#i don't want to say 'senpai noticed me' but... thats really how it be
Hope this is the request? Just joined Tumblr a week or two ago so I’m a bit new.
Can I request a F (female) reader x Twisted Wonderland housewardens but the reader has butterfly wings? And the butterfly wing colors are similar to the dorm colors?
So that when(or if) the dorm leaders ever ask to touch her wings, the feeling of the scales (I watched a butterfly and flower documentary, YES, the wings are made of “scales”) surprises them because reader’s wings aren’t as weak as an actual butterfly’s?
Hopefully that made sense. Anyway, I hope you have a lovely day!
This is infact the request, my friend! and Welcome to Tumblr! Trey really likes your idea! Butterfly Reader!! (Kinda reminds me of Aponia from honkai lol-)
F!Reader with Butterfly wings!
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He is quite mesmerized by your wings, they have such a beautiful, bright, luminescent red, they sparkle and shine in the sunlight as if they were made of stained glass, their movements are elegent as well, wether you're using them to fly, just standing idle, or walking, your wings seem to always be moving or fluttering... He wonders what they feel like... are they soft? rough? what kind of texture do they have? are they sensitive? He must learn more.
"Reader... Could I touch your wings?" Riddle asks suddenly, in the middle of your study session.
"Hm? My wings? Why do you ask?" You ask back, what made him so curious, you wonder...
"Well... I just haven't seen anything like them before! I would... like to learn more about wings like this, so... I thought asking you would help..." He answered, his face filled with blush from embarassment, you giggle slightly at him.
"Well then, in that case, go ahead. They aren't very sensitive, so don't worry about that." You say, as you extend your wings for him, you can feel him gently put a gloveless hand on them, feeling their scaly, tough texture, he examined them as if they were an artifact as a museum. "They're beautiful, aren't they?" you ask him, he replies with a content hum, as he touches the scales with the utmost care. Most butterflies he had seen have fragile wings, but yours are tough. it amazes him how unique you are.
He'd most likely not care about them that much, all he really cares about is laying on your lap and falling asleep... Although... Curiousity does kill the cat, so he eventually gives in and starts thinking things like, "How do herbivores wings work?" or "Are the wings soft enough to sleep comfortably on?"
Of course, he can't just ask you, that would be to embarassing for him... so instead he tends to examine them from afar. He's noticed that your wings have a bright luminescent orange color, and are quite big in size, he can slightly see the rough, scaly texture through the sunlight that reflects off of them, they're also very lively, moving softly in the wind or fluttering through the air... at the end of the day, all the questions are answered, "No, they are not soft enough to sleep on" and "They work like regular butterfly wings, nothing special" and thats all... until he wants to get a closer look, so he gives in and demands asks to touch them.
"Oi, herbivore, let me see your wings." he demands asks.
"My wings? Uhhm... okay?" you comply, extending your wings, he touches them and examines them, while you stare at him confused. He feels the rough, scaly texture against his finger, and the strength of your wings was more than average for a butterfly... these things could knock someone out if you wanted them to.
"Are you really that curious about my wings, Leona-senpai?" you ask, he lets out a grunt and just keeps examining them, he win't admit... but he quite likes them.
Ah, yes... the beautiful butterfly of Night Raven... your name runs through the school like running water following a strong current. He's quite intrested in them, and has even thought about making a contract with you so he can take them for himself borrow them. he knows from the times he has seen you, that your wings are a beautiful violet with black viens, like a monarch butterfly... but make it purple. He sometimes has the twins report your daily life to him.
"Greetings, Reader!" He greets as he approaches behind you, he usual smug expression.
"Hm? Oh... Azul... hello." You greet him back, "What brings you here?" you ask him.
"Well, I was quite curious about your wing like apphendanges, would you be so kind as to indulge me in some information?" He asks formally, with his smug smile.
"Well... you can touch them... if that helps." you offer, as you extend your large wings.
"Are you sure? I would not wish to harm them..." he sighs.
"They're not sensitive, and they're quite strong, so... go ahead." you smile, he takes off one of his gloves and gently touches one of them, feeling the scaly texture and toughness.
"They are quite mesmerizing..." He mutters, touching them gently. He seemed completely entranced by them, the way they glitter and shine... He is at a loss for words at their beauty.
He thinks they're so pretty!! The deep red color, the black veins and edges, how sparkly they are... he loves it all! He asks to touch them often, because he thinks they're just so cool!
"Readerrrr! Can I touch your wings again?" He asks you, a big smile on his face as he ran in to hug you.
"Hehehe! But of course you can! here!" you smile as you extend your wings for him, he traces his finger along all the veins carefully, feeling the scaly, tough texture of your wings, he admires the beautiful red in which they are... The boy finds them so pretty, he'll never leave you alone about it.
