#i don't wanna...feel like i have to be like 'oh i could be butch again someday tho...' or something
legacyofthedamneddsaf · 3 months
Hey hey! First off, I love this AU to absolute pieces. It's so damn fun to watch/learn about.
Second of all!! Is it okay to have everyone's pronouns and/or identities?? I just wanna know, not just for the sake of curiosity, but also so I don't misgender them when rambling about the AU(/pos) to some people
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mod talk under the cut!
Sorry this is so long, they're all just terrible and complicated people who have horrible messy relationships with everything. They require intense explanation!!
Legacy: he/him. Also responds to it/its, but wouldn't necessarily label himself that way if asked. Otherwise, he doesn't care much for labels. OOC, he's acespec but doesn't put many restrictions on who he's interested in - he's kind of a slut that way.
Dave: he/him, although he doesn't care too much. Like Legacy, he's unlabelled. His standards are basically "anything that moves," but he's pretty arospec - the only person he'd consider maintaining a serious connection to is Legacy.
Henry: will only accept he/him, he finds anything else very disrespectful. He's bi, but he's not really interested in romance or sex right now, he's too married to his research. (And, like, his dead wife, also.)
Peter: he/him. He actually labels himself! He would call himself transheteroflexible, he just doesn't talk about it all that much. He's got bigger issues.
Blackjack: responds to any pronouns, but if you asked he'd say he/him. He calls himself gay as an umbrella term, but doesn't have any more specifics than that. OOC, he's probably on the arospec!
Dee: she/they lesbian. (she's just like me fr!) She gave a lot of thought to this while she was distracting herself, so they would actually describe themself that way! I personally think she worries a lot about counting as femme or butch while also not having the best conceptualization of either identity. But at least we have lesbians in this godforsaken world.
Jake: if you ask, he'd say "he/it," but he only uses it/its in the fucked up way where he feels like if he chooses the dehumanization then it's totally fine and he actually doesn't care. So, out of canon, he/him! (note: I'm absolutely not saying it/its is inherently dehumanizing, both the other mods use it/its!! I just think Jake has problems in his mind.) He's really repressed about his sexuality, he's (regretfully and messily -s) been with Legacy but his emotions on that are so complicated he tries and fails to absolutely never think about it again. What he has going on with Roger is a lot less fucked up, but he's still weird about it. I don't think he'd call himself any kind of queer, but he's probably bisexual.
Roger: he/him, but he's dabbled with she on occasions. He thinks he's completely romantically destitute and nobody will ever love him, so he hasn't bothered with putting a name to his sexuality, but he's the kind of guy to say "everyone likes men, that's normal!" He is in for some incredibly eye-opening months with the Damned for sure.
this emotionally stunted man is going to go the fuck through it in possibly the worst time and place for it. oh well! -s
Harry: he/him, he'd call himself bi. He knows this because he had a thing with Joe, and he assumes that attraction to women is a universal constant even though he personally leans heavily towards men.
the ancient greeks would like this guy i think -h
Steven: he/him, gay, he's probably the only person here other than Dee to have a solid concept of their own identity! Shoutout to Steven for being uncomplicated
and that was "2 ppl who dont really label themselves or have strong ties to their queer identity try to figure out how a bunch of other ppl would feel about theirs," as translated by arden. you could say that we write what we know -s
yeah, the mods are all different flavors of aro/acespec and genderweird. it's all so difficult forever
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gmanwhore · 3 months
I saw someone do this but uh. My TNMN ships but I assign all of them song lyrics. Yippee.
Roman x Lois
Roman: "Nothing in the world belongs to me/but my love is mine all mine all mine" (My Love, Mine All Mine)
Lois: "My sweetheart's piano is rat filled/and mine is infested with bugs/though the music we make is unnatural/it sounds just like falling in love" (Butch 4 Butch by Rio Romeo)
Gloria x Arnold
Gloria: "What if when he sees me/I like him and he knows it?/What if he opens up a door/and I can't close it? (What If He Sees Me from Waitress)
Arnold: "We fit together like the ignition and the key/and you're safe and sound with me" (Safe and Sound by Hawksley Workman)
Nacha x Francis
Nacha: "Just one look and I can heat a bell ring/One more look and I forget everything" (Mamma Mia by ABBA)
Francis: "Say you're still her/The woman you were/and you haven't turned into/Someone who could never love me again" ((Cover This Song) Just a Little Bit Mine by Will Wood)
Selenne x Margarette x Nacha
Margarette: "Gonna do my very best, baby can't you see/Gotta put me to the test, take a chance on me" (Take a Chance by ABBA)
Nacha: "Where do you get off/being so god damn beautiful?/Oh lord!/Don't ask me what I mean" (White Knuckle Jerk (Where Do You Get Off?) by Wil Wood)
Selenne: "No, I'm not falling for you/so, please have mercy on me" (Despair by Leo)
Steven x Francis 2/Scarlet Milkman
Steven: "I don't care what they say about us anyways/I don't care 'bout that" (Buddy Holly by Weezer)
Francis 2: "Kiss me until my lips are bruised/till there's blood pooled all around our shoes/hold me tight within your arms/till my ribs are shattered and deformed!" (English translation of Suki Suki Daisuke by Jun Togawa)
Francis x Mclooy
Francis: "One last kiss/I need you like I need a gaping head wound" (Love You Like an Alcoholic by The Taxpayers)
Mclooy: "And I said oh gosh golly you should call your pops probably/or get the cops on me" (Bad Vibes by That Handsome Devil
Izaack x Robertsky x Elenois (Izzack and Elenois are dating Robertsky separately he has two hands)
Izzack: "They're telling you the same things that I planned to say/I thought I was unique/maybe I'm not that way" (I Wanna Be Your Boyfriend by Hot Freaks)
Robertsky: "Hold me, I'm your bunny/tell me I'm not funny/tell me I'm legit" (Puppy Princess by Hot Freaks)
Elenois: "Hey, boy, where do you get it from?/hey, boy, where did you go?/I learned my passion in the good old-fashioned school of lover boys" (Good ol' Loverboy by Queen)
Lois x Rafttellyn
Lois: "When you wake up next to him in the middle of the night/with your head in your hands, you're nothing more than his wife/and when you think about me, all of those years ago/you're standing face to face with "I told you so"/you know I hate to say, "I told you so"/you know I hate to say, but, I told you so" (Good Luck, Babe by Chappell Roan)
Rafttellyn: "I had to have this talk with you/my happiness depends on you/and whatever you decide to do" (Jolene by Dolly Parton)
This next one is something I don't actually ship but they are in fics I'm writing so like
Izaack x Angus x Francis (Angus is cheating on Izzack with Francis and on Francis with Izaack)
Izzack: "And the more that I am in pain, the more that you'll gain/and to me, that seems like a pretty fair trade/you bite, my nervous system ignites/the tormenting spite, sacrifices must be made" (Misery Meat by Sodikken)
Angus: "You're the only one who's making me come/to my sinful senses/I'll never love anyone the same/I'll never feel ashamed of using you for pleasure" (Using You by Mars Argo)
Francis: Go on and step on me/you're free to have everything you can see/all that you want from me/you're free to be all that you want to be/do what you want with me" (Step on Me by The Cardigans)
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bigoltrashpile · 2 years
(If you are still doing this) Q1 or Q2 (which ever gets the brain brrring) with butch
I'll go with Q2, since I got another request for Q1 and both of them make the brain brrrrr pretty equally lol
Why the fuck was this skeleton staring at you?
He had been sitting at the table across from yours for the entire time you had been eating at your favorite little diner, and you were sure his eyes hadn't left you the entire time. It might be a coincidence, though. You were on a blind date after all, and you didn't want to insult them by looking at someone else the whole time. Maybe he just happened to look at you every time you glanced over?
Fat chance.
Finally, you couldn't take it anymore. "This has been really nice," you said to your date. It was a big lie, they had been talking about themself the entire time. "But I really need to get going."
Thankfully, they nodded. "Alright. Call me back sometime? We can do this again next week, maybe go bowling?"
"Sure, sure." You would say anything you needed to get away from that skeleton at this point. "I'll see you soon."
You walked through the darkened parking lot as fast as you could, desperate to get home to the perceived safety of your home. As you did, you didn't notice the bright red eyelights watching you from the shadows.
When you got home, you shut and locked all the doors and windows, unable to shake the feeling of being watched. At least you were safe now....right?
You woke up the next morning feeling a lot calmer. Of course you had been overreacting, it was probably just a monster thing, or a weird miscommunication. After all, the skeleton had been dressed in a three piece suit at a small family diner, so he was probably just weird.
As you went about your morning routine, you were surprised to find a package outside your front door. Weird. You weren't expecting anything. Maybe it was for one of your neighbors?
Curious, you checked the name on the package. Oh, it was for you! You took it inside, practically sprinting to the kitchen to find a knife or a pair of scissors to open it.
As you fumbled with the scissors, you vaguely noted in the back of your mind that there was no postage or address, just your name written in...was that comic sans? Weird. That just made you even more curious!
You finally managed to get the box open and-
Oh my god.
It was a head.
The severed head of your date.
You stumbled backwards, unable to breathe, to think, to scream, anything. There was. A head. On your kitchen table.
You were only able to react when you ran right into someone's chest. A loud scream tore from your throat, only to be cut short by a large hand covering your mouth.
A skeletal hand.
"shhhh, no need for that, doll," a rough voice purred. "s'just a lil gift~"
You managed to look up, your heart sinking when you saw who it was. It was the same skeleton from last night, the one who had been watching you. The red lights in his eyesockets bored into you, strangely heart shaped now.
"don't scream now doll, or i'll have to take...drastic measures." The skeleton's eyes darted to the box on the table. "i just wanna chat."
He finally let go, and you immediately scrambled to get away. "W-who are you? What do you want from me?"
"like i said," he shrugged, way too casual for someone who had just delivered a severed head and broken into your house. "just givin' ya a lil gift. ya deserve to be treated better than that piece of shit could treat ya."
"I'm going to tell the police," you threatened, scrambling for your phone. "I've seen your face, you won't get away with this!"
The skeleton didn't even seem bothered. "well, i guess it pays to have friends in high places. really helps ya get a-head in life. they can't do shit to me."
As he spoke, you started to shake. This guy could do anything he wanted to you, and nobody would care, or even punish him for it! "Please...don't hurt me."
"heh, looks like you'll have to come with me then, y/n." How did he know your name? "you're mine now."
"But...you don't even know me!" you argued. "What do you want from me?"
"heheheh," he laughed even harder. "i know ya, kitten. ya just don't know me." In a blink, he was on you, pinning you to the wall. "the name's butch, but from now on, just call me your husband~"
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bugeyedfreaks · 11 months
Hi, hello! I have something to say.
For the fandom and the rowdyruff boys. I went through your page and found myself agreeing hardcore with a lot of your opinions about the fandom and ppgxrrb.
First of all, I have absolutely no idea of who came up with Butch growing up to be a massive pervert. Going off the show, wouldn't technically all three of the boys be massive perverts? They are all misogynistic slime balls who see girls as inferior.
Some things I think the fandom gets right; the boys are pretty. at least cute. For two reasons, 1; they are splitting images of the girls, so if the boys are ugly then so are the girls. 2, canonically, Bubbles has admitted that she finds Boomer "cute." Also despite the ass kicking handed to the girls in the first appearance of the rrb, Blossom and Bubbles fawn at the prospect of having kissed a boy.
Then again they kissed Harry.
Also, I think a good argument is kid rrb IS cute, but they get that sort of golden child treatment where all 3 of them just eventually end up burning out. They don't care to keep up with themselves and with how gross and mysoginistic they are, they become very unattractive very quickly. They rot, basically. Also if they were discord mods, they'd have kittens they brag their rrb title too.
I will also argue that there is nuance in the boys. Boomer atleast, which is funny because he is the least popular rrb. There are many instances where he is depicted as "naive", "child like" and even "gentle." Like yeah, he was the guy who wrote "Flowers are pretty... dumb" but when he was revived from Him, he was waving at butterflies and being taken advantage of by his brothers. If you wanna go deeper, in the comic the boys actually team up with the girls in one instance.
