#i guess i'll have to do that soon but for now im. starting gifs and not finishing them and watching yt vids
junipers-archive · 1 year
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Word Count: 1.2k
Includes: fluff, fluff, fluff spencer x reader when a power-outage occurs and spencer being spencer and being adorably the perfect boyfriend
Dark. It is dark and you're alone and its honestly embarrassing how quickly you pick up your phone to call your boyfriend. I mean...who's still scared of the dark? What're you 5?
It's two in the morning and you shouldn't be calling, really. You've only been dating for a few weeks, but he's Spencer, he's technically been your best friend for 4 years, 3 months, 2 days. and...about 18 hours, but who's counting? You convince yourself you just need to hear his voice, his sweet, safe, angelic-
"H-hello?"his voice breaks from that of someone just woken up at an ungodly hour by his co-dependent girlfriend who so happened to have accidentally hit the call button while she was second-guessing herself.
Maybe he'll hang up? Maybe you can convince him you butt-called him in the middle of the night tomorrow at work? Or maybe-
"Y/n baby I'm really gonna need you to respond before i drive over there." he sounds calm, not at all agitated, not at all like someone woken up at 2 in the morning, he sounds...like Spencer
"Hi..." You exhale into the mic with relief. You should say something, really say something, apologize, yes that's what you'll do "I'm sorry I shouldn't have called, god I'm so idiotic...I just-well the power just went out and its 2 in the morning and I really should get some sleep but-"
You're cut off by the jingling of keys on the other line.
"Spence you still there?"
"I'm on my way." Was that a car door?
"On your wayy..." It takes you second, or it takes your un-caffienated and sleep deprived brain a second to realize he means he's coming over to your house. Your home. Where you live.
And yes you're bestfriends with him and you've had sleepovers before but that was when you were ready. That was when you had cleaned.
"No! Spencer No! That is completely unessecary! I'm fine! I just wanted someone to talk to and I thought-"
The engine of his car starts. You can hear him trying to repress the laugh that graces your ears every time he knows something you're trying to hide from his genius mind.
"I'm already pulling out of the drive-way, forget about it. Plus I know you're afraid of dark."
Maybe he'll turn around if you just- "Spencer. I am not afraid of the dark. That is childish and obsurd and I mean im not a little kid anymore! You can just go home, go to bed and forget this ever happened"
There's a silence on the other end, besides the hum of the car, absolute silence.
Until, "Do you still have the candle I got your for Christmas?"
Of course. Of course Dr. Spencer freakin Reid wouldn't believe you. I mean he knows you better than anyone. What were you thinking?
"Yea spence. Yea I have the candle"
He hums in response and you can practically hear him grinning on the other end.
You admit defeat.
"Can you at least bring over some marshmallows? I'm all out from our last movie night." You would honestly rather have him over as soon as possible if it weren't for your hideous room and the pile of "i'll get to it" in the living room haunting your mind. This will at least buy you time.
But again he's dr. reid. "I've already got some from my stash, jumbo and small and snowmen shaped. And of course hot chocolate!"
He's perfect. He's everything and more you could've asked for.
And yet. ANd yet. At this very moment you'd like to strangle him. And not that impersonal type of cowardly strangle like really just-
"Don't be embarrassed baby. I've already seen your room at its worst. I'll be there in ten, turn on the candle and read your books for now."
You hear him knock on the door a few minutes later, as to not disturb the neighbors. Because of course, he's Spencer and would've thought about that too.
You run with the only flashlight you have to the front door, and you're greeted by a ruffled, grinning and ever-charming Spencer with his satchel stuffed with god knows what and wearing his periodic table of elements pjs.
You mirror his grin almost immediately, albeit sheepishly and look down to hide your own embarrassment...only to find him wearing the pink bunny slippers he'd stolen from your house only a few days ago.
With that all or any ego-preservation skills were out the window. He was here already...right?
You let him in, still staring down at your shoes as he leads you two straight for the kitchen, opening and closing cabinets to find the ingredients and kitchenware as if he'd lived there his whole life.
You take a seat at the kitchen's island stool, and watch him work.
This should be embarrassing. I mean it is. It is!
That is, until he hands you a steaming cup of hot chocolate with little snowman marshmallows dissolving on top and smiling like he hasn't just driven 8 miles with these ingredients to make you happy because you called him.
You called him at 2 in the morning.
And with that the unease floods back. And you're hiding your face in your hands and mumbling something incoherent.
This is when he finally speaks. "So...you wanna build a fort?"
You rub your eyes and look up at him. "i-i'm sorry?"
"We should build a fort." He's assertive in this, something at another time you would've found very hot, but at this moment it concerns you. Because to any other person what you've just done would be unacceptable.
"You...want to...build a fort?"
"I find it helps, I mean...at least when I was younger my mom and dad, they used to help me build forts when the power went out. To distract me if anything. It was kind of the only time I remember them getting along."He chuckles and looks down bashfully.
And now all you can think of is building a fort with the beautiful boy in front of you.
"Yea, yea i'd really love it if we built a fort."
And you do, you build a fort with what now you deem as you're future husband. Lighting the other candle he brought you on the counter that fills the air with your favorite scent and finding battery power camping lamps in your closet to light up the room.
He tells you stories about the kinds of forts he used to build and to the best of both your abilities you try to recreate his favorite.
By around 5:30 in the morning the sun is rising and you're both past out in the center of the monstrosity you two created while high on a sugar rush provided by the hot chocolate and one two many marshmallow snowmen consumed.
But you'll remember this for the rest of your life you think. You'll remember Spencer for the rest of your life. Because no one, no one would understand how to make you forget your biggest fear like he did.
While surrounded by darkness all you could see was him.
He was your light.
He was your light, and for as long as he'd have you, you'd be his too.
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themultifandomgal · 10 months
Tommy Shelby- Granddaughter Pt2
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Pt1 Pt3
"Shhh Eloise please" I sigh bouncing my now 3 week old baby in my arms "what do you want? I've given you food, I've changed you, I've checked to see if your to warm or cold" I can feel tears starting to form, are they from frustration or are they because I'm tired? Probably both. I've barley slept since having her. I guess in normal circumstances the baby would have 2 parents present and their mother wouldn't be a 16 year old girl. I glance at the clock on the wall, it's now 4:35am. I've been awake for 24 hours now but sleep doesn't seem to be in my grasp anytime soon. She woke up crying just as I was falling asleep, not wanting to wake my dad, stepmum, or little brother up I brought Eloise downstairs "Eloise please I'm begging you to sleep" I continue to bounce the baby in my arms
"Miss Shelby?" I hear the quiet voice of one of our maids walking into the living room "is everything ok? Is the baby ok?"
"Francis I don't know what else to do" i can no longer stop the tears from falling "she won't stop crying. I've not slept. I'm a 16 year old with a baby with no husband. My dads still mad at me..."
"No love he's not mad at you. He's mad at the boy who has done this to you, left you in this situation. Why don't I sit with the baby for a couple of hours while you sleep?"
"Oh Francis I can't ask you to do that. Go back to bed"
"Miss Shelby you are not asking, I'm offering and I think you need more sleep that I do tonight" Francis gently takes Eloise from my arms and starts bouncing her
"Are you sure Francis?"
"Positive, now of you go"
"Thank you" I yawn before heading up to my room.
When I wake up, the house is quiet. Slowly I get out of bed and put my robe on then head down the stairs to the living room where I find Grace holding Eloise
"Morning" I groan sitting next to Grace "wheres dad?"
"Out with your uncles" glancing at the clock I sigh knowing I need to feed Eloise soon
"She will need feeding in a bit, she's gone nearly 4 hours without a feed"
"Ok, but while she's asleep, tell me how you are?"
"I'm fine"
"Don't do that. Remember I married your father, I know how stubborn you both are" Grace chuckles quietly
"I guess I'm tired, sore all the times fed up"
"Well you haven't left the house in 3 weeks, since this one was born"
"I'm scared what others will think, or if I see him and his new girlfriend. He will know that Eloise is his, but I know he won't want to be her father and I'm not sure I want him to be"
"Well, you do need to give him that chance, but you don't have to get married to him"
"I think dad would prefer that" just then Eloise starts to stir. I take her from Graces arms and head up to my room to feed the baby.
"Tommy you need to calm down" I hear Grace raise her voice "Charles is watching and YN is only upstairs feeding Eloise"
"He did this to her, he did this to my daughter and he"
"You don't know that he is the father"
"Grace he was bragging about bedding 'Tommy Shelby's daughter' it's got to be him"
"Tom..." Grace sighs. I run down the stairs and the negative atmosphere hits me in the face. Grace sees me and gives me a smile "YN you best come and talk to your father. I'll take Charles outside for a little bit" she picks up my 2 year old brother
"James is Eloise's father. Isn't he?" dad says sitting down with a whisky in his hands. I don't say anything to him, which must have told him everything he needed to know "damn it YN"
"What are you going to do to him?"
"Nothing, at the moment. Im giving him a chance to do the right thing and be a father to Eloise. The moment he fucks up he's dead" he takes a sip of his drink
"I don't want to marry him if that's what your getting at"
"It won't be the first time a 16 year old marries her babies father. Martha married John for fucks sake"
"You need to go and speak to him, soon YN"
"Ok, I know I do"
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heart4reigns · 1 year
HELLOO!! (idk if ur taking requests but if you aren’t, you can ignore this) A Cody Rhodes one-shot where it’s the readers b-day and cody is stressing because he doesnt know what to get her. Luckily the reader is very well known and everyone loves her cuz she’s so cool and kind (im sorry im a sucker for a sweet sunshine reader) so everyone starts helping cody plan for gifts and a cute party just for her. Then rhea helps cody get reader like a piece of jewelry she’s always wanted (like a cute hello kitty necklace or something) and y/n freaks tf out. I SUCK AT EXPLAINING THINGS YGHSHHSHW
CAKES AND RINGS, cody rhodes.
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gif credits: mxmoth
warnings: curse words, FLUFF FULL FLUFF, kissing
tags: brock lesnar with balloons, i want cody as my bf too, superstar bday bash!!
THE sound of people talking filled the locker room. "okay, let me repeat the errands. everyone's cool with helping right?" they nodded in unison. "of course we are! it's (y/n)'s birthday after all, she always makes all of our birthdays a big deal, we need to do the same for her." bayley said. "right." cody took a second to open up his notes ap. "bianca with the cake, rhea and dom with decorations, brock with balloons-" "shit, now i gotta get balloons?" the big wrestler cut him off. "you wanna bail out?" brock shook his head. "anything for (y/n), i'll get those damn balloons." they laughed. "okay, let me continue."
your birthday was coming up and everyone made sure that it was going to be a big thing, especially for your boyfriend, cody. you were loved by everyone, even the crews. you made sure that everyone was enjoying their time with you, on and off stage. "have you talked to creatives about this?" roman asked. "yeah, they allowed it. we're gonna do it after our match." the black-haired wrestler nodded. "damn, i can't believe you're gonna fight her on her birthday." he added. "well i guess it's really her lucky day."
on the other side of the locker room, you were getting out of your gear. to your surprise, the locker room was empty. it was weird seeing your coworkers not messing around, but you brushed it off. as soon as you were out of your gear, you walked out of the room. "hi todd! you did a good job today!" you saw one of the crews carrying his camera. "thanks, (y/n). as soon as i developed these rolls, i'll email you. got some cool shots of you slamming cody on the table." you chuckled at his sentence.
speaking of your boyfriend, where is he? you thought. you pulled out your phone, calling him. "hey babe, where are you?" you asked. "hey, sweetheart. wait in the parking lot, okay? i'll be right there in a second." he replied. "okay baby, i love you." "and i love you too!" with that, the call ended. you passed several crews, trying your best to keep a positive attitude despite feeling tired after work. there was a sudden commotion near locker room b, you couldn't help but to take a quick peek.
