#i don't know if v10 is even going to happen. and if it is i doubt it'll be 1) good 2) not the final volume
foxgirltail · 1 year
I think it may be good to remind rwby fans that maybe we shouldn't be buying official merch considering everything that's come forth about RT's mistreatment of their marginalized employees?
Like sure, gay character win. But real life actual people were underpaid and discriminated against to reach this point
Also the people who brought you this "win" may not even be working on rwby anymore, didn't a ton of animators quit or get fired?
Rooster Teeth doesn't deserve your praise or your money. The animators and vas may, but the company doesn't
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powertaco · 7 months
What are your thoughts on WR development overall and your thoughts on WR being developed/made canon in V10?
Ugh I am going to ramble about everything here I can feel it...well you asked for it. I apologize for none of it, and if you all hate me at the end well I don't mind.
Volume 6 and before are pretty much great. They go from kinda at odds to tentative friends, learning to trust, and rely on each other, best friends, pining over one and other and V6 was a loooot of WR for us to feast on.
Afterward I felt like it got sidetracked. There could be various reasons for this (in hindsight I feel like Penny being given a way bigger role so her death could hit harder is to blame for part of this because realistically how long has Ruby known Penny? A month?)
Even if you don't like the ship they're supposed to be canon best friends so I take personal issue with almost all of volume 9.
I think it was sloppy writing that didn't move the story forward, and even though I don't care about Bees I feel like they still got shafted since they basically were forced to confess to move things along, and them doing so made them miss out on the sister/supposed friend and her problems, and only showcased the worst sides of the relationship.
For example Yang let's Ruby scream at Weiss but only moves to do something when Blake gets yelled at. Blake and Ruby still have...less dialogue than Ruby does with Ren I think etc.
Jaune was too present merely because his entire deal took away from Ruby's imo.
I've said it before but frankly Nora falling and learning who she is away from Ren so when she sees him in V10 she's ready for the relationship is far more satisfying to me narratively.
Leave Jaune above ground so he has to deal with the fact that he thinks he failed his friends and they all died and let him learn from that experience instead.
This also doesn't take into account that Jaune's one interesting change in 9 (being old) is taken away via random deaging (although I guess this makes deaging canon and hey young maria this is how dwr can still win! more at 11!)
Generally when characters go through a volume you want some sort of arc for them to go and change through. Weiss gets none of that. Out of all the characters nothing really happens to her, and she doesn't change at all. She's just sad about Atlas. Neat.
There's no time for it just like there's no real time for Ruby.
In Ruby's own words 'gotta help Jaune right?' and they do. Ruby removes herself from the census, which is how its framed, and they stop to...help Jaune.
There are a few moments that are WR'ish in 9. The Nevermore summon, Weiss believing in Ruby, and calling her name first etc, but overall Weiss's main job is to backslide.
I said it before but in the market Neo, the perfect assassin is after Ruby, and they split up. Weiss goes 'gross nosehairs', and ditches her best friend who she already knows by that point is NOT doing well.
This is not Volume 1. This Weiss is not that petty, and she's literally had to manhandle corpses. The fact that she wouldn't stay near her canonical best friend, and leader is asinine, and only happens so she can be alone to meet the smith.
Even if Weiss can't help Ruby fight Neo she's an extra pair of eyes (and Neo doesn't care how crowded it is in the market), and just being there for Ruby can help.
With all that said RWBY is big into symbolism. When WR are together in almost all the side spin off material it means something. Manga Anthologies has them making heart eyes and flirting like every other page. Ice Queendom was a love letter to WhiteRose (precious?). The movies, etc.
When their weapons rest next to each other on screen like the Bees do? It means something. When their flowers break ranks to be near each other (and Weiss's flower is the lily please note)? This means something.
Ruby can stand and jump from missile to missile but has to wrap her arms around Weiss to stay seated?
If Chibi continues it's pattern of predicting things in the main plot then the fact that Weiss is the woodsman in the fairy tale means a loooot as in several versions of that fairy tale the woodsman marries little red after helping her deal with the wolf problem (which varies by the story).
They're the knight and princess for each other. Ruby comes into Weiss's live turns it upside down, and helps her change. Likes her for her genuinely and wants to be her friend at the start. Through this she changes the world for Weiss, and helps her grow, and Weiss in turn helps Ruby be the leader she can be.
But yeah I guess that's just friends things and they should date some guys they've had like a half a dozen lines with instead? I don't get it really.
She and Oscar punch each other in the face, and they talk about strategy. Oscar has a younger kid crush on her, and Ruby is awkward because that's her headmaster in this kids head. Oh right he went in for a hug she ignored. Peak romance.
Jaune and Weiss have almost no interactions, and when he saves her at Haven her response isn't to be like 'omg i love you' it's 'keep doing it i have work to do'. Are they friends now? Sure, but that's about as far as it goes.
It remains that outside of group hugs the only person that's allowed to initiate contact with Weiss almost all the time outside of battle is Ruby.
Ruby knows when she needs help and will guide her away when she needs it, but other people don't' touch Weiss unless she does it first because they know she doesn't like it...except Ruby.
I have tried to look at other relationships for them, and I honestly don't see them as realistic.
Even Penny would need a lot more development to make it work. I get that it's cute and wholesome but they've known each other for again a month, and Penny just defers to Ruby.
Ruby needs a partner and equal not a submissive enabler. That's a relationship you have with a pet, and not a person.
Now if Maria were young and hot that'd be different...
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Ruby and Weiss are partners. If they're allowed to have the much needed conversations they never seem to get, ie haven, ever after, Ruby's mom, everything, etc.
