#i don't own any green clothing lmao
the-moon-files · 6 months
So I have tried to request this prompt from someone else but I don't think their blog is that active anymore. If your willing I'd love to request the following.
Prompt: Reader is bisexual and gender neutral.
Reader is considered fairly attractive and gets flirted with pretty often by basically whoever gender wise. And maybe reader and Zelda even end up flirting a little bit. Reader would have a similar lackadaisical flirty personality as Warriors has.
I wanted to see how each of The Chain would react to this with the context of them having secret feelings for the reader.
2nd official request, woo look at me go 🏃💨
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Sun: Gender-neutral Reader (”you”/they/them)
Orbit: Headcanons-ish
Stars: Zelda (Assuming they meant BOTW), + the classic Chain of Links <3
Comets & Meteors: Content Warnings: mild cussing, mild typical loz violence, Mildly Suggestive, & Trigger Warnings: none known.
Please comment if I missed any. /gen
so i like to think that modern flirting is radically different than their medieval flirting,
like mayyybbeee Wild can handle it, but even then, they have royalty/knights still, so hes still gettin flustered lol
and i like to think u learned that difference the first time Wars complimented ur new/strange modern fit, and u returned the energy?? except 10x stronger (to them)??
youve played the player, and beat him at his own game, the Captain of the knights is sputtering and shit LMAO
(he said smth like, “their beauty is god-like in this otherworldly clothing“ and YOU said smth like he’d “thank you, youd look better in my bed than in armor 👉 😎 👉 ” lmao)
funniest part is, bc its so natural, i can see u immediately shooting off smth and forgetting it instantly, much to the Links collective shock 😭
u go to towns and notice theres always 1 hero around to steer u away from shopkeepers, townsppl, etc so u wont flirt w/them LMAO
(when u finally notice, u just, “ohh i get it now, so im only allowed to flirt with someone named Link, ohhh, okayy” and they just, “NO we didnt say that-!” “No its just their bold flirtations are not for the weak of heart-!” “Yes.” “CAPTAIN-”)
the only one who they cant steer u away from is Zelda.
afterall, they kinda have to inform the Princess/now Queen of the kingdom, whats going on w/them traveling with Link (Wild) around time and space
the sheikah tablet had been disconnecting + reconnecting to Purah’s both fascination and worry
so as theyre invited to eat dinner and explain in the rebuilding castle, everyone’s absorbed in shadow talk or smth, and u can see Zelda’s struggling to follow along, u just casually bring it back to her, as she’s also trying to write notes and theyve moved on too quickly w/o her
“wowww, all these men and not a single one’s gonna offer the lady any, ‘hi, hello, how is the most beautiful girl in the world today?’ “
and the gapingggg from the links shut them right up, while Zelda goes all pink and coughs, and agrees that they should move on to more chill topics lol
and u can crack anybody tbh, Zelda giggles at ur compliments all the time, even in work mode, u can deffo get Wars to blush to his ears, and even Time to look away first in a flirty + staring contest lol
Legend might actually put his hands up like he’s prepared to fight u anytime u try to flirt at him when its just you two, before he realizes what hes doing and stops LMAO
oh and u absolutely get a lot of mileage out of that one lol
the best reactions have gotta be, in order of most to least extreme: Hyrule, Sky, Wild, Four, Legend, Twilight, Wars, Time
Rulie, Sky, Wild and Four fall into that classic, shocked-heart-eyes, full blush up to their pointy ears, etc category when u get them,
they are also very easy to get lmao
Four is the best at recovery, or ducking away, but if its the Colors, its this type of obvious lol, w/the obvious ones like Red and Blue, Green takes a little more to break, and tbh Vio could go toe-to-toe w/u better than Wars tbh before he crumbles under the pressure lol
Legend, Twi, Wars, and Time faces may not change a lot, bc theyre trying to save it lmao, but the way their cheeks go pink and ears twitch is how u know ur gettting to them (along w/legend’s defensive reaction to getting cornered LMAO)
Twi has caved and covered his face w/his hands before lmao
one day youll get Time to break more than an ear twitch, and looking away, One Day.
(Wind is in fact, having the time of his life, watching you absolutely hilariously wreck these otherwise v serious heroes, hes glad u got them to finally relax a little, but also its hilarious seeing Wars and Legend red faces, and occasionally stealing Wild’s tablet to take funny pics of them all to blackmail later lol)
idk how good that was, as im kinda bust at flirty banter between characters, so i hope this suffices ur need to flirt w/everyone lol
also i feel i should apologize for not rlly including pronouns? it just kinda comes w/writing reader stories to put them in 2nd person to both make intimacy for readers w/their little avatar im controlling for them, and to purposefully remove the need for gendered pronouns :/
so im sorry i couldnt quite figure out how to make it where “they/them” got used much, i promise i love all pronouns, its just a skill issue tbh lmao
send any prayers, blessings, or good vibes u got my way tomorrow bc im getting wisdom teeth surgery and i am intimidated✨
ill post more asks (i have multiple asks!! <33) after im lying in bed lamenting my painful fate,
mostly just worried ill react badly to the drugs, also the idea of being knocked out during surgery is a little scary so what can i say
have a great weekend guys!! thanks for reading if u did :)
Peace out,
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intern-seraph · 12 days
forget-me-not (Chp 1)
also on ao3
Summary: For the first time in your seven years alive, you meet someone new in your small town. Little do either of you know that your brief friendship will bind you together long, long after you are forced to part ways.
A/N: hi :)
shoutout to matcha twstjam for being my cheerleader thru this insane, ongoing journey
For those who have been following me on my socials, i'm sorry you know that this fic has been in the works for over a year as of last month. I was originally intending on publishing it only when it was complete, but it very quickly grew way out of hand and I realized that it would definitely not be complete any time soon. Still, I wanted to put it out into the world! So I decided to publish the first chapter! When will the rest come out? Who knows? I certainly don't lol ALSO the presence of forget-me-nots in the actual fic is, at most, debatable lmao i just thought it was a cool and fitting title
Anyways, I have a deep, desperate need for more jewishness in fan content, so I'm filling that dearth myself.
You peer out from behind the gnarled oak tree at the edge of the town park. Its trunk is almost half as wide as you are tall, and its boughs are so thick and heavy that the branches droop under their own weight. Once, there was a rope swing that hung from one of the thicker branches. It was destroyed in a storm a few years ago, and nobody has bothered to replace it since. As one of the few children living here, you don’t mind its absence much. After all, you only ever come here to read. Usually you sit on the other side of this very tree, enjoying the shade and the rustling leaves. However, today someone’s taken your spot. The stranger seems to be only a few years older than you, dressed entirely in black. Their clothes shimmer as light filters through the leaves, and you know that the fabric must be fine and expensive. Slivers of their pale skin peek out from the ends of their sleeves and the hem of their robe. It’s a far cry from the homespun woolen garments and rough, sun-kissed skin of your neighbors. The most bizarre thing about them, however, are their spiraling black horns.
You hug your book to your chest, unsure of what to do. You’ve never seen this child before, after all, and you know all of the other kids in town (all four of them, that is). Even worse, you just know that whoever this is must be rich and therefore important. Why are they here, of all places?
“Um…” You tiptoe over the tree’s massive roots and draw closer to the stranger. “Are you from around here?”
The stranger startles, and you yelp as the world burns bright green for a moment. With a grunt, you fall back and land squarely on your butt. You lie there for a second, blinking away the spots in your vision before your throat begins to tighten and tears form at the corners of your eyes. Beside you, the stranger’s blurry face appears. Your sniffling turns into sobs, and you cover your face with both hands as you start crying.
“H-hey,” says the stranger, touching you lightly, “don’t cry! I didn’t mean to scare you!”
You wail even louder, rolling onto your side and curling up into a ball. The stranger pats your shoulder stiffly.
“I’m sorry,” they whisper, voice breaking. “Please don’t be scared.”
Finally, your crying peters out. You hiccup as you wipe your tears away on your sleeve. “I-I’m sorry for scaring you,” you say. The stranger remains silent. “That was magic, right? I scared you and you used your magic…”
“That’s okay. Are you hurt?” The stranger extends a hand into your field of view and hauls you up onto your feet with little effort. Now that you can see clearly, you lean closer to examine his face. He’s a boy around your age, you think. His cheeks are round and soft but you can see where his baby fat is starting to recede. His lips curl into a small pout, accentuated by the embarrassed flush coloring his cheeks. You can’t help but gawk at his electric green eyes. They’re so distinct that, without taking his horns into account, their color and slit pupils alone would tell you that he’s not human. When he notices you’re staring, he shifts back in discomfort. You jolt and giggle abashedly.
“No, I’m okay. Uh, who are you? Are you from around here?” You start to circle him, eyeing his odd features with interest. Are those scales crawling up the back of his neck? Why is the back of his robe moving so weirdly?
“No,” he mumbles. He holds something close to his chest. A book! “I’m… from really far away. My grandmother brought me with her to do some —” his nose scrunches up “— official business. But that’s boring so I left.”
“Won’t your grandma be worried?”
He puffs up like a particularly proud pigeon. “Nuh-uh. I’m big and strong so I can take care of myself!” As he speaks, the thing moving under his robe finally lifts enough to reveal itself: a thick, scaly black tail. It swishes from side to side as he practically preens. Cute. “What about you? You’re here all alone!”
“I know everyone here, duh.” You crouch down and pick up your book, then trot over to sit in your usual spot now that it’s empty. The stranger pouts at you, puffing out his cheeks. You turn your nose up at him. “This was my spot first.”
“Says who?”
“Says me. You can sit next to me, I guess.”
He blinks slowly at you, fingers tightening on his book, before he breaks out into a brilliant smile and plops down at your side. You take note of his sharp fangs. Part of you is tempted to touch them, but you restrain yourself well enough. “What’s your name?” asks the stranger.
You give it to him immediately, pausing to spell it out letter-by-letter just to show off. He nods, but when you ask him the same question, he balks.
“Is it okay if I don’t tell you? I don’t wanna… uh…” He waves his hands for emphasis. “I don’t want my grandmother to hear about me.”
“Well then what should I call you?”
“Hmm…” He furrows his brow and scrunches his eyes shut. Then, he gasps and beams at you. “Nickname! You can gimme a nickname!”
“A nickname, huh? How about…” Your voice trails off. You stare at him, pursing your lips. First, you glance up at his horns, then his tail (thumping against one of the oak tree’s roots), then back up at his horns. “Horn…ton? Yeah, Hornton!”
“That sounds weird.”
“Too bad! You’re Hornton now!”
Hornton rolls his eyes. He opens the book in his lap, clearly trying (and failing) to look smart and above-it-all, but you can see the pointed tips of his ears turning red. Giggling, you follow his lead and open your own book. Out of the corner of your eye, you watch his petulant expression melt into contentment while he reads. He’s cute like this. He’s cute in general — which is a thought that makes you want to gag — but you especially like his sweet little smile. Although you were loath to share your spot beneath the tree, he does make for good reading company. That is, he’s quiet and doesn’t take up too much of your personal space. Before you know it, the sun is setting.
You dog-ear your page and nudge Hornton. “Hey, it’s getting late. You should go back to your grandma.” Hornton jolts, but doesn’t react as violently as he did earlier. His tail thuds against the tree trunk.
“Oh, yeah. I gotta go!” He doesn’t move, only fidgeting with his robe. “Uh, thanks for sitting with me.”
“Why’re you thanking me? It’s no problem.” You pause and look away. Feeling your face grow hot, you say, “Will you be back again?”
“C-Can I?”
“Yeah! I mean, you’re a pretty decent reading buddy, so… yeah.”
“Yes! I’ll be back tomorrow!” He smiles so broadly that you think it must hurt.
“Cool! I’ll be here after noon, that’s when our classes are over.” You stand up and start patting your clothes to get rid of any dirt. Then, you turn and give Hornton a grin of your own. “‘S nice meeting you! See ya!”
He waves timidly, eyes wide and almost shimmering. You don’t give it too much thought, you just start sprinting back down the dirt road leading into town.
“Mister Crowley!”
You slam the front door open, practically vibrating with excitement. The schoolmaster yelps from further inside your house, then rushes over to greet you. He’s pouting, feathers positively ruffled. Gently, he grabs you by the shoulders and gives you a once-over.
“Now, where have you been? I’ve been worried sick about you!”
“I was at the park!” You grin and hold up your book.
Crowley sighs and shakes his head. He wags his finger at you as he starts walking you to the dining room. “Now, child, what have we said about staying out late?”
“Uh… tell you?”
“Indeed! I have been very generous with allowing you free reign of the town! Nevermind all your tchotchkes and trinkets! If you’ll be gallivanting around like this in the future, make sure to inform your very magnanimous guardian beforehand! I was about to send the entire neighborhood out to look for you!”
