#i feel like theres a middle ground here somewhere but i enjoy this
forlorn-crows · 10 months
Cumulus is always the dommy mommy.
Dont get me wrong shes hot as a dom but i dont really care for the mommy part if that makes sense. Let her be a mistress or sir or something!!
interestingly enough, i dont really ever see cumulus as dommy mommy? or rather, i should say she is most often 'mommy' coded but i feel like i dont see that dom aspect? i feel like the fandom assigned dommy mommy has been cirrus historically (we'll talk about that in a lil bit)
but, and you can correct me if im wrong, i think im understanding you here when you say 'mistress' or 'sir', because of the fact when she is more dominant, its paired with the 'mommy' thing. she doesnt typically get written with a hard dom edge. theres always some aspect of softness, is how im taking that.
which is true, ive seen that. and i might derail a bit from your personal point and maybe even the common theme that ive seen so far . . . but i dont know if anyone else feels this way, but cumulus and sunshine, to me, dont feel like ghouls who typically enjoy that hard edge (at least in my personal hc). i would group mist and aurora in that category, with cirrus somewhere in that middle ground.
i totally get wanting to see that from a ghoulette like lus, due to the fact she's not the type of character people would 'assume' would act that way. its very easy to say we should write characters in protest or in opposition to the roles most commonly assigned to them. but i also want to offer the idea that maybe we're just doing the same thing but in reverse. im of the belief that its perfectly okay to write feminine characters with feminine stereotypes, so long as those traits are balanced with other elements of their character.
again, i completely understand wanting to see her in different roles, especially bc people who look like lus are literally all shades of different from each other. AND that the prevailing characterization of lus tends to sway in one pinpointed direction, which isnt good either. AND AND that you could literally have all kinds of ideas about who cumulus is to you, and its technically correct. all we know is how these ghouls act on stage. we dont have actual plot and things to critique like a show or movie would. we're critiquing each other, which many a time ends up as a critique of the greater societal stereotypes and ideas about fat women. which is valid. and i know im rambling and this is more of what i specifically want to talk about in another (even longer lmao) post.
in the end, i agree. it would be nice to separate the dom and the mommy thing from being cemented together, because dom in itself has soooo many flavors and shapes etc. maybe lus doesnt want to be nice. maybe she does want that hardness. i dont know! but youre right, i dont see that of her much.
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gayspock · 2 years
ok im into generations
right so i wasnt sute about this one bc ok as ive said im not a huge tng fan + combine that with what ive heard about kirk in this one im kinda really scared 3:
also update: we got to order indian which my family usually arent onboard with but... :3 idc... im enjoying it yammy yammyyyyyyy
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god seriously though im trying not to be emo im meant to be watching these to not be emo but it does make me sad sometimes even watching stories like these thinking about where im gonna be if i make it to my 60s onwards like kirk + knowing i wont even have enterprise moments to look back on something something i never lived instead there was just a sad little hollow existence ... you guysknow what i mean. i wish i could be in the stars forever....
also it is funny how like so many of the trek movies are about how washed up kirk is its so fucking funny like we've been doing this bit since motion picture LOL
fucking connor typica- TIM RUSS?
if theres one thing about tim russ is that he'll be in a star trek showw or movie it doesnt even matter any more-
hi guinan . what the dickens.
also guys i ate too much food tummy hurt
also woag... 78 years later
come on kirk lets go girlie
the enterrprise is seriously like the pear wiggler
OH GOD IMAGINE BEING CAPTAIN CONNOR ROY. sorry i dont remember his seriouss name
.... hi picard. i guess. 😒
also god everyone can we be hoenst i did start to not like data as much not so much because of the show but basically just existing in fan space kind of really started to ruin him as a character for me but i will be honest him pushing bevs into the water and everyone being mad bc he just tried to match their energy yeah okay i feel that data sniff okay
so is this where they find kirk
you know whats fucked up is spock is still alive somewhere ... ugh thatbreaks my heart SORRY. [looks shy] LIKE ... I ASSUME KIRK DIES BEFORE THE END OF THE MOVIE SO THEY NEVER MEET AGAIN FUCKING FINE DOES ANYONE TELL HIM WHAT HAPPENED THOUGH I'M- im going to kill myself
fucking hell though imagine if you pulled
i'll kms
he doesnt keep it thoughdoes he like
i feel like there is a way to do the emotion chip imagine if theyused it as a metaphor forlike.. masking, maybe and it really just made it all the worse for him and he rejected it bc he- YOU KNOW HES HAD EMOTIONS ALL ALONG THEYRE JUST NO THTE SAME AS YOURS ... I HATE MY LIFE I HATE ALL OF- BONG
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me: gosh golly i mean how can i articulate my emotions regarding the emotion chip
also this cunt soran is just dickin about innit also do i just recognise him ta clockwork orange posters (has never seen the actual movie) where else have i seen him has he just got a face on him or what
also you'd think regarding the data chip there'd be more of a fuss about him sticking it in considering what occurred to lore
thatbing said im also a little sad like hes just learnt humour ITS RATHER NOVEL TO HIM . SORRY IF THAT MAKES ME SICK TO DEFEND IT.
THATS SO FUNNY SORRY i shouldnt laugh
you know what thats also funny to think about how like picard and such would have like super HD pics of them as kids do you know what i mean because when i see older people i think god theres only shitty pics of you when you were little bc cameras wont commonpla-
sorry picard is crying
i feel uncomfortable
dont fucking do that im a capricorn i w
"the closest i'd get to having a child of my own" wyou've got some juice in you old man come on get fucking then
anyway what i was sayinh oh yes the pictures its strange i guess thinking about them being so farin the future sometimes when it comes to little things
what i will say is the second a klingon woman shows up with brilliant cleavage im like on my knees begging and i dont even know what for half the time im just like [whining noise] .. uhm. god i hope people dont read these lbs anyways
can we be nice to geordi for once- MORE NORMALYOU'LL END UP ON YOUR ASS CUNT
if i was data and i was feeling emotions for the first time i'd be crying throwing up being sick gaspig for geordi. i know this because im doing it anyways and im not even involved really
also again me watching trek movies to escape my existential dread but good heavens every single time they get super existential wrt time and whatnot STOP IT. QUIT IT OUT
"the only engineer in starfleet that doesnt go to engineering" HELP LEA HIM AL-GJA0-GKAGKS[DGOSD[GOSDG
ok his cute little doo doo doo okay
god it wouldnt be a star trek movie if we didnt blow the shit out of the enterprise
dont get me wrong her hair is gorgeous still but ugh i wish troi got to have her little curlie whirlies
i need the klingon woman to
stop sentence
theyve exploded now so i'll behave
also we're like an hour in and kirk hasnt reappeared which makes this hysterically funny if theyre going to have him pop up again for 0,2 seconds and then axe him like jesus christ way to kill him off thats so funny like is any of this worth it im bewildered
also i said it earlier but i cant tell if soran(?) actually does look like jeff rom community or if im just focussing on the hairline am i crazy
CAPTAIN picard waking up in - oh my god............. this is scary
whos his wifey okay
generic woman thats so funny . kill yourself beverly crusher
rene ... sorry its so easy to forget picard is literally FRENCH with a BRITISH accent. double homicide. christ
hi guinan
also okay lets talk more about this movie. gusy lets talk about this movie.
"but these are all mine" is such a hysterically funny way to think of your kids
aww he has a doggy and a clock with bones and-
i love kirk im sorry i stand by it when he just fucking has a new woman every fucking day of the week why not .. have fun
"youre a starfleet officer. you have a duty." I MEAN HE WAS LIKE... LITERALLY KIND OF RETIRING MAN IN FAIRNESS.
why are they bonding over their lack of families . lonely middleaged men well. theres a solution like well
maybe boost . sorry not boost. "boost". i mean but the ghosts that boost reported. were right. and they should just have gay sex here to solve their problems . fill the holes in your hearts and the holes well i didnt say that who said that
AGAIN i guess they didnt want to isolate the audiences or whatever but god wouldnt it just . i dont know work better if you even chose carol and david or something like FUCKING ANTONIA. HELP. AND IS ANTONIA IN THE ROOM RIGHT NOW
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and bones could be too i dont know he was alive in ep 1 of tng but frankly well yeah
so is james t kirk literally going to die HERE now because thats so funny imagine that youre stuck in limbo for 80 years and then you get out and instantly eat shit i mean theres a way to do that gracefully i think but this obviously well
also why do so many of kirks lines sound... whats the word? recorded and added back in later?i forget the term but it sou-
god how are we... are we just burying him here, too? like good lord i dont know what i expected cant we... i dont know. christ . it feels so messed up to see kirk die and have a moment with PICARD sbeing the only person just standing over his grave and for him-
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i will also say going back its always so funny how they do that bit with like ahhh damn the starfleet officers cant have families bc im sure theyve touched upon it with riker too but also like. thats just what makes sisko the fucking best isntit . HAHAHAAHHAHAAH., GOT EM
thanks riker. swing your big dick aaround
also can i be honest i didnt care about enterprise d being destroyed. smirk. there i said it. i wept in search for spock i will say i will profess to that but that was like real thi wasn stop imr emeebring
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bloomingjungwon · 3 years
please write a heeseung college!au !!!! ♡♡
college!au heeseung
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: thank you for requesting! sorry if this is so long, i kind of got carried away and i was kind of inspired by one of my favorite blogger's writing style
major: cinematography (don't ask why, i can just imagine him being so into making motion pictures)
he'd probably minor in like north american or woman studies tbh
i can see him as a really quiet, doesn't involve himself in too many things, kind of student
doesn't really speak up when it isn't needed
but if it's a topic he's really familiar with, you can't shut him up
definitley the type of student to sit in the very front even if the classroom has like a billion seats left open
i also see him as the type to never be in the library, he usually just studies out on the grass or in a very underrated cafe.
lives off of coffee to the point his roomate!jake tells him he smells like coffee 25/8
you know how gym freaks take a shot of like protein powder before their workout? yeah that's him but with ground up coffee beans if he is in a rush and doesn't want to wait for his coffee to brew.
it's kinda funny, you don't know heeseung, and he doesn't know you. but you pass each other almost everyday because you also go to the same cafe as him.
like youre always leaving as he enters and like????
hello how r u not noticing such an amazing human being
but dont worry, ya'll meet some day
you're walking across your campus and the bulletin board catches your attention
amongst all the papers screaming "tutor needed" or "join our club", theres a flier SMACK DAB in the middle
"class do20 presents mini films at flint theatre this friday!"
and like, that peaks your interests
because you've always appreciated people's works
but you're kinda just standing in the middle of the walkway and staring at it , you don't realize someone standing next to you
"are you going to go and watch?"
you nearly jumped out of your skin cause like, who tf just talks to someone without getting their attention first
heeseung does
and now he's just staring at you waiting for an answer
"uh,, yeah seems kind of interesting. why? are you?"
"i have no choice to. i'm a part of it, i just haven't started on my film yet."
.... homie, the show is on friday and it's currently tuesday
no words or expressions are exchanged and you're just staring awkwardly at each other
but in reality, you two are just silently admiring each other's features
"do you want to be a part of my film?"
your blank expression turned into a "wtf" kind of expression
"you want me, a complete stranger, to be a part of your film?"
he proceeds to tell you that it'll be a lot easier for him to work with a stranger since he'd most likely not mess around
because this boy needs to get his assignment done asap
and you kind of hesitate but then you're like "well, fuck it. sure"
and then he smiles. and holy
this guy has one of the most captivating smiles ever and you literally feel your heart stop for a small second
"let's get started today, if that's okay with you?" he suggests
and you agree and tell him you have one more class, but he can meet you at a cafe you're usually at
and now it's his turn for his heart to skip a beat because he's talking to an attractive person who just willingly agreed to help him on his project AND goes to the same underrated cafe???
but before he can say anything.. you're already walking away
and now he's just standing there dumb and love struck
but yeah heeseung is already at the cafe thirty min early while he waits for you, camera out facing the door, waiting for you to enter
catches you on film as you walk inside and he kinda just watches you in awe as you're scanning the room to find where he is
you give him a small smile and wave and in that moment, heeseung knew what title he was giving his film
you take your seat and you're like "so, what would you like me to do?"
and heeseung just asks you to do whatever you would usually do at the cafe
and you're like oh sweet. that's easy.
so you ask him what kind of coffee he wants and when he tells you, you stand up to leave and order coffee
he films everything
from you standing in line awkwardly, you picking at your nails, scrolling through your phone, ordering... literally everything
you come back holding both cups (which of course he films too)
"i usually just do my homework while i'm here, but i don't have a lot today"
"that's fine. you can just do it, and if it's okay, i can ask you questions to get to know you better."
"yeah that's okay with me. i can multitask well. i think."
that earns you a chuckle from him
he angles the camera at the end of the end of the table, focusing on you
and ya'll just do homework together and learn new things about each other
like how you eat pizza with a fork and knife because you refuse to get your hands dirty
which heeseung reacts with "do you need professional help?"
but homie blurts out he lives and breathes off of ramen noodles and his roomate!jake has to restock for him every two days
and you're like.... "you're the one who needs professional help."
and for a couple hours
you guys are just goofing around and talking to each other as if you've known each other for years
homework done, three cups of coffee later, heeseung's camera runs out of battery so he calls it a day
chooses the next location to film
a dog park
so the next day, classes done, you meet him at the dog park, and even brought your dog
films you throwing tennis balls, petting dogs, and even you getting chased by a dog
laughs throughout the whole filming process but then internally regrets it because he notices it could probably be heard in the video
breaks it to you that he has enough content for his project
and lowkey youre kind of sad because you've had fun being around him the past two days but you keep it to yourself
"i'm glad i could help. i can't wait to see it heeseung."
loves the way you say his name and now he's sad too because he doesn't really have an excuse to hang out with you more
so ya'll part ways after saying bye
but it's not some dramatic "i'm never going to see them again"
cause ya'll run into each other again at the cafe the next day
and it's kind of unspoken but ya'll just silently agree to sit down with each other and work on homework
you, reading out of your textbook, and him working diligently on his laptop (shh he's editing his film)
and you kind of steal glances his way and he's just smiling to himself as he works
and that's because he loves the way his film is coming along, and he loves seeing you
because in that moment, you both realize you have feelings for each other
but once again it's unspoken cause you're both scaredy cats
you call it a day and say bye and him back
you guys don't see each other until the night of the film show
and you're like okay i'll tell him i have feelings for him after the show
little did you know, he was thinking the same thing about you
but he's up in the film booth sweating his ass off because he knows you're somewhere in the crowd
and all of a sudden he doesn't want to be there
"what if they don't like me in that way?" "what if they take my video the wrong way?"
internally and externally panics
but before he can grab his cd and break it, the lights turn off and oh shit the show is starting
tbh, the films from the other students were quite interesting and you were enjoying each one
but this uncomfortable feeling was forming in the pit of your stomach
were you anxious? nervous?
idk but you were anticipating heeseung's film
and finally on the screen appeared heeseung's picture and biography
you didn't even notice the smile growing on your face
you thought to yourself, what did he even name his film?
"love through my eyes"
does heeseung have feelings for me too? or did they switch up someone's film with his??
but nope, there was no switch up
you watched yourself on the screen, from you smiling at him at the first moments in the cafe, to you laughing at his eating habits, and to you being chased by the dog, audibly hearing heeseung's giggles
but you thought it was over until there were more clips of the both of you in the cafe
however, they weren't from the first meeting. the clothes you both were wearing were different
wait, isn't this from two days ago? he filmed us that day?
from a hidden angle, the camera caught you two stealing glances at each other when the other wasn't paying attention.
you looked at him with stars in your eyes, and when you went back to your textbook, he stole glances at you as if your were his entire universe
speechless, the film ended, and with his film being last, the show ended and the lights turned back on
you didn't even applaud, for you ran out of the building immediatley, looking for heeseung
and there he is at the entrance of the theatre just staring at his feet
looks up when you hear him running up to him
"so... the film" he starts
but you don't let him finish because you pull him by the shirt and kiss him
and he's shocked because what the fuck they're kising me?!?!
but relaxes and kisses you back
and yeah, that's how your relationship starts
and expect him to film you at random times
would probably treasure "love through my eyes" and play it as a surprise at your guys' wedding in the future
im crying
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Hey, Stranger
alright guys, gals, and non binary pals! I present to you ‘Sex with a Stranger (but not really a stranger)’! so excited to be a part of @berrynarrybanana ‘sex bucket list fic challenge! theres a ton of talented ass writers participating in this, so be sure to check it out!
here is 6.5k words of absolute filth and smut! literally this stuff is filthy i was shook myself
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A well deserved break was in your favor. 
A long break that had to do with a lot of drinking and perhaps fucking, if you’re lucky enough tonight. 
Work has been stressful lately. Being the CEO of an up and coming makeup brand has its perks. The new season called for a new line of makeup and the whole process would start again. The countless meetings with the design team, marketing team, and the factory; all while hoping everything runs smoothly. 
It was the busiest season of the year trying to come up with new and better ideas for your brand, and hoping everyone likes it. 
Needless to say, you needed a break. A well deserved break at that. 
It’s been a while since you properly went out by yourself. You’re not even sure if you’ve ever been out by yourself, especially to a bar. It was a last minute decision that you told yourself that you were going to step out and have a drink after work, and it would’ve been too late to call anyone up considering it was 8 at night. 
Work had been keeping you at the office later than usual, and you hated it. You were a firm believer of having downtime and taking care of your body and skin after work, but you get home so late that all you want to do is crash; not given enough time to relax. 
But it was Friday night and you thought that a drink to celebrate the end of the working week was enough to go out. 
You walked through the door of the bar, seeing that there were a good amount of people there, but it wasn’t too overcrowded. You took a seat at the counter, and the bartender had already seen you, making his way to you. 
“Hi. Can I get a shot of tequila please?” 
“Sure thing,” he replied and quickly took out a shot glass and reached for the tequila bottle that was at the top of the shelf, and poured it. “Want a lime? Or a chaser to go with that?” He asks as he sets the glass right in front of you. 
“Nah, I’m good. Thank you.” Without a thought, you downed it, letting the burning liquid run down your throat. The bartender was still in front of you, an impressive look on his face. “Can I get another please?” He nods, and pours you another, which you gulp it quickly. He waits for you to ask for another, “I’m okay right now. I’ll call you if I want another, thanks,” he nods and serves his other customers. 
You start eating the peanuts that were set right in front of you as you remembered that you didn’t have much to eat before; just a small salad with coffee for lunch. No wonder why you were so hungry, practically devouring the whole bowl of peanuts. 
“Pretty impressive to down two shots in a row,” a man takes a seat right next to you. You couldn’t help but think how attractive he is. His hair was short and slightly curly at the top along. Overall, his face was just too pretty. 
“Why, were you watching me?” You tease. 
“How could I not when a pretty girl walks into a bar and orders two shots and downs them back to back?” He smirks and your face is hot. The two shots and very little food you’ve eaten had made your face fluster. 
“Wow, that whole thing you said sounded like a song. Are you a musician?” He laughs, genuinely laughs. The whole head thrown back and his fist banging on the counter. 
“Of some sorts. I’m Harry,” he takes his hand out to shake, and you take it.
“Nice to meet you, Harry.” 
“And you are?” 
“Whatever you want to call me tonight,” you smirk. 
“Oh, so we’re playing like that, huh?” His brows raise and you nod, giving him a ‘mhm.’ “Well, if that’s the case, I reckon we’re gonna have a lot of fun tonight,” his eyes turn dark and you have no idea what you’re in for, but oh, you’re so ready for it. 
“Tell me,” he starts and you raise your eyebrows, “tell me what you like being called.” 
“Hmm. There’s a few that I can think of,” you think up, pretending to think.
“Yeah? Care to share?” 
“I think I’ll save that for when it happens,” you tease. 
“And when do you think it’ll happen?” He smirks. 
The sexual tension between you two is insanely thick. With back and forth teasing and smirking, you two are building up the tension and connection, and there is absolutely no doubt that you have a connection with this stranger. 
“I think it’ll happen a lot sooner than you think,” you give him a look as if you’re saying ‘how does that sound?’ 
“Do you mind if I touch you?” He suddenly asks. 
“Quite the gentleman you are when you’re going to tear me up tonight,” you joke, but quite literally meaning it.  
“Always a gentleman out of the bed, but don’t expect me to be nice to you in bed,” he tests. 
“Oh, I don’t expect you to be. Want you to go for it. And by the way, yes you can touch me.” 
Harry grabs your hand, caressing it. It had surprised you because you had expected him to go somewhere less innocent than holding hands. You feel the soft rubs of his thumb, gently rubbing over your skin, and the small touch of his sends electrical sparks throughout your body. You’ve never felt like this. The slightest touch of someone you don’t know and had just met had this effect on you, and it blew your mind. 
“What are you trying to do, Harry?” You take a deep breath as he begins rubbing your leg. He starts off slow, starting at the knee, testing to see if it was okay, and when he looked up at you, he saw you nod and began circling his single finger across your thigh. 
He made all sorts of patterns across your thigh, and you had wished that you were wearing a skirt or shorts just so you could feel it on your actual skin, but the thick barrier of denim was in the way. 
Harry’s face was close to yours and you think he’s about to kiss you, but his face steers him next to your ear. You feel his run closer to your heated core, but not just there yet. He was running his finger in your inner thigh, making you squirm in your seat and hit breaths coming out of your mouth, hitting Harry’s ear. 
“I’m trying to get you ready. Is that okay?” He finally answers your question, and you had totally forgotten that you had asked that due to the distraction of an insanely hot man teasing you to your death. 
“Get me ready for what exactly?” 
“I’m sure you know what.” 
“Hmm, rather have you tell me,” you hear him take a breath in and out. What you don’t expect next was that his finger had made its way in between your thighs, pushing down on your clit. The feeling had totally shocked you, not expecting him to touch you in such an open and public place, but you honestly are far from caring. 
