#i flinch when people call me “Ms”
I am pretty sure I'm not trans. Like, I check every few months, usually around the time a doctor gets weird about my genes. I do, however, also regularly consider removing the gender marker from my ID, even though it would seriously limit my ability to travel unhindered.
I am a woman. I like being a woman. Most of the times in my life I thought I hated my gender were related to fashion, but it turns out sewing machines can be laughably cheap and no one can force you to wear dusty pink to your cousin's wedding once you make your own money.
I just detest that a little letter on a little chip on a little card carries so many exhausting expectations. And changing it to "the" other one would only replace those expectations with the same thing in a slightly different color.
So once or twice a month, I play with the idea of just erasing it and making where I fit in statistics and what room I should pick a cubicle in to change into swimwear in and what random ass word should precede my name someone else's problem. Let the people who care figure it out, because I'm quite honestly exhausted with it all.
It would almost be worth the pain of getting all my ID updated. Almost.
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flowerbetweenfangs · 5 months
Cream Filling: Chapter One
Warning: Use of drugs and dubcon.
(MC is dosed with an aphrodisiac and is all too willing... But you know)
This was originally posted on A03 and is my most popular work, so I thought I'd put it here.
I hope you enjoy.
Lightning flashed overhead, lighting up pitch black streets for an instant. Elle Shepard nearly slipped on a horribly placed patch of mud. Windmilling, she caught a streetlight and came to a stop. A crack of thunder made her let go. Another bolt struck, enveloping the buildings and pavement in a brightness that was almost blinding, before a loud boom shook the windows.
Finally, she came upon a neon sign, showing a drink being shaken, then poured into a martini glass. The glass then changed to a coffee mug, the shaker into a pitcher. The words read: Ramses Brew, Bar and Café.
Pushing open the door, Elle stepped inside and pulled down the hood of her raincoat. Closing her umbrella, she stuck it in the container with the rest. Music played, pool balls cracked, conversations blurred together in one continuous hum. A bartender passed out drinks, moving with inhuman speed.
Walking up to the bar, Elle took a seat on the stool near the end. Reaching into her bag, she pulled out a stack of papers and set them on the polished wood.
“What will it-” The bartender flinched at her, their nostrils flaring. Their voice sounded like many people talking at once.
“Oh, you’re the human.” They reached into their pocket and pulled out a phone. Tapping on the screen, they sent a quick message and put it away. They dropped their voice and leaned in closer to her. “Sorry, our drinks are a little too strong for your kind.”
They were most likely a demon, with horizontal lined pupils and a pair of antlers. Their sunken face showed a skeletal structure that was more deer than human, with a slight brown fuzz instead of fur. Their hands were coal black, their fingers tapering off to a clawed end.
“Can I just have water?” She swallowed, her mouth suddenly dry, her heart fluttering. Focus! The job was more important than a one night stand.
“Of course.” They bowed their head, before going to a new arrival at the bar.
Sighing, Elle debated pulling her hood back up when she felt the eyes on her. No, she’d have to get used to the stares if she wanted to get this job. A human woman, with dark hair and hazel eyes, wearing dress pants and a button up peach blouse. No horns, fangs, scales, or a tail. Not even markings that would signal she was a mage or tied to someone with magic. 
Swinging her leg back and forth, Elle sipped at her water, looking around the bar. There was a pair of trolls playing pool. A pair of drow were in the corner, looking like they were discussing more… Intimate plans. A human looking man sat on the couch, a cane between his legs. A spread of cards were on the table in front of him, small black wisps curling around them. He seemed to be the shortest occupant, he was probably a head and shoulders taller than her. 
“Ms. Elodie Shepard?” The voice made her turn.
An angular face stared at her. It was human in appearance, but black scales appeared like freckles, shimmering in the low light. A pair of ram horns curled around cheeks, the ends sharpened and looking ready to puncture anything that got near them. He was dressed in a white button up shirt and a red vest, with a black tie. He was young, appearing to only be in his early to mid 30s.
“Yes!” Elle held out her hand. The speaker took it in shimmering black hands that were very large compared to his body. They left a residue on her skin that she tried to discreetly wipe off when he turned around, looking at the loft above. "But please, call me Elle." 
“Let’s go talk more privately.” He walked to the bottom of the stairs, unclipping a chain that indicated the area was closed until the morning.
Elle nodded and followed him. Stepping aside, he allowed her to go first and clipped the sign back in place. Once the links were formed, a small bit of magic rumbled through the floor, making Elle’s knees weak. Gripping the handrail, she kept herself from falling and quickly climbed up.
Once they were in the loft, Ramses clapped his hands and a few candles lit. The light was warm and calming. There were a few couches set up, with a coffee table between each pair facing one another.
Taking a seat, Elle set her papers on the table and cleared her throat. Even with the water, there was still a tickle in her throat.
“Alright,” The man sat down. “So, as you may know, this is my business. Ramses Sesbrun.” He pushed his glasses up his nose. “I appreciate you coming out so late, but since demons don’t do so well in sunlight…” He shook his hand back and forth like he was tipping a scale. “I still have a limited staff, so I don’t have much of a day shift.”
Elle nodded. “It’s fine. I’ve got this.” She reached into her shirt and pulled out a silver chain, with wire wrapped around an obsidian stone.
Ramses flinched at the charm, before clearing his throat. Elle quickly stuffed it into her shirt and shuffled her papers.
“Alright. So as you may have noticed, we have a bit of a uniform.” He gestured to his attire. “It doesn’t matter if you prefer skirts or pants, just make sure it’s got a white button up shirt under your apron and a tie or scarf.” Inhaling sharply, he adjusted his glasses again. “We have a very diverse staff. If you do get the job, expect to work with all kinds of people.”
Elle simply nodded. “I know it is probably a strange thing, getting a human to apply.” The thought of being around so many demons and patrons of the “other side”, it was somewhat exhilarating.
“A little. But your safety is promised here,” Ramses insisted. “I’ll do what I can to make sure that you and your fellow employees are comfortable in this environment. Everyone here is just looking for a place to unwind.” He smiled at her, showing his teeth were fangs.
Shifting uncomfortably, Elle gave a smile. Those fangs looked like they could leave some decent hickeys. Wait, no, she had to remain professional. “Erm, not to sound too forward, but the job posting mentioned pay?” Right. Stay professional.
“Oh, right.” Ramses picked up a staff of his own papers from a table next to the couch. Flipping through the stack, he left small black thumbprints on each page. No wonder he needed help with the kitchen and other places. He probably couldn’t even touch the food he served his customers.
Finally, he stopped at what he was looking for. “I know the pay is high, but that means I’ll be expecting more from you. But if what I’ve heard about humans is correct…” His cheeks flushed. “Sorry. I don’t mean to rely on stereotypes, but I know humans are known for getting things done faster.” He clicked his mouth closed, not wanting to insert his foot into his mouth.
“Then you’ll be happy to know I fall into that!” Elle said quickly, hoping her tone didn’t sound too desperate. “I promise I’ll be fast and get the work done!” She clasped her hands together. “I just really… Need a job.” A job that seemed to offer a lot of eye candy...
Ramses nodded, taking her papers and flipping through them. “I’ve already read what you sent me, but I just want to make sure…”
He made a couple more noises of affirmation, before setting the now spotted pile down. “I don’t know if you’ll have a uniform on standby, but I think we might have something in your size. If you are willing to come in tomorrow, then I can have Wrecks and Horac show you the ropes.” Tapping a finger to his lips, Ramses’ brows knit together. “You don’t have Arachnophobia, do you?”
*** “Welcome to Ramses!” Elle called out, bowing her head. When she straightened, she ignored the look of befuddlement from the new arrivals. “Just two?”
After seating the pair, she bid farewell to some patrons as they left. They acknowledged her, but seemed more confused than anything else in her presence. When the door closed behind them, she went to quickly clean their table.
Despite looking bulky, the maid outfit they had provided her was light and cool, with a long skirt, deep pockets in the apron. She’d brought her own tights and comfortable shoes. Her hair was tied into a pair of buns to keep it out of her face.
The morning rush was a surprise. Most demons were supposed to be unable to walk in sunlight, but that didn’t stop the clientele from coming in, carrying parasols, charms to protect them, and even wrapping themselves in bandages.
The newly arrived pair were dragonborn, who had quickly fallen into an in depth discussion about maidens and maids. When she approached them with her notepad, pencil to the paper, they quickly quieted.
“Can I recommend one of our Ashburnt Scones?” She asked. “They’ve got an arsenic glaze!”
After taking down their order, Elle quickly scampered to the kitchen and placed the paper on the counter.
“A pair of Coalpressed Muffins with Ashen Dustings!” She called out.
The Drider at the stove nodded, pulling out some blood red pancakes with a tar like topping that he set on plates, the two smaller legs at his waist doing small clean up details. A pair of triple lens spectacles balanced on his nose, which he was constantly adjusting to allow a different pair of eyes to see. Despite his name being “Wrecks” he actually seemed rather dexterous and nimble.
The second was the boarman, Horac, who was frying several cuts of meat and eggs. He seemed immune to the open flames, casually reaching across them to turn over a large slice of ham. Elle tried to not think too hard about the implications.
“Breakfast rush is almost over, rookie.” He said, his voice barely audible over the chaos of the kitchen.
“Thanks!” She took the plates and lined them up on trays, before rushing back out to the main room with the orders.
“I can’t believe a real life human is here,” A goat headed man said as she passed.
“I know. And so fast, too.” Their companion appeared human, but their teeth were too sharp. Enough to pass the line from sexy to frightening.
Just smiling, Elle passed over their food, which they quickly began to ravenously tear into. The remarks, while strange, seemed mostly positive.
By the time the morning rush was over, Elle’s feet were killing her. She collapsed into a chair once the last customer left.
“Elle, can you tell Ram I’m coming in late tomorrow?” Horac said, not giving further details as he went out the back. The bell chimed as he left.
“Sure.” She merely lifted her hand to give a wave he wouldn’t see.
“I’m going out for a smoke,” Wrecks said, his voice jolting through her. He hadn’t spoken all morning, only cooked and passed the orders to Elle. The dishes and counters were clean, so she wasn’t going to complain.
Once the ache had mostly gone, she got up and went to change the menus over. The bell chimed again when her back was turned, and she quickly turned back around.
The newcomer had silvery hair, a pair of fox ears twitching on his head. His eyes were closed, his mouth pulled into a vulpine grin.
“Welcome to Ramses!” She tried to pour in the sugary sweetness that customers loved. “I’ll be with you in just a moment.” Hopefully, Wrecks wouldn’t mind serving up breakfast still. “So, he did have a human on his payroll.” The new patron muttered to himself. “How quaint.” A bushy silver tail waved behind him.
Elle felt herself blushing. “Can I get you anything? Our Blasterjelly rolls are a customer favorite, along with our Hadesfire Pomegranate Tea.” She reached for a menu to shove in his hands. His gaze seemed focused on her, despite his eyes being closed.
“No,” He held up his hand. “Thank you. You served my friend earlier.” Reaching into his sash, he pulled out a box about the length of his hand, the width of two put together. “He’s too shy to show his gratitude in person, so he sent me in his stead.”
Setting the box on the podium, he turned on his heel and gave a backward wave, the bell chiming as he left.
Frowning, Elle used her pen to open the corner of the box. Inside, she saw a small flat pastry, the side of one showing a beet colored paste. Picking it up, she realized they were covered with powdered sugar. Setting it back down, she closed the box and stuffed it under the podium. How odd she’d been given a human friendly dessert.
“Ready for round two?” Wrecks asked when he came back in, wiping his hands on a towel.
“You know it!” She brushed back her hair, pushing the fox man out of her mind.
The bell chimed, a trio of trolls coming through, looking like they’d gotten off a construction job. A goat headed woman burst through the door behind them, looking frazzled. By the end of the second shift, Elle was nearly laying on the table. Her feet and back ached, her hair was a mess, and the uniform was rumpled.
“And my favorite part of the day…” Wrecks said, flipping the sign to indicate they were closed until the bar opened. He laughed to himself as he went to tally up the totals.
“Count this for me to make sure my math is right.” Taking the cash from the drawer, Wrecks slid it to her. He poured himself a sludge looking coffee, enough steam and heat coming off it to fog up his spectacles. Sweat trickled down his brow.
Elle’s stomach growled, and she found herself blushing. While his lower half made her nervous, his upper half was certainly handsome.
Right. Focus.
“Oh, right.” Wrecks paused. “You can’t…” He struggled to find the words. “Eat anything on our menu, can you?”
“Not without getting violently ill,” Elle admitted, before remembering the podium. “Oh! Right!” Rushing to it, she pulled out the box. “I was going to pack my lunch, but I woke up late!” She’d actually slept in her car because she was terrified of missing her first shift. It wasn’t like there was anyone waiting for her at home. And driving nearly half an hour both ways seemed like a poor use of her time.
Sitting next to the money, she took out one of the cakes and took a bite. Powdered sugar flew around her in a cloud, sending residue all over the uniform.
Keeping the cake in her mouth, she nursed at the paste and counted out the cash, keeping notes. Once she finished, she paused over the calculations and finished eating. Then, she quickly ate a second, barely tasting it as it went down.
“Get some actual food,” Wrecks chided. “I can smell the sweetness from here. Where did you get that if you didn’t pack your lunch?”
“Apparently one of the customers really liked my service and gave me a gift.” Elle shrugged. She looked down at her tips for the day, her breath catching in her throat. How much money did this damned clientele have!? Pulling out her wallet, she quickly signed off on the amount and collected it. Looking down at her uniform, she excused herself to the bathroom.
There was no way she was going to risk getting it dirty and looking unprofessional. If she was going to be making money like this every day, she was going to take this job seriously. Going to the restroom, she did what she could to clean up her uniform. No way was she going to take a dock in her pay to pay for the outfit.
Her face felt hot. Slipping off the apron, she unbuttoned her blouse and splashed water on herself. Looking in the mirror, she saw her cheeks and neck were crimson. The blush spread even further, hidden by her shirt.
Slipping off her blouse, she stared at the sleeveless shirt, which only showed off more of her flushed skin. It was still hot, but more bearable. And she was NOT undressing more. Splashing her face again, she got her hair damp. Slicking back her loose bangs, Elle took in a deep breath.
When she walked out, she saw Wrecks looking at the cakes. Holding one between his thumb and forefinger, he squeezed it. The paste oozed out, dripping onto his fingers. He had his phone to his ear, waiting for someone to answer.
Elle was about to complain he’d ruined part of her gift, but his expression was serious. It sent a twinge of worry through her, followed by another hot flash. This one made her head spin, and she quickly sat down.
“Where did you get these?” His voice was sharp.
“Some guy dropped them off. Um… Foxy.” She started to recall his face, but all it did was cloud her mind with other details she’d overlooked. The way his collar bone peeked out over his robe. How veiny and strong his hands looked. His lips, perfectly glossy, the fangs peeking out with his grin.
“Shepard?” Wrecks asked.
“Hmm?” She smacked her cheeks to try and refocus. “Where was I again?”
Before Wrecks could answer, the person on the other end picked up.
“Yeah.” Wrecks tossed her a damp towel.
Wiping it across her sweaty skin, Elle began to inhale deeply. She felt hot all over, her body starting to shake. Every fiber of her clothing brushed against her, scraping her raw.
“I’m sure it was him,” Wrecks’ voice sounded like it was coming from the other end of a tunnel. “Bet my first born on it. I could smell fuckery on the box.” He looked over to Elle, licking his lips nervously. “She seems fine now, but I don’t want to touch her, could you get a hold of a human doctor?” He paused, nodding along with the speaker, small grunts escaping his mouth.
“Alright.” He hung up, inching closer to Elle.
“That was Ramses. He’s on his way.” He pulled another towel off the counter and soaked it in icy water, before passing it to Elle. “Those cakes were laced with… Something.” He frowned, brows coming together.
“I guess it was Tanpopo’s way of saying hello…”
“Who?” Although Elle was sure she had a good idea who the Drider spoke of. Her insides twitched, needing to be filled. Sweat trickled down her neck and back. Slowly, she laid down in the booth, her legs facing the wall.
“An asshole who runs the bakery down the road.” Wrecks jerked his thumb behind him. “He thought it would be funny to “prank,” He added air quotes. “Some of our staff last year by spiking some cakes and tea with Hellfire Mint.” Three pairs of eyes watered at the memory. “Most of them were fine, but one of our hosts got sent into early labor and had to go to the hospital.”
Fanning herself with a menu, Elle panted. “I wish I’d been warned.”
“Well, there hadn’t been any problems since then,” Wrecks explained. “Horac was a pretty decent deterrent.”
Elle’s mouth was suddenly dry. The heat was becoming unbearable. Her legs refused to budge, each breath making another flash of arousal go through her. “I’ll get you some water.” Wrecks excused himself, quickly coming back with a glass. He passed it to her. “Now, I’m not sure how long this is supposed to last, but Ramses seemed pretty sure he knew what it was.”
