#i don't draw women often so this was nice practice
thedailydescent · 3 months
underrated claudia moments?
Soooo many. These are just from the top of my head:
-When Louis starts shouting at Dreamstat and Claudia barely looks up, like "Oh Louis is Louis-ying again whatevs". Bonus points when she dumps the bags into his hands afterwards.
-When she's so excited about finding a vamp she doesn't even care that Louis hurts her while setting her shoulder, and jumps up swinging the arm around while stumbling around him still talking. She's so excited and optimistic in this scene in a way we haven't seen since 1x04. I can picture Delainey joyfully narrating in 1x04 while trying to discover as much as she possibly can.
-When Louis and Claudia are talking about getting a "hard meal", and we cut to Louis and Claudia walking towards their new flat. In the previous scene she was wearing boots, and in this scene, she's in the exact same outfit but in heels instead, clearly stolen from her "hard meal". I like that in this season she's trying to find a look that works for her and is experimenting, as you can see in her fashion drawings she keeps above her coffin. And I believe this is the only time in the series we see her in heels? (tap dancing shoes don't count). From a Doylist perspective I can understand: they want to keep Claudia looking as small as possible so the actress can still look like a child, but from a Watsonian perspective I think that while Claudia is stylish, she is also practical and realistic. She can't travel, explore, and protect herself as well wearing the form-fitting dresses and heel lengths of the period.
-When she throws down the man in the murder mansion scene and shouts "Yes!" It makes me so happy for some reason :)
2x03: "What do they know about Cincinnati?"
-Claudia was openly sarcastic in this episode which was both great and sad. "Birdie looooves the breeze" (I can never watch that awful performance again but I remember that line delivery) There's also "Still dressing your windows for your German tourists?", "Sounds like a line", "Tell me again how Sam licks the stage after every show, and I'll tell you a job I'd rather do", and "Tuan could play the part".
-I hate the scene for how upsetting it is, but when Armand shoves her into the wall you can see her clasping his wrist while numbly looking down before looking up and widening her eyes in shock at the treatment. It's a nice bit of acting from Delainey- like there's this automatic tendency to check out whenever someone puts their hands on her, but her realization that it's coming from Armand of all people, the one she thought herself safe from what with him being with Louis and by I'm guessing not showing any violent behaviour until now. Despite the warnings from Santiago and Sam about Armand, it's still a shock.
-The way she just stabbed that girl through the neck into the wall with scissors lol. Almost a nice callback to 1x07 when she stabbed Antoinette through the heart (I think?) into the floor. You team up with awful men as a woman to attack women, you're getting stabbed with a sharp implement.
-Her reading "How to Win Friends" while Madeleine's reading her diaries. Then insecurely looking up from said book to say her younger writing may come off shallow and uninsightful. Claudia she's reading your victim's last words lol.
-"Pull up a chair. Let's start again." The way she says it too how many times has Claudia had to be the grown-up here??
-That look she gives Louis that says a thousand words after he says, "Does it matter? Got the result".
I'm not ready to rewatch that episode yet (or ever), but I loved Claudia's manic, disbelieving laugh when Lestat says some bs about her "being an artful predator, just like me". I also loved how she kept glancing at Madeleine every so often during the trial to see how she was doing, and I liked when she put her head on her shoulder after she gave that speech about it never being about her :(
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majorbaby · 1 year
Aside from being a Potter hater, I really do think it's a shame we lost Henry because McLean Stevenson was a comedic heavyweight not just as an actor but as a writer, giving us The Trial of Henry Blake and The Army-Navy Game. He was unafraid to commit whole-heartedly to the bit, and while some of Henry's heroism in Trial was probably McLean's positive bias, I think it was nice that we got to see Henry's competence as a doctor shine through despite his incompetence as a CO. On early MASH, this was the sign of a heroic character, so it falls neatly in line with what the narrative was trying to tell us anyway.
"Your boss is not your friend" but Henry didn't want to be anyone's boss and he doesn't appear to be suffering any delusions that he's any good at the job. He wants to hang out with the cool kids, Hawkeye and Trapper and do the things they do: get drunk, fuck around, practice medicine and dream of home. I can't think of a show that's replicated the Henry-Trapper-Hawkeye dynamic.
Any time Henry tries to use his rank, he ends up flat on his ass. Women reject him for it, Hawkeye and Trapper pull fast ones on him, and he never lives up to Burns and Houlihan's expectations anyway.
At one point Henry muses aloud to Hawkeye that he might be getting to do more interesting work as a doctor in the war than he was doing back home. I think this is one time I can actually stand to hear the other side of it. What Henry is expressing here is a disillusionment with comforts of upper-middle-to-upper-class suburban life, a very How did I get here??? moment for him if I may say so. And a pretty normal thing for him to feel.
I like how Larry Gelbart imagined Trapper might've responded to a similar hypothetical:
REPORTER: Do you feel this experience has in any way helped you as a doctor?
TRAPPER JOHN: Let me ask you a question: just how many people you figure’re going to be carried into my office someday with a chunk of shrapnel sticking out of their heads? I don’t know where you live, pal, but where I come from very few folks ever step on a landmine in the middle of trying to cross the street.
Instead of Henry coming to this himself, we have Hawkeye to shoot him down immediately, and good on him for it, but those kinds of initial reflections on the state of one's life are the first step to doing something about one's dissatisfaction. For a character like Henry, who isn't often moved to do anything that pushes him outside of his comfort zone, I like this as some depth for him. And I would've liked to have seen him stay on and be proved wrong, you know, without him dying on the way to his beautiful house, beautiful wife etc.
I also think McLean would've handled the shift from the more comedic to dramatic moments masterfully. We already see pieces of it in Sometimes You Hear the Bullet and Abyssinia Henry.
And most importantly we lost something when the incompetent draftee CO was replaced by the on-my-third-war-ex-cavalry-man-and-damn-proud-of-it guy. There's an assumed 'respect' everyone, even Hawkeye, is expected to afford Potter if not for his rank, then his age. This is the opposite of what was done with Henry, where Hawkeye and Trapper openly flouted the notion that they should respect Henry because of his rank.
Like even if Trapper had stayed on and continued in his unquestioning support of Hawkeye's campaigns, I don't think that would've flown with Potter unless the show was willing to make him the butt of the joke the way that Henry sometimes was and indeed there's not much evidence of it ever happening post season 4. There is that one episode where he gets high and the gang ferry him back and forth to get him to requisition supplies - which was great, and very Henry-like but I can't think of many other examples.
Because MASH was progressive for it's time, it's very interesting to see where it draws the line. It didn't do great with race, it was so-so with women all the way through... but these things seem pretty obvious and to some even forgivable on account of "it's the product of its time". I think another limit for the show was the treatment of the highest-ranking officer on the base in the later years. Henry vs. Potter - Henry who the show had no problem trampling over and Potter who it very politely tip-toed past, resulting in some comparatively lukewarm and dated statements on authority. When it comes to Potter "Your boss is not your friend" is something Hawkeye, BJ, Klinger and Radar all need to hear.
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helluvabun · 6 months
Val's daughter Headcannons 2
Darker edition
TWs and A/N: mentions of grooming and unhealthy relationships. Mentions of eating disorders if you squint. This was written in one go at 2:30am. not proof read. I can't stop thinking about her. She has my heart. (I'll edit her name in whenever voting finishes I just couldn't wait to write another tiny something for her)
Part one
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Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ I don't see incest being a problem but Valerie does have an unhealthy attachment to her Valentino, including talking about XXX topics
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ She does also still do things like call him 'Daddy' and 'Papi, sitting on his lap, and kissing his cheek, but neither see them as an inappropriate gestures
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ She's only been in one serious relationship that wasn't a publicity stunt by Vox, and ruined it by being possesive (texting 500 times a minute, calling over and over) Otherwise just prefers sleeping around, so much that it's part of her branding
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Due to the mix of her dad's power and being half succubus, she does accidentally manipulate almost everyone she finds attractive without thinking. She thinks everyone just happens to also be attracted to her
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ She works with Vox as an actress, working in horror films primarily as the bimbo sterotype. Since it's Hell horror movies are primarily... practical effects. And she's the most extreme masocist ever. This combo is the main reason she's so popular
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ She's is a nepo baby to the bone. Very nice girl but what's the big deal about having a soul contract? Didn't you choose to sign it silly? On the plus side any souls she have are very well taken care of, Mainly being used as attendants, makeup artists, and 'besties'... if they're not completely left alone to go about their life as normal
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ She definitely thinks lolita is a love story
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Because of seeing the women Valentino works with, and due to off hand comments her father made (never about her but about his employees), she had alot of body insecurities during puberty and still now (though now she handles it a lot better)
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Valentino doesn't mind seeing her flirt and hook up with men; They often go to the clubs together so it's impossible to avoid. He does draw a line at Vox, and doesn't have patience for men who keep pushing after hija has already said no.
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ It wasn't normal to be a child in Hell, so she was pretty lonely, which she copes with now by being the life of the party
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whiskersz · 7 months
Hi, if it's ok, I would like a Hazbin Hotel matchup, please?
I'm a nineteen years old bi-ace AFAB (She/they pronouns) with a preference for women, kinda short (5'2 I think, it's 158 cm anyway), I usually like to wear button up shirts with sweaters, generally really large ones, but my favourite piece of clothing is a very long jeans jacket full of patches and pins; I occasionally also wear T-shirts, but mostly if they're baggy enough.
I also have kind of callous fingers, because I play violin, though I'm not sure whether this might be important.
Anyway, my friends describe me as an introvert that becomes pretty crazy when opens up, I also really like doing dad jokes.