Such beauty... he has never seen anything like it! the way they sparkle... their beautiful purple color... it mesmerizes him everytime you walk in the room. He helps you put together matching outfits and makeup looks to go with your wings, sparkly purple dress, purple eyeshadow, purple nails... he goes all out with it when you let him. He finds the scaly texture quite... rough... He knows its natural for butterfly wings to have such a texture, but he just doesn't really like the feeling of them... I feel he'd like smoother textures rather than rough scaly ones (same) so he doesn't touch them often, but he enjoys admiring them like an art piece at a museum.
"Which dress would you like to try today, dear? This one without the straps, or this one with the flowing sleeves?"
"I quite like the one with the flowing sleeves! I feel like it would match the wings more!"
"Good choice, darling! Now... for that makeup for yours... let's get you all dolled up!"
Woahhh! You're like one of those anime characters!
He likes the wings a lot! He might try to convince you to cosplay some of his favorite characters if they have wings, he also likes the pretty bright cyan color they have... so shiny and pretty... matches the dorm too!
He has a slight tendancy to fall asleep in your wings. Despite the scaly texture, they're super warm when wrapped around him like a blanket, making it all the more comfortable.
"...why are your wings so scaly yet so warm and comfy...?"
"I suppose thats just how they work, hehe..."
"I'm making you my new blanket..."
Beautiful wings in which suit the face of his beautiful child of ma... wait... child of butterfly? But nicknames aside, he adores your wings, they make you unique, their color is such a beautoful green... the texture of beautiful scales... he adores them. He knows his way in wing care, being a dragon, so he helps you take care of your wings, meaning he touches them.
"Child of Butterfly... come closer, allow ne to apply this cream to your wings, it will help moisturize the scales!"
"Will it really?"
"but of course, being one with wings myself, I would know, my dear child of butterfly"
(sorry if this kinda sucks, Trey's just getting out of writers block and their break so...)
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mysteryshoptls · 1 year
SSR Idia Shroud Masquerade Dress Personal Story: Part 3
"Even if you say you believe in me..."
(Part 1) (Part 2) Part 3
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[Noble Bell College]
Silver: We've almost arrived at the lecture hall where the masquerade is being held.
Sebek: Silver and I are going to be watching you carefully to make sure you don't try to slip away!
Idia: Urgh. The showtime's getting closer… and closer, and closer... This is my biggest nightmare…!
Idia: Urk, I hate this. I can't do this. There's no way I can do this… How can I possibly sing besides those two who're brimming with confidence…?
Sebek: Are you still griping to yourself? You sure are a hopeless human…
Idia: I mean, think about it… We're going to gift a song, but is anyone actually gonna be happy to receive this?
Idia: Both Malleus-shi and Azul-shi, as well as all the other backing chorus folk were practicing and getting super into it, but…
Idia: What makes any of them think that our singing voice is worthy of gifting? Sorry, but I'm def not as optimistic as they all are.
Sebek: What did you say…!?
Idia: I don't want to hold all you happy-go-lucky folks back, so don'tcha think I should just not participate?
Idia: Don't think anyone'll notice if just one of us disappears… Or, I could just join the backing chorus and lip sync…
Sebek: How dare you come this far and still be constantly whining…!?
Silver: ...THATS ENOUGH!
Sebek/Idia: HUH?
Idia: Was that bellow… Was that from Silver-shi, not Sebek-shi…?
Silver: Idia-senpai. Why do you always state such self-deprecating things?
Silver: At times, even pessimistic words can alleviate expectations… But that doesn't mean you should only ever be speaking like that.
Silver: Your behavior, as well as your future actions, will be pulled down by those dark words in the end!
Idia: Wh-What's with that super serious tone… Huh!?
Idia: And it's not really being self-deprecating, I mean, I told you guys from the beginning that there's no way I could be a main vocalist, didn't I?
Silver: I disagree. I know that you want to sing with everyone deep down in your heart.
Silver: Were you not practicing in your room every day by yourself ever since you were chosen as one of the main vocalists?
Sebek: …Ortho came to Diasomnia when you weren't there.
Sebek: He came to tell us and Malleus-sama to believe in you, because you were properly practicing in your room.
Idia: Ortho did…?
Silver: It matters not if the song is a success. It is meaningful enough that we all did our best as one cohesive unit.
Silver: I'm certain you understand that, Idia-senpai. That's why you continued to practice, did you not?
Silver: And yet, just before the performance, you wish to give up and run away?
Idia: …
Silver: There are people who believe in you.
Silver: Not just Ortho. But Malleus-sama, Azul, and everyone else, too… That includes me, as well.
Silver: Please, do not let us down.
Idia: …
Idia: Even if you say you believe in me… Hearing it from people I don't really know isn't really… What am I supposed to do with that…?
Sebek: …Humph, he's clammed up. That was an uncharacteristically long speech, coming from you, Silver.
Sebek: Let's go, human. We're here at the masquerade venue.
