#i had an energy drink earlier and now i can't sleep
quiet-nocturne · 6 months
Thank you to @memesmadefullmetal for the tag!
are you named after anyone? not my first name - but my middle name comes from the name of a children's hospital that kept me alive when I was born, even though I was super premature. It makes sense as a name though, trust me. My mother was not insane haha.
when was the last time you cried? hmmm, a couple weeks ago? I also full-on bawled for like 20 minutes while reading the end of a novel about a month back lmao, which has never happened before.
do you have kids? nope, only three fur babies. 🐈
do you use sarcasm a lot? definitely.
what sports do you play? none. I like sitting, comfy clothes and video games. 💀 if I do any fitness, it's walking, ring fit adventure or just dance lol.
what’s the first thing you notice about people? just the general aura they put off - usually I'm right about a first impression. I can tell if I'll get along with someone pretty quickly.
what’s your eye color? brown
scary movies or happy endings? depends on my mood (I can go for a good scary movie), but probably a happy ending overall. I'm a sap lol.
any special talents? uhhh I can play a lot of instruments, and sometimes I type and whole stories with pretty cool prose comes out. 🤷‍♀️
where were you born? canada! 🇨🇦
what are your hobbies? listening to music, video games, writing, reading, textiles or sewing of any kind, watercolor painting, tv shows/movies, obsessing over fma, petting a cat, etc.
do you have any pets? yep, 3 cats!
how tall are you? 5"2 ahaha. 🙃 i can reach things on the BOTTOM shelf. ✨💪
favorite subject in school? Music. I have 2 degrees in it, and now I no longer work in it. oops haha.
dream job? honestly, to own/run a cat rescue. that would be so sweet. unfortunately currently I work in retail.
tagging (no pressure!): @rizaposting, @lewdybooty, @aicasey 💖
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xetlynn · 7 months
Twilight- Unknowing: Chapter Two, Florida
(Alice x Reader x Jasper)
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[One] [Two] [Three]
Warnings: a little spicy?
Learning to be a hybrid was... in less than two words; different. I don't use my werewolf ability at all.
But having that in me I can sense more than I ever have before. Hunting is something new as well. I can see better in the dark. The taste was more bearable- speaking of taste I can eat human food again too.
Now when I eat in front of Charlie it's not tasting like sand anymore. I can go out in the sun as well, I don't sparkle like the others.
I'm still immortal, I still need to drink blood to survive and not get thirsty. My abilities are enhanced. I can take energy from electronics now, and plant-life.
Getting back to school, everyone was curious about where I was, having to tell them I had to get surgery done in a different state. Angela was the most worried, and concerned. Jessica acted like she cared but we all know how she really felt.
Today, I decided to sit at lunch before Jasper and Alice joined me. "My fellow students. Cool, right? Wow, okay, right? We are the future. Anything is possible... if you just believe." Mike reads out loud as he is writing on what Jessica should say since she's valedictorian. "Nice." Angela mumbles, not really paying attention.
He rips the page from his notebook. "Blah, blah, blah... Perfect. And you got yourself a speech." He hands the page to her.
"No, this will be my speech when I want everyone to throw their diplomas at my head. So... Thank you." She crumpled the paper, tossing it at him.
"Ya gotta embrace the cliches, Jess." Mike tells her.
"They have the bread and butter of all valedictorians." Eric chimes in. "And that is why you are not valedictorian. And Jess doesn't need cliches. Her speech is gonna be epic." Angela hypes up her close friend.
"Epic? It'll change lives." Jessica grins, and after that Alice and Jasper abruptly appear, carrying food trays as if they're going to eat them.
They sit on either side of me. Jasper kissing my temple. "I decided to throw a party." Alice announces with a huge grin.
"After all, how many times are we gonna graduate high school?" Jasper asks in a teasing tone that only Bella, Edward, Alice and I are going to understand. Edward and I stifle a smile.
"A party? At your place?" Angela questions. "I've never seen your house." Jessica says. I lean my head onto Jasper's shoulder. "No one's ever seen their house." Eric points out.
"I have." I raise my hand a little bit, Eric and Jessica give me a look and I chuckle. "Another party, Alice?" Edward looks at her.
"It'll be fun." She assures them.
"Yeah, that's what you said last time." Bella comments, I give her a dirty expression, reaching over to smack her arm. She says ow and I quietly give her a "what the fuck is wrong with you?" before looking back at my girlfriend who is currently freezing, having a vision. Luckily no one is noticing.
"Well cool, that's really uh... normal of you. What time?" She doesn't answer. "Dress code?" Still nothing from her. "Bring anything? Cheetos?"
I shake her shoulder a little bit, "Wake up, Alice." Edward speaks up. "She hasn't been getting much sleep lately, senior jitters." Jasper covers for her, which I'm proud of him for talking more to everyone.
Getting his thirst under control.
Alice wakes from her vision. She gives me a worried expression.
"Oh, babe, can you come with me to your car? I left something." I ask her with a sweet smile. She looks taken back but us three get up and leave the table. I glance back to Edward who gives me a small nod.
"What did you see?" I questioned her as we walked out of the doors of the school. "I- You can't tell Bella. Edward doesn't want her to know." She starts, I nod my head. Edward's been protecting her. It's been a little extreme but Bella's stubborn so I appreciate him for it. "Okay." I motion for her to continue.
"Before I do, babe is new." She mentions what I said earlier. I shrug, holding back a smile. "It kind of just left my mouth. It was too late to go back on it." I mutter.  I then hear a dean start walking to the doors, cutting her off before she can say anything else. "Let's go to the car." I tell them, we hurriedly head over to the car before anyone sees.
"It was brief, it has something to do with Victoria and newborn vampires." She says, holding her head as she remembers everything. I let out a breath, I wasn't scared about Victoria anymore.
This might come across as cocky but I have every right to be. "This weekend, she's going to try something. Do you think you would be alright going to Florida with your sister and Edward?" Alice looks up at me, something that I could never get used to.
Another thing that's changed in my transformation is my height. Being 5'8 now, closer to Jasper. Also having a muscular build.
"If it's to protect my sister, of course." I cross my arms, glancing down at her then to Jasper who's smiling at me. "What?" I furrow my brows.
"Nothing." He chuckles, the bell rings and I let out a sigh. "You think Edward will let me take his ability for this test?" I jokingly ask them as we go back inside the school.
"He might if you coerce him." Alice laughs, holding on to my arm. My next class is with him so I actually could if I wanted to. "Might lecture you about it." Jasper disagrees, I press my lips together.
"Shall we see?" I smirk, we stop in front of my class. "We'll see you after class, Darling." Jasper playfully rolls his eyes, both of them waving as they walk to their own class.
I enter the class, noticing Edward already staring at me. I grin, going over to the table we sit next to each other at.
"No." Is the first thing he says. "What?" I act as if I don't know what he means. "You're not taking my ability."
"What do you mean?" I raise a brow, acting confused. "Don't play dumb." He scoffs, but I can tell he finds it amusing.
"I don't know why you're so accusatory. I would never want to use your ability so I could cheat on this test and get an A." I put my hands up defensively, getting out a pencil for the test.
"You're so subtle." He says, then as the class begins the teacher has a student pass out the papers. Edward puts his hand in front of me, tapping the table three times.
A smile grows on my face. The tapping means he's letting me use his energy. He used to do it before I had to go through the transformation. No one knew because everyone thought I was getting better.
He obviously knew I didn't want to worry anyone. Edward's the reason I didn't have to go through it sooner than I wanted.
Two papers are placed on our table, I give one to him.
"So, what was that at school? What did Alice see?" Bella questions Edward and I as we enter the Sheriff's station. "Nothing. Something about Jasper. It was innocuous." Edward lies, my sister glances up at me. I nod, agreeing with her boyfriend.
"I know you know what she saw. Tell me." She demands from him. "It was nothing." He continues.
"You looked worried." Bella points out. "Just that everyone would notice how strange Alice is." He comes up with a cover up. "I think that ship sailed long ago." I cleared my throat, shaking my head at her.
We all look at Charlie who subtly gestures for us to keep our distance. "I wonder what's wrong." Edward says.
"There's someone missing in Seattle, over a year ago. Charlie is doing what he can, but... Do you know something about this?" Bella quizzes suddenly.
"We've been tracking the situation in Seattle for a while. Unexplained disappearances, killings... If the situation gets more conspicuous, the Volturi will step in." Edward explains, I cross my arms, remembering them asking me if I could use Alice's ability to see more.
Using the other's abilities with my situation, we've learned I can experience more enhanced usages. I can barely get anything though.
"If they go to Seattle, they can come here. They can see I'm still human." Bella worriedly expresses. "We won't get that far. But we'll go to Seattle if we have to." He reassures her concern.
"I'll fax these down first thing." I hear Charlie say.
"Thank you." The older couple walks off, he then approaches us.
"Hey you two." He does a short wave.
"Hey." We say almost in unison. "Are you guys ready for dinner?" He asks, I nod my head as Bella verbally answers him. He puts a picture into his case. I take a peak seeing the name and face; Riley.
As we stand there I feel the tension between Edward and Charlie. "It is still just us three, right?" He questions.
"Yeah, I'm just dropping them off. See you later." He gently passes my sister, but before he gets far he stops. "Oh... Bella. My parents wanted to remind you about the... Airline tickets you got for your birthday." Edward refreshes her memory.
"What airline tickets?" Dad asks. "A round trip ticket to see Mom in Florida." She says.
"Wow, that was generous."
"And it expires soon, they say you might wanna use it this weekend." Edward mentions, eyeing me quickly, not even able to be catched by Bella and Charlie. "Well, I can't just drop everything and go."
"It might be your last chance to see her before you graduate." I can tell that sentence hits Bella a certain way. "Well. It might not be a bad idea. Get you both out of the town for a couple days, get some distance." The last part was directed to Edward.
"Yeah, I wouldn't mind seeing mom... As long as you use the companion ticket." Bella then turns to her boyfriend, I suck at my bottom lip trying my best not to laugh at our dad's facial expression.
"Wait, three tickets? Super, that makes me really happy." The sarcasm in his voice almost made me lose it.
Before leaving for Florida Alice and Jasper took me out for a date. Kind of? We went to our usual spot in the woods, sitting on a blanket. "What's all this for?" I question, sitting between them as usual.
"Just wanted to make you feel special before you left." Alice smiles, kissing my lips catching me off guard. "Mm, alright." I lay my head back on the boulder behind us.
"I feel like this is to talk about something serious." I call them out.
"It really isn't, love." Jasper lays a hand on my thigh. "We just want to spend time with you, it feels like it's been a while since we've been able to really be alone." Alice chimes in. Then I lifted my head, her tone of voice felt different.
"Mm, yeah?" I hum out, realizing how close they really are now.
"Tonight is gonna be all about you, Darling." Jasper takes my hand, sliding it into his as he then kisses it softly.
Alice comes closer to my face, I lift my free hand to the back of her head and roughly smash my lips upon hers. I feel Jasper's lips lead up to my neck.
I feel my face warm up intensely. I feel Alice bite my bottom lip and I let out a low growl in response, laughing at her antics.
Jasper was still attacking my neck as Alice and I were making out.
It's been a while since we've gotten to do anything. All the drama of our weird lives we live.
I'm not going to give too many details of the night.. Just know the sun was out when it was over.
"Aren't you two going to miss this? Don't you just feel the vitamin D soaking up in your pores?" Renee questions us, we both told her our plans after graduation.
She thinks that Bella's going to the University of Alaska. And I'm going with Jasper and Alice to the country of Europe to travel mine's not exactly a lie though. Right now we sit in the sun, lying in lounge chairs that are pushed tightly together.
