#i do also like comments but i understand feeling awkward about putting something down
sekai-no-koi · 1 year
Fandom: Kamisama Hajimemashita | Kamisama Kiss Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Kurama Shinjirou/Mizuki Characters: Kurama Shinjirou, Mizuki (Kamisama Hajimemashita) Additional Tags: BDSM, Masochism, Masochist Mizuki, Bondage, Rope Bondage, Shibari, Spanking, Paddling, Mizuki has 2 dicks, Knotting, Sex Toys, Sex Toys Under Clothing, Anal Sex, Overstimulation, Orgasm Denial, Orgasm Delay/Denial, Multiple Orgasms, Blindfolds, Gags, Oral Sex, Rough Oral Sex, Nipple Play, Nipple Clamps, Dom/sub, Post-Canon, Mating Bites, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Consensual Kink, Safe Sane and Consensual, Aftercare, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, they are Lonely and they are Unsupervised
Nanami's been gone a while, and Mizuki misses her. After wandering away from the shrine for a while, he nearly gets trampled by Kurama's fans. Meanwhile, Kurama has two problems, both of which Mizuki is happy to solve.
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simplybakugou · 1 month
omg I saw you post about wanting dad!Bakugo ideas and tbh I have so many but I don't wanna be greedy or overwhelming so here's one <3 Dad!Bakugo when you get caught sneaking out. He assumes the worst- thinking you were out drinking, partying, something like that (y/n would be like.. 14-16 or somethin, yknow?) But in reality you were just sneaking out to go to the 24/7 ramen place down the street with your secret partner who you haven't told your dad about bc they're the same gender as you <3 It's a lot, I completely understand if ya aren't interested in writing it <33 I just think it would be a really cute and emotional but also amusing and heartfelt idea that I would love to read but can't find the motivation to write </3 Love your work!!!!
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⋆ PAIRING: dad!bakugou x fem!reader ⋆ WARNINGS/TAGS: swearing; teeniest tiniest bit of angst; fluff; talks of being closeted ⋆ WORD COUNT: 3492
A/N: not me writing two works in 2024 back to back?! crazy omg. also i decided to make y/n bakugou’s s/o and not his child as that’s what i’m most comfortable writing about. hope that’s okay! also please feel free to send as many dad!bakugou ideas you want cause i’ve been wanting to write as many as i can. sorry if the ending is awkward i had some trouble finishing it :( tysm for requesting and i hope you enjoy :)
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“Fuck,” Bakugou cursed to himself, setting the knife down and grabbing a paper towel to tend to the small cut he had just accidentally put onto his index finger. Your home was filled with a savory aroma as Bakugou’s cooked dinner as he did every night.
“Are you alright, Katsuki?” You asked from the dining room, averting your eyes from your laptop and peering into the kitchen to check on your husband. 
“I’m fine. It’s just a small cut,” Bakugou called out, grabbing and applying a band-aid from the cabinet and onto his finger. Afterwards he went back to the task at hand. “Where’s Suki?” 
“She’s upstairs, I think she’s showering. Apparently they were working on training their quirks in U.A. and she said she felt disgusting,” you responded, reverting your attention back to the work you had left on your laptop. 
“So they’re already training their quirks? I need to train with her more then.” Bakugou turned the stove off as he moved tonight’s dinner to a singular dish. He went over to the dining table where you were seated to set the table.
You furrowed your brows at him. “Katsuki, she trains enough at U.A., not to mention you train with her after she comes back from school too. You’ll overwork her if you do even more than that.”
“She needs the training. She has to get stronger if she wants to get better.” Bakugou spoke to you while walking back and forth from the kitchen to the dining table as he placed all of his dishes down for his family to share. “She’s gonna get her provisional license soon and I don’t want her to fail like I fucking did.”
“I understand, but you’re being too hard on yourself and on her,” you said, shaking your head at your husband who has a tendency to overwork himself. 
“If she’s gonna be the best, she has to be better than me. And I’m gonna make sure she’s a hundred times better than I ever was in U.A.,” Bakugou stated adamantly as he sat himself across from you.
You sighed, closing your laptop and setting it aside so you could eat. “You’re impossible, you know that?” 
Bakugou smirked as he was about to let out a snarky comment until Suki walked downstairs, a towel in hand as she was still drying her ash blonde. 
You smiled at the sight of your daughter. “Suki! You’re just in time for dinner.”
Suki stopped as she took in her parents at the dining table and the giant spread of food Bakugou had prepared. “Oh, I thought I told you guys I wasn’t that hungry today…”
Bakugou whipped his head around to look at his daughter. “No you fucking didn’t.”
“Whoops,” Suki said, laughing cautiously as she rubbed the nape of her neck with her hand. “I’m kinda tired from all the training today so I think I’m just going to head to bed.”
You frowned. “Are you sure? Maybe eat just a little, sweetie.”
Suki shook her head. “It’s okay, Mom. I’ll be fine.” She turned to her father. “And I’m sorry, Dad. I know you worked hard to make all of this.”
Bakugou sighed. “It’s fine. Pay me back with training right after you get back from school tomorrow.”
Suki winced but nodded reluctantly for her father’s sake. “Alright.” She turned around and made her way upstairs as she called out, “I’m going to bed. Good night!”
“Good night, sweetie!” You called back out to her. You averted your attention to the delicious spread in front of you, once again thankful for having a husband who could cook so well and alleviate you from the burden of having to do so. 
“That shitty kid needs to eat more,” Bakugou grumbled, shoving his homemade meal into his mouth in the process. “She’s not gonna get stronger if she doesn’t eat well.”
“I agree with you there. At least with the eating more part.” You took a sip of water. “I hope she’s doing okay. You don’t think she’s overwhelmed at school and she’s just not telling us, right?”
“She’s fine, you’re worrying too fucking much, Y/N.” He glanced back at the stairs before eating again despite his statement. He didn’t want to say it aloud as he knew you would start freaking out but he was also concerned. Bakugou always wanted what’s best for his daughter who was inspired by her pro hero father to become a pro hero herself. When Suki expressed her interest in becoming a pro, Bakugou had to physically hold himself back in a way to not overwhelm her with how excited he was with the news. And you could see it yourself. You saw the way Bakugou perked up and seemed more enthusiastic, in his own way of course, every time Suki asked for training advice or told Bakugou about her day at school. You loved and admired their bond and how much closer they were getting the more she developed her quirk and skills. 
You leaned back, patting your full stomach. “That was delicious, Katsu.” You stood up with your empty plate in one hand and patted his head with your other. Bakugou glared at you as he stood and cleared the table. 
You went over to the sink to wash the dishes, intent on putting your share of the housework as Bakugou cooked only to be lightly pushed out of the way as Bakugou began to wash the dishes. 
“Katsuki!” You exclaimed. “You always do this. I’m supposed to be the one who cleans up when you cook.”
You attempted to push him back but unsurprisingly he didn’t budge as he ignored you and continued to clean. “Oh, shut it. Just go finish your paperwork over there.”
“Fine,” you huffed as you sat back down at the dining table. Instead of finishing your paperwork you sat begrudgingly in your seat with your laptop in your lap as you waited for Bakugou so the two of you could go to bed together. 
Thankfully with Bakugou being Bakugou, he was finished in no time and the two of you went upstairs to get some sleep. 
As you were situating yourself in bed, Bakugou stood in front of Suki’s room. He knocked on her door and the absence of a response prompted Bakugou to open the door slowly. He poked his head in and saw Suki fast asleep with her lights still on. He smiled softly at the sight of his sleeping daughter and even though he knew he was tough on her, he knew she was working hard to prove to him how she will become an incredible hero.
“Katsuki, are you coming?” You called from your room.
“Yeah, yeah,” Bakugou responded as he turned Suki’s light off and closed her door. 
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The alarm blaring from her phone jolted Suki awake. She quickly turned it off, hoping it didn’t wake her parents in the same manner as it did her. The time on her phone read 3:30 AM as Suki slipped out of bed. She quickly changed out of her pajamas and into sweatpants and a sweater and tiptoed out of her room. 
Suki glanced over at yours and Bakugou’s bedroom door, thankful as it was closed shut. Sometimes Bakugou would sleep with the door cracked open slightly as he was convinced he would be able to hear anybody sneaking in if anyone attempted to rob your home or attack his family. You would call him crazy and usually waited for him to fall asleep before closing the door all the way in which Suki was ecstatic that you did so that day as well. 
Suki made her way down to the front door and took her keys and her jacket and left her home. She grabbed her bicycle that was propped on the side of the house and began making her way down the road. She shivered as the cold winter air hit her face as she rode her bike, her eyes watering as they searched for one particular person.
Suki smiled once she spotted who she was meeting at 3:30 AM on a school night.
“Took you long enough!” Yui, Suki’s girlfriend, called out from her respective bike. 
Suki grinned at her girlfriend and stopped her bike beside her. “Are you sure this place is open 24/7?”
Yui nodded. “They just opened up. Did your old man catch you?”
Suki shook her head. “I even skipped dinner and I’m starving now.”
Suki knew she wasn’t supposed to be out so late but she couldn’t help it; she missed her girlfriend. In addition, during the day she was busy at U.A. and afterwards she would train with her father. In the evening she’d have to keep up with her studies and her homework, making it almost impossible to spend time with her partner. Not to mention, Suki still hadn’t come out to you or Bakugou.
It wasn’t that she didn’t trust either of you but there was a small, miniscule feeling Suki had in the back of her mind that made her fear your reactions to having a girlfriend. Thankfully, unlike Yui’s parents, you and Bakugou never mentioned or questioned if Suki had a boyfriend, but she knew Bakugou especially would disapprove of anything that would divert her attention from her training and studies.
“Come on, let’s go!” Yui exclaimed and the two girls continued down the road to the ramen shop.
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Bakugou woke up feeling immobilized. In an attempt to go to the bathroom, Bakugou tried to get up but couldn’t do so as you were literally holding him down in your sleep. Your arm was wrapped around his torso, your leg over his thighs, and your cheek was pressed against his chest. In moments like these he blamed you for making him feel sore in the morning. 
“Y/N,” Bakugou said softly as he quite literally peeled you off of his body. He was successful and he laughed once he heard you groaning in your sleep as you turned the other way.
Bakugou went to the bathroom and just as he was on his way back to his room to fall back asleep right beside you, he noticed Suki’s door was ever so slightly left open. He knew she always criticized him for leaving his door open so he knew something was up immediately.
Bakugou went over to Suki’s door, knocking once again just as he did before going to sleep earlier and again there was no response. He pushed the door open, furrowing his brows at the sight of what was supposed to be Suki’s body under her covers but Bakugou was too clever to fall for something so simple. He walked closer to her bed and pulled back the covers, not surprised to see two pillows that were formed to imitate her body.
“She fucking snuck out,” Bakugou muttered angrily to himself. He threw the blanket back onto the bed and went back to his bedroom where you were sleeping. He shook you awake. “Y/N, wake up.”
You woke up frighteningly, sitting upright. “What? What’s wrong?” You asked confused and tired. 
“Suki’s not here.”
“What?!” You exclaimed, immediately jumping out of bed and running to Suki’s room to check. You turned back to Bakugou. “Do you think she was abducted? Or kidnapped? Oh no, do you think one of those villains you fought came back for revenge?! Our poor baby–”
“Y/N, calm down,” Bakugou said, placing his hands on your shoulders. “She’s not kidnapped. That little shit snuck out.”
“What? There’s no way Suki would sneak out, Katsuki.”
“She put her pillows under the covers to make it look like she was sleeping.”
“But… why would she do that?” You questioned. This was completely unlike Suki, which made you ponder even more about her motive. Usually if she wanted to go anywhere or do anything, she would ask you or Bakugou for permission in which, most of the time, you both would say yes. 
“Who fucking knows. She’s probably out drinking or partying. She’s fifteen for fucks sake.”
“I don’t know, Katsu, I don’t think she’s the type to do something like that. The only possibility that makes sense is…” You thought about it some more until it finally hit you. “Maybe she’s seeing a boy!”
“A what?” 
“Come on, it’s the only thing that makes sense. I don’t think she’s the type to go out drinking.”
“I’d rather her go to a party than be alone with a boy this fucking late.” Bakugou clenched his fists at the thought. “I’m gonna go find her.”
“Wait!” Bakugou ignored you as he continued downstairs, grabbing his coat and throwing his shoes on. “Don’t go out and use your quirk.”
“Why the fuck not? It’s the fastest way to get to her.”
You sighed hopelessly at your husband. “It’s 4 AM, Katsu, your explosions will wake up the whole neighborhood. Just take the car.”
“I hate that fucking piece of shit,” Bakugou grumbled. “Fine.”
“And take this, too.” You tossed his phone that you had quickly grabbed, which he caught with ease. “Call me when you find her.”
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Bakugou felt himself getting more and more impatient as he drove in circles around his neighborhood. He knew Suki couldn’t have gone far as he noticed her bike was missing. He checked her friends’ houses that he was aware of for any signs of partying and checked every convenience store nearby as he knew Suki loved them. Bakugou cursed at his daughter internally as she had also turned off her location on her phone. The last place left to check was the new ramen shop that had just opened and you had begged Bakugou to try out with you once he had some time off from work.
Bakugou recognized Suki’s bike parked right in front along with another bike right next to hers. To his knowledge you were right; Suki was here to meet a boy.
Bakugou felt himself getting angrier. How could Suki sneak out for a stupid boy? Doesn’t she know training has to be her top priority? Boys are a distraction and wouldn’t do her any good. He felt justified in these thoughts as he didn’t start dating until after he graduated which was when he met you.
Nevertheless, Bakugou parked and exited the car. He was planning on busting the door down to the restaurant, scold Suki, and murder whatever stupid boy had stolen his only daughter’s heart.
And Bakugou fully planned to do so until he stopped in his tracks at the sight he caught through the window. Suki was laughing, leaning on the person next to her. It was a girl. Initially Bakugou assumed it was a new friend that Suki had made until this new “friend” kissed his daughter on the cheek.
At that moment Bakugou understood fully what was going on. He was still upset that Suki felt like she had to sneak around to spend time with her girlfriend and he still thought having a partner could be a distraction but Bakugou knew he shouldn’t be physically upset as he initially intended to. 
So Bakugou waited, his arms across his chest as he leaned against his car and waited for Suki to come out from the restaurant.
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When she was getting up to leave with her girlfriend by her side, Suki couldn’t remember the last time she enjoyed herself as much as she did in that ramen shop. She felt so comfortable in her skin and wished she could spend time with Yui more so that she didn’t have to sneak out like she did that night.
“I had a lot of fun today,” Yui said as the girls thanked the shop owners and made their way to the exit.
“Me too. Maybe next time we can go on a date during the day and not 5 AM,” Suki joked and Yui agreed.
“Mhm. But do you feel comfortable telling your parents?”
Suki sighed. “I want to tell them soon. It’s just so scary.”
“I get it, believe me.” Yui pushed the door open and they both walked towards their bikes. “Text me whenever you’re free again.”
Suki nodded and gave her girlfriend a small peck. “Come on, I’ll drop you off.”
“Suki, I live literally right next door. If anything I should be dropping you off,” Yui said with a laugh. “Are you okay getting home?”
Suki nodded confidently. “Absolutely. I’m in U.A. for a reason, you know.”
The girls continued and finished their goodbyes and Suki watched Yui take her bike on a very short ride to her house. She waved to Yui once more before turning around to head back home in the opposite direction. And that was when she finally saw him.
There Bakugou was, still leaned against his car down the road with stern crimson eyes watching his daughter. Suki’s eyes widened at the sight and immediately wanted the ground to swallow her whole. “Dad?!”
“About damn time you noticed me,” Bakugou grumbled, loud enough for Suki to hear as she cautiously walked towards Bakugou.
“What’re you doing here? How’d you find me?” Suki’s bike fell on its side as she loosened her grip out of shock.
“I just wanted to check on you when I woke up and saw you weren’t in bed. Do you know how fucking terrifying that is?” Bakugou asked angrily. Suki winced at her father’s tone, looking down and away from the intensity of his gaze. 
Bakugou sighed, calming himself down. After seeing how happy Suki and her girlfriend were together, he felt his initial anger diminish. “Why didn’t you just tell Mom and me you wanted to hang out with your girlfriend?” 
Suki felt overwhelmed with mixed emotions. She felt exposed but also guilty for not being open with her parents. “I-I don’t know. It was hard keeping this from you.”