He probably wasn’t. You know him well enough to know that. But the concern is appreciated. “Sorry,” you say.
“As long as it doesn’t happen again,” Crowley mutters. He pulls out your seat at your little dining table and returns to his own chair. Just at a glance, you can tell that he’d tucked in to his dinner before you came home. As you pick up your fork, a soft little body butts up against your calf. You squeal with delight and duck under the table to scoop up Grim, your bratty street cat. He mrows petulantly, but lets you cuddle him. It had taken a week of relentless begging for Crowley to let you take Grim in, and you had to pinky promise to take good care of him. Then, your friends got the bright idea of trying to bind the cat to you as a familiar (despite your lack of magic), and while it hasn’t worked yet, it certainly helped warm Crowley up to the idea. Something about his sweet baby becoming a beast tamer. You’re not sure what that is, and you’re definitely not a baby, but if it works, it works.
The air is filled with the quiet clink of silverware. After a while, you speak up. “I met someone today.”
Crowley nearly chokes. He pounds on his chest, coughing into his fist. It takes a second for him to recover. “You what?”
“There was a boy at the park,” you explain, “we read together.”
“What did I tell you about talking to strangers?”
“Nothing, we already know everyone in town.”
His mouth opens and closes silently. Then, sighing, he shakes his head. “Well, yes, but you were supposed to say that we don’t talk to strangers.”
“He wasn’t scary or anything,” you lie, remembering how you startled each other.
“Very well! Be careful, though. If something were to happen to you, I don’t even know what I would say, er, do!”
You pointedly ignore that slip-up in favor of finishing your meal. Pushing your chair away from the table with a screech, you grab your dishes and your cat and say a quick “good night!” to your guardian.
First thing in the morning when you and Crowley arrive at the schoolhouse, you’re accosted by Ace and Deuce. It’s mostly Ace doing the accosting, really, but Deuce joins him in hanging on your back like the world’s heaviest and most annoying koalas. You shake them off and whip around to start wrestling with Ace. Deuce takes his loss better, choosing to sit on the grass and watch you and Ace play fight. Crowley clears his throat several times, probably to get your attention, but you’re preoccupied and he gives up quickly in favor of unlocking the door and stepping inside. There’s a holler nearby, a series of rapid footsteps, and another heavy body falls on you with a grunt.
“Epel!” you wheeze out, squirming on top of the also-squirming Ace. “Can’t breathe!”
“Oh!” Epel rolls off of you, and you roll off of Ace. “Sorry, looked like you were havin’ fun!”
“Was fun,” Ace mumbles, “until you two crushed me.”
“You didn’t die, though,” you say before you get up. “Also you started it!”
“Did not!”
“Did too!”
“How do you guys do this every morning?” says Jack as he trots up to join you all on the lawn. He rolls his eyes in a remarkable impression of his mother when she’s scolding all five of you. “We’ve gotta go to class.”
“Ace started it!” you repeat.
“Whatever, c’mon.” Jack hauls both you and Ace up by your forearms while you both giggle. He shakes his head, marching you both into the schoolhouse with Epel and Deuce hot on your tails.
"Ah, there you are! I was wondering what was taking you all so long. Take your seats! We have Professor Trein visiting from the city today for our lesson."
Ace groans as he flops into his seat. You lean over and smack his shoulder. Deuce takes his own seat beside you, trying his best to look enthused.
Professor Trein works in the capitol as a history professor for the university. While he's nice enough (and his familiar Lucius is cute and fluffy), every time he comes to give a lesson at your schoolhouse is somehow more boring than the last. You sink down in your seat, ready to daydream until class lets out. When Professor Trein takes Crowley’s place in front of the blackboard, you feel a tap on your shoulder. Without looking at him, you take the slip of paper Ace passes.
‘my mom wants u to come to a party tonite’
Aside from a time scribbled beneath the words, there’s no other information. Great. History lessons with Professor Trein followed by a party where you’ll be stuck at the kids’ table. Again. At least you have a few hours to hang out with your new friend after school.
After class, Epel hands out little brown sacks full of apples to everyone. “Ma ‘n Pa said that they’re ‘not fit to sell’ or somethin’, and Meemaw said I should give ‘em to all of you.” You sling your sack over your shoulder, say your “see you later!”s to your friends, and march off to the park.
Beneath your tree, Hornton is waiting. You sprint towards him, grinning, and he looks up at you with wide eyes before returning the smile. He has his book in his lap, open to a different page than he left on.
“Hi,” you say shyly, hugging your sack of apples to your chest. “Were you waiting long?”
“Not really. I mean, maybe? Dunno, I didn’t really notice.”
You sit next to him and set the apples between your splayed legs. Fishing a plump red one out, you wipe it on your blouse and offer it to him. “Here!”
“Why do you have apples?” He eyes it curiously, hand hovering over it.
“My friend’s family has an orchard so he gave us all some after class.” You wave the apple around. “Take it! They’re good!”
Hornton takes the apple. He inspects it in the sunlight for a moment, then takes a bite. His eyes light up as he sinks his teeth into the apple’s hard skin, and he demolishes the fruit in less than a minute. Licking the juice off of his lips and fangs, he mumbles a messy thanks. You just smile and bop your temple against his. As you pull your novel out of your bookbag, you take another apple from the sack and shine it on your trousers. Out of the corner of your eye, you spy Hornton staring longingly at the sack.
“You can take another if you want,” you say.
He jumps, green eyes going comically wide. Cheeks flushed a bright ruby-red, he snatches another apple from the sack and rubs it clumsily on his very expensive robes.
“Do you like apples?”
“I do now,” he replies. He’s visibly struggling to keep his attention both on you and the book in his lap.
Curious, you lean over his shoulder and try to make sense of the foreign words in his book. Your brow scrunches up. “What’re you reading?”
His body goes tense the moment you touch him, but he doesn’t flinch away. When you glance up at his face, his expression is more severe and excited than you’ve seen yet. “It’s about arky… archee… uh, it’s about buildings and art! And this is the chapter about gargoyles!” He jabs an excited claw against an illustration of a beastly statue whose jaw hangs open. Water pours down its chin. The page (and the ones preceding and succeeding it) is clearly more worn than the rest of the book. “We have a bunch at the — I mean, at home — and Grandmother saw that I really liked them so she gave me this book!”
“What’s a gargoyle?”
He looks at you like you just confessed to murder. Shaking his head, he flips back a few pages. “They’re ‘ornamental stone carvings of animals or people that project from the side of a building and serve as the spout of a gutter.’ You’ve seen one before, right?”
“No.” You lean in closer to inspect another illustration. “They’re weird.” He stares at you, aghast. You roll your eyes. “Cool weird. We don’t have these out here.”
"Oh… that's a shame. Maybe one day you could come see the ones in my home."
You peer up at him. "Maybe. I gotta ask Mister Crowley."
"Who's that?"
"I live with him. He's weird."
"Cool weird?"
"Weird weird." You nudge him with your shoulder. "Do you live with your grandma?"
"So it's you and her and your parents?"
Hornton goes completely quiet. He fingers the gilded edge of the page. Softly, he mumbles, "They aren't here anymore."
"Oh. Mine too. That's why I'm with Mister Crowley."
“... Do you know what happened to them?”
You shrug and pluck another apple out of the sack. As you wipe it on your trousers, you reply, “Nah. I dunno if Mister Crowley knows, either. He says he found me in a box left outside the school. There was a note, but it only said my name.”
“Oh.” Hornton looks away. “That’s sad.”
“I guess.” You shrug again. “If they didn’t want me, I don’t want them neither.”
He stares at you, wide-eyed. All he manages is another quiet, “Oh.”
Scowling, you take a bite out of your apple. “I don’t wanna talk about it anymore. Let’s just read.”
“Okay. I… I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine.” He seems to wilt at your curt statement. You add, “Really, it’s fine. Please, I wanna get through another chapter before I have to go.”
“You’re going somewhere?”
“Yeah, some party at my friend’s house. It’s not even for him, so I dunno why I’m invited, but I think his mom invited everyone in town.” Another bite. You look over the words on the page, not really processing them. “So I gotta go in a couple hours.”
“That must be nice,” Hornton sighs. “Getting invited to parties all the time.”
“What? No, it’s boring. It’s just boring grownup stuff most of the time. It’s only fun when it’s a birthday party, and there’s only four other kids in town so those never happen.” You emphasize this with a long groan.
“Really?” He thinks on this for a moment. “I guess it’s like the parties Grandmother throws.”
“What kinda parties?”
“Uh, they’re… big and fancy, but there aren’t any kids at all. And I can’t go dance or talk to people. And… um… it’s a lot. I don’t like them that much.”
You watch him as his voice shrinks and his head droops. Gently, you bop your temple against his. He perks up a little. With a small smile, you say, “Maybe I can invite you to my birthday party this year. It’d be fun!”
For a moment, you’d swear his eyes water. He beams at you, reaching out to grasp your hand. “I’d like that.”
The party at Ace's house is full of tipsy adults while you and your friends drink your juice in a corner. Well, everyone except Ace. His mother parades him around to talk to the other adults who apparently know him. None of you envy him — he looks miserable.
It turns out that the party is for Ace's brother. He emerges from a side room with his girlfriend on his arm and introduces her as his fiancée. When Deuce gives you a questioning look, you lean over and tell him that that means they're going to get married. The adults cheer and sing and dance for hours longer; the celebration only pauses for bedtime (which is fine with you, the party was boring anyways).
The next morning, Crowley wobbles out of his room with most of his weight held up by his cane. He has a faint green tinge to his face, but that doesn't stop him from walking with you to the schoolhouse. This is all, of course, just to announce that class is canceled for the day. You gather with your friends and, after a brief argument, decide to play in the park together.
That's how you find yourself nearly tripping over a familiar figure sitting beneath the oak tree. Hornton looks up from his book, gasps, and reaches out to help steady you. You wheel your arms around haphazardly for a moment before you breathe out a sigh of relief. Then, you take in Hornton's face and gasp.
"Oh! You're here today!"
Before you can give a proper greeting, Ace hollers your name. Both you and Hornton turn to look at the four boys coming to join you. Ace stops, bare toes curling in the grass. He eyes Hornton warily, the sloppy heart painted around his left eye scrunching up. "Who're you?"
"He's Hornton and he's my friend," you say for him.
"'Hornton?'" Epel repeats. He snorts. "That's a stupid name."
"It isn't my real name," mumbles Hornton.
"Your name is stupid, Epel," you snap. You cross your arms and stick out your tongue. He returns the gesture.
"You guys are children," says Jack. Epel appears comically devastated at the deadpan insult. You huff softly.
Deuce snorts. "You're the youngest!"
"By a month!"
"Your friends are loud," Hornton whispers. You nod. He picks at the page he's on, a tiny film of gold foil flaking onto his black claw. "Should I go?"
"No!" Your friends turn to stare at you. Hornton blinks slowly, pink tinting his cheeks. He smiles bashfully, shrinking a little into his robes. Ace, meanwhile, gets that certain spark in his eye that instantly makes you shoot him a glare in warning. He grins, showing off one of his missing baby teeth, but keeps his mouth otherwise shut.
"Wait, is this the kid you mentioned yesterday?" Deuce asks. He peers over at Hornton. "I thought you were kidding."
"Why would I kid about that? That'd be weird."
"'Cause you're weird," Epel mutters, and you lunge for him while he shrieks with laughter and ducks away.
"You've got pointy ears," says Jack, his own fluffy white ears swiveling towards Hornton before he turns to look at you, "kinda like your dad."
Ew. From your spot on the grass wrestling with Epel, you sit up. "Mister Crowley is not my dad."
"But you live with him?"
"I live with my Meemaw," Epel adds. "She's not my mom."
Hornton observes your conversation. He tilts his head and hums thoughtfully. "I live with my grandmother, that doesn't make her my mother."
"You talk funny."
"What? It's true! He talks all fancy like Professor Trein!"
You roll your eyes and shove Epel. Ignoring his indignant squawk, you scurry over to sit beside Hornton. "Wanna hang out with us?"
He stares at you, mouth agape. Again, he smiles shyly. "You're really inviting me?"
"Duh," Ace drawls. "Why else would they ask?"
Hornton tucks his book into his robe. A tiny green light sparks at his fingertips for a moment as he does so. Then, he stands up. He holds his curled fists close to his chest, guarding. Ignoring his nerves, you grab his hands and use him as leverage to stand, too.
"Whaddya wanna play? Or talk about?"
"Uh… I don't know?"
