#i don’t really care for them together exactly but like. idk they love eachother and are presently more healthy than like
vic-does-battlecats · 8 months
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Something something dovewing and vacant stares
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xxzlushiez · 1 year
Can you do tom x f!reader who's in the band and they were always like bestfriends no feelings for eachother or anything but as they get older like around 2007/08 he starts to realize he's totally in love w/ reader and tries to get rid of his feelings by sleeping w/ a bunch of girls but nothing helps because he can only think of reader? And they end up going to a party together and having fun and shii and then they end up on a balcony outside just drinking out of solo cups totally plastered and tom confesses to reader and kisses her but reader is super shocked and surprised and doesn't really know what to say so she doesn't kiss him back and just stares at him, and he doesn't take it very well he's just like "...oh.." and then gets up and reader tries to stop him and he's like "no, no I'm just gonna go back to the party" and stumbles out w/ a broken heart but in reality reader liked him back too but didn't know she did until he confesses so over the next few weeks she realizes how much she's in love with him and she goes to his room to tell him all romantic and shit and they end up having soft sex (or not wtv you're comfortable with) ty sm!! I love your writing btw!
EEEHHHH THIS IS SO CUTE IM SO EXCITED TO DO THIS (and tysm for the compliment❤️)
T! Kaulitz x F! Reader
Synopsis: you and Tom have always been good friends, but he realizes he wants to be more..what’ll happen when those feelings don’t falter?
Notes: 18+, Name is in the band, flashbacks to ‘Devilish’, drinking, getting drunk, concerts, parties, jealousy, talks of unrequited feelings, Tom being a attention whore💀, insecurities, platonic! Bill x reader, oral, soft sex, underlying sub! Tom (I hate using that word but idk how else to describe it???)
A/N:tysm Anon for requesting and I hope this lives up to your expectations, I decided to right this in normal style instead of bullet points, I hope you don’t mind. This is was frustrated I wanted to get it out on the 3rd😭 bro this is a few days later and it took so long because i just hate the way it turned out im so pissed at myself rn
“I act like I don’t care, that’s cause I don’t care”
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For as long as you’ve lived you and Tom have stuck together like glue, you lived a few streets away but being one of the only kids their age in the neighborhood it was hard for you to not gravitate towards them.
You guys weren’t exactly alike, but more like you complimented each other, he was all brash and broody like almost every other boy going through puberty and you were kind and sweet always helping whenever it was needed.
Soon you were invited into a band that consisted of two other troublemaking kids you hadn’t met yet, you traveled around to small talent shows and state fairs to perform music. It was a rough start; you weren’t popular by any means and were made fun of for what you liked to do.
It didn’t get to you like it got to Tom yet you let him rant and yell about it to you because you knew, along with everyone else, that it was just a matter of time before you five would be praised for your talents instead of bullied.
And you were, your band became a hit, Devilish became Tokio Hotel, garage performances became studio practices, and backyard shows slowly became country-wide concerts. Tom also changed, from a little boy who would yell at anyone who messed with his friends to a teen that couldn’t even bother with people hating.
It was different, you were all different, but it was a good difference. Bill became confident, Tom became more open, Gustav wasn’t shy, and Georg was well…Georg was amazing to begin with, it just doubled. The few fans that consisted of you guy’s parents and a few old neighbors became thousands, girls and boys alike paid to come and watch the five of you perform live.
When 2009 rolled around you were known across all of Germany and a few other countries. You couldn’t have been more successful, as the years progressed Tom morphed into someone completely different. Everyone knew of his reputation, a boy who had a new girl in his car every day.
You guys didn’t drift per se, but you didn’t talk about all the things like you used to. That was okay, some things are better left unsaid, but it was weird. You both used to talk to each other about everything and it just changed so suddenly it left you confused for a while.
But you learned to accept the fact that he wasn’t the same and took advantage of that time to get closer to the rest of the band, especially Bill. He became your number 1, always there with you whether it be shopping to helping you get ready. This was one of those instances where you ended up in your shared hotel room with him and Tom.
“This is going to look really good on your Name I promise!”
You let Bill practice his makeup skills on you, a little hesitant at first because of the particular style but when you saw how his face lit up when you agreed you couldn’t say no. Bill also said the style suited you perfectly.
Tonight, was particularly special compared to other nights. It was a large party hosted by a company in celebration of Tokio Hotel’s rise to fame. Bill made it a goal to doll you up in fancy lipstick and glittery eyeshadow before leaving, which Tom wasn’t too keen on.
“Bill hurry up the party starts in like 20 minutes.”
You looked over a Tom from the corner of your eye. He was sprawled out on your bed flicking through the channels on the hotel’s tv. He was already ready and had been ready for at least an hour now.
“Be patient Tommy not everyone can just wear whatever they find on the floor.”
Bill let out a laugh when he saw how offended his brother got at your insult before turning back and applying pretty shade to your lips.
“Tom wah wah hurry up the party starts in 20 minutes blah blah blah!”
He mocked his brother in a high-pitched voice before pulling his brother from the bed and onto the hard floor with a thump! grabbing your hand and running out of the room leaving him behind as you laugh.
“What the fuck you two! Get back here, I’m literally your ride to the party!”
The party was boring if you were being honest. But that was probably just you. There was no one you knew except the band and some celebrities and they were all doing their own thing so you were stuck lying on one of the many plush sofas the company had lying around.
Your eyes trailed over to Tom as he walked towards you, handing you a vibrant red solo cup while he settled himself next to you on the couch, moving your legs to lay comfortably over his lap while you stared at the contents of the cup.
“What’re you doing just sitting here? You’re always in the mood to party.”
He was right, you loved to party. It was one of the only times you could let loose when on tour. Today you just weren’t feeling it like you usually were.
“I don’t know, I think it’s the fact that I ordered a Pina Colada and got vodka. But who knows.”
He hummed as he absentmindedly observed the area. Tom had an unusual habit of wanting to be around you but never talking, preferring silence, it never bothered you so you let your head lay against the armchair swirling the drink around in your hand as you observed him.
He was never really good at taking your compliments, always avoiding them in some way with a “What’re you talking about?” Or the “Name just shut the fuck up”. You figured it had to do with the whole ‘I’m too cool for compliments’ thing he had going on, but it never stopped you from slipping up and saying something every once in a while.
“You're so beautiful Tom” and he was, honestly. His eyes reflected the neon lights that flashed above giving him that euphoric effect, the curves and dips of his face were perfectly sculpted to him. His true smile was so unbelievably cute, one that only you and the band had the pleasure of seeing, and his laugh…oh my god his laugh. You were definitely drunk. Whatever.
He gave you a quick side eye at the sudden praise before getting up and grabbing the cup out of your hand successfully spooking you.
“Let’s go smoke.”
‘Let’s go smoke’ was usually his way of saying “you're being annoying, let's get high” but you nodded and took his waiting hand as he led you through the busy crowd and out some double doors.
When out on the fairly sized balcony he grabbed a joint from out of one of the side pockets on his pants, while you flicked open your lighter that you had found stuffed under some gum and candy wrappers in your handbag.
He always enjoyed it when you smoked together, the delicate flame illuminated your face just enough to see the features that he’d always admired. Maybe that’s why he hated it when you complimented him, because he always wanted to do the same but couldn’t. 
Nervousness wasn’t something he felt. There was no reason for him to be nervous. Nerves were for insecurity, anxiousness, that was bullshit to him, well until it came to you, and that oh so familiar feeling bubbled up in his stomach when you looked at him under the dim light.
He concluded that he had a thing for you pretty early on, when he was about 16. One time you pulled a fan on stage that you told the band you found particularly attractive. Bill teased you and Georg and Gustav laughed as you all made your way to the bus, but he stayed back. Deciding that the pit in his stomach wasn’t jealousy like he thought it might be and just that natural protective feeling for a friend.
He didn’t want to think about the possibility that he liked you. You’d always been best friends and that was how it was supposed to say. He remembers how Bill would always tell him “Being best friends with someone like Name isn’t a good idea” because he wouldn’t wanna be just friends. Bill was right and that scared him.
After that realization he took notice of who he gravitated towards in hookups, they all looked in some way, like you. He thought it was weird. It wasn’t like he selectively picked out the ones with similar features as you…right?
“-Tom, are you listening? Pass the joint you hog”
You plucked the blunt from his hand and he stared as you inhaled some of it, releasing the air into his face, looking at him with a weird expression. You watched him stride forward and suddenly his lips were pressed against yours.
You pulled away after a few antagonizing seconds and hesitantly looked at him. You saw the way his face dropped, probably realizing what he just did. Shit.
“Tom I... you're drunk. It’s fine, okay? You won’t remember this in the morning let’s just...let’s just go home, okay?”
That nerve quickly turned into frustration as he rolled his eyes turning towards the entrance and muttering something under his breath before pushing through the doors back into the party, leaving you alone on the cold balcony with a burnt out joint and heart.
It had been a few weeks since the incident on the balcony, and you concluded that he did remember it the day after as he wouldn’t talk or even be around you alone. It was fine at first, but by the time the second week rolled around it was starting to affect everyone else. 
His performance was slower than normal, and he brought more girls to the hotel who unsurprisingly leaked where he was were staying and crowded around the hotel to catch a glimpse of the five of you.
He was being so unprofessional; he didn't give you time to voice your feelings about what happened and just up and left you in the dark. Like how do you even bring that up?
“Hey Tom, yeah I know that I didn’t kiss you back even though you totally unexpectedly pounced on me and it looked like I rejected you because I thought you were full-on plastered but like I’m in love with you so could you stop ignoring me?”
Yeah, that’s a no. So, you just endured it for a while until he decided to lay off. That point happened around the 3-week mark when the band was on a small break from tour.
He made it his goal to stay inside his room the whole time, sulking as Bill told you. You were at ends meet, if he couldn’t just talk to you about it like adults then you would have to do it yourself.
This leads up to the moment where you’re standing in front of his door contemplating all your life choices.
Are you serious, the one time you were hesitant about your decision he just had to open the door and make it for you?
“Hey, Tom uhh..can we talk about the party?” This is so awkward. What the fuuck.
He stood there hesitant for a second before opening up the door for you to come in. You ducked under his arm and situated yourself at the edge of his bed as he stared at you from the doorway.
“Okay um..so I’ve been thinking a lot about that moment and I just wanted to ask you something.”
He gave you a small nod of acknowledgment and you continued. 
“Do you like me? Like I don’t know if the reason you kissed me was just heat of the moment and you just got upset because you were drunk and your feelings were all mixed or something but I really want us to go back to normal…I miss you a lot and it's weird not seeing you at our practices”
You watched him closely for any signs of discomfort but his face was unwavering except for a light smile at your words easing your nerves only a little.
“I like you; I’ve liked you for years And Scheiße I miss you too but don’t wanna be just your friend anymore and if that changes things between us just forget about this whole thing”
You smiled softly walking towards him and cupping his face with your hands, bringing your lips to his feeling him relax into you. 
His breath caught in his throat when you grazed your fingers against the front of his pants, slightly palming him through the jeans when he abruptly pulled your hand away.