I don't talk much, I prefer to listen (also because I worry about annoying people and being made fun of), and I struggle a lot with self worth, like, I often don't like myself much, and I always feel like I'm out of context with how I talk or interact.
I also have the physical strenght of a noodle, but I love giving and receiving hugs, or, well, simple physical contact is just so nice.
I really like writing, reading and drawing, or just chill and listen to someone else talking, I also really like books, TV series (especially cartoons) and musicals, and, lately, I've picked up baking.
I don't really like playing the violin, or doing physical activities, and being put at the centre of attention makes me feel very uncomfortable; I'm also not very confrontational, so I have a tendency not to discuss unless prompted to; another ick are loud noises and rough textures in clothing.
Yes :)
Hey there! Of course it’s okay :)) Let’s see...
You were pretty easy to match with someone, for me! I feel like you would work perfectly with...
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While you’re more on the introverted side, Charlie is much more extroverted; she’s awesome at getting people to open up, her sweetness and cheerfulness are contagious! She absolutely loves your crazy side though, laughing at each and every joke that you make, and she’s also very proud of you when you eventually manage to open up with her friends at the Hotel.
She would do literally anything for you, which obviously includes reminding you every day of how worthy of love you are. Since you love physical contact and she does too, you guys make a little promise in your heads of giving each other at least a hug every day, and the fact that this never changes and that none of you two breaks the promise throughout your relationship is very sweet!
As I mentioned, Charlie thinks you’re amazing, so every once in a while she prepares a little surprise for you in your shared bedroom since she knows you tend to struggle with self worth; she gets the bed all cosy, prepares a TV series or two since she knows you love them, and a couple snacks for you to chew on as you watch. Or, she gets you something that she knows you will appreciate, like new baking or art supplies, and writes a little note where she reminds you how amazing you are in not only her eyes but in the eyes of everyone at the Hotel!
All in all she’s just very sweet and gentle, offering you a lot of comfort whenever you’re doubting yourself even though she might get a little clumsy with words if you ask her to say what she feels out loud! You think it’s endearing, though.
She knows how much you loathe playing the violin, however whenever she hears you practicing, she can’t help but stop in her tracks and listen carefully, loving the melody. If you complain to her about your hands being calloused, she will respond that this only shows how much of a talented violinist you are whilst she holds them close to her chest and smiles at you.
She watches musicals with you for sure, memorizing all you guys’ favourite songs so you can duet them! Something tells me that it takes you a while to get the courage to sing in front of somebody else...well, Charlie is going to give you time, but when you’re ready she’s barely going to be able to contain her excitement!
Aware of your distaste for physical activities and of the fact that you’re not very strong physically, Charlie does her best to shield you from the Angels’ attacks during the Extermination, even relying on her powers in case you get severely hurt. But don’t fret, with her by your side that is very unlikely! If after the fight is done you mention to her how cool she was protecting you, she will dismiss your compliments and blush, saying that it was the least she could do for you.
You and Charlie are, all things considered, a very wholesome couple, and your relationship relies on voicing your admiration for each other and soft acts in general.
Additional platonic matchup!
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Rosie is very kind and loving to the ones she considers friends, such as you.
If you present to her with a problem, she’s very likely to offer you a listening ear and then give you advice on how to solve it, whilst reminding you that you’re capable of overcoming it yourself. In fact she hates seeing you in low spirits, so she’s going to try her best to lift them up.
One of her hobbies is cooking; while it’s not exactly the same to baking, I headcanon that she’s pretty good at that too! So while your girlfriend Charlie can be a little clumsy in the kitchen, Rosie can even give you tips on how to improve. She might try to lure you into adding...rather strange ingredients in your sweets, but as long as you tell her no she’s going to understand that, well, her preferences aren’t everyone’s!
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fromrosepetalcottage · 11 months
Wabi sabi life
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Photo by Sakagura London.
I've been thinking about the Japanese practice of kintsugi as seen in ceramics, as well as the sashiko mending technique in clothing. Kintsugi encompasses the concept of wabi sabi. Wabi-sabi is the view or thought of finding beauty in every aspect of imperfection in nature. It is about the aesthetic of things in existence, that are “imperfect, impermanent, and incomplete."
Is this not something that we can apply to humans in all our imperfections, psychic wounds new or old, bodies easing into "vintage" years? I read something on a Japanese website that translated the concept in an accessible way that really made me think of how wabi sabi could apply to us, especially as older women. To quote:
Wabi sabi is a beautiful way to describe what is natural and pure and to acknowledge the beauty of any substance or being in its most natural and raw form. It eliminates the rather Westernized concept of artificial beauty and idolizing a state of perfection that is seemingly unachievable and unnatural. The western world has made the concept of beauty into something that is becoming more and more refined as well as more and more unachievable with each passing day and it distorts the idea of natural beauty and accepting the flaws of existence, however, on the contrary, the Japanese belief and concept of wabi-sabi embraces just that and allows the people to be more accepting and open to embracing the beauty of flaws and rawness. Source: https://www.kyoto-ryokan-sakura.com/archives/191
I can't be the only person who scrolls social media and is dismayed by the ubiquity of certain types of selfies. There is a depressing sameness of makeup, hair, expressions, poses. A famous actress once said that adolescence was the time of life when young people had to prove their individuality by looking exactly like everyone else. And that's what social media has become. Extended adolescence on a worldwide scale. Even influencers targeting a mature crowd seem to have fallen into the look alike/dress alike mold. Style blogs that are supported by retail outlets spotlight similar fashions, and while some might link to different size ranges, few share resources that help women understand their shapes or unique natural coloring, leading to a different type of clone wars.
As the Japanese point out, in the West our idea of beauty is something that is so airbrushed and Photoshopped into perfection that it's often unrealistic. A friend and I recently had lunch then stopped in a local IG hotspot to shop and get a couple of snapshots. A nice bystander took a few photos of us, but I was dismayed to see the unfiltered evidence of my current age. I look old, was all that I could sputter. As my friend pointed out, I'm pretty good with editing software and apps, so after a little tweaking, I uploaded the best shot later. But that reflex has nagged at me a little. I don't like looking older, but it's my reality. I am 64, although I could pass for late 40s on a good day.
In the Western Hemisphere, as well as the U.K., the idea that youth is best reigns. When I was in my 20s, I learned that once you hit 30 you were considered over the hill in Brazil. Maybe this idea came from ancient Greece. During the Classical period, idealized sculptures had perfect proportions, but also illustrated the Greek's belief that people peaked at about the age of 18 or so. Even a sculpture of Zeus, king of the gods, might have depicted him as an older man with flowing hair and beard, but Zeus still rocked a body that would make Arnold envious. Over millennia canonical artists have continued to use youthful models. However, the two years of art school that included life drawing classes with nude models ranging from fit and young to older and soft taught me to look differently at bodies.
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Model mama, art school, 2002.
For whatever reason, I had an easier time drawing bodies that had a surplus of "fluff" on them. Students weren't supposed to have contact with our models, but our class threw a shower for one. She had taken a maternity leave and on her return, still obviously hadn't lost any of the baby weight, but it didn't matter. Her Rubenesque curves were a delight to try and capture on my drawing board. Unlike some of the young guys in my classes, for me there was nothing sexual about drawing an unclothed body. I saw light, shadow, lines, curves, textures. It takes a certain kind of bravery, and maybe some healthy vanity, to model nude for a studio full of strangers four days a week at universities and art schools around the county to earn enough to live on. This woman gave no fucks that she was considered large in that pre-body-positivity era. Her body had functioned beautifully as it was meant to. She brought a healthy baby into the world. The abundant curves of her abdomen and hips were certainly evidence of their recent use, and she was still breast feeding - again her body was functioning as nature meant. What society might consider imperfect served not only her child, but also students looking to refine their technique in depicting the human form.
We all have some type of imperfection whether visible or invisible. Childhood wounds to the psyche aren't always apparent, although the effect of physical wounds remain visible or physiological in limps or twinges. Our culture pushes near perfection via magazines, films, television programs, and online influencers who seem to want to sell us something that will bring us closer to that elusive goal.
I have another friend who is fond of saying that we already have all we need inside us. While meditating this morning, that thought drifted into my consciousness. I was focusing on wholeness and trust - self trust to be exact. I've made so many mistakes at this point that they could be used as examples on how NOT to live. But I'm ok, and I do have all that I need externally. I have a job and good friends. My home isn't the fanciest, but I have a comfortable place to lay my head at night, there is food in the pantry, and there's good reading and music at hand. Experience has been a tough teacher, but instead of being broken my body has mended the external damage, and the practice of meditating and journaling has helped to salve the emotional wounds.
As those thoughts came to me after I finished meditating, the concept of wabi sabi surfaced. Beautiful imperfection. The kintsugi technique is the repair of shattered pottery and then using gold leaf to highlight the lines where the vessel had come back together. The jagged lines aren't seen as flaws, but as something to be cherished and the gold makes a treasure of the piece. Sashiko mending involves using decorative stitches to patch or darn a spot on a garment that is fraying or has developed holes. The technique has come into fashion in the West with people becoming more conscious of sustainable clothing. Rather than disposing of a worn garment, repair it and add a personal touch that is a thing of beauty in and of itself. I tried sashiko on the elbow of a much loved topper that I was wearing at work every day. The technique salvaged the piece and kept it out of the recycle bin.
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Sashiko source: https://perennialstl.org/event/boro-sashiko-mending/
After a pretty traumatic road accident the same elbow on my body had to be stitched back together, along with some other spots. The stitches didn't quite heal right, and 12 years later, the scars are still there on my arm. Maybe they're my personal kintsugi, although it's not possible to apply gold leaf. The scars are evidence that I am still here, still functioning - got motion back - and I'm still useful. I'm broken but unbowed.