“Wanna lick and eat your pussy when I take you back to my place. I want you to cum all over my mouth that your legs give out. Then I’m gonna fuck you so hard, you’re sore. Gonna fuck you till you remember me for the next guy you wanna fuck because let’s face it, darling, all you’ll be thinking about is me. You’re gonna come back to my cock and begging me to fuck you over and over again,” he tells you sensually in your ear, all while pressing down on your clit and moving his thumb around. The friction between your thick jeans and his finger felt amazing, and it took so much in you to not buck your hips into his finger. “How does that sound?” He says, coming face to face with you. 
The dominant side of him is showing heavily. But you were one to not put down a fight. 
“That sounds great, in all honesty, and I would absolutely love that. But I’ll believe it when you show me. You could be all talk for all I know,” you’re practically challenging him to your death. You know this guy would fuck you good. Hell, the way he’s just talking to you is leaving you a stain on your panties from your arousal. 
“You’re testing me, darling,” he shakes his head. “But if you really wanna know, how about I take you to my place right now and I’ll show you?” He stands from his stool. 
You shrug your shoulders, “okay,” you stand as well, grabbing your purse. “But aren’t you gonna kiss me first?” Harry raises his eyebrows, shocked this woman is even asking that when he’s literally about to fuck her brains out. “What? All I’m thinking is that what if our first kiss is horrible when we get back to yours? So if the kiss is horrible then the sex will definitely be worse,” you know you’re on his last nerve, and you’re surprised he hasn’t moved on to the next girl to pull his moves on, but he seems to be enjoying the bantering. 
“Okay, that’s fair. Can I kiss you darling?” Harry asks just like the gentleman he is. 
“Yes. Please kiss me,” you plead. 
Harry wastes no time in connecting your lips together. Soft lips that mold together when they become one. The taste of alcohol on each other’s tongue can drive you both drunk; drunk in one another’s taste, lips, hold. You had wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him closer as he wraps his around your waist. The two of you both kiss each other in the middle of the bar, not giving a single fuck that people are still around and they can obviously see. You’re so caught up in him, he’s so caught up in you that neither of you don’t care to stop. 
The only thing that does make you two stop was the drop of glass shattering, startling the both of you to pull away from one another. Some random guy had dropped his drink, making a complete mess on the ground, and all the attention was turned on him. Luckily, away from you and Harry. 
“How was that?” He asks, in hopes that you would still let him take you home, 
“It was good. Really good.” There was no point in playing with him if he’s actually good in bed. You knew that the first time he sat next to you. But god, that tongue is driving you crazy, and it’s sending so many thoughts of what else that tongue can do to your body. 
“Then let’s save the rest for later, darling. Reckon we put on a show,” he chuckles, placing his hand on your lower back to guide you through the door. “Really not gonna tell me your name yet?” 
“Hmm, nah. Maybe after you fuck me. I believe you’re already too attached,” you tease. 
Harry laughs and shakes his head, and thinks this girl is gonna be the death of me. 
The ride to his house was anything but awkward. Harry had called his driver, not wanting to risk driving even though he’s only had one drink, but really he just wanted to be close to you. You’ve never met someone who has their own personal driver, and it amazed you how much money this guy has. Not like you were interested in the money because frankly, you were only in it for the hot sex you’re about to have with, but damn! Hot stranger with hot sex and hot money? Why the fuck not. 
As soon as the door shut and the car started moving, he grabbed your face and pressed his lips against yours. He told you that he was saving the kisses for later, but he couldn’t help it. Your lips were irresistible that he needed to feel it against his again, along with other places, but he’s only a handful of minutes away and then he’ll be graced with the beauty of her lips around his cock. 
His aching and hard cock, to be exact. 
Once the car comes to a stop, he thanks his driver and leads you out the car and to his front door. You stand behind him as he tries getting the right key into the slot, but he’s shaking and anxious because of his excitement. 
You made the bold move to reach over and palm his bulge. Harry’s breath hitches in his throat as he continues fumbling with his keys. Your front is pressed to Harry’s back, squeezing him through his pants. You can tell he’s big and ready to be taken care of. 
“Never gonna get in the house if you keep doing that,” he moans out, finally relieving some of the pressure that went straight to his cock. 
“Sorry, couldn’t help but notice how hard you were when we were in the car, so I had to feel for myself,” you say against his back, kissing him through his shirt. He turns his head to the side, so you could hear what he’s about to say loud and clear. 
“Keep it up or I’m fucking you against the door that you’ll be screaming my name so loud that you would wake up my neighbors.” 
“You act like I’m opposed to that,” you giggle, but he takes your hands away from his dick, practically throwing it off.
He turns around slightly towards you, and his eyes darken, “be good.” You practically go silent after that as he turns back around.
He finally unlocks the door, pulling you instead to his house before smashing your lips against his. The quick movements had shocked you as you tried observing his wealthy home, but didn’t get a chance to due to his lips. 
Heated kisses dominate your mouth as your back hits the closed door. His tongue repeatedly touches yours, making your knees weak, and if it wasn’t for Harry holding you so tight, you would have definitely fallen. 
It was like you were finally waiting for this moment to come. The tension at the bar was so sharp that just upon meeting each other, there was a pool in your panties and a hard on in his pants. 
And to which, the arousal you both had are both hot and ready to devour one another to pleasure. 
“Can I touch you?” He one last time, knowing that this time you were turning in your full permission and submission. He already knew you were weak for him when you had said yes the first time, but again, he is a gentleman. 
You nod and lift the hem of his shirt up a bit, raking your nails on his love handles as you earned a moan from his that directed to your mouth. Harry unbuttons your jeans and pulls down the zipper, not finding enough time to fully take your pants off before his hands are down your pants already. His fingers find your clit, rubbing it gently in slow circles and he feels your wetness lubricating his fingers. 
“Fuck, you’re so wet,” he whispers out. You only nod, not wanting to speak but only wanting your lips to be occupied by him. His finger finally touching your raw and bare pussy sent shivers down your spine. You were waiting for it ever since he had gotten close to you. 
He pulls his lips back from yours and starts kissing your neck as he undos the buttons of your shirt, and lifts it up and over your head, leaving you in just your bra and jeans. He trails down to your collarbones and works the latches of your bra, unhooking it to reveal your breasts. 
“Your tits, holy shit,” he immediately takes on your nipples, sucking and biting it while grabbing the other and fondling it, and switches and does the same. Once he’s done, he kisses his way down to your stomach, pulling your jeans down fully along with your panties. 
You had worn a red lace cheeky panty, feeling the most confident in sexy underwear. “Gonna have to see you in that another time, love,” the thought of him saying another time had made your heart drop. You couldn’t deny the connection between you two. Although not knowing him well enough emotionally, the physical connection was so strong. 
“Fucking lick me already,” you pant out breathlessly, already feeling heated from his teasing kisses. 
“Alright, alright,” you had expected him to lick you up already, but he still continues with kissing your skin and sometimes sucking on it, leaving a hickey. He kisses your pubic bone and thighs before hiking one leg up to rest on his shoulder, and starts licking a strike up your heated core. 
Harry flicks his tongue on your clit many times before sucking on it as you're a moaning mess standing above him. You grab a fistful of his curls before slightly bucking your hips, grinding against his tongue. The sensation running through your body is powerful, and you're lucky your leg is on Harry’s shoulder or else you would have collapsed. 
“Fuck, yessss,” you moan out as you continue grinding on his tongue. Harry stops you from moving by pulling back a little before inserting two fingers inside your pussy and continues flicking his tongue on your clit. His fingers curl up to meet the spongy spot inside of you, taking you to the brink of your orgasm. “Keep doing that,” he doesn’t stop fingering you and you continue with your motion from before, needing to feel pressure on your clit with his tongue. 
“Taste so good, baby,” he says quickly before proceeding to lick and suck your clit. 
“Mhm,” you whine out, “I’m gonna cum, baby,” you say as your hips buck. 
“Cum on my face, please. Need it,” he urges out, continuing to curl his fingers into your pussy. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck…” you had felt like a water balloon inside you had exploded, feeling the overwhelming pleasure of your orgasm. Harry lets go of your leg that was resting on his shoulder and kisses your clit once more and the inside of your thighs, before kissing up to your lips. When you put your foot down on the ground, you were welcomed by a wet floor. You tried looking down at the mess you’ve made, but Harry’s lips caught yours, and you feel his wet chin that’s dripping your inside fluids off of his chin and down to your chest and the taste of your orgasm on his lips, making the scene so erotic and filthy. 
“Be careful, you might slip. Let’s go to the bedroom, yeah? Maybe you can make a mess on my sheet like you did my floor. Didn’t know I got squirted in my hands,” he grabs the back of your thighs, hoisting you up and your legs go around his waist. You were about to kiss him, feeling lost without it, but he needed to watch his step as he turned out, not wanting to slip and hurt both of you. 
He carries you to the bedroom as you kiss his face and his neck, and it takes so much in him not to just fuck you where he’s standing. Once he finally sees the bed, he makes sure he’s close enough before he practically throws you on it. A squealing yelp comes out of your mouth as you giggle slightly. 
Harry was still fully clothed as you’re fully naked, but you wanted to change that as soon as possible. You motion him to come towards you with your finger, and he walks towards the edge of the bed, standing above you. You sit on your knees on the bed, and lift his shirt up halfway so he could take it off. And once he does, you admire his body. His beautiful body that you’ve been aching to see. The one that doesn’t compare to anyone else, and all you want to do is love on him and fuck him. 
“Fuck, look at you,” you breathe out before you kiss his neck and trail down to his chest. His tattooed chest was something you wanted to look out forever. You wanted to kiss each and every single one of his inked designs, but you do that to what is right in front of you. You kiss the swallow tattoos, kissing down the middle and stopping at his pecs. You lick one of his nipples and do the same to the other, and Harry had not expected you to do that at all, but he isn’t complaining. You then trail down to the butterfly on his stomach, kissing it loads before going down to the ferns that lay at the bottom. His body is so sexy, so magnifying, and you wanted to engulf every single inch of him. 
You managed to get his belt off, and start working on the button and his zipper, pulling it down just enough to see the entirety of his underwear. Harry quickly takes off his jeans and kicks them to the side as he stands in just his underwear. You continue kissing his stomach, deciding that you weren’t done leaving a trail of your lips all over his body so he wouldn’t forget about this night. You fondle him over his briefs, relieving some of the pressure that is his hard cock, and Harry moans. 
A smile is present on your mouth, happy to hear his sensual moan. “So hard for me already,” you look up through your lashes. 
“Been hard since the moment I laid my eyes on you,” he looks down at you, and you smile, blushing at his statement. 
You finally release the restraint that is his underwear, and his dick springs up. You lick your lips hungrily, looking up at him. “You’re so fucking big, holy shit.” 
“Stroking my ego, aren’t you?” 
“Yeah, and stroking your cock,” you lick your hand and grab a hold of him, stroking your hand up and down, working him up. As your hand works against him, you suck the skin of his hip, leaving multiple hickeys on his skin. 
You finally lick up his cock from base to tip, and take his tip inside your mouth, sucking lightly. You then take more of him, hollowing your cheeks. 
“Yeah, baby. Do it like that,” Harry groans out. He pushes all of your hair to one side, so he could see your face. You were in an all fours position, and it was hurting your back and neck, but you didn’t care; only wanting Harry to feel the pleasure right now. 
You start taking more of him, feeling the tip hit the back of your throat and your nose pressed up against his pubic bone. Harry moans get stuck in his throat and you release him. 
“Like that? Like when you can feel the back of my throat? Like when you’re in my mouth? Huh…daddy?” The name had slipped and you didn’t expect it. But it had turned you on even more, and you were hoping it did the same to him. 
And oh, it did. 
His eyes turn dark as he looks down at you with his cock in your hand, pumping it. He smirks, grabbing a fistful of your hair, bringing you up to his lips. Your forehead is pressed against his and his lips graze yours, and you want to desperately kiss them. And you try to, but he tugs your hair back. 
“You wanna call me daddy? Yeah? Be a good little girl and suck daddy’s cock, and let’s see if you have the honor of calling me that. Got it?” You nod, not trusting your voice and also surprised how fast his tone changed. He pushes your head back down to his cock and you take him back in your mouth. Your mouth works on him, having to move from side to side because of the position you're in, which causes your whole body to move as well. 
From Harry's view, he’s got the view of your naked back and your ass. He lets one hand go from your hair and reaches forward to slap one cheek causing you to moan around him. “Fuck, you’re such a good girl,” he whispers out, feeling the vibrations from your moans straight to his dick. 
The second time he said the pet name, it made you clench. It caused your thighs to slightly close and make you moan around his cock. And Harry notices and he thinks he hit the jackpot.
He pulls out of your mouth again and brings your face to his with both hands on the sides of your face. 
“You like that, huh? Like being called a good girl? Didn’t wanna fucking tell me your name because you wanted me to call you good girl. Think you were being a good girl? I certainly don’t think so. Do you think so?” Your hair was a wild mess, mouth still wide open like his big cock had jammed it open. He slips his thumb in your mouth, “answer me.” 
“No, don’t think I was.” 
“Exactly, I didn’t think you were either. But since you wanna be called that so bad, prove to me that you are by sucking me good,” he lets go of you and you bend down to continue sucking him. 
He starts bucking his hips, fucking your mouth, and hitting the back of your throat causing you to gag around him. It had felt amazing to him, having you gag around him, but decided to stop, not wanting to hurt you. 
“Do it again? Want you to fuck my mouth,” you beg. He doesn’t hesitate to thrust into your mouth, starting off slowly though, not wanting to push you. 
After a thrusting a few or more times, he starts holding your head when he reaches the back of your throat and your face is pushed up against his body. You tried your very best not to push away; opening your mouth wider than ever and relaxing your throat. Harry pulls you off of him and a string of saliva hangs from your lips to his tip. 
“Fuck, you’re fucking mouth, baby,” he pulls your face up to meet his, giving you a heated kiss. “You may call me daddy. Your mouth is so filthy already. Sucking me so good. You definitely are a good girl.” He kisses your lips and moves down to your neck. 
“Thank you, daddy.”
Now that foreplay is out of the way, he can’t wait to stuff himself inside of you. He had gone to get a condom, but you told him that you were clean and was on the pill, and said that he could go bare as long as he was clean. He immediately agreed and told you that he was clean and he just recently got tested, and if you wanted to see the result. You laughed, telling him no and that you trusted him. 
You lay on your back against the pillows and he hovers over you, giving you a few kisses before he reaches between you and lined himself up with your pussy. 
He finally pushes in and you both let out a moan in a sigh of relief. The feeling of the two of you connected, increased your arousal as Harry started thrusting in and out of you. Your hands were placed on his hips, pulling him close if possible; wanting him close as he pounds into you. 
“Feels so good,” your head throws back onto the pillows. Harry grabs both of your arms from around his waist before lifting them up above your head, holding your wrists in one hand. The other hand places a hand on one of your breasts, squeezing it harshly. 
“Yeah? Who feels good, baby?” He drives even deeper into you. 
“You, daddy. You feel so good,” you practically scream out. 
“God, baby girl, you feel amazing,” his head is thrown back in ecstasy, feeling you coat his cock with your arousal. 
“Thank you, daddy,” you bite your lip and innocently look him in the eye, but you’re far from innocent, 
“No, thank you. Just met and you’re already calling me daddy. Fuck, where have you been all my life?” He continued to thrust like there’s no tomorrow—harder, deeper, and all you could do is take it and moan. 
“Been so…lost…without you. Harder, please.” You feel yourself start slipping. Your head begins to feel dizzy as he relentlessly attacks your pussy with his cock. The pain and pleasure had taken over your mind, swirling and jumbling your words and thoughts. 
“My good baby girl wants it harder, huh?” You nod as you shut your eyes, feeling so much pleasure as Harry starts thrusting harder and faster, making a moaning mess out of you, his chest slightly sweaty from the movement and your back damped from the writhing above the sheet.
“You’re here now, aren’t you?  You’re here and you’re mine. Right, baby? You’re mine now?” Harry’s dominant side is seeking through, needing the praise and the reassurance. 
“Mhm…here and yours.”
“That’s right. Wanna be a good girl and ride my cock?” You nod and he pulls out of you, a whimper leaving your lips from the absence of him, and lays right next to you before pulling you on his body. You barely had any time to register what was happening, because it was all happening too fast for your liking, you found herself straddling him and he immediately lined himself up again, and pushed you down to sink onto him. 
You slowly start grinding on him as you were still in her hazing state. Everything was so fuzzy, but you continued to bounce on him, wanting to make him happy. 
“Good, baby girl. That’s so good,” he moans out, gripping your hips hard as he guides you up and down his cock. His hands trail up your stomach, stopping at your breasts to give them a harsh squeeze. He then reaches up to suck on them before covering them again with his hands. “Love your fucking tits.” 
Your hands cover his big ones grabbing your tits, and it’s a sight for Harry. His baby girl was riding him, eyes closed, mouth open, him touching her tits, and her touching his hands touching her tits. He was practically in heaven. 
“Gonna cum, daddy,” you whimper. You open your eyes and fall on his chest, all while still moving your hips. “Please, let me cum? Please, daddy?” You’re nose to nose with him, pleading to let you feel pleasure to the full extent. 
“Hold it, baby. I’m nearly there,” he says, kissing your cheek. A pout formed on your lips and you whined a little, feeling like you’re going to explode anytime soon. But you wanted Harry to reach his high too, so you don’t say anything and you hold it. 
“Fuck me then? Please, fuck me?” 
“Hold on tight, okay?” Your arms wrap around his neck and your face is buried right next to his head. The gaps were closed between you two, and you’re so close to him that it was starting to get hot, but in the best way. 
Harry wraps his arms around your torso, hugging you to him as he plants his feet onto the bed, and starting fucking up into you. His thrusting is fast and hard with skin slapping against each other and moans were only heard, and he’s there. He’s on the edge. 
“Daddy…” you say softly in his ear, practically begging him to give you his permission. “Please.”
“Go ahead, baby. Cum for me, yeah?” And with that, you cum…hard. So does Harry; shooting his hot cum deep inside of you with a loud groan of relief escaping his lips. “God, yes.” 
You softly grind down on him, riding your orgasm out until you feel a familiar squirting between your legs and on Harry's stomach. 
“Mmm,” you whine out. 
“Doing so well for me, baby girl. Cumming so hard for me, right?” You only nod, continuing to cry out. 
He pushes you off of him and you whimper, feeling lost without his body pressed up against yours, even though he’s inside of you still. You’re sitting up, straddling him, and you start feeling pressure on your clit. Harry’s thumb presses against it and starts rubbing it fast. 
“Ohh…” the feeling gets you to your next orgasm, grinding down on his cock as he rubs your clit. 
“One more, yeah? Got one more in there for me?” He challenges.
“Mhm…for you, daddy.”
“That’s right. For daddy, yeah? Come one, baby. Squirt for me again.” 
And you do, you squirt until your legs are shaking, and Harry’s body and sheet are covered in your juices. Your cries are loud, but it’s full of pleasure and the feeling of overwhelm. This just takes you more into a headspace, and with the shaking of your legs, it makes you even more dizzy. 
You collapse on Harry’s chest, wrapping your arms around him, wanting to feel him close as possible. You bury your face in his neck, practically crying against his neck, and you feel his hands rub your back and his lips against your temple. 
“Hey, hey. Why’re you crying?” He tries pulling your face out of his neck, but you whimper, not wanting to let go. “Come on, look at me, please?” His eyes had gone soft for the crying figure on top of him. He knew you were probably too overwhelmed and sensitive from all the pleasure, especially the full and hard orgasms. 
After a few minutes, you pull your head out of his neck and he’s met with glossy eyes and damped cheeks. He kisses your lips quickly, before asking, “what’s wrong, baby?” 
“Don’t wanna leave, daddy. You’re gonna kick me out now,” you sniffle. 
“What? No, I’m not. Baby, you live here too. Not gonna kick you out,” Harry frowns. 
“Yeah, you are because I’m supposed to be just a one night stand, and Daddy doesn’t do sleepovers and we just met.” 
“Hey, I’m Harry, alright? Come back to me. It’s Harry. You know Harry, right?” You only nod your head. “Your brain is all fuzzy, thinking I’m just daddy and I’m supposed to kick you out. No, it’s not like that, okay? We were just playing, remember?” He scratches your head. 
“Daddy’s not gonna leave or kick me out?” You look at him with your glossy eyes, begging him for you to stay.
“Daddy or Harry’s not gonna kick you out. Nor are they going to leave you. Ever.” He could feel you starting to relax on him, taking deep breaths rather than hearing your cries. “Come on, miss my girl. Want you back. It was nice ‘meeting’ you at the bar, but I miss you so much,” Harry says in soft and a hushed voice. He cradles her and hums, trying to get you to come back to the world. 
After a few minutes, he’s sure that you’ve fallen asleep in his hold, but you lift your head up, and he smiles. 
“Hey there, pretty lady.” 
“Welcome back, stranger,” he kisses her nose and you smile at his affection. 
“I went under again, huh?” Your face looked so defeated, like you were embarrassed. Sometimes you hated being in subspace because you have no clue and no control of how you’re acting. 
“Yeah, but it’s okay. You’re completely safe when you are and stop worrying too much. There’s nothing you could do or say that would make me leave you. Married you, so you’re stuck with me.” You nod, feeling slightly better. Harry was always so good with reassurance and aftercare when you’re in subspace or not. He’s also so caring and that’s one of the many reasons why you love him. 
“Thank you,” you say softly in his neck. 
“Of course. Always gonna take care of you,” he hugs you closer for a moment, relishing every moment he gets when you’re in his arms. “Now, let’s go take a bath? Let me wash you up before we sleep.” 
“Mmm. Don’t wanna move,” you say as you get comfortable on his body. “Feel so empty without you.” 
“Not going anywhere, love. You could cling onto me while I get the bath ready, how does that sound?” He moves your hair, so he could see your beautiful and tired face. You lift your head up to look at him. 
“No, what I meant was: I’m empty without you in me,” Harry’s mouth opens as if the realization just hit him; a soft ‘oh’ comes out. 
“Want me in you? Without the fucking, huh? Just wanna feel warm and nice?” He smiles, often loving when you go into subspace because a little cockwarming is in his favor. 
“Mhm. Please? Just for a little bit then we could take a bath.” 
“Okay, whatever you want. We could also do it in the bath too, but let’s stay here for a moment,” you nod in agreement. 