Still, I see the rowdyruff boys in the same vein as the gang green gang. It's like trying to defend Billy because he has that one episode where he saves the girls after setting them up, but it's like people forget that the girls still had to pummel him because... in the grand scheme of things, the guy is a shitty person! The rrb suffer from major pretty privellege and being the hetero counterparts of the girls, age included. Forget all the other side characters like Elmer, Mitch, Robin even mike! No the gorls grow up to want the boys because, 'they can change them!' Oh my gosh Bubbles suffers drastically from this.
And "the reds" are so toxic it's sad. It's like every fic with them is angsty and incredibly shallow. I never get why Blossom spends so much time running back to Brick. Oh yeah! It's because he's so big and hot now, with fiery red hair and a masculine jaw line, and is cunning and calculative and he suffers from severe mommy issues. He needs a woman like Blossom to show him how much of a prick he is! To put him in his place and tell other women off who have interest in him, because how could a woman lower her standards so much for a punk, Blossom would never (#FEMINISM). Then arranging "private visits" with him so they can make out and talk about how arrogant they both are because "ooh. We're so bad for each other but it feels soooo good. So deep. so bad."
I love how the fandom pretends Blossom is above it all, but still some how succumbs to him. "She can fix him guys! No really! We just have to make Blossom into an absolute self-contradicting prude and have Brick loosen up because... convenience!"
And people seriously bend the hell out of Butch to get him to work with Buttercup, more than 90% of the fics basically make him into a Mitch stand in with powers but this one is hotter2.0. bUTCH LITERALLY HAS NO CHARACTER AND HONESTLY, Buttercup has been repulsed by him many times. She'd yeet that guy so fast, and yet, somehow, the greens are the most popular couple I CAN NOOOOOOOOOT. Like how... really. Why does Butch get so much fanon development? The fandom tries so hard to make him into this character he simply is not! Like even going to the city of clipsville episode, the most salacious thing the fucker has done is "looked at a magazine and whistled!" But like how come Buttercup is so smitten by this that she never, once, snaps out of her "attraction" to the guy? Was this not the same issue Buttercup suffered from ACE.
Wouldn't the idea of being taken advantage of by a villain, turn Buttercup off!?
I just can not imagine Buttercup tolerating Butch- unless he is super hot now and she's internally attracted to him, because nobody gets her like this deprived fuck boy who is misunderstood, and actually a romantic guy who cares about her under it all and blood thirsty- excpet when Buttercup is around, because Buttercup can fix him and "he knows not to mess with her!"
It was so funny seeing the push back for the cw's take, when literally reading that script reminded me of all the fanfics I have had to dig through for YEARS now. I was just thinking "but isn't this what you guys WANT?" And some people were even fretting that it'd attract unwanted parts of society to the fandom. Um. I don't know if the ppg fandom is aware of this, but the fandom is already FLOODED with unwated fans, from fetish artists, to those Pintresest face claim boards that remind me of RIVERDALE, the games have already started!
That one slip of a comic, that was supposed to be a joke, of the boys handing the girls flowers and asking to be their boyfriends is way too meta.
Oh, wow, I didn’t know a lot about how some of the pairings are portrayed (obviously, since I don’t really explore that side of the fandom often) but… well, some of that certainly gave me psychic damage, especially the Blossom stuff. 🤢 I can’t even begin to express the pain I felt from reading all of that but this is the closest I can attempt to describe it with:
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I agree that all of the boys would be huge pervs, but I think Butch at least being the perviest would track. If, being Buttercup’s counterpart, he also expresses extremes in his primal emotions, that would just be another primal emotion he’d express to the extreme. Just in super gross ways no girl would ever find appealing.
As for Billy, I will sort of defend him because, out of the entire gang, he has a peanut brain (affectionate), and I think, without the influence of the other guys, he would be a good boy. He still definitely needed to get punished for what he did to the girls though. 🤣 But yeah, I think the main difference between the GGG and the RRB is that, if separated, the GGG could… potentially… be good, and have been shown to have varied nuance, whereas the RRB are Pure Evil and Like That no matter what, and there’s like 100% less nuance to them.
But you’re so right about the CW thing, it really did feel a bit like the kind of stuff people have been writing for years. Also, yeah, wow, despite PPG fandom being rather fractured, it has unfortunately already suffered from a lot of, to put it politely, unpleasantness. If “unwanted” fans flooded in… well, what else is new? 😮‍💨
…man, there was a lot here, and I appreciate it all, and agree with a lot of it. Thank you for the ask! 💖
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isabelleadjani · 2 months
hi hiiiiii 💗 1, 2, 9, 16, 19, 31, 38, 39, and 42! 🫶🏼
omg hiiiiiiiiiii thank you for so many questionssss 🤭💖 i already answered 1 but the rest are coming riiiight now
what movie do you wish you could unwatch? honestly i wanna say nymphomaniac. there are a lot of films i dislike or even hate and deeply wish to never have to watch again but i think nymphomaniac stands out as the one that if i could only choose a singular film to erase from my memory it would be that one. like it's just so deeply fucking stupid and disgusting on many levels but more than that. it's so unbearably long that it's just an INSANE amount of time wasted on one film (well, one film in two parts or whatever). i neeeeeeeed to fist fight lars von trier so bad.
guilty pleasure movie? i don't believe in guilty pleasures as a concept really but i think maybe the closest i get is reservoir dogs. because i have such a deep disdain for tarantino as a person and as a filmmaker but i just can't ever shake the comfort movie-relationship i have with that film. tim roth as freddy newendyke made me who i am it just is what it is.
favorite book to film adaptation? i'm tempted to say both farewell my concubine and the handmaiden which are both adaptations of novels but since i have yet to read either of those books (they ARE on my tbr 😭) i'm going to say park chan wook's thirst! which is a loose adaptation of émile zola's thérèse raquin... it might be debatable whether it really counts as an adaptation but it counts TO ME.
name a movie so bad it’s good i don't think i'm really the kind of person who has this feeling about films often, mostly i sometimes think that movies can be fun to watch with other people if you can like comment and make jokes while you watch. like recently i watched deVour with jensen ackles and shannyn sossamon with my bestie and that was so fucking messy and horrible but i would still recommend it for a group watch because we had so much fun watching it as a social activity. do you remember the first movie you saw in theaters? well honestly idk if it was actually the first one i saw, but the first film i do remember seeing in the cinema was stuart little 2 jfgbdskjgb which i went to see with my mom and my sisters literally the day after my grandma died when i was 5, which was an unfortunate coincidence but we already had the tickets and my mom didn't wanna waste the money.
in your opinion what is the most overrated movie? oh MANY such cases.... let's go with uhhhhhh. call me by your name because i have to hear about that film SO fucking often and i am TIRED OF ITTTTTTTTT. god i hate that piece of shit film.
in your opinion what is the most underrated movie? once again there are so many one could pick here but i would like to highlight lady vengeance actually. because like, i'm a huge fan of most of park chan wook's work and it's not that i think that people don't appreciate lady vengeance. that's be a bit silly because pcw is such a popular and celebrated filmmaker on the whole. it's just that it does NOT get the attention it deserves within pcw's oeuvre and is always overshadowed by oldboy when people talk about the vengeance trilogy, when in fact it is easily the superior film in that trilogy, and in my opinion in the absolute top tier of his films to date.
show me a pic of your favorite movie poster alright in the interest of talking about a movie i haven't already gone on about in this post, i am going to pick the poster for in the mood for love! i have a lot of posters that i am a bit obsessed with and could choose from, but i definitely don't have one single fave. this is, however, one of them. so butch/femme realness tbh.
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movie asks 🎥
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venturethighs · 9 days
Anyway, here's the "I got abducted by a rival mob boss and I accidentally went into heat at the same time" fic, lots of overly protective alpha!fennec!Venture, and I couldn't really decide on who the mob boss was so I just went with Talon as a whole. Could've went with JQ but nobody wants to get on her bad side, let's face it.
Features a very special guest appearance by someone equally as deserving of love as our dear Venture, in my opinion!
Yes it has a happy end! You know they always do. 🙂‍↕️ I could never hurt our sweet archeologist permanently. I love them too much– they deserve all the happiness they can get.
It would've been Juno but I really don't think mob boss fits her very well, plus I feel like Talon just fits more but blah blah blah
Reader is femme + uses she/her pronouns!
"Gah– I ran out of cigars again." They sigh, tossing the empty box into the trash.
"Want me to go get you some more?" You lean in and place a kiss to their cheek.
They shake their head.
"There's no need, I can get someone else to do it." They nuzzle you affectionately, returning the kiss with an equally quick one.
"It's okay, really. I need to grab some stuff anyway!" You reassure them.
Another sigh. You knew they hated it when you went out by yourself– but you were fairly independent and could handle yourself if required to do so. That's why they taught you what they taught you.
"Alright. You'll be careful, right muñeca?" They look up at you with their citrine eyes.
"Of course. I always am." You ruffle the hair between their ears playfully as a smile draws across their face.
Their tail twitches in response.
They watch as you leave the bar from the rear exit. Yet, something deep inside of them felt horribly wrong.
"I'll be back." They take off after you. "Close the bar until then."
The waitress nods.
"The usual." A woman says, leaning back against the table.
Her rounded ears perk forward as her spotted tail lays relaxed on her lap. The door bell rings as you step inside.
"Evening." She tips her glowing trim hat to you.
"Evening, Sojourn." You smile. "Hard at work?"
The server puts a warm latte with fancy decorative cream next to her, and she quickly looks both ways before cracking open a small bottle and pouring it inside. You pretend to look away for her sake.
"For the most part. What brings you here this time of night, [Y/N]?" She asks, though it sounds more like an interrogation from her tone.
"Someone ran out of cigars again." You place a few dollars on the table alongside a couple boxes of cherry cigars. "Just thought I'd be helpful and get them some more. I have one more stop after this."
The server checks you out and bags the cigars for you. You take it in both your arms, hearing the rain pattering against the window increase as the clouds roll in. Your ears lower in anticipation.
"Ah, I forgot my umbrella." You sigh.
"You wanna borrow mine?" Sojourn offers.
"That's sweet of you, but the next store is right around the corner. I'll be back in no time." You refuse her offer gently.
"It's no problem– really. You always know where to find me." She offers one more time.
"Oh... I guess it's okay just this once. Thanks again, Sojourn." You grab her umbrella in the rack by the door.
It shares her signature pink glowing trim just as her hat and shoes did. That's how you know it's hers, aside from her name written in one of the corners in fancy cursive writing.
"No problem, [Y/N]. Take care of yourself, alright? Call me if you need anything." She reminds you.
"Can do." You start to open her umbrella as you step outside.
You take your time walking the empty streets as the pouring rain falls around you. A soft pink glow illuminates everything you pass– street lights, wanted and missing posters, scattered litter on the damp concrete sidewalk.
As you pass by an alleyway, you hear rustling coming from a nearby dumpster and your ears perk up to listen further. Then, a small cat jumps out and limps towards you.
"Oh, sweet thing..." You kneel and share space under your umbrella for it. "Are you hurt?"
It meows loudly– as if warning you about something.
"It's okay! I can help!" You talk to it as if it understands English.
You search through your bag for a moment before pulling out a small first aid kit. You always kept it on you just in case moments like these happened.
"I rescued a little guy that looks like you! I wonder if you're related? Same mom, maybe?" You're talking to yourself as you prepare to bandage up the limping cat.
It meows again, hissing as it backs away. "Oh, no! Please! I'm trying to help!" You explain.
You turn and flick your tail, showing it to the young cat. "Look! We're not so different, see?"
A dark, looming figure approaches you from behind and takes you by surprise. You fall backwards into a puddle and soak yourself completely, Sojourn's umbrella spiraling out of reach. You're thankful the wind hasn't picked up. The figure wears a red helmet with a "T" shaped insignia on the front.
Where did you recognize that symbol from...?
"Are you [Y/N]?" A rough voice asks.
"Uh– what's it to you?" You grumble, attempting to stand up on your own.
The figure wraps his hand around your wrist and pulls you to your feet, suddenly yanking you along as you're forced to leave your purse and Sojourn's umbrella behind.
