#i don’t blame him this song makes me want to twerk too
latinokokonoi · 6 months
lmaoooooooo wooyoung was throwing it BACK during his “shake your body” part in crazy form 😭😭
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dearweirdme · 1 year
Honestly, this whole taennie situation has given me anxiety these past few days. I felt disappointed, betrayed, and conflicted. I know tae is not responsible for our feelings, so I’m not blaming anyone here but myself. I knew taekook “could” be straight and would eventually end up with someone at some point, but I didn’t expect it to be revealed this way and with jennie no less. For an entire year, we fought antis and disproving all those photos, but were we fighting a losing battle all along? Could the “this app is scary” was only a lame excuse for actually trying to stalk her account? Those leaked photos from last year, there were no clear shots. Just half of their faces were mostly seen or any other angle except a clear head shot, that’s why I couldn’t believe those were real. But now I’m starting to doubt even those. What if those were actually real? I dunno anymore.
People have still been speculating whether those taennie videos were real or not and some even made theories that those were just PR stunt, but when I saw the videos, I thought that they were really tae and jennie. The photos of tae in the Parisian street where he was seen getting off a car was the same car in the video with Jennie, and his video in the Nice airport, he wore the same shoes as that guy in the video. Also, the managers were tailing behind, so that couldn’t be cosplayers. This whole cosplayer theory is just ridiculous. I saw a post that says, that’s probably why Tae looked so happy in the Incheon airport, coz he was meeting his gf, and he arrived in Paris ahead of his schedule to meet her there. Jennie has been busy, so they probably have not seen each other in awhile.
This whole PR thing, I dunno if this could be true. Why do they need a PR? Maybe we should just take this at face value, and just accept that they’ve been together for awhile now. Maybe them being seen together is just coz they wanted to be free at last.
BUT some things still dont make sense. Why would a sport journalist suddenly got interested in kpop stars? Why did the managers allow him to shoot them? Why are kmedia silent about this? Besides allkpop koreaboo elle and harpersbazaar, no other media have reported about this and this is big news! The speculations were true all along, but why nobody is talking more about it? No mainstream media is making a buzz about it. If this really is a PR stunt, this would’ve blown up big time by now.
If this is true, I’m surprised that Tae chose Jennie. They’re poles apart. Jennie has been seen in parties countless times, drinking hard, twerking and kissing guys. I dunno how tae allows her to do that. Honestly, I’m disappointed at the fact that out of all the girls in kpop, he chose a wild one. I mean, I know I don’t have a say to that, but, I expected Tae to choose someone deep and reserved. He chose the most superficial one. Not judging Jennie, but she doesn’t really have a good reputation.
I felt betrayed coz of my expectations and I couldn’t blame anyone for my emotions. For an entire year we were trying to debunk those photos only to end up in this situation. The no comment from hybe should’ve been a major confirmation already.
I’m just worried for Tae now. He’s about to release his album, and every song will be associated with Jennie from here on out. Their shippers were already saying Christmas tree, Winter Bear, and Sweet Night, and his other unreleased songs were written for her. Ugh! Everything he does now will be associated with her and it will be his entire personality.
Why did Tae reveal his relationship like this? He could’ve come clean from the get go. It’s so messy! Nevertheless, I’d still support him in all of his projects.
People should leave JK alone, though. He has nothing to do with all of this mess.
Hi anon!
Someone else’s life is not worth having anxiety about. Think about your own life and all the good things in it. You seem very overwhelmed right now. If things get too hard, taking some time off social media is always a good thing. Fandom will still be here after a few days away. But you did good writing your feelings down, sometimes that can also help a lot.
I just made this post about why i feel it’s pr. Maybe that helps ease your mind a bit.
You mention a lot of things that make you question this situation already. Why not trust your gut feelings? I think you are right about those things. What is it that makes you lean towards it being real despite you feeling those things don’t make sense? Is it the evidence, or is it fandom being a chaotic mess right now. Maybe just decide you don’t know for now. See how you feel about it in a week, when things have settled more.
I feel this is aimed more at western media than Korean media. As I understand it, this wouldn’t necessarily go down great in SK and their pr-teams probably also know that. That is why I think not much has been said there.
Please don’t worry too much. It’s out of your hands, we can only stand by and trust Tae. He is not alone in this. He has a whole company, a whole band, friends, family, and most of army to help and support him.
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hansols-yoda-boxers · 3 years
Camp North Star - July 10th
AFAB!Reader x Yanan x Kang Hyunggu x Adachi Yuto
Word Count: 4814
Contents: dance studio sex, Yanan is an instigator, oral (giving and receiving), fingering (on reader and another member), protected sex, anal (not involving reader)
You and Yuto cheered as Hyunggu finished showing you the choreography he had been working on. He looked a little nervous but a cute grin spread across his face at your encouragement, first meeting you in the mirror and then turning towards you.
“I’m still working on it. I think it’s good but, you know.”
“I know that it’s great!” You said.
“It was really good,” Yuto agreed.
“Yeah, pretty cool,” Yanan added. “Could use more floor grinding though.”
You snorted while Yuto and Hyunggu laughed.
“Yanan, just because it can be sexual doesn’t mean it has to be.” You said.
“Au contraire,” He said. “It makes it much more fun.”
“You just want to see me grind on the floor,” Hyunggu snickered. Yuto and you burst out laughing at the surprised, even impressed, look on Yanan’s face. Quickly however, it melted into a smirk.
“Maybe I do.”
Hyunggu was still giggling as he walked closer. “Maybe I should do something about that.”
Whether Yanan was playing along or actually flirting you didn’t know. There truly was no way to know with him. Either way, he was giving Hyunggu a sultry stare which had Yuto and you leaning on each other as you giggled uncontrollably.
“Be careful what you start,” Yanan said as Hyunggu came within reach.
“I know what I’m doing.” Hyunggu reached down for Yanan’s hands. But Yanan moved too quickly for him, grabbing at his hips and trying to pull him onto his lap.
Hyunggu’s face went red and he stumbled back, falling to the floor as Yuto and you cackled. Yanan chuckled to himself as he stood from the couch, stretching his arms out a little as he looked down at Hyunggu who was still recovering.
“Well as fun as that was, I say it’s about time we get some music going.”
“I’m game,” you said, getting to your feet. 
Yuto followed suit. “Now I’m curious how you’re going to dance.” 
“It’s a treat,” Yanan grinned, wiggling his eyebrows before turning to the sound system. Yuto helped Hyunggu to his feet and you stretched out your arms as if you really knew how to warm up. There wasn’t much of a point to dancing. It was simply for fun, for goofiness. But Hyunggu let you into the studio, and Yanan and Yuto wanted to join. It was a plus to see Hyunggu’s choreo too, he was better than he gave himself credit for being.
The three of you turned your attention to Yanan as a particularly suggestive song started playing on the sound system. Yanan gave you all a suggestive look as he dimmed the lights a bit.
“Yanan if I didn’t know any better I would think you’re trying to start an orgy,” you chuckled.
“I would not put it past him,” Hyunggu said.
“Hey wherever it goes is where it goes,” Yanan chuckled.
You snorted but still started moving to the music. Hyunggu was quick to join in, seemingly recovered and ready to be cheeky again. As Yanan and Yuto started moving to the slow jam Hyunggu put his hands on his knees and threw his ass back. You all let out a laugh at the slow sensual twerk he was attempting but quickly you were joining him, giggling the whole time. Yuto couldn’t stop laughing at the sight while Yanan snickered before pulling Hyunggu up to standing.
Yanan rested his arm over Hyunggu’s shoulder as Hyunggu got closer, dancing up on each other. You couldn’t help but smile at the way Hyunggu kept giggling as you grabbed Yuto’s hand and pulled him up behind you. You swayed your hips, feeling his hand land gently in a sweet touch on your waist. You sunk into a squat as you danced, amused by the surprised look that crossed his face in the mirror.
Your attention went back to Yanan and Hyunggu as Yanan tilted Hyunggu’s face towards his and leaned in. For a moment it seemed that Hyunggu was going to kiss him before his face broke into a smile and he ducked out of the way with a laugh.
You stood back to your feet just before Yanan stole your dance partner. You felt Hyunggu come up behind you, taking your hips. You ground back against him while looking back over your shoulder.
“You’re bold for someone who chickened out on a kiss,” you chuckled.
He giggled into the back of your neck. “Shut up.”
“Oh! Looks like you’re the only chicken.” You said as you caught the sight in front of you. Yanan had been dancing with Yuto, a hand on his hip. But he had pulled him closer and despite the blush on Yuto’s face, he had let his eyes flutter closed as he locked lips with Yanan.
“What?! Awh man,” Hyunggu mumbled as he looked up and took in the sight.
You chuckled at him, swaying your hips a little more as he pouted on your shoulder. Still, he kept dancing with you, grinding against your ass, even if he was a little moody. His hands gripped your hips just a little tighter as he moved to the song, pressing a light kiss to the back of your neck.
Yanan pulled away from his kiss with Yuto looking very satisfied with himself. Yuto clung to him, catching his breath and a little reluctant to let go. Yanan leaned in, murmuring something in his ear. You couldn’t hear it from where you were but you could gather that it had to be suggestive from just how flustered Yuto became.
Yanan managed to get out of his grip, setting his sights on you. You heard Hyunggu let out a small whine as Yanan got closer, not quite ready to let go of you yet.
“Can I cut in for a moment?” Yanan asked.
“Sure,” Hyunggu mumbled. 
“Don’t worry,” Yanan chuckled as he took a hold of your waist, pulling you closer. “I’ll give them back, eventually.”
Hyunggu fully let go of you as Yanan pulled you, wasting no time in kissing you. You let your hands trail up his arms as you leaned into him, letting his tongue past your lips. You had to admit, he was a good kisser.
Yanan’s hands slid down your back and to your ass. You grinned slightly into his kisses as he grabbed at you, pulling you closer against him. And a laugh almost bubbled it’s way out of your throat when he pressed his hips into you and you felt that he was undeniably getting hard.
“You really are trying to start an orgy,” you murmured against his lips.
“I mean I’m banking on you being down, even if the others aren’t.” He replied.
“I’m down,” you hummed, meeting his eyes for a moment before he looked over your shoulder and snorted.
“I don’t think we’ll have trouble getting them involved,” he chuckled.
You spun around and let out a laugh as you caught sight of Yuto and Hyunggu pulling each other closer in the midst of a heated makeout. You felt Yanan wrap his arms around you, pressing against you and grinding subtly against your ass. He leaned his lips near your ear.
“I was hoping this would happen when I left them both frustrated.”
“You are something else, Yanan,” you chuckled.
“I know,” he purred before letting go of you. You followed him as he moved closer to them. The two broke apart, both blushing and flustered once they realized the attention was on them. Yanan let a hand trail down each of their arms.
“What do you say we turn the heat up?” He proposed.
It was almost comical how quickly the two started nodding. Yanan took Yuto’s hand and you wrapped an arm around Hyunggu, leading him to the couch. Yanan took Yuto to the barre that ran along the wall, kissing him and pressing him back against it.
Hyunggu had his bottom lip caught between his teeth as you pushed him back to sit on the couch. You leaned down over him, one hand braced on his thigh and the other landing in his lap. Your lips brushed against his and you smirked, staying just out of reach of a kiss as you started to palm his half hard cock through his sweats.
“You’ve been getting needy,” you murmured.
“Can you blame me?” He mumbled, his voice already a little breathy.
“Not at all,” you gave him the smallest of kisses before sinking to your knees. “Just sit back and enjoy.”
“I can do that,” a ghost of a grin was on his lips as he replied. You smirked up at him as your hands found the waist of his sweats. He lifted his hips, allowing you to pull them down along with his boxers. He sunk back into the couch as you moved between his legs, meeting his gaze as you wrapped a hand around his cock.
He let out a little sigh, but it was overshadowed by Yuto’s low whine. You pumped Hyunggu’s cock as you glanced over at them. Yanan was on his knees, a hand wrapped around Yuto’s cock as he moved his head, taking him into his mouth. Yuto was gripping the barre, knees a little weak as he leaned back into it heavily.
You brought your gaze back to meet Hyunggu’s as you took him into your mouth. The way his face contorted in pleasure, eyebrows knit and mouth hung open in a moan at the sensation had a rush of arousal running through your body, down your spine to your core.
You brought a hand to his thigh, squeezing the soft skin as you moved at a steady pace, hand around the base of his cock getting a little tighter. Hyunggu let out a steady series of moans as you took your time, not moving too fast. His eyes fell shut and his hand traveled to your head, tangling into your hair.
Hyunggu tried to urge you to move a little faster but you kept your pace slow. He let out a whine and you moaned around him in reply. He tried to press his hips towards you but you dug your nails into his thigh before pulling back off his cock.
“I told you to sit back and enjoy.” You teased.
He gripped your hair a little more strongly. “You’re going too slow.”
“I want you to savour it.”
“I’ve savoured enou-” his words broke off into another moan as you took him back into your mouth, humming around him. You moved just a little faster but slow enough to keep him frustrated.
His moans grew more and more whiny and desperate with each passing moment. His hips kept trying to move and each glance up at his face gave you the sight of pleasure on his pretty features.
Yuto’s moans were no better. They were still low but they were growing louder and louder. The tone was filled with so much desperation. And the sounds of your own mouth moving on Hyunggu’s cock were nothing to the sounds Yanan was letting. Lewd, wet sounds and gagging as he took Yuto’s cock into his throat.
You pressed your thighs together, so preoccupied with the sounds filling the studio. The symphony around had tremors running through you and your cunt aching for any kind of attention now.
Your gaze shifted back to Yuto as he shakily pushed Yanan back. From the edges of your view you could make out the smirk on Yanan’s face and the mess his lips had become, a string of saliva still connecting them to Yuto’s cock.
You brought your attention back to Hyunggu, watching the look on his face as you heard Yanan get up. He and Yuto came closer. Yanan sat next to Hyunggu on the couch and wasted no time in slipping his hand under Hyunggu’s shirt while kissing up the side of his neck. Hyunggu let out a particularly needy whine as Yanan started to tease his nipples.
You didn’t notice Yuto was behind you until you felt the gentle touch on your hip and then his chin landing on your shoulder.
“Do you want some attention?” His voice was still breathy but his tone was so sweet as he spoke. You gave him an “mhm” and felt his hand dip down. You let your legs press open a bit as Yuto ran his hand over your inner thigh, squeezing while pressing kisses to your shoulder. He brought it up to your waist before slipping it into the waistband of your shorts. His hand stayed over your panties as he started to rub slowly. 
You let out a moan around Hyunggu’s cock at the pleasurable feeling. Your hips pressed forward into his touch, aching for more of the sparks that shot through your body. The touch was everything you needed in that moment as you listened to Hyunggu’s whines, moving a little faster.
Hyunggu’s whines had climbed higher in his voice. You glanced up at him to see his head had fallen against the back of the couch. His chest was heaving with heavy breaths, Yanan’s hand still under his shirt, teasing his nipples, and lips on his neck.
You wrapped your hand more tightly around his cock, pumping the base faster now. Your hips were rocking into Yuto’s hand and the pleasure rushing through your own body had you moving faster, more desperately as you took Hyunggu as deeply as you could manage into your mouth, his moans only spurring you on more.
“F-Fuck,” Hyunggu’s hands pushed at your head, pushing you back off his cock before he could cum. “O-Okay, I-I don’t want to cum yet.”
“Why don’t we switch positions then?” Yanan murmured.
You all agreed quickly. You moved back to let Hyunggu get up. Yanan took his hand, pulling him around in front of him. Yuto helped you up onto the couch, staying on his knees and shifting closer. His hands ran over your shorts as Hyunggu kneeled in front of Yanan.
“Can I take these off?” He asked sweetly.
“Absolutely,” you hummed, lifting your hips. He pulled off your shorts and panties. You watched as he bit down on his lip while spreading your legs. His eyes flickered up to look at you.
“Can I?”
You grinned down at him, threading your fingers into his hair and pulling him a little closer. His hands found your hips, pulling them closer to the edge of the couch. He kept his gaze looking up at you sweetly while he leaned in, gently running his tongue through your folds with a quiet moan.
“Mmm, just like that,” you hummed. Yuto kept a slow, gentle pace and you let yourself enjoy the sensation while Yanan next to you let out a breathy moan. 
You gazed over, seeing Hyunggu between his legs, already taking a lot of Yanan’s cock into his mouth. His hands were wrapped around the base of Yanan’s cock and his eyes were trained up on Yanan’s, taking in his heated gaze. The sight alone was arousing and had you tightening your hold in Yuto’s hair.
You looked back down at him, feeling him move a little faster as his tongue lapped at your clit. You let out moans of your own, pressing your hips towards him. You could feel and hear every moan that he let out. His eyes had fallen closed and he had one hand squeezing at your thigh while the other trailed closer and closer to your core.
“I want to feel your fingers,” you murmured down to him, knowing he was already thinking the same thing. Yuto gave you a quick gaze, slightly smiling against you as he brought his finger to your entrance, teasing you a little.You keened forwards, hips pressing closer until he dipped his finger inside.
“Mmm fuck yes,” you moaned, letting your eyes slip shut. You rocked your hips forwards as he started to finger you, moving in slow thrusts at first but quickly starting to speed up. His tongue kept its steady movements over your clit and you reveled in the pleasure that was coursing through you, the coil starting to curl in your core.
You felt Yanan’s hand pulling up the edge of your shirt. You looked over at him, finding his heated gaze now trained on you.
“Can I take this off?” He purred.
“Mhm,” you nodded, sitting up a little bit. Yanan reached over and pulled your shirt up over your head. He threw it to the side and before you could tell him to take off his own, he’d captured you in a kiss. 
You gasped at the way he gripped your jaw, pulling you in for a messy kiss, both of you moaning into each other’s mouths. Your hands gripped at his shirt, Yuto keeping your hips from moving away from himself too much, eating you out a little more quickly now.
Yanan let his hands shift around your body to undo your bra. You grinned against his lips as you shrugged it off before bringing a hand back to Yuto’s hair, and the other slipped up under Yanan’s shirt.
He let out a breathy moan against your lips that had you feeling smug as you started to tease his nipples. The kisses between you were messy and full of moans but it made it that much hotter as you took in the sounds of both Yuto and Hyunggu going down on you both.
