#i focused too hard on his abs and chest hair and got lazy with the rest lol
alienbabydraws · 9 months
...Have you ever drawn Bro?
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Yeah I draw him sometimes.
Here's one for the road
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impala-dreamer · 6 months
An Excerpt From My Latest Novel...
Instar Meditations by Rebekah Jordan
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From Austin Macauley Publishers, available in paperback and ebook at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
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Jason emerged from the bathroom in a cloud of steam, his tanned body damp and shining from the water, hair slicked back and dark. A white towel hung low on his hips and he held it together with one lazy fist. He stepped into the room and Nora’s heart beat a little faster. He turned and went towards his suitcase and she lost track of the world around her as she focused on the flex of his muscular arms reaching for a shirt. 
She moaned under her breath. 
Jason’s head turned quickly and he caught her staring. “See something you like?” 
Startled, Nora scrambled to pick the pen up from her lap and got back to her list. “Gross. No.” 
Jason licked his juicy bottom lip and eyed her suggestively. “Gross?” he teased. “Come on, Nora. No reason to be a prude.” He turned towards her, smooth chest fully on display, and slowly lifted the white tee over his head, posing for her. 
She scoffed and tried not to watch his abs tense as he moved. “I’m not a prude,” she snit. “I just…” Her mouth ran dry, all of the wetness inside of her body collecting between her thighs. She shook herself and cleared her throat. “Don’t flirt with me, OK? I’m not a bimbo from the gym or wherever you pick them up.” 
Jason’s jaw dropped and he pushed his head through the shirt, popping back out with his hair a beautiful disaster. “I don’t pick up bimbos.”
Nora hummed in mock agreement. “Sure you don’t.” 
He pulled the shirt down over his still-damp body, and it clung to his shoulders, showing off every line, dip, and muscle. “I don’t!” he defended. “The last chick I dated was the adjunct professor of English Literature at Georgetown.” He crossed his arms and cocked an eyebrow, waiting to be vindicated. 
Nora didn’t buy it for a second. “You made that up.” 
He laughed. “I did.”
His smile made her heart jump. He was too handsome, too naked, too… there. Nora blushed as he stared at her, waiting. She bit her tongue to try and stay calm. “So, what did she actually do?”
“I don’t know, I think she was a barista?” 
It was Nora’s turn to laugh. “You think?” He shrugged. “I didn’t ask.” 
Unsurprised, she set her notebook down and scooted towards him, creeping slowly over the bed. She leaned over her crossed legs and narrowed her eyes at him, glaring. “So... how is that dating?” 
Trying to hide a smile, he pursed his lips, making deep dimples pop on either side of his upper lip. “I say date,” he explained cautiously, “but I mean-”
“Fucked and left?”
His jaw dropped and green eyes went wide. “You’re awfully judgemental, Ms. Hammond. When’s the last time you got any?” 
She stammered to answer, cheeks burning, pulse racing. “It’s… it’s been a while.” 
Long legs carried him to the foot of the bed and she could smell the heat beating off of him. 
“A long while,” he said, voice dropping to a deep whisper.
She swallowed hard as he leaned down, terror and arousal flooding her system. She held her breath, afraid yet praying that he would drop down and grab her, lift her up into his arms, and fold her over as his tongue pressed into her mouth. “You’re so rude,” she breathed, unable to put any force behind it.  
He chuckled smugly. “Hey, you started this…” Dark lashes closed slowly, brushing over his freckled cheek. He bent down, set his hands on the mattress, took a breath-
A loud crash from outside broke the moment, and both agents jumped to their feet, rushing over to the window. 
Jason reached the camera first and zoomed in, checking on the rooms across the way. “Nothing,” he said finally, “just a dog.” 
Nora noted the time in the log and turned her back to the window, crossing her arms and ankles as she perched on the edge of the desk, annoyed. “This is so fucking boring.” 
Leaning over, Jason shot her a wink that could turn a desert into a rainforest. “I know a way to make it less boring…” His eyes trailed down to her mouth and his tongue shot out to lick at his cracked lips. 
Nora exhaled loudly and growled. “Put that tongue away, sir,” she warned, “or I’ll shoot it off.”
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Full Novel Available in paperback and ebook at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
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anythingwriter · 4 years
How Could You?
Bonnie Gold x reader
Warnings: death, angst, probably lots of swearing, teeny tiny bit of sexual assault. Requested by @soggypancak
Word count: 2,515 of pure trash
*My first imagine in over a year! Feedback is always welcome. I’m sorry if this sucks lol, it’s been a while!*
The cold morning air made y/n shiver as she snuggled closer to Bonnie. Unintentionally they both fell asleep by the fire the night before, looking up at the stars as they talked about their love for each other, and how they hope to have a future. Aberama came out of his caravan that night going to put the fire out, but when he saw both the young adults curled up together asleep being warmed by that exact fire, he didn’t have the heart to wake them, so instead he put a blanket over them and admired their peaceful faces as they slept, praying nothing would ever corrupt them. Oh how he wishes he prayed harder.
“Bonnie,” y/n mumbled, she didn’t want to wake yet, but she was too cold to sleep.
“No.” Bonnie said.
Y/n giggled at her boyfriend, knowing he was tired as well but if she couldn’t sleep neither could Bonnie, she wouldn’t allow it. “I can’t sleep Bonnieeee.” She violently shook his shoulders with each word, hoping he would at least open his eyes.
“It’s pretty easy babe, just close your eyes,” Bonnie said with a smirk on his face.
Y/n gasped, and rolled over so she was laying on top of Bonnie and she pinned both his arms above his head. He finally opened his eyes and looked up at his girlfriend with his sly smirk on his face, one of the reasons she fell in love with him.
“That was pretty rude babe,” she mocked him. She stared down at him, admiring him, making sure she would always remember his face and every small detail about it. She let go of his arms and caressed the almost faded bruise on his chin from one of his previous fights. She loved him, and she knew the feeling would be forever. The moment didn’t last long enough for her though, Bonnie almost immediately reached up and grabbed his girlfriend's waist and quickly flipped them over so he was on top. Y/n let out a shriek at the sudden movement and couldn’t help the giggles that slipped out.
Bonnie too looked down at her like she did him, his eyes looking down at her with nothing but love and adoration for his girl. He smiled at her and she smiled back. “ I love you,” he told her. Y/n felt her heart swell at the declaration, knowing by the look on his face he truly meant it.
“I love you too.” She leaned upwards and gave Bonnie a kiss, it was slow and lazy because of the morning still clouding their judgement, but they both felt the love the other poured into it. Bonnie gave y/n’s hips a tight squeeze and when she gasped he took the opportunity and caressed her tongue with his. Y/n leant into the kiss even more, and moaned when their tongues met again, Bonnie winning the fight for dominance. The two broke apart with a jolt when they heard someone clearing their throat, and looked up to see Aberama looking at the two with a smirk. Y/n blushed and hid her face in Bonnies neck, while him and his father let out laughs together.
“Mornin’ love birds!” Y/n groaned at Aberamas loud voice, it still being too early for her. “Jesus Abe, could you be any louder?” “Course I could sweetheart, but I don’t wanna scare off all the deer,” he smiled down at her. Y/n rolled her eyes and pushed Bonnie off of her to sit up.
“So, what’s the plan for today?” She asked. Bonnie stood up and dusted off his clothes and looked at his father, wondering the same thing.
“I’m not sure, we have everythin’ we need for a while, maybe a relaxing day? Sound good?”
Bonnie and y/n both nodded their heads, needing a break from the gypsy life. And with everything going on with helping the Blinders, they were both exhausted. Especially Bonnie. Bonnie looked down and smiled at y/n, reaching out a hand to help her up. She gratefully took it, and stumbled when Bon pulled her up with unnecessary force. He quickly steadied her and let out a quiet laugh, and gave her a peck on the lips. He turned and smiled at his father and led her towards their caravan.
When they both were inside Bonnie shut the door so they could get changed in fresh clothes for the day. Y/n undressed out of her clothes from yesterday and looked around to see one of Bonnies sweaters. She reached for it, knowing it would keep her warm for the day.
The man she loved was staring at her, admiring how beautiful she looked in his clothes. She could feel him staring, and she smiled to herself.
“It’s rude to stare Bon.”
He shook his head with a fond smile on his face and spoke back to her “It's hard not to when you look so beautiful in my shirt.”
She turned and looked at him, with a look of disbelief on her face, “You flatter me Bon.” They both let out a laugh. He reached forwards and pulled her close to his chest. He looked down at her smaller frame and tucked a stray piece of hair behind her ear. He loved her so much, he didn’t know what he would do without her, and neither did she.
She looked at him like he hung her the moon and the stars, and he looked at her like she was an angel from above.
“I love you Bonnie, I don’t know what I would ever do without you.”
“Luckily for you hun, you’ll never have to know because I’ll be with you forever.”
“Don’t make promises you can’t keep Bon, especially now with you working for that bastard Shelby.” Y/n could feel rage slowly boiling inside of her, she loved Bonnie but she hated him working for the Thomas Shelby. And he knew that, he knew the pain and anger he was putting her through, and he had his reasons why. He was doing it for them, to secure a future for them. A future they dream about, a future they pray for.
“I can keep this one babe, you know I would never leave you. Not until my last breath, and that’s years away from now!”
“You promise?”
“I promise.”
The two embraced each other in a hug, and then they finished getting ready, for a day of relaxing.
~~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~~
Aberama smiles as he listens to the laughter of his son and his girl echo through the woods. Never had he seen his son so happy, never has he seen his smile so big. And it was all thanks to her. The girl Aberama grew fond of, even thinking of her as his daughter. He knew nothing would break them apart, even if they were just young kids.
Their moments of peace were interrupted when a gun shot rang through the woods, piercing Aberama in the shoulder and he fell with a thud. Y/n let out a scream and jumped, Bonnie quickly shielding her with his own body. He wanted to run to his father and check on him, but his instincts took over and he needed to protect y/n from whoever was there.
“Hello, hello, we are the Billy Boys,”
Bonnie looked and saw men emerging from the woods, and he panicked not knowing who they were. How did they know where they are? Who are these men?
Y/n peaked out from Bonnies chest and saw the men and her heart sank. She was scared. A feeling she hadn’t felt since she got with Bonnie, always knowing he would protect her. She gripped on to Bonnies shirt tighter, and whispered his name to him.
“Shhh,” he turned around and shoved her in their caravan and grabbed his gun. “Stay here,” he ordered.
She didn’t want him to go, what if he got shot like his father? She couldn’t lose him, he promised.
“Bonnie please don-”
She was interrupted as he grabbed her face and kissed her. He needed her to be quiet, he didn’t want them to find her. He had to protect her.
“I’ll be back, don’t worry.”
She looked up at him with tears in her eyes and asked him “you promise?”
He looked at her tear stained cheeks and hesitated before answering. He reached forward and wiped another falling tear from her eye,
“I- I promise.” He gave her the best reassuring smile he could and walked back out.
Bonnie walked out with his gun raised at the singing men. Why are they singing?
“Drop the peashooter son,” the one in the front said. Bonnie assumed he was the leader, and so did y/n from her spot in the caravan, watching through the small window.
He did, knowing it probably wouldn’t be good if he didn’t listen.
The men walked over to Aberama and stomped on his chest, close to where he was shot. Y/n audibly gasped from her spot and immediately cursed herself. Bonnie heard her, and he prayed that these men didn’t.
“Who the fuck are you?” He asked.
The man smiled a Bonnie, a smile of nothing but pure evil. “Who am I is the wrong question son, who do we have hiding in the wagon?”
Bonnies prayer wasn’t answered, because obviously the man had heard you too.
“Open the door lads!”
“No!” Bonnie scrambled towards the door as fast as he could, only for the men’s leader to grab Bonnies dropped gun and brutally hit him in the jaw with it. Bonnie could feel the bones break and immediately tasted the blood. Aberama groaned from his spot on the ground, trying to reach his son.
Two of the men opened the caravan door and reached for y/n, who had tears running down her face at the sight of Bonnie and Abe, having seen everything from her useless hiding spot.
“Bo- Bonnie.” She cried. He looked over to her and tried to give her his best smile, even with his broken jaw.
The men forcefully yanked her out and threw her to the ground. She whimpered and tried to crawl to Bonnie, only to be kicked in her back and fall to the ground.
Bonnie saw red, he tried to stand up just to be pushed down again. The leader of the group laughed.
“I see, she’s your gypsy whore isn’t she? How did scum like you,” he paused and reached for y/n and pulled her up to his chest, “pull a fine piece of ass like this?” He reached down and grabbed y/n’s ass, and she cried as more tears fell.
Bonnie now had tears falling too, he tried so hard to get back to her. But every time, he was forcefully kicked back down.
Y/n zoned out, too focused on Bonnies face. The only words she managed to make out were Thomas Shelby, fighter, and over.
She looked up when she heard the last word. Over? What did they mean over?
She screamed and tried to break free when they hit Bonnie again, her and Aberama could do nothing but watch. They both screamed and cried Bonnies name as the men tied him to a post, and y/n realized it was a cross. Her heart sank, she knew what was happening.
She jumped and fell to the ground when she heard it, knowing her Bonnie was gone. She knew what they had done, he was dead.
The man stuffed a paper in Bonnies jacket, his lifeless body just hanging there. A message, for Thomas Shelby. She knew something was going to happen when he hired Abe and Bonnie, nothing good comes from the Brummie Gangster. He brings death to everyone he meets.
The men walked away, singing their song again.
Aberama was the first over to Bonnie, screaming and crying his sons name. Yelling at him as if he could hear. His son. It was the worst pain he had ever felt.
Y/n was still on the ground, shaking and crying for her loss. She couldn’t look at him, it wasn’t her Bonnie anymore, it was just his shell. His soul and spirit were gone, there was no bringing him back.
Aberama looked over and his heart broke for the young girl. He may have lost his son, but she lost her everything. Her boyfriend, her best friend and all her firsts. Abe untied Bonnies body, and carefully laid him down on the ground. With tears still streaming down his face, he walked over to y/n and gently helped her up and walked her over to Bon. She may not of wanted to, but she needed to say goodbye.
Y/n sat next to Bonnies body, too afraid to look just yet. As soon as she looked at his lifeless face she turned the other way and hurled up everything she had eaten that day. She began to dry heave, unable to breathe from crying. Aberama rubbed her back and soothed the young girl. It felt like hours but after only minutes, she had calmed down and thanked Aberama. He walked away, giving her a moment alone.
She looked at his face, almost unrecognizable from all the blood. After moments of just staring, a new feeling took over her body.
She was angry with Bonnie for dying, angry at the stupid fucking singing men, angry at herself for making the noise in the caravan.
Maybe, just maybe if she was silent this never would of happened, he would still be alive.
Y/n reached for his shoulders and violently shook him, just like she had that morning, only now the shakes were full of anguish and not love.
“Ho- how could you Bonnie! You promised me, you said you would never leave! Y- yo- you promised! HOW COULD YOU?!”
She screamed and cried, her yells slowly turning to whispers. Her energy drained. The days events taking their toll on her.
Aberama heard her screams and rushed to the young girls side. He looked at his sons body and closed his eyes as he scooped y/n into his arms, slowly rocking himself and the girl. His shirt became damp, and he didn’t care.
For hours they sat there, in each other’s arms crying for their loss, both vowing to get revenge for their Bonnie.
As Aberama stood up to leave, y/n did as well. Abe left to do something and she had a feeling she knew what, but she wasn’t going to question it.
As his figure faded into the woods, y/n’s hand reached down to her stomach, feeling the ever so small bump…
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sakurology · 4 years
I'm not sure if u take requests but if u do could u write a NSFW alphabet for Issei?¿ ♡
So lemme tell you something- I got this req and the first thing that came out of my mouth was BIIIIIIIIITTTTCCCCHHHHHH
And I proceeded to scream cry and yell about this for idk how long. I put so much thought into this- I literally wrote it in almost one night completely. I have SO much to say about this man. My Issei brainrot is only fueled by my stupid horny Pisces brain- WHICH HE ALSO HAS god bless him. Anyway enough about me this turned my mind into soup and it all fell out of my ears enjoy ur fucking horse cock
NSFW Alphabet- Matsukawa Issei
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No thoughts head he. 😌
gn!reader focused, obviously nsfw....
𝕬 - 𝕬𝖋𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖈𝖆𝖗𝖊
Best Service Dom. Best Dom EVER. Anything you want you get, you have to only say the words. Food? Already ordered so it would be there by the time you finished. Cuddles? His arms are wide open and his body is very warm. Sit in a bubble bath and scroll through your favorite online stores? The bath is nice and warm and his credit card is at your disposal. He takes amazing care of you, and will stop at nothing to make you feel secure/safe/happy at all times..
𝕭 - 𝕭𝖔𝖉𝖞 𝕻𝖆𝖗𝖙
Welll…. I… we all know what it is. I’ll explain more later but in addition to that he also has the most amazing arms/abs. He’s very lean, definitely naturally so. Doesn’t need to work out but does so anyway keep toned.
𝕮 - 𝕮𝖚𝖒
Likes to cum inside you, but simply so that he can watch it ooze out of your hole. Sometimes he’ll even keep fucking you after he’s finished to see himself push it back in even after it’s out.
𝕯 - 𝕯𝖎𝖗𝖙𝖞 𝕾𝖊𝖈𝖗𝖊𝖙
I hate adding this but he has a foot fetish. Not like a hardcore creepy kind of foot fetish- he just likes to suck a toe here and there. But only if they’re freshly pedicured… he’s very picky. He’ll give foot massages all the time tho if you ask him. He just never tells anyone about it because he knows his friends will clown him.
Not ur foot but close enough he would get you one of those little golden name anklets and kiss it every time he lifts your leg over his shoulder. 👀🦋
𝕰 - 𝕰𝖝𝖕𝖊𝖗𝖎𝖊𝖓𝖈𝖊
Absolutely. He’s done a lot in his life, and is not short on any stories of past encounters. He is kind of a sex encyclopedia, but he’s very casual about it. If you bri bc up something you wanna try, 11/10 times he’s going to not only have done it, but be able to suggest ways for you to make it better- with several anecdotes.
𝕱 - 𝕱𝖆𝖛𝖔𝖗𝖎𝖙𝖊 𝕻𝖔𝖘𝖎𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓
Doesn’t just like doggy- it is his lifeblood. It’s easier for him to control your movements while also making sure that he can bury himself all the way inside. He can have a vice grip on your hips one moment, his fists full of your hair the next- and if he starts spanking you well… that’s between you two and god.
He does like plain old missionary too, but only bc he can see himself in your tummy.
𝕲 - 𝕲𝖔𝖔𝖋𝖞
It makes him laugh sometimes when you struggle to take him all at once. He thinks it cute that you try, but it’s hilarious how big your head gets sometimes. He has to fuck you dumb and remind you that you can’t do that.
𝕳 - 𝕳𝖆𝖎𝖗
Trims, but not super short. He does wax his happy trail tho bc it makes him self-conscious.
𝕴 - 𝕴𝖓𝖙𝖎𝖒𝖆𝖈𝖞
Can actually be very romantic if he wants to. He is a Pisces, after all. He does enjoy foreplay and the sensuality of that to get you prepped, and he takes extra care to make sure you’re fully ready. He is going to be hard on you, but understands that he has to take good care of you, and he does
𝕵 - 𝕵𝖆𝖈𝖐 𝕺𝖋𝖋
Daily. At least once. It keeps the stress away and livens his mood. He does it as soon as he wakes up, and then if he’s having a really hard day or difficulty sleeping, he can do it to ease his nerves.
𝕶 - 𝕶𝖎𝖓𝖐
Size, obvious because everyone is smaller than him Skdkfkf he’s a giant. He’s 6’2 and his cock is at least 3 feet of that.
Daddy Kink, self explanatory mostly. It’s just so fucking sweet on his ears, his baby cooing for their daddy, trying so hard to work his entire cock into their tiny hole, trying to be so good for him… he loses it every time.
Voyeurism, likes watching you touch yourself. He finds it amusing how you think you can get yourself there without his help. You both know that’s impossible, but it turns him on to see you try.
Praise, again- he loves to make you feel special. And you work so hard fitting all of him inside, he has to tell you how good of a job you’re doing, especially because he’s appreciative of you letting him impale you. He has to let you know.
Mutual Masturbation, Kinda goes with voyeurism. If you’re away from each other, you’re definitely going to have sex via FaceTime- he just wants to see you, and also wants you to see him. To him, it lets you know you’re the only one that can get him there, and that your presence alone- even if he’s not touching you, is more than enough.
Lingerie, Loves nothing more than seeing you all pretty for him. He also just really likes the feeling of lace or silk against his fingertips He can get out of control and rip your sets tho- but don’t worry, death is a very lucrative business- He will buy you several replacements.
𝕷 - 𝕷𝖔𝖈𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓
LOVES car sex. If the mood strikes, he WILL pull over. But really, he’ll take it wherever he can get it.
𝕸 - 𝕸𝖔𝖙𝖎𝖛𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓
He’s very eager to please. A little lazy, yes, but at his core he wants to make sure you’re feeling good.
𝕹 - 𝕹𝖔!
He has done literally everything at least once and the one thing he just can’t get into is piss. One bad experience and a 3 month uti later he’s sworn off it for good.
𝕺 - 𝕺𝖗𝖆𝖑
Not his favorite. He could honestly go with or without it personally, just because there’s so much of him. But he will happily fuck your throat if you want him to, and will go down on you for hours to make sure you’re truly prepped. For someone who’s not a big fan of it, he’s actually AMAZING with his mouth. It’s lazy but in the best way possible.
𝕻 - 𝕻𝖆𝖈𝖊
Starts off slow so you’re good to go, but will pick up the pace as you stretch out. He does enjoy a few slow deep thrusts in between drilling you into oblivion tho. He never tries to make your guts into a smoothie on purpose, it just kinda happens that way.
𝕼 - 𝕼𝖚𝖎𝖈𝖐𝖎𝖊
He will never say no to quickie. The amount of fast food bathrooms and abandoned parking lots you’ve seen is astronomical. The amount of times Makki has kicked you out of his apartment for trying something while he goes to the bathroom is even higher.
𝕽 - 𝕽𝖎𝖘𝖐
He's the classic degen. bf who reaches across the table at the same time as your dad when you go “daddy can you pass the salt?”
So yes, he’s definitely going to tease you under a table at thanksgiving dinner.
He’s really going to have you whenever he wants- even if it comes at the expense of your pride/morals sometimes.
𝕾 - 𝕾𝖙𝖆𝖒𝖎𝖓𝖆
Can go on forever if you let him. Will overstim you to hell and back before he even thinks about cumming. Doesn’t even know he’s doing it- he’s so used to fucking you brainless that he doesn’t realize it’s too much. But he is SUPER apologetic about it and will make sure to treat you extra carefully.
𝕿 - 𝕿𝖔𝖞
He actually has a few for when he’s feeling lazy. He used to run through fleshlights like they were tictacs but he’s since finally found one that he won’t break.
He got most of them for free because he worked in a sex shop during college- he was very popular.
𝖀 - 𝖀𝖓𝖋𝖆𝖎𝖗
Yes. He will 100% rile you up with touches that seem innocent enough in nature, but are a tad bit too low, or linger on for a bit too long.
Will also give you “the look” in public and pretend he doesn’t know what you’re talking about- he definitely does.
𝖁 - 𝖁𝖔𝖑𝖚𝖒𝖊
Vocal in bed, especially with praise. Will constantly tell you how good you’re doing or how good you feel. Doesn’t moan a lot, but they slip out from time to time. Instead it’s a lot of deep breaths, groans, and curses.
𝖂 - 𝖂𝖎𝖑𝖉𝖈𝖆𝖗𝖉
If mortuary school hadn’t have worked out, he and Makki were going to start their own porn company. They actually have a very solid business plan. They made a pact to sit on it for now, since Issei is working at the funeral home.
𝖃 - 𝖃-𝕽𝖆𝖞
Literally a foot long. Longer actually. I’m going to honestly say 13. No I won’t take it back. Perfect thickness too. Honestly it’s like… god really took his time and got it fucking right. Everything about his physique is perfect- it would only make sense his cock is that perfect to match. Color is even all around, the head is bubblegum pink. There’s also one very prominent vein on the underside, and a few tinier trails of veins on the top. The statue of David? Don’t know her. Only know the statue of Issei.
𝖄 - 𝖄𝖊𝖆𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌
High sex drive, but he can keep it subdued if he has to. Especially because he knows he’s too much for most people. He's not shy about it though. Is CONSTANTLY horny on main. Not that you mind.
𝖅 - 𝖅𝖟𝖟
Service Dom through and through. He won’t sleep until you do, and even if he’s dead tired, he won’t sleep at all if you’re staying awake. He’s going to do everything to take care of you and your needs first. When you do sleep he likes to hold your head to his chest and will press his nose down into your hair so he can fall asleep surrounded by your scent.
Taglist Starseeds (check ur privacy settings if your url is in bold): @honey-makki @crushzone @yumekosgamblingroom @boujiesav @onesingleravioli @ushijimasfarmhat @trouvelle @nekoma-hoe @right-shoe-jpg @atsumusc0ck @ukaic @nivky0-0 @animoozies @charmarsmith
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bisluthq · 3 years
this is my take on what happened before/in/after the cwf wrap party
this is part 1, if people like it i'll send you part 2 and 3
taylor was getting ready for the party and was naked but just had her underwear on, she was sitting on her stool applying cream mascara and lipstick, whereas joe was in another room attending an important phone call, wearing nothing but adidas shorts, when the call ended he went to their room, as he opened the door he saw her being focused on her eyes as she was applying her liner, he slowly went to the back of the stool staring at her back, then to the mirror and then to her boobs, by this time she had noticed he's behind her but she was still heavily focused
"get ready, you!" she said after finishing with the liner and then with the mascara
he went ahead and slightly brushed his hands over her upper back and then her shoulders, she moved her neck to the side and see him, she got up and wrapped her arms around his neck, her face close to his, slightly tilted so it rests on his cheeks. his one hand around her back upwards the other grabbing the lining of her panty from the corner of her waist
"i just need to put a shirt on and wear a jeans, you're the one who needs time!"
"also, what are you wearing?" he says that while slightly drifting off to her neck and ending the sentence with a soft yet little noisy kiss there
"erm, it's like a strappy green floral dress, just above the knee length... and... you baby?" she said moving her hands on his neck and slightly looking at him.