Then is it possible? Maybe. If they do go WR I suspect it'll be more hints, and slow ramp up until the final season.
I would expect it either on the eve of the final battle, or literally during it maybe as in Weiss gets feds up with waiting, and decides to do something about it.
More likely at this point is they'll both just end up single with maybe faint hints so fans can imagine what they want for it.
Would I prefer it if it was WR so the team can truly be family? Yes, but I don't even know if we're getting a volume 10 at all to be honest. The fact that it wasn't announced at the last festival, and we get an extended eppy, and then nothing after the last movie?
Not making me feel super confident. I could be wrong though. On many things. Except Young Maria.
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strqyr · 2 months
thinking out loud here, but... now with all of the beyond episodes out, i'm starting to wonder if the goal is to actually return to vale for the final battle.
for one, the final battle of the great war that lead to peace happened in vacuo, exactly the kingdom everyone is in currently. that's where the preparations are happening, that's the kingdom that everyone is primed to defend. but what i also find interesting about the great war battle is that the king of vale arrived with what are very likely to be the sword of destruction and the crown of choice—exactly the relics salem currently doesn't have.
then there's 'boba' and the very on-the-nose way of pointing that tai is doing something important in vale / patch that prevents him from being in vacuo. and like. it's the crown, right. or specifically, the vault that houses the crown; the whole point of the academies was to house the vaults that house the relics so that they would be surrounded by people capable of defending the academies at all times. and if the vault isn't at beacon—which is likely because salem hasn't found it yet, and at haven cinder points out how that vault looks way cooler than the one in beacon so what's the extra effort for, and i get the feeling it's not so much that any extra effort has gone to haven's vault, but rather that beacon's "vault" isn't really a vault to begin with—then obviously ozpin wouldn't leave it completely unguarded, but it also must be done discreetly as to not give the game away; and that's where tai comes in.
and because they made it so apparent in 'boba', it doesn't sound like a thing that's going to get addressed once they're done in vacuo and are ready to move back to vale, it sounds like it's imminent, something teased for V10 if / when it happens.
the king of vale had the sword and the crown. the resistance in vacuo is still in possession of the sword so that's accounted for, but getting the crown is a trickier problem to solve (if they're going for "ozma's side has the crown and the sword (like the king of vale did) while salem has the lamp and the staff" angle here).
enter 'the adventures of somewhat'. somewhat, in their cloak reminiscent of ruby's, talks to the red prince, who still has the scar on his face.
the red prince's purpose is to win the game. cinder holds the key to their victory. the red prince has sent all his followers away. cinder no longer has emerald and mercury by her side.
the red prince promises to help somewhat in their task if they beat him in the game. his purpose is to win that game.
"that doesn't seem very fair. what if my purpose was to win, too?" "such is the way of our life." "what if it doesn't have to be? i'm still new here, but i've met loads of afterans and people that have grown and found new things to do, even without going to the tree."
what if they don't need to be enemies locked in a battle they both want to win. what if it could be different: "who knows, maybe you could teach others to win. speaking of, i won! i think? i'm sorry."
with this little, simple conversation, somewhat left a somewhat of a big impression on the prince; and while he didn't join somewhat to keep his promise of helping them (that we saw of), he also dropped the tree leaves he could use to ascend.
and there was one less wrong thing in the ever after.
cinder holds the key to salem's victory. could she hold it for someone else—"maybe you could teach others to win"? could ruby get a chance to talk to cinder in the same way somewhat did with the prince, leaving an impression that gets cinder to change her mind? what if they don't need to be two enemies, pawns on a board, locked in battle?
the red prince promised to help if somewhat beat him in the game. they did. and i think this is something that might just happen with ruby and cinder too, and that's how the vacuo resistance gets hold of the crown.
all they need is a small team to head to vale to retrieve it, return to vacuo, and the grand stage of the final battle of the great war is once again set.
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blue-scorpion-king · 10 months
RWBY is not dead, just on uncertain waters at the moment.
I am getting this out there for you all in this fandom who are feeling uncertain and scared for RWBY right now.
And maybe in the near future this fall and winter.
Or maybe even next year, in 2024.
And spoilers for RWBY up ahead.
RWBY is not dead.
Rooster Teeth did not cancel it or else, everyone would have been talking about it and I would , even at an later date from that hypothetical, disheartening announcement.
I ain't all that worried from V10 from getting greenlight at RTX this year, which was last month from this post being made.
Why? Crunchyroll might have made a deal with RT on V10 being greenlit AFTER the RWBY X DC crossover movie's 2nd part get released.
I know that it is speculation right now, but that is a high possibility.
Alongside that Red Vs Blue is still going, Let's Play is still up, and they are still being talked about.
By both fans, non-fans, and haters.
Even with their failings and all that. They still have to make money at the end of the day and go for supply and demand, even with having to make compromises.
But, as it stands right now, as we are in yet another RWBY hiatus, as it is the norm, just a little more uncertain than the other hiatuses-
We don't really know.
But, I don't think we should be really be worried about RWBY being 'dead' just because
Do keep going at it at trying to convince RT to finish RWBY by releasing V10 and onwards, which could be finished in 2 to 3 volumes. 2 to 3 years I think.
And always remember what the message of Ruby Rose to all of the world in V8 did to its people, which got shown at the end of V9.
She brought hope to all of
Even in this uncertain time of fear, despair, anger and bitterness of 'what could have been' for this fandom, especially with the massively uncertain time when Monty Oum died 8 years ago (R.I.P. always), and business happenings that we don't know, that are not being said online, all of that-
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Don't give up hope.
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Even if in a decade or two, when RWBY continues after an hypothetical hiatus that spanned sooo long.
