#i don't care at all ahahaha i love being as far in the back as possible and not seeing a single thing
tardis--dreams · 1 year
"No queuing is allowed in front of the entrance nor in the streets around the venue"- trinity college's concert rules are my new villain origin story
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majeoeje · 7 months
In the afternoon of this garden
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Teru Minamoto x reader
Your touch that should have lingered far longer disappeared and left me to grow cold
"Teru...do tell me. Would you exorcist me if i was an apparition?"
You say in a tone that was unfamilliar to him, a soft, frigid tone, with a tinge of timid and nervousness that laces your voice.
"In a heartbeat"
That day flashes Teru's mind seconds as he hesitated to draw his blade, the lightning that usually emitted from it dims down to small stings of electric waves
Today isn't as different as that day teru said to his mind. Nothing changed. He convinced himself
Though the pouring rain may beg to differ
"Ahhh- my alyssum is dying!!" You moped, hovering an umbrella over it, in an attempt to save it even just a little bit knowing well that the recent pouring rain of japan would kill this plant of yours
You failed to notice right behind you he stood. Teru's heart thump in a suffocating way
Each and every heartbeat feels like it's going to rip his chest open
Lightning struck from from faraway, though when the light flashed your figure his eyes widened.
He shook his head, it's only an illussion, he must be imagining things...nothing's changed. He looks up after noticing your form no longer holds a shadow
There's no way you're...
The gurgling sound of thunder followed
You didn't flinch. You were used to lightning after all
"Maybe i should build a hut for my plants" you joked, looking back to him. Raising an eyebrow at his stiffness, he stood there unmoving, contemplating on his next move.
"And here i thought i was devastated! Ahahaha!" you joked once again, trying to lift up the mood, despite him staying silent. Your laugh only sounding like a distant voice outside of his dome of thoughts that he locked himself into
You went up to him, still frozen, now lifting the umbrella to him, worried he might get sick by how damped his uniform was getting, letting the rain hit you
Though you failed to notice for how much you stood in the rain, your uniform stayed ever so dry
"Teru are you okay?" Your hand went to his cheek
You remain unfazed while Teru stood there still frozen from how he couldn't feel anything from the contact
the proof was right on his face yet he seeks more excuses .
He denied it. How you complained about how your friends ignored you, how you always feel cold these days, how you're never hungry or thirsty, how you would smile and say your body never hurts anymore. Each and every change that you present to him he ignored every sign.
Perhaps he wanted to keep you longer than you should've lingered.
But with this simple gesture, it feels like reality is forcing him to wake up out of his stupid dream and just end your suffering.
Funny how he never once thought there would be a future where he is not by your side, yet now maybe it felt like a distant dream.
He tried to remember that day again, closing his eyes, not wanting you to see how reddened his eyes are now
"In a heartbeat." he said
A cruel answer to give to the one you cherish in this very lovely garden. He never really payed the gardening club a frequent visit. But now he wishes he did seeing you tending your garden with such care, it brings a smile to his face. Distracting him from the nonsensical question you had just asked
Though you gave him a meaningful look, a look he didn't understand at that moment, it confused him at that moment, yet he payed no mind to it
"I know"
You had always confused him. But he wouldn't mind being confused the rest of his life, if that means you'd stay with him till the end
"Oh Teru..don't cry"
you said, awakening him from his sweet daydream of a memory of you, as he now opened his eyes to the harsh bitter reality
He wondered how you could've noticed his tears in this heavy pour
"I can't-.. i can't..." his voice cracked, he only wished the rain could covers his plead to the gods wishing that this was just a long dreadful dream
"How could i even possibly-... you.."
he couldn't bring himself to finish that very sentence, the very person that he loved with all his heart became a being that he swore to erase
You've seen a lot of side of him, even a side which he cried and stuttered. Yet each and everytime you witness it always breaks your heart
You looked into his eyes, maybe for the last time. He could tell by the look in your eyes that you knew all along. It hurts him even more
All the signs...it wasn't signs, it was sirens of clues that you lit for him to see. Yet he chose to close his eyes
With each and every thump on his chest, he can't bring himself to do it, he fell to the ground clutching his chest, his katana made a loud clunk when it collided to a stone, making it ring through the garden in an eerie way
You kneeled in front of him embracing him in what he feels like a gush of wind
"I know"
(I srsly forgot most of things in tbhk but i do remember being obsessed to this guy)
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archiveikemen · 10 months
'Secret In Your Heart' Collection Event
William Rex
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I do not own any of the Ikemen Series content being uploaded on this blog, everything belongs to CYBIRD. Please support them by playing their games and buying stories. Not 100% accurate, expect mistakes.
read this before interacting with my posts
A party was to be held at the palace and many important members of high society were invited, making it an opportunity to interact with prominent political figures.
While playing with my hair on the bed, Will told me that he was invited.
William: Such events only look glamorous on the surface. But under that facade, they’re a mix of love, hatred, and plots.
William: I’m worried about whether you’ll be able to survive.
Kate: You will also be in danger, right?
Kate: In that case, I don't have the option to refuse attendance.
William: … Fufu, you’re a brave knight.
Kate: I can’t allow anyone to steal my precious King away from me.
And that’s why I attended the party on high alert.
I paid close attention to the hidden motives behind the peaceful conversations around me, while maintaining a smile on my face.
Sharp-Eyed Gentleman: Earl Rex — you should take good care of your valuables.
William: … Thank you for the piece of advice. May you not lose anything as well.
Will exchanged words with a gentleman who approached him while passing by.
The gentleman walked away after shooting as a meaningful glance, Will then leaned towards me and whispered in my ear.
William: Do you understand what he meant?
Kate: … I’m guessing that he meant “if we let our guards down, both of us will have something precious to us stolen”.
William: You’ve gotten better at understanding irony. Your answer is mostly correct.
William: However… this matter concerns someone else.
Kate: Huh…?
William: What do you think is precious to me?
(Something precious to Will…)
Kate: … Freedom?
William: … Pfft, ahahaha
William: Indeed, you’re right, Kate.
William: Keep an eye on me so my freedom won't be taken away.
(My response was probably… incorrect.)
(What could be “valuable” to William…? He’s not the type of person who gets attached to material things.)
While I was deep in thought about it, there was some bustling coming from the table a little distance away from us.
I reflexively hid Will behind my back.
Sharp-Eyed Gentleman: Ugh, Urgh…!?
The gentleman suddenly turned pale and left the venue.
Kate: … What’s going on?
William: Now…
William: Do you see what he "left behind"?
Kate: Sigh… I’m glad nothing happened in the end.
A sudden wave of tiredness washed over me when we returned to the castle, and I plopped myself down onto the bed.
William: Yeah. “Nothing happened”, indeed.
(... Hm?)
Kate: Are you trying to imply something?
William: … I forgot how sharp your instincts have become.
Kate: What is it? Did something actually happen?
William: Nothing. All I did was protect what’s precious to me.
Kate: Protect…? Are you saying that something was targeted?
William: Yeah. My adorable, lovely, shield.
Kate: … Me?
William: You should be prouder of yourself than this, Kate.
William: Whenever you hear the question “what’s precious to me (William)”, your immediate answer should be that it’s you.
Kate: What do mean by… I was being targeted? When? By who?
William: The man who told me to “take care of my valuables”.
William: For quite some time, he’s been going around expressing his displeasure about me being in Her Majesty’s favour.
Kate: Then why did he turn pale and leave in a hurry…?
William: When he passed by, I did a little something to the glass he was holding.
William: Ah, it's nothing that will put his life in danger.
William: However, because he left in the middle of an important party, he lost his reputation.
Will made an unbelievable revelation.
(I thought that I was protecting him… but he was actually protecting me.)
Moreover, he went as far as to spike that man’s drink with some drug without even laying a finger on him.
William: Haven't I told you before that I will protect you from anyone and anything that targets “you”?
William: I played a little prank on the fool who objectified my lover and so carelessly declared that he wanted to steal her from me.
I was happy to know that he was protecting me from harm.
It could've been fatal if he were to make a mistake in the drug dosage, what he did was so extreme… but it was easy to brush off that guilt.
Kate: You did that without it being part of an official mission… won’t you be in trouble if it's found out that you were the culprit?
There was a flame of mischief burning in Will’s red eyes—
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William: Yeah. That’s why the truth is a secret between us.
He held an index finger over his lips with a bewitching smile.
Kate: … You’re evil.
William: What, you didn't already know?
I couldn't contain my laughter at his total lack of remorse.
Kate: Fufu, I knew.
Kate: Thank you for protecting me, Will.
William: Shhh… I told you it’s a secret.
Kate: No one but you can hear me right now. … Should I say that even louder?
William: … And if I choose to take that as you’re indirectly asking for a kiss?
Instead of giving him a verbal response, I put my arms around his neck.
And everything that happened afterwards was a secret between the two of us.
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ngmn2002 · 9 months
Ch 106: Random thoughts part 2
part 1
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Really… he meant it when he said come play with me, huh? ~
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And so, the game started! How fun!!! The dash she made with how she looked had me laughing hard. Love her expressions and words next, SAME GOES FOR TSU. He looks really silly... then cool! His face when counted zero… oh boy… he is enjoying himself too much. ♡ Just perfect!
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Nene with Tsu!~ 1- ^^ 2- ^^ 3- ....
I did make a joke before saying Nene might end up running at full speed from Tsu... but this thing is way better!
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Haha, how fun.
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And… how adorable & funny he looks while he is searching for her… aww….
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BOO! AHAHAHA. Love it. all of it. him chasing after her… OMG… too funny… lovely… cute… adorable… ahhh!!!
"I've got you N-ene-chan" WHY? WHY?! WHY was he cut of before finishing it, huh?! you don't know for how long I've been waiting for it to happen!!! Ahhh!!! Feel my happiness when he finally didn't refer to her with "that girl"!! ugh!!!
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This thing has to be my favorite!!! AhAHaAHA lol, it reminds me of the time Amane hit his head with Akane's while chasing Mirai. Tsukasa… ah… I'm laughing too hard. It's all too funny. Though his state after the hit is better than Amane's. He seems to be not in pain at all. reminds me of that little moment between 4 yo Tsu and Kou in the red house as well. Alsooo.. wow. what a move you made, Nene-chan! Seems your training to be a perfect twister have paid off! ahh... the whole scene is so funny.
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He is really holding back a lot, I believe he can catch her any time he wants so easily, hmm... he wants to go easy on Nene-chan and just have fun, huh?~
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...and so, the chase kept on going. Too fun, hilarious and funny. So enjoyable.
Hmm...!!! Leave it to Tsu to make things so much fun.♡ it feels like this is his specialty. ~
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I wonder too… why? is there anything… causing him to be like that? And aww… sweet girl.
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She is too lovely and too trusting… well…
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wow! Is that what's meant by the rumor??? So this thing will take your time… I see… though… the place should be the boundary… not the clock, and not the time left... it seems its steals your own time until you're left with nothing and gone?
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Good to see middle school Nene-chan again!!! Too cute and lovely!!!
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Yeah, that's the same guy.
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How cool. ~ yeah, it looks like my wishes are coming true? I wished to see Tsu this way again, Tsukasa and Nene having fun FUN, dealing with a yorishiro together, Tsukasa making a face... cool.
And wow… love how this boy changes… from cheerful, playful, carefree… to being deadly serious and focused in like… a split moment. even while fighting he kept on going back and forth between these things! A thing to admire about him. Again, love it when he is explaining things!
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AWWW!!! THIS! THISSSS!!! Guess who won the game of tag at the end??? ~ ^^ Now.... Oooh!!! little Nene-chan!!! ♡ wanna hold her!!! don't cry dear!!! she was into hamsters since she was so little how adorable!!! gotta love Tsukasa's surprised face upon finding her, same goes for his face when she is crying, and how he is covering his ears, haha. See, Nene-chan? you carried your plan just right. lol how he held her at the end!!! oooh!!!
Another wish of mine that came true... I did say before I wonder if Tsukasa would be making a face like Akane's in here... it's not really the same... but a bit similar.
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spot the difference. I wonder how Hanako would react to know not only the 2 left him behind… but also went to play tag. fear he would cry harder to find he was double betrayed.
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Uh... soooo... researcher T went through things like these?
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Now I respect researcher T more than I ever did before. Thanks for all your hard work, dear researcher.
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So now, you too… Tsu… need to bring the researcher T inside of you out!
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Yes, good boy.~ Would love to see you taking care of her like T once did. That's going be really interesting. Looking forward to see it. ♡ He has a good record of taking care of other so far I think. Amane, Mit 2.0, and now Nene-chan!
So, yeah. a really nice and funny chapter. I enjoyed it a lot! looking forward to see ch 107!!!
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Would like to keep this thing as just funny and not go into any serious stuff like I always do. This chapter is made for me to juuuust have fun and enjoy seeing my little 2 cuties doing the same. ♡ ~ I'm so so so so happy to get this chapter. I wanted to see Tsukasa and Nene this way for so long!!!