"Yeah, I'm gonna miss this." Bella admits. "I was never one for the sun." I comment, our mom sighs out a small snicker. "I remember." She smacks my knee in a playful manner.
"You know, colleges in Florida are a lot sunnier. I'm just saying Bella, if you go to the University of Alaska... I'm never gonna see you." Renee frowns, attempting to change my sister's mind about the Alaska thing.
Renee is excited about my traveling, I told her she could join every now and then when we first got here. She takes our moms hand. "They have a really great science program."
"You mean Edward program." She nudges Bella who smiles, looking inside the house. Edward was sitting in a chair with a view of Bella, offering a small wave to her then continuing back to a conversation with Phil who was lying on the couch.
"The way he watches you... It's like he's willing to leap in front of you and take a bullet or something. Have you noticed that [Name]?" She points out to Bella and then looks at me. I just shrug my shoulders in response. "Is that a bad thing?"
"It's an intense thing. You're different with him. If he moves, you move. Like magnets." Renee tells Bella, not upset about it."I don't know, we're just... In love." Bella doesn't exactly know what to say.
"I get it. I just want to make sure you're making the right choices for you. You know, cause you're the one who's gonna have to live with them." She's being a mom which is understandable, if only she knew what the both of us really have to deal with. Bella takes the information in though.
Our mom notices her in her own head so she changes the subject. "Alright, enough with the heavy." She reaches under her chair and pulls up two large boxes.
"Mom." Bella starts. Renee places one on both our laps. "Congratulations, my girls." She clasps her hands together. "I didn't want you to spend your money." Bella frowns.
"I didn't, come on." She rushes us. "Thank you, mom." I smile at her. "Open it before you thank me." She motions for me to get to it. We open the box to find quilts, we unfold it and see what they're made of.
"Are these all our old trip T-shirts?" Bella grins, shocked by our gift. "I saved them all. I thought they'd make a good quilt. To keep you warm in Alaska. And you warm wherever you travel if needed." She tells us both. "Remember this one? Ensenada." She points to one of the shirts on Bella's quilt that's in a different place on mine. "The snake pit." Bella nods.
"Yep. But this one is my favorite. Here..." She points to the one on mine. "The three-headed lobster in Maine." I comment. "This is amazing." Bella hypes up the gift.
"No, honey. I'm glad you both like it. I just figured, you know, when you two get older, have kids. We can add to it. Maybe go visit... the world's largest catsup bottle or something." She explains the gift. Both of us go quiet. She wraps us both in the quilts. "Oh... I'm glad you like it." She smiled sweetly. Bella hugs Renee tightly.
My chest tightens, knowing this could be Bella's last time, Bella waves to me to join so I place the Quilt down and join in the hug. I feel my mom's arm squeeze my back to bring me closer.
"I just thought, you should have a little piece of me, up there in Alaska, and wherever your heart desires, [Name]." She says, I back away from the hug.
"Mom." Bella begins. "Yeah."
"I miss you." She says truthfully. "Oh, honey. I miss you, too." I could tell she was surprised from Bella's emotional state but continued to hug her.
I call Alice and Jasper every like three hours to check in with everything.
I could tell Bella was getting nosey so when I did it I went to the ocean to have a walk or outside where Bella couldn't hear what I was saying.
Everyone, including the wolves, are chasing after Victoria now.
A&J M.L.
Taglist: if you want to be added lmk!
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amourtoken · 4 months
Good morning!
it's finally time for me to elaborate on the beloved sleep paralysis demon iii post.
I don't typically write structured fic so I apologize if this rambles too much I'm not a big fan but wanted to get the thoughts out lol
*NSFW below the cut, MDNI*
cw: dubcon (I wouldn't say noncon entirely, however if non specific consent bothers you pls be careful this is definitely a rough pairing), forced breeding, ig you could consider this somno and/or bondage to a degree, condescending ass iii, threatening/toxic behavior, creepy iii (ofc he's literally inhuman), borderline stalking? He's a demon feeding off your energy so take that as you wish. Tentacles if you squint, oral (f receiving)
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♡ god lmao this has been itching at the back of my mind for weeks bc I myself go thru sleep paralysis pretty often and I'd do anything for some fun hallucinations rather than the weird ones I tend to experience 💀
♡ anyway
♡ you'd been having trouble sleeping recently, always tossing and turning and never being able to fall very deeply under. It's starting to really effect your day to day and you can't seem to concentrate on anything cause you're so fucking tired all the time. You can't help but notice this all started shortly after some paranormal instances in your apartment. Since then, you swore someone was staring at you every time you laid down. Strange.
♡ once the weekend hit you swore you were gonna try and catch up on sleep to start the next week off better. You even went to bed early, how convenient for him.
♡ iii had taken a liking to you. Typically he'd look for any random host to leech off of for a while and leave when things went too far (ex: accidentally leaving past hosts in comatose states with no explanation), but with you he couldn't help but want to drag it out. You always went to bed in the cutest outfits and he got off on the fact you had no fucking clue he was watching.
♡ that feeling of someone watching you was because he absolutely was. If you weren't asleep, he was concealing himself so he could watch you. His eyes followed your hands as they tugged the waistband of your pants down, bending over just enough to give him a pretty view as you stripped down for bed. He was gonna have so much fun with you tonight.
♡ he impatiently waited for you to finish your night time routine, pacing your bedroom unbeknownst to you the entire time. It was a little chilly in there, maybe you forgot the a/c was on? (Or a literal inhuman being was feet away from you, but who's first guess is that?)
♡ once you finally fell asleep, he jumped to his plan. God he'd been waiting so long for this, he wished he could just reveal himself to you and have it be mutual but he knew it wouldn't be a positive experience for you, so this would have to do for now. Maybe you'd enjoy yourself, maybe you'd wanna do it again?
♡ iii quietly crossed over to you, eyes drinking you in. He'd seen you naked before but this time would definitely be different. You looked so peaceful he almost felt bad...not that it would stop him, he's just taking mental notes. His cold hands met the skin just under the hem of your shirt, sliding up to your sternum and splaying across your stomach. God you were so warm...you squirmed uncomfortably at the sensation but didn't wake up, his presence caused a prickling pins and needles sensation to spread across your skin.
♡ iii continues, sliding his hands from your stomach down to your hips, hooking his fingers under the waistband of your shorts and tugging them off. He ran his hands back up your thighs, sighing heavily squeezing at your plush hips. You were so soft to him, unattainable. Which is why he felt the need to make himself known this way, you'd never agree otherwise (or would you?)
♡ he settled himself at the end of your bed, arms hooking around your thighs as he tugged you forward to rest your legs on his shoulders. This motion unfortunately was a little too eager, waking you up much earlier than he planned. Unfortunately for you, your eyes being open was about all you could manage. Your body felt so fucking heavy and your brain felt foggy, pins and needles pricked across your skin as your heart rate kicked up. The sight of iii between your legs sent you into near hysterics, hyperventilating pathetically as you tried your best to move anything but couldn't.
♡ "I'm sorry. I hope you understand I had to keep you under a bit. It's for your own good." He breathed against your skin, his hands felt so cold against your contrasting warmth. Was any of this real? Surely it couldn't be.
♡ it definitely felt real when he buried his face in your pussy.
♡ iii had a whole speech planned but like the rest of the night, his plans went out the window. He needed to feel you, to taste you right now. It was definitely abrupt but fuck you were just so sweet he couldn't help it. His arms squeezed your thighs tightly and held you closely to his face. His tongue felt pretty normal at first aside from being ice cold but that quickly changed when you realized just how long it was.
♡ the stretch of having well over a foot's length of cryptid tongue buried in your pussy was definitely new, and he was enjoying himself as much as possible. A hand left your thigh to press on your stomach, feeling the writhing of his tongue through your skin as he filled you entirely. You made his head spin and all you were doing was laying there, the other hand that had been on your thigh shifted to rub tight circles on your clit as he fucked into you with his tongue.
♡ you tried your best to squirm and make noises of protest but at best all that came out was a strangled whine which made iii smile against your pussy. He could feel you squeezing against his tongue and he tried his best to fuck himself deeper into you. The pricking sensation in your body concentrated right in your stomach as he drug you through your first orgasm. All you could do was lay there and let the sensation wash over your body, eyes rolling back while his fingers slowed their motion against your clit.
♡ iii sat back, retracting his tongue and leaving you feeling impossibly empty. He admired the slick mess he made between your legs before tugging his pants down just enough to free his length. Everything about him was fucking massive no wonder his cock was the same. He leaned over you and buried his face against your neck, pressing messy kisses all over your throat and collar while his hands explored your upper body. His cold fingers brushed your nipples and pulled a pathetic whine from you. He made a point to pinch and tease at your nipples with one hand while the other traced circles on your clit with the head of his cock.
♡ normally you could at least close your legs or squirm away from the overstimulation but his presence had you locked in and still. Tears pricked the corners of your eyes as you felt yet another orgasm creeping through your body like an electric current. iii leaned back just to toss your legs over his shoulders and fold you into a mating press with a dramatic huff. Your eyes widened in surprise at the action before rolling back in your head as he slammed into you in a single motion.
♡ fuck he was big, every thrust made the messiest slick sound and drew deep groans from his chest. "Fuck, this pretty pussy grips my fuckin cock so good...why did I wait so fuckin long to have you-" he drew out almost entirely before hilting himself again, bullying your poor cervix and creating a visible bulge in your belly.
♡ he fucked into you like he literally wanted to split you in half. He was panting pathetically against your ear while gripping your hips tight to keep you steady. the drag of his cock against your walls was pulling you ever closer to a third orgasm and you swore you couldn't handle it but that wouldn't put a dent in his harsh rhythm. Feeling you pulse around his cock actually only aided in making it worse.
♡ his hips stuttered slightly, making him dig his nails into your soft skin to try and steady himself. "Fuck- gonna fill you up- gonna look so pretty full of my kids, yeah? G-gonna breed you so good-" he was really struggling to keep pace, he didn't wanna cum yet, he wanted to spend more time with you :((
♡ unfortunately, one sloppy thrust later it threw you both over the edge. You falling first only served to pull him down with you and he moaned harshly against your neck, the sound breaking into a whimper as he kept fucking his cum into you. If you could be, you'd be trembling and begging him to stop cause you couldn't take much more. So overly sensitive from his other actions.
♡ he only pulled out when he literally couldn't take it anymore, twitching profusely at the overstimulating feeling. iii sat back on his heels in front of you, admiring the mess he'd made you into. How were you going to explain the littered fingerprint shaped bruises across your hips or the insane dark hickeys across your neck and chest to anyone? No one else would believe you, but nonetheless you were branded just for him. He'd love a round 2, but knew he had to let you out of your stasis eventually.
♡ regrettably, he slid off your bed and disappeared. Not before pressing a cold kiss to your forehead. Once he was out of view, you gasped as feeling slowly returned to your now aching limbs. Did any of that really just happen?
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AITA for wanting to spend a night out with a guy?
I'm twenty, study in university and still live with my parents. I've been planning to move out since I was eighteen, but they told me to keep living at home and not get a job so I could focus on studying while they take care of me financially. This arrangement has worked mostly well in the past years save for a few small conflicts, but it's escalated in the past 3-4 months.
The issue is my time schedule. I have a very active social life, am active in the local art scene, do political work and a lot of extracurricular stuff for university (I'm a straight A student, I might add!). Because of this, and because I'm a natural night owl, I usually come home late several days a week (between 10pm and 2am) and stay out all day for most of the week. This means I can't do a lot of chores, and usually there's a lot of housework because my mum has a bit of a cleaning anxiety and wants to make sure everything is spotless 24/7.
Enter this guy, I'll call him Tim. I met him at a festival last summer and we became long distance friends. Tim has visited me for a day several times before, but this weekend he offered to come over for two days and we agreed to spend the night stargazing together without sleeping. I loved the idea and immediately said yes. It was gonna be just us, a couple energy drinks, and some bench in the city center, and I was really looking forward to it.