Any smugness was wiped from your system though, and you cursed against his lips, as Yanan pinched one of your nipples between his fingers, rolling it roughly. You pressed your chest closer to him, attention only pulling away as Yuto pressed more fingers into your cunt.
“Oh fuck,” you moaned, the only thing keeping you close enough to kiss Yanan’s hand on your jaw again. Your head was spinning and the coil in your core had grown tighter and tighter from Yuto’s movements. His fingers were moving faster now, lips wrapped around your clit, sucking harshly as Yanan teased your chest.
You cried out as you fell back against the couch, your orgasm washing over you. Your thighs pressed in around Yuto’s body, his fingers still moving into your dripping core. Yanan pulled his hands away from you, letting you fall away from him as your body trembled until you started to push Yuto back, then pulling him up to kiss you.
“That was so good,” you murmured breathily against his lips, hands holding his cheeks. You felt the couch shift as Yanan stood up.
“I-I’m glad,” even now he seemed a little flustered with the praise.
“You’ll have to do that again for me some time.”
Yuto giggled against your lips, nodding slightly. You kissed him a few more times before letting him pull back as Yanan came closer. He had a few things in his hands but threw a condom at the two of you. 
“Did you just have those?”
“I had one,” he chuckled. “I got the rest from your bag.”
“H-Hey!” You felt heat rising to your cheeks. Yanan rolled his eyes.
“You have them to use them, don’t you?”
You shut your mouth. He was right of course. That was why you had them in your bag. Still, you didn’t need the others to know you kept them in your bag.
“That’s what I thought,” he smirked. “Why don’t you two have some fun, I’m not quite done with Hyunggu yet.”
You watched as Hyunggu blushed deeply but took Yanan’s hand and got to his feet. Yanan took him over to the barre and you turned your attention back to Yuto. He still looked a little flustered but there was an eagerness to his gaze as well.
“Why don’t you sit down,” you said.
Yuto followed your suggestion. You were a little wobbly getting to your feet but it wasn’t for long. Just enough time to roll the condom onto Yuto while giving him a kiss before you kneeled on the couch, straddling his lap.
His hands found your hips, squeezing them a little as you took his cock in your hand aligning it with your entrance. You gave him another look, seeing the eager grin on his face. You held his gaze as you slowly sunk down on his cock, both of you letting out moans.
“Every part of you feels good,” you moaned against his lips. The way he giggled shyly was too cute and you pressed kisses to his face as you ground your hips down, still so sensitive from your first release.
A whiny moan caught both of your attentions and you gazed over you see Hyunggu holding onto the barre, already panting. His cheek was pressed against the wall and his ass pressed back as Yanan thrust a finger into him, already finding a quick pace. Yanan’s lips left bite marks on Hyunggu’s thighs and ass.
It was starting to work you up again. You savoured the feeling of Yuto’s cock moving inside you and how each movement sent pleasure shooting through your body. The sounds of his low moans mixed with Hyunggu’s whiny ones and breathy ones in the hot air, just making you all feel more and more turned on.
“C-Can you-” Yuto looked at you with heavily lidded eyes, hands squeezing your hips. You grinned at him as he blushed, pretty sure of what he wanted. Your hands came to his shoulders and you braced yourself before coming up and then fucking yourself down on his cock.
“O-Oh god,” He moaned, head falling back against the couch. “P-Please-”
“I’m not gonna stop,” you murmured to him. “This feels so good.”
 The sounds of your own moans were drowned out by Hyunggu whining out Yanan’s name. You gazed over to see his legs trembling a little as Yanan fucked two fingers into his ass. Hyunggu was pressing his ass back as much as he could and letting out yelps and cries as Yanan nipped and bit at his ass.
The more it turned you on the faster you fucked Yuto. His moans stayed low but grew louder as you came down on his cock, shifting your angle just a little until he was hitting just the right spot inside of you that had your eyes rolling back as you dug your nails into his shoulders,
“So f-fucking good,” your voice faltered as you moaned. “You feel s-so good.”
Yuto panted and moaned in response, squeezing your hips each time you spoke. His hips rocked up to meet you, making the sensation just a little better and you felt the coil slowly starting to curl in your core as your body edged towards it’s second orgasm, close to chasing your high again.
Lewd sounds filled the air. Each time you came down on Yuto’s cock you took in the sounds of skin on skin. The way he moaned a little louder when you came down a little harder. And the sounds of Yanan’s fingers fucking Hyunggu along with his desperate moans and cries of Yanan’s name.
Your legs trembled a little beneath you and you came down fully on his cock before grinding down on him quickly. You clenched around his cock, watching as pleasure contorted his features. His eyes were squeezed shut, mouth hung open in a series of moans and pants as you moved your hips.
You leaned down a little on him, your own eyes falling closed as you ground at just the right angle to rub your clit against his body. The feeling was heavenly and your head ended up against his chest as you started to chase your own high.
But your moment was cut short as Hyunggu let out a frustrated whine that drew your attention.
Yanan had pulled away from him and both you and Yuto were looking over at him. Hyunggu pressed his hips back but Yanan stood up, murmuring something to him before pulling him to the couch.
“I think it’s about time to swap.” Yanan grinned as you climbed off of Yuto’s lap. “Yuto, Hyunggu is dying for someone to fuck him.”
Both of them blushed and you held in your giggle at their reactions. Still, Yanan had Hyunggu bend over the arm of the couch, bracing his hands on it before he beckoned Yuto closer. You sat on the other couch arm and watched as Yanan murmured something to Yuto, making him even more flustered, but also giving him a certain fire in his eyes.
Your attention followed Yanan as he sauntered towards you, rolling a condom on. He pulled you up to stand, pressing your hips back against the couch as he kissed you roughly.
“I’ve been waiting for this,” he purred.
“I don’t blame you,” you grinned.
“You’re too cocky,” he chuckled.
“I simply match your energy,” you teased.
He pulled back from the near kiss, eyes full of both lust and amusement. “Shut up and bend over.”
You couldn’t help the grin that tugged at your lips as you did what he said. You braced your hands on the couch, feeling him grind against you. A moan left your lips as his cock ground through your folds. You met Hyunggu’s eyes, nearly close enough to kiss him until Yanan and Yuto pushed into both of you at the same time.
Gasps left your lips and Hyunggu’s arms immediately gave out, chest falling against the couch. Yuto seemed to give him shallow, steady thrusts at first but as soon as Yanan bottomed out he pulled almost fully out before slamming back into you.
“Holy fuck!” you cried, head falling forwards and eyes squeezing shut at the quick bursts of pleasure that shot through your body. Every thought left your head as he fucked you much harder than you were expecting.
The sounds in the studio only made your head spin more. Hyunggu let out a series of broken moans, gasping each time he felt particularly good. His hands reached out, grabbing onto you for some kind of purchase as Yuto started to go faster.
“Y-You’re so tight,” Yuto’s voice was low and breathy and both of you had been so close that you knew he was chasing his own high now. You could hear the way his hips had speed up and he was fucking Hyunggu a little harder.
But it was still nothing to Yanan. His hands gripped your hips strongly, holding you up even as your legs started to tremble. He thrust into you fast and rough. He let out his own groans that just mixed in the feelings inside you, pulling you closer to your edge.
Hyunggu let out a cry of Yuto’s name. You managed to lift your head to see Yuto reaching down to pump Hyunggu’s cock quickly. Hyunggu’s body started to shake and he squeezed his hand around your, face pressed into the couch cushions as he came hard. Yuto kept his hips, moving just a little faster, so close to finishing himself.
You felt one of Yanan’s hands leave your hip. It slid under you and pressed between your legs, quickly rubbing over you clit.
Your own eyes squeezed shut and you screamed out as you came, only barely hearing Yuto’s own moans as he released as well. Your legs fully gave out but Yanan’s hand and the couch under you held you up as he fucked you through your orgasm, through the ocean of bliss rushing through every inch of your body as it shook.
You could barely make the words to express how sensitive you were as he gave you a few final thrusts before stopping with a groan, releasing. You felt the tremor that ran through his body with his hips pressed against your ass.
You felt the couch shifting around but you couldn’t manage to open your eyes. You felt Yanan’s hands on you, much more gentle as he helped you shift around to sit on the couch. You felt your body sliding down as you panted before he sat beside you, pulling your legs across his legs and moving your head to rest on his chest. You could tell Yuto was moving Hyunggu around as well and he was murmuring sweet encouragements to him.
“You doing okay, dude?” Yanan asked gently. His casual words with such a sweet tone made you laugh as you blearily opened your eyes.
“Yeah,” you managed, “Yeah, I’m alright.”
“Good,” he said, patting your back. “Glad to hear it.”
You snickered at how awkward he sounded as you snuggled into his chest. Behind you you heard Hyunggu mumbling.
“Are we gonna do this again sometime?”
Yanan and you couldn't contain your laughter.
“I think you need some rest,” Yuto chuckled.
Yanan reached over to ruffle his hair. “I’ll start another orgy for you anytime,” he snickered.
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spectracully · 3 years
busy boy.
pairing : fratboy!jaemin x sororitygirl!reader warnings : drinking, mentions of drugs, a bit suggestive (but pls note that this isn’t smut), cursing, mentions of divorce genre : fluff, angst, college!au word count : 2.5k
summary : inspired by chloe x halle - busy boy. basically playing around with the local campus playboy, na jaemin for months is not the best thing, not the worst thing either.
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------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ You face yourself in the bathroom mirror, hands gripping the white sink. You saw him, right there. Dancing in the middle of the frat house’s living room with a girl in his arms. Na Jaemin, the boy you’ve been talking with for 3 months now, who recently just texted you “are you up?” on 9.15, and when you replied to him that you’re actually at his frat house, attending the party that Jaehyun hosts, he just texted you back one hour later by saying he’s with his family.
You’re malfunctioning right now, still dazed, don’t know whether it's because of the alcohol, the weed Lucas gave you, or it’s just you- believing his cheap lies. Cause when you think about it, who the fuck leaves the campus, go home and spend time with family in finals month? Yeah, you’re the one who’s dumb here, actually believing his lies. But who blames you for believing in the first place, anyway? You and your sorority sisters have arrived here since 8.30 anyway, an hour and half is long enough to get you lightheaded from the shots you take.
You glanced at your watch, it’s only 11.28 pm. About an hour since you read his text, and practically 34 minutes after you literally saw him. Facepalming yourself, you close the toilet seat and sit above it. It’s not even right in the middle of the night, but it has been a wild ride for you. It’s kinda frustrating when you are the one who actually started this game, you knew Jaemin is hell of a playboy on campus, yet you decided to get some taste of it just because he’s being a real gentleman with sweet words to you. Yeri was actually furious when she saw Jaemin dropped you off at the sorority house a few weeks ago, she warned you that you should dump him before you’re too attached, but you won’t listen. There it is, the fruit of not listening to Yeri’s 40 minutes lecture of how you should avoid men like Jaemin, Lucas, Yuta, Ten, Johnny and Jaehyun in your love life, big disappointment.
Finally catching your breath, you decided that it is time you get back outside, and actually do something about it, rather than being all somber and gloomy. Jaehyun threw a goddamn frat party in the middle of finals month to relax the fellow students’ mind, not for you to dwell on your sadness, in the bathroom. It’s embarrassing. And a disgrace for your sorority.
You head out, spotting Lucas who’s leaning by the counter with Hendery and Jungwoo. They’re probably hitting more blunt and having some existential crisis over a potato chip wrapping. You continue to scan across the house, only to catch a sight of Joy busy making out with Sungjae on the couch. Or Yeri, who’s currently twerking to Doja Cat’s song, totally shitfaced. You sighed, your friends are either high, shitfaced, or sucking a boy’s face out. You really wanna continue your search for your other sisters, but then suddenly a light brown haired boy appears in front of you.
“Hey, y/n, you alright? You look like you’ve been through 4 divorces.” he asks as he stares at you, raising his eyebrows.
“Yeah, I just went through a fucking divorce. With your homeboy.” you answer him absentmindedly, pointing to the black haired boy who is wearing a black-white patterned wool sweater and a red shirt underneath, along with his slate-grey suit pants and a silver necklace. The boy in the topic is currently talking with the girl you saw earlier, being all smiley and shit.
Mark just laughs lightly as he sips his beer, “Oh him? Yeah he’s quite a busy boy. Probably went through countless divorces with half of the campus.” you chuckle at him, he knows what you’re talking about. All these girls never even had a proper official relationship with Jaemin, including you, but always ended up getting a nasty ass divorce without any reason. You know that, but you did not expect that you’d hang on up until now.
“You wanna do something about it?” Mark asks, nudging your elbow. He’s in a helpful mood now, probably because he is still not completely shitfaced or high. You glance at him, giving him a questioned look.
“Well.. I mean I would do it, but what? Kissing you in front of him so that he’ll get jealous? No, Mark. You know that his head is made out of a fucking rock, right?” You answer him, seizing his beer and take a big ass gulp.
“Hey, that’s my beer- What? Kiss you? Gross, dude. If you are looking for that guy, might as well run to Lucas or Jungwoo.” he lifts his eyebrows, slightly engrossed. You laugh at him, he’s a funny guy when he reacts to your silly jokes.
“Do I look like I wanna give you a kiss, Mark? No offense, but I don’t like crackly lipped boys.” you tease him, now he’s pouting and starts touching his lips, “Is it too crackly though? You have a lipbalm or something?” he asks
You continue to laugh while fishing the watermelon lipbalm out from your black leather jacket and pass it to him. He muttered a small thanks. You set the beer aside to the table then face him once more.
“Anyways, what should I do?” you eye him, who is now done applying the lipbalm.
“Drop your drink to the girl or something? Make sure he notices you dude.” he suggests, shrugging his shoulder.
“You’re dumb, Mark. It’ll cause a fucking catfight in the middle of party.” you deadpanned.
“Oh yeah, you have a point.” he swept his hair to the side, glancing at the whole party situation. That’s when you get the idea. Scratch kissing other boys in front of him, it’s probably the right time to call him the fuck out, you already have alcohol running in your system anyways, might as well go all out tonight, since everybody else also seems like already intoxicated by the liquors.
You lightly brush your hair, stretching your neck and praying to god that he’ll forgive you for what you are about to do. “Toodles, Mark. I’ll think a way when I get drunk, soon enough.” you wave him a goodbye, heading to the dining table to get a bottle of vodka, it’s half empty though, considering you’re being pessimistic tonight.
You chug the bottle with no mercy, wishing it’ll bring you straight to intoxication. You start to feel it kicking in, when you finish the last drop of the vodka. Banging the bottle to the nearby table, you make your way to Jaemin, who is currently sitting on the staircase by himself, checking his phone.
“Ooh, busy boy, aren’t you?” you ask him, not giving anymore fucks. He looks up to you, who is currently squinting at him, face reddening from the alcohol heat. He stares at you, biting his lip.
“Y/n. You’re drunk.” he says lightly as he stands up, tucking strands of your hair to the back of your ear. You squirm from his action. As much as you want to punch him in the face for playing with your emotions, you really miss his touch.
“I am not! Jaemiiiiin, why did you lie to meeeee?” you whine loudly to him on purpose, placing his hand on your face, pouting. Your plan worked, a few people turned their heads to you and Jaemin. He just sighs and snorts, smelling the strong liquor scent that slipped out of your lips. You can feel Yeri is probably trying to kill you with her glare, you know how much she hates Jaemin.
“Listen, baby, what are you trying to pull?” Jaemin whispers close to your ear. You’re not that sure whether it’s because of the loud music blasting in the whole house, or it’s just Jaemin’s voice. Whatever it is, your ears are tingling, sending funny sensations down to your spine.
Jaemin is pissed, you know it damn well from his tone, stern and strong. Oh yes, you love it so much, pissing him off, probably you’ll start humiliating him more and more in his own frat home, because that’s what he deserves for playing with you, and some other random girls.
“Don’t baby me, Jaemin! You said you were with your family, and then I saw you with some random girl!” you shout. At this point, you don’t really care about what others think of you, because they can clearly see you’re being drunk and probably will shrug it off. If that’s what it takes to call Jaemin out in a huge crowd, then you’ll take it. You have nothing to lose, anyway, they’ll agree with you, they all know Jaemin is a big flirt.
And there it is, the anger and humiliation fills Jaemin up. He pulls your wrists, practically dragging you upstairs. You liked it, don’t know why, it’s just fun, making him mad when it’s actually you, who should’ve been mad in the first place. He rushes you to get into his shared bedroom with Jeno and Renjun. Amused, you quickly sit on his bed, acting like you’re dumb.
He shuts the door behind him, crossing his arms. “What’s this all about, baby?”
You snort, “I think you know, Jaemin. You’ve been messing around me for 2 months- or what, I actually lost count because you’re such a busy boy.”
He widen his eyes, “I don’t-”
“Oh shut up, are you surprised that I actually last longer than all your pretty girls?” you stand up, you can’t contain the anger anymore.
“Listen, baby, I-”
“I said, don’t baby me when you do that to probably other 7 girls!” you shout, glaring at him, who is currently freezing on his space.
He sighs and sweeps his hair in frustration, licking his lips. “Will you listen to me first, at least?”
You roll your eyes, crossing your arms while glancing at his study desk. Nicely decorated, and you can see his family photograph neatly placed in a small frame. You noticed that he’s quite a reader too, judging from his book collection compared to Jeno and Renjun.
“First, I gotta admit, you last longer than other girls, yes. And second, it’s because I want to keep you-” he starts, taking a seat next to you,
You scoffed, “Keep me? You think I’m some kind of puppy that follows you around, Jaemin? You’re being such a dick right now! Do you think that I’m just some kind of wh-”
“Can you not interrupt me, baby? I’m talking.” he growls, placing his hand to your thigh. You can feel your cheeks heat up from his actions. Jaemin, being Jaemin, can sense that you’re actually flustered, he lightly squeeze your thigh, just to see your cheeks redden even more. God, he’s such a flirt.
“But first, I got to be honest with you, I was torn between ghosting you or continuing. That explains the lie a lot.” he clears his throat, looking into your eyes. You’re not giving him a reaction (except the fact that you’re already as red as a fucking cooked lobster from his hand placement), just like he said, don’t interrupt him.
