#i dont think it'll matter that much either way because they are going to make a ton of cashola and maybe justify cranking out sequels
child-ofdust · 1 month
i wish i could just sleep forverr or maybe just be able to rot in bed every day every hour but i cant and it makes me so sad
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starlit-mansion · 9 months
Okay when i say that the fnaf movie will probably be kind of bad... i'm not saying i'm not excited about it. But i do think that the effects are going to be extremely sparingly doled out and the movie is going to struggle to fill time and probably a handful of things from the trailer are not going to make it to the screen
Still excited tho. Still going to show up opening weekend, large popcorn, big sippy, wearing several pieces of merch. Thankfully i am blessed with high credulity for movies in theatres even if they turn out to suck ass. I even decently enjoyed the illumination addams family movie. And aquaman. And mario movie. I am not immune to beautiful face, huge.
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sugar-omi · 4 months
bro that teen pregnancy shit fucked me upppp 😭 I fr am in tears and rolling around my bed lol
my brain went on a tangent halfway thru the moms section I was like damn okay what if mc and cove just ran away huh then what
AND THEN I remembered they’ve already ran away before which is part of why mom is so worried about cove’s influence and hellooooo???? full circle moment 🫢 made myself gasp fr
ya u make me think so many thoughts on this one good lordddd
tags : Angst / Hurt/Comfort, headcanons, fem/afab reader, pregnancy
[part 1: "everyone finding out cove and MC got engaged because they're pregnant"]
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his whole world stops. his ears feel like they've been stuffed with cotton and his world is spinning outta control.
now lets assume the rubber broke, just for, simplicity n lore sake.
it's not that he wasn't already worried about this happening, he had been worrying about this for weeks since you realized what happened.
but even then, he already had the fear of god in him about this happening. both because his mom and dad were on him about safe sex, but also because he has a lot of feelings about being an accident n child to teen parents... and he really didn't want to recreate that situation or put feelings like that onto another life, another human with complex emotions and many many thoughts. a human and life he's responsible for.
it shocks him so much, because he's very worried about repeating of his childhood on his child, and his kid feeling the same way he did/does.
he already knows that either way, the babe will probably have mixed feelings on being a accident, and essentially being a bump in road of his young parents lives
but it's also everything he had been worrying about, finally coming to fruition.
even though he's very, very stressed and scared for your futures, he's long since decided to make it work. he really wants to make it work. he wants to do the best by you, and the babe. and he wants to give his kid what he didn't have.
but anyway...
you're very worried about dropping the news on him
and i bought you aren't surprised at how pale cove gets when you drop the news...
and if he's not sitting down already, he is now. (he might just faint, like forreal this time too from the looks of it...)
he's very emotional, and super nervous, but what scares you is that he's very quiet...
when he does speak though, his first question is "what're.. what are you gonna do?"
because before he gets too emotional, he wants to know what you want first. you're carrying the baby and you're the one who'd go through all the changes, and you're the one who has the most intense feelings and being pregnant makes your emotions n hormones even crazier and more intensified.
all that plus how young you two are? and all the plans you two had? yeah, it's a lot, and regardless of how he feels, he wants to do whatever you want and he'd understand if you decide not to keep it.
but if you say right then and there, you wanna keep it, cove says he'll take care of you, and the babe, comforts you and hugs you. then he says wants to get married..
or if you say you dont know... cove says you two will work through these emotions, and that no matter what, he'll take care of you, and the baby if you want it.
when you do eventually say you want to keep it, even if you say this a couple minutes after, or a few days after, cove comforts you again and promises you'll work through this, and that it'll be okay.
then he brings up getting married...
of course it's more emotional, and maybe even a bit romantic!
so imagine this, you're sitting on your bed, and you and cove are hugging each other, you're wrapped up in his arms and it's a great comfort.
you're both really emotional, and calming down after crying and having a moment.
cove pulls away, takes your hands in his and even with glassy, red eyes he has a determined expression. goes on about how much he loves you, and how much he treasures you, and that he's going to do his best for you, and take care of everything.
his speech probably draws you back to tears, even brings him to tears but he keeps going because he needs to tell you all this!!
"y/n... i want to marry you, i want us to be a family.. i know i don't have a ring and this isn't very romantic but.. will you marry me?"
doesn't matter if you say yes right away or if you ask him if he's sure he wants to get married, he reassures you he's not just doing this because he thinks it is what you and/or your or his family would want.
he wants to marry you anyway, why wait?
now about telling your parents.
regardless of if you have cove there while you tell them, or you do it alone, lets say cove finds out what your mom said about him being a bad influence.
i also think your moms are a bit icy with cove too, so even if he has to force out all the details of your conversation, he already knows your moms aren't happy
but to know your mom thought, maybe even thinks so still especially with the news, that he was/is a bad influence on you.
it makes him sad. because what if she, or even both your parents, thinks that cove is dragging your life down with marriage and a baby?
well, like i said in the first post, this totally opens up a new can of insecurities and doubts, and he kinda spirals into his own mind.
he even starts thinking about what if you regret marrying him, and/or having his baby. what if you decide you hate being a parent, or being married, or being a family all together?
what if this holds you back so much that you start to resent him. god he's so afraid of you resenting him.
and your moms being short with him doesn't make him feel better because now he just had a thought, what if your family hates him so much that they start talking to you about how much of a mess this is, and then you realize how they're right, and decide to leave him, or even worse, leave him and the baby?
it's all very irrational thoughts, and when he wakes up (after maybe 3 hours sleep), he realizes it is a bit.. ridiculous. just a bit. he knows you wouldn't abandon him so easily, and you certainly wouldn't be swayed by your family
but he also wouldn't blame you if you had, or have (now or in the future), any resentments. he just really wants it to work.
i think this is also the time when he realizes exactly how much his parents divorce fucked him up.
he very determined for you two to make it work as a family. not co-parents.
he wants to see his kid every day, he wants to see you everyday, he wants to celebrate every milestone as a family and he definitely doesn't want to fight with you like his parents did. and even more so doesn't want to make your kid hear or see all of it.
he doesn't wanna fight, and then you or him walk out for hours or days. doesn't wanna sleep in separate rooms, doesn't wanna sleep by the crib to comfort himself with the presence of his darling baby, or because you two fought, like his dad used to.
doesn't wanna have to explain why mommy* and daddy are fighting, or why they don't sleep in the same room, or why they aren't talking to each other, or why they aren't living together anymore.
definitely doesn't want to explain what divorce is and what that means for them.