"hello, why is it so crowded here?" your voice caught everyone off-guard. "oh, hi babe!" you said, as soon as you spotted your boyfriend in the middle of the other superstars. "hi babe." the worry from his face disappeared when he realized that you didn't hear the conversation. "we were just talking about how we could differentiate locker room a and b, since it gets kinda confusing." dominik made up an instant lie. cody took a note to buy him coffee for his smooth lie. "i know right! i once walked into montez trying to fix his pants!" "hey, that was embarrassing!" the entire locker room sighed in relief as you had no idea what was going on.
to say the least, cody was stressed out. everything was ready, everything except for your present. he wanted to give you the perfect present and he had no idea what to buy you. you were called by your manager to talk about your future bookings, leaving him alone in the house with your dogs. "you got any idea what we should buy her, p?" pharaoh only wiggled his tail in response. "you're no help." cody sighed.
he groaned in despair, pacing around the house, still looking for ideas. his thoughts were cut-off by his phone ringing. "fuck, thank god you called." cody heard rhea and dominik arguing in the call. "we got the decorations already. where do you want us to put it?" dominik asked. "you can keep it in your trunk, we can bring them inside on d-day." cody replied, still fiddling with his shirt. "alright, then everything's ready." rhea's voice came to the call-line. "wait," cody paused for a second. "i still don't know what to get her."
silence filled the call as cody waited for their answers. "you know, she took an interest in dominik's engagement ring, she almost cried seeing it. does that say anything about her?" then it clicked. it was the perfect timing after all. he was going to propose to you. "god, fuck! rhea, i'm buying you coffee tomorrow. thank you so much!" he immediately got dressed and drove off to the mall.
"i got the perfect ring for (y/n)." cody's eyes lit up with excitement since he had no idea what ring to buy you. "she came here with bianca for her engagement ring, we talked a bit about her dream ring... i also keep notes on my customers incase their partners ever come here to buy a jewelry for them." he pulled out a notepad filled with names. "(y/n) took an interest in this ring." the man excused himself to get the jewelry.
it was a diamond ring, pure and brilliant–cody could imagine you wearing the ring already. "god, that's perfect." he muttered, examining it. "i mean she will like it, she mentioned something about the thought behind it, so what made you decide that it's time?"
cody knew that you were the one when you first met him. you came back to the industry not long after him, due to your injuries. everyone seemed to talk highly of you, making him interested in meeting you, and they were right. everyone knew that the two of you were going to end up with each other. it didn't surprise them when you started dating him. maybe it was the way you were willing to drop everything for him, or the way you made space on the bed for him every time he came home late, or maybe, no one has ever loved him the way you do.
the man was in love and he couldn't wait to spend the rest of his life with you.
days went by and you were busy with work. you couldn't wait to go home. it was a tiring day and you just wanted to go home. it was your birthday tomorrow and you couldn't careless. it was just another day, you thought. sure, you were excited, but with work, nothing else mattered. "hi baby, how was your day?" your mood was lifted up as soon as you saw your boyfriend. "HI BABYYYYYYY!" you yelled, leaping into a hug. cody had no choice but to drop his bottled water to catch you. "missed you the entire day, you left me and p alone." cody fake pouted. "sorry, i was doing work stuff. but i'm here now!"
the night went on, you cooked dinner and cody helped with the dishes. you talked about your day and he talked about his day as well. it turned out that he was pretty bored without you, he said he spent the day just laying around, saving up his energy for tomorrow. you couldn’t help but to chuckle as his laziness sometimes. the domestic life of yours was one of the reasons why you loved your day offs. it was just you and him (and pharaoh, your dog), just laying around, not doing anything. today was actually your day off but you got called by your manager–leaving cody alone to his own business.
"i can't wait for tomorrow." you chuckled, petting pharaoh. the two of you were lying on the bed, saving up the energy for tomorrow. "excited for your birthday or excited to beat my ass?" you laughed at his sentence. "i'm excited to be with you, that's all." you replied, earning a smile from him. "i love you so much and i'm thankful that we're together." you mimicked his expression. "god, (y/n). you're such a blessing, i love you too."
the alarm caught you both with a surprise. "happy birthday baby."
"here comes the birthday girl, happy birthday!" your friends greeted you as soon as you stepped inside the arena. "thank you loves." you hugged them all. "how are you feeling today?" dominik asked. "feeling great, i'm beating my boyfriend's ass today!" cody groaned. "i'm letting you beat me because i love you." you couldn't help but to smile at his response. "i'll see you later babe, gotta change to my gear." you kissed his forehead and walked away from the scene.
"ready for tonight?" dominik nudged him. "course i am." cody replied, pulling out the ring box from his pocket. "shit, man. good luck." the wrestler wasn't nervous of his fight tonight, he was nervous with his proposal. of course he was nervous, it was going to be a special moment for the two of you.
you were already in your gear, ready to face your boyfriend. your makeup was also done and you were standing in the sidelines, waiting for your song to play. your boyfriend practically skipped his way to your side. “ready?” he asked. “as ready as i should be.” he couldn’t understand your positivity sometimes. "good luck out there, baby." he gave you a hug and you returned the gesture. "good luck getting your ass beat, baby!" your song started to play and it was time to go out.
the match started and it played off beautifully. you hit him with your signature moves and he did the same. it was quite an irony for you to finish the match with a cross rhodes, but it made the crowd go wild. he slightly nodded at you, wanting you to do the finisher move. "a cross rhodes by (y/n), what an irony!" the commentator yelled. you pinned cody in the middle of the ring, locking his legs with your forearm. the audience counted down and it was official, you were the winner. "here is your winner, (y/n) (l/n)." the crowd went wild as you took the belt and did your signature pose. the cameras went off, the show ended.
all the sudden, the lights went off–causing you to jump a bit. the next thing you knew, your boyfriend was gone. he wasn't in the middle of the ring. you looked around, trying to find him. "we heard it's someone's birthday today!" you heard your boyfriend's voice. you looked up and saw your friends on the other side of the stage. they were all wearing party hats, even the audience was wearing them as well. your heart skipped a beat as you smiled.
"happy birthday, (y/n)." everyone chanted. you couldn't help but to cry. the support you had was overwhelming and you were very thankful to have your friends and your boyfriend on your side. they got inside the ring, with cody carrying the cake. "happy birthday, baby." he smiled. "blow the candle now!" jey commented. "okay, okay." you chuckled. you blew the candles and everyone cheered on you.
your friends gave you a big group hug and brock passed balloons to you. it was quite comical to see such a big man carrying pink balloons, you thought. you had the mic now. "oh my god, everyone..." you stuttered. "thank you so much for this, god... i can't express how thankful i am to be here." you chuckled, still holding the balloons brock gave you. "i don't want to make this a big deal today because it's just another day for me. but hey, i just won the match and it's my birthday!" you smiled, intertwining cody's hands with you.
you made eye-contact with him, giving him the biggest smile that he had ever seen. "i love you." you mouthed. "and i love you too." he replied, like usual. "anddd i love my friends, i love you all too! thank your coming out today." it was true that one of the best wrestling moments happens when the cameras were already off. everyone was having the time of their lives.
"now, now. everyone calm down." cody had the mic. "we'd like to thank your parents for bringing a sunshine to our lives." the crowd cheered. "who here is always excited to see (y/n) wrestler?" cody asked the crowd, earning cheers from the crowd once again. "everyone loves her but i got some news for everyone..."
he breathed out, "today was the last day (y/n) will perform under her (l/n) family name." you furrowed your eyebrows in confusion. "because the next time she'll be in the ring, it'll be (y/n) rhodes." you were still trying to process what was happening. the next thing you knew, cody was kneeling down in front of you–a ring box in his hand. your eyes widened in surprise as you realized that he was proposing to you.
"(y/n), will you marry me?"
a/n: crying bc im single as hell,,, hope u enjoyed it!!! <3 now excuse me while i go cry
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demxnicprxncess · 1 year
His Mask (Kai AndersonxFem. Reader)
Warnings (Foriegn objects up the vagina, Kai Anderson, Punsishing?, Stupidity)
"Where were you" As soon as I step into this damned house I was immediately interrogated like I did something wrong. "The store?" I just looked at the blue haired man as I set down the bags obviously filled with food, drinks, and some extra stuff I found. "Who told you you could go?" His intense glare boring into my soul, what did he mean? Why would I need permission to get necessities. "I didn't know I needed permission." He stayed blank faced, "Why is that" I watched as he stood up slowly, his feet kind of dragging across the floor that looked to be freshly mopped. "You yourself said, 'dead people can't vote.' I believe food is something to keep us alive." As soon as I said that I felt his grip my neck squeezing it tauntingly. "Go to the room." I had officialy fucked up, he was either going to fuck me 'till I snapped in half, or he was going to mark me. I hated when he marked me, I still have the scar from when he carved his idiotic three letter name into my thigh. I didn't entirely hate it, however I would've really prefered if I had a choice. I made it to our room as I sat on the bed, I watched as his frame pressed against the door after he had walked in and shut it. "Now again, tell me what I said?" I looked at him not able to tell what he had behind his back. I watched as he came closer, but before I could register what happened he slapped me making me fall back on the bed. "Answer." I quickly nodded and sat up looking into his eyes, "Dead people can't vote", he merely smirked. "With that being said, I'll let you pick what I use. Both correlate to death bunny" I looked at him slightly scared. I watched as he pulled out a pocket knife and his mask. What would he do with the mask? "C'mon, pick or I use both." I flinched slightly but pointed at his mask, watching as he smirked and put it on his somewhat attractive face before laying back on the bed, the back of the clown mask hitting the pillow causing it to rise up just a bit. "What are you doing?" I watched as he patted his stomach signaling me to sit on his chest. I quietly crawled over to him sitting on his chest as I felt him unbutton my pants, so I removed my pants and panties to help him and possibly lessen my 'punishment'. "Ride my mask." I was in sheer shock. "What?" I felt his hand slap against my bare ass. I jolted forward as a result making his shirt push against my clit making a moan build up in the back of my throat waiting to be released. I slipped forward and backwards on his chest to get myself wet, moaning softly. "That's enough." I nod and climb forward before gently lowering myself onto the red makeshift dildo. "atta girl." I moaned barely as I felt the cold plastic stretch out my warm walls. "s'to much" He chuckled softly before grabbing my ass and movinv me up and down on his mask/face. "You're so good to me, however you love to do what you want." I felt as I moved faster, and his hands moved me even faster. I was so close already. "P-please" I whimpered out. "Please what bunny?" " 'm gonna cum Kai please" I felt as he stopped me which dragged out a whiney whimper from me. "No, please, Im sorryy" He raised me off of his mask and started taking it off. "Ride my face." I quickly sat my wet, arousal, coated cunt onto his face. Smearing my juices all over his stubble, lips, and even some on his nose while I grip his hair moaning and riding his face at a quicker pace. His mouth slurping and sucking on my sensitive vagina. "can I c-" "yes." I whine cumming in his face still slowly grinding on his face. "off." I slowly moved off his face laying down, absolutely exhausted. I barely notice him leave. I guess he has other people to worry about too.
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Taglist: @ppawmpkin, @yes-divine-ruler lmk if you wanna be removed or added <3
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arlemangel7 · 28 days
Gambit x blackfem!Mutantreader x rogue
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First meet: Love in the club
When he met you he had three thought southern loud and sexy. You were a bartender that knew her way around the bar and how to entertain large crowds from the door all he could hear was loud woos and "come down on the left", "what can I getcha boys?", "alright alright two bears and six shots haha, guess we have a big night tonight huh 😁". He was alittle star struck almost to the point of drooling and had it not been for rogue nudging him out of his trants he'd still be standing at door mouth agap watching you twirl and dazzle the room as you shake cocktails all from behind the bar.
Rogue thought you were a raging fire but knew what she wanted soon as she seen you. She sauntered up to the bar through the sea of men sat right now in the center and said "hey sugar how's about me and you take a shot of your choice when you get a minute,hm?". You standing in her perfect line of sight say "well I hope you can shoot something sweeter than you accent darlin?" Without missing a beat she replies with "tell ya what, I'll take as many shots as it takes to get you to come home with me?" You, muddling limes into the bottom of the tin say "well, lucky for you I don't have any plans tonight and I get off in an hour. Soooooo if you can down ten shots of my choosing without throwing up or keeling over I'll take you...and your friend there up on your offer. And?" You place the muddler down grab a bottle and turns around to face her with the bottle still out of view "I'll tell you the name of your poison just cause im so nice." She place the bottle on the counter between yall "100 proof jack, so, do ya really wanna take me home?"
