#i fear apologies will not be enough to make up for HOW MUCH I IGNORED YOU IM SO SORRY
leejihoonownsmyheart · 5 months
hi brie! how are you doing? things are slightly better for me now, so I'm happy. I went bowling with my friends today, and in the end somehow the conversation turned into masturbation and how me and my friend are exhibitionists (??) it was weird, but funny in a way, because we literally have the same name, same age, almost same height, and same kinks 😭😭😭 like????
my new blog is going well i think, and it's very cute, all baby pink and all, because i suddenly got obsessed with the coquette aesthetic, like i just want to embrace my interior subby pillow princess <3
and omg you posted a wonwoo smut... i'm in my wonwoo era, my delusional mind it's thinking you read my mind 😋 (i feel like evertime i come back here i say i'm in another members era, but i still love seungcheol)
– 🦔 anon (i didn't forgot this time hehe)
IM SO GLAD THAT YOU ARE FEELING BETTER i hope that is still true??? Conversations with friends about sex stuff are some of my favorites because i’m so innocent no one expects it from me and it’s a bit funny and my friends now are VERY vanilla so sigh i envy you in that manner
I DID post a wonwoo smut!!! I know!! We never thought we’d see a good one on this blog but even a broken clock is right twice a day!!!
0 notes
charliemwrites · 4 months
Mister(s) Steal Your Girl — part 3
(I seriously need to come up with an actual name for this series before it sets in)
Introducing his grand horniness- John “Soap” MacTavish
No Content Warnings
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It’s been six, coming up on seven, dates with Kyle. A dwindling part of you feared that after the absolutely mind-blowing night you two shared, he’d ghost you or something.
But nope, the morning after was spent in one of his jumpers, receiving kisses and breakfast and tea. The two of you watched movies all day until he drove you home, kissing you at the door. He let you keep his jumper.
Not three days later, he invited you to a movie you’d both been excited to see, and giggled over the popcorn bowl like teenagers. He didn’t even mind that you leaned over to whisper during certain parts, or the ramble you went on afterwards. (When you apologized for overanalyzing and talking so much, he gave you a bizarre, almost offended look. “Don’t you dare stop,” he huffed, “you’re way better than radio. What did you think about that after credit scene?”)
A few days after that, he called with apologetic news.
“Being shipped out for a couple weeks. Shouldn’t be anything too dangerous, and I’ll call when I can,” he explained.
You told the nervous little twist in your gut that you knew this about him. That this is Kyle’s job, not a convenient excuse to ignore you.
“Stay safe regardless,” you murmured earnestly into the phone. “I‘ll… I’ll miss you, Kyle.”
“You’re getting the biggest hug when I get back, darlin’,” he promised.
He kept to it too. Called at odd hours sometimes - once during dinner with your fiance even. But Brandon is always taking random calls nowadays, so you figured, given the circumstances, it’s not such a big deal to excuse yourself either.
On the other end of the call, Kyle sounded a bit tired, but happy to talk to you. He couldn’t tell you anything about what he was doing, but shared some smaller, safer details. That the tea was shite because Soap kept over-steeping it. That his lieutenant was big enough to body slam him during sparring practice. That Captain Price wishes you well and promises to bring Kyle back in one piece.
You even heard one of his teammates in the background, asking Kyle if he was “chirping at his new bird.” Soap, as you found out. They sound like a good bunch.
When Kyle comes back, you offer to welcome him at his apartment. You bring a little plate of cookies and a pack of his favorite beer, hoping it’s not too much. But when he opens the door, his expression melts before he scoops you up in the big hug he promised.
“You’re a fuckin’ dream, ya know that?” he murmurs, tucking his face against your neck.
You spend the whole weekend with him, kissing at the stitched-up knife wound on his muscled arm. Otherwise, all in one piece.
“Would you… want to meet my mates sometime?” he asks as you’re getting dressed for work Monday morning.
“Of course,” you reply instantly. Realize that might be too eager. “If you want to introduce me, that is.”
“I want to show you off to the bloody Queen, babes.”
You giggle, crossing the room to drop a quick kiss on his lips. He tries to draw you in for something deeper, but you wiggle and swat at him, complaining that he’ll make you late.
It’s good, you think. Blissfully good. Honeymoon phase, maybe, but considering how far off your actual honeymoon is, you feel like you deserve this. Kyle is a wonderful partner - kind, attentive, respectful. He listens, he cares, he’s independent of you and respects your boundaries. Sometimes you can’t believe you were ever nervous about this open relationship thing in the first place.
On Wednesday of that same week, Kyle tells you that Soap is going to visit and is eager to meet you. He was thinking dinner and drinks, come back to Kyle’s apartment afterwards. You readily agree.
The next day, a bouquet comes in. It’s a beautiful, though not extravagant, arrangement. Calla lilies, roses, and hydrangeas. The note that comes with it says, “Wanted to make a good first impression in case Kyle told you lies.” It’s signed “Johnny.”
You send a picture to Kyle, amused and a bit endeared. It brightens the rest of your day so much that you barely notice Lucy’s usual snide comments.
On Friday night, Brandon is unexpectedly home. Usually he doesn’t even come home from work on Fridays anymore - or at least he didn’t before you met Kyle. Lately, you only pop in if you’ve forgotten something for your overnight bag. You had to stay late at the office today, though, and your apartment is closer than Kyle’s.
“Was thinking we could go out tonight,” he tells you.
“Oh,” you say, taken aback. Not just by the invitation, but by the mix of emotion in your gut. Some of it is excitement and relief, but not as much as you’d expect. It’s warring with unease and reluctance, a bit of frustration that now of all times he wants to reconnect.
“Um, raincheck?” you offer, smoothing down your dress. It’s a new one you picked out with Kyle; you’re hoping he (Kyle) will notice. “I have plans.”
Brandon’s brow furrows, smile going tight. “You can’t reschedule?”
God you hate confrontation and he knows that, doesn’t he? Why is he pushing?
“Well I don’t know when I’ll get to see them again,” you explain.
Suddenly the tension in his shoulders eases. “Oh, is it a few people then?”
“Just a couple. I’m meeting one of them for the first time.”
“Have fun then,” he says, fishing his phone from his pocket. Like you’re not even there anymore.
You blink, then your phone buzzes with a message from Kyle and you hurry out the door.
“I knew you’d look terrific in that dress,” he says as soon as he sees you.
Thoughts of Brandon, that strange interaction, and those churning feelings all disappear in an instant. Kyle just has a way of soothing you.
The restaurant is one that has quickly become one of your favorites with Kyle. Good food, good drinks, quiet and relaxed atmosphere. You like the funky artwork and squishy booths.
Soap (Johnny?) has already gotten your party a table, and stands as the two of you approach. You nearly stop right there, and then almost trip a bit as momentum urges you onwards. Manage not to make a fool of yourself, but you still boggle at him.
Because Kyle? You thought he was a fluke. Just too handsome to be real, never mind tall and fit and friendly and— well, anyway.
You thought he was a fluke.
But Soap/Johnny is goddamn handsome too! Trim stubble, pretty eyes behind thick lashes, a soft-looking Mohawk that gives him a boyish charm without seeming immature.
“There you two are, thought ye stood me up!” he greets, drawing Kyle into one of those friendly man-hugs with the shoulder pats that look like they hurt.
“Youre a cheap date anyway, MacTavish,” Kyle replies, gently easing you forward with a hand on the small of your back.
“Och, don’t bad mouth me in front of a lady,” Johnny/Soap complains, then turns his twinkling gaze to you and offers a hand. “John MacTavish, but this bampot calls me Soap.”
“Not Johnny?” you ask curiously.
You take his hand, find callouses similar to Kyle’s. But his palm is a bit broader, a scar along his thumb - from a burn it looks like. Just as warm, just as careful. A firm, but not tight shake.
“You can call me anything you like, lass,” he says. From the corner of your eye, you see Kyle choking back a laugh. Johnny it is, you figure.
“Wait ‘Soap’ is a callsign right?” you ask as Kyle herds you into the booth.
“Right-o,” Johnny replies, smiling.
“Does Kyle have one?”
The grin that he gives you would make the devil sweat. As it is, Kyle groans and shoots you a betrayed look.
“Oh does he, lass.”
You light up, grin right back. “Tell me?”
“As if I could say no to a pretty face like that!”
And so begins a long, warm, perfect night. Johnny is great company. Welcoming and friendly, quick to smile, sharp witted. You could sit all night listening to him and Kyle quip at each other, but they’re so careful to keep you included and engaged.
Johnny even offers you some of his chips when his order comes, and you’re too delighted to say no. Not that Kyle seems to mind, encouraging you to steal a couple for him since Johnny keeps whacking his hand away.
The night ends back at Kyle’s. You whip up another batch of cookies with some suspiciously new-looking baking ingredients. The boys keep you company while you work — Kyle mixes the batter when your arm gets tired and Johnny keeps your wine glass full. In the end, you let them each get a lick of the dough spoon.
Eventually, you move to the couch, climb on together. Kyle, for some reason, scooches you into the middle instead of one of the ends, but you don’t mind and neither does Johnny, it seems. They argue over a movie to put on, but it doesn’t matter because the three of you talk through most of it anyway.
The second movie is your pick, which is your downfall. You barely get halfway through before dozing off. End up stirring to muffled laughter and harsh whispering. You’ve slumped into Johnny, you realize, seeing Kyle’s broad smile.
“Oh,” you hum, trying to sit up. “‘M sorry…”
“You’re alright, lass,” Johnny murmurs, gently nudging you back down.
“Kyle?” you ask, yawning.
“Still watching the movie, sweetheart. You can go back to your nap. Soap’s nice and warm, yeah?”
You hum, snuggle in again. He is comfy. “So are you.”
Another quiet chuckle. “I know, love.”
He rouses you later — the movie must be over, you think blearily. Kyle scoops you up, plants a kiss on your cheek as you tuck in.
“Say good night to your teddy bear, baby.”
“‘Night, Johnny,” you mumble, nuzzling your face into Kyle’s neck.
“‘Night, bonnie.”
You wake first the next morning — rare and precious. Kyle is lying behind you snoring softly, arm around your waist. You wiggle around to watch his sleeping face for a minute, appreciating the peace in his features. Drop a whisper-soft kiss on his cheek and then slip out of bed.
He grumbles a bit, but you coo at him to go back to sleep and he subsides quickly. Once you’ve freshened up in the bathroom, you pad out to the living room. Johnny is up as well, watching tv on low volume with a coffee on his knee.
“Mornin’,” he says.
“Good morning,” you chirp back, continuing for the kitchen.
“You’re up early,” he observes, following.
“Slept well,” you reply, grinning. “Thanks in part to you. I hope that wasn’t uncomfortable.”
He ducks his head a bit, a light flush blooming across his ears and cheeks. “Nah, can’t complain about a pretty girl fallin’ asleep on me. Means I must have made a good impression, eh?”
“Oh! That reminds me - those flowers were gorgeous. Did you know calla lilies are my favorite?”
“Aye, Kyle’s been talkin’ about ya nonstop since ye met.”
It’s your turn to flush, and much brighter. You hurriedly turn to the cabinets.
“Well, thank you. I loved them.”
“Yeah? I’ll send you more then.”
Startled, you whip around on him, mouth stupidly open as you try to find a response. “You really don’t have to do that!”
“But what if I want to?”
And if you were struggling for words before, you’re hopeless now. So you just throw your hands up with a little “gah” sound and turn back to gathering ingredients.
“What are we making?” Johnny asks, taking mercy on you. Not that using that sly “we” isn’t devastating to your composure.
“My super special flapjack recipe,” you answer. “Could you get that big bowl down for me?”
He steps past you to do so while you dig out the measuring spoons from the dishwasher.
“If they’re as good as your cookies, then I’m gonna need extra PT after this weekend.”
“Good,” you reply, smug, “that’s my goal.”
“Dangerous woman.”
You snort, holding up a wooden spoon. “Oh yeah, I’m a real threat brandishing cooking utensils at a special ops guy.”
“Och, don’ sell yourself short - my nan used to be a menace with those things!”
Kyle exits the bedroom fifteen minutes later to the smell of cinnamon and his best friend with a face full of flour.
“…Do I even want to know?”
“Just be glad she’s on our side, Garrick.”
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illyrianhaze · 16 days
shadowed hearts azriel x reader
✧ how azriel’s shadows led him right to you.
✧ wc: 1.1k
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When you and Azriel met, you were standing outside the flower shop you owned in the heart of Velaris, painting a patch of sunflowers below the windows
You saw his shadows before you saw him, the wispy black tendrils pooling around your feet before climbing up your legs and swirling around your body
You watched them with fascination for a moment before you heard Azriel’s voice for the first time from behind you
“I apologize for their behavior. They don’t normally act this way around strangers.”
Or at all, he thought to himself, but all thoughts left his head as he was met with the face of the most beautiful female he had ever seen
You laughed, turning and replying easily to him, “It’s no worry. They’re sweet.”
As you spoke, the shadows lifted to your face and caressed your cheek while tangling themselves in your hair, pleased with the sound of your voice
This was much to the embarrassment and horror of poor Azriel, who was desperately trying to call his rogue shadows back to him
“I’m very sorry,” he apologized again. “They usually listen to me,” He said with a slight annoyance creeping into his voice as he kept trying and failing to pull his shadows away from you
You laughed again, hoping to ease his worries. “Really, it’s no trouble, Azriel.”
He raised his eyebrows in surprise that you knew his name, which made you laugh again at the beautiful male in front of you
His shadows, on the other hand, started dancing around you happily, pleased at the sound of azriel's name on your lips
“You know who I am?” Azriel felt a wave of nerves hit him at this discovery, worried that his intimidating and sometimes violent reputation that often preceded him would be enough to scare you away
“Of course I know who you are. You’re pretty famous around here, you know. The feared spymaster of the Night Court, famed protector of the High Lord and Velaris.”
You were teasing him and he knew it, but still Azriel felt himself blush at your praise
Feeling warm at the reaction you were getting from him, and deciding you definitely couldn’t let this rare opportunity to get to know the shadowsinger pass you by, you decided to take a leap of faith with your next words
“Honestly, I feel honored that your illustrious shadows find me so interesting. I must be someone worth getting to know.”
You said the last bit with a sweet smile, hoping they’d make their desired effect
Judging by the blush on his cheeks you guessed that they did
Expecting more silence, you opened your mouth to speak again but stopped as Azriel exhibited a sudden burst of confidence
“They’re a good judge of character. If they think you’re worth getting to know, then I may just have to listen to them.”
You felt his smirk deep in your chest, his incredibly attractive face threatening to knock you off your feet, an attraction that you had never felt before seeping into your bones the longer you looked at him
“How would they feel about you taking me out to dinner this weekend?”
You had never been so bold in your life, but there was something about the male in front of you that made you want to open yourself up for him entirely
A few shadows finally darted back towards Azriel, whispering in his ear telling him to respond positively to your question
Ignoring the shock at his shadows telling him what to do, he thought of the best way to respond for a moment before he spoke
His face remained stoic for a moment long enough that you worried you had crossed a line, but before you could start to backtrack and apologize for overstepping, an amused smile snuck onto his face 
“I believe they would feel honored.”