(*just saying mommy for simplicity sake)
but he also doesn't want to repeat what his dad did, and take on all the burden by himself.
it's hard to find a balance too, because he's torn between working his ass off to provide and prove that he can do it, that you aren't making a mistake... and accepting help, or letting himself relax sometimes.
but i think wanting to be there for you during the pregnancy, forces him to leave his days more open.
of course he still works more than usual, but he also makes sure to carve out time to see you, and be there to comfort you or bring you food, flowers, or go on a date.
remember i mentioned therapy in the last post?
please encourage him to start it. because this is a very big transition in your lives, and you both want the best for yourselves and the baby, so lets do the work before they get here, okay?
fighting with his dad
now he definitely appreciates his parents concern, and their support and words of wisdom, all that stuff...
but when his dad says something like "you don't want to end up like me and your mom." or "you shouldn't mess up your future." or even if he insistently tells cove, "think about your future! y/n's future!"
cove gets upset, just because does that mean his dad is projecting onto him, and telling him that they're fucking up just like he and mom did? or is he telling him that he's dragging your future and his into the mud?
either way, that's what makes him say something mean, just like i said in the last post:
cove would probably end up saying something (a bit) hurtful like "i would never end up like you and mom." , "i would never marry MC if i didn't know it'd work. unlike some people, i'm not gonna make my kid listen to us argue and then try to play happy family." , or "trust me, my kid won't end up with a childhood like mine." / "trust me, my marriage won't end up like yours."
he definitely hangs up the call or walks away from his dad immediately afterward, shaking with anger and anxiety. he's so stressed. and he's worked up.
after the argument, there's only 2 places cove could go at this moment. to you, or to work.
and if he's at work, he's distracted, but tries to focus on his job. he's still mad at his dad, and he already feels like crying. he really didn't need his dad to doubt him.
he gets it. he gets it, he really really does. but he feels so fragile, that he'd really appreciate a little faith.
now if he's with you, which he'd probably run to you after work anyway just so he doesn't have to face his dad yet. he's like a big baby
he's holding you, arms around your waist and his head on your stomach or lap, or you're laying on your side and he has his hand on your belly, as if he's waiting for the baby to reach for his hand through your tummy.
when he tells you what happened, and why he's so somber, please run your fingers through his hair and just listen to him for a bit... eventually he'll start rambling about all the things he's been holding onto, including his fears about you resenting him
it'll probably be a long talk, but once you reassure him that you wanna make it work too, and that you know cove will be a good dad (and vice versa), and that your moms don't hate him, they're just... upset. and worked up about the turn of events.
and you talk about his dad too, and the argument, you both realize it comes from a place of concern.
he doesn't wanna see you two try to be a family and fail. he doesn't want you to make mistakes he did while raising cove...
conclusion, it's a very fruitful conversation. and cove goes back home, teary eyed and a bit like a lost puppy, and that night he doesn't find his dad waiting for him (cliff tries to work as late as possible, both because he wanted to give cove some space, but also because he has a bad habit of avoiding situations... so when he does get home, he spends the night in his room)
of course they can't avoid each other forever, and the next day cove actually makes the effort to find his dad during his lunch break to apologize.
he said something really hurtful, that i don't think cove could live with if he didn't apologize.
his dad definitely laughs when cove mentions that you said that cove should try therapy, and even if you don't say that his dad should consider it too, cove does say to his dad that a family therapist sounds like a good idea.
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i'm on my aspd izaya bullshit again but like. thru this lens, isnt his arc a perfect encapsulation on how aspd negatively affects the person that has it? even to this day, many professionals do not believe that pwASPD suffer from aspd. like at all. to the point where aspd was specifically listed as an outlier to the "patient distress is what defines a disorder" rule in an abnormal psych textbook
(see why i don't respect the field?)
but... he does suffer! a lot! like- remember his speech to mikado at the end of the first arc? how you need to keep evolving, keep changing in order to escape the mundane? how you have to keep going and going and going, wether it be aiming high or low?
yeah. normal people don't need to do this, izaya. you are a broken person.
but why SHOULD he be content with the mundane? the things people usually have that make them content with daily life- friends, family, a purpose, a distinct lack of extreme chronic boredom that drives you to do completely insane shit- izaya doesn't HAVE any of that!
"wait, chronic boredom?" i hear yall thinking. maybe. "isnt that an adhd thing?"
more than one disorder can have the same symptom. theres like a billion that have "want to die" as a symptom. but i dont really blame you for not knowing, its not talked about much
studies have shown that aspd and adhd are both problems with the dopamine receptors in the brain. more specifically, adhd is a chronic deficiency of dopamine, whereas with aspd, when you DO get dopamine, your brain gives you quardruple the normal amount.
studies have ALSO shown there to be a sort of... adhd to aspd pipeline. the story goes like this: you have a kid with adhd. maybe they're born like that, maybe the symptoms developed from trauma (which can happen? apparently??) anyway. kid gets abused. kid develops conduct disorder as a result of that abuse, as a natural extension of the existing adhd symptoms. they're MORE impulsive, which leads to them hurting others- and if it sets off the dopamine receptors, an abused kid starving for happiness and power is gonna chase it, no matter what. theyre like, six, they dont know anything about like. morality. all they know is, theyre sad and this makes them happy. anyway kid never gets treated, abuse continues to exasperate the symptoms, and now you have an adult with aspd, AND the original adhd diagnosis! and ptsd, which is HIGHLY comorbid with aspd! and probably another personality disorder, because you're actually statistically more likely to have two of them!
anyway! that's ONE of the ways aspd can develop from trauma, which it is Known To Do.
does any of that sound pleasant to go through? at all?
let me ask you a question:
imagine you aren't getting dopamine. maybe it's your adhd. maybe you're depressed. either way, you try to get it any way you can. wether it's throwing yourself into a hobby or a job, so the sense of satisfaction gives you dopamine, or something like drugs or gambling.
now, imagine that "rush" you felt. was Four Times Stronger.
wouldnt that compel you to do increasingly dangerous and risky shit, just to feel okay? imagine if you had no friends. imagine if this was your only way to be happy. wouldnt you, eventually, stop caring about others and only care about yourself? after all, other people have thinga like friends and a family that you don't have. they have a fallback. you only have this.
and you might say, "i'd never do that!" but every addict says that, and most eventually cross that line out of sheer desperation. and this? effectively makes you into a dopamine addict. which is dangerous! you can't just STOP... gettng dopamine....! it's necessary! but you have no help so you keep doing what youre doing. (and how could you get help? its baked into the system that people like you don't suffer. why try if youll just get burned?
anyway, back to izaya.
he's lonely. he has one friend and he sucks. he feels compelled to do these things even though he KNOWS it'll hurt him.
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i stole this screenshot from some1 who insulted my friend once for something stupid <3 die
but it illustrates my point very well! does it look like he has much control over things?? he sure like to ACT like he does, but at the end of the day, he doesn't, really. he ends up spiraling more and more, doing increasingly risky and rash things, just to get his end goal... which is to die and ascend to the afterlife. a lofty goal.
aiming high, isn't he? a final, spectacular evolution.
or, it should have been.
but it wasn't.
izaya's impulses and deep desire to continue becoming more and more drastic, coupled with his lack of personal ties to anyone that could keep him from doing so....
it didn't make him ascend. it left him in a wheelchair, with chronic pain that will last his whole life.
THAT is where mental illness takes you. it doesn't make you a hollywood psychopath, reveling in the destruction you chose, of your own free will, wholly and truly, to cause. it makes you want More. no matter what, you need More. you see people content with lives worse than yours, everyone bound together with some sort of invisible thread, some sort of tie that keeps them together. a thread that missed you. your brain refuses to see people as people, thus you remain lonely forever, unsatiafied wirh company other than the superficial, because it's fun. that's all you're allowed to care about. an endless cycle of bigger and bigger actions, impulses slowly getting worse--
--and the worst part is, it tricks you into believing you ever had a choice. it tricks everyone into believing you had a choice. your suffering is worse than disregarded, to all the people you look at from your apartment, all the people you wish you could have been like.
it's nonexistant.
