#wernt wrong
jadetransgal · 1 year
My school has 1 person per stall rule
What is going on with my school
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soxcietyy · 1 year
Ghost Face
Yuta Okkotsu x fem reader
18+ minors dni
Description: You decide to watch a horror movie without Yuta being home. Though things go completely wrong. (Not good with descriptions)
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You sigh heavy as you hear Yuta telling you over the phone that he won’t be able to make it to your house for Halloween.
"The guys want to go around and scare kids tonight and apparently they need me to drive them around. Plus you wernt even planning on celebrating today, your in a bathtub and had plans to sleep while kids bang on your door." Yuta said.
He wasn’t wrong but he did need to know that. You couldn’t believe that he ditched you for his friends. "Obviously I was going to do something, I was planning on watching a horror movie with you but since your so busy I guess I’ll do it myself."
"Don’t be like that, I promise I’ll make it home before midnight." He said as if that was going to make things better.
"Common y/n you know I can’t leave the guys alone, don’t tell me your scared." He said the last part in an amused tone.
"Of course not, have fun Yu." You said before hanging up.
The sweet smell of your cinnamon and apple body wash filled the bathroom. Your body was completely covered in bubbles that filled the tub. The candles lit the place up dimly creating a cozy environment. You could doze off to sleep if you really wanted to but knowing your boyfriend wasn’t going to be here stopped you from it. Yuta was a people pleaser and since he didn’t go out with his friends much he sometimes prioritized them more than you. Not that you were jealous or anything but being alone on Halloween didn’t feel right. You couldn’t even call a friend over because they all had plans tonight. Hopefully tonight would go by like a breeze.
Stepping out you grab the towel and proceeded to dry yourself up. The quiet ringing filled your ears making you feel uneasy. Should it be this quiet on a Halloween night? Peering out the window the see the sun setting. Young kids ran door to door for candy that will be giving them a stomach ache if they ate too much of it. Blowing out every candle in the room somehow gave you an idea. You were going to make him feel bad for leaving you alone tonight.
Walking into your closet you looking through your selection of pajamas. You could go on theme or you could go for something he would want. You knew the perfect one, you pick out a silky black night gown. As basic as it was you knew this was Yutas favorite thing to see you in. This would surely make him run back home like a dog. You did your makeup as natural as you can, brush your hair and slip some sock on before going down stairs.
Digging in your pantry you find orange sugar cookies, Halloween candy, and other spooky things that would have him drooling over the phone. You place them in a tray neatly and bring them into the living room. You set the goods on the coffee table with a cup of Yutas favorite hot chocolate. You couldn’t help but giggle to yourself knowing how he would react when he came back home.
He would have a pouty face and drag his feet towards you. Being the clingy boyfriend he is he would wrap his big arms behind you and rest his head on the crook of your neck. Trying to convince you to have another scary movie night nonverbally. Yuta tends to not really say what he wants but would hint on it with his actions. You had to admit it was cute.
Jumping on the couch you cover your legs with a brown blanket that had silly ghost’s on it. The last thing you needed to make this perfect was putting on the movie obviously. Scrolling through the selection on your smart tv had you decided to watch a classic. That being the move "Scream". Being honest you wernt that great with horror movies, especially when watching them alone. Yuta would hold your hands knowing well that you would have them covering your eyes for half the movie.
Grabbing your phone you quickly snap a picture of you, the tv, the treats and the mug of hot chocolate. You wondered how long it would take him to respond. You send the picture and throw your phone on the other side of the couch. The second your click play on the movie a loud ding echos. You jolt from how loud it was and groan loudly as you pinch the bridge of your nose. If he was here he would of definitely be laughing his ass off.
Picking up your phone you look at the message to see his response.
Yuta <3: Your evil :( your going to regret doing that without me.
You let out a chuckle as you take a bite of a sugar cookie. Turning your attention to the window you see that it has gotten dark quick. Looking back at your phone you see that it was 10pm already. Maybe tonight was going to go by fast.
Forcing yourself to watch the whole move through was hard. You were tempted on changing it to something more cheerful. Something that wouldn’t have you paranoid at all.
When the movie finished you didn’t know if it was good or bad because you covered your eyes for the gory parts. You just couldn’t bring yourself to look at the tv. You really wanted to be brave and it through the whole movie without hiding away but you couldn’t. You weren’t made for this type of stuff. Maybe you should watch a cartoon to lift up your mood. Looking down at your mug you see that you needed a refill. Slipping out of the blanket you made your way to the hot chocolate machine and pour some milk in. Yuta would be home in a few minutes so that meant you had to clean up soon.
As you wait for the machine to warm up the milk and chocolate your phone begins to ring again making your heart jump out of your chest.
"For the love of god" you sigh as you snatch your phone from the counter and answer it.
"Hello?" You say not even bothering to see who called
"Hey darling how is it going?"
You pause and look to see that it has no caller ID.
"Who is this?"
"Does that really matter?"
"Yes it doe-"
"What are you doing?" He cuts you off
You hesitate before answering, it was probably some teens prank calling. Maybe you should humor them and go along with it.
"Making hot chocolate." You say as your pour the hot liquid in your mug.
"Isn’t that a Christmas thing?" He asks.
"Yea Im more of a Christmas girly but I’m about to watch a movie. Nothing goes better to watch a movie than hot coco on a cold Halloween night."
"Let me guess, a scary movie"
"Maybe, why do I need to tell someone who doesn’t want to identify themselves?"
"Do you like scary movies?"
You roll your eyes seeing he was ignoring that questions.
"Not really but I’m always up for anything depending on the mood."
"Do you have a boyfriend?" He asks.
"Yes I do kiddo, how even old are you to be asking me that? You don’t even know my age." You laugh as you set the mug down on the table.
"You look around my age."
You pause to process what he said. How would he know how you look…? Darting your eyes to each window made heart heart race. Scared to know if the next one would have someone standing in front of it. You look at the tv and then suddenly remember this scenario happened in the movie you just watched.
"Hahaha very funny asshole, how about you get a life and don’t ever call me again." You hang up and sit on the couch. Teens now clearly had a different sense of humor from back then.
You felt very uneasy after what just happened so you put on a cartoon. Things like this shouldn’t get to you. It was just a dumb little joke they where playing. Grabbing your cup you take a big sip of the warm drink and sink into the couch. Everything is going to be fine. Maybe you needed to rest, going to bed sounded great right now. Standing up you go around the house making sure the doors were locked and the curtains where closed. It wasn’t until you reached the last window where you noticed something strange. Looking out you saw something looking right at you. They sat on one of your lawn chairs as they faced your window. It was a person wearing a ghost mask.
You shut the curtains and make a run for it upstairs, stupid stupid teens playing pranks and stupid you for letting them work on you. You slam your door closed and quickly dig in your pocket. You were absolutely going to call the cop on that asshole. Digging your hand in your pocket caused you to gasp seeing you left your phone down stairs.
"Fuck, how am I so stupid” you mumble to yourself.
You sat in the corner contemplating on what to do next. You could open the window and start screaming. Maybe wait for Yuta to get home so he can scare them off. Or lastly grab your phone from down stairs. As bad as the last one sounded it was the most logical and fast option. Thinking about it the person was outside and had no way of getting inside. You were safe inside here so getting it shouldn’t be no big deal. Opening the door you peek down the hall and slowly make your way down. You vision began going in and out from the stress pooling in your head. You doubted you could reach your phone on time before something bad happened. On the last step you look into the living room, looking for your phone you spot it on the coffee table. Making another run for it you snatch it and unlock it with your shaking hands. You couldn’t believe that you actually did it. Before you could press any number you feel a presence behind you. Slowly turning around you see him standing there. The man with the stupid ghost face mask.
You let out a scream as he grabs your arms throwing your phone across the room. The both of you start wrestling causing you both to fall too the ground.
"Get the hell off of me!" You yell as your attempts became weaker. He held your arms over your head and brought his face closer to yours.
You let out a shaky breath as you felt him wrap his hand over your neck. Closing your eyes you began to pray. This was how you were going to go out, being chocked to death. Yuta would come home to your lifeless body. Just because you couldn’t defend yourself from an intruder That’s when you heard a soft cling above you. Opening your eyes you see a necklace with a ring on it over you.
"Yuta, you asshole. You scared the living hell out of me." You say breathing heavily with your chest rising up and down. That’s when you felt something hard in between your legs. Of course he had to get a hard on right now.