Both of your smiles were contagious at this point, and the shadows in question were dancing excitedly between the two of you as they were being talked about, knowing they really were being the best damn wingmen in Prythian at the moment
“I’ll be away for a few days, official and scary Night Court protector business.”
You laughed at his teasing, and Azriel was quickly realizing he was going to really miss your smile when he wasn't around you
“I’ll be back Saturday. I can come by and pick you up at six. Does that work?”
You nodded and tried to focus on your breathing as his deep voice was starting to make you feel dizzy
“Then I guess my shadows and I will see you soon, sunflower.”
You smiled but furrowed your brows at the name before remembering what you were doing before he arrived, turning around to see the small yellow sunflowers you had painted below the front window of your shop
You turned back around to reply only to find that the shadowsinger was gone, leaving you feeling lightheaded and wondering if you had dreamed the whole encounter
You went back inside your shop, continuing with your day trying not to think about Azriel and the fact that you actually had a date with the shadowsinger
As you opened the door of your shop at the end of the day to change the sign on it from open to closed, a lone black shadow flew in with a small piece of paper and a single sunflower
You took both, thanking the shadow before it twirled once around your neck and perched upon your shoulder, waiting for you to read the note (that was written in impeccable handwriting, you noticed)
Counting down the days until I can see that smile again. See you soon, beautiful.
You smiled, feeling a rush of warmth spread through you as you read Azriel's words. Turning your head to the shadow at your shoulder, which was patiently waiting for your response before it would return to Azriel with its report, you couldn't shake off the excitement building inside you
“Tell him I’m looking forward to it.”
You watched as the shadow seemed to nod before sliding quickly past your cheek and racing off into the chilly Velaris night
Clutching the note and the single sunflower to your chest, you made your way towards the stairs leading to your apartment above the shop as a gentle smile graced your face
As you headed towards your bedroom and settled into bed, you realized with a chuckle that amidst the excitement of flirting with Azriel you had forgotten to give him your name
Deciding to fully embrace the anticipation of all you had to learn about each other, you closed your eyes and slipped into dreams painted with visions of Azriel and whispers of his shadows.
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a/n: I have so many ideas for these two!! let me know if you’d like to see more of them :)
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steddieas-shegoes · 2 months
i wanna make your heartbeat run like roller coasters
for @subeddieweek day one with the prompts manhandling and accidental subspace
rated e | 3,520 words | please check ao3 for tags
Eddie gets pushed against a lot of lockers.
It’s rarely accidental.
It’s always painful.
He doesn’t exactly have a lot of meat on his bones. Every hit leaves a bruise.
So when Steve fucking Harrington does his own dirty work for once, even though he graduated the way Eddie was supposed to, it’s just a bit embarrassing that it doesn’t hurt. It feels…kinda like he should be on his knees.
Which is really not something he wanted to think about when Steve’s got a hand on his shoulder, gripping hard enough to bruise, and something like fear in his eyes. Why is he scared?
“Did you sell weed to Robin?” he asked, teeth clenched.
Jesus fucking Christ. Steve’s got himself a band nerd girlfriend. How the hell did that happen?
“No, I sold to her friend. She waited by the treeline talking to herself the entire time.”
Eddie could hear his own voice shaking, but he wouldn’t back down. Black eyes were kinda metal weren’t they?
“Which friend?”
“Dude, I don’t even know. Someone else in band.”
The hand on his shoulder tightened and he barely bit back a whimper.
Steve’s eyes were very pretty this close. They were pretty from far away, too. Honestly, having Steve this close was probably rewiring something already broken in his brain. Having Steve’s hand on him like this was making his brain do somersaults trying to stay focused.
And then his hand was gone.
Eddie breathed in, breathed out.
“Sorry. I-” Steve shook his hands out and backed away. “Sorry.”
Eddie ignored whatever the fuck was happening in his stomach. It shouldn’t be happening so it isn’t, simple as that.
“Maybe you should ask your girlfriend if you’re so worried about her buying drugs.” Eddie should learn to shut his mouth at some point. “I only sell to the people who come to me first.”
“Yeah, yeah. I know. I remember.” Steve wiped his hand down his face. “Sorry again.”
Eddie looked him up and down, taking in the fact that he was genuinely apologizing. No one ever apologized for knocking him around, not even when it was on accident.
“You good?” He eventually asked.
“Yeah. Just, she’s been through a lot. I didn’t really want her to get pressured into buying something,” Steve sighed. “Has she come out of the band room yet? I’m supposed to bring her to work.”
“Uh, yeah man, everyone left an hour ago.”
Eddie watched Steve’s face fall as he checked his watch and must’ve realized the time.
“Shit. Okay. I must’ve lost track of time.”
Steve looked pitiful. Eddie’s seen dogs in alleys who looked less beaten down and neglected than Steve currently did.
“I can help you find her?” Eddie offered for some unknown reason.
Well, he knew the reason, but he was choosing to ignore it.
“She’s probably already at work. It’s my day off so I ended up getting distracted with something and didn’t realize it was so late,” Steve admitted, rubbing his hand on the back of his neck. “Thanks, though.”
Wayne liked to tell Eddie he was too nice to undeserving people. Lord knows he gave his dad too many chances and got let down every time. He even tried to be friends with Tommy Hagan in middle school because he could sense something was going on with Tommy’s dad much like his own.
But Eddie liked to remind Wayne that Eddie is often considered undeserving and he took him in and gave him multiple chances regardless.
“You wanna smoke?” Eddie asked, despite knowing he barely has anything left after the long week of midterms for students. His busiest times of year were right before school breaks, midterms, finals, and graduation weekend. He usually stocked up, but with Rick being in prison again, he had to try to stretch what he had out.
“Uh…smoke what?”
“Weed.” Then it hit Eddie that maybe Steve was into harder stuff. But he hadn’t ever even bought from him in high school. Tommy had, Carol had, almost everyone at his parties had, but Steve never did. “I have regular old cigs too if you prefer.”
“Yeah, man, cool,” Steve sighed with relief.
“I got a spot behind the cafeteria if you wanna…”
“Sure, yep, let’s go,” Steve nodded, gesturing towards the double doors that led outside to the cafeteria and auditorium buildings.
As they walked, Eddie’s mind raced with thoughts of being alone with Steve, Steve’s arm brushing against his, Steve pushing him against the wall of the cafeteria, of Eddie dropping to his knees and unbuttoning Steve’s pants and-
“I’m really sorry about what happened back there.”
Steve’s voice shook him from his thoughts, but his dick didn’t quite get the memo. When did he even start getting hard?
“No worries, dude.” His face scrunched in disgust at calling Steve dude. What was next, the bro pat on the back? A fist bump? “Kinda jealous of how protective you are of your girlfriend.”
Okay, actually, what the fuck? Eddie needed to shut his fucking face, right the fuck now.
“She’s not my girlfriend, but uh, I don’t think you’re really her type either,” Steve gave him a look, one Eddie knew well and one he couldn’t quite believe he was seeing on Steve’s face right now.
“Right, right.” Eddie wouldn’t make him say it, especially if it was actually the look he thought it was, but maybe he could offer a little something in return. “Yeah, she’s not really my type either.”
Steve stopped just before they reached the hidden area behind the dumpster and picnic table for staff to smoke.
“Really?” Steve’s eyes were wide. “So you’re more into…someone like…me?”
Eddie was actually leaking into his goddamn boxers. Why was he getting turned on just talking to Steve?
“That would be one way of saying it,” Eddie said. Still easy enough to back out of it, at least. Could just say he likes women who wear polos and use more hairspray than Melvald’s has ever carried at any given time.
“Huh,” Steve continued walking to the picnic table, sitting on top of it and kicking some dirt off the bench by his legs for Eddie to sit. “So those rumors were true?”
“That depends on if I’m gonna make it back home to my very loving uncle if I say yes.”
Steve rolled his eyes. “Obviously, I’m not gonna judge you about it when my best friend is-” He cut himself off and Eddie had to give him major credit. The Steve he used to know never would’ve cared if he outed someone, or at least never would have realized that was wrong. He coughed and then looked down at the bench. “You gonna sit?”
Eddie sat down on the bench, extremely close to Steve’s legs. Almost touching. Was that heat coming from his body or was Eddie just extremely warm?
“Did you actually wanna smoke or did you just wanna get out of the hall?” Steve asked after another minute of awkward silence.
“We can smoke.” Eddie reached into his pocket, hating how tight his jeans were in the front, and grabbed his lighter. His pack of cigarettes were usually stored in his van because he rarely smoked them, but luckily he’d brought them with him all week to sneak smokes between classes. He pulled one out and handed it to Steve.
He started to light his own when Steve leaned down, his face right next to Eddie’s, breath hot on his neck.
“You aren’t gonna light it for me?”
Eddie whimpered.
He would deny it a million times over if anyone asked. He almost had himself believing he imagined it.
But Steve laughed and backed away, pulling out his own lighter and giving Eddie a second to catch his breath.
What the fuck was that? Did Steve know he was making Eddie’s brain flatline?
He watched Steve take a long drag out of the corner of his eye, his mind shuffling between ‘what if he fucked me right here?’ and ‘get the hell away before your dick pops a hole in your jeans.’
Steve’s lips were so pink, and looked so soft, and just wet enough from licking his lips before taking the next drag, and Eddie was really going through it right now.
He’d gone through his Steve Harrington phase just like everyone else, thought it was over when he graduated. Had avoided the mall all summer when he heard he was working at Scoops so he didn’t have to see him in those tiny blue shorts. Had even gone so far as to avoid being around when the kids were being picked up from Hellfire because Dustin mentioned Steve was his ride.
Out of sight, out of mind.
Except for Eddie’s imagination was impressive, and his late night thoughts turned into very vivid scenes of Steve working him to the edge and making him beg, or pushing him against a locker and making him take his cock with barely any prep, or-
“Dude, anyone ever tell you you’re kinda space-y?” Steve’s voice once again lifted him from his thoughts, though he felt a bit hazy.
“Think I’m comin’ down with something,” Eddie squeaked out. All he was coming down with was a sickness deep in his chest: Harrington Heart-itis.
“Did you hit your head?” Steve sounded concerned now, setting his cigarette in the ashtray left on the table and moving so he had one leg on either side of Eddie. His fingers landed in Eddie’s hair, pulling his head closer and inspecting it for injury. “I didn’t think anything but your shoulders hit, but maybe-”
“No,” Eddie gulped. He should pull away. “Didn’t hit my head.”
Steve’s fingers tightened, not quite painfully, but enough of a bite to it that Eddie whimpered. Again.
Steve’s grip loosened, but his fingers stayed buried in his curls, and Eddie felt pressure guiding him to rest against Steve’s thigh.
“You eat today?” Steve asked, though his voice sounded kinda far away, like he was above the surface of the water and Eddie was sitting at the bottom of a pool looking up at the sun. “Eddie?”
“Hm?” Eddie blinked up at Steve. “I ate.”
“When?” Steve’s hand was cupping his cheek. “Lunch?”
“Mmm, no,” Eddie shook his head, blinked. “Breakfast? Cereal.”
Steve cursed under his breath.
He was so pretty. Had he been told how pretty he was? Surely when Nancy was with him, she told him.
Even if Robin liked women, she had to at least notice how pretty he was, right?
Steve’s sharp intake of breath somewhat centered Eddie.
“I’m gonna drive you home, okay?” Steve whispered, leaning down so his face was only inches away.
Eddie could kiss him. It would be the easiest thing in the world to lift his head the final two inches to make their lips meet.
“Eddie, eyes open,” Steve’s fingers tightened again, gaining Eddie’s full attention. “Should I call someone? Are you dynamic or something?”
Eddie’s brows furrowed. What did that even mean?
“Like the sugar thing?” Steve continued.
“Diabetic?” Eddie still felt a little hazy, but he was starting to come back to it with Steve’s hand migrating from his hair to his shoulder. “No, my sugar’s fine.”
“I’ve got some soda in my car. I can drive you home and then bring you to school in the morning. You probably shouldn’t drive like…this.”
It all came crashing down when Eddie realized how vulnerable he’d just been, how he’d actually lost track of time, not sure exactly how long he’d been sitting between Steve’s legs with his hands in his hair before he started coming back to earth. He stood up, maybe a bit too quickly, rocking a bit before finding his balance.
“Woah, take it easy.” Steve held his hands out, grasped his biceps to hold him steady. “You were pretty far out of it. Don’t rush it.”
How fucking embarrassing.
Eddie had only gone down that far one time with someone and they got freaked out when he was giggling and couldn’t walk on his own because his legs felt like jelly. But that had been on purpose. This was- Steve didn’t– Jesus Christ.
“I’m fine now.” Eddie was not fine. He knew what would happen if he left right now. Aftercare was a major part of this whether Steve was prepared for it or not. “Just, um, walk me to my van.”
Steve looked like a kicked puppy, but Eddie didn’t have the time to explain all of this to him.
Steve Harrington didn’t know how much of a freak Eddie was even if he did know he was gay. There’s no way Steve participated in any type of BDSM with the many girls he slept with in high school.
There was absolutely no fuckin’ way Nancy Wheeler let herself get tied to a bed and get fucked by Steve.
He shook his head at the thought.
“I’d feel a lot better if you let me drive you. I promise we don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to.” Steve sighed. “I just don’t know if you should drive when you went down so hard.”
“You have no idea what even happened,” Eddie argued, pacing back and forth. “I can drive. I just need to walk it off.”
“You don’t walk off subspace.”
Eddie froze. Steve was standing right in front of him now, concern in his big, stupid, adorable eyes.
“How do you even know about subspace?” Eddie whispered.
“I slept with half the high school and two guys in Indy. I know what subspace is, Eds.”
Eddie must still be in space. Or maybe another galaxy.
“Sorry, did you just say you slept with two guys in Indy?” Has Steve seriously fucked more guys than Eddie has? Eddie, the resident gay man of Hawkins, has only been with one man in his entire life and Steve has apparently slept with two?
“Well, I wasn’t gonna sleep with two men in Hawkins!” Steve threw his hands up before putting them on his hips. “I hit up a gay bar and didn’t realize it doubled as a BDSM club until I was already in it and then a nice guy showed me the ropes. Literally. There were ropes involved.”
Eddie snorted. Steve was pretty and funny. Great. Just what he needed.
“I have a quick recovery, so I’ll be fine to drive home,” Eddie tried, though even he could hear his voice still shaking.
“No one is that quick,” Steve wrapped an arm around his shoulders, tugging him into a hug. “Has that ever happened before?”
“Not like that.”
“We should probably talk about it.”
The last thing Eddie wanted to do was talk about how someone playing with his hair and moving his head around while showing the bare minimum of care was enough to send him into subspace, but he had a feeling Steve wasn’t gonna give up easily.
“Fine. What should we talk about? How no one ever touches me gently so the moment someone did, I slipped? How I’ve been avoiding seeing you anywhere in public because I knew it would make my crush come back full force? Oh, I know!” Eddie laughed hysterically as he pulled away. “Let’s talk about how I still think about you in your stupid basketball shorts when I’m fucking myself on four fingers, which is never enough because I can never reach the spot I need to. Or how I once cut out your yearbook photo to keep for jerking off material because my mags weren’t enough. Could even talk about how earlier I wanted you to put your leg between mine so I could rub off on you. Or maybe the weather if you’d prefer that.”
