#i found tags where i talked about it and i'm feeling inspired right now
sl-vega · 3 months
Hi there! Recently stumbled upon your Hiori piece (I Don’t Know Much, But I Know I Want You) and Oh. My. Gosh. It’s amazing!! The story was so cute and I also love the little Karasu interactions you threw in; it matches their characters so well and it’s so well written! If you ever feel motivated or inspired to do so, I’d love to see where you’d take the piece in a part 2! No pressure of course, I just think that seeing how they’d interact in your writing would be really awesome. Currently on my way to binge read every other work of yours; I love your writing style o7
Thanks for reading my ask and have a lovely day!! :)
part one // part two
pairing: Hiori Yo x [FEM!] Reader
genre: fluff, oneshot, classmates to lovers, friends to lovers (?), pre-bluelock au/canon compliant
synopsis: hiori is still pretty damn smitten when it comes to you, so like the lovesick fool he his, he decides to drag karasu to the mall with him to help him find a gift to impress you, of course, in a strange turn of events it turns out you're at the mall too, so whatever shall our poor loverboy do when he sees you? (or in which hiori "soccer genius" yo, is dumb enough to ask karasu of all people for girl advice, and karasu like the wonderful friend he is, tags along for the drama)
CW/additional tags: mild language, potentially ooc, i actually did research on a mall in kyoto so look at me go, might make a part three if i really feel like it
author's note: AKJFJFHAFHKJ TYYY ANON YOU'RE SO SWEET, i'm so glad you liked the first part and all of hiori + karasu's interactions, it really means a lot to me that you thought i did them justice <3
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"Would getting her makeup be a good idea?"
Hiori asked his senior as he stood outside of COLOUR STUDIO, it was a cosmetics store that he heard the girls in his class talk about occasionally , you among them.
"Or would that be too intimate? Do ya' think she'd think I'm trying too hard? Maybe we should've just stuck to stationery...."
Hiori bombarded Karasu with questions as he sighed and stared up at the daunting illuminated white sign of the shop.
His friend groaned and grabbed the sleeve of Hiori's light blue sweat shirt, dragging him into the store where a few employees and clerks gave them slightly concerned looks.
"No, we're here now so we may as well get something."
Karasu chastised his younger teammate as he escorted him into the lip product aisle, in which Hiori found himself surrounded by many unfamiliar brands with colourful packaging.
"Ya' sure know yer' way around Karasu, have ya' been here before?"
"I've been to their branch over in Osaka, my sister makes me get 'er shit whenever she runs out..."
Karasu plucked a small box from the middle of the shelf, making a point to read the label and the brand to make sure it was the one he needed.
"So what are you gonna get yer' special girl?"
He asked teasingly, as his slender fingers clutched around the small container he was holding.
"I dunno actually...I was hoping you might help me?"
Hiori replied, chuckling nervously. He already knew that Karasu had an older sister, so must have some knowledge on these kinds of things.
His teammate seemed to deadpan at his friend's request, feigning a hurt expression at his friend's question.
"So I'm just a personal shopping assistant to ya'? I'm hurt Hiori."
Karasu gave him a playful pout before breaking into a mild fit of laughter after Hiori swatted his shoulder. The older boy promptly turned to one of the shelves and tossed Hiori a small pink tube of lip gloss.
"Get 'er this one, the quality is pretty good and it has a reasonable price."
Karasu said nonchalantly as his back was still turned, still browsing through some of the shelves. Hiori looked down at the product tube and read out the label to himself.
"Canmake Candy Wrap Lip..."
He muttered as he rotated the slender cylinder in his hand, reading the adhesive tag on it, he realized that Karasu was right, the price was within his budget, and the packaging was rather cute, not to mention how the tube itself contained a good amount of product.
He was about to thank his friend before realizing that Karasu was back at the front counter of the store, probably asking one of the employees for help with finding something.
Observing his surroundings, Hiori thought that browsing the shop a little bit more couldn't hurt, he still had plenty of funds to spare, more than enough to buy you something else.
Hiori continued to browse the current aisle he was in, allowing his fingers to brush against the array of cosmetics, all neatly sorted and arranged by brand, type, and flavour.
As he continued to run his hand along the rows upon rows of products, he stumbled across another area of products that caught his eye.
"Rohto Mentholatum Lip Balm..."
He read the mini card board sign that was clipped to the shelf as he observed the packaging. The one's that were currently stocked were said to be peach flavoured, the price seemed fairly reasonable as well.
Now, that he thought about it, having a lip balm on hand would be pretty practical, Hiori hated the feeling of his chapped lips. Plus, he deserved some kind of reward.
Hiori reached for one of the tubes, and right before he was about to take the lip balm from the shelf, his fingers brushed against a stranger's hand who was reaching for the exact some one.
On instinct, Hiori pulled away, muttering a quick apology. He turned to said stranger to say tell them that they could take it before realizing that said stranger wasn't a stranger at all.
"Oh! Hiori?"
Oh God, it was you
He managed to squeak out as you gave him a soft smile, he was surprised he hadn't made a complete fool of himself yet. Without realizing it, he had promptly shoved the tube of lip gloss he was going to buy for you into his back pocket.
"Hi! I didn't realize you were the shopping type Hiori."
You greeted him once more as you observed the hand that quickly pocketed the lip tube, you didn't press any further however.
"Oh, I'm not actually, I'm just getting a gift for someone special..."
Hiori chuckled sheepishly as he rubbed the back of his neck. He chastised himself for his wording, of course he had to say it like that, now if he gave you the gift you'd know for sure that he liked you.
But then again, that would spare him the humiliation of actually having to say it directly to your face, not that he ever wanted to confess in the first place...
"Someone...special? I didn't know you had a girlfriend Hiori..."
You trailed off, you sounded disappointed almost.
Hiori's face flushed at your words, he didn't mean to give you that idea. He could slowly feel heat creep up his neck as you continued to stare at him.
"Guess I shouldn't be that surprised..."
This time you were avoiding eye contact, you laughed somewhat bitterly. Were you jealous? Part of Hiori wanted to delude himself into thinking that, but another part of him wanted to die right there and then to avoid making a bigger fool out of himself.
"N-No I don't have a girlfriend actually!"
He assured you as his face turned an even brighter shade of red.
Where was Karasu when ya' needed him?
Suddenly, Hiori felt a light tap against his head. It was Karasu! His knight in shining armor, to save him from the train wreck of a conversation. His teammate was holding a small basket full of a few products, some mascara, eye liner, and a few skin cream tubs among them.
"I'm gonna go check out now, are ya' done yet?"
His friend asked as he rested his hand on Hiori's shoulder, Karasu looked up at you, realizing that there was company present.
The silence that followed was deafening.
You glanced between the two boys, you had recalled Karasu from Hiori's youth team, but you didn't know much about the older boy, but you had spotted him hanging around Hiori pretty frequently, so you assumed that they were fairly close.
"Oh, I'm sorry am I interrupting something?"
You questioned as your eyes flickered between the two of them, your head was tilted slightly in curiosity. You noticed Karasu's grip on Hiori's shoulder tighten ever so slightly at the sound of your question.
Hiori shook his head frantically, Karasu was probably giving you that same unsettling stare he always used whenever he was sizing someone up on you.
"No! Not at all! But I should get going right about now..."
He assured you that nothing was wrong, but he was already flustered enough, and there was no way Karasu would let him hear the end of whatever this incident should be labelled as.
"Well I'll see you school I guess!"
You flashed him another bright smile before turning to Karasu, and you gave the older boy a curt and quick bow.
"I'm (Y/N), Hiori's classmate, it's a pleasure to meet you."
Karasu was caught off guard by your sudden politeness, but he returned the favour.
He stated quickly before taking Hiori's hand in his own, you seemed to take note of this.
You were about to walk away, so you waved to them before saying;
"Have fun on your date!"
Wait what?!
If Hiori's face was red before, it was basically crimson by now. The girl he liked not only thought he was taken, but now she thought he was into guys?!
"W-we're not!-He's not-I'm not-"
Karasu simply wheezed at the current predicament, clearly amused by your assumption of Hiori and him's relationship and by his younger friend's sudden flustered expression.
"I wish! Don't worry yer' pretty little head off though, he's still avaliable∼. He's quite taken with you at that too."
Karasu teased as he winked at Hiori, clearly taking sadistic pleasure in his friend's suffering.
Hiori whisper shouted as his friend dragged him out the store, still laughing as the cyan-haired boy continued his flustered protests which bore no fruit.
Well at least you knew how he felt now...
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"This is why I told ya' to quit flirting with me like that! People are getting the wrong idea about us..."
"Aww but I can't have random girls stealing you away from me∼"
"Shut up ya' stupid crow!"
"Make me prodigy∼"
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ughgoaway · 7 months
my favourite fics and writers
hi, y'all!! so I've decided that this year, I want to be more appreciative of all the amazing content we have on this app, and thank the writers providing it. this was inspired by Lily (lastnightwaskindofablur) who shared how long it took her to write her series, and it made me realise how much time and love are poured into these fics.
so this list is basically everyone im following, and my favourite piece of writing from them! I don't think I've forgotten anyone, but if I have IM SO SORRY!! if I am following you- I'm obsessed with you.
anyway, so sorry for tagging 1000 people but I love and appreciate you all so much!!
(so much rambling below the cut)
@64yrsold; “aches” is amazing and “wintering” is heartbreaking in the best way. Also, all of their one-shots are just amazing, I could read them over and over again!!
@yourtouchismidas; “ruins” was one of the first fics that had me checking AO3 every day for updates. truly heartbreaking and all-encompassing. and all the blurbs from it are also amazing. The dad! Matty content mixed with the angst is just so well done.
@abiiors; is not only one of the nicest people on this app (and maybe the world) but also one of the most talented writers. so so many amazing fics that honestly, don't even get me started on bc I will talk for HOURS. but “haunt//bed” is one fic I can't stop coming back to. And “Three’s a Party” is… mind-numbingly good, it actually made me scream into a pillow when I read it for the first time. Vee also creates all the amazing 75 Tumblr activities so really she is to thank for SO MUCH content on here!! one of the kindest people I know, and I feel so lucky to call her my friend :)))
@shinycollarboneapologist; was the blog where I started rambling and sharing ideas, so she is to thank for all the friends I've made on here!!! The Taylor verse is PHENOMENAL and “illicit affairs” is a fav. but “clandestine” has invaded my brain so much I literally dream about it regularly... so I have to say that's my no.1
@imagine-that-100; I first discovered her series "Drunk” on ao3 and then promptly binged everything on her masterlist (multiple times...) “Chicken Shop Date” is just a masterpiece (she and her co-writer are AMAZING on this and I will ramble about her later), but my personal fav is “truth serum”. I have probably read that fic about 50 times over and I love it just as much every time!!!
@heyidkyay; I first read “Who Can Say No to Bridezilla?” and became obsessed on ao3. but then I found them on Tumblr and was completely sucked into "I guess I'll take this pain, instead of your name" which is quite possibly the best George series on here. so much character building and back story, and overall just a phenomenal fic.
@justlikemebutsixfootthree; has some of the best smut on this app,” The Birthday Party” is probably my most re-read because it is just an absolute masterpiece. but “insane” and “direction” are also both amazing.
@imightgetbetter; was one of the first blogs I discovered on here, and I fell in love with the whole “Love It If We Made It” series. such an amazing development of a relationship and their writing is AMAZING. but my absolute favourites have to be “Bets are off” and “I love dilfs.”
@butyou-callmewhenyourebored; has such good Ross content all around, truly providing for the Ross girlies!!! but the Leeds au blurb 1 is my fav from them!
@drivelikeiido; has some beautiful fluff, and I just love the way they write Matty. but (not so) important decisions just make my heart warm like nothing else!!!
@toomuchracket; my beloved mads!! the fun wine aunt of 1975 Tumblr. I mean I could talk for 17 pages about my love for all of her au's... birthday party is the perfect supportive husband, d-word is the best slutty old man content on this app lol and flatmate is the friends-to-lovers content we all yearn for. asking me to choose my favourite Mads fic is like choosing a favourite child, but right now it has to be totally wrecked. I think that has altered my brain chemistry in an indescribable way… (edit; since writing this she has put out possibly my no.1 fic of all time, “and this is how it starts” so I just had to mention how much I fucking adore it)
@lottiecrabie; I mean... what else is there to even say about Lottie other than she is one of the best writers I have ever read. truly the mother of 1975 Tumblr. “rockstar girlfriend” and “pray for my soul” both have such special places in my heart, but anatomy au locked a new section in my brain fr. that little loser lives in my head rent free!!!
@tillthelandslide; is so so kind and has some amazing series I would recommend to EVERYONE. “insufferable asshole” is one of my absolute favourites, I love a grovelling man what can I say!!! but “Same for You” has me flipping sides every chapter, I still can't choose if I'm team Ross or team Matty.
@lastnightwaskindofablur; what more can I sat about the whole ATPOAIM universe other than it is quite literally phenomenal. the amount of time and effort poured into the Brittany Jackson universe is so clear by how amazing each fic and blurb is. my absolute favourite thought is "Christmas isn't cancelled (just you.)" from the 12 days of Christmas. it is easily one of my favourite fics I've read!!! She is also the whole inspiration behind this list and made me realise how important thanking your favourite writers really is.
@cowboylor; ohmyLORD the smut on this blog is just... wowowoowowowow. actually made me nervous to attempt smut because of how good theirs is. "Cabin Fever" is probably my favourite, I love a good threesome fic.
@alovesreading; the other half of the JAW DROPPING series that is “Chicken Shop Date”. the hours that have been put into that fic are so clear in how well thought out it is. every word feels purposefully placed, and every chapter fucking HITS. A also writes amazing fics for Alex Turner and is slowly making me an Alex girlie just by how good her writing is...
@bookish-strawberry; such such good fics in the "You and Me Till the End Universe". Ambrose has just created such loveable characters and you can't help but adore his writing. “alleyway” pt 1 and 2 are my favourites, I do love some fwb content.
@hypersonic04; her teacher Ross universe is just great, every blurb and fic just radiates the love between the characters that she has created!! but my absolute favourite fic of hers has to be "Tis the damn season", it somehow made me love one of my favourite songs even more.
@cryley; her “Petichor” series is just fluffy perfection, I have probably read it over 10 times and will 1000% be reading it at least 10 more...
@cows-wearing-my-sweater; has some amazing one-shots, and his work on “Eternal Summer” is absolutely beautiful. she manages to make you feel the warmth of summer through a screen, and it's fucking beautiful. 
@thefrontofmymind; has so many great matty fics/imagines, “Helping Hand” jumps out easily as my favourite though. Once again, friends with benefits is ALWAYS gonna slap. especially when they confess their feelings at the end!!!! ahhh so good. “Proof Positive” is such a good Ross fic, if you like pregnancy fics I would HIGHLY recommend it.
@uramilf; did the 12 days of Christmas last year, and every day was amazing!!! But £The Record Shop” is my favourite series from her, love and music combined are too perfect for me not to adore.
@3terna15unshin3; Marcey's fic "then because she goes" had me refreshing ao3 DAILY. este is such a well-rounded and beautiful character, her and Matty's love makes me so lovesick it's CRAZY. that whole series is my favourite, and my fav blurb from that universe is Toothbrush. Este and Matty are so beloved by me <333
@because-she-goes; has an amazing universe with Matty and an OC that I adore, Nora is such a lovely character and every fic about them makes me giddy. "black lace" and "Summer Girl" are my favourites of their fics though!
@theseventyfive; has such a way with words, every fic makes me giggle and kick my feet. but if you saw my tags on my reblog of "not so secret Santa" you know how deeply I adore that fic. the writing on it is beautiful and makes you feel warm somehow??? amazing.
@wrongendofurcigarette; George girlies it's your time to shine!!!! "sun-soaked" and "wet" swirl in my mind whenever I see a pic of George looking... particularly good. but recently she has created an actress reader au that I am BUZZING for. that little snippet was... wowowowowowowow
@automaticllamacycle; OLIVE!!!!! once again, such a nice and genuine human being and I am so so lucky to chat with her because she is the best hypeman EVER. and is amazing to bounce ideas off of. just such a kind person and I am blessed to scream to her over DM. her coffee shop AU might be my most-read fic ever. it was my daily routine at one point to wake up, go to AO3 and read that fic. when part 2 came out???? I DIEDDDDDDD. but also all of olives horny thoughts are... MUWAH chefs kiss.
@red---moon; "after party" is another fic I read regularly on ao3, sleepy matty after a party with flirting and then smut??? hellooooo yes please. also, “Souvenir” as a series is just amazing, so so so good.
@maxverstappensflatbrim; “show me yours” is such a beautiful universe, and has SO MANY CHAPTERS for you to become obsessed with. I just love every character in that universe, and Mac’s writing is amazing.
@justanamesstuff; “All I Need” is such an amazing series, and I would recommend it to anyone who loves Dad! Matty content!! But all her blubs are worth reading too!!
@procrastinatinglikeapro; is so so sweet and has some absolutely mind-blowing fics. I must have read her entire masterlist 10 times over at this point. Choosing a favourite is hard, but “Does it matter” as a series has me HOOKED. (but also I love “mango lipgloss” and “wear my name around your neck”… don't make me choose okay)
@wrestletotheground; has some absolute BANGERS that everyone MUST read. Once again, the ross-tent on this blog is amazing. “Crime and Punishment” is my fav Matty fic from them, and she absolutely killed it with “Settle Down” for Ross!!
@mybrokenveins3000; college ross SUPREMACY!!! She is right when she says she is proud of “everyday rockstar” because it's easily my fav!!
@steel-elle; beautiful writing with everything she does, but my favourite has to be “But I stay when it's hard, or it's wrong, or we're making mistakes” (is this also because I love the song New Year's Day?? perhaps…)
@kscheibles; “e la vita” is so stunning I don't even know how to verbalise it. That fic has a portion of my heart FOREVER. But college bf! Matty is truly the man we all deserve, and I am obsessed with him.
@think0fmehigh; molly!!! My love!!! What else is there to say about Molly other than she might be my fav filthy smut writer on this app, and thats a tough competition. Every time I get a snippet in DM’s from her, I feel like one of the luckiest human beings alive. Molly does not have a bad fic (despite her protests im sure) but my top two (because I CANT CHOOSE JUST ONE) have to be “Birthday Girl” and “You Get Me So High.” but honestly if you have the time, bless your life by reading every word she's ever written.
