#i feel like it’s partially canon just bc of how he talks about his family
tetsuskei · 7 months
me writing childe as a delicate lover and ignoring how violent and bloodthirsty his true nature is 🧌‼️
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alexxncl · 5 days
masterlist | all lessons | season 3 | lesson 48.1 | lesson 48.2 | lesson 49.2
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it's CANON that he knows he can't cook
so why the fuck 😭
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luke :(((( baby :((((((((
i'm glad simeon is finally opening up though. luke being able to event talk to simeon about (before simeon himself, mind you) this proves that he's more than mature enough to have conversations like this. i love seeing how much he's grown since the beginning of the game
didn't take a screenshot of this bc i can only post 10 pictures per post, BUT i'm glad the fact that raphael showed up out of nowhere wasn't glossed over bc why is he here ??? respectfully
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this is why simeon don't talk to nobody 😭 y'all can't take SHIT seriously
but in all honesty i'd just shut down and stop talking bc i get overwhelmed easily
but oh luke...
i hope he takes this as a "hm maybe the celestial realm isn't as good as it seems, maybe things aren't just black and white" instead of immediately jumping to "no simeon's too kind to be a demon bc all demons are mean and they suck", but i feel like the devs are gonna go with the latter simply bc they love giving luke development and then ripping it away seconds later
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(for context, the other response was something along the lines of "he really cried his eyes out, huh?")
regardless of how much luke has grown and matured, he's still a kid. like, a kid kid. they cry when they're upset, when they're angry, when they're throwing a tantrum, and when theyre confused and/or overwhelmed. i feel like the latter might be the case with luke, which is why i chose the "i'm sure he'll be ok" option
more on this here
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they're making it sound like simeon is queer/trans and honestly...i'm here for it. but that's partially bc i fall under both umbrellas. i love projecting 🫶🏽
i do wish it were this easy to come out and have your family/friends accept you bc it was a doozy for me 🫠
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angst. give me more. PLEASE
i'm just so so glad that he's actually opening up. in the past, it felt like every time we get a crumb of vulnerability, he'd shut back down and act like everything was okay. idk if it's because he's more comfortable in his identity and place in the world, or his place in mc and the brothers' life, but he's more prone to actually talking about what's bothering him. it makes me happy
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...this makes me a little less happy
ik simeon his his qualms with the celestial realm, but all in all, he probably still sees the place as his home and the people there as his family
what if this whole arc ends with the celestial realm opening its gates to (certain) demons? what if the boys get to visit their old home for the first time in literal millenia? and what if they get to show satan around?
idk y'all i'm trying to be hopeful, but hope can only get you so far when it comes to this game 😭
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development at its finest
not focusing on a way to "fix" simeon, but to help deal with the situation at hand despite and because of simeon's condition
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...ig the angst could only last for so long. back to the nerdy shit
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I want to yell about fic and chapter titling stuff for my necromancy au so like link to series and then spoilers under that
I don't know how much of this will make sense. It's last so my brain isn't working at %100 and I'm autistic so my brain also works in weird ways. I'm bad at articulating my thoughts like this so it all sounded so much better in my head but I had to try. I may add onto this as I get more thoughts about it.
first off, the title of the series itself: "Wait for me, I'm coming, wait, I'm coming with you". Hadestown is based on the greek tragedy of Orpheus and Eurydice (my favorite myth). In both the myth and my fic it's a story about a character trying to get someone they love back thought for my necromancy au it's familial love. I also named this series when I didn't know if it was going to end well or not for Rae (I still don't know but shush, we're not going to talk about that).
The first fic: "I'd be the choiceless hope in grief that drove him unground" from Talk by Hozier references Orpheus and Eurydice. I don't have as much to say about this fic bc I wasn't putting as much thought into the chapter names when I wrote them. "Is this a bunker or a shallow grave" (Hollow Moon, The Crane Wives) references the fact that Rae was just pulled from a grave and how whenever he gets anxious those feelings bring up images of dirt/drowning/death. "Can we skip past the death-death cliches" (Touch, Sleeping at Last) is because that's the chapter where Centross dies but is also brought back to death, he gets to "skip" death.
Second fic: "Though I knew my heart would break" (Francesca, Hozier) is abour Everett and Raemond's death and Francesca by Hozier is about two lovers from Dante's Inferno who die together and then spend the rest of eternity together much like how Everett and Raemond are buried together in the same grave. It's a love song about not regretting the choices that brought them to the end/hell because she (Francesca) would do it all again if she ended up with her lover.
Third fic: "All I want is to flip a switch before something breaks that cannot be fixed" (Touch, Sleeping At Last). Again, partially bc this is a telling of what happened around Centross' death but from Fenris/Centross' pov so it felt right to use the same song. Also again, bringing Centross back to life is fixing something that broke.
Fourth fic: "What will you leave behind? Oh we all still die" (Willow Tree March, The Paper Kites) is about Rae trying to figure out his spot in Lodestar Grove in the aftermath of Centross's death. In this fic he talks to Centross and Momboo and his relationship with both of them has changed a lot, he's gotten closer to Centross while any hope of a friendship with Momboo has been left behind with Centross' death.
5th fic: "How long have you been harboring that venom" (My mind now, Paris Paloma) is referring to the venom/hatred Rae has developed for his magic. There's a line in the song ("was it a first offense?") which I feel like fits really well also to what's going on in Rae's mind at this time with what's happening with Momboo (she hates him so much for one thing that he did) and with himself (beating himself up over loosing control once in the library) while also trying to figure out if he (Rae) did something earlier to deserve being treated like he is.
6th fic: "All my love and terror balanced there between those eyes" (Abstract psychopomp, Hozer). Listen, I just love this song. I don't have a lot to say about Caspian's chapter ("the feeling came late, I'm still glad I met you") by itself but Aax's ("the memory hurts but does me no harm") makes me think about how in FableSMP Aax and Rae knew each other as children even though that isn't canon to this au and Fenris' ("the moment I knew I'd no choice but to love you") feels like Rae's finally accepting that he loves his boyfriends and he's happy and he took so long to figure it out ("the feeling came late") and he wants to treasure the time he has with them even though he's going to bring his family back which Rae is convinced will make Cas/Aax/Fenris/everyone hate him but he doesn't want to throw the present away because of the future ("I'm still glad I met you" even though it's going to end badly like a certain greek myth).
7th fic: "My mind has not been silent" (my mind now, Paris Paloma) is Rae telling Jamie about what happened with Momboo that's been unable to ever fully stop thinking about her words. It's also from the same song as fic #5 with mirror (ish) plot lines of someone close to Momboo finding Rae and talking to him as he's struggling with seeing himself as a monster though Rae tells Jamie what happened between him and Momboo but doesn't tell Fenris.
the 8th fic is just a bunch of short stories but I think the title "we're nothing but myths now" (Yeti, Paris Paloma) fics because it's going to be filled with one-shots of stuff that happened away from what's happening directly around Rae and often talking about stuff that happened before Fenris dug Rae up
#9: "Nothing lasts forever, some things aren't meant to be" (Hello My Old Heart, The Oh Hellos), even if Rae isn't constantly thinking about it in this fic there's this acceptance that he's going to bring back his family and the life he built with his friend's can't last. The mentions of rigor mortis, livor mortis, and adipocere return and there's the last time he gets to hang out with Athena, Jamie, Aax, Caspian, and Fenris bc Rae doesn't know if his relationships with them will survive what he has planned.
