#i had forgotten how much of a good storyteller bad is
acutecoral · 11 months
No like because hehehehehehe
I loveeee this so much like, Bad is ultimately the biggest softy on the island.
He's much ancient than he lets on and many have mentioned about how much that experience with time sort of fudges with your perception and your willingness to connect with other people because what's the point when by the time you've blinked they're just gone?
Because for someone that cares so much, that cares so deeply, losing people over and over again hurts. It's best to be careful with what you give others, who you make connections with, how much you can admit to yourself you care.
And someway, for some reason, he ended up saddled with a kid that knew only survival and blood and violence, and took him in and taught him as much as he could. Watched over him when he was able, before time separated them.
And again, with the Eggs, with his friends on the island, he's attached once more. Everything he's ever done is for them. That was his grounding point. He nearly lost himself but found his footing again.
And now he sees Cellbit spiralling, following that path, echoing the same self-destruction. And Bad knows his heart. Bad knows that the child he met in those games and the man he met on the island after all these years had grown and healed so much. That even if he wasn't able to keep an eye of him afterwards, somehow he turned out alright despite everything.
But now those old wounds have reopened, and Cellbit is bleeding and he'll let himself keep bleeding if that's what it takes to win his crusade. Even if he'll end up being the empty shell of a man at the end of it, drowning in a pool of blood.
And Bad refuses that.
I am so excited what he plans next.
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etanow · 2 months
Do you have any showtime monster labs headcanons? 👉🏻👈🏻☺️
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Caine was the last to realize Pomni was in his residency (He was,, otherwise preoccupied), and was absolutely flabbergasted that Jax did such a thing as raising the dead. Caine has a strict policy on not letting humans(dead or alive) that far down in the C&A facility unaccompanied considering how many monsters reside there.It was one of the few times anyone had seen him properly upset at something Jax had done. Pomni was rightfully freaked the fuck out at a giant pair of floating teeth and eyes saying he's a long-forgotten God, needless to say, their first introductions were confusing on both ends LOL
Understandably, Pomni has a LOT of issues with herself appearance-wise. She avoided mirrors for weeks, and tried her best to keep distant from the others. Caine didn't walk on eggshells around her like the others did as she adjusted and that was something she appreciated, at least provided a little sense of normalcy. He was easy to talk to and remembered EVERY little detail.
Caine can change his form at will, but Pomni prefers his big ol' toothy head because he said he was most comfortable appearing that way.
Everyone has their own unique smells; Zooble smells like brimstone, musk, and campfire, Jax always smells like hand sanitizer and chemicals that make your nose burn, Kinger like old earth and soil, Ragatha smells comforting like your favorite old plushie, and Gangle didn't have much but she liked occasionally putting perfume on her ribbons. But Pomni always has a hint of the smell of death following her. She tried Gangle's perfumes and all sorts of scented soaps but nothing could truly mask or make it go away. It was only when Caine gifted her a bouquet of flowers that the smell was almost forgotten. Hell, maybe the plague doctors with their floral and herb-filled masks were on to something. Since then, Caine often surprised Pomni with fresh flowers, herbs, and plants to the point of her shelves overflowing with vases and pots of flowers in all states. Eventually, she gets to pressing flowers between books as a memento for every flower he's given her.
Pomni sometimes needs blood transfusions as her body doesn't make blood anymore but still needs it- she hates needles. Caine and Ragatha alternate sitting with her during it since it can take a few hours at a time and distract her with books or idle chatter until it's done. Caine is an amazing storyteller, he's existed a long time as both a noncorporeal and corporeal being and has countless stories of battles and moments long lost to time. He hasn't really had anyone to share these stories with, and the only other being who was around during all of it, well he doesn't get the chance to talk with him much these days...
Ragatha and Pomni got together first, they spent a lot more time together in the beginning since Caine only popped in once or twice a week usually. He started hanging around longer after a while and I'm getting sidetracked now I'm just imagining Pomni bursting into Ragatha's room sobbing with a "I'M SO SORRY I JUST KISSED CAINE PLEASE FORGIVE ME-" And Ragatha doesn't miss a beat, totally unphased and unbothered, "Ooh nice! Was he any good?" And Pomni's just standing there like "Wait What"
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They are all very bad at communication lmao but they're TRYING THEIR BEST OKAY
Caine is not used to the concept of resting, meanwhile, pretty much all Pomni does in her free time most days is nap or laze around- it took Caine a while to not see it as a waste of time and now loves it when Pomni rests her head in his lap. He likes playing with her hair and watching her sleep peacefully.
Pomni keeps her gloves on often because she doesn't like the sight of her skeletal fingers but absolutely MELTS with palm and backhand kisses.
Caine is very touchy-feely, he rubs backs when talking idly or loops arms together, floats a little closer, and matches their pace when walking together (even imitates walking itself with little bobs in time with whoever he's walking with). On some bad joint days, Pomni has a bit of a limp from her exposed bone leg and Pomni finds it absolutely hilarious when Caine unintentionally matches that movement.
Pomni misses facebook memes a lot :(
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astralnymphh · 5 months
Omg Ellie showing her kid savage starlight comics for the first time and geeking the fuck out when her kid loves it
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♡♱— DON'T GET ME STARTED. this is what i mean by domestic!ellie being the best trope. she is quite literally the epitome of perfect parenting where bonding is stationed high upon a pedestal. can you imagine: nigh past midnight, a soft darkness blanketing each and every pane of glass, impelling the flash-lit orb brightening two expressions— one speckled, and one youthful— to sit in that gloaming. ellie had either indulged with excess enthusiasm or forgotten how swift time streaks by because the giggles and drama-worthy storytelling unquestionably narrated by she herself has kept her out of your shared bed— and in your child's. lain there, laxly tossed blanket to cover, limning the galactic world presented in the first savage starlight comic ellie was heavily (and obviously) disposed to read aloud. it does not matter how long you've been leaning against the doorframe, cracked just enough to contemplate every hand gesture, every vowel mouthed, every tooth that reveals under her tugging lips; heartfelt details emblematic of how much bliss this nighttime joy brings— why would you stop her now?
♡♱— in fact, it was so heartfelt, so moving, you quite literally begin to move towards the bed without the visible notice of ellie.. until the mattress begins to dip with your added weight sidling behind her turned body, "oh, is mama joinin' storytime?" snipping her last sentence to steer quiet attention towards you, who lifted heavying lids barely to catch the turn of her wrinkled-eye smile, and feel the gentle mount of her left hand nudging your thigh in little shakes; a comforting habit. "we we're just getting to the good part. actually, i think you'll remember this scene babe— however many times i read it to you."
too bad you fell asleep to even attempt remembering. ♡
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nekropsii · 2 years
More Reminders:
Karkat is a bootlicker. This is a prominent character trait. He’s rooting for the Alternian empire- yes, even though it’s ruled by a system that wants him personally dead- and really wants to be a part of its military.
Eridan has a “genocide complex” and is able to be roughly described as the troll equivalent of a white supremacist. This is one of the first things we learn about him.
The Beta Trolls are 13. All of them. This includes Equius. This includes Eridan. This includes Vriska. This includes Gamzee.
99% of Gamzee’s character is racial caricature. No, he is not intended to be a Dionysus parallel. He is intended to be a “satirization” of Black people.
Sapphic pairings have always held precedent over MLM pairings. They’ve always been more important to the plot, been handled with much more grace, and had more screen time. This isn’t a bad thing.
Doc Scratch is a child predator. This is an incredibly prominent character trait of his, and you’re way past due for a reread if you’ve forgotten. He has a particular fixation on, as canon puts it, “little girls”, and targets both Rose and Kanaya. Do I even have to bring up what he did to Damara?
Regarding the previous point, Rose and Kanaya both get very traumatized during the course of Homestuck’s story. They’re not well put together sophisticated “mom friends”, they’re 13 year olds just like almost everyone else is, and they’re going through hell. Rose in particular makes the effect all of this trauma has on her very well known. This is what Grimdarkness is.
Cronus is a child predator, too. During the course of the Openbounds and Ministrife, we see him unabashedly predate on three specific kids, and this behavior is made out to be extremely creepy. These three kids are Karkat, Tavros, and, yes, Eridan.
The Exiles were incredibly important to the plot, actually. You guys are just mean.
Almost every relationship in Homestuck is flawed in some capacity, that’s the point of a tragic drama. The main cast is literally nothing but traumatized and/or mentally ill 13-16 year olds. A good chunk of them aren’t even socialized, or grew up in an actively hostile environment. Or both. No shit characters mess up sometimes, or have unhealthy behaviors- it’s just natural in that situation. Some dynamics are substantially more healthy than others, but the main appeal of Homestuck is that everyone is flawed and damaged.
A good majority of Vriscourse was just people leaping at the opportunity to express pure, unabashed misogyny. I don’t think I have to elaborate upon this.
No, Jane is not a fascist, nor is she racist. She’s never been either of these things, that’s something that was invented out of left field by the Post Canon writing team. Being a fascistic racist was never within the scope of Jane’s character. No, it being “a result of her having grown up being fed propaganda by The Condesce” does not explain that plot thread in Post Canon for a single second, because Jane experiencing a major personality shift because of HIC literally already happened in canon with her going Crockertier, and she came out of that a stronger person. Never once has “racism” been on the list of problems she has.