“I mean- after all those messing around, I grow tired of it. I-I don’t even want to flirt anymore, I want to be comforted.. Those girls, those people.. They know I’m not serious and they do the same, y/n. We just kinda.. Have a good time and dipped.”
You’re still sitting in silence, eyes fixed on Jaemin, who now looks flustered. This is not Jaemin at all, he’s usually cocky, cheeky, and flirty, just exactly like a few seconds ago. He usually throws wink here and there, but now he actually looks… vulnerable.
“I was surprised you’re still holding on for like 3 months.. Those girls won’t even last for 2 days, y/n. It’ll end up me ghosting them or vice versa, no one ever had a second date with me. But you, you can’t seem to give up when I’m not replying, don’t you?” he chuckles as he looks at you softly,
You giggle at him a little, “Yes. I’m THAT dumb, Jaemin.” you admit to him. In reality, you know it, you know when he’s not replying, he’s probably with some other girls. But you are being deadass, you just don’t know what possessed you, you just keep on texting him like it’s nothing.
He rubs the back of his neck, “I was actually scared that you’ll dump me when I develop actual feelings to you.. Or worse, what if I break your heart after we have something? I mean, if I have to, I’d break it now, so the pain is not too harsh. That’s why I keep on lying to you, and maybe, not replying to your messages.”
At first, you feel bad from hearing him speak truthfully. But after he opened his mouth again, you can feel the anger slowly rising again through your veins. He is very very selfish and self-centered. Is this how he show his true color? A man with a big ego? That’s it?
You tilted your head, “Fuck you. Really. Then why did you start the conversation, Jaemin? You could’ve told me how you felt and we’re set. But I can see-”
He shakes his head, interrupting your words, “I-I told you, y/n. I’m very torn between wanting to pursue you, or letting you go. That’s why I often not replying right after I texted you. I’m sorry, I really do.”
You’re angry. You’re sad. But you’re confused that you’re a little happy too, hearing him speak from the bottom of his heart. But that’s very selfish of him, doing those acts to you. He could’ve told you what he actually feels way earlier than this, so you can make sure what are you two doing, instead of playing pointless games of ghosting and chasing around again.
“I see. You’re so fucking selfish, Jaemin. We talked for months and this is all I got? Am I not worth of your explanation from the start? I know you wouldn’t do anything if I hadn’t drag your ass in the middle of the fucking party!” you stand up, you can no longer hide your disappointment to him, tears start rolling down your face.
His heart breaks a little, watching bundle of tears fall from your eyes. He is the heartbreaker, but those girls were never crying when he ghosted them after they had fun, those girls would catch another boys and forget about Jaemin right away. This is Jaemin’s first ever experience, seeing a girl crying because of what he did.
He knows that he’s an asshole for playing fire, but now he feels like he is THE asshole. He broke your heart right on, and it breaks his heart right back.
You sigh deeply, trying to catch a breath after a few sobs. “Don’t fucking find me. Have fun with your girls.” you look at his eyes with full of anger and hate. With heavy steps, you walk to the door, thinking about things you’re about to do once you get downstairs, probably joining Lucas and the gang, stoning yourself out, so you don’t have to think about Jaemin and his stupid beautiful face.
Just when you try to reach the door knob, you can feel Jaemin is grabbing onto your hand.
“Y/n, I am truly sorry.. After what you did earlier, I realized that I’m a big fucking loser. I can’t even admit my feelings. When you call me out earlier, I just wanna dissolve into thin air. I can’t handle the shame of being such a dick, I should’ve told you what I feel instead of making uncertain decisions.”
You turn to him, seeing his eyes glimmering, probably because of the tears pooling up. You’re hurt, you want to push him away as far as possible, you want to see him suffer. Hell, you just want him to extinct. But seeing him like this, you can’t lie to your own feelings, you like him. You really do. But just like your sorority sisters taught you, yourself comes first, not those stupid silly boys who just fuck around.
“Goodbye, Jaemin.” you say to him, holding back more tears coming in.
Just when you’re getting ready to reach the doorknob for the second time, he pulls you into his arms. You want to let go of him, but he’s strong, and you- actually wanting this for so long. You hate him, but you have feelings for him. You can’t help but stay on his embrace.
And then... There it is, the feels. It comes back, the way you hide yourself from Yeri whenever you pick up his calls, or maybe the late night drive to nearby McDonalds, or maybe flirting through the notes you pass during class, or maybe the first kiss you shared with him in front of your sorority house, and ended up being scolded by Yeri and Joy. 
You realized that it was a stupid crush with the stupid playboy Na Jaemin, but you enjoyed your time with him. You remembered how he likes to send you goodnight selfies, or maybe the way he pouts a lot when driving. Those 3 months of on-and-off-unofficial-relationships with him, is actually making you feel things.
“Y/n, I know I don’t deserve you, but really.. This time, I mean it. I promise, I won’t mess around. Please, I know I’ve been such a dick, but if you just give me one more chance, y/n..  But I completely understand, if you hate me, and you probably want to slam me to death, and I will allow you-”
You look up to him and grabbed his face, crashing his lips into yours. He tastes like cherry soda, with a hint of cigarettes. He seems like enjoying the kiss, he cupped your cheeks as he deepened the kiss. You can feel his hands travel around your body, only to land in your hips.
You want to trust him this time. He promised you. He meant it. He will take care of you. And you trust him, this time. 
“Alright, busy boy. I do want to slam you, though... But remember, just because you’re so damn fine, I won’t even think twice to dump your ass if you act up.” you warn him.
The tears you shed just bloomed into giggles and smiles. The inconsistency between the 3 months before finally disappeared, and reborn again into a new promise.
He nods. “Believe me baby, you’re the one who wants to be slammed right now.” he teases you, glancing to his bed. You can feel your cheeks reddening again, you lightly hit him, and he laughs. He’s a cheeky boy.
“Busy boy, huh?” he giggles, “Your busy boy.”
The anger within you is released now. No more chasing around like a fool, no more getting late replies from Jaemin, no more nights of hoping that he’d reply, because he’s only busy for you now.
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ayoalex · 3 years
No one asked but head canon that I have for some of the characters that shouldn't be a thing and I hope it never becomes canon.
- She's just a lamp at this point, it's good for practice tho
- Absolutely tried to adopted a Beowolf at one point in V4/V5 until Qrow made her stop.
- She can cook... Kinda she just know the basics. The only thing she knows to bake is cookies, like that's it.
- She listen to rock but her favorite band is One Direction.
- She may have cut herself way to many times while cleaning or maintaining Crescent Rose, she's still sad she didn't even got a cool scar put of it because of her aura.
- She once tried to cut her own hair in V4 and then gave up and just decided to wait till some actual decent hairdresser could do it for her.
- She doesn't know how to pronounce correctly some stuffs so she just call them "thingy"
- Tried to dyed her hair all red like Gerard Way... Yang didn't let her touch any hair products for 5y.
- Doesn't know how to drive a bicycle and at this point of her life she's just afraid of asking.
- "I don't cook, I don't clean"
- Later Yang taught her how to clean, so at least the dorm isn't as much of a disaster.
- "Yes I have a scar in my eye, no I'm not blind"
- The only fiction book she actually read was Sailor Moon manga and that's why she uses combat skirts.
- Her favorite character is Sailor Venus
- Ruby once showed her the anime and she just cried, cuz "goddamit there's way to many episodes Ruby".
- She fights everyone just for shit and giggles, she just enjoy the drama.
- She knows how to play the kazoo for some strange reason.
- She will never tell anyone but she onced read an hentai by accident at the age of 12 and since then she has a phobia of tentacles.
- Is a bad influence... Specially to Ruby.
- She once skipped an entire day of classes because she was sleepy, Weiss was really mad at her.
- "Men, I wish I had the money to buy that" Proceeds to hack the system so the company sends her shit for free
- Yang has to tell her she can't just continue doing illegal shits now that's she's at school and out of the White Fang.
- Sometimes she just look directly at Weiss eyes and just break some shits to make her upset.
- "Blake, isn't your abdomen too exposed on battle?" "I want them to know I'm hotter than them Illia"
- "High boots? Check. Skinny pants? Check. Fat ass? Check. Ok I'm ready to fuck shit up"
- She loves every type of music but she only knows how to twerk with classic music.
- Knows every word of "Bet on it".
- Used to watch Turtle Ninjas and Michelangelo is her favorite.
- The hot lesbian weeb, geek, nerd and jock everyone loves.
- For some reason she knows ton shit of History and Philosophy.
- She once made an essay about High School Musical named "Sharpay Evans was the real victim."
- She is a fanatic of car/bike video games like Need for Speed, etc
- Absolutely loves GTA and she used to play with Velvet and Blake all the time in Beacon
- She and Nora once went outside on a stormy day to see if by Nora activating her semblance she could electrocuted Yang so she could activate her own semblance... It strangely worked.
- She can't really cook but she's an amazing baker... Tho she only bakes on Ruby's birthday
- She has a whole archives of blueprint of some motors, cars, bikes, weapons, etc.
- Yang and Blake just used to go to clubs or bars to bet money on some dudes in pool and blackjack knowing damn well Blake was an expert on both.
- Yang knows different instruments, her favorite song to play is the Wii Sports song
- He loves romantic movies, The Notebook always makes him cry
- He learned to play guitar to impress girls to make him look like a tough guy, now he just play acoustic covers of Britney Spears discography.
- Circus is a personal favorite of him.
- He knows how to dance, used to do ballet with his sisters and once a boyfriend of one of his sisters taught him hiphop
- Has a teddy bear that he brings everywhere with him.
- Fav food is pancakes but she absolutely loves eating pizza
- She always gives strange ideas to Yang since she knows Yang is a closet nerd and geek.
- She saw Pokemon once and since then have tried to imitate Pikachu attacks.
- Power Ranger is her shit.
- Hot girl shit
- If Ruby is a lamp, then she's a charger.
- He did tried to dyed his hair pink but didn't like the result so decided for just a part of his hair pink.
- Everyone things he's the normal one of the group until you listen to him in a deep discussion with Weiss about Sailor Moon.
- Him and Blake casually bond once because of tea and now they just recommend each other new teas they have tried.
- He absolutely loves cartoons, Samurai Jack is one of his fav.
- The emo kid that is also a sunshine.
- "I cook and I clean"
- He just think Yang is cool and it doesn't matter how much Weiss tries to make him stop thinking that Ruby just tells some cool story about Yang.
- "Sir, they are my found family, can you please take me back to them?"
- Loves talking with Blake, she's always giving him books recommendations and she's one of the few that don't strictly treat him like a kid.
- He tried playing video games with Ruby... Let just say he prefers spending time with Ren now.
- Knows every word of Short King Anthem, he sings the chorus while Weiss and Nora rap the other 2 verses.
- He watch Love Island religiously and even has the game in his scroll.
- Sun made a GC with only Illia and Yang on it so they could talk about Blake but he forgot they don't have international communications anymore.
- Coco and Yang and Blake used to go to the same gay bar.
- Summer used to curse when playing video games with Qrow and one day Ruby heard her. Since Ruby could barely talk she didn't cared until at dinner Ruby said "Fuck" In her tiny baby voice and that's the first word Ruby said... Also Qrow was banned of playing video games with the girls in the same room because Summer blamed him.
- Phyrra was a musical fanatic that she and Yang just watched a musical every Sunday.
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purplerayne17 · 3 years
Can’t Dance-BKDK
Katsuki, 25-year old chemical engineer, has begun dating one of the analysts that works in his building. They guy was a total nerd, but he was perfect for Katsuki: hot, smart, adorable—not that he’d admit this just yet.
On one of their last dates, Deku—Izuku—the emerald-eyed cutie—admitted they had gone to the same high school—Katsuki was mortified! How had he never noticed?
Deku said it was fine, that he had kept a low profile on purpose to be able to focus on his studies. He said that the only time he actually went out was to meet his friends, whom Katsuki was meeting today.
Katsuki was not nervous, not one bit. He was awesome, no doubt about it, but this was important to the nerd, so he’d try to be—ugh—pleasant.  He wondered what sort of friends the nerd had to have him meet them at a dance club—this didn’t seem like the nerd’s scene. Luckily, Deku had thought of their friend groups as a whole meeting, so his idiots would serve as buffer.
“Hey, you made it! The guys are inside already!” Deku chirped as he jogged to reach him.
“Hah? You think I’d ditch you?!” He answered on instinct, but the moment his eyes fell upon the greenette all was lost. He felt the air leave his lungs, as he took in the white sneakers he had gotten the man; skin-tight, ripped black jeans;  the almost see through white shirt and black jacket with bunched up sleeves to reveal the muscular forearms... Bakugo Katsuki was suddenly very thirsty and the smirk on his lover’s face let him know this was evident.
Leaning in for a hug, the cheeky shit asked, “Like what you see, Kacchan?” Letting a warm breath fan over Katsuki’s ear, leaving a trail of goosebumps on its wake.
He hugged back and his brain decided to work again and managed to say something halfway smooth. “Wouldn’t be here if I didn’t.”
The nerd stepped back, taking him by the hand to lead him inside and giggled. “Good. I can’t be the only one restraining myself here.”
‘Who is this confident fucker?!' Izuku Midoriya was usually shy and cute in public, an adorable mumbling mess. Sure, he was a dominant monster in bed, but never in public. Katsuki should have seen this as a red flag as to what was to happen inside, but at the moment, he was too turned on to care.
The club was packed and Katsuki could already feel his shoulders tense—he’d never liked crowded places, too much could go wrong. However, it seemed the nerd had planned for everything because he had rented a private area on the second floor for their “squads”, as they called themselves.
As soon as they walked past the entrance, Katsuki’s red-headed best friend, Eijirou, spotted them and ran over to wrap them in a bone-crushing hug. “Bakubro, you made it! Mido-bro, thanks for getting him to come out today!”
Izuku beamed at the small praise and went over to the table to join the rest of their friends. Katsuki, reminding himself not to cause a bad impression, suppressed the urge to make a scene, pocketed his hands, and went to sit beside Izuku, draping his arm casually over his boyfriend’s shoulders.
“So, guys, this is Kacchan! Kacchan, this is Shouto, Ochako, Shinsou, and Iida.”
“’m only Kacchan to you, Nerd,” Katsuki said, turning them to the others and giving a sharp nod to acknowledge them. “Name’s Katsuki Bakugo. Nice to meet you.”
His own friends gawked openly, “Dude, did you hear-?” “Did he just say-?” “Midoriya, you broke him!” “Bro, was nice!”
Izuku snorted and took a swig of his beer while his nerdy friends laughed and expressed their pleasure in meeting him too.
Katsuki wanted to throttle his so-called squad. Couldn’t they just be normal for once?! He almost, almost let out a whine at this. This night was going to be terrible. He needed a drink, so he snatched the bottle from his boyfriend’s hand and gulped what was left of it.
His displeasure must have been evident, because a short-haired brunette, Round Cheeks—yes, he already forgot her name—put a hand on Katsuki’s shoulder and said, “Don’t worry; Izu already told us you’re a little rough. As long as you make him happy, you don’t have to worry about faking it.”
He wasn’t sure if to feel relieved or threatened by that, but Izuku had his hand on Katsuki’s thigh and his thought process became compromised once more.
The group was hitting it off—they were one their fifth round of shots, they had no choice but to hit it off at this point—and some were starting to drift off into the dance floor. 
Mina had already dragged Kirishima two songs ago, Sero went for the bold move of asking Iida—apparently he has a robot or a daddy kink— who also dragged Ochako along; and Denki, being Denki, was starting to pull both Shinso and Shouto into the dancefloor when all of the sudden, the song changed, and Izuku’s eyes lit up.
Panic surged through Katsuki’s body. He’d told the nerd he went to parties all the time in high school and college; it was part of the jock’s image after all, but he had conveniently left off the part that he NEVER danced.
Before he could react, Izuku grabbed him by the hand and began to guide him down the stairs, but Katsuki, in a last-ditch effort, pulled back and kissed deeply Izuku, grazing the other’s bottom lip to request access, hoping to distract him.
Izuku of course was smarter and lovingly pulled away, tracing along the blonde’s features with his thumb.
“What’s wrong, Kacchan?”
Katsuki felt himself flush, giving a nervous chuckle as he rubbed the back of his neck, completely avoiding the greenette's gaze. This was so embarrassing! “Oh, um, I can’t dance” Better to admit it and avoid suffering.
But of course, being the sunshine that he is, Izuku smile broadly and took his hand once more. “Oh, is that all? And here I was, getting worried.”
Due to his current confusion because: 1. His boyfriend was overly confident in public; that had never really happened. 2. He was not deterred by Katsuki saying he couldn’t dance, and 3. Those pants on Deku left nothing to the imagination; Katsuki let himself be dragged to the dancefloor without much fuss.
Once there, Deku grabbed both of his hands and said, “Even if you can’t dance, just hold my hips while I roll them” and as he said it, he turned around and ground to the beat, the greenette’s plump ass grazing his crotch, that had Katsuki on the verge of a heart attack. All he could do was swallow and nod.
As the song continued, Deku brought a hand to caress Katsuki’s face and told him, “Relax, babe. I won’t mind as long as you don’t stop.”
With a wink, Deku turned around and continued to dance. Katsuki was awestruck at the man before him, dancing with a confidence that just added to his usual radiance. The shock at this revelation was so much, he whispered “What the fuck?”
“Oh, come on Kacchan! Don’t just stand and watch; follow me!”
And ladies and gentlemen, Katsuki tried, but he was fucking stiff.
He was usually a cocky, over-the-top competitor type, but this was just too much. Deku noticed the nerves though and brought him close, as the song shifted to something slower. With a sultry tone, he breathed, “Being all anxious won’t do you any good, cause I don’t have any plans of stopping.” Then he bit his lip in contemplation, and nodded, making a decision Katsuki was completely alien to, while he brought them chest to chest, stealing a mind-numbing kiss.
“You just gotta move in my direction; I’ll teach you.”
In the background, he could hear his friends hollerin’ and calling his name. But he drowned them out, because who the fuck can keep a straight train of thought—no pun intended—when Deku is dropping and twerking like it’s nothing?!