#10: "If I don't make it back from where I've gone just know I loved you all along" (Inkpot Gods, The Amazing Devil) is Rae going through with his plan despite his belief that he's going to loose his friends. He talks to Isla's grave but we never get to see Rae saying goodbye to his partners (unlike how he got to say goodbye to his family before their death). Maybe he wanted their last memories of him before they realize he's a monster to be good and happy? And in the end he doesn't make it back because bringing his family back proves to be too much.
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azalea-bee · 10 months
dick grayson (+ any of the other batfam if u want !!!) with 5, 6, 10, 11!!
hii yay!! sorry in advance bc i feel like all dc agere headcanons get kinda ooc just by nature of them being from a vigilante/crime-fighting genre but that won’t stop me from projecting on my faves hehehe
5. do they ever find themselves only regressing partially, or do they fully drop when they regress?
i think dick (and probably most other heroes tbh) would have a hard time turning off the part of his brain that’s trained to always be analyzing his surroundings and prepared for danger, so i think he’d usually only partly regress! but maybe when he has someone he really trusts around to watch him and do the “looking out for danger” stuff for him, he’d be able to relax into it more :]
6. are they a stuffie or a blankie kid? both? neither?
stuffie kid!!! in my head he has a big plush that looks just like zitka, the elephant he grew up with in the circus his family performed in, and he carries it around with him all the time when he’s small :D if i recall correctly his zitka plush is actually canon in a few comics? but i can’t remember which ones off the top of my head to find a pic or anything oops
10. do they have any regression gear (teethers, pacifiers, diapers, specific toys or outfits, etc.)? do they try to hide it from friends/family?
i think he’d have a few things, probably mostly toys and some comfier clothes, stuff that’s easier to explain if found bc everyone in his family is extremely prone to snooping haha. hiding it completely is probably a lost cause for that reason, but i don’t think he’d willingly tell many people about it. to me he seems like a pretty private person despite how charismatic and friendly he can be :]
11. do they fall into any 'regressor stereotypes' (baby talk, loving disney movies, liking pastels, etc.), or do they diverge from the 'norm' (liking horror media, regressing to an older age, etc.)?
hmm i picture him usually regressing to a slightly older age than toddler? like 4-7ish maybe, idk if that really counts as “older” :P i think he would enjoy disney movies and cartoons and such, but i don’t really picture him baby talking, more along the lines of being a big chatterbox and talking a mile a minute about everything that pops into his head! his tendency to do flips and walk around on his hands and climb up to perch on top of anything and everything is probably a bit out of the norm haha. he just has a LOT of energy when he’s regressed and his unique skill set makes him a bit of a nightmare to babysit :P
tysm for the ask!! :D
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punnifullife · 3 months
I wanna hear your headcannons
Hmm i wasn't sure where to start, so apologies if this feels really jumbled. Also keep in mind i am cherry picking things from what dc has considered canon or not canon anymore sooooo:
- Her personality is a mix of the bubbly one she has in TT03 and her NTT comic version. Warrior that will beat you to death if you wrong her, but can be very compassionate and considerate to those she loves. -struggles with social queues and human lingo (this isn't just for english, but any language. if you ever see the trouble in tokyo movie, she speaks Japanese for a scene but you can clearly hear/tell she's fluent but there's still a distinct way on how she talks/enunciates things). Since there really wasn't a "dialect/accent" for Tamaraneans, I like to think how she speaks IS the dialect/accent. And it's why her sister, Blackfire, seems to be much more "fluent". Some people can drop their accent/dialect when speaking another language, while others, no matter how much they speak in their 2nd language, will still have that accent/dialect there. (also bc i think it's a bit silly that to become MORE fluent?? you have to keep kissing? idk) - I love how she was a model for donna troy's photography gig, so i thought that would be cute to continue that (and her relationship with Donna!! bc wow did i fall in love reading about them in NTT)
Dick/Nightwing - He and batman had a fallout (he did not get "fired", but he left of his own volition. albeit on bad terms at first from differing views/ideals. I like to think that's partially why he was so moody in tt03 and why slade was such a great villain for him since slade(tt03 version) was very similar to batman at the time.
- He DOES grow out of that moody edgy phase, but he still has that bad habit of hiding his emotions/thoughts with others. While he's grown to trust them more and rely on them for missions, there's still that emotionally-constipated person that struggles to take off that "mask" and doesn't usually wear his emotions on his sleeves. And this continued to cause strain with all of his relationships. And if say a member of his team is hurt due to complications on a mission? you bet he struggles to not fall back on old habits to do things alone bc he can deal with it all by himself.
- When he's with TT, he's more relaxed and serious, but when he's back in the batfam, he ups the fake smiles and quips otherwise he might go crazy with how brooding everything is (especially being away with his found family and going "OH things don't have to be this damn depressing all the time. cool")
- remained the leader of TT in Jump City but as the team grew older and TT grew in members, things changed:
TT team:
- the older members (the ex-teens of the group) would all move on to managing their own cities or helping the younger generations (so dick in bludhaven, keystone city for wally, as well as other older members working at the east or west tower to help with younger generations not just be good heroes, but help them become capable of withstanding on their OWN. bc i like the idea the first members who [most of them] came from being in a shadow of someone else, so making sure future teen heroes don't fall into that ig?) so i guess like the JL where there's still a main core (with dick as the "leader" but the other main core can all step up to the plate too when necessary)
I know the new52 and crisis and yada yada has retconned and changed so much for all of their characters/stories (thanks DC). but again, these are just my AU/headcanons and anyone can disagree with what i gotta say:
- Jason todd becomes Robin ("unofficially") while Dick is a member of the tt03 team. TT03 is like... a 2 year story in my eyes? so by the end of the tt03 series, Dick becomes Nightwing and passes the mantle onto Todd. Todd is robin for like 1-2 years before his death. Tim takes up the mantle of Robin and then would either become red robin or put up the cape as he attended college AWAAY from gotham with duke and stephanie bc that would be fun (red robin, signal, and spoiler as a trio? sheeesh). Damian either joins before Tim leaves or something idk.
-babs is a bit was batgirl during dick's robin run. Would eventually become oracle and i think either staying in gotham or going to bludhaven could work.
- i know we all love the shenanigans with the batfam but i think a lot of these characters and relationships do better when they get to be independent. (which is kinda funny bc thats what bruce would want, even if he can be hypocritical and try to hold onto them due to his own trauma and unhealthy attachment.) but i would like to think eventually they could come together to help out in gotham every now and then. but who knows ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ bat stuff isnt my biig focus hehe.
