#i don't want to leave here and never come back
goldsbitch · 2 days
remember that
Absence makes the heart grow fonder. But everyone need assurance that they are still loved sometimes. The first time Lando almost slept on a couch blurb
warning: couple fight, angst
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It was bad. This time, it was really fucking bad.
After weeks of snarky comments being swallowed in, the "it's fine" line being burned into Lando's ears almost on a daily basis and growing minutes Y/N had to wait before Lando decided to respond to her texts, shit finally hit the fan.
They hadn't seen each other for two weeks now. Inevitable fight broke out right as he crossed the threshold. Postponed dates and forgotten dinners lined up. They couldn't help themselves and put it all on the table. First it was the fact she didn't smile upon seeing him, then it was a reminder that he promised to bring something from Italy and forgot. It went on and on and on. She sat at the dinning table, while he leaned over at the kitchen counter.
"Lando, sometimes it feels like I'm in a relationship with your assistant and not you! For heaven sake, this week I had to call him once again when I could not reach you. Do you know how emberassing it is?" she half-screamed into her hands.
Lando took a breath so deep an average yoga teacher would be jealous. "How am I suppose to be expected to pick up on a race day. You know that I get super busy and distracted."
"Funny how you never were when we started dating," she murmured bitterly.
He had to turn away, couldn't watch his love giving up on him just because they were not in the honeymoon stage anymore. "Yes, but now I'm winning races! Closer to my dream that I've ever been. It's different now."
"I'm glad I met you back then, because obviously you'd not date me if we met now," she couldn't stop those words that rotted in her coming out.
A beat. Maybe it was time to actually break the rule for once and go to sleep angry, because it was getting out of hand. "You know what, that's probably true and it breaks my heart that once I start doing well, you're suddenly not the supporting girlfriend anymore."
A crushing blow. "Tell me how am I suppose to support you if you don't even answer my phone! We used to talk for hours!
"Maybe understand that I can't!"
"I do! But you can't assume that I'll let you push me away completely!"
Lando thew his hands up in desperation. How could she not see it? "I'm coming here to you whenever I have a slightest chance! And I come what? You constantly dragging me through the mud."
"Oh interesting you mention that. How sad that your assistant had to remind you of my sensitive skin before you having him book me an "apology mud massage" when you cancelled on me few weeks ago," se shot, knowing it would hit the target.
"How do you even know that!" he said, unable to comprehend that he did not even control his paid assistant, not mention his own life anyway.
"Well, I talk a lot to you assistant! And he slips up!" It was a weird friendship between people who both wished they could get a little more info out of Lando.
"That's it. I can't deal with this now," he said, with the intention to sleep on the couch for the first time in their relationship. He didn't even know why he chose that action, walking towards their bedroom and dramatically bringing a pillow and a blanket over to the sofa, but if this is what couples did when the fought, there must have been a reason for it.
It absolutely infuriated her. Sparked up something she hoped she'd never feel. "Oh, sleep tight." she spitted with bitter undertone.
"I will!"
They walked around each other in silence, him getting ready to sleep on the couch and her cutting her skincare short this time and spending more time debating whether to close the bedroom door as they usually would or leave it open. Just in case.
He could hear her shifting back and forth. It angered him a little bit, since he was the one playing a cruel joke on his already tired muscles.
Thousand things she wanted to say and only one came to her mind in a form of an actual sentence. There goes nothing. "Do you still feel good about this?"
"What?" he whispered, not expecting her to speak to him again before the next day.
"Nevermind, forget I asked."
"About what!" He hated when she did this. If you didn't catch up at the first moment, she did not give you a second chance.
"Do you still feel good about us, being together?" She cursed herself for asking this. Dangerous questions brought up explosive answers. She wished for a reassurance and a rejection. She snuggled deeper into her blanket and turned around to face the door. As if wishing for him to stand there and coming back to her.
Lando hated her question. In fact, it made him furious again. But it was a peace offering, he had already learned that before. "Even here, lying on the bloody couch, because we're fighting...It's the place I wanna be at."
Anxiety kicked in Y/N. "What, you mean like away from me?"
He laughed lightly. She was always thinking the worst. "No, silly. The exact opposite...We could both be at thousand different places at the moment. But we're not. And for me at least, it's because like---I want to be with you. I hate that we'd drifted apart lately. I'd love to be in bed with you, laughing without a care in the world, like we usually do. But, we can't do that now. And yet, I'd rather be left on the couch if I know you're next door than all alone in my bed." His words hit like small drops of rain after a long draught.
She whispered, choosing her words carefully. "You're my twin flame. You make my soul light up in fire, make me feel like I'm the sun. Do you know what my biggest fear is?"
Lando also tuned into sweeter tone, one that was more familiar from days filled with sunshine. "What, my love?"
"That we're gonna burn out. You and me, ending up like an epic love story. The good ones work because they end in tragedy."
"You're always so poetic," he smiled, proud to think he was her love story.
"There is no other way to describe how you'd changed my life. Flipped it upside down the moment you walked into the same room."
Lando chucked. "Yeah, remember that?"
"How could I not."
"You were not having a good day."
Finally, she spoke loudly again. "So, what? Everything was going to shit and the event we were doing had to be perfect before the 'important people' arrived".
"Such an ego boost to know I was your priority before you even met me," he uttered, happy to push her buttons.
"Oh, and you were so cocky! Just laughing around, like we were some sort of comedy sketch."
"Well, I'm sorry, have you heard yourself when you're upset? The way how your voice goes up seven octaves higher?" he laughed, his breath feeling lighter now.
"Coming from you, that's rich! You were giggling in a tone so high the elderly couldn't hear you!"
"I'm so happy I managed to bag the grumpiest person in the building. And bare in mind there must have been around 500 people there."
"980 if you could in staff as well."
He let out a heavy sigh. "You with your pristine memory."
She paused before responding. "Yes. Wish I didn't have that sometimes."
"Wish I had at least a pinch of that."
Silence fell in both rooms. Heavy breath and wondering eyes. The lack of their touch suddenly being more obvious than before. Playing a contest who will reach out first.
"Yes, my love?"
"Can you back here, please?" she said, somewhat nervously. Lando took a pause. There was nothing he wished for more. It hurt to fight. But he figured a relationship needed that sometimes. As the poets say, you loose a woman when you forget to cherish her. He liked to think this went both ways. And they both started slacking a bit. He could only affect his own behavior, with the hope that she'd also come to the same understanding.
"I'd like nothing more in the world, my love."
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evie-sturns · 2 days
secret - Chris Sturniolo
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summary: chris wants to keep your relationship a secret from the fans, which means he is never around as much as he should be. this sparks an argument, where chris suggests that you 'should just leave.'
contains: angst, cocky!chris, crying, fluff, yelling, comforting.
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i lay in chris and i's bed, wrapped up comfortably in the thick sheets.
my head snaps up to look at chris as he swings open the door, he walks inside the room wearing a white tanktop and some black sweatpants.
"just gonna go film." he says vaguely before walking out of the room,
"chris- can i come!?" i call out,
"y/n, no. we talked about this" chris sighs, i get up out of bed and walk towards him,
"please- i don't have to be in it, i just haven't seen you for like a week." i say softly, chris shakes his head, practically discarding me.
"i see you every week, ill be gone for about two hours okay?" chris says blankly,
i feel my face grow hot with embarrassment, i feel like im practically begging for chris to want me, even though im his girlfriend. anger courses through my body, pushing me to my breaking point.
"why- why do you not care about me- or anything i have to say!" i raise my voice, pointing my fingers at chris's chest as i glare my eyes.
"you don't scare me y/n." chris chuckles, bringing my finger down from his chest.
"proves my fucking point! right there--!" i yell, chris just stares at me with a smug smile on his face.
"we agreed to keep us a secret-" chris starts, but i cut him off
"we both agreed to keep us a secret from your fans, not everyone else you've ever known! yes- i get it your fans will be mad but you're- your'e-" my voice breaks as i turn away from him
"don't be acting all pissy because i have a job and you don't." he raises his voice at me,
"excuse you?" i almost laugh,
"yeah, get a grip y/n, honestly." chris sighs, grabbing his phone and going to walk out.
"don't fucking leave-" i shout, "you're a horrible person chris-" i say, holding back floods of tears.
"maybe you're just being a sensitive little bitch?" chris says, the regret is prominent on his face as soon as those words leave his mouth.
"you're being- so mean-" my voice breaks, tears rolling down my flushed face.
"then leave- i'm actually done with you're bullshit, please leave." chris raises his voice.
i look up at him, "actually-?" i say through loud sobs,
he hesitates for a second before speaking, "i- i dont know- if you can handle me being popular then leave-"
"your ego is incredible you asshole-" i squeeze out, walking past him.
he grabs my chin and stops me in my tracks, his large hand clasped tight around my small chin. "excuse me?" he looks down at me,
"i'm going to find nick." i sigh loudly,
"no you're not." chris states,
"i thought we were done?" i say with a loud cry, i wipe my tears away quickly.
suddenly matt peeks his head through the door, "everything okay in here?" matt asks with concern clear on his face
“fuck off matt, genuinely.” chris raises his voice,
“dude, you’re making her cry-“ matt points out, his eyes locking with mine.
“and it’s none of your business, fuck off!” chris yells shakily at matt,
matt walks into the room angrily, pushing chris’s shoulder. chris let’s go of my chin, discarding me.
“you want my girl now?” chris almost laughs as he approaches matt,
“she’s literally like my little sister and i’ve known her my whole life- so god forbid i ask if she’s okay after i hear you scream at her through the walls!” matt grows angry,
“y/n can’t understand that the fans can’t know about me and her, that’s literally it- she’s just being ignorant, like always.” chris speaks as though i’m not here,
“sort your shit out chris.” matt mutters, pushing chris backwards before walking out of the room.
“i- i think i’m gonna go to matt’s room.” i whisper, barely audible.
“yeah- go fuck him while you’re at it.” chris says with a petty tone,
i let out a frustrated sigh before pushing his shoulder back with an angry sob.
“pathetic.” chris scoffs, “do it harder-“ he taunts,
i storm out of the room, slamming the door shut behind me with a loud bang.
i swing open the door to matt’s room, he’s sat at the edge of his bed on his phone.
“matt-“ i sniffle, matt looks up at me before standing up,
“hey- hey you okay?” matt asks frantically, his voice soft.
“i think chris just broke up with me-“ my voice breaks, matt wraps his arms around me, pulling me into a hug.
“i’m sure he didn’t, he’s just upset right now, you think?” matt whispers into my hair,
i nod, “you can stay in my room tonight, i’ll get the spare mattress.” he suggests, i nod as tears continue to pour down my face.
“i hate him- ihatehimihatehimihatehim.” i sob, matt rubs my back,
“no you don’t, arguments are normal, it happens.” matt sighs.
“i do- hes so mean to me!” i bury my face into my hands.
“shh- sh it’s okay.” matt says, “are you in your pyjamas?” matt asks,
i nod, “okay- then let’s get out the mattress and you can get to sleep.” matt states.
he lets me go before tugging out the matress from under his bed, he throws a couple of blankets and pillows on it before handing me his pug stuffed animal,
“you want this for tonight?” matt asks with a small laugh, i grab the small pug stuffed animal before flopping down on the mattress on the floor.
matt’s always been like a big brother for me, he’s always cared about me so much.
matt bends down and covers me in the blankets, tucking me in. “try have a good sleep okay?” matt whispers, i nod with a small ‘thank you’.
i stir awake slowly, i sit up off the matress and look over at matt who’s fast asleep on the bed beside me.
i stand up before stumbling over to the door swiftly, the need to go to the bathroom is overwhelming.
i slowly creak open matt’s door and step out into the corridor.
my footsteps slap against the cold wood as i yawn loudly
i swing open the door to the bathroom, and i’m met with him.
he’s sitting on the edge of the bathtub, scrolling on his phone. i turn on the warm light which illuminates the small bathroom.