I believe that anyone who has made it this far is going to have some internal or external damage; it's natural. Life is not perfection; life is messy and if we just accept that we can't control everything, it's a bit easier to accept the occasional mess and imperfections. While I certainly have things I'm still working on, things that are in my sphere of control, the rest is what it is. Like the kintsugi vessel, my scars are golden. If you've read this far, yours are as well...
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bigsquid7 · 5 years
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jeanne d’arc alter sketch 💦
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Which legends can draw
Okay for the record anything made by Horizon is very cute and in that weird liminal space where it isn't bad but it isn't good, almost Avant garde but with that touch of Mom™ that means if she does a little doodle on her kid's lunch bag they'll probably keep it.
Does that make sense? I don't care.
Anyway legends that can ACTUALLY draw.
Short answer: Bloodhound, Wattson, Bangalore, Rampart, Seer, Fuse, Valkyrie.
Long answer:
Bloodhound: Probably the best out of them all. Particularly good at animals, but has an almost eerie ability to capture people in pencil, almost a photograph without being photorealistic. With animals and people they have a knack for catching that one piece of movement that just makes them feel alive. This is because of many, many, many many hours spent alone in the wilderness, on hunts or other expeditions. They leave little notes by drawings of plants to record what is and isn't poisonous and have actually sent in some small sketches to help with identification of rare flora and fauna to scientific boards in Gaea. Most of their notes in their sketchbook are the little things they notice about people and animals, though.
Bangalore: Canonly she got like a B in art and I just see her super stylized. Not award winning, but bold. Uses really harsh, dark lines and is one of those people that instead of starting out with too many light tones starts out way too dark, but eventually develops a really interesting style similar to old-school comic books. Would draw for her little cousins but not really for her family members. Reflecting her style, her favorite thing was to draw comics even if she didn't read them much. She figured out she was gay when she realized she wasn't drawing naked women to "practice anatomy".
Wattson: This is also canon if you read the lore book, but spending a lot of time on her own with almost complete control of what she did with said time left Wattson to learn, well, whatever she wanted, and one of those things was how to draw. She got a couple tutorial books, looked it up on the internet, and developed a clean, methodical style. One of those people where she says something is a "sketch" and you kind of wanna punch hit her but she's too damn nice. She tends to draw on the "cutesy" side of things, looooves to draw chibi-like characters. Will often use drawings to cheer Wraith up in particular. (Wraith has kept every single one). She's not very good at drawing anything but people and clothing, and her cat, but she's trying to branch out.
Rampart: Yeah it's canon, I know. Street art to the core, main method is spray paint and it started because of all the cool tags and art she saw in Gaea growing up. When she started doing it herself instead of being mad about it, her parents made her promise not to get caught more than twice. They actually got her art lessons, too. They bored her to tears, but they were helpful. Anatomy always comes out a little wonky though. Did find out she liked acrylic so she will use that. Used to make a little side money doing window paintings for Christmas.
Seer: Art was a method of expression and stress relief for him. It's really out there, somewhere between Picasso and Dali most of the time, but he can do some really intense human figures-think Alexandre Cabanel or any intense emotional figures in art in the 19th century. It's mostly a therapy thing for him and a test of skill, so a lot of people don't know how good he is at it. Loba has one of his pieces on her ship.
Fuse: Got into drawing because it was an easy way to goof off during class without getting caught. Style lands somewhere between Bangalore and Bloodhound really-there's a lot of movement and life in what he draws, and he can whip it out real fast. Half drunk drawing on a napkin can be a very cool sketchy vibe, prefers urban landscapes and people and will typically add dialogue or titles he finds funny to his drawings. Maggie used to make fun of him for it, but when they got older she actually got him a sketch book one Christmas and he really went off with it. There's a very "homey" feeling to his drawings, and he's always happy to sketch something for a friend. Has never been shy about sharing his stuff. After Maggie died, Bloodhound told him to try keeping a journal to help process his thoughts, and it's turned into half journal half illustration of his day, feelings, thoughts, etc. Bloodhound is the only one that's ever seen inside that particular journal. Similarly, he's one of the only ones, besides Loba, that's seen their sketchbook.
Valkyrie: I can kinda see her into drawing, but strictly anime. Not because she's Japanese or anything but because she gives the vibe of some kids I knew in high school who were like, really good at art, but only anime art, and soon as they stepped out of that it was like anatomy had fallen with the Roman empire and everything just kind of looked off. This isn't meant to be a bad thing I just see her very, very specific and not one to branch out from that particular style or develop one of her own. Really good at stylized landscapes though, and is in fact overall very good at converting any person or thing into a sort of anime style (I don't know enough about the different ones to specify).
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Ekphrasis in The Danton Case, Thermidor, and their adaptations
Ekphrasis is invoking a piece of visual media into a literary piece. It can be done for a variety of reasons, from entirely pragmatic (mostly grounding the literature in reality - if the invoked piece is a real piece of art, one you could find in a museum, for example) or more poetic (drawing some symbolic meaning between the piece of art and the idea behind the text).
In Przybyszewska's plays ekphrasis is nonexistent, at least on the foreground. I don't recall any clearly established visual, given to the readers by the original author. It's not weird in any way - how many pieces of medai do you recall which refrain from its sophisticated and additional piece of subtext and iformation? Hundreds, probably. The only other artistic thing that she has weaved into her plays is La Marseillaise, which is invoked twice in The Danton Case. There are also three book references to Othello, Orlando furioso and this one book Robespierre summarizes to Saint-Just when he's talking about hatred (but of which I have no idea if it's a real one - it probably is - or not). Other than that - nothing, plus the books count only a little, forekpfrasis should be, as I said, visual in nature.
Of course, the historical aspect of her works is what grounds them in our reality, and so cleverly, too (seeing as they're not really historical plays in any way or form, but manage to fool most anybody). And thanks to her extensive stage directions, we have no need of any additional element helping us visualize the scenes, for she does it perfectly enough on her own.
However, seein as these are plays calls for a mirror ekpfrastic effect and thus theatrical and cinematographical adapations are born. And they, on the other hand, have a potential to be filled to the brim with visual refernces. Here I would like to have a look at a few, which are taken from one of the most well known staging and the famous Wajda movie (plus some). In no particular order, there goes:
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This is the very first scene of a controversial theatre adaptation of The Danton Case. Instead on portraying Robespierre as a firm leader, who only in the very end collapsed temporarily under the huge responsibility he now had to bear, the director decided to portray him as someone physically weak, not in the sense Danton meant when he called him a weakling, but in the sense of somebody who already bears so much responsibility, pain, physical ailments, doubts and whatnot. Just: everything, everythin a human could possible deal with, he deals with, and has to do so in a way that doesn't make people suspiscious about his "shortcomings". There is a interesting parallel between him and Saint-Just, whose upright and unbreakeable character is symbolised by a neck braces, something which people wear after a spine endangering accidents - and incidentally, wasn't it Saint-Just who accused Robespierre of "breaking his spine"? But not in this adaptation, oh no - here their very last scene is cut extremely short and they recite the last few sentences along with some Thermidor lines as two floating heads, a vision into the future which awaits them.
Enough about Saint-Just, though, let's focus on Robespierre and Marat. I must admit I know next to nothing about him, only what some passage here and there in this or that historical study might tell me, but I know, as does everybody, that he was known as L'ami du Peuple, which is why of the reasons, I think, why the director took this image and transposed it onto Robespierre: to make him even more likeable, to show for the umpteenth time that it is Robespierre whom we should cheer on and whom we should feel sorry for. This might also be a parallel between their both's tarnished health, their premature deaths and - last but not least - the role of an icon of the Rvolution both of them play in nowadays' audience's minds. You don't have to study history to knowwho Robespierre was, you don't have to study art to know this painting. Even if you don't agree with some more in-depth explanation of linking this person to this painting, it is a good opening image. It captures our attention in a good way.
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I had mention Saint-Just and there he is, in the background of the picture, symbolically assisting Danton and his clique in their last moments. Instead of shwoign them in torn shirts, the director went into another direction altogether and enshrouded them in white sheets from heads to toes, making them all look like very stereotypical ghosts, whom they will all become in just a couple of moments.
In Polish culture, the first thing that comes to mind when talking about ghosts is Dziady, an old slavic tradition that is now replaced with the Catholic All Souls Eve. Dziady is no longer, apart from perhaps some small minorities who still practice old pagan faiths, but as a ritual, they are immortalised in a play by Adam Mickiewicz, undoubtedly the greatest Polish poet ever. Everybody know this play, some scens - by heart, and they were and are being staged pretty much constantly from one point on. Needless to say, they inspire a lot of art, and I decided to show this very fmous poster by the most famous Polish poster designer, Franciszek Starowieyski…
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…who is important in this case, because he played David in Wajda's movie.
Not many people know - because his other carreer overshadowed by a lot his first one - that Wajda was a painter. Who actually hated his art, some of his pieces are in the national museum of contemporary art in Łódź alongside stars such as Władysław Strzemiński (the hero of Wajda's very last movie), which is a fact he absolutely detested. I dont know, nor do I care, why was that, because what matters is his previous education as an artist at the very least helped him not only to envision the visuals of the movie, but also acquainted him with great works of art. On which he could model this or that setup. I think it's a nice little detail he catsed Starowieyski as David, a real painter acting as another real painter, it adds a layer of reality onto the movie, and presumably makes for a more natural acting in the few scenes he was in his studio (I also think they look alike).