So robstar/dickory stuff:
- on the fence if they stay together after the tt03 movie or at some point they do break up but it's more bc i always felt like star/kory was giving a LOT to dick and dick still had those emotional pull-back tendencies. and what i love about these two is that we have one character who is so in tune with her emotions vs a guy that struggles not to deflect a positive remark. and while she sees through a lot of what he puts out as a front and can always recognize when he's hiding something, she can't be doing all that heavy lifting (even if she's a warrior alien princess with super strength lool). So, if they get together during their tt03 era, can they work through that? Idk ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (i also lowkey would love for some angst and rekindling as adults who've matured and have better ideas on what they want vs when they were just kids crushing on each other but it could go either way bc the tt03 did a lot of development between the two of them. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
- Dick grounds Kory. He's her sense of humanity. He's the first person she meets coming to Earth. He was always patient with her and loved showing her the world. Kory reads dick like an open book and he finds comfort in someone who can see through that facade TT03: There's a reason he hesitates to shoot her during the slade arc. why he picks her to search for slade. He can be vulnerable with her, even if it's in his weird way.
- a big fight involves moving forward in their relationship like marriage and children. To date is one thing, but to commit to something like that? To put his loved ones in danger? especially a child? He would have the fear of losing them OR his child losing HIM and kory. ofc kory would be understanding but i do think she would also get mad like "I was born to a race of warriors. Trained by the Warlords of Okaara. Am i so weak to need constant protection? I have respected the human morals to not kill, but I do not hold such beliefs and will do what is necessary to protect who I love most."
- Bruce wasn't necessarily confident in their relationship. It's a jumble of emotions that can be confusing. happy for his son to find happiness/love, sad/hurt/fear of his son moving on/away, a possessive/jealousy to keep dick around. But I do think when bruce and kory meet, he may soften a bit. I think it's why i like the idea of Tt03 star/kory meeting bruce bc she can be gentle and theres a charm about her.
Eventually they have mari! (and jake years later).
-Dick's job is to take her to school. but he's always sleeping in due to late hero shifts so it's usually a piggyback and acrobatic journey across the city to get to school on time.
-If she's hanging out in Gotham, then the public eye spread rumors bc they see her as another "black haired kid adopted by Mr. Bruce Wayne" and after 4 of them, people have just accepted the normalcy of it. ive also thought itd be interesting if she (and kory) were given some kinda tech like a watch that could disguise their appearance since big green glowing non-pupil eyes are kinda a give-away.
-jake doesn't get his powers until he's a teen. so while both kids were combat trained, he would take on the mantle of flamebird to go alone with nightwing!
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justagalwhowrites · 5 months
It’s interesting how people see things so differently. Like with Tommy, to me their wedge isn’t because Joel wanted control to protect Tommy. To me it was because Tommy had a bit of a hero complex and thought joining the fireflies would make him feel like the hero again. (He was a soldier which can say a lot, also the reason he was in jail that night was bc he punched a guy to help a waitress and it also wasn’t his first time in jail either. Joel had to bail him out multiple times.)
Tommy did hate what they had to do to survive and they did have a big fight but he left because he wanted more than “just” survival and Marlene made the fireflies look good, like the good guys. so he joined them. But then he just ended up killing people with the fireflies and once he realised that he left again lol
Seeing as Joel had to bail Tommy out multiple times, it definitely gives you the feeling that Joel had to take care of Tommy a lot. Plus Tommy works for/with him so he took care of him in that way too. Obviously nobody knows because nothing was ever shown but i can imagine Joel did shitty things to make sure his little brother is okay, just like he did for Ellie. Joel does anything for the people he cares about.
Obviously having that thrown in his face and Tommy running off to join a terrorist group is gonna cause a wedge between them.
And then Tommy dropping off the face of the earth, not contacting him again and Joel later finding out he’s been safe and perfectly fine in Jackson? Yeah that’s a slap to the face. There’s definitely ways Tommy could’ve let Joel know that he’s safe and in Jackson but he just didn’t. And then obviously bad talking Joel to Maria while Tommy himself has done terrible things? Tommy didn’t want Joel to be in his life anymore and definitely not in Jackson.
Anyway this is my long Tommy is actually an asshole rant lmao
Also, with Tess. I honestly don’t think Joel wanted to love her. In the game the only indication was that they had some tiny flirty dialogue and that’s it. I know everyone now takes the show as canon but in the game, tess doesn’t even say that “I never asked you to feel like that” or whatever. They survived together, they trusted each other, they were partners and friends. It doesn’t always have to mean or be more than that. obviously the show tried to do some dramatic romance and feelings shit but it just wasn’t there lol
Plus we know Joel didn’t really date much before the world ended either, he was a single dad for Sarahs entire life and heavily focused on work and his daughter. Clearly romance wasn’t a huge part of his life, so why would it be after the end of the world and losing his entire family?
Thanks for coming to my ted talk about unpopular the last of us opinions lmao
Hi Bestie!
I love this interpretation! It's actually not really off from what I think of Tommy, too, actually! I just think his hero complex really clashes with Joel's drive to protect him. I don't think Joel CONSCIOUSLY wants to control Tommy, I just think he feels safest when he has control and/or has a good lock on someone's motivations. Tommy wanting to play hero puts him at risk and I imagine Joel pushed back on that really, really hard quite a bit. But yeah, Tommy just fucking off to Wyoming made me so mad lol (which is part of the reason for the Tommy arc in Lavender) But I think can also be at least partially explained by Tommy and Joel clashing more and more as years went by in the QZ, with Tommy getting more and more pissed off by FEDRA and wanting to lean into his hero instincts and Joel not able to shake the fear of his brother getting himself killed.
I will say, my Joels are definitely a lot more based on show Joel than game Joel! I have watched game playthroughs (I am... very bad at video games lol) but HBO Joel is definitely my man. Though yeah, his relationship with Tess in the game was definitely more ambiguously flirty than an unambiguously romantic relationship of any kind. But I don't think his lack of a romantic life immediately pre-outbreak is a fair indication of what he wants in general. Single fatherhood and working a ton of hours means you're going to limit your social life. He was clearly interested in romantic - or at least sexual - attachment at one time because Sarah exists.
That being said, I certainly don't think he'd show up to the QZ and be like "priority one: find a girlfriend." But I do think it's reasonable that he'd stumble into it eventually, either through a smuggling contact he got closer to than he intended or just a woman he was sleeping with because hey, sex!, that became something more.
This has been so fun! I hope this has shed some light on how I write Joel because I've thought a lot about this stuff over the last year. I love hearing your thoughts, thank you so much for sharing!!
Love you!
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mute-call · 8 months
ok as per usual im gonna dump all my ideas here & figure them out later <3
v; your bell telephone factory : dsaf-fluid factory phone au.
things i Want / need to keep in mind bc i want to use them / also make this unique from his other verses:
he's not the only pg!! i'll go refresh myself on the generations but i think i want him uhhhh peter-esque.......? bro idk i need my dsaf friends to remind me of stuff. basically i want him to have access to his pre-phone memories but not Immediate Complete access
im sorry i refuse to name any pg of mine scott cawthon all my besties hate scott cawthon <3 . but the pg name can be scott gyver in honor of one of my fave canon phone guy designs
blue head. i cant wait to confuse people by using my animatronic icons for non-animatronic verse >:)c
steven should have worked with other pgs in the past when he was human. i think he would have been lowkey scared of them but also never really got in trouble w them. uneasy alliance /lh. steven voice hey my life might suck but at least i dont have a phone for a head! haha. ha. ha
alright down to the details!
i’m thinking he discovers one of the kids’ bodies in the suits if I want to differentiate, or i can steal from dsaf & let him catch William (Henry?) in the act. I think either would work well for him tbh.