The thing is, my mum does not like Tim. Like, at all. She thinks he seems very sleazy and generally distrusts him because he feels "too nice" for her. Mind you, he's just a somewhat shady looking guy who is generally pretty anxious he might make a bad impression, so he overperforms the whole "respectable member of society" act a bit around new people. I've introduced him to my friend group and even the more sceptical people absolutely love him and think he's a very sweet, helpful person. In basically every stressful situation I've ever seen him in he's been deescalating, protective and helpful, and he has on several occasions been my first source of comfort when things went to hell.
Today I told my mum in an offhanded comment that I won't come home between Sunday and Monday and the situation escalated completely. She was crying, accusing me of ruining her month, saying I didn't care about this family, it got ugly. The main point she had was that I was staying out all night with someone who's a total stranger to her and she doesn't trust him at all. In the end we compromised that Tim and I would spend the night awake, but not in the city, at home.
I feel really humiliated by this whole situation and honestly, kind of betrayed, because I was promised stuff like this wouldn't happen, and it just hits in a much safer situation than ones I've been in before (I used to get blackout drunk and sleep at parties a lot.). I'm a legal adult, have been for years now and it's so disappointing that my parents still treat me like a child sometimes and are so judgy towards my friends too. At the same time, I'm wondering whether I've acted wrong too by not telling her about this earlier and not taking her concerns that seriously. I forget sometimes that I talk to Tim every day for hours, but my parents only briefly ran into him once, so of course their view of him is skewed.
PS: I should add that when I told him about this, he immediately apologized, asked if I needed anything or wanted to change the plan and decided to dig out the least offensive outfit he could find so he'd make a good impression on my parents. So he's definitely trying his best.
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writtenjewels · 9 days
Jason really wished he could blame his nature as a night owl for the fact he was still awake. But tonight, there was a different sort of energy coursing through his veins. The kind that made his body tense and his heart to jump at shadows. His fingers twitched with the urge to turn on a lamp. He was a fucking full-grown adult and he wanted a night-light!
A door opened and Salim stepped out. The older man was dressed in a simple shirt and sweatpants, his face relaxed in that half-awake way. He stifled a yawn before turning his gaze on Jason. Jason had seen many different expressions on the older man, but grumpy was definitely a new one. The guy was clearly not a night person.
“Jason? It's almost three in the morning.”
“I can't fuckin' sleep,” Jason complained. He didn't mean to sound so angry, but seeing Salim much better rested just made Jason more pissed at himself. The dark isn't bothering him! Salim stared at him for a moment, then padded to the kitchen. “Uh, the fuck are you doin'?”
“Making tea.”
“I don't need any fuckin' tea,” Jason argued. “I'm fine.” Salim gave him a skeptical look. “Oh, fuck off,” Jason growled. “Go back to sleep and leave me alone.”
“I wasn't asleep,” Salim argued. “I was tossing and turning. It was how I noticed you were pacing around.” Jason opened his mouth and closed it again. “The tea is as much for me as for you,” Salim went on.
“So... you can't sleep either?” Jason asked, his voice dropping to a more subdued tone.
“No.” Salim had his back to Jason as he measured out the water. “It's too dark.”
“Oh.” Well, great, he felt like shit now for getting angry earlier. “Yeah. That place really fucked us up. Sorry,” he added. “I thought I woke you up.”
“Now we can be awake together,” Salim said with a shrug. He set the kettle to boil. Jason moved to join him in the kitchen. “It's chamomile,” Salim told him.
“I have your back, jarhead, whatever happens.”
Jason felt his throat close up. He said something like that down in the House of Ashes. The words meant so much more than they seemed, even then.
Salim passed him a mug when the tea was ready. The two of them sat side by side to drink the tea. Maybe it was just the lack of sleep getting to him, but Jason thought that Salim's presence was better than any light.
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aishangotome · 2 months
Roger Barel: Chapter 2
Chapter 1
Roger: ...Ah, last night was quite hot, wasn't it, lil' lady?
(W-Wait... me, with Roger?)
Just imagining what happened in the bed makes my face feel like it's on fire.
Kate: Thank you for bringing me here. I'm sorry for the trouble...
Kate: But, to take advantage of someone who's drunk...
(Of course, it's also my fault for not remembering last night, but even so...)
I glare at Roger a little, unable to bear the embarrassment.
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Roger: Sorry to disappoint your indecent expectations, but I didn't sleep with you.
Kate: Of course you didn't, you could easily devour someone as careless as me... Huh?
Kate: You didn't... eat me?
Roger: No. You were completely wasted. The moment Ellis and I carried you to your room, you threw up.
Kate: ...Threw up?
Roger: Yeah, spectacularly.
I freeze, my eyes wide with surprise at the fact that I had made a different kind of embarrassing spectacle than I had thought.
Kate: ...Then why are you here like that?
(And earlier...)
Kate: You said, "Last night was quite hot," didn't you!?
Roger: I was going to leave after seeing you asleep.
Roger: But you wouldn't let go of the hem of my shirt, like you were clinging to your favorite stuffed animal.
Roger: So I had no choice but to sleep here.
Roger: It was a really "hot" night being clung to by you with your high body temperature.
(Um... so, I just got drunk and caused trouble?)
Kate: I'm so sorry...!
I bow deeply on the bed, still wrapped in the sheets.
Roger: ...I knew it.
(Knew it?)
Suddenly, my chin is grabbed, and our eyes meet at close range.
Kate: ...??
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Roger: I've been thinking this for a while... you look like a dog.
Kate: A dog?
Roger: You look just like my family's corgi.
Roger: Yapping unnecessarily, digging holes on your own, getting depressed on your own. See, you're just like him.
Kate: What!?
Roger: Haha, let me see your pathetic face. I can't see it because I don't have my glasses on.
Kate: You can just put on your glasses!
Kate: And you're too close! Get away from me, right now!
Roger: I get fired up when people say no or tell me to stop.
As I'm being provoked and yapping like Roger's corgi...
Someone knocks on the door.
Liam's Voice: Kate, are you awake? I made breakfast that's easy to eat even after drinking, won't you eat?
Harrison's Voice: No response. Maybe she's dead in there by now. They say it's dangerous the day after drinking a lot of alcohol.
Liam's Voice: Eh! Kate, Kate, are you alive!?
The voices I heard from outside the door were Liam's and Harrison's.
(They came to check on me because they were worried. B-But...)
I want to open the door right away, but I'm not wearing anything.
And on top of that... Roger is here.
Roger: You're popular even though you've only been here for a week.
Kate: Now is not the time to say that!
(If they see Roger half-naked in the room, what kind of misunderstanding will they have...?)
Liam's Voice: If something happened to Kate, I... Sorry, I'm coming in!
Kate: Ah!
Roger: Haha. They saw everything, didn't they, lil' lady?
(...This is the worst.)
I honestly want to forget what happened after the door was opened.
Liam and Harrison froze like statues when they saw me and Roger on the bed, and I spent 30 minutes desperately explaining to them that "nothing happened between us last night."
––Finally, the misunderstanding was cleared up, and we were sitting at the breakfast table.
Roger: I'm glad the misunderstanding was cleared up, lil' lady. Your desperate explanation was adorable.
Kate: ...Whose fault do you think it was that I had to explain myself?
Roger: Now, whose fault could it be? If you know, will you tell me?
(He's so good at arguing back.)
(I want to completely retract my thought that he's a sensible and mature older brother...)
What I realized again is that Roger is a mean, forceful, and quite a bad egoist who treats people like dogs.
But the fact that the fruit sandwich for breakfast still tastes good today, and that I have the energy to argue with him, is definitely thanks to Roger.
(I'm not sure if I'm happy or frustrated, it's a complicated feeling.)
Kate: Huh? Speaking of which, it's rare for everyone to be gathered today.
Elbert: Yeah... Victor called us.
At that moment, light footsteps enter the dining room.
Victor: Good morning! My beloved cursed ones and my Fairytale Keeper!
Harrison: Your voice is too loud.
Victor: The reason I gathered you all today is none other than... I have an important matter to discuss.
(An important matter? I wonder what it is...)
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The cheerful Victor has a serious look on his face, which is unusual for him.
Victor: Am I overworking Kate?
Kate: ...Eh?
Victor: I was the one who suggested the Fairytale Keeper role! I was the one who asked her to record Crown's evil deeds!
Victor: But I didn't imagine the burden of recording the evil deeds of nine people. This is a blunder on my part.
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Victor: Therefore, we will now hold a competition for the exclusive right to the Fairytale Keeper, yay!
Kate: Fairytale Keeper, exclusive rights... a competition?
Harrison: The story might have been a bit out there, so you might not have been able to follow along.
Harrison: In short, it means you'll become someone's exclusive Fairytale Keeper, right?
Kate: I see. Thank you for the easy-to-understand explanation.
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Liam: I want you to be my exclusive Fairytale Keeper. That way, I can always be with Kate, right?
Ellis: If you become my exclusive Fairytale Keeper... would you be happy? If so, then I'll do my best.
Each with their own motives, everyone seemed quite enthusiastic, and they immediately started arguing about what to compete in.
Victor: Ta-da! I made this just in case something like this happened.
(This is...)
Victor: Fair and square, honorable, upright, corruption eradication, an Amidakuji!
As a result of the Amidakuji, the competition was decided to be arm wrestling...
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Victor: The winner is Roger Barel!
Roger: Well, that was an obvious result.
Roger: All of you just have superficial muscles. The only one who seemed to have any bone was Ellis.
The tournament, which was supposed to be a competition, turned into a series of matches against Roger, and despite fighting continuously without rest, Roger won every match, achieving a complete victory.
By the way, Jude, who disappeared in the middle of the competiton, lost by default.
Roger: Well then, lil' lady.
Roger: I really wanted to make you my exclusive Fairytale Keeper, you know?
Being looked at with such passion, my heart skips a beat.
(The reason Roger wants me as his exclusive Fairytale Keeper...)
Roger: Organizing materials, assisting with research and investigation... research takes a lot of work.
Roger: It's a situation where I need all the help I can get from my "dog." I'm counting on you, Kate.
(Huh?... Dog?)
Kate: So... you needed a chore boy?
The corners of his mouth lifted into a smirk, clearly confirming it...
(This is the worst...!)
Several hours later, in the office, there was Roger with an investigation report in hand, along with Victor and William.
Roger: Victor, this is the result of the analysis of the illegal cannabis components seized during the recent mission you requested.
Victor: Thank you, as expected of Roger. Your quick work is a great help.
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Roger: So, would you care to explain why you rigged the arm wrestling match to give me a chance to win?
William: Well, well... see, Victor? Roger is a clever man. It would be in your best interest to confess honestly.
Victor, facing those playfully swaying red eyes, seemed to give in and showed his palm.
Victor: I surrender. I'll confess honestly.
Victor: Actually, I haven't let my guard down against Vogel yet.
Victor: They say they want to deepen our friendship, but they must have some other purpose.
Victor: If they were planning to harm us in any way...
Victor: You know who they would target first,right?
Roger: ...Our cute 'lil Fairytale Keeper.
Victor: Yup. That's why I thought you were the best suited to accompany and protect her.
Victor: You're always calm and you're strong.
Roger: Thanks for the compliment. But in the end, it's up to the person themselves to make the most of their life. There's only so much I can do.
William: So, is the answer no?
Roger: No... I think I'll look after her for a while. I wanted a chore boy anyway, right?
With something hidden behind his words, Roger accepted their proposal.
Roger: Oh, and please transfer the reward for the investigation report later. See you.
The pragmatic man didn't forget to say that as he left.
Victor: Roger is really rational and opportunistic.