Hemoloyalty is not intended to be a 1:1 metaphor for racism, nor is it intended to be a 1:1 metaphor for classism, or any other type of oppression. It’s not a 1:1 metaphor for literally anything, it’s intended to be flexible and contextual. This is not a bad thing, and is, in fact, a common storytelling method used by a lot of fantasy/sci-fi writers. Condemning Hussie for a lot of things in their writing is valid, but Hemoloyalty not being strictly analogous to only one type of real world oppression is patently not one of them. You do not know how metaphors work.
Official =/= Canon. No one is calling Pesterquest canon. You really shouldn’t be doing the same for Post Canon. The Homestuck Epilogues and Homestuck^2 are Official, but they are definitively not Canon. This is literally the first thing you learn about either of these projects. This doesn’t invalidate anyone’s enjoyment of any of these properties, of course, but it has to be stressed: Official does not automatically mean Canon.
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ganondoodle · 3 months
I honestly find it impressive how totk managed to fuck up so bad as a sequel. But truth be told, good gameplay aside, botw already was a whole lot of nothing as far as story and lore were concerned. I just feel like amnesiac Link going out into the world to save some voice is not a good premise, even though botw Zelda has an interesting personality. Idk, I guess botw felt like an experiment that was supposed to pay off in totk, but totk being a disappointment makes botw kind of feel like a waste of time as well
yes and no to that (in my opinion .. just gonna add that to be sure)
what hooked me in botw was less the story that was told and more what was implied, bc it seemed to imply so much, there was so much design that felt intentional- like an introduction to a world with subtle hints towards much much more that would be perfect to dive deeply into in an expansion or second part- just like you said
i personally am a sucker for big environments with enviromental storytelling more than direct dialog in your face- it might be a small detail to some but for me the choice of music, or how little and broken there was really spoke to me (in part bc i am very noise sensitive, id gladly spent hours in botws hyrule field, but id want to get out of twilight princesses hyrule field bc it would get unbearable to me after a while)
but mainly .. it was the world, botw made me feel like no other game has before, it felt so real to me, that this is a world with deep history, most of which unknown, so much mystery and things that existed with no explicit explanation (like man do i love botws dragons ...... and i will not forgive what totk did to them lore wise)-- like with the ancient shiekah especially, they were, or seemed, so drenched in lore you can only guess but yet it felt so intentional, or how calamtiy ganon was this strange being like a force of nature and the gerudo having had no king in so long it was basically forgotten it was ever a thing?? so much to speculate and think about, so much you could do with all those things; you probably didnt aim to get this kind of talk from me but when i talk i talk unfortunately, and botw is my second favorite zelda game (grinding my teeth to dust trying to ignore what totk did to its lore)
if you look at just whats told to you, botw isnt that special either (though at least coherent in itself lol) but its the world and design and mystery that got to me, that i care about so much, care that got almost utterly destroyed by totk bc it made me realize that there .. might have been no intention behind anything, it didnt mean anything actually
its a thing that hurts me so much to know, to think about, that totk cannot be separated from botw, they cheapen each other, people think its just botw+extra, when imo its more like .. botw again but worse, or them saying that botw was jsut a tech demo to the grand game that is totk (i couldnt disagree more to that wtf, totk is more of a tech demo for ultrahand tbh)
i cant even decide whats worse to me, the fact that botw isnt gonna get that deep lore dive in a second part that got me so excited like i never was before after the first trailer, that everything i cared about in it isnt gonna have a follow up ever, the knowledge that there might be no intention and no meaning behind anything in their games, that the next games might be like that too, that its inseperable from totk in the worst way, or that they only damage each other, botw functions better on its own than totk does, but together it worsens both
(i basically just said what you said in long form .. sorry- though i do feel more positively about the amnesia thing in botw, theres tragedy and emotional weight in it and helps immensely to let you and link explore the world like for the first time- plus its a drawback to an otherwise pretty overpowered piece of tech/magic- unlike some other things in a certain other game)
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wesleysniperking · 2 months
25 things I remember and tell myself when it's tough to support Usopp in a shonen world.
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1. If Usopp had a solo movie, it would make up for his lack of screen time.
2. If When Elbaf is his moment to shine, it can absolutely counter everything haters say he lacks. Usopp is fabulous regardless; he just doesn't see it himself.
3. I'm not sure why other fans get mad when people defend their favorite character. If an Usopp fan sees a comment like "Usopp needs to go die in a hole," it's natural to respond. Insulting someone's favorite character invites a reaction.
4. Usopp is awesome and has nothing to prove.
5. There's a beauty in retrospect. I believe he'll receive better reception by the time I'm using a walker. Yesterday's taboos are today's norms.
6. You can't take away Usopp's sniping abilities. He may be called the weakest, but no one can deny he's the best sniper. Look at his dad.
7. I believe people have forgotten storyteller Usopp, especially when they don't understand why Elbaf is significant.
8. If Usopp doesn't get his moment in Elbaf, fans will be justifiably upset. Franky's Egghead and Zoro's Wano arcs had different build-ups. Who's the outlier here?
9. Saying Usopp doesn't have Observation Haki is the dumbest thing haters say. Even non-canon reminds us that he has it. Some are just mad that he got it.
10. I don't understand how someone can passionately hate Usopp and how he's written without blaming Oda. Criticizing Usopp's writing implies Oda's done some bad writing, which is okay! No one is perfect.
11. Of all the reasons Usopp is hated, the Wano situation where he told Nami to lie is the most frustrating to defend. It genuinely beats out Water 7.
12. Usopp is the most flawed Straw Hat in the fandom's eyes. I compare him to King David a lot, especially since David is considered a warrior king who fought Goliath and was heavily flawed, yet God still loved him. Like King David, who was one of God's favorites because he had a good heart and held no pride, Usopp isn't as prideful, arrogant, or selfish as he seems. He doesn't even lie that much. People wonder why Luffy let Usopp join; it's because Luffy, like God with David, sees a good heart with no pride in Usopp.
13. Whatever happens, flaws and all, Usopp will always be my favorite.
14. I don't understand how fans can talk so badly about Usopp. Yes, people find him grating and irredeemable. But neglecting a humanist approach is scary. If you can't tolerate a character like Usopp and put him down as weak, inferior, and irredeemable, something's wrong.
15. I might project onto Usopp, and he might be my comfort character, but I root for him and accept him for who he is. Recently, I thought I wouldn't pass my finance class at university but managed to get a B with enough grit and tenacity. Usopp faces that all the time!
16. If you're waiting for Usopp to "finally be brave," you might need to find another character. It's like picking a university degree; Usopp isn't for you.
17. Despite everything, Usopp is still awesome. No one will ever overshadow him to me. I'm all in with tunnel vision.
18. Usopp embodies the idea that the greatest are the least, and the least are the greatest.
19. 19. Usopp is only 19. People need to give him grace. At 19, I was still a kid!
20. If Usopp is such a bum, why do people remember him? How does he bring the crew down? Recently, there's nothing to suggest he's hindered the crew's success.
21. Sniper King doesn't need to come back. It annoys me when haters say he needs to return because they hate the current Usopp. It's a weird flex.
22. Yes, Yasopp isn't a good dad, but he's not the worst anime dad. It bothers me when people emphasize this to prove Usopp is a “bum” compared to his crewmates. It's unfair.
23. I believe Oda is saving something big for him. If I'm wrong, it will be devastating, but I'll find a way to defend it. I won't be alone.
24. Syrup Village is a goated arc. Usopp is the reason the crew got a ship.
25. Disregarding all agendas, ships, headcanons, theories, and projections, Usopp is still a character worth respecting and rooting for. This will be MORE evident 20+ years from now. Just wait.
usopp community I created. feel free to join. (still wip, but you can post anything!).
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linkspooky · 3 months
Just got done with reading your "How To Do a Dark Deconstruction of your Shonen Hero" post, first off amazing work as always! As much as it pains me to hear (good faith, non-reactionary and well thought-out) criticism due to having gotten into MHA in middle school when I was impressionable and attached onto works quicker than I do, it was satisfying to hear someone as well-worded as yourself put into words a thought that I had. For a while I could only summarize it by thinking "Man MHA sure does feel toothless and inconsistent about what it delivers on, and what ideas or themes or messages or what have you are left in the fridge and forgotten about."
It was also fun to hear about Yu-Gi-Oh! GX, growing up YGO was only ever a game some of my friends played or "HEART OF THE CARDS" and Kaiba memes, so hearing that there was a lot more to the series was a welcome surprise, even if quite anecdotal on my part.
As for the question part of this ask, near the middle of it you brought up how despite being quite captivated with the idea and the final result, you weren't as impressed with how YGO got there, and vice versa with MHA in how it was paced better but so far(let me have a little bit of hope lol) ultimately hasn't made good on it's "storytelling promise" if you will.
With the preface that no story is "perfect" along with the fact that everyone has their own interests, biases, icks, etc., I wanted to ask if there was a story which in your opinion, that blends proper pacing and build-up, with proper follow-up and payoff? I had the idea of deconstructing the perfect shonen protag or similar character in mind, but I'm also curious to hear about other ideas as well if you have them.
PS Thanks again for writing and posting these. They're often the highlight of my day when I remember to get around to reading them. And apologies for this long-ass ask hehe.
