ ye' shouldn't be here, princess. ❜
@fraegiles — starter call
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jaded-ghoster · 1 year
missed chance in mha to show the trials and tribulations of the remedial course group just for Bakugo and Todoroki to immediately get charged with vigilantism because they decimated a guy just a few hours before the licensing paperwork was fully processed
#i demand a filler episode where its just a court case#inko is the lawyer and she treats it like a hobby because shes got so much free time#but rest assured she has fifteen awards stuffed under the sofa#and then they have to gather a bunch of witnesses to vouch for bakugo and todorokis character#and they put their all into it but its just COMPLETLEY failing to convince the judge and jury that they didnt mean it#bonus points if Aizawa is vouching for them too#and hes like these kids didnt mean it theyre top students they would never and everyone is like oh wow okay maybe youre right#but then the prosecution lawyer comes up to ask him some follow up questions and hes like#‘nice story by the way didnt you collude with vigilantes numerous times throughout your career?’#and aizawa is like FUCK because he knew this would happen#lawyer proceeds to show images of vigilantes blatantly being vigilantes and Aizawa just chilling next to them or even worse being friendly#then maybe the judge pulls up evidence but literally neither of them can explain it cuz turns out camie created a bunch of bs illusions#but hey you dont see her in the stands sooo#also the entire time Bakugo is trying to throw todoroki under the bus for the entire thing and Todoroki indirectly helps him#but because his dad is endeavor and also The Universe it just ends up backfiring on Bakugo#also endgame bakudeku idk how but itll happen#bakudeku undercurrents the ENTIRE time#thank you thats all#mha#mha fic#bnha fic#mha bakugou#mha todoroki
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liverpool-enjoyer · 1 year
what/who led you to becoming a juventus fan?
first of all this is so trippy cause yesterday i was jus thinking n for some reason i thought a someone asking me this exact question lmao. anywho.
so its genetic/environmental, rlly. my dads a juventus fan n he n i both grew up in a predominantly italian part a the bronx where everyone was a juve fan. thats why i like em despite all the shady shit theyve done. like i literally didnt know abt any a that. i cant remember becoming a juventus fan cause i was so young lmao. but yeah basically they were the team everyone i knew supported growing up so i support them too <3
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banzuko-morino · 2 years
I remember once i went to D*sneyl*nd with [REDACTED] back in the early 2010s and we went to this burger place that only had two (2) burgers on the menu, and there was a sign in big letters that said No Substitutions
so i ordered one without cheese and they told me they dont allow substitutions on orders. I was like. It's not a substitution, it's removal of an allergen that I am allergic to
I told the cashier (politely) that I'm allergic to cheese and am only requesting they make it the exact same way but without the slice of cheese, and they still insisted they can't do it that way because their policy says No Substitutions
I was working as a cashier and cook in a fast food place at the time so obvs I knew that policy was bullshit but I also knew it's not worth fighting the cashier because they dont have a choice in the matter
So i just didnt order and they told me to leave because they only allow paying customers in the building, meanwhile [REDACTED] got to stay because she ordered a burger and even asked if I could sit with her and!! they said no!!! because I wasnt a paying customer!! I ended up getting a pretzel at a stand outside but fuck man I just wanted a burger without cheese
anyway i dont know if that place is still there but fuck the mouse
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alaricseer · 2 years
Alaric, does your King know you 'entertain' others without his permission
"What sort of Consort would I be, if I didn't show hospitality?"
He knew that wasnt what was being implied, his dalliances were an open secret, but Ala wasnt going to incriminate himself outright.
"Build a better trap darling, I'll not fall for this one."
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taviacoolcat · 3 months
'postcards and stickers or magnets' waht does this mean btw
it is referencing this short story that is like a missing scene from the third book in the all for the game series (and also like a prequel for the next book that comes out this month).
my tweet is about a certain character having postcards on the wall of his dorm and what looks like stickers or magnets on his nightstand. which with no context sounds kinda silly but i promise if you knew what kind of character jean moreau is then it would be heartbreaking 😭
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dragon-zena · 7 months
im going to wexplode if i dont have dnd in the next week
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trendfag · 9 months
this guy twice now just while we’re talking like throws out “oh im feeling lonely though” just talking about like living at his new place and its like. not lonely enough to ask me out though huh
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