“Name I wanna do this with you…but I don’t wanna have sex like I normally do. I want it to mean something because you really mean something, I just don’t know how”
“Let me show you, Tom.”
Tom groaned when your lips pressed against his pelvis, muscles flexing underneath you at the feeling. You hummed in contentment before coming back up to him and giving him a quick kiss and taking off his boxers.
He’d never had someone take their time on him, it was foreign, different, you looked so pretty as you toyed with his cock. Seeing what made him shiver and what gave him goosebumps. 
Laying your tongue flat you licked a thick strip up the underside of his dick watching the way his eyes roll back in pleasure.
“Mhm…just- just like that Name please mhm…keep going.”
Voice slightly weak, he begged you to continue, not like you’ve ever heard and it encouraged you to continue, hands slick with his precum you stroked him at a controlled pace, squeezing slightly at the head hearing his soft curses get louder.
“Let’s empty that brain of yours ‘mkay?”
While you made yourself comfortable on top of him you felt his hips shift under you, his hands finding place on your hips. You align yourself with his cock, sliding down and listening to the way he mutters your name like a prayer as his cock disappears inside you.
“Shit this is much better than I ever imagined… s’much better...” his eyes raked your body seeing his hips met your thighs. You push down on his legs to keep him steady and use them as leverage to grind against him. Not even minutes later did his quiet concealed groans turn into gasps and random obscenities.
Seeing your pace begin to slow he flips himself over taking you with him, letting your legs rest flush against his shoulders next to his ears. He experimentally rocks his hips finding a comfortable rhythm, laying his hand flat on your stomach feeling at the bulge.
Now it was your turn to be a noisy mess, covering your face with a pillow in an attempt to muffle yourself but it was quickly discarded somewhere on the floor by Tom.
“Don’t- don’t do that- you look so pretty writhing under me like that, I could stare at you all day…shit shit shit.. if you keep tightening around me, I won’t last long...”
You smiled as you looked up at him. His eyes were closed tight and his jaw was clenched tight, focused on how you squeezed around him. You let your hand travel to his face tracing his features. His eyes opened at the touch and he sucked in his breath, feeling his high approaching.
 You were glowing, your hair fanned out on the bed, your eyes slightly glassy from his pace, sweat collecting on your hairline, suddenly every part of him felt so sensitive and his lips connected with yours before his hips stuttered letting out a guttural moan making sure you had ridden through your orgasm.
You cried out in his neck holding him against you as he continued for a little longer before coming to a halt, collapsing on top of you. Holding you against him in a vice grip. 
“I love you Name, a lot”
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I love thinking abt the teens and the corroded coffin boys forging something new and beautiful together.
Eddies Boys were a little suspect about Steve harrington, really eddie at first but quickly understood the Steve harrington who did Tommy Hagans bidding is as good as dead. Someone completely new covered in scars on the inside and out. And this new Steve is hopelessly inlove with their friend. Endlessly adores their friend.
But it’s not just Steve. It’s all of them.
Jonathan’s never really had a friend group. A life long loner, not exactly by his own choice. But when Steve invited him to hang out with Eddie and Eddie’s friends (“it not third wheeling man garreth and Jeff are gonna be there. Come on it’ll be fun, free weed. Since when do you turn down free weed?”) and the boys like Jonathan. Except him quirks and all. They’re cool with him. They like his presence. Call him without the pretense of group activities just to talk shit and catch up. He’s never had that before and its nice.
And everything that went down trauma bonded Chrissy to eddie, Steve and Robin style. And Steve is endlessly understanding and even happy to have the girls company.
Steve knows what it’s like to fall from hawkins social grace and he’s more than happy to hold Chrissy’s hand the whole way down.
She falls right into a group of proud weirdos who accept her as is, completely and totally, no questions asked, no need to posture, hide, mask or change.
And Jeff is like, always cooking or baking something, which is just great for Chrissy.
And of corse if Chrissy’s around Steve’s gonna bring robins around. Because he always likes having his Robs around poor chrissy is stuck with them and their weird dude shit alone so that’s not fair.
And those two? Well Steve didn’t expect it but it makes sence. The two of them are his and Eddie’s bookends. Of corse they’re eachothers too.
Stealth! Garreth who is indeed gay as the day is long, but god kmows having a ‘girlfriend’ makes it a lot easier to stay under anyone’s radar. Him and Robin take good care of eachother like that.
But if chrissy and Robin are over they’ve gotta invite nance too, they can’t leave her out. Even Jonathan’s there for shit sake, we’ve gotta call nance.
Nancy hasn’t really had girl friends since barb. And no one can ever fill that hole but shit, if chrissy and Robin don’t help a little bit.
In the midst of the last 4 years of bullshit the parties social lives have gone to the dogs. They’ve lost all functional human social skills and only hang out with each other. So it’s nice to have other people too, people who aren’t completely deranged and damaged to keep them in check.
Idk I’m just rlly into that concept.
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rui-drawsbox · 2 years
I’m back on my bullshit 😔. (This got real long as I was writing it so I had to add the keep reading thing for everyone’s sake)
so… Mika as a bit of a villain, a bit of an evildooer, a bit of a malicious man. Would he transform like the magical knights or would he have to manually change outfits? Cuz I doubt that he would just go out without covering his face or disguising himself. If he has powers I would assume he gets his own special form, like an evil magical girl lmao.
Also, I was thinking about Bingus 💀. Mostly the actual threat he could pose to the magical knights. He feels like the type to use henchmen/an army of mindless henchmen, like an army of living dolls.
So, Mika’s powers, if he has em. Personally I don’t know whether he would, he could just be real good in a scrap or have powers given to him by Shu, or he could have magic of his own. If he did have magic of his own I feel like it would be something he didn’t really know to use before Shu got involved with him.
On the topic of Mika’s powers (again), I’m not sure what they would be exactly. I have a couple ideas, shadow manipulation, some kind of physical enhancement thing that lets him fight on past the point of serious injury and do physical feats that shouldn’t be possible (like bending his spine in ways it shouldn’t, or lifting cars and shit like that), or bringing plushies to life, or something to do with crows. Idk man, he has so many options but being a villain and all means he can have more than one to make him threatening : D (I’m getting tempted to write 😔)
Also what weapon would he use? I feel like he’d wield something unconventional, like a chainsaw or those giant pairs of scissors that you see in anime. Alternatively he could wield something graceful like a lance or spear (maybe one that resembles a big sewing needle ✨). Plus with the reach that the spear would have it would make him more menacing, especially in a fight against people wielding swords (cough cough the knights). Either way he’d be terrifying in a fight, I can just feel it. He’s so pathetic but if you hand him a weapon he’s fucking scary. (I really want to draw him lmao)
ALSO JUST HAD A THOUGHT!!! Shu and Mika fighting together could be really cool cuz if Mika has that body enhancement power where he can be injured beyond what’s possible for a normal human and still fight Shu could manipulate him like a doll to fight viciously. I have fight scene ideas in my head. Like straight up angsty shit tbh.
maybe Mika doesn’t know Arashi is a magical knight, and after he finds out he doesn’t want to fight her anymore but Shu pushes him on and actively makes him fight with like his powers or something. Puppet master Shu <<<333
losing my mind rn, anyways Mika screaming and crying while being forced to actively fight Arashi <<33 let him cry 😎 (I love Mika so much but like I want to see him crying sometimes)
Also Shu regretting his actions after realizing how torn up Mika is (emotionally, not just physically for once) after fighting Arashi. Shu redemption arc? Nah, that’s for season two, he’s a villain, he’s gonna double down on his shitty behavior by internalizing all of this and pushing Mika away while yelling excuses to get Mika to leave. Like calling him broken or useless because he knows it will get Mika to leave him. 🫠 I love writing too much, angst specifically.
also Mika bonding with knights at school before the reveal and seeing them as his first actual friends and companions outside of Shu. I feel like that would be really cute.
back to the girl boss and her friends cuz I’ve talked about Mika enough for now.
they should go sing karaoke together with Mika.
also just them doing domestic stuff together in general. Like having a movie night or cooking together.
ALSO, ya know how a lot of magical girl shows have like second forms or power ups that get revealed around the mid season, and how these are sometimes locked behind character based trials? Like, some character development has to happen first before the character can start using this more powerful magic?
I’ve been thinking. 😔 still don’t have words for these thoughts tho so I’ll be back.
Mika should unlock his true magical knight form, when.. OH HOLY SHIT HE COUKD BE LJKE A DARK KNIGHT, WAIT OH MY GOD I JUST HAD THIS THOUGHT!!! Back to what I was saying, he could unlock his true magical knight form after he leave Shu and, and! Decides to forgive him and actively starts working with the knights to save Shu from himself. Now that I’m thinking on it more, I feel like this would be more of a self actualization thing for mika. He’s finally making a decision for himself, and it goes against Shu’s wishes completely. Maybe he could get his actual powers in a burst of righteous fury over one of Shu’s self destructive actions :):):) broseph should grab that pretty boy by the collar and scream at him for once. It would do Shu some good to be yelled at occasionally, humble him.
I’m gonna shut the fuck up now. Arashi’s super magical girl form should be queen related cuz she’s the queen of knights, yada yada, I need to continue unpacking my stuff from my recent move, so I’m done opening my skull like a trap door and pouring the contents into your ask box for now.
I’ll be back (assume the tone was menacing, like an old wizard who speaks of the end times)
Your au is so fucking cool btw, thank you for the brain worms :):):)
Replying this took way more time than i thought because turns out i cant think in words lmao, so i sketched all the ideas i got from this in my free time the past days ksbxk
Starting with Mika and weapons! (And other's weapons but mainly Mika)
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Yea hes pathetic but also the biggest menace with a weapon. At first i thought about double swords or some fact double weapon (u can see i recently watched the puss in boots movie) but i also like the idea of showing how inhumanly strong he is with his weapon, so a Claymore! A Big ass sword that is weird not being scared of getting closer! Im talking about his henchemen moment, because after all his redemption arc i feel like giving him a more futuristic spear, kind of like a sewing needle yea (i didn't drew that cuz i thought about It after but u get It?)
Now designs! My favorite parts! Henchemen!Mika:
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An easy to fix/change-specific-parts uniform! Provided by his boss!
I honestly think he would not be completly human, mabye a genetically modified one or entirely artificial. I mean, if Knights are getting their powers from some random alien why not artificial people? I like the idea of his body being like a wooden doll, those which all their joints are joined by an elastic inside the body (or reference dolls for artists if is easier to search?), so he could stretch/broke his bones all he wants without worrying, besides, if his skin is hurt badly Shu would "heal" It for the sake of his incognito mode!
After redemption!Mika:
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Dont focus in the colors--I'll fix It when i make everyone's outfits in digital skdjjs
Futuristic! Neon! Transparent parts of clothing! Bold shapes! Mika is now a brand new person, letting behind his heavy past focused on obedience to live his own life! In part thats why i wanted to give this version of him a spear, because its a lot more lighter than the Claymore and can be used a lot more freely!