"Hey! Let me go, asshole!" You yell. "Let me go or else!"
Except– no one is around to hear.
"Stop!" You plea, drigging your heels into the wet asphalt.
You're quickly thrown into the back of a black, unmarked vehicle where you're tied up and blindfolded against your will. The whole thing happened in less than a minute. Now, you're disappearing into the raining, foggy night.
"Stop right there!" Sojourn slides in as the vehicle takes off and turns the corner, leaving her behind.
She takes a moment to catch her breath.
"I'm getting too old for this." She sighs. "Sorry, Sloan. Not as fast as I used to be."
Your beloved was following closely behind. Their ears perk up in the darkness.
"How did you know I was here...?" They step into the streetlight from the shadows.
She chuckles. "How long have I been doing this for again? I could tell you were following me from a mile away."
Her eyes scan the street and hone in on your dropped bag and her lost umbrella. She approaches it with caution. The cat from earlier is taking shelter underneath it– licking its paw that was clearly injured. Sloan follows behind once again.
Sojourn kneels and looks through your stuff– your phone, medical kit and personal belongings are safely inside. So are the cigars inside the soaked paper bag, so clearly Talon wasn't set on robbing you. Then, her eyes settle back onto the stray cat.
"If only Murphy liked cats." She sighs.
She takes a quick picture and sends it to someone alongside the address.
"Well, I'm glad that solves one problem." Your beloved crosses their arms in frustration. "Too bad my wife is actively being abducted."
What could they even do in this situation? Neither of them could run as fast as you were disappearing.
"Not for long. I know exactly where she's headed." Sojourn pulls up a holo screen with the location of the van on screen. "I tagged that van earlier today."
"What made you suspect it?" Sloan asks.
Another laugh. "No license plate– how more obvious can you get?"
"Oh GOD– that's disgusting–!" A female voice revolts at the sight of you.
Her face is also obscured and two giant blades are attached to her arms like claws.
"Are all omegas this gross?" She spats.
You feel embarrassment fill your flushed body as your heat overtakes your entire being. Slick gushes between your thighs as you desperately scent everyone and everything inside the van out of fear.
"She went into heat. Sometimes it happens when they get stressed out. We have suppressants back at base, just be patient." The same gruff voice from earlier speaks up.
"Ew! My shoes!" The woman lifts her wet foot and nudges you out of the way. "Ugh!"
The vehicle comes to a screeching halt. You feel someone's hand lift you up and hoist you over their shoulder. No one talks– you're still scenting the air in hopes your beloved would walk in at any moment and save you.
If only.
Footsteps echo down the hallways you're taken through until you're sat down in a chair and more restraints are placed on you.
"Good grief. Get the heat suppressants already, her scent stinks." Someone complains.
After a minute you feel someone rip the tape off your mouth and force pills into your mouth. You try your best to spit them out but water is crammed down your throat and you unwillingly swallow the suppressants they had given you.
"She ruined my shoes..." The same female voice complains in the distance.
Tears form in your covered eyes. You're terrified beyond belief. Your ears perk up when you hear someone entering the room. You can also hear something large and metallic moving alongside the footsteps. Whatever it is, it sounds like it's flexing.
"Remove the blindfold." The deep voice orders. It's accented, but you couldn't place it. Definitely not from New York.
Your eyes gaze upon a sharply dressed, larger man with bronze colored skin. The ears on his head belong to that of a cat– but not a domestic one. Every ounce of his aura radiates elegance, sophistication and intimidation. In place of his other arm is a giant gauntlet that sits almost out of place against his suit.
He turns away from you. His tail is bobbed.
"Very well. Begin the interrogation." He leaves without looking back.
Your ears fall flat against your head in terror. Several people dressed in matching red and black uniforms enter the room and wait for orders. You hear a voice on the intercom somewhere above you.
"You know what you're here for. So make it easy on yourself and tell us what we want to hear." The voice lacks any depth or emotion.
You take a deep breath in.
"I don't know what you're talking about!" You cry out. "I don't know why I'm here!"
Tears drop down your face as you look around at all the faceless soldiers.
"Wrong answer!" The voice grows cold and sadistic.
The crowd closes in on you as you shake uncontrollably in your chair. Your eyes squeeze shut as you brace yourself for the worst.
"So, this is Talon's base...?" Sloan looks up at the dark skyscraper.
"One of them. They have bases near everywhere these days– most of them run by the lower ranks." Sojourn explains.
She guns down an approaching agent like it was second nature.
"Kind of wish I would've brought my own weapon now." Sloan murmurs.
"Keep your eyes peeled, they'll be coming from all directions. Now let's move." Sojourn orders.
As soon as Sloan enters the first set of doors they can smell your scent lingering in the air– comfort momentarily fills their body before the two of them are surrounded on all sides again. She can only gun them down so fast, and more seem to be approaching quicker than she can fend them off.
Come on. There has to be something around here.
Another Talon guard falls to the ground and drops their weapon.
"What is this...?" Sloan picks it up with relative ease. "A drill...?"
"I don't think it really matters right now!" Sojourn slides her way out danger and continues rapid firing at the enemy.
They cock their newfound weapon before it fires a massive energetic blast into the crowd of approaching agents.
"Oh– Okay– so that's what that button does–" They shake their head to recenter themself.
It doesn't take long to adjust to using it, and it takes down multiple people in just a few pulls of the trigger. Whatever this thing was– drill...? Cannon...? Gun...?– they were definitely not going to give it back anytime soon.
It takes several more minutes to cut back the oncoming wave of Talon soldiers before either of them had time to catch their breath.
"Can you get a scent? Anything?" Sojourn looks at them.
"She's this way–" Sloan responds, heading off in the direction of your scent trail. "Downstairs."
"We have to hurry– let's keep moving." Sojourn slides her way down the staircase and into the darkness.
"Man... I gotta get me some rocket legs..." Sloan whispers to themself, taking off after her.
You had managed to wriggle free of the restraints that held you back when one of the assassins took a lunge at you. Now, you're surrounded by a group of enraged Talon agents ready to rip you to shreds. All you have in your hands is a tiny pistol that shot bullets of condensed energy.
You're cornered. You close your eyes and fire into the group and hit one or two agents before one inevitably reaches for you and knocks the weapon away. You kick them as hard as you can, knocking the wind out of them, and drag your tired body into the next room while your assailants were busy with their injuries.
Only... you find yourself once again surrounded by a bloodthirsty army.
"You gotta be kidding me." Your knees are weak, but the fight hasn't left your body just yet.
"Don't fire! The boss wants her alive." Someone shouts.
One of the agents approaches you, and growl reverberates deep inside your throat.
"Don't touch me!" You snap.
"Don't make this harder than it needs to be!" He replies.
"No, I'll kill every single one of you!" You back yourself into a corner and bare your fangs.
You're not very intimidating– but it's a good try.
"If you touch me, I'll–" You're cut off.
"You'll what? Bite me?" The voice laughs.
"I'll kill you!" You grit your teeth and lower yourself even further.
"Sure you will, babe." The man nonchalantly approaches you before you hear the sound of a rail gun firing in your direction.
The soldier collapses.
All the agents in the room turn to the source of the firing.
"Sojourn–!" You choke, your injuries finally catching up to you.
You were bleeding heavily. Definitely not enough to kill you, but it was enough to slow you down for sure. You hug your knees close to your chest as you shake, eyes squeezed shut as the world around you begins to spin a little too much.
"Mi reina!" Sloan calls out. "I'm on my way!"
"I'm over here!" You yell back.
It turns into a firefight– energetic gunfire rapidly flying around the room like it was a science fiction movie. You lower yourself to the floor to avoid being hit and cover your head with your hands for extra protection, though it doesn't provide much. Your tail is huddled against your body as you curl into a scared ball of fluff. All that courage has finally left your body.
You just wanted it to be over.
Sloan does their best to fight their way over to you but continually gets pushed back by the onslaught of soldiers hellbent on killing them and Sojourn.
"That's it! I can't take it anymore!" A sniper calls out. "Just kill the bitch and get it over with!"
"The boss wants her alive!" Another voice responds.
"Fuck what the boss wants, I'm not risking my life for this!" The sniper aims their weapon directly at your head.
A laser settles right between your eyes.
In that moment, time slows down. Sloan is shoving their way over to you as their alpha side finally overtakes them.
"Don't hurt her!" They scream in their native tongue. "Don't hurt her!"
Sojourn's dominant eye focuses in on the sniper's laser, following it to the shadows where she lies in waiting. She can feel the heat of her gun on her fingertips as it enters into Overclock mode, and a blue laser of death shoots out as soon as the snipers head enters her scope. She gracefully falls to the ground with a lifeless thud.
One problem down– one more to go.
"Shit, they got our sniper!" One of the soldiers calls out.
One Talon guard lunges and grabs them by the waist. They struggle to keep hold of their drill, causing it to fire in random directions as they fight to free themself. It's only then does it turn into a melee weapon– driving it into the torso of the guard who holds them and drilling him heavily into the ground.
"[Y/N]!" You can hear their alpha instincts overtake their entire voice. "[Y/N]!"
It's intimidating– they sound so enraged, so distressed that your omega side instantly shows itself in return, letting off massive waves of scent as your nerves steel themselves. All of the anxiety flushes out of your body as your scent blooms like a garden. It fills the room with its silage to the point even Sojourn can pick up on it, and she hadn't felt her alpha instincts in years.
"Get her out of here!" Someone calls out.
"Don't you lay a hand on her!" Sloan growls.
And someone does just that– and it's made even worse by the fact it was another alpha. They could smell his disgusting stench from where they stood. Their finger lingers over the trigger for so long that they feel their arms shake, taking only one step back before it slams into the ground and creates deep cracks in the concrete floor beneath everyone. Sojourn is able to finish off the rest of the soldiers due to their displacement and confusion– and finally– the room falls silent.
All that remains is death and destruction.
They toss the drill aside and run to your aid. "Mi alma–!"
You're bloodied. You're tired. Yet, you're okay.
They cradle you in their arms and hold you close, licking your wounds as they scent you as heavily as they can. It instantly floods your senses: it's cherry tobacco at first, then it mixes into strawberry with a light scent of chocolate before fading finally into vanilla, ink and smoke.
There's also a hint of something else. It didn't smell like a mating smell... more like a friend. The scent of freshly brewed coffee with cream, new books and rain on dampened earth.
"Sloan...?" Sojourn calls out.
They snap back to their senses for a brief moment. They're panting and can barely think straight.
"Let's get you two out of here." She adds.
You're safely back at your shared beach house. Sojourn helped patch both of you back up before heading back out for more coffee.
And yes, she got her umbrella back, thank goodness.
"Mi vida– I'm sorry–" You place a finger over their mouth.
"Please, you don't need to apologize. Here–" You reach for a cherry cigar and light it for them. "I'm okay. You're okay. Let's focus on that instead."
They take the longest drag from their cigar and exhale with relief. The two of you huddle together on the couch in the living room and listen to the distant ocean waves for a while.
"Are you feeling up to building a nest?" They ask. "With your injuries and all?"
You're sore, but a nest sounds nice. Besides, it can promote healing in both alphas and omegas.
"I should be able to." You respond.
You carefully get off the couch and head towards your shared bedroom. The bed canopy curtains, mattress sheets and blanket were already scent retaining. Perhaps a few extra pillows would be good? You reach for some spare ones in the closet and toss them next to the main ones. Then you finish it up with some softer objects– mostly cutesy shaped pillows– for an extra sense of coziness.
You instantly dive into your readily made nest.
"Is someone nesting already?" You hear your beloved walking into the bedroom, scenting the air hard as a result. "That was quick!"
You giggle and peak out from behind the canopy curtain. They lean in and place a gentle kiss to your lips.
"Do you want some music? Maybe a drink?" They offer.
"That sounds perfect." You relax back into your nest and hold onto one of the pillows while you wait for them to return.
They set two bottles of water on the nightstand (alcohol is reserved for after the heat) and search for your favorite record. They adjust the needle on the record player and let it spin, filling the room with a soft and calming melody.
"Cuddle time!" They shout, bursting through the curtain and landing on the bed in full force.
