#i guess it's to try and fill in the block of space lol
en-chi-la-da ยท 6 months
Kazuichi x Hajime 4B I need them to kiss.
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well me too bitch get in line ๐Ÿ’–
208 notes ยท View notes
keresnotceres ยท 11 months
Good, Good, Great
Ghost x Fem!Reader (And they were roommates)!
[nsfw] cw(s): Jealousy, alcohol consumption, references to smoking, strip club, rdr calls ghost โ€˜big boyโ€™ several times, suggestive content, non-explicit sex (itโ€™s mentioned), rdr is highkey a brat lol, mention of dumbification.
3.4k words I donโ€™t understand how UK currency works so i guessed, ALSO! Reader is kind of a slut!! Because we donโ€™t get enough readers that have BEEN AROUND TOWN (iykwim) and I am hellbent on fixing that :) ALSO ALSO this kinda sucks and itโ€™s prolly OOC but I spent like four days on it so here u go <33
Youโ€™re not dating โ€” but heโ€™s not keen on sharing. He sees you serving another table drinks, scantily dressed, hips swaying with every step, and canโ€™t help but watch with a glare as some other man sets a 20 between your tits.
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How Laswell convinced both herself and Price that a strip club was the best place to meet and discuss information on a new mission was beyond Ghost. It wasnโ€™t until two blocks away from the venue did he begin to recognize the surroundings, the streets, and damn it, even the people.
He forwent the skull mask and the skull-patterned balaclava for a plain black surgical mask that left him feeling bare and exposed. Only a thin piece of fabric was between him and his anonymity; two strings that held together the Ghost faรงade from falling into Simon.
Heโ€™d be damned if he told the others that he recognized the club โ€” that he frequented it. Not for a certain stripper, no, not for the girls performing at all. He knew every staff member from the amount of times heโ€™d come to pick you up after your serving shift.
You always smelled like alcohol and someoneโ€™s blueberry vape, sometimes weed; you claimed that just came with the job. Heโ€™d respond asking if he smelled like gunpowder and metal, if that was the case. He remembered how you shook your head.
โ€œYou smell like cigarettes and aftershave.โ€
He grimaces as they approach the shining lights of the club. Myth is a looming building; five floors, only two used for actual club affairs. The other three were offices or something equally as boring; even if you would prattle on about your outlandish suspicions of a mafia being run up there.
The first floor had the basics; a main stage that was across from the full bar, a plethora of sleek tables and uncomfortable leather chairs filling the space between the two attractions. On the far wall, a few booths with itchy velour couches separated by fake bushes. Doors sat on either side of the four booths, both led to some sort of VIP room that Ghost had never stepped foot in.
The second floor overlooked the stage section of the first, only the dancers could see the people decorating the steel railings. It was usually reserved for the rich people, the important men who had had wives and didnโ€™t want to be seen in the public eye, the men who were desperate enough to pay extra to pretend they could get some, and the people staff liked. Ghost happens to fit into the latter category.
There was a second stage on the upper floor, it wasnโ€™t often dancers were up there performing, they were usually lounging around with someone they knew would paid them well. The was a second, smaller bar which served the singular purpose of storing new bottles, which caused you to complain about having to go up and down the stairs every time you had to get another round for a table.
His constant presence had led to him โ€œbefriendingโ€ the bartenders (if getting a free drink counted as being friends) and getting half-hired as security (he was roughly the same size as the men they already had for the job), even the hostesses knew to assign him to your section each time he walked in.
It baffled him, to say the least. Even after he was gone for 11 months the one time, (what a god awful time that was), the Myth staff knew who he was.
Ghost didnโ€™t even register Price trying to tell him to stop as he walked to the shiny glass doors of Myth. The thing that dragged him out of an absentminded state was Soapโ€™s obnoxiously loud laughter, Ghost stopped dead in his tracks and spun around to face the rest of the task force.
โ€œYae walkinโ€™ right in like ye own the place, eh, Lt?โ€ He had a conniving grin on his face. โ€œDidnae take you for that kinda guy.โ€ Gaz looked like he was trying to picture Ghost in a club, Price only looked at him with mild amusement on his face.
Ghost glares at Soap, embarrassed. โ€œIโ€™m going where we were told to go.โ€
โ€œWasting no time, either.โ€ Gaz manages to crack a smile from Price with his chide.
โ€œAre we going in, or not?โ€ Ghostโ€™s eyebrows raise in questioning, his patience already running thin. He looked over his shoulder at the bouncer, who he wishes he didnโ€™t recognize as Paul.
Gaz had already fished his ID out of his pockets, the graying white background of the Royal Air Force card reflecting the sign lights. Soap wasnโ€™t far behind him, most people who see someone with a mohawk assume itโ€™s a teenager who lost a bet. Anyone could look at the Captain and know heโ€™s over the age of 18, no college student could rival the manโ€™s facial hair.
And Ghost? All he had to do was look Paul in the eyes and he was let though without even a second glance. It was no different than if he were just coming in to pick you up, although it was considerably earlier than your usual 2 AM clock outs. Ghost forgot the club was even open at 5 PM.
He got an odd look from Soap at the lack of identification, but odd looks from Soap were a daily occurance.
The club looked the exact same as when heโ€™d left 4 months ago, the same blue-purple lighting, same ugly silver bead curtains hanging over the walls, and the same Thursday night bartender. His name was something along the lines of Tony (Tim?); Ghost hadnโ€™t particularly cared about him, heโ€™s never at the club on Thursdays anyway. Your shifts are normally on the weekends, only the occasional Thursday if there was an event.
The hostess seems to be familiar, too. Sheโ€™s either Camille or Angelica; he could never really remember who was who. The two have the same bleach blonde, blue eyes, and freckles; theyโ€™re practically the same person to Ghost. He really only pays attention to you when heโ€™s at Myth.
The hostess stares at Ghost for a second, as if trying to recognize him. Before she could try to speak, Price cut in.
โ€œWeโ€™re meeting someone here. Blonde hair, a little older.โ€ His eyes scan the half-empty floor of the room. โ€œShe might be upstairs?โ€
The hostess perks up at the mention of a woman. โ€œRight. Follow me, please.โ€
The blonde led the group of them upstairs, two of the 20 tables had people at them. Only one of them had a Laswell-looking woman at them. The other was a group of seven men; each in a suit, and each with a glass in their hand.
Once the hostess set a few menus on the table, she spoke a final time. โ€œYour server will be right over.โ€
Ghost let the others sit down before him, eyes lingering on the group of men across from them before they slid over to Laswell. She looked as comfortable as any other person in a strip club by choice, lounging back in her chair with a cocktail in her hand.
โ€œYou look disgruntled,โ€ she notes, eyes resting on Ghost.
โ€œYou had us meet in a strip club,โ€ Ghost mutters. โ€œThis isnโ€™t my usual scene.โ€ It was quite the lie, really. Heโ€™s spent more time here than any other pub in the Manchester area at this point.
โ€œItโ€™s close to home.โ€ She takes a sip of her drink, completely at peace. โ€œAnd itโ€™s unsuspecting. Who comes into a strip club to talk about top secret information?โ€
Ghost looks at her, unamused. โ€œUs.โ€
Laswell ignores the distaste in his voice. โ€œYou donโ€™t have to worry about that group,โ€ her head tilts in the direction of the rowdy group of men. โ€œTheyโ€™re all drunk or too focused on the girls to even bother listening to us.โ€
The distant sound of heels against the floor catches his attention, his eyes fly towards the staircase. And there you are, flouncing up the stairs with three glasses in one hand and a bottle of Blue Label in the other.
You make your way to the group of men, a customer service smile plastered on your face. Ghost canโ€™t hear your words, but he watches you set the bottle down in front of the most important-looking man, along with two of the glasses you were carrying.
He watches as your shoulders bounce when you laugh at something he says, though it looks like the fakest giggle you can muster.
He watches as the man takes a 20 pound note from his pocket and tucks it right between your tits. On instinct, Ghostโ€™s hands tighten into fists and he glares. Itโ€™s a sharp glare, one heโ€™d give to some idiot recruit that tried being cocky. You gasp, then smile brightly at the man, he can tell youโ€™re saying thank you profusely from the way your mouth is moving.
You step away from the man and Ghostโ€™s eyes fly from him to you, and his glare drops into a normal enough look, but his fists are still tight; his fingernails dig into the palms of his hands.
Ghostโ€™s eyes roam your body, how the little black skirt youโ€™re wearing rode up just enough that it would be considered a tease, how the black shirt youโ€™re wearing is just a little too tight around your tits, and the 20 pound note that was stuck right between the two of them. He had to consciously unclench his fist before anyone would notice.
Then you come prancing over, hips swaying almost hypnotically as you walk, a glass of bourbon nestled in your hand.
You smile sweetly as you bend down in front of him, showing off both your tits and the note right between them, and set his glass on the table.
โ€œI believe thatโ€™s for you, big boy.โ€ Fuck, he missed hearing your voice, the nickname flies over his head through his stupor. Even if it was the faux, sultry version of it you used for work. โ€œCan I get the rest of you anything? A beer? Whiskey?โ€
It was almost impossible for Ghost to tear his eyes away from you, rather, that damn note between your breasts. He wanted to pluck it out and throw it right back at the other man, replace it with something bigger, better.