"oh, i saw that one yesterday in the closet, i was gonna wear something else but i've this other green shirt which has got flowers on it so it will compliment your dress like" he said looking at her and then giving her a forehead kiss twice
"that'd look really nice on you baby" she said smilingly and slightly moving away from him but her caught her and made her come back to him
he stared at her boobs and the moles she had on her midriff, he gradually bent down to kiss the area where her shoulders and neck meet, then to her collar bones, he started licking the parts of her chest where she had moles, she started gasping and moaning since he also started massaging her ass, he went ahead and started licking her bare and perky nipple slightly sloppy but she loved it the way he did. he then went upwards to her face
"i want to finger you so bad right now" he said that while kissing her lips and brushing his hands very softly on her torso up and down, this motion of his hands on her body always sent her chills through her whole body
"then do it please, do-" as she was about to speak, he already slid his hand in her underwear and gasped when he touched her vagina, he has felt it thousands of times but it never fails to make him feel oh so good, he starts circling her clit with his middle finger and grabbing her cunt with the other 4, she is moaning in-front of his mouth and he keeps kissing her face, her grip on his hair tightens, he's finger fucking her, standing, and in-front of a mirror. he shifts her body so that the side of their bodies is visible.
"look at us in the mirror" he said while his beard is brushing on her cheek kind of like a whisper
she tilts and sees them so close and sensual on the mirror, not even 5 seconds have passes and joe sped up and inserted his index finger too, he's seeing them on the mirror too, he loves seeing her in this state, where she can't hold her head still and starts kissing him on random and nearest parts of his body, she was currently kissing his biceps, she moved one of her legs to move across his legs.
"it feels soo good you don't even know, ah" she said
they were both staring at the mirror
"focus on me" he said, once she did he dived into her lips fully making out and biting each other's lips, while he was kissing she started to reach her orgasm and her voice because squeaky and loudly moaning, he knew she was reaching her orgasm but he kept kissing her
"oh my god, ahh ahh" she was orgasming and her head fell back leaving just her neck and breasts for him to kiss and he did exactly that, he hungrily started licking her breasts and neck and it made the orgasm go to another level.
once it stopped, she smiled and he started to wrap her legs 'round his waist but she rejected, she suddenly went down on her knees and started to remove his shorts, he gulped and grabbed each and every strand of her hair, she looked at him and then to his underwear, she removed them and grabbed his dick, she first started licking it and then abruptly stopped, he got a little annoyed
"look at us in the mirror" she said grinningly
once he started looking at them with a shy smile, she started licking his balls while slowly motioning his dick, it felt like heaven to him, her RED lipstick and her blue eyes just doing wonders, his head was falling back and slowly closing his eyes in ecstasy. when she suddenly started blowing his dick deep into her mouth, he was so close, she kept blowing him and then she got up and started kissing him on the lips while stroking him, he was giving sloppy kisses, he kept frowning and groaning because of what she was doing to him. finally he orgasmed and his both arms were around his waist, she got down again though, and licked his juices off.
"girl..... you're so beautiful, this was the best one ever, i love you so much" he said while breathing heavily
"this was needed, it felt so good, i love you too.... so much" she said
he grabbed both of the sides of her legs and wrapped them 'round his waist, he took her to the closet and placed her on the table in the middle of it, he backed up from her, she got a little annoyed and frowned
"we need to get ready for the party, we're already late baby" he said
"um ok but..." she said and grabbed him by his neck and kissed him hard and he grinned, his teeth grazed her lips and his hands on her boobs.
he again went back and recognized her dress in the cupboard, he grabbed it by his left hand and went up to her, he slowly brushed her dress along her body, starting from the legs, then her stomach and her nipples and then her cheeks while kissing her ever so softly. he encouraged her arms and hands to move up so he could make her wear it, he found the big hole of the dress and made her wear it, the clothe was stuck in some places and he corrected the creases, he loved the way it fitted her boobs, she got off the the table and instantly got his jeans from the back.
"now... your turn" she whispered in his left ear
she gave him the jeans so that he can slide his legs into into it, but once they reached his thighs, she went upto him and slid in the belt, she was still walking hence making them reach the wall, she buttoned him up.
"you look so sexy like this" she said while slightly brushing her hands on his abs and then his chest and nipples and ending it with the mole on his neck
"what you say? should i go to the party like this?" he giggled and wrapped his arms around her, her hands landed on his biceps and she loved touching and feeling them with her small hands. he kissed her on her forehead multiple times...this what peace is to them, just nothing to worry about and just being in each other's embrace.
"no.... you're wearing that green shirt you told me about earlier" she said while slightly rolling her eyes but she's aware it's just one of his lazy jokes
"where is the shirt? you remember?" she said
"on your right, on the hanger, my love" he said while playing with her fringes
she went ahead and got the shirt, she helped him get both of his arms inside the pockets, she started buttoning his shirt up, when only three were left she kissed twice on his chest then completely buttoned it while kissing his jaw.
she grabbed his hand and took him to the mirror again, she pointed at his wallet, and he tapped her shoulder and took it, she started brushing her hair and making a ponytail, when she was about to apply her RED lipstick again, he grabbed her by her forearms and said
"don't look at the mirror, look at me' i'll remove the excess of the lipstick"
"oh- okay..." she said giggling
he was super close to her and kept staring at her lips while she slowly started with her lower lips, she was staring at his eyes, she was enjoying it, she started working on her upper lips, once she finished she had some excess at the ends of her lips, he removed it by his fingers and kissed the corner of her lips. he went upto her ear and whispered
"i love you, this is gonna be completely gone by the end of the party, and i'm not even kidding."
Hope y'all like it
Well done!
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generallybarzy · 4 years
make you feel good
mat barzal x reader
summary: Mat always makes you feel so good, and you think it’s about time you learn how to repay him for all his hard work for the first time. Ever. an: Anon asked a loooong time ago for a follow up to Did You Miss Me?. I purposefully had Mat say “we’ll try that next time” in that fic because I just didn’t know how to write that scene, but now I do! Kinda a follow up to DYMM, but it’s also stand-alone. warning for obviously smut and language. Also, it’s midnight so sorry if I have some editing mistakes. word count: 4.8k of sweet smut ;)
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 You wanted to do it.
It had been a few weeks now since your first time with Mat, and in the small handful of times that you had sex since then, he had been working hard to build up your confidence- praising and complimenting you and eyeing you like you were the best thing in the world. Bless him for that, you loved having sex with him, but you were still just a bit shy when it came down to it. Regardless, Mat was super, super patient about trying anything new or switching up the routine, and absolutely never pushed you. You appreciated that, but it was time for a change, and you decided you wanted to try just this one thing for him…
You wanted to give him a blowjob. 
God, you wanted to try so bad. The thought of seeing Mat fall apart- moaning, thighs trembling and muscles clenching- beneath your mouth, was an absolute dream. Your problem, though, was that you’d never done that before. You knew the basics: dick in mouth, don’t use teeth; but beyond that, you didn’t know how to make it feel amazing for him. How to make him feel good.
You decided, after hours of stressing and overthinking it, reading online articles and watching yourself do strange things in the bathroom mirror, fuck it. You were just going to try your fucking hardest and hope your enthusiasm was enough. 
You were curled up against him on the couch, watching some basketball game he put on when the urge hit you. His long body was stretched out with his head resting against the arm of the couch, pulling you against his side. His hair was the perfect lazy day messiness you loved on him, he was wearing a dark hoodie and gray sweatpants and looking all warm and cozy for your TV and cuddle session, but your thoughts were far from wholesome tonight. No, you couldn’t stop thinking about his beautiful dick beneath that gray fabric. You never thought you’d find a dick beautiful- dicks weren’t all that cute, definitely not- but Mat was a pretty boy and that also translated into being pretty down there, so he just had a way of making it look so beautiful. In your mind, it was the perfect length, girth- he fits you just right, and he certainly knew how to use it. It was honestly kinda hard to explain, but knowing that this man you love so much can be so cute and soft and sweet but also rock a super nice, super hot body- and dick- under all that clothes was such a fucking turn on. You were tucked between his body and the back of the couch in leggings and an old Islanders shirt of Mat’s, with one leg bent across his thick thighs and one hand resting on his chest so you could feel every breath and every beat of his heart. “Hey, Mat?”
“Yeah?” He glanced down at you for a moment in acknowledgment before looking back to the game. “What’s up?”
Yeah, that wasn’t going to do. You needed his full attention. You brought one hand up to his dark hair- which was looking incredibly soft tonight- and carded your fingers through the silky locks, dragging your other hand from where it had rested on his chest down, down, down, until it was resting on his lower abdomen, dangerously close to brushing against his dick, which was, by the way, already beginning to perk up in interest. Mat’s eyebrows quirked up, he immediately turned his full attention from the TV to you, and you could feel his muscles tensing beneath your hand. You pulled yourself closer against him with your leg, basically grinding on him, and he let out a strangled breath.
“Woah, (Y/N).” He caught your gaze, silently searching to see if it was your intention to rile him up like this, before his lips split into a wide grin and he shimmied up on the couch so that he was sitting more upright against the arm, bringing you with him to straddle his lap. Immediately, you pressed your mouth against his. If there was one thing you weren’t nervous about, it was kissing. Beyond that, all your confidence went out the window. Mat broke apart first, his hands rubbing your hips and holding you against him as his gaze trailed over you with a smile. “You’re actually starting this?”
“Trying. Was that a good transition?” 
“Fuck yes.” He leaned in to kiss you again, softer, his hands finding your hair and waist and pulling you flush into his body. You let yourself grind down against him, causing a soft hum to escape from his lips. It was obvious he was about to flip over to lay you back on the couch so he could focus on you, but you caught his shoulders and dug your knees into the cushions, stopping his movements. No, this time was all about him.
“Actually, I want to try something new this time, Mat.”
“Oh, yeah?” He smiled, like a kid on Christmas morning. Despite how patient he had been, you knew he was itching to try more things eventually.“What do you want to try?” 
“Um...” You let your hands slip off his shoulders and down his chest, down his abs, to settle on the waistband of his sweatpants, hoping he’d get the message. “A few weeks ago, when we first did this, there was something you said we’d try later.” You saw the smile curl its way onto his mouth at the fond memory of the first time you’d had sex. That night, he’d been too focused on your pleasure to ask you to do anything for him. You’d hesitantly asked if you were expected to suck him,  and he had assured you “We’ll try that later”, not wanting to push you beyond what you were comfortable doing. “Remember?”
“I remember.”
“Well, it’s later. I think it’s time I learn how to… blow you.”
“Oh yeah.” his face was flushed pink and he had a gleaming grin as he bit his lip, obviously already affected just at the mere thought of a blowjob. “You sure you’re ready for that?” 
“Yeah. You always make me feel so, so good, and I wanna make you feel good too.”
He hummed pleasantly in response, cupping your face between his hands. “You already make me feel good.” 
“But there’s no way you don’t want a blowjob right now.”
“No, I definitely want the blowjob. I’m just saying.” He laughed a little and pulled your face against his again, catching your lips with more passion, more strength than before. Your hands found their way under his hoodie, sliding along taut muscle and up to his chest. He was all flushed and warm under the thick material, especially with the new, needy air around him. You scooted back a bit to sit on his thighs while he stretched to peel it off, so you took the moment to just sit back and watch the way his muscles moved beneath his skin, and once again found yourself wondering how you managed to get such a good looking boyfriend. At the sound of fabric dropping to the floor beside the couch, you looked back up to his face to find him smiling cheekily. “See something you like?” 
“Yeah, I do.” You moved your hands up and down his chest, just savoring the feeling of his body beneath yours, dancing your fingers across his ribs like gentle, featherlike touches, and drawing a laugh from his lips. 
“That tickles.” He trailed his hands up from where they were resting on your hips to dip under your shirt and tickle your own ribs.
“Mat! This is supposed to be sexy.”
“Oh, trust me, it is.”
You leaned down and peppered kisses across his jaw, his neck, his chest, and reached your hand down to knead softly against his crotch. The pleased hum from his lips shifted to a moan- soft and unexpected. Mat caught your gaze with his eyebrows arched in surprise; he hadn’t been expecting that so quickly, but he definitely wasn’t gonna complain. “This good?”
"So good." 
You could feel him beneath your hand, beneath the soft fabric of his sweatpants, you could feel him getting more and more aroused each passing moment, and you could feel the tiny movements of his cock as you rubbed against him. He rolled his hips up to meet your palm, working with you to rile himself up. You were straddling his thighs, leaning up against his chest and kissing his neck, your free hand tugging at the waves of dark hair at the back of his head. You could hear little noises from him in your ear, not quite moans but little sighs and breaths of contentment. “Mat.” You stopped what you were doing to shimmy off the couch and onto the floor, and his hips jerked up, trying to follow your hand and chase your touch. He quickly got the hint and sat up, his feet dropping to the floor on either side of you.
“Fuck, babe.” 
You could already see his cock straining against his boxer briefs and sweatpants, begging to be freed, as you rubbed your hands up and down his thighs and pushed them further apart. “You have to be patient with me, okay? And guide me, I guess. I’ve never done this before. I don’t know how great this is gonna be.”
“Hey, listen.” His big hand found your cheek and tilted your face to look at him, at that beautiful reassuring grin. “Even if you’re not the best your first time, I can guarantee that, unless you completely bite my dick off or something, it’s gonna feel amazing. There’s no possible way it’ll feel bad. It’s pretty hard for me to not come around you.”
“Yeah.” He smiled as your hands grazed up to his abs before dipping back down to rest so, so close to where he needed you most. God, you’re such a fucking tease, aren’t you? He pushed a pillow onto the floor in front of you, threading his fingers through your hair comfortingly. “Here, for your knees. It can’t be too comfy down there.”
It wasn’t, but knowing that Mat cared that much and wanted you as comfortable as possible just made you love him more. “Thanks.” You loved him so much, you wanted to make him feel good, so you settled down onto the pillow between his knees- already opened wide for you, and squeezed his thighs- looking extra thick the way he was spread out on the couch in front of you. You were sure your face was bright red, and your mind was fuzzy as you came face to face with his crotch. “Okay. How do I even start this?” 
“Well,” Mat laughed a bit, easily lightening the mood like he always did. “Maybe taking my pants off would help.” 
“Yeah. Right, right. Duh.” 
You hooked your fingers into the waistband of his sweats and tugged them, gazing up at him the whole time, and Mat lifted his hips to help. You slid them down below his knees and took a moment to freeze and marvel at the obvious tent in his boxer briefs while he kicked them the rest of the way off before reaching for the hem of your shirt. “You gotta undress too. It’s only fair, right?”
You laughed, a flush on your cheeks. “Everything?”
“I wanna see you. But only if you’re comfortable.” You thought for only a few seconds before deciding ‘fuck it, he’s seen me naked before and he loves me’, so you made a show of shimmying down your leggings and unclasping your bra. Your heart pounded in excitement, watching his heavy gaze drag over you and seeing the way he visibly heaved a deep sigh at the sight, eyeing you with hearts as if you were the most beautiful thing he’d ever laid his eyes on. Fuck, he’d made you feel so confident. So sexy. “You’re so fucking hot, (Y/N).”
“So are you.” 
Mat leaned down to kiss your face for a moment. “Okay, now just… build up to the real thing.” 
You settled back on the floor between his legs and placed your hands back on his knees, now bare and warm under your touch. Mat watched you, mesmerized for a moment while you let you gaze drag slowly over the expanse of his skin, from his knees up to his face, where you met his eyes. He had the softest, awestruck little smile on his face, absolute hearts in his eyes as you leaned in and pressed wet, sloppy kisses to the insides of his legs, from the back of his knee to the very top of his thigh, your breasts pressing against the side of his leg. “Have I mentioned how much I love your thighs?” 
“A few times.” His voice was shaky, breathless as if you had knocked the air out of him with your kisses, but he still had that delighted smile stretched across his cheeks. He was enjoying himself.
You leaned up, putting your arms on either side of his thighs and mouthing along the ‘V’ at his hips, your boobs pressed right onto his crotch. “And,” you lifted a hand and delicately palmed at his hard-on, leaning down to nip gently on the soft skin of his inner thighs “I love the beautiful thing between them.” 
“Mmm fuck.” At the soft touch of your hand, he was grinding up against you and tucking his own thumbs into the waistband of his underwear. You placed your hands over his and caught his eyes. 
“Is this good? Can I take them off?” 
“You’ve really gotta stop asking if you’re good.” He laughed again. “Can’t you tell how good you make me feel?” He lifted his hips off the couch so you could tug away the last piece of fabric covering him, and you had barely pulled them down past his thighs before his cock was jumping up against his stomach and you had to stop, let him kick the fabric away and settle back against the couch. 
There it was- standing at attention between those beautiful thighs, against his taut muscles, thick and bright pink at the tip and just so ready for your mouth. You had to take a moment to admire him. He looked like an absolute god- sitting completely naked in front of you, all creamy skin and toned body and thick thighs, his long legs spread wide open on the couch. And his dick, too- he a nice size and stretched you out just right, you knew that from the very first time you had sex. The things he could do with this were unbelievable, and being face to face with it now was almost intimidating. You could tell by the way his chest was rising and falling with heavy breaths and the beading slickness at the tip that he was absolutely aching for you, and the idea that you already had him so wrapped around your fingers and could control his pleasure made you feel so powerful. You loved it, and couldn’t help but bite your bottom lip in anticipation.
It was such a breathtaking view from where Mat was slouching back into the couch. He was already rock hard, and seeing you down on your knees between his thighs wasn’t doing anything to calm the fire in his blood. You had paused with your fingers on the ‘V’ of his naked hips, hesitant and hopefully impressed, just gazing at him with a slack jaw, and Mat felt goosebumps spring up along his skin when you sucked your bottom lip in between your teeth. But still, you didn’t touch it. 
“Shit, (Y/N).” 
“You’re really hot, Mat.” He laughed breathlessly, the small cocky laugh he gave whenever he got complimented. “I’m serious. You’re fucking sexy.”
“So are you.” And you were, especially on your knees in front of him, inches away from his cock. He could practically feel your hot breath, and he was burning for you, inside and out. “But I really need you to do something to me right now.” He held your face between his hands, stroking your cheeks. “Start out small at first. We’ll go from there.”
“Right, okay.” 
With gentle touches, you traced his length from bottom to top, closed your hand around his shaft, and familiarized yourself with the weight in your palm. The pleased hum from his lips was soft and needy and silently filled with the words: ‘finally, finally, finally touching me’. And maybe that little noise was all you needed to encourage more confidence in you. You delicately kissed your way along the shaft, teasing a little. “The- ah- the tip is the most sensitive area.” Mat tried to explain breathlessly. You were practically drooling, almost as if your body needed him as much as he needed you. And you did need him. So you caught a glimpse of his pretty hazel eyes- needy but patient- and before he could even process it, you were pressing your wet lips to his tip in a gentle kiss and flicking your tongue across that little slit at the top. 
The moan that left his mouth after that, the little ‘oh’ shape his lips made, the way his hands balled into fists on the couch, was something you’d never forget. You’d never heard him moan quite like this. You knew he always felt amazing during sex, but he’d always been focused on your pleasure as well and couldn’t fall apart like this. Seeing him finally enjoying himself fully was beyond any of your wildest dreams- the way he was absolutely crumbling to pieces at just the smallest touches, and the way it was you making him feel this way. 
It made you feel powerful.
 When your lips finally wrapped completely around the velvety head and gave him a little suck, just testing the waters, he couldn’t help but jerk his hips up into your mouth. Of course, you gagged a little bit at the sudden movement and jumped back to catch your breath, and Mat was quick to apologize. “Shit, sorry, I’m sorry. Just felt so good. You okay?” 
“Yeah. Just… maybe don’t do that?” 
“Of course not.” His hands knotted into your hair, only to loosen a moment later and push it gently behind your ear instead. “Do you care if I touch your hair?” 
You smiled. “Please do.” 
That was so hot. You’d always used Mat’s hair to guide him and absolutely yank him closer when he was going down on you, and you couldn’t help but feel that the idea of you reciprocating what he could make you feel was so fucking hot. He always made you come until you were shaking and blissed out, and you were determined to do that to him as well. 
“Just… ah, lick it some more, all of it. I promise not to choke you this time.”
You breathed out a laugh and took him back into your hand, mouthing up the shaft with wet, messy kisses, lubing him up a bit and stroking him in a deep, steady rhythm. His hand encouraged you, caressing the back of your neck as you licked and kissed and sucked your way along his length. You noticed a particularly visible vein on the underside and, remembering something you read online, you licked a firm stripe all the way up it. Immediately, Mat’s hand tightened in your hair, and from the upper corner of your vision, you saw his head fall against the back of the couch, an arm over his forehead. “Does that feel nice?”
“Fuck, baby. That’s nice. Where’d you learn to do that?”
“I read it somewhere.”
“Oh, you’ve been researching?” 
“I want this to be good for you..”
“It is.” You looked up at him and he looked down at you, his face flushed and pretty, and you swirled your tongue around the sensitive, pink tip. He let out a long groan, pushing aside your hair as gently as he could. “It’s perfect. You're perfect.” 
Then, finally, you were taking him all in, your eyes locked with his and the nails of your free hand digging into the flesh of his meaty thigh. He pushed some hair off of his forehead and watched, mesmerized as he disappeared between your lips.
“Urgh…” Mat groaned as you sank further and further onto his cock. He could barely control himself, he wanted to thrust up into your mouth- your warm, wet mouth- but he held back for you. You were such a fucking beauty, not only in the way you were kneeling between his knees and pressing your tits together so perfectly and absolutely making him shake but also in how you were so eager and enthusiastic to try this for him, even though he knew you were nervous. All you wanted was to make him feel good, and he could tell. And shit, you were making him feel amazing.
He brushed your hair away from your face again and watched you. He could see you were trying to take on too much, trying to fit more into your mouth than necessary, your hands balled up on his thighs. Your attention was straying further and further from where it should be, and, though he could still definitely come from this, he wanted to help you learn what felt best. 
“Hey, hey, babe.” You glanced up at him, worried you had done something wrong, but eager to fix whatever mistake you had made. “You don’t need to take it all at once if you can’t.” The hand that wasn’t tangled in your hair came down to cup your cheek, guiding your mouth off of him a bit so you were more comfortable. “Focus on up here. That’s the most important part.” You gave him the best nod you could, given the position you were in and bobbed your head slowly on and off the tip of his cock. Immediately, your ears filled with the sound of his moan- his needy, desperate moan. He helped you, the hand on the back of your neck pushing gently and encouraging every movement. The spit dripping down his length was lubing him up enough that you could stroke what you couldn’t fit in your mouth, so you closed your palm around him and jerked him slowly and firmly. 
“Like that?” He groaned again as your lips popped off his red, throbbing head. “Does this feel good?” 
“Yeah, baby. So good.” He let out a groan, long and deep and throaty. “Fuck, you look so beautiful, you know that?” His voice came to your ears, low and groaned and dripping with sex appeal, and you could feel the arousal pooling in your panties. “You look so hot with your lips around my dick like this. You’re fucking magical.” 
“Good.” You sounded so proud of yourself, and the little smile on your face from where you were tucked between his legs made his heart burst. 
He was going to smile at how unbelievably cute and sexy you were at the same time, but it was interrupted by a moan as your lips sucked around his cock. “Woah, babe.” You cast another glance up at Mat and saw his blissed-out face, his free arm thrown up over his forehead as he moaned to the ceiling, his lips a perfect circle. “Like that. Fuck, just like that.” You got so caught up in watching him pant and moan as you jerked him off that his hand on the back of your neck urged you down towards him again. “Keep doing that.” His words were shaky, strangled by moans- the moans you were drawing from him.
Everything you had read on those sex blogs online while frantically trying to learn was immediately forgotten and you gave in to instinct, following the sound of Mat’s breathing and moaning as you once again attached your lips around the top of his dick and sucked, running your tongue along the rim of his head while you bobbed up and down. Your eyes shot up to look at him as his hips began to jerk unintentionally with every movement of your lips and tongue around his needy cock. His eyes locked with yours immediately, hand tangled in your hair and in your free hand, watching intensely as you pushed him towards the edge. “You like this, Mat? You like how it feels?”
“You’re so good to me, babe. So good, so fucking goo-” 
And then, as your hand rubbed across the rim of his cock, something seemed to snap, and he was moaning and jerking and throwing his head back.
He sounded like heaven. You’d heard him moan before, but nothing like this. For the past few weeks, it had all been about your pleasure, but now, he could let go completely. He didn’t need to worry about working to get you off, all he needed to do was sit back and look pretty and crumble to pieces in your hands. And honestly, you loved giving as much as receiving. Sure, nothing would ever top the feeling of his mouth going to town on your clit and his fingers curling inside your aching hole, but this came pretty close.
He had thrown his head back onto the couch, his eyes squeezing shut and his hands tightened where they were gripping your hair and your hand, moaning and gasping in sinful ways that had heat flooding to your core. Hearing the noises that were coming from him and knowing you were the cause of those beautiful noises coming from him- that was something you’d never forget. He was squirming beneath you, his hips jerking out of his control and the muscles in his legs to his abdomen clenching and releasing and spasming beneath your hands. He was falling to pieces, and he was beautiful.
“Fuck, fuck, baby, I’m so close.” his voice was whiny, desperate for release. 
“Mmmm, Mat.” All you could do was let out a shaky breath and hum his name before sliding him between your lips again, more desperate than before. 
“Keep going. Don’t stop. Holy shit, don’t stop.” 
It didn’t take long for him to crumble after you wrapped your lips around him and jerked him into your hot mouth with a tight, wet hand, and after one final, long, strangled moan, he shook and trembled and came undone with a sharp whisper of your name. He spilled into your mouth, a new taste and feeling- it wasn’t great, but it wasn’t horrible- and the thought that this was Mat inside your lips was making your heart pound and your body pulse in need. It felt so intimate. 
You took the moment to commit everything to memory, looking across the span of his pretty body, the way his chest was heaving in shaky breathes, the way his hairline was beading with sweat, the way his hand was now stroking gently across the back of your head when it had previously been tight, his fingers were tangled with yours, his thumb rubbing across the top of your hand. You wanted to remember this forever. You wanted to do it again, watch the way he crumbled, over and over and over. You could do it any day, and you could wait to try more
When Mat finally opened his eyes, coming down from the high of his orgasm, he was greeted by the image of you on your knees in front of him, his cum dripping out of your lips as you smiled up at him with a look of pride and accomplishment. He couldn’t understand how he could find somebody so sexy and adorable at the same time, but you could always blow his mind.
And apparently, that wasn’t all you could blow.
“(Y/N),” He reached down to stroke his thumbs over your cheeks. “You don’t have to swallow.” 
“I wanted to.” 
Mat sighed, amazed at how much his beautiful girlfriend was willing to try for him. “I love you.” He leaned down to press his lips against your mouth. “I can’t believe you’re so amazing. I love you so much.” And he kept smiling into your kiss as you repeated it back, just as in love with him as he was with you. He pulled you up off the floor and onto the couch, snug against his side so you were in the same cuddling position as before, not caring about the mess he was making. He was so amazing, the way he could go from moaning and crumbling and sexy to giggling and soft and sweet in the blink of an eye, And you loved that about him. He glanced back at the TV absentmindedly, pulling you into his naked body. “Oh, shit, we missed the game!”
