#i found the school
muffinrag · 8 months
oh man. i did it. i found my fucking trade.
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zipsunz · 16 days
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for such a cheerful guy, amada-senpai listens to some really emo stuff...
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Bruce: How was your class trip Damian?
Damian: It was quiet and productive Father.
Bruce: I’m glad to hear it. What was your favorite part?
Damian: I learned how to escape an Iron Maiden.
Bruce: …
Damian: …
Bruce: Explain please.
Damian: A boy Drake’s age taught me how to escape an Iron Maiden.
Bruce: How did he have that knowledge?
Damian: He claims his family has a dungeon full of medieval torture devices. I believe he may require further investigation.
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crrows · 4 months
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A velveteen OP from Cornet
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foolishlovers · 6 months
anything can be a good omens au if you’re unhinged enough
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lucky-fy · 2 months
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For the Laicion nation (aka, me and three other people)
I had this illustration commissioned (a big thank you to @lunehowls) for my werewolf AU Laicion fic (still a WIP).
The general pitch is as follows :
AU in which Laios never got to meet his sister again, putting his life on a whole other path, a more desperate one. A military deserter with barely a coin to his name, Laios hitches a ride on a boat to one of the elven continents, where he learns about magical tattoos that binds one’s soul to a wolf’s, effectively making them artificial werewolves. Illegal magic be damned, this feels like the answer to… everything.
In the process, he learns about the existence of an illegal fighting ring in one of the elven cities, where beastmen gladiators gather. Freshly tattooed and without anywhere else to go to, Laios decides to head there, where he meets Lycion, an elf and artificial werewolf gladiator. If they first bond over a simple shared meal, by spending time together (sharing the same room in the barracks, maybe the same bed? gasp) they find that they have a lot in common, notably a shared distaste for the body they were born in, a dysphoria partially remedied by becoming a werewolf.
They bond :)
NB: I commissioned another piece, go take a look :D
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favoure · 11 months
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heyyy <3
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parchmentknight · 5 months
yeah mr. the king bust it down yeah yeah uh yeah yeah
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i finally finished this piece. i still have some qualms with it though, but if i didnt finish it now it would stay rotting in my ibispaint app and the thought of it staying unfinished would haunt me. if i get another wave of "king new vegas/elvis hyperfixation" then... maybe ill do another. actively avoiding looking too long at him because then i start picking it apart and seeing all the mess-ups and UGH. im gonna listen to some elvis.
minorly unrelated but im devastated that i will never see a real frank sinatra, dean martin, perry como, and other ratpack concert... i was watching dean martin's live concert in london with my dad and i was just lamenting. I WANT TO SEE THEM MAKE FUN OF EACH OTHER AND PUSH EACH OTHER OFF THE STAGE!!!! dean martin and sinatra just fooling around, the atmosphere, the music (guy who only listens to 40s, 50s, and sometimes 60s all day every day), the comedy? everything except, you know, the beliefs and bad stuff. i like having rights.
and i gave him a spiked baseball bat instead of a mic. yippee!
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kawaiichibiart · 4 months
Hello, yes, I need more cards where the characters interact with their younger selves.
I want more of this please:
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potatoeofwisdom · 11 months
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Me: hey brain, can we think normal things tonight?
Me: *quietly* ...what the fuck
Brain: Dean is working on an excavation in a cave system when he uncovers this. fcking HUMAN BEING WITH *WINGS* AND *TOO MANY EYES*. PRESERVED IN ROCK IN THE SAME STRATA AS THE DINOSAURS. And ofc Dean is really freaked out and scared of this thing, but then he notices that the figure is curled forward over something, and as he looks closer he sees the skeletons of a nest of baby raptors that the "human" figure was holding tight to its chest, like it was trying to shield them from something. And he realizes that this... Thing... died protecting them.
Except the "human" figure isnt a skeleton, its preserved fully in the rock. Or perhaps...
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puppetmaster13u · 7 months
Prompt 71
Klarion is delighted, excited, impatient, and so very happy. He’s found a friend, not the justice league baby-crew who don’t know how to make friends properly or the order-magician who doesn’t play right, but another realm-being his age! They’re even around the same death-date, his is just a couple years earlier! But to beings who aren’t adults until they’re well into the hundreds that’s practically nothing!
His new friend even has a familiar too- even if he has to explain what a familiar is- and, and even shares his two other friends with him! 
He’s been in this world for what feels like so long trying to make friends and he’s made three in just a month! And they even know how to properly play and wrestle without targeting Teekl like a certain order lord who he doesn’t like. 
Oh! Hey it’s the justice league kiddy-crew! Were they feeling neglected or something?
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ekat-fandom-blog · 1 year
Jack decides he needs a bit of time away from family to mourn the loss of his one sided friendship with Vlad and Vlad's death. So he takes a trip to Gotham. On this trip, he runs into Damian and Tim, who are convinced he's Captain Marvel in disguise.
Meanwhile, Jason's also run into Jack as he's coming into his ghost powers. Jason starts freaking out because someone just saw him when his new powers started glitching. Panicking only worsens the situation as now he can't figure out how to get his foot un-caught in the cement.
Jack, despite not knowing if this kid is a halfa or not, decides to give him advice based on how Danny told him his powers work. It works.
Now, Jason has a sort-of mentor that he didn't ask for but definitely needs, and Jack has something to do while he sorts out his feelings on the whole Vlad-was-never-his-friend thing.
Eventually, Damian and Tim catch them while Jack is trying to explain how Jason might have a second form. While Jack explains, Jason just transforms. His ghost form isn't what either expected. Jack was expecting something similar to Danny's or Vlad's. Not a winged little kid with a mask.
To be honest, this just solidifies that this guy is Captain Marvel for Damian and Tim. Obviously he decided to teach Jason magic.
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bogkeep · 28 days
since there's an impressionist royal portrait in the zeitgeist right now, do you wanna hear about one of my fav norwegian oil painters........ his name is håkon gullvåg and he's painted portraits of the norwegian king and queen and they look like this
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which were pretty controversial at the time (the year 2000), but i was too baby to know anything about it!
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(the headline says "UNDIGNIFIED!")
i first heard of him when he was on the news for a completely different controversy around the years 2008/2009 - his exhibition titled 'the holy land'/'terra sancta' which was a series of paintings he had painted in a wild unstoppable rage over the injustices he had seen palestinians suffer. at one of the exhibitions in syra, two of the paintings got removed by the french embassy, and i think never returned to him? i'm finding it surprisingly difficult to hunt down the story without knowing exactly what to look for, but i did dig up this article. i was still a young teen at the time so i didn't know much about the context, but in recent times i've been thinking about these paintings a lot. i'll add the Controversial Paintings under the cut:
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cricketandclover · 2 months
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did a complete redesign of the Gloom Division CD booklet!
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forourtomorrows · 2 months
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this might be my magnum opus
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