Five minutes later
Yall are down to the last shots of whiskey. Rogue takes her ninth shot and then you follow both your tummies are churning proof that both of you have CLEARLY over estimated the integrity of your stomachs, gambit is in the middle of yall already guessing the outcome if this battle is finished as intended "Listen ladies, I'd suggest we fold this round." both you and rogue say in unison "hush it Cajun!" Realizing yall both made a jinx burst into laughter before you say "you sure you wanna finish this?" She doesn't say anything accept "to our night together." She raises her shot glass up awaiting for you to do the same you chuckle raising your shot glass and doing your best to maintain eye contact through fuzzy vision "night ha *hiccup* try life" *clink* yall slam the glasses on counter and down them hearing the crowd roar in drunken cheers was the last thing you heard before blacking out.
The next morning.
You wake up to bright Sunrays shining through the window next to your bed..... only you don't have a window next your bed. It takes a few seconds to feel an arm squeeze around your tummy and a "mmm" in a slightly familiar voice. You softly and slowly turn to get a glimpse of your bed mates face when you realize you are naked, this makes you spring to a Sitting position trying desperately to remember what happened. "Well good morning cher, helluva night you had huh?" Surprised by the southern male voice coming from the fuzzy figure coming from the doorway. Squinting to get a better view of this person he says "your specks are on the night stand on ya right" you smile silently in thanks and retrieve your second eyes. After a few seconds your pink irises start to focus and you see the man from the bar "names remi but you may know me as 'cajun' I believed you called me last night" you nod "y/n". "Awh, a beautiful name for a beautiful lady. Your bedmate is.." "rogue?" You cut him off, you remember her saying that was her name on the way out of the bar.
"The very same, may I?" He gesters to the spot on the end of the bed trying to be careful with his movement not to frighten you you nod and he sits down before you ask "we didn't do..???" "No cher nothing like that, you two kissed alittle on the couch got naked because it was two hot in here wondered through the house to this very bedroom and watched TV until you both passed out on top of the covers. From there all I did was place a blanket atop both of you, remove your glasses shut the door and went to go sleep on the couch." Seeing the slight skepticism written on your face he says " listen i understand how it sounds but scouts honor im not made that way and There are security cameras in the living room and the hall if you wanna check for ya self."
For your own sanity you decide to take him up on his offer and Lou and behold he is telling the truth you both stumbled in the house threw your keys on the table near the door splayed on the couch where rogue atop of you where a make out session followed as yall are preoccupied with each other remi is seen in the back chuckles shaking his head taking his coat off, locking the door and going down the hall to the room where we ended up. Going back to the living room camera yall break from. The kiss turn on the TV say something in audible to each other and proceed to ditch clothes left right and center until nothing but skin remains yall cuddle on the couch for a sec before saying another sentence to rogue and her reply makes you rise from your position of your head on her belly to walk/stumble through the hall opening doors left and right until you found the bathroom following your departure rogue meets you in the hallway and guides you to the bed room as you both enter remi leaves shutting the door behind him and going to lay down on the couch.
"See a perfect gentlemen." He says in a matter of fact tone "alright I, ahhhh" you say feeling a sharp pang ring through your head "so you want Tylenol, ibuprofen or advil?, and what would you like for breakfast I got waffles eggs and sausage." (Insert medicine and breakfast of choice here) "That'd be great, thank you" he gives you one of his shirts to put on before breakfast is ready and points you to the hall closet with all the spare rag,towels, toothbrushes and etc are he tells you food will be ready in a second and to take all the time you need. Between that time rogue wakes up and is in the dining room where the food and remi are.
After this your relationship would start off and the rest would be history.
As always stories mine characters belong to who they belong to
Let me know your thoughts and ideas
Signing off for now sleep well yall💋💋
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fordohyon · 6 months
Hii!! I saw you wanted a xikers imagine soo how about xikers reaction when you makeup and wearing a pretty dress in front of them for the first time, but the security have a crush on you? Do it in your style 🥹🥹💕💕
ok, so im a little stupid so im guessing like security guard so let me know if this was what u had in mind, i hope u enjoy tho 😋🫡 please tell me if there are any grammatical errors or spelling mistakes so i can fix them
maknae line will be posted later on, i’ll tag you when i do 🤞
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PAIRING - hyungline!xikers (individual) x fem!reader
WARNING(S) - not sure, pls lmk if there are any
WORDCOUNT - 1.7k (scenarios average 200-300 words)
a/n: jinsiks and hyunwoos are so long?? I was planning for all of them to be around 200-300 though jinsik and hyunwoos is about 400,,
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It's only been 3 months since you started dating and most of your dates were inside your apartment or his, he hasn’t seen you with makeup or any sort of fancy clothing. As a way to celebrate your 3rd monthary, you opted to go on a fancy date, of course, you had to get all dolled up for this moment. "Babe?!" You heard Minjae shout. "I'm in my room!" A sigh of relief could practically be heard by your neighbors. "We have to be there by four thir... Woah... You look amazing!" he exclaimed, cheeks and ears tinted with a soft cherry color. "I... I mean, as always! I, uh, you know! I just... you're gorgeous." the boy continued, though a stuttering mess. "Don't worry. I get what you mean, you look striking yourself! Shall we go now?" You said while applying your lipstick on.
You couldn't help but feel a flutter in your stomach as he placed a gentle hand on the small of your back. You both stepped out into the lobby and made your way towards the exit, Minjae seeing the relatively new guard who’s been eyeing you since he started his job at your apartment block “Hi ma’am, would you mind grabbing a drink with me when you’re free? undoubtedly ignoring your boyfriend who’s right beside you. “Aaah… Sir, I have a boyfriend-” you informed the guard, “Which is I, I’m her boyfriend.” Minjae interrupted, clearly jealous, well not that he’s insecure. “Oh, well.. uh, enjoy your date.” The guard awkwardly laughed out. “Thank you-” “We will.” the jealous boy spurts out.
“You’re jealous?” you questioned. Finding him cute. “Well, I can’t say I'm not,” he spoke out before kissing your lips, smudging your lipstick in the process before burying his head into your neck. “What a baby, I love you, and only you.” and of course, you go on about your day and continue the date.
You had finally gotten the opportunity to go all out with your makeup and outfit considering you’re going to be spending the whole day with him. Your phone rings as you open your drawers filled with makeup, catching a glimpse of the caller, noticing that it's your boyfriend you press the call button. “Hi, darling, I'll be there in 5?” he says, unsure if you’d be okay with him going earlier than you expected. “Alright, hurry up… I wanna see my glorious boyfriend!” you utter whilst you pick up your phone to open your camera, “Oh- Wow! You look stunning… I’ll be there as soon as possible! Bye!!” he exclaims before hanging up the call. Gathering all of your makeup that’ll probably smear and placing it in your empty pouch. The doorbell buzz spirals to your room. Walking towards the door and grabbing your bag just as you open the door.
“Hi, You’re enchanting.” he compliments you once again, “Thank you… Shall we go?” you smile, asking him, and soon after you receive the response “Certainly”,
A few hours after you‘ve left and eaten. Both you and your boyfriend have decided to go shopping for new clothes, with Junmin of course. Although he’s just following wherever you go, Junmin can’t ignore the stares that the security that you’ve been passing by plenty of times. Who eventually came up and gave you a paper with a number on it, presumably the security guards’. “Darling, throw it… please?” unpretentiously, you’re gonna throw it away, you already have a lovely and amazing boyfriend, though it is fun to tease him from time to time. “Hm… I’ll think about it.” you taunt him, seeing his brows furrow and his lips forming a pout. You take this as a chance to kiss his lips, seeing his ears getting red and his eyes going blank makes you smile from ear to ear. “You’re cute. So cute. I love you and of course, I’ll throw it.”
Both you and Sumin love picking out each other's outfits when you go out, however, today it's different. The two of you have agreed on not showing each others' looks before meeting up, you haven't necessarily worn much makeup with him, and this was a chance to surprise him with a look he hasn't seen you in before. Just as you zip your pants up you hear someone knock at your door, trudging towards the door, albeit checking the peephole first, noticing the blond hair you figure that, that's your boyfriend. Opening the door the first thing you see is his gorgeous smile makes you melt, you hear him clear his throat before saying "My princess.. you're breathtaking. Should we go?"
"The Art Museum, right?" You question, receiving a hum from the blond.
Before entering the museum Sumin had caught the guard staring at you, he didn't think of it as anything, or at least before the guard came up to you and asked if you were single. Receiving the most obvious answer, which is no. Sumin who was staring at the security with slightly creased brows, pulling Sumin away, his eyebrows now slightly relaxed, “What was that?!” He questioned, voice laced with disarray. “Not sure either, my prince,” You let out as you raise your brows.
You and Sumin go on about your day hopefully, with no more interruptions, you both have long forgotten the scenario that happened a few hours ago.
Jinsik didn’t know how important this event was till you went to his apartment wearing elegant clothing and makeup, his messy morning hair and pajamas looking extra cute “You’re beautiful, though if you don’t mind me asking, where you’re going?” He asks, “Do you mind going with me? I have to be there by 9 am,” Your eyes dilate as you check your watch. “Should I uh… Just wear a suit?” He stutters, after receiving a nod from you he checks his clock and instantly runs to his bathroom. Waltzing over to his couch and taking your pocket mirror out to check if your makeup is smudged.
It’s been about 10 minutes and your boyfriend Is still sprinting around the place, brushing his hair as he walks up to you “Can you help me with my hair, please?” Jinsik looks at you, trying to see what your answer would be on your face. “Yes dear, I will. Though you have to hurry.” His face lights up, giving you the widest smile after.
You’re now driving to the event parking. You tell them your name and take your ticket. Your car circles around the parking lot checking to see any available parking spaces that are closer to the entrance with Jinsik helping you. “Dearest, there’s one over there!” He exclaimed as he pointed his finger towards the spot he was talking about. “Shall we go inside? I have to introduce you to my coworkers! They’ve been wondering who my plus one is!” You ramble excitedly, “Yes we shall.” He kisses your nose and gets out of the car, opening your door for you.
You’re now in the venue with your boyfriend. You introduce him to some of your close co-workers. All telling you how you have a handsome boyfriend who’s fit for your beautiful self, how you’re the perfect pair, and joking around saying they feel so single around the both of you. You approach the security guard you’re acquainted with while your boyfriend gets some sweets. “Hey… I didn’t know you’d be here!” He gasped, he didn’t know about your boyfriend which led him to ask, “Are you free anytime soon? Let’s go out, just the two of us.” Fortunately for you, your boyfriend heard. “Ah- Sir, she’s unfortunately taken, by me,” Jinsik said as he found himself having a burst of confidence but later cringing at himself. “Bye, Sir!” You murmured as your boyfriend pulled you towards your seats. “I love you, dear,” You enunciate as you kiss his lips, feeling him smile into the kiss. “I love you too, dearest,”
You had dressed up and put makeup on today due to your Christmas party. You show up at his place all dressed up, “You’re astonishing” He says, ears red as this was his first time seeing you dolled up. “Hi baby,” you mutter as you kiss him softly.
“Let’s stay here for a while, if you don’t mind, it's a bit too early to go there right now,” you suggest, of course, Hyunwoo doesn’t mind. “Honey, you’re so lovely,” He lets out as he kisses you, he just can't keep himself together when you’re all pretty like this. Not that you’re only pretty today but considering that this is his first time seeing you like this he just can’t help staring at you.
You’ve been watching for at least an hour and you’ve determined it’s time to go, “Baby, we should go now.” you whisper, weakly after sitting the whole hour. Holding your phone up and checking the camera if your makeup has smirched. “Right, let me get my keys first.” Your boyfriend says, kissing you once again. He leads you to his car opens the door for you and gets into his seat afterward.