He reaches between you, stroking his dick to get it a little hard before lining himself up once again. His hips bucked and you pushed your hips down on him, both moaning in the relief of feeling full again. 
“Feel so good, even like this, baby,” you say against his skin. 
“Yeah? Keeping me warm, huh?” You nod and he kisses your face. “We should do this more often.” 
“I always keep your cock warm though,” Harry laughs at your vulgar language, but he’s not surprised. 
“I know that, but I didn’t mean that. I meant we should plan some nights where we don’t know each other and we meet up at the same place. Remember we always did that when we were dating? Got some of the best surprises out of each other.” 
“Yeah, I remember. Back when I was able to fit into my maid costume,” you sigh.“But sure. I really liked today. I was going for something else, but daddy just slipped out and I know how much you love being called that, so I just went with it,” you start scratching the back of his neck, and he feels like he could fall asleep anytime, but he’d rather stay up and talk to you. 
“Don’t deny that you don’t like calling me daddy either,” he sarcastically scoffs. 
“You’re right. I do,” you giggle, knowing that it’s your favorite thing to call him besides your innocent pet names for him. “I’m gonna surprise you for what kind of role playing we’re gonna do when we pretend not to know each other.” You kiss his chest and he hums. You both feel so relaxed that you feel Harry getting soft inside of you, but he still feels warm. 
“Okay, sounds good to me. As long as it’s with you then I have no reason to complain.” 
You smile at him, feeling so loved and grateful you’re married to him. As you two lay close to one another, chest to chest, and sexually and emotionally connected, you’re appreciative for the stranger that’s not really a stranger, holding you in his arms. 
feedback is very much appreciated! pls let me know what you think!
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kasey-writes-stuff · 3 years
Can we get tubbo and ranboo x reader where one (or both) of them get into a random ler mood and readers just sitting there like 👀 ✨it’s time to shine✨(/ref)
This is all completely platonic of course but I just wanna be sure and clarify it since there is some compliments and cuddling! I hope you enjoy it!
You were Tubbos for a few weeks visiting him and ranboo, today you guys had took a day off from streaming and most socials just to hang out and chill but suddenly mid hang out sesh you felt a poke to your side and you looked over to be met with a devious smile….
“T-tubbo no no! No no no! I know what you’re planning” he snickered softly as he tried to act over dramatically innocent “what? Me?! How dare you accuse me of planning anything! I am planning nothing”You looked over at ranboo with a face that says does he really think he’s fooling me ? Ranboo smiles softly at you as he shrugs softly, you roll your eyes softly a slight smile on your face as you turn back to the tv but it’s not long and you feel another poke making you jump and turn to tubbo again who’s giggling and trying to hide behind his hand to cover his smile and muffle his giggles “tubbo! I know you’re planning something so just get it over with” you smiled to show you weren’t annoyed and that you were okay with this
He smiles happily as he shrugs “okay then!” He quickly tackles you and then looks to ranboo “hey boo wanna help? I’ve heard from wil that they’re hard to tickle unless their arms are pinned to keep them from blocking everything” You blush a light pink due to flusteredness, ranboo smiles slightly excitedly as he says “sure I don’t mind!” He comes over and grabs your hands holding them tight enough so that you can’t pull them down but loose enough that it doesn’t hurt, tubbo quickly takes place on your waist smiling excitedly “where to start where to start?” He playfully wiggles his fingers inches away from your torso as he thinks of where to go
You hold back a squeak just seeing his wiggling fingers “no where! Start no where!” Ranboo laughs softly as he says “ Well he has to start somewhere and it’s obvious of you don’t choose he will” he pauses slightly his ler side kicking in “or we can call Wilbur and have him choose” your eyes widened as you shook your head “no no no! No wil! Please no! Um um Um my uh my hands…” you hastily said your hands seeing as ranboo was holding your wrists your brain suddenly made you think of your hands, tubbos eyebrow raised “what theres no way! People can’t have ticklish hands can they?” Ranboo shrugs smirking softly “only one way to find out”
He begins gently gliding his fingers over one of your palms making you squeak softly as your hand gently wiggles and you fall into soft giggles “eek! Nahaha rhahannbohoho!” Tubbo blinks his eyes in surprise “wow hands really can be ticklish! Wait wait wait what about arms? Can they be ticklish?!” Your face is bright red as through your giggles you say “stohohopp sahahayyihhinngg thahatt wohohorrddd!” Tubbo tilts his head curiously at you “what word?” Ranboo smiles a very small devious smile “I think I know what word” Tubbo looks at him excitedly “really?! What’s the word what’s the word boss man!?” Ranboo laughs softly as he says “I believe the word is tickle” you say nothing simply continuing to giggle, tubbo looks to you “is he right y/n is that the word? And if it is why do you not want me to say it?” Your blush increases more and more as you say “uhuhumm hehess rihihighhtt ahahnnddd nohoho rehehahhassohohnn!”
Ranboo raises an eyebrow “no no I don’t believe that there has to be a reason so I guess we’ll just tickle it out of you” he smirks softly as he stops the hand tickles and nods to tubbo who excitedly begins poking at your sides making you jump and squeak before falling into giggles “eek! Nhahahhahah frihihickk!” Tubbo giggles softly “I’m barely doing anything and you’re already giggling!” You would’ve light heartedly glared at him if you could “shuhuttt uhuhupp!” He scoffs mock offended “hey! That wasn’t very nice you should apologize!” You shake your head “ihihimm nahahatt ahahpohohollgihihzihihinng!” He shakes his head as he curiously scans your body looking for a new point of attack… suddenly his hands squeeze your hips making you buck upwards as a squeal passes your lips
“EEEP TUBBO NOT THERE!” Ranboo who’s seated above you still holding your wrists says “not there? Why not y/n is it really ticklish?” Curse his teasingness already cracking your resolve, you can’t help but shyly nod as you say “yehehha ihihittt ihihisss” Ranboo smiles softly “awe how cute, thanks for telling us one of your death spots! Tubbo go now!” Tubbo quickly got to work kneading and squeezing at your hip bones and occasionally circling his thumbs into the dips! You lost it squealing again before breaking into loud laughter “EEP NAHAHHAAHHAHAHHAHA HEHEHAHAHAHHAHA FFRIHIHICCKK AHAHAHHAHAHA!” Tubbos eyes shine with excitement as he says “wow you really are ticklish here! So are you ready to apologize or am I going to have to find another death spot?” You shake your head through your laughter “IHIHIMM NAHHATT GOHONNHAHA AHAHPOHOHOLLLOHOGIHIHZZEHEHE!” Ranboo shrugs “well suit yourself then because we both known how determined tubbo can get when he wants something” After another moment or two tubbo decides to pull out the big guns… said big guns being his phone and being him face timing wilbur
The phone rings only a few times before you hear Wilbur’s cheery but supposed voice “hi tubbo! What’s up?” He waved excitedly “hi Wilbur! Nothing much just trying to get y/n here to apologize and I figured maybe you could help give tips on how to make them apologize!” As tubbo turns the camera to you Wilbur’s smile turns slightly devious as he waves at you “hi y/n! Being stubborn again hmm?” You grumble softly “hi Wilby and would you really expect anything else?” You snicker softly at the end of your sentence and Wilbur chuckles “oh you say that with confidence as if I don’t know how to break you from that stubbornness my dear” you gulp slightly not saying anything and simply turning your head away from him “oh going for the silent treatment now are you dear? Guess we’ll just go ahead and get started right away then!”
Tubbo turned the phone back to him egerly smiling as he waited for Wilbur’s tips and instructions.. Wilbur smiled as he says “right then tubbo what have you guys done so far?” Tubbo says “well we’ve poked at their sides a bit and tickled their hands and then we also got their hips but that’s all so far!” Wilbur nodded as tubbo spoke “alright alright good good their hands are good for making them soft, their sides are a good middle ground leaning death spot, and their hips are definitely one of their biggest death spots, so my next move would depend on how quick you want this whole thing to end or if you want them to apologize but then things continue on a bit longer” tubbo shrugs softly and looks to you, ranboo looks to you as well and you shrug softly “I’m uh I’m good with things going on a bit longer…”
Wilbur nods to tubbo “Right then since they want things to go on longer go for their thighs, they’re a death spot but the last things I have in mind are for a grand finale!” Tubbo nods excitedly “Alright then!” He begins squeezing up and down your sides making you squeal as you fall into cackles “EEP TUBBO NAHAHHAHAHAHA HEHAHHAHAHAHHAHA AHAHAHAHAAHAH!” Ranboo smiles softly at your laughter “your laughter is really nice y/n” his compliment was very genuine no teasing nature to it but you were never good with compliments so your ears turned red in response something quickly noticed by tubbo “Awe look boo you’ve made their ears all red!” Wilbur laughs softly “oh that’s right they can’t take compliments well! Also their ears are a melt spot as well! Usually after the grand finale I cuddle with them and gently tickle their palms or ears” tubbo and ranboo both audibly awe although it’s barely heard over your cackles as tubbo switches to more vibrating type motions “AHHAHAHA TUHUBUBOHOHO IHIHIMM SOHOHORRRYY!”
He smiles softly and after a few more moments he stops “Apology accepted! So now Wilbur what’s next?” Wilbur smiles as he says “now we prepare for the finale! We take steps before we get to it though to make it all the more fun! First you lift their shirt so it rests just above their belly button, then you scribble gently and slowly on their tummy and slowly increase the speed, next you wiggle a finger in their belly button, then you stop the wiggles and scribbles and switch to raspberries and the absolute grand finale is you blow raspberries while squeezing and kneading their hips!” Tubbo nods trying to take all of it in but ranboo could see he was struggling and says “don’t worry tubbo I got it”
Tubbo smiles and cheees excitedly “let’s go! Okay so first we scribble slowly and gently” he does as he says and you squeak falling into soft giggles “eek! Nahahha tuhhuhubbsss ahhahahahhaa!” Wilbur’s eyes light up as he says “oh yea gentle slow scribbles also make them soft!” Ranboo awes “They really just get cuter and cuter don’t they?” Tubbo nods as he picks up the pace going about medium speed making your giggles turn to soft laughter “aahahaHAHAHHA nhahahahHAHHAA shuhuHUHUsshh!” Ranboo scoffs “hey that’s not very nice! Don’t make me have to have tubbo speed up already!” Your eyes widen a bit and you say “sohohorryyy” he nods softly smiling not truly upset at all “apology accepted!”
Tubbos smile of excitement widens as after a few minutes pass he picks up to full speed making you fall into loud laughter “EE TUHUHUBBSS NHAHAHAHAHA AHAHHAHAHA HEHEHEHHEHAHAHHA!” The three of them smile even wider Ranboo is the one holding the phone now allowing Wilbur to see right up close just how blushy you were but also to see you were nearing your limit so after a few moments he says “I think it’s about time to wrap it up tubbo so I’d go ahead and do a few raspberries and then go for the finale” tubbo nods in understanding “alright fine by me!” He quickly leans down and blows the biggest raspberry he can right on the side of your stomach and then he blows another right over your belly button and one more on the other side! You shriek laughing the loudest you have yet “AhAH AHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHA NNHAHAHHAHA IHIHI AHAHHAHAHA FFRIHIHICXKK AHHAHHAHA!” They all sigh softly in adoration and after a very brief break tubbo leans back down and his hands rest on your hips! He takes a small breathe and begins to blow small raspberries all around while his hands knead and squeeze slowly at your hips you squeal and fall into laughter but when he begins blowing bigger raspberries and his hands speed up you laugh even more and then finally he does the biggest ones he can manage as his hands move as quick as possible and you scream a bit before falling into silent laughter “AAHH AHAHAH NAHAHAHHA ………….” Ranboo looks to Wilbur and Wilbur nods and so Ranboo says “tubs it’s time to stop” tubbo slows to a stop and gently climbs off you, Ranboo let’s go of your wrists and so you immediately curl up giggling
You begin to feel yourself be lifted up and you squeak softly giggles increasing a moment until ranboo says “it’s okay we’re all done we’re just gonna go cuddle in the bed okay?” You nod through the giggles saying “ohohokkhahayyy” tubbo smiles brightly as he says “thanks for all the help wil!” Wilbur nods “anytime tubbo anytime tubbo! Bye y/n bye ranboo!” You mumble a goodbye as ranboo giggles softly saying good bye as well
And so the day ends with the three of you cuddling as you all fall asleep
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Only You- Rowaelin
A Rowaelin fanfic, set if Aelin’s parents had lived and she had met Rowan under normal circumstances, if Erawan and Maeve weren’t threats. Hope you enjoy! 
Chapter Four ~ Chapter Six
Chapter Five: Fire and Ice
Aelin woke the next morning feeling surprisingly light. Her mind wasn’t weighed down with Sam, or with court politics… or even the fact that her mate was here. No. She woke and was excited for the day. 
She bounded out of bed before the maids had arrived in her rooms and quickly washed and dressed herself. She hadn’t bothered with fancy clothes, she had picked out a simple tunic and pants. If she was training with Rowan then she wanted to be practical. 
She didn’t waste time with going to the dining hall, Orlon and her parents already seated and sipping their tea. None of them said a word as she sat at the table and piled her plate with pastries. The silence did not last long as her father finally put his tea down and looked towards her. 
“We should talk about what happened yesterday, Aelin.” Her mother gave her a smile of apology. 
“We already did.” She shrugged, her excitement turning into something that felt a lot like dread. 
“We never discussed a way forward. How we will deal with your mating and—“ 
“I appreciate your concern, but this is something that I need to navigate on my own. I will keep you updated on things you need to know, but let me do this by myself.” Her parents looked to each other, Orlon still chewing on his breakfast. “I am old enough to look after myself.” She smiled softly at her parents, her mother looking like she might cry. 
“If it’s any consolation Aelin, I think Rowan Whitethorn would make a delightful King consort.” Orlon grinned, knowing his words would ruffle her. 
“On that note, I’m going to the training ground. I will speak with you all later.” She snatched a couple of pastries from her plate and left, stopping to say good morning to a few people as she did. 
She had made it all of ten steps when Aedion fell into a walk beside her. “So you have a mate?” 
“Don’t you have somewhere else to be, Aedion? Like tormenting Lysandra or dealing with stuffy royals.” She kept walking straight, down the steps and into the crisp morning air. 
“I believe stuffy royal duties don’t start for another hour.” 
She huffed. 
“Are you really not going to talk about it?” 
“Theres nothing to talk about.” She spotted the stone archway that led to the training ground, the spot thankfully empty of any prying eyes. 
“So I shouldn’t start making banners for your mating ceremony?” 
She glared at Aedion who was smiling from ear to ear. He knew exactly how ro rub her the wrong way. “Stay out of it Aedion. When I want to talk about it, I will.” 
He put his hands up in surrender, retreating a few steps. “I just want to make sure my cousin is okay; you can’t get angry at me for that.” He turned back towards the palace, his golden hair glowing in the sunlight. “Let me know if I need to have words with him.” She watched as he retreated back into the castle, no doubt to update her parents. 
She continued the short walk to the training ground and immediately spotted Rowan on the far side. He was dressed similar to herself, plain white tunic and pants that she couldn’t help but notice hugged his thighs spectacularly. And though neither of them had accepted the bond, she could feel the pull of him. The way her body and soul was drawn to the silver-haired male. She hadn’t even got half away across the grounds when he looked up and gave her a smile that may have affected her more than she wished to admit. 
As she approached she got a whiff of his scent and she shivered at the smell. Pine and snow. 
The smell of Terrasen. 
She struggled to find words as she stopped before him. But she managed a smile and he returned it with his own. 
“I didn’t know the extent of your abilities so I thought maybe we could start out simple. Just throw our magic at each other and shield?” She nodded and they took their places in the middle the courtyard. She summoned her flame into her hands and Rowan looked pleasantly surprised as she pushed the flame forward, towards him. It bounced right off his shield and the flame flickered out as he suffocated it with his magic. He sent daggers of ice at her next, she barely had time to summon a shield as they smacked into it and tendrils of steam floated up as they hit the shimmering shield.
Fire and ice. It was poetic in a way, two opposites bound together by fate.
They continued sparring until Aelin could feel the tug of a burnout. It never took much, but she always knew when to stop. Rowan sensed her imminent burnout too and halted his spear of ice. A cool breeze— curtesy of Rowan she realised— blew around the courtyard, cooling the fire in her veins.
“For someone who claims to be trained, your burnout came on fast.” He went to the small fountain and splashed water over his face, the droplets running down his neck, further, she had to turn away before he noticed a shift in her scent. From the subtle cough from Rowan, she knew he had probably already done so. “You have some control over the fire, but you need to be quicker. The shields are too slow to appear and too weak to really defend yourself.” 
“Good thing I don’t actually need to defend myself.” She strutted over to the same fountain and copied his movements. Splashing some water on her face and arms. “I only use my fire for practical purposes.” It was Rowan’s turn to turn away she noted with a smug smile. He recovered quickly and looked to her once again. 
“You always need to know how to defend yourself.” 
“Terrasen hasn’t seen a war in hundreds of years.” 
“War isn’t the only time you might need to defend yourself. What if you are attacked whilst out riding, or in the city, or—“ 
“I get your point.” Aelin perched on the bench and watched as Rowan stretched. “I suppose you’ll have to teach me then.” She had enjoyed their training this morning, it had been easy and almost natural falling into the sparring. Their magic had danced around each other, had sung to the other. And if she was being honest, she had enjoyed his company. 
Rowan continued his stretching as he replied. “I’ll be here every morning. We can practice then.” 
And they did. For the next week Aelin and Rowan would meet by the archway and they would train for two hours each morning. Neither said much, but it was comfortable. They had slipped into the routine easily. Some mornings Aedion would watch, sometimes Rowan’s cousins would spar alongside them, other times it was just the two of them. It was the only time they had really spent together alone. She had made a point to avoid any chaperoned walks or rides or whatever her father was deeming appropriate. She didn’t need the eyes of guards and her parents watching her every move with Rowan. 
On the second day of training they had ended up in the morning room, where they had drunk tea and discussed their lives; they never went too deep, but she liked the way Rowan told stories, she liked hearing his voice and how his eyes would brighten when he talked about his friends in Doranelle. Conversation seemed to flow easy with them. And every day they spent together, the tug she felt got stronger. 
 Despite their new routine, they had never spent much time outside the palace, or at least anywhere that would allow them to be completely alone. Which is why, when Rowan had knocked on her door that evening asking if she would like to go for a walk, she agreed. 
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Silva Lining (Saul Silva x reader) Chapter 4
Warnings: mentions of gore 
Word count: 1.3k
Honestly, you hadn’t meant to follow Bloom passed the barrier and back to earth. You were too caught up in your sleuthing to realise where she was going. After you had hurriedly left Saul’s office, you noticed Bloom, sneaking around and heading off in the direction of the woods. So naturally, you followed her. 
Maybe you should stop being a detective and think about self preservation, where you ended up wasn’t fun. Both of you ended up on earth, exiting through some sort of warehouse, she still didn’t know you were behind her, trying to stay invisible. You watched as she went to her house, phoned her parents, then headed back to the abandoned building where it looked like she sometimes stayed. You knew all too much about sleeping rough. It was then you had decided to come out of hiding, sit with her, at first she was annoyed you had followed her, second she apologised profusely for what she’d said about being a changeling, which was interrupted by you telling her to shut up. There was a burned one. To cut the long story short, you ran for your lives, in the meantime Bloom losing Stella’s ring, which Stella would be pissed about. Luckily, Farah turned up and used her powers to subdue the creature and bam, the rest…. isn’t pleasant. 
Saul was pissed. Farah was pissed. Ben was pissed. But Saul.. was PISSED. Not even an hour ago he’d made you promise him not to go into the woods and you went and did it straight away. You did plead your case, explaining that you were going after to Bloom to make sure she was safe, two fairies were better than one, at least that’s what you told them, you were just nosy and annoyed. 
You were surprised when they actually let you off with only a slap on the wrists. Bloom’s semi-breakdown swaying their punishments. Saul had given you one last pissed off look before you retreated and ran back to the comfort of your dorm room. 
Stella, was also pissed. The ring, the burned one had taken it and you didn’t know how you were going to get it back. So imagine your surprise when it turned out Farah had decided to keep the deadly monster subdued in an old barn just outside the barrier. Not something you’d want to keep as a pet but each to their own. You were only trying to enjoy your lunch, in peace when your friend Stella and Sky came to you with a plan to get the ring back. Naturally you were roped into the plan too. Then so was the rest of your dorm. It would be a family outing *Insert eye roll here.* You just hoped you got there before Silva did with the warriors from Solaria or Stella really would be in trouble. 
You hadn’t seen Saul at all the next morning, his disproving look burned in your memory from a couple of nights before. It was one of those annoying times where he had to be sexy warrior Saul instead of your boyfriend. So off he was with the fighters, while you and your roomies prepared for the walk in the woods. You weren’t too nervous, Terra had told you all that her dad had been keeping the monster sedated with Zambak, so it should basically be sleeping. It would be a straight forward case of getting the ring and getting out of there before the guards showed up to transport the beast… or so you thought. 
It was empty. The barn, nothing in sight. While everyone else was worried that a fairy killing monster was on the loose, Stella was still moaning about her mothers ring, and Bloom was wondering around aimlessly. You walked with Musa outside for some air, when she stilled, then bent over in pain. “Somethings wrong.” You looked around for any signs of, well, anything… “Theres so much pain.” You bent down next to her, Terra, Aisha and Stella by your side now. It was at that point you happened to look towards a clearing in the woods when you saw it. Bodies, blood, decapitated soldiers strewn across the forrest floor like lawn ornaments. Then Saul. 
“Isn’t that Mr Silva?” Terra gasped and you were already running towards the man you loved. Terra and Musa followed and Aisha and Stella went to find bloom. 
“Get back!” Saul was waving his sword around, pointing it directly at you. His eyes had started going black. You choked back a scream, Musa looked at you in alarm obviously sensing your worry and panic. 
“Babe it’s me, look at me it’s your Y/N.” Musa gasped, but you didn’t care at this point. 
“I know, but please, stay back, I don’t want to hurt you.” He had tears in his eyes. You focus your eyes on the air around him, your powers keeping his arms by his sides, making him drop the sword to the ground, making him still so Terra could give something to slow the deadly process that was caused by a Burned one. 