Eddie was panting, could feel the heat on his face rising as he realized everything he’d just said, admitted, to Steve.
He’d never said any of that out loud. Shit, he’d barely said most of it in his own head.
Steve’s arms were pulling him in and Eddie let himself have it, let himself feel small for just a moment. If Steve wasn’t completely disgusted by what he said, then he would at least accept this offering of kindness for now.
They stayed like that for a while, long enough that Eddie started to wonder if he could just live here, right in Steve’s arms.
“It’s looking a little cloudy,” Steve said quietly, hands still rubbing Eddie’s back slowly.
“What?” Eddie still felt a little out of it, but that was entirely out of left field.
“You said we could talk about the weather.”
Eddie snorted. “Oh my God, you’re so-” Eddie looked up at Steve, who was smiling down at him. He felt off-kilter, being the object of that particular Steve look. “Stupid.”
It was fond, probably too fond for someone who needed to protect himself from whatever the hell was happening. He needed to shut this down.
“It’s been mentioned,” Steve’s eyes flickered down to Eddie’s lips, then back up to his eyes. “You good to head out?”
Eddie started to nod, but stopped.
This was his only chance. He wasn’t dumb enough to think he’d ever be alone with Steve again. If he was gonna kick start a spiral over feelings, he might as well go all out.
He stood at his full height, almost eye level with Steve, and leaned in.
The kiss was not even close to perfect. In fact, as far as kisses go, it was probably in the bottom three for Steve. Eddie chose not to think about how he screwed it all up.
But once the initial shock wore off, and Eddie put his teeth away, Steve’s hand cupped Eddie’s cheek and he licked past his lips.
Leave it to Steve to turn this around, make it something worth the risk.
Their lips moved in sync, both of them deepening the kiss without making it too wet, too filthy for a public space.
It was, dare he say, romantic.
Most kisses Eddie had managed to have were dirty and rough, hidden away in dark bars and alleyways, not exactly prime teen romance.
Of course Steve was good at this, of course he made Eddie melt against him, and of course Eddie was going to start writing hearts around Steve’s name in his notebook as if they were high school sweethearts.
When they pulled apart, it took him a minute to open his eyes. How stereotypical.
Steve was already looking at him, softer than he probably deserved.
“You’re pretty good at that,” Eddie breathed out.
“It’s been mentioned.” Steve’s lips turned up in a smirk before he pulled away completely. “Let’s go.”
They walked back through the school, stopping at Eddie’s locker to grab one of his textbooks as if he actually would use it. By now, he didn’t really need the textbooks to get his work done. And he was actually committed to getting it done this time around.
They were quiet as they continued out to the parking lot, only a few cars belonging to teachers left, maybe a few students stuck here for football or basketball practice. Steve’s car was towards the back, but Eddie’s was almost all the way in the grass field by the main road. It was less risky leaving it further away, less likely that anyone would slash the tires or key the side.
“You’re sure you can drive?” Steve asked as they stood outside his car.
“Yeah. Only five minutes to the trailer. It’ll be fine.” Eddie shrugged like it was nothing, but he was actually a little worried the kiss set him too off balance to focus on the road. Fuck the subspace, Steve’s lips were like discovering a new galaxy.
“Can I call you later? To check on you?” Steve seemed hesitant to ask.
“Uh, yeah? Do you…have my number?”
Steve shook his head, opening the door to his car and reaching into the glovebox to find a pen and an old receipt. As Eddie wrote down the number to the trailer, he thought about how much worse this would be tomorrow, how shitty it would be to have had this absolutely out of this world experience with the one person he never thought he could and then be left with scraps for the rest of his life.
“You uh, you don’t have to call, man. Don’t feel pressured. My uncle will be home so it’s not like I’ll be alone.”
Steve took the paper and pen back, folding the paper and putting it in his pocket and throwing the pen back into the car.
“I’m gonna call.” Steve moved a piece of Eddie’s hair from in front of his face. “You got a phone in your room?”
“No, but the one we have reaches to the bathroom?” Why the hell did he need one in his room?
“Good. Need you to be alone.”
“Steve, what the hell does that mean?”
“How else am I supposed to tell you what I wanna do to you?”
Well, fuck.
Day two: ao3 | tumblr
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catcze · 9 months
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Wriothesley can hear your loud stomps from a mile away as you furiously speed-walk to his office door like a bloodhound trailing a scent. Even if not for that, the way that you bang your fist on the door is enough to grab his attention.
"WRIOTHESLEY." Comes booming in from the other side of the door. It's thick wood. He wonders how deaf he would have gone if the door hadn't protected him. The door (the thick, supposedly impenetrable door) rattles on its hinges like a screen in a hurricane when you try to kick it again. "DID YOU EAT MY DONUTS."
It's not even an accusation at that point. It's practically a declaration of war.
"WRIOTHESLEY!" You yell so loudly a group of guards turning the corner down the hall scramble back the way they came. "Open up, jackass!"
Wriothesley, knowing he cannot escape the consequences of his actions, merely settles deeper into his chair as he drinks his tea. His last meal. Drink. Similar thing.
The door keeps rattling as you yell profanities at him, until one of his traitorous guards approaches you hesitantly, saying not a single word but offering up the spare key to his office with shaky hands, head low and aggressively avoiding eye contact.
"Oh!" you say, demeanor switching immediately, losing the intimidating glint in your eye as you gingerly take the key. You smile kindly. "Thank you very much!"
Then you turn back to the door, the threat of violence in your eye as you wield the key like a weapon of war, inserting it into the keyhole and twisting it with a dark finality. The guard wonders if they should fear for their superior's wellbeing.
Wriothesley looks up from his newspaper as you close the door ominously behind you, somehow maintaining a blasé facadé even while staring down certain death.
"Well?" you prompt him, eye twitching like a stressed villain from a kid's cartoon show. You round on him in an instant, too quick for him to escape. Somehow, he keeps up his poker face. "Care to explain where my donuts went, Duke of Meropide?"
"I didn't eat them," He deadpans, staring you right in the eye. He pointedly does not acknowledge the white powdered sugar on his face.
"There's white powdered sugar on your face."
"Ah. So there is."
Another cartoony villain eye twitch. "Want to try that again?"
"...I love you?"
"And I love you. Last chance, though."
And he folds like a lawn chair. Wriothesley knows this is a fight he can't win. Even Neuvillette would tell him it's best to just kick the bucket and plead guilty at this point. He sighs breaking eye contact first like a wolf with its tail between its legs.
"Okay, I'll buy you another dozen of them."
You cross your arms, staring at him. He sighs.
"Another two dozen."
You soften just the slightest bit, coming close to perch on his lap and lean into his space. Instinctively, his arms come to wrap around your middle, pulling you against him.
Wriothesley leans forward too, enough for your foreheads to touch. You can feel the breath of his sigh against your lips.
"And you have my sincerest apologies for taking your things. In my defense, I thought they were mine at first.”
“Apology accepted,” you say, satisfied, and peck him quickly on the lips. Before it can turn into anything else though, you’re springing up from his lap. Ignoring the disappointed furrow in his brow and the way his arms have still not moved from their position holding you earlier, you take his hand and pull him up from his chair with such startling enthusiasm and surprising strength that it has him stumbling for a second. You pull him towards the door regardless.
“C’mon, you’re making good on that apology right now, Wrio! Hope you finished your work!”
And no, technically he hasn’t finished his work. But he already knows that you’ve got him wrapped around your finger, and that pushing that work to tomorrow wouldn’t hurt. Probably. Whatever— it’d be worth it.
So he just sighs and gives the palm resting in his a squeeze and let’s himself be pulled along. You squeeze back.
“As long as you let me have a few. Those were pretty good.”
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crappycamille · 10 months
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a/n: gasp, i actually wrote something. be easy on me okay, i haven’t done this in a while. just some fluffy conjecture tbh, although there is one suggestive line but that’s why all my stuff is 18+, minors dni please… enjoy <3
Bakugou Katsuki had never experienced touch.
Well, that’s not entirely true. He had been touched before: punched and hit by those desperately trying to escape his pursuit, clung to by those fearing for their life, gentle yet encouraging pats on the back from friends, loving but annoying pinches of the ear from his mother. He’s even been pawed at and caressed by lust-filled women that satisfy temporary needs. And even more dangerously, he’s been fondled by the promise of love disguised as lust… But never had Bakugou been touched.
At least until you.
The first time you touched Bakugou is a memory he will never forget. He was bone tired having worked an incredibly grueling month-long mission.
Instead of going home to catch up on much-needed sleep, he immediately went to his office to get the paperwork done. Most people don’t know that a lot of things on the legal side can’t go through until his side of the paperwork is done. Bakugou constantly feels like he’s never fast enough. No matter how fast he can get to the victims. No matter how fast he catches the villain. No matter how fast he gets things done he wasn’t fast enough to prevent the victims from becoming victims in the first place. So, in his mind, the least he could do is get his paperwork done as fast as possible so that those involved can get their justice.
But, of course, the moment the mission is done—before he’s even had a chance to change out of his hero suit—he’s met with nothing but a mountain of news articles and tabloid headlines ridiculing his name. They find joy in villainizing him over the smallest of details.
Most of the time, Bakugou ignores those things. It doesn’t matter to him what others think. They can nitpick whatever they want because despite that he won. He saved the people who needed to be saved. To him, that was all that really mattered… usually.
It must have been his level of exhaustion, but he couldn’t help the way his brows furrowed in disappointment reading the headlines. The words for the public sitting heavier on his chest than normal. His emotions got to him more than normal as he walked down the hallway from his official, finally heading home.
It was late.
Far too late for anyone else to still be there. Yet, he swore he could hear the soft pitter-patter of heels clicking against the floor. As he turned the corner he was met with the sight of you packing up. You hadn’t noticed him yet, so he watched with confusion as scurried around filing documents, turning off computers, and locking doors.
“The hell? Why’re you still here?” He internally cringed as his voice boomed more than he meant it to since you nearly jumped out of your skin upon hearing him.
“Oh Dynamight, Sir! I apologize I meant to be out of here before you noticed I was here.” Exhaustion seeped through your voice, giving you more rasp than normal.
“That’s not what I asked you. The hell’re you still here for?”
“Well…” you scratched your head feeling a bit shy, debating on whether or not to tell him the real reason why you were there. “I stayed to make sure all of the paperwork you submitted just now went through. As head of your legal team, it’s my job to make sure things on the agency’s side are squared away. I understand you like to get things done immediately after a mission, Sir.”
Bakugou was speechless. So many questions riddle through his head he wanted to ask. Had you done this after every mission and he never noticed you? yes When had you noticed that he came in after missions to do paperwork? Why did you care? Instead, he watched wordlessly as you gathered your things.
“You don’t need to do that.” He finally spoke. His tone was unusually soft, nearing sweet if you squinted hard enough. You breathily chuckled. You had been working for Bakugou long enough to know that was his way of saying thank you.
“It’s really no problem, Sir. No reason you have to be the only person in the office so late, especially after working such long missions.” You softly smiled at him. With you being so close, he could see the exhaustion prominent in your own face.
The two of you worked your way out of the building together in silence. Bakugou felt that he had so many things he wanted to say, so many things he wanted to ask, but they all muddled to the back of his mind.
It was only when you guys reached the front lobby exit that he became aware of the incessant buzzing of his phone. Countless mentions, tags, reposts, and message requests were flooding in from every social media app. He could’ve sworn he turned his notifications off a long time ago, but there they were. Those same articles that called him a corrupt hero, a heinous/reckless man, and nitpicked things down to the way he breathed were being sent to him over and over again. A constant reminder that so many people disapprove of him.
He hadn’t noticed how tightly he had been gripping his phone. How clenched his bicep was until he felt a gentle squeeze on his arm. Your hand was small in comparison to his but its presence was overwhelming.
Your thumb subtly rubbed soothing circles on his clenched bicep. “If it’s worth anything, I think you’re incredibly kindhearted. The world is lucky to have a hero like you protecting it. Goodnight, Sir. Get some rest.”
Bakugou thought he was going to melt the second you pulled your hand away. Your words rang loud in his ears, but his skin buzzed even louder at the lingering effects of your touch. He had to stop himself from sobbing in the lobby that night.
There was something oh so special about your touch.
From the first time you ever touched him to the way, you touch him now as his wife. He swears he has to stop himself from sobbing every time. It’s the overwhelming love that pours out of you every time your skin connects with his.
He was so incredibly touch-starved before you came along. Starved from the kind of touch that doesn’t come from platonic relationships. Starved from the touch of someone that didn’t expect to gain something from him in return. Starved from the intimate touch of true love.
He revels in every little touch you grace him with. The way you hold his hand under the dinner table. The way you pinch him lovingly, reminding him of his mother, when he says something out of pocket.The way you squeeze his thigh and rub soothing circles on him when tensions get high in a meeting. The way you nestle your face in his back as he cooks. The way you lightly slap his shoulder as you laugh hysterically. The way you drag your hands along his sides as he lays on you. The way you claw at him desperate to somehow bring him impossibly closer as he thrusts into you.
In all honesty, he still has a hard time fathoming that you are his. That you are in love with him. That you choose to be with him every day. He feels undeserving, but you always definitively object. He believes that you are so much more than anything he could ever be, but that’s exactly how you feel about him.
Your touch is just one of the things he obsesses over you. Because he is just so incredibly in love with you.
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brodieland · 3 months
.˚ 𓈒 ࣪.𝝑𝝔 Exes SUCK !! ´ˎ˗
Percy Jackson x fem!reader Synopsis: When reader found out her loser ex cheated on her, she always has her best friend to step up ! Word Count: 1018
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Every night at camp half-blood, there's a campfire at 9pm where all the campers come together while the Apollo kids lead a bunch of sing-a-longs. You normally loved these, but tonight wasn't your night. About a week ago, you and your shitty ex had broken up when you found out he was cheating with some Aphrodite kid. Sure it hurt being cheated on but after months of being treated the way you were, you were just glad to finally get rid of him.
As glad as you were, now you were just kind of lonely, his toxicity drove away your friends. Even your best friend, Percy. Now, you were sitting alone by the campfire as the rest of the campers were staggering back to their cabins. While you were enjoying the warmth of the fire, you notice a familiar figure coming to take a seat next to you.
"Hey Y/N"
"Hey Percy"
Neither of you looked at each other for a few moments, still staring the fire. The silence was unbearable, you felt terrible about what happened. You never wanted to push him away, you thought you were being loved when you were just being used. Growing up as a demigod sucks when your mortal parent doesn't care for you because you are just so different from the rest of your family, constantly ignoring you hoping you would go away. Plus of course none of the gods ever really pay attention to their kids. All that gave you issues, you never felt enough. So when your ex first came into your life making you feel wanted, you jumped at it not realizing that that wasn't love.
"So.. I've heard about you and.. you know who" Percy never liked him from the start. You really wish you listened to him.