Idia: …
Idia: …I really don't know what I'm supposed to do with that super serious lecture just now. Ugh, so scary. This is why I don't like Diasomnia.
Idia: …
Idia: Don't let them down, huh…
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[Noble Bell College – Lecture Hall]
Malleus: Well then… Is everyone ready?
Malleus: Come, this shall be one unforgettable night.
Idia: It's starting…!
Idia: Urgh… Singing isn't in my character at all.
Idia: I know that better than anyone.
Idia: But…
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Sebek: …Ortho came to Diasomnia when you weren't there.
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Silver: Please, do not let us down.
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Malleus: Shroud, you seem to be clutching your head, are you alright? We will begin the song soon.
Azul: Please fix the position of your hat quickly. You cannot run after coming this far.
Idia: I'll do it, 'cause I have to.
Idia: I'll show them all what I can do!
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Idia: Aah… It's finally over… The gift of song… At the masquerade…
Idia: …Huh. I mean, once I started singing, it actually wasn't that bad.
Silver: Idia-senpai.
Idia: Urk. It's Captain Serious…!
Idia: Wh-Wh-Wh-What do you want!? If you're gonna try to flatter me, I've already heard enough… Ah!
Idia: Or what, are you coming to find something else wrong with me…!?
Silver: I thought perhaps the way I worded everything earlier did not reflect my feelings to you properly, so I've come to speak to you once more.
Silver: I apologize for my rudeness before the masquerade. In my desire to give you an encouraging push, I may have gone too far…
Silver: That was a spectacular performance. I think you had a lovely singing voice that truly conveyed the song's emotions to everyone.
Silver: Ortho was absolutely correct when he said that your singing was sublime.
Silver: I will make sure to tell Ortho of your brave effort once we return to Night Raven College.
Idia: …I mean, it's nothing that amazing?
Idia: I-I don't really need you to say anything, I'll be telling Ortho about this myself…
Silver: Is that so? You two are very close.
Idia: Yeah. There's a ton I want to tell Ortho about this social exchange, so…
Idia: I guess I can tell him the song was a hit… And if I can survive the masquerade that comes now, then…
Idia: Then I think he'll be very happy, and I won't have let him down.
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(Part 1) (Part 2) Part 3
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spatio-rift · 8 months
Hello! I wanted to ask your favourite ships and the ones that you don't really like and why
Hiiii thank you for asking i love to talk about stuff like that and procrastinating on work. i think in recent years ive been enjoying comedic dynamics the most ^_^ i love to laugh and the best kind of dynamics (romantic or otherwise) to me are ones that are funny first and foremost. and theyre best when theres something compelling about it but still a lot of room to play around.
a funny thing ive noticed also is that for most of the media i really really like i care about a platonic unit including the ship/at least one character more than the ship itself? like strky > imakasa, taka (oto) > suika, $quad > kubometo.... like the shipping is funny but the platonic unit is where i get the warm feelings from.
now to actually answer the question ^_^
my favorite ships are the ones cited above as i said mainly because theyre hilarious to me. but i also like that suika dont necessarily like eachother but grow to care deeply for eachother, and the plausible possibility of a history together in oto as kids from how much they know about each other despite being so hostile in early hebi. what happened there... its funny asf but It Could Be That Deep. and also i like the idea that they still hold a massive grudge against sasuke literally 15 years after he fucked them over even though the man doesnt care and probably doesnt even remember. ive always liked the idea that they could have bonded when they reunited during the war over both being mad at him for treating them like dirt but alas kishimoto decided karin still being into sasuke and beating the shit out of suigetsu was funnier.
kubometo and imakasa have a lot less going on, mostly i just find them absolutely hilarious. imayoshi in knb is mostly presented as weird menacing and creepy from seirins pov so imakasa (and strky) is a fun way to play around with his sillier traits, because in that unit hes not a scary opponent determined to do everything in his power to win, hes not an eccentric senpai that never says what hes thinking to his teammates... around kasamatsu and other dudes his age hes just a gay little freak. its refreshing!
i will not pretend kubometo has anything like this going on. its just really funny to me! so many things in saipsi are, but this one really scratches an itch for me. i would actually say that trying to make it deeper than it is and write about it seriously makes it a lot less interesting for me. well thats just my saipsi philosophy in general ^_^ if you start thinking too hard about it it becomes less funny, which is a capital mistake when enjoying a gag manga.