He has already memorized the shortcuts to your building making it quicker to get there. Unlocking the door and kissing you before you go has been a thing Hyunwoo always does. Usually, he’d go back to his place and wait till you text him to pick you up but today he decided to stay at the mall nearby and wait for you. He had called you a few minutes after finding a place to stay in the mall, informing you that he was staying in the mall near your office.
At least an hour and a half has passed and you’ve finally texted him saying you’ll meet him at the front of the mall, instantly going to the front of the mall. He immediately finds you and he moves toward you. “Baby… Can you answer this number for me and tell them I have a boyfriend?” You huffed out, obviously annoyed. “Ah- Alright…” You give him your phone as the number keeps on ringing.
“Hello? Who’s this?” Hyunwoo questions. “Y/n, how come you forgot already? This is the security guard, you know, the one you always talk to…? I got your number to tell you I want to go on a date with you, though I’ve already told you this a while ago” “Well I’m sorry to say this but this isn’t Y/n, quite obvious already from my voice. I don’t sound anything like her, and she’s not single,” He asserts, voice tinted with jealousy. That’s all it took for the number to hang up. “Block the number, please” Hyunwoo pleas, “Well I wasn’t planning on keeping his number anyways”
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kararomanoff · 1 year
my baby
this was written by a minor, if that makes you uncomfortable then feel free to not interact
warning: fingering (r reserving), mommy kink (n), pet names (baby, sweetheart)
hiiiii this is my first post, im very excited but this will probably be really bad
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you where lying on the sofa watching friends waiting for Natasha to come out the shower. You and Nat have been dating for 3 months now and you couldn't be happier and you hoped she felt the same way.
'' hey sweetheart'' you hear for behind you and you turn around to see Natasha standing there in with only a towel covering her bare body ''baby?'' she rasps
''hm?'' you reply shaking your filthy thoughts away but still not being able to tare your eyes away from your lovers glorious chest, Natasha starts waking forward until she is close enough for her to pick up your chin ''what you looking at baby hm?'' you shrug to embarrassed to say it out loud ''was it these honey?'' her voice was now low as ask and gropes her own chest while dropping her towel.
you accidently let out a moan at the sight before you and Nat smirks ''underdress for mommy baby'' she didn't need to ask you twice, you hurried to lift your shirt over your head and pulling both your shorts and panties down in one go ''aww look at my baby so obedient for mommy'' she chuckles as you hastily nod wanting to be filled with her fingers.
Nat sits down on the sofa and pats her lap indicating for you to sit ''yes mommy'' you answer shyly ''good girl'' once you straddle her lap she starts to kiss your neck as she trails her hands down your body grabbing at everything she can ''mommy pleaseee...'' you beg feeling her hands but not where you needed them most ''sweetheart if you don't tell mommy what you want i cant do it'' you knew she knew what you wanted but she wasn't going to give you it till you asked so....
''Please finger me mommy please'' as soon as you finished your sentence Nat had shoved two fingers into you not leaving anytime for you to get used to it ''mhmm mommy'' you moan ''you like that baby? being mommy's good obedient girl?'' you nod not being about to say anything coherent ''aww poor baby is mommy making it hard to speak?'' you nod yet again ''maybe i should stop hm''
''NOOOOO'' you scream feeling the coil in your stomach, she adds another finger moving her hand faster ''hmmmm...'' she pretends to think ''I'll stop in... one minute, if you haven't came by then... well that's it i guess'' she threats
''nooo but-'' she stops moving her hand ''no- mommy please- i-i need to cum... please mommy'' you beg feeling the tears in your eyes, she starts moving her hand again, faster this time ''you only have thirty now, if i hear you complain again I'll stop'' you didn't want her to stop, in fact you never wanted her to stop ''mommy i need to cum''
''then do it baby, be a good girl and come for mommy'' as soon as she said that you came with Natasha prolonging you high and then holding you close ''my baby'' she mumbles ''your baby''
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gothic-thoughts · 11 days
A Kiss Before I Go
Satoru Gojo x Black Male Reader Fluff
Ex-friends2lovers, Deputy!Reader, Cowboy!Gojo
CW: he/him pronouns, reader gets shot, gojo a rich bounty hunter, a lil angsty
TW: blood mention, passing out, shooting/killing mention
Word Count: 1154 (give or take)
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"Ya really came all this way to find lil' ol' me...?"
I look up to see Gojo Satoru standing on the second-floor balcony with his revolver pointed back at mine. Despite the black bandana over his eyes, I could tell by that smirk that he looked down on me in amusement as I stumbled into his house.
"That's sweet~" He finished, "Ya really that desperate for my attention, (Y/n)?"
"You killed the mayor!"
"Aht, aht, don't gimme that. Ya know I don't just go on killin' folk; I was paid, he was a criminal. Simple as that."
"So how come other folks are dead?"
"Cuz they got in the way of my work and I happened to have 5 bullets left." 
"Well, I'm here finishin' up my work so you're under arrest."
"And what if I don't wanna?"
"Then..." I stumble a little, "Then I'd have to kill ya."
"Kill me? Really now, ain't that bordering on vigilante territory? Not gon' lie, I'm kinda hurt, thought we were thick as thieves."
"I don't give a rat's ass h-how close we were. Put ya hands up and walk down those steps real slow like and maybe I'll visit ya in jail."
He scoffs, loosening his grip on his gun.
"I had to kill him with no witnesses or I don't get paid."
"W-well I guess it's too bad ya got one. Now, reach for the sky and walk down the steps. I'm t-takin'...."
Gojo pauses and presses his pelvis to the wooden railing to lean over the balcony. He squints.
"You bleedin' already?" He chuckled, "I ain't even shoot you yet."
I look down just in time to see a couple droplets of blood fall from my hip and crash into the small puddle of previous drops made on his old wooden flooring.
"What the fuck, you okay?" He asked, straightening up, "That amount of blood ain't nothin' to sneeze at... y'sure y'alright?"
"Don't act like ya care." I pant.
"(Y/n), did you ride all this way wit'--"
Everything became fuzzy and the next thing I knew, the back of my head stung with pain and I was now staring at his high ceiling. Rapid steps echoed around me and all I had to do was blink before seeing Satoru kneeling beside me and quickly lifting my shirt to see the hole where the blood was pooling out. He muttered curses to himself.
"Who did this to ya?" 
"L-leave me alone."
"Shut up and tell me who did this."
"The fuck they shoot ya for?!"
"I was the only one holdin' gun in the crowd... They thought I killed 'im."
His face contorted into shock as he took out a different black bandana from his pocket and pressed it into my wound.
"Why the hell do you have a second bandana?" My voice strains as the pain grows slightly more intense.
"Case I get mine ripped inna bar fight. Now hush, I'mma getcha back to town, 'kay?"
"Think I'd rather die, actually."
"What, ya still don't trust me~?"
"You the reason I'm shot, Satoru. And I was here to arrest you."
"Well since y'already blamin' me, I'll tell ya old friends ya made a valiant effort before I shot ya."
He starts to help me up, slinging my arm over his opposite shoulder as he helps me outside to horse and carriage. I stared at it but despite my pained, glazed-over eyes, I was in shock.
"You tellin' me... you a bounty hunter but got a carriage 'stead of just a horse?"
"I got horses too, I just cain't help it if I'm a lil' high-maintence." He laughs, "And lucky for you, my driver ain't here; so you get to have the pleasure of me takin' the reins." He winks.
"If I wanted to die, I woulda just stayed on ya living room floor."
"Oh shut up and c'mon."
Satoru helped me climb onto the carriage floor, and I didn't even bother pulling myself onto the seat since the pain was so bad. As soon he closes the door, I roll onto my back with tears stinging my eyes. My head rolled to the side as the horse's galloping fell deaf on my ears as I felt the bullethole gush more blood.
"Huh, what!?"
I looked at his panicked face before looking to the other side of my bed to see a tray of bloody cotton balls on a medical cart. Satoru walks towards the bed and I shift towards him and immediately stop and wince at the feeling of tight pulling at my side.
"Hey, hey." He soothed, resting his hand on my knee, "There's stitches in there, so relax."
"You in the hospital, 'member?"
I punch him across the face to which he jerks his head from it. He smiles smugly, as he rubs his jaw.
"I shoulda shot you on sight."
"Right, yeah-yeah, 'course, keep that energy for after you recover. We'll can continue this lil' meet up somewhere else."
Satoru cupped my face in his hand and pulled me into a deep kiss, almost like he missed me. I try to keep my eyes open in surprise only to slowly succumb to the passion. But as they start to close, his lips are torn from mine with a smug chuckle.
"Been waitin' on that for a while." He smirks, "And that's the only thing that's gonna keep me goin' 'til we meet again."
"If we meet again, I'mma kill you where you stand!"
"Like I'd let you do that..." He places another peck on my lips, "Besides, I just gave you some incentive not to."
"Wait, what--"
"Don'tchu die on me now, officer."
He tips his hat and jogs out of the room. He didn't kiss me like he missed me, he kissed like he was going to. 
I painfully stand up, swinging my legs over the side of the bed, and use the iron headboard to help me stand. I hold my side and limp after him into the brightly lit hospital corridor only to see nurses and patients calmly walking the corridor as if nothing happened.
"Sir, please." A nurse worried, "Your stitches need to heal."
"Where did he go? He ran out of my room!"
"Where did who go?"
"Gojo? Satoru Gojo?!"
"The... bounty hunter...?"
I roll my eyes, "Yeah-yeah, he was in my room and just ran out! You tellin' me you ain't seen 'im?"
"Sir, you ain't had any visitors since you were admitted."
"Riddle me this; who emitted me then?"
The nurse grabs and reads a chart, "Says here, your brother did."
"Wha-- and you believed 'im!?"
"Had no choice... Fella insisted he write it himself."
She showed me the sign-in sheet, pointing at the bottom, to see he wrote my name for the patient's column and then literally wrote "his brother" in the admittees column. I scoff and curse under my breath, half pissed off yet half impressed. That bastard brought me here, then snuck back hours later for a fuckin' kiss. But thinking about them again, almost makes me feel better about potentially losing my job.
"You seen what he looked like though, right...?"
"Tall fella, all black get-up...hat hid his face and hair though."
I groan. "'Course it did..."
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polaroidbills · 1 year
something great.
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"i want you here with me. like how i pictured it. so i don't have to keep imagining."
genre! - angsty, fluff too, mega slice of life
paring! -non-idol!beomgyu x fem!reader
synopsis! - these days, love is always glorified in movies and books. but it's not always like that. sometimes it can be amazing and instant. other times, love can be damaging and complicated. but is it ever too much to ask for something great? - inspired by something great by one direction -
warnings! - not proof read, kiss (kinda), teeny tiny swearing (lmk if i missed anything)
word count! - 1 572
author's note! - first little imagine after my hiatus!! this is literally me rn (minus the dream part). he literally has a bird too and he doesn't play basketball but hockey. anyway hope you enjoyed!
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i've always been into romantic-comedies. whether it's books, movies, or shows. they're my favourite. they allow me to get away from reality and slip into my imaginary world. a world so great, filled with love and joy. it's like an over powered hide and seek spot.
but sometimes i get fooled. sometimes the love shown through these films and novels aren't real. love in reality is never how they are in the movies.
boys don't fly across the world to see you. boys don't put on a musical performance as a way to apologize. boys don't join the drama club just because you did.
i just wished he did.
choi beomgyu is his name. he's been my crush since kindergarten. i'm im grade 8 now. soon i'll be graduating into high school. he doesn't know. he's never known. and i don't plan on letting him know. how could i?
he charming, funny, caring, and so much more. the way he rakes his hands through his hair, the way his laugh is contagious to everyone around him, the way he can always lighten up the mood, the way he isn't only socially successful but academically successful, and the way just his presence is comforting.
my feelings for him never leave. even if i try my best to force them out, even if he's dating someone else, even if we go on summer break. they never leave.
it's now friday, 10 days before graduation. i sit myself next to him because my teacher changed the seating arrangement.