"Yeah, he who shall not be named" you chuckled as Percy turned and smiled. "I wish I listened to you about him, would've saved me so much time you know."
"Hate to say I told you so but, I told you so" he said as you jokingly glared at him.
"Haha. But really, I'm sorry for everything that happened" you said.
"You don't have to apologize" he looked at you sincerely.
"No, I do. I pushed you away all for a jerk who didn't deserve my time, and you didn't deserve that" you turned to him with a look of sadness on your face. You hated that you did that to him.
He turns to face you and grabs your cheeks making your foreheads touch to make extreme eye contact. "Y/N, it's okay, you don't have to say sorry again. You know I can't stay mad at you anyways." As you guys separated, a wash of relief floods your face as you feel your shoulders drop with satisfaction.
"I'm glad." Percy lets go of your cheeks and faces back to the camp fire. You take the opportunity and slide closer next to him, now shoulder to shoulder. You continue to lean in and he takes the chance to slide his arms over your shoulders, happy with himself when he sees that you didn't pull away, but snuggled closer. You guys were always very close together like this before you were forced to separate from him. At the end of the day, no one blames your ex for being jealous of Percy. You guys stay there for a view moments enjoying the toasty fire when you decide to finally speak up.
"I missed you, like, a lot" you whispered loud enough for the both of you to hear.
"I missed you, too Y/N" as Percy said that he held you tighter.
"You know the phrase 'absence makes the heart grow fonder'," you rambled "..yeah." You didn't know how to continue that thought out loud, it sounded less cheesy in your head but you meant what you said. Whatever it was that you said. If you were being honest with yourself, you wish it was Percy who first showed interest in you instead of.. the other guy.. but you fear it may be too late for that. While you were deep in thought, Percy was just giggling at your failed sentence.
"You sound like you have a little crush on mee" Percy dragged out the last word. Weirdly enough, he wasn't wrong, but that was also how you guys also joked. So you never thought he was serious when he said this stuff.
"Why do you think I got forced to distance from youu" you matched Percy by dragging out the last word.
"Wait, what" Percy questioned, looking down at you and you turned up and looked at him through your lashes. Percy always thought you were beautiful, so you getting a shitty boyfriend sucked for him, but he tried to push through for you. Then when he forced you and Percy to stop talking, that hurt, but he could never hate you.
"I guess it was pretty obvious how much I like you, even to my own boyfriend. Funny isn't it. I thought since you didn't like me back it was time to try moving on, it didn't work out though" you got quiet as you finished your sentence. Then Percy stared at you wide eyed with with mouth gaped open.
"Is it too soon to finally kiss you" Percy said, grateful he didn't stammer his sentence out of nerves. That's when you quickly sat up, grabbed his face and slammed it on yours. It was amazing, between the tension that was constantly building up mixed with the relaxing sound of the crackling fire behind you, it was perfect. You guys were moving together in rhythm before you pulled apart remembering your need for air. As you guys were panting for air you looked at each other and smiled, then you spoke up.
"Why was I wasting my time before" you joked.
"Your decisions making skills were never the best, that's why I'm here for you, always" Percy kissed your forehead as you both began to stand up and walk hand in hand back to your cabins.
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intoanotherworld23 · 3 months
Breaking And Entering | SheriffJoel Miller x Reader
Summary: Joel catches you breaking and entering into his house, and takes you back to the station to teach you a little lesson
Warnings: NSFW 18+, smut, dominant Joel, sheriff Joel, fingering, spanking, use of authority, mention of crime, implied sex
Word Count: 1.8k+ words
A/N: Comment, heart, and reblog if you guys wish for a second part to this to see what else will happen! Reblogs are encouraged and appreciated to share with others so they can enjoy! Thank you guys so much I hope you all enjoyed! XOXO
Hall of Hunks
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“So you like breaking into peoples home huh?” Joel asked sternly as he bent you over the steel table.
“I’m sorry.” You whimpered pathetically as Joel’s foot pushed your legs further apart.
“Oh now you’re sorry.” He chuckled devilishly at your response, and wasn’t buying your pathetic apology. “I think you’re just sorry you got caught.”
You weren’t meant to get caught at all. It was just a dare that went too far, and you’re the only one he was able to grab. Your stupid friends dared you to break into the sheriffs house. Only thing is you didn’t expect him to be at home waiting.
Then he had no time in driving you back to the station throwing you in one of the rooms. There was something about the way he handled you, and looked at you that was dark. There was something much more than anger behind his eyes. You couldn’t quite tell what it was though.
“Please I’m sorry I wasn’t going to steal anything.” Hoping that would make things better, but Joel just ignored you.
“Were you by yourself or with friends?” Hands patting your legs squirming in his hold.
“Isn’t a female supposed to check me?” You asked turning your neck to get a better look at him.
“Shut the fuck up.” He raised his voice at you. “You lost that privilege when you decided to break into my home.”
“You can’t treat me like this.” Speaking out again.
“Better watch that mouth sweetheart or it’s gonna get you in big trouble.”
“Or you’ll do what?” You were really pushing him this time.
Joel was fuming at this point, and all he had on his mind was teaching you a lesson. The way you talked back to him like a spoiled child. You were just asking for a punishment. There was only one way that he knew for sure would work.
“Now answer me.” Feeling his hands now patting close to your area. “Who else was with you?”
“Nobody.” You lied quickly.
“I don’t believe you.” Joel responded as he swatted at your inner thigh making you jump.
Most people would be terrified being in this position, but right now you were incredibly turned on by how dominant he was becoming. You couldn’t help but feel you weren’t the only one feeling this way.
“I’m telling the truth sheriff there wasn’t anybody else.” Pleading with him to believe you. He still wasn’t buying it.
“I’m gonna ask you one more time.” His voice quieted as his thick hand pressed against your clothed core. “Was there anybody else?”
“What are you gonna do?” Whispering loud enough for him to hear fear evident in your voice.
“Whatever I want with you.” His hand smacking down where it laid your legs folding together.
The air had left your lungs, and it felt as if someone turned up the heat in this room several degrees. The only sound that could be heard was your heavy breathing. It felt like the room was closing in on you two, and there was no way to escape.
Quickly opening your legs back open for him. Feeling his hand back on you as he kept it there for a few seconds. He could feel how warm you were between your legs, and he was loving it. He was glad that you were feeling the same mood that he was.
You could tell him you don’t want this, and scream for help in hopes someone would come running in and stop all this. Instead you chose not to, and wanted more. You were hungry for his touch, and lust was all you could think about.
Joel rubbing his hand up and down the pants you had on the fabric pressing into your clit. A tiny whimper slipping past your lips. Biting down on bottom lip hoping he didn’t hear that.
“That feels good doesn’t it sweetheart?”
Joel grinned knowing exactly what he was doing to you. Putting more pressure on your core just wishing he could feel how drenched you were for him. He wanted nothing more than to reach his hand down your pants, and collect your juices on his fingers.
“Just tell me what I want and I’ll let you cum.” Joel whispered seductively in your ear pressing his now fully clothed erect cock into your backside.
Pushing unknowingly back against him to feel more as he kept rubbing his hand up and down more aggressively this time. Joel saw what you were doing and chuckled to himself. He let you keep it up for a little bit before pulling away from you making you cry out.
“Ah ah ah.” Pulling his hand away this time too. “Not until you tell me what I need.”
He already knew the truth that you didn’t work alone, but he was the one in charge right now, and he needed to hear you say it. Right now he needed you to submit so he could also get what he wanted.
“Okay fine there was others.” Blurting out finally telling him the truth.
“Good girl.” Patting your ass with praise. “See that wasn’t so hard now was it.”
Before you could even respond the same hand that was rubbing on you was now pushing your pants open. Pushing past your panties feeling exactly how turned on he was making you. Joel almost growled at the feeling of what he was doing to you.
“Fuck you are wet for me aren’t you?” You could only respond with a moan.
Able to easily slip his fingers inside of you pushing all the way to his knuckles. Your mouth hanging open as he pulled out and then pushed back in. Immediately starting a rhythm that had your body rocking against the table.
Pressing his whole body into you so that you were squeezed between the table and his body. Wanting nothing more than to rip yours and his pants off, and fuck you until tomorrow. He had patience though, and knew it would be worth it to hold out a little more.
“Is this what you wanted?” His tone condescending, and you felt ashamed for wanting this so easily.
“Yes yes yes.” You babbled out already feeling the pressure building between your legs.
Joel wanted a different response as his free hand smacked your ass harder this time. He wanted you to know he was the one in charge, and the one with all the power right now.
“You wanna say that again sweetheart?”
“Yes sheriff.” Responding back to him hoping that’s what he wanted.
“That’s a good girl for me.” He praised again his fingers going faster this time as his palm smacked against your pelvis.
The suction noises echoing in both of your ears hearing exactly how drenched you were. Feeling your ears and cheeks burning a sudden embarrassment washing over you. Joel was loving it though.
Maneuvering his thumb so he could rub your clit pushing you over the edge. Crying out as his hand grabbed your mouth to keep you quiet. Hushing in your ear, but never once stopping or slowing down his movements.
“Can’t have anyone know what I’m doing to you in here.” Whispering in your ear as he nibbled on it. “Can you imagine what they would say if they caught you fucking the sheriff?”
That’s the last thing you wanted for everyone in this town to hear about this. To know how easily you folded for him, and you broke into his house. Your reputation would be completely tarnished, and nobody would look at you the same.
Joel knew he had the upper hand here. He knew you wouldn’t say anything to anybody, cause they would probably take his word over yours. In fact Joel might even keep you around longer to do this again.
“Dirty little thief spreading her legs to keep from going to jail.” He kept going as if it was a shared secret between you two. “You’ll do anything to keep from going to jail won’t you.”
It came out more like a statement than a question because he already knew the answer to that one. He could tell you were the type of girl who would do anything to avoid jail time.
“Please.” Begging him feeling so close to release already.
“Please what?” He teased again knowing what he wanted.
“Please sheriff I wanna cum.”
That was all he needed to hear for motivation. His hand gripping onto your hips as his fingers literally drove themselves into you pushing and pulling your body. Clenching around his fingers as your hands gripped the edge of the table.
Joel’s fingers stayed still inside of you as they curved inside motioning in a come here action. Gasping loudly as you turned your head to bite into your arm at the motion. Joel having you right where he wanted you.
Your entire body was on fire right now. Your legs were already trembling, and you didn’t know how much longer you’d be able to last. Thank god for Joel holding you otherwise you’d have collapsed to the floor.
Joel’s inner beast was banging against the cage wanting to be let out. All he wanted to do was devour you right against this table. He wanted you completely at his mercy, and to hear you beg for his cock.
Watching as your body wriggled under his hold, and how you couldn’t control what your arms and legs were doing. It was like something was possessing you, and Joel was the reason.
“Fuck yeah I want you to cum for me.” Growling into your ear. “Want to feel the pussy cum around my fingers.”
That was all you needed to hear as your entire body tightened. Legs shaking as your orgasm came over you violently. Mouth hanging wide open as whimpers and moans left your lips.
Joel keeping you in place though against his body his cock really pressing into you. Imagining the whole time it was him inside of you instead of his fingers.
Your entire body felt defeated and weak. Not being able to lift your head or even move your arms. All that was just from him fingering you. Not sure if you were gonna be able to handle his cock now.
“Fuck I could tell you needed that.” Joel joked as he soothingly rubbed his hand up and down your back.
If you weren’t in such a state of bliss you would have felt so ashamed for what you just did. Not being the type of girl who would spread her legs for just anybody. Let alone the sheriff of this town.
“Am I free to go now?” Asking timidly wondering if he would let you go.
“Oh no baby girl,” hands gripping onto your hips harshly, “I’m not nearly done with you yet.”
“But I told you what you wanted to know.” Cranking your neck to look at his reddened face, and blown out eyes staring down at you.
“You still need to tell me your friend’s names.” That made your eyes go wide. “For that you get to cum around my cock.”
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sleepingelvhen · 3 months
The Bat Boys 🦇
A Court of Thorns and Roses NSFW Headcanons [Rhysand, Azriel, and Cassian] Minors DO NOT Interact Masterlist
As the High Lord of the Night Court, Rhysand has been feared as long as he can remember. Lord of nightmares, Amarantha’s whore, Death Incarnate…he’s heard it all and he’s learned just as well to ignore the daggers the words stabbed into him. His inner circle are the only people he trusts, finding it easier to mask himself with the cold cruelty the world expects. But what if someone sees through that mask? When you look into his hardened gaze and see the kindness beneath – it’s enough to break even him.
His lips will press into your neck, arms wrapped around your body to keep you held against his chest. It’s impossible to step away, not when he desperately needs to touch you in some way, to keep reminding you that he loves you because he will not dare risk you forgetting. Try to pull away and you’ll find him giggling into your neck, leaving trails upon trails of soft kisses along your neck, your cheek, and into your hair until he tells you no and holds you tighter.
When I tell you this man loves physical affection, I mean you're being cuddled tightly in his sleep, your arm is always hooked into his own, you’re sitting on his lap when he has business to attend to, and every time he sees you, he leaves you with many kisses.
You’re always lavish with gifts. Jewelry placed upon your bed in the morning, chocolates and other snacks always appearing in the kitchen wrapped with ribbons for you. He likes to feed you these snacks, hold you on his lap and press one of the little chocolate truffles into your mouth. He looks so innocent, smiling as he does so. He just wants you to like his gifts, that’s all.
It’s scary to see his face turn cold when the two of you are in public, far away from Velaris. Rhys will keep his arm around your shoulder, body radiating danger to any who approach. One would see a possessive and violent male, keeping his mate so close they could never get away if they tried. But you know it's all an act. Indeed, he’d rather die than let you feel trapped or hurt. It was simply something he had to pull off, keep those within his court afraid and obedient. They respected his strength and coldness, and as such they respected you.
Sometimes it gets a bit too scary. Even you can get caught off guard at the command in his voice, especially when it turns on you. Your playfulness is not fully tolerated, especially when it pushes his cold mask. And with a stern voice telling you to stop, you can’t help but feel a little hurt. He will make it up to you as soon as he can, flying as fast as possible to Velaris, whispering so many apologies and kissing every part of your face so you can forgive him. He promises he’ll make it up to you. He promises.
Rhysand loves seeing your face as he rolls his hips, rutting himself inside of you. You can see his face wrought in pleasure, as he stares into your eyes, moving slowly at first, letting you get used to his size. He wanted so much more but he was far from cruel. He coos softly, murmuring gentle praises about how gorgeous you look beneath him, how good you’re doing, taking him so well. But he wants to hear your voice, he wants you to moan and whimper, the sweet honey of your voice would hypnotize him.
He is the dominant one here, loving to be on top, loving to take control. He adores seeing you mewl beneath him, loves how he can grab you and move you around to his heart’s content. He will tease you through the whole way, touching you without reaching the parts you need to be pressed into, licking and kissing you but never letting you have what you want. It brings a cruel smile to his face, as you become putty in his hand.
Make him go completely weak and feral by wearing clothes that barely cover you. Teasing him with how he can nearly see everything, but not enough, the one spot he wants to see is covered with cloth, so tight against your skin. He’s drooling at the sight, and desperate to get you in bed as soon as possible.