You watched as he unbuckled his belt and unzipped his pants. Pulling them down to reveal his length. You could tell he’d been thinking about doing this for a while seeing how his tip was leaking.
"Did I scary you that bad?" He asks, still not taking the mask off.
"Yea you made me scream" you lay under him trying to read him by his eyes only. As the both of you watch your breaths you began rubbing yourself against his shaft.
He let out a groan as you moved. "Fuck" he exhaled. "I think I can make you scream louder though"
He gripped your neck harder but not enough to completely cut your air flow. His other hand slipping under your silky gown. You could feel as his fingers intertwined with the string of your panties giving it a hard tug down. Taking them off of you he brought you closer to him so you could sit up. Doing so you felt how he directed you to turn around on all fours, making you look at yourself in the living room mirror. Looking in it you could see how he props himself up.
The mask still being fully on him made you excited. This was something new to the both of you. The way he was handling you, talking to you, and exhaling made you so desperate for him to enter you. You watched as he leaned over your back and forced you to look at him through the mirror.
"What did we learn today?" He asks.
"No movie night without you?" You say not breaking eye contact with the black holes that looked at you through the ghost mask.
"No darling” he grabs a fist full of your hair. "Never answer the phone to strangers, especially on a Halloween night." He said as he slammed right into to you.
You let out a cry as he rammed into you forcefully. Tears collecting in the corner of your eyes. He didn’t bother stretching you out nor warning you. He then proceeded to slam into you repeatedly. You could hear him panting in the back. How he gripped your hips and hair. How his balls smacked against your cunt. How you slowly began to forget how to think straight. All you could feel was the amazing pleasure. How he was using you however he wanted. His member reached places only his could touch. It wasn’t girthy but it was surely long.
He rolled his hips trying to find your g-spot. Still pulling your hair back all the way so he could see your face once he found what he was looking for. He mumbled under his breath saying how good you feel. How tight and right you were for him. How you were such a dumb girl for going down stairs to get your phone. Now having to suffers the consequences of a murdered fucking the hell out of you.
In the mirror you saw how he took his mask off. You could see his damped face and the sweat that rolled down his face from wearing the mask. He ran his fingers through his hair as he still kept it moving. He still wore the pants and black hoodie he left with. You couldn’t help but stare at him as he looked at you with a small smirk.
"Hope you like what you see," he says as he continued ramming into you. Your arms began to shake not being able to hold yourself up for any longer. You collapse like a baby deer In front of him. That putting no stop to what he was doing. Splitting your hair into two sections he held each with his hands. You felt close to orgasm as he abused your cunt. You claw at the carpet as your mind started to go completely blank. All you could find yourself doing was moaning his name out and feeling the pleasure.
Suddenly you hit you climax making you scream his name for him to stop. To let you cum all over his member. With a final slam he lets go of your hair causing you to collapse as you rode your orgasm.
"Let’s do that again." He said with a grin.
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devil-in-hiding · 9 days
Bully! Price finely gets you where he wants you...
Hed imagined making you cry from pleasure instead of the alternitive, for a while he thought it wouldn't be as pretty for some reason. Now he found himself probed wrong.
You're said you wernt comfortable with having sex at the moment becuse it had been a while and you wanted it to be special. You were nervous that he'd be mad at you and make you feel bad about it like he did with other stuff but instead he happily offered to eat you out.
But... he planned to get what he wanted no matter what. He ate your pussy so good that your squirted all over his face and desk. His beard glistened and you hid your face embarrassedly in your elbow.
When a knock came at the door he allowed soap in without giving you a chance to sort yourself out at all. The Scot grinned at you when he saw the state you were in although he wasn't given any time to do whatever he was imagining before john slammed him back into the door- coincidently turning the lock as he did.
"Clean her up for me, boy" he knew how to get Johnny to a state where he was just as pathetic as you and my god... neither of you got a break for the rest of the day.
John holds you flat to the desk when you screach with sensitivity when Soap started rubbing his face into your pussy. They both just laughed at you when you started sobbing.
John ran a finger covered in your cum down your cheeks before licking it and the tears in one... I'll let you imagine the rest...
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hearts4kaulitz · 1 year
Hello! Can I request Tom x reader where they had a fight that made reader cry and Tom felt really bad and tried to make up for her? They are already dating:) Take your time and don't forget to stay hydrated 😊
tom x gn! reader
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YOU AND TOM HAD GOTTEN INTO A FIGHT, you were all at a meet and greet and as some girls were taking pictures with tom one of them had attempted to kiss him.
security had pulled her away before she could actually but it most obviously had made you jealous.
it was the way he didnt even seem upset, he didnt seem angry, disgusted or anything! he seemed amused at most.
once you got back to the hotel the band was staying at you completely ignored tom, walking right past him as he tried to make some conversation with you.
he looked at you with confusion as be walked away from him in frustration and quickly sitting down on the bed, rubbing your eyes.
“whats wrong?” tom asked, walking towards you with a frown.
“nothing, im fine..” you grumbled in annoyance, smudging your mascara and makeup before pulling at your hair to keep you from nearly going insane.
“no your not. “ he said, sitting down next to you and trying to read whatever expression you had.
“im..fine tom.” you muttered, tugging at your hair harder before feeling some of it fall into your hands lifelessly.
“tell me whats wrong.” he demanded, scooting closer to you and attempting to put his hand on your thigh but you flinched away.
“well i dont know what about you tell me smartass.” you stood up, clenching your fist’s trying your hardest not to raise your voice at him.
“hey, whatd the hell i do?” he retorted with a offended look on his face.
“let me think, maybe let a girl kiss you right infront of my eyes!” you argued, an annoyed smile on your face as you took a step forwards.
“she didnt even kiss me!”
“but she almost did and guess what, you did nothing about it!” you raised your voice, not caring who heard you. you knew you wernt the one in the wrong, tom was and he needed to be told off about it.
“thats cause i knew the security would take her away before she could!” he reasoned the best he could, trying his best to make himself not seem guilty.
“oh did you? or are you just trying to fucking excuse your actions like you always do you godamn dickwad!” you yelled, throwing your hands up dramatically as your face began to feel redder by the second. anger coursing though your veins.
“well im sorry! what else do you want?” he yelped and sat up from the couch, meeting your height.
“to stop letting other girls get all over you cause half the time i dont even feel like your girlfriend, i feel like a friend godamnit!” hot tears began to fall down your face as you quickly wiped them away, sniffling a bit and trying to keep your composure.
toms gaze softened at your words, his mouth slightly gaped and he realized he was in the wrong. he realized you were right.
he should’ve never let the girl try and kiss him, he should’ve avoided it and now he realized that.
he didn’t realize if he kept up the way he acted around other girls and letting them do what they wanted to him you wouldn’t be with him anymore.
he loved you so much and never wanted to loose you and he just registered that, without you he’d be alone.
you were always there for him so why couldnt he return it?
as he stood there in shock you sped past him, leaving your shared room and running out to the living room praying no one was in there.
to your avail no one was, you guessed they either had gone out or theyd all retreated to their rooms after hearing the argument.
containing your wails as you pressed your back against the wall, slowly sliding down it and you desperately clamped at your mouth.
you hadn’t noticed tom peaking from the door with a guilty expression. he had completely fucked up.
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YOU SAT UP FROM THE WALL YOU LAID AGAINST, it had been a good twenty five minutes of you quietly weeping.
slowly walking towards the room you and tom shared, scared of what youd find. maybe he was going to break up with you?
whatd if he had done something to himself? what if he had already moved on to another girl?
but as you reached for the handle, it swung open making you flinch a bit.
“oh shit— sorry…” tom whispered as he quickly stepped back and looked at you concerned.
“are you gonna break up with me?” you asked with worry with a red tear stained face.
“of course not… i was coming out to apologize..” he frowned, taking note of your state and feeling even more wrong for his actions.
you brushed some of your tears away as he quickly hugged you, holding you tight as he tried his best not to become emotional.
“im so— so sorry. i should’ve never let her do that and i wont let anyone do anything like that again.” he whispered with sincerity, shaking his head and holding you close.
“i forgive you…” you muttered, melting into his embrace and closing your eyes, letting you rest for a bit.
tom kissed the back of your neck and slid his hands down to your hips, making you giggle a bit.
“you tease.”