“oh-“ i whisper, spinning back around and reaching for the door handle.
“no- no please come back-“ chris’s voice wobbles.
he’s wearing spider-man pyjama shorts, the same ones that i teased him for a couple weeks ago.
he’s got a thin white shirt on and his brunette hair is messed up completely, his eyes are bloodshot and swollen along with his puffy lips and pink cheeks.
he stands up, looking down at me. i can see the gears in his brain physically spinning as he tries to think of what to say.
“i-i’m sorry i’m still here- i was gonna pack up in the morning.” i break the silence with a couple deep breaths.
chris’s face drops, he buries his face into his hands with a shake of his head.
“i- i didn’t mean that- i was just so caught up in the heat of the moment and i really- really- don’t want to loose you.” chris starts, his eyes watering
“and i’m so sorry for taking you for granted. i love you more than anything, i love you more than anything ever.” chris’s voice breaks loudly, he goes silent as his body jolts up and down.
“are you crying?” i ask softly, he nods.
i don’t say anything, just wrapping my arms around him, he hugs me back weakly.
he buries his head into my shoulder, his soft hair covers half my face.
“and- i’m sorry for crying i just- don’t want you to think i’m only crying for sympathy i just feel really upset.” chris clarifies, i laugh softly,
“i know sweetheart,” i sigh,
“and— and- you don’t have to forgive me- ever— i said proper mean stuff to you.” chris’s voice trembles,
“i forgive you, i just want my old chris back, yeah?” i rub his back,
“you will get that- forever-“ chris sniffs.
we stand in the cold of the bathroom, his arms holding me tightly now, as though he’s afraid to let me go.
i stroke his hair lightly with my manicured nails,
“chris- i don’t mean to ruin this moment but i really really need to pee- that’s why i came in here—“
@sturnsdoll @obvisturns @stupid4sturniolo @meerkatzthings @witchofthehour @rosalierenee43 @gabrielle-brun1 @ilovemymannnnnnnn @sturnioloxlver @buckys-goodgirl @sturniol0s@ilovemymannnnnnnn @chr1sgirl4life @luanetaluenta @sturnsssbow @mattfangirl @luvr4miya @luvtay111 @lolasturniolo @freshloveforthefit @ruedowney @lovingchrissposts @333michelle @h3arts4harry @jamiesturniolo @chrisstopherfilmed @itzdarling @ @daddyslilchickenfingers2 @ev3rgreenxtrees @certifiednatelover @solarsturniolo @mattsenthusiast @yomamaslays4lyfe @peachmels @alinaa131 @pepsiluvr0209 @creamoncreamoncream2 @szobofc @mattscoquette @blahbell668 @sturniolo04 @bitchydragonparadise @sturni0l0 @ratatioulle @sturnsfav @mattsonly @justalittle47 @sunsetsturniolos
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cutielando · 1 day
thinking about lando’s streams where he played fornite with angryginge and imagine the reading joining in and being better than everyone, and lando being proud n shit. can just imagine angryginge’s comments about it
a/n: i've never played Fortnite, so I don't really know how it works and i'm using the right terminology, but just bear with me
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You had heard his booming laugh from the moment you entered your shared apartment. Lando was talking to someone and laughing his heart out in his gaming room, which led you to believe he was most probably streaming.
You had been out and about doing some grocery shopping, leaving Lando at home to work on some simulator runs.
That, apparently, had transformed into streaming with his friends.
You smiled and shook your head, starting to organize your groceries before changing into something more comfortable.
Settling down on the couch after you were finished with everything, you had just put your hand on the remote to put on a show when the door to Lando's gaming room suddenly opened, his eyes immediately landing on you.
"Hey baby" you greeted him, giving him a smile.
He grinned and hurried over to you, taking your face in his hands and kissing you.
"I thought I heard you come in" he mumbled against your lips, making you nod.
"I could hear your laughter before I even opened the door. You streaming?" you asked as you pulled away, fixing the curls that had fallen into his eyes.
He nodded, taking your hand and leading you back to his room with him.
You weren't a stranger to being in his streams. The fans often requested to have you on there with him because you were a much better games than he was and they enjoyed seeing you destroy him and his friends.
The moment you were in the frame, you saw AngryGinge on his screen, laughing and groaning once he saw you.
"Lando, you dirty bastard. Can't compete with me on your own so you have to bring your girlfriend to help ya" he joked, making you laugh at the unamused expression on Lando's face.
He settled in his chair and pulled you down to sit on his lap, letting you get in a comfortable position.
"I don't need Y/N to beat you at Fortnite" Lando argued, making you arch an eyebrow at that.
You and Ginge exchanged a look before you burst into a fit of giggles, something that did not impress your boyfriend.
"I can go if you want, let you prove to Ginge just how good you are without me here" you argued, making a move to get up, but Lando wasn't having it.
He quickly wrapped his arms around your waist to keep you in place, which made Ginge huff and you laugh.
The chat was flooding with comments about you two, warming your heart at how much his fans loved and accepted you being with him.
You had been very worried at the beginning about how his fans would take the news that Lando was in a relationship and actually kept it a secret for the first few months. But thankfully, they have been nothing short of supportive ever since you announced it on the internet and after you first interacted with them at the Silverstone Grand Prix.
You felt very thankful for their acceptance, knowing how important Lando’s fans were to him.
Coming back to reality, you watched as your boyfriend and Ginge played a round of Fortnite, cringing every time Lando would mess something up which would always make Ginge laugh.
At one particular point, Lando had got Ginge killed, prompting a rant which sent your boyfriend into a laughing fit, clutching his bell with one hand and your waist with the other.
"Lando, I swear to focking God, you're the worst player I've ever seen" Ginge groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose.
You laughed, which made Lando pinch your side.
"I'm not that bad, am I?" your boyfriend asked, looking at you expectantly.
You turned to face him and cringed, giving him a sheepish smile. Lando scoffed while Ginge's laughter got even louder. "Can't believe my own girlfriend doesn't believe in me" Lando grumbled under his breath.
Giggling, you wrapped your arms around his neck and gave him a loud kiss on the cheek, feeling the blush coming on under your lips.
"You're not bad, baby. You just sometimes lose sight of the big picture and lose focus" you explained, trying to make it sound like you didn't honestly think he sucked at Fortnite.
"Y/N, you play with me. Let's show Lando how it's really done" Ginge suggested, and you turned to look at Lando to see his reaction.
Even though he was partially mad because you and his friend insulted his gaming skills, he wanted to see you kicking Ginge's ass and show the ginger head how it's really done.
"Only if Lando wants me to play" you reasoned, smiling at your boyfriend.
"Oi, Y/N, leave the lad. His ego can take a little beating, that bastard" Ginge commented, making the fans in the chat comment on how funny the whole dynamic between the 3 of you was.
Lando huffed, straightening his back more determined than ever.
"Babe, show him how it's done" he solemnly said, making you nod.
You got more comfortable on your boyfriend's lap, cracking your knuckles as you prepared for the match to start.
Lando couldn't help but admire you as you skillfully dominated the game, looking so effortlessly hot that he felt pride blossom in his chest.
While watching you play with Ginge, his eyes kept shifting towards the chat where fans were literally screaming at how cute you guys were and how good Y/N actually was at the game.
"Y/N! That's not fair, you're cheating mate" Ginge shouted in frustration as he was, once again, beaten by you at his best game.
You giggled, clapping a little as you leaned back against Lando. "You're such a sore loser, Ginge. Just admit it that I'm better than you" you teased, eliciting a laugh from Lando.
Ginge was fuming while the two of you were laughing at his antics, the fans having an absolute field day with the three of you.
"What were you saying about my ego, mate? Seems like you're the one whose ego can't take a proper beating" Lando said, laughing once he saw Ginge flipping him off.
"I hate you guys" he mumbled, while you and Lando were in your own little bubble.
Oh, the sweet taste of victory.
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much appreciated!!
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sweetnans · 3 days
"You know, for the past few days, I expected to see you sooner than later but It never came to my mind seeing you sitting here in the couch of my vacation home wearing flip flops and swimsuit briefs"
Katsuki was no fool when it came to you.
"What are you doing?" He asked, leaning with his arms into his knees.
"Washing my clothes?" You were dumbfounded by his question when he was watching you closely.
"Uh-uh no, you know what I mean"
You rolled your eyes. There wasn't really a way out of this. Bakugo had known you since you were little toddlers running in the mud and getting bruises and scratches, he knew you like the palm of his hands.
"Fine" You sat in front of him and played with your naked fingers. Yeah, you took off your engagement ring after you ran off your own wedding.
"I'm fucking listening, brat"
A man of patience.
"I didn't want to get married in the first place" you blurted out lifting a heavy weight of your chest. "I solely started to hate him in the process and I thought, hey, that's not cool"
"You sound exactly like Kirishima, disgusting" he rolled his eyes but you knew what he was doing, trying to make everything more bearable for you with his twisted and weird humor.
"I just, I love him really but it's not the quite of love when you see a person and feel all these explosions and you feel that you might be torn apart because of them, breaking down in a meltdown of hearts and flowers and-and confetti" you stuttered. "I know it's lame but, I really think that's what love should feel"
Oh, you just hit the nail. Poor him, he came all the way from Musutafu to Okuto Island to be there for his best friend but instead, he was there watching you describe all his feelings for you.
"Well if you don't feel like that when it comes to that bastard then that's it. You can force it" he shrugged.
Let's face it. He was happy to see you so chill about you splitting something that almost lasted what? four years? but, he was also happy that you didn't get married.
When you told him the news, he felt torn, but he shook the feeling right away to be by your side. When you didn't show up at the church, he couldn't help but feel the happiness rising up in his body.
It wasn't so hard to find you. The first thing that he did was use the spare key you gave him of your apartment and went through your stuff. It was classic you, always leaving tracing marks wherever you go. He found your apartment neat, so he thought that probably the fact that you ran off was something premeditated.
He found the receipts of your plane tickets when he snoop through your mail, and it clicked. He needed to see you.
"I guess you're right." You sighed and clapped your hands in your knees. You stood up to move closer to him and sit by his side. "Anyway, thanks for coming all the way here"
"Of course," he said and felt bold enough to add. "You've always been my girl, and I'll back you up any day of the week, no question asked"
"I'll pack my things so we can go back." You wiggled your toes and caught him staring at your weirdness, you let a laugh.
"Hah? Nah, that won't do. They won't give me back the days I asked to get here, " he said nonchalantly.
"Days? You mean-what? Bakugo Katsuki, are you telling me that you are willingly taking your days off? For me??" You laughed at him, but in a good way, he smirked at you, kicking your feet like a little child.
"Yeah yeah shithead, whatever, let's enjoy this little shack you got." he pressed his big ass hand in your mouth to keep your laughs quiet.
"There's only one bed, tho." You quirked a brow at him, but he just shrugged you off.
"Tch, like we never had shared a bed before," he rolled his eyes. "Now come on, I want to get in the fucking ocean and hopefully get bit by a shark so I can howitzer it to the moon"
"You're joking right now, Have you ever heard of meditation?" you stumbled through his giant feet, and he pushed you. You completely lost your balance but miraculously stayed still. "Oh fuck off you psycho"
"Ha-ha, you think you're funny, don't you?" He followed you, grabbing his suitcase to leave it in your room while you stretched yourself to get the towels.
"I am fucking funny you asshole" you poked your tongue out and threw the towels at his face.
The beach was just perfect. The sun glistening in your face, leaving you with sunkisses marks that would last for a few months, giving you the ideal tan that everyone in your agency will envy. Bakugo was at your side, skin dried after he made a run towards the ocean, trying to catch a fight with any animal or kid that would get on his way. He was resting with a magazine on his face because the sun hurt his eyes.