"hey y/n!" his cheerful voices rings through my ears.
"morning beomgyu!" i respond.
"did you do the math homework?"
"i did yeah. you?"
"uh nope," he scratches his head.
we often have these small conversations. just short and casual. just a hi and hello. usually it would end here. i guess not this time.
"haha do you need help with it?" i ask.
"actually yeah. i don't really get it," an embarrassed look plays on his face.
"you know, i could help. i don't really mind."
"really? you would do that?"
"of course, i have nothing else to do anyway."
"okay sure! how about after school? i have to carpool with soobin and yunjin though, if that's okay with you?"
soobin, beomgyu, yunjin, and more of my classmates live on the same street. so they often carpool together.
yunjin is one of my best friends. she's one of the only one's that know about my crush. but ut weirds her out because she has like a sibling relationship with beomgyu.
"sure let me just text my parents!"
and just like that i have plans. plans with him. i know it's just studying, but it's something? i mean, i can barely look him in the eye, let alone help him with math.
the school day goes by in a blur. i can't get my mind off of what's happening after school.
its 3:15, 15 minutes before school ends. i go to the bathroom to freshen up a little, bringing my emergency bag. in which holds a hair brush, mascara, blush, bronzer, highlighter, and a lip gloss.
i go back into class, as everyone starts packing their backpacks, getting ready to leave. i too get ready to leave.
3:27, 3 minutes until the bell. we're already lined up waiting.
"hey y/n!" soobin call my name. i walk over to them.
"you're coming with us?" soobin asks.
"yeah, is that okay?"
"for sure we have an extra seat anyway."
"okay cool," i smile.
the bell rings and we walk out into the parking lot.
"hey mom! um y/n is riding with us, is that okay?" soobin asks his mother.
"of course! come on in sweetie!"
beomgyu gets in first onto the far left seat.
"sorry y/n, you're in the middle," beomgyu says, as they already have assigned seats.
"thats fine," i climb into the middle and soobin gets in too, closing the door.
the drive is quiet, with only the low radio playing. but uts a short drive.
i've never been this close to beomgyu. it's quite awkward but also comfortable in a way.
the car halts and we climb out of the car, walking over to beomgyu's house.
"i'm home!" he unlocks the door. and his mom hurries to the door.
"hi y/n! come in, come in," his mom smiles.
as we walk in, i notice the lovely furniture and layout of the home.
"you have a very nice home mrs. choi!"
"thank you! but please call me diana."
"okay mom stop mingling, let's go upstairs," beomgyu interrupts. and we make our way up.
i notice all of the family and chcildhood photos on the walls and tables. cute.
"no funny business!"
beomgyu rolls his eyes and shuts his bedroom door.
"okay so where should we start?" i ask.
"well i couldn't really understand question 1?"
"okay we'll start there," we set down our books on the foors and start studying.
a couple hours later, dinner is called. we walk downstairs to a neatly setted table and the smell of delicious food.
i sit next to beomgyu and diana serves the food.
"thank you! this looks delicious."
"of course! cooked a special dinner for a special day!"
"mom!" beomgyu makes a weird look to his mom.
"oops- anyway, y/n what wer eyou guys studying up there?"
"oh beomgyu needed help on some math."
the dinner goes by really well. i feel like diana and i have a connection, as we were talking the whole time.
we go back upstairs to continue our work.
"hey don't you have a bird?" i ask him.
"yeah, his name is toto."
"can i see him?"
"sure but be careful, he isn't good around new people."
we go into the birds room and there's toto in his cage.
beomgyu slowly takes him out.
"here put your finger out, like this," he demonstrates the movement. and i follow. "toto up!"
toto moves onto my hand carefully.
"woah! toto's never good around new people! he must like you! toto kiss," he point to my cheek as toto places his beak on it.
it's a fun moment. laughter and smiles. this is why i like him.
he puts toto back into his cage and we go to his room.
"hey i'm tired of studying can't we stop now?" beomgyu says after a few more minutes of studying.
"yeah sure what do you wanna do?"
"hmm i don't know? we haven't really talked all lot, i wanna get to know you more."
"oh well what do you wanna know?"
"do you have any hobbies?"
"yeah, i love reading and watching movies and shows i guess?"
"oh cool what kind?"
"mainly rom-coms. what are your hobbies?"
"well i play basketball for one. i also really love music and playjng the guitar."
"oh cool i love music too! who's your favourite artist?"
"i love taylor swift and seventeen."
"me too!"
silence falls between us, but it's not awkward. i make eye contact with him – something i never do. the tension between us is strong and the space between us is small. i can slightly feel his breath on my skin. his eyes travel to my lips and back to my eyes, and the same thing goes for mine. his moves in closer, now the space is really small. i can definitely feel his breath on me. he moves in even closer.
"i really really like you, for soo long. i like you y/n."
"y/n! y/n! y/n! wake up! you're gonna be late for school!"
i awaken by the sound and nudging of my brother.
"you're gonna be late come on!"
of course it was just a dream. it always is. just my stupid imagination and mind. he would never like me. his way out of my league. why would he even like me? there's so many other girls too.
my mind is occupied with these negative thoughts, untily brother yells once again.
i shake my head to brush the thoughts away and quickly get ready for school, walking straight out the door.
the whole walk to school my head is filled with these thoughts and reminders.
love isn't real. it never was. i was just to delusional and blind to know it. true love is just in the movies and books. those scenarios never exist in real life, only in fictional films and novels, of course. no matter how much i imagine and hope and dream, nothing will change. it's just something i ask and beg for.
but is it ever too much to want someone with me, like in the books and movies, like how i picture a true love is?
when will i be able to stop imagining?
why do i still have to keep imagining?
is it too much to ask for something great?
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@1-800-143 please DO NOT copy, plagiarize, or repost any of my work.
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cato616 · 11 months
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roman roy x fem reader
summary: you've been playing around with his attitude a little bit, however when he asked that question in his office, you froze... what are you going to say to him?
content/warning: +18 here comes the smut lol, masturbation, voyeurism? invasion of privacy, aromantic feelings perhaps
"you fucking want me, don't you?"
You hear those words sinking deep into your brain; you feel your body warmer and harder to breathe, you had to open your mouth a bit to let even more oxygen to fill your lungs. Nothing but eye fucking between each other. You do, you do fucking want it, 'but why, how do I make the next step?'
As soon you were about to say something for yourself, "im kidding, i usually do that" roman laughs while backing up. You looked puzzled, his egocentrism got over himself. "although... i do think you actually want it.." he gazed at you a second time, sitting on top of his desk, smirking.
'He greedy fuck' you think; thinking you should've left already and not being fooled by his tricks of petty little fuck boy over there, and you get too upset.
"i am leaving now" you said pretty calmly, without breaking any pipes. "and im sure im not coming back". You then started to leave the building, with no roman following from behind.
You take advantage of the walk back to work, to think about what just happened. This kind of moment had never happened to you before, and there were so many feelings mixed inside you, although you did want it, the confrontation made you flinch, something confusing about you, how come im terribly aroused and turned on by it all, but at the same time, the intimacy makes me uneasy and have an awkward feeling about it?
Made you feel sad, wishing you didn't have that awkward feeling about it, and wish you would've let it play it out, if i wanted it, then im supposed to get it, right? (you sigh) i guess I'll be good on my own and it will pass... i hope.
You arrived back to the café, looking gloomy. "hey! you're back already, what did they say?" Liza kindly asks curiously, and you directly tell her. "oh, um, nothing much, roman is full of crap that's all". You put your apron back on to start working, you keep doing your day as if nothing happened. "well, if we're talking about him, then makes sense." says Liza
It's closing time and you close up with Liza, you say goodbye to each other and head back home.
You're planning to take a shower, so when you enter your flat, you immediately leave your stuff on the entrance and your phone on a table. 'ding' 'ding'. You get some notification from someone, however, you ignore it, you don't to look at your phone, you want to take that shower right at that instant, take your mind elsewhere.
Your shower time is the most special and private for you. You get to talk to yourself, sing, and sometimes get on with yourself. And perhaps, today are one of those days.
Although you felt a little sad wanting to avoid the cringe images, you did felt some heat of it. That is something you usually don't avoid, and at the moment, where the water was slowly running down your body, you were also feeling your down parts pulsating, aching for some pleasure to be given, and you didn't have any problem at all doing it, since you always have loved to jerk yourself every now and then, although, now you were getting pretty horny when thinking about your early events, so you start closing your eyes, trying to remember every detail from yesterday and from this morning, while gradually placing your yearning fingers over your clit, starting to make moderate circles around it. You put your hand against the wall, the water is still running; you start to imagine, his breathing, when he got close to you each time, when he had looked directly to your eyes; you know those moments where meant to start something afterwards, but it didn't, so now you would have to imagine the what if afterwards. Was he going to start banging you over his desk, or did he was letting you give him a meaningful blow job. You're now pacing faster, either imagining his cock in your mouth or inside you, was increasingly making you more turned on.
While you where taking your shower, you don't notice, but there's a visitor waiting outside your front door, of course, it's roman roy, those were his notifications on your phone. he texted:
hey what's up, it is i, roman
pretty sure you don't wanna talk to me but ummm you left your coat at my office...
and i was guessing i could apologize like yeah whatever, I could go to your place to leave your coat if that's okay and we could talk about fucking feelings and stupid things like that
my bad, i retract myself, not stupid
don't get weird on this, i do already have your address, it's just because of the information we have already on your little shop, your address show up so no im not a fucking stalker
im just leaving your coat, say sorry, and leave. that's it.
He rang your bell, but you were too focused on yourself to notice, plus, your bathroom door were just semi-open. So he starts knocking. Forgetful mind of yours, you didn't exactly close your door, it was very easy to open from the outside, so that's pretty dangerous actually. So when roman began to knock, he sees that he accidentally opened the door just a bit.
shit he says quietly. "Um hello?" his got decently more louder, not wanting to scream. He then sees some steam coming out what was obviously the bathroom.
"oh" he says when realizing, and then leaving your coat on the couch he was standing next to. He suddenly starts to hear some groaning coming from there, some heavy breathing, it wasn't very loud, but he has some very sharp hearing.
"oh" he says more quietly catching on what's happening. Roman was somewhat curious of what was on the other side of that door, and of course that man would be the type of person wanting to take even a glimpse of it. He thinks about his decision first, but he couldn't take his mind off your two other encounters you had. Couldn't help but just hearing your gasping and soft moaning coming from inside. He tried to not take a peek of it, he just kept himself outside the restroom, getting aroused by your noises.
While you didn't know you had roman right next by the door, you kept pleasing yourself; even tho water from the shower was already going down through your thighs, you felt other wetness from inside about to burst between your shivering legs.
You were almost about to cum, your eyes were still closed, hand over the wall and the other one pacing very rapidly on your clit, you lift your hips, standing tip toed on the ground. It was getting really good, you had your mouth open while also gasping for air.
Meanwhile roman was still on the other side, hearing you groan. It was making him feel very much excited. He noticed his bulge was getting even noticable. He couldn't wait any longer. He undid his belt very fast, letting him have a bit of room between his pelvic and his pants, allowing him to slide his hand down to his slick firm cock. He then started to make his way on stroking down to it.
ahh.. You get to moan a little bit louder this time, and outside is roman rubbing his own, firmly and fast.
"fuck fuck fuck" he whispers to himself, got himself very fast near his peak, trying to find your pace.
You were practically sticking your nails into your palm by making a fist, and had your toes curling, you start to quiver, legs unstable of staying steady. You were almost there.
"aahh fuck"
You came loud as fuck. Then started to catch your breath, lowering your whole feet back on ground, feeling satisfied and content. You start to let some water wash over your inner thigh and-
"f-fuck" roman mistakenly came as loud as you.
"what the fuck?" you whisper to yourself; very scared of the situation.
who the fuck was that?