Be careful when turning him on. He is unafraid to take you whenever and wherever. In fact, he gets off when people are watching as he’s stroking and rubbing and licking you. Your embarrassment would fuel him even more, loving the pink fluster upon your face, the way your lips tremble as you try not to let your body twitch and shake as he works you into the next orgasm.
And, of course, he will take you in the sky. Focused on flying but seeing you in his arms, legs wrapped around his waist. You're irresistible, so much so that he can’t help but lose control and take you right there. Who cares who sees? Who cares who hears how loud he’s going to make you? All that matters is getting his cock sheathed in you and allowing the canted movement of his wings to carry the two of you through the air as he desperately breeds you.
He’s unafraid to please you, he wants to please you. It doesn’t matter if he gets off or not, he wants his face between your legs, sucking at every sensitive bit, his tongue reaching places that make you scream. Fingers digging into the plush of your thighs, keeping you spread as he slurps up everything he can get. It’s like a fine wine to him, and he can’t get enough.
Decorated in blue siphon and cloaked in shadow; Azriel is one of the most feared Illyrians in the land. Hidden and quiet within the dark, all the information his to know and no one’s to discover. It’s an understatement to say he’s intimidating, brooding in the corner of almost any room, listening to any gossip he can hear, and gaining even more information from the whispering shadows that coil around his feet, licking at his calves. And yet, as intimidating as he is, you can see the kindness behind his eyes. The desperation for someone to understand who he really was.
His eyes are always on you, watching over you as often as possible. Protective is an understatement, but he wouldn’t provoke…no, a cold gaze was often enough to ward away anyone who approached you with ill intent. But having him brooding in the corner wouldn’t do. You’d bring out the playfulness in him, grabbing his hands and dragging him into the party. People were uncomfortable but you…he could focus on you. A shadow of a smile was all you needed to know he was okay.
Azriel would be nervous of physical affection at first, worried he’d make you feel uncomfortable, afraid to push you away by moving too fast or coming off as too needy. Even after you’ve shown you’re okay with it, the most you get in public is him standing close in your space, his hand on your shoulder when guiding you or talking to you, or his hand planted on the small of your back, thumb rubbing circles in comfort.
He likes giving you little gifts as well. Almost like a crow, he’ll come up to you with a pretty little gem or stone he found or bought, looking to the side as you accept it. Maybe he’d buy some jewelry for you but he enjoys making you things, little crafting projects that make him think of you. It would be adorable if you taught him how to make cheesy friendship bracelets, the colorful cheap braided creations something he would find joy in making for you.
Do you have a lot to do today? He will offer his help immediately. If he’s not busy, he’s helping you with chores, or even silently doing something he knew you were gonna ‘get to later’. How did he know? Well…he’s a spymaster for a reason and the shadows aren’t just for show.
He loves just spending time with you. You don’t have to do anything together, but being in the same room as you, reading or cuddling, he doesn’t mind. As long as you’re there and you’re together, he’s happy.
Speaking of his little shadows – they adore you. They don’t just act as his little spies, they also show a bit of his own emotions and where he is a little on the edge about showing affection, they are swirling around your ankles, poking your face or curling around your wrist. Like little animals, swaying side to side once they see you, singing a melody only the two of you can hear.
When I say this man is the kinkiest fucker. He’s needy and desperate and can’t keep his hands off of you. Squeezing your sides, pulling you roughly beneath him as he straddles you. Breathing in your scent and moaning into your ear, hands groping and stroking any part of you he can find. The way he will lick your inner thigh before searching for more with his mouth, ready to make you moan and writhe beneath him, desiring more than anything to hear your sweet sounds. He’s going in with one goal: to make you forget how to think.
Here’s hoping you are into the same things he’s into. He wants to tie you up, gag you, choke you, pull your hair, leave bite marks all over you, and spank you. And that’s not even all of it. Azriel is taking you in multiple positions, moaning obscenities into your ear, praising you for being such a ‘good slut’, because you take him so fucking well. One large hand wrapped around your throat while the other digs into your hips, crescent shaped marks left in your skin.
Lingerie really fucks with his man. Wearing any lacey, silky, article of clothing makes his mind instantly fog up and there will be no escaping him as he grabs your hand and pulls you towards the bed. He’ll make you keep it on while he pulls it to the side to slot himself in, growling as he fits so perfectly into you, his wings shuddering in pleasure. Grab his wings if the opportunity presents itself, rub them and scratch them, and you’ll hear the loudest moan you’ve ever heard from him.
As quiet as this man is, he has the dirtiest mouth imaginable. He’s insulting you, praising you, telling you what he’s gonna do to you to make you scream, and if it isn’t the hottest thing in the world. Go ahead and struggle, he loves it when you struggle against him, fighting futilely as he drives himself in deeper, holding you down with a grin. 
He knows he’s done well when you start crying from overstimulation or pain. Azriel is licking up your tears, mocking you as he goes harder and faster, laughing darkly into your neck while sucking on the bruises he already made there. 
You know his shadows are playing too. Wrapped around your wrists and ankles, pushing into you like separate appendages. Wherever he isn’t touching, they’re making up for it, and it’s so strange but amazing how they rub against you and push between your lips. Blanketing both of you in the heat of the moment in a cascade of shadows.
Azriel calms down a bit after multiple rounds of this, holding you close and whispering in your ear praises and apologies, worried he hurt you or that you hate him. Run your fingers through his hair and hold him close. You both will need a long bath afterwards, one you will end up sharing, cleaning one another.
One of the most playful of the bat boys, Cassian is all cocky grins and flirtatious phrases. It’s a mask of sorts, hiding the negativity within him as best as he can. Many are intimidated by him and his strength, being the commander of The Night Court’s armies. Where others may cower from his shining gaze, you don’t see his strength as a trait to hide from. You can see the genuine kindness in his eyes, and the pain he hides below. And as someone he feels he can trust, he is unafraid to be vulnerable.
With a wide, cocky smile, Cassian will take you everywhere with him. It doesn’t even have to be work-related, and most often has nothing to do with it. You said you want to go see the stars? He’s flying you to the best vantage point, strong arms holding you close to his chest. You wonder what the other courts look like? Guess you’re going on a vacation. And he’s by your side every step of the way.
He loves holding your hand. As mundane as it seems, he loves seeing your small hand captured in his. He’ll be comparing your hand sizes, making fun of you for how small you are compared to him, and kissing your forehead while he keeps your hand entwined with his.
Joking around is his favorite way to show how comfortable the two of you are. He makes fun of you, and you make fun of him. He avoids any topics that would make you uncomfortable, and teases you in only the ways you find funny. He likes to poke your sides, sneak up on you and pick you up, and throw food at you. 
If Cassian’s jokes do go too far, you just have to say so, and you’ll be met with apologies upon apologies. He’ll be sure to avoid whatever hurts your feelings in the future. Jokes and playfulness are meant to be all in good fun, and if you are feeling hurt then he knows he did something wrong.
Now, he may not be overly possessive, but if someone is flirting with you or making you uncomfortable, he is striding up, his arm wrapping around your shoulders while he glares daggers at whoever is even trying. The smile stays on, teeth glinting in a threatening kindness. You can complain and poke fun at him all you want, but he’s not letting anyone think they have a chance with you, not while he’s alive.
Expect long mornings laying in bed, his arm trapping you to his chest as he snores, his nose nuzzling your neck. He likes sleeping in as much as he enjoys training with his brothers. And his love of sleep only increases when you’re involved. “Five more minutes,” he's huffing into your ear, one of his hands covering your eyes. “Go back to sleep.” Any chance of leaving this situation disappears when he drapes his wings over your body like a second blanket, his arms wrapping around your stomach, and he throws his leg over your own.
Sleepy morning sex. You’re just waking up, still hazy, and you’re finding yourself trapped in a tight cuddle. And as you struggle to get up for the day, he’s groaning and kissing your neck, slowly waking up. But he starts to press his hardened cock against your ass, his husky voice greeting you with a lust-filled, “good morning,” and you don’t know why you thought you’d be leaving the bed.
Cassian likes to move a bit slowly at first, hands caressing you, his hips rubbing against your body – teasing you in every spot you want him. Maybe he’s being lazy, or maybe he wants to hear you actually beg for it. Because, oh, when you beg for him, he’s smirking and shoving his hand into your bottoms, thick fingers rubbing you in all the right places, hooking inside of you to feel every inch.
And when you moan, he’s chuckling in that deep voice, praising you for your sounds. “Such a pretty noise,” he groans out. “Do that again.” And the more noises you make, the more impatient he gets. Soon enough, he’s pressing you into the mattress, your clothes half pulled off as he’s rolling his hips into you, moaning out in delight as your body wraps around him.
Cassian loves the little noises you make as he fucks you, and they get even more delectable when he pulls your hair. He can’t help how his hips stutter, his body shivering in delight as you gasp out, his hands tugging at the strands of your hair. He swears you tightened around him just then, and he plans to test out if that’s true.
Cassian certainly has a high sex drive, and one that can flare up at any time, often at inopportune times as well. You’re cooking in the kitchen? He’s wondering how you’d look bent over the counter. You’re talking with his brothers? His mind is going wild wondering how you’d feel if he just started touching you in front of them. And don’t think he wouldn’t do it, him and the bat boys have done some things around each other, and he’d be lying if he said the thought of being watched didn’t turn him on.
You want him to go crazy? To lose his mind? Ask him to breed you. Tell him you want to have his babies, and the next surface is where you're being pressed into for the next hour or so. Legs over his shoulders, arms wrapped around your waist, all while he’s rutting himself into you with reckless abandon. He just wants to fill you up and the thought of seeing you pregnant…well, now he needs another round.
Don’t worry about being exhausted afterwards, he’s immediately carrying you to a bath to clean you up. You need warmth for your muscles, and he needs to watch you covered in soap and tease you about what just happened. After your lovely little bath session, your back to cuddling, and falling asleep with him never once letting you go.
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gardenofnoah · 1 year
baby was born all wrong
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remember this drabble?? yeah....
wc: 2.7k
tags: MDNI, smut, brat tamer bkg, gn reader, afab body parts named, pet names (“baby”, “sweetheart”), oral (reader receiving), fingering, toy use, dubcon just to be safe (but not really)
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you don’t know why you’re like this. truly, you’d be better if you could.
most days you are. with a little thought behind it, you can be sweet. tender, even. receptive to love and care and able to give it right back.
but there are some days when you wake up and you just… can’t. there’s a synapse that’s short-circuited, or something, and all you know how to do is bare your teeth and snap them at every soft touch that comes too close. you try to squash the feeling down and it makes it worse. you just want to hurt. you want to destroy. you want to get it back threefold.
today is one of those days.
you’re sure katsuki can tell. it’s not like you’re hiding it, with the way you snap at him when he comes up behind you in the kitchen as you’re making tea.
“get off of me,” you grumble, not turning to look at him. you swear you feel the ghost of a smile on his lips against your shoulder before he retreats without a response. you feel the anger fizzle in your gut and try to return to the task at hand.
the day goes on similarly—snapping at him for every wrong movement, and getting more irritated when his only reaction is a small, knowing smile. it’s infuriating—you don’t understand why the ever-feared and perpetually combative Dynamight is tolerating the way you’re acting.
“what is wrong with you?” you ask through your exasperation, throwing your hands up. he only raises an eyebrow at you from his spot on the couch. the anger creeps farther up your neck and you feel its burn. “why aren’t you saying anything?”
that irritating smile is back on his face. “because you want me to.”
you scowl at him, feeling your rage mix with something like shame. at once you understand—he only considers you to be a nuisance. something that can be ignored.
it only spurs you on.
“oh, i apologize. i should not have assumed that my partner was man enough to stand up for himself.”
the smirk on his face tells you that he’s amused—and unwilling to take the bait. it makes you feel fucking crazy—you just want him to get in your face and scream like you know he can. it would feel so much better than whatever this is—this one sided battle that you’ve created and are trying so hard to win.
you stomp into the kitchen, grumbling to yourself, making sure it’s loud enough for him to hear. you get so wrapped up in slamming the cupboards that you don’t hear him approach until his full weight is pressed against your back. he reaches for the countertop with both hands, effectively trapping you against it.
“you’re gonna piss off the neighbors with all your noise.”
“get the fuck off me, katsuki,” you snap, thrashing against his hold. he doesn’t budge. your teeth grind together painfully. he hums, light and amused.
“why? my baby clearly wants attention.”
“i don’t want anything from you—”
he only chuckles, pressing you further into the counter. you feel him now—rock hard against your backside. your lips curl back into a snarl.
“sure ya do,” he says, voice low in your ear, “you’ve been beggin’ for it all day. that’s what this is, right? why you’ve been mouthin’ off to me like you are? just tell me what you need, sweetheart.”
you feel like an animal caught in a trap. your eyes dart around for a space you can squeeze out of, but his massive frame is everywhere around you. you try to squeeze under his arm to get away from him, but his hips press you forward again, pushing until you’re bent over the counter. you try to stand up, but you feel the heat of his palm wrap around the nape of your neck, keeping you still with your chest pressed to the wood.
at his display of strength, your resolve falters—you feel your edges start to dull and soften and you want to relax in his hold—but you fight to keep up your petulance, even if it’s only for show now.
“i don’t fuck pathetic men,” you spit, only it’s not nearly as harsh as you want it to sound.
katsuki snorts behind you. you feel the weight of him across your back when he leans over you.
“that’s fine,” you can hear the grin on his lips as they brush the space under your ear, “i don’t fuck mouthy little brats.”
he keeps his hand around your neck as he stands again, keeping you pinned as his other hand roams down your body. you feel it slip under the waist band of your pants, and then under the hem of your underwear.
“i just fucking told you—“
“weird,” he cuts you off, his tone nothing but smug, “you’re soaking wet.”
you can feel the way your body betrays you as he plays with you—his fingertips slip through your folds freely and you press your forehead into the counter, mentally willing yourself not to react. you feel him spread you open with his first and third finger, and the calloused tip of his middle brushes over your clit softly, sending hot bolts of electricity up your spine. he draws lazy circles over the aching bud with barely there pressure and you can’t stop the whine that rumbles through you.
“i think you’re a liar,” his voice is deep and dangerous in your ear and you shudder underneath him. you can practically hear how it strokes his ego, but you find yourself caring less and less with every passing second. “i think you do this because you want me t’be rough with you.”
he doesn’t let you respond—he just presses down a little harder and adds another finger as he strokes you, letting your clit glide snugly between his first and middle fingers with every pass. you bite down on your forearm to keep from moaning. you can feel yourself soaking his hand and ruining your underwear. the knowledge of that has your hips kicking up into his palm, searching for more pressure, more friction. he clicks his tongue at you, pulling his hand out of your pants.
you squeeze your eyes shut, biting down on the plea that threatens to shatter the last bit of your facade. the only part of you that still feels the need to keep it up is your pride.
“i would’ve ruined you if you’d asked me to,” he murmurs, voice laced with something pitying and a little mean, “but this ain’t the way you ask.”
his still soiled fingers reach to cup your sex through your pants, and you feel filthy in a way that has you panting, breath leaving condensation on the cool wood top. he tightens his grip around your neck for only a fleeting, delicious second and then everything stops. he pulls away from you, and you feel too cold and boneless, still bent over the counter.