You took a peek at him, and the memories flooded in your brain. The first time his mom introduced you to play with the only kid that was alone. You remembered thinking how that was possible, well, after he tackled you and put your face in the ground, you knew. After that, and because you punched him in the gut, you were inseparable. You remembered you two walking to school in the morning and then studying together in your house in the afternoon. You remembered when you two got in UA and how excited he was even though he didn't demonstrate it. You remembered graduating by his side and the hangover after you went partying with your shared friends, how he took care of your drunk ass, even though he was drunk too. The nostalgia invaded you, but it felt like it was more than just that.
"You know, I know we don't say this very often," you said while taking off the magazine of his face to make him look at you, "but I love you, Katsuki."
He pretended to gag. He felt things on the pit of his stomach, and it only made it worse the fact that you, for the first time, didn't add the "as a friend" part.
"You are making me sick," he murmured, putting the magazine all over his face again to hide the redness in his cheeks.
"Say it back, you bastard," you screamed at him, tickling his ribs, which was still his weak point.
The gremlin spatted your hand away and then took both of your hands in one of his, locking them behind his head in the sand. The sudden movement made you squeak and land on his perfect and toned abs.
"You damn bastard, let me go!" You tried to release your hands from his grip, but it was useless. "At least tell me you love me too"
He loved you more than anything.
"Over my dead body." he closed his eyes and ignored you, completely zoning off your attempts to get your hands back and to avoid being laid on top of him.
"You're going to pay"
"I wanna see you try," he mocked you pinching your hips.
The thought of having other feelings for your best friend scared the shit out of you, but you knew, deep down, that maybe after seeing him caring so deeply for you, maybe just maybe, the feeling was something mutual.
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norrisleclercf1 · 2 days
hi! I hope you're doing okay! saw that you're looking for some more mafia Oscar prompts... not sure if you already did it, but reader experienced stalking/attemted kidnapping and decides to ask Oscar to teach her how to shoot a gun... maybe with some little added Lando there as well? and she is so scared to hold a gun for the first time and then to aim to the empty cans Oscar prepares for her, but he stands behind her and supports her arms and helps her aim... thank you! :-*
A/N: Mafia Oscar is my kryptonite, can never turn away a good Oscar prompt
Lando blinked at you, as you retell him what you just went through at the shopping center, trying to figure out what happened, and with how Lando was looking at you, you knew it wasn't normal.
"Should I tell Oscar?" You whisper, suddenly feeling scared to even tell your boyfriend. "Yes," Lando yells, and you flinch the Brit quickly apologizing, and lowers his voice, covering your hands. "Sweetie, you're being stalked, and it sounds like this is getting very serious you need to tell Oscar about what's happening." You nod and hang your head.
"Hey," You lift your head as Lando offers you sympathetic smile, "If I was Oscar and I found out that someone dangerous was stalking my girl, I would want them to tell me," "I can't tell him," "Tell me what?" You both turn seeing Oscar walk in ripping off his tie and looking between the two of you.
His eyes land on Lando's hands covering yours, the Brit quickly placing them in his lap as you look away, Oscar trying not to jump to conclusions. "Are you cheating on me with Lando?" Your jaw drops and Lando snorts but raises his hands. "Hell, no." "Oscar...how...how could you suggest that," Your eyes stinging, Oscar's eyes grow wide as he realizes he made a horrible mistake.
"I'm sorry, I just, god I don't know why I thought that. Just, you both seemed, never mind." Oscar shakes his head and Lando makes a noise, "No offense, like a sibling to me, so please, never think that again man," Lando stands and flattens out his shirt and smiles at you.
"You need to tell him," Lando walks past Oscar, leaving him confused and looking between you two. "Tell me what?" Oscar's eyes go wild, and you can see him start to panic. "Osc, can, can you promise me not to freak out,"
"Are you pregnant?" All words on your tongue fly right out the window as you give him a blank look, Oscar actually starts rambling and you're suddenly remember that while he controls an entire mafia and country, he's still young.
"Oscar, no, I'm not pregnant," You cut off his rambling and he goes silent. "That's good, right, that's what we, I mean you want?" You sigh and grab his hands. "Oscar, someone at the shopping center was following me earlier, and I think, actually they were stalking me," Hearing those words, you see the light in his eyes slowly dim before the come dark his face set in stone.
"Someone, was," Oscar takes a breath trying to control the anger twisting at his stomach, "Stalking you?" you bite your lip, worming it hard, almost making it bleed. "Yeah," Oscar hums and leans back, before grabbing your hand properly.
"Okay, you're coming with me,"
"No," You shake your head no, refusing to grab the gun as you stand in the underground gun range, Oscar sighing loudly, trying to keep his patience. "Baby, you need to learn how to shoot, handle, and control a gun. I'm not always going to be there with you," You pout trying to get out of this.
"Oscar, please, why can't you?" You whine, knowing it sometimes worked but he just raises his eyebrows not even falling for it this time. "Y/n, baby, please just come here," He grabs your waist and lines you up, making sure you're planted right.
"This is the safety, keep it on, and always keep your chamber empty when you're not using, touching, or even looking at the damn thing. Now, this is loaded, but you cock it, and-" Oscar grabs your hands and places the gun and raises your arms. "Osc, it's heavy," Oscar chuckles, hiding his face in your shoulder.
"Yes, it is, but you'll get used to it," You shiver as his words tickle your ear, and you know it's important for you to focus. "Here's the trigger," He places your pointer finger on it and you squeeze your eyes shut, "Okay, no, please don't close your eyes, jesus," Oscar curses and you giggle opening them as he straightens your arms again.
"Alright, now, shoot," You push hard on the trigger and it pops off, sounding like a mini bomb which has you jumping, thankfully, Oscar's body is there like a wall to keep you upright. Nervous giggles leave your lips and Oscar chuckles, placing a soft kiss on your cheek. "Want to try again?" "No," Oscar smiles brightly, knowing you'd have to learn another time, right now he'll just strengthen your bodyguards.
The ones you don't even know about.
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arlertwhore · 2 days
help - kate martin
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pairing: kate martin x fem! reader synopsis: kate, your girlfriend comes over while your sick and "helps" you feel better ;) warning(s): smut, fingering, spit play, nipple play, nipple sucking, kate is the sweetest and talks you through it. word count: 1.4k author note: never saw the hype about her, saw an edit, and then BAM! i'm hooked now
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Kate, your girlfriend, arrives as planned a couple of hours earlier, but now, you don't seem as cheerful and enthusiastic as yo u did over the phone. When she barges into your bedroom, exclaiming, "Daddy's Home!" to see you with your hoodie pulled over your head, surrounded by tissues and your comfort teddy on your bed, she pauses, thinking she's somehow messed up and you're going to break up with her even though she is literally the most perfect girlfriend in the world. Exemplified, she rushes over to your side of the bed and gently places a hand on your shoulder. "Y/N?" she asks hesitantly, "Is- did I-… are you okay?" Of course, Kate's asking how you are first. You smile at her lovingly, that smile you give her everytime you fall in-love just a little harder, and see her relax instantly. "I wish I could kiss you," you murmur weakly.
Kate furrows her naturally arched brows. "Wish?" she asks, a subtle smirk on her slightly parted lips as she leans in, blue eyes soft with intention. You jump up, holding her by her shoulders. "I dunno, something I ate, I think. I feel like crap now. I don't wanna pass it on to you, baby."
Kate's hands come up to her shoulders, interlacing with yours as she holds herself close to you. "I don't care," she whispers lovingly before leaning in and kissing you anyway. "It's worth it," she murmurs softly against your lips, her affection shining through.
When her hand comes to your cheek to draw you closer, she notices your warmth. "You're hot, babe," she remarks with concern. "Maybe it's this hoodie, let me help you."
You raise your arms and Kate takes it off, leaving you in your bra. "Why didn't you tell me you were sick? I would've stopped on the way here and picked you up something," she says, a mix of empathy and worry evident in her voice.
"Because I know you," you chuckle weakly, "You're gonna act like I'm dying and fuss over me and shit." "You mean, help?" she retorts playfully, and you roll your eyes. "Fine. Wanna help so bad, Martin?"
Her big hands come to your bare waist, drawing you close. "I do."
The way Kate speaks is so dreamy and enchanting. You can't help but fantasize she had just said that at your guys' wedding.
When you hop out of dreamland, you blink in surprise and realize you're currently straddling her lap as she sits back against the headboard, both hands on your ass, gently massaging it with care as she bores at your tits, still clad in your bra unabashedly. Due to your body temperature, they glisten in a soft sheen of sweat that highlights against your skin mesmerizingly.
And though Kate is staring at your body, touching it, and she looks enamored, when she comes up to meet your face, the look in her eye is glassier than moments ago, like your face is the ultimate gander.
"You're so pretty, gorgeous," she breathes, and the butterflies in your stomach flutter wildly, seemingly traveling to your pussy that flutters excitedly at the compliment, her touch, and her existence.
"Could you help me, Kate? Could you help me take my pants off?" you say in a peckish, sensual tone. "Anything," she whispers as she complies, turning you around on her lap and pulling them down in one desire driven go. You don't have to tell her what you need help with next. She unclasps your bra, leaving you fully naked. "What now?" she murmurs against your ear, her breath fanning it.
You catch her lips in a deep kiss, pulling her hands to your chest and letting her touch you there too. You feel her smile as she squeezes them gently, and with your still hands interlocked, she jiggles your tits in her hands. "Fingers," you moan, "I want your fingers." You plead eagerly.
It sends you into overdrive when Kate's lips come down to your neck, kissing and nibbling gently as her hand travels further south, down to your pussy, her free hand still on your tit as she teases your firm nipple gently. "Kate…" you drawl, "I'm so so wet for you, Kate, I can't wait any longer."
When she rubs your clit gently and rhetorically questions, "Are you? Couldn't tell." it's like your heart stops. Your head falls back onto her shoulder, and you moan loudly, close to her ear, which riles her up. She moves your hand to rest over her other shoulder, allowing her freer access to your nipple.
She starts sucking it as her middle finger slips into you smoothly, pushing into you like a piston and making all your slickness flow from your cunt onto the mattress below.
"Fuck, pretty, look at how messy you're being," Kate murmurs against your chest as she pumps into you, working you open slowly. "You like that? You like makin' a mess on my fingers?"
"Oh, fuck," you gasp as she speeds up. It takes all the power in you to not shut your legs and to answer her at the same time. "I do."
When her pointer finger enters you, the fullness makes your back arch up and off the bed with a heavy mewl. Kate's quick to hold you in place with her free hand pressing hard on your legs, trapping you, and with soft kisses to your jaw. "No, no, no, take it," she urges, "Open your legs again, baby, take it."
You comply, opening your legs again. When your mouth hangs open as you cry out, Kate gives you a small break and a reward for listening. She eases her fingers into your mouth, and you suck them eagerly, savoring your own taste and feeling pleasure build within you unbearably. Her other hand crooks your jaw down to meet hers in a kiss—or so you believe, until Kate isn't really kissing you, but tasting your spit instead, inadvertently your arousal.
After the exchange, she wets her fingers with her saliva and hurriedly places them back into your cunt, thrusting into you vigorously. Her touch is both intense and tender, igniting sensations that leave you whining for more. She drives deeper, then teasingly asks, "More? That good?" as she strokes the soft spot inside of you, causing your toes to curl and your lip to be bitten.
You nod fervently. "So good!" Your body responds eagerly, arching into her touch, craving more of the exquisite sensation she's delivering. The room fills with the sound of your moans, mixing with the rhythmic sounds of her movements.
Her touch is knowing; knowing exactly how to push you closer to the edge, exactly how to help, and exactly what gets you off. Your breath quickens, chest rising and falling rapidly as the arousal builds to its peak. Kate's gaze locks with yours, eyes lidded, mirroring the fire that burns within you.
"You're close?" Kate breathes, her voice throaty and husky.
You can only manage a breathless nod as pleasure consumes every inch of your being and her fingers continue their relentless rhythm, each thrust sending shocks of ecstasy through your body, pushing you closer to the peak of pleasure.
You feel the familiar tightness building in your core, a sign that release is imminent. Kate senses it too, her movements becoming more urgent, more determined. The tension in your muscles coils tighter, anticipation heightening as you teeter on the brink of ecstasy.