Their tail twitches happily, scooping you up and kissing you all across your flushed face. Giggles rise from your chest as you welcome in their wholesome affection.
"How are you feeling? No pain, right?" They're extra careful not to hold you too tightly or put any of their weight on you whatsoever.
"None so far." You tell them.
"I'll be extra gentle whenever you're ready, okay? Please don't hesitate to tell me if anything hurts." They look at you in full seriousness.
You boop them on the nose. They smile and wag their fluffy tail.
"That goes double for you, too." You remind them.
The two of you spend a little more time cuddling and waiting for heat suppressants to wear off. It almost puts you to sleep: the sound of the distant ocean, the music playing on your vinyl player, enjoying all the warmth that your beloved was radiating alongside their signature scents filling the air. You feel them nuzzle into you and kiss you every so often so you don't doze off– though, all you really wanted was rest at this point.
Until you felt a couple drops running down your legs.
It started with only a couple drops before it quickly became a waterfall.
"Ugh." You vocally express your frustration.
"We'll get some good sleep after we get you taken care of. Just lay down and I'll handle it, okay, muñeca?" They reassure you.
They sit up and interlock their legs with yours as their length begins to protrude against your wetness. An inked hand roams across your chest and stomach while being extra careful to avoid any bruising or bandages. You start to feel your entrance widening in order to take your beloved in fully.
"Ready?" They ask one more time.
You nod, clutching onto a nearby heart shaped pillow for comfort.
"Okay. You know the drill." They smile down at you with love.
You can feel the further expansion of their cock until it finally settles nicely inside of you, and then they begin thrusting. You hold the pillow closer to your goosebump covered body as they gently rut into you, feeling their hands reach down to hold your waist as their scent continues to fill the tensing air.
"No pain?" They ask.
"No pain." You whimper.
They continue to stretch you out as slick pours across their hips, being extra delicate the entire time to ensure they didn't accidentally hurt you. Their hands are firmly wrapped around either side of your figure until you momentarily reach out for one to hold, and they happily clasp it between their tattoo covered fingers. The events from earlier are pushed from their mind and now they can truly focus on you.
"Mm– slower, please–!" You beg.
You were still sensitive.
"Sorry!" Their thrusts slow down to a more loving pace. "Better?"
"Mmhm." You moan.
Every stroke of their cock hits that sweet bundle of nerves inside of you and the pleasure begins to mount inside your tired hips. The hand holding your waist splays against your stomach before trailing lower, situating itself between your thighs and using their thumb to press against your aroused core. They start off with light stokes before gradually circling faster, feeling your hips lift into their touch and simultaneously taking them deeper inside of you.
Sweat drips down their forehead and atop your equally damp body, heavy panting fills the air as they continue to work towards building that sweet release. Growls sound from the back of their throat as you begin to purr as loud as you could from the satisfaction they're bringing you.
You take a deep breath in and smell that wonderful scent– the cherry tobacco, the chocolate covered strawberries, the vanilla and smoke mixed with your own.
"Are you still doing okay? How are you holding up?" They struggle to speak the further you both go into your lovemaking.
"Doing– good–!" You feel your ability to respond slipping quick.
"Be strong for a little longer, mi muñeca. It's almost over. I know you're tired." They comfort you to the best of their ability.
They don't dare increase their pace– otherwise you'd be ridden into the mattress already. Instead, they remain slow and gentle as that excitement continues to rapidly build inside the both of you.
They watch as you bounce against every thrust, your chest lightly swaying on every rebound as their deflated knot begins to twitch the closer they get to their climax.
It's hypnotizing– they could watch you forever.
"Close?" They ask, their voice gravelly from their alpha side.
"Close." You repeat.
They have to use every ounce of willpower and strength in their ink covered body not to rail into you like the world was ending. They simply just squeeze their eyes shut as the two of you rapidly approach the ending together, leaning lower and scenting you heavily with every passing second. Their thumb continues spiraling around your throbbing core, length continually buried to the hilt, hitting every spot in the most heavenly way.
You both share your orgasms not long after this. Their knot expands deep within you as you see stars lightly dancing about in your vision– clearing up quickly as you ride out the rest of your high against their hips. They clean their fingers inside their mouth and swirl their pierced tongue around to collect all the juices you gave them.
The heat inside your body finally dissipates for a little while.
They lean down to cuddle you close, extra careful to avoid putting any pressure on the injured parts of your body. You discard your pillow somewhere on the bed and opt to hold their head against your chest instead. Your fingers run through their tawny colored locks and playfully ruffle their curls as a way to signify a job well done.
"You did so well, mi angelita." They praise you between tired breaths.
"Mm. You, too." You let out a satisfied sigh as you continue playing with their hair.
Their tired eyes finally find rest atop your equally as tired figure. They slowly teeter in and out of consciousness, not wanting you to be left awake alone and vulnerable. It's only then do they realize that you had fallen asleep below them– and they let themself relax just a little to join you in that sweet slumber.
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ritzcuit · 4 months
been thinking abt #gender again lately Cus i keep forgetting im not transitioning LMFAOOO ITS SO!!! FUNNY IDK WHAT IM DOINGGG Im just fucking around if we're being real. but ppl dont like it when you say that. theyre like no you need a god honest legal legitimate Paladin-esque reason to be doing crazy shit to your body. so i have to be like (gets on one knee) i reject my womanhood. Which i do. but like.
if i collect all the ppl whove inspired me to fuck around w gender it's all women in drag if im being honest LOLLL Like drag kings. like women crossdressing. Which is maybe still touchy for some people....
the legitimate way of saying this is "i'm gender nonconforming" which is true + how i feel + what i say, or for medical reasons i say i'm nonbinary (which gets flattened to transmasc because medicine is hell) but like...i just say im a gnc butch... Cus i am. that's the legit reason...
but its funny.... like ... my idols were jo calderone (lady gaga's drag king persona) and like. Ryuutaro tgaa. LMFAOOO. HELPPP.... i was watching someone stream tgaa and one of their friends was surely a nonbinary person and the person streaming was like [name] she's your character you voice her. and i was like man i want that for me. Which is a very roundabout way of getting there....
it's all practical reasons... i want a deeper voice bc i had NO range and voice acting made me so jealous. i want body hair cus its hot. i want facial hair cus i wanna see what id look like with it... i wanted to see if i even could grow it lol. i want top surgery bc my boobs are huge and i never opted into having them. Like it's just practical reasons.... all of these things i don't specify, i just say oh i have dysphoria/euphoria. Bc the health industry is not ready for nuanced discussions of gender in the slightest. so i have to tell half truths or obscure truth in order to get what i need...
its just interesting... so funny growing up around transmed/truscum tumblr (not actively in it, thankfully, but internalizing their rhetoric) and then as an adult im like Ohhhh wait my body is my own + i can do what i want forever + genderweird butches are eternal
But blah i think abt it cus when ppl talk abt gender and theyre like, oh men do this, girls do that, and somehow they still try to be like, trans inclusive, but they still try to shove you in a binary ANYWAY, and even though i am still cis-ish (my friend says cis+ and its so funny to me) its like. well no cus ive been unpacking my identity and trying new things and now this box doesnt work for even me, a reasonably somewhat cisgender person. like. The whole framework is fucked....
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thedevotionaltour · 7 months
when i learn to draw matt it's over for everyone. i should doodle lesbo matt again bc i love her<3 i like drawing her pre haircut bc i have her put their hair into braids and i think it looks cute :) and then they are five hundred times happier when they've got real short hair n she can't stop running her hands through it and keep talking about how light it feels. matt hadn't had short hair since middle school even though jack said it's fine if you wanna keep it short matty it looks nice on you but yadda yadda me projecting my own personal insecurities and sexuality in denial moments where matt went um no it's fine i'll let it grow out again it's easier than going to the barber all the time anyways (this has never been an issue in the past and matt takes months in between cuts anyways) and also the mindset of maybe people will leave me alone more and just not bother me or get on my case as much if i at least have longer hair. anyways college lesbian matt got her haircut off the recommendation of someone from her butch lez roommate foggy. who clocked matt for what she was within a day. before matt said anything. matt said something the next day after telling herself your roommate is literally a masculine gay woman you call also tell her you're a lesbian too and foggy went oh i know. you're butch too right? and matt went oh um well i don't know um labels and stuff well uh haha you know and foggy goes i know you're one. it's fine. very much a #ringofkeys moment and foggy sees what matt is before matt does, before matt says it out loud. matt knew deep down but never felt she could say that. sorry this is my extreme lesbian projection of my own issues of self denial but this is an indulgent au for me anyways so idccc. sorry this started off as talking about wanting to draw matt better im sorry
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stxrmnight · 6 months
6.4 Fly me to the Evil Moon
Glam debut here
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Oh? We're getting a date??
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"Oooohh... this is good in the strong side, but not my kind of strong"
Zero loving mortally high spice because of her muted sense is so fucking funny and so good. She could eat trucks that shear your pipes
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Nemi everyone else is standing there
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This is the most cursed thing I ever clicked
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Okay so we're stil a group but gave up political relevance??? Is that the intended change of things?
It's lovely how much she loves the sunset...
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Dang Erenville you look so fond here. Honestly props to whoever animated that smile. I fear Nemi would be a bit "?" though
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"My job here is done - but you didn't do nor have to do anything"
Frankly this beat was weird and patronizing as hell. Urianger why do you keep trying to intervene over women without asking. In my canon neither of them fuckinggg said that.
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Ah!!! Clapping bears...
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"Buddy why did you tell me to say all that. She's making Nemi do puppy eyes she's more than fine."
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Zero please dflgkmfgd
I feel they could have done something legit appealing here if, they didn't treat Zero as ignorant of concepts after having recalled her past as a knight serving a community? And apparently involved in food repartitions too. Why are you forgetting this for therapy speak ahhhhhh devs you're fumbling a dreamy goth butch
This next garlemald part fits so awkwardly. I wanna write it out for something more interesting but this is beyond these posts
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That fear of aether wielders made sense but, wouldn't they have been far from Ilsabard by her time? Why does she remember this? And lady, this is how your whole country ended where it's landed
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This went nowhere. Why did they show unfair spread of resources between people and hushy-pushy politicians and then nothing about it was addressed or pointed out for the hypocrisy it is
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"Why are they refusing free gifts when they have little to offer back. Are they stupid"
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Top ten "I did not like that" lesbian moments
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This feels like, it should have happened a patch ago?? Even though it's part 2 of Zero having time in the Source?? This feels like a double beat repeating things we have gone on already. Why aren't they letting her, have anything else. We haven't explored her memories and she didn't have more time being more conflictive and derisive before suddenly shifting to liking people now.
Also this feels like such a babyspeak way to talk about the matter. Game please you are more sophisticated than this
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Zero, oblivious: ?
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Where they filling time because they didn't want to do more or refuse to give us more info on the Thirteenth. Why
And frankly, this has the after effect of making the trap be too on the nose visible and make our cast look more silly than tragically in the wrong. This could have been finessed if say, I don't know, they had more times landing in the wrong spots of the shard first and needed to look around to attune the portal correctly. Just, better buildup
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Oh cute hrothgar, we really are in it right now
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I guess the only good thing is, with the pacing and with having confronted Golbez, Nemi and Zero would be closer in virtue of the struggle. Zero would rather ask to train with her, in her island, no obligations or terms in return. They would spar, sit on the beach and talk the negative turns of events. Nemi would specially show concern for if Zero has any vision for what she's going to do next, and ask if there's any chance for her to visit her Domain again, if it's possible. Zero would take her hand asking her interest, giving Nemi the steel to confess. When a lesbian with terminal repressed disease meets a lesbian who's touch starved for all sensations, what happens? A too frenzied makeout.
Later with clarity, looking at the stars, the girls would question where their blooming feelings would go with the situation they're in. They both want to stay in their respective worlds after all, and Nemi doesn't have the resources to always refresh the scales. And Nemi would wonder, isn't this kind of fast on Zero's part. Nemi would confess feeling a crush at first sight, but Zero has been only opening up to people again recently.
"Do you love me, or do you love feeling this kind of existence?"
"Aren't those the same thing? You helped me wake up to myself. I will cherish that wherever I go."