Now the rest of Knights designs! Ritsu, Leo and Tsukasa:
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(Tsukasa sword is in the wrong hand but lets ignore that)
Ritsu's skirt is really puffy, mainly because It makes me think its extremely comfy and soft like a cloud should feel! His cape is in the right side so It won't bother when using his sword
Leo skirt is parted at the side so he isnt limited by the cloth when fighting, talking about that! I gave him two swords mainly because hes ambidextrous but also because he gives me messy figther vibes, specially having fun when is surrounded
Tsukasa always gave me the most classical knight vibes, so he has the most simplest but not less elegant outfit! Really, search Female Knight and at least in the first five images there's someone with a similar skirt/naked legs
Now with some random ideas: i would LOVE the idea of Knights adopting Mika after he's dumped by Shu, It would be like Arashi taking care two times at week, the others one day at week and the free day they do a sleepover all together! It would be like that until him and Shu make up in the second season lmao. And yes It would be a heavy angst, the series starts with Arashi learning how to be a Magical Girl and making friends along the way and then It finish being super dramatic and sad. The only thing that could recover watchers from the finale is the classic outro where It shows everyone's getting along, Shu being scolded by Mika for being rude to someone and the final image is the graduation photo with everyone showing their diplomas and jumping like the good ol' Friends they are JWJDJJA
But no yea, come back anytime, i love reading all your ideas for the au! Theyre very creative and is super fun to imagine all the situations you describe!
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I was just thinking about the food I'm gonna be having within the next few days, and it got me thinking about 'cooking with chris' on the counsellors router in the game. I can't remember where it is. It might be in the kitchen? It's just their tasks, and cooking with Chris was on it. I remember you mentioning something about Chris cooking for Ryan in a scenario previously. So, what would he cook for him? Ryan is a bit of a picky eater in your canon, and Chris is pretty attentive to what he likes in both ASB and Gp, I'm assuming. I have no idea what Ryan would actually want to eat. Idk when Chris would make food for Ryan, but maybe later when the others are in their cabins or at the fire pitt? I liked that in GP, Chris took Ryan out to eat, even though it was spontaneous, and Ryan didn't want to go. There's just something about Chris looking after and proving for Ryan that's quite pleasing to me.
It'd be cute to imagine them sitting down together, just the two of them having a home cooked meal by Chris, and just enjoying it & eachothers company. Their complexities would make the situation interesting, too. Ahh, it's quite fun to imagine different scenarios. Although, I must say I am a bit stumped about how the next part will play out. I know Ryan's gonna do something, that's as clear as day, but it's Chris that's got me on edge, haha. You're quite good at setting the scene, the mood, and building anticipation. But yeah, it's not knowing how Chris will possibly react that has my brain in a knot. Especially because we only have Ryan's perspective, he doesn't know what we know. Meanwhile, Chris could be thinking, maybe planning and feeling anything, and we have no idea — and Ryan is clueless about it. Ahh, it's just so good! Haha, sorry I ended up talking about one thing, then talking about another the next.
my memory about the game is kinda rusty atm, but it’s not hard to see chris doing smth like that. esp bc he does come off as fatherly kind. he would want to teach the ‘kids’ how to cook for themselves. but picturing someone like, i dunno, jacob being in the kitchen is endless comedy to me. i don’t think, that he can cook for shit. or emma even. as for ryan, he surely can make smth edible. i imagine, that he’s the one, who made his sister’s lunch and breakfast for the majority of their lives, so it’s not like he cannot cook for himself. he prob just won’t bother doing it. he comes off as chips & soda, & whatever-else-i-can-eat-without-cooking kind of kid. 
i think, that chris knows it, and would try to see what exactly ryan likes. he would start with smth simple like pancakes, bc most people love those. or maybe, he can make him some good ole toast and steak. or see if ryan likes some specific cereals. it would take him a bit to figure out ryan’s preferences, since it’s not like he won’t eat it, but he might not necessarily love it. it has a lot to do with his upbringing. i hc that his grandparents are pretty ‘conservative’, so i imagine that when his grandma cooks, it’s basically whatever she did for everyone, they should eat. food is food. kinda in a similar vein in how it prob was for chris too. naturally, he would like to avoid doing smth like that to his own kids, or ryan. but i picture, that ryan’s fav food be smth like apple pie or maybe a very sweet dessert, that people won’t suspect him loving, bc he’s all doom & gloom, so he must be into idk, energy drinks and tasteless food. but in reality, he likes sweets. mostly baked ones. 
and yeah, ryan’s appetite is really bad in GP, tho it’s this way for a reason. he doesn’t know it yet, and since he had a tendency to low-key neglect his health, he doesn’t look into it too deeply. chris suddenly decided to feed him, on top of already paying too much attention to how often he eats, well, it was weird and a bit annoying from his point of view, i think. esp bc he legit didn’t want to eat anything, it cannot be helped. i also think, that since ryan isn’t used to being cared for by an adult to such an extent, it makes him feel slightly uncomfortable, bc he doesn’t fully know how to respond to it. besides, in his situation, he’s not a kid per say, he’s an adult too, even if young one. so his mentor buying him dinner would make him question things. like is this a friend's lunch. or does chris literally see him as a child, that he’s not. 
as for the next part, all that i can say is that ryan literally sleepwalking into a lion’s den. or well, wolf’s one. GP generally be darker, than ASB, when it comes to certain themes. not only chris in GP is way less ‘noble’, but ryan also packs a surprise or two. and aw, thank you! i love the tension in writing. or well scenes, that make you wonder what and why, and if what you think will happen or not. horror/thrillers are esp good genres for it, and i kinda always try to keep the horror/suspense elements in my supermassive works. and it works very well with this game/pair too, bc chris is technically, an antagonist of the series. he’s a hungry wolf, even if he tries very hard to control his urges. and yup, i kinda really like how the reader will always know more, than ryan does. so certain things will make sense to you way more, than they do to him. i will prob make one chapter from chris’s perspective, bc after a certain point, shit gonna hit the fan hard and who knows what will happen. ryan certainly doesn’t.  he’s about to bite more, than he can chew. 
and no worries! i’m glad, that you still interested in that story, despite me taking a long break from it. 
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onlyjaeyun · 10 months
greetings my dear zadie 😁 i missed u sm (sorry for the disappearance- i really missed filling ur inbox like this pls don’t mind me💔) & i genuinely have no idea where to begin from because i just got caught up with like 30 chapters of strictly business and i haVENT BEEN SLEEPING SINCE YESTERDAY BECAUSE I CANT CLOSE MY PHONE 🧍‍♀️ first of all what the FUCKKKKK IS GOING AWNNNNN😨 like what the hell what the fuck the whole family situation is so heartbreaking then we have the fucking mind blowing jaw dropping earth shattering identity crisis inducing universe colliding inducing smut to have ever grazed tumblr idk if it’s the severe daddy issues but my GOD thewayjongseongisaservicedommakesmegentearup also can i just say as someone who’s been reading your masterpieces since hype boy i absolutely adore. like ADORE 🧎‍♀️ the way you write your smuts they always like ooze out love and i adore it sm like it’s like that one meme where u know it’s not a quick nut but smth made with love & care and that’s exactly how you be writing your shit dawg like you’re so talented?? out here making me close my phone every 5 mins just to giggle and calm myself down. now when i tell you my legs r aching bcs of the amount of hours i just spent swinging them while giggling because of the shit i was reading for HOURS BRO. 😀 like i’m so obsessed with how you write i want to kiss & appreciate each every single one of your neuron cells and axons for connecting to eachother to form such beautiful ideas mamas. anywho back to the story FUCK YOU SHIAH UGLY ASS PREHISTORIC ASS BITCH THE FUCK IS YOUR GODDAMN PROBLEM DAMN. like you’re genuinely a miserable grandma if you’re out here in your 30s or smth pushing 89 and you’re bullying & talking shit about a girl who’s 21 💀 like girl go teach at unis what u learned about dinosaurs since you’ll be talking straight up from experience. i bet yo ass she was there at the last supper arriving with her horse and all that like GIR- sorry excuse me for the disrespect fr 🙏🏼GREAT-GREAT-GRANDMA. GET YOUR GODDAMN SHIT TOGETHER AND BACK THE FUCK AWF 🤺 anywho now that we talked about the literal cause of the big bang theory let’s go talk about jongseong 🤭 no because i love this man with my whole entire heart i just- i <3 mature men <333 he’s so cool & mature & understanding & it’s making him so much more sexier than he already is it’s actually driving me crazy because wHERE do i find a replica of the man i just read about. like sir. SIR im losing my mINDDDD 🤸‍♀️🕳️ and then going to yn i love her sm :( she’s so smart & kind and she did not deserve anything that happened to her she’s such a sweet girl i can’t do this i can’t stand kind hearted people getting their souls hurt like this like pls she deserves sm better (i’m literally coming for you shiah. sleep with one eye fucking OPEN.) i’m so glad she has jimin & aeri w her i love them all so much and nayeon (btw making nayeon jongseong’s older sister single-handedly saved approximately 26392 lives and prevented 6 million deaths im telling u, ur mind? legendary.) and then we have seoul’s fav four oh mY GOD i love jaeyun sm. he’s so hilarious like bros always speaking & asking the ACTUAL questions he’s so funny i love him sm & hoon is just hooning he’s a bad bitch & a serious mf i love him sm for that fr always serving shit and all that a fucking icon he’s so real 💯 and oh lord 30 year old hee? is going down in the history books i fear 🚨 u making hee this attractive right after poison is just so ooooooo i wanna fight you so bad (w kisses & hugs duh!) but like gen. easily one of the best stories i’ve ever came across, easily one of the best authors/writers i’ve had the chance to read the works of and witness with my own eyes 🙏🏼 like thank u so much for your service fr i love u sm pls take care of urself & don’t tire yourself out (i’m ignoring all events that took place in the most recent chapter because no.) sending u sm love & kisses zadie ! <33
actually no fuck that what the fuck do you mean the engagement is ACTUALLY GONNA HAPPEN. didn’t jongseong already put that bitch in her place like GRANDMA???? R U NOT EMBARRASSED THIS IS SO EMBARRASSING. chasing after a dude when he literally told u all ur shitty fantasies AINT GONNA HAPPEN and someone who put u in ur goddamn place and SO OBVIOUSLY HAS SOMEONE ELSE HES INTERESTED IN (WHICH TALK YOUR FUCKING SHIT JONGSEONG 🗣️💯 SPEAK UR TRUTH DONT LET THEM SILENCE YOU!!) IS SO LIKE ??? girl stand up fr you’re famous ig & hella rich u can find someone else leave my babies alone i beg. and oooo girl jongseong’s dad fr about to make me become a lawyer to jail his stupid ahh alongside yn’s father (and her brothers) 👩‍⚖️ now one thing shitty men will always excel at is being a fucking asshole to everyone including your family yet excluding your side chicks! like at your prehistoric grown goddamn age you’re gonna force your son to marry someone he doesn’t even like 😧? shit’s wild fr. anyways fuck you shiah fuck every single dad in the story and fuck you shiah (pt2) cuz u ain’t SHIT. you will never be SHIT with your horrendous pick me attitude and with your personality that’s literally revolved around being a trophy wife (and being in a marriage with a man who doesn’t even want you??? like do u have no shame. no self respect. like idgaf if this is about business and allat the man DOESNT WANT YOU 🫤 get that shit in your thick ass head grandma) like that shit’s crazy and fuck that account that posted that shit i hope yn’s okay and jay makes shit up for her cuz come on now 😐
-⁉️ <3
MY BABY IS BACKKKKKK HI BABY 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 you have no idea how much i giggled and smiled seeing you in my inbox imagain i MISSED YOUUUUU and hope life has been treating you well baby 🥺💞 pls tell me you havent been overworking yourself or i will have to fight you 💔
and please the way i couldn't even hold back my ugly laughs while reading bc you expressed my thoughts and feelings about yoo shiah in strictly business too spot on 😭😭😭😭
when i tell you the part where you started complimenting me, the smau and my writing made me tear up like i dont think you guys know how much your words mean to me and i will forever keep them super close to my heart so thank you so, so much baby. sending you the fattest kiss right now pls accept 🥺💞🩷💞🩷💞🩷
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Okay for context (although I’m sure u probably already know the books by heart at this point bc ur the queen of tfota analysis) this takes place right after Jude stabs Valerian and as Locke is walking up to “save” Jude from Cardan. Before Locke comes over Cardan has a practice sword and points it at Jude noticing Valerian’s blood and is all like you seem to have cut yourself
Okay I’ve always been very confused as to why this was Cardan’s response to Jude
And I’ve been trying to riddle it out and look at context and figure out why exactly he would say that about Locke and Jude when he clearly doesn’t want them to be together (which I say bc of the scene where Nicasia tells Locke that Cardan won’t forgive him for what he is doing with Jude)
but more than that I want to know why Cardan used the word ‘Perfect’ bc… that’s a lie ????? not even Madoc thinks they’re well suited for each other… NEITHER does Jude! she’s tells Locke that they’re both pretending and that they don’t belong together but it’s still fun any way (this was at his manor before the party)
Cardan, for very justifiable reasons, doesn’t like Locke… bc Locke slept with the woman he loved… in Cardan’s bedroom… while being Cardan’s so called friend… nuf said
But we know from HTKOELTHS that Cardan has some form of attraction to Jude at this point (a disgusting attraction in his opinion)
Of course Cardan doesn’t necessarily like Jude at this point he hates her and says as much when she interrogates him (he hates her most of all bc he thinks of her often which is disgusting bc he can’t stop) (but also bc he is jealous that she is loved by her family)
Cardan and Jude are not in good standing with eachother. But he begrudgingly longs for her. Which definitely makes me think for more reasons than what’s explicitly stated in the book that he wouldn’t want her to be with Locke especially after what Locke did with the last woman Cardan was with. Even if Cardan doesn’t like the fact that he wants her, he doesn’t want her to be with him or at least that’s what context seem to imply. Also he shows concern for her on multiple occasions and prevents her from serious harm from his friends and then sends her a dress in secret and scribbles her name Over and over again
So to me the only thing that makes sense would maybe be if he is referring to himself?????