With a final deep thrust, Kate pushes you over the edge. Your whole body shudders with the intensity of your climax, pleasure washing over you in relentless phases. You cry out her name, your voice a mix of pleasure and gratitude as she talks you through it.
"Let it out, baby, just like that, yeahh, c'mon.." Collapsed against her, you feel her embrace, her touch soothing as you come down from the high. Your breaths slow, hearts pounding in unison as you savor the intimacy and connection you'd just shared.
"You feel any better, babe? Did that help?" Kate asked, her tone hopeful.
"Yeah, I think I've found the cure for what ails me," you quipped with a mischievous grin. "And what's that?" Kate inquired.
"Orgasms, Kate. Lots of orgasms," you replied playfully. MASTERLIST
AUTHOR NOTE #2: gosh kate kills me.. also, is that titties and beer photo like real? like FR? inbox me! i love reading them STILL.
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heartfullofleeches · 2 days
Pin [Yan Doll] + Doll Reader who despises humans and wants nothing to do with them. No easier way to learn how to love yourself than falling in love with someone who hates what you're pretending to be. Doll Reader has a habit for stealing any dolls they deem abandoned, whisking their new friends away to the safe haven they've created for dolls in the mansion their former master left for them. They'll never forgive that human for what they've done... Dying and leaving them all alone.... They'll make sure no doll ever has to go through the same torment they've had to endure.
"You there! Are you doll or human?"
"Doll or human? You look like a doll, but your skin is warm to the touch. If you are human then you have no business here. Get! Shoo!"
"Hm... I suppose I am neither, but my current vessel is that of a doll if that helps."
Doll Reader shrugs. "Close enough. Come in, come in! You're just in time for dinner!"
Remmy[Dollmaker Yan] + Doll Reader who hates humans. Doll Reader who steals Remmy's precious Maribelle the millisecond he takes his eyes off of her. Doll Reader who is more aggressive with Remmy because they've seen how much he cares for his dolls and it reminds them of the human who left them behind. Remmy who becomes smitten with the angry doll witnessing their love and protectiveness of other dolls - doing anything he can to prove to them he'll be with them to the very end. If only he knew how much more that upset them.
"Get away! All you humans are the same. You probably smell like moldy cheese! Given, I don't have a nose myself, but something tells me that you do!"
"Please just give her back. She's my best friend. I don't know what I'd do without her...."
Doll Reader reluctantly hands the doll over. "You'd better treat her well. Love her the same as you'd love another human. Like a partner or whatever. Whatever is most important to you."
"O-oh.... Maribelle is just a friend. There is another doll I would like to get to know a little better though..."
Doll Reader stares at Remmy like he's grown another head as he sheepishly tucks Maribelle under his arm.
"You....pervert! Why on earth would I want to be with a human of all creatures?! As if there's anything you could do to prove your worth to me."
"Meet me this Saturday and I'll give it my best shot?"
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mygnolia · 1 day
mama, i’m in love with a criminal | p sunghoon
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sunghoon x gn!reader | wc: 1k | cw: violence, gunshots, suffocation, not describe fully but mentioned ok sunghoon lowk is stalkerish, definitely involved in crime
a/n: bitch (lovingly) WE ALL KNEW THIS WAS COMING i am consumed wjth criminal vampire sunghoon thoughts…the gun props…HELLLLOOOOO??? also not proofread whatsoever i wrote this in 25 mins its 5am don't mind me
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you hear glass breaking and the roar of fire, and there’s so little time until you feel a hand drag you out from your bed. you’re barely awake, only half-processing just what is going on within your apartment. it’s so unusual to be woken up by violence, and when you finally blink, you register what’s going on. sunghoon grips your hand as he shoots with the other, dragging you through the smooth floor and doing your best to avoid the glass in your stupor. you scream, hearing a shelf on the wall crash down, and it sends you into frenzy, holding your boyfriend’s hand tight and following him out. you don’t know why, or how, or who, but you can’t sit there to think- all you can do is trust that sunghoon knows how to use the gun in his hand, and that you’re not here to die anytime soon. smoke is in every breath you take, and you blindly trace the steps of the man in front of you with your own two feet. he turns around, holding you tight behind a wall, before peaking out and firing. you don’t know how, eyes shut to even witness anything- but you hear a pained yell, and can only assume your boyfriend doesn’t miss. 
the hysterics begin to settle in, the panic in every breath making you heave uncontrollably. it catches sunghoon’s attention, and your boyfriend’s back slides against the wall until you’ve both sat down. his hands don’t leave you, rubbing comfort into your back the best that you can. your from is cradled against his, and you don’t know how to stop the fear from escaping you in the form of sobs. despite the sirens, bullets, and crashing furniture, sunghoon presses a kiss onto your forehead, whispering that everything will be okay. “I’m here for you, love.” and his word feels like law. 
eyes still shut, you don’t register his absence until you open them back up to realize there’s suddenly no one’s hands on your shoulders to calm you down. wherever sunghoon is, you can’t be mad that he’s gone, only able to pray through tear stained cheeks that he hasn’t abandoned you. while the uneven breathing hasn’t gotten much better, you wipe off the residue from earlier, looking around slowly for anything. you don’t know how to shoot a gun, but if he comes back, then he can. 
all of a sudden, someone puts something over your head, and your throat faces a horrible constrictive feeling. you pull at the fabric, embarrassed to have not been able to hear footsteps so close to you. your fingers pry at the fabric, begging for the material to rip, but it proves useless. your vision goes blurry, and your grip loosens. 
there’s no one you can contact when you wake up. it’s night, somehow, with the clock on the wall reading 12am. could it be a motel, with someone else here? is sunghoon finally back?
thorough investigation of the foreign spaces leaves you alone, and for that, you’re certain. nothing makes sense, and you have to blink a few times in the bathroom to process your physical state. you’re not even sure if you should shower, treat your wounds, or go outside. is there food in the fridge? 
there’s so much to worry about and not enough answers, but last night left you in such a daze that you can’t even cry. when you return to the nightstand to turn on a light, you notice something crumpled near the lightbulb. paper. a note. 
“i’m sorry you found out about me like this, angel. i’ll be out tomorrow to get you, 3am 7/12, but i can’t want for long. not sure what could happen to you if im not there, but come with me- i promise i’ll protect you with my life- only if you say yes <3” 
sunghoon knows you’ve never been tainted with crime- he knows just how deep the risk runs of keeping you with him. he knows, horribly so, that your life, and your future could be changed in an instant. and he lies when he tells you that he doesn’t know what will happen without him there- park sunghoon is not stupid when it comes to protecting you, how matter the distance. he knows how to keep tabs on you- how to track your movements and do background checks on everyone. and he does it so you’re safe- so the both of you can sleep at night without worry. 
but you don’t know that. 
you stare at the soot ridden note, tears of confusion and anger at your boyfriend for changing your life around suddenly overwhelming you. it’s all too much- so much different than how things were before. sunghoon no longer can play piano for you, or take pictures on his camera, or sing when he holds you at night- he can no longer keep you safe and protected the way he once did. you hate him for ruining your future, you hate him for showing such dark and twisted lies to be his sweet self around you. you hate that you never knew- that you could’ve helped him somehow by knowing. 
maybe you’re stupid, just as crazed in a way that he is. maybe, when you see the all too familiar white car pull up, not even questioning how he knows where you’ve moved to in the time being, you know that it’s him still, and leave without a trace. 
park sunghoon is a criminal, one that you’re madly in love with. 
raise ur hand if enhypen gotchu in a chokehold after that trailer.
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gojosatorubrainrot · 3 days
The only real thing in here is you and me
•Summary: you are having a nightmare and Satoru is there to reassure you as the good and caring boyfriend he is
•Feat: Satoru Gojo x Reader
•Content: fluff, hurt/comfort, protective Satoru, insecure reader, Satoru being the perfect boyfriend
•Author's note: since I'm person who usually has nightmares and wakes up in the middle of the night scared and needs to be hugged, I decided to write this if some of you feel identified 🥹
•If you want to get added to my taglist, let me know in comments
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That is how you are feeling at this moment. All your beloved relatives left you to rest in peace in the other side. But that wasn't the reason why you feel that way. You assumed that day would come so you were kinda prepare to say goodbye to them.
You feel alone because of him.
Because you had never thought that among all the people, he would let you at your mercy in this hard path called life.
It's worse than being all alone because of his eventual departure; he left you because he was tired of all of your problems: your complicated relationship you had with your parents before they passed away; your anxiety issues, low self streem and the bad conception you had of your own body; you never loved what you looked like in front of the mirror.
He was patient, comprehensive and caring everytime you came up with any of the topics mentioned before.
But he got tired; tired of each quarrel about how stubborn you were, how you didn't believe all those compliments he gave you, how beautiful you were to his eyes: you believed he was lying like everyone else did during your life.
You always thought he was like them; saying those beautiful words only to make you feel good, cared... loved, so you wouldn't complain about your look nor feel alone ever again.
You were standing in your house entrance dressed with one of his oversized shirts, seeing how his tall frame was walking across the street, to the opposite direction to your house: he was leaving you.
"Satoru, please! Don't leave me!"
You were shouting to him, tears falling down from your swollen eyes, having a tiny hope he would turn around and come back home. You hoped this was a joke, a really bad one: after all, he was the king of jokes.
But seeing your desperate shouts were causing no effect on him, you surrendered; you immediately fell on your knees, head in your hands, crying, sobbing, feeling how your heart was breaking in tiny little pieces because after all these years, he abandoned you. The only thing he had promised not to do so. He lied... as everyone did in your life
"Satoru, come back..." you were repeating to yourself, eyes fixed on the floor in astonishment, still believing this was a dream, you even pinched your cheeks but,then, you assumed this was the most real thing you ever lived through.
It's a quiet and peaceful night, the room being lighten by the moon, the soft summer breeze moving the curtains while the white haired man, who barely gets some sleep, is looking at your sleeping silhouette, spellbound; he is tempted to trace your pinky cheeks with his long fingers, thanking the gods for letting him to have such a wonderful, kind and ethereal woman by his side.
He is also happy that you let him in, to get to know you more, your secrets, insecurities, your anxiety issues and mostly your low self esteem. He was always aware of when you were feeling uncomfortable or uneasy by only looking at how you usually furrow your eyebrows with disgust and that is when he immediately knows that you are not okay anymore.
He would instantly drop everything he was doing, even canceling meetings with the higher ups so he can spend the rest of the day with his girl, spoling her with her favorite snacks, cuddling in bed while watching her favorite movies/TV shows but mostly; being with you when you most needed him.
Suddenly his daydreaming is interrupted when he feels you started to move in the middle of your sleep, droplets of sweat in your forehead, making some strands of hair stucked to it. You were babbling nonsense; at first he decided to ignore it since you usually have dreams like that, but when you screamed his name in a terrified way all of sudden, that really caught his attention.
By the time you are slowly realizing that all was a nightmare, you feel those familiar arms around you, his chest pressed in your back, feeling his increased heartbeats and his head buried in your neck. You can't help but start crying because you thought your worst fear came true.
You felt relieved, it wasn't.
"Shh shh, it's okay, baby. I'm here" he whispers to your ear, your body still trembling, hard breaths leaving your mouth, shock running through your body, like you were paralyzed. "It was a bad dream, sweets. It wasn't real. The only thing that is real in this room is you and me" he says this giving your cheek smooches as you begin to calm down.
"Toru..." your voice trembles, tears showing at the corner of your eyes, all that you want is being wrapped in those arms, the ones that always make you feel safe, loved and most of all, that the strongest sorcerer, the love of your life, Satoru Gojo, your Toru, is by your side another day.
He breaks the embrace and move in the mattress so he can be in front of you, to do what he does best: to be there for you.
"I'm here, sweets" he cups your face so you are looking at his cerulean eyes filled with worry.