You knew that Bloom, Stella and Aisha would be able to handle themselves. You had to get Saul back to the school for help. That way you’d also be able to send help to your friends who were somewhere in the woods. The walk would take too long, you didn’t want to prolong getting the help Saul needed. 
“I have a way to get us back to the school quicker than walking.” Even in his shit state, Saul looked at you and growled out. 
“No, don’t you da-dare, you’re not strong enough to do it yet, Farah told you so.” You shook your head, stray tears falling down your face. 
“Y/N, what is he talking about.” Musa was standing a little away, the emotions all too much for her to handle.
“My abilities, they have no limit, from what i’ve been told. I have all of them, I can do anything. Farah was teaching me before school started. Theres limited texts on what it is I can actually do, there’s only one other fairy documented in history that’s like me and that was thousands of years ago… there was a short section about opening portals. Without any special ring, potion or spell. I just have to be strong enough to keep it open.” You stood, dusting off your jeans, you took a shaky breath, you were nervous. You had been practising opening and closing small portals. Transporting something as small as an apple from one part of the land to another. Even that had taken a lot of energy out of you, leading you to collapse multiple times, nose bleeds some of the times. You didn’t know what transporting 4 adults would do to you but you had no other choice. 
“Just wait over by the tree okay, stand back.” Somewhere in the background you could hear Saul protesting but you tuned it out. You closed your eyes. The fear you felt for your soulmate powerful, you channeled the emotion through you, feeling the black tendrils of your magic seep from your fingers in waves. Terra gasped behind you. You focused, shaping the fog in your mind, creating a shimmering black hole. Your nose felt wet. You kept your eyes closed. “Go now! Get through, take Saul I’ll be behind you!”
Terra and Musa hooked Saul under his arms and dragged him through the black shape in the middle of the forest, disappearing into what seemed to be nothingness. You could feel your energy fading, blood stained your teeth and your eyes fluttered, before the portal closed, you threw yourself forward through it, landing the same place your friends had, in the middle of the school cafe, students all around, mouths hanging open in shock. You caught one last glimpse of others helping Saul, before your eyes closed and just like the portal, your world went black. 
Hiiii, so one of the many abilities the reader has... portals in thin air! Hope you enjoyed this chapter, please re blog and likeeee. Comment if you have anything to say or want to be tagged in the future xxx
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prettyboyoongs · 4 years
You Put Others Before Yourself | Park Jinyoung
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You were furious.
You had just came home after a long day at work, just ready to see your boyfriend, and instead, you were met with a lousy handwritten note that read: staying with the boys 2nite. call me if theres an emergency. btw, u really hurt me. lets talk tomorrow night. (ps: i still love u, even when ur being a brat) — jinnie
You were filled with complete and utter confusion first. You didn’t understand why he was so hurt, or what you had did to hurt his feelings. Then, you were angry because you two had promised to never leave and stay somewhere else in the middle of an argument (which, to be honest, you didn’t even know you were having at the moment).
“No,” You shook your head, stomping towards the door. You slid your shoes on and grabbed your keys, throwing your hood over your head. “Fuck no.”
You arrived at the dorm within minutes, not hesitating to bang at the door. Yugyeom stood on the other side, staring with wide eyes at you. He had never seen you so angry. “Y-Y/N? What’s wrong?” He asked. However, you were too angry to hold a converation.
“Where the fuck is he?” You scowled, throwing off your shoes and shoving your keys in the pocket of your hoodie.
“H-He’s playing a video game with some of the boys in Jackson-hyung’s room.” Yugyeom spoke softly, making you nod gratefully, ruffling his hair before shuffling past him.
You didn’t knock this time. You just opened the door and looked at the three men laughing with each other, their attentions focused on the TV in front of them. It was Jaebum who noticed you first. “Hey, Y/N! I didn’t know you were coming over.” He smiled at you, causing the rest of the boys to turn to you.
You, however, were only focused on Jinyoung. He sighed softly, setting his console down to usher you out of the room. Once the two of you were alone together in the bathroom, he stared down at you in disappointment. “What are you doing here? I told you we were going to talk tomorrow. It’s late, Y/N.”
“Talk about what? That’s the thing! I don’t even know why you’re upset, or what I did to you. I can’t sleep knowing your feelings are hurt because of me.” You whispered the last part with a small pout, crossing your arms across your chest.
Jinyoung sighed once again, rubbing at his forehead before sitting on the closed toilet seat. “You really don’t know?” He asked, looking up at you. You shook your head. “Of course you don’t.” He muttered under his breath, causing you to scoff.
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?” You asked, throwing your hand up at him. He rolled his eyes, holding his hands up in defeat.
“Nothing. Just forget it,” Jinyoung stood up, pushing himself past you and making his way to the door. He turned back around to look at you one more time before leaving. “Now go home. It’s late, and you need to go to sleep. You have work tomorrow.”
“Stop! Come here and talk to me!” You whisper-yelled, grabbing the hand that was about to unlock the bathroom door. You dragged him back into the bathroom, dropping his hand and crossing your arms again.
“I said we’ll talk about it tomorrow.” Jinyoung spoke firmly, looking deep into your eyes. You gulped and you shuffled in your spot, feeling somewhat uncomfortable under his strong gaze. “Go home, Y/N.”
“Look, you may enjoy leaving me during an argument, but I don’t feel comfortable with it,” You growled, making his eyes darken with anger. “Now quit being a little bitch and talk to your fucking girlfriend.”
Jinyoung scoffed, making your blood boil. “Girlfriend?” He laughed, making your stomach churn. “Did you just call yourself my girlfriend?”
Tears began to burn at the back of your eyes, but you held your ground. “Yes.” was all you could choke out without your voice breaking.
“I’m sorry, but what kind of girlfriend stands their boyfriend up for the sixth time in a fucking month? Because as far as I know, girlfriends don’t fucking do shit like that.” He growled back, finger inches away from your face as he accused you. “Well, not a good one anyway.”
Your heart broke at his words, and your guard dropped. Your arms fell to your side and tears began to fall immediately. “What?” You whispered.
Jinyoung sighed, sitting back down onto the toilet. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that. It’s just... you keep forgetting our dates and you don’t even realize it. I was so excited for tonight. I’ve been planning it for weeks. I waited for two hours— two hours, Y/N. You never came. You were still at work. So I just left you that note and came here so I could distract myself.”
You took a shaky breath in before wiping at your face. “I-I’m so sorry. I didn’t.. I never meant to forget about you or hurt you in any way. I just— we’ve just been so busy lately and everybody just keeps asking me to cover their shifts and I know they have important things to do, so I just—”
“That’s just it! They may have important things going on, but so do you! You have a life too, Y/N. We have a life. You can’t keep putting others before you or it’s going to tear you and our relationship apart.” Jinyoung explained softly, being careful with his word choices when he noticed how much you were crying.
Jinyoung walked closer to you, wrapping his hands around your waist and pushing your body to his.
“You and your health matters. Our relationship matters. Stop caring about what others think and stop wanting to please everybody, okay? Just focus on making yourself happy and everything else will start to work out by itself.”
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confetti-bones · 5 years
The Truth Untold
Witch Yoongi X Reader (Oneshot)
Warnings: future smut, virginity loss, cursing, forced marriage
A/n: this is my second attempt at writing smut. It's probably not the best but I tried, also sorry for making this so long, I don't know how to do the keep reading link thingy on mobile anyway, I hope you all enjoy.
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"Are you sure your okay with this Y/n?" Your father asks you worriedly as your hair is getting done. You nod your head and sigh,
"Yes I'm fine with it. It's for the best" you respond, glancing at your tired form in the mirror.
Today is your wedding day. A day you've been dreading for months. When you were younger youve always thought about getting married, to someone you love and having children with them. Someone you chose to be with. In the situation your in now it's quite the opposite. You see, your family is quite poor and in need of money, so when the Min family offered marriage in exchange to give financial support to your family your father couldn't turn it down and agreed offering you. At first you were completely against it, constantly bickering with your poor father until you noticed how tired and how often he had to work so your family could survive.
Your family consisted of three girls, with you as the oldest. Your mother ran away with another man when you were younger leaving your father and your sisters alone. It's been tough but all of you have been able to bear with it.
So when your father came home one day looking exhausted from work you knew you had to stop arguing and agree to marry Min Yoongi.
Min Yoongi was known as a strange man. He didn't have much family and often kept to himself, locking himself in his house and never going out for days or even months; and when he did go out he was seen in the woods picking random plants from the ground and bringing them back to his house. Some say he's some mythical being, like a witch and others say he's just weird.
You've never seen or spoken to Min Yoongi, these are all just things you've heard from some residents of the town. All you could do is hope that the rumors were not true and that he was a nice guy.
"Alright Y/n your done" the woman getting you ready says before walking away. You turn to look at your father who is sat on a chair looking at you with sad eyes.
"You look beautiful Y/n, I'm proud of you and I really appreciate what your doing for our family" your father smiles. You nod your head and smile back.
"Thank you Father." Your father then walks up to you and pulls you into a hug.
"If you need anything just let me know. I'll always be here for you" your father says still clutching on to you tightly.
Once the two of you break the hug you notice that your father's eyes are watering as if he's holding himself back from crying. You feel yourself tear up a little to, but you wipe your eyes before anything could fall and ruin your makeup.
"It's almost time for the ceremony, are you sure your ready?" Your father asks you.
"I'm sure" you smile.
It's eventually time for your wedding ceremony. Your stood outside the church doors with your father.
As soon as you hear the familiar tune of here comes the bride being played you know it's time for you to enter.
As soon as you step inside you look around the church. The majority of people here are your family, theres only six unfamiliar faces, each man handsome within the group. Those guys must be apart of Yoongi's family. You think as you walk twords the alter.
While you walk twords the alter you look at the unfamiliar man that you are to be wed to. He looks handsome, he has black hair, chocolate brown eyes and plump lips.
Eventually you get to the alter and face Yoongi. Yoongi takes your hands in his and gives you a small reassuring smile. You smile back at him and give his hand a squeeze. Now that you really get to look at him, he's quite beautiful. You really don't think you'd mind marrying him at all.
"Do you, Min Yoongi take (full name) as your lawfully wedded wife?" You glance over at the priest then back as Yoongi. When did he get to this part? How long have I zoned out for?
"I do" Yoongi says.
"Do you, (full name) take Min Yoongi as your lawfully wedded husband?" The priest asks you. You nod your head.
"I do"
"You may now kiss the bride" you then glance over at Yoongi unsure of what he's going to do. Yoongi then leans into you and places a soft quick kiss on your lips before backing away with a small blush on his face and looking around the room.
You turn to look around the room too, only to see your father being held by one of your sisters as he cries. He's such a softy you think with a smile. You then turn over to where Yoongi's family is stood, if their even considered family, and see them clapping and cheering happily for the two of you. You can't help but smile and look over to where Yoongi's stood. That wasn't too bad.
Eventually your wedding ceremony was over. You had to say your goodbyes to your family and go home with your husband.
The two of you sat in the carriage silently. The only sound being the horses feet hitting the ground.
As you gazed out the window watching the scenery go by, you couldn't help but feel nervous. When you get to your new home are you and Yoongi going to consummate? You barely know him, and you really don't feel like your ready for that. You take a quick glance over to where you husband is sitting. He's gazing out the window with a far away look in his eyes. He really is handsome. Your sure your children will turn out quite beautiful in the future. You just really hope that it's not the near future.
Eventually the carriage gets the two of you to your new home. It's a beautiful two story house. House? Should you even call it a house? It's more of a mansion now that you think about it. The 'house' as Yoongi called it on your way here, was painted black and had lots of plants around it. You notice a garden with lots of flowers and a little bench under a tree to the side of the house that you know that you'll visit a lot.
The two of you step out of your carriage. Yoongi goes to grab your luggage as you attempt to make your way into the house without ruining your beautiful white dress.
Once the two of you get inside, Yoongi silently carries your luggage upstairs, so you quietly follow him.
As the two of you walked you noticed paintings hung on the walls, some with the faces of the handsome men you saw at the wedding and some unfamiliar faces that you assume are family to Yoongi as well.
Eventually Yoongi gets to a room and opens the door, walking to the middle of the room and setting your luggage on the floor and turning to face you.
"This is your room. I hope you like it." Yoongi states.
"My room? Arnt we to sleep together though? Were married now." You say, confusion evident on your face. Yoongi shakes his head.
"I thought it would be more comfortable for the two of us if we had separate rooms" Yoongi says before heading to the door. You nod your head.
"Ah well thanks for considering that I guess" you say.
"I wasn't really considering it for you, it was more for me" Yoongi shrugs as he walks out of the room.
"Oh and breakfast is at eight sharp. No earlier, no later" Yoongi says before walking away and leaving you alone. You sigh and close the door before heading over to your luggage to pull out your pajamas. Okay so, so far all we know about Yoongi is that he's rich, and a jerk. You think as you change out of your wedding dress into something more comfortable.
Hopefully he'll be nicer to me after he gets to know me a little. After all we are married now, you think as you lay down in your bed, before drifting off into dreamland.
The next few days are spent in boredom. There's not much to do around here. Everyday is the same thing. You wake up, eat breakfast with Yoongi, Yoongi disappears, you explore, eat lunch by yourself, explore, take a nap, eat dinner with Yoongi, Yoongi disappears again and you find something to do for some time before you head to bed.
It feels so repetitive, you wish Yoongi would take you out somewhere or tell you ways you could help around the 'house' (why do you even bother to keep calling it a house?) But once it's time for the two of you to eat together you can't help but feel at a loss for words. Your entire mind goes blank at the meer precense of Min Yoongi.
So here you are, sitting in the library you discovered not to long ago looking at a book that's in a complete different language that you don't understand. The book itself looks cult like. Some of the photos of the creatures and things in the book freaks you out a bit, but at the same time it's intriguing to you. Why does Yoongi own this book? Has it always been here or did Yoongi buy it? You think as you flip through the pages.
"Ahem" you look up from your book and see Yoongi stood in front of you. Face as blank as ever.
"Do you really think you should be reading that book? Surely you don't understand what it says." Yoongi says.
"Your right I don't know what it says, but it's interesting to me. What language is this written in?" You ask, glancing down at the book to glance at the page you were currently looking at. The picture on the page looks to be depicting what could be a vampire but your not entirely sure.
"It's written in a long lost language, that not even I know" Yoongi sighs as he grabs the book from you. Glancing down at the page you were looking at.
"Why do you own it then? If you cant read it?" You ask curiously. Yoongi looks at you with a quirked up eyebrow.
"Have you heard the phrase 'curiousity killed the cat?' " Yoongi asks. You nod your head.
"Well maybe you shouldn't be asking so many questions" Yoongi says.
"Ah but your missing the other part to that phrase Yoongi. 'satisfaction brought it back'" you say with a smile. Yoongi smiles back with warmth in his eyes.
"I guess that's true. Well all I'll tell you is that my ancestors have used the book for thousands of years." Yoongi says before handing the book back to you.
"Enjoy any books you want in here Y/n. I have to get going, have a nice night. I'll see you at breakfast tomorrow" Yoongi smiles. You smile back and reply,
"I hope you have a nice night too Yoongi"
The next day things at breakfast were different. Well at first they weren't but today Yoongi actually spoke to you at breakfast, so that's new.
"Y/n today I'm leaving the house to run a few errands." Yoongi says while taking a sip of his drink.
"What kind of errands?" You ask, tilting your head.
"It doesn't matter what. I just thought I'd let you know." Yoongi says before standing up from the table.
"Ah well I'll see you later then" You say questionly, you didn't mean to sound like a question but it did.
"Ah will my dear wife miss me?" Yoongi says playfully. This definitely surprised you, Yoongi's never tried to joke or be playful with you. You can't help but smile back at him.
"I think she might." You respond. Yoongi lips twitch up into a half smile before walking away. You can't help but hope the two of you have banter like this more often, it's already been almost a month and you've rarely spoken to your husband at all!
Once Yoongi left, you decided to explore a few areas of the mansion ( see your calling it mansion now) that you haven explored yet. Those areas just so happen to be the ones that Yoongi spends the majority of his time in.
As you walked over to the section of the house that hasn't been explored you can't help but notice that the temperature was starting to drop to a freezing cold. You could tell this part of the mansion wasn't as well taken care of as the rest; there was dust collecting on tables holding what once used to be alive plants. The paintings down this hallway also look creepy. Instead of normal family portraits, you found painting of supernatural looking people. One with sharp canines like the one in the book you found. Another that had a man that was hairier then the average person, he kind of looks like a dog; you notice as you pass by the portrait.
Eventually you get to the end of the hall where there is an old door. It looks a lot different compared to the other doors in the mansion. The other doors still look brand new compared to this one, which looks like it's falling apart at the seam.
You slowly walk over to the door, a sense of dread taking over you as you twist the handle. What could be in this room that's making you feel this way?
Once the door was open you step in and look around. It's too dark in here, you think as you try to manuvour through the room.
You eventually find a certain and pull it open to make the room lighter for you to look around.
You instantly see a cauldron in the middle of the room. There's nothing in it, but it looks fairly old and as if it's been used often. You then look at the shelves; there are some glass bottles filled with oddly colored liquids, and are those eyeballs?! You glance at other bottles and see dead insects and human parts in their own separate jars. What is this? Why does he have all this stuff and where did he get all this stuff? You think, feeling slightly panicked.
You then notice a jar with a glowing pink liquid in it. What is that? You walk to the jar and pick it up, you take off the lid and sniff what's in the jar. Roses? That dosnt smell too bad. As you go to set the jar down you hear a thud from somewhere in the room causing you to drop the jar, leaving the glass shattered into thousands of tiny pieces and the liquid to splatter on the ground. Oh god Yoongi's going to kill me! I need to clean this up. You wander around the room and find a broom sat up against the wall. This will have to do, you think as you go to clean up the glass pieces from off the floor.
Once the glass pieces were cleaned up you went to the nearest bathroom and grabbed a wet towel wiping up what you could of the liquid. Sadly the liquid stained the floor so all you could do was hope that Yoongi wouldn't notice as you left the room, heading to yours.
Once you got to your room you couldn't help but think about what you saw in there. Why did Yoongi have those bugs and human remains, is he apart of a cult? Could he be some weird witch wannabe? You couldn't see him being an actual witch, those don't exist right?
You and Yoongi sat at the table silently. It was time for dinner, and the two of you usually ate dinner together. The air was tense. You knew he knew that you went into that room, whatever that room was. It's not like he said it was off limits and he knows how curious you can be.
You still felt bad though, you also felt scared, and nervous and many other emotions. Your just waiting for him to say something anything about it. Maybe he won't? You sure hope he won't say anything about it. The two of you can just go on living life, you never go into that room again and live a happy life. That sounds nice right? Your honesty not so sure. How could he get those human remains? Did he dig up a grave, did he murder someone. Oh you hope your eyes were just tricking you while you were in that damn room!
"So Y/n, what did you do while I was gone?" Yoongi asks. Just the question you feared he was going to ask. What should you say? I went into your cult room? No that sounds like a terrible idea.
"I went to the library and found a nice book to read" you say as calmly as you can.
"Oh? And what book was that?" Yoongi asks with and eyebrow quirked up in question.
"Romeo and Juliet, it's quite a good book wouldn't you say?" You ask, glancing at the door wanting to leave as soon as possible.
"Hmm. I would think so yes. But Y/n.." Yoongi pauses. You gaze at him feeling nervous. What is it?
"We dont own Romeo and Juliet. I never bothered to buy a book like that nor did any of my family. Why don't we try again what did you do today? And the truth this time please." Yoongi states. You feel yourself grow incredibly nervous at this. Of course he doesn't how Romeo and Juliet! I'm so stupid. You smile nervously.
"Look, since your having such a hard time speaking I'll answer for you, I'm sure that you know I already figured it out." You slowly nod your head and gulp.
"You went into my little lair, and spilled one of my potions." Yoongi says.
"Potions?" You say with a high pitched tone. Yoongi nods his head,
"Potions. Y/n, I'm witch, or a warlock if you will; if you haven't figured it out already." Yoongi says. A witch? He's a witch?! I need to get out of here. You then stand up from the table.
"I think I'm going to go get fresh air. I'm feeling faint" you say as you start to head to the door.
"Hmm I don't think so." Yoongi then snaps his fingers, and you turn around against your will and sit back down in your chair. What just happened! How did he do that?!
"I know what your going to do Y/n. Your going to try and leave, and tell the town and have me burned to death. We can't have that now can we my lovely wife?" Yoongi asks. You feel yourself start to tear up. Is he going to kill me? Is he going to use my parts for those potions of his? You think panicked.
Yoongi sighs as he looks at you from where he's sat.
"There's no need to be afraid Y/n, I'm a good witch I promise. I don't plan to hurt you at all." Yoongi says with what looked to be sympathy in his eyes.
"Do you really promise?" You ask, voice cracking. Yoongi nods his head and snaps his fingers again. You suddenly feel like you have full control of your body again.
"Why don't you go lay in your room and rest. Think about it, and let the idea grow on you" Yoongi says. You slowly nod your head and get up from your chair heading to your room.
So the rumors are true. Yoongi really is a witch.
The next few days are spent locked in your room. You rarely go out except for lunch, the only meal you know you don't have with Yoongi. You really don't want to see him again. He promised he wouldnt hurt you, but you still felt a little scared about him. It's not everyday you meet someone who has magical abilities, so it's pretty understandable for you to fear the unknown like this.
The past few days Yoongi's left you alone, not coming to check on you or anything to your relief. Your glad he knows not to come; you really don't feel like seeing him.
As you lay on your bed as bored as you could be you hear three knocks on your door.
"Y/n? It's Yoongi. Are you alright in there?" Yoongi asks. Well there goes not seeing him.
"I'm fine" you stutter out, cringing at yourself in the process. Yoongi then opens the door and looks at your form lain out on your bed with a worried expression.
"You haven't been showing up to breakfast or dinner. I'm worried, are you eating enough?" Yoongi asks. You silently stare at Yoongi for a few seconds taking in his appearance. He looks handsome, you think.