Their hands touched. Elle let out a cry, dropping the glass. She shook, nearly convulsing as the need seized her.
Wrecks jumped back, his legs skittering across the floor, unable to gain traction.
Elle was on her feet, grabbing the front of his vest and pulling him to her. Their lips nearly brushed.
“No no no no no no!” He said rapidly, using his front legs and arms to push her away. “It’s flattering, but you are in no condition to be initiating this!”
His skin was scalding hot against hers. She grabbed his clothing so tight she thought it would rip. Pulling him close again, she ignored the impact of his front legs against her skirt.
“I’m terribly sorry, Shepard.” Wrecks said, before she suddenly couldn’t move.
Looking down, she saw she was covered with white bindings. Webbing kept her still, binding her legs together below the knees, and her arms below the elbows. He then pushed her back into the booth.
The bell chimed. Nostrils flaring, Elle thrashed around to try and sit up as the scent of Demon hit her.
“Oh, thank Arachne.” Wrecks backed away. “You made good time.”
“Of course.” Ramses' voice thundered in her ears. Elle’s lips parted slightly as she continued to wriggle around, trying to get free of her bindings. “Leave us. This is easier if there’s only one target.”
Wrecks didn’t have to be told twice. He picked up his scant belongings and quickly scampered out the door.
Ramses stood in front of the booth, his crotch the perfect height for-
And he was gone.
The door locked.
Then, he was back.
“You’ve ingested Asmodeus Fruit,” He explained, pulling out a knife. “Better known as Lustberries.” Looking at the blade, he set it down on the table. “Hold still.” His visible skin was wrapped in bandages. To protect him from the sun?
The order made Elle still, the only movement was her shaking with desire.
“I’m going to cut you loose. But you have to promise me you’re not going to jump on me. Okay?”
Despite the words barely registering, Elle nodded, her body still trembling.
Ramses cut the bindings, his bandaged hands brushing against her. Unlike with Wrecks, it didn’t send a jolt through her. But his scent, the way he panted with exertion… She found herself leaning forward.
“KNIFE!” He yelled, shoving her back. His hand hit her protective charm, and both of them went flying back. She hit the wall hard, and he slid into the front counter in front of the kitchen. Wincing, he slowly got back up, rubbing the back of his head.
“Are you okay?” Her legs were still bound. She started to climb out of the booth.
“Stay!” He commanded, getting up.
Elle’s legs became weak, and she nearly face planted on the floor. Catching herself, Elle held onto the corner of the table. Her charm hung low. 
Ramses rushed over, cutting her legs free.
“Now. Listen.” He shook his finger in her face.
Nodding, Elle leaned forward.
“Go to the loft.”
She rose up, the charm snagging on the corner of the table, the wire wrapping coming undone and the stone falling to the ground, sliding under the booth. 
Her feet slapped against the floor, she nearly tripped over the chained sign as she ran. But she was up the stairs, lungs and chest heaving. Collapsing onto the couch, she felt the heat rolling over again, almost unbearable. Clothes continued to rake against her skin so roughly she thought it would make her bleed. Her hands went to her top, trying to pull it off.
“Okay, Elle. I need you to listen to me.” Ramses said, coming up in the loft. “Normally this stuff wears off after a few hours. But it’s demon fruit, so humans suffer-” He let out a surprised noise as Elle rushed over to him.
When her hands touched his shirt, she realized he wasn’t wrapped under his clothes. Working her fingers through the gaps between his buttons, she touched her fingertips to his bare chest. The heat of his skin made her shudder.
Dropping to her knees, she started to unbuckle his belt.
“Elle!” He said sharply. “Hold on!” Grabbing one of her buns, he held her head in place. Lips parted, she looked up. Panting, she reached for him. Despite denying her advances, his erection was growing quickly.
“Here.” He pulled out a vial, a white liquid inside. “Drink this first. I know it’ll be nasty, but-” As he spoke, the white liquid suddenly yellowed and seemed to become crusty.
She grimaced.
“I know. But the other cure is… Not ideal.” He offered her the vial. Uncorking the top, he pressed the glass to her lips.
Slowly, he tilted it. Once the liquid touched Elle’s lips, foul gelatinous sludge tried to worm its way into her mouth. Pulling back, she sputtered and coughed. Eyes watering, she shook her head.
There was glass breaking, and the liquid spilled all over the floor. The fog was gone, but Elle suddenly felt so hot she started to claw at her clothes.
“You’re going to hurt yourself!” Ramses grabbed her arms, straddling her. His erection dug into her as he pinned her to the floor.
“Elle, listen to me.” His breath was warm against her skin, caressing skin, the wetness from it sliding down her body. 
Closing her eyes, Elle thrust against him. Ramses let out a distressed yelp, before gripping her tighter.
“Fuck me…” She moaned, rubbing against him. A wet spot was left on Ramses pants, although she wasn’t sure if it was from him or her.
It was getting so hot she felt like she was going to pass out, black spots filling her vision. Her clothes felt like they were tearing large chunks of her skin off.
“I’m… So sorry.” Ramses picked her up off the floor, setting her down on the couch.
“For what?” She grabbed his shirt, pulling him down. Their lips almost touched, but he turned his face so she kissed his horn.
“You’re in no state of mind…” He knelt between her legs. “Just let me try something.” Taking her tights, he clumsily pulled them down. Catching the waist of Elle’s panties, Ramses left her completely bare. At the sight, averting his eyes, Ramses cheeks turned crimson.
“Yep…” He struggled to find the words. “That’s certainly Asmodeus fruit.”
Elle touched herself, spreading the soaking lips wide. Grinding against the couch, she felt herself drenching the fabric.
“Okay.” Ramses draped her legs over his shoulders. “I’m going to try something. If it doesn’t work, then we have one option left.”
Elle nodded, but her mind was buzzing. Grabbing Ramses by the hair, she shoved him into her drenched folds. Whatever response he had was muffled, making her shiver.
His tongue began to trace her lower lips, before he slipped it inside. Ellen held his head in place, biting her lips as he continued to lick. Reaching up, he seized her thighs and spread her legs wider. His breath made her tingle.
Closing her eyes, Elle focused on the sensation, the heat now concentrating in her lower half. Ramses’ head bobbed back and forth, the sounds of licking and sucking so loud in the empty loft. She let out several moans, trying to lock her legs around his head.
Keeping her legs open, Ramses continued to lick, before exposing her clit and swirling his tongue around it. Elle moaned, releasing his hair and grinding against his face. “Come for me, Elle.” He groaned into her, his breath so warm. “Come for me, please.”
Letting her head lull back, Elle moaned and grabbed the couch tight enough to feel the fabric start to rip. She felt the orgasm start to build, each lick eliciting another cry from her. Eyes watering, she nearly screamed when Ramses plunged his tongue inside.
But before she could release, it was like slamming into a brick wall. White filled her vision as the heat became a searing pain. A scream escaped her and she shuddered, falling to the side.
“S-stop…” She panted, tears streaming down her face. “It… It hurts.”
Ramses pulled back, his bandages around the lower half of his face now loose. They were soaked with Elle. Small bits of skin were visible. Despite the pain in her lower half, Elle grabbed Ramses by the shirt. She then climbed on top of him, rubbing her aching groin over his crotch.
“Fuck me, please.” She begged, continuing to grind against his hardness.
“Hold on.” Ramses pushed the table to the other couch, his glasses askew. Picking Elle up, he placed her on the couch. Unzipping his pants, he let them fall to the ground. His fully erect cock came forth, beads of precum dripping from the tip. Elle leaned forward, wrapping her lips around it.
Ramses let out a surprised moan, knees nearly giving out as Elle sucked. Once the few drops of precum were swallowed, the heat drastically reduced. Panting, Elle pulled back and let her tongue swirl around the tip.
Then, she felt herself blushing. The reality of the situation began to crash around her. Pulling her head back, she quickly let go of Ramses cock and put her hands at her side.
“Um…” The wetness between her legs was almost unbearable. “I’m… Sorry.”
“It’s fine.” Ramses panted, sitting down on the table. “It wasn’t your fault. I understand if you want to leave now.”
Elle stared at his cock, swallowing hard. It was glistening with her saliva. She should leave. This was not only inappropriate, but they were both in a bad spot. But her body was literally hurting with need.
“Ramses.” Her face was probably tomato red. What had she just done? Ramses probably thought… “This wasn’t your fault.”
“I know. But I should have warned you.” He was attempting to put his dick back in his pants, which seemed to be a challenge.
“Erm…” She prodded her forefingers against one another, biting her lower lip. “This is super inappropriate. But is the antidote for this fruit…” Her voice trailed off as she became more flustered. “You know, demon semen?”
Mutely, Ramses nodded. “I didn’t want you to either get too excited or too disgusted.” He looked up at her when she stood over him. “Because I’ve been told it can be rather potent.”
“So, are you sure you gave me enough of a dose?” She lifted her skirt, showing him her wetness. “Because I would, uh, prefer not to go back to how I was.” Her legs shook, the blush filled her entire body.
Ramses’ eyes went wide, and he took off his glasses, setting them down on the table. “I’m not sure. It’s not an exact science. But…” He was cut off when Elle kissed him, straddling his lap.
“Oh.” He kissed her back, looping his hands around her waist.
“Elle,” He said, his voice muffled by her mouth. His pupils dilated slightly, the blood vessels thickening.
“Hm?” She pulled back, her arms around his neck.
“If you want to wait, the lust will wear off.”
Elle thought about it, but shook her head, “I want to do this.” She nibbled at his exposed skin, hands running up and down the nape of his neck.
“Very well.” He stood, keeping her legs wrapped around his waist.
Setting her back onto the couch, Ramses straddled her, pinning her arms above her head against the armrest.
“Are you still hot?”
She nodded.
Taking Elle’s shirt, he slid it off and let it fall to the floor, leaving her in only her skirt.
“Aren’t you?”
“Sunlight.” He gestured to the windows.
“Consider this… Paid overtime.” Nudging her legs open, Ramses lined himself up, prodding against her slit. Each touch made Elle gasp, grinding against him.
Then, he slid inside. Elle gasped, instantly clenching around him. Ramses gripped the back of the couch, letting out a surprised whimper. Leaning down, he wrapped his arms around her and began to thrust. Once her arms were free, she let her hands explore him.
The touch seemed to encourage him further and he hilted himself.
Elle screamed in pleasure, digging her nails into Ramses’ shirt. Covering her mouth with his, Ramses began to pound into her, each thrust making her see a flash of color.
“God,” He said between thrusts. “You’re so tight.” His breath was warm against her face and neck. Leaning down, he nibbled her neck. “I…” The blush returned to his face.
Elle pulled him back, their lips meeting again. Pushing her tongue into his mouth, she let them dance as he found his rhythm and continued to pump back and forth. Each moan encouraged him, and he went harder.
As the thrusts went deeper, Elle cried out, her back arching. She ran her hands down Ramses shirt and vest, the fabric chafing against her skin. Unlike her own clothing, it pushed her closer to the edge, but she felt herself hitting the wall again.
Her breasts began to bounce, and Ramses groaned, his legs and buttock suddenly clenching.
“Please!” She begged, squeezing him tightly. “Finish inside me!”
“Fuck!” Ramses yelped, before he released, the fluid spilling out of Elle. Panting, he shuddered, placing his hands on either side of her head. Sweat trickled down his face. Clenching, he thrust against her as he emptied everything inside.
The orgasm finally came, and Elle clenched, wrapping her legs around his and pulling Ramses close. Shivering, she panted and closed her eyes.
“I think… That’s enough.” He slipped out of her and sat up on the couch, his softening cock still shimmering with her wetness.
Elle shuddered, then slowly sat up, rescuing her shirt from the floor and holding it up to her chest. She was covered with the strange black residue from his hands.
“I am very sorry about that.” Ramses zipped his pants up and buckled his belt. “I completely understand if you want to quit.”
“Umm…” Elle worried at her lower lip. “You see, I didn’t exactly dislike it and I really need this job.” She couldn’t even look at him without blushing.
“I could tell.” Ramses eyes went wide and he put his glasses back on. “Although I’m not sure how much of that was me or the Fruit.” He rubbed his face. “I’m going to kill that fox the next time I see him.”
Elle swallowed hard, thinking of the cakes. “Um, before you get all worked up, shouldn’t you get ready to open the bar?”
Ramses rubbed his face with a sigh. “I’ve got some time.” He looked her over. “I know you live farther away, but do you want to get cleaned up at my place? Er, not that I’m inviting you back over for...” He let the silence hang in the air. 
Sighing, Elle nodded. “One thing at a time. I need to get this ‘antidote’ off me before it leaves a stink.” The scent of sex was already making her dizzy and flushed.
Helping her up, Ramses helped her dress and helped her back down to the main gathering area, collecting the charm from the floor. Stopping at the umbrella holder, he pulled out a parasol and opened it. When he took a few steps outside, he suddenly staggered.
Wrapping his arm around her, Elle helped him walk.
“It’s not too far," Ramses explained. “Erm, so, about what happened.”
“My lips are sealed,” Elle mimed locking her lips and throwing away a key. “As long as you don’t tell the others about me trying to blow you. And everything else.”
Ramses stifled a noise and looked away. “It’s fine. Just erm… Expect a bonus on your first check.”
“A bonus?” Now she was starting to feel like it was some sort of hush money.
“I take… Very good care of my employees.” Ramses frowned. “It’s hard to keep them on.” Swallowing hard, he sighed. “Elle, what I did back there, I promise I’m not normally like that. I know demons have a reputation for being sinners, but I don’t want you to feel I took advantage.”
“Too bad, I had a lot of fun.” Elle blushed at her words. “Sorry, was that too much?”
Ramses bit at his lip. “No, but I am your boss. I don’t want rumors to spread.”
“I understand.” She felt the rest of the heat finally leave her body, leaving her head clear. “But don’t… ever be afraid to ask. I um, headed after this job for a reason. Not just for the pay.”
Ramses hid his face and nodded.
If every day was going to be like this, then this new job was going to be interesting. She’d have to apologize to Wrecks tomorrow.
At least there was hazard pay.
(You can read part 02 here!)
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goldenamaranthe-blog · 6 months
Apple Seed 7: Demons
Charlie: (nestled into bed and surrounded by a maternity pillow to help prop up her heavy set baby belly) Are you sure you're alright with me going to bed early? I can stay up a little longer and help with the new residents' paperwork.
Vaggie: (cups Charlie's cheek and brushes her thumb over the bright red circle, slipping her finger into the well hidden dimple camouflaged underneath) I'm sure, hun. I can handle it just fine. I'll be in bed in about two- (checks the bedside clock) -two and a half hours.
Charlie: (pouts) But-
Vaggie: (presses a finger to Charlie's lips) No, no hables más, mi amor. You've been sleeping horribly for weeks. If you're tired, you should sleep. I can take over so you can rest. ¿Comprende?
Charlie: (huffs childishly but eyes slowly soften as she kisses Vaggie's finger) Yes, Ma'am. I understand. (snuggles under the covers and strokes her belly) I love you, Vaggie.
Vaggie: I love you too, querida. (kisses Charlie's forehead) Good night. (slowly exits the room and shuts the door with a soft click)
Vaggie: (sighs heavily and shuffles down the hall with an uneasy stride and hunch in her shoulders) Mierda... What am I going to do?
Vaggie: (enters the office and sits behind the desk, slowly opening a side drawer to reveal a hidden flask and pulling it out to take a pull of the liquor inside) Fuck.... Now, I'm drinking by myself because of this... Shit....
Vaggie: (bites her lip and pulls out her phone) I cannot believe I'm doing this. (dials the number and sets the phone to speaker)
-Brrrrrrrrd! ....Brrrrrrrd! ....Brrrrrrrrd!-
Carmilla: Carmine Industries. State your business.
Vaggie: (nervous) Uh, hello, Ms. Carmine. This is Vaggie Morningstar.
Carmilla: I'm well aware who you are, Vaggie. That's the point of caller ID. What do you want?
Vaggie: (under her breath) Gee, aren't you just as perky as ever. (clears her throat) I'm... in need of some... ugh...shit.... advice.
Carmilla: .............I'm listening.
Vaggie: You have two daughters.
Carmilla: How astute of you.
Vaggie: Smartass comments aside! (gets quiet and nervous) How... do you do it?
Carmilla: ..........I must say. Normally, I'd pride myself on being able to understand most nonsensical babbling, but I'm not quite following yours. Elaborate.
Vaggie: (sighs and sinks into the chair) How do you do it? Hold your kids when you have blood on your hands? (stares at her palms and flinches as flashes of deep crimson blood stain her fingers before returning to normal)
Carmilla: I see. This is about your prior Exorcist work and the baby on the way, isn't it?
Vaggie: (nods sullenly before remembering that she's on a voice call) Fuck! Yes! This is about that! How can I hold a perfect little being after everything I've done?! After all the people I've killed here in Hell? (flood gates open as her emotions run wild and tears sting her eyes) I know Charlie has forgiven me, but what if I hurt them? What if... I'm not good enough?