additional / alternate idea.... he gets caught during fnaf 2 shit. not a manager at that point (some other pg is). catches william using the suit & gets Done For. previous pg gets scrapped after all that shit goes down & steve comes to look over fnaf 1. it like. goes ok for a while & then the location goes into decline but doesnt technically close so he is just Standing There. <3 . he takes over night shift bc he just fucken lives there basically. has some line about how he's less likely to get his head bit in now that it's plastic so this is the best option for everyone.
im so indecisive about how & when he should die pre-phone. idk man idk. i think this is one of those things i need to develop better in threads / might be flexible & set at diff points thread to thread
pre-phone steve....
drawing from my hcs about him when he was younger, i think pre-phone phoney was SO bright & cheerful & nicies...
really good with the kids. excited about his first real job to support his family. not yet beaten down by fnaf-slash-dsaf shenanigans
i guess he'd die younger than 30 in this unless he gets phone-ified after his canon death point but that doesnt make much sense. so. itty bitty phone. youngun.
post-phone scott....
i am SO into the idea that he's never fired anyone. pushover of a phone!!!
he & peter can share their fake little photo of a completely different phone guy w a completely different family /lh. pg's so excited to have kids :) . he talks about them all the time! please stop telling him they dont exist!!!
partially to differentiate from animatronic verses & partially to bring in his fnaf 1 characterization i think he's pretty chill as far as pgs go. like he'll ask you to stop screwing stuff up but he'll also just shrug and leave if you tell him to shut up about it T_T . very difficult to rile up.
i think one benefit of phoneification for him was removing his guilt about jeremy where applicable. i think i am leaning more towards steve being human for that game, and the bite of '87 stuff being a real turning point for him in terms of . everything. (but blue, wouldnt it make more sense for him to die BEFORE the bite? yes. <3 and yet /lh).
i think he & jeremy would have been closer if he hadn't been manager + everything that happened there fucked him up severely. luckily, as a phone, he doesnt feel much about it at all!
is there anything im missing..... idk more to come. etc.
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loregoddess · 3 months
Aqua for the character breakdown?
How I feel about this character LOVE HER probably my favorite character from KH, she just so GOOD. But also girl please rest and stop trying to take on a world of responsibilities bc you somehow got saddled with the "most mature of the group" role.
All the people I ship romantically with this character I'm gonna be honest, no one really? I get the appeal of the Aqua x Cinderella ship, and I do think it's cute, but for KH in general there's like three, maybe four, ships I'm actually partial to, and none of them involve Aqua. KH is a series about the power of love and friendship, and a lot of that love reads platonically to me, which is part of why I love KH so much.
My non-romantic OTP for this character Love her dynamics with Terra and Ventus, I really hope they get to hang out as a semi-normal family in future games. Her student-teacher dynamics with Eraqus are super interesting to me too, even if he is partly the source of her "I need to take care of everyone" mindset (Eraqus needs to chill too, no one in this family has any chill).
We don't have anything in the games yet, but I would LOVE to see Aqua interact with Kairi, maybe as a mentor or maybe just as an older and more experienced friend to Kairi. It would be cool if she could meet and maybe become friends with Namine and Xion too.
My unpopular opinion about this character Haven't haunted the KH fandom long enough to know the popular and unpopular opinions, and given that I got into the series after KH3, I wasn't around for any weird drama surrounding any of the games that prominently featured Aqua, so I dunno honestly.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon. As stated above, I think Aqua should hang out with Kairi, Namine, and Xion, and also that she should get a break eventually. I also hope that future games take some time to have Aqua and Terra sit down and just like, talk, really talk, about everything that happened, bc like, that was a lot, and I think the two would have an easier time healing together if they really talked about everything they went through and all the miscommunications that led to things getting as bad as they got.
I also really want to see Aqua and Terra's reaction if it's ever revealed that Ventus is from a waaay earlier era than anyone realized, and that his body got mecha-piloted to murder someone.
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organicbabybattles · 1 year
Round 1, Side A, Poll 8
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Rebekah Jakobs-Hammerlock ( @wainwrightjakobshammerlock ) VS. Sawyer Hale ( @thewikiplayer )
( art by wainwrightjakobshammerlock )
What is your baby's name? Pronouns?: Rebekah Jakobs-Hammerlock, she/her
Is your baby from a fandom or original?: Fandom - the Borderlands game series
How old is your baby?: 5 in my post canon alternate universe (7-8 years after Borderlands 3)
Tell us about your baby!: She's the testtube biological baby of Sir Hammerlock & Wainwright Jakobs (which basically means she could aim and shoot a pistol at the age of 4) and has 4 siblings (one of which is also an oc, but is an adoptive kid, and the rest are canon characters who got adopted). She has a big plushie collection (some knitted or sewn by Wainwright, some crocheted by Hammerlock, some being gifts from extended family or the Crimson raiders) and also fucked up eldritch powers beyond human comprehension bc her parents are abominations from beyond the veil (my Borderlands rewrite AU is a mess haha) which she primarily uses to teleport all over the house, causing an understandable amount of problems. Clay is her weird uncle and she loves him. She's kinda based off Wednesday Addams because autism. Also she is autistic, the nicest weirdgirl on Eden-6, swears an unusual amount for a 5 year old (being around Wainwright del Frisco Jakobs-Hammerlock will do that to you) and often swaps between her Edenian (space southern) and her Hermesian (space british) accents bc yknow. Just listen to her dads speak and you'll see.
Anything else you want to add?: (1) Most people call her Reb for short but Wainwright calls her Rebby because yes. (2) She eventually grows to inherit the Jakobs corporation and generally sorta girlbossify but that's extreme future timeskip stuff I don't talk abt often because I feel cringe about it. (3) Her name continues on the general theme of Jakobs related things having biblical symbolism - Rebekah is Jacob's mother in the book of Genesis (if i remember correctly). (3) Her voiceclaim is Lili Zanotto from Psychonauts :D (4) She calls Hammerlock "Papa" and Wainwright "Daddy"
( art by thewikiplayer )
What is your baby's name? Pronouns?: sawyer hale, he/they/xe
Is your baby from a fandom or original?: completely original!! the universe name is "turnabout tech"
How old is your baby?: 16!!
Tell us about your baby!: [MOD NOTE: TW for father death]
sawyer hale is a kid who had a pretty hard knock life in a cyberpunk dystopia city. after deciding his dad kinda sucked, sawyer ran away and emancipated himself at 16 and moved into a different, nicer city and became a hermit for a while. afterwards, he proceeded to save the world twice; once he saved a cyberworld from the big bad capitalists and second he saved the universe from collapsing via terrible creature. as he goes through these adventures he learns how to be comfortable and happy with himself again.
also he destroyed his dad when he possessed a robot body. go kid!!
sawyer super loves tech but he gave it up for a while because Shitty Dad Ruining It For Him, but he eventually finds his passion again and makes phenomenal inventions. also he is the embodiment of Baby because all the adults around him want to scoop him up and carry him around for being a little issues boy with issues. they love singing and the arts in general, and they're very open-minded, which makes them a pretty good friend.
oh yeah all his adventures kinda messed up his biology so he's partially made of code now. and also has wings made of code. he can design them however he wants like retexturing game assets. YIPPIE!