And perhaps the writing on the wall of RWBY being 'dead' or 'dying' was written by those who have given up and not given hope to those who want to watch RWBY and enjoy it for what it is.
Even when they have left the series.
Even with those who think hope is a dangerous thing and can drive someone insane.
And get an man's project finished for all to experience. I don't know the full vision of Monty Oum and I wouldn't pretend that I do.
But, his story getting out there and being understood and cherished, even with life's ups and downs, even with him being dead, is what I think he would want as he was making it.
And that's all I have to say on this matter.
So, we will continue to wait for the day we all have been waiting for and the revolution that Team RWBY and friends bring to Remnant against the walking *cancer* witch, that is Salem.
When that days does come-
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kitkatopinions · 7 months
Nitpick for Day #16
The missed opportunity of not having the girls shed some of the layers to their ugly (except for Ruby's) V7-8 looks is so so sad and disappointing!
All of them have at least some layers that they could've shed!
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Weiss could've lost the heavy blue puff sleeve jacket thing, the gloves, even the gray overcoat thing, leaving her outfit consisting of the white underdress with the belts. or even if she'd kept the gray-ish blue overcoat thing it would've looked better (and more white, which is her color) because the heavy blue sleeves would be gone.
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Nothing could save how ugly I think that Yang's V7-9 UPS mail delivery jump suit is, but she could've lost the ugly jacket and took off the zipper pants. It wouldn't save the look, but if they weren't planning to have her shed the layers of her outfit tell me why it looks like this in the first place. She's even got a white top on under the over alls, meaning she could've unzipped the overall portion on top and let it hang down like undone suspenders or something.
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Blake could've shed this ridiculous skintight jacket that doesn't even fit her, and stuck with the still ridiculous skin-tight catsuit.
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Ruby's outfit is the best looking among the V7 transformations (including JNR and Qrow,) but even her outfit has a layer she can shed in the form of the gray undershirt she's wearing. Possibly even the black corset top since she has that dark gray tank under it (I know the corset look is iconic to Ruby but A. everybody's always complaining about wanting simpler looks, and B. Ruby shedding a design element that's iconic to her in V9 would actually be good symbolically.)
Not saying that this is what they had to go with, but best case scenario, the characters would look better and it'd be a breath of fresh air that inspires the fandom to geek out about how smart the designs were for being transformable and tons of people would make fanart blah blah blah. Worst case scenario, the outfits don't go over well and you change them out in V10 since the girls are due for an outfit change anyway (though I'll be honest at this point I'm not really expecting it.)
I talked about wanting this to happen since V8 ended, and I was endlessly disappointed when V9 didn't include any scaling down of the V7-8 looks and I had to look at them in all their bad glory for an entire season more.
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effervescentdragon · 1 year
Since you asked a prompt for JB, may I interest you with princess cake with WAG!Nico?
You know what? You may, actually. This is for @colors-of-feeling btw just for being wonderful ❤️
Jenson puffs out a breath as Nico settles next to him on the bed, poking him in the chest with his elbow. He ignores Jenson, more interested in whatever he's reading on his Ipad. Jenson turns on his side, lays his head on his hands and just looks at Nico.
He just bought new reading glasses. They were insanely expensive, hand-made from some wood that's currently going extinct in South America. They look a bit ridiculous to Jenson, but Nico always tells him he has no taste for finer things in life. Jenson always replies "I have a taste for you, don't I," and it never fails to make Nico smile just a little bit, in the corner of his mouth, like he can't help himself. He usually rolls his eyes at Jenson, too, but Jenson still counts it as a win.
"Hey babe, I was thinking about something."
Just like Jenson knew would happen, Nico rolls his eyes and looks away from the Ipad, frowning just a tiny bit.
"I told you not to call me babe," he says. Jenson smiles and ignores him.
"Since I'm driving Le Mans this year, you know that means I'm racing again." Nico doesn't acknowledge him, waiting for the punchline. "Well, that also means that technically," he drawls, moving closer to Nico, "you are my wag."
"What." There is no inflection in Nico's voice, and Jenson can't hold his chuckles in.
"Wag. You know, wives and -"
"I know what wag means," Nico interrupts, a frown now firmly on his face. "What the fuck, JB."
"I think it's cute," Jenson says, biting his lip to prevent himself from laughing. "If you come to the race, you can support me and people will ask you about me, and what you're wearing, who you're wearing, and -"
"Shut up," Nico says. "I'm not your wag."
Jenson inclines his head in affectation of thinking. "Bah, then."
"What?" Nico's voice gets shrill when he's annoyed, or when he's being fucked, and it's one of Jenson's favourite sounds in the world, right up there with the V10 engine. "Ba - what?"
"Bah," Jenson says seriously. "Boyfriends and husbands."
They stare at each other for a moment, and it takes all of Jenson's self-control not to start laughing at the bewilderment on Nico's face. He blinks slowly, then turns off his Ipad, putting it on the night cupboard. He takes off his fancy new glasses, too, and puts them in the case carefully. Jenson raises himself on his elbows, and just in time, because Nico's favorite thing to do when he's baffled is to misdirect the conversation. Luckily for Jenson, it's usually misdirection by means of sex.
The kisses they share are familiar, and still they thrill Jenson to his core. Nico climbs into Jenson's lap, and Jenson loves that he's let his hair grow again. He's missed pulling on it properly for years now.
"You're an idiot," Nico mumbles into their kisses, making short work of ridding them both of their shirts. "Yeah," Jenson moans back, "but an idiot with the prettiest wag in any paddock."
"Shut up," Nico repeats, but Jenson sees the blush in his cheeks. Some things don't change, and after all these years, Jenson knows exactly which buttons to push, and how hard, to get the reaction he wants.
