#this man is domestic as hell
tetsuskei · 7 months
me writing childe as a delicate lover and ignoring how violent and bloodthirsty his true nature is 🧌‼️
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perceptivehands · 9 months
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|| Miss Scarlet and The Duke » 4.04 "The Diamond Feather" ||
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chitaquahq · 2 months
Dean making Cas coffee. Dean picking Cas a bag of tea to try. Dean promising to cook for him and make milkshakes for him. Cas wanting to taste pie because Dean likes it and milkshakes too.
Their love sipping from beneath their skins to the kitchen, nurturing/feeding each other with every single meal shared, even if none of them wants to eat. Maybe because feeding themselves can be sometimes their only way to keep the other from ignoring their hunger.
Dean replacing the excess of alcohol, drugs and sex in Can't life with (sweet) food, his breathing and new friends.
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thechibilitwick · 4 months
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auegh… domestic 0507 my beloved…
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theology101 · 5 months
The Brotherhood of Steel don't commit Genocide
Their goal is to protect humanity - not including Ghouls - from Dangerous Technology (Laser weapons, FEV, Replication tech) and try to destroy the fruits of that danger.
But they're not the Enclave. They're not out here trying to make a Human Ethnostate.
As a rule, they've given it a go once or twice but, typically, they're not genocidal. Does the Brotherhood of Steel dislike Ghouls and Super Mutants? Absolutely. Did the West Coast chapter care that the NCR allowed both to be citizens? No, they didn't. Because they weren't a danger to Humanity as individuals.
Why haven't they wiped out Goodneighbor in Fallout 4? Or hell, why doesn't MacCready (who isn't the BOS biggest fan) bring up Underworld or any Brotherhood activity there? No, he doesn't - so its safe to assume that they weren't wiped out.
In Fallout 4, the fight is against Synths the same way it was about Super Mutants in Fallout og - the Synth is just the dangerous byproduct of the Brotherhood's actual target, the Insitute. Just like how the Brotherhood wasn't out to kill all Super Mutants, but the Super Mutants who served the master and threatened Mankind.
From Maxson's perspective (wrong as it may be), he thinks that Synths represent a danger to mankind for two reasons:
They have the ability to near perfectly infiltrate any organization with sleeper cells that can be activated at a moment
Synths might one day decide that they don't need Humans anymore, and instead of trying to run away from the Insitute they'll take over and mass produce
Both of these are nightmare scenarios for the Brotherhood. But the second the Institute is gone, so are both of those points. There will be no more infiltrating (except for DiMa's shenanigans) and the ability to make new Synths has exploded. And, actually, so too did the way to make new Super Mutants so once the current batch is gone there won't be anymore.
Arthur Maxson's work here is done. Now he'll just set up a new local chapter (he has the ego to just unilaterally make one, or he could have made contact with the West Coast and got permission) in Boston. The Brotherhood doesn't want to be the local government, so they'll let the Minutemen do that but they'd mostly just be here to vibe.
Shit, they can't even do anything about the Synths. Not even a deep brain scan will reveal if there is a Synth component, and its impractical to do mass-brain surgery. The Brotherhood pretty much has to wipe their hands and go "we did good gang"
So sorry Thaddeus, no we will not be "killing all the ghouls" because, to be completely honest, there are more important uses of the Brotherhood's time and micro-fusion cells.
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gorogues · 2 months
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Spoilers for the Kite Man animated series!
Screencaps from episode 4, part 1. Today there are three posts, because reasons.
This episode revealed that the Snarts are indeed siblings in this universe, and gave us Lisa's backstory: she accidentally killed her parents at Noonan's when she was 5 and her powers manifested during a time of stress. Her parents had been arguing and her father hit her mother.
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monkee-mobile · 4 months
do you think if any of the monkees tried to actually kiss in the 90s special, everything would like glitch out for a bit and a lizard sunning itself of a rock would snap them out of it or would they be able to break free and show the kiss to the people?
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poop-benedict · 1 year
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Denji continues to be the most unhinged thing in manga
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kyeterna · 1 year
I am starting to think that being a tourist visiting Greek islands is completely unethical.
In a similar way as buying fast fashion is unethical.
This problem is very prevalent in the islands which is why I am specifically talking about them and not tourism throughout the country (though in specific areas that are tourism heavy the problem still stands).