Carmilla: .............
Vaggie: (slowly calms down and wipes the tears from her eyes)
Carmilla: (softly) Because when that child is born, the hands that you once used to kill will be used to protect something even more precious than you could ever imagine.
Vaggie: (blinks) Carmine?
Carmilla: That innocent, perfect little baby will rely on you for everything the moment they're born. Your wife will rely on you to help her shoulder the burden. Do you honestly think that child will care about the people you killed when they only know the love you've given it? The care you've provided to it and it's mother?
Vaggie: But.... what if I-
Carmilla: Taint it? (huffs a laugh) With what? Slightly sullied hands that may or may not be covered in spit up? A child isn't tainted by the past sins of a parent, stupid girl.
Vaggie: (glances at her hands and watches as the blood washes away to a gross, white milky substance and cringes at the thought of spit up) Not sure how much I want that either....
Carmilla: Just remember to burp the child thoroughly between changing breasts if the princess is breastfeeding, and especially after. It should help with any projectile vomiting.
Vaggie: (smiles softly and relaxes) Do... you have anymore words of maternal wisdom for me? I... uh... feel pretty useless right now.
Carmilla: Hmmph. (sits down at her desk and leans back in amusement) Grab a notebook, and I'll give you a few tricks of the trade.
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lilacgaby · 2 days
title: i'd fight the sun for you, my love
pairing: barbarian!kirishima x borrower!reader
summary: when kirishima finds you, a tiny human(?), stealing from his things, he finds that you've stolen his heart as well.
notes: ask, secret life of arriety inspired bc that movie is so cute, yandere kinda
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kirishima was sunbathing out in an open field. he had just finished a long treck through the caverns of a dragon. he was finally shutting his eyes.. when he heard a scuffling noise behind him.
he turned around to see.. a small human grabbing all his jewels? a needle keeping your hair held up, a fitted red leotard and leggings encapsulated you as you stuffed thing after thing into your small bag.
at the realization you'd been caught, you'd dropped all your splendors and ran to go back to your home, a hole in the ground.
it was too late though, the barbarian was faster and caught you easily.
he looked you over, sitting you in his palm as he examined.
"do you.. understand me?"
you nodded, feeling odd under his gaze. you were taught to fear people like him, to never let a human see you, to run as fast as you could away.
this guy was making all your red flags go off. sharp teeth? jewelry? tall? he had abs?
"what are you? some kind of elf?"
"i'm a borrower! not some elf!"
"huh? okay.. ms borrower.. why were you stealing my stuff? that's really expensive you know."
"it's what we do! and you can always get more random guy."
"that's not the point-- it's the principle."
"whatever! let me go to my home!"
"what's wrong..?"
he let you down, bending down to the grass to let you scurry to your home.
he turned around, getting ready to lay back down when he heard rushed running back. you tapped on his legs, tears in your eyes.
"[name]. and there's a- a spider. can you kill it for me? it's in my house!" you wailed, clinging to his leg.
"oh. i got you [name], im eijiro, just.. hold on."
he put you on his shoulder, looking at the small hole you called home.
he set off a bit of fire into the hole, killing the spider,
but burning all your things along with it.
".. did you just incinerate all my stuff."
he rubbed the back of his neck. "oops?"
you yelled directly into his ear, making him promise to travel with you until he got back all your stuff.. plus interest.
he agreed, and so it began.
he grew infatuated you to a strange degree, you'd catch him staring at you often, always wanting you in his arms.
you'd be safe that way, he assured you.
if anything so much as made you flinch it'd get incinerated.
it progressed as your travels did, the satchel with your stuff getting bigger and bigger.
he'd make note of all the things you'd like to eat, to do, to read, he'd fill your days with stories and happy memories.
he'd make sure you slept comfortably, foraging cotton and leaves so you'd sleep on a plush bed.
he'd never make you go hungry, adding days worth of travels onto his journey just to get you your favorites.
he'd dress you now too, grabbing flowers and snipping pieces of his fabric to decorate you.
like a little doll.
but his possessive nature grew too, it started only with bugs, but it ended with creatures. other humans too, he'd even hurt one of your own kind.
but it was all for you wasn't it? don't make him feel guilty, you're just so helpless, so small.
you couldn't leave, you needed your stuff back right? you needed him.
you realized, even though you weren't in a cage, you'd been caught.
and you could never escape the barbarian, who was now planning on taking you to his home. forever.
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tag: @eyeofthetiger501
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writerswall26 · 7 months
My Sweet Cairo (Part 5)
Synopsis: The Ravens' Soccer team Captain fell in love for Cairo Sweet
Warning: Slight cursing, Student-Teacher relations, Anger rage. Other than that, none that I know of (but feel free to correct me)
Words: 1.7k
Masterlist | Previous Part | Next Part
A/N: This chapter is a bit of a let down in my opinion, but we finally got something about what happened to Y/N's dad. Happy Reading!
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Cairo met up with Y/N before the day of the meeting. Cairo was smiling, walking to her like there was nothing wrong. But Cairo's smile faltered immediately as soon as she saw Y/N's distant face. She was not smiling, she didn't look happy like she usually does, she was not welcoming Cairo in her arms. There was nothing.
"What's wrong, babe?" Cairo finally asked when she got in front of Y/N.
"Drop the charges against Mr. Miller." Y/N went straight to business.
Cairo furrowed her brows. "What? I was just doing what was supposed to be done. He was going to fail me for midterms." Cairo reasoned but Y/N was having none of it.
"He gave you a chance, didn't he? He told you to write another story. Why didn't you?"
"Because! I wanted to write something different, I know I can and I did! If he can't accept that I did way better than he would ever be, then I'm sorry."
"Why are you doing this, Cairo? You're gonna ruin his life, his career, for what? He's a great teacher and you know that, so why?!" Y/N shouted, making Cairo flinch as she saw the anger in Y/N's eyes.
"Baby, please." Cairo tried to hold Y/N's hand but it was swatted away, making Cairo furrow her brows, pain written all over her eyes. "You're supposed to be on my side. I'm your girlfriend, I am the victim here."
Y/N stayed quiet, staring at Cairo who was looking at her with pained, pleading eyes.
"You seduced him, didn't you?" Y/N finally spoke, vindication in her voice. Cairo's eyes widened with the accusation, tears streaming down her face. "You seduced him, because you thought he was an easy target. You seduced him so you could get an inspiration to write on your admission essay. And then you turned to me."
Cairo's head was shaking at this point but Y/N continued on. "You know as well as I do that even if I fail a class, my GPA would still be far ahead of yours. I'm in the way of you being the valedictorian, of you putting something in your portfolio. You used me, just like how you used Mr. Miller and Winnie. Because that's what you do, Cairo, you use people."
"You don't know what you're talking about, Y/N so stop right now." Cairo said, her voice shaking as she stared at Y/N who was standing tall in front of her, her eyes cold and emotionless.
"You know what you are, Cairo? You're a fucking trash in this world. You and your kind, spoiled rich girls who would do anything just to get what they want, to get what they need just because they can. Everyone who loved you... Winnie, Mr. Miller, me, even your fucking parents gave up on you because you're a fucking trash!" Y/N got a slap on the face because of that. But Cairo immediately regretted what she did.
The taller girl turned to face her with a devilish smirk. "Your kind killed my father... and I will not let you do the same to Mr. Miller." Y/N said before she walked away from Cairo who slumped on the wall, tears flowing down her eyes, sobs being heard in the silence of the night.
The meeting started with the directors questioning Mr. Miller and Cairo in the same room. There were certain instances that they would have the same answer but usually, Mr. Miller's answers were on the safe side while Cairo's stuck with her answers during her talk with the Vice Principal.
Everything was falling down bit by bit for Mr. Miller when Y/N was called inside the room to be questioned as well.
"Will you testify against Ms. Sweet?" One of the board members asked Y/N who nodded.
"Yes, sir." She answered, not even giving Cairo a glance.
"How do we know your credibility on the matter?" Another director asked.
"Cairo Sweet is my girlfriend, or rather, was my girlfriend. I know it would seem a little bit off and you might think I'm doing this to get my revenge on her but I'm not. I've been Mr. Miller's student way before she was his student so I can vouch that I know Mr. Miller better than Cairo's ever known him." She spoke with precision and confidence.
The board of directors looked at one another before the head nodded. "Thank you." Y/N said.
"What do you know about Mr. Miller's extracurricular activities outside the class? Did you ever see them leave the school together? Did Mr. Miller give favouritism towards Ms. Sweet? Anything you know." One of the directors asked.
"I might've seen them together once or twice outside of school, but it did not seem anything intimate. I saw them at Vanderbilt once, they were talking, I didn't see anything wrong with it though. It's a poetry parlour, they're both writers." Y/N said, slightly twisting the truth for Mr. Miller's favour.
"And the other instance you saw them together?"
"I was riding my bike on the way home, I'd pass by Cairo's house before I got to mine. I saw Mr. Miller pulled up in front of Cairo's house. I thought it was weird seeing him there but I also saw him giving back her phone. He left after that. She even told me that herself."
"What?! What are you talking about? You weren't there!" Cairo was getting frustrated. If anything, she knows Y/N's stories sounded more credible than hers, but for some reason, she still couldn't find it in her heart to hate this person who's ruining her life.
"Mr. Miller did not deny when he was asked if he entered the house, Y/N, I'm giving you one chance to tell the truth." Vice Principal Manor told Y/N who turned to her with a pointed look.
"Miss, you know as well as I do that the accusation of a student against a teacher for inappropriate relations outside of school is not easily overlooked. Whatever Mr. Miller's gonna say to you, there would always be suspicions in your mind if he was telling the truth or not and yet, you could easily believe a student without proof? Why is that?" Y/N said, slamming her hand on the table, making them jump in their seats.
"Calm down, Ms. Y/L/N. We just want to get to the bottom of this, on why Ms. Sweet passed an inappropriate print of a short story, telling us that Mr. Miller agreed to it." One of the directors said.
"But he didn't. He gave her another chance to change the short story, he did not accept that story. Look, I lost my father, because of a case like this—" she was about to be stopped but she stood her ground. "No, I promise you this is relevant. Please." She said, looking at all of them. And when no one said anything or protested, she continued.
"My father was a professor back in Australia, one semester he had a student who was so wise for her age. He was amazed by her. Like Mr. Miller here, he showed favouritism, gave her special treatment, if you must say. But like Cairo here, she mistaken my father's favouritism for something different, something inappropriate. And when my father told her that it was strictly a student-teacher thing, she blew up. Reported my father, told baseless lies about him until he was gone, his career, his reputation, all gone. No one stood up for him. And then he shot himself in the head."
Y/N could see the uncomfortable fidgets of everyone inside the room. She could hear their thoughts loud and clear. But she was not done yet.
"So why do you think, Ma'ams and sirs, would I lie about something as incriminating as this? You're crucifying this man, who by the way, did nothing wrong. What? Because of a student, whose ego is so bruised by the rejection of her teacher? She was the one who came on to him, not the other way around, I can assure you that much." And she was done.
There was silence inside the room for a couple of moments before the head cleared his throat and straightened himself up. He gave Y/N a small smile before he nodded.
"We'll take your words in heavy consideration with regards to this case, Ms. Y/L/N. Thank you." He said.
Y/N nodded once. "I hope you make the right decision. Thank you for letting me talk." And she was out of the door just like that.
She waited outside of the meeting anxiously, her legs are bouncing and she's even paced back and forth until the door opens and out goes Mr. Miller.
"What did they say? Did you lose your job?" Y/N asked anxiously, staring at her teacher who smiled at her.
"Suspended. For the entire semester so I won't see you be a valedictorian. They took your words for it. Thank you." Mr. Miller said, holding a hand on Y/N's shoulder.
The taller girl smiled widely. "You're not gonna lose your job. But what are they gonna do? Students would speculate and all that. Are they gonna release an announcement?" She asked, her brows furrowed.
Mr. Miller nodded. "To prevent further rumours and speculations from ensuing, they're gonna release an announcement saying that all charges against me are dropped and untrue."
"How about the lady wife?"
"We've already filed for divorce. It's better that way."
"That's too bad. But hey, for what it's worth, maybe you'll find inspiration to write again." Y/N said with a huge smile, slight back handing her teacher's arm which made him laugh.
"And how would you know that?" Mr. Miller asked, looking at her with a knowing smile.
"Because I know that when I get to Harvard and you happen to have it in yourself to finally release a book, that I would brag to my mates that my English teacher back in Tennessee wrote it and would laugh at how unique it would be." Y/N said, a flash of pride seen in her eyes as she said that.
"You talk too much, let's get some coffee."
"You gotta apologize for being a dick to Coach Boris, you know? He's kinda like your only friend in this town." Y/N told her teacher when they got their coffee and finally sat down.
Mr. Miller hummed, looking kind of guilty as well. "I really do need to." He agreed.
"Buy his biscuits." She joked which made him laugh. "No, but seriously, Mr. Miller. Take accountability for what you said to him. He's not actually quite wrong, you know? He wasn't cleaning his own dirt, he knows it's there, but he owns up to it. I'm not saying that what he's doing is right, but you know what I mean."
Mr. Miller nodded, giving her a small smile. "Sometimes I forget that you're still young." He said, smiling proudly like a father.
"People tend to think of me that way, yeah." She smiled before they continued to talk about literature and harvard.
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kit-williams · 24 days
Perturabo & Penelope Drabbles
Collection of random ass plotpoints that will eventually be made into proper fics (also remember ya'll if you wanna be on my regular non-husbandry tag list please ask me)
@bispecsual @egrets-not-regrets @moodymisty @bleedingichorhearts @liar-anubiass-blog
@thevoidscreams @barn-anon @gallifreyianrosearkytiorsusan @squishyowl @ms--lobotomy
@nekotaetae @sleepyfan-blog
Non tag list people but people who I want to see this @the-raven-lady @remembrancer-of-heresy
So how this goes will be
A one line premise
the blurb
Pertrabo asks Fulgrim something (Pre Horus Heresy)
I realized something that Bo might had only casually thought of. He'd be going into their marriage knowing he would outlive her. She went into it and was fine probably musing she would be the first of many perhaps Perturabo was initially content but then asked Fulgrim about it suddenly seeing the sadness in his eyes... maybe getting such raw advice as to "treasure her. They live such short lives." or "Perhaps you'll marry again akin to how they might get another pet. It will never be the same as that first one... the one you're so madly in love with... maybe you'll marry again"
Penelope's reunion with Perturabo: Peaceful
Penelope's part Her hair was out of place as she bit her nails... she could hear his voice... telling her to stop biting them. The ship had been boarded... Castor was the Judas goat... eager to welcome mother home but be a beacon to let Bo know exactly where she was. Ajax was being ferried to the secondary safe zone. She didn't know what a demon was... but she was trembling and there would be no Bo to comfort her in his arms just tucking her under his chin and making her feel like she is the most precious thing in the galaxy. She knew his footsteps... the room was dim as she took a final drink of wine to calm her nerves. The Automata outside were quiet... of course they wouldn't shoot their maker. She turned and looked up at the doors... before having to look down and only seeing a man a head taller then her with the most striking blue eyes... and cornrows of wires- "B-Bo?" Perturabo's part He might as well utilize his lesser used powers... he hardly cared about the shapeshifting and how he looked. But the way she looked at him and flinched as his hands were finally able to cup her face as they should have been. To kiss her as she deserved! To feel her form press up against his in a way that he only held fleeting desires for... the sensation of her wrapping her legs around his waist. His nose pressing into the skin of her neck as he had memorized this delicate smell ten thousand years prior... he always told her he would be okay with her death but he was a filthy liar... he had lied to himself and to her. He wasn't ready to lose her when he did... and no he wouldn't ever have to as now the Iron Mother would be /eternal/
A part just right after the part above and them having passionate sex this is some conversation they had just laying in the afterglow
"She was right Bo." She finally said with her head on his chest... it was quiet. It disturbed her and as if he read her mind she could hear the beating of his hearts again. "I know. I knew after I killed her." He says softly just drawing on her back, "I also realized you would have stopped me if you were there." He says staring at the ceiling he designed, every piece in their bedroom he designed and made. "I blamed myself. I had called you to follow me to Olympia. Even if you couldn't stop me from doing what I did you would have stopped me from being a monster." "What do you look like now?" He held her tightly shaking his head how many baselines looked at him in horror... how many tried to kill themselves. "No." He said in a tone to not question him. How easy for him to slip back into being a husband.