Anything else you want to add?: I'M SO SORRY FOR THE PARAGRAPH. GODSPEED
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tojikai · 1 year
i just saw how that was phrased about the perspective of toji and i meant to say that it may be ooc to others due to canon events (i wasn’t referring to me and i probably should have been more specific😭) when i was talking about the characterization i was saying that i could totally see him ending up like that had it been different since trauma can be detrimental to your identity and character/mannerisms regardless of it being in the form or a person or environment!
i also feel like he’s good with kids/that kids are drawn to him and that he is a ride or die for who he deems as his family. i don’t feel like he is inherently evil and your characterization of him is A1 i am so down bad astronomically, he makes me so feral, i-
i also forgot to ask what tattoos does toji have bc i know that i be kicking and screaming into my pillow when i look at him and i find tattoos really hot 🥵
i’m ready to be down bad on main again and i am partially sorry lmao
-paragraph/theory anon
kids will probably think he's so cool🥺 and AAAAA "he makes me so feral" i can now describe how i feel for him LMAO as for his tattoos, i cant find one that really matches how i imagine it, but it's a half wing on his upper arm and a dragon and some scales on his lower arm !!
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bad-surprise · 1 year
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so i updated my haladriel textfic erase me today (part three is on twitter) and i’d love to talk about that.
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This is the wikipedia page I made for Celeborn. I really wanted him to be a mashup of Jack Antonoff and FINNEAS, which is interesting bc I am a known Celeborn hater who likes both of these producers.
Some canon references are more obvious than others. His middle name comes from his canonical Quenya name. Galadhrim Music is a reference to the elves living in Lothlorien. I wanted to make this world bigger bc touring is a huge part of the story, so Beleriand still exists here. I decided to make the Doriath family a family of politicians and civil servants bc i wanted the sort of government/leadership/public service feel but without the ickiness of actually making him nobility (though I did decide that his ancestors should still be royal). His band, Hidden Kingdom, is of course a reference to Doriath itself, and their album, The Fall, is a reference to the sacking of Menegroth.
Almost everything about Hidden Kingdom was taken from Jack Antonoff. He had a punk rock band in high school that toured using a DIY booking guide and played in anarchist bookstores. The approach to writing is heavily influenced by FINNEAS’ comments about how he writes songs for his sister, Billie Eilish, and how his acting experience helps with that.
A little easter egg here that you might catch later on in this part of the fic is that Amroth Lorien is the frontman of the supergroup Tevildo that Halbrand and Galadriel are both members of. You can expect to see a lot more about Tevildo in Part Four, but if it isn’t obvious, they are essentially intended to be the Canadian supergroup Broken Social Scene.
More easter eggs with Erase Me:
- Both Hal and Gal are openly bisexual characters here. They also are not strictly monogamous sexually, which is not a big deal here but referenced occasionally— particularly in the phone call in Part Three between H + G where it’s implied that they have history with the Loriens.
- The Soundtrack podcast was inspired by a podcast episode I heard that was a conversation between Stevie Nicks and Matty Healy. I also wanted the vibe to be very Actors on Actors. We’ll see if Galadriel makes an appearance on it in the future.
- Gal has ADHD, but I’ve never directly referenced this.
- Whispers From The Void = Crazy Days and Nights. The individual posting goes by K, any guesses as to who that is?
- Elrond is not just a music video director but a successful feature film director as well.
- Nothing is happening between Nori and Isildur, I just love fuckboy Isildur vibes.
- G’s solo music is a cross between Eloise’s album Drunk On A Flight (which is referenced frequently throughout the fic) and Phoebe Bridgers. I really imagine the stuff she’s working on now as very similar to the song Drunk On A Flight by Eloise and Moon Song by Phoebe Bridgers.
- The Dagorath Tour is partially inspired by Taylor Swift’s Eras Tour.
- The controversy re: G’s drumming is a reference to Meg White of The White Stripes.
- G does actually DJ as well, but more so just for fun. I imagine her as the sort of person who seems to be able to name any song three seconds into the intro.
- H is the more “serious” musician in terms of what he’ll listen to, but his formal education is lacking compared to G’s.
- “Light” is intended to be a sort of cross between Perth by Bon Iver, Something by The Beatles, and Guiding Light by Foy Vance, in terms of vibes, not necessarily sound.
- Lindalë’s sound is inspired by Silversun Pickups, Metric, The Strokes, Oh Wonder, Better Oblivion Community Center, and Arcade Fire, but with a lot of diverse influences (prog, punk, hip-hop, jazz, lounge) and they’re a little nerdy musically. They are getting into heated arguments over time signature shifts and they will defend their overuse of seventh chords to the death.
- I imagine a favorite album of G’s being Escalator Over The Hill by Carla Bley & The Jazz Composer’s Orchestra, but she also would love Ctrl by SZA, Led Zeppelin IV, and My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy by Kanye West (though she wouldn’t listen to that anymore bc of him being awful).
- H’s music in my head I imagine as a cross between Jeff Buckley, Damien Rice, Ray LaMontagne, Iron & Wine, and Conor Oberst, with a splash of Big Thief in there. His favorite album would probably be something like Grace by Jeff Buckley or Norman Fucking Rockwell by Lana Del Rey, but he also probably loves OK Computer and In Rainbows by Radiohead and Actor by St. Vincent.
- There’s a bit where they talk on Moria Music about playing with Tevildo and that is almost entirely inspired by a video of Broken Social Scene performing Anthems for a 17 Year Old Girl where Emily Haines says “I missed my friends” at the end. I also reference that line in an instagram caption of Celeborn’s.
- They are big into psychedelics and also regularly take MDMA together.
- Galadriel has threatened divorce many times but this is the first time she’s ever actually gone ahead with it.
- Nori is constantly looking for a new job but never actually takes anything bc she feels very loyal to H + G, even though she’s overworked and underpaid lol. She is not their first assistant, but most quit pretty fast.
- Hal has a Google alert set up for G.
- The divorce announcement was inspired by a number of celebrity divorce announcements, but none quite so much as the infamous Gwyneth Paltrow & Chris Martin conscious uncoupling. Others include Ben Affleck & Jennifer Garner and David Arquette & Courteney Cox — I just swapped out the band for references to their kids lol.
- The song “Palantír” is somewhat inspired by Cannibal by Marcus Mumford
That was a lot but I hope it was somewhat enjoyable?
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vacantgodling · 10 months
🥺👉👈 I don’t know a lot about ovw but I’ve always thought hanzo is pretty do you have any HCs for He
firstly you’re so right, hanzo is PRETTY he’s GORGEOUS he’s HANDOME he’s PERFECT he’s—
lord i gotta calm down
even though i already did this for him i’ll expand upon my transzo thoughts since i brought them up before
so, hear me out—and this is somewhat spoiler territory into my personal interpretation of the shimada clan’s history and backstory so i’ll throw it under a cut cuz it might get long (and @valeffelees can yell at me in confusion about it later cuz this does appear in cage, just not with the trans angle pff…. or it might. i might make transzo canon in cage universe bc the more i talk about it the more i’m like wait i might be on to something here 👁️👁️)
basically: eldest daughter hanzo.