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strrvnge · 2 years
Sweet Redemptions
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Pairing: Stephen Strange x Reader
Warnings: SMUT MDI, porn with(out) plot, daddy!Stephen x brat/teaser reader, kinda both of them switch, fingering, oral(m receiving), Nipple play, clit slap, p in v, unprotected sex
Summery: after a vivid dream of you Stephen decided to pay you a visit, guess what you had some trouble sleeping too
You leaned closer some locks of her hair caressing the side of his face as he tilted his head upwards so he could meet her gaze. Your eyes lingered on his lips and then up to his soft yet dominant eyes that now seemed to study your every movement.
Siding your head you maintained eye contact, your lips almost brushing his, believing he would push you away. You pulled back a little before he cupped your cheek and pulled you into a kiss.
With gentleness as if he would break you, he melted into the kiss, trying to memorize the warmth of your mouth, the taste of your lips. Soon the kisses became more passionate with him devouring your mouth hungrily, his tongue teasing yours making you whine in desperation.
He placed one hand on the nape of your neck bringing your face closer to his so his tongue could slip further into your mouth giving you what you wanted. You moaned loudly between a few kisses before running your hand through his hair and then tucked him closer.
"God you're driving me crazy", he mumbled, his words not clear as you didn't let him even take a breath without kissing you. Roughly he pulled your hips to sit on his lap and you gasped feeling the hard bulge you could feel beneath.
His hand trailed from your knee up to the inside of your tight before stopping, his fingers a few inches away from your heat. Your eyebrows knitted together as you pulled away from the kiss and looked at him with a pout.
"Oh you've been a brat for too long don't I get to tease you a little?"He teased  you and then started giving open mouthed kisses on your jaw, intoxicated by your perfume and unable to control himself and give you a proper punishment, one that would have you begging for his touch all night. No right now it was him who would beg you to please let him in you.
Your head fell back as he grabbed your throat and made you look at the ceiling, exposing your neck that he quickly started kissing and sucking the soft flesh, leaving marks behind.
"Steph-" a moan cut you off before rolling your hips against his cock, feeling heavy from the lack of friction. His fingers pushed aside the hem of the shorts , before freezing only a few inches away from your aching core, driving you crazy.
"I'll need you to say my full name sweetheart", he chuckled at your despair and then dragged your hips closer to his bulge.
"Doctor- God… I need you so badly", you said breathlessly and your hands started moving down his neck to his chest needing to feel him desperately.
"Oh my girl needs me?’’ He stopped kissing your neck and looked at you with an arched eybrow, relishing every moment of your torture. ‘’What exactly could she want from me? " You sat on your knees as he lifted you from his lap, making you focuse on him without jerking your hips to tease him.
You fucking tease
"Don't be a jerk", you whined and moved closer for a kiss but he pushed you away and grabbed your hands into a fist so you couldn't touch him.
"What kind of language is this? Do you want daddy to leave and have you take care of the matter with your own hands? Or should I say fingers?" He glared at you but the only thing you could think of was the ghostly feeling of his hand on your thigh.
"No, I'm sorry", you said and he placed you back back down on his lap. "Im s' very sorry, daddy.I need you so badly. I need you everywhere, in my mouth, in my pussy, I want you to fill me daddy"
He looked as your pleading dove eyes turned into something so sinful and you started unbuttoning his shirt,coming closer to his ear to whisper "Pretty please?"
He groaned as you started sucking and biting his earlobe and squeezed you ass when you hoisted your hips to kiss him down his jaw. Once again he grabbed your inner thigh, and traced slowly the tip of his fingers caressed it up and down before they pushed past you shorts.
"You're not wearing panties?", he gawked at her, lust written all over his face as he felt her slickness just by palming her heat. Your face lightened up before you closed your eyes relishing in the burning sensation of him finally strumming your wet pussy. You fought hard the temptation of pressing against his palm not wanting him to pull back again because you was a brat.
"Never. Doctor's orders", you whispered playfully but once one of his fingers slipped between her folds her back arched back in pleasure. He didn't have to look; he was already feeling you dripping on his finger and he hadn't even done anything yet.
With slow yet steady movements his finger teased your clit taking his time to adjust to your tightness. Your hand once again went to his hair for support as he spread your folds, some groans escaping his beutiful lips you couldn’t stop imagining down on you.
‘‘God you’re tight’‘ Collecting some of your juices he started working to his second knuckle, penetrating you again, slipping deep and stretching you around his digit.
"Deeper please", you begged and if you closed her eyes and concentrated on anything other than his toutch you could feel his cock growing hard in the space between you. Long and thick, it would feel so heavy in your palm you were sure.
He collected your slick before with circling motions brought it to your hole, making you whimper with the sudden intrusion. Your cheeks heated up as you took his fingers and prod them at your slit and then pushed them inside.
His eyes widened and Adam's apple bobs."God you're a needy slut. I tried taking it nice and slow with you, trying to be a nice, respectful man but you don't want that do you?"  
Moaning in response you nodded, your eyes rolled in the back of your head as he started roughly rubbing your clit , the sounds of your arousal becoming more audible in a pornographic way that made your blush.
"No, you're a filthy little girl aren't you? I should have known from the first day, so carelessly walking around with no bra and a tight shirt. You really want attention Don't you"
Taken over by shame you didn't reply, just squeezed your eyes shut getting lost in each deep thurst of his fingers.  
"Answer to me, darling" He curled up his fingers and with his palm rubbed your clit.
"Only for your attention daddy. Only for you"  No words could describe how dirty you felt enjoying being called a slut and a brat, calling him daddy while simultaneously looking down at how his fingers disappeared inside your pussy, how you was dripping down your shorts or how her mouth watered in sight of his hard length.
"Yes you are and with a very needy pussy" you felt his fingers dig inside your sensitive spot, entering it shamelessly over and over again. Placing your hand over his, you guided his fingers into quicker and harder motions, using them for your pleasure. With each movement your hips rolled against his fingers and you whined before wrapping a hand around his neck for support.
"That's it, use my fingers", he cooed her, captivated by how you pleased yourself before bringing an assertive hand around your waist.
‘’Jesus harder daddy please harder", you cried out and he slapped your clit messily.  You took a deep breath and pulled him into a deep kiss. He let out a growl trying hard not to touch himself turned on just by watching you.
To be honest he had dreamed of numerous times. Your sweet lips around his length, taking it all, choking on it, swallowing all of his load like a good girl you were. How many nights he had woken up needy with a hard bulge he had to take care of with his own hand or sometimes searching for comfort in some nameless fangirls. He always closed his eyes though trying to picture your body underneath him, your hand around his aching cock and your warm mouth soothing it.
Your tongue teased him before you brought one hand down his lap, palming his growing erection. He pulled back gasping and breaking the kiss before taking sight of her hard nipples popping from her shirt and then of her who played dumbfounded with a little smirk.
All the things he'd do to wipe out that dumb smirk of yours.
You whined as he took his fingers out of your throbbing cunt. "You can't stop being a brat can you? Touching things you're not supposed to without permission",he tuted and you pouted to him hating how unfull your pussy suddenly felt, clenching onto nothingness. You moved your hips in frustration trying to get off onto anything, making him chuckle.
He gave you a hard slap on her clit through your shorts before bringing his dripping from her juices fingers to your mouth.
"Open up for me" Keeping eye contact you obeyed, taking his fingers into your mouth, tasting yourself on them as you sucked them dry. Giving your best show you licked the tip with the tongue, imagining it was his cock you sucked. He pulled them out a line of saliva connecting his digits from your wet lips and then pushed them back inside your clit to collect your wetness. You moaned as you watched him bring them to his own mouth, hearing the wet sounds he made as he savored them.
"Such a sweet cunt for such a filthy girl"
After another harder spank you could feel your shorts being sticky from the mess yout cunt had been. Your clit pulsated, needing desperately anything inside you and you squirmed underneath him, feeling your whole body burning with each swap of his rough hand.
‘’Suck a bad girl, you like having your little pussy slapped? " He groaned and then gave her another slap making her an even bigger mess than you were.
"Oh fuck daddy, I'm so close" He hummed in response and his fingers entered your pussy once again teasing your hole with the tip of his fingers. His fingers felt cold inside your heated pussy, easing the burning sensation that was building inside you. You let out a whimper hating how terribly slow his movements are.  
" You can't imagine how many times I dreamed of this" You were so out of it you didn't realise he added another finger, making your jaw drop, feeling so full. Burying your face in his neck you kissed him sweetly, tears streaming down your cheeks.
‘‘You’ll take it won’t you?’‘ his movements became slower and he gave you a kiss at the side of your head to soothe the pain.
"S' big daddy, s' big" you said between heavy breaths trying to adjust to the new size.
"But you take everything a give you, right baby? You can be a good girl for once, hm?" you nodded hot tears streaming down your face. "You’ll cum on my fingers liks a good girl, if you want me to take you then to the bedroom and fuck you dump"
‘‘Oh’‘, you suddenly jerked back his skilled fingers bringing you to the edge so quickly. Once he pressed his fingers on your sweet spot you twitched before bouncing, riding out your high, your juices squirted on his palm.
‘’Oh Stephen fuck!’’You squealed as his free hand pulled closer and sucked the neck, overloading her whole body setting her on fire.
"That's it darling you did it. Get it all messy for me" Out of breath you moaned his name countless times, making the tightness in his pants more unbearable. The sweat running down your forehead, your legs trembling as he continued playing gently with your nub, overstimulating your whole body. It was everything he he had dreamed of.
As your jerks became sloppy he kissed the sides of your face bringing you back to reality. Pushing his hand out of your sensitive pussy you collapsed on his chest. Your senses slowly came back, now feeling his sweet kisses in the forehead, your loud heavy breath, Stephen's strong cologne.
You’ve always loved how nice he smelled. You weren’t capable to think what exactly it semlled like but you just knew it was autumn, old books, comfort and something expensive. And if it hadn’t been for that massive bulge between his tights you might even consider burying your face on the crook of his neck and live there forever.
After observing how out of it and lost you looked he seductively brought his finger closer to his face he put on a show as he sucked them, twirling his tongue around them playfully till you looked.
"Want some?"he asked, loving how you lingered on his fingers and lips. Without answering you blinked quickly and clenched you thighs together as you studied his gleaming from your juices lips.
"You're a real slut aren't you? Looking at me with those confused eyes asking for more even though you just fucked yourself with my fingers. I really fucked you stupid didn't I?"
"I can take more", you whined ignoring how your pulsating pussy, your juices running down your tights. "Please. " She sat straight.
"I know you want me as much as I do", she smirked playfullly regaining her energy ‘’And you can have me baby. Always’’, you whispered the last part and kissed his cheek sweetly ‘’Everywhere’’ You gave him a last dirty smile before  getting down on your knees and starting undoing his belt, wanting to make him feel as good as you did. "The question is, can I have you darling?"
His breath hitched was enough for an answer, as you pulled his pants around his ankles and freed his bulge that twitched the moment you took it into her hand. "It must have been so awful for you being in those tight boxers. And god- I can't imagine how hard you might have been when you woke up after all those nightmares"
It was true.He was very gifted in every way possible and that perhaps explained why he was so cocky. Your mouth drooled as you shamelessly stared at the bulbous head, shiny with his seed, and the stickiness smeared down the thick girth over the veins. There was no way that would fit anywhere.
"Like what you see?"He looked down at you who gawked at his length, taking your time before deciding to lick the tip. Muscles tenses and he took a deep breath trying to remain calm and not moan the moment he felt your saliva and tongue around him. A smirk appeared on your face,loving his reaction and gave it another lick now from the fat base to the tip and then started sucking it.
"Fuck-"  Pulling her hair into a fist he jerked his hips, shoving himself further inside the warmth of your mouth. You gagged before remembering to relax the back of you throat and breath from the nose. He felt heavy against your tongue, so big and heavy you could feel your shorts becoming sticky again.