"I'm fine" you state. Yoongi sighs before walking twords you. You try to scooch over to the other side of the bed to get as far from him as you can, while still being lazy and laying down in the process.
Yoongi gets on the bed and straddles you, leaning down so his face was next to your ear. Your face felt red hot and your heart felt like it was beating a thousand miles a minute. What is he doing?
"Y/n" Yoongi breaths. You feel all the air leave your lungs from the way he said your name.
"I'm your husband, you can't run from me forever." Yoongi says, moving his head twords your neck and leaving a small peck there before getting off of you.
"Ill see you at dinner, sweetheart" Yoongi says winking, before walking out of your room, making sure to close the door in the process.
You feel your heart still at a fast rate and your face is still red hot as you glance at the door. What the hell was that?
Later that night you find yourself sat with Yoongi at the dinner table. You didn't want to come; like you really didn't, but remembering the interaction the two of you had made you. Your still scared of him, he's a witch how could you not be; but the more you thought about it as you waited for dinner to come the more curious you became. How bad could he really be?
"Ah Y/n after we're done with dinner could you come with me?" Yoongi asks you. You look up from your dinner plate and look over to where Yoongi's sat, meeting his brown eyes. You slowly nod your head, and Yoongi's lips quirk up into a smile.
"Great, I have a gift for you."
Once the two of you were done with dinner Yoongi leads you to the library, where he has you take a seat in one of the comfy chairs before he walks away to grab something.
Yoongi then comes back with a book wrapped in a bow. Handing it over to you, he looks at you nervously, biting his lip.
"The other day, you said you were reading Romeo and Juliet, and I know we don't have it in our library so I went out to buy it for you" Yoongi says. You glance down at the book in your hands with the neat red bow wrapped around it. It's kind of sweet of him to go out and buy this you think, softly smiling down at the book cover.
You then look up at Yoongi and smile at him.
"Thanks for the book Yoongi" you say. Yoongi nods his head. His face looks blank but you can see the happiness in his eyes.
"Of course. I should give gifts to my beautiful wife after all" Yoongi says. The two of you stare at each other for a few seconds before Yoongi looks away.
"Well anyway, you should head to bed now. I'll see you in the morning Y/n. Have sweet dreams." Yoongi says.
"Have sweet dreams too Yoongi" you respond. Yoongi awkwardly nods his head and his cheeks tint a hue of pink before he walks away. How could he be so shy about giving me a book yet straddle me in my own bed? You think, glancing down at your gift.
The next few days continue on like that. Yoongi coming to you with a new gift. Be it new books or flowers. You can't help but to start thinking he's sweet. He's so much more different then when the two of you first met. He was rude and quiet, but now he's offering you gifts and trying to make conversation whenever he can. Maybe snooping around and finding out he's a witch is a good thing. He's definitely more open now. You think as you turn the page to a new book Yoongi bought you.
As you read your book you hear the sounds of a piano coming from near by. A piano? Do we even own a piano? You think as you stand up. Setting your book down open on where you left off on a table.
You then leave the room and search for where the beautiful melody's of the piano is coming from.
Eventually you make it to the end of the hall, right near where Yoongi's lair (I guess you could call it) was. That's where the piano was the loudest. You open one of the doors to see a music room. You walk into the room, instantly noticing the grand piano with Yoongi sat at it pressing the keys. Yoongi played with his eyes closed, skilled fingers dancing on the keys as his body swayed to the music. He's amazing you think as you walk into the room. You've never seen someone play the piano so beautifully before.
Eventually the song ends and Yoongi looks at you expectently.
"What did you think?" Yoongi asks curiously.
"You play beautifully" you smile. Yoongi smiles and pats the spot next to him on the bench. You walk over and sit down on the place next to him, gazing down at the piano keys curiously.
"Do you play?" Yoongi asks. You shake your head.
"Ive never been taught" you say. Yoongi nods his head.
"Would you like me to teach you?" Yoongi asks. You look up at him, meeting his eyes and smile.
"I would love that."
After a few days, you feel like you and Yoongi have really grown close. You've been spending a lot of time with him lately. He teaches you the piano during the day and at night after dinner the two of you go to the library where you read the books he bought for you out loud for the two of you enjoy.
Yoongi even let's you come into his lair (your still not sure what to call it) and watch him make potions.
At the moment that's what your doing. Your sitting in a chair in his lair while he says some freaky sounding incantations and mixes things into his cauldron.
Eventually a few more minutes of this the cauldren glows a pinkish red color notifying you that the potion was finished.
"Why do you need this potion?" You ask as you watch Yoongi take a bottle and a ladle to pour the potion in.
"It's the potion you accidentally spilled when you came in here." Yoongi says while trying to concentrate on the task at hand.
"Ah well what's if for?" You ask. Yoongi takes a quick glance at you before glancing back down at the half full bottle.
"Why don't you try some" Yoongi says, walking over to you, holding the glass bottle out for you to take.
"I don't know Yoongi," you say, nervously glancing down at the bottle.
"Do you trust me?" Yoongi asks. You look up and meet eyes with Yoongi.
After a few seconds of debating you grab the bottle and take a sip of the potion. It tastes like something. You don't know what that something is, but it definitely tastes like it. The aftertaste was just as odd as the actual taste of the potion.
"Tastes weird" you say scrunching your nose. Yoongi laughs and gives you a gummy smile muttering the word cute while you glance down at the bottle with the odd substance in it.
"Hey when's this thing gonna kick in anyway?" You ask. Yoongi smirks at this.
"Oh you'll know Y/n." You look at Yoongi feeling confused before feeling slightly sensitive.
"Ah, I think it's kicking in" you say, standing up. Yoongi looks at you slightly concerned, but not too bothered.
"You feeling okay Y/n?" Yoongi asks. You nod your head.
"I think so, Im just feel a little sensitive and a little tingly. Can you please tell me what this potion does now?" You ask. Yoongi shrugs,
"That's it, it just makes you feel tingly and sensitive."
"Why would you need a potion for that?" You ask. Yoongi shrugs again.
"Some people use it for torture to get answers out of people, and some use it for sex" Yoongi states. You feel the air escape from your lungs. Sex?
"Do you want-" you start to ask; but Yoongi cuts you off, shaking his head.
"Not if you don't want to." Yoongi states seriously. You swallow and hold your breath. I think I do you think, as you start to walk closer to Yoongi.
"I think I do" you say, standing a few inches away from your husband.
"It's not an I think. I need a solid answer before you do something you regret Y/n" Yoongi says, glancing down at your lips and biting his own. You nod.
"I do. I want you Yoongi" you say. Yoongi nods his head and grabs your hand leading you out of his lair and into his bedroom; gently pushing you to lay on his soft bed before capturing his lips with your own.
The first few minutes of kissing are sweet and passionate, before Yoongi licks your lips asking for access. You open your mouth for him and his tongue instantly explores causing you to moan.
After a few more moments of kissing, Yoongi breaks the kiss and attacks your neck. Leaving sloppy open mouthed kisses and occasionally sucking to leave hickey's. As Yoongi kisses your neck you grab his hand and lead it twords your bosom leaving him to grope you and rub your already sensitive nipple from the potion with his thumb, causing you to moan again.
"Does that feel good sweetheart?" Yoongi asks as he makes his way down your body, sucking on the other nipple that he hasn't touched yet.
"Yes, feels good Yoongi" you sigh. You've never been touched by a man like this before. You've barely ever touched a man before as it is. The only man you've ever touched is your father, when he hugs you or kisses your cheek. This feels so good you thinks as you watch Yoongi kiss down your body towards where you need him most.
You feel an ache at your core needing to be filled, and there's no doubt that you've soaked your panties at this point.
Yoongi grabs the end of your dress and tries to pull it up.
"Can I take this off?" Yoongi asks. You nod your head and do your best to help Yoongi get your dress off of you, throwing it on the floor somewhere.
Yoongi then makes quick work to take off your bra as well leaving you in only your panties.
"So beautiful" Yoongi says while gazing at your body. You feel heat rush to your cheeks as you smile at him nervously. Yoongi smiles back at you before heading back towards your core, opening your legs up for him to see.
Yoongi kisses the inside of your upper thigh while slowing moving his finger up and down your clothed slit.
"Please Yoongi" you say, biting your lip.
"Please what? What do you want sweetheart?" Yoongi says with a mischievous glint in his eyes. You whine and blush feeling too embarrassed to say it.
"I can't give you what you want if you don't tell me sweetheart." Yoongi states, pulling your underwear to the side.
"Your so wet" Yoongi gasps, before glancing up at you.
"Is this all for me?" Yoongi asks. You nod your head and give Yoongi a pleading look.
"Please" you whine again. Yoongi shakes his head.
"Yoongi I want your fingers." You say, feeling embarrassed. Yoongi quirks up an eyebrow,
"Where do you want them?" Yoongi asks, licking his lips.
"In me please" you beg. Yoongi smiles before taking your underwear off.
"With pleasure." Yoongi then shoves a finger in you, moving it slowly in and out of you.
"Is this good sweetheart?" Yoongi asks. You nod your head and moan. It feels so good. Ever since you saw him play the piano you wondered how good his fingers would be.
"Can you handle a second?" Yoongi asks while contently watching his finger move in and out of you. You moan in response, so Yoongi adds a second finger.
"Fuck" you moan.
"Your doing so well baby" Yoongi says, before lowering his face to your core and licking your clit.
You instantly grip the bed sheets from the feeling, as Yoongi begins to get to work eating you out like a man starved.
Yoongi expertly used his tongue on your core trading between licking at your slit and sucking on your clit. Resulting in you moaning louder, getting closer and closer to your orgasm.
"Ah, Yoongi" You moan as you grab his hair and buck into his face. Yoongi grabs your hips and holds you down moaning into you causing you to cum.
"Im, I'm coming!" You yell as you the coil in your stomach snaps and you see white.
Once you come down from your high, you look down at Yoongi who's face was still in between your legs, looking up at you with blown out eyes full of lust.
"I need to be in you, please Y/n" Yoongi says. You nod your head and Yoongi quickly strips himself of his clothes. you gaze at your handsome husband in want. Feeling yourself get turned on again.
Yoongi then climbs on top of you, spreading your legs so he can rest perfectly in between them.
"Are you ready?" Yoongi asks you, grabbing his cock and moving his hand up and down to give himself some relief from how hard he is. You nod your head.
"Just please be gentle, I've never done this before" you say. Yoongi nods his head, and rubs his cock on your folds collecting the wetness from your arousel so he can slide in easier.
Yoongi looks at you again for one last bit of assurance before you nod and he's slowly shoving himself in.
It feels weird at first, it dosnt hurt like you heard it would, but it wasn't necessarily very comfortable either. Yoongi gets halfway in before bottoming out and doing a small thrust back in.
"You okay?" Yoongi asks. You nod your head and experimentally squeeze causing Yoongi to groan.
"You better stop that right now sweetheart" Yoongi says before he starts to slowly thrust in and out of you.
After a few more moments you start to feel good from the way Yoongi feels and you let out a moan.
"Feels good now?" Yoongi asks, reaching for your hands, interlocking your fingers together and holding them above your head. You nod your head and let out another moan before Yoongi dives down and kisses you slowly and sweetly. Feels so good you think as Yoongi thrusts into you at a steady rythm.
After awhile Yoongi's thrusts start to stutter and he shuts his eyes closed.
"I'm close" he says. You start squeezing as much as you can and rocking your hips with Yoongi causing him to moan.
"Coming" Yoongi says giving a few more sloppy thrusts, before thrusting as deep into you as he can and spilling his seed.
After a few moments after Yoongi's orgasm he pulls out and looks over at you.
"Sorry I didn't get you to cum again" you shake your head and smile.
"It's fine Yoongi" you say as you move your body closer to his and laying your head on his chest.
"I'm glad you stayed after you found out about me" Yoongi says. You raise yourself from laying on him to look at his face.
"What do you mean? You used your magic on me so I got forced into staying" you say. Yoongi shakes his head,
"I only used my magic that once, throughout that whole time you did have an opportunity to leave. I used my magic on you that once to make you think about it." Yoongi says. You silently look at Yoongi and consider his words, before laying your head back down on his chest,
"Well then I'm glad I stayed too."
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trainthief · 4 years
hello james hope you’re staying safe and healthy!! i’m moving to colorado next year (got my dream job :’)) and i’m really excited to spend a lot of time outdoors!! i’ve skied and snowshoed a ton, but i’m hoping to expand my repertoire. what resources/tips do you recommend for a beginner hoping to safely enjoy the rocky mountains?
First of all, congraturitos on the dream job! Very happy to hear some good news is happening to someone. Second of all, I’m happy to help, let me make you a list of suggestions: 
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It sounds like you’ve got a solid amount of outdoors knowledge already, but if you’re not from the American West I would very much prepare yourself for a completely different experience. Colorado is a bit more tame than many of the states that surround it, but the intermountain west is where most of the public lands are, as you can see above. What this means is that your access to trails isn’t just limited to groomed out-and-back walks to a single viewpoint located on a contained plot of government-maintained land, although we do have those out here. Additionally, though, there’s tens of thousands of acres of unmaintained actual wilderness that you are allowed access to.  You should be aware of the risks you assume any time you step into the backcountry, because these are the last truly wild places left in North America, and at any given point you can assume you’re an entire mountain or two removed from the closest person who could offer help. But if you ask me it’s so much more thrilling to go out into the unknown where you’re not likely to see a single sign of human activity, and the views out there are so much better. 
Building off of that, you should familiarize yourself with the dangers of the area. Colorado has elk, moose, deer, a few bison, and plenty other of the more charismatic megafauna everyone wants to spot. They don’t have grizzlies, lucky for you, except the few that occasionally wander over the borders. But they do have black bears, cougars, and a wolf population that’s starting to re-establish itself. Of the ungulates above, I wouldn’t be too deeply afraid of any of them except bison. A bull moose or elk during rutting season might get pissed off by your proximity and charge you if you’re not careful, but at worst it will give you a good beating that you’ll still be able to walk away from. Bison are unpredictable and much more dangerous, but as I understand it Colorado has very very few in the wild, and coming across one by accident is extremely unlikely. As for the predators, a quick overview is that for grizzlies you’ll want to hit them with bear spray before dropping and covering your head and neck, for black bears you’re going to want to stand your ground and make it clear you’ll give them a tough time if they try to mess with you. Cougars I hardly feel like it’s worth worrying about, because they’re so secretive it’s tough to figure out where they are, and if one is in your vicinity you’re very likely not to know. But if one is stalking you and you manage to catch it, make yourself big, speak calmly but firmly, don’t retreat, let it leave the area and then go the opposite direction. For wolves, do the same but do retreat, as they don’t tend to get aggressive with humans and are likely acting territorial if they do. Never turn your back on any prey animal. Research these ideas in more depth, because I’ve really only given the basics here. Keep an eye out for tracks and scat and any other signs that an animal might have been around recently. I don’t tell you any of this to scare you off, and in fact one of my favorite pastimes is going off trail in search of some of these guys. But there are real dangers out there, and it’s been my experience that people who move west for better access to nature will often refuse to believe that they really are heading out into completely unmaintained territory, with all the dangers that come with it, and they tend to pay for that lack of respect sooner or later. At the end of the day, going into the backcountry means you’re going to have some close calls of some sort or another, and there’s no amount of learning about a situation that will make you fully equipped to handle it in real life. Things never go exactly the way they’re supposed to, I know a guy who fought off a grizzly with a trekking pole somehow, and while I personally have never gotten lost enough that search and rescue had to come after me I’ve got plenty of friends who have. Stuff happens, but having a baseline of knowledge you can rely on when it does means that you’re much more likely to live long enough to head back out into the wilderness again.
In addition to wildlife concerns, you should also stay aware of the natural dangers of the area. Download an avalanche tracking app and stay smart about what places you choose to venture into. Learn how to respond to avalanches as well, and consider dropping money on an avalanche beacon. I don’t have one, because they’re expensive, but that means if I ever get caught in an avalanche I’m pretty much toast. 
Try to make some friends who want to be outdoors, and have them show you the ropes of the area. It’s not recommended you ever hike alone, because it’s much more dangerous for a variety of reasons, but I have to admit I do most of my outdoor activities - including hiking and even backpacking - solo. The solitude and silence is part of the overall experience for me, as it might be for you. If that’s the case, be extra knowledgable, bring a backpack with emergency items, make noise along the trail so you don’t startle any wildlife (I will usually sing or whistle, anything to let animals know theres something distinctly human in the area), and always tell someone where you’re going. I’ve got more tips for solo hiking somewhere on my blog, so I won’t go on about it any more. 
If you’re looking for other excuses to get outdoors, you’re very likely to find some bouldering fanatics in Colorado, so that will be an option. This time of year the deer, moose, and elk are all shedding their antlers, so antler shed hunting is also one of my favorite activities. Here in Utah you need a license to go during the prime season, but I don’t know the restrictions in Colorado. There’s also mushroom hunting a bit later into the year, which is fun, as well as the more basic stuff like fishing, backcountry skiing, resort skiing, ATVing and snowmobiling, etc etc etc. Any excuse to get outdoors is always a good one. 
If it happens that where you’re moving is Denver, I should warn you that - while the coffee culture there is awesome - it’s significantly further from nature than even most people who live there think. You’re likely to be an hour’s drive away from the mountains, which isn’t insurmountable, and it’s very possible I’m spoiled by the fact that I live right in the middle of a mountain range and have the wilderness in my backyard…. But even so, make sure you commit yourself to getting outside, because working up the effort to get out the front door can sometimes be a lot, even for me. You should definitely try to avoid turning into the Denver stereotype the rest of the intermountain west likes to make fun of, because so many people there like to buy the latest Cotopaxi jacket and wear it to a million dollar cabin in the mountains that they rent on AirBnB, where they will never actually end up going outside. 
More basic pieces of advice: buy crampons, hike early in the morning or late in the afternoon to see more animals, wash your glasses with soap before you head out to keep them from fogging, the best trail mix is the cheap bulk stuff and not the fancy REI stuff you get for $15 a pound, the best hot chocolate for backpacking is and always will be Swiss miss, download the alltrails app and check it frequently to see if there’s anything to worry about on your favorite trails, always carry a knife with you because a knife is 20 tools in one, buy bear spray
Have fun out there!
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kvndeathmusic · 5 years
my favorite records of the 2010s pt 1 (the less great stuff/honorable mentions)
Neither this post or its followup are going to be in any particular order, however all the records I talk about here are, in my opinion, not as good as the records i will talk about in my part 2. they’re all fantastic but these ones slightly a little less fantastic than the ones in my “top 10″. none of this is based on stuff like 'influence' or whatever other critics base their lists on, this is solely how much I enjoyed these records. And keep in mind, I'm only human, I havent listened to a good lot of records I've heard others describe as top 10 worthy, these are just records I found and that I resonate with. long post ahead. 
Vacation - Bomb the Music Industry (2011)
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If you asked me what my favorite band is i will either say bomb the music industry or jeff rosenstock, but considering those are pretty much the same things it doesnt matter lol. While Vacation isnt a perfect record, it is one I love. It lacks some of the ska elements that I love about earlier BTMI records, but at the same time, it is the first record where Jeff’s “””solo””” career sound starts to form in tracks like Sick, Later, Hurricane Waves, Everybody That You Love, Everybody That Loves You, and Vocal Coach. And these tracks are all fantastic, especially the absolutely explosive opener Campaign For a Better Weekend. Where this album suffers in my mind is the fact that it exists as a weird hybrid middle ground between BTMI and modern Jeff Rosenstock, it isn’t really ska like old BTMI and it’s not quite to the same standard as the tracks on We Cool?. And some of the songs are just, not as good as the others, like Why, Oh Why, Oh Why (Oh Oh Oh Oh), which is washed out almost entirely in reverb, and tracks like Savers feeling barren and missing additional instrumentation. But fuck man I can not dislike this record or just call it “ok” because despite this I still listen to this record a lot, it’s so catchy and fun and Im a bit too chronically addicted to btmi. 
Reflektor - Arcade Fire (2013)
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i dont really get the hate/mixed feelings others have with this record. there’s so many good tracks dude!!!! sure theres a bit of a slump in the middle and it doesnt reach the same emotional heights as their previous records you gotta be ignorant to overlook this records strengths. while i do like The Suburbs more than Reflektor, man i just vibe HARD with some of these tracks; the title track, We Exist, Here Comes The Night Time, Normal Person, Awful Sound (Oh Eurydice), Porno, and ESPECIALLY Afterlife. Plus the cover art is cool and I like it. However Flashbulb Eyes is one of the worst tracks Arcade Fire has ever put out and I hate it immensely. And while far less offensive, tracks like You Already Know, It’s Never Over (Hey Orpheus), and Joan of Arc are just kinda boring and/or uninteresting. Now granted, I'm extremely biased when it comes to Arcade fire in general unless were talking about the trainwreck that is Everything Now. I started listening to Arcade Fire just before Reflektor came out, and I have a kinda sentimental attachment to the record. ill explain the feeling more when i talk about The Suburbs. anticipation oooooo.
good kid m.A.A.d city - Kendrick Lamar (2012)
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i might get crucified by some for not putting this in my top 10, but whatever come at me i guess. gkmc is a fantastic record, but i do think the ending is weak, which is why it’s here instead of in the top 10. i mean, let’s be real, Real is a mediocre track, and while Dying of Thirst is an important track to the whole narrative of the record, it feels way too long. almost everything else about this record is fantastic, from the beats, to kendrick’s nasally flows, to the overall structure of the record spinning a tale of a young man battling demons both inside and out, and his eventual redemption. even if i find this record at times to drop pace, it really is flawless otherwise. it felt like a disservice to put this in the 20-10s, bc it’s a good record, but i had to make some compromises and this was one of them. 
RTJ2 - Run The Jewels (2014)
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el-p and killer mike are a perfect duo, and the tracks they make together are always total bangers. and for me, RTJ2 is the best overall, with RTJ3 in a close second. it’s hard to put this on the lower half of the list, some of the tracks just don’t work as well as the others, but despite that there’s not really any tracks i hate or dislike on this record, minus maybe crown. the pure aggression in the opening track Jeopardy sets the tone for an aggressive yet highly focused record. This is some of the best rap out there right now if you want some music to fuck shit up to. 