"Do you guys think you'll ever get married?" Deuce blurts out. All 5 of you turn to stare at him. He goes pale before blushing furiously. "Wait, no, I mean —! Since Ace's brother's gonna get married I was thinking about it!"
You hum. "I'unno. Maybe? Mister Crowley cried last night when I asked him if I'd ever get married."
"I'm gonna get married," Jack asserts. His tail swishes with excitement. "My mom and dad said that I'll know when I found 'the one.'"
"What does that mean?"
He shrugs. "Dunno. But they've been together for forever."
"True. Ace?"
He makes an exaggerated gagging sound. Complete with gestures. "No way! My brother and his fiancée are so gross with each other all the time! It's weird."
"It's gross 'cause he's your brother, dummy."
"My mom's not married," Deuce says, plucking at the grass. "She says my dad was a… uh… a 'good-for-nothing scumbag'. She gets all sad when she talks about him, so I dunno about getting married."
"My Grandmother told me that I have to get married one day." Hornton shrugs. "But I don't really think about it."
"So you've never thought about your wedding?" you ask.
Ace shoves you. "You're the only one who has! You're always reading those kissing books."
"Kissing books?" Hornton repeats.
"They're called romance and they're good!"
"Real life is grosser," says Ace. You shove him. "Hey!"
"What if we did our own wedding?" Jack interjects. Everyone pauses to look at him. "It can be like training. For when Ace's brother has his, I mean."
"Yeah but who would be who?" Deuce glances over at you, then Hornton. "Why don't you guys play the people getting married?"
"Oh, yeah! Me 'n Ace 'n Jack 'n Deuce will put up the… the thing!"
"A chuppah! We gotta make a chuppah!"
"We gotta get some big sticks!"
"I think I saw some branches over on the other side of the tree."
"Nice, Jack! Hey, you 'n Hornton should make some rings! We'll be right back!" Deuce scurries off with the other boys, leaving you and Hornton standing in a stunned silence.
“I guess we’re playing wedding?” You shrug and start looking for wildflowers. Hornton watches you with wide eyes. You glance over at him. “C’mon! Help me make the rings!”
He crouches down next to you. Giving you a helpless look, he holds his hands to his chest in hesitation. “Um… how do we do that?”
“We’ll get some flowers and tie the stems! Like making flower crowns! Oh oh oh! We should make flower crowns, too!”
“Oh. I’ve never made a flower crown before. Can you show me?”
“Yeah!” You kneel next to him with a fistful of brightly-colored wildflowers. Hornton watches in rapt attention as you slowly weave their stems together, forming a ring just big enough to fit you as a bracelet. He claps when you present it. Then, without a word, you reach up and drop it onto one of his horns. Hornton sits in stunned silence for a moment before he blushes and mumbles a quiet thanks. He takes the leftover flowers and carefully weaves a crown for you, this one large enough to actually be a crown. His brow furrows as he finishes the crown and then places it on your head. Giggling, you touch the petals. “Thank you, honey!” “H-Honey?”
“Yeah! That’s what the ladies in my romance books call their gentlemen! If we’re getting married I should call you that!”
“Oh!” He smiles, shoulders hunched, then grabs one of the few remaining flowers. “Here, uh, honey. I’ll make your ring.” He winds the stem around your left ring finger, sticking his tongue out in deep concentration. Once he’s knotted the stem, he uses a claw to snip off the excess. Without your prompting, he holds out his own left hand for you to do the same.
“We match!” you whisper-shout, holding your hand next to his.
“Mhm!” His tail thump thump thumps behind him. “Wait, let me try something…” Hornton leans over and touches your flower crown and ring. A bright green light envelops the both of you, and you gasp and squeeze your eyes shut. Once it fades, you crack open one eye. The flowers seem unchanged.
“What’d you do?”
“I tried a spell my Grandmother taught me. It’s s’posed to keep plants from withering!” He twists the flower ring on his finger. “I mean, I don’t know if I did it right, but if I did then we’ll always have these!”
“I like that.” You take off your own ring and cradle it in your palm. “I like it.”
A holler from Epel breaks your focus, and you turn to look at the oak. Beneath it, the boys have stuck four massive branches in the ground. Now, they’re arguing over who will give up their jacket to use as a canopy. Beside you, Hornton sighs and takes off his cloak. With a flick of his wrist, it floats up to rest atop the branches and shade the ground beneath it. The boys shut up, seeing the matter settled.
“Okay, I think we gotta start with… uh…” Deuce frowns and scrunches up his nose. After a long moment of deliberation, he looks at the rest of you helplessly.
“You gotta give each other your rings!” Ace shouts.
You tilt your head. “But we already did that while you were getting the sticks.”
“Then give them back and do it again!”
“‘Cause you gotta!”
You roll your eyes but slide the flower ring off your finger. Hornton does the same, cradling his delicately in his palm. You drop yours in his hand and take his. Pinching the stem between your fingers, you glance over at Ace. “Aren’t you supposed to say something?”
“I’m not the one who’s… uh…” His nose scrunches up as he thinks for a moment. “Mom called them an o-fish-ant?”
“You’re not a fish,” Deuce supplies helpfully.
“It’s ‘officiant’, stupid,” you interject. “Did you guys even pick someone for that?”
“I’ll do it,” says Jack, “‘cause if I don’t, this’ll never be done. And then I’ll miss lunch and my mom will yell at me.”
“You’re taking this way too seriously.” Ace folds his arms behind his head. “We’re just playing!”
“A wedding’s a wedding.”
“Whatever, do your fish thing!” “It’s ‘officiant’!”
Jack clears his throat. You and Hornton turn to give him your rapt attention. His nose scrunches up and one fluffy ear flicks at the air a few times before he begins speaking. “Uh, we’re gonna… start with you giving each other your rings.” He pauses, pursing his lips. “... Go on. Do it.”
You raise your left hand dutifully, and Hornton slides the flower ring onto your finger. You do the same for him. Both he and Jack look so serious about this that it’s hard not to giggle. “Okay, now what?”
“Oh! I remember one’a my cousins got married and she walked ‘round her husband a bunch!”
“That sounds weird.”
“It was! But she did it!”
“How many times did she do it?”
“I dunno.”
“Wouldn’t you get dizzy?” Deuce mumbles.
“I mean, she seemed fine.”
You glance at Epel, shrug, then look back at Hornton. “Wanna do it?” He nods eagerly. Again, you try not to giggle. Hornton beams. “Okay, I’ll go first! Epel, how many times should I do it?”
“Uh… I dunno, until you start getting dizzy?”
“Bet I can do more than you,” you whisper to Hornton. He stares at you, wide-eyed, then grins so sharply you barely recognize him.
“Bet you’re wrong.”
You both laugh. Taking a deep breath, you start to walk around and around and around Hornton. He spins with you, wobbling. Meanwhile, your friends count every lap. One, two, three, four — you get to seven, and decide to tap out. Hornton puffs out his chest and, a little green in the face, starts circling you, instead. He also makes it to seven.
“Aw,” you mutter. “It’s a tie.”
“I totally could’ve beat you if I went first.” You stick your tongue out at Hornton. He giggles to himself. Then, he turns to Jack. “So, uh, what next?”
“Umm…” Jack’s face screws up in contemplation. His ears swivel back and forth for a moment, before he hesitantly replies, “Uh… you’re married now?”
“I don’t think that’s it,” you say.
“Aren’t we s’posed to… kiss?”
You stare at Hornton, who appears just as flustered as you now feel. “I think so.”
“Wait!” Ace reaches into his coat pocket and retrieves a small pinecone. He sets it on the ground between you and Hornton. “You’re supposed’ta crush it first!”
“Isn’t it supposed to be glass?” Jack asks, and Ace shoves him. “Hey!”
“Do you wanna go get glass to step on?”
“... No.”
“‘Kay, then pinecone it is!” He gestures enthusiastically at the pinecone. “Crush it! Go! Go! Go!”
You squeeze Hornton’s hand, giggling, and in unison you both lift a foot and crush the pinecone under your feet. It gives a loud, crackling crunch, and its little seed pockets burst and go flying. Your friends hoot and holler in celebration.
“‘Kay, now you need to kiss!” Ace declares.
Hornton turns beet red. “Kiss?”
“Like, for real?” you squeak.
“Uh, yeah, otherwise it’s not a wedding.”
You fidget with your ring, face hot. Hornton stares at you with wide, uncertain eyes. All the while, your friends (well, everyone but Jack) chant, “Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!”
You’re the one to take the initiative. Squeezing your eyes shut, you lean in and give Hornton a brief, chaste kiss. It lasts only for a second, and from his startled squeak, it’s almost as if he expected that nothing would ever happen. Behind you, Epel and Ace gag dramatically.
“Ewww, you actually did it!” Epel shakes you by the shoulders and cackles through his words. “Gross!”
“You wanted us to kiss!” you protest. Before you can say more, he lifts you on his shoulders. Your words become a shrill squeal, and you can see Ace and Deuce struggling to lift Hornton, as well. “EPEL! PUT ME DOWN!”
“You’re married!” he crows. “You kissed someone!”
For his part, Hornton buries his face in his hands while Ace and Deuce finally manage to lift him up together.
“Uh… mazel tov,” Jack mumbles.
“We’re not actually married!” Even as you say this, you can’t help your rosy cheeks, nor the way your heart races as you meet Hornton’s electric gaze. He smiles bashfully as he grips Ace and Deuce’s shoulders for balance.
Hours later, after you and Hornton and your friends have spent the rest of the day dancing together and chatting and playing tag, you and Hornton are the only ones left at the park. Everyone else went home as the sun began to set. You run your fingers over your ring’s petals, fascinated by their softness.
“Did you have fun?” you ask, voice small. “I know my friends can be a lot…”
“Yeah.” A faint flush brings life to Hornton’s pale face. He smiles, and the sun casts him in gold. “I haven’t had this much fun in forever. Thank you.” For a moment, he hesitates, then he reaches to grab your hand. “Um… will you be here tomorrow?”
You nod, perhaps a little too enthusiastically. “Mhm! Do you… wanna read together, maybe?”
It’s as if the sun is rising again when he beams. He gives your hand a squeeze. “I’d like that.”
Though you’re loath to leave, you force yourself to give Hornton a squeeze in return before you pull back. “I gotta go before Mister Crowley starts worrying. Bye, Hornton.”
When you go home, you can’t stop yourself from spinning the flower ring on your finger. Crowley asks you what you’re giggling about over dinner, and all you do is grin and show him the ring and crown. He rolls his eyes, muttering about children and their whimsies (whatever that means), and shoos you off to bed once you’ve finished and cleaned up. Before you crawl under the covers, you take off the flowers and place both pieces delicately on your nightstand.
The next day, once school is over, you run to your oak tree. You’re wearing your ring again, unable to stop looking at it and its perfectly-maintained petals. With an excited shout of “HORNTON!” you swing around to the other side of the tree.
And it’s empty.
Your heart drops.
‘Maybe he’s doing something with his grandma?’
The next day, you approach your tree again, less enthused and more nervous. He’s not there.
‘I thought we were gonna play together again.’
Day after day, you check your tree. Day after day, you’re greeted with no sign of the boy you’d started to befriend. Spring turns into summer. Ace’s brother gets married, and all you can think about during the ceremony is a scaly black tail thump thump thumping against the ground. When the leaves of your oak tree begin to turn gold and orange and red, you stop checking.
The ring and the flower crown remain just as pristine as they were the day they were made. You leave the crown on your dresser and wear the ring to class every day.
Years pass. You grow up. Your friends start taking extra lessons after classes a few times a week to train their magic. A new teacher from the city starts to visit, a young man named Divus Crewel. He teaches chemistry and alchemy, and you take to it like a fish to water. The private lessons you get from him almost help to soothe the beast of envy that grows in your chest every time you leave your friends to their magic classes. By the time you turn 13, the ring no longer fits. You keep it and the crown in a little wooden box tucked lovingly beneath your bed. Sometimes, you take them out and marvel at how little they’ve changed. Your friends, however, change just as rapidly as you do. Their magical prowess grows at a startling rate. You content yourself with cheering from the sidelines and working on your alchemical skills. Ace and Deuce try to bind Grim to you as a familiar first when you’re 16 (It doesn’t work, but your hair briefly catches fire). They next try when you’re 18 (It almost works. Crowley says it may have to do with your utter lack of any magic. You try not to feel resentful.). At last, on your 19th birthday, they succeed. It’s quite possibly the best gift you’ve ever gotten; Grim’s life is prolonged for as long as he’s bound to you.