William: Vic, putting Vogel aside, you haven't revealed everything you're thinking either, have you?
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William: ...What was the "other purpose" for making Roger and Kate work together?
Victor: Roger is a strong person. Not just physically or mentally, but in the sense that he can live on his own.
William: That may be true. He may worry, but I've never seen him lose heart.
Victor: Having a firm sense of self is a wonderful thing.
Victor: But... life is interesting precisely because unpredictable chemical reactions sometimes occur.
William: So you put the two of them together out of curiosity. Ahahaha, you're still a bad man as always.
Victor: You can talk. Besides, you know I'm not a good person, right?
William: Yes, to the core.
I became Roger's exclusive Fairytale Keeper, and I was tasked with organizing the underground laboratory he uses.
Kate: I don't think organizing materials is within the scope of a Fairytale Keeper's work.
I glanced sideways at Roger, seeing books scattered everywhere and stacks of paper piled high on the desk.
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Roger: A Fairytale Keeper needs to be able to see things from multiple perspectives. Nothing is useless.
That's a bit of a stretch...
Am I being taken advantage of?
Maybe you're right.
Kate: That's true... maybe you're right.
Roger: Your honesty is a virtue.
Kate: What was that?
Roger: Nothing. Come on, let's get to work.
The laboratory was filled with a vast number of medical books, experimental equipment, and chemicals I had never seen before.
(This is amazing...)
Roger was originally a doctor, and even after joining Crown, he still treats injured members.
He continues his research and clinical trials as before, and there are books with difficult-sounding titles lined up.
(...What kind of research is Roger doing?)
As I picked up each book from the towering pile, I returned them to the shelves by subject.
(Let's see, this is anatomy, so... ah, here it is.)
The moment I reached for the shelf, I suddenly felt a presence behind me.
What touched my back was a warm, obviously thick chest...
Kate: Roger, just because no one's around doesn't mean you can touch me!
Sandwiched between the bookshelf and Roger, I turned around in a fluster to see Roger with his hand on the top shelf, his eyes narrowed in displeasure.
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Roger: Hey, stop treating me like a starving beast, like you did the other day.
Roger: I was just trying to get the book above your head.
(Eh... so it was my misunderstanding?)
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Roger: Well... you do look quite tasty, though.
Kate: Huh...?
Roger closed the distance between us, and I gasped.
...But then he moved away.
Roger: Never mind. It seems like it would be troublesome with lingering feelings.
Kate: Lingering feelings?
Roger: Kate, do you think romantic feelings even exist in this world?
Any adult must have thought about love at some point.
But I had never thought about whether it "exists" or not.
Kate: I think there are people who don't fall in love.
Kate: But if you ask me if it exists, I would say it does, wouldn't you?
Roger: That's probably the common answer.
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Roger: But I think romantic feelings don't exist in this world.
Roger: What people call romantic feelings are just brain malfunctions or misunderstandings arising from sexual desire.
"Functional Anatomy and Maturation of the Brain" - I couldn't help but recall the title of the book I had just picked up.
(Can love also be explained by brain structure...?)
Kate: But romantic feelings can't be malfunctions or misunderstandings...
Roger: Ah, I can't give you a clear reason for that right now.
Roger: Love is inseparable from human society, yet no one has ever proven it.
Roger: I don't believe in or value anything that can't be proven by science or medicine.
Kate: Um, so that's why you...
Roger: When I do it, it's to relieve sexual desire. So once I do it, that's it.
Roger: No repeats, even if we both agree to it.
Kate: That's... blunt.
(But it's a way of thinking that's typical of Roger, who hates waste.)
Roger: Well, that said, I'll play with you as much as you want if you can handle it.
Roger: Ah, but it'll be a secret from the Crown guys, of course.
His smile, tinged with a hint of seductiveness, made my heart race against my will.
Kate: I'll pass.
Roger: Haha, you're no fun.
Right now, my goal is to finish my job as a Fairytale Keeper safely, and I'm not in the mood for love.
(People falling in love with each other is unpredictable.)
(So there's no such thing as absolute, but...)
I felt that Roger and I would never fall in love...
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Yes, right now, finishing my job as a Fairytale Keeper safely is my one and only goal.
That "Fairytale Keeper" job came the day after I became Roger's exclusive storyteller.
An undercover mission to the "Death Party"... that was my first assignment.
Roger Barel - Chapter 3
If you’d like to support my translations, feel free to buy me a coffee here! :)
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windvexer · 1 year
For those who are considering initiatory witchcraft:
Is it once again time for me to wake up and say something melodramatic about witchcraft?
For a while, one way I've conceptualized initiatory witchcraft is as being DLC for your life. Before you initiated, you were playing the vanilla game.
After you initiate, you're playing with DLC. And the DLC primarily changes gameplay mechanics.
And I think that one of the things that changes is complexity, because you have more mechanics than you had before. There are more things to manage, and if you manage them well you get pretty nice gameplay bonuses. But if you manage them poorly, then you get much worse debuffs.
And also, you can't uninstall the DLC.
This is something I wish people had told me at the beginning. A lot of the warnings about initiatory witchcraft are all doom and gloom. Which, that's the nature of this sort of thing. It's a rough road to walk, especially for the first few years there.
But I wish people had just told me about the, well, the chores. The responsibility. The stuff you have to start doing now, or these new channels of power you suddenly rely on are going to collapse and nothing will be right until you fix it.
I think this is a common divide seen between initiatory and non-initiatory witchcraft. In non-initiatory witchcraft the advice tends to be, don't do it unless it sparks joy! Does that routine or activity make you feel great? No? Then don't do it! Your path is your playground.
Which is pretty good advice, but it doesn't apply to everyone.
Some practitioners out there really do just have responsibilities they have to perform, and those responsibilities don't always spark joy, or make them feel good, or whatever. It can be tedious. It can be boring. It can be something you set two alarms for and then drag your feet all the way to the altar. They can take time away from desired hobbies, or friends, or sleep.
When you initiate, there are all these little channels of power inside of you. That's an inelegant metaphor but for the purposes of this post, it's fine.
And a lot of little things can run through those channels. Spirits, powers, gods, the land, whatever. They've got you like a fish on a hook, and they can drag you away.
Do you really, really want to sit with your friends at the campfire and play never have I ever and drink beers? Well, you can't - because the forest is demanding your attention. There's a rock over there beyond the firelight, you will go to it, you will make sacrifices to it, you will honor the spirits who demand your homage because they know you can see them, and they will not be ignored by you.
And I really, really don't like the narrative, or the assumption or whatever, that this moment of having to ditch your friends and go be weird in the forest is a beautiful, sacred moment that makes you sOoOoooOoOOoo glad you initiated.
There are mosquitos out there. You can hear people laughing without you. You're exhausted because you impressed your friends with tarot readings earlier. The energy of the forest is strange because it doesn't trust you.
It can suck, is what I'm saying, but you have to do it.
And I think that maybe this is something to consider, or at least be aware of, so if you start feeling like garbage after you initiate you can be like, "oh yeah, the chores." In my experience, people who are set on initiation aren't going to be deterred by the thought of these kinds of things.
But I think it's something good to be aware of. Initiatory witchcraft isn't something you can set down and walk away from. It's not something you can necessarily change or rework according to your whims. And a lot of that isn't sexy, or mystical, or joyous. A lot of it is just... chores.
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h-harleybaby · 2 years
So I have like, over 5 requests sitting in my drafts but it’s whatever
I’ll get to them eventually
But I wanna write kinda and it looks like I’m having a panic attack and my organs feel like they’re vibrating but it’s probably because I ate really quickly and am really excited. My friends probably think I’m a spaz but they’ve probably known that for a long time
Kenny, Butters, and Cartman x reader who really needs to calm Tf down and is super hyperactive at times
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• Kenny at first tries going with it, he doesn’t know where this burst of energy came from but he’s vibing with it
• He loves seeing this energy in you (at first) because you seem so happy and like you’re alive again
• He’s pretty confused on where the energy came from tho especially because you said you felt like a slug earlier. Maybe it’s from the monster you had earlier and it just kicked in?
• But after you suppress an excited scream for the 3rd time and say your organs feel like they’re vibrating is when he starts getting really concerned
• Kenny checks your pulse because he’s thinking you’re having some kind of stroke or a heart attack or some kinda manic episode
• Turns out you’re just really excited for some reason? I mean you did drink a monster and a lot of soda
• But yeah either way it turns out your heart rate is really high, so that’s kinda bad 💀
• He’s definitely rubbing your back and telling you to breathe because you’re like, this close 🤏 to hyperventilating
• You literally feel like you’re vibrating and you’re talking a mile a minute, Kenny loves seeing that twinkle in your eyes when you get excited but Jesus Christ you need to calm down
• He tries talking in a soothing voice to see if that helps with calming you down, and it actually does a little bit
• He also tried getting you to take melatonin gummies to see if that’ll counteract… what ever the fuck you have going on inside you
• Eventually after pacing around the room for 5 minutes you tired yourself out
• Then y’all took a nap together <333
• “You feelin’ better hun? Your organs don’t still feel like they’re vibrating, do they?”
• Now when he sees you drinking monster he doesn’t let you have more than half of it >:(
• He knows how to calm you down tho, and it’s pretty dang useful sometimes
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• Butters didn't exactly go with it, but he's happy you look alive again!
• After 10 minutes he started getting really concerned tho, you won't stop wheezing whenever something even MINORLY funny happens
• He isn't someone who drinks energy drinks or even soda very often because he wasn't allowed to as a kid, so he has a bit of a habit to say you shouldn't drink that kinda stuff as often as you do
• He probably lectures you saying you shouldn't drinking so much caffeine with your size and age
• Definitely makes you do breathing exercises and makes you drink a lot of water
• He also asks you if you take any medications that make you get like this and what you normally do when you get all... concerningly hyperactive
• He was pretty disappointed in you when you said that you straight up raw dog whatever's happening and probably stay up the whole night
• Probably makes you take some kind of sleep medicine like NyQuil or something
• Butters is ready to do anything to help you calm down, ranging from cuddling to taking naps with you to staying up all night with you
• He hates staying up tho, he gets really cranky and kinda whiny
• "Mmmmm, darling- how about you sleep? Please sleep with me, pretty please?"
• He probably tries to give you a massage to see if that'll help
• In all honesty, the moment you stop talking he's probably knocking out
• Poor guy, he tried tiring you out but he only tired himself out. He tries so hard :<
• He probably does calm you down a good amount, you just can't really sleep
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• Probably jokingly calls you a spaz all the time now
• Cartman isn't too interested or concerned, he just lets you tire yourself out because he's too lazy to try
• But he's ready to rub your back and cuddle with you once you start getting really tired :)
• It's not that he doesn't care, he just doesn't think it's that serious if you're just really energetic
• Definitely keeps reminding you to breathe once you start talking because you talk so fast you lose your breath
• Probably chucks a water bottle at you and threatens you (light heartedly) to drink it
• He also probably makes a couple of innuendos about tiring you out with sex or something but he's just joking about it to get you flustered
• If anything, he kinda likes when you get like this because you pay a lot of attention to him, and we all know he's an attention whore
• Eric probably gets a little anoyed tho
• He definitely doesn't let you drink monster anymore or else he's gonna start complaining a lot
• He loves you, he really does but he just can't deal with you being energetic
• He's so tired
• Probably forces you to take a nap with him and says he'll make brownies with you or something if you shut up
Literally completely gave up with this
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fallenwhumpee · 2 months
Cat Nap
• Masterlist •
Warnings: Sleep deprivation, guilt(?).
Sleep was a luxury.
It was, for everyone, but more for Right Hand. Their phone was ringing through the day, and the endless phone calls weren't getting the attention they needed because of the rush of the day and everything else happening.