That was more than enough for both girls, regaling the night away with tales of light-kissed scars.
0 notes
fluffycity · 8 months
Hii :)
So this isn‘t really a ask but I just wanted to thank you for this thread https://www.tumblr.com/agaybird/658382916202725376/big-tw-transphobia-terfs-violence-and-assault
I really have no idea how old it is 😭 or when this whole discussion reached it‘s peak on tumblr but I didn’t even heard of it till now. I just started my research because I have read stone butch blues and was absolutely fascinated by it especially because I can really see myself in butch femme culture and never thought I would find a place where I’d feel like I belong as a lesbian. But other than that the trans representation 😩 chefs kiss.. but that‘s also wanted specifically wanted to talk about because when I started researching more about the book I found people that were saying all of it just glorifies SA and the protagonist „r@pes“ someone.. I was really confused by that but I‘m talking about a scene where the protagonist who is a genderfluid butch lesbian in 60‘s (at the time passing as a man because of testosterone and because of the safety aspect) sleeps with a assumed to be straight cis women who has no idea that the protagonist uses a str@p on and doesn’t have an actual pen!s.. which people were so goddam quick to call „r@pe by deception“.. even though the women consented from the beginning and there was no risk of getting std, pregnant, etc.. while I really do not understand all the people being so angry about that, I didn’t know that it was such a big deal asking a question about that topic on Reddit and tumblr, turns out I was wrong.. cause now there‘s still people mad about me asking 😭
So I’m just happy that I saw your post because it really helped to understand it better at the moment. But for some reason I‘m always really struggling to not let that get to me because yk it‘s my favourite book and I‘m very quick to overthink this whole situation.. but now people literally pulling out all damn sorts of things to prove to me it was SA and suddenly wanna talk about this topic in really life (the book is mostly fiction) so I‘m really confused about how now people literally send me photos of the stonewall website and how stonewall are trying to stop this whole „deception by r@pe “ topic and I really don‘t know how to respond because the whole point of it was originally to not let r@pists get away with them not telling women that they’re not wearing a condom or have std‘s while having sex with them and more.. right?? So tbh. I‘m very new to all of this but I also don‘t know what to answer .. because ofc „r@pe by deception“ exist but it‘s mostly when it comes to the topics I just mentioned and most definitely not when it comes to trans people…
God I‘m sorry this is so long.. it just really bothered me that I couldn’t talk to anyone about it but then your post really helped me
So if it‘s okay for you, could please tell me some of your thoughts on my „question“ ?
oh my, that is pretty old now. the original post stated that if you don't know a person is trans and have sex with them anyways, it's not rape. that post was the reason TERFS harrassed me for almost a year on my old blog ^^;
as stated in that old post, it is my personal belief that it isn't rape. you consented as an adult to have sex with someone, and quite frankly i don't understand the fuss about it being a strap instead of a real penis. but it's also an old issue at this point as far as i can tell and requires some nuance.
also, engaging in media that is important in queer culture doesn't mean you have to agree with all of it either! if i did consider that to be sexual assault, stone butch blues is still incredibly important and influential on queer culture and you can't erase that. but you don't have to agree with what the protagonist did
sorry if this is a bit rambly, i haven't approached this topic in quite some time. not tagging this significantly so that terfs don't find me again
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gerrydelano · 4 years
i hope this isn't an invasive question or anything, but how are you feeling about your old butch georgie stuff these days? if you don't ID as butch anymore
well, regardless of how i feel now, i still ID’d that way very sincerely when i wrote it and i still adhere to the headcanon with much love! i still have just as much admiration and respect for it as i did then. i won’t really know all my feelings until i feel more at home in my Physical Form in general so like? who knows how i’ll identify in the future. i sure don’t. and it doesn’t really matter!
overall, butch sets a prime example of the type of tender, compassionate masculinity i still want to cultivate even if i don’t use the word at a given time when a Bigender Swing leaves me hanging around in boy town, y’know? it doesn’t mean i suddenly want to Be Just Like A Cis Man or something, or that i didn’t take anything fulfilling from my time using the word and engaging in the community. that mattered! and still does.
so, i don’t see what would change about my butch georgie stuff! just because my personal identity changed a little doesn’t mean that stuff is hollow now; i write everybody with different demographics and i certainly don’t fit into all of them myself. butch georgie still means a lot to me and it’s still going to be written consistently in all future GTCU content, so. just because i’m currently distancing myself from it a little doesn’t mean i’m going to change any of my headcanons or something, etc. it’s still important, and still something i put a lot of genuine feeling into.
EDIT 8/28/21: i still ID as butch and probably always will! this ask sits wrong with me and i think about it every so often and one day i'll get back on my laptop and revise this but for now i want to just put this here for myself.
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salamencerobot · 3 years
All deltarune reactions and spoilers for chapter 2 under the cut! After I post this if I have any extra reactions they will be tagged deltarune and deltarune spoilers, so feel free to block those tags!
Ok so 1 fuck toby fox where the FUCK IS THE HEART also I swear someone called that the knife was gonna be used for pie eating. Also how did I not sleep in MORE from that, I should have gone into a food coma
Hiiii susieeee nice to see you!! Wanna go exploring again?!
JDHHDHSD JESUS CHRIST DONT JUMP SCARE ME LIKE THAT I'm glad I can see your eyes still, that's a good thing to keep.
it's gonna open to nothing isn't it. We wait what, a year? For just a cliffhanger? That'd be hilarious
.. ok both of these answers suck. Do I go with be gay do crime or do I go with the love triangle answer. Also damnit no noelle joining us.
God the pixel art is very well done. Good animations.
"enemies you spare will be recruited to our town" god could you imagine if deltarune ended up being a town building game? Funniest shit.
Very cute rooms
Aw we gotta leave? Sadge
Fiiine school project time.
Oooh gween!!
Ohhh what the FUCK is that bullshit Nuh uh I'm not being no puppet what the fuucck
Oh thank god you're here ralsei
...are all of the dances based off of charlie brown? Cause I recognize ralsei's, but can't figure out the rest
Mk so in the second part of the story we fight across a long area where we are taunted by our enemy only for the platform we're on to run out of room and dump us in the trash. Again, Undertale parallels here. Wheres mad dummy
Oh Susie is REAL touch starved huh
Oh ffs I wanted Susie time.
Oh fuck yeah Noelle team time- ah. You're really gay huh.
I'm at the meetup scene and GOD I'm glad that alphys and Undyne got most of the pining done off-screen fhdhhdhdh JUST KISS ALREADY DAMNCCHN
Oh good job not getting caught ralsei
Oh dear he's not liking the digital dark world huh.
Mmmh I hate birdboy. Also rip lancer.
Hm... Yeah aight Noelle I get your crush, Susie has the buff rescuer aesthetic.
Oooh shit the dream lie backfired hdhdhdh
Oh that's fucking soft. You gave her a fucking pencil and she just said "aight yeah she's safe"
JDHDGDH THE BACKFIRE OF A FUCKING LIFETIME. God imagine if the screen had been bigger, and Susie looked over, saw the ferris wheel, and just knocked Noelle out so she didn't have to deal with that.
Awkward fucking teens
Aight imma need a poster of these two to go next to my alphyne one.
Aight I'm killing bird bitch. Gonna have fucking turducken.
'oh the good part of the dream is over' AYYYY
Oh please don't try to confess bird bitch... Please..
Oh thats even funnier. Jdhdhdhd THEYRE LESBIANS HAROLD
Rip ralsei.
Aight I think this is the final fight so I stocked up on cd bytes.
..oh what the fuck did she do to Noelle.
Ah. Yeah that... That would be an issue huh.
Hey I noticed the robot but you are a narcissistic bitch I assumed it was a giant statue
I've learned from Steven universe that non-human lesbians can always save the world. Let's do this.
Oh god what are these dumbasses doing. This better be fucking sick.
Oh that is just a clusterfuck huh. I'm glad they didn't try to make it look cohesive it's just a fucking mess I love it.
Wait holy shit she's mettaton mixed with white diamond what the shit?m
Ok I'm loving the old super punch out style of fighting it's really fun but I also suck at it.
8-bits fuck off
oh please dont--THANK YOU RALSEI
Ooh it's so important it gets a Capital Letter
HOLY SHIT THE EYE PATTERNS FROM CHAP 1. also I get the moral lesson you gotta balance fiction and reality
I swear to god if Susie kisses her cause Noelle will think it's fake when she wakes up I'm gonna throw hands.
Thank GOD.
Mk fountain time.
Hm. I like how it encourages you to go to your town, it give it a nice calm wind-down from the adventure.
..why is Susie looking up?
...that is just unessecary. Ow. Out the window, really!
... why did nobody check on kris for that time? That's just sad
I can't really enjoy chilling with Susie, I just feel sad that nobody checked up on kris.
Aaand she's out.
And then I had that thought, that only blackout drunks and Kris can have. "did... Did I do that?"
Oh that's really not good. Uh. Uh oh. That's a Problem. I'm sudden-NO!! FUCK OFF FLOWEY YOU BETTER STAY BACK IN UNDERTALE YOU FUCKER!!!!
..was that speech I heard at the end of the credits song?
WAIT SEVEN CHAPTERS I THOUGHT IT WAS GONNA BE ONLY 5?? ooh we getting dlc after the 3-5 pack drops
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anonil88 · 3 years
The L Word Gen Q; liveblog Season 2 Ep 1-2
Ep 1:
Sophie chose her future wife wow. Good for her, but I know the truth is gonna come out and it is gonna be a hot mess.
I'm a bit upset that they broke up the throuple because this amazing dynamic that the three of them have. They are so funny in the same setting.
ROSIE O'DONNEL!!!!! Of course Tina would settle down with someone kind of bland but completely removed from the entertainment world. Ugh a public defender.
I LOVE Bette's outfit like absolutely adore the browns.
Angie seems like awkward about this and looking at her moms like ummm....OH she wants to meet her donor ohhhh.
I remember that whole situation and it was a mess. Carrie shut the hell up.
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Bette yet again feeling like the "lesser" parent. Yikes.
Ayyy they are still together....wait he's STILL MARRIED. Bro, just leave your husband or completely have a conversation with him about opening up your relationship long term. Instead of when he's away.
Alice is killing her show in the best way and I love that for this queer queen.
Where is Finley? Oh wow she's gone gone? No Alice stay out of it.
Lmfao not Angie saying her mom needs ssri' and yea Bette definitely is having a hard time letting go of her ex-wife well moreso that love, cause it is still there but their relationship was down in the pits at the end.
Y'all don't think Bette, your friend of 10+ years, has a dating criteria? They aren't wrong though Bette is a career lesbian who likes having a wife who does the homely, emotional, and less business labor in her life. A woman that she can dote on and bring to dinners. (If I could have a fun interesting career that I'm also at home to do from time to time that would be me. I'm like a mix of a stay at home husband and an artsy career wife all in one. But, I would just love to cater to my partner and go to idk fancy luncheons all dressed up.
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Lmfao Shane switched up so fast lol
Oh thats why they looked like they shit themselves 5 minutes prior in the beginning. Sis was on auto pilot, but also yea she needs to tell Dani. I don't think this location is the place for that.....maybe find an empty room?
Sophie is about to get dumped i feel it in my bones because Micah said it is a deal breaker. Maybe she will tell her about the promotion instead and then at home they can talk about Finley? Sigh idk.
She has a really great partner and may have permanently fucked that up.
Two lesbians get together and make a......queer baby.
Oh so its the confidentiality and also didn't he sign an entire N.D.A.
What's going on with Shane? 👀👀👀 Once a player always a player i guess.
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Ay Bette in Tom Ford!
Alice and Nat are too cute...ugh i wanna come home and fuck my partner on the couch one day...lesbian bed death?
Also can I please get a butch/masc on masc (non-man) couple on one of these shows please.
OOOO GIGI WITH THE BURN, that was good. A great save honestly.
Gigi understands what this is like all too closely. These two are gonna be so hot together but, I will miss Tina and Bette fucking.
Carrie is.....weird but, I think these two really work together and Carrie is the type to say something but afterwards apologize. Bette would have never done that with Tina. I do think Tina does still care for Bette but she needed her own life. One away from Bette being the center of her universe that she was expected to orbit around.