When he notices Gazโ€™s disturbed stare, his eyes avert from you.
Gazโ€™s eyes trail from his to yours, โ€œIโ€™ll take a Manhattan.โ€
You smile at him, โ€œof course, is Sazerzac okay?โ€ Gaz nods shortly, glancing away from you to avoid Ghostโ€™s stare. โ€œAnyone else?โ€ You pivot towards Price, shifting your weight from one leg to the other.
Price angles his head to meet your gaze, squinting through the LEDs of the club. โ€œGin and tonic,โ€ his eyes donโ€™t leave yours, โ€œHendrickโ€™s.โ€ An offhand comment from Soap entertains the liquorโ€™s Scottish origins.
You nod along with his words, then tilt your head towards Soap. โ€œCan I get you anything?โ€
โ€œIโ€™ll have a Coke.โ€
โ€œI hope you mean the soda,โ€ you muse. You didnโ€™t get any reaction out of the group, not a single smile โ€” how disappointing. โ€œWe have the cherry kind, if youโ€™re into that.โ€
Soap shakes his head, a small frown on his face. โ€œJust normal Cokeโ€™ll do.โ€
You hum absentmindedly, โ€œalright.โ€ Your eyes flicker to Ghost, the smile on your face contorts into a little mischievous one. โ€œAre you going to be wanting the bottle, Simon?โ€
You really are a vixen, arenโ€™t you? Through grit teeth, Ghost spits out, โ€œno.โ€
โ€œAlright, then. Iโ€™ll be back with those drinks, boys.โ€ A single wink, and you were off. Low heels clacking against the tile floor, hips swaying side to side. Ghost was all too aware of every detail of your retreating body, from the way your hair bounced with each step you took, how the skirt you wore rode up just slightly enough to make his grip on his bourbon tighten.
Ghost fights the urge to get up, grab you by the waist, and pull you onto him. Both his experiences and his logical reasoning say itโ€™s a terrible idea, yet the idea of reminding you who you ultimately belong to is so enticing he could be drooling.
Heโ€™s seen you cockdumb; it almost always comes after you pull a stunt like this. Of course, he knows you do it just for the sake of getting him bothered and getting fucked stupid. But he also likes the idea that you do it just for him. You put on a little show.
He finally put it together years ago. Back when you would bring over some pathetic-looking hookup just to see his reaction. When youโ€™d fake moan loud enough for the whole damn neighborhood to hear, then look at him the next morning through your eyelashes all innocent.
At some point, the hookups ended, and you began flirting with customers right in front of him. Just like you had done a moment before.
When your head disappears from view, Soap is the first to attack him vocally, almost gawking after you. โ€œYouโ€™re on a first name basis with the bottle girls at a strip club?โ€ He looks incredulously at Ghost, almost jealous.
โ€œIs that why you were in such a hurry to get inside? You knew this was where your flings worked?โ€
Soap leans in closer, โ€œhow often do you come here, LT?โ€ It was question after question from the Scotsman, and despite his inclination towards him, Ghost was getting slowly more fed up.
Ghost set his glass down, โ€œIโ€™m going to the bathroom.โ€ He put his hands to his knees and stood up from the plush seat, eyes scanning the other group one more time before he left his teammates at the table.
It doesnโ€™t take long for him to find you, leaning up against the doorframe to the serverโ€™s closet while you wait for another cocktail server to put in a ticket, twiddling your coworkerโ€™s Elfbar in your hands until she reaches behind her for the vape.
You hand it off to her and turn to face Ghost, a catty smile adorning your lips. โ€œHow can I help you, sir?โ€ Ghost stops a few inches before you and a hand darts towards your cleavage. He tugs the 20 pound note from between your tits, your hands following his to grab for it.
You give Ghost several noises of grievances as he holds the note away from you, a look of slight disgust evident in the ways his eyes narrowed and his brows furrowed.
By the time you gave up trying to reach the banknote, heโ€™d begun digging in his back pocket. โ€œIโ€™d like my tip back, asshole.โ€
Ghost says nothing in return, no noise or gesture to acknowledge he had heard you. Instead, he tugs a 20 and a 50 pound note from his pocket and tuck the two bills into the space between your breasts. The money from the other man was crumpled and shoved back into his pocket.
You donโ€™t stop him, youโ€™re a bit too turned on to even think of stepping away from him.
โ€œThere,โ€ he mutters. โ€œyour tip.โ€ He steps back from you, like he was going to leave and go back to his table. You, however, were having none of that.
โ€œHold on.โ€ Your hand twitches, stopping before it could shoot out to grab his wrist (but youโ€™re smarter than that, you know him). โ€œYou didnโ€™t call or anything.โ€
Ghost frowns under the mask. โ€œIโ€™m not home.โ€ It was a clipped reply, not one you wanted.
โ€œWhat?โ€ You match his frown, annoyed.
โ€œIโ€™m here for work. You saw the others,โ€ his hand gestures vaguely to the upstairs, โ€œtheyโ€™re my coworkers.โ€
You raise an eyebrow, โ€œyou work with someone who has a mohawk?โ€ Disappointment flickers in Ghostโ€™s eyes, if it was from your question or just the thought of Soapโ€™s haircut, you didnโ€™t know. The poor man isn't even there to defend himself.
โ€œIs it that hard to believe?โ€ Ghost knows that, yes, it is hard to believe that he worked with a Scotsman with a terrible haircut while continuing to be the infamous Lieutenant โ€˜Ghost.โ€™
The look on your face screams โ€˜yes.โ€™
Ghost relents, โ€œlisten.โ€ His voice has a certain sadness in it that makes you calm down a bit. Truthfully, youโ€™re pretty damn pissed at him for just showing up out of the blue from God-knows-where, but your expression softens after a few seconds.
โ€œYouโ€™re gonna be the death of me, Riley.โ€ Your coworker nudges your shoulder to let you know it was your turn to use the kiosk. โ€œGo back to your friends,โ€ you wave your hand in a dismissive fashion. โ€œIโ€™m working.โ€
Ghost doesnโ€™t budge, even after youโ€™ve ducked between the bead curtains that dangle at the top half of the doorway. You pop back out of the doorway, an unsurprised look on your face.
โ€œDonโ€™t flirt with him.โ€
Your eyebrows fly up, an incredulous tone flooding your voice. โ€œWhat?โ€
โ€œDonโ€™t flirt with him,โ€ Ghost repeats, his eyes boring into yours.
You set a hand on your hip, annoyed. โ€œIโ€™m making money.โ€ The look in his eyes doesnโ€™t change, heโ€™s utterly serious about some random man youโ€™re flirting with for extra cash. A thought crosses your mind, and your annoyance melts into mischief.
โ€œYouโ€™re jealous over him?โ€ The way his eyes widen a bit is enough to tell you that, yeah, he is. โ€œReally, big boy?โ€
And fuck, if you didnโ€™t have him wrapped around your finger by the way you walked, you had him now. All it took was one stupid nickname and Ghost is crumbling into Simon.
โ€œNot jealous,โ€ is his defense. You just soak it in with a grin on your face. You step towards him a little, shoulders forward and leaning down ever so slightly so that your cleavage is a little more obvious, so that the money he stuck between your tits is poking right out at him.
โ€œYou sure?โ€ You look up at him, still grinning like your coworker once had when she got a free vape from a customer. โ€œSeems like youโ€™re a bit jealous.โ€
All he can do is stare down at you, clenching his jaw shut lest he say something he really shouldnโ€™t. But God, does he wish he could.
Really, if it werenโ€™t only 5 PM, he wouldโ€™ve let you get to him. Let you drag him into an empty VIP room and fuck your words right out of you, leaving you a whimpering, babbling mess. But Ghost โ€” Simon โ€” knows better than to incapacitate you when youโ€™re working.
All heโ€™s left to do is watch as you give him little smirks from across the room, as you adjust your clothes to be just a bit more revealing, as you get close enough that he can smell the remnants of your perfume when you ask him aimless questions. And thatโ€™s just what heโ€™ll do once you prance off to get his teammates drinks.
You pat him on his covered cheek patronizingly before you slink away, outstretching your hands for the three drinks cluttered at one side behind the bar. You pass him by, drinks in hand.
โ€œIf anything,โ€ you look up to his eyes as you pass him, โ€œitโ€™s the guys youโ€™re with you should be jealous of. You know I like older guys.โ€ Thatโ€™s enough for Simon to be reclaimed by Ghost.
He follows after you, glowering at your back. You donโ€™t have to look back at him to know heโ€™s scowling at you, but it brings you a slight bit of satisfaction.
โ€œCโ€™mon, big boy,โ€ you hum, โ€œIโ€™ll get you another drink if you tell me his name.โ€ You look back at him once you reach the staircase and climb a few steps ahead of him.