With hanging up the latest call, Right Hand made a rushed decision. They turned their phone off. They quietly slipped into their home, hoping not to wake anyone up at...
Oh. They didn't notice the time. It would be truly cruel to wake the team up at two.
"I left some food in the microwave," Leader called, quiet. Right Hand looked around. After a moment of confusion, they realised that the sound came from the kitchen.
Right Hand was tired. They deserved some sleep but they couldn't afford it.
If there was anyone who couldn't afford sleep more than Right Hand, it was Leader. But Right Hand thought it was more about a full sleeping pill bottle they found in trash earlier, rather than the workload.
With a sigh, Right Hand got rid of their shoes and jacket, peeking into the room. A frown formed as they grasped the scene. "You're not watching that." Right Hand stormed over and closed the laptop on the table, cutting the journeyman talking about Whumper's latest scheme.
"I've got five minutes to enjoy before my phone rings again, let me be," Leader protested.
"You can't be enjoying that!" Right Hand growled, shrinking right after as they remembered the time. "Just stop tormenting yourself. It's not your fault that we had to let them go. Besides, we are working to catch them again."
Leader sighed but didn't argue. Right Hand could see their words hadn't changed anything, but they couldn't let this go on anymore. "Get up." They muttered, pulling Leader up from the chair.
"If that's to get me sleep, I'm waiting for a call," Leader groaned, getting themselves back to their feet with a defeated sigh. "I need to reserve some energy for it."
"Sleeping is the only way to do it, idiot," Right Hand mumbled under their breath. "But since you don't want it, we're just going to treat ourselves with whatever the mainstream put for the night."
"Fine," Leader gave in, but freed themselves from Right Hand's grasp. Right Hand made a move to catch Leader back, but stopped themselves. Leader pulled a big bowl, filling it with chips. They took their laptop and phone, pushing the bowl to Right Hand. Right Hand gave a small smile and let Leader take the lead to the couch.
Right Hand didn't remember what happened after. They probably watched an action movie, and Right Hand fell asleep at some point of it. When they opened their eyes, it was already morning. They lifted their head from the pillow - strangely, their pillow - and turned in the couch.
That explained. Leader must've brough their pillow and blanket. Kicking the blanket a little, they sat up, stretching their slightly sore limbs.
"Good morning," Leader muttered from the side. Right Hand held back a flinch, realising that their pillow was basically proped up against Leader's side.
"Morning." Right Hand replied. They reached their hair to comb it back, but their fingers got tangled in a braid.
"Hey, I worked hard for that." Leader bumped their head lightly with a cup, which woke Right Hand more both with the impact and the smell of coffee.
"How can you drink that pitch?" Right Hand muttered. They looked around, gathering themselves. There was another coffee at the table, waiting for them. They could smell the milk and sugar in it, too.
Right Hand looked at Leader, who was now on their computer with coffee in their one hand. Right Hand could see the dark bags under Leader's eyes, hear the occasional click of their tongue just like they always do when they were bored of work.
"Tastes differ," Leader shrugged, still focused on the screen. "The others will wake up soon, so you betted clean around."
"I'm not the culprit."
Right Hand sulked, looking at Leader with puppy eyes. And it worked. Leader let out a weary sigh, setting the computer aside and quaffing the still hot coffee. "No, you're not. But you're the reason for my suffering," Leader said and stood with a dramatic slump. There was nothing but tease in their voice. And maybe exhaustion, which was strange since Leader usually did their best to keep their voice steady.
Leader took the blanket and pillow, tossing the stuff into Right Hand's room from the door. Knowing Leader, Right Hand was sure those landed exactly on the bed. Leader then came and took the empty bowl and cup, before settling back on the computer, eyes drifting to distance for a moment before focusing on the screen with a yawn.
Right Hand frowned. "When was the last time you slept?"
"Two days? Maybe. I don't know. I'll sleep when this is over."
Before Right Hand could answer, Leader's phone rang. Leader stood and got to the kitchen, picking up the call.
Suddenly, Right Hand realised their phone was silent.
Too silent.
Stumbling back to their feet, they quickly checked their phone, only for it to give a flashy start screen.
They were a dead meat. Boss was gonna kill them. How could they forget if off for whole six hours?
They tapped the screen, a little frantic, knowing it wouldn't make a difference.
"I dealt with your calls," Leader shouted from the kitchen.
Right Hand froze. Perfect. They had just added to Leader's burden. They walked back to kitchen with a slouched posture, beginning to cook a breakfast while Leader's voice kept chattering in the background.
This was the least Right Hand could do. But in the end, it didn't work. Leader rushed out before Right Hand could set the table. Their only consolation was the team liked the meal. After that, they all went out to carry out some errands.
Right Hand was lucky. They only had grocery and shopping for detergents, if not counting the calls. They managed to get it done in five hours. It wasn't their fastest, but it was still acceptable considering they had six hours of content out of their knowledge, and they needed to keep it going.
When they came back home with full hands, the bags fell from their hand at the sight.
Leader was sleeping, while their phone was vibrating on the table Leader placed their legs.
Right Hand panicked. Was Leader sick? Passed out? Knocked out?
They rushed over, seeing Leader covered up in their blanket.
Something moved on Leader's chest.
Right Hand reached for the blanket, picking its edge. They slowly lifted it and...
They saw a cat.
A kitten.
Cuddled on Leader's chest.
It was the kitten Right Hand always fed, living at the small cat house outside.
Leader was catnapping. Quite literally.
With a huff, Right Hand picked up Leader's phone. They waited until the call stopped and recorded a voicemail telling the caller to reach Right Hand instead since Leader was busy. Right Hand then turned off the phone. They brought Leader's pillow from Leader's room, leaning it to the armrest. They picked up the kitty slowly and set it down for a moment. Right Hand then turned Leader, slow and careful, laying them fully to the couch and on the pillow. They tensed as Leader moved, only to let out a silent sigh when Leader got comfortable on the couch. Adjusting the blanket, Right Hand put the cat back onto Leader.
"Better sleeping aid than pills," Right Hand muttered, their words aimed at Leader. "Just don't be mad when you wake up."
Right Hand turned back, intended to place the grocery before seeing two bowls on the table. Leader must have fed the cat and gave it water.
Right Hand went to the kitchen to clean those, opening the cupboard to pick up the dish soap. Packs of cat food crumbled and fell over them.
Well, Right Hand wasn't opposed to having the cat as a permanent guest. They were just not cleaning the sand.
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mooodyblue · 1 year
any day now | part one.
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summary: after a flight back from cali to memphis, elvis finds himself somehow stuck in your apartment in 2022.
warnings: time traveler!elvis, mentions of his death, priscilla doesn't exist, elvis (2022) exists without the cilla scenes (i know! sorry!), mentions of pill usage & insomnia
wc: 3.1k
a/n: please refer to this post before reading (unless you've never read my other don't fly away stories, you should be fine that case!). turning my first ever post on here into a full, chaptered fic. i'm a little nervous, but i hope you all enjoy! i know this is one of my most loved series. i've been working on this for awhile now so i can't tell you how happy i am to finally have this out for all of you to read!!! the first chapter is a little corny, but i assure you it will get better 🙏🏼
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fresh off his final performance, sweaty and decked out in black leather. god, he felt good. more than good actually, he felt incredible. he missed this–performing the music he loves and in front of an audience, he wanted to do more. he was elvis presley, he should be making good music and not these silly films his manager had him filming the last few years.
of course, the colonel wasn't too ecstatic about the special. it was supposed to be a christmas special for christs sake. all elvis did was cover one christmas song and call it a day. and in black leather? what was going to be the outcome of all of this? the special would sure fail; it's not what the fans wanted to see. at least that's what he thought, elvis and steve binder would think otherwise. but elvis knows when he's pleased an audience, he had a good feeling about the special and couldn't wait to watch it.
there was a party set in place once filming was done, elvis was still reeling off the energy from performing much earlier. after coming in, greeting everyone with a loud ‘my boy, my boy!’–he’d had a few drinks, chatting it up with a few crew members and constantly thanking steve for his hard work. he only wished his momma were here to see how far he'd come, she'd be so proud of him. it almost made him a little sad. he shook himself out of his thoughts, getting himself another drink before going off to talk to more people.
he was ready to go home, to curl up in his bed and sleep for a few days. he had a couple more movies left to film due to his contract, but not before he gave himself a little time to rest.
he got himself on his plane back to memphis and went up to his bedroom immediately, plopping himself face first on his bed and letting out a small groan. it felt so good to be home. he missed his bed, the coldness of his bedroom.
but something was off.
elvis lifted his head, looking around the room. his room was….not his room. the walls were a plain white with photos he'd never seen before in his life, the bed was slightly smaller and there was a strong smell of….flowers? it was like someone had a candle burning. this wasn't his room at all. he jumped up quickly, “what in the hell….” he muttered. he wandered out of the room, gasping. he was not in graceland. he was in someone else's house. but how did he even get there? he walked around, looking at framed photos and all the different pieces of clutter laying around.
now, looking through other people's mail is a crime. it's illegal, however he needed to know where he was and who this place belonged to cause it sure as hell didn't belong to him. one glance out the window made him dizzy–this was not memphis and it was beyond anything he'd ever seen. for starters, he was in an apartment. maybe the fourth floor. the view was the city, but everything looked so….off. it didn't look right. it was like a different dimension. there was a billboard across the street that changed after a minute, promoting things he'd never even heard of.
he closed the blinds, backing away slowly. “this ain't right…..” he rubbed at his head, trying to figure out what to do. right, the mail. he went to the kitchen, rummaging through everything till he found a letter with an address and name on it. he was in california…again? beverly hills? what the hell was he doing in beverly hills? he just flew back home, how did he end up back in california?
he sat down at the counter, rubbing his temples trying to process everything. elvis was in someone else's home and he was positive he didn't break in. you can't just break into an apartment on the fourth floor, it's impossible. there were no signs of him breaking in anyway, so how did he end up here? maybe it was just a really weird dream. but where was the person who lived here? oh god, were they dead? is that why he's here? is he dead? he couldn't be.
there was a rattle at the front door along with the sound of keys. elvis jumped up quickly, frantically scanning to find a place to hide. you'd see him if he ran to the bedroom, he couldn't fit in any of the cabinets–this was it. he was going to prison. that'll be a fun headline. his career is definitely over. he watched as you wandered into your bedroom, not even giving him a glance. this was his chance to escape.
he quietly snuck his way to the front door, turning the knob slowly.
“what the fuck?”
oh, he was done for. elvis gulped, turning around slowly with a nervous expression on his face. “um….”
you reached for a butter knife lying on the counter, pointing it directly at him. elvis couldn't help but snicker at the idea of you stabbing him with a butter knife of all things. “who are you? why are you laughing? w-why are you dressed like a cheap elvis impersonator?”
“are you tryna murder me or make yourself some to-cheap?! who are you callin’ cheap?” he put his hands on his hips. “look, i-i-i don’t know how i got here. i’m not here to hurt ya and i swear i-i didn't break in.”
you scoffed, “i’m calling the police.” you took your phone out of your pocket, unlocking it and getting ready to dial the number.
“no! no, no, no–please! i-i-i swear-i’ll leave. i just don’t know where to go. i don't know where i am.” he begged.
you looked at him confused, “what's your name?”
he sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. “elvis. i’m elvis presley.”
looking him up and down, you couldn't help but laugh. you burst out with laughter, clutching over and shook your head. “okay-seriously. what's your name?”
“i’m not being funny! i’m elvis presley!” he defended.
“prove it.”
his jaw went slack, almost looking defeated. he checked his pockets and every part of his body for some form of id–he had nothing on him. there was no way to prove that he was who he said he was. “look i-i don't have anything on me. i came back from filmin’ and then-” you got closer to him, examining his face, staring right at him as you circled him. “what are you doin’?”