Very coincidentally, along with Greece's economic protections of the working class collapsing, the new lucrative industry of tourism arose, after the economic crisis. With labour laws becoming more lax to "help the economy" we've seen the rise of seasonal work. What's that you might ask. Young adults with no working experience working in tourist heavy areas in service at restaurants and cafés and what not. Sometimes for 12 hours a day if not more, no benefits, sometimes they don't even provide you with housing, barely any days off. I've had cousins and friends who worked the summer season, it is hell and dehumanising. Especially with how many tourists there just are. Just earlier this month there was a story about how a sea side cafe bar owner had his waiters serve their patrons *in the sea*. THE WAITERS HAD TO WALK INTO THE SEA WITH THE DRINKS TO SERVE THE CUSTOMERS WHO WERE SWIMMING. "But tourists give good tips" AND THAT FIXES THINGS???? YOU THINK THIS MAKES THINGS BETTER??
But it's not just worker exploitation. It's how tourism becomes hostile to the locals themselves. How tourism is actively destroying the local environment. A friend of mine who comes from an island talks about how because of AirBnB locals are outpriced out of their rented homes. How students are kicked out of their apartments as soon as May enters because that's when thr tourism season starts. We gotta rent those apartments to our lovely tourists! How in islands even as big as Crete, every summer the locals have no access to water because it is all used up by hotels and tourists. All greek islands have limited access to drinking water and this is made worse through tourism. But you see you can't have the tourists not use water in abundance! How over the years I have seen my local beach become commercialised. How the public umbrellas crumbled and were replaced by privately owned by a sea side cafe bar umbrellas and sunbeds, making it so you have to pay to have access to that beach. How tourists have no beach etiquette, which ends up littering the area. How businesses' desire to get more tourist customers leaves to natural landmarks just altered beyond recognition, local fauna driven out.
Our government has over relied on tourism to rebuild its economy. When covid happened this showed how vulnerable an economy is if it relies on tourism alone. It feels like even our government treats us more like a tourist attraction than an actual nation. Obviously the issue is capitalism. Some might say it's unregulated capitalism. Whatever. The whole tourism industry was set up so that its vulnerable workers cannot even organise nor fight back. They are only contracted to work 3-4 months a year after all.
If you ever decide to visit Greece for vacation, I don't know, maybe think about all this.
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See, the thing about Crowley living in his car in s2 is that I left the s1 finale with the impression that both of them finished their lunch, staggered their way back to the book shop (gently sloshed) and spent the night getting absolutely hammered. Like drain the wine cellar, night on the town, capital-P Pissed.
It’s all a bit ‘rambunctious’, as a fussy and well read angel might say.
Crowley wakes up on Aziraphale’s sofa a week later - covered in a blanket, various papers and a copy of the Sunday times.
A pot of tea’s just finished steeping, there’s cake in the tin. Somewhere across the shop, a tartan-clad figure hums (rather untunefully) to himself as he pours over a crackled hardback book.
If you asked Crowley, it’s all quite civilised, if a tad “country living magazine”. A little gauche. A bit twee - not really his ‘style’.
But he doesn’t reach for his glasses, or pat his jacket for his keys.
After all, he thinks, stretching what’s probably the correct number of limbs and reaching out for a bone china cup, why on Her green earth would he ever want to leave?
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bumpscosity · 2 months
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also while i was at the zoo i saw these weird Beasts called chacoan peccaries and apparently when they were first discovered in the 1930s they just found fossils and thought they were extinct until they finally found living ones in the 70s. they look like what a kids drawing of a wild hog would look like and i like them very much. they aren't even pigs.
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spite-and-waffles · 2 years
Gotham Knights Vol. 1 #38 - Knight Moves Part 1
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vulpinesaint · 6 months
stupidass discussion questions in this presentation right now. movie about an algerian woman immigrating to france in the 1970s to join her husband who had moved there for work and your first questions are "do you think moving to france was the best choice for zouina?" and "if you were zouina would you make the decision to go to france?" what the fuuuuuck are you talking about. the whole first scene is her screaming and wailing as she's torn away from her family and threatened by her mother-in-law taking the children and leaving without her it didn't seem like much of a fucking choice. and what does my personal perspective as someone who is not an algerian immigrant wife and mother have to do with analyzing this movie and its messages
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boysnberriespie · 11 months
Whatever else you wanna say about Izzy’s death I find it so heinous to say shit like, “He didn’t blame him because it was his fault, he provoked him” girl Ed is not a wild dog. He’s a human being. If I provoked my roommate by telling him he’s a shit roommate who I hate and wish was dead, he’s not allowed to even hit me, let alone chop off 3 of my toes and shoot me in the leg and whatever else is implied by All That (which for my own sanity I have to ignore or else it gets worse 😩)
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spider-man-2o99 · 2 years
(water + wood)
will miguel's dreams of poisoning people with the venom from his fangs ever be realized
i promise, anon. yes 🙏
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kaoharu · 1 year
rontoto ouuu 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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