@bispecsual's character study/read of Castor
Castor is such a sad dude, he wanted to be at her side, wanted the glory of protecting his legion mother for so so long and he never got the chance, now she’s back and she hasn’t changed at all. It’s been no time at all to her, the universe hasn’t had a chance to break dear sweet Penelope who was always so kind to them all. He wants that love again, he wants her to smile, he wants to be her son again. His eyes would flash to that warm brown she remembers from uncountable lifetimes ago she’s now learning, just like his father he’s trying to look how she remembers him. “Aren’t you proud of me, mother?” He smiles with the giddiness of a little boy showing off a trophy he won, his teeth are too sharp, there’s blood smeared on his armor and she tries so desperately to remember the fresh-faced neophyte who positively beamed at her from his scout battalion. “I’ve risen to the rank of warsmith! Isn’t that grand?” He wants to grab her hands, wants to press them to his face and feel softness for the first time in so long. Father had always been selfish with his wife’s touch, glaring at any of their sons he stepped a bit too close to the warm maternal hearth fire of the Iron Warriors Legion. Some of his older brothers (the apothecaries) even got to touch her belly when she was pregnant, they said it was quite odd feeling Ajax kick from inside her womb but he still had wanted to experience it. She was back now, and so was their littlest brother, the heir of Olympia, little Ajax. He could finally have everything he wanted. He didn’t even notice the conflicted horror on Penelope’s face as she stared up at him. Oh sweet boy what had her absence done to you?
Penelope's reunion with Perturabo: Violent
Angsty ass idea: Penelope decides to fight and over the ship’s vox she addresses the 5000 men with her and asks them to help defend the ship with her. She may not have been a fan of fighting but she’s still the Iron Mother, it’s still her duty to defend her family. “I would never ask that you die for me, my sons. But today I will ask you to die WITH me if necessary.” Those on the bridge salute her. As if they’d ever refuse a call to arms from their legion mother But of course... How could she win against a Primarch? Much less against a Demon Primarch... She held Ajax tightly as it was getting quiet. Tears fell as she sat on the command throne just waiting. Castor came in looking like a kicked dog. Her sons were dead or captured but most likely dead given who her husband was. She tries her best to be strong... but she fails as tears roll down her cheeks. "Mother..." Castor says softly as others enter the room as bolters are holstered. She looks up at the impassive face looking down at her, "So now what." She says trying to sound fierce and defiant but it comes out broken and small. "You come home. Lest you want /all/ your sons dead." Perturabo says with blood... most likely Antioch's smeared on his weapon. He did not like to twist her arm... but he knew sometimes it was for her best... sometimes he had to manipulate her into behaving. She opens her mouth to say something before he murmurs, "No. I will not hurt our son." Again reading her mind as she stands up holding Ajax protectively as her attendants come back closer. She feels Perturabo pick her up as that move cements that it is over... she is back in his grasp. She sniffles as she feels him press kisses into the side of her head as she is carried to the Iron Blood. The Iron Amaranth is draped in red as she weeps for her sons as she is carried away as the warmth of her ship is replaced with such a cold cruelty of the Blood... she tried to fight the Lord of Iron and she broke first.
The Iron Mother with Perturabo receiving an unusual visitor
She looked down at the visitor ... hardly any of her husband's newer sons came to visit her. He did not look like a typical Iron Warrior... not as stocky. "Have you come to see the mother of Iron?" "Yes." His voice said. "I am a curiosity." She spoke with a warmth that all of her sons deserved even if these new ones frightened her. But it is why he kept her locked away in this seemingly endless place with what feels like a real sun... real weather... just it feels like a slice of Olympia. "You are. Castor talks of you fondly." He says and he watches her warm smile spread over her lips as she stands up and walks closer. She had begged and pleaded for her guards lives eventually promising to eventually bear Perturabo another child. "He is fond of me. What is your name?" She asks looking up at him. "I am Honsu." "Ah the half breed." She says before motioning for him to kneel as she looks over him. Touching his chin looking into his eyes before she hugs him and places a kiss on his temple. "A half breed you might be but like all my sons you get all of my affection."
Penelope confronts Pertruabo
I wrote enough that it would be its own short stand alone blurb HOWEVER I have a timeline for the Pertrabo and Penelope plot and really do not want to post stuff super out of order
Penelope realizing she's not dealing with the same Perturabo (No dialogue because it hasn't been planned yet)
She said too much... Penelope pales... She let out all her frustrations and sadness out at this thing that was in front of her far too small to be her husband yet he was! Her makeup ruined from the hot tears that ran down her cheeks as she crossed a line she looks down trying to figure out how to apologize but she wasn't sorry for everything she said just she knew she went too far. Her head snaps up when she feels his hand move her chin up... his face unreadable and a part of her was naturally scared. She wasn't ready for the soft kiss on her forehead and the gentle smile from him as she listened to him... validate her concerns and feelings... pointing out where she let her emotions get the better of her and misremembering things but recognizing her feelings in the moment? Penelope looked up at her husband confused as this was not the reaction she was expecting... the confusion leaves and is replaced as he whispers in her ear what he is going to do to her for her little outburst as she was thoughtless with her words... his tongue tracing her ear as he allows the extra bass in his voice, due to his ascension, to run down her spine. He could smell the immediate effect he was having on her body. And he couldn't resist as their hands gripped each other tightly and pulled at clothing that was in the way.
Lewd Idea: Penelope is a size queen; blame really only having a Primarch as a sexual partner for like a decade. And Perturabo being absolutely N O R M A L about his wife
Ajax the half primarch interacting with his demonic father
Ajax knew this presence! He knew it because it loved him! His formless body floated and rolled near the large warp presence as he popped and made his noises! Why wasn't he up? Was it like when mama was looking away? He needed this... he could feel mama holding him tightly... he missed papa holding him too... it has been so long since he was held by them both. Oh! He knew what do! He SCREAMED "PAPA" Shapeless eyes that burnt like fire formed and dissipated as they looked at the tiny floating "bundle" of wool. Both formless and shapeless... but they knew each other. 'pop' 'pop' 'pop' the little cloud made as tiny tethers tried to make their connections
Perturabo and Penelope being catastrophically in love with each other
there are moments like that for them of... having to get use to the new "normal" The fact that you can only interact with your husband through what you eventually learn is basically a metal puppet because if you see what he actually looks like now you might go insane Perty: I’m kinda a psychic eldritch being now Nelly: so does that mean you're no longer interested in me- Perty: no no I love you still Nelly: wasn't finished... are you no longer interest in sex dear? Bo: I've been half mast this entire conversation Nelly: Perfect or Perty: I’m kinda a psychic eldritch being now Nelly: figure it tf out I want your dick Perty: WELL WHEN YOU PUT IT THAT WAY
Alternative reunion with Perturabo if she had gone to Roboute
Penelope had resigned herself already... Her stepsons were dying. Roboute and Ajax back on Macragge waiting for the Iron Warriors... Of course they hid her away. Of course, Bo would find her... She could feel his presence bearing down on her like a breeze behind her eyes... The taste of ozone on her tongue. She already dismissed the handmaidens and just waited by the window... Roboute had lied about his death it seems... Penelope closed her eyes at the sound of sickening crushing noises outside the door. She was certain he was going to kill her for her infidelity. She looked to the poison unopened nearby as she knew it was foolish for her to let herself be found alive but... She was a foolish and emotional woman... She wanted to see her Bo. "Blue doesn't look good on you mother." Castor says entering the room, "Don't you have anything more suitable?" Penelope smiled sadly, her face having more wrinkles and her hair with more streaks of grey, "Unfortunately no. You all weren't supposed to be here so I did not bring anything..." "Father is eager to see you." "To punish me?" She asks softly. "No," Perturabo's voice distorted by his vox forces her attention to him, "To bring you home. Just like those Epics you enjoyed reading."
Perturabo has an unexpected visitor
There was something else on his planet. He groused as he couldn't feel which pesky brother was trying to seek his aid without being seen. He doubts it was Mortarion given how they had fought recently... He had laid the rules that Fulgrim was not allowed... Angron was to be redirected... Magnus was allowed only to a few selected places keeping him far from where Penelope and Ajax were being kept... Lorgar was trapped... Perturabo frowned as he started to pluck strands of reality like a spider feeling its web for prey. He frowns as nothing comes up and yet the feeling remains... He goes to pluck the golden thread gently to respond to Ajax's near constant plucking of their warp bond. His fingers slip through it... His entire consciousness looks down at to where the tiny bundle of golden wool should be at the other end of the bond and all he can see is blackness and feathers. Perturabo's hearts seize... Corvus was in his domain... And Corvus was where his wife was! The grim thought that danced across his mind as he rushed down was that at least Corvus wouldn't make her suffer unlike Konrad... But still he moved with a dying hope that she would still be there even if Ajax wasn't....
Penelope witnessing his death (another she went to Roboute timeline)((the image is the inspiration))
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She looked back... She couldn't stop herself knowing there was a monster right there but she couldn't stop her mouth from forming the word for husband. It was her fault Macragge was being invaded... And it was her fault that flaming sword was stabbed deep into his chest. And all she could do was let out that dying shriek for him as his eyes never wavered from her own and she even through tears kept her eyes on him... It was her fault... And she would have to live with that...
Demon Perturabo being normal about his wife, the march of time, and totally not making anything profane for her
His mouth moved over each blemish of her skin being reminded how she got each one and where there was a fragment of his being the whole was deep in his workshop working... Flesh crafting... Because why should death come for Nelly? Why should he be /okay/ with only having her for a few centuries and even then her youthfulness will be gone after that first century... Why should he be okay with it? He never liked her being okay with being his "first" wife seemingly accepting the fact that she wouldn't be his only just accepting that her memory would fade in time... His tongue pushes into her mouth as she melts to his touch just as the flesh in his hands melts under his own... Fabius demanded a high price for his knowledge but it would be worth it. Each small scar was marked upon the skin...Flesh pulled to mimic Her stretch marks ... Even the odd asymmetry that she had on her face... The fact that her fingers on her left hand were millimeters longer then her right... Whimpers in his ear... Unlike from the body underneath his hands... He nuzzled the empty flesh body in his hands all just missing a soul to start it up. He wouldn't use it just yet... But in time she would have a form fitting for the wife of a Primarch... And he wouldn't have to worry about her falling to his corruption either... The high pitched sigh in his ear tells him she climaxed as his eyes return to the enclosure... He could feel the "rain" against him as they sat under a tree just enjoying a moment to themselves
Perturabo being a little evil (some of you might know this as being the gore sex idea...)
He rounds the corner looking at the body on the floor wailing... it shouldn't be awake or alive really. He could see the bone growth of the wraithbone construct having grown even when it should have been suppressed. He sends a son to go check on Penelope but as far as he can tell she is asleep and yet he can feel a shard of her soul in this imperfect body. "B- B- Bo." She struggles to say as her eyes are cloudy for Penelope it was a nightmare... hair and teeth falling out... pain... darkness... elements of the nightmares she was so use to having since coming here... she weeps wanting her husband to save her! To hold her while she sleeps... to feel... "Shhh I am here Nelly." His voice rumbles in her ear as her fingers grip his armor so tightly that the flesh rips free of the muscle. He should kill it and return the shard of her soul to her body... but his mask peels away as his blackened tongue licks her bottom lip as he closes the space between them... just a few kisses...
Penelope having a sensory overload in her new body
Penelope suddenly waking up in a body that feels too big for her... She's suddenly stronger.... Faster... Her mind sharper and she's scared because she went from feeling weakness in her joints and having to slow down to suddenly being in her prime again again thank you @bispecsual for the blurb Even better than her prime even. It would be overwhelming. Everything is too loud, too bright, too sharp. Al this information pouring into her mind at a speed she isn’t used to. Why can she hear Ajax’s little heartbeat rooms away? Why can she see the microabrasions on the cold steel walls? Why oh why can she feel this suffocating PRESSURE like a storm has been stuffed in the room with her? The choking, stifling, smell of ozone and the sensation of immense barometric pressure. She feels a touch against her cheek, so familiar but too sharp, too rough, on this skin that feels the same but not. She knows those calluses, she knows that warmth but instead of comfort it feels like sandpaper and glass right now. She hasn’t flinched away from her husband since she was a servant, but she can’t help it now. She doesn’t mean it. She tries to tell him that but her voice catches in her throat. Is it her throat? It doesn’t feel like it’s ever been used before. It’ll pass, she’s told. What will pass? What has he done? WHAT DID HE DO TO HER? My part again Perturabo's voice is soft... So soft as she struggles to control her body... She wails loudly as everything feels wrong and feels helpless and unable to control her body. Why do her limbs so heavy? She looks up at Perturabo trying to soothe her wiping away her tears all with a patient smile on his face After some time... Ajax looks at her with the same blue eyes as his father... A look on his face as if he /knew/ what his father had been planning... But Nelly would never accuse her son of that... No she just was feeling miserable and scared as she struggled to use her body again. She wasn't allowed back into her "home" until she could walk and talk properly again meaning she had to deal with what she was calling dealing with him Raw. It made her heart race and her feel like she was going to throw up and yet she could feel Ajax... That soft and fluffy feeling she always had with her son just amplified. She flinched at the sudden heaviness before the doors opened up to reveal the demon Primarch. She was upset at Perturabo but she had to wait to be able to voice it again... She was struggling to talk still and not bite her tongue off...
And Finally... another in the timeline of Penelope goes to Roboute first but of her dealing with the Inquisition
Pain blossomed through her cheek as she glared at the Lord Inquisitor who had dared backhanded her. If there was one thing she had learned being Perturabo's wife... it was /spite/ not that she didn't have much of it before becoming his wife but she learned how to weaponize it. The room was in an intense stalemate of guns and bolters and weapons all pointed, rifle red dots danced across his brow from outside the large windows. She exhaled from her nose like a grox bull as she turned back to face him; religious fanatics /all/ of them... but he especially so... "Was that that best you could do? I've had head serf mistresses beat me harder than that slap..." Penelope says ignoring the still red hot pain in her cheek. Such a passionate man stood in front of her as she goaded his anger. Her hand fiddling with the iron necklace... her finger pushing the hidden button on the Legion emblem on the necklace. A barrel pushed to her forehead, "Whatever trick you think you could pull isn't going to work. I don't see why the Regent bothered inviting /you/ in... a whore to a traitor." "Not a whore... a wife." Penelope says softly as if she is gently chiding one of her handmaidens, she is pleased that he allowed Ajax to be removed from the room by her handmaids. "Tell me Lord Inquisitor what do you know of my husband? Do you know how wonderfully brilliant he is-" She pauses inhaling remembering..., "How brilliant he was? How skilled he was inventing and crafting? He made the entirety of the Iron Amaranthos... all of her designs was his doing. So tell me... what do you know of him?" Penelope just smiles as he glares at her. "Tell me... do you feel like you have reflexes faster than a Primarch?" "What-" Her Iron Circle teleported in... two right next to her enveloping her within the personal shields of the automata. The Inquisitor was disarmed and two swords a hairs width away from his neck rested. Her Iron Circle was made to guarantee her survival... her sons were there to guarantee that Ajax could survive. "Aren't they beautiful?" She gestures to the automata. Iron Gladiolus flowers decorate the automata as they were far more visually appealing then his personal Iron Circle, "He hand made these." Her fingers brush along the delicate looking metal work, "Made to be exactly like his personal Iron Circle... made to keep up with a Primarch and be his honor guard. I told him they were overkill... it was far too much to give me five thousand of his sons and an Iron Circle of my own... much less four of them." Penelope's gaze dims slightly lost in the memory, "He told me four was only right since I was legion mother of the fourth legion." Sadness warbles in her voice but it hardens back as she looks at him leaning against Odysseys as Ares and Helios held the swords to his throat as Zeus took his place beside her.  /Why bother naming them?/ Perturabo said trying to keep the dismissive tone in his voice away. /Because you made them and everything you make gets some sort of a name/ "So Lord Inquisitor... Do you think your  reflexes are better than a Primarchs?" Penelope cooed pressing a kiss against the metal
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patroxlos · 2 months
home base . ch3
"friends who believe in mpreg" - 2.7k words
ultraman: rising (2024). kenji sato x reader
master post. ao3 link.
previous: ch2. "friends who reconnected and who certainly don't want to be more"
next: ch4. "friends who sleep on call with each other"
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Kenji endures an awkward interview with sports journalist Ami Wakita.
And is it monsterfucking if you're kind of into Ultraman?
A/N: So my dad accidentally bought me a coffee float instead of the coke float I asked him to get me. I ended up caffeinated at 11PM and began writing this in jitters. it's nearly 3AM. This is unedited and unfiltered which means: my writing is gonna be so unserious you will sit there and ask yourself "Is this writer different from the one who made the last two chapters?"
Hoping you can keep up with all my pop culture references. Motsubishi is such a silly little name. I was workshopping other company names like "Soni," "Yomaha," etc. but Motsubishi is giving Mob Psycho 100 brand parody.
Also, I refer to Ami as 'Ms. Wakita' connotes that she and Ken are still not that close, but as you would be able to tell while reading, they are begrudgingly becoming fast friends.
“Absolutely not.” Ken denies it immediately, with a slight aggression. “There’s no lovechild to speak of. We are just friends.”
Ami Wakita flinches a bit at his tone. “Woah, they weren’t kidding when they said you’re a bit defensive about her.”
“Who’s they?” He huffs, taking a bite from a strip of tonkatsu to calm down. He was glad that it is just him and Ms. Wakita in the restaurant at the moment. He would not want anyone to overhear their conversation about you. 