@controlmyfeet; DAD MATTY FIC. thats all I even need to say, it is SO SWEET and it makes me so happy!!!!
@bfiaflbox; sooooo much good content, but my favourites are “Wintering” and “Tonight I Wish I Was Your Girl” !!
@nowshesdoingitallthetime; kirke. This is me BEGGING for more bartender matty!!! “Cocktails, Cowboys and back alleys” is MWUAH MWUAH MWUAH. Bartender Matty is a need, I adored every second of that fic.
@wiintring; I NEED more from Christina!!! Her writing is all wonderful, and “Come here dressed in black now” does live in my mind!!! 
@grocerystorelist; “body of Christ” is made for the religious trauma girlies and the fleabag girls. PREIST MATTY DRIVES ME CRAZYYYYY. Leila is so talented, it's crazy.
@forcryingoutlloud; wowwowwowwow the smutty content on this blog… its sooooooo good. “Beg for it” and “greedy” did melt my brain in the absolute best way, like I was genuinely SWEATING at how hot it was. As is everything on her masterlist!!
@hrryshoney; gyno! Matty unlocked a whole new side to me that I had NO IDEA was there. Like… insane. And the newest photographer reader fic also drove me CRAZY because I do love a cocky fictional man and some semi-public sex…
@the1975attheirverybest; Halla’s blog is a great place for discussion, good writing and crazy intelligent analysis of the band. “Education” and “being funny in a foreign language” are just… art. Truly. The character of Amelia and the characterisation of Matty are some of my favourites on this app. Hot smut, good writing and a lovely human being- what else do you need hellooo?? (also the pegging blurb from ages ago… yeah I think about her A LOT.)
@sugar-coat-it; FILTY, AMAZING SMUT. literally, every piece on Belle’s masterlist is worth reading 100 times over. Her newest thigh-riding blurb has been rotting my brain, I can't stop going back to it and reading it. Also, the Kylo Ren fic… mask kink unlocked fr. and the matty helping you deepthroat fic is also incredible. (can I just name everything she's done orrr???)
@cinomn; Nina has some great content, and I would genuinely recommend anything!! My favourite has to be “Summer Nights”, but it's a TOUGH competition tbh!!
@noacfslut; THE WRITING SPEED ON THIS BLOG?? MIND BOGGILING. And not only is Elle speedy, but every fic all absolutely wonderful. “Jealousy jealousy” and “undo” are my favourites, but that might change when I get the chance to read her mechanic au, because from what I've heard, it's also extraordinary.
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1800naveen · 9 days
My appreciation.
September 2023, I started the "a court of thorns and roses" series. Booktok got me hyped to read it so when I did, I really enjoyed it. (I fell victim to liking Rhysand and the inner circle, forgive me)
Feyre, Tamlin, and Lucien were my favorite characters. Their dynamic, how their relationship grew, I loved it all. (I was also a hater of Nesta but I changed now, my mind opened.)
I also saw spoilers on Tik Tok about acomaf and Rhysand which put me into a slump and I didn't continue reading the series again until April 2024. Yeah, it was that bad.
Finding out that people hated Tamlin for his later actions got me bummed because I really liked him at the time. I got spoiled for the rest of the series but I don't really care for spoilers that much.
During my slump, I made an account on Tumblr. I mostly liked posts but I would comment at times. I was afraid of making a post because I was just nervous.
I still had love for Tamlin so I avoided the Acotar side of Tumblr for a while. Because what if someone came after for my thoughts or opinions? That scared me. I felt somewhat alone when it came to not hating Tamlin or seeing him as a "villain" (he's more morally grey). I also still didn't like Rhysand because of the whole under the mountain thing which weirded me out.
Then one faithful day, I was looking through the Bryce Quinlan tag after finding out about her when I saw this post (it was about the crossover) and it was the first anti Rhysand post I liked.
And I clicked on the anti Rhysand tag and my third eye opened. When it came to booktok, I thought that hating this man was some sort of taboo.
These guys showed his wrongdoings, went on analysis, how he was toxic, how he treated certain characters, etc. Thanks to them, I was right to feel what I felt about him. He fucking sucks.
I then went on the pro Tamlin tag and I had finally found my people. Ones that shared the same thoughts as I did when it came to Tamlin and it gave me inspiration to make my first post on here.
(And the rest was history...) *cue the clapping*
Nah but seriously, I want to give my appreciation to the Tamlin, Nesta, Lucien, and Eris fans, the anti Rhysand people, the inner circle haters, and the people who just hate this series in general. I'm grateful for finding a community where I fit right in and where I won't get burned at the stake for my opinion (most of the time). I actually made friends on here which is great because I usually suck at making friends (Me and Tamlin twinning, can't make friends for shit) so this is great.
Giving my appreciation to the people who inspired me to become the blog that I am today: @szalonykasztan00, @copypastus (love your art❤), @shi-daisy, @arson-09, @thrumbolt, @achaotichuman, and @feyres-divorce-lawyer (so glad that I found you on tik tok first, a fellow Rhysand hater).
My mutuals where we are united by both love and hate: @sonics-atelier (thanks for making those analysis posts), @wingsdippedingold, @rin-u-pos, @positivelyruined (bless you for the Luke Eisner fancast🙏🏾), @nickel156, @viktoriaashleyyx, @thatapologisttoyourantis.
And those who I first found out on tik tok and then found them again on Tumblr (some are mutuals, some aren't and the first two I found out there asoiaf tik toks): @watcherintheweyr, @kataraavatara, @booksnwriting.
Yuh, that's about it. Just wanted to make something nice and sweet. Thanks to my 107 followers that I got for mostly being a hater or from other stuff that I post.
Me to all of you (This feels corny but I was born on the cob🌽):
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(Here's the posts I was talking about.)
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misc-obeyme · 1 year
So uh... I couldn't stop thinking about this post because apparently many of us would like to be scolded by Barbatos. But a special thank you to @vinsmouke for adding a tag about him taking off his gloves slowly because my Barbatos obsession took hold of my silly little brain and refused to let go.
I don't know what this even is, I'm sorry, it seems I'm just very thirsty today and there is something about this scenario that inspired this. Listen, I don't question inspiration, I just let it take me where it will.
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Barbatos x GN!MC - NSFW MDNI
Note: MC's genitals are not described, I tried to keep it gender neutral. I consider this to be an established relationship situation where consent has already been given.
Warnings: fingering, MC's wrists are restrained, Barbatos in demon form, I feel like there probably needs to be more here please let me know if I should add something
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You sat on your chair and tried not to squirm. Barbatos was standing before you, a deceptive smile on his face. You knew what that smile meant. You had bratted too close to the sun.
You had been enjoying some tea and pastries at the Demon Lord's Castle one minute and found yourself in this tense situation the next. You couldn't deny that it was your own fault.
“Do you believe your behavior is appropriate, MC?” Barbatos asked, smile still in place.
"I-" you started to protest but he interrupted you.
“Please do not attempt to excuse it,” he said. You sat back in your chair, watching as he began to slowly pull his fingers out of his glove, one by one. “We have spoken about your bad behavior before. I decided on leniency then, but it is clear to me that I made an error in judgment. If you cannot conduct yourself properly…”
You swallowed as you watched him. He wasn’t looking at you, his attention fully on the methodical and deliberate way he was removing his gloves. You couldn’t look away, your hands fidgeting in your lap as you considered what may be coming next.
“…it is my responsibility to correct you,” Barbatos said, his eyes finally meeting yours as he placed his gloves on the table.
He was still smiling but the look in his eyes made you wiggle slightly in your seat. He circled around to stand behind you, letting the anticipation build up for several long moments while you waited.
And then you felt his fingers against your lips and you opened your mouth obediently. He didn’t need to tell you what to do - you closed your mouth around them and sucked.
His other hand loosened the waistband of your RAD uniform before sliding past it, his fingertips teasing along the heat between your legs. You sighed around the fingers in your mouth as he coated the tips of the other fingers in your slick.
Barbatos tutted gently in your ear. “Aroused so easily by being scolded? I may begin to think you get into trouble on purpose.”
It was a good thing you couldn’t talk, since you were sure he would see right through any lie you tried to tell about how you would never do such a thing.
You had been trying to stay still, keeping your hands beside you. But as Barbatos’s fingers began to stimulate you, you found it more and more difficult. You reached out to grasp both of his wrists desperately, moaning at the feeling of his touch.
It wasn’t long before your hands were pulled away from him, your grip broken as they were tugged behind the back of your chair. You could tell from the cool sensation now around your wrists that they were being held back by his tail.
You knew Barbatos was in demon form behind you, restraining you while he edged you, his fingers in your mouth. It caused a thrill to spike through your body, even though you couldn't see him.
It was an effort not to bite down on him and he knew it, pushing you as far as he could, waiting to see if you would lose control. His fingers moved expertly between your legs, teasing you before increasing the sensation, bringing you so close to your climax and then retreating again, but never fully letting up.
The longer this went on, the more you started to squirm until you were writhing on your chair. You strained against the tail that held your wrists, gasping against the fingers in your mouth.
Barbatos took his fingers out of your mouth abruptly and you couldn’t stop yourself from begging.
“Barbatos, please…!” you cried, body arching back against the chair.
Barbatos’s other hand went still beneath your clothes. “MC. Must I remind you this is a punishment?”
You let your head fall back on top of the chair and suddenly you could see his face. The teasing gleam in his eyes, the black of his horns nestled among the green of his hair, the longer bright teal edges tickling your cheek as he leaned forward just a little.
"Please…" you said again, knowing you were flushed with heat, that your desperation was plain on your face.
Barbatos was smiling still, but it was an amused smile rather than a dangerous one. "Your begging is sweet, my love, but it will do you no favors now. Be good and I will reward you later."
You whined as he pulled away from you. His tail released your wrists as he shifted out of demon form. You watched as he used a napkin to clean himself of you before putting his gloves back on.
Although you found yourself feeling slightly frustrated, you also knew that Barbatos was always true to his word. You could tell just from looking at his face that he fully intended to reward you later. The promise of it was enough to give you the strength to wait just a little longer.
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melodygatesauthor · 1 year
The Fractured Moon - Part 1
Yandere! Marc Spector - Jake Lockley - Steven Grant X f!Reader
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Moodboard - Series Masterlist - AO3 Link
Marc Spector always knew he wasn't right in the head. Jake and Steven were a perfect example of that. He'd managed to figure that part of his life out though, learning how to live with his alters in a way that left everyone happy, including Khonshu.
That all changed when Steven spotted you during a tour at the museum. There was no explanation for the way his heart stopped in his chest, or the way he knew he had to have you, but they all felt it, and it left their minds fractured beyond repair.
I created this fic for the sole purpose of exploring the yandere thing as a fanfiction "kink" in a safe way and in a safe space. I in no way would want this to happen to myself or someone else. This fic is not a reflection of my moral beliefs. - Further, this fic is not an accurate representation of people with DID (dissociative identity disorder). These men happen to have DID and I'm putting them in a situation where they would have an unhealthy obsession with the reader character.
NSFW, Stalking, non-con, somnophilia, rape, mentions of murder, drugged sex, kidnapping, manipulation, dacryphilia, voyeurism, threats of physical harm, copious amounts of sex, copious amounts of unprotected sex, blood, unrealistic refractory period, biting, slapping, hitting, reader is smol, choking. This is a Dead Dove Do Not Eat situation.
Word Count: 13.7k (I...I was inspired)
Spanish Terms:
Estoy de acuerdo = I agree
hijo de puta = motherfucker
Quiero tocar = I want to touch
buena niña = good girl
Steven was the first one to notice you, standing by the sarcophagus the museum had on display. He could see you through the archway that separated the museum floor and the giftshop. There was no explaining what it was that captivated him. It could’ve been the way your eyes lit up so full of excitement while the tour guide spoke; it also could’ve been the way your smile seemed to make the entire world come to a screeching halt; regardless, something about you took his breath away and left him clutching his chest behind the gift shop counter. Donna snapped at him, and for once, he didn’t care. He’d just found his reason for living…his purpose…it was you.
It started with a simple conversation. He walked up behind you while you were listening to the tour guide and put a daring hand on your back. You spun around to face him, eyes full of confusion, unsure as to why someone would just walk up to you and touch you like that. You were wearing something low-cut, Steven’s eyes quickly took inventory of your appearance. So much more beautiful than he had the capacity to fully grasp.
You felt a moment of discomfort under his traveling gaze. He was looking at you with his mouth partially open, lips quirked in a sideways smirk while his eyes crawled over every inch of you. You stepped back and pulled your blazer over yourself, feeling a little uncomfortable with the way he was staring.
“Can I help you?” You asked, trying not to sound too rude. It was possible he was just awkward and bad at talking to people.
Now that Steven had your attention, he wasn’t sure what to say. Did he just randomly ask you on a date? No, surely you’d think that was insane. Did he tell you how beautiful you were? No, that might be creepy.
“Just tell her you’re sorry pendejo, you’re creeping her out.” Jake muttered from within Steven’s mind.
“S-sorry, thought you were someone else.” He said to you, taking a step back.
“Oh, it’s okay.” You gave him a courteous smile before returning to the tour. 
You thought about that interaction for a few minutes while the tour guide droned on, wondering who he’d mistaken you for, and why he would’ve looked at her like that.
“Something’s not right, Steven,” Marc said from the headspace while Steven stood there, hand still pressed to his sternum.
“Si, something about her is so…”
The other two agreed in unison. Steven sauntered back to the gift shop, trying to go about his business, but no matter what, he couldn’t stop thinking about you. He was in a daze, going through the motions of his job, but not mentally present. Donna approached, and he didn’t even notice her right away. She had to say his name a minimum of three times to get his attention.
He looked up at her, aggravated by her seemingly incessant need to make him feel like a nuisance. She was smacking her jaw together while chewing her gum.
“Stevie, we’re out of the hippo plushies, I’m gonna need you to go downstairs and bring a case up here.”
Steven didn’t want to miss the chance of seeing you, he had to see you again. Surely your tour would be ending soon. If he wasn’t in the gift shop when it ended, he might not see you. He couldn’t take that risk.
“The plushies can wait. I’ve got something more pressing to worry about right now.” He protested, looking out toward the museum entry to see if he could spot you among the other patrons.
“Oh yeah, like what? You’ve got something better to do than your job? While you’re at work?” She said, continuing to chew her gum obnoxiously between her teeth.
“Fine,” Steven conceded, knowing that he didn’t really have a good reason to stand there and wait for you, not one that he could give his boss anyway.
Steven walked out to the entry hall, where you would be walking by to get to the giftshop once your tour concluded. He stopped before turning down the hall toward the stock closets. He spotted you, coming toward him with your group and felt his breath catch suddenly. He thought he might collapse.
As you walked toward the gift shop, you saw the man again, and noticed he was staring once more. You furrowed your brow at him while you passed before averting your gaze awkwardly. He was looking at you so…so…it was like you were the only thing in existence. It made every nerve ending in your body stand up, screaming at you to leave, but you didn’t. You didn’t want to seem weird. Plus, you were in a public space. There was nothing to be afraid of…right?
Donna was shouting Steven’s name incorrectly, pulling him out of his trance. She tapped his shoulder roughly. Steven gulped down a breath of air and within a split second, it wasn’t Steven anymore.
“Shut it, puta, I quit.” Jake said walking out of the museum doors.
“Jake, we can’t just quit my job, how are we gonna…”
“Your job isn’t necessary, compadre.”
It was true, as much as Steven hated to admit when Jake was right. His job was a good way for them, as Moon Knight, to keep themselves under cover. No one would suspect a timidly mannered man that worked as a gift shop clerk to be an avatar for the Egyptian moon god.
Jake blinked in the harsh sunlight, looking to see where you could’ve gone. Since it was a nice day out, you were probably walking, which meant you would be easier to find.
“Let me out, I can find her,” Marc said.
And find you he did. He followed you after seeing a glimpse of your blazer blowing in the wind as you turned a corner down the street. He tried not to get too excited, careful not to break into a jog or a run after you. Marc had to find a balance between getting too close, thus alerting you to their presence, and being too far away that he might lose you altogether. He followed you a few blocks when he watched you walk into the library.
“She…she likes to read,” Steven observed.
Marc could feel how excited Steven was by that prospect alone. You had something in common with one of them. There was potential there. Maybe this would go better than they thought. He stopped before going inside though, feeling unsure about what it was they were actually doing there. He’d seen how uncomfortable his alter made you when he first spoke to you during your tour.
“Marc, what are you doing? Go inside, now.” He’d never heard Steven sound so demanding, or dark, and something about it compelled Marc to move forward.
He walked into the library and nodded awkwardly at the librarian. Marc didn’t know where you were yet, and he still wasn’t sure what he would do once he did find you. He couldn’t very well walk over and strike up a conversation with you. You’d notice the out of place American accent immediately and think they were crazy. He started idly walking, staying behind shelves in case they did find you. He didn’t want you to notice their presence.
When he finally found you, Marc’s guilty conscience caught up to him. You were so cute, grabbing a book off the shelf in the aisle across the way before walking to sit down in one of the big bean chairs. You smiled as you opened the book. The cover read, La Belle et la Bête. An unmistakable smirk snuck over Marc’s lips at the sight of you.
Someone walked by the aisle, cutting off his gaze and forcing him to shake his head from the fog you’d unknowingly placed him under. What in the hell were they doing? Marc wasn’t a psycho stalker, neither were the other two, and yet they’d followed you all the way there, and they stood watching you. That wasn’t like them at all. They were the good guys. They were the guys that stopped creeps like that.
Marc walked down the aisle and exited the library as quickly as he could.
“Where are you goin’?” Steven asked, almost frantically as Marc started his way down the street.
“We aren’t crazy, we aren’t going to stalk this poor girl.” He said, as they walked away. It didn’t stop him from thinking about you though.
When they reached their apartment, a dark and dingy place that was mostly occupied by Steven, they were all flustered from the events of the day. Marc was still fronting, but his alters were muttering wildly in his head. Jake was going on in Spanish about how beautiful you were, and Steven was in full agreement. Marc was still trying to understand this new feeling, the urge he had that he’d never felt before. He felt this huge need, like if he never saw your face again, he might just die.