Bakugou watched Suki closely and briefly. He could see her body shaking in what he assumed to be fear. He had caught her in an intimate moment with her significant other, someone that she felt that she had to hide from her parents. And it broke Bakugou’s heart thinking about how difficult it must have been carrying a secret so big and integral to who she was as a person.
Bakugou took a few steps forward, closing the gap between him and his daughter and he embraced her. Suki, whose eyes were still fixated on the ground, was taken aback at this sudden act. Her father, one who rarely showed any physical affection, was hugging her so tightly. “I can’t imagine what it must’ve been like having to keep this secret.”
Suki’s vision blurred as tears began to well in her eyes. She buried her face in Bakugou’s chest and she returned the embrace. “I’m so sorry. I should’ve told you guys,” Suki blurted out in between her sobs.
Bakugou patted her ash blonde hair down with his hand, still holding her as tight as he possibly could. “You have nothing to be sorry for. I’m sorry for making you feel like you can’t be open with me. I know I can be shitty and tough on you but I’ve always wanted what’s best for you.”
Suki sniffled as she pulled away, rubbing her eyes and ridding her cheeks from the tears that had stained them. “It’s not that I felt like I couldn’t open up to you or Mom. I knew deep down that you guys would accept me regardless if I were gay or straight but I kept psyching myself out.”
Bakugou smiled softly, patting her back. “Suki, there’s nothing on this fucking Earth you could ever do to make me or your mother disappointed in you. Even if you decided to not be a hero anymore, I wouldn’t give a shit. All I want is for you to put your all into whatever it is you do and not to half ass anything.”
Suki smiled sheepishly. “Thanks, Dad.” Bakugou knelt down and grabbed Suki’s bike, wheeling it over to his car as he put it in the trunk. 
“So am I off the hook for sneaking out?” Suki asked, hoping to hear the answer she wanted to hear as she walked over to the passenger side of the vehicle.
“Fuck no. You’re still in trouble,” Bakugou stated simply in which Suki sighed, not surprised at the answer. “Now you don’t have to sneak out to see your girlfriend, at least.” The two entered the car and Bakugou turned the vehicle on as he turned it around to head back home. 
“Can I invite Yui over for dinner sometime?” Suki asked, looking at her father expectantly.
“Yeah. You gotta explain to your Mom what happened. She’s at home thinking you got kidnapped.” The two laughed as they made their way back home to you.
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weebsinstash · 11 months
Ok no I'm not done being weird yet, here's another idea for the marriage canon event stuff
Miguel and other Spiders are getting on your ass about, "oh, how old are you now? Why aren't you looking for a husband yet? Why are you spending so much time here?" And are, you know, your friends who love you and for your own good are trying to get you to complete your canon so you, you know, LIVE, but the way you see it is, being forced to do something like that and sacrifice yourself like that isn't living. You're not going to actively pursue and seek out a relationship, you want one to happen naturally, and nothing has felt natural to you and you're afraid of being hurt like that, of being rejected, of opening yourself up to someone and not being good enough, but, O'Hara and the Society don't really want to hear that. It's escalating over time. Little comments here and there, people randomly interjecting their personal anecdotes about their family and their kids into the conversation, "oh this is just like when me and Mary Jane--" "oh my kid loves this flavor, she gets so excited, I like to be naughty and get her these as a treat"
So you reach the point where you're fed up. This is so massively fucking inappropriate of them. There's no "set age" for this kind of thing so why are they harassing you like this, acting like, oh, you gotta hurry and pursue shit right now, it's for your own good? It's just pissing you off and pushing you away. You love traveling to different dimensions and exploring new places and experiencing things that are literally out of this world but if the trade-off for that is constantly being badgered with this stupid narrative of having to sacrifice yourself, you'll happily go home and break canon and die, because at least you'll be truly living and making a choice
So anyways to get to the meat of this post: you've decided you're leaving the Spider Society and you're not going to talk to any of these bitches anymore, just haven't fully decided on when, but like, you're literally thinking within the next week, but you're still, there. And one day you're in the lobby, trying to stand around because you're supposed to go on some sort of stupid assignment, Peter B and Jess with you, the parents talking about baby stuff as you roll your eyes and Peter suspiciously needs you to keep holding Mayday until you're literally refusing, "just put her on the ground or something, you let her climb on walls and shit anyways"
And because you're in the lobby, this big open space with tons of people passing through, suddenly in walks Miguel with. Another Miguel, completely unrelated to the mission you and the others are about to do, kind of just bumping into each other as they pass through. Miguel2 just got scouted by his counterpart that he met during chasing an anomaly, and they're getting to know each other, and at some point Miguel2 is like "can my wife come too 🥺👉👈 she's also a Spider and I can't be here without her" and everyone is a little confused because there's supposed to be the whole only 'one Spider per dimension' rule besides like family, like Peter and Mayday, and you'll just never guess whose alternate universe variant is his wife :) another you comes bounding in wearing casual baggy clothes but looks so radiant and happy, all "hubby 🥰" as she kisses her husband, you're just awkwardly sending glances to 'your' Miguel as you two are, understandably feeling awkward because, you're, coworkers, and here are two people who look exactly like you being all lovey dovey "princesa 🥰" "guapito 🥰"
This other you just seems so, VIBRANT and she's introducing herself and shaking hands and she sees Peter B, "oh my god you have a baby, I'm so happy for you, she's so cute!" And she's hugging him, and you watch Peter B's eyes go kind of wide and he looks down, "OH, you're like--" and Other You just kind of laughs and parts her coat, showing off her rounded tummy, "haha yeah, there's a baby in there! Number 3, we're so excited! 🥰" and you're just. Simultaneously feeling some sort of fucked up combination of the most visceral and extreme discomfort you've ever felt in your entire life and also some kind of. Envy. Because she has everything you thought you didn't want and she seems so, SO fucking happy, with a husband who loves her, she clearly loves her babies, and she's being accepted by all of your friends instantly, like they're all gathered around talking as you're just, basically on the outside of the circle, actively putting up distance, only standing around because, uh hey guys weren't we supposed to be doing something--
Your skin is crawling as Other You uses her own watch from her husband to zip back to her own dimension and comes back with her babies on each hip, twins that she's just so happy to introduce to her new friends, who are SUPPOSED to be YOUR friends, "THIS one is Gabriella, and this one is Gabriel. Aren't they so cute? 🥰 theyre both so chunky they almost killed me but it was SO worth it" And once she realizes you're you, or, you're her, she wants to immediately chat you up and be buddy-buddy and goes to hand one of her babies to you and you. Refuse. Absolutely refuse. Suddenly you're the pariah of the group, both Miguels are sending you looks. Why are you being so fucking rude? Just put your arms out??? But you won't. You're just, soul-suckingly disgusted by this entire scenario. Not only is it putting an unspoken pressure onto you, but, seeing this other you be so fucking happy AND accomplishing all the things your "friends" have been badgering you about makes you feel SO indescribably insecure
Fine. Let it be like a revolving door. Another you enters Spider Society, one of you leaves. But you're so bitter and hurt you can't help but get in a jab at her, wanting to tarnish her "fake" happiness, feeling so personally hurt and offended by her very presence and existence in the room. "Hey so wouldn't your babies also be Spiders and have to suffer through the canon events too? And since you don't have any other family members, your kids' canon events might be YOU or Miguel dying? Aren't you glad you gave birth to your kids only to die and leave them without a mom and dad and forever doom them to a narrative where they can never make their own choices and are cosmically destined to be unhappy just because YOU wanted a cute baby? Sorry I guess I'm just built different. Hey remember how when we were little girls and we used to feel like mom only gave birth to us because she wanted someone who would love her and we resented her for bringing us into the world to have such a harsh life, aren't you so happy that's EXACTLY how your kids are going to feel about YOU?"
Mom!You is instantly bursting into tears and holding her little belly for comfort as her husband looks ready to tear you to ribbons, FURIOUS, all the healthy people in the room understandably disappointed and upset with you, like what the FUCK girl, meanwhile you're opening up a portal to your home dimension and just chucking your watch straight into the floor. "Keep this. I won't be coming back" while everyone is kind of dismissive of how truly upset you are, kind of just like "come on, don't be like this 🙄" like you're throwing a tantrum when in actuality you're going home and are seriously considering selling Osborne or Doc Ock all of your radioactive eggs. You'll always be YOU before you're a Spider, and if they want to force you to put The Job above yourself your entire life, they're dead wrong.
Meanwhile after you leave, pulling each other aside for privacy, Miguel2 is asking your Miguel why he's risking breaking his own canon by not wife-ing you up yet and comparing notes from all of the other dimensions where you and him are together as your Miguel is shocked by the sheer number of same occurrences. Miguel is all on about, "what does this even mean, we're from entirely different dimensions", and Miguel2 over here just unapologetically, "so? My wife is also from another dimension, I just took her, she got used to it, it's totally fine bro, it's canon, just do it, just do whatever you want. it's fine bro I'M TELLING YOU--" and maybe even Mom!You is so, sucked into her own "it's ok I was initially forced into this because I'm happy now" world that she's even advocating, "oh gosh if I was her I'd be SO lonely, hearing how you two aren't even that close, especially not anymore, and you've all been avoiding her, and she doesn't even have a baby to care for and give her love 🥺 most 'me's are at least dating right now, so, i bet she's feeling so much pain, she NEEDS YOU right now 🥺"
Peter B is sent to give you another watch and tell you, it's ok, you can come back, they promise they're not gonna bug you about dating and stuff anymore, and you're just all "nah, I'm ok! :) you can keep it :) I've had enough of you guys :) dont let the door hit your ass on the way out :)" meanwhile Miguel 1 and 2 are comparing strategies, "see, when MY wife was refusing to come back to me, what I did was..."
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I really need to vent about how much I like Cal and Merrin's dynamic in Jedi: Survivor cause they've quickly become probably my favorite canon pairing in the franchise.
I absolutely love that this relationship is built on the basis of friendship, respect, and a genuine mutual understanding of each other. From gameplay comments and conversations, Cal is very clearly so enamored with Merrin and literally everything about her. I know it's become a bit of a joke how clearly into her he is but he just thinks she's the most incredible being in the entire galaxy and it's honestly the sweetest thing. The writers could have very easily made his connection to Merrin a weakness or had it where it made his struggle with the darkness harder but I adore that they allowed him to be completely smitten with her and presented it as a strength. It's refreshing not only in Star Wars but in media in general, at least in my opinion. Love being presented as a positive asset is something so deeply missing in media nowadays - especially romantic love. Far too often in this day and age, love is presented as a weakness or something that will only bring you down, so I respect the fuck out of this writing.
Oops, this got really, really long so I'm putting the rest under a cut. It's kind of spitfire, so I apologize if it feels random.
I love how their first kiss is Merrin basically making a split-second decision where she realizes she doesn't want to die without kissing him at least once even if it runs the risk of making things awkward should they survive. Is it cliche as fuck? Absolutely, but it works so well in this instance. Cal being so dumbfounded, gawking at her like a fish, trying to process what the hell just happened that BD has to remind him they're literally about to die is the best thing too.
I appreciate that Cal is so obviously hesitant about giving into any sort of romantic feelings for Merrin because, of course, he would be due to his upbringing. He's pushing so hard against it to the point that he's even completely reluctant to so much as discuss it with Bode when they're on the Lucrehulk. Personally, I don't think Cal is oblivious to their potential feelings for each other. I've never been a huge fan of treating Cal as completely naive. He still might be a bit emotionally stunted, sure but he's lived 10 years outside of the Jedi Order at this point. I think he's hesitant to talk about it because first of all, it's really none of Bode's business but also, if he talks about it, he has to admit it, and if he admits it, that makes it real, and if it's real... well fuck, now he has to do something about it either way which is exactly what he's trying to avoid. I think he's trying to stay as neutral about it as he can until he gets to a point in the story/his arc where he decides he actually wants or feels ready to make a decision. Bode almost gets it out of him too before they're interrupted. The progression of Bode's questioning during that mission is something I actually find really interesting but that's a different topic.
Many people have pointed this out but Cal smiling so brightly while Merrin is clearly freaking the fuck out of Bode is just the cutest thing. Not only because he finds such humor in her scaring the shit out of people for fun when he of all people knows it's a running joke but he also goes along with the joke any chance he gets. He does this even when she's not around. People will be freaked out by her and he still plays along and it's not even like, "Yeah, I know, she's fucking scary bro," it's more like, "Yeah, I know, she can wake the dead, isn't it amazing how scary she is!" Someone else already pointed this out in another post but that feels almost more intimate than any kiss they share. His attraction to her encompasses all sides of her including those that many people find incredibly terrifying and I find that so endearing, he wouldn't ask her to change for anything. He's the only person who genuinely isn't freaked out by her in the slightest but not only that, he finds that side of her to be so incredible. Also, Cal being so blase with Bode about his obvious attraction to Merrin a mission prior and then having the most blatant sexual tension with her in front of Bode in the next scene is peak comedy, I don't care what anybody says. Like, Cal, honey, you just spent the entire previous mission trying to convince Bode (and yourself) there's nothing there and/or you're not pursuing it, so you're not doing yourself any favors by looking at her like that, standing that close to her, and speaking to her with the cadence of a lover bro.
I love that the second Cal walks onto the Mantis after killing Rayvis, she instantaneously picks up on the fact that something's wrong. Literally instantaneously. You can see her face drop the moment she sees him. She just knows something happened. Her ability to read him insanely well is something that is introduced very early on in the game, most noticeably in the campfire scene, and it stays consistent over the course of the story. The following conversation they have is honestly one of the best moments between them in the entire game. It's this type of conversation I've been wanting to see with a Jedi and their potential lover since Revenge of the Sith. He is so open with her even in a somewhat roundabout way about his genuine fear of losing himself and while the conversation is not explicitly about their relationship, the implication is still there and she 100% picks up on it, especially since he wonders aloud why Santari didn't see the change in Dagan before it was too late. Instead of shaming him for his reservations or calling it ridiculous or anything else she could have said at this moment, she instead decides to possibly help curb those fears and give him some comfort regarding it. She goes on to basically tell him in so few words she knows what she's signing up for and is willing to cross those bridges with him if they come. It's a great difference between Cal and Dagan. Though it's never outright stated that Dagan and Santari were in love, I feel like it's... pretty heavily implied, or at least he was definitely in love with her (was I the only one who read it that way??) but whereas Dagan demands that Santari talk him away from the darkness and seems to almost expect her to, Merrin herself plainly offers to do it with no prodding on Cal's part. It doesn't seem to be a burden Cal wanted to put on her, not something he was inherently expecting of her but she willingly offers, it is her choice, she wants to carry that burden with him. While she does seem maybe slightly annoyed by his hesitancy regarding their relationship to each other, she is also so incredibly patient with him while he's stewing over what he wants to do. It's beautiful. As a side note, "A shared dream is not so easy to wake from," is such an amazing line. Seriously, I want merch with that quote on it.
I liked that going through with the relationship was Cal's choice in the end. Merrin didn't push it, she didn't pressure it. She let him bring it up and come to her when he was ready and if that meant potentially being rejected by a man she very clearly adores, so be it, and I have no doubt she would've respected that choice if that's what he'd wanted. I know a lot of people seem to think he only makes this decision due to Bode's questions earlier but it really seems to be a combination of multiple things that lead to this. Bode picking his brain definitely got him thinking about it, maybe more than he wanted to, but I do think the other big part of Cal being willing to go forward with it at this moment is his confrontation with Dagan that, while an illusion, did cause him to come to grips with his own mortality in a way. "How does it feel knowing you're about to die. That your life meant nothing." As Cal says, Dagan uses an extremely powerful force hallucination based on fear here, so while losing himself to the darkness might scare him, his life being completely meaningless is what he seems to fear the most. Cal's journey throughout Survivor encompasses many things but one of them revolves around feeling aimless and finding a purpose, preferably outside of being a hired weapon that will surely and slowly consume him. It's what everyone consistently tells him: find a home, settle down, embrace happiness because it's fleeting, the path you're on is not healthy and will consume you otherwise...etc. His decision here to give in to his romantic attraction to Merrin is a culmination of all of these interactions and conversations he's had throughout the story, how they've influenced his line of thinking, and him coming to his own conclusions regarding what he personally wants and at this moment, when things are finally, calm and everyone is in a good place with a plan going forward, he personally decides there's no point in living up to the expectations of the Jedi when the Order doesn't exist anymore and wants to see where this could go.