(this backstory appearing in cage as well but i’m technically considering actually rewriting and publishing my fic that talks about how hanzo got his dragons, and everything in his life leading up to when he decided to kill genji. it’s partially written and it’s called calendula requiem but yknow we move)
HOWEVER—due to high tensions with the rival hashimoto clan, hanzo is sent away after his birth and his brought up by his mother’s younger sister hanako. she is very kind to hanzo and treats him like her own child, shielding him away from the rough and dangerous mafia lifestyle that he will eventually partake in. 4 years later, genji is born and is given the same treatment however he lives with a different family member, their father’s brother who is uninvolved in family biz shit. anyway, hanzo lives with her until he’s 10 and then as the conflict dies down and/or hanzo is considered old enough to begin training to be involved in the family business, he’s forcibly returned to the main family estate in hanamura.
after this, he never hears from his aunt hanako again because she was killed so she could not reveal family secrets. hanzo only learns of her death 6 months after it happened when he tries to send her a letter and the letter is returned saying that the recipient at that address is. dead. cough. he’s never given “real confirmation” that his family killed her however he has a gut feeling that they did (and i’m telling u as the author they did pff). this destroys hanzo and he falls into a deep depression, so he is given a shiba inu to comfort him and train alongside him. a full year into being back home again, hanzo is taken into his first council with the elders and he is “formally inducted” into the clan by undergoing the ceremony to bond with his dragons.
the tldr of the event (and i have it written out so i can edit and post the excerpt at some point) is that during the ceremony you are ritually put into a near death state via poison and your spirit is then judged by the dragons. if one of the dragon spirits takes to you, it’ll save your life and bond with you—however if it doesn’t you’ll die. hanzo isn’t informed that that’s what’s going on so he’s Traumatized from this event tm (and it’s also when you meet the one original character of mine that’ll appear in cage, yayoi cuz she’s been trained under the shimada as a dragon caller basically it’s a whole thing). anyway, hanzo receives 2 dragons which is unusual. one that protects him physically and is a dragon of the sky and one that protects him emotionally which is the reincarnation of his aunt hanako’s spirit and is a dragon of the ocean. together his two dragons bond with him and create the thunder and lighting tattoo on him (so in my mind the tattoo isn’t a traditional yakuza tattoo in ink but a spiritual anchor to his dragons).
this is where the transzo headcanon weaves in: after the ceremony and hanzo receiving his dragons, despite being for all intents and purposes a prodigy in any way, the clan is very traditional in my mind so they want a male head of the clan; in this manner despite being younger and not interested in it at all, genji is selected as the heir, which creates anxiety (wanting to protect genji from the horrors he witnessed) and envy (not being good enough because he’s not “male”) and kind of forcibly starts hanzo on his transition path. he becomes colder and more set on being a better man than genji can or will be so that the clan will have no choice but to accept him as the leader that he changes his name, gets top surgery, etc etc.
he and his mother clash a lot in non-transzo headcanons but it’s even worse in transzo canon bc she’s like you’re not a man stop pretending and hanzo is like i am more of a man than genji will ever be! this also causes a bit of a wedge between the two of them. genji doesn’t like how hanzo constantly tries to one up him, but does accept his transition and would fight anyone who misgenders him. hanzo isn’t good with his words so he has a hard time articulating that he KNOWS the clan wants genji to be the head once their father retires or dies, and he wants to protect him from that.
during this time period around the time that he is 15, hanzo is forced to kill his dog because it barked at an elder out of turn. this exercise is to show him that even the most loyal of companions can and should be snuffed out if they threaten the elder’s authority—and sets the stage for genji and hanzo’s strained relationship reaching its peak.
in an assassination, their father is killed, and genji is still (despite everything) situated to become the leader of the shimada. however he says fuck that and doesn’t want to do it and refuses to take the mantle. the elders implore hanzo to persuade genji to take the mantle and he tries over the course of 6 months to try and show genji that this is the only way. genji still refuses and when hanzo returns with this news to the clan, they offer hanzo an ultimatum: get genji in line to be the head, or kill him and we will respect you as a man and declare you leader.
this choice breaks hanzo worse than his dog—and with his manhood essentially on the line, he doesn’t know what to do. he approaches genji on that fateful night and tells him that this is his last chance or he will have to put an end to it, however he hesitates and genji swings first. a fierce battle ensues, and hanzo’s rage overwhelms him and he ends up overpowering genji, leaving him for dead but unable to deliver a final blow. reality then hits him like a ton of bricks that he had just killed his brother and so he flees the scene, and hanamura entirely.
and then that weaves in the rest of the regular overwatch story but idk i think making hanzo trans kind of adds a depth to his already deep storyline to me so tbh i might add that into cage lol. it’s not “relevant” in the sense that he’s not coming out or anything but i’m gonna throw it in there actually i like this headcanon too much.
thank u for asking thoooooo and if u read this rip it’s so long
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collegeoflore · 9 months
1, 10, 25 for both blorbos B)
posting these answers out of order because 10 for xarrai got longer than i meant LOL it’ll be under a cut at the end :)
1. What memory would your OC rather just forget?
see i could give you a cop out answer and just say The First Sixteen Years Of Her Life. but that isn't entirely true. there's an element there of like.... yes she would like to forget, but the memory is the only thing standing between her and becoming the exact thing she hates. she clings to the memory of her early life in mulmaster because she fears she'll give in to temptation without it. and also like. who would she be without it? there's no "before" for her, she was like four or five when the zhentarim bought her, she doesn't Have any memories that aren't bane's church or what came after so. idk. it's complicated. all of them and none of them?
or, funny answer: one time she fully poured wine down the front of nysene eomane’s dress at a party. it was like 85% an accident. and while xarrai is stunningly hard to embarrass that one DID get her (partially because nysene’s brother would not let her live it down)
oh man. when ieriyn was like 11 or 12 he got into an argument with his older brother that resulted in a wild surge that burned down a wing of their manor and left his brother badly injured. thankfully the fire was contained fairly quickly and ieriyn and his brother were the only ones hurt (and ieriyn not even all that badly) it was far from his first wild surge (that was when he accidentally turned his older sister and one of the cats on their estate into ducks when he was really young) but it was the first one that made him really truly afraid of what he's capable of.