“Your friendship with the Motsubishi scion has been well-documented since the start of your professional career. Rumors about your couplings have been circling since before,” Ms. Wakita points out.
“No comment.” His media training kicks in with his mouth full.
She rubs her temple a bit. “What did I say about you showing a little vulnerability?”
“I didn’t even say anything about my dad before you psychoanalyzed me!”
“Well was I wrong?”
Damn, she’s good. “...I thought you were a sports reporter.”
“Reporting on the players’ personal lives is a big part of it,” she coolly responds. “You should read my articles on Ohtani’s translator embezzling his funds, or the Yuki Tsunoda puppy interview I produced.”
“This isn’t about puppies though…” His shoulders are tense. “She’s just been my friend for as long as I can remember. Her family has always been good to my family– especially to my mom–and I know how much they value privacy. She is at a really crucial point of her career working to inherit one of the biggest conglomerates of the world. She and I definitely wouldn’t risk a secret pregnancy.”
He is impassioned when it comes to you.
“Woah…Can I quote that?” Ms. Wakita glanced down at her phone recording their conversation.
He deflates. “Yeah yeah sure whatever. You’re right, this isn’t the first time someone has made up stuff about us. Lovechild is new though. The last time it was an arranged marriage.”
“If it helps, online reaction has always been generally positive at the idea of you two coupling up,” she tries to be helpful. “Both of you are celebrities in your own right. You’re both young, wealthy and attractive. It fulfills a lot of people’s fantasies. The engagement rumors came about only because you two have been publicly attached to each other for so long.”
It does help. A bit too much. His heart picks up. Of course Ken has read all the comments whenever those articles came out over the years. You visit him in L.A. whenever you could, and those visits helped a lot with maintaining your friendship. There are multiple photos of you attending his career-defining games wearing his baseball jersey— the oversized look making you seem like his perfect WAG sitting beside his mom.
Ms. Wakita reads this on his face, clear as day. She figures that he is telling the truth about you and him never ever being romantically involved, but there seems to be something additional brewing on the surface. Putting on an unassuming tone, she asks “So I guess that’s it? You both can’t imagine being involved?”
He leans back on his seat, confidently answering “Yes, we both think it won’t work out long term—”
He proceeds to unlean as the realization causes him to hunch over. Oh fuck. Oh fuck. Oh fuckity fuck. She really can get the devil to confess his sins.
She tries not to look too thrilled about his slip up, which he can commend her for.
“W-What I mean is that neither her nor me— it’s not happening. It never happened,” he stammers. He needs a new media trainer.
“I’m sure you recall that there have been photos—”
“Of her at my games? Of course she was, haha!” He did NOT need her to mention their other photos right now.
Please don’t.
Please don’t. Please… He is supposed to be moving on. Which he has!
“—that pop up over the years of you two being overly familiar.” She finishes.
God kill him. “All alleged. They’re too blurry to be sure it is us.”
“...Some looked like pro shots to me.”
Ken nearly slams his face on his tonkatsu.
“The one where you’re both getting smoothies at Erewhon was cute?” She sounds honest, and she is. She isn’t even going to report on this. It is already evident that the gossip is a sham, but she cannot help but want to tease the baseball player a bit, now that they are sort of becoming acquainted.
He sighs. “Thanks. It was the Ken Sato wheatgrass and bone broth blend. She didn’t like it.”
He remembers that day. You made a face when he tried to get you to take a little sip, so he blew some raspberries against your cheek and maaaybe just a little on your neck as you both stood in the parking lot; you were shrieking for him to stop as his smoothie-covered lips smothered your skin. All friendly, of course.
“Where did the lovechild thing even come from?” Ken thinks aloud. “She looks too great to be pregnant.”
Ms. Wakita, known single mother, asks “...Do women not look great pregnant?”
“Oh you know what I meant,” He snaps as she covers her mouth with a napkin to laugh.
She stops the recording on her phone to slide him the online tabloid article. Allegedly, he and you fought about him being an absent father at the restaurant last night as you have endured your pregnancy all alone. The story ends with a sweet coupling at the parking lot before you left on separate vehicles, a marker that neither of you planned to get married, or a possible abortion in the near future. What. 
“You have a thing for parking lots?” She tries to joke.
His eyes nearly bulge at one line. “‘ The Motsubishi scion ate for two as she devoured a Yakisoba platter all alone—’ It was a decently sized portion for a reasonable price! And I definitely am not an absent father!” He says the last bit with a bit too much vigor.
“I didn’t write it,” She tries to keep his emotions in check. “...I did nearly believe it for a moment though when you called me last night. Was it an hour or two after you met up with her at the yakisoba place?”
He admits that if he was in Ms. Wakita’s place, he would’ve also thought he was secretly raising a child. He wonders whether the Baby is awake right now, terrorizing Mina. “Totally unrelated events.”
“And the apparent baby book purchases in your credit histo— how did a gossip mag get that information?” She marvels as she scrolls through her phone.
He doesn’t know what’s worse: the world finding out that he is raising a giant baby lizard in his basement or people thinking that he’s an absentee like his own dad.
A red blinking light catches Ms. Wakita’s eye. “Are…you gonna get that?”
Not hearing her at first, he runs a hand through his face. God he really did not want to imagine your reaction to this news article. He promised you that it would not be weird. The past is past. If your friendship is already in danger, this might ruin things even further. Oh he can already hear the alarm bells ringing in his head—
Or from his watch?!
“Hey, you don’t have a kid growing in you right now, do you?” Your assistant asks you as she glances at your stomach.
You were both in one of your sleek city limousines on the way to a late evening banquet, where you are due to give a speech. The traffic jam in front of you stretches a kilometer. You follow her gaze. “I thought this suit was slimming.”
She passes you her phone. Huh. ‘Motsubishi Scion Gets Impregnated by Famous Baseball Star.’  You pass the phone back to her. “I don’t want to see the kind of porn you’re looking at.”
“Young Master, it’s an article about you and Ken Sato.” Your assistant was not in the mood for your jokes right now.
You just shrug, taking your phone out to send a few quick texts to Ken. You are sure he probably heard the news by now, and he will definitely agree with you that it is as hilarious as it is ridiculous. “It’ll blow over.”
As you look back out of your window, you’ve already forgotten about it. Seems like a slow day for the newsroom.
At the horizon, you see a PacMan proudly sticking out from the top of a building get knocked down by some beam of light. You yawn and stretch back out on your seat. “Can we go any faster? I want to get this banquet over with.”
Your driver sighs. “This new kaiju attack is impossible ma’am. Apparently, it is just running around without any clear direction.”
“Well I don’t think a monster would have access to KoogleMaps,” you reply wryly.
It was going to be a long night. You begin to settle in for a nap while people are exiting their cars and running out into the streets. Their screams of terror sound muffled inside your bullet-proof vehicle.
“Should we get out too?” Your assistant nervously asks.
You lift up your foot and rest it on your knee. “I’m wearing So Kates. I don’t think I can run either way.”
As you say that, your security detail at the front of the limo begins getting out. Ugh, Tokyo is the worst… You need to fly out soon. He opens your car door and extends a hand out. “Let me carry you, Young Master. Better to evacuate now.”
“Must I?” You groan in frustration.
“We can skip the banquet and take you home,” he compromises. Begrudgingly, you step out of the vehicle just in time for the pinkest…chicken lizard to pop up at the corner of the street.
Immediately, you are swept off your feet as your security detail rushes to escort you and your assistant away from that thing as fast as possible, the wind is knocked out of your lungs. You peek over the shoulder of your bodyguard for a better glimpse at the chirping beast.
You lock eyes with it.
Big mistake.
Because why the hell did it flitter with excitement and began chasing you?!
It keeps chirping, and… burping?... as it hobbles and stomps over cars. Your jaw drops as your limo is flattened like nothing. And for some strange reason, the monster’s eyes are solely trained on you.
Did I do something to piss it off? You ask yourself as it gets closer. You know you can be a bitch but you would remember if you told it to fuck off. No, this monster is chasing after you like it knew you. There was no aggression in its oddly proportioned body, like you are being chased by that grotesque baby in the Tin Toy Pixar short. There is no moral compass behind those beady little eyes, just the pure pleasure-seeking nature of baby hedonism.
It gets closer, and your bodyguard’s legs can only run for so long. He screams bloody murder as he feels himself get picked up, you along with him, by the beast. You hear another scream that sounds like your own voice as you feel yourself get ripped from your bodyguard’s grasp. The monster puts him back down on the street, his landing relatively gentle.
You are being shaken like a rattle now in its claws, its gurgling filling your ears. “Oh my god.” You feel yourself getting sick from the nausea. You never thought you were going to die like this. Your legs flail in the air helplessly but your So Kates stay on, pinching your toes like you are about to give them the best shoe advertisement Louboutin can ask for, with how it feels glued to your feet.
The ground rumbles as if a giant springs through the streets. Your life does not flash before your eyes, but you can hear it in your ears— a very clear ring of Ken shouting “Baby! Put down the human!”
You felt your body decompress as the monster’s grip loosened. Air returns back into your lungs, but you don’t find yourself returned to the ground.
Instead, you are being lifted up way higher into the sky as you lay on the palm of Tokyo’s hero: Ultraman.
You hiss as your eyes burn from the blinding lights of Ultraman’s unblinking lenses. “Are you okay—?” He says your name with a rising panic. You can swear you saw his chest light threaten you change colors. He is cradling you against it.
You did not know Ultraman can be this friendly with Tokyoites. You struggle to regain your ability to speak, a bit confused and frazzled from everything that just happened in the past minute.
The hero takes this as a bad sign. “Oh god you’re hurt.” There is an ache in his words that shakes up your own core. No one has ever sounded this worried for you.
Man is he bright . You try to shield your eyes from his light. You are brought up close to his face as he inspects your body. “I– I’m fine,” You manage to rasp out. You are initially not sure he heard you, but the evident sag of his colossal, broad shoulders affirms that he did.
You have never gotten to observe the hero this up close. Despite the unemoting face, you find his body to be an open book as it trembles with the fear of losing you. Even if he must be like this with every other citizen in need of saving, you cannot help but feel a little special.
“I was so worried— wait here for help.” He lowers you on top of a roof building, his fingers shaky, worrying about dropping you. You shakily slide off his palm, patting down your suit. You stumble a little on your stilettos, and instantly his massive hands crowd you once more to hold you up. " Please be careful."
“Ultraman!” You shout as you push away his fingers. “I’m okay, thank you!” You point towards the Tokyo Tower, where the baby-like kaiju was already climbing up. “You gotta deal with that first! Leave me, I’ll be alright."
“Huh? Oh, yeah, god… ” The hero curses, getting ready to sprint towards the tower. “Be a good girl and stay put, yeah?” He says to you before running off.
Your feet wobble on your heels as you nearly keel over from the adrenaline coursing through your body. That… you are never leaving the house again during a kaiju attack. Though… you watch as the slim figure of Ultraman begin to climb the tower after the kaiju. Maybe it won’t be that bad next time.
Later that evening in the Ultrabase, Ken excuses himself from the company of his father, Mina and the baby as he heads towards the bathroom for a long-awaited shower. His muscles ache with every step, and he is tempted to pass out on the cold floor— wouldn’t be the first time since getting this newfound responsibilities.
This is getting too overwhelming. He still cannot believe he felt so cornered against the wall that he had to call his dad for help like some kid. If only you saw him now. You were oddly closer to his dad than he was.
Oh shit, you.
You, who he left stranded on some random building.
He quickly fumbles for his phone, eager to call you to see if you’re alright.
Shit , he feels some tears of frustration welling up in his eyes. He is fucking everything up. He is a bad son, a bad father, a bad friend.
Ken opens his messaging app, and he first sees the texts that you sent earlier in the evening.
Hey bbgirl.
You pregnat? Pragnent?
My mom is gonna hand you a stack of 20M yen just to stay away from me. Are u g to take it so we can split it after? LOL
Not rlly in the mood to be ur baby daddy atm. get a DNA test before i send child support.
SENT LINK: Motsubishi Scion Gets Impregnated by Famous Baseball Star.
Bc if one of us left that restaurant pregnant it definitely would not be me
A/N: Ultraman fine as hell have you seen his waist?
This chapter was supposed to go A LOT differently from how it ended up being. It was initially supposed to be an extended conversation between you and your assistant about your past...whatever you had...with Kenji during your visits to L.A. But I actually really like writing Ken POV because him and I are pretty similar?
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chronicbeans · 1 year
Human Illustrator Wally x Reader (part 2)
Fun fact: I like to listen to music that fits the vibes of what I'm writing and I wanted something more cheery an whimsical for this... but my dumb brain likes sad/creepy music and I couldn't find anything I liked that was truly happy, so I ended up listening to Bo en's My Time while writing this.
TW: None
🐻 When you arrive at the daycare, you quickly show everybody the book. Opening it to the back page, where he signed it, you see his name scribbled down. It is slightly messy, with all the letters being capitals and the "L"'s being slightly sideways. From what you can tell, it fits his silly little personality.
🐻 However, right as you begin showing everyone the book, you remember that some of the kids won't be able to see it that well, if at all... Oh no, now you feel like garbage...
🐻 One of those exact kids, a little girl related to Howdy, the local store owner, asks "Can I hold the book? I wanna see if something I heard works!" You grow quiet, before saying "Sure." To your surprise, all of the kids are watching and whispering "Right... Let's see if it works..." What in the world are they talking about?
🐻 She holds the book in her hands, which you made sure to keep opened to the signature. She runs her hands across it, before she makes it to the signature. She flinches, before gently pushing down on it. Her little face beams with the joy of a thousand summers as she chirps "He cares! I can feel it! I can feel his name! Johnny! Johnny, get over here!" "You're right, Henny!"
🐻 You are shocked, as well as a bit confused. You don't understand and want to investigate, but you want to wait for the children to calm down and let them have their fun. Even a few of the children with no visual impairments are pressing their hands on the book, chirping that they can feel it, too. You have an idea as to what it could be, but you want to check, first.
🐻Henny calls you over "Ms./Mr./Mx. (Y/N)! Come on! Feel it! I know that you probably didn't think to do so because you can see it, which is alright, but it's so cool!" You gently take the book, staring at the signature, before placing your fingers on his name. Your suspicions are confirmed as you grin.
🐻 While writing his name, he must've pressed the pen down hard enough to leave an indent to let all the kids be able to experience his signature. "Wow... Henny, how were you able to tell he would do this?" Henny, as well as the other kids, all start speaking over one another. You can hear Henny's voice over the rest, though, as she practically shouts with pride "My dad is friends with him! He constantly talks about how Wally does things like that for kids! My dad was the one who gave Wally that idea!"
🐻 You look down at her, expecting the other kids to tell her that she is lying, however, they go along with her claims. "I saw Mr. Wally at his store a few months ago with my mama! He tries to do that thing where people dress up as someone else, but his blue hair is very recognizable!" "Yeah! He helped me reach that apple toy on the top shelf! He then got another one and bought it for himself!" "Howdy is so cool for knowing celebrities!" "Doesn't Wally also know Ms. Poppy, that baker? I saw a show where she baked a cake in the shape of one of the bears he drew!" "I heard Mr. Wally gets his clothes from Julie's Joyous Clothes Company and is friends with Julie Joyful, herself!" Slowly, but surely, the talks about Mr. Darling and Howdy knowing each other turns into children's gossip about which famous people Mr. Darling does and does not know.
🐻 You think about the number in your pocket, subconsciously placing your hand over it. You don't know enough to know if any of their gossip is true... But you have the means to find out more about the mysterious, cheerful man. You can also make these kids so happy by having him visit! They can ask him questions about what they want to know, too!
🐻 Mr. Abbott walks into the recreation room, smiling as he asks you "Looks like these kids have Darling Fever, eh, (Y/N)? Do you want to go outside to relax? It is, technically, your day off today. Andy can take it from here." You giggle at the words "Darling Fever", before nodding. "Yeah. I actually want to talk to you about something, if you don't mind."
🐻 The two of you walk outside, sitting on the bench at the front of the daycare. You take out the paper from your pocket, saying "Mr. Darling gave me his number to call if you ever want him to visit the daycare." He gasps, looking at you "He... gave you his number? That's amazing! Wait, why are you trying to hand it to me?" You tilt your head and you hold it out to him "Well... you own the daycare? So it would make sense for you to call?"
🐻 He shakes his head quickly "No, no... he gave YOU his number! He very rarely gives out his number to people. I don't know why, but I think it might be that he doesn't trust many people with it. So, I can only assume he gave it to you because he trusts YOU. If I called, he might be uncomfortable." You look down at the paper, asking "Really...? There is so much I don't know about him. Should I call to see if he can visit? He must be a busy man... I don't want to bother him while he is doing something."
🐻"It's now or never. I know you. You'll be too nervous to call if you don't do it now." You smile, taking out your phone and calling the number on the paper. It beeps a few times, before somebody picks up and says "Hello?"