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Speaking of David's studio, I once stumbled upon a lecture which drew parallels between some scenes in the movie and some paitings, which was mostly focused on character and costume design, and truth be told didn't contribute much to the overall watching experience of Danton. However, I must admit the lecturer had a very good eye in this one particular case, in which he pointed out that this quick shot in David's studio pretty obviously invokes the Fussli's The Artist's Despair Before The Grandeur Of Ancient Ruins. I don't think it's a coincidence (or at the very least, would be funny if it were) this shot is shown during the scene where Robespierre starts to grasp at desperate measures to save the country/save his own face in the trial. It is an artist's despair, only artist of a different kind. And it is a despair when being faced with a (possible) ruin of something great, even if its greatness is not yet formed, as opposed to the greatness passed.
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The very last example I was able to think of was this photo I found of The Danton Case from 1975. It is one of those old, very classical (I presume) adaptations, which are mostly filled to the brim with riddiculosly attractive people and very often deliberately drew from other sources of artistry, like the one pictured above. No matter what the real relationship between Louise Danton and her husband was, in the play it is portrayed as something atrocious, and I cringe whenever directors try to make it something else without good reasons for doing so, so I am very glad in the past at least they stuck with classicaly depicted acts of violation against women, not because it is a violation, but because in the classical stories (like the myth of Persephone shown in the sculpture above) the woman will usually get her revenge. Just like Przybyszewska's Louison did.
Thank you for bearing with me until the end, and if you have any other examples of this come to your mind, I compel you to share them with me!
List of pieces of art in the order of their appearance:
Jacques-Louis David, The Death of Marat
Franciszek Starowieyski, Dziady
Jacques-Louis David, Self-portrait
Heinrich Fussli, The Artist's Despair Before The Grandeur Of Ancient Ruins
Gianlorenzo Bernini, The Rape Of Persephone
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rainbowsky · 4 years
Hi. So on twitter I keep finding these x/z fans calling out #bjyx fans saying we are disrespecting him. I'd really like your take on that. Don't worry I'm not an *nti in disguise. I genuinely feel myself get hurt when I see solo x/z fans trash bjyx fans. I mean every BL fandom has had fanfics where they depict one male in a more feminine type role - I know this cuz I've read a shit load of #tronnor & #klaine fanfics. I don't understand the hate. I just don't.
I can totally understand GG’s fans being annoyed to constantly see him infantilized, feminized, diminished etc. by BJYX fans.
I personally find it annoying and offensive. Not only are fans always depicting him as basically a woman, they are also constantly physically shrinking his proportions in photo edits and fan art to make him appear much smaller and shorter than DD, when in fact DD is smaller than GG in almost every proportion. He has a smaller body, he has a smaller face, he’s shorter.
They also often photoshop GG’s body to give him feminine proportions; a smaller waist, a bigger ass, etc. and draw him in women’s lingerie and clothing.
It’s disrespectful and dehumanizing of GG.
It would be one thing if it was just the fan fic and fan art (which are fair game), but it’s everything GG-related. Not just the art and fic, but the discourse. He is constantly being referred to as a woman, the wife, etc. diminished and feminized. He is frequently assigned the bottom/sub role in their relationship - and not in a fictional context, in people’s actual interpretation of their IRL relationship. For so many reasons, which I’ve talked about at length again and again and again here, it’s offensive.
Fem/androgynous/twink gays have their masculinity dismissed and are constantly spoken to and about in derogatory and misogynistic terms. It’s not OK.
I think there’s a huge amount of homophobia at play in these situations. There seems to be this desire for people to heterosexualize the relationship between GGDD and impose heteronormative roles upon it. There seems to be an utter lack of respect for GG’s gender identity, pronouns and gender presentation. There seems to be an oversexualization and dehumanization of GG and DD that isn’t present in heterosexual CPs.
So, Anon, while I don’t think hate is the answer and while I don’t think that fan wars are ever in anyone’s interest but those who would seek to tear GG and DD down, I totally empathize with XFX who get upset about these depictions and characterizations of GG.
I don’t really know what the solution is. I think people are going to practice their fandom however they please, and it’s not for me or XFX to decide how others approach things. But at the very least I would encourage people to do a bit of reflecting on how they are interpreting and characterizing GG and DD, and always remember to put GG and DD’s humanity front and center in everything they do, say and think regarding GG and DD. 
Barring that, it would be really nice if people would at least label and tag their comments so that people can avoid things that offend them, just as BXG on Twitter preface their thoughts with ‘CPN’ so that people who aren’t into hearing about someone’s romantic interpretations can scroll by.
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grimoireofwritings · 4 years
Headcanons: The Magic Knight Captains & Their Art Styles
Just some random idea that came to me today while reminiscing on what the Captains do in their free time. I began to picture how it would play out if each of them were instructed to show us their art skills! Here's what I came up with.
Captain William Vangeance:
This man is not too bad at art! He doesn't put a lot of pressure on himself to make perfect sketches and he has low expectations for himself... So he mainly considers it a hobby set aside for his rare moments of leisure time. Since he's so chill about it, his sketches come out looking nice when he's more relaxed. This is usually the case since he prefers using his bird journal - he likes to bird-watch and put together little drawings of the winged friends he sees while laying all content out in his garden. He's no prodigy but his hand-eye coordination is pretty good and after years of practice his birds and trees turn out pretty impressive. Very embarrassed if asked to show people though.
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Credit: Found in a "how to draw" guide.. no name
Captain Nozel Silva:
He prefers appreciating sophisticated art made by others.. and really doesn't care much for making it himself. If he draws anything, it'll usually be rushed - as he knows he's got more important matters to focus on.. Still, he is capable of putting together a sketch every now and again of something simple. Usually plain posable objects. At the end of the day, he's not really a big art freak and even at a nice art museum he gets bored after an hour or so.
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Credit: unlisted. Message if you know where it's from!
Captain Fuegoleon Vermillion:
He likes art, a lot! Like William he's no prodigy, but it makes him happy so that's enough for him. He prefers to paint, and his subjects are often women, focusing on anatomy because he enjoys exploring movement / dimension through bodily posing. He likes painting silhouettes that are dancing and often have flowing clothing, or hair. Definitely focuses on the beauty, passion, and artistic self expression side of it. He isn't as open about it because Mereoleonna poked fun at him for it so much and he'd rather not deal with any of that again.. but people who know about it always talk about how he's quite talented.
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Credit: Anastassia Orehova
Captain Yami Sukehiro:
He's listed in the manga's assorted questions brigade as the #2 ( Behind Rill) judge of artistic style and taste! He's got an excellent eye for art, and he can be really creative medium wise, but I still feel like he's a bit too lazy to sit down for a long time and really commit to a canvas or sketchbook. He doesn't find it rewarding enough for his attention span.. but he seems to be pretty good at making simplistic, cartoon styles really expressive.
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Credit: Olga Shvartsur
Captain Rill Boismortier:
He is ALL about color, vibrancy, and bold presentation! His paintings are always so full of vivid life and brightness, it's clear to see he's a person carrying a wondrous imagination and endless creativity. Everything he's made seems like it's bursting with optimism and excitement, as if the artist couldn't contain himself. He is extremely versatile and can tackle almost any subject, which is super impressive for his age. His one flaw I'd say is that sometimes his paintings, despite being gorgeous technicality wise, can get a little busy or cluttered as he struggles to not get carried away with all the different expressive ideas he comes up with. He's still learning!! ( Bonus headcanon: Rill has a mandatory weekly art class set aside as "training" for the Aqua Deer magic knights.. Everyone attends regardless of their actual interest levels because nobody wants to handle seeing Rill devastated that people didn't show.)
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Credit: Svenja Jodicke
Captain Dorothy Unsworth:
Pretty self explanatory? She's a kawaii sailor moon theme anime waifu. All her drawings are magical anime girls... But they only appear in her dreams, so nobody knows she can draw well!!
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Credit: source link to deviantart page was a removed account 😭 please lmk if you know the artist
Captain Jack the Ripper:
Nobody wants to talk about Jack's art. He doesn't wanna draw and nobody wants him to draw. Anything he makes is simply a cursed image, no questions asked. He's got the artistic skills of a grade schooler... And even though he can be somewhat creative, the fact that there's always some kind of disturbing / violent undertone incorporated within the picture... It just looks like a demented child's drawing.
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Credit: could not find name but it's a canvas displayed in "The Museum of Bad Artwork" labelled as "The Butcher" and tbh that makes it even more terrifying
Captain Charlotte Roselei
She's listed in the top three WORST artists / judges of fine arts in canon... Which is interesting to me, lol. I think she probably stopped trying a long time ago after being teased for how her stuff turns out, lol. She tried drawing or painting and would get frustrated with her inability to create an image she's picturing in her mind.
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Credit: could not find name but it's a canvas displayed in "The Museum of Bad Artwork"
Captain Kaiser Granvorka:
I don't know a whole lot about him tbh but I know he is also listed as an excellent artist next to Yami. I think he'd be really into sophisticated art! Kinda like Nozel but far more dedicated and passionate about it. Still-picture images, but he finds a lot of joy in shapes and objects, and messing around with shading.
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Credit: unlisted. Message if you know where it's from!
And that is all my friends!! I am still trying to hunt down some art credit for these images, some were on Pinterest or just unlisted altogether. I'm gonna put them down once I come back and edit this post when it's not 3am 😂 plz let me know if y'all can help me out with that. I know there's an online site somewhere that's made for this but I forgot what it's called???
This was a lot of fun to make though. If you disagree or have thoughts, feel free to reblog or come chat in my ask box! Goodnight luvs 🥰
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helpicant-stop · 3 years
Tommy, exile arc? Please?