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My little dream came true with a game of tag. Unbelievable amount of beauty lies in simplicity. ♡ ~ How pleasant!!!!
Though, I will mention a little thing briefly, I expected Tsukasa at some point might take Nene-chan to No.1's boundary and have her destroy the yorishiro. I was right in there. didn't expect he would turn things into a little game of tag, though. This boy… always unpredictable, always so lovely.
still a bit sad Nene still keeps her guard up around him... but maybe this thing happening now might turn to be a push for them into the right direction! I'm all up for it! ~
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sakinotfound · 2 years
I just saw the the emotionally constipated MC post and I can relate way too much :'). Can I ask for the same scenario with Belphie, Beelzebub and Satan? Take your time with it, no need to hurry. And thank you in advance ^-^
when you are an emotionally constipated anime character (part 2)
characters: Belphegor, Beelzebub, Satan
cw: long post under the cut, angst, hurt no comfort, mc being a somewhat dick, you have a crush on Belphie in his part (i am sorry i needed to change it up a little. it was getting boring to write, hope you don't mind)— the rest are up for interpretation like always.
a/n: ahahaha not y'all relating to having low EQ. s' okay s' okay though. i understand you all. here we have hugs for all the people who relate to these posts. sorry for the delay, i have been mad busy these past few days. barely had any time to breathe. also thank you for the request, love 🖤🤍
part 1
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• tears streamed down your eyes, temples, staining your cheekbones as they made wet splotches on the bedsheet.
• your body didn't shake with every tear that fell down your somewhat red eyes, your mouth didn't let out soft whimpers or ear piercing screams. yet you still cried, it was a silent cry.
• the type of cry when you pity yourself. when you know your condition is pathetic and you can do nothing about it. when you reflect back on how it all started and finally realize what led to your downfall. when you remember how you ignored the obvious issues that popped up in your mind like annoying pop up ads and you just clicked the cross button, happily ignoring them because you were thriving in your own little fantasies.
• as you sow, so shall you reap.
• you sowed seeds of unrequited love and now you will reap the pain and heartbreak of watching the guy you are in love with, fulfil the fantasies you painted in your head with someone else.
• it was heart wrenching. it was pitiful. it was worth sympathizing for.
• your chest hurts, it physically hurts every time you see him with them. every time those two hung out together, or laughed at each other's jokes or sat in the class together.
• he is so in love. truly, madly, deeply. you can see that. anyone with two functional eyes can see that.
• but what hurt the most was when he cancelled plans to be with them, when he prioritised their needs over yours, when even when he was not with them- all he talked about was them.
• and even though if it were you in their place, you'd want belphie to do the same for you. but it still stung nonetheless.
• you were angry. you were angry at yourself for crying over some stupid demon boy. you were angry at yourself for pushing it so far that now the mere thought of him had your eyes brimming with tears. and the memories you have created together have been tainted with jealousy and hatred.
• you know how wrong this is, but you aren't in the mental capacity to deal with what is right and what is wrong and what is supposed to be done. you couldn't care less.
• how did you let this happen? how could you do this to yourself. how could you-
• "mc! mc! open the door!" belphie knocked rapidly and by his tone, you knew he was excited.
• without even giving you a chance, he announced, "you know what? i am coming in!" only to see your tears stained cheeks and glossy eyes.
• "oh my God mc, what happened?" rushes towards you, holding you by your arm as he tries to understand you through your facial expressions and body language.
• you want to tell him. you want him to know what you have been going through. you want him to console you. and wrap you in his arms. and hold you close. and kiss you square on the lips. and tell you that he loves you too and only you.
• but you know that won't happen and you can't really tell your feelings to him either.
• you just can't. never been the best at communicating properly or expressing and dealing with your emotions in a healthy and smart manner.
• so you push him away. both mentally and physically. you push him and tell him to leave you alone. that you are fine and it's not a big deal.
• but he is your friend. and you mean a lot to him. he can see how you have been crying prior to his forced entry and he knows that had he given you the time to open the door, he wouldn't have gotten to know that something was bothering you in the first place.
• now that he knows, he is determined to fight whoever dared to hurt you. so he demands you to let him in and let him help you.
• but you straight up decline his offer, deny him the chance to see you vulnerable and brutally honest. give him the cold shoulder and remain stoic.
• how can you complain about mammon being a tsundere when you yourself are never true to your emotions? wearing a façade. showing a mask and hiding the truth behind a cover.
• that's how you are, though. and it might not be the correct way to live life, it might be wrong to the people you care about. but emotional vulnerability and opening up to others, scare you. it's a haunting experience. it leaves you anxious with a racing heart and what-ifs clogging your brain.
• you shelter yourself through lies and iron walls. hostile behaviour and rude remarks. denial and anger.
• "i know you are hurting mc, but please let me heal you?" he begs.
• you push him out and with hands holding the doors to your room you say, "you are the cause of the pain and the medicine to ease it belphegor. but i can't ask that of you. so please, leave me alone."
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• this boy truly didn't deserve it. like truly.
• he came to the right place but at the wrong time.
• mc, you jerk.
• you were so done with everyone and everything. your brain was a mess. scattered with anxieties and insecurities of your own. burdened with school work and lucifer's and your own high expectations, aching with Mammon's constant whining and levi's constant forcing to play another new game that he bought from akuzon which you had already denied him for.
• a headache was coming up and you were losing your patience. these past few days had been very hectic and with the things that were already bothering you, you often found yourself helpless.
• helpless because even when you were sure logic could solve every problem, you failed to solve this problem because of your limitations and flaws.
• berating and criticizing yourself, you found yourself spiralling down the rabbit hole of self-doubt and self-hatred.
• you wanted help. you needed help. you felt like you were drowning. and you couldn't breathe. you wanted to scream at the top of your lungs. levi and mammon's stupid immature acts were pushing all your wrong buttons. and when you were trying to calm yourself down and not explode at them, beel came up to you.
• "hey mc, i am feeling very hungry. i haven't eaten anything in thirty whole minutes. can you please make up some-"
• "FOR HEAVEN'S SAKE!" you screamed so loud, your voice reverberated off the dome shaped walls and all the three demons in the room froze.
• "you-" you pointed at beel. "you can't make a fucking sandwich on your own? why the fuck do you have to come up to me? what am i? your fucking mother?"
• "and you two," you glared at the second and third born, "mc this, mc that. no mc! mc is fucking dead. leave me alone and don't you dare come to my room."
• beel didn't come down for dinner that night. he didn't mean to put pressure on you. had he known you were dealing with so much he would have never asked you to make him food. he just came to you because tonight was your duty to make dinner.
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• another overconfident demon
• satan had noticed the change in your demeanor and body language long ago.
• he saw you getting pissed about small things easily. he saw you zoning out into your own little bubble mid conversation. he saw you trying to stay in your room more often. he saw you declining mammon's requests demands to hang out more often.
• he knows something is going on but he chooses to give you space and let you come to him on your own.
• but you don't. and that leaves him confused. it's been days and according to Satan he has given you enough space and time. you should have come running to him about what's bothering you by now.
• decides to wait for another day but he can't sleep now. he is tossing and turning, his mind fixed on you. he is worried. he hasn't seen you the whole day. you two haven't talked at all.
• nah, can't wait. gotta go find you.
• knocks your door at 2 a.m. hair disheveled and half panting. yeah he ran from his room to yours because the boy was getting more impatient every second. so tired walking turned to brisk walking turned to full on running.
• "mc, we need to talk."
• "a'ight." you let him in.
• "why do you seem so distant nowadays, mc? did something happen?" blurts out the second he gets inside.
• satan has a no bullshit, straight to the point policy. (love him for that, muah)
• you are slightly shocked because you weren't prepared for this but pulling on your straight face you say, "you have some misunderstanding, i suppose. i am just fine."
• clicks his tongue. "bullshit. we both know that's a lie. now get to the point."
• "can't help you with your delusions, satan. now go to your room."
• "you can't lie to me. i have been observing you for days. at first i had suspicions but now i have evidence. you-"
• "i am not a fucking case," closing your eyes, you grit you teeth. trying to control your anger. "so play detective somewhere else. don't poke your nose in other's business."
• he is taken aback by your sudden mood change. you have never been this hostile.
• sigh… satan it's called having boundaries babe.
• "don't take your anger out on me. i am here to help, mc. please tell me what is going on?"
• your turn your face away. for a second you felt bad for getting angry at him when's just tryna help but you also know what happens when you open your heart and let others inside. and that has you spewing venom.
• "nothing's wrong. i don't like repeating myself. i need you to leave."
• you see, when you challenge satan, he gets competitive. as if this is some sort of debate or competition and he has got to win.
• "i won't. not unless you speak up. which you will. i ain't gonna see you suffer when i am still here. so speak up, now."
• "you don't tell me shit, blondie." you glare at him. "so get out of my room NOW!"
• satan isn't done with you yet, but you force him out of the room in an instant and he isn't able to stop himself.
• you used your pact.
• shock, then surprise, then anger, then bubbling wrath, then heart break and then pain.
• his eyes seem dull as he walks back to his room.
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sayonaramidnight · 1 year
From the OC Questions on the Seven Forms of Love;
Philia 3, Storge 2, Agape 5 and Pragma 2 for Helvi, please!
And Eros 3, Ludus 5 and Philautia 1 for Arianna, please!
Ahahaha, so many interesting questions that totally didn't make me tear up or cackle! Thank you, dear <3
Seven Forms of Love questions!
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What qualities does your OC most value in a friend? Loyalty? Shared sense of humour? Or something else?
Loyalty, definitely! A big heart and similar sensitivity to the surrounding world are also pretty important. A lot of Helvi's friends seem... very different from each other - she was drawn to them for different reasons and met them in, well, different circumstances, but they're all loyal and in the end, they choose kindness.
Does your OC have children? If so then how fiercely do they love them? If they have more than one then do they love them all equally? If they do not have children then is this part of their future plans?
Helvi is quite good and very affectionate with kids, and wouldn't mind adopting some, because there are way too many children who are all alone and need love. What's stopping her is the fear of being forced to choose between taking care of them and adventuring. She takes after her own parents a lot and... her dad chose to settle down and stay in one place raising her, while her mum gave in to wanderlust, only coming back once in a while. Until she stopped coming back. And Helvi is afraid she might not come back one day and her kids will never know what happened to her. She has her fears when it comes to the future and tries her best to face and fight them, but time will tell.
Does your OC find it easy to empathise with their enemies? Or do they see it as important to dehumanise them in order to combat them with sufficient determination?
Helvi tries her best to seek connection and mutual understanding, if there's even a bit of possibility the enemies might be willing to do the same. If not, she still avoids killing as much as possible and prays for the dead.
Unless they've gone too far on their path to evil and she's gone too far on her path to vengeance.
What is the biggest challenge that your OC has had to overcome in a long-term relationship or friendship? What helped them get through this?
Honestly, starting her current relationship was quite a challenge for her. I can't tell how many times she's asked Rhun "are you sure?" and how many times he had to ask her the same question, just so she could confirm her choice over and over again and hear him do the same. For a long time she was simply happy with his presence in her life and just thanked the goddess for his existence. She thought that would be enough and didn't want to put a wanderer like him in any chains. Besides, her grief over Haurchefant left her with the mindset that went like 'I enter a relationship -> bad things happen' and it took some coaxing to overcome it.
tl; dr - her own mind was the biggest issue.
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How do they feel about public displays of romantic affection? Does it make them uncomfortable? How do they feel if a romantic partner kisses them in public?
Arianna usually shows restraint when it comes to PDA, unless she's either among friends (she can even *GASP* hold hands with her boyfriend!) or trolled into it (there might be some kissing!). Both her friends and boyfriend strongly believe trolling her is good and right and fun, so...
What seduction techniques are most likely to be effective when it comes to your OC? Are there some things guaranteed to get them going? Or are they immune to such things?
I'd say challenging her ways and inspiring her to think outside the box, and it's shown to be equally effective at getting her heart in both romantic and non-romantic way. Bad jokes seem to be quite helpful as well. She's not a romantic type by any means and frankly, neither is Nero, so conventional seduction techniques don't do much there XD
Does your OC have a healthy sense of their own worth and value? Or do they see themselves as failing to live up to their original potential? Perhaps they are convinced of their own sinful or inadequate nature?
By Endwalker, I can say yes, she does. She knows her strong and weak points and can live with them unashamedly, she's where she wants to be with her life and she has learnt she can stay true to herself and be respected and loved, and love back. It's been quite a journey for her, but it's shaped her into who she is now.
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🍦🛠🎯💞 🧠 (Class 1-A)🤩 ✅
What's the sweetest fic you've created so far? Ah. Y'know, I'm gonna go with To End Up With You, because that was all fluff and falling in love lol not much angst or relationship troubles as I tend to do.