It breaks his heart to see you at such vulnerable condition, being aware of he wasn't able to do something to prevent you from having that nightmare.
He put a strand of hair behind your ear in a delicate way as if you were about to break in tiny little pieces, without breaking the eye contact.
Satoru won't ask you about your nightmare, but, he can guess it was related to him. It's not the first time you woke up in such state; the first time you did it, it turned out you dreamt about Satoru dying in your arms after visiting him in Shoko's infirmary due a bad injury during one of his missions.
It was extremely hard to him to calm you down after you told him every detail of it, so he didn't want you to freak out again, you have already dealt with too much pain during your sleep.
"I'm here, love. I'll never leave you by your own. I never break my promises, especially if they involve the love of my life, you" he says giving a sweet and gentle kiss in the tip of your nose, then, in your left cheek, the other and finally, in your lips. He was pampering you with all the love he has for you, his everything.
It was a kiss filled with love, devotion, adoration but mostly, with care. You close your eyes, your chest inflates with a warm feeling that you only feel with Satoru; you will always feel safe if he is by your side.
"Let's go to bed, baby. Try to get some sleep, and remember, I'm always here no matter what, okay?"
You nodded and let Satoru tuck you in, covering your body with the sheets and then he did the same placing himself behind you, hugging you from behind, wrapping his arms around your waist, his hands placed in your low belly. His face was buried in the crook of your neck, feeling his warm breathing.
That is all you needed. To feel alive, to feel safe, to feel this is real
© GOJOSATORUBRAINROT— do not plagiarise, repost, use or translate my works on any platform.
Taglist: @shogunish @msjellyf1sh
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cokou · 3 days
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𝚂𝚞𝚙𝚎𝚛𝚗𝚘𝚟𝚊 𝚃𝚛𝚒𝚘 + 𝙰𝚌𝚎 × 𝙵𝚎𝚖!𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛
sum. Forcing your boyfriend to adopt a new fuzzy friend into the household, maybe you've spent too much time with the fuzzy. ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ tw. Fluff. Jealousy. Law's and Ace's a bit longer cause, favoritism. ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ a/n. New writing style! We could never go wrong with loving fuzzy and cute animals!! Dont transfer or translate in any platforms,this is my only account, will not be cross posted anywhere! masterlist♡
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After joining the Heart Pirates and dating their captain, your number one entertainment is to soend time with Bepo and Law. While Bepo does feel embarrassed for your acts to him, you absolutely felt like he's a huge cuddly bear more than a scary one.
He even complained to Law himself that he should get you your very own fuzzy friend since you've bothered Bepo so much he couldn't face you anymore without getting embarrassed! Law, the asshole he is, refused to get you one.
You very much enjoyed the idea and pestered Law into getting you one yourself and have some dignity for Bepo, then, he finally agreed. You both visited a pet shop, and just with it's entrance you couldn't leave anymore. Inside were full of cute animals waiting to be adopted, you just wanted to take them all.
"(Name)-Ya, what about this guy?" He pointed and peeked into the small cage, and there, was a white fluffy kitty who has just woken up from its slumber. Yes, perfect! It looked so cute and cuddly! You already fell inlove with it just by looking! "Awh, look at how much she resembles Bepo!"
You both took her back, and upon your arrival you set her free in her new home, the sub.
For the past few weeks, your attention had been glued to your new friend, not wanting anything on your path. It was so bad you had more pictures of her than you and Law combined! And the way you trip because you watch her instead of where you were going.
Law on the other hand, was definitely not feeling it, he felt like the white furball just replaced him with everything! You shared a bed with her, she gets your attention, she gets to be with you all day! If he were honest, he would blurt out how jealous he was for the furball.
In which, you suspected him for. "Law, are you really okay? You've been quiet and only staring since you sat down."
"I told you I am okay, don't worry." He finally let out a sigh after realizing you weren't with the kitten anymore, that was until he heard meow, and behind you was the kitten. You picked her up and setted her into your lap, receiving a piercing glance from Law.
"Are you okay? You're doing the stare aga— ohhhh..." You had finally realized that he was jealous, not by anyone, but the kitty that you've been giving attention to.
"What?" "Don't tell me you're jealous of our little furball!" You laugh at him. "What?! W-why the hell would you think that?"
"Law, it's quite obvious...come here, lay with us." You invited him with open arms and he jumped right into you.
Ever since Chopper had joined the Straw Hats, you couldn't take your hands off his cheeks and head, continuesly patting and hugging him from his cuteness. Even your boyfriend, Luffy had agreed!
Chopper was definitely nice to have around, when you're stressed? You pat him. When you need to let it out? Hug him. He's just so cute and fuzzy! The way you'd kill people when you hear them talk bad about Chopper, because you refuse to let people think that he was a monster.
Eventually Luffy thought that you and Chopper became best friends of how you two always chatter about everything, at first he taught it's what makes the crew more unique.
But eventually, after a month, he noticed how you'd been glued with the reindeer all the time. He taught it was normal since you two were best friends but, this time you might have crossed the line.
"(Name)!! I'm hungry, can you cook meat?" He asked you with the usual big smile on his face. "Oh no Luffy, could you ask Sanji? I'm hanging out with Chopper today.." Bad Idea, you never refused to cook him meat even if you were busy. He knew you enough to just refuse to cook meat for him. The way he frowned as you waved him and went into the dock with Chopper.
Later that night, when everyone was asleep, you felt someone tugging your clothes. "Pst, (Name)." It was Luffy.
"Eh? Luffy? Why are you awake at a time like this.." you groggily whispered. "Just come here" You spproach his area and he pulled you with him.
"Finally some peace between us" He gave you a big grin and placed his hand on your back. "It's been a while you know— you've always been with Chopper."
"Luffy, wh— are you jealous of Chopper?" You came with a conclusion that maybe, just maybe he got jealous of your constant hanging out eith Chopper.
"Hmm...is that how you name it, (Name)? If so then yes!" You plopped your hands on his chest and gave him a giggle. "You could've said so earlier, i would've spent more time with you, Lu"
It was 100% your idea, you had convinced Eustass to bring company of an animal into the Victoria Punk. Not only because you had no one to talk to other than Killer or Kidd himself, but simply because it was boring out in the ship.
Lucky for you, Kidd agreed to get you one of your choice, in exchange of...things. So you decided to get a Cat of your choice, simply after declaring it's recruitment into the Kidd Pirates. You gave every ounce of your attention to it, even if it means opening the door of the bathroom when you take a shower just incase the furball could come inside and pet itself across your legs.
Well that only happened twice, what DID happen was Eustass peeking at you while taking a shower, which happened about 90% of the time. You didn't mind though.
Back to our fur friend, it bothered the cleaners of the ship on how they'd find furry hair on every furniture they clean. Kidd even complained that your shared bed was full of cat fur and that it was sticking onto his skin! But you couldn't careless.
Everytime you had a chance to sit, the cat eould latch itself into your lap, preventing you from standing up and doing business. Because standing would mean disrespectful!
Now we have an angry Eustass, whenever he wants you to be around him your excuse would always be 'But theyre on my lap' and 'im playing with them give me a while' He was getting fed up with both you and the cat itself.
So you're at the comfort place in the ship, with Kidd having a staring contest with the animal on your lap, whilst you read a book a chill. Then suddenly he spoke up, "Okay that's enough." He stood up, took the cat and placed it outside the room.
"Why'd you do that for?!"
"Oh please, you have all your attention on that animal since it stepped foot into the ship, give it a break." He scoffed.
"Or you're just jealous because i give it more attention than you?" Oh, NOW you're dead. "JEALOUS?? Why would i be jealous over a stupid furry?!" He was. He was 100% jealous.
"Okay first of all, it's not a stupid furry! And second of all, you seem pretty defensive, if you're jealous just say it."
"WHAT?! No im n—"
"—Which, you definitely are, come here you big baby. I'll give you the attention you deserve." You cutted him off, now you're gonna be in big trouble.
"And i expect the attention to be filled, get on the bed fucker." It would definitely be a longggg night.
He IS the one who suggested to get a furry friend. He'd definitely be the type to adopt a puppy, and then proceed to name it one of the most basic names ever. You could see the disappointment in Marco's face when he found out he named the precious puppy 'Oreo' because it's fur was Black AND White.
He had gotten you the precious puppy as a gift for your birthday as he found out you're into having pets, and your reason? They were CUTE as hell. He had gotten you a puppy who's fur is at the brownish side.
"Hmm, what should we name him?!" "OH! OH! I know! Brownie!"..."Are you being serious, Ace?" You looked at him, praying that the name he suggested was only for sarcasm, but you were taken aback from his response. "What do you mean babe? Of course i am! It's such a perfect name for him!"
"It's... one of the most basic names I've ever heard. " You spared him a straight face, sending shivers down his spine. "Okay, okay I'll think of another name! Hm..how about Cookie?" Yeah he doesn't have naming privileges anymore.
In the end you both sticked into the name you had chosen for the puppy. Everything was going great for the first week, you buying him all the stuff he needed, the most high qualited dog food, and even his own supplies had beaten yours! With an average of spending atleast thoudands of Berries a week.
The second week hadn't been different at all, except for the fact that now that the puppy was growing, it became even more plsyful towards you. Meaning you, had soent almost all your time with it. On the other hand, your boyfriend Ace, ended up getting bitten at the hand for trying to take away it's toy that you gave.
"Babe! Do you see those eyes that's looking at me right now?! It looks like it's gonna KILL me!" Ace climbed up on a chair when he entered the house unannounced and the dog had decided to chase him for dear life.
"Come one Bae, he won't hurt you like at all! He's an angel!" You petted the dog, causing him to sit. "Yeah if it was opposite day I would've believed you! look at him, it looks like it's gonna bite my limbs of one by one!"
"Come on Ace! He won't bite you!" As soon as you reassured Ace thst nothing eould happen if he stepped down, he tried lowering his left foot down, causing the dog the fully bark at him. "SEE?!" Ace's voice was almost crying.
"Bad dog! You know he's the one who brought you to me right?! He's basically your dad! Go to your bed!" The dog whimpers then climbs it's bed.
"You know, after this i expect a full week of attention all mine! Okay?!" Ace pouts and settles himself down from the chair. You gave him a reassuring kiss, "I promise,"
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©Cokou 2024, all works made by me.
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polyestercleaner · 3 days
hello! Can i request dom Joost and sub reader with s degradation kink?
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Thanks for the request >U<♡
|Summary:You had an argument with joost and instead of leaving you end up fucking.
|Content Warning⚠️: P in v, fingering, degrading, joost being a little rough on reader. Argument turns to sex if that's not your thing.
You've never been good at controlling your anger or your pain. Always letting those tears slip past your eyes when you couldn't make someone know what you feel, when you realize that maybe, no one will ever get you. "I thought you'd be there." You've asked joost to come by to hang out with you,
you wanted to show him some cool stuff You've done for your work. But instead he ditched you and went out with his friends. You felt hurt. Rightfully so. "Oh come on I'm sorry it's just... I mean is it that big of a deal schat?" He never raises his voice at you. Never. But tonight you felt like if you tried to get your point across any further he's gonna snap. And you won't like it. He never hits you.
Ever that's not who he is and it never will be. But he does get pissed much like any other person. You cross your arms as you walk towards your bed, sitting down as you look at him. He's starring at you, standing with a confused expression. He shrugs. "So what now your just gonna be pissed forever? I'm tired of this. I'm tired of you-I mean. I just can't right now" your eyes go wide as you register what he says. "Come again?" "NOT like that.You know that. I just don't get how it's a big deal."
You scoff at him. He's so ignorant sometimes you just wanna punch him. "I've never missed your concerts or when you get an award. I know im not at as high status as you, but I still achieve stuff." He groans as he turns away from you. "Oh fuck off here we go again with the status" your tears continue to fall as you grip the sheets underneath you.