🐻 You take a deep breath. You can hear the voices of the crowd at his book signing in the background. You must've called during it... You hesitate, before saying "Hello! Umm... Is Mr. Darling there? I am from the Apple Castle Learning Center. He gave me his number and told me to call to see if he can visit?" The man on the other end of the line hums in thought, then says "Let me go get him. He has been waiting for you to call. It might take a moment, so be patient."
🐻 You tense up, feeling your heart race. He has been waiting for you? You look to Mr. Abbot, who places a hand on your shoulder to try to comfort you. He whispers "You're doing great! You got this!"
🐻 The man on the other end of the line suddenly shouts "COMING THROUGH! MR. DARLING'S GOTTA VERY IMPORTANT CALL! OUTTA THE WAY! HE'LL BE BACK IN A MOMENT!" You flinch from how loud it is, but you are shocked when you hear Wally's voice in the crowd, asking "Did they call? Please tell me it's them!"
🐻 It takes a bit, but you hear the crowd's voice die out, before Mr. Darling says a quiet "Thank you, Barnaby." Then, your heart races when he says "Hello? Is this (Y/N)?" You grin, saying "Yes, it is! Umm, I was wondering if you would like to set up a date and time to visit the Apple Castle Learning Center?"
🐻"That would be just lovely. We can talk about it tomorrow. Do you want to meet up at Howdy's Place? I'm friends with the owner. We can sit and talk at the little cafe area near the back. They serve some lovely milk tea. We can talk it all over then. I know you have some phone anxiety from your tone." "Of course! How about we meet there at 12 PM?" "That would be lovely. I'll see you then. Goodbye, (Y/N)." "Goodbye."
🐻 You end the call, looking over to Mr. Abbott and telling him the plan. He pats you on the back, telling you how well you did on the phone. You write down some things you need to ask Mr. Darling about, such as what date and time would be best for him to visit, as well what activities would be best. Then, you suddenly realize something... You never told Mr. Darling your name and there is no name tag on your uniform. The daycare doesn't have enough funds to make them... So how did he know it...?
🐻 You write down at the bottom of the list to ask him about it at Howdy's.
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Tony Stark x F!Reader
Prompt: “i can't believe you don't like hugs."
Summary: you come home to the tower to hear that your teammate tony has been awake for days. you take it upon yourself to get to complete some much-needed self-care.
Warnings: fluff.
Word Count: 1,741
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The door sounded with a quiet, welcoming ding as the elevator arrived on your floor, the lights of your suite already on and pleasantly dimmed to accommodate to the tenderness of your eyes this late at night. It was a little before three in the morning, and while your flight had had no major issues and the traffic between the airport and Avengers Tower had been blessedly in your favor, it was still agonizing to be getting home so late.
It still surprised you how quickly you’d come to think of this place as more than just a place to sleep, more than what had originally felt like a ridiculously over-sized hotel room. It had been only six months since Loki’s attack on New York, and while the renovations to the Tower were not yet finished, your suite had been one of the first floors to be completed. And now it somehow felt far more familiar to you than any of the countless beds you had claimed over the last twenty-seven years.
“Welcome back, Ms. Y/L/N,” the cool, friendly voice of Tony’s personal assistant sounded from the invisible speakers above you. “I trust your journey was pleasant.”
“It was, for a nine-hour flight in a broken seat,” you replied with a sigh, stretching out the lingering kink in your lower back. You set your suitcase down by the elevator doors. “And how many times do I have to tell you; it’s just Y/N.”
“I’m sure only once more,” he replied. “As always.”
You chuckled, a small, tired smile lingering on your lips. “Are the others here?”
“Only Mr. Stark is in residence at the moment,” the A.I. informed you as you made your way further into your suite. You toed off your shoes, shedding your jacket and tossing it onto the nearby sofa. “Shall I inform him of your arrival?”
“Oh, no, I don’t want to wake him.”
There was a slight pause. “Mr. Stark is not asleep, Ms. Y/L/N.”
How an A.I. could have a variation in tone, you weren’t sure, but you stopped halfway to unbuttoning your jeans. “And how long exactly has Tony been awake?”
“…Almost eighty-three hours, ma’am.”
“I think I hate ‘ma’am’ even more than my last name.” you sighed, casting a glance towards the room to your left. The door was ajar, and you swore your bed was calling to you. “Where is he?”
“In the lab.”
A wall of sound greeted you as you stepped into the lab, and you flinched. It lowered immediately to a more bearable level, and you silently praised whatever part of JARVIS’ programming it was that could pick up on your discomfort like that.
“JARVIS,” Tony said without looking up from his work. “Don’t mess with my music.”
He was at the far end of the lab, moving between a couple of workbenches and the hologram of his latest designs with the disorganized, staccato rhythm you had begun to recognize as being a sign of sleep deprivation. There was a half-empty coffee pot on the bench closest to you, the scent of it gone stale. Tony’s clothes were rumpled, as was his hair, and you frowned when you noticed the shadows under his eyes. They were made darker by the blue light of the hologram between the two of you.
“I think we can do better on these reflector panels, J.,” he continued as though he hadn’t noticed you enter. “If this suit is going to work for stealth, I’m going to need the change to be instantaneous.” He waved a hand, and parts of the suit projected in front of him dropped away. “Scrap ‘em. Take it from the top.”
“Yes, sir.”
“Hello to you, too, Stark.” you said snidely despite your concern. “Or am I expected to call you ‘sir’ in here, too?”
“Only if you want me to get all tingly over it,” he retorted teasingly, finally pausing long enough to meet your eye. He gave you a genuine, if distracted and exhausted, smile.
“Most people just say ‘welcome home’.”
Tony returned to one of the benches, eyes fixating on a tablet screen. “Are you implying that I could possibly be ‘most people’?”
“Wouldn’t dream of it,” you replied, sidestepping an abandoned helmet prototype. There was an empty coffee mug sitting inside it. The crockery was stained with dark brown rings. You made you way around to his workbench, pushing yourself up to sit on the edge of it beside him. “Tony, when was the last time you got some sleep?”
“You know the answer to that,” he said, pointedly avoiding your eye and focusing his gaze on the work in front of him. “Or did you come all the way down here just for a hug?”
“A hug? Hardly,” you said with a scoff.
Tony met your eye, raising a brow. There was a teasing tilt to his lips, a challenge in his expression. “I don’t accept that.”
“Accept what?”
“I can’t believe that you don’t like hugs.” he said, straightening. He moved to stand in front of you, his hands claiming your knees. You felt a warmth spread up from where he touched you to heat your belly, and you straightened slightly, wetting your lips with the tip of your tongue. “I refuse to accept it. I mean, for a woman completely capable of breaking every bone in my body with her bare hands, you’re downright cuddly.”
As he said the last words he reached up and touched the tip of his finger to your nose tauntingly, and you wrinkled it in response. He chuckled, and you rolled your eyes at him. Something about sleep deprivation always made him lighter, more teasing. While his usual jokes were witty and occasionally flirty, when you found him like this, he was… softer. “Has anyone ever told you that you are a massive dork?”
Tony’s grin widened, and he stepped back, holding up his hands as though you’d just proved his point. “See, anyone else would call me an asshole, but you – sweet, innocent thing that you are – go with ‘dork’.”
“Oh, Stark. Trust me,” you snickered, pushing yourself up off the edge of the table. It closed much of the distance between the two of you, your chest almost meeting his. You made a show of casting your eyes down over him before meeting his eye with a smirk. “If you actually knew me, the last word you’d be using to describe me is ‘innocent’.”
Intrigue flashed in his eyes, a curve to his parted lips sending an unexpected thrill up your spine. He made move to speak, but you pressed a finger to his lips. His smile widened against your skin.
“I’m sure whatever you were about to say would have been rife with innuendo, Tony,” you said. “But honestly, you kind of stink. How long’s it been since you had a shower?”
“Y’know, I’m not really sure why I had to stick around for this.” you called out over the sound of rushing water, folding your arms over your chest. You were standing outside the penthouse bathroom, your back against the wall beside the door. Steam billowed out of the open doorway, clinging to your bare arms.
The water shut off, and Tony’s reply came a few moments later, his voice echoing off the tile. “And here I thought you were worried about my wellbeing, sweetheart.”
“You’re not exactly at risk of drowning in the shower, Tony,” you pointed out. You heard his answering chuckle and the sounds of cabinet doors opening and closing. There was a long silence, punctuated only by the quiet sounds of shaving cream being sprayed and a razor against skin. “And you survived it. So, can I go to bed now?”
“And miss out on this quality team-bonding time?” he called out. “Shudder to think.”
You scoffed, rolling your eyes with a smile. “‘Team-bonding’? We’re missing a couple of key members here. Unless you’ve got Rogers stashed in your shower caddy.”
“Not exactly the member I’d pick for that,” he replied as he stepped through the doorway, wiping at his jaw with a towel. Another was slung securely around his hips. Rivulets of water marked his bare torso, droplets clinging to his chest. There was a teasing smirk on his lips, and you swallowed. “Now, Romanoff on the other hand—”
“I’m going to stop you there before this conversation devolves into casual misogyny,” you eye-rolled, holding up a hand.
“I’ll have you know I’m an equal opportunity lech.” Tony shot back, amused. “I just didn’t think Thor would fit in the caddy.”
You snorted a laugh.
“Right…” you said. He’d missed a tiny patch of shaving cream on the corner of his jaw, and you reached up to wipe it away with two fingers. Tony’s smile widened as you wiped it on his bare chest. You cleared your throat as you realized the intimacy of your actions. “Well, you’ve managed to navigate the perils of a penthouse bathroom, Iron Man. Congrats.”
“So, what’s your excuse now?”
Confusion creased the skin between your brows. “For what?”
Tony’s smirk twitched, and you recognized the challenge in his eyes. Something in the pit of your stomach fluttered. “For turning down a hug.”
You laughed, shaking your head disbelieving. “God, Stark, you are such a—”
Tony took hold of your arm, surprising you by pulling you toward him and bringing his lips to yours. They were soft and warm, teasing with the taste of spearmint. The clean scent of his body wash enveloped you, his fingers gentle but firm on your arm. The warmth of his body – still bolstered by the heat of the shower – leached into your skin, wrapping you in a ghost of an embrace that made you lean into him. The kiss lasted only a moment before he pulled back again, that expression of taunting flirtation still in place.
You pressed your lips together, your skin tingling. “What was that for?”
He shrugged a shoulder, tightening the towel around his waist. There was an annoying note of nonchalance in his expression, and self-assuredness that told you he knew exactly what kind of effect he’d just had on you. “Call it a thank you.”
“I—” you swallowed, forcing your breath to steady. “Most people just say ‘thank you’.”
He grinned, his teeth grazing his bottom lip. “Didn’t we agree that I’m not ‘most people’?”
tags: @trekkingaroundasgard @ccbsrms @lina-mar@lovely-dreamer19@wittyforachange@wefracturedmotivation@january-echoes@glossyloner@capitalnineteen@youclickedthislink@s0ftness@castieltrash1@drakelover78@queenoftheunderdark@fandoms-pizza-wifi-ym13@lol-you-thought@sebbystanlover-vk@mikariell95@csigeoblue@abrunettefangirlnerd@babyblues915@aar-journey@moistpotatobear @capsironunderoos @bellamyblakemorley@diesinspanishbcimhispanic@sentimentalalien@agustdowney@akumune@xxboesefrauxx@patheticallysentimental@loki-is-loved
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The Sea Hare: Scene 2
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A Freminet x Gn! Reader
After giving in to the truth of your feelings for him, you try to come up with a plan to express them to Freminet. But before you can finish your brainstorm, you must give him a hand after a rough day.
It CANNOT be lame.
You were walking through the halls of Fontaine’s music college, your mind currently consumed with romantic confessions and beautiful fantasies.
You clutched your book satchel and walked down the stone stairs, leaving school for the day.
Maybe the fountain by the Opera Epiclese? Actually, he wouldn’t want to make a scene. I’ll have to coax him somewhere less busy. 
Your heel caught the step behind you and you fell. Your books slipped from the satchel and flopped down the steps.
A few of the kids from the Acting classes passed you. 
“Be careful, Y/N!” Eloise, a snarky girl who had landed the lead in the music college’s play, called mockingly. “Wouldn’t want you twisting your wrist and missing your deadline. Then, you really would be useless!”
Her friends snickered.
You stood, brushing your hands together.
“Almost as useless as you, if people like me didn’t write your lines.” You snapped. 
She rolled her eyes.
“Yes, yes. You are oh-so important. Ever waiting in the wings; ever a name in small print under mine.”
They walked away, leaving you and the pile of books.
“I don’t want to be bigger than you.” you grumbled, bending over and picking them up one by one. “I don’t need applause to feel worth something.” 
It did hurt, constantly being overlooked for someone who spoke words that weren’t even theirs. However, fate would have it that you weren’t made for center stage. You were made to be the genius behind it all.
You made your way back to the boarding house to drop off your things. You opened the door with your key and entered.
Ms. Maddie came over to you discreetly.
“There’s a blonde boy named Freminet come to see you.” she paused. “He's a little the worse for wear. I sent him to your room, I guessed you’d be coming home soon.”
“I’ll go up to him straight away then, thank you for not sending him away.” you nodded in gratitude.
She patted your shoulder as you walked away.
“I have a feeling he needs someone like you.” she remarked.
You stopped for a moment and gave her a little smile.
“I think so too.”
When you entered your room, Freminet was not immediately present. You saw his hat and diving gear sitting on your desk, his boots by the door.
You laid your book satchel beside them and slowly perused the room.
Then you heard the sound of the sink running in your dinky bathroom.
You stood before the door and knocked on it.
“Is that you, Freminet?” you asked.
The door unlocked and the knob twisted.
“Yeah. Sorry for coming unannounced.” a quiet voice replied through the crack.
“No matter, you’re always welcome here. Can I come in? Ms. Maddie said she thought something might have happened to you.”
Freminet opened the door wider.
He had a large bruise spanning his cheek and jaw, and some small cuts all over his face, neck, and legs. You noted a small towel, blotted with blood, on the bathroom counter. His eyes were full of shame and discomfort.
Your face immediately softened. You stepped forward, cupping his cheek and examining the cuts.
“Oh, you poor thing. What got you?” you gently graced a finger over one, causing him to flinch nonetheless.
“A-A dendro samachurl. The thorns-” he sighed in resignation.
You resisted the urge to pull him to your chest and say comforting things.
“They can be nasty.” you opened the cabinet and took out a box of small, round adhesive bandages, a few cotton swabs, and a bottle of disinfectant.
He watched patiently, knowing you would fuss over him in due time.
You opened the box and took out a handful of paper-wrapped bandages. He hopped up on the counter and you began disinfecting and dabbing at the scratches, covering each one with a tiny bandage. 
He didn’t say a word, as if deep down he felt like he should have been chastised rather than mended.
“The bruises are from when the vines hit you, aren’t they? You got battered pretty good then, if that's the case.” you said, attempting to make conversation.
“Yeah…” Freminet swung his dangling feet, drumming against the cabinet below; an action fueled by anxiousness.
“Ms. Maddie has some ice, we can wrap it in a damp towel.” you suggested, working on his legs next.
Freminet lifted his hand and ran it over the patches on his face. He tried to be aloof about his shyness, as your fingers pressed the sticky bandages to his thighs, calves and knees.
“That would be nice.” he mumbled.
“And you can stay here until you’re ready to go back to the House of the Hearth.” you put forth. “I’ll stay with you. I didn’t have plans anyways.”
He had told you the truth about the Hotel Bouffes d'ete a few months ago, after questioning why Lyney and Lynette still lived in their orphanage when they were clearly old enough to be on their own.
It bothered you a little when he talked of Arlecchino’s cold disposition, but Freminet admired her so that you couldn’t help but feel a sense of gratitude towards her for protecting him.
More importantly, you knew Freminer didn’t like going home immediately after getting hurt.
“I’ll stick with you then.” Freminet announced. “I don’t want to go back yet. I’d like to ice my jaw.”
You nodded, lifting his leg to see if there were cuts on the underside. He turned his head away, biting the inside of his cheek. He most certainly was not used to being touched like that.
The scratches on the back were mostly pink and puffy, nothing in need of covering. You dabbed at them with the disinfectant, the alcohol cool against his skin. He flinched a little at the sudden sensation on his warm skin.
You promptly become aware of his flesh in your hands. It was pale and smooth, with a slight dusting of freckles on the outer-upper part that disappeared under his shorts. Of course, there were fine hairs too, that felt downy and soft.
As you finished inspecting and addressing the cuts on his legs, you found yourself clearing your throat and shutting your eyes. You shoved some extra bandages in the box and shelved your medical items.
Freminet was practically boiling over. His eyes locked on the rings of the bath curtain, literally anywhere except you.
“Shall I go get the ice?” you suggested.
“Alright, I’ll be back. Don’t go anywhere!” you said with a slight laugh.
Freminet hopped off the counter, grabbed something off a rack, and followed you out of the bathroom.