🛠What tools/programs/apps do you use to write? I used to use Word, then one horrible day, my laptop like. collapsed? It just went full on blank screen, wouldn't turn on at all and I went into a horrible panic because i had so many stories. Somehow it booted back up and I moved as much as I could into my email or a flashdrive, but I've lost a flashdrive with a story before, so.... I moved to google docs. Everything's there now. But that all I use, idk any other apps aha
🎯 Have any of your readers accurately guessed major plot points? Care to share which? Oh, for sure. They guessed the True Love's Kiss of course. uhhh and I think some guessed when Lance started writing poetry again in lovesick. Oh and someone guessed how Ozai died in Teaching a Heart. That one's cool because I haven't actually finished that one yet.... (I will, I swear I will, and I have a friend who is helping me make sure I do!!!!)
💞 Who's your comfort character? At the moment, it's Rody. And then by extension, Izuku because the way he treats Rody is what I imagine he would do for me? Just because I really resonate with Rody y'know
🧠 Pick a character, and I'll tell you my favorite headcanon for them. Ahhh, all of class A will take a while ahahaha but, okay some of the ones I can think of are-
I think they have themed movie nights
I have a headcannon that Sero has dated most of the class, but not in that messy kind of way, just like. Over the years, he's dated someone for some amount of time- whether to just see how it'd go, one date, kissing practice, or a genuine relationship of a couple months or longer. But if it ends, it ends amicably <3 Sero has a lot of love and affection in his heart. My best friends and I call him the "sentimental slut" or "wholesome whore" aksdjfkajdf in a nice way i swear
People do fall out of touch after highschool, but i like to imagine that no matter where they go, class 1A takes the time to reunite because... you don't go through all these near-death experiences and wars without... becoming family I guess? Like how do you just leave behind someone who fought at your side when the best of the best were hanging up their (figurative) capes?
They go to therapy. good god let them go to therapy
and my biggest headcanon that I might make a fic about: Izuku funds, creates, and runs a home for orphaned, abused, and unwanted children where they are taken in and helped with their quirks, however scary or "ugly," taught, and taken care of. I think that Izuku has seen what a bad upbringing could do to people enough times. Shiggy, Dabi, Toga. He saw how Rody and his siblings had to grow up. I don't think Izuku could handle just sitting back and letting kids with "bad " quirks or kids without someone to look after them or kids being hurt just keep being mistreated. He would want to be that outstretched hand, that listening ear. And I think he'd open up homes like that all over the world as he got older. Definitely think that Shoto helps with funding. And Rody and his siblings help run them. I really wanna write this one akjfka🤩 Who is your favorite character to write? ohhhh that ones hard (idk why the formatting changed, sorry) I've been writing in Deku's a lot, but I really resonate with bakugo's and rody's tbh.
✅ What's something that appears in your fics over and over and over again, even if you don't mean to? oh. hahah I tend to do a lot of "not officially dating, but basically dating, then that break up thats not really a break up, then getting together for real" also lots of nuzzling into necks.... OH! Also, there's a woman who always appears someone? Like the vibe. This sort of protective but no bullshit, tall, plump woman with a large presence. In Teaching a Heart, it's Madame Jun and in Princes and Pickpockets it's Miss Amelia. Like. they are the same woman. and idk why or who I'm even basing her on, but she likes to show up akljfka
Thank you so much for your questions!!! I loved answering them <3
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star--anon · 3 years
3 Times Wilbur Was A Lee + No That's It, That's The Post
Heyyyyyyy~! I left Tumblr for a little while, but don't worry! I'm back! And I've finally written the prompt that was sent to me over 2 months ago! Yay!
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"Listen, I'm sorry, alright?" Tommy huffed out, resting his head on Wilbur's shoulder. "I didn't mean to! Honest! You're just being a big bitch about it!"
Wilbur didn't say anything back. He simply stared at the front door, waiting for Phil to come home with his fixed sweater.
While watching Tommy parade around the house in Wilbur's favorite orange sweater was, to some degree, amusing, it was not amusing when Tommy ripped the soft fabric. And although Phil had gone to get the sweater fixed, Wilbur was still incredibly upset with the seventeen-year-old idiot. He stuck a Post-It on Tommy's forehead with the words, "I am an idiot and Wilbur Soot does not talk to idiots," scrawled on the yellow paper in messy handwriting. He then resigned himself to the couch and waited for Phil to come home, ignoring Tommy's attempts at getting his attention.
It seemed like Tommy wasn't exactly on board with his idea, judging by the way he plopped himself next to Wilbur and began poking his shoulder, repeating, "...Answer me, answer me, answer me, answer me, answer me, answer me..."
It took every fiber of Wilbur's being to not whack Tommy on the back of his empty little head.
"...Answer me, answer me, answer me, answer me..."
The words, "Shut it", weighed heavily on Wilbur's tongue, and it took a massive effort to not let it slip from his lips. He had told himself that he would not talk to Tommy, and he was going to keep that promise.
"...Answer me, answer me, answer me, not gonna stop until you answer me, answer me, answer me..."
Gradually, as Wilbur remained unresponsive, Tommy's poking became quicker and more aggressive until he missed his mark. Instead of poking Wilbur's shoulder, he ended up poking his ribs. The older started and swallowed a squeak of surprise. He hoped that Tommy hadn't noticed, but that hope quickly sank when he saw him grin widely.
"I saw that jump, don't try and hide," said Tommy, poking his ribs again. As impassively as he could, Wilbur reached out and grabbed Tommy's wrists tightly. He never spoke a word and kept his eyes on the front door. He was trying to ignore the kid, after all. He squeezed Tommy's wrists and let go, hoping that the boy had gotten the message.
Don't poke me, he silently said.
Unfortunately, Tommy was never good at listening. The moment his hands were free, he immediately returned to poking at Wilbur's ribs, this time with renewed energy.
Wilbur cracked.
He dropped the ignoring act and squirmed away from Tommy. In his desperation, he made the mistake of falling off the couch and onto the ground, allowing Tommy to sit on top of him and poke him more.
"G-Gehehet ahahaway!"
"I knew it! I knew you were just ignoring me!"
"Tohohommy, gehehet ohoff!"
"Nah. I'm having a lot of fun."
"T-Tohohommy, Ihi'm seheherious!" Wilbur tried to flip over to throw Tommy off him, but he quickly abandoned the attempt when Tommy dug between his shoulder blades. "Juhuhust gehehet ohohoff! Plehehease!"
Although Wilbur's thin shirt was doing nothing to protect him from Tommy's poking, the blonde still decided to take it up a notch. He slipped a hand underneath the shirt and rapidly squeezed his ribcage. Wilbur just about shrieked, frantically and jerkily pushing at Tommy's chest. His arms flailed around; Wilbur was stuck between trying to push Tommy off him or covering up his red face to preserve what little dignity he could save. The younger grinned widely, easily grabbing Wilbur's hands and pinning them down high above his head.
"TOHOHOMMY, WAHAHAIT! I-IHI CAHAHAN'T BREHEHEATHE!" Wilbur was bluffing and Tommy knew it.
"Calm down, you're breathing just fine."
"Awww, is this a bad spot?" Tommy made an exaggerated sad face. "This is a bad spot for you, huh? Your ribs are ticklish? Is that what this is? Hm?"
Wilbur whined at the teasing, turning a deep shade of red.
"TOHOHOMMY!" he complained. The squeezing and pokes to his ribs made it difficult to think, so he couldn't get out much more. Given the opportunity, he might have been able to formulate a proper and cohesive argument and rationalization to persuade Tommy into halting his petty actions.
He wasn't given the opportunity.
The laughing on his behalf and the tickling on Tommy's seemed to weaken Wilbur because he was finding it incredibly hard to do anything but lie there and take it. Take the digging nails between his ribs, the occasional raspberry on his ribs, the random squeezes and pokes and prods and wiggles and skitters and rubs on the bones and gently scratching...
"Calm down," scoffed Tommy. "I'm not going to kill you."
Still, he relented and stopped his attack, letting Wilbur (finally) take a breather.
"Are you okay?"
"Cahahan youhu get ohohoff mehe?"
Tommy blinked. This was the first time in memory that Wilbur had asked for something — and politely too.
"Hm..." For a moment, Tommy considered it. Wilbur hadn't flipped him over and taken brutal revenge yet. He had asked nicely to be let up. It looked like he was sorry for ignoring Tommy. Well, then again, it only looked like he was sorry.
"Maybe if you apologize for ignoring," offered Tommy, "I'll let you up."
Wilbur glared at him. It was obvious he was trying to gain authority and control of the situation by activating his Big-Brother mode, but it was less effective when he was at Tommy's mercy.
"Fuhuhuck youhu," Wilbur snapped. "Let me up."
Tommy just shrugged. "Your funeral," he said, scribbling his fingers over Wilbur's ribs. The brunet screeched in laughter and immediately gave in.
Huh. Well, that had worked out better than expected. Tommy made a mental note about Wilbur's ribs. What? It was valuable potential blackmail for later!
"Very sorry?"
"And you promise that you'll never ignore me ever again?"
"YOUHU SUHUHUCK!" Wilbur whined through his laughter.
"I don't hear you saying it~"
"Don't think you have a choice here, Wil," Tommy murmured. Once more, he switched tactics, going from dancing his fingers around to digging in between each of Wilbur's ribs. Every once in a while, he'd blow a raspberry and smugly grin when he heard Wil shriek. "I think you better say it."
"IHIHI PROHOHOMISE IHI'LL-" Wilbur broke off with a high-pitched squeal as Tommy blew a raspberry on a particularly ticklish rib. "AHAHA-! NOHOHOT THEHEHERE!"
"Go on," coaxed Tommy. "Say "I'll never ignore you again, Tommy", and I'll let you up."
"Say it!"
Finally, finally, Tommy stopped. This time, with no intention of starting up again. "Really?"
"Yehes," Wilbur breathily replied. His chest rose and fell as he greedily sucked in some much-needed air. "I forgive you, okay? I'll stop ignoring. I don't think you're an idiot. I don't care about my sweater." At first, Tommy thought he was just saying it so Tommy wouldn't tickle him again. But that thought quickly left when Wilbur reluctantly grumbled out, "I love you. And I'm sorry."
"Awww! Thank you!"
"Now get the fuck off of me."
"Y'know, Tommy had a lot of fun telling me about his own tickling story with you," Philza helpfully informed, shifting slightly to better access Wilbur's underarms. He noticed that kneading circles made Wil's laughter go high-pitched, so he made sure to knead as many circles as he could. "But honestly, I think I'm having more fun than he did."
Phil grinned at Wilbur's reaction. He blew another raspberry on his neck and got the same response: a short, high-pitched shriek.
"You what? What is it, Wilbur?"
Wilbur simply shook his head, laughing too hard to be able to form coherent words. Had he not been sitting in Phil's lap, his arms held up with one hand and his underarms being tortured by a hand and a wing while another wing was running over his ribs, he might have been able to form a proper word. Phil noticed this and decided to give the musician a small break.
"...h-hehehe," Wilbur softly giggled. The tickling had stopped, but he still jerked and flinched and laughed like there were still fingers and feathers on him. "M-Mehehahaha..."
"A-Are you okay?" asked Philza, starting to get worried. He hadn't taken it too far, had he?
Finally, after his breathing calms down and enough air gets into Wilbur's lungs, he whispered, "...m-mehehercy..."
"What's that?"
"H-Hahahave mehercy, Phihil." Wilbur shook his head once more, his giggles beginning to start up again. He tugged at his wrists, which were still held high above his head, and rocked side to side, almost like he was trying to evade poking fingers. The only thing was that Phil wasn't doing anything. "Cahahan't tahake ihit..."
"I'm giving you a break right now," soothed Phil. "I'm not an asshole."
"Yehes you ahahare," Wilbur cheekily said.
"Hey," said Phil. He ran his nails over Wilbur's ribs, earning a loud shriek. "I would be careful if I were you," he warned. "Don't forget, I know two of your spots now, and I fully plan on abusing my knowledge."
Wilbur squirmed in the avian's lap, his light-hearted threat forcing a whine out of him. His cheeks only got redder when he finally processed something that Phil had said earlier.
"Did he really?" he meekly asked.
"Did who really what?"
"Did Tommy really tell you about tickling me?"
Philza barked out a laugh. "You think Tommy's the type of guy to offer help in unloading the groceries?"
Wilbur flushed, his cheeks now a deep crimson. "Guess not," he grumbled. He had thought it was weird that Tommy was suddenly so eager to do a task that nobody liked doing — unloading the groceries — but he had just assumed that Tommy felt awkward around Wilbur after tickling him. He hadn't thought that... Wilbur kicked his legs as best he could and whined loudly.
"I can't believe you just stood there and willingly listened to Tommy talk about how he... how he tortured me to earn my forgiveness," he huffed.
"Torture," Phil snorted. "He didn't torture you. You make it sound like he had a knife and was drawing blood. According to him, all he did was tickle your ribs."
"W-Well, my ribs are very ticklish!"
"I noticed," Phil remarked. He dragged a single finger up Wil's ribs and smirked when Wilbur burst into sweet lil' giggles. Feeling a little evil, he added, "You know, he also told me get flustered easily~"
This, of course, flustered Wilbur. He buried his head in the crook of his arm, trying — and failing miserably — to suppress a goofy smile.