How could he. You got up, walking towards him. Forcing him to look at you. He hates to see you cry and you know that. He rolls his eyes. But you knew he meant that as a way to get his eyes off of you. "Whats wrong with you" "Listen I AM sorry but I'm just trying to understand you here? How can I fix this ja? What's up whats going on I just don't get you sometimes." Anger is expressed in many forms, and you've been there in every form. Punching things. Yelling. Screaming and crying into a pillow.
But you've never done this. You pull him by his shirt and kissed him, your lips and his attached as you made out with him, he hesitated for a minute before kissing you back. Usual kisses with joost are soft, their sweet and sensual. But this was a kiss of pure hunger and anger. Your hands roamed his shirt as you helped him pull it off, exposing his chest as he slowly pushed you back towards the bed, shoving you ontop of it as he watched you quickly take off your skirt and shirt, your bra following along leaving you in thigh highs and your panties.
He hovered over your body as you made out on the bed. His mouth traveled everywhere on your body. Your neck. Your tits. Lapping at your nipple as he gently puts pressure with his teeth. You gasp as you both continue eating away at eachother roughly, "let me show you how sorry I am. Being all fussy and rude." He shoved your panties to the side before teasing your pussy with a finger, "wet enough for me yeah? You slut. All that fighting got you this horny? You like seeing me pissed? God your pathetic"
His words got to you. Making you even wetter by the second You groaned in response to the feeling of his finger sinking into your pussy, another finger following along, his pace was harsh and fast, his fingers long enough to hit that little sweet spot you never seem to reach to. You whimpered as you threw your head back, your hand grabbing at his wrist, you weren't pulling him off, you just wanted to feel a bit of his flesh since he was hovering over you. Simply watching with amusement.
"Your all gooey on the inside, need my cock inside of you liefde? Yeah?" You nodded quickly as you continued whimpering out his name in such a needy manner, your hips rolling to gain friction each time u felt his fingers slam fully inside of you. "Close.. m'close" you whimpered as joost kept starring at you. Nodding before speaking up. "Yeah? So close right? You wanna cum? You wanna cum around my fingers? Well..." your eyes widen as you felt him pull out of you. Leaving you empty as you watched him unbuckle his pants. "W-wha..." he smirked at the dumbfounded look you had on your face. He pushed himself between your legs before shoving his cock inside of you, joost usually gives you time to adjust.
To take in his features but neither of you were up for that. You tried your best to hold back your moan. If he was gonna tease you this way you were gonna atleast try to aswell.. he looked at you confused. A stiffled whimper leaving and he could immediately tell what you were doing. "Whatever your doing it won't work, you know how much I make you feel good. Just accept it. That's what you get for acting like a cunt."
You didn't care how much he insulted you. You loved every bit of it and you knew he didn't mean it, he knew it aswell. He gripped your hips before slamming his cock into you. His pace rough and harsh as you continued to try and stiffle your moans, "Let's see how well you hold up." He continued pounding into you. You threw a hand to your mouth as you stiffled the noises that urged to come out.
Letting a whimper slip by every now and then but ofcourse it wasn't pleasant enough as hearing your noises loudly. He frowned at you. Watching as you continued to try your best to tease him back. Whatever your technique was it was failing. You squint one eye shut as you suddenly felt joost pull out and slam back inside of you,
skin against skin noises echoing through the room. That was enough to break you. You let out the loudest and most lwedest moan you've ever let out. Shrieking as he began laughing at what you did.
"God you just never fail to be pathetic sometimes schat" he kissed your forehead before placing his hands underneath your arms and pulling you into a gentle hug as he grunts in your ear. You on the other hand, lost it all. All you could think of was joost. You couldn't even be mad anymore. He continued fucking you as you felt your orgasm approaching you.
You shrieked and whimpered like your life depended on it. Suddenly with a string of "Ah! Ah!" Noises you felt him cum inside of you, your orgasm taking over you, everything flashing white as you let out a pathetic helpless whimper. Your clit pulsing and burning as you held joost. "Dont let go...wait" you held him as he panted into your ear.
You heard him gently speak. "I'm sorry.. really liefde. I promise I'll be with you when you need or want me next time." You nodded. Shutting your eyes closed as you both took in eachothers embrace. Panting and grunting as he slowly pulls out of your pussy....
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hearts4golbach · 3 days
waitttttt you could totally do something w the sam n colby vid w jake n johnnie, like were reader is with johnnie and you could do something like the clip of jake hugging johnnie??? if that makes sense 😭😭😭😭
Johnnie Guilbert x Fem!Reader.
this isn't going to follow the points of the ACTUAL video. this is all made up and never really happened.
scary ig?? I don't know if it's that scary, but yk.
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going on a trip with Jake, Johnnie, Sam, and Colby had been on your bucket list for a long time. whenever Jake came into your room and asked you if you wanted to go, you were ecstatic.
now you were there.
"what the fuck was that?" a bang from the other room echoed down the hallway. instinctively, you gripped onto Johnnies arm.
everyone's head flew to the corridor behind them. "Holy shit." Johnnie muttered.
Colby turned to Sam. "why don't we set up the rope thingy so whatever spirits are here can lead us to where they want us?" his evil smile said everything.
"good idea." sam turned back to you. "y/n, you still wanna do the estes method?"
you nodded carefully. "Yeah." Your grip on Johnnies arm loosened. "let's fucking do it."
Colby set up the rope, leading down the same hallway. "Now we wait."
"So, were gonna let these demons lead us to where they want us to go?" Jake spoke up. his hands were shoved in his pockets. he laughed. "they're going to fucking eat us alive or some shit."
sam pressed his hands together. "Probably."
"woah, what the fuck was that?" Johnnje pointed down the hall.
"What, what?" you asked frantically, looking towards where he was pointing.
"i- I don't know. I think my mind is fucking with me, I don't know." he brushed it off.
the rope went off, catching all of our attention. the lights slowly lit up one by one, leading down the hallway and stopping at room 513.
"let's go, I guess." Jake laughed nervously.
Johnnie began to cautiously walk down the hall, and you weren't far behind him. Jake, Colby, and Sam followed suit.
the door of room 513 creeked open eerily. a cold breeze hit your face, sending chills down your spine. "fuck." you muttered under your breath with an uneasy smile.
Johnnie rubbed your lower back. "You got this, y/n."
"Thank you. I'm excited as fuck, but nervous." your shoulders shrugged anxiously.
"Alright, let's get this shit set up." Colby dragged a miscellaneous chair from the corner of the room to the middle of the room.
"Why are you guys always sacrificing the girl?" The camera panned to jake.
"Hey, I volunteered. I used to binge watch these two daily, I've wanted to do this forever."
"they're using their ghost magic to get into your head." jake was trying extremely hard to hold back a laugh and keep his bit together.
Johnnie laughed. "Oh, for sure, jake."
Sam graciously handed you the blind fold. "ready to get started?"
you nodded cautiously before taking the blind fold and putting it on. eventually, headphones playing loud static were placed in your hand.
the next moments happened so fast.
more static.
'not me.'
'him!' the voice became louder.
static once again.
'I'm coming.'
'i-' there was a pause.
what sounded like a woman's laugh came through the static, sending shivers down your spine.
you began to bounce your leg anxiously. a hand net yours and held it gently. you knew it was johnnie as his cold rings pressed into your warm skin.
'the door.'
there was a pause.
you felt johnnies hand shift after you said 'the door.' what was going on? you wondered.
'Leave.' you scrunched your nose as the deep voice rang through your ears.
'y/n!' it was so loud, you felt as if your ear drums had bursted.
you ripped the headphones off your head and pulled off the blind fold. you were gripping Johnnies hand so tight your knuckles were turning white. "fuck," your shaky voice mumbled. you let out a laugh. "something, like, screamed my name in my ear." your fingernails were digging into Johnnies hand.
you stood up and wrapped your arms around his torso. he wrapped his arms around you gently and patted your back. "it's okay, y/n. don't worry."
"the ghosts won't get past these muscles." Jake flexed as he pursed his lips together.
johnnie rubbed your lower back. "holy fucking shit," you laughed, trying to play off how bad that actually scared you. johnnie could feel you trembling in his arms, and he didn't let go.
you cautiously pulled away from Johnnie. "so, what happened?"
sam began to explain. "of course, I asked if anyone was here with us, and you said 'me.'"
"and he asked whoever it was if they had died in this room and you were like 'no, stop, not me, him."
Johnnie wrapped his arm around your shoulder comfortingly. "I asked who we were talking to and you said 'I'm coming, evil and extraordinary.' there was something else I didn't catch."
"sam asked who's coming and you said 'i-' then paused for about 10 seconds. it was dead silent before you said 'am.' then you said 'run' and 'fire.'" Jake recollected.
"you randomly said him and I asked what he's going to do to us. you said 'hell, fire and the door.'"
"and 'bad.'" johnnie added.
"so, we turned towards the door then you started listing our names. you said after and then your own name and ripped the headphones off." Jake explained the rest.
you shook your head. "we need to get to Colby and tell him. I'm so fucking uncomfortable in here."
sam began to walk out of the door. "that was one of the clearest conversations we've ever gotten." he gushed excitedly.
"you can't make that shit up," you mumbled, still shaking your head in disbelief.
while you were under, it all seemed like gibberish to you. now it all made sense.
you gripped Johnnies hand tightly as you roamed around the halls to find Colby.
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mellowmistt · 3 days
The Sleepover-Chris Sturniolo
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Summary: (corny, basic ahh title I know) You are good friends with the sturniolos and at their house, unabe to catch an uber late at night you are offered to stay the night on the couch, however you could not sleep and someone with the same problem comes to join you..
Warnings: smut;unprotected sex; handjobs; swearing; mentions of alcohol; NO use of y/n!
A/N: I don’t use any degrading kink language with characters (e.g slut) or overusing of words such as baby, bc idk bout you guys but it kinda cringes me out when i see that in other fanfics, okay back to the story :)
I took the last sip of my coca cola before saying goodbye to a couple other friends who were leaving.
"For fuck's suck." I say, a little too loud as I could see Chris and Nick abruptly glance in my direction in the corner of my eye.
"Whats up?" Nick asked
"There are no uber's available for another hour, like how is that even possible?" I exclaimed, adding a small smile at the end, I didn't want to bring down the good vibes that everyone had for the past six hours.
"Hey you know you're more than welcome to stay the night, I would have made Matt drive you but you know how much he had to drink tonight, plus he's probably out of it right now."
"No, you don't have to do that anyway, i'll check some other taxi websites theres gotta be one available righ-"
"Hey it's fine, just stay on the couch, its way too late now anyway i wouldn't want you out there alone." Nick explained.
"Okay, thank you so much you guys are the best!" I say, scanning the room to meet eyes with Chris, who was watching our conversation from the kitchen counter as he was clearing away the plastic cups and chip bags.
"Okay, now that's settled i'm going to bed, i'm wiped" Nick says as he grabs his phone from the other side of the couch. Chris followed with a quick "Me too, goodnight" before hurrying down the stairs.
"Theres more blankets in the basket down there if you need, goodnight!" Nick says before trailing up the stairs, turning off the main kitchen light.
About fifteen minutes had gone by, I somehow wasn't even sleepy even though it was nearing three in the morning. Maybe i had too much soda. I grabbed my phone from my bag and began scrolling through tiktok. I figured after a while of scrolling my eyes would get tired.
Suddenly the dim living room light turned on, I flinched as I saw Chris's silhouette approaching the couch. He sat down about a foot to the right of me.
"Can't sleep?" He asked, in a quiet,almost whisper.
"Nope." I reply, switching off my phone and placing it behind my pillow.
We both stared at eachother for a moment, Chris had a curious look on his face, as if he was dying to ask me a question.
"Hey i thought you said you were wiped, like twenty minutes ago." I say, narrowing my eyes teasingly. I knew the smartass reply he would say.
"I never said that actually." He replied, a small grin forming on his face, returning the teasing mannerisms.
"Well you said same when Nick said, and I quote,I'm going to bed, I'm wiped". I said, smiling knowing this would just egg him on for a lame excuse. Mine and Chris's friendship had always been like this, teasing and joking around, he never failed to make me laugh.