funny answer for ieriyn as well: the time he got caught trying to sneak back into his house drunk after sneaking out with a couple of friends when he was like 16 and one of house staff found him in the bushes trying to figure out how to cast levitate to get back to the second floor window. the staff member ratted him out to his dad and he was in trouble for weeeeks
25. What is your favorite thing about your OC?
xarrai is my baby i love everything about them and they've never done anything wrong in their whole life. no notes. okay but honestly though, and i guess this is less about Them specifically but whatever, i really like the way their story fits into the plotline of the game and into the world as it stands. i really lucked into it honestly bc i was making shit up as i went but they slot so well into the world and mesh well with the party and their personal story feels just similar enough to the other characters' that it works. and part of that is because i have just stolen a bunch of pieces of the durge plot and made it bane flavored so of course it's going to work, but i also only did that because that's the direction their story was starting to take anyway. also i love bards i love little guys who make music and tell stories because i'm a little guy who makes music and tells stories :) i don't talk about that part of xar's life as much on tumblr dot com bc i'm busy talking about them fucking nasty or arguing with astarion but like. they truly do love playing music and singing songs and telling stories and writing their own poetry and ballads it's and they looooove the attention of performing tbqh :) i love bards :))))
i love wild magic i love wild magic i love wild magic. also i love the shape his arc is starting to take and i'm having so much fun getting him there. i started with a general idea of where ieriyn starts (selfish spoiled rich kid and black sheep of his family) and where he's going to end up (someone who is willing to blow himself up With gale in the final battle (this may or may not happen for his canon. but the important part is he will be willing to do it.)) and left myself a big space to play in in the middle and rly let his rolls drive his story and now i'm getting to Discover Who He Is. also. i love wild magic. i loooove when magic is big and scary and dangerous and unpredictable and i love when its wielders rise to the challenge instead of trying to contain it :^)
10. What's an AU that would be interesting to explore with your OC?
i am constantly constantly constantly rotating the ascended!astarion/absolute!xarrai au in my mind. granted i have basically no idea how the absolute ending actually goes because i haven't played or watched it myself so it's all like vague squishy ideas and Vibes in my head but i am deeeeeply obsessed with it. i'm not sure what series of events would have to happen for it to actually play out, because honestly with xarrai's anger issues and codependency with astarion i think the most likely outcome of him ascending is them flying off the handle and more or less forcing him into killing them (a very "if we can't be better than what made us i'm at least gonna try to take you down with me" vibe) BUT. assuming they do not. i could see xarrai looking at astarion's ascension as more or less confirmation that they also have no chance at true freedom and they may as well embrace what they have and so they turn back to bane. there's lore here i am Not going to explain bc it would take like four paragraphs of rambling but the crux of it is like. they Are in canon offered a chance to regain bane's favor in act 3 so there is precedent here and a way it would work plot wise for their story i think.
anyway i think they don't actually tell anyone Aside from gortash that they are back on their banite bullshit and they do actually let astarion turn them because they know it will lull him into a false sense of security and let him feel like he's won. they know the tadpole will preserve their free will and they're not too concerned about actually being vampire spawn because they Have A Plan. so they play the long game and let astarion believe he owns them and start playing out all his little power fantasies until they get to the morphic pool. the whole time they're telling everyone they're going to kill gortash when they get there and by the time anyone realizes they're lying it's too late :) and then. idk what happens bc idk how the absolute ending works other than gortash beefs it at some point. (which works well bc xarrai was DEFINITELY gonna betray him asap. he's a weak tyrant if he's willing to share that power w/anyone but bane himself. that's Tyranny 101) but the general idea is that xarrai and astarion become each others' worst nightmares and are locked in a toxic power struggle astarion has no hope of winning while the world around them descends into chaos. they both embrace what they were meant to be and make everything infinitely worse for it. :) in my ideal world there would be a way for xarrai to use the netherbrain to usurp bane himself and then destroy the brain after (or maybe for them to just recover and reforge the crown of karsus on their own and skip becoming the absolute/using the brain entirely who knows) and it would be a kinda god gale situation because like. the important part for them is not dominating every realm it's destroying what hurt them and on the top of that list is 1. bane and 2. astarion. and i think the dynamic that would exist between god of tyranny!xarrai and ascended!astarion would be like. delicious. he prayed to all the gods and none answered except the one he made with his own two hands. :) he thought he could own them and instead he's at their mercy :) they put their faith in him as their second chance at freedom and when he let them down they decided to make the same choice he did :)
as a bonus i think gale would be fucking livid if xarrai gave him their whole big speech about Not Becoming A God only to literally turn around and become a god. like that would be really fucking funny.
i'll be so real right now i have no idea. i haven't even finished the game with him yet so i feel like i need to like. figure out what his canon actually is before i'm thinking too hard about AUs BUTTTT i could see a very stereotypical coffee shop au working for gale/ieriyn. i am deeply not a coffee shop au girlie but barista ieriyn trying his best to seduce professor gale when he comes in every morning for his latte could be so cute. ieriyn 100% has "i'm going to get that old man pregnant" energy that i don't get to explore enough in canon because he's busy being traumatized or whatever :/ (not that gale is an old man. but larian isn't giving ieriyn many options for beautiful older men to lure in with his autistic tboy swag and prettyboy looks so he will have to count)
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drbtinglecannon · 2 years
I am truly hoping Zeno was just joking but I truly don't have much hope for Dadrius anymore tbh. It will always be canon in my heart tho
I get what you mean but honestly I'm not sure it's worth worrying about yet for a few reasons
1. Zeno likes to troll (affectionate) the fandom a bit. He's done this before when asked "Who would Hunter go to Grom with" & he responded with multiple answers which included two of Hunter's most popular ships, he said his favorite bit of VAing was in "Thanks To Them" and prefaced it with saying his other favorite bits were "Hollow Mind" and "Eclipse Lake" and suggested we all brace ourselves for the scene (it ended up being the Luz calling Hunter family scene which was excellent & cathartic btw), etc. So while I said "I think we lost :(" I was partially joking bc I know Zeno likes to do this, but I was also a bit disappointed even if I know I really shouldn't be bc Camila is a top tier parent. I'm not actually committed that Noceda won, but I also can acknowledge that maybe it did/will & honestly it wouldn't be bad even if it wasn't what I staked my interest in yknow
2. Zeno already changed it again to "Heart of Flapjack", so I think since the special came out he's just having fun with what was revealed & is changing his name around accordingly
3. Zeno wouldn't actually spoil the series ending, none of the cast/crew would. They've been very careful about it in all the Post-Hoots, con questions, etc. If Hunter does explicitly become "Hunter Noceda" I'd say that's a sizeable spoiler for his arc given there was no specific sign of that happening in this special & the debate about who will adopt Hunter/what his last name will be is fairly common in the fandom. There are at least 4 different last names he gets tagged with, and while Camila has done so much for these kids, she & Hunter didn't have any singularly significant scenes together (in no way am I undermining Camila or how clearly important she is to Hunter tho) (& yes she did dive into the water for him but he wasn't conscious for that & she would've done it for any of the kids, so I'm talking more like. Her scene tucking Luz into bed kinda singularly significant, but obviously those kinda scenes would be focused on Luz)
4. Camila hasn't even officially adopted Vee or called her her daughter or even said "I love you", which I was definitely expecting when they parted during the ending & truthfully I was a bit disappointed by it not happening. I'm not saying Camila can't adopt multiple kids but given everything between Camila & Vee I'd say that's the more important dynamic, and it hasn't happened yet, if it will at all. That doesn't necessarily mean Hunter Noceda can't happen first but it'd be a weird decision
5. Like I said above Zeno expressed his favorite bit of VAing was the Luz Hunter family scene, so Zeno writing "Hunter Noceda" feels like a homage to that scene which was a milestone in his career (so completely independent of fandom discussion, which makes sense & he's entitled to). Zeno likes to troll a bit but he's also an actor building his career & has completely different experiences being in the show than we the fandom have watching it, so maybe he's making a statement of his preference, maybe he's spoiling, or more likely he's referencing his time with the show.