“You’re forgetting the towel!” he thrust it into your arms.
“Oh, right! Silly me.” I couldn’t even think straight. 
Freminet didn’t even look at you, he turned and made his way to the window, leaning on the edge of your bed.
He’s been through so much. What does he think of when he’s alone?
You gave him a glance before leaving the room.
After you had gone, Freminet took a moment to look around. 
The sheets were pulled up neatly, but it was clear from the imprint that you slept on top of them under a mountain of blankets.
The desk and nightstands were practically smothered in documents; both for school and your work.
He found a small pile of interesting rocks and took a few in his palm for closer inspection. He then realized they weren’t just any rocks, they were the rocks he had handed to you on your last beach day. Sitting right beside your picture frames and favorite books. You had made them seem important.
Freminet set them down next to his own picture with a little clattering sound. You had decorated the frame as well with little seashells.
I’m important to you. 
He smiled at the collection of “Freminet” items.
You came back into the room, icey towel in hand.
“Here you go!” you beckoned him over.
He pretended like he was looking at the documents and not at your personal trinkets.
You placed the ice against his cheek. He squinted his eyes, adjusting to the cold.
He reached up to hold the ice, but his hand met yours by accident. He jerked it back down to his side.
You chuckled.
“Here-” you took his wrist and brought his hand back up to hold it.
He looked down at the floor, his round cheek a little squished as he pressed it to his jaw.
“Thank you. For helping me time after time.” 
You reached over and twirled a strand of his hair around your finger before ruffling it.
“I care for you. More than you know.”
Freminet thought back to the pebbles you had saved.
He couldn’t help but blush.
“I-I know. I know you care. A lot.”
You placed a hand on his shoulder.
“Good! I hope I make it obvious.” 
He giggled faintly before furrowing his brow.
“I need to sit down.” he whispered.
“Oh! Alright. Is your head ok? You must have gotten seriously whacked!” you sat beside him on your ottoman.
He nodded.
“It’ll be fine, I just need some time.”
“Ok. Feel free to lay down and rest if you need it.” you wrapped your arms around him. “I’m just glad you’re home and safe with me.”
Freminet swallowed, giving you his little squeeze back.
Home… I guess home can be with you. Just for today.
Freminet left two hours later. He had taken a little nap in your bed about half an hour ago. He was absolutely adorable, all snuggled with your pillows. You had to “awww” just a little, you couldn’t stop yourself.
When he awoke, it was around dinner time. You retrieved two servings of ragout from Ms. Maddie and ate with him.
Eventually, the swelling had gone down and he decided to head back to the orphanage.
“Keep icing it tonight, ok?”
“And take the bandages off before bed so they can breathe.”
“Yes, Y/N.”
“And tell Lyney and Lynette I said ‘good evening’.”
“Oh, don’t talk to me like I gave you an order-”
You hugged him.
“I hope you have a good night.” you said, muffled by his jacket.
“Thank you for everything. For all you do for me.” he whispered.
“It’s my pleasure, I’ll do everything I can to see you get better.” I love you.
Freminet sighed contentedly.
“Bye, Y/N.”
“Bye bye.”
After he was gone, you flopped on your bed and laughed your ass off.
He’s so precious. Alright, Y/N! Focus! This has to be the sweetest confession in the history of love!
You sat up with utter determination.
The time was now!
pookie saga continues…
I will be back.
yall ate the first part up 😊 many thanks for thee reads
Part 1: (incase u missed it)
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Side characters supporting you in your hard times
There are times when you are burdened with too much responsibility and problems. You can't be prepared in advance for such times. It seems to you that everything will fall off your hands, and that you are good for nothing. And of course all this is accompanied by stress, and in the worst case depression. You tried your best not to fall into a depressive state, you struggled with your apathy. "No!" you said to yourself, "I can handle everything on my own!". Maybe you wanted to show in this way that you are strong and independent, or maybe you were too scared to ask for someone else's help. However, after a while, it was obvious from you that you were not coping with some things. Your appearance spoke of long sleepless nights, and that you urgently needed to take time to rest. And then I came to you:
The demon has noticed that you are not in your best condition. When he saw you in the corridor, walking slowly to class, he wanted to stop you and ask what was the matter. You had huge bags under your eyes. In order not to scare you, the demon decided to quickly write a message to you. - Hey, MS. Are you all right? – the sudden message made you flinch. After reading the message, you didn't give it much meaning, and just replied: "Yes, everything is fine" - MC, please don't lie... – there was a voice behind you. The demon looked at you, his gaze was sympathetic, as if he was ready to listen to you. "Lord Diavolo?" - MC, if something bothers you, then please don't hide it. I am very worried about your condition, - tears treacherously came out of your eyes. You started hiding your face with your hands, and it seemed that with every second you were getting smaller and weaker in front of the future king of hell. Diavolo decided to quietly hug you, he didn't hold you tightly, so that if you were uncomfortable with his hugs, you could leave at any time. The fingers of his free hand wiped the tears from your eyes, he whispered softly: "MC, everything will be fine. Cry if you have to, when you calm down you can say everything that has accumulated in your soul. And I'll stay with you until you get better"
The butler brought you a cup of soothing tea. You've shown a lot of signs of nervousness. You were trembling with fear, it was obvious that something was bothering you. Barbatos smiled politely at you, offering you different things and asking about what you cared about a lot. However, the demon's eyes were eloquent, it was clear that he was very concerned about you. - MC, I want you to know that you can always contact me. I will always find time for you and help you in every possible way," you quietly thanked the demon. However, you didn't immediately start sharing what was bothering you. "Maybe, being a demon, I don't really understand most people's emotions. And until this moment, I didn't care about how mortal people feel. However... seeing you sad is incredibly hard for me. Therefore... Please let me help you, MC," the butler's warm words made you smile a little. He waited patiently until you opened up to him. And the demon didn't care if it took some time, he was willing to wait as long as he had to, just to make you better.
You locked yourself in your room. It was dark inside the room, the curtains were closed to the end, so that the moon rays did not penetrate and did not interfere with you in any way. You were lying on the bed covering your face with a pillow. Your phone was vibrating from numerous calls and messages, but you didn't even look at who they were from. After a while, you hear the sound of a knock on the door. - MC? the timid voice of the little angel sounded. You didn't even have the strength to get out of bed and open the door to the boy. - MCS, I heard that you are not well. Is it true? Luke asked you anxiously. - ... - you only answered with silence. "...Please keep fighting, and don't stop believing in yourself!" The angel exclaimed emotionally. "We're all worried about you, so... please........be strong!" you heard the boy's quiet sobs. "I may not be as strong as the demon brothers, and I can't skillfully support you, but I will be there! I promise!" - your heart started to hurt. It was very sad, but you realized that you had to open the door and let the angel in. Forcing yourself to get out of bed, you opened the door, the angel immediately hugged you tightly. His face pressed against your stomach, and your clothes got a little wet because of Luke's tears. This situation was touching and that's why you cried a little too. You stood there for a while, hugging each other tightly.
"MC, you've been very distant lately," Simeon remarked. - Hmm? I think it's because of lack of sleep," you waved it off. The angel's expression was serious. It was clear that he was not going to accept such an answer and you knew that he would require a full explanation. There was nowhere to go. You started everything from the beginning, expressing all the problems that took away all your strength from you. While you were sharing with negative feelings, it seemed as if you were getting a little easier. - MC... You're very strong," the angel murmured. "Sometimes you can show weakness and look for support in others, I am always ready to be a support for you," he added, without saying anything: "MC, we are always looking for support in you and asking you for help. You know, we are powerless without you, we are all dependent on you. This realization has come to me now...... Look for support in us just as we need it from you. You give us all of yourself, and I would like to repay you in the same way. So please throw away all your worries and relax, you should take a break from everything. I give my word to change your situation and make everything better"
He invited you for an evening walk. You walked along the park in silence, occasionally looking at each other. "Everything will be fine," Solomon finally said. You had little faith in it, but you agreed with him anyway. - You know, MC, we people need moments when we need a break from everything. Your deplorable condition is a message from your body, it is tired of being strong. You can't ignore your needs and feelings, it's not good for your health. Besides, you have 9 strongest demons on your side, angels... And of course I am. We will always protect you and support you no matter what, - you stopped. You tilted your head down so that Solomon wouldn't see your tears. You've been wanting to hear these words for so long. Solomon pressed your head to his shoulder so that none of the passers-by could see your tears. He was ready to accompany you in your weak moments so that you would not suffer alone. - Don't hold back, I'm here. We're all with you.
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itwasrealtome · 6 days
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Scarlett Johansson x fem!OC fic | Masterlist
Summary :
Content Warning : Elle listening to some Buddy Guy | New School | Discovering a new place and new people | Carter hates LA and misses Portland
Navigation :
Chapter Three
Chapter Five
Don’t miss any more chapters or info by being tagged
DECEMBER 06, 2016
Carter hated Los Angeles. 
From its sweltering heat to its crowded streets and inhabitants. He'd only been there two short weeks and was already missing Portland. Not what he would have liked to call home, or the people who were supposed to be his family, but the city itself. The alleys of Japanese maples, the café where he played his first guitar notes in public and, above all, the weather in favor of a snowy Christmas.
Here, the air was stifling and the sun never seemed to take a break. Even sprawled out in his new bed, the atmosphere seemed to descend on him, crushing his chest. Repainting the walls and assembling the furniture had been an ordeal for him. Unlike his sister, who seemed accustomed to the Californian air, Carter was still wiping the corner of his eyebrow and inhaling every second. 
In the car, the ordeal was the same. But at least he could enjoy the occasional light breeze. He leaned back, his cap hitting the headrest of the seat, his long legs stretched out to the glove compartment. For someone who has money, he thought, it's definitely no luxury.
— Don said it’s a very good school, reminds Elle, taking her eyes off the road for a second. They have excellent results and programs. 
— Yeah, whatever… 
Chewing gum wrapped around his tongue, Carter blew until the bubble burst in his face. Elle flinched at the sound though she tried to hide it. She nudged her brother's shoulder, a heavy sigh covering Buddy Guy's voice.
— I'm doing this for you. 
It was as if the words were floating around in the vehicle without ever reaching their intended target. The dark-haired teenager's face was now glued to the glass, his eyes glued to the immense building looming overhead. It was by no means the same kind of school as the one Aunt Nancy had placed him in. 
The facade alone was impressively large. From their parking place, he could see teachers dressed in a clean and serious manner, but also students who did not seem at all to be petty criminals. Yeah, it was definitely a big change.
— I know it's nothing like the shithole we grew up in, but I think you're going to love it here.
Carter simply shrugged, following the actress blindly, hands clutching his backpack. He relied heavily on his feet to lead him to the right place. The sight of the path through the trees didn't interest him. He wanted to see the branches move with the light breeze and the white chalk of the walls lighten with the sun. If he had to face this view for the rest of the year, then it was nothing like the hell he'd imagined.
— Ah. Ms. Wiley, it's a great honor to have you here in our school. The school principal spent some extra time buttering Elle up, before realizing Carter’s presence. And you, young man, must be Carter.
Carter shook her hand and gave a brief, shy smile. He suddenly felt his cheeks heating up, just as they did when attention was focused on him. Only this time, Elle was right by his side.
— I hear you have an excellent program for athletes. I'm quite interested, can you tell me more about it?
The woman went into her lengthy explanations and began guiding her guests around the establishment. Elle didn't care much for the school's sports program, but she knew Carter did. He trailed behind the two women, his gaze darting all over the place, swallowing each piece of information he was given.
His sister was right. This building was nothing like the one they'd known. The corridors were huge, well-lit and furnished with rows of lockers that still looked new, or at least functional. He was surprised to find that the refectory was clean and free of tags on walls and tables, something to which he'd become accustomed in his old school. Only a few kilometers stood between him and the place he had once known, yet he had the distinct impression of being in another world. 
When both women halted, Carter missed his cue and lightly jostled his sister. He murmured a simple apology, tightening the grip on his backpack straps. Elle quietly patted his shoulder and prompted him to focus on the space in front of them, where one of the school’s gymnasiums stood out. Her knowing smile betrayed her familiarity with her brother's interests. There were only two places to find Carter: the music classroom and the gymnasium, ball in hand.
— Coach Cruz has already studied your profile, Carter. Let me tell you, if you keep up the good work, you'll soon be the team's new star.
The brunet only nodded, too absorbed by the sound of soles on the wooden floor, the whistles and the power of the strikes to find words. Los Angeles may not have been home, but this place could be. 
He could already see himself practicing for hours on end, improving his sets and shots, making this room his reference point. The equipment didn't look as bad as he'd imagined. 
Here, at least, they had equipment.
— I have a couple of matters to settle with Mrs. Hale. stated Elle, her hand massaging the nape of her brother's neck. Why don't you introduce yourself and take a walk? I won't be long.
Before he could react, Principal Hale had already called the coach over to them. Cruz was a man in his fifties, with an athletic bearing and a posture that showed immense respect. His handshake was strong and seemed genuine. And for the first time since he'd been in his sister's company, Carter saw a man more preoccupied with his sport than with the actress' beautiful face.
— Hey son, welcome to the team. Cruz guided him with a hand on his shoulder, his fatherly posture almost reassuring for a young boy like Carter. You're gonna love it here!
Taglist : @micaluvssoccer @rain-mikaelson @red1culous @taylucky13 @womenlovingwomen-imagines @aqiia24 @youdontknowwhotfiamm @mmmmokdok @unexpected-character @iheartmilfies @natalia-quinzel @electricboost @angeliqueh5331 @emskisworld @sami1642 @waltermis @imjai02 @enjoytheentireworld @jatrovyknedl @madamevirgo @lyak12 @anku1901 @ssaaggwwaa @marvelandotheruniversesloveradhd @canvasscoloredin @butwhynothavesomwmore @hi-1-1-blog @g1u2y @fanfiction-24824 @greyslover3004
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justplainwhump · 4 months
Ira's loyalty is absolute.
The first piece I've written in a long while, and a gift to @angst-after-dark. Thane and Dami are their characters.
Content / warnings: two whumpees, BBU, recovery, recapture. Past conditioning. A tiny bit of choking. Sacrifice.
The day, on which Ira's fifth life ended, started like any other day.
Of course it did, she thought. It always came as a surprise. Mistress - Madeline - had had her picked up to be given to Ms Gemma after a beautiful holiday. Ms Gemma had locked her up in the bathroom and sold her, just when Ira had started really feeling at home with her. The police had raided Master Adam's apartment during their regular Saturday morning sex.
These had all been the ends to bad lives, though. This life, it had been good. Since the moment she'd met Dami, her days had become brighter, her world larger, her smiles real.
She wasn't ready for it to end. But she knew it did, when she stepped into their kitchen, a bit sweaty from her bike ride home in the summer's heat, backpack half slipped down from her shoulder to stow groceries into the fridge.
"So you're it," a soft male voice stated. "You're the one they settled for."
The backpack dropped to the floor, as she turned around.
The stranger was good looking, young, a bit older than herself. Probably Dami's age. Dark hair, high cheekbones, perfectly white teeth. He'd helped himself to a drink from their fridge, it seemed, as he carefully rested the can of coke on the kitchen counter and looked her down.
Sometimes, activists in the network had felt the need to teach her about how pets have the same worth as others. As people. That they weren't weaker or less human or in any way inferior to them.
The lectures had never been necessary. Ira had never thought they were. There was no difference between pets and regular people.
The difference, the divide, was between all of them and the owners. Between those who had to work and struggle and fight and give in their lives, and those who never did. Those who only existed to take.
The stranger in her kitchen was that. It was obvious from his stance, the twist of his lip, the cool disdain in his eyes.
He was an owner.
And he'd come to take.
She just stood still, met his gaze, waiting for him to make a move, to tell her what it was that he wanted.
And he did move, with long strides, as if this place, this small kitchen with the yellow sunflower curtains, that Dami and Ira had called theirs was his already. And maybe it was. Maybe she was, too.
The stranger reached out to grab her chin. She didn't flinch. Just let him touch her, inspect her, judge her.
Her white hair, her colorful clothes, her tattooed skin, the patterns of crisscrossing scars, the place on her wrist where a tattoo swallowed what remained of her bar code.
The man let go off her, shook his head with a scoff, before he gestured at the room around them. "This shithole of a place? A cheap runaway whore like you? That's the life they chose over what they had with me?"
"I love them," Ira said carefully, an odd sense of pride bristling under her skin. "And they love me."
He chuckled mildly. "We'll see about that," he murmured, and stepped in, settled his hand around her throat. "Would you even fight if I killed you?"
She lifted her chin to meet his gaze. "They love me," she repeated.
The man's fingers wrapped around her throat more tightly. "They're mine," he said. "They might've forgotten it somewhere between your long whore legs, but they'll remember. They-"
"Ira." It was all but a garbled breath behind her, followed by a word that made her shiver, cut to her bone. Dami's voice, horrified, sincere. Absolute. "Sir."