Erm ! for the ships i do not like.... there are so many but out of respect for some beloved followers i wont mention the ones that i really hate just because im biased as hell and no other reason (lol). lets just talk about a few that i have actual arguments for.
for saipsi i dont mind a lot of things as long as it is made funny by people who like it (otherwise i just do not care) but when it comes to saiko and kusuo im sorry we need to stop what is happening here. Out of every possible pairing in saipsi why these two. asou made saiko because financial power was the only thing he could think of at the time that was left to be a challenge to kusuos powers, and then he never really pitted them against each other because it was (offense number 1) already done (kusuos dynamic with kokomi and her divine beauty esp in earlier saipsi revolves around the exact same thing) and (offense number 2) literally not even funny.
their main reasons for interacting are 1) one sided rivalry because of kokomis crush on kusuo, which was abandoned Very Quickly and thank god for that because it wasnt funny at all and made saiko less likeable with each panel (and it encroached on makotos reason for existing in the work as well) 2) The Purge, except saiko never ever learns who that cyborg ciderman cosplayer that humiliated him was. kusuo barely registers in saikos mind past his introduction like he really doesnt care. the ones that consistently and meaningfully interact with him are always nendou, aren and kaidou, kusuos just always around so we actually witness it. it actually matters a lot to me that saiko is one of the only characters that are in the (extended) friendgroup not because of kusuo but mainly because of first kokomi and then nendou. so why make him and kusuo a thing?? theres nothing there! (heavy breathing) sorry if you like saisai i had to get it off my chest.
i think one other ship that i really do not like now for Actual Reasons is hanaima from knb. i used to be a Huge fan but as with a lot of things in this godforsaken fandom my enjoyment of it was really soured by people who just Did Not Get It. hanaima is the ship for people who want a ~Dark and Edgy~ dynamic in a highschool basketball manga. people who like it generally dont understand hanamiya and imayoshi as characters and the actual dynamic they have, they just want to write about abuse and poor little meow meow hanamiya and yandere sadist imayoshi and stuff like that. One! hanamiya is not scared of imayoshi he just hates him for being annoying and weird and not letting him do whatever he wants which is injure people and ruin their dreams! Two! imayoshi is kind of a freak but he is kind! whatever awful thing you think imayoshi did to hanamiya in middle school that explains why hanamiya doesnt want to do anything with him now is complete bullshit! its not about imayoshi being evil or an abuser or anything like that ITS ABOUT HANAMIYAS EGO! at most imayoshi is just annoying because messing w people hes fond of is his favorite past time!
ah well there are more things that people get wrong about their characters and dynamic but lets not increase my heart rate too much i wouldnt survive it. if i had to sum it up i think ships i do not like are either just offensively unfunny or like, the idea of the ship goes against established character so forcing it to happen makes them awfully ooc to the point of being near unrecognizable. like i know anything can happen in the mind of a fan but i like these characters for a reason, you know?! Erm well i dont know how to end this rant now so ill just say thank you for asking and sorry if its a boring read, just talking about myself and all ...!
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retconomics · 5 years
Played your game, bloody intrigued where you're going with it!! Nice way of building suspense and keeping the player in the dark. Also, Nine
NAVGJSCVWJHVBK WHAT THE FUCK O MJY FSBKS GOD THSA okayi m i didn’t expect jhdvadhaksjdejkfkkqhkfb
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i’m… oh man i’m so flattered you tried it out honestly i feel the need to apologize for how unpolished it all is my gosh i wish i’d had more of it actually written out! But thank you so much that means so much coming from you!! I for real stared at my computer monitor for a full minute just short-circuiting when i saw this ask im going nuts over here
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flaray25 · 2 years
It's been so long since I missed this ask box. Here's a question for you Octipus, How many in a total SpongeBob AUs do you have? and if you have so many why don't you explain them? I like lores so please do.
SURE THING! Actually i have so many... MANY AUs ive created. Give me a moment.
Detective partners, vampire au, the badass savage bob, future au, changed au, yandere au, soft universe (softbob), forced family au (abusedbob), flowers au, agent au (seriousbob who is rich but yeah doesnt tell anyone), mermaid au, the end of his (error), the death of spongebob (ghostbob which is pending because i have it on tumblr for askings but was moved to wattpad since i dont do the asks anymore), spongetale(soldierbob,poetrypatrick and prince tentacles which i publish stories still going on wattpad), and switched universe, past au, toh au which is the owl house, extraordinary au, covered au, the other future au, Zombie Apocalypse au, Legendary au, Stoned au
Extra ordinary au
Its an au of soongebob and his friends are in college where he is a freshman there
Also ZU
Zombie universe
I made so many plots of this au and still working on it. So like basically a random person visits in the town of bikini bottom. Offers the people some yummy cake just (take it as a nutshell) so everyone eats it. Except for pearl, larry, puff, krabs, plankton whatever others. Spongebob who woke up middle of the night had noticed the town gone crazy and decide to pack his things. So he's with the civilains crew now. Sandy cant lead so she takes a choice to give her leader role to Spongebob. Sb did take the job seriously and yeah he has been serious from now. And squidward isnt there he is on his own house living there and eating food to survive ehhh pretty much thats it. Squilliam is loyal and trustworthy as he has a scar on his eye, patrick and sandy are spongebob's follower.