It seemed like Cardan tried to find an excuse to talk her. he has a practice sword with him which he had no reason to have, bc he isn’t one to care for swords and Jude was like he was waiting at the bottom on the tower as soon as she comes down. When he sees her he points it at her (and shows concern) and they have a little banter til Tayrn runs to get Locke
And my stretch of a theory is that if Cardan was thinking of Jude and himself when she said “you don’t think I deserve him”
Since he is tricky with his words when she said ‘him’ it could mean any guy, and if Cardan was on his own mind then when he responded “"Oh no, I think you're perfect for each other.” He could have been referring to him and Jude
… perhaps??? Idk bc even that sounds like a bit of a stretch to me… but less of a stretch than him actually thinking Locke and Jude are perfect for each other
I’m just very stumped on this phrase and I really want to know what your interpretation of the scene is (sorry that I’m incapable of getting to the point ever)
gvskdjsk okay i am LOVING the depth of thought here, and i think you're on the right track, but i'm going to connect two dots for you that might make sense of the situation:
1. just because Cardan thinks they're perfect for each other doesn't mean he wants them to be together. it just means he thinks they would pair nicely. and at this point, i truly think he believes this.
just before the above pictured quote, and after the quote where Cardan says she's cut herself, Jude takes her bloodied knife out of her pocket and says "I could cut you, too". then, in QON (ch. 18) Cardan says to Jude, "But that's what you do. You trick people". two things about Locke are that he is a little bit fucked in the head, and he tricks people.
Cardan doesn't know why Jude's blade is bloody. he doesn't know that she's just been attacked by Valerian, or that she lives every day in fear for her life. he just thinks she's loved by Madoc so she must be safe and well cared for. ergo, Jude pulling a dirty blade, smiling, and then threatening to cut Cardan would certainly seem like fucked in the head behaviour; and she has been known to lie and trick people. he hates both Locke and Jude, so they're perfect for each other.
2. Cardan smiles when he's nervous.
–Em 🖤🗡
more theories & analysis
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gabrielsaiki · 3 years
saiki k headcanons lets go (eventually saiteru only, but for now it’s every character and is just)
1. nendou didn’t really care at all when saiki told the friend group about the whole psychic thing. nendou was just like “oh okay :] wanna get ramen” while everyone else was in shocked silence.
2. aiura and teruhashi didn’t like eachother, but one time chiyo invited both of them to her house and they clicked. aiura painted her nails (teruhashi s), and treated her like a normal person. made crude jokes around her and everything. teruhashi was drawn to her and now they’re best friends.
3. the first person in the friend group teruhashi turned her perfect mask off for was kuboyasu. she just figured he’s so chill that he couldn’t care.
4. saikis love language is quality time, believe it or not. but not quality time where they do 473847 things, quality time where they just sit in the same room together. maybe across a table doing homework , maybe going to a small little restaurant and eating while having eachothers hands on top of eachother on the table. he loves it (he wouldn’t admit it tho)
5. saiki knows what everyone wants (ofc since he can read thoughts), and he always like will fulfill their needs. he won’t admit that he likes helping them. (ex: __ is thirsty. out of nowhere they see a waterbottle in their backpack. saiki makes them think it’s always been there so that he doesn’t seem like a good person (shiver me timber’s)!
6. nendou is good at comforting people. not in a “it’s gonna be okay bb” way, but in a “i’ll distract you” if he sees someones sad, he goes up to them and is like yo buddy wanna get some ramen?
7. the reason teruhashi always calls herself the perfect pretty girl in her head is bcuz she doesn’t rlly believe it herself.
8. saikis really good at birthday presents, but he doesnt care for them unless he cares for the person. (he pretends to not care for his friends and get them shitty presents when its rlly exactly what they wanted) (did that make sense)
9. kaidou is the type of guy to give the person he likes one of his dark reunion things (ex: he gives arent his little arm bandages and gives him a tutorial on how to kill the dark reunion)
10. (add on to #3) kuboyasu hangs out with teruhashi a lot. idk i like to believe they’re best friends.
11. teruhashi took a liking to nendou bcuz hes nice and he repels people so she can just take a break around him.
12. yumehara and aiura date i don’t make the rules ...
13. hairo is actually fun to hang out with. he’s a very loyal and determined guy lol
oky saiteru now loool (so saiteru antis stop reading here)
1. they make food together. like saiki will make cake and coffee jelly and teruhashi will make the actual meal. saiki insists he doesn’t need an actual meal since his metabolism, but teruhashi says it’s bs and makes him eat his greens. he gets angry but obviously loves it anyways.
2. they end up going to the same college and obviously since god is in teruhashis side , they dorm right next to eachother. it’s become a routine (since saiki and teruhashi both have morning classes) for teruhashi to just give him a coffee in the stairs when they’re going down in the morning. also for them to go down the stairs together. teruhashi doesnt know how the hell saiki always manages to be there but shes not complaining. in reality it’s because saiki (he won’t say this outloud but) reads her mind to see right when she’s gonna leave.
3. teruhashi finds saikis teleporting the absolute coolest thing ever, so saiki always takes her on dates across the world.
4. saikis insists that using his powers to do things teruhashi wants is “100% necessary” and that if he didnt do it the gods would come for him
5. when saiki told the crew about his powers teruhashi fainted into his arms, woke up in his arms, realized she was in his arms, fainted again, and then apologized for fainting twice. then saiki said its okay and turned his lips up the tiniest bit into what could maybe be a smile and she fainted once again. 
6. when saiki lets teruhashi use his first name she passes out. also the first time he says kokomi instead of teruhashi she passes out.
7. teruhashi helps saiki embrace his powers.
8. teruhashi and saiki rlly are invincible together.
9. sometimes for shits and giggles saiki will scare the shit out of teruhashi by just talking in her brain whenever she’s thinking cute things (or things in general) about saiki.
10. teruhashi always talks to saiki in class through her brain. he ignores her like 99% of the time. ex: “saiki this class is so borinnnggg” in the brain and then outwardly she’s like glowing and smiling and saiki finds it the funniest thing.
okay that’s it sorry if they’re shitty they’re my personal ones okay bye
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runin-reads · 4 years
Peaceful jujutsu kaisen hcs (main 4 centered) to distract yall from the anime/manga
fushi = megumi lol
for a long time most people thought Megumi was Gojo’s adopted son because of how often Gojo talked about him. (Though if someone asked Gojo what Megumi is to him, he would answer with more than just a student, imo)
Gojo has a photo of little megumi in his wallet and in his house
Gojo showed up for Megumi’s and Tsumiki’s elementary/middle school graduations
Nobara says ‘kill all men’ and ‘men ain’t shit’ in front of the group and doesn’t give an explanation until Yuuji asks. Megumi doesn’t care but they both listen to her rant anyways.
nobara says ‘no hetero’ every time she hugs yuuji/fushi and they say it back out of habit
Fushi likes having his hair ruffled and ears scratched, like a pet. though he’ll never admit it out loud 
Fushi experienced scary visits to the dentist as a kid because Gojo kept giving him sweets which caused tooth ache, and that’s why he prefers not to eat sweet things 
If Nobara had a “gay awakening” it would be that older girl she knew as a child
Yuuji is actually popular with the girls and the gays but they just don’t speak up about their feelings 
Gojo and Geto ‘experimented’ with each other when they were still friends (romantic connotation is intentional lmaoo)
Inumaki isn’t exactly a food fanatic he just likes trolling people and seeing them confused like ???? 🧍‍♀️
Inumaki has the funniest fucking thoughts and if he didn’t have cursed powers, I fully believe he would be the funny friend that speaks nothing but bangers every now and then
Inumaki has a twitter account and is absolutely unhinged and unstoppable
Megumi knows ALL the gossip because he’s so quiet/disinterested and people don’t realize he’s listening 
Yuuji and Noba definitely wander into Fushi’s room randomly, just to chill and talk. At first Fushi ignores them but he really does enjoy their company. Sometimes Gojo joins
Fushi pets his shikigami whenever he’s alone and needs to relax (his dogs and bunnies are his favorite to cuddle with)
Nobara and Maki love going to the city centre together !! cute coffee shop dates and shopping too. I just know their outfits are fire omg
Yuuji and Nobara asked Fushi to talk to animals that weren’t his shikigami. He failed and they clowned him.