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What your favorite hazbin hotel character says about you PT1:
Lucifer morningstar:You have daddy issues, huh? Your dad was a dead beat or a drunk, wasn't he? But he did love you, huh 🤨? He was just stuck on his addiction to show you his love, wasn't he?
OR you're a monster fucker right?
Bonus if both.
Alastor: either A you love people that don't love you back. B, you love your mom. C is that... *sniff* *sniff* mommy issues? And not just mommy issues is that.. *sniff* *sniff* DADDY ISSUES TOO??? YOU GOT BOTH????
Charlie: you are optimistic and crushed by life wernt you? You love you dad and mom and want to show them you can be more then your sibling and you wanna be seen.
Vaggie:oldest child huh? Or the child that acted like the parent because yours were unbothered or hard workers to give you a life.
Angel dust: baby, I'm sorry it happened to you. It's not your fault. Also middle child?
Husk:Like old men? Desperately want someone to tell you it's alright? Afraid you're becoming your parents?
Nifty:like crazy characters, or she became your favorite when adam died?
Mimzy:You like female characters that get shitted on for doing NOTHING wrong, don't you?
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lizzieislife94x · 9 months
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I Wanna Be Your Girlfriend (e.o)
LizziexFem Reader
Honestly I'm drunk and Girlfriend by Avril Lavigne came on and so I've wrote this lmao enjoy (I will be writing it sober but just putting the idea down now or I'll forget)
Y/ns POV:
Why does she need to look so fucking perfectly perfect I groan to myself as I fake a smile to my best friends, friend Elizabeth I've met her multiple times we've hung out in a group multiple times and we always catch eyes I've spoke to her many of times alone but it's so hard to control myself around her I don't know why I'm so madly inlove with this woman yet she only sees me as a friend of a friend but fuck I love listening to her talking and her laughing smile can turn my worst days to amazing days and her eyes I've found myself lost in them many times and don't get me started with the little touches and flirting here and there purely innocent on her end she's just started seeing someone she has a second date with her in a few days "y/n yoo y/n" my best friend Stella snaps in my face with a giggle bringing me out of my thoughts "welcome back y/n where did you go" lizzie says softly as she gently rubs my arm making me blush "oh uh just lost in thought haha anyone want a drink?" I say standing up as I walk away without actually seeing if anyone wants a drink "yeah can I have a double vodka with sprite please" I say ordering a drink and boy do I need it
"dude what is wrong with you, you where spaced out the entire conversation lizzie was telling us about the girl she has a second date with and you wernt listening " I rub my temples and turn to Stella placing my hands on her shoulders "you know I love you right but please drop it im fine I zoned out and I don't wanna hear about how excited she is for her date with Little Miss Perfect" I say with a sigh as jealousy comes out "here you go ma'am " I turn and take my drink smiling as I turn back to Stella "you like her don't you" I roll my eyes and drink some of my drink "just drop it please I need to go get ready to go on stage the band should be ready ill see you in a bit" I down the rest of my drink and walk past lizzie towards the stage without making eye contact I quickly jump on the stage and hug my band mates I walk towards Jules who smirks pulling me into a hug hands resting on my lower back giving the full bar view she whispers in my ear not breaking the hug "so blondy over there is that who the songs about are you still doing it " I pull away and look at her with a nod I walk towards the mic and pull it to my lips "mic check one two one two, how's everyone doing tonight I hope youre all excited to see us perform because we are super excited to be here as always thank you to the owner and our dear friend Jacob" I smile as everyone starts cheering and screaming I turn to look at my band and nod as they start to play the tune I smirk getting ready to jump around and sing my heart out giving it all my energy "hey hey you you I don't like your girlfriend no way no way I think you need a new one" I scream while jumping around having a ball making direct eye contact with lizzie I point to her slightly as I continue to jump around singing all of us giving it our all " hey hey you you I want to be your girlfriend "
we continue singing until the song ends as everyone starts screaming and cheering making me smile brightly we perform another 3 songs before I bid my goodnights to the people I jump off stage and smile an appreciated smile as Stella hands me a drink I sit and drink it as I wipe the sweat from my face by lifting my top I take a second to get my breath back before looking at lizzie and Stella lizzies eyes glued to my toned stomach "thanks for supporting me as always such an amazing bestie I love you" I say standing up walking behind Stella wrapping my arms around her in a tight hug kissing her cheek gently "I'm gonna head home though because I need to shower and well you know" I whisper the last part as she squeezes my arms letting me know she understands I quickly stand up straight and look at lizzie with a slight smile "thank you for coming have a great night" I turn walking out of the club as I get my car keys from my pocket unlocking it I climb in and sigh leaning my head against the steering wheel after a few minutes I hear soft knocks on my window I look up to see lizzie and smile as I open my door "hey are you ok" I ask as she moves closer to me "yeah so Stella's boyfriend turned up and they where eating eachothers faces and she's my ride home I was wondering if you could take me home" I can't say no to that face as much as I can't spend time with her I'd never leave her here I need to make sure she's safe "yeah sure of course jump in" she smiles and jumps up and down placing a kiss on my cheek as she runs around to the other side hoping in the car "thank you" I nod not really saying anything as I start the car and head towards lizzies house she lives 50 minutes from here so this is gonna be an agonising ride "that first song you sang it was great about anyone in particular?" She randomly says 10 minutes into the drive "yeah but she's seeing someone so it honestly doesn't matter"
I say a little coldly "is it about stella" she says a hint of sadness in her voice I shake my head and laugh "oh god no I love her she's my best friend but I'm not inlove with her and I certainly don't want to be her girlfriend " after a few seconds of silence she whispers "good" i pull over to a more private place and look over to her "oh my god youre going to murder me arnt you" I let out a laugh and look at her longingly "no lizzie I'm not going to murder you I'd never hurt you, but" i take a deep breath and ready myself gripping the wheel a little "youre an amazing girl but I think we should hang out with Stella separately being around you is becoming incredibly hard and tonight sitting listening to you talking about this amazing girl youre so excited to see again crushed me and I can't sit and pretend it doesn't when we all hang out but as time goes on it's gonna get worse and become harder and I know its so selfish of me but I think it's best" I say with sadness I look down and whisper after a few minutes of silence "say something "she clears her throat and looks at me "just take me home please" I sigh and start to drive towards her house once again she doesn't say a word the entire way to her house after 40 minutes I pull up to her house and park the car "there you go" she turns and looks at me like she's studying me and before I know it she grabs me by the collar of my shirt crashing her lips to mine in a heated passionate kiss after a few seconds I pull away completely confused "wh.." she smirks and interruptes me "there is no other girl, I like you and I wanted to pretend I had this amazing date coming up it was stupid but fuck I like you" before she can say anything I kiss her passionately, once air becomes and issue she pulls away leaning her head against mine "take me to bed" she whispers I instantly jump out the car and run around to open her door both of us giggling as she jumps into my arms 
"You look so fucking sexy" she says biting her lip as she looks down at my naked exposed body I honestly wasn't expecting her to be a top but fuck me she's hot, I can't help but blush looking at her with lust in my eyes "please fuck me mommy" I instantly freeze slapping my hands over my mouth my eyes almost bulging out as I realise what i said "fuck say it again" she groans as she sits between my legs rubbing my thighs sending tingles all over my body "please...fuck me..mommy" I breath out a moan as her thumb gently rubs my clit adding a little pleasure making me buck my hips to gain more friction "please don't tease baby" I moan as she smirks "so fucking wet for me kitten and that's not my name" she slides her fingers down to my entrance teasing me "I'm sorry mommy but please don't tease me I need you fuck I need yo..." before I could finish she sunk 2 fingers deep inside me causing me to gasp and moan as the pleasure runs through my veins "mhhh fuck just like that mommy" she thrusts her fingers faster as she leans down taking my left nipple into her mouth as my hand instinctively grabs her hair causing her to moan "you like that kitten" she groans against my nipple as her fingers curl hitting my gspot "fuckkkkkkk do...don't stop pl..please mommy" I scream as she continues to hit my gspot over and over I feel my legs start to shake uncontrollably as the knot in my stomach snaps and my orgasm washes over me lizzie slows her thrusts to let me ride out my orgasm as my legs continue to shake and my cum coats her fingers and hands "oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck" I whimper pulling her down ontop of me as she slides her fingers out and smirks bringing them to my lips "suck princess"
I moan and do as I'm told and suck her fingers swirling my tounge around causing her to moan "such a pretty site if it wasn't so late I'd make you cum over and over so I can hear those pretty little cries of pleasure but you need sleep babygirl " I smile and look into her eyes "I had no idea you where a top but fuck me it was hot I never let a girl top me but you turned me into a whimpering puddle" I say with a blush she smiles and pecks my lips whispering against my lips "because youre my good little girl" I moan and hide my face in her neck as she giggles and cuddles into me I turn on my side to look into her eyes "I can't believe that just happened I've found it so hard to control my feelings around you" I confess as I kiss her forehead "me to but I want to take you on a real date babe so tomorrow I'm taking you out" I smile and nod as we cuddle and I slowly drift off to sleep with a smile on my face as she tickles my back making me feel content. 