Ghost stares into your eyes like a dead man, you almost think youโ€™ve gone a bit too far. โ€œNo.โ€
You give him an exaggerated pout and turn back to the front to see where youโ€™re going. โ€œIf you arenโ€™t jealous, you shouldnโ€™t have a problem with it.โ€
โ€œNo,โ€ he huffs, irritation growing steadily. โ€œAsk again and Iโ€™ll have your head.โ€
You quicken your pace on the last few steps, skirt bouncing from the motion; Ghost doesnโ€™t bother to look away. He follows you back to the table where Laswell and the others are chatting quietly.
You lean down to set the drinks on the table, and Ghost takes his chance. His hands hover around your hips, bulge brushing against your ass as he moves behind you to sit down in his seat.
โ€œSorry,โ€ he muses in the most unapologetic tone youโ€™ve ever heard from him. Itโ€™s Simonโ€™s eyes that look into yours, like a challenge. A really, really horny challenge. โ€œHad to get past you.โ€
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bomberqueen17 ยท 8 hours
writing etc
Well so I did push through on writing this week. Retrieved my real computer yesterday so I did all of the work on my old laptop, resurrected, short on battery life, unable to charge except for some reason from one particular outlet in the house, who knows why.
But anyhow. I finally got through the block on the next chapter of the Peace-Tied continuity, which-- I just scrolled back in a Discord thread where I'd been discussing it and I got as far as December of 2022 before i was squarely before this point. So it's been a big block for a while. And now I'm like.........
where was I going after this
LOL it's such a weird feeling, to have finally worked past a scene you'd been planning on writing-- and the thing is, I really wasn't sure which direction it would go, my first draft of it was way too much one direction and I'd written it ahead of the setup, and once I did the setup that draft didn't really work anymore, and some of the setup was from ideas I'd had years before, and needed fixing, and anyway it's been many drafts and I wasn't sure where it would come out. And I'm still not sure what it actually means. But now I have to go back and look at what my ideas were for the next bits, and figure out where I'm taking those.
And the chapter isn't even ready to post, i still need to go back and make sure I've walked the fine line between "character doing what I need him to" and "ooc", and I'm ngl I'm a bit resigned to it coming down on the "ooc" side, but I console myself nobody who minds that is still reading along with this unless they're quietly hate-reading in which case you do you, I respect that.
So I'm actually at the point in both ongoing serieses where I'm like...... past a big block I've been trying to strategize around for a long time. And on to a next section I've mostly not let myself write ahead. So it's weird uncharted territory, especially when you're not an outliner. (I can't do outlines, really, I can only speculate about what might happen next, and more often than you'd think I absolutely know where to take things despite not having overtly planned them, but. I secretly suspect this takes up all of the brain space I have, which most people use for like, their daily life, and this is why ADHD meds can't fix me, because my head is entirely full of fictional realities and there's just not room for real ones. IDK. Can I know where I left my keys? No I may not have that information because I filled the place where it goes with different Wet Cat Boy scenarios, sorry.)
anyway I think it's even odds, looking back at the last posted chapter, how many commenters expect this scene to go where it went.
Behind the cut: a snippet of what happens next in Eagle Sable, Lozenge Gules, which left off with Iorveth's Unicorn Badge story which had taken me a couple of years to write too. I will update that chapter soon so don't click if you really want to be surprised I guess, LOL. But I don't realistically know how long the final edits will take me. I'm off to the farm tomorrow probably, and it's three weeks there this time, so. Not a ton of time for writing, coming up. But the hard part's done, I hope.
โ€œYou might have to hold the pupโ€™s collar,โ€ Iorveth said, cutting the consonants sharply to punctuate his languid tone, โ€œhe seems a bit overexcited.โ€ Roche had forgotten about the dog collar. Heโ€™d noticed Gascon was wearing it, but that memory had fallen right out of his head. But there it was, thick and studded, brown leather with sturdy brass hardware, exactly the style of collar Flash and Nosewise had worn. He reached down and cradled Gasconโ€™s jaw, just as Iorveth had done to his. โ€œI donโ€™t think I need to haul on that collar,โ€ he said softly. โ€œI know a good dog when I see one.โ€ย  โ€œTakes one to know one,โ€ Gascon said, brash and uneasy. Iorveth clicked his tongue disapprovingly, but said nothing. Roche looked consideringly into Gasconโ€™s face. He wasnโ€™t a bad-looking fellow, really, strong-jawed and young, and even more appealing with the brashness shredded away a little.ย  โ€œWell,โ€ Roche said, โ€œtime to prove it,โ€ and leaned in to press his mouth to Gasconโ€™s. Gascon tasted like wine too, but it tasted different in his mouth than it had in Iorvethโ€™s. Roche pulled from his physical memory and slid his tongue into Gasconโ€™s mouth just as Iorveth had to him, and Gascon made a soft little whimpering noise and opened up to him.ย 
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karisomk ยท 2 months
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Knock Knock โœจ๐Ÿ’–
ยฐยดโคโ€ข.ยธโ™ฅ ๐“’๐“ฑ๐“ช๐“ป๐“ช๐“ฌ๐“ฝ๐“ฎ๐“ป ๐“ฅ๐“ธ๐“ฒ๐“ฌ๐“ฎ ๐“๐“ญ๐“ฟ๐“ฒ๐“ฌ๐“ฎ โ™ฅยธ.โ€ขโค
๐Ÿป fav vs. least fav trope?
๐Ÿถ your fav character to read / write about, or create for?
๐Ÿ• a sentence you read/wrote that stuck with you?
๐Ÿฅ”fav fanfic oat?
๐Ÿฟ๏ธfav fanart oat?
๐Ÿa character youโ€™d like to write more for, read about, or create more for?
๐ŸŒ a trope youโ€™re embarrassed to like? (guilty pleasure)
๐Ÿ“ฆ choose one genre of fanfiction, the rest have to go!
๐Ÿ„โ€๐ŸŸซdo you prefer canon or au?
๐Ÿ‚a trope you refuse to write abt / read abt / create for?
๐Ÿฅง do you prefer one shots or multi-chaptered fics?
๐Ÿ’ผ summarize the last fic you read / wrote in one sentence.
๐ŸคŽdescribe your perfect conditions for writing/ drawing, ect.
๐Ÿ‘œ Have you ever deleted one of your published fics / art?
๐Ÿกwho / what inspired you to read / write / create?
๐Ÿ“”how do you deal with art block / writers block?
๐Ÿ‘ždo you prefer collabs or working independently?
๐Ÿฅ one thing youโ€™d like to improve on in your writing / art?
๐Ÿฅฎfav vs. least fav of your works?
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NOT THE UNO REVERSE. Alright so bet:
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๐Ÿป ๐Ÿ…ต๐š๐ฏ ๐ฏ๐ฌ. ๐ฅ๐ž๐š๐ฌ๐ญ ๐Ÿ๐š๐ฏ ๐ญ๐ซ๐จ๐ฉ๐ž? Favorite trope: Angst with Romance or Domestic Least Fav trope: Plotless smut? I rarely do it.
๐Ÿถ ๐Ÿ†ˆ๐จ๐ฎ๐ซ ๐Ÿ๐š๐ฏ ๐œ๐ก๐š๐ซ๐š๐œ๐ญ๐ž๐ซ ๐ญ๐จ ๐ซ๐ž๐š๐ / ๐ฐ๐ซ๐ข๐ญ๐ž ๐š๐›๐จ๐ฎ๐ญ, ๐จ๐ซ ๐œ๐ซ๐ž๐š๐ญ๐ž ๐Ÿ๐จ๐ซ? Nanami Kento
๐Ÿ• ๐’๐ž๐ง๐ญ๐ž๐ง๐œ๐ž ๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎ ๐ซ๐ž๐š๐/๐ฐ๐ซ๐จ๐ญ๐ž ๐ญ๐ก๐š๐ญ ๐ฌ๐ญ๐ฎ๐œ๐ค ๐ฐ๐ข๐ญ๐ก ๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎ?? "He hated that he finally let his love leak into something that was not meant to be.ย "
๐Ÿฅ”๐…๐š๐ฏ ๐Ÿ๐š๐ง๐Ÿ๐ข๐œ ๐จ๐š๐ญ? Hmm. Depends on the fandom I guess. Like current reads would be fics by @umber-cinders & @pilesofpillows And few JJK ones.
๐Ÿฟ๏ธ๐…๐š๐ฏ ๐Ÿ๐š๐ง๐š๐ซ๐ญ ๐จ๐š๐ญ? Monsterfucking fanart and Nanago ones.
๐Ÿ๐€ ๐œ๐ก๐š๐ซ๐š๐œ๐ญ๐ž๐ซ ๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎโ€™๐ ๐ฅ๐ข๐ค๐ž ๐ญ๐จ ๐ฐ๐ซ๐ข๐ญ๐ž ๐ฆ๐จ๐ซ๐ž ๐Ÿ๐จ๐ซ, ๐ซ๐ž๐š๐ ๐š๐›๐จ๐ฎ๐ญ, ๐จ๐ซ ๐œ๐ซ๐ž๐š๐ญ๐ž ๐ฆ๐จ๐ซ๐ž ๐Ÿ๐จ๐ซ? Gojo Satoru x Nanami Kento OC x Nanami Kento OC x Astarion OC x Getou Suguru OC x Sukuna Attuma x Okoye again. (Eventually.)