I love the fact that when Merrin witnesses Cal's darkness in the ISB, it's made abundantly clear that she's just as afraid of losing him as he most likely is of losing her. I do think a major reason why she was able to talk him down at the moment is that he fundamentally understands what it feels like to lose everything and everyone, your entire livelihood. That is what they first bonded over and it's something that keeps them bonded in the saddest, yet most profound way and he would never want to add himself to the list of people she's lost. She's also doing exactly what she said she would. In an instance where again, she reads him like a fucking book, she can tell just from his responses on the intercom that he's losing himself and is guiding him back. She immediately went to rescue him as she says. No question, no argument, nothing, she simply does it. She made him a promise and she kept it and in that moment, he promises that she won't lose him, he won't allow it. This is a fundamental difference between Anakin and Padme's dynamic and Cal and Merrin's. While Anakin's love for Padme quite famously ends up extremely selfish in an "I would lose myself to ensure you're not ripped away from me" type of way, Cal and Merrin's dynamic is leaning towards a more selfless, "I won't allow myself to be lost because I can't let that happen for your sake," type of way and god damn it, I love it.
There are several interactions they have in gameplay that I'm lowkey peeved weren't included in cutscenes and one of them is when Cal returns to the Mantis after all but demolishing the ISB, they have this really short but great interaction where Merrin says that if he ever feels that way again, he needs to tell her. She doesn't even ask him to do it, she all but demands it, "If you feel that way again, you will tell me." She's demanding communication from him regarding the darkness and he doesn't fight this demand at all. He agrees to respect this request and I fucking love that from both of them. I will genuinely be kinda upset if we don't get a moment like that in the next game.
I like how their kiss after they've successfully navigated the abyss is kind of their first kiss inverted but instead of "omg we might die, I need to kiss you" it's more "holy shit, we survived, I need to kiss you," but instead of Merrin initiating, now it's Cal. I'm probably reading too much into that but whatever, it's cute.
This isn't about any one part in particular but I do love that it looks like the headcanon so many people had regarding Merrin most likely being quite physically affectionate is turning out to be true.
...I think that's enough for now lol I might add on some things later
Apologies for any typos and thanks for indulging my rambling if you got this far.
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gamarancianne · 3 months
Azriel x reader - In Between part III
Part I, part II
Summary: after the disastrous family dinner, you started to get yourself up again by going on dates with a guy working in your coffee shop. But what happens when, by denying your irresponsible acts, you start to hurt your friend
Warning: angst, toxic guy, denial, so much denial, kinda rude Lucien, mean and rude reader, hurt, smut if you squint, and allusion to slut, anxiety, overthinking, regret, lots of regret. Not proofread, my English.
Note: sorryyyyyy for the angst babes but I promise the next part will be *chef kiss*. Love you all ! Thanks again for the love, the support and above all the understanding of my pause 💗💗💗
Also I wanted to say that i move when you react by reblogging or commenting it makes my days !!!
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The ring of the coffee shop you worked in, pulled you out of your well deserved dream. Since you started working again, you sunk again in the meanness and the rudeness of the many customers that came in and almost insulted you ordering their coffee.
What you didn't expect was that it was Feyre, your High Lady who came in. You stilled, back high in your position, your eyes wide open. Her eyes scanned the small and cozy room and brightened when they found your frozen figure. She smiled brightly at you and you felt like you were looking at the sun. She approached the counter and said:
"Hello you !
-High Lady." You bowed your head. She pouted.
"I thought I already told you not to call me that. I'm Feyre to you.
-Right, sorry Hi-Feyre.
- Don't apologize". Her smile returned to her beautiful face. Awkward you asked her:
"So what do you want on the menu.. I have a few favorites if you want advice."
You wondered why did she come in your coffee shop where as there were many that were way more luxurious.
"Oh I didn't want anything, I wanted to see you.
-Me ? But-
- Yes you, I didn't particularly wanted to talk to the wall behind you".
You chuckled at your nervousness.
"I, again, apologize for the mean and completely undeserved behaviour of my sister a few days ago".
The sun of her face was instantly replaced by dense and grey clouds as remembering this bad memory.
"Don't worry really ! It's not your fault, you should not feel guilty about something you haven't done. You haven't been anything but nice and kind to me when I arrived at your private home, kinda inviting the space and the calm of your family.
-No no no ! I feel like you help Lucien a lot, and since he got here it was difficult to talk through what happened to us but I really care about him you know, so I feel delighted to know that someone else does too. And I liked you since I saw you so I wanted to know you!
-It means a lot to me Feyre, really, I liked you too, you're an incredible woman."
She put a hand on her heart, her sea eyes full of emotions and love.
"Well maybe I'll trust you and order something. Get me your favorite!"
You smiled at her and prepared her order, she paid you way more than needed and left after waving goodbye and promising to return to see you maybe with Nyx.
Even serving mean customers, your day had been way better since Feyre came in to say hello. As you were closing the shop, Aaron, the brown haired guy who worked with you was waiting for someone outside. You started walking on the street to your appartment he came to you blushing.
"Hey yn? He asked awkwardly.
-Yes ? You turned to him questioning.
-You know, from a very long time I think you're really kind, and smart and pretty. And I wanted to ask you three weeks ago but you stopped working so it's now or never. I'd really want to go to dinner with you if you'd like.
-Oh my gods that's really kind of you ! Why not ? When do you want to go ?
-Are you free tonight I know a nice restaurant down the street ? He asked relieved from your former response.
-Yes let's go ! I didn't know it before but it seems really nice."
Your walk to the dinner was filled with laughter et joy. It's atmosphere was warm and cozy, just what you needed. You both ate in a comforting silence and he walked you back home.
"I just want to make myself clear. He said hesitantly. Tonight was a date, for me, I like you a lot so..
-Don't worry, it was one for me as well, I've really enjoyed it, it was a nice evening thank you for paying by the way.
-No problem. Then, since we both agree on that, what would you say about another one in 2 or 3 days?
-Yes I would appreciate that ! We'll organise that tomorrow though because I'm really tired now and all I want is to jump under my covers.
-Yeah of course.. yeah see ya !" He kissed you on the corner of your lips and you saw him shrink as walked the down the fairy lit street of Velaris.
The days at work were now so much more joyful and you appreciated it a lot. Your coffee guy and you had been on 4 dates lately and you had one again tonight at the same restaurant. You were disappointed in the fact that you both did exactly the same things as dates but he was nice so you brushed it off. You haven't told anything to Lucien yet, and you could bet that he had guessed because of the suspicious looks he gave you when you would go to work. The bell rang again and Feyre came in for third time in the week. She had been coming with Nyx lately, today was an exception, because he seemed to like you, even to be enamoured with you. That's what Feyre had said. You loved him too, he was so small and so cute with his cheeks burning red everytime you would come up to him and kiss him on the nose or the forehead. You brightly smiled at her but she seemed a bit off today. You frowned a little and when she arrived at the counter you took her and led her to a more private table. You could see she was thankful thanks to her beaming eyes.
"What's happening Fey?"
You had a thing with nicknames, it was your own love language. Everytime you would meet someone new, and that you liked them of course, they would end up with a nickname of yours, even your high lady.
"Well, Rhys and I are really really tired because of the parenthood and we haven't had time for ourselves, I mean our relationship lately. Plus with the tiredness, we argued this morning and said bad things that we didn't mean but nobody apologized for now. And I would've liked if Rhys and I could go to a 3 days maybe 2, vacation at the cabin to rest and enjoy eachother a little...
-Do you want me to babysit Nyx ? You cut her off and she seemed embarrassed to ask you that.
-Well, I know we've been friends just for a short period of time but Nyx only wants you to babysit him, we've tried everyone but he can't seem to stop crying or asking you if you aren't the one to keep an eye on him. I'm really sorry yn.
-Hey Fey, don't worry really. You brushed an arm on her shoulder to ease her tension. I asked because I wanted to offer my help, there's no need to be embarrassed, of course I will stay with this little demon. And you know, even if it's not since a long time, I value and cherish a lot our blooming friendship."
She hugged you tightly and you did as well.
"Also, enjoy Rhys and don't worry you can even go one week if you want. But do you mind if on the morning I come here with Nyx, unfortunately I can't stop work.
-Really ? Oh my gods you really are the bestest friend!! And yes he loves your coffee shop anyway. Are you free to start tonight ?"
You nodded and she hugged you goodbye and stormed off the shop surely to inform Rhys, a big smile on her beautiful face.
The day at the shop had been quite calm and relaxing, on the contrary of usual. You had cancelled your date and he seemed a bit mad, but you understood so you brushed it off. You were walking to the townhouse now, listening to the lovely music of the talented artists of the rainbow. As you walked through the door, Rhys came at you, eyes thankful as ever, and hugged you saying that it meant a lot to him and that you were helping him with his relationship and he was so grateful for that. You reassured him and after discussing with Fey she led you to the little Lord of the night who was playing with a giant figure that seemed way too familiar to you to be at ease, before running into your arms and screaming your name. The figure flinched and stilled before beautiful Hazel eyes sunk into yours and you lost yourself in the beauty of the male sat before you. Azriel. He was there, playing with Nyx and his toys and you were hugging back Nyx, hung on your legs. Feyre quickly hugged you goodbye and vanished away when her and Rhys windowed straight to the cabin. You couldn't move, you were frozen on your feet but Nyx pulled you sat in front of Azriel.
"Let's play with my favorite aunt and uncle !"
He was so oblivious to what was going on between you and Azriel, so innocent. It was kinda cute but you couldn't think of that I that moment.
"He wanted me to stay but not without you, I'm sorry if I make you feel awkward. Azriel explained, eyes filled with genuine apologies.
-Dont worry, he's the little king after all, he gets to decide."
On the contrary of what you had expected, Azriel, Nyx and you had had a very good week. Azriel and you were really organized: while you were working he would take Nyx out flying and is he had reports or little missions to do you would take the little Lord to the coffee shop and under the hard gaze of your coffee guy, Azriel would come pick you both up. The night you would both play, read and then put Nyx in bed with a kiss. After the conversation was not awkward at all, you discussed a little bit of everything in your life: Azriel had told you the story behind the siphons he had and the Carynthian trial, what a fool you were asking him the first time where you could buy them. And you told Azriel the story behind the library coffee shop you held, the fact that being a girl you weren't given the chance to read and always admired the beautiful books in a library or a bookshop, so you decided to allow people who couldn't afford books to read, especially if they loved it. You talked and talked and laughed, but never ever has the infamous subject been approached. But it was better this way, to move on and everything.
Tonight was the last night with Nyx and after a flying time, a picnic near the Sidra, and a 3 scoops ice scream on the way back home, Nyx was now in his pajamas and ready to go to sleep after a big day of activities. But he wouldn't manage sleeping if you weren't in bed with him pretending to sleep as well.
That's the reason why you found yourself tangled on the couch with Azriel, an almost sleeping Nyx on your lap while the former was reading him a story. Gods that voice of his ! It was so attractive.. how could you move on to that ?? You were almost eye fucking him at this point. But in effort to not make a fool of yourself, you closes your eyes and tried to relax a little. But what you didn't expect was to fall asleep with his voice, which he didn't expect too. He found himself with Nyx and the beautiful female he would like to call his asleep on him. Oh gods he was panicking. He didn't really realise you were asleep on him. YOU WERE SLEEPING ON HIM !!! Azriel was trying to catch his breath to no wake you up but it was difficult knowing that you laid on his chest, holding tightly his shirt, clearly a sleeping beauty. So he relaxed himself as well and fell asleep too.
You felt sunlight peak through your eyes closed but they felt too heavy to open them and wake up. Plus you were so comfortable, it was warm and there was tight arms hugging your waist and chest.
But around 5 minutes later, your mind found consciousness again when you hear little giggles coming from above you. You opened your eyes and saw two pairs of icy and violet eyes looking straight at you, glistening with joy and mischief. You wondered why until yours went wide as you realised the arms and the warm wave from the one and unique Azriel. Rhys bursted out of laughter at your panicked face and Feyre poked and scolded him for wakening Azriel. Because yes, he did. And Nyx woke up too, jumping on his parents still laughing at now two panicked faces. After thanking both of you, Feyre and Rhys seemed to be having their own secret conversation because of the way their eyes went glassy in a matter of seconds. So you jumped on the opportunity to flee, to run away from this damn situation. What have you done ?!
Arriving at your appartment the door was open so you assumed Lucien had stayed in. Coming in you were met with him yelling at you.
"Have you lost your mind ?"
You had never seen him like that and you didn't understand why.
"What ? What's going on Lu?
-Don't Lu me right now, that's not the time ! I've learnt that you were having dates with a guy for 2 weeks now? And besides the fact that you haven't told me anything, which I'm upset for, that damn guy came today. He was fuckibg banging at the door, almost crashing it ! When I opened, we both explained our situation with you, he got mad, started yelling that you were going to fucking pay for the fact that you were avoiding him and seeing another male he saw you with !
-Dont worry Lu, I don't see anyone else, I was just babysittkng Nyx with Az, that's all.
-But I don't care about that! That's not the fucking problem! The damn thing is that this guy is a walking Red flag! He screams toxic a hundred miles away ! And seeing him yelling like a godsdamned animal earlier, it wouldn't surprise me for him to be an abuser! So stop seeing him please !
-What ? No ? You're emphasising Lu, he's not like that I promise, he's kind and nice to me!
-Please yn.. I've seen him.. I dont want you to get hurt."
The whole conversation was starting to upset you. You hadn't slept a lot, had woken up awkward as hell and you hadn't even put a feet in your own appartment that your best friend started screaming at you for a guy he didn't even know.
"Okay Lucien." He stilled, you never called him that usually.
"It's not because your own relationship didn't work that you have to have a word on mine or ruin it for me to still be the pitiful single not-even-bestfriend of yours."
He opened his mouth, ready to talk back but nothing came out of it. You saw the big pained look in his eye and immediately regretted your action.
"Oh my gods Lu, I'm so sorry I didn't me-
-As you said.. don't Lu me right now." He said cold voice starting to walk to the doors.
"NO PLEASE LU!" It was your turn to scream now.
He slammed the door shut, and you cried your whole heart out: you were such an ass. No wonder why Azriel, then Elain and now Lucien had walked away from you. You hurt everything and everyone you loved. Feyre might even be pretending to be your friend. You only felt just an ounce of relief when the cool breeze of a shadow caressed your the back of your neck.
The shadow had stayed the day and helped you with everything. It was comforting really and you needed it. You blamed yourself for what happened with Lucien earlier, really you did and you only thought about that. But you still went to work and met your coffee guy who proposed a date the night for you to make it up for the lost time. That's what he had said with a wink. You had nodded but hadn't said anything, a little hurt by what he said. Maybe Lucien was right after all ? No that couldn't be possible. You couldn't possibly be terrible in every relationship choices you made ? So you agreed and back home before the date, you decided that you would indeed make up for the lost time. You dressed yourself in a long blue dress with your back naked, attached your hair in a stylised bun and put on mascara and red lips. You were really sexy and beautiful. For once you could admit it and call you that.
The dinner went well and on the door, he kissed fervently. At first you were shocked but still answered to the sloppy kiss. He pinned you on your door and after a pressing unlock, he slammed it and carried you to your bed for what you thought to be a sleepless night.
It was a sleepless night indeed, but not like you thought it would be. He wasn't even food in bed and you had spent the entire night regretting it but fearing of just moving an inch. You had just been staring at the ceiling wondering what had you done again and thinking about the fact that you should have listened to Lucien. Panicking again, in a too short period of time, you sensed again the shadow curling against your neck, as if it was comforting you.
@mirandasidefics @63angel @leeknows-wife @thehighlordishere @annaaaaa88 @starsinyourseyes @oucereeng @wallacewillow0773638 @kalulakunundrum
Sorry for the tags that didn't work I couldn't find your accounts :/
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naivegh0ul · 7 months
ABSOLUTELY SPLENDID (also omg hiii! Pain buddies ♡♡♡)
If its ok could you do Gn!Reader at least? Since im just a gay lil lad. (I'm a guy but I feel a lil rude to ask for masc!Reader 👉👈)
Anyway! Reader with a cane and chronic pain and EDS related issues (like hypermobile joints) and ghost being so kind about it especially since reader is young and "looks healthy"
Always anxious about using their cane because of certain people making comments like that. Like they can walk without it a bit but will be so sad and achy cause their legs and back hurts and so many places just do NOT have enough seating. (Often ends up sitting on the floor even to rest even though its such a hassle to sit down or push themselves up)
Scary dog privilege ghost being such a good emotional support, being so gentle with reader to use their mobility aid while also being so scary to someone if they try to say something or give a look.