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If you want a shonen series with similiar themes of "saving the villains" as MHA and Season 3 of Yu-Gi-Oh GX! but better pacing, buildup, payoff and overall story structure then both manga then I strongly reccomend another Yu-Gi-Oh series, Yu-Gi-Oh Zexal.
To begin with as a disclaimer I think Yu-Gi-Oh, but especially the spinoffs post 5DS get a bad reputation. For several reasons, the dub, but also the Duel Monsters anime adaptation is kind of bad. A lot of people forget that Yu-Gi-Oh! started out as a very dark urban fantasy, or just the fact that it runs in the same magazine as MHA and JJK. Once you get over the fact that it revolves around card games, Yu-Gi-Oh is as much of a battle shonen as MHA or JJK.
If you give Zexal a chance, it has everything MHA promised us. A conflict where there's really no heroes and villains, a story about what it means to save people, and a protagonist who wants to save everyone.
Yu-Gi-Oh no Cristo!
If you want to take my word for it that Zexal is good, and avoid spoilers then don't read any further. However, I thought I'd demonstrate HOW Zexal tackles the same themes that My Hero Academia tried to tackle.
I'm going to limit this analysis to Zexal I, because while Zexal II is superior in every way I don't want to spoil the whole darn show. Zexal deconstructs the idea of what it means to save others, by having the central conflict in its first season focus on several different factions where no side is the clear good guy. it also tackles the theme of "revenge", and how no character's revenge is justified no matter how wounded they are.
Zexal has three main characters, Yuma, Kaito, and Shark. The latter two are deuteragonist, and tritagonist respectively, and vacillate between being rivals and outright antagonists. If you wanted a story where Shigaraki post My Villain Academy was basically given deuteragonist status alongside Deku then this is the story for you. From her on out I'm going to focus on the cycle of revenge and also the intertwining arcs of Yuma, Shark and Kite and how these characters develop the themes.
Before I get to the World Duel Carnival, I would be amiss to mention that Zexal has a faster start then any Yu-Gi-Oh anime barring 5DS. The introductory arc is episodic in nature, but it does two things really well, first establishing Yuma as a character and second laying the groundwork for both Shark and Kaito showing they are human beings with their own motivations even when they act as antagonists to Yuma. World Duel Carnival starts at 27, but in my opinion the real conflict starts in episode 33 with the introduction of the Tron Family.
In comparison My Hero finishes the Stain arc around episode 33, so I'd say they equally have as strong a start, and both works have introduced their main trio in that time.
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With the Tron Family the secondary antagonists of the season we're finally introduced to the season's main confict of revenge. There are four factions and I'm going to take the time to explain each one's motivation before digging in deeper.
The conflict starts with the parents of the three main characters, Lord Byron Arclight (who will later return as Tron), Dr. Faker, and Kazuma Tsukumo. The three of them were studying alternate dimmensions together when Dr. Faker betrayed his two close friends. Kazuma and Lord Byron were dropped into an alternate dimmension as sacrifices to open the door between dimmensions. Kazumi did his best to try to save himself and Lord Byron, but he was unsuccesful and they both dropped out of the world.
Arclight wandered around between dimmensions, until he was eventually saved by the Barian world, a world of pure chaos kind of like the flipside of our world. However, his salvation came with a cost he was reverted from an adult man to a ten year old's body, and he also lost half of his face which is now a black hole (it's weird I'm not sure how that happened). The only thing that sustained Tron was the idea of getting revenge against Dr. Faker and now that he's returned he's determined to have it.
Tron had three sons, Michael, Thomas and Christopher. Which he renames III, IV, and V because he can't be bothered to remember their names I guess. Tron was once a very loving father and left his children behind on what was supposed to be a temporary research trip. However, their father apparently died, and Christopher the oldest was not old enough to take custody so III and IV were sent to different orphanages. At the same time Christopher was broken-hearted to learn that the man who killed his father, was the father of his student and close friend Kaito Tenjo, and ended that relationship for those reasons.
With the return of Tron the family was allowed to be back together with a now older Christopher taking custody of his brothers and now parenting his ten year old father (which is hilarious by the way). However, Tron distorted by the Barian world and his desire for revenge now uses his sons as tools in his revenge scheme against Dr. Faker. All three sons comply on the thin hope that if they complete their father's revenge, he will go back to being loving Byron Arclight. The Tron Family is a family united by revenge, but also defined by an intense family loyalty to each other, both as siblings, and to their father. While their father may not deserve it, all three sons love him deeply and would do anything to try to save him.
IV: You can't trust me that much. Just because I can't become an obedient servant to you like III and V. IV: But even so...I still also...for your sake. IV: Dad, you always smiled gently in the past. IV: But... after you returned from the parallel world it's like you had an entirely different personality. IV: Despite that we were still willing to follow you, Tron. Shark: Stop pretending to be a victim. Shark: Even if you were being used, I won't forgive you for what you did.
Which dovetails nicely into the conflict between Shark and IV. IV, obeying his father's orders challenged Shark's sister to a duel in a building that later blew up. He knew about the first part, but not the second, but still is somewhat responsible despite his ignorance. He did his best to save Shark's sister from the flames getting scarred in the process, but she was left comatose.
Soon after, IV engineered Shark's disgrace as a duelist, by purposefully letting his cards fall on the ground so Shark could see them during a tournament so he'd be disqualified for taking a peek.
All of these under his father's orders to turn Shark into yet another tool of revenge against Dr. Faker, as a wildcard to be pointed in Faker's direction. IV further antagonizes him by giving him a Numbers Card knowing that the darkness of the Numbers card will soon possess him in order to further his father's scheme. He also just wants to flat out defeat Shark so he can prove to his father he's more useful.
Shark looks like the clear victim in this situation, but his complete lack of sympathy for IV is total hypocrisy. Because, Shark is also only after revenge for what was done to him and his sister. Shark was hurt by IV's revenge, but Shark will also attack completely innocent people, including Yuma, just to get his revenge against IV. Shark is the aggrieved victim, but he fights only for revenge not to save someone and he just does not care for anyone other than his sister, himself and Yuma to an extent. Unlike IV, who has the added motivation of saving someone, and also is self-aware that he did something wrong that he can't take back.
Shark is very much a case of "well, my revenge is different from your revenge" somehow, and it makes him look like a hypocrite. Which is why Shark wavers between being an anti-hero and an anti-villain, because in spite of his mroe heroic qualities and his friendship with Yuma he pretty consistently is only motivated to duel for revenge and not for saving others like Yuma is and the show is clear on it's themes of "there is no such thing as a justified revenge."
Shark does not get his revenge, in fact the same way IV is manipulated to pointing his anger at Shark, Shark gets manipulated by Tron to pointing all of his anger at Yuma. Yuma basically has to act as the punching bag, in order to try to calm Shark down again and in Shark's own words even if you were being used, I won't forgive you for what you did.
Shark won't forgive IV, but he ends up committing the exact same unforgivable acts, and by his own logic manipulation is not an excuse.
Now that we've introduced Shark as the wildcard, the last faction is Dr. Faker's. Kaito and Dr. Faker both are fighting to save Haruto, Faker's second son and Kaito's little brother. Here is the twist with Dr. Faker's betrayal he's presented as a "I did everything for power" type of villain, but he's actually doing everything to save his son from dying and is willing to backstab his closest friends to do so, and turn his son Kaito into a pawn. There's an added layer of complication where Dr. Faker is legitimately using his son as a pawn, but much like the Tron Siblings, Kaito is also willing to comply because saving Haruto is just as important to him.
Kaito is a numbers hunter who rips out the souls of people in order to reclaim numbers cards from them, something which ages them and leaves them completely comatose. Kaito also blatantly says on several occasions, he doesn't care how many people he has to hurt to save his brother. So Kaito's motivations aren't revenge like Tron's, but he's also just as willing to get innocent people involved. He even attacks Shark once who didn't even have a number card, simply for GETTING IN THE WAY when he was trying to steal Yuma's key.
Kaito's not just an "I'll do anything to save my brother" type of character, he actively does not care about how many victims he creates along the way.
KAITO: You're wrong. Just one person matters to me. I only care about Hart.
And he sure does mean that. His own allies? Don't matter. His former friend Christopher? Doesn't care. Yuma who actively wants to save Hart too? Get out of the way bucko.
YUMA: Kaito, Droite fought desperately against Tron for your sake. YUMA: Droite liked y- KAITO: That's none of your concern.
Kite's obsession with saving his brother is all-consuming, and even ignores that Haruto does not want Kaito hurting himself for his sake, because it is just as much about Kaito as it is about Haruto.
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Kaito also clashes with V from the Tron Family, and is deeply hurt by the fact that V will make punching bags out of both Kite and Haruto in order to get revenge against their father.
However, Kaito who has at this point put several people in comas in order to save his brother (the exact same motivation V has for his father and two younger brothers) is a complete hypocrite in this regard.
V: Friend you say? V: But that ideal was completely wrecked by Dr. Faker. V: Could you forgive that person's son? V: When I realized the truth, I... KAITO: Enough of this nonsense.
I'm sure none of the people Kaito put in comas had brothers, and they all kicked puppies when no one was looking. Even after Kaito realizes that Christopher was only trying to save his family the same way that he was, and promises to inherit his feelings, he forgets all about that when dueling Tron.
Kaito's one and only loss in the whole series comes from when he loses himself to revenge against Tron after he provoked him one too many times by tormenting Haruto. Once again, no matter what the reason revenge is never justified in Yu-Gi-Oh Zexal!