By 20, you and your friends (by some miracle) all get accepted to the university in the city, the same one that Professors Trein and Crewel teach at. You start working under Crewel as a student alchemist (He says you’re one of his most promising students, especially because you have no magic to use as a shortcut. For once, you don’t wilt at the mention of magic.). You see your first real gargoyle on one of the older campus buildings. You take a photo, your mind conjuring up a fanged grin and excited electric green eyes. ‘Does Hornton still like gargoyles?’ you wonder as you save the photo. Years later, at your graduation ceremony, you take another photo of the gargoyle. Now, it’s decorated with a few fabric-flower leis that your fellow graduates managed to get over its head. ‘Look, Hornton, the gargoyle is celebrating, too!’
You return to your hometown after receiving your degree. Crowley graciously allows you to stay at home (although you suspect he might just like having another hand to help around the house) while you continue your work as an alchemist. Crewel has hired you full-time as a lab assistant. Every day you take the train into the city for work. Sometimes, when you get all caught up in your head and the novelty of watching the world pass by through the window, you find yourself reaching for your left ring finger to twist a ring that isn’t there.
‘It’s been almost twenty years,’ you chastise yourself, ‘why are you still thinking about that boy?’
Despite your age, your experience in romance is limited to the cheesy romance novels and cheap bodice-rippers that populate your bookshelf, interspersed between your textbooks and notebooks. For some reason, you could never bring yourself to try dating. Every time the thought comes to you, you feel the phantom sensation of a soft stem wrapped around your finger. Your friends tease you about it. Ace calls you a dweeb. Epel says you’re acting foolish over a stupid game you played as children. Deuce laughs and does a pantomime of your fake wedding. Jack just shakes his head knowingly. He’s the most understanding about it — wolves mate for life, and he gets why you would take a play-wedding to heart. That doesn’t stop him from getting a jab or two in on occasion, though.Some days, you pull the box out from under your bed and look at the flowers. As always, they look just as perfect as the day they were picked. Now that you’re older, you’ve learned more about magic. The spell required to make and maintain such perfect preservation requires both skill and a wellspring of magic. The amount of magic alone would send most experienced mages into overblot. This only stokes your curiosity. How did Hornton, a child hardly older than you, cast such a spell with ease? Who was he? It’s a question that haunts you. It’s a question you know you’ll never get an answer to.
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fourstarsoutofnine · 1 year
Hellooo, i noticed that requests are open! If I may, can I request courting shenanigans with Four? Man's gonna have a full on war in his head (AND a full on brawl if they split )if the Colors have different ideas on how they want to court the reader. Even better if the Reader has feelings for them but is as Dense as A Rock.
In any case, please do take your time with this! I don't want you to burn yourself out, and I don't mind waiting.
One last thing, I hope you know that your writings make me smile whenever I see that you posted.
Ok that's it lmao, take care of yourselfff
A/n:AAA thank you sm😭🫶you’re so very kind. Also I’ve been wanting to write for the colors for a while, thank you for giving me a way to do that!!
Also, I read somewhere a while back that to make a courtship official in medieval times(typically between a man and a woman, I’m not sure how it worked for other couples, it didn’t say so I’d just say it was an overarching thing), the man would give his lover a cloth torn from his garment but I didn’t want to have four slice his tunic so I settled for an extra headband ribbon <3 anyway enjoy!
How to date.
Four x reader (ft. colors)
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The smith was normally a pretty easygoing guy. Calm, collected, able to figure things out relatively well on his own….when it came to regular issues.
But you, though—oh, you.
You were an entirely different story. He had no clue how to gauge the situation of his thoughts and feelings towards you.
He knew he’d fallen for you—faster than the champion when his shield broke while surfing—but the thing is… he was torn inside on how he wanted to go about asking you, and courting you.
You, of course, were clueless as a blind detective. Not a single thought of his feelings behind those eyes. But he’d be lying if he said he wasn’t relieved by that. It just meant he could look at you longer without you wondering why he was doing so.
Vio hated keeping this from you. He wanted to figure out some way to tell you. It’s your right to know how he felt. It would be wrong to continue your friendship without your knowledge of this, as it was something that, Hylia forbid, could end the friendship all together if you found out and didn’t feel the same way.
Red wanted to tell you, but by the three the poor thing was paralyzed by fear. His feelings towards you were so strong he felt like he could explode. He adored you—he had the smith looking at you like you were the goddess herself. If it took being dragged here by the shadow for you to meet, it truly will have been worth it. He reveled in every aspect of you.
Even Blue was smitten. You knew how to fluster every part of the smith, and he was no exception. Your willpower and strength amazed him, as did your sharp wit and ability to shoot a comeback right back at anybody with a snarky remark, and that was something that could easily melt him to a puddle.
Green had no words, really. You just captivated him. He was the head of the group, the calmest of every color, the least easily riled. But you had him, all of them really, wrapped around your finger. If they could only agree on one thing, it would be that they’d do anything for you… so why couldn’t they come to an agreement on how to ask you out?
“A library’s the clear choice. It’s a calm, quiet environment facilitating a feeling of ease and comfort, and that’d be best.” Vio stated matter-of-factly.
“Oh please—you just wanna read after, whether we get rejected or not.” Blue rolled his eyes.
“Alright then, what’s your idea?” Vio shot back
“Picnic.” He shrugged. “Easy. It’s a calm, quiet environment facilitating a feeling of ease and comfort.” He repeated in a mocking tone. “But way more romantic. I mean—what can you even do in a library??? Recite love poems to them?”
“Yes! Exactly, Blue!”
“Hey!!!” Red shouted. “Stop arguing, this is getting us nowhere!”
“Do you have a suggestion, then?” Vio pressed
“Um-…well…” he thought. “We could…I’ll take them shopping! That way I can buy them things that accentuate their beauty…” his cheeks turned red as he smiled dopily at the ground.
“Not a bad idea, only, where will we get the money?” Blue asked. “We’re practically pisspoor traveling with the others. Hardly a rupee to our name and I wouldn’t be caught dead asking to borrow from someone to take our partner out. We’re not a scrub.”
“…yeah…” he mumbled ashamedly, a blush of embarrassment now across his cheeks. Vio patted his shoulder, assuring him it wasn’t a bad idea despite their lack of funds, and it would definitely be something they’d do in the future when they got more money(if you reciprocated their affections, that is.)
“Green? Any lifesaving ideas?” Blue crossed his arms, tired of this charade.
“….honestly, gang? I got nothin. I’m coming up blank..”
The other colors groaned. Unfortunately for them, it was loud enough for your passing form to hear. The sound caught your ear and drew you closer. When you got to the source, you saw four brightly colored iterations of your lovely smith, each one of them a representation of the color on the tunic you most consistently saw him wearing. You’d become rather close to him and the sound he’d made concerned you. This, however, wiped all other worry from you and you stood there shocked and confused on the scene playing out before you.
“Are you serious???” The small man in blue let out another groan and held his face. “My goddess were never gonna tell them at this point; this is ridiculous. They’ll be back where they belong by the time we can come up with a stupid plan.”
“Easy, Blue. Don’t be so dramatic; you’d sound like Red if you weren’t so negative.” The one in a lovely purple(or violet, more accurately) said.
“Hey..” the one in red pouted.
“No offense.”
“Offense?? You’re comparing him to ME!”
“All I said was you’re both dramatic, you’re just negative too—“
“I oughta—“
“Hey!!” The one in green finally shouted, bringing the others’ bickering to a halt. “Even if I did have a plan, would we even agree on it? You three can’t seem to even stop arguing, much less come to an agreement or come up with a solution we all like. Maybe-..maybe we just try to…since it’s causing us inner turmoil and making us bicker with ourselves…what if we just suppress it…”
“No..!” Red shouted. “I-I don’t want to..! Loving them is so nice… I don’t wanna push that down…”
“Honestly? Me neither. Besides it’ll just make us sick. You know what happens when we bottle it up.” Blue stated.
“Exactly. We get physically ill and I’m not a fan.” Vio added.
“But the thing is—what if it’s all for naught anyway? What if they don’t like us?” Green sighed.
“What if they do?” You finally piped up after not being able to hear of the scenario any longer. You loved the smith. You just never in a million years would have thought he returned your affections. But yet here he stood, the four major parts of him split by the foursword, bickering over how to take you on a date.
The colors eyes widened, faces blooming a bright red immediately. They’d been caught.
“What if I do?” You said. “And…I might have a solution to your issue… how about we go out to eat, or just for a walk or something..? It doesn’t matter what we do, I just like to spend time with you… we can to that when you’re all together again, and then someday later, you four could go on whatever individual dates you had in mind that you couldn’t agree on…” you smiled nervously.
Red was the first to break the standoff between all of you. He ran up and hugged you tight. You smiled and hugged him back. The other colors joined before they backed up and merged again. The smith stood in front of you with a sad smile. “You really—meant all that..?”
“Of course..” you smiled. “For one, I’d never lie to you, and two, why would I ever not reciprocate your feelings? Smith—Link, you are brilliant, in every single way. And all of this just adds to that. I can’t wait to get to know every single part of you.”
“Can—can I-….can you bend down here so I can kiss you?”
You laughed and nodded, bending down to let the small hero kiss you. It was careful, calculated, and so full of love that you were sure he’d gone over it in his head a thousand times on exactly how he’d do it. When you both broke away, his face was bright red and he smiled like a dope. “That—“ he started with a lovestruck laugh. “Was so much more than I ever dreamed it would be…”
“I could say the same…” you were just as lovestruck as he was. “I just-…never would’ve thought you’d ever think of me like that…”
“You kidding? You’re literally everything I’d ever dream of. Every aspect of you’s the most incredible thing I’ve ever had the pleasure of experiencing…”
“Smithy…” you sigh, beginning to refute.
“I mean it.. and if you’ll let me, I’d love to show you how much you mean to me..”
“I-… I’d love to..” you smiled softly. His eyes lit up and he grabbed a spare piece of ribbon he uses for his headband and tied it around your wrist.
“I’m not sure how it works where you’re from, but this is how people know we’re courting.” He smiled. As did you. Courting, what a cute way to say dating… with the colors satisfied, the smith felt satisfied as well. So did you. A happy ending for all of you<3
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joonieskinks · 1 year
drabble: "work together" knj
1930s scholar!namjoon x scholar!reader | mostly just flirty tension | 1.2 k
*inspired by Oppenheimer lmao
warnings: seggsual tension, swearing, flirting in a professional setting, kissing and dry humping
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"Do you really think you're all that, Kim?" You scoff irritated, pushing your falling glasses up your nose.
"Oh, I know so," he declares. "That and then some, y/l/n." He smirks down at you.
Namjoon takes in your appearance, your white blouse tucked delicately into your green skirt that framed your body oh so nicely. Your soft but tight curls that hugged against your face, your brilliant mind that constantly pushed him to do better in his own research. He frankly couldn't get enough of you, even though you two were meant to be rivals in this set of circumstances, competing for the same post-doctoral position with the great Dr. Oppenheimer. As you are both aspiring physicists, the two best in the country, naturally you're both stuck competing. You did the same through your undergrad, graduate and even through your doctors. Always together, ever trying to out-do the other academically.
However since the start, Namjoon has always acted better than you, it drove you rather mad, but deep down - he knew you were that much more intelligent than him. Still, he couldn't bare to admit it. No, that would hurt his ego too much. Instead, he takes to going back and forth with you, hopefully flirting his way into your heart. A rather silly way to go about it with you maybe, but this is as confident as he could be right now. You're just so - intimidating perfect to him.
Not to mention so gorgeous, he would gladly rip the clothes off of you in an instant and place you on the lab counter to have his way with you any day of the week.
So- a gorgeous, wicked-smart, threateningly charming doctor of physics in which he sees every single day?
Of course you'll creep your way into his heart-
But also him into yours.
Something endearing about him, you couldn't quite place your finger on it. Not really, but you've always been drawn to him. Although perhaps you two have never been outright friends, but you two interact everyday. You know each other well, you work together and you share the same working livelihoods. You'd consider it bonding, so perhaps you do know him after all.
However he's also incredibly smart, witty and attractive. Something about a rather built man, strikingly tan and so handsome in his glasses with his eyes that are currently locked on you?
Yeah, one could definitely get distracted from their research.
"God, you're incredibly irritating." You roll your eyes and begin to walk away from him. You two were the last to leave the lecture hall once again. Everybody knew to exit when you two were arguing, even Dr. Oppenheimer had had enough, leaving you two to yell it out in the empty lecture hall for an hour or so every other day. You two would argue circles around each other regarding theory, experiments - but also politics, grades and even the best bar in town once.
"And you're incredibly stubborn. You don't know when to concede and admit that my maybe my methodology is superior to yours." Namjoon rebuttals, taking a step closer to you, grabbing your arm to get you to hear him out.