Ghost being like a human reminder to take breaks, fix posture (you know with hypermobility and 'knee locking'), take your cane, pain killers for more busy days etc. Cause he just cares so fucking much and wants to make sure reader is in the least amount of pain possible.
Probably would carry reader if they asked
Just!! Need soft ghost comforts cause im such a sad achy boy rn.
(Also a lil unrelated to chronic pain but I need him to lay his full body weight on my small body cause I am the autistic and I crave that pressure and also feel like it would do WONDERS for my back)
how and why are you so relatable!!!! also don't ever feel rude or awkward ab requesting masc reader, pls request whatever you want <333
Ghost understands your chronic pain, after all, he's getting shot at on the daily so he's pretty achey all over. He's always reassuring you whenever you're having one of your bad days, cuddling you close to him when you sniffle and sob into his chest from the pain :(
He's such a sweetheart about it and always carries a spare cane with him wherever he goes. People don't question an older veteran carrying around a cane so you don't have to worry about people giving you weird looks about it.
And if it's one of those days where you're really feeling anxious about using your mobility aids in public, Ghost will just carry you. He doesn't want you sitting on the hard, dirty floor so he'll have you on his back or holding you bridal-style.
He calls you his little backpack when he's carrying you on his back. Sometimes people look at him weird because why is Ghost carrying a full grown man on his back? Ghost just glares at them, gives them a 'don't say anything bad about my partner or I'll kill you' type of look.
He is like a human alarm clock sometimes, pops up behind you and whispers "Have you taken your meds?" in your ear before magically producing them, pulling them out of his pocket. (and an entire water bottle??)
I need him to lay me too, dude. After a long day of you using your cane, he'll feed you and make you take your medication before laying you in bed and putting his entire body weight on top of you.
This man will become a heated, weighted blanket in an instant. He'll have you lay your head on your wedge pillow and will flop on top of you, nuzzling his face into your neck and praising you for how well you did today and how you took all of your meds and used your mobility aid when you needed it instead of trying to push through the pain.
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cielcreations · 2 months
"Hung Up"
When Solidarity confessed his feelings to Tango, expressing his love and desire and asking the other on a date, Tango immediately said yes. He was so happy and excited, especially since he had been crushing on the other for what felt like years. They went on a couple of dates, smiling, laughing, getting to know one another, having fun.
"So, does this make us boyfriends?" Tango teased.
Solidarity blushed and smiled, going to say something before he paused. He seemed to remember something, then sighed, "Listen, I'm going to be completely upfront with you because I do want to be your boyfriend and stuff, but I have this... ex..."
"Is it a crazy stalker ex?"
"Not really. Just..." The dirty blonde tried to think of a way to word it, "He and I share a big friend group and he has convinced them that I'm apparently still hung up on him and that he was so kind to continue being my friend even though we broke up. Oh, and the reason I haven't dated anyone is cause I'm totally waiting for him to come back!" He groaned, visibly annoyed as sarcasm laced his voice, "Hell, he's convinced my siblings of this when he's the one calling me drunk in the middle of the night!"
"Why haven't you blocked him, if you don't mind me asking?" Tango questioned.
The dirty blonde sighed, "It's cause of the friend group we share. I've always been really awkward, so I just became friends with my siblings friends and then when I began dating Scott, my ex, I became friends with his friends. I don't really have a lot of my own friends and, if I block him, everyone would make it this big deal, like I broke the law or something and I just..." He sighed again, "I'm sorry, I don't mean to vent..."
"No, no, it's fine." The blonde reassured with a smile, gently putting a hand on his shoulder, "I understand. It's probably really annoying and frustrating and I'm guessing you don't have a lot of people to talk to about this."
Solidarity weakly nodded, "...I just don't want to rock the boat. Makes my anxiety shoot through the roof. If I just go with it, no matter how uncomfortable I am, it'll be fine."
Tango hugged him, "But that's not healthy, Soli..."
"I-I know, I know... I just don't know what to do..."
"We'll work on it, okay? First step to fixing a problem is acknowledging there is a problem, so you're on the right track already!"
Solidarity laughed before he hummed, "Anyways, all this to say that if we do start dating and you get these comments about how I'm supposedly not over Scott or how you're 'just a rebound', that's untrue and ignore it. Scott and I broke up in high school."
"Wait, wait, with how you talked about this, this sounds like a recent break up! You guys broke up in high school?"
"Yep. And trust me, I know." He sighed, "It's why I moved here, mainly to put some distance between myself and the friend group and my siblings. I don't want them to choose between Scott and I, but I just don't want to hear how hung up I apparently am or how I need to get back in the dating field or if I ignore Scott or don't do something for him, I'm holding a grudge!" He huffed.
Tango hugged him more, "Well, don't worry, I'm not one to take shit lying down! If they want to poke fun, I poke back but harder!" He giggled, "In the meantime, why don't I introduce you to my friends? It'll be good to meet new people, plus it will help to keep your mind of things!"
Solidarity smiled, "I'd like that."
The two became an official couple, Tango showing Solidarity off to all his friends. Solidarity asked Tango if he was okay with him waiting before he told his friends and siblings, Tango not minding. In the meantime, the dirty blonde fit right in with Skizz, Impulse, Zed, Bdubs, and Etho. With his clumsy, adorable but sweet attitude, it meshed well with the chaotic mess that could be Skizz and Zed in the same room. Solidarity also got along with Etho and Impulse, the three usually acting as the peacemakers when Tango and Bdubs joined in on whatever chaos Zed and Skizz tried to bring. It was overall a great thing and Tango could see his beautiful boyfriend seemed to glow even more. It was like a dark cloud he noticed that was always over Solidarity's head seemed to finally disappear, especially since he's been on his phone or computer less, talking to that friend group less.
One night, the group were all at Impulse's house, sharing a few drinks and laughs, when Solidarity's phone buzzed. He hummed, a bit tipsy as he answered the phone without checking the caller ID.
"Hello-" He paused and his face fell immediately. He looked at Tango, who looked at him, concerned. Solidarity then seemed to get an idea, eyes widening as he smirked, "Okay, wait one second, hold on!" He put the phone on speaker, leaning into Tango, "Can you hear me?"
"Yeaaaah?" A Scottish voice responded in a questioning tone.
"Okay, good." He then looked at the blonde, playing with his hair, "Tango, Light, could you introduce yourself to Scott for me?"
Tango's eyes widened before he smirked, taking the phone, "Hello Mr. Scott, my name is Tango Tek, aka light of Solidarity's life, aka his honey, aka his handsome man, aka his soulmate, aka his rancher, aka his boyfriend, and we are actually currently in the middle of making out so we would appreciate no more interruptions! I know it's been awhile for you, but I need Soli's soft lips on mine, it is quite addicting! To bad you can't experience it! Buh-byyyyyyyye~!" He hung up, everyone laughing as the blonde gave Solidarity his phone back and kissed his cheek.
"Who was that?" Zed asked.
Tango wrapped an arm around his boyfriend, "Crazy ex."
"Crazy stalker ex?" Etho prodded.
"Not stalker level yet." Solidarity reassured, "But definitely crazy ex. From high school."
"Yep, that'll do it." Bdubs joked, "Anyone need another drink? I'm heading to the kitchen."
The night continued and everyone slept over, seeing as they were not going to drink and drive. Tango and Solidarity shared the couch, the dirty blonde acting as Tango's blanket as they cuddled and slept together. So, it made it very obvious when Solidarity got off the couch, causing the blonde to stir as his weighted blanket was no longer there. He sat up, glancing around before hearing something outside. Tango walked outside and saw Solidarity, very clearly frustrated, tears in his eyes with the tension in his body.
"...Did you ever think that maybe, just maybe, i didn't tell you guys for this exact reason?!" Solidarity yelled, "...Yeah, you're my brother, and yet you constantly choose Scott over me! Don't-! ...No, you can't even say that, don't you dare say that! I've told you repeatedly that Scott makes me uncomfortable, that I don't like him being around, and you, with everyone else, brushed me off because I 'have to get over him!'" The dirty blonde said in a mocking voice with air quotes.
He was silent, before hissing out, "He called me! The only reason you all now know I'm dating is cause Scott can't get over the fact I moved two hours away from everyone and refuse to give him my address or pick him up when he goes out drinking! I was going to tell you all on my time, but of course, Scott ruined it because he fucking ruins everything! So, yes, I am dating someone! Okay?! Happy?! Bye!" He hung up.
Tango moved and hugged him, Solidarity leaning into him. The blonde rubbed the other's back, feeling Solidarity shake in frustration as his tears stained Tango's shirt. Tango cooed and rubbed circles into his back, kissing his forehead.
"I'm so sick of him..." The dirty blonde murmured.
Tango nodded, "Do you want me to block him for you?"
"No, it-"
"I can be the bad guy. If he complains, tell him and his flying monkeys that I feel uncomfortable with your ex trying to talk with you."
Solidarity hummed, "Later... Just hold me now..."
Tango hugged him tighter, "Gladly."
After everyone had woken up and began eating breakfast, Tango took Solidarity's phone, sending Scott a text and prefaced it by saying it was him and how he didn't feel comfortable with Scott talking to Solidarity when they were together and to please not text or call him anymore before blocking him. When the two got home, Solidarity had gotten a bunch of texts from his brother and sister as well as mutual friends he had with Scott, all saying how they didn't know he was dating someone new, asking why he didn't tell them, and then asking why Tango blocked Scott.
"The more they talk, the more I just want to go no contact." Solidarity admitted, "It's always about Scott. If I don't help him, I'm an asshole holding a grudge over the breakup. If I do help, I'm still hung up. Blocking him for 'no reason' is not okay and I need to let go. I'm just so over this."
Tango took his phone and shut it off, "Okay, let's just forget about electronics for the day. How about we do something to get your mind off things?"
"Like what?"
Tango kissed his cheek, smiling, "We could go to the bedroom~?"
"Oh my god!" Solidarity laughed, "Trying to get in my pants when this is serious talk?"
"Serious does not mean important! Besides, it'll make sure your mind is only on me soooooo~?"
"You're ridiculous." The dirty blonde kissed his nose, smiling, "Let's go."
When Solidarity turned his phone on the next day, he sent a simple text to everyone.
Solidarity:  Yes, I'm in a new relationship, I have been for two months. I didn't say anything because I wanted to wait and get more serious. I also don't want to jeopardize this relationship. Out of respect for Tango, and myself, I'm going to ask you to stop trying to get me to talk with Scott. 
Of course, people tried to ask more questions, but he made another text, simply saying "I don't feel comfortable sharing anymore details. Please just respect my boundaries." Of course, some complained, but he just closed his phone, ignoring it.
"I think they're starting to see you've developed quite a backbone!" Tango encouraged.
"Thanks to you, really." The dirty blonde smiled, "I really like you and our relationship means more to me than that friend group. Time to actually prove it, I guess."
"I'm proud of you." Tango kissed his lips, "I know it's hard putting down boundaries and sticking up for yourself, but once you get used to it, it becomes easier."
Solidarity nodded, smiling.
Solidarity didn't introduce Tango to his brother and sister and the friend group for about a year. Tango respected his decision and understood why, judging from their reactions when the dirty blonde first blocked Scott, he wasn't sure they would even accept that Solidarity actually moved on. However, it was Christmas and Solidarity explained he had been skipping the past couple holidays because he knew Scott would be there and didn't want to deal with the inevitable.
"It's been a year and we've been together ever since. Why don't we give them a chance?"
Solidarity was hesitant, "...I don't know."
"Come on, please?" Tango hugged him, "I can handle myself just fine, love! And I can shut them down! You know I can!"
The dirty blonde hesitated again before he sighed, "The moment I feel uncomfortable and ask you to pack your stuff, we leave."
"Of course!"
So, they made their way to Solidarity's brother's house, two hours away. Solidarity tapped anxiously on the steering wheel, biting his bottom lip.
"It's okay, we'll be fine." Tango reassured, able to see the other white-knuckling the steering wheel.
"I-I just-!" He took a deep breath, "I know Scott is probably going to be there and he's going to mention our high school days a lot." 
Tango shrugged, "Okay?"
"We used to call ourselves 'Flower Husbands' because we were teenagers exploring our sexuality or how he was my first relationship or how he was my first kiss or how he was my first whatever else." The dirty blonde rolled his eyes, sighing, "He's just going to try to embarrass me or make you jealous or something else."
"Was he your first? In, like, the bedroom department?"
Solidarity blushed darkly, "T-TANGO!"
"Yes or no?"
"I-I already told you, you were my first- oh..." The dirty blonde chuckled, "You are going to use that, aren't you?"
The blonde snickered, "Of course! I'll just mention how I deflowered one of the Flower Husbands and maybe it'll shut him up!"
"Idiot." Solidarity teased.
They continued talking and laughing, having an amazing time as they distracted themselves while driving. Eventually, they pulled up to the house and Solidarity sighed, taking a deep breath. There were a couple of cars already crowding the driveway, so Solidarity just parked in the grass. Tango was the first to step out, but the dirty blonde didn't move. He went to the driver's side, opening the door and kneeling down. He could see the other shaking a bit, biting his bottom lip anxiously, tapping his fingers on the wheel.
"It's okay." Tango reassured, cupping his face, "Soli, it's fine. You know me, I won't get jealous or feel threatened or whatever, no matter what anyone says."
"I-I know, I just..." Solidarity leaned into his touch, closing his eyes as he shook a bit, "I'm not worried about you..."
"Excuse me?"
Tango turned, seeing a brunette woman standing on the porch.
"Can I help you?" She asked, "Are you lost? This is private property."
"Uh, no, I'm not lost! Hi, I'm Tango, Soli's boyfriend!" Tango explained, standing up.
"'Soli?'" She repeated, confused.
"Solidarity?" Tango explained, "I-I call him Soli!"
Solidarity hesitantly got out of the car, Tango hovering over him. He shut the car door and smiled, but the man could see the anxiety written on his face still. Solidarity took Tango's hand in his, the blonde squeezing reassuringly.
"Hi Pearl." Solidarity smiled, relaxing a bit as he motioned to the blonde, "This is Tango. My boyfriend for a year and three months."
"Four months, really! I just wanted to take you out on a lot of pre-boyfriend dates!" Tango argued.
"Don't tell on yourself, Tango, my sister will think you're a coward for waiting a month to officially ask to be my boyfriend." The dirty blonde teased before looking at Pearl, "It's good to see you."
The brunette laughed, "Awww, you both are cute. It's nice to meet you Tango!" She walked over, hugging her brother, "And good to see ya, Jim. Come on! We're still waiting on a couple of people!"
They walked inside and Solidarity introduced Tango to Grian, his brother, and then some of the people in the friend group. Gem and Fwhip (who were twins), Joel and Lizzie (a married couple), Cleo, Scar, and Mumbo. All were polite, introducing themselves.
"Other people will be coming, but it's good to finally meet Solidarity's secret boyfriend!" Joel teased, raising an eyebrow, "Scott will be coming, hope it won't make you uncomfortable." He said in a nice tone, but Tango and Solidarity knew he was mocking the blonde.
Solidarity narrowed his eyes slightly, annoyed.
However, Tango just smiled, "Actually, it'd be great to meet the person who drunk called at two am and immediately hung up when I answered!" He said in the same nice voice before he looked at the dirty blonde, fake gasping, "WAIT! Do you think he hung up cause he had a crush on me?! Oh my god, Soli, I'm not prepared, where's the bathroom! I need to make myself presentable!"
Everyone laughed besides Joel, who narrowed his eyes a bit. Solidarity looked at Joel, took Tango's hand and kissed the blonde's cheek before pulling him to the couch. Everyone either caught up with Solidarity or got to know Tango better. Occasionally, either Fwhip or Joel would slip in a snarky comment about Tango blocking Scott or feeling uncomfortable with Scott, but disguised it as playful banter. Tango never took the bait, laughing it off or giving it right back.
At one point, he asked Joel, "Oh, so Lizzie must still talk to her exes, right? Seeing as you're so interested in Soli talking to his!"