Phil took it as an invitation to continue.
"He also told me your laugh was adorable."
"Did he really-
"He told me you get all giggly when someone lightly rubs your ribs."
"And that you get really red when someone tickle you."
"I don't-"
"You do, actually," Phil noted, eyeing the brunet's red face.
"Look," he said, booping Wilbur on the nose, "even your nose is red."
"You look good though," Phil reassured. "Cute and a little messy, but good."
"St-Stop cutting me off!" spluttered Wilbur. The fact that Phil hadn't let him go yet probably meant that he planned on tickling him more, and Phil's constant interrupting wasn't helping Wilbur ease his nerves.
Phil's eyes widened at his outburst. "Well, there's no need to shout at your old man," he murmured. "I was just curious, that's all."
Phil hummed again, and the two fell into a comfortable silence — although Wilbur's nerves still didn't ease. Just as he was about to be asked if he could be let go, Phil said, "Aight, break's over. Let's start."
Phil cooed softly, drilling his wings into Wilbur's underarms while silently counting his ribs with his free hand. "I think Tommy was right; your laugh is adorable."
Phil frowned at the vulgar language. He tugged Wilbur's arms to the side a little and began blowing raspberries on his ribs. Just as Tommy had told him, Wilbur immediately shrieked.
Phil noticed that vibrating his fingers deep into Wil's underarms made him laugh louder than when he blew raspberries on his ribs. "Hey, I think your armpits might be more ticklish than your ribs!"
"Me? Mean?" Phil gasped in mock offense. He ran the tip of his wing over Wil's left underarm while drilling circles into his right. The harsh contrast between the two sides was driving Wilbur insane! "I'm hurt, Wilbur. I'm genuinely hurt."
"Lemme sleep on it."
"No, that wouldn't work either," Wilbur dismissed. He leaned back in his chair (or some stairs, depending on how you wanna look at it) and gazed out the window, a half-amused smile tugging on his lips as he watched Tommy and Tubbo assemble and reassemble a large pyramid puzzle. To Technoblade, he said, "Think of something better."
"I'm trying!" Techno frustratedly snapped. "You've been rejecting every idea I've come up with! Plus, you haven't come up with a single idea yet!"
"Yeah, because good ideas take a long time to think of!"
Techno rolled his eyes. "Yeah? Good ideas take a long time to think of? Seriously? That's your excuse?"
"It's not an excuse! I'm trying to focus, but you're distracting me!"
"I'm helping."
From downstairs, Phil tiredly sighed, pouring himself a cup of coffee. Wilbur and Techno were arguing. Again.
"What else is new," he muttered under his breath before sipping his coffee.
Sometimes, the avian questioned his decision to introduce his adopted family to Technoblade. At times, it was good to have his friend around; he was always happy to have a helping hand in organizing the family. Techno was a good big brother.
There were, however, some problems. Even though Technoblade was over a thousand years old, Nether piglins tended to live for millions of years. By piglin standards, Techno was barely a toddler. His youth — and therefore inexperience — caused some (read: a lot) of chaos and unnecessary bickering around the house.
For example, it was Tommy's birthday, and Techno and Wilbur had been assigned to give him a gift. Phil had initially thought it would be a nice team/brother bonding moment, but it just ended up being another excuse for the two to argue.
"What if we made him a giant cobblestone tower?" suggested Techno. "I have enough. We could build it all the way to the height limit. It'd probably make Tommy happy; he likes cobblestone towers of powers."
The piglin blinked at Wilbur's bluntness. He waited for an explanation. When none came, he prompted, "...Because...?"
"I just don't like the idea," Wilbur replied.
Techno threw his hands up in wordless fury. "You are impossible to work with," he stated. "Absolutely impossible."
"Think of some good ideas and maybe I'll be easier to work with."
Finally, Technoblade snapped. Wilbur had been rejecting every single one of his ideas with no satisfying explanation. It was honestly starting to get to him.
Making sure Wilbur was still distracted by something outside the window, he slowly reached into his pocket and pulled out a book and quill. Flipping to page thirteen, he slowly trailed a finger down the paper, quickly reading all the bullets.
- A video where he's singing incredibly off-key - His secret drawer of photos of Sally - The one page in his diary where he talks about how amazing Tommy is - A video of him strumming an air-guitar like he's at a rock concert - That one time he accidentally encased himself in obsidian and I had to get him out - That time he started talking about how incredibly Tommy was before realizing I wasn't Philza
None of these help, Technoblade thought, slightly crestfallen. Usually, his book had all the blackmailing information necessary for any situation. But none of the bullets were helpful in this certain scenario. Eventually, he reached the final bullet on page thirteen, the page specifically dedicated to potential blackmail on Wilbur Soot.
- Ticklish ribs The words, "+underarms", had been hastily scrawled underneath.
Huh. Technoblade glanced up at Wilbur, who remained oblivious to his growing evil scheme.
"Alrighty then," the piglin sighed, standing up. "Villain arc time."
"Oh yeah?" Wilbur absent-mindedly murmured. "What're you gonna- AH!"
He yelped, caught off-guard, as Techno just about pounced on him and hauled him off his chair. He crashed into the piglin, sending them tumbling to the ground, each fighting for dominance. Though Techno was quite well-known for his strength and cunningness, Wilbur found it incredibly easy to wriggle his way out from his grasp.
Just as Wilbur had thought he had managed to get away, Techno "accidentally" hiked his shirt up and began squeezing at his ribcage. Wil immediately crumbled to the ground, feebly beating Techno's chest with a clenched fist.
"Ack! T-Tehehechno! Youhu cheheheater!"
"I win!" he triumphantly cried, flipping Wilbur onto back and settling down on his legs. Anytime Wil tried to resist, Techno would simply rub his top rib bones and watch (smugly) as Wilbur fell back down, giggling up a storm.
"Youhuhu cheheated!" Wilbur protested. "Thahat's not fahahair!"
"Hush," shushed Techno. Wilbur did not "hush". In fact, when Technoblade delved his fingers into his underarms, his laughter only grew louder. In mock exasperation, Techno snapped, "Pay attention, Wilbur, I'm showing you my really good idea."
"Thihihis ihis youhur idehea?!"
"It's good, isn't it?"
"Ihihit's ahabsolute shit!"
Techno's eyes widened.
"You take that back!" he demanded, not caring how childish he was being. It seemed like laughter truly was contagious, for Wilbur's loud cackling brought out a few chuckles from himself. Techno was glad that Phil had suggested for Tommy and Tubbo to go outside, because it would be very hard to explain why he, Technoblade, a deadly piglin who earned his title "Blood God", was currently sitting on top of a human and tickling him senseless, all the while wearing a large, goofy smirk.
"My ideas are great and you know it. Just admit it already."
"Fuhuhuck ohoff! Ihihi-" Whatever Wilbur was going to say was cut off by his own raucous laughter when Techno pushed his sweater up and blew a raspberry on his ribs (a trick he learned from Phil, who learned it from Tommy). "FUHUHUCK! WAHAHAIT! WAHAHAIT, TEHEHECHNO PLEASE! STOHOHOP!"
Technoblade did not stop. As a matter of fact, Wilbur's pleas only seemed to spur him on. Through slightly teary eyes, Wil weakly batted at Techno's shoulder as the pinkette blew raspberry after raspberry on his ribs. The hits didn't do much — Techno barely noticed — but it did throw him off a little when Wilbur missed his shoulder and whacked him in the face. Luckily, no one was hurt, but it made Techno flinch, and instead of blowing a raspberry on Wil's ribs, he blew one on his navel.
To which Wilbur screeched.
Technoblade grinned. He gave Wil's underarms a little break and moved to attack his tummy instead, skittering his fingers around the soft skin, occasionally dipping into his navel to lightly scratch around.
"Oh? Is this a new spot?" asked Techno. "Is your tum-tum ticklish? Is it? Is it so tick-tick-ticklish? Hm?"
"STOHOHOHOP!" Wilbur tried to demand. His squeaky cackles weren't really helping him make a point. He pursed his lips together and attempted to put on a mean, stony face. Techno dipped a thumb into his lil' button and vibrated it around, and his facade immediately crumbled. He squirmed underneath him, frantically trying to get free. "PLEHEHEASE! CAHAHAN'T TAHAKE IHIT!"
The piglin caught the strain in Wilbur's laughter and sympathized with him. He hadn't been tickled before, but Wilbur always tried to keep a strong, impassive reputation, and Technoblade doesn't know what he would do if somebody tickles him and reduced him to a red puddle of giggles.
"Alright, alright," he murmured, decided that Wilbur had had enough. "Just wanted to have my revenge for a little while. It gets annoying when someone keeps rejecting my brilliant ideas, y'know."
He slid off of Wilbur and walked back to his chair, where he had originally been sitting before he had gotten the random idea to tickle Wil. Before he could see what Techno was doing, the piglin quickly jotted down "+belly and navel" on page thirteen of his blackmailing book. He said nothing else — no apologies, no consolation, no explanation. Nothing. Zip. Zero. Nada. Goose eggs.
The moment Wilbur got enough air into his lungs and strength in his limbs, he staggered back onto his feet, face bright red and hair a mess. He ran a hand through his ruffled brown curls — like that would help — and sank into his chair, breathless.
"Ihi still thihink your ideas a-are shihit," he mumbled. He hugged himself around the stomach, ghost tickles still dancing on his sensitive skin. Technoblade glared at him. He had forgotten how annoying Wilbur was while he had been tickling him. He grabbed the first thing he could find — a marker — and pointed it at the brunet.
"I'll tickle you again if you're not careful," he threatened.
"I can take it," Wilbur arrogantly responded, eyeing the marker warily. His bluff was called, however, when Technoblade stood up and he squeaked. "AH! Sorry! Didn't mean it! I-I was just joking!"
Techno grinned. "You wanna admit that my ideas are good now?"
For a split second, Wilbur's stubbornness irritated the piglin. But then, after studying the marker in his hand, Techno's grin only widened, another equally wonderful idea popping into his head.
"Alright, I've got an idea I bet Tommy'll love," he said.
"And I bet it's shit."
Technoblade didn't say anything, simply grabbing Wilbur's wrists and raising them high above his head, which scared him.
"What're you doing?" he squeaked, voice high-pitched in terror. "D-Don't tickle me again! Please! I'm sorry!"
"Calm down," Techno soothed. "I'm not going to tickle you."
Wilbur relaxed a little. That is until Technoblade began pushing his sweater up, to which he shrieked, "What're you doing?!"
"I'm going to use this marker," was the pinkette's simple response.
"T-To do wha- EEP! Tehehechno! Nohohot ahagain!" whined Wil. "Plehease! Ihihi'm seherious, I cahahan't tahake it!"
"What? Seriously? You can't take a marker? Not even a marker?" teased Technoblade, more surprised than anything else.
"Ihihi'm tihihicklish!" the brunet defensively giggled.
"Well, that's good, because I won't tickle you all that much. Just stay still. I need to write something on your stomach. It'll be easier if you don't struggle."
"Ihihit tihihickles!"
"I know, but just stay still."
Wilbur tried — he really did! — but it was incredibly difficult to not laugh while Technoblade was writing something on his stomach with a black Sharpie. The soft tip of the marker was surprisingly good at tickling him, especially when it came close to the rim of his navel.
"Whahat ahahare yohuu even dohohoing?" giggled Wilbur. He couldn't exactly read whatever Techno was writing. It's hard to read upside down.
"I'm writing "TICKLE HERE" all over your stomach. And don't look at me like that," Technoblade added when the other gaped at him. "I know you're ticklish on your stomach, but I'm willing to bet Tommy doesn't~"
"Youhu wouhuhuldn't!"
"I would, actually," Techno replied. "Plus, I bet Tommy would love it. Admit it, Wilbur, it's a good idea."
Although Wilbur would continue to insist that Techno's ideas were shit, Tommy actually found Techno's birthday gift for him incredibly entertaining and enjoyed it immensely.
("Come on Wilbur, it's very rude to not sing me happy birthday~" "Ihihi'm tryhyhyhying!" "Try harder! Try to stop laughing. It might help." "Youhuhu suhuck!" "I wouldn't say that if I were in your position~" "ACK! WAHAHAIT! IHIHI'M SOHOHORRY!" "Don't forget to try his navel too." "FUHUHUCK YOU BOHOTH!")
I don't know why this prompt took me so long to do but I'm so fucking sorry Jesus Christ ᜊࡇᜊ
Also I'd just like to mention brag that the word count is 3,909 words.
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kenrik · 2 years
Utahime is scared. She and Gojo have hooked up a couple of times and they like each other (a lot) but because of the world they live in, they can't properly be together. Her period is 1 month late. One day, she just tells him. "Satoru, I'm pregnant". What would he do? How would he act? I'd like to know your thoughts about it.
"What do you plan to do?"
"I don't know." Utahime sighed and buried her face in her hands. "I don't know, but I think I want to keep it."
She turns to him, sighs and lets out a dry laugh at the stiff, quiet expression on his face.