Pure Comedy - Father John Misty (2017)
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This record is both hilarious and extremely bleak. Josh Tillman is a master of satire and sarcasm, and Pure Comedy is the peak of his songwriting skills. The title track is one of the best tracks of the decade, period. And he keeps up the momentum on the following few tracks. The main problem with this record is its weaker second half, but even then it’s criminal to suggest that those songs aren’t good regardless. And despite the bleakness, the one line that sticks in my head after all this time is the line this album fades out to: There’s nothing to fear.
Knife Man - AJJ (2011)
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Continuing on the trend of folky, satirical, and bleak records, Knife Man is AJJ’s defining record (next to their debut LP). AJJ blends loud, punky anthems with quieter, folk tracks that touch on sensitive issues in a way only AJJ manages to get away with. And there’s some genuine heart mixed in as well, with the final track Big Bird always striking a chord with me. However, I do feel the record is, let’s just say, padded at times in my opinion. Still, I can’t deny how much i enjoy tracks like Gift of the Magi 2, Hate Rain on Me, The Distance, and Skate Park. Speaking of which when I saw AJJ live recently they played none of those songs and that kinda sucked but hey it was like $20 I can’t complain. And speaking of not getting what I wanted...
You Won’t Get What You Want - Daughters (2018)
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It was hard choosing between this record and their 2010 self titled record, but in terms of the overall narrative and variety this record shines through. If there was a number 11 spot in this unorganized list this would probably take that spot. It’s noisey, it’s abrasive, and it’s like nothing you’ve heard before unless you’ve listened to Daughter’s previous records. Tracks like The Reason They Hate Me are catchy in the weirdest and most unwelcoming of ways, Less Sex sounds like a long lost Trent Reznor NIN track, and Guest House is a masochistic and gut wrenching finisher. Fantastic record aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
We Cool? - Jeff Rosenstock (2015)
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It’s obvious that I had to include this record somewhere on these list. It’s like a more refined version of the sounds that Jeff experimented with on Vacation. Definitely more punk than ska, but still some of those roots still shine through, especially in the track Nausea. Some of Jeff’s best songs are on this record, from the loud opening tracks Get Old Forever and You, In Weird Cities, to tracks dripping with bittersweet and moody lyrics like I’m Serious, I’m Sorry and Polar Bear or Africa. The main reason this record is on the back end of the top 20 is because the deeper cuts on the record do not match the energy and heights of the best tracks. Tracks like All Blissed Out, The Lows, Darkness Records and Beers Again Alone don’t feel like they belong and stick out a bit. They remind me more of the material Jeff put out on his 2012 EP I Look Like Shit. Mind you they aren’t bad tracks, but I’ll be honest I skip them often when listening to the record because i just wanna get back to the good good stuff. 
Sports - Modern Baseball (2012)
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Sports is one of the best pop punk records ever, if you can even consider it as such. It’s like a blend of emo and folk punk, and it works so well. A good majority of this record is on my main shuffle playlist. Is it pushing boundaries? Not really, but tracks like Re-Do, Tears Over Beers, and See Ya, Sucker are undeniably catchy and memorable. I NEED MODERN BASEBALL BACK TOGETHER RN. There’s not really anything that wrong with the record, besides maybe lacking in variety, but at 30 minutes, it’s a record that feels nostalgic even on a first listen, and continues to feel that way even after numerous re-listens. Speaking of nostalgia...
The Suburbs - Arcade Fire (2010)
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Some background, when I was 13 (circa 2013), I only really listened to whatever my parents put on for me. From my mom, I “inherited” a taste for classic pop and 80s new wave. From my dad, I got metal and hard rock. The first time I made the conscious decision to listen to a record fully, based on my own curiousity, was when I sat and listened to Sgt. Pepper in the summer of 2013, which broadened the scope of what I thought music could even be. And later that year, the first band I got into after The Beatles? Arcade Fire. When I think of my early teens, the memories are set to this record. I remember listening to Ready to Start in my brother’s old hot ass car while driving to the local fair with some friends on a chill fall night, eating tons of junk and staying up past midnight back when doing that was edgy and cool and not a symptom of my depression. 
If I was judging this record solely by its best tracks, it would easily be in the top 3. But I couldn’t place it in my top 10 because, frankly, some of the deeper cuts are lacking. I can’t say I like Deep Blue. I really don’t like Rococo. And Half Light I kills the pace of the record. But man, that title track, Ready to Start, Modern Man, Empty Room, Half Light II, Sprawl II... these songs defined my early teen years. I still tear up listening to the title track. Sure I have to skip a few songs when I re-listen, but I can’t place it any lower or my heart will break. It existing outside of the top 10 already hurts. And that’s all that’s left now. The top 10. 
But first, some random honorable mentions that didn’t make this list:
Sound & Color - Alabama Shakes
Black Star - David Bowie
Melophobia - Cage the Elephant
Teens of Style - Car Seat Headrest
How to Leave Town - Car Seat Headrest
Daughters - Daughters
Sunbather - Deafheaven
Bottomless Pit - Death Grips
Year of the Snitch - Death Grips (should be on this list tbh)
Doris - Earl Sweatshirt
I Love You, Honeybear - Father John Misty
Helplessness Blues - Fleet Foxes
Plastic Beach - Gorillaz
Boarding House Reach - Jack White
POST- - Jeff Rosenstock
S/T - Joyce Manor
Firepower - Judas Priest
ye - Kanye West
You Were There - Kill Lincoln
Flying Microtonal Banana - King Gizzard
Infest The Rats’ Nest - King Gizzard
No New World - Mass of the Fermenting Dregs
Bury Me At Makeout Creek - Mitski
Puberty 2 - Mitski
Unsilent Death - Nails
Itekoma Hits - Otoboke Beaver
Morbid Stuff - PUP
A Moon Shaped Pool - Radiohead
RTJ3 - Run the Jewels
Angles - The Strokes
To Be Kind - Swans
Undertale OST - Toby Fox
Scum Fuck Flower Boy - Tyler, The Creator 
Igor - Tyler, The Creator
Weezer (White Album) - Weezer
nightlife - yuragi
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peggysousfan · 5 years
Agent Carter An Au Series
Here is the next chapter! Enjoy!! ;)
Peggy's POV:
When I wake up the next morning, I notice I'm not alone. I look up and notice Daniel fast asleep. He must have gotten tired waiting for me to sleep myself, not that I mind him being here. I think this is the best sleep I've had in years; because I knew I was safe. I look beside the bed and see Steph asleep as well in her Moses basket. Why Americans call it a bassinet I have no idea. I don't want to move, in fear of waking Daniel, so I don't. I keep my head on his chest and drape my arm over his torso. Daniel in return leaves his arm under my shoulders and holds me closer. We shouldn't be doing this. We shouldn't be laying in the same bed holding each other for dear life; but we are. And I don't want it to end.
Daniel starts to stir, and I close my eyes. Just sleep for a few more minutes, please! I don't know what I'd do without him. He has been there for me and my daughter when we've had nowhere to turn. He has been there for me when I have been going mad with illness and terror. And above all he takes care of Stephanie as if she were his own. I've never met someone like that, and I never will again. Daniel is a one of a kind person; and I want him to be mine. I'm tired of running from my feelings. When he admitted there was no one in his life romantically, I saw an opportunity, and I need to take it soon. While working with Howard it may not be possible, unless... I tell Daniel. That may not end well if I do, he may never want to speak to me again, let alone start something new. God this is an absurd mess.
"Mmm" Daniel starts to move around and wake up. "Oh shit!" He jumps back from me and out of bed.
"Daniel? What-" I look at him as he tries to regain his balance. He got up far to quickly without his crutch. "Whats wrong?" I looks at me as if he terrified and ashamed.
"I- I didn't mean to fall asleep. I swear."
"Daniel." I can't hold in my laughter, this situation we've gotten ourselves into is hysterical. "Do you really think I care about that?" He starts to relax, but still I can see his muscles tense. Has his shirt always been that tight?
"Peg...?"I look up at him and then away. I was staring, dammit.
"Sorry, I-uhm..." I clear my throat. "Daniel you should know by now that things like this don't bother me when it comes to you." I gather the strength to look at him, and of course hes shocked. "Oh stop looking at me like that! You know I don't mind." I pat the bed where he was and he sits back down.
"I know, I know, I'm sorry. Its just-"
"You're worried about propriety and being a gentleman?" He nods his head and avoids looking at me. I hate when he does that. "Daniel..." I reach for his face and he looks at me. "I know you're a gentleman and a good man. One of the best, in my opinion." He laughs. "You don't need to try and distance yourself from me to prove it. " Our eyes meet one another and I get this pulsing shock in my hands from where I touch his face. Does he feel this?
It isn't until now when I realize juts how close and intimate this is. I drop my hands and look away; but he holds my cheek in return. We both lean in and our lips begin to touch, lightly,like they did before... and then they finally meet. At first I wasn't sure if this was real; but it is. I feel as if everything in my body is electrified and I have so much energy I can't sit still. Its happened so quickly I barely have time to understand what is happening. All I know is that we've had out gentle taste...and its not enough. At first it seemed as if Daniel were afraid, but now he has much more confidence. He buries his hands in my hair and pulls me closer. I let him draw me near, and it feels right. The longer our lips stay together, the hungrier they move.
Each kiss feels as if I'm being shocked with a new breath of life, and I don't want it to end. I rest one hand on his shoulder and the other on his cheek, and theres nothing in the world but Daniel and I. One hand slides down my back and rests at my waist and there is no more space between us. Seconds, minutes,or hours go by, but I'm not paying attention. We're going to be late, but I don't care....We stay like this until we run out of breath, our air mingles with each other. And all I can think to do is smile and laugh, and so does he. I kiss him once more and lean back, sitting on my heels.
"That was..."
"Wow." He finishes. I laugh again and retrieve another kiss. These are the kind you get drunk off of. "I was not expecting that..."
"Nor I..." Our eyes meet again and it feels like I'm lost staring into the stars. We lean in once more and I fear we may not go into the office at all today. I stop and look down, my hands on his buttons; asking a question without uttering a word. He nods his head and grabs my waist to pull me closer, and we snog even longer...I feel like this is long overdue. And this time, I actually have a say on who I take to bed. I may not have chosen Rogers, but I will always choose Daniel. I unbutton the first with shaking hands, and we laugh. His hands glide to the hem of my gown and lingers. I nod and kiss him again...  But of course we're interrupted when Steph begins to fuss.
"She has impeccable timing." He laughs underneath me.
"That she does" I laugh in return. I climb over Daniel and walk over to her, and then pick her up."She must be hungry" I slide my sleeve down my shoulder and start to nurse her.
"Uh-right I should-"
"Daniel." I turn to him and glare. "What did you expect to transpire not even 2 minutes ago?!" He looks away and laughs.
"Right, sorry." He has a wolfish smug on his face, and its rather sexy, if I'm being honest. He looks at me and takes my breath away, with his shirt unbuttoned and wrinkled and his hair a jungle of a mess. "What?"
"Nothing." I sit on the bed and continue to nurse Steph. Although shes only 5 months, her teeth have already starting popping out, and they hurt. "You, little miss, are going to be eating something else very soon! I can't stand this anymore..."
"Whats wrong?"
"Her teeth are starting to break through, and its a pain in my arse." and he laughs while coming up behind me. A shiver runs down my spine as he kisses my neck lightly. "Start that and we won't make it to the office today..."
"Maybe I don't want to..." He kisses the side of my neck and moves to my shoulders.
"Daniel!" I laugh.
"Peggy!" He embraces me from behind and looks down at Steph. She looks up at him and stops eating. "Hey sunshine." She laughs and reaches for him. He takes her and I stand, fixing my dress.
"I should shower, and get ready."
"Want me to join you?"
"Daniel!" he laughs and I can feel the heat on my my face. "We'll never leave if you do that." He smiles, knowingly. I've never seen this side of him before... I like it. I wish we could stay in today, but I can't. I have to leave to keep him safe. "Besides...I'm leaving today." and the wolfish look on his face morphs into one of sadness.
"I know..."
"I'll still come here. I still want to see you ans Steph and..." I walk over to him and sit. "I-I want this. I want to see...where this goes." Our eyes meet again and his are filled with longing and sadness. "I'm not leaving this...us. I want you, Daniel. And my leaving here won't change that." He looks at me and leans in, and we meet in the middle with a tender kiss.
"I trust you, Peg." I leave the room, my hand letting go of his, and head in the shower. This will be an interesting week...
Several days later:
Its been nearly a week with living in Howard's house, and nearly a week of not seeing Steph for so long. I decided it would be best to leave her with Daniel while I was at Howard's to see if I could really do this; live in the Griffith Hotel and not see my little girl as often as I like, and its harder than I thought. But Daniel has taken very good care of her. I enjoy visiting him, especially with everything between us out in the open. Although I love seeing Steph and Daniel, I know I can't stay. The only way to keep them safe is if I leave the building and move somewhere where no one will get to them. So, I told Angie I will take the flat at the Griffith, but to get it I have to have an interview done first. We walk about the grounds as she gives me a small tour before I talk to the overseer of the building.
"Evelyn," Angie politely says, and the woman replies with a hello of her own. "Evelyn's a lounge singer at a club in midtown." She explains. "Hi Sarah." Angie says as we keep walking. "That's Sarah, shes a slut." Angie whispers. Well that was profoundly honest... I'm taken back by her comment. "I'm so glad you changed your mind! You're gonna love it here" Angie says.
"Assuming I'm accepted. I've never rented a flat that required an interview."
"Its just a formality, you'll ace it. Miriam's a total pussy cat." If by that she means a completely stiff and downhearted woman, than I agree. Shes very set on propriety and manners, and to be quite honest, she reminds me of my prudish headmistress with a stick up her arse.
"Your references are impeccable. Senator Palmer is especially complimentary," Miss Fry says.
"He and my father were dear friends." I say and smile. Which isn't a lie, the stories I could tell of him and my father when I was a child...I look at Angie through the window at the desk, shes promised to help me through this interview. "Were you limping as you came in?"
"Caught my heel on a Cobble stone. You know how the West Village is." I try to lie and shake off the fact that my leg is still wounded from the fight over the Daisy Clover truck.
"I'm afraid I never travel below 33rd street,so no, I don't." Bloody hell...I look at Angie and she has a grim expression. I try to shrug it off and say I don't know what to say. Miss Fry catches it and glances at her, but says nothing about it. "How long do you see yourself working for the telephone company?" Oh, um.. right. She is a stickler for propriety.
"Only until I'm married, Miss Fry." I hope that was the right response...This is all so odd. She explains the hotel is for proper lady's that must dress with elegance, and explains their code of conduct, curfew, No men above the first floor. Thank God I got the flat, now its time to go to work.
I walk through the elevator doors and into the bullpen,when I notice Chief Dooley,  Daniel-no Agent Sousa, and Agent Thompson all standing at Sousa's desk. They're looking at the photos from Spider Raymond's club, and seem to be adamantly pointing at something. Chief usher me to come over, and I do.
"Settle a bet for us...Is that Joe DiMaggio?" Oh thank God, I thought it was me in the picture.
"I don't follow boxing." As I say this, Dooley goes into a laughing fit.
"Told you she wouldn't know who DiMaggio was." Daniel says. I glance at him and smile. Thompson pays Daniel, pats him on the back, and walks away.
"You bet against me?" I ask with a smirk on my face. He looks up at me and I try to keep my composure. "How could you be sure?"
"I wasn't. Thats why they call it gambling." Smart arse. He knows for a fact I don't know who that man is because he knows I don't understand or follow any American sports. Sneaky bugger got an easy win on this bet. Dooley insists it was this man, and Thompson disagrees. He says he would have known if he were in the same room as Joe DiMaggio, as if he were some enormous fan and detector of celebrities.
"Do you spot anyone else?" I ask, trying to change the subject before I pull him into the file room and steal a kiss. I fear I've fallen a little too hard, and shouldn't be having these thoughts at work.
"Nothing definitive, she really knows how to duck a camera. Not one clear shot of her face.
"Tough break"
"Nobody's lucky forever. We'll find her." Little does he knows he's looking right at her. I hate keeping this from him, and i want nothing more than to come clean and say it. But I'm afraid what will happen if I do...Then again it could be much worse if he finds out and I don't tell him... Bloody hell. I have to tell him.
Daniel's POV:
When I got to the office this morning, The first thing I did when I got there was look for Peggy, but of course she wasn't there. She has to get that apartment today; but I wish she wouldn't. I liked when she was living with me, and even though Steph is still with me, its not the same. Ever since that kiss, things seemed to change for us, and for the better. We have lingering looks and gentle touches, and while he haven't kissed a lot since then; I'm waiting for the right moment.
When I get to my desk, I unlock my drawer and open the packet with the club photos. As I look through them, Thompson walks by and stops to look.
"Hey! Is that..? Nah it can't be."
"I thought that was Joe DiMaggio."
"Huh. It does look like him doesn't it?" I look closer at the photo, and son of a bitch, I think it is him. Thompson calls to the chief and they both look at it.
"Holey mother of Mary. That's Joe DiMaggio." Both the chief and I think its him, but Thompson disagrees and says theres no way its him. "How much you wanna bet?"
"Its not worth it." Thompson argues.
"I bet you even Carter will know its him." Dooley says.
"I wouldn't be too sure about that, Chief. I doubt she even knows who he is." I say They both turn to me and bet on it. So when Peggy does come int, they both loose. Half the day goes by and Peggy starts taking everyone's lunch order.
"Do I even need to ask you?" She smiles at me and I laugh.
"I don't know, Carter. I might change it up today." She shoves my shoulder lightly and puts the paper on my desk.
"Well if you're going to do that you might as well write down your own damn order." She tilts her head, defiantly, and smirks.
"Fine. I will." I look down at the paper and when I start writing I notice a little slip of paper in the corner. Weird. When I hand her my order, she slyly drops that little slip on my desk and starts to walk away.
"Thanks, Sousa." I watch her walk away and can't help but think of how strange that was. I look around to make sure no one is watching and then I look at the slip. 'Meet me at the Automat after work. Its urgent. -PC' with a little heart at the end. Kind of giving mixed signals there Peg...
Hours go by and I notice Peggy leaving. She smiles and waves goodbye as she leaves to pick up Stephanie. I know its killing her inside, seeing her daughter less and less, and I wish I knew why she was so adamant about me not knowing who her sitters were. Not that its a major problem, but its weird how she puts on a front and seems happy, but I know shes hiding something. I clock out about an hour or so later, not wanting to stay too late, and head over to the Automat. Maybe this mystery urgency or whatever shes been keeping form me will all make sense.
Peggy's POV:
After I pick up Steph, I go back to Daniel's apartment and grab some of her things. Shes been very vocal lately, and I think she may speak her first word soon; and I hope I get to hear it. Once I finish everything doing what I need to do and grab what i need. I leave for the Automat and wait for Daniel.
"Hey English! Awe look at her, shes so cute! Can I hold her?"
"Sure." I hand Angie the babe and she starts to smile.
"Where is she staying at? Did your sister come back?" Oh rats, I forgot about that.
"Oh, uhn. No shes actually staying with a...friend of mine. He's actually coming here soon." Angie hands her back and takes my tea order; and then we wait. Steph starts to get fussy and I give her one of Daniels's vests to cuddle with. And of course, she starts to settle down. I can't get over how much he keeps her calm.
"Peg." I look up and see him.
"Daniel!" I get up from the booth and embrace him, quickly, then sit down. A few eyes wonder in our direction but don't pay us much attention. "Poppet, looks who's here." She looks around at the sound of my voice and her eyes brighten when she sees Daniel.
"Hey anjo, what were you doing?" He laughs when I give her to him. "Is this my vest?"
"Its the first thing I grabbed when I was at your apartment. I knew she would get unsettled if we were here to long."He plays with her for a few moments and then turns to me, with concern written on his face.
"So. Are you gonna tell me what this is all about, or am I suppose to guess?" I look down and sigh in defeat.
"I do...have something to tell you." I lean back and look at my tea. "But if I tell you I fear what you will say of think. And I-"
"Hey English!" Such rotten timing, Angie. "DO you want a refill or something to eat? Maybe for your...'friend' too?" I glare at her and look at Daniel. He asks for a coffee and I get more tea. When comes back with our drinks and leaves, I start to speak again. "Daniel. Do you trust me?"
"Of Course I do, Peggy. Why wouldn't I?"
"Because what I have to tell you may make you hate me...and you may never want to speak or see me again. And you could possibly turn me in, and I-I hope you don't."
"Peg what're you talking about. Turn you in? To who? And for what? And where the hell would Steph go?" I shut my eyes and wipe away a tear that escaped. "No. C'mon Peggy, do you really think I'd do that to you?" I know he looks hurt at the thought, but I don't know who I can trust with this.
"I-I don't know." I say honestly. "I hope not-
"You should know I would never do that Peg." Now I feel ashamed. I like Daniel, a lot. And we are friends, but we've been treading the water of becoming more, and now I've mucked it up.
"Daniel..." I look at him as I take a deep breath. "Its about Howard." Now I have his attention.
"You're working with him. Aren't you?" Well that didn't take long for him to figure out. Then again he is an excellent Agent whether the SSR sees it or not. I say nothing, instead I look away and nod.
"He came to me, a few weeks ago, asking for help." He shakes his head and looks at Steph. "He didn't do this,Daniel. I know that. Hes a good person, when you don't look at his ego and big brain." Daniel chuckles. "He has a heart...and he's my friend. I don't want to see him hunted down and locked away as if her were some horrid animal." He looks at me and all I can think to do is melt in his eyes. "Daniel...Howard is innocent and I'm trying to help him prove that. I wanted to tell you because-" I stop and try to gather my emotions. Its best not to make a scene so publicly, even if the Automat is practically empty. "Because I don't like keep things from you. Its been eating away at me. I want to keep the two of you safe, thats why I had to leave your apartment." "Peggy-"
"Daniel I had to. Its my fault Colleen died!" I yell whisper the last part. "And then Roxxon happened and- I-I just can't let anything happen to the two most important people in my life. I won't loose you Daniel. And I won't loose Stephanie. I'd die if anything happened to either of you, especially knowing it was my fault." I look away and wipe away the tears.