Gojo flirts with people at bars but he doesn’t go any further than that.
Satosugu definitely sent eachother memes during class using the group they made with Shoko
Nobara asks Yuuji to help her re-dye her hair and they have Fushi watch them to spot any mistakes/missed spots. They all end up cramped in a bathroom and since Yuuji doesn’t wear gloves, his hands are orange for a week.
Yuuji and Gojo sing along to Meg Thee Stallion, Nikki and other female rappers in the car. Their driver (idk his name) is thoroughly annoyed.
Driver: wow I love the beat *clicks fingers* very vivacious
Driver: YUUJI NO
Shoko and Nobara both saying “where’s your boyfriend” to their male friends (satosugu and itafushi respectively)
Gojo’s type is someone strong and they have to be able to bite back and make him earn their love yk. He wants someone who can keep up with him, someone with sassy remarks to his comments. (satosugu nation wya?? ;)
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bitchiha · 4 years
Kakashi and/or Yamato NSFW headcannons? I high key love ur blog btw 🥺✨❤
A/N: UHM YES LETS DOOOO THIS I LOVE YOU BTW AND THANK YOU!! <3 Yamato and Kakashi are like.. my favs. So thank you. I wrote for both of them!
Another side note: I decided to post some requests b4 my angsts bc Im almost done them and I can't neglect them anymore. I am the worlds biggest procrastinator, but I am trying my best.
✎ NSFW (Yamato, Kakashi)
I mentioned this before but both him and Yamato are touch starved. The only difference is that Kakashi needs it more. Like Yamato can control himself a little bit at least, but not Kakashi. Like if he’s gone on a mission longer than 3 days Kakashi is losing his mind.
Best horny Kakashi is horny Kakashi after reading his nasty books. Hands down. Man, it just gets him so worked up because he’s not imagining the characters in the books. Noooo. He’s imagining you and him.
Once when he was reading Icha Icha in bed he was reading a particularly nasty chapter I hope you know where this is going... Once the chapter was done he put the book down and looked over at you like all sly and shit. All the sudden he’s like “come sit on my face.” And the way he says it is so like.. idk how to describe it, but it’s like sly and cocky and curious all at once.
First time you ever sat on his face and it was the closest thing that you’ve ever gotten to heaven girl. Like you were seeing stars.
He’s into anything and everything tbh. Wants to try everything he reads in Icha Icha for himself. Which is amazing bc there’s always something new he wants to try. Everytime.
Loves pet names. Definitely calls you a whole dictionary full of them and they vary depending on what you two are doing exactly.
He likes giving oral a lot tbh. Like a lot a lot. It’s probably bc he knows he’s so damn good at it lmfoaoaoao. He’s read this stuff a hundred times over in his books, so he knows how his tongue should be moving and all that good stuff. Wants you to sit on his face all the time bc he likes how good it makes you feel. Also, likes when you are vocal.
Likes lingerie but he will have it off you in 0.5 seconds so he can drill your shit tbh. You’d have to swat his hands away from trying to peel them off, but you can’t keep them away for more than 5 minutes.
Such a tease. He won’t admit it, but he actually likes making you cry when you're getting it on lol. Just a little. It makes him feel like he’s living out a scene in one of his books and it makes him so much hornier. Like he’s probably denied you 10 times now and so you’re just a mess and he gets so carried away. But when he finally gives in it’s the best dick ever. Bye lol.
Will want to do sooo much nasty things in public. He’d actually be good at hiding what the two of you are doing though, for the most part. I don’t think he’d do anything super crazy though. Mostly things that work you up to get prepared for when you two go home.
Has definitely done it with you in a public washroom. Clamped his hand on your mouth so you wouldn’t get caught and girl he rocked your shit good.
Kakashi is both an ass and tits guy, but you know what he likes better? Thighs. Loves having them wrapped around him, straddling him, lol likes his face being between them and anywhere he can grip them tbh. Like even in public he’ll have a hand somehow on your thigh 24/7. Doesn’t matter if their chubby, small, whatever. He. loves. them. Also loves hips.
Doesn’t mind if you ever wanna take the lead. Go down on him after he comes back from a mission. Shower w him, take a bath with him, literally just do it. But take care of him good. He will repay you later.
I don’t think he’s loud. Probably likes giving you validation a lot, but you’ll only get some noises out of him. That doesn’t mean he isn’t enjoying himself bc he is, my goooosh he is.
However, after missions he’s just too tired to stop himself and he will get a lottt more vocal. Plus it’s his tired voice so it’s 10x more attractive. Lots of Groans.
So like I said, he may not be loud but look at his face. You can tell he’s enjoying himself by his facial expression. Like if his eyes are squeezed shut and his mouth is open slightly you are making him see stars. Or if he’s really focused and intent, that’s when he is doing something he just read about in one of his books and boy is he enjoying it. Orrr if hes got a cocky smirk that’s when you know he’s gonna tease the life out of you.
Has dealt with Naruto, Sakura, Sai and Sasukes attitude problems all day. So if you wanna try and give him some at home he will lack the patience. Will be so rough and you’ll like it, but it will hurt to sit down for a few days.
Has 0 self control if you wear skirts or dresses. Like he just wants to put his hands under it. You look so pretty in them too and he can’t stop staring. Has definitely left your skirt / dress on when he’s fucking you at least once.
CEO of making you blush. Gets you flustered all the time. He literally can never get enough of you. Sometimes you’ll just catch him giving you that stare. Or just like checking you out and you’re like: Kakashi we are in the middle of the village control yourself.
You really can’t get him to be jealous. You’ve tried everything and anything but he never gets riled up. He can make you jealous, but he doesn’t do it a lot. I think the only time you can really get him worked up like that is if you unintentionally make him jealous. If he knows you’re trying to, he won’t let it work. But if you don’t know it makes him so flustered. Like if you tell him you’re going on a 4 day mission with Yamato. He’ll be pissed lol. Why the fuck didn’t Lady Tsunade tell you two to go together?? Why you and tree boy?
Then all the sudden he’s making out with you in the middle of your kitchen. Muttering under his breath about how unfair that is. Like this man is gonna have to sit here for 4 days by himself while you’re out on a mission with Yamato?? Frustrated sex lol. Also will definitely leave hickeys. Have fun covering them up on your stupid 4 day mission with yAmATo. <3
Another thing; you’ve done it on every surface possible in your apartment. The kitchen table, the bathroom counter, the shower, every gosh darn wall. Probably even on a chair at your dinner table... What can I say. HES WHORE KNEE
You will definitely be eachother’s first times. If you’re with him you’re with him for the long run. He isn’t gonna give himself to anyone like that. Nope, you’ll know you’re stuck with him once he starts to get intimate.
That being said, I don’t know why but I don’t think he’d be very self conscious about himself tbh. Like he’s touch starved as fuck already and so inexperienced so like.. now that he’s experiencing physical contact like he’s never had before my guy is short circuiting. Any touch from you feels wayyy to good for him and he could care a less about anything else when he gets going.
Also, he’s kinda loud - like not the type to scream lol but I mean like .. if you’re making him feel good (literally anything you do makes him feel good tbh), then you will know. Looots of groaning and grunts. Omggg and if he needs to keep really quiet he will probably muffle his moans by burying his face in your neck or tits lol.
I don’t think he’s the type to dirty talk too much or degrade at all. The only time he will really get into dirty talk, being rough and maybe some degrading is if you make him jealous. It only works if you use Kakashi for it and my god you’re asking for trouble if you do
Say something like “wow Kakashi you’re really strong,” or laugh at all his jokes and Yamato will seethe quietly. You’ve got to keep that up for a while to get him super worked up and when you do.. HE WILL DEFINITELY GIVE YOU SOMETHING TO CRY ABOUT.
When you get home he drilllls your ass girl. Like you’re all teary eyed because he’s been denying your orgasms and now he’s drilling you into the mattress oml. You’re like begging him and sobbing and he’s so fucking mad lol like he doesn’t care
“Stop crying. You thought everything Kakashi said was just so funny tonight, so go ahead and laugh, laugh like how you were laughing with him. Not so funny now is it?” “Think he can make you feel like this? Didn’t think so.”
Will feel so bad in the morning. Like he’ll actually feel so bad. Will make up for it in any way you ask him too. You liked it though and you riled him up on purpose, you won’t tell him though. You 1000/10 do it again. Kisses you all over to make up for it.
Everytime you do, you can’t look Kakashi in the eye for a good week bc you’ll only think of Yamato drilling your ass.
Praise kink 10/10. He will probably be so depressed and will lowkey cry if you degrade him. What he likes is praise. Fucking fuel that mans ego and be a vocal for him too ;) he likes knowing that he’s rocking your shit good.
CALL HIM CAPTAIN like he’s not really into being called sir or daddy or anything like that but my lord.. if you call him Captain.. ugh. It gets him everytime. Also darling too.
Uhm he realllyyy likes when you take care of him after missions. Especially if it’s a long mission or one with Team 7 because that shit stresses him the fuck out. He’ll have so much frustration he’ll need to get out by the time he comes home.
Perch your ass on the couch and wait for him. Bonus if you cooked him food first. Or if you wanna run a shower for him while he eats. He will insist you join him.
Also... He’s not slick at all when he introduces ideas like that, he probably says it bluntly like.. “y/n.. I really want to take a shower with you right now.” and his face would get all red too lol
But after some missions he’s just way too tired to fuck your ass up. This is usually like after most of his missions with Team 7. He will still somehow manage to be horny tho. Like he’s been gone for days and had to deal with moody teenagers the whole time and he would really love if you just sucked his dick rn. That always reallyyy gets him going. Probably will cum fast bc of how good it feels to him tho, but there’s a lot of it y’know. He’d also be loud too. Like too lazy to try and keep it down loud. Lots of groaning.
Like I said, he’s horny as fuck. Literally being around you just turns him on sometimes. Even at home. Like If you wear a tank top with no bra when you’re lounging around, he’s already horny. Short shorts? Hor-fucking-ny!! Sometimes he’ll get embarrassed and hide it from you, but let’s be real you feel the same way about him so it’s fine
Titty guy 100%. I’m sorry but like if you have big tits don’t expect him not to bury his face in them. Always gives them extra attention. Likes when your riding him and their bouncing. Wear Lacey bras, he loves them so much and he will keep them on the whole time so he can just admire it on you.
He doesn’t like the idea of doing anything in sexual in public. He has a reputation to uphold and he is not about to throw it out the window like that no matter how much he wants too. Its frustrating sometimes bc like you could be walking around the village together and he gets a good glimpse of your ass and now he’s thinking some nasty things. Then he’s got a really uncomfortable hard on to hide till you get home.
He gives you splinters by accident sometimes. Like idk how. Especially if youre sucking him off. His hands are gripping your shoulders and you feel a prick on your collarbone and you yelp. He’ll apologize profusely, but he can’t control it when he feels like this so it happens sometimes. You get used to it though. Won’t admit it but he doesnt even try to control it if his dicks down your throat bc.. when you yelp it feels reallyyy good.