"Don't worry." She tells him with a smile. "I can do this alone."
Pfft. Gojo starts to smirk. And before Utahime could cry in shock, he jumps her and takes her down with him, pinning her beneath him over the bed.
"I'm not letting my first born be a bastard." He laughs at her like she was crazy. "You know I did pretty well with the Fushiguros, right?"
"Ha!" This time, it's Utahime who laughs at him. "You just opened your wallet every time! Everyone else did most of the work!!"
"What about the students? If I leave you alone, they'll end up weak like you." He teased. And that earned him a good headbutt. "We're already parents to all these kids anyway. What's one more?"
"You're insane!!"
"And I can finally tell my baba (grandma) to suck it. She's always told me you're too good for me, you know?"
"You're an idiot!!"
"Besides, I've never been short of telling you how I feel about you." He smiles down at her. "So, it's just a question of if you love me back."
"Whichever it is, I'll be around. I always am."
"You're a moron." Utahime frowns at him and cups his cheeks. "I'm having your baby, you idiot." She sighs as his head rests on the crook of her neck. "Of course, I do."
"Of course, I love you too."
Pretty sure simp Gojo will use this as an excuse to finally get married to Utahime. Haha! I don't see them going this far without being in love. They would tie the knot!
In their world, when has anything been proper and normal? Most of the time, it isn't. Especially the stronger clans. But damn hell, what does Gojo stand for? What does he and his friends always do? They fight against the system! Damn if Gojo and Utahime won't fight for their unborn baby. This plotline is just super romantic - I can't OTL
There're a lot of external factors that'll be dipping into this situation. But as for Gojo, I can't see him not taking responsibility for the woman he loves and their unborn child. :D
Pregnancy out of wedlock is a sensitive issue. Having it or not really depends on the mother's values. It's Utahime's decision in the end. In my HCs, Gojo will be there supporting her every step of the way. Also he's the Gojo clan head, I wouldn't worry so much! Like how there'll be opposition, there'll be supporters too. The Gojo clan being overprotective over their first lady - that'd be too cute. Haha!
I can see them fawning over Utahime-mama and dissing Gojo-papa and making him shoo away! - You've done your job! She's pregnant! Now scram!! Hahaha!!!
This is just answering that situation posted. I have a million HCs, but them getting preggers like that is never in any of them. I really see Utahime and Gojo being careful if they do have sex. i.e. Utahime always being miles away from Gojo when she's ovulating. AHAHAHA But in all seriousness, given their age and high IQ and EQ, safe sex is a no brainer. They should be fine hahaha
The real question is - does Gojo know how to love? That's a question I'm sure Gege won't be answering at all haha. He seems to hate Gojo's character based on the interviews. But surprisingly, a number of his "heartless", "cold fighter type" characters have a depth to them. Even Toji was given depth - that he was powerless against the will of the sorcery clans, that he was a heartless man who fell in love with a warm, loving woman.
Dude, Gojo's a good man. Trust. Haha. If the side character villain Toji was given depth - what more with Gojo? Ahahaha
You know how Gojo uplifts all his students. He was never biased against Maki even when she had no power. He sees potential in every one of his students. He keeps promoting them all for heaven's sakes haha. When he calls Utahime weak, it's just in jest, it's just him trolling her because she gets mad easily, stubborn, proud too. Ahh they're honestly so cute. Pretty sure they help each other out when recommending students for promotions. UwU
A baby with the beautiful woman you love and trust? Damn, Gojo'd be one lucky papa.
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roll-da-credits · 3 years
Lycoris Radiata -Izuku Midoriya x Reader-
Inspired by the piano piece, "Lycoris Radiata," Written by Spikes, played by MusicalBasics.
Highly recommend listening to it whilst reading.
[1] [2] [3]
Word Count: 1.6k
When a childhood love shows up after being lost to time, it's unnerving to be presented by something so familiar yet different. Deku, lost to his own love and presented with the stresses of life and unrequited love, it isn't easy to see the world with an unbiased gaze.
(This is for the entire series and not just this part)
BIG TW for death, suicide, abuse,
Minor TW for death imagery, toxic relationship, toxic friendship, toxic shit all around
A/n: The summary sucks ass I really don't know how to summarize this ahahaha, btw this is going to be a 3 parter and I hope all of you follow me for the ride cause its a bumpy AND angsty one. Like heavily angsty. The first part doesn't have that many triggering topics, but the second and third do, so read with caution.
Imagery used
Red camelia flowers
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Deku felt his entire body freeze at the sight. Like seeing a piece of his past that was lost to time. He yelled your name and without looking back to see you already knew who it was.
His very voice brings warmth in your entire being, a soft chuckle left your lips. You could hear his footsteps getting closer and closer, he was running to greet you. To greet the girl who left so long ago. The girl who disappeared from his life the moment he went in UA.
He never knew what happened or why it did happen. Though all of his questions bubbled into non-existence when you stood and closed your arms around his torso. He wanted to lift you up to the air, hug you even tighter. After all, it wasn’t everyday he would find his childhood friend sitting in a park bench all alone.
“You know him?”
A lone voice interrupted Deku’s complete bliss. He felt you quickly release your hold on him, though the beautiful smile he admired never leaving your face.
He watched in curiosity as the lone voice wrapped his hand around your waist. A bitter feeling etched its way in his throat. He pushed it down as far as it would go, afraid by his own jealousy he would push you away from his life once more.
“We were friends back in Grade School and Middle School, we stopped talking in Highschool though.” “Izuku, this is my boyfriend.”
Deku smiled and held his hand out for your boyfriend to shake. Which he does so with a big smile, “I didn’t know you were friends with the number one hero, that’s incredible.”
His intimidating tone at the beginning turned to almost fascination. Deku simply chuckled to himself and scratched the back of his neck in nervousness.
Your boyfriend leaned down to give you a small peck on your lips and Deku couldn’t help but shift in his place. Feeling rather displaced at watching a shameless display of affection. He slightly looked away to watch the rose bushes not very far from where he was, missing the grip that tightened around your waist. The flowers were beautiful, bright red and imposing. He thought to himself how hard it must’ve been to take care of such a delicate flower.
��Why don’t we all head out to lunch?”
Your boyfriend suggested.
To which you quickly agreed and your eyes locked with Deku’s green ones. A gaze almost as if you were begging him to come along. He, of course, would never deny an offer like that, not when you seemed so desperate to get him to go along. A feeling of gratitude bubbled in his chest, he felt as if you were looking at him like that as a sign to reconcile. Maybe even apologize for your sudden disappearance.
He followed the both of you to a nearby restaurant, getting stopped here and there for photos or signatures by passers-by. Every time he’d glance over to you and your boyfriend with an apologetic gaze, only to be met with the warm smile of your boyfriend and slight chuckles here and there.
He was extremely thankful you were able to find yourself such a considerate and patient lover. It quelled the jealousy in his heart a tiny bit. He would never jeopardize your happiness just because of his selfishness to have you as his.
Finally arriving at the restaurant, he watched your boyfriend closely the entire meal. It wasn’t he was scared of him being terrible or a bad company, he was simply making sure your boyfriend was the right person for you.
His suspicion would soon disappear though, the moment both of you went in, he greeted the waiters. Even apologized when one of them bumped into him. He was kind to give up the table he reserved for a family with hungry children. And he patiently waited for another table to open up for him.
When the waiter messed up his order, he simply smiled at your request of getting a waiter to correct his order and ate it without complaints.
Deku watched in front of him as he always kept his hand slung around your shoulder. He watched as your boyfriend complimented you, flick away a piece of food that fell on your clothing. Deku observed him with a keen eye and yet could do nothing but smile.
He truly did seem like a good person.
Despite his keenness and thorough nature, he missed the way you’d often shift in your seat when your boyfriend’s body nudges yours. Or how you’d flinch when a waiter dropped a plate rather far from the table.
The entire meal Deku along with you and your boyfriend made small talk here and there. Deku grew to like your boyfriend more and more.
At the same time, he felt his romantic feelings for you lightly watering down. He knew it was still there, but once again he’d rather it completely dissipates than ruin your relationship with a good person.
After all, he was a hero, he would always care for you and give you the best of the best. Even if it meant letting you love another.
“Izuku!!!” At the call of his name, Deku ran as fast as his tiny legs could carry him through the forest and to you.
Both of you still children laughing and exploring the forest with Bakugou and his gang of miscreants.
He finally found you crouching, watching intently at something he could not yet see from his distance.
Deku stopped for a moment trying to catch his breath, he thinks you haven’t heard him yet since you weren’t turning your back to him. Still intent on watching whatever you were looking at on the ground.
Just as he started to walk to you, Bakugou jumped out of his hiding spot and landed right in front of you. Causing you to scream from the scare.
Bakugou laughed out loud, prideful that his little prank worked. “I got you!!!”
Yet, no laughter followed from your side. You didn’t laugh like you usually did, both Bakugou and Deku who was now already behind you grew slightly anxious. What if you had gotten hurt from Bakugou’s landing?
What they didn’t expect was for you to cry ever so loudly.
Fat tears rolled down your cheeks as you stood and pushed Bakugou to the ground, still wailing.
“You dummy!!! You stepped on it! It's dead now!!!” You wailed and cried, before turning your heel and running back to your home.
Bakugou looked at Deku for clarification, as he was still dazed from the harsh shove. Deku looked to whatever you were staring at before Bakugou’s scare and saw a crushed red camellia flower. Bakugou finally realizing what he had done still didn’t want to admit he was in the wrong.
So just like the child he was, crossed his arm on his chest and huffed.
“It wasn’t my fault the flower was in my way!!”
He too soon left Deku to his own devices, looking for his previously left behind gang.
Deku feeling incredibly bad took the crushed flower in his hands and brought it home with him.
The next day he got his mom to bring him to your place since for some reason you didn’t come over today to play with him like you usually do every day.
“Oh Inko, please come in. They’ve been crying since they came home yesterday, something about something red dying. It was probably another flower.”
Your mother welcomed both Deku and his mother in, explaining why you had been absent from your usual playdates. Deku got the green light from your mother to meet you upstairs, and so just like a little kid excited to show his friend a new toy. He ran up the stairs holding a tiny box in his hands.
He barely bothered to knock on your door and barged in, causing you to lightly flinch at surprise.
“Izuku?” He swiftly apologized when he saw he interrupted you whilst you were reading.
Waddling his way over to sit next to you, he smiled and asked what you were reading about. You explained it was an English book called The Very Busy Spider, in which the main character was a red spider with a green head. A character you enjoyed so very much.
Deku listened to you retelling the children’s book to him, all whilst gripping the box extremely tight. Ecstatic to see your reaction when you opened his little gift.
“What did you bring Izuku?” Your little fingers pointed at the box tied neatly by Deku’s mother in a red ribbon.
Deku grinned and gave the box to you, “I’m sorry about Kaachan yesterday.” He sincerely or as sincere as a child could, apologized for his best friend’s actions.
You nodded at him and opened the tiny box. Inside was a dried version of the red camellia flower you had thought died after being crushed by Bakugou.
You held it close to your heart and almost cried tears of joy before enveloping Deku in a bone-crushing hug. “You’re my hero!!!” Your words made a flicker of flame igniting in his chest. He didn’t realize your words impacted him so much until he went back home and couldn’t get it out of his mind. He was extremely proud of himself to bring a smile back on your face.
After all, if he was going to be a hero, he would need to ability to make people smile all the time. Even if it meant racking his brain to find new solutions to odd problems.
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whumpmatsus · 3 years
So you can, nice.
I been wandering if you could write something about a painful love triangle between iromatsu and a new neighbor they have met and become Friends with.
She is like the epic older sister type, but with some depression and emptiness. Best if her name was Irusu. She likes to pet the sextuplets.
ichimatsu happen to fall for her thinking she is similar to him and karamatsu falling for her strong personality thinking it was beautiful.
however when karamatsu realized that ichi love her too and saw how close they are. he had a emotional battle with himself not knowing if he should choose his happiness or his brother's, in the end he chose what he thought is the best for them all and immediately give up on her and start avoiding her not knowing that the girl actually have a crush on him (lot of details, ik)
eventually the girl got hurt from Karamatsu action and blamed her foolish messed up self.
Ichimatsu who know the girl's feelings get into a fight with karamatsu and they got injured both physically and emotionally.
I don't know about the ending tho, you can write whatever you want I'm only here to give pain to my heart.
It's a bit long so take your time and don't overdo it pls, love ya💙
ahahaha sorry, was the request "yo girl how much emotional Iromatsu shit can you fit into less than 3000 words?"
... the answer is literally all of it
this was fun, Iromatsu fighting hurts my heart but also I love it, that angst is delicious :D
I made the ending vague in order both to let people imagine their own ending AND to set up for a possible sequel if anybody wants one!
love ya too, I hope this is good for you *fingerguns*
For the first time in a long time, Akatsuka Ward has a new resident.
For the first time in an even longer time, she’s been hanging around the Matsuno sextuplets as if they’re her only friends.