Ooooo someone to boss Bette around, yea imma like this pairing even though it may not last.
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Is Tess gonna be Shane's voice of reason on her shoulder.
Why are studs like this? Huh I'm confused and I fully get the white people pushing into black spaces. Dinah Shore is not for black lesbians i don't really like playing poker if there aren't a couple femmes around or something. Mainly because a lot of studs be trying to emulate the patriarchy and its so weird.
Just tell her, even though it is going to hurt like hell. This sex scene reminds me of whenever Bette would go to Tina after fucking around on her. Also love how Sophie isn't exactly always topping, it's usually Dani. We love fem tops.
They all really fucked Gigi lmfao
Tess needed that job dammit
Sophie is jittery as hell.
Idk if its because I'm polyamorous/ polya adjacent but I honestly wouldn't mind a partner not telling me they fucked someone else until after our wedding. As long as its not like an active affair and it was a one time thing I'd be like...I'm angry cause you risked me getting sick and yourself but also we talk about a lot so just tell me before you go off putting your tongue into other peoples holes. Oral and nether.
YES! POLYAMORY! also Alice needs to really truly deal with her own insecurities because wasn't the throuple her idea in the first place. Also the way they both be falling into Gigi' jokes was a trip.
This wedding is taking too long to happen smoothly and have 0 issues. I don't know if this show has ever had a smooth wedding so I doubt it is gonna happen now?
And there's the other shoe, Finley is back.
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Ep. 2:
Yea this wedding is over, that also was incredibly selfish of Finley especially knowing that Sophie unquestionably wanted to marry Dani. Even Shane the shit show of wedding grooms is like wow that was fucked up.
Hopefully Dani is still a character on the show.
Alice you were in a whole throuple and um bad people cheat? Gurl you have been the other woman how many times in your past relationships? Dana had an entire girlfriend.
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Awww Nat. Omg she's crying, she misses their throuple and even in her line of work she has no one to talk to about it. Ugh my heart. 😢😭
Damn Dani moved our fast as hell but also why would you flush a family heirloom?
Bette looks the fuck good in this gold buttoned dress.
You are NOT fine Dani.
Not me having had a crush on the actress who plays Tess since Sense8.
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Shane better not fuck with this girl's heart, I swear to God.
Really Finley? EXACTLY MARIBEL! How is everyone calling out Sophie but has literally cheated on other people or been the Finley of their situation. Isn't that the pot calling the kettle black?
Ewwww Jose is a gaslighter ewwww
Mr. Faison
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Alice should write about throuple with Nat's and Gigi' permission but most of all she should write about Dana and that hurt. Alice had some really low moments and I wonder if she ever talked about them in her memoir.
As an artist I would LOVE to have an art dealer/director like Bette.
Lmfao Alice said um what the hell. At first she was letting them get it out of their system, but there are people still working and you decided to start snapping very loudly.
Finley can find another job.
Gigi and Bette, also why do gay ppl really date their twins. Are yall some narcissist?
Oh OH GIGI is a DOM TOP. Yes please God more femme dominant tops. The fight for control here with two dominant personalities Jesus christ.
Is Nat okay? Alice stop snooping and awwww see Alice you're loved relax off your commitment issues. Nat just isn't monogamous.
This conversation is something Finley needs to hear especially from two people who have majorly fucked up in their life. Also Shane laughing at Alice being at the middle is funny as hell. Because it's always Alice.
Uncle Shane instincts kicking in and Tess is the voice of clarity and reason.
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Shane and Tess are gonna be cute even if its just them flirting instead of actually making a move. I think that works for characters like Shane.
Girl you did not throw out perfectly good food.
Oh so this is where that messy ass scene happens, the one that I saw on instagram as a teaser.
Bette is SHADY but also um Bette you....Yes call her out Shane! 👏🏾 Call Bette out! 👏🏾
Once.... *sips tea*
Alice is so messy but look at this table of cheaters, all of them. Awww Nat 😭, I think she's grieving her relationship but also I'm terrified she is sick. I can't watch Alice loose someone else to illness, that was too hard one time.
Oh, she's polyamorous and it has nothing to do with any of this. Thank God the writers kept someone polyamorous, also Alice is sounding like what people say when they find out you're bi. Alice get a damn grip i swear.
I feel like I would be angry honestly and I get feeling deceived but this is a lot. I guess everyone processes their emotions differently but I'm not giving them gifts back. If me and my ex ended things and we got gifts, we can just split them. Imma put peoples money to good use. 🤷🏾‍♂️
Bette is a really good mom, even to someone's adult child.
Sophie is using Finley as a rebound that is FUCKED UP.
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Jac & Savannah
Jac: [Later than the Jesse convo, so drunker too, but still in the clerb] Jac: Total success, yeah? 🎉🍾💃 Savannah: 🙌 Jac: Are you having a good time? Savannah: YES! Savannah: I'm so glad everyone is nice Jac: it is such a relief Jac: so not like high school Savannah: ^^ we can stop waiting for the lives we want now Jac: yeah Jac: it's started Jac: and nothing is in our way now Jac: or no one Savannah: thank god Jac: You look beautiful Savannah: I was thinking maybe it's too much Savannah: if Sienna likes it Jac: 😂 Jac: You could pull off anything Jac: but I like it too Savannah: it's for you Savannah: I promised 💗 🌷 🌺 🌸 💗 Jac: You did Jac: my own uni wardrobe is lacking Jac: next time Savannah: it's REALLY not Savannah: you look perfect Jac: am I still sleeping over? Savannah: of course Savannah: unless you don't want to Jac: I do Jac: just checking  😊 Savannah: I know I stole ALL the blankets but I'm so sorry & I so won't do it again if you stay Jac: That's not what it is Savannah: do NOT use this moment to tell me that I talk in my sleep because I will die Jac: you're a total 👸🏾 in sleep too, don't worry Savannah: you're an 👼🏻 always Jac: do you have a drink? Savannah: Jordan was supposed to be getting me one but it's been forever Jac: I'll find him Jac: try to Savannah: We'll just get our own, I don't need a man Jac: 👏 Savannah: 🥂 Savannah: find me ✨ Jac: Might get distracted by the disco ball Savannah: you're supposed to only have 👀 for me Savannah: SO mean Jac: You know I do Savannah: 🥰 Jac: Do you think any of the lads are cute? Savannah: oh my god! That means you do! Savannah: who do you like? Jac: no it doesn't Savannah: it does, J Jac: I'd tell you if it did Savannah: I'd tell you if I thought anyone was cute Savannah: & them Jac: True Jac: just checking Savannah: I think Maddie is BEYOND cute Savannah: love that outfit Jac: She seems fun too Savannah: [goes to dance with whoever this girl is] Savannah: okay, she's really fun Jac: 👍 Savannah: come dance with us Jac: one sec Jac: [going outside or wherever] Savannah: 🥺🥺🥺🥺 Jac: I'll be right back Jac: got to talk to Dale Savannah: you've got to dance with me Jac: [gotta be at least 5 minutes before you do, have some resolve] Savannah: [excuse us maddie there's a moment about to happen here] Jac: [casually politely blocking you out here no offense] Savannah: [gotta be done soz] Savannah: [when they're both hot so you know lads who aren't even from their course gonna get involved] Jac: [at least you can swerve them more freely in a sassy manner] Savannah: [and we can sacrifice maddie to one that's she's vaguely into so thanks] Jac: [go get yours gal] Savannah: [leave them to their shameless gay vibe] Jac: [try to get out your head gal you can do it] Savannah: [we all know she's accidentally making this so ridiculous difficult for you rn] Jac: [we're not any more sorted than we were lbr ladies] Savannah: [tea] Jac: [so productive] Savannah: [making you come to the toilets with her so she can fix her makeup/admire herself because of course] Jac: [just admiring her too tbh] Savannah: [likewise because now is the time for a shameless hair touch like lemme fix that for you and all the ensuing compliments because Savannah is me] Jac: [😳😳😳😳] Savannah: [when she's inherited her father's complexion so obvs the bae sees but she thinks it's adorable 'you feel things so deeply, I love that about you'] Jac: ['one of us should appreciate it, like' 🙄 at self] Savannah: ['of course I appreciate you, you've always been everything to me' be gayer please gal] Jac: ['almost everything' 'cos you drunk enough that that can slip but then you nudge her like 😏 lol lol total bants] Savannah: [when that hurts your heart so much it'd be obvious on your face for a split second at least before you cover it with your own 🙄 at self like I can't believe I like boys ugh] Jac: [reflectively putting your hand on her shoulder like no it's okay, I'm sorry and covering that by finally being like 'at least you don't like Jordan] Savannah: [taking that hand and positioning her arm so you can look at her tattoo that matches yours like you're relieved she still has it, also without thinking about it but then being like oh shit so you just have to say 'I like being single' even though she did not ask and it's not true] Jac: [when we know you better than that, babe so the really? is on our face v hard but we not being judgy with it and we show that by touching her tattoo lightly] Savannah: [the 'rude' is on her face but playfully we're not actually offended but we shrug because she does mean that she doesn't wanna date another Milo for so many reasons, cos that was a time in both their lives we know] Jac: ['he's probably having such a shit time' in a comforting forget him way, 'cos of course you know what she think of, at least who] Savannah: [she's so not above being buzzing at the prospect/hoping he is so such a happy face again] Jac: [lols] Savannah: [putting your lipgloss or whatever it is on her cos it's nothing too dramatic where she'd be like no and we can pretend that's why you're shamelessly staring at her cos that idea struck you to do a makeover moment and not cos you're gay] Jac: [not at all thinking about the other way you coulda put that on her, nah, doing a kissy face like tah] Savannah: [tucking her hair behind her ear/playing with it like you're so concerned it could get stuck to this gloss okay] Jac: [having to yeah HAVING to take her hand to get her out 'cos bathrooms in clerbs are always packed like come on] Savannah: [she's clearly about it] Jac: [go dance some more] Savannah: [that's what we are here for, a chance to be gay af without either of us freaking out] Jac: [mhmm, live and let live ladies] Savannah: [it's like expected of straight girls at this point so] Jac: [we all hoe dance at the clerb] Savannah: [god bless, come through with that drink jordan, where you been?] Jac: [who are you where are you so many questions also making him go get you one too shamelessly like thaaaanks] Savannah: [when you a bad bitch like your mother] Jac: [don't be making enemies though gal] Savannah: [someone should make an actual move on either of them tonight but I can't decide which way round I want it] Jac: [hmm, there's a case for either way isn't there] Savannah: [because it could be a girl in Jac's case cos don't need an A+ gaydar to be knowing which would be awkward and freak her out but obviously it could be a boy too which would #confirm Sav thinking she's not gay but obviously it'd hurt her heart if some boy or girl is all over Sav and she thinks she's into it so] Jac: [i say let it be a girl and jac for the freakout we can probably use that the most] Savannah: [it has the henchest legs in terms of a idea I agree] Jac: [hoot] Savannah: [how do you want it to happen like are they still dancing or what's the craic] Jac: [I think they go back to their tables to be social a bit and this girl pops off] Savannah: [love that, what type of lesbian are you gal, what would be the most awkward? butch maybe] Jac: [yes like undeniably so lol] Savannah: [I have such a mental image rn] Jac: [a fuckboy who is probably gonna give feminist rants in your lectures, marlene hello lol] Savannah: [her more butch cousin because k-stew is still too soft] Jac: [ruby rose] Savannah: [mhmm] Jac: [just shooketh like how did you know #exposed over here] Savannah: [meanwhile your bae is oblivious talking to whoever else] Jac: [when a girl has never and you can't outright run or anything 'cos these your classmates] Savannah: [like you could run gal but you gotta be subtle about it you can't just be like I need a piss RN cos then she might think you wanna hook up in the bathroom lol] Jac: [oh no no, keeping this convo dry sweaty] Savannah: [at least you can always say you're not out if she won't take the hint because it's against gay law to out someone so] Jac: [bye ruby rose] Savannah: [you can run now if you want gal] Jac: [if she's the kind that can be chill enough to be friendly and not totally in your face, you should stay, 'cos trying here for that new rep] Savannah: [#growth] Jac: [don't wanna be alone again at any cost] Savannah: [so sad and so true] Savannah: I'm doing my best to be a social 🦋 but I miss you