๐ŸŒ ๐€ ๐ญ๐ซ๐จ๐ฉ๐ž ๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎโ€™๐ซ๐ž ๐ž๐ฆ๐›๐š๐ซ๐ซ๐š๐ฌ๐ฌ๐ž๐ ๐ญ๐จ ๐ฅ๐ข๐ค๐ž? (๐ ๐ฎ๐ข๐ฅ๐ญ๐ฒ ๐ฉ๐ฅ๐ž๐š๐ฌ๐ฎ๐ซ๐ž) Fluff. Domestic Fluff. I always end up doing a palette cleanser of angst with it. Or writing some dark scenes lmao.
๐Ÿ“ฆ ๐‚๐ก๐จ๐จ๐ฌ๐ž ๐จ๐ง๐ž ๐ ๐ž๐ง๐ซ๐ž ๐จ๐Ÿ ๐Ÿ๐š๐ง๐Ÿ๐ข๐œ๐ญ๐ข๐จ๐ง, ๐ญ๐ก๐ž ๐ซ๐ž๐ฌ๐ญ ๐ก๐š๐ฏ๐ž ๐ญ๐จ ๐ ๐จ! Angst with Romance or Dead Dove LOL. I don't make the rules.
๐Ÿ„โ€๐ŸŸซ๐ƒ๐จ ๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎ ๐ฉ๐ซ๐ž๐Ÿ๐ž๐ซ ๐œ๐š๐ง๐จ๐ง ๐จ๐ซ ๐š๐ฎ? AU. Cause when you got characters like Gojo who is "dead" right now cause their creator don't really like them. You can always bring them back in AUs. lmaoooo. Or just ignore canon.
๐Ÿ‚๐€ ๐ญ๐ซ๐จ๐ฉ๐ž ๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎ ๐ซ๐ž๐Ÿ๐ฎ๐ฌ๐ž ๐ญ๐จ ๐ฐ๐ซ๐ข๐ญ๐ž ๐š๐›๐ญ / ๐ซ๐ž๐š๐ ๐š๐›๐ญ / ๐œ๐ซ๐ž๐š๐ญ๐ž ๐Ÿ๐จ๐ซ? I am not sure.
๐Ÿฅง ๐ƒ๐จ ๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎ ๐ฉ๐ซ๐ž๐Ÿ๐ž๐ซ ๐จ๐ง๐ž ๐ฌ๐ก๐จ๐ญ๐ฌ ๐จ๐ซ ๐ฆ๐ฎ๐ฅ๐ญ๐ข-๐œ๐ก๐š๐ฉ๐ญ๐ž๐ซ๐ž๐ ๐Ÿ๐ข๐œ๐ฌ? I like both! But I noticed stories that have me hooked end up being one shots and that bums me out sometimes lmao.
๐Ÿ’ผ ๐’๐ฎ๐ฆ๐ฆ๐š๐ซ๐ข๐ณ๐ž ๐ญ๐ก๐ž ๐ฅ๐š๐ฌ๐ญ ๐Ÿ๐ข๐œ ๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎ ๐ซ๐ž๐š๐ / ๐ฐ๐ซ๐จ๐ญ๐ž ๐ข๐ง ๐จ๐ง๐ž ๐ฌ๐ž๐ง๐ญ๐ž๐ง๐œ๐ž. Inya hindbrain finally gets her lick back and she gets filled like the omega cream pie she was mean't to be.
๐ŸคŽ๐ƒ๐ž๐ฌ๐œ๐ซ๐ข๐›๐ž ๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎ๐ซ ๐ฉ๐ž๐ซ๐Ÿ๐ž๐œ๐ญ ๐œ๐จ๐ง๐๐ข๐ญ๐ข๐จ๐ง๐ฌ ๐Ÿ๐จ๐ซ ๐ฐ๐ซ๐ข๐ญ๐ข๐ง๐ / ๐๐ซ๐š๐ฐ๐ข๐ง๐ , ๐ž๐œ๐ญ. At night time with youtube normally playing some none commentary gameplay or a creepshow podcast Meatcanyon & Wendigoon.
๐Ÿ‘œ ๐‡๐š๐ฏ๐ž ๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎ ๐ž๐ฏ๐ž๐ซ ๐๐ž๐ฅ๐ž๐ญ๐ž๐ ๐จ๐ง๐ž ๐จ๐Ÿ ๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎ๐ซ ๐ฉ๐ฎ๐›๐ฅ๐ข๐ฌ๐ก๐ž๐ ๐Ÿ๐ข๐œ๐ฌ / ๐š๐ซ๐ญ? Fanfic! Yes!
๐Ÿก๐ฐ๐ก๐จ / ๐ฐ๐ก๐š๐ญ ๐ข๐ง๐ฌ๐ฉ๐ข๐ซ๐ž๐ ๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎ ๐ญ๐จ ๐ซ๐ž๐š๐ / ๐ฐ๐ซ๐ข๐ญ๐ž / ๐œ๐ซ๐ž๐š๐ญ๐ž? Anime shows like Dragon Ball Z. Sailor Moon and Inuyasha. I finding my notebooks with hand written fic is so funny but realizing how long I've been trying to write before starting roleplay and THEN fic writing. Its interesting.
๐Ÿ“”๐‡๐จ๐ฐ ๐๐จ ๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎ ๐๐ž๐š๐ฅ ๐ฐ๐ข๐ญ๐ก ๐š๐ซ๐ญ ๐›๐ฅ๐จ๐œ๐ค / ๐ฐ๐ซ๐ข๐ญ๐ž๐ซ๐ฌ ๐›๐ฅ๐จ๐œ๐ค? I stare into space or just not write. And sometimes that block can last for months.
๐Ÿ‘ž๐ƒ๐จ ๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎ ๐ฉ๐ซ๐ž๐Ÿ๐ž๐ซ ๐œ๐จ๐ฅ๐ฅ๐š๐›๐ฌ ๐จ๐ซ ๐ฐ๐จ๐ซ๐ค๐ข๐ง๐  ๐ข๐ง๐๐ž๐ฉ๐ž๐ง๐๐ž๐ง๐ญ๐ฅ๐ฒ? Considering the reason It Takes Two purely exists because @umber-cinders added fuel to it. And alot of my BP stories are the same result. I would be up for a collab. But I work independently rn.
๐Ÿฅ ๐Ž๐ง๐ž ๐ญ๐ก๐ข๐ง๐  ๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎโ€™๐ ๐ฅ๐ข๐ค๐ž ๐ญ๐จ ๐ข๐ฆ๐ฉ๐ซ๐จ๐ฏ๐ž ๐จ๐ง ๐ข๐ง ๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎ๐ซ ๐ฐ๐ซ๐ข๐ญ๐ข๐ง๐  / ๐š๐ซ๐ญ? Write like another author/artist lmao. Just maybe I won't squint or side eye my stuff sometimes. But all joking aside, it would be nice to know how to draw some scenes that I have stuck in my head.
๐Ÿฅฎ๐…๐š๐ฏ ๐ฏ๐ฌ. ๐‹๐ž๐š๐ฌ๐ญ ๐Ÿ๐š๐ฏ ๐จ๐Ÿ ๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎ๐ซ ๐ฐ๐จ๐ซ๐ค๐ฌ? Favorite im stuck between two of them?? I'd say Alpha! Gojo x Omega! Nanami in It Takes Two. Because of the endless possibilities. Or Ndithande with Attuma x Okoye which is a Cowboy AU. Least Favorite: I don't have one believe it or not. Even if I am not working on a certain fandom atm. That doesn't mean I am done or dislike them btw. Lmaoooo I answered them all @umber-cinders thanks for the tag and ask! <3 <3
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tomiyeee ยท 1 year
how long does it take you to draw and colour? since you post everyday which is great for me :D any tips for colouring cause Im still tryna figure all that out
hmm welllll, i don't exactly time how long it takes to draw but my partner said that sometimes i'll be working on a piece when they go to sleep and i'll still be working on it when they wake up 7 hours later so...my guess is anywhere from 3-8 hours each depending on complexity? at least for the art that i normally post, most of which is relatively simple.
not entirely sure what kind of tips you were looking for, but i'll just throw out some of my thought processes and stuff i try to keep in mind whenever i color. i'm gonna try and keep these relatively to the point so i won't go into much detail on art terms n whatnot, BUT i am also pretty terrible at explaining things so if you need clarification on anything, feel free to ask!