“We have to go back, we have to see her,” Steven said, excitement brewing in his tone. If he had control of the body, Marc imagined he would be pacing and hyperventilating. “Never seen anyone like that, so gorgeous, so…so damn pretty. Wasn’t she so pretty Marc?”
“We just need to calm down.” Marc said, breathing heavily himself and leaned himself against the couch tiredly. “Maybe if we just sleep it off we can-”
“Did you see the way she looked at us, Marc? I think she likes us.” Steven said. “The way she smiled…”
“She wasn’t into us, we startled her.” Marc protested. “You creeped her out.”
“Did not. She smiled at me, I bet if we had asked her out she woulda said yes.”
“Did you notice how soft her skin looked?” Jake asked, and there was silence, as though all three of them were recalling your appearance. “We don’t need to talk to her, but what I wouldn’t do just to look at her again.”
Marc’s thoughts consumed him. He remembered seeing your lips while you sat there in the library, for that brief moment. You did look so beautiful. Your eyes lit up at whatever was on your page, not noticing the man who was watching you intently while he just tried to figure out a way to actually approach you.
Your lips looked so soft, and he couldn’t help imagining them against his. He wanted to devour you in the best way. No one had ever made Marc feel so shaken, he could normally keep himself together. His cock was nagging incessantly against the zipper of his pants, begging for stimulation. He shifted, trying to ignore it, but what he wanted to ignore, the other two wanted him to deal with.
“If you’re not going to do anything about it, amigo, let Steven or me take care of it. I’d love to spend the night thinking about our little princesa.”
Marc grumbled, but gave in to his more primal urges and pulled his pants and underwear down around his thighs. When he looked down at his cock, he was ashamed that it was already leaking just from thinking about you so much. Not to mention that he was so fucking hard. He shifted himself, leaning back a little, grabbing it firmly in his caged fingers. Marc pooled some spit in his mouth and dropped it over the head, letting the saliva trickle down his thick shaft. All he could picture was you, so sweet and innocent while you got into your book. A heavy sigh left him while he brought his hand up in an even stroke.
“She was so pretty, wasn’t she Marc?” Steven urged, “I’ll need a turn with the body when you’re done, yeah?”
“Quiet, Steven.” Marc said firmly.
“Sorry, can’t help myself. I just keep thinkin’ about how good her breasts looked, pushed together like that…I just wanna feel them, hold them in my hands. I bet she has pretty little nipples, too, don’t you?”
Marc groaned at the thought of having one of your tits in his mouth. He assumed that you had cute little nipples, and he imagined that you would gasp when he sucked on each one. He then thought about how sweet your little cries would be while he took hold of your body and thrust into you. You had such a nice voice, you’d probably make the best noises.
“I bet she has a tight little cunt,” Jake sounded rough. Marc knew he only had a little time before his alter took over to satisfy his own needs.
“Bet you’re right.” Marc said, not bothering to attempt pushing them out anymore. They were fueling his thoughts of you.
“Oh, I’d love to feel it, bet it’s all wet.” Steven sighed heavily.
“F-fuck.” Marc started jerking faster, but he didn’t get to finish.
Jake couldn’t stand it anymore, the thoughts of you brought him out into the open, forcing Marc into the headspace where he would remain for the evening, begrudgingly. Deep down though, Marc still felt riddled with guilt, so didn’t protest much to his alter taking over. Jake bit his bottom lip, adjusting his position to one he liked better, a looser grip, and shoulders more relaxed. He worked faster than Marc, at first anyway, letting out a sharp exhale while he jerked himself. There wasn’t enough slick beneath his fingers, so he globbed more spit down his length.
“See, I think Jake’s onto something. I wonder if she’d like us taking her slow, or if she’d like us to take her fast, real fast.”
“She wouldn’t like any of it Steven, we’re not…doing any of that.” Marc’s guilt for thinking about you so much was becoming more apparent, but he still couldn’t stop himself. “She would look good though, wouldn’t she?”
“Gotta know what she feels like, gotta know how tight…mm” Jake put his arm up on the back of the couch and leaned back, spreading his legs wider. “Little princesa.”
Jake slowed down, moving along the length of his shaft and enjoying the way it pulsated beneath his fingers. He knew if he ever got the chance to show you how it felt, you’d like it, too. Just when he couldn’t stand it, so close to spilling hot white ropes all over Steven’s shirt, he stopped, bringing his hand to the couch cushion and letting it rest there.
His cock bobbed, having been so close to climax. Jake was panting heavily, sweat started beading on his brow. His cock was aching, so swollen it might burst. He looked down at it, watching the way his precum beaded at the slit, piling so much that it trickled over the side. Steven was practically screaming from the headspace to be let out so he could finish them off.
“Be patient, Steven,” Jake said as a warning, waiting a little longer before wrapping his fingers back around his thick cock.
He churned his hips upward into his palm, letting out a soft exhale at the feeling. His mind kept going back to how tight and wet he hoped your pussy was; how soft he hoped it was. It wasn’t like Jake to give into obsession like this, but something about you had flipped a switch in their minds, fracturing the line between order and chaos. He imagined himself fucking you until you screamed his name. He thought about how good you would look so cock drunk you could hardly open your eyes.
“I keep thinkin’, she was smilin’. I think she’d like anything we did to her.” Steven said, furthering the delusion in his mind that you were as into them as they were you.
“Like…like what?” Jake grunted, increasing his pace and encouraging Steven to keep muttering the filthy thoughts in his mind.
“Oh anything, I think she’d love if we kissed her, told her how pretty she is, filled her with everything we’ve got.”
“Yeah she would, she’d like that…hmm…”
Just as he was there, with his abdomen tightened in preparation for his release, Jake let go of his cock once again, letting it sit there, twitching as it was denied further friction. He let out a sigh of longing, but he knew waiting would make it all the more explosive. It didn’t matter though, the other alter was chomping at the bit, and couldn’t wait any longer.
Steven came out to the feeling of painful throbbing between his legs, desperate for more attention. He gathered another huge glob of spit together and dropped it down over his length. He moaned deeply the moment he started moving his palm over the slick and veiny surface. He was anything but quiet, whimpering and whining while he got to work. It felt so good, and thinking about the way your slick cunt would feel if…when he finally got the chance to have it just pushed him so much closer.
“We’ve got to feel it, we’ve got to…oh shit.” Steven bit his bottom lip so hard he thought it might bleed.
“Estoy de acuerdo.” Jake muttered, “I want to taste.”
Marc was staying silent now. Steven presumed he was feeling the guilt of this obsession that was brewing, but Steven couldn’t care less, he was so enraptured by you. He grabbed the couch tightly, squeezing the cushion with all his strength. He was stroking himself fast, thinking about how wet you would be if only they had the chance to show you how good they could make you feel.
“That’s it, Steven, bet she’d like to feel us filling her up. Who do you think she’ll like best?”
It wasn’t lost on Marc that Jake and Steven were speaking as though they were actually going to have you some day. Steven couldn’t take it anymore, he felt his climax build, pooling in his groin and then shooting in hot spurts against his patterned button-down. He was groaning deeply, bucking upward even after the last shot, just loving the feeling of emptying himself to the thought of you. They all were loving the thought of emptying themselves into you…
It was their hope, Marc’s especially, that their obsession had been curbed with the evening of self-love, but it hadn’t. Over the next few weeks, they each found themselves going from casually walking by places they hoped they might find you, to full on following you from one destination to the next. On Fridays, you could be found in the library, on the beanbag chair, reading a book that you would take home for the week. Steven thought it was cute what a fast reader you were.
Marc would see you at work sometimes on the other days of the week. That was how they learned that you were a waitress at a local diner. You probably didn’t even realize that you handed Marc coffee, and that he eerily resembled the guy from the museum some time ago. They’d considered asking you out on a few occasions, but they kept reverting back to the one problem they faced…the fear of rejection. What if you said no? They’d be forced to take drastic measures, and they didn’t want to scare you away. They couldn’t imagine anything worse.
Jake would watch you in the night. Most nights, after you were finished with work, you would go home to your little first floor apartment in the crappy part of town; but on the weekends, he’d see you go out with your friends, laughing and drinking. One weekend was different though, you changed your routine, he saw you out with someone else.
There was a man, roughly their age, and they all felt an immediate cold feeling wash over the body. You were sitting with him in a nice restaurant. You were wearing something pretty, a tight little red dress that hugged your curves beautifully. It was clear you’d styled your hair specifically for this outing, and your makeup was done in a way that they hadn’t seen before. You liked this guy. Jake’s hands clenched into balled fists at his sides.
“Who’s that man?” Steven asked, aggravation apparent in his tone. “Don’t like the way he’s lookin’ at her mate.”
“Looks like she’s on a date,” Marc said, feeling a mixture of pain and relief. Maybe this was how they moved on.
Jake tsked, shaking his head slowly, “hijo de puta.”
“You don’t think he’s gonna…that he’s gonna touch her, do you?” Steven sounded worried, like if the man touched you, you might disintegrate into thin air.
“Not a chance,” Jake said in a gruff tone.
They watched quietly, save for Steven who whined through the majority of your date. He was so worried about the man tainting you, as he put it. And if Jake was being honest, he agreed. The thought of someone else burying their filthy disgusting cock in your perfect little cunt made them all enraged. They were relieved when the man brought you home and then left without even coming close to doing what they’d feared. They each appreciated what a good girl you were.
You’d never hear from that man again, and you’d always think it was because he ghosted you, when in reality it was much darker than that. Despite Marc’s protests, Jake couldn’t stand by and let someone else touch you. The thought of it had driven him to near madness. You were their little princess, not someone else’s to do with as they wished.
“I don’t think this is what Khonshu intended we use the suit for,” Steven said, despite being in agreement that the man needed to go somehow.
Jake snapped back, “that fucking bird needs us, he doesn’t care what we use the suit for.”
On a night not long after that, Jake found himself smirking while standing outside of your window, watching you while you readied yourself for bed. Your skin looked ridiculously soft. He wondered for a moment if you knew you were being watched. Surely you must’ve, it was apparent in the way you removed your bra and turned toward the window. Why else would you have left your curtain open like that? If you didn’t want to be seen, you would’ve closed your blinds, right?
Steven burst out to the front when that happened, seeing your erected nipples on display made him feral. He did all he could to not open your window right there and take you where you stood. Some drool dribbled down his chin and he wiped it quickly on the sleeve of Jake’s jacket.
“Oh come on, pendejo, that’s disgusting.”
Steven ignored him. His eyes burned when he didn’t blink, not wanting to miss even a millisecond of time with you. In just moments, you were covering your blinds, and they weren’t able to see anything else. They still stood there, hoping that you would give them just one last peek before they left for the night, but they’d be left disappointed.
The next morning, Marc knew you were at work, having passed by the diner on his way to your apartment. He had a plan…a thought to hopefully end this insanity once and for all.
“Marc, what are you thinkin’?” Steven asked cautiously as Marc shimmied open your window.
“You’ll like it…trust me.” He grunted, pulling the window open completely so they could slide through.
Marc still felt guilty for all the things they did; watching you, following you, jerking their cock to you almost every single night since they’d first seen you, but he knew there was no stopping it. He couldn’t get you out of his head, in the same way he couldn’t get Jake and Steven out. You were as much a necessity to him as the air he breathed.
“Maybe if we just…get ourselves a little something, we can stop this nonsense. Maybe just a little taste will be enough.” He hoped that they could find some way to move on from the mess, and everyone could get back to their normal lives.
The bedroom of your apartment was cluttered, but not dirty. They appreciated beyond words that you’d left what Marc had in mind right on the floor for them. A nice, silky pair of black panties just laying there. He leaned down, grabbing the thin fabric in his hands. He was tempted to press them to his face right then and there, but knew that doing so would lead to a longer visit than intended. He wouldn’t be able to resist the lingering ache that came with it. Even thinking about it at that moment made him start to feel a need growing inside his jeans.
“Look, there’s her hamper,” Steven pointed out the basket in the corner of the room, “maybe we could grab two more pairs, one for each of us.” 
“No, we don’t want her to notice.” Marc protested, slipping back out the window without a trace, save for the missing pair of panties he hoped you’d never notice.
It was later that night, after they’d spent the day with you, watching you work and seeing to it that you went to bed, that Marc was in his own bed with your panties in one hand, and his cock in the other. He’d stripped down naked the moment he got home, eager to finally get a look at their prize. They were soft, beautiful, and just knowing you’d had them touching the most delicate part of your body made his cock ache with need.
“Smell it, Marc, what’s it smell like?”
Marc obeyed his alter’s request, already being curious himself, and brought the part that had been closest to your cunt up to his nose. He inhaled deeply while making an upward stroke. He shuddered on his exhale. You smelled…delicious. It was too good to be real. You smelled indescribable.
“Marc, please let me out, let me try,” Steven started from the headspace. He was the neediest of the three, and Marc knew he had to work quickly to make sure he got this time for himself.
Marc ignored both of his alters now, wanting to revel in the silence of his thoughts, imagining that he was burying his face in your delicious pussy lips instead of just inhaling the remnants of it on your panties. He felt his cock throb, just imagining how your core would feel on his tongue if he shoved it in there. Your walls would contract a little while he slurped your sweet juices.
He tossed his head back, biting his bottom lip while he ran his palm over his precum slick shaft. You had such an effect on them, he’d never leaked that much before. He worried that thinking about you was starting to make him feel insane. Then he thought…what if he actually got to touch you?
Marc would have to continue those thoughts from the headspace, because Jake couldn’t take it anymore. Marc protested briefly, fighting to keep control, but the smell of your pussy was too intoxicating to his alter, and Jake needed to have it first hand. He dragged the crotch of the panties up his nostril with a deep sniff and then he nearly collapsed. The scent was unbearably arousing.
“Jake, please let me have the body, please. I need it,” Steven said. “Give it to me now.”
Steven’s thoughts had taken a darker turn since the first time he’d seen you, but Jake was too enraptured at that moment to bother listening to him. He switched the silky undergarment to his dominant hand and wrapped it around his cock. Just touching it to his body sent an unbearable tingling through each nerve ending. Jake had never whined like that, it surprised even him. The same thing that touched your cunt, was now touching his cock. It was the closest they had been to feeling you like that.
“You’re gonna ruin it before I can get a shot,” Steven was getting even more antsy, “please bruv, I need it.”
Jake didn’t give a shit if he ruined the panties. In fact, he fully intended to coat your silky underwear in his hot sticky cum. He had no intention of handing the body to Steven. The other alter could sit in the headspace and suffer for all he cared. Just the thought alone was driving Jake mad. He wanted to make sure he could give it his all, so he waited, like before, pausing just before his release. 
He sat there for a moment, breathing heavily through his nostrils, allowing his cock to settle before starting again. He was still hearing Steven shouting, nearly breaking down the walls that separated them. Steven had never been so eager to front, and Jake had to admit it was a struggle to keep him at bay. This wasn’t typical Steven behavior, but you’d changed their dynamic ever since you came into their lives.
Jake was painfully hard again. Precum was trickling over the sides and sticking to the satin fabric. Jake stroked the cloth over himself slowly, sucking in a breath and wrinkling the sheets in his fist. It was slick now, sliding easier. He wondered what you’d done in those panties.
Did you touch yourself? Of course you did. You had to have. He imagined you, arching your back with your fingers plunged deep inside of yourself, squelching your arousal around your digits with every deep drag. You were probably masterful with your hands, knowing exactly how to fuck yourself in a way that made you a panting mess while you came all over your little hands.
“Fuck…mm-princesa…” he was close, so close. “Right there…gonna…ah…”
“Oh, God,” Steven said, taking a deep breath now that he finally had control. He finally felt the sensation of your panties against his cock in full. His entire body rattled the bed frame. “So sweet, oh my…”
Steven clutched the undergarments in both of his shaky hands and brought them to his nostrils, depositing some of his own precum on his lips. He took a deep breath. He wasn’t even worried about grabbing his cock yet, he was so focused on inhaling every bit of you that he could get. It felt like the times Marc drank too much, intoxicating, and leaving Steven’s eyes unable to open beyond halfway.
“So good, never smelled-anything-oh fu-.” Steven’s body quivered. His chest was heaving, each exhale accompanied with a high-pitched whine, “s-so fuckin’…mm-oh.”
Steven thrust his hips hungrily. He stuck out his tongue and dragged it over the crotch of the panties, right where your hole would’ve gone. He whimpered and moaned, feeling his cock pulsate harshly, bobbing against his abdomen. He was coming, covering himself in his hot spend and filling the room with his heavy groans. Steven continued churning his hips upward into nothing, like he was fucking the air.
By the time he came down from his orgasm, the body was spent, tired, and unable to continue after that. Steven fell asleep with your silky black panties on his face.
Marc was relieved at first when he thought his solution worked. There was no need to keep stalking you when they had such a perfect piece of you in hand. It was a good solution, until he started losing time again. Marc didn’t realize at first that one of his alters was using the body to take pictures of you while you undressed, showered, and slept. He found the pictures, a couple weeks after they’d stolen your panties, printed out and stuffed in a box under the bed.
“You weren’t supposed to see those,” Steven muttered from the headspace. “Those were just a little thing for Jake and me. Put them back.”
“You guys, what the hell?” Marc’s brow remained furrowed, but his heart rate betrayed him as he shuffled from one photo to the next. “We aren’t supposed to be doing this. This was all supposed to…stop.”
You were simply fucking breathtaking though.
Marc shut his mouth after his breathing turned ragged and suddenly felt so foolish. He stuffed the pictures back in the box and slid it under the bed. He went to the bathroom and got into the shower, desperate to wash away the filthy thoughts coursing through his mind. Jake must’ve been the one to take the pictures, being sneaky as he was. Surely he’d done it behind Marc’s back so he wouldn’t have to hear the scolding.
Marc was right. Jake had gone to your apartment two weeks after they got their first souvenir, after they’d sufficiently caked it in so many layers of cum that it had lost your scent, to get more. When he got there, and snapped the first picture, he wondered to himself why they hadn’t snagged any photos of you before. Surely a picture or two would help them curb this growing desire, right?
Twenty-seven. Jake Lockley took twenty-seven photos of you.
He hid them in the shoebox under the bed, in hopes that he and Steven could enjoy them and keep it from Marc. It wasn’t that he wanted to keep them from Marc, but Jake knew that when he found out, he wouldn’t be happy. He knew what Marc was trying to do, get back to some sense of normalcy for the three of them, and while Jake commended him on his valiant efforts, he couldn’t shake the urges inside.