“you speak exactly like him.” you got closer to his face, “what year is it?”
“y'know honey, i was about to ask you the same question.” he sneered, backing away from you.
“it's 2022.” you said, crossing your arms.
his eyes widened, backing farther away. “you're lyin’ to me. it's not-what? i-it should be ‘68….” he held his head, leaning into the wall.
none of this felt real to either of you, especially elvis. you googled a photo of him from ‘68, holding the phone close next to his face as a comparison. “holy shit.” you muttered, “you're….you're not an impersonator, there's no way.” and thank god for the people who got incredibly good photos of elvis in the 70s.
“i’ve been tryin’ to tell ya!” he groaned, “god, my head hurts.”
“i’ll get you some water, here.” you helped him to your sofa, fluffing pillows behind his back. he watched you get him a water from the fridge, everything just looked so..different. you handed him the small bottle, taking a seat next to him. “what do you remember? did you hit your head?”
he twisted the cap off, taking a swig then raising a brow at you. he shook his head, “no. not that i know of. i was on my plane back to memphis and i swear i went home and went straight to bed. i’m not dead, am i? or is this a weird dream?”
you didn't know how to answer his question. in a way, he was actually dead. except he's not dead, he's in front of you. it felt like a dream to you too. your eyes scanned his face. elvis just looked lost and confused, nervously fidgeting with the label from the water bottle you gave him. it was such an odd situation–almost something straight out of a movie. he could have showed up anywhere but the universe picked you. there had to be a reason for it.
elvis on the other hand, he had so many questions. many more than you. him being here, that means he didn't exist in this timeline. unless there were two of him, which didn't make much sense to him. “i’m dead, aren't i?”
you shifted awkwardly, clearing your throat. the silence gave elvis the answer he was looking for. “when?”
“‘77.” you answered lowly.
“christ.” he sat back, running a hand through his hair. “how?”
you stood up quickly. “are you hungry?” you chirped, trying to change the topic. “i-i can order something. what are you in the mood for?”
elvis watched you pace around the room, “uh-i mean….”
“oh! you like burgers, let's get you a burger. you'll be amazed at what they do with burgers compared to your time!” you nervously laughed, pulling up a delivery app on your phone. “there's even burgers named after you! they're all pretty much the same-”
“-i’ve had my fair share of elvis inspired meals but honestly-”
elvis pulled you by the arm, causing you to fall back onto the couch. “we don't have to talk about it. a-and i’m sorry for askin’.”
“there's just…so much you don't know.” you mumbled, looking down. he took one of your hands, holding it in his. “you're just getting started in your other life.” his touch was soft, the feeling of him rubbing his thumb on the back of your hand bringing you comfort.
“see, i told them that special would be a hit.” he joked. “look, i don't know what the hell happened. none of this is right at all, maybe i ended up here for a reason. but we'll figure it out, even if it's just for today.”
it's funny in some way, you always wondered what it'd be like to go back in time to meet elvis or see him live–now here he is, somehow traveling to the future. his presence is just as sweet and calming like you imagined, perhaps even more. even if you were to wake up tomorrow with him gone, you’d make his time here worth every second. you had so many questions, so many things to show him, proof that he was still loved after all these years. maybe you were the perfect person to do all of that for him.
you nodded, squeezing his hand. “i just can't believe you're here.”
“crazy how life works out.” he laughed. “now, you said somethin’ about a elvis burger….”
with a laugh, “oh, are you kidding? it's beyond burgers. you've got milkshakes too. hell, there's meals that have nothing to do with you named after you.” you pulled up a few for him to look at.
“you're kiddin’.....” he gasped, “and what's..what this thing you're showin’ it on?”
never in your life did you think you'd be sitting next to elvis presley, explaining what a phone was. how ordering food was just a few taps away and how easy it was to access all sorts of information, even showing him his wikipedia page but quickly avoiding the ‘death section’. you helped him pick out his order along with yours then went onto show elvis photos of himself you had searched for on pinterest. you did your best to filter out photos from the 70s, you knew he'd have questions and you weren't exactly sure if you were ready to have that conversation;not on day one.
“so…this means that lil’ christmas special i just filmed–it's out right? you can just pull it up on that tiny thing?” he asked, pointing at your phone.
you grinned, “even more than just the special. all your movies, concert films, concert footage and documentaries. people have even made movies about you!”
he groaned, “don't tell me you've seen my movies.”
“oh, absolutely. i really enjoyed clambake.”
“don't ever say clambake again.” he said sternly.
before you could respond, there was a ping on your phone and a knock at the door. elvis widened his eyes at you picking up the bags from outside the door, “that fast?” he said, surprised.
you held the bags up proudly and gestured for him to come to the dining table, setting out his food and yours. while eating, he caught up with you about what he was doing before he ended up with you. the things going on in his life and the movies he had planned to film soon, movies you had already seen. elvis was happier when discussing his music and how much he missed performing, he was happy to hear he does manage to get out there and perform in vegas. you just skipped the part where he was overworked and unhappy. seeing him so excited made you feel bad. you dreaded having that conversation with him. as much as you didn't want to admit it, you hoped he'd return to his life before you'd ever have to explain his future.
unless, you could do something to stop it. to make him change his ways. you've read the books, you know what's going on at this point in his life. what about the pills? was he still on those? he doesn't even know about the colonel yet. god, so many things he doesn't know. it's killing you that he doesn't know.
you make a plan. if you wake up and he's still here, you'll tell him everything. you'll answer any questions he might have. you needed to keep him away from a phone and from a computer, which you hadn't introduced him to yet. worst case scenario, you get him a phone but set a child lock so he won't have access to google. he can't learn all of this on his own.
“i really hate to ask this. i’m not one to ask favors, is there anyway i can sleep here tonight? i-if i’m still here tomorrow i-well, you can help me find a hotel room. i-if that's okay with you, of course. i didn't really mean to intrude.” elvis finally asked, almost embarrassed to be asking for any sort of favor. he was normally asked for favors, not the one asking for one.
“you don't even have to ask!” you replied a little too excitedly. the idea of elvis presley sleeping in your apartment was almost a dream come true. “i can lend you some of my ex’s clothes, he should still have some here somewhere….”
“oh, an ex?” he wiggled his eyebrows. “who'd wanna break up with someone as pretty as you?”
you blushed, fiddling with your sleeve. glad to see he didn't lose his flirtatious charms during his trip. “i’ll um…find you something to wear.” you stuttered out as you got up quickly, rushing off to find him something for the night.
elvis let out a small laugh, getting up and wandering around your apartment, taking in all the photos and books you had lying around. he picked up one from the shelf, shocked at the sight of his face on the cover. he read the back and opened the front cover, curious to find out what his future holds.
and thank god you walked in when you did. you ran over to him, snatching the book from his hands and replacing it with clothes. “they're not really your style but i’m sure they'll still fit!”
“i’ll make it work, thanks hon. bathroom?”
you pointed across the hall, giving him thumbs up as he walked away. as soon as there was a click of the bathroom door, you immediately took all the elvis books from your shelf and ran to your room to hide them somewhere. you opted for shoving them all in a box in your closet.
he came back out, looking down at himself. “i don't look awful.” he shrugged.
you turned around, “if you're here tomorrow maybe we can buy you some clothes somehow.”
“what if i’m not here tomorrow?”
you'd be sad. “well–then you're not here.” you replied as confidently as you could. “so, the bed situation…..i can sleep on the couch. you can take my bed.”
elvis rolled his eyes, “why can't we sleep in the same bed?”
you laughed awkwardly, shuffling your feet. “that's-that's not happening. sorry.”
elvis looked back at your room then back at you, a concerned look on his face. it was almost like he was afraid to sleep. but oh, you've read about this. you know what he's worried about.
“i don't have anything for sleep, if that's what you're concerned about.”
he looked at you sadly, “i’ll just….figure it out. it's fine.” he wished you didn't know about that. it made him wonder what else you possibly knew.
“you're welcome to any of the books on my shelf.” you pointed back, “they may not be up your alley but…i know you love reading.”
he nodded, “appreciate it.”
there was an awkward silence between the two of you. standing there uncomfortably, waiting for someone to move or say something. there was no way to say good night. you both knew you may not see each other in the morning but it was obvious neither of you wanted to bring it up. “soo….” you shoved your hands in your pockets, rocking on your feet.
“well, thanks. good night.” elvis finally said, giving you a small smile. you watched as he headed to your bedroom, wondering if that would be the last time you'd ever see him. he turned once more, “thank you for bein' so kind to me. i’ll be prayin’ for you.” he gave you one final nod and shut the door behind you.
you tossed and turned on the couch all night. not because it was uncomfortable, because you couldn't stop staring at your bedroom door. was elvis still behind that door? you wondered if he was able to fall asleep–especially knowing his history with insomnia. he was without his pills and you had nothing laying around the house, he must have been tossing and turning all night too.
regrets were playing through your mind too. there were things you wish you could have said to him, to warn him and maybe show him how loved he still is. maybe he could have changed his ways if he knew it all before he went back. his ‘i’ll be prayin’ for you’ was on a loop in your head the entire time. he was just so kind, even throughout this weird situation he was in.
you weren't much of a spiritual person but for the first time in a long time, you prayed too.
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greenbetula · 5 months
hey i'm completely normal abt mikoto kayano today. i need to talk abt his overworking tendencies.
long ramblings under the cut
but do you think he feels guilty about taking time for himself even for just a quick while? like one time he would decided to (finally) take a much needed albeit short nap. let's say, for 30 minutes he'll take a nap. he sets an alarm and goes to sleep. after 30 minutes he wakes up and goes back to his desk. and that's where it haunts him.
those 30 minutes he spent away sleeping...well he could've just continued working. if he did, then he would've finished earlier right? then he would've have the rest of the day all to himself! oh but no, he just had to sleep and delay his work by 30 minutes. now he'll take even longer to finish it! (even though he'd probably never be done with work cause his boss)
or maybe one of the few rare instances that he'll take a sick leave. he'll tell himself, it can't be that bad right? after all he's taking a leave so he can rest and work more efficiently! but no, he'll suddenly think: they have a deadline to meet and it's near. his co-workers are probably working their ass off trying to meet the boss' demands, and what, he's there at home? doing nothing as the others suffer? "this is selfish", mikoto thinks. "i'm selfish for putting myself first". hell he might even think he's not deserving of even a second of relaxation because everybody else is suffering.
but we also know that mikoto at least exercises. he might have the world's worst sleeping schedule but at least he bikes! he plays baseball! he's trying to keep fit even though he's struggling, he said it himself "it's good to exercise too". he hates working overtime! this man can't take care of himself but at least he has some concern for himself, even if it's as small as a freaking atom! and i'm so fucking proud of him for that, he is trying (even if he sucks at it)!!
and that makes me think, he definitely feels guilty when he works as well! he is out there, not even getting a wink of sleep and relying on energy drinks even get through half of the pile of paperwork. "it's for the good of the company..." he's probably thinking. his work will help everyone, let's stay positive! but deep down he's definitely feeling guilty about this. how many days have passed by where it's just work, sleep, work. he barely has time for his hobbies, his friends, his family, himself. he needs to keep on working, but he knows he cant go on like this. one day he'll just faint, probably even worse. he knows this and he's mad he feels he cant do anything about it!
he feels guilty when he rests, he feels bad when he's working. this man cant get a damn rest!
but even so, he thinks, i've been working like this for years, but i'm still here right..? just a little push! just a little more..!
"so even if it's stressful I want to do my best, and one day it'll all pay off."
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lovechrissturniolo · 13 days
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9/ first day - night
contains: Chris longing for physical contact, Lea strokes his hair, talking, arousal mentioned, tension
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In the late night Fortnite round, Matt and Chris gave all their energy and humor.