After two songs, Katsuki had had enough. He dragged Deku to the bathroom and locked the door.
“What the fuck, Deku?!”
Izuku eyed him with nervous eyes, searching for answers, freaking out because he had no idea what had enraged his boyfriend.
“What did I do, Kacchan?”
“You’re a nerd! We’ve never been partying, and you said you only went out to meet your friends during high school and college. Why the fuck can you dance like that?!”
At this point, Katsuki was clearly frustrated and confused. Now he can admit his words didn’t make much sense, but he was caught off guard at the moment; can’t really blame a guy.
Izuku’s big emerald eyes widened and then something clicked. He doubled over laughing, only increasing Katsuki’s frustrations.
“What the hell nerd, just answer me!”
Gasping for breaths between his laughter, he attempted to calm the blonde. “Oh, oh Kacchan is that-is that what was worrying you?” Another wave of laughter.
“Are you making fun of me? Izu, I thought you trusted me, but you’ve been lying to me!”
“No, no, no! Kacchan, I haven’t lied at all. I did only go out to meet my friends, but it was to a dance class! I could’ve sworn I told you about it on our second date.”
Their second date was the time they went to the amusement park; the first time they made out. No wonder he didn’t remember! There were more pressing, memorable, matters at hand, after all.
Then, it was like Izuku had flipped a switch. He got closer and wrapped his arms around Katsuki’s neck, bringing their lips together briefly, before nipping along the blonde’s jaw and neck, making him bite back a moan. With an almost animalistic growl, Deku whispered into Katsuki’s ear as his hands made their way down the engineer’s body.
“Why? Were you a little jealous, or just upset I haven’t shown you everything I can do?”
Katsuki snapped, caging the greenette against the wall, he bit playfully at the other’s shoulder and asked, “Oh, is that so? Care to show me what you’ve been holding back, Deku?”
But just as he smashed their lips together, the door swung open, startling them and making them scramble to cover their evident arousal.
“What the fuck Pikachu?!” Bakugo seethed.
‘Damn it! So close!’
Denki rushed into a stall, apologizing when he was already inside. “Sorry Bakubro, can’t hold it in!”
“I thought you’d closed it!” Izuku looked at him with panic in his eyes, hands still smoothing over the dark jeans to put everything back in its place.
Katsuki, still fuming at the interruption, hissed, “I did!” Looking towards the stall and wondering how the hell the other blonde had broken through.
Draping a hand around his boyfriend’s shoulders, moment clearly gone, he began to chuckle at Izuku’s embarrassment as he led him back to their area. 
That reaction was more like the nerd he knew. Although confident dancer Izuku had him with a constant hard-on, he has to admit he loved how cute his boyfriend could be when he was flustered. His sexy-ass moves would have to wait until they got back to one of their apartments, but that night was one he’d never forget.
Just having a day where I couldn’t get this song out of my head xD (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nNZrc_XvF30)
Now on Ao3 https://archiveofourown.org/works/29592402 
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neo-shitty · 3 years
hehe glad i could make you laugh, oooh that sounds awesome! yeah id love to be tagged it sounds great :)
YES the differences are so fucking weird. like, they do know they're the same age right? i feel like its just an exagguration of how much the persons role in the group matters, like we see chan being held up as such a mature, old leader while jungkook who is literally the same age, is still babied etc. like enha hyung line is basically the same age (if a bit younger) as chenle and jisung but somehow the rules are different?? as you point out, still legal but still bizarre. hehe yeah, i mean where else are we going to rant? quora lol. mmm, hopefully more people can just write less smut abt people who are barely adults
ah, no prob it didnt take long. yeah i think thats right (i keep forgetting you know my url lol) mmhmm :( i think if that happened irl there would be some major trauma going on. knock wood it never happens to you or me lol (/hj)
hehe same! oooh glad Redemption For Cheese was realised! yess we cant rllycomplain that theyve written/produced too much good music lol. yeah, ive dragged him into being a stay so *dusts hands off* mission accomplished. mmm yeah, they tend to have a certain vibe but tbh it couldve worked if they were any other group but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ahh ur one step ahead of me on the stages of listening to ssick i think, still not convinced but thats okay! hehe, it had to be said. yesss the itch in the back of my brain is very satisfied by sorry i love you, felixs vocals deserve to be appreciated! (side note i feel like hes trying to sing more like his speaking voice, sorta husky, but tbh i wouldnt be mad if he sang like in glow, his sweet honey vocals made my life lol. but i think ive heard him say he doesnt like singing like that cos it makes his normal voice less husky, so what can you do)
> YES SOMEONE SAID IT. seungmin rap KING, he sped thru that rap like it was nothing, he deserves more rap lines. i do like how they gave minho some melodic rap lines this comeback, my guy deserved to show off those skills that made him not be eliminated (flashbacks to stay collectively wanting to murder jyp) and we already know changbin can sing, my man murdered masked singer. hyunjin can obviously sing as can jisung and felix, and i want to hear chan rap more! i feel like he started as part of 3racha (as a rap unit not producing) and then just became a vocalist (which im fine with, but it could be nice to hear him flex his rapping skills) and was partially replaced by hyunjin. anywayyy
back to album talk. lmaooo sad music to twerk to PERFECTLY describes silent cry. yes secret secret is and will always be, a masterpiece. hehe glad i could make you laugh :) i just felt like they have similar vibes. putting off skz stuff bc of not having time to cry IS the kpop stan life summarised. oh my beloved track, red lights. ahh thats okay, we can have different opinions, but by god the lyrics are *chefs kiss*. *banging on table* TWISTED AU TWISTED AU TWISTED AU. yess id love to see ur take on it! sdfghjkl it would have been glorious
no no! not stupid, just able to predict my brainwaves. ooooh thats so cool! makes me want to go there (wherever there is lol) yeah the waves are pretty good here, but none of my familys a surfer, so we dont rlly enjoy the full potential lol. YES moving on to gone away, it is indeed a heartwrenching track, but the vocals and the bloody key change? makes me want to brave being sad just to listen to it. mmm yeah, good point :( i feel like ive just gotten used to overthinking so much so that it doesnt matter what mood im in, ill do it anyway, so might as well just do what i feel like doing anyway.
yeah i think ur right! it is quite comforting knowing that all the tracks will get the love they deserve. i feel like also people assume kpop is just one genre which is utter bs. there are so many different vibes and feels and songs, i couldnt get into kpop (of which i thought only the bright cheerful present day bts stuff existed smh) until i heard gods menu so... idk where i was going with this but yeah. :)
YES FUCK YG, theyre literally on the brink of being kicked out of the big three and they are holding their salvation hostage without letting them do ANYTHING. idek what thought process goes thru their minds but arghhh its so infuriating. yess lisa's cb will be awesome but ot4 is the gold standard here.
hehe, glad u could get to this point. no no! u dont sound like a cult member at all lol yeah, i loooove some of their songs but the whole 23 members thing is getting to me. thats prob a common problem with nctzens but what can i say? im a simple girl with a limit to how many korean boys i can give my money to. atm im just trying to get into ateez and finish memorising enhypen's faces. also kard is kinda sucking me into their fandom atm, as well as eric name lol. ah what can you do? ooh thats good!
hehe i love it too! its exactly like online penpals, that was rlly well put. aww ty! hmm im okay, recovering from a bad case of rsv so thats fun. im doing okay mentally, starting therapy soon (after having to convince my mother that its not just smth i can brush off). physically i wont go into, basically i should be doing stretches to help but they dont completely fix it so my lazy ass doesnt do them, plus i got told recently im going to be stuck with this condition for the rest of my life so thats fun! ah, before you type smth dw abt me ill be fine. the weather atm is cloudy but warm, its been raining on and off today which is good for the garden. uhh i just finished reading sunburnt veils and im in the middle of prom theory which is rlly good. ummm ive got a concert tonight? that i may or may not be able to sing in (bc of the whole rsv thingo) and uhhhh idk. my dog is cute? im drinking tea rn? ive got a school dance coming up?
wbu? hows ur day going, how are you? whats the weather like on ur end? done anything interesting lately? found smth that makes you rlly happy? just any random thing youve been dying to tell someone?
no no! dont apologise, i love these exchanges. i think im happy to continue them for a long time :) on the other hand, if you get tired of them, feel free to just not answer at any time. goodness gracious this was a long ask haha hope it isnt too annoying
<3 w.a. 🐺
sorry it took me a bit to reply, i was fixing my theme ;n;
yeah, i figured it was because of the roles too. my friends and i still get taken aback when 3rd gen idols are the same age as 4th gen ones. in my head it doesn't add up sometimes. PLS THE RANT AT QUORA SKJDK tbh tho it's just going to be normalized as the years pass? esp that the boys are growing older and the amount of explicit fics will just increase. i might have to start blocking tags.
i had to look up the previous ask to remember what we were talking about xd i hope the events in champagne problems never happens to anyone. realistically, it probably happens a lot. damn i really won't wish that pain on anyone. dragging your brother into being a stay i whEEZED JFKSA additional noeasy music enthusiast o.o and ALL I CAN SAY WITH YOU GUSHING ABT FELIX IS AHA WHIPPEEEED OML can't blame you tho, i also want to hear felix sing more in other shades (if that makes sense HAHA) i really hope they'll do the role exchange in the next comeback :( or like in the near future bc i know they can do it :( the day i hear seungmin rapping it i will respectfully pass away. minho was given more lines this comeback thank fUCK i could rmb my irl being vocal abt her frustration. i don't get why minho barely has center time/lines in title tracks??? like the line distribution in the past eras just made me ???? if seventeen can balance lines with 13 members why cant a group of 8 do the same? moving on. i haven't watched the stray kids show simply bc i don't want to cry HAJS but i've seen clips. imagine if skz debuted without minho and felix?!?!? i rmb another irl catching bias feels towards changbin bc of the masked singer only to find out that the man's a rapper. i love how skz's vocals were highlighted this comeback :c there were a lot of mellow tracks! i find it cute when chan sings/raps bc it gets kinda obvious that he's a foreigner? the accent (im not even sure if it's the accent) it just shows. "putting off skz stuff bc of not having time to cry IS the kpop stan life summarised." CORRECT.
abt the twisted au o.O i'll inquire my irl if she wants to write it or not. if she doesn't want to, i'll do it. i miss writing twisted aus <3___<3 and i also miss going to the beach with my friends :' ) but it's starting to get cold here and i don't think i'll be able to enjoy the beach as much as i would if i went beaching in the summer. so maybe next summer? gone away really has an sm-ballad vibe. the thing about skz being a self-producing group, their songs don't sound like typical jype songs? and i just appreciate that bc in all honesty im not a fan of jyp groups at all. PLS the overthinking. i wish i could mute overthinking.
anyone who assumes kpop is just one genre obv hasn't listened to a single track. if kpop was just one genre why do i like some tracks more than the others??? oh you've only recently become a kpop stan? tbh im not a fan of the bright songs of bts either. i liked their older ones *chefs kiss* really matched high school vibes. yg has good artists and they're just wasting the talent ~.~ that strategy they have will get tiring eventually. people will stop waiting on blackpink and move on to newer more active groups ://
HAHAHAH yeah the 23 members is pretty overwhelming! it was the reason i didn't bother stanning before quarantine started. i don't regret stanning tho, met my ult bias in that group <3___<3 i don't really purchase albums unless i like the tracks xd ohhh getting into ateez just in time for the comeback! let me know what you think about them! i was fond of them at some point but grew out of it. good luck with memorizing enhypen! it took me a while to distinguish to people there XD i haven't checked out kard yet but chan plays their songs during lives and they're sexc hype music me likey *u*
i had to look up rsv im sorry. i'm glad you're recovering! please rest more and don't stress yourself out. bro i wish i could go to therapy too bc i have weird issues i can't justify and i need a professional to tell me what's the reason behind it. stuck with what condition btw? what happened? i'm sorry in case i just forgot. yesterday was a bit rainy for me too :(( it's not the type of rainy that makes me anxious so B) oh concert! good luck and i hope you'll be able to sing but i also don't think it's best for you rn :c what's your dog's breed? and yes i just finished drinking tea too. AAAAA i miss school dances :(( the last one i was supposed to have was cancelled bc of covid.
i was less productive today and i'm teetering between being mentally stable and becoming a hermit again. i'm anxious with a lot of things atm so like : D not the best state. today it was a bit sunny but not hot hot which was nice. i changed my theme today bc i couldn't wait for sept. 1st. and no i haven't found anything that makes me happy HAHAHA shit like that's hard to identify. don't have anything to say too, i'm just thinking about why i'm procrastinating too much atm T_T and i'm listening to this rap song atm and one of the rappers sounded like han.
it isn't annoying! i enjoy the long exchanges but i do admit it takes me awhile to type down a reply. so if i get more busy, it'll prolly take a bit longer for me to reply.
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renaxwrites · 4 years
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.08 - No Control
synopsis: the number Eleven had always appeared in milestones of your life. it was a constant, and you didn’t know why. but you would soon find out when you study abroad in japan and meet Him.
pairing: tsukishima x fem!reader
warnings: none!
masterlist: here :)
a/n: it’s been a quick minute! also I’m not entirely sure how taxis and such work in Japan, so for the sake of the story, we’re using uber! no smelly taxis for you ma’am >:) also I picked bops I felt fit with the groups lol don’t fight me on the vibes I got :) also here’s a TikTok that inspired the Suga scene: <3 !
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I can’t contain this anymore. I’m all yours, I’ve got no control.
“Are you sure this looks okay? I feel a little more breeze than usual...”
“Y/n, it’s fine! You look stunning. And if you don’t believe me, ask Mizuki. MIZUKI-SAN!! We need some confirmation over here!!” Suga bellowed.
You, Suga, and Mizuki were all centered in the main room. Even Akiteru was home for the night. Tonight was the volleyball “get-together” downtown, with not only Karasuno, but with other schools as well.
Everyone was expected to dress a little nicer, since it was a night out in the town. Tsukki and Yamaguchi has already left, getting ready within 10 minutes. He walked out the door as soon as he heard, “I’ll be ready in 2 hours...minimum” come out of your mouth. And you’re glad he did. For now.
Your fashion choice was mutually decided that past weekend between Suga and Yachi, who were both in on your “karaoke confession” plan. Their dress choice for you made you feel like a dream. You had eyebrows fleekd, the lashes on, the eyeliner pointed, the heels strapped, the whole she-bang! However, you were worried about actually going out in it. Right now it looks good in your room, but how does it look outside of it?
“Y/n dear, you look ever-so lovely. And might I say, I’m sure it’ll turn the head of even a more emotionally unaware, six foot tall, blonde player,” Mizuki truthfully reassures.
Wait. WHAT?
Your reaction was like an open book, causing the room to chuckle.
“Yes, y/n, as emotionally constipated as my brother is, it’s a little obvious there’s a little chemistry between you two. And itd be ludicrous if he didn’t see you in that dress like we do. If he doesn’t, I’ll teach him a lesson myself,” Akiteru punches his empty hand.
“Well...if you say so...”
“But before you go, let me take a picture! You all look adorable!” Mizuki exclaimed.
A few minutes of photo-snapping later, you were off! Since the event was farther, the two of you shared an uber for convenience. You were already struggling with breaking in your new heels, there was no way you were going to make it! Thank goodness for Suga’s common sense.
  ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Soon, you arrived in front a low-lighted club, with neon lights accenting it’s features. The only detail setting apart from a real club was that it was being rented out to you, majority minors, so no alcohol would be seen in any of your hands. Not all of you were minors, but none of you were at the country’s drinking age yet.
The bass from the music amplified the atmosphere, which suddenly closed in on you, making you nervous. Suga noticed right away, and was quick to put a rub your shoulder and let you know “everything is fine, don’t worry.”
He leads you to where the main mingling was happening. Immediately, you see players who you recognized, but don’t quite know. You stride up to a group seated on a leather couch, seating Daichi, Hinata, and Yamaguchi. Beside them were a bed-headed individual, a pudding-haired boy talking only to Shoyo, an owl-looking dude, and a very dashing raven-haired boy. Oh, and Tsukishima. Can’t forget him.
“Oy! You guys made it!” Daichi announced. “Now everyone is here! Before we start, let me introduce these guys. This here is Kuroo and Kenma, captain and setter for Nekoma. Bokuto, and Akaashi, captain and setter for Fukurodani.”
Formalities were exchanged, but Tsukishima hasn’t uttered a word yet. He was too occupied with how Suga’s hand was on your back when you first walked in. Why’d you come with him? And that one second of silence before Daichi’s greeting. Within that split moment, he noticed all 8 of the boys on the couch had drank in your appearance. Including himself. How could he help it, when you looked as angelic as the way you did?
Only Kuroo was cheeky enough to comment on it. “Daichi, you never told me you had such cute managers! Hope you don’t mind me transferring to Karasuno,” he said with a wink sent your way.
“Keep flirting like a creep and I’ll sit you on the bench for the whole season if you do transfer,” Daichi half-jokingly replied. Kuroo only cackled in response.
“But you do look very pretty, y/n-san. I almost didn’t recognize you for a second! Very pretty!” Hinata innocently piped up. If Tsukishima was ever thankful for Hinata, it was now, as his comment made you blush.
“Let’s get this started! Captains, up to the front please!” Daichi announced, leading the captains present to the front of the room.
You and Suga replace the spot where Daichi and Bokuto were. It was then that Tsukishima decided to acknowledge your presence. With a shoulder tap.
“So. It took you two hours to pull something together like that? Looks like it only took 20 minutes to me,” was the first thing that he said.
You turn to look at him. Raising a brow, you ask, “Tsukishima. On average it takes me 12 minutes to get ready for school. And on the few months we’ve known each other, have you seen me with makeup on? Or in heels? Didn’t think so sir. So sue me if I want to slap some eyeliner on.”
You cross your arms and turn the other way. In doing so, your dress hiked up your thighs, leaving your legs a little more exposed. The sight causes Tsukishima to blush and distract himself with something else.
“Alright everyone, thank you for joining us tonight! Before we get started, we want to wish all the teams a ‘good luck’ in advance!” Daichi goes on to explain the theme for the night: TikTok. Some people were confused, but most, including yourself, were super hyped for the theme.