Okay. {:
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[before you continue on - please reblog instead of liking ! it boosts the piece and likes kinda do jack shit on tumblr lol ]
tommyinnit's exile arc follows 1930s fashion for two reasons :
in my mind , new lmanberg's fashion is late 1910s-1920s since the roaring 20s often symbolises liberation and freedom [ also jazz pog ] . the flip side is the 40s , which is pogtopia's style , and is literally wwii era . the 30s was the great depression , and 1934 specifically was when the hays code - a censorship code on content - was released . see what i'm getting at ? ?
1930s fashion looks really classy and i thought it would be cool to turn that on its head
some notes / headcanons i made while drawing :
i made sure tommy was made of purely circles and triangles , since squares usually symbolise stability and security , and exile!tommy absolutely is not that
tommy used to roll up his pants for practicality , but eventually just ripped them off
i used clothing from multiple different years in the decade to show that he was starting to care less about cohesiveness and appearances . it's a really small detail and probably barely noticeable but i liked it at the time lol
considering how his hair got drastically longer during exile , he was never motivated enough to style it , so he kinda just put a headscarf on and called it a day .
fun concept : antarctic empire era tommy began putting his hair in little ponytails and buns , and started braiding actual nice-looking pleats during his atrociously brief healing arc . he learnt how to do it from niki during the classic l'manberg era {:
near the beginning, he used to shield his face with his sleeve during explosions , but eventually started doing it less and less . D:
going back to the coat thing , 30s coats were made with the " superman " silhouette , with large shoulders and tapered legs . the coat is like ten sizes too big , so instead it has the opposite effect and makes him look less sturdy if that makes sense lol
tommy is drawn in pogtopia!wilbur's coat a lot , so i drew one from 1939-40 , which happens to look big and bulky and makes it super moody .
i usually give my drawings a lot of contrast , but for tommy i gave him a bunch of neutral colours that like blend together into one mildly disgusting hue just to make him look more d u l l y'know
smiley face pupils to symbolise dream
bitches be ignoring that tommy canonically has a scar on his skin so i drew it . it's from the first l'manberg war , and the weird patch on his neck is from the dream duel that never fully healed [ physically . and yk what probably emotionally too ]
he used to keep things in his pockets , but dream kept on taking them , so eventually he just stopped
the little rectangles at the waistline used to hold a belt . it got lost one day , though , and he never bothered to find it
l'manberg patch on the coat 👁
your tubbo compass 👁👁
clothing notes :
the coat is from late 1939
the shirt is loosely modelled after a 1933 fashion plate of children's jersey shirts
the pants are loosely based off of boys' wear from the era , specifically from 1934-35
the shoes are 1937 children's shoes , but the colour is based off tommy's minecraft skin and probably isn't very accurate .
i looked at a bunch of women's magazine covers where they wore headscarves , but my main reference point was from a september 1930 issue .
his socks are actually just bleached 1925 spatter dashers . they're made of wool and are super warm , so even when he lost one of his shoes , he rarely got cold . his upper body [ especially his head ] is a different matter . fun fact : bandanas aren't exactly the warmest material , even if your hair is absurdly fluffy . mans fucking freezing out there
Don't repost, steal or edit any of my art!!
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dreaminpeaches · 3 years
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(Welcome to the daydream drawing board, a tag where I share some my newest ideas not all of these ideas will be thought out--mostly just quick points-- but it's just nice to have them some where...oof)
TW: angst, mention of domestic abuse, child abuse, alcohol mentioned, father mentioned, bullying and guilt...
(Be sure you're mentally ready, you can come back later or take breaks while reading, it's kind of long...oof)
The most recent concept I dreamed up is about a couple consisting of a reformed/"retired" highschool bully/jock who falls for the new nerdy woman in town, this paracosm is mildly inspired by A Silent Voice, Bojack Horseman and Strange things (but only like a little bit)
He was the high school quarterback and star player
He was super popular and everyone wanted to be around him
His fave after school activities where smoking under the blenchers (after practice), going out to parties, making out with hotest girls in school (usually the new girls), bullying the weaker "outcast" kids, flirting with older women into getting him and his friends alcohol, and other dumb jock stuff
Beau always made fun of the weird nerdy kids; giving them swirlies, stuffing them in lockers, hiding their belongs (glasses, inhalers, backpacks, calculators, handle gaming devices etc), and throwing a few knuckle sandwiches at them on his worst days.
Beau bullied other because he had a rough home life, his father was abusive and usually came home angry and would take out his anger on the family (, mostly Beau's mom)
Beau's parents had him at young age, Beau's dad had big dreams at becoming a famous author but had a hard time getting his books picked up and blamed his career failures on Beau
Beau would try to protect his family from his dad's outburst but the only person he could protect successful was his little brother, Devin.
When Beau would try to protect his mother he would get brutally beaten by his dad in process, sometimes he would get hit so bad that he blacked out, because of this Beau's mom would tell him go to the treehouse and take his little brother with him in hopes they wouldn't hear their parents fight
In the treehouse, Beau would read books to Devin to distract him from what was happening, one of Devin's favorite books was "Is there a horse in your house?" A simple book about looking for a horse in a house, Devin would always find this book funny and hearing his little brother's laugh made Beau feel better, so Beau wouldn't mind having to read it over and over again. (This was back when Beau was in early middle school and Dev was in kindergarten)
Beau and Dev knew it was "safe" to come out, when their mother said dinner was ready, but there would be some days where they end up sleeping in the treehouse and waking up to their mom telling them breakfast was ready and they had to eat quietly while their dad slept
It was in middle school, Beau started to bully other kids, he liked the power and feeling of being able to fight someone and win, to be the one to be feared instead of being afaird, it was addicting
Football became a better way to cope with his feeling but he still bullied none the less.
Football was the only time where his dad wasn't as much of jerk, it was almost like Beau's dad was felt like an actual father when watching football, and being on the football team was an achievement his dad was actually proud of beau for, so thanksgiving and super bowl season was a somewhat peaceful time
Around sophomore year his mother finally got away from her abusive husband, soon after Beau's mom fell in love with a nice man, who actually cared about her and they got married and had a daughter together who became Beau's little sister, Carrie whom he loves dearly..
Beau is super over protective of his family (protecting both his siblings from other bullies, ironically), to the point where even when his mom found a new lover, Beau still keep his guard up and because of this his step dad is kind of intimidated by him
Beau was able to bond with his step dad over cars and mechanics, a topic Beau was obsessed about since middle school because he would dream of building a car that would be able to drive him and his family far away from his father as possible without stopping
Beau's step dad owns a gas station/mechanics shop, Beau would help out in the shop on weekends when he was free and occasionally steal beer for parties.
Despite his bully/typical jock persona Beau is actually quite patient especially when it comes to younger kids
Due how stressful her home life was, Beau would take it upon himself to look after his little brother and do chores around the house when his mom was unable to, he would even cook dinner and breakfast (a skill he learned to do at an earlier age compared to his peers), his dad often called him a "Sissy" for doing so..
Beau never asked for allowance, since his family was kind of tight on money he felt bad for asking, so he just took lunch money and allowance from the kids he bullied. Money would go to grocery money, money to buy gifts for his mother/brother, money to help with rent , or money just to buy the new NFL game or some alcohol or cigarettes.
In his high school days , sometimes when Beau didn't want to deal with his dad/home life he would crash at friends place or stay over after a party but he would call up to make sure his little brother/mother/sister were okay
Beau started smoking on a dare, when he realized it kind help ease the mental pain, he started doing it for real (same with drinking)
Even Beau liked to drink, he never drove drunk or let his friends drive drunk, if was a party mostly consisting of his friends he would try his best to be the sober one to drive everyone home
Beau was set to be a big football star once he graduated highschool he even got into an ivy league school, but there was something stopping him from focusing fully on his studies, (that and the fact he kind of cheated since he let the nerds he bullied do most of his homework since he didn't have time or just do lazy to actually do it himself in highschool), so he ended up flunking out
During the time he dropped out his step dad needed an extra hand at the shop, so he thought might as well go back home
At first Beau thought his family would be disappointed in him but they couldn't be more happy that he was back home especially his siblings
It was when he returned to his hometown that he finally realized what was feeling was haunting him this whole time it was the feeling of guilt he had gotten from being a bully for so long. Since most of his jock friends were busy with their college career, it left him with little to no friends in his hometown, Everytime he saw a familiar face around town it was usually one of his former victims, seeing them would give him a weird sick oozey feeling in his stomach, and it didn't help that his step dad ran popular mechanic shop that was frequented by the locals, the feeling of guilt got so bad at times, he would stay home from work but wouldn't really tell his parents why out of fear that they would hate him.
So, when Beau meets the new woman in town, Bonnie who works at the comic book shop/arcade/maid cafe, who becomes the only person Beau can talk to in town besides his family, and he starts to fall for her. He feels conflicted because this would be someone he would totally bully in high school, but shes really so nice and sweet to him, does he really deserve girl that nice, what happens if she finds out about his past, will Bonnie still love him.
Beau makes it his mission to try and make amends with the people he has bullied over the years, at first he does this on his own (with a little help for Dev whose middle school age now), without Bonnie knowing but one of the nerds used to bully kind of sorta also gets a crush on Bonnie and feels like she's too good for Beau, and tries to expose him for the "fiend" he is. This leads to Beau having mental break down when he knows Bonnie knows about his past, but she comforts him and accepts him for who he is, and helps him try to make amends with his past victims...
Some people accept Beau's apology right away (understanding his background), others take a while, some don't forgive Beau at all, which he respectfully understands, he was kind of jerk
Oof, this is prolly gonna be the most heavy paracosm I have if I continue it, but if I do post about it's mostly gonna be fluffy light stuff--nerd/jock dynamic interactions, along with toll/smoll dynamic interactions. OH by the way this paracosm is set in the 80/90s maybe early 2000s because they don't use smartphones in this paracosm it's mostly payphones, landlines, VHS tapes, DVDs and tape records (but I will use modern music if and when I make a playlist, so it might be a mixed timeline) also I don't have a name for this paracosm might edit one in later...