(sorry it's so longggg, i got carried away. i am...very wordy when it comes to art lol)
i like to block in the colors during the sketching stage before i do the lineart, especially for pieces where i know i want to do something funky with the color palette. you can see this in a lot of my process shots. doing colors in the planning stage just gives me a lot more freedom to focus purely on the colors and shading and how they work with the composition, without having to worry about the minute details like making sure the colors are inside the lines.
in order to save time while coloring, i'll usually just select the negative space (after making sure all the lineart is closed) > expand selection by 1 pixel (to make sure the edges are hidden within the liineart) > invert selection > fill bucket, then use clipping layers above that to color individual areas.
layer modes are your friend! i use multiply, overlay, and glow dodge (this one may be specific to mangastudio?) in almost every one of my drawings, but it's definitely worth playing around with all of the modes just to familiarize yourself with them if you haven't already.
color is honestly SO subjective. i'm never a fan of color picking (from source material or my own refs or whatever) bc while it may have its uses when it comes to consistency, imo it's much more fun to make them up as i go. you get a lot more variety from piece to piece while also familiarizing yourself with the character's palette that way. usually i'll start by deciding on the overall mood/palette (cool/warm, de-saturated, neon, pastel, etc), filling in the background color, then picking the characters' colors based on that. like with this venti pic, i started with a purple background and based my colors around that purple so they all fit the specific look i was going for. i could maybe get a similar effect by starting with the normal colors and using filters, shading, layer modes, etc to get the funky colors, but it will be much harder/more work and doesn't get as drastic of an effect imo.
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on that note, don't be afraid to use shades/colors that may seem odd! you'd be surprised how many times i've used gray in place of blue, orange, purple..basically any color. in the above example, you can see just how different the colors ended up being from the original. after i decide on my palette + bg color, i'll just throw down the color i think will work and then (bc that first guess is usually wrong and meant only as a ballpark estimate) see if it needs to be warmer or cooler/darker or lighter/more or less saturated/etc and adjust accordingly. it's like mixing paint or tuning an instrument! it takes a little bit of practice, but after a while you start to get the hang of what colors will look like in which color palettes. white is usually the easiest to start with bc it will always just be tinted whatever color your palette is (like how the "white" in the above example is just a light purple).
this and the next point are more about shading but i include it as part of the coloring process: the easiest way i've learned to do shading is to darken the entire image/character/part you want to shade (usually with a solid color multiply layer) then add in the lighting either by erasing parts of the multiply layer or by using a separate layer set to overlay or glow dodge (or a similar lightening layer mode). it works a lot better than drawing the shadows imo because it kind of mimics how light works in real life; things are dark by default until you let light in and it hits what it can while leaving the rest still dark.
if you want to blend shadows, i usually still use the above method, but just blur certain areas of it and when i'm deciding which parts to blur (bc i don't just do so indiscriminately) i'll mentally sort all of the shadows into 2 categories:
shadows created by light being blocked by an object: like putting your hand in front of a flashlight. these shadows will retain their sharp edge, but can transition into the 2nd category if they are far enough from the obstruction, like how your hand's shadow will become blurrier the further you move it from the flashlight. the more distance between a light source and the surface it's projecting onto, the more chances for the light to scatter = softer edges
shadows created by light "rolling" off the surface: like the shadows on a ball or rounded surface. these will get blurred and i usually like to put a little bit of color along the blurred edge (a different and usually brighter/more saturated color than the rest of the shadows) just to add some life to the shadows.
here's an annotated version of this mikey pic with just the shadows so it's a lot easier to see :) sorry im bad at annotating..
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aaaand this post has probably gotten way longer than you were hoping for so i'll cut it off here ๐Ÿ˜ญ hope this has been at least somewhat useful, and good luck with your art!
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mcythottakes ยท 1 year
I know its been a bit iv been into other fandoms lmao but iv noticed somthing every time I make or relog a post explaining that, no, in fact the CCโ€™s are NOT their c!characters/personas (SHOCKING! I know) and they dont get to dictate how we write these characters in fandom spaces as long as not actually about the CCโ€™S, which yes includes shipping.
And every time without fail people go โ€œAh yes I agree! Unless the CC has said its against their boundaries/unless its romantic ofcโ€
The CCโ€™s are NOT the ones being written about!! They never get to dictate fandom spaces. I still cant believe that I could write a gore filled, horror hurt no comfort story about the ocs, or hell even the ccโ€™s, being savagely murdered and tortured without ANYONE EVEN BLINKING, and yet people โ€œDraw the Lineโ€ at me going โ€Oh these two characters have alot of chemistry in the roleplay. I want them to kiss.โ€ and declare me an awful or gross human being??
If you can accept that โ€œHey in this story this character is a god, this one is a Mob hybrid player, and oh also magic is real and these three are siblingsโ€ and know that oh obviously this is about the character the ccโ€™s portray, then you can just leave us alone about shipping.
โ€œBut OP!" I hear you say, โ€œThe CCโ€™s said they dont wanna be shipped!โ€
Let me ask you, in most questions about shipping, did people every clarify they wanted to know if they should specially ship their character and not them, or did most shipping questions go โ€œHi can we ask your boundaries on shippingโ€ or โ€œHi is it okay if we ship you lolโ€ or something along the lines? Becuase I can guarantee that if I was asked that question Id assume you were talkin about me and Id also say no.
Obviously though, if the fandom work/ship is actually about CC then no you shouldn't ship if they say they are uncomfy with it. Thereโ€™s a difference between a character portrayed who doesn't have actual feelings vs an actual person who doesn't want to be shipped. Then obviously respect their boundaries and dont ship!! And if you come across people who do ship CCs? Still just block and move on, I can promise they will not change their minds 95% of the time.ย 
And for the few ccโ€™s that did actually get asked to clarify they were talkin about their characters? Iv said it before and Ill say it again, CCโ€™s do not get to dictate fandom spaces whatsoever, they never have, just like other fandoms dont let source material dictate these spaces either. Yes sometimes something they say can be taken into account but at the end of the day, people who do fandom works get to do what we want. CCโ€™s are honestly more authors/actors of the characters they portray, specially in roleplay circumstances like DSMP.
Becuase if your gonna try and get permission for stuff like that, we might as well ask them permission if hey can we torture your character, hey can we make your character die to motivate another character, hey can we do this or that or this please?.... Do you realize how stupid that sounds? Would you sit and go ask the cc if this is okay before making any fandom works? No? Then neither should we about shipping.
Honestly dont try to bug CCโ€™s about shipping characters and try and look for permission, you dont need it and most of the time CCโ€™s just want to be left out of it or just not know as long as its not shoved in their faces.
If your worried about a CC coming across said shipping, then let me tell you something; Fandom spaces have ALWAYS been for the fans. If they come into fandom spaces and areas, and they see something they dont wanna? That's on them. Specially if its been fully labeled and tagged properly, they fucked around and found out.ย 
โ€œWhat if they stumble across it on accident before they knew or didn't understand or, the horror, someone forgot to label something properly?โ€
GUESS WHAT! CCโ€™s arnt your UwU babies who will break into little pieces when they find out their characters are being shipped. Maybe they wont like it but theyโ€™re big boys and girls and others, they can handle it themselves. I promise you they dont need you trying to speak for them, and I can also promise theyโ€™d be hella more disappointed in you harassing folks, specially if you send death threats over something harmless as shipping fictionalย people.
And honestly, if you dont like the idea of shipping even though its pretty established by now we arnt talking about the ccโ€™s? THEN THATS FINE! You have every right to, hell I'm not even a huge shipper myself! I just think its cute sometimes and ill reblog it or read something with it if its intriguing enough.
And even more so, you have the ability to block! Block shipping tags and people who ship and move the fuck on, its not that hard. At this point people are pretty good at making sure shipping stays out of the main tag and has its own tags for it, so if your seeing it enough to bitch about it, it means you either followed someone who ships and that's on you, or you went searching to bitch about which is honestly a bit pathetic.
Leave people alone, make use of the block blog and block tag options, and thank you for coming to my ted talk.
And remember at the end of the day all fandom works are fiction and should not be intended, nor expected to be reflected irl. ย 
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aspl1tl1fe ยท 1 year
Setting Up Audre 5.1
Today we return to PI Strip, a renamed public community lot located at 10 Pleasant Boulevard in @one-plumbobโ€‹โ€™s world Pleasant Island, which is called Audre in my save.ย 
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Last week, I shared images of the entrance and first floor of Audreโ€™s African Art Gallery, and today we venture up the spiral stairs to view the two room second floor, where the art is showcased.
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So a little story about the stairs before going up.ย 
Those are a custom item I got somewhere off the net, while desperately seeking build variety. Iโ€™ve never used them before because the style is rather limited. They look very 80s Barbie doll wedding, and donโ€™t at all fit the modern style of this gallery. Still, I really wanted to use this, and plopped them down before I did anything else in this shop, before, in fact, I even knew what the place would be.
As I was renovating I thought, maybe the owner of the gallery recently purchased or rented the space, and it hasnโ€™t really had much attention since the building was originally built. Maybe the owner of the gallery is just starting out or relocating to the town and canโ€™t yet afford full renovation. Even better, the gallery is publicly funded and most of the funds go to just keeping the place open.
Whatever I go with, Iโ€™m keeping the stairs because Iโ€™m stubborn, lol.