“Kidding, kidding! Screw the game.” He laughed at just the sound of your laugh and rolled over to hover over you, his cheeks bright and flushed pink in a wide smile. “C’mon now, how about I make you feel good too, baby?”
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missallsundayyy · 4 years
Breaking Boundaries
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First oneshot for my first post here and there’s no better ship/pair i’d rather write than Nico Robin & Roronoa Zoro
Things were lively on the Sunny Go as usual. Franky was upgrading the canons on the ship, Chopper and Ussop were being...well...being them as usual. Luffy was bugging Sanji in the kitchen asking/whining when was lunch going to be served and in his words.
"foooooooood SANJIIIIIIIIIIIII!!" the famous straw hat captain yelled from the other side of the kitchen.
Nami was focusing on the weather and the sea behavior, navigating the crew to their next destination whilst Brook was beside her asking if he could see her panties in which he received a punch that sent him flying through the ship's walls. Thus starting a fight with the shipswright that was just beside the wall that was destroyed.
"WATCH WHERE YOU LAND ASSHOLE!!!" Franky screamed out.
"Yohoho!! don't get your panties in a twist Franky-sannn"
Aside from all the chaos was the crew's infamous swordsman, Zoro whom was doing impossible training once again. Lifting weights that no humans could ever lift.
He grunts out in training, muscles flexing, his body coated with sweat. He did this everyday at the same spot the moment the sun starts to rise until Sanji calls them for lunch. Not far from the green-haired man.....well in fact maybe 5metres away from him was the ship's beautiful archeologist Nico Robin. Seated as usual on her umbrella armchair with a book on hand. 
She was wearing her spaghetti strap purple tank top that did no effort to cover her large breast and a very small tight fitting jean shorts. It was a very hot day at that, she had put her hair up in a ponytail which was rare because usually she prefered her hair down. Even though it was scorching hot outside and she could just retreat into her room where it would definitely be cooler but it was out of habit that she situated herself here when she read.
She’s elated to be where she was right now. Doing what she loved and surrounded by nakamas that accepted her, cared for her, protected her and loved her. She would give her life 100 million times over for the Straw Hats without a second thought. Back at Enies Lobby she was afraid that that they would find her a burden, a thorn in the flesh even when they proved that they will fight the whole world fearlessly for her. Comparing then and now she was flabbergasted at how many things have changed. Everyone has gotten stronger, more matured. The bond Robin shared with the crew was strong that not even God can sever it, that she was certain for.
Her mind wandered everywhere and anywhere, she wasn't even focusing on the book she was reading anymore. She summarised everything in her head with a content look on her face.
The sounds of Zoro's grunting and counting snapped Robin back to reality, her eyes diverted to the green haired crew member. Her eyes shamelessly stared at his god like body that was now glistening in sweat due to the monstrous work out he does everyday. His muscles was amazing, his abs was rock hard and his chest looked like steel plates had been implanted in him. His face was fierce and focus, never losing concentration.
Zoro was a very very veryyy handsome man, that was what Robin had always thought even when she first joined the crew. She knew he was a very powerful man and a dangerous one at that, the crew was blessed to have such interesting and indestructible members and Roronoa Zoro was one of them. He had many cons to him...well according to Nami and Sanji's list. He sleeps too much, he was too direct with his words so more often than not he always comes off as an "asshole". He drinks too much when he isn't sleeping or training and to top the icing on the cake, he couldn't find his way to the ship's toilet even if his bladder depended on it.
Robin however found him to be interesting as hell and even charming most times. How he was always the calm one amongst all of them and he was a very wise man that stick by his words. He was a strong man with honour and pride. He will no doubt be the type to keep a promise even if will be his demise. Robin didn't know she had a type until she met Zoro, the more time she has with the swordsman the larger her attraction for him grew.
Having a lover has never came across her mind, not that she wasn't interested in intimate relations before, it just never came up until she found herself glancing at him more than she should. Also the automatic position of their area happened to be beside each other every day so there was not much of a choice in that matter. She snapped back yet again to reality still staring at the handsome swordsman, she wouldn't admit it but internally she was swooning over his very very shredded body.
"Oi oi Robin, your staring is bothering me. You should read at your room today, your face is red from the weather right now."  Zoro called out to Robin who was unintentionally caught gawking at him although being the dense man he was, he of course would have not though that she was checking him out.
Zoro had placed all this training equipments down and was now walking towards the self fantasising historian that still had her eyes glued onto him. He walked a few steps towards Robin and stood beside her, taking her lemonade drink right from her side table and gulping all of it down with greed-thirst sounds.  This was another normal thing between them, she would have her drink but she would never drink any of it because before she could, he would always finish it up unless she had coffee. He never did understood how she could swallow the damn bitter beverage. She also was starting to think that subconsciously she would bring the drink for him instead of her.
"Zoro-kun. Sorry for bothering your training  but I don't mind a little heat today and besides the weather has been quite gloomy these past weeks, don't you agree?" Robin held her face with her palm, her usual signature posture. She now sat upright never breaking her stare.
"Rain or shine won't hinder me from my training." Zoro stated simply.
"Fufufu, yet my staring has disturbed your workout?" Robin teased him.
"Tch. You've been doing that a lot lately woman." he turned his head away, folding his arms. Ever since the crew reunited after being seperated for two years, Zoro had noticed Robin's change the most. She had gotten stronger, wiser and more matured in many different aspects.
She would tease him or outsmart him in their little chats which irate the man but in a good way.
"I was thinking if I could company you on watch today if you don't mind." Robin asked hopefully.
Zoro turned his head back to her "Sure. You can do can do whatever you want woman. Let's go to the kitchen already, bet that love cook will start yelling for us anytime soon." he was already walking towards the kitchen but in a pace that told her that he would be walking with her and not just leaving her like that. She smiled and followed him.
"ROBIN CHWANNN! You're looking veryyyyy SEXYYY TODAY!! The lunch I have prepared for you today is just as hot and spicy as you are!!!" Sanji greeted Robin that had walked in with Zoro whom by the way Sanji had not scoop his share onto a plate yet.  Robin smiled at the flirtatious cook.
"That's very kind of you cook-san, this looks delicious. As always your culinary skills are impressive." Robin replied politely, frankly only Robin would acknowledge Sanji's aggressively manic compliments. 
"Tch. Stupid love cook." Zoro muttered under his breath which didn't went unheard by the cook of course.
The fight between the two men continued while the crew watched on amused, nothing new on the ship.
"Cmmonnnnnn Chopper give me some, I'm lazy to go refill..."
Chopper and Luffy both had their hands on the cup that was filled with the cool drink and they both were playing tug rope with the cup and well unfortunately for them the cup had tipped and all of its contents is now spilling at the person that was sitting in the middle of them. That person was......Robin.
The room was now silent, Sanji and Zoro's bickering was on hold because of the light spill sound that interrupted everyone.
"Oh shit.." Franky muttered
The red beverage was now seeping through Robin's tank top. Her chest and thighs was now covered with the sweet drink and it was dripping. Robin looked down at her now soiled clothing.
"Oh my.." was all she said.
"Robinnn....im sorry!! I didn't..we didn't mean to ruin your clothes!!" Chopper started exclaiming, feeling guilty. "OI LUFFY! This is your fault you know!! APOLOGISE TO ROBIN NOW!"
Luffy had one hand behind his head, scratching while having a goofy grin "Sorry Robin it was an accident...please don't be mad"
"SERIOUSLY. Why can't the men in this crew behave like proper men in FOR ONCE! You guys are barbaric and I don't know how two beautiful women like me and and Robin got stuck with you guys!!" This time the screaming and yelling was now coming from the ship's navigator.
Robin wasn't mad, in fact she enjoyed all their shenanigans. The crew made life fun, they make her feel alive and everyday she will always have a smile on her face. "It's okay Luffy its okay Chopper. I will go and change into a new shirt." she said with a laughter.
"Well there you go Nami, you heard Robin. She's not mad so I don't see why you're all worked up." Franky joined in to which he received a death glare from the money obsessed pirate.
In the midst of the whole conversation Zoro had been staring at Robin's wet stained shirt accident. Everyone was too busy bickering with each other they had failed to notice that the water just made Robin's voluptuous figure even more prominent. The outline of her huge breast could be seen through the god damn tank top and the fruit punch was still dripping down her cleavage and most of it had splashed onto her thick thighs.
He didn't know what he was doing but he liked what he was seeing. Robin was a beautiful woman and he knew that. She had the perfect curves and her assets were anything but small. She had matured into a sexy woman and he could never deny that. The sight that she had unintentionally presented him with was very fucking pleasing to his eyes. His eyes glued to her soft skin and the way the water would drip down her cleavage because she was laughing and causing her chest to move tentalizingly. He knew she wasn't doing it on purpose but she was sexy without even trying. He shook his head and tried to clear the dirty thoughts that was now forming in his mind 'Why the hell am I thinking about her like that' his mind yelled at him.
"Well excuse me, I am going to take a bath since the punch has made my body all sticky now." Robin stood up and walked towards the door. Sanji on the other hand had knock both Luffy and Chopper's head while yelling something like 'Look what you guys did!' 'Robin-chan's lunch is ruined' 'assholes'
A loud crash was heard 1 minute after Robin had exited the kitchen. Zoro and Sanji both had dashed out of the door in a fighting stance-run. 
"Whats' going on now!!" Nami yelled.
"Looks like Luffy fell asleep" Franky muttered in half disbelief and half lazed tone.
"ROBIN CHANNN!! ARE YOU OKAY?" Sanji yelled frantically.
Zoro had drawn his katana out ready to slice anyone whom had dared to attack their ship and more importantly Robin.
"So this is the infamous Strawhat crew everyone has been talking about?? You don't seem much if i managed to cuff your deliciously beautiful crewmate here. If i know you guys had such a sexy pirate lady, we would have attacked you sooner!" The malicious voice came from Captain Deck from the Sink Pirates; notorious for sinking every ship they come across with. He was however not interested in woman and was quick to carry Robin and throwing her off the Sunny Go to everyone's horror.
"ROBIN NNNN!!" Chopper and Nami's voiced chorus together,
Zoro of course had already jumped in right after Robin was thrown into the sea. His first priority was definitely saving his nakama. Slicing every last one of his enemy would later be the second priority. He dived deep and because he immediately jump in right when Robin was thrown in, she hadn't sink too far for his vision. She was still conscious, eyes wide with shocked with everything that has transpired. He could understand her fear, you can be the strongest fighter with the best abilities but its all over if you get thrown into the water. Her hands was desperately reaching for Zoro. She knew she was safe, drowning in the sea or not, she had her nakama protecting her and always having her back.
He grabbed Robin's hand and pulled her into his body and quickly swam back up in full speed. When they reached the surface, he found himself swimming to an island, the Sunny Go and his crewmates were no where in sight. Now he was just confused, how the hell did he got all the way here now. He now carried Robin bridal style whilst walking on shore since she was weakened by the effects of the sea water.
He lay her down on the grass part of the island and stood up to survey their foreign surroundings.
"Oi woman you okay?" he asked her with concern although he wasn't facing her. Robin who now had herself up on her feet.
"Thank you Zoro-kun, i'm better now." Robin said smiling even if he wasn't looking to see it. "However, seems like we're stranded in here. How did you find this island?" she was already walking around surveying the flowers, sand, grass and anything that might tell her where they were. He scratched the back of his head, "I don't know how we end up here, my priority was only getting you out of the sea and next thing i know, i got us here." he said with a tone of frustration.
'ara...so this is how he looks like whenever we get seperated' Robin's amusing thoughts caused her to laugh behind him. He snapped his head to her "What's so funny woman" to which Robin smile "Nothing. Lets explore this island together, i'm sure Luffy and the others are already nearby." she suggested to which Zoro just grunted in agreement.
The both of them then ventured into the thick jungle of the island.
Meanwhile back at the Sunny Go.
"Geez you can definitely count on Zoro to be lost even when the ship was right above him." Franky grumbled while the crew set sailed for the island Ussop had spotted.
"That shitty asshole took Robin-chwann away! IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN ME THAT SAVED HER AND WOULD PROBABLY BE ON THAT ISLAND WITH A VERY WET RO-" Sanji fainted from nose-bleed before he could finish his sentence.
"SANJIIIIII!!!" Chopper ran towards his perverted nakama.
"Leave him to die Chopper, he propably don't mind dying" Nami said while shaking her head.
"YOSH! FULL SPEED AHEAD TO THAT MEAT ISLAND MEN!" Luffy yelled to his crewmates.
"Oi oi what do you mean meat island" Ussop replied, "And we can leave stupidity to our captain. Zoro and Robin are missing and there he goes thinking about food" he finished leaving Nami and Chopper nodding their heads vigorously. Luffy laughed "Don't worry! They're strong and i'm not worried."
"Perhaps the plants here spit poison that could kill you in a second or maybe the soil might swallow you whole the moment you step on it." Robin said voicing her thoughts outloud.
"Oi Robin stop saying things like that." Zoro chastised the historian for always saying dark things.
"Fufufu sorry Zoro-kun." Robin giggled into her palm. 
"By the way......” he started “Robin,i'mgladyou'refineafter2years."
Zoro managed to choke all the words out as fast as he could. He was not one with sweet words but he somehow felt that before the seperation he was very cold with Robin out of all the members of the crew.
It had to do with the whole ‘Miss All Sunday’ business but now when he looked at her, it was as if everything in the past didn't matter anymore.Robin on the other hand was taken aback by his words, she would be lucky to get a grunt out of the swordsman but he was initiating a conversation first and to top that off, he was telling her how he was glad that SHE was okay.
"I'm happy to hear that. You've grown handsomely in two years Zoro-kun" She replied him with a genuine smile. His face instantly reddened from embarasssment. There she goes again, he thought. Always saying things like that and now he looks like a cat just bit his tongue.
"W..we..well you'vegrownbigtoO!"
Robin laughed aloud "Are you saying that i’m fat Zoro-kun?" she stopped abruptly nearly making him crash behind her.
"What!" he panicked. Now these are one of her antics to get him all flustered.
"You said i've grown big, so does that mean I’m fat to you Zoro-kun?" She asked him with an innocent smile, teasing him was her favourite things to do.
"You know what I mean woman." Zoro grunted frustratedly, face still heated up. She? Fat? Farrr from it he thought. Her figure was amazing, perfect if he may be so bold to say.
"So after 2years of not seeing me, thaaat....is the only thing you noticed? I think cook-san has influenced you abit." This has got to definitely get THE reaction Robin was waiting for.
“IM NOTHING LIKE THAT SHITTY BASTARD OF A COOK AND YOU KNOW IT WOMAN!!" Robin laughed at his predictable reaction. "I'm joking Mr Swordsman." And there the nicknames comes again, this woman knew how to push his buttons well.
Then Robin did the unthinkable, she put her hands on her waist and came closer to Zoro and with a low sultry voice with a pose that would drive Sanji into his grave from nosebleed.
"So am I big enough or is there anything else I can change....for you Zoro-kun" Robin said suggestively. She have to admit whilst she finally have people to call her nakama she needed more. She wants that intimate attention just like every  woman. Intimacy wasn’t something she even had time for in the past, it never crossed her mind to romance with men. Now that she’s comfortable and know she has a place to call home, why the hell not.
Now he was just as red a beet, he didn't know why Robin was being flirty with him. She was usually the quiet one, calm, collected and only commented on things when it was necessary. Then again she was the only woman ironically that he didn’t mind invading his personal space. She and him was always in the same room in the ship every damn time and it wasn’t even planned nor did they ever agreed to always have each other’s back. He had always protected Robin, he would be there, ready to cut her enemies. Just like on sky island and fishmen island, as long as he’s around her he will put his life on the line for her
It wasn’t that he wouldn’t do the same for the crew but when he does save her, he feels something for her, he don’t know what he felt but he felt his pride and ego semi boosted from it. It was as if he wanted to impress her and show off how strong he was when she was around him. Maybe because all her life she was used to everyone betraying her or maybe she never had anyone protecting her. If she needed him to tell her that she wanted his protection, he would proudly declare that he will always protect and care for her.
Since she was graciously being so near him, his good eye clearly did not miss everything Robin had to offer. She was obviously testing the waters like this and eventhough he wasn't THAT type of man but he will be THAT if she wants it so bad. He will gladly play along with her game afterall he didn't enjoy being dominated like this.
Zoro grabbed Robin's waist roughly and pressed her figure with his hard and he brought his mouth against her ears.
"You better stop that Robin because i don’t think I can stop myself after this " Zoro growled with his grip tightening on her waist and back. That was an indefinite warning, he was ready to drop the whole ‘nakama’ thing and fuck her right there if she insisted on being a minx. Amazing that they had the whole island to themselves, amazing that his bad sense of direction got just the both of them alone, amazing that his crew wasn’t here to interrupt this moment and lastly Nico Robin was and amazing woman. His mind was flooded with thoughts of her and he thought he was going insane.
“I don’t want you to stop Zoro.” Her voice was filled with want, need, lust and when he looked into her eyes he knew that she only wanted HIM and he was the only one she trusted her body with. Right now her eyes was an open book and he could read every thoughts she had going through in her head.
Mentally he was battling a war, he shouldn’t be indulging in this but he knew he wanted this so bad he could kill someone.
 “Not here Robin.” It had took all of his will power to seperate him and Robin, all that lust and need. Trust him he really wanted to take her right there and then but... “Fufufu, that’s very considerate and sweet of you.”
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ahgaseda · 5 years
enough | five
even if everyone else leaves me, you’re enough for me, you’re my only one, stand by me forever, only you, just you...
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summary : to survive as a single woman in the big city, you resort to letting rich men pay for your company, but never anticipated that your first client would be the boy you once loved, Jinyoung.
warnings : strong profanity, explicit dialogue, references to prostitution, mentions of gang activity, graphic sexual content, potentially triggering elements involving mental health, panic attacks, etc.
miniseries chapters : one / two / three / four / five / six / seven
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Something stirred you awake in the middle of the night; an unsettled feeling in the well of your stomach. Perhaps your body was so accustomed to the feeling of his skin against yours that it noticed immediately when the warmth of him was gone.
Opening your eyes, you turned, surprised to see Jinyoung no longer peacefully asleep beside you, but sitting on the edge of the bed and gazing toward the windows.
The lights had lost their luster. Even Seoul was deep in slumber at this ungodly hour.
“Jinyoung,” you called confusedly, dazed with sleep.
“Go back to bed,” he replied a little too sharply.
For a moment, you paused, studying the expanse of his shoulders. Something weighed them down. Something he couldn’t carry without being crushed from the inside.
Obstinate as ever, you crawled forward, slipping behind him and wrapping your arms and legs around his body. Jinyoung sighed, lips tugging into a reluctant smile, and stroked a hand across your arm to lace his fingers through yours.
Resting your cheek on his shoulder, you asked, “What’s wrong, baby?”
He exhaled loudly through his nose. The lines of his brow were furrowed in pensive thought; of losing everything. Of losing you.
“I have a lot on my mind,” Jinyoung finally answered, foolish to think that answer would suffice.
You rolled your eyes and teased, “What else is new?”
Jinyoung wrinkled his nose and squeezed your hand even tighter. Jiwon’s threat was very real and manifested in his mind with every bloody, gruesome possibility. Jinyoung knew he had to put him away for good. No hesitation and no mercy.
Seeing he had fallen back into his reveries, you traced your fingers over his abs through the thin white shirt. Bringing your lips to his neck, you left a few tender kisses before flicking out your tongue to test his mood.
Jinyoung felt his pulse pick up speed. It went without saying he would love to bury himself between your legs and forget about everything except you and him in his bed. But that was never what he was made of. He couldn’t indulge in your body when you were at risk and only he could make it right.
And, of course, he was still mad as hell at you.
Jinyoung turned to meet your eyes and for a fleeting moment, you naively believed you would get your way. He kissed the corner of your mouth chastely before gathering you in his arms and returning you to your place in bed.
Draping an arm over your waist and laying his head on your chest, Jinyoung whispered, “Sleep, baby. I’m right here.”
Satisfied that he wouldn’t leave you, you settled comfortably into the mattress. His weight on top of you was more than welcome. “Will you ever tell me what goes on in that head of yours?” you asked, delicately tracing your fingertips over his forehead and pushing away his fluffy hair.
Jinyoung took your hand in his and brought it to his mouth, placing featherlight kisses over each of your fingers. “You,” he confessed in a heavy sigh, as if it pained him to admit it. “Always you.”
Your eyes burned with emotion and you didn’t hesitate to tell him, “I love you, Jinyoung.”
“I know,” he replied without missing a beat.
You chuckled. It was worth a try to make him say it back after all this time, but he was nothing if not stubborn and hard-headed.
The morning came late and your growling stomach woke you with a vengeance. When you stirred, you were amazed to find Jinyoung already awake, but still clinging snugly to your body.
“I’m hungry,” you whined tiredly, rubbing at your eyes with a fist.
Jinyoung rose quickly and proceeded to sift you out from beneath the warmth of the blankets. “It’s about time. Get up, lazy,” he jeered, half-serious. “I’m starving. We’re going to eat.”
You gawked at his outburst. “Have you been waiting this whole time for me to wake up?”
“Yes,” he said with a frown.
You wanted to laugh. He was such a big baby. “I have to study,” you told him, slipping off the bed and gathering your clothes.
Jinyoung put his hands on his hips and chided, “You studied your brains out yesterday. It’s Saturday. Today, you rest.”
You stopped, blinking incredulously at how bossy he sounded. “Well, damn,” you said with a chuckle. “Guess I have no choice, huh?”
“None. Zero,” Jinyoung replied, heading out the door to give you privacy. “Get dressed.”
“Fine,” you shot back, attempting to sound annoyed simply to toy with him.
That was when you remembered you didn’t have any clothes to wear. You had been brought to his penthouse in your pajamas and you highly doubted Jinyoung would appreciate taking you to breakfast in your thigh-high socks.
There was a swift tapping of knuckles on the door followed by it opening before you could finish calling, “Yes?”
Jinyoung appeared again, a bag in each hand. “Right on time,” he announced, disgruntled. “I had some clothes ordered for you. The boys just dropped them off.”
“Jinyoung, you can’t be serious,” you exclaimed, racing over to see the spoils. “Please tell me you didn’t spend a fortune on these.”
Jinyoung snorted and narrowed his eyes at you. He was tempted to pull out a wad of cash and set it on fire before you just to prove a point. “I spend my money however I want. Now, for the love of food, hurry up and put something on. Or I’ll just eat you.”
Memories began to flood of the night before and you licked your lips. “I would not be opposed to that.”
Jinyoung lifted his brows. After a pause, he retorted, “Nope. I got nothing. All I’m thinking about is beef.”
“Me, too,” you shot back, glancing down at his pants.
He promptly folded his arms and made that damned adorable face. Pursed lips, puffed cheeks. “Wow, I ate her out one time and she can’t think straight. Woman, am I gonna be able to take you out in public ever again?”
You laughed aloud. “Yes, yes, I’m coming. I just miss the hell out of teasing you.”
“Yeah, well, I miss having a full belly,” he groaned. “You have five minutes or I’m leaving your horny ass here.”
“Cheese and rice,” you grumbled, pulling the shirt over your head and stripping down to your underwear.
Jinyoung was about to make a quip about how badly he craved rice, but was distracted at the sight of your breasts. Your body had filled out in his absence over the last four years. Though you were always perfect to him, he didn’t mind your bigger boobs and fuller hips.
You met his eyes, quirking a brow. Suddenly aware of the sexual tension that had filled the room in the span of a second, part of you hoped he would pounce on you then and there.
Jinyoung watched, feigning disinterest, and handed you one of the blouses.
By the time you arrived at the restaurant, bodyguards and driver in tow, Jinyoung was in full hungry brat mode. The owner recognized him at once and bowed deeply, ushering the two of you to the secluded table in the back corner. Before you slipped into your seat, you watched Jackson, Jaebeom and Yugyeom take a high table just beyond and strategically within eyesight at all times.
Not much passed in terms of conversation at first. Jinyoung was wholly focused on food. When the beef began to sizzle on the grill, you reached for the tongs and earned a swift slap to your hand.
“What was that for?” you exclaimed irritably.
Jinyoung proceeded to flip the beef and complained, “You have no grill skills. You burn everything.”
“I do not,” you said with a pout.
The servers continued to bring food at Jinyoung’s behest. By the time they had finished, there was no free space on the table.
The sight made your eyes burn with the threat of tears, even worse when Jinyoung took a large mouthful and made a satisfied sound in his chest.
There were days he gave you his food and went hungry himself. Jinyoung always suffered if it meant you were taken care of. The two of you went years without ever knowing how it felt to be full.
Jinyoung glanced at you, perturbed at how you had yet to start eating. “What’s wrong?” he asked.
You shook your head and lied, “Nothing.”
He watched you pick up the chopsticks and your hesitation was painfully obvious. He could see the moisture in your eyes. Jinyoung knew in that moment what had made you emotional and chose kindly not to press you on it, but he did say, “Let it go, baby.”
“What?” you questioned.
“Whatever you’re about to cry over.”
You blinked rapidly, fighting the tears even harder, and nodded your head. Then, you reached for the food.
The waitress came over not long after and asked if there was anything else either of you needed.
Jinyoung looked to you for an answer. “Want more food?”
Given how much you had already eaten, you patted your stomach and quipped, “No, I’m watching my figure.”
The joke was lost on your lover. Jinyoung scoffed in annoyance and told her, “Two lunch boxes please.”
You chuckled.
Jinyoung took another bite and asked, “You still love dosirak, right?”
Your mouth watered. “Obviously.”
“Then, eat a damn lunch box.”
The server came back with two tins and Jinyoung had barely taken it from her hand when he began shaking it. You mirrored him, recalling all the times as kids you would compete to see who could shake theirs the longest.
After the two of you ate to your heart’s content, you were in disbelief - but mostly thrilled - when Jinyoung returned with you to the penthouse and revealed he would be working from home for the day. Your lips spread into a grin and he quickly rebuffed your affections.
“It’s not that I want to spend time with you,” he calmly argued. “I just don’t feel like dealing with people today.”
You winked. “Of course.”
Jinyoung plopped down on the couch and opened the newspaper, reading through every section as he always did. You sat on the neighboring couch opposite of him and your gaze fell to his muscly thighs spread out, hugged by the tightly fitting jeans. His lap did look rather inviting.
You went into the kitchen and fixed a cup of tea. Offering to make him one as well, Jinyoung politely declined and you were content to lean against the counter and study him.
Very, very often you had imagined and daydreamed of domestic life with Jinyoung as a wild, restless teenager. And now, here it was. Although, Jinyoung had frequently joked that he would never be able to tame you, no matter how much you loved him.