You glance at his grip on your arm, then glare up into his eyes, causing Namjoon to swallow nervously. He definitely didn't mean to react like that, nor for you to see that. You smirk slightly at the sight of the great, cocky Dr. Kim Namjoon crumpling before you.
"Is that all you've got to throw at me today, doctor? I seem to recall hearing that one before... Have you really nothing else?" You tease, taking a step closer to Namjoon's face, almost to the point where you two are chest-to-chest.
He immediately chokes at your proximity to him, seizing up and he can feel his heart beat in his throat. Namjoon's at a lost for words when his eyes shoot down to catch a glance of your lips.
He hadn't even realized he was waiting for this moment his whole academic career, not until it was finally shoved in front of him.
Is this what tension felt like? Lust? Adoration? Love? Whatever it was, he felt it with you in this moment. Well, perhaps he always has but now it was quite tangible. A desire was building up in his stomach, his throat, his mind and body.
Forget the bloody research for a moment, he just wanted you.
"Y/N," he started. "Can I- I mean, can we...?" He stumbled, unable to form the words and courage as he looked into your eyes, down to your lips again. He was clearly a panicking mess, but you knew exactly what he wanted, exactly what you've been thinking about too. However you had the courage to act unlike your shy, gorgeous fellow academic.
Your books recklessly drop to the floor as you wrap your arms around his neck, attaching your lips to his. Namjoon stands their stunned for a couple moments before he drops his books too. His hands immediately land on your waist, digging his nails In and then inching down to your ass. You feel him confidently palm the skin and squeeze it around your skirt, attempting to hike it up.
"Namjoon!" You exclaim against his mouth, pulling back to look into his eyes in surprise.
"I'm sorry, I should slow down. I don't know what's come over me, I've just wanted to do it for so long, I-" you cut him off by bringing your lips to his again. He can feel you smiling against his lips and your hands begin to unbutton his shirt, showing it off and leaving him exposed in the lecture hall.
"Shit, Y/N, someone could walk in-" Namjoon mutters in between kisses.
"Don't care, just want you." You purr, your hands running through his hair, down his shoulders and chest. Fuck, he feels good, solid, yours.
"Oh God- Okay." He utters, hands moving to take your glasses off and place them gently on a desk beside you two. You could almost swoon at how gentle he is being in this moment, however you need him. Now.
Your hands rip at your blouse buttons, shooting them across the room and your bra is then exposed to him. Namjoon can do nothing but oggle you, your skin, how bold you are. You push him back onto Dr. Oppenheimers desk, straddling his legs with your own. Gently, your core rests upon his aching length, you can feel him below you, painfully strained against his pants.
"You can have me, Namjoon-" You start, your hand coming up to cup his chin, and get his eyes to focus on your own instead of your body for a moment.
"But only if you admit that my methodology is superior." You tease, smirking down at him, completely dominating the physicist.
Namjoon huffs in frustration, but its quickly followed by a moan as you begin to rock your hips against his. You then slowly tilt your head to the side, smiling as you are winning him over.
"Fuck, fine. Yes, Dr. y/l/n, your methodology is superior, okay?. Happy?" He surrenders and you reward him but kissing him on the mouth again. You can feel him melt beneath you and his hips buck upwards your heat.
"Very." You hum, lifting your skirt and Namjoon fumbles to undo his zipper in tandem.
Meanwhile your great mentor walks by the lecture hall door, expecting to hear another screaming match - Only to hear nothing for once. Odd.
He reaches for the doorknob only to hear moans and the creaking of wood from within. He hesitates, both a little disgusted at the choice of setting, but relieved.
"About time." He mutters to himself and then walks off with his hands in his pockets.
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sashiavi · 6 months
Have you seen those mods that turn SDV Leah into a fox girl/Abigail into a cat and stuff? All the townsfolk (or just the date-able ones) being hybrids would be so cute and funnn like we have puppy Sam, bull Alex,black cat seb etc
hybrid farmer taking their golden retriever farm pet for a walk and gets dragged over to sam and that's how they first meet
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Gah yesss I remember seeing them around- I never had them downloaded because I always had the Seasonal Villager Outfits Mod <//3
But you're so rightttt
The first week on the farm had been all too busy, tilling the old sandy dirt day in and day out to plant crops, whacking tree debris and stones out of the way to make a barebone path through the property. Not to mention, the fluffy golden retriever pup the nice lady from the Ranch had dropped off at your farm. Covered in mud, twigs and fleas, you swore it took your whole day just to scrub the poor thing clean.
With that in the forefront of your mind, the last thing you were concerned about was making an impression upon the town. So when you finally shuck on some clothes that weren't stained green with grass and clip on your new Pups harness you were ready to face the music.
The early morning breeze urged your feet to move, up past the bus stop and into the towns entrance. Your dog was keen to sniff around, pulling against the harness with some resistance. Until it suddenly bounded ahead, yanking you along as it barked and drooled, eventually toppling over a poor man standing by a tree.
Before you could profusely apologize you find the person scritching and scratching your playful puppy, taking all the slobbery licks and kisses your dog has to offer. It's soon you realise that the man has his own set of bouncy, golden ears, and a happy tail wagging along with your dog's.
And den dey wuv eachother >v>
I can just imagine the others too </3
Alex making a drop by the farm for his Granny, passing out her famous homemade cookies as a favour for her. He spots a neat fence keeping in a small heard of cattle with you inside, patting the spotted fur of the cows and setting down a metal pail to collect their milk.
For some reason, he can't help but be jealous. Tail whipping side to side, brow scrunching ever so slightly. Why can't he get pats on his head too? He's barely any different to them.
Ugh jealous Alex my beloved <//3 I just know he'd take it out on you with his cock ;>
Or grumpy Kitty Sebastian, slinking around you in the dark outside his house, making an attempt to avoid you as you walk home from the mine. He even withholds from hitting his cigarette lest the orange glow give him away. Something about watching you in the dark sparks something hot in his chest..
Grumpy kitty Sebby who's a little jealous you're taking up all of Sam's attention at the tavern every Friday night (at least that's what he tells himsel, we all know he really wants you hehehe)
Hnnhg mmmgg Shane ahhhgnngn hnng *drooling*
I really don't know what he would be <//3 Grumpy Wolf lmao
Why does Harvey give me mouse vibes I'm so sorry- (I need to peg him he's submissive and breedable)
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hanrinz · 2 years
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pairing. wanderer x fem! reader ( word count. 0.9k ) genre. past lovers
synopsis. betrayals were so familiar to him, yours were far more special.
content. angst & small fluff, death mentioned, small spoilers for lantern rite & possible spoilers scara's story quests, minimal proofread.
notes. first time writing for genshin, i'm starting with scara!! i kin him lmao
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"come on, kuni! the lanterns are fleeting,"
a hand clutched to his, warmly he noted. as you tighten your grip hoping to keep it with yours. confused by your statement about this 'lanterns' you speak of, nevertheless he lets you drag him away from the comfort of your own home.
up to the cliff he's oh so familiar with, the times the both of you have spent there coming to him, as he finally see the lights that float above the sea like the stars of the sky. lanterns from the lands of liyue, a once in a blue moon taking.
your grandmother used to tell you the stories of it, how the anemo archon blows the wind from the city of freedom, through liyue and taking every lights of wishes to other nations, a reminder of those who have passed, it was a message she says, a farewell that has long been said.
"quickly, make a wish kuni!" as you look at him excitedly.
a wish, you say? he doesn't understand humans that well, but the joy in your eyes tells him that it wouldn't hurt to try.
"i wish-"
"don't say it out loud, silly!" you giggle as you poke his cheeks and he looks at you confused once again.
your eyes telling him 'follow me' as you look up at the sky — him copying you, but his eyes still focused on you.
"close your eyes, kuni" speaking so softly, as you followed suit by whispering your wishes into the air. he didn't hear it by any means, but he hoped to catch whatever you had told the wind.
࿐ ·
he has no name anymore, it was long gone; dead and buried with his past.
alas, the memories of a girl who you were once with him stays. the world may have forgotten you and him, but your name stay within him — a secret he had to take from the irminsul tree, the god of wisdom did know, but knowing he had paid the price a new birth gift it was for him.
he will never know what you have whispered to the wind on that day, he had hoped it would be true.
as for him, he had wished for your eternity. falsely, it had never come. as he bore holes to the lights on his hands the traveller has given to him, he couldn't help but still wishes to see you for the last time.
"ah, a wanderer from another nation? say, what does your heart urge you to own?" his clothing in green, a cape that accompanies it — a bard he presumes. how laughable, he doesn't have a heart and yet he yearns for something, like a human.
"tsk, i have no interest in humans stupid traditions, an archon in a bard's clothing how does one dwell in such a foolish occasion?" though, he might have changed, the same venom drips from his lips.
"how cruel! and here i thought i could be of service to the calls of your heart." dramatic, as always. "one that belongs have wished from the past, wouldn't one be curious for the things that last?"
he could've said something, he could've rejected the offer, what was stopping him from doing so? silence fills the air as the bard himself hums a melody.
"i wish to keep kunikuzushi away from any pain."
and there you were like the very first time, in front of him. eyes closed like the memory he had once remembered.
he stayed there, not moving afraid these fragments of your time might break and he'll have to see you go again. isn't your wish ironic? you've been the one to cause the pain, his pain.
aren't you cruel? still beautiful as ever, still the same, it's still you.
he doesn't realize it, his eyes now glittering with tears. the time he has cried again, once when he was abandoned. but, no you didn't abandon him. fate was rather jealous, taking you out of his grasp.
death was inevitable, yours was something he couldn't fathom. you were something so precious and pure, a human who the world doesn't deserve one bit.
as he sees you smile once more, turning to him. he felt like he was himself from years ago, the kunikuzushi who you had showed the wonders of the world.
"i'm sorry, kuni" oh, he remembers this now all too well. it was just a simple thing, so why did it feel like he couldn't breathe and his heart was being stabbed so slow?
he hates how all these years, you still have that effect on him. humans were nothing, fragile and useless. how did such a human like you evoke such feelings from his non-existent heart?
and then, you were gone.
he looked around once more, he was still at the outskirts of liyue, a lantern in hand, the bard was gone. no one in sight, as he wiped his eyes with the back of his hands.
you were very fond of the anemo archon, he remembers. always talking about how one day, you'll visit every nation and come to the land of freedom. asking him one time if he'll join you.
of course, he would if he was still the same kuni you've known. he'll say it out loud and take your hand to everywhere the wind will take you.
but, those were all memories from the past and yet, he keeps it like a treasure.
one more wish and he'll never ask for anything again, not the gnosis, not his name, not even his own mother.
nothing but you.
he whispers to the wind, like a fool. but, what can he lose now? like a desperate prayer, he released the lantern to the sky.
"come back to me."
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— ♡ is he a little ooc?? im gonna cry lots. likes & rb's are much appreciated!!
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It makes my heart soft for Arthur to treat Zee so gently not because she's his daughter but because she's a woman in a time where it was particularly awful to be a woman. He tried his best to respect her as a person and as his child without making her feel she's 'just' a woman. I'm curious how Lord Father would react to some poor bastard coming to ask him permission to court his daughter. I imagine it's that best laugh he's had in a long time, straight up doubled-over with tears in his eyes. Let's him know he'd have a better chance asking her directly but considering this start he's going to have a hell of a time. To quote Thedore Roosevelt: "I can either run the country or I can attend to Alice, but I cannot possibly do both."
ALL of this. It's not like the man isn't sexist because he is, but in a way that isn't purely Victorian. He's lived a long life; the first British person we know much about is Boadicea. He is the last son of a goddess who ruled with blood, sacrifice, fear and cunning. Brighid and he will have a testy relationship, but she was the high-status centre of the Celtic Christianity he will draw upon again and again. England's wealth before the empire was caught up in cloth. Women's work created him, and he knows that. As a child in the world of late antiquity, he sat at his mother's and Brighid's feet as they worked the loom. Disrespecting women's work disrespects most of his own history. Plus, if you read Anglo-Saxon poetry, there are these tantalizing hints that women's work was seen as more important to civilization than men's. He isn't a fantastic father, but he does view her as a person if nothing else. The sheer amount of regnant queens he's had.
And I do feel like he and Zee did direct any potential suiters to him first because very late Victorian/Early Edwardian courtship and society meant that his rejections on her behalf would pull any social blame of her being a bit haughty or potentially deviant and redirect it to him where it was fine. After all, a daughter's marriage is still much the father's prerogative. It was socially acceptable for her to remain unmarried as widowed men or even just men fond of their daughters often gave them the choice of staying home if they so wished. It could be a better setup, but it maximizes her freedom. Answering a question about why she is unwed with "because I'm a lesbian and I don't bloody want to be" is unacceptable and degenerate. But "Oh, I could never leave my poor dear Papa; he utterly depends on me" makes her ultra respectable and dutiful even if she hasn't seen the old fart since Christmas. It's also a way for Arthur to keep an eye on her. If people are writing to him about courting Dearest Eleanor, it's intel.