Tron: You're right I have no emotions. Droite and Shark... I was willing to even use my sons in order to create rage. Kaito: Say what? Tron: You did pretty well, too! You get angrier and angrier when it comes to Haruto. It's all thanks to you, have a look.
As much as Kaito would like to make a martyr of himself, he is just like the Tron siblings, just like Shark, an angry little kid lashing out against innocent people for the pain both him and his brother has suffered. Even kaito who has the most explicit desire to save someone, succumbs to revenge in the end when he's pushed.
The tragedy of season 1 is that basically every faction involved has a case of "my revenge is more important than your revenge, and my loved ones are more important than your loved ones". Even though both the Tron Family, and Kaito are fighting to save their families, neither of them ever backs down or considers the other side's motivations because THEIR PAIN is more important.
The last faction of the story is Yuma's, and as stated above Yuma is the only one who attempts to see his opponent's side. Yuma's central motto is "if we've dueled each other, then we're already friends." He also believes that duels should never be used as tools for hurting each other, something Shark, Kaito and the Tron Family all gleefully do in their conflict against one another.
Yuma is a deconstructoin of the "save everyone" because while he is involved in the conflict too because he lost his father to Dr. Faker, unlike the other three factions he has a support system. He still has his grandmother and sister, childhood friends, friends at school and Astral.
This fact is explicitly called out in his duel against III who by that point Yuma considers a friend. III spends a day with Yuma, bonding with him over their shared love of archaelogy, seeing his family and home life, only to turn against him.
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Yuma tries to reach out to III the entire time through the duel and talk him down, and it doesn't work because Yuma with his support system, cannot truly understand where III is coming from and the desperation that drives him. Yuma's not caught in the same rock and hard place that III is, and all the sympathy and good intentions in the world cannot overcome the difference between that.
Yuma also in spite of his desire to solve things peacefully is basically forced to still fight, because if he loses a duel his close personal friend Astral will die, so it's actively a challenge for him to seek the third way to settle things without contributing to the cycle of revenge.
So Yuma represents the correct path, forgiveness and understanding the other's point of view, but it also shows that Yuma is able to do that because unlike everyone else he has a support system. Yuma is not internally more good than Shark, Kite, or the rest. He's just in a place where he can afford to look at the other people's perspectives because he's not desperately fighting for survival.
It's also a challenge for him to do so, because Yuma is someone very immature. As I said with III he does not understand the depths of what they are feeling even if he wants to make the pain go away. He tries to offer his unwavering support to people, but he fails just as often as he succeeds due to his immaturity.
In Yuma's case it's less being a perfect hero, but rather making an unrelenting effort to help others and offer a hand that matters. Yuma's character development in season 1 for me crystallizes in his final redemption of Tron, the character besides Faker who makes him the most angry because of his gleeful abuse of his sons for the sake of revenge. Not only does Yuma start to get through to Tron at points in the duel, because he tries so hard to make Tron understand how much he's hurt his sons, but at the end of the duel he mirrors his father's own action of trying to save both himself and Byron Arclight I mentioned at the beginning of this post.
Yuma: I won't give up! Tron: But why? Why are you trying to save me? Yuma: It's obvious, isn't I? Everyone I duel are my friends. Yuma: I don't understand all that complicated stuff, but we create bonds through dueling. And since you dueled me you are my friend. Tron: I finally understand. Your dueling goes beyond my desire for revenge. Yuma I can't live the same way as you and Kazuma, but I can't let Dr. Faker go either. I'll release all the souls I captured.
Yuma does represent the themes of love, and understanding being the only way to heal revenge (because more revenge does not fix anything) but he's not just propped up as a saint by the narrative. He's a character who has to go through serious character development before he's finally able to back up his good intentions with actual concrete action.
Yuma isn't just good internally, but rather his constant efforts to find the third path, and befriend other people is what makes him the hero of the story. Yuma is Deku done right and I will stand by this.
I hope I've been able to demonstrate the themes of Zexal, and I would be amiss to mention this is just Zexal I. Zexal II the second season does all of this even better. The Barians are an even better version of the League of Villains because despite starting a war with the main characters, they are all sympathetic and their point of view is just as valid as Astral and Yuma's. I don't want to spoil Zexal II though, so if anything about Zexal I caught your eye I reccomend watching both series.
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synnthamonsugar · 9 months
My issue with D2 isn't that it's bad.
Bad media can be, and frequently is, fun, strange, shocking, thought-provoking, entertaining. Bad media often has things to say (even if not said clearly), it's often heartfelt in ways that bigger and more-polished productions cannot be since it's more likely to be the brainchild of an individual or small team instead of a committee of writers working under tight managerial control.
Even through its better-crafted plot beats, I think Destiny (counting both games together here) has often felt bad to me. I say this with utmost love and respect. There are limits to its model of storytelling, and there have always been plot holes, strange bits of characterization, setups without payoffs, weird dialog, gameplay-narrative dissonance, etc. and I think it's easy to focus so much on the high points in its history that we forget that being bad isn't atypical for Destiny, and that this is fine!
The issue is, it used to be that even when it was bad it was genuine, meticulously detailed, oozing with character and heart in every line and lore tab, had bits of world-building and background that made me desperate to know more. It was a rambling story from a friend, who might not have a point but they're so into telling it that it becomes the most interesting thing in the world to listen to. I think, for much of Destiny's history, you could feel Bungie was putting their whole back into it, that the creators made it with love and care. It was impossible not to get invested in return, even when it was a little corny.
The issue is, it doesn't feel like that anymore. It feels like something that's being made because it's contractually obligated. It feels like something neither Bungie nor the creative team wants to put effort into, and I frankly cannot blame the creative team given what we know is going on behind the scenes. That doesn't make it less disappointing or frustrating - in fact it might make it worse because I can't help but see it as something being made under a level of duress. (More than the typical level, for anything made in capitalism.) But it certainly explains why.
And of course, given we know they're trying to make the bottom line there's always the question of how much executive meddling is affecting the story. I definitely have qualms with some of the narrative team, but I do wonder what Destiny would look like today without the stress of meeting sales goals and deadlines.
I think you can sort bad media into roughly two buckets. There's the good-bad media, the kind I talked about, the passion projects bristling with heart and character and vision if nothing else. Then there's the bad-bad ones, the ones that were produced to make a paycheck, be consumed and forgotten ...
My (rhetorical) question is: why should I care about something whose creators don't care about it? If something is a cynical cash grab, how can I feel anything but cynicism toward it?
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tyrantisterror · 1 year
Twitter (or “X”, I guess) is currently losing its mind over a media analysis video that implies King Kong might have some racially charged (or even racist) themes. Thoughts?
I actually talked about this recently here: https://tyrantisterror.tumblr.com/post/730214779314176000/kaiju-twitter-is-currently-in-a-tizzy-because
But I also think King Kong (1933) has a somewhat undeserved sterling reputation in general. Even critics who have otherwise been quick to be hypercritical and dismissive of monster movies talk about King Kong as if it's a "perfect" movie, because historically King Kong has always been considered a classic. And, like, historically speaking, yes, King Kong will always be an important and groundbreaking film. It's a landmark moment in special effects.
But if you take the special effects out of it... you're not really left with much to rave about. The acting in King Kong ranges from passable to outright bad (and racist when you consider the islanders and Charlie the inexplicable Chinese Stereotype cook who exists for... comic relief? I guess?), the characters themselves are thin, the dialogue can be very good but also outright atrocious, and the camerawork (again, outside of special effects) is nothing to rave about. King Kong has a reputation for perfection that's solely hinged on cool special effects and a shitload of nostalgia. It does not have the depth to its storytelling of, say, Godzilla (1954), which had to claw and fight over decades to be reappraised by critics for its many virtues. All King Kong has is groundbreaking special effects.
And those special effects are really good, don't get me wrong. You feel for that monkey before the movie ends, and the wonder and terror of Skull Island's ecosystem of monsters is rightfully iconic. But if you dig past that - and you have to if you want to analyze the movie, because most of it is surface level stuff - you're not left with much to analyze, and what there is to analyze are a bunch of racist tropes that were old and timeworn by the time King Kong was made, and much more so now. Evil black savages who want to sacrifice a white woman because of her enchanting Aryan beauty, a giant ape who's horny for said white woman because of said enchanting Aryan beauty, heroic white men risking everything as they plunder an evil, backwards island of degenerate relics from the past that were best left forgotten, Charlie the Chinese Cook who is exactly as grating a racial stereotype of Chinese people as you'd expect from the 1930's - yeah, all of these tropes have racist roots, and whether or not the racism was intended by the creators doesn't really matter, because they certainly did nothing to try and mitigate it or divorce the tropes from those racist roots. It's a racist movie, an undeniably racist movie, which isn't something that should surprise people because it's from the 19fucking30's.
And that doesn't mean we have to condemn King Kong, and that watching it makes you a problematic Nazi MAGA chud, or that we're not allowed to praise what's good about it (i.e. the special effects). It just means that, maybe, after 90 years of completely untempered praise from all corners of the film world, maybe it's time to admit that King Kong, while still a classic, is not a perfect movie. That it has some flaws. And maybe we can start by admitting the really obvious flaw of it being a movie from the 1930's that reflects the 1930's attitudes about race which were, you know, not great, and then from there we could maybe talk about how it reflects 1930's attitudes about gender (also not great), and then to how the acting in it is mostly bad, and then to how the scriptwriting is... let's say uneven, and then maybe admit that really we just like the monster bits and the rest is kind of forgettable at best, and that Godzilla is a far superior movie in all respects.