That wasn’t true. The truth was, he had broken you a long time ago.
“I can feel you staring,” Jinyoung called from behind the newspaper.
You murmured coyly, “I’m enjoying the view,” and put the cup of tea to your lips.
Jinyoung flushed a subtle shade of crimson, pulling his paper close to hide it.
You approached him and asked, “Mind if I sit down?”
“Go right ahead,” Jinyoung replied, patting the empty space next to him.
You smiled and turned around, sidling backwards and landing squarely on his lap.
Jinyoung let out a tiny grunt the moment you sat on his hips and scowled back at you when you glanced over your shoulder to peer innocently in his direction.
“What are you playing at?” he barked, folding his newspaper.
“You started this game,” you sang innocently. “Don’t hate me for finishing it.”
Jinyoung cocked a brow and refused to surrender. “Is that so?”
“Well then,” was all Jinyoung said before grasping you none too gently and smashing his lips on yours.
You were completely at his mercy with your precarious position on his lap. Jinyoung quickly barred an arm across your stomach and cradled your face with the other. You reached back to tangle your fingers in his hair, deepening the kiss. Jinyoung slipped you his tongue and you moaned softly into his mouth when a hand landed on your breast.
“Tell me what you’re thinking,” Jinyoung whispered darkly in your ear, kissing hotly over your racing pulse. “Don’t leave out a single detail.”
There were times you wondered if he could read your mind. Glancing down to see his hands kneading your clothed breasts, you let your head fall back when he pressed slow kisses to your neck. “When you used to…,” you trailed, voice trembling. “Take me from behind.”
Jinyoung chuckled softly, grazing his teeth over your skin. “Yeah,” he growled even lower. “You always did look good on your hands and knees.”
You swallowed, heart thundering wildly. He must have heard it. You watched his hands drift down your body, slipping beneath your shirt before returning to palm your breasts.
“You were always so deep,” you panted with want and need. “I almost couldn’t take it.”
Jinyoung tucked his hands inside your bra, finally able to tease your nipples without anything in the way. “And you were always so tight,” he retorted. “No matter how hard I fucked you.”
You turned your head, nuzzling your nose against his. “Please, just take me,” you whimpered, trying to mold your lips to his.
Jinyoung rose, prying you from his lap and leaving you on the couch. “The only thing I’m taking is a cold shower,” he said, stomping toward the bedroom.
“You little shit,” you called after him, bracing your hands on the top of the sofa. “I can’t stand your stubborn ass!”
“You love this ass,” he bantered back at you. “And it’s a fantastic ass. Have some respect.”
You made a sound somewhere between a laugh and a scoff, and sulked when he locked the bedroom door behind him.
The rest of the weekend was less profanity filled. Jinyoung gave you a taste of your dreams of domestic life with him. Quiet dinners. Endless food. The scent of fresh coffee filling the room in the morning. Peaceful evenings under a shared blanket in the reading nook.
Jinyoung gushed excitedly when he told you what was happening in the novel he devoured. You soaked up every word, overjoyed to see him happy. Occasionally he would remember he was mad at you and would be sparing with his affection. Then, he would seem to forget again and couldn’t keep his hands off of you.
It was a constant game of push and pull. One that you came to enjoy.
But on Sunday night he grew restless, tossing and turning. You had no sooner finally fallen asleep when Jinyoung woke you screaming, thrashing in the bed.
Every image of his night terrors from years before hit you all at once and your body responded as if muscle memory took control. “Jinyoung, stop! It’s okay,” you tried to console him, grasping his face in your hands and staring into his wide, terrified eyes. “I’m here. It’s me!”
Jinyoung was stronger than you by leaps and bounds. He pried you off of him with effortless ease and staggered toward the window, pounding his fist against it in frustration. He ran his hands through his hair, desperately clawing for his composure. The thing he guarded so vehemently. “You’re not supposed to see me like this…,” he choked out.
That damn pride, you thought with a frown as fire filled your cheeks. “And who is, huh?” you snapped angrily.
He clocked a weathered glance at you and warned, “Don’t.”
Jinyoung was thinking of his nightmares. Of you ripped violently away from him. They blended into the bloody, malicious things he had seen. The things he had done to take his place at the top. He heard Jiwon’s threat to break you in before his eyes.
He guarded his heart; guarded it with an iron fucking fist. He protected himself with ice and steel. He had to in order to live with what he had done. You were always how he justified it. He did it all for you, but he had sacrificed so much of himself.
“I can’t let you in again,” Jinyoung whispered shakily. “You’ll be gone and I won’t survive.”
Your knees buckled. Your heart collapsed somewhere in your chest. “I’m so sorry,” you whimpered, face tensing with oncoming tears.
Jinyoung lowered his head, hiding behind his disheveled hair. The first time you left him it was your choice. If you left him again, it wouldn’t be by choice. It would be because someone stole you away.
“You make me crazy,” Jinyoung murmured, reaching for you and gathering you to his chest. His hands raked into your hair, keeping you looking up into his eyes. “I wanted to hate you. I tried. You ruined me.”
Tears freely streamed down your cheeks. Jinyoung and you, you and Jinyoung - two wounded souls just trying to heal. “I’ll never leave you again,” you vowed with all you had. “I swear on my life. I’ll die before I do that to you.”
“I know,” Jinyoung sighed.
That was exactly what he feared.
You looked at him with confusion, waiting for an explanation. You were given none and Jinyoung refused to return to bed. He sat by the window, waiting for the city to wake and watching over you.
The next morning, you opened your eyes to find Jinyoung was gone. And you weren’t surprised.
Yugyeom took you back to the condo and you stared at your phone all the while. No calls. No texts. Your blood began to boil.
You typed a message to send him, You can’t build those walls when I’m around, huh?
But you didn’t have the heart to send it. Not when the sound of his screams echoed in your ears. Deleting the words, you tossed your phone on the nightstand and buried yourself in studying. Exams were in full swing this week. It was time to get to work.
For three days you heard nothing from Jinyoung. For three days he avoided you. You felt wounded and your heart was sore.
When Yugyeom and Jackson arrived to take you to your exam, you asked nonchalantly, “Jackson, you’ll be seeing Jinyoung later, right?”
“Yes, mam.”
You hopped into the car and put on your seatbelt. “Do me a favor and please mention in passing that I stand by what I said. I’ll never leave him. But a woman needs an outlet to let off steam and reward her hard work, and if he does not want to provide that outlet, the club will.”
“With pleasure,” Jackson said with a chuckle.
Yugyeom grinned mischievously.
It was early afternoon when your exam had finished and you excitedly jumped into the tinted Range Rover.
“Well?” asked Yugyeom eagerly, hand draped on the wheel.
Jackson turned around from his spot in the passenger seat. “How was it?”
You flashed them a smile and announced, “I slayed that shit.”
The two boys applauded.
“The evil physics has been defeated,” Yugyeom sang, putting the car in drive and cruising out of the parking lot.
A moment later, Jackson crooned, “Mr. Park would like to extend an invitation for you to join him at his office immediately if you are still in need of… an outlet.”
That had your attention. “Oh?”
Jackson nodded, amused. “He says he will be happy to take you out to dinner as soon as he is finished working, but you may join him in his office until then.”
You rolled your eyes and huffed, “Just what a girl wants after spending two whole hours in an exam. To sit in an office and wait on her stubborn ass man.”
Yugyeom looked at you in the rearview mirror and said, “We don’t have to go.”
The gears turned in your head. Jackson smirked, noticing your expression full of mischief.
“Take me there, please,” you said, crossing your legs. “I think it’s time I got my revenge.”
The office was in an executive building on an inconspicuous corner. Jinyoung had to make sure each of his business endeavors looked legitimate by all means. You stepped into the ornate lobby and let the elevator take you to the third floor.
When you stepped into the office, Jinyoung looked up, but didn’t move a muscle. “Since when do you go to the club?” he asked gruffly.
No greeting. He was still embarrassed over the other night, you mused to yourself. “Since freshman year,” you countered, moving to one of the two chairs before his desk and making yourself comfortable.
Jinyoung put his pen down and leaned back in his own chair, folding his arms tautly. “You can’t handle your liquor,” he said bluntly.
You nodded in agreement. “I know. Still the lightweight. But free booze. Free music. Free dancing.”
Jinyoung’s eyes flickered. There were images filling his mind of you dancing with men, men that didn’t hesitate to let their hands roam your body. “Are you trying to make me jealous?” he asked.
You grinned. “Absolutely. How am I doing?”
Jinyoung scowled and didn’t dare gratify you with an answer. Instead he shifted subjects. “How was your exam?”
“I fucking nailed it.”
Jinyoung chuckled.
“I did, Jinyoung,” you insisted, beaming with pride. “I crushed it.”
He bobbed his head. “I believe you. I’m very proud.”
You gave him a soft smile.
Finally Jinyoung rose from his desk and moved to the nearby table, pulling a bottle that had been on ice and pouring two glasses of champagne. “How should we celebrate?” He looked to you expectantly whilst handing you your glass. “I can get us a private booth at any of the restaurants or we can…”
“I know what I want,” you interjected, taking a sip of your drink.
Jinyoung shrugged. “Well, you have my credit card. Go buy it.”
You shook your head. “I don’t wanna buy anything.”
Jinyoung tilted his head and exhaled, running out of patience. “Woman, tell me what you want.”
“I want you.”
Jinyoung let a lull of silence pass before he hummed, “Mm.”
“Did you have a rough day?” you asked coyly, setting down your drink and running your fingers up his tie.
“Maybe,” he said, voice laden with exhaustion. “But you know I don’t talk about my work.”
You brushed past him intentionally and came to stand behind his desk, pushing a few things back to give yourself room. Then, you lifted yourself on top of it, sitting on the edge and spreading your legs, motioning him forward.
Jinyoung downed his drink and discarded the glass, then sneered, “I’m not going to fuck you. Not yet anyway.”
“I know that,” you replied sharply. “Just come here and turn around.”
His brow furrowed, bemused as to what you were after, but Jinyoung relented and stepped between your knees, pecking a kiss on your irresistible lips. You smiled against his mouth and grabbed his arms, steering him to put his back to you.
Once he had, you settled your hands on his shoulders and began to knead, massaging his tense muscles and feeling him relax under your ministrations. A soft hum of a moan left his lips and you smirked in satisfaction, putting more pressure on his back until he sighed in relief.
Lulling Jinyoung into the headspace you wanted, your hands fell deliberately down his burly arms, still squeezing his muscles to release their tension. Slowly, you skimmed your palms to his stomach, grabbing his shirt and yanking upward, freeing the material from where it had been tucked into his pants.
“What are you doing?” asked Jinyoung lowly, voice sinking a few octaves.
Nipping the shell of his ear, you whispered, “Let me play.”
Jinyoung shivered as you began to kiss his neck and you were quick to loop your legs over his thick thighs, dissuading him from trying to escape your touches. With his shirt loose, you brushed the hem aside and fiddled at his belt.
Sliding your hand into his pants, you resisted the urge to giggle at his hardening length, but you did tease, “I’ve barely touched you and look how hard you’re getting, baby.”
“I started getting hard the second you spread your legs on top of my desk,” he confessed in a raspy snarl, staring down at the erotic sight of your hand down his jeans and your legs locked around his thighs.
You chuckled devilishly in his ear and pulled at his half-hard cock, stroking the length of him in your tightly gripped fist. Bringing a hand to your mouth quickly, you licked the span of your palm before reaching down to pump his shaft.
Jinyoung tensed against you when you focused on the head of his member, even more so when you sucked intently on his neck. Your breath was hot, making the sweat gathered at his hairline cool on his skin.
“Jinyoung,” you whispered pliantly, once he was rock hard in your grasp. “Please let me do this for you.”
His hips stuttered in tandem with your movements and so did his words, “Do what?”
You worked down his length with both hands, gathering a drop of precum with your finger and teasing his slit. You thought he would come undone and unravel in your hands at any minute with the way his breaths were tumbling out.
“Make you feel good,” you purred.
Jinyoung shivered at the thought. His attention was still fixated downward, where your hands had vanished inside his pants. You were jerking his cock faster and faster, like you were trying to get him off embarrassingly quick just so you could tease him for it later.
Which wasn’t far from the truth.
Suddenly, you gripped the base of his cock nice and hard, and stopped all motions. “Well…,” you growled with impatience. “Do I have your permission?”
Jinyoung exhaled in defeat, his hips moving of their own accord in a seeking thrust, desperate for friction. “Do what you want with me,” he mumbled, kicking himself for losing resolve so quickly. “I won’t stop you. Not today.”
You fought a giddy smile at finally getting your way and withdrew your hands from down his pants, pushing him forward to allow you room to slide from the desk. The moment your feet touched the floor, you twirled around him, switching positions, and pushed him up against the desk.
Jinyoung didn’t struggle, but he did grab the edge of the desk and hold tightly with both hands, breath bated.
Pressing your hands to his chest, you leaned forward and captured his lips in a kiss, teased his tongue as he sighed into your mouth. Jinyoung was enraptured to say the least, clutching your waist gingerly and pulling you close enough that your breasts pushed against him.
As you kissed him, you rubbed your fingers over his clothed nipples, his cock twitching eagerly in his pants. Then, you took a tie from your wrist and affixed it to your hair, tightening the ponytail into position and pressing one last kiss on his lips.
You shoved Jinyoung against the desk once more, to remind him who was in charge until further notice and your eyes lit up at the blush across his cheeks and the fire in his gaze.
Jinyoung couldn’t believe his eyes when you dropped to your knees before him, grabbing his pants and boxers and tugging them down to his ankles in one sweep. His hard cock waited before your eyes, weeping and curving toward his abs.
Your fingers danced up his shaft, eyes on the vein bulging underneath. You liked teasing him, loved making him beg for release even more, but today you were in the mood to make short work of him. You were still bitter at being ignored for three days. You got a hold of him in your hand and licked a wet stripe from base to tip before meeting his gaze again.
Jinyoung clawed at his tie, loosening it frantically so he could breathe. The last time someone blew him would have been four years ago. You used to suck him off rather often, enjoying the way you could reduce him to a moaning mess. Jinyoung hoped this time would be no different.
“Jinyoung,” you whispered, peering up at him with the tip of his cock against your lips.
“Yeah?” he panted.
“Don’t hold back,” you said, holding his cock firmly as you took him in your mouth.
Inch by inch you sucked him down, lilting back before engulfing him again to wet him with your saliva. Jinyoung watched you stroke back and forth, each time going deeper until his member hit the back of your throat. You choked at first, out of practice after so long, but the tightening of your throat made his hips arch and his abs flex.
Jinyoung whimpered your name and that was all you needed to keep going.
You let his girth leave your mouth with a lewd pop, proceeding to pump him in your fist while you peered up at him with tear-filled eyes.
Jinyoung had let his head fall back the moment you choked on him and was content to stay that way. He couldn’t look at you. One glance of you with your lips around the base of his cock would make him bust in a heartbeat. And god knows you would never let him live that down.
You slipped him between your lips again, sucking on the head and teasing with your tongue before grasping his hips. He had thrust ever so slightly, probably unintentionally, seeking the heat of your mouth. Your eyes burned with more tears when his length hit the back of your throat again, but you swallowed him eagerly. Jinyoung inhaled a hard breath and fisted his hand in your hair.
Your warm, wet mouth was too much. It took all of Jinyoung’s willpower not to fill your mouth with cum. He couldn’t stop thinking about the vice-like grip of your pussy, how it was undoubtedly throbbing with need. He pictured you in his mind, moaning his name when he finally penetrated you.
“Yeah…,” Jinyoung growled, sucking another breath through his teeth when you hollowed out your cheeks. “Like that. Good girl…”
You moaned at the lust in his voice, sending vibrations through his cock and smiling when a little groan left his lips. You rewarded the sound, swallowing around the tip of him again and bobbing your head a little faster on his length.
Jinyoung was in bliss - absolute, mind-numbing rapture. Head tilted back, eyes pressed closed. You smiled with his cock in your mouth, hands rooted to his tensing thighs, and stared up at him in worship, heady at the sight of his chest rising and falling with labored panting. His full lips were parted as pleasured sounds left him with every thrust in your waiting mouth.
“Fu…ck,” he moaned, now gripping your hair with both hands.
You looped your arms around his thighs and set your nails to his plump ass. He had taken over control and all you could do was hang on for the ride. Jinyoung pumped his cock into your mouth, rutting into the back of your throat. Tears streamed down your cheeks and the sound of you gagging only made him twitch more.
“Good girl,” Jinyoung rasped, losing his mind to the feel of you. “Almost there.”
Sucking him off was nothing short of gratifying. Your pussy throbbed between your legs and you could feel wet arousal soaking through your panties. His cock would slide into you smoother than silk if he wasn’t so damn stubborn. At the thought, you moaned around his length and he whimpered.
Jinyoung couldn’t fight back his moans any longer and you knew he was at his end. His hips stuttered, his thrusts turning erratic, and he finally came with a shaky cry that sounded vaguely like your name.
You lapped him up, gulping down his release when you tasted it on the back of your tongue and swallowing every last drop. Seeing the ecstasy on his face made you desperate for climax and you pressed your thighs together.
Jinyoung still gripped your hair tightly, knuckles almost white, and slowly pulled his spent cock from your mouth. Without warning, he grabbed your arms and hoisted you up none too gently. “Fuck,” was all he said.
You opened your mouth and wagged your tongue at him in a taunt, proving you had milked him dry.
Jinyoung shook his head at you before reaching down to pull up his pants, fastening them quickly to get you in his arms again. “God, you’re good,” he growled, grasping you by the throat.
You were gifted a searing kiss and purred in response. At this point, you were sure he would give you anything you asked for.
“So fucking good,” he hummed, pressing a wet open-mouthed kiss or two to your jaw.
“Jinyoung,” you beckoned sweetly, eyes rolling when his lips drifted to your neck.
“Hm?” he questioned, pulling back to look at you.
“I’m wet,” you confessed, raking your tongue across your teeth at the way his pupils flickered.
Jinyoung cocked his head, brushing his nose against yours. Without another word, his hand trailed down your body and pushed between your thighs, getting a taste of your desire for him and the arousal coating your folds.
“Fuck, baby,” he groaned. “You like choking on my dick that much?”
“Mm, yes. I do,” you retorted, nipping at his lips.
Jinyoung fisted his hand in your ponytail, his usual roughness coming through. “What should I do with you?”
“Fuck me,” you replied, rather blunt. “Think how easy you would slide right in.”
Jinyoung smiled, biting his lip. He was so enamored with you. You wanted exactly what you couldn’t have and it consumed you. “It does seem like a waste of good pussy, doesn’t it?” he teased, seeming to mull over the thought.
You nodded.
Jinyoung released you then and launched himself onto the desk, sitting where you had been before.
You stood rooted in place, watching him curiously.
Jinyoung motioned you forward and patted his leg. “Ride my thigh.”
You frowned and whined, “I want dick.”
He almost laughed. “I’m soft.”
“I can get you hard in no time,” you crooned, bracing your hands on his knees and stroking upwards. “We both know that.”
Jinyoung harshened his tone, no room for further argument. “My thigh or your own fingers. The choice is yours.”
You huffed petulantly and hiked your skirt up your waist, trudging over and mounting the desk. And him. Putting a leg on either side of his thigh, you sank down until your panty-covered folds met the rough fabric of his pants.
The first roll of your hips was tentative. Yet another thing you were more than a little rusty at. Jinyoung sensed your inhibition and looped an arm around your waist, clutching you flush against him.
Jinyoung tucked his face to the crook of your neck and whispered, “Get yourself off.”
Oh, you wanted to. Release was at the front of your mind, holding the reins to your sanity. The image of Jinyoung reaching climax still lingered and you swore there was no better sound in the world than his moaning of your name. You wanted to hear it again and again.
“Please,” you spoke almost inaudibly, feeling small and helpless in his lap. “I need it.”
Jinyoung guided your hips, steering you to rub back and forth on his thigh. “Mm, that’s it,” he encouraged, lapping at the sweat on your neck. “Ride me like you mean it.”
You gathered more confidence at his words, grinding yourself down on him a little harder until your clit ached at the contact. You held his shoulders for balance, biting your lip at the feeling of his broad hands roaming to cup your ass.
Jinyoung kneaded your thighs and hips before settling on your ass again, humming his appreciation for your beautiful body and how it belonged to him, only him. He whispered little nothings in your ear, dirty things that riled you up and made you pick up the pace.
You moaned softly, gushing at the stimulation.
“Once upon a time,” Jinyoung teased, nuzzling his face between your breasts. “You used to ride me like it was what you were made for.”
And you would love to do it again if he would just let you sink down on his cock and be done with it. “Jinyoung,” you began to warn sternly.
His hand collided with your ass and you squeaked, hips falling out of rhythm before settling back into motion.
“Don’t stop,” Jinyoung ordered, intently patting the print he had just made on your flesh. “And don’t slow down.”
“I…,” you trailed, lost in too many sensations at once.
His fingers tightened in your hair and yanked your head to the side. You felt his tongue racing over your pulse before his soft lips pressed a wet kiss on your jaw.
“Tell me,” Jinyoung snarled, reeling his hand back and landing his palm on your ass again.
You gasped and rode him even faster.
“What do you want from me?” he pressed calmly before you could answer.
“Harder. Harder,” you pleaded, clinging to his arms for dear life.
Jinyoung chuckled with twisted pleasure at your torment, spanking your ass three solid times back to back. Your hips sped up at the sting, chasing after your high like it was the key to your sanity.
“Come already, baby,” Jinyoung urged, his dialect thicker than ever. “You’re soaking my goddamn pants.”
That rebellious streak flared and you griped, “I would rather soak your goddamn cock.”
Jinyoung bit down on the base of your neck, his member twitching at that. “Such a little angel out there,” he taunted, cupping your face. “No one would believe what a slut you are for me.”
You howled his name for mercy.
Jinyoung grasped your hips and brought you down to meet his thigh, rough and merciless. The moment you told him you were close, he commanded, “Come for me.”
You let your head fall back and your lips parted in a silent scream. This was the release you craved, needed above all else. To finally feel satiated after the suffocating tension and longing. Your nails set viciously to his shoulders and your hips slowed at the intensity of orgasm. Your engorged clit was suddenly too sensitive for the abrasive contact. Your body instinctively bowed away, but Jinyoung landed a palm on your ass with a vengeance.
“Don’t you dare tap out,” he scolded, keeping his hand poised at the ready to land yet another hit.
You kept riding him, overstimulating yourself to the point your lower half shuddered involuntarily. Satisfied at the endless, tiny cries falling from your mouth, Jinyoung grabbed your ass and rubbed the mark he had made, soothing the sting.
“You’re done,” he murmured, pulling you into his arms.
You went slack, satisfied he could support your weight. You let your head rest on his shoulder, burying your face in his neck, and held him tightly. Your body continued to tremble with orgasm, settling through the last of the aftershocks. Breathing in utter relief, all you wanted in that moment was for Jinyoung to never let go of you.
He turned his head, trying to get a glimpse of your face, and asked, “Feel better?”
Finally, you roused yourself, lifting your eyes and looking everywhere but at him. “I made a mess,” you murmured bashfully.
Jinyoung studied you, noting how you avoided his gaze, and asked, “How many exams do you have left?”
You smiled at what he was implying. “Three.”
“I’m gonna need more pants.”
You laughed at that.
Jinyoung let his hands slip reluctantly from your hips as you clambered off of him and he watched you with nothing short of amusement while you pulled your skirt back down and adjusted your clothes.
“So, yeah,” you stammered, swallowing the lump in your throat. “I’m gonna head home and study.”
Jinyoung cocked his head. “Why are you being awkward?”
You were finally forced to look at him and lied, “I’m not.”
“You are,” he asserted. Jinyoung could smell bullshit a mile away, especially yours.
You shifted your weight.
“Was it… something I said?” he asked worriedly, jumping down from the desk and approaching you. “Did I hurt you?”
“No, it’s…,” you trailed, looking away. Your hunger had been soothed, but not your heartache.
Jinyoung cradled your face tenderly, eyes filled with concern. “Talk to me,” he whispered.
You pried his hands from you and snapped, “I can’t talk to you. You decide when I’m allowed to see you.”
Jinyoung sighed in realization. He knew the cold shoulder was too effective on you and regretted being as severe as he had been. But he couldn’t let you know the threat that you were under. Or the misery it inflicted on him.
“I’m sorry,” was all he said.
You dragged your feet toward him, falling back into his arms and tucking your head beneath his chin. Jinyoung was all too relieved to wrap his arms around you, kissing your brow with affection. For a moment, you were content to hug him. Then your mouth got in the way.
“I just want to be with you all the time. I’m crazy about you,” you rambled, brushing your lips over his own. “You make me absolutely out of my fucking mind crazy.”
Jinyoung studied you. Then, he cut the tension by smarting, “Stalker.”
You recoiled and snorted. “Asshat.”
Jinyoung flashed his teeth in a grin. “Dinner?"
“Ugh,” you grumbled. “Shower first.”
Jinyoung nodded, snickering. “Okay, okay. Go home and shower. Yugyeom will bring you to the restaurant. Deal?”
“Perfect,” you replied, turning on your heels and making for the door.
“Hey,” Jinyoung called out.
You turned.
“Where’s my damn kiss?”
Without hesitation, you ran back into his arms, colliding into his chest and nearly knocking the wind out of him. Jinyoung held you close and kissed you, tangling his fingers in your hair. The two of you giggled and smiled and kissed like a pair of hormone crazed teenagers with no clue what they were doing.
When you finally pulled away, Jinyoung watched you go and you swore you had never seen a more beautiful mess of a boy in your life.
No sooner had you stepped out of the shower did your phone ring. Clad in a towel, you answered eagerly, “Hey, Hoseok. It’s been a while. How are you?”
His voice was unnerving. “Seokjin wants to see you right away.”
“Oh,” was all you could manage, heart picking up speed. “Did he say why?”
“No, but he wants you in here right now. It sounds serious.”
This was new territory for you. Seokjin never summoned you with such a manner. You reckoned you were in trouble or at least, someone was in trouble. “I see. Okay. I’m coming. I will be there as soon as I can.”
Yugyeom put the key in the ignition and revved the engine. One look at your face and his smile fell. “What’s wrong?”
You closed the door behind you and fastened your seatbelt, answering, “We need to make a stop first.”
The sun set as Yugyeom drove to your employer’s building. You hadn’t been back since the contract was established between you and Jinyoung. Obviously, you were no longer available to serve as eye candy for wealthy men. It had been strange being able to focus on school without making routine trips to see Seokjin for jobs.
You turned the corner and entered the office, seeing Seokjin standing behind his desk with his hands on his hips. “Hey, boss. I…,” you began.