AN: ok I'm not gonna lie I was supposed to post this and another yesterday so I apologise but I was out with friends all day for my birthday so completely forgot to finish it but I hope you enjoy I have another then ill start working on the part 2s and requests, hope everyone is good and remember stay hydrated babes haha word count 2k 
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serpulalacrymans · 6 months
// i need to CLARIFY i was giving PERMISSION for this 👌//
[ something was heavy- something was warm that fell over him like a blanket... It was foreign and yet faintly familiar, Like having a heavy load of fresh laundry ontop of him. It was nice- but the shape was off- squishy? It felt likd something he recently touched. . . Then the smell hit Lawrence... Sweet- and creamy...]
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[ it wasnt all to surprising to see it was lou... Staring blankly at law with their big round doe eyes that felt very un fitting in this situation - it was weird- it was off putting. wernt rabbits supposed to be submissive??? Skittish? Scared?
She didn't speak. Just reaching over to move hair out of Lawrences face... Then he relized that his arms were taped to his metal bed fraim. . . it felt kinda lose- if he worked in it he could brake free! But the rabbit was holding an object that glimmered in the dim light.]
//CLARIFYING AS WELL: I AM MORE THAN HAPPY TO SEE LAWRENCE GETTING DESTROYED. He may not like his suffering but I eat it up, we both have full permission an continue to ask for consent in DM's 💜
Everything is wrong. Lawrence carried the pressure of a headache in his loosening sleep, each minor movement guiding him closer to the land of the living. The tightness around his arms made him move, knees bending to turn his hips-
A shock.
Eyes open, circulation in his wrists being weak, stomach being weighed, sweat developing on his face. Lawrence is weak and vulnerable. Tired, groggy, confused, in disbelief. A groan. Tired blinking, as if it'll change his situation.
"Lou?.." He asked with uncertainty. "Are.. Is.. Are you real?.." Voice quiet, pathetic. As if he's still dreaming. His eyes found the shining metal. His heart sunk to his guts. Lawrence is now silent, making intense, frightful eye contact.
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turnin9pag3 · 4 months
i think im a james potter kinnie in the most shameful way possible because yes i relate to being social and having lots of friends but more than that i relate to feeling like you’re constantly doing either too much or not enough and people lose interest in me and i feel like shit because what did i fuck up but then i go and loose interest when i know its not that persons fault i just cant help myself but to hate everyone because i hate myself. and like james im too loud all the time so much so that when i finally decide to be quiet i have people shoving their concerns down my throat and i dont know how to appreciate it when all i want is to be left alone. lately ive been feeling like there something misplaced in me because all i want is to spend my last week of school with my friends and be happy and enjoy my time but all i can think about is i dont want to be here and i dont want to be touched and i dont want to see these people because these people keep talking and my head hurts and my eyes hurt and im feeling dizzy and none of this looks real anymore and im not sure what to do with myself anymore. and i would hate to hurt their feelings because its truly not their fault but like i said theres something wrong with me. i think im just a rotten soul and im fucked up in way unknown to most. as james would, i feel judged after everything i say and i feel ridiculed for every decision i make and i feel like they dont want to listen to me at all they just keep me around to have someone for themselves and a part of me knows thats not true but the larger part of me wont let me fully believe that. and i feel like james in the way i dont know how to do anything casually and i love with my entire soul but i hate with my entire soul too and when im in something im fully in. and its such a fault to have because i like people more than people like me all i just end up hurting myself because as much as i tell myself im not i think i still like that one guy from august and my miss my best friend when i cant call her that anymore and the girl ive known since 2nd grade is barley answering my texts and summer is coming i feel like everyone is going to forget about me and what if i forget about everyone and i dont want to be forgotten. and i feel like james because i feel overbearing when i ask to hang out with people and annoying. and i feel like im being made fun of every time i speak and i have to pretend that it doesnt bother me but it does. and im like james because all i want is someone to talk to and thatll listen to me but i know how hard it is to stay attentive when i talk because i talk so much about stuff no one cares about and i try to hide it but it hurts more than id like to admit because everyone cares about what they have to say and i sit and i listen but when i talk they leave the room or change the topic or turn up the music or outright tell me they dont care. joke or not it hurts. like james i spent most of my childhood being told im too loud or too intense or talk too much or too chaotic or too dramatic or talk too fast and like james i think no matter how much confidence i fein in my teen years ill never grow away from the 6 year old girl that everyone called a psycho because she had emotions too big that she didnt know how to deal with yet and they wernt her fault. it wasnt her fault she got her dads anger issues and tendencies to scream or her mothers ability to feel everything twice as strong as she should. and now im 15 and its still not my fault but ive suppressed it so far im not 100% sure how to feel that deeply anymore.
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sturnstvs · 5 months
the smallest man who ever lived - matt sturniolo
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warnings: super sad, no happy ending, toxic matt, mentions of drugs
summary: in which being best friends with benefits doesn't turn out they way either of you would have expected
note: also quick thing I don't know if im doing the song justice I hope you like it. this is just my take on it. also I'm bad at grammer and spelling so sorry about that
bold - lyrics
matt x reader.
was any of it true? gazing at me starry-eyed
you wernt sure when It happened. deep down you knew this would ruin you but you still went with it. you wondered if the words he muttered and they way he looked at you was real. you knew it wasn't real but you also knew you couldn't get enough
in your jehovah's witness suit
matt dressed well. everyone who came in contact with him knew that. he had a style that was like no other. even when it was lying on the floor of your room. he cared what people thought of him sometimes but being in the influencer industry he couldn't
who the fuck was that guy?
you didn't recognize him sometimes, it was like he had different personality's for different people. or maybe just everyone else and then you. one time you were at a party for some influencer and nick had invited you, being their best friend and all you accepted their invite. you being who you are didn't go to party's often especially with the boys. so when you saw matt in his natural party state lets just say it more then shocked you.
he was all over girls. dabbing people up like he was best friends with everyone there. maybe he was, you didn't know. you vividly remember you asking nick where matt got all this random confidence from. nick just brushed it off saying matt was just being himself, however to you, you couldn't recognize him.
you tried to buy some pills from a friend of friends of mine
it came back to you one day from some people that you knew that sold drugs, that matt had tried to buy something to calm his nerves. apparently he asked one of his friends not knowing you were also friends with some of them. you knew he was having some trouble however you didn't think that it had come this far.
they just ghosted you
they didnt give a reply back to matt after you told them about what had more then likely been happening. it probly wasnt your place but you did care about him and you didn't want him to spiral.
now you know what it feels like
the first time matt ghosted you, you kept wondering what you did wrong. when you confronted matt about it he shrugged it off as it was nothing. making it up to you in the only way he knew how. sex. you thought he wouldn't ghost you again but you were wrong. at this point you were used to it. he was probably balls deep into another girl for all you know. when matt came to you after he couldn't get the pills you couldn't help but feel no remorse. you had been ghosted before and it didn't feel good, and now he knew what it felt like.
and I don't even want you back I just want to know
reflecting back on what you once had was always a challenge. it brought up painful memories. he had fucked up once again and it was your last straw, you were done. a few months later though you had to go back you couldn't resist
if rusting my sparkling summer was the goal
your summer was great. hanging out with your best firends when they were in their glimmering prime. hell you where even talking to a guy. you decided that summer you were going to start taking care of yourself more. you where having the time of your life. however when you and matt slept together for the first time that summer it was like it became something bigger. something that you couldn't get enough from.
and I don't miss what we had
you knew you shouldn't. you knew you where going to regret it but you couldn't help it. his touch was mesmerizing. he made you feel safe and welcome. but at the same time when you guys were away from each other you didn't miss him. you didn't miss him completely ignoring you after the amazing sex you had the night prior.