Joel actually seemed shocked by this, responding, "Uh, no? Why would she? We're married, I wouldn't want her doing that."
"Huh, weird that you wouldn't want your wife talking to her exes." Tango looked at Solidarity, "I couldn't imagine that."
"Me either." Solidarity hummed, looking at Joel, "Anyways, what were you saying about Scott?"
That seemed to be the moment Joel sort of backed off. Fwhip still tried to get under Tango's skin, but Solidarity knew his boyfriend was a master of "not giving a shit". He watched Tango take whatever was thrown at him and either laughed it off or gave the same energy right back. He smiled and leaned into the other, happy.
However, after about an hour and a half, a couple more people arrived. Tango was introduced to Sausage, Martyn and Ren (a couple, Martyn being one of the ones who Solidarity actually talked to on a regular basis and who Tango immediately liked as the blonde whispered to him "Scott's a huge dick but has everyone wrapped around his finger, don't let him get to you or Timmy."), Big B, and Cub.
And, of course, Scott.
The man was last to arrive. He walked in and everyone, besides Solidarity, Tango, Martyn, and Ren, cheered, saying hi to him and giving him a hug. Scott laughed and hugged back before turning. He gasped as his eyes landed on Solidarity, smiling brightly.
"Dary, oh my god, it's been forever! How are you? It's so good to finally see you again!" He opened his arms to give the other a hug.
Tango could see his boyfriend stiffen up. So, he stepped in front of him and hugged Scott instead, "Hi! It's nice to finally meet you! I've heard so much about you from Grian, Joel, and Fwhip!" Scott pulled back, confused, but Tango held his hand, shaking it.
"Oh, uh, who are-?"
"It's such a pleasure to meet you! My name is Tango!" The blonde smiled innocently, "I'm Soli's boyfriend! We've been dating for a year and four months, not that anyone is counting."
"Three. You insisted on taking me on one month pre-boyfriend dates." Solidarity laughed.
"But we were still exclusive!" Tango turned around and gave Solidarity a hug, the dirty blonde happily returning it, "So that month counts!"
"You know what? It's Christmas, we'll let it count!"
"Yes!" The blonde cheered before he looked back at Scott, leaning into the dirty blonde. Solidarity wrapped one arm around his shoulders as Tango hugged his side, smiling at the other, "Anyways, yeah, it's so nice to finally meet you!"
Solidarity offered his other hand, seeing as the one was wrapped around Tango and too occupied for a hug, "Good to see you again, Scott."
Scott was obviously displeased, but smiled, shaking Solidarity's hand, "You too, Dary."
The man left to greet everyone else as Martyn and Ren walked towards Tango and Solidarity.
"Well damn, I like you." Martyn chuckled, whispering, "You sure know the rules of Scott's game."
Tango smiled innocently, "No idea what you're talking about."
Solidarity laughed, "Mar and I fake dated for awhile in hopes of Scott dropping the whole 'I'm hung up' shtick, and he's never acted like that."
"You got under his skin good." Ren complimented, the four looking at Scott, who was talking with Joel and Lizzie, "He's just going to step up his game."
"Good." Tango chuckled, "I hope so. Soli, how uncomfortable am I going to make everyone?"
"You have my complete consent to do whatever you want to do."
"Ohoho, that's dangerous, Love."
"It is for them, Light."
For the night, Tango stuck to Solidarity like glue, acting like the clingiest boyfriend in the world and Solidarity couldn't be happier with it. They mainly sat on the couch and talked with others, Scott moving to sit beside them occasionally. Because Solidarity was sitting against the arm rest and Tango was next to him, Scott simply sat on Tango's other side, even though he seemed a bit unhappy about it. The conversation flowed with people asking Solidarity how he was doing, if he would be visiting more, and asking Tango about his work, what he did, etc.
Scott would try to bring up something about an old date, but Tango would "accidentally" interrupt, telling a story about their first date or the time Solidarity taught Tango how to ice skate or the time Tango showed Solidarity a trick he knew on how to always win claw machines, even taking out his phone and gushing about the cat he and Solidarity adopted together that Solidarity named Norman.
"He loves naming animals human names, it's sooooooo cute!" Tango giggled before gasping, turning to look at Scott, "Oh, sorry, I hope you don't mind! I'm just so happy to finally meet everyone! I mean, Soli was so scared coming down here, thinking I wouldn't be accepted or fit in. I'm sure you've had to help him through an anxiety or panic attack before, right!"
Scott stared, "No, actually, I haven't."
"Oh, really?" Tango asked, faking confusion because he knew the answer.
"Wait, since when have you had anxiety, Solidarity?" Fwhip asked.
Gem elbowed him, "Dude. Not how you ask."
"It's cool Gem, I was only recently diagnosed so I don't blame him." Solidarity chuckled, smiling awkwardly before looking at Tango, "It was I think two months after I met you? So that's... what, two years?"
"That sounds about right." He looked at the rest of the group, smiling innocently, "He must've changed a lot since high school if no one noticed." He hummed, looking at Scott, "Poor thing was so nervous no one would like me! He was so scared no one would accept me because they all were hung up on you and your past relationship!" 
Scott narrowed his eyes a bit, Solidarity blushing as he let out a "T-Tango!"
Everyone laughed, either not noticing the slight accusation or choosing to ignore it, conversation continuing to flow. At one point, Solidarity had to use the bathroom, the man standing up to go. Tango playfully cried out an "Don't leave me!", the group continuing to laugh, talk, and joke.
"Oh, Tango, I have to ask-" Scott smiled innocently at the blonde, "-does Dary still get embarrassed over PDA? I swear, kissing him is like pulling teeth sometimes!"
"No, actually! He loves to share kisses with me! He's such a giver, it's adorable!" Tango giggled, smiling back innocently, "He's such a cuddler too, he's like a puppy sometimes!"
"I guess that makes sense. I was his first kiss after all, he was so embarrassed about it. I could hardly get him to stay still sometimes!" Scott had a sly smirk on his face, "Guess you can thank me for his confidence! He learned from the best!"
"Nah, it's thanks to me! After all-" He leaned towards Scott, whispering in his ear as he smirked, "-I was the first one to get him to spread his legs."
Scott blushed darkly, eyes widening.
"His entire body was red, he was so embarrassed the first time. But now? I can't keep up, half the time. You should see him on his knees, begging. He's so good at it. He really is like a dog." Tango pulled away, smiling innocently, "A good one! The best one!"
Before anyone could ask or say anything, Solidarity came back. He sat next to Tango, the blonde smirking at Scott. He grabbed the other's chin and pulled him in for a kiss, Solidarity kissing back with no hesitation, even wrapping an arm around his waist. When they pulled back, Tango leaned into him, Solidarity keeping his arm in it's place.
Solidarity laughed a bit, face turning red, "You're ridiculous!"
"You love it!"
Scott excused himself to the bathroom, Tango just smiling.
Eventually, dinner was done and everyone got their plates of food. Scott had come back and got his own food. Tango and Solidarity hadn't noticed that they had switched places (with Tango by the arm rest), so Scott sat beside Solidarity. The blonde went to move or say something, but Solidarity gave him an "it's fine" look and smile. Everyone sat around in the living room, talking, bouncing stories off each other, Tango excitedly listening to the stories of young Solidarity, who either blushed in embarrassment or yelled to "not tell that one!" They asked Tango and Solidarity questions about them and their relationship, what it was like living two hours away, if they had any plans to move back, overall having a good time. 
Until the alcohol was brought out.
Grian offered cups to everyone, Tango looking at Solidarity.
"You drink as much as you want, I'll drive." Solidarity reassured with a smile.
"Can you drive me too, then?" Scott asked, holding his own cup and beginning to gently draw shapes on his arm.
Solidarity stiffened, "I'm sure someone else can, Tango and I have to go in the opposite direction of your place."
"Awwww, you used to do it all the time when we would sneak alcohol." Scott chuckled, "Remember when we would steal my from my dad's stash? Grian caught us one time and was pissed!"
"Yeah, cause I thought Solidarity had never drank before, especially when you were both fifteen!" Grian teased.
Scott laughed, everyone did, but Solidarity and Tango. Tango held Solidarity's hand, rubbing circles in his palm to try and ground him as the other was stiff.
"Come on, I don't drink and drive and I left my car at home knowing about the alcohol! Are you gonna leave this power damsel all by himself?" Scott teased, drawing flower shapes on Solidarity's arm, "Will Tango not let you?" He accused, but said it in a teasing manner, everyone but Solidarity, Tango, Martyn, and Ren chuckling a bit.
The blonde could feel Solidarity tense up more. He smiled innocently, "Scott, why do you always ask Soli, are you still hung up on him?"
"H-Huh?! What, no, he-"
"Then I think it's weird how you always ask Soli." Tango said in the same teasing voice, though his accusation was more clear.
"He's right, Scott!" Martyn called, also having that teasing voice, "You know what, Ren can take us home! Ren's not allowed to drink outside our house!"
"It was one time!" Ren groaned playfully, both still trying to keep the playful energy, trying to ease the tension.
"One too many times!"
Solidarity was still stiff.
Tango spoke up, "Listen, if I convince him to take you home, will you promise we won't get a drunk call? Look how beautiful Soli is! He gets more pretty in his sleep and I can't have you ruining my eye candy!"
Scott flushed before he smiled, recovering with, "Come on, can't we share him? I mean, he already has me blocked because I make you uncomfortable, I just want to spend more time with him! He rarely visits nowadays!"
"Gee, I wonder why." Solidarity said, unable to mask his annoyance.
Tango stopped the teasing, looking at the other, "Soli-"
"What's wrong, Dary?" Scott asked, still tracing shapes on his arm.
Solidarity took a deep breath and retracted his arm, standing up, "Tango, get your things, we're leaving."
Tango stood up and grabbed his and Solidarity's things, seeing as Grian and Pearl stood up, trying to stop their brother, everyone else too stunned to move or say anything at the suddenness.
"Timmy, what's wrong?" "Nothing, I just want to leave-" "Come on Jim, it's Christmas, please stay!" "Both of you, move, I want to leave!" "You were never like this before, what the hell happened?!" "You know what happened!" "No we don't because you refuse to talk or visit us half the time!" "I've told you why, you just refuse to listen to me!"
Tango grabbed Solidarity's arm, pulling him past them, "Come on, Love, just look down, I'll drive-"
"Hold on, we're talking-"
"With all due respect, Grian, your brother is about to have a panic attack!" Tango glared, standing in front of Solidarity, protecting him as the other shook. Martyn and Ren climbed over the couch and tried to calm him down as Tango hissed, "I'm trying to get him away from people and in a safe place so he can calm down! So, if you'll excuse us-"
"Oh, and you know so much more about him than me, right?!" Grian glared, "You guys have been together for a year and yet you know more than his own brother?"
"Apparently, I do, he moved away for a reason!" The blonde hissed.
"Come on, Soli-" 
Pearl grabbed Solidarity's arm, "Guys, please just calm down! Jimmy, if you need a safe place, you can go in your old room and-"
"DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND I WANT TO LEAVE BECAUSE THIS WHOLE HOUSE FEELS UNSAFE?!" Solidarity screamed, facing Pearl, retracting his arm, "THIS ENTIRE HOUSE IS UNSAFE BECAUSE OF HIM!" He motioned to Scott.
"Dary, what-"
"Hey, let's all just calm down!" Lizzie exclaimed, "Scott didn't do anything-"
"Shut up, Lizzie!" Solidarity growled.
"Woah, don't talk-"
"Shut up, Joel!" The dirty blonde repeated, motioning around the house, "THIS! This is why I don't come down here, this is exactly why! Everyone pushes my boundaries and then tells me to calm down, that I'm overreacting, that I'm being too sensitive, that I can't take a joke! So you know what?! FINE! I won't be back!"
"NO! I'm tired of this, I'm tired of all this! I'm tired of being told I need to move on from Scott, that I need to let go of a grudge, that I need to just accept things, stuff that I have already done!" Solidarity looked at Scott, glaring, "I wish I never dated you if this is how you would react. Congrats, you've convinced everyone, including my own brother and sister, that I apparently am hung up on you! Despite the fact I have recorded voicemails of you crying, saying how you miss me, how you love me, how you wish we could go back to the way things were! Despite the fact I would pick you up so you didn't walk home drunk, and you tried to kiss me or make me stay the night! Despite the fact you would touch my arms and back and legs and I would not reciprocate, in fact, I would go stiff or tell you to stop, but you didn't care! Despite the fact I moved two hours away so I didn't have to deal with this! Yep, I'm still hung up on you! Tango is totally just a rebound and I am totally just waiting for you to confess your undying love for me so we can live happily ever after! Yep, that's exactly what I'm doing!"
He motioned towards the room, "And you all believe it! Let me tell you all the truth! Scott and I broke up amicably and I haven't looked back once! In fact, I blocked Scott, because I was uncomfortable, but Tango was gracious enough to take the fall because he knew the drama would stress me out!"
"Timmy, come on." Martyn gently pulled the other away, "You don't have to prove anything to anyone-"
"I-I am happy in my new relationship!" Solidarity whimpered, Tango hugging his arm as he was led out, "A relationship where I am respected, my feelings are considered, I can speak and not worry about if I say is the right or wrong thing, where I finally was able to grow a fucking spine! Unlike here, where I feel so shitty because you all make it seem like my comfortably doesn't matter." He was led to the door, "F-For future reference, if Scott is here, I'm not coming. If any of you try to make me apologize or try to reconcile, I will block you. I've been debating on doing this for months, but Tango thought I should give you all one more chance, see if you all have changed. Clearly, you haven't."
Solidarity was led to the car, getting in the passenger seat. Martyn and Tango calmed him down as Ren gathered his and Martyn's things. Once he was calm enough, Tango shut the door, thanking the two profusely. Martyn gave Tango his phone number, asking him to please just text or call him when they got home, Tango promising he would. Tango then got in the front seat and began to reverse, driving away. The dirty blonde gave him his phone, which was already beginning to blow up with texts and calls. Tango took it and shut it off. They sat in silence, the blonde holding Solidarity's hand as the other shook, tears streaming down his face.
"I'm proud of you." Tango reassured.
"...Thanks... You did really good... Not letting him get under your skin..." The dirty blonde shook, wiping his eyes, "I just couldn't, not when he began touching me..."
"I understand, Love."
"I'm s-"
"No need to apologize. You have nothing to be sorry for. Boundaries are for you, not for anyone else." Tango looked at him, smiling, "You should be proud."
Solidarity smiled a bit, "Thank you." He whispered meekly.
The two sat in a comfortable silence, driving home.
AN: This was more of just a story of setting boundaries and me projecting onto my comfort characters. Hope you liked it even if it was more of a vent kinda?
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jukey · 1 year
Thank you so much for your great writing! If your requests are open, can I request headcanons about Isagi, Chigiri, Rin and Karasu? About how they'd act if they have a crush on reader and how they'd confess?
Have an amazing day! Thank you!
Blue Lock X Reader Headcanons
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Isagi x Reader Headcanons
When Isagi develops a crush on you, he can be quite awkward when around you. He might stutter or blurt out silly things without meaning to.
Isagi is someone who likes to show his affection through actions rather than words. So, if he has a crush on you, he might try to do things to make you happy, like bringing you your favorite snacks or helping you with a project.
Isagi is a bit of a perfectionist, so he might get nervous about confessing. He'll want to make sure everything is just right and might spend a lot of time practicing what he wants to say.
When Isagi finally does confess, he'll probably be straightforward about it. He'll tell you how he feels in a clear and honest way, without any sugarcoating.
Isagi is a hard worker and very dedicated to his passions, so he might try to impress you by showing off his skills in sports or other areas. He'll want to prove that he's someone worth being with.
Isagi is a kind and supportive person, so he'll always be there for you when you need it. He'll listen to you when you need to talk and offer advice or encouragement when you're feeling down.
Chigiri x Reader Headcanons
Chigiri is a relatively reserved and serious person, but when he develops a crush, he becomes more attentive and observant of you. He'll start to notice your habits, preferences, and even your quirks.
If he's around you, Chigiri will make an effort to be near you, even if it means adjusting his schedule or routine. He'll find subtle ways to interact with you, such as offering to help with tasks or striking up a conversation about something you have in common.
When it comes to confessing his feelings, Chigiri would likely be straightforward and honest. He would not beat around the bush or play games, but instead would directly express his emotions in a sincere and respectful manner.