I’ve always had a thing for Yamato.. so I kinda went off on this LOOL <3
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thebindingofpillo · 3 years
As promised, it’s Judas time. My favorite boy. I’ve loved him since I saw his little funny fez in the vanilla version, so this is probably gonna be very long and all over the place. I’m also ditching the four headcanons format, because i have a LOT to say about him and I can’t fit it into four little neat categories.
Okay, so. Judas is an asshole. Definetly was the kind of person to “well acshually” every single conversation, the type of guy you’d find ranting about how schewpid humanity is, and who berates you for being religious because “hurr durr you’re too old to have imaginary friends”. A real little shit. No wonder he didn’t have a single friend all throughout elementary and middle school (ugh, of course they don’t wanna be my friends, they can’t handle me, i’m too smart for them yada yada we all knew a guy like this). In high school he finally met Maggy and Isaac, who just moved from the country and actually tried to reach out to him. Isaac was the first to approach him because, well… he actually remembered Judas. From another lifetime. From several lifetimes in fact, and he knew already they were bound to meet eachother someway or another. Obviously Judas started his usual asshole spiel, but Maggy was ready to call him out on his bullshit. Something something enemies to friends, and the three became inseparable. Anyway yeah, Judas managed to grow out of his fedora-adjacent phase and become a somewhat okay individual. He’s not abrasive like he was in highschool, but still suffers from resting bitch face, and if you don’t know him well he’ll probably speak to you in a condescending tone while looking down on you. Literally. The guy is tall.
His interest in the occult started around his teenage years, both as a way to shock his grandmother by doing a “bad” thing right under her nose, and because it’s a really sophisticated matter, you wouldn’t get it. But really, he probably watched a horror movie with Maggy and got hooked up on the spooky stuff. From his humble beginnings on creepypasta wikis to actually browsing antique bookstores in search of the perfect grimoire. He may or may not have studied Latin at this point. This is also the time he found the Book of Belial. It wasn’t the first time in his many reincarnations, but he had never been so young while holding the book. I honestly don’t know exactly how he acquired the book. Maybe it really was in an antique bookstore, or at the back of the public library, or gathering dust on a display in a museum, waiting for him to fall into it’s trap. Maybe it was a gift, a parting one given by a friend never seen again, or an unusual birthday present given by a relative never seen before. Judas too, isn’t so sure. Did he buy it, did he steal it? Did he find it by pure chance? Maybe he always had it. Maybe the book has always had him. Anyway, his interest in the occult actually evolved into a love for anything ancient, which eventually got him his degree in Archaeology (maybe at the time of the story he’s working on his PhD? Would that be interesting? idk). His other great academic achievement was dating Maggy during the last year of highschool and moving in together during college.
Moving on, did I mention his grandma? It’s time to talk about his grandma. This part of his story actually got a bit shuffled around, because at first I imagined he grew up in the foster care (where he maybe met Isaac for the first time?), never getting adopted until one day he simply aged out of the system and was left to fend on his own. But I eventually scrapped it because it sounded a bit too cliché. What didn’t change is that his parents are both very dead. They perished in a car accident while he was still a baby, and he grew up with his grandmother, a… weird woman to say the least, and not in a good way. Extremely petty, selfish and self.centered and only warm when Judas was an agreeable young boy and let her do what she wanted. Judas’s grandma wasn’t really keen on caring for children (her own son, Judas’s father, had very few fond memories of her), so it’s really no wonder he turned out the way he did. When he was old enough, our boy just got out of the door and never came back. He’s still in touch with her (lest she thinks he died, and who would take his inheritance then?) but their encounters are always somewhat formal and tense.
To end on a funny note, this is his voice claim. No i will NOT take criticism
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savoies · 4 years
i don't know you yet - anthony beauvillier.
summary: soulmates. they exist right? y/n and tito live their daily lives doing activities thinking if the right person will ever come.
word count: 2k.
warnings: maybe a few bad words. hopefully angst. 
a/n: i think this might be my first "angst" so please let me know what you think. i am so proud of this work and honestly probably one of my bests. loosely inspired by idk yet by alexander 23. thank you so much to @puckbuddies for all the help, love ya!
taglist + tagging a few folks: @quintnsbyfield @vincecdunn @bigboigritty @ana-maa @puckshitbitch @alxvlasic @stfukie @laurenairay @damn-dunner-29 @kaitieskidmore1 @thelionkingpw @aria253264 @hartsyhart @boesxr @mitch-slap @frostythegoalman @teenagekook @barzysthighs
tagging some lovely folks: @laurenairay @konecny-s @bestestbenn @vinceduhn @folkloreflyers .
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(*credit to gif owner.*)
Many people imagine their dream person or think of the person they want to date or marry from a young age. Y/N remembered going to sleepovers and her friends talking about how they wanted a boyfriend with blue eyes and blonde hair or brown hair and brown eyes. But when Y/N's turn came around she always said the same thing "I don't care what they look like as long as they are the right person for me." And that's when the game would end. Because twelve year olds could not fathom that everyone had their person and at some point they'd meet and everything would work out. Her mindset was set as growing up her mom would always tell her the same story. When I met your dad I just knew she'd say.
Tito had dated his fair share of girls. Blonde, brown haired, a red head, and a spontaneous colored haired girl here and there. But none caught his attention. Not that they weren't pretty or anything but Tito was not really one to date and dump. He liked forming connections and really getting to know them. But being a hockey player was not really quite helpful. They'd be invited to a party here and there and of course Mat begged Tito to go with him because he needed a wingman and Tito could not really say no to his best friend.
Y/N had believed she had met her special person her second year into college. A tall lanky boy with brown hair. They had both met in the library when they reached for the same book. Might seem cheesy but she took it as a hint. After "considently" bumping into eachother in the library many more times he had asked her out. Most of their dates were pretty basic just like her. Maybe that's why she enjoyed them so much. Two years. Two years is how long she dated him for. But sadly people fall out of love. She had heard about that happening only in movies. Never really thinking that it could happen to her. But then she heard some of the worst words anyone could ever hear. "I don't love you anymore." 
Her heart was sad. Her first real relationship. Who she believed was the one. But she understood. This wasn't her fairytale. But she was broken. Her still being in love. Thoughts invading her mind. What did she do wrong? What could she have done better? So after that it took her time to open up again, to bring those walls down to handsome looking strangers. She wasn't one just to date for fun. So she rarely did bring them down. Sometimes she'd sit in her dark room late at night letting her thoughts consume her. How maybe she'd never find the one, how she was unlovable, how she had way too high of expectations to believe there was someone for everyone. 
Every Monday morning Y/N would go to the same coffee shop and get the same order, a medium coffee with sugar and cream. To her it was a nice way to start the week. She had been doing it since she moved to Brooklyn in 2016. 
Tito had been begging Mat to go with him to this coffee shop in Brooklyn that apparently had great coffee. Tito was what you could call a food and drinks connoisseur. Having cooked many times for his teammates and best friend.
" Come on Mat, Grace and Anders said it the best they've had and they've lived here much longer than us. Plus you owe me for getting you that girls number last week, don't forget to call her." Tito wasn't one to get acquainted with Mat's hookups but he did feel bad when the next morning Mat was kicking them out before sunrise.
Mat finally agreed and here they were on a Monday morning way too early for Mat's liking for a straight black coffee that was "rich in flavor" according to Tito. It was quite busy for it being Monday but they patiently waited in line.
Y/N gathered her stuff and exited the crowded coffee shop, careful not to bump into anyone and headed her way to work.
After waiting for about fifteen minutes they ordered two medium coffees and headed out to the busy New York streets.
She had walked about ten minutes away from the coffee shop before she realized that she forgot her phone. Y/N checked her watch and noticed that if she was gonna make it on time she had only five minutes to retrieve her phone. So she quickly but carefully dogged through people as she made her way back to the coffee shop.
Tito and Mat were casually walking back to the car having parked it a few blocks down when they saw someone running their way. Tito wasn't paying much attention due to savoring his cup of coffee which to him was totally worth the twenty minute drive and six dollars.
"Dude she's hot." Mat turned around and checked out the girl that somewhat seemed like she was running away from something instead of for something. 
"Mat that's gross. You literally didn't even see her face and are labelling her hot just by seeing her ass, I understand why you need a wingman now."
"Hey!" Mat slapped his best friend's shoulder as Tito drank his coffee trying to stifle a laugh (which he failed) since Mathew knew it was true.
Y/N had heard it many times from her friends, family, and probably even a few strangers. It was time to get a date. She wasn't desperate to really get anywhere. She was a 22 year old living in one of the most populated states in the country. She has time right? Deep down she knew that if she didn't get out there her person would probably not come by themselves. Which brings her to present day staring at her  phone screen at 1am. Earlier in the day Y/N's friend texted her that she knew someone who deemed specific qualities the young romantic wanted. 
Y/N met Grace in the coffee shop. She had come in a little bit later due to having the day off and sleeping in. Grace and Ruby sat in one of the corners of the small spaced coffee shop and Y/N sat next to them trying to stay in her own space but finding it quite difficult when there was a cute baby trying to get her attention a few feet away. After Grace apologizing for invading her space and Y/N saying it was really no problem they continued to meet in the coffee shop every once in a while. And a friendship blossomed later having exchanged numbers.
Grace was great. She listened to Y/N's tall tales of soulmates and love and she even told her about how she found her love (which she referred to as anders, y/n never having met him before) and how they had a beautiful baby girl together. She knew Y/N wanted someone who was sweet and kind and liked forming deeper connections so when she had an encounter with Tito she knew she should text her.
It was a late Friday night and the boys were celebrating a win in a rowdy club somewhere in downtown Brooklyn. The single guys trying to get the attention of some girls by buying them drinks. Grace had been standing at the bar with some of the other girls when she saw that Tito sat alone at the booth that occupied their stuff.
"Seems like our stuff doesn't really need a bodyguard, why aren't you out there buying a girl a drink or dancing?" She spoke somewhat loudly due to the pounding music and shouting of people.
"Not really my thing." He smiled softly back at his captain's wife. Tito was not fond of clubs or bars. He felt as though it was way too loud to actually have a proper conversation with someone. That's when it clicked. Of all the times the team had gone out not once had Tito really smiled or joked around with a girl. Grace connected the dots and decided to text Y/N in the morning.
A simple message was displayed across Y/N's screen. Simply reading "hey i know dates aren't your thing but i know someone who i think you might like."
After sleeping on it for quite a few more hours than she needed to, she decided to bite the bullet and text Grace back. "Why the hell not." 
Not even two minutes later Y/N's phone dinged indicating a response. "Perfect, I'll let him know."
There she sat on her bed over thinking if this was really a good idea.
Tito was way over his head. Grace had texted him that she knew of a girl who was quite exactly Tito's type. At least she loosely stated it that way. He had agreed only on the condition that Mat was having a girl over later tonight and he wanted to be as far away from that as possible since they did have pretty thin walls. So exactly five hours later here he stood outside the infamous coffee shop which held the secret ingredient to the best coffee he had. Grace didn't tell him much other than her hair color which was quite difficult to find in New York since every once in a while a sea of same colored haired girls would come by. He waited outside deeming it more on the gentlemenier side. Whatever that meant. Ten minutes later wrapping his coat on tighter and checking his watch for what seemed to be the five time. Maybe she stood him up. I mean he didn't have too many redeeming qualities. I mean hell he lived in New York and didn't like clubs, parties, and sometimes hated big crowds which were what seemed to be a big part of where he lived. Rocking on the back of his heels he decided to wait a bit longer thinking that hopefully she was just running late.