but could someone give a message to the smallest man who ever lived
when nick and chris found out that you wouldn't be around for a while they where beyond confused. they didn't think any of them had done anything wrong. but after all you said was "ask your brother" and hung up the phone they knew he had done something to fuck it up.
they didn't know. they didn't know you to were hoking up, all they knew was you were best friends. they yelled at matt telling him how fucked up whatever he did to you was, it was like your words were the ones shooting daggers in to his heart. but it wasn't you, it was your message.
you hung me on your wall stabbed me with your push pins
when matt hooked up with other girls you hated to say it but it hurt. it hurt like hell because you knew that one of those girls could eventually be his, even if the sex sucked. with you the sex was great, but that's all it was.
in public showed me off
in public weather it be a party or just simply around his brothers he acted like you guys where strictly friends. you knew deep down you weren't, but that also didn't mean he felt the same
then sank in stoned oblivion
when you to weren't having sex though and were alone, he acted like you weren't there. like you meant nothing to him but then when you came home with a mark on your neck he would ask where you got it from and that only he could mark you like that.
cause once your queen had come
he found is dream girl. you knew it was never going to be you, even though you wished it was. they clicked so well, like they were matches in the missing puzzle of life
you'd treat her like an also-ran
you found out the hard way he treated her like he did with you, just as her girlfriend. which in terms was way worse. you felt bad for her but at the same time, it was matt. this shit always happens with people like him
you didn't measure up in any measure of a man
matt wasn't a man. he wasn't a gentleman you would see in disney movies. he was fully grown and had the appearance of one, but he just wasn't actually one. he treated girls like they were a piece of gum. he was still in his douche bag phase
he kept repeating the same cycle with you over and over again. it was never ending.
you guys hooked up, he treated you like shit after, said you where friends to everyone, fucked something up with you, you would say you where done telling his brothers you wouldn't be over, and they would yell the same shit to him once again. he still however didn't seem to take the message to change.
you hated to say it but you wanted more, you wanted to be something to him but all your friends told you, you were crazy and you knew they were right. he wasn't going to change.
were you sent by someone who wanted me dead?
you always wondered if the world was against you. nothing seemed to go right in the endless void that was your life. you knew you had enemies. being attractive your whole life, getting guys peple wanted you knew you might have had enemies especially being friends with so many influences, so when matt started acting this way towards you, you thought maybe this was a clap back from someone who hated you.
did you sleep with a gun underneath our bed?
everytime you guys finished and you fell back to bed he seemed tense like their was a monster hiden under the bed.
were you writing a book?
you always wondered why you fell into this situation. it was something that you would read in a book. you never thought that you would live it. was this research for him. was it a book?
were you a sleeper cell spy?
was he doing this because it was his job? there was no way, the matt that you grew up with would ever do this to you but here he was doing this to you.
in 50 years will all this be declassifed?
you often wondered if he would ever tell you why he was doing this to you but you soon found out that it wouldn't be for years if he ever did say something.
and you'll confess why you did it
he finally told you after about the sixth time of the back and forth that he did it for you because he loved you and he didn't want what the fans would say to ruin that.
and I'll say "good riddance"
when he finally told you this you where happy, he finally told you the one thing that had been hanging over your shoulders. but you weren't happy with the way he planned it out.
cause it wasn't sexy once it wasn't forbidden
you could see it in his eyes, though you knew that he was still worried. a relationship wasn't seen in the near future and you both knew that. once he had confessed why he did what he did, it didn't make you immediately awe at him like he thought it would. he hurt you deeply and he was paying for it. and he was an idiot for thinking it would end well.
i would've died for your sins instead I just died inside
if you where to ask younger y/n if she would take the heat for matt she would've instantly said yes but if you were to ask present day y/n she would say "no he hurt me to much" her heart died with all the love she had for matt stored in it as well.
and you deserve prison but you wont get time
she thought after what he did he should be locked up for all the damage she knew he caused on her heart. unfortunately for her, however you don't go to prison for emotionally hurting someone.
you'll slide into inboxes and slip though the bars
he tried so hard to contact y/n once she ran out of his house that night but it was no use, she just left him on read. he even tired going to her house but she wouldn't answer
you crashed my party and your rental car
you had a party after your argument with matt wanting to let off some steam. nick and chris were invited but their brother was not. he was the reason you had this party, he was the reason you had changed. somehow (probably from his brothers or social media) he found out about the party and came to try and apologize but you wouldn't accept it. he left extremely annoyed at himself for causing you the pain that he did. he ended up crashing the car that he rented while his was in the shop, on the way home. and when you heard about it the next morning you just said it was karma
you said normal girls were "boring"
he always told you when you guys would have sex that you were very adventurous with the things you did. other girls before you weren't as exciting as you were.
but you were gone by the morning
he would leave instantly early the next morning. going from your house to his before his brothers woke up. leaving extremely late at night and in the early hours in the morning, he would always tell you that he did it so you wouldn't get caught but you were never 100% sure that was the reason.
you kicked out the stage lights but you're still preforming
he dropped the act he pulled when you were sleeping together but he was still trying to get you back even though that was the last thing you wanted.
and in plain sight you hid
it was hard to show his face after what he did to you but he had to put on a brave fake smile to the camera for his job. but you could tell he was trying to hide the shame he brought upon you.
but you are what you did
you could never forgive him for the pain he caused you. he wounded you so deep you had to cut off your childhood best friends because it was too much to even look at him. every time you did look at him you were just reminded of the heartbreak.
and I'll forget you but I'll never forgive
you moved on as soon as you felt ready enough to. even though it took a while to heal after the cut matt had dug deep in your chest, you were eventually able to move on. a year later you saw him again and you made eye contact, but you turned away quickly walking up to your boyfriend. you could never forgive the man that hurt you, while also hurting himself in the process.
the smallest man who ever lived.
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note: some parts in here might be a little confusing and I'm so sorry about that. like taylor i dont know what you mean by some of these lyrics.
sorry this might be bad. I'm not great at writing.
make sure you check out my other one shots and my delilah series!
requests are open! so feel free to send me some! just make sure to look at my restrictions
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alola-reblogging · 6 months
Hello do you have any headcannons for lonna shipping please :>
Gladion x Moon (selene/mizuki) hc's
• Gladion admired Moon for her impressive skill as a pokemon trainer
• Of course they were rivals, and he wanted to surpass her, but she is the first person who made battling seem fun for him, rather then just a means to survive and get stronger
• Of course getting stronger was his main goal, but each time they battled one another, Gladion finally understood how a pokemon battle can be fun, especially when it's with a friend, and how battling a strong opponent you respect will only make you steonger
• As they got older, Gladion realised he had complicated feelings for Moon, that he didn't really understand himself
• He was convinced these feelings he had for Moon was just admiration, after all she's the strongest trainer in Alola
• Hau and Lillie can see how obvious his feelings are for her, despite being oblivious himself
• Moon is also completely blind to this
• Moon never thought Gladion was a bad guy
• She could see from how torn his clothes were, how fragile his body seemed, how he was treated by the team skull grunts... and most importantly how his pokemon battled for him
• She knew his Pokemon saw him as not just a trainer but as a friend, so that told Moon that despite his roughness and cool guy tsundere act that Gladion was a good person underneath it all
• Moon defended any harsh words anyone ever said about Gladion, because even though he wasn't always fhe nicest to her, and he didn't consider them friends, she still thought of him as her friend
• Maybe even part of Moon...always secretly liked Gladion more than a friend, but she couldn't admit it out loud, in fear of rejection as she believed Gladion didn't even consider them true friends
• Lillie had to literally spell it out for Gladion to realise he had a crush on Moon
• He was in denial for the longest time, and he avoided her sub-consciously because of this
• It wasn't until Gladion was training with kahuna Nanu that Nanu made a passing joke and he realised how obvious his feelings were to everyone but himself
• When Moon was training on the beach one late night with her pokemon, Gladion caught up to her and asked for a battle
• After the heated battle Moon waited for Gladion to take his leave, as he usually disappeared after battling her, but to her surprise this time he stayed, and asked if they could train together
• Moon was happy to train alongside Gladion, happy he was coming out of his shell more and more
• They continued to meet up for nightly training sessions, continuing to get stronger together
• When Hau invited Moon for malasadas she somehow convinced Gladion to come too, snd of course Lillie tagged alomg
• When the four of them were sat eating Malasadas Hau jokingly asked when they were gonna start dating
• Gladion reacted badly to this, feeling both embarrassed and exposed
• Moon was also embarrassed, but when she saw how Gladion reacted to this she felt deeply saddened...she knew her and Gladion wernt exactly friends, he had told this to her face...yet she felt strangely close to him, and him reacting badly to the thought of them two dating...even if was just a joke...it upset her
• Gladion noticed how Moons' demeanor changed after this, but he couldn't figure out why
• He thought he had done something wrong so he stopped showing up to the beach to train alongside her
• Moon felt heartache by this... she looked forward to seeing him every night
• It had been a little while since the two had seen each other
• During this time Gladion realised how much he truly did like Moon in that way, he missed training with her, but not only the training...