But the first time it happened? Oh, good lord, the man lost his absolute shit. Partially because she's his baby and just absolutely not, that's his last child. She's not even a century old; he does not care. She is a teenager now she is a baby. Two, the audacity some of these potatoes have. Whenever Zee puts effort into playing the part of being the beautiful young socialite in just the prettiest clothes, putting on her best manners, and utilizing all that intelligence for social purposes, he's got a line out the door. When Zee is cranky with him, she puts on a particularly flattering blue or green dress and goes to a dinner party and just fucks up the old man's week lmao. She goes on a social campaign to get her way about something, and Matt might end up taking a nap in a coffin on the dining room table to shut it all down if he's particularly irate with her because no one can come courting to a house in mourning lol. But man yeah, there is a reason her slightly anti-social ass wears so much mourning black to keep off.
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pray4saint · 1 year
wait wait delete that last ask i did it wrong 😭
number 7 with dreamie pls 💕💕
masterlist & descrip. pg-13. 13+. leaving a toxic ex. rebound!dream that ends up not being a rebound lmao. use of 'y/n'. irresponsible drinking. use of alcohol. lyrics are out of order. flirty dream my beloved.
escapism. by raye & 070 shake | this is apart of my 500 follower event!
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sleazin' and teasin', i'm sittin' on him.
you weren't quite sure how you got here or why you were here; in a short black dress, talking up a tall dirty blond with gorgeous green eyes, downing whiskey like it was nothing. scratch that shit, of course you knew why were here.
a little context if you care to listen, i find myself in a shit position. the man that i love sat me down last night, and he told me that's it's over, dumb decison.
your boyfriend had left you, after three years, with no explanation other than ”i can't do this anymore.”
and i don't wanna feel how my heart is rippin', fact, i don't wanna feel, so i stick to sippin'.
this wasn't the first time you'd been through a bad breakup, but this one was strange, it didn't make sense, which made it hurt ten times worse that it probably would've otherwise.
”so, how bad was the breakup?” the man who sat merely one stool away from you asked, and if you weren't already a little drunk, you would've spit out your drink at the forwardness of his question. ”excuse me?” you actually weren't entirely sure you heard him right over the loud music, but it still came out a little bit accusatory. he tilted his head at you, a grin spread across the lower half of his face, and god, were his smile lines pretty. ”i asked you a question sweetheart. you're out here, alone, talking to a stranger, with an assumed no way to get back to your own place with how much you're drinking. so, i reiterate, how bad was the breakup?” you were shocked by his words, but since he seemed to see your dilemma, you were straight up with him. ”alright. we were together three years. he left, no context, no reason. just left.” you admitted, and you expected to start crying, but you didn't. you weren't that drunk yet.
i ordered two more wines, 'cause tonight i want him.
he exhaled heavily, turning to signal the bartender just one more drink for you when you'd ordered two more. ”well then, what is it that you're hoping to get out of this..?” his head tilted the other in anticipation of hearing your name roll of your tongue. you took a second, the alcohol leaving a haze over your mind. ”oh, uhm, it's y/n.” he smiled at you, more genuine than his previous grin. ”i'm dream. now what is it, y/n, that you're hoping to get out of this, hm?” he asked, and your brain let the words out without processing any of them. ”simple. a hookup. a one night stand. wild, crazy sex to get my ex off my mind.” the taller man nodded to you as you downed your last drink of the night, ”i think we can arrange something like that.”
i was looking for a man who's on the same page.
before you knew it, you were slung on clay's arm, headed for the exit.
.⋆。⋆˚。⋆。˚。⋆.⋆。⋆˚。⋆。˚。⋆. ︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦︶ .⋆。⋆˚。⋆。˚。⋆.⋆。⋆˚。⋆。˚。⋆.
you woke up in a strange bed. at first, you just felt around the sheets, double checking for a body beside you that was nowhere to be found. then you sat up, looking around the room and decidedly down at your lap, just to see your legs covered by clothes that weren't yours. ”fuck.” you'd muttered under your breath and almost as if on cue, dream stumbled out from the bathroom connected into the bedroom and into the next doorway. it was as if he felt your presence how he straightened up his posture in the last doorway and turned around. ”oh you're awake! hi y/n.” he gave you that crooked smile while wiping away at his eyes before giving you a small wave, leaning his shoulder against the frame. ”did'ya sleep well?”
”yeah. slept like a baby. uhm.” your sentences were short, concise, and to the point because there were other things on your mind. ”did we–” ”no.” he cut you off rather quickly. he took a few steps closer to the bed, to you and sat down on the bed. ”if we had sweetheart, you'd remember it.” he grinned, eyes on his fingers which played with the sheets between them. then his hand halted and his gaze shifted up to your eyes that were glued on him because even now, bedhead and all, he was beautiful. ”what do you remember?” his almost search yours for answers. you bring a hand up to your face and scratch at the back of your neck in attempt not to think about how much of a mess your hair must look at the moment. ”i remember the bar, i remember leaving the bar, i remember..” you trail off before looking away for a second. ”how much did i say about my ex?” you ask, a little embarrassed at the memory of starting to bare your feelings to a stranger. it being in a bar didn't help. ”at the bar? not much. just that he left and all you wanted was a hookup.” he shrugged and you exhaled, thank god. ”and i had every intention of hooking up with you.” he continued and you could almost feel the twitch in your eye, a wonder of what had gone wrong.
your hands twiddled with the bottom hem of dream's shirt you were wearing and you worked up the words to ask another question you were sure would leave you either a blushing mess or an embarrassed mess. ”so what happened then?” dream was gentle with his response because he didn't want you to feel bad. after all, how could he hurt the pretty girl in his bed, wearing his clothes? ”uhm, well the drive back here was fine, great even! but when we got back, in the uh, living room, you started crying.” for a split second, clay could've sworn he saw your eyes widen but he couldn't be sure because you'd thrown your hands over your face. ”is there anything else?” you peeked out with one eye from between two fingers. ”yeah, but uhm, let's get you something to eat before we talk about this, hm?” he asks, standing up, hand outstretched to you.
hesitantly, you let your hand fall into his and you follow him out of the bedroom into the kitchen.
”so, what can i get you stranger?” he smiles, and you sit down at the island as he releases your hand.
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pray4saint© do not copy, translate or repost my work without my express permission.
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I just realized I never drew any of your OC's with mine and it contradicts my own "I need to draw cool OC's from cool people" dilemma
Pass me your OC and no one gets hurt.
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Okay s o I don't have full on references for any of my OCs, just drawings from other people, so takeee
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This is actually a doodle I did myself for something I never finished lmao, it shows my current idea for Margo's gray hairs + the little swirled hair strand between her head and hair bun :] It's outdated for the gray hair in her bun but I still really like the gray fringe
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Blondie's clothes are always torn up and his entire thing is that he steals new ones, so as long as you put him in brown and green and give him a jacket you're good
And Tessa:
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If you also don't mind me being Complete Cringe I can try to dig up some Gacha Life models I made for extra reference
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always-andromeda · 2 years
Hey there sweets congratulations on 500 I’m so happy for u bbs!!! You 👏deserve 👏more👏 this is literally what I think about ur writing ✨
Also if u don’t mind me requesting “La Belle Fluer Sauvage” for Edward I was hoping if Eddie could be a sub ( I’m in need of more subby bottom Eddie) make him ✨extra pathetic✨ pls
( this request might of been influenced from that scene of sweat saying mommy)
Author’s Note | thank you thank you thank you oh my gosh, I will have you know, anon, that almost every time I have been feeling off about my writing these past few months, I have thought about this message and it makes me feel so much more confident. I hope that this is just the kind of pitiful behavior that you were looking for from our boy. <3
Warnings | smut (MDNI), gratuitous handjob lmao, uses of "good boy", "sweet boy", and "baby boy", lol, this man is so pathetic here, that's all I can think of!!
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Edward trembles. But it's not quite fear that meets with the deep green of his eyes. It's more of a hesitance that leaves his mouth ajar. A soft breath marks the careful contemplation that runs through his brain.
You straddle his thighs, waiting for his response. And he's still surprised that you even asked the question in the first place.
Do you want me to touch you?
If he were to answer on his impulse, he would say no. He would probably collapse. The anxiety would bubble and brew until he wouldn't be able to give you any of what you want from him. But he bides his time while the nerves simmer down and hopes that you don't change your mind. In the time that it takes for him to talk himself down, he feels the blood rush straight to his cock.
It's so quick that he's sure he'll pass out. Edward nods languidly.
Upon noticing the burgeoning bulge in his pants, you laugh breathily and tease, "I need to hear you say it. C'mon, Eddie, I know you can do it, baby boy."
And that has him on the ropes. Has him catching his breath and sputtering, "Please, just touch me, please–"
"There you go!" you praise brightly. "What a good boy."
Though he hasn't uttered a single word in response, you whisper deviously, "I bet you have the prettiest cock in the whole world." And the certainty of the statement makes him melt once he realizes that you've probably thought about him like this before.
Edward wants to be ashamed at how his hips begin to squirm. The weight of his layers of clothing are too much. And before he knows it, you cut the cord, freeing him with a simple unbuttoning and unzipping of his pants. He's so hot that he half expects to hear a sizzle when you spit and let the saliva drip down on the length of him. Eddie is transfixed entirely on the delicate tendril as it drips down his taut flesh and disappears somewhere between his thick thighs. He sighs with relief when you finally get your hand on him. Your thumb brushes over the slit of his head and thus begins his slow ascent.
"I think I was right," you say.
Eddie manages to choke out, "Huh?"
"Your dick. It's one of the prettiest things I've ever seen."
Edward had never considered himself the most advantaged person. Not physically, at least. His pride and joy, first and foremost, was his mind. It's not like he was completely ignorant of what he held between his legs. He'd just never been the type to brag about it...or even know how to deal with it. That was proving to be a bit of it's own advantage, he thinks.
Because every bit of pressure that you apply hits him way more than it realistically should. Your hand is different; different than how his own would be. You're slow with your strokes, intentional with how you feed him bits and pieces of pleasure at a time. But he gets impatient, bucking his hips into your fist.
You swat his thigh and click your tongue. "Ah, ah, Eddie. I need you to behave, sweet boy."
"But I want–"
"I know what you want," you interrupt him. "But I'm going to give you what you need, okay? And if I'm going to do that, you need to sit still."
He nods then, a small, "Mhmm..." reverberating off the back of his throat.
Edward never would've shown himself this kind of mercy. He could never manage to be so slow and so intentional with his strokes; lest he think too deeply about the action he was performing and shy away from it.
The thought of a gentle touch and a loving gaze would soon be replaced by one of shameful stares and shared rooms with no privacy. He'd give himself quick, searing tugs that made tears sting at the corners of his eyes. He'd clench them closed tightly and rush through the affair before spilling unceremoniously into his hand. It would all be over before the jolt of pleasure had a chance to sink into his bones.
This is nothing like that sad ritual. The gratuitous attention and care you put into winding the arousal up deep into his belly encourages him to let out low, almost guttural groans that make you smile.
"There you go, Eddie." your voice is like honey mucking up all of his senses, grinding the gears in his brain to a screeching halt and making him dumb. Who'd ever heard of Edward Nashton being dumb? No one. The man who prides himself most on his intellect can't even find a shred of it to bring him back to some semblance of sanity. Maybe he's destined to always savor this; doomed to fail every time he may try to replicate this delicious drag of skin on skin.
He lurches and his belly trembles with ragged breaths as he feels the impending wave getting ready to crash over him.
"Please–" he sputters.
"What are you trying to ask for, hm? Be specific."
"I want–" God, he hates the way his voice sounds. He hates the whiny and distant haze that clings to his vocal chords. And more than that, he hates the tears that begin to fall from the corners of his eyes. But his opinion on them quickly changes when you press your lips against his soft cheek and kiss away the salty stream.
"I know what you need now. Come on, Eddie, be a good boy and ask me, will you? I just need you to use some manners."
Manners. Easy.
His tone is less polite and more pitiful as he manages to get out his request, "Please, will you let me cum?" For good measure, he adds a string of weak pleases to the end.
Eddie catches you smile adoringly, feels your wet lips against his cheek again as you praise, "Good boy, go ahead. I want it all over my hand."
Before you can fully finish the sentence, you feel the warmth dripping down your hand as his seed spontaneously spurts from him. He spasms through the release, letting every little wave of pleasure hit him so hard that he's not sure if he'll ever fully recover.