Marc was still trying to convince himself that they could come back from how far they’d gone. He was letting the hot water run down over his body and trying to tell himself that despite following you for weeks, stealing your underwear, taking pictures of you naked, and killing your date, they could move on, and pretend none of it had happened. No matter how hard he tried though, he kept thinking about you, all the times they’d watched you, and now he had photos.
He could stare at you whenever he wanted; your perfect body, lips, and eyes, all of it was right there for him to look at. He should’ve been scolding his alters for using the body to get them, but he was so enamored by those little treasures they’d gathered now that he was almost grateful they’d done it. He was painfully erect by the time he got out of the shower, resisting every urge to relieve himself to thoughts of you, but he didn’t have the willpower. When it came to you, he never did.
“Marc, you stay away from the one of her lips, that one’s mine,” Steven said firmly.
Marc was too ashamed to even admit to the voices in his head that he was about to jerk off to pictures of you, but he suspected that they knew full well what he intended to do. For once, they were quiet, each waiting to have their turn. Marc used lotion this time, desperate to feel the slick glide of his fingers over his length. He wanted to stroke himself and imagine it was you, soft and wet.
He chose three photos in particular. One of you standing in front of your window, arching your back in profile view. Your perfect breasts had him whining while he dragged over his cock, relishing in the delicious sensation. He knew it probably paled in comparison to how you really felt, but this was as close as he was ever going to get.
The other photo was one of your legs. They must’ve been so close to you to get that picture. Your blankets were off of your body, hanging lazily over the side of the bed. You had worn just underwear and a shirt to sleep. Was that what you normally wore? He hoped so. Your skin looked so soft, so perfect. There was a small peek of your asscheeks sticking out under the hem of the panties. Marc could only think about how badly he wanted to touch you. He let out a choked whine at the thought.
The final image he’d chosen was one of you just out of the shower. He started wondering if you knew you were being watched. Why else would you stand in front of your window like that…
That’s when Marc realized that wasn’t a photo taken from outside…it was taken from inside your apartment. A chill ran over his spine, Jake had been inside your apartment while you were awake, likely tucked away in your closet.
“You guys…” He paused his movements, “you were in her apartment while she was awake?”
“Had to get the perfect angle, pendejo, enjoy it or give up the body so one of us can take over,” Jake said harshly. 
No way Marc was letting that happen. He needed that sweet release. All too often Jake or Steven would come in at the last second and take it from him. He felt his cock twitching against his abdomen, demanding his attention. Marc looked down at it, precum leaking over the sides. The lotion left white streaks all over the shaft. 
He started his smooth motion again, sliding vigorously over the veiny surface. Oh you were so pretty. So perfect in the way you posed for them. Marc tried to tell himself that what they were doing was wrong, but your expressions and posture confused him, almost like you wanted to be seen; like you wanted them to want you, to take those pictures of you. Whether it was true or not, it was working. 
They wanted you, more than anything.
Marc had the pictures spread over the top of the dresser. He grabbed the edge of the stained wood while he continued working on himself, filling the apartment with squelching wet noises. He lurched forward when the heat pooled in his abdomen, gasping a sharp breath while he felt his cock stiffen in his smooth palm. In a mad rush, he grabbed some tissues out of the box on the dresser and spilled into them with a flurry of deep groans.
Jake followed suit, once their short refractory period ran its course, grabbing his images of choice to chase his own release. He loved looking at you too, every curve of your body spoke to his deepest desires. He wanted to feel your skin grow hot from his gloved hand, striking you in an effort to make you more pliant. Your rear could take it, so round and soft, he could imagine the feeling of it under his firm grip.
When Jake was finished his turn, Steven came out like an animal in heat, scrambling with shaky hands for a picture they took of your lips. You’d been sound asleep when they took that photo. He didn’t want to admit it, but Steven did all he could not to thrust himself down your throat while you slept. He was sure you would’ve liked it, the way they tasted, but he also thought it may be a little too bold. If they were going to have some time with you, he was going to have to be more clever than that.
Steven’s precum was lubricating enough for him to run his cock along the glossy sheen of the photo, right against your lips. He imagined how it would feel, seeing them, stretched out around his girth. He thought even more about how good it would feel to have your throat contract when you gagged on his length. It took no time at all for him to turn into a mess of crying moans while coating the photo in his spend.
“S’not enough Marc, we need more,” Steven muttered while they stood outside of your apartment window once again.
You’d just gone to bed, this time leaving your blinds open like you did on occasion when the nights were warm. The soft rise and fall of your chest could be seen even at a distance. Marc felt his brow begin to sweat in anticipation. He didn’t want to do what Jake and Steven had done to get those pictures, sneak into your apartment with you inside, but he’d started to think that maybe if they achieved that delicious release in such close proximity to your body, they could move on. There was still a small part of him that believed they could move on, despite everything they’d done.
“This is so fucked up,” Marc said, taking a step closer to your window.
“Need me to do it?” Jake asked, itching to get out.
“Stop, I can do it…I just…” Marc growled, feeling the frustration of conflict inside his mind.
He paused, gulping and staring at you while you slept. His feet were frozen before finally he…
Marc blacked out, and hours later he was in their own house with a balled up and sticky pair of your panties in his hand, unable to recall what had happened. Marc hadn’t been to the house in a long time. Usually they stayed in Steven’s apartment. It was so close to his job, before he’d quit, and even closer to the crimes and villains that they had put off fighting since finding you.
Steven would remember how the night was spent though, he’d remember it for the rest of his life.
He had snuck in through your window with Jake’s encouraging words, and found himself standing at your bedside. They’d learned your sleeping patterns so well by then, knowing exactly when you were fast asleep based on the way you breathed. Steven wiped some excess saliva that had dribbled down his chin. Since it was warm that night you’d worn a tanktop and shorts to bed. He could see the roundness of your asscheeks peeking out from the hem of your bottoms.
“Quiero tocar,” Jake said in a dark tone from inside the headspace.
“We can’t touch…not yet,” Steven said in a low whisper.
He fumbled with his belt, careful not to let it clank too loudly as he undid it and then worked on his zipper. You shifted a little, but he knew you were still dreaming. He wondered if you were dreaming about him, or one of the other two. He still remembered how you looked at them that day at the museum, and he still felt like something in your eyes spelled love to him. 
Putting the excess spit that had once again accumulated in his mouth to good use, Steven dropped a glob down onto his cock. You continued breathing quietly, your sweet little voice falling over his ears like honey. He wanted you, he wanted you so bad. He could be quick, he knew he could, sliding into the bed with you, fucking you while you slept. If they were careful, surely you wouldn’t wake, right? Or, even better, you might wake up and find that you enjoyed it just as much as they did.
“I wanna fuck her.” Steven whispered suddenly, surprising even himself with the crass statement.
“Can’t risk it Steven, just leave her a little present on her legs compadre.”
“Yeah, yeah on her legs. Aces.” He agreed, excited by the prospect of their cum being on you.
He had to stroke fairly slow, trying not to fill your apartment with the loud wet slaps of him jerking off to your sleeping form. He focused on the apex of your thighs, right where he knew your tight little pussy was hiding. He imagined how wet you would be if only you let him have you. You’d be a mess, soaking and dripping down the sides of his cock.
“She’s such a pretty little princesa; bet that cunt is like heaven, I’d love a little taste.” Jake was getting more and more restless as Steven approached his climax.
“Jake, please, let me…”
He couldn’t resist, needing to feel the high that came with shooting spurts of cum all over the backs of your thighs. Jake came to the front, just in time to feel that mind-numbing euphoria that Steven worked so hard to achieve. He tried to make it up to Steven by bringing home a fresh and silky souvenir, the same one that Marc fronted with now in his hands, after Steven got to them first of course.
When you woke up in the morning, you would be puzzled trying to figure out what the sticky substance was on your bedding and thighs, but you wouldn’t ever know for sure.
“I told you, Jake, I’m not okay with this. We can’t do it. This is wrong!” Marc was shouting from the headspace.
“Shut the fuck up, pendejo. We’ve tried it your way, now we do it my way.” Jake pried open your window slowly. “Sick of not being able to think straight.”
“Jake please, please, please let me out. Please.” Steven begged.
Jake was trying to keep Steven at bay, but he knew the other alter was going to get himself to the front one way or another. 
“At least let me get us inside, then you can have the body.” Jake stopped before climbing indoors, “if you fuck this up for us…”
“Don’t worry bruv, m’not going to mess it up, promise.” Steven assured him.
Jake was inside within seconds, and the moment his feet touched the ground, Steven forced his way to the front. He was more than ready to finally show you the love they’d kept pent up all that time. He quickly, and silently, toed off Jake’s shoes, and pulled off the gloves too. If Jake wanted those, he could put them back on later. It was going to be a long night, and they intended to stay a while.
He took off the jacket as well and placed it on the floor. Steven loosened up the tie, allowing the fabric to hang lazily around his neck. You were so sound asleep, breathing deeply while you dreamt. Steven’s cock was already leaking a small spot into the seam of Jake’s pants in anticipation of feeling your pussy walls surrounding his cock. He took them off quickly, stepping out of them silently.
You turned in your sleep, but your eyes stayed closed. You were so pretty, so precious just laying there without a clue. Steven clutched his chest, finding it difficult to breathe properly. Despite the nearly painful ache of his erection, he took a moment just to revel in your beauty, taking in the breathtaking way the sheets hugged your curves. Your lips were pursed, brow furrowed while you dreamt.
So fucking pretty, he thought.
“Steven, if you’re gonna do it, then just get it over with,” Marc said in a grumble. While the original was deeply bothered by their actions, he knew stopping him was impossible.
Steven walked around to the other side of the bed, and grabbed the sheet. Cautiously, he got under the covers, careful not to shift the weight too much and startle you. If he alerted you too soon, it would all be over. Steven was, once again, grateful you were such a heavy sleeper. It had proven to be helpful for them each time they’d needed to traverse your apartment in the night.
He hooked a finger in the waist of your shorts and dragged them down to your thigh. There was a small shift in your body, but your breathing remained the same, steady pace. Your skin was softer than he’d imagined. Just the light drag of his finger over the surface made his body spark with excitement. He felt himself salivating. Steven wanted nothing more than to lick and kiss your exposed shoulder, but he held back for now.
Steven brought a mess of spit down to slick his cock. He bit his lip while he ran his fingers over the length of it. The thought that he was about to finally feel you from the inside almost made him want to scream. He couldn’t remember the last time he felt this alive. He brought an arm to hover over your side carefully, and started sneaking the other under your head. He was ready to move quickly if you resisted, though he hoped you wouldn’t; he hoped that you would wake and realize how good Steven was fucking you and that you’d lean into it a little.
As Steven’s large hand closed over your lips, and his other arm caged your body against his, squeezing tightly, you stirred awake.
“Sh sh sh, love. Shhh.” He urged, holding on tight as your little body squirmed against his chest.
You immediately started to whimper, fighting and breathing heavily, trying desperately to break free, but Steven was too strong. You screamed uselessly into his fingers. You wiggled your rear against him, feeling the jab of his cock against you. It was hard to believe this was happening, this couldn’t be real. Someone had snuck into your apartment and was about to-
Steven pushed his cock between your thighs, rutting hungrily until he found your entrance. He stopped there, feeling the wet slick of your heat coating his throbbing girth.
“You ready, love? Been waiting for this a long time, been waiting to feel you.” His voice was low against your ear.
You shook your head as best as you could and tried screaming again, but no one would hear you. The feeling of his cock against your folds alone was enough to drive him crazy. The fact that you were so wet let Steven know just how eager you were for this too, you just didn’t realize it yet.
“Oh God, love, you feel so good already.” He felt your warm tears hitting his fingers. “Yeah, I’m excited too, just one…second…”
He let out a deep groaning sigh as he stretched you out, gliding his cock into your tight cunt.
“Oh that’s it, love, oh this is better than I dreamed. Can’t wait to finally fill you up darling, you’re going to like it so much. Gonna-you’re gonna-ohh-want to give you all of it.” He was pumping in and out of you slowly, struggling to form a coherent sentence in the process.
To say it felt good to him was an understatement. Steven’s hips stuttered as he pushed full to the hilt once more. He felt your walls flutter around him. He knew you liked it, too. He wondered why they hadn’t done it sooner.
“Oh my…shit…” He thrusted, splitting your hole wide over and over. “Those pretty little sounds you make, been think–oh fuck…been thinkin’ ‘bout them. Never thought they’d sound so-”
It hurt, being stretched out like that, never having felt anyone that big before. You were so afraid, unable to move your arms. The more you shifted against him, the harder he squeezed. It got to a point where you worried he might crush you if you continued. His lips pressed against your neck in sloppy wet kisses, and he kept groaning about how much he loved you in your ear.
“Feel you gettin’ so wet.” He let out a sharp exhale, “knew you’d like me darling, knew you’d be good f’me.”
Steven kissed your shoulder, nipping at the skin and savoring the way it tasted on his tongue. You were delicious in every sense of the word. He could feel you stop fighting him, and he took that as a sign of compliance, of submission. Steven knew deep down that you’d liked them, he knew it.
“Won’t hurt much longer, not once you’re used t’me. God you’re so pretty, feel so good. Can’t believe I’m finally touching you.” He started thrusting his hips harder, dragging the head along your walls. “Thank you love, thank you for being such a good girl f’me.”
You were hiccuping from sobbing so hard. Your cries only encouraged Steven though, he thought you sounded so sweet like that, so innocent and precious. When you felt the unmistakable wave taking over your body, the one that contradicted your emotional feelings, you gasped, pressing your spine against his chest. It felt good, so good that you thought you might cry harder should he stop.
“Doesn’t that feel good, love? You’re squeezing me so tight I…oh shit…not gonna last much longer if you keep that up, yeah?” Steven felt your walls contracting over him harder now, telling him you must be close. “Are you going to let yourself go for me?”
Steven’s movements were relentless. Your bed scraped against the floor a little as he fucked even harder. He started thinking about how much he wanted to keep you, have you around to pleasure himself with any time he started to feel the need. Surely you’d like that too, of course you’d love when Steven made you feel good…right? He would always make sure you got your release too, every time, so long as he could help it.
“I’m gonna make sure you feel good darling, want you to feel good.” He was getting close, pulling your body closer as his orgasm approached, “and you know when I’m done, Jake is gonna come in here and mark you up, yeah? Make sure you remember that you’re ours now.”
You panicked, realizing what that meant…he had a friend there too, also intent on taking you for himself. Your breathing became short, and you squirmed again. Steven’s cock thrust into you harder when you did.
“Sh, sh, love, shh, stop.” He didn’t want to hurt you. In fact, Steven wouldn’t hurt you, but he couldn’t speak for Jake. “I don’t want you to get hurt, yeah? Better stop that now.”
You let yourself fall limp, accepting your fate finally as his assault on your cunt continued. You really were wet now, pussy squelching every time the man rutted into you, hips pressing flush against your rear. Steven felt himself overwhelmed with pleasure as his orgasm approached.
He was talking so fast, "I'm not going to pull out love, want to make sure I show you how much I love you. Wanna get you nice and full of me–so full. Would you like that?” He groaned into your shoulder, “yeah, ‘course you would. Oh here we go–here we go love–ahhh!” His hips stopped suddenly, pressed up against your body while his cock pulsated hot ropes inside of you. “Thankyou--thankyou--thankyou love, oh God thank you.”
You couldn’t stop the wave that came over you, pooling heat in your center and forcing your body to tremble against him.
“That’s it love, can feel you coming, too. Oh you’re squeezing me so hard.”
You couldn’t believe you’d started coming so violently at the hands of your assailant, despite your best efforts not to. You couldn’t help the physical response your body had to him though. He made you so wet, made your body spark with need. He felt so good, he was so intent on making sure you felt something too.
The switch happened without your realizing, and suddenly Jake lay there while his cock grew soft inside of you. Steven was sated, finished with you for the time being. He knew that he had to get you into a different position, or you’d try to run. Being crafty as he was, Jake planned for that, and brought something along to keep you silent. A cloth doused in chloroform, pulled from his breast pocket, sure to keep you pliant. He covered your face in the cloth, and you tried to struggle again, but this time fell limp against your will.
It was an hour before you woke up again. Jake was standing in front of you. He had his arms crossed over his chest, shirt open with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, and gloves on. He was naked otherwise though. Your eyes seemed to sparkle as they opened slowly, meeting his hooded gaze. You tried to move, but your hands were tied to your bedpost. You opened your mouth to yell, but the man in front of you held up a finger.
“Here’s how this is going to go princesa...” He spoke just above a whisper.
Jake had a gun he’d placed on your dresser. He picked it up and cocked it in his hand. Of course it wasn’t loaded, he would never hurt you, but he needed you to behave. He smirked at the little hiccup you made at the sound of his weapon readying for fire. You noticed now, the distinct difference in his accent, this was someone else. The guy from before really did bring a friend with him.
“P-please I–”
“Sh.” Jake put a gloved finger to his lips once more. “I’m going to let you suck my cock sweetheart, and I know you’re going to do a great job. As long as you’re a good little girl for me, I won’t hurt you too bad when I’m done, alright? Maybe I’ll even let you come.”
“Why are you–why are you…” You sobbed, unable to speak the words on the tip of your tongue.
“Come on, no more talking,” He said in a low tone, “remember, if you’re good to me, I’ll be good to you, bebita.” Jake’s cock was leaking at the head, dripping onto the floor as he approached you. “If you want to misbehave, I’ll have to get rough, and I don’t wanna do that to you.”
You were so small, a petite little thing. You looked at his cock wide-eyed, fearing you wouldn’t be able to fit the whole thing in your mouth. It was big, thick and long. You gulped harshly, feeling terror wash over you even more. He’d said he didn’t want to hurt you, but what exactly did that mean? You were sure you didn’t want to find out.
Seeing you struggle to stretch your lips over his thick cock brought him more pleasure than he imagined it would. He couldn’t even get it all the way in your throat, but he didn’t need to, it felt so good without needing to go deeper. Your tongue splayed against the underside of his length made him thrust forward from the sensation, gagging you in the process. Your teeth grazed the shaft.
“Ay!” The cold barrel of the gun pressed against your temple forcing a gasping sob from you, “watch it, cariño.”