Detective partners au
Its an au where spongebob is in disguise as a non recogniced man so in that au squidward doesnt know that his partner is actually spongebob in disguise
Vampire au
Its an au where spongebob got bit by a vampire. He never wanted to hurt anyone while he's turning to one. It started just night. Squidward and spongebob are walking home. A vampire is about to attack squidward until spongebob stepped and took the hit just to save squidward.
The badass savage bob au
Actually this is his alter ego. Take the hatred words to him too far then you'll taste the dirt.
Future au
So spongebob and squidward are like married now. Um so like the ships i like are basically just dating and working successfuly on their jobs.
Changed au
Spongebob like- realize how much happiness he had and saw people on the other side that made him get it that. "You cant always be happy everyday" thats where he noticed that everyday he smiles the day he feels bored. So Squidward seeing how much Spongebob doesnt smile alot makes him miss it.
Yandere au
So this is like spongebob being a yandere squidward is his senpai and squilvia is like inlove with squidward so he cliche killed squilvia and says to squidward ohhh you're all mineeeeee
Soft universe au
Spongebob is- softie. Such as everyone too
Forced family au
This contains abused bob
Its where his foster parents took a visist and saw how much he changed and was disgusted. They decided to change his style, his personality, and his life. So if he talks back to his parents in return they give him a bruise.
Flowers au
This is like flowerfell (its like from undertale but a flowerfell au where frisk got toxic flowers and sans the one who cries telling her not to disappear)
Agent au
Spongebob using his personality wisely he never tells everyone that he is really rich. He doesn't tell them that he has another job working as an agent.
Mermaid au
Spongebob is a mermaid, patrick is a mermaid too, squidward and sandy and also plankton are human pirates. So- plankton is the captain, sandra is the one who check maps and uses her telescope, and squidward is just the one who cleans up the boat floor, make food, and basically trying to catch fish on the net to eat. Meanwhile in the mermaids. Spongebob is a prince mermaid, patrick is a prince too (patrick and spongebob are both siblings in this au) so his father is the king ruler. The kind one ruler perhaps heheh. Patrick gets pretty bored and lazy but he plays the act of happy when he's around with the mermaids praising him. Spongebob on the other side. He feels sick of just smile wave and talk to the mermaids he just wants to explore, as he explores away and away from the ocean. He caught a glimpse of an anchor there he followed the chains up to the surface. And as he reached it, he saw people with feet and he was pretty shocked. His father never told him to be aware of humans. Plankton noticed him and takes the spear and tries to aim him. He got a small cut on his left cheek but it didnt matter. He almost fled until squidward pulls out the fishing net and throws it to the ocean. There spongebob was caught and it was too late. Above water. His fishtail transformed to human legs. And there he was scared of them. The three of them looked at spongebob stunned and puts him some clothes on. Squidward who felt like there was a light. Or atleast he thought it was nothing. Asks him his name. He says that his name is Robert Martin. Squidward looked at Spongebob with a cocked eyebrow and just told him that he'll start working to what's best that makes him feel interested. Spongebob says cooking and Squidward doesnt trust him. So his father king and his brother patrick is aware and wants to bring prince spongebob back.
The end of his
This is an au of Error Bob
Its where he fell asleep and woke up in a black void with fear and panic. In the town at reality they noticed Spongebob is missing for a week now. Squidward is worried sick. He falls asleep and was awoken by Spongebob's voice. He stands up seeing a complete empty black void and he met spongebob and the black void changed to white. Spongebob's eyes turned different colors and his body glitching since he had stayed to the void for tooo long.
The death of spongebob
This is Ghostbob! An au where i created his ghost form.
So squilliam rants to spongebob. Spongebob comforts him. They both say their goodbyes and also squilliam saying thank you. Spongebob stopped for a moment and saw a boatmobile speeding up and then he pushed squilliam aside and then he died. As he's dead now and so alone. A friendly angel gave him a task which could only do it by once. Its where to do their last wish and things they havent done before they go. So spongebob was upset that he knows he needs to confess his love for squidward. The angel told him that he only has up to 5 days. Spongebob accepts and gets put down back on the town. :D
I actually have this fanfic on my wattpad.
Spongebob is a soldier
Patrick is a poetry
Squidward is a prince
Sandy is an assasin and an inventor
Plankton is a chef or butcher whatever
Karen is a cooker/baker
Krabs is a janitor
Switched Universe
Its a future where squidward and squilvia got married and have a daughter and Spongebob moving on his dream and works as a manager and a famous worker in bikini bottom.
Past au
Its an au where spongebob gets bullied in his school year alot and used to have a boyfriend named jessie. He has three siblings too.