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katiifaetarot · 5 months
Hello friends, beings, and starlights! this is my second tarot reading here on tumblr! Im new to the tarot community (at least on this specific platform) and would like to help guide, give honest/TRUTHFUL advice, and be a safe space for anyone + everyone who feels safe here! 🧚🏽‍♀️✨️
My goals/intentions are always to help others through my experience, to teach/guide them to work on themselves, and encourage them to find the strength, courage, discipline, and honest wisdom within themselves, without looking for outside validation! ♡♡♡
This second reading is just an easy, breezy, maybe a bit HEAVY for some; what you need to hear // whatever else comes through while I channel! ( again ) ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
There are 4 piles and you will be picking through angel #'s that are right below this text! Feel free to look at the specific photos for each pile if you feel called too!
✨️🧚🏽‍♀️please choose your pile and may your intuition and inner knowing guide you to the pile with the energy most suited for you and most suited to help you along your path at this current point in time, no matter what that looks like🧚🏽‍♀️✨️
PILE 1- 555
PILE 2- 666
PILE 3- 777
PILE 4- 888
** sometimes ( most of the time ) i will pick up on multiple energies that need attention or want to be expressed during the reading so i ASK YOU TO UNDERSTAND THIS DURING MY READINGS:
** depending on how the reader (YOU) chooses to look at the situation or however the situation resonates for the reader (YOU) and because this is a general reading;
⚠️you HAVE to be able to use your better discernment + better judgement skills to fully absorb the message and be able to do the necessary work to keep you on track for the future you WANT for yourself⚠️
🧿im not a fortune teller,
i am an energy reader.🧿
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You're definitely going through some sort of gnarly OR fitting + VERY much needed rebirth; and depending on how the reader is choosing to look at this new beginning, its either a solid effort on accepting this reality and accepting you dont know everything OR you're wallowing and taking the stance of the victim. both are valid. but the 2nd perspective must change at some point......when you're ready.
This rebirth is happening inside and outside of yourself, and its causing disharmony, chaos, painful changes, and no BullSht; EMOTIONAL DAMAGE!! but also.....its creating new ideas, new inspiration, new LIFE!! figuratively OR literally(👀).
Its helping you adapt to lifes twists, turns, and all the windy messes in between. This isnt supposed to be a comforting message.....but its also not meant to scare you either. This message is about acceptance.
Accept and celebrate how far you've come but accept and acknowledge your mistakes and missteps, identifying how to move better or correctly for next time. Accept things as they are now but accept the emotional turmoil that may come along with that. Accept the missed opportunities but PLEASE also accept that there is better for you, out there, somewhere, I PROMISE!!
This specific rebirth is happening in your life, at this specific time because its trying to get you to SHED all the outgrown aspects of your life so you are more able to see the life that you deserve and go after your dreams/plans/goals in a more confident, conscious, considerate, aware, authentic, healthy, and ((all that good stuff)) , WAY!!!
It'll take some time, some tears, hardwork, determination, mental fortitude, faith, and trust....but YOU believe in YOU, and I believe in YOU!! so start living again, in ways that make sense to you. Feel right to you.
think of yourself as emerging from the womb again: make up your life however you want without fear, this will lead you down a path of self discovery and hearty lessons to help you grow and change, but stay steady in who you are no matter what!
powerful stuff pile 1, but to encounter new growth, better situations, and more understanding within yourselves; you need to prepare yourself to let go of rotted wood, garbage, or dead weight in your current foundations or perspectives.
abandon the old schemes and everything that no longer belongs to you and overcome the challenges of transformation and rebirth.
xtra signs or confirmations + advice:
•realizing // focusing on the repeating cycles,patterns,lessons, etc currently in your life.
•facing your shadows and calling judgement upon yourself + sitting in the uncomfortableness that comes along with life.
•not being afraid or affected by outside noise or other peoples perceptions of you anymore.
•take risks again! try and make yourself smile, widen your world view, stop and appreciate whats around you, something new is coming, expect the best and it will happen!
•pluto,mushrooms,scorpio energy,rebirth,healing,TRANSFORMATION,finding your voice, change your old ways.
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HEAVY @ s$ energy. and im sorry for any betrayal felt on your part from this ending im CLEARLY picking up on. I hope you know how possible it is to move on, let go, release whatever or whoever, and just BREATHE AGAIN. I feel sick to my stomach but relieved, hurt but okay, numb but faintly hopeful for my future.....its very faint, but the emotion is there.
You've been through it and im sorry pile 2, i hope you know the more you keep pushing and getting over this percieved setback and/or tough loss that has occurred, the stronger you'll be because of it. You're going to learn such a valuabe lesson from this or you might of already learned that lesson, but either way you deserve better.....and frankly, MORE!
The big message here is to let that which must fall away, ACTUALLY FALL AWAY, and find balance between your desires and the people around you.
dont get so caught up in the what ifs, just do what feels right and speaks to your heart + listen and make decisions that your higher self would be proud of, prove your worth to yourself, NOT some else.
pile2, this is a tough message but straight-forward too. Let go, move on, heal, grow, learn,change + this process looks and feels different to everyone so whatever works 4u, lean into that!!
xtra signs or confirmations + advice:
•review your life by asking YOURSELF questions that might trigger a heartfelt response from you!!
•reclaim your power, meditate, learn about yourself, reparent yourself, help yourself and save yourself, no ones coming to help OR save you.
• "people come to see us for a reason, or sometimes just a season", focus on yourself for awhile.
• dont underrate yourself, build your confidence up, air sign sun, capricorn energy, Jupiter influence in chart, looking into the age of aquarius recently, air sign energy, astrologer or HIGHLY interested in astrology.
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which is why I must also say; you have to start taking responsibility for your own life and your own choices!! You're doing just fine standing in your power, but sometimes impulsiveness gets the better of you. And theres nothing wrong with that!!! But be careful, and ask for help when needed! Everything in moderation is always good. and that is very sound, safe, + solid advice.
life can feel like a confusing but interconnected web at times, but eventually you'll meet other people with similar expirences + ideas so even if it feels empty or lonely or confusing now, you're on the right path to find that support and stability you crave + the assistance and advice or guidance needed to help keep you straight! do not fear or worry, you're doing just fine.
ultimately the message is: when you finally realize, accept, and integrate the belief or truth that you are the engineer of your own life, you'll start to see better results and start moving your @ s$ to make better choices for your future + yourself. dont be inactive too long or you might risk losing a few good opportunities, that doesnt mean leap before you're ready, but that DOES mean doing the work NOW so you catch the good, stable, solid opportunities when they come sooner!
only you have the answers to what it is you truly want so start being honest with yourself and LAYING THE PROPER FOUNDATIONS FOR YOUR FUTURE!!!!
xtra signs or confirmations + advice:
•libra energy, venus placements, balancing of situations, the unseen is working behind the scenes, protect your ideas + your desires, be hopeful but stay realistic, logic vs emotion, listen to your heart, ignore your fears
•pray if you trust in something bigger than you!
•your gaining a sense of YOUR reality and its giving you a sense of responsibility so act on this accordingly and take this as an opportunity to learn + grow
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daammn your message came out quick and fast : there's highs AND lows in life, dont get caught up in either extreme. This reality of life is a fact, nothing you can change, so you must change your response to this reality of life.
There's sunshine+rainbows and There's darkness+shadows. There's beautiful duality everywhere. There's clear vision and There's confused outlook. What perspective do you see right now? Either is okay and Either is tremendously valid.