"Well, maybe thats just what i wanted him to hear." He replied, staring back at me with a grin, waiting to see my confused reaction.
"What are you doing?" I asked, half serious now.
"I figured you'd be lonely down here by yourself in the dark, so I came to stay with you."
"You're drunk" I state.
"You're sober." He replies, stating the obvious.
"Yeah well remember last week when you were holding my hair back as I was puking in the toilet? I learnt my lesson and thought i'd give myself a break tonight." I replied with a small chuckle.
"mhmmm" He mumbles. "Besides I didn't drink that much myself actually, definitly not as much as Matt." He states,clearly proud of him self and awaiting my approval.
"Wooowww" I tease, indulging into his ego.
He then moves closer to me, and squeezes up close, moving me over and laying next to me, pulling the grey fluffly blanket over us. We look deep into eachother's eyes for a moment again. His eyes were so beautiful, a crystal clear blue, which accomodated to his warm smile. That damn smile. It always triggered a comforting feeling, like i could never feel negative again when i saw it.
He was moving his head closer to mine, I watched his eyes as they were flickering from mine to my lips, which he was slowly approaching. Without warning I felt his soft lips touch mine, and i unexpectedly started to get lost in the moment, and i placed my hand around his head, gently running through his soft hair. I slowly pulled away from his lips.
"Wait what are we doing?" I whispered,coming back to my senses as i realised that maybe he had liked me all along when i have liked him.
"I thought you knew I had a mondo crush on you, I know you have one on me too, I can feel it in your energy whenever we're close." He said quietly, smiling that he had just outed my secret.
I didn't know what to say, I just gazed back into his eyes again, inspecting his playful look. He slowly put his hand on my stomach, which made me let out a gasp.
"See, I make you nervous" He said with a grin, before trailing up to my chest.
"Oh yeah, no i definitly knew" I replied sarastically, smiling at both my joke and the touch of his hands on me.
He let out a soft laugh before trailing his hand down to my waist, meeting the waistband of my shorts.
"Are you okay with this?" He asked, serious look on his face now awaiting my answer.
"Yes" I whispered, kissing his lips again to confirm. He pulled away and smiled, before trailing his hand down to my panties, moving inside of them and meeting my arousal.
"See, I knew you wanted me" He whispered jokingly into my ear as he starting moving his fingers in slow circles around my sweet spot.
I smiled at him, before moving my head back and closing my eyes in relfex to the pleasure he was inducing on me, as he was speeding up. I let out a few deep breaths.
"Ch-chris.." I whispered. "We can't, not...here what... if they hear us" I said, stuttering through deep breaths.
"Shhh, they won’t. They’re both out of it remember?" He whispered back. He stopped moving his fingers, which made me open my eyes.
He moved in to kiss me again, moving his body slightly closer again, alerting me of his hard-on against my thigh. I reached my hands down to the waistband of his shorts. Still kissing, my hands made contact with his shaft, I started moving my hand up and down, slowly speeding up the pace. He drifted away from mouth to let out a deep breath in reaction to the stimulation.
“Fuck” he whispered.
He moved my hand away, which at first confused me, until he started taking off my shorts, and then his own. He repositioned himself until he was hovering on top of me. He started burying himself into my neck, painting it with kisses. Again, I had tilted my head back to indulge in the moment.
“You ready?” He whispered, lifting his head up.
I nodded eagerly, at this point I was desperate, I had never imagined that this is how the night turned out, but this rush of everything was just what I craved for right now. I felt his tip brush against me, and the slow but intense entrance of himself inside of me. We exhaled loudly, though this made me feel conscious that one of his brothers could hear us again, I tried to put that feeling aside for now and just enjoy the moment, enjoy him.
As his thrusts increased in speed it was becoming more hard to stay so quiet. Chris noticed how I was trying so hard to suppress moans, and put one of his hands over my mouth gently. The other hand interlocked my left hand above my head. His deep breaths alone were just setting me off more. His eyes squinting as the climax was nearing. Small, muffled moans left my mouth, thankfully Chris’s hand was suppressing the evidence, I don’t think it was a noticeable enough sound for Matt to hear, even though he was just down the hall in his bedroom.
The thrusts were rapid, I began gently moving my hips along with the alignment of his to amplify the pleasure. This made his breaths become more louder, so I put my free hand over his mouth too. We were now gazing into each other’s eyes, taking in the moment, the euphoric feeling which was shared between us. Our eyes struggling to stay open as we were both so close to finishing. Our palms became sweaty from the exhales. Boom. There it was. That indescribable feeling which illuminated throughout my whole body. Throughout his whole body. As the thrusts slowed down into a halt. We looked deeply into each others eyes again, lay still for a few moments as we uncovered our mouths. Deep breaths still escaped our mouths, but we tried to keep them quiet.
There it was again. That smile.
“I think I might… I think I might love you” he whispered through exhales.
“Shut up” I quietly laughed, still breathless.
He kissed me once more, his soft lips were the cherry on the cake, I never wanted him to let them go off me. He exited me and lay on his back next to me again, his hand in mine.
I opened my eyes, the warm sunlight melting through the blinds. I reached for my phone, with two texts from my mom, asking if I wanted to go to lunch with her. The time was 10:48. I looked to my right, and sure enough Chris was lay next to me. It was real. It actually happened? Holy shit.
“Chris?” I whispered.
No answer.
“Chris” I whispered, a little louder and slightly nudging him. This alerted him and he opened his eyes.
“Oh hey sexy” he said, his morning voice was raspy, but also kind of a turn on. Fuck.
“I gotta go, and you should probably go downstairs before Nick or Matt come out here and wonder why you were on the couch with me” I explained. He still had his eyes shut, but he slowly started to shift, so I knew he was listening.
“Mhmm, okay” he mumbled before sitting up.
We both put our shorts back on and he put the blanket back.
“Okay, my mom wants to meet me for lunch so I gotta run, I’ll see you soon”
“Sure thing, we should do that again soon” he said with a smirk, before trailing down the stairs to his bedroom.
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poppy-metal · 18 hours
UGH and then he shows up at your work and you’re like “fuck off or i’ll tell my manager you’re harassing me” and it’s SOOOO fake. like you’re such a liar.
“quit fucking blocking me and i won’t have to show up here to fucking speak to you.”
“i don’t want to speak to you, you stupid slut.”
“is that any way to talk to a paying customer? maybe i have something to tell your manager too.”
“jump off a cliff.”
“when does your shift finish?”
“why would i tell you that?”
“so i can pick you up after and you can tell me how you really feel back at my apartment.”
raises his eyes brows.
giggling and kicking my feet i genuinely need this kind of relationship with him so bad u don't understand.
just deliberately calling him names and being petty because you know the more you piss him off the more your ass is gonna get reamed later - its his fault, anyway. all his intensity and passion made you crave this kind of dynamic - you used to be a good girl with normal taste in men and the desire to settle down with just some guy. now you couldn't get off during sex unless it felt violent - you got fucking bored so easily when there wasn't a fight to be had - you thought if a man didn't track you down by your fucking email and drag you back to his dick by the scruff of your neck, it meant he didn't want you and wasn't worth your time. and how fucked up was that?
so yeah - he could handle a few insults. because fuck him, genuinely. you'd never be the same again after him.
you give him the time your off anyway. and you're fidgeting the whole rest of your shift. nearly bouncing on your heels and by 6:25 you're so amped up - pussy nearly drenching your jean shorts enough to leave a visible stain - that when a customer comes in you actually consider ripping their head off. you throw them onto your coworker instead, tossing them a glare that could freeze over hell when they start to protest.
nothing was going to stand in your way. you'd broken up with patrick two weeks ago. two weeks without his cock stretching you out - diabolical. even though you'd been the one to issue the break and to block him on everything - still, way too fucking long.
you think you might be able to get a few more jabs in - really seal the deal, because if you were honest, being a brat was addicting as hell - but when you approach patricks car and you see him leaned against it, cigarette in hand, just watching you come toward him calmly - you lose your breath.
you're drawn to him like a moth to a flame - willingly diving head first into the jaws of a wolf - and when you're close enough he drops the cig, crushes it underneath his shoe and reaches out - grabs you roughly by the collar of your shirt and yanks you to him. his mouth is on yours and its tongues and teeth and lips and moaning like you're each starving for it. he grips the sides of your face and plunders your mouth with his tongue and you clutch as his waist, scrabbling your hands under his hoodie to feel the warm skin of his stomach.
it twitches under your palms and you hungrily drag your hands up, wanting to feel him and patrick turns, pinning you to his car and fumbling behind you, yanking the back door open.
he pulls back, says, "get in." but hes already shoving you backwards himself and you're falling onto his shitty leather seats and he's following, coming down over you and slamming the door closed with his foot. he kneels over you, hands yanking at his belt - "you dont want me anymore, huh?" rips it through the loops hard enough that it snaps against his wrist when its all the way free. "I'm not serious enough for you?"
he's rehashing all the shit you'd said to him over text and you bite your lip, arching your back - but he places a palm on your stomach, pushes you back down - "this isn't serious." you lie to him and his eyes flash, he fucking hates when you lie to his face. which is why you grin and tell him, "im just horny - you could be anyone -"
patrick nods like, 'aw, yeah?' and you feel an excited shiver go through you - are expecting it but still gasp when he grips you by the waist and roughly rolls you over onto your belly. he's pressed against your back immediately, big and crushing you against the too hot seats. fingers yanking down your shorts and panties at the same time, "you're such a fucking liar." he grunts, lifts up just enough to wrangle his own jeans and boxers down over his ass. "what am I gonna do about that, huh? you know that shit pisses me off."
you moan at the feel of that big dick of his, hard and hot as it slips between your cheeks. the blunt head slippery as it glides over your asshole - "god, i missed this ass, fuck -" you try to lift your hips, make it so he slips down to your pussy where you want him. are ready to take him. but he shoves you back down his pelvis, knocks the breath out of you when he winds his bicep around your neck. "ahh, no. you think you deserve this dick in your pussy after the shit you pulled? i thought i was too small for you- "
you try to cry out when you feel him slip over your hole again, trying to claw at his arm but you cant. your hands are trapped under your body. you're immobile. you've never been so fucking wet in your life.
"stop-" you pant weakly, even as you grind back against him. "not there patrick- please -"
"huh?" he grunts against your ear and you feel the press of his cockhead as it probes your tight asshole. "you tellin me no? said i couldn't have your cunt so im confused, baby -" it pushes futher against the tight ring and you wail. wiggling your hips to try and buck him off but he doesn't move a fucking inch.
"im not ready - i didn't prep - patrick dont. - please, im sorry -"
just the barest inch of his cock is fitted inside the tiny hole. he moves his hips so it presses in and out just barely, and the burn has your pussy weeping. the leather is sticky under you. "that's too bad -" patrick pants against you, his arm flexes against your throat and your eyes roll back at the pain in your ass as he pushes more into you. "- cause you fucking know what happens when you're a brat. knew this was comin'-"
and its true, you did. knew from the start that patricks favorite way to punish you, to work out his anger was on your tight ass.
and thats specifically why you didn't prep yourself.
"you can cry about it, its not gonna change it -" his head finally pops past the resistant ring of your stubborn rim. you squeal and buck under him and he groans, burying his face in your hair - "oh fuck - you're so goddamn tight - grip me with that ass, baby, yes -"
despite your cries and protests he forces himself in inch by inch into the tight passage of your body. until you feel the weight of his heavy balls on your wet pussy. it hurts so fucking bad. you're so full you could die. why is so fucking big?? god you're so turned on. you needed this.
contrary to every action before it, patrick softly kisses the back of your neck. loosens his arm around you just enough that you can sag fully down into the seats below and gulp in air.
"that's it, good girl -" his body completely folds over yours. no part of you seprated as he has you basically prone. he shifts his hips and rocks his cock into your sore ass. "just lay there and let daddy use you now."
you gargle out something of a reply. already drooling from the mouth. and this isn't even the end.