The teams drew numbers, picking the order. First was Nekoma, Fukurodani next, followed by Karasuno.
The Nekoma third years started it off strong, dancing and singing shamelessly to Savage from the TikTok challenge. The nerves you were nursing began to dissipate as you watch how much fun the boys were having trying to ‘throw it back’. You were still holding your stomach by the time Kuroo came back to his seat, trying to comfort the aches you had from laughing so hard.
“Enjoy the show, princess?” The captain teased as he tried to keep his own laughter at bay.
You wipe a tear, not wanting to ruin your makeup. “My gosh, who knew the players of Nekoma could thow a volleyball and throw it back? Immaculate performance, a definite ten out of ten from me.”
“There’s more where that came from, if you want. I’m excited to see your attempt, though,” he countered with a wink.
Before you could retaliate, Bokuto thunderously intervened. “Hey! If you thought that was good, just wait for mine. I’ve been told I have more...what was it Akaashi?....No, one those girls said that one time....OH! I’ve got wayyy more ‘cake’ than that bed-head rooster does!” He triumphantly crossed his arms.
“Shut up owl-face! Y/N can be the judge, winner gets bragging rights.” “You’re on flat-ass!”
Nekoma had since finished their turn (in which Kenma conveniently showed up from hiding), giving Bokuto the opportunity to sprint up the karaoke stage. He had a plan set into motion. With a mini emo-episode and several attempts of bribing, the ace-captain was followed by his reluctant teammates.
They all gathered in some formation, leaving you curious. You and your seat mates ponder as to what song they would choose to try and top Nekoma’s third years.
You hear a familiar “Hold on...” burst from the speakers, and you immediately gasp aloud. Those sitting around turn to you. However, Bokuto’s next line in the mic instantly stole the attention of the whole room.
“Did you hear what the fuck I SAID??? SHAKE!! SOME ASSS!!!”
Everyone bursts in hysterics as Bokuto started enthusiastically started twerking to the beat, his teammates following his lead, much to their dismay. However, what finally killed you was when Akaashi stood silently as he began to toss one-dollar bills in his captain’s direction.
Suga handed you some tissues for you to prevent your tears from staining your makeup. Bokuto took his boastful stride back to the couch, taking his seat.
“So? Better than flat-ass over here? Guess volleyball isn’t the only thing I’m better at, Kuroo.”
The two captains await your answer, to which you silently pull out a few dollar bills.
“Kuroo, I do believe you gave your best shake, but Bokuto is the taker. Please sir, take this token and buy yourself a drink, as the winner with the best cake,” you bow your head, trying to stifle your laughter.
Bokuto finalizes your decision with a boastful “Hey Hey Heyyy!”, and goes to buy the group some water with your generous donation.
“Alright, so who from Karasuno wants to go first?” Ah, the question you secretly dreaded.
Suga gives you a look. You return a look to him, silently praying that you don’t want to go first. But Suga being Suga volunteered you both, hastily dragging you along. As the two of you ready yourselves on the mics, a conversation sparked up back where you once sat.
“Thanks for the water, Bokuto-san, I have a feeling I’m going to need it in a minute,” the Nekoma captain stated in a nonchalant tone.
“Huh? Why?” Everyone else inquires, suddenly curious. He simply leans back. Arms behind his head, eyes on you. “She’s kinda cute, dont’cha think?”
Tsukishima follows his gaze, then proceeds to glare back at his friend. Kuroo notices, then feigns innocence. “What? She’s pretty, can’t blame a guy for noticing...why? You have your eye on her too or something, Tsukishima-kun?”
The blonde then breaks his stare, scowling. “Or something.”
The expression Tsukki wore when watching you told Kuroo otherwise.
Back onstage, you silently pray that Suga’s mystery song choice was a decent one. You trusted the man, but then again, some choices of his were questionable.
“Okay y/n, you ready? And don’t say no because we’re doing it no matter what you say!” he flashes you a blinding smile. You just nod in response and try not to sweat.
The song begin, and everyone instantly is hit with the familiar sound. You turn to Suga and lightly slap his arm playfully. “You really picked this one? I haven’t heard this in so long!” To which he responds, “Can’t blame me!” You couldn’t come up with a response before he began to sing his heart out, releasing all he needed to say within the words of the song.
“Can’t count the years on one hand that we’ve been together...I need the other one to hold you, make you feel, make you feel better...”
The sound was sucked out of the room, with Suga being the only one to fulfill it. You were so mesmerized by his voice you found yourself swaying to the music, your body having a mind of its own.
“I should be over all the butterflies, but I’m into you, I’m into you. And baby even on our worst nights, I’m into you...”
Before your part arose, he picks up your hand and spins you around in time with the melody. This was enough to bring you to your senses. Suga gives your fingers a squeeze as you began your part.
“Recount the night that I first met your mother, and on the drive back to my house I told you that, told you that I loved ya...”
The way the stage lights presented you had your friends captivated. There was something different about you as you sang your lullaby. The movement of your hips was captivating to a certain boy you once linked pinkies with. The reflection of your dress in tune with your movements left him breathless. Tsukishima swore thw way you looked into his eyes while mustering out “I’m still into you...” was for him. Even if it was a figment of his imagination, he was fine with just pretending for a mere moment.
You attack Suga with a hug after finishing Paramore’s famous song, flustered at the amount of applause you both faced. hand-in-hand, the two of you retreated back to your rightful seat, and were once again bombarded with praise.
“Y/N!! SUGA-SAN!! That was amazing!!” “The way you two harmonized...immaculate” “I didn’t know you were so good!”
“Thanks, it wasn’t much,” you play with your hair, still slightly embarrassed. You looked up into a pair of golden eyes, waiting for the only opinion you cared about tonight.
Tsukishima returns your stare, quickly glances at your clasped hands with Suga, then reverts his gaze just as quickly. “Well you didn’t mess up so...good job.”
You roll your eyes so hard you felt the tips of your false lashes touch your brows. “Thanks, Tsukishima.” You’re go of Suga’s hand and plop down to to your seat with a huff.
“Y/n-chan, don’t worry about him. Pretty sure that’s his way of saying he loved your voice. I know I did,” Kuroo reassures, patting on your head.
You failed to notice the way Tsukki’s cheeks tinted with pink as he threw a hard glare at his friend. What you did see was Suga headed outside with none other than Daichi. Alone.
You send him a tex expecting details later, not expecting him to reply anytime soon.
You’re thrown out of your curious train of thought when Nishinoya and Tanaka began to rave to “Hot wings” from the Rio movie. The underrated bop served them well, as everyone migrated to the dance floor to rejoice to their song of choice.
Silently bobbing in your seat, you’re granted an offer. “Want to join me?” The hand outstretched belonging to Kuroo, of course.
With consent, he pulls you up and starts guiding you to the middle, a hand on your back.
You look back sweetly at Tsukishima. “You coming?”
In the .5 seconds of coming up with a response, the blonde rapidly weighed out his decisions. Ultimately, he shook his head, keeping on the same deadpan expression as before.
It was obvious you tried not to look deflated as you plater a smile on your face. “Okay then! I’ll be over here!”
He watched you walk away. He watched you dance as if it was your last night on earth. He watched the way your dress hugged your figure, magnifying your endless dips and curves of your body as you moved to the atmosphere. He watched the way you glowed under the endless rainbow of stage lights, bestowing you with an alluring aura.
The way he watched you so intently sent his thoughts spiraling. He found his brain in a dilemma with his heart, which was thumping wildly in his chest.
Tsukishima decided it was best to escape his own confrontation. He exchanged some words with Yamaguchi, then strides out the door.
Not before he took a last look at you.
Practically drenched in a layer of sweat, you lug yourself off to the side and catch a breath. “I’m going to go get some water!” You shout to your friend in order to be heard over the music.
You check the time on your phone, then look to the couch you once sat on.
It was Eleven’o clock. And Tsukishima was gone.
Powerless, and I don’t care it’s obvious. I just can’t get enough of you.
Tag list: @jiminslonglostjams @fantasymirror @shewastheriot @lukes-princess @iamthepenguinwhosearseisonfire @its-bnha-babe @desi-studys @shootooooo @noya-senpai-imagines @animefan7420 @anpancari @tsukkx @cadabby @thoebe-fly @it-was-just-a-ship @imconfusedanditsok @alexa360b34st @delicious-peaches-blog @shinguchi @creammy0 @fandoms-on-main @smellybananaz @keikink @tsukiak4ri @skyguy-peach @chicalmeida @obsessedwhxre @anhphunnnn @200th-piece-of-glass @sana-li
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Title: Blame It On The Alcohol {Headcanon}*
Warning: Dirty Talk, Teasing,  Raunchiness, Barely 5% NSFW
Note: The song referenced is “Doin It” By LL Cool J. It’s an oldie but it is still absolutely perfect. Check it out if you like. Thank you guys for reading!!! I hope you enjoy it!!!
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Everyone needs to cut loose every once in a while, right? Chris Evans is no different. After a long few months on-location filming, Chris is home in Boston, and you couldn’t be happier.
What was to be a quiet night at home together to get reacquainted goes left when he’s invited out with your guys’ friends to celebrate him being home.
Being the great people pleasing man he is he agrees. You’re not angry, you understand you’re not the only person in his life that missed him. So, you dress in a cute but sexy outfit that isn’t overtly sexy but just enough to have his eyes on you all night. 
When you come downstairs, Chris is already waiting. Once he sees you, his eyes zero in on the cutouts on your jeans that are showing off your perfectly moisturized and glistening thighs. He doesn’t move, just looks over your body as you grab a coat from the closet.
You drop your jacket and bend over for it making sure not to bend your knees. In seconds, you feel his hands on your hips. Smiling you turn to him and put your jacket on. “Ready?” Your words are monotone as you pretend not to know what you’re doing.
“Yeah.” You walk in front of him and out the front door well aware that his eyes are glued to your ass. Chris is already having second thoughts about the plans for the night. He opens your door for you and begins the route to the bar. 
During the drive, you keep your legs crossed as you hum along to the song on the radio. When the song changed to an oldie but goodie by LL Cool J, you smiled because it was perfect to add to your tease. You turned up the volume and swayed in your seat waiting for the part for you to come in.
“Imma call you big daddy and scream your name, matter fact I can’t wait for your candy rain.”
From the minute Chris heard “big daddy” he loudly clears his throat and shifts in the driver’s seat. You continued to bop to the hit waiting again for the part for you to come in.
“Mmmm, daddy slow down your flow, put it on me like a G baby nice and slow, I need a roughneck n****, man-dingo in the sack who ain’t afraid to pull my hair and spank me from the back.”
Your eyes drift to Chris as you say the last few words, he is already looking at you. He’d heard the song before it was on a few of your playlists, so the lyrics weren’t a shock for him. He was white but he had a broad array of musical tastes. He didn’t look amused. You didn’t care. As the woman’s part came back around, Chris switched to a station playing classical music.
“Hey, that was my song!”
“I bet it was. Listen to some classical music. It’ll chill you out.”
“I don’t need chilling out Christopher. Do you?”
“No comment.”
The drive to the bar came to an end after another ten minutes. Your friends were already there waiting and once they saw Chris they got louder. Like always when the group of you got together it was a good time. You laughed, listened to and told stories, danced and drank. It was good to see Chris cutting lose and enjoying himself. 
After a few hours, you’d had quite a bit to drink and you were feeling loose. You were in a circle with the girls in your group just dancing and laughing. You saw Chris from the corner of your eye enthralled in conversation. You snuck off, walked over to him and took his hand. 
“Dance with me, baby.” Not wanting to say no to you he let you lead him to the dancefloor. You danced in front of him swaying your hips before you turned your back to him and dipped down to do a baby twerk. You heard his laugh before he touched your hips and swayed behind you to your rhythm. Chris always had good rhythm. When you straightened, you pressed your back to his chest.
“Are you drunk, sweetheart?”
“Ha. Never. I haven’t even had that much to drink.”
You bent forward again touching your knees and winded your hips and ass into his crotch. Chris’ hand trailed down your spine and around to your waist where he squeezed. Whenever you danced, he was a sucker for the wine and the twerk. Unfortunately for him, you were one of those girls who knew how to dance and knew how to bust it wide open. 
Chris gripped your shoulder and pulled you back, as you straightened again, he bit your earlobe. “Be a good girl, princess.” His voice was deep and low, it was his turned-on voice. Your smile was mischievous.
“Or else what daddy?” Chris sucked your earlobe into his mouth as his hand crept around your waist to your belly and down to your pelvis. It was a slow torturous move and he knew just what he was doing.
“Or else, that reunion you’ve imagined for the last few weeks will go not as planned.”
Chris kissed your neck and walked away. Your smile widened. That sounded like a challenge. You loved challenges. 
Another hour or so passed of drinks and laughs and as you sat next to Chris you took off your jacket and crossed and uncrossed your legs again. You looped your arm through Chris’ and cuddled close. His hand gripped your thigh at your exposed skin. It was a reflex action; one he’d done hundreds of times. 
You uncrossed your legs and crossed them again this time trapping his hand between your thighs. Chris shifted in his seat and looked to you, but you were pretending to be engrossed in the current conversation—you weren’t.
You snuggled closer until your breast rubbed his arm. Once it did the sensation of the fabric of your lace bra and firmness of his arm had your nipple hardening. You bit your bottom lip and leaned to his ear. “My nipple just got so hard.” You then placed a small kiss on his jaw. As you did you felt the clench.
Chris looked to you half amused and half disapprovingly as he slightly shook his head before he looked back to your friends. The smell of his cologne hit you and butterflies filled your belly. You loved this scent, you’d gotten it for him and every time he wore it the only thing on your mind was getting him naked. Again, you leaned to his ear.
“Did you wear this cologne for me, baby? You know what it does to me.” Chris smiled but didn’t look at you. You snuggled closer, Chris pulled his arm free and wrapped it around you resting it at your hip. You moaned getting a better smell of him. You kissed his cheek once, then twice and a third before your lips trailed to his jaw and then his ear. The whole time Chris remained focused on the conversation. 
“God, I’m so wet for you baby. Just move your hand a little higher.” He squeezed your hip. You knew it was a warning, one you didn’t heed. You uncrossed your legs and sat with them slightly apart then you moved his hand higher up your thigh until his fingers were pressed to the apex of your thighs right at the seam of the jeans you wore. You then crossed them again trapping his fingers there. A moan escaped you again. Chris glanced down then back to your face. He clearly didn’t know what had come over you and to be honest you didn’t either. He leaned to your ear and whispered.
“You’re drunk.” 
“I’m horny. I want you—right now, right here.” Chris groaned and you felt his fingers move forcefully nudging against the seam of your jeans. You pinched your lips in an effort to keep your moans silent. It was a simple touch, but it felt incredible. 
“I want your dick in my mouth, right now. I want to suck you dry and swallow every drop of my reward”
Chris’ fingers again forcefully nudged your crotch where your clit was sending flares of red-hot desire through you. This was unlike you. You had enough decorum to contain yourself in public situations like this. You had no idea what was happening right now.
“Tonight, anything you want, any way you want me. It’s yours.”
Chris groaned. His hand on your hip squeezed so hard you knew you were probably bruised and the hand between your legs somehow managed to pinch your clit. You released a breathy gasp then buried your face in his shoulder. Chris’ attention went back to the group hopefully taking the attention off of you. 
You began grinding yourself in the seat, every move made Chris’ fingers stroke against you and it brought you closer and closer to coming undone.
“I wanna come, baby, make me come.”
Again, Chris pinched your clit and it sent you over the edge. You did your best to keep silent and still as your orgasm rushed through you making you see white spots behind your tightly shut eyelids. Chris expertly remained present with the conversation never missing a beat, and not giving away the fact he’d just made you come all over yourself and that he was dangerously hard.
Your hand dropped to his crotch and rubbed.
“Do you wanna bury this big, thick dick in me, baby? Imma call you big daddy and scream your name.”
He stiffened and looked to you. While there was a hint of amusement behind his lagoon colored eyes, there was also intense desire and longing shining through. You felt it as well.
Slowly Chris looked back to your friends. “It’s late, we’re gonna head out.”
You smiled to yourself and snuggled closer. After a few minutes, more Chris settled the tab and you were saying goodbye to your friends making plans for another night out. This time Chris said he’d call to set something up. You knew that was code for the next few days you’d be quarantined to the bed with the doors locked and phones off. You couldn’t wait, it had been way too long.
When you got in the car and began driving Chris was the one to turn on the music and the song that came on made you snap your head to him. Chris smiled as he mouthed the words to the LL Cool J song. You smiled and leaned back in the seat and joined in.
“Doin it and doin it and doin it well!”
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procancelled · 4 years
Let’s Start A Riot (2008)
I want to start out by saying that while this album came out in 2008 so some of the stuff I reference may not have happened yet, the lyrics show that he had the ideas.
Also while some of these may seem like nothing, or very minor, given the things Dahvie has said I think that it’s important to look at everything he has chosen to put out to gain fans. The messages his fans are getting.
I Can’t Get Enuff
I’ll hit you harder than meth
I’ll leave you gasping for breath
References to rough sex and Dahvie’s oral sex fixation as well as drug references. I feel like the references to drugs matter a lot more now that we know he gives drugs to minors, clearly has access to drugs and promotes them.
Bitches Get Stitches
Stop the hate congratulate
Dahvie dismisses all criticism as hate which is always a red flag, especially when that hate is to do with any kind of sexual crime (Though this was before the Jessi Slaughter incident there were still allegations against him at this time) 
You know my name so eat some cake
Flaunting his fame and clearly doesn’t care if people know his name for negative reasons.
Party hardy grab Bacardi
Young audience having alcohol referenced towards them. He gives minors alcohol, slips drugs in their drinks and then rapes them.
Talk your shit watch you get hit
Violent nature towards anyone who speaks up against him. Gives the idea that being violent towards anyone who says anything negative about him or the band is okay.
What’s up with that awful gossip
Rape and pedo allegations are not just ‘gossip’ dismissing it as something so trivial is gross. He’s just trying to convince his fans that anything they hear is just ‘gossip’ and not to be taken seriously while not saying what the ‘gossip’ is.