But I think what's likely to happen is people will viciously defend the movie without thinking about it critically for a moment, because nuance and honest self reflection is for chumps.
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alltimefail-sims · 1 year
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Hi friends, and happy Friday!
Yesterday the sims team released its first stuff pack since Paranormal Stuff, so I wanted to give my thoughts and pseudo-review it for you all. I'm not sure if these little reviews are helpful in any way, but I've found that forcing myself to take the time and really isolate the new features, CAS items, and objects has made me appreciate, incorporate, and analyze them among the existent content a little better.
So, with that being said, here's my long and unbiased review of the CAS items from the Home Chef Hustle Stuff Pack! ↓
Let's begin with the outfits shown above. This pack provided items that I absolutely love and have been asking for whilst also giving items that are just...meh at best. (By "meh" I mean that after this review, they'll be forgotten in the catalogue.)
There are multiple variants of apron outfits for both frames and I liked all of them. I'm serious, I even liked the apron dress: it's a little frumpy, but it feels like a perfect cuddly grandma or elderly sim outfit. Also that shirt with the little towel over the shoulder in male frame? Love love love that. Crazy about it, in fact! But beyond the outfits themselves, I really like the color swatches in this pack and the fact that they have clean and dirty swatches. I say it every time, but I love the lived-in, imperfect CAS and Build/Buy items that the sims team has been rolling out lately and I hope they keep up with that style.
I also really love the turtleneck jumpsuit and honestly, it may be one of my favorite CAS pieces to date. I love all the swatches and the way it fits on sims of all sizes. They have been giving us a lot of jumpsuits lately, but this one stands out from the others in a positive way.
As for the clothing items I didn't care for and/or could do without: the one pair of pants that came with this SP. It's not that they're bad or anything; the swatches are fine, they just don't stand out as a staple item to me. Same with the chef coat - it's a nice piece, it has a variety of color and style options, but I'm not sure how often I'll use it as it's so specific/niche. Both perfectly adequate for what they are though!
However, the hoodie, t-shirt with the little ascot, and graphic tee did nothing for me. Some of the swatches on the t-shirt were good (the fire chicken for example) while some felt weird and wildly out of place with the existing animation style/graphics in the game. The shirt with the ascot is just okay, I like how it fit my sims but some of the designs are a bit on the nose and corny. I can't emphasize enough that some of the designs on the shirts were just decent while the other half were really, really bad.
The single pair of shoes in this pack aren't great either. I just thought they looked a little underwhelming, I had higher expectations I guess. I have clog/croc cc that looks much better than what came with this pack if I'm being honest, so I could leave these out all together. Plus, they warp the male ankles significantly, so I couldn't even use them on my male sim as demonstrated in the picture below.
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I've seen a few people confused about the gloves that came with this pack, but I actually like them. I especially like the latex/rubber gloves: I would have a home chef wear these at their pop-up-shop for the play pretend impression of food prep safety (like in real life). It's silly, it doesn't impact gameplay, but it helps my imagination and storytelling so that's a fun touch to me. Any touch of realism is a win in my book, and they're also nice to have if you have Dine Out as well! Come to think of it, a lot of the CAS items from this pack would incorporate quite seamlessly with that pack if not for the fact that Dine Out is virtually unplayable. Anyway!
The earrings and necklace are cute, even though the knife is a little chunky. I love silly jewelry though, so I will definitely use all three of them. The tattoo, I'm sorry to say, is kind of goofy as fuck lmao. Just not my personal taste. "A" for effort though? I feel like they could have kept with the chef/foodie tattoo concept and been less on the nose, but it's fine. If nothing else, it's silly and it is in a good location at least? At least they've been trying to add tattoos in the last few packs after going a long while completely ignoring that category all together?
As for the hats...
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Need we talk about the hats? They're bulky, chunky, they don't lay on any sim's head properly and it only gets worse as they get younger. We all joke about it, but I don't know that the Sims team has ever seen an actual human wearing a hat before. You'd think after we complain and make jokes about it every pack, they would get the message.
Regardless, the hats themselves would have been, objectively, super adorable if they fit correctly... but they don't. The swatches are pretty fun, the texture is actually nice. So annoying! I hope someone comes out with a default replacement fix because I would use these for my younger sims a lot.
Now...the hairs!
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The first scarf hairdo in fem frame looks SO GOOD. Why it did not come in male frame, I will never know. It's one of my favorite hairs to date. Also the curly hairdo for male frames is so cute and like nothing else we have in the game, so that was nice too (and it also should have came in fem frame, but again I digress). I want to give them props as well for the short cut with shaved sides - that is one of the more fashionable, practical, reusable male hairs that have come with a pack. They always somehow manage to mess "staple" pieces up by doing something funky (looking at you Cats and Dogs hair with a fucking pawprint shaved on the side lmaoooo) but this hair is simple and good. Love that. I do feel like there are similar cuts to this already in game, but they don't look as good... so congrats to them for finally doing this haircut right on try 4 or 5 lmao.
I so so so wish they would do what CC creators do and create a headband overlay in the hats category so you could change the hairband color because I actually love the different swatches... I just hate that they're limited to certain hair colors! It's not like anyone is pairing a hat with a hairdo that has a scarf or headband, so whyyyyyy aren't they giving us that option yet? Hopefully cc creators pull through on this one as well.
Otherwise I genuinely have no complaints about any of the hairs. I think they're all quite nice!
Now onto the least exciting part of this review...the littles.
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Not much to say about any of this: it's all the same stuff from the adult CAS items, with a lot left out. I would have liked to see an item made specifically for these life stages in mind, but that didn't happen, unfortunately. Everything they converted felt kind of random, and there were things they didn't convert that I thought were a missed opportunity.
For instance: I don't know why the hoodie didn't get converted, or the pants? They didn't make anything original for children, so I don't think it would have been much trouble to convert one or both of these items. In my opinion, the swatches on the hoodie would have probably suited kids better than the adults, and I feel like hoodies are a staple item in every child's closet so you can never really have too many? But yeah, big miss.
The random onesie for infants was weird and I felt like it had fewer swatches than it should have. Maybe they're trying to throw infants in as they're a new life stage and we have so little for them? I don't know. I thought it was weird toddlers got nothing but one singular hairstyle and the giant hat (all life stages got that). They could have at least given toddlers the onesie, too...or even the t-shirt. Regardless, this pack wasn't for kids/toddlers/infants, that much is clear, but they could have been incorporated better with a little more effort, and that's what frustrates me the most!
I'll be talking about gameplay in the next post. If you read all of this, I love you very much. You could have googled "Home Chef Hustle CAS items," but you didn't!! You read my rambles instead and for that I am so thankful. Big smooch on the forehead from me to you. <3
That's a wrap for now. See you in the next one, friends!
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mando-cyare · 28 days
8 Episode Seasons Are Ruining Media Literacy
Ok, that might be a bit of an exaggeration but I think there's something to it.
So every few years, I end up rewatching Supernatural. Makes me nostalgic for my early fandom days, even if looking back it's not the best. But you had like 24 episodes a season! It took time for plots and characters to develop!
When you have that longer format, you end up with better storytelling. Yes, I know using Supernatural as an example is a little silly. But the thing is, you had time to pick up on little details. The characters developed slowly, and you could see relationships degrade or improve a little more with each episode.
((more under the cut))
With 20+ episodes a season, writers had the option to leave little plot clues here and there. Stuff you'd notice, but didn't think much of at the time. Those little clues would build up, and that had fans theorizing wildly as season ticked on. You had MONTHS to theorize about what the endgame of the season would be. But you had to pay attention.
Characters had more time to be complex, to have moments when they faltered, or seriously fucked up. And then it would take even more time to repair damaged relationships, or to become a better person. You could actually have a redemption arc!
These days, with just 8 episodes a season in a lot of shows, there's no room for subtlety. You just hit all the big notes; this character is bad and hates this other character for x reason. There's just sudden betrayal, instead of the traitor taking time to build trust to get what they want. If you take time, the betrayal has a much bigger impact when it finally happens.
Characters had room to be complex because they had time to actually develop, for better or worse.
With just 8 episodes, you also miss out on letting the characters just have fun. There's no room for silliness, like Sam and Dean's pranks for example. It's just all serious plot all the time. Yes, some shows are more serious than others, but I personally feel that you need a little lightheartedness from time to time to really flesh out a story.
Anyway, because people don't have to pick up on all the subtle clues over 20+ episodes, they've either never learned, or forgotten how to critically analyze characters and themes. So you get all this black and white thinking about good and evil with not much room in between. I see so little nuance these days.
Yes, some of it could be because of tiktok shortening our attention spans, but I really think shortening seasons to just 8 episodes is doing a real disservices to reading comprehension and media literacy. This is also why I think Anime is getting more mainstream, since they still tend to do at least 20 or more episodes a season.
These are just my personal ramblings, but I'd love to hear your thoughts on the subject.
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yurisorcerer · 7 months
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What an incredibly frustrating piece of fiction this is shaping up to be.
Where do I even start.