He smiles into the kiss. "The absolute prettiest," he repeats, and pulls Nico closer, and kisses him until they both forget what they were talking about, and why it even mattered.
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almea · 1 year
Back on my bs about things that happens in my v10 dreams but probably won’t… Raven and Qrow having another conversation in an inn/tavern mirroring the one they had in v4 and Yang inevitably is brought up as a topic bc Raven portals to Yang as soon as she figures out she’s able to again and Yang isn’t actually dead except now she’s kinda stuck there bc everyone she can portal to is in Vacuo… Blake and Yang walk into the same inn along with Kali none of them noticing Raven or Qrow. Raven sees Kali being well… motherly towards Yang bc of course she would and Raven handles it Bad. Like emotionally bad not confrontationally bad. Bonus points if Yang and Ruby already went off on her about the Summer thing
Your volume 10 dreams are my volume 10 dreams... I'm so excited for Raven to come back because the family drama she's going to bring is my favourite.
In my heart, Raven is the first one to know they're back in Remnant because her portal to Yang is gone, but not dead-gone while they're in the Ever After so she can just feel it when they're back.
I'm obsessed with the thought of Kali and Raven in the same room though. I don't know if CRWBY's going to give it to me, but god I love the contrast of Blake's sweet, kind mother who Blake adores and hugs at every given opportunity and Raven and her emotional constipation and the way she cares, she really does care, but she's incapable of expressing it in a way that has anyone believing she cares about them, if she even wants them to believe that.
Also, after all the Summer shit comes out, kind of want someone to tell Raven "You could have come back. You could have just talked to us instead of dealing with it by yourself." Like, I think the most tragic thing about Raven is how there are people who are/were so ready to love her, and it seems like she was never able to accept that love for some reason. I don't really think the RWBY/STRQ parallels are completely one to one, but this specific part of Raven has already reminded me so much of volume 4 Blake. So like. My kingdom for my longstanding dream of Blake talking to Raven to come true.
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chaikachi · 10 months
Chai!!! Thank you so much for the feedback on the thing about Oscar having memory loss! It helped me figure out that I was approaching the prompt from the wrong angle.
It made me realize that Oscar isn’t really the one who would have the opportunity to have a deteriorating memory.
Rather, in the same vein as a deteriorating memory, I realized that Ruby is the one who had the opportunity to “ascend” into something that would create distance from her former self. And yet, I think you were also right that Oscar and Ruby are too important to each other to forget and so I came up with an alternative.
Rather than a deteriorating memory, I thought maybe it would be better if the ascended Ruby (taking on the identity of a “Savior” or a “Hero” for Remnant) had a distance from her emotions. Something like, she remembers how she felt but she doesn’t seem to feel it.
This idea was inspired by Lightning from Final Fantasy 13 Lightning Returns, which has the main protagonist (Lightning) be forced into the role of Savior for the world by gathering souls to take to the new world (it’s a little complicated) and she has her emotions sealed away to force her to have a distance to the world.
Thank you for talking about it!! I’m making a lot more development now!
I'm glad I could help with the last ask but I'm worried we're not quite on the same page this time either aaahhh 😫
If this is in an AU context I need to disclaim that you can do whatever you want. There are no rules. If you want to explore one or the other, go for it! That's what fandom is for, just having fun!!!
In this specific instance in canon (and looking onward to v10), this feels sort of the exact opposite of what ascension was for though imo.
Ruby has been repressing her emotions. She had to be the perfect hero. She was a leader. She wasn't allowed to be a failure. And in a world where the creatures of darkness are attracted to negative emotions, she had to be Elsa. Conceal and don't feel any of those things.
Ascension is Ruby choosing herself. Aka, letting herself feel all those messy, complicated emotions she hasn't given herself anytime for until now. Because when you take care of your wellbeing before others, then you're better equipped to support those around you without having to pour from an already empty cup. That's the message they're trying to get across, that a hero isn't perfect, she's only human.
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All that being said, I'm always down to discuss options.
One interesting way to explore memory re: ascension is if she didn't actually keep all of them. We know that with Ascension you become someone new and don't keep your memories in the process, but Ruby stayed herself so she retained them. HOWEVER, a person that chooses herself is not technically the same as someone who doesn't. So while I doubt they'll go this route, there is absolutely a loophole there. It also proposes some fun angst just because everyone thinks she came back fine but oh turns out there are bits and pieces missing as a result of what happened. It just wasn't enough to notice at first.
Another way to explore memory loss through canon though - and this applies to the whole cast - is through trauma. Memory and feelings of the past can get so very messy in light of constant and chronic distress. For Ruby there are probably a lot of things from her journey and even her childhood that she doesn't have memories of. Might not remember specific events or chunks of time or how she felt in some she does remember because brains in distress will block those sorts of things out as a coping mechanism.
Something that would be interesting to see in light of that (but another I don't think they'll do given the narrative significance), is Ruby just not remembering the tea party. Remembers something happened, remembers it was Bad™ but can't access those memories because of how distressing it was.
idk if this helped at all or if it even answers your question, but it was still fun to talk about, so thank you!
Oh and on the concept you mentioned, I am familiar with something similar! One of the protagonists of A Lull in the Sea (Nagi no Asukara) undergoes something like that, albeit for with different specifics. It's a great show tho. 11/10 do recommend.