6. Because it was Zeno's favorite scene and given who was in it, it feels explicitly about Luz & Hunter being family -- not Camila at that moment, JUST Luz & Hunter. Luz doesn't go by Clawthorne but she's still undeniably a part of Eda & King's family, so Hunter "being a Noceda" doesn't automatically mean "Camila is his mom now", if any of that makes sense. Something something found family isn't so nuclear something
7. Even if we don't get Dadrius they've explicitly used precious minutes of screentime after the show got cut to build a dynamic between them where they both clearly have started to care a lot about the other, so he'll probably still have "mentor" or "gay uncle" status by the end if not "dad" -- not the same or what I wanted but I'll still take it. I've said it before but if the goal was to make Darius likeable all they had to do was reveal he was a rebel (which was gonna be revealed anyway), they didn't need to give Hunter another new dynamic when he already had so many and they didn't need to make Darius of all adults the first one to give a shit about Hunter esp considering he never did before.
8. Hunter can have multiple parents with different last names like Luz does, as a treat
TL;DR I don't think it's a declaration that Hunter Noceda is unarguably canon even if a lot of the fandom will & already have taken it as word of god. It might end up being so, but I think at this time Zeno is more expressing passion for a pivotal moment in his acting career & is just having fun.
Anyway here's how Dadrius can still win ---
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stregoniconiconii · 2 years
Half of this honestly just might boil down to them just having super intense feelings for each other and not knowing what to do with them or how to categorize them because they’re living in a small town in the 80s and probably have very few examples of what healthy relationships (of literally any kind) look like and definitely not one that’s representative of theirs lmao like I’m sure they’re aware by now that love doesn’t have to only be romantic or familial but they are still probably very ???? and they also just do not like talking about it <3
oh yeah especially on that no healthy relationships to model thing. i feel like robins parents are fairly healthy but she’s very aware that she wasn’t planned and she probably questions whether they’d still be together if it wasn’t for her, plus they struggle to understand her bc she’s gay and autistic as hell plus the usual parents think they know their child despite not actually spending that much time with them thing. and she’s obviously disillusioned with most heterosexual couples, partially bc of her lack of interest in dating men but also bc men suck like a lot of the time, and she just doesn’t have a model for healthy same-sex or queer relationships like at all (which is why I think Steve and robin moving to the city and meeting more gay ppl will help them immensely it’s about community and it’s about realising that yes they are bonded in ways nobody will understand but they’re not alone <3) and when it comes to friendships she’s always felt a bit on the outside looking in like she has friends but she’s aware that they’re friends of circumstance like she’s basically only friends with her band friends bc they were grouped together and she doesn’t see them going through thick and thin and she craves a friendship where she’s completely understood and she never had that until she ended up going through hell with Steve
and steve’s parents well. i have a lot of thoughts about steve’s parents and i see them just being difficult to live with. there’s definite cheating happening in the marriage, they don’t sleep in the same bed (canon), more concerned with the appearance of a happy marriage than actually having a happy family, so they’re not actually taking care of each other’s needs. i personally see steve being very close with his mother and providing her with the emotional support that she isn’t getting from her husband which ended up kind of parentifying him. like he ended up emotionally being his mothers husband and not her child and so her choice to chase after her cheating husband to make sure he didn’t cheat further probably felt like a huge betrayal to him and is maybe where a huge part of his abandonment issues come from. and then there’s whatever the hell was going on with tommy and carol like what a friendship group. i feel like their friendship was pretty superficial actually like steve would run away when things got too emotionally deep kind of based off the fact that tommy yelled something about steve always running away after steve confronted them about being miserable assholes so i think he ended up making a habit of dipping when things got too intense for him
and man Steve’s relationship with Nancy. I have so many thoughts about them they drive me insane. I feel like their relationship was Steve’s first time really allowing himself to get emotionally invested in a relationship and it totally backfired on him in a major way. he didn’t know how to handle nancy’s grief and guilt, he was dealing with his own shit too, and it’s just :(( tragic in a way. but I feel like it exemplifies some of Steve’s fears when it comes to relationships and friendships or whatever, that he’s basically always gonna be loving more or wanting more than the other person can give them and to kinda protect himself he tries to appear cool and collected when he's really totally not. and I could see him being worried that robin is pretending to want to be his friend bc he did just learn the year before that even if u go through something with someone doesn’t mean that they won’t or can’t hurt you or lie to you (to be fair, I don’t think Nancy realised she was lying about her feelings for Steve while they were together, but homegirl was definitely lying to herself. whether it’s bc she wanted to try and fit back into her old role of being the good girl next door or she felt like she had to since barb’s death coincided with the development of her relationship with Steve and if she broke it off then it meant that barb died “for nothing”) and yeahhh basically Steve doesn’t have a lot of practice being emotionally available he’s just fairly good at avoiding, whether it’s by fully running away from the confrontation or by smoothing it all over with a distraction. not that he isn’t emotionally intelligent, he’s very aware of the shifts in a person’s mood but he might misattribute the source of the mood you know
this turned into a major rant but yeah basically Steve and robin don’t know how to have normal relationships and their feelings for each other are super intense so they don’t know how to handle it when they feel like something isn’t right and they really need a round with a therapist to teach them some boundary building skills
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anniebuddy · 2 years
!Not Batcest!
i feel like Steph has had a crush on a large bulk of the Batfam. if Tim Drake is any indication, she can fall for people pretty quickly - and like, there are a LOT of hot people in that family. some of them were just the briefest of considerations that she managed to push to the back of her mind, but others occupied her headspace for a while - and made missions with them considerably more awkward.
a cool, confident redheaded genius who used to be Batgirl? yeah, she had a crush on Babs. probably tried coming up with excuses to drop by her workspace more often.
a funny, charismatic gymnast with a bod? definitely crushed on Dick (though if their initial dynamic was anything like in canon, it came some time after, when Dick’s skepticism finally wore off. the first time she found herself blushing at his jokes she was like. “Shit.”).
Jason Todd? …okay, i can imagine she thought he was pretty hot when they met, but then he opened his mouth and she immediately realized he was just as much a dorky gremlin as she was. they were teasing and noogieing each other soon after.
but she was almost certainly shellshocked when she first saw Kate Kane. Steph is partial to tough ladies she can look up to, so a big part of that was hero worship (for more on that, see Dinah Lance). and that brings us to Cass.
regardless of whether it worked its way into a relationship, i feel like Steph crushed on Cassie hard. not at first, mind you - she wasn’t sure what to make of the quiet, full-face masked badass who seemingly existed just to emphasize how outmatched she was. but it got brought out the more they got to know each other. a hero her age, who was incredibly strong and yet still emotionally vulnerable, who enjoyed her company - someone whose story she could relate to, who shared her virtues, made her laugh, made her think…the kinda gal you can have fun with one minute, then pivot to talking about unimaginable trauma, and then go right back to goofing off. like…yeah. even when she was mad at or dismissive of her, she’d still find herself frustratingly charmed by her.
once she started ingratiating herself into the Batfam as a full unit, her relationships w/ everyone got to be much stronger - and also much more platonic.
…but she’s still gay as shit for Cass bc i say so? may make a followup post about that bc i ended up launching into StephCass in the first draft askdjhkjhds (big surprise)
anyways, once the rest of the BatFam found out, they got to work arguing about who should be ranked where based on how long Steph had a crush on them. needless to say, this was embarrassing as hell for her (thank u to my friend for this part it’s gold).
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