As far as anyone else knows, that might be the truth. No one ever sees her with anyone else aside from the times she happens to work, and the brothers all seem incredibly fond of her, so there’s really no reason to find anyone else when she has six new friends.
Irusu is maybe a strange kind of young lady, but no stranger than the rest of Akatsuka’s inhabitants, to be fair. Around the sextuplets, she doesn’t really rest in making sure they’re all taken care of and happy.
She accompanies Osomatsu to the pachinko parlor, often putting her own money into the machines so he can play. She sits next to Karamatsu on the roof, listening to him play guitar and singing along. She collects magazine articles about idols and proudly sets them into Choromatsu’s hands when she comes over. She brings over food for Ichimatsu’s cats, giving little kissy noises as she feeds them. She always offers to play baseball with Jyushimatsu, even though it always leads to exhaustion later. She displays an incredible willingness to star in selfies with Totty and makes him laugh with silly poses.
And if she’s not doing any of those things, she’s got one of their heads in her lap, stroking through their hair. More than one fight has broken out over who gets to be petted the most on any given day.
All in all, they love having her around. It’s been so long since any of them had a real friend outside the family who treated them so kindly.
Is it really any wonder at least one of them ended up falling head over heels for her?
… Actually, is it really any wonder two of them did?
Neither of them is sure who fell first, though they’re not sure it really matters since they can’t really call ‘dibs’ on a person. All they know is that Ichimatsu is drawn to the similarities between himself and Irusu, sensing a kind of heavy-weighing sadness and darkness inside her that’s not unlike his own… and that Karamatsu is pulled in by her strength and kindness, in awe of someone who can be so brave even when she’s suffering herself.
For the month or so after Karamatsu became aware of his little brother’s feelings, he’s been wrestling with his own heart. What kind of horrible older brother would he be if he stole the affections of someone Ichimatsu’s heart is also pining after? Can he even set aside his own selfish emotions when he’s never quite felt like this for someone before?
The whole thing is just awful. Often as brothers they would playfully fight over Totoko, and yet this is… different. This isn’t Totoko. It’s Irusu. It’s someone that one of them might actually have a shot with.
What is he supposed to do? For once in his life, he wants to step up and have a chance, to not immediately give in to his generosity and wanting his little brother to be happy. He wants to be happy. It’s a shame that he does want Ichimatsu to be happy, too. At the very least, he doesn’t want his happiness to have a hand in Ichimatsu’s pain.
He thinks too long and too hard. Every cheesy romantic line that he aims at Irusu and every time she smiles at him ― it’s getting more difficult to take. Every time she caresses his head. Every hug they share.
Every time he notices Ichimatsu tense up whenever Karamatsu flirts with Irusu. Every time Ichimatsu clenches his fists when she’s charmed by something Karamatsu does or says. Every time he looks angry and insecure when she calls him ‘Irusu boy’ and proclaims herself ‘Karamatsu girl’, even if it’s probably just a joke.
Those are the things he thinks he notices more than any of Irusu’s reactions.
He wants so much to be selfish, to not care how his brother feels. The unfortunate truth is that he does. More than anything, he loves all of his brothers, Ichimatsu included. If something he does is going to hurt one of them, then he doesn’t want to do it.
So last night, he did something that he didn’t truly want to do. As Irusu was leaving, he kissed her hand and told her, in a rather solemn tone devoid of his usual theatrics, “Ichimatsu would probably like it if you asked him out.”
With that, he felt like things were in place. He would keep his distance from her, Ichimatsu would get a chance to be happy with her, and… Karamatsu was sure he would find someone else eventually. The biggest problem was that in order for it not to be so painful for him, he would have to try to avoid Irusu as much as possible.
No more hugs. No more being petted. No more pretty smiles in his direction.
It’s only been a few days of it by this point. However, it’s not easy. Even though he thinks this is the best thing, that he’ll stop craving her attention at some point, right now he still wants it. Losing the closeness they’ve all become used to is one of the worst things he can think of, and it’s happening, and he’s so sure it’s the right thing…
It just sucks that the right thing can hurt so badly.
At least his little brother will have a shot at happiness.
Ichimatsu, on the other hand, is pissed.
He’s sure he must have been this angry at some other point in his life, although he can’t really remember this kind of fury burning him up from the inside. It’s probably been a while since he felt anything other than a boiling of annoyance.
He has a hard time with Karamatsu, that much is for sure, but he knows Karamatsu well enough. The man is a goody-goody, or at least he pretends to be, so he’d never do something like, say, step on Ichimatsu’s toes over a girl they both like. That much is certain.
Except the issue with backing off is that in the process, he’s managed to lodge a big, painful arrow in Irusu’s feelings. That is something Ichimatsu can’t just ignore or let slide.
Why would he do this, anyway? If he was going to let Ichimatsu have a chance with her, fine… how come he had to just start brushing her off, though? What, does he think he can’t even be friends with her in order to let Ichimatsu shoot his shot? The hell is wrong with that dumbass?
This is where his dangerous nature comes in handy, at the very least. He can’t act too scary around Irusu or he risks her being afraid of him. Karamatsu is another story.
Which is good, because he thinks his big, stupid brother needs a scare to make him realize what the hell he’s doing.
Not only is he taking away Ichimatsu’s chance of winning Irusu’s affection fairly, instead of being the ‘runner-up’ like he’s been his whole life, Karamatsu is also hurting her. She’s talked about this to Ichimatsu, and she thinks that this is somehow her fault.
She thinks she’s too messed up and Karamatsu has just lost interest in her, that she did something which turned him off. The way she buried her face in Ichimatsu’s shoulder, mumbling tearfully that she should have known Karamatsu couldn’t possibly like her the way she liked him, is a memory he thinks is going to be burned in his mind forever.
He’s mad at Karamatsu more than he’s ever been in his life. He thinks he’s doing a nice thing stepping aside and trying to give Ichimatsu a chance, but if it hurts Irusu, he doesn’t want that chance. It matters what she wants more than anything, so if she likes and wants Karamatsu, if it’s putting her in pain to have him treat her dismissively, then Ichimatsu isn’t going to just stand by. He’s gonna do something about it.
Of course, perhaps he could have been a little more composed about it than to simply walk up to Karamatsu and punch him in the face. That said, nobody ever accused Ichimatsu of being subtle.
The hit was hard enough to leave his hand aching, so as soon as it connects, he pulls his fist back and rubs at his knuckles. It hurts, yeah. There’s more important stuff than that right now, though. He stares down at his brother, who’s on the floor trying to recover, and for a long moment, doesn’t do anything except glare.
Karamatsu, meanwhile, is pinching his nose shut in an attempt to stop the bleeding from being punched in the Goddamn face without any warning. To say he wasn’t expecting the blow would be an understatement. Even when he gingerly draws his hand away with a wince, everything still throbs. “Ichimatsu, what the hell was that for?!”
“You’re an ass,” Ichimatsu hisses, taking a step closer. “You think I need your fucking pity, huh? You think the only way Irusu would choose to go out with me is because you gracefully bowed out? You’re full of shit!”
Karamatsu is on his feet in a few seconds, only to just barely catch another fist thrown at him. His arm shakes with the muscle strain of holding back his little brother’s ire. “What are you… are you angry at me for taking myself out of the running?! Any other time, you’d be eliminating the competition yourself!”
Ichimatsu throws a punch with his other hand, though it’s caught just the same. There’s too much rage and adrenaline flooding through him, and Karamatsu can’t hold him back forever. “You think you’re doing me some kind of favor?! That’s just so like you! You’ve gotta be the hero right? You stupid, chūnibyō loser! You’re the saintly big brother and I’m the pathetic jackass and you’ve just gotta help me!”
“Wha… h-hey! That’s not what I think or what I’m trying to do!” It’s starting to become difficult to keep a grip on Ichimatsu’s hands, so in a desperate bid for some space, he shoves Ichimatsu back… maybe with a little more force than he may have used otherwise. “I care about you, Ichimatsu! You deserve to have a chance, and I know she likes you, and I just thought… if I allowed her to focus on you, I wouldn’t distract her!”
Ichimatsu ends up flat on his ass, although he’s back up in only a second. “You didn’t distract her, you motherfucker! You hurt her feelings! Who cares if she likes me?! She likes you! But as usual, you had to go and fuck everything up for everybody because you were trying to ‘help’!”
This time when he lunges forward, Karamatsu is ready and they end up grappling like two bucks locking antlers. Nobody really has the upper hand unless one counts that Ichimatsu is putting a little more physical force into it; the emotional toll it’s taking on Karamatsu is obvious, though.
“She never told me anything about that!” His arms quiver as he tries to plant his feet so that Ichimatsu can’t just brute force his way through this fight.
“Should she have had to?! You said she likes me, but she’s never said that, so you could obviously read her to know she likes me! You couldn’t tell she likes you, too?! And so what?!” Ichimatsu rocks forward in an attempt to knock Karamatsu off balance. “Even if she didn’t like you that way, you think blowing her off like you’ve been doing wouldn’t hurt a friend?!”
He winds back and goes in for another punch. “You’re not a good person! You know what you are? You know what I see when I look at you, what everyone else sees when they look at you? A stupid, painful, selfish, sorry excuse for a big brother!”
Something about those words makes Karamatsu freeze. The hit lands full-force, kickstarting the bloody nose that had just stopped a moment ago. Sparks dance around his insides, prompting him to gain back awareness enough to reciprocate the blow.
Before either of them know it, they’re rolling around on the floor, kicking and hitting each other and shouting the worst things they can think of.
“Excruciating bastard!”
“Antisocial asshole!”
“Self-centered, holier-than-thou shitbag!”
“Emotionally constipated, ungrateful bitch!”
“You don’t deserve to be anyone’s older brother! You don’t deserve to be anyone’s brother, period! You deserve to be alone, because nobody should ever have to deal with you and your fucking tryhard bullshit!”
“Oh, and you’re so easy to deal with?! All any of us do is give and give and you don’t give us anything in return! Being an apathetic misanthrope doesn’t make you interesting or special, it just makes you an edgelord!”
“Edgelord, huh? Must run in the family, because you’re even edgier than I am!”
“Maybe, but at least I don’t shut everyone out and act like my brothers don’t love me!”
“Oh, you’re psychoanalyzing me now?! Fuck off! Actually, just die!”
“Is that what you say to everything?! You die first and I might consider it!”
“Great! I’m glad to die! I’ve got a noose and a beam all picked out! As long as I get to choose how you die, I’m ready when you are, asshole!”
“Please! As if I’m going to let you do something like that! What the hell is wrong with you, Ichimatsu?!”
It seems to be the turn in that direction that causes the two of them to start to lose steam. The decline is quick as all the anger between both men crystallizes into fatigue and anguish.
Karamatsu rolls over from where he ended up above Ichimatsu, and Ichimatsu lets his whole body go limp. They lie there for what feels like forever, breathing heavily, covered in new bruises and scratches and flecks of blood, too tired to fire any more shots at one another.
They lie side by side, and when Karamatsu looks over, he sees through his own blurry vision that there are tears in the corners of Ichimatsu’s eyes.
His heart leaps into his throat.
He doesn’t know how else this could have turned out, but it’s undeniable that things have gone way too far, as they always do with any of the sextuplets.
“Ichimatsu…” He reaches for his little brother, only for Ichimatsu to pull violently away and curl into a ball. It hurts, mainly because he knows that’s what Ichimatsu does when he wants the entire world to leave him be. This time, it’s Karamatsu’s fault.
“Fuck off, Shittymatsu,” Ichimatsu mumbles. It’s through experience that Karamatsu can tell he’s starting to cry; that break in his voice might not be evident to anyone except his brothers. “Whatever you’re going to say, I don’t wanna hear it. I don’t care.”
Karamatsu huffs. “Well, you should care. We can’t do this shit, Ichimatsu. What’s wrong with us? It’s not normal for brothers to fight like this. We just beat each other up. Over a woman. … A stunning woman, but―”
“You’re a fucking idiot,” Ichimatsu interrupts. “Are there rocks in your Goddamn head? Do you really think this is just about Irusu? Don’t pretend this wouldn’t have happened at some point even if she never came into our lives. We’re fucking losers who don’t know how to get along and she’s just the latest thing we’re fighting about. We’re both shitheads. Neither of us deserves her.”
Well, at least they can agree on that.
Despite the fact that Ichimatsu doesn’t turn to look at him, not even a little, Karamatsu keeps a hand on his little brother’s back. That Ichimatsu doesn’t push him away or scream for Karamatsu to get off is a good sign.
Although, there aren’t enough good signs to just magically fix this. There’s still so much wrong with the entire situation and nothing is going to tie it up with a neat bow.
They lie next to each other in silence for a long time. Gradually, the tension starts to drain out of Ichimatsu’s body, the more seconds tick by without Karamatsu moving away. His muscles continue to relax until he’s bled out of fury, until he realizes that he doesn’t wantto be mad at his big brother.
The anger isn’t just going to vanish from either of them. It’s not going to disappear because they don’t want to be angry at each other. Their exhaustion bringing true feelings out of the shadows, however, is better than making believe they would prefer staying angry.