Don’t be mad cus my hair is so rad
Your hair is a wig. I don’t know if it was at the time but I would assume it was, or parts of it were extensions of some kind. And I have no problem with people wearing a wig, but when someone is pretending it’s their real hair and are wearing it to look younger so they can maintain having a young audience who they can take advantage of, yeah, I have many, many problems with that.
Also Dahvie offers to do young girls’ hair as a way to be alone with them so he can take advantage of them.
Bitches get stitches, end up in ditches
Violence and demeaning towards women
So get the riches
Cares about money a lot more than say, being a decent human being. He scams his fans out of money.
Check yourself before you wreck yourself
Acting like everyone who says anything about the allegations about him have the facts wrong 
OMG blah, blah, blah
Rude and dismissive. Teaching his fans to act that way
I’m rated x for explicted sex
To me this feels like Dahvie is saying ‘I make it clear I’m sexual so you can’t blame me for what I do!’
You can talk your shit
You can run those lips
Implying that people who talk about the allegations are lying
You’re only making me famous you ignoramus
Dahvie is clearly a man who believes that all press is good press. This also, again, shows how much he cares for fame and how demeaning and insulting he is towards those who question him.
I’m dangerous
Well we can agree about something Dahvie.
Again his violent and threatening nature shows though.
You can talk your shit you’re only making me famous
This is a message he still puts out to this day and he makes his fans push it out too. He just calls everyone who exposes him for the awful person he is a liar.
And again, he continues to go on about fame and gaining more fame. More fame means more underage fans that he can take advantage of.
Blood On The Dance Floor
Slash, gash, terror, whore
I like you better on the floor
Shows Dahvie’s views on women and how demeaning those views are. Also uses violent language while referencing sex.
On the bed give me head
Oral sex fixation and demanding
Make you scream, candy cream
Scene sluts like it super rough
That’s the way they like to fuck
Shows that he goes for scene girls, who more often than not are on the young side. He’s generalising, being demeaning and also telling his fans, a lot of who are scene, how they should be having sex and how they should like it.
I like to twerk, I like to hurt
Okay so I know the Austin Jones things was years after this, but still Austin Jones vibes isn’t a good thing to give out.
Again with the violence
Bitch, don’t make me fucking work
Demeaning and also gives more of his views on sex
Now make your move into my room
And I’ll whip out my Dr. Doom
Okay so this isn’t a big deal but it’s just so cringy to call your dick ‘Dr. Doom’ and now I’m just thinking about how Dr. Doom is a villain. Also about how he loses, because that tends to be the theme with villains.
Oh, what the fuck?
Bitch, just shut up and suck
Again with the oral sex fixation and the demeaning language.
I need to feel myself inside you deep
More sexual references. Very demanding
Uh, uh I like it rough
I believe a girl sings this part. I’m just reading the lyrics and sparing my ears but Dahvie does not give it ‘rough’ he is abusive.
Uh, uh I give it tough
Like I just said, Dahvie is just abusive and has even gone ahead to say that that’s just what BDSM is which is so wrong and harmful.
It’s like a porno flick!
This line just makes me think about the fact that he has filmed himself raping minors, sometimes after drugging them.
I’m pure triple x
Redefine ultra sex
Dahvie constantly talks about how good he is at sex, which we know isn’t true given that he doesn’t even understand consent. Then there’s the fact that he’s telling his fans how he’s good at sex.
Sex and Violence
Just from the title we already have sex being linked with violence.
You’re so submissive
I’ll get you in position
Dahvie likes to be able to take control over whoever he is with, and he’s telling his fans what he likes. He goes as far as to take a women’s ability to have any control by drugging them.
Deep throat me girl and rule my world
Oral sex fixation
Be my scene queen
Most scene girls are young due to the fact that older people can’t dress and style themselves that way as they have jobs and such.
It’s just the way we fuck
It’s the way we cut
(Sex and violence)
Connecting sex and violence, probably trying to normalise this; ‘It’s just they way things are’.
Fuck me
Rape me
Just a disgusting line, acts as if rape is something asked for. It’s also ironic since he’s the one that’s the rapist.
Take me
Blow me
Oral sex fixation
I’ll slice you, I’ll dice you
More threats of violence.
I ❤ Hello Kitty
Referencing a character intended for children. If a child searches for Hello Kitty they may come across this song.
Also I think it’s really important to keep the name of this song in mind while reading the lyrics.
Ah! Ah! I like it
Against the wall
Just fuck me in the hall
Demanding and somewhat violent/rough/intense sex
You scream ‘meat sucks!’
Well you’re out of luck
Oral fixation. Also it sounds like he’s raping a lesbian.
I’ll fuck you in the face
And leave a nice taste
Oral sex fixation. 
Dahvie would tell girls that had no sexual experience that cum tasted like ice cream... what fucking ice scream is he eating?
I’ll fuck you in the club
On the ground
Mop it up
Relax! Relax!
It’s my sexy track!
Acting like this is all an act, it’s just a joke and means nothing.
Blasting through your stereo
Let me slip between your thighs
Hello Kitty is a children’s cartoon character and also is a minor.
Coming straight from Tokyo
My sex will leave you satisfied
Again, this is a cartoon character aimed towards children he’s referencing.
Show me how you’re such a whore
Bitch I’ll make you fucking cry
Okay so first off, ‘whore’ and ‘o’ don’t rhyme. Secondly, again we have Dahvie being violent and demeaning towards women. Lastly, HELLO KITTY IS A CHARACTER AIMED TOWARDS CHILDREN!
We mosh like liars
Well Dahvie, you are a massive liar.
You’re A Dancer, You’re Not A Lover
I want to tell you a tale
Of love, drugs and complications
Dahvie knows nothing about love. He drugs women/young girls and leaves them with a lot more than just complications.
Get into the bigger tits
Many of his victims have said that Dahvie was very interested in their chest. He views women as objects for his satisfaction.
So fuck me on the dance floor
Take off your pants
And do the revolutionary dance
Sounds really childish while the song, as well as the album, also contains many adult themes.
Modern World Christ
Dahvie compares himself to Jesus due to his name, or middle name as survivors have stated that he goes by Jesus David Torres instead of David Jesus Torres so when people look him up they wouldn’t find his arrest record.
This also just makes me think about all the cult leader who tie themselves to Jesus in some way.
Hollywood is full of shit
Say what you like
So we can call you a pedo and a rapist?
I got nothing to hide
I mean, you do but you can’t hide it any longer and you were doing a bad job anyway.
I’m not special or unique
Glad we can agree on that
I’ve been crucified like Jesus Christ
You’re not Jesus Christ!
As I grow stronger my voice gets louder
Just because you’re loud doesn’t mean you’re right or truthful
Your shit gets weaker as I stomp you with my sneakers
Rude, dismissive of claims against him and he’s also threatening those who come out against him.
Let my words eat you alive
Mocking victims
I wanna be the boy you adore
Not gonna happen Dahvie. And you’re not a boy, even at this time you were an adult.
Without the label of a Bedroom Whore
No one calls you that. We do label you as a rapist and a pedo.
And if you didn’t want any chance of being called that maybe don’t sing about sex.
So shut the fuck up with your ignorance
Me at BOTDF fans
And shut the fuck up with your competence
What? Why would you say they’re competent if you’re trying to act like they’re just liars and haters? 
Money and Hoes
Again the want for money, probably to buy more wigs. And being demeaning towards women.
They want my cock
No they don’t, you force it on them.
They’re sucking my ding
Asphyxiation prescription perfection 
Oral sex fixation. And who the hell calls it my ding? Like, he was rhyming it with bling, but seriously.
Hi, I’m danger
More dangerous but okay
I’m mightier than any Power Ranger 
Power fantasy
I get what I want
Like the rapist you are. You get what you want because you prey on vulnerable people, make them trust you and then take what you want.
And be obscene
Leave parents feeling disgusting
Ironic since Dahvie befriends the parents of his victims to make it easier for him.
And I’m hood rich
You’re a middle class white guy
My grill is so ill
Just no
I’ll make your titties spill
Also, demeaning
Till Death Do We Party
Cut your bone and slash your tongue
Gonna shoot my hot load
...then sexual reference
Fuck me in the club, and light this bitch up
(Fuck me in the dirt, life up my sexy skirt)
Dirty, rough sex
Fuck me in the house and shake it all about
Shake it all about sounds childish
(Fuck me in the car, like a movie star)
He often raped people in the back of a car, forcing them to preform oral sex.
Fuck me in the rain, take away my pain
Sex won’t take away pain, this is a bad message he’s sending to his underage fans. Sex with Dahvie will only end in pain.
Fuck me in the church, make it fucking hurt
I would not fuck you in the rain, 
I would not fuck you on a train,
I wouldn’t fuck you in a church,
I wouldn’t fuck you for research.
I just want you in jail,
And for there to be no bail.
I Hope You Choke
Me to Dahvie
More violence
Cutting and frustration
Self harm, most likely trying to pander to his audience and seem relatable.
Sex and complication
Connects sex with negative emotions
I lost my grip
I’m about to slip
Love is cruel, remember this
Acting like this tortured soul to get pity.
Makes love sound bad.
Protect yourself from the fighting fists
Covered wrists
Self harm bating again
The whole song is just Dahvie singing about how some girl broke up with him and he hopes she dies.
Incel vibes x100.
Fallen Star
We’re so in love,
We did every drug
Connects love and drug use.
Normalising drug use when he has a young audience.
We kissed in the dark
In the back of your car
Many stories of Dahvie forcing himself on girls, or rather, forcing them on him, in the backs of cars. If it’s dark then they can’t see him.
You died in the crash site
Okay so there’s this whole story about how someone who was a member of the band died in a car crash, but while researching this I found a Facebook post where someone said at a show they asked Dahvie about it and he said she didn’t die and it was another one of his friends. I take this with a grain of salt because I can’t find any confirmed evidence as to whether this ex-band member is still alive or not.
He’s basically using someone’s death, not long after it happened, for sympathy on this album filled with references to sex and drugs as well as threats of violence.
Okay so people say this song is dedicated to the member that may have died, however the fan in the Facebook post said that Dahvie said the song is dedicated to her because it was her favourite song on the album. Again, I have no idea which claim is real.
You’re living out a lie
If I could have my way I’d sit and watch you die.
Also, you can see why I question this song being dedicated to someone who died since it has a lyric like this. Either Dahvie is being really tasteless, which I wouldn’t be surprised by, or she didn’t died and it was someone else and the story got twisted.
And there we go. One album done... so many more to go.
Wish me luck.
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avatoh · 5 years
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Lassiter gets dragged to a Halloween party by Juliet which Shawn also happens to be attending. He and Shawn are both wearing masks and don’t recognize each other.
Ao3 or below
“Come on, Carlton. Elizabeth canceled on me last minute and I am not going to this party alone!”
Lassiter sighed begrudgingly. He knew that O’Hara had been waiting all week to go to this stupid Halloween party of hers, but she had made plans with one of her friends to go with her not with him. And now this friend of hers had the absolute audacity to cancel on her like O’Hara didn’t matter or anything
“Oh, please, please, please, come with me. I totally had your back two weeks ago at the Bagel Shop shootout. Come on, I saved your life Carlton, for God’s sake!”
He couldn’t help but roll his eyes. Her “saving” his life was a little bit more exaggerated than the truth of it. But nonetheless, she did have his back. She was a good partner.
“Please! I’ll never ask you anything like this again.”
“No. I already told you, no, O’Hara. I have no idea why your “friend” decided to cancel, but I’m not your-”
“-Her mother’s in the hospital,” O’Hara cut him off. “Her mother is in the hospital and there’s a chance that she might not make it, that’s why she had to cancel.”
“Now you’re just trying to make me feel bad-”
“I’m not. Oh no, I’d never do that, I promise. It’s just there is a lot going on in my personal life, and I really, really don’t want to go to this alone. There’s like this tiny chance an ex of mine might be there and I just don’t wanna-”
“How long is it going to be?”
“If you go with me, we won’t be there longer than three hours, I swear!”
“Three hours?”
That was how Lassiter found himself standing in front of his bathroom mirror, contemplating putting on some costume makeup for a make-shift costume. It was a costume party, O’Hara had explained after he had agreed to go and he absolutely had to wear something or he wouldn’t be admitted into the house. He probably wouldn’t have agreed to it if he knew it ahead of time.
In the middle of writing the word ‘Costume’ on a piece of paper and pining it to his shirt, O’Hara rang his doorbell.
“Figured,” she said, glancing at him once over. “Here. I brought you something simple you can wear .” She handed him a bag which he determined to be some sort of Frankenstein mask and gloves to conceal his hands. A truly low-effort costume. “You can put it on on the way over and I really I do appreciate you coming with me to this. And who knows? Maybe you’ll have some fun too.”
“Doubt it.”
“Come on then, let’s get going.”
The party was in a nicer part of town at some house. All Lassiter could tell about the owner of this house was that they most likely was single and had a lot of money. The place was crowded and it looked like it was a party out of the Great Gatsby. People were coming in and out of the house and he could already hear the music from inside the car as they drove past in search for parking In the end, they had to park rather far away and the music over where they were was finally soft enough for Lassiter to hear his own thoughts again, and more importantly, comment to O’Hara. “Really? A house party. You’re not in College anymore, are you?”
O’Hara rolled her eyes. “Just put on the mask and follow me, please.”
He complied. The mask was rubbery but had good ventilation, as far as masks went, and he could somewhat still see well through the painted mesh that covered his eyes. His voice did sound somewhat faint which was then made worse by the loud music as soon as they entered.
“I’ll get us some drinks, if you wanna start mingling.”
Lassiter scoffed and found himself leaning against one of the walls.
Halfway through the party and a few drinks in Lassiter still was in the same place he was when he first came in, which was near the wall near the main room. This party wasn’t too fun, at least for him, and he didn’t know anyone besides O’Hara who was preoccupied with dancing with her mutual companions.
A woman in a fantasy-style costume at one point did come up to him and asked him a question, if he wanted to get out on the floor with her. “I don’t dance,” he said, causing her to walk away with a tepid shrug without much care.
Minutes later a man in a funny full-body red superhero costume and funny voice came over to him. “Really, you don’t dance?” The stranger said. “We’re at a party. Oh, come on. I’ve been watching you here and there all evening and you’ve been all by yourself here the whole time.“
“You’ve been watching me?”
“Here and there,” The stranger clarified with a bit of a slur. Lassiter was sober enough to detect something familiar in the man’s voice, but a few drinks in as well as his own mask and the fabric that that was over the stranger’s mouth for his mask made it quite difficult to recognize it. “And saying no to such an attractive lady like that.” The man continued as he whistled, looking out into the crowd. “Or perhaps you don’t swing that way, Mr. Broad shoulders?”
Lassiter groaned. “That’s none of your business.”
“Sounds like it could be. Come on, this is part of the fun. Two strangers, both wearing masks. Nobody knows who we are. A good chance to blow off some steam. Well, if you’re looking for fun, that is. You can even dance with me if you’d like, Mr. Stein. Do more too.”
“Nope. Not a chance,” Lassiter said. His head was kind of blurry and he was trying to process what was just being said to him
“You can’t blame me for trying,” the masked superhero said as he walked away, his head hanging a little low.
Lassiter needed one more drink as he thought about what had just happened
Shawn Spencer had a hot date tonight at a Halloween party and she was prooobably somewhere in this crowd of people. It had started out as a pleasant night for him but it had been about 45 minutes since he’d seen her and honestly, he thought he saw her making out and leaving with this guy at one point. But the night was young and many people out in the crowd that looked to be fair game.
There was a ballerina, a banana,a baseball character, a cowboy, cowgirl, and a man in the corner with a mask that had the body build of a certain Detective at the Santa Barbara Police station that seemed to be by themselves.
But the woman in the banana costume was closest to him and he had a funny pickup line that he wanted to try on her.
After an obvious rejection, Shawn tried dancing with a few people and had fun for awhile, but on his way to the bar for a drink he found the Frankenstein mask man in the corner and said a few bold and suggestive things to him. And got rejected by another person that night..
In the middle of a particularly slutty song, while Shawn was twerking and had a few different people were grinding against him, the Frankenstein man appeared in front of him on the dance floor.
“Whoah, buddy, you scared me there!”
The man stood stationary on the dance floor and spoke to him, though it was rather difficult to hear him clearly through his mask. “I’ve thought about what you said,” he started.
“What part?” Shawn said, his cheeks reddening fast.
“The dancing,” he said quickly.
“Oh. I thought you said that you didn’t dance.”
“Don’t know how and it looks like you’re having some…” he paused, “fun. And I’m a little drunk,” he quickly admitted. “And you were right. Nobody knows who I am and you kinda remind me of someone I know.”
“Wade Wilson?” Shawn asked.
“…No,” Frankenstein said, the joke going over his head.
Shawn laughed as he called the other man over with his hand.
“Alright, alright, what do I do now?”
“Let the music take you,” Shawn said as he began moving his body to the song. Frankenstein just looked at him in awe. “Well, come on.”
The other man started to move his lanky but firm looking body kind of stiffly and awkwardly.
“Well…” Shawn said. “At least you’re in character,” he said. “You look like you’re half dead.”
“I normally don’t do this you know!” the stranger shouted, his voice becoming a bit more clear.
“Hey, I’m not trying to make you feel bad. Hey, come over here. Mirror me. Ok. that’s better now. Look at you!”
He was using his body more, seductively moving it. Shawn was impressed. The two of them got closer. He flinched a little bit when they brushed up against one another. “Sorry”
“It’s okay. You having fun now?”
“A little.”
“Cool. I am too”
*May write a hornier part two if anyone is interested in more ✌️
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thesinglesjukebox · 4 years
If funk is exuding from your bones, you may be being used to make stock...