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abysskeeper · 1 month
Tagged by the lovely @keldae. Thanks friend! <3
3 ships
The ones always at the top of this list, my Trick and @gothamcityneedsme's Tavon. The ship that started as a high school joke of "what if we put the rebel and the loyalist together?" and has developed into 13 years (and counting) of the most wonderful stories of two, incredibly broken people slowly befriending each other and putting each other back together against all odds. Trick is the OC for me and these two own my heart. If I ever try to say otherwise, I'm lying.
As of late, coming up right behind the ship of ships for me, is--unsurprisingly--Gale/Nox. I'm just really excited to finally be writing my first DnD PC (ok...technically second, but not really. It's complicated) consistently, and I'm finding the outcast wizard/outcast wizard pairing is lending itself really well to my usual brand of drama, angst, and pretentiousness in writing. They should make each other worse, and the only reason they don't is because they're on opposite ends of the 'Do you want to become a god?' spectrum, where Gale is a resounding yes and Nox only moves slightly away from 'would kill a god if given the opportunity' because they do, actually, kill a god. In short, I'm having a blast writing them.
Not OCs, but third place gets to be Rosegarden, or Oscar/Ruby from RWBY. While we're waiting in v10 limbo, these two live in the back of my mind, and every so often come out to demand some attention. Without getting too much into it, something about destined, Chosen One kids and rhetorical/thematic parallels makes my brain go brrr.
First Ship
Hmmm. I think I usually answer Kataang for these but if I'm really thinking about it, I remember being super invested in Leo and Piper from Charmed, when my mom let me watch it. I couldn't really tell you what it was about them because I was about 6-8...but I was in it with them. They were the only ones I really cared about knowing what happened to them when the show ended.
Currently Reading
I currently have @/aevallare's Ao3 page up, and have for weeks because I'm notoriously awful with reading and then even worse about reading fanfic. I don't have the time and energy to start up Kindred right now (soon...vacation...hopefully), but I've been poking at Alex's one-shots. tailwind is delightful for those of you stuck in Gale/Tav hell like I am, and Wisp is jam-packed with character in such a succinct manner that I'm in love.
Last Song
I'm actively listening to Campus by Bastille right now. Great work-vent song for me. Immediately made its way onto Nox's playlist too.
Last Film
Also Argylle! I went in completely blind to it and then it gave me everything I didn't know I wanted. It was a fun romp, and the fact that it was incredibly Trick/Tav coded was an added benefit.
Currently Craving
Sleep, money, time. I'd like to say that once the paper crunch at work is over with the first submission it'll get better...buuuuut I know that's not true. I just want to have enough energy to write again. Also what I'm always craving, strawberry lemonade.
I'll actively tag @dr-demi-bee and...anyone who wants to do this lol (steal from me, please. I know not who wants these and who doesn't).
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etincelleart · 1 year
So when exsacly do you think penny will come back?
So I had two main ideas and moments for her to come back, but I still need to think more about it cause those are just first ideas :
Considering the fact that it was a long time between Volume 4 and Volume 7, Pietro had time to recover her core and rebuild her. So it took most likely 1 or 2 years to make her again. At the end of Volume 9, we see this shot of Vacuo with Amity Collosseum and a lot of ships from every kingdom in Remnant, implying a time skip, but we don't know how many months or even year have passed on Remnant. It surely must need time to take Amity, bring it to Vacuo and repair it, as well for the other Kingdoms to probably go to Atlas, see what happened and go to Vacuo with everyone else (unless somehow they learned about everyone being saved in Vacuo so they went there directly, idk).
I imagine this time skip would be of a few months, I'd say between 6 months and 1 year. Time is different in the Ever After and for the reunion for everyone to be emotional, I guess time must have passed for a bit so it's also impactful for Ren and Nora to reunite with Jaune, for Qrow to reunite with team RWBY, for Winter and the Schnee family to reunite with Weiss, etc. It's also probably be impactful for Ruby to see Winter with the Winter Maiden, and I imagine she won't be able to think about Penny if she sees her using her powers, anyway I digress-
Pietro is probably grieving and mourning Penny since the last time we saw him in Volume 8, and once settled in Vacuo he most likely at least tried to remake Penny. Considering that he needed 1 or 2 years for him to rebuild her, and with the time skip of let's say 1 year, he would be in the middle of the process if he's still trying to create another robot body. Sooo with all of that said, she could definitely come back during the Vacuo arc, I don't know if that would be in V10 cause narratively this would be a big deal, a big climax, and I don't know if that's too soon or too big for the first volume of the Vacuo arc (I mean, if we follow the rules established so far for each arc : 3 volumes per kingdom). Penny could then maybe come back at the end of Volume 12, to parallel the finale of V8, and also it's the same amont of time between V8 finale and V12 than the end of V3 and V7, 4 entiere volumes. I mean I just thought of it when writing it but it would make sense to me. I'm trying to keep a writer state of mind to be logical so my arguments seem valid aha (even if I'm not a pro writer krkr).
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My second idea is that she would come back at the end of the RWBY story, at the end of the series. Not necessarily at THE END end, but during the final arc or the final moments of the story. Why that, because I believe V9 plot wasn't just to explain cute little origins for the two Brothers and for Ruby's development, but of course to set up things for later and probably the big finale. Everything's still up in the air and the two Brothers will definitely be involved, as well as maybe the Blacksmith and the Ever After. I don't know how or when because this is big deal and obviously I'm not in the writers mind and I imagine they have ideas for this big end for a long time now, even if this is not precise of course. The most important thing is that the Blacksmith had Penny's sword (yeah I know that some say that it was just an illusion, but I still think it's odd, and again this weird "nothing, no one is ever truly lost" and then poof Penny appears on the sword, idk it just makes me feel like the Blacksmith knows something and might be involved later. The spirits from the Relic could also be involved too as they were created by the the two Brothers. Ambrosius could even meet Pietro at some point too :]
Anyway those are my main ideas, but I would be curious if anyone had other ideas !