The owl house spongebob au
Its just an au of-
Spongebob is luz
Squidward is amity
Sandy is willow
Patrick is gus
Squilliam is hunter
The other future au
This is the one au i've made since 2021 and i started it off as a thought and made their actual changed personalities in the future. This au is called "The other future AU" this au is where Squidward continues off his move with his friend Squilliam together at bass vegas. After one year, everything began to change. Sandy is with her girlfriend Karen, they both are in texas. Plankton and Krabs called a truce for both of them. Patrick and Mindy are married and both work for Patrick's show. Patrick is smart now yay. Spongebob owns the krusty krab, eugene quits the job and gives it to Spongebob because he's old. Spongebob changed into a mature young man. He works hard and always there for his friend Patrick. (He had grown hair he never cuts it so he makes a bun) Squidward on the other side is with Squilliam. They both got to know each other very well. Squidward changed into a better person (i kind person). Squilliam is a nice person now and a bit impatient. Squidward and Spongebob realise that they both cant do it without the ones they both missed. It's being together but they are both far away. (They both text but they both cant call) Three years later, Squidward decide to visit bikini bottom. Spongebob is taking a walk around bikini bottom, until the both of them met in person.
Extra ordinary AU 2003 (exact actual ages were calculated)
Just where Spongebob in his first freshman college. (Patrick and him are room mates. So they both have their friendship together for years.) He met Squidward at art class and tries to talk to him in music class. Mindy(the princess) is the principal's daughter. Sandy is on the other dorm and just close to spongebob's and Patrick's the three of them always hang out during breaktime. Karen (the computer wife) works as the one who deliver foods to the cafeteria seats. Plankton is the one who cooks, mr krabs is a janitor. His daughter pearl is on her 8th grade learning together with her friends.
Legendary au
(spongebob is the goddess of loyalty)he knew that he has powers when he was 4 so he played it carefully and not wanting anyone to see it but Patrick finds it out anyway but he doesnt tell anyone and he keeps it a secret too. Spongebob grew up and tried studying mythology until he found a dusty book that fell from the top of the bookshelf. He took more research in the book thats where he found one page that looks familiar. A symbol that matches on his left wrist. It took him just a moment and now that he found out that he is the goddess of loyalty, he couldnt believe it since the goddess of loyalty and the magic that the goddess had disappeared thousands of years ago and its supposed to be impossible since it is a myth. Spongebob believed it was true because it is possible, he has his powers that humans doesnt have. He kept the book and saw some news that people randomly disappear one by one the journalist perch says that it could be a new villain that everyone would fear. They all know that there is no hero and the hero doesnt exist spongebob certainly knows that he is the hero or aka chosen hero or whatev. Spongebob tells to patrick about this situation and he helps. So spongebob trained how much powers he has and abilities stamina or how much fast he can fight its like martial arts whatevs so ye. Bonus+ the villain of this au is mindy who is controlled by the goddess of evil Hecate
Stoned au
Spongebob is petrified ever since man ray shot him. Squidward's appearance are changed and like a new person. He and Sandy are trying to experiment to have a de-petrifying potion for Spongebob.
Those are the total i have in mind. Im kind of an au lore maker sooo. I might tell you if i have a new sb au coming up but still. Your jaw might drop because i have this many in my mind.
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stray-tori · 3 years
TPN Vol 8 - Chapter 62-65 First Thoughts
note: some of the content here might be redundant with standalone posts. I sometimes add in thoughts when I get them later.
when geezer's thoughts said "thats not it" it reminded me of his attack in vol 7 where he said "that's not true", and I was honestly expecting for Lucas that it would be "you need to shut up" and im kind of disappointed that it wasn't bc that would have been so emotional jesus christ
also, that his name is blurred out.... I have a hard time believing its just meta, so do you think he's actually forgotten his name or sth? i feel like you could have easily just not have him say his name then like whats the point of putting it there just to blur it aside from trolling your readers i guess
and your anime-onlies who know his name but have agreed not to name-drop so it's just suffering now pff-
it's a hunting ground for nobles, huh? how do you know? Aren't the nobles also in charge of the farms? So they... follow the promise by doing production but then ALSO...... give children to a hunting ground? (but I guess only humans can break the promise so IHDKJKDS OKAY THEN-)
Like there's the two options here:
it's a SECRET hunting ground - the children there are escapees + probably the stolen children Sonju has mentioned he hears about. But demons PROBABLY can't steal from the highest farms right and we've heard that the children in the mass production farms can't even TALK, much less be fun to hunt (now, of course, the validity of Sonju's claims is starkly questioned by geezer-senpai's existence to begin with; so it might just be unreliable exposition).
it's a "secret" hunting ground - escapees are captured and more children are given to the hunting ground by the farms. This could be to appease the demon nobles who "want to hunt humans", so they don't cause problems for the power system the farm nobles have build up. And the "stealing children" is just a cover up for the public (would make sense with the IMMENSE security farms have AND would lign up with what Sonju said not being the entire truth)
IF option 2) is the case, it would imply that not EVERY child shipped out would be gupna'd on the spot (and instead delivered to a hunting ground) - I have accepted it as the procedure but actually, we've only confirmed it with Conny. the only other case we could have - Norman - wasn't seen being gupna'd.