“I’m sorry,” Karamatsu finally says. His voice is smaller than usual and breathy and sounds cracked in half by the time he speaks up.
At last, Ichimatsu rolls over onto his back with a grunt. “… I’m sorry, too.”
Karamatsu sighs and shifts his hand away to give his younger brother space. “We really are a couple of pathetic creatures, aren’t we?”
“Yep, we’re shitty.”
“The shittiest.”
They both fall silent for another moment or two. This time, it’s Ichimatsu who breaks the quiet. “What… do we do now?”
There are too many thoughts swirling around Karamatsu’s head. And he would assume in Ichimatsu’s head as well. Everything is tumulting around in an unorganized mess, too much to put together any kind of real plan.
What do they do about what,anyway? About Irusu and who gets to have a chance with her? About their own broken relationship?
Neither of them really knows what to do about anything.
“I think,” Karamatsu hums, “we should patch up our wounds before anything else.”
So Ichimatsu nods.
It’s not going to solve any of their real problems, but it’s as good a place to start as any.
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ambivalent-anarchy · 4 years
The Spidey Squad Playing Among Us
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Welp, this game is all the rave all of a sudden and irdk how since the game's pretty much been here forever lol but it's still fun so I had to jump on the bandwagon and here we are! Make sure you check go out @chaoticpete's new fic. Anyways here it is! If this gets enough likes I might do an avengers headcanon too.
Thanks to @angelsparkers for helping me realize I wasn't writing complete garbage and helping me to get through it even though she didn't even know she was doing that. So yeah thanks for that.
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Crewmate: Peter is that crewmate that will 100% call you out on your bs, because he knows the game a little too well for you to be able to pull anything over him(because of all that free time waiting on patrol). You think all that stuff with the avengers didn't teach him strategy? Ha! This guy is PEAK detective. Gets his tasks done fast and when he's done is probably spending his time monitoring people on security or vitals. It only took him like 2 weeks to memorize all the maps and where everything is, so if you say you were in navigation, you better believe he's gonna ask you what task you were doing there. And if you don't answer to his liking, Peter will sound the "sus" alarm on you in two point five seconds and have everyone voting you out. He's probably the only person that could figure out MJ when she's the impostor. So if you're the impostor, watch your words and make sure your alibis are strong cuz little Petey ain't playin' no games. Definitely gets attacked from time to time by those people that are always like "sMaRt PpL rUiN tHe GaMe"
Impostor: He's pretty much the most average impostor. Sometimes he doesn't know what to say when people call him sus and he'll get voted out because he's being "too quiet" or because Ned keeps defending him. He'll mess up every now and then but for the most part, he's pretty decent. His style is usually to stay in the vents most of the game and kill when only one person's around. He probably bribes Ned to not rat him out by promising him that he won't kill him.
Name: It used to be just Peter, but soon he wanted an actual cool name so he chose Sherlock because of all the times when he was "too smart" and won the game too quickly and people would go "pack it up Sherlock" and vote him out.
Favorite color to be: It used to be red, but he quickly found that the more he was red the more people found him "sus" so now he's usually either blue or cyan
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Crewmate: Pretty average crewmate. 80% of the time is covering for Peter, even if Peter is the impostor. Won't do much calling people out unless he's absolutely sure that he saw a kill or vent. Pretty chill and easily persuadable. You'd definitely want him on your team. If he ever gets wrongfully ejected he's the one that pitifully tries to plead his case saying stuff like "what???" and "guys it's not me!!!!" which doesn't really convince anyone and just makes him look more guilty. He'll still do his tasks after though.
Impostor: He's the impostor that doesn't want to be the impostor. If you're texting then maybe he can hold his own, but if you're doing voice chats, there's no way this guy is getting past ANYONE. He has so many tells that it's ridiculous. Is actually scared to vent too much because he's always paranoid that someone's gonna be right there when he jumps out. 8/10 the crewmates win when he's the imposter because he'll just kill like only two people the entire time or gets caught really early on.
Name: Probably some sci-fi reference like r2d2 or Potter
Favorite color to be: Yellow or white because he says those are the most "innocent" colors and he'll be less likely to get voted if he's those (not true but we'll let him believe it)
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Crewmate: Suspicion times 100. Her motto: trust no one. Will get you kicked out in a heartbeat with a quick "trust me. if it's not them vote me next." An absolute unit but will never be caught getting emotional over a game. If she's ever wrongfully ejected her last words will be "whatever. go ahead. vote me and lose." She'll just come back in the next game with a vengeance and false accusations ready, not caring if the entire team loses because of it. She's especially dangerous to have because people usually trust her word. She always finds a way to seem the least suspicious. Though sometimes she'll get suspected because of her quiet nature. There's always that one guy that's ready to go "uR qUiEt ThAt'S sUs!!"
Impostor: If MJ is the impostor, you can just throw your whole phone away. You're not winning that game. Like, ever. She will do whatever it takes to win, even sell out her own her partner. On the off chance that you catch her being suspicious, she'll sabotage a bunch of things so that you can't call meetings and then she'll kill you when no one's around. She is ruthless and will hurt your feelings with the way that she will own everyone in the game. Hardly anyone ever expects her. Thrives on venting. You won't see her you'll just be doing a task and suddenly you'll be dead.
Name: Used to be just MJ but she got annoyed with all the people in the messages who always assumed she meant Michael Jackson or Michael Jordan so she changed it to Michelle
Favorite color to be: She literally doesn't care either way. Won't change the gameplay so why bother? Whatever color she ends up with she'll be fine.
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Crewmate & Impostor: The most average player of them all. She wins some, she loses some. Nice partner to have though, because she'll never give you away. Probably the first to die most times. If she ever gets wrongfully ejected she's the one that uses her last words to say who she thinks it and doesn't even try to plead her case once it starts to look bad for her. She just finished the rest of her tasks.
Name: Probably either her name or some nickname or inside joke. Idk she just seems like the type of person to have a reference to something that absolutely nobody knows
Favorite color to be: Pink. Just because she likes pink.
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Crewmate: Claims things are sus even if they aren't. Will totally be biased based on names. Anybody who knows him will never count him as a credible source. Gets voted out quickly alot because of how annoying he is in the game.
Impostor: He's the easiest to figure out. He's the impostor that obnoxiously accuses literally everyone else. And in all capital letters too. "ITS RED I STG. IF IT'S NOT HIM VOTE ME NEXT!" Calls everyone sus and always claims he's seen people running from the body. He usually self-reports and goes for the easy marks in electrical. He's not that good (even though he thinks he is) and it takes anyone with a brain to figure him out. Peter and MJ are bane of his existence in that game. If he gets wrongfully ejected he'll rage and probably leave the game like the little crybaby he is.
Name: Spideys#1 because he's really just THAT obsessed. Or when he's really feeling "teenage boy" he'll be cOchieman
Favorite color to be: Red because sPiDeRmAn'S hIs BeSt FrIeNd (ahahaha if only he knew)
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She didn't know this game at all until Peter introduced her to it one day because he was bored. She LOVED it. He had to pry it out of her hands after she kept repeating "Hold on, one more!" So she downloaded on her phone and now she plays it whenever she's bored.
Crewmate: Average. Same as Betty.
Impostor: The way May can actually dominate being the impostor is sort of scary. And she'd always be the last person you'd expect because she just has that trusting vibe about her. Sometimes she'll mess up and give herself away, but for the most part, she's pretty good. Doesn't vent much. Just like Ned, she doesn't trust it.
Name: Madonna
Favorite color to be: She doesn't care much but she prefers to be purple, cyan, or orange
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Funny Moment
《Peter calls an emergency meeting 10 seconds into the game》
- Michelle: what
- Betty: what
- Michelle: skip
- r2d2: bro already?
- Sherlock: okay everyone just listen
- k0chieman: bruh
- Michelle: okay listen to what
- Sherlock: flash what task are you doing
- Betty: alright were listening
- k0chieman: the divert thingy in navi
- r2d2: pete what is this
- Sherlock: yeah dude that diverty thingy is the second of two steps
- Sherlock: u never did the first
- Sherlock: which means ur an impostor faking
- Michelle: flash?
- k0chieman: no
- k0chieman: i did do it
- r2d2: the times low we gotta decide guys
- Sherlock: if you did it wouldve taken you 12-15 seconds to get there and were not that far in the game
- Sherlock: u cant already be doing it
- Sherlock: everybody vote flash
- r2d2: petes on x games mode
- Michelle: damn dude
- k0chieman: wtf parker
- Sherlock: bye dude
- Sherlock: worlds greatest detective strikes again
- Michelle: okay calm down pete
《couple seconds later》
.    。    •   ゚  。   .
   .      .     。   。 .  
.   。      ඞ 。 .    •     •
  ゚   Flash was An Impostor.  。 .
  '    1 Impostor remains     。
  ゚   .   . ,    .  .
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Best Imposter Combos
Peter & Ned: Goes without saying. Nine times out of ten they're in the same room while playing this so they can just talk strategy to each other and take everyone out really quickly. Really annoying for everybody else, but they'll win so they're happy.
MJ & Peter: These two together are a force to be reckoned with. The second they see that they're both impostors they call each other up and get to business like they're on a mission. This stuff is serious. (More for Peter than MJ. She has to keep telling him that it's just a game.) He stays on security stuff, telling her when it's safe, and she racks up the kills. When things get heavy, they sabotage and then go on a spree. These two hardly ever lose. (When the whole squad is together whoever's in charge [if it's not Pete or MJ] usually puts the kill cooldown at max just in case these two get that they can't be at full power)
MJ & Betty: Betty isn't afraid to sacrifice herself so that they'll win and MJ is ruthless and quick with her kills. Both have the smarts to be able to be extremely persuasive and you'd hate for them to pick you to frame. Because being put against those two in the chatroom will lead you nowhere but abyss of space.
May & Peter: Parkers united. 'Nough said.
Tagging: @spideyyeet, @soft-petey, @spidey-reids-2003, @spidey-boy-89, @sovereignparker, @bubblebucky, @underoosjae
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gureishi · 3 years
ok so I'm back with some smooches + cuddles and updates on my experience with another story so far!
currently 1:19am as of writing this meaning I'm on day 7 of guess who's route?? it's RAY'S!!! our fav soft self depreciating good boy <333
aiming for the good ending and just got the Ray kiss I never knew I'd been waiting for my entire life! >_< my heart breaks for saeran and all the manipulation and abuse he has been going through at the hands of everyone in his life, he said in one of the chats how his willing to let us as the MC abuse and use him as a punching bag so long as we stay by his side, and can I just say that broke me. </3
playing through Rays route does make me despise Rika more and more each time I see her very toxic and abusive interactions with Saeran. though my heart does bleed for her and what she's been through, her actions thereafter are inexcusable in my opinion. everyone in this game needs some intense therapy and HEALING in the their lives, godsakes.
ALSO RAY'S SELF DEPRECIATING. please I don't know how much more I can take of this, it hurts to see how lowly he sees himself and how he genuinely believes he has no right to think for himself because his an "airhead". Ray you are precious and you deserve the world, please stop tormenting yourself like this!
also I love how Saeyoung is able to see when Saeran as the other hacker's mannerisms change. also love how he cares and worries for the MC whenever she brings up her concerns for the other hacker, instead of being cynical and distrusting. also I would love if Saeyoung was romanceable in this AS time period instead pls I love him, and his still the loml in this game!!!
and I honestly feel so terrible for V, his literally carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders trying to protect everyone. and this is what further confuses me about his behavior in Saerans after ending, I'm only on day 7 so maybe his character does really develop to the point his at in the AE but it's just jarring to see how V is in Rays route and then to kinda have that switch in the AE. I really am in need of understanding of his character change pls, idc about spoilers (already have everything in AS spoiled for myself T_T)
also dark emo and "lame" yoosung needs some love and affection too! someond take care of that bby pls!!!!
also somebody give jaehee a break, she's literally working the ENTIRE day and finishing off at midnight??? cmon
also Saejoong (if that's how you spell it cos idc) Choi can go stick his head where the sun don't shine, STAY AWAY FROM TOMATO BOY PLS GOD.
at this point I'm just waiting for suit to show up, and it's honestly making me anxious, heard the game gets a bit tough to get through when he comes in..
well anyways those are my useless thoughts while playing through this, thanks for reading!! also here's your cuddles and smooches for reading through all this crap :333 <333
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Smoothes and cuddles????!!!? You're spoiling me! I send back many many kisses and hugs to youuuu.
OH SO YOU'RE ON DAY EIGHT NOW HUH. AHAHAHA. AHHHHH. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE LET ME KNOW HOW THIS GOES FOR YOU. I don't know what timezone you're in but uhhhhh just get ready ahhhh.
I totally wish we could be with Saeyoung in this timeline too. I mean, like, I wrote a whole fic about it. He just is so good and so sad and so shattered and so deserving of love.