Thank goodness the game and music were loud enough to drown out the fact that Lea couldn't help but laugh along at times.
In between, Chris used every free second to check on Lea. When he left the room, he lingered for a short chat with her, and when he got a snack or drink, he brought her something, too.
“I need a few minutes, Matt!” moaned Chris after a lost round and Lea muted his mic.
She sat with her back leaning against the headboard of Chris's bed and slid the headset from one ear. “Chrisbabymama gifted 20!” she announced with a grin. “You wanna catch that on stream real quick or no?”
“No.” he replied with an exhausted laugh and dropped onto his stomach next to her. “I'll catch the next one.”
Whenever Chris head was so close to her, Lea felt a burning desire to run her fingers through his tousled hair.
As he lay down, he realized how incredibly exhausted he was. “Do you know what's strange about gaming?” he mumbled. “It completely drains me and my head is foggy, but my body has way too much energy to like chill or sleep!"
"Yeah, I get that." Lea said quietly. “I mean you barely move - although that doesn't really apply to you!”
She laughed warmly at the thought of Chris jumping around from excitement the whole time.
“You are actually always on the move! I have to focus your camera three times as often as Matt's!"
Chris giggled into the covers. “But that's not it, you know? I`d have to really work out in between! Do something that makes me sweat and is satisfying and...”
He made a growling sound as he thought about his choice of words. “Pause.”
Lea smirked mischievously and was glad that he couldn't see her face.
The immense number of suspicious comments he made may not have increased, but she noticed them different now than earlier.
'Damn, gaming does indeed make me horny!' Chris thought to himself and let out a low, desperate grumble. “Maybe it's just a lack of physical contact." he continued his thought out loud, unintentionally.
“Here, let me take your headset,” Lea said quietly. “You'll break it the way you're lying on it.” She carefully grabbed it and fumbled it out from between his hair. “And headsets I can't fix."
When she had almost freed it, Chris's hand felt for her wrist and held it tightly.
“Leave it there.” he whispered.
Lea put the headset aside and slightly stroked his head. Her hand felt shaking like crazy, but when she looked at it, it was calm.
“That feels nice.” Chris murmured and made a sighing noise.
´Fuck, that makes me want more!´ it flashed through his mind and he thought about the variations of physical contact that he wanted the most right now.
´Oh my God, I love his hair,´ Lea thought as she ran her fingers through the tousled strands in fascination. She wished she could do this forever.
But she reminded herself not to get carried away.
What she did was already crossing the line.
As if her thoughts were being transferred, Chris had a similar realization.
Lea basically worked for him. He was the famous client, she was still in training. How could he be sure that she not just did her job as well as possible?
Still, the way she was touching him didn't exactly feel like it was a task for her.
“Is that usually part of your job?” Chris said half-jokingly.
Lea smirked bashfully and answered: “No. It's actually pretty unprofessional, I'd say.”
“I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable.”
She made a kind of like sarcastic noise. “I feel anything but uncomfortable! This I do unpaid with pleassure."
They laughed quietly for a moment.
“Do you want to watch the day's review before you continue?” asked Lea, interrupting the intimate moment with a heavy heart.
“Yes, good idea.” he replied with a sigh.
“Let's go upstairs!”
“Yep. I'll text Matt to come out for a minute.”
It was 4 o'clock in the morning when Lea got a message from Matt. “We're ready for the break!”
Lea saw on her monitor that they were saying goodbye to the viewers and waited for the right moment to end the stream for the day.
next ➡️
⬅️ index
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youngroyals-hc · 1 year
The boys are at Simon's house, lying in bed after some particularly enthusiastic sex. Simon knows they've dirtied the sheets and he'll need to wash them but he can't bear the thought of moving just yet. Not when Wille is clinging on to him so tight, drawing patterns on his chest and blinking sleepily as he follows his fingers. Eventually, he finds the energy to check the time. His mum will be home on a couple of hours, so if they put the sheets on to wash they should have time to put them in the dryer and redo the bed without her noticing. He sighs softly and kisses Wille's forward who practically keens and snuggles impossibly further into Simon's shoulder.
"Baby, we need to wash the sheets now if we have any hope of getting them done before Mama comes home."
"But Simme, I am so comfortableeee"
"I know, so am I mi amor, but do you really want Linda asking why we are washing the sheets when I haven't been sleeping in this bed the past week?"
"... Okay, you present a very convincing argument."
"How about I go make us some hot chocolate while you put on the sheets as a reward for being so responsible?"
Wille perks up at that and starts searching through the bedding for some underwear, grabbing the first pair he finds and chucking them at Simon (Wille had been wearing them earlier but they were originally Simon's, and he knew he should be weirded out by their habit of sharing underwear but he couldn't help but love it and the domesticity it implied).
They dress and Simon goes to the kitchen, leaving Wille in the laundry with the sheets and humming to himself as he prepares the drinks. He walks back into the laundry five minutes later, only to find Wille cautiously inspecting all the buttons on the machine. He had placed the sheets carefully into the basket and was now desperately trying to work out where to put the washing powder. Simon places the drinks on the bench before stepping to Wille's side and brushing his hand of the small of the Prince's back. He feels bad having left him; he had momentarily forgotten who his boyfriend was and the fact that he'd probably never had to use a washing machine before.
Wille says in a small voice "you must think I'm so pathetic. I don't even know to put bedsheets in a fucking washing machine."
Simon turns to him, and Wille's eyes are downcast so he gently reaches out and holds Wille's chin, turning his head until their eyes met. He strokes over his jaw as he speaks. "Mi amor, why on earth would you know how to use a washing machine? You have never had to use one. Yes, it's a little unusual for most people of our age, but it's not like you've had the most typical upbringing. I promise to never get upset about this kind of stuff Wille. You didn't choose this life or your upbringing. All you can do is ask questions and learn now, and that is enough for me. What do you think?
Wille closes the gap between them, kissing Simon firmly, cupping his hand around his neck.
"Every day, I feel so, so lucky that someone as incredible as you chose to love me." Wille stays close as he says this, staring into Simon's eyes with his intense eyes, the look that could pin you against a wall it is so strong and focused.
"I'm just treating you how you treat me Wille. You never chastise me about not knowing what fork to use or not knowing how to engage in small talk with the princess of Thailand." And Wille grins at the memory of walking up to Simon and the princess only to find he'd just asked her what she thought of the new Zelda game.
"Okay. Thank you Simme."
"Always, Wille. Now, watch closely."
And Simon goes over all the steps, showing Wille exactly what buttons to press and why, and where they keep the washing powder and how much to put in, and Wille listens with the same focus as if he was being briefed about a national emergency. When the machine sings it's little song, they jump off the bed where they have been playing a computer game and Simon shows him how to set the tumble dryer and explains how long different items generally needed.
Later that night they are chatting with Linda at the dinner table when she asks if either of them have dirty laundry as she's about to do a load and Wille quickly says "Oh, we'll do it!" And Linda tried to protest but Wille just tells her he wants to learn how to help out and she can't argue with the precious boy sitting in front of her, so earnest to be liked and accepted. So she lets them do it, Wille practically bouncing as he picks up the basket full of the family's clothes and Simon follows behind him, throwing a smile back at his mum as they leave.
(Wille remembers everything that Simon says, and asks how he should sort the clothes and does he use the delicate setting for this load or is a warm wash okay? And Simon smiles more than is appropriate for laundry.)
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cattyanon · 10 months
In lieu of me posting art or a fic, I am here to present a new AU that's been sitting around in my head for awhile.
The premise is that Sonic, nearing the end of a fight, loses his footing (or smth like that) and tumbles down a small cliff/hill. But before he can get up a huge boulder lands on his feet and renders him immobile. And due to the fighting earlier, his communicator is broken. A few days go by with Sonic in lots of pain and his Chaos Energy starts to build up. Usually he'd get rid of it by running but uh. Can't exactly do that since he's stuck. So what happens with the buildup of Chaos Energy? Well it starts leaking and taking the form of uncontrollable plant powers.
Meanwhile with the other characters, Sonic has been gone for a concerning amount of time but there's also been strange reports of wild plant growth and people being attacked. To make it worse, the plants are in the general area of Sonic's last known location. Over time it gets progressively worse and eventually Angel Island becomes their home base as it's one of the few places untouchable by the plants. After lots of investigating and coordination, Tails, Amy, Knuckle, and Team Dark locate what they believe to be the source of the overgrowth (an abnormal chaos energy reading) and mount a mission to hopefully put a stop to the plants once and for all.
They tear down and kill all the plants in their path and start to hear screaming. Was there somebody else out here? But why and how? Not only that, but the yelling is coming from the direction of the suspected source. Eventually they reach a clearing and find... Sonic?!
Sonic's legs have been crushed by a boulder, he's covered in plants (the most notable being a giant flower on his back), his body is shaking, seems to be letting out screams in sync with them hurting the plants, whimpering, and has a bit of a blank look on his face.
Oddly, the plants that had just been attacking them began to stop. But it was like an outside source was just barely stopping them from doing so.
As for Sonic, this is the first time he's seen people in what feels like forever and he really didn't want them getting hurt. Because of this he's just barely able and unknowingly stopping the plants from attacking them. The feeling of wanting them to stop attacking was especially amplified upon seeing Tails, although his memory is a bit fuzzy due to the circumstances.
They manage to untrap Sonic and the plants seem pretty docile now and not out of control like before. Of course, they do plan how they untrap Sonic so he's less likely to bleed out or whatever. In the process they discover that the giant flower on his back is attached to him- and is eventually theorized to be part of the reason Sonic lived so long by giving him the ability to photosynthesize.
That's about all I got story wise but here's a little more information on this Sonic:
-Clingy towards Tails.
-Touch starved.
-Completely mute for awhile. Eventually becomes selectively mute and, when he does talk, he speaks in short sentences and not very loudly.
-Has prosthetic legs built by Tails.
-Slowly learns to control his plant powers.
-The reason his plant powers began attacking people was in response to Sonic's own fear over his situation.
-Doesn't need to eat or drink as long as he's got regular access to the sun on account of photosynthesis. Sleeping isn't required either but it has benefits.
-Has a hard time stomaching any food. Not only has he gone so long without it but his body had adapted to living without it soooo...
-He's also gonna have other plant-like qualities that I still need to think about. Like how his anatomy has changed like I mentioned above.
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~League of villains members as things I said/done/whatever~
Y'all will think I'm messed up but oh well
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Tomura: "yawned whole time and ate chips in front of psychologist while sitting next to best friend that was low key nervous and anxious (I was with best friend for support @wholelottawidows thas you dawg 💀), offered psychologist chips and later when I ate whole bag, I licked my fingers in front of both of them and picked my ear when psychologist wasn't watching."
"Drank like 3-4 mugs of coffee and monster energy drink in one day but still fell asleep anyway"
"What's the point of all these hard work if we will all die either way, sooner or later?"
"When having breakdown, I remember something funny and stupid which makes me burst into laughter and forget what I was crying so violently about"
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Dabi: "I'll start working out this summer, just to be able to fist fight and beat up our dads one day"
"chased sibling with knife around house it was a joke just to scare him don't worry no one got hurt lol"
"Life is short make it shorter"
"Made my younger step sibling hit step father in the head few times with something"
"Damn this headache fucking me in brain really hard now"
"It is what it is (I would say that after I fucked up something 💀)"
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Toga: "Slept with knife under my pillow few times"
"have one stabbed pillow on bed which is covered with old t shirt"
"when I was a child I used to bring dead hedgehogs and mouses to my mother saying: Look at this poor kitty mom, let's help it!!! While the fucking animals were flattened like pancake and were literally full of ants and flies"
"Tried to snatch a street kitten once but failed and gave up"
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Spinner: "Tried to eat cigarettes and rocks I found on ground as kid"
"I know I'm atheist and don't believe in that shit, but you hoes need Jesus"
"one time i ran through a swarm of tiny flies and my mouth was opened since I was gasping for air because of running and some of these tinyass flies got into my mouth accidentally I could feel them in my throat and gave up from trying to spit damn bug out so I swallowed it 💀"
"Who needs bitches when you have perfect sandwich"
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Twice: "-Why is your nails painted pink? I mean you are mostly dressed in black it's surprising.