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(I love the Blacksmith)
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calliecat93 · 6 months
Well, we're at the end of 2023. I keep going back and forth, feeling like the year went on forever and like it just started. Weird, huh? So things in the world this year... yeah I don't need to say much on the state of things. All I can say is that I hope 2024 will be better... and that Trump doesn't make it into office. Things WILL get worse for everyone if that happens, and that's all I will say about it.
Anyways, my personal life. It actually wasn't too bad. I got to go on my first-ever cruise at the end of April and the first real vacation that I had had since I was a kid. It was such an amazing time~! I even got to hug Mickey Mouse for the first time in 20 years~! Speaking of though, I've done a hard step away from animation. I still reblog stuff, but I'm not as into looking into things like voice actors or history and stuff anymore. The past few years of industry drama utterly drained me and killed a lot of my love and passion for entertainment in general, and it was time to realize that, step back, and let myself begin just enjoy watching things again. Which I have been doing slowly. It's sad, but accepting that I don't want a part of the animation world and remain a casual fan was the right thing to do. I'll always love it, but I don't want to be a part of that world as a career or anything anymore.
Doing so has helped me decide on what I want to do though. Mom had been trying to convince me for years to get into culinary since I both liked it and was good at it. I was reluctant because it's VERY high stress... but I've gotten really into baking and I've decided that I'd like to pursue that as a career. It's fun, not so stressful that I can't handle it, and I'm good at it. I'm hoping to go back to school as the community college here has a culinary program where I can get a baking certification. But yeah, it was a life change that needed to happen.
Otherwise, this was one of my calmer years. There wasn't some major family tragedy for the first time in like five years, Thank God. I turned 30... so I'm old. We adopted out dog Dante that past December and I utterly love him with all my heart. I got my learner's permit a few days ago so I'm one step closer to being able to get my life going. I've fully accepted being sapphic and once I can drive and stuff I'd like to be able to start maybe dating for the first time. I think overall I finally realized how stilted my life had become since my dad died in 2018, but I lacked any motivation and drive to change it or do anything. IDK what's changed, but I want to start living my life and continuing to make progress on that is my goal for 2024.
Fandom life has been a lot slower. Probably as a result of me realizing that I should actually focus on my real life. But it's not dead either. RWBY Volume 9 finally came out and while I almost quit when it did, I stuck to it. I'm glad I did because it's now my favorite volume of the show and while I'm honestly convinced V10 won't happen, if it does I'll be here for it. My TOS passion got reignited, so much so that I had to make a sideblog to contain it all. I haven't really gotten into anything new, really with the state of things, I'm almost afraid to even try any new shows. Like I said, I've been focusing on just enjoying stuff again so it's just been whatever I see around getting reblogged. I guess that made things dull on here, but it did good for me, and in the end that's what I use this blog for. I've even started to get back into fanfic writing after all the RT drama got to me so bad I quit after finally getting over my writing anxiety. But I hope that's a good sign of finally moving forward.
Overall, I know that the world is in dire straits right now. My personal life wasn't too bad this year, but it sucks to think bout how so many have suffered and I can't really do anything about it. Like I said, I hope that 2024 will be better for everyone. Regardless I hope that you all have a Happy New Year and as we enter Year 12 of the blog, I thank you all once again for having stuck with me. See you all in 2024~!
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powertaco · 1 year
Alright. So what would you do if CRWBY (RT) contacted you and asked you to help incorporate Whiterose into canon? Would you do it? If so, how, and if not, I’d still want to know how.
I'm sure most of us would like to. I don't know if I'd be the best person for the job, or what not, but I think at this point you'd have to play for the long game and aim for like last volume.
I think the general groundwork for a relationship, especially with V6 is there but needs built on. Ruby and Weiss have pink petals only when together and the color pink used as petals is used by Ren's new semblance when he detects love.
There's tons of symbolism and pictures/promo material of WR being very important with each other. I don't see Weiss with a shield in the promo material nor do I see her thirsting over Jaune in the spin off stuff or Ruby looking at Oscar or any symbols that represent him. Manga anthologies, the movie crossover, IQD are all supremely WR coded.
They need to talk and be partners again. They need to have conversations and set things right between them. Weiss needs to come clean about why she was taking Ruby for granted, and Ruby needs to apologize for not talking to her about things, and they need to have a real partnership going forward.
V10 (they said 12/13 was their planned end point at one time so we'll go based on that) would be about this in the background with the war against Salem likely taking center stage as well as the fallout of Atlas.
I'd like to see more Ruby still falling into bad habits (unlearning them IS hard) but her team, and Weiss in particular helping her plan and taking the work off her shoulders and helping to divide it up. Even if they don't want WR endgame this is something that needs to happen because they're supposed to be best friends.
Blake and Yang as much as people might hate it need to take a slight step back. I'm happy for them but they're too wrapped up in each other to the point that they're the others world to the detriment of everyone else.
More interactions with other partners. Yang and Weiss and Blake and Ruby need to interact a bit more.
Blake and Yang can talk to the others and in time start drop hints about things but mostly as teases for now.
Once Salem finds out Cinder lied to her...a lot I would expect her to have a less than pleasant time and probably not be doing much outside of not dying. We might get the start of a 'we found the summer maiden' plot here.
V11 I would focus on the relic of destruction. I'd probably have this be the volume Tyrian dies likely as the villain of the volume in a battle for the relic. Seeing as they wanted 9/10 to start turning around you need to give the team some wins. So either they win and get the relic or they kill tyrian but still lose the relic. Depending on how they run with Theodore he could live or die securing the relic.