You did your best to get your lips over your teeth, even if only a little. Jake’s free hand rested on the back of your neck while he forced himself deeper. The feeling of your throat contracting over his cock made his head fall back. He groaned, voice sounding wrecked and feral with each plunge further into your throat.
It hurt, the way his girth threatened to stretch open your esophagus beyond its threshold. You whined, willing your lips to keep your mouth smooth for him, but you felt them struggling. For the second time, you touched his cock with your teeth, and for a second time, he winced and pressed his gun against your head even harder.
“Oh, I really don’t want to hurt you sweetheart, but I will.” His tone was dark and threatening.
“You better not hurt her Jake.” Steven said from the headspace.
You were a sobbing mess, so much that you pulled your head back off his thick and throbbing shaft. Saliva connected his cock to your glossy lips, and forced a sneer over his face. He knelt down on both knees, leaning in to meet your eye.
“Oh, princesa, you’re not very good at following directions, are you?” His smirk never faded, as though he were taunting you.
If you weren’t so cute with your swollen, glistening lips, and tear stained cheeks, he might feel less merciful. He was ready to see you come undone, after so much time spent waiting, only admiring you from a distance. Jake wanted to fuck you so hard your throat was bleeding from the shrill screams escaping your mouth.
“Don’t worry, we’ll teach you…another time.”
He grabbed your hip in his left hand and shifted your ass to rest between his thighs. The gun was still in his other hand, pressing against your waist, leaving an indent in your flesh. He could see how clearly afraid you were. Nothing looked more attractive to him than you being absolutely terrified of what he might do to you.
“Fight me, and you know what will happen, princesa. Don’t make me out to be the bad guy when all I’ve asked is for you to behave. Can you be good for me now?” He lined the head of his cock up with your entrance. “Hm?”
You nodded, “y-yes.”
You were too afraid to say no.
He thrust into you, and once again, the same body was fucking you open. Jake nearly fell forward, feeling you for the first time. It was like his cock was coated in smooth, silky velvet. This wasn’t the first time he’d been with a woman, but this was better than anything he’d ever felt before, because it was you.
“Fuck, princesa, you’re so tight.” He grunted through gritted teeth as he pulled back and then thrust forward again. He moved the gun to your chin, pressing it against your jaw harshly, “I want you to tell me how sorry you are for not following my very-simple-instructions.”
“Oh! No, please!” You rattled the bed, struggling against the silken tie Jake had used to bind your hands. “Please, no!”
Jake lost concentration when your cunt fluttered around him. It was almost as though you were enjoying his threats. He fucked into you harder, groaning out a slur of feral moans. He brought the barrel of the weapon down your abdomen and touched it over your clit. A sharp gasp escaped you at the icy sensation. You whimpered, feeling even more fresh tears trickling over your cheeks.
“I wanna hear you tell me how–fuck–how sorry you are, now!” His brows were knitted together tightly, eyes dark and forceful.
An unmistakable, and to you shameful, moan left your lips. The way he moved the metal barrel against your cunt sparked pleasure through your core. He heard it, clear as day. He knew he’d break you, one way or another. There was still a long way to go before you were fully theirs, but this was a good first lesson. You were already starting to learn that he was capable of giving you what you needed, if only you did what he asked.
“S-sorry! I’m sor–oh god–so sorry!” You squeezed your eyes shut, “please don’t kill me, I’m sorry please.”
“Mm, buena niña.” He cooed, voice sounding wrecked with his growing arousal. 
He reveled in the way your walls squeezed over him when he swirled the gun around your clit. He let out a snicker, lips curling at the sides. You felt your arms becoming sore from the pressure of the tie around your wrists, but the ache was dulled by the pleasure traveling all over your body. 
“I want you to look at me, and say, ‘I’m sorry Jake,’ now.”
He looked down and spit harshly on the gun, letting the saliva trickle down over your clit, allowing the weapon to slide around it easier. Seeing you squirm under the feeling of his gun while it teased that swollen little nub made his cock throb inside of you. When he looked back up at you, you were looking back. He loved to see your bottom lip quivering while you tried to talk but fell short of the words.
“Come on, I know you can do it for me.” He urged gently.
You were ashamed to find yourself a stuttering mess trying to talk to him, not out of fear or for being upset, but because you felt so fucking good. Your mind was screaming, telling you to fight, to do anything other than lay there and take it, but your body was doing quite the opposite.
He knew the effect he was having on you. Jake could see the way your eyes fought not to roll back into your skull while pleasure overcame you; He could see the way your lips stammered over themselves trying to get the words he demanded out; Most of all, he felt the way the soft walls of your pussy moved in waves over his cock, reacting every time he slid the barrel of his gun over your clit.
You didn’t want to say it, you didn’t want to give him the satisfaction.
“Go on princesa…you don’t want me to pull this trigger now, do you?”
“I’m s-so sorry J-Jake!” You managed to choke out.
His cock unmistakably twitched inside of you at the sound of hearing you say those words.
“Mm, now was that so hard? You sound so good, bebita. I knew you could behave yourself for me.” He churned forward faster, the hand on your hip was nearly bruising. “Now you’re going to relax, and you’re gonna come for me, si? No fighting back now…”
“Please let me go!” You sobbed more, filling your apartment with more desperate cries.
Unfortunately for you, the sound of your whimpers only seemed to encourage him further. Jake looked down. Beneath the gun he could see the way your pussy looked splitting over his girth. It was so slick and puffy from the way he and Steven had fucked and resized you.
“I’m almost done sweetheart, and when I’m done, Marc is gonna come in and you’re gonna be a good girl for him too, right?”
No, not another one, you thought.
Out of fear that he might threaten you again though if you didn’t comply, you nodded. As you felt your orgasm threatening to wash over you, out of your control, you felt shame mix like a poisonous cocktail with the pleasure. You turned your head away, tucking it into your arm, trying to hide your humiliation.
Jake wasn’t going to have that though. He wanted to look at your beautiful face while he made your mind go numb and body tense around him. He wanted to see you as you became so fucked out you could hardly keep your body upright anymore. You were seconds from unraveling at his hand, and he wasn’t going to miss a single expression on your pretty face.
“Come on, princesa, don’t hide that from me now, gotta see how precious you look when I make you come undone.” He cooed, changing the way he rotated the barrel over you ever so slightly. “You know the stakes.”
You bit your bottom lip to stop it from shaking as you turned your head back to meet his gaze. His eyes were so dark, brows so tightly stuck together. He looked down to watch your hole swallow him again and again before turning back up to see your eyes.
It was happening to you again, you were coming over the cock of your second assailant that night. You did as you were told, keeping your eyes on his while you bit your lip a little too hard and clenched your walls around him. His lids dropped and his brows relaxed just before you felt the searing hot spurts of his spend filling you to the brim.
He fucked you through it, pushing it all into you, mixing it with what still remained of Steven inside you. Once he felt he was fully finished, having stretched and fucked you to his satisfaction, he pulled out. You felt empty, finally, but your cunt was gaping, letting his cum dribble out onto the hardwood floor beneath you.
“Now princesa…I want you to say ‘thank you, Jake’.” He wiped the glossy spit that had accumulated on his lips.
“T-thank you, J-Jake.” You sniffled, and closed your legs together as he sat back from you.
“You’re learning so well already. My smart bebita.” He looked genuinely proud of you, a spark lit in your gut against your will. You ignored it. “Marc is going to be here soon, and when he comes in, heh, he’s going to spoil you rotten. Just always remember that I’ve got my eye on you. Don’t turn into a little brat, okay?”
You nodded in understanding.
“Good.” He tossed the gun aside, forcing you to flinch. “I’m never going to do anything to really hurt you princesa, okay?”
You gulped and nodded, “yes.”
“Okay, just need you to sleep for a while, I’ll see you again soon.” He pressed his lips into a hard line while he wrapped his gloved hands around your petite throat.
“N-no what…!”
You squirmed while he choked you, feeling the desperation in your body while you struggled to get air in your lungs. Jake’s hands were so big around your delicate throat. Steven and Marc both were hollering at him to go easy on you, but they both knew that Jake knew what he was doing. That didn’t stop Marc from taking over and letting go of you immediately. You had already fainted, but that was ok, he needed time to get himself prepared to have you himself.
When your eyes finally fluttered open again, you were shocked to see the same man from before staring back at you. You were sure he’d mentioned a third person coming in to have their way with you, but here he was, still staring back.
“You’re awake, good.” Marc said, brows drawn together tightly with concern. 
“I thought…I thought there was someone–s-someone else.” You were still fatigued from tears, and speaking was proving to be difficult.
“That was my…” He didn’t want to tell you about his condition just yet, “brother.”
You were sucking your bottom lip in with your sobbing. You turned your head into your arm which hurt beyond belief. Having your shoulders in that position for an extended period of time had proved excruciating.
Marc couldn’t believe they’d come this far. Steven and Jake had both had their turn, and now it was his, but he intended to do things a little differently. He wasn’t going to take from you, not yet anyway, but he was going to give you something. Marc wanted to make you love him, from deep within yourself, to make you feel the same way about him that he felt for you.
He knelt down at your side, you instinctively pulled your knees up to your chest, looking at him pleadingly. Your eyes darted behind him. The gun the other man had used was shining in the moonlight. You closed your eyes tightly, sending a couple of stray tears shooting down your cheeks. Marc reached over and swiped a tear away with his thumb, letting his hand rest on your face softly.
“If you’re good for me, I’ll be able to help you, okay baby?” He looked into your eyes with nothing but love and adoration.
You didn’t understand why they were doing this still, but something about this one made you feel more safe than the other two. You didn’t say a word, you didn’t even nod, you just wanted to be alone now, you felt so tired, so weak.
Marc thought he could see you soften, so he leaned in, pressing his lips to yours, but you didn’t return the gesture. He put his lips together tightly as he pulled back, resting his forehead on yours. He was trying so hard not to feel frustrated. It was going to take time to get you to understand what an asset he was going to be for you. Marc brushed your cheek as he looked between your glistening eyes.
“I can’t help you if you don’t behave.” He spoke firmly.
Marc could tell you still weren’t going to return his affections, but knew you’d learn with time. He thought that maybe if he could make you softer, more pliant in his hands, you might come around. His hand left your face, brushing over the soft skin of your neck - to which you winced from Jake’s earlier assault - tracing down your breasts and peaked nipple, and finally resting over the tightly closed apex of your thighs. You squeezed your legs together even more.
“Come on honey, let me in.” He said just over a whisper.
“P-please don’t.” You begged, hiccuping again as more sobs forced their way through you.
“I just want to find a way to make you feel good, will you let me do that? Please?”
You were prolonging the inevitable. He was going to find his way to your cunt whether you let him or not, so you decided to slowly open your legs. A sigh of relief escaped his lips, and an unmistakable grin crept over his face. You were opening up for him, letting him bring his fingers down to rest between your lips. A small breath of arousal slipped out of you.
“How’s that?” He had a mildly arrogant tone. “That feel good?”
You groaned despite yourself, hating that they’d all managed to find a way to make you feel so fucking good. You felt nothing but shame for the way you arched up into his touch. The pads on his fingers spread out, splitting your slick folds. He touched your entrance, forcing a pained wince from you.
“Oh no baby, I’m sorry, they really stretched you out, didn’t they? Don’t worry, I’ll give your little hole a break alright?” Marc reached his free hand up to cup your cheek and keep your forehead on his. “I know you’ll make it up to me.”
Your clit was coated in your juices and theirs, making it easy for him to slide his digits in small, rhythmic circles over it. He could tell from the way you were squirming that he was doing it right. Your sobs stopped and instead you were just moaning quietly now. Your eyes closed, but he wanted to see them.
“Open your eyes for me, baby.”
You kept them closed tight.
“Please don’t make me beg, I need you to listen to what I tell you. I can give you what you need, and I can protect you, but I need you to be good for me, please.” He leaned in and tried kissing you again, but once more you denied him. “Come on, let me kiss you, don’t fight me.”
You were shocked at the juxtaposition between his demeanor and his brother’s. He was so gentle in the way he touched you, like his only goal was to make you feel good, as if his own pleasure was secondary to yours. 
And for Marc it was. He knew that if all three of them were rough with you, they'd never get you to feel the same way about them as they did about you.
“Tell me how that feels baby, come on, use your words for me.”
“It f-feels-” You groaned deeply, angling your hips upward into his touch. “No, I don’t want this.” You shook your head, tucking your face into your arm opposite his face.
"Don't make this more difficult, I can make your time with us like a dream if you just give in to me." He continued to hope you would loosen a little, let yourself feel how he touched you. “Let me try something, okay?”
Marc kissed your cheek, slowly brushed his lips down your tender neck, left another on your collarbone, before cupping the swell of your breast and bringing your nipple to his mouth. His lips pursed around it. A small shudder quaked through your body, letting him know that what he did was working.
He couldn’t handle the ache any longer between his own legs. His cock was leaking profusely, and he needed to satisfy his own urges. He was going to keep his word though, he had no intention of penetrating you that night. Marc was able to brush his length along the soft skin of your thigh, making it slick with his precum and allowing it to slide easier.
He moaned over your nipple before flicking it with his tongue. You were churning your hips upward in rhythm with the repetitive swirl of his fingers. Marc couldn’t begin to express with words the way it made him feel to know you were using him to please yourself. He couldn’t have asked for a better outcome after their actions that night.
“Now tell me how it feels, please baby, tell me how well I take care of you.”
Marc didn’t stop dragging his cock over your leg, moaning incessantly while he did. You were crying again, feeling nothing but shame and fatigue while your third orgasm of the night approached. You didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of telling him how good he felt, but he wasn’t going to stop asking.
Marc looked up at you, brows raised and drawn together, pleading for you to tell him how he made you feel. Why was this one so different than the other two? The first one was so hungry, desperate and needy. The second was plain cruel. This one was so focused on you, wanting nothing more than to make sure you were okay; it was more confusing than anything.
“Let me go, please.” You begged, “p-please.”
“Can’t do that, don’t ask me that again, baby. I wish I could, but we’ve come too far now.” Marc brought himself back up to you, his hard cock rested against your abdomen now. It felt so heavy. “That’s why I’m trying to meet you halfway. I’ll take good care of you, but you have to be good for me, too.”
His face was close to yours again. You felt him churning against you, sliding his cock against your waist faster as his climax closed in. You could tell by the way it got harder, and swelled against you that he was desperately close. For the third time that night, you were close too, his fingers worked against you, forcing soft gasps from your lips.
“I’m gonna come for you honey, gonna cover you in it. You gonna cover me, too? Soak my hand in your-f-fuck.”
You felt something pool in your stomach, while he touched you. You couldn’t tell him that he made you feel good, but you could show him in the way he wanted. The thought of kissing him was repulsive, but if he was going to be your sole protector, then you needed to give him what he asked for. He was being so kind now, but you feared for what he might do if you didn’t give him his way.
You leaned in and slotted your mouth over his. Marc couldn’t believe you were actually kissing him. He could hear the other two muttering around in the headspace excitedly. Your lips were soft, delicious, and Marc wanted more. He slipped his tongue over your bottom lip before entangling it with yours in your mouth. His fingers worked faster, flicking over your clit while you were feeding him desperate cries.
He could tell immediately when you were coming because your entire body arched toward him, as though you wanted him to devour you whole. Your moans of deep pleasure were enough to inspire his own orgasm. His hips bucked forward harshly, rubbing over your skin while he coated your stomach and tits in his cum. He groaned with every thrust, and his body trembled when he slowed, eventually stilling altogether. His lips broke apart from yours with a soft smack. Marc’s eyes were deep and hooded while he looked into yours.
“Thank you for being so good for me, baby.” He pecked your forehead softly.
Marc knew they needed to knock you out again, and so he got up and started looking for the towel. The chloroform laced cloth would still work just fine. He would talk to Jake later about leaving such harsh bruises on you needlessly when he had the chance.
“What’s going to happen now?” You asked with a choked whimper, looking up at Marc.
“We’re going to take you home.” Marc said, kneeling down with the towel in hand. “Just take a deep breath, you’ll be alright, I promise.”
The last thing you saw before everything went black was his dark eyes on yours. 
You felt your eyes burn with the sun piercing through your window. You took in a deep breath through your nostrils trying desperately to open them, wondering if everything that had happened last night was just a dream. It felt like you were in bed, warm blankets pulled up to your chin. Finally, your eyes came into focus and you took in your surroundings.
You sat up fast, realizing immediately that you weren’t home at all. In fact, you had no idea where you were. The room you found yourself in was clean with stark white walls and bedding, but the bars on the windows let you know that it wasn’t as nice as it first appeared. The door on the far end of the room buzzed before you heard an electronic latch open it.
He walked in, one of the three men who had had their way with you the night before. He gave you a soft and toothy grin. He put a hand up to greet you, he didn’t look as though he dared to come near the bed.
“Hi there, we haven’t met properly.” You noticed now that he looked nervous, though you couldn’t imagine why, he clearly had all the power in that moment. “I’m Steven. I thought I should introduce m’self. Figured since…well…since I came in behind you and all, you hadn’t really seen me yet.”
Except you had seen his face before. You’d seen it two other times that night. Once on Jake, and once more with the one named Marc. So this one was Steven. You’d been kidnapped by three brothers. 
“Where am I?” You asked timidly, realizing that your throat still ached from the choking and stretching you’d endured earlier.
He walked toward you slowly. Already, you could see the nagging press of his cock against the seam of his pants. He looked at you like he was ready to devour you the moment he got his hands on you. Steven bit his lip.
“Darling…you’re home.”
Next Part (Coming Soon)
Thank you for the request @burnincrown!
Series Taglist (please let me know if you'd like to added or removed):
@ababynova, @luciannadraven33, @romanarose, @steven-grants-world, @autismsupermusicalassassin, @sleepyamaya, @flordelalunas, @lovepeaceorelse, @twistedelf0607, @abbessolute, @moonknightly, @volatile-voice, @psalmsoflotus, @cleothegoldfish, @whatsliferightnow, @my-secret-shame, @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction, @noha-camp03, @welcometostayingawake, @360iris, @bitchyglitterfox, @pokepuffle, @wand-erer5, @lunar-ghoulie, @peach-child, @allofkang, @moiravim, @konigsmorrita, @justmaragudytha, @missbeeentertainment, @onzayhe, @beautifulsweetschaos, @pimosworld, @lovebvunny, @alexandrite2001, @pen-w-paper, @marzapans-inconsistency, @campingwiththecharmings, @mewhenimsad
Series Masterlist - Moodboard
Moon Knight Masterlist
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tenyearsoftrash · 6 months
Ten Years of HTP: A Celebration
Hi all, I (@eatingcroutons) set up this blog with all sorts of intentions about preparation and promotion and then Life Things Happened, but I'm still hoping to go forward with the idea of encouraging some nostalgia and memory-sharing about the last ten years of the HYDRA Trash Party.