Believing in yourself and your dreams is hard when nobody is paying attention to your efforts or maybe commending you for your little and big wins through the process. BUT when the results do come....when the fruit is finally ready to be picked.....it feels that much more rewarding when you can look back and say " I did it. "
Stay committed towards your dreams and move forward with confidence, IN SPITE of the negativity and other things being thrown your way. Stay hopeful and optimistic. Even if its hard! Stay grateful too!! Find the light at the end of tunnel to make things easier for yourself!
You have the ability to see what others tend to miss so use this to sniff out people who are NOT on your side or maybe using you in some way!! Dont let yourself lose integrity over something stupid, walk-away when you must, to avoid any conflicts later!
xtra signs or confirmations + advice:
•4, stability, 444, strong foundations being built, cancer, leo, sun or moon placements, nurturing your mind, body, spirit.
•go steady and at a comfortable pace, ignore outside negativity, take in constructive advice, learn to control your reactions.
•you are a human with needs, wants, desires....dont be afraid to go after them!___________________________________________
I sincerely hope you received what you needed and released what you don't !! See you again soon!! Take it easyyy and just breathe and fllooowwww!!! you got this! byyeee~🧚🏽‍♀️✨️
**please let me know how I'm doing in any way you can! that is the easiest way to support me and also a good way to signal to me that I should keep going + any helpful advice from the community would be welcomed and appreciated 🥺 🥹 🙏🏼
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potionio · 3 months
Do you think the sims community has a anti-reblogging problem? If so, why?
I think it's a bit more complicated of a situation than me just going 'grr reblog!' or 'yay everything is paradise'.
I'm on new meds so if this is a bit loopy I apologise lmao.
I think a lot of people either.
Care a large amount about curating their blogs feed within very specific parameters
Do what I tend to do by accident; Like w the intention to reblog something and then forget.
Are lurkers to peoples content
Or just reblog onto sideblogs.
Some people go on here to post and then logs off.
And some people only reblog mutuals etc etc.
Like there can be a billion reasons that people don't reblog but I think the general attitude should always be, dish out what you want to be given. At the end of the day you're just helping out another person get their shit seen and imo that's more gratifying than a perfect feed or something.
I think I've just surrounded myself with a lot of people who don't fear reblogging, because I wouldn't say it's 'a anti-reblogging problem', as much as it's just that we're in an online community and everyones online experience is wildly different as is the etiquette they tend to follow.
Like I go out of my way to try and reblog posts that I really want people to see and awe at just like me, but I can't really force people to do that as well?
I think it's just important for people to keep in mind that people take notice in how you interact with people, especially in community settings where word travels fast. Treat people with kindness, encourage fellow creatives and it'll go great- treat people like they're just numbers you can make go up, and refuse to engage w other creatives and you'll probably find your growth will slow down a fuck ton eventually.
IDK I'm just a dumb fuck on the internet who in the grand scheme of things dont matter lmao, but thank you for giving me something to think abt!
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remcycl333 · 2 years
ilysm rem but i hate that mindset.
you gotta remember that some of us are living in pure shit. it’s normal & completely okay to want it to work instantly. honestly, “no matter how long it takes” some of us don want to waste anymore time on bs. for example, if my house is tearing down. hell yeah i’ll want it fixed tomorrow or i’ll be upset LMAO. i understand it’s supposed to motivate us by saying that but in all truth, it’s probably discouraging a lot of people (im not saying you should change or you’re doing anything wrong but try to see it from other peoples perspective of not wanting to wait. i feel like everyone should understand that in this community. eventually, it can be tiring) if we can’t have it when we want, what’s the point of all of this?? we are god so why settle for waiting for it to show up? why wait no matter how long it takes? nobody wants to wait a long ass time. some situations are too toxic for this waiting. i’m not sure. it’s just been so many blogs saying we can manifest instantly but then tell us just wait no matter how long it takes to be in the 3d. or that we need to do a certain thing. ofc we’ll still want our dream life, that’s why we’re here. but we’re also here to get it quickly. everyone says the 3d doesn’t matter but it does. thats where we want. we want that shit in our 4d but also the 3d too. if it’s not there, what is the point? literally.💀 that’s the problem i’m having learning about the law. it seems like a waiting game for the 3d.
so yeah, we want our desire no matter what but it’s also okay to want it now or we get frustrated. idk anybody who would want to wait. it makes sense for everyone to want it instantly and not take forever. maybe we just think differently about it idk.
i get where you are coming from and trust me, i am no stranger to toxic abusive households and situations. i empathize with you all 100%. the reason i say stuff like that is bc either you persist in the law and see changes in your 3D, or you don't and you stay in the same dangerous/scary/bad situations. if you have resources in your 3D to help yourself out of toxic situations, utilize them!! that is not the same as "ignoring the 3D"/messing with the 3D at all!! but if you don't and loa is your only hope, the reason i say not to care about how much time it is taking etc is because those thoughts are what is prolonging your manifestation from getting here. the second you think "it's not here yet wtf but its been x amount of time" your subconscious mind goes "so true bestie its not here yet." that's the reason we say not to care about time. i know it's hard, but if the only way to save yourself from a toxic situation is to use the loa and essentially think your way out, you have to discipline your mind and put in the effort.
something i think a lot of people don't understand is that thinking positively and affirming and cutting out negative thoughts does not pose any risk to you at all. i know that it can feel comforting to keep your focus on the situation and you feel like it'll all come crumbling down if you take your attention off of it, but that's not true. it takes bravery to be able to give you're all into loa. applying the law will only help you, not harm you.
also when we say the 3D doesn't matter, we mean that the circumstances in your 3D that are telling you you don't have your manifestation, that it will never come, that it's impossible, etc, don't matter. of course we all want our manifestations in the 3D, that's why we do all of this!! but when it shows you something you don't like you have to ignore it bc it is going to change and your current circumstances aren't permanent!!
yes, obviously we all want our desires instantly, but to not try to manifest unless it will manifest instantly? that's like if someone offered you one million dollars but it wouldn't be deposited into your bank until the end of the week and you said well nevermind i dont want it anymore then.
ofc you can manifest instantly, but i've noticed over time throughout my journey that my manifestations come so much quicker when i stop obsessing over the time and trying to make it come faster. don't add unnecessary resistance to your manifestations!!
do not waste your power. if you dont want to "wait a long ass time" discipline your mind and apply what we are telling you and stop complaining. the law is 100% real, most of you just aren't willing to deviate from your comfortable thought patterns. whether or you not get your shit is up to you and only you. there's nothing i can say or do that'll help you unless you're willing to apply it.
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meimi-haneoka · 6 months
I honestly have so many feelings after reading the latest chapter. The characters have all grown so much, and they've really been showing their maturity and growth in handling situations (cough Kaito finally came to his senses) Especially Sakura, who I've grown up with in a way too! From the original series till now, finding it really lovely how she can be genuinely happy for Akiho and Kaito, and their decision to travel (comparing to how she reacted when both Eriol and Syaoran were moving away at the end of the salira card arc) and Kaito. Dear Kaito. He finally came to his senses and apologised. Really glad there was no translation errors for the apology, or I would have been MAD. Haha. Anyway, thank you again for the translation post! After reading it and the latest chapter I had a couple questions.
1. What's the price yukito paid? I dont recall it ever being discussed. He mentioned that it was a secret to Sakura and that's that.
2. In chap 42, (parents day) when Syaoran and Kaito fought, Kaito mentioned something about the future that was divined coming to pass. Did we ever get an explanation for that line?