David Moore: This song has everything: Seinfeld slap bass, cartoon elephant ribcage percussion, multi-tracked falsetto approximations of exclamation points, audible pixelated firework GIFs, smeared squeals, spirit week clap 'n' stomp, huffs, puffs, boings, sproings, terrible rapping (blame Jacob, I think), competent rapping (thank Tank, I'm sure), time signature fuckery of the highest order, and the thorniest chord chart this side of a Steely Dan parody. What it lacks, unfortunately, is any semblance of funk, despite repeated invocations of the stuff. [4]
Kylo Nocom: Jacob Collier, notorious for making music theory a brand, collaborates with pop's biggest studio genius and a Tiny Desk Concert winner to release this. It's likely to be dismissed as NPR-sanctioned Fun, a tasteful enemy to the more vulgar forms of genre-blending that populate Minecraft music festivals. And I get it! The last time we talked about something like this, everyone who liked it had to qualify themselves because nobody wants to admit to sincerely enjoying Berklee funk. So much of "In My Bones" makes me want to hate it immediately, but somehow, they deliver something great! Kimbra's squeals and yelps counter Collier's nerdier impulses and push the song into nerd-crush song territory, while Tank's rapping launches the song into a higher plane of ridiculousness. That's not to mention the fantastic rhythm section, the interpolation of "Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough," and the ridiculous usage of "tintinnabulation." Every possible negative description I can come up with ("the regressive children's show indie-quirk that would've been fashionable in 2011," "mistakes sound effects and showing off polyphony for actual songwriting," "the shit that will have us suffering through more Bill Wurtz") just sounds like something unmistakably up my alley. [9]
Oliver Maier: Collier hits on the same problems as usual, aiming for a kind of proggy, pan-musical utopianism and instead arriving in Wackyland. His approach incorporates feats of musical theory that I have no doubt are technically brilliant and far beyond my grasp, but the effect is exhausting 1080p slapstick, desperate to entertain but without any sense of feeling, let alone a funky one. Collier includes a reference to To Pimp A Butterfly in his pitched-up rap verse alongside Tank (of the Bangas), but their main takeaway from that album seems to have been that sometimes you can rap in a really annoying voice. Kimbra is charming when she and Collier aren't duetting Windows startup jingles. [1]
Alfred Soto: The smug polyphony is the intention and problem: fun and/or Meghan Trainor singing 1983-era Heaven 17. The slap bass runs, massed harmonies, and disregard for melody lines might be cool to stage, I guess. [4]
Katherine St Asaph: Like you handed a couple of kids "Sat In Your Lap," "Can't Stop the Feeling," some Prince stems, a couple dozen gecs, and a defective blender, except -- much like the actual Kate Bush/Prince collaboration -- not as good as that sounds. When (not if) you find something in this song obnoxious, fear not; it'll be gone in five seconds. Of course this goes for the parts you like, too, and while it's hard to latch onto them in this cacophonous GamemasterAnthony maelstrom of an arrangement, the obnoxious parts come through just fine. Everything good -- that descending riff I swear is the demo song from an old Yamaha, the crush lyrics that at least match words to whirlwind -- is fleeting. And everything bad is hyper-amplified: the barrels of quirk poured into what might have been a groove, the vwoips and squeaks crowding out what might have been a throughline, and the main vocalist who wants to be Craig David but actually is soulDecision. [4]
Nortey Dowuona: I don't like Jacob Collier. He seems like another Robin Thicke, and I thought we learned our lesson the last time. But at least the bass and drums spin into a swirly mix that presses him against the glass, while Kimbra sinks in and gets stuck as Jacob tries and fails to find his way over to her. As I wonder how Jacob has been trapped in this expensive Tyler Perry house, I see MonoNeon and Tank chillin' outside, Tank spitting silly rhymes quickly, before hopping in her tank to blow up the house and send Jacob and Kimbra high into the clouds. I say all this to say: as long as he doesn't show up to the YouTube Music Awards with Rowan Blanchard twerking on him, I approve of Jacob Collier. [8]
Katie Gill: This is exactly what Justin Timberlake wants to do but is too mainstream to actually do. "In My Bones" takes the self-referential, 1970s-flavored, falsetto-tinged skeleton of songs like "Can't Stop This Feeling" or "The Other Side" and blasts it into its full, dancing glory, rather than keeping it neutered enough for Kidz Bop albums, end-credits dance parties, and family-friendly radio stations that only play modern music by people the color of copy paper. This is fun, weird, catchy as hell, gives off some proper funk vibes, and yet still cannot get that coveted [10] as it criminally underuses Tank Ball. Still, it's enough of a jam that I can mostly overlook that sin. [8]
Juana Giaimo: This is seriously one of the most annoying songs I have heard in a long time. It doesn't have the carefree, happy feeling of funk. Instead, the lack of balance makes it sound like a ball of nerves about to explode. [3]
Wayne Weizhen Zhang: Futuristic and atavistic, structured and unpredictable, earthbound and phantasmagorical, referential and errant, maximalist, camp, funk, chaos: I'm running out of adjectives to describe this! The percussion in this track feels like the mad machinations of a sentient robot. There are so few times as a music fan that you can genuinely say something sounds like nothing else you've ever heard before, but when it happens, it feels like being knocked off your feet in the best way possible. [9]
[Read, comment and vote on The Singles Jukebox]
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onpurposebreezy · 5 years
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 After I got home I went upstairs I checked Lori’s room she wasn’t in there so I was guessing she was still in mine and I couldn’t wait to wake her up. I went into my room and there she was sleeping on her right side and right next to her was Kim knocked out I let out a little chuckle there was no way I was going to get anymore tonight since Kim was sleeping in here.
I put the cover over the both of them and I left the room going down stairs where I kicked off my shoes and turned on the game and played my games for the next 3 hours till I fell asleep on the couch.
I was sleeping good when I felt someone touching my face I laid there till I couldn’t sleep anymore. I slowly opened my eyes and looked seeing it was Lori who was touching me.
I sat up and smiled then stretched out pulling her to my lap I kissed her burying my face in her hair.
“I missed you”
“I missed you too I tried to stay up to wait on you but I fell asleep in your bed with Kim” she laughed
“I saw that that’s why I was sleeping on the couch cause yall had my bed”
“You could have slept in my room if you wanted too”
“I thought about it but did I played some games before falling asleep.”
“I see so how was it did you kiss her? Did she kiss you for the gift? Did she twerk on you or anyone else did? Tell me I wanna know”
Laughing “No she didn’t kiss me for her gift, no one twerked on me even tho they tried I was a good boy I promise”
“You kissed her huh?”
“On the cheek after she cried when she found out that I asked you to be my wife”
“You told her?”
“Yes I did I wanted her to be clear that we wasn’t going to happen anymore and that we are friends nothing else and that I wanted to be with you don’t doubt me baby”
“I’m sorry I never doubted you just didn’t like the fact that your friends with a woman you slept with”
“You think I shouldn’t be friends with woman I slept with?”
“What about Sarah you think I should end my friendship with her, I slept with her a few times”
“No you didn’t”
“Ask Kim Sarah was my girlfriend before I met my ex-wife after we broke up she introduce me to Ashley”
“Y'all don’t seem like yall slept together”
“Because our friendship means a lot to us and we just ignored it, I can be friends with a woman I’ve slept with and not make it feel any different for us.”
“I could never be friends with anyone I slept with hell me and Miles never did nothing other than kiss and we aren’t friends anymore”
“I guess different strokes for different folks plus people love me I’m a good guy to keep in your life”
“Yea whatever but I don’t want you around her without me got it?”
“Yea ma’am I got it”
“I have a question for you and if you don’t wanna answer it I will understand”
“Okay, what’s the question?”
Your ex wife what caused yall to really break up I mean I know you told me some of it but I wanna know all of it”
“I see, you wanna see what you’re getting yourself into with marrying me just in case you wanna run now huh”
“No that’s not it”
“Yea it is I don’t blame you I could be crazy as a husband instead of the loving guy you see before you right now.”
“No I was just wondering that’s all”
“She had her friends in her ear telling her I was smothering her with all my love and affection that I was around her too much” Lori looked at me like I wasn’t telling the truth. “For real when I wouldn’t sleep with her friends they figured they can ruin our marriage another way and they did… they talked her into thinking being married was a waste of time and how she could be having fun doing other things other than being a wife and trying to start a family with me… She left me when I was away for work I called her she answered and played a role with me as if she was home and happy but when I got home all her stuff was gone.”
“Thought you said she cheated on you?”
“She did that’s the part where she hung out with her friends and met a man that she thought was better than me for her. She left me for him and I did nothing wrong but be a loving husband to her now she sees that and calls me trying to get me to be that loving husband to her now. Those same friends are telling her she should have never left me those same friends tried to holla at me when we broke up now she wanna come back the guy is not doing this or that for her so she calls me trying to get me to do which I won’t I have nothing to do with her anymore.”
“I will never do you like that my friends like you hell my best friend is your sister she would kick my ass if I hurt you”
“The same for me too, you should show off your belly more where a short shirt so I can see your belly” I was rubbing her belly feeling the baby move.
“So I have a whole day planned for us so go shower and come back down stairs”
“I was planning on finishing the game I got one more level then I will shower and change for you”
“Okay one more level” she kissed me and moved off my lap and laying her head on my shoulder watching me as I turned on the game then started to play.
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 Cody and I had fun today we went to the doctor then to the mall to do some shopping and after that we went to a movie and then came back to the trailer. I'd told him I had something planned, but I refused to elaborate, no matter how Cody tried to sweet-talk me. Oh, I how loved being the Woman of Mystery!
The first thing I did when we got inside was to have Cody show me how to work the stereo. He had a fairly big new model that looked complicated enough to drive the space shuttle. He said he'd paid just $350 for it.
Once I had the basics down, I arranged the three songs I had chosen to dance to, without letting Cody see what they were. Then I got him a beer from the fridge to keep him occupied, and I took myself and my duffel bag into the bedroom to change.
On the way, I tapped on Kim's door, stuck my head in and said "Look Kim, me and Cody are alone out here, got it?" Kim didn't even look up from her computer, just shrugged and muttered
"Yeah, yeah, I heard you, whatever you say." Satisfied that she was out of the way, I headed on in to get dolled up.
When I emerged from the bedroom, Cody was sitting on the couch drinking his beer. When he saw me, he did a double take and stared. "What are you supposed to be?" he wanted to know. I just smiled mysteriously.
Cody had good cause to be startled. I'd gone into his room looking like I usually did, in fitting jeans, a T-shirt and sneakers. But I'd come out in a short white skirt, a red, white and blue floral-print blouse tied beneath my breasts and my favorite bright-red four-inch stiletto heels. I was quite the sight if I must say so myself.
I picked up the TV remote and channel-surfed with the volume off until I found one of those Japanese cartoons on cable, the kind that's mostly those flashing colored lights that can give you seizures if you look at them directly for too long. That was the closest I could come to disco lights, and with the room lights turned off, the effect wasn't half-bad.
As I turned on the stereo I looked at Cody to see his reaction. The penny had dropped and so had his jaw. I think he'd probably pretty much forgotten that he'd suggested I strip for him, but he was remembering now.
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bkdksecretsanta · 5 years
Gift fic for @shingekino-neon from @xhelloxbeautifullx
A message from the Santa:
Hello ! It is I, your secret santa ♡♡ please enjoy. I had a lot of fun writing this so this has extra love in it haha.
There's trees skirted by pools of white snow. When the wind blows, the snowflakes look animated. Snowflakes take to the air in an elegant dance, pirouetting around the tree trunks to their own orchestral rustling. When the wind calms, the dance ends and the snowflakes land to form new pools that look identical to the ones they were previously in before they started to frolic. Pulling his knitted dark red scarf over his mouth, Bakugo strolls through the park and enjoying the weather. The corners of his mouth turn into a faint smile as he shuts his eyes, thinking about his mate's expression when he gets back since his omega has no idea he's coming home early. Katsuki is one of few alphas who were away on a hero mission that was going on for two months, and now he gets to return home just in time for the holidays. Long missions like this one are all part of being a pro hero, and being the number one hero doesn't mean Katsuki can avoid them.
Katsuki quietly opens the front door to his and his mate's penthouse apartment, wanting to keep his presence a surprise for once instead of slamming the door open followed by a loud greeting. Much to Katsuki's surprise, Izuku is vacuuming the living room while singing along to the Christmas music playing from his headphones and the omega occasionally pauses to twerk a little. Izuku doesn’t hear his mate coming home, however when their eyes meet, he yanks the headphones out of his ears and fumbles to shut off the song while his face lights up brighter than a Christmas tree.
“Don't stop on my account, Deku.” Katsuki smirks at his flustered omega and walks over to Izuku, pulling him close and grabbing that plump butt with both hands. “Were you practicing for me?”
“W-Wha-- Kacchan!?” Izuku squeaks in disbelief when he's pulled close, wondering if this is a dream before tearing up happily and throwing his arms around Katsuki's torso before he can realize his actions and burying his face into the taller man's chest. Izuku inhales deeply as he takes in the alpha’s scent, feeling a fuzzy warmth running through him when Katsuki returns the hug with both of those strong arms. “Welcome home.”
“I'm back, Izuku. You're my cute fucking nerd so don't let anyone else see you dance like that.” Katsuki growls possessively as he lifts his mate's chin, leaning down and biting the bond mark that already shows their love.
It takes only seconds for their lips to be less than a few centimeters apart after Izuku let out a faint gasp at being bitten again. Red eyes meet green ones before their lips connect tenderly. The kiss is gentle, but captivating, a mixture of sweet champagne and salty ocean water. Mesmerized lips press together again and again, transporting them to another world. Ragged breathing and dancing tongues bring a fiery heat to the cold city air flowing in from the window. With just the two of them there, reality disappears. Desire igniting the world around them as they sink deeply in a sea of lust and love. It’s a heated, powerful combination that sends passionate waves crashing over them.
The rest of the world becomes engulfed in their lustful burning flames as their kisses grow more urgent; rushed. When their lips finally pull apart, a light breeze flutters over the blue flame extinguishing the desperate heat. Both of their breathing starts coming out in short, desperate gasps. Intensity has washed away as reality slowly returns.
“K-Kacchan, let me put on the surprise I planned first. Please wait for me here.” Izuku manages to say shakily, blushing up to his ears at the reaction he may get as he heads to their bedroom after wiggling out of his mate's arms.
The thing that catches Katsuki's attention immediately is the skin tight orange strapless sports bra, more accurately a piece of fabric that looks painted onto Izuku's pink perky nipples. The straps to the top are flimsy black ribbons and they even create a bow in front of Izuku's muscular chest. Then, Katsuki slowly drags his eyes south slowly before gawking at the black garter belt that has dark green ribbons keeping it tied in place. Behind the garter belt is a lacy red thong, and attached to the belt are black thigh high stockings. The finishing touch to the entire get up is the pair of black stilettos Izuku has on, making him slightly taller but he's still shorter than Katsuki.
“Ground Zero lingerie? Fuck, Deku…” Katsuki inhales sharply at the sight of his omega dressed up just for him in his hero colors. His blood instantly runs south, making his pants incredibly tight.
The ash blonde quickly throws Izuku over his shoulder, heading back upstairs to their master bedroom. Katsuki tosses his mate onto their king sized bed before yanking off his coat followed by his shirt so quickly that Izuku doesn't have time to blink. “Do you know what you're fucking doing to me, Deku? Fuck, I never thought you would dress up like this especially for me.”
“Kacchan, I would do anything for you, but this is for a special occasion.” Izuku responds with a bright smile, caressing up and down Katsuki's chiseled back slowly. “Remember how we talked about having kids before you left? About how badly you wanted a family with me as he made love during my heat?”
“Yeah, of course I fucking remember. Who do you think I am?” Katsuki raises an eyebrow suspiciously as their eyes meet before an incredibly sweet scent hits his nose. This is sweeter than Deku's usual scent.
“Well, the number one hero, Ground Zero is going to be the number one dad in eight more months.” Izuku says happily and smiles from ear to ear as he eagerly waits for the alpha's reaction.
Katsuki blinks in confusion and frowns as the gears in his head suddenly start cranking he tries to process the information. He's far from stupid but the sentence suddenly caught him off guard without warning. His cheeks suddenly heat up when he looks down to find his hands being placed on his mate's stomach. “Wait, fuck… we’re having a-- holy shit you're fucking pregnant!? Shit… we're having a baby, Bunny.”
“Yeah, we're finally having a baby.” Izuku whispers fondly as tears form in his sparkling eyes.
The two of them have been trying to have a baby for the past few months. Now that they finally succeeded, neither Katsuki or Izuku can believe it's actually happening. Izuku looks up at Katsuki with his gleaming eyes before he gets pulled into his mate’s warm embrace. Izuku sinks his face into Katsuki's neck as if to ask him to never let go. He’s so lucky and blessed to have a handsome, strong, slightly devilish man as his mate and husband.
“Izuku, focus on me.” Katsuki’s authoritative alpha voice slips as the blonde tries to get the freckled omega to stop his mind from wandering and he can't help but smirk at the needy whine that escapes Deku’s lips. Clothes quickly become a thing of the past, except the lingerie, before Katsuki sits with his back against the headboard, nearly folding Izuku in half while holding up his hips.
Katsuki smirks as he takes the lip licking sight of the slick glistened hole before gliding his tongue along his mate's entrance. Since they started experimenting with sex in middle school, it's become well known between them that Izuku absolutely melts from Katsuki eating him out. Izuku used to blame it on his omega instincts, but he can openly admit to his mate that he loves the sensation.
“Katsuki…” Hearing his actual name roll off Izuku's tongue effects Katsuki a lot more than it should. Not only is it a rarity, it's arousing especially when said omega is moaning his name and not the nickname that stuck since childhood.
For the umpteenth time in his life after meeting Katsuki, Izuku is genuinely glad that his natural omega instincts allow his body to relax in his arousal which means he doesn't have to wait to feel Katsuki push inside him. Their eyes meet once more when he's rolled onto his back, and it feels like Katsuki’s torturing Izuku with his handsome, lustful grin and heated gaze especially because it's leading to him producing a lot of slick around the alpha's cock. His seductive grin is scorching, completely in tune with the hunger in his eyes along with the almost brutal pace he's setting.
Katsuki barely feels the blunt nails digging into his back as he's drowning in the omega underneath him. Never has he imagined actually claiming and marking his fated omega when they were reunited four years after graduating high school. He's been pushing Izuku away in fear of his own feelings for so many years, but not anymore. Now they're mates and they're going to have a baby in eight more months. The bed underneath them starts to creak and rock from the force of Katsuki’s powerful thrusting. He never holds back with Izuku since the omega is the only one who can handle such powerful love making without any penalty.