Seokjin laid eyes on you and snapped, “Did you think I wouldn’t find out?”
You watched him stomp toward you and questioned carefully, “What do you mean?”
“That your client is your ex-boyfriend,” he roared.
Your eyes were wide. “Oh. That.”
Seokjin folded his arms, narrowing his eyes at you in disappointment, but he softened his tone. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
It went without saying that you had dealt with many bad, dangerous men in your life. Seokjin was not one of them. Nothing about him inspired fear in you. The relationship you had with him was built on trust and solidarity. Even when he was angry, you weren’t afraid to be honest with him.
You swallowed. “Do you want the honest answer?”
He scoffed. “Is that even a question?”
“I didn’t want you to cancel the deal,” you admitted quietly.
Seokjin was in disbelief and decided to repeat it back to you, almost to make sure you understood what you were saying. “You wanted me to approve the contract for you to be a sexual servant to your ex?”
Well, when he put it like that it did sound awful. You shrugged. “I don’t have a good explanation for you, boss.”
There was no way you could explain your relationship with Jinyoung. It would take days, weeks even. The two of you had been through so much together, so much damage and evil and every fucking thing that could go wrong did go wrong. You both were forged in the same fires.
“There are rules here,” said Seokjin, pragmatic. “Rules in place specifically for drama like this.”
You nodded. “I understand that.”
“Clearly you don’t,” he interjected, like a parent scolding a child. “You have no idea how out of hand things get in situations like these.”
You remembered Jinyoung’s words on that day - I bought you so no one else would. Jinyoung would sell his soul before he let you sell your body.
“It’s not like that,” you tried to reason with him. “You don’t know our history.”
Seokjin shook his head and returned to his desk. “It doesn’t matter. I’m pulling the contract.”
You understood his fear. His entire business was founded on confidentiality and secrecy. Any form of drama or scandal could expose a lot of powerful people and put Seokjin back on the street.
You opened your mouth to argue, but an irritated voice behind you came first, “Is this how you conduct business around here?”
Both you and Seokjin looked to see Jinyoung entering the office with Jackson a step behind him. With their added presence, Hoseok joined only a second later.
“Mr. Park,” Seokjin began, emerging once again from behind his desk. “You should have been more forthcoming as to the nature of your relationship with…”
Jinyoung countered, “Maybe so, but that’s water under the bridge now. Did I just hear you proceeding to nullify my contract without consulting me?”
Seokjin set his jaw. “Putting your ex-girlfriend into an indentured contract to soothe your own…”
Jinyoung took a single step toward your boss and seethed. “Believe me, Mr. Kim. You don’t want to go there with me,” he hissed. “End the contract, but she is still to be paid the full balance for this month. Take your share as well. It doesn’t concern me.”
Hoseok called your name tenderly, drawing your attention, and said, “Don’t go with him. I’ve seen this happen before. It doesn’t end well like you think it does.”
“Hoseok,” you started, moved by his concern.
Jinyoung brushed past you, putting himself squarely between you and Hoseok, and asserted his territory. “And who the hell are you?”
Hoseok was not intimidated in the least. “I’m the one that’s been protecting her for the past four years. Who the hell are you?”
“Hoseok,” Seokjin beckoned, sensing the situation was going to devolve.
“I see how you’re looking at her,” Jinyoung snarled under his breath.
Hoseok didn’t deny it.
You grabbed Jinyoung’s arm, attempting to steer him away. “Jinyoung, don’t make a scene.”
“Considering your boss called you in here without me, solely to rip you a new asshole and then take the rest of your money, I’m past making a scene. I’m gonna make a fucking spectacle,” Jinyoung snapped, shifting his weight as you grasped his sleeve.
Seokjin drew your attention, speaking from a good place. “I’ve been where you are and I know how it ends. Think about what you’re doing.”
Your brow furrowed, but you knew he was referring to getting into bed with a dangerous lover. You had been ignorant to the power Jinyoung now held and how deeply he had rooted himself in the underworld of your city.
He was your Jinyoung and you could turn a blind eye to what he did because you were head over heels in love with him. Naively so, you had to admit. And for that reason, you believed Seokjin when he said he knew what it was like.
“Seokjin,” you spoke resolutely. “Thank you for everything. I owe you more than I will ever be able to repay in my lifetime, but please accept my resignation.”
Jinyoung stopped, angling to you in surprise.
You met Jinyoung’s penchant gaze and added, “Effective immediately.”
Hoseok called your name.
“I’m sorry,” you apologized with all sincerity. “I never meant for this to happen. I don’t want to cause you any harm after all that you have done for me.”
Seokjin accepted your apology and bowed in response.
Hoseok enveloped you in his arms when you hugged him goodbye and with his eyes intently on Jinyoung, whispered in your ear, “Be careful. Someone ratted you out.”
You blinked in surprise and the moment Hoseok let you go, you turned to face Jinyoung. There was no shock on his face, only aggression and anger. “Outside,” was all you said, tone low.
Silence, cold and unforgiving, between the two of you down the elevator, through the lobby, and finally to the top deck of the parking garage. Once in the fresh air, free from the potentially eavesdropping ears, you asked, “Did you tell him about us?”
“Did you have someone tell him about us?”
You scoffed out a laugh, mirthless. “You’re lying.”
Jinyoung snorted. “There is literally nothing I can say to appease you when you’re pissed.”
“Don’t manipulate me,” you snapped with a roll of your eyes. “Tell me the truth.”
Jinyoung smiled, though he was far from amused. “See that’s the thing with you. When you have an idea in your head you just want someone to confirm it, you don’t care what the truth is.”
“Oh, that’s rich coming from you. All you’ve ever done is pull my strings. The minute I do something outside of what you want, I get punished,” you yelled, bristling with annoyance.
Jinyoung shook his head. He had indulged you thus far, but was officially at the end of his rope. “I don’t have to stand here and take this from you. You of all people. You left me because I did what you didn’t want.”
This was the weak spot of the relationship; the one unmistakable fact that always tore the two of you apart.
You would always assume he was lying, because that’s what he did. He would always assume you would leave him, because that’s what you had done.
Tears filled your eyes and the next words left your mouth like venom, “You don’t love me. You just want to own me.”
Jinyoung approached slowly, something dark manifesting in his eyes. Not until he was within arms’ reach of you did he whisper, “I love you with my heart and soul and every fucking breath in my body.”
Your eyes widened.
Then, he condescended, “But right now I’m not in the mood to deal with your self-righteous ass. Yugyeom will take you to dinner. Use my damn card.” And with that, he turned and proceeded to leave.
Rooted in place, you shouted after him, “Jinyoung!”
He kept walking away, no hesitation in his step.
Spiteful, you continued to shout, “It’s my turn to ignore you for three days!”
Still stomping off, Jinyoung raised a hand and waved, retorting, “Be my guest!”
You practically snarled, clenching your hands into fists as he hopped into his car, Jaebeom behind the wheel, and drove away.
Pivoting on your heels, you faced Jackson and Yugyeom and they turned their heads in opposite directions, pretending they hadn’t seen your petty lovers’ quarrel. Saying nothing, you trudged toward them and jumped into the backseat.
The moment you were concealed behind tinted windows, your lips spread into a wide smile that reached your eyes.
Jinyoung said he loved you.
Pulling out your phone, you texted him shamelessly, You said you love me.
A return text chimed not a minute later. Who is this?
You laughed aloud, propping your head in your hand against the window. The love of your life, you replied.
I see three days went by fast, was his retort.
You sighed. Don’t keep me away too long this time.
The next text took an extra minute to deliver, Come to the penthouse after dinner.
You smirked wryly and typed, I think I’ll sleep in my own bed tonight, Mr. Park. Goodnight.
Jinyoung looked down at the screen and pursed his lips. Sensing he had lost this round, he texted back, Goodnight, baby.
Jaebeom pulled a vibrating phone from his pocket and handed it to Jinyoung, saying, “Mark confirmed it.”
Jinyoung looked at the image and frowned. It was from a surveillance camera, captured in black and white. Jiwon and Seokjin; a seemingly harmless photo of two men talking on the street.
“He’s getting closer,” Jaebeom commented under his breath, speeding through a yellow light.
Jinyoung’s phone chimed with another text. The number was unknown and Jinyoung’s eyes widened in disbelief at the image attached.
It was you, standing on the deck of the parking garage, watching Jinyoung walk away only moments ago. The sunset was a clash of colors in the background and you had never looked more radiant.
She’s so beautiful, read the text beneath. Shall I take her away or shall I make her hate you, Jinyoung-ie?
Jinyoung stared at the text, reading it over and over. “Too fucking close,” he finally murmured.
← previous chapter | next chapter →
a/n : this story was previously Lacuna on my old blog, minheoney. I’m really excited to finally finish it! This fic was my baby for so long and I’m ridiculously happy to give it a new home :)
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Hey there, beautiful! If you enjoyed this, please leave a like or reblog or follow me! Or maybe buy me a coffee so I can keep writing? Or check out my masterlist here for more stories! Thanks for reading :) - Katya
This work is fictional and for entertainment purposes only, but is licensed and protected under a creative commons attribution-noncommercial-noderivatives 4.0 international license. Any instances of plagiarism will be dealt with accordingly. Do not re-post or translate without my permission.
{ copyright 2018-2020 © ahgaseda // all rights reserved }
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avmisworld · 4 years
BTS when you annoy them:
You and Jin were known as the couple who were constantly annoying each other, always going for each other's throats and pulling pranks.
You were like an old married couple, so fond and loving with sweet gazes and careful touches, but you were also constantly bickering and fighting, and to be honest, you loved it that way the most.
You shift a bit on your space on the comfortable couch, a small frown painted on your lips. Your arms were crossed in front of your t-shirt clad chest, socked feet tapping against the carpeted floor, your whole posture screaming tension.
You glare a bit more when your boyfriend enters the living room, carrying a simple plastic tray with a different assortment of foods on it, from kimchi to fried rice, the smell so delicious you barely stop yourself from jumping in your boyfriend's arms, which were definitely blessed with the talent of cooking.
Unfortunately, you have to pretend to be mad at what happened earlier, and if you didn't love your boyfriend so much and were far too used to his shenanigans, you wouldn't even have to pretend.
As if reading your mind, Seokjin raises a perfect eyebrow at you. "Are you still grumpy?", he asks teasingly, a wide smile making its way to his lips, and you simply ignore him, focusing instead on the colorful screen in front you, currently showing an episode of "Friends".
If there was one thing that got on Jin's nerves, with all his collected and fairly calm manner, it was when people didn't talk back to him and ignored him. And that was exactly what you were planning to do.
Your boyfriend seems to understand the situation, his smile faltering slightly, setting the tray on the small wooden table in front of you before taking a seat on the gray leather couch, facing you with a slightly worried expression.
"Does it hurt? It didn't look bad when you fell, and you were laughing", he says with a frown, reaching his hand to touch the soft skin of your knee, which got hit when you slipped on a piece of paper earlier this morning.
Jin had obviously found the whole situation hilarious, and you had to admit it was pretty funny, especially since you didn't exactly fall, rather slid into a lunge position with your knee hitting the floor.
You had whined and grabbed your knee while your amazing lover rolled on the floor with laughter, and you eventually joined him, unable to stop yourself at the sight of Jin's tomato face and crinkled eyes. But now it was time for revenge.
You almost turn your head to look at Seokjin, who's still rubbing your knee gently, his pink lower lip slightly jutting out and his dark hair falling over his forehead in long bangs, almost covering his worried eyes, but you manage to contain yourself, staring blankly at the TV.
"Yah, Y/N, talk to me!", Seokjin exclaims when you don't answer any of his concerned questions, his hands placed on his hips and an annoyed look on his face when you don't even flinch, picking up a rice cake and popping it in your mouth shamelessly.
"Look, I'm sorry for laughing at you, but I didn't think you'd take it this seriously. We always laugh at each other.", Seokjin goes back to speaking gently again, placing a gentle hand on your thigh in an attempt to get your attention, a frustrated groan escaping his mouth when none of his antics work.
"Fine", your boyfriend says with an exasperated expression, "You asked for this". There's a mischievous tone in your boyfriend's voice that tells you that he means trouble, but you don't even have time to run away before Jin's tackling you, pressing your back into the couch as he runs his hands up and down your sides mercilessly, ignoring your begs and choked pleas.
You can't really appreciate your boyfriend's beautifully bare face so close to you, the soft shining skin of his face, the cotton-candy hair, his plump lips and his broad chest, easily noticeable even with his loose light blue pyjama top, not when he's pinning you down and taking your breath away with his nimble fingers, but you still think that he's lovely, so lovely, and maybe that's why you can never really stay mad at him.
"Okay, I'm not mad, just please stop", you beg, stray tears dripping down your cheeks from laughing so hard, and you're pretty sure you have abs when Jin finally leans back, a satisfied smile on his face. 
"You're so mean", you say through gasps, hitting your boyfriend's arm lightly as you try to go back to your regular breathing, wiping the tears tracks on your cheeks with the back of your hand.
"And you're so annoying", Seokjin retorts half-heartedly, sticking out his tongue to you before leaning down to press his lips against yours with a sigh, so gentle it almost feels like the touch of a butterfly against you, and you arch upward slightly, carding your fingers through the fluffy hair as you kiss lazily, the food slowly getting cold and you couldn't care less, every part of your body filled with warmth, erasing the sense of hunger completely. And if this is what you get for being annoying, then you're never going to stop.
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Min Yoongi:
You run a hand through your tangled hair, jumping on the balls of your feet slightly as you watch Yoongi through the reflection of your mirror, who's watching you with an expression somewhere between amused and exasperated.
The two of you are getting ready to go to bed, Yoongi with his toothbrush between his lips, white hair brushed away from his forehead offhandedly, wearing one of his oversized t-shirts and a pair of blue basketball shorts.
You on the other hand, feel way too energetic for this late hour, not able to keep still as you quickly change from brushing your dark hair to gurgling mint mouthwash to washing your face, your hurried pace nothing like Yoongi's lazy state of mind.
"What's up with you?", Yoongi mumbles when he finally spits out the white foam to the sink, his dark eyes already half-closed as he runs his hand blindly over the counter, searching for the small white towel to wipe his face.
You shrug, not really knowing yourself, and wrap your arms around your boyfriend's waist, letting him drag his feet to the bed with you attached to his back, the older too tired to even protest.
When you're finally laying on the bed, you cling to Suga like a koala, placing your head on top of his chest and wiggling around some more until your legs, Yoongi's legs, and the blue blanket laying on your bed are completely tangled together.
Yoongi grunts, surprised by the sudden skinship, but doesn't say anything. Usually you and him slept rather far apart, since you both needed your space while sleeping and got hot easily, so for the most part your lover would throw a possessive hand around your waist, as if to make sure you're there, but not much more than that.
"Goodnight", your boyfriend yawns silently, breaking the calming silence between the two of you and pressing a soft kiss to your forehead before closing his eyes, his chest almost immediately falling into a rather slow pace, his body always ready for much needed sleep, but you don't feel quite tired enough yet, so you reach your finger to poke Yoongi's chest lightly. "Babe?"
Suga opens one eye slowly, staring down at you with tired eyes, and you feel bad for doing this to him, especially since he cherished his sleep and enjoys it so much, but you still bite your lip, looking up at your boyfriend with your infamous puppy eyes. "I'm not tired".
Yoongi groans, his hold around your waist tightening as if that can make you sleepier, and he shuts his eyes once again, his voice holding finality when he says: "You are. Go to sleep and you'll see".
Your pout only grows at that, but you know better than to talk to Suga again, who would probably only ignore you or maybe kick you out of the room, so you try your best to find a comfortable position that'll hopefully help you fall asleep faster, wiggling all over your boyfriend's body until you feel the arms around your waist tighten once more.
"Y/N.", Yoongi deadpans, the frustration in his voice now completely visible, and you sigh, burying your face in the other's neck. 
"Sorry", you mumble in a small voice, pressing the softest of kisses to the smooth white skin, and you feel more than hear Yoongi's deep sigh, almost like he's suffering but also enjoying this at the same time. 
"Sleep", the voice above you commands, firm yet soft at the same time, and then there's lips pressed to your hair, just above your forehead, and one of Yoongi's hands comes up to stroke your hair softly, the other hand drawing circles on your hip bone carefully, and you feel your heart burst with love when your boyfriend sings you a lullaby quietly, voice hoarse from lack of sleep and hours of staying up late with only microwaved ramen and energy drinks to keep him company. It's the best thing you've heard in a while, you think, just as your eyes close, your boyfriend's voice still engraved in your mind.
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Jung Hoseok:
You were always known as a rather clumsy person, always losing stuff and tripping over air. Your friends usually found it hilarious that you're such a mess, constantly comparing you to Namjoon, but your boyfriend always found it adorable, even though he himself was the definition of organized and agile, and he always stood up for you, insisting the two of you complete each other perfectly.
But sometimes being a couple was hard, your differences getting in the way occasionally, especially now, after you moved in together, and your messy lifestyle seemed to clash with Hoseok's perfectionist one more often than not.
You curse under your breath, shooting another panicked glance towards the large black clock hanging on the wall, seemingly taunting you with his consistent movement as you throw one of your pillows to the floor, patting the white mattress frantically.
Your phone was nowhere to be seen, although you had been holding it a few minutes ago, and you were going to be late for work if you didn't get out of the house right now, which you couldn't do without your phone.
The room looks like a whirlwind passed through it, your blankets and pillows strewn on the floor, your pink checkered pyjamas thrown on the now bare bed, from when you changed your clothes hurriedly, trying to get ready for work.
The alarm on your phone is blaring loudly, alerting you that you have to get out of the apartment right now, as if you didn't know that, and makeup and more beauty products were covering the floor of your room like snow, a result of your quick changing.
"Y/N? What's going on?", you turn around at the sound of your boyfriend's worried voice, meeting J-hope's slowly widening eyes at the sight of the horrible mess in your bedroom. 
He's standing in the entrance to the room, wearing oversized black sweatpants and a loose dark green t-shirt, holding a mug of his usual hot black coffee, the mug still letting out steam. His eyes are still slightly sleepy, not completely awake just yet, his curly black hair falling over his forehead in cute waves, and his mouth is slightly open in disbelief at the sight of your shared bedroom.
Usually you would feel guilty for making this sort of chaos in your apartment, because there is literally nothing that annoys Hoseok more than disorganization, but you're too lost and freaked out to feel bad right now, so you shoot your lover a frantic look. "I can't find my phone, I need to go to work, and I can't find my phone-"
"Okay, okay", the confused look in Hoseok's eyes changes back to the look of J-hope, the lead dancer of BTS, someone who leads and supports when everyone else is in panic, and he motions you to calm down with hands, placing his coffee beside the door before entering the room. "Calm down, we'll find it, just keep looking."
You go back to searching the room, flipping over the fuzzy gray carpet on the floor and searching under it, throwing the cushions off the small leather sofa in the side of the room, while Hoseok helps you, looking under the bed and inside the closet.
You can practically feel Hoseok's grimaces of discomfort whenever another thing in your room goes flying out of place, and you're just about to start crying from frustration when you hear your boyfriend's flat voice.
"Y/N.", you turn to meet J-hope's unimpressed look, not quite understanding the meaning of the blank face on your boyfriend's usually smiling one until you notice the phone in his hand, the familiar device making you breath out in relief, your stiff body sagging slightly.
"Where did you find it?", you yell with excitement, running over to your phone and grabbing it from your boyfriend's hand, who doesn't even answer, simply pointing at your pyjama pants, still laying on the floor pathetically. Your phone was in your stupid back pocket the whole time.
"Oh.", you mumble with slight embarrassment, raising your eyes up to meet your boyfriend's soft brown ones, still staring at you with an expression that seems so done you feel you can't help but blush, playing with your fingers. "Sorry for messing up the room, I'll come back from work and clean up everything, I promise-"
Hoseok rolls his eyes, but you know he's not truly mad when he sighs heavily, already used to your antics. "Do you really think I'm going to leave the room like this for so long?", he asks sarcastically, raising a thick eyebrow at you. 
You smile sheepishly, rocking back on your heels. "No?", you answer, your voice coming out sounding more like a question than a statement, and your boyfriend's lips twitch slightly as he tries not to smile. "Exactly."
"Thank you, baby", you say with gratitude, leaning forward to press a sweet kiss to your boyfriend's nose, because how the hell did you get such a sweet boyfriend that always cleans up your messes for you, who always lets you get away with everything.
J-hope hums in confirmation, wrapping a gentle hand around your jaw to tilt your head up, pressing a fleeting kiss against your lips. "You're lucky I love you. Now run off to work, you're late."
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Kim Namjoon:
One of the things you love the most about Kim Namjoon is the fact that he's such a hard-working guy. He always puts his most into everything he does, no matter how small or seemingly meaningless it is, and that gives you an immense sense of pride.
But sometimes it gets too much, when Namjoon loses track of time and gets so into whatever project he's working on, that he forgets that you can be rather clingy and need a minimal amount of physical affection.
Sighing, you stare at the door to your boyfriend's room, where he is currently working on some paperwork regarding the boys' next comeback.
You were excited for the upcoming album, of course you were, but a new album meant less time with your lover, and you felt it the past week more than you did during your whole relationship.
Tapping your foot against the wooden floor, you wonder how the hell you can get RM's attention without burning down the apartment. 
Honestly, there weren't a lot of options. Begging didn't work, as you've already checked, and will only earn you a dimpled smile and a fond pat on your head. Yelling wasn't good either, since this whole situation was really Joon's fault. 
You roll your head back in frustration, eyes pointing to the ceiling and locking on the speakers you and Namjoon had installed in the living room. They were mostly used when you wanted to see a movie on the big TV screen or when you just wanted to vibe to some songs, but now they were giving you a wicked idea.
A small smirk started to form on your face, your mind running a mile a minute. The idea that was slowly manifesting in your brain was nothing short of evil, but you conclude that tough times call for tough decisions. You have to do this before Namjoon will die from lack of sleep and you from lack of cuddles.
Walking over to the speaker set determinantly, you press the home button on your phone, quickly switching on the "Bluetooth", which automatically connects to the sound device. 
You needed something good, good and loud, so you scroll through the downloaded songs on your phone, clicking on the first one you saw with an evil giggle. 'Dwaechita', by Agust D. This will be epic.
You raise the volume to the highest level, before plopping down on the sofa and waiting for your boyfriend to exit his room. You assume it won't take long.
Just like you thought, mere seconds after the chorus starts, Namjoon's already stumbling out of the bedroom, his hair a mess and his eyes wide like saucers. 
You're pretty sure he's wearing the same crumpled mustard button-up he was wearing two days ago, with the same black trousers. His caramel hair is brushed back from his eyes, which have dark circles underlining them, and his usually smooth, tanned skin is looking uncharacteristically blotchy. 
"What the hell, Y/N?", RM exclaims, almost tripping on his own feet as he grabs the wall for support, his eyes searching for you wildly before falling on your smug figure, sitting cross-legged on the sofa.
"Don't you wanna listen to some music right now?", you ask, yelling to overcome the loud sound of Suga's rap. "This artist is pretty dope", you add innocently, biting back a smile when realization dawns on the older's face.
"Is this because we haven't been spending much time together the last few days?", Namjoon asks gently, his voice just a little impatient, but understanding nonetheless.
"Not really. It's actually because I haven't seen you in our own apartment in the last few weeks.", you say sarcastically, crossing your arms over your chest defiantly while you glare at your boyfriend, your chill facade slowly wearing off.
Namjoon groans, pinching the bridge of his nose slightly as he inhales deeply, his eyes closed and mouth pursed into a thin line. "Look, I'm sorry, I'll take more time off, but I'm really busy right now, so can you please lower the volume?"
You shake your head, getting up from the couch and padding over to where Namjoon is standing, looking at you with an expectant gaze. 
"I'll stop the music", you say simply, straightening one of the many wrinkles in the sleeves of your lover's shirt, before raising your eyes up from his chest to meet his own dark orbs. "If you take a break right now and come eat with me a normal lunch".
There's annoyance flickering in Namjoon's eyes, but it doesn't really matter right now, because your boyfriend needed this just as much as you did, if not more. 
It takes five more seconds of Suga's rapping thundering through the house for your boyfriend to sigh defeatedly, throwing his hands up in the air helplessly before running them through his locks, making them stick out in different directions. 
"Okay, fine, just please shut this off, my brain is going to explode", Namjoon says pleadingly, and you send him a sweet smile before pressing the mute button on your phone, the music ceasing immediately and your house filling once again with it's comfortable, calming atmosphere.
"Thank God", your boyfriend mutters, almost to himself, and you wrap your arms around his waist without another word, leaning your head over his strong chest to listen to the steady beating of his heart, reminding you he's right here with you, where he belongs.
"I missed you", you whisper into the silence, enjoying the way Namjoon's hands automatically encircle around your waist, his chin placed on the top of your head gently, and he lets out another sigh, this one more of content, the soft sound sending tingles through your body.
"Me too, babe", he answers, pressing a soft kiss to your hair, like he always does before the two of you fall asleep, and you close your eyes, imaging the two of you cuddled against each other in bed, just enjoying the other's presence. It seems so far away now.
"But you're insufferable sometimes, you know that?", he adds, and you can't help but giggle at the frustrated tone of his voice, burying your face in his neck as laughter wracks your body. Yes, you missed this more than words can explain.
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Park Jimin:
Park Jimin was a cute person, no one could deny. Something about his pretty eye smile, his delicate features, and naturally lovely personality was heart-fluttering. He was also super hot, but that's a different discussion.
You love to annoy your boyfriend, mostly because he can't possibly say no to you, even when you do everything in your power to piss him off. And today was one of these days.
Maybe it's because Jimin just looks so fluffy right now, with his pretty brown hair tied into a small ponytail, his eyes slightly droopy from sleep and his plump lips stretched into a small pout. 
His head is in your lap, shiny hair spread over your thighs like a halo, and he's wearing his thick winter pyjamas: a furry gray hoodie, the hat pulled low over his head, wide black sweatpants and blue socks.
You're in front of the television, the two of you watching some disgustingly sweet rom-com, and you're munching happily on some peperos when Jimin tilts his head up to you, opening his mouth silently.
You raise an eyebrow down at your boyfriend, smiling a bit when you notice the adorable gesture and outfits he's wearing, and pop another chocolate-covered stick in your mouth, humming purposely loud.
"These are so good", you say with an exaggerated groan, smirking slightly when you see Jimin's mouth close, eyebrows furrowed in slight confusion. "You want some?", you ask innocently, taking out another one of the snacks and waving it in front of your boyfriend, who nods his head enthusiastically.
"Then show me some aegyo", you request with a shit-eating grin. "Something amazing though", you add, enjoying the way Jimin started frowning immediately, not satisfied by your request.