I think overall they tied up the story so well. It's a very sweet ending for them, but definitely a little sad that they decided to travel (though I understand their reasons) I hope that the extra chaper(?) They show us snippets their new life :)
Side note: I was looking back at the clear cards, and realized that the "dreaming card" is actually named "yumemi" as you mentioned in one of your translation posts. And the MCF eventually turned out to be Lillie!! A powerful yumemi. I like how they added this little detail to uncover!!
Hiii, so glad to receive your ask!!! I'm glad to see you've read the final chapter and were quite satisfied with it! I also really enjoyed observing Sakura's growth along the way, it was amazing. When you're in the middle of it, it feels like she's stuck, she's manipulated by everyone (not only Kaito) because everyone is hiding things from her, but most importantly, she doesn't look like she's really trusting her magic capabilities in the beginning and she's quite "lukewarm" about all of it.
And that was exactly the point.
I will have the opportunity to explore this better in one of my posts because I feel like it's a very important matter that needs to be addressed, but I can already say here that the gradual shift from "maybe it's better to not use the key at all" to "I have dreams, I have strange feelings but it's surely all in my head" to "I will try to follow Syaoran's advice and listen to my intuition more" to "I believe in my power and I will decide what to do now" was really amazing to witness. I feel like it's possible to see it more clearly if you re-read the story all at once. Also, Akiho and Kaito's story was absolutely *pivotal* to her emotional growth too, because someone like her, grown up in the blessing of a loving family and surrounded by kind people, touched for the first time what it means to grow up NOT having those things. Her empathy was the absolute protagonist, in this arc, which made her befriend Akiho almost immediately, as if she could feel that the girl needed friendship desperately. But it's also what made her understand the situation and try all of her best efforts to bring Kaito back for her and make both of them happy. She did also a good job at being more assertive with her loved ones, deciding what to do by herself.
Let's go answering to your questions!
1- Hahaha, EVERYONE is asking about that! No, it wasn't revealed! Either they want to keep this as a fun secret forever, or.....it'll be revealed somewhere else! To be honest, I don't even know if Yukito still got that pact with the Tsukimine Shrine. They absolutely remember about it, but since Kaito had undone that with the rewriting of the world (and Sakura gave her friends only their memories back, she couldn't do much about the discrepancies arised - see Akiho's room) my suspicion is that he's back being his normal self, with no actual contract and no price paid.
2- Not exactly, I think this is one of those things we have to infer by ourselves. Also keep in mind that, if I don't recall incorrectly, that phrasing was from the ENG translation. What I understood from the JP is that Yelan simply had a divination about Sakura, and you know how abstract and vague divinations can be....I choose to believe she only saw that Sakura would be distressed/unhappy by a loss of control over her powers (which is indeed the primary reason why Syaoran did what he did, along with Eriol, he didn't know anything about Kaito coming) and not something more specific. Yeah, I have the same feelings as you, about the YunaAki side of the finale! I really, really hope to see them again somewhere else....And I want to see their new life in the extra chapter, yes!! T_T
Yep, well noted! 😉 the Dreaming Card *really* represented Lilie and not Akiho like Sakura had guessed, the "Yumemi" Japanese name sets it in stone! 😉😆
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imvriix · 2 years
𝔩𝔦𝔱𝔱𝔩𝔢 𝔭𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔠𝔢𝔰𝔰
request ;; — " i really like the idea of johan being a father as shocking as it would be, and him with a daughter. platonically of course. so he’s just really protective of her, and he would hurt or kill anyone who tries to touch her or defy her, or anyone who even smiles at her. and afterwards, he’d be super comforting to her "
summary ;; — johan if he was a single dad with a daughter.
featuring + contains ;; — not an x reader, just headcannons. maybe a bit angst at the end bc johans plan for suicide and stuff
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     ⋆*・゚:     :✧*⋆   ・゚
its kind of hard to imagine johan with any children, and if he did have children, to be a single father instead of leaving the child with the mother.
in some ways i feel like he'd be a bit like how friend was with kanna in 20th century boys, but thats for another time.
in the slim chance this would happen though, he'd likely not get to see his daughter much. not in the way that he didnt care or just wasnt there for her enough, but because it wasn't safe for her to be around him in public.
she'd live in a large house with a lot of security, rooms stored with gifts and toys from her father whenever he sees her. sure, it makes her sad that she rarely sees him, but she can't stay mad at him for too long.
he puts in the effort to keep her entertained and knows her childish tactics are better than her having to go through the same psychological horrors he did whilst growing up.
i dont think he'd trust any school to teach her, instead having her be homeschooled for most or even the rest of her life. though it wouldn't be much of a problem, since its likely she's inherited her wits and intelligence from her father.
maybe at times it gets lonely due to being at home at all times, because whenever she asks the guards to let her out, they either nod and supervise her at all times, or tell them that she simple wasnt allowed without any further answer if she kept pestering.
but you can't blame the poor men, they know better than to go against her fathers rules.
but her word would be second to johans, so if she asked for anything, no matter how impossible, they would make it work. if it meant she was safe and happy, it'd be done and over with before she can even blink.
but she's happiest when her fathers home, chattering on about everything she cant remember that has happened since the last time they were together. normally it's weeks in between visits, at times even around a month and a half, but never more than that.
but soon it'll be far more, because johan doesn't plan to wait out his death.
he wonders how she'll live after he's gone, but at times he feels silly for wondering that. he's left her money, shes smart, and shes got security to look after her. she would live just fine.
but sometimes those visits make him uncertain, as she lights up whenever she sees him. would she truly be alright? he worries for his daughter. shes smart and has security, but she's bubbly, like any other child, and is attached to her father, no matter how scarce visits are.
but soon, days after days, weeks after weeks, and then even month after month, he doesnt come back.
and nobody tells her why.
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flustersluts · 9 months
oh wow, you cut your own hair? i have a trans friend who cuts his own hair as well and idk what they do but its simply gorgeous to look at; wavy but short and smooth. im sure your hair also looks amazing and hopefully, it'll kick dysphoria's ass! you pose an interesting predicament but what if i wanted to rest my head on your knee? or use my own hands to just rub against your legs or even thighs...depends on how tall you are. just moving my hands up and down to massage you and let you know that im appreciative. you'd at least have to let me do something with my hands, right? it wouldn't be fair that i would be the only one enjoying myself from it... unless you're getting pleasure out of me cleaning your fingers and watching me do that. okay, that thought is kinda hot but i'm only cleaning them because they're dirty, okay? and the sink is too far away without you having to get up and leave so this will have to do for now. you know what i mean, right? that's the only reason im doing it - dont you think of cupping my face in one of your hands or scratching my chin either. dont ask why, those arent like sweet spots or anything!
aa sorry if this is too much, i got a little bit "motivated" to respond right before i go to sleep.
ah, no!! i buzzed it aka i took an electric shaver to it - slightly longer on the top n rlly short on the back and sides. was super easy hehe & took no skill at all, no way I cld ever cut my own hair. that's so impressive though!! unfortunately im in a top spot bc id love long hair but my hair grows up n out into curls instead of down so it looks v masc no matter what i do:/ i am like sisyphus cutting and growing out my hair tryna achieve androgyny. the short is keeping dysphoria at bay for the moment though:)
and no, no, of course I understand. my fingers are dirty and you're helping me clean them, as best you can, and I'm so grateful for that. and if you want to hold my fingers, my wrists with your hands so you can better clean then, well that makes sense too! but of course I'd have to watch, to make sure you were doing it right. because at the end of the day, I could always get up and clean them myself. so you've gotta keep me there. and I've gotta keep an eye on you to make sure you're really giving me all your attention
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angelic-loveerr · 2 years
You cant help people that dont want it /Its all you
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People need to have a want or need for help. No matter how much you might help a person or try to its not gonna happen if they dont want. Desire is important for making decisions especially with help and with no desire they dont want help. Ive noticed that alot, many people will just ignore what they dont want to notice or they should but aren't. Those things can take a toll on people but they dont mind cause they don't wanna face their reality and notice things around them.