"Peg..."I look up and he reaches for my hand. "I would NEVER ever in my life turn you in or hate you for being an amazing person and a protective mother." I squeeze his hand as more tears fall. "Peggy, you don't have to carry this alone. I'm here, you know that. You don't have to doubt me or my honesty." How on earth does this amazing man exist?
"I've all but admitted I've lied to you and sneaked behind your back and yet... you don't care?"
"You were doing it for the right reasons. How could I ever be angry with you or hate you for that?"
"You..." I shake my head and wipe away my tears with one hand, as I keep the other in his. "You are incredible, Daniel Sousa."
"Not really, I just have ethics, morals, and boundaries."
"And modest." We both laugh. We walk back to his apartment and play with Stephanie. But all too soon I have to leave. "Its getting late,  I should be going. This Hotel I've been accepted to has a curfew for its residence. If I miss it I may not have an apartment anymore. "
"Curfew? Seriously?" I nod my head and kiss my daughter.
"Goodbye poppet, Mummy loves you so much." I hold her against me and I don't want to let go. Daniel embraces us both and I lean into him. "Good night, Daniel." I place one hand on his cheek and a kiss on his lips. He holds me close and I feel as if I should stay.Our lips press against each other perfectly, like two puzzle pieces meant for each other. Steph begins to laugh and bounce around, I think she likes what Daniel and I have started.
"Good night, Peg." One last kiss and I hand over Steph, then I leave. Maybe one day, I won't have to go...
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saxxxology · 6 years
After getting bitten by a werewolf, Sam finds himself trying to adapt to a brand new lifestyle that brings him closer to the girl he loves, but threatens to tear him apart from his family for good.
PAIRING: Alpha!Sam x Omega!Reader
WARNINGS: non-consensual werewolf bite (not sexual), a/b/o dynamics: heat/rut, knotting, claiming, breeding kink, angst, time hop (season 9 to 12), and more.
NOTE: Edited by @kayteonline and @kittenofdoomage - please heed all warnings and enjoy! This is NOT intended to be a dark fic, but if you read something that bothers you, it is your responsibility to stop reading, keep scrolling past it, or contact me for content clarification.
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Dean was in the kitchen when you walked up. He was cradling a large cup of coffee in one hand, and when he saw you emerge from the basement, his gaze fixed on you.
“How is he?” he asked urgently, “is he okay?”
You nodded. “It’s over. He’s fine, just hungry. Where’s Garth?”
“He went out with Bess. She’s in shock over what happened, so he took her to a safehouse out of state.” Dean watched as you pulled a pan from the rack on the wall and set it on the stove. “What do you mean by ‘fine?’”
“He’s not in pain anymore, his fever went down.” You cracked eggs into a bowl and whisked them around. “He just needs to recuperate for a few days, maybe a week.”
“Can I see him?” Dean asked.
You nodded and pulled a couple bagged chicken hearts from the fridge. “After he’s eaten. He’s gonna be stronger than normal for a while, so we gotta keep his human contact minimal.” You heard Dean exhale heavily as you started chopping the hearts into chunks. “Dean, I know you wanted to find a cure, but there’s nothing you could have done. I’ve seen people get bit and go through a lot worse. At least he’s alive. He’s a little different than he was yesterday, but he’s alive.”
Dean nodded and leaned against the counter. “You’re really intent on taking care of him, huh?”
“It’s my job to take care of my pack.” You replied, pulling four sausages from the fridge and tossing them in the pan, along with an entire pack of bacon. “Russ and Joba are gone. The Reverend’s… well, let’s just say I’m in charge of the pack, now. I care for Sam, deeply. If it were up to me I would have killed Joy myself so that didn’t happen.”
You heard Dean scoff, but when you looked at him you could see he was grinning.
“Nothing.” Dean finished his beer and set the empty bottle on the counter. “Just… I never thought you’d actually spook over a guy getting turned.”
You shrugged. “I know when to care about someone getting bit. I wanted Sam to leave, I wanted him to forget about me, about the pack. I never wanted him to get bit.”
Dean nodded shortly. “The way I look at it now is, he could have been bitten and left to die. At least this way he’s got you and Garth and Bess to look after him, make sure he won’t get into trouble.”
You finished cooking in silence. Piling most of what you’d cooked onto a large plate, you slid one of the sausage links, a small pile of eggs, and several strips of bacon on a separate one, which you offered Dean. He accepted it gratefully, noting that you’d cooked the chicken hearts in  a separate pan. When you re-entered the basement, you found Sam sitting up and stretching his arms above his head.
“I could smell that from down here,” he muttered, turning his head to look at you, “is that normal?”
You handed him the plate and watched him begin to devour the food, shoveling a mixture of everything into his mouth with a fork that seemed comically small in his large hands. “Yeah, it’s pretty normal. And don’t worry about eating everything there, your appetite’s going to be pretty out there for the next couple days.”
Within minutes, Sam had completely annihilated the food on the plate. He tilted his head back against the wall, his lips parted as he sighed in satisfaction. “There was a heart in there, wasn’t there?”
“Two. Small ones, just chicken, nothin’ special.” You took the plate from him and set it down on the floor before snuggling into him. “How do you feel?”
Sam exhaled heavily and slipped an arm around your shoulders. “Not hungry anymore, definitely not tired… I feel strong. Stronger than before.” He flexed his arms, examining the muscles that bulged under the gray sleepshirt. He seemed bigger. “Actually, I feel like I need to run, get out…”
“There’s the punching bag.” You gestured to the slightly misshapen tool in the corner. “I can’t let you out yet, gotta know you can control yourself around humans.”
“Humans…” Sam looked down at his lap and swallowed. “That’s right, I’m not human anymore.”
You shook your head. “That’s not entirely true. You’re still human here,” you put a hand over his heart. “You’ll still be able to function like a human, your instincts are just rewired a bit, that’s all.”
Sam scoffed. “Yeah, what happens when I wolf out and go nuts?”
“That won’t happen.” You nuzzled his shoulder and stood with him as he shuffled over to the punching bag. He gave it an experimental nudge with his fist. “Want to see Dean?”
He nodded apprehensively. “Yeah, but I don’t wanna try to hurt him.”
“Sam, you won’t—”
“You don’t know that. Make sure I don’t try to hurt him.”
You bowed your head and trotted back up the stairs, closing and locking the cage door behind you. Dean was still waiting in the kitchen, and he stood upon seeing you emerge from the basement.
“You can see him, but we have to be careful,” you said quietly. “If he smells you he could try to get at you, that’s gonna be his first instinct. The cage door down there has silver on it, so if he tries anything it’ll hurt, bad, but I need you to stay on the stairs, keep your distance.”
Dean held his hands up as if in surrender. “Trust me, I’ll be keepin’ my distance.”
You led him down the basement, slowly, his boots clunking heavily on the thick wooden planks. You could hear the dull, repetitive THWACK of Sam’s fists against the punching bag, but after the basement door closed, they ceased, and the space fell silent as you and Dean came down the steps. A little more than halfway down, you motion for him to stop.
“Dean, stay here.”
He nodded quietly and waited for you to slip past the cage, locking it behind you.
Sam was standing in the corner by the punching bag, his arms folded across his middle. You motioned for him to walk over, but he shook his head. “Y/N, I can’t… I don’t want him to see me like this. I can smell him, I can hear his heartbeat.”
“You won’t hurt him.” You walked closer to him, reaching for one of his hands. “Sam, come on, I’ll be there. The door’s got silver on it, you won’t be able to get out.”
Sam lowered his voice. “What if I hurt you?”
“You won’t. Now come on.” You led him slowly over to the wire door. His heartbeat increased with every step, and you heard his breathing grow more and shakier.
When Dean came into view, you didn’t know if Sam was going to recoil or lunge at the gate. He could hear Dean’s heartbeat, steady and slow, the rush of blood pumping through his veins, traces of whiskey and cedar covering up the thick, coppery scent…
...No, stop it! That’s your brother! You wouldn’t bite your own brother!
“Sammy?” Dean’s voice was quiet as he took another step down the stairs. “Hey, it’s me.”
Sam paused, took a deep breath. “I know.” He looked down at the ground and closed his eyes, trying as hard as he could to stop from hurling himself at the wall of the cage. “How’ve you been?”
“Uh, worried, for one,” Dean chuckled in an attempt to lighten the mood, “I went out for a little during the night, tried looking for a cure or something…”
“Yeah.” Sam swallowed and clenched his fist. He didn’t know what the fuck was happening, but all he wanted to do was break out of the cage and rip his brother’s chest apart, get at the thick, pulsing muscle that was hidden behind bone and sinew, devour the warm, blood-drenched organ that kept his brother alive…
No! Goddamn it! Stop!
“I thought you’d be gone.” Sam cleared his throat as a fresh wave of hunger washed over him.
“Had to make sure you’re okay, didn’t I?” Dean caught your warning glance to stay where he was and decided not to take the last two steps down. Hell, he might be too close already. “How do you feel?”
Sam swallowed thickly as you increased the pressure on his hand. “Honestly, I feel good. I’m strong, I’m not hurting, just wanna get the hell out of here.”
“And why can’t you?” Dean shifted his gaze back and forth between you and Sam.
“Because if I get out of here I’m not gonna be able to stop myself from trying to hurt you or someone else,” Sam stated bluntly.
Dean seemed taken aback by Sam’s words. Apparently, he hadn’t considered just how dangerous Sam really was until he’d said it. “Sam, you wouldn’t.”
“You don’t know what I’d do, Dean, hell, I don’t know what I’d do.” Sam’s body trembled as he spoke, but he stood his ground. “The only reason I’m not going after you right now is that I know I shouldn’t, but if Y/N wasn’t here with me, if this happened somewhere else… I don’t know if either of us would be alive right now.”
You saw Dean swallow, saw his Adam’s apple bob in his throat, and heard Sam growl, low and deep in his chest.
“Sam, don’t say that.”
“You’re not in the place to tell me what to do, Dean.” Sam retorted. “I’m a monster, both of us know that. You don’t know how… how hungry I feel right now. I don’t have a friggin’ clue what’s making me feel this way, but if you weren’t my brother… I’d kill you, without thinking.”
Looking up, you noticed Sam’s upper lip beginning to twitch. He was starting to lose control. “Dean, I think you should go, this isn’t—”
Dean, obviously, didn’t listen. Instead, he did the worst thing he could. He took another step, closing the distance between him and his brother by another two feet.
Overcome by hunger, Sam snapped. You saw his eyes flash yellow as his instinct to attack sprang free. He snarled, his lips curling back over his teeth as his muscles bunch. He lunged forward, slamming all two-hundred pounds of his body against the cage. His long fingers were pointed in two-inch claws, which curled in the wire before he stumbled back with a yelp of pain; the silver on the wire had seared his skin.
Dean fell back when Sam crashed against the cage, bringing an arm up instinctively to protect his face.
“Dean!” You shouted, pulling Sam back against the far wall and holding him there. “Get out! Now!”
You saw Dean stagger to his feet his eyes fixed on the snarling beast of a man now ten feet away from him. He was staring at Sam with a mixture of fear, anger, and sorrow on his face. Sam took several half-gasping, half-growling breaths before reeling himself back in. He collapsed to the floor, his fingers pressing hard into the smooth concrete. He bowed his head as his body shook even harder.
“D-Dean, I’m sorry!” He gasped out. “I didn’t mean to, I couldn’t help—”
The door at the top of the stairs slammed before Sam could finish, and seconds later you heard the rumble of the Impala’s engine and the grind of her tires scraping on the dirt road as she tore out of the drive and down the road.
Sam’s shoulders heaved with a sob as he collapsed back, breathing hard as he fought to still his shaking hands. The claws had vanished and his eyes were back to hazel, but he still shook with panic. “I didn’t mean to do that,” he choked, “I didn’t—I didn’t—”
“Sam, it’s okay, he’s just gone to cool off.” You soothed him. “He’ll be back, I promise.”
Sam shook his head and reached to grip your hand as you rubbed his shoulder soothingly. “No way in hell. He saw me snap and that was it. He thinks I’m a monster.” He turned his head, and you saw tears streaming from his now hazel eyes. “I am a monster.”
You sat next to him and wrapped your arms around him as tight as you could. “Oh, Sam, it’s all right. You’re not a monster, you’re not. You’re adapting to a new lifestyle, and yeah, you have some different urges, but you’re just starting out. It’s barely been an hour since you woke up, I didn’t expect you to stay under control.” You hugged him tighter and let him bury his face in the curve of your neck. “Dean got spooked, that’s all. He’ll come back.”
“Will he?” Sam straightened his back and practically glared down at you. “How can you know that? Hm? Tell me how you know my brother’s gonna come back thinking I’m still the guy he grew up with.”
If you want to see chapter 5, reblog and leave a comment! Feedback is my fuel!
Forever tags: @atc74 @becaamm @bamby0304 @crispychrissy @crashdevlin @curly-haired-disaster @emoryhemsworth @ellen-reincarnated1967 @kittenofdoomage @kayteonline @kdfrqqg @littlegreenplasticsoldier @lunarsaturn88 @leatherwhiskeycoffeeplaid @manawhaat @mereka18 @mrswhozeewhatsis @meganwinchester1999 @oneshoeshort @percussiongirl2017 @serpentbaby @spnwoman @smallgirlbigpersonality @shaelyn102 @thelittleredwhocould @winchesterprincessbride @winecatsandpizza @zombiewerewolfqueen @85natalie @81mysteriouslyme
“Bitten” tags: @linki-locks11 @lez-boatz-writez @wotinspntarnation
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Homestuck Liveblog #186
UPDATE 186: Political Assassination
Last time John finally got that tooth off his chest, and Jake agreed to give his endorsement to Karkaroni. Now what will happen? Let’s see.
Has it been days since Jade has been sitting on that couch, levitating and with her eyes completely black? Given everything that has happened in the meantime it sure feels like it has. Roxy’s getting worried, she tried to call Rose but she didn’t respond, so instead he goes for the next option she has: Dave. Who immediately brags about working to stop Jane from screwing up everything. The words ‘neoliberal austerity measures’ are unsaid but they’re like an echo when Dave talks about the presidential campaign, I bet. He’s busy handling Jake’s endorsement speech.
ROXY: i guess in the grand scheme of things
ROXY: shes just takin a sort of nap
ROXY: but its one HELL of a nap bro
‘one hell of a nap, davey, shes been blacked out for, like, a week���
It seems the troll candidate is more popular with the trolls and the carapacians than with the humans and consorts. How don’t they have more consort supporters? Hopefully Jake’s endorsement will change that.
ROXY: lmao dirk just texted me about this
ROXY: somehow he found out about jade did u tell him
DAVE: uh no
ROXY: he just said make sure she gets lotsa daylight
ROXY: that itll help with the “exorcism she needs”.....
ROXY: and also to say hi to calliope for some fuckin reason??
DAVE: thats weird
Well that makes clear what the best course of action is: don’t open the windows nor place her anywhere in the daylight. If Dirk’s advice will help with the exorcism she needs – to get Dead Calliope out – then it’s a bad idea. I’m enjoying this epilogue much more with Dead Calliope controlling the narrative, thanks.
It’s alarming Kanaya isn’t picking up either. Could Dirk have gotten rid of her? I sure hope not! Kanaya has done nothing wrong and deserves to stay alive, what with being the professional when it’s about troll reproduction. She better still be fine and kicking!
DAVE: i gotta give karkat some emotional support
DAVE: since gettin jake on our side was a pretty huge fucking bonanza for us
DAVE: which has almost equal probability of winning us the election as it does blowing up in our faces depending on this speech he gives
DAVE: so we gotta like
DAVE: concentrate here?????
DAVE: instead of jerking each other off all god damned day for the rest of our lives
DAVE: (im just joking we dont actually do that)
ROXY: oh
They don’t do that, much to Jade’s disappointment, I bet. Either way, it’s speech time!
The struggle to take control of the narrative is a petty squabble, says Dirk, taking the high ground by offering Dead Calliope a way out. Buddy, pal, friend, you can’t take the high ground and then insinuate Calliope is ugly as sin. That is petty.
Apparently everybody thinks Dave loves Karkaroni, and although I believe that too, it’s fine if Dave never comes to terms to that. The guy marches at the beat of his own drum, he’ll be fine. This kind of thing can’t be forced on him. Speaking of things that can’t be forced, Roxy wants to know how Dave came out to everyone else as not straight. Oh dear, Roxy, I don’t think Dave ever did that. You’re asking the wrong person – unless you want the answer to be ‘deny it for like eight years now’.
He’s not really denying it right now, though. Maybe he did come out to the others and I didn’t find out until now. He’s not comfortable enough with rapping about ‘boning dudes’ in middle of a stadium where so many people can see him, but he’s not running away from the question. Way to go, Dave! I approve character growth!
Somehow Dave has this entire spiel about all the steps of admitting not being straight. On what phase are you, Dave? Inquiring minds want to know. I’d paste the entire thing here, because it’s pretty good stuff, but it’d feel like I’m applying filler for the sake of applying filler, so I won’t.
Dirk really doesn’t want a conversation about gender. Personally I have to agree because, even though this is great for development and I appreciate all of Dave’s steps, this is kind of a random place to shove this in. Pretty bad place, really. It’d have been great at a different moment.
Horrendously invasive of Roxy’s deepest personal thoughts.
...uh, Dirk, you know what else is horrendously invasive? Taking over the narration and manipulating people around. Also the assimilation plan, that’s more than horrendously invasive.
Okay, this is going for long enough.
DIRK: Do you even know where I am right now?
DIRK: Do you have the slightest idea what I’m up to?
the prince is laboring under the delusion that he has been the least bit subtle in his intentions. he currently stands beneath the carapacian bell tower, poised to climb to the top. he holds the long, red sniper rifle that once belonged to roxy, brandishing it openly and boldly. he seems mysteriously oblivious to the fact that holding a long rifle in broad daylight somewhat tips one to the fact that he soon intends to shoot someone from a great distance. he also seems unaware of the fact that i know perfectly well that the top of this tower has a clear, long-range view of the stadium, allowing any competent sniper a clear shot of whoever happens to be standing at the podium as they give a speech. as jake english is about to do.
he also doesn’t seem to realize i have anticipated his attempt to assassinate his own friend in order to advance his political goals, and that i am prepared to take measures which make this impossible.
It really sounds like Dirk’s getting ready to shoot, he’s up at the right place and has a view of the stadium where Jake will be, but...I don’t know, ever since Roxy said Dirk messaged her about keeping Jade in the sunlight for ‘an exorcism’ I have been feeling uneasy, and now that this all was said just now, well, I kind of suspect Dirk may try to shoot and kill Jade. It sure would free her of Dead Calliope’s control and possibly give him back the control of the narrative. It’s a possibility, no?
Somehow the next few paragraphs resembles a schoolyard roleplaying fight. ‘You can’t reach the top of the stairs because...your feet feel really heavy’ ‘really? Then I can fly’ ‘and then the bell came crashing down on you!’ ‘I cut that stupid bell with my sword!’ ‘not fair!’ ‘yes fair!’.  It’s endearing in its own way.
DIRK: He wonders out loud, “what is this, amateur hour”?
DIRK: The Dead Cherub then humorlessly narrates, “why, yes. yes mr. strider, it IS amateur hour. and i’m the amateur here, for throwing a huge bell at you. i would like to humbly apologize for my amateurism.”
no i don’t.
DIRK: Sure you do.
I’m having fun with this part, guys, I really am! This is great.
This is over when Dead Calliope, trying to stop the focus on Dirk and his increasingly petty narration, turns the attention back to Dave who must still be explaining to Roxy the intricacies of coming out to their friends. I see keeping a show in a standstill is a Strider family trait.
DAVE: well lets just say internalized whatevers are kind of like an onion
DAVE: theres lots of layers
DAVE: they suck on pizza
DAVE: and trolls have to get their stomach pumped if they eat them
That has got to be the most contrived simile Dave has said in recent history.
Dirk continues saying very clearly he’s about to shoot Jake, and the more he states that so bluntly the more I suspect there’s something else going on.
‘Xenophobe’ and related words are starting to stop looking like a real word. It just has been said so many times.
Everything is making Dave feel like something’s wrong – undoubtedly Dead Calliope’s influence – so he gets in the path of any potential bullets, protecting Jake with his own body.
and despite dave’s quick and well-justified action, what is also unbeknownst to him is that the sniper no longer poses a threat of pulling that trigger. because everyone knows that for all of the prince’s shortcomings, he would never expose his beloved brother and son to the risk of a heroic death.
DIRK: You’re absolutely right.
DIRK: I would never do that.
DIRK: I’d never kill Dave, no matter what I felt the stakes were. I’d never hurt him either.
I’m pretty willing to bet taking over Dave’s self doesn’t count as killing or hurting him, therefore it’s fair game. Dave would be pretty unhappy to know what Dirk’s doing, anyway. The narrative reveals what’s in the sniper rifle are not bullets, they’re tranquilizers. It’d be a non-fatal way of keeping someone out of the way for a while. The second thing Dead Calliope got wrong, though...
DIRK: Yes. You’re right about the tranquilizer.
DIRK: But there’s one more fact you’re not aware of.
DIRK: Which is that I never intended to aim for Jake at all.
Well then! Turns out I may have been right about that he intends to shoot Jade. He must feel really confident about it if he can announce it aloud after aaaall the charades he did to fool Dead Calliope. Is it Jade, Dirk? Will you tranquilize Jade and pretty much put her to sleep – non-fatally?
Dirk spins in what must be the tiniest bell tower ever, given he only has to spin to change direction and be able to aim somewhere else, and gets ready to shoot. All Dead Calliope can do is freeze Dirk’s finger on the trigger, but he thought ahead and made the rifle to be voice-operated. All he has to do is say ‘fire’. Which he does! Game over for Dead Calliope?
Pretty good aim, hitting a vein from all this distance. Jade indeed has gotten tranquilized, and I’m pretty sure given this isn’t the first time Dirk uses tranquilizers – he uses them in TV – it shouldn’t be too hard for anyone to realize this is Dirk’s orangey shady hand making the moves.