Anywho, on the second floor I used some half walls (which might also be custom) to make a little stairwell, through which you can already see the pictures hung up on the walls.ย 
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As a quick aside, AAAG specializes in photos and paintings. Unless I decide to use sculpting in this game to actually sculpt, which I highly doubt, whatโ€™s sold here probably wont change.ย 
If you take another look at the picture of the exterior, the second floor has a bunch of windows which limit wall space, and could cause damage to the featured paintings. To remedy this, I placed two and three tile walls, one tile in front of, or partway in front of, the windows, and then I tried to block the spaces off using plants. Iโ€™m hoping this will prevent sims from trying to route around the walls instead of using the open more navigable space.
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I know we all know how TS3 is (and TS4 definitely has this game beat in that regard). If itโ€™s hard to get there every sim in town wants to be there. Still, I am hopping they walk up, not do the toe tap and complain because Iโ€™ve got a mod to prevent that, see they canโ€™t get there, and go around.
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I may find that this was the biggest mistake ever, as Iโ€™ve also placed one tile walls in the next room to hang more art.ย ย 
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Iโ€™m pretty sure I mentioned in last weeks post, that I didnโ€™t have room for a lot of seating in the sales room (yup thatโ€™s what Iโ€™m calling it now), so Iโ€™ve placed two couches around the stairwell, along with a little coffee table. That way I can make and place coffee up here, and make it look like the gallery owner is chatting up potential artists or sponsors.
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From the entrance way to the second room, you can see the one tile walls I mentioned before. Thereโ€™s a bit more space in this room, as itโ€™s the space above the in progress housewares store. Iโ€™m hoping that means this wonโ€™t become the portal to lag hell, but I wonโ€™t really know until I can get multiple sims in here at once.
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I guess that if all else fails, I can at least place invisible fences where the walls are blocking the windows, and maybe do the one tiles if that still doesnโ€™t help.
I should say, I have downloaded lots of black art (I also tend to download Indigenous and or non-black POC art that doesnโ€™t give me racist fetish vibes), and โ€œthe lighting is dark enough that this person in this image could be blackโ€ (lol) art. All custom, of course, as diverse representation is scant in the game.
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Because I have so much, I was able to fill out my gallery with a number of different images in different sizes and styles, and use a lot of cc Iโ€™ve yet to be able to incorporate into my residential homes.
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I forgot to note, (or... if Iโ€™m repeating myself, forgive me), that the gallery is dark despite the lights, and it clearly being day outside, because I have a mod that fixes auto light mode so that the lights are only on in rooms where sims are, and not on during the day in rooms with windows.
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All those walls make for wonderful places to hang up pictures, but they make it even darker inside unless I manually cut on the lights, and I forgot to when I took these.
Well thatโ€™s it for this shop.
So next week Iโ€™ll share game shots of the last lot I completely renovated in this world. I am working on the housewares store, but I havenโ€™t been able to go into my game as often as usual, as Iโ€™m putting a lot of work into battling agoraphobia and finding my own place. Itโ€™s slow, and tiring (because also autistic burn out) but Iโ€™ve been making a lot of progress.
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brick-a-doodle-do ยท 1 year
This is like a noms...mention warning?
But here's the answers for your questions about the pockets:
It is genuinely a pocket, like what you have on your clothes. It fills on the inside of his flesh so his throat doesn't get blocked so I guess you're half right? It would only fit maybe...at most three 3in tinies and then it would be cramped and uncomfortable for him.
The way it opens is actually kinda fun. He can fully control the way it opens...uhmmmmm...like how a mailbox opens? It opens that direction to fill the entire space of the throat so it won't go past it on accident. Then it's possible for a tiny to actually shove it open themselves, but they'd then have to deal with Irza coughing and trying to keep it shut. He can push them out of the pocket and spit them out easily, but when they climb out on their own he could choke and might not be able to spit them out and instead swallow.
When Irza is doing it they'll be shoved out, fall for a second, then get pushed up. When they force it, they'll fall, get stuck, then be swallowed so the poor half dragon can breathe. At least he has three of these pockets so they get another chance to be caught...unless they were in the bottom one, then they're just unlucky. He'll put someone in the three different places for very different reasons bc they each have a different level of protection.
Deepest one: he doesn't want ANYONE taking them, keeps them for a long while
Middle one: temporary block from the world, still very protective, will keep for a bit
Top one: spur of the moment or planning to spit them out very soon? Kinda? Still protective just not as much
Did that make sense?
Also, as for drawing it, I might not be able to...yet. Perhaps I'll draw it as a scene from an au if I or you ever write that as part of it. I have a diff procrastination lol
hear that everyone? vore talk in this post!!
huh that's interesting,,,, ooh i see yeah that's v cramped dsxjh
OOO that is COOL i actually love that sm- the mailbox-esque thing is pretty cool asw, i like how it makes sure the pockets are inescapable,,,
ohhh i seee,,,,, lol poor whoever doesn't know that at the time and gets swallowed </3
oooo okay i see! has vara ever been in the deepest one?
yes that does make sense!!
alriiiiight sounds good,, i will deeply consider writing a scene like that then >;3
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inkofamethyst ยท 2 years
October 31, 2022
Course registration today was a bit of a mess, actually, but thankfully I think everything might turn out to be okay. ย There arenโ€™t any restrictions listed for the education class I wanted to take next sem, but when I went to add it, the system told me that I had to be a education major to take it. ย So I email the instructor to plead my case, not expecting much bc sheโ€™s a grad student, and sullenly pick a greek art class as an alternate to fill the space. ย The instructor gets back to me in an hour with permission, and I think I should be able to get in. ย Itโ€™s a lower-level course, but the seats are already going pretty quick, so hopefully the registrar acts fast to lift to block.
I am having a wee bit of an anxious episode at the moment, but it was partly brought on by the frustration of feeling, once again, like an emotional punching bag.ย  Not in the way that Iโ€™m being emotionally abused or anything, but, like, in high school I used to have a friend who had a lot of issues at home and sheโ€™d turn to me (and also to my dnd-friend) almost exclusively with her problems and it was really draining, honestly.ย  I had to stop putting effort into that relationship because it felt so one-sided.ย  And, frankly, sheโ€™s part of the reason that I donโ€™t goย to people with my problems.ย  That people only hear about my problems after Iโ€™ve solved them or cannot conceive of a way to solve them myself and have already cried over it (and in those cases I go to my parents).
Anyway saxophone-guy (-friend?) saxophone-friendย (the โ€œguyโ€ suffix will be saved for potential, uh, suitors) has been doing that to me since I met him and itโ€™s become even more pronounced this semester now that weโ€™reย โ€œjust friendsโ€ because he never ever comes to me when heโ€™s happy about something.ย  I spent hours on a birthday present for him and the first thing he says to me when we next see each other in-person is how bad his day has been (he did thank me for the gift over text last week (also Iโ€™d like to be perfectly clear: this was not a gift given with the intent to win him back, as that ship has certainly sailed, it was a gift given with the intent to stop him from always being so down in the dumps over his voice (because any time he felt self-conscious about it, guess who heโ€™d text and guess whoโ€™d have to use the same lines over and over again to comfort the guy (I donโ€™t expect people to be perfect, and I understand weโ€™ve all got our hangups, but heโ€™s got a whole therapist)))).ย  I just... people who start nearly every conversation with the intent of spilling their problems irk me.ย  And he had the gallย to say today that he doesnโ€™t like going to people with his problems because he hates bringing down their day.ย  HM.ย  It seems as though the self-awareness doesnโ€™t stretch as far as he thinks it does.
Itโ€™s not my intention to disparage people.ย  Iโ€™m just terribly high-strung at the moment.ย  Second round of midterms, a month until my applications are due, regular assignments on top of that, trying to prepare for my future...
I donโ€™t want to come off like a fair-weather friend.ย  Truly, I donโ€™t.ย  But the guy needs a journal.ย  Maybe not an internet one, that seems like a pretty dumb idea tbh.
So thatโ€™s frustrating, and then Iโ€™ve got an exam tomorrow [edit, next day: it was just okay, I think the short answers were fine, but the matching was awful (who cares about Haldaneโ€™s rule so much that it shows up on two questions??)] and a draft of a paper due and two discussion boards to do because Iโ€™m behind and emails to send and two more exams this week and Iโ€™m already feeling awful.ย  This Friday canโ€™t come soon enough.ย  And then Iโ€™m going to a concert (orchestra lol) this weekend, and a movie next week, and an opera two weekends from now... ah.ย  Just gotta get through this hell of a week.
Today Iโ€™m thankful that... Iโ€™m thankful for GMMโ€™s Vote Like a Beast web service.ย  It was so useful and so much easier to build my ballot relatively painlessly compared to consulting a newspaper and endless maps.ย  Midterm elections are so important, but the local-ness of it all can for sure be more overwhelming and confusing than the big national elections.ย  And as a college student it would be so easy to just be Too Busy To Vote, but Iโ€™m glad I did.
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miramilocamimira ยท 2 years
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I don't know how this game works (so I asked rory) or if I should send it in an ask to you, but I marked everything someone said to me for being a openly fujoshi. No one threatened me to my face and even if they'd tried I take absolutely no shits hold my earrings and phone 'cause I'm going to beat their asses lol (offering to beat anyone who talks shit about you for being fujoshi too)
I don't try to educate annoying people on the term, it's not worth my time so I just block.