The aim here is to be more of a celebration of community rather than your typical prompt fest - if you're looking for prompts for fanworks you might want to check out the @catws-anniversary that has just kicked off and will run until the 4th of April, or of course refer back to the Trash Meme itself!
So for this blog's purposes, feel free to post informal thoughts and musings and ramblings, and to comment on each other's memories - this is all about our shared history and nostalgia, and the idea is for it to be an open dialogue and celebration of community. A few points on logistics:
Anonymous asks and submission are open on this blog if you'd prefer not to participate under a named account. We all know how hostile certain corners of fandom have become to darkfic and adjacent content.
For all the themes below self-recs are also very welcome, if you want a chance to show off something you made years ago that hasn't gotten much attention in a while!
Go ahead and tag this blog at @tenyearsoftrash for a reblog of anything you post about the below themes!
All that said, here are some suggested themes and ideas to get you thinking and reminiscing:
April 4: Rewatch CA:TWS!
Take yourself right back to where it all began! With too many people across too many timezones we're not going to even try to organise a massive synchronised groupwatch, but maybe you could get a few of your old-school HTP buddies together to do a smaller one? In any case: fire up the movie, relive all the feels, and share any HTP-related thoughts that come (back) to mind after all these years!
April 5: Fanwork Recs
Go back and dig up some links to your favourite HTP fanworks - whether big or small, well-known or niche, what are the works that have really rewritten your brain chemistry, and stuck with you all this time? What was it about them that hit just the right spot? Feel free to share your thoughts on Tumblr - and to go back and drop a nostalgic comment on anything on AO3 😉
April 7: Meta Recs
Over the years there's been a lot of meta associated with HTP, from discussions of what CA:TWS and HYDRA represent in a broader social context, to endless back-and-forth about darkfic's place in fandom. Are there any posts that really made you think, or that remain relevant even now? Is there anything that came out of those meta discussions that has turned out to be particularly prescient, in hindsight?
April 8: HTP Fanon
What are your favourite bits of shared or personal fanon around HTP and its related concepts? Are there any Original Characters you're particularly fond of? Any particular tropes regarding characters or events that you will never get tired or bored of? Any ideas that might seem cracky on the surface but which you are totally into regardless?
April 8: Other Media/Fandoms
We've all had those moments where we've come across something in a new canon and immediately been like, "Oh, this is delicious trash bait," right? What other media has had a "Bucky Barnes Obediently Accepts The Bite Block" moment for you? What other characters might your fellow HTP friends enjoy as interesting targets for Trash Party Shenanigans? In what fandoms have you found yourself running into an awful lot of familiar HTP faces?
April 9: WIP Amnesty
Do you have any HTP fanworks that you never finished, or never got around to starting, for whatever reason? Now's your excuse to talk about them! Feel free to ramble about what your plans would have been, lament why they're never going to happen, or share some of those great ideas you never quite had time to plot out. Or, if you're feeling particularly inspired, go back and actually finish something off!
April 10: HTP Community Memories
To finish off the week let's talk about the community itself! What have been the good times, the interesting times, any times that have been personally significant to you, for any reason? What things have you experienced or shared or understood with or through or because of the HTP community? What new friends have you made over the years, and what old friends do you miss?
Apologies again for taking some time to getting around to making this post, but hopefully people will still be interested in doing some reminiscing!
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hdra77 · 8 months
Ok since this blog is kinda getting alot of attention i'll just make a pinned post about a little bit of myself
---- interested in commissioning me? my art commission page can be found here! i accept payment through ko-fi or paypal! feel free to dm to inquire or if you have questions! :D
Btw please read this before following my blog!! There would be gore,body horror,dark themes and even some suggestive themes Sometimes but overall i do not post any explicit nsfw here !! (they can be filtered through tags but just putting this here as a heads up)
tags are usually: #cw body horror, #tw body horror #cw gore, #tw gore, #cw suggestive, #tw suggestive
Heyy! i'm Soren!
You can call me zarou or dra
I am bilingual but im more comfortable speaking in english (still bad at it actually)
i really like cybercore,webcore,warcore aesthetic it may not look like it right now but expect a whole bunch of techcore designs soon
Oh and i am also a huge fan of astronomy,space and all of that sort. Along with post apocalyptic settings,body horror elements and eldritch beings.
Using my art as PFPs/Banners is okay! As long as you give proper credit! But reuploading my works without my permission or claiming them as your own is NOT okay. I will find you and i will hunt you down and turn you into a helpless flopping fish gasping for air.
Inspirations is ok too!! But please do not directly copy from the original work.
Commissions: open
Art trades: friends/mutuals only
my DNI are basically the general DNI: proshippers,homophobes,etc. you know, the general
my interest varies but i currently hyperfixtate on these fandoms so far:
Nine Sols
Animator vs Animation/Animation vs Minecraft
Warrior cats
My dms here are also open so feel free to send me a message! (No weird dms or you get instant block)
Im busy and i dont check discord as frequently but i would be happy to talk to you! I would also be glad to make friends im not intimidating i promise i dont bite totally-
My ask box are always open! Ask me anything basically, my aus, ocs, pretty much anything. You can also send some requests but they will take a gajillion years to finish but i promise ill get them done soon!
My socials:
Twitter - HINDRANCE77 (!! page contains some suggestive themes !!)
Youtube - HINDRANCE77
Tumblr - hdra77 (you are literally here right now)
My tags:
#hdra7shitposts - yes, shitposts
#fishdoesart - all my art comes here
#fishdoesdoodles - random doodles and some occasional shitposting, mostly on ms paint
#fishdoesrequests - all my art requests comes here, so far this is where you find my ship requests (still open for now btw)
#wips - wips
#fishbites.txt - ramblings
#othersart - gifts/fanarts! Sometimes some reblogs
#asks - all of my responses comes here
My other blogs:
@nyaworld-askblog - for the nyaworld au! this blog is story driven but asks for specific characters are always welcome!
@fallowclans-unruly-demise - for a warrior cats clangen blog, still stuck in hiatus void
My Rainworld AU tags:
#rw voided au - simple AU about iterators called voideds who drains void fluids out of other iterators, theres also some rot infection going on too
#rw disarray au/SYSTEM FAILURE - a virus in Lttm's code had created a fatal error in her system which caused her to slowly spiral into insanity as she would slowly loosen her grip onto reality, claiming that she had found the solution to their problem..but was it really the answer all along?
#rw nyaworld au - joke au about the entire rainworld cast taking place in the 2000's this one is purely just for nostalgia purposes
#into the sigverse - technically considered an au. this is just a silly little askblog about different versions of NSH interacting because for some reason they can now magically interact with different alternate universe versions of themselves. ocs being used to interact is allowed to!! anyone can use this tag however they please you don't have to send me asks to be a part of the sigverse
My Rainworld Oc tags:
#Sector7c - official oc local group tag!
#7c dystopian arbitrary
#7c golden life
#rw ocs
-- still WIP --
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liaromancewriter · 9 months
Premise: Ethan and Cassie’s skating date plans go awry, but all hope is not lost.
Fandom: Open Heart/Choices Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Cassie Valentine) Rating/Category: Teen. Fluff. Words: 1,965 Day/Prompt: @12daysofchristmas Day 9 - “I like it out here. It’s peaceful.”
A/N: For @choicesholidays "Best Christmas Ever" prompt, @choicesprompts Holiday rewrite event: inspired by Virgin River's S5 Christmas special where Mel and Jack celebrate their first Christmas and make their own holiday traditions, including the ice skating scene. Also submitting to @choicesdecember2023 prompt "Christmas" and @choicesficwriterscreations Holiday event.
I'm using @choicesflashfics week 64, prompt 1 (in bold), and fluffy dialogue prompt 1 from Second Day of Gift-Giving by @creativepromptsforwriting. Tagging for reblog to @creativepromptfills.
Tumblr media
Growing up in New England meant ice skating. One of Ethan Ramsey’s earliest memories was holding his father’s hand as they stepped onto an outdoor ice rink. Light snow fell around them like stardust, and he tilted his head back to catch a snowflake on his tongue.
His father taught him how to skate that night, gripping Ethan’s hand lightly and encouraging him to lean forward and alternately stroke and glide on the ice, letting the blades do the work.
He remembered his father’s deep laughter and his mother’s cheers from the sidelines as he let go of the hand keeping him tethered. Feeling the wind on his face and watching colors blur from the festive lights strung up around the rink, everything in little Ethan’s world was perfect at that moment.
Many years later, Ethan still loved to skate but didn’t have as much time for it. As head of diagnostics at Boston’s Edenbrook Hospital, his duties kept him much too busy. But something about the holidays made him nostalgic for simpler times.
“Earth to Ethan. Anyone there?” Cassie Valentine snapped her fingers in front of his face.
Ethan shook his head to clear the memories clouding his thoughts. “Sorry, I was miles away. What were we talking about?”
“Okay, that was some trip,” Cassie commented, giving him a strange look above the rim of her wine glass. “Holiday traditions from our childhood. You were telling me about skating with your parents, remember?”
“Oh, right,” Ethan said, feeling his face flush.
For a moment, he’d forgotten where he was. He glanced around his apartment and the holiday decorations they’d put up a few days ago, scratching the back of his head as he tried to collect his composure.
A Christmas tree stood in the corner against the floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking the bay — the first one they bought and decorated together — tinsel and fairy lights winking against the dark. Presents had found their way underneath the tree at regular intervals in the last couple of weeks.
This was their first holiday together, technically second as a couple, but he’d been in Providence last year, and she’d been working. Somehow, without realizing it, he found himself in a relationship that was more serious than anything he’d ever had before.
What else would you call meeting each other’s families and planning together what presents to buy for their respective relatives?
“Do you still skate, or is that in the past?” Cassie mused, her legs curled up beneath her on the couch.
“Not as much as I’d like,” Ethan confessed, picking up the near-empty wine bottle to top up their glasses. “A few years ago, a bunch of us started getting together in the community center rink for ice hockey. Nothing formal, just pick up games to blow off steam.”
“Why am I only finding out about this now?” she said, somewhat disgruntled. “We’ve known each other for almost three years!”
Ethan rolled his eyes at her dramatic response. “Because I have other, more pleasurable things to say and do when you’re around. Besides, I had Naveen’s condition to occupy my mind that first year, and then my mother’s return and addiction last year. This is the first normal holiday season for both of us.”
“You have a point,” Cassie conceded with a regal nod before twisting in her seat to regard him thoughtfully. “I bet you’re a goalie. You’ve got the build for it.”
“You’d lose that bet.” Ethan raised an eyebrow in amusement. “I play center.”
She harrumphed and then tapped her index finger against her lips. “Remember how we talked about making our own holiday traditions when we decorated the tree last week? Let’s add skating to the list. The Boston Common Frog Pond rink is open for the season, and it always looks fun when I go running past it.”
“I’ve been, and it is fun,” Ethan said. “How about Friday? You’re working a double before that, so should be post-call, right?”
“It’s a date,” Cassie smiled, intertwining her fingers with his and nestling against him. “This is going to be the best Christmas season ever!”
When Friday came, Ethan was run off his feet. Herb, one of his oldest patients, had been admitted with an unknown infection. He spent the entire day running tests, frustrated when the results didn’t reveal anything useful.
Deciding to return to the beginning, he sat behind his desk, switched on the monitor and pulled up Herb’s medical history. He wasn’t leaving here until he figured this out.
“You’re still working?”
Ethan looked up at the intrusion, eyes unfocused, the screen’s glare reflecting off his reading glasses. Cassie stood inside the sliding glass doors, wearing a pink long-sleeved sweater beneath a puffy white vest and black jeans. A knitted cap with white and pink stripes sat atop her long blonde hair.
He wondered whether she coordinated her outfits or if it was an innate style. Maybe even both.
He noted the small duffel bag in her hand and cursed internally. He’d utterly forgotten their skating date, and judging by Cassie’s amused expression, she knew it, too.
“You’re important to me. And I want you to know that,” Ethan said, coming around from behind the desk to stand before her. He took her hand in his.
“I do know that, but thank you for telling me,” Cassie chuckled, lightly swinging their clasped hands before letting go. “What’s going on?”
Ethan quickly explained the situation, running frustrated fingers through his hair, his inability to solve the case coming through in the irritated tone of his voice. Before he knew it, he started brainstorming Herb’s condition with her, pulling up test results and walking her through his thought process.
Herb wasn’t the diagnostic team’s patient, but it helped to have someone he trusted from the team working with him.
“Could be GI. Have you considered….”
“…barium follow through?” he said, reading her thoughts as perfectly as she could his. He frowned as he tried to connect the dots to the other symptoms.
“I thought I saw something in his chart,” she said, nudging him out of the chair to take control of his keyboard, her eyes scanning the electronic medical records. “Aha, there it is. Small bowel obstruction, managed through a steroid protocol, so no biopsy was done to rule out Crohn’s or colitis.”
“Good catch,” Ethan said, reading over her shoulder. “I’ll put in orders for a barium test tomorrow. Nothing more we can do today.”
Her light floral scent drifted into his nostrils, and he sighed in disappointment. Date nights were already hard to organize with their erratic schedules. He couldn’t help but feel he’d wasted this one.
He turned the office chair around, placed his hands on either side of her and leaned in. “I’m sorry, Cassie. I not only messed up our plans tonight, but I pulled you into this after you’d already worked a double shift. I heard about the clusterfuck that was last night.”
“That would be an apt word to describe it,” she murmured. “Not sure how I got home this morning, but at least it was quiet in the apartment with everyone else on shift.”
“Still, tonight was supposed to be the start of another holiday tradition for us,” he insisted.
For the first time in forever, he resented work coming in the way of his personal life.
Cassie framed his face between her hands. “I’m here with you. I’m right where I belong. Doing what I’m good at with the man I love and one who taught me that patients come first.”
Ethan closed the distance between them, his lips capturing hers in a slow, sweet kiss, thanking her for understanding with the promise of more to come. Cassie locked her hands behind his neck, and he tugged her out of the chair, reversing their positions without breaking the kiss.
They slowly drifted apart, foreheads touching. Cassie smiled softly, her fingers trailing down the side of his face. “Raincheck on our date?
Ethan checked his wristwatch and noted it was almost half past eight. Where had the last few hours gone?
“We could try to get to the Commons before the rink closes at nine,” he offered, mentally calculating the distance, traffic and parking situation.
“It’s okay,” Cassie said, getting off his lap and stretching her arms upward. “Another night. Besides, we’re doctors. Disrupted plans are par the course.”
“There are other rinks in Boston,” Ethan said, standing beside her. “Let me google what’s open. Tonight doesn’t have to be a total loss.”
“Actually,” Cassie said, taking her phone out and unlocking it. “Rafael’s old neighborhood has a small rink that’s open all night. He invited the Roomies there last year. It’s no Frog Pond, but it was nice. Let me text him.”
While she did that, Ethan tidied up his desk, closed out files and powered down his computer.
“Yes!” Cassie pumped one fist in the air. “It’s still around, and Raf is sending directions.”
An hour or so later, after stopping by his place to change and pick up skates, Ethan parked in the lot on the other side of the community park from where the rink was located. They walked hand in hand down the walkway, the soft glow of street lamps a welcome relief against the shadows around them.
The rink was small, as advertised, and empty, given the lateness of the hour. And yet Ethan liked it all the more for its relative privacy versus other public rinks.
“I like it out here. It’s peaceful,” Ethan commented as they sat on a bench and strapped on their skates.
“It’s popular with local families, so it can get busy early in the day,” Cassie explained, her voice muffled as she bent down to tighten her laces.
Ethan flicked the light switch, the red and green lights bright against the darkness. He stepped onto the rink, gliding effortlessly on the ice, feeling the familiar rush of wind rushing against his face.
“Whoops,” Cassie giggled behind him.
“Are you okay?” he asked, looking back to see her arms flailing before she caught her balance.
“I’m good,” she said, carefully holding herself still.
He laughed as recognition hit. For all Cassie’s bravado, she was not as comfortable on skates as she pretended to be.
“You think it’s funny?” She lifted her chin mulishly, spreading her legs wide and turning her skated feet inward.
“Yeah, I do,” Ethan smirked, skating in a loop around her.
He took her hand as she continued to struggle and wrapped his arms around her, holding her close. “Because I finally found something that Cassie Valentine isn’t good at.”
He grinned as Cassie pretended to be offended. She started to push against his arms, but her skates slipped, and she clung to him like a barnacle. Within seconds, they were both laughing at the absurdity of the situation.
“You figured me out,” she confessed, tears leaking from the corner of her eyes as she swallowed back her laughter.
She placed her gloved hands on his upper arms, her green eyes sparkling as they gazed into his. “I suck at skating. No matter how much I try, I will never be more than passable.”
Ethan brushed his hands down her arms and folded her hands in his. “Then it’s a good thing you have me to hold on to.”
He lowered his face as Cassie stretched on her toes, and their lips met in a kiss that chased the cold away. They looked up as snowflakes started to fall from the sky, sprinkling over them like stardust.
And under a starry, magical night with snow falling around them, Ethan looped Cassie’s arm through his and skated them expertly around the rink, making another holiday tradition just for them.
All Fics & Edits: @bluebelle08 @coffeeheartaddict2 @crazy-loca-blog @genevievemd @headoverheelsforramsey @lucy-268 @jamespotterthefirst @jerzwriter @lady-calypso @mainstreetreader @peonierose @potionsprefect @queencarb @quixoticdreamer16 @rookiemartin @socalwriterbee @tessa-liam @trappedinfanfiction
Submissions: @choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics @debbiechanclub
Ethan & Cassie only: @cariantha @custaroonie @youlookappropriate @zealouscanonindeer
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spectator-zee · 2 months
Hey there! I saw you've been starting to expand your own rewrite so I'd thought of a few questions or you! Now I'm not fully versed in your Wish AU, but I'm genuinely curious. So here we go:
How did you come up with the idea of your rewrite? Was it from watching the Disney movie or other people's rewrites?