However, Chigiri may also be hesitant to confess his feelings if he's not sure how you feel about him. He values his relationships with others and doesn't want to risk damaging them by making things awkward or uncomfortable.
Chigiri is also a bit of a perfectionist and has high standards for himself and others. As a result, he may put pressure on himself to make sure everything is just right before confessing. He might spend time rehearsing what he wants to say, choosing the perfect moment and setting, and making sure he's dressed impeccably.
Ultimately, Chigiri is a caring and thoughtful person who would make a dedicated and loyal partner. He would be willing to listen, compromise, and work through any challenges that come up in a relationship, as long as there's mutual respect and understanding.
Rin x Reader Headcanons
Rin would be very subtle with his crush, as he's not the type to wear his heart on his sleeve. He would probably start by trying to spend more time with you, maybe offering to help you with something or inviting you to hang out.
Rin is a bit of a tsundere, so he might come across as a bit cold or aloof at first, even if he's secretly harboring his feelings for you. He might tease you or make sarcastic comments, but it would all be in good fun.
Rin is really good at keeping his feelings to himself, so he might not show any obvious signs that he has a crush on you. He'll just act normal around you, but maybe a little bit more attentive and interested in what you have to say.
Rin already thought for quite some time how he'd want to confess to you. He was thinking about writing you a letter or planning a romantic date, like a picnic in the park or a candlelit dinner.
When Rin finally does confess, he would probably do it in a very understated way. He might just come out and say it, or he might hint at it and wait for you to pick up on his feelings. Either way, he would be sincere and honest about his feelings.
If you reciprocate his feelings, Rin would be over the moon. He might not show it on the outside, but he would be very happy and grateful to have found someone who understands him.
If you don't feel the same way, Rin would be disappointed but he wouldn't hold it against you. He would probably just try to move on and distract himself with soccer.
Karasu x Reader Headcanons
Karasu is a playful and mischievous guy, so if he likes you, he'd probably try to show it in a fun and creative way. He might leave a little gift or a funny note for you, or plan a cool date to show how much he cares.
When he has a crush, Karasu would be playful and charming around you. He'd tease you in a friendly way and try to make you laugh, but he wouldn't be too aggressive or pushy. He'd want to build a connection with you first before making any big moves.
If Karasu wanted to confess his feelings, he'd probably try to make it a fun and memorable experience. He might plan a surprise or come up with a creative way to tell you, rather than just blurting it out.
In a relationship, Karasu would be attentive to your needs and wants, but he'd do it in a playful and fun way. He'd want to make sure you're happy and comfortable, and he'd do whatever he can to make that happen.
Overall, Karasu would be a super sweet and thoughtful boyfriend, but he'd also be playful and fun-loving. He'd want to make the relationship enjoyable for both him and you, and he wouldn't take things too seriously.
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requests are open bbg
this might be rushed because im writing this at night i just realised i have shcool tmr gnnnnnn
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earthry · 10 months
Papas and a Nonverbal Reader (Headcanons)
What I think the papas would be like if the reader is having a nonverbal day.
sfw, no warnings, fluff and comfort. please note that this is written from my own personal experience with going nonverbal and others experiences may be different.
Can usually tell if you’re feeling nonverbal without having to ask. Never makes it awkward and never makes you feel bad for not being able to be verbal. He’ll have a notepad at the ready for you, he started carrying around small notebooks or sticky notes after your first time going nonverbal around him.
“Are you having one of those days again, tesoro? It’s okay— Papa understands. Come here, let me hold you, si?”
Will gently ask if you’re feeling okay and if you’re feeling safe. If you aren’t, he will do his best to make sure you feel comfortable and safe. He will also hold you and give you light forehead kisses to comfort you.
It takes him a hot second to realize it’s a nonverbal day— but when he does, he treats you gently. He knows sometimes you feel out of control like this, so he always tries to give you choices or yes or no questions.
“Are you feeling number one, lasagna or number two, chicken parmesan tonight? Number one? Okay we’ll have that for dinner then, thank you dear.”
Protective over you, if anyone gives you weird looks or makes rude comments about you not speaking, he’ll glare at them until they apologize. No one wants to be on Secondo’s bad side. Reassures you that it’s okay if you have trouble talking— there are plenty of different ways to communicate.
Will ask you if you would prefer quiet or if you want him to talk to you. If you want quiet, he has no qualms co-existing beside you in silence, maybe every so often sliding his own sticky notes over with little messages or doodles for you to giggle at. If you want him to talk to you, he’ll ramble on for hours and hours about funny tour stories or random facts he just knows for some reason.
“Ah, cat got your tongue today? That is okay— come here, amore. Papa will keep you company and talk enough for the two of us, si?”
Will hoard you to himself all day which you don’t mind— the purpose is so you don’t have to talk to anyone and that’s the way you like it.
Is literally the sweetest, will make laminated communication cards for you— they’re in your favorite color and they have little rats drawn on them. The happy card has a happy rat and the sad card has a sad rat. They go on a little ring for you to carry around and flip through.
“Vita mia, there you are— oh? Are you feeling like a happy rat today?” You put down your happy card and give him a deadpanned look and he chuckles, leaning in to press a kiss against your temple, “Alright alright, I’m just teasing, si? I’m glad you’re feeling good today, tesoro.”
Encourages you to try to talk but will never push you— will ask you what he can do to help, and tells you if he ever does something unhelpful or ableist, to smack him.
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kaminocasey · 1 year
Drift This Way
Summary: *SEASON 2 SPOILERS* Tech wins the pod race. You can't help but express your worries.
A/N: I was gonna wait to post this tomorrow but I was just too excited. ALSO, @space-girl-and-droids-art inspired the tattoos mentioned, with THIS art!!!! STILL OBSESSED!!!!! <3
Pairing: Tech x Reader
Warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI; None
WC: 1K
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Gif Credit: @starqueensthings
Tech won the riot race. It was both thrilling and terrifying. After seeing what happened to Tay-0, you were horrified. If that happened to Tech… you don’t know what you would have done with yourself. It’s not like you could put Tech back together like you did with Tay-0, twice.
“You’ve never done this before.” You grab Tech before he starts to walk over to the pod. “What if you crash and die?”
“The odds of that happening are-” He starts but the announcer starts to tell everyone to make their way to their pods.
You tighten your grip on his hands. “If you die, I won’t forgive you.”
He smiles ever so slightly. “Do not worry.” 
Your worrying was surprisingly for nothing. He was actually a natural. Which shouldn’t surprise you at this point. 
When you get back to Cid’s ship, Omega starts to talk about how they should go to more riot races but you quickly shut that idea down. When Hunter finds out, he’s probably going to blow a fuse. 
“Are you alright?” Tech asks when you sit down in the co-pilot seat.
You nod. “I’m fine. You?”
“I’m fine as well. I was referring to your earlier comments about not forgiving me if I died, though.” He raises an eyebrow as he looks at you.
“Oh. That.” You feel yourself go warm in the face with an awkward chuckle.
“That.” He nods. 
You shrug. “I don’t know… I shouldn’t be surprised that you’re so good at pod racing.” 
“You shouldn’t.” He teases, lightly and you roll your eyes.
You both are quiet for a bit, listening to Wrecker and Omega ask Cid more questions about pod racing. Cid starts to tell her about the legendary pod races that they had on Tatooine and Omega asks if you can go see them next. 
“NO.” You and Tech say, simultaneously.
Looking at each other, you can’t help but laugh. 
“You know… I have to admit, seeing you be confident in your racing was something.” You tell Tech when you get back to Ord Mantell. 
“Always the tone of surprise.” He tuts. 
You grin up at him as he sits at the bar in Cid’s. 
“It was nice to see you confident, is all.” You shrug, taking a sip of your drink.
“Do you prefer it when I’m confident?” He asks, leaning on the bar so that he can look at you.
Is Tech flirting? With you? “I think I like any version of you.”
“Noted.” He nods, drinking his own drink.
Later that night, you pace quietly in front of Tech and Echo’s room above Cid’s multiple times before giving up and starting to walk back to your own. 
“Is that you pacing outside my door?” Tech peeks his head out.
You look over at him, nervously. “Uh, yeah… sorry.” 
He walks out in just his sleep pants, his bare chest showing his tattoos that he’s gotten over the years. You’re taken by surprise. You didn’t peg Tech as the tattooed type. Also, how have you never seen him shirtless before now?
Your mind goes slightly blank at the sight of him. “Um…” He steps toward you, letting his door slide shut behind him and you meet him halfway, as if you can’t help but gravitate toward him. You always do.
“I’m sorry if it seemed like I didn’t believe in you today. I should have been more supportive.” You lean against the wall in between your doors. 
“It’s alright. I understand you were just worried.” He nods. “Even if I still don’t fully understand why.”
“Do you not?” You want desperately to reach out and trace the markings on his skin, to touch him.
He shrugs. “I have a couple of guesses.”
“Tell me.” You step closer to him. 
His lips part slightly as he looks down at you with fidgeting hands, as if he wants to reach out and touch you as well.
“My first guess is that you’d be upset that you would be down a pilot if something happened to me.” He murmurs.
You chuckle. “I think Echo and Wrecker could manage piloting.”
“Have you ever flown with Wrecker?” He asks and you know he’s being serious but you can’t help but laugh.
“Guess again…” Your fingers brush against his.
“Well…” He fixes his glasses with his other hand. “My next guess, I suppose, would be… you would be emotionally compromised or have some sort of fondness for me…”
You roll your eyes, amused. “That’s one way to put it.”
“I… also have a fondness for you.” He glances down at your lips. 
Your heart skips a beat at the goggled genius’ confession. A confession you were sure you’d never hear. Tech feels about you the way that you do for him. 
“Really?” You ask, feeling brave enough to slide your hand up his warm chest, settling over the skull and 99 tattoos.
“Really.” He takes your hand and holds it there… over his heart. 
Reaching up on your toes, you brush your lips over his lightly and timidly. Tech slides his arm around your lower back, pulling you close to him, deepening the kiss. Being confident, you realize. He sighs softly into the kiss, as if he’d been waiting for this just as long as you had. 
You both hear a throat clear and quickly pull away from each other to look in time to see Echo walk into his and Tech’s room. With a roll of his eyes, Tech shakes his head at the intrusion.
But when he looks back at you, it’s full of adoration and kindness. “Maybe I ought to risk my life more often, if it incites a reaction out of you like that.”
“Very funny.” You pull him back to you so you can kiss him again. 
“Do you two mind?” Hunter’s voice is in the hallway next. 
“Maker…” You groan. 
“I’ve got an idea.” Tech smirks, walking back to his room to put on a shirt and then coming back out. “The Marauder is currently unoccupied.” 
“You’re a genius.” You kiss his shoulder as he leads you down the back steps that lead to the outside.
“Of course I am, darling.” He smirks.
TAGS: @twistedstitcher27 @rebel-finn @grievouus @madameminor @dumfanting @rain-on-kamino @corona-one @tecker @ladykatakuri @brynhildrmimi @the-sith-in-the-sky-with-diamond @zoeykallus @maulslittlemeowmeow @littlemousedroid @arctrooper69 @rexxdjarin @agenteliix @padawancat97 @hated-by-me @sleepingsun501 @crosshairmylove587 @idlenesses @redheadgirl @dnxgma @themcuwriter @ashotofspotchka @sunshinesdaydream @crosshairsimp73 @ariadnes-red-thread @rosmariner @heyitsaloy @starstofillmydream @high-ct5555 @echos-girlfriend @sleepywych @nekotaetae @justanothersadperson93 @brownstalebread @aconstructofamind @book-of-baba-fett @chopper-base @palliateclaws @501st-rexster @dead-poolz @greaser-wolf @moonstrider9904 @tubble-wubble
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thetriumphantpanda · 1 year
The Way You Miss Me | Joel Miller (Chapter Five)
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You put your plan into action - in order to get closer to Joel, you have to get close to Ellie. The home truths that come out as a result aren't at all what you wanted though.
Pairing | Joel Miller x Female Reader
Word Count | 3K
Warnings | Angst and pining, mentions of death and origin story of readers scar which involves a knife but nothing else.
Authors Note | This one flew out of my fingers like lightening so I hope you enjoy it! Would love to hear your thoughts so leave comments, like or reblog or pop on over to my ask box if you fancy it! Also not me deadass writing in one of my favourite bands, shoutout to any of my fellow elder emo's out there. The shame of the outbreak is that these guys never got to jam along to Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge or Misery Business..... This fic is actually loosely based on an All Time Low song from their new album, if you wanted to listen you can find it here - listen and watch out for nods to the lyrics in the dialogue here!
It had been a week since the awkward encounter at the bar with Joel and you were frustrated that you hadn’t had the opportunity to speak with him. You’d been watching him from afar, he’d been in the stables one day getting himself assigned a horse so that he could start heading out on patrol. He’d spent an evening at The Tipsy Bison with Tommy, the only acknowledgement was a swift nod of his head towards the table you shared with your father but that was only because Tommy had hit him on the arm, mouthing for him not to be rude. You’d watched him walk down the street past your home a few times, watching from the window and wishing it had been your home he was coming to. The one constant in all of it? The little girl. Ellie was attached to him like a barnacle to a whale, he was never without her, and you’d bet your bottom dollar (If you had any) that the key to getting closer to Joel was that little girl. 
“Can I ask you a question?” You asked Tommy one day whilst you were helping him repair some fencing around the outer wall. 
“You just did, but sure thing Sunshine.” 
“Do you know much about Ellie?” Your tried to keep your tone as nonchalant as possible, but the grin on Tommy’s face suggested he knew exactly where you were going with this. 
“I’ve gotta be honest Joel’s kept her to himself mostly,” He shrugged, picking up his hammer to beat some nails into the wood you were holding still for him, “She’s a firecracker, swears like a sailor and is the only person I’ve ever seen make Joel laugh since the world went to shit.” 
You hummed in understanding, “You know about the things she likes to do?” 
“I think you’re treading a very thin line here.” He warned. 
“I’m not trying to do anything Tommy,” You spoke defensively, “She follows him around like a lost puppy, I’ve not seen her make any friends, I just wanted to try and do something nice for her to make her feel welcome.” 
Tommy sighed, “Space,” He replied simply, “Joel said she liked space, wanted to be an astronaut or something like that, and she's attached to that Walkman like it's her lifeline,” He was focusing on not hitting his fingers with the hammer, “Maria actually put aside a box of things she thought she might like, with the baby she hasn’t had time to take it over, but maybe if you drop back with me later you can drop it off for us?” 
“Sounds good,” You responded, “Will he be there?” 
Tommy smirked, “No, he’s on evening patrol on the fence tonight so nothing to worry about.” 
“I’m not worried Tommy.” 
“Sure, that’s why your nails are bitten down and you’ve been chewing at your lips since he arrived,” Your eyes widened, he was always the more astute of the brothers, “You used to do that before, when you were worried about things.” 
“Well like I said, I’m not worried about anything.” You mumbled. 
“Whatever you say, Sunshine,” He winked at you, “I finished hammering that about five minutes ago, you can let go now.” 
The box was heavy in your arms – you silently cursed Maria for filling it up so much, what was even in here? You could see a few books on the top and an empty notepad and there was some material at the bottom that could only be clothing. You thanked the Gods for not allowing the bottom to drop out of it, setting it down on the porch before knocking on the door of the house Tommy had pointed at when you were walking back to his. 
It took a while for someone to answer, but the door was eventually ripped open, and Ellie was stood in front of you, trying to catch her breath. 
“Oh hey,” She greeted, “Joel’s not here.” 
“Lucky me, because I’m actually here to see you,” You smiled, tapping the cardboard box on the floor with your foot, “Maria sent me over with a few things she thought you might like.” 
Ellie bent down to pick it up but you beat her to it, “It’s heavy, let me bring it inside for you.” 
She smiled and moved in the doorway to let you pass. The inside of their home was exactly as you’d imagine it to be, it wasn’t that much different to how yours had been when you moved in. Simple and bare save for the few pieces of furniture, a coffee mug was sat on the table near the kitchen – if Joel was half he man he had been before that would be his, half full of coffee that he’d drunk before leaving for patrol. 
“You can set it down on the table.” Ellie directed, which you did, taking hold of the coffee cup to find it was exactly how you’d imagined, half full of coffee which was still slightly warm, Joel had left recently. 