And I have quite a lot of thoughts on V in the AE! The thing is that V loves us in this timeline. He loves us a lot. And by the end of the route, he's really broken. Like, he's spent his whole life believing that he's not deserving of love; he's sought out people who will need him, because he's convinced himself that that's the only way he can escape from his own mind. You are the first person who makes him believe that he deserves more than that—and without you, he has nowhere to turn. He stays with Rika because he doesn't know what else to do—because she's the only person who's made him feel like he has a purpose in life—because he's convinced that allowing himself to wither away for the sake of someone else is the only option for him.
It's not your fault for choosing Ray, of course. It's never your fault that V suffers—but oh, he does suffer. He's broken and empty. He's in the dark and he can't see a way out.
Now, I do believe that it's possible for him to recover after the events of the AE. I think with time—and therapy—and some distance from his previous life—he has the potential to find himself again in this ending. I think there's hope for him (I really do)—but still: it's so hard to watch him fall apart.
Thank you so much for keeping me updated, my dear! I simply cannot wait to hear how you feel about day eight.
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dreamdropxoxo · 3 years
Ehehe ok by now I should be able to build some basic sentences again 😶 I needed a few days to say goodbye to Basket of Figs 😭 and also your last answer kinda overwhelmed me because you are so incredibly sweet and kind and omg I almost cried and was a bit of an emotional mess (in a good way). I’m most of the time extremely anxious that I may be super obsessive or annoying but then you gave me all these kind words and I was just.. wow *sobs* 🥺
Erm.. ok back to business 😊 I started reading One and Only and what can I say.. I LOVE it!! Of course I love it!! 🥰 Event though it's completely different from BoF with a different universe, different dynamics between the characters and it puts different aspects of Laurent’s and Damen’s characters in the focus but OMG (I’m using an awful lot of OMGs here 😅 ) it is soooooo good! 😍
I freaking adore the fact that Damen, Laurent, Auguste and Nik are all living together. The Nik/Laurent bickering is so awesome. Especially because at the same time they also do like and respect each other. In Chapter 2 when Nik pushed Laurent onto the couch next to Damen and just said „Now you can paw at him“ I laughed so hard. That was so so cute!! Laurent and Auguste are so wonderful together in that they’re both so very protective of the other. Oh I just live for them being like that! And when Nicaise stormed into Laurent’s office in chapter 3 - thus proving that he is alive - I knew I was in (fanfiction) heaven 🤗
And then of course there's Damen and Laurent!! Ahahaha whoever coined this „Dumbs to Lovers“ absolutely hit the nail on the head. They are so freaking oblivious and I don't know whether I want to laugh at them or scream at them. And the pining! OMG the mutual pining is so delicious waahhhh!! 🤤 I’m so glad I have another story where I can look forward to every new chapter!!
(happy) plush shark anon
My dearest plush shark anon 🥰
Your message made me so happy, you have no idea. I’m currently so occupied with university that I don’t get to do much writing and that makes me very sad and your message gave me a reason to smile. Thank you so much.
Your first paragraph just made me a gibberish mess. I got so emotional over it, because, dearie, don’t ever worry about being annoying or obsessive. Honestly, whenever you want, just write me a message about whatever you want to talk and I won’t ever think you’re annoying ❤️. 
I’m so glad you like One and Only. After BoF I needed something completely different and this slightly silly story about them was just the right thing to distract me. I enjoyed the opportunity to write about them being so comfortable with each other. The level of comfort and trust between them gave me the much needed sweetness to get over the end of such a long fic as BoF. (As you might see from my response I get very attached to the longer fics I’m writing and have certain issues with letting go 😂). 
Also, it makes me so happy that you like the Nik & Laurent dynamics in this fic, because I absolutely think that they have much potential as friends if they meet under the right circumstances. They’re both very loyal and protective while knowing that there are people out there who deliberately hurt others (which is something Damen and Auguste both underestimate) and thus being guarded about who they let in. I think Nik and Laurent have something like a shared understanding that they need to be the ones to look out for Damen and Auguste 🥰.
The dynamic between Auguste and Laurent makes me happy just by existing tbh. That’s why I can’t let Auguste die 😂. I mean I have two younger brothers and I would do anything for them. I may project some of my own experiences and feelings on Auguste in the role of older sibling...
Damen and Laurent... their dynamic here is first and foremost a friendship so deep that they don’t have many secrets between them. Understanding each other blindly and trusting the other without reservations is something I only found in very long friendships or very long romantic relationships so far. The time factor is of essence for their current level of comfort with each other. And, since we’re talking about a soulmate AU here, I wanted to show how dependent on each other they are. They actually trust the other to take care of their needs without saying so explicitly and the fact that this works out perfectly makes their love so obvious to us and outsiders (like Nikandros). But to them it is just what they were always working towards as friends. It wasn’t something that happened from one day to the other and it didn’t result from physical attraction. This came later (at least on Damen’s part) and isn’t the central element of their dynamic here at all. Actually, Nik is only so exasperated because of the sexual tension and not because of their relationship. If they weren’t so attracted to the other on a physical level (and Damen complaining about it to Nik 😂) I think not even Nik would be annoyed by them. 
So much to my rambling about this story 😂
I honestly sometimes lose control over my fingers and then it ends in such an answer... I hope you don’t mind 🥰. Thank you so much for telling me all these nice things and for giving me the opportunity to ramble. 
Have the nicest week and all the flowers and fun you can get ❤️ 🌸 🌺 🌹 
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moonraccoon-exe · 7 years
I think I'm gonna jump in the gladnis stories submissions ^^ So. Reincarnation AU. Gladio is a highschool teacher. He teaches history (many ppl think he teaches phys-ed due to his size but nope he's a history nerd). One day in a new school year one of the students in his class caught his attention. He's blond, wear glasses, has pretty green eyes, and scored the highest on the entrance exam. Maybe they don't remember much about Before, maybe they do. (Continued to part 2)
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*heavy breath*
First off, so GOOD you’ve jumped into the Gladnis story-sharing-with-Raccoon sort of thing. I often see you in my activity, but rarely speaking, so when your entries came in I was like “*insert gif of kermit flailing*, because it’s 1. someone I know, 2. A GODDAMN FANTASTIC SCENARIO, seriously, I don’t know what my favorite part of all this is, I am- *breathes* *fans self* I am so excited pajsdposdjf
Reincarnation. Finally, living peaceful, normal lives where nobody is majorly injured or traumatized. Getting the rest and the happy lives they deserve. Awmanyes :’)
Gladio as a history nerd, YES, PLEASE. I imagine he’s still a bookworm reading every damn second of life, so no wonder he’s a history nerd. I imagine him having lots of historic-novel themed books, aw. Also a teacher? YES PLEASE, UGH.
Imagine the first time Iggy and Gladio looked at each other. 
Class starts, teacher comes in, he greets as chill and positive as always, leaves his bag at his chair, puts the hands on the desk, looks up to his class of this new year’s course and-
-there. In the first row. Sat on the very front, one of the many new kids. Must be fifteen, there were Gladio’s twenty three or twenty four (or were you imagining a larger age gap, friend?). He’s in the school uniform, but he makes it seem a thousand times more elegant than it is. But he added nothing to it; it’s just…the air to himself. The hair in a fringe that feels so familiar. And a pair of glasses, and…a few, subtle dots on the face, birthmarks, and…
Eyes. Green eyes. A special kind of green. Not particularly outstanding in beauty itself, not a strange or odd sort of green, it’s not the color, it’s the…aura in those eyes, something familiar and…
Ignis. This is Ignis.
Maybe it’s the first time Gladio remembers some glimpses of his past life, when he looks at Ignis and the glance triggers in him a couple memories. Glimpses of his past life, his role, his duty, his memories…and most of them, related to these very same green eyes. The same green eyes that he always loved. The same green eyes he saw vanish and die. 
So, fleeting glimpses of his past life flashing before his eyes and recognition of the soul in this student, Gladio is currently in shock. All that he’s doing is stare eye widened and maybe even pale at this boy. 
And this boy is staring back…with the same look of shock.
Eventually and forcing himself to stare away because he’s realizing he shut up mid sentence only to stare with a look that could be easily confused as horror at a student, Gladio continues his introductory speech, and when he reaches for the chalkboard to write his name, he hesitates because…
Gladiolus. That’s my name. But I am not- I’ve never known any Gladiolus…I’m trying to write my name, but I forgot it. All I want to write is Gladiolus, but why? That’s not my name. What is my name, how did I forget? Just write your goddamn name…
Imagine if both know and understand but none talks about it, precisely because they’re afraid of being triggered into romance with the age gap and roles and how inappropiate that would be. Like, both know there is a huge love inside each other, both know that their Person, their One, is this, so they’re scared that as soon as they touch the matter of their past lives they just let it go too far.
So they spend three years of high school in silence about it, and just enjoying to meet the new Them. Their present Them. 
Ignis studying, a bit flustered each time he looks at his teacher and very guilty because he shouldn’t feel like that, Gladio teaching, feeling the same, but not making the situation awkward. Reining back their wants, but not forcing themselves to avoid each other. Just being friendly teacher-student with normality.
And then Ignis has to leave for university.
Aw man noooooo Iggy don’t leave(ಥ﹏ಥ) I mean, yes, it’s going to be very healthy for both to have a time to breathe and it’ll be amazing when Ignis comes back, but it must be a little sad for both to say Bye once school is over paojsdposjdf 
I imagine an eighteen/nineteen y.o. Ignis standing in front of Gladio, and both are acting shy, not sure if this is the appropiate moment to say “Excuse me, I think I know you from my past life, do you remember too or is it just me?” But the moment never comes. Only awkward and sad goodbyes and thank yous. 
Aoajpojsdf when Iggy comes back AWYES
“Sorry I’m old”
“No, you’re perfect. I’m glad I can see you now.”
*raccoon has heart attack*
*raccoon dies*
That bit killed me. Murdered me. And I happily accept this death because YES. Aoja aaaahahahaaa *ugly sobbing*
Poor Gladio, must see Ignis in the freshest of youths, and must feel old in comparison. It’s not like he’s sixty, but compared to young Ignis, so new, skin so clear, body almost new…gods. Gladio must feel rough and not as soft and not as this and not as that.
And then Iggy comes in, to take his hand, to caress his face, to kiss his shoulder, and make him feel gorgeous. As gorgeous as he really is.
Ignis is asking him if THIS is how he used to look like in their previous lives, because
Older!Ignis literally had no idea how Older Gladio looked like, he was blinded much longer before he could see that version of him, so he never saw him, apodjposfjs
I am
I JUST UNDERSTOOD THIS IS IGNIS ASKING IF THIS IS HOW PAST GLADIO LOOKED LIKE (fuckingdammit I coulda have understood sooner was english my first language, sorry!!!) AND FINDING HIM GORGEOUS AND I’M-
this is ending me ;A;   ]]
I love that young Ignis here is taking the first step. That makes it so honest; it’s not the older man lying eyes on a much younger one to take to bed, this is the older man lying eyes on a much younger one with sincere feelings, but a bit scared of his reaction, only to find out the younger one likes him back the same way, feels the same way, and asks him not to the bed, but to a date.
Imagine all their love life afterwards apjsdpodjfdsopfj ;A;
All the dates. The funny pillow fights. Young Ignis in his lap, curled against him to sleep, while Gladio reads. Holding hands. Evrything, ohmygod.
Like, life at the Citadel had it rough on them, and while they did were in a relationship, it eventually died because of Gladio being expected to marry someone that could give him a blood Amicitia, because of Ignis’ decision on just getting away to stop feeling pain because he knows their love is just a passing thing until Gladio has to marry somebody else, then dying during WoR, then while they’re free to get back together after Noct’s sacrifice because the Amicitia’s duty died with the king, but the world was cruel and, by that time, Gladio had already married, so they never told each other “I still love you” in all those years of darkness, nor in all the years afterwards, nor in that life-
-and NOW they…they….they get their chance. Finally, after literally a lifetime, they get to be together. Finally. Fucking finally, after so long. After waiting for a lifetime. After looking at each other from the distance for decades.
But now….in a life free of harm and dangers, they get to finally live the lives they wanted and were previously denied. (ಥ﹏ಥ)
*uncontrollable sobbing*
Aopjdsjfsfp, with how close they were in their previous lives, Noctis and Ignis MUST be school partners.
Imagine it was Noct who helped him study for the entrance exam. Scared bullies off. Showed him around school…and was who convinced him to sign into history class with some certaint eacher.
And imagine if he meets Prompto’s new life at university thanks to some scenario like, he’s going around campus, trying to find his way, and a guy bumps into him because he was walking backwards, and this guy, a little clumsy, starts apologizing and
“I wasn’t seeing, I’m sorry! I was so distracted trying to find the best angle for a photo and- hahaha, sorry, buddy! What is your-…”
And, after some moments of staring, both yelp each other’s name out. They just recognized each other.
THANK YOU FOR SHARING, THIS IS SO PRETTY, asjdspdfjsodpfjsf, if you’ve got more I’d gladly read you!! ( ´ ▽ ` ).。o♡
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