OK, on the one hand, the needlessly esoteric and vibey storytelling is kind of a plus. That's not a thing many anime do anymore and I kind of miss it as someone who was first exposed to the medium in part by very high-concept sci-fi anime. Also the action is great; any time a fight happened I was at least consistently having a good time, the choreography and animation are really good and I absolutely love the combat theme and find it weird how rarely they use it. In general I love how the show looks and it will remain watching for its visuals alone even if nothing else comes together.
Which is good, because everything else is a huge mess at this point. Add it to the list of anime I regret giving the benefit of a doubt.
Everything Metallic Rouge does or tries to do is held back by the fact that Rouge Redstar herself has the morality of a gradeschooler. In the early episodes, this was kind of cute and it seemed like the show would be in large part about her shedding that idealism to become....I don't know, pick one; a hero to the Neans? Some kind of cosmic avenger bound to neither side in this conflict? At least someone who has SOME kind of convictions beyond "I hate fighting!" ?
Code Eve is here revealed to be the work of Rouge's mom(?), a biophysicist, and assistant to her surrogate father, named Dr. Eva Kristella. She is the one who installed the Asimov Code in Neans in the first place, which means that in this universe, all of the oppression that the already-wonky analogue for minorities face was the work of a single person. If you disregard any stab at symbolism here, this is a fine plot twist *in a vacuum*, but when put back in the context of the show it completely defangs anything Metallic Rouge has done or seemed like it wanted to do with this material. Systemic oppression happened because Dr. Kristella did an oopsie and ended up regretting it. That regret was what caused her to make Code Eve, which can somehow disable the Asimov Code, but she didn't activate it herself (maybe she couldn't? This isn't elaborated upon) and instead planted it within the "soul" of Rouge and the other Immortals.
It's kind of impressive how thoroughly that strips out any applicability. There is no way to read anything as subtext anymore, because this is purely a genre thing and has no connection to anything real. Any bite this series might've had is gone.
But OK, fine, let's ignore that and just take it as a weird sci fi thing. Surely at least Rouge recognizes that the Neans are being oppressed to shit is a bad thing and joins the resistance, right? Especially now that Naomi has betrayed her (a plot twist that comes out of fucking nowhere btw) and revealed her true colors? Nope! A decent chunk of episode 8 is taken up by mealy-mouthed moralizing more or less dismissing the Neans' situation because, well, The Immortals Are Violent, so it's impossible to say if they're justified or not. Gene, Rouge's brother, says something to the effect of this not being "the right time" to liberate the Neans and that the inevitable violence of a revolution would only make things worse for them. I'm not crazy for reading this as complete fucking lib shit (a term I don't use lightly), am I? The show seems dead-set on playing Rouge's naivete as something admirable instead of something deeply offputting and inappropriate to the situations she finds herself in.
Like, I'm being A LITTLE uncharitable but honestly not particularly so? I'm mostly just confused, like, what even is the point of any of this? A thing I suppose I had conveniently forgotten about some of those sci-fi shows I mentioned in the opening paragraph is that they're occasionally not actually about much. Sure, the GOOD ones are, but there are plenty that have been mostly forgotten because they don't use the genre to do anything or say anything of note. Metallic Rouge's mix of aesthetics is still interesting---all of the Immortals look really cool, for example---but I would be VERY surprised at this point if the series pulled anything coherent together in its last four episodes.
Then again, who knows, I thought I had this show figured out once before and then episode 5 happened, so honestly who can say. Maybe it WILL find some way to justify its milquetoast politics and Toynbee Tiles-ass worldbuilding in a way that's actually coherent and interesting. I really doubt it, though.
The worst part is that through all of this I STILL don't actually think the show is outright bad. It has enough going for it that I'm going to watch the remaining third of the series and I will probably not completely hate those 2ish hours of remaining story, but it has JUST enough going on that the ways in which its deficient are hugely frustrating instead of being the kind of minor flaw that it's easy to brush off.
At this point my favorite character is probably Cyan, who shows up barely-foreshadowed in these episodes to try to kill Rouge for no obvious reason, but she has a fun design and a clear motive, so that makes her easy to root for, in my book.
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arigatonamuse · 1 year
the re-reading continues time for:
Episode 1 - The Show Must Go On! (pt1)
CW: I will be talking about parental neglect in this (also i call Itaru names but it's all /lh i promise)
Chapter 1
Me, reading the prologue: i’ve given up on thinking about the timeline Me, in the very first chapter: what if i tried, anyway?
*Quietly converts yen to my currency* Oh whew That’s more than the money i’d need to pay off my student loans
Sakuya 🤝 me Being confused about the “tricks” comment (i was able to understand it from context later on tho)
Honestly? Good on Massu for slapping Sakyo for saying that
Izumi rationalising her being neglected as “my dad loved this troupe” and holding onto that because if it wasn’t that way then he was just a neglectful father, Yukio HAD to love the troupe because if he didn’t… then where would that put her? (Izumi, my beloved, we was still neglectful towards you, you don’t need to make excuses for him, he kinda WAS a piece of shit since before vanishing and that’s not your fault and responsibility bby)
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Izumi calling Mankai, which was more or less Yukio’s favourite child, a “priceless treasure” makes me wonder… is she doing all these, at least in part, so Yukio will finally see her worth or something? Because Mankai is a priceless treasure but his family wasn’t worth his time, is this Izumi trying to show her importance to her dad too?
Damn, Izumi really has to heal from some shit, doesn’t she?
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Izumi wanting Sakyo to retract his statement really makes me feel like i’m onto something regarding Izumi wanting to prove her important and worth to Yukio
I should Adopt this mindset in my life tbh
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Chapter 2
I really wanna recreate the dorms somehow but i’m just remembering how the map is not actually up to scale and i tried alr and it was Weird and aaaaaaaah
I love how Izumi shuts down or ignores Masumi while still being a caring adult towards him, that’s some model adult shit tbh
Sakuya’s parents ;-;
Izumi saying things about Sakuya’s parents without Knowing make my heart ache for him so much
Oh i had forgotten how much i cannot stand Sakuya’s relative from the phone call I’m feeling a bit violent at reading through her lines
I do wonder… Sakkun says he’s been crashing at his friends’ places but… how come we’ve never heard of his friends again?
Ngl now i’m wondering if the line about meeting his parents was just Massu trying to change the conversation topic away from… his family situation 
Again, tho, i love how Izumi is explicit in telling him no when it comes to those comments
She’s such a caring and generally Good Adult towards the younger members ;w;
Chapter 3
I wonder how Matsukawa’s food was bad in order for it to be salvageable through curry, bc i do know that Izumi’s a queen when it comes to making it but i doubt you can salvage like… overcooked food or just a weird food goop with it?
(I am now thinking about An’s rant about curry (i think about it often ngl))
Now that i think about it… i actually wanna listen to Izumi’s rambles about spices too, please and thank you
I would love to watch OG Harugumi’s romijuli
Chapter 4
Massu and Tsuzuru questioning why actors need to exercise… meanwhile i’m having flashbacks at my hs theatre club’s “warm up” exercises including circus bs every now and then (no really, i learnt how to jump through a hoop and land in different ways)
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I had forgotten Massu’s parents had their SECRETARY answer to Mankai regarding their son’s whole ass living arrangements
Izumi is so quick to point out when someone’s parents/tutors don’t care about their child and yet… *looks at her making excuses for Yukio*
Chapter 5
I love how Tsuzuru is already thinking like a storyteller even though he doesn’t have the scriptwriter role yet
That said, Tsusuru, you’re wrong, there are MANY things one can do with a limited cast, you just have to break away from the traditional theatre structure
Same, Tsuzuru, same
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Something something Masumi's a sheltered rich kid
Note: ask An what Citron’s lines say in Japanese (idk exactly what they say but i think loc had to change them a lot based on the ham/daikon change)
IZUMI WAS ONTO HIM FROM THE FIRST MOMENT THEY MET SHE WAS ONTO HIM (and we have the seed of suspicion planted for understanding Citron’s character more in depth)
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oh my god, Tsuzuru, you can't just ask someone why they're wearing a headscarf 
Citron i love you but you cannot talk about bare skin when your v neck goes that deep
“With all due respect, are you nuts?!”
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The pleasure is all mine, Sir Citron (this is the part where i try and fail to convince people that i’m normal about my faves)
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I feel so bad for Sakuya wrt the spinning around but also i cannot stop giggling
istg i read the way Sakuya literally stumbled on Itaru in more than one fic back in the 2010s
Itaru you fucking liar i see you
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SARDINE CAN ROOMS Citron i get that you’re a prince and all but those rooms are actually pretty damn spacious 
Chapter 6
Have i mentioned that i love Citron? Bc i love Citron
Izumi’s right, Citron is very pretty and i think we need to talk about that more
This is the first time where Citron says something ridiculous, so far his grammar and vocab haven’t been anything outlandish (except for a “Manzai Company” mention last chapter) This could be proof that Citron does what he does on purpose as a mood maker, he waited for a bit, talking to the troupe more or less normally at first, before pulling this, and he does this the moment he sees people seem to be distressed (i should add this to the Citron essay)
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Tsuzuru being so determined on what he wants to do makes you want to root for him so bad, i care he
Tsuzuru and Hakkaku parallels shown this early on! 