• He missed the pointless conversations they'd have, even the ones where he remained silent and listened to Moon's rambling, he missed the way her aqua grey eyes shined in the moonlight... he missed the look of determination and excitement in her eyes during a battle... he missed her smile...
• It may of took him a concerning amount of time to realise his feelings
• Moon had almost gave up on her own feelings, so no matter how much her heart longed for Gladion she couldn't face telling him
• After all...she couldn't confess to someone who admitted to not even liking her...
• Gladion was silent for a while, Moon a bit more quiet then usual, the two both wanting the same thing convinced the other doesnt
• Moon started up the conversation...
•"Look Gladion I know we aren't friends, but your one of my most precious people, and Im so happy we get to know each other...even if you don't see us as friends."
•Gladion looked down at a sheepish Moon, tears prickling in her eyes
•"It's not that I don't consider you a friend...your the closest thing I have to one. I don't think someone like myself deserves to be a friend to you."
• It was true, whilst when the first initially met Gladion didn't care for friendship, once Moon helped save his mother he had to have a certain level of respect for her...but even through the years together Gladion didn't think such a pure soul like Moon should have someone like himself as a friend, someone who had fo rely being team skulls muscle to survive, someone who felt they'd abandoned their sister, someone who could never seem to best them in battle...
• "What do you mean someone like you...? Your amazing Gladion...your really are!"
•"Thank you. Even if i don't believe it myself I appreciate it coming from someone as special as you."
• He paused for a moment, blushing deep and looking away from her
•"Your...really special Moon....and I don't mean just the way everyone says you are because you received a sparkling stone from Tapu KoKo....I mean your special, to me....and I like you!"
•Moon was silent and just repeating his words over and over in her head
•Gladion shifted uncomfortably in her silence
•"You like me?"
"Don't make me repeat myself!!"
• Gladion started rambling in an attempt to cover what he'd admitted
•Moon was still sat in silence
• "Do you like me in the way I think you mean?"
• "Which way do you think I mean?"
• Gladion thought this was his opportunity pursuade her it wasn't how she thought
• Moon thought this was an opportunity to finally reveal her own feelings...or completely embarrass herself is she misunderstood
• Gently, yet quickly she clasped her hands on Gladions face and dived onto his lips, kissing him sweetly but passionate
• She pulled away after a couple of seconds...
•"That's...that is the way you meant, right?"
• Gladion blushed but nodded
▪︎ Moon just smiled and kissed him again, Gladion this time being somewhat prepared, looped his hands around Moons back, shyly returning the kiss
•Lillie and Hau were so relieved to finally have these two together, them both knowing Gladion and Moons feelings but keeping the secret was torture!
• Gladion, whilst overwhelmed with joy finally being with Moon, was also incredibly nervous and unsure about everything
• He had a cool guy attitude but Moon could see through it with ease, and she could see how anxious he truly was
• Gladion was always unsure if an expensive date and getting dressed up like they do in the movies should be the sort of date the two go on... I mean he did come from a rich family
• Moon was happy with malasadas and a stroll on the beach or a battle tree date, and Gladion was happy that Moon was happy
• They have a very golden retriever and black cat kinda relationship
• Gladion is reserved, but can be fiesty, has blank stares but a smile that can melt you. Moon has a outgoing, seemingly happy demeanor and whilst she looks like she's all bark no bite, she does have a pretty ferocious bite if you hurt those she cares for
• Gladion and Moon live for double battles! These two will challenge anyone and everyone who'll accept
• They love to train together, their pokemon working well together and complimenting one another in battles, defending each other and covering one another's weaknesses
• Though when they battle each other its a different story, they may know each others teams strengths and weaknesses like they know their own, yet each battle they have something unexpected from the other person happens
• Gladion is a pretty anxious person underneath and just being around Moon relaxes him
• Moon leaves his little notes or cute gifts in places he'll find like in his pokeballs as held items or in his bag
• Gladion is reluctant about PDA just because he's a private person
• Gladion always feels anxious when Moon is off exploring / doing missions in ultra space because he's learnt firsthand how dangerous these beasts are
• They are Alolas cutest couple, snd since Moon is champion and Gladion was acting president of the aether foundation they are both pretty well known
•Rotomdex is their biggest shipper
• Closely followed by Kahuna Olivia who finds the pair adorable
• Gladion finally has a person he can confide in and share what's on his mind or in his heart, someone he can rely on
• Overall these two just compliment each other very well, they strive to protect the people they love and make sure that everyone and all pokemon are treated fairly
• Gladion making sure that the aether foundation goes back to its original values, to help injured pokemon and protect species from distinction
• Moon keeping up her training and meeting new people and pokemon that will enrich her journey, and defending her championship
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egotisticaleverything · 9 months
High school Party
Bo Burnham x reader
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A/N: this has been rotting in my draft for centuries so not requested just needed to finish this and cure my writers block for good !!
Warnings: swearing, mentions of sex, Bo being unreasonably mean, reader is a down bad loser, almost fucking to prove a point
“Hey-Uh Bo?” I tap the tall boys shoulder, trying to get his attention in the crowded living room we’re standing in, “I wanted to ask if I could have your number- so we could like hand out some time?”
“What?” He says after turning around
“I said could I have your number-“
“I heard you fuck face I’m just not falling for the same song and dance again” he scoffs, taking a sip from his cup.
“What do you mean-“ I sputter out
“I know Chrissy sent you over here to fuck with me alright?” He shrugs “hey hot popular conventionally attractive friend of mine, go over and ask out the weird skinny kid.” He mocks her in a high pitched voice.
“What- no I just want your number asshole the fuck?” I scowl at him stepping back, phone in my left hand, beer in my right.
“Fine whatever. I’ll put my number in your phone. Just shut up.” He grabs my phone.
“Thanks, geez for an apparent ‘nerd’ you sure are a dickhead” I roll my eyes, looking down at my beer.
“Here.” He almost chucks the phone back at me “you win your little dare, pass go to collect 200” he walks away unphased.
“Bo- wait” I grab his arm “could we like maybe hang out some time..?” I manage to crack a slight smile as if my heart isn’t racing
“God you’re a good actress” he turns his head towards me “fine. Lunch. Tomorrow. Text me your address.” He pulls his arm away.
I look down at my phone to see the contact name he’s given himself “Truth or dare”, thought he’d be more original.
Me: I’m not Jk wit u I actly like u dmbas :/
TorD: ok def selling it 2 hard
Me: fuk u
TorD: shut up ur drnk
Me: I wish I wernt so cute cuz if u wernt id kill u
TorD: get sober then u can smd :P jkkkk
Me: u still at da party
TorD: obvi dmbas
Me: meet u upstairs in 10
TorD: no u wont
Me: yes I will
TorD: fine im redy for ur prank or wtver
Me: u still think im jk lol XD
I walk into the room to see Bo sat on the bed “Surprised to see me here?” He jokes “I made sure to scope out the whole room for whatever you’re planning.”
“I’m not planning anything- what is wrong with you?” I am starting to get annoyed at this point,
“Yeah sure whatever-“ I cut him off by pulling him into a kiss, grabbing the collar of his shirt as I straddle his hips on the bed. I slowly bring my left hand up behind his head, pulling him closer to deepen the kiss as he groans. “You’re a good fucken actor.”
“I-… am not-… acting-…” I say between kisses as I lower Bo onto the bed, “you fucking brat.” I heave,
“God you’re something alright…” Bo attempts to catch his breath
“You’re lucky I take birth control” I say as I start undoing my jeans,
“Holy fuck you’re serious about this…” he looks up red faced
“You’re finally catching on, great work.” I scoff “Now what do you want me to do to you?” I giggle, trailing a hand down his chest.