"Open wide for daddy", he groaned and you obeyed "That's it fuck"  Hollowing your cheeks you maintained eye contact, loving how despaired he was for your touch. "Let me, please let me"  
You hummed in response and let him tuck your hair into grip and then pushing himself further into your mouth. Your vision became blurry and saliva was spilled out of the corners of your mouth, leting him use you as he set his pace
"Oh fuck-" He chocked in his own words and pulled your hair more fucking your mouth, needing to feel you closer. His lustful groans played like a song in your mind and you started fondling his balls, causing more mumbled curses.
With each thrust becoming more eager and rough, you moaned loudly as he used youe mouth. Taken aback with how needy and loud he was you caressed the dripping wetness down your thighs and as soon as you met his languishing gaze he bit down a moan at the dump, shamefull look in your eyes as you were caught.  
‘‘Go on don’t stop because of me. Touch yourself if you want’’ Keeping eye contact he clenched his jaw, his movements suddenly becoming more sloppy and needy. He moaned loudly a mix of curses and your name and soon your tongue soon was coated with his seed.
With slow yet steady movements you finished him off till he pulled her back too tense. Your swollen lips formed into a mischievous smile after swallowing his load and then resting your head on his lap, waiting for him to catch his breath.
"What?", he groaned and your smile became wider.
"What?" You chuckled  "I'm just thinking of how I am the needy one here"
"Oh shut up"
"Don't worry I really liked how you whimpered for me" seductively you helped him tuck his shirt away and then gave a kiss to the base of his cock to tease him.
"Don't. Really don’t", he inhaled sharply feeling himself getting hard again.
"Don't what?" You asked clueless and your eyebrows knitted together. "Touch you?  But I really want to Stephen.", you whined "I have to" You leaned closer and he made a mation for you to sit on his lap.
"Then take off of those stupid clothes" You sunk back donw on his lap and his hand moved from your hips to the soft flesh under your tshirt before hiking it up. With hungry eyes he looked at the newly exposed skin feeling himself getting hard again and then looked at her asking with his gaze for permission.
"Please", your voice melted ineed and he splayed his hands across your lower back, bringing your hardened nipples closer to his watered mouth. He licked his lips before starting sucking on them gently, a soft moan escaping your lips. He swirled his tongue around the sensitive nub before tugging on it with his teeth.
"Jesus fuck" your head feel back and exhaled an unsteady breath. One of his hands trailed further down, stopping at the waistband of your shorts before moving further. Soon your shorts met your other clothes on the floor.
His mouth moved from the swollen nipple down your ribs before biting down at them drawing them taut. You lurched and gasped at the sudden movement
"You like me marking you sweetheart?", he murmured "I'm gonna ruin you for everyone else"
"I don't need anyone else'', you panted and a new wave of wetness washed over you. He smiled with her answer and continued sucking and biting making you gulp. "Mmm daddy please"  
Giving a last kiss on the valley between your breast he pulled you closer possessively. Taking his cock into your hand you lined it up with your clit before carefully sinking down onto it.
Stephen groaned at your tightness, fortunately your arousal coated his length allowing him to slide deeper inside you. A heat blooms in your stomach as your walls adjusted to his size and the new feeling.
"Fuck you're so big "  Shejumped back as he sunk into her hungry cunt now she could feel every inch of him deep inside her, stretching her open.  She couldn't think anything other than how his thickness filled her to the brim.
"I'm gonna fuck every other man that had you out of your pretty head"  He grunts before pounding into her wet hole his tip pressing against that sweet spot.  Her whole body ignited immediately as their hips rolled against their hips needing to feel him everywhere.
His hands moved down to her hips, his nails raking across the skin as he pulled them down harder. Their squelched noises became louder, her breast bouncing in an ecstatic way as she rode him, intoxicated with pleasure.
"Keep going sweetheart and I'll fill up nicely "
He was going to fill her so good till she was leaking with his load.
There was something about seeing her body slicking and face coated in a thin sheen sweat , so desperately trying to raise her hips before sinking down onto his cock to feel him.
Sounds of arousal, skin slapping and indecent groans filled the room making her slightly embarrassed of how they fucked in such animalistic way however she was feeling so hazy to think of anything. She placed her hands on his shoulders, her heart pounded against her chest, everything feeling as if they were spinning around her.
"Jesus-", she panted, her jaw dropping as she watched his cock disappear into her body but before she could think a thing he roughly shoved his hand through her hair, tucking her head back to bite down her neck.
"Please, please cum on me", he mumbled, feeling himself coming closer, as her fold squeezed his cock. "Please darling, can you do this for me?"
She nodded her head a couple times and shut her eyes close, overwhelmed with pleasure. Her pace soon became unsteady as the release inside her was building no matter how much she tried to prevent it.
"Cum for daddy darling. Be a good girl so I can fill you up,full and nicely" A spring coiled tightly before being released, splintering her underneath him. She continues riding out the shockwaves, finishing herself off, the clenched of her pussy making him   release his own load while groaning like a beast.  
He rested his forehead against hers, vision fading to black as their hips swayed slowly against each other.
"Steph-" she muttered her hand on his chest pushing him back, her clit too sensitive.
"I know, I know baby" Cupping her cheeks he kissed them and the side of her face slowly before giving some pecks on the lips.
"Don't pull out, please" she begged feeling so full and loaded with his cock and seed in her. He shook his head and pulled her into a more passionate wet kiss.
"Let's go to bed, alright?"
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dem1verse · 8 months
﹏ ❛ laced with love, intensive grooving.⠀⠀⠀cardinal copia/papa iv
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˖⁺ ⊹୨ ★ the one where you finally get to paint his face.
content disclaimers ╱╱ gn!reader. post!anointment. pure fluff. lovesick!copia. making out. wc: 476.
YOU HAVE (1) MESSAGE UNREAD !⠀⠀—⠀⠀“my first ever flufftober post and i decided to make it about one of my comfort characters. i'll try to release smth every weekend at least. i haven't written in like 5 months so hopefully this makes up for it 👉🏾👈🏾”
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀"COCO, PLEASE STAY STILL," You demanded as you straddled Copia's hips, cradling his face as you tried to pull off his iconic skeletal makeup. "I don't wanna poke your eye." Copia looked at you, smiling as he chuckled at your intense state of focus. You asked him for an opportunity to do his facepaint, wondering how it would look were you given a chance to do his facepaint. He declined at first but slowly gave in after endless begging on your part. "Are you done yet?" The anti-pope whined out, a somewhat thick Italian accent overshadowing his words. His lips pouted as you told him once again to stop fidgeting. "No, now stop moving around."
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀You tried your hardest to keep a straight face, but seeing your scary-looking partner looking at you with such attentivity threatened to break you. "You should ask your makeup assistant to start doing graphic liner." you suggested, outlining his eyes. "It'd make your eyes stand out." The cardinal blushed at the sudden compliment, his dichromatic eyes widening.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀The experience ended after nearly an hour, smirking at yourself as you mentally pat yourself on the back. "Done!" you declared with glee, gesturing for him to look in the mirror. "It might not look all that great, to be honest, but I tried." you sheepishly admitted, his amazement going unnoticed. "I love it." He whispered, his mouth ajar in awe.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀"Y-you do?" you stammered. He nodded. No matter how many praises he had, it wouldn't do your skills any justice. The end product wasn't all that bad. It looked a lot better than he expected. The white face paint sat perfectly on his face, the black jester-like eyeliner bringing his eyes out. The makeup sat perfectly on his face. "I do. You did very well." He complimented. Now, it was your turn to get flustered.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀"O-Of course, I am!" you coughed out, still processing his praise. "Does this mean I can start doing your makeup now?" you hopefully asked, eyes twinkling. The poor man couldn't help but smile at you, overjoyed that his significant other was passionate about their hobbies.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀"I-I guess so." he stuttered, startled by your squeals of joy. You jumped around like a child, rambling on and on about different things you wanted to try on his face. Slightly off put by your ranting, he grabbed your face and pressed a searing kiss to your lips, pulling away after a few seconds. "You talk too much, my love." He said, the huskiness of his voice making you feel hot. You soon returned the favour, pressing multiple kisses to his face, ignoring his complaints of annoyance at how you were dirtying your face.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Man, did the both of you have a good excuse for why Copia's face was smeared. The ghouls were never gonna let you hear the end of it otherwise.
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DEMI'S POST-IT⠀❞⠀i wrote this like 2-3 days ago while listening to faerie soiree hence the name lmao. this is prob rlly rough on the edges (i haven't written JACK in like nearly half a year work w me here) but im kinda proud of it so happy october ig?
template by @tinytowns! taglist: @ue-projectz
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nikolizzie · 29 days
How to make friends in the IRL Magical Girl Community
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Something I’ve noticed after being in the magical girl community for around 7-8 years now is people not knowing where to find other magical girls! As someone with many magical girl friends I talk to pretty much daily I think I might be qualified to help you out!
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First and foremost, join places like discord servers that are specifically centered around magical girls. While solely posting to a magical girl account on tumblr or wattpad can help you're more likely to only have people like or comment on your post rather then having actual conversations. Thats where discord servers come in! Not only can you post all the same things you would already be posting but you can also actively interact with people outside of likes and comments!
"But Lizzie!!! Where am I supposed to find discord servers!!!" I recommend searching terms like "Irl magical girl" on disboard or looking for people on tumblr or wattpad who have promoted magical girl servers in the past! In fact, I'll tell you one right now!
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This video is sponsered by Mahou Planet-! /j But seriously I can't recommend MP enough! It is one of the most (if not THE most) active magical girl discord servers and is (in my experience) the friendliest by FAR. I'm not gonna list out every benefit of Mahou Planet (you can check out @mahouplanetofficial for that!) but one thing i DO want to mention is the personalized channels.
If you're reading this post, im gonna take a guess and say that you've probably struggled with joining a server but being to nervous or intimidated to start talking to everyone. That's where Mahou Planet's pernsonalized channels come in to help! As soon as you join you can request a personal channel that you can talk about anything you want in (within the server rules!) People who share you're interest might stop by you're channel to talk to you and its a quick and easy way to get comfortable in the server with less of the anxiety!
Okay back to you're regularly scheduled program.
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Although earlier I mentioned that solely posting on tumblr or wattpad wont help you befriend people alone, I do think its a very useful tool to help meet new people. For example, MP only recently started promoting on tumblr and has already gained over 10 members in just 2 days. If you were to make your own server (whether it be on discord or something similar) promoting it on tumblr, wattpad, or something similar can really help boost your members and in turn meet many new magical girl friends!!
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That's all I can think of for now! If you noticed any spelling mistakes no you didn't. Now go forth into the world and make some magical girl friends !!!!! (and join mahou planet its very cool)
feel free to send in asks if you have more specific questions and i’ll do my best to help you out :]
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cevansbaby-dove · 6 months
Chris Loves love part 9
wheww!! Thank you for all the love on this fic i am so happy you all like my writing!
time skip three days.
Emily's pov.
I sit on set where chris is filming his brand new show Defending Jacob and i have to admit he's very hot as a lawyer. "that's a wrap" Chris smiles at me and waves at some of the crew and he sits by me and kisses my cheek. "Hey Em whatca think?"
"I think you are a great so called lawyer" I smile. "Thanks it's a lot but it's fun to do."
Chris looks at me. "Oh i forgot to tell you, um There is a Golden globe tonight did you um...want to uh..go with me as a um..."
I smile. 'Date?" He looks at me and nods. "yea a date" "Yes I would love to join you" He smiles. 'Great"
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I nod. "Works for me" "great i can't wait"
Later that night.
Chris's pov.
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I get on the stage with my best friend Scarlet and My heart feels like it's going to pop out of my chest that i can see everyone looking at us man..it's a lot... i look around for Emily she's late...this isn't like her...I have to keep going then i'll text her.
Later that night.
I arrive at my hotel room and text Emily.
I get out of my tux and put on a grey shirt and baggy pants. I sit on the bed and check to see if she messaged me.
Chris:Hey Em i didn't see you tonight 🥺 Are you ok?
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The next day.
Chris's pov.
I wake up when my alarm goes off. I grab my phone and check to see if Em texted me..nothing..god now I'm worried. I pack up and head back to boston and i drive to Em's she moved to boston a few weeks ago to be closer to me.