But you coax him through the aftershocks, you lay his head on your chest and hold him there. He hears your heartbeat pounding rapidly and smiles, taking it as a compliment that he made your heart race even a fraction of the way you made his go completely wild. As the sound slowly fades, he hears another one: the faint sound of sucking as you stick each of your fingers in your mouth and taste him. Then a low, delighted hum of approval. Your other hand goes towards his head, he feels your fingers weave through his hair and caress his scalp.
You finish sucking on your last finger and you pull it from your mouth with a light smack.
"Was that alright, Eds?" you ask, a hint of uncertainty tainting your tone.
Edward nods lazily, too exhausted to form a cohesive thought that could even begin to describe the cloud he's sunken into. 
There's a trace of your saliva that transfers to his exposed skin as you run your hand along his side. Though the man normally towers over you, a part of him feels truly held like this with your fingernails just barely ghosting over his skin. Combined with the mind-numbing climax from a few minutes prior, his eyelids start to droop.The sound of your voice, whispering his name and the words my good boy over and over again serve as his lullaby, sending him off to dreamland as his eyes close.
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thekrows-nest · 2 months
Fun facts?
Is Krow’s top a one piece hoodie with different coloured sleeves and hood, or is it like a scrub top layered over a black hoodie?
(I’ve seen green hoodies with black and white striped sleeves but also plain black hoodies with sleeve stripes so don’t know.
I’m getting scrubs vibes off the green part despite the fact Krow would likely only wear that for art, work or ’other’.
If that’s a separate layer maybe it’s not scrubs but still to protect his clothes from general dirt and wear? Or just for warmth. But it doesn’t look like a vest or any separate casual garment I’ve seen.)
Are Krow’s pants blue work slacks or denim jeans?
Does Krow trim his own hair at home or pay someone else?
What is the thing he hates the most about his house, and what is a perk that sometimes makes it feel ok?
Would Krow rather accept a ripe mango or tomato from Eliyah, or something gross from Dove? (Idk maybe they’re a terrible cook/barista or didn’t notice the food had spoiled)
Ps. I’ve fallen into using he/him for Krow as frequently using two ‘thems’ gets confusing. (Dove is either an enby too or gender hasn’t been chosen.) But that can change if Krow really prefers to go by they/them
So the hoodie is meant to be one piece of clothing, sewn together as one thing. The paint splatters are since... it's his main and favorite hoodie. He doesn't mind the paint getting on since, to him, it adds character, and isn't really "hurting" the hoodie. Generally it's for comfort and warmth.
More under the cut!
Ya know, I think in my head that when I drew his pants that they were jeans but looking at them again they don't... really look quite like jeans. So they're really probably some poor beat up, paint splattered slacks lmao.
Oh Krow trims his own hair. He's really not picky about his hair and doesn't see a need to pay someone to do it. He'd rather his money go elsewhere. (Although if Dove were a hair stylist, that's a different story.)
Hmm... the thing he probably hates the most about his house... Probably pests likely. Depending on them they can cause further damage to the house and some of the work/repairs he's done, but also they're just... annoying. This would go for any veggies he grows too. He may have bought ladybugs and mantis's to dump in the garden for some natural pest control ha ha.
The perk he likes is both the seclusion (he is able to do art and all in relative peace) and the... secret rooms in the house are also a perk. He mostly lives in them, and can hole up in them if he gets unwanted visitors and they really wouldn't be able to find him.
Logically he should go for the mango or tomato but Krow also has some pride, so he'd rather accept whatever gross thing from Dove than even the tastiest mango from Eliyah.
Krow really doesn't mind he/him! He does like it when peeps use they/them at least occasionally but he really won't get upset or anything. :3
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i read a fic once about achilles being the early-riser in the relationship.
idk about you but i think not lmao. i mean, i see the vision. it's cute, but my brain insists he sleeps 16 hours a day plus 3 naps (yes, like a cat, yes) and then gets zoomies at 2am (moreso in modern maybe bc it can be hard to fuck up your sleep schedule in ancient times)
since i can't resist yapping, here's some
sleep headcanons!
sleep is a really important thing to me obviously.
patroclus: sleeps last but wakes up first. light sleeper because he grew up hypervigilant when referencing tsoa specifically. otherwise, i think he's sort of a heavy sleeper (bc tired) who would wake up when roused by achilles in the middle of the night, would give brief gestures like chuckle or pat his head before going back to sleep but he doesn't remember any of it in the morning.
has a harder time going back to sleep, but he's normal about it. just gets up and does something. can get grumpy at unwanted interruptions but only when he's absolutely sick and tired of being alive (modern hc: a doctor or something so since sleep is hard to come by, he has rough days). sleeps mostly on his back, may start snoring so achilles has to slap him (gently) awake.
when entirely modern, i think he adhered to a routine when he lived with menoetius. so he's kinda used to that too, waking up before the sun is completely up. don't know what to give him as a traumatic experience (like pushing a boy to his death) since obv we can't have that here and i'm kinda bad at hcs, so... let's just say he used to have nightmares about it when he was younger, but not anymore.
big spoon status wearer
achilles: sleeps first, wakes up last. isn't really sleeping deeply sometimes, he just has his eyes closed and his surroundings blurring in and out through sense of hearing. sometimes he also stays in bed in the morning because he knows patroclus likes to stare at him like that, and he enjoys that 100% focused attention before the other decides it's time to do some work. light sleeper, though. glowing green eyes shooting open in the middle of the night and when patroclus is still awake he sometimes gets a scare.
sometimes the greeks would hear shuffling outside their tents and it's just achilles scrabbling around instead of sleeping. sometimes humming. has definitely given one or a few soldiers a heart attack at some point. happened more often when he stopped fighting bc he had all the day to sleep.
can get really irritable when he's sleepy. can also get really irritable when a person he fucking hates (aggy?) yells or makes any noise and he wakes up with a start. ("who the fuck was dropping spears at dawn?!" "agamemnon" "oh if it wasn't him i would have been fine") day ruined, patroclus has to calm him down because his soldiers are quaking in their sandals.
modern: will sleep with a plushie or not at all. anything to hug. patroclus or something.
i intended to end this here but now i have to ramble so read on if you're interested 👍 will have less lighthearted topics.
still modern, sometimes he wakes up because he doesn't want to be on his own defenseless and vulnerable (applies to tsoa because of how he had pyrrhus with deidameia. basically grape. he also said it was dark, so it's not too far off the mark when i assume she went into his room at night and suddenly went at it. his attitude when asked was also giving dissociation, especially after i read this fic on Ao3, bless the author wherever they may be now, that his stay in skyros really impacted him a lot).
or because suddenly the other side of the bed feels cold. he turns around to grasp at his lover's clothes or skin depending on whether or not he slept shirtless, and his hands snatch air. he's expressed his mini heart attacks when this happens, which patroclus acknowledges, but achilles knows he has things to do.
so one day on a particularly rough patch for achilles, he wakes up, finds patroclus gone, and starts to cry until the latter hears this and drops what he's doing in a panic to come see what's wrong.
achilles doesn't speak at first. just clings on to patroclus like he's scared of losing him. and he admits that later on when he's calm enough. that sometimes it just really scares him patroclus has been taken away from him. he doesn't want to say "dead", but it's stuck at the back of his throat and he swallows it down. he does not know where this comes from, but there is a hollow ache in his chest whenever it comes to haunt him.
or, achilles says, is scared of the illogical prospect that he himself has been taken away by god-knows-who or what. scared of waking up among strangers who do not have the best of intentions (again i believe it to have something to do with smth like deidameia incident-- thetis has either a role or is not involved but she has passing remarks that made achilles too shameful to say anything to anyone until patroclus).
but the constant is patroclus being gone.
and patroclus just doesn't know what to say, because he wakes up in the middle of the night sometimes from weird feelings of deep-seated fear, checking with every single one of his senses if achilles is still beside him. he can only calm down when he has checked once, twice, thrice. and he moves to hug him as if it isn't an option to not do so. he is careful not to hug him too tight, as he has done that at one point and it was not a nice awakening for achilles. but he just wants to hold on to him as tight as possible so he does not suddenly vanish.
i guess you could say it is in patroclus' favor that he sleeps last (to see if achilles is still there), and wakes up first (to see, also, if achilles is still there).
but he doesn't say this. instead hugs achilles tighter now for he is awake, and they decide to take that morning very, very slowly.
brainrot so bad it probably wasn't a very pretty read (vocab bad, arrangement bad-) but i had to finish it 😫
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blurrymango · 1 year
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Sapheans! Yippee! Ok so. Basically I kinda rip-offed Homestuck trolls lol sue me.
These motherffuckers live on a really huge and damn dangerous planet with two suns and mostly hostile creatures. There's a lot of wild and different types of climates. The water is acidic, the clouds are extremely dense, and plants are also very dangerous. Yet though, these ffuckers seem to be the only sentient bitches on the whole damn orb.
There's a lot of racism ffucking obviously but it's coming from all sides. But there's also a lot of love. Their societies range from spiraling nauseatingly tall clusters of buildings to two dudes on an island and everywhere in between.
General design notes, mostly coloration wise y'know-
Their blood can be ANY color, but shades are specific to different type. And blood color determines hair(or feather) color, eye color, fins, marking color, and antenna and whatnot. I just used red and blue and green for examples it is not limited.
Pointy parts for. Well. Protection.
The parts colored as black act as kinda like an exoskeleton, though in general their skin is pretty tough, especially the face, and especially the face fangs.
Can generally have any shape horns, they come in all shapes and sizes.
Pretty much every single one has different markings.
Clothes. Are... A thing. Yes. They wear clothes actually lol.
More joints in their legs than humans have.
Yes they can dye their hair and paint their markings different colors.
There are ghosts! This species exists in a world with magics and supernatural elements and whatnot.
Ok so. Shit I have for them at the current moment.
Their blood is generally mid-tone, skin grey, darker in warmer areas, lighter in colder.
Good hands, feet, and tail for grabbing things.
Two horns. One set of horns. However you put it. They use them bitches for navigation and farming and electricity. And of course murder.
Second most uncommon.
No noses we don't do that in the ocean.
Bitches be in acidic ffucking water.
Their blood is generally bright and neon, skin can range anywhere from super light grey to super dark grey depending on how deep they are.
One horn, generally. Used for controlling the water. And of course murder.
Webbed hands and feet and a second set of eyelids.
Deeper you get, the freakier they can be TBH.
Second most common.
Smaller eyes than average DUH. They ain't using them for much.
Antennas! ANTENNAS.
Two pronged horns. Or even rarer, two sets of horns. Used for searching out minerals and rare rocks and and lava and entrances and exits to caves. And of course murder.
Hands and feet good for digging through dirt or the toughest of rock.
Feelers on the face and a long slender tail good for reaching into cracks and crevices.
Blood is pale and dull like their skin.
Feathers, not hair.
Big ol wings.
Less leg joints than the others, makes them less bulky.
Big ol eyes for absorbing all the sunlight they get.
Thinner and longer fingers and toes than others, again, to be less bulky.
Horns used to control the weather. And of course murder.
Skin is dark, cuz of the sun. Blood is dark too.
Possible mutations-
Pictured is a land dweller with bat-like wings. It is a rare trait to have, but also they can actually fly.
Blood shade that doesn't match the type.
Abnormal amount of horns for type, including no horns at all.
Two different blood colors in one guy. They do not blend. This affects eyes and hair and markings.
Black or white blood? Nah that's just a myth. Right? Lmao.
Various other tidbits of mixings and matchings of traits, like gills on a land dweller or antenna on a sky dweller.
That's all for now folks! If anyone sees this and cares enough to make their own Saphean character I would be absolutely delighted!
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finniestoncrane · 2 years
How do the riddlers feel about wearing lingerie?
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Riddlers & Lingerie
Riddler Headcanons gosh i am so glad two people were thirsty for this because then i could justify moving it up the queue lmao, thank you for requesting and thank you anon for being so sweet and nice and thank you both for letting me spend my time thinking about these idiots in tiny pieces of clothing ;-; 💚 request info • prompt list • send me a request • kofi minors DNI!! 🔞 cw for nsfw stuff: suggestive stuff, lingerie etc.