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milasartblog · 4 years
Gift for him
Disclaimer: The drawings that were used in this story were done long time ago, so i apologise for their quality ^^" (It was due to the reason of a too soon hype on them being a couple, plus a New Year theme ^^" damntheylookcringyabiti'msosorry><"). Still hope you will enjoy the story^^"
Usually days pass by without any calm and peace, but today seemed like the world wanted to stay in harmony for a moment. It was not that big surprise for divine creatures, but who would not be happy to have such days to spend for themselves. Michael and Lucifer were not an exception. After their duties, they decided to spend the rest of it together.
Lucifer: Really? Are you sure it was Gabriel?
Michael: Yeah, I was surprised myself. Maybe that situation with Gardener affected him a lot.
Lucifer: Or he just thought about how Cereza and Tom are close to each other. I'm sure that he is still not fully for us demons.
Michael: Just give him some time. Everything will be good.
They were walking along the street as they were chatting. The afternoon has already dressed up into the evening clothes and the street lights began to shine. It was pretty cool outside, but it didn't disturb angel and demon as what cold wind could do to them. While they were walking, Michael stopped for a moment and looked at the sky. Lucifer stopped too, looking at Michael.
Lucifer: What is it, Mike?
Michael: The sky is so beautiful tonight.
Lucifer looked up to see that the stars began to appear. While he was looking, Michael walked closer to railing. Lucifer soon joined him to admire the beauty of the sky closer. However, Lucifer payed attention mostly on Michael.
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Michael: I remember how we used to guess what zodiac sign was on the sky. And every time Gabriel was winning, as he was smarter than we. Or just had a good luck. And every time there was a shooting star, we made a wish.
Lucifer: Yeah, it was something.
He said with smile as looked at Michael, who kept looking at stars. He was so charming and dreamy at that moment. Lucifer's mind was stuck with one thought: how he is so pretty. Suddenly he remembered that he was having something for Michael. Lucifer hesitated at first to do it, as for divine creatures giving gifts to each other is not something common and practical. After all, they could get anything by themselves, with their powers. And yet, there were unpleasant moments that happened in their life, so why not to color it with a little gift? He felt a bit embarrassed to do it, but the decision was made.
Lucifer: Michael....
Michael looked at Lucifer, only to see that he was giving something while not looking. He got surprised for a moment.
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Michael: What is it, Luci?
Lucifer: It's a...little gift. For you.
Michael: For me? But you didn't have to-
Lucifer: I know, Mike. But I still wanted to do it. Those days were...not pleasant for all of us. Especially for you, and....i thought that this little gift can cheer you up a bit. Plus, just wanted to make something nice for you.
Michael looked puzzled and curious at the same time. He didn't expect Lucifer being like this. It made him worry about his state a bit. And yet he took a gift carefully.
Lucifer: Just don't get me wrong when you open it~
After such words, Michael began to guess what is inside. He couldn't understand what he meant under it, and yet he would not be surprised if the gift was something demon related.
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But when he opened it....his eyes got wide. He was not expecting such turn of event. Well, the gift itself was not a surprise, but who would expect that he will give this as a gift. The gift was.....the necklace. A silver winged one, covered with blue gems.
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Michael then looked at Lucifer, being stunned by such move.
Michael: But....why? I-I can't acce-
Lucifer: You can, Mike. It's all for you. I know you didn't expect it from me, as i usually don't do such things often even to a closest demon women to me. But it's true. When i looked at this necklace, i thought about you. Thought about how charming you are, kind, sweet, honest, in short words how incredible you are. And how i'm so happy to have such angel like you. Sure, not all demons and angels can agree with it (and honestly they can put their opinion somewhere deep down) yet. Still, i wanted to prove my feelings again like this, even tho it's simple way.
Michael looked at Lucifer amazed and stunned by such words. He knew that Lucifer was always sweet like this to everyone with whom he meets, but like this. It was unusual to him. In a bad way? Hell no. Nobody has ever told him such things, except cheering up words from his brothers. Especially like this. He smiled as tried to hold his emotions that were about to jump out of the heart.
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Michael: It's so sweet of you, Luci. I honestly didn't expect it. I mean, in such way. You really didn't have to. No need to prove me anything, love. But....thank you.
He dried his little tears as Lucifer smiled and put his hand on his shoulder.
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Lucifer: Nah, no need such teary moment, i still wanted to do it. Plus, if gifts like this make you happy, i'm more than glad to do it more. Like i said before, all for you.
Michael: Yeah, you're right. Sorry for my reaction.
Lucifer: No need to, all is okay~ Now, let me help you to put it on.
Michael nodded as carefully took the necklace out of the box and gave to Lucifer.
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It took only couple of seconds to put it on, so it wasn't that hard. When he finished, Michael looked at him as Lucifer looked back too, keeping his hands on Michael's shoulders. Seemed like Lucifer was even more charmed than before.
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Michael: How does it look?
Lucifer didn't say anything for a moment as caressed Michael's cheek.
Lucifer: Incredible, love. So incredible.
He said almost whispering as Michael blushed a bit. He felt a bit shy hearing it about him, and yet he smiled.
Michael: So as you, love.
Now it was demon's turn to blush a bit as he chuckled.
Michael: What's funny?
Lucifer: Nothing, it's just a bit unusual when angel compliments demon like this. Guess i will get used to it one day~
Michael: No, we will get used to it. Together~
Lucifer: Hehe, you're right~
They smiled as kept looking into each other's eyes for a moment and then, after couple of seconds, Lucifer kissed Michael.
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A sweet, long, passion kiss that can make a person not to pay attention to surrounding. And it was really like this as while they were having a sweet moment, fireworks sounded in the background. Unexpected, but so great moment, just in time. Seemed like some humans either had a party or tested new fireworks. As a minute passed, Michael and Lucifer stopped kissing, looking at each other, being speechless for a moment. Then Michael looked at the watch.
Michael: Oh, it's getting pretty late here, we should get back.
Lucifer: Awww, that soon?
Michael: You know how it is with us, sorry.
Lucifer: C'mon, love, we still have some time~ We can spend it somewhere together~
Michael: And let me guess, under somewhere you mean either your room or mine.
Lucifer: You know me so well, Mike~ So, what do you say?~
Michael thought for a moment, then sighed.
Michael: Only in exchange that you wake me up in time.
Lucifer: Of course~
He smooched his cheek as Michael blushed a bit, but smiled and together they went back to their world, spending the rest of the evening together.
And that's another story for our universe^^ Phew, that was long to write ><" I apologise for it, as i wanted to use all of the images here^^" I hope you will like the story^^
Lucifer and Michael belong to @wildstarfan and @milasartblog (both me)
Okaria et Feria belongs to @wildstarfan and @captainthane
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fairycosmos · 4 years
When i look in the mirror i don't see a pretty girl, i just see a young girl, and that's what people like and love, that i'm young. I can't help but think that when i, inevitably, get old, people aren't going to like me anymore, and what's more worrisome, i wont love me anymore bc i just come to believe that if im not beautiful(and that means young) im not worthy of people liking me or even loving me. And it's horrible, and i know its false, but i know that its true to some extent too.