Thats why people need to reflect on themselves and what they need to work on , someone might be amazing on the outside but horrible on the side. Im not saying "get deep in yourself and wake up" no im saying people need to notice what they need help with and ask. People have formed asking for things as a bad thing and embarrassing which isnt , if you need help just ask. People love helping and it helps them as much as it helps you.
what does this have to do with manifesting?
It deals with manfiesting because if you're like that it can cause blockage for your own desires and thoughts. You need to feed your mind and believe what your saying otherwise your manifestations might not come to you. As much as you would want something you need to realize is there anything blocking from what you want or is there something else you might need more. Manifesting is fun and things but sometimes you need priorities of what you need to work on and reflect on.
Reflecting doesnt have to be anything negative it can be reflecting on a postive thing. The mentality of "its whatever/ just ignore it and it'll be gone" is bad , you have to/ you're going to notice them later on, theyre going to eat you up either mentally or emotionally, thats why we reflect on things to make sure your ok in that situation or that you're ok in general, sometimes you dont have time tho and thats ok just do it later. Sometimes putting things off is ok but you will have to do it. And faking it till you make it doesn't work out sometimes , things happen and somethings can't change at times. Everything that happens will take time as much as its annoying, you have to wait for things and you cant change anything major with just yourself. Sometimes accepting things is ok but not always , only sometimes.
You are in charge of everything in your life once you become independent and concussion of the world around you. Nothing is stopping you from doing what you want and need to do for yourself expect you. As i read a book, this is your dream you can change what you hear and see in it. Its literally your reality and your words you use as much as uou dont think it effects people it does, it makes people do things for you as you please. You just have to use it in a way you want to, for bad or for good. Everything is uo to you in your reality, do what you want to live your life to the fulliest because no one will be there for you as much as yourself.
In the end
In the end everything is up to you of what you want to do and no one can change your mind expect you love , pleasw take this with a grain of a salt its just my opinions and you can choose to agree or disgree♡♡(have a good morning/afternoon/night!!)
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dreamsy990 · 2 years
Soooo like... Rudy is def gonna die before the end of deltarune right? I mean. Yeah sure it'll be. Traumatizing or whatever. But theres way too much, what's the phrase... narrative momentum to be gained for toby to NOT do it y'know? In fact I could go on a whole rant about how I'm pretty sure Rudy KNOWS hes gonna die and is prepping susie to be a replacing support beam in noelles life. (See also: "Kris and Dad are the only ones I can say no to") and the SNOWGRAVE INPLICATIONS. ANOTHER RANT ON ITS OWN!! Anyways your thoughts?
consider: rudy isnt gonna die and toby just made it look like he was to make it shocking when he didnt die by the end
but seriously, i think rudy dying is PROBABLY going to happen, but i kind of hope it doesnt. noelle's home life is garbage and i get it honestly. like, rudy blantly says that he's not there to protect noelle from carol (idk if thats her name but ive been calling noelles mom that soooo), implying that she can and WILL hurt noelle, and has almost definitely done that in the past (emotionally, probably not physically). noelle has a TEXTBOOK broken home and i really hope the game ends with her out of that house or with a confirmation that her mom isn't going to hurt her anymore, because oh my god her situation is terrible. her sister is either dead or out of the picture, her father is in the hospital and probably going to die soon, and she has a most likely emotionally abusive mom.
oh yeah her mom is almost definitely emotionally abusive like. as someone whos been in a similar situation to her, just her being too scared to ask for a key to get into her own home and preferring to go OUT OF HER WAY to stay with someone else than ask for something is a textbook sign of it. rudy says that he has to protect her from carol. noelle is upset that it's just "her and mom" now, and while that's clearly meant to be referring to how rudy isnt at home, its also probably a hint that she doesnt like being alone with her mom. she's also just a people pleaser, implying she's afraid of the consequences of not being seen as "good". whether that's because of a fear of reputation her mom mightve given her, or an avoidance of conflict she's developed after living with her for a while i cant really say. ALSO YOUR POINT OF "kris and dad are the only ones i can say no to" NOTICE HOW SHE SAYS 'dad' and not 'my parents' BECAUSE YEAH HER MOTHER IS EXCLUDED.
no matter how you slice it noelle's home life is just terrible and rudy and dess seemed to be the only reason it was functional for as long as it was. and with dess out of the picture and rudy probably going to follow, i dont have very high hopes for their relationship. i really hope toby handles this well, and the story doesn't end with noelle and carol living alone together. i also dont hope it ends with rudy, dess, or both back in the house with her, because their household isnt sustainable. as someone who's lived in a house like this, it's going to break down one way or another. dess and rudy cant always be there to defuse situations, and they shouldnt HAVE to.
the ending i want is for carol and rudy to split up, and have rudy live with noelle without her. carol may be a good wife and a good mayor but she is not a good mother, and i don't want noelle to be stuck in a house like that.
i may be misjudging carol because we haven't seen her in the game yet, but i just. dont think she's going to be any good. this game definitely seems like its going for giving all their characters bad home lives. like,
-kris's brother is away, their mom seems a bit overbearing and like she's not quite sure what kris needs, and their dad, while caring, isn't the best at. being a parent.
-susie so far has been implied to have some sort of shitty home life but we're not quite sure of the type. we know she's always hungry, but whether thats because of negligence and potentially fear to get food on her own or financial problems is unknown.
-ralsei's been alone his whole life, so his family is just. out of the picture. he's completely isolated and if his parents were around for at least a little, i dont think they were very good.
-berdly felt like he needed to be smart to be recognized, implying that his family might just not care that much about him or really pay attention to him.
it's a theme of this game for characters to have weird or bad home lives and i dont think noelle would be an exception. so yeah, her mom is probably emotionally abusive. with all the evidence in game and just. generally how all the mcs have bad home lives i think its the most likely situation.
back to actually talking about rudy though, yeah he's probably going to die. i really hope he doesnt, because while realistically things dont always work out, having rudy there and maybe moving out with her would definitely make it better. it just feels uncomfortable for her to be stuck in a household like that.
noelle is kind of lonely too. like, her sister is gone, kris and her grew apart, and berdly is really fucking flirty, and probably not that close with her really, since she doesn't include him in the group of people she can say no to.
noelle's list of people she can say no to is just kris and rudy. that's it. her estranged childhood best friend and her dad. not berdly, seemingly her only current friend and the one she's probably the closest with out of the whole class, or susie, her crush (although that might just be because it was before they really started to understand each other more as people and really be friends). her list of people who "know how weird she is" is just kris. not even her dad is included. the only person who might be missing on both of those lists is dess, and she's just out of the picture and thats probably why shes not included.