Free space: people said I couldn't be a fujoshi because "that's not what you are!", "only japanese can call themselfs fujoshi" as if it wasn't just a term to call someone who likes something and more of a cultural identity (i guess).
I am aro ace and that's really... self-explanatory by itself?
Hope I played the game right. It was konda funny to remember every situation something like that happened to me lol
Honestly, I feel horrible that so many are filled out. People shouldnโ€™t say stuff like that to or about you or someone else. And it sucks cause every time I go through the list I know thereโ€™s another person out there hearing the same things and feeling bad because of it.
Iโ€™m also aro/ace!!!!
Itโ€™s good to find humor in it though! I know personally I like to laugh at how dumb some of the situations were or just at the situation itself.
If you ever need to vent or talk my dms are always open.
Thank you for sharing, and I hope you have a great day/night.
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the-firebird69 ยท 6 days
And the loser is back the head loser. We have some news another time.
- And mostly Trump is amassing at the holes yes and BJA is getting ready too. There are three that they're amassing at and they're opened and about seven more will open momentarily and they will mass there and they're going to go in in a huge assault force in the meantime the empire is trying to get ships here to the USA there's a war in space and the Moorlock god bless their souls LOL and though they don't have souls but still they are trying to block the empire and it's pitiful they simply keep steaming by and hit them and their fleets will be gone momentarily. The clones and foreigners and pseudo empire are formulating a plan very quickly they had some and they're breaking them out and we are going to the meetings and getting ready and miscellaneous too the ground basis are assured to come in question our son says and those are the fully operational macro bases
- In other news Hulk Hogan launched a beer real American beer and it is a massive sensation these moron will not stop buying it and he can't produce enough he has breweries all over the world right now brewing his beer and he has too many orders to fill and they drink far too much beer and other beer companies will go out of business and will **** them up I guess we'll supply Hulk Hogan and it's an analogy to our son and the guy is fuming about it it says it's bad and he is a giant no so he says it's not too hard you get this huge thing going you keep the can and you put your label on it and take your stupid face off it and your name. And you call it real American beer and it lessens the blow. But that's when you get established that's probably the number one beer and he said what the hell it's an idea so he's steaming at it he's got tons of guys looking at and they know what it is and it's very bad and the sun says it is bad and steaming me every day it feels bad because they didn't do too much and they should have used it and they feel bad that they didn't use it now they're feeling the pressure. That's a lot. A lot of breweries open and these guys go there trying to take it over and we have five but they're Michelob and we have about 10 that are medium and could supply one day in the USA and he says anything. So our son says and they're really they don't have a name right now you put a small sign up that it's real American beer and we can build plants it takes a while we can add to those a lot easier and thinking pretty large real quick so we're gonna try and do it we know how to brew very well so he says yesterday you get a test match ready and we have that and we're sending it in and our son says you have to open a bar the real American bar it's like it could be like a biker it's like a saloon like a biker bar but families could come in for like a table area and he says that's some nonsense right there it's pretty cool so he's getting ready to do it and he was like big hamburgers you know like something that me and Ken could eat one of maybe like three quarters of a pound or something so he's laughing when a Kaiser roll now he's flipping out and saying you're kidding no these guys love that stuff. So he's in steak fries steak fries mother mother yeah there you go so anyways. No so we are going to go ahead with this and we're doing a test batch for them a lot of people are and we can them some of some of us do we're just going to send the beer doesn't need volume we have other plants and he says that they make other people's beer and it would start it up and then we can take it over and in the meantime switch over to a different plant it's a good idea these plants can they're old Milwaukee and it's decent equipment top notch and they can pump out probably a week of beer in the USA even at the current rate so he wants them up and running and screw these guys these idiots are leaving they just want the beer anyways so we're gonna do it and it's a lot of beer and and it's a lot of beer and he might be able to export it we might can it and we're gonna be fairly famous so we have ways of helping our son but Hulk Hogan can get with bill they said it too he said it's taken off and big Joe has an idea for a pancake house in Hulk Hogan probably has a roadhouse and so he knows about that stuff bill has worked in it for the past 10 years he says this is my dream and he might work on it with Hulk Hogan here's another character it might be the big show and he's gonna get with him and say we could open it up and then smarty pants might come by but he's really gonna only be the size of the first
Thor Freya
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hualianisms ยท 6 months
1-10 for the fic ask game
hello, thanks for the ask!!
Whatโ€™s something new that you tried in a fic this year in 2023? How did it turn out and would you do it again?
writing the 5 stages of grief in my fic of gojo grieving geto. it turned out well and fun, i would absolutely do it again
2. How many fics did you work on this year (2023)? (They donโ€™t have to be finished or published!)
9-10 including wips/ongoing multichaps๐Ÿ˜ญ
3. Whatโ€™s something you learned about yourself as a writer?
i learnt that out of all the parts of writing, im most drawn to and best at exploring emotions. i write best when im really feeling the emotions of a scene and fic. but this also means idk how to do plot or action even tho i would love to, and anything other than introspection/character study is a struggle for me (again, even tho i would love to learn how to do all those other things) ๐Ÿ˜ญ
i also learnt that sometimes when i have writer's block for longer than a month, i may need to read a new book to "fill up my well". and that i need to push past my brain's automatic thoughts of "oh i wouldn't be able to write it" and just try + give it time, bc sometimes smth that i think i can't write or that i blank on, starts coming to it after a while (even if a month or even year later)
i also rly need to be less impatient (thanks adhd brain lol) to rush through writing just for the sake of finishing and instead carefully edit more rounds before posting. and that adhd makes it harder for me to sit there and write for more than a short while so i need to find ways to make it interesting for myself.
4. What piece of media inspired you the most?
based on number of fics including wips, i guess tgcf
5. What fandom(s) did you write for this year?
tgcf, jjk, mysterious lotus casebook, arcane
6. What ship(s) captured your heart?
new ones in 2023: fanghua, satosugu
7. What character(s) captured your heart?
new ones in 2023: fang duobing (mysterious lotus casebook)
8. Did you write for a new fandom or ship this year?
yes. jjk - satosugu, mysterious lotus casebook - fanghua, arcane
9. What fic meant the most to you to write?
my wip fenglian exes au (will hopefully finish it by fenglian week next month) bc i can finally write the exact flavour of fenglian that i like most :'))
10. What fic made you feel the happiest to work on?
i'm not sure... maybe my hualian space/dr who au although that gave me stress too or my fanghua reunion/llh introspection fic
send me a number for the 2023 fic writer asks!
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kinfeelings ยท 1 year
filling out this ask game!
1: What is/are your kintype(s)?
Siberian tiger, and eevee + all the eeveelutions.
2: What age were you when you discovered your first kintype?
About 16 or so, but that was just a mistaken phase, and it faded away pretty fast.
3: Are you active in any otherkin spaces outside of tumblr? (Forums, networks etc.)
The Fictionkind community over on Dreamwidth, a little bit on Twitter, and definitely on several Discord servers.
4: If you dated another otherkin, what kintype do you think youโ€™d be most compatible with?
I don't really think that sorta thing matters lol. If you date someone, it's because you get along with them in general, yeah? It doesn't matter what their kintypes are.
5: Is there any food/drink that stimulates kin feels for you?
Not really. Maybe meat, for the tiger one? And if people would invent all the pokemon treats like poffins and blocks that would be great.
6: Do you like any movies/books with your kintype in it? (Ex. Catkin liking the Aristocats)
Tiger documentaries and all the animated pokemon anime stuff. Never read the manga though, I probably should.
7: Do you have any kin memories? If so, which is your favorite?
A lot! Swimming as a vaporeon is one of my faves.
8: Give 3 facts about your kintype. (Or one of them)
I can't tell if the tiger one was male or female. I know the vaporeon was female. I'm pretty sure the espeon was male. The others are blurrier.
9: Have you ever written about/drawn your kinself?
I try to a lot! My art isn't phenomenal but I give it my best shot. Mostly I color in bases.
10: Whatโ€™s your favorite otherkin-centered blog? (Ex. otherkinfaq, kin-assistance, etc.)
@houseofchimeras and @aestherians and @a-dragons-journal though those aren't really in the sense you were speaking of.
11: Do you have any otherkin friends?
Only online yeah.
12: How many people irl know that youโ€™re otherkin?
Absolutely nobody and I probably should keep it that way.
13: Are you polykin? If so, which is your most dominant kintype?
Yes. And vaporeon, probably.
14: What would be the ideal home for your kinself?
A Siberian tiger's natural habitat, and for the eeveelutions, I guess either a wild environment that suited their type or living with attentive, caring humans.
15: Has your kintype ever shaped your personality in any way? (Ex. a dogkin being hyperactive)
Not...really? My personality is ultimately a result of my lifetime in this human body. Sure, my noemata affects me, but...hrm. I gotta look into this more. My mom has always called me a "waterbaby" because of how much I like beaches and pools. I guess that was the vaporeon shining through all my life without knowing it. Does that count as a good enough answer for this question?