Indeed she had been running quite late. Her cousin had pleaded her to take care of her baby because she had some errands to run. She didn't mind at all since she did in fact love babies. But when four thirty rolled around and still no sign of her cousin she began to worry. She didn't have this mystery dudes number (which Grace referred to him as Anthony) so she couldn't really text him that she was gonna be a bit late. She really hoped he would wait because all throughout the day her excitement grew more and more. Finally five rolled around and Y/N quickly handed off the baby and changed into something more date worthy rushing out the door in the cold breeze of the afternoon. She rushed to the coffee shop and as she arrived she could see a tall stranger looking down at the ground presumably freezing since it was pretty cold. She dodged a few people hoping that this was indeed her date.
"Hi uhm are you Anthony." She spoke up and she stood awkwardly pulling the sleeves of her sweaters. "Gosh please be Anthony or im just gonna look like an idiot." She whispered.
Tito turned around at a soft voice and was faced with one of the most beautiful girls he had ever seen. Her baby hairs were sticking out and her nose and cheeks were red from the cold, she seemed to be somewhat out of breath.
Y/N looked up and caught sight of some of the most memorizing eyes she had ever seen. This handsome stranger who she presumed  as Anthony had amazing features.
Tito cleared his throat and reached out his hand. "Hi uhm yeah im Anthony but you can call me Tito, or at least that's what my friends call me." He began to ramble.
"Nice to meet you im y/n." They shook hands and a soft electric shock was felt between the two. They both glanced up and she knew it was too soon to tell since she had just met him but she felt an extra special connection with him.
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You’re Not Mine | Peter Pevensie x Reader
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Warnings: Jealousy ig? A lil angst if you squint
Time/Era: Golden Age
Word Count: 2.2k
Summary: When two foreign royals take interest in Peter and Y/N, jealousy arises. 
Requests: 1) hi :) i was wondering if you could maybe do a jealous!peter x reader ?? not enough of those hehe thank u so much  
2) If possible can you do a peter pevensie x reader where the reader gets jealous clingy due to another queen from another royal kingdom flirting with him if that makes sense idk if it does but yeah 😂
A/N: Hi! I hope it’s okay I combined these two :) They’re quite similar so I thought they would work well together! Enjoy! Also, the Prince and Princess obviously don’t exist in canon, but they do in this story lol.
masterlist | narnia playlist | read on ao3
It was an unspoken agreement that Peter and Y/N only had eyes for eachother. Their arrangement was never made official nor spoken about but by their actions, it was more than obvious. High King Peter was infatuated with Y/N, and he was wrapped around her finger. Whether it was due to her unbelievably inviting demeanor or her ability to listen to Peter speak for hours, the poor king couldn’t get enough of the girl. Y/N was always there to offer support, without offering advice unwarranted, and she managed to crack Peter’s shell quite quickly. 
Y/N wasn’t a royal, nor was she a member of the official staff at Cair Paravel. Rather, she was just a normal girl in her late teens that happened to stumble upon Narnia, much like the royal family. Peter envied that she didn’t have any real responsibility or ties to the Kingdom; she was just a normal citizen who happened to befriend her rulers. What Peter didn’t understand was that she did have a responsibility. And a big one at that. She offered support to her Kings and Queens as normal friends, rather than monarchs who had all of the answers. Y/N kept her friends sane and relaxed. Her job could be seen as one of the more important jobs in the kingdom for that sole reason. 
“I’m not too excited about tomorrow, if I’m being honest,” Peter spoke hesitantly, sharpening his blade. The king sat upon a large rock in the courtyard, whereas Y/N was perched on a nearby bench. 
“And may I ask why?” Y/N hummed, her hands working on a daisy chain. She glanced up at her friend, unbothered by the shrill sound of the sharpening metal. Taking care of his blades was a coping mechanism Peter had taken up, so anything that helped him clear his mind didn’t bother Y/N in the slightest. 
“King Lune is bringing Princess Alexandra and Prince Frederick along to the deal,” Peter’s hands worked on his sword, his brow scrunched in frustration. “Which means more Archenland soldiers in Narnia. The more foreign soldiers in Cair Paravel, the more on edge the entire kingdom appears. I don’t want them to think we fear them.” 
“Ah, I see. Hand me that flower will you, Pete?” Y/N pointed at a daisy near his foot. Peter plucks it from the soil and hands it to Y/N. “Thank you. What deal are you trying to make?” 
“Ed and I are trying to get them to sign a peace treaty, which may or may not be a good idea.” 
“Isn’t there a third Prince? Prince Rub The Rash or something?” Y/N’s voice resembled a giggle. 
Peter snickers, “Rabadash, yeah. Apparently he has important matters to deal with and won’t be attending. A blessing, if you ask me.”
Y/N holds her daisy chain up in the light and observes her handiwork. The stems were woven around eachother securely and each flower was on perfect display. She grinned and fastened the ends together so it formed a crown. 
“So, a peace treaty. That’s good, yeah? More allies, or whatever.” 
“Yeah, that’s a good way to look at it. We’re just not too positive about what they want in return. Something tells me that’s why the Prince and Princess are tagging along.”  At these words, Peter makes a sharp movement and the metal of his sword emits a high pitched screech. 
“You mean marriage?” 
“Yeah, marriage. Susan and I, most likely.” 
Y/N sucks in air through her nose harshly. “Oh, I see.” She stands from the bench and stands right in front of her king. 
Y/N delicately pulls his crown from his head, placing her daisy chain in its place. His dirty blonde hair smooths against his forehead and Peter looks up with his beautiful blue eyes. Y/N always adored his eyes; no matter how his body language looked, his eyes always displayed his true emotions. 
“You look nice with flowers in your hair, my king.” Y/N’s voice was soft, making Peter understand what she was feeling immediately. 
“Thank you, but you know you don’t have to address me with formalities.” 
The two were extremely close in this moment; just observing the other’s faces. Peter hand a stone-cold look on his face, but his irises were filled with doubt and sadness. Y/N sighed, taking a step back and diverting her gaze. 
“Well, you are my king. I don’t see anything wrong with addressing you as such.” 
“I’m more than just your king, Y/N. You of all people should know that.” 
“What’s her name again?” Y/N had turned her back to Peter. She heard Peter set the objects in his hands on the grass and stand. 
“Who’s name?” 
Y/N tightened her grip on Peter’s metal crown. “The princess you are set to marry.” 
“Why does it matter?” The jagged edges of the crown dug into Y/N’s palm. 
“What is it, your majesty?” 
“Alexandra. Princess Alexandra.” Peter’s large hand fell to Y/N’s lower back and he guided her to sit on the bench. 
“King Peter and Queen Alexandra, that has a bit of a ring to it.” Her gaze fell to the metal between her fingers, her thumb running across a small red jewel. 
“Y/N, stop it. If it’s marriage we’re not going to go through with it. Ed and I have already spoken about this with Susan.” 
“Peter, I don’t think you understand something very important,” Y/N moved her head in one fluid motion to lock eyes with Peter. “You’re not mine, and you never will be. You’re High King of Narnia. I’m just, well, me. And we can never change that.” 
Peter rose his hand and adjusted the flowers atop his head so they wouldn’t fall off. “I have all the power needed to change that, Y/N.”
“But why would you? Why would you risk the safety of Narnia for me?” 
Peter sighs. “How about this, you come to the agreement, yeah? We’re holding a ball beforehand so we can ‘mingle’ and scope out their intentions.” Y/N nods solemnly, handing the crown back to its owner. 
“Flowers really do suit you, Peter.” And with that, Peter’s favorite girl stands and walks back towards the castle. 
“How’s the punch? I heard it’s not very good,” A voice pulls Y/N out of her trance. She was currently watching a very handsy Princess Alexandra feel Peter’s biceps and giggle. 
“Pardon?” She looked up to see a very handsome man leaning against the wall. He was rather tall and lanky, with long ginger hair that was swept into his eyes. Atop his head sat a golden crown, very similar to Peter’s, and his face was twisted into a grin. The man was extremely attractive, with his slightly cocky body language and flirty tone. 
“Is the punch good? Tasty? Pleasing to the tastebuds? I heard it wasn’t.” In his hand, he held a small clear cup filled with red liquid. He raises it to his pink lips and takes a gulp. 
“Seems like you just answered your own question.” 
“It was alright,” He smiles. “It would be better if I knew your name, though.” 
“Your drink would be better if you knew my name?” Y/N laughs, growing more comfortable in the presence of who she assumed was Prince Frederick. 
“Well, it would make my day, night, week, month, year, life better. My drink is just a part of that,” He winked and took another sip. “I’m Prince Frederick, but someone as pretty as you can call me Fred,” The royal held out his hand for a handshake. 
Y/N giggled and shook it. “Y/N, I’m a close friend of the Narnian Kings and Queens.” 
Y/N couldn’t help but be charmed by the mysterious prince. He was funny and flirty, which was probably exactly how he wanted to appear as. Peter, on the other hand, hated what he saw. He was across the room but watching Y/N’s body language ignited a fire inside his stomach. 
“You’re so strong, King Peter,” Princess Alexandra squeezed his upper arm. Peter glanced at her then back at Y/N. 
“Thanks,” He responded shortly, tight jawed with his hand on the hilt of his sword. His eyes glanced over the pair and his gaze took in the subtle changes of his love. She was facing Frederick head-on while throwing her head back to laugh at whatever he’s saying. 
“Who are you looking at?” Alexandra said, placing two fingers on his cheek and turning his head to face her. 
Peter pushed away from her presence and walked over to the pair. “Excuse me,” The two turn their head towards Peter. Y/N’s smile faltered at Peter’s expression; he looked almost angry and was staring daggers into Fred’s skull. 
“Hello, my King,” Y/N bowed, acting formal as there were guests in the room. 
He ignores Y/N and turns to Prince Frederick. “Who are you?” 
This doesn’t seem to faze Fred as he lazily sips his drink. “I’m Prince Frederick. You must be King Peter, I was just talking to your friend.” He moves his cup to gesture Y/N. 
“I can see that,” Peter mumbles. A similar look of disdain falls over Y/N’s face as her eyes follow the path Peter took to get to her. At the end stood Princess Alexandra, now speaking to Edmund.
“How is Princess Alexandra?” 
“Oh, she’s doing great. Thinks I’m very strong.” 
“Oh, good.” Y/N responds passive-aggressively. 
“Yeah, it’s great. She was just feeling my bicep. Said it was the biggest she’s ever felt, mmhm.” 
Fred looks between the two awkwardly, raising his eyebrows and taking it as his cue to leave. He pushes off the wall and meets his sister in the middle of the room. 
“Fred, he said I can call him that by the way, just got done calling me pretty before you got here,” Y/N looked up at Peter, her eyebrow quirked and arms crossed over her chest. 
Peter glances over at Edmund and nods before grabbing Y/N’s arm and dragging her out of the room. He pushes her against a wall a little bit away from the ballroom. 