But what doesn't make sense to me is that: the nobles want their highest grade meat, right?
So two options again: 1) there's 2 groups of nobles - ones that just eat them gupna'd and one that wants to hunt them (GP) - OR 2) there is only one group, the latter.
That would be easy to think about but is probably not the case. not every gourmet wants to kill it himself.
And while I think it'd be more reasonable for the farms to be in on it, I think it causes an inconsistency: If escapees get captured by GP, it'd have to be in secret because there's no way the nobles would let up on their meal, right? UNLESS every high quality meat ends up in GP and GP is just what is referred to as the "tifari ceremony" by grandma Sarah. I'm not sure if that is the case though, especially because "the 3 can be shipped out as scheduled" but Emma's birthday hasn't happened yet so she'd not be there normally by now.
IT COULD BE completely off of the farm nobles, but I just have a hard time believing they'd never notice the hunting grounds NOR notice any BIG DEMON, yknow, swooping over the fence and stealing a CHILD. IDK haha- it seems like it'd be a lot smarter to just give them food voluntarily to avoid possible chaos.
But maybe not the highest grade and that's why they're also always on the lookout for escapees - which I STILL THINK aren't common enough to warrant keeping an eye on the ENTIRE territory and which demons are regenerated a lot BUT HEY THAT'S JUST ME. So they are appeased by the government (essentially) but they also keep highest grade escapees on their own terms.
or maybe I'm wrong and escapees really ARE common enough to fill an entire hunting ground. But if that is the case, it DEFINITELY is behind the farm nobles' back (unless they're all part of it).
SO MANY UNLESSES HELP. my brain is melting.
it's sus! It's also quite sus because the promise is to "not hunt each other anymore" BUT humans are the only ones who can break it? It seems so in favor of the demons, but the HUMANS had the UPPER HAND- so what gives? Maybe the promise is something inherently tied to demons, so without them it couldn't exist at all and that's their "upper hand" in the deal?
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these goddamn adults man
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starrynavigator · 4 years
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I got this letter from Megan and then the first thing she said to me when I found her was she wanted to move out, so I had to write a fic on how that transpired.
Note: megan's nickname for me is lollipop
Megan let out an anxious sigh. She'd been toiling over this letter for the last half an hour, reading and rereading it, making sure it sounded good enough to send to the resident representative.
"Maybe I should just toss it, this is silly of me to send anyway."
She reached for the garbage bin next to the stand when a voice interrupted her thoughts.
"What do you think you're doing, private?"
Megan bolted up, clutching the letter to her chest. Wilbur stood before her. How long had he been there, watching her agonize over this? She blushed, covering her face.
"Oh goodness, I'm sorry Wilbur. I dont mean to waste paper. I just... can't find the words to say what I'm feeling. I thought writing them out would help me feel better, but now that I have them on the page, it just seems silly."
Orville looked up from his book from behind the counter. "I could give it a read, if you'd like. I'm about as impartial as you can get!" He glanced at Wilbur and laughed. "Well, Wilbur too, but he's not much for reading."
Wilbur nodded. "Negatory, this bird has one love, and that love is flight." With that, he picked up his coffee from the desk and walked off into the back.
Orville rolled his eyes. "He's up until 2 am most days watching old compilation videos on NookTube of pilot commands."
He extended a wing to Megan. "Anyway, mind if I take a look?"
Megan fidgeted a little. "Promise you won't laugh?"
Orville snapped to attention, doing a salute. "I would never!"
Megan smiled and handed him the letter. "Let me know what you think."
She waited, watching him read over the page. He looked back at her and grinned. "This sounds just like you, Megan. I wouldn't change a thing."
He cocked his head, a little question mark appearing above it. "What did you get them that took so long to decide on?"
Megan blushed. "Well, I know they like umbrellas, so I thought I'd get them a really cute one I saw the other day. But I was worried if they'd like it or not. They really seem to like ones with fun designs and I thought this would be up their alley."
"What a thoughtful gift! I'm sure they'll love it."
She pulled out the umbrella and handed it to Orville. "If you think the letter is good, would you mind sending it off with this attached before I get cold feet again?"
"Okidodoki!" Orville did his dodo magic and stuffed an umbrella into a letter and tucked it away. "Was there anything else you needed?"
"No thank you, Orville. I really appreciate your help."
"Any time!" He smiled, and Megan took her leave.
The next day, the sky darkened and rain poured down. Megan awoke to the sound of rain pattering against her windows, the rustling of the trees in the wind. She smiled, and went about making her breakfast. How fortuitous, now lollipop would be able to use their new umbrella. Just as she was putting her oatmeal on the stove, there was a knock at her door. Her heart jumped, was lollipop really up this early? She quickly opened her door, but instead found her black and white rabbit neighbor, Dotty, standing there with a bag.