How does SFTS!Asha interact with other Wish AU Ashas?
Same as #2, but with Apollo and the other Starboys. 😂
How long does your storyline go on?
Uhhhh.... Any Angst, I'm still new to it. 😅
How many songs are you including in your rewrite? Do they include A Wish Worth Making, or This is the Thanks I Get or perhaps an original song?
Is there a Flazino in your rewrite?
When can we expect the first chapter?
Are all 7 Teens included in SFTS, or is it reduced? Or are they just wiped from existence? 😂
Out of questions, but I want to give you a hug:
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Good luck on your stuff! 😎
1. How did you come up with the idea of your rewrite? Was it from watching the Disney movie or other people's rewrites?
I got inspiration from both my mutuals, the movie, some tropes i love from watching different anime and reading multiple Webtoons.
So my little wish au was born. It was initially was just going to be my little secret, just drawing my own version of Asha and Starboy and writing down some ideas for the AU whenever I have ideas for it, but when @signed-sapphire tagged me to recreate my Asha and Starboy on this picrew they found, well-
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I was forced to reveal my two kiddos 🤧
(Just kidding Saph ily platonically-)
Lots of stuff changed compared to the first draft too.
I actually had two other wish AUs before the current one i have right now.
One is a sort of villain AU of Asha and Starboy, where i named that Starboy Alzir. (I can't remember why i named that guy like that tho)
And one where Asha is the thought to be dead princess of Rosas turned vigilante of some sorts, also with a Starboy (also named Orion). The guy was WAY less traumatized than the current Orion, Good for him!
2. How does SFTS!Asha interact with other Wish AU Ashas?
The Kingdom of Roses and Thorns 🥀(by @your-ne1ghbor) My Asha enjoys spending time with Neighbor's TKoRaT!Asha, they would probably talk about hobbies and what they do to alleviate boredom when confined inside a castle. Though my Asha mostly focused on her job of doing paperwork and castle finances and whatever the heck a princess's job is inside the castle idk. Imagine Navier from Remarried Empress, i definitely got inspired by her a lot when it comes to my Asha.
The Fallen Star 🌠 by @signed-sapphire She would probably not get along with Saph's Asha very much, she'd also try to reel TFS!Asha back whenever she's being rude to someone.
I feel there would be a scenario where TFS!Asha would be ranting to my Asha about the TFS!Seven teens for not appreciating their perfect and benevolent princess and my Asha would just be looking at paperwork and be like-
"Mhm" "Yes, that must be awfully tragic"
My Asha would NOT be listening at all LOL
Reach for the Stars 🌌 @oh-shtars At this point she's not surprised that there's an AU where she's a servant instead. She'd also be kinda akward towards her. since most of the castle staff in my AU knows of her existence but hasn't seen her personally or thinks she's intimidating/standoffish and she'd try her best to not "scare" RFTS!Asha.
Aled Wish au 🏙️ by @uva124 They'd bond over coffee and overworking maybe?
The Kingdom of Wishes 🌟 by @annymation She'd ask advice on how to draw other people, as she only knows how to draw herself, her surroundings and some animals.
Wish Granted @rascalentertainments She can't tell if WG!Asha doesn't like her or not because of her sarcasm. Though she thinks that WG!Asha probably already doesn't like her due to her being adopted by the Royal couple.
The Wishing Kingdom 🏰 @chillwildwave She'd relate on to her not being good at magic and both of their Magnificos berating them for not being good at it, she'd try to teach some of the spells she learned by herself to TWK!Asha tho.
The Assistant and the Star 📚 @tumblingdownthefoxden If she ever hears about TaatS! Asha was being stalked, she would have been pretty pissed and if she had the authority, she would have had them arrested and served prison time or community service.
3. Same as #2, but with Apollo and the other Starboys.
The Kingdom of Roses and Thorns 🥀 With Neighbor's TKoRaT! Star, Orion sees him as his first Starboy friend, his homie, his first partner in crime! Whenever he wants to hang out with someone (that isn't Asha), he goes to find him first...and drags him along with his shenanigans
The Fallen Star 🌠 With Saph's Cielo, he now has a pranking buddy! (Besides TKoRaT!Star of course) He does get concerned that he trusts so easily towards strangers. But good thing he's a living lie detector and he'll look out for any bad guy that wanna take advantage of him....aaand cue him shooting an arrow at TFS!Mag. Sorry Saph-
Reach for the Stars 🌌 Sueño my boy, Orion would play music for him whenever he sees Sueno is upset or uncomfortable to calm his nerves. When he heard about how he got imprisoned by Magnifico and got his magic drained for years...well, let's just say he had a violent reaction and RFTS!Magnifico is going to be a pincushion once Orion gets his hands on him--
Aled Wish au 🏙️ Wish Uva's Haedus, he had to do a double take cause he can sense that Haedus is pretty powerful. But after getting over that, he thinks that he's really cool to hang out with. Orion would also love Naos and Nembus, he'd try to teach them how to perform spells that they can do even with weak magic.
The Kingdom of Wishes 🌟 He'd be in awe over Aster's cool cape and question how the heck did he manage to defeat his Magnifico. He'd also applaud that Aster was ready to square up against his Magnifico too, i still remember the swords he made out of stardust, even though it didn't hurt Magnifico, it was still one of my favorite moments.
Wish Granted 💫 WG!Star!!!! i love this little bundle of Joy, Orion would have a bit of a hard time keeping up with Star's energy at first though. He'd also be pretty protective as Star doesn't seem to recognize how dangerous his royal couple is.
The Wishing Kingdom 🏰 I remember wave mentioning that Antares has a tendency to lie a lot. Due to a past experience, Orion manifested the ability to tell when someone is lying. Whenever Antares lies about something, Orion...would not call him out on it, in public at least. He'd first yank him somewhere private and ask if he's okay and that he's here if Antares needs someone to talk with.
The Assistant and the Star 📚 He can heavily relate with having healing powers yet not being able to save people who they needed to protect. (I love Altan's backstory btw) On a less angsty note, They'd bond over being the only Starboys having fluffy fur on their outfits. Orion would start a "Starboys with Fluffy fur on their outfits" club, only with two members at the moment :')
4. How long does your storyline go on?
In universe it would either be a few months or a year at most.
Cause I feel like it would be like an anime/cartoon(??) series with episodes in it to show dynamics of side characters with one another, or Asha and Orion shenanigans, The Royal couple shenanigans, even an episode dedicated to Asha's owl and Amaya's cat just having beef with each other. Asha and Orion needs time to establish trust with one another over time. Gain allies to stand against the King and Queen, Make the people doubt about the Royal couple, Arc where Asha gets to explore outside the castle walls!, Asha having her first public appearance, episode showing what happened to Rosas' previous King and second prince, Orion backstory, 7 teens POV, all that fun stuff.
(Disclaimer: I am NOT writing all that- I have NO writing experience whatsoever, my au is just a fun little concept that i would just either draw out or share little fun facts about whenever inspiration strikes)
5. Uhhhh.... Any Angst, I'm still new to it. 😅
Magnifico gifted Asha a crown made of thorny vines for her birthday, she still wears despite it being hurting because it's the only crown she has. And to remind herself that a princess's job is a heavy/painful burden.
6. How many songs are you including in your rewrite? Do they include A Wish Worth Making, or This is the Thanks I Get or perhaps an original song?
I don't really plan on Writing this au, it's more like a fun concept that i would share fun facts of or draw occasionally. But if there would be music in it, it would include most of the Songs that are already in the movie except:
• I'm a star • This is the thanks i get • Knowing what i know now
and i would replace them with songs like:
• Wouldn't you like
(Because i freaking LOVE Epic the Musical okay? and Orion would be the type to sing a happy tune with some sinister lyrics sometimes lol)
Here, Orion makes an offer of partnership between him and Asha, he'd be her ally in the quest of preventing Magnifico and Amaya's plans, he also sings some of their crimes during the song too
"She can turn you into an animal that would end up on a plate! "She can all but make you fall in love, like you're on your hundredth date! "He can turn into a monster! And he'll grind you to the bone" "They have all the ways to haunt ya, if you take them all alone!"
He sings these crimes that they they have done in a catchy tune so Asha won't get too spooked but he makes sure that she understands that those two are definitely dangerous and you should be very cautious around them. Because they have definitely done these acts, and would definitely do it again to any person who would oppose them.
• They're only Human
Here the Royal couple sings a duet, looking down on the people that are so far beneath them. Also I'd imagine them singing the Annapantsu and Caleb Hyles Cover instead of the OG version (I still love the og tho)
Not entirely sure what rebellion song I would replace "Knowing what I know now" though
And if there would be an Original song, it would be a song about Asha singing/comforting Orion because he's having a mental breakdown. Singing to him along the lines of- "Deep breaths" "Count with me" "And Repeat"
Idk I'm not a songwriter
And it would be named something like- "Don't blame yourself" or "Things that weren't your fault"
And at some point, Orion would sing this back to her, like a reprise of sorts when she's the one who needs comforting
p.s. I just realized that "Here comes a thought" from Steven Universe would be a perfect alternative instead oh my god-
7. Is there a Flazino in your rewrite?
Oh yeah he exists, Asha gave him a raise once, surprised that he didn't quit being Magnifico's magic apprentice since all the previous ones quit and was never seen again (She's secretly investigating where they are as she caught wind of their families being worried sick about them). Flazino didn't know why his salary increased and who did it, cause it's definitely not Magnifico or Amaya, but he's grateful to that person.
He also goes around Rosas to help with his magic, as he's one of the only people in the kingdom authorized to use magic. (Being Magnifico's apprentice and all)
8. When can we expect the first chapter?
I'm not really a writer, so i actually plan to show some happenings in my au with drawings once motivation strikes once in a while, or if some people asks me about stuff about my au cause i don't really talk about stuff unless someone asks me about it
9. Are all 7 Teens included in SFTS, or is it reduced? Or are they just wiped from existence? 😂
They exist! They help their parents who work at the castle, like an internship of sorts so they would take their places once they have come of age. (This might change in the future who knows)
10. Out of questions, but I want to give you a hug
❤️❤️❤️HUG!! ヾ(≧ ▽ ≦)ゝ❤️❤️❤️
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Familia mea mea est domus – My family is my home
I loved @mistydeyes medical checkup thingy here and got a little inspired, so thanks for that, hun
Unedited because I wrote this on a whim
Tagging my usuals that asked, just because: @glitterypirateduck @letsreadallday @jamesrifftapes @sofasoap @mmyrrhh
A soft knock on his office's door made Price look up briefly.
''Come in''
The door opened swiftly, even before the last word was uttered, and Riot stepped inside, closing behind her hurriedly. Then, without asking, she all but collapsed on the chair in front of him.
''Oh, good you're here, I need clarification on what this means, my German is a bit rusty...'' Price leaned back in his chair, leaving his fountain pen and looking up again, but the slight grin on his face disappeared when he saw her eyes.
Her haunted, wide eyes.
Riot's blue-gray eyes - no, Christine's - looked straight into his, unblinking, and he noticed that just as she sat down, her right knee had started bouncing wildly.
''I have my physical checkup'' Even her voice sounded lower than normal, strained, controlled. ''In half an hour''
''I know'' Price nodded, still lost about what could have happened. ''What's the matter, kid?''
''Can you come with me?''
''... what?''
She moved slightly in the chair, visibly uncomfortable, but her eyes didn't waver and still stared at him, desperate, pleading.
''In my file there's specifications that say I only want female personnel in the physical checkup'' When Price nodded again, Christine tried to overcome the knot in her throat. ''I was just there. There's only male personnel working at the moment. They told me Dr. Benítez was on break and wouldn't be back till noon''
''Can't they move your appointment to when she's in?'' Price was already shutting down his laptop, knowing where this was going, and feeling the exasperation boiling inside. Fucking idiots everywhere.
''They said I could either do the checkup now with the personnel that was in or they would put in my file that I refused to do it'' Christine's voice was even lower now, her fingers tapping furiously on her thighs, and her right knee still bouncing. ''Price, I can't...''
Half an hour later, Price was sitting uncomfortably right in front of the door of the room where Dr. Benitez and a female nurse were performing the physical exam on Sgt. Vega. It had cost him only five minutes of raising his voice at the incompetent idiot in charge of the clinic for the day, and a personal call to Dr. Benitez's phone (who had been appalled by the situation and cut her break short, God blessed that woman, and told off herself the idiots at the reception).
''I know. I'll fix this'' Price stood up and walked around his desk to offer his hand to her. ''Come on, kid, we're gonna give them a piece of our minds''
To pass the time, he had sent a text to Heather, explaining the situation, and her answer had been almost instant, and indignant.
I personally put in her file she was NOT to be examined physically by any male presenting person. I'm going to raise hell at whoever is ignoring the personal notes in people's files.
Great, now Heather was in the warpath too. Sighing, Price was about to put his phone away when he got a message from Nikolai, some stupid short video of something he had found on the internet.
For a second he considered telling him, but decided against it. There was no need to have an angry Russian mercenary storming into the base demanding to behead someone for upsetting his solnysh... solhn... his sunshine.
Price also wondered why she hadn't asked Soap or Gaz, or Ghost, but was still musing over it when the door opened and Christine stepped out, talking with Dr. Benitez.
It was like night and day. Now she looked her usual self, or at least her usual masking self, chatty and bright, confident and brilliant. Dr. Benitez nodded at Price and then went back inside, and Christine walked over to him as he stood up.
''All set, kid?''
''All set, sir'' She smiled, and then offered him a lollipop. Price stared at it for a second and then at her eyes, unable to avoid grinning when he saw the usual mischief in there. How in the world he had ended with two Soap in the same unit was beyond him, but it made him feel thankful everyday.
''Really? A lollie?''
''She gave me one and I asked for another one for you'' Christine shrugged, with a cheeky grin. He noticed with sadness how the left corner of her lips was uneven, twisted due to the scar, but he admired her 'fuck it all' attitude about it and her refusal to wear her mask most of the time.
''Oh, thank you then'' Price accepted the lollipop and both unwrapped them as they walked to the exit. ''I'm glad I was still around to come with you. I bet if Ghost, Soap and Gaz had arrived sooner from the drill with the rookies they would have been happy to accompany you''
Christine hummed quietly, enjoying the lollipop, but when he finished talking she looked up at him.
''They were already back when I asked you''
Price opened the door for her, and stared at her hair as she stepped out. She had gone to him, for support and safety, even when she could have chosen any of the other Sergeants or Ghost. Price was well aware of the something brewing between the Lieutenant and her, and that her and Soap were practically siblings, and that Gaz and her were thick as thieves too... but still, she had sought him out instead of them... His heart swelled.
''Alright, sunshine'' Price ruffled her hair playfully, grinning when she protested. ''I think we've earned a coffee. Let's go find the rest of the muppets. My treat''
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Hi, everyone! It's been a hot minute. Life has been lifeing a bit too much and now I'm in a very stressful period. My mental health is... not doing amazing, but the escapism urge is biiiiig so chapters might be updated soon for both WYGTYA and HOTHS! I have no idea how consistent I will be, as I fluctuate between emotionally charged inspiration boom and mental exhaustion. I *do* have stuff to share for this tag game, however, so have snippets:
~WYGTYA chapter 17 (do not be fooled by this, the chapter is a fucking angst-fest):
“You…” she breathes, “you’ve been spending too much time with us.”
“Maybe too little. I’m no prude, you know?”
“Sorry, you just seem the type to put your hand on your hips and say ‘Language!’ when people swear.”
“Gods, is that the impression I give?”
“Eh, you’re right. I don’t know you well enough to say. I’m sorry, I think it’s just ‘cause you’re a healer, you know?” 
“Hopefully we’ll have enough time to fix my tarnished reputation, hm?”
“We were talking about feelings.”
“You were.”
~HOTHS chapter 4:
“Still alive, and look! I found us a bartender.” Rhaim says, yanking a warhammer from a dead Thalmor and swinging it, hitting three in the process. He nods towards a Nord not too far away, kicking his way through the mass of Thalmor and throwing every sharp object he gets at them.
“I’m not a fucking bartender, you fucker!” He shouts, and Signe couldn’t be more elated. He looks feral, blood staining his rags and his blond hair. He fights with a rage that she can feel radiating, even from where she’s fighting.
He stabs a Thalmor right through the heart with a dagger. Signe realizes that she let herself get distracted by the possible new addition to the crew when she feels a sharp pain in her upper arm and sees that she’s been slashed by the very Thalmor who let them enter this place. But just as she was readying herself for a fight, a flying dagger pierces through her skull, right in the middle of her forehead, eyes rolling in the back of her head and dropping dead within seconds. She can hear a distant “Told you I have exceptional aim!”. Signe jerks her head back to the Nord, who’s approaching the body to retrieve the knife.
“The one-eyed woman! You’re kind of a celebrity around here.” He grins, kicking another Thalmor who approached Signe behind her back. “Nice to finally meet you, fellow Nord. I’m Edward. If you need a cook in your crew, I’m your man.”
I'm tagging @bougainvillea-and-saltwater @hircines-hunter @dirty-bosmer @bostoniangirl21 @illumiera if you haven't done this already and want to do it 💖💖
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weaveandwood · 19 days
WIP Wednesday
I was tagged by @alpydk (thank youuuuuu friend!) and several people over the last couple weeks to post WIPs. Well, truth is, I've been suffering from writer's block. After I published Midnight at the Elfsong, all desire to write left me, so I took a break. And that break led to me starting to play Dragon Age: Inquisition along with a few friends here and that led to me getting the most intense brain rot that I've had since I discovered Gale Dekarios.
I haven't felt this inspired in a long time, and as someone who lost their creative spark for 8 years, I am determined to follow where it goes - I will not lose it again. And right now, it is heading down a Dragon Age path. In writing for this new fandom, I'm finding that the BG3 portion of my brain that was locked down is finally starting to come unlocked so hopefully I can update Weave and Woods and The Bard and The Blade (and write more smutty one shots!) soon.
For now, I am following the path my creativity leads me, wherever that is, and now, in addition to Baldur's Gate, my blog will feature my own Dragon Age works (I have already been reblogging stuff, but this feels like an announcement).
I hope you'll stick around! I'm not going anywhere in the BG3 fandom, I'm still thirsty for Gale. I'm just also REALLY thirsty for Cullen Rutherford and Warden Blackwall and want to show my love, even if I am 10 years late.