"Yah, Y/N, don't be tough", he whines, "You know I hate acting cute.", he says, crossing his arms in front of his chest, and you can't help but coo at his unintentional cute behaviour, reaching your arm out to pinch his chubby cheek gently. "I can't help it, you're too adorable."
Jimin lets another groan of distress, but you don't miss the light pink blush high on his cheeks, even with the lack of light in the dark room. Despite your lover being genuinely annoyed by your continuous requests for aegyo, you know he likes it when you compliment his personality and baby him every now and then.
"Fine.", he says with a deep sigh, already so done with you, and you smile sweetly, looking at your boyfriend expectantly while he gets ready, clenching his fists and inhaling deeply.
"Jagiya, please give me some of that yummy snack!", Jimin says with a small voice, sending you his best puppy eyes and cupping his face in his delicate hands, waiting for your response.
You giggle at the act, clapping your hands excitedly before taking one of the sweet snacks from the small aluminum bag, and sticking it between your boyfriend's pouty lips. "Yay, thank you baby", you say with a wide grin, pressing a soft kiss on one of Jimin's red cheeks.
Your boyfriend rolls his eyes, but there's a tiny smile playing on his lips as he gets comfortable on your lap once again, placing his cheek on your legs and turning back to look at the flat screen in front of you.
You get lost once again in the plot of the movie, a smug smile still showing on your face from your previous victory, when Jimin nudges your stomach slightly with his nose. 
"Baby, can you pass me the fuzzy blanket from there? It's getting cold.", Jimin requests, already half-asleep once again, and you can't help but tease him, lifting your hand from where it's sifting through his soft locks, and grabbing the baby blue blanket from the edge of the couch.
"You know what you need to do, Jiminie", you say slyly, lifting the blanket slightly out of your boyfriend's reach when his arm raises up to grab it, and his face turns into a scowl, annoyed by your continuous teasing.
"Y/N, stop it, seriously", he says, stretching out his hand even higher, but you don't let him reach the blanket, laughing evilly when his glare turns even darker, your smile practically splitting your face in half.
You let out a surprised gasp when you suddenly find yourself on your back, Jimin hovering above you with dark eyes and a dangerous smirk. You gulp, your boyfriend suddenly not as cute as he was two seconds ago, and feel something curl in your stomach. 
"You think I'm cute, huh? I'll show you how cute I am", Jimin says with a growl, and you can only manage out an embarrassing squeak before Jimin is kissing you hard, his grip on your waist almost bruising, and you arch into him, gasping against his mouth.
Okay, so maybe Jimin wasn't really cute right now, but that didn't really matter when you love every side of him.
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Kim Taehyung:
Having an idol boyfriend was definitely a pain in the ass sometimes, especially when comeback season came around.
You haven't seen Taehyung in your shared apartment for a full week, only seeing him on the times you came to visit him at Bighit's building or when the two of you grabbed a quick coffee during his breaks from work, and considering the fact he's literally in the same city as you, it was pretty damn ridiculous. You knew he was sleeping at the dorm with the rest of the members, making it easier for him to arrive to practice and recordings, and all the other things he's dealing with right now, but it didn't make you any happier.
You had talked with Jungkook, the maknae of BTS and your close friend, and checked with him when Taehyung was free enough to jump over. Of course, you know your boyfriend and his perfectionist ass, and know that he would never agree to come back to your apartment before their comeback, so you had to take more drastic measures.
What you're going to do is pretty mean, you know that, but sitting in your cold, empty living room, it's obvious that this has to be done. 
You cuddle a bit closer into the warm brown blanket slung across your shoulders, and press the quick dial on your phone, the first suggestion already showing up as 'Taehyungie💞'. Giving yourself another mental pat on the back, you exhale shakily before pressing on the contact. Time to get your acting talents to use.
Pressing the small device to your ear, you clear your throat as you listen to the loud ringing, waiting for your lover to pick up the phone impatiently. According to Jungkook, Taehyung was supposed to be at the dorm right now, getting some well-deserved rest which he is probably wasting on even more practicing.
"Hey, babe", Tae's deep voice rings through the phone, and you smile unconsciously at the sound of him, pressing the phone even closer to your ear as if that'll help you reach him. 
"Tae…", you say in a raspy, worn-out voice, your heart clenching slightly when you hear the sound of moving, probably Taehyung going to his room to talk to you more privately. 
"Y/N????", Taehyung's voice is worried, and you can imagine his face right now, thick eyebrows furrowed over dark eyes in concern, pretty lips pursed into a thin line and hands clenching around his phone nervously. "Are you ok? You don't sound good."
"Yeah, I'm sick", you mumble, surprised yourself by how genuinely shitty you sound, and you can already hear Taehyung mumbling a curse, and then the sound of a door opening and keys rattling. 
"I'm on my way", your boyfriend announces into the phone, and your mouth drops slightly at the unexpected saying. You thought you would have to do a lot more to get him to come, but it only took a little fake-coughing and a tired voice to get him out of the dorm.
"You don't have to", you say, the guilt starting to claw in your chest, the heaviness in your heart only growing when your boyfriend makes a dismissive sound. "Of course I do. I'm your boyfriend, I need to take care of you. Now rest for a bit until I arrive."
You stare at your phone dumbly after Taehyung says goodbye, regretting your decision to prank your lover, even if it came from good intentions. He was clearly worried sick, and now he'll be super pissed when he sees you're perfectly fine, except for a lack of quality time with your boyfriend.
You don't even get to rethink your decisions before the door is opening, revealing a disheveled Taehyung, his curly black hair falling over his forehead, covering his eyes almost completely, wearing one of his doodled T-shirts and a pair of his favorite wide black pants. His face is bare, showing off his small mustache and the dark circles under his eyes, and he's clearly exhausted. 
"Baby? I'm sorry I-", Taehyung freezes in the middle of his sentence, his panicked expression slowly morphing into confusion as he stares at you, looking perfectly healthy, a guilty expression on your face as you bite your lip, avoiding his eyes. "What's going on?"
"I… might have pranked you into coming here.", You start, wincing when your boyfriend's eyes darken and he crosses his arms in front of his chest, a clear sign he was annoyed. "I just missed you and I knew you were supposed to rest anyway… So I pretended to be sick."
Taehyung doesn't say anything, but you know that's how he always reacts when he's annoyed, and there's this disappointed look in his eyes, which is even worse than just anger.
"I'm sorry, what I did was wrong", you admit after another minute of silence. "But I'm worried about you Tae, even before I miss you. Have you even seen yourself in the last few days?", you ask, scanning your boyfriend's face once again with worry. 
Taehyung sighs, slipping into the spot on the couch next to you, and you know he's still mad, but you won't let that get in the way right now. 
"Taehyung. Just please, please stay here tonight? Don't talk with me, be mad at me, I deserve it. But if you care about me, please sleep here. I need to know you're taking care of yourself.", you beg, biting your lip like you always do when you're anxious, staring at your Taehyung's profile, who's stubbornly looking forward, not meeting your eyes.
You place your hand on Taehyung's shoulder, and he finally looks at you, his eyes softening slightly when he sees your desperate eyes, and he sighs once again, sending you a small smile. 
"Okay", he whispers, and you can't help but laugh happily, wrapping your arms around Taehyung and placing your head on his shoulder as you finally, finally get what you really want: a healthy Taehyung. Nothing else matters right now.
And when Taehyung wraps his own arms around your waist gently, placing a fleeting kiss on your hair, you know you're already forgiven.
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Jeon Jungkook:
If you were being honest, you didn't really like gaming. Rather, you didn't like your boyfriend gaming. Jungkook was probably the most attentive guy a girl could ask for, except when he was playing Overwatch, or whatever video game he's into at the moment.
"Jungkook", you whine again, glaring at your boyfriend when he hums unconvincingly, his dark eyes focused on the screen unblinkingly, occasional profanities leaving his mouth when another player almost kills him.
The two of you were supposed to be on date night today, and what Jungkook said would be a "quick round", turned out to be a seven, and you really need to stop giving in to your boyfriend's stupid puppy eyes.
"Jungkook, I want to cuddle", you demand, sending another glance to the clock on the wall in front of you. It was late, and you hated going to sleep without Jungkook's soft hugs and sweet singing in your ear, the occasional shy kiss pressed to your nape or cheeks.
"Just a second, babe", Jungkook says for the twentieth time, and you huff, not believing your boyfriend's behaviour. 
You stare for another second at Jungkook hunched up form, letting yourself admire the way his simple black hoodie does nothing to disguise his thick biceps and wide shoulders, the matching black sweatpants accentuating his strong thighs and his long dark hair, parted and pushed away from his forehead to allow him to see better, revealing sharp black eyebrows and piercing black eyes.
"Fuck it", you mumble to yourself after five more minutes pass, walking over to the television and standing next to it, staring at Jungkook with a firm expression. "You asked for this".
Not giving Jungkook time to react, you take out the cable of the television, and the screen goes black immediately, Jungkook's mouth dropping open when his game suddenly stops, not quite realizing what happened.
"Y/N, what the hell?", Jungkook stares at you, his eyes somewhere between mad and helpless, and he throws his controller aside with disbelief painted on his face. "Why are you so impatient?"
You stare at your boyfriend with disbelief, shaking your head. "Are you serious right now? I've been waiting for you to finish for ages now. You know I can't fall asleep alone.", you answer with clenched teeth, not even bothering to hide your annoyance.
"Whatever", Jungkook mumbles, shooting you another glare before getting up from the couch, heading towards the bathroom, and you sigh, cursing under your breath as you continue standing there for another second, before walking towards your shared bathroom.
Jungkook doesn't say a word when he exits the bathroom, and you're already lying on your side of the bed with your back to your boyfriend, trying to hide the hurt expression on your face as you cuddle closer into the blanket in an attempt to warm yourself without Jungkook's body as your personal furnace.
You can feel the bed dip when your boyfriend slips into bed silently, and you hate the emptiness, missing Jungkook's strong arms around you, pressing you into his broad chest.
You lie there for God knows how long, debating between yourself before mumbling a soft "I'm sorry" into other air between you, not even checking if the other is sleeping or not.
Your answer comes in the form of Jungkook's familiar arms, snaking around your lower stomach, and then there's lips pressed to your nape, kissing it so sweetly you can't help but melt, your own hands coming to cover Jungkook's. 
"I'm sorry, too", he mumbles, and you smile to yourself, turning in his hold and pressing a gentle kiss to Jungkook's lips, and then to his cheek. "It's okay.", you whisper, pressing your forehead to the older's and staring into his doe eyes. "Goodnight, Jungkookie." "Goodnight, baby".
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savnofilter · 5 years
DILF (1)
Bakugou x Reader
warnings: age difference, rough sex, somnophilia, rough oral sex.
type: smut.
a/n: most we all enjoyed the milf series, how about if the tables were turned?
“Old man!” Kami yelled entering the large house making you look around in astonishment no matter how many times you’ve been here. Your eyes fall on your best friends undoubtedly attractive father. He huffs rolling his eyes at the two young bodies in his kitchen already.
“Why are you here?” He asks, sipping a cup of coffee from the hot glass paying the temperature no mind. His daughter snatches it off his hand with practiced vigor. His scowl deepens when she gulps the hot liquid and smiles placing it by the sink.
“We’re going to a graduation party.”
“You mean with your loser boyfriend Hiroaki?” Haruto her brother waltzes in, smirking as he snatches his father’s spicy ramen bowl. Katsuki dismisses the steal and focuses his gaze on his daughter.
“Hiroaki? Are you serious?” He voices out in a disappointing.
“Dad she’s been fucking him since high school!”
“Could you shut the fuck up?! It’s not your business!” Kami shouts back at your brother as they start to argue. Katsuki’s eyes wander to your shying away body raiding his kitchen too, failing to notice how you already snatched his spring rolls. His eyes scan over your tight fitting dress, he wasn’t that old, right? He shakes his head ready to dig back in to his soup until he realizes its gone.
“Huh?! Who took my food?!” He barks interrupting the bickering between the two. His eyes move back and forth between his children. His anger inflames as no one answers him, even your chewing of cake from the fridge seizing. “I’m giving everyone 3 seconds to disappear out of my line of sight. Three, two...” You and Kami give him a kiss on the cheek before scrambling out the door and Haruto running off to somewhere else. He sighs rubbing his temples. He’s going have to deal with them later.
“Your daughter is trying to reach your cell. Your daughter is trying to reach your cell. Your dau-”
“What the fuck do you want?” He mumbles tiredly, just now ripped out from his peaceful slumber.
“Kami’s drunk and I need help with the door?” You suggest, the hint of annoyance dropping your voice a dangerous octave. A shiver runs down his spine. He shuts his eyes and clicks the hangup button. His mind disassociates from his body as it moves on its own, legs swinging over the edge of his now empty bed and trudging into the dark halls of his house until he made it to the front door. He begrudgingly opens the door and takes his daughter up in his arms in practiced routine of her being a fun drunk, you having to return every time. You let yourself in the house kicking off your shoes following suit after Katsuki.
While you have been her friend for the longest time (since your were both 5 to be exact), Katsuki couldn’t deny the feelings that bubbled up into him every time he watched you be such a tease for him. Although you never crossed the line it was only matter of time before he wouldn’t have to visualize what it’d be like to see your plump ass in your teasingly tight clothes or the warm wet feeling of your tongue around his cock. 
Before he knew it, he was back in his bed. How desperate was he to fantasize about his daughter’s best friend? He chuckled as he drifted off into sleep not bothering to cover himself or close his door, too tired for the day’s bullshit to be done with. 
You watched the large plasma TV in their TV room, not to be confused with their living room. You sigh, watching the time on your phone from time to time, planning the right moment to strike. You bite your lip, unsure if you should. This is your best friends father for Christ’s sake! But he’s so hot, and hot headed, and strong...
It seemed you shared the same symptom of moving without your brain being aware until you made it to Katsuki’s door. Your eyes trained on his well-built abs, sweatpants hanging off his tempting hips; almost like a preview of some sort. You look behind your back and move into his room using your quirk “Shadow”. It wouldn’t take a genius to guess what it does. You quietly close the door and slip your way to the male who slept unknown to the intruder in his humble abode.
You watched his chest rise and fall every time he took a breath and couldn’t help but want to see to watch him pant with lust instead. You got on top of his body as carefully as you could, but you already knew he was a heavy sleeper but this was just too risky. You softly tug his sweatpants and fuck he was huge- and no underwear either. 
Did he always sleep like this?
You licked your lips, eager to have a taste of many years of experience on your tongue. You grab his length, pumping slowing to get him ready. You lick a long stripe up his cock, watching his face any reaction. The only response you got were the feeling of his muscles twitch once in his thick thighs, so you continued. Now not holding back, you took his thick cock into your mouth hallowing your cheeks to allow such a girth. You gag quietly at the feeling of him hitting the back of your throat, not failing to dampen your panties. You let one hand rest next to his hip and the other hike up the skirt of your panties to rub your clit. The swirling of your tongue did the trick making him silently awake. 
He was stunned to find that you were lips were wrapped his cock, but he more stunned- exhilarated. He sits up lean on his elbow, unnoticed by as he grips your hair in a tight grip. Your eyes blow wide as he grins, thrusting up into your mouth with no remorse to your throat.
“You thought you’d get away, huh? Look at me.” 
Katsuki was fucking your mouth at the this point, forcing your busy hand to find refuge on his bed like your other hand. You looked up at him with tears beading in your eyes from the added pressure of his tip the back of your throat, repeatedly abusing the sensitive spot. You’re out of breath when his hold on your hair tightens and lifts your mouth away from his big length. He cusses under his breath at the mess you made of yourself, hair messy, eyes glossed and mouth drooling with saliva and his pre-cum.
He switches positions, your back hitting the mattress that use to be under him. He leers down at your just barely naked attire and licks his lips in anticipation. He rips your little dress and takes in the fact you’re only left in a thong, no bra included. He gropes your breast, rubbing and pulling on the soft tissue.
“Katsuki please..” You whine, spreading your legs wide for the man in front of you. His irises widening at the sound of you saying his actual name, rather than the one you used for formality. He has a wolf like grin on his face as he disregards all worries from before, lining up his length with your folds pushing in painfully slow. You gasp grasping Katsuki’s wrists tight as he holds onto your hips equally as hard, maybe even harder.
“Oi, skipping honorifics already hm? Such a slut.” Katsuki taunts, pace slow and teasing drawing a whimper from your throat. “Beg for it babygirl.” Your face flushes at his nickname, your warm walls clenching around his cock in delight.
“Oh please daddy... please fuck me hard please...” You plead, peering up at him innocently, rocking your hips into his to encourage him. He gives your a hard and fast thrust knocking the breath out of you. One of his hands moves to cover your mouth from spilling out any loud noises that could possibly wake up others in the house.
“Shit..” He cusses under his breath, a shiver running through body from the tight squeezing of your young cunt wrapped around him. His thrusts are strong and hard making it difficult to hold on your moans even with his hand muffling your voice. He leans down to litter your neck in kisses and bites, trying to stay quiet too. It hadn’t been a long time for you, neither Katsuki but you found yourself already cumming undone under his powerful frame. With a breathless moan you cum, panting into his loosening hand that moved to hold his weight next to the side of your face, leaning on his forearm. Katsuki stiffened lightly when he felt himself cumming not to shortly after you, pulling out to cum on your stomach. 
He lays beside you with a sigh. You wrap your arms around his waist and snuggle his neck, grinning quietly to yourself. His arm that you were laying on wraps around you in a threateningly squeeze making you giggle.
“What are you laughing at?” He says side eyeing you. You look up at him, your faces just mere inches away from one another. You lean up to whisper in his ear.
“I just fucked my best friends dad.” You bite his earlobe getting up abruptly out of his arms, looking back at him with a childish grin. He turns it while lazily trailing his hand up your back to tangle itself in your hair. You hum, grin turning lazy in content. “Wanna go again?”
“Thought you’d never ask.”
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crimsonbluemoon · 5 years
Working for Love: A Terrormoo Story, 1/17
Okay, soooo...surprise? For some reason, the first week of November I wrote this entire story. It’ll be broken down into 17 parts, about 4-5 pages each. 
Yes, this means I wrote over 26k words in one week. I don’t know either.
This is a story that I’m dedicating to @personfullofplotholes because of all the work she’s helped me with for my BBS, MCU, and personal writing. Without her, Libahunt wouldn’t be a thing, and I’d probably be out of the fandom completely. 
So this story will be posted every Saturday! I hope that you enjoy! ^.^  
Main pairing: Terrormoo There will be other pairings mentioned through it, though not in detail and no real moments or focus.  But they’ll be dabbled in there, so fair warning. 
Drabble One
Brock was not lazy. 
Really, he wasn’t. Sure, he lacked the active schedule he’d had when he was in high school. College had been a hard transition, and though he managed to get through it with a 4.0 GPA, his health took a hit. Making ramen noodles at three in the morning was simply easier than trying to prepare a balanced meal and study for his economics final. His friends hadn’t mentioned any changes in his waistline or that his cheeks had plumped up through the college exams and parties. The pants he’d shimmied into after high school were stuffed in the deepest corner of his closet by the last year of college, but he was genuinely happy with his life. He had a positive group of friends and a financially stable job as a teacher. Brock even got an apartment that had come with a gym membership to ‘Wildcat Athletics’ (the landlord, Nogla, said that he was ‘best buddies’ with the owner of the gym, and worked there on weekends) for as long as he was a tenant and paid his bills on time. 
The only thing that even reminded him about his weight hangups, if he was being honest, was his boyfriend. Or, well, his ex-boyfriend. That factor was the exact reason that Brock stood outside of the aforementioned gym, lower lip dragged between his teeth on the chilly Monday night. Valentine’s day had been over a month ago, but still held more heartbreak than love for Brock. He’d been left stunned and insecure by the cruel words his lover had used to end their relationship. 
“I can’t be with a guy who doesn’t want to fix what’s wrong with his body. You’re just too heavy for me to keep pretending to be attracted to.” 
Two years spent fostering a welcoming and loving relationship had meant nothing because Brock now had love handles? His ex was in better shape than Brock from day one, but he’d assumed their relationship was built on more than looks. Brock had always been a little heavier, yet he balanced the slight physical shortcomings with his endearing personality. Never once had his ex complained about his body when Brock let him borrow his car or covered some of his bills during his ‘career transition’ between jobs. When Brock’s raise meant a vacation to Iceland, there were no complaints of thicker thighs and missing abs in the natural hot springs. He’d never made comments about the weight gain when the two were between the sheets, though recalling their love life over the past six months, Brock could remember several times his shirt remained untouched through their sex. The touches lacked the romantic charge they’d held at the start of their relationship, when Brock’s hips fit better under his hands and his shoulders weren’t rounded by stress and long study sessions. 
But now all of these ‘burdens’ were too much for his ex to handle, and after his scathing comments, the man left Brock broken and crying in his apartment without a second glance. 
“You’re not doing this for him,” Brock reminded himself, hand gripped tightly onto his phone to keep from turning around and heading back to his car. He’d already visited the gym a couple times over the past week, but always felt the impulsive desire to leave as soon as he stepped out of his car. His shirt was the baggiest he could find in his collection, hoping that it’d cover the lacking muscles and stretch marks he’d been staring at for weeks. 
His break-up had been the catalyst for coming to the gym, but it wasn’t the only reason. Brock had several other contributing factors. Nogla’s face looked so hopeful when Brock mentioned he’d checked out the gym, and exercising gave him something to do to get him out of the house. He did get a small burst of pride each time he finished his walk on the treadmill, though he hadn’t been able to use it to take on the weights. For the most part, the gym wasn’t saturated with muscle-heads or judgemental members, and people who were in the same shape as him looked content going there. He’d only met the owner, Tyler, once, but he didn’t give a judgemental stare or rude comment when Brock mentioned Nogla’s offer. He did look grumpy while having Brock fill out paperwork and take his photo, but Nogla reassured him that it was just ‘his normal mood’. 
Night workouts were always met with less clutter, as most didn’t want to work out after a 9-5 job. Brock’s guilty pleasure of sleeping through three alarms kept him from being a morning warrior, and he enjoyed the quieter time. 
“Hey, welcome back.” He gave a small smile to the man who greeted him at the front counter before showing him his scan card.
“Hello.” He didn’t muster up the courage to exchange any more words than the polite greeting. ‘Evan’ (as the nametag offered) was handsome and kind, his smile disarming and real each time Brock came in. But his ex’s grin had been charming, too, and Brock wasn’t good enough for him. Brock was reminded of how the frumpy college t-shirt had a hole in the right shoulder and a stain under the logo that would be impossible to find attractive. Plus, Evan was far too attractive to be single like him. He tried to make his own smile hide his negative thoughts when he dropped his gaze and took the card back, scampering to the safety of the treadmills. 
There were only a few people in the gym, and the station he liked to use was free. The tv in front of it played Animal Planet, which helped him through the harder parts of his routine. Plus, it was furthest in the corner of the gym, meaning that most members didn’t see him. The less people that caught sight of his flushed face, sweat stains and pathetic gasps, the better. His water and keys were tossed into the holders before he fumbled through the buttons of the machine, feeling confident enough to push his level to ‘4’ instead of the 3 he’d been hovering over for the past week. In seconds the belt was moving under his feet, and with Maroon 5’s ‘Give a little more’ playing in his headphones, Brock threw himself into his workout. 
It wasn’t long until the higher leveled routine took its effect; Brock’s legs tingled with protest at the higher incline as each minute passed, but he tried to keep his mind focused on the music pounding in his ears. His chest expanded with greater desperation after minute seven, and Brock had to close his eyes after the ten minute mark to keep himself from shutting down the machine. The pads of his fingers were clammy, making it hard to change the song on his phone to something with a heavier beat. Another change in the treadmill’s incline had brown eyes looking to the TV, though dismay flooded him at the breaking news that was interrupting normal programming. The boring story didn’t have subtitles big enough for Brock to read, meaning looking at the screen was pointless. His eyes pulled away from the speech to find something else to distract him. It only took a few seconds to find the stairmaster, though the intimidating machine was not what caught his interest. 
There, practically jogging from the speed he was using, was a man that rivalled the treadmill’s ability to leave Brock breathless. The sweat that made Brock’s skin fluster and smell looked much different on the other member. The muscle tank top was cut open wide under the armpits, leaving an easy window to peek at the fit torso and stomach hidden under the cloth. If the thirteen minutes of torture hadn’t already turned him into a persperating tomato, Brock was sure he’d be blushing. He winced at the realization he’d been staring before he forced his eyes back down to his hands, watching chubby fingers clutch the pulse monitors like a lifeline. 
“Don’t stare, that’s creepy,” he huffed to himself. If he didn’t need his hands stable to keep from falling off the machine, he would have smacked himself. People were not at the gym to be objectified. Even if the man was beautiful, he had the same rights to a peaceful work-out. It didn’t matter how clear his skin looked, the cute way the front of his hair curled over his forehead from his work-out, or how bright his eyes were in the fluorescent light of the-Brock visibly jerked at the realization that his eyes had betrayed him, looking at the gym member again. 
It’s not your fault, his conscience (in Mini’s voice, which made it so much worse) tossed out, Brock already rejecting the excuse as it formulated. He has really nice legs, and those pants are definitely spandex from how tight they are painted onto his ass-
The fact that his unconscious had picked up on something he didn’t even know he’d evaluated had him pulling away from the thought. Again, his eyes were following the sleek movements of the man, and he wanted to cry when he realized they were settled on the spandex-covered posterior. Embarrassment rearing up, a weird noise of protest bubbled out of Brock’s mouth. His feet stumbled for a moment, and he was sure that his sneakers made an unpleasant noise against the treadmill’s belt that echoed from how empty the gym was. 
Horror rushed through his bloodstream as the blue eyes from before glanced his way, Brock ducking his head as low as he could during the worst part of his workout. He could barely keep himself walking up the high incline, but the lowered head made it so much harder. The sticky feeling of sweat clung to the collar of his t-shirt and the fabric against his back. He must have looked like a disaster, and the hottest guy he’d ever seen in the gym was looking at him. For a moment, he wished he could melt into the floor. Two grueling minutes went by before Brock finally raised his head again, breath shaky from both the work-out and his embarrassment. The blue gaze was still focused on him, and then a wave was paired with a beaming smile. He didn’t need to look to know his face was the reddest it’d ever been. 
Thankfully for Brock, the timer on his treadmill hit twenty, and the belt slowed to a stop. He didn’t hesitate to jump off the treadmill, eyes dropped to the floor when scampering from the embarrassing situation. He barely remembered to wave goodbye to Evan, escaping into the cold of the night. The gasp of breath was chilling through his lungs, but with how hot his face was, Brock wished he could dunk his head into a bucket of ice. Why had that guy waved at him? Was he trying to show that he knew Brock was staring? What if he was just being passive aggressive? The entire ordeal was mortifying, and Brock could already hear how loud Mini’s laugh would be when retelling the terrible experience. 