Based on how little of a chance Team RWBY seem to have against someone like Cinder they need to upgrade their semblances or one of them is probably gonna have to end up a maiden at some point. If they go that route then Raven actually dying to give her powers to Yang is possible but we need more from and about Raven before I'll buy that she'd do something like that. Unless of course she somehow gets ambushed and is dying then she might think of Yang. If this does happen i imagine we'll get more of that flashback from earlier.
Good chance for Ruby and Blake to comfort her if that does happen because well if Yang does end up with them then I mean it's clear what happened and her mom is dead. I imagine Qrow wouldn't take it well either but he has Robyn so she'll prob be helping him a bit.
WR would start incorporating little touches like they used to. Shoulder grabs, little quick hand squeezes and hugs that go on just a second too long and more playful banter in and out of battle.
They should still be serious when it calls for it but not have an issue just hanging out in the limited downtime they do have. Others should notice they seem to be happier now and have WR not understand what they mean.
V12 would likely be the start of Ozpin/Ozma opening up with some more deep lore and hopefully someone calls him on the whole 'jinn only said you can't kill her' angle. Probably not.
From here it really depends on how they plan to resolve Salem. Is it gonna be a hail mary we're united and have the relics fix it gods thing or not.
If it's not then I'd like to see them ape the gods and use that to 'kill' salem for good. Ie Ruby's eyes represent the light and Weiss and her grimm summons the dark. Working together and in concert to kill her just like the gods combo powers cursed her. If you want it to be a more team thing then Yang and Blake can represent light and dark too. Jaune can amp up their auras to an extreme level for this to work. Whether this kills him or his ultimate fate is irrelevant.
Ruby would be a bit more mature after Ever After and talking with her friends and Weiss would start taking notice because as Kara said 'Weiss like maturity'
If you wanted a twist for after this then have the gods show up and be pissed that rwby undid their work. 'who are you to undo what we gods have done etc?
From here they can drop the knowledge bombs that they're no better than runaway kids who left and what not.
The gods can then either bring back salem again proving that they're massive hypocrites since they told salem earlier she didn't understand the value of life and death and cause the gods to want to wipe out humanity and faunus.
At this point I'd expect the blacksmith/tree to basically be like 'no you're done' and drag them back.
If they don't bring salem back they could be like 'well humanity has come together so you know what good enough stay that way or else.
Then you'd have a few after it's all over episodes.
Now that the war is over they're focused on rebuilding. Weiss is busy helping Whitley and Willow and Winter (if she's alive) rebuild the SDC.
Ruby appears and asks her to take a break for dinner. Weiss is going to refuse until Willow tells her they'll manage and shoos her out the door.
Weiss asks where they're going to meet Blake/Yang, and Ruby says 'oh i was kinda thinking...it could just be us two.' Weiss could say something with a small blush and be like 'I'd like that' and it could cut to the other couples then credits.
Admittedly part of me would find it hilarious if Weiss gets fed up with waiting and just grabs Ruby and smooches her mid final battle.
Or the safer route just have a scene set after the war 5/10 years and casually let it be dropped they married in that time to avoid having to do anything.
Personally if I was doing RWBY from the start I'd make the WF bigger antagonist along with Jacques and probably cut out the whole brother gods/salem deal. Maybe even magic and maidens. I think that could be a lot of fun and as attractive as mommy salami is I don't care much for her in the story. Great VA though who really nails the voice I'd imagine for Salem.
I'd probably also keep them in school for another year and have more inter-team friendships. Like Blake , Velvet, Ruby, and Ren having a book club, or Ren and Weiss bonding over having super high energy partners.
Yang and Pyrrha work out buddies. Ruby and Jaune playing games with Nora probably joining it.
That sort of thing.
Of course if I was writing RWBY I'd find a way to have Maria hold WR hands so you know.
I hope I understood the question and if not I apologize.
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ask-stjerne-and-logan · 3 months
Okay, yeah I heard about RT
This blog has not been active in a long, long time. And that's mostly because I'm focused on things other then RWBY. So learning about this today, from @saiyoyuutsume on Discord, at work, was a bit of a surprise. I'm not a popular figure in the RWBY fandom, that much I know. But I may as well give my ten cents on the situation.
Now, my reaction to this was strangely calm. I have mixed feelings about this situation. I am sad for the workers that got laid off, as well as all the freelance/contract workers that lost their jobs as well. But at the same time, RWBY, whether people realize it or not, has been going on a downward spiral since V8. Mostly due to bad writing choices. I hate to say this, but I found myself rather dissatisfied with many of the choices the writers went with in the series, hence it caused my excitement for the show to die down a bit.
Now, before you all bash me for saying this, let me just say that this is just my opinion. Emphasis on the "my". If you all don't feel the same way, that's fine with me. Everyone is different. You do you and I do me. That's how it should work.
But back to the situation with RT; It's sad that the company is disbanding, especially after all the good content they have put out for everyone. And yes, it does mean the future of RWBY is uncertain. Maybe they'll find a way to continue the show, maybe they won't. Either way, we shouldn't lose our minds over it. I know I'm not. And here's why.
Something I have learned from making fanmade content is that you don't need big corps like Warner Bros (who is trying to sell RT btw), to make things you want happen. If you have the tools and the talent, you can make it happen yourself. Why do you think you see at least a bajillion fanart pictures on your tumblr feed everyday? Why do you think people write fanfictions about their favorite ships and what not? It may be fanmade content, but at the end of the day, it still pertains to what you like. And even if it's not official, it's better then nothing.