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xenxpress ยท 1 year
2:19 am january 1, 2023
hello to this space. i'd like a moment to reflect on the year 2022. probably one of the worst years in my life haha failed in all aspects i think. sigh. but i got lessons out of them, i guess.
right now i just want to release all these emotions i've been bottling up or talk about some things i've never really fully addressed to myself.
i got into an online-ldr back in 2021. we broke up on may 2022. i hate the feeling of betrayal, it's the worst. but somehow i managed to forgive him for my emotional well-being and to move forward. he doesn't know i've forgiven him already, i don't see the need to tell him. first few months since the breakup, i'd admit was tough. remembering, crying, viewing socials. it was easier when i left for uni, living alone at an apartment, getting busy with academics, and navigating through life essentially. when i get back home, it gets bad again. i'm here for the holidays though i am eager to go back to the city as soon as possible. don't get me wrong, i wish him happiness and the best in life despite it all. sometimes i do wonder if and what he thinks of me. exactly 6 months since last contact, he blocked me on instagram and made his account public. didn't even last a month and unblocked me. the reasons are unclear but well, if that's what he wishes. i never responded to any of it.
i also went through the trying-to-fill-the-void phase. didn't end well either and had to block the guy as the situation was starting to bother me. had to change my username and display photo just so he can't find my instagram. he still reached out on other socials but i chose to not respond to any of his messages. i apologized a long time ago for making him a rebound. i don't owe him anything by now.
this year, i'm ending my short-lived (lol) hoe phase on the internet. i know i'm not that type of person deep inside (no pun intended). also, i've gotten very insecure. so there's that. i don't think it's worth it anymore. just leaves me feeling empty and dull.
i might have missed some other things but i've feeling sleepy already. may or may not continue tomorrow. i hope i get to do this more often. i have a lot of things in my mind i need to let out. i hope for a better year. also better me and take care of myself more. my mind is not working anymore, goodnight โ™ก
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yaoiplug ยท 3 years
#venting again dont mine me#so like I suggested to this friend that we block each other and what not i wanna give context but its too long#ehh whatever#they sbed me from their priv while we were like in a middle of an argument... kinda because the situation made them uncomfortable#and i was like oh? and they apologised and said that they just had a panic attack and they do impulsive things when#theyre like that and i understand yknow bc i do that a lot ๐Ÿ’€ anyway they also said they'll ''refollow in a sec''#i didn't know how to answer because i guess i just wanted to give them space and then i just stopped#posting on my main entirely and sbed THEM from my priv bc 1. i wanted to vent 2. if they didn't feel comfortable i didn't either yknow#and like a day goes by and i text them saying like yeah i understand how u feel i do that to blah blah blah bc i do#and i said that if them feeling uncomfortable doesn't change then we could just block each other#and i also let them know i wouldn't be on twitter and to just message me on discord#and now I'm trying to distract myself by anything and everything#bc when i think abt anything related to this i get so ... twitchy....#like i immediately feel just anxiety fill my whole body because its been two kr three days and they haven't texted me#and yknow blocking isnt that bad like idk its jusy#even now i have like a lump in my thoat im so dhdnxbjdkdbdj#-its just* that im just anxiously waiting for a response while theyre just posting freely and i cant help but feel#the lack of my presence is making them feel at ease#and that just makes me upset yknow lol#if anyone's reading i hope this made at least some sense ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€#if you have any advice pls help cuz i cant be bothered to give a shit any longer...#but at the same time if i cut everyone off from this group I'll just be so alone....#not that im not right now because im just scared to talk to any of them lols#if i let go of this then whats gonna bother me is the fact that k#my bff hasn't texted in two weeks and its not really that im worried abt its that her family had some problems so im just#worried abt her and how shes doing#I'm so drained ong#i cant even hyperfixate on anything bc im stressing myself out#bottom.txt
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trulylino ยท 2 years
=> Sunlight On Your Face - L.K
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Pairing: Lee Know x gn!reader
Genre: Angst
Summary: You and Minho break up because he needs space and you finally start to feel better. Inspired by the song Sunsetz.
Warnings: Just a lot of angst lol
Word count: 1.2k
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"Just leave me alone y/n."
Those words hurt more than any insult ever could. You felt like your heart had been ripped out of your chest, stomped on and sewn back in. Your face fell at his resolute, sure expression.
He didn't mean that did he? Maybe for a little while, but he would apologise tomorrow or the next day? Right?
The radio silence from his end was distressing to say the least. You couldn't think about anything but him. Every time you closed your eyes all you could see was his face. How pretty he looked in the morning after waking up, sunlight streaming through the curtains and lighting up his face. You missed his hugs and his little jokes and just sitting with him in comfortable silence.
Why hadn't he replied to your texts? Why hadn't he answered your calls? Given you some sort of sign that he still cared about you. You were worried it was because he didn't. Maybe he had meant that you should leave him alone. Tears streamed down your face before you even noticed, your face scrunching up as you bawled. Ugly wrinkles appeared on your forehead, around your eyes and mouth as you sobbed, finally breaking down and letting out all your emotions.
You didn't see your phone screen light up, the text notification contrasting against the photo of you and Minho you had saved as your wallpaper.
When you finally noticed the text you wished you hadn't.
This was worse than the silence. You felt sick.
"We should take a break. I need some space."
That's what the text said. And he didn't even have the balls to tell you in person. You didn't understand why. You loved Minho and you thought that he had loved you. You guessed not.
But he did still love you, is what you weren't aware of. His own tears covered his phone screen as he sent the text, drunk and alone, sobbing almost as uncontrollably as you were. He loved you, God of course he did. How could he not. You lit up his whole world, like a ray of sunshine in a darkened alley, a twinkle of hope in an otherwise pessimistic world.
So, why? Maybe it was a case of right person wrong time but he was just tired. He needed to be with himself for a while, trying to keep up a relationship with all these expectations drained him to a skeleton of what he had used to be. His job made him feel like a performing monkey, unable to do anything but work, work, work. He knew it would eventually destroy your relationship. More than anything he just wanted to be alone. Just for a while.
That was six months ago. You still loved him. Every time you thought of the way he would stroke your face lovingly, or blow a stray eyelash from your face or tickle you until you couldn't breath from laughing you felt a pang in your heart, a fresh cut into your most vital body part.
The worst part was that you didn't even blame him. You knew he was tired all the time and the little free time he had, he was with you. He deserved to be happy, and if that wasn't with you then so be it. You wanted to hate him so badly, but you just couldn't.
You had gone through periods where you ate your feelings, and periods where you felt too sick to your stomach at yourself to eat at all. You couldn't get out of bed, you couldn't move, you couldn't work, you just.. couldn't.
It felt like a part of you was missing, an ache that you couldn't fill, an itch that you couldn't scratch. Because Minho had been your rock, your home. And here you were floating around in space, unable to function.
You knew he had blocked your number a long time ago, your texts showing up red when you tried to apologise, so you indulged yourself, allowing yourself to send him a text every so often knowing he wouldn't get them.
"I miss you."
"I'm sorry."
"I hope you're doing ok."
"Take care of yourself."
Sometimes you told the wall how your day was, hoping that it would help stop the sinking feeling you felt. You were so alone, withdrawn from your friends, isolating yourself from your coworkers.
It wasn't until one day at work while on break after a particularly rough night of crying to a playlist you had specifically made about Minho when you were dating you finally exploded. Your co-worker, Si-young had asked you if you were ok, noticing your redder than usual eyes and your even more withdrawn attitude. You broke down at her words, an avalanche of feelings falling from your eyes.
"I just miss him so much. It feels like the one person I could count on has disappeared and I don't know what to do anymore. It makes *me* want to disappear." You choked on your words, rambling, but meaning every last word. You were cut off by Si-young pulling you into a hug.
"It'll get better y/n, trust me. I know that right now it feels like your whole world has gone, I've been there, but it will get better. I promise you. You don't need him, okay? Men are trash and that includes this Minho. Don't waste your time and tears on him, hmm?" You appreciatively nodded at her, slightly reassured.
"It's just, it's been six months and I'm still not over him. It just hurts so much."
"I know, I know," she whispered.
You were doing better now. You didn't feel like bursting out crying every time someone mentioned the name Minho, or at any of the memories the two of your made together. You began to go out with your friends again, them accepting you back with loving arms, despite your distance. You forgot quite how much better they made you feel and that their absence in your life had probably made everything a hundred times worse.
You were getting by.
You still longed for his touch, still ached for him, still cried over him. But you were getting better. You felt like yourself again for the first time since your parting.
Of course, the moment you began healing was the when he unblocked your number. You didn't realise it right away, unsure of the exact day or week it happened. But the texts sent, your thoughts and feelings over the past eight months flooding through the phone to him. You almost didn't see the texts of his own in the midst of them.
"I wanna hear your voice."
"A love that nobody could destroy."
"When you go away, I still see you."
"The sunlight on your face in my rear view."
"This always happens to me this way"
"Reoccurring visions of such sweet days."
Nobody else destroyed your love. That had been the two of you. You were both to blame. But you could help but want him back.
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Credit: Header by @hyun-gore
Taglist: @dreamescapeswriting @sparkyprotectionsquad
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