Jac.: Come and save me then Savannah: [does but does the thing where they end up sharing a chair like oh hey, you're lowkey on her lap gal neither of you are smol enough for this] Jac.: [when you can fully get into the bit 'cos you are just tryna let this girl know you're not interested, sure babe, like Sav is touchy-feely anyway but she'd be less so naturally but playing with her hair rn] Savannah: [😳 but her skin tone is not giving her away so we're fine] Jac.: [needlessly whispering/loud whispering 'cos clerb in her ear instead of tryna shout to the whole group 'cos we sending a message here ok] Savannah: [we know she doesn't need any encouragement to join in with that because that's shamelessly a vibe for them anyway like soz Isabelle] Jac.: [we've not changed that hard and have no intention to really lmao and can't fault you] Savannah: [more dancing like you've just gotta cos THIS SONG but we know why really] Jac.: [we know the vibe] Savannah: [just dancing til you're actually knackered and do need to sit back down for a bit] Jac.: [is there anything else we wanna/do we wanna let anything go down/however small it might seem] Savannah: [the temptation to make it even gayer is so real but it's like the L bomb dilemma of like is now the right time/do we wanna prolong the agony longer but I feel like something needs to happen] Jac.: [this is day TWO, freshers is intense by default everyone thinks they're gonna be friends forever, and the way most people do it you're like drunk the whole week, so I feel like something could reasonably happen/should, even if we then take however many paces back] Savannah: [you gotta do it Savannah it's your turn to put yourself out there gal] Jac.: [we can all pretend we don't remember lol #doitdoit Savannah: [I just can't decide if I want it to happen at the club or when they're alone having their sleepover moment cos pros and cons to both] Jac.: [like the tension is high in both scenarios but maybe have enough wherewithal to not let your classmates 👀 'cos they so close as is people will be like OH YOU A COUPLE, although, we COULD do that if we wanted, hmm] Savannah: [Savannah just like yes she's the love of my life, Jac like I AM SO CONFUSED] Savannah: [but in all seriousness I am leaning towards the sleepover because if they're alone and then Savannah is like well that didn't happen, Jac's just like did it happen though, like am I actually losing my mind/dreaming really vividly here like] Jac.: [I vibe, you can go harder but deny as hard] Savannah: [exactly because you know they're gonna go really hard this has been such a long time coming] Jac.: [mhmm] Savannah: [plus I love the cinematic visual of them having no makeup or sassy outfits on when this happens like you're really making yourselves vulnerable here aren't you gals] Jac.: [and in a single bed, of course, Jac having literally not slept in hers, like] Savannah: [she hasn't yet, that actually kills me] Jac.: [y'all could've shared if you been knew at this rate lmao] Savannah: [I also like the idea that they don't stop because they get interrupted or any of the things we normally throw at people but because Savannah actually says that she wants to/isn't ready to go any further than this because they do have good communication and also it shows that like she did wanna do what actually happened even if she does deny it later] Jac.: [That was literally the vibe I had too so same page] Savannah: [yet more vulnerability cos you have to be like can we stop but you're not scared to] Jac.: [and at least that's some clarity so Jac is going to be the opposite of mad about it, obvs] Savannah: [y'all had and lbr still have so much trust that it just makes sense] Jac.: [the last thing you want/wanted was to ruin the friendship that's the whole mood we're not being reckless out here] Savannah: [snuggle and be soft in that small bed ladies] Jac.: [live your best lives, we'll worry about it tomorrow] Savannah: [unrelated but cos I just looked up their heights I 100% vote that Sav was as tall/taller than her last boyfriend and he was annoyed about it because he is not Jimothy] Jac.: [you gotta be confident to own that so yes 100% no heels for you gal] Savannah: [Ty can be taller cos basketball boy so you could've worn them then #thegoldenage] Savannah: [okay so I'll write what we said here for future ref 1. Jac wakes up and her bae is gone so she's freaking out thinking that Sav is for obvious reasons but 2. Sav has only gone to get coffee or tea or whatever because that bitch and that gay so she comes back with breakfast and Jac's gone so she's like ??] Savannah: Where did you go? Jac.: I thought you wanted me to be gone Savannah: Oh boo no! It was supposed to be a nice surprise Jac.: Oh Jac.: well Jac.: that's embarrassing then Savannah: I can just bring the 🥐 to you Savannah: the ☕️ will probably get cold so I will be drinking it on the way, sorry Jac.: I'm sorry, that was weird Jac.: got out of the practice of this whole friend thing, clearly Jac.: that sounds good, you can see the inside of my dorm, I definitely owe you by this point Savannah: You don't even need to be sorry, I literally should have woken you to say I'd be right back but you looked SO adorable Savannah: though I'm not sure how I didn't already by like making my secret escape Jac.: but it was a good surprise Jac.: feel like a total 🥳💩 now Jac.: I'll use my time to ponder how to make it up to you Savannah: I can think of another one, it's fine Savannah: to be honest the ☕️ isn't that good anyway Savannah: [spoiler alert it is good and she's lying to make her feel less bad lol] Jac.: I do need caffeine though...what state do you think the kitchen will be in 🤔 Savannah: I love you but I don't think I can go in there for you Jac.: 😂 Jac.: I won't penalize you for being productive and getting out of bed to forage Jac.: that would be beyond rude Jac.: I'm gonna buy a kettle for my room, definitely Savannah: Literally any excuse to go shopping again is endorsed Jac.: I'm down Jac.: these rooms are so old-fashioned by default, there's no such thing as over decorating, it's a decent challenge Savannah: ^^^ Savannah: I'm so upset we aren't roommates Jac.: Nat is in David Russell and it's so clean and modern looking in comparison inside Jac.: AND they've got doubles Jac.: but that's the price we pay for the more traditional experience again Jac.: I know, if only we HAD known Jac.: next year, we can share Savannah: I get the appeal but I personally do NOT want to be reminded of home Jac.: I feel you, plus that's like where EVERYONE lives, social 🦋 or otherwise, I want my peace and quiet sometimes Savannah: A bigger bed would be AMAZING though, I can't sleep in the curled up in the foetal position every night of my life Jac.: I won't be there taking up space every night, it'll probably feel doable then Savannah: Baby, I hate to do it like this but you're only average height Jac.: 😂 Jac.: oh, I'm sorry, it's those extra FOUR inches that make all the difference Jac.: what about Dom, he's gotta be like 6'5, spare a thought for him fully hanging off the end, like Savannah: Obviously they do Savannah: but yes, at least I'm not planning to have a sleepover with Dom any time soon, I'm sure he's BEYOND relieved Jac.: No one could be relieved about that Jac.: you're such a thoughtful host Savannah: if we weren't literally in Scotland I'd almost believe the 🌞 came out then Savannah: but it's just you warming my heart Savannah: being the sweetest ever 💛 Jac.: Even if we DON'T wanna be reminded of home, the culture shock of constant 🌞 would be too much Jac.: you deserve 🍧🍨🍦🍰🎂🍭🍬🍫🍩🍪🍯 Savannah: Well, I'd acclimatise for you, obviously Savannah: & develop a sweet tooth Jac.: You're perfect how you are Savannah: I'd look even more perfect with a tan though Jac.: I'd look even more like my mother Jac.: which is arguably the same thing but Savannah: & not a bad thing Savannah: Your mum is so pretty Jac.: I know Savannah: your whole family is a different level, honestly Jac.: 🎁 and a curse, I guess Savannah: like the Cullens if any of them were actually cast hot in the film Jac.: 😂 Jac.: how hard can it be to find perfect clone-looking actors, really Savannah: 😄 Savannah: thanks for not being a vampire, even if we are in the perfect ☁️ 🌧 climate Jac.: as far as you know Jac.: might only wear my fangs on weekends Savannah: excuse me, I know all your secrets Jac.: Perhaps Jac.: 😏 Savannah: 🥺 Jac.: Awh, baby Jac.: 'course you do Savannah: I can't believe you're making me walk right now 🥱 Savannah: can we PLEASE go back to bed Jac.: we should, if we're hitting sinners tonight Jac.: apparently it's carnage Jac.: sports lads, and girls, are always mental Savannah: I don't think I'm going to that Jac.: Not your scene? Jac.: A night off isn't a terrible idea, even if you have to keep that 🤫 from some of our more... enthusiastic classmates Savannah: Even if I didn't desperately need to apply a hair & face mask, I need the reminders of jock types less, I did my time Jac.: How true Jac.: Somehow Tyler would've been more annoying if he also had a brain that wasn't 🏀 Savannah: Don't be mean, he was really not that annoying for a boy Jac.: That's what I'm saying Jac.: his lack of opinions was welcome Savannah: are you going? Jac.: I was gonna Jac.: but I'm not fully sold either way Savannah: oh, so you want me to convince you to stay with me Savannah: okay Jac.: My hair is obviously looking SO glorious without the mask so Jac.: yeah 😉 Savannah: I told you, I'll think of another surprise Savannah: something to do that's more worthy of us Jac.: I believe in you Jac.: ☕🥐 and the rest Savannah: I won't let you down, baby Jac.: Never have Savannah: Well, once Jac.: I'd let you down first Savannah: it's no excuse though Jac.: That's well in the past Jac.: now we have a future Jac.: you've just got the morning after blues Jac.: you need to come back to bed Savannah: you're right Savannah: [show up gal cos it only takes like 12 minutes] Jac.: [has definitely cleaned up this kitchen so they can sit up the table and have their breakfast, also put a tea on 'cos duh] Savannah: [when you can blame how happy you are to see her on the fact you've had 2 caffeinated beverages] Jac.: [we know you getting a big hug 'cos feels so stupid/so relieved that what you thought had happened hasn't] Savannah: [casually dying any time she's affectionate with you because not a touchy feely bitch like you are and of course that's the only reason okay bye] Jac.: [have your gay breakfast gals] Savannah: [we chatting about the night but so casually avoiding what happened at the end like] Jac.: [lol this is all so fine and dandy] Savannah: [truly] Jac.: [if you're both committing to it, it'll work for now ladies] Savannah: [and you clearly both are for your own reasons] Jac.: [mhmm] Savannah: [case in point just going back to bed like that's fine] Jac.: [lmao and we all know you ain't going out tonight girl] Savannah: [we all know you're going on a date] Jac.: [yes we'll have to find somewhere appropriate] Savannah: [yeah gotta be aesthetic] Savannah: [we can skip to that if you want cos we also know when you wake up you just living that pampering life] Jac.: [makes sense to me] Savannah: [okay so picnic is first is there anything we wanna ref happening during that other than them being happy nerds? like obvs you're gonna have to snuggle for warmth that's a given] Jac.: [clearly someone has taken that pic for them 'cos her face so I like to think some extra hoe was like OMG YOU'RE SO CUTE lemme] Savannah: [100% an american] Jac.: [lmao absolutely] Savannah: [thinking they a couple like you're not ready for that convo random gal] Jac.: [don't need to go into it with you, they should also do some gardening, those nerds] Savannah: [oh shit yes obviously you have to start a garden together] Jac.: [even if they just get rid of the dead stuff that's been left and prep it for spring, we'll look up the situ of what to plant 'cos when they go to the botanical gardens etc they can buy things and get inspo] Savannah: [I love that for you ladies] Jac.: [we know the vibe, it's gonna be cute af, nothing is gonna be said/done 'til you go out and get some alcohol] Savannah: [yeah hence I'm trying to find an aesthetic restaurant for you to get on the wine lol] Savannah: [okay gotta hit up the balgove larder flower shed and farm shop for supplies because aesthetic af and they have an insta we can steal from even if we don't eat there] Savannah: [I think the rav looks v aesthetic and they have cocktails as well as a wine list so] Jac.: [sorted, babey] Savannah: [okay so obvs we are gonna try and do posts but is there anything you wanna ref here as happening/do when they are drunk enough] Jac.: [we could talk when we get back, like just do dialogue and actions] Savannah: [I think that's a good idea, who's dorm are we saying?] Jac.: [probably Jac's] Savannah: [has kinda been your base for the day so that makes sense]
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shipcestftw · 3 years
Homestaying prom
short story, fluff, Sister x sister, ocs. the older sister Candace is a trans girl, the younger sister Britney is butch/tomboy, the parents know they're dating and are supportive of them,
Candace was getting her books together when she heard the sound of a person hitting the locker behind her. "Hey~"
She turned around. She may not have immediately picked up that it was Britney's voice, but it was instantly obvious to her that it was her younger sister leaning with her hand against the locker, dressed in an uncharacteristically frilly purple shirt, messy blond curls falling in her face that were obviously part of a wig she tossed on her head.