The insult against Jade is uncalled for, Dirk. But yeah, the result of all this is that Dirk is once again back in control of the narrative, which makes me sigh with exasperation. I really liked Dead Calliope’s narration more than Dirk’s, so I’m not looking forward to this change.
Roxy drops to her knees by the couch, pulls the dart out of Jade’s neck, and tries to shake her awake. But it’s no use. That’s a heavy dose I gave her. Could be out for weeks. Maybe months? Can’t have any cherubs messing with my business on this planet. At least not until I’ve taken my leave. But Jade’s gonna be fine. Don’t worry about that.
So...she’s pretty much in a coma. Could be worse, could be worse. She could be dead. This is barely better.
Cherubs are fuckin’ weird, I’ll totally concede. Still not sure what makes them tick. What they idealize, what they really want. It all comes across to me as a little cloying. Perfection to them is a sweetness beyond comprehension. Sugar so potent it’s poison to us. To our bodies, to our souls. Like the place she was operating from was a realm of self-construction. A bubble of pure, phantasmal confection.
Well, I for one have had enough of that goddamn toothache. I’m back in the protein saddle, motherfuckers. I’m clacking my tongs, and the charcoal is hot.
Now who’s hungry for meat?
Does that mean the candy epilogue is all Dead Calliope’s influence seeping through instead of Dirk’s? It could be interesting to see what kind of thing she does to the world. Although...given the effects of the trickster lollipop and how ‘sweetness beyond comprehension’ is perfection to them, it’s bound to be nightmarish. I’m actually looking forward to that!
Speaking of meat, holy shit. You just look more fucked up every time we come back to you, don’t you, John?
You’re a disgraceful mess right now. Covered in blood, mysteriously sticky, bruised all over your arms, legs, and neck. Terezi practically raked rows into your back. You catch sight of yourself in the rearview mirror. You’re kind of embarrassed by what a postcoital train wreck you look like when all she’s got is mussed hair. And you should be embarrassed. Seriously, it’s like you were mauled by a wild animal. Jesus, don’t either of you have any shame?
Ah. Okay then, good for them, although I’m pretty concerned. Such a physically intensive activity can’t be good for the guy with a gaping hole in the chest and the troll who still must be half-starved. I won’t be surprised if these two just pass out and die anytime soon. I’m not entirely sure, but it seems things are awkward now between these two. Maybe it was all a spur-of-the-moment move.
You sit together on the hatch, like when you first met up days ago. Terezi crawls into your arms, and nuzzles right up against your chest so you have no choice but to hold on to her. You would have done it anyway if she asked, because you’re a total sap. The kind of guy who no doubt thinks banging a girl in a car is some deep, soul-shattering experience that bonds you for life. Yeah, John, you do think that. You think that you and Terezi are basically married now.
I can’t tell if he really thinks that or if Dirk’s funneling those thoughts into him. The line between what the character feels and what Dirk wants them to feel is pretty blurry by now.
After all this, Terezi gives up on looking for Vriska, so this is a prime moment for her to fly by and find them. She doesn’t, though, and John proposes Terezi to go home with him. Can they even go home? John is so tired it’s possible they can’t – which he really should have thought about before doing said physically intensive activity. Nobody to blame but yourself, John. Seriously, you have an open wound and bled like four liters of blood. You’re as good as dead.
He feels the urge to lie down and sleep, which is a pretty bad idea given the situation. Terezi rouses him up, so instead he decides to give this a try and zap back home. Hmmmm...if he’s so tired right now, it’s possible the act of zapping home will drain whatever energy he has left, so I’m not...very optimistic about John’s chances of survival. Would this count as a heroic death? Can you die from a heroic death if you die like two weeks after the offending injury is made? If he dies from exertion after having sex with Terezi that doesn’t count as a death because having sex with Terezi is neither heroic nor just, no? Oh well.
Back in the stadium, the inexistent assassination attempt may have given Karkaroni a push in the polls, and Dirk spends quite a while brandishing Jake like a piece of meat. Really, can he be treated as more than a flat character whose only non-flat trait is his posterior? Jake’s nervous and fidgets around, so much Dave and Karkaroni show concern and offer to cancel the speech and/or the campaign. It seems our favorite presidential troll still doesn’t like the idea of having leadership, he’s ready to throw the towel anytime. Jake insists he can do it, so he starts!
I don’t remember Dirk being so outright antagonistic in Homestuck. It’s making me pretty uncomfortable, I have to admit. It feels kind of out of nowhere, just like Jane’s sudden xenophobic inclinations are. What was Hussie thinking when he wrote all this? What was his intention?
Jake’s getting pretty nervous and I can’t tell if he’s getting stage fright or if Dirk’s influencing him to be nervous. The latter is a possibility, no? Wouldn’t be surprised if that’s what’s going on.
Why don’t you have a good, long think about that, Jake.
Is this really the time for a good, long think? Jake muses to himself, actually putting a finger to his chin like some public domain clip art picture of a befuddled guy. If the crowd is confused by his rapid-cycle mood changes, they don’t show it. Jake’s got a bit of a day-drinking problem, which has been slavishly documented in the global tabloids. That’s how you avoid responsibility, isn’t it, Jake? You can fool your fans, but not yourself. The truth is that there’s a canniness to the act. It’s partially cultivated. You’re stupid, but you’re not nearly as stupid as you pretend to be.
JAKE: What in the devil was i thinking coming here?
JAKE: Why did I...?
JAKE: I came here to...
... slide the biggest knife any motherfucker ever wielded directly into your friend Jane Crocker’s back?
She loves you, Jake, more than anything, and you toyed with her heart. And you would have guiltlessly toyed with her “kettle drums” too had it not been for a bit of divine intervention, let’s decide to call it.
Sigh. That’s...that’s all I can do with all this. Sigh and keep reading. Third time I’m scrolling through the epilogue a tad faster than I should. It’s pretty much an entire page of gaslighting. Nothing really worth delving into, mainly because it’s pretty uncomfortable to read such a thing. Dirk’s being the abusive ex, pretty much. Nothing really worthwhile.
JAKE: I love dirk!
 And to love Dirk is to obey him.
You know, there are a few reasons why I’m thinking of liveblogging these epilogues. I’ll explain them later, but right now I may as well say a word of two: the epilogue is competently written. The events in it are interesting, and the interactions are raw and full of emotion. It’s all pretty unpleasant to read, which makes it a bit novel, like swallowing bitter medicine. It’s pretty good, in a technical way.
But it simply doesn’t work with Homestuck characters. It just doesn’t.
Anyway, let’s continue scrolling down to the end of the page and go to the next.
I was right in that zapping back to Earth C would take what was left of John’s energy. He barely can give three steps before he falls down, so it’s all up to Terezi now. She wants to bring John to Jane, so she can revive him. I don’t think she has revived him before, so it should be a good idea. It’d be better to bring Jane to John, though.
It doesn’t matter. This isn’t a wound you can recover from. It’s Game Over this time: no healing, no afterlife, no cosmic clock proclaiming your sacrifice as Heroic. The poison needling through you is antithetical to narrative relevance. You’re not dying, John. You’re being erased. Cherubs don’t fuck around. We’ve both been learning that the hard way.
Oh, nevermind, it’s something not even Jane with her life powers can fix. I wonder if, once John is erased, nobody will remember him. That’s what happens when there’s no place for you in a narrative, no? Hmmm...
John already know he’s irreversibly going to die, and tells Terezi not to waste her time, that he was dead the moment Lord English bit him. Which is true, given this poison. Then he says he was dead the moment he woke up that morning, which...I suppose is the depression talking.
You died the moment you made the decision to go meet your destiny. You would have lived if you made the other decision, under a certain definition of the word “living.” You might have even lived until the end of your immortal life span, as shitty as that sounds.
So he’d have lived for the rest of his life if he had decided to do nothing. Makes sense. This may have been for the better, given Lord English needed to be defeated, so it’s time well-spent. It’s rather unfortunate it involves John’s death, but...in a way I saw this coming. Pretty tragic outcome, and given this epilogue has been chock-filled with a lot of tragedy and pessimistic scenarios, it only made sense this would happen.
It’s dying words time! Terezi is really affected because she really cares for John, and also they had a ‘emotionally significant sexual encounter’, so she’s even willing to listen to all the sappy stuff John will say in his deathbed. This is bound to be rather emotional! And the fact he can’t even think of something appropriate to say in his final moments is what makes it emotional because this isn’t how he imagined this would go. He can’t even think of quotes from his movies. Terezi offers to tell everyone John Egbert said some cool stuff in his final moments and make everybody believe it somehow, so instead John goes straight towards the sappy and tragic. There he goes!
JOHN: i think... i really lo—
JOHN: i... r-really lov—
JOHN: but... i...
JOHN: i...
Then John dies in the middle of a love confession.
Love confession on the deathbed! It’s like this truly came from a movie, haha. Terezi is devastated, so much she can’t even bring herself to cry properly. Once she confirms he’s dead, she ponders what she should do now, alone in the world John wanted to bring her to. She doesn’t have anything else to do, so after a moment – and at Dirk’s behest – she takes John’s corpse in Dad Egbert’s wallet and starts walking.
It has been a month already. Jane won the election after what I figure was Jake’s endorsement speech for her, so that’s that. Terezi has been rather lost this whole month, and nobody has seen John Egbert – instead of saying he’s dead -- so I suppose she hasn’t told anyone he’s dead. Rose has been missing the entire time and Kanaya has been pushed around by Dirk’s machinations to keep him distracted while he keeps Rose locked away somewhere, both mentally and physically, I figure. All in all, it’s a pretty grim outlook for everybody in Homestuck. Also, Jade is still in coma. Terezi goes to visit her, perhaps to tell her what happened to John?
Dirk continues being so salty Roxy’s experimenting with her gender, apparently. Aren’t there a million other things to deal with, pal?
Roxy is very glad to see Terezi, and she takes Terezi thinking she’s Dave as a compliment. She also compliments Terezi, giving her some heartache because it makes her remember the time she spent with John. It may have been a few hours, apparently. Time works in mysterious ways up there in paradox space!
The reason Terezi is here is because she feels John would come here, and she’s right, I bet. John would want to check on Jade as much as he can, so now that she’s carrying John’s cadaver around, she feels she should handle this all herself. It’s also confirmed she hasn’t told anyone John is dead.
ROXY: back when jade first got all effed up callie saw somethin and it made them freak out
ROXY: it took me weeks to convince them that it was safe to come home
ROXY: but now we got the opposite problem and they arent leavin the house at all
ROXY: they stay home all day with the blinds drawn paintin some weird ass shit on the walls
ROXY: its not as bad as it sounds i promise
ROXY: some of it is like
ROXY: weird and violent??
ROXY: like lotsa nasty purple blood and um
ROXY: nudity????
ROXY: yeah yikes
ROXY: but MOST of it is cute stuff like... various combos of all of us being happy and gettin married and shit
ROXY: anyway thats kept callie kinda busy
ROXY: so it was hard as hell to convince them to let me come see jade at all
ROXY: its like theyre traumatized
ROXY: and they think ill drag whatever possessed jade back into our home with me
So the end result for Calliope is that she’s traumatized. Seeing a dead version of herself possessing Jade must have really rattled her. As I said, this is all pretty grim for everyone in Homestuck, goodness. Although...part of me wonders if her current state is partly because of Dirk’s influence. He’s petty enough to mess with the living Calliope’s head as a ‘take that’ for Dead Calliope.
Someone tries to contact Terezi through her phone, she’s not sure who it’d be. Perhaps Dirk? He did show a preference to sending messages to his former friends and acquaintances. As if things weren’t awkward enough for Terezi, she’s asked if she knows what happened to John. Terezi, you can’t keep this under wraps forever. Sooner or later you have to tell everyone John died because of injuries in Lord English’s fight.
It seems Terezi can hear Dirk perfectly even when he’s talking in the narration, I suppose it’s because of her aspect. Oh, be careful with the stuff you say, Dirk! She’s also willing to whisper stuff to address Dirk, even if it gets odd looks from other people. On the other hand, this kind of leaves her more vulnerable to Dirk’s machinations, no? Part of manipulating people is responding to what they say, so with some luck this won’t go belly-up.
Once the conversation is over Roxy leaves and Dirk exposits Terezi still feels guilty about hiding John’s death from everyone, and she can’t even confide in Dave because of mistakes she did as a teenager in another timeline. It’s the curse of having the Mind aspect, isn’t it? Knowing what the choices cause. All of Dirk’s exposition bothers Terezi enough for her to tell him to scram, and he refuses to do so.
Come on, Terezi. You don’t belong here. You know you don’t belong here.
Do you feel threatened by Terezi, Dirk? Is that why you’re trying to push her away? I don’t think Terezi has anything that could be particularly useful against Dirk’s plans, so I’m not sure why he’s bothering to mess with her like this. She even points out they barely have crossed words.
Okay, I believe he feels threatened by her in some manner because he tries to convince her to join him in...some place. More like he wants her out of Earth C. He even offers to let her take John with her, which is why I’m sure he made her pick up the corpse, so he could manipulate her by using John. He finally leaves her alone with her thoughts, sure he managed to convince her enough. We’ll see.
Stopping for now!
Next time: next update
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catradora babie!
UGH thank you...my faves. 
1. who hogs the duvet?
they both do! it’s like a tug of war and catra almost always wins (but thats okay bc adora can just. sleep on top of catra. portable heater)
2. who texts/rings to check how their day is going?
adora! she’s really anxious all of the time, so she’s always texting catra to make sure she hasn’t like. died or anything. and she also just really likes to bug her. 
3. who’s the most creative when it comes to gifts?
well...they’re both super competitive. and creative can mean many things. they both just try really hard to out-do each other all the time. adora will get catra something big and amazing for her birthday and catra refuses to let her have the last word so she HAS to get her something better. 
4. who gets up first in the morning?
adora....i mean catras...a cat...hello...
5. who cries at movies?
adora. shes a sap. a whole tree. 
6. who gives unprompted massages?
adora!!! she’s always massaging/scratching catras ears its literally just a habit. it’s probably like a give and take tho, they’re on pretty equal ground with intimacy like that. 
7. who fusses over the other when they’re sick
they both do! adora moreso because once again, shes just really fucking anxious all the time. 
8. who gets jealous easiest?
adora does. catra hangs out with bow one time and she’s immediately convinced that she’s been replaced. similar situation with scorpia, except romantic. she totally thinks catra and scorpia are dating and it drives her crazy and thats canon and AHHH i usually hate love triangles but oh my god...lesbians. 
9. who has the most embarrassing taste in music?
10. who collects something unusual?
i was gonna say something crazy like adora collects catras teeth or some shit but JEHEJD i cant even joke about that UHHH. neither? they’re not very sentimental towards items like that, excluding catras blanket but i doubt she’d like ‘collect’ anything. 
11. who takes the longest to get ready?
catra!!! you were probably thinking i’d say adora but i’ve put thought into this. on the off chance that catra actually showers, shes got a lot of hair to dry and i’m sorry but shaking your whole body just doesn’t work when you’re half human. it probably takes ages to brush/style as well. on days where she doesn’t do Shit i’d say adora takes the longest. she talks to herself in the mirror and has a very precise routine to go through. 
12. who is the most tidy and organised?
adora. this is obvious. 
13. who gets most excited about the holidays?
adora! she’s very festive and loves spending time with her friends and family. dressing up is fun for her too, she probably starts prepping couples costumes for halloween in january. 
14. who is the big spoon/little spoon?
this is gonna be controversial but....catra little spoon....adora big spoon. im sorry but if your girlfriend is THAT buff there’s no way in HELL you’d not want her to hold you at night. they probably switch around a lot tho, i imagine adora likes to be held too so its just....give n take...
15. who gets most competitive when playing games and/or sports?
they’re both extremely competitive but i get the feeling adora’s like.......a lot more competitive in mundane situations. she probably engages in stupid shit like eating competitions and arm wrestles and Who Can Hold Their Breath for The Longest and catra just........watches her idiot girlfriend from afar. 
16. who starts the most arguments?
eeeeee catra has a tendency to feel like something is wrong if she’s not being yelled at so i imagine sometimes she starts it up for petty shit. over time this habit fades away because i’m here for healthy relationships fellas. 
17. who suggests that they buy a pet?
adora begs for a horse every 2 weeks and catra refuses everytime. 
18. what couple traditions they have?
i cant think of any? they just do everything together so. 
19. what tv shows they watch together?
in a modern au? anything gay. maybe a documentary but catra always falls asleep. adora likes to watch that horse club show and catra can’t stand it but she watches it anyway because adora gets so excited and its cute. 
20. what other couple they hang out with?
i know i said this for the violentine one but literally no one can stand them. catra and adora are literally children. they’re petty and affectionate and cheesy and have this ridiculous pre-relationship flirting. catras always teasing adora and adora is always getting so flustered over it and its sickening. i feel like they’d probably just hang out with their friends in groups rather than as couples. seahawk is the only one who can stand them when they’re like that. 
21. how they spend time together as a couple?
i like to think about this one within canon and not a modern au, because i imagine they spend so much time doing childish stuff that they never had the chance to do as kids. we’re talking stupid games like connect 4 and monopoly and the game of life and that one with the dice presser in the middle (trouble?). they also probably go on walks a lot and love sun-bathing outside on the grass together. they do basically everything together after the war, you can’t separate them, if you ever catch them alone then you’re Wrong because the other is certainly somewhere nearby. 
22. who made the first move?
AGGGH THIS ONE IS HARD. theres so many scenarios. like adora making the first move because catras being so teasing she cant take it anymore. and catra making the first move because she finally realizes that adoras too fucking dumb and shy to act on her feelings...i cant decide............
23. who brings flowers home?
both! at the same time. all the time. :) 
24. who is the best cook?
they’re both average! i think adora’s probably better at desserts simply because she enjoys it more and catra would just rather eat the food then cook it. 
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first sunsets
Written for the @quakeriderwritersguild Valentine’s Day Challenge who prompted me ‘Fitzsimmons and first kiss at the Perthshire Cottage.’ This was so fun and it’s literally just a soft moment. I hope you enjoy! 
{Read on Ao3}
Or read Below!
The sky is exactly the colour it would be in a children’s painting.
It’s the first thing she thinks whilst they get out of the moving van and begin unloading boxes. It’s exactly the colour of the paint she used as a child. So bright. So blue. So utterly full of possibilities.
“What you looking at?” Fitz asks, standing next to her with the ‘Office’ box in his hands. He peers upwards. “Something wrong with the house?”
“Oh, no,” Jemma smiles, shaking her head. “Just looking at the sky, is all. Very blue.”
“Very sunny,” Fitz remarks. “I wouldn’t get used to the sun if I were you. It’ll just lead to disappointment.”
“You do know that England is hardly Spain, right?”
“Look at the kind of Summer you guys get and get back to me on that!” Indignation suits him; his cheeks flushed with summer and righteousness makes him seem more handsome. However, he sidles over to her, nudges her gently. “Is kind of pretty, though.”
It’s ridiculously perfect and pretty, just the kind of moving day that one could hope for. “Gorgeous.”
He just smiles at her and shakes his head, as though he can’t quite believe it. Well, neither can she. They’re finally here. Outside of their new home in Perth, jobs as consultants and well-wishes from all of their friends with them. For the first time in such a long time, things actually feel alright.
She moves boxes out of the van, piling them by room on the front gravel. The moving van will need to be returned soon, and so they move quickly but still methodical. The sun begins to set but the day is still warm and it’s only when the last box is out, and her new house stands before her in the waning light does she realise how much it looks like home.
The box she carries goes down on the ground and, hands at her hips in a very Fitz-esque pose. Deep breath in then out. The country air smells unlike anything she’s ever smelled before. Well… that’s not entirely true. It smells like it did when she was a child, when she knew that, somehow, someday, she would move right back here after she had made a brilliant life for herself.
Looking over at Fitz, who carries a box labelled ‘Academy/PhD things’ from the bedroom pile to the office pile, she knows that her seven year old self would be very proud of her right now. And she knows that her selves from the bottom of the ocean, from the blue planet with no sun, from the framework, all know that it was worth it, now. She has done it for them. Given them the future that, finally, she knows is deserved.
“It’s nice, isn’t it?” Fitz moves to stand beside her, mimicking her pose. “Feels like we’re in a picture or something.”
Jemma looks at him looking up at the house, then looks at the seemingly endless piles of boxes all around them. Quite a picture they make.
“This is it,” she says, feeling suddenly sentimental. “This is home.”
“Aw, Jemma.” She feels him looking over, that half smile on his lips. “Home’s always been where we’ve been together.”
And just how does he do that? How does it spill so naturally from him? It would be rather infuriating if she didn’t love it so much. If she didn’t love him so much.
“Oh, I know.” Meeting his eyes, she matches his smile. “It’s just, well it’s just lovely to have a feeling of being settled, isn’t it? Something that’s ours and only ours, for once.”
Of course many things have been theirs over the years. So many moments that, stacked end on end, would reach into the infinite. Glances and touches and kisses that are theirs and only theirs and can only ever belong to them.
But she likes the idea of something tangible. Something to wake up in in the morning and go to sleep in at night. Somewhere to hold each other. Somewhere to, maybe, bring up their own family. It’s this permanence, this thing that cannot be swayed or altered or erased completely, that she needs.
His arm comes around her and she allows her head to fall into his shoulder. Once upon a time she only dreamed of this. “I know what you mean.”
Of course, he does. He’s Fitz. For better or worse, he’s always understood her more than she’s ever understood herself.
Her head goes up and his comes down and they meet in the middle the way that’s become normal of late. Kissing Fitz is not like it used to be. It used to be urgent. It used to be like it had to be right in that moment otherwise it may never happen again. She used to kiss him and taste desperation, and she thought he tasted it too.
It’s not like that anymore and thank God. Now she can take her time. Now it’s slow and soft and sweet because there’s more time. Now she kisses him and tastes love and knows that’s all he can taste, too.
They’ve come so far. Here, in this future, they have finally arrived.
They break apart. Forehead and against forehead. His hand on her cheek and hers around the back of his neck. Love love love all around.
“Well, Jemma,” he whispers, smiling in a way that makes her feel weak at the knees. “Welcome home.”
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