The man's other hand returned her, far enough for her to see them, to meet their gaze for the flicker of a moment, before they dropped to their knees.
She'd never seen them surrender.
Of course she knew they had. They'd been what she'd been, after all. Made to serve. Obey. Surrender. Made for an owner.
Made for this owner.
She wanted to whisper their name, but she kept silent under the man's hands.
"Please," Dami said, "Leave her out of it."
"You're mine," their owner replied.
"Yes. Yes, Sir."
"Then you'll come back with me."
"I will." Dami didn't look at her, just stared at the floor, the tips of the man's polished shoes.
"Good." The hold around Ira's neck loosened, as he stepped back and straightened his shirt. "Then let's go."
Dami scrambled to their feet. "Yes, Sir."
Ira didn't cry, or beg, or say goodbye. Dami was her world. There was no life without them. It wasn't even a question. She stepped forward, to their side, reached out to take their hand.
Their fingers interlaced with hers, natural, perfect, as they always had. They belonged together.
Behind her, she heard the man laugh. "What's that, whore? You want to come?"
"No," Dami whispered.
Ira swallowed, grabbed their hand more tightly and shook her head. This was her decision to make. Not theirs. And there was only one option. Not only her life had become better in freedom, side by side with them.
She knew she couldn't save Dami from going back. But she could keep them from going alone.
"Yes," she said softly. "I will."
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igot-sarang-ggg · 1 year
Jolyne's Teacher pt. 2 (Teacher reader x Jotaro)
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Chapter 2- Panic
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Chapter 1- Open House|Masterlist|Chapter 3- Coffee
Small Summary: It's a new school year, you're a third grade teacher at an elementary school in Florida with Jolyne Cujoh being in your class.
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Jotaro's pov during open house day
After a long day at work I made it home, finally. It was 6:37pm  "Jolyne, I'm home! I'm sorry I'm late today! I brought you some McDonald's!" Normally when I get home early I cook a meal for the two of us, but today I had some extra work to be done and ordered takeout. She loves McDonald's so I thought I'd but it for her as an apology for not being able to go to open house this week.
"Jolyne?!..." No answer.
Where is she?
I walked over to her room opening the door she wasn't there. Manifesting Star I had him search the house. He came back. "Ora." I sighed, Star now looked worry. "She's not here?" Star shook his head no. "I'll have to call Annie's parents."
I dialed Annie's parents, "Hello Mr. Cujoh, how are you?" Annie's dad picked up the phone. "I'm good... Is Jolyne with you?" I asked, "No, she's not. We dropped her off at home after school. Is something wrong?" I could hear the panic in his voice, "No, it seems she went to another friends house. She left more saying she's going to a friend's house." I lied, "Oh okay, if anything's wrong don't hesitate to call us." He hung up.
 "Fuuuuuuuuuucccccck!!!" lighting a cigarette, I threw my head back removing me that and raffling my hair. "Ora, ora?"  
 "You think?" That's right Jolyne mentioned something about an open house at her school... Did she? Was that today?! No, there's no way she walked to school by herself in the rain..? I looked at Star he began to panic and I started to recheck every thing again in the house. And started calling as many parents as I could. But no one knew where she was.
In the mist of the panic there was a knock on the door. I opened the door, a women stood there "What is it?" I seemed to have scared her, Our eyes met she flinched and looked down. I followed her eyes seeing Jolyne holding her hand "Jolyne!" I bent down hugging Jolyne in my arm and then let go. "Where have you been?! Do you have any idea what time it is?!" She smiled slightly at me, taking a deep breath I stood up, "Go to your room, we'll talk later." She entered waving goodbye to woman that brought her and walked over to her room. 
I turned my attention to woman, "Thank you for bringing her here... Ms..."
"L/n, Y/n L/N. It's a pleasure to meet you Mr. Cujoh I'm Jolyne's teacher. She came to the school's open house today." My eyes widen, "I'm so sorry about that... please come inside it's raining you could get sick." I moved to the side allowing her to enter, "Thank you." She walked in house, I closed the door, and that's when I realized I still was manifesting Star. Star got close to her face, she didn't react. She not a stand user.
"I'll have to repay you for today. I'm so sorry for all of this." I signaled her to follow me "It's fine... It's actually the first time I've ever had a student do that. It's sweet seeing a student to support their teacher." She seemed to be a nice person. Most of Jolyne's teacher so far hadn't been the best, "Still, I can't thank you enough. Jolyne... She's very special... to me." I love Jolyne so much.
We walked into my office. "Here,"  I took out two twenty-dollar bills. "This is for gas money and as a thanks." She  gently pushed my hand away, "Don't worry about it Mr. Cujoh. I live near the area so it was no trouble at all." I put the money away. Normally people take the money without second guessing it.
"Well do you drink? I can take you out for drinks this weekend if you'd like." I asked her, soon realizing that it sounds like I'm asking her out. "I'm not much of a drinker... how about some coffee, I know this nice coffee place nearby. We can meet there on Saturday morning."
"Yeah, sure. I'll pay for your coffee then. Maybe you could tell about how Jolyne is doing in class." She smiled at me, "Yeah, defiantly." I cleared my throat, "It's getting late you should be heading home, I bet your partner is worried about you." She showed me her hands, "I'm not married... Divorced." Shit I shouldn't have said that.
"Sorry, I didn-" She cut me off, "Don't worry about it. Anyway, let me give you my personal number. The number I was calling you with before is actually my work number." I gave her a pen and paper, and she began writing her number and name down. As she wrote down her phone as few strands of hair covered her face, I watched as she placed the strand behind her ear. "Call me on Friday night so we can make plans for the time we'll meet." I was memorized by her. "Yeah, I'll call you Friday then." We walked over to the door, "Were you calling my phone before?" She was about to leave, "I did but you didn't answer." I sighed, "My phone ran out of battery, and star... Never mind. I'll see you on Saturday then." I opened the door for her, "Drive carefully and get home safely."
"Will do. Bye, Mr. Cujoh." We said our goodbye and I watched as she drove off the driveway. Closing the door I made my way towards Jolyne's bedroom. She was sitting on her bed "I'm grounded, aren't I?" I walked in sitting next to her, "Yup. Wanna tell me why you decided to go to the open house by yourself?"
 "I'm sorry dad I just really wanted to go to the open house. Ms. L/n is a really great teacher. Everyone at school that's had her says she's the best." I sighed patting her, "One week. No tv. Playing with friends. Got it." She nodded her head. "Alright, Go take a shower and get cleaned up. I brought McDonald's." She quickly got up and ran to the bathroom. I chuckled to myself watching her run.
 As I waited for Jolyne to finish I went through the voicemails her teacher left. The last voicemail Jolyne stole the phone laughing as she did. "Don't worry Ms.L/N is gonna take me home." 
 "Jolyne please give that back." Mr. L/N could be heard in the background, "My dads gonna be so mad." She laughed and the audio cuts off from there. 
 I placed my phone down looking at the ceiling. Ms. L/n seems like a good person, but I first need to get to know her before I can trust her with Jolyne. She is her teacher but I need to know her intentions or at the very least know if there are any stand users at her school. "DAD WHERE'S MY MCDONALD'S!?" Jolyne yelled from the kitchen breaking my concentration, "Coming!"
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Series Masterlist
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papil0nglegs · 1 month
Can you do Cassandra for one of the dating head canons?
Cassandra x Reader Headcanons✮
A/n: Hey guyss sorry I’ve been gone for a while, I posted an a/n a while ago explaining why I’ve been busy here. I’m probably only going to post a few more fnf Headcanons until I move into the next fandom and see how that goes.(I personally see Cassandra more in the girls team so most of these hcs are for my girlies, so srry if ur masc reading this.)
Warnings: emotional suppression, slight obsession
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Cassandra is a very hidden person
By that I mean she doesn’t share her feelings all that much, and when she does it’s in the form of violence (wow who could’ve guessed) So it took a while for you to get a break through with her
Anyways you guys met at her concert, she noticed you in the crowd singing a song she wrote.
So she was quite eager to finish up her song and go up to you after the show
Now you weren’t exactly scared of her it’s just that everyone at your school was, so it made you quite cautious of her even if you liked her music
“Hey,, I saw you out there”
“Oh, Cassandra. Sorry was I a bit loud out there wasn’t I?”
“Yeah, not as loud as me tho” oh my god of course not Cassandra it’s a fucking concert you stupid bitch-
“Ooh about that, how do you do that thing with your voice? It sounds like your voice gets pretty sore after all of that, it’s impressive!!”
Holyshitholyshit no one’s actually said that to me? Are they making fun of me?? Cuz if they are I’m beating the fuck out of them but they seemed to really like it back there-
Cassandra just froze right there, her cheeks were tinted as red as her hair while you just stood there, head tilted.
“..um I’ll see you at lunch tomorrow?”
nodding aggressively 💀
This girl made a whole plan on how to look for you at lunch, she even thought of getting on one of the lunch tables to find you
But you immediately spotted her because of her bright hair
She wasn’t sure how to act at first, because she really liked being around you which was a first time thing for her
As soon as she sat down in front of you she started to feel something different inside of her, she didn’t feel as much hate as she did on a normal basis. If anything she felt like she could let her guard down for once when she was around you
She’d let you call her nicknames that she doesn’t even let her parents call her, ‘Cass, Cassie, CayCay, CeCe ’
The one that really stuck with her was the one time you called her ‘babe’, to most people if you called your friend babe it was just to show affection.
But Cassandra always imagined that someday you’d always refer to as ‘babe’, or even ‘baby’.
Cassandra would stop writing about so much violence and write more about love (which didn’t sit right with her band members lol)
She’d always write about how she fell into your eyes, sure it was cliche to say but it felt so true.
On a warm summer night, you two were just chilling on a tubed slide at a closed park, eating snacks and ranting about god knows what.
That’s when she fucked up and confessed , genuine fear struck her eyes because she thought you’d be disgusted by how she felt since she was considered the ‘weird girl’ in school
Until you held her cold pale hand, and kissed her, black lipstick staining yours.
She then pushed you with her, laying on the slide, as you to began to makeout on her now favorite place to visit.
Now Ms Cassandra probably sees you as the most beautiful creature on this planet.
She enjoys doing gothic/punk like makeup on you while you do your own looks on her.
On Halloween you two would dress as nana (I know close to nothing abt this show so pls correct me if they’re a lesbian couple or not)
Depending on your style some people thought you guys just wore your regular clothes to the Halloween party
On Valentine’s Day she sent you a card that read “I want to share my coffin with you <3”, some people might find it weird but if anything you found it the sweetest thing in the world
Oh, you dye your hair too? Automatically in love, you two would love helping dye each others hair.
“What? What happened?”
“I got the wrong color :(“
“Fuck.. Eh, I guess I can rock pink for a bit”
She did NOT rock pink 😵😵
Cassandra also drew your name/initials on all her shoes. She was DETERMINED to let it be known that she loves you
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Unknown Pt. 4
Pt. 3 HERE
Word count: 1.5K
Summary: you get back to school and start experimenting your power with Wednesday
Warnings: none
Pairing: Wednesday X Fem!Reader
A shorter chapter today! Hope you still like it 🖤✨
After a couple weeks treating your wounds, the doctors finally let you go back to Nevermore. ‘Why would anyone care if you were going back?’ You thought. But that’s where you were wrong. Weems came to pick you up from the hospital, ready to take you back to the school, and the whole drive was silent, with you looking outside the window, until you decided to ask her something. “Am I allowed to go in the woods? Just.. not too far from school” you asked her. She looked at you confused. “Why would you want to? Aren’t you scared of the monster?” She asked, with nothing but pure curiosity.
“I mean, kind of, but at the same time I want to find out something more about my ability. It’s something malignant and I’m sure of that, but with that monster going around the woods I just want to protect myself and my friends… maybe if I get control of it It can even turn into something more powerful… but to get control of it I have to train it” the car was quiet after that, the only thing filling it were both of your thoughts. “Okay fine. But Wednesday comes with you. She was the only one who managed to calm you down as of now and I want her there in case you lose control” you thought of it but eventually you nodded and sighed, knowing there was no way she would wanna help you.
As soon as you arrived to the school you got out of the car and with the help of your crutches you walked into the building. The cut on your stomach still hurt a lot as well so you flinched a lot while walking so you were pretty slow. Though as soon as you reached the quad everyone jumped out. “SURPRISE!” Everyone said. You were unfazed by all of that, you hated surprised. You looked at everyone and even expected to see Wednesday, but she wasn’t there. “What is this all about?” You asked, the people there were all the people that had bullied you, except for Enid. “We wanted to apologize to you for bullying you and decided to throw this welcome back party” Bianca said with a small smile. You could say that they were really sorry about everything.
“Great, uh- thank you? But I’m in a lot of pain right now so I’m just gonna go to my room.. Ms. Weems can you help me there?” She nodded and smiled slightly, before letting you use her as support. Soon you arrived there with her help. “Thank you” you said once you were laying in your bed. “Of course darling. If you need anything don’t hesitate to call for me okay? Now you should rest” you nodded at her words and when she left you laid in bed, trying to rest. You had almost fallen asleep when you heard three knocks on your door. “It’s open” you said and sat up in bed, still flinching in pain. “(Y/N)? Can we talk?” Wednesday came into the room and you sighed, putting a hand on your stomach. “What do you want?” You asked her annoyed.
“I just wanted to apologize to you. I do care about you, I’m just too stubborn to admit it. The other day I didn’t want the informations, I just used that excuse to cover up for the fact that I cared for you” she said and you stayed quiet for a while after her words. “Do you-“ she interrupted you before you could finish your sentence. “Not a word about this” she said before leaving. The following days you went to school and no one dared to bully you. Apparently Weems had given a speech about acts of bullying being punished, but you were sure that if they could, they’d still bully you. Enid or Wednesday would always sit by your side. But the only one helping you was just Enid.
Eventually you did get better and figured it was time to start working on your power, and the first chance you got you went to talk to Wednesday. “Hey Wednesday, can I talk to you real quick?” You said as you walked aside her. “Yes tell me but be quick” she said stopping to give you time to catch your breath and talk. “I wanted to work on my power, so that if I happen to be face to face with the monster once more, at least I can protect me. I would have done it alone but Weems said I can only do it if you’re around because last time you calmed me down so… do you want to come help me?” You looked at her with pleading eyes, but she was hesitant with her answer. “Fine, but if I see you can’t control yourself I’ll intervene” she said and you nodded, taking her to the woods close by to the school.
“How do you want to do this?” She asked you and you sighed nervously. “Well apparently whatever it is is triggered by strong emotions, especially Anger and sadness or something similar to that. As of now though I’m not feeling any of it so I have to trigger it, I just don’t know how” what you said had Wednesday think of options, she decided to go with the safest one. “Maybe try and think of something that upsets you?” She said and you decided to give it a try.
You started thinking of everything bad that had happened you. From when your parents left you when you were born.
Hands turned into claws.
When kids into the orphanage started making fun of you because of the color of your eyes.
Eyes turned black around the red part.
When people started bullying you at school.
Teeth became pointy.
“(Y/N), do you still feel like you can control yourself?” The shorter girl asked you. Until now you were still pretty calm, you focused on your breathing and looked at your appearance. You nodded at her words and looked at her for reassurance. “Do you want to keep going or do you want me to intervene?” You kept taking deep breaths “I can continue” just then you realized that your voice had changed, it was a demoniac voice and Wednesday looked at you. “This is something new… could you try to do something for me?” You nodded. She gave you a few orders, she told you to jump to see if you had some kind of strength, she told you to see if you had telekinesis and try to lift a few leaves. That you could do, but it was kind of hard. Then she told you to see how resistant were your claws.
However you were running out of forces so soon enough you turned back to normal and and fell to the floor feeling weak. “Okay, maybe we need to take a break” you told her as you tried to catch your breath. She nodded and helped you to Weems office, to explain her how your “experiments” were going. She took note of everything and had Wednesday help you to your room. When she helped you to you bed, as she was about to pull away you held her by her arm “can you stay here with me for a little? It’s been a while since I had company” for some reasons she didn’t mind your touch on her skin. “Yes sure” she said and sat on the bed with you.
“Can I ask you something?” You saw her nod and look at you. You took your chances to admire her, her posture was always straight and it accentuated her beauty… god she was so pretty. You wished you could hold her in your arms, you wished you could get closer to her and feel a little of human contact, an affectionate kind of human contact. “You were at school with me right? Why did you never stand up to me when they bullied me and here you do?” You asked her, and saw as she looked down.
“I would have stood up to you if I could, but they had it too much against my brother, I had to care about him first, you get that right?” You nodded at her words and saw how she avoided to look at you “but here I can and I Always will. I’m just too stubborn to say what I feel. I care about you and you know that now. I just want you to trust me” she said and looked at you in the eyes, just looking at them you could say that she was feeling something, unlike other times.
You looked at her with a small sad smile, but still an understanding one as you asked her
“Will you go to the Rave’n with me?”
Tags: @awolfcsworld @rainbow-love4ever
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