- Because I'm fucking fabulous"
"Smoked one or two times my whole pack of cigarettes and than my best friend's whole pack of cigarettes in one day (dw she gave me it I didn't just stole it and smoked it without her permission and I'm not heavy smoker now 👍💀👍)"
"Feels confident and looks at mirror whole time thinking how good I look, than after 30 minutes look at myself in mirror and either cry or laugh saying how dumb I look"
"accidentally choked on my own spit few times"
"Tried to help my best friend to get up one time because she fell but right when I got closer to her I tripped and fell as well"
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Magne: "cold & badass women are daddies and cold & badass men are babygirls and pretty princesses"
"Bullies my siblings but when someone else does it I go protective mode like: "I'm the only one that can bully this dumbasses"
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Mr Compress and Kurogiri:
"I can't stand you bitches so I'm cutting my legs off"
"Smacks siblings hand/head when they touch something they're not supposed to or something that's dangerous for them"
"one time while I was making coffee, my younger brother came to me to bother me and annoy me out of boredom, so I told him to go away. He did go away but not really far away, he stood at one line of kitchen floor half of meter away from me, I saw what was he trying to do he was trying to provoke me so I was like: If you want to provoke me at least do it fucking right you idiot
And I grabbed him and pulled him with me as I stepped on the actual ending line of kitchen floor and left him there as I went back to making coffee for myself"
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~We gotta go baba now ~
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I apologize to all people that I told earlier I'm going to sleep, sorry y'all but this idea farted up on my mind and I had to write it immediately so that I don't forget it 😍😍😍
Got a lil distracted 😔😔😔😔
(I hope people won't unfollow me bc of this💀💀💀)
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junmoonhui · 2 years
Do Re Mi
Pairing: platonic!seungcheol x reader, romantic!dino x reader
Context: the leader feels bittersweet seeing the maknae enjoy the simple little things in life, something that he wished he would have had now that he's almost 30; inspired by dino and scoups' convo in ITS season 2 ep 2; has the same lore/in the same universe as Soulmates Redefined; (wc: 2.1k)
Warnings: alcohol
"This was fun, but I think I'll head to bed now." Seungkwan said as he let out a yawn and stood from the table. After filming the second season of In The Soop and finishing up Be The Sun, the boys agreed to go on a vacation with some other people—no cameras, just friends and loved ones making the most of their youth.
"I'll go with you." Dino said, turning to face you. "Are you coming to bed with me?"
"In a while," you replied.
"Okay, I'll make some space for you on the bed." Dino brought his lips to your temple before following Seungkwan into the cabin.
"Ah, the maknaes are now going to sleep," Seungcheol said, a tipsy smile on his face. "Speaking of maknaes, where's Vernon?"
"He went to bed earlier with his girlfriend," you replied.
Time slowly creeped deeper into the night. Just two hours ago, the picnic area was buzzing with energy. Right now, most of the boys and your other friends had either resigned themselves to their beds or shifted to the karaoke room, leaving you drinking with Seventeen's leader.
"Ah," he said, not a word more. Seungcheol stared longingly at the soju bottle.
"What's wrong, oppa?" you asked.
"Hmm?" The leader seemed out of it, the soju partly to blame.
"You've been quiet tonight," you said. "Well, not quiet quiet, but you've been more solemn tonight. You don't have to tell me anything, though. I know I'm more close with the younger members, but I'm still your friend and I want to make sure all my oppas are okay."
He gave a dry chuckle. "Thank you, y/n. You don't really have to worry about it. It's okay, really."
"I know you don't want me worrying about it, but I'm always here to listen. I may be younger than you oppa, but I'm not a kid anymore. I can't promise that I can make your problems easier, but if you need to vent, I'm always here, just like how you're always there for us." You softly nudged his shoulder on his.
Seungcheol sighed, hands fidgeting with his beanie. "It's just that sometimes I get pressured being the oldest in Seventeen. I grew up in a household where I was the youngest. I hadn't really pressured myself into setting my own goals when I reach certain ages since I always thought, 'Oh, I have an older brother. I'm still young and I have a lot of time ahead of me.' But then being the oldest in this group puts things into perspective.
"Lately I've been thinking about how I'm almost 30. I usually never compare myself to my hyung because we're leading such different lives. In a lot of ways, I felt like I've achieved so much more than him—being an artist, travelling the world, accomplishing so much in my 20s. But in some ways I also feel like I'm getting too caught up in the achievements in my career. I see my hyung with a stable job and a family, and I think to myself, I want that, too. Lately I've been thinking of personal goals, like finding a partner, having a kid, maybe a home in a quieter part of Seoul.
"I know I still have a lot of time, but when I'm so close to my 30s, I also feel like time is running out when I look at the bigger picture. And when I see Vernon and his girlfriend, and you and Dino, I can't help but feel a bit jealous. Of course, I'm happy that my members are happy, and that you're happy, too. You support us in everything we do, and I'm thankful that Chan and Vernon found someone as patient as the two of you. But sometimes I also feel angry about that—or maybe I'm really just angry at myself. When I was your age, Seventeen was still a fairly new group. There really wasn't much time for vacation or dating. And it makes me jealous sometimes that you guys have so much more than I had. It makes me angry at myself because I feel like at this time, I should also be able to have the things I want on top of my career.
"I look at you and Dino and think about how you guys are on your way to building your life together while also still having time, having the chance to take it as slow as you want. And me, when am I even going to find someone?"
He let out an audible sigh and pressed the palms of his hands to his eyes. After a deep exhale, he looks at you, signaling for a response.
"Wow," was all you could say, eyes wide with the revelation. "I honestly don't know how to respond to that."
Seungcheol pat your shoulder with a small laugh, his smile a bit more genuine this time. "It's okay, it really felt good to just, say that out loud, you know? My chest feels so much lighter now. Thank you, y/n, really. Chan is so lucky to find someone like you, and we're all lucky to have you in our group, too. I'm sorry for dumping this all on you."
"Hey, no apologizing for venting," you giggled. "That's what friends and drinks are for. Your feelings are valid, oppa. I may not be as old as you now, but I can see where you're coming from. How long have you felt this way?"
He looked up with a sharp inhale, as if in thought. "A few weeks maybe? I hadn't had much time to think about it, we were so busy last year. But after the new year, I realized I'm turning another year older. And I guess I just started to sort of... panic. And even though our company's let us have a bit more freedom after the contract renewal, it's not like I can even jump directly into the life I want. We've been busy and I've been dealing with a lot of personal issues last year that I didn't really have the time to work on my personal goals, let alone even start dating. It's a wonder how you and Dino even found each other."
You shrugged. "It wasn't really planned. It all just... sort of happened. I came to Korea as a college exchange student for a semester. I made a few videos and demo tracks and someone from Pledis picked it up. I really was just supposed to meet the vocal team at that time, and I was really excited to meet them. I had been a Carat for a while, back then. And I guess they just enjoyed the time we spent together and they let me meet the rest of you guys, and that's how I first met Dino in person."
"Wait, when we met you, we weren't allowed to date yet," he reminded.
You smiled as you remembered the story. "We weren't officially dating then. We agreed that with our schedules and the different countries, we were better off as friends. Then he showed up a year later to my graduation day, at that time you guys had already renewed your contract. He said he couldn't bring himself to see other people because he still saw me in them. So he flew all the way to my school and said that he'd be willing to try long distance since we were both focusing on our careers, he really just wanted to be able to call me his. And I said yes because we really worked well as friends, even when I wasn't in Korea anymore. And then I got the job offer from Hybe a few months after graduation, and now I'm happy that we're able to spend a lot more time together while still being able to focus on our careers."
"Sure, make me feel more single," he joked.
"It's not like that!" You protested. "My point is that Dino and I happened out of a series of unexpected circumstances. Any minor change in any of those, and we won't be where we are right now. But we still happened, and I'm grateful for that. What I'm trying to say is that you don't have to pressure yourself to actively build the life you want, at least not right away. Things will fall into place in their own time—or maybe I'm wrong, who knows? But it is possible, and maybe blessings would come into your life when you least expect it."
"I just wish I could've still done something, you know?" He said. "I just feel like I've wasted time, and now I'm looking back at my younger self, and I wish I could be that young again, do some things differently."
"Well, I can't turn back time, oppa," you replied. "But I can give you the same advice Seungkwan gave Chan. Even though you're the oldest Seventeen member, you're the maknae of your family. It's okay to take advantage of that sometimes. In that perspective, you're still young. you're not 30 yet. And even if you turn 30 soon, you'll still have a lot of your life ahead of you. I know it's scary sometimes. There are things I definitely wished I did when I was younger, and there are things that I feel like I want to do but it's too late for me to start on it. But I learned that I can't change the past, and I don't really want to spend every waking moment worrying about the future. I'm slowly learning to let go of things I can't change so that I can ground myself and be able to enjoy the present. A college professor once told me that age is a gift. I may think that getting older means I'm running out of time to start something new, but I'm starting to let myself learn that getting older just means I'm gaining more experience and opportunities to learn about myself and continue to build on what I have. I don't want to force my advice on you, oppa, and I can't guarantee you that things will come into place eventually, but I do hope that you let yourself breathe and have peace of mind. You've come a long way, and I know you still have so much more to achieve."
Seungcheol smiled wider, with true sincerity this time. "Now I'm the one who doesn't know how to respond, except maybe with a thank you. Really, y/n, I'm happy that you're our friend. And I'll try to lighten up on myself. Maybe I've been focusing too much on external things I feel like I should be in control of instead of focusing on myself and my well-being. That really puts things into perspective. And while I still hope to have the life I want someday, I really do hope that I'll get to have some peace of mind and enjoy the life I already have. Thank you."
You smiled at him. "Anytime, oppa."
Later, you snuck into your and Dino's room, hoping not to wake him. He lay on his side of the mattress, one arm on his face and one arm sprawled out on your side, inviting you in. You carefully lifted the sheets and lay your head gently on his arm. Once you were settled, he shifted so that his chest was pressed against your back, his other arm draped over your waist.
"I heard what you said to Coups hyung," he whispered against your hair. "Thank you for taking care of us y/n. Sometimes we lose sense of ourselves and forget how young we still really are."
"You all grew up too fast," you whispered back, thinking of how young they were when they debuted. You took his hand around your waist and raised it to your lips, pressing soft kisses on his knuckles. In return, Dino pressed soft kisses on the back of neck.
"Coups hyung was right," he said. "We're all lucky to have you, not just me. But I'm the luckiest out of all of them, because I get to have you, and build my life together with you."
You giggled softly. "How much of our conversation did you hear?"
"All of it," you can practically hear him smirking. "Our room is just beside the picnic area."
You turned to face him, meeting his eyes in the moonlit room. "I meant it all, you know."
He softly pressed his lips to yours, his free hand cupping your face with his thumb caressing your cheek. The arm under your head curved to wrap around your shoulders. He pulled away and looked into your eyes, smiling that small smile of his, revealing the tiny dimples in the corners of his mouth.
"I love you, y/n," he whispered, his warm breath fanning against your lips. His fingers played with your hair. "Always and forever."
"I love you too, Chan-ah. Always and forever."
Tagging: @ontowanderlust @bitchlessdino
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