so as to the idea of rudy trying to set up susie as an emotional support for noelle, yeah i think he'd do that. he definitely has seen that noelle's running low on people she relies on and wants her to have someone else in her life. he really encourages her to get to know susie and just be honest with her. it's cute and wholesome and just. a good dad moment. he's a great father, or at least one who's trying his best. a top tier dad.
i do think thematically that rudy is going to die. its set up that way from the very start, and i think its sort of being hinted at. like, noelle remarks that the dark world is better because 'everything can be healed with a little spell', implying that rudy's in too bad of a state to recover very easily, and "your choices dont matter" could also be saying something like "no matter what you do, he's going to die". idk thats just my take.
but i really dont want this game to end with noelle and carol alone. i've lived in families like that and it's horrible, and it just feels uncomfortable and bad that noelle's stuck in a situation like that. i want carol to have an arc where she starts being a better parent and actually trying, but more importantly i want noelle not to forgive her. abusive parents can change as people but they cant change what they did. noelle's mom has hurt her and she shouldn't just be forgiven immediately. she needs to make an effort, and noelle doesn't even have to forgive her after that. she deserves to have a home life where she's not so afraid to ask for a key to her own house that she goes to stay with a friend instead. get noelle out of that house, or have carol change.
i realize that i talked way more about noelle and carol in a post about rudy, but honestly i relate a lot to noelle's situation and i dont want her to be stuck in a life like that. its bad and i want toby to handle it well. if the game ends where i think it will, with noelle still living at home alone with carol, maybe with dess there, i'll just be sad. like girl, get out of that HOME!!!!!!! it's toxic as SHIT
also i know that some people are going to say "oh her mom isnt trying to hurt her, maybe she just did [x] and thats why noelle is how she is." to which i say, not all abusers have malicious intent. maybe shes just doing it because thas how she was raised and she turned out fine, or maybe she's just kind of negligent and doesnt pay enough attention to noelle to realize how she's being hurt, or maybe its something else entirely. but no matter what her intentions are, its still abuse, and whether she likes it or not, she's hurt the only daughter she has left. the truth is we don't know all the details of what's going on, and we probably won't know for a long time, or maybe ever. but no matter what, this relationship isn't healthy, and it doesn't matter what everyone's trying to do, all that matters is what they did do. and what carol did was emotionally abuse her daughter.
anyways thanks for coming to my ted talk. also the deltarune ending i HOPE happens is rudy gets out of the hospital, gets a divorce and marries asgore, then goes and moves out with noelle. thats only half a joke.
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gayspock · 1 month
or something
its all so fucking empty man its all so fucking empty i dont know whyits so much easier for everyone not to even do things but just be a fucking person man i donteven care i feel like im just forcing it down my own throat half the time im just nto here any more i havent been here for years its never going to matter or mean anything i dont know i wish i could even be dramatic and be like ohhhh everyone leave me behindddd but wouldnt that imply that there was anything to begin with god idont know i dont know i jsut get angry and fucking upset over everything theres nothing that helps nothing that ever fucking helps its non stop its just that that that until you roll over and force yourself to shut up or die and either way it doesnt matter it never fixes anything part of just wishes i could feel it matter foronce i dont need it fixed i dont need it to be better ijsut want one thing to feel likeits meant something even a fucking little bit i think every day about that i wish i killed myself properly as a kid something something you'll regret it in your last moments i dont think ive spent a single fucking day where ive went to bed at night and thoguht that meant something i dont think a single day of my life has been anything to anyone but made me upset and miserable something something ive just been on this stupidfucking cycle for years and years and years. it has never not once been fucking worth it for a second living past that. i should have fucking died when i was 16 and sad. fuck every single fucking thing ive done since then and i mean that. something something loop and loop and loop you .want to kill yourself so badly and feel so overcome with loneliness and cry more because you cant make anything right start to fade out lose months let them go by until it breaks down again and back to that and theres no change its just back and forth ive not gotten anywhere ive circled in my fucking cage endlessly and i wish it mattered i wish a day fucking mattered i wish it could have meant something once just once i dont talk to anyone i just fucking sit and cry and its been so long and
i cant do it right i feel liek im insane sometimes because everyone talks about struggling it makes me want to fucking claw my eyeballs out the next fucking cutn to share their struggles with me . because yeah fucking sucks i wont say it doesnt suck nonetheless i feel like such a rancid fucking cunt for i. ecause god i want to fucking really hurt people sometimes. oh im sad so youre telling me oh youre alone youre fucking alone too. how the fuck does that make me feel when your parents love you you talk to people people would notice if you disappeared you have a partner or have had partners that love you. theres someone i cant manage anything i cant do it any more i never fucking managed it because its not just the now its not just oh it sucks now its just been a structural. its been everything its never not been fucking like this i keep tryng i feel like im just a freak and sometimes i wish there was something fucking wrong with me for real its jsut theres nothing in there worth sticking around for or loving and i know thats what it is deep down but i cant even simulate it properly i cant fucking muster anything i cant fake interests in things i cant fucking do it im too fuckig tired i dont wantto wake up any more i dont want it to get better because it fucking wont im fucking sick of ti im just waiting for it ot end and i just feel like everyonekeeps telling me it'll get there but its nothing but an excuse to get me to fucking shut up because it doenst matter its a fucking sit there and fucvking rot you fucking worthless bitch i wish theyd just be honest with me sometimes i wish anyone would just be fucking honest i wish people would have me around even if they dontlike me i dont care what happens any more i cant do it i keep trying i cant do it its just every fucking time i dont know i dont have it in me i dont have anything in me and it doesnt matter i wish it mattered ive tried and i just dont know what im doing wrong and im just always some bitter jaded assholeand i know its making it worse but i cant . fucking do it any more . i feel like im being insane or whatever oh you mustnttttttt ive been having insane thoughts about other shit again i feel so removed from everything and redacted or redacted how i cant do it cuz of work, thinking about taking a month out just so i can repeatedly redacted without anyone fucking getting in my business but who cares i think i should quit and well what then i dont know i need somehting to fucking stop theres nowjhere to go theres nothing to do DOES ANYONE FEEEL. CRAZY i feel like i get further every day and i was already so fucking removed i struggled so badly but the more and the more time i spendthe worse it fucking gets i cant fucking level with anyone any more and i cant get back by myself im not fucking enough to do it i dont man i think does anyone feel MENTAL
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ssparksflyy · 7 months
my percy jackson dating hcs !
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pairing : percy jackson x gn! reader warnings : small cursing a/n : this is my first fic (kind of) , so lmk what u think! also OMG the images are such bad quality im so sorry
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percy jackson? you mean the total pinterest bf?
whenever he can, you best believe this boy is either holding your hand or giving you hugs hugs hugs
whenever he holds your hand, it's usually with your fingers interlocked and with a small grip
im talkin like a tiny squeeze but just- all the time
cause, lets be honest, the whole getting-kidnapped-by-the-goddess-of-the-heavens-and-going-missing-for-months thing has left the both of you scarred, so he likes to have a small grip on your hand so you know that he's not going aaannnyyyyywhere
but if you dont like that, then ofc he won't do it. percy would never do anything to you that you don't like / makes you uncomfortable, sally taught him better than that !
percy 100% tells his mom everything about you
so naturally, shes ecstatic to meet you !