You watched as Ellie started going through the box, taking out the books to read the back of them before setting them down and investigating the clothes, seemingly happy with what Maria had chosen. 
“I hope you don’t mind but I brought you something too,” You spoke quietly, fishing around in your jacket pocket before pulling out a CD, “I don’t know if it’s your sort of music, but I’ve seen you with your Walkman around town and though you’d like something different to listen to.” 
She took the CD gratefully, “Foo Fighters, what kinda name is that?” 
You giggled, “You know they were actually pretty good, I listened to them all the time before all this, trust me.” 
“You sure you don’t wanna keep it?” Ellie asked, trying to pass it back to you. 
“I don’t have anything to listen to it on, so it’s all yours, I wanna know what you think of it though.” You gave her a smile and a wink. 
“Thanks,” She said, “This is actually super cool.” 
You knew you couldn’t linger too long here; you didn’t want to outstay your welcome and make Ellie feel uncomfortable. You wanted to do something nice for her so she would tell Joel. Then you’d be front and center in his mind. He might even thank you himself and surely that meant opening a conversation with him. Baby steps, you kept telling yourself. 
“You’re welcome,” You reached out and squeezed her shoulder, “And if you ever need anything else you can always ask me, I know how hard it can be to settle here after being… out there.” 
Ellie nodded at you, and you excused yourself, heading home and hoping you’d planted a big enough seed to grow. 
The next morning, as Joel was setting breakfast on the table for Ellie before she went to school, the seed started to bloom. 
“Your girlfriend came round last night.” 
“Excuse me?” 
“You know that woman you knew from before, the one we met at the bar?” 
“Ellie, she ain’t my girlfriend,” Ellie shrugged at Joel’s answer, shoveling eggs into her mouth, “What was she doin’ here?” 
“Bought some box of stuff Maria set aside for me,” She said with her mouth full, earning a glare from Joel at her table manners, “She bought me this awesome CD as well, did you ever hear of the Foo Fighters?” 
Joel nodded, trying not to remember that the only reason he did was because you had insisted on keeping that damn CD in his truck – it had been the background noise to most of your evening escapades when you couldn’t be in his bed. It wasn’t his particular cup of tea, but he had always liked watching you out of the corner of his eye as he drove you to your spot, tapping your fingers on the side of the car and singing along when the moment took you. 
“Well, I hope you said thank you.” Joel grumbled, drinking the last of his coffee, “Now come on, you’ll be late.” 
As Joel stood on the porch and watched Ellie walk down the street to school he cursed you. Cursed you for being the sweet little girl he always remembered and making Ellie happy, because now he’d have to seek you out and thank you himself. Running a hand over his face he resolved to do it today, better to get it over with instead of dwelling on things. 
You were bent over the bench in the tool shed taking inventory when a knock at the door pulled you from your counting. Tommy had asked you to take stock of what materials were left after you’d repaired the fence the previous day and although it was giving you a headache it was distracting work, having to concentrate on something that wasn’t Joel. 
“Come in!” You called, not looking up from the pile of nails you were counting, you scribbled the number you’d already counted to on a slip of paper, dropping the rest back in the tub to continue counting later. 
Turning around, Joel was leant on the doorframe, arms crossed over his chest. In the daylight and up close he was just as devastating as he’d been all those years ago. You silently willed the giddy feeling in your bones to go away. 
“Not interrupting anything am I?” He asked, nodding his head towards the bench. 
“Not at all, it’s a welcome break actually, only so many nails you can count before you go insane,” You laughed, hoping he would do the same, but his face was as stoic as ever, “Do you need something?” 
He let out a sigh, “I just wanted to say thank you for what you did for Ellie yesterday, she’s been through a lot, and this is an adjustment to say the least, so thank you.” 
You smiled at him, “You’re welcome,” you replied simply, “I’ve seen her wandering around with that Walkman attached to her so figured she could use something new to listen to,” You started rambling now, “I can’t even believe I managed to find it, it was just hanging out in some old store we stumbled through a few years back and all I could think about what how we used to listen to it in your truck when you’d….” Your eyes went wide as you stopped yourself from finishing your sentence, this wasn’t how you wanted this to go, “Sorry.” You mumbled, looking down from his eyes to your fingers where you set to work worrying at a bit of loose skin. 
“It’s alright,” He spoke, “If I’m bein’ honest it’s exactly what I thought about when she showed me last night.” 
“Oh,” You exclaimed, snapping your eyes up to him, “Have you thought about me much?” 
“Darlin’,” He spoke softly, “It’s best not to talk about it, I don’t want to upset you.” 
You nodded, “That means no then right?” You replied, “Because if you had you would have said because that would have made me happy, saying you don’t want to upset me means you didn’t.” 
“It was easier that way,” He admitted softly, “Convincing myself you were gone.” 
“Wish I could say the same,” You shrugged, “Was there anyone else?” 
You didn’t know where all this was coming from and you were half expecting him to tell you to shut your mouth and mind your own business, but to your surprise he answered, “There was one woman, her name was Tess, it wasn’t…” He trailed off, trying to find the right words, “It just made sense, we ran in the same circle, and I guess we just helped distract each other sometimes.” 
“Understandable.” You replied simply, itching to get yourself out of the conversation now. 
“What about you, was there anyone else?” 
You laughed, “Travelling across country trying to keep my dad alive isn’t really conducive to that sort of thing, so no Joel, there was no-one else,” He nodded in understanding but didn’t move to speak again, “I should really get back to this.” You mused, pointing to the bench. 
“Of course, sorry for takin’ up your time, and thank you again, Ellie really did appreciate it.” 
Joel left without another word, closing the door quietly behind him and all the frustration you’d felt came tumbling out. Angry tears pricked at your eyes at your stupidity that he’d have thought about you at all. You were only ever the stupid little girl with her stupid little crush and the moment he had the opportunity to forget you he did. Of course he did. You wiped at your cheeks furiously, willing your emotions to get themselves in check so you could go back to work, but for the rest of the day you’d catch yourself in your melancholy, tears threatening to fall and your mind completely distracted. This was not how this was supposed to go at all. 
“You should have seen his face!” Your father roared at the table, “White as a ghost when I woke up.” 
You weren’t sure how you’d made it here but you were sat at a table in The Tipsy Bison with your father and Tommy, along with Joel and Ellie, whilst your father recounted stories of your survival, telling them with an enthusiasm that would rival a war veteran speaking about their time in the forces. He was currently going through the motions of explaining how you’d made it to Jackson and how he thought Tommy was going to pass out when he realized it was the both of you he’d rescued. 
You’d mostly kept quiet, only popping into the conversation to correct him when he got something wrong. Otherwise you kept your focus on the glass of whiskey in front of you that Tommy was keeping topped up with the bottle he’d bought from the bar for you all. 
“How’d you get that scar on your face?” You looked up at Ellie, everyone else looking at her in horror for being so blunt. 
“Ellie, don’t be so nosey.” Joel chastised her. 
“It’s alright,” You shrugged, “It’s pretty lame actually, we’d shut ourselves in a house a few years ago trying to hide from a pack of infected, not realizing someone else had the same idea. I was looking out the window to see if we had a clear route out when I heard someone shuffling behind me. I turned around and by the time I realized what was happening he’d slashed the knife on my face.” 
“Did you kill him?” 
“Ellie!” Both Tommy and Joel burst out at the same time. 
You chuckled, realizing you probably shouldn’t encourage her questions, but replied anyway, “In a way I guess I did, we had a bit of a struggle and he tripped and fell out of the window, it was a tall building so yeah, he died.” 
“That’s cool.” 
You shrugged, looking around the table to see that everyone was willing the conversation to move elsewhere, you were itching to know more about how Joel and Ellie had come to be together aside from the snippets Tommy had told you, but you didn’t think this would be the right place to ask. Instead, you fished a cigarette out of your jacket pocket, shoving it between your lips and excusing yourself. 
You were halfway through it, leaning against the railing outside the bar when you felt someone come up behind you and lean themselves down next to you, “Never thought I’d see the day when you turned to those.” 
“Well, I’m not surprised if you spent the last twenty years convincing yourself I was dead,” You shrugged at Joel, as always, alcohol emboldening your tone, “I’ve gotta die of something and I’d rather these than being torn apart limb from limb or sprouting mushrooms from my face.” You punctuated the end of your sentence with a long drag of your smoke, blowing it out into the cool night. 
“How do you always do that?” He asked. 
“Do what?” You raised an eyebrow at him. 
“Make anything seem funny,” He offered, “The world’s gone to shit, everyone we’ve ever really cared for is dead and yet here you are, joking like we’re back to the days before.” 
 “It’s the only way I don’t focus on all the shitty things I’ve done to get here.” 
It was silent between you for a moment. You could have sworn you saw Joel move his hand as if he was going to place it reassuringly on your arm like he always did but he didn’t, even if your head was screaming at him to do it, just to breech the barrier he had up between the two of you. 
“Can I say something?” You asked after a moment. 
He nodded, “I don’t want to step out of line, but I just wanted to say I’m really sorry about Sarah,” You could see him physically tense next to you, “You don’t have to tell me what happened, in fact, it’s probably best you don’t but… I liked her Joel; she was a good kid and she didn’t deserve what happened to her and I’m sorry you had to go through that.” 
“I hate the way you miss me.” He mumbled. 
You looked him dead in the eye for the first time, “I don’t hate the way I miss you,” You spoke honestly, “I think it’s the only thing that kept me alive sometimes, thinking about the chance to see you again, hold your hand or kiss you.” 
He sighed, “You can’t stand there and say that,” He spoke roughly, “With your big eyes beggin’ me to be the man you deserve, I couldn’t be that before all of this and I certainly can’t be that for you now,” and then finally, “We can’t keep doin’ this.” 
You nodded, stubbing out your cigarette and throwing it to the ground in front of the bar, “Understood,” You spoke, giving him a final glance, “Goodnight Joel.” 
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baki-tiene-un-simp · 1 year
Hey,I have another request for you :)
Could you please kame baki, katsumi, musashi, retsu and mumon with an S/O being harassed by someone (it could be in any way, shape and form, you decid wich one you are confortable wiht) and then being comforted by them, if not, could you do with the same character a scenario where they were catcalled in public because of their curves like for example some dude saying "good ass gatito ;)" in a amusement park.
Take your time with this and do it olny if you want
Have a good day/evening/afternoon/night :)
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I’ve already written several things about "S/O being harassed", so I’ll go for the other option
Situation: Strangers catcalled to their S/O / un extraño le grita cosas en la calle a su S/O.
Characters: Baki Hanma, Katsumi Orochi, Mumon Katsuragi, Musashi Miyamoto and Retsu Kaioh.
Baki Hanma.
Baki turns to face the strange person who addressed his S/O, his face calm, but with a strange look.
He approaches the subject with his hands in his pockets, facing him when they were face to face with each other. His S/O came after Baki to prevent something very serious from happening.
"That was rude, don't you think?"
His gaze is the warning at this moment, although his words were calm, the image left by the Hanma was intimidating.
His S/O got an apology and the other person a nightmare picture just for a comment.
Katsumi Orochi.
Katsumi listens to what his S/O was told with a grimace, his face making it clear how that comment annoyed him.
He turns to look at his S/O just to make sure they're not too affected by it, he holds his hand as a silent comforter to soothe their annoyance/discomfort.
He will get an apology for his partner, he tries to take it easy when he talks to the person so they know he is waiting for them to understand what they have done.
However, he doesn't care about the person getting difficult, if he has to bring the person in front of his S/O and make them bow down, well he'll do it.
They will go on their way with Katsumi grumbling that they were so rude to the his dear S/O and how they don't deserve something like that.
Mumon Katsuragi.
"People can be so rude," he mentions to his S/O when he hears the person laugh at his own comment.
According to how his S/O reacts, so will he react. If they let them through, Mumon will make them forget about it; If, on the contrary, his S/O gets angry, then Mumon will go to stand up for his partner.
If he feels merciful, he will just annoy the other person with silly comments just like that person did with his S/O. Bonus points if he gets an S/O laugh out of him in the process.
If he wants to deal with it faster and nonchalantly, Mumon could "put" that rude person to sleep. You know what I mean.
He returns with his S/O so they can continue their ride together.
Musashi Miyamoto.
The person who yelled at his S/O could recoil just from Musashi's gaze, and really, Musashi doesn't need to have an angry expression, it's just that his eyes are… Intriguing.
He will be intimidating them without trying, "what did you say to them?" Those words sound normal, however, the swordsman's big eyes and social awkwardness make it seem like a threat.
He cocks his head when the person hastily apologizes to his S/O, he doesn't fully understand but stands by and just lets it happen.
He'll probably ask his S/O as soon as they're left alone.
He is now attentive to the comments of others towards his S/O, he can misjudge some occasions when someone tries to be nice to his partner, but at least he prevents nasty comments from going unpunished. I do not promise that it will be peaceful.
Retsu Kaioh.
He pouts, does anyone really think that saying that kind of thing will get anything done?
He thinks they are extremely rude and if his S/O complains he will make the person apologize to them. He would actually force them to bow down and apologize for making his mate uncomfortable.
He might also scold you with something like "you should think before you speak, much more before you blurt out a comment like that."
He asks his S/O if they're okay, if the comment made them feel bad or offended.
He believes that kind of behavior is repulsive directed towards anyone, but especially if it's directed towards his S/O.
Versión en español.
Baki Hanma.
Baki se voltea para encarar a la persona extraña que se dirigió a su S/O, su rostro calmado, pero con una mirada extraña.
Se acerca al sujeto con las manos en los bolsillos, encarándolo cuando estuvieron frente a frente el uno del otro. Su S/O vino detrás de Baki para evitar que algo muy grave pase.
"Eso fue grosero, ¿no crees?"
Su mirada es la advertencia en este momento aunque sus palabras fueran calmadas, la imagen que dejaba el Hanma era intimidante.
Su S/O consiguió una disculpa y la otra persona una imagen de pesadilla solo por un comentario.
Katsumi Orochi.
Katsumi escucha lo que le dijeron a su S/O con una mueca, su rostro deja en evidencia como ese comentario le molesto.
Se voltea a ver a su S/O solo para asegurarse que no esté demasiado afectado por ello, sostiene su mano como un consuelo silencioso para consolar su molestia/incomodidad.
Conseguirá una disculpa para su pareja, trata de tomarlo con calma cuando habla con la persona para que sepa que está esperando que entienda lo que ha hecho.
Sin embargo, no le preocupa que la persona se ponga difícil, si tiene que traer a la persona frente a su S/O y hacer que se inclinen, pues lo hará.
Seguirán su camino con Katsumi refunfuñando porque fueron tan groseros con su querido S/O y como no se merecen algo como eso.
Mumon Katsuragi.
"Las personas pueden ser tan groseras" menciona para su S/O cuando escucha a la persona reírse de su propio comentario.
De acuerdo a como su S/O reacciona, igualmente él reaccionara. Si lo dejan pasar, Mumon hará que se olvide de ello; si por el contrario, su S/O se enoja, entonces Mumon ira a dar la cara por su pareja.
Si se siente misericordioso solo molestara a la otra persona con comentarios tontos al igual que lo hizo esa persona con su S/O. Puntos extras si le saca una risa a su S/O en el proceso.
Si quiere lidiar con ello más rápido y despreocupadamente, Mumon podría "poner a dormir" a esa grosera persona. Saben lo que quiero decir.
Regresa con su S/O para que puedan continuar con su paseo juntos.
Musashi Miyamoto.
La persona que le grito a su S/O podría retroceder solo con la mirada de Musashi, y realmente, Musashi no necesita tener una expresión de enojo, es solo que sus ojos son… Intrigantes.
Los estará intimidando sin intentarlo, "¿qué le has dicho?" esas palabras suena normales, sin embargo, los ojos tan grandes del espadachín y su torpeza social hacen que parezca una amenaza.
Ladea la cabeza cuando la persona se disculpa apresurada ante su S/O, no comprende completamente, pero se queda al margen y solo deja que pase.
Probablemente le pregunte a su S/O tan pronto se queden solos.
Está atento ahora ante los comentarios de los demás hacia su S/O, puede juzgar mal algunas ocasiones cuando alguien trata de ser amable con su pareja, pero al menos impide que los comentarios desagradables se queden impunes. No prometo que sea pacíficamente.
Retsu Kaioh.
Él hace mala cara, ¿realmente alguien cree que con decir esa clase de cosas conseguirá algo?