That said! Here is a snippet from something I wrote today about my Inquisitor Brinni, a dual-wielding rogue elf.
Brinni. Beloved and favored of the Keeper of Clan Lavellan. Hunter.  Spy. Suspect. Prisoner. Herald of Andraste. Brinni. Who even am I anymore? Brinni thought as she leaned against the heavy stone gate, staring out over the lake that Haven overlooked.  Haven. For who? Not her.  She was to stay here, help the Inquisition as the Herald of Andraste. She kicked an errant rock on the ground, her mood as cold as the weather. All around her she heard whispers, the skeptics and faithful both talking about the Herald of Andraste.  Did you hear? She closed the rift, sent by Andraste herself! An elf? Chosen by Andraste? But I thought she was a prisoner for killing The Divine? She laughed to herself. She was no herald. She was just someone who was in the wrong place at the wrong time and found herself embroiled in…whatever this was. Surrounded by more humans than she had ever seen in her life and eyed with suspicion wherever she went. She wished she could remember what happened. She wished her Keeper had not chosen her to attend the Conclave. She wished she was back in the wilderness of the northern Free Marches, hunting with her clan mates, her friends, her family. Her eyes stung with tears that would remain unshed. There were too many watching her, and she would not give them anything else to gossip about. She knew she should make the rounds, start talking to these new people that surrounded her, but she wasn’t ready to leave Brinni the hunter behind and become Brinni the Herald.  So she stared at the water some more. The lake’s gentle waves coupled with the rhythmic clangs of steel from the training area soothed her. She instinctively reached over her head for her dagger, remembering they were safely tucked away in her quarters. She wanted to train, to fight, to hunt, but all she could do was stand, watch, and be watched.
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amethystfairy1 · 9 months
hello internet stranger,
i am in love. you've infected both me and my sister with your brainrot and captivating fics, we've talked about it non-stop the past few days, so naturally we have some questions.
But first, i want to ask what your boundaries are w/ fanart and writing. i've already drawn a couple pieces, are you alright with me posting them, and what should i tag them with? Also, i'm feeling very inspired to write more zed and tango for the travelling thieves au, is that alright if i take your ideas and just yoink them? Im not planning to post whatever i write at this point :P
anyways, moving on, i have a few world-building questions for you, starting w/ traveling thieves:
how does the mercenary guild and hits system work? Can anyone put a hit out on anyone, or do they have to be a wanted criminal? also, how does gem choose her targets? i like to believe she has some sort of moral compass in picking, but knowing the world they live in, i can't be certain
this is less of a question, but i don't see how the world can be resolved. For ttsbc, the obvious solution to the undercity folk living freely is that they overthrow the overcity government or just remove the laws keeping them banned. Sure, it'd be difficult, but from what we've seen, most people don't actually have strong prejudices against the undercity, they just vaguely believe they're evil, which can be very easily disproved. For traveling thieves, it's completely different, because not only is the discrimination in the government, it's in the people themselves; merely changing the laws would not change how people see hybrids, so how can that be fixed? My best solution to them all getting a happy ending is that they run away and found their own civilization where all hybrids can be free, but it doesnt seem like a likely scenario
again, not really a question, but I'm so so so happy in the latest fh piece that they looted the bodies of their attackers. the first time i read it through, i was practically screaming at the screen, telling them to grab the loot and weapons before they continued
next, ttsbc:
4. how do the mobs work? do they act like any normal animal, in that they just kinda exist and happen to be very hostile, or do they follow minecraft mob mechanics and spawn into existence from nothing when the conditions are right? could they theoretically all be exterminated? do all of them dislike light, like the zombies in the cleo bdubs fic? if they do, why are they making their way to the overcity?
5. how did the undercity become a thing? Was it just always there, or was it manmade? did hybrids and mutants always live underground? are the pits really bottomless? and if so, is the world a globe, or is it flat? i understand you might not have thought very deeply about these things before jumping in, but my sister and i were theorizing about different answers. i figured the undercity isnt manmade just like the grand canyon isnt manmade, it just came about through natural processes, and mutants and hybrids just evolved(?) seperately from humans, underground, which is a whole other can of worms with the science behind that. an idea about the "bottomless" pits has to do with physics. at the center of the earth (if it were hollow), you wouldn't feel gravity because it would pull on you equally in all directions. so maybe the bottomless pit really just leads to the center of the earth, and you're not really falling forever, you're just suspended in the center forever lol. not falling, but not hitting the bottom, either
anyways, this was a really long ask (i hope thats ok), and i still have more to say, but i'll leave it there for now. again, i love the angst, and have a wonderful day. im gonna try to get some work done, but it probs wont happen with all the brainrot XD
Hello hello! ✨
I'm so honored that you and your sister are enjoying my AUs and fics so much! That you've been talking about them and theorizing over them is so awesome to hear! Knowing that they've become something fueling discussion is super cool!
I LOVE IT ALL! Fanart/fanworks/fanfic I wanna see all of it! I would absolutely love it if you would post your fanart! Please use either the (#traveling thieves au) or (#through the sky blue cracks) depending on which AU it is for and mention me in the post (@amethystfairy1) so I can see it! And of course you are welcome to write fics based in my AU or using my characterizations, in fact I'd love it if you did! It's the best thing to hear that my writing has inspired someone else to get creative! I know you said you had no intentions of posting it, but if you ever do, please use the same hashtags here if on tumblr, or if you use A03 list the appropriate fic/series as inspiration and please credit me in the notes if you don't mind! I'm looking forward to seeing anything either fanart/fanfic related that you've created!
The mercenary guild is basically like the underground/illegal version of the adventurer guild, and they'll take any jobs that the adventurer guild won't. Blackmail, assassination, smuggling, you name it. Gem has something of a moral compass, but it isn't exactly the strictest thing in the world. We learn when she meets Mumbo in Grian's wing preening fic that she is on her way to assassinate a noblemans son, and while that is a bit of a wink wink nudge nudge if you can figure out who that son is, exactly, it's still Gem agreeing to kill a teenager who is guilty of little more than pissing off the wrong person. Cruel world and all.
Perhaps that's exactly point? 😌 With Traveling Thieves, I did not set out to make a world that could be resolved or escaped from...the whole point is that it is cruel and inescapable, and the best you can do is continue to protect yourself and those you care about...and even then, you might fail to do that. You might be set up to fail in a sick system that would never give you a chance in the first place. And the best you can do is try to put the pieces back together in the aftermath. I don't want Traveling Thieves to resolve in any traditional sense of the word...for where that'll lead all our various characters, well, you'll have to wait and see. 🤔
Loot that body LOOT THAT BODY NOW 💃
They're like your typical minecraft mobs, they spawn in places with low light levels! We've also got some homebrew monsters that I've come up with, such as the bird-men, that we will be meeting as time goes on. Certain monsters such as zombies do avoid light, but there are plenty of monsters will go above bedrock just like certain monsters in minecraft can survive in the sun, like creepers and endermen. No, they can never be exterminated because of how they spawn!
The pits aren't bottomless, we've seen the bottom after all, where Pearl, Jimmy, and Grian were in the Depths! It is a natural chasm beneath the bedrock, and the various caves and tunnels stretch are incredibly huge and diverse, so while everything connects back to the main cavern of the under-city that's so huge, there are also other caves and tunnels where other groups live that we will be learning about eventually, such as the blaze-born pyres or where Cub is from in the Deep Dark!
It is completely totally 100% ok! I love getting long asks like this that give me the chance to develop and worldbuild the AUs and mention some details that might never really show up within the fics themselves! So by all means send more questions and thoughts! And I'd also love to see the fanarts you mentioned if you still are up to posting them, I can't draw so anything anyone draws that has anything to do with my AUs makes me incredibly happy! 😆
Thanks so much for coming by! 💖
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ibrithir-was-here · 2 years
Another little Corinthian Bros drabble, this one set after they actually start to like eachother. Inspired by the recent ask by @karalynlovescake and @lunaticus tags on that ask. Thanks for the inspo!
Rest for the Wicked
Dreams and Nightmares didn't sleep, They didn't need to sleep, they weren't created to need or even want sleep. They especially weren't meant to shirke their duties to catch a quick cat-nap. Not even the cat-shaped ones. 
The Corinthian of course made it a point of pride to do what he shouldn't. 
The Corinthian had, point of fact, spent plenty of time in bed in the Waking World, but none of his time spent there had involved anything at all restful. And he hadn't had even the faintest desire to visit his place of origin for so much as a five minute doze when he'd been free to wander the Waking. There was too much to see, to do, to taste.
And yet somehow, now he found himself sprawled out on top of a hill in Fiddler's Green with the Kid curled up next to him, head resting against the Corinthian's shoulder. The younger nightmare's breath went softly in and out, making his eyelashes flutter over his eye teeth as his consciousness floated in some lower level of awareness, mimicking sleep as closely they could get here in the Dreaming. 
The Corinthian looked down at him, watching as his chest rose and fell, completely at ease. So calm, so vulnerable. As if totally unaware that he lay next to the horror of all horrors to stalk the Dreaming.
But then, wasn't that the younger nightmare's calling as well?
Perhaps it was the Corinthian who should be afraid, wary of the sleeping menace that could rouse at any moment and turn on him after having lulled him into a false security, only to strike when he least expected it. 
The Corinthian reached out and brushed away a lock of too long hair that had once more fallen into one the Kid's eye-mouths as it gave a tiny snore.
Oh yes, blood curdling terrifying this one. 
It felt strange, to rest like this. To be a position he'd been in so many times and yet not have it be colored by the cravings of lust nor hunger. To look at his companion in this moment and feel…fondness. Protective. 
The Kid had worn himself ragged these last few weeks, trying to prove himself to Dream, trying to prove himself to the Corinthian. He'd taken each new assignment with intensity, if not relish. With exactness, if not enthusiasm. He'd done all that he'd been asked and more.
And the Corinthian could see that it was draining him, even as the Kid knelt at Dream's feet and gazed up at his Creator with a fervor that the Corinthian remembered he once had felt (perhaps still did, deep deep down). The Kid might have smiled under Dream's praise, but there were dark circles below two of those smiles.
It had been when he'd seen the Kid stumble almost into a wall as he'd walked away from the throne room that the Corinthian had decided enough was enough.
"But I'm supposed to go do a nightmare right now. If Lord Dream finds out I skipped it--" 
"You won't be able to terrify anyone if you trip over your own feet the moment you try to saunter down a flickering hallway. Now you come with me and let me worry about Dream. Worse comes to worse we tell him I talked you into playing hooky. Which is true. "
And he'd taken the Kid off to a far corner of Fiddler's Green where he knew he'd be able to get some shut eye. The old verdant dream liked the Kid, he wouldn't tell on them once he saw how worn out he was. 
Actually most of the Major Arcana and staff liked the Kid, for all the pranks he pulled and mischief he got up to you couldn't really help but like him. It was part of his make up, the part of the Corinthian that was meant to draw you in to make slipping the knife between your ribs that much easier.
Only with the Kid the knife never came, not if he could possibly help it anyway. He had no compunctions about frightening dreamers who really deserved it, but he much preferred a good spook to a slaughter. 
And that was precisely the problem.
He was meant to be the new Corinthian, meant to be the black mirror held up to show humanity the horror inside them, the depths they could sink to, so that they would never wish to do so within the Waking. It was brutal, disturbing work. Necessary work Dream would say. It was the reason he'd called the Corinthian his masterpiece.
And Kid was just too darn soft to go as dark as he should to do it.
The Corinthian wondered if this was a result of Dream attempting to curb  what he saw as the overly savage tendencies within himself when the Dreamlord crafted his replacement, and overcorrecting…
Or, if it was some flaw he'd passed onto the Kid himself. Something inherent in his nature that made this new Corinthian also lacking, also unable to fulfill his Creator's expectations as Dream had hoped. 
Was it simply in the nature of their being to disappoint, in one way or the other?
And if so…what did that mean for the Kid? Would Dream decide to be content with the flawed product  he had as long as the Kid stayed within the bounds he set?
Or would the Lord Shaper decide that third times the charm, and sweep the dust of both of them off his hands? 
All three of the Corinthian's sets of teeth clenched at the thought, and he tightened his grip on the young sleeping nightmare. 
No, no he'd break his parole and skip out to the Waking World with the Kid in tow if it even came close to feeling like that might happen. 
The Kid might not want to go, of course, might think he could reason with Dream, think if he pleads at his Lord's feet, he'd be shown mercy.
Well-- the Corinthian thought, looking over once more at the Kid, the Kid he'd never have known if Dream hadn't kept him around to train him--perhaps Dream did have some mercy. 
He just didn't fancy testing how far it would stretch. 
Yes, the Corinthian would get them out if he had too. He'd run before and he could do it again. True, Dream had been imprisoned then, but he'd figure something out. He--they, were the Corinthian. 
And they wouldn't go down without a fight. 
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alpydk · 5 months
this is a super fun tag prompt list, thanks @orangekittyenergy
tagging: @sofancydancy and @senualothbrok
Right, let's see how this goes.
Last book I read: Pride and Prejudice. Had never read it before but the whole Tim Downie cameo got me doing it. Then watched the BBC series with a friend and we swooned something major over Colin Firth. I've picked up some other books since then but just haven't found the motivation to get through them. Looking at Dark Tower book 5 as well for the last year...
Greatest literary inspiration: I'm honestly not sure. My partner is the real reader of the two of us. I've enjoyed Dark Tower, The Witcher Series (Honestly still in love with Cahir from them), and Leaves of Grass is my poetry go-to. But inspiration, going to be silly but the Hardcore series by Andy Remic (RIP), is such a great series of books. They're not the most literary genius type books but the action is cool, I love the characters. They make me want to write cool shit too.
Things in my current fandom I want to read but I don't want to write:
Smut. Honestly, my abilities with writing smut are limited. I have no patience for flowery language (yeah I write poetry but I know what I mean.) but it means when it comes to writing my own smut it is very matter-of-fact and lacks what I'm looking for. I'm also very picky about my smut due to an annoying logical brain. If you say someone moves their arm and then they move something else I see that and if I can't follow it directly I'm just going to put it down.
You can recognise my writing by:
Lots of short prose-type sentences. I like the effect of repetition and I especially like writing in a more personal talking type way. I especially love to monologue so if anyone does recognise my writing it's probably from these things. I especially love writing anything angst, it's so therapeutic and I love being able to draw out emotions from other people. I can do this with sweet fluff stuff too but angst really is more enjoyable.
My most controversial take ( current fandom):
I hate the word folds. (Not fandom relations but still.) Makes me think of a packed ham sandwich.
Fandom-related though - Astarion fans can get pretty feral over their views of his character. I get it, Gale fans are the same but I've left groups over the rabidness.
Current writing mood (10 – super motivated and churning out words like crazy, 0 – in a complete rut): Currently about a 4 but it can vary depending on the hour and the inspiration. I completed the Nana story and now feel a little lost as to what the next project will be. Ideas are escaping me.
Top three favourite tropes: The whole "enemy to lovers" thing. I mean this in a 2 people who argue and fall in love, not as in the real enemies to lovers.
Star-crossed lovers, especially if they really are both doomed. Astarion/Karlach if she is going to burn up. I love that tragic acceptance. Give me more of that.
I like a loveable rogue too. Hook from OUAT.
Share a random frustration: AU fiction losing characterisations. Once your fiction hits a point where you could replace the characters with any other from any other series I'm going to stop reading it. Great, you want X to be sub, but if he wouldn't actually act that way in canon, why are you even using him as a character? It's AU, fine but then make it OC or use another fandom. Don't force me to read through 13 chapters of semi-ok stuff just to destroy the characters so you can fulfil the soap opera-esque drama that gets you the hits. I get it's difficult but this is my pet peeve. Rant over...
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mrbexwrites · 27 days
WIP Questionnaire
@surroundedbypearls tagged me here - thanks :D
Tagging @sarahlizziewrites @queen-tashie @words-after-midnight @cowboybrunch @spideronthesun + open tag for anyone who wants to join in :) I'm working on Blood Union so I'll answer for this WIP!
1. What’s the first part of your WIP that you created?
I have a notepad where I outline the main plot points/scenes that I want to write. This is my kind of zero-draft and I'll use this to write my WIP. It helps me know how to structure my story and mostly keeps the characters in check. I'm a certified planner.
2. If your story was a TV show, what would the theme song/intro be?
Most likely the chorus to Danger Angel by Larkin Poe. This song is pretty much was inspired Mave. (I'm obsessed with the live version, but the studio version works just as well!)
3. What are your favorite characters that you made? Why?
Mavis is my favourite, as I've written all of the Blood trilogy from her POV. She's fun to write as she's so different from me; confrontational and doesn't choke on her anger. Anton, who started off as a background character, has crept to the fore, and has been a surprise success. He's become such a layered person (in my opinion) and has take on a much more central role. He's just a cranky, curmudgeon who is a secret cinnamon roll when it comes to his cats.
4. What other pieces of media do you think your fanbase would share?
Most likely Supernatural & Buffy. I feel that there's a lot of crossover between these shows and my WIP.
5. What has been your biggest struggle with your WIP?
At the moment? Finding time to write. I'm either too tired from work, or have too much stuff to do, so my writing takes a backseat. I find that really frustrating. I just want a week off worok to complete everything on my to-do list, so that I can have a guilt-free black to just sit and write!
6. Are there any animals in your story? Talk about them!
Other than demons, the main animals that make an appearance, are Anton's cats. Domagoj is a big, fat, ginger street- tom, and Božica, his prize-winning ragdoll, as well as her kittens.
7. How do your characters travel/get around?
Mavis has an old transit van that she's converted into a campervan a la #vanlife as it allows her to be mobile when on the hunt for demons. Arnauld, being a billionaire demon has a range of sportscars, and Anton, a self-proclaimed petrol-head, loves an SUV (not just because they're good for running people over with!)
8. What part of your WIP are you working on right now?
I'm not even 10k words into this WIP, so still very early stages. I don't tend to write in chapters- I add them when I start doing my first editing skim- but I'm probably only around chapter 3 or 4
9. What aspects (tropes, maybe?) you think will draw your audience in?
I hope- Action Girl Mave, her dymanic with her found family, her antagonism of Arnauld, and her budding friendship with Anton and his cats.
10. What are your hopes for your WIP?
That I can get it finished sometime this year, and it doesn't need too much editing 😭
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