One thing was for sure; Brock was never coming back on a Monday night again.
And there’s part one. This is a very silly and fun story, and it will jump between Brock and Brian’s POV. So if you wanna know what Brian’s thinking, you’ll have to wait until next week and see! So, what did you think? Likes and reblogs will always be a good way to show me some love. Until next Saturday! 
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dmcdrabbles · 5 years
Surprise, bishhhh! >:3c Could I trouble you for a smol helping of worshipping Nero juice? Perhaps with that gud gud praise kink, with him tied down and completely at your mercy? I wanna treat the boy right but also tease him silly. Blessings from your vermin friend
I WROTE THIS WHOLE THING AND REALIZED I DIDN’T TECHNICALLY TIE HIM DOWN SMH SMH I hope you’ll forgive me vermin friend. See u in the pit.
You wake up to Nero’s soft murmuring, and even just the sound of his voice is almost enough to make your chest burst with affection for him. Sure it’s an ungodly hour, but it barely matters; he’s back, and here in your arms where he should be.
He curled around you the minute he got home last night and hasn’t let go since. It’s the first time in weeks you’ve had the steady beat of his heart to lull you to sleep. You’ve missed it almost as much as you’ve missed waking up to him like this.
You prop your chin up on his chest and watch him for a moment. You could memorize every inch of his face and it wouldn’t even come close to being enough. You run a hand up his chest, his neck, rest it on his cheek. His stubble prickles your palm as you bring his face to yours, lips meeting his with a feather-soft touch.
He breathes deep, presses his lips against yours lazily.
“ ‘Morning,” He slurs softly, not even bothering to open his eyes.
“Good morning.” You kiss him again and his chest rumbles with a contented hum. His arms languidly tightens around your waist. Your thigh finds the space between his, and you roll on top of him. He’s already hard; whether it’s just morning wood or anything you did doesn’t matter, you press your leg against it and grind yourself against him in a lazy wave. His thigh lifts, just enough extra pressure for your breath to catch in your throat. His hands settle on your ass.
“Missed you too,” He laughs softly, heavy-lidded gaze meeting yours.
You sit up, propping yourself on his chest. He’s occupying himself with watching the movement of your hips, thumbs rubbing soft circles into the base of your spine. You catch his hands, lift them up in front of you to get his attention before you press them down over his head.
“I wanna do something a little different.”
“Different?” His leg twitches up to grind against you and you lift yourself up on your knees, just out of reach.
“Ah ah, listen first.”
“You sure you don’t want to talk later?” He wets his lips, hands twitching under your grip.
“I want you to keep your hands up here,” You let go of his wrists and scoot forward to settle yourself on his hips. His cock presses against your ass. “And just let me handle everything.”
For a moment, Nero looks conflicted- just rolling belly-up and letting you handle everything has never been his style. But he’s still drowsy enough that hedonism wins out, you can see it in the way his blush travels down his neck. He clutches the headboard.
“This okay?” He asks, almost shyly.
“That’s perfect.” You coo, and he gives the slightest twitch. Interesting.
All Nero wears to sleep is a pair of boxers; with him spread out beneath you like a feast you’re finally getting a chance to really appreciate him. You take a few precious moments to run your gaze over every inch of him. His skin almost glows in the haze of the early morning sun. His chest puffs up a little under your watchful eye.
“You can look and touch, y'know,” That cute little blush travels down his chest. You giggle and press a languid kiss against his throat.
“Just taking in the view.” You trail your kisses to the side of his neck, suck a bruise onto his pale skin. It’s the only point of contact between you two, and you alternate the touch; one minute it’s the press of your lips and then next it’s the scrape of your teeth. You work your way down his body, peppering the expanse of his chest with little red hickies trailing down, down, down until you’ve reached the hem of his boxers. They’re fully tented and when you look up at him he’s all but gnawing on his lip- it does little to stifle his gasp as you hook your fingers under the waistband.
And then you stop and sit up, tilting your head down at him.
“What the hell?” He hisses between his teeth, forearms flexing as he grips the headboard tighter. You run your fingertips over his chest and his back arches up into the touch.
“Hm,” You tap your chin with your free hand, “The bruises are all already healed. Guess I should make some more.”
Nero growls. “I thought you said you’d handle it-”
“Don’t worry, Nero.” You spread his thighs and settle yourself between them. “I’ve got you.”
You palm his cock and press a kiss just to the side of his knee- you’re not sure which gets the bigger reaction, his legs reflexively clamping up around you as his head rolls back against the pillow. He gets it now, surely, but still he almost squirms out of your grip as your teeth scrape against his inner thigh. You can feel his pulse racing under your lips. As promised, you make a mark. Then another. A bloom of bruises trailing up to the apex of his thighs, and they’re already fading even before you make your way to the other leg. He’s grinding up against your palm, trying to find some sort of relief in the friction. The wood creaks under his hands.
“You’re doing so well,” You murmur against his thigh, and his cock twitches in your grip. “Oh? Do you like hearing that?”
Nero buries his face into his arm, legs tensing around your head. He’s blushing so prettily, it’s a shame your marks are already gone. You lean in and press your lips against his shaft.
“Fuck!” He whines, drawing in deep gulps of air as you slide his boxers down his legs. His cock bobs against his stomach, precum dribbling down onto his abs. He doesn’t peek at you until you’re settled over his hips, running soothing hands over his heaving chest.
“Look at me, Nero.” You murmur. You’re only wearing a shirt, large enough that you have to lift it up so he can watch as you press your wet folds against his shaft. He obeys slowly, resting his head back against the pillow. “Good boy.”
This time you can see the way he catches his lip between his teeth. God, he’s gorgeous like this. Every muscle in his chest tightens as you grip his shaft, holding it steady as you press it against your entrance.
You slide down. Just the head in and your hips are already rolling, savoring the familiar stretch as you work your way down his cock inch by inch. Nero’s hips are twitching up to yours, gentle little thrusts that bring you closer and closer to bottoming out- it’s against the rules, technically, he shouldn’t be doing anything at all. Still, it’s hard to chastize him when he’s got that hazy look in his eye and his mouth is dropping open with soft pants.
“Nero,” You moan, grinding down and squeezing his length, “You feel amazing….”
The headboard cracks, and Nero bucks up so hard you bounce on his lap. He bends his legs for leverage and then he does it again, and again, and he’s muttering soft little pleas for more even as his thrusts make your toes curl. Oh dammit.
“T-that’s not…” You manage to slide yourself off of him and sit on his stomach, pinching his thigh to get his attention. “Hey!”
“Oh come on,” He groans, smacking his head back against the pillow in frustration.
“I told you to behave,” You slide further up his chest and curl your fingers in his hair, tilting his head up to look at you. “Either I can ride you or I can just-” You run your hand down your stomach and over your cunt, fingers dipping into your folds so he really catches your meaning, “Handle myself right here.”
Nero sucks his lip between his teeth. His eyes are focused between your legs for a moment, then they finally flick up to yours. “I’ll be good.”
You give Nero a soft kiss before sliding back down on his cock. His chest tenses for a moment, then relaxes again. Obedient. You roll your hips against his, slow grinds of your hips together in a smooth rhythm. It makes Nero twitch under you, the blush all over his face deepening with every soft moan he tries to hold back. It’s more for him somehow, having nothing do to but lay back and just take what you give.
"Louder," You sigh, running a hand up his stomach and onto his chest. His back arches up into your touch and he huffs out a shaky breath as you slide up his shaft. "Let me hear you, Nero."
You drop your hips down, taking him back down to the hilt; a moan bursts out of him, then another. Bouncing on his lap seems to do the trick- it's like he can't keep quiet at all now. Even turning his face into his arm to muffle himself doesn't work, every trembling curse under his breath still crystal clear.
Nero sucks in a sharp breath, "Y/N..." You recognize that soft growl to his voice, the way his eyes lock onto yours even as he tries to turn his face away. "Let me..."
Still trying to talk you into it even as he's racing toward the edge. You plant a hand against his chest for leverage as you grind down again. Your fingers find your clit, and you squeeze around him with a gasp. Nero's eyes roll up. "Do it. Come on."
"Fuck..." He growls, "Y/N...!"
Nero comes with a shout, hips finally bucking up to yours again in stuttering little bursts. You murmur encouragement, voice pitching up into a whine as you reach your own peak. Nero's arms wrap around you and drag you down against his chest, holding your trembling bodies together as you try to catch your breaths.
"Nero," You laugh, jabbing him in the chest with a poke. "I didn't say you could move you arms yet."
"Didn't you?" He presses his lips against the top of your head. "Guess you just gotta tie me up next time."
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Can you write a fic about MJ ranting to Betty about her crush on Peter
//You know I can, and I will. ;) I actually even have a part two planned for this, so thanks so much for a prompt that I know I can build off of! I’m really excited to dig into this. 
a momentary lapse
summary: when mj gets stuck waiting out a psychotic water monster, she finds her tongue is as slippery as the venetian streets when it comes to peter parker. 
characters: michelle jones x peter parker, betty brant x ned leeds, flash thompson, abe brown, cindy moon, mr. harrington
word count: 2,730
warnings: mildly homicidal tidal wave, teenage angst, unintentional fluff
mj is the first to admit it: she doesn’t exactly have the best track record with school trips
there was the decathlon trip to d.c., for starters, in which their team single-handedly blew a hole in one of america’s monuments to its morally-grey history (not such a bad outcome) and got themselves stuck in a burning elevator (admittedly, a problem) 
then there was the fact that they screwed up so bad spider-man found it necessary to haul ass all the way out to washington (although mj has her own opinions on that particular coincidence– but that is a discussion for another time) 
at the time, mj had figured that one near-death experience on a school trip would be enough for a lifetime
so, when the literal ocean decides to attack them in venice, mj will admit that she is caught slightly unprepared
she first realizes what’s going on when there is a near miss involving ned, betty, and a gondola
the soaking wet couple stumbles out of the boat, and then they are ushered into the crowd, along with mj, searching for somewhere sheltered from the water in the city that is literally built into the sea
there are bodies pushing around them on every side, all of the people struggling to get away from the murderous lazy river that is trying to drag them into the depths
“flash, stop video-taping this!” shouts abe over the ruckus, causing mj to glance over her shoulder at her classmates
“someone needs to know that the ocean is attacking us!” flash shouts back in response, adding, “it could be aliens, or-” 
“or maybe you should put away the phone and concentrate on running for your life!” cindy snaps, shoving her way past flash
“alright, children, please stay calm,” mr. harrington calls in a shrill voice that is decidedly not calm, “everything is going to be alright. emergency services have been contacted-” 
“and how are they gonna get here?” flash asks shrilly, adding, “oh, right. by boat!”
at that moment, the group turns down another alley, meeting with another rush of people running for their escape
mj doesn’t realize that she is being separated from her companions until it is almost too late
at the last second, her hand shoots out and grabs betty’s
mj links her fingers together with the girl’s, her eyes meeting the panicked gaze of the blonde
when she turns to look for the rest of the group, mj finds that they are gone, swallowed up in a crowd of unfamiliar faces
the shoving is getting worse, and for one dangerous moment mj fears that she is going to slip on the cobblestones and end up underfoot; then, her eyes find a sheltered side street behind a cafe, as well as a dumpster they should be able to use as shelter
mj tugs fiercely on betty’s hand to get her attention, and the girl’s panicked gaze locks on hers, goes to focus on the hiding spot, then travels back to mj’s own eyes with new understanding
after mj is sure betty understands, she pulls herself free of the crowd, holding tight to her classmate as she makes a beeline for shelter
betty weaves through the crowd quickly, and in a flash the girls find themselves crouched beneath a tall, cardboard box leaning against the trash, breathing heavily
for a moment, that’s all either can do: squat under the cardboard, fighting to catch their breath and still their pounding hearts
and then, betty begins rifling through her soaking purse for her phone, breathing, “we need to call someone. mr. harrington, or maybe flash, or… ned!” 
betty’s voice goes shrill on the final name as she releases mj’s hand, bringing both hands to cup her cheeks
“i can’t believe i lost him! oh, my gosh… what if something happens to him? i need to text him, or else he’s going to worry.” 
before she can look for her phone again, mj rests a hand on betty’s arm
“you should probably wait,” mj reasons slowly, “i’m sure he’s running, like the rest of them. you don’t want him to stop and look at his phone when you call, or else he might get hurt. he needs to focus.” 
“you’re right,” betty pants, running a hand through her soaking wet hair. “i just can’t believe… well, i’m sure you know how it feels. you have brad to worry about.” 
something strange tingles in mj’s stomach in response to what her classmate has said, and mj finds her eyes widening
“what?” she questions, eyes narrowing slightly as she presses, “wait, there’s– there’s nothing going on between me and brad. i don’t feel… no, it’s not like that.” 
betty’s eyes are surprisingly sharp as she fixes them on mj, raising an eyebrow
“oh… okay,” she says slowly, though her voice sounds rather unconvinced
“i just thought, because you’ve been sitting next to him on the plane and the bus and stuff-” 
“um, yeah, we’re just friends,” mj responds quickly, tucking a curl behind her ear and turning to watch the crowd outside of the alleyway
the sound of rushing water and screaming is all that can be heard between the two of them for a moment, and mj does not look away from the chaos out there
even if they’re safe, their classmates might not be, and then there’s peter–
well, at least, she thinks there is
but if mj is anywhere close to being right, then he is far too close to that thing for comfort, and the very thought sends her stomach lurching. 
“well, who is it, then?” 
betty’s question causes mj’s gaze to snap to the blonde immediately, dragging her out of her thoughts. 
“um, no one,” mj replies quickly
“you’re looking awfully worried for that to be true,” betty reasons, eyes narrowing slightly
mj hasn’t noticed it before, but there’s just a little too much sharp cunning in them for her liking
“i mean, half our class is out there,” mj reasons, but betty raises a hand to stop her
“we both know that you would probably throw a party if flash drowned, and you just said yourself that there’s nothing between you and brad,” betty counters firmly 
mj averts her gaze, fixing it determinedly on the cobblestones between them 
“venice was traditionally a city of people running from something,” mj pipes up after a moment, the words coming in a quick, focused, stream
“people only started living here when rome fell and a bunch of warrior clans were like, ‘hey, cool, we’re just gonna start attacking things.’ so all the people were like, ‘shoot, better go somewhere they can’t reach us. well, these guys suck at building boats.’ so… venice. kind of ironic that people came here because they were running away, and now that we’re here we’re all running away, too. it’s like poetic justice, kind of showing how no matter how much you do in life, you’re never gonna change much-” 
“you can’t distract me with your existentialism,” betty interrupts
mj falls silent immediately, cursing mentally as she listens to the sound of the gears turning in betty’s brain
“i know you’ve got someone,” betty continues
the statement is simple, declarative, and it doesn’t really demand more, and in the quiet that stretches between them, mj finds herself feeling drained and exhausted
they’re miles and miles away from home, crouched behind a dumpster while a popped water wiener is terrorizing venice
peter parker is probably fighting that thing right now in his onesie, and mr. harrington is talking to their travel planners on the phone about whether or not there’s a discount for situations where the canals literally come to life
flash is without a doubt live streaming the whole thing
in the wake of all that, mj figures, what does it matter? 
she’s been hiding her stupid feelings for years, and no one’s figured it out; she might as well give just enough information to appease betty, and there’s no need to mention names
there’s no reason to get deep on anything, especially when it’s so confusing and likely not reciprocated, right? 
“i guess,” mj says simply, pointedly staring out into the alleyway
beside her, betty lets out a light squeal, clasping her hands together, and mj has to bite back a groan 
“i knew it!” the girl declares, waving a finger in mj’s direction with a grin
“i so knew it. i knew my investigative journalism skills were right– they always are. and being in such a solid, healthy relationship has definitely given me a sense for these kinds of things; i think that’s what separates a woman from a girl, you know? and-” 
mj lets betty ramble on for a bit, sitting with a stoic face as she listens to the disturbance from afar
something about this feels… strange
it takes mj a moment to realize that this is the first time she’s admitted it, and then suddenly she finds herself a little bit breathless
“-so, how does it feel?” 
mj isn’t expecting the question, so when her eyes return to the soaking-wet blonde, she can’t help but feel like she has been snapped back into the present and everything is taking a minute to focus
“you know, how does it feel?” betty presses
“to have a person like that in your life? i mean, you can’t have had too many– you’re too calm and stuff for that kind of thing.” 
mj decides, in the moment, not to analyze that particular comment
instead, she considers betty’s previous question and tries not to feel too much like she’s been put on the spot for an interview
“um… i mean, i don’t think there’s a way that you’re supposed to feel,” she says slowly
“but pretty basic. i mean, with like fluttery chest and stuff. it’s whatever.” 
mj tries not to think about what she’s just said, but now that she’s let the words pass her lips, it’s a little bit hard
because it’s true: every time she catches him looking at her, her heart leaps and sputters like a revving engine, just about making her jump out of her skin
and every conversation with him that is unplanned is smooth and easy, like a road she knows how to drive like the back of her hand
and every awkward interaction somehow feels like a learning curve, like driving a new, unfamiliar car but knowing you’ll get the hang of it-
alright, maybe she’s taking the car metaphor too far, it’s kind of sounding like a rascal flatts song 
luckily, betty interrupts her train of thought before mj can take herself down a dead-end
“that’s so sweet,” betty decides, tipping her head slightly to the side
“you know, i don’t think i felt that way about my ned at first… but then, once i really got to know him, i started to get all the butterflies and everything. sometimes, i think, they come with time.” 
the absurdity of it all strikes mj in that moment: the two of them are literally hiding from a water golem behind a dumpster, and for some reason, they’re talking about boys
way to fail the bechdel test in real life, mj. 
but, as mj considers the situation they are in, she decides that maybe they are doing the right thing
after all, it’s keeping their minds away from the almost inevitable destruction of an ancient city with them in it, so they might as well do what they can to keep calm, right? 
it is for this reason, and no other, that mj decides to keep going 
“yeah, that makes sense,” mj agrees nonchalantly
she considers it for a second, though, and in the moment she finds herself simply letting loose
“i think mine were pretty immediate, though.” 
and, as mj thinks it over, she realizes it’s true
peter has had the same effect on her since the day she first saw him, when he ran into their freshman bio class half a second before the bell rang with a stupidly flustered look on his face
even then, when he was scrawny and short and squeaky-voiced, he was capable of releasing a bunch of fluttering fruit bats loose in her chest, filling her with panicked, beating wings
and even now, what is technically seven years later, that hasn’t changed
sure, he’s got abs now, and he’s got the arachnoid fursona to think about
but he’s still peter, and she still feels just the same as she did when she was a freshman in the back of the class, not yet having learned that no one gives a crap and still trying to figure everything out 
“it hasn’t changed,” mj finds herself admitting, “even though i have, i guess.” 
betty’s eyes flash with delight, and the words leave her mouth so quickly that mj isn’t convinced she is breathing: “ohmygosh. is this a long-term crush we’re talking?” 
mj pauses, strangely uncertain, but with betty’s eyes burning into her skull, she finds herself admitting it
“i mean, i guess so.” 
betty goes off on a rant, but mj isn’t really listening to it now
something settles over mj, cold and heavy, rather like a chill
it takes mj a moment to realize that betty has stopped talking and is now studying her
“what is it?” the blonde asks simply, and mj is surprised by the open seriousness in betty’s face
perhaps it is this candid side the blonde is showing that causes mj to reply 
“it’s the first time i’ve talked about it. not that it’s a big deal or anything.” 
betty’s eyes widen in surprise, but she doesn’t stop mj as she continues 
“but hearing myself say it aloud and everything? i mean, it makes it all sound kind of stupid.” 
betty doesn’t bother to hide her surprise, but rather than countering mj’s statement, she simply says, “why?”
mj mulls it over, considering
after a slight pause, she finally says, “it just doesn’t make sense.” 
“it kind of makes me feel like a loser. i’ve been hung up on this one thing for so long– i mean, it’s dumb. it’s not logical or anything, so i really should just move on… i’m an independent person.” 
betty’s eyes are narrowed and calculating as they meet mj’s own brown irises, and the question that she poses with such intensity nearly causes mj to lose her cool: 
“who says that it’s stupid just because it doesn’t make sense?” 
mj swallows thickly, glancing away, but betty isn’t done
“in fact, that might be exactly why it does make sense. because it doesn’t. sometimes, feelings like that just work that way.” 
feelings like that… 
for a moment, mj rolls the phrase around in her mind, and she finds herself straightening up slightly
feelings like that, feelings like-
alright, maybe that’s a bit much for one day
but something about the thought, maybe we don’t have to make sense, is strangely freeing
for just a moment, mj sits up a little straighter beneath the dumpster, drawing in a deep breath
she doesn’t have to make sense: she doesn’t owe it to anyone to be predictable, and she never has
in fact, mj has thrived in the face of unpredictability and instability her whole life, so maybe betty’s right
maybe, the fact that she and peter don’t make sense is exactly what makes it feel so right
and maybe, those feelings that betty is talking about could one day turn into… 
“i mean, look at ned and me. we weren’t exactly the likeliest couple– i was independent, ready to face the world, and he was a bachelor without any sense of direction in his romantic life. but all it took was one plane ride, some luck, and a little bit of fate, and now, here we are-” 
mj tunes out for most of the speech that follows, and as betty goes on, she can hear the sound of the chaos in the distance subsiding
and so, as the waters settle and the storm calms, mj finds a little bit of strength left in the wake of all the destruction
because maybe, just maybe, she’s opened herself up a little bit more to the uncertain and improbable
and maybe, because she’s allowed herself one foolish moment of vulnerability, she’s shaping up to be a bit stronger for it. 
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xiezuo · 5 years
Yesung A-Z NSFW please 👀 thank you!
Ok so y’all don’t even know what this man does to me and tbh I don’t even understand it myself it’s just- you know the feeling when you love someone so much your heart starts pounding so hard it makes it hard for you to breathe ? Yeah that’s what Yesung does to me and… I can’t even complain I love him too much hfgusduhahgkvuh anyways on to the request~
Masterpost | Rules | WIPs
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A — Aftercare
Yesung’s aftercare usually entails to him embracing you and holding you tightly against him, as if he were scared you’d go away. Lazy kisses, with him cupping your face in his hands; kisses on the top of your head or your forehead as you nestle against his chest or bury your face in the crook of his neck; lightly pets your hair, murmuring “I love you”s and promises of a bright future. He hates parting from you after such an intimate moment, so unless you ask him to get you something (in which he’ll jump off the bed — after pressing a kiss on your forehead — and run to get you whatever you asked for), he’ll stay with you, as close to your body as humanly possible.
B — Body Part
Hm. It’s hard to say what Yesung likes best about himself, mostly because he’s probably criticized every single part of his body (poor baby has low self-esteem when he shouldn’t and it makes me so sad :() and said he doesn’t like it, but I mean the man also takes like 46578239654879326 selfies of himself a day so… I really don’t know lol. And he has abs now and I’m pretty sure he’s proud of those but that’s not the point His favourite part on you is… everything lmao he can’t pick. For real. He’s so whipped he can’t choose because you’re perfect to him, but he’s especially weak for your smile; it’s all he ever wants to see from you. And he’ll try his hardest to make you smile everyday.
C — Cum
He has a thing for watching his cum drip out of you after he came inside, which he does quite often for this very reason. It makes him feel proud of himself but also gives him a sense of possessiveness over you, as if it’s his way to claim you and make sure you know you’re his — Yesung can be very possessive in bed, even though in everyday life he’s pretty chill.
D — Dirty Secret
Listen imma expose myself here but ever since I had that dream where Yesung sat on a chair next to the bed and made Donghae fuck me while telling him what to do as a way to prove me he was the only one who could fuck me right… I can’t get it out of my head man. So I think that’s his dirty secret. He fantasizes about it a lot but he never tells you out loud because he’s scared it’s going to freak you out and make your relationship awkward as a result of bringing it up. He doesn’t want you to think he’s a deviant or something of the sort.
E — Experience
So. I don’t think Yesung is a virgin. At all. But I also don’t think he has much experience. He’s had girlfriends in the past (one that cheated on him like 5 times what the fuck even— I’m getting sidetracked) so I’m pretty sure he has had sex before. Also, he’s a grown man. Despite the lack of experience, he still knows what he’s doing. And because your pleasure is very important to him, he’ll put everything into learning what you like and how to have you begging for more.
F — Favourite Position
Yesung cherishes intimacy, and his passion and love for you comes out stronger than ever when you two are having sex. He’s looking for that connection, so he prefers to go for positions that allow him to look you in the eye and make it easy for him to kiss you. He has a thing for holding your hands when he’s feeling particularly determined to make you feel how much he loves you.
G — Goofy
Yesung is more serious than anything else during the actual act, but there’s always a bit of playful banter with lots of underlining sexual meanings that leads to you two having sex, so I’d say he’s both depending on the mood. If he feels like teasing you, then he’ll take things more lightheartedly and fool around, but if he’s feeling needy or if he missed you then he’ll be a lot more serious and focused on what he’s doing.
H — Hair
That is a good question. I don’t think he takes the time to shave regularly, mostly because he’s not very hairy to begin with, so he doesn’t need to. He trims it when he feels like it’s getting to wild but he never goes full bald. He’s a “eh” kind of guy when it comes to it; he doesn’t really care all that much about things like this, and the same applies for you.
I — Intimacy
I think it’s obvious what my opinion on this is given what I’ve said in earlier points — intimacy is everything to Yesung. It’s important to him that his love and passion for you can be felt through every single one of his actions. It makes the experience all the more intense, because he’s not only focused on one part of your body; his hands explore every curve, sometimes leaving marks when pleasure builds up and his grip tightens, and his lips are always connected to your skin, sucking and biting, marking you even more. He wants to let you know that not only is every part of you perfect to him, you also belong to him.
J — Jack Off
Not gonna lie, I’m pretty sure Yesung jerks off quite often; sometimes it’s to release pent up sexual frustration, which usually happens when he’s away from you for too long, and sometimes it’s just to relieve some tension when it gets bad and nothing else works. When you’re around, however, it’s very rare that he does anything. It still happens, just less often.
K — Kink
Ok, so. I don’t think Yesung is that kinky (that’s very rich coming from someone who said earlier that he’d make a man fuck you while he watches just to prove a point bUT BEAR WITH ME). He’s definitely a top, for sure, and he likes to be the one in control — I honestly can’t see him surrender control to you; it’s something that would make him very uncomfortable. His biggest kink is most probably edging. He likes to push you to the very edge and when he feels like you’re about to cum, he’d stop all movement, wait for you to come down begging, and then press the tip of his cock against your G-spot just to torture you.