Izuku smiles, fucking smiles, once they're both back down to earth after their synchronized orgasms. The smile starts out small, but as it grows, it presses his freckled cheeks up and slowly reveals Izuku's teeth which shine brighter than a perfect pearl necklace. Finally, the smile reaches his eyes, lighting them up, causing them to crinkle at the the corners. In that exact moment, he becomes everything Katsuki ever wanted in life and everything Katsuki could ever need in this lifetime or the next one. There's two words that pop up as the alpha flashes a smile back at his mate: fucking beautiful.
“I'm lucky you chose me as your mate, Kacchan. I don't think I could live without you.” Izuku admits softly with a yawn, resting his cheek on Katsuki's chest as they make themselves comfortable under the covers. “I love you and I can't wait to love our baby, too.”
Deku, I can't properly express how much I fucking love you.
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I just watched my friend twerk aggressively during just dance and it reminded me of your deaf!Natsu au for some reason
Twerk and Grind
Word Count; 1795
A/N; I’m sorry this took so long to get to but!! It’s here!! And I’m done school! for now lmao
So this started out in one way and then… turned into… soft grinding?? sexy party time?? Lucy’s gonna be gross and fuck on a dudes bed like true college trash? Natsu doesn’t give a shit either way lmao
Also! I’ve been reading up more on how to write ASL so hopefully that will be coing across in future pieces! I’ll prob never stop learning how to better convey Natsu’s story and the experience of deaf people/those around them, and anything y’all can say is a huge help
All of my content about Deaf Natsu can be found under the deaf natsu au tag, and the main writing pieces under deaf!natsu
Lucy stood next to Natsu, her pink lemonade cooler in one hand and a red solo cup of whatever horrible beer mix was cheapest at the liquor store the men’s soccer team had raided for their ‘We Made It To The First Round Of Finals Which Frankly No One Expected’ house party in the other. Natsu dropped the arms he had crossed over his chest at Lucy’s approach, not looking at her even as he pulled her into his side. Not that Lucy could blame him, seeing as how she too was unable to tear away from the scene before her. 
It had that kind of car-wreck feeling, the one with no ambulances but pieces of blue metal four lanes across so that people didn’t feel as bad gawking at it. It also had the same number of cell phones out to record it and post it online to last until one world leader pissed off another equally crazy one on Twitter and sent them all into a nuclear winter, but that just might be Lucy’s Current Politics 400 and the three jello shots she had done with Cana in the kitchen a half hour ago talking. 
“What in God’s name is happening here,” Lucy said flatly. Natsu took his beer from Lucy and sipped it, head cocked in confusion as he continued to watch. 
Cobra looked at her from the corner of his eye from her other side, answering her kinda-serious question just as tonelessly. 
“Loke challenged Gray to a dance contest and then this happened.”
“Okay, but why is Juvia twerking?”
“You’re the one who brought her to a frat party,” Cobra shrugged, as unhelpful as ever. 
“As if I would come to Nick’s party without at least seven people to act as a buffer,” Lucy scoffed. Lucy had reluctantly allowed the lacrosse girls to drag her out tonight, despite the fact that Nick, the captain of the men’s soccer team, was the one hosting it. And had hit on Lucy everytime they crossed paths, sometimes in front of Natsu. 
So she brought a crowd, both to piss him off and keep him at arms length. Not that most of the people that had come with Lucy had been invited, but at this point it wasn’t a surprise to see Lucy amidst a swarm of loud and energetic college students. “Why are you here anyway, don’t you always say you’d rather put your head in a viper’s mouth than go to a jock frat?”
“Laxus begged me to, one of the dicks in his advanced electrical physics class is on the team.” Cobra said. Lucy nodded like she believed him, taking a sip of her drink. 
Cobra growled something under his breath before he slipped away, leaving Lucy to consider all the ways she could stop the slowly worsening dancing in front of her. Juvia was white-girl-wasted, and was dancing like one. Which, to be fair, she was as well as Lucy. Levy was supposed to be watching her, but seeing as how she was the permanent DD/babysitter Lucy could understand not dealing with a drunk Juvia trying to impress a drunk Gray. Who was no longer in the room.
She felt the weight of Natsu’s gaze on the side of her face, turning to him with a questioning look. “She is not even on the beat.” he signed, eyebrows pinched and more confused than anything. “I can dance on the beat and I have no hearing.”
Lucy choked on her sip, whining as the fizz and vodka of her drink burned her nose. Natsu cackled, head thrown back at Lucy’s pain. She dug her elbow into his side sharply, returning the glaring pout he shot her. Rolling her eyes, Lucy gave him a gentler elbow in a different spot, allowing Natsu to pull her closer to his chest. 
“We should stop this,” Lucy signed, gesturing in the general vicinity of where Juvia was dancing with her hands on her knees, hair half covering her flushed face, hips moving in what Lucy thought was supposed to be twerking. It wasn’t that Juvia was flat, it was just that she had all the coordination of a newborn deer when she wasn’t in the water. 
“We should,” Natsu agreed, making absolutely no movement to do any such thing. 
“Or…” Lucy let her hand waver in the air from side to side, leaning more towards the door. 
“Gray can handle it,” Natsu smiled at her, bright and cheery as he shook a tightly closed fist before making a releasing motion. Lucy ignored the direct translation of one of Natsu’s many names for Gray -cold jack off. They wandered away from the crowd just in time to see Erza step into the circle and through an entire blanket over Juvia, the music changing to a pop song rather than the ten minute EDM one that Lucy was pretty sure had been put on repeat. 
Lucy smiled and waved at people she knew as they walked through the house, giggling and tapping the neck of her bottle with one her goalie, who was sitting on the lap of the redheaded scorekeeper with the eyebrow piercing and bold lipstick choices. Lucy wondered how long the coffee brown make-up would take to wash off, or if the team would be teasing Kiki about it during tomorrow’s afternoon practice.
She let Natsu lead them, her head already a little spinny and her feet not working as well as they should be. Looked like those shots were hitting full force now. They passed through the patio/shack room off the kitchen, Natsu grunting a nod at Laxus who was sitting with Freed, Bixlow, Cobra, and several people she didn’t know the names off, a couple blunts and a pipe being passed around the group. She crinkled her nose at the smell of pot, strong in the smaller room. She stuck her tongue out at Cobra’s smirk and held her middle finger behind her back at her stoner cousin as she followed Natsu up the steps that led to the second floor. 
Lucy tripped over the last step, giggling as she fell into Natsu’s chest. She beamed under his fond look, wrapping her arm around his waist and falling into step beside him. Big crowds could get a bit much for Natsu, and Lucy loved that he always wanted to bring her with him when he needed to get away. 
Lucy raised an eyebrow when Natsu led them into Nick’s room, sitting on the bed a sober Lucy couldn’t be payed to touch. Her eyebrows rose higher when Natsu locked the door, leaning back and crossing one leg over the other as she waited for Natsu to turn to her. 
“Figured we could cock block that dick and get away from the party at the same time,” Natsu grinned at her, voice low and gravelly and pulling a shiver from Lucy. 
“Why’d you wanna get away?” 
The words left her before her brain caught them, but almost-drunk Lucy didn’t care. She swung her leg subtly, watching Natsu trace the line of her shin and thigh, his eyes hooded low and a different energy from before making Lucy shiver a second time. He walked the several steps to her, hand warm and rough on her knee. His fingers shifted as he gave her a gentle squeeze, leaving trails of goosebumps in his wake. 
“You laughed when I said I could dance,” Natsu murmured, hand leaving her knee to run down her bicep, Lucy allowing him to pull her arm to him, her fingers small in his palm where they settled. He pulled her up, Lucy entranced as Natsu guided her to her feet, and then to the middle of the room. “I wanna show ya how good I can dance.”
“Okay,” Lucy breathed, not really knowing what else to do. The lighting of the room made all of Natsu’s features sharper, piercings glinting in the light from the open window, dark look in his eyes hungry and intoxicating, pink hair wild and dangerous. His hand on her back was heavy, pulling her close to him so their chests touched. Lucy leaned in even closer when his hand dropped low, squeezing her ass as Lucy pushed into his fist. They started to move side to side, swaying with the beat Lucy could feel reverberate through the floorboards and up into her bones. She knew Natsu could feel it too, his lead confident as he moved their hips together. It was lewd and dirty and hot, grinding with Natsu in the dark. 
Natsu grinned at her, sharp teeth showing off his smugness as Lucy moved her hands from his chest. She held onto one of his arms, strong bicep and tricep flexing under her fingers and making her mouth water, other holding onto the back of his neck as she pulled herself even closer to him. 
“Told ya I could dance,” Natsu purred. 
“I like your voice,” Lucy said, lost as she stared into his emerald eyes and felt his body move against hers to the pounding bass and drums of the music. Natsu blinked at the random comment, grin soft as he leaned down and brushed his nose against hers. 
“I like your face,” he said, gripping her ass even tighter and leading her against his steady rolls, thick thigh slipping between her own. She kissed him, unable to hold back any longer. The hand on his neck moved higher and pushing against the grain of his spikes, hairs soft between her fingers. His tongue brushed on her lower lip, eagerly moving against her own after she let him in. Natsu pushed into her, holding Lucy tight despite leaning over her, making her hold her weight to stop from falling. Lucy trusted him though, and clung to him as she ground against the growing hardness she felt forming where their hips met. 
“You keep this up and I’m gonna have to fuck you in this gross frat house,” Lucy groaned, pulling back and holding Natsu’s wolfish gaze. She bit her lip, whine caught in her throat when Natsu lifted her leg to hook on his hip, crushing them together, all pretense of dancing gone. 
“You’re so hot when you dirty talk,” Natsu growled. He picked her up, Lucy squeaking at the sudden lift but quickly readjusting. She claimed Natsu’s mouth in a heated kiss, burying both hands in his hair as he carried her to Nick’s bed. His hand slipped under the short hem of her jean shorts, riding the denim high and tight against her core as he groped her ass. 
At least Nick’s bed was going to be getting a decent fuck tonight. Especially since Natsu was a giver in the sack.
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theworldisourcliche · 6 years
“More Than Words” [William/Noora]
If you’re interested, you can also find this story/upcoming ones on my ArchiveOfOurOwn.com account “Blurrypen” :) Enjoy!
"Eva! Eva! Eva!"
They all cheered. The girl-squad, Eskild and Lin plus Even and Isak Bech Valtersen, were on the dance floor and had formed a little circle around their brunette friend, who was currently showing off her wild dance moves. It could best be described as 'tango meets twerking and jumpstyle'.
Eva was drunk.
She'd already made out with Vilde twice - or at least she tried.
Eva was very drunk.
But everyone was having a good time. The newly married couple were honored, and also very entertained, by the fact that Eva brought back her old high school moves. Nothing like a good grind to honor true love and commitment. The group of friends were jumping to the beat of the music, as they watched Eva get crazier and crazier with every second passing by. Though suddenly, a warning sign caught Noora's eye.
"Oh shit-" She ran to Eva who'd suddenly stopped dancing, who's cheeks suddenly had grown puffy - kinda like she tried to hold her breath. "Go get Jonas!" Noora yelled, just as Eva started emptying her stomach all over the floor. Noora sighed, holding back the brown hair. "And some soap and a mop..."
Before she could even finish her last sentence, Vilde was back with Jonas.
"Shit, babe," he walked over to Noora and Eva, soothingly rubbing his girlfriend's back as she stopped throwing up. "Let's get you out of here, huh?" Eva nodded, bent over and head down, obviously exhausted and disoriented. In a quick swoop, he picked her up in his arms and carried her out of the big room, making his way back to their assigned hotel room. The remaining of the group stayed back, quickly managing clean the floor. The rest of the boys, Yousef, Magnus and Mahdi, had since then joined and everyone was once again dancing.
The music was pumping, loud and everyone was brought back into high school-mode. It was all laughs and pure joy. But Noora couldn't help but feel like something was missing. Which there was. She stopped in her tracks, looking back at the table where William was still sitting, playing with his place card. She sighed... Suddenly she felt Eskild lean in to her, yelling to top the loud music.
"What's up with Willy? Noora looked at Eskild with a sad little smile, shrugging, not knowing what to say.
"Are you doing a 'no-sex September' or what?.. Because if you are, I can totally help out and take your place for the month."
Noora couldn't help but laugh a bit at her roomies always too much, but funny, comments. "No... I just-“
This was too complicated and Eskild was way too drunk. Now was not the time to tell him.
"I don't know," she shrugged. "I'll go talk to him... Have some fun for me?" She tried to lighten the mood with a smile, also implicitly telling Eskild to not follow her. He didn't.
Slowly, Noora walked off the dance floor and over to one of the tables nearby. William happened to look up, piercing his eyes into hers, before getting up and walking away. Over to the bar.
The young woman rolled her eyes at his childish, but familiar, behavior before following him. When she caught up with him, he was already at the bar, ordering a drink. His arms were folded and rested on top of the marble surface of the bar. He didn't budge. He didn't even look at her.
"William?" Her voice was very gentle, as always when she talked to him. She stood beside him, copying his position.
"Noora." His voice was cold, and she could tell that he was only saying it for the sake of not being a total ass. Even though was kinda being one anyway.
As they stood their in silence, as Noora was at a loss of words and William was just being... moody, the music suddenly stopped.
"Okay everyone," the DJ spoke. "We'll get right back to partying, but right now I want you to grab a special someone and come join us on the floor for romantic slow-dance. So I'll give you a minute to find someone, and then it is onnnnnn, ladies and gentlemen!"
Noora's blue eyes were immediately drawn to the profile of William's stone cold face. She knew why he was upset, and she couldn't blame him, but then again he was being really mean about.
"William," she whispered. "Please come dance with me?"
He took a sip of his drink, not budging. "Not in the mood right now."
Noora's shoulders automatically slumped in defeat. She knew what answer was coming, but a tiny little part of her had hoped for a yes. Even just a grumpy one. But there was no use in trying. Not tonight. His mind was set. She slowly, almost in slowmotion as to give him a chance to change his mind, turned on her heels and started walking away.
Nothing happened. Sigh.
Her steps picked up some pace. That was until the first chord of the song hit her ear. Like a bomb of emotions and nostalgia. Almost instantly, she could feel his piercing eyes again. This time they were burning into the back of her neck. She hesitantly turned around, catching his deep eyes with her feathery ones. It was almost like the song had turned his a gaze a bit softer - just a bit. Though she was sad, she could understand why he was as well. She caught a glimpse of utter pain in the midst of his icy, angry eyes. Oh, how she loved him. So so much. Why couldn't she just say yes...
Before she could even think too much about it, he put down his drink and walked right by her. Her eyes followed him. He walked onto the dance floor, stopped and turned around. Once more, he looked at her. Softer, still cold, but softer. She could tell what was going on. It was his way of asking her to dance. And there was no way she was going to refuse. So she made her way to him, hesitantly placing her hands on his firm shoulders, as he placed his on her petite waist. They started swaying to the familiar song.
Saying I love you
Is not the words I want to hear from you
It's not that I want you
Not to say, but if you only knew
How easy it would be to show me how you feel
Some of the tension was definitely gone. They’d always be comfortable in the other’s presence. But something was still way off, and they both knew what it was. The song continued.
More than words is all you have to do to make it real
Then you wouldn't have to say that you love me
'Cause I'd already know
William’s eyes shot to the ground during this specific part of the song. Before, they’d been looking into each other’s eyes, getting lost and somewhat forgetting about the roaring monster hiding beneath the surface. It broke her heart, and all she could do was rest her head on her shoulder and sing along into his ear.
What would you do if my heart was torn in two
More than words to show you feel
That your love for me is rea-
He interrupted her, but kept swaying. Noora didn’t remove her head, but felt her heart skip a beat.
“Why?” He whispered. “Why no?..”
The immense pain in his voice almost made her cry, and forced her to pull away from his shoulder.
Their eyes met once again. This time there was no anger. Just pure pain.
“Will, you know why…”
“No, I don’t know.”
She took another good look at him. His eyes. They told  her everything she needed to know.
“You really don’t know.” It wasn’t even a question anymore. It was a statement.
“No, I really don’t… Why won’t you marry me?”
Hearing the question for the second time in 24 hours didn’t seem to punch her less hard than the first. They kept swaying.
“Don’t you love me anymore, Noora?”
If the proposal seemed to be the hardest question ever, then it had definitely just lost its top spot to this one. Not because she didn’t know the answer, but because the fact that he had to ask hurt.
“William…” She started, slowly. “Please don’t ever ask me that ever again.”
She leaned in closer, placing her forehead against his.
“There is no ‘anymore’ when it comes to you and I. My love for you will never run out. And the fact that that has even crossed your mind-“
“That’s the only thing that has been stuck on my mind since yesterday.” He interrupted her, but didn’t pull back.
She gulped.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you like that.”
He nodded, forehead still pressed against hers.
“It’s not that I don’t want to marry you. I just don’t want to marry you yet.”
Her fingers played with the hair at the back of his neck, trying to soothe him.
“You and I, we have so much to offer this world. On our own as well as together. I believe it’s best for us that we get settled with who we are, as Noora Sætre and William Magnusson, before we make it Noora and William Magnusson.”
Just the sound of that did cause tiny smiles to appear on both pairs of lips.
“I love you, William. And I wanna be with you. I need to be with you, or else I’ll go insane. But give it time, love. We have so much of it left. No need to rush.”
She removed one hand from behind his head and brought it to his chin, gently tipping his face to look at her.
It was small, but a smile was definitely on William Magnusson’s lips.
“Yeah, okay. I was just worried. Wondering if I wasn’t in your future plans.”
Noora nodded, understandingly.
“I get it. I’m a boss ass lady with big big plans. Pretty intimidating at times,” she said jokingly, making a face, along with her cute norwegian accent.
William’s smile grew with each second. Man, he loved her.
“Exactly. Stop scaring the shit out of me.”
She giggled before she leaned in once more, engaging in a soft but deep kiss, causing him to grab tightly onto her waist and pull her in closer. The kiss deepened, seeming to last forever and ever. He was never going to let go.
That was until she pulled back, smiling widely.
“So are we good again? Can I go back to being a boss ass woman?”
He shook his head, laughing.
“Damn it, Noora Sætre. You’re going to be the death of me.
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