"Morning! I could totes smell you cooking something scrumptious in there, so I thought I'd crash your breakfast party with some muffins!"
"Oh, good morning, sundae! Come on in, I'd love the company!" Megan let her inside. "Maybe even more than your muffins."
Dotty pulled the container of muffins from her bag and set them on her table. "I made them extra sweet, since I know that's your favorite." She took a carrot cake. "Anyway, whats up with you? Got any plans today?"
Megan took the oatmeal off of the stove and served them both. "Well, i was going to go do some exercises in the plaza later but I'm not sure now, with all this rain."
Dotty nodded "ugh, right? I'm soo ready for it to be summer, go away rain! I'm gonna craft this cool mask I thought up earlier. I was watching a streamer I like do this playthrough of a video game, and I was only half paying attention but I kept seeing these cuuute little forest things that wore leafs as masks! So I'm gonna go recreate them so I can do a little closet cosplay of them, doodle dip."
Megan smiled at her friend's enthusiasm. "That sounds like fun! I'll be sure to tell Riley you're crafting when I see them, you know how they love learning new DIY recipes."
An explanation mark appeared above Dotty's head. "Thats right! Weren't you working for like, eeeveerrr on finding them an umbrella? Whatd you settle on?"
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Megan reached over and grabbed a lemon poppyseed muffin out of the container. "Well, i figured since they really seem to like umbrellas that look like something else, I'd get them one that looks like a kiwi."
Dotty put her hand on her chin, thinking, a thought bubble floated above. "Thats a super cute idea, but I am worried about what they might wear with that? I like, totally don't mean to bring you down but I don't think I know anything they usually wear that goes well with green and brown."
Megans blood ran cold. She hadn't even thought about what Riley normally wears.
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"Oh gosh, I hadn't even thought of that! Shoot, I have to go see if Orville hasn't mailed it yet. Maybe I can still take it back!" Megan jumped up and threw on her raincoat.
"Wait, Megan, you really don't have to do that. I'm sure senpai-" but Megan was out the door before Dotty could finish.
*maybe there's still time... oh why didn't I consider this beforehand...*
Megan burst into Dodo Airlines, out of breath. "Orville!" She ran up to the counter. Startled by the sudden giant purple bear, Orville jumped, splashing coffee onto this uniform. Megans heart fell further.
"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry Orville!"
Orville brushed himself off. "Thats okay, it happens more often than you'd think. What's got you in a tizzy?"
"I need to unsend that letter from yesterday, I've made a terrible mistake!"
Orville frowned. "But megan, we already went over how your letter was lovely. Besides, I already placed it in their mailbox, I can't just go and steal mail back."
Megans shoulders sagged. "Oh..." sighing heavily, she walked out.
Megan retreated to the coconut grove, sitting on one of the islands Riley had made. How could she claim to be a good friend if she didn't even notice their fashion choices? What else could she be neglecting to pay attention to? No one deserved an unobservant friend like her. Dotty had only been here a month and she knew more about lollipop than she did.
Maybe it would be best for her start over again. Maybe if she made a conscious effort to observe people from the beginning, she wouldn't miss things like this.
As she sat there thinking, a figure approached. She looked up to see lollipop, who was now rushing over to her.
"Megan! I got your letter! I-"
Megan put up a paw, shaking her head. "I know, it was foolish of me to send it. Look, i.... I think I need a fresh start, on a new island. I'm not growing that well here, I'm awful at noticing things. Maybe if I go somewhere new, I'll learn how to be a better bear and a better friend."
Riley's face fell. "Megan, how could you say that? You're a wonderful friend!"
Megans eyes filled with tears. "But... but Dotty has been here way less time than I have and she knows you so well!"
"Yeah, but you know me too. You know I love umbrellas and got me one I don't have yet! And look, it helped me coordinate an outfit for today!"
Megan wiped her eyes, actually taking in what lollipop looked like today. They were wearing a lovely green blossoming kimono, kimono sandals, and the kiwi umbrella. Megan smiled, and burst into laughter crying. Riley fumbled, looking distressed.
"Oh, uh, shoot, did I say something wrong?"
Megan shook her head, smiling. "Here i was, worried about not being observant enough, and I still didnt even notice what you were wearing. Can you ever forgive me?"
Riley hugged her. "Of course, you silly old bear. Our friendship is important to me, okay? My friendships with others will be inherently different, but that doesn't invalidate ours, I promise"
Megan nodded, hugging them back. "Thanks, lollipop. "
Riley looked up at them from their embrace. "Have I buttered you up enough to convince you to stay?"
Megan laughed. "Oh, all right. Maybe I'm right where I belong, after all."
Riley released her from the hug. "Anyway, just so we're clear: I love the umbrella. You really know me well."
Megan wiped away the last of her tears. "If my gift makes you happy, then I'm happy, sundae."
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