I pull up to her house and see another car. She had someone over??
I walk to the front door and knock. "Emily?" I hear the door open and jack opens it. "You!?" I push him to the side and rush in to see Emily making something to eat she looks at me. "Chris...it's not what you think"
I feel my heart sink as she is dressed in a robe. "What the fuck is going on!?" She walks to me and i hold my hands up telling her not to come near me. "Chrissy jack came over to stay he was drunk and-"
"He's abused you Em! do you not-" jack says. "look man nothing happened" I look at him. "get away from my girlfriend before i punch you out of this house!"
Jack walks away.
I turn back to Emily. "Are you ok!?" She nods. "Yes chris im ok he didn't hurt me, i'm sorry i wasn't there last night..." I wrap my arms around her. "God i was worried about you"
"You don't have to be worried all the time chrissy"
i smile. "Yea i know, when you didn't show up last night i got worried." She looks up at me. "I'm sorry Chris But i saw it on tv, I can't be more proud of you right now" I kiss her forehead. "Thanks Em"
Later that day.
Emily's Pov.
Chris looks so tired sitting next to me watching a show, "hey chirssy? why don't you take a nap? You look tired" He looks at me. "i'm ok Em" He looks back at the tv and i nod.
an hour later chris fell asleep on my lap. I look at my phone and see a message from the family chat.
Mom:hello Emily, hope you are well i wanted to reach out and see what your plans are for christmas, we thought you'd be with us for thanksgiving but i guess not.
Emily:Hey mom! Sorry just saw this, i was with my boyfriend's family for thanksgiving i should have told you but it was so busy :)
Mom:it's okay i hope you to meet the boyfriend soon, what's his name?
Dad:THIS GUY!???
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Emily: 🫣 Uh yea that guy...
Dad:Lucky Emily!!
Mom:carl maxwell
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Emily:Thank you mom!!
Dad:But it's The Chris Evans!!
Mikey: Hey sis!
Emily:hey mike.
Mikey:Oh shit whats with dad?!
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Emily:I like him!
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Mikey:ofc you do Em you fall for any guy that you see.
Emily:Duh...But this is diff, you'll see if you meet him...and if dad ever meets him dad please pleaseee be nice to him!
Dad:But it's cap!! Come on princess you know me.
Emily:Yes i know...hehe.
Mom:we all know your father.
Mikey:Aye Aye Captain! OMG do you ever say that to him!??
Emily:Mike don't start please 😅
Dad:Aaa!! i started something!
Emily: Love you guys talk later.
Mom:Love you to Em!
Mikey:bye sis!!
Dad:Bye Princess! love you!
I smile at the messages and then turn my phone off and see chris is lightly snoring. "hmm" I run my hand through his hair ever so lightly.
Why was jack really with Emily? Will that ruin Chris and Emily's relationship if he's in the picture?
Now I'm going to go have the song "So this is love" In my head all day bye!
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Taglist@ : @cutedisneygrl @nicoline1998enilocin @patzammit @armystay89 @hopefulbonkvoidland
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ang3lz-lov3 · 5 months
My Only Love
Tw: none :3
Genre: fluff ?
pairing: geto x reader (gender neutral pronouns)———————————————————————
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“Remember the first time we meet?" (IS THAT A NANA REFERENCE!?) Suguru asked from behind as he wrapped his arms around your waist and placed his chin on your shoulder
“of course love how could I forget"
You replied as you turned around to give him a peck on the cheek
(2 years ago)
The day you meet him the love of your life, you where working at your job in a coffee shop as a barista
"It's raining pretty hard don't you think So Y/N"?
Your coworker asked
“Yeah I guess so”
“Guess sale's will be pretty slow today”
You replied as you stretched a bit
“I'll be back Y/N need to use the restroom"
Your coworker said as she scurried to the employees restroom
"fine just hurry up don't take to long like u did last time”
you replied with a frustrated tone
your coworker yelled as they closed the door
"yeah in a minute my ass”
You though to yourself
then all of a sudden you where brought back to your sense's as you heard the bell on the door chime
A tall man approached the counter his face had sharp features that could pierce threw you while his eyes were brown with a hue of yellow that made them look like honey
“What would u like today sir?”
You asked the man with a polite tone
“Not sure what would you recommend?”
The man replied his voice deep yet soothing which sent a sort of shiver down you spine
“Well I would recommend a iced coffee”
you told the man
"That sound nice give me an iced coffee then”
the man replied
"right away, any name for the order?”
you asked
“Geto… Geto Suguru yeah"
Geto replied
*Even his name is as beautiful as him* you though to yourself as you prepared his order while taking short glances every chance you got
"your order is done sir”
You told Geto as you handed him his drink
“How much would I owe you beautiful”
he said with a teasingly tone
Your cheeks became flushed as you heard those words come out of his mouth
He noticed your reaction and a slight smirk formed on his face
"It's… Ito going to… to be $5.50"
you stuttered as you replied still flushed by his words earlier
he handed you the money, as he was about to leave he took out a piece of paper and pen he proceeded to write down something on the small piece of paper
“Call me later beautiful I would like to get to know you better”
he said this as he handed the small piece of paper to you
you stayed in shock as you tried to process what had just happened
"What the hell happened to you why are you so flushed and worked up all of a sudden?”
your coworker said as they patted down their hands on their apron
"you won't believe what just happened”
To be continued :3?
(was planning to make this a short story but I guess this is what happens when you really put your everything into something)
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probably will do another part depends if I’m lazy or not also this was made for my pookie since it’s her man :3
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hi skz pack <3 first of i wanna say ily and i'll literally die for all of you. you especially (y/n)!!! if any of these male boneheads hurt you, i'll throw hands (just kidding, maybe i'll pull on their ears a little and then pat their lil heads to say sorry). i have two questions (sfw and nsfw hehe) and it's for everyone so any of you can answer if you want!
first, are there any funny inside stories within the pack? i need my crumbs. i wanna know all the juicy gossip and potential blackmail. i personally think hyunjin and jisung are a chaos duo but i wouldn't... put it past any of you. *heart fingers*
second, and this is a lil spicy, but have any of you been dommed by y/n? i only ask because i'm a dom too and i am CONSTANTLY rooting for my girl y/n. does she dick any of u down??? does she top?? power bottom?? i need to KNOW. if she hasn't or you've never been, i implore you to let her. i know she has potential. BESTIE Y/N IF U CAN SEE THIS, GO CRAZY (consensually <3) !!! IM ENABLING YOU.
(jess sorry for the lack of asks, you know i love you. saw this ask thing though and jumped at the chance. i'll be back to my regular scheduled asks soon once college dies down T_T hope you're doing well!)
– 🤍
"Oooh, both of these are really great questions." Your eyes light up as you excitedly sit straighter in your chair. "I think we're gonna answer them individually, since there's so much to each one." You glance around at your packmates. "Which do you guys wanna answer first?"
Eight pairs of eyes stare back at you silently, and you sigh.
"Really? Okay, fine."
"You're up, buttercup." Minho quips dryly, raising an eyebrow as he stares at you, making you roll your eyes.
"Okay, first off-" You start seriously, motioning to the rest of the group. "I'm a complete switch, through and through. I think we all know this."
"However, there are definitely some key factors that affect which role I choose to portray during sex."
"This legitimately sounds like the start of my human behaviors lecture from last week." Jisung remarks with sarcasm, a smirk flickering across his lips. "Did you and Professor Nim collab?"
Seungmin elbows the other beta hard in the ribs, and he loses his breath with an audible oof. You shoot him a thankful look before you continue.
"The first factor, and definitely most important, is my partner's preference and comfort level."
Chan is nodding like he gets what you're saying, which is comforting, knowing that you're not just babbling like an idiot and making no sense.
Changbin offers you the hint of a smile as you push onward.
"It's not especially important to me what role I play, I don't have a strong preference usually, so if my partner is more comfortable with me domming, then that's what I'll do. If they'd rather I sub, and they take control, that's fine too."
Minho rolls his eyes good naturedly. "You're just a straight brat with me."
You point a finger in his direction sternly. "You don't count."
The other alpha smirks and shrugs. "It's fine. I'm not complaining."
"Anyway." You shoot him a glare and he gives you a little hand motion, as if to say go on. "Another factor that affects things is where everyone is at in their cycles. Typically, it's not the same for everyone, but pretty common, that when an alpha is in rut, they want to dom. Similarly, when an omega is in heat, they usually want to sub. It's biology's way of making things easier for everyone."
"I also tend to be a little more submissive when it comes to sexual interactions with the other alphas? It's not astoundingly evident, but my wolf's natural response when faced with another alpha-especially Chan-is to naturally be a little more submissive as a sign of respect I guess?"
You smirk now and dart a sidelong look at Chan, reaching out to curl your fingers around his thigh.
"Not to say I haven't dommed-a lot-with all of them. We absolutely do have sex toys, and I absolutely have used them, on everyone."
Chan sighs good naturedly and Minho snickers, Changbin grinning now.
"Gross." Jeongin rolls his eyes from where he's sitting in Felix's lap."
"Speaking of-" You point at the omega now, who glances back at you innocently, eyes wide. "-when it comes to the omegas, I usually tend to dom all the time. The baby and Felix especially. Hyunjin can go either way, sometimes he likes to switch it up and be in charge, but Lixie and Innie? They like to be coddled and taken care of."
"Pillow princesses." Jisung supplies without any guile, and Felix immediately nods.
"Hey, I like what I like."
"And we like you, princess." Changbin teases back, reaching out to pinch the omega's cheek affectionately between his fingers.
"Jisungie and Seungie." You think for a minute, considering, and then glance to the betas, who are not helpful in the least, giving you a shrug each. "Hmm. They tend to go either way. They're wild cards. Although Seungie prefers being in control usually, whereas Jisungie usually leans toward wanting to be told what to do."
"That's why Minho-hyung likes me so much." Jisung boasts, puffing his chest. "I'm a great listener."
"Bull shit." Minho immediately shoots back, and Jisung pouts.
"You're a terrible listener." You agree, and Jisung turns the full force of his wide eyed pout on you, making you laugh. "Everywhere except the bedroom."
Jisung shrugs, snuggling back beside Seungmin. "Whatever. I'll take it."
"When there's more than two people involved," You go on, considering for a moment. "That usually changes dynamics a bit, depending on who's wanting to do what. It's not as simple as just saying 'oh there's two alphas, so they'll obviously dom the omega or beta or whatever' because sometimes, one of us will dom the third party, and then the other doms the other alpha or vice versa. It really all comes back to, once again, comfort levels and preferences."
"Noona, if I came to you and hyung and asked to dom both of you, would you let me?" Jeongin pipes up, motioning between you and Chan with sudden eager excitement.
"Absolutely, Innie." Chan doesn't even hesitation, smiling fondly at the youngest, who is bouncing in his seat and making Felix wince.
"But you wouldn't." You grin. "Because we all know you'd rather be babied, especially by Channie and I."
Jeongin doesn't even consider pouting.
"We're a pretty non-traditional pack to begin with," You add, glancing at Chan, who squeezes your fingers where they rest on his leg. "So being non-traditional in the bedroom isn't anything weird. Channie is head alpha, but he never asserts that over anyone unless they ask. He's more than happy to sub if that's what someone wants."
"Who would want that?" Jisung cries out, utterly scandalized. "Dom, primal, head alpha hyung is the hottest hyung. Period."
"Hear, hear." Hyunjin raises a fake glass into the air in a toast to Jisung's words, and it's probably the first time they've agreed on anything in days.
"I mean-" You shrug, biting back a smirk. "-I'm not saying I don't agree with you, but I have to admit, there's also something intrinsically pretty about Channie being the one beneath me and seeing just how much he can take before he's practically begging."
"Oh god." Chan groans beside you.
Across the room, Changbin audibly chokes.
Jisung looks utterly caught off guard as he gulps loudly. "I need to take a cold shower all of a sudden."
Minho grins and raises his own invisible glass to you in salute from the other couch.
"That's my girl."
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