“I-uhm wow” his cocky demeanour has completely disappeared, replaced with a flustered mess of a man who’s almost melting below me.
“What do you want me to do to you?” I ask him firmer this time as I throw my shirt across the room.
“I-oh wow uhm I-I’ve never gotten this far” he stutters and stumbles as i straddle him in nothing but my underwear and bra,
“I can tell.” I cross my arms “now use your big boy words and tell me what you want me to do to you.”
“I mean I really do-I’m not sure I-“
“Just say it”
“The first thing that comes to your mind”
“I-uh- fuck- I’m sorry” he facepalms, the crimson of his face barley peaking out.
“What-Bo?” I pull his hands away from his face, genuinely concerned.
“Why are you of all people into me?” He looks away,
“I-what do you mean?” I ask genuinely confused, what does he mean ‘me of all people’.
“You’re friends with Chrissy and Grace and all those other really pretty girls-“ he starts rambling “fuck you’re gorgeous, I-I mean that’s the reason I was so defensive…” his eyes drifted towards me, as he obviously tried to not look at my body.
“Bo… why do you think I stare at you every day in chemistry-?” I ask now just as red faced as the man below me “why do you think I spend so much time around the drama club when crew aren’t even needed-“
“Ever since freshman year- Bo I’ve been in love with yo-“ I’m suddenly cut off by a kiss, as he sits up, one of Bo’s hands finds its place on the back of my neck, the other places itself on my lower back.
“I’m- I don’t think I want to rush into this…” he sighs “I think you’re really pretty and fun to be around but I don’t want to take things too fast-“
“Thank god-sorry but I like you too much to just fuck you and prove a point.” I laugh sitting up “so… are you free next Friday after drama club?”
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akazzzaa · 5 months
Unrequited love- Final Days
Log 10- Kyojuro Rengoku
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It was a chance encounter, a fleeting moment that seemed to pause time itself.
You turned a corner, and your eyes met a sight that would leave an indelible mark on your heart—a vibrant crimson haori billowing in the gentle breeze. Rengoku Kyojuro stood tall and resolute.
Captivated by his presence, you found yourselve unable to tear your gaze away from the Flame Hashira. There was something undeniably captivating about him, an otherworldly magnetism that drew you in like a moth to a flame. You watched in awe as he moved with a grace and confidence that spoke of years of rigorous training and unwavering dedication to his cause.
Unbeknownst to you, Rengoku had sensed you. Intrigued by the Kakushi before him, he approached with a warm smile, his eyes alight with genuine kindness.
"Hello there!" He greeted, his voice a bit loud "What brings you here today!?"
Caught off guard by his sudden approach, you stammered for a moment before managing to compose yourself. "Oh, uh, just running errands," youreplied, cheeks flushing with embarrassment
Rengoku's smile widened, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Ah, the mundane tasks of everyday life! But even in the midst of such chaos, there is beauty to be found, don't you think?"
His words struck a chord within you, stirring something deep within your heart. For the first time in a long while, you felt a sense of joy that had long been dormant within you.
As you both continued your conversation, you found yourselve drawn to Rengoku in a way you couldn't quite comprehend. There was a magnetic pull between you two, an invisible thread of fate that seemed to bind your souls together with each passing moment.
As time passed, the bond between you and Rengoku only grew stronger. Your chance encounter on the mission of a hashira meeting a Kakushi had blossomed into a deep and meaningful connection that was more than the boundaries of mere acquaintanceship.
Rengoku, welcomed you into his life with open arms. He shared stories of his adventures as a Hashira, regaling them with tales of bravery and heroism that never failed to captivate your imagination. In turn, you found solace in his presence, finding comfort in his unwavering support and you also shared your stories as a Kakushi even though they wernt as interesting as being a hashira or just a demon slayer.
Despite the demanding duties as a Demon Slayer and Kakushi, you both made time for each other. Whether it was a leisurely stroll through the parks or a cozy evening spent sharing a meal together. His infectious laughter and boundless enthusiasm brought joy and light into your life.
As the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, you found yourelve falling deeper and deeper in love with Rengoku. His selflessness and unwavering dedication to protecting humanity stirred a sense of admiration within, igniting a flame of passion that burned brighter with each passing moment.
But it wasn't just Rengoku's bravery that captured your heart; it was the little moments you shared together—the stolen glances, the gentle touches, the whispered words of encouragement—that made your love truly special.
You traced your fingers over the intricate characters on the scroll, you where going to confess your love for him.
A sudden flutter of wings broke the silence of the room. Your companion, a crow named Hikari, landed on your shoulder, its obsidian eyes reflecting sorrow.
As much as you loved working for demon slayers and helping them. You hated the aftermath of a misson gone wrong. Seeing what these demons are cable off makes you die inside more.
"Hikari," Youwhispered, your voice barely above a breath, "what news do you bring?"
The crow cawed softly, its message clear despite the absence of words. Upper Moon Three had fought Rengoku. The Flame Hashira, had laid down his life in the ultimate sacrifice to protect the other demon slayers and civillians that are still at the scene.
Tears welled in your eyes as the weight of the news settled upon you. But amidst the sorrow, you knew what you must do.
''Y/N!" your crow yelled, "we cannot let Rengoku-sama's sacrifice be in vain. We must retrieve his body and honor him as he deserves."
With a flap of its wings, it took flight once more, disappearing into the fresh morning sky.
You pressed forward, your love for Rengoku fueling every step. Hoping that there is a chance to save him.
Finally, you reached the battleground where Rengoku had made his final stand. The air was heavy with the scent of blood and ash.
With a heavy heart, you knelt beside Rengoku's fallen form, your fingers brushing against his cold skin. His right eye destroyed. His ribs and organs, destroyed. And a gaping hole through his abdomen. Rigor mortis has set in
What ever hope you had was gone. You cried. The other Kakushi looks down, crying. The other three demon slayers where hugging each other crying for their losses.
You whispered words of gratitude and farewell, tears mingling with the blood-soaked earth beneath you.
"I love you"
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own-tt · 2 years
Adrenaline | L x Reader smut
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Tags: car sex, smut, L ooc?, L drives a car?, aftercare, language, both L and the ready being horny,
This was written on my phone so I hope you guys enjoy it. Also if you have anything you want me to write. Please send anything I'm desperate 😭
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“If we die I'm blaming this one you.” L says from the driver seat. “Yeah yeah calm down will you?” You leaned out of the open window. Trying to point your gun straight at the wheel of the car that was following you.
All you did was steel a singe file, and their chasing you. You aim and fire. And to your success, the tire popped and they started to slow down. You smile and laugh as you climb into the front seat again. Ls face was sweaty and he looked like he was focused on the road infront of him.
“We have more problems so dont rest now.” L says nodding his head forward at the sets of motorcycles. You aimed your gun again but nothing came out. “Shit, I'm out of bullets.” You swore.
L looked around, “hang on.” He said while speeding the car up. Your heart starting beating faster as you passed them and turned, almost crashing into a building. You started to laugh. “Is this funny to you?!” He yelled over the car. You nodded with a grin on your face. L sighed and shook his head, his focus now getting away.
With a couple of experienced turns and multiple almost accidents. You and L lost them. He turned into an empty parking lot and took a breather. So did you.
“Where did you learn to drive like that?!” You panted, the sweet smile still spread across your face. “Taught myself. Do you still have the file?” L was also almost out of breath. You nodded and reached into the back, grabing the file and giving it to him. He scanned it over and gave a nod. “Good job. You did well.” You let out a laugh at his words.
“I like praise from the L. Feels nice.”
L looked over to you. You looked disheveled, your shirt halfway down your shoulders, he realised you wernt wearing a bra. Now why was that?
“Praise feels nice from everyone. Especially your superiors.” You looked over to him. “You think your my superior?” You almost laughed at his words.
“In this case, yes I am.”. “I bet you havnt even fucked someone. I have.” You bragged. Didnt seem like the type to brag about but it was in the moment. The adrenaline was making you turned on, not for anyone specific. But L seemed really attractive driving fast.
“What does that have to do with anything? It doesnt matter if I'm a virgin.” You gasped. “YOUR A VIRGIN.” L looked at you. “This isnt the time or place. We need to get back.” He looked hot and flustered. “No. Now I'm curious.” You said, grabbing the steering wheel so he couldn't drive.
“I always thought the best detective would get girls left and right. Was I wrong?” You chuckled. “What were you expecting. I stay inside all day and solve crimes from all around the world. I dont have time for something as silly as sex.”