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ok i see him going all out on a rocky horror inspired outfit, basque, fishnets, heels. he's a jazzy guy, i don't see him shying away from feeling his absolute sexiest and he's exactly the kind of freak (pos.) who loved rhps when it came out and goes to see it all the time when it comes around, theatre and cinema, and he dresses up for that so he already has the outfit (plus frank's wig) ready to go in that box up the back of the cupboard that he won't let you look in
there is only one specific circumstance that he'll wear lingerie. if you promise to be nice and promise to be gentle, he will absolutely wear some stockings and suspenders provided that he is going to be bent over and absolutely railed with them on. rip them, pull at them, make him feel so pretty while you use him
i don't see him willing to wear any kind of "female" underwear, because his ego and masculinity are too fragile for that BUT he wears thongs on a daily basis. like not just teeny tiny "male" underwear, full on thongs because they make his butt look better in his suit pants. his favourite ones are the silk purple ones and the neon green leopard print ones he bought as a "joke"
young justice
ok so while i don't see him going out of his way to wear lingerie, i don't think he'd be adverse to it either. especially not if his s/o was asking him to. but also, sometimes, if he gets bored of his modern interpretation of the classic riddler getup, he does don some bright green or purple tights just to see how it would feel if he went for a more 'campy' and classic look. and he likes how they feel against his skin
i will scream this from the high heavens over and over again but he freakin loves leather, latex, pvc all those textures. a dress, shorts, a vest, a jumpsuit, gloves, stockings, boots, panties, whatever you name if it's in one of the above textures he'll put it on and he'll get just as hard feeling it against his own skin as he does watching someone else wear it
yeah not going to happen. mostly because he 100% just doesn't wear underwear? it's pointless. you just end up with more to wash. better to hang free for the ease of movement and swift access for...other reasons. if he was going to pick anything, he could swap his vest out for a fishnet one, but only if you do a good job convincing him
absolutely game for it, loves it, wants it more than you do because he knows how cute he looks in it. babydolls always, especially if they're silky and have fluff on the bottom. and he is down for a corset, fishnets and animal ears. he can be a little bunny or a dreamy catboy whatever you want, just let him know, seriously
he's more into the 'completely naked' look if he's going to pick anything, what's the point in putting something on that he's just going to take off? he will wear your underwear though if you want, including lacier ones or thongs. only if you swap and wear his though. and only if you don't wash yours first
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productofaritual · 2 months
Your GDF got in my mind while im obsessed with ZZZ of hoyoverse after my big Genshin era. So, i was thinking, can we get an Hydro!Charlie where his "hydro" is green and kinda sus bc is more like slime in texture but Quackity covers Charlie by shockinh the shit out of everything that the slime touches befoure they can make any questions? Also im thinking Inazuma story line here where they are not-so-legal.
Btw do we count in mind the "why gods give vision" here? Bc I was reading to see if we knew more and saw that the old reasion of the Cryo Arcon was Love. And godlord that touch me because it looks so good for Techno. And meanwhile Tubbo is with his fucking War-power Pyro Weapon. Like holy shit why didnt you say this? Anemo being freedom makes it so good for Tommy and Phil. Quackity would have something something eternity [flashbacks of Slime's death] mmmm yeah. This makes me think is Purple can be pyro [lava lmao] or [ofcourse] electro bc...you know...purple? Xd. Charlie and Puffy having Hydro [Justice] sounds so cool. Charlie just wants to be a good 100% human [maybe he has some backstory like Razor?].
Ranboo is so cute with his little air freedom [shadow dream behind] i hope nothing bad ever happends to him.
Can Michael be like Klee, a kid with a vision to young to undertand? So cuteeee.
Going back to Purple, im thinking that we dont have any geo [in the current post that you made and im enjoying like good slime soup] and geo has the arcon of contrats.
And so it begins, the thought of
Do they all have inspired clothes of the zone they are living in?
Quackity in japones inspired clouths sounds like my new dream.
Talking of Dream, can we make him have the most shitty element of all? The one,The ONLY, THE NEW AND WE HOPE IT DIES BC WE DIDNT NEED YOU
JAJAJAJAJA lmao Dream making a flower in mid-fight with [Pyro] Sapnap killing everthing. Which I got to say, I would love Sapnap to be a Catalyst that just uses his bare hands like Tommy. Something like Shikanoin Heizou. While I think Tommy is Fisic attack mostly, Sapnap is full fire in your face.
Mmmmm wait George or Karl would be dendro? LIKE George being supportive by creating circles of healing mushrooms or poisonous mushrooms along with an attitude of Laila fuckinh sleepy in his E xd.
Karl only comes to mind because Dendro is based on wisdom and I imagine him in the library dying like Cheetara [From ThunderCats 2010 or so] in his backstory of childhood and patience. And BOOM vision idk healer? I don't know much about Karl Canon or Fanon but I've seen that we don't have many healers.
This made me think of Sam, who i dont know what to say about him. But im curious what do you think!
Saying this,i hope you didnt mind the use of "we" and also the long monologue in your ask. Hope you find New GDF funny ideas soon!! :D
Have a nice day/night. Ad astra abyssosque!
The fact that you're so invested in this absolutely warms my heart! I don't mind the "we" at all, I'm super glad when people add their own ideas to my aus (doesn't happen that often but oh well...)
I was considering Charlie but I wasn't entirely sure how to cross the hydro with slime, so I'm DEFINITELY using that. Most characters have some gimmick after all, so him having green as a main color (when blue is associated the most with hydro) and his gimmick being slime is very cool.
I haven't thought that much about interactions with other existing regions past Phil maybe being from Inazuma to explain his clothes and Puffy sailing to Liyue and Fontaine, which is how the Traveler would get to DSMP. Mainly because I want to have a concrete base for the DSMP region first before I start having the characters go elsewhere. But I will keep stuff like this in mind!
As for the vision reasons. See I haven't considered them that much because I want to have at least a somewhat balanced amount of each weapon and vision type and also I just don't know them that well. For some, like Ranboo, I did go off the freedom reason in Anemo, but for a lot I just went with what sorta felt right or fit the character's storyline or gimmick somewhat. So Puffy was hydro because she's a pirate and uses her vision to control the ship. Q was Electro because he uses his vision to power Las Nevadas.
I had 0 idea about the cryo-love connection and rest assured, the only reason I made Techno cryo is because Arctic empire. However, ehm, let's say it's because love, that sounds cooler <3
I've considered making Tommy Anemo. I made him Pyro because of the whole "passion" thing, but with how many other characters would fit Pyro (Jack, Sapnap, Wilbur, the character not the guy, don't come for me pls, I don't like mentioning him either) I don't want to have too much of them so maybe I'll change it. It would definitely make the matching clingyduo claymores even cuter because they don't match visions anymore so the reason Tommy does it is because he wants to match SOMETHING.
Continuing, yeah I just. Didn't consider the reasons for visions. However you did name a couple characters I haven't considered at all so I will be going off of these suggestions.
I cannot guarantee Ranboo's safety <3 but he is a playable characters and they don't die in genshin. Doesn't mean he'll be 100% ok tho <3
I didn't think of mobs as playable characters, mainly because I just thought of members, however Micheal being the first chibi male character in the entire game is just too good to pass up on. Prepare little pig boy, you're about to have some magic. What kind? No idea yet, lemme think.
I've briefly mentioned making Skeppy a geo bow (cuz crystals) but I haven't been able to think of any other geo characters. Making Purpled geo because contracts is a cool idea though, I like it.
Thing is, DSMP is a region on its own. Like I said, Phil might be from Inazuma and move prior to Traveler getting there and maybe some other characters are originally from other regions, but at the point where Traveler gets there, they're all in the DSMP. Maybe they could visit and like/buy some clothes tho! Like I said, haven't considered it much, will later on
Oh I have PLANS for Dream. I'll say more in the post about the DSMP's Archon, but in this region, he's the human form of XD, same style as Venti/Nahida/Zhongli and the only wielder of his power because of it. He doesn't wear a fake vision because he pretends he's visionless. As the Archon XD, he's notorious for not giving out visions because he's selfish and doesn't believe anyone else is worthy of it, so he's the only playable character with those powers. As for what powers I'm still working that out, but something along the lines of decay or rot and very few interactions with existing elements. As for making him Dendro. Damn, calm down, it'll be ok /j hajshshshs
Sapnap having the same style as Heizou but Pyro does fit him a lot, I do like that. And we have only one other catalyst so far so yeah. Welcome to the team. You're a DPS and a support. How? Idk I haven't thought of skills and bursts much yet.
I HAVE considered Dendro George for the mushrooms with both the healing spores and the poison spores. Not sure what weapon to give him yet, maybe he joins the catalysts, maybe a bow, not rlly keen on giving him a claymore, for the others it's meh, not sure not sure. We'll see.
I have NOT considered Dendro Karl, but you connecting it with the wisdom thing kinda has me convincedddddd. No idea what his powers would be though, but it is true we don't have a lot of healers. However my genshin lineup only has Barbara and Charlotte as healers and Charlotte is 20 levels under AND I DON'T BITCH ABOUT IT EITHER (I do bitch about it. It's awful. Hoyo pls just let me pull for a healer I need it desperately)
As for Sam I've considered either Electro because Redstone, or Dendro for a combination of creeper plus wisdom with how good he is at the mechanics stuff. He'd probably be similar to Navia where he attacks mostly with his weapon but the last attack he does with some sort of mechanical contraption like she does with her umbrella. Not a machine gun, tho that would be funny. Imagine you're like a hilichurl and you're fighting this guy with a sword and suddenly he goes "fuck it" And pulls out a machine gun.
Look at me, you got me rambling! /pos
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mikk1n · 1 year
I just saw that beautiful illustration you posted about your oc Moira and it sparked my curiosity immensely. What's her backstory and what's her relationship with Admiral Havelock? I'm so intrigued👀 great work!!
Aww thank you so much!!! Moira is very near and dear 2 me
The fine details of her arc/story are still being planned out (she's going to feature really heavily in the Havelock backstory/biography fic currently in its planning stages), but her deal is basically, tl;dr: "Don't ask what you can do for the white Gristolian cishetero patriarchy, ask what the white Gristolian cishetero patriarchy can do for YOU."
She and her family moved to Dunwall from Morley during the famine that followed the Morley Insurrection, and she meets Havelock while living there (I think by this point he'd have already become a midshipman, but I have to take a look at his timeline again). They develop a genuine relationship and care about each other deeply, but part of the reason why she wanted Havelock specifically was his potential; they both have working class backgrounds, and while he wasn't a high-ranking officer yet, he had the potential to be one, and playing their cards right could mean elevating their wealth and status. The connections he could provide her as a military officer would also be invaluable; it pays to know the right people in Dunwall. Her family is understandably not pleased with her choice to marry a Gristolian sailor so soon after the Insurrection, but her parents baby her and her older sister wants Moira to at least have an out if Havelock turns out to be a massive piece of shit, so once it's clear that no one can change her mind, they don't try too hard to dissuade her (they do grumble though).
Moira plays officer's wife for Havelock, maintaining the family's reputation while also running her own tailoring business, using the connections she makes through her own resources and through Havelock's to propel both Havelock's career and her own. She eventually owns a shop in Drapers Ward, and her Social Game skills contribute to Havelock's promotions over the years. Even though Havelock is thoroughly loyal to the Empire, and it's dangerous to their reputation to openly believe anything else, Moira still believes strongly in Morleyan independence and I'm seriously toying with the idea of her becoming a spy for Morley at some point. She sees beating Gristol (and its class system) at its own game as the key to liberation, and she's fully willing to play any and every side against each other to achieve what she wants. She is a schemer basically lmao.
Anyway! Some Snapple cap fast facts:
She dabbles a bit in magic, making protective bonecharms for herself and her family that can be sewn into bedding or clothing.
Moira loves peaches, and her favorite perfume is a peach-based scent that's produced in Bastillian (Havelock picks up a bottle every time he's sent there).
She survived fucked up Dishonored scarlet fever as a child, and developed lupus as a teenager. She frequently uses a cane to get around.
She and Havelock are both bi and in a polycule with their friends, Penny Whitaker (my partner's OC, a civilian archaeologist) and Josef Vlasák (my OC, Havelock's childhood friend and designated Navy Blowjob Brother).
She's very good at singing :>
Her favorite colors are earth tones, particularly green.
Edited 2 add: She did not see any combat during the Insurrection, since the location of their family home meant they were out of the way of any fighting when Gristol made landfall in Morley, but her father and sister both fought in the war. They are, understandably, the most opposed to Moira marrying Farley.
Thank you for taking an interest in Moira! I don't talk a lot about my OCs but she is very near and dear to me, and I wanna draw her more. (My partner and I are also planning a Call of Cthulhu campaign with them and I am fully planning to draw a bunch of art for it. Vibrating with the force of a thousand suns.)
EDITED 2 ADD AGAIN I'm also heavily toying with an idea for an AU where instead of getting kicked out of the Navy, Havelock gets whacked post-Jessamine assassination and Moira starts the Loyalist Conspiracy (in canonverse she dies in...well currently 1818 but that's subject to change, she is dead before 1837 though). Ofc her goals are different than Havelock's :)
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