Cree que es extremadamente grosero y si su S/O se queja hará que la persona se disculpe con ellos. Realmente lo obligaría a inclinarse y pedir una disculpas por hacer sentir incómodo a su pareja.
También podría regañarlo con algo como "deberías pensar antes de hablar, mucho más antes de soltar un comentario como ese".
Le pregunta a su S/O si está bien, si el comentario les hizo sentir mal u ofendidos.
Cree que ese tipo de comportamiento es repulsivo dirigido hacia cualquiera, pero especialmente si es dirigido hacia su S/O.
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babeeangel · 1 year
I love your writing!! I was wondering if maybe I could request headcanons dating kunigami before the wildcard. I hope you’re having a good day :)
Thanks a lot ! And of course, here you go~ I just finished watching the anime (i’m a manga girlie) so my memory of pre-WildCard kunigami is v fresh😎, lucky you~ I added other characters too <3 I can do a part two if characters get requested (comments or inbox)
How is Dating the BLLK boys like ?
HeadCanons about dating these cuties
Rensuke Kunigami, Niko Ikki, Ranze Kurona
Kunigami (before the wildcard)
Okay so, he might have that gentleman aura, he might be very rather daring, but in the end, it feels like it’s first time really loving someone.
Even if it weren’t his first love or first relationship, it still feels like it
He can be so awkward, not really knowing what to say, what to do… It’s new to him
Good news is, he improves very fast! 
And improving is his goal anyways: he wants to be the best version possible for you. 
Quickly, he’ll learn to read your expressions, to remember your taste and to pick up on what you like or not.
(I hope you put in as much effort to love him ;) ! ) 
And dare I say, after this adjusting phase, he becomes a rather good lover.
Like the typa lover that reads your mind. 
Seriously, he always knows which restaurant you’re in the mood for, he guesses what color roses you’d prefer, he remembers that you like weak coffee over a strong one…
When it comes to boring choices it’s like the two of you don’t need to converse, you just know for one another.
But apart from that, I feel like he’s on the talkative side.
He’s always quick to ask you how you’re doing when you meet up
Even through text, he loves checking up on you, sending you posts he likes and reacting to yours. 
He’s not the type to hesitate saying ‘i love you’
I mean, he’s proud of loving you, he’s confident in his feelings for you, he wants you to know them… Pragmatic
But he was still shy to tell his friends the two of you were dating. Why so ? Idk, maybe he felt like it was such an intimate subject to bring up.
But now that the cat’s out of the box, he’s very chill about it.
Therefore he doesn’t mind PDA, although he lets you initiate it
Apart from that, he loves to smother you with kisses.
Morning ? kisses. Cooking ? kisses. Bellyache ? kisses. Any excuse is good.
So to resume, I feel like dating kunigami is like finding support, a friend that always understands you and cares for you.
I feel like the love between you two grew over time
You used to be friends until one of you felt like it might be more
Probably him
Nothing changed tho, but you soon realized you felt the same 
Your relationship switching from platonic to romantic was never officialized tho
It just, happened. Like at some point you were too close for anyone, you two included, to keep calling each other friends. 
It was so natural you don't even remember when the first time the word ‘couple’ was employed, nor why. 
Anyway. You two are pretty alike, introverted, quiet, resolved.
You both don’t mind being silent together
If anything you love it
Good thing, cause it happens a lot
Sometimes, at the most random times, Niko tells you the most eye-opening, life-changing, sickening lore about himself. Like out of the blue. 
Then you stand in social settings, with informations that no one else have, having to pretend you know the same Niko as they do
There’s so many things you didn't expect from him, whether it’s small habits, small quirks about him or thoughts he has.
Like one thing you discovered after becoming his lover is that he’s not very resourceful sometimes ? 
Like baby boy had never thought of toasting his bread in something other than a toaster, like an oven or a pan ??  
He also notices a lot of tiny details. That’s adorable and you didn't expect it.
He for example knows that you eat farfalle over spaghetti when you’re feeling down.
Or he really seems to like watching the wind blowing through tree’s leaves. He only said it once, but now you always notice him standing under them. 
When it comes to PDA, he is a rather reserved boy.
Maybe not shy, but modest. Like he likes to keep things private
But he can’t resist holding your hand.
HandS*. He loves to take them both and play with you, especially when he’s bored.
And behind closed doors, he’s very cuddly, in a soft way. 
And for more… Let's say you’re usually the one to make the first move. He never refuses tho.
Loving him is learning that love is something that grows, not necessarily a striking intense feeling that fades over time.
First of all i really feel like you had a crush on him first
Like he’s so focused on his own world that he’s oblivious to love and stuff like that.
But the second you forced your way into his universe (no pun intended ;o), he didn't last long
Like he fell head over heels FAST. 
You kinda had to force him to notice you and consider you tho
And when he understood you liked him and not just liked him, he got super shy. 
Your persistence (in a cute not stalker way >:() got the best of him
He likes how casual and confident you are with your feelings
But at first he didn't want to fall in love, like what if it distracted him from football ?
Anyway, you two getting together kinda shocked everyone.
You form such an unusual couple
Bold yet quiet you, nonchalant yet considerate him
Even so, you guys are two peas in a pod. You do everything together
Often in silence, but together. Like brushing your teeth, revising, show each-other funny videos
But… Kurona has a secret: he’s talkative ! 
That genuinely surprised you when you got the honor of getting close to him, and being considered as a person he could trust. 
He rambled on about things. Like sometimes he goes on and on about his fav’s new song that just released, or how giving ducks bread is actually dangerous
A while after getting together with you, Kurona admitted that he hesitated doing so because it would bring so much attention to him, since you’re outspoken and good-looking…  Is that supposed to be a compliment orr ?
He can get so shy and awkward, but Kurona really loves you. He always thinks of you when seeing random things, and is the type of boy that buys you a single flower at least once a week (he can't afford a whole bouquet).
In your relationship, you’re often the one to take initiatives, even when it comes to holding hands. 
But now that he feels more at ease, he often goes for it first. 
He doesn't mind PDA at all cause he tends not to notice other people's gaze, he’s in his own world. 
But kisses in public make him blush cause it draws too much attention ;)
It took you a while to get to his heart, but it was most definitely worth it. Now you’re engraved in it forever. 
A\N: lol, as someone who’s never dated before, this almost feels ironic for me to write these TT.
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ghostlycandydreamer · 13 days
Rating the inner circle on how I think our first date would go
(A lot of Grammer mistakes are in the following)
Rhysand 4/10
I don't think it would go well he'd go way out too early and invite me to a high-class fancy restaurant. And that would make me uncomfortable. He probably can't find a person that's not a gold digger, and if he does find someone good, he will overwhelm them with how much money he has, leading to no second dates.
Will make me order the most expensive options on the menu.
Would get mad if I asked him on his dating history.
Is the type to call his ex crazy.
Would try to banter and be smug and smooth but I'll probably misinterpret that as him being mean(I have autism)
Would also say something like
"I can cure autism"
Def read my intrusive thoughts and think I'm insane.
Over all bad date and will not call me back.
But will call to make sure I got home safe.
Will tell the group chat about me, then have them throw shade on social media.
Feyre 6/10
Would probably do a chill date.
Like a movie at her place then dinner.
Dinner will be like pizza and some cool drinks.
Her emotional constipated touch starved ass will do that arm thing. You know the one, the yawns then puts their arm over your shoulder. It will be awkward.
The movie willlllll definitely be something like a blumhouse movie .
Will tell jokes that do not land. It will leave me like.
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She gives off the vibes that she probably has no idea what she's doing, and it shows.
Ends up talking to much about how toxic her ex boyfriend and his friends where
Over all its nice but too awkward for a second date.
Cassian 2/10
Is Def the type to tell you to wear a dress then take you hiking.
Is the type to laugh at his own jokes then talk over you.
Unintentionally (intentionally) mansplains things to you.
Will laugh at me for being tired on a hike.
Will compliment me but it always sounds so back handed
"That dress isn't what I was expecting"
"Oh you look different"
"I think the dress really reflects who you are"
Definitely has a mini rant about modern women. It's never really misogynistic, but bordering it.
Will pay attention more to the wilderness then if I'm okay.
Will be surprised that I'm crying and tired.
Will call me to ask why the date didn't go well.
Will rant to Rhys about how he keeps getting blocked.
Azriel 7/10
It will be a nice pic nic date.
He's is the I know a spot guy. Beautiful view ,tent, food, fairy lights, and a boom box with a good mixtape ready.
Makes me feel special and heard.
Has the best date food.Not too heavy but not too light.
Gives me his coat of I get cold.
Takes beautiful pictures of me.
Is poetic
Will let me yap and speak on through the date.
The only red flag is that he's so secretive. He barely talks about his life,his goals,his day-to-day.
And that's very noticeable and suspicious.
Overall nice date .
Will call back and you will have a second date
The Morrigan 5/10
The best date ever
Nice restaurant with an awesome atmosphere.
Best conversationalist.
Compliments you in the best ways.
You fall for her immediately.
She makes you laugh, is so intelligent, is wonderful overall...
But then you mention politics.....oh boy
Will say that she's a girls girl, but you notice how she talks shit on Twitter to other women.
She's the type to talk about ALL WOMEN STRUGGLING if your a marginalized woman mentioning the discrimination you face.
She's also the type that says "they should just find a job"
"Or poor people should just work harder"
Great date, but our politics don't align and no second date.
Will probably kiss at the end of the date but her thick layer of lipstick will annoy me.
Armen -100/10
Worst date ever
Shows up fashionably late.
Doesn't understand why I'm mad
"You should know I'm a busy woman"
Will looks me up and down , making me feel self conscious.
Perpetual make unnecessary passive aggressive comments.
Will snap at the waiter for making a mistake.
Snaps her fingers at the waiter like he's a dog or something.
Talks business instead of romance.
Her flirting will come off like straight up insults
Will judge you for your interest
"Well I'm an artist-"
"You can't even draw"
Will straight up just talk about work, is so bad at talking about anything else.
Definitely will make you feel poor
"I like your dress and neckla-"
"It's Balenciaga"
"....that's nice"🙃
If she does genuinely compliment me, it sounds ai generated.
"Your eyes are like the brown of freshly grown forest trees about to be cut down buy a lumberjack"
"Wow thanks. Your eyes are beautiful too"
"I know"
Will answer Rhysands calls during the date.
Will tip the staff at least but will say something like
"Be nicer next time and smile more"
Won't notice that I didn't call her back for a second date and goes on with life.
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Ahem *puts on best "ok people listen up" tone*
Good Omens (and everyone else) fandom! It seems we have regressed a bit....somehow? On the definition of Asexual! Let's clear this up!
Yes the actual literal meaning of the term: A=no sexual =....sex....well but actually no, which is the point of the post
Dictionary definition is why we are here!
Asexual: a person who experiences no sexual feelings or desires, or who is not sexually attracted to anyone.
Note the last line please!
Asexuality is a spectrum.
On one side you have: I cannot become sexually aroused by anything, and in some cases I do not want to
And on the other you (might) have: Literally any other stimulation other than A Face will do just fine!
Asexuals can be turned on by: the written word, a comic, a scene in a movie/show/porn/irl/etc, physical contact, etc!
There is a difference between attraction and desire! Allosexuals usually have that lumped into one thing, to them there (usually) isn't one without the other! If you're attracted to someone it means your body is uh...also good to go. For a lot of asexual people you can be attracted to someone, but your body's just off reading a book or something
Asexual people have crushes, fall in love, comment on how aesthetically pleasing someone is! But they probably don't want to jump their bones like right now (or possibly ever! Depends where you fall on the spectrum!)
You might say: no but! You're talking about demisexual people!
Maybe! Probably not! Demi is just a place way to one side of the spectrum. Where, after getting to know someone really well, you may actually look at them one day and go...."oh shit! Hi down there when'd you wake up??" Your attraction and desire have fused for this person/s...congrats!
An asexual person may never ever want to have sex with their partner. This is fine! But it needs to be discussed between everyone near the start of a relationship. And people need to acknowledge that "once you've found The One everything will click!" is pretty deeply internalized. Be sure you truly understand that that's not (necessarily) the case before commiting to a relationship
An asexual person may absolutely want to (awesome!), but have a hard time getting things moving (put down the damn book there are things to do!!) In which case it's good for all parties to see if they can figure out what sorts of things do turn you on, (as long as you're both willing and able), and how to approach letting your partner/s know they'd like to initiate fun times. (Without it coming across as awkward or pushy!) This makes for a healthy relationship!
"I'm doing this only to please my partner" is not healthy! It's also a really condescending thing to say about all asexual people! Please stop!!
And yeah an asexual person may indeed realize they're demi after starting a relationship! Neat!
Sexuality is like gender. It's all made up because we like labels! Your bits know what they want, when they want it! (Your brain ofc has the final say, I'm very well aware that bits go way off the rails sometimes, that's an entire other post lol)
Other people do not get to dictate how you feel, and like gender it can take a while to realize what your orientation may be. And that label can change so many times over the course of your life!!
Love who you love, have sex with who you (and they) want to have sex with, or don't!! But stop telling other people what they are and are not, simply because your definition or experience is different from theirs
(Please let me know if I've left out something crucial or gotten something horridly wrong! My research is personal/others experience + tumblr explanations + a google search here and there. Please do not come in my replies/comments/inbox telling me the whole post is wrong.....that's petty)
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They learn you're insecure
Freddy 🐻
- Believes the best people never realise they are
- Will not hesitate to remind you that you're awesome
- Nothing much changes since he always compliments his superstars
- But he becomes more pushy when you don't accept his compliments
- Lectures you when you insult yourself
- When you make a passing comment about everyone being his superstar, he cuts down on saying it so that you can know you're more special
Monty 🐊
- When you admit it to him, he admits that he is ashamed of his anger issues
- Understands that the last thing insecure people want is to be treated differently
- "That doesn't mean I'll go easy on ya"
- Doesn't bring it up unless you do
- Becomes more touchy when he teases you, to make sure you know he's joking
- Less bitter when you win games against him
- Puts you on his shoulders and calls you 'majesty'
- Makes sure everyone knows when you win something
Chica 🐔
- Encourages you to do things outside of your comfort zone
- Your number 1 fan
- Always adds a compliment when referring to you, such as:
'The incredible Y/N', 'The amazing Y/N' and 'The one and only Y/N'
- Believes people could always do with more of everything. More food, more play, more friends, more fun
- Tries to get you to do exciting things with her on bad days
- The first time you ever saw her insult someone was when you told her about something mean your boss said to you
Roxy 🐺
- The most understanding
- You confide in each other about your insecurities
- Encourages you to do affirmations
- Becomes less competitive around you because she knows you're in the same boat
- "You're amazing"
- "No, you're amazing"
- Feels bad that you're also insecure. You're awesome, you have no reason to feel unworthy.
- "Why do you like Y/N so much?"
- "Because they're the best"
- She says it like it's so obvious and they're an idiot to not know
Bonnie 🐰
- "Hey, don't worry about it. We all feel a little unhappy with ourselves sometimes, it's just that you feel it more"
- Puts more effort into including you and spending time with you
- Acts more goofy to cheer you up on bad days
- Finds it awkward to compliment people but always supportive
- Blames all of your problems on capitalism
Foxy 🦊
- "Thar's no point spending yer whole life dwellin' over yer insecurities. Thar's much better things to do"
- Tells you stories with morals of accepting yourself
- Gets more talkative to distract you on bad days
- "Do you like me?"
- "Thar's no point sailin' with people you can't call yer mates," He leans closer to you and grins. "Also helps that yer my favourite"
Sun ☀️
- "Aww friend, you don't have to worry about that"
- Frequently reminds you of how amazing you are
- Would easily list everything he likes about you
- "Nobody loves me"
- *Sun appears out of nowhere* "I love you!"
- "I have no friends"
- *Sun hangs down from the ceiling* "I'm your friend!"
Moon 🌑
- 'Y/N has so many strengths, the only thing that would make them think they weren't good enough would be if somebody else convinced them'
- Concludes that he must protect you at all costs
- Tries to get you to accept your weaknesses instead of disagreeing
- Gives you facts that you can't argue with
DJ Music Man 🎵
- Makes sure to encourage you more, even though that's usually just an enthusiastic thumbs up when you finish a task
- Glares and shakes his head when you insult yourself
- Plays music to distract you
- Encourages you to dance
- Wishes he could speak to compliment you
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