I still like RWBY, despite my qualms with the series; hence why I'm still planning on making fanmade content. I just haven't been at it for a while because IRL is a bitch. In fact, my sis and I have a major RWBY project that we are working on, and we're don't plan on stopping that because we invested way too much of our braincells in the project to even quit.
My point is, at the end of the day, what's done is done. All we can do is watch and hope that they find a way to make RWBY v10 happen. And if they don't, then that's that.
Thanks for hearing my pep talk XP
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onewomancitadel · 4 months
For what it's worth, I mostly still stand by everything under my old tags (Jaune/Cinder, Cinder's redemption, V10 predictions - although there's a few I drafted out in addition to whatever I did post on here), according to reading RWBY-the-show. I still maintain most of what we've seen was intended in one way or another (Ozlem, I/ronwood, the redemptions we've seen already, Jungian/alchemical based storytelling) since they're very early products of the show, even down to finer details like foreshadowing a future Ruby/Ozma reincarnation partner (V1/2 hints). The question is whether that proves true in whatever form the show survives in at this point because there are creative compromises which happen because of that.
Very clear elements of V9 suggest this was already beginning to happen (see: tonal abruptness from V8->V9, only picking up again at the halfway point e.g. when viewer drops always happen, which was where a twist was saved for) and I'd go so far as to contend what makes the pacing of E1-4 feel odd, but for some elements which seem highly suggestive of expected Jungian beats (visions of oneself in the caterpillar hut), is because it was specifically to draw in an audience which enjoyed Beacon hijinks but also newer viewers who want familiar tropey hijinks (and I think it is telling that beats of the volume especially compromised was the ending). And it didn't work. Then past that roadbump there's a tonal shift to something more familiar: serious narrative stakes and emotional journeys. And like, a suggestion of fraughtness.
This is a classic stunt of the average aggrieved RWBY fan, for the record. As far back as Volume 1 fans were complaining the show was 'deviating from the vision'. I remember it very clearly. Headcanons had already shaped around the character trailers. By V2 there were people unhappy with rushed production and animation errors and not enough of xyz trope and then there had been too much Jaune in the previous volume, so that was an endless fandom debate.
At a certain point with creative compromise it's no longer about compromise and more about what the creators are willing to let a work be, and that's just what it is: no crying for original intent, and instead time to come to terms with what it truly is. So I am never willing to pull the 'if only RWBY had not become creatively compromised' excuse, but I am hoping against hope that missteps in V9 were simply that - missteps - and if the show gets renewed, it's not on those terms, because they didn't work anyway to get it renewed. And I remember writing an unpopular post that the ongoing lampshading in the volume, and the clumsiness of the twee character writing was a clear, fatal compromise which was never going to win halfway fans over and was only going to alienate weirdoes like me. But then if the show happens to be renewed, and it reprises these elements, that - say - they want to cater to xyz fan demographic or they want to go back on the show which had been set up and had been realised across subsequent volumes - then I would admit defeat.
But then I don't know the ins and outs of the business side of the production anymore, and I think I am still in fantasyland where RWBY gets to be an independent production. So who really knows. I still think most of what I had to say on the topic of conceivable Jaune/Cinder was coherent, but in terms of alienating the fanbase, that ship is about as bad as you can get. Where their priorities are in renewal, if it happens, is uncertain. But then why renew RWBY if you can't do RWBY? Lol. But then, was Knightfall ever RWBY? I would like to know at least!
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I’d settle for any evidence whatsoever that ghirah has changed his methods, or that someone more competent was left in charge, but sienna is dead and there aren’t a lot of options, but it seems like they’re bringing ghirah back into the fray regardless and it’s kinda hard to involve him without addressing the Faunus storyline. Personally I wish they’d either flesh it out or drop it completely
I honestly don't know what you're expecting me to say.
I gave my opinion but since I have literally no way of knowing what CRWBY does or doesn't have planned I don't see the point in going on about it.
Besides, if V9 plays out the way I expect, not much outside of RWBY+J+N's adventures is gonna happen.
And even optimistically that means not much is going to happen main plot-wise until at least V10 (which means either LATE 2024 or early 2025)
TBH I'm way more excited to see what we ARE getting than worrying about what we might not.
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autumnsorbet · 1 year
Older Oscar theory
And the three photos here below from volume six when everyone was at the farm
There was a picture of a guy on the wall that look like he could be an older version of Oscar and it's thanks to me seeing this picture again that I come up with a theory for what's going to happen and vacuo in v10
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So in wonderland land time stop in a way
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So when team Rwby nj go back home time will have kept going for team olive (olve)
So the others will b a bit older the clock in the phone with jaune reads 2 so maybe 2 years will go by
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It would all so give the writers away to get something out the way life the ppl of Atlas/mantle
Living in vacuo,I could see a civil war going on between the ppl of vacuo and atlas / mantle
, the ppl of a/m lost homes and belongings,the have nothing,1000s were lost ,ppl lived an lost family, friends,jobs there going to be so negativity in vacuo do to this an it will mainly b from the ppl of A/m
The ppl of vacuo will want them to leave,and there may not be food a resource for every,
There are are so characters that are missing,qrow an his group ,Maria and penny dad,
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And we all so we have to learn who the next meeting is I have my theories on who The mating will be but I think I want to save up for my next post
And I know some people are wondering why are you making posts about volume 10 we don't even know if we're getting it I just want to get ahead of everything from what I've seen the Ruby community / fandom has a good hold on making a lot of great theories for what's going to happen throughout volume 9 so I just want to get my thoughts out there now for what I believe will happen throughout volume 10 while they're fresh on my mind and I have high hopes for them even if we don't give volume 10 for several years or so I still like to put my theories out there
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