:(( i think a lot of people can relate to that, especially other women. our worth is so often defined (in the eyes of others) by our youth and how conventionally beautiful we are perceived as. it’s a very empty way to view a person - to reduce them to such a natural and inconsequential part of their existence. overcoming the confidence issues and the complexes this sort of treatment gives us is often a life long task. it’s alright if it takes a lot of time and effort for you to grow into a level of self certainty that doesn’t depend on the opinions of those around you because you’ve been taught for so long that everything does. i think it’s important to begin with examining why you only feel you can love yourself if others like you - especially if they’re judging you in such a narrow way. you can see logically that their standards are baseless and nonsensical. and if they only value you for your looks, they’re not deserving of everything that you are anyway. there are so many people in this world who will like you for your heart, it’s not asking for too much or impossible to find. even if it seems like it is right now. i know it’s a LOT easier said than done, but i really believe that breaking out of this mind set and healing can happen even AS you’re processing hurt/anger/confusion + whatever else you need to feel. it’s alright to be upset. i dont blame you for the simple fact that it hurts. but just because you’re frustrated that ppl are so (for lack of a better phrase) brain washed by sexist ideals, doesn’t mean you can’t start questioning them and drawing strength from within rather from outside sources. there are a lot of women who talk about getting older as if it’s a very freeing thing. whether or not society is ‘happy’ about it, we grow and we defy everything that they expect us to be and at that point living is a radical act. but we go on anyway, we’re loved anyway, we enjoy the world anyway. because at that point we have learned enough about ourselves and about other people to know that there’s no wrong way to exist. because at that point, it just doesn’t fucking matter. you’re not going to feel the same way about your future as you do right now, once you’re actually living it, you know? the romanticisiation of youth is one of the worlds biggest lies. they just want us to keep chasing something we can never have. plus it’s a symptom of p*dophile culture, but thats a whole other conversation. in reality, we spend more time being middle aged than we ever spend being young - and even then we’re still learning new things, we’re still beautiful beings (beautiful by many definitions) - the world doesn’t end at 30. ultimately, growing up means finding more confidence in our words, actions and experiences rather than in superficial factors that are beyond our control. we’re able to do that because we can refer back to times when our character mattered more than our appearance. maybe right now, you’re just too young to see that like i am. perspective and hindsight will give you so much. and again, the world imposes this self hatred on us from birth, so of course it’s going to impact you. it may be a presence for a long time in the back of your head. but you don’t have to buy into it and you don’t have to view yourself through such a critical lens. if you catch yourself doing so, question where it’s coming from and whether or not it has any actual truth to it. can you trust the narrative enough to live your life by it? try to think about the people in your life, and what you treasure about them. i’m sure it goes way beyond how nice they are to look at or how old they are. anyone with common sense will treat you the same way. ‘worth’ really isn’t something that has to be earned, or something that you can lose with time. you were born with it, and you’ll die with it. but you don’t have to beg anyone else to understand that. if they don’t, it’s because their perception is fundamentally flawed and extremely shallow, so they’re the ones losing at the end of the day. it’s THEIR issue. and it’s not fair that you have to deal with it, not at all. but i really do believe in our own self growth showing us the solutions to our current worries. ppl are fucking mean and disgusting a lot of the time, but if they prove that they’re only around you cause you’re young or pretty, then that’s where you get to draw the line and distance yourself from that toxicity. which is a skill that takes some practice, setting your own boundaries, but very possible nonetheless. anyway so sorry this got long, i really hope you’re able to see that you’re so much more than your practicalities, and that as the years go by, you’ll realize it more and more. ALSO i got your other message and i’m 🥺🥺 literally blushing so much, you’re absolutely the sweetest. i’m honoured to be a comforting presence. i know how hard things are right now, but you’re really not alone. thank you so much for taking my words on board and for caring about my thoughts. take care of yourself and let me know if you ever need a friend ! ily 💖
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bangtancentricsblog · 4 years
war amongst the heavens
↳ this is my interpretation of the fall of lucifer
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❒ pairing: park jimin x reader, slight min yoongi x reader
❒ genre: re-imagined bible story, angst, some fluff
❒ alternative universe: biblical, modern
❒ rating: 18 +
❒ word count: 2.4k +
warnings/disclosures: i am a non practicing catholic, this isn't meant to mock religion or anything so please don't see it that way! Lucifer MC, michael Jimin, gabriel Jungkook, lilith yoongi, the fall of lucifer, GOD jin, demons Taehyung and Hoseok, biblical inaccuracies, non enforced gender roles again because who says women can't be kings? Jimin calls MC Luci(fer), MC flips flops between michael and jimin, betrayal, nothing too crazy promise, not edited, cameos from Lisa of blackpink and Johnny of NCT127
main ml • AO3
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“A fucking summons.” You scoff before crumpling the gilded edged paper. The gold glints in the low light reminding you of it’s sender.
“Why are you even considering it?” Yoongi asks.
“I’m not, it’s a summons. I can’t exactly turn that shit down!”
“You can, you’re just scared daddy will send Jungkook after you.”
“Listen here, you didn’t grow up with that punk. So keep your trap shut or I’m demoting you, again.”
“Oh please Taehyung could never take my role. He’s too ‘peace on earth’, which reminds me, why is he here again?”
“I won’t be replacing you with Taehyung, when I’ve got sweet obedient Hobi.” You smirk at him watching his feature twist in displeasure. It was a bit of a sore spot for him to be compared to the younger because for one Hoseok was easily more approachable. You didn’t particularly favor one over the other because they were equally good at their jobs. It was just that Hoseok was kinder in a way that most demons weren’t, he was beyond good really, easily collected souls left and right without the need of hellhounds. Had gotten them to follow him on sweet words alone, he was a dream really easy on the eyes too as were Yoongi and Taehyung but not someone you were personally all that interested in.
“Do it then, see if I care.” He sniffs eyes narrowing before he leans more comfortably into the bedding. The sheets are a black silk, something he often reminds you he likes, and one of the only reasons you often spend nights here with him. The smile that tugs at your lips is loving, the affection you hold for him is new to you especially when Lilith was as soft as he was.
Yoongi didn’t like being called by his angle name, though he didn’t seem to mind it all that much when it came from you, but only from you. You’re crawling into his lap cupping his cheeks and planting one, two, no three small kisses to his pouty lips grinning softly as his skin pinkens under your affection.
“I’m only teasing you, don’t worry about it, love.” You laugh, as he moves to rest his head against your chest kissing at the tops of your breasts.
“I don’t like that joke and you know it.” He murmurs.
“I do, I’m sorry but there’s something else isn’t there?”
“I don’t like when they summon you, you always see him and I don’t like it.”
“Hmm, it’s nothing you should worry about. I’m perfectly content here.” you smile softly kissing him again before sliding off his lap. He watches you shuffle around the room, throwing a sheer robe over your form if only to spare the lives of those who should lose their eyes for incurring Yoongi’s wrath. You have no shame, but why would you? A once celestial being is nothing if not perfect unless of course they were you. Lucifer they had named you, but the bibles of man had gotten it wrong, you were no man, but more woman than any other Yoongi had ever laid eyes on.
He’d once been married to Adam way before that whore Eve came about but he’d never been this happy. You didn't try to smother his naturally curious nature, hadn’t even batted any lashes when he’d questioned you in the so-called order of the world. It was oddly freeing, but so utterly overwhelming because you nurtured his curiosity. Had been more than happy to answer any of his questions, and had been even happier when he’d asked if it were possible to stay in hell indefinitely. But when he’d finally learned of the tale behind you being cast out of heaven he’d been angry, but you with your gentle tone and touch had quelled that anger reminding him that it wasn't worth his anger. After all your banishment had led him to you in the end and for that he was thankful.
“So will you go? To the meeting that is.”
“I will, but only to appease the old man. This’ll be the last, I’ll make sure of it.” you sigh finally deciding to get dressed, the quicker you go meet him the quicker you can officially cut ties with heaven.
The car pulls up to a building in the middle of the city that towers high above most of the others, and you can't help but grimace just thinking about entering it. Your driver Johnny peeks at you in the rearview mirror, a small hesitant smile tilting his lips.
“We’re here ma’am.”
“I know, I just need a moment.” you breathe, taking in deep breaths to settle the nervous beat of your heart.
“Perhaps it would’ve been better had the queen accompanied you?” he says still eyeing you through the mirror.
“No, the queen has more important things to attend to than this.” you laugh thinking of how annoyed Yoongi had been that you had explicitly told him to stay behind. Stupid summons, you think shooting Johnny a smile before sliding out of the car.
“Should I wait for you?”
“No, you should head on home, I pray that it’ll be quick.” you close the door behind you hearing the click, click of your heels against the pavement, then on the white marble of the floors in the building. Lisa sits at the receptionist desk, a gaudy thing that takes up entirely too much space. To the left is a fountain, it’s plain in design something you don't think about too much because who needed a fountain in the middle of a reception area. The elevators are to the left and just beyond that is a bar one that had been your home a long time ago.
“____!” Lisa nearly screams catching your attention as you wrangle your thoughts and pasting a warm smile onto your features. Though you had been essentially exiled from your home many of the angels who remained in heaven were still near and dear to your heart.
“Hey, it’s been a while.”
“It has, we should really catch up sometime. I know some of the others have been wanting to see you again! Did you have an appointment?” she asks quickly typing away at her keyboard and never breaking contact.
“Actually I do, I’m supposed to be meeting Jin.” you say through a tight smile, one that doesn't quite meet your eyes. She nods her head enthusiastically, gaze darting to her screen before meeting yours again.
“Oh that’s nice, he has mentioned how much he’s missed you lately. You really should come to the holiday get togethers, do you get the invitations?”
“I see, maybe they got lost? Can I go up or?”
“Maybe, if you leave your address I’ll make sure you get the next one. Actually I’ve just gotten a notice that someone will be escorting you, they should be here right about now.” she finishes as the elevator dings. It draws your attention easily as your gaze falls onto Jungkook who looks more like a man and less like the boy you left behind when exiled. His hair is longer now falling over his eyes curling inward, his suit is black a crisp white collared shirt tucked into his slacks, he’s missing a tie but he still looks good. The smile that splits his features is blinding, as you feel your own lips pull upward as he easily closes the distance wrapping you up in his arms. The hug is warm, a little too tight but still lovingly comfortable just like a hug from your little brother had always been. Except he’s firm where he used to be soft, his cheeks still hold a bit of their pudgy roundness, and his eyes still glitter like fallen stars, Jungkook has matured into a dashing young man.
“It’s nice to finally see you again.” he murmurs.
“You too Kook, Yoongi would love to have you over again.” you beam, playfully swatting at his bicep. “When did my baby brother grow into this? I almost didn't recognize you.”
“It took some time and a lot of work.”
“Oh, a girl?” he laughs motioning towards the elevator.
“No, I just have a lot of free time when I’m not working. It’s kinda hard being an archangel when you aren’t being a menace.”
“I’m married now, I don't have time to act like a petulant child anymore I do rule a kingdom after all.”
“Hmm, that sounds like something Yoongi would say. The ____ I grew up with started a whole rebellion, not just once either. My, my, my, the king of hell has gotten soft after marriage.” he smirks down at you as you huff lips parting to reply when the elevator finally arrives.
“M’not soft, I just don't have the time. Souls come in left and right, my kingdom isn't all torture and eternal damnation as they would have you believe.”
“I know, I just think it would be fun.” The rest of the ride up is quiet, but comfortable with no annoying elevator music to fill the silence, just the soft shallow sound of your breathing. You want to apologize to Jungkook, and not for the first time because when you were exiled he’d been left alone. Half his friends had gone with you and Namjoon had taken up the task of helping Jin clean up the mess you’d made. You just never know how to start, never know whether your words will mend his wounds or just further hurt him. Sadly you don't get the chance as the elevator comes to a halt with a ding, the doors slide open to an empty room just as white and blinding as the reception area.