“what’s wrong, baby?” he asks, all patronizing as he watches behind you, “thought you didn’t fuck pathetic men.”
your eyes burn. all of your anger is gone—replaced with white hot embarrassment and an all encompassing need.
“katsuki,” you sniffle, squeezing your eyes shut tight, “please, i need you—“
“now you need me?” he asks softly, closer now. you feel his fingertips ghost up your spine and you shudder. “thought you didn’t want anything from me.”
the way he’s too gentle feels violent somehow. tears well up in your eyes and you shake your head as best you can.
“i’m sorry,” you say, breath quickening with equal parts lust, shame, and a little panic at the thought that he may really not touch you, “didn’t mean it, kat, m’sorry—”
“shh,” his finger brush over the nape of your neck to tangle in your hair, scratching lightly at the base of your scalp. you shake like a leaf underneath him. “i know baby. y’just don’t know how to ask, hm?”
you can only whine, leaning into his touch. if the counter wasn’t bearing half your weight, you think you would’ve sunk to the floor by now. your pride has left you completely, and in such a short time—you feel such whiplash at the way katsuki holds so much power over you when you were sure you possessed all of it only a minute ago.
you know you have already given all of it to him to keep safe. even when you don’t want him to.
“tell me what you want, baby,” he mumurs, leaning down to press gentle kisses to the back of your neck.
“want you to hurt me,” you sniffle. you know you have to look pitiful. katsuki chuckles behind you.
“that wasn’t so hard, was it?”
you bite down on a retort, choosing to remain pliant.
“can’t have you mouthing off to me though,” he says, lips brushing your skin, “so m’not doing that.”
you immediately protest, twisting underneath him to look at him. his hand tightens in your hair, immobilizing you.
“you’re not goin’ anywhere,” he warns. “you’re gonna be good and take what i give you.”
dread seeps across your nerves but you stay still when he releases your hair. he presses gentle kisses down the length of your spine through your shirt. you feel them like they’re bruises sucked into the skin.
his fingers hook into your waistband and tug down, taking your pants and underwear with them. you shiver at the exposure, but comply when he prompts you to spread your legs wider.
“pretty little thing,” he murmurs, brushing the back of a knuckle over your soaked folds. “s’a shame that mouth is so mean.”
“m’sorry kat,” you babble, tears burning your eyes again at his teasing and your shame, “m’ sorry, m’sorry—”
you nearly come out of your skin when he sinks to his knees and you feel the wet heat of his tongue slide over your sex. it’s too soft and he knows it—his hands reach up to hold your hips from bucking backwards as he suckles on your clit.
you know better than to ask for anything more. you drop your forehead to your arms and let the tears flow as he explores to his content. you whimper when you feel the prod of his tongue inside you.
he lets out a groan as you squeeze around him. you feel the tip of the muscle explore the wet softness of your walls and fight to keep yourself from sinking down and taking it deeper.
he leaves you empty and aching as his tongue drags back up to your clit. he teases it with alternating, soft kitten licks and gentle, pulsating sucks until it’s swollen and twitching in time with the rapid flutter of your heart.
“my poor baby,” he coos in between sloppy kisses to the aching nub, “looks like it hurts.”
you let out a broken sob as he pulls it between his lips again, flicking his tongue over the tip. you nearly scream when you feel him tease your swollen heat with the tip of his finger.
he sinks in to the first knuckle, letting out a curse at the way you suck him in. he pulls away from your clit to watch your body swallow what he gives it.
“p-please” you gasp, half out of your mind with need, “your mouth, baby, please—“
“no,” he breathes through a grin, pressing a kiss to the back of your thigh, “brats don’t get to cum.”
you sob out another string of apologies as he sinks inside you to the hilt. his thick finger fills you up but not enough.
“that’s it,” he groans when you clamp down on him, “keep suckin’ me back in.”
he doesn’t fuck you with any particular rhythm or force, and it leaves you a slurring, crying mess at his mercy, draped over the counter top. you feel your slick roll down your thighs in beaded drops. if he only fucked you a little harder, and just a little faster—
he pulls his finger from you, and you immediately protest, legs nearly buckling as you turn to him.
“shh,” he whispers again, gathering you in his arms and bending down to kiss the corner of your mouth, “you’re okay baby.”
his hands cradle your face and he brushes your tears from your cheeks with both thumbs, smiling at you softly. it brings them back immediately.
“katsuki,” you croak, grabbing at his shirt with both hands, “please.”
he hums softly, bringing you into his chest. “you gonna be good for me?”
you nod emphatically, making him chuckle.
“good. want you to make yourself cum.”
your eyes go wide and you look up at him, already shaking your head. you need him—you need—
“hey,” he calls to you gently, redirecting your spiral, “you make yourself cum now and i’ll be as rough as y’want me to be tomorrow. anythin’ you need.”
you shiver in his arms, already anticipating his promise. after a moment, you shakily agree, albeit with a little trepidation.
“there ya go,” he coos, pressing a warm kiss to your temple. “go pick a toy and get in bed.”
less than 5 minutes later you find yourself under the scrutiny of his gaze, legs spread wide as you lay on your belly with your favorite suction toy pulsing away on your clit. you feel the bed dip as he crawls over you, hovering on all fours in the spaces left by your own limbs. he bends down to nip at the junction between your shoulder and neck. you let out a whimper when his tongue laves over the bite.
you grind your hips down into the mattress, pushing the toy harder into your clit. you feel a little drop of arousal roll from your sloppy little hole to where the toy is, making it slick.
you reach back to sink your own fingers inside you, but you can’t reach deep enough for it to feel good with the toy in the way. you whine in frustration, pressing down harder onto the source of the pulsating pressure.
“what’s the matter baby?” katsuki coos, smoothing a warm palm over the curve of your ass, “can’t reach?”
you sniff, shaking your head pitifully against the sheets. “can’t do it kat.”
he tuts at you, rubbing the inside of your thigh soothingly. “guess i can help ya a little.”
your mouth drops open when you feel two thick fingers slip slowly inside you. he fills you to the hilt and you whine when he doesn’t move.
“you gotta do the rest, sweetheart,” he chuckles.
you whine in protest but do what he says, snapping your hips in a strange and disjointed semi circle to chase the dual simulation. he murmurs soft praises as you fuck yourself on his fingers, squeezing him tightly with every pulse around your sensitive clit.
“that’s it baby,” he praises, “you’re right there, huh? can feel you squeezin’ me.”
“please, please—” you babble, trembling all over, just out of reach of your release, “m’gonna cum, i promise—“
“such a sweet little thing. s’all you needed, hm? just needed to fuck the brat outta ya?”
you nod pitifully, so so close.
“go ahead then, baby. be good a cum all over my fingers.”
you sink down on them at an angle that sends his fingertips right where you need them and it sends you over the edge. you press your face into the pillow, crying out as you tremble with every wave of release that washes over you. he keeps you plugged up with his fingers, letting out a low curse as you clamp down on him. the suction of the toy prolongs your high, fluttering against your clit until it hurts. you whine and reach down to switch off the toy.
katsuki reaches up to smooth his palm over the small of your back, pulling his fingers from you slowly and making you shiver. he grabs the toy from underneath you and leans over to set it on the nightstand. crawling back up to you, he lays on his side and pulls you into his chest.
“i’m sorry i was mean,” you whisper, feeling more vulnerable now. the shame settles over you like a thick blanket and it feels suffocating.
his hand smooths over your hair, cradling the back of your head. you feel the chuckle rumble in his chest.
“did y’wake up wrong or what?”
you press your face further into his chest. “think so.”
he leans down to press a kiss to your temple. “s’alright baby. i like you mean.”
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astridthevalkyrie · 2 months
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inspired by rafayel's when light falls memory.
cw: fluff, bratty raf, temporary blindness
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When he stumbles into the room, you're on your feet immediately, staring furiously.
"Hey, no, you can't be mad." He points in the direction of your voice, and he's slightly off, which only makes you angrier. "If you think about it, this is your fault."
"You sound so pretty when you say my name like that. Say it again?"
It had been on the tip of your tongue, but at his words you swallow the third utterance, merely glaring with a look that would make him shudder if he could see it.
If he didn't, y'know, blind himself again.
"Hmm, does the opposite effect work on you? Let's see. Don't kiss me. Don't get me food because I'm not hungry. Don't take me to bed and lay me down and push my shirt up and ogle me, I'd hate that."
"You're not funny," you snap at him, walking up and snatching his palm. Despite your obvious anger, Rafayel lets out a soft breath of relief at your touch, and doesn't protest a bit as you guide him to sit on the couch. When he'd told you he'd meet you here, you didn't suspect anything. When he said Thomas would be dropping him off, a bead of nervousness had build up inside you. And when Thomas texted you a simple apology text, you'd feared the worst.
He always does this. This is the third time it's happened since you've known him. Each time he cheerily tells you that the doctor has warned him it could be permanent if he keeps being so reckless. And each time, Rafayel ignores that advice completely and stays up another forty-eight hours to paint.
When he's seated, he sighs happily, tugging you close and tucking himself into your chest. "You smell good."
"Shut up. Do you even register how dangerous this is?"
"Mmhm." You see his lips curve into a smile. "Maybe this'll be the time it sticks."
Placing your fingers against his forehead, you push him back and he whines, slouching with a pout on his face. You don't dignify his hypothetical with an answer, stomping away—loud enough that he can hear your displeasure—to take a wrapped sandwich from the picnic basket you'd brought over.
Rafayel's brows furrow when you drop it in his hands, and he has to fiddle a bit before he can take the foil off. Cautiously, he takes a bite, knowing better than to ask you before eating if you're trying to poison him or not (your answer will always be a deadpan yes), and moans a little when the flavor hits.
"This is so good. Did you make this?"
You sit down a foot away from him, crossing one leg over the other and staring stoically at the wall in front of you. "I did. For a date."
Out of the corner of your eye, you see his eyes widen, as though he's finally realizing how much trouble he's in. Abandoning the sandwich on the couch, he extends his hand out for you, finding your face first before he wraps his hand around your arm.
"I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. You put all this effort in and I—"
"Completely ruined our plans by showing up without your eyesight? Yes. You did."
"I'm sorry," he says again, pulling at you a little. You acquiesce, if only because the sight of him reaching for you makes you feel slightly bad. He pulls you into his chest this time, hiding his face in your hair as he murmur out apologies.
That's the thing with Rafayel. He can tease and poke and prod all he wants, but the second he actually feels something, he makes it blatantly clear. The guilt is practically dripping off him in waves.
"I'm not mad." You hold both his hands in yours, kissing his knuckles like they're precious—because to you, they are. "At least, not about the date. I am mad that you keep doing this to yourself even though it's bad for you."
His hands squeeze yours, and his blank eyes fill with an emotion you're not even sure he realizes he's expressing. "I told you, s'your fault. I was up three nights in a row working on something you inspired."
"Right." Shifting so that you can kiss the top of his head, you mumble, "So what I'm hearing is I should break up with you and then you'll be absolutely fine."
For a few seconds, Rafayel doesn't say anything, and you become concerned he thinks you're serious. But then he presses into you more, lips grazing against your collarbone.
"That'd be even worse."
"Oh, really?" You run a hand through his hair. "How so?"
"Heartbreak is amazing for creativity. I wouldn't sleep for weeks. Even after my eyesight was gone, I'd just keep paining...and painting...and painting..."
"Okay, okay, I get it." Kicking your feet out, you lay down, pulling him down on top of you. Rafayel sighs, one arm sliding around you as he tucks his face into your neck.
"You really do smell good."
"Please stop doing this to yourself. I'm genuinely asking you, Raf, I'm begging you to just let the inspiration stew—call me if you can't settle and I'll help. But stop it with these all nighters."
His fingers find yours, and he holds your hand against his chest tightly. "Okay," he whispers, "okay."
You don't push it further. If he's agreed, then he'll stick to his word, you know that. You'd feel guilty, at how much he bends to your every request despite the complaints, but it's not like you're trying to get him to buy you a diamond ring (and Rafayel would, should you so much as glance at one). You're making him promise for his own benefit.
"Even if I did lose my eyesight, I'd still remember how you look, y'know." He brushes his lips against a nearly faded hickey on your neck, pressing a soft kiss there. It's incredibly impressive that even without seeing, he knows exactly where his marks on you are. "Wouldn't stop calling you beautiful—promise."
A gentle hum escapes you. "I know. Believe it or not, my ego isn't what I'm worried about."
He laughs quietly, reaching down to kiss your chest before pressing closer to you, listening to your heartbeat with his eyes closed. "Yeah, you're worried about me. That's so embarrassing, you have a crush on me?"
"I'm in love with you," you respond, and predictably, his ears turn scarlet at your open words and he groans, fingers clutching your shirt as he wallows. "Don't dish out what you can't take, honey."
"You're so mean," Rafayel whispers, "stay with me?"
What a pain in the ass. But he's your pain in the ass, and you wouldn't have it any other way. "M'not going anywhere."
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jinwoosungs · 1 month
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enough is enough.
jinwoo sung x fem.reader
{ take me home, don’t shut me out | it’s easier to leave me down here on the ground | take me home, baby i’m fucked up now | i know it’s easier to leave me down here on the ground | ‘cause enough is enough… }
you had gotten into an argument with jinwoo, feeling your insecurities resurface the moment you saw him standing together with cha hae-in in a picture seen within a news article that detailed their latest raid together.
your phone lands against the hardwood floors of your apartment, the article that had jinwoo and hae-in together still seen against your phone’s screen. currently, your eyes blazing with fury as you kept poking a finger against jinwoo’s chest. “why the hell is she always standing next to you like that? you already know i had deep suspicions when it comes to her!”
jinwoo’s eyes were glowing purple in response, yet he keeps his hands balled up into fists, trying to ensure that he would not hurt you while you were in the midst of arguing with him.
“and the fact that she admits to being into you despite knowing your relationship with me just further annoys me! how could you be so comfortable with her proximity?!”
“you’re overreacting again.” jinwoo finally replies through gritted teeth, choosing instead to head to the fridge as he grabbed a bottle of water. you follow him into the kitchen with your arms crossed, frowning as your eyes continued to glare at him, watching him drink his water while trying to gather your thoughts.
despite being with him since he was an e-rank hunter, you felt as though you were losing the confidence to stay by his side with the way he was now-
a powerful and sought after s-rank hunter.
you didn’t know why you got so angry, so anxious, each time hae-in was close to jinwoo. hell, this wasn’t even the first time you blew up. each time the news or rumors began to surface pertaining to how perfect jinwoo and hae-in were together, you felt devastated.
but deep down, you knew it was because she was more fit to remain by his side than you ever could be.
cha hae-in was an s-rank hunter like him. she could fight by his side without any fear-
unlike you, a mere civilian.
not only was she powerful, but she was achingly beautiful as well. with golden hair and stormy, grey eyes, you knew that compared to her, you didn’t stand a chance.