"I'm Elena." She said in a low voice, probably trying to sound something different from her normal voice. "I'm new in this school, and you're cute. Wanna take me to prom?"
Candace couldn't help but laugh, which she could tell made Britney lose her confidence as her face fell. "Britney, you look ridiculous!" She said, a little loudly by accident as she struggled to control her volume in this state. "Who exactly are you trying to fool?!"
"Shh! Shh!" She whispered, patting her hands down in the visual cue to be quieter. "I'm not trying to fool you, just... everyone else." There was no one else in the hallway, no one that wasn't walking to class anyway. Was Britney trying to avoid attention, or get attention with this stunt? "So.... we can go to your junior prom together? Please?"
Oh boy. Candace sighed. Now Britney was giving her the adorable puppy eyes. "We can't." Candace whispered, disappointed in her own answer. "I'm sorry, but no. Even if you could actually pull off that disguise, it's too risky."
Britney whined and tore off the wig. Even her makeup looked pretty messy. Britney offered to help her remove it in the bathroom. She knew her sister wasn't enjoying it on her face.
"It doesn't have to be romantic. Maybe you can take me as your best sister friend?" Britney offered.
Candace really didn't want to say no, but she also really didn't want any rumors to start. "I don't think they'd allow it, but it doesn't matter. I'm not going anyway. Dances are stupid."
Britney sighed but didn't argue anymore. At least Candace knew Britney could be relieved to not feel jealous of anyone.
Candace hoped that Britney would like the surprise. She finished getting ready and stepped out of her room, showing Britney her new red dress and nice necklace.
Britney sat on the couch and watched her sister. She looked, her pupils grew, but she didn't smile. "So you are going to prom." She said flatly.
"N-No," Candace responded. "I just wanted to look nice."
"Please don't lie to me" she said, scrunching her hands on her camo pants, head down, her falling tears dripping onto her glasses. She wasn't looking anymore. "I know you're not getting dressed up for nothing. I know you wanna go. You should go." No sarcasm or anger towards her sister in her voice, just sadness, and some frustration at the situation. "Have fun. You...you look lovely by the way." The last part almost whispered. Candace's heart nearly broke, even knowing what she knew was coming up next.
Suddenly, the lights went down and the song DJ Got Us Falling In Love Again started playing in the speakers through the house. "What-?!" Britney asked, so confused that it broke her crying.
Candace smiled and held out her hand. "May I have this dance?" she asked, bending over a little bit.
Britney looked shocked, and blushed. "I- really? This is-?" Colors started swirling in the room, and she and Candace realized that their parents activated the little disco ball on the ceiling. Candace forgot they even had that, so this was a surprise for her too.
Britney got up and ran past Candace, shouting "Wait a second! I have to get dressed too!" Candace looked up at her parents, who she could barely see standing upstairs controlling the sound system and everything, and motioned her hand cutting her neck, signaling them to turn it off. Her parents, leaning on the rail with goofy grins on their faces, nodded and paused the music.
"I'm back!" Britney said, running in her adorable tan suit shirt, black dress pants, and bow tie. She even had the right shoes for this! Candace was impressed. "I had this on standby, I still held on to some hopes we could go to prom together..." Britney admitted.
"Well, this is prom now." Candace tried to wrap her arms on Britney to dance, Britney followed her lead, but they stopped at the lights turning on.
"Wait, wait!" Their dad yelled, running towards them.
"Pictures!" Their mom followed behind, showing the camera.
Britney was visibly excited, but Candace's eyes widened in fear. "Guys, prom pictures are a bad idea. Somebody's bound to see them. What do we do if-"
"Oh hush." Their mom silenced her. Britney put her arm around Candace's torso without hesitation. "It's a picture of you two, and I won't put labels on it so nobody will know what this is from, and it won't go on Facebook or anything, we'll just print it and it'll stay in our home."
"Fine." Candace rolled her eyes, but she smiled.
The pictures came out lovely. Only one of them ever left their parents house, where it was hung on the wall years later, at Britney and Candace's new house in their new town, in a time and place where they could now safely say that they went to prom together.
The End :)
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queercapwriting · 8 years
hey :) i fully appreciate you're busy and closed the prompts and all so please don't worry about writing this but i really like the idea of adrian reassuring a younger trans kid who's struggling with accepting themselves that they're valid and maybe sanvers walk in and give their two cents idk i'm just having a really rough time and yeah sorry
He’s had a key to Maggie’s apartment since he and his parents moved to the other side of the city and he needed a place to crash closer to his job after school when he was on the graveyard shift.
He uses it frequently enough, but less so now that he spends most of his time off at college in Star City.
But he’s used it tonight, because she needed a place to go, a place to just breathe, a place to be alone with only good people, only safe people, and Maggie’s apartment was perfect for the job.
He sent her a quick text to let her know he was over, because while he’d gotten fairly used to being over when Alex and Maggie got home, kissing and taking turns slamming each other into the front door before realizing he was there, he didn’t think that’s what Kaylee needs tonight.
Because Kaylee was only fourteen and she’d called him in a panic and he’d skipped biology lecture to drive all the way home, home to his old high school, because Kaylee was a freshmen and she knew – like all the other queer kids in the school – that they could always call Adrian when they needed anything.
And Kaylee had been misgendered three separate times by three separate people today, and a couple of other girls had snickered when she walked out of the gender-neutral restroom that Adrian had gotten at the school a couple years ago, and she needed him, needed him, needed him.
“I’m sorry, Adrian, you didn’t have to drive all this way, I wouldn’t have called if I thought you’d – “
“What, you wouldn’t’ve called if you thought I’d give a shit about what you’re going through? Pretty sure that’s actually literally the reason you called me, girl.”
Kaylee smiles through her wet eyes at that, and she sits up a little straighter. Adrian holds her closer to him and waits, waits, because she’s spilled all about her day but hasn’t yet started to use feelings words, and he’s had this talk, this cry, himself, enough times with Maggie to know those were next.
“I just…” She wipes her tears and he nods, gives her a small smile. She puts her hand up to his face and pauses, and he nods again, a bigger smile now. She touches his stubble and grins through her tears.
“It was a pipedream when I was your age, honey.”
“I just feel like I’m never gonna get to where you’re at. Like… like, people are always just gonna see me as a guy in a dress, and what if like, what if I’m just gay, what if I’m just making a big deal out of nothing? So what if I have to wear a collared shirt when my mom wants to take me to a thing, right, I mean girls wear collared shirts – “
“But babygirl, when cis girls wear collared shirts, ain’t nobody trying to tell them they’re not legit women like the fuckers are trying to tell you.” He stops, bites the inside of his cheek, and sighs. “Butch women aside for a second, bless them.”
Kaylee smiles and nods softly and sighs into his chest, his binder stiff under his shirt.
“You gonna get surgery soon?”
Adrian grins and nods, still waiting.
“It’s just long. Every day. Every day at school and every night with my parents and all those stupid times in between when I’m just trying to be in the library or go bowling or some shit and everybody needs to stare and try to figure me out, and my parents won’t let me get pills or even patches and my voice is starting to drop and it makes me want to just never say anything, not in school, because it’s just my body proving that I’m not real, that I’m just never… never gonna… I just… Adrian, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, you should be in class, I just… I’m sorry…”
“Shhh, no, babygirl, no no no.” He gathers her into his arms and smooths her hair away from her forehead and he smiles softly down at her. “Kaylee. You are so fucking beautiful, you know that? Even with all that snot you got going on,” he teases as he offers his sleeve. “High school’s not gonna last forever, hun. I mean, it feels like it will, especially when you’re just starting out. But I promise you, you’re just as tough as you are gorgeous, and you’re gonna get through it. And then life doesn’t get better, not automatically, that’s some rich cis white guy bullshit, but you’re not by yourself, Kaylee. You’ve got me, you’ve got the rest of Spectrum at school; Ms. Macguire’ll fuck anyone up if you tell her about what happened today, she’s good people. And Detective Sawyer – “
He gestures all around them, at the apartment littered with evidence of two women living and loving together. “She’s got your back, just like she had – still has – mine. The world’s shit, Kaylee, but you? You’re a princess. Nah, better, you’re a motherfucking queen. You gotta know that you’re perfect, just like you are, even – maybe especially – on days like today when the whole universe tries to make you forget. Okay? You’re perfect, Kaylee, and you’re gorgeous, and you are a beautiful young woman, no matter what motherfuckers try to tell you. You get me?”
Kaylee nods and sighs and jumps as the front door opens, as Maggie and Alex appear in the threshold with two large pies and a six pack of root beer.
“I heard we have a beautiful lady joining us for dinner tonight,” Maggie announces, her eyes falling on Kaylee as she beams, and Kaylee blushes, hard, at being addressed like this, at being validated like this, by a grownup – by a police officer – that she’s never met.
“I’m sorry to crash your place, Detective Sawyer,” she says, and she starts to get up to shake her hand, but Maggie waves her down.
“Sit, relax. Ally, baby, you wanna give the kids their pizza, I’ve gotta pee like you can’t believe.” Maggie winks at a giggling Kaylee and kisses Adrian on the cheek briefly as she strides past him to the bathroom.
Alex stares after her for a moment before also kissing Adrian and offering a hug to Kaylee.
“I’m Alex, Maggie’s girlfriend.”
Kaylee blushes again. “Well, I figured, otherwise Detective Sawyer’d be bringing home some other woman and from what Adrian tells me, I don’t think she’d do that.”
Alex laughs heartily and Maggie shouts from the bathroom, “Damn right I wouldn’t, Alex is with the FBI, she’d kill me and the poor girl before I even got the chance!”
“Oh please, Maggie, don’t be fronting like you’re a player, Alex’s got you in the palm of her hand.”
Alex smirks and preens and high fives Adrian as Maggie mutters something incoherent from the bathroom and Kaylee watches it all with tears in her eyes, tears because is this really what she can have, one day? Is this really what she can be part of, even now?
“Rough day, sweetheart?” Alex asks as she doles out pizza, remembering when Kara was her age, remembering when she was her age.
Kaylee nods and looks at Adrian so she doesn’t have to tell it again.
“She got misgendered and laughed at a bunch. Sometimes it happens randomly, you know, and sometimes it’s like all at once and you just can’t, you know? Today was one of those all at once days,” Adrian explains quietly as Kaylee bites into her pizza and lets Alex hold her hand gratefully.
“I’m sorry, beautiful,” Maggie says as she slips back into the living room, kneeling in front of Kaylee like she does in front of Adrian when he’s got a similarly dejected, defeated look on his face.
“We’ve never met, right, but you wanna know what I see when I look at you?” Maggie asks, and Kaylee nods with wide eyes and frozen fingers.
“I see a beautiful, brave young girl who’s not in the place right now that she’s gonna be in forever. I see a massive science geek, because only the geekiest of us let the iodine stain our fingers like that so that everyone knows exactly how much we love bio lab. I see a young woman confident enough to wear circle glasses in a world that still associates them with either John Lennon or Harry Potter. I see a girl who is perfect, exactly as she is, and who’s only gonna keep getting more perfect as time goes on, if she just sticks with it, keeps being herself, because the girl I see in front of me? The girl I see in front of me is absolutely amazing. And for the record, I’m talking about you, Kaylee, not my girlfriend, whose glasses are distinctly rectangular.”
Kaylee laughs and Kaylee cries and Kaylee lets herself fall into Maggie’s arms because Adrian is like a grownup to her and Adrian will always be her queer parent, but maybe she can have more than one.
Pizza and root beer and queer parents all night?
Maybe she can get through school tomorrow, after all.
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