“But sex is a good way to relief stress? It's good if your worked up, or full of adrenaline.” You say. L looked straight at you. “Adrenaline you say?” You smile and nodded.
“Are you hinting at something, Y/n?” You leaned back into your seat and shrugged. “Not trying to hint at something, was just curious.” You rested your elbow against the window of the car.
But before you could do anything. Your seet was pulled back and L slowly crawled on top of you. “Adrenaline.” He said in a low voice. Almost like a growl. “I guess I could put this adrenaline to good use. Do I have the consent.” You were in shock for a second but found this a bit funny.
It wasnt everyday you made L ask for your consent. “Yes.” You said. L ducked his head down and kissed you, he quickly separated your legs and placed himself in betwen them.
“Have you always felt this way?” You said when his lips left yours. He did nothing while slowly undoing your pants. He leaned over you and pulled them down.
“These are cute.” He said when putting a finger in the waistband of your pantys. He pulled them and they snapped against your skin, making you jump. He chuckled.
He ducked down and kissed the inside of your thighs. “I thought you were a virgin?” You groaned. He paused before saying. “I am. Maybe I'm just talented.” You moaned as he got closer to the place you needed him. “What do you watch por- AH!” He placed a kiss on top of your clothes clit. Making you moan loudly.
“I wouldn't say I watch porn.” He placed another finger in the waistband and pulled the peice of fabric down.
“Ah isnt this a pretty sight.” He threw the fabric somewhere in the car and slowly unbuttoned his pants. Pulling them down a bit, along with his boxers. He gave his cock a few pumps before aligning with your hole. “You sure you haven't done this before?” You said before L finally pushed in.
The feeling burned for a little bit before it faded into complete pleasure. “L!” You moaned. You tried to find something to grip on and decided to grab his shoulders instead. “Yes.” He said.
“I've always felt this way. I just. Never found a good way to express it.” He tried to say but was cut off by moans. “You feel so good.” He sounded like he was on the verge of tears.
When he felt comfortable enough to start moving, he set a nice pace. It was slow but hard, and it hit the right places that made you see all sorts of stars.
“P-please L!” You whimpered. Your nails scratched his back. He was sure that he was gonna see light marks later on. “Hah!” He moaned again. Speading up slightly.
“A-are we realy supposed to do this?”
“We can blame it on the adrenaline if we get caught.” He said, he bit down on your shoulder to muffle his moans. But did almost nothing.
“C-cumming.” He said, he bit relatively hard and you felt a warm liquid in between your legs. It wasnt long before you came along with him.
He stayed on you for a little bit to catch his breath. When he did he asked if you were okay, and you replied with a nod. “Did I do it to your satisfaction?”
You nodded again. He smiled and slowly got off of you. He looked around and found some napkins. He slowly cleaned you up, making sure that he didnt hurt you. He pulled up your pantys and pants and sat back in his seat.
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legacyshenanigans · 1 year
House of Gaunt🐍
MC is at the wrong place at the right time.
MC wandered into to The Hogs Head, a place she wouldn't usually go, on account of it being a dark wizard spot, she entered, instantly seeing Marvolo sat in the corner, he looked over, giving her a mildly confused expression before chuckling.
Marvolo: Why must you INSIST on being everywhere I am? *raises a brow*
MC: Pfft. I didn't KNOW you were going to be here *giggles* I was waiting for a friend outside nearby, but I got thirsty. So, I decided to come and get a drink.
Marvolos face went from a curious smile to a small frown.
Marvolo: You shouldn't be here..This isnt the place for you.
MC: *chuckles and walks over to the bar*
A small group of Dark Wizards walked in laughing and joking with eachother, before the leader of the group seemingly spotted MC and the group went quiet, Marvolo watched them out of the corner of his eye like a hawk. The group went to the bar, all standing awkwardly around MC as the leader leant over her shoulder
Dark wizard: What do you we have here then? *wicked chuckle*
MC: (?!) Urgh..Fuck off.
The Dark Wizard laughed as he looked at his clan before reaching out and grabbing MC by the hips, making her let out a yelp. Marvolo swiftly stood knocking his chair back, getting out his wand and aiming it at the Wizard..
The 3 other dark wizards: (?!) *separate around the bar looking at Marvolo with concern*
The leader: *let's go of MC and gives a curious smirk to Marvolo, as he slowly lifts his hands* ...Didn't see you over there Gaunt.
Marvolo: *smirks* Evening, Arthur..
The leader: *narrows his eye's, nodding his head over towards MC* This yours?
Marvolo squinted his eyes and gave him a cold stare, Suddenly realising what he was doing, and how strange it must of looked to the Dark wizards, he usually wouldn't of batted an eyelid at such behaviour.
Marvolo: Get the fuck out of here, or do I have to beat you, again..You complained to me like a little bitch for weeks last time I broke your nose, ha..*wicked grin*
The leader: *narrows his eye's again and smirks* come on boys..
The group left, and Marvolo set down his wand, sitting down once more to glug at his drink..MC stared at him for a moment, before walking over to the table..
MC: ...Thank you.
Marvolo: *sigh* I told you that you shouldn't have been here..
MC couldn't help herself from leaning down towards him to give him a kiss on the cheek, Marvolos hand shot up and stopped her, putting his hand just below her neck, before he took a quick glance around the bar, luckily the couple of other drunkards that were in there wernt paying attention. He looked her in the eyes, a hint of a smirk on his face.
Marvolo: *Whispers* Not here...
MC: (?!)
Marvolo stood casually, wandering to the back door of the bar, glancing at MC with a playfully wicked grin as he left, not saying a word. MC stood there for a moment before following. She got outside and looked around, he was gone, nobody in sight. She sighed in annoyance before she was suddenly grabbed and pushed against the wall, she squealed before realising it was him.
Marvolo: Heh..Boo *wicked chuckle*
His hands gripped at her waist, pulling her into him before his lips hit hers for a rough messy snog, He bit at her bottom lip as he pulled his head away from the kiss, giving her a sultry stare.
MC: *smirks* Thought you'd gone.
Marvolo: Well, you thought wrong.
He chuckled as his lips planted on hers once more.
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This is more of a question then a request, What would Pearl do if she accidentally broke Y/N, she broke Y/Ns mind anything Pearl asked Y/N to do she does it, Y/N eyes are now a greyish color her voice is emotionless empty just like a robot, I also kinda imagine Pearl trying to get fix Y/N .
What if she couldn't do it Y/N?
What if she did fix Y/N?
You idiot pearl what do you do whato do what to do WHAT TO DO?
She dosnt know what to do.
She always wanted y/n to stay with her, to never leave her and to always be by herside, to be molded into her perfect little partner... but not like this... never like this.
It isnt even you anymore your just an animated pupet that dose anything she says you have no personality no life in you voice nothing.
at first pearl would try the same thing that always got her out of a tough spot; lie and manipulate but that wont work not this time there are no lies which can undo the damage that has been done to your mind.
As the weeks grow by she only grows more and more desperate she trys catering to youur every whim begging you to chose somthing for yourself ANYTHINGas she bawled infront of you.
If she was able to fix you then everything would go back to the way things were before she would be alot more catering though she would walk on egg shells around you to make sure your happy and maybe just maybe she will realise what she is doing is wrong
if she wernt able to... she might just give you up. she might just realise what she has done. In her mad quest to make sure she dosnt get tossed aside again she has destroyed the very thing she loves. In the dead of night she would warp to the nearest hospital dropping you off before you one last kiss on the fore head and she leaves forever.
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pansyboybloom · 4 months
wernt u friends w a zionist 🤨
yes, i was. they hadn't said anything zionistic to me personally, and i didn't understand enough to recognize the dog whistles back then, and frankly, until these current isreali mass murders i knew very little about isreal and Palestine. ive made a genuine effort to educate myself and use my voice, both because Palestinians deserve freedom and safety, and to make up for any harm i have caused, be it directly or indirectly. when my ex friend liked a post abt 'Palestinian genocide being as real as white genocide' i was horrified, and looked deeper into things they had said in the past. i cut off the friendship, and havent looked back. ive hurt people through that friendship, and i want to make up for it. i want to be open about my friendship, esp bc i am trying to organize a donation match up right now. what i did was wrong, even if i was uninformed at the time. i'm trying my best to help Palestinians as much as i can, not as 'repentance' but because people have the right to basic humanity
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