“it’s such a mystery why you’re here with me.” you manage to tell him in a cold tone, willing yourself to cease caring when jinwoo stiffens in response. “in fact, i feel like you loved me more when you were still an e-rank hunter. i may have even preferred that you stay that way. now… you spend most of your days ignoring me, choosing instead to go on raids- i don’t even know you anymore.”
jinwoo’s eyes continued to glow a deeper purple hue in response when he sets aside his half-empty bottle of water, his tone filled with ice when he tells you, “oh yeah, you may be right then. maybe cha hae-in is more suited for me. at least she won’t constantly nag at me like you do.”
red hot anger (and heartwrenching pain) courses through you, forcing your body to act on instinct when you pick up the bottle of water and toss its contents onto jinwoo.
your eyes widen in response to your actions, seeing the way the water drips down his face and against his shirt. you felt a sense of guilt surrounding you, and when you tried to apologize to him, no words would come out.
jinwoo hides his gaze from you, making you uncertain of his true emotions when he takes quick strides away from you. only when he leaves (slamming your front door in response) did you finally slump down against the ground.
you were actively crying on your knees now, your sobs becoming so potent and painful that your chest ached in response. you felt nauseous, feeling the snot dripping down your nose as you allowed yourself to bask in this pain.
uncertain as to how much time had passed, you only stood back up when the ache against your knees became too much to bear. your hiccups echo throughout the now cold and empty apartment, and you harshly wipe away at your dripping nose. you let out a shaky sigh and forlornly speak to yourself, “you’re such a damn mess. there’s no way jinwoo will come back to you now- i’m such an idiot.”
believing that this was the end for you and jinwoo, you figured that enough was enough for him. he could no longer stand your constant questionings and insecurities pertaining to hae-in-
he was probably running into cha hae-in’s arms right now.
and that thought was enough to further break you.
still sobbing to yourself, you drag your feet across the floors. you pick up your phone and settle it on the coffee table, making your way back to your bedroom as you forced yourself to calm down with a shower. tasting the saltiness of your tears against your damp skin, you lick at your chapped lips and turn on the faucet, making it go as hot as it could go.
peeling off your clothes, you step into the shower and wash away your tears. you bask in the comfort of the hot waters, feeling the droplets soothe your aching bones and muscles. as you began to relax, you decided to spoil yourself a bit and cleanse your body with your favorite scented soap and shampoo. you remain in the shower for close to an hour, only stopping when you felt fully refreshed.
as you wrapped your towel around your naked body, you head back into your room to get dressed in your pajamas, ready to turn in for the night while trying not to think about how his side of the bed would be empty.
once you were fully dressed, you realized that your mind was racing too much to really fall asleep. so, you decided to cheer yourself up, instead. heading to your kitchen, you open up the freezer and got out your favorite flavor of ice cream, uncapping the carton while grabbing a shiny silver spoon.
with your ice cream in hand, you settle yourself on the couch and turn on your t.v. to a random channel, not paying attention to what was going on while digging into your ice cream. you knew that you wouldn’t be able to sleep in the same room that still held all of jinwoo’s belongings and already resigned yourself to a sleepless night on the couch.
yet in the midst of your moping, you heard a series of knocks coming from your door.
“sarang, it’s me. please, let me in?”
you drop your ice cream and spoon on the ground, recognizing jinwoo’s voice. the palm of his hand continues to slam against your door as a sense of desperation was heard in his voice.
“i’m sorry, i didn’t mean to make you jealous. and i didn’t mean what i said about hunter cha being better for me. she’s a mere colleague, and she only likes me for the way i am now.”
“i’ll admit, she is powerful, and many consider her beautiful- but she doesn’t make my heart race like you do. being around her is stifling, since she only sees and knows me as a powerful hunter. i have to act that way around her at all times-
but with you, i can breathe. you have been with me since the beginning. you have seen me at my weakest, and still love me unconditionally. the same could never be said about hunter cha hae-in.”
you felt the tears streaming down your face as jinwoo stopped knocking on your door, seeming to slump against it as you heard a light ‘thump!’ coming from the door.
“it doesn’t matter, even if you leave me all alone out here, i’ll simply sleep on the ground until you forgive me.”
unable to handle the thought of leaving jinwoo alone, you stand and quickly open the door, revealing jinwoo with bloodshot eyes and a tiny smile. in his hands, you saw an extravagant bouquet along with a cute teddy bear in his arms with an ‘i’m sorry’ message written in a neat script on its plush belly.
letting out a happy sob, you wrap your arms around jinwoo’s neck, nearly crushing the bouquet he had bought for you.
“i’m sorry for throwing water at y-you, and telling you i loved you more when you were weaker… i love you regardless of your s-strength…” you tell him with a shaky sigh as your boyfriend returns your hug while letting out a soft chuckle. “it’s okay, i kind of deserved it; and i know that you love me unconditionally, like you always do.”
jinwoo continues to hold you in his arms before continuing to speak, “five minutes after leaving you, i deeply regretted hurting you and cried. i immediately called jinah for some advice… and after berating me and calling me an idiot, she told me to buy you your favorite gifts all while begging you to take me back.”
you giggle and give jinwoo a squeeze, silently thinking of the ways you could treat jinah for helping you and jinwoo make up.
“well, your sister just proved how much smarter she is compared to her oppa.” you giggle before taking the cute teddy bear and bouquet out of his arms, basking in jinwoo’s embrace as he presses a lingering kiss against your hair after he closed the door.
you stay in his embrace and sway against him. “jinwoo?”
you look up at him with a hopeful gaze. “did you mean… everything that you said? that you can breathe and be yourself around me… and not with cha hae-in?”
jinwoo gives you a smile while brushing back your hair. “i meant every word.”
after that single phrase, you felt all of your doubts disappear when he gives you a sweet, but chaste, kiss, feeling him smile against your lips before pulling away from you.
“let me continue making it up to you… how about i make you your favorite food as a late dinner?”
your eyes became alight with happiness with the promise of jinwoo’s cooking, making you follow your beloved boyfriend into the kitchen as he successfully continues to mend your broken heart with his loving actions alone.
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a.n. - i finished making my presentations and am ready to present later on for my classes today, so i’m treating myself to writing another jinwoo story for good luck ♡ after all, writing about jinwoo gives me strength 🥹
all stories are written by rei; reposts, translations, and plagiarism are not allowed.
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5eraphim · 1 month
Okay so this has been stuck in my head for WEEKS and I finally decided to stop bein scared and ask you to write about it lol
So as a DBD player, I got to thinking that it would be kinda cool if survivors could fight the killer even if it was just once per round and then this scenario popped into my head.
How would Killer react to Survivor!Reader biting them as a defense/distraction/etc? My favs are The Shape, The Executioner, and The Mastermind! Headcannons would be amazing but if you could maybe branch out to make one a one-shot kinda deal? Maybe NSFW if you feel spicy?
P.S your writing and fics LITERALLY give me life YOU’RE SO GOOD 😭🧡
My deepest apologies for how long this has been rotting in my inbox, I thought this prompt was a lot of fun, and again, I'm sorry it took forever for me to get around to answering this. Hope you enjoy all the same!
Characters: Michael Meyers, Albert Wesker, Pyramid Head (Dead By Daylight)
Content Warnings: Yandere, smut, noncon, stalking, choking, violence, sacrificed to the entity, predator/prey dynamics, obsession, sadism and masochism, reader is kept gender neutral
Word Count: 1.6k
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The Shape
It's almost too predictable for a killer like Michael Myers to wind up in a situation like this. As the survivor he brought with him into the entity's realm made physical payback, her signature, Micheal can't help but attract the "feisty" type.
A man hiding behind a mask, Michael competes with fierce determination and an almost primal compulsion to hunt, stalk, and slaughter like no other. Of the three, Myers would be the most likely to anticipate physical retribution from a survivor, according to him, all part of the hunt. 
Myers prefers to remain hidden by shadows as long as possible, awaiting his perfect opportunity to go in for a decisive kill. But remaining hidden in the dark is a luxury you don't have at your disposal on account of being Myer's obsession.
You didn't want it to come to this. Even before the match started, you prayed to fight any killer, but Myers, your disappointment only grew as you realized minutes later that you were his obsession.
The idea of fighting back physically was a spur-of-the-moment decision; you knew you only had one chance of pulling this off, and if you missed, your fate would be sealed. You usually weren't one to opt for such a risky strategy, but you were too blinded by your fear of Myers. You would do anything to get away.
Even though you couldn't see him, you could feel Myers' eyes locked in on you, no doubt following and trailing you from behind. The paranoia was torture, but you forced yourself to stay strong and ignore Myers, to focus solely on supporting your team. 
When Myers inevitably tracked you down and caught you after getting distracted by something else, you had so much pent-up nervous aggression that you couldn't hold back your body's instinct to fight back.
Fear overtook any lingering traces of rationality as you struggled blindly against Myers, but you had just enough determination reserved to take aim and fire a single punch, aiming for his head, landing against the cheek of the mask; it was just enough to disorient him long enough for you to wriggle free.
Despite the offense, Myers didn't think you had it in you to fight back like that. It excited him! As though you were holding back on him before, and now you were starting to fight back like you really meant it!
After enduring the pressure of being his obsession and succumbing to the fear of it all, you little humanity left to hold onto, almost nothing but your primal fight or flight instincts; it was truly a beautiful sight for him to behold.
The next time he cornered you, Myers decided he ought to follow your lead, only instead of going for your head, he would go for your throat, not with the knife, but with his hand.
And for just a moment, he'd keep you there. Only needing one hand around your throat to keep your entire body pinned into place on the wall behind you. Wood planks made contact with your back at odd angles, the dull pain radiating up and down your spine as you were face to face with Myers, close enough to hear his breathing behind the mask while he observed your face- knowing you believed he was seconds away from slitting your throat. 
Likely, as Myers holds you in such a compromising position, he takes out all his own pent-up frustrations on you. Leaving bitemarks all over your neck and shoulders while he quickly shreds the clothes from your body.
Just as you gave into primal fight-or-flight instincts, he was giving into his own primal urges. He'd won the hunt, and now it was time to let his libido take charge. Half-undressed, he ruts against you, and you can hear his heartbeat racing. Maybe even feel his body warming as his blood flows rapidly, but he remains as silent as a corpse.
After having his fun, Myers will take great pleasure in sacrificing you to the entity. Even if he couldn't take down everyone on your team before this, the opportunity to sacrifice his obsession in such a thrilling bloodbath overshadowed any regular trial as a ruthless killer. 
The Mastermind
It wouldn't take more than an instance of fighting back physically against him for Wesker to decide to hunt you down right away. He would've never suspected another survivor would be bold enough to try something like this on him. Wesker wants to know what makes you think you're strong enough to try something like this.
His reaction would be determined primarily by what point in the trial you try this.
Albert might think it's insufficient enough to ignore if it's early or if he's doing well.
But given how infamous of a hothead he can be, more often than not, any time you try this, expect to be met with hostility.
Wants to see you go from physically resistant to begging him for mercy. On the outside, he pretends to see brats like you as nothing but a petty annoyance to be dealt with, but on the inside, he absolutely loves doing this; keeping the weak in check is how he stays strong.
Wesker doesn't exactly get any legitimate pleasure from being hurt, but he will tap into the pain when fighting back. He does this partly out of loyalty and obligation to the entity but equally out of a petty vengeance to hurt you back twice as hard as you hurt him.
Wesker waits patiently before fighting back, taking care of those annoying teammates first to give you his undivided attention. As well as strategically lying in wait after the confrontation before striking while your guard is down. 
The very first thing Wesker does after tracking you down is wounding you exactly where you hurt him, though he's sure not to let you go until he's drawn blood.
Don't expect him to show you any mercy from here. Might go as far as pushing you down, wiping his shoes against your back as you writhe below, trying to squirm out from under his boot.
It's good foreplay for him, seeing the foolish survivor who dared to fight back, bleeding and barely alive. He won't fuck you in the muck for his own sake, of course. Wesker will push you up against a wall face first while he is taking you from behind.
If he's feeling especially good after sweeping a trial, he might leave you with just enough life to hold onto while you crawl to the hatch. More likely, you won't live long after such a brutal session. But even if you don't die, Wesker will be sure to leave you so beaten and tormented you'll regret trying to fight him like that and won't want to try again. Even if Wesker secretly hopes you will.
The Executioner
While the others welcome the resistance, even if only to crush it, Pyramid Head would likely resent you for trying to physically challenge the killer and disrupt the natural order of things. It was an injustice, and it was imperative to punish you for this.
Imagine playing as a "Gen-Jockey" survivor, the kind of teammate who provides the bare minimum to the rest of the team, putting your own survival above the lives of your teammates, the type of survivor Pyramid Head hated the most. A coward.
All that to say, it was an extreme shock after he cornered you and felt your teeth sinking into the exposed flesh above his glove. 
While you were combative and aggressive now, Pyramid Head knew you couldn't keep this up forever. You were, to him, nothing but a coward deep down. Even if you wanted to pretend like you had any real fight of your own, it wouldn't be long before you surrendered to your own exhaustion. Perhaps he was even doing this as his way of offering you a "fair shot" to find your way out before he got his hands on you. Like he would ever let that happen.
Since you tried to bite him earlier, he'd punish you by fucking you from behind, bent over a broken desk crushing your face against the hardwood surface. He was an inescapable force while you were powerless to stop any of this from below.
Would only give into his beastial nature to hurt and fuck you if he's already managed to kill the rest of your team. It's not his style to slaughter his obsession until he's taken care of the others, and he doesn't want to let anyone pass by without judgment.
If he doesn't get this opportunity during the trial, Pyramid Head will fantasize about killing you off last while staying buried inside you, feeling your pathetic body crumbling and going limp beneath him.
Paradoxical feelings of sadism and protectiveness for you as Pyramid Head is obsessed with being the only one alloweed to hurt you, judge your soul, or torture you. But all this cruelty is undermined by his motivation to keep you from getting hurt by others.
He is most likely to let you live after making love because the instant gratification of an orgasm, as well as the satisfaction of punishing you himself, will keep him from sending you up to the entity. 
Consider this Pyramid Head's very niche kind of post-nut clarity.
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notelcol · 5 months
The Duke and the Doctor.
Mildly edited, apologies for mistakes✨
You were a doctor from Inazuma who came to work at the Fortress infirmary as an escape. You were running from stagnancy and bitter memories. Over time you simultaneously rose up past your pain and through the ranks, to become Sigewinne’s trusted partner.
“Wriothesley?” Your confused voice echoed through the infirmary. “What brings you here?” He did not normally come down to this part of the Fortress. A sheepish smile graced his lips, as he removed his right glove to reveal deep gouges and bruising all along his knuckles.
“I’m afraid our newest inmate is going to be trouble.” His vague explanation left you curious. You decided to ask more.
“What are they in for?” You took his hand in yours and began cleaning as you spoke. The Duke chuckled and gazed at you fondly.
“I sometimes forget how nosy you are.” His voice did not shake despite the sting you knew he would be feeling as you cleaned his wounds. The truth was, he wasn’t noticing the pain. All he was paying attention to was the touch of your gentle hands on his. ‘There is nothing more pure than the hands of a healer.’ Something he read in a book once, that he was beginning to understand.