( i mean who wouldn't be, look at yourself, muah )
when you do meet her, it doesn't take long for you to realize you love this woman almost as much as you love her son
sally jackson is the sweetest human being you've ever met, she cooks for you, tells you stories about baby percy ( best believe that scrapbook is coming out ! ) laughs at all your jokes, and listens to your stories as if she's watching a telenovela
im not surprised if you guys just become total besties while percy and paul just kinda sit there like 🙂
if he meets your parent(s), this boy is the most respectful mf you've ever seen
not that he goes all "i'm sorry, the old percy can't come to the phone right now, why? oh! cause he's meeting y/n's parents and turned into a new person!"
he just wants to make sure that he has a good impression with them
omg and if u have little siblings?? gods, he'll play with them allllll day and they'll have sm fun together
anyways back to the couple of the hour
hugs from percy are literally the best hugs you'll ever receive
they're so warm omg
and he will never ever pull away from a hug first
somebody's calling him? they gotta wait cause he's hugging his #1 over here !!
i feel like he'd give just really gentle hugs like, he'll just put his arms on your waist and place his chin on your head and bam
ya'll could just stand there hugging for hours
ofc, dates are limited at chb, but you guys make it work <3
obviously, he lovesss planning dates nearby the lake
and no matter how many times you do go to the lake, he always finds ways to make each date different than the last
im talkin a picnic, making matching necklaces out of shells, building sandcastles, beach volleyball ( hes very pro, he'll teach you if you don't know how to play ofc ), swimming ( again, if you don't know how to swim it'll be his #1 priority to teach you how to ), and little trips around the lake in a canoe <3
and this man, LOVES his underwater kisses
he could literally push you into the water then be like ' oh no y/n fell into the lake, gotta go save them! ' then come back like 5 mins later all grinning cause all you did was KISS ya weirdos
i also feel like percy is on it with his skincare routine
and it's so basic too?? like all he does is cleanse and bam perfect skin
its not fair
but he'd also really care and make sure that his lips are always soft and never ever chapped or dry
not only because he wants to make sure you enjoy every kiss you two share <3 but also because he hates the way it feels when his lips are the slightest bit dry
sensory issues are something that people with adhd face ( its me, hi! ) and some people dont know that !
so best believe he always carries chapstick in his pocket <33
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a/n pt.2 : hii! hope you enjoyed my hcs <333 did ya catch all my taylor swift references? also im sorry for any spelling and all the grammar mistakes, sometimes i'll add the apostrophe and sometimes, well, i dont
lmk if you want a pt 2! or leave any requests! i'll write for anyone, romantic or platonic, but no smut, whatsoever aaand yea! thats all<3
peace from manhattan,
percy jackson
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rvxscreams · 7 months
im genuinely grappling with the decision of whether to live or die
ive told myself the last few years, in order to get through each day, "you can either choose to end your life now, or accept that youll be alive for another long time, so why not try and make that time left more bearable?". this usually works. i think whats scaring me about where my mind is going is that the solution is slowly becoming "well then maybe i'll end my life instead"
maybe because im a coward. a coward who isnt strong enough to confront or challenge myself with the things i need to do in order to get better. ive always tried so damn hard to take accountability, be compassionate, supportive, and strong. but i havent been able to be strong for months now.
im stuck between a rock and a hard place. it always results in me punishing myself no matter what choice i make. i want to reach out to loved ones and ask for support? get fucked, youre selfish and manipulative for forcing others to give that emotional tax to you without you giving anything to them in months. but oh, you want to just quietly disappear and not make a theatrical out of fear of being attention seeking, so you dont ask for help or talk to anyone for weeks on end? youre a stubborn baby who cant accept help so theres no point in helping you because all you ever do is refuse it
i am a bad person. and i wish i stopped deluding myself into thinking im not, because all that does is skirt accountability.
i hate expressing how much pain and agony im in because itll just upset people. but then offing myself would upset them more. but i need to feel community and connection. and i feel like it's too late to come back from my isolation. how can i just come back in pretending like nothing happened? how can i pretend that i dont wanna kill myself every god damn fucking day and that ive spent months of having my biggest achievement be "i didnt hurt myself"
i cant get through a therapy session without sobbing. i cant think about my old life without having a breakdown. i try so. so. so. fucking hard. to amp myself up to reach out to people, but it's so easy to convince ymself that my presence will receive a strong negative response. like. why bother? i have no positive impact on others. i dont know why im still holding on and deluding myself into thinking it's worth doing so.
im stupid. no matter what i think or feel, my brain manages to find the negative in it and turn it into makign it my fault somehow.
ive always thought i am too weak for this world, and that has become apparent again.
i wish i could be strong.
i wish i could go to bed excited for what the next day will bring, instead of hoping that it'll be my last conscious thought.
im sorry.
this isnt a goodbye note. i am safe but i am not okay at all. im sorry for the heaviness of this. i dont want to be an emotioonal burden any more. i dont want to be thsi way. i just watn this pain to end. i just want it to all go away.
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mental-health-advice · 11 months
I have an issue
I've been having problems with my partner recently. It'll be discussions, sometimes arguments or discussions that take a turn for the more emotional, and no matter how it end up, I feel horrible. I bring up problems alot more than them (they have issues with confrontation) and alot of the time, we go with my solutions to things.
I cant tell if I'm right or wrong. If I come up with good answers or if I just push for them so much they give up. If they actually agree or am I just so relentless that they dont see a point in disagreeing.
I dont have any friends besides them, I really struggle to manage more than one person in my life because I forget they exist or forget to text or something. Unless everyone I talk to is in the same place all the time, I will end up accidentally only focusing on just one.
I dont want to befriend someone just to vent, that doesn't feel fair, and I can't get back into therapy for weeks.
Hey there,
It sounds like that in the relationship with your partner, you are definitely more assertive than your partner in that you bring up problems more than them and there is nothing wrong with that at all. I am sorry that you feel that you ‘push’ them into going with your solutions to any problems that are brought up, but is there a way where you can bring this to their attention and how you feel like you are more dominate and especially with making decisions. Just an idea.
You mentioned that you are feeling bad and confused about whether or not the decisions you make are right or wrong, so maybe you could take a step back at these times to turn to your partner and ask for their opinion on things. By doing this, you are also giving them the power to agree or disagree with you or make suggestions for other possible solutions to the problems that may arise. Try not to be too demanding though on your partner but instead gently ask them for what they are thinking but not pressuring them into saying anything if they do not feel comfortable in doing so. Perhaps even writing down problems and discussing it with your partner through letters may also be something to look at doing. I know that this may make the process of solving things a lot slower but the positives in doing this is that you are allowing not only yourself but also your partner time to really think instead of putting them on the spot.
I completely get and understand finding it difficult to finding and keeping more than one friend at a time, as you find it hard to focus on a group of people and forgetting about replying to messages or responding to them and things like that. Do you think it may be helpful that if you do allow yourself to have more than 1 friend at a time then you could write up a table or something about checking in with them all and then ticking off each person as you do? You could even make notes about each friend and what they have been going through/ been up to and where the conversation is at with them. Again, just another idea and perhaps something to think about!
I think it’s really great that you are in therapy but I am sorry that you have to wait until you are able to recommence, I want you to know that in the meantime if you are needing to talk to someone then you can always send us in an Ask (even if it’s just to vent) or connect with a counsellor from either a helpline or via web counselling. You do not have to go through anything alone and especially whilst you don’t currently have support from a therapist.
I really hope that this helped a bit and please do let us know if we can help to support you in any other way!
I’m thinking of you and hope that you are going well!
Take care,
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