“I told you I wasn’t marrying her, why are you doing this?” His breath fanned her lips as he spoke. 
“Doing what?” 
“Flirting with Princey,” Peter’s body pinned Y/N’s against the stone brick wall. “I saw how you were talking.” 
“Why were you flirting with Miss Princess if you weren’t planning on marrying her?” 
“I wasn’t!”
“I saw her feel you up, Peter!” Y/N huffed in frustration, her hands coming to push and his shoulder. However, Peter was a wall and held his ground with little to no effort. 
“She felt my arm for, like, 10 minutes. Big deal. You actually flirted back.” 
“I did no such thing, thank you very much. I was too busy watching you flirt with whats-her-face to even notice Prince Frederick!” 
Peter slammed a fist into the brick before pressing a sheering kiss to Y/N’s lips. The kiss was hot and rushed; both parties putting all of their emotions into the one action. Teeth clashed and tongues wrestled until Peter eventually pulled away breathlessly. His lips were swollen and red, and Y/N assumes she looked the same. 
“I don’t want to marry her, Y/N. I want to marry you. I am so fucking in love with you,” Peter shook his head, walking in a small circle before returning to his place. “And seeing you with Princey really made me understand that I need you.” 
“Then, what are you waiting for, My King?” 
“Well, a yes would be nice.” 
Y/N giggled, and all tension seemed to dissipate. “Well, I haven’t been asked anything yet.” 
Peter’s grin matched Y/N’s. “Well, Lady Y/N, would you marry me and become my queen?” 
“Yes, Peter. Took you long enough.” 
The two laughed once more before pressing their lips together once more. Unlike the last kiss, this one was feather-light and full of love. Peter caressed the sides of Y/N’s face with his rough hands and pressed his lips against hers with much certainty. 
“There you are!” Edmund rounded the corner just as the couple pulled apart. “Good news! You two managed to weird out the Prince and Princess so much that they’re backing out of the arrangement. King Lune was convinced to sign the treaty with no further complications.” 
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marsshifts · 3 years
Hey! Could you maybe talk about your naruto drs and your script? And how did you altered the plot in your second naruto dr? I’d be delighted to know about it more
Oh my gosh thank you so much for asking!! I’d love to share!
So my first DR actually came about as a fanfiction I wrote when I was a kid (LOL)
It’s called the Konoha 14 DR
And it’s exactly what it sounds like, instead of the Konoha 11, my team is included as well making it the Konoha 14! This DR is actually aged up to be college aged. I didn’t really “age up” the characters, rather, I scripted that the Academy schooling process is more like our Elementary-Highschool system. Chuunin exams are a College Age exam. The one big thing that is changed: Neji survives the war.
My DR self in this DR is named Tadashi Akechi. Tadashi is the original name I gave to this “character” when I was younger, although I don’t really think of Tadashi as a “character” anymore. I think of her as my DR self who I am channeling.
I have curly purple hair and yellow/gold eyes. I didn’t really change my actual looks though other than that. I was in Neji, Tenten, and Lee’s class in the Academy, but my sensei (Anko-sensei!! 💖🥰) didn’t hold us back a year, and I ended up being promoted to Chuunin the year before they take the exams. My teammates are a pair of creepy ginger-haired twins named Kyo and Kaito, I love them.
As for my relationships with the other Konoha 14 members: Neji and I fought constantly in the Academy and hated eachother for a while. We got over it though and now we’re friends. Tenten is my best childhood friend, and Shikamaru and Shino are my best male friends. Shikamaru and I started working together sometimes when he became a Chuunin, and one time Shino gave me a preying mantis and I was like “wowee we are best friends now” (also please note, I haven’t shifted yet, this is all scripted backstory)
My second DR doesn’t have a “name” really I just call it the Miya DR. This DR is accurate to the show, including filler because it’s fun why not lol. There’s no changes to the ages or anything like that.
In this DR I set out to fix the main problem that I think we all have: Why the fuck did Naruto raise himself, alone, drinking sour milk and eating cup-noodles instead of actually being taken care of by someone?!
Well that someone is Me. In this DR my name is Miya Senju. My sensei was Kushina, and because of that I was chosen to be Naruto’s guardian. I’m ANBU, although Naruto had no idea. He actually thinks we’re cousins or something. Even though I’m ANBU, taking care of Naruto is my mission, so I’m undercover like 99% of the time. He doesn’t even think I’m a Shinobi LOL 😂
I have split dye hair (purple and split dye are two styles I have had and they both look good on me soooooooo yeah hahaha) styled in a bob, and red eyes. Again, I didn’t really change any thing else about my looks.
Naruto and I live together, he doesn’t have to take care of himself all by himself. I thought for a second that that would ruin the plot but then I realized I DON’T CARE. Naruto is my smol son. I will not let him be treated badly all alone.
As for my relationships and friendships:
Anko and Kurenai are my best girl friends, we go drinking together-Shizune joins us when she moves back to the village. Tsunade is my mom’s cousin (I can break down the family tree more if that seems confusing) and we act very sisterly. Asuma is a childhood best friend of mine, we are also very sibling-like. Gai is my male best friend-he’s the best!! And last, but not least: Kakashi is my ex LOL. We dated when we were teenagers in ANBU together, but broke up when he joined ROOT. As a Senju, I am VERY anti Danzo-who isn’t tho-and I would never continue dating someone who was under his control. Sorry Kakashi. Maybe we get back together?? Idk, I haven’t shifted there yet.
Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to go off about my DRs LOL
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aquagustd · 2 years
Hellllllloooo yussie 😈 I'm back I missed you 🤧 so here we go (≧∇≦) this all really got my boobie double to Niagara fall
I love the way junho said you are matching the coach mama!! In teasing way (should have said u are so sexy mama 🙈🙈 if oc would have been my mama I would I have just gone for it) “yes. Show them how the jeons do it“. like WHYY this sounds so hot 🥵🥵
About hoeseok I guess he is from his enemy side of this same durg dealing business and he happened to not like it or someone from where oc gets helps YK 👀 likes what if he has something to do with her addiction and this is what a something~something that 🥴🥴
Is seojoon someone we suspect 👀
OMG yas this moment I was waiting for junho have two dads ✨✨ ✨ that's it happy ending yay !!!
Unfortunately~ 😔
(But in serious note how understanding he is and soo cute 🥺 like they way he get so easily comfortable with this omg)
I think in my opinion taehyung and junho having more passionate fatherly son relation than his so-called useless father Like how loving caring he is with him from day one and so deeply unlike just showing off and spoiling with gifts won't make him a great father or even just a father Like the affection care and respect that needs and I think what tae said about his father being same as junho's indicated that he has gone somthing similar like this in his childhood separation of parents and his father putting her mother to all this problems and stuffs 🙃 what exactly Jungkook is doing with oc
I mean he can see himself in junho isn't he see his inner child in him what he lost somthing something👀....I knew it jk and stinky snoree 🦨 aren't any engaged it was JUST for DamN show the ring 💍 she removed was all the show thingy I knew knew it.
Honestly Jungkook is getting pathetic for me day by day idk 😐 I can't take him what he has done to oc is not acceptable how can people be so blind we can clearly see he have put oc through lot of trauma that how scared she is in now from the day one and how he left her with nothing she did Eveything with herself he put oc in emotionally mentally and physically lot more pain 😭😭 he is toxic like how do you think they can be even together if they ever it's gonna be hell of toxic of them do you think a man like Jungkook (now) deserves oc nah ❌❌❌
Jungkook x stinking snore prefect for eachother they deserved somthing like themselves Can he leaves Eveything behind and move on can't is it easy noo even if he do so what next can he do something else I don't think Because can jk give oc and junho a normal happy life NOPES 🙅🏻‍♀️
~ A cheese 🧀 anon
hey cheesy 🥰 niagara falls lmao 💀💀 byeeee if anyone calls oc sexy it should be tae 😌 or jk 🫣
YESS imagine jk saying that ??? like it’d be so hot coming out of his mouth I AM DONE SORRY
anyway yeah hoseok - another character we don’t know much about yet ☝🏻 except that he and oc were a lil frisky in the past 👀 seojoon…is someone we suspect in a different way tho. that’s all i’m saying.
OH MY GOD NOT ME GASPING YES YES YES !! tae & junho have a better relationship than jk & junho. even if junho doesn’t know it yet 😭 you cannot be a good father by buying gifts. spoiling them with riches. jungkook doesn’t know that ✋🏻. the scene with tae & junho in the pool was important. but no one spoke about it much 😔 where he admitted that his dad was similar to jks. he wasn’t present. that could be one of the reasons why he was so persistent on helping oc & junho any way he can. junho needs love, care and attention. tae is giving both oc & her son all that 😭 like you guys don’t understand. it’s not another man’s duty to take care of someone else’s child but tae is doing it. y/n AND junho is important to him. that’s a real man right there. he is SO underrated 😭😭😭
not snore lmfaooooo 🦨 exactly where’d her ring go ?? 🤨 yeah i’m glad you’re seeing clearly !! he put her through so much. he has some major cleaning up to do if he ever wants her back 😟 but it’s the audacity for me. knowing what he did yet still showing his face ?? naurrr
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puppetsoftomorrow · 3 years
I agree with you. If this was any other cw show they could do like the whole typical slow intense sex scene but on legends it would just feel wildly out of place.
tbh i don't even care about a sex scene i just want a kiss scene that has proper lighting and/or isn't awkwardly staged! Avalance is cute as fuck and i love the actors but everytime they kiss i wonder do they really not like kissing each other or is there some higher ups who are trying to censor it and that's all they're allowed to do, like what's up with these whack af kissing scenes??
yeah exactly lmao, i think a sex scene could maybe work in arrow or batwoman but smth like the flash? idk lmao
lmao okay i have Lots of opinions on the kissing in legends:
like. the avalance kisses are ... bad. theyre just bad kisses. if you're a wlw out there who hasn't kissed anyone: dont watch legends for tips lmao. theyre like ... okay so you have different levels of kisisng for different reasons right? theres the just pressing lips together, which is the 'bye honey i'm going to work' type kiss, the lips moving against one another kiss, and then the full on, 'theres tongue here' kiss
and it seems like ava and sara have only done these mouth-press-together kisses? which is fine for some scenes, but in like ... the serial killer red lighting scene, or the explosion on the spaceship scene... there shld be some mouth moving right!! thats the time for a real kiss!! tho its always hard to tell bcos the lighting is So terrible for half of these
i don't think its the network honestly... the idea theres some exec at the cw going "sure they can kiss but if i see even a Hint of tongue then i'm pulling the plug" is pretty funny but probably not tru lol
my opinion? jes and caity are just bad at kissing women lmao. or one is, idk. this is a problem in almost all wlw media: they'll show us a couple who are meant to be in love but they kiss in such a dry and detached way its like.. i dont even buy these characters like eachother lmao. like say what u want abt ruby rose in batwoman, she did know how to kiss women at least lmao
this isn't a dig at them.. or maybe it is idk. i dont think it makes the show bad or the ship bad, i just think it gives all their kisses a weird sour note which we like.. dont need lmao
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