L — Location
Ideally, Yesung prefers to have sex on a bed, mostly because he wants you to be comfortable and not have to bend over in difficult positions that are hard to maintain without causing strain or harm. Next up is the couch, if foreplay starts there or close by and you’re both too desperate and needy to bother walking into the bedroom.
M — Motivation
His love for you and his drive to make you feel it is his biggest motivation, to be honest. It’s the reason he wants to have sex with you in the first place. His love turns him on, it’s just a thing. Actually, I think it’s very hard to “trigger” his arousal to the point where he can’t control himself and needs to fuck you right then and there. He’s very composed, and if you’re to, let’s say, tease him in public while out for dinner with friends or family, you can very well shove your hand down his pants under the table and jerk him off and he’ll keep a completely straight face and act like nothing’s happening. He won’t even attempt to stop you, but be prepared to be on the receiving end of his anger once you two are alone which… honestly always leads to you having angry sex on any surface he can find once you get home (and he probably won’t allow you to cum at all as punishment, just saying).
N — No
Spanking. Doesn’t like it, doesn’t see the point of it, just isn’t interested in doing it. If he wants to punish you for something, he’ll find other ways, some that can be even more painful than hitting you. He’s also not a fan of degradation — he’d feel really bad about humiliating you, even if you tell him you’re into it. The closest he’d get to that is to tease you about how needy or desperate you are for him, as in something like “you’ve got such a filthy mouth for someone who looks so innocent; you naughty, naughty girl”, but that’s about it.
O — Oral
Yesung is definitely more of a receiver than a giver when it comes to oral. He prefers to finger you rather than go down on you, mostly because I don’t think he has much experience when it comes to it, but he’ll still do it from time to time, just on special occasions rather than a casual thing. However, he usually won’t expect you to do it and won’t even ask, unless it’s angry sex — then he’s going to ask in a way that gives you no choice but to comply (not that you’d complain about it in the first place).
P — Pace
Yesung’s pace is definitely slower, but his thrusts are really harsh, and they go very deep. He likes taking his time building up to your orgasm, and draws it out. It also gives him more time to explore your body, adding to the intensity and the overwhelming emotions he makes you feel. So, he’s slow, but he slams into you with all the strength he has with each thrust.
Q — Quickie
He honestly prefers taking his time with you, but quickies do happen. Especially at the beginning of the relationship, where you’re both experimenting and getting to know the other and how they react to different things. Quickies mostly happen in places where there’s a chance of getting caught, like backstage before a show (a classic).
R — Risk
Yesung honestly doesn’t really mind having sex in risky places. Like I said in the previous point, sex in semi-public areas like backstage changing rooms or public bathrooms if they’re singles (like, not the ones with the stalls, ones where you only have one toilet and a door that can be locked), it just not happens very often. It’s not a thing that necessarily gets him going; he just doesn’t really mind it. It’s more a thing that occurs when he’s really really desperate and can’t hold back anymore.
S — Stamina
Yesung can last a long time; you can usually cum at least twice before he even feels his orgasm build up, but it takes him a very long time to recover to the point where he’s up and ready for a second round. You can easily fall asleep before that happens. I can only see multiple rounds happening if it’s been a really long time since he’s seen you and you two haven’t done anything; then, a lazy make out session after sex later and he’s ready to go again. But it only happens in this specific scenario.
T — Toy
He doesn’t own any, unless a tie he sometimes uses to bind your wrists together when he’s feeling kinky one night counts as a toy. He doesn’t like using them on you because he feels like it’s just a lazy way to get you worked up and make you cum; he’d much rather do it himself.
U — Unfair
Biiiiiiitch. You’ve just entered Yesung territory. Like I said earlier, edging and teasing is his thing, and he knows what he’s doing. He loves seeing you worked up, and he feels very proud when he drives you to the point of begging; it’s proof that you want him, that you need him, and there’s no better compliment to him than that. How unfair he is depends on his mood. If he intends on making love to you, then he’ll be merciful, and give you what you need after you ask nicely. If he’s in a playful mood, then he’ll drag it until you’re about to go crazy and continuously beg him, and even then, he might push it just a little further just because he can. If he’s angry or feeling possessive, then he’ll have absolutely no mercy, and he’s going to be the sole decision maker in when he decides to let you cum, no matter how much you beg.
V — Volume
He’s very vocal in bed, always whispering in your ear, both loving words and dirty things. However, he’s not loud at all; the sounds that come from him are usually groans he can’t contain and heavy breathing. And, of course, because he’s, you know, Yesung, expect a lot of curses coming from him.
W — Wild Card
When you introduce him to the idea of cockwarming, he’s very confused at first, but after you try it, he finds that he really, really likes it. From then on, it becomes a sort of habit after you two have sex to just cuddle up to each other with his cock buried inside of you at least for a little while as you both catch your breath.
X — X-Ray
Yeah, I’m— I’m just gonna use the picture of him that… honestly haunts me at night. It should speak for itself. You’re welcome.
Tumblr media
Y — Yearning
Yesung’s libido is very high, but it often doesn’t look like it because he’s very good at hiding any signs of arousal. He doesn’t shift in place, he doesn’t get flustered, his face doesn’t turn red, he can still focus on whatever he’s doing very well and he doesn’t stutter either. He’s learned to control it over the years and he takes out the tension by beating Hyukjae’s ass lmao I’m just kidding… or am I ?
Z — Zzz
Yesung makes it a point to fall asleep after you do, but he gets really drowsy after he recovers from the afterglow. You’ll hear him yawn and see him rub his eyes from time to time, trying to chase the sleep away because he feels like it’s his duty to watch over you until you fall asleep so you feel safe and protected.
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6. You Can’t Say You Didn’t Enjoy It
Pairing: Bakugou/Kirishima
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 2351
Summary: Lazy hazy crazy sunday afternoon with his best friend and an ounce.
Additional tags: NSFW, virgin!bakugou, experienced!Kirishima, drug use
Send me a Request!
It was hazy in his dorm. The smoke clouded the ceiling, looming high and far away. The sun had gone down but Bakugou could feel its warmth as he lit his next joint.
“Ei, roll me another one.”
He was lazy and happy. Nothing to do but lay out and soak it all up. TV going in the background and his best friend buzzing in his ear, on about some gossip from back home.
“Ei, hey,” Bakugou snapped his fingers. “Another one… please.”
“You’re not done with that one,” Kirishima rolled over and grabbed the box, setting up for the next joint.
“I’m about to be,” Bakugou grinned, the smile having no effect on his drooping eyes.
He took a long drag in, holding it before releasing and adding it to the smoke on the ceiling.
“Gimme,” Kirishima made cutesy grabby hands toward the almost spent bud, pulling it from Bakugou’s fingers and finishing it off himself. He then slotted the new joint right where the old one was, like the first never even moved.
The lighter crackled as Kirishima flicked it. But instead of letting Bakugou take the first hit, Kirishima lowered his lips to the joint that was still in Bakugou’s hand and breathed in.
His lips barely brushed over Bakugou’s fingers, but the jolt it caused was full body.
“I rolled it, it’s the law,” Kirishima giggled. And it shouldn’t have felt so good in the pit of Bakugou’s stomach, but it did.
And he thought these feelings were going away, but they weren’t.
“Right,” Bakugou put the joint to his own lips without thinking, and when it registered, he had to bite back a moan.
Kirishima’s lips were just here. On this joint. Touching his fingers.
“No retort?” Kiri rolled closer, his head resting in the crook of Bakugou’s arm.
It was like Kirishima was kissing him. And how lame was that? That he saw a touch of lips to the same item as kissing. His virgin ears pinked up at the thought.
No, a proper kiss would be better. Kirishima rolling fully onto him and lightly pressing those smoke-soaked lips to his. Tangling his fingers in Bakugou’s hair, maybe pulling, maybe groaning. Maybe… he should stop, because he just squeaked and Kirishima was looking at him weirdly.
“You… ok?” Kirishima’s smile was blinding. His own droopy eyes barely focused.
“Hmm?” Bakugou tried to play it off. The sudden tightness in his pants throwing him off his game.
Kirishima propped himself up on his elbows, leaning closer into Bakugou’s space, “You’re making funny noises, Baku.”
“Mmm,” he couldn’t open his mouth. Because Kirishima was close and he didn’t trust himself not to ruin the only friendship he was able to make in college. Instead he moved the joint to his other hand and took a long, satisfying pull.
But that had the opposite effect than he wanted. Kirishima dropping his head down onto Bakugou’s chest and digging his nose in, squealing.
“Don’t you dare blow that in my face,” he kept giggling, rubbing his face on Bakugou’s shirt.
It drained the blood out of him, took his breath away, and he was sure he was dying. Was someone allowed to be that cute… like legally? He had to do something, had to remove himself from the situation or he was going to kiss those pretty pink lips.
“Gotta pee,” Bakugou huffed and rolled Kiri off of him.
He made his way down the hall to the bathroom, joint still in hand. A glance in the mirror told him he was a wreck. His eyes were bloodshot, hair was a mess, clothes were disheveled. He looked like he’d been having a bit of dirty fun. Right…
Kirishima was fucking adorable. He figured that out back in freshman year. And they were friends. Bakugou didn’t make friends easily, so he couldn’t just take it further. Would rather look at Kirishima’s adorable face every day as a friend than nothing at all.
And then there was the other thing… He hadn’t exactly ever had sex with anyone before. So he could dream all he wanted, but not even Kirishima would sleep with a loser virgin, especially not his best friend.
He needed to get his head straight. Maybe put down the joint and make sure Kiri stops laying all over him. It made it hard to control himself.
A quick splash of cold water and he was walking back to his dorm, he took a deep breath before opening the door and going back in. And Kirishima was… face down. Shirtless and rutting into his sheets.
Bakugou blinked, expecting the scene to change once he opened his eyes again. But there Kiri was, still half naked and apparently fully hard.
“Fuck, this stuff is good,” Kirishima moaned, slowing his hips just a little.
Bakugou stood in the doorway, mouth open, smoke pouring out through the opening behind him.
When Kirishima saw him, he jumped up and yelled, “Shit, Baku. You’re gonna let all the smoke out.” Like he wasn’t just getting off on Bakugou’s bed.
“Uh. What are you… what were you…” Bakugou’s brain was short circuiting, unable to complete a simple sentence.
“Where did you get this stuff? Because I… am feeling it.” Kirishima snorted and flopped back down onto the bed.
“Uh…” that was a simple question, something Bakugou could easily wrap his mind around. “Um… fucking plant girl from the B dorms.”
“I gotta thank her,” his little giggle hit Bakugou hard again. Rested right in his belly, sending shockwaves up his spine.
“Are… you’re…” one day he would figure out how to speak again.
“Do people not flirt with you often?” Kirishima’s question was unexpected and hit kind of low.
Bakugou blinked, attempting to stall. How was he supposed to tell Kiri he was a virgin. They didn’t talk about these things.
“Because I’ve been flirting all day and god, Baku, I’m getting a little desperate here.”
“I… am…”
“I mean you don’t have to return the favor, I just… really wanna suck you off. If that’s cool.”
“I’m... “
“Because this stuff has me feeling good and you’re looking good.”
“I’m a virgin!” Bakugou didn’t mean to shout it at him, but his head was swimming with every word and the smoke was getting to him and… he was running out of excuses not to panic.
Especially since Kirishima was just staring at him, eyebrows raised, mouth slightly opened, a bit of a smirk in his eyes.
“Stop fucking looking at me like that!”
He could feel the embarrassment pinking his cheeks, could feel himself getting angry to try and save face. Why did he even say anything? Why does it even matter?
“Get the fuck out of my room,” Bakugou flung himself onto his bed and started shoving Kiri off.
“For fuck’s sake Baku,” Kirishima was laughing. This fucker was actually laughing at him.  
“Get out!” he pushed him hard, and Kirishima went flying off the bed. He hit the floor with a loud thunk and only then could Bakugou pretend he wasn’t judging him.
Bakugou laid back and stared at the ceiling. Panic setting in, making his chest heave and his head swim. He could deal with losing Kirishima like this. If he was going to be a judgey asshat, then Bakugou could be friendless. He didn’t care.
“You panicking too?” Kirishima didn’t pop up from the floor, didn’t make any move to leave like Bakugou had asked.
“A little, yeah,” Bakugou responded, easily like all of that didn’t just happen.
“I”m a dick,” Kirishima stated.
He shouldn’t respond to that half assed apology, “Yeah you are.” He did anyway.
“I shouldn’t’ve asked.”
“You should… no. You shouldn’t have laughed actually.”
“Baku I wasn’t laughing at the fact you’re a virgin. But… aw shit, I can definitely see how it would’ve come off that way. Shit, no,” Kirishima finally popped up, laying his head in his arms next to Bakugou. “I really wasn’t. I’m so sorry man. It’s totally cool you’re a virgin. I was laughing because I managed to fuck this up like I was hoping not to.”
“Whatever,” Bakugou grunted and turned on his side. He couldn’t be embarrassed if he couldn’t see Kirishima.
“Baku, seriously. I thought I could pretend not to care, that you’d be cool with it if we just jumped into it. I didn’t know…”
Bakugou turned back up, eyes trained on the clouded ceiling.
“It’s fine,” he finally exhaled. Maybe Kirishima wasn’t laughing at him, but he definitely didn’t want to do anything with him now that he knew.
“Can I come back up?” Kirishima threw him the biggest puppy dog eyes, really laying it on.
“I don’t know, you gonna tell anybody?”
“Wha… I would never. Bakugou we’re bros, that’s the least manly thing I could do.”
Bakugou stared at him hard, and when he decided Kirishima was telling the truth, he rolled over to give him a little bit of room on the bed.
“Oh thank god,” Kirishima pulled himself up and slung himself onto the bed, wrapping an arm around Bakugou’s chest.
And it felt good. Bakugou was too busy freaking out about telling his best friend he was a virgin, that he forgot Kirishima was shirtless and… he looked so good.
The smooth skin of his abs brushed against Bakugou’s arm making goosebumps pour over his chest. It made him light headed, made him forget he was mad.
“It’s not like I never got the chance,” he whispered, hoping he didn’t have to start this conversation but wanting to explain himself.
“Baku,” Kirishima raised his head and stared at him. “You don’t gotta…”
“No, see. I don’t but I fucking want to. I don’t want you to think I’m some shitty loser who can only make one friend in college and can’t even get himself a boyfriend. I’ve… had boyfriends.”
“I’ve never thought you were a loser, Baku,” and he probably didn’t mean it but Kirishima lightly placed his lips on Bakugou’s arm, punctuating his sentence with a kiss.
And it was soft and sweet, and Bakugou craved more than he ever had before.
Bakugou stared at the ceiling. He has one friend. One friend that he is in love with and has way more experience than him. And that one friend says he doesn’t care but Bakugou knows he will eventually. Wait…
“You don’t care that I’m a virgin,” Bakugou’s eyes shot open.
Kirishima laughed, “I don’t.”
“You wanna do stuff anyways,” the realization hit him hard. His breath caught in his chest and his body went stiff under the light pressure of Kirishima’s arm.
There was a pause, in which Bakugou did not care to look over at Kirishima to see his thoughts play out across his face.
“If that’s not what you want, I understand,” Kirishima’s words bounced around in Bakugou’s brain. If that’s not what Bakugou wants, but Kirishima wants it…
“But you want it,” Bakugou’s breathing didn’t pick back up, it was stuck like the rest of his body.
And Bakugou finally looked at Kirishima, to find him nervous and worried and… he didn’t want to lose his friend either.
“Oh my god, we’re so fucking dumb,” Bakugou surged forward and pushed his lips against Kirishima’s. It made sense now, Kirishima didn’t know what Bakugou would be ok with. Assumed sex was better than nothing, but didn’t know Bakugou was a virgin. They were both so fucking dumb.
The kiss lit up. Felt like tiny explosions going off under his skin, fireworks and TNT. Every move, every nip, every push of tongue moved his heart further into his throat.
And when he pulled away, Kirishima’s lips followed. Tried to go back in, but there were things that needed saying that couldn’t be said with a kiss.
“I like you,” Bakugou said. “I like you and I wouldn’t mind my first time being with you.”
“Oh,” Kirishima’s eyes were hopeful and sweet and good. “Y-yeah, I like you too.”
“So… what you were saying earlier,” Bakugou grinned.
It took a minute for the suggestion to move around Kirishima’s brain, and another to register on his face. “Oh you want…”
“Yeah. I mean if it’s cool.”
Kirishima finally pushed back into him, pressing his lips against Bakugou’s.
When his hands wrapped around Bakugou’s chest, fully enveloping him, Bakugou squeaked. Kirishima’s arms have always been pretty, but now he knew they were fucking beautiful as well.
This is the furthest Bakugou had ever been. He’d seen porn and he knew what came next but the inexperience might have an embarrassing outcome.
“I might… I don’t… “ fuck why was it so hard to talk about.
“It’s ok, just sit back and relax.”
Kirishima placed kisses along Bakugou’s jaw, moving from the corner of his lips down to the dip of his collarbone. He stopped to suck a bruise into the side of his neck, pulling a low moan from Bakugou as well.
“F-fuck,” he knew he was already fully hard. Kinda was when he came back to Kirishima rutting against his bed.
And when Kirishima rubbed his hand over Bakugou’s lap, it felt too good, it felt amazing. It felt white hot and electric.
“Kiri…” that was a warning. The only thing he could get out of his mouth before Kirishima rubbed a little harder and Bakugou felt a rush of cum in his pants.
He just… “I just…”
“It’s okay,” Kirishima pressed more kisses to his cheeks and the corners of his eyes.
“I can’t believe I just…” came in about 25 seconds? Yeah.
“You can’t say you didn’t enjoy it,” Kirishima giggled into his neck. “We’ll keep trying, we’ve got plenty of time.”
Kirishima rolled off of him and picked up another joint, lighting it and placing it between Bakugou’s lips. “Here, you’ll need this.”
Bakugou took a shaky breath in as Kirishima unbuttoned his pants.
“Fuck I like you so much,” Kirishima eyed him as he kissed along his hips. Moving down to run his tongue in Bakugou’s mess.
“Holy fuck,” Bakugou could get used to this.
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vantemei · 7 years
one thing everyone should know is: do not underestimate park jimin. bad things will happen. jeongguk is a firm believer in this. it’s a given that math majors as a species are stubborn bastards and have tendency to take every little thing as a challenge. 
the minute jimin saw yoongi sitting in the campus cafe with a sleeping taehyung resting on his shoulder and a fond smile on his face he made it his mission to make yoongi admit his soft spot feelings for the younger boy. it’s going about as well as one might think. while jimin is stubborn and determined, yoongi is in denial and self deprecating to the point that any positive emotion comes with a feeling of anxiety and a fear of it being ripped away.
if you ask jimin, if you ask anyone to be honest, it’s clear as day that yoongi has a soft spot for the younger boy. whenever taehyung isn’t with his brother or jimin and jeongguk then he’s spotted randomly around campus passed out in the lap or on the shoulders of a content looking min yoongi. where one is comfortable the other will appear. 
jimin even walked in on yoongi lounging in his and taehyung’s dorm room on the couch jimin had picked out with his hands running gently through taehyung’s hair while the younger slept with a do[y smile on his face. it had been the defining factor in jimin taking on the challenge of operation ‘yoongi is an idiot in love with taehyung and taetae is a cute fool who also loves yoongi’.
it’s just an unfortunate circumstance of proximity that jeongguk has been roped into helping him.
plan 1: truth or dare
this is gonna work. jimin is sure of it. a drunk yoongi is an honest yoongi and taehyung can’t drink alcohol so he’ll be completely sober to hear yoongi confess. jimin is a genius.
“ok but i don’t understand why the party has to be at my dorm.” jeongguk whines even as he grabs the party pack of meat and puts it in their basket.
“because, jeonggukie, we can’t have it at my dorm. taehyung lives there. we can’t have it at namjoon’s because he lives with yoongi and hoseok lives with jin hyung so we can’t have it at theirs.”
“but why? i get why we can’t do it at yoongi’s but why not jin hyung?”
“because he spoils taehyung, you know that. if we have the party at jin hyung’s then taehyungie will just play with odengie and eomukie the whole time and he won’t be around for drunk yoongi hyung!”
jeongguk sighs because he can’t really argue with that, and once the cuteness of taehyung is combined with the two sugar gliders no one will have the heart to tear them apart, no matter how determined jimin is his heart is soft as marshmallows for taehyung.
“plus you’re the only one who lives alone so you have the most space.”
jeongguk groans as they head to the alcohol aisle.
*later at jeongguk’s dorm because im lazy*
“hyung, truth or dare?” jeongguk giggles and kicks towards namjoon who is more focused on watching hoseok attempt to fit thirteen slices of pickled radish in his mouth then the game at this point.
“hyuuuung!” jeongguk whines and jimin giggles, calls him cute in slurred satoori.
“huh?” namjoon finally snaps back to the game and taehyung laughs from where he’s leaned against a tipsy jin who keeps petting his hair and cooing at him.
“idiot, he said truth or hair. pick!” yoongi says with absolute confidence and hoseok chokes on the ninth radish slice in laughter, yoongi slapping his back way to hard with drunken strength.
jeongguk can barely pull himself together and it looks like taehyung is having the same problem as he collapses completely in jin’s arms, body shaking with laughter. jimin just stares in amazement at the way taehyung’s hand is flapping in the air and holds his own hand up next to it, eyes widening with a tiny gasp.
“whats- ahahahaa- what’s your worst memory from a party?”
namjoon’s face drops immediately and taehyung’s laughter grows louder by at least two decibels.
“taehyung-ah i’m sorry,” is all namjoon can say before he looks like he might cry and it sends taehyung laughing like a seal, gasping for breath as he smacks jin’s knee repeatedly. jin yells but his hands keep combing through taehyung’s hair gently and yoongi glares at his hand like a sibling who’s brother got the bigger piece of cake.
“what? what hap-happened? taehyung hyung hyung?” jeongguk counts the ‘hyungs’ on his fingers. 
“i- oh my god i can’t breathe- i walked in on namjoon hyung making out with a girl in my bed because he was too drunk to know it was my room and not his. i slept on the couch that night and joonie hyung washed everything in my room for me. twice.”
the group descends into laughter and namjoon looks like he want’s to find a hole and crawl in it.
“poor taehyungie, poor taetae, how could you do that namjoon? he’s so precious, how could you make him sleep on the couch?!” yoongi looks offended on taehyung’s behalf as he smacks jin’s hand away from the younger boy’s soft blonde hair and full on pulls taehyung towards him to hug his head against his chest and pet his face sympathetically.
taehyung, now sprawled over seokjin’s lap with his head clutched preciously to yoongi’s chest can’t hold back his laughter and it looks like me might develop abs in the next twenty minutes from how hard he’s laughing before his body suddenly goes limp and he falls silent.
namjoon, even in his past-tipsy state, is the one to notice first, a cry of ’taetae!’ leaving his lips as he lunges over the coffee table they were sitting around and pulls his brother’s limp form from his shocked silent friends.
taehyung remains completely limp as namjoon maneuvers him over his lap with practiced ease, making sure his body is flat and resting his brother’s head in his lap, gently brushing the hair back from his face.
“t-taetae? taetae?!” jimin’s shaking as he crawls closer to grab his friend’s hand, eyes welling with tears as he holds taehyung’s hand close to his chest.
“is he- is he ok?” it’s seokjin who asks, looking relatively sobered up since mere moments ago as he pat’s a shaken looking hoseok’s back. they all know what’s happening but they’re all a bit tipsy or more and none of them, save for jimin and namjoon, have seen taehyung have such a sudden cataplexic episode.
“yeah, he should be fine,” namjoon consoles them, hands running patiently through his brother’s hair.
“is he having a cata- calypso?  ca-cala- cat dyslexic-?” “cataplexic?” "yeah! is he…is he having one of those?” yoongi looks grateful at namjoon for filling in his attempt at the word.
“yeah. they can happen when he get’s a sudden rush of emotion or laughs a lot. i should have been paying attention, making sure-”
“hyung, you’re doing what you can right now. you couldn’t have known this would happen. it just does, you know taehyungie hyung hate’s when you blame yourself.” jeongguk is the least drunk out of all of them, aside from taehyung who never drinks.
namjoon’s reply is cut off by a whimper and all eyes dart to taehyung, yoongi pulls jimin back to give taehyung some room.
taehyung whimpers again, a small 'hyung?’ coming out before a small pained moan.
“yeah, hyung’s here tae, it’s ok- you’re ok.”
taehyung whimpers again and his leg gives a small jolt before his eyes open. taehyung’s big brown eyes look scared and confused up at his brother, glossy with coming tears.
“hey, hey taetae, it’s ok. you’re ok. hyung is right here with you, we’re at jeongguk’s place. you remember? your friends are here bear, you’re ok.”
taehyung whimpers again and his hand twitches in jimin’s who pushes himself forward, eyes teary again as he leans over his best friend.
“taetae? are you ok? how do you feel? i’m right here taetae, i’m sorry.”
taehyung’s eyebrows furrow at that and namjoon runs a thumb over his cheeks to relax his face, brows relaxing as his gaze flickers between his brother and his best friend before slipping shut again, still awake by the way he releases a few more whimpers as his body gives small jolts in random places.
“taetae, i know you’re confused right now but i need you to tell me, are you going to sleep after this or do you want to stay awake? you can do whatever you want you just need to tell me so i can help you. can you talk yet taetae?” namjoon’s voice is the same comforting timbre it’s been since taehyung woke up and he waits patiently for taehyung’s answer.
“uph- umph-……up…hyung up…” taehyung is clearing having trouble with his words but namjoon gives a soothing hush. “you wanna stay up taetae? ok, then we’ll just take a break and then go back to the game ok? you can just take as much time as you need until you’re ready and then maybe we can watch a movie? guys?”
everyone agrees easily and taehyung seems comforted by it from the way he let’s himself relax against namjoon’s lap, content to wait for his control to come back as everyone draws back to choose a movie.
“taetae, are you sure you feel up to this? i can drop you at your place if you want, everyone will understand.” namjoon hasn’t stopped brushing his hand through taehyung’s hair and taehyung leans into it easily, tapping his fingers together one by one absently and curling his toes.
“i’m sure hyung, i want to stay.”
namjoon drops it there but he keeps his eye on taehyung, even as the younger sits up on his own and makes his way to the couch to sit between jimin and yoongi who readily make room for him. an hour later taehyung is asleep across the two, head resting in yoongi’s lap and legs thrown across a snoring jimin.
on second glance namjoon realizes yoongi is awake and staring at taehyung. one of his hands is holding the younger’s and he brushing his thumb softly over taehyung’s knuckles, smiling giddily as taehyung sighs in his sleep and turns to snuggle his face into yoongi’s stomach.
namjoon raises an eyebrow at the older male but says nothing, content that his brother is safe and ok.
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