But also Tsusuru bby it’s been two days and you’re already trying to pile too many things on your plate
Izumi being so harsh with him (yet giving him this big ass chance) lowkey reminds me of Sakyo in the first chapter
“Abducted alien” something something Citron othering himself while still being "in character"
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I am so emo about Izumi’s lines regarding being on stage She loved the stage so much she deserves to be kinder on herself and give herself more chances
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KASUMI MENTION (no names but y'know) I am VERY curious about what the original Japanese says here Also i love that this seemed like a throwaway line back then, but now we know who it was referring to and we actually got to meet Kasumi? It means so much more now
Chapter 7
Oh Izumi you’re gonna be so disappointed
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Itaru I’m onto you
Dw Izumi, it’s not your fault, he took up your offer with the conditions you mentioned
“あめんぼあかいなあいうえお” -> *starts singing Citron no Tadashii Nihongo Kouza? In his head*
I love Citron so much (but also i’m onto you too y’know)
Chapter 8
Massu’s relationship with Tsuzuru has improved so much, it makes me so emo
I’d forgotten how annoyed i was at Itaru at first but whew he sure annoys me with his disappearing, excuses, and not giving a shit outside the scheduled rehearsals
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I love how quick Sakuya and Citron are to care about their troupemates Idk if it is the same in the original but Citron calling Tsuzuru “my dear Tsuzuru” is actually so cute to me ;w; (I know he’s partly just being dramatic but still, it’s cute)
Chapter 9
I love how Massu just deadpans his question about if it’s a gay script
Citron, anything you wanna share with the class?
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TSUZURU AND MIZUNO LORE (i’d forgotten they mentioned his inspiration this early)
Citron’s line about understanding Tsuzuru makes so much more sense knowing about his past (I wonder if he’s thinking about Guy here?) And him following the first time he opens up, ever, with a mistake is SO interesting to me it makes Tsuzuru focus on the mistake instead of Citron’s possible backstory, and his correction makes the audience follow along that path too and--
Tsuzuru’s so right to say that Sakuya represents what Harugumi stands for, he has no idea 
“No protein dayo”
Oho now we have two people onto Citron
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Sakkun leader!
Tsuzuru so mean to Citron :<
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Honestly i’d completely forgotten about how it took me some time to warm up to Itaru but i’m so excited to see that happen again now
Chapter 10
Before Banri “Super Ultra Easy Mode” Settsu, there was Masumi
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Sakuya is trying so hard i wanna cry from love
Ngl tho i can’t be that upset at Masumi because his criticisms are right Like yeah he’s being a bit harsh and should’ve given everyone more time to feel their place with the script before making them but… he’s… not wrong Something something Masumi had a different experience with the script so he expects everyone to be similar
Massu that’s not what Tsuzuru said, that’s a whole new sentence
Citron to the rescue
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Itaru you bitch
Aaaaand i got to the max images i could add to one post alright see y'all in pt2
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🌿 💞🕯️💌
🌿how does creating make you feel?
Alive. Powerful (in some ways). Really good about myself because I'm utilizing my imagination and creativity and all of those things I learned and worked toward in my writing classes/degree. I feel really good about myself when I'm writing - like I'm fulfilling part of what I'm in this particular life for, which is storytelling.
💞what's the most important part of a story for you? the plot, the characters, the worldbuilding, the technical stuff (grammar etc), the figurative language
The characters are definitely the most important thing, I think. I like to get their voices right - their voice, mannerisms, their expressions, the specific tone and lilt of their voices. Everything else - the plot, the worldbuilding, the settings - those are secondary to the characters. The plot (or scenario, if it's not something huge that requires a full-out PLOT) drives the characters, but I mean, the plot can change from story to story, so it's really still mostly about the character. I'd be lying if I said the technical stuff wasn't a top important thing - I'm an English/writing major, and all those grammar and spelling and punctuation things are hella important to me. Those keep me honest and make me slow down and pay attention to how I'm writing. Figurative language fits in with that, too, though, because it's all the stuff I absorbed in trying to become a better writer, either by reading or by what my awesome professors passed along to me.
🕯️was there a fic that was really hard on you to write, or took you to a place you didn't think it would take you?
I just answered this one here!
💌share something with us about an up-and-coming work (WIP) that has you excited!
From Too weird to live, too rare to die, a prompt fic for @kleenexwoman that is a Justin Hammer/Loki (in canon, post-Endgame, everyone lives) bonkers fic:
Still humping the American Dream
Tony closed his eyes, pinched the bridge of his nose between the thumb and index finger of his left hand.  He took five deep breaths.  Counted to twenty.  Took five more.  Counted to ten.  He opened his eyes, the right one pale amber and couldn’t see nearly as well after his snap that ended the war with Thanos. 
Justin still stood in front of him, hands defiantly on his hips, watching him. 
“Anthony, I’m not here to just take up space and piss people off,” Justin said in that affable tone that still managed to dig underneath Tony’s skin and threaten to give him hives. 
“And yet you do that so well, Justin,” Tony snarked as he felt the threat behind his eyes indicating a headache was imminent.  He winced at the harshness of his tone, even with this pain in the ass he never expected to see again, much less share a living space with him. 
Still, they’d made peace with Loki when he returned with Thor and Bruce to help them handle Thanos, and as it turned out, the guy wasn’t so bad in the long run.  Tony liked his sass and sense of humor – always had – and he was pretty handy to have around. 
Perhaps he could make himself get used to Justin Hammer, too.  The guy wasn’t dumb, and since they’d released him early for good behavior and some other reason Tony had already forgotten for the moment, he’d dropped some of that pretentious peacocking that paralleled Tony’s own, which to be fair, he’d been happy to mostly give it up since it got tiresome after a while. 
“Who?  C’mon, Tony, I’m a big boy.  I can take it.  You can tell me who else I’m pissing off besides you,” Justin cajoled, his big grin stretching across the angles of his face.  He’d been trying, but Justin wasn’t stupid; he knew he’d fucked up by trusting the wrong guy.  Didn’t help that he kept trying to compete with a guy known for his genius and his ability to stare any problem in the face, punch it once with his intellect and creations, and boom, no more problem. 
“Pepper for starters,” Tony blurted out, “though she doesn’t live here, and she’s kind of gotten over the idea of you being around Morgan since the kid actually likes you and trusts you.” 
The expression on Justin’s face burst with a sappy fondness he used to reserve for his nephew alone, and he schooled it quickly when Tony had to dial back that initial Papa Bear concern that his kid was around several former villains these days.  Respectfully, he tried to look serious, to take Tony’s comments seriously. 
“To be fair, your kid’s awesome and one day’s gonna run circles around us to make the world a better place,” his words came out clear and heartfelt, and Justin thought he noticed that Papa Bear pride seeping into Tony’s features. 
Note to self, praise that adorable little big-eyed bunny, and that’ll keep Stark from wanting to shoot your nuts off.
“Yeah well.  That’s the truth of it.  Oh and Nat’s still keeping an eye on you.  Everyone else...you’re a somewhat clean slate with.  Not like you’re the only former bad guy in residence,” Tony remarked and went back to what he’d been working on when Justin wandered into the kitchen, namely working on agility and firm (but not too firm) grip with his new arm by making and rolling out pie dough. 
“You want some help?” Justin asked when it seemed like Tony was having trouble with one of the cookie cutters he was using to cut out star shapes (to go with the crescent moons).  He held up both hands when Tony just tossed a glare his way.  “No problem.  Just...offerin’.  As for Natasha, eh.  Sam mentioned it took her a little bit to warm up to Loki, too, so I’ll just...be patient.” 
Justin was in no rush to be liked, and he really didn’t expect to be.  It wasn’t even that he was being a martyr or self-deprecating or living on his low self-esteem.  The prison counselor got him to see where he’d fucked up way before he’d actually chained his personality to impressing the military and broke Anton Venko out of custody. 
Piece of shit and his dumb fucking bird.
Thank you for the asks!
Let's Get ((REAL)) fic writer asks
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Many Moons Ago
A Il Capitano x reader series part 5 masterlist
Many moons ago a god was born, they were not just any god, they were one of the first to be born. Born from a shade and shaped by the prayers of humans, they grew from pleas and learned from thanks, they were no one else but the God of Hunting, someone who walked just a step behind The Primordial One, someone with a relationship so intimate with them that they were considered a friend. In all of the thousands of years the God had lived they had gathered a following, the gift that they possessed made al humans revere over it, but then Celestia came, and with her two things happen, neither of them good, first the dear Primordial fell into a deep slumber, then came the archons, gods that blamed the God of Hunting for The Primordial's state. They harbored nothing short of hatred for those gods but as a lone god, who's following had started to forget them and the few who remembered them soon found themselves being persecuted, they had no more choice but to burry themselves to hide from them. Maybe in the past, when that God much younger and feisty they would have given hunt to these archons and Celestia, but now that wasn't the case.
It took a millennia before someone built a home on top of their resting body, a storyteller who couldn't keep to themselves even when he slept, a dear human who remainded the God of their love for such beings. They took each one of his story as an offering and in return all of his hunts came back successful. Too bad that same big mouth of his ended up digging his grave.
He flaunted about how good of a hunter he was, how he could catch the biggest animal with his eyes closed, he claimed that the God of Hunting must be watching over him, of course, such claim was a joke, but Celestia didn't take it as one. One day he left the house only to never come back, the God had no idea what happened to him yet they knew that it had something to do with their old foe. At this point, weakened and depressed, they emerged from their burial and walked away from the house with the human's diary in hand. More time passed, so many years they didn't bother to count, in all of this time they knew that both Celestia and the archons had lost their interest on them, the God took to this gladly as they were finally allowed to live, even as just a human.