“This is where you get off, I’ll make sure to visit Yoongi soon.” he chuckles, gently shoving you to get your feet moving.
You watch the doors slide shut on your brother, your heart aches when you think of how much he has grown in your absence. A knot forms in your throat, as you struggle to hold in the sob that threatens to slip past your lips.
“Surely you aren’t crying Luci.” Jimin laughs. The tone is light, playful even but the words wash over like a cold spray of sea water in the winter. Anger springs forth, spreading through your being at his overly friendly tone, the blatant disrespect he has for you, a king.
“Are we friends?” you ask voice even, mirroring his playful tone but lacking any warmth.
“I would think so. C’mon Luci, it’s been ages since I’ve last seen you, lighten up will you. Congratulations on your marriage, what was his name now? Lilith I think.”
“And it would be longer had God not summoned me, and how dare you speak my husband's name!” you spit, irises blazing with restrained energy.
“Luci, really we’re friends, more than friends even, we were lov-”
“ENOUGH!” you seethe, the heat of your skin is uncomfortable, a reminder that you aren’t in hell and though your power in Heaven is still astounding it’s nowhere near the level it would be in your kingdom.
“I was about to say the same.” Jin chimes, a soft almost loving smile kissing his lips. His gaze settles you, a sense of calm washing over you licking away the heat that had once wrapped around your form like a vice.
“____, my sweet ____, how I’ve missed you.” Jin whispers as he wraps you in a hug that reminds you of Jungkook’s. You can feel your body begin to sag against his, something that is alarming in itself because there are others in the room.
“Hello father, it’s been a while.” you say robotically.
“It has, how have you been?”
“Fine, everything is fine. Why did you summon me?” you ask skirting past the normal pleasantries.
“Well Jimin is the one who wanted to see you, I was planning a visit to Hell soon either way.” he smiles down at you kissing your forehead the way only a father does and leaving you and Jimin alone.
“How dare you?” you ask once you’re certain Jin can no longer hear you.
“Is it really hard to believe that I wanted to see you again?”
“Yes, because it's all your fault. I was exiled because of you.”
“It was for the greater good.”
“I trusted you, you were the one who started the rebellion. You were the one who gained followers, and I was one of them. I was willing to help you overthrow my father, because you were right, why should we bow to humans they are nothing. Do you know what their greatest gift is?”
“Not this again.”
“Free will, my father gave them free will so that they could forge their own paths but still punishes them for their choices. That wasn’t a gift, it was a curse, and I rule over them, over the souls of those unworthy of heaven. All because you got caught and put all the blame on me like some coward. No, not some coward, like the coward I knew you were but I was too blind, too in love to look past. Don’t you understand my life after exile is better than it was when I was an angel.”
“Better, you’re kingdom is nothing but misery. A kingdom of worthless souls damned to eternal suffering, how is that better than here?” he scoffs brow furrowed at just how laughable that sounded.
“My kingdom is flourishing under my rule, my queen takes great part in it’s betterment. Without him, we wouldn’t be anywhere near where we are now nor would I be the king I am today. What have you got to show for your betrayal besides a fancy rank? Gabriel was an archangel from birth, you were not.” you laugh feeling a prickle of heat at your fingertips.
“I would tread lightly ____, you’re kingdom could easily fall to ruin.” he mocks a smirk tilting his lips.
“That almost sounds like a threat.”
“And so what if it is. Heaven would crush your pathetic kingdom, you should be afraid. Your father still cares for you, even with your exile as does Gabriel but an archangel of my status doesn't need his approval to defend heaven.”
“I may not have started the rebellion all those years ago, but I have learned from my mistakes. I fear nothing, if you are seeking a war then a war you shall have but my kingdom, nor my people will lose. I will be the victor, and when it is all over, you will regret having betrayed me; because I am stronger than you will ever be.”
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‧₊˚♡ ·° let me know what you think! likes are appreciated but comments are a writer's lifeblood thank you for reading as always i hope you all have an amazing morning/afternoon/night! °·♡˚₊‧
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restoringsanity · 7 years
I could understand why the people who conflate fiction with reality don't like age-gap/abuse/incest ships, but what I don't get is the 'don't ship someone with their oppresor'. Are these people againts m/f, interacial or straight/bi relationships?? Because I've seen people practically advocating for segregation (especially when it comes to interracial ships) and I can't understand how someone could ever think that is a good idea. Idek if they are serious or is just a bad excuse to hate on ships.
i mean, the whole aging up discourse is just one more way to say women (and “”“women”“”) are degenerate sex demons. “even when there’s no room for sexuality, you go ahead and change the rules! are you just horny all the time? is sex the only thing on your minds? why do you like something so dirty and shameful so much?!” and then they wonder how women that are anti-abortion, slutshamers, victim-blamers, anti-sex ed, etc, can be like that. maybe look in a mirror before asking that.
I’m not super fluent in identity politics and activism speak, but -
Are these people againts m/f, interacial or straight/bi relationships??
Kind of. (Note: When I say ‘ship’, I mean the fictional concept. When I say relationship, I’m speaking of the real life equivalent.) Concerning interracial ships, they’re not disallowed (I think?), but rather considered mandatory. If you don’t actively choose to like the interracial ship, then you’re a racist. So, on one hand ‘don’t ship people with their oppressors’, unless it’s an issue of performative intersectionality. Up for interpretation, though. If it’s a m/m ship, don’t draw/write the person of color topping (because ‘thug’ stereotypes, somehow), but also don’t draw/write them bottoming (because infantilization, and also oppressive notions), and don’t you dare draw/write them like that.
Racism is a delicate subject, and we should be having conversations about it - but not like that. If we’re going to be talking about the issues people of color have to face, and you bring up ships, I’m going to stop talking to you. That is trivializing the suffering of millions to micromanaging inconsequential fictional content. Shipping isn’t activism.
Concerning m/f, heterosexual and bisexual ships - well, why don’t you ask our dearest radfems? I’m a feminist. I even believe in the wage gap, which makes me an ‘extreme feminist’ to some. I’m not a radical feminist, though. I’m currently quite disinterested in even having conversations with militant radical feminists.Their ‘a woman can never consent to sex with a man’, and ‘every instance of a woman having sex with a man is rape’, and ‘all men are oppressors’, their anti-kink and neo-sex-negativity bullshit has begun leaking into shipping discourse. Where do you think the whole ‘pedophilia’ angle is coming from? (So much of radical feminist rhetoric matches extreme conservative/traditionalist/puritan notion, point for point.)If you follow the logic through all flavors of discourse, you eventually realize that what ties a nice bow around it all is victimhood/victimization/self-victimization, etc. “Sex makes victims, so - sex is bad. Unless it’s between women.” (Mmmm, that pure, pure wlw content.) Because apparently victims can’t victimize each other. I’m certainly not calling all women victims. I’m not doing that. I believe women have agency - which is apparently a controversial idea to people who think ‘women can never consent to sex with a man’/etc. Why do you think TERFs don’t like transwomen and transmen? Transwomen are ‘male invaders’ and transmen have ‘internalized misogyny’. TERFs put themselves into a position of having to defend themselves against who they perceive as aggressors, from the outside and inside both. I’d guess it’s a form of selective hyper-vigilance (for a lack of better terminology).
shipping ‘incest’ -> ‘romanticizing’/’normalizing’ abuse, disrespectful/harmful to victims/survivorsshipping ‘abuse’ -> ‘romanticizing’/’normalizing’ abuse, disrespectful/harmful to victims/survivors shipping ‘pedophilia’ -> ‘romanticizing’/’normalizing’ abuse (CSA), disrespectful/harmful to victims/survivors shipping ‘age gaps’ -> ‘romanticizing’/’normalizing’ abuse (’power imbalances’), disrespectful/harmful to victims/survivorsshipping ‘a victim with their oppressor’ -> ‘romanticizing’/’normalizing’ abuse (oppression), disrespectful/harmful to victims/survivors
That’s the one angle, whenever a ship is criticized. It’s always decisively identifying a victim, and an aggressor.consensual kink (BDSM/etc) -> ‘romanticizing’/’normalizing’ abuse (sexual abuse), disrespectful/harmful to victims/survivors yaoi/BL -> ‘romanticizing’/’normalizing’ abuse (sexual abuse ‘tropes’), disrespectful/harmful to victims/survivors… and so on.
To what end? I don’t know. There’s just something about controlling people that is so, so enticing. No matter who you are - the concept of power is oh so tempting, and you’ll reach for it in the smallest of ways.
“My body, my choice” isn’t usually up for debate among radical feminists, unless it is. Too often the body in question is a collective one. Radical feminists have decided that women can decide for other women what to do with their bodies, and with their lives. Whether it’s a matter of sexual activity (kink/etc), identity (transitioning/etc), or career (stay-at-home mother), among other issues.Women are supposed to decide for themselves how they want to dress, because it’s their body - unless it’s catering to the ‘male gaze’. We are against slut-shaming, unless a slut needs to be shamed. We are sex-positive, unless the sex isn’t ‘pure’.I wouldn’t be surprised if the statement ‘pro-abortion, but only if the fetus is male’ has already been made.
As a feminist, it pains me to see that some feminist movements have become oppressive. As someone who endorses and supports the idea of social justice, it pains me to see that some extreme iterations of it have become a farce.
The whole ‘shipping discourse’ is neither an issue of feminism, nor social justice, or activism to me. It’s fucking embarrassing. More often than not (on Tumblr especially), it’s always about someone’s personal agenda, and what they want - and if they can’t have it, and if not everyone wants the same, they’ll fucking come for whoever wants something else.
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