“You aren’t going to tell me are you?” You grinned, breaking his trance. You had missed his teasing, he did not visit enough.
“I will….next time.” His smile matched your own as his thumb began to rub your hand. You found your mind becoming foggy and all your medical knowledge flew out the non existent window. Luckily, his hand was finished being treated. So why were you still holding it? Your breathing halted as you both moved closer, eyes peering into one another’s souls. Then a throat cleared.
“Duke. There is a situation in the dorms, we can’t contain it.” The guard in the doorway looked uncomfortable as you jumped away from each other.
You let out a long breath and dropped onto an infirmary bed once Wriothesley and the guard left. You cursed Sigewinne for leaving you alone today. She left you prone to be embarrassed without her there to stop you from being silly. You did not get much rest as the same guard from earlier brought in a bloody man before leaving. You raced towards him to help him into a bed. Once you had sat him down, you started cleaning his wounds. It was mostly superficial face wounds, but the nose was definitely broken. It all looked much worse than it was.
“Let me know if I’m hurting you at all.” You told him as you wiped near his nose. The man did not speak. Only staring at your face in a very unnerving way. You felt like the prey of a hunter. You were almost done, when you saw the man shift in the bed. You ignored it, trying to finish treating him as fast as possible. Then you saw the glint in the corner of your eye. A knife. You gulped and tried to take a step back but his other hand pulled you back. Just as you were about to call for help, the knife plunged through your rib cage. White hot pain blinded you as you fell to the ground.
“I’m sorry. I just need to get out of here.” The man frantically paced around your dying body. “They will be so distracted with you that I’ll have time to get away.” His words did not help your fear. But if you were going to die, you would do your damn best to make sure he didn’t escape. But the man wasn’t done. “But not without killing that Duke first.”
It felt like adrenaline was replacing the blood that steadily oozed from your wound. You stumbled to your feet and looked around for something to use as a weapon. You had only done minor treatments today, all the scalpels were in the drawer. The man had noticed you standing now, and had begun to circle you. His breath shook as he too looked around for a weapon, his eyes landed on your torso. The knife was still inside you. It was then you knew what you had to do. You ripped the knife from yourself, feeling the blood gush out with it. Instantly you became dizzy. You knew you only had seconds before you passed out.
“Hey now, Doc.” The man tried to plead. “You don’t really want to hurt me do you?” You didn’t have time to question yourself. Pulling out the knife was as good as killing yourself. So, you used the last of your strength to thrust the bloodied knife into his heart. You knew you would die content in the knowledge that Wriothesley would be safe.
“Hey! Looks like our next visit came sooner than -“ The mighty Duke, who came to deal with the now dead inmate, crumbled upon seeing your body. He kicked the dead man lying next to you when he realised what happened.
“Wriothesley.” You strained. Your eyes were barely open when you reached out for him. He stopped cursing the inmate and appeared at your side. You could feel his hands on your face as you faded away to the sound of sweet whispers and a broken confession.
“I love you.” His voice was like a lullaby, brining you the peace to close your eyes.
Wriothesley blamed himself. He should have hired more medical staff. Then someone would have been there to help you. He shouldn’t have gotten emotional and should have plugged your wound himself. Instead the guard who came with him had to stop your bleeding. That guard saved your life. Not him.
“Wallowing isn’t going to help anyone.” Sigewinne spoke. “She will recover.” Her words were kind and true but did not cure his ailing heart. But it did inspire him. While he awaited your awakening, he hired more medical staff. Never again would a Fortress doctor need to be alone with a dangerous inmate. He also asked Sigewinne to hold a short first aid course for all the guards. The guard who saved you was, by the grace of the Archons, an ex nurse. But, he never wanted to leave life to to luck again.
You awoke to the feeling of your hair being brushed. As your eyes fluttered weakly, the hand stopped brushing. For a moment, everything was a blur until finally you focused in on Wriothesley’s face. You did not think you would be blessed with that sight again. Shakily, you lifted your arm to hold his cheek. He took your hand once it reached his face, as if trying to take on the weight of your arm. He could see the pain behind your eyes as you moved. You did not care though. You were just thankful for this second chance.
“I love you too.” You thought you would never get to say it back.
I almost let reader die but decided not to be evil 🤫
Thank you for reading this💓
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jacesvelaryons · 2 months
I have a request for billy!!! an angst to fluff fic, where the reader gets shot, maybe on the shoulder so its not too severe but billy is just frantic
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requests OPEN
a/n: thank you for your request! apologies they’ve been taking long, but hopefully from now on, my requests will be answered more consistently and sooner 🩷
please continue to like, reblog, comment and share what you think as i love to hear feedback/comment on what you think of my content. thanks a lot!
billy the kid x reader
word count: 1.0k workds
summary: Billy fears he may have lost you when you're shot, but he makes it just in time.
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You wince every step you make, pulling over your shawl closer over your torso. Only a few more steps, you assure yourself. 
Being a schoolteacher at the local school on an abandoned farm house a few missionaries founded a few miles from where you lived with Billy did not make much, but it was honest work. It was what you and Billy deserved running away from the rising tensions in Lincoln, trotting off to a village closer to the Midwest where no one knew who you were and you could start anew. 
It was a quiet, idyllic town of under a thousand people, full of very welcoming locals who accepted you both as newly weds, haphazardly making your vows with the priest before you left when it became too violent and unruly. It was that, or more salacious livelihoods, which gave you a shudder. 
As a newly married couple, the town came together to help you both choose a new home, a simple but suitable old barn, nothing much but enough for comfort. Billy picked up work as a ranch hand to the farm next door, and you were approached by some nuns to help with the new school due to the growing population of little ones with the families moving in the growing city. 
Which is why you did not expect during a lesson of arithmetics, a drunken, fractious vagrant barges in the farmhouse, careless with his firearms. You panic, instinct driving you to huddle and protect the children, until help could come to ward him off. Screams,frantic footsteps, cries for help, until two loggers were able to hunt him down and get him under custody with the sheriff and arrest him for questioning. 
You were relieved and grateful all your students were spoken for, but you were not spared, a bullet made its way to your arm before he could be captured. Your headmistress dropped you off on the carriage in front of your home with Billy, ignored her worried look as you strutted home, praying he wasn’t home to see you in this condition. 
Just as you opened the door and sauntered in quietly, you stepped on the loose plank that squeaked, alerting Billy who was having coffee and toast at the dining table. As his eyes met you, his eyes widened seeing the blood trail starting to form from your arm. 
“What happened to you?” 
“I know, don’t panic-”
“How can I not panic, you’re bleeding?! Let me see.” He marches up to you, waiting anxiously for you to take off your shawl and blouse. Billy helps you peel it off, seeing the bullet on your bicep, tugging you gently towards the couch. 
Billy agitatedly goes through the cabinet searching for his first aid kit, or the basic stitches, needles, and bandages he could have acquired before you both absconded to the new town. 
“We have to call the town doctor, love. I can’t believe they let you walk out like that.” 
You looked down sheepishly, realizing he was right. Your tendency not wanting to make a ruckus and stay out of trouble even at the possibility of death or infection would be the end of you. 
“Y-You’re right. I’m sorry.” Billy kisses you on the forehead before he runs out your home, calling out for a doctor to help, or at least some learned healer women if they were predisposed. Not that there were many in this small town, at least more than Lincoln. 
A doctor and his female assistant ran into your home several minutes later, bag in hand to take the bullet out your arm the best they can, and seal up your wounds. 
Billy watches you tensely, feet tapping against the wood floor, arms crossed deep in thought and sweat down his brow as he worries about your well being. You smile weakly at him, even as you grow slightly pale and cool from the pain of the bullet still in your arm. 
“I’ll be fine, darlin’. Don’t you worry, I’m not going anywhere soon. You can’t get rid of me that easily.” You assure him, reaching for his hand with your unhurt arm, tightening your grip around his, a teasing undertone to your voice. He chuckles slightly, the worry still consuming him.
He gets on his knees, pleading with a tight grip on your hands. “You’re a fighter, my girl. Please don’t leave me. “  
“I won’t, my love, I promise.” You take a deep breath as the doctor begins to operate on you and remove the bullet carefully, the morphine and opioid he gave you earlier beginning to kick in. 
Billy is escorted out your humble abode by the assistant, but he refuses to keep his eyes away from you. He refuses to look away ,as if he would lose you if he would. 
To both of your relief, the doctor explains the wound will heal, leaving a scar, that the bullet has been removed and you were lucky it was just a graze, because a few centimeters left, it could have been fatal and hit a major artery. 
He thanks the doctor and his assistant, handing a small bag of coins into their hands before they leave, before he turns back to you, still worried but relief washed all over him. 
“I could have lost you, my sweet. I wouldn’t know what to do without you.” Billy tears up as he caresses your face gently, cradling you close to him in apprehension. 
You lean into him weakly, mindful of the newly stitched up wound on your arm. “I’m not going anywhere, Billy.”
Billy sniffles, wiping his tears as he watches you fondly, relieved you were to recover. 
“Do you know who may have attempted to shoot at me and my students?” 
He nods grimly. “They have, he’s been rounded by the sheriff and won’t cause us any more trouble, darling. I promise, you’re safe, we’ll be safe.” You nodded, tearing up at him as he presses his forehead to yours. 
No one would haunt you or Billy no more. No longer would the ghosts of your past, of violence, of instability, of bloodshed haunt you both anymore. Together, you’d find peace in your small town.   
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anakinscrybaby · 3 months
what about reader giving ani the silent treatment and he gets annoyed and fucks her so she finally talks to him again?!??!
anakin skywalker x afab!reader
18+ MDNI WC: 1309
warnings: slight angst, couple fighting, fluff, smut, anger, porn w plot, crying, i took so much inspo from a porn trope, oral (f receiving), fingering (f receiving), gspot stimulation, anakins kind of mean at the start. DNI if not comfortable!
Anakin had been getting on your nerves this week, and it never seemed to quit. It was something so deep in his selfishness that he was unable to see how much he had bothered you; to be gone all day, and come home just to not give you any attention. He would slug himself into the kitchen, drink water, give you a lazy excuse of a mumble for a “thank you” just to lurk into the shower for god knows how long (using YOUR special shampoo) and to lay in bed until you both fell asleep. The only affection he would give you at the time were light neck kisses, and playing with your hair
Of course, it's not Anakin's fault he has been feeling so down lately.. But you want to be able to help him and it's always refused. He hadn't realized how the lack of attention was bothering you until you fought that evening.
A short, shallow mix of your yelling and sobs, and Anakin unable to understand what you needed, because all you could do was cry about how you needed his attention. Once he realized, he looked at you like he was almost offended. Were his neck kisses before you slept not enough? They would be, if you didn't wake up in the middle of the night to a cold, empty bed.  
At the end of it, Anakin sat in the living room reflecting, as he heard you quietly crying in the bedroom into your pillow. How could he be so selfish? He refused all help given to him, and instead just brought her down with him. He may have not been the best boyfriend at the time, and saying he felt horrible was a severe understatement. You were his living light, the reason his heart beat, you were the air he breathed.
He gained his confidence to see you laying in bed with wet hair, having just showered; and flipping through a book. When he walked in, your heart felt like it was going to explode with so many emotions. You were angry, furious of course; you almost wanted to throw your book at him and scream, but at the same time, it was filled with love and grief of missing him, so you decided to just ignore him. Anakin stood in the doorway, looking over at you, your skin shining fresh with lotion, and the big t-shirt he gave you to wear. 
“Honey? Honey..” He spoke to you just for you to ignore him, like he was talking to the walls of the room instead of you. The fear and guilt in his voice was immaculate to hear, it almost healed you; knowing he was sorry “My love..” He whispered as he got onto his knees right by the bed, rubbing your leg just to move it away, wanting to see how much you could push and make his guilt rise. It was messed up’ you know that, but you just want him to feel as guilty as he could. Anakin felt his heart break as you moved away. He wanted nothing more to hold you in his arms, cover you in as many kisses as he could until your heart was healed. But alas, he actually had to get your attention, and apologize. That's a scary word for him. He said your name sternly, for  you to just peek over your  book and look him in the eye. His facial features were prominent, nostrils flared, and he was scared red from crying earlier… you made him cry; but still.. You were mad. That was not enough for you. He tried and tried getting your attention, just for you to never falter to it. 
You see him stand up out of the corner of your eye, looking down at you. His hands start slightly stroking your thighs and putting his hand on the back of your neck “Come on baby… Please just talk to me. You don't have to make this as hard as it is right now” You feel him slowly shift and crawl onto the edge of the bed. What was he doing? What the fuck? He feels up your thighs, pulling that big tshirt up so he has more room to see you, letting out a low groan “Do I really have to make you talk to me?” Anakin traces his fingers up your thighs, seeing you blush slightly, still seeing your eyes on your book. You read word by word as you tried to ignore him slowly prying your thighs open, to look at your panties, brushing his nose against them. You knew this game, you know you couldn't win.. But shouldn't you at least try?
Your thoughts were quickly cut off by him licking a strip over your underwear, and licking the insides of your thighs, then running his hands over your covered folds. His deep, husky voice filled the room as he sternly whispered to you. “Lift your hips up.” You hesitantly obliged, raising your hips so Anakin could pull your panties off, to slowly throw them aside. “Good girl…” He said with a smile as he spread your legs, settling himself between them. He slowly blew on your clit, making you jerk in surprise, overhearing his soft chuckle. He was being such a brat. Couldn’t he just eat you out.. Not make you even more furious? He dipped his head in between your legs, licking and sucking on your clit, making you wet with a mixture of your juices and his spit… he was licking softly and suckling on you for a few minutes until he spoke up. Your body was already flashing hot already from the pressure on your clit, but you tried to ignore him. The words in your book were beginning to make less sense, and your mind was creeping over to Anakin, and how much you deeply, truly missed him. 
“Wow… baby?” He said “You must be so upset to ignore me when I'm kissing your pussy like this…. I'm so, so sorry baby… “ 
He whispered this between your folds, going back to kissing and delving in them, slowly slipping his fingers inside. You let out your first moan of the night, and dropped the book, finally looking at him. “Well, there's progress” Cocky bitch.
His fingers slowly massaged your g spot, as you threw your book across the bed, and put a hand in his hair, letting out another guttural moan. You saw his eyes look up at you as he was sucking on your clit, your juices and his spit all around his mouth and on his nose. His free hand creeped up to hold yours, rubbing his thumb over the back of your hand as you threw your head back in ecstasy, letting out a smile as you do so, your legs almost folding over on your body. You used your leg to push him closer, your calf resting over his shoulders and neck keeping him there. He went faster, giving your pussy all the attention you craved from him this past week. You felt your pussy flutter, unexpectedly cumming all over his fingers as he massaged your insides. He let out his own moan when he saw you drip all over his fingers, looking up at you and cooing. “Oh baby… you needed that didnt you, yeah? Just need your pussy rubbed a bit so you can cheer up?” He crawled on top of you and made eye contact as he licked himself off of his fingers, before grinding himself against you, looking at you. “Come on baby… let me in.. I'm so sorry, you know I'd do anything to make it up to you. Anything.” 
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