They cared little when the cataclysm happened, although it pained them how the gods involved humans in their war they would not fight for them, the ideals from both factions too simplistic for the God to like. They watched as gods rose and fell, as the seats filled and emptied, yet they remained unmoving through these changes, even as the lands they had walked over a million times eons ago changed they still kept going, if a mortal being, whether human or animal, got in their way the God still kept going no matter the state they were in. They were like a leaf, going were the wind would take them without thinking, without feeling, for the God had forgotten how to feel. Until one day after the cataclysm had ended, when the world was still rebuilding they came across a pregnant woman, the God had forgotten almost everything about humans but judging by the size of the womans stomach and her agitated state they finally arrived to a conclusion. They had been selfish in abandoning the humans The Primordial One had loved so much, and the God had been foolish for forgetting the feelings the humans had given them, that day and thanks to that woman they felt again.
—Shouldn't you be resting and leaving the hunting to someone else?—the God questioned and gained an anoyed look from her.
—There is no someone else, it's only me and my kid—she answered, dropping on the ground trying to catch her breath.
They wanted to help her so desperately that their feelings blinded them and all reason left them.
—Then I shall hunt for you until your child is born—the God told her, grabbing the bow and arrow from her hands—in return, you will not ask for my name or question my nature.
The woman accepted their deal and for all of the time they stayed with her, even after her child, a sweet boy, had been born the God never left her, not once did she ask for their name even if they knew from the look on her eyes that she wanted to know about it so badly, such curiosity pulled at their heartstrings and one night, while both her and the kid were sleeping, the God whispered it's name into her ear. The next morning, the day of the kid's birthday, they went out early to hunt for his gift but by the time they had retuned the house and the family the God was finally a part of was gone, they couldn't tell the ashes apart from each other and as the God fell to the ground and cried their heart out they swore to one day end the Archons and Celestia, the God would do it in the name of the storyteller, in the name of their family, their enemies will remember the name of Orobas, The God of Hunting and one of the shades of The Primordial One.
You knew someone was talking about you thanks to a gift that all gods possesed, yet at first you didn't recognize the feeling of it after all it had been years since the last time someone talked about you. It took a while to be able to know just who it was and when the face of one of the archons you hated so much appeared in your head you felt horrified, you had trusted Capitano to not know or to just simply not ask about you to her yet he betrayed you, the sting of it etching itself deep into your heart. You packed everything you owened, which wasn't much, and fled into the sunset knowing they would look for you but by the time they even realized you were gone it would be too late.
The doors back at Zapolyarny Palace opened and an officer walked in with the only purpose of whispering to Capitano's ear the new, when his task was done he bowed before both of them and promply left.
—They has escaped, haven't they?—the Tsaritsa asked while sipping her tea—you may leave to retrieve them but they must return with no injuries.
The harbinger nodded before leaving, once at the entrace a horse was already prepared for him and whitout even blinking he was already racing towards your last known location. By your status itself he knew that you wouldn't freeze in the unforgiven cold of his country yet that did nothing to ease the feeling on his chest, the man felt abandoned by you even if he could slightly understand why you ran from him yet still he couldn't shake his resolve to bring you back, to place his coat upon your shoulders even if he needed it more than you, for the life ahead of him without you would be a thousand time colder that the freezing winds Snezhnaya. In the mean time his men tried to stop you in various ways but still moved forward, even with your feet sinking on the snow and your socks getting cold you kept going, when one of your suitcases was ripped open you just tossed it aside since it was nothing more than dead weight and by the time you finally left the forest and could smile upon the beauty of the full, white moon you felt your stomach drop when you saw Capitano get off it's horse, he didn't move towards you thought, instead waiting for you to do it. You noted how he had his claymore on his had, yet made no attempt to move it as you got closer.
—The Tsaritsa wishes to see you, God of—you threw a ball of snow at his face.
—Don't say that name!—you shouted, leaving all courtesy behind.
Capitano knew why and had accepted all of the risks that speaking your name could bring.
—And I wish to be healed by you again, God of Hunting.
Capitano spoke your name in such a tender way that it made you forget all of the destruction that it brought in the past, the blood on your hands being washed away from the way he pronounced it, as if it was a declaration of love, and both of you knew that it was. You stepped back and this time he walked towards you, dropping his claymore on the ground as you stood still from the shock, only waking up from it when the moonlight was blocked by his coat over you.
—Will you return to me?—he asked without shame.
By this time the initial shock from his confession had passed, but the unforgettable pain creeping up your spine of everything you had lost set your nerves ablaze as you expected divine judgement to fall upon you once again, Capitano could read the expression on your face well and with his heavy hands on your shoulders he waited for you to understand that nothing will happen. You two stood there, in the freezing cold night for what you thought were just second but in reality were hours, in all of this time his hands remained in your shoulders, the slight shaking from them waking you up and reminding you of his humanity, the coat that he had so gracefully giving you now sitting back on his shoulders, it didn't matter how many times you tried to lie to yourself that you felt nothing towards humans, how embarrassing it was for a god like you to forget how weak you were for them.
—You will die if you don't go back—you said while taking his hands off your shoulders and holding them between yours.
—I will die if you don't come with me.
You looked at him, trying to decipher his expression behind his mask, but even if he didn't have it on you still wouldn't be able to read it for you were ignorant about human emotions.
—I will return with you—you sentenced without any weight from your choice setting upon you, both your subconscious and instincts quiet.
You heard no sound from him even when he lifted you up in his arms and placed you on his horse to ride away to his next destination, Zapolyarny Palace.
A small disclaimer, the reader will not be regularly called Orobas, this name was picked out of the Ars Goetia, the reader is free to insert any other name.
Btw, I hate to do this but I have to study for exams, so I'm really sorry if it takes longer for next parts to be published.
Taglist: @slutaholic69 @nasidibakar @lemontum
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jordanshenessy · 17 days
I got Dream Thieves sooner than I expected! It's good to get back into the groove of the series.
I definitely missed Ronan and all the moments where it's revealed how sweet he is and how he comes off as mean or rude because he is protective of the people he loves. I particularly appreciate his relationship with Matthew (such a golden retriever, the sweet boy!!!). I almost wonder if his rough exterior is perpetuated by the way people treat him- like even the way Calla calls him "Snake", surely that must continue a cycle where he feels the need to outwardly be a "bad boy".
Golly gee, I forgot everything Blue goes through in this book- kissing Noah, breaking up with Adam, her night car ride with Gansey. This girl sure has the romantic drama!
It does make me sad, though, how Noah kinda loses his importaces after the first book? Like, ofc he's still there and the catalyst of it all, but... he's a fading boy.
Also, I know the whole point of Adam's story is that he's changing because of Cabeswater and the power/influence waking the ley line gives him. (Maybe even the confidence to pave his own way in life!) but the line about him and Gansey being on perpendicular paths, not parallel ones, actually hit so hard. Like yeah... sometimes life's that way, and it really does suck, and you just have to keep on living it, even if your best friend has to follow a different route.
(I forgot Kavinsky died, but whoooooops. I also kinda love and hate his role, like ik he kinda has to be there for Ronan's Adam awakening, but also... I feel like he really pulls Ronan into his toxic circle before he goes out.)
Thanks for listening to my ramble. I'm taking a book break before Blue Lily, Lily Blue, but I will be back!
Take care ♡
Hiii! Ronan 😔✋ he was going through it in this book and I also think it’s bc he’s just always feeling like he’s so other and doesn’t fit into this world bc of his dreaming and everything (especially given greywaren) So yeah Ronan goes through life with a hard exterior bc I think after his father’s death, he has the stress of making sure he doesn’t become a cause of another one. He’s had to learn to keep his distance and try not to care but he cares so much and it fucks him up inside. Also the tension between him and Declan and how Matthew ironically tethers him in this world bc Ronan loves him so much and after Declan’s pov in the dreamer trilogy the lynch brothers will forever have changed me.
Kavinsky ma boi! (I actually also hated him when I was first reading lmao)
Omg blue was also going through it in this book 😭 and also when I first read it I was so annoyed that Adam just kept wanting to kiss blue and wasn’t taking the no (like being all pissy and sad) cuz I was like she shouldn’t. have. to give. you. a reason! But then I was also like Adam just wants to be loved and to be wanted and blue DID want to kiss him but she didn’t want to risk it cuz like imagine you kiss a dude bc you think ur not soulmates and then u end up killing him anyway OOF so their breakup was so angsty but much needed cuz they just were not ready for each other (Adam bc he was just getting frustrated blue was keeping something from him and Blue bc she wasn’t ready to tell him about the curse)
And so! When blue and Noah kissed I was like this is so fucked up just let them all kiss each other 😭
I will also always be so bittersweet about Noah bc from a storytelling perspective yes him fading away and being forgotten is important but also…noah come back 😭
Adam and gansey will always take my organs and mix them all up in my insides like a salad
They are so alike. They are so different. They want to be each other. They want each other. They want they want they want.
“I wish you could be kissed, Jane,” he said. “Because I would beg just one off you. Under all this.”
Cannot wait for when you reread blue lily lily blue have a nice break mwuah mwuah 💕
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