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Me or him (part 2)
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pairing: hyunjin x afab!reader x felix
a/n: this is part 2, read part 1 here! there will be more parts, tho idk if anyone waited for this but if you enjoyed it, please consider reblogging!🫶🏻
word count: 1.9k
genre: smut, angst
warning/s: toxic behavior, cheating, manipulation, unprotected sex, dirty talk
~check out my: Masterlist
8 months ago
Tears blurred your vision as you sat behind the wheel. You started the car, wiping your tears away, the last song you listened to blasting through the speaker.
You had a huge fight with your boyfriend Hyunjin, the worst one that happened between you in the last two years you'd been dating. You have no idea how it started, it was a culmination of little things and you were both so busy to work on them that you just exploded at each other.
Things were said, things you didn't mean and you had to just leave the apartment and give Hyunjin and yourself some space to calm down before you said even worse things to each other that couldn't be reversed.
You hit the gas and drove to the first place you thought of, your mutual friend's apartment.
When Felix opened the door and took in the state of you, wearing your pjs, hair messy and mascara streaks stained on your cheeks, he hugged you without a word.
You ended up on his couch, crying and telling him what happened as he held you and shushed you, trying to calm you down. He did feel bad that you were in distress, and he felt bad for Hyunjin too, but he couldn't help himself. Thinking that this was his chance, a chance to somehow come between the two of you. Prove to you that he was deserving of you, maybe even more than Hyunjin was.
You knew Felix liked you, he confessed to you once before but it was already too late as you and Hyunjin just started dating but haven't announced it to him or anyone else for that matter. You saw how his smile faltered and how his eyes lost the sparkle they always carried when you told him. Even though he said he was happy for the both of you, you could see through the fake smile he put on his face. Neither of you ever told Hyunjin about his confession.
Felix wiped your tears away with his thumbs gently before he leaned in and started peppering your face with little kisses. You sniffled and hiccuped, completely lost in your crying that you didn't even feel him press his lips on yours for a few seconds.
"Felix!"- you said pushing him away when you realized what he was doing.
"What Hyunjin said to you was out of line. I would never say things like that to you. You know how I feel about you."
"Felix, stop it."- you shake your head, heart beating fast as you try to catch your breath. Everything was too overwhelming tonight.
"Let me show you that I appreciate you more than he does."- Felix says and grabs your face, kissing you again.
"W-we can't do this..."- you whimper, fresh tears spilling out of your eyes.
"We can do whatever we want, sweetheart. Give me just one chance to prove myself to you."- he whispers sweetly, hands under your shirt, caressing your hot skin.
"L-Lix..."- you whimper as his lips attach to your neck. 'You're crazy' - you think. You can't believe you're actually letting this happen. Felix is kissing you, his lips on yours again, hungrier and messier than before.
His hands are roaming all over your soft skin and he cups your breasts and plays with your nipples. You gasp and he pushes his tongue in your mouth, suffocating the moans in the back of your throat.
You feel arousal between your legs, in the pit of your stomach mixed with an uneasy feeling of doing something you definitely shouldn't be doing. One big fight and you ran into another man's arms. How weak are you?
You part for air and Felix's eyes are dark with lust, making you shiver under him.
"You want me, don't you?"- he smirks.
"This is wrong, Felix."- you say, but your body screams for him, your hips lifting up towards him involuntarily, chasing some kind of friction.
"I don't care about wrong or right in this moment."- he shakes his head, his hand on your cheek. "Tell me you don't want this right now and I'll stop... but if you do, there's no going back."
You shiver at his words, driven by some kind of desire and insanity you grab Felix's shirt and pull him into another passionate kiss. He grunts into your mouth, his hands sliding down to your pants. He wastes no time in sliding them down your legs together with your panties, throwing them somewhere behind him.
"Fuck, so pretty."- he whines, taking in the sight of you with legs spread out for him.
"Lix"- you moan, crazed with hunger for him.
"I'll take care of you, don't worry love."- he smirks, leaning down, his breath ghosting over your wet cunt. His plump lips leave kisses on your inner thighs, hands squeezing your flesh, and you sigh impatiently.
"I can smell your arousal from here. So sweet."- he licks his lips, smirking and leaning his cheek on your inner thigh.
"Please, Lix!"- you whine, trying to push your hips up but he holds you tight.
"Tell me what you want love. I'll do anything to please you."- he says, his voice dipping lower, sending shivers through you.
"I want your mouth, please."- you beg.
"You ask so nicely."- he smirks and leans in, his lips attaching to your clit immediately, sucking on the sensitive nub.
"Ah, f-fuck!"- you moan and his tongue darts out to lick between your folds.
You find yourself comparing him to Hyunjin, and your heart skips a beat. Your sweet Hyunjin, who has no idea you have his best friend between your legs, eating you out like no tomorrow.
Even though you had a horrible fight, you know he loves you more than anything. And you love him too, so why are you doing this?
Felix brings you back to the present when you feel his fingers pushing inside your wetness.
"Oh my god!"- you whimper, hips coming up to meet his hand.
"So eager."- Felix says, his deep low voice sending shivers through you.
The faster he moves his fingers, the more Hyunjin keeps fading somewhere in the back of your mind.
You try not to think about anything, only focusing on the feeling Felix brings you, and the euphoria builds up.
"Are you gonna cum, sweetheart?"- he asks.
"Mm, yes, so close!"- you whine. "Don't stop!"
"Wasn't planning on stopping."- he smirks, curling his fingers and touching your sweet spot.
"Fuck!"- you whine, your legs shaking before you spill your juices all over Felix's fingers. He pulls them out of your went cunt and puts them in his mouth, sucking on them.
"Mm, so sweet."- he looks at you darkly. "I want you so bad."- he adds, pulling his pants and boxers down.
"How do you want me?"- you ask.
"I want you on top of me, beautiful."- Felix smirks, pumping his cock and hovering over you.
"Okay."- you sit up and Felix lays down so you can climb on top of him.
You grab his cock, touching your folds with his tip, your eyes already rolling back.
"Take me in deep, sweetheart."- Felix groans as you slowly start sinking down on his length.
The stretch is perfect as you take him in completely, your walls clenching around him making him groan.
"Move baby, please."- he practically begs.
You start fucking on him, wasting no time as you speed up immediately, feeling hungry for him in that moment like you've never been fucked before.
His hands are on your hips, guiding you and holding you down so you don't lift up too much.
He groans as he looks up at you, your fucked out face, your titties bouncing and the way his cock disappears inside you.
"Yeah, just like that. Fuck yourself on my cock baby. Make yourself feel good. Use me."- Felix groans, hips pushing up to meet yours.
"Ahh fuck, Felix!"- you whimper as the both of you start losing control, fucking each other like there's no tomorrow.
It doesn't take long for you to cum all over his cock, the way he kept perfectly hitting your sweet spot.
"I'm close, sweetheart."- Felix groans.
"You can't come inside me."- you groan, still trying to come down from your orgasm.
"Okay, whatever you want."- he whines, his hips chasing you.
You pull off of him and grab his cock, jerking him off fast and Felix whimpers, his hands grabbing at the couch beneath him, hips pushing up into your hand.
With a final groan mixed with your name and curse words, he cums all over your hand and his stomach.
Both of you sit there for a moment, trying to catch your breath.
"What the hell did we just do?"- you ask, coming down from the high and panicking.
"We fucked. And it was really good."- Felix smirks, lifting up and grabbing some tissues from the coffee table so he can clean himself up.
"This is wrong on so many levels. If Hyunjin ever finds out-"
"Hyunjin doesn't have to know anything. As far as he's concerned you're at a friend's place."- Felix shrugs. "I wont tell him anything unless you want me too. I don't wanna put you in a position like that."
"You kinda already did."- you say, too shocked of your behaviour that you couldn't even cry.
"I'm sorry."- he starts. "Actually, I'm not. I loved you first. Hyunjin didn't even care about you that way when we first met."
"Stop talking! You don't love me, Felix. You love the idea of stealing me away from Hyunjin."
"That is not true-"
"I'm not having this discussion right now. I'm gonna take a shower and then leave."
"Stay the night, please. Just this once."- Felix begs, grabbing your hand.
And you stayed the night. And you found yourself running into his arms multiple times after that, whenever you were sad or whenever you and Hyunjin got into an argument.
You know how wrong that is and that you should be working on your relationship, not going behind your partner's back but something about Felix always being there for you, listening to your problems and fucking your sadness away made you addicted to that feeling.
Present time
You had to drive around the empty roads to empty your mind before finally arriving home around 2 in the morning. The apartment was quiet and dark, meaning that Hyunjin already went to sleep.
You tiptoed to your room and opened the door, finding your boyfriend hugging your pillow and sleeping on your side.
Your chest feels heavy.
You walk slowly towards the dresser to grab some clean underwear so you can take a shower and Hyunjin stirs.
"Love, are you back?"- he asks sleepily.
"Yeah. I'm gonna shower, keep sleeping."- you say quietly, grabbing your clothes.
"Did you have fun?"
"Yeah. Yeah, I did."- you say, your chest becoming heavier and heavier, the feeling of guilt overwhelming you.
Tears prick at your eyes.
"I'm glad. Come cuddle when you're done."- Hyunjin whispers, his eyes still closed.
"Ofcourse."- you whisper back and disappear into the bathroom.
You break down under the shower, hot tears streaming down your cheeks as the hot water warms your skin.
But you can't wash away the feeling of Felix's lips and hands on you.
They're burned into your skin. And you wonder how much longer can you do this?
✨Taglist: @moonchild9350 @velvetmoonlght @janepg
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fuck-customers · 2 days
I'm the anon who sent in an ask abt accidentally co-ordinating a mass call out, saw a lot of ppl wanting the know the aftermath so here's your updoot :>
All 3 of us did end up calling in (during the early morning, so we never had to directly talk to our boss, but the manager on at the time) plus another random 4th person, who wasn't apart of the original group and is just a regular sickie chucker. When my boss did see the emails that morning, he came to my station and had a mini freakout/breakdown to the opener. Ended up not being able to cover the midshift with a proper staff member who works in our department, so no prep was done or topped up all day; the opener was in on what we were doing and also didn't like the staff on that night so her attitude was very much 'sounds like a them problem'.
From what I heard of the close, it went about as well as I expected; a massive shitshow. The one coworker who I really don't like our of the 3 stooges ended up being forced into doing the close, and boy did she fuck it up. That next morning the place was a total trash heap- with shit still being dirty, equipment not being turned off, and just looking like crap in general. According to another coworker who was there briefly it wasn't even bc she was busy, she just never bothered to even START her closing duties or clean and let everything build right until the end. The opener was so mad they went and got my boss to come down and look at the place the morning after and he pulled lazy coworker into a meeting about it that night, saying there was no reason she had to stay back an hour past her clock out time and still leave the place looking like a dump. I had to work with her that next night and she was being really passive aggressive to me abt it, kept saying things like 'yeah it was so bad, if only SOMEONE didn't call in on us' (like get fucked, maybe if you didn't suck I wouldn't have had to prioritise my mental health).
There was an hour wait time basically all that night (something that shouldn't have happened, I saw the sales the from the night and it wasn't even that bad, they're all just that slow) and a shit ton of people complained about either not receiving their food, or the food they did get being cold/not cooked properly. The managers on that night had to get called over a bunch to do a lot of voids and refunds. One of my regulars who was in that night said things didn't even look busy, the person on close just spent more time leaning around or freaking out then actually doing anything.
As for myself and the 2 others who called in, we all had a really good day off. The midshift was telling me how they spent the day relaxing and even got themself a little spa day, I ended up catching up on some chores work had severely pushed back and the other chick just relaxed at home all night. No one walked out and the place didn't burn down, so it's a little anti-climatic ik, but oh well. Good day for us, not so good for the others :3 It was nice at least that they got a taste of what we